FormID: 0010F725 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F726 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F727 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F728 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F729 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F72A MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F670 CreatureDialogueFox DETH 0 FormID: 0010F66F CreatureDialogueFox HIT_ 0 FormID: 0010EEA5 DialogueGeneric LWBS 0 FormID: 0010F18D DialogueGeneric LWBS 0 FormID: 0010F18E DialogueGeneric LWBS 0 FormID: 0010EBBC DA08 SCEN 0 To return to its past glory, it must first drink the blood of deceit. FormID: 0010EBBB DA08 SCEN 0 To return to its past glory, it must reacquaint itself with the hatred of this world. FormID: 0010EBC7 DA08 SCEN 0 Your world is admirably seeped in lies and inclinations. My blade is a darling leech that feeds on deceptions, and nourishes its master. FormID: 0010EBC5 DA08 SCEN 0 Seek out those closest to you. The final pluck of their misguided heartstrings will accompany my blade in the song of your grandeur. FormID: 0010EBC3 DA08 SCEN 0 The blade will feed on the ire of Tamriel. Bathe in your infamy. Feel the weight of their loathing, and my power will course through it once more. FormID: 0010EBBD DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 Excellent work, child. FormID: 0010EBBE DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 I can feel their heartbreak swelling in my blade. FormID: 0010EBBF DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 Their tears shine the ebony to a sharpest gleam. FormID: 0010EBC0 DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 Ah, the blood of deceit is a nourishing flow. FormID: 0010EBC1 DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 At last, my blade is returned to its full glory. FormID: 0010EBC1 DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 1 Now go forth, child. Continue your tiny subversions against the orders of trust and intimacy. FormID: 0010EBC8 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorHeyWhat CUST 0 The boy is good at sussing out secrets, but the corruptibility of children is ultimately too limited for my purposes. FormID: 0010EBC8 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorHeyWhat CUST 1 You, though, I expect will prove far more malleable. FormID: 0010EBC6 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNowTellMe CUST 0 I forgive your not knowing my name. Few can hear my whispers anymore. FormID: 0010EBC6 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNowTellMe CUST 1 I am Mephala, the Lady of Whispers. FormID: 0010EBC6 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNowTellMe CUST 2 I tug at the web of connections between mortals. Love, hatred, loyalty, betrayal. FormID: 0010EBC4 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNoWay CUST 0 You may think so. But in the end, you mortals will always flit like fire with the winds of your desires and conveniences. FormID: 0010EBC4 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNoWay CUST 1 And those winds issue from my whispers. FormID: 0010EBC2 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIllNeverJoinYou CUST 0 Suit yourself. But those who listen at doors always wonder what is beyond them. FormID: 0010EBC2 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIllNeverJoinYou CUST 1 Eventually your curiosity will drive you back to me. FormID: 0006CCE8 MQ202 SCEN 0 That one right there, walking out the door. He was one of them asking about that old man you're looking for. FormID: 0010AA5D CreatureDialogueChicken IDLE 0 FormID: 0010AA5C CreatureDialogueChicken DETH 0 FormID: 0010AA5B CreatureDialogueChicken HIT_ 0 FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 0 You know, since Kodlak's funeral the Skyforge feels more... awake. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 1 It's always been said that the souls of the heroes of old are what give Skyforge steel its strength. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 2 But I think the forge knows the greatness of Kodlak's soul. I can't really explain, but it feels like it's... young. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 3 I'll wager it could now forge metal the likes of which hasn't been seen since eras long forgotten. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 4 I'm eager to try. FormID: 0010A184 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Let's go! FormID: 0010A185 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 With me, up the tower! FormID: 0010A186 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 This way, friend! Move! FormID: 0010A183 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way! shouting, trying to dig through a collapsed tower FormID: 0010A187 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hadvar! Into the keep, soldier, we're leaving! just spotted a soldier re-appearing from the chaos FormID: 00109E69 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranchTopic CUST 0 Assorted books, scrolls... I'm sure you'll find something useful. FormID: 00109E6A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranchTopic CUST 0 I have a few things laying around that weren't worth adding to the collection. You may look through them. FormID: 00109E6B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranchTopic CUST 0 Please make sure your hands are clean before touching anything, all right? FormID: 00109E44 MQ101 SCEN 0 Good. Let's get this over with. commanding, stern FormID: 00109D06 MQ101 SCEN 0 Shut up back there! guard shouting at rowdy prisoners FormID: 00109D08 MQ101 SCEN 0 It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric! stoic, calling out to Ulfric as he walks to the execution line FormID: 00109D09 MQ101 SCEN 0 Halt! shouting at a prisoner who's running FormID: 00109D07 MQ101 SCEN 0 As fearless in death as he was in life. your friend has just been executed FormID: 00109D0A MQ101 SCEN 0 It's in the clouds! trying to make out what's moving in the sky FormID: 00109C79 WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09OfferTopic CUST 0 The finest skooma, the sweetest moon sugar. At a fair price, of course. You are trying to sell contraband, this is a sketchy operation. FormID: 0010663A WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09Intim CUST 0 No need to get so... hostile. Just take it. Sounds like you need it more than I do. Someone just threatened you into giving them your property. A bit of fear, but a bit sarcastic. FormID: 0010663B WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09Intim CUST 0 Yeah... That's not going to happen. Someone made a request that offended you. You are going to fight that person. FormID: 0010663C WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09Snitch CUST 0 Ah, a snitch, eh? Can't have you running to any guards now, can I? Angry, drug deal gone wrong. FormID: 00109C78 WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09No CUST 0 Each has their own way. A bit disappointed, you just made an offer that was refused. FormID: 00109C47 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindQSTSalmaReactionShared IDAT 0 Beem! What are you doing? Stop it! Shocked at the sudden betrayal of your friend. FormID: 00109C45 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaMournBeemJaBranchTop dunIronbindSalmaMournBeemJaBranchTopTopic CUST 0 Father never trusted Beem. I always thought he was just being overprotective. Trailing off, a bit traumatized by Beem-Ja's betrayal and death. FormID: 00109C44 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaNoticeCorpseofBeemJa NOTI 0 Oh, Beem... Mourning a friend. FormID: 00109C4C dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaObserveZkey ZKEY 0 Hey now, don't take all the good stuff! A bit Playful FormID: 00109C28 MQ102A SCEN 0 These are the Guardian Stones, three of the thirteen ancient standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape. FormID: 00109C27 MQ102A SCEN 0 Go ahead, see for yourself. FormID: 00109C24 MQ102A SCEN 0 Mage, eh? Well, to each his own. It's not for me to judge. FormID: 00109C25 MQ102A SCEN 0 Thief, eh? It's never too late to take charge of your own fate, you know. FormID: 00109C26 MQ102A SCEN 0 Warrior, good! I knew you shouldn't have been on that cart the minute I laid eyes on you. FormID: 00109C2E MQ102B SCEN 0 These are the Guardian Stones, three of the thirteen ancient standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape. FormID: 00109C2C MQ102B SCEN 0 Go ahead, see for yourself. FormID: 00109C29 MQ102B SCEN 0 Mage, eh? Well, to each his own. It's not for me to judge. FormID: 00109C2A MQ102B SCEN 0 Thief, eh? It's never too late to take charge of your own fate, you know. FormID: 00109C2B MQ102B SCEN 0 Warrior, good! Those stars will guide you to honor and glory. FormID: 00109C19 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 With me, prisoner. Let's go! commanding, heroic, wants to save the player's life FormID: 00109C18 MQ101 SCEN 0 See if you can get it open with some picks. We'll need everything we can get. FormID: 00109C17 MQ101 SCEN 0 Wait a second. Looks like there's something in this cage. FormID: 00109C16 MQ101 SCEN 0 Don't bother with that. Lost the key ages ago. Poor fellow screamed for weeks. sinister, sarcastic FormID: 00109BAB DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePersuade CUST 0 You're not sweet-talking your way out of this. Not after what you did. You're headed to Cidhna Mine, and that's that. Walk Away FormID: 00109BAC DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePersuade CUST 0 All right, but you just watch yourself. Next time, I might not be so lenient. FormID: 00109BAA TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02Topic CUST 0 I thought it would be better to leave some of the details out of our previous discussion. Didn't want to risk you walking away from the job. FormID: 00109BAA TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02Topic CUST 1 Besides, you've done Maven a favor getting rid of him and saved me from wasting coin hiring someone else to do it later. FormID: 00109B60 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Ralof! You damned traitor. Out of my way! FormID: 00109B63 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We're escaping, Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time. FormID: 00109B62 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde. FormID: 00109B61 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 You! Come on, into the keep! recognizing the player, waving him to follow FormID: 00109B5D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on, this way! calling out FormID: 00109B5E MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Through here. Let's go! calling out FormID: 00109B5F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 I can cut you loose inside. Come on! FormID: 00109AE4 CreatureDialogueFrostbiteSpider HIT_ 0 FormID: 00109AE3 CreatureDialogueFrostbiteSpiderGiant HIT_ 0 FormID: 001097AE DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met again, Hunter. FormID: 001097B0 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05IDefiedYou CUST 0 So you may think. FormID: 001097AF DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05IFailed CUST 0 Not a failure, my servant. FormID: 001097B1 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05Insideout CUST 0 By bringing down my other Hunters, you turned the chase inside out. FormID: 001097B1 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05Insideout CUST 1 And they were no base prey. FormID: 001097B1 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05Insideout CUST 2 You continue to amuse and impress. Go forth, with my blessing. FormID: 001095D4 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Legends don't burn down villages. commanding and thoughtful FormID: 001095CC MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Haming, get over here! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095CD MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Just walk towards me, come on! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095CE MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Don't look up. Just focus on me. You can do it! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095D5 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 What are you doing? Get off the road! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095D6 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get off the road, boy! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001093F0 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Beem-Ja! A life-long friend has just died. FormID: 001093EF dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Oh, Beem-Ja. I never meant for this. What have I done? Your caretaker has been killed and you blame yourself. FormID: 001093EC TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonAlreadyHaveTopic CUST 0 You've more than proven that the Thieves Guild is back on its feet in our city and earned every bit of your reward. FormID: 001093EC TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonAlreadyHaveTopic CUST 1 Tell Delvin that he can count on me to provide the influence around here with the right people when he needs it. FormID: 001093EC TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonAlreadyHaveTopic CUST 2 If you're ever looking to sell any illegally obtained merchandise, I'd also provide my services as a fence. It's the least I can do. FormID: 001092C3 MQSkyHavenSparring IDAT 0 DO NOT RECORD - blank blocking info FormID: 00108ED1 CreatureDialogueGoat HELO 0 FormID: 00108CF4 MG02 MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranch MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranchTopic CUST 0 I see. It probably doesn't even matter now, what with the mess that's been made in here. frustrated FormID: 00108CF4 MG02 MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranch MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll add this to the rest of the items. I don't think there's anything further I need from you. frustrated FormID: 00108CEC MQ101 SCEN 0 Justice! shouting after a prisoner has been executed FormID: 00108CEB MQ101 SCEN 0 Death to the Stormcloaks! shouting at after a prisoner has been executed FormID: 00108CEA MQ101 SCEN 0 You Imperial bastards! shouting, your friend has just been executed FormID: 00108225 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 Get going! player is waiting around instead of running from the dragon FormID: 00108226 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 Move! player is waiting around instead of running from the dragon FormID: 00108227 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 What are you waiting for? Go! player is waiting around instead of running from the dragon FormID: 001095D0 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 They're hurt, but they'll live. talking to a wounded comrade (who's on the ground bleeding) FormID: 001095D1 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 We'll have to carry this one on our backs.... talking to a wounded comrade (who's on the ground bleeding) FormID: 001095D2 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 Another second out there with the dragon, and they'd both be dead.... talking to a wounded comrade (who's on the ground bleeding) FormID: 00108152 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaMoreMissives FFRiften05DinyaMoreMissivesTopic CUST 0 Certainly! Glad to see you have the task well at hand. FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 0 Not entirely true, though not entirely false either. wry FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 1 Any Nord can learn the Way of the Voice by studying with the Greybeards, given enough ambition and dedication. FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 2 My shouting Torygg to the ground proved he had neither. FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 3 However, it was my sword piercing his heart that killed him. mildly gloating FormID: 00107EF3 C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02PostQuestKodlakToEorlund CUST 0 And speak to Eorlund if you want a better weapon than... whatever that is. FormID: 00107E3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreet DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreetTopic CUST 0 You've done it! The College is safe again, thanks to your work. FormID: 00107E3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreet DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreetTopic CUST 1 I knew you had it in you. I daresay the Psijics are right. There's no one more deserving to be Arch-Mage, in my opinion. FormID: 00107E3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreet DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreetTopic CUST 2 Here, consider these yours. And the Arch-Mage's quarters as well. I shall be here for advice, should you need me. FormID: 00107E3C DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Members of the College -- your new Arch-Mage! FormID: 00107E3B DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Long live the Arch-Mage! cheering FormID: 00107E3A DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Congratulations! cheering FormID: 00107E39 DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Well done, well done indeed! cheering FormID: 00107E38 DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Glory to the Arch-Mage! FormID: 00107E37 DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Hooray for the Arch-Mage! cheering FormID: 00107D8C MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's cut you loose. FormID: 00107D8D MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, you need your hands free. FormID: 00107D8E MQ101 SCEN 0 Those binds aren't going to cut themselves. FormID: 00107D89 MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's cut you loose. FormID: 00107D8A MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, you need your hands free. FormID: 00107D8B MQ101 SCEN 0 Those binds aren't going to cut themselves. FormID: 00107AB1 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You there. I have questions for you. FormID: 00107AB1 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 You were in Saarthal, yes? It has come to my attention that something was found there. FormID: 00107AAF MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse1 CUST 0 I know full well that you have. Please do not insult my intelligence. FormID: 00107AAF MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse1 CUST 1 Tolfdir is still there now, is he? I shall expect a full report when he returns. FormID: 00107AAC MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse2 CUST 0 I am well aware. Tolfdir is still in Saarthal, is he? I shall be expecting a full report from him when he returns. FormID: 00107AB7 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse3 CUST 0 It is my job to know these things. annoyed that you have to explain yourself. FormID: 00107AB7 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse3 CUST 1 My role as advisor to the Arch-Mage is aided by knowing everything that transpires here. annoyed that you have to explain yourself FormID: 00107AB4 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse4 CUST 0 Something was discovered in Saarthal that was significant enough that Tolfdir sent a new member of the College, alone, to deliver word. FormID: 00107AB4 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse4 CUST 1 That sounds precisely like the sort of thing that should matter to everyone. Especially me. ominous FormID: 00107AB2 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetFinal CUST 0 Thank you for your help. You may go now. Derisive, [QUOTE]help[QUOTE] said mockingly FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 0 What? FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 1 Preposterous, and just the sort of thing I would expect from mages who have nothing better to do with their time. FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 2 I have made it quite clear that my only role here is as an advisor to the Arch-Mage. FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 3 I would suggest that you not further spread this rumor. FormID: 00107AAD DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 0 I know I don't like the way he looks at me. FormID: 00107AAD DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 1 I can't tell if he expects me to blow myself up, or to try and murder him. But he clearly doesn't trust any of us. FormID: 00107AAE DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 0 I know he's from the Thalmor, and that he claims to be here simply as an advisor. 2nd part said like no one really believes it FormID: 00107AAE DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 1 I also know that no one really believes that. I've been trying to avoid him, honestly. concerned FormID: 00107AB5 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranchTopic CUST 0 He's asked far, far too many questions about my research. FormID: 00107AB5 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranchTopic CUST 1 I think the Thalmor are trying to steal my work! paranoid FormID: 00107AB5 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranchTopic CUST 2 I haven't told him anything, of course. What I'm doing is far too important. Can't breathe a word of it. FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't trust that one. He's up to something. FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 1 Most here are up to something, of course, but in his case, it's not good. matter-of-fact at first, narrowing eyes at the end FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 2 I haven't figured it out yet, but I will. FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 3 He is rather handsome though, isn't he? don't trust him, but boy is he cute! FormID: 00107A87 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true? urgently, heart beating fast FormID: 00107A86 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Up through the tower, let's go! urgently FormID: 00107A82 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Has everyone here forgotten their training? Kill that thing! bellowing orders FormID: 0010A18B MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Damn you mages! Aren't you good for anything? bellowing orders FormID: 00107A83 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 I want every arrow in the sky! bellowing orders FormID: 00107A84 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Keep firing! bellowing orders FormID: 00107A85 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Lead with those arrows, dammit! bellowing orders FormID: 00107A78 MG03 MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranch MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 There you are. I've been trying to find you. FormID: 00107A78 MG03 MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranch MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 I just wanted to let you know that Ancano's been asking about you. I think he's looking for you. FormID: 00107A73 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure. Just... Well, mind what you tell him, all right? FormID: 00107A77 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse1 CUST 0 Between the two of us, there are rumors about him. That this [QUOTE]advisor[QUOTE] position he has is a sham, an excuse. FormID: 00107A77 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse1 CUST 1 That what he's really doing is spying for the Thalmor, trying to feed them information. Whether it's true, I can't say. FormID: 00107A77 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse1 CUST 2 But it never hurts to be a little suspicious, does it? wryly joking FormID: 00107A76 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse2 CUST 0 No, no. Well, I don't think so. dismissive, but second-guessing it FormID: 00107A75 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingFinal1 CUST 0 You're welcome. FormID: 00107A74 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingFinal2 CUST 0 Of course. That's your choice. I just wanted to let you know. FormID: 00107600 CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOBluff CUST 0 I suppose it would be. Good thinking. commanding officer to underling. Surprised but sincere FormID: 0010755F MQ101 ACAC 0 EMPTY LINE - NO AUDIO FormID: 00107568 MQ101 SCEN 0 As you wish. grim, slightly annoyed FormID: 00107566 MQ101 SCEN 0 Yes, General Tullius. acknowledging an order FormID: 00107565 MQ101 SCEN 0 Give them their last rites. respectfully telling a priest to give prisoners their final rites before an execution FormID: 00107564 MQ101 SCEN 0 Hey, what village are you from horse thief? offering some friendly words, you know everyone here is going to die FormID: 00107563 MQ101 SCEN 0 Why do you care? paranoid, anger mixed with fear FormID: 00107562 MQ101 SCEN 0 A Nord's last thoughts should be of home. offering some friendly but grim words, you know everyone here is going to die FormID: 00107561 MQ101 SCEN 0 Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead. whimpering, you know you're going to die and are breaking down in tears FormID: 00107560 MQ101 SCEN 0 Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe. ironic, nostalgic, sad FormID: 00107567 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 This way! FormID: 001074C4 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerFavorStateBranch DBFollowerFavorStateBranchTopic CUST 0 Does it involve sneaking and stabbing? Ooh, please say yes! FormID: 001074C5 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerFavorStateBranch DBFollowerFavorStateBranchTopic CUST 0 Just name it. FormID: 001074C6 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerFavorStateBranch DBFollowerFavorStateBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course, Listener. What is it? FormID: 001074C1 WERoad07 WERoad07Leaving WERoad07LeavingTopic CUST 0 That's right. You are bullying someone and they just submitted to you. FormID: 00107367 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Goodbye CUST 0 Thanks for wasting my time. You were on your way to do something important and someone just interrupted you needlessly. FormID: 00106E32 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is it men! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E30 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. And for all of Skyrim. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E2F CWSiege SCEN 0 This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E31 CWSiege SCEN 0 But make no mistake. What we do here today, we do for Skyrim and her people. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E31 CWSiege SCEN 1 By cutting out the disease of this rebellion, we will make this country whole again! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E2E CWSiege SCEN 0 Ready now! Everyone, with me! For the Empire! For the Legion! leading a battle charge (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E2E CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 00106A55 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 It's true about the dragons returning. Saw it with my own eyes. FormID: 00106A56 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 Thank you for your kindness. FormID: 00106A57 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 Thank you for the gold, traveler. FormID: 00106A58 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 That's okay. We'll find a way to get by. Safe travels. FormID: 00106A4B WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic01a CUST 0 Then you've seen them, too. We lost our home, our livestock... We barely have enough gold to get by. FormID: 00106A48 WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic01b CUST 0 No. I was too afraid to look. I don't know what we're going to do now. We have nothing left. FormID: 00106A46 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch01 WERoad11Branch01Topic01a CUST 0 I'd stay away if I were you. FormID: 00106A44 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch01 WERoad11Topic02a CUST 0 I'm on my way to a giant camp and I can't guarantee those beasts won't think you're part of the offering. FormID: 00106A44 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch01 WERoad11Topic02a CUST 1 Keep your distance and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. FormID: 00106A52 WERoad11 WERoad11Hello HELO 0 My wife's going to kill me when I tell her we'll need to bring another cow. FormID: 00106A54 WERoad11 WERoad11Hello HELO 0 Either way this ends up, I'm headed to the inn. FormID: 00106A4C WERoad11 WERoad11Shared IDAT 0 I'm headed to the inn. FormID: 00106A4D WERoad11 WERoad11Shared IDAT 0 It's tradition. We mark the animal as a way to let the giants know we're giving it to them willingly. Sort of a peace offering. FormID: 00106A4A WERoad11 WERoad11Branch02 WERoad11Branch02Topic01a CUST 0 I have everything under control. Thanks for offering. FormID: 00106A47 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch03 WERoad11Branch03Topic01a CUST 0 The cow, of course. Others do it differently, but I've found that an annual offering usually keeps the giants away from our livestock. FormID: 00106A47 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch03 WERoad11Branch03Topic01a CUST 1 Some think it's superstition, but I believe it works. I've yet to have a giant kill any of my livestock. FormID: 00106A45 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch04 WERoad11Branch04Topic01a CUST 0 Thanks. You take care of yourself, now. FormID: 00106639 WERoad02 WERoad02Hello HELO 0 I have nothing to say to you. Now move along, or I'll order my guards to attack. You are a snob and don't want to alk to any riffraff. FormID: 001093B3 WERoad02 WERoad02Hello HELO 0 Keep away. If I am harmed, people will come looking. You are a rich noble who has just lost your bodyguard traveling on the road between towns. Still a bit snooty, but mostly scared. FormID: 00106611 mg06 SCEN 0 This projection should be lit up like the night sky... confused, upset FormID: 00106610 mg06 SCEN 0 Have you ever seen the Orrery in the Imperial City? It was the inspiration for this idea. annoyed, but showing a bit of pride in your cleverness FormID: 0010660F mg06 SCEN 0 Instead of projecting the sky, we project all of Tamriel, and then harness the latent energies to overlay the positions of... annoyed, giving up trying to explain something no one is ever going to understand FormID: 001065EA weroad08 WERoad08Hello HELO 0 Important deliveries to make! No time for chatting! Young, inexperienced courier in a rush to deliver an important letter. FormID: 001065EC WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 Greetings, brother. You look weary. I have something to help you relax, if you're interested. In a slightly hushed and sleazy voice. This is a drug deal. FormID: 001065ED WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 Greetings, sister. You look weary. I have something to help you relax, if you're interested. In a slightly hushed and sleazy voice. This is a drug deal. FormID: 0010663D WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 Nice doing business with you, friend. A shady deal has just taken place, and you are the shady one. FormID: 00109C77 WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 This one has something sweet for the fellow traveler, if it entices. You are offering to sell illegal items to the player, a sketchy operation. FormID: 0010600F WERoad06 WERoad06Hello HELO 0 There's been word of some trouble nearby. I'm on my way to investigate. FormID: 00106010 WERoad06 WERoad06Hello HELO 0 Now I have some time to kill... Someone just offered to do your job for you, but you still have to look busy. FormID: 0010600E WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06BranchTopic CUST 0 I probably shouldn't tell everyone who asks. This is important business, you know. With a note of self importance. FormID: 00106015 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Persuade CUST 0 If you really want to do my job for me... Here, I'll mark the location on your map. Someone just offered to do your job. A bit of surprise and relief. FormID: 00106016 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Persuade CUST 0 No, I think I've got this one. Thanks, though. Declining an offer for help at work. FormID: 00106013 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Intimidate CUST 0 All right, all right! No need to get violent. We're on the same side. With just a bit of fear, but more casual. FormID: 00106013 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Intimidate CUST 1 I'll mark it on your map. This one's on you. With a tinge of sarcasm. Someone just threatened you into giving up this information. FormID: 00106014 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Intimidate CUST 0 Someone's going to get hurt, all right. Angry, someone just threatened you and you are ready to start a fight. FormID: 00106012 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Bribe CUST 0 You want to pay me to do my job? Fine. I'll mark the location on your map. Someone is paying you money to do something you are supposed to do. Pleasant surprise. FormID: 00106011 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Final CUST 0 Just make sure to take care of whatever's going on there. It's my name on the line. Someone just offered to do you a favor, but you are a bit skeptical. FormID: 00105D11 WERoad07 WEJS27Branch WEJS27BranchTopic CUST 0 Why? What are you gonna do, cry? You are bullying FormID: 00105D0F WERoad07 WEJS27Hello HELO 0 What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother. Said as condescending as possible. FormID: 00105D10 WERoad07 WEJS27Hello HELO 0 Get out of my face. Annoyed, but not annoyed enough to start a fight. FormID: 00105D0B WERoad07 WEJS27Branch WEJS27Persuade CUST 0 Who said anything about trouble? Now get out of my face. You wanted a fight, but was just talked out of it. FormID: 00105D0C WERoad07 WEJS27Branch WEJS27Persuade CUST 0 Gods, you're boring! Angry with the conversation and ready to fight the one you are talking to. FormID: 00105CB9 mg06 GBYE 0 I think we're done here. sneering FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, a student of the craft. You'll need to start by learning an enchantment. FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 1 Take an enchanted weapon or piece of armor, then use the Arcane Enchanter to learn its secrets. The item is destroyed in the process, so be wary. FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 2 Once you know an enchantment, you'll need a filled soul gem, and something to enchant. You'll use the Arcane Enchanter for that, too. FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 3 Of course, I have everything you need for sale, if you have the coin. FormID: 0010556C TutorialAlchemy TutorialAlchemyPotion TutorialAlchemyPotionTopic CUST 0 Long as you clean up. You know how to use it right? Mix a couple of ingredients together, see what happens. FormID: 0010556C TutorialAlchemy TutorialAlchemyPotion TutorialAlchemyPotionTopic CUST 1 A little Wheat and Blisterwort makes a healing potion, if you didn't know. FormID: 0010556C TutorialAlchemy TutorialAlchemyPotion TutorialAlchemyPotionTopic CUST 2 We have plenty of ingredients for sale, too. FormID: 00105384 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingForge TutorialBlacksmithingForgeTopic CUST 0 Yes, actually. How about you smith me an iron dagger? Here's everything you need to make one. Go ahead. FormID: 00105383 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingTemper TutorialBlacksmithingTemperTopic CUST 0 Not bad, but it's a little dull. How about you sharpen it up? Just need a bit of metal and the grindstone over there. FormID: 00105382 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingArmor TutorialBlacksmithingArmorTopic CUST 0 This looks good. You put time into your blades, they'll serve you well when you need them. FormID: 00105382 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingArmor TutorialBlacksmithingArmorTopic CUST 1 You want to keep helping? How about you make some armor? Let's start by tanning some leather on the rack. FormID: 00105381 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmor TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmorTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. A lot of weapons and armor need leather for straps, fittings, that kind of thing. FormID: 00105381 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmor TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmorTopic CUST 1 Let's see if you can make a hide helmet. Here's the rest of what you need. FormID: 00105380 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmor TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmorTopic CUST 0 I should hire you to be my assistant at this rate. FormID: 00105380 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmor TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmorTopic CUST 1 Let's improve the fit. Take this leather to the workbench over there. FormID: 0010537F TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingFinal TutorialBlacksmithingFinalTopic CUST 0 You have talent. Keep working at your craft, and you'll be a fine smith one day. FormID: 0010537F TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingFinal TutorialBlacksmithingFinalTopic CUST 1 Why don't you keep that dagger and helmet? Maybe you'll remember me when you're making Skyforge Steel, huh? FormID: 00104F84 MQ101 SCEN 0 Or if you're feeling lucky, you can take this bow. Might take her by surprise. FormID: 00104F7A MQ101 SCEN 0 Or if you're feeling lucky, you can take this bow. Might take her by surprise. FormID: 00104F22 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like you've got some help already. I'll join you, but you'll have to let your comrade go. What do you say? FormID: 00104F1C HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead the way. With measured enthusiasm FormID: 00104F1D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Once more into danger! With measured enthusiasm, but a bit of snark as well FormID: 00104F1E HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm ready to go! Excited and enthusiastic FormID: 00104F1F HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 My blade is yours once more. Confident and demure. FormID: 00104F20 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, I can use the exercise. Haha! Jovial and enthusiastic, followed up by laughter. A [QUOTE]Falstaff[QUOTE] line FormID: 00104F21 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Alright, then. Let's go. Ready, confident. FormID: 00104F23 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 You've been a worthy patron. Shall I join you once more, free of charge? You are pleased to see an acquaintance whom you respect and like, but you tend to keep your feelings close to the vest. FormID: 00104F24 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 I could really use some more experience in the field. I'd be happy to join you again, and it won't cost a thing. Friendly and enthusiastic. FormID: 00104F25 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 Back for more? Since we had so much fun the last time, I'll join you free of charge. Gregarious and enthusiastic. FormID: 00104F26 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 If you still need my blade, I'll join you. I want to make sure you get your money's worth. Businesslike, but cordial. FormID: 00104F27 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 Since you paid my fee recently, I suppose it's only fair that I join you once more. Arrogant and condescending, but not unfriendly. FormID: 00104F28 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 I'm bored. What do you say we go smash a few heads in? This one's on me. Gregarious and impatient, but also you are happy to see the player. Eager for batte. FormID: 0010480A MG04 MG04Stage40SavosBranch MG04Stage40SavosBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm... I'm not sure what happened. FormID: 0010480A MG04 MG04Stage40SavosBranch MG04Stage40SavosBranchTopic CUST 1 A monk from the Psijic Order, here, after all these years, and then he just leaves. amazed, confused FormID: 0010480A MG04 MG04Stage40SavosBranch MG04Stage40SavosBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope we didn't offend him somehow. FormID: 0010480B MG04 MG04SavosWhatDidMonkWant MG04SavosWhatDidMonkWantTopic CUST 0 Beyond asking for you, he never said. Very strange indeed. FormID: 001046AD MQ101 SCEN 0 You better get that armor on. Give that sword a few swings, too. FormID: 001046AC MQ101 SCEN 0 Sure, take all my things. Please. sarcastic FormID: 001046AB MQ101 SCEN 0 It's locked. See if you can get it open with some picks. We might need that gold once we get out. FormID: 001046AE MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab anything useful and let's go. FormID: 001041ED MQ101 SCEN 0 All right, get that armor on and give that axe a few swings. FormID: 001041A5 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, soldier. Keep moving! FormID: 001041A4 MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's see here.... FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 0 Well, I suppose he wouldn't mind... FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 1 It was all before my time, you understand. I've heard the stories, the same as anyone else. FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 2 He was a brilliant student, an accomplished wizard. Delved into magic in a way none had seen before. FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 3 But, I think, he became too focused on just how much power he could acquire. That's what led to the accident. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 0 Do you remember what I first told you, about how not being able to control magic could destroy you? FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 1 I didn't simply mean it could kill you. The Augur's accident is another very real type of a life destroyed. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 2 Well, it's been described as an accident. I can't imagine it was intentional. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 3 Something must've gone wrong, and he ended up in the state he's in now, fused to the energies that flow through the College. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 4 I've never felt it appropriate to ask him about it, about how that must feel. Or, I suppose, if he can feel at all. FormID: 001034D8 WERoad01 WERoad01Hello HELO 0 We lost everything. FormID: 001034D4 WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Branch01Topic CUST 0 There are dragons about, traveler. Be warned. FormID: 00106A49 WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Branch01Topic CUST 0 It happened so fast. One minute the dragon was there, the next it was gone. Everything was destroyed. FormID: 001034DD WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic02 CUST 0 Thank you, traveler. Be safe and don't forget to keep an eye on the sky. FormID: 001034DE WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic02 CUST 0 You're too kind. Thank you. Be careful and stay safe. FormID: 00103400 MQ206 SCEN 0 But first... dir ko maar. dir ko maar = [QUOTE]die in terror[QUOTE] FormID: 001033FF MQ206 SCEN 0 You will die in terror, knowing your final fate... FormID: 00103402 MQ206 SCEN 0 Know that Gormlaith sent you down to death! while stabbing dragon to death while riding his neck - so this should be drawn out as if fighting while saying it FormID: 00103401 MQ206 SCEN 0 Hyah! Yell as you stab a dragon FormID: 001033AA mg06 SCEN 0 I don't know. It's like a ward, but who's casting it? Ancano? How? FormID: 00103269 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Run, you idiot! to the player - you have better things to do than worry about whoever this is FormID: 0010A188 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Thought I told you to run for it! Go! to the player - you have better things to do than worry about whoever this is FormID: 0010A189 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Soldiers, townspeople, and dregs into the keep! to the player - you have better things to do than worry about whoever this is FormID: 0010A18A MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Everyone to the keep! player is standing around doing nothing when he should be running FormID: 0010326A MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 To the keep! Move! player is standing around doing nothing when he should be running FormID: 0010326B MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 What? Do you want to be that thing's next meal? Into the keep, already! player is standing around doing nothing when he should be running FormID: 0010322C MQ106 IDLE 0 I hope you're Dragonborn, I really do. But we'll find out soon enough. FormID: 0010322D MQ106 IDLE 0 We may both end up dead, but at least it gets me out of Riverwood. I don't really think I'm cut out for the quiet life. with a faint smile FormID: 0010322E MQ106 IDLE 0 I doubt the Thalmor are aware of you yet. So we should be safe from them, at least. worried FormID: 0010322F MQ106 IDLE 0 Remember, we're not looking for trouble. We need to get to Kynesgrove as fast as we can. FormID: 00103230 MQ106 IDLE 0 Keep a sharp lookout. We can't afford any delays. FormID: 00103231 MQ106 IDLE 0 We'd better keep moving. FormID: 00103232 MQ106 IDLE 0 Better to stick together. I don't want you to get yourself killed before we even get there. with a faint smile - you're not really worried about the player FormID: 00103224 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 This is notorious bandit hideout. But it's also the shortest way to Kynesgrove, so... we may have to kill a few bandits. grimly FormID: 00103225 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 We'll cross to the White River and follow it to Windhelm. Then we can swing south to Kynesgrove. FormID: 00103226 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 There's an inn at Kynesgrove - the Braidwood. I hear they serve a nice dark ale. Nothing on the Sleeping Giant, of course. wryly - amused that you're talking about inns like an innkeeper (which is your cover job) FormID: 00103227 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 This is Kynesgrove. Not much to look at. The innkeeper ought to be able to tell us if there's any dragon mound nearby. FormID: 00103228 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 This is Kynesgrove. Not much to look at. Let's see if we can find that dragon mound. FormID: 00103229 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 No need to bother with giants right now. Just keep your distance. FormID: 0010322A MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you were willing to trust me. I know it probably wasn't the best way to introduce myself. But old habits... you know. FormID: 0010322B MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 Not too much farther now. Kynesgrove is just down the road to the southeast of here. FormID: 001027E4 MQ101 SCEN 0 (muffled grunts) grunting in anger through a gag FormID: 001027E5 MQ101 SCEN 0 You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace. giving a speech, denouncing Ulfric for his crimes in front of an audience,emphasis on [QUOTE]down[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]peace[QUOTE] FormID: 00102014 TG09 SCEN 0 Farewell, Nightingale. See to it the Key stays this time, won't you? FormID: 00101AE8 MQ101 SCEN 0 You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. saw player get captured, pretty sure your guess is correct FormID: 00101AE5 MQ101 SCEN 0 Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. anger mixed with fear, you were captured because the Empire was looking for Stormcloaks and you got dragged in FormID: 00101AE5 MQ101 SCEN 1 If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell. anger mixed with fear, thief who blames others for his problems FormID: 00101AE4 MQ101 SCEN 0 You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants. to the player - you're blaming the Stormcloaks for being in chains and carted off FormID: 00101AE3 MQ101 SCEN 0 We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief. snappy retort, grim FormID: 00101AE7 MQ101 SCEN 0 Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me. crying, praying for the gods to spare you from death FormID: 00101ACE DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 Well, well. Looks like one of the Dark Brotherhood rats escaped its burning nest. I can fix that. FormID: 00101ACF DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 To arms, brothers! It's the assassin! FormID: 00101AD0 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 The Dark Brotherhood is dead... and so are you! FormID: 00101AD1 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 You want the Emperor? You'll have to get through us! FormID: 00101AD2 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 You'll never reach the Emperor! Not while I'm standing! FormID: 00101AD3 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 It all ends here, assassin! FormID: 00101AD4 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 You'll never leave this ship alive, cutthroat! FormID: 00101734 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunKematuMS08FailBranch DialogueWhiterunKematuMS08FailBranchTopic CUST 0 All that effort, and you just kill her. You've ruined everything. FormID: 001007ED TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the East Empire Company's central warehouse. All of their shipments go through here. FormID: 001007ED TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 1 Unfortunately, thanks to some problems they've been having, it hasn't seen much use lately. FormID: 001007ED TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 2 Either way, it's off limits to you. FormID: 001007EE TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the East Empire Company's central warehouse. All of their shipments go through here. FormID: 001007EE TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 1 And now that they've solved their little pirate problem, they're busier than ever. FormID: 001007EE TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 2 Either way, it's off limits to you. FormID: 001007EF TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 0 How should I know? I don't work for them. FormID: 001007EF TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 1 If you want to help, I suppose you could head to Windhelm and talk to Orthus Endario. He's in charge over there. FormID: 001007F0 TG04EECHandler TG04EECHellos HELO 0 The warehouse is off-limits. I suggest you head back the way you came. FormID: 001007F1 TG04EECHandler TG04EECHellos HELO 0 There's nothing for you in the warehouse, so why don't you take a walk? FormID: 001007F2 TG04EECHandler TG04EECHellos HELO 0 The warehouse is for East Empire Company workers only. Entering without permission is a crime. FormID: 00100748 DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Yearrgh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00100749 DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Hyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0010074A DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Rrarggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0010074E DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Oblivion take you! angry combat attack line FormID: 0010074C DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Fall before me! angry combat attack line FormID: 0010074D DialogueDremora ATCK 0 You will bleed! angry combat attack line FormID: 0010074B DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Grrragh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00100739 DialogueDremora BASH 0 Hunh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0010073A DialogueDremora BASH 0 Gah! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0010073B DialogueDremora BASH 0 Yah! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0010073C DialogueDremora BASH 0 Rargh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 00100728 DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Agh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00100729 DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Oof! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0010072A DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Nargh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0010072B DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Yeagh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00100745 DialogueDremora POAT 0 Hhyyaarargghhhh! swinging weapon with HUGE physical exertion FormID: 00100746 DialogueDremora POAT 0 Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh! swinging weapon with HUGE physical exertion FormID: 00100747 DialogueDremora POAT 0 Nnyyyaarrgghh! swinging weapon with HUGE physical exertion FormID: 00100732 DialogueDremora BLED 0 No... not by a mortal... mortally wounded FormID: 00100733 DialogueDremora BLED 0 It cannot... end like this... mortally wounded FormID: 00100734 DialogueDremora BLED 0 Aggh... mortally wounded FormID: 00100723 DialogueDremora DETH 0 Agh... quick death sound FormID: 00100724 DialogueDremora DETH 0 Ugh... quick death sound FormID: 00100725 DialogueDremora DETH 0 Gah... quick death sound FormID: 00100741 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 Are you prepared for your death? grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 00100742 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 You are weak, mortal. grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 00100743 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 I honor my lord by destroying you! grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 00100744 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 I will feast on your heart. grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 0010072C DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Gah! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010072D DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Nargh! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010072E DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Unf! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010072F DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Nnh! