A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Al (noun) - Destroyer
Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on January 2, 2013.  #16.
AL Al (verb) - Destroy
Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on January 24, 2013.  #936.
Edited from "Ald" to canon "Al." "Zu'u fen al," "I will destroy."
GRAL Gral (noun) - Ruin, Devastation, Disaster, Destruction
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Tennock. Word created on November 18, 2013.  #4304.
Edited from "Rulg." From "Al," "to destroy."
P71KTAL Piraaktal (verb) - Vandalize, Vandalism
Semi-Canon.  Authored by Liis. Word created on March 26, 2015.  #9456.
"Piraakt" with "Al". Lit. "Property destroy".