A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Kurahiv (verb) - Achieve, Attain
Non-Canon.  Authored by Squish. Word created on October 31, 2013.  #3788.
K64IVEND Kurahivend (noun) - Achievement, Attainment
Non-Canon.  Authored by Mirkrilaar. Word created on March 18, 2014.  #5618.
"Kurahiv" with the suffix "-end".
NIK64IV Nikurahiv (adjective) - Unattainable
Non-Canon.  Authored by Liis. Word created on June 23, 2015.  #10194.
"Kurahiv" with "Nis," "cannot be achieved".
VIK64IV Vikurahiv (adjective) - Achievable, Attainable
Non-Canon.  Authored by Liis. Word created on June 23, 2015.  #10193.
"Kurahiv" with "Vis," "can be achieved".