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010073F DialogueDremora LOTC 0 Now you suffer! FormID: 00100740 DialogueDremora LOTC 0 You return, foolish mortal? FormID: 00100737 DialogueDremora NOTA 0 I smell weakness... detecting someone nearby; sneering tone FormID: 00100738 DialogueDremora NOTA 0 A challenger is near... detecting someone nearby; sneering tone FormID: 00100730 DialogueDremora ALTC 0 No one escapes! FormID: 00100731 DialogueDremora ALTC 0 There you are, weakling! FormID: 00100726 DialogueDremora ALTN 0 Quiet again. FormID: 00100727 DialogueDremora ALTN 0 Nothing after all. FormID: 00100721 DialogueDremora NOTC 0 You meet your end, mortal. FormID: 00100722 DialogueDremora NOTC 0 Another who seeks death. FormID: 0010073D DialogueDremora COTN 0 There could be no other end. smug; he just kicked someone's ass FormID: 0010073E DialogueDremora COTN 0 No match at all. smug; he just kicked someone's ass FormID: 00100735 DialogueDremora COLO 0 You cannot escape me! FormID: 00100736 DialogueDremora COLO 0 Hiding will not save you now. FormID: 000FF996 TG08B SCEN 0 Karliah, I'll deal with you after I rid myself of your irksome companions. In the meantime, perhaps you and Brynjolf should get better acquainted. FormID: 000FF990 TG08B SCEN 0 You can't kill what you can't see! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF991 TG08B SCEN 0 I've mastered the shadows... and now your life is mine! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF992 TG08B SCEN 0 Come, [QUOTE]Nightingale![QUOTE] Find me if you can! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) - say [QUOTE]Nightingale[QUOTE] sarcastic FormID: 000FF993 TG08B SCEN 0 Karliah's taught you nothing! Your lessons begin anew! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF994 TG08B SCEN 0 I should've finished you when I had the chance! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF98A TG08B SCEN 0 Get the damn Key and let's get out of here before we end up like Mercer! shouting over water flooding in FormID: 000FF995 TG08B SCEN 0 Hmm. The gate below still looks closed. pensive, figuring out a puzzle FormID: 000FF995 TG08B SCEN 1 I've seen a puzzle like this before... there's got to be another lever to pull, but you'd better hurry. A septim says this mechanism's on a timer. a bit irritated FormID: 000FF274 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 0 Oh, well, the Listener is the only person the Night Mother speaks to. It is the highest honor attainable by a member of the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 000FF274 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 1 Of course our Lady is dead, so she doesn't talk with words, since her lips are... rotted. But inside the Listener's head. I hear it's... intimate. thinking to yourself... puzzling and disturbing. FormID: 000FF274 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 2 Ah, but there has not been a Listener in years and years. Our Lady has not chosen Cicero, and certainly not Astrid. Or... anyone. But some day... FormID: 000FF275 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 0 Ha! Why you are, silly! You are the Listener! You are the Listener! Such a kidder... happy and sing song FormID: 000FF275 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 1 You must realize what a great honor this is. For the Night Mother to have chosen you... I am just in awe. You have Cicero's utmost confidence! FormID: 0010FD90 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranchTopic PFGT 0 I think you've been taking things that don't belong to you. Pay your debts, and we'll forget this happened. Walk Away FormID: 000FF22D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeResponseApology CUST 0 Hold your head up. I'm sure it won't happen again. FormID: 000FF22E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeResponseApology CUST 0 Now that's just sad. Come back when you actually have something to show for your thieving. FormID: 000FF231 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeResponseDefiant CUST 0 Be careful around here. You don't want to anger the wrong person. FormID: 000FF230 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrNotPaying CUST 0 We may be rough, but we don't tolerate thieving around here. If that's your game, go join the lowlives in Riften. FormID: 000FDA32 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll stay here and wait for General Tullius. Good luck you two. FormID: 000FDA30 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll stay here and wait for General Tullius. Good luck you two. FormID: 000FDA29 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll keep watch in case Ulfric comes through here. Talos guide the both of you. FormID: 000FDA31 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll keep watch in case Ulfric comes through here. Talos guide the both of you. FormID: 000FCC4E CreatureDialogueCow HIT_ 0 FormID: 000FCF07 CreatureDialogueCow DETH 0 FormID: 000FA21F MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerWalkAway CUST 0 How dare you! FormID: 000F9427 CreatureDialogueHorse HIT_ 0 FormID: 000F9426 CreatureDialogueHorse DETH 0 FormID: 000F935D MGRejoinQuest HELO 0 It's very unfortunate that you've been suspended. FormID: 000F9078 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorQSTPostHello HELO 0 I have no more business with you. FormID: 000F9079 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorQSTPostHello HELO 0 People think they can run away from their crimes, but I will always catch up with them and make them pay. FormID: 000F8A7C WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorBranchTopic PFGT 0 Stop right there. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7A WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorEastmarch CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Eastmarch. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A78 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectoFalkreath CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Falkreath. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A76 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorHaafingar CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Haafingar. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A75 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorHjaalmarch CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Hjaalmarch. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A74 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorPale CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in The Pale. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A73 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorReach CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in The Reach. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7E WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorRift CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in The Rift. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7D WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorWhiterun CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Whiterun. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7B WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorWinterhold CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Winterhold. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A79 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorPaid CUST 0 I will make sure this gets back to the Jarl. Minus my cut, of course. Consider your name cleared, for now. FormID: 000F8A77 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorFight CUST 0 Then you are worth more to me dead! FormID: 000F8A55 MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. Come on! FormID: 000F8A56 MQ101 SCEN 0 There's a way out through here! FormID: 000F8A57 MQ101 SCEN 0 We have to keep moving. FormID: 000F8A52 MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. Come on! FormID: 000F8A53 MQ101 SCEN 0 There's a way out through here! FormID: 000F8A54 MQ101 SCEN 0 We have to keep moving. FormID: 000F838F MQ101 SCEN 0 You better get some gear. FormID: 000F8390 MQ101 SCEN 0 See if one of these chests has some armor for you. FormID: 000F8391 MQ101 SCEN 0 Got to be a sword or two in one of these chests. Look around. FormID: 000F8392 MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab Gunjar's gear. No shame in borrowing a friend's axe. FormID: 000F8393 MQ101 SCEN 0 Gunjar isn't coming back from the dead. Take his armor and anything else on him. FormID: 000F8394 MQ101 SCEN 0 That armor on Gunjar isn't doing him any good. Go ahead. Take it. FormID: 000F7C39 MQ101 SCEN 0 Dragon! loud scream of terror FormID: 000F7B34 MQ101 SCEN 0 Get these prisoners out of the carts. Move it! barking orders FormID: 000F7B33 MQ101 SCEN 0 Archers! shouting at a prisoner who is fleeing FormID: 000F7B32 MQ101 SCEN 0 You're not going to kill me! screaming in panic, fleeing for your life FormID: 000F7B3F MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Black Marsh. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B40 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to High Rock. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B41 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Morrowind. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B42 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to the Summerset Isle. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B43 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Cyrodiil. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B44 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Elsweyr. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B45 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Orsinium. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B46 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Hammerfell. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B47 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Valenwood. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B48 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. At least you'll die here, in your homeland. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B31 MQ101 SCEN 0 By your orders, Captain. regretful but obedient FormID: 000F7941 C00 C00SharedInfos IDAT 0 By the way, if you're looking for something to do... FormID: 000F7788 MQ101 SCEN 0 No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening. panicking, realizing you're going to die FormID: 000F778C MQ101 SCEN 0 And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this. angry but calculating, you're wondering what the elves are doing here FormID: 000F778A MQ101 SCEN 0 General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting! shouting from a great distance FormID: 000F66EF dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoAskstoJoinTopic CUST 0 (bark) FormID: 000F66F1 dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoQuestion CUST 0 (woof) FormID: 000F66F0 dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoJoinMe CUST 0 (bark) FormID: 000F66EE dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoDenied CUST 0 (woof) FormID: 000F64FA C01 C01ObserverDismissalBranch C01ObserverDismissalBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't delay, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000F64FB C01 C01ObserverDismissalBranch C01ObserverDismissalBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't delay, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 As a matter of fact, there are. Have you ever heard of Shalidor? FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Immensely powerful mage, back in the First Era. Had an understanding of magic few have ever matched. FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 2 He holed himself up in Labyrinthian, and devoted all of his time to research and study. Wrote more than you would imagine possible. FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 3 Since then, his writings have been scattered all over Skyrim, but are little use to anyone who can't translate them. I'm one of the few who can. FormID: 000F6272 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm always trying to find more of Shalidor's writings. FormID: 000F6270 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialFollowUp CUST 0 I've heard whispers of more of his work having turned up. If you can track it down, it may prove useful to all of us. FormID: 000F626F MGR21 MGR21Stage20Branch MGR21Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Excellent! FormID: 000F626F MGR21 MGR21Stage20Branch MGR21Stage20BranchTopic CUST 1 I'll start translating it. Shouldn't take me more than a day or two. FormID: 000F5E78 MQ101 SCEN 0 Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. spiteful, you hate General Tullius and hate his title FormID: 000F5BB1 MQ101 SCEN 0 Where in Oblivion are we supposed to go? Where's the way out? urgently FormID: 000F5BB0 MQ101 SCEN 0 Just give me a minute. Let me think. urgently FormID: 000F5BAF MQ101 SCEN 0 Orders are to wait until General Tullius arrives. commanding FormID: 000F5BAE MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm not waiting to be killed by a dragon! We need to fall back! urgently FormID: 000F5BB2 MQ101 SCEN 0 Just give the General some time! commanding FormID: 000F5B4E MQ101 SCEN 0 What are you doing? We need to get out of Helgen. Now! urgently FormID: 000F5B4D MQ101 SCEN 0 These Imperials have potions in here. We're going to need them. urgently FormID: 000F5B50 MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab everything important and let's move! Dragon's burning everything to the ground! urgently FormID: 000F5B4F MQ101 SCEN 0 I just need to gather some more potions. urgently FormID: 000F5367 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 In here! urgently calling out FormID: 000F5368 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 This way! Come on! urgently calling out FormID: 000F5369 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Over here! urgently calling out FormID: 000F5373 MQ101 IDAT 0 By Ysmir! Nothing kills it! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5370 MQ101 IDAT 0 What in the Eight Divines is this thing? shouting during battle FormID: 000F5371 MQ101 IDAT 0 Keep your eyes on it! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5372 MQ101 IDAT 0 It's still coming! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5374 MQ101 IDAT 0 Die! For the love of the gods, die! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5375 MQ101 IDAT 0 Use everything we have! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5376 MQ101 IDAT 0 Fall, damn you, fall! shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF6 MQ101 IDAT 0 What does it take to kill this monster? shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF7 MQ101 IDAT 0 It won't die, it just keeps coming! shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF8 MQ101 IDAT 0 How does it move so damn fast? shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF9 MQ101 IDAT 0 Move! Move! shouting during battle, clenched teeth FormID: 00106BFA MQ101 IDAT 0 How in Oblivion do we kill this thing? shouting during battle FormID: 000FD948 MQ101 IDAT 0 Come on, this way. FormID: 000FD949 MQ101 IDAT 0 Let's keep moving. FormID: 000FD94A MQ101 IDAT 0 Looks like the way out's up ahead. Come on. FormID: 000FD94B MQ101 IDAT 0 Follow me. FormID: 000FD94C MQ101 IDAT 0 Let's go. FormID: 000FD94D MQ101 IDAT 0 We better keep going. FormID: 000FD94E MQ101 IDAT 0 Over here! FormID: 000FD94F MQ101 IDAT 0 This way, come on! FormID: 000FD950 MQ101 IDAT 0 Don't fall behind! FormID: 000B6229 MQ101 IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! Get them! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD951 MQ101 IDAT 0 The prisoners are escaping! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD952 MQ101 IDAT 0 You won't leave Helgen alive! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD953 MQ101 IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD954 MQ101 IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! Filthy traitors! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000B6228 MQ101 IDAT 0 Don't let those Stormcloaks get away! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 0005EFB0 MQ101 IDAT 0 If you want to die, so be it. shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000B622A MQ101 IDAT 0 You won't take us alive! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD955 MQ101 IDAT 0 Freedom or Sovngarde! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD956 MQ101 IDAT 0 For Ulfric and Skyrim! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD957 MQ101 IDAT 0 Death to the Empire! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD958 MQ101 IDAT 0 Imperial dogs! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 001041A6 MQ101 IDAT 0 So that's why you were in the cart. Thieving. sarcastic, annoyed FormID: 00106BFB MQ101 IDAT 0 Dragon! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFC MQ101 IDAT 0 It's the End Times! The End Times have come! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFD MQ101 IDAT 0 By the gods, a dragon! How? shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFE MQ101 IDAT 0 A dragon? It's a dragon! Gods help us! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFF MQ101 IDAT 0 What's happening? shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106C00 MQ101 IDAT 0 Divines help us! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 000F46DB MQ101 SCEN 0 Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time. handling newly arrived prisoners, stern and severe FormID: 000F46E0 MQ101 SCEN 0 Empire loves their damn lists. under your breath, rolling your eyes at the guards while being roll-called FormID: 000F46DF MQ101 SCEN 0 Wait. You there. Step forward. to the player - you don't recognize this prisoner, you want to get a closer look FormID: 000F46DE MQ101 SCEN 0 For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with. tough, interrupting FormID: 000F46DD MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, I haven't got all morning. tough FormID: 000F46DC MQ101 SCEN 0 My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same? challenging, unafraid to die FormID: 000F42FC MQ101 SCEN 0 Face your death with some courage, thief. grim, stoic, offended at weakness FormID: 000F42FD MQ101 SCEN 0 Ralof of Riverwood. calling out prisoner's names from a ledger FormID: 000F42FB MQ101 SCEN 0 No, I'm not a rebel. You can't do this! terrified of dying FormID: 000F42FA MQ101 SCEN 0 Anyone else feel like running? stern, severe, emphasize [QUOTE]else[QUOTE] - Anyone ELSE feel like running? FormID: 000C96A8 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasBlock BLOC 0 There you go! This is approval -- you're training with him and just landed a blow. FormID: 000C96A9 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasBlock BLOC 0 Pretty good arm you have there. FormID: 000F23B4 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntBranchTopic CUST 0 What? Did... you need something? hesitating - like I'm looking at you strangely FormID: 000F23B5 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntBranchTopic CUST 0 I have nothing to say to you. Just... leave me alone. hesitating - like I'm looking at you strangely FormID: 000F23B3 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntResponse1 CUST 0 Muiri? I can't believe my family trusted that backstabbing little strumpet. You tell her she's dead to us. You hear me? Dead! FormID: 000F23B2 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntResponse2 CUST 0 What kind of cruel, horrible person are you? My sister was murdered. Do you have any idea what that's like? What I'm going through? FormID: 000F23B1 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntResponse3 CUST 0 You just going to stand there, gawking? Go away. You're starting to... frighten me. FormID: 00109BAD DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeTGPayoff CUST 0 I don't care who you're with. After what you did, you're lucky I'm not cutting you down where you stand! Walk Away FormID: 000F1C75 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 I can see it in your eyes - you've seen the land of the gods and returned. FormID: 000F1C71 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingA1 CUST 0 Does this mean... is it done? Is Alduin truly defeated? FormID: 000F1C86 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingB1 CUST 0 At last. It is over. Perhaps it was all worth it, in the end. with great relief FormID: 000F1C84 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingB2 CUST 0 Then it is done at last. Perhaps it was all worth it, in the end. with great relief FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 0 You've shown yourself mighty, both in Voice and deed. In order to defeat Alduin, you've gained mastery of dreadful weapons. FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 1 Now it is up to you to decide what to do with your power and skill. FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 2 Will you be a hero whose name is remembered in song throughout the ages? FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 3 Or will your name be a curse to future generations? FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 4 Or will you merely fade from history, unremembered? FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 5 Let the Way of the Voice be your guide, and the path of wisdom will be clear to you. Breath and focus, Dragonborn. Your future lies before you. FormID: 000F1C78 MQ306 IDAT 0 Perhaps, perhaps not. Dragons are not like normal mortal creatures, and Alduin is unique even among dragonkind. FormID: 000F1C78 MQ306 IDAT 1 He may be permitted to return at the end of time to fulfill his destiny as the World-Eater. FormID: 000F1C78 MQ306 IDAT 2 But that is for the gods to decide. You have done your part. FormID: 000F1C73 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306BladesBlockingTopic CUST 0 We heard the news from Whiterun - that you left the city on the back of a dragon! FormID: 000F1C73 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306BladesBlockingTopic CUST 1 That's a little... showy, even for you. dryly FormID: 000F1C74 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306BladesBlockingTopic CUST 0 Please... Delphine has been very worried about you. FormID: 000F1C85 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306DelphineA1 CUST 0 Since you're still alive, I assume you have good news to report? FormID: 000F1C83 MQ306 HELO 0 We are all in your debt, Dragonborn. FormID: 000F1C80 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306DelphineB1 CUST 0 Gods above... that's better news than I had hoped! FormID: 000F1C80 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306DelphineB1 CUST 1 When you walked into my inn that day, I never imagined where it would all lead... dragons out of legend... Sovngarde... shaking your head with amazement FormID: 000F1C7C MQ306 SCEN 0 You've done it... just as the prophecy said... softly, almost to yourself - with such relief that you would have to sit down FormID: 000F1C79 MQ306 SCEN 0 I knew you could do it... I believed in you, and yet... I still didn't think I'd live to see this day. almost stunned with happiness FormID: 000F1C77 MQ306 SCEN 0 Thank you. Thank you, Dragonborn. You've done a great service for us all. almost stunned with happiness FormID: 000F1C76 MQ306 SCEN 0 There's still the matter of Paarthurnax. I'm not ungrateful for what you've done. Esbern speaks for both of us. FormID: 000F1C76 MQ306 SCEN 1 But our oath as Blades binds us. Paarthurnax must die. There's no excuse now that Alduin is dead. FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 0 I'm afraid she's right. I'm deeply sorry that this has to come between us. FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 1 But just as Paarthurnax's later deeds do not expiate his crimes, your deeds do not allow us to ignore our duty. FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 2 I hope you will return to us soon with the news that justice has finally been done. somber FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 3 With both Alduin and Paarthurnax dead, a dark chapter in history will finally be closed. somberly FormID: 000F1B29 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRAppJzargo01OutOfScrollsBranch MGRAppJzargo01OutOfScrollsTopic CUST 0 You what? How could you run out? J'zargo gave you more than enough. Bah, just forget J'zargo ever asked for your help. FormID: 0010C6C3 DialogueGeneric DFDA 0 FormID: 000F1A2C MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 Come, let us share a cup of mead, and trade tales of our time on Mundus, reliving the glory of our remembered deeds. FormID: 000F1A2A MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 A cup I'll gladly raise in company with you. None have yet bested me in boasting or drinking. FormID: 000F1A28 MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 cheerful laughter with a friend as you walk off to drink and swap stories FormID: 000F1A26 MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 cheerful laughter with a friend as you walk off to drink and swap stories FormID: 000F1A24 MQSovngardeConv4 SCEN 0 I crave a tale of tall ships and fearless heroes, for heart's ease. FormID: 000F1A35 MQSovngardeConv4 SCEN 0 Listen well, friend, and lighten your mood while words I'll spin of warriors bold, whose deeds of valor brought undying fame. FormID: 000F0A07 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Hail, comrade! Shall we by clash of steel ease the gloom of the encompassing mist? FormID: 000F1C82 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 My blade is restless, unblooded too long. FormID: 000F0A0D MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Aye. Let us forget our sorrow in the fury of battle. FormID: 000F1C7B MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Meat and mead must ever make way for the clash of steel - the song of battle. FormID: 000F0A0C MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Well fought, friend. Your fury is unmatched. FormID: 000F0A0A MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 By a bold stroke, you bested me, friend. FormID: 000F0A09 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Shor's favor found me today. Let's lift a mug of mead together, our wounds to salve and weariness cure. FormID: 000F0A08 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 With mead and fellowship let's mend our wounds. FormID: 000EF97D MQ101 SCEN 0 Not many wood elves would choose to come alone to Skyrim. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF97E MQ101 SCEN 0 What're you doing here, Redguard? You a sellsword? A sailor from Stros M'kai? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF97F MQ101 SCEN 0 You from one of the strongholds, Orc? How did you end up here? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF980 MQ101 SCEN 0 You're a long way from the Imperial City. What're you doing in Skyrim? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF981 MQ101 SCEN 0 You're not with the Thalmor Embassy, are you high elf? No, that can't be right.... interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF982 MQ101 SCEN 0 Another refugee? Gods really have abandoned your people, dark elf. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF983 MQ101 SCEN 0 You from Daggerfall, Breton? Fleeing from some court intrigue? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF984 MQ101 SCEN 0 You with one of the trade caravans, Khajiit? Your kind always seems to find trouble. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF985 MQ101 SCEN 0 Are you a relative of one of the Riften dock workers, Argonian? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF986 MQ101 SCEN 0 You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, kinsman. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF97C MQ101 SCEN 0 We need to get moving! That dragon is tearing up the whole keep! urgently FormID: 000EF97B MQ101 SCEN 0 Just give me a minute... I'm out of breath... winded FormID: 000EF97A MQ101 SCEN 0 Hear that? Stormcloaks. Maybe we can reason with them. whispering (not too soft) FormID: 000EDF57 MQ304 ATCK 0 Yearrgh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a swordNOTE: these MQ304 combat grunts don't need to be unique, only using them as blockers - if more con FormID: 000EDF58 MQ304 ATCK 0 Hyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF59 MQ304 ATCK 0 Rrarggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF5A MQ304 ATCK 0 Grrargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF5B MQ304 ATCK 0 Aggghh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF5C MQ304 ATCK 0 Nyyarrggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF4E MQ304 HIT_ 0 Agh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF4F MQ304 HIT_ 0 Oof! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF50 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Nargh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF51 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Argh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF52 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Weergh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF53 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Yeagh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF55 MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 I long to fight that foul worm. FormID: 000EDF56 MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 Shall Alduin remain so long unchallenged? FormID: 000EDF4C MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 Ease your heart, our honor is unstained - it's by Shor's command we curb our onslaught. FormID: 000EDF4D MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 It is by Shor's command that we curb our wrath - so let's feast and sing 'til our fate calls us. FormID: 000EDF4D MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 1 Let us not spurn our lord's bounty - this hall is his gift, for glory well-earned. FormID: 000A7FFA FavorJobsGatherWheat IDAT 0 Honest pay for honest work. FormID: 00098215 MQ304 TAUT 0 Your doom has come, damned worm! yell FormID: 000ECC82 MQ304 TAUT 0 Stand fast! The fell worm's death is ours at last, the light returns! yell FormID: 00098216 MQ304 TAUT 0 Nowhere to hide! Hunter becomes our prey! yell FormID: 00098218 MQ304 TAUT 0 Use Dragonrend, to drag him down! yell FormID: 00098217 MQ304 TAUT 0 Die, World-Eater, in despair and fear! yell FormID: 000ECC83 MQ304 TAUT 0 Today you die, your doom has come. yell FormID: 000ECC84 MQ304 TAUT 0 Use Dragonrend, brothers! Bring him to swords-reach! yell FormID: 00098219 MQ304 TAUT 0 Down with you, damned worm! attack yell FormID: 0009821A MQ304 TAUT 0 For Skyrim! For Shor! For Sovngarde's freedom! attack yell FormID: 0009821B MQ304 TAUT 0 I've waited long for such a worthy opponent. FormID: 0009821C MQ304 TAUT 0 The joy of battle burns in your heart! FormID: 0009821D MQ304 TAUT 0 The path is closed, till your courage is tested. FormID: 000ECC85 MQ304 TAUT 0 Shor's Hall awaits, if worthy you prove. FormID: 0009821E MQ304 TAUT 0 Prove worthy by warrior's test, and cross the bridge to the blessed hall. FormID: 0009820C MQ304 BLED 0 I may fall to your malice, but your fate is already written. in pain FormID: 0009820D MQ304 BLED 0 You may strike me down, but your doom is near. in pain FormID: 0009820E MQ304 BLED 0 You cannot defeat us! The Dragonborn still stands! defiant, in pain FormID: 000ED359 MQ305 SCEN 0 Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan! I am eternal! I cannot end! (be ended/be killed) FormID: 000ECC7A MQ305 TAUT 0 The mist is gone, my mind is clear. FormID: 000ECC7B MQ305 TAUT 0 For Skyrim! For Shor! For Sovngarde's freedom! FormID: 000ECC7C MQ305 TAUT 0 Down with you, damned worm! FormID: 000ECC7D MQ305 TAUT 0 I'll fight and die, if such fate is mine. FormID: 000ECC7E MQ305 TAUT 0 Better to die with blade in hand than feed his hunger, hopeless in the mist. FormID: 000ECC7F MQ305 TAUT 0 No higher fate than fall in battle at Sovngarde's gates, a glorious end! FormID: 000ECC80 MQ305 TAUT 0 Before I fall, you'll feel the bite of my sharp blade, as Shor's my witness. FormID: 000EC399 MQ305 VPSL 0 Nahl... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000EC397 MQ305 VPEL 0 Daal...Vus! FormID: 000EC3A4 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304YsgramorIntro1 CUST 0 By Shor's command we sheathed our blades and ventured not the vale's dark mist. FormID: 000EC3A4 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304YsgramorIntro1 CUST 1 But three await your word to loose their fury upon the perilous foe. FormID: 000EC3A4 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304YsgramorIntro1 CUST 2 Gormlaith the fearless, glad-hearted in battle; Hakon the valiant, heavy-handed warrior; Felldir the Old, far-seeing and grim. FormID: 000EC3A2 MQ304 SCEN 0 Alduin's mist is more than a snare - its shadowy gloom is his shield and cloak. FormID: 000EC39D MQ304 SCEN 0 But with four Voices joined, our valor combined, we can blast the mist and bring him to battle. FormID: 000EC39C MQ304 SCEN 0 Felldir speaks wisdom - the World-Eater, coward, fears you, Dragonborn. grimly FormID: 000EC39B MQ304 SCEN 0 We must drive away his mist, Shouting together, and then unsheathe our blades in desperate battle with our black-winged foe. grimly FormID: 000EC39A MQ305 SCEN 0 To battle, my friends! The fields will echo with the clamor of war, our wills undaunted. FormID: 000EC398 MQ305 SCEN 0 Through fire and time, the terror has lived. No more, I say! I've set my heart on terrible deeds, death's grim art. FormID: 000EC396 MQ305 SCEN 0 Now ends this tale, my eternity be damned! FormID: 000EC3A3 MQ305 SCEN 0 If it is our lot to end, we'll live in song if not in soul. FormID: 000EC3A3 MQ305 SCEN 1 At Sovngarde's gates I'll meet my fate with mirthful heart, and know I fell in noblest cause. FormID: 000EB7C8 MQ305 MQ305TsunOutro MQ305TsunOutroNotYet CUST 0 Tarry not too long - the land of the dead is not meant for mortals to linger. FormID: 000EB7C9 MQ305 MQ305TsunOutro MQ305TsunReadyToGo CUST 0 Return now to Nirn, with this rich boon from Shor, my lord: a Shout to bring a hero from Sovngarde in your hour of need. FormID: 000EAFB2 CreatureDialogueTroll HIT_ 0 FormID: 000EA718 MQ304 DETH 0 Noooo! drawn out scream as Alduin devours your soul FormID: 000EA719 MQ304 DETH 0 Gaaaah! drawn out scream as Alduin devours your soul FormID: 000EA71A MQ304 DETH 0 Aaaaah! drawn out scream as Alduin devours your soul FormID: 000EA634 MG01 MG01TolfdirSkipSceneDialogue MG01TolfdirSkipSceneDialogueTopic CUST 0 Yes, well. After the unfortunate incident that occurred, I think it's best if we just move on. FormID: 000EA5E7 MG02 SCEN 0 Nothing seems to work! FormID: 000EA5E6 MG02 SCEN 0 Keep it busy. I'll try to drain some of its power! FormID: 000EA5E5 MG02 SCEN 0 There! Now attack it! FormID: 000EA5B4 TG02 TG02Goodbyes GBYE 0 You watch yourself on that island. Those mercenaries don't take prisoners. FormID: 000EA477 DA14 DA14PriestessApology DA14PriestessApology1 CUST 0 You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred. You did say something about Rorikstead . Maybe you should take a look there. FormID: 000A95CB DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14IntroTopic2 CUST 0 I see. So you don't remember fondling the statuary, then? FormID: 000A95D5 DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14IntroTopic3 CUST 0 Yes, your head hurts and you don't remember where you are. FormID: 000EA2BB TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 You know, things are really starting to move around here. I mean, look at the place. I've never seen so much merchandise. FormID: 000EA2B9 TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 Yeah, it's really something else, isn't it? FormID: 000EA2BC TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 At this rate, the Guild won't be such a laughingstock anymore. FormID: 000EA2D0 TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 I agree. It'll be nice to get back the respect we lost in the last few years. FormID: 000EA2B2 TGDialogueHQScene18 SCEN 0 Take a look around. Have you ever laid eyes on such wealth? FormID: 000EA2B3 TGDialogueHQScene18 SCEN 0 Never. This is the best the Guild's done since I've been a part of it. FormID: 000EA2B4 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 How's the training going? FormID: 000EA2B5 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 Better than ever. With the Guild back on its feet, there's more coin to throw around. How about you? FormID: 000EA2B6 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 Couldn't be busier. FormID: 000EA2B8 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 Let's just hope it stays this way for a long time. FormID: 000EA2BA TGDialogueHQScene20 SCEN 0 So I'm finally seeing you with a smile on your face. FormID: 000EA2BD TGDialogueHQScene20 SCEN 0 It's this place. It feels like home. It's just nice to finally have something going right in my life. FormID: 000EA25A MG01 IDAT 0 No? Well, if you think you're capable of it, then I'd be happy to provide it to you for a mere 30 gold. FormID: 000EA25A MG01 IDAT 1 Or you can try your luck with one of the court wizards around Skyrim. They also sell spells. FormID: 000EA25B MG01 IDAT 0 Here you are. Now I'm anxious to see you cast it. FormID: 000E952B C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Die, you dog! FormID: 000E952C C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Death to the beastblood! FormID: 000E952D C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 I'll rip you apart, Companion! FormID: 000E952E C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Ysgramor would be ashamed of you! FormID: 000E952F C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 I can smell your shame! FormID: 000E9530 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Which one is that? FormID: 000E9531 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 We knew you'd be coming here. FormID: 000E9532 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Well, look what we have here. FormID: 000E9533 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 It's time to die, dog. FormID: 000E9534 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Your mistake, Companion. FormID: 000E9535 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 It doesn't matter. She wears that armor, she dies. FormID: 000E9536 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 It doesn't matter. He wears that armor, he dies. FormID: 000E9537 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Killing you will make for an excellent story. FormID: 000E9538 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 None of you will be alive to tell it. FormID: 000E9539 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 You're going to regret this. FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 0 Markarth is... different from the rest of Skyrim, there's no doubt about that. trying to figure out how to explain the strangeness of Markarth to a foreigner FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 1 The Reach has been part of Skyrim for a thousand years, but the Reachmen still haven't accepted it. FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 2 It was only 20 years back that the Reachmen rebelled. Even took control of Markarth itself for a time. FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 3 They were crushed, of course, but the survivors - the Forsworn - still lurk in the wilds and make the Reach dangerous for honest folk. FormID: 000E8CAA CW02A SCEN 0 Hey, I found a crown over here on this corpse. Is this the one we're looking for? FormID: 000E8CA7 CW02A SCEN 0 By the nine! FormID: 000E8CA3 CW02A SCEN 0 Well, King... If you don't mind, we'll just take that crown of yours and be on our way. ironically, to a zombie wearing the crown on his head FormID: 000E8CA9 CW02A SCEN 0 Have it your way. Let's get that crown men! FormID: 000E8CA5 CW02A SCEN 0 Alright, get the crown off that draugr! FormID: 000E8CA1 CW02B SCEN 0 Hey, I found a crown over here on this corpse. Is this the one we're looking for? FormID: 000E8CA8 CW02B SCEN 0 Ralof... get away from there, fool! FormID: 000E8CA4 CW02B SCEN 0 By the nine! FormID: 000E8CAB CW02B SCEN 0 If you don't mind king, we'll just be taking that crown of yours and be on our way. ironically, to a zombie wearing the crown on its head FormID: 000E8CA6 CW02B SCEN 0 Alright, get the crown off that draugr! FormID: 000E8CA2 CW02B SCEN 0 Have it your way. Let's get that crown men! FormID: 000E8BC2 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardBranch1 DialogueSolitudeAngelineNeutral CUST 0 Ah well, it was a long shot. FormID: 000E8BC1 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorAccept CUST 0 Oh that's very sweet of you. Anything you can find out from Captain Aldis would be welcome news. FormID: 000E8BC6 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorDecline CUST 0 Ah, well I guess it was unlikely. I'm sorry to waste your time. FormID: 000E8BCD SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardBranch2 DialogueSolitudeAngelineImperial CUST 0 You're a traveller, correct? Have you been to Whiterun? FormID: 000E8BC5 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardBranch3 DialogueSolitudeAngelineStormcloak CUST 0 Wonderful. I hadn't really hoped to run in to someone who had been there. FormID: 000E8BCC SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorContinue CUST 0 My daughter, Fura, was assigned to Whiterun after she joined the Imperial Army. I was hoping you might have met her. FormID: 000E8BCC SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorContinue CUST 1 I haven't heard from her lately. I've tried talking to Captain Aldis but he hasn't been any help. FormID: 000E8BCE MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 0 Sure - take advantage of the guy in jail. Okay, fine. I can make the deal sweeter. FormID: 000E8BCE MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 1 I obviously don't have anything here, but... there's a hidden stash in the Lodge. And I did manage to hold on to the key... emphasize [QUOTE]here[QUOTE] - like, duh, I'm in jai FormID: 000E8BCE MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 2 Take it. FormID: 000E8BCF MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 0 Nice try, but my mother's already got me in jail. Maybe you should try that one on Letrush. FormID: 000E8BCA MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpPersuade CUST 0 You're playing a dangerous game, my friend. FormID: 000E8BCA MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpPersuade CUST 1 Fine, you win. Take the horse and leave. FormID: 000E8BCB MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpPersuade CUST 0 And telling her what? That you stole her horse? I don't think so. FormID: 000E8BC3 MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpIntimidate CUST 0 Now wait a minute... No need to do anything drastic. Look, Keep the horse, all right? Then we all walk away happy... FormID: 000E8BC4 MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpIntimidate CUST 0 Well ain't that the truth of it. All right, then. Let's see what you've got! FormID: 000E8AAB MQ303 SCEN 0 Get ready to open the trap! shouted across a large room FormID: 000E8A1C MQ101 SCEN 0 Done, then? This way! FormID: 000E8A1B MQ101 SCEN 0 Done? Let's get moving. FormID: 000E89FB TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was good speaking with you again. FormID: 000E89FC TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the shadows guide your journey. FormID: 000E8A03 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Eyes open and walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E8A05 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Eyes open and walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E8A06 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now go and make us some coin, lad! laugh at the end FormID: 000E8A07 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now go and make us some coin, lass! laugh at the end FormID: 000E89E4 TGPost TGPostKarliahBranch TGPostKarliahBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm feeling a sense of inner peace... something I haven't felt in a very long time. introspective FormID: 000E89E4 TGPost TGPostKarliahBranch TGPostKarliahBranchTopic CUST 1 Instead of being clouded with thoughts of revenge and retribution, I feel only serenity and fulfillment. FormID: 000E89E4 TGPost TGPostKarliahBranch TGPostKarliahBranchTopic CUST 2 Of course, I've been also dabbling in my old pastimes as well. Take a look around, and feel free to share the fruits of my labor. you're being coy FormID: 000E89E3 TGPost TGPostKarliahNGBranch TGPostKarliahNGBranchTopic CUST 0 I think by now, most within the Guild are well aware of what transpired between Mercer Frey and ourselves. FormID: 000E89E3 TGPost TGPostKarliahNGBranch TGPostKarliahNGBranchTopic CUST 1 The notion that the Nightingales are a fictive group has long since passed. FormID: 000E89E3 TGPost TGPostKarliahNGBranch TGPostKarliahNGBranchTopic CUST 2 If you wish to wear your Nightingale Armor within the Guild, I'm certain that no one would give it a second thought. FormID: 000E89E1 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 0 Take a good look around you! Have you ever see the Guild in such a prosperous state? FormID: 000E89E1 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 1 With Mercer Frey gone and our influence present in all of Skyrim's cities, the Guild's accumulating wealth faster than we can spend it. FormID: 000E89E1 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 2 I couldn't be more proud to be a part of the Thieves Guild, or its new Guild Master. laugh at the end - you're being coy (you are referring to the Player who is now the Guild Master) FormID: 000E89E2 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 0 Take a good look around you! Have you ever see the Guild in such a prosperous state? FormID: 000E89E2 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 1 With Mercer Frey gone and our influence spreading across Skyrim, the Guild's earned a new level of respect it hasn't seen in decades. FormID: 000E89E2 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 2 I couldn't be more proud to be a part of the Thieves Guild, or its new Guild Master. laugh at the end - you're being coy (you are referring to the Player who is now the Guild Master) FormID: 000E89DE TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatusTopic CUST 0 It's as if the merchandise and coin are simply falling from the sky. FormID: 000E89DE TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatusTopic CUST 1 Vex and Delvin are having to turn clients away at this point, it's almost impossible to keep up. FormID: 000E89DE TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatusTopic CUST 2 Don't forget to check your tribute chest once in a while. As Guild Master you're getting a significant cut of the spoils. FormID: 000E89D3 BardSongs SCEN 0 This next song goes out to the Dragonborn. The savior of Skyrim. FormID: 000E89D6 BardSongs SCEN 0 This is an ode to Skyrim's truest sons and daughters... the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000E89D7 BardSongs SCEN 0 This is an ode to Skyrim's staunch protectors... the Imperials. FormID: 000E89D5 BardSongs SCEN 0 This one's a favorite of mine. A legend we all know and love... FormID: 000E89D4 BardSongs SCEN 0 This is a local favorite and one of the first songs I ever learned. Ragnar the Red. FormID: 0007D433 MQ303 SCEN 0 I admit, I doubted you, but no more. You've made a dragon submit to your will. A feat to rival the legendary Olaf One-Eye! What glory! FormID: 000E8996 MQ303 SCEN 0 Carry on, soldier. This is all part of the Dragonborn's plan. FormID: 000E8994 MQ303 SCEN 0 May Kynareth guard you while you pass through her realm! FormID: 000E898E MQ303 SCEN 0 By all the gods... reacting to watching the player let the dragon free from the trap FormID: 000E898C MQ303 SCEN 0 Faas nu, zini dein ruthi ahst vaal. Fear not, my honor holds my rage at bay. FormID: 000E899F MQ303 SCEN 0 You're either the bravest person I've ever met, or the biggest fool. in disbelief but also admiration, watching the player climb onto a dragon's back FormID: 000E899E MQ303 SCEN 0 Begone, mage. Do not test my promise to the Dovahkiin. FormID: 000E899D MQ303 SCEN 0 Incredible! Uh... sir, you have no idea how long I have waited for such an opportunity! FormID: 000E899A MQ303 SCEN 0 I would be most appreciative if you would permit me to perform some, ah, tests on you. Purely in the interests of the advancement of knowledge. FormID: 000E8999 MQ303 SCEN 0 I assure you, you will not even notice me. Most of them are hardly painful at all to a large dragon such as yourself. FormID: 000E8997 MQ303 SCEN 0 Surely you wouldn't miss a few scales... or a small amount of blood... FormID: 000E8995 MQ303 SCEN 0 Joor mey! What are you doing back there? joor mey = [QUOTE]mortal fool[QUOTE] FormID: 000E8990 MQ303 SCEN 0 Farengar! Enough, fool! FormID: 000E898D MQ303 SCEN 0 Farengar, very bad idea. Even for you. FormID: 000E898B MQ303 SCEN 0 I'll be glad when this beast is gone from here. Do whatever it is you need to do with it, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E88F7 DialogueGuardsGeneral WTCR 0 Werewolf! you just saw the player turn into a werewolf in front of you FormID: 000E88F8 DialogueGuardsGeneral WTCR 0 By the gods! It... it can't be! you just saw the player turn into a werewolf in front of you - quick/fearful FormID: 000E88F9 DialogueGuardsGeneral WTCR 0 It's a werewolf! To arms! To arms! you just saw the player turn into a werewolf in front of you - quick/fearful FormID: 000E82B4 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 0 Just one. I know when I was found by my Argonian father, I was wrapped in a blanket bearing the symbol of House Telvanni. FormID: 000E82B4 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 1 It was one of the great houses in Morrowind long ago. Whether that means I was one of them or not, I'm uncertain. FormID: 000E82B4 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 2 If you come across anything in your travels that might provide me with the answers I'm looking for, I'd be grateful. FormID: 000E82B7 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 000E82A2 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiHelp FFRiften08BrandSheiHelpTopic CUST 0 I learned that a matron who had served for House Telvanni had escaped Morrowind during the Accession War. FormID: 000E82A2 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiHelp FFRiften08BrandSheiHelpTopic CUST 1 Records showed her buying passage aboard a sailing vessel named [QUOTE]The Pride of Tel Vos,[QUOTE] but that's where the trail ran cold. FormID: 000E82A2 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiHelp FFRiften08BrandSheiHelpTopic CUST 2 I spent years looking for what became of the ship, but I ended up empty-handed. FormID: 000E82B6 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08Shared IDAT 0 Let me see that! FormID: 000E82B6 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08Shared IDAT 1 Yes... yes. This is it! I don't know how you found this stranger, but you've obviously succeeded where I had failed. FormID: 000E82B6 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08Shared IDAT 2 Please, let me offer you this key. It unlocks my strongbox under my stand in the marketplace. Help yourself to anything inside. FormID: 000E82A9 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic CUST 0 I picked up a trick from a butcher in Elinhir, a small town over the border in Hammerfell. FormID: 000E82A9 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic CUST 1 He showed me a way to grind up ice wraith teeth and use it as a preservative. Keeps everything cold and fresh, but only for a limited time. FormID: 000E82A9 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm always looking to replenish my supply, so if you ever come across five of them, I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands. FormID: 000E82B5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thanks, I was actually worried I'd run out. FormID: 000E82A8 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Oh! Well if you change your mind, come back and see me. FormID: 000E82B3 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07SharedInfos IDAT 0 Perfect, just perfect! These should help keep my stock fresh for quite a while. FormID: 000E82B3 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07SharedInfos IDAT 1 And, as promised, here's my trade. Hope you like it. FormID: 000E82A5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranch FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, I'd be careful if I were you. I hear the Nords hunt them for some kind of initiation rite and not all of them end up victorious. FormID: 000E82A5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranch FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranchTopic CUST 1 The last traveler that traded me some said he found them at a place called Ancient's Ascent. FormID: 000E82A5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranch FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranchTopic CUST 2 Careful though, rumor has it a dragon makes its home there. FormID: 000E8273 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 I have taught the Way of the Voice for centuries and the Thu'um since long before that. FormID: 000E8273 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 1 But no, Dovahkiin. Others do not come here to train anymore. Saraan. You are the first in over a hundred years. FormID: 000E8273 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 2 I meditate on the Rotmulaag - the Words of Power. I counsel in their use. It is enough for me. FormID: 000E8278 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditationsTopic CUST 0 Which calls to you, Dovahkiin? Fus, Feim, or Yol? FormID: 000E8276 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFus CUST 0 It is called [QUOTE]Force[QUOTE] in your tongue. But as you push the world, so does the world push back. FormID: 000E8276 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFus CUST 1 Think of the way force may be applied effortlessly. Imagine but a whisper pushing aside all in its path. FormID: 000E8276 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFus CUST 2 That is [QUOTE]Fus.[QUOTE] Let its meaning fill you. Su'um ahrk morah. You will push the world harder than it pushes back. su'um ahrk morah = [QUOTE]breath and focus[QUOTE] FormID: 000E8274 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFeim CUST 0 [QUOTE]Fade[QUOTE] in your tongue. Mortals have greater affinity for this Word than the dov. Everything mortal fades away in time, but the spirit remains. FormID: 000E8274 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFeim CUST 1 Ponder the meaning of spirit. Unslaad zii. Where mortal flesh may wither and die, the spirit endures. FormID: 000E8274 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFeim CUST 2 That is [QUOTE]Feim.[QUOTE] Let that meaning fill you. Su'um ahrk morah. You will find that your spirit will give you more strength. su'um ahrk morah = [QUOTE]breath and focus[QUOTE] FormID: 000E8275 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBYol CUST 0 In your tongue, the Word simply means [QUOTE]Fire.[QUOTE] It is change given form. Power at its most primal. FormID: 000E8275 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBYol CUST 1 That is the true meaning of [QUOTE]Yol.[QUOTE] Suleyk. Power. You have it, as do all dov. But power is inert without action and choice. FormID: 000E8275 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBYol CUST 2 Think of this as the fire builds in your su'um, in your breath. Su'um ahrk morah. What will you burn? What will you spare? FormID: 000E7EA5 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 0 Maybe you're not so soft, after all. Now you're ready for a real challenge. re-assessing the player FormID: 000E7EA5 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 1 I'll anoint you with the symbol of the Bear, the Sabrecat and the Mammoth. Tread carefully, these are mighty beasts. With reverence for the animals. FormID: 000E7EA6 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 0 The guardian spirits of Bear, Mammoth and Sabre Cat await you. Return when they are defeated. Slightly annoyed. You should know this. FormID: 00087911 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 0 Kyne's guardian troll awaits you. Complete this trial and you'll have proven yourself a true hunter. Quietly excited for you. FormID: 000E7EA7 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier03Branch dunHunterTier03BranchTopic CUST 0 You do Kyne proud. Only one challenge remains. Go and defeat the troll champion. FormID: 00087912 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier03Branch dunHunterTier03BranchTopic CUST 0 Then you finally know what it means to be a true hunter, in the Nord way. proud, reverent FormID: 00087912 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier03Branch dunHunterTier03BranchTopic CUST 1 For this you have earned the Blessing of Kyne, and can count me as a friend. FormID: 000E7C12 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go with the gods. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C32 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Talos watch over you. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C33 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Take care. (slightly ominous) saying good bye FormID: 000E7C34 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Be careful out there. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C43 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Keep your brother, and he'll keep you. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C7D CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 As you were. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7C7E CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Hmph. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7CB6 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Watch yourself. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7D6D CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go on, get out of here. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7D72 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Dismissed. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7D73 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 You're dismissed. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7BCB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranch DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranchTopic CUST 0 No. Gods no, not for years. FormID: 000E7BCB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranch DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranchTopic CUST 1 I left Winterhold for some time, and returned to stay here at the inn. FormID: 000E7BCC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranch DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranchTopic CUST 0 I still have research that keeps me busy, and being here in Winterhold ensures I have access to former colleagues. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 0 Try not to? FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 1 But I do realize it's sometimes not that easy. You may want to make a statement, or a contract may require a public killing. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 2 Murder is, obviously, a very serious crime, and a very high bounty will be put on your head in the hold where the act was committed. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 3 You can run, obviously, but you'll still have a price on your head. If a guard attacks, you can attempt to yield by sheathing your weapon. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 4 If the guard accepts, you can serve your time in a cell, or pay your bounty. We've all gone through it. We do what we must to survive. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 5 But, there is another option. Some members of the Thieves Guild in Riften can get their bounties... erased. For a price. Something to think about. FormID: 000E7B99 DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 By all I hold sacred... that's a Shout! Like the Graybeards on their mountain! FormID: 000C7F5E DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 By the gods! What manner of power is that? FormID: 000E7B9A DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 The Thu'um! He summons the Thu'um! FormID: 000E7B9B DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 The Thu'um! She summons the Thu'um! FormID: 000E7B9C DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 It is the power of old! The Voice of the Dragonborn! FormID: 000E7AAC DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 You were right about this place. And about Mauhulakh. FormID: 000E7AAE DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 This was worth coming back for. FormID: 000E7AB4 DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 Urog is a good learner. I'm glad I have the chance to teach her. Makes me not miss the woods as much. FormID: 000E7AC1 DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 Urog and I still hunt a lot, so it's not like I'm cooped up in the longhouse. FormID: 000E7A23 CW02A CW02ATulliusBlocking CW02ATulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I believe the Legate gave you an order. Why are you standing around here flapping your jaw? Move out! dismissive, annoyed, strict FormID: 000E7A25 CW02B CW02BUlfricBlocking CW02BUlfricBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why are you still here? You're supposed to be at Korvanjund, proving Galmar right, or proving him wrong. a little annoyed the player isn't following orders FormID: 000E7830 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Genuine Falmerblood Elixir for sale! Live for thousands of years... see into other people's thoughts! FormID: 000E7831 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Learn a library's worth of knowledge in moments or grow back that missing limb with my genuine Falmerblood Elixir! FormID: 000E7832 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Don't miss out... purchase a bottle of my genuine Falmerblood Elixir! Only 20 septims each! FormID: 000E7833 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Make love like a sabercat or crush your enemies to dust like a giant! Only a mere 20 gold coins and all this could be yours! FormID: 000E7834 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Rare trinkets and the finest oddities from Morrowind! FormID: 000E7835 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Gems, potions, exotic ingredients... I have them all! FormID: 000E7836 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 The fairest prices and the highest quality in Skyrim! FormID: 000E7837 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Beautiful baubles and gleaming gemstones over here! FormID: 000E7838 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Jewelry with legendary Argonian craftsmanship! FormID: 000E7839 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Buying and selling fine jewelry here! FormID: 000E783A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Fresh meats and produce! Get them before they're gone! FormID: 000E783B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 All meats guaranteed clean and free from Rockjoint! FormID: 000E783C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Vegetables as crisp as a winter's morning! FormID: 000E783D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Looking to stay alive? Why take a chance? FormID: 000E783E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Buy some armor and live to tell about it! FormID: 000E783F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Protect yourself right... buy armor from Grelka. FormID: 00093FF7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Inkpot. Stone. Bucket. Book. Knife. FormID: 00093FF8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Ha ha ha ha! No! Never find me! crazy cackling laughter, shouted FormID: 00093FF9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Bucket. Knife. Book. Inkpot. Stone. No, no, no. FormID: 00093FFB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Knife. Yes. Book. Yes. Bucket. Yes. Inkpot? No. as if counting to yourself FormID: 000E77F0 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 General Tullius, over here! FormID: 000E77CA DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 It's not that simple. Ulfric wants a Skyrim for the Nords. He doesn't trust what he calls outsiders. Emphasis on the word [QUOTE]outsiders,[QUOTE] because that's the derogatory word Ulfric uses to describe memner of the other races. FormID: 000E77C9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 I'll speak to Ulfric soon, but I make no promises that I can change his mind. FormID: 000E76DA DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 0 You have learned so much already, Dragonborn. Growing your gift too quickly would be dangerous. FormID: 000E76DA DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 1 But there are many Words of Power in Skyrim, carved in the Dragon tongue. Even from here, we can feel the Thu'um resonate from them. FormID: 000E76DA DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 2 Finding these lost Words would be a sufficient test, to temper your abilities with experience. Ask when you are ready to search. FormID: 000E76DB DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 0 There is only silence right now. Perhaps later we will hear one of the lost Words. FormID: 000E76D9 FreeformHighHrothgarA FreeformHighHrothgarAArngier FreeformHighHrothgarAArngierTopic CUST 0 We have felt the whisper of a Word. Give me your map, and I will show you where its echo can be found. FormID: 000E73B8 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 You're a war hero, Brunwulf. Ulfric will listen to you. FormID: 000E73B6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 You've seen how we live -- cramped alleys, run-down buildings, few guard patrols. Even the name [QUOTE]Gray Quarter[QUOTE] is an insult. FormID: 000E73B4 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 That's all I ask. With your help, we have a chance to make a better life for ourselves here. For that, I thank you. FormID: 000E7398 MG01 SCEN 0 I have responsibilities to attend to. We'll continue this discussion some other time. FormID: 000E736E DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 And you'd have me do what, join the College and prance about casting spells all day? annoyed FormID: 000E736D DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 We need coin, Ranmir, and you're not bringing home any. annoyed, frustrated FormID: 000E7690 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif1 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif1Topic CUST 0 There's something... personal... I was hoping you would do for me. FormID: 000E74EB SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisif SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisifTopic CUST 0 Falk said I could count on you. FormID: 000E74EB SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisif SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisifTopic CUST 1 You have more than earned the right to purchase property and take the next step to becoming a Thane. FormID: 000E74EB SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisif SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisifTopic CUST 2 Speak to Falk when you have the funds. And thank you. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 0 Falk told me what you did for us at Wolfskull cave. He says you're someone we can trust. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 1 As you may know Talos worship is outlawed in the Empire. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 2 When we buried my husband I made offerings to all the gods... except Talos. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 3 I would like you to take an item of his, a warhorn handed down from his father, and place it at a Shrine of Talos. FormID: 000E73B7 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 0 Yes, when we buried my husband I wasn't able to make an offering to Talos. FormID: 000E73B7 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 1 I was hoping you would to take something of his, a warhorn handed down from his father, and place it at a Shrine of Talos. FormID: 000E739C SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ElisifAccept SolitudeFreeform07ElisifAcceptTopic CUST 0 Thank you. It would mean a lot to me. FormID: 000E7293 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ElisifRefuse SolitudeFreeform07ElisifRefuseTopic CUST 0 That's all right. Return to me if you change your mind though. FormID: 000E728E SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ElisifExplain SolitudeFreeform07ElisifExplainTopic CUST 0 No but my husband Torygg would want a proper burial and this is the way Nords are buried in Skyrim. FormID: 000E778A MS03 GBYE 0 I'll meet you outside of town. FormID: 000E778B MS03 GBYE 0 Hey, don't you want to make this exchange? FormID: 000E7698 MS04 GBYE 0 Please don't leave. You must help me. FormID: 000E768E MS05 MS05ViarmoBlowOff MS05ViarmoBlowOffTopic CUST 0 Not now. FormID: 000E73D5 MS05 MS05ElisifBlowOff MS05ElisifBlowOffTopic CUST 0 You're interrupting the performance. FormID: 000E73B3 MS06Start GBYE 0 Come back to me if you find anything. FormID: 000E73A1 MS06Start IDAT 0 You're making a mistake! FormID: 000E73AC MS06Start IDAT 0 No! I'm losing the binding. FormID: 000E73AD MS06Start IDAT 0 Stop the intruder! FormID: 000E7769 MS07 GBYE 0 Look along the east coast. The boat will be there. FormID: 000E776A MS07 GBYE 0 It would be best if we spoke little until you've completed your task. FormID: 000E76A3 DA03 DA03BarbasConvincePlayer DA03BarbasConvincePlayerTopic CUST 0 The axe isn't the only item dear old Clavicus has. FormID: 000E76A3 DA03 DA03BarbasConvincePlayer DA03BarbasConvincePlayerTopic CUST 1 Give him the Rueful Axe and once we're reunited the Masque of Clavicus Vile will be yours. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 0 One of Clavicus's little jests. A wizard named Sebastian Lort had a daughter who worshiped Hircine. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 1 When the daughter became a werewolf it drove Sebastian over the edge. He couldn't stand to see his little girl take on such a bestial form. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 2 The wizard wished for the ability to end his daughter's curse. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 3 Clavicus gave him an axe. FormID: 000E773C DA03 IDAT 0 Clavicus sent you didn't he? FormID: 000E773D DA03 IDAT 0 You can't have the Axe! It's all I have left now! FormID: 000E773E DA03 IDAT 0 We should go get the axe. FormID: 000E773F DA03 IDAT 0 Let's get the axe and be done with this. FormID: 000E7740 DA03 IDAT 0 Now that guy was nuts. FormID: 000E7741 DA03 IDAT 0 Don't bother, Clavicus won't talk to me. FormID: 000E7742 DA03 IDAT 0 Wait a second, there's another option here. FormID: 000E7743 DA03 IDAT 0 I have a feeling I'm not going to like what happens when we get back to Clavicus. FormID: 000E7744 DA03 IDAT 0 All this just to kill me Clavicus? FormID: 000E7745 DA03 IDAT 0 You're worth putting in the extra effort for, pooch. FormID: 000E7746 DA03 IDAT 0 I remember that axe. FormID: 000E7747 DA03 IDAT 0 And I was so close to being rid of you. FormID: 000E7779 DA14 IDAT 0 I still don't have my Gleda back. FormID: 000E777A DA14 IDAT 0 Don't come back until you have the ring. FormID: 000E777E DA14 IDAT 0 The temple is still not clean. Get to it. FormID: 000E7785 DA14 IDAT 0 You can't have the ring back! You made a commitment! FormID: 000E7786 DA14 IDAT 0 Once you leave the party you can't just come back. FormID: 000E7787 DA14 IDAT 0 Lets see how tough you are without Sam keeping an eye on you. FormID: 000E7788 DA14 IDAT 0 No Sam, no protection. Time to die. FormID: 000E73BC DialogueSolitudeBardScene4 SCEN 0 I think Illdi's better than Dean Pantea actually knows. She just gets intimidated when she's in class and can't sing. FormID: 000E73B1 DialogueSolitudeBardScene4 SCEN 0 I think someone has a crush on Illdi. FormID: 000E73A0 DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 Ataf keeps making eyes at me. FormID: 000E737F DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 You should tell him to mind his own business. FormID: 000E7291 DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 Aia. You're so mean. I don't think he means anything by it. FormID: 000E728C DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 Have it your way, then. FormID: 000E7760 DialogueSolitudeBardScene6 SCEN 0 Your performance has been excellent lately Aia. You still need training but one day you will make an adequate singer. FormID: 000E76A1 DialogueSolitudeBardScene6 SCEN 0 Yes, Dean. Thank you. FormID: 000E7691 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 A good story is nine parts truth and one part fiction. FormID: 000E74EC DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Seems like most of these are nine parts fiction. FormID: 000E73BB DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Can we really just make things up? It doesn't seem right. FormID: 000E73AF DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Read carefully. You will see there are ways to stay true to the essence, Illdi. FormID: 000E7312 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Even while making parts up. FormID: 000E728F DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Let's try a lute piece. Follow along... FormID: 000E779D DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Now, you try it Aia FormID: 000E7737 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, Dean Inge. FormID: 000E769E DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Very good, Aia. Class, observe her finger movements. Let's try a few more pieces. FormID: 000E73FA DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 This time let's try [QUOTE]The Age of Aggression[QUOTE]. I will demonstrate for the class. FormID: 000E74EA DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 This time let's try [QUOTE]The Age of Oppression[QUOTE]. I will demonstrate for the class. FormID: 000E7292 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 That's all for today. You're dismissed. FormID: 000E728D DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 You see, all you need is a bit of spirit and any song can be made into a classic. FormID: 000E76A4 DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Come in and shut the door. FormID: 000E76A5 DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Welcome to Bits and Pieces. I'm sure you'll find what you need here. FormID: 000E76C8 DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Your path has brought you to the finest fletcher in all the land. FormID: 000E76EC DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Feel free to look around. We have a fine selection of herbs here at Angela's Aromatics. FormID: 000E76ED DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Welcome to the Winking Skeever. Take a load off and enjoy the atmosphere. FormID: 000E739D BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTaskTopic CUST 0 The Poetic Edda is never truly complete. As a living history of Skyrim we Bards continually add parts to it. FormID: 000E739D BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTaskTopic CUST 1 In fact, If you collected parts of the Edda from any Bard you encountered in your travels I would be willing to pay you for them. FormID: 000E7363 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaAccept CUST 0 Wonderful. Just speak to various bards outside of the college, get there parts of the Poetic Edda and return them here to me. FormID: 000E7290 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaRefuse CUST 0 Come back to me if you change your mind. FormID: 000E774D BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 I do. I've been working on mine for a while now. FormID: 000E774E BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 I suppose Giraud sent you for it? I was still trying to get the wording right but here it is. FormID: 000E774F BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 Here you are. Always good to see a fellow bard. Tell Giraud I said hello. FormID: 000E7750 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 This is part of me. Guard it with your life. FormID: 000E7751 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 I've got it right here. Just don't read it, it's not very good. FormID: 000E73B9 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturn BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturnTopic CUST 0 Wonderful. Soon we'll have the latest section of the Edda complete. Keep up the good work. FormID: 000E73BA BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturn BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturnTopic CUST 0 That's it! You've collected every last verse. I can't thank you enough. This deserves a special bonus. FormID: 000E778C MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Candy! Get your King Olaf's Festival candy! FormID: 000E778D MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Tasty, sugary treats! FormID: 000E778E MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Spiced Wine here. First cup is paid for by the college. FormID: 000E778F MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Get some Spiced Wine. A Festival Favorite. FormID: 000E7790 MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Meat Pies. Try one for free, come back for more. Get your meat pies. FormID: 000E7791 MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Can't have a meal without meat. Come and get some here. FormID: 000E768F MS05KingOlafsFestival MS05KingOlafsFestivalSorex MS05KingOlafsFestivalSorexTopic CUST 0 I said [QUOTE]a free meat pie[QUOTE]. As in one. Here's yours. FormID: 000E73F9 MS05KingOlafsFestival MS05KingOlafsFestivalEvette MS05KingOlafsFestivalEvetteTopic CUST 0 Just one bottle per customer. Except for the man who saved the festival. Here's a couple bottles for you. FormID: 000E6DD0 FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernTopic CUST 0 You're in luck. There is a blessing the Blades used on the eve of battle. It's supposed to prepare the mind for slaying dragons. FormID: 000E6DD0 FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernTopic CUST 1 I doubt the blessing's effects last for very long, so ask whenever you're heading out, and I'll perform the proper rites. FormID: 000E6DDF FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessing FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessingTopic CUST 0 [QUOTE]May the scales of the dragonkind splinter at the touch of your arrows and crack under the weight of your sword.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E6DDF FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessing FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessingTopic CUST 1 That's all there is to it, Dragonborn. Good luck. FormID: 000E6DD7 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 The architecture of this temple is marvelous. Have you ever seen stonework like this, Delphine? FormID: 000E6DDD DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 I'm not a scholar, Esbern. How many times do I have to tell you? FormID: 000E6DD4 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 Nonsense. Is a child who learns to read [QUOTE]not a scholar[QUOTE] of literature? Is a smith's apprentice [QUOTE]not a scholar[QUOTE] of blacksmithing? FormID: 000E6DE1 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 Well, I'm [QUOTE]not a scholar[QUOTE] of architecture. And that's that. FormID: 000E6DD8 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation02 SCEN 0 Do you ever think about them, Esbern? The others? FormID: 000E6DD3 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation02 SCEN 0 The other Blades? No. Best not to think what the Thalmor do to their victims, my dear. FormID: 000E6DDC DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation02 SCEN 0 You're right. Sorry to bring it up. FormID: 000E6DD6 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 I've been writing some notes about all the Akaviri designs we've discovered. If only the Imperial Library could see my research. FormID: 000E6DE2 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 Esbern, if the Empire could even acknowledge the Blades existence, we'd all have reason to celebrate. FormID: 000E6DD9 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 Now, now my dear. I'm talking about academia, not politics. FormID: 000E6DD1 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 There's a difference? FormID: 000E6DDE DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 I've been chronicling the recent history of the Blades. What would you like your entry to say? FormID: 000E6DD5 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]I survived[QUOTE]? sarcastic FormID: 000E6DCF DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 Come now. You did more than just survive all those years. Your evasion of the Thalmor would be useful for future Blades to study. FormID: 000E6DDA DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 What? Your heroic tale of locking yourself in the Ratway for years isn't enough? FormID: 000E6DD2 FreeformSkyHavenTempleD FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbernTopic CUST 0 Have you ever heard of the expression, [QUOTE]the scale of the Argonian that bit you?[QUOTE] FormID: 000E6DD2 FreeformSkyHavenTempleD FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbernTopic CUST 1 No, I guess not. Well, the principle applies here. It's a potion, made from those dragon parts. Give it a try. FormID: 000E6D54 MQ101 SCEN 0 Who are they, daddy? Where are they going? seeing a group of men chained up in carts FormID: 000E6D55 MQ101 SCEN 0 You need to go inside, little cub. protective father, you don't want your son to see what happens next FormID: 000E1B0D CW00B CW00BHello HELO 0 Speak with Galmar. He'll size you up and see where we can best use your talents. losing patience, but trying to be friendly FormID: 000D3C59 CW00B CW00BHello HELO 0 If you know any true sons and daughters of Skyrim, tell them to head to Windhelm. Ulfric Stormcloak wants to see them. warrior recruiting for the cause FormID: 000E6C3A GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Uuuuhhhnnnn... aaarrrghhh.... moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3B GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Ooohhhh, ahhhrrrghhhh... uuuuggghhh. moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3C GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Uhhh... (coughing, wheezing) ... ahhhh... coughing, wheezing - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3D GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Uuuuhhhnnnn... it hurts... moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3E GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Aaaahhhhhrrrr.... the pain, somebody, stop... the pain... moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3F GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 (coughing fit) Uuughhnnn... coughing, gurgling up blood, wheezing - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C44 CWSiege SCEN 0 They say that our cause is false and that we are nothing more than thieves, thugs and murderers! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C45 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. And for all of Skyrim. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C46 CWSiege SCEN 0 We come to this moment carried by the sacrifices and courage of our fellows. Those who have fallen. And those still bearing the shields to our right. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C47 CWSiege SCEN 0 All right. It's time to deliver the final blow to the Stormcloak rebellion. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C47 CWSiege SCEN 1 You have all fought bravely, and sacrificed much to bring us to this point. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C36 CWSiege SCEN 0 But no! We are farmers! We are craftsmen! We are sons and daughters of shopkeepers, maid servants and soldiers! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C36 CWSiege SCEN 1 We are the sons and daughters of Skyrim! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C37 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C38 CWSiege SCEN 0 On this day, our enemy will know the fullness of our determination, the true depth of our anger, and the exalted righteousness of our cause. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C39 CWSiege SCEN 0 Ulfric thinks he can hide behind the walls of his castle. But we will fight our way in and drag him out through the rubble to face justice. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C52 CWSiege SCEN 0 And we have come this far because our cause is true. Because we fight as one. And because our hearts are bursting with anger! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C53 CWSiege SCEN 0 That message is this. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C53 CWSiege SCEN 1 Any king who denies the Emperor will wake one morning to face the Legion staring down his gates. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C53 CWSiege SCEN 2 And on that day, we will confiscate his city, and restore the rule of law to his lands. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C54 CWSiege SCEN 0 The gods are watching. The spirits of our ancestors are stirring. And men under suns yet to dawn will be transformed by what we do here today. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C55 CWSiege SCEN 0 Because this is the end for them, the Stormcloaks will fight like cornered rats. They will be fierce and crafty. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C40 CWSiege SCEN 0 What we do here today, we do for our country! For all the true Nords of Skyrim! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C41 CWSiege SCEN 0 But make no mistake. What we do here today, we do for Skyrim and her people. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C41 CWSiege SCEN 1 By cutting out the disease of this rebellion, we will make this country whole again! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C42 CWSiege SCEN 0 Fear neither pain, nor darkness. For Sovngarde awaits those who die with weapons in their hands, and courage in their hearts. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C43 CWSiege SCEN 0 But they are no match for Legionnaires. You are the best and the brightest warriors in Tamriel. Professional soldiers, fearless and devastating. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C43 CWSiege SCEN 1 The Emperor will be paying close attention to what happens here today. Men who distinguish themselves will be well rewarded. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E67EF FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 You there. The Dragonborn wishes to give you the chance to join the lost guardians of Tamriel. The dragon slayers. The Blades. FormID: 000E67EF FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 1 Do you wish to become a Blade? FormID: 000E67F0 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 Are you willing to trade away all claims and titles of your former life? To live here and devote yourself to protecting Tamriel from danger? FormID: 000E67F1 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 Then by my right as acting grandmaster, I name you a Blade, with all the privileges, rights, and burdens that brings. Godspeed. FormID: 000E67F2 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 I do. FormID: 000E67F4 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 0 I am. The Blades of the 2nd Era hunted down many dragons in their day, and they have records of where the beasts lived. FormID: 000E67F4 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 1 Only you can truly defeat these monsters, Dragonborn, but you do not have to do so alone. The Blades can help you. FormID: 000E67F4 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 2 Just ask whenever you're ready to take on a dragon. We will send the Blades to help you fulfill your destiny. FormID: 000E67F5 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 0 It's quiet for now, Dragonborn. Perhaps later we'll find where one of those serpents is hiding. FormID: 000E67E7 FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHunt FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHuntTopic CUST 0 I have. One of the old Akaviri records names a dragon living nearby. Shall we send the Blades to help you? FormID: 000E67EC FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHunt FreeformSkyHavenTempleBAccept CUST 0 Good luck, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E67E9 FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHunt FreeformSkyHavenTempleBReject CUST 0 Let me know when you are, then. FormID: 000E67E6 FreeformSkyHavenTempleB HELO 0 We're with you, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E67EB FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturn FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturnTopic CUST 0 It's good to see the Blades fighting alongside the Dragonborn once again. To think we're treading in the footsteps of thousands of years past. FormID: 000E67EB FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturn FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturnTopic CUST 1 While you're out hunting, keep a sharp eye open for any dragon scales and bones you might find. I'd be interested in looking at them. FormID: 000E6DDB FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturn FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturnTopic CUST 0 Good. The dragon's soul should be making you stronger. Come back another time, and we'll track down another one for you. FormID: 000E67D5 CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03InnkeeperPersuade CUST 0 Yeah, sure it is. You don't fool me. FormID: 000C2130 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 It is? Well that's different. emphasis on [QUOTE]different[QUOTE] FormID: 000D28C4 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 He's in the inn. Look around. I'm sure you'll find him. casually ratting out a patron's privacy FormID: 000D28CB CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 He was here, but he left. If you leave now, you can probably catch him. casually ratting out a patron's privacy FormID: 000D28CB CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 1 Or, you can just wait here. He'll be back soon enough. FormID: 000D28CC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 I tend to keep my patrons' privacy. politely saying [QUOTE]go to hell[QUOTE] FormID: 000D28D3 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Very good... Let's see what you have here. taking captured intelligence from a secret agency who's returned FormID: 000D28D3 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 1 Interesting... They know more of our plans than I expected... (concerned) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28D3 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 2 It would seem Fort Dunstad is in need of reinforcements... We'll make sure they won't be getting those... (a pleasant surprise) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28D4 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 One moment while I [QUOTE]correct[QUOTE] some of these documents... That should do it. forging papers to fool the enemy with FormID: 000D28EB CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Make sure those forged documents get to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar. It'll throw him off our trail, allowing us to maneuver more freely. FormID: 000D28EC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Good work! Let's see what you got. taking captured intelligence from a secret agency who's returned FormID: 000D28EC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 1 Hmm... They know more of our plans than I thought... Not good... (concerned) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28EC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 2 Oh, what's this? Fort Snowhawk is in need of reinforcements... We'll make sure they won't be getting those... (a pleasant surprise) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28F5 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Give me a moment while I make a few, um, [QUOTE]corrections[QUOTE] to these reports... There we go. forging papers to fool the enemy with FormID: 000D28F9 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Make sure those forged documents get to the Legate in Morthal. They should give them the wrong idea... and us the advantage. FormID: 000E67AC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 What's your business here in Winterhold? FormID: 000E67AD DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse1 CUST 0 Should've known. FormID: 000E67AD DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse1 CUST 1 Not that it matters anymore. No one bothers coming to Winterhold for any other reason. FormID: 000E67AA DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse2 CUST 0 Stay clear of that College, if you know what's good for you. FormID: 000E67AA DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse2 CUST 1 Nothing but foul deeds behind those walls. FormID: 000E67AB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse3 CUST 0 It does. The College has caused enough problems; don't need you or anyone else adding to them. Walk Away FormID: 000E67AB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse3 CUST 1 If you're not here for the College, then you've little other reason to be in Winterhold at all. Walk Away FormID: 000E67AE DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 0 Look around you. Winterhold is in this state because of those damned mages. FormID: 000E67AE DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 1 They sit up there in their tower, doing gods-know-what, and who watches over them? FormID: 000E67AE DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 2 The guards don't even dare go up there unless they've no choice. FormID: 000E67AF DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 0 I do, and if you count yourself among their numbers then you've blood on your hands as well. FormID: 000E67AF DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 1 There's nothing left of Winterhold. Nothing! FormID: 000E67AF DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 2 Everyone knows it's the College's fault that the sea swallowed our city. Still they deny it, but we all know the truth. FormID: 000E69FA DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Come, we must get to the Skull and destroy it. FormID: 000E69F7 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Let's continue, we still have much to do. FormID: 000E69F4 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 The Torpor should be in a tall bottle with dark liquid. If you find it, bring it to me. FormID: 000E6BC6 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 The laboratory adjoins the library. I'm hoping we'll find a sample of the Torpor left undamaged. FormID: 000E69F5 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you'll check the shelves around the balcony, I'll check around the lower level. FormID: 000E69FE DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 This way... the library isn't far. FormID: 000E6C26 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 We mustn't tarry... the Skull needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. FormID: 000E6C25 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Once we get inside, all will become clear. FormID: 000E69FD DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 I promise to answer all of your questions. Follow me. FormID: 000E69F3 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 This way, my daughter. FormID: 000E69F2 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 This way, my son. FormID: 000E6C24 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you change your mind, I'll be here. FormID: 000E68C9 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Take your time. I understand your hesitation. FormID: 000E67D0 TG08B SCEN 0 What's... what's happening... I can't stop myself. FormID: 000E6756 TG08B SCEN 0 Damn you, Mercer! FormID: 000E686E TG08B SCEN 0 Fight it, Brynjolf... he's taken control of you! FormID: 000E6757 TG08B SCEN 0 I'm sorry lass, I... I can't... FormID: 000E66D3 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Okay, got another one for you. FormID: 000E66DD TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Fine, go ahead. tired FormID: 000E66D7 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Three guards run into a bar, but the fourth one just ducks. Why? FormID: 000E66D1 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Um, I don't know, why? FormID: 000E66DF DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 Hold and stand down. FormID: 000E66DF DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 1 If you want to get into Riften, use the North Gate. This one's closed. FormID: 000E66E0 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 My orders are to tell the riff-raff to use the North Gate, that's it. FormID: 000E66E1 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 No. You can use the North Gate, or you can head to the next city. FormID: 000E66E2 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 Keep it. Not worth going to prison over. FormID: 000E66E3 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 That's a quick way to the executioner's block. FormID: 000E66E4 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 That's the North Gate in case you forget. FormID: 000E66E5 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 That's far enough. FormID: 000E66E6 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 If you want to enter Riften, use the North Gate. Otherwise, we have nothing to talk about. FormID: 000E66E7 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 There's nothing else to discuss. Use the North Gate if you want to enter Riften. FormID: 000E66E8 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 You can use the North Gate to enter the city, or you can hit the road. Your choice. FormID: 000E66E9 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 It's a long way to the next city if you change your mind. FormID: 000E66F2 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsHellos HELO 0 Well? In you go. FormID: 00054406 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsGoodbyes GBYE 0 Welcome to Riften. chuckle at the end FormID: 00054407 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsGoodbyes GBYE 0 You want in, you need to cooperate. FormID: 000E66DB DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic CUST 0 Hold there. FormID: 000E66DB DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic CUST 1 Before I let you into Riften, you need to pay the visitor's tax. FormID: 000E66DC DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you decided to pay the visitor's tax? Walk Away FormID: 000E66D0 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic01 CUST 0 For the privilege of entering the city. What does it matter? rude FormID: 000E66CB DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic04 CUST 0 It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Let me open the gate and you can head into the city. very sarcastic first sentence FormID: 00051A42 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Nope. Not even close. FormID: 000E66D2 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic05 CUST 0 All right, keep your voice down... you want everyone to hear you? I'll let you in, just let me unlock the gate. FormID: 00051A45 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Call it what you want. You don't pay, then you're not getting in. FormID: 000E66CF DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopicWalkaway CUST 0 Don't want in, huh? Fine. Have a good walk to the next city. FormID: 000E66CC DialogueRiftenGateGuards SCEN 0 The gate's unlocked. You can head inside when you're ready. FormID: 000E66D8 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch02a CUST 0 Look how you sniffed out my little scheme at the North Gate. You knew it was a shakedown and you called him on it. That's what I'm talking about. somewhat congratulatory Walk Away FormID: 000E66C9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, that he was. And you sniffed him out because he broke one of the cardinal rules of our business... he got greedy. FormID: 000E66C9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic CUST 1 He was told to run the scam on merchants, but he smelled the gold on you and his judgment went out the window. annoyed FormID: 000E66D5 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Killing him was a bit... impulsive. disappointed FormID: 000E66D5 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 1 A true professional would have kept his cool and dealt with it a different way, but I'll let it go. less annoyed FormID: 000E66D6 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Actually, I admire how you handled the situation. a bit impressed FormID: 000E66D6 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You kept your cool and you didn't kill him. That's the mark of a professional thief. FormID: 0001847C dunHunterQST dunHunterKyneLore dunHunterKyneLoreTopic CUST 0 Those sycophants in the Temple would call her Kynareth. Just a pale shadow of the truth, like all the Temple Divines. You're a grumpy old man spitting on your political opposites. FormID: 0001847C dunHunterQST dunHunterKyneLore dunHunterKyneLoreTopic CUST 1 Kyne! Blessed Warrior-Wife. Shor's widow, sacred to any true Nord hunter. She's the mother of men and beasts, and her veil is the storm. With reverence FormID: 000E6529 DialogueSkyHavenTemple HELO 0 I'm a Blade, now. I can hardly believe it. FormID: 000E652A DialogueSkyHavenTemple HELO 0 By my honor, I pledge to rid Tamriel of dragons. FormID: 000E652B DialogueSkyHavenTemple HELO 0 Dragonborn. What do you need? FormID: 000E57DC dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Something's wrong... Boss' been down there too long. Suspicious, concerned FormID: 000E57DB dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Yeah... Let's wait a little longer. Then... FormID: 000E518C TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck. FormID: 000E56B0 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you want to get paid, keep your weapon sheathed. FormID: 000E56EB TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 No one dies. Remember that. We're not assassins. FormID: 000E56FC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you get arrested, it's on your head. FormID: 000E5743 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep to the shadows and you'll do fine. FormID: 000E5758 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I don't want a trail of dead bodies leading here. Keep it clean. FormID: 000E5759 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Get the job done and get back alive. That's all there is to it. FormID: 000E5761 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't give up now... there's plenty of loot out there just ripe for the taking. FormID: 000E5762 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hey, I still have plenty of work to do here. FormID: 000E5763 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Walking away without taking a job is like passing a bloated coinpurse on a table. FormID: 000E5767 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 You think you're finished? I've got plenty more where that came from. FormID: 000E576D TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come on, take another job so we can both make some money. FormID: 000E576E TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 These jobs aren't going to finish themselves you know. FormID: 000E57A6 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hey, where do you think you're going? We have work to do. FormID: 000E57A7 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't muck this up. FormID: 000E57A8 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't forget your represntin' the Guild. Don't do anythin' stupid. FormID: 000E57AD TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Make us proud. FormID: 000E57AE TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful out there... wouldn't want to lose such a promisin' cutpurse now, would we. FormID: 000E57AF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Use your skills, not your blade and you'll do fine. FormID: 000E57B0 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 No killin' or no pay. Remember that. FormID: 000E57C9 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, keep it clean. We don't want blood on our hands. FormID: 000E57DF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Can I give you a little tip? Take every job you can get or else you'll end up a beggar. FormID: 000E57EF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hey, this guild needs the coin... walkin' away without takin' work is not going to make you popular around here. FormID: 000E57F2 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 There's plenty more work for the likes of you. FormID: 000E57F3 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 What's the matter, afraid of getting your hands dirty? FormID: 000E57F5 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Where you off to? There's work to be done. FormID: 000E57FC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Only way this guilds going to continue to grow is by takin' extra work. FormID: 000E5817 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Find me if you're ever lookin' for some extra coin. FormID: 000E584B TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Finally. Now I can get back to work. FormID: 000E58CD TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't hurry back, I won't be waiting. FormID: 000E58EC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck on your next job. FormID: 000E58F4 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Off for some wine, eh? Drink one for me. FormID: 000E58F6 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep to the shadows. FormID: 000E58F7 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seeing you. FormID: 000E58FE TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Always a pleasure... sarcasm... laugh at the end FormID: 000E5903 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Go and pick some fights. laugh at the end FormID: 000E5908 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Some other time, perhaps. FormID: 000E590B TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'm sure we'll speak again. FormID: 000E590E TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope we bump into each other again. FormID: 000E5915 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Maybe I'll see you around the Guild. FormID: 000E5919 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you ever need more practice with the bow, just grab me. FormID: 000E594B TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come find me if you need more marksman training. FormID: 000E594C TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Need any more pickpocket training, you just let me know. FormID: 000E5959 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come back and see me if you ever need pickpocket training. FormID: 000E67CE TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lad. FormID: 000E67CF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lass. FormID: 000FF98E TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 A word of advice. Don't disappoint me. FormID: 000FF98F TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'm watching you. FormID: 000E509A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic CUST 0 It was on a job a few years back... it was supposed to be a simple burglary on a house in Windhelm. FormID: 000E509A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic CUST 1 I was working with Vex and we got inside with no trouble. We found the loot, and made our way out. FormID: 000E508D TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well it was, up until the point where we set foot outside. The house was surrounded by town guard... the client had ratted us out. FormID: 000E508D TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Vex just tells me to run, so I did. Half of them went after me, the other half went after her. FormID: 000E507A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Are you kidding me? Vex lost them in seconds... once she steps into the shadows, she vanishes. FormID: 000E507A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Me? I ran... and I ran... straight through the gates of Windhelm and all the way back to Riften. FormID: 000E506C TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Vex was waiting for me at the Flagon when I came in... drenched in sweat. Everyone just took a look at me and laughed. FormID: 000E5062 TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Well, I had forgotten we had our horses tied up just outside of Windhelm... Vex rode hers back and arrived hours before I did. FormID: 000E5062 TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic04 CUST 1 So, that's how I earned the name. Now keep it to yourself. FormID: 000E5053 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic CUST 0 I used to live in Valenwood working at my father's winery... we made the finest wine to ever cross your lips I promise you. FormID: 000E5053 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic CUST 1 We were doing well, plenty of coin, a huge mansion and I was even betrothed to a lovely young woman. FormID: 000E5046 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Because it was dull. Every day was the same boring routine; working at the winery, social visits with friends, parties with no one I cared about. FormID: 000E5046 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I just wanted a little excitement. Something dangerous. FormID: 000E503B TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I hooked up with a guild in Valenwood... I think they called themselves the Silver Crescents. Spent quite a few years doing jobs for them. FormID: 000E503B TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Made a lot of coin, but I didn't care. I didn't really need it... I was running with them because it fit, made me feel alive. FormID: 000E502F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Well, after a while my father caught on to what I was doing. He confronted me one night and gave me a choice. FormID: 000E502F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Either leave Valenwood, or he'd have me thrown into jail. Gave me a day to say my goodbyes to everyone. FormID: 000E509F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I ended up in Skyrim thanks to a contact I'd made when I was with the Crescents... good old Delvin. FormID: 000E509F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic04 CUST 1 He introduced me to Gallus, and that was it. I've been here ever since. FormID: 000E509F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic04 CUST 2 And you know what? Despite what I left behind, I don't regret it one bit. FormID: 000E5098 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I don't really know you. I don't even really know anyone here. FormID: 000E5098 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic CUST 1 Why do you care anyway? It's not like we're family. This is a business. FormID: 000E5084 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Look, you want to know about me? All right, I'll tell you. FormID: 000E5084 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll tell you about the time I was a young girl, barely out of her teens... living on a pig farm in the middle of nowhere. FormID: 000E5084 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Didn't have a coin to spend between our entire family. Ate the same slop we fed our livestock. FormID: 000E5076 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Oh, wait... it gets much better. very sarcastic FormID: 000E5076 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 1 How about the fact that our farm was attacked by bandits, and that they killed my entire family who didn't even brandish a weapon against them. get more angry.. more heated as you talk. FormID: 000E5076 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Here's the best part. They took me as a prize, and violated me for a fortnight. Tossed me from bandit to bandit like... like... Furious now... anger should build until you realize the horror of what you're saying FormID: 000E5064 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 0 It's fine... I had to tell someone I suppose. calming down going into sadness FormID: 000E5064 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Carrying around a weight like that... it hurts after a while. Cuts you inside like a dagger to the heart. FormID: 000E505A TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Over time, I managed to gain their confidence. Then one night I grabbed a knife, waited until they fell asleep and cut their throats. very cold... distant FormID: 000E505A TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I never returned to that pig farm you know. There's nothing for me there. FormID: 000E505A TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 2 So that's my sad story. What do you think? FormID: 000E5050 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Maybe one day, just not today. FormID: 000E503F TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic CUST 0 Pull up a chair, my friend... this is quite a tale. FormID: 000E503F TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic CUST 1 When I started out in this business, I wasn't really interested in the Guild or being a thief. FormID: 000E5036 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I didn't mean to imply I was earning an honest living either. FormID: 000E5036 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic01 CUST 1 With my lock picking aptitude, I was a natural at jailbreaking... made a great deal of gold doing it too. proud FormID: 000E50A4 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic02 CUST 0 It's where a client pays you to get arrested, and you get thrown into a prison for the express purpose of breaking out. FormID: 000E50A4 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Usually it's to free someone the client cares about... and sometimes to... well, to kill someone on their behalf. FormID: 000E50A4 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Either way, the trick was in the escape, and that's where my strengths came in handy. FormID: 000E509C TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Well, as a jailbreaker, you work alone. No Guild to back you up. FormID: 000E509C TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic03 CUST 1 I'd do jobs for the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood, but if things didn't go as planned, I was on my own. FormID: 000E508E TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic04 CUST 0 The last jailbreak I attempted failed. I was imprisoned in High Rock for three years before they let me go. FormID: 000E508E TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic04 CUST 1 After that I promised myself I'd never do it again. FormID: 000E5080 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic05 CUST 0 I don't know. I think I realized that out in the world, my skills would bring me more wealth as a thief rather than an assassin. FormID: 000E5080 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Killing someone in a jail is much easier than what the Dark Brotherhood deals with. I guess I wanted to play it safe. FormID: 000E5080 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic05 CUST 2 I already knew Delvin, I asked if I could join up, and that was that. FormID: 000E506F TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic CUST 0 I joined up with them maybe ten years ago. FormID: 000E506F TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic CUST 1 Small clan... maybe twenty men. We'd raid villages, rob caravans... but it was always about the killing for them. FormID: 000E5063 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Don't get me wrong. The first few years with that clan were some of the best years of my life. FormID: 000E5063 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic01 CUST 1 All the food I could eat, all the wine I could drink and all the women I could bed. FormID: 000E5049 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic02 CUST 0 We raided a caravan one spring... I think it was a few wagons with some farmers moving to a new village. FormID: 000E5049 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic02 CUST 1 They didn't put up much of a fight. All that was left were the women and the children. FormID: 000E5049 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Then the leader of our clan... Garthek... he ordered us to kill the rest. FormID: 000E503C TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic03 CUST 0 No, we usually let them go. I refused to do it, and Garthek ordered the clan to kill me as well. FormID: 000E503C TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Luckily, I had made some friends with the clan who immediately sided with me. FormID: 000E503C TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic03 CUST 2 We tore each other to pieces. After it was over, those of us that remained simply went our separate ways. FormID: 000E50A0 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I left his head on a pike at the wreckage of the caravan. FormID: 000E50A0 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Never knew what became of the rest of the clan that survived. I suppose they moved on just like I did. FormID: 000E5099 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic CUST 0 My father told me he found me as a young boy in the wreckage of a ship that sank off of the coast near Solitude. FormID: 000E5099 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic CUST 1 All he found in my pocket was a tiny smooth stone inscribed with some sort of strange runes. FormID: 000E508A TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No one does. I've even taken the damn thing to the College of Winterhold. FormID: 000E508A TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I must have spent every last coin I've made with the Guild trying to find out what it means. FormID: 000E5079 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Perhaps. They could be nonsense... inane scribbles done by someone in idle boredom. FormID: 000E5079 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic02 CUST 1 But if not... if they actually mean something, they might tell me where I'm from... what ship was I on. Everything. FormID: 000E505D TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Actually, the fisherman who found me, the man I call my father gave it to me. FormID: 000E505D TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Thought it was fitting I suppose. I never changed it, because it never felt right to do so. FormID: 000E4EBA MQ203 SCEN 0 Ah! Here it is. FormID: 000E5045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I appreciate that. FormID: 000E5037 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic CUST 0 It's kind of an amusing tale. FormID: 000E5037 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic CUST 1 I was making my way down the road from Ivarstead towards Riften, and I saw Vex fighting off a couple of wolves. FormID: 000E502C TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, there were eight of them and she'd already killed three by the time I joined the fight. FormID: 000E502C TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Together, we made short work of them and the last one limped away licking its wounds. FormID: 000E509D TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Actually, that's when she politely asked me to hand over my coin purse. Can you imagine? laugh aloud at end FormID: 000E509D TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic02 CUST 1 We scuffled for a while, broke each other's weapons, and finally fell to the ground exhausted. FormID: 000E5097 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Indeed. FormID: 000E5097 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic03 CUST 1 After a few minutes, she looked me dead in the eye and asked me if I wanted to join the Guild. Just like that, no apologies. FormID: 000E5083 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Something told me I wouldn't regret it. I had heard the Guild was back on its feet again and most of Skyrim under its belt. FormID: 000E5083 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I'll tell you, I wouldn't want to cross blades with Vex again, but I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of a scuffle... innuendo FormID: 000E5070 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic CUST 0 Morrowind of course. Any Dunmer worth their weight in ash would tell you the same. FormID: 000E5070 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic CUST 1 I used to be a member of the Morang Tong. FormID: 000E5059 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic01 CUST 0 We were an assassins guild that was sanctioned by the Empire to provide public as well as private executions. FormID: 000E5059 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic01 CUST 1 We did this in the name of Mephala, whom I used to quite fervently worship. FormID: 000E504F TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic02 CUST 0 No. In fact, the Tong were quite the bitter rivals with the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 000E504F TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Where they operate within the shadows, we operated on the side of justice. FormID: 000E5035 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I didn't have a choice. When the Red Mountain erupted in Morrowind, the Tong fled... spread to the nine winds. FormID: 000E5035 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic03 CUST 1 We made a pact that one day, we might reunite... but I believe that day is long in coming. FormID: 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Have you taken leave of your senses? FormID: 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 1 If the Dark Brotherhood discovered I had been a Morang Tong, they would come after me with a vengeance. FormID: 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 2 Better to stay out of sight and ply my trade with the Thieves Guild than risk a contract on my head. FormID: 000E509B TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic05 CUST 0 I should hope so. The Dark Brotherhood is also known to place contracts on those who associate with the Morang Tong as well. FormID: 000E509B TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic05 CUST 1 So, unless you wish a visit from one of their own, I'd suggest you follow your own advice and keep your mouth shut. FormID: 000E4D63 NN01 NN01AvrusaSinderionBranch NN01AvrusaBranchSinderionTopic CUST 0 I knew this day would eventually come. FormID: 000E4D63 NN01 NN01AvrusaSinderionBranch NN01AvrusaBranchSinderionTopic CUST 1 At least poor Sinderion died doing what he loved, his field research. I told the old fool he should take it easy, but he was too stubborn. FormID: 000E4D63 NN01 NN01AvrusaSinderionBranch NN01AvrusaBranchSinderionTopic CUST 2 Perhaps someday I'll continue where he left off, it's the least I can do considering how much he did for me. FormID: 000E4D61 NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic CUST 0 Crimson Nirnroot? I'd heard such a strain existed, but never imagined I'd see any in my lifetime. FormID: 000E4D61 NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic CUST 1 Where did you find this? FormID: 000E4D5F NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Blackreach... why does that sound so familiar? pondering aloud to self FormID: 000E4D5F NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Of course! It's where my mentor, Sinderion said he was going to do his field research. FormID: 000E4D5F NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic01 CUST 2 It's been... years I think, but perhaps you could still find him. FormID: 000E4D6C NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 You've gathered quite a few of them I see. FormID: 000E4D6C NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll search through Sinderion's notes and find some more information about the Crimson Nirnroot and its properties. FormID: 000E4D6A NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 000E4D6A NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You've done alchemy a great service by helping to complete Sinderion's work. FormID: 000E4D6A NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I'd like to give you this's one of Sinderion's greatest works. I believe you've more than earned it. FormID: 000E4D68 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 Where did all these pretty red plants come from? FormID: 000E4D66 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 Remember Uncle Sinderion? These are the plants he was searching for... the Crimson Nirnroot. FormID: 000E4D65 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 They're beautiful. I can see why he wanted to find them. FormID: 000E4D64 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 One day, these beautiful plants will make us famous and we can finally move off of this farm... thanks to Sinderion. FormID: 000E4D62 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranch DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 0 I used to be. There isn't much time for that in my life anymore I'm afraid. FormID: 000E4D62 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranch DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 1 I actually owned a shop in Vivec City long ago, but I had to leave all that behind when the Red Mountain erupted. FormID: 000E4D62 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranch DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 2 Perhaps someday I'll reopen a shop here in Skyrim. FormID: 000E4D60 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01Alt CUST 0 Yes. He was an absolute genius when it came to the nirnroot. FormID: 000E4D60 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01Alt CUST 1 Sinderion made it his life's work, developing all sorts of interesting concoctions. FormID: 000E4D6B DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic CUST 0 When I was very young, I was sent to Skingrad in Cyrodiil to study with him. FormID: 000E4D6B DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic CUST 1 He was a strange Altmer... paid more attention to his research than his own well-being. He lived in the basement of an inn for goodness sakes! chuckle lightly at end FormID: 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, after I fled Morrowind during the eruption, I made my way here... my family had purchased this farm and its all we had left. FormID: 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Years later, Sinderion simply showed up at our doorstep asking to stay for a while... said he was going to do field research. FormID: 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 2 He stayed with us for decades... became an uncle of sorts to Aduri. FormID: 000E4D67 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic02 CUST 0 One day he simply ran out to me in the field, excited that he'd made some sort of a breakthrough and he was going to head out on another trip. FormID: 000E4D67 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic02 CUST 1 He never returned. From the journal you discovered, I'm sure you know the rest. FormID: 000E4D2B dunGauldursonQST dunGauldursonQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Gauldur! Shocked, afraid. FormID: 000E4D2C dunGauldursonQST dunGauldursonQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Bormah! 'Father' in dragon. Shocked, afraid. FormID: 000E4A2E MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigBribeAttempt CUST 0 Ah, I think that'll do just the trick. FormID: 000E4A2F MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigBribeAttempt CUST 0 You'll need a little more coin than what you're floatin' around with. FormID: 000E4A3C DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusHelpMeOrNot CUST 0 One block lifts the other. Septimus will give what you want, but you must bring him something in return. FormID: 000E4A39 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusPlayerThreaten CUST 0 Oh, a brutish one. Septimus has no fear of you. But as one block raises another, perhaps ourselves could help us each. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 0 You see this masterwork of the Dwemer. Deep inside their greatest knowings. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 1 Septimus is clever among men, but he is but an idiot child compared to the dullest of the Dwemer. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 2 Lucky then they left behind their own way of reading the Elder Scrolls. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 3 In the depths of Blackreach one yet lies. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 4 Have you heard of Blackreach? [QUOTE]Cast upon where Dwemer cities slept, the yearning spire hidden learnings kept.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E4A37 DA04 DA04SeptimusSphereWhat DA04SeptimusSphereWhatTopic CUST 0 The deepest doors of Dwemer listen for singing. It plays the attitude of notes proper for opening. Can you not hear it? Too low for hearings? FormID: 000E4A36 DA04 DA04SeptimusCubeWhat DA04SeptimusCubeWhatTopic CUST 0 To glimpse the world inside an Elder Scroll can damage the eyes. Or the mind, as it has to Septimus. FormID: 000E4A36 DA04 DA04SeptimusCubeWhat DA04SeptimusCubeWhatTopic CUST 1 The Dwemer found a loophole, as they always do. To focus the knowledge away and inside without harm. FormID: 000E4A36 DA04 DA04SeptimusCubeWhat DA04SeptimusCubeWhatTopic CUST 2 Place the lexicon into their contraption and focus the knowings into it. When it brims with glow, bring it back and Septimus can read once more. FormID: 000E4A32 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhatNextBranch DA04SeptimusGotLexicon CUST 0 Give it, quickly. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 0 Extraordinary. I see it now. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 1 The sealing structure interlocks in the tiniest fractals. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 2 Dwemer blood can loose the hooks, but none alive remain to bear it. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 3 A panoply of their brethren could gather to form a facsimile. A trick. Something they didn't anticipate, no, not even them. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 4 The blood of Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Falmer, and Orsimer. The elves still living provide the key. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 5 Bear you hence this extractor. It will drink the fresh blood of elves. Come when its set is complete. FormID: 000E4A41 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Not now. FormID: 000E4A42 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 This isn't a good time. FormID: 000E4A43 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 The old man had one wish before he died. And he didn't get it. It's as simple as that. FormID: 000E4A44 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 That's fine for you. But he wanted to be clean. FormID: 000E4A44 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 He wanted to meet Ysgramor and know the glories of Sovngarde. But all that was taken from him. FormID: 000E4A45 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 No, Farkas, he didn't. And that's not what this is about. FormID: 000E4A45 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 We should be honoring Kodlak, no matter our own thoughts on the blood. [QUOTE]no matter[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]regardless of[QUOTE] FormID: 000E4A46 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Kodlak used to speak of a way to cleanse his soul, even in death. FormID: 000E4A46 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 You know the legends of the Tomb of Ysgramor. FormID: 000E4A47 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Is that? Did you repair the blade? FormID: 000E4A48 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Being moon-born is not so much of a curse as you might think, Vilkas. FormID: 000E4A49 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 And you avenged him. FormID: 000E4A4A C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 You're right. It's what he wanted, and he deserved to have it. this is a major concession, admitting that you were wrong FormID: 000E4A4B C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 There the souls of the Harbingers will heed the call of northern steel. FormID: 000E4A4C C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 We can't even enter the tomb without Wuuthrad, and it's in pieces, like it has been for a thousand years. FormID: 000E4A4D C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Kodlak did not care for vengeance. FormID: 000E4A4E C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 And dragons were just stories. And the elves once ruled Skyrim. FormID: 000E4A4E C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 Just because something is, doesn't mean it must be. FormID: 000E4A4E C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 2 The blade is a weapon. A tool. Tools are meant to be broken. And repaired. FormID: 000E4A4F C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the first time I've had all the pieces, thanks to our Shield-Brother here. FormID: 000E4A50 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the first time I've had all the pieces, thanks to our Shield-Sister here. FormID: 000E4A51 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 [QUOTE]The flames of a hero can reforge the shattered.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E4A51 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 The flames of Kodlak shall fuel the rebirth of Wuuthrad. And now it will take you to meet him once more. FormID: 000E4A52 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 The rest of you, prepare to journey to the Tomb of Ysgramor. For Kodlak. FormID: 000E4A53 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 As the one who bore the fragments, I think you should be the one to carry Wuuthrad into battle. FormID: 000E4A54 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I can't go any further, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000E4A55 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I can't go any further, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000E4A60 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Ever since Dustman's Cairn, the big crawly ones have been too much for me. FormID: 000E4A60 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 Everyone has his weakness, and this one is mine. FormID: 000E4A60 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 2 I'm not proud, but I will stay back with Vilkas. Give my regards to Ysgramor. FormID: 000E4A81 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Did I hear right? Did he say you were to lead the Companions? FormID: 000E4C8D C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I'm just surprised. But your strength and honor are apparent to all. FormID: 000E4C8F C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 You've earned the right. Your strength and honor are apparent to all. FormID: 000E4C91 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 And it's my honor to be first to address you as Harbinger. FormID: 000E4C92 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Let's go tell the others. FormID: 000E4A31 C06 C06EorlundHeresTheLastPiece C06EorlundHeresTheLastPieceTopic CUST 0 You're back. FormID: 000E4A30 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundMyPleasure CUST 0 Thank you. I'll be here. FormID: 000E4A2D C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundForCryinOutLoud CUST 0 I appreciate it. FormID: 000E4A2C C06 C06EorlundHeresTheLastPiece C06EorlundHereTakeIt CUST 0 Thank you. Your Shield-Siblings have withdrawn to the Underforge. I think they're waiting for you. FormID: 000E4A3A MS11 MS11GuardsGettingIntoHjerim MS11HjerimTovaContinuation CUST 0 I think her mother, Tova, has the key. FormID: 000E4A3B MS11 MS11GuardsGettingIntoHjerim MS11HjerimTovaContinuation CUST 0 Her mother would have had the key, but she... that family is cursed, I tell you. FormID: 000E4A08 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 I don't want to be responsible for sending you to your death. Be careful in the mine. FormID: 000E4A09 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't kid yourself... stone runs in our blood. FormID: 000E4A0A DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the road favor the foolish... laugh at the end FormID: 000E4A0B DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Darkwater Crossing is a difficult journey. Mind yourself. FormID: 000E4A0C DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep yourself safe, traveler. FormID: 000E4A0D DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Fortune to you and your children. FormID: 000E4A03 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 Redbelly Mine gets its name from the red mist filling the place. FormID: 000E4A03 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 You get used to it after a while... kind of smells like the hot springs out in the tundra. FormID: 000E4A03 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 2 No idea what's causing it though. FormID: 000E4A04 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 Mining iron takes a lot of strength and special reinforced tools. FormID: 000E4A04 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 I must have broken five or six pickaxes in the last few months alone. FormID: 000E4A04 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 2 But now that I've got Rocksplinter here, I can cut through stone like a hot knife through butter. FormID: 000E4A05 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 I might be a woman, but I can crack rock with the best of them. FormID: 000E4A05 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 Be careful in there, you can take a nasty spill. FormID: 000E4A06 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 Damn place is filled with this reddish mist. Can't see more than ten feet in front of your face. FormID: 000E4A06 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 But when you can sniff out a vein of iron like me, it isn't too much trouble. FormID: 000E49A9 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic CUST 0 It's full of spiders, that's what's wrong with it! Almost killed Grogmar and me when they showed up. FormID: 000E49A9 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm worried that they'll come out of the mine looking for food soon... then we're in even bigger trouble. FormID: 000E48FA MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Go! We'll follow when we can! FormID: 000E48F9 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get back! yelling to get away from the flames FormID: 0006A6FA FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersDoneBranch FFSS01SpidersDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Gone? Every one of them? Why, that's incredible. FormID: 000E4905 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranch FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 0 Finally, we can reopen the mine and put Shor's Stone back on the map! thrilled FormID: 000E4905 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranch FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, please accept this gift as a token of our gratitude. FormID: 0006A701 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 Moved right in and made themselves at home. Did it overnight. I'm not even sure exactly where they came from. FormID: 0006A701 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 No one's been hurt yet, and they seem to be staying in the mine, but who knows how long that will last? FormID: 0006A701 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 2 If we can't get back into the mine, our town is sunk. FormID: 0006A702 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 One day we were cracking rocks in the deepest parts of the mine and the next day they were all over the place. FormID: 0006A702 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 I'd give my eye teeth if it meant getting those damn spiders out of the mine! FormID: 000E49E6 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Tell you what. Keep to your word, and I'll line your pockets with as much as I can scrape up. FormID: 000E49E4 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I never asked you to help in the first place. Why would I? Everyone in Skyrim only helps themselves. FormID: 000E49E3 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Wait... you mean you killed every last one of them? I can't believe it! FormID: 000E49E2 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic00 CUST 0 They're as useless as a fifth wheel on a wagon. Gave me some sort of a line about [QUOTE]keeping an eye out for enemy soldiers.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E49E2 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic00 CUST 1 What's the point in protecting this place if the mine's completely useless? Idiots. FormID: 000E49AB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic CUST 0 My parents live there. I usually make the journey to bring them gifts and to just say hello, but I haven't been well lately. FormID: 000E49AB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic CUST 1 I've written some letters and placed them in a satchel. Perhaps you wouldn't mind delivering it to them on my behalf? FormID: 000E49AA FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02VernerBranch FFSS02VernerBranchTopic CUST 0 It's a shame our daughter couldn't make the journey herself, but at least she still thinks of us. FormID: 000E49AA FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02VernerBranch FFSS02VernerBranchTopic CUST 1 If you wouldn't mind bringing this back to her for us, I'd appreciate it. FormID: 000E49A8 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You would? Well then, I would insist on rewarding you for your time. FormID: 000E49A8 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Here, take my satchel and give it to my father, Verner. He'll likely have something for you to bring back. FormID: 000E4904 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yes, indeed. disappointed FormID: 000E48FB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaSickBranch FFSS02SylgjaSickBranchTopic CUST 0 I had a bad fall in the mine when I was bringing some food to the men. feel stupid for making a mistake FormID: 000E48FB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaSickBranch FFSS02SylgjaSickBranchTopic CUST 1 I was pretty bad off for a while, but a priest of Mara was passing through on his way to Dawnstar and healed me to the best of his abilities. FormID: 000E48FB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaSickBranch FFSS02SylgjaSickBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm still pretty sore and can't really walk too far without having to rest for a while. FormID: 000E49E5 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranch FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes... seems he sent back my satchel stuffed with letters. I look forward to reading them. FormID: 000E49E5 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranch FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 1 I appreciate the delivery, here... I want you to have this. I insist. FormID: 000E41B3 TG01 SCEN 0 Just pay them, Bersi! FormID: 000E41B4 TG01 SCEN 0 Oh my word! FormID: 000E41B5 TG01 SCEN 0 This isn't happening! FormID: 000E40A4 CW03 SCEN 0 You were right Galmar. upset FormID: 000E40A3 CW03 SCEN 0 Again? mock shock, as in [QUOTE]of course i'm right, I'm always right[QUOTE] FormID: 000E409D CW03 SCEN 0 I'm in no mood to joke. serious, smoldering anger FormID: 000E40B4 CW03 SCEN 0 Give the word, my lord, and Whiterun is yours. matching his the serious tone of his lord FormID: 000E40A5 CW03 SCEN 0 Whiterun is only a means to an end. distant, thinking of the future FormID: 000E409C CW03 SCEN 0 I've toured our camps. We're ready, Ulfric... urging action FormID: 000E409C CW03 SCEN 1 Whenever you are. slight hint of disappointment FormID: 000E40B0 CW03 SCEN 0 Is any man ever ready to give the order that will mean the deaths of many. conflicted FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 0 No. But neither is every man able to give that order when he must. kicking into stern mentor mode FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 1 But you are that man, Ulfric. You've been that man before, and you'll be him again. forceful, as a father FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 2 And these men and women - they call themselves Stormcloaks because they believe in you... forceful, as a father FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 3 They're the meanest, toughest sons of bitches Skyrim has to offer. And they want this. forceful, rising intensity FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 4 They want this as much as you do. Perhaps they want it more. forceful, goading FormID: 000E409E CW03 SCEN 0 You're certain we're ready? conflicted, looking for affirmation FormID: 000E409E CW03 SCEN 1 Whiterun's army will no doubt be bolstered with Legionnares. And those walls around Whiterun are old, but they still stand. looking for affirmation FormID: 000E40AB CW03 SCEN 0 We're ready. forceful certitude [QUOTE]You better F'ing believe it buddy.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E40AB CW03 SCEN 1 And I might be old myself, but I'll kick those damn walls down with my bare feet! - if you would only ask me to do it! joking, roaring, pleading FormID: 000E409A CW03 SCEN 0 And I'm sure you could do it, too. chuckling, tension released FormID: 000E409A CW03 SCEN 1 Alright. gaining composure, seriousness FormID: 000E409A CW03 SCEN 2 This is it. certain, made up his mind, and it means war FormID: 000E40A0 CW03 SCEN 0 Yes! with grit, deep from the belly exuberance, the warrior stirs FormID: 000E4099 CW03 SCEN 0 Send the word. [QUOTE]A new day is dawning and the sun rises over Whiterun.[QUOTE] as king, poised, forceful, eloquent FormID: 000E40A7 CW03 SCEN 0 Aye, and the sons of Skyrim will greet that dawn teeth and swords flashing. with grit, the warrior stirs FormID: 000E409B CW03 SCEN 0 So it begins. as king, poised, forceful FormID: 000E40AC CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarTopic CUST 0 Make haste to our camp in Whiterun. I want you on the front lines. giving an order to a new recruit Walk Away FormID: 000E40AC CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarTopic CUST 1 I have a feeling about you. Your place is on that battlefield. I need you there. sincere, urgent, commanding Walk Away FormID: 000E40B1 CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarYesSir CUST 0 Fight well, or die well. Talos be with you! a king committing a soldier to battle FormID: 000E40AA CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarManyWillDie CUST 0 Then I commit them to whatever gods they still believe in. ironic air of authority FormID: 000E40AA CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarManyWillDie CUST 1 Talos be with you! a king committing a soldier to battle [QUOTE]God be with you.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E3F51 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 I think it's time we make this Guild Master thing official. Go and talk to Brynjolf, he's makin' preparations. FormID: 000E3F52 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 I heard Brynjolf is looking for you. I think it's time for the Guild to have a new leader. FormID: 000E3F53 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 So, they're making you leader, huh? Better go find Brynjolf so he can seal the deal. FormID: 000E3F54 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 I heard Brynjolf wants to see you about being Guild Master. I suppose my turn will come one day, but for now you'll do nicely. FormID: 000E3F55 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 So, they're making you Guild Master, eh? Good. Just find Brynjolf and he can make it official. FormID: 000E3F56 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf's been looking for you about the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000E3F57 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf tells me you'll make an excellent Guild Master. Oh, he's looking for you, by the way. FormID: 000E3F58 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 What are you doing talking to me? Didn't you know Brynjolf's been trying to find you? It's time to install you as Guild Master! FormID: 000EA2CA TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf's looking for you. Something about becoming the Guild Master. FormID: 000EA2CB TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you're finally going to make Guild Master, eh? Well, you better track down Brynjolf to seal the deal. FormID: 000EA2CC TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Guild Master, huh? Well, guess we could do worse. Better go see Brynjolf about it. FormID: 000EA2CD TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf told me he was looking for you about the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000EA2CE TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you know Brynjolf was looking for you? I think it's about the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000EA2CF TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf's been looking for you. He wants to discuss the Guild Master ceremony. Congratulations... boss. FormID: 000E3F4B TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, my friend... the time's come to make it official. It's time to become our Guild Master. FormID: 000E3F4B TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranchTopic CUST 1 Don't worry, I promise this will be short and sweet. If you'll just meet us in the center of the cistern room, we can begin. FormID: 000E3F5C TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I suppose you deserve it. Couldn't do any worse than Mercer, anyway. FormID: 000E3F5D TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I'm not getting any younger. Let's get this ceremony done with. FormID: 000E3F5E TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 So now the pupil is the master, eh? Good show! FormID: 000E3F5F TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Not now, it's time for the ceremony. FormID: 000E3F60 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 You need anything, anything at all... don't hesitate to ask. FormID: 000E3F61 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We can talk after the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000E3F62 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I am at your service. FormID: 000E3F63 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Don't talk to me, you're supposed to be at the ceremony! FormID: 000E3F64 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We're all rich thanks to you. Cheers! FormID: 000E3F65 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We'll chat after the ceremony. FormID: 000E3F66 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I promise to live up to your expectations. FormID: 000E3F67 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Shouldn't the ceremony be completed first? FormID: 000E3F68 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Glad to see they picked the right person for the job. FormID: 000E3F69 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We can get better acquainted once the ceremony's ended. FormID: 000E3F6A TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Congratulations, boss! FormID: 000E3F6B TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We can speak after the ceremony's done. FormID: 000E3F6C TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I can't think of a better person for the job, Nightingale. FormID: 000E3F6D TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 After Brynjolf has installed you as Guild Master, we can speak at length. FormID: 000E3F6E TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I suppose congratulations are in order. Now don't screw it up. FormID: 000E3F6F TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Not now, you idiot. We'll talk after this ridiculous ceremony. FormID: 000EA2BE TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Well, looks like you're running the show now. Good luck. FormID: 000EA2BF TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Wait until the ceremony is over, then we'll talk. FormID: 000EA2C0 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 As long as you continue to make us all rich, I'm behind you. FormID: 000EA2C1 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Hang on. When the ceremony's done, we'll talk. FormID: 000EA2C2 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 So, now that you're Guild Master, how about drinks for all of us! laugh at end FormID: 000EA2C3 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Not yet... wait until Brynjolf's finished the ceremony. FormID: 000EA2C4 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I think everyone's waiting for the ceremony to get going. FormID: 000EA2C5 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I think everyone's waiting for the ceremony to get going. FormID: 000EA2C6 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We'll talk later... after this whole ceremony thing's over. FormID: 000EA2C7 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We'll talk later... after this whole ceremony thing's over. FormID: 000EA2C8 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Here's to a long and prosperous future... may the Guild last another hundred years. FormID: 000EA2C9 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 What are you doing? You're supposed to be attending the ceremony. FormID: 000E3F50 TGLeadership SCEN 0 Look, I've never been good at these things, so I'm just going to keep it short. FormID: 000E3F50 TGLeadership SCEN 1 Being Guild Master means more than just getting a cut of all the loot, it's about being a leader and keeping this rabble in order. FormID: 000E3F50 TGLeadership SCEN 2 With that in mind, I propose that the position of Guild Master should be yours. FormID: 000E3F5B TGLeadership SCEN 0 Delvin? FormID: 000E3F4E TGLeadership SCEN 0 Agreed. FormID: 000E3F4C TGLeadership SCEN 0 Vex? FormID: 000E3F59 TGLeadership SCEN 0 Sure, why not. FormID: 000E3F4A TGLeadership SCEN 0 Karliah? FormID: 000E3F4F TGLeadership SCEN 0 Absolutely. FormID: 000E3F4D TGLeadership SCEN 0 Everyone is in agreement, so all I can do now is name you Guild Master and wish you good fortune and long life. FormID: 000E3F5A TGLeadership SCEN 0 Now everyone get back to work. FormID: 000E32F0 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01AduriBranch FFSarethi01AduriBranchTopic CUST 0 Aduri is what some would call a free spirit. She likes to wander the fall forest for hours on end. overworked, tired FormID: 000E32F0 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01AduriBranch FFSarethi01AduriBranchTopic CUST 1 If we were still living at my alchemy shop in Vivec City, it wouldn't be so bad, she could wander the canals all day. tired, overworked FormID: 000E32F0 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01AduriBranch FFSarethi01AduriBranchTopic CUST 2 But around here, there's a tremendous amount of work to get done, not to mention the dangers she's not ready to face. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E6F FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic02 CUST 0 I don't need luck, I need rest. overworked, tired FormID: 000E3E6C FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01BranchDone FFSarethi01BranchDoneTopic CUST 0 Fantastic. I was concerned I had asked for too many, but I'm glad to see you proved me wrong. FormID: 000E3E61 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01BranchDoneFin FFSarethi01BranchDoneFinTopic CUST 0 Let me at least give you something for your efforts... finding all of these couldn't have been easy... or cheap. FormID: 000E3E12 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic03 CUST 0 My goodness, how did you ever come by all of these? FormID: 000E3E12 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic03 CUST 1 No matter, I appreciate your generosity. FormID: 000E3E88 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come visit again sometime. FormID: 000E3E89 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck finding those jazbay grapes, they're very rare. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E8A DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Back to work. tired, overworked FormID: 0006B997 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic CUST 0 A few days ago, some thieves from Riften broke in here and stole it! Can you imagine? Took the only thing of value we had. FormID: 0006B997 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic CUST 1 If you have the guts to head into the Ratway and get my bow back, I'll pay you what I can. FormID: 0006B998 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01DoneBranch FFMF01DoneBranchTopic CUST 0 That's it! You found it! FormID: 000E3E1C FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01BowBranch FFMF01BowBranchTopic CUST 0 I bumped into them when I was coming back to my farm after buying supplies. FormID: 000E3E1C FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01BowBranch FFMF01BowBranchTopic CUST 1 I know those lowlifes took it with them back to the Ratway. They left an unmistakable stench behind. FormID: 000E3E1C FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01BowBranch FFMF01BowBranchTopic CUST 2 It was a family heirloom. I can't even put a price on how much that thing means to me. FormID: 000E3E78 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thanks. It would be nice to have it back... means a lot to me. FormID: 000E3E74 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic02 CUST 0 Fine. I'll wait until someone else with a little more courage comes along. FormID: 000E3E72 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic03 CUST 0 That's it! That's my bow! FormID: 000E3E6E FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01DoneFinBranch FFMF01DoneFinBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know how you got it back, and I don't want to know. Frankly, I don't even care... I'm just so glad to see it again. FormID: 000E3E6E FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01DoneFinBranch FFMF01DoneFinBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, this is all can afford to give you as compensation. Hope it's enough. FormID: 000E3E62 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Dragons, thieves and war. I should have stayed in Morrowind. grumbling to self FormID: 000E3E6A DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 The Ratway is somewhere under Riften, shouldn't be too tough to find. FormID: 000E3E6B DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch yourself out there or they'll take everything away from you. FormID: 000E3E11 DialogueMerryfairFarm DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranch DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding me? We're all alone out here except for a few guards who couldn't give a damn about us. FormID: 000E3E11 DialogueMerryfairFarm DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranch DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranchTopic CUST 1 We make easy pickings for thieves looking to steal everything we worked so hard for. FormID: 000E3E11 DialogueMerryfairFarm DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranch DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranchTopic CUST 2 Not only did I they take my bow, but they took all of our coin as well. Nothing's sacred to these people. FormID: 0006BBA8 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic CUST 0 He said he was going east towards the border of Morrowind to trade some of our grain to some folks at Broken Helm Hollow. FormID: 0006BBA8 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic CUST 1 I waited and waited, and he never came back. Probably shacked up with some elven whore. Good riddance to him I say. FormID: 0006BBA8 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic CUST 2 If I only knew where he was, I'd sure give him a piece of my mind. FormID: 0006BBA2 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01DoneBranch FFHM01DoneBranchTopic CUST 0 No, it can't be... oh my... and all this time, I was thinking he'd been unfaithful to me. I feel so stupid. almost crying FormID: 000E3E77 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHMDoneFinBranch FFHMDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been a fool, wasting my time sitting here helpless when I could have sent help sooner. Perhaps this is all my doing... FormID: 000E3E77 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHMDoneFinBranch FFHMDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 1 What's done is done. Here, I want you to have this. Bringing me closure was kind of you. FormID: 000E3E70 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Good. If you see him, tell him Grosta said he can go straight to Oblivion... he's not welcome here any more. FormID: 000E3E83 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic02 CUST 0 No, it can't be... oh my... and all this time, I was thinking he'd been unfaithful to me. I feel so stupid. almost crying FormID: 000E3E7A FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic03 CUST 0 Doesn't matter. I'm sure he's long gone by now anyway. FormID: 000E3E76 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01HusbandBranch FFHM01HusbandBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, he said that a few men have been going by to some of the local farms promising a good price from all the local mills and farms. FormID: 000E3E76 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01HusbandBranch FFHM01HusbandBranchTopic CUST 1 Leifnarr said they'd pay double what you can usually get at the markets. FormID: 000E3E76 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01HusbandBranch FFHM01HusbandBranchTopic CUST 2 The catch was, he had to head out there with our wood. So not only is Leifnarr gone, but a good bit of our supplies as well. FormID: 000E3E90 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Bye, mister. FormID: 000E3E91 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Bye, lady. FormID: 000E3E92 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Drop by and see us again if you're ever in the area. FormID: 000E3E93 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember to tell that bastard I never want to see his ugly face again! FormID: 000E3E94 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Quit taking advantage of us and this world might be a better place, you got that? FormID: 000E3E95 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't let the men take advantage of you, always be on your guard. FormID: 000E3E7C DialogueHeartwoodMill DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranch DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranchTopic CUST 0 With just myself and one child, it's damn near impossible. FormID: 000E3E7C DialogueHeartwoodMill DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranch DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranchTopic CUST 1 With Leifnarr gone, it's really put me in a terrible bind. I'm having trouble making ends meet. FormID: 000E3E7C DialogueHeartwoodMill DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranch DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranchTopic CUST 2 At this rate, we won't last more than a few more seasons at best. Then I'll just have to sell the old place. FormID: 000E3C53 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayMane DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 0 We've got an old saying -- the Gray-Manes have lived in Whiterun since the first snows fell in Skyrim. Proud FormID: 000E3C53 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayMane DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 1 Well, maybe that's not entirely true, but our clan's got a long an' proud history in this hold. Proud FormID: 000E3C53 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayMane DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 2 We respect the old ways, the Nord ways, an' a Gray-Mane has worked the Skyforge since before the time of my grandfather's father. Proud FormID: 000E3DD2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBorn DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 0 Aye, they're an old clan like ours, but they cast their lot with the Empire when the uprising began. Derision, distaste. You don't like the Battle-Born clan - they're your biggest rivals. FormID: 000E3DD2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBorn DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 1 Olfrid Battle-Born made his money from farming, an' got himself some new friends among the Empire's nobles. Derision, distaste. You don't like the Battle-Born clan - they're your biggest rivals FormID: 000E3DD2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBorn DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 2 Now he's in the Emperor's pocket like the rest of 'em, with no regard for honor an' tradition. Derision, distaste. You don't like the Battle-Born clan - they're your biggest rivals FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 0 Aye, we used to be fast friends, though it was long ago. Sad FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 1 We were two of the city's oldest an' most-respected clans, an' we could trace our histories all the way back to Ysgramor's companions. Sad, wistful FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 2 But then Olfrid got rich an' decided he an his kin were too good for us simple, backwards Nord folk. FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 3 When the troubles began, he took the Empire's side. We haven't spoken much since then. FormID: 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 0 Well, first an' foremost there's repairs to make an' wounds to heal. Folks are depending on us getting the city back in working order. FormID: 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 1 Once things settle down, I'll be lookin' to recruit more guards for the city, then shore up our stores of food an' water. FormID: 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 2 The Empire might try an take the city back, or worse, we'll get a visit from a dragon. We've got to be ready for both. FormID: 000E3DCB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalos DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalosTopic CUST 0 Aye, with a certainty. FormID: 000E3DCB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalos DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalosTopic CUST 1 It was Talos that helped us win back the city. I'm as sure of that as the sun rising in the morning. FormID: 000E3DCB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalos DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalosTopic CUST 2 Might even build a new temple and put Heimskr in charge of it. Hah! I bet he'd like that. Amuse with yourself. The [QUOTE]hah![QUOTE] is a burst of laughter. FormID: 000E3DC9 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 I won't say it again, Vignar - Talos worship is forbidden. It's the Empire's law, and we're still a part of the Empire. FormID: 000E3DC7 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 A law made at the tip of an Aldmeri sword, aye. A sword stained red with Nord blood. FormID: 000E3DC7 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 1 Is this what our people fought and died for? To forsake our most beloved ancestor and divine? FormID: 000E3DC5 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 I'm no happier about this than you are, but I don't want the see the Thalmor rounding up people in the streets and throwing them in prison. FormID: 000E3DC3 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 Do your loyalties lie with the Thalmor, then? Icy FormID: 000E3CD5 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 I warn you, Gray-Mane, you are treading on dangerous ground. Warning, icy FormID: 000E3DD4 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 Don't threaten me, boy. You're either a Nord who respects our traditions, or you're not. Angry, scolding FormID: 000E3DD4 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 1 If not, it isn't me you'll have to answer to, but the people of this city and this hold. Angry, scolding FormID: 000E3DD1 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Someone's been pilfering crops from my farm. If I find out it's one of your kin, I'll see the culprit rot in prison. Accusing FormID: 000E3DCF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I'm surprised you had the wits to notice, Olfrid, what with your nose buried so far up the Emperor's backside. Mocking FormID: 000E3DCC DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 You won't be laughing when the Thalmor come to root out Stormcloak sympathizers. Cold, warning FormID: 000E3DCC DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 I've already put in a claim to the land and property you'll forfeit when you're found to be a collaborator. FormID: 000E3DC8 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I'll remember that when the Stormcloaks liberate the city. No amount of money will protect you then, Battle-Born. Warning, ominous FormID: 000E3DC6 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I've heard you Gray-Manes are collaborating with the Stormcloaks. If I see any such treachery, I'll deal with you myself. Contemptuous FormID: 000E3DC4 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Bold words, Battle-Born. While you're meting out justice to traitors, are you going to deal with the Emperor, as well? FormID: 000E3DC2 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 What? Speak your meaning plainly, old man. Angry, but also confused FormID: 000E3C54 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 How many Nords died to save the Empire? And what was our reward? Accusatory, hostile FormID: 000E3C54 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 The worship of Talos outlawed, and now the Thalmor come to conduct their witch-hunts while the Empire stands idly by. Accusatory, hostile FormID: 000E3DD3 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Don't lecture me about treachery, whelp. You don't know the meaning of the word. Harsh, accusatory FormID: 000E3DCE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWork DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWorkTopic CUST 0 Well, it could be worse. The former steward, Proventus, kept very detailed records. FormID: 000E3DCE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWork DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWorkTopic CUST 1 But yes, it's been a lot of work. Vignar doesn't want the change to disrupt the lives of his people. They've got enough to deal with already. FormID: 000E3DCA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragons DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragonsTopic CUST 0 And we've done as much as we can to prepare for that. FormID: 000E3DCA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragons DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragonsTopic CUST 1 But remember, Whiterun is home to the Companions. Any dragon that comes here will get more than he's bargained for, I think. Trying to sound confident, while not really feeling that way. FormID: 000BD7E2 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's as rewarding as it is dangerous. Let's see what I can show you. FormID: 00085506 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I think I can teach you a thing or two. FormID: 00085507 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I think I can teach you a thing or two. FormID: 000E3A37 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can certainly share a bit of what I know. FormID: 00085508 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can certainly share a bit of what I know. FormID: 000E3A38 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You wish to learn from the best, eh? So be it. FormID: 000B5FAD DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can. It might save your life. FormID: 000ADA18 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can. It might save your life. FormID: 000E3A39 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You deal with powerful forces. Take care they do not overwhelm you. FormID: 000ADA19 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you some of what I know, but be careful. FormID: 000ADA1B DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you some of what I know, but be careful. FormID: 000E3A3A DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you, but I won't be held responsible for what you do with the knowledge. FormID: 00066978 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you, but I won't be held responsible for what you do with the knowledge. FormID: 000B8127 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Mind what - or who - you practice this on. FormID: 000E3A3B DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You've come to the right place. I'd be happy to teach you. FormID: 000ADA1C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You've come to the right place. I'd be happy to teach you. FormID: 000E3A3C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I can about protecting yourself. FormID: 000ADA2C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Use it right, and you won't feel a thing. FormID: 000E3A3D DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I shall explain to you the mysteries of the outer realms. FormID: 000B8128 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Your power over others shall be great, like mine. FormID: 000E3A3E DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you how to use it effectively, and keep you quick on your feet. FormID: 000ADA3C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you how to use it effectively, and keep you quick on your feet. FormID: 000B833B DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You'll be able to run circles around the big, slow brutes in Heavy Armor. FormID: 000E3A3F DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 All right, but if you get arrested don't blame it on me. FormID: 000ADA42 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 All right, but if you get arrested don't blame it on me. FormID: 000E3A40 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I know. FormID: 000ADA51 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I know. FormID: 000ADA60 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I know. FormID: 000E3A41 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You'll never compare to me, but I can try and teach you anyway. FormID: 000ADA6C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you a few things. FormID: 000B5FB0 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you a few things. FormID: 000E3A42 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Up to no good, are we? I'll teach you, but it'll cost you. FormID: 000ADA70 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Up to no good, are we? I'll teach you, but it'll cost you. FormID: 000E3A43 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll gladly share my knowledge with you. FormID: 000ADA96 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll gladly share my knowledge with you. FormID: 000C278A DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll gladly share my knowledge with you. FormID: 000E3A44 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's an honorable craft. I'll show you what I can. FormID: 000AED3A DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You wish to do what I do? Very well. FormID: 000ADA99 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's an honorable craft. I'll show you what I can. FormID: 000E3A45 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Stick with me, and they'll never even know you're there. FormID: 000ADAED DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can show you a few things, but anyone asks, and my name never comes up. Understand? FormID: 000ADB15 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 They'll never see you coming. FormID: 000E3A46 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000ADB16 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000ADB1C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000B833C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000E3A47 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's all in the swing. Let me show you. FormID: 000ADB1E DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's all in the swing. Let me show you. FormID: 000E38C1 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor hunted us down, remember? It wasn't exactly great for recruitment. FormID: 000E38C1 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic CUST 1 But we have a headquarters of a sort now. We'll rebuild the Blades. Someday. FormID: 000E38C5 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic01 CUST 0 If you find anyone you think would make a good recruit, I can certainly take a look at them. FormID: 000E38C5 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic01 CUST 1 Remember, though, being a Blade is a lifelong commitment. Their loyalty has to be with us once they're in. FormID: 000E38C3 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart02 CUST 0 Thanks. sarcastic FormID: 000E38C0 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollowerTopic CUST 0 Are you sure? I'll need to ask them to take an oath to leave their old life behind and stay here from now on. FormID: 000E67F6 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollowerTopic CUST 0 You want this one to become a Blade? You're sure? FormID: 000E38C4 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineFollowerTopic01 CUST 0 Very well. I'll do the oath later. Let's just get 'em geared up and ready to fight. FormID: 000E67EE DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineFollowerTopic01 CUST 0 Very well. He seems like a fighter to me. I'll give him the oath. FormID: 000E3E64 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineFollowerTopic01 CUST 0 Very well. She seems like a fighter to me. I'll give her the oath. FormID: 000E38C6 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInductTopic02 CUST 0 Right then. FormID: 000E38C2 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInvisible CUST 0 If you find any more candidates bring them here. FormID: 000E49A5 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInvisible CUST 0 I can handle training one more. After that, I think we'll be ready for a little dragon hunting of our own. FormID: 000E3E63 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInvisible CUST 0 That's enough recruits for now. Ask Esbern about the dragon lairs he's been studying. We'll have the recruits do some hunting with you. FormID: 000E36BA dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTAllClear CUST 0 You've already taken care of it? Thank you friend. elated FormID: 000E36BD dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturnTopic CUST 0 Could it really be? Wow this is what I've been looking for. FormID: 000E36BC dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTCanAnskaHave CUST 0 Can I have it? It's worthless to you, but I can pay. FormID: 000E36BB dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTCanAnskaHaveReward CUST 0 Thank you so much, this scroll means a lot to my family. Take this for your trouble. FormID: 000E36B9 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTAfterAttackl CUST 0 I'm sorry, I've come too far to lose it now. angry FormID: 000E3654 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Insolent bard. Die! Dark, angry. Post-process: Deep, echoy, resounding through the room; will trigger rumble. FormID: 000E3653 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Arise, Olaf! My vengeance is at hand! Yell of challenge. FormID: 000E3652 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Olaf! Yell of challenge. Extend the name-- a [QUOTE]Stella![QUOTE] moment. FormID: 000E3642 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 It's good to see you in one piece, lad! FormID: 000E3643 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 It's good to see you in one piece, lass! FormID: 000E3640 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I just wanted to give you a proper thank you for everything you've done. FormID: 000E3640 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The Guild is back on its feet again and on its way to a prosperous future. FormID: 000E3640 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic01 CUST 2 What's become of the Skeleton Key? FormID: 000E3641 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic CUST 0 That's it then. After all of those years of helplessly watching the Guild decline. FormID: 000E3641 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic CUST 1 But enough of that... I'm confident that with you in charge, we'll soon have more gold than we could possibly spend. FormID: 000E363F TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 0 I'll be down here, trying to coordinate everything with Delvin and Vex; to make sure the coin keeps flowing... and no one skims! FormID: 000E363F TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 1 If you still feel like doing some jobs, I'm sure Delvin and Vex have more than their fair share to give out. FormID: 000E363F TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 2 Either way, it's been a pleasure, my friend. Here's to the future of the Guild. May it last another thousand years! FormID: 000E35F4 MS02FIN HELO 0 Glory to the Forsworn! proud, threatening FormID: 000E35F5 MS02FIN HELO 0 The Reach will be ours again. proud, threatening FormID: 000E35F6 MS02FIN HELO 0 Ah, my friend from Cidhna Mine. Hello. demagogue FormID: 000E35F7 MS02FIN HELO 0 This is where it will begin. A new uprising. demagogue FormID: 000E35F8 MS02FIN HELO 0 We'll have our freedom. One day. demagogue FormID: 000E35F9 MS02FIN HELO 0 The Silver-Bloods pay their debts. You have my thanks. cynical but grateful FormID: 000E35FA MS02FIN HELO 0 Madanach has been found to be the true murderer of Markarth. On behalf the city, I apologize for your wrongful imprisonment. official apology FormID: 000E35FB MS02FIN HELO 0 By killing Madanach you've freed Markarth from his hidden tyranny. On behalf of the city, I thank you. official thanks FormID: 000D938E MS02FIN HELO 0 Damn those Forsworn. Think they can kill people in my city? I'll have Madanach's head! full of rage FormID: 000D938F MS02FIN HELO 0 My brother tells me you've done us a service. Thank you. grateful FormID: 000E35FC MS02FIN HELO 0 You. You aren't with the Forsworn, are you? People say they saw you when the prisoners escaped. So many dead. terrified FormID: 000E35FD MS02FIN HELO 0 I heard about you being pardoned. What were the guards thinking, taking you in? outraged FormID: 000E35FE MS02FIN HELO 0 Huh. Heard you broke out of Cidhna Mine with those Forsworn. Do you have any idea how many died? outraged FormID: 000E35FF MS02FIN HELO 0 Can't believe anyone was dumb enough to mistake you for a Forsworn agent. outraged FormID: 000E3600 MS02FIN HELO 0 Can't believe Madanach is on the loose again. I hope those rumors I'm hearing about your part in that are wrong. in disbelief FormID: 000E3601 MS02FIN HELO 0 Everyone's been talking about you. The guards will have to answer for throwing an innocent person in Cidhna Mine. outraged FormID: 000E3602 MS02FIN HELO 0 Forsworn rampaging through the streets. As if business wasn't slow enough. outraged FormID: 000E3603 MS02FIN HELO 0 Oh, it's you! Sorry to hear about your imprisonment. I'm sure the guards didn't mean to throw you in jail weasel FormID: 000E3604 MS02FIN HELO 0 I saw you. With the Forsworn. By the old gods, that was something. in disbelief FormID: 000E3605 MS02FIN HELO 0 I'll be damned. Someone who actually escaped Cidhna Mine. You're the talk of the Warrens. in disbelief FormID: 000E3606 MS02FIN HELO 0 You escaped Cidhna Mine? With Madanach? Everyone in the Warrens has been praising your name. in disbelief FormID: 000E3607 MS02FIN HELO 0 What was it like? Cidhna Mine? We've all been talking about your escape. And being pardoned after. Amazing. in disbelief FormID: 000E353A DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 0 I'm not certain what use it would be. FormID: 000E353A DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 1 The Staff is said to be able to absorb great amounts of energy. Perhaps it can interact with the Eye in a way that nothing else can. FormID: 000E353B DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 0 I don't know, not for sure. FormID: 000E353B DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 1 But perhaps the staff can absorb some of the energy coming out of the Eye, weaken it. Allow us to get close to Ancano. FormID: 000E3536 mg06 MG06SavosWhyFindStaff MG06SavosWhyFindStaffTopic CUST 0 I don't know. If the Augur suggested it, there must be a good reason for locating it. FormID: 000E3536 mg06 MG06SavosWhyFindStaff MG06SavosWhyFindStaffTopic CUST 1 I'm afraid I don't see the connection, though. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 0 No more than anyone else, I don't think. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 1 They're a very old order. Pre-dated the Imperial Mages Guild by quite a bit. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 2 In fact, the Mages Guild was founded in opposition to the idea of the Psijic Order, that only an elite few should have control over magic. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 3 No one has seen or heard from them in over a hundred years now, though. FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 0 I have no idea, but it's fascinating. Assuming it's true, of course. FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 1 The Isle of Artaeum disappeared over a hundred years ago, and no one has seen them since. FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 2 And yet now, suddenly, they have chosen to contact you? Why, it's intriguing! FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 3 If nothing else, I'd take it as a compliment. The Psijics have only ever dealt with those they feel worthy. FormID: 000E3543 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijics DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijicsTopic CUST 0 Personally? No, not I. One of their number used to advise the Arch-Mage when I was but an Apprentice here. FormID: 000E3543 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijics DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijicsTopic CUST 1 But that was a great many years ago, before all the members of the order were called back to the Isle of Artaeum, and it disappeared entirely. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, that. Yes, the group prior to yours has disappeared entirely. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 It's possible that there was less than the necessary amount of oversight. That's still being looked into. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 But we've had no contact with them for quite some time now. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 Arniel wondered if perhaps they'd somehow managed to get themselves lost in the Outer Realms, but I think that's giving them too much credit. FormID: 000E353F FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBInitResponse1 CUST 0 I'm not sure. None of them were working on anything terribly dangerous. FormID: 000E3539 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBResponse2 CUST 0 I hadn't really considered it in terms of time. I suppose it's been at least a month. FormID: 000E3539 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBResponse2 CUST 1 Let me think... what were they working on? FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 0 As I recall, Yisra was trying to improve flame cloak spells to better work in Skyrim's harsh environment. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 1 Ilas-tei was practicing Illusions spells. She was having trouble with the calm spells, I believe, but only ever worked with skeevers. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 2 And then there's Borvir and Rundi. Twins, though they rarely agreed on anything. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 3 Those two boys were obsessed with mead. Convinced they could concoct something to compete with Honningbrew. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 4 Something about using frost magic to chill the mead for a certain period of time. I felt it was a waste, but the Arch-Mage let them proceed. FormID: 000E3532 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10Branch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 None. It's been long enough that honestly, I don't expect to hear from them. FormID: 000E3533 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10Branch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 No, and after what you've discovered I fear the worst for them. FormID: 000E3555 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I recognize it. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3555 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I suppose I needn't wonder where he is anymore. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3542 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranchTopic CUST 0 It certainly is. Was, I suppose. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3542 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranchTopic CUST 1 He would never have willingly parted with it. What a shame. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3540 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh dear. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3540 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranchTopic CUST 1 I had particularly high hopes for her. Once she'd overcome her difficulties, she could have been quite successful here. sad but resigned FormID: 000E353E FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranchTopic CUST 0 Gods, this is hers, isn't it? sad but resigned FormID: 000E353E FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranchTopic CUST 1 She will certainly be missed. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, all of the previous Apprentices have been accounted for, thanks to you. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, why don't you take this. It was intended to be given to the best in their group as a reward for their hard work. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 2 It's the least I can do for your help in putting this matter to rest. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 3 Oh dear, I didn't mean to say it like that. That wasn't a joke, really. embarrassed, trying to cover it up FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 0 My problem with her? She's the one who has a problem with me! offended FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 1 She's threatened by me! By my skill as a wizard, by my elegance and posture, by my superior good looks! FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 2 But she's not going to get the better of me, oh no. I won't let it get to me one bit. That's what she's after. FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 3 She's trying to undermine my confidence, make me doubt myself. Well it won't work, I tell you! FormID: 000E3531 MG01 SCEN 0 The Arcanaeum is located above the hall, and the Arch-Mage's quarters above that. FormID: 000E3554 MG03 IDAT 0 Out of the way, meat. FormID: 000E32F8 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic CUST 0 Actually, I'm growing it if you hadn't noticed. annoyed because tired FormID: 000E32F8 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm the only person alive that can cultivate nirnroot from a seed to a fully grown plant. proud of self FormID: 000E32F7 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I had quite the mentor. He taught me everything he know about the nirnroot and its strange properties. sad reminiscence FormID: 000E32F7 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I haven't seen him in many years. I wonder what became of him... trail off at end as if thinking FormID: 000E3E73 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic CUST 0 Is it that obvious? Sigh. I've got my hands full here. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E73 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic CUST 1 Between the farm chores, cultivating my supply of nirnroot and keeping a tight rein on my sister Aduri, there's little time for rest. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E75 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Really? That would be a pleasant change. perking up from tired FormID: 000E3E75 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic01 CUST 1 One of the ingredients I need to cultivate nirnroot are jazbay grapes... the acidic content of the juice is perfect for the soil. FormID: 000E3E75 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic01 CUST 2 I need twenty of them for my current crop. FormID: 000E3003 C06 SCEN 0 His spirit is departed. Members of the Circle, let us withdraw to the Underforge, to grieve our last together. FormID: 000E308A C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGetAMoveOn CUST 0 Of course, I have a small favor to ask of you. FormID: 000E308A C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGetAMoveOn CUST 1 There's another piece, that Kodlak always kept close to himself. Would you go to his chambers and bring it back for me? FormID: 000E308A C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGetAMoveOn CUST 2 I'm not sure I'm the best one to go through his things. FormID: 000E3064 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundYeahWhatever CUST 0 Careful with those. Don't want even more fragments, do we? FormID: 000E2FEF C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWimp CUST 0 Kodlak was right. I let vengeance rule my heart. FormID: 000E2FEF C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWimp CUST 1 I regret nothing of what we did at Driftshade. But I can't go any further with my mind fogged or my heart grieved. FormID: 000E30B0 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 It sounds like Eastmarch is too busy with their war to keep their own prisoners in line. FormID: 000E30B1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The braggarts in the Reach always claim that no prisoner escapes their mine. FormID: 000E30B1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 What you don't hear about are the ones who break off from escorts on the way to Markarth. FormID: 000E30D5 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 Haafingar seems to have trouble keeping their prisoners in line. FormID: 000E30DB CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry to have to send you to Hjaalmarch. I can't stand the smell of it myself. FormID: 000E30DB CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 But it seems their criminals can't either and just want to get out. FormID: 000E30DC CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 It seems that law-breakers in the Pale have no desire to stay there. I don't blame them. FormID: 000E30DD CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The idiots in Falkreath still think the best place for prisoners is that hole in the ground. FormID: 000E30DD CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 No surprise, but one of them's gotten out. Again. FormID: 000E30DF CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The so-called prison in Riften leaks like one of their fishnets. This is what happens when you let thieves run your town. FormID: 000E30DF CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 The prisoners just walk right out. FormID: 000E30E0 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 One of the guards from Dragonsreach came to me, worried about a prisoner who's escaped. FormID: 000E30E0 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 The Jarl has too much on his mind right now, we won't be troubling him with this. FormID: 000E30E1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The snowberries up in Winterhold have lowered themselves to ask for our help. FormID: 000E30E1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 For some reason they just throw their lawbreakers out into the sea and think that ends the problem. FormID: 000E30E1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 2 But every now and then, one swims back. FormID: 000E306D CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartContinuation CUST 0 One of them's escaped, and you're going to find that coward. FormID: 000E3051 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartContinuationPartDeux CUST 0 At this point they don't care what happens to him and neither do I. Best to just kill him and be done with it. FormID: 000E3054 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartContinuationPartDeux CUST 0 At this point they don't care what happens to her and neither do I. Best to just kill her and be done with it. FormID: 000E3009 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07TakeTheJob CUST 0 Be careful. This man is known to be dangerous. FormID: 000E300A CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07TakeTheJob CUST 0 Be careful. This woman is known to be dangerous. FormID: 000E2FF3 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07TurnDownJob CUST 0 We choose our battles, and you've chosen yours. Someone else can take care of it. FormID: 000E3084 CR07 CR07EndQuestBranch CR07EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Bit by bit, we bring honor to this land. And you've brought honor to the Companions. More importantly, some gold. FormID: 000E3087 CR07 CR07EndQuestBranch CR07EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Another job well done. Your payment is secure, and you have my thanks. FormID: 000E3039 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 0 We have a bit of a sensitive matter this time. FormID: 000E3039 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 1 A wealthy family has... misplaced one of their heirlooms. FormID: 000E3048 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 0 Just in time. I was worried I'd have to do this myself. FormID: 000E3048 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 1 Some rich folk had a trinket stolen and they want us to get it back. FormID: 000E309F CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 I tell you this province is losing its grip. The bandits become more brazen every day. FormID: 000E30A0 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Some don't even believe they exist, but the Falmer can be devious. Tunneling into homes, stealing off with valuables. FormID: 000E30A1 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Those hill people who call themselves [QUOTE]the Forsworn[QUOTE] show no mercy. FormID: 000E30A2 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Giants don't usually cause problems like this, but these ones are stirred up for some reason. FormID: 000E30A3 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 The rumors say the culprits are vampires. I try not to listen to swaggle like that, but figured you should know. FormID: 000E30A4 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Of course, it's a group of wizards they're pointing their fingers at. Who knows what they want it for, but we want it back. FormID: 000E3077 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TakeJob CUST 0 Good, good. These aren't the most glorious jobs, but they pay well. FormID: 000E3078 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TakeJob CUST 0 Move quickly so we can have this over and done with. FormID: 000E3079 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TakeJob CUST 0 We're trusting you on this one. Bring honor to the Companions. FormID: 000E300B CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TurnDownJob CUST 0 Can't say I blame you. I'll find someone to take care of it. FormID: 000E300C CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TurnDownJob CUST 0 Not the response I was hoping for, but suit yourself. FormID: 000E2FE9 CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 0 Give it here. They've asked for the utmost discretion on this matter, so I'll make sure it gets to them. FormID: 000E2FE9 CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 1 Here's your share of their reward. FormID: 000E2FEA CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 0 And it looks undamaged. They'll be pleased, I'm sure. And we're pleased with their money. FormID: 000E2FEB CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 0 Nice work with this one. You make us all proud. FormID: 000E308E CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12QuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Harbinger, I'd be honored if you joined me in my search. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 0 I had once heard Skjor and Kodlak talking about the Totems of Hircine. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 1 Simple-looking objects that could channel the powers of the werewolf in new directions. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 2 Once Kodlak began looking for his cure, I'd wager Skjor didn't bring it up again. say the word [QUOTE]cure[QUOTE] derisively -- he was seeking out a cure for something that you don't see as a disease FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 3 But I was going through his things and found a book I had never seen before. All about the Totems. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 4 I've been talking to my sources around the holds, and think I may have heard where one of them lives. FormID: 000E306B CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 0 I think I've located another one of the Totems. Come with me, and we'll write ourselves into their history. FormID: 000E306C CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 0 I've finally tracked down the last of the Totems, I think. FormID: 000E306C CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 1 The information wasn't easy to come by, but everyone has a price. And a pain threshold. FormID: 000E3008 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuationPartDeux CUST 0 Want to come along? FormID: 000E2CFE CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Tell me again why we're wasting time and dwindling resources chasing a legend. We don't even know it exists! arguing - in the middle of a heated argument FormID: 000E2D21 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 The Jarls are upset. They don't all support you. arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D13 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Damn the Jarls. arguing - in the middle of a heated argument FormID: 000E2D02 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 They demand the Moot. arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D23 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 And damn the Moot! (unthinking anger) arguing - in the middle of a heated argument FormID: 000E2D23 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 We should risk letting those milkdrinkers put Thorryg's woman on the throne? She'll hand Skyrim over to the elves on a silver plate. frustrated FormID: 000E2D04 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 All the more reason then. The crown would legitimize your claim. arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2CFB CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 A crown doesn't make a king. calming down FormID: 000E2D1C CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 No, but this one... arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D00 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 If it even exists. doubtful FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 It exists. And it'll be the symbol of the righteousness of our cause. Think about it. (getting excited) arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 The Jagged Crown! It heralds back to a time before jarls and moots. rising excitement to his argument FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 2 Back to the time when a king was a king because his enemies fell before him, and his people rose because they loved him. with gusto FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 3 Skyrim needs that king. You will be that king, Ulfric. You must be. urging, solemnly FormID: 000E2D22 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 You're certain you've found it? considering FormID: 000E2D0B CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 When have I ever been false with you? trying to reason FormID: 000E2CFC CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Fine. I'll send the Unblooded here with you. doubtful, but willing to give it a chance FormID: 000E2CFC CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 Fancy a crawl through a moldering dungeon to see if you can't stir up Galmar's Jagged Crown? friendly mocking FormID: 000E2D08 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 It'll be there. You'll see. certain FormID: 000E7A27 CW01B CW01BUlfricSceneBlocker CW01BUlfricSceneBlockerTopic CUST 0 I believe Galmar gave you something to do. So go do it. a bit surprised the player is still hanging around FormID: 000E2D0D CW01B CW01BUlfricSceneBlocker CW01BUlfricSceneBlockerTopic CUST 0 You're alive! I'm impressed! Galmar had his doubts about you, but I knew you'd pull through. You should speak with him. He's going to need your help. amused FormID: 000E2D0E CW01B CW01BUlfricSceneBlocker CW01BUlfricSceneBlockerTopic CUST 0 Speak with Galmar. You'll be going on a little errand with him. amused FormID: 000E7A28 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 0 What? We've got nothing to talk about until you come back from Serpentstone Isle. shocked he isn't being obeyed FormID: 000E2D18 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 0 You're alive. I owe Ulfric a drink. I have to admit, I didn't think we'd be seeing you again. begrudging respect Walk Away FormID: 000E2D18 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 1 I misjudged you. You're definitely Stormcloak material. begrudging, but sincere Walk Away FormID: 000E2D18 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 2 It's time we made this official. You ready to take the Oath? Walk Away FormID: 000E2D19 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 0 You ready to take the Oath? begrudging, but sincere Walk Away FormID: 000E2D12 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetOath CUST 0 Before you're one of us, you must swear fealty to Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, future High King of Skyrim. forcefully Walk Away FormID: 000E2D12 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetOath CUST 1 You must also pledge unswerving loyalty to your fellow Stormcloaks, to Skyrim and to her people. explaining the cause Walk Away FormID: 000E2D1A CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetIsntEnough CUST 0 You can stick a sword through an Imperial any day you want. But that doesn't make you a Stormcloak. getting annoyed Walk Away FormID: 000E2D1A CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetIsntEnough CUST 1 We're not just fighting Imperials. We're fighting to restore Skyrim to her glory and give her the king she deserves. patriotic Walk Away FormID: 000E3002 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12LetsGo CUST 0 We hunt together. FormID: 000E2CFA CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetGoodbye CUST 0 Don't take too long figuring it out. Might mistake your hesitation for Imperial sympathies. veiled threat FormID: 000E2CFA CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetGoodbye CUST 1 Come back when you're committed to the cause, or go join the Legion. They're taking anyone with a pulse these days. FormID: 000E2D06 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 0 That's the spirit. By swearing this oath you become one of us. A hero of the people. A true son of Skyrim. A Stormcloak. Repeat after me. enjoys this part, swearing in a new recruit Walk Away FormID: 000E2D06 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 1 [QUOTE]I do swear my blood and honor to the service of Ulfric Stormcloak...[QUOTE] formally, reciting oath for player to recite back Walk Away FormID: 000E2D07 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 0 That's the spirit. By swearing this oath you become one of us. A heroine of the people. A true daughter of Skyrim. A Stormcloak. Repeat after me. enjoys this part, swearing in a new recruit Walk Away FormID: 000E2D07 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 1 [QUOTE]I do swear my blood and honor to the service of Ulfric Stormcloak...[QUOTE] formally, reciting oath for player to recite back Walk Away FormID: 000E2D09 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BStormcloakOath3b CUST 0 [QUOTE]All hail the Stormcloaks, the true sons and daughters of Skyrim![QUOTE] formally - reciting the oath for the player to repeat Walk Away FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 0 Have you not heard that ancient verse? settling into mentoring mode FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 1 [QUOTE]Maw unleashing razor snow, Of dragons from the blue brought down, Births the walking winter's woe, The High King in his Jagged Crown.[QUOTE] reciting ancient verse FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 2 Going way back to King Harald's time or even before, the High King always wore the Jagged Crown. It was the symbol of his might and power. FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 3 The crown is made from the bones and teeth of ancient dragons, and it is said to contain a portion of the power of every king who has worn it. FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 4 True or not, who would dare deny Ulfric's claim, when the legendary Jagged Crown sits upon his brow? FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 It's true, the location of the crown was lost with King Borgas. After the Great Hunt killed him, while he was off on his damned Alessian campaigns. mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 1 But legend holds, his body was secretly returned to Skyrim and buried with the crown. Its exact whereabouts lost in the following Wars of Succession. mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 2 Through sources that shall remain nameless, I've tracked down what I believe to be the final resting place of King Borgas - Korvanjund. mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 3 If the crown exists, it will be there. certain FormID: 000E2CFD CW02B CW02BAboutDanger CW02BAboutDangerTopic CUST 0 Aye. The Great Hunt killed old King Borgas. Gods only know with what profane arts those elves cursed his remains. speaking of legend FormID: 000E2CFD CW02B CW02BAboutDanger CW02BAboutDangerTopic CUST 1 Curses notwithstanding, the tombs of kings are always full of traps to ward off grave robbers, are they not? mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2CFD CW02B CW02BAboutDanger CW02BAboutDangerTopic CUST 2 But nothing a band of Stormcloaks can't handle, I assure you. bragging FormID: 000E2D14 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. I have a message I need delivered to the Jarl of Whiterun. ironic emphasis on [QUOTE]MESSAGE[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000E2D14 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 1 Deliver this axe to Balgruuf the Greater. solemnly Walk Away FormID: 000E2D15 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. I have a message I need delivered to the Jarl of Whiterun. ironic emphasis on [QUOTE]MESSAGE[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000E2D15 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 1 Deliver this axe to Jarl Hrongar. solemnly Walk Away FormID: 000E2FF2 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12NahNotForMe CUST 0 And here I figured you as one who enjoyed our special gifts. FormID: 000E2FF2 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12NahNotForMe CUST 1 I guess I was wrong. FormID: 000E2D20 CW02B SCEN 0 Hardly likely. FormID: 000E2D0A CW02B SCEN 0 Just shut up and keep out of sight. FormID: 000E3080 CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12FindTotemTopic CUST 0 That definitely matches the description of the totem from Skjor's old book. Let's get it to the Underforge. FormID: 000E3082 CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12FindTotemTopic CUST 0 That's it! That's the second Totem. Quickly, let's put it back with the other one. FormID: 000E3083 CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12FindTotemTopic CUST 0 At last... the final Totem is ours. Let's go complete our set. FormID: 000E305C CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 Let's find that Totem, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000E305E CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 Let's find that Totem, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000E305F CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 Hircine will bless us for finding his Totem. FormID: 000E3061 CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 The spirit of Skjor is with us on this errand. I feel him. FormID: 000E3062 CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 This is not the time for talk. Let's get to the Underforge and see what this can do. FormID: 000E2FED CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12AelaTotemFound CUST 0 Do you have it? FormID: 000E2FE1 CR12 CR12AelaPostQuest CR12AelaPostQuestTopic CUST 0 I don't know what we do with it now. Maybe you can figure it out. FormID: 000E3096 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 0 I've been hearing stories about dragons. That they're back. That they can eat the sun out of the sky and freeze a man where he stands. FormID: 000E3096 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 1 Have you seen one in your travels? FormID: 000E3098 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 0 Travelers have been coming to Whiterun. They tell stories about dragons. FormID: 000E3098 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 1 I've heard of them, but didn't think they were real. Have you ever seen one? FormID: 000E3055 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 I envy you. Facing such a beast in combat. Smelling its blood on the air. That is what songs are sung about, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000E3056 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 I envy you. Facing such a beast in combat. Smelling its blood on the air. That is what songs are sung about, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000E3059 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 You are a very brave man. But I already knew that. FormID: 000E305A CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 You are a very brave woman. But I already knew that. FormID: 000E2FFB CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14WhoKnows CUST 0 A sharp mind on you. We should find out for ourselves. FormID: 000E2FFC CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14WhoKnows CUST 0 That is the kind of thing Kodlak used to say. And he was right. But still, I'd like to see for myself. FormID: 000E308B CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 0 Yes! I like the way you think. There are whispers of where we might find one, too. the [QUOTE]yes[QUOTE] is slow but enthusiastic FormID: 000E308B CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 1 They say he killed twelve of the Imperial Legion and shattered their bones with his breath. FormID: 000E308B CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 2 I think you and I are worth about a dozen soldiers each. We'll send that beast back where it came from. FormID: 000E308D CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 0 Well, that's one way to find out if they're real. I even know where we might find one. Lead on! FormID: 000E3065 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14ThatsYourProblemNotMine CUST 0 We don't all lead your life of grand adventure, Harbinger. FormID: 000E3068 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14ThatsYourProblemNotMine CUST 0 Not at this rate. I'll just go back to clubbing horkers and scaring the debtors. FormID: 000E3007 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14DragonKilledTopic CUST 0 Now that was a battle! FormID: 000E3001 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14AllThanksToYou CUST 0 Thank you, Harbinger. FormID: 000E2FF0 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14ThanksToYouContinuation CUST 0 For the glory of the Companions! For Ysgramor! FormID: 000E2FF1 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14ThanksToYouContinuation CUST 0 We bring honor to the Companions. FormID: 000E30E3 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14NoThanksToYou CUST 0 I am sorry if I disappointed, Harbinger. Still, the battle was won. FormID: 000E30E5 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14NoThanksToYou CUST 0 I will train better for the future. FormID: 000E307B CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14LetsGetBack CUST 0 I'm going to stay a while. Rest among these bones. This creature honored us with its life, and I will honor it with my respect. FormID: 000E307D CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14LetsGetBack CUST 0 You go if you want to. I've never seen bones this large, and want to make sure I remember them so I can tell the story right. FormID: 000E307D CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14LetsGetBack CUST 1 Otherwise Vilkas will just say I was making it up. FormID: 000E3036 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13QuestStartTopic CUST 0 There is always work for the Companions. But there is more personal task before me. FormID: 000E3038 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13QuestStartTopic CUST 0 Of course, there is always work. My mind is someplace else, though. FormID: 000E2FFE CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 0 Kodlak's final teaching. I think he was right about beastblood and Sovngarde. FormID: 000E2FFE CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 1 I wish to cleanse myself that I might know glory in the afterlife. FormID: 000E2FFF CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 0 I think that maybe Kodlak was right. As a werewolf, I can't be a good Nord. FormID: 000E2FFF CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 1 I want to be clean, like he was, and go to Sovngarde when I finally die. FormID: 000E2FDF CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13WellGoodLuckWithAllThat CUST 0 Thank you, Harbinger. FormID: 000E3095 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13WellLetsDoIt CUST 0 I would be honored for you to accompany me, Harbinger. FormID: 000E306E CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 You still bear a head of the Glenmoril betrayers, yes? Then lead on, back to the Tomb of Ysgramor. FormID: 000E306E CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 My soul is now prepared. FormID: 000E306F CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 You still have one of the witch's heads. This is good. FormID: 000E306F CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 Let's go to the Tomb. We can do the cleansing there. FormID: 000E3075 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 Aela said that the cleansing used a head from one of the witches of Glenmoril, yes? FormID: 000E3075 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 A strange kind of ritual, but I won't mind killing those wretched things. FormID: 000E3076 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 Aela said we would need a Hagraven's head. I already have one of them, but she said it was a special kind. FormID: 000E3076 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 And that you knew where to get more. Let's go find one! FormID: 000E2FF7 CR13 CR13GotHead CR13GotHeadTopic CUST 0 Did you take the head? FormID: 000E2FE7 CR13 CR13GotHead CR13YupGotTheHead CUST 0 Lead on, to Ysgramor and glory. FormID: 000E2FE8 CR13 CR13GotHead CR13YupGotTheHead CUST 0 This is good. Could you show the way to the tomb again? FormID: 000E3063 CR13 CR13PostCleanseGreet CR13PostCleanseFGTopic CUST 0 Is it over? FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 0 I... it's like waking up out of a dream. FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 1 I can breathe more deeply now. I can't smell your heart beating the way I used to. But my mind is... clear. FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 2 This is a great service you've done for me, Harbinger. I will not soon forget. FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 3 Now... I'd like to spend some time communing with Ysgramor. My soul is clean now. Perhaps he'll still welcome me when my time comes. FormID: 000E304A CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 0 It's like relaxing into a warm mug of spiced mead. I'm losing aches I didn't know I had. FormID: 000E304A CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 1 This is how a warrior should feel. Alive and aware. Not clouded with thoughts of the hunt. FormID: 000E304A CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 2 Thank you for your help. I'm going to stay in the tomb for a while. My shame kept me out before, but now I want to see it. FormID: 000E2FEE DA04 DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThem DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThemTopic CUST 0 You look to your left, you see one way. You look to your right, you see another. But neither is any harder than the opposite. FormID: 000E2FEE DA04 DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThem DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThemTopic CUST 1 But the Elder Scrolls... they look left and right in the stream of time. The future and past are as one. FormID: 000E2FEE DA04 DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThem DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThemTopic CUST 2 Sometimes they even look up. What do they see then? What if they dive in? Then the madness begins. FormID: 000E2FE2 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperHelpTopic CUST 0 And what do you plan to do with it? Do you even know what you're asking about, or are you just someone's errand boy? FormID: 000E2FE3 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperHelpTopic CUST 0 And what do you plan to do with it? Do you even know what you're asking about, or are you just someone's errand girl? FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 0 I knew it. Everyone comes in here, expecting my help, but they don't even have the proper questions. FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 1 An Elder Scroll is an instrument of immense knowledge and power. FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 2 To read an Elder Scroll, a person must have the most rigorously trained mind, or else risk madness. FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 3 Even so, the Divines usually take the reader's sight as a price. FormID: 000E307A DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperItsOnTheBoxAllINeedToKnow CUST 0 You think that even if I did have one here, I would let you see it? FormID: 000E307A DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperItsOnTheBoxAllINeedToKnow CUST 1 It would be kept under the highest security. The greatest thief in the world wouldn't be able to lay a finger on it. FormID: 000E305B DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperAnyoneElseICouldTalkTo CUST 0 Of course. FormID: 000E3035 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperByAuthority CUST 0 What about... wait. Are you? Were you the one the Greybeards were calling? you're cut off in the middle of saying [QUOTE]What *about* him?[QUOTE] implying that he doesn't matter FormID: 000E3025 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperShutUp CUST 0 I don't know who told you that, but I'll do what I can. What we do have are plenty of books. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 0 The simplest way to put it is [QUOTE]knowledge,[QUOTE] but there's nothing simple about an Elder Scroll. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 1 It's a reflection of all possible futures and all possible pasts. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 2 Each reader sees different reflections through different lenses, and may come away with a very different reading. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 3 But at the same time, all of it is true. Even the falsehoods. Especially the falsehoods. FormID: 000E2FFD DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperWhoWroteThem CUST 0 It would take a month to explain to you how that very question doesn't even make sense. FormID: 000E2FFD DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperWhoWroteThem CUST 1 The Scrolls exist here, with us, but also beyond and beneath. Before and after. They are bits of Divine made substance so we could know them. FormID: 000E2FFD DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperWhoWroteThem CUST 2 Sorry. Talking about the Scrolls, you usually end up in irritating and vague metaphors like that. Some people who study them devoutly go mad. FormID: 000E2FEC DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperAreYouDoneYet CUST 0 Ha! FormID: 000E7A95 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 The mine is rich, and so are we. FormID: 000E7A95 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 But I am cursed, it would seem, to live alone. FormID: 000E7A96 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I've had several wives. But each dies sooner than the last. FormID: 000E7A96 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 I was lucky to get children out of the ones I did. FormID: 000E7A98 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Everyone said it had run out, but I smashed down one wall and found the widest veins of ebony I'd ever seen. FormID: 000E7A98 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 So now we're rich and now I'm chief. FormID: 000E7A9A NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I think of Uglarz. An old friend. When we were little she ran to the woods to hunt, and never came back. FormID: 000E7A9A NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 If someone found her, she would make an excellent mate. FormID: 000E7A9E NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Ha. Good luck to you, friend. She's not one who likes to be found. FormID: 000E7A9F NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I am Uglarz, huntress of all. FormID: 000E7AA1 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 It was my home. But I left. The woods felt more alive, at least for a time. FormID: 000E7AA3 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Mauhulakh. I remember him. Little, scrawny, fellow. FormID: 000E7AA5 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Ha! Now that I would like to see. I may go back there some day. FormID: 000E7AA7 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Always thought that old mine had more to it. Just like Mauhulakh to smash his way to good fortune. FormID: 000E7AAB NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I'm going back to Narzulbur. Want to see how it's come. FormID: 000E24F7 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding SCEN 0 Madanach! Think you can escape my prison do you? You'll pay for what you've done to my family! full of rage FormID: 000E24FA MS02EscapeMadanachEnding SCEN 0 Your family? You've poisoned the Reach with your tainted silver for long enough, Thonar! demagogue FormID: 000E1FD6 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 0 My Saffir doesn't like that I've been spending so much time looking for my father's old sword. FormID: 000E1FD6 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 1 He fed his entire family with the gold he made using that weapon. I'm not about to let it gather dust in some thief's trophy room. FormID: 000BFA07 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 0 We have not faired well outside our native Black Marsh, but we're determined to make the best of things. FormID: 000BFA07 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 1 I began praying to Zenithar, the god of wealth, to bring us some fortune, but thieves made off with my sacred amulet almost as soon as I bought it. FormID: 000E1FD7 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204AcceptFavorTopic CUST 0 I tracked it to a group of bandits nearby. But I'm no fool. I'd need the Whiterun guards or maybe hire the Companions to get it. FormID: 000E1FD7 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204AcceptFavorTopic CUST 1 I don't know why I'm saying this, but if you find it out in your travels, I'd be grateful to you. FormID: 000BFA08 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204AcceptFavorTopic CUST 0 Shahvee would be in your debt, kind one. FormID: 000E1FD9 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204RejectFavorTopic CUST 0 We will endure. We always have. FormID: 000BFA09 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204RejectFavorTopic CUST 0 Not your concern, anyway. FormID: 000E1FB9 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampShared IDAT 0 Very good. Be sure to bring any more Sleeping Tree Sap you find to me. FormID: 000E1EEF TG09Post TG09PostHellos HELO 0 Yes, Nightingale, what is it? FormID: 000E1EF0 TG09Post TG09PostHellos HELO 0 A moment, please. FormID: 000E1EF1 TG09Post TG09PostHellos HELO 0 I wish to speak to Karliah for the moment. FormID: 000E1EE6 TG09Post SCEN 0 Karliah? FormID: 000E1EEB TG09Post SCEN 0 Gallus! FormID: 000E1EE8 TG09Post SCEN 0 I feared I would never see you again. I was afraid you'd become like the others. FormID: 000E1EF2 TG09Post SCEN 0 If it were not for the actions of this Nightingale, your fears would have come true. He honors us all. FormID: 000E1EF3 TG09Post SCEN 0 If it were not for the actions of this Nightingale, your fears would have come true. She honors us all. FormID: 000E1EE4 TG09Post SCEN 0 What will you do now, my love? FormID: 000E1EED TG09Post SCEN 0 Nocturnal calls me to the Evergloam. My contract has been fulfilled. FormID: 000E1EF4 TG09Post SCEN 0 Will I ever see you again? FormID: 000E1EEA TG09Post SCEN 0 When your debt to Nocturnal has been paid, we'll embrace once again. FormID: 000E1EE5 TG09Post SCEN 0 Farewell, Gallus. Eyes open... walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E1EEE TG09Post SCEN 0 Goodbye, Karliah. FormID: 000E1EE9 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic CUST 0 Gallus's Oath has been paid. His actions have satisfied the terms. FormID: 000E1EE9 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic CUST 1 Now his spirit becomes one with the Evergloam... the realm of perpetual twilight and the cradle of shadow. FormID: 000E1EEC TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No, not gone... he's become one with the shadows. FormID: 000E1EEC TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic01 CUST 1 This is the greatest honor a Nightingale can possibly achieve. In death, he's become a part of that which we use to live. FormID: 000E1EE2 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Absolutely. When we say [QUOTE]walk with the shadows,[QUOTE] we are asking those Nightingales who have passed on to protect us. FormID: 000E1EE2 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic02 CUST 1 It's believed that they are literally what guides our uncanny luck... by placing their hands in ours. FormID: 000E1EE2 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic02 CUST 2 That's why the Ebonmere needed to be reopened. Without it, there's no way Nocturnal was able to allow them through. FormID: 000E1EF5 TG09Post TG09PostFindBranch TG09PostFindBranchTopic CUST 0 I've decided to make my home at Nightingale Hall. Since it's your home as well, I hope to see you and Brynjolf there. FormID: 000E1EF5 TG09Post TG09PostFindBranch TG09PostFindBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course, I may visit some of Skyrim's cities to [QUOTE]acquire[QUOTE] things from time to time. Can't afford to get rusty, now can we? said with a knowing wink FormID: 000E1EE3 TG09Post TG09PostDefendBranch TG09PostDefendBranchTopic CUST 0 If this place is in danger ever again, the shadows will call. FormID: 000E1EE3 TG09Post TG09PostDefendBranch TG09PostDefendBranchTopic CUST 1 Should the need arise, a portal connects the Sepulcher and Nightingale Hall. Use it whenever you wish. FormID: 000E1EE7 TG09Post TG09PostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell. Eyes open and walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E1B9D MG01 SCEN 0 While technically in charge of the College, the Arch-Mage's responsibilities often keep him occupied. Thus, I run the day-to-day operations. FormID: 000E1BA0 MG01 SCEN 0 Now, if you'll please follow me, I'll show you the living quarters. FormID: 000E1B9E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranchTopic CUST 0 There are no expectations. This College is a place to study and practice magic freely. FormID: 000E1B9E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranchTopic CUST 1 Hopefully any discoveries made in your pursuits will be shared with the members of the College first. That way we all benefit. FormID: 000E1AFA CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Balgruuf won't give us a straight answer. (annoyed) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E2D05 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Hrongar won't give us a straight answer. (annoyed) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AF8 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 He's a true Nord. He'll come around. (not convinced himself) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AF0 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Don't be so sure of that. We've intercepted couriers from Solitude. The Empire's putting a great deal of pressure on Whiterun. discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AFF CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 And what would you have me do? (testing to see if he gets the response he wants) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AEA CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 If he's not with us, he's against us. discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B28 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 He knows that. They all know that. conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AF3 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 How long are you going to wait? (pushing) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AE3 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 You think I need to send Balgruuf a stronger message. (not a question) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E2D1D CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 You think I need to send Hrongar a stronger message. (not a question) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1B0A CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 If by message you mean shoving a sword through his gullet. (really would kill him) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AEB CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Taking his city and leaving him in disgrace would make a more powerful statement, don't you think? (tiny hint of condescension) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1B27 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 So we're ready to start this war in earnest then? (pushing for war) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AF5 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Soon. (certain) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AE2 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I still say you should take them all out like you did Deadking Torygg. (amused, arguing for ballsy action) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B02 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Torygg was merely a message to the other Jarls. Whoever we replace them with will need the support of our armies. conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AE5 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 We're ready when you are. (pleased, urging war) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B00 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Things hinge on Whiterun. If we can take the city without bloodshed all the better. But if not... conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AE6 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 The people are behind you. (convinced, supportive) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B09 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Many I fear still need convincing. (distant) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AEE CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Then let them die with their false kings. (frustrated,writing the opposition off) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B26 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 We've been soldiers a long time. We know the price of freedom. The people are still weighing things in their hearts. (sincere, compassionate) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AED CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 What's left of Skyrim to wager? (frustrated) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B29 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 They have families to think of. (sincere, compassionate) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AF4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 How many of their sons and daughters follow your banner? We are their families. (making a good point) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1ADF CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Well put, friend. Tell me, Galmar, why do you fight for me? (sincere, searching) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AFB CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I'd follow you into the depths of Oblivion, you know that. (sincere devotion) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AE1 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Yes, but why do you fight? If not for me, what then? stress [QUOTE]WHY[QUOTE] (sincere, searching) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1B01 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I'll die before elves dictate the fates of men. Are we not one in this? (serious conviction) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AE4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil. remembering - distant but with growing intensity FormID: 000E1AE4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight for their wives and children, who's names I heard whispered in their last breaths. remembering - distant but with growing intensity FormID: 000E1AEC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I fight for we few who did come home, only to find our country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. heightening intensity! FormID: 000E1AEC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight for my people impoverished to pay the debts of an Empire too weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! heightened intensity! FormID: 000E1AFC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing. falling intensity, sincere FormID: 000E1AFC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight... because I must. smoldering internal fire FormID: 000E1B2A CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Your words give voice to what we all feel, Ulfric. And that's why you will be High King. (as a mentor to a faithful pupil) FormID: 000E1B2A CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 But the day words are enough, will be the day when soldiers like us are no longer needed. (a cautionary note) FormID: 000E1AE9 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I would gladly retire from the world were such a day to dawn. distant, sincere FormID: 000E1B24 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Aye. But in the meantime, we have a war to plan. getting back to business FormID: 000C3489 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 0 I remember you... You were at Helgen with us! Come to join the war? Speak with Galmar. He handles the new recruits. remembering, and making assumptions FormID: 000E1B0B CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Only the foolish or the courageous approach a Jarl without summons... Walk Away FormID: 000E1B0B CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 1 Do I know you? hint of recognition Walk Away FormID: 000E1B0C CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 0 As you can see, I have much that requires my attention. If you're inclined to gab, there are some nice prison guards you may like to meet... serious, not quite threatening Walk Away FormID: 000E1AFD CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricAlreadyMet CUST 0 Is that so...? thinking FormID: 000E1AFD CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricAlreadyMet CUST 1 Ah yes, you were with us at Helgen. dawning recognition FormID: 000E1AE0 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetHelgen CUST 0 Ahhh. Yes... dawning recognition FormID: 000E1B21 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetFreeToGo CUST 0 A fair point... Well, you've come to the right place, then. Speak with Galmar. good natured FormID: 000E1AEF CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricPrisoner CUST 0 Destined for the chopping block if I'm not mistaken. ironic, a hint of judgment FormID: 000E1B25 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetTalkGalmar CUST 0 I'm always looking for able fighters. Not everyone can say they made it out of Helgen. sizing up the player, giving respect where due FormID: 000E1B25 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetTalkGalmar CUST 1 Seems we're all branded villains these days... referring to his out outlaw status, hinting at overlooking past indiscretions FormID: 000E1B25 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetTalkGalmar CUST 2 So long as your criminal past stays in the past, and you fight for me with honor and integrity, we'll welcome you into our ranks. friendly but firm FormID: 000E1B06 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure you belong here, friend. suspicious, guard up FormID: 000E1B07 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Hmm. Helgen, eh? Ulfric told us quite the story. If you made it through all that, you're likely worth something to me. grizzled, not quite impressed FormID: 000E1B08 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to for Serpentstone Island? willing to give the player another shot. FormID: 000E1AE7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarHandleAnything CUST 0 That's what I like to hear. likes the bravado, but is serious about the test FormID: 000E1AE7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarHandleAnything CUST 1 So long as you can back up those words with steel. FormID: 000E1B34 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhatTest CUST 0 The kind men use to measure themselves. FormID: 000E1AFE CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BAboutIceWraith CUST 0 It's where men have tested their mettle for ages. explaining to an outsider FormID: 000E1AFE CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BAboutIceWraith CUST 1 There's a strange rock formation, built by the ancients. Something about that place attracts the Ice Wraiths. explaining the customary testing ground FormID: 000E1AFE CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BAboutIceWraith CUST 2 You kill an Ice Wraith out there, and I'll have all the proof I need about you. explaining the goal of the test FormID: 000E1B03 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarClearIsland CUST 0 I'm sending you to Serpentstone Island. If you survive, you pass. If you die, well, you weren't going to be much use to me anyway. enjoys taunting the new recruits with the difficult entry tests FormID: 000E1AF6 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAlone CUST 0 Not so sure of yourself after all? not surprised FormID: 000E1AF7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAlone CUST 0 At the end of the day, every warrior is alone. mentoring a young warrior Walk Away FormID: 000E1AF7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAlone CUST 1 Before you can stand next to your shield brother, you need to be able to stand on your own. mentoring a young warrior Walk Away FormID: 000E1AF1 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 0 When you kill that Ice Wraith, then we'll talk about you becoming a Stormcloak. assuming the worst FormID: 000E2CFF CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 0 When you kill that Ice Wraith, then we'll talk about you becoming a Stormcloak. assuming the worst FormID: 000E2CFF CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 1 Here. Take this. You'll need it. Use it on the island. Don't lose it. That's all the help you're getting. begrudgingly offering assistance FormID: 000E2CFF CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 2 Try not to die. not joking FormID: 000E1B04 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 0 We'll see about that, won't we? reserving final judgement FormID: 000E2D28 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 0 We'll see about that, won't we? reserving final judgement FormID: 000E2D28 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 1 Here. Take this. You'll need it. Use it on the island. Don't lose it. That's all the help you're getting. begrudgingly offering help FormID: 000E2D28 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 2 Try not to die. not joking FormID: 000E1B05 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetRalof CUST 0 Ralof's alive? I hope that's true. He's a damn good man. good news FormID: 000E1B05 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetRalof CUST 1 But he hasn't returned yet, so I'll need to wait for his account. For now, speak with Galmar. willing to believe for the moment FormID: 000E1B2D CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's an Elf want to fight for Skyrim? [QUOTE]ELF[QUOTE] with derision, challenging and suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B2E CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a cat want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B2F CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a lizard want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B30 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's an Orc want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B31 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a Redguard want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B32 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a Breton want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B33 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a foreigner want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B22 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarOnlyNords CUST 0 You mistake me. I'm not saying no - just wondering about your intentions. being straightforward about his suspicion FormID: 000E1B22 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarOnlyNords CUST 1 We're not looking for sellswords. The Stormcloaks need dedicated men and women who're devoted to the cause and willing to die for it. telling it like it is FormID: 000E1AF2 CW00B CW00BShared IDAT 0 Fair enough. But are you willing to die for your home? being completely serious, challenging a potential recruit FormID: 000E1B23 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarFightEmpire CUST 0 Can't fault anyone for that! As long as you hate the Empire as much as I do, that I can work with. begrudging camaraderie FormID: 000E1AE8 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarSignMeUp CUST 0 All right. But before I can put you to use, I need to know how much you can take. I have a little test for you. enjoys testing the fresh blood. Walk Away FormID: 000E17B1 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFound dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFoundTopic CUST 0 Did you? So Ulag didn't make it passed those giants then? More's the pity. FormID: 000E17B1 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFound dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFoundTopic CUST 1 If you found any of the sap, I'd be willing to pay you the same cut I offered him. Better price than you are likely to find otherwise. FormID: 000E17B2 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampSellSap dunSleepingTreeCampSellOneSapTopic CUST 0 Ah, of course! How much have you got? FormID: 000E1795 MS02 MS02BraigSorry MS02BraigSorryTopic CUST 0 My daughter is the one who needs your pity. I'm just a poor Forsworn whose only regret is not killing more Nords before I was locked up. heartbroken, wrathful FormID: 000E179C MS02 MS02BraigForsworn MS02BraigForswornTopic CUST 0 I'm not Madanach. I was never a leader of the Forsworn. The only anger I can justify is my own. heartbroken, wrathful FormID: 000E179C MS02 MS02BraigForsworn MS02BraigForswornTopic CUST 1 But every family in the Reach has a story like mine. There are no innocent onlookers in this struggle. Just the guilty, and the dead. heartbroken, wrathful FormID: 000E1791 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic CUST 0 Imagine hearing a story like that, over and over. Each time a different family Each time a different injustice. demagogue FormID: 000E1791 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic CUST 1 Your meddling above ground reminded me of how removed I've been from the struggle. My men and I should be in the hills, fighting. demagogue FormID: 000E1792 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachGrisvarTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, but I need a show of loyalty from you. I don't need a shiv in the back while we break out. demagogue FormID: 000E1796 MS02 MS02GrisvarKill MS02GrisvarKillTopic CUST 0 What? No. No don't kill me. Please! pathetic FormID: 000E1793 MS02 SCEN 0 Let me out. They're going to kill me! FormID: 000E1794 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic02 CUST 0 You know, I'm almost beginning to like you, but you haven't earned your place out of here yet. laughing, demagogue FormID: 000E1799 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachGrisvarContinue CUST 0 Have you met Grisvar the Unlucky? He's rightly named, and he's also a thief and a snitch. demagogue FormID: 000E1799 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachGrisvarContinue CUST 1 He's outlived his minor usefulness. Take care of him, and then we can leave Cidhna Mine for good. demagogue FormID: 000E1798 MS02 MS02Madanach MS02MadanachGrisvarTopic CUST 0 You've finally become one of us. Come with me. I think it's time I announced my plans to you and your new brothers. demagogue FormID: 000E173F CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendWagon CUST 0 Really? It just so happens we've been tracking a wagon! For about a day now. impressed by the coincidence FormID: 000E173F CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendWagon CUST 1 So that's what's in there? Coins and weapons? How do you know that? FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 0 That was crafty. I'm sure having a steward in the pocket will come in handy. impressed Walk Away FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 1 Lucky for us, that the wagon recently had a little accident. They're stranded now. Just up the road! informing a friend of the fortuitous situation Walk Away FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 2 We're outnumbered, but I have a plan. nervous, but excited Walk Away FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 3 You got here just in time. happy by the serendipity Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 0 Oh, fine. Keep your secrets. I see how it is. joking, but covering hurt feeling Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 1 That wagon recently had a little accident. They're stranded now, just up the road. filling a friend in on the situation Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 2 We're outnumbered, but I have a plan. nervous, but excited Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 3 You got here just in time. happy by the serendipity Walk Away FormID: 000E1704 MQ303 TAUT 0 Skuldafn fen kos dinok. [QUOTE]Skuldafn will be your death.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1705 MQ303 TAUT 0 Alduin saraan hin sil ko Sovngarde! [QUOTE]Alduin awaits your soul in Sovngarde![QUOTE] FormID: 000E1706 MQ303 TAUT 0 Het siiv nunon dinok. [QUOTE]here (you will) find only death.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1707 MQ303 TAUT 0 Boziik, Dovahkiin. Nuz mey. [QUOTE](You are) bold, Dovahkiin. But a fool. FormID: 000E16E8 MQ303 HELO 0 Father won't let me go see the dragon. FormID: 000E16E9 MQ303 HELO 0 Is it true? Did you really capture a dragon on the Great Porch? FormID: 000E16EA MQ303 HELO 0 A dragon in Dragonsreach. That's something I never saw coming. FormID: 000E16EB MQ303 HELO 0 So my brother really did it. Whiterun will be the toast of Skyrim for this! FormID: 000E16EC MQ303 HELO 0 I'll be glad when that beast is gone from Dragonsreach. I never understood what the point of all this was. FormID: 000E8998 MQ303 HELO 0 Capturing that dragon was a mighty deed. In my younger days, I'd have been the first to join in the attempt. FormID: 000E16ED MQ303 HELO 0 A captive dragon, just think of the possibilities! trail off as you starting thinking to yourself all the experiments you need to arrange FormID: 000E16E6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenPoliticsTopic CUST 0 One of my main duties is to foster a better understanding between the Aldmeri Dominion and the people of Skyrim. FormID: 000E16E6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenPoliticsTopic CUST 1 I also oversee the activities of the Thalmor Justiciars throughout Skyrim, although this has been unfortunately disrupted by the war. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 0 The Thalmor Justiciars are so often misunderstood. Our primary goal is to preserve the peace between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 1 The worship of the false god Talos contributed to the unfortunate friction that led to the Great War. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 2 Following the Great War, the White-Gold Concordat set out the terms for peaceful coexistence between the two powers. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 3 The Empire and the Dominion agreed that the worship of Talos was a relic of the past, and must be eliminated in the interests of peace. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 4 But I'm sure you didn't come here for a lecture on high politics. FormID: 000E16F4 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenCivilWar CUST 0 As long as the Empire continues to uphold its treaty obligations, my government does not concern itself with the internal politics of Skyrim. FormID: 000E16EE MQ303 MQ303OdahviingIntro MQ303OdahviingIntroCont CUST 0 You will release me - ro laan - if in return I promise to take you to Skuldafn and stop helping Alduin? ro laan = balanced request FormID: 000E1627 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic02 CUST 0 Do I? And what about you? What right did you have to meddle in my affairs? Kill my people? Was it worth it? Your truth? demagogue FormID: 000E1632 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachInvisibleContinue02 CUST 0 You're one of us now, you see? A slave. The boot of your kinsmen stepping on your throat. Maybe if you understood that, I could help you. demagogue FormID: 000E1633 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachInvisibleContinue02 CUST 0 You're one of us now, you see? A slave. The boot of the Nord stepping on your throat. Maybe if you understood that, I could help you. demagogue FormID: 000E162F MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic03 CUST 0 Then come for me, [QUOTE]son of Skyrim.[QUOTE] Come for me! mocking - [QUOTE]son of Skyrim[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1630 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic03 CUST 0 Then come for me, [QUOTE]daughter of Skyrim.[QUOTE] Come for me! mocking - [QUOTE]daughter of Skyrim[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1631 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic03 CUST 0 Very well. Come for me, then. Come and let's end this! mocking FormID: 000E162E MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic04 CUST 0 There's a man named Braig inside these mines. Besides me, he's been here the longest. demagogue FormID: 000E162E MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic04 CUST 1 Tell him I sent you. Ask him why he's here. I want you to know how widespread the injustice of Markarth is. demagogue FormID: 000E1624 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic05 CUST 0 So many say that, at first, until they realize the truth. demagogue FormID: 000E1624 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic05 CUST 1 If you change your mind, speak to Braig. Tell him I sent you. I want you to know how widespread the injustice of Markarth is. FormID: 000E1628 MS02 MS02MadanachForsworn MS02MadanachForswornTopic CUST 0 This was our land. We were here first. Then the Nords came and put chains on us. Forbid us from worshipping our gods. demagogue FormID: 000E1628 MS02 MS02MadanachForsworn MS02MadanachForswornTopic CUST 1 Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own. demagogue FormID: 000E1628 MS02 MS02MadanachForsworn MS02MadanachForswornTopic CUST 2 That is who we are. The Forsworn. Criminals in our own lands. And we will cut a bloody hole into the Reach until we are free. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 0 I had Markarth. My men and I drove the Nords out. We had won, or so we thought. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 1 Retribution was swift. I was captured, quickly tried, and sentenced to death. But my execution never came. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 2 Thonar Silver-Blood stopped it. He wanted the Forsworn at his call, that I would point their rage at his enemies and spare his allies. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 3 And I have. Humiliating at first, but I knew he would let his guard down eventually. That he would come to trust I was under control. demagogue FormID: 000E1625 MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreStoryTopic CUST 0 My story, huh? Everyone in Cidhna Mine has a tale. Let's hear yours first. When was the first time you felt chains around your wrists? questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E162D MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreTopic01 CUST 0 So you know what it's like to have your life in someone else's hands. Why should they get to decide? Isn't judgment for the gods? questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E1622 MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreTopic02 CUST 0 Then you know the hard looks as judgment gets set upon you. The sneers of people who never had to face sentence. questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E162A MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreTopic03 CUST 0 Fine. Don't tell me. But I know that look in your eyes. Someone who's faced death at the hands of the law. questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E1621 MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreInvisible01 CUST 0 Do you have any family? Anyone waiting for you on the outside? questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 0 I had a daughter, once. She'd be 23 this year. Married to some hot-headed silver worker or maybe on her own learning the herb trade. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 1 The Nords didn't care who was and who wasn't involved in the Forsworn Uprising. I had spoken to Madanach once, that was enough. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 2 But my little Aethra didn't want to see her papa leave her. She pleaded to the Jarl to take her instead. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 3 And after they made me watch as her head rolled off the block, they threw me in here anyway, to dig up their silver. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E155E DA16 SCEN 0 The tower on that hill is our destination. People around here call it the Tower of the Dawn. FormID: 000E1559 DA16 SCEN 0 I'm not familiar with the tower's history, but it was deserted for quite a long time before Nightcaller Temple was established inside. FormID: 000E1557 DA16 SCEN 0 When the temple was active the priests would rarely be seen in Dawnstar. They preferred to live a solitary existence. FormID: 000E1555 DA16 SCEN 0 The temple's been abandoned for decades now. Ironic isn't it... a ruin within a ruin? FormID: 000E1553 DA16 SCEN 0 There's a small shrine to Mara I established inside the tower's entry hall. I was hoping to seek spiritual guidance from Her. FormID: 000E1551 DA16 SCEN 0 Perhaps my prayers were answered and your reason for stumbling across Dawnstar is more than a mere coincidence. FormID: 000E154F DA16 SCEN 0 Follow me, it's this way. FormID: 000E154D DA16 SCEN 0 It feels good to finally have a chance to help these people. Helplessly watching them suffer's been difficult. FormID: 000E156F DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 He's deceiving you. FormID: 000E155F DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 When the ritual's complete, the Skull will be free and then Erandur will turn on you. FormID: 000E155D DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 Quickly! Kill him now. Kill him and claim the Skull for your own! Vaermina commands you! FormID: 000E1558 DA16 SCEN 0 Beyond these doors is the inner sanctum and the Skull of Corruption. FormID: 000E1556 DA16 SCEN 0 Prepare yourself. FormID: 000E1554 DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 Keep going, Casimir! Release the Miasma! Desperate... in combat FormID: 000E1552 DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 We can't hold them back! Go! Get to the Barrier! Release the Miasma! Desperate... in combat! FormID: 000E1550 DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 We can't hold them! Go, Casimir! Run! FormID: 000E154E DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 Release the Miasma! Release it now! Hurry, Casimir, hurry! urgent, under combat duress FormID: 000E1537 CWMission07 CWMission07WaitForIt CWMission07WaitForItTopic CUST 0 We'll get him when he comes back around. Hold your fire. (hushed) telling snipers to wait patiently FormID: 000E1525 MQ101 SCEN 0 The torture room. Gods, I wish we didn't need these.... FormID: 000E1524 MQ101 SCEN 0 Troll's blood! It's a torture room. FormID: 000E14DC Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo1 CaravansTopicsKharjo1Topic CUST 0 Skyrim is filled with all manner of dangerous beasts. FormID: 000E14DC Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo1 CaravansTopicsKharjo1Topic CUST 1 Wolves, trolls, mammoths and giants would all like to make a meal of us. FormID: 000E14DC Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo1 CaravansTopicsKharjo1Topic CUST 2 But the dragons are the most fearsome. Lucky for us, they don't seem to hunt along the roads. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 0 Yes, I was hired to protect the others as we walk the roads of Skyrim. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 1 It is a thankless task and I would rather be back home in Elsweyr, but I have little choice. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 2 Ahkari freed me from a prison in Cyrodiil, and now I must repay my debt to him. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 3 A word of advice, my friend -- do not mix gambling and drink. Taken together, they will empty your pockets of every septim. FormID: 000E14D2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSons DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSonsTopic CUST 0 Well, not a great deal, no. FormID: 000E14D2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSons DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSonsTopic CUST 1 But I do less business than I used to. The Stormcloaks don't like buying from anyone that isn't a Nord. FormID: 000E14D2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSons DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSonsTopic CUST 2 If I wasn't married to Ulfberth, I'd be out of business. FormID: 000E14D1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSons DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSonsTopic CUST 0 Oh no, not at all. Sarcasm FormID: 000E14D1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSons DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSonsTopic CUST 1 I simply locked the doors, hid beneath my counter and prayed to the Divines that my life would be spared and my shop wouldn't burn to the ground. Annoyed, sarcastic FormID: 000E14D1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSons DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSonsTopic CUST 2 But other than that, everything was business as usual. Now, do you have any other painfully obvious things to say? Sarcastic, annoyed FormID: 000E14CF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1 DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1Topic CUST 0 Well, the Stormcloak guards drink a lot more than the Imperials did, so I've been making more money lately. FormID: 000E14CF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1 DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1Topic CUST 1 On the other hand, they're a violent bunch. Every night a fight breaks out and I end up with a smashed chair or a broken table. FormID: 000E14CF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1 DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1Topic CUST 2 So, not much has changed, really. Droll, deadpan humor FormID: 000E14CD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSons DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSonsTopic CUST 0 No more than I was already getting. FormID: 000E14CD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSons DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSonsTopic CUST 1 Four of the guards have already decided they're in love with me. Two of the guards got into a fight over me at the tavern. FormID: 000E14CD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSons DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSonsTopic CUST 2 At least Balgruuf's men bathed regularly. These Stormcloaks always smell of ale and sweat, and their breath reeks. FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 0 My sister and I inherited a modest sum of money. We decided to travel and seek out whatever adventures we could find. FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 1 As we journeyed across Tamriel, we encountered tales of exotic and wondrous artifacts. We decided to collect as many as we could. FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 2 My sister passed away some years ago, so I settled down here and opened the House of Curiosities. Tinged with regret and sadness FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 3 I think she would be happy to know that our collection has brought smiles to faces both young and old. FormID: 000E14F0 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicsTour DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicsTourTopic CUST 0 Indeed I did! For a few septims, I'll tell you about some of the most interesting curiosities in my collection. FormID: 000E14DD DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourYes DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourYesTopic CUST 0 Splendid! If you'll just follow me, I'll tell you tales and show you wonders such as you've never seen. With showmanship FormID: 000E14B7 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 It's you and me, prisoner. Stay close! commanding and heroic FormID: 000E14BA MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on! We need to get inside! FormID: 000E14BB MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Where are you going? The barracks is through here! calling out FormID: 0005CE8F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Quick, I can cut you loose inside the keep. FormID: 000E14BC MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We've got to get inside. Now! FormID: 000E14DB DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourNo DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourNoTopic CUST 0 Very well. If you change your mind, you can usually find me here. In the meantime, feel free to look around. FormID: 000E14D9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 These tools were found in a crypt outside Windhelm. They belonged to the ancient Nords who dwelt in Skyrim before the days of the First Empire. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 Most scholars believe that the Nords of old used these implements to prepare their dead for burial. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 What macabre mysteries would these tools reveal if they could but speak? With showmanship FormID: 000E14D6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Here is the Book of Fate, discovered in a secret room in the Arcane University. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 The writing in the book describes the destiny of its reader, so the words change from one person to the next. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 Some see only blank pages, and nobody knows why. Perhaps some of us are born with no destiny, or maybe the blank pages signify an imminent death. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Ah, now here is an item out of legend. This is Ysgramor's Soup Spoon. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 Now, I know what you're thinking - this is no spoon, it's a fork! Nobody can eat soup with a fork! With showmanship FormID: 000E14D0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 Well, my friend, you did not know Ysgramor. FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Don't let this innocent-looking flute fool you, for this is the Dancer's Pipe. With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 Legend holds that the Dancer's Pipe has won wars, toppled empires and changed the very course of history. With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 None know its origins, but the stories say that men who hear its music are compelled to dance uncontrollably, no matter the peril. With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 3 To activate this strange power, one must only speak the magic words, which are... With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 4 Oh my, I very nearly got us both into a nasty predicament, didn't I? Embarrassed, laughing at yourself FormID: 000E14DF DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 And with that, the tour is over. I thank you for your patronage, and I hope to see you again soon! FormID: 000E1374 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 0 Haven't you been listening to me? All the old tales agree that he has some means to travel to Sovngarde itself. FormID: 000E1374 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 1 There he devours the souls of the heroic dead to feed his power. You must find his portal to Sovngarde before he returns, stronger than ever. FormID: 000E1375 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 0 The old tales say that he can travel into Sovngarde to devour the souls of the dead. FormID: 000E1375 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 1 You must find out how he does this, before he regains his strength and returns. FormID: 000E107D TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been a Nightingale for a very long time. I sold my allegiance to Nocturnal in exchange for many profitable years of thieving. FormID: 000E107D TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 1 Falling in love with Gallus was wrong. It was a distraction that allowed the Sepulcher to be desecrated and it likely cost him his life. this really bothers you FormID: 000E107D TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 2 Until the Key is returned, I will never set foot inside that place again. this really bothers you FormID: 000E107E TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 0 Right now, the Guild needs someone to maintain order. Everyone is awaiting the news of Mercer's demise; it couldn't be a more precarious time. concerned FormID: 000E107E TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 1 I also need to reassure Maven that it's business as usual without Mercer... and that a new Guild Master will soon be taking over. say that last part knowingly - you're referring to the person you're talking to FormID: 000E1080 TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Listen, lad. I have faith in you. I know that sounds strange coming from a thief, but these recent events have changed my perspective. confiding in the player FormID: 000E1081 TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Listen, lass. I have faith in you. I know that sounds strange coming from a thief, but these recent events have changed my perspective. confiding in the player FormID: 000E107C TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I can't think of anyone better suited to return the Key. Just remember to keep your eyes open and walk true with the shadows. confiding in the player FormID: 000E107B TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 0 Even though Nocturnal doesn't desire worship in the traditional sense, the Twilight Sepulcher propagated a small group of priests. FormID: 000E107B TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course, they'd never come into direct contact with Nocturnal but they insisted they had her favor. bemused FormID: 000E107B TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 2 As part of their [QUOTE]duties,[QUOTE] the priests created all sorts of baseless rituals and ceremonies all on Nocturnal's behalf. FormID: 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 0 These priests weren't threat to the Skeleton Key or the conduit to Nocturnal's realm, so they were tolerated. FormID: 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 1 One of their ceremonies involved the Pilgrim's Path, a so called [QUOTE]test of worthiness.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If a pilgrim was able to complete the path, it was said that they would become one with the shadows. What that means is anyone's guess. FormID: 000E107F TG09 TG09EbonmereBranch TG09EbonmereBranchTopic CUST 0 The conduit to Nocturnal's realm, the realm of Evergloam, has been in Skyrim... well, longer than recorded history. FormID: 000E107F TG09 TG09EbonmereBranch TG09EbonmereBranchTopic CUST 1 The Twilight Sepulcher was constructed around it by man and mer in order to shield it from those who would exploit its power. FormID: 000E107F TG09 TG09EbonmereBranch TG09EbonmereBranchTopic CUST 2 It's through this conduit that we're given Nocturnal's greatest gift, our luck. What she gains in return is a complete mystery. FormID: 000E0EEA DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 Bah, it's no use. Let's get back to it, then. frustrated FormID: 000E0EE4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenProblem DialogueMorthalJorgenProblemTopic CUST 0 Trust you saw the house that burned down. Peculiar bit of business, that was. FormID: 000E0EE4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenProblem DialogueMorthalJorgenProblemTopic CUST 1 And that's on top of noises from the marsh in the night, tales of monsters, and now this wizard in our midst. FormID: 000E0EE4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenProblem DialogueMorthalJorgenProblemTopic CUST 2 What's a man to do if he can't look to his Jarl for help? FormID: 000E0EED DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDo DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDoTopic CUST 0 Oh, well. You know. A bit of this, a bit of that. sheepish FormID: 000E0EED DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDo DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDoTopic CUST 1 They haven't made me a guard, even though I've been asking. So I'll take odd jobs, anything that comes along for now. FormID: 000E0EEB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 0 Wasn't by choice, I can tell you that. annoyed FormID: 000E0EEB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 1 Options were in short supply. Ranmir and I grew up here, and nearly any money I make, he drinks away. FormID: 000E0EEB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 2 Without the coin to pack up and leave, I decided to take to trading. FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 0 Wasn't by choice, I can tell you that. annoyed FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 1 Options were in short supply. Ranmir and I grew up here, and his drinking soaked up whatever coin we had. FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 2 So I opened a shop to try and get by. Now, though... FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 3 Have to admit, I'm attached to the place. Suppose that makes me crazy, doesn't it? slightly amused at the thought FormID: 000E0EE7 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlace DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlaceTopic CUST 0 It's not much, but we get by. FormID: 000E0EE7 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlace DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlaceTopic CUST 1 Very little money passes through Winterhold anymore, but if there's one thing you can count on, it's folks needing a drink now and then. FormID: 000E0EE5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmpty DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmptyTopic CUST 0 You mean the inn, or Winterhold? amused FormID: 000E0EE5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmpty DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmptyTopic CUST 1 Suppose it's the same answer, either way. Winterhold's fallen on hard times, to say the least. Most folk packed up and left years ago. FormID: 000E0EE5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmpty DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmptyTopic CUST 2 A few of us are either too stubborn or too crazy to go, so we do our best to make a living. FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 0 By my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun. It's the greatest honor that's within my power to grant. FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 1 I assign you Lydia as a personal Housecarl, and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now would we? FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 3 We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E0EB7 MQ103 IDAT 0 I, ah, learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow - a [QUOTE]Dragonstone,[QUOTE] said to contain a map of dragon burial sites. hesitating over [QUOTE]learned[QUOTE] - the player later finds out it was Delphine who told him about this FormID: 000E0EB7 MQ103 IDAT 1 Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet - no doubt interred in the main chamber - and bring it to me. Simplicity itself. FormID: 000D8B7C MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroHaveStone CUST 0 Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! You already found it! You are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes the Jarl foists on me. surprise and admiration FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 1 The target's name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 2 The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 3 Remember, we want people to notice. Kill Vici while she's addressing her guests, as is the custom, and I can promise a bonus. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 4 Now go. And give the bride a special kiss, from me. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 0 Your target's name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 1 The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 2 Vici is likely to address her guests frequently, as is the wedding custom. Kill her when she does that, and I promise you a significant bonus. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 3 Now go. And give the city of Solitude a celebration they're not likely to forget. FormID: 000E0E02 MG01 MG01NiryaRejectionBranch MG01NiryaRejectionBranchTopic CUST 0 Just that, I'm afraid. You lack the ability, in any school of magic, to contribute meaningfully to the College's research. FormID: 000E0E02 MG01 MG01NiryaRejectionBranch MG01NiryaRejectionBranchTopic CUST 1 I suggest you learn more on your own. Come back once you've attained some measure of success. FormID: 000E0DA0 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachIntroductionTopic CUST 0 Well, well. Look at you. Your kinsmen have turned you into an animal, Nord. A wild beast caged up and left to go mad. demagogue FormID: 000E0DA1 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachIntroductionTopic CUST 0 Well, well. Look at you. The Nords have turned you into an animal. A wild beast caged up and left to go mad. demagogue FormID: 000E0D96 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachInvisible CUST 0 So, my fellow beast, what do you want? Answers about the Forsworn? Revenge for trying to have you killed? demagogue FormID: 000E0D9B MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic01 CUST 0 Your freedom? Yes. But even if you were to escape Cidhna Mine, your name would still be stained with all that blood. demagogue FormID: 000E0D97 DialogueWhiterunFraliaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Fralia, do you ever deal with the Khajiit at all? I'm sure they would love to trade in your husband's steel. FormID: 000E0D9E DialogueWhiterunFraliaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Plenty of people here that need Eorlund's craftsmanship, my dear. We've never had any reason to deal with those caravans of theirs. FormID: 000E0D99 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Are you still working at the Bannered Mare in the evenings, Olfina? FormID: 000E0D9A DialogueWhiterunOlfinaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 And why shouldn't I? Just because I'm a Gray-Mane doesn't mean I can't earn my own keep. FormID: 000E0D9F DialogueWhiterunOlfinaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 I didn't mean... I'm sorry I asked. FormID: 000E0D9C DialogueWhiterunNazeemYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Ah, Ysolda was it? What brings you to the market? FormID: 000E0D9D DialogueWhiterunNazeemYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 I'm here to buy food, Nazeem. I suppose you don't need to worry about that. FormID: 000E0D98 DialogueWhiterunNazeemYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Owning a farm does have its advantages. FormID: 000E0D46 DA03Start DA03StartGuardGreetBranch DA03StartGuardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you see a Dog out there? FormID: 000E0D4B DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, well. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. FormID: 000E0D4C DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic2 CUST 0 No, this was a specific one. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. FormID: 000E0D49 DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic3 CUST 0 I don't know really. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. FormID: 000E0D45 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchTopic2 CUST 0 I asked the gate guards to look for him. I can't afford to chase him down but could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company. FormID: 000E0D47 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchAcceptTopic CUST 0 Good! There's some gold in it for you if you succeed. Here's the meat - check the road just outside of town. FormID: 000E0D4D DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchTopic3 CUST 0 No, no, this one's alone on the road outside of town. I can't afford to chase him down but I could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company. FormID: 000E0D4A DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodContinueTopic CUST 0 If you were willing to retrieve him for me I'd give you some fresh meat to attract him out on the road. FormID: 000E0D4E DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchGoodbye CUST 0 I guess I'll stay on the lookout. Keep your nose clean while you're here outsider. FormID: 000E0D48 DA03 DA03BarbasGreeting DA03BarbasGreetContinue CUST 0 You see, my name is Barbas. And I have a problem I think you can help sort out. FormID: 000E0D2C MGR22 MGR22RewardStatusBranch MGR22RewardStatusBranchTopic CUST 0 I only just got my hands on it. I can only work so quickly. mildly annoyed FormID: 000E0D2D MGR22 MGR22RewardStatusBranch MGR22RewardStatusBranchTopic CUST 0 It's coming along slowly. I expect there will be some results soon. FormID: 000E0D2E MGR22 MGR22RewardStatusBranch MGR22RewardStatusBranchTopic CUST 0 We were able to figure out the last text you brought in. I thought the least I could do is pass the knowledge along. FormID: 000E0CF1 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningWhatsNext MGRArniel04KeeningWhatsNextTopic CUST 0 Now... Now we see whether my theories are correct. FormID: 000E0CFD MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I apologize if I have not been clear about my work. I didn't want to discuss it for fear this moment might never come. FormID: 000E0CFB MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Everyone knows the dwarves disappeared. No one knows why. FormID: 000E0CF9 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 This little experiment is a first step in recreating the events of their disappearance in an effort to unravel that mystery. FormID: 000E0CF7 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Lacking the heart of a dead god, I am substituting the crystal you helped craft in its place. FormID: 000E0CF6 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I also lack Sunder, the counterpart to the dagger Keening. I am reasonably, confident, however, that this will still work. FormID: 000E0CF5 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I certainly don't expect it to have quite the same results. I'm no tonal architect, of course! making a joke that no one is ever going to get, realizing it's awkward FormID: 000E0CF4 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Well, I suppose it's time, isn't it? Let's see what happens. You, uhh... You may want to stand back a step or two. FormID: 000E0CF3 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 But please, don't leave. You've been instrumental in this process. I'd like you to see the results first-hand. FormID: 000E0CF2 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Right, then... about to take a leap of faith, slightly hesitant FormID: 000E0D08 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Hmm. That... That didn't really do anything, did it? FormID: 000E0CFC MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Perhaps a little harder? FormID: 000E0CFA MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I don't understand. This should produce some notable effect. confused, starting to get upset FormID: 000E0CF8 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Work, damn you! FormID: 000E0CA9 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 Suddenly I don't feel like fighting. FormID: 000E0CAA WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 Why am I fighting? FormID: 000E0CAB WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I really don't want to fight. FormID: 000E0CAC WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I see no reason to keep fighting. FormID: 000E0CAD WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 This fight makes no sense. FormID: 000E0CAE WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I'm not interested in fighting anymore. FormID: 000E0CAF WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I see no reason to fight. FormID: 000E0CB0 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 There's no reason to fight. FormID: 000E0CB1 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I'm staying out of this. FormID: 000E0CB2 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 This fight is pointless. FormID: 000E0C38 MG01 SCEN 0 Over there, please. Just opposite me. Wouldn't want anyone else in the way. FormID: 000E0C37 MG01 SCEN 0 I really do need you to stay in place, please. I don't want to risk hurting any of the other Apprentices. FormID: 000E0C3A MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The existence of so-called [QUOTE]Doomstones[QUOTE] throughout Skyrim has been repeatedly verified. The meaning of these stones has not. FormID: 000E0C3B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The prevailing opinion of Skyrim natives is that the stones are indeed magical in nature. FormID: 000E0C3C MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While there is no direct evidence of this, it does seem likely. FormID: 000E0C3D MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 References to similar stones appear in lore throughout the various Tamrielic cultures. FormID: 000E0C3E MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 None, however, exactly match the markings or distribution of Skyrim's stones. FormID: 000E0C3F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At present, there is no confirmation of any of the various theories surrounding the nature of these stones. FormID: 000E0C40 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Their relative positions do not indicate that any individual stone is part of a larger, unobserved pattern. FormID: 000E0C41 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Also, their placement throughout Skyrim does not correspond to any known magical phenomenon. FormID: 000E0C42 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The age of the stones themselves has yet to be officially determined. It has been widely assumed that they were placed during the Merethic Era. FormID: 000E0C43 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Writings from that period, including those of Ysgramor himself, do not mention the stones and thus this idea cannot be verified. FormID: 000E0C44 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Nonetheless, many are drawn to these stones based on the local stories describing them as a source of significant power. FormID: 000E0C45 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College will continue to research these intriguing objects, and of course any findings will be relayed with all possible haste. FormID: 000E0C46 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It is no secret that both the Synod and the College of Whispers have recently made inquiries as to the status of our College here in Winterhold. FormID: 000E0C47 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At this time, there is no indication that either group is aware of the other's correspondence. FormID: 000E0C48 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College of Winterhold has thus far declined requests for direct meetings. This has been at the specific request of Arch-Mage Aren. FormID: 000E0C49 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Aren believed that although the initial communications were innocent enough, they were sent with a particular motive in mind. FormID: 000E0C4B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The Synod's harsh rules and draconian structure are maintained only by suppressing any opposition to their Council's policies. FormID: 000E0C4C MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It is entirely possible that they look to our College here in Winterhold in order to find supporters for their organization. FormID: 000E0C4D MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Likewise, the College of Whispers has long been driven by its desire to directly oppose the Synod. FormID: 000E0C4E MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 They focus on research banned by the Synod, such as Conjuration and Necromancy. FormID: 000E0C4F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College of Whispers hopes to learn that our College also supports these avenues of research. FormID: 000E0C50 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Thus they may claim that the Synod is indeed a political minority in the Empire and should be treated as such. FormID: 000E0C51 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Our actual position and policies are irrelevant. No matter the facts of the response, it will certainly be twisted to suit the whims of either group. FormID: 000E0C52 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Indeed, it has been jokingly suggested that we send the exact same response to both, which each will warp into support for their side. FormID: 000E0C53 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At present, these two groups do little beyond attempting to gain the attention and favor of the Emperor. FormID: 000E0C54 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 They appear to have little interest in real study and research for the sake of gaining knowledge. FormID: 000E0C55 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Arch-Mage Aren believes that their conflict poses a significant threat to the autonomy of our College, and I concur. FormID: 000E0C56 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Arch-Mage Aren believed that their conflict poses a significant threat to the autonomy of our College, and I concur. FormID: 000E0C57 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Falling in with either would threaten to draw much unwanted attention to our College. FormID: 000E0C58 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 If either group goes through less official channels and attempt to contact you directly, please refer them to the College's Master Wizard. FormID: 000E0C59 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Say as little as possible so as to avoid compromising our neutral position. FormID: 000E0C5A MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 I would just like to remind everyone, once again, that Restoration is indeed a valid school of magic. FormID: 000E0C5B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It is absolutely worthy of research, despite many of the notes I've had left in my bed. And my desk. And on occasion, my meals. FormID: 000E0C5C MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Anyone suggesting that Restoration is better left to the priests of the Temples, I think, is forgetting a few things. FormID: 000E0C5D MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Firstly, the ability to repel the undead cannot be ignored. FormID: 000E0C5E MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Skyrim is well known to be full of these... Draugr, ancient Nord warriors who cannot find peace. FormID: 000E0C5F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 I submit that everyone in this College has, at one time or another, relied on one of the Restoration spells that can keep them at bay. FormID: 000E0C60 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Secondly, how can anyone forget wards? They have become essential to any mage working in dangerous situations. FormID: 000E0C61 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 They are counted upon every bit as much as Candlelight, or Invisibility. FormID: 000E0C62 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 But more importantly, wards have saved lives. This is a simple fact. FormID: 000E0C63 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Every mage in this College regularly uses wards for practice, so as to avoid physical harm. FormID: 000E0C64 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 I truly hope that these points actually sink in, and that more care and thought is given to this subject in the future. Thank you. FormID: 000E3181 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 As many know, there is an ongoing effort to research the work of the Archmagus Shalidor. FormID: 000E3183 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 He is most remembered for his great maze of Labyrinthian, said to hold [QUOTE]Glamoril[QUOTE], or the secret of life. FormID: 000E3186 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While stories have persisted since the First Era, none have ever confirmed the existence of this [QUOTE]Glamoril[QUOTE] or its purpose or function. FormID: 000E3187 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College has developed some theories, however. FormID: 000E3189 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 We know that Shalidor had an understanding of magic that surpassed almost any of either his age or ours. FormID: 000E318A MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The few works of his that have been recovered suggest that he had an understanding of magic and the world that few have ever achieved. FormID: 000E318B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 What is interesting is that it appears he was also incredibly prolific, writing on a diverse array of subjects. FormID: 000E3190 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 An array so great, in fact, that it remains a source of curiosity. FormID: 000E3192 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 What, then, of this Glamoril? It means [QUOTE]secret of life[QUOTE] in elvish. Could this be an explanation for Shalidor's works? FormID: 000E319F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Is it possible that it somehow contributed to his work? Perhaps allowed him to life multiple lifetimes in a short span of time? FormID: 000E31A0 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Increased his intelligence and knowledge in ways unfathomable to us? We may never know for certain. FormID: 000E31A1 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College is always searching for more of Shalidor's writings in an attempt to understand both our knowledge of the man, and of magic in general. FormID: 000E31B0 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At this time, I would like to make a few statements regarding policy here at the College. FormID: 000E31B1 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Please refrain from practicing Conjuration spells in view of the town of Winterhold. FormID: 000E31B2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Atronachs have a tendency to frighten the locals. Undead.... well, I don't even think it needs to be said. FormID: 000E31B6 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Urag has asked me to remind everyone to please return materials borrowed from the Arcanaeum in the same condition as you received them. FormID: 000E31BA MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 If this is impossible due to misuse or accident, Urag recommends finding a replacement copy to deliver to the Arcanaeum. FormID: 000E31C2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Failure to do so will result in paying, in Urag's words, [QUOTE]a blood price.[QUOTE] I did not ask him to elaborate on that point. FormID: 000E31C3 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Once again, I must ask that everyone please clean up any materials used in the common areas. FormID: 000E31C4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 We've had yet another sprained ankle due to soul gems being left on the floor. Let's please try and keep injuries to a minimum. FormID: 000E31C5 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The Midden remains off-limits at this time; while the initial outbreak has been cleaned up, the area is still considered hazardous. FormID: 000E31C6 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 No more experiments are to be carried out there, and mages are advised that you enter the Midden at your own risk. FormID: 000E31C7 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While Drevis appreciates the spellcasting skill that went into somehow cramming several hundred apples into his pillow... FormID: 000E31C8 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 He would ask that it please not happen again. FormID: 000E31C9 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 He has suggested that, should he find out who is responsible, he is well versed in making things disappear permanently. FormID: 000E31CA MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 There have been unconfirmed reports that someone has been sneaking into the town of Winterhold while invisible, and causing... issues. FormID: 000E31D1 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 This goes quite against College policy, and the party responsible is advised to cease these actions at once. FormID: 000E31D2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Any information as to the whereabouts of the previous group of Apprentices would be greatly appreciated. FormID: 000E31D3 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 As of yet, there has been no sign of them. FormID: 000E31D4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Projects are underway to discern the origin and nature of the College's recent find in Saarthal. FormID: 000E31D5 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Work continues on the Eye of Magnus, as it has been commonly referred to. FormID: 000E31E2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Any and all theories are currently being considered. Those with ideas should please speak with Mirabelle. FormID: 000E31E4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At this time, there is no indication that, as has been rumored, the object is in fact a physical part of Magnus, the god of magic. FormID: 000E31F4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It has been suggested that the object is a gateway to the realm of Aetherius, but nothing has proven that idea one way or the other. FormID: 000E31FC MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It has been proposed that the object is in fact the entirety of Aurbis in one physical space. FormID: 000E31FF MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 This would of course mean that Tamriel, indeed all of Mundus, is actually contained within the sphere. FormID: 000E3200 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It further suggests that we are somehow then outside our own existence while looking in at it. FormID: 000E3209 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While the idea seems dubious at best, it has not, at present, been entirely ruled out. FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 0 It would ruin me. frustrated, but resigned to the blackmail FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 1 I have a good thing going here. The Jarl benefits from my more creative arrangements as well, though it'd be impossible for her to admit that. resigned to being blackmailed FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 2 Laila is a simple and traditional woman. Which makes it easy to manipulate her, but impossible to regain her graces once offended. FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 3 Look. Perhaps we could come to some kind of agreement? bargaining, desperate but trying not to sound it FormID: 000E0B99 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 0 The Thalmor would need to make an example of me... I'd be thrown into prison, but our family's honor would be stained for generations. FormID: 000E0B99 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 1 I'm the Jarl's uncle. He, his father, and I, swore oaths to the Empire to abandon Talos, as conditions of our return to the city. sincere concern FormID: 000E0B94 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailHowMuch CUST 0 Enough to make a significant difference in the war. Walk Away FormID: 000E0B95 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailHowMuch CUST 0 Enough to make a significant difference in the war. Walk Away FormID: 000E0B91 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 0 They're taking it by wagon to Windhelm. If you hurry, you'll catch them before they get far. resigned to the blackmail FormID: 000E0B91 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 1 It'll be a fairly slow moving caravan. The shipment is quite heavy, and guarded by many men. FormID: 000E0B91 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 2 Now, let's pretend we never had this discussion. forceful FormID: 000E0B92 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 0 They're taking it by wagon to Solitude. If you hurry, you'll catch them before they get far. resigned to the blackmail FormID: 000E0B92 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 1 It'll be a fairly slow moving caravan. The shipment is quite heavy, and guarded by many men. FormID: 000E0B92 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 2 Now, let's pretend we never had this discussion. forceful FormID: 000E0B8B CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 Well I... about to get indignant, then realizing you are in no position to argue Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8B CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 1 I suppose I'm not left much choice in the matter, am I? frustrated about being blackmailed Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8B CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 2 Very well. I trust a hefty purse of septims will suffice? angry, frustrated Walk Away FormID: 000E1538 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 I don't think so. How do I know you won't continue to extort me? A wagon full of gold isn't good enough for you? indignant Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 Well I... about to get indignant, then realizing you are in no position to argue Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 1 I suppose I'm not left much choice in the matter, am I? frustrated about being blackmailed Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 2 Very well. I trust a hefty purse of septims will suffice? angry, frustrated Walk Away FormID: 000E1539 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 I don't think so. How do I know you won't continue to extort me? A wagon loaded with silver isn't good enough for you? indignant Walk Away FormID: 000E0B87 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailGoOn CUST 0 Oh, no. I'm no fool. You'll learn what you need to know once we've come to an agreement. nervous, but firm FormID: 000E0B88 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailGoOn CUST 0 Oh, no. I won't tell you anything more until we have an agreement. nervous, but firm FormID: 000E07B3 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 Nocturnal, save me... FormID: 000E07B4 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 I return to the shadows... FormID: 000E07B5 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 I've... failed... FormID: 000E07B6 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 Noooo... FormID: 000DFEEB TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 Come... embrace your death! FormID: 000DFF23 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 Become one with the Evergloam! FormID: 000DFF24 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 This place will be your tomb! FormID: 000DFF25 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 Draw your last breath, mortal! FormID: 000DFE9A TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertIdle ALIL 0 Your presence will be revealed. FormID: 000DFEA2 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertIdle ALIL 0 You can't hide from the hidden. FormID: 000DFEA3 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertIdle ALIL 0 Enough games, face your death! FormID: 000E03F2 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostIdle LOIL 0 Hiding only prolongs your demise. FormID: 000E05D0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostIdle LOIL 0 I have eternity to find you. FormID: 000E07AF TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostIdle LOIL 0 Impressive, you've mastered the shadows. FormID: 000DFEE8 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToAlert NOTA 0 A stirring in the dark? FormID: 000DFEE9 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToAlert NOTA 0 I feel a change in the room... FormID: 000DFEEA TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToAlert NOTA 0 The presence of the living is near... FormID: 000DFEB7 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToCombat ALTC 0 The shadows have betrayed you! FormID: 000DFEC7 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToCombat ALTC 0 The games have ended, time to face your death! FormID: 000DFEC8 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToCombat ALTC 0 Come mortal, let's end this here and now! FormID: 000DFF26 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Nocturnal will feed upon your soul! FormID: 000DFF27 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 An intruder in the Sepulcher! FormID: 000DFF28 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Make your peace, mortal! FormID: 000DFF66 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Defend the Sepulcher at all costs! FormID: 000DFF67 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Destroy the intruder! FormID: 000E0233 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Let the darkness rip you asunder! FormID: 000E0250 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 You've breathed your last breath, mortal! FormID: 000E0251 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Defend the Ebonmere! Kill the mortal! FormID: 000E0252 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 I cast shadows across your grave! FormID: 000DFE89 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToNormal ALTN 0 A trick of the dark perhaps? FormID: 000DFE96 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToNormal ALTN 0 Perhaps it was nothing... FormID: 000E07B0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToNormal COTN 0 Victory for Nocturnal! FormID: 000E07B1 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToNormal COTN 0 Another soul claimed for Lady Nocturnal! FormID: 000E07B2 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToNormal COTN 0 Glory to the Empress of Murk! FormID: 000DFED0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToNormal LOTN 0 The intruder has vanished. FormID: 000DFEE6 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToNormal LOTN 0 I've failed... the mortal has escaped. FormID: 000DFEC9 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToLst COLO 0 What? That's not possible! FormID: 000DFECF TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToLst COLO 0 Most impressive, mortal... most impressive. FormID: 000DFE97 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToCombat LOTC 0 The shadows have failed you! FormID: 000DFE99 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToCombat LOTC 0 A fatal mistake! FormID: 000DFB0D MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Barleydark Farm. FormID: 000DFB0E MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Riverwood. FormID: 000DFB0F MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Rorikstead. FormID: 000DFB10 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Karthwasten. FormID: 000DFB11 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Old Hroldan. FormID: 000DFB12 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine. FormID: 000DFB13 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Stonehills. FormID: 000DFB14 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Frost River Farm. FormID: 000DFB15 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Granite Hill. FormID: 000DFB16 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill. FormID: 000DFB17 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen. FormID: 000DFB18 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Anga's Mill. FormID: 000DFB19 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm. FormID: 000DFB1A MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine. FormID: 000DFB1B MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Ivarstead. FormID: 000DFB1C MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone. FormID: 000DFB1D MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill. FormID: 000DFB1E MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Sarethi Farm. FormID: 000DFB00 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Shadows take you! FormID: 000E026B TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Darkness destroy you! FormID: 000E026C TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Glory to Nocturnal! FormID: 000E026D TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Shadows fall! FormID: 000E026E TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Submit to Her will! FormID: 000E027B TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Your end is near! FormID: 000E027C TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 I'll bury you in darkness! FormID: 000E0312 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Yeargh! FormID: 000E0313 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Rargh! FormID: 000E0314 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Hyargh! FormID: 000E03F0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Hunh! FormID: 000DF8C9 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranchTopic CUST 0 *Gasp* Finally, someone came!... I... Dying bandit-- gruff, mortally wounded. Walk Away FormID: 000DF8C9 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranchTopic CUST 1 *coughs* The cat... *gasp* Ra'jiir... ambushed me. He's trying to take the sword back! I... can't... *gasp* Dying bandit-- gruff, mortally wounded. Walk Away FormID: 000DF8C7 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 *cough* Raspy, mortally wounded FormID: 000E4D79 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 *cough* Raspy, mortally wounded FormID: 000E4D7A dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 *gasp* Raspy, mortally wounded FormID: 000DF8C8 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 No! Noooooo! Nightmarish ghost manifests in front of him and kills him. FormID: 000DF8B6 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 0 Mercer's been careful so far. I don't think he'd just leave those plans behind unless he had his reasons. FormID: 000DF8B6 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 1 For someone in possession of the Skeleton Key, stealing the Eyes of the Falmer would be child's play. FormID: 000DF8B6 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 2 No, he means to ambush us down here, I'm almost certain of it. FormID: 000DF8B7 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 0 The lass seems to think old Mercer is pulling a fast one on us... leading us here and letting the dwarven constructs wear us down. FormID: 000DF8B7 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 1 I've learned to trust her lead at this point. After all, we Nightingales need to stick together, eh? trying to be cheery in grim situation FormID: 000DF8B9 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic CUST 0 A few years before Mercer murdered Gallus, the Guild took in a thief who specialized in dwarven antiquities. FormID: 000DF8B9 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic CUST 1 The thief had broken into a nobleman's home somewhere in Windhelm and made off with a small figurine of a snow elf with crystalline eyes. FormID: 000DF8B8 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Aye, that's what the Falmer were known as long ago... before they became the blind monstrosities they are today. FormID: 000DF8B8 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic01 CUST 1 When Gallus took one look at this statue, he knew it was something special. He took it right up to Enthir at the College of Winterhold. FormID: 000DF8B8 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Didn't take long for Enthir to find a book in the college's library that told of Irkngthand and a great statue with gemmed eyes within. FormID: 000DF8B5 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Not just ordinary gems. They're said to be flawlessly cut and as big as a man's head. Can you imagine how much they're worth? a moment of elation from greed FormID: 000DF8B5 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Gallus and Mercer spent the better part of a month infiltrating Irkngthand, but the dwarves had protected the place far too well. FormID: 000DF8B5 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic02 CUST 2 There were just too many obstacles blocking the way. The plans were shelved and the rest is history. FormID: 000DF7A7 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! FormID: 000DF795 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Torolf! a dragon has just landed in front of Torolf FormID: 000DF795 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 1 Gods... Everyone get back! yelling at everyone to take cover FormID: 000DF794 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Tell my family I fought bravely. dying FormID: 000DF7A4 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 The wounds are deep, Vilod! I can't stop the blood. tending to a wounded man FormID: 000DF797 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 It's too late for that. Leave me. Save yourself. dying FormID: 000DF791 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on. Give me your hand, I'm getting you out of here. tending to a wounded man FormID: 000DF1F6 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 0 Jarl Balgruuf? I don't mean to be disrespectful, as he's ruled Whiterun Hold well for years, but he seems in over his head now. FormID: 000DF1F6 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 1 He's been trying to stay out of the war, but it can't last. He's going to have to pick a side. I'm afraid he's going to make the wrong choice. FormID: 000DF1F4 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 0 I wouldn't say that. But he and Ulfric have been at odds for years, and I'm afraid Balgruuf will end up siding with the Empire because of it. with a derisive snort FormID: 000DF1F4 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 1 But it's hard to believe that even Balgruuf would choose Elisif over Ulfric. FormID: 000DF1F3 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufB1 CUST 0 Of course. Ulfric's cause is just. It's time for Skyrim to rid itself of the Empire. FormID: 000DF1F2 MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifTopic CUST 0 I suppose she's Jarl Elisif now. She married High King Torygg just before Ulfric killed him. The Empire supports her claim to be High Queen. FormID: 000DF1F2 MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifTopic CUST 1 I don't really have anything against her - not her fault that her husband Torygg was bought and paid for by the Empire. FormID: 000DF1F2 MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifTopic CUST 2 But she's nothing but a puppet for the Empire now, with her husband Torygg dead. Ulfric will make sure she never takes the throne as High Queen. FormID: 000DF1FD MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA1 CUST 0 Some say murdered, but it was a lawful challenge in the old way. FormID: 000DF1FD MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA1 CUST 1 Ulfric called him out as a traitor to Skyrim, and killed him in single combat. FormID: 000DF1FD MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA1 CUST 2 If Torygg couldn't defend his throne, he had no business being High King. FormID: 000DF1FA MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA2 CUST 0 No, not until the Moot meets to choose another. And it won't meet until one side or the other wins the war. FormID: 000DF1FA MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA2 CUST 1 Don't worry, though. Ulfric is our rightful High King. He'll drive out the Empire and Skyrim will have peace at last. FormID: 000DF1F8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufIntroA1 CUST 0 But I haven't forgotten the service you did for me in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar. FormID: 000DF1F8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufIntroA1 CUST 1 As a token of my esteem, I have instructed Avenicci that you are now permitted to purchase property in the city. FormID: 000DF1F8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufIntroA1 CUST 2 And please accept this gift from my personal armory. FormID: 000DF1CA DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkooma DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkoomaTopic CUST 0 Bottles of Moon Sugar. Khajiit use it as a... pick me up. Good way to pass the time. FormID: 000DF1CA DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkooma DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkoomaTopic CUST 1 Prisoners smuggle the stuff in. Only currency we have down here. FormID: 000DF1D1 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlockingTopic CUST 0 The new meat. So soft. Tender. FormID: 000DF1D1 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlockingTopic CUST 1 What was it like killing your first one, huh? FormID: 000DF1C9 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulTopic01 CUST 0 A true killer, like me. The gods put us here to fill their halls with souls. You'll fit in fine down here. FormID: 000DF1D5 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulTopic02 CUST 0 Pah. The gods have a place for killers. You can't carry the burden? You're weak. FormID: 000DF1DA DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulTopic03 CUST 0 Liar. FormID: 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 0 We have a nice arrangement in this city, and we're not letting you get in the way. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 1 You have a problem wth that? Take it up with Madanach. I'm sure the King in Rags and his Forsworn would love to meet you. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 2 Now you're coming with us. It's a life sentence in Cidhna Mine for you. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CB MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic02 CUST 0 You think you're the only one who knows that? We had a nice little deal going between Thonar and Madanach until you showed up. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CB MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic02 CUST 1 You'll have plenty of time to take it up with the King in Rags while you're serving a life sentence in Cidhna Mine. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CF MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic03 CUST 0 Same thing we do with all the other natives who want to change things around here. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CF MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic03 CUST 1 We had a nice little deal going between Thonar and Madanach until you and Eltrys started snooping around. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CF MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic03 CUST 2 Well, you wanted to find the man responsible for those killings? You'll have plenty of time with the King in Rags when you're in Cidhna mine. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CE MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 0 You want to talk to the King in Rags? Fine. But first you got to pay the toll. threatening FormID: 000DF1CE MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 1 How about you get me a shiv? Not that I need one, but it's nice to have in case I need to do some [QUOTE]shaving.[QUOTE] Ha ha. threatening FormID: 00025D50 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 0 You ready to pay the toll? One shiv. threatening FormID: 000DF1D2 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulPersuade CUST 0 Hmph. Fine. Go on in. But don't try anything in there. Madanach knows more than you think. giving in FormID: 000DF1D3 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulPersuade CUST 0 The only thing Madanach expects is a bottle of Skooma in tribute every so often. You're not getting through. stubborn refusal FormID: 000DF1CC MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulShiv CUST 0 All right, head on in. But don't try anything in there. Madanach is smarter than you think. pleased FormID: 00025D60 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulShiv CUST 0 Then find one. That dung heap Grisvar's been known to make a few. stubborn FormID: 000DF1D8 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulIntimidate CUST 0 Those eyes. All right, killer, go on through. But don't try anything. Madanach knows more than you think. suddenly fearful FormID: 000DF1D9 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulIntimidate CUST 0 That's what I was hoping you'd say. eager to fight FormID: 000DF1CD MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulNeverMind CUST 0 That's right. Turn around and leave. blow off FormID: 000DF04A TG08B TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranch TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, and some of what Karliah said is starting to make sense. FormID: 000DF04A TG08B TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranch TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranchTopic CUST 1 Mercer may have damaged our reputation and raided our coffers, but this goes well beyond even his twisted form of larceny. FormID: 000DF04A TG08B TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranch TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranchTopic CUST 2 Old Delvin kept calling it a curse and we all laughed at him. Looks like the joke's on us. FormID: 000DF049 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranch TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranchTopic CUST 0 If you would have asked me that yesterday, I'd have said no. But now I think our chances have improved. FormID: 000DF049 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranch TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, call me crazy if you like, but I trust Karliah. I don't think she'd lead us down a suicidal path. confiding - lower voice a bit as if Karliah might overhear FormID: 000DF049 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranch TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranchTopic CUST 2 Besides, I'd rather die with some of Mercer's blood on my blade than spend the rest of my life regretting that I ran the other way. FormID: 000DF048 TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic CUST 0 With the Skeleton Key missing from the Twilight Sepulcher, I'm afraid Mercer's seen to it that none of us can benefit from Nocturnal's gifts. FormID: 000DF04E TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You merely transacted the Oath; signed the unwritten contract with Nocturnal. A bit perturbed that the Player doesn't get it FormID: 000DF04E TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic01 CUST 1 In order for us to receive our abilities... our end of the bargain, I'm afraid the Key must be returned. FormID: 000DF04D TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic02b CUST 0 If Nocturnal was truly displeased with me... with any of us, she wouldn't have answered my call. FormID: 000DF04D TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic02b CUST 1 I have no doubt that we still hold her favor and I believe it gives us enough of an edge to defeat Mercer Frey. FormID: 000DF047 TG08B TG08BNightingaleHallBranch TG08BNightingaleHallBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. Now that you're a Nightingale, you may consider this your home. FormID: 000DF047 TG08B TG08BNightingaleHallBranch TG08BNightingaleHallBranchTopic CUST 1 You'll find that this place offers many things that will help you in your endeavors as well as a wealth of information for you to learn. FormID: 000DF047 TG08B TG08BNightingaleHallBranch TG08BNightingaleHallBranchTopic CUST 2 Once the Skeleton Key has been restored to the Twilight Sepulcher, I'll make this place my home as well. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 0 Years ago, the Guild used to have a foothold in every major city in Skyrim. You wouldn't dare even lift an apple without checkin' with us. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 1 When things started goin' downhill around here, it became difficult to keep it all together. We lost fences, influential contacts and coin. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 2 It wasn't long before we lost what we depend on to survive... respect. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 3 By doin' these extra jobs and puttin' some fear into the people, we can take back the cities and start bein' taken seriously once again. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding me? Ever since the Guild's luck turned sour, we haven't had a coin to our name. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 1 And when the coin dried up, that's when people started to leave. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 2 We had the best of everything down here... the Ratway was a damn palace. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 3 The only way this place will ever return to its glory days is if we can finish these extra jobs and start the gold flowing again. FormID: 000DF04C TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thanks to Maven Black-Briar, we still have some pull in Riften. But get arrested in Whiterun and you'll be tossed right into the prisons. FormID: 000DF04C TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If we can gain the confidence of someone very influential who lives there by doing a unique job for them, we'd be able to have some leverage there too. FormID: 000DF04C TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic01 CUST 2 The only way to get that special job is by doin' smaller ones in those cities until we catch their ear... then they'll contact me and we're off. FormID: 000DF04B TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The Flagon was once a city beneath a city. We had our own smith, our own alchemist... you name it. FormID: 000DF04B TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic02 CUST 1 If we can make a name for ourselves in Skyrim once again, I can almost promise you those merchants would return. FormID: 000DF04B TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Best of all, we'd have enough gold to throw around so we can start living in the lap of luxury again. FormID: 000DF034 MG01 MG01NiryaWhyAtGateBranch MG01NiryaWhyAtGateBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm here to assist anyone interested in joining the College. Also, my presence tends to frighten the locals and keep them away. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 0 The Sea of Ghosts practically came alive. No one was expecting it. Monstrous waves battered the shore for weeks on end. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 1 Winterhold was ancient and weathered, but it couldn't withstand the sea's fury. Entire districts of the city were lost overnight. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 2 The waves receded in time, but the damage was irreversible. Most residents of Winterhold abandoned what was left of the city. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 3 The College survived, and so here we remain. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 0 Purpose? I should think it's self-evident. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 1 Magic is a true power, not something to be shunned by commoners or treated as an amusing diversion by politicians. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 2 It shapes worlds, creates and destroys life... It deserves proper respect and study. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 3 The College is a place where we can focus on that, without the pressures of the world weighing down on us. FormID: 000DF02F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranchTopic CUST 0 Purposely killing your fellow College members is a bad idea. I'd advise against it. Theft and assault can get you into trouble as well. FormID: 000DF02F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranchTopic CUST 1 As for research... Well, a sufficient explanation will cover almost anything. FormID: 000DF02F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranchTopic CUST 2 If you're going to need live test subjects for your experiments, it's easier to do that off of College grounds. FormID: 000DF021 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB1 CUST 0 A dragon? In Helgen? It can't be... although... shocked, and then starting to doubt yourself FormID: 000DF021 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB1 CUST 1 It would explain what I saw earlier... flying down the valley from the south... I thought I must have just been seeing things... slowly, pondering FormID: 000DF020 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB2 CUST 0 I'm sorry to turn you away. I hope you understand. apologetically FormID: 000DF020 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB2 CUST 1 But look... if you need work, Hod can always use help at the mill. FormID: 000DF01F MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpC1 CUST 0 I don't know why... but I actually believe you. You've got the look of someone who's just seen a dragon. FormID: 000DF01F MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpC1 CUST 1 Things just go from bad to worse. First the war, now dragons... what's this world coming to? FormID: 000DF01E MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpC2 CUST 0 You're right, I saw it. But... how's that possible? Dragons don't exist... they're just stories from long ago... FormID: 000DF01D MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpD1 CUST 0 The Jarl needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose. Riverwood is defenseless... thinking quickly FormID: 000DF01D MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpD1 CUST 1 We need to get word to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun to send whatever troops he can. If you'll do that for me, I'll be in your debt. seriously FormID: 000DF023 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpD0 CUST 0 There's something you could do for me. For all of us here. seriously, almost pleading FormID: 000DEED4 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic08 CUST 0 If the Guild isn't willing to listen to reason, you might have to. ominous - bad things to come? FormID: 000DBAF4 WITavern SCEN 0 Welcome to the Vilemyr Inn. If there's anything I can get you, just let me know. FormID: 000DBAF5 WITavern SCEN 0 Finally, someone comes in. Kick off your boots, stay awhile. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. I got nothing but time these days. FormID: 00046FC5 WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. The Silver-Blood Inn has plenty of strong drink and clean rooms. FormID: 000CB266 WITavern SCEN 0 Ah, a visitor. Old Hroldan Inn has hundreds of years of history, friend. FormID: 000C7B0C WITavern SCEN 0 If you've got the coin, you've come to the right place. Pull up a seat. FormID: 000DEE89 WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. Let me know if you need anything, or take a seat by the fire and I'll send someone over. calling to patron as he enters FormID: 000C7916 WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. Just stoked the fire. Take a seat and get the cold out. innkeeper greeting a patron who's walking in the door FormID: 000C7B0D WITavern SCEN 0 Welcome. Let me know if you want anything... think I got a clean mug around here somewhere. innkeeper greeting a patron who's walking in the door FormID: 000C7B0E WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. We got warm food, warm drinks, and warm beds. innkeeper greeting a patron who's walking in the door FormID: 000DEE86 WITavern WITavernServerPlayer WITavernServerPlayerTopic CUST 0 You want a drink? FormID: 000DEE87 WITavern SCEN 0 Lynly, would you mind taking care of the customer please? calling over to someone not necessarily next to you FormID: 000DBAF8 WITavern SCEN 0 Hey, Talen... get off your lazy tail and take care of the customer! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000DBAF9 WITavern SCEN 0 Frabbi, a customer needs a drink! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000552BB WITavern SCEN 0 Saadia, wake up dear! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000DEE88 WITavern SCEN 0 Look alive, will you! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000DEE8A WITavern SCEN 0 No problem. pleasant FormID: 000DBAFA WITavern SCEN 0 Keep your scales on. annoyed FormID: 000DBAFB WITavern SCEN 0 Too lazy to give him a drink yourself? Oaf. (calling) wait-staff snapping to attention FormID: 0005536C WITavern SCEN 0 Yes, mum! (calling) wait-staff snapping to attention FormID: 000DEE8B WITavern SCEN 0 Yessir! (calling) wait-staff snapping to attention FormID: 000DEE69 DA10 SCEN 0 Kill him. evil god commanding a minion FormID: 000DEE6F DA10 SCEN 0 You're mine now, Logrolf. evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE66 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes! screaming in pain FormID: 000DEE6A DA10 SCEN 0 You forsake the weak and pitiful Boethiah? evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE70 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes! screaming in pain FormID: 000DEE67 DA10 SCEN 0 You pledge your soul to me? evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE6D DA10 SCEN 0 Yes! screaming in pain FormID: 000DEE72 DA10 SCEN 0 You bend to me? evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE68 DA10 SCEN 0 Ah ha ha! You mortals and your frail, limp, pathetic bodies. Try it again. (cackling), evil god commanding a minion FormID: 000DEE71 DA10 DA10LogrolfDoNotFree DA10LogrolfDoNotFreeTopic CUST 0 That's all I can do, you idiot. What are you waiting for? tied up FormID: 000DEE6E DA10 DA10LogrolfFree DA10LogrolfFreeTopic CUST 0 Ah, freedom. Now get out of my way. I have a task to attend to. released from your binds FormID: 000DEE77 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfNeverMind CUST 0 I have a choice? blow off FormID: 000DEE78 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 0 So. The King of Corruption sends his messenger to challenge me. Very well. condescending FormID: 000DEE78 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 1 I will meet with Molag Bal, and I will venerate his altar in Boethiah's name, as I did before. condescending FormID: 000DEE78 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 2 Cut me loose, minion of the Hated One. I need to get to Markarth. condescending FormID: 000DEE79 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 0 You? A servant of the King of Corruption? Has the beast's standards fallen so far? Tell me another one. (Laughing) FormID: 000DEE75 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfBribe CUST 0 Fine. I won't ask questions. Cut me loose. giving in FormID: 000DEE76 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfBribe CUST 0 You think it's money I need? I'm a prisoner, not a beggar. stubborn refusal FormID: 000DEE6B DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfPersuade CUST 0 The Dark Mistress? She sent you? Wait. Molag Bal's altar. Of course. putting the pieces together FormID: 000DEE6B DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfPersuade CUST 1 I have to get to Markarth at once. Cut me loose. commanding FormID: 000DEE6C DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfPersuade CUST 0 The Dark Mistress? Sent you? Ha. Now tell me the one about the Troll who gives gifts to good little boys and girls. (mocking laugh) FormID: 000DECE2 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffQSTRightRace CUST 0 Reason, reason, reason. Your kind and their reasons. You're growing impatient. FormID: 000DEC89 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go. Your very presence sickens me. FormID: 000DEC8A WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Be warned. You have been marked by the Thalmor. FormID: 000DEC8B WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Now remove yourself from my presence, while you still draw breath. FormID: 000DEC91 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go now. Return to your pathetic pursuits. FormID: 000DEC92 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Filthy Nord. In time, your entire race will be eradicated. FormID: 000DEC93 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 The Justiciars know your face. And we elves have long memories... FormID: 000DECA0 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Back to the swamp with you, Argonian. Lest I carve you into boots. FormID: 000DECA1 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Crawl back into whatever pit spawned you, Orc. FormID: 000DECA5 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Slink away now, little Khajiit, with your tail between your legs. FormID: 000DECB1 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Flee from my sight, Dunmer, or I'll have you shipped back to Vvardenfell in a crate. FormID: 000DECB8 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Pathetic excuse for an elf... FormID: 000DECC3 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 You are a disgrace to the Altmer. I should kill you on general principle. FormID: 000DEC69 FreeformKolskeggrA FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEnd FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEndTopic CUST 0 You drove them off? By yourself? FormID: 000DEC69 FreeformKolskeggrA FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEnd FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEndTopic CUST 1 Thank you! We'll head back to work, right away. Take this, it's the least I can do. FormID: 000DE50D HousePurchase HousePurchaseHousecarlThane HousePurchaseHousecarlThaneTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has recognized you as a person of great importance in the hold. A hero. FormID: 000DE50D HousePurchase HousePurchaseHousecarlThane HousePurchaseHousecarlThaneTopic CUST 1 The title of Thane is an honor, a gift for your service. Guards will know to look the other way, if you tell them who you are. FormID: 000DE4E0 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 This here's Rorikstead. Quiet place. Good people, though. You can get a room and a mug at the Frostfruit Inn if you care to stay. FormID: 000E1377 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 That's the Honningbrew Meadery. Supposed to be a big rivalry between them and the Black-Briars of Riften. FormID: 000E1379 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Remember when that used to be the Honningbrew Meadery? Didn't stand a chance against those Black-Briars of Riften. FormID: 000DE4E1 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 This is Karthwasten. Mining town. I hear they've had a lot of trouble with the Forsworn. FormID: 000DE4E2 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 This here's the Darkwater. Comes down from Lake Honrich into the White River, a few miles downstream. Good fishing, I hear. FormID: 000DFB08 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Morthal, capital of Hjaalmarch hold. Not quite in the same league as Solitude or Whiterun, but a nice enough place if you like swamps. FormID: 000DFB09 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Here we are. Dawnstar. Capital of the Pale. Don't get up this way much. Beautiful country though. FormID: 000DFB0A DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 I can't say I've been to Winterhold more than a handful of times. Can't see much reason most honest folk would want to come up here. FormID: 000DFB0B DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Well, this is Falkreath. Not much to look at if you're used to the bigger cities, but the folk here are friendly enough if you give them a chance. FormID: 000DE4E3 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 The Braidwood Inn's up that way. I know the innkeeper - Iddra. Nice lady. FormID: 000DE4E4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Shor's Stone - pissant little town, not even an inn. Just a bunch of miners scratching in the dirt. FormID: 000DE4D7 MQ302 SCEN 0 It seems we may have an agreement. FormID: 000DE4EB MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill. FormID: 000DE4EC MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen. FormID: 000DE4ED MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Anga's Mill. FormID: 000DE4EE MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm. FormID: 000DE4EF MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine. FormID: 000DE4F0 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Ivarstead. FormID: 000DE4F1 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone. FormID: 000DE4F2 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill. FormID: 000DE4F3 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Sarethi Farm. FormID: 000DE4F4 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Barleydark Farm. FormID: 000DE4F5 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Riverwood. FormID: 000DE4F6 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Rorikstead. FormID: 000DE4F7 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Karthwasten. FormID: 000DE4F8 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Old Hroldan. FormID: 000DE4F9 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine. FormID: 000DE4FA MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Stonehills. FormID: 000DE4FB MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Frost River Farm. FormID: 000DE4FC MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Granite Hill. FormID: 000DE452 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 I'm done for, little cub. Go. Run for it! in pain FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 0 It worked, then? Let me see! FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 1 Goodness, that's it, isn't it?! FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 2 Yes! It's not perfect, but it's a close enough approximation that it should certianly suffice for initial tests! FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 3 You've done excellent work here. Truly excellent. There's only one thing missing now, and that should be arriving shortly. FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 4 I'll begin preparations. Thank you again so much for this. FormID: 000DE434 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04Stage20AlreadyHaveIt MGRArniel04Stage20AlreadyHaveItTopic CUST 0 How in the name of Akatosh... How do you have that? FormID: 000DE432 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04Stage30Branch MGRArniel04Stage30BranchTopic CUST 0 The dagger...? By Akatosh, they didn't even wrap it correctly? alarmed, exasperated FormID: 000DE430 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranch MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You didn't touch it did you? Well no, of course you must have! Did you attempt to wield it? And you're not dead? alarmed, confused, yet excited FormID: 000DE430 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranch MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Gods, it's a wonder it's in one piece! infinitely relieved FormID: 000DE43E MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningBigDeal MGRArniel04KeeningBigDealTopic CUST 0 This is not just a dagger! incredibly annoyed FormID: 000DE43E MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningBigDeal MGRArniel04KeeningBigDealTopic CUST 1 This is a dwarven artifact beyond nearly all value. A singular instrument of immense power, a tool of impossible import. with reverence FormID: 000DE43E MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningBigDeal MGRArniel04KeeningBigDealTopic CUST 2 Keening, and its counterpart, Sunder. Used by the tonal architects of the Dwemer to tap into the Heart of Lorkhan. FormID: 000DE43D MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranch MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranchTopic CUST 0 I do... I do indeed. slightly awed FormID: 000DE43D MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranch MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranchTopic CUST 1 Keening, one of the great tools of Kagrenac himself, is finally in my possession. I don't think I really believed this day would come. FormID: 000DE43C MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisStage20Branch MGRitual03PhinisStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Mine? Oh no, the stone is yours. I simply need to borrow it a moment... FormID: 000DE43C MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisStage20Branch MGRitual03PhinisStage20BranchTopic CUST 1 Now, let's see what there is to see. FormID: 000DE43B MGRitual03 SCEN 0 It's magnificent, isn't it? FormID: 000DE438 MGRitual03 SCEN 0 I need only look for a few moments... FormID: 000DE437 MGRitual03 SCEN 0 Ahh, yes. I see it now. FormID: 000DE435 MGRitual03 SCEN 0 And so it is done. FormID: 000DE433 MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranch MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 I have the knowledge I need. And so you may have your stone back, and also please take this. FormID: 000DE433 MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranch MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 1 You have done well. proud but reserved FormID: 000DE431 MGR30 MGR30Stage20Branch MGR30Stage20FollowUp CUST 0 I think it only fitting that the Arch-Mage personally receive a large portion of the reward. Well done. amused FormID: 000DE43F MGRRogue MGRejoinJarlBranch MGRRogueJarlNotDoneYet CUST 0 Good. One less worry for my people. FormID: 000DE1AF DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic04 CUST 0 Revenge? No. I want submission. I want the priest who did this to bend his knee and give me his soul. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AF DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic04 CUST 1 He comes by to perform Boethiah's insulting rites at my altar, but he's been missing. Captured and bound. Left to rot. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AF DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic04 CUST 2 Save him. Let him perform his rite one more time. And when he does, we will be waiting for him. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AD DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic05 CUST 0 Fine. I offered you a reward. You'll get the freedom your kind enjoys so much. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AD DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic05 CUST 1 But Boethiah's priest is imprisoned as well. But not by me. He is hurt. Suffering. Mocking tone for [QUOTE]He is hurt. Suffering.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DE1AD DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic05 CUST 2 Save him. Let him perform his rites one more time. And when he does, I will be waiting for him. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1A0 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Damn right. Just like all true sons of Skyrim should. FormID: 000DE1A1 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Damn right. You don't have to be a Nord to fight for Skyrim's freedom. FormID: 000DE1A2 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's capital is Windhelm, northeast of here. You'll want to talk to Galmar Stone-Fist, Ulfric's right-hand man. He handles the new recruits. FormID: 000DE1A2 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 1 I'll be sure to put in a good word if I get to Windhelm ahead of you. FormID: 000DE19E MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksA0 CUST 0 You should come to Windhelm with me and join the fight to free Skyrim. You've seen the true face of the Empire here today. FormID: 000DE19E MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksA0 CUST 1 If anyone will know what the coming of the dragon means, it's Ulfric. FormID: 000DE19D MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksYes CUST 0 I hope so. Skyrim needs people like you to fight for her freedom. FormID: 000DE19D MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksYes CUST 1 Come on, we'd better get moving. FormID: 000DE19C MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksNo CUST 0 Yeah, sure, I understand. No need to decide now. FormID: 000DE19C MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksNo CUST 1 But I know that after you think about what you saw today, you'll realize that Skyrim deserves to be free. FormID: 000DE1A3 MQ102B SCEN 0 No way to know if anyone else made it out alive. But this place is going to be swarming with Imperials soon enough. We'd better clear out of here. FormID: 000DDF82 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchSharedAttack IDAT 0 Fool! None may know my secret! Revealing herself as a witch FormID: 000DDF85 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 I'm just a poor old woman, dear. No need to trouble yourself with me. Kindly, grandmotherly FormID: 000D9320 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 It's so nice to have a visitor. Kindly, grandmotherly FormID: 000D9321 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 I get so lonely out here. FormID: 000D9322 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 It's tough, just scraping by out here. But I make do. FormID: 000DDEDE dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch dunMiddenVelehkFarewell CUST 0 See you on the other side, mortal. chuckling a bit to self FormID: 000DDE3A CreatureDialogueDog HIT_ 0 FormID: 000DDE39 CreatureDialogueDog DETH 0 FormID: 000DDE86 CWMission07 CWMission07AboutAmbush CWMission07AboutAmbushTopic CUST 0 Excellent work. I knew you'd bring back something useful. pleased FormID: 000DDE87 CWMission07 CWMission07AboutAmbush CWMission07AboutAmbushTopic CUST 0 Good job. I knew you'd come back with something for me. please FormID: 000DDDC8 CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushFire CWMission07AmbushFireTopic CUST 0 Fire! ordering archers to fire FormID: 000DDDA7 CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1Topic CUST 0 There's a sentry patrolling the hill. We'll go in quiet and drop him with a combined arrow barrage. Keep low, fire on my word. quietly giving orders to your troops FormID: 000E0B9A CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1Topic CUST 0 There's a sentry patrolling the area. We'll go in quiet and drop him with a combined arrow barrage. Keep low, fire on my word. quietly giving orders to your troops FormID: 000DDD46 CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushCoverYou CWMission07AmbushCoverYouTopic CUST 0 All right. You infiltrate their camp, we'll cover you from the ridge. Good luck! quietly giving an order FormID: 000DDD4A CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushCoverYou CWMission07AmbushCoverYouTopic CUST 0 All right. You infiltrate their camp, we'll cover you. Good luck! quietly giving an order FormID: 000DDCEF DA10 SCEN 0 The Daedra has us. It's you or me! terrified FormID: 000DDCF2 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes. Further. Into the bowels. tempting FormID: 000DDCF1 DA10 SCEN 0 So close. Your prize is waiting. tempting FormID: 000DDCF0 DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroTopic03 CUST 0 Damn. It's like everyone in this city has amnesia. suspicious Walk Away FormID: 000DDCEE DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic03a CUST 0 Sharp, aren't they? This was the last thing many saw before they were sacrificed in my name. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DDCEE DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic03a CUST 1 But a Daedric Lord has his enemies, and my rival Boethiah had her priest desecrate it. So long since it's tasted blood. Until you came. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 Hey there! I was wondering if I'd run into you out here. greeting a good friend FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 1 The Reach is a beautiful but dangerous place, eh? One false step and you'll fall to your death, that is if those Forsworn don't get you first. joking with a friend FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 2 Have you seen those Briarheart men? That's some evil magic right there. FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 3 What brings you? You have the look of purpose in your eyes. getting down to business FormID: 000DDE36 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 Ready to do this? FormID: 000DDE3D CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 We're going to take out their sentry, then sneak into their camp and ambush them. FormID: 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 We make quite a team, eh? triumphant FormID: 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 1 I'll stay here and guard the shipment. You get back to camp with news. FormID: 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 2 Have them send some men - with a new wagon. This one isn't going anywhere. FormID: 000DDE41 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WhatsPlan CUST 0 First, we're going to take out their sentry, then we'll situate ourselves overlooking the camp. detailing a hasty plan Walk Away FormID: 000DDE41 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WhatsPlan CUST 1 Next, you'll infiltrate their position and get their attention while we hit them with a barrage of arrows. explaining a hasty plan Walk Away FormID: 000DDE41 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WhatsPlan CUST 2 With a bit of luck, we'll catch them completely off guard and even the odds a little. trying to sound sure of himself Walk Away FormID: 000DDDF4 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07BetterPlan CUST 0 All right, if you insist. But we'll come running if it sounds like things have gotten out of hand. skeptical FormID: 000DDDCD CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WaitDark CUST 0 Good idea. Let me know when you're ready. agreeing FormID: 000E0B89 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WaitDark CUST 0 Let me know when you're ready. agreeing FormID: 000DDDC7 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07LetsGo CUST 0 Good. springing into action FormID: 000DDCD9 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 In my time, the Blades protected the Emperor. It would seem these Penitus Oculatus will prove equally incompetent. sinister laugh at the end FormID: 000DDDCE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Stalking your prey, planting false evidence, destroying an innocent man's reputation. Truly a contract worthy of the Listener. FormID: 000DDDCF DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The Keeper is a sacred position within the Dark Brotherhood. Ask yourself - do you trust the wisdom of our Lady? FormID: 000DDDD0 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I will kill this jester if you so desire, but there is a disturbance in the Void. Our Dread Father does not wish this. FormID: 000DDDD1 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Killing the Gourmet will leave an emptiness in the collective soul of Skyrim. This pleases me. FormID: 000DDDD2 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Yes. Kill the chef, and then steal his very identity. For that is the true death. FormID: 000DDDD3 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 A poison stew, eh? I was always partial to apples, myself. FormID: 000DDDD4 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 My time saw the assassination of an Emperor as well. Alas, the Dark Brotherhood did not have the honor of that kill. FormID: 000DDDD5 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 We must return to the Sanctuary! Your Family is in dire peril! FormID: 000DDDD6 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 We are the messengers of death, you and I. Together, we will unleash the unholy wrath of our Dread Father, Sithis. FormID: 000DDDD7 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The Sanctuary must be purged of its invading filth! FormID: 000DDDD8 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The time has come to fulfill your destiny, Listener. Kill the Emperor, and restore the Dark Brotherhood to greatness. FormID: 000DDDD9 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 You stand now at the precipice of the Void. I am reminded of another Listener, a protege I knew long ago. So long ago... FormID: 000E0C85 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Ah, yes. Solitude. Seat of the High King of Skyrim. Messy business, kingslaying. Ah, but so very satisfying... FormID: 000E0C86 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Windhelm. White as bone, and cold as the Void. FormID: 000E0C87 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I do so love Riften. I journeyed here in my youth. A thief took my purse... so I took his eyes. It was a fair exchange. FormID: 000E0C88 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Whiterun, home of the Skyforge. It is said a blade forged in its fires can cut through sinew as if it were parchment. FormID: 000E0C89 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 An ancient city, Markarth. Build by the Dwemer, the dwarves of old. To think, an entire race... eradicated. Not even I can take credit for that feat. FormID: 000E0C8A DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Do you feel it? Magic. Deep and ancient. It resonates from the College, like the beating of a heart. FormID: 000DDDE0 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 You know, a good Purification might be just what this Sanctuary needs... FormID: 000DDDE1 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Dreary, dank, and dimly lit. Truly a Sanctuary to call home. FormID: 000DDCDC DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Shadowmere, my old and dear friend... FormID: 000DDCDA DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 All hail the savior of the Dark Brotherhood! All Hail the Listener! FormID: 000DDDDA DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 One day, you will serve our Dread Father as I do now. FormID: 000DDDDB DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I remember Skyrim from my youth, and the glistening crimson on fields of white. FormID: 000DDDDC DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I live... again. FormID: 000E0C8B DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I grow restless. As does my blade. FormID: 000E0C8C DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Your enemies will soon know the wrath of Sithis. FormID: 000E0C8D DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Lead, and I will follow, child of darkness. FormID: 000E0C8E DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Perhaps we should find a random stranger to murder. Practice does make perfect. FormID: 000DDDDD DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Lead on, sister. FormID: 000DDDDE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Lead on, brother. FormID: 000DDDDF DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 We are bonded now, you and I. Joined, through the powers of the Void. FormID: 000DDDE2 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 In life, I was but a Speaker for the Black Hand. But you have been named Listener. There is no higher honor. FormID: 000DDCDB DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the great treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son... FormID: 000DDCDD DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 My blade is yours. FormID: 000DDDE3 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 There is murder in the air. I can taste it. FormID: 000DDDE4 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The Dread Father works through me. And his work has just begun. FormID: 000DDCDE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 My Listener? FormID: 000DDCDF DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 What prey awaits us? FormID: 0007E8A5 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 0007E8A8 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 0007E8AA DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 0007E8AE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 000E0D15 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Riften. Cicero likes Riften. Cheats and ruffians and cutthroats abound. Finally, some fun. mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D16 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Cicero never understood thieves, really... take someone's things before you kill them? And they call me crazy... mumbling under your breath, quietly - emphasize [QUOTE]before[QUOTE] FormID: 000E0D17 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Brrrr... Chilly. FormID: 000E0D18 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Oohhh... Cicero's heard about the Butcher. Interesting knifework. Just... Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab! And then... Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab! every [QUOTE]stab[QUOTE] is said loud and crazy. FormID: 000E0D19 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Hmph. [QUOTE]Solitude.[QUOTE] Lonely Cicero could tell you a thing or two about solitude... mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1A DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...the High King's court needs a jester... But not me. No, not Cicero. The Fool of Hearts is busy enough, thank you very much... mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1B DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...I saw a dwarf! I did! I did! Cicero saw a dwarf! There... Oh. No, sorry. No dwarf... gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1C DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Forsworn think they're so scary... Cicero will show you who's scary... Stupid Forsworn... gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1D DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Oooh... Cicero wants some Skyforge Steel! Sharp sharp, for easy stabbing... gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1E DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Oh! Oh! Maybe Cicero will go to Jorrvaskr and dance for the Companions! They'll... Um... On second thought... maybe not. gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0C8F DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 He he he he he he he he he he. muttering quietly to yourself FormID: 000E0D0D DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 He he he... Crazy? Cicero? He he he he... That's madness... muttering quietly to yourself FormID: 000E0D0E DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...ho ho ho, and hee hee hee, break that lute across my knee... and if the bard, should choose to fight, why then I'll set his clothes alight... singing quietly to yourself FormID: 000E0C90 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...and if I spy a singing bird, I'll snap its neck before it's heard... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0D0F DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...and I said to the baker, [QUOTE]You're not dead! You're a faker![QUOTE] But if that's your wish, I'll oblige... muttering quietly to yourself, singing, stretch out the word [QUOTE]oblige[QUOTE] FormID: 000E0C91 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...oh if I chance to see a cat, I'll feed its corpse to my pet rat... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0D10 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...and he says to the man, [QUOTE]That's not a horker! That's my wife![QUOTE] Ha ha ha ha ha... Ah... I love that one... muttering quietly to yourself, remember a joke FormID: 000E0C92 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...when I next meet, that fair maid Nelly, I'll plunge my knife into her belly... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0C93 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...tra la la, tra la lee, da da dum dum, dee dee... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0D11 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...madness is merry, and merriment's might, when the jester comes calling with his knife in the night... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0C94 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...What? Mother? Is that your voice I hear? Hmm... No, no... Just my head playing tricks... Foolish Cicero... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D12 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 (Whistling) quietly whistling some fast, frantic song FormID: 000E0C95 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Our sweet Lady is maiden, mother... and crone... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0C96 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...need to sharpen my blade... make it shiny, gleamy, and oh so deadly... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0C97 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...dear Cicero will keep you from harm, sweet Mother. Forever and always... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0C98 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 there singing in the Void? Dancing...? Surely the Dread Lord will at least allow poor Cicero to caper... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D13 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Cicero is hungry... ...need a sweetroll... or a carrot... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D14 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...need to get Mother some flowers... pretty, pretty flowers... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D1F DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...must oil Mother soon... ...get all the hard to reach places... mumbling under your breath FormID: 000DD75F dunShroudHearthBarrowQST SCEN 0 Leave... Leave... Leave... Spooky, ghostly warning, trailing off FormID: 000DD68D DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 (Sigh) A heavy, depressed sigh. FormID: 000DD695 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlocking DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you hate the dark elves? Are you here to bully us and tell us to leave? Annoyed, exasperated FormID: 000DD694 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingYes DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingYesTopic CUST 0 Then we have nothing more to talk about. FormID: 000DD693 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingNo DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingNoTopic CUST 0 You've come to the wrong city, then. Windhelm's a haven of prejudice and narrow thinking, unworthy of one such as you. FormID: 000DD692 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3Topic CUST 0 I make no secret of it. I don't care if the Empire controls the city or not, I won't hide my loyalty to the dream of a free Skyrim. You're making a point of saying this line in a manner both loud and demonstrative, to show your courage even while there are enemy soldiers nearby. FormID: 000DD692 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3Topic CUST 1 Ulfric fought for that dream with more courage and honor than any Nord who ever lived. But now he's gone, and the dream is gone with him. FormID: 000DD692 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3Topic CUST 2 But I'll be ready when a new leader takes up the cause. As sure as ice is cold and stone is hard, I'll be ready. Determined, resolute FormID: 000DD691 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1 DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1Topic CUST 0 I've scraped this collection together by whatever means I could. FormID: 000DD691 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1 DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1Topic CUST 1 I do some business with the trade caravans, and I've picked up a number of items from adventurers like yourself. FormID: 000DD691 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1 DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1Topic CUST 2 A few intrepid souls even brought some items back from Morvunskar, the fort southwest of the city. FormID: 000DD690 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappy DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappyTopic CUST 0 Oh yes. After all, what's the point in being miserable all the time? Upbeat, cheerful FormID: 000DD690 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappy DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappyTopic CUST 1 I know life on the docks isn't easy. Sometimes life puts you in difficult circumstances you didn't choose. Upbeat, cheerful. I know this will sound at odds with the dialogue written here, but it is a deliberate choice. FormID: 000DD690 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappy DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappyTopic CUST 2 But being happy or unhappy is a choice you make, and I've chosen to make the best of things that I can. Upbeat, cheerful FormID: 000DD68E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 0 His name is Torsten Cruel-Sea. He's really rich, 'cause he owns a farm called Hollyfrost. FormID: 000DD68E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 1 He told me once that he wanted me to grow up and be a sailor, 'cause that's where our family name comes from. FormID: 000DD68E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 2 But I don't want to be a sailor or a farmer. I want to be a warrior! The strongest one ever! Enthusiastic FormID: 000DD68F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 0 His name was Torsten Cruel-Sea. He was really rich, 'cause he owned a whole farm called Hollyfrost. FormID: 000DD68F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 1 He told me once that he wanted me to grow up and be a sailor, 'cause that's where our family name comes from. FormID: 000DD68F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 2 But I don't want to be a sailor or a farmer. I want to be a warrior! The strongest one ever! FormID: 000DD652 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranchTopic CUST 0 I am not yours to toy with! FormID: 000DD651 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraResponse5 CUST 0 I... I submit. What is your bidding, master. defeated, submissive FormID: 000DD650 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraResponse6 CUST 0 No, I... I submit. No more. FormID: 000DD650 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraResponse6 CUST 1 What is your bidding? defeated, submissive FormID: 000DD64E MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraSigilStone CUST 0 Yes, my lord. Summon me again, and I shall have your stone. FormID: 000DD64F MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraSigilStone CUST 0 Yes, my mistress. Summon me again, and I shall have your stone. FormID: 000DD653 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSigilSummon MGRitual03DremoraSigilSummonTopic CUST 0 Your sigil stone. Lord Dagon is... less than pleased at its loss. FormID: 000DD62B MQ302 SCEN 0 You should be pleased, Elisif. You've done well for yourself as the Empire's pet Jarl. FormID: 000DD62B MQ302 SCEN 1 But beware - the Empire's loyalty is fickle. They will tire of this war, and then I will be the one dictating terms to you. FormID: 000DD62C MQ302 SCEN 0 What about you, Elisif? Are these terms to your liking? Speak up. I'm sure General Tullius is waiting to do your bidding. sarcastically - you're implying that Elisif has no real authority FormID: 000DD626 MQ302 SCEN 0 I have nothing to say to that murderer. with cold anger FormID: 000DD625 MQ302 SCEN 0 General, you've proven yourself a good friend to Skyrim. I continue to trust that you will do your utmost to safeguard our interests. a bit stiffly since you've just been insulted by Ulfric as a puppet of General Tullius FormID: 000DD624 MQ302 SCEN 0 Thank you, Jarl Elisif. I appreciate your loyalty. doing your best to be diplomatic - not your forte. fumbling for the right thing to say here. FormID: 000DD620 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Thalmor will treat with whatever government rules Skyrim. We would not think of interfering in your civil war. FormID: 000DD61F MQ302 SCEN 0 After that, Ulfric... there will be a reckoning. Count on it. FormID: 000DD627 MQ302 HELO 0 You did well here today. I don't think the truce will last long, but that will not be on your account. FormID: 000DD628 MQ302 HELO 0 I fear this truce will not last. You gave the Empire too much. Ulfric will not let that stand for long. FormID: 000DD629 MQ302 HELO 0 I fear this truce will not last. General Tullius will be looking for any opportunity to regain the advantage. FormID: 000DD62A MQ302 HELO 0 You had best take advantage of this truce while it lasts. FormID: 000DD5F6 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 On your way up the 7,000 Steps again, Klimmek? FormID: 000DD5F5 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 Not today. I'm just not ready to make the climb to High Hrothgar. The path isn't safe. FormID: 000DD5F8 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 Aren't the Greybeards expecting some supplies? FormID: 000DD5F7 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 Honestly, I'm not certain. I've yet to be allowed into the monastery. Perhaps one day. FormID: 000DD5EE DialogueCidhnaMineBlathlocGrisvar02 SCEN 0 Hey, remember that girl, Eisa? The one who sliced open that pickpocket they threw in here? FormID: 000DD5ED DialogueCidhnaMineBlathlocGrisvar02 SCEN 0 The Blackblood girl? Now there was a fighter. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was a Forsworn woman. FormID: 000DD03F MQ104 SCEN 0 Good. You're finally here. The Jarl's been waiting for you. FormID: 000DD03E MQ104 SCEN 0 Hrongar, calm yourself. What does any of this Nord nonsense have to do with our friend here? FormID: 000DD03A MQ104 SCEN 0 Capable as he may be, I don't see any signs of him being this, what, [QUOTE]Dragonborn.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DD03B MQ104 SCEN 0 Capable as she may be, I don't see any signs of her being this, what, [QUOTE]Dragonborn.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DD037 MQ104 SCEN 0 Nord nonsense?! Why you puffed-up ignorant... these are our sacred traditions that go back to the founding of the First Empire! almost sputtering with outrage FormID: 000DD046 MQ104 SCEN 0 I meant no disrespect, of course. soothingly FormID: 000DD044 MQ104 SCEN 0 It's just that... what do these Greybeards want with him? FormID: 000DD045 MQ104 SCEN 0 It's just that... what do these Greybeards want with her? FormID: 000DD041 MQ104 SCEN 0 That's the Greybeards' business, not ours. FormID: 000DD03D MQ104 SCEN 0 Whatever happened when you killed that dragon, it revealed something in you, and the Greybeards heard it. intently FormID: 000DD03D MQ104 SCEN 1 If they think you're Dragonborn, who are we to argue? FormID: 000DD03D MQ104 SCEN 2 You'd better get up to High Hrothgar immediately. There's no refusing the summons of the Greybeards. It's a tremendous honor. FormID: 000DD03C MQ104 SCEN 0 Hrongar. Don't be so hard on Avenicci. amused watching them argue FormID: 000DD039 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntroForcegreet MQ103FarengarIntroForcegreetTopic CUST 0 So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me? Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. FormID: 000DD038 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA0 CUST 0 Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. FormID: 000DD038 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA0 CUST 1 Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there. apologetically FormID: 000DD047 MQ103 GBYE 0 Off to Bleak Falls Barrow with you. The Jarl is not a patient man. Neither am I, come to think of it. FormID: 000DD048 MQ103 GBYE 0 I don't know if you've heard, but Jarl Balgruuf said my work is a priority. Which means you should be on your way. FormID: 000DD043 MQ104 MQ104FarengarBlocking MQ104FarengarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I want to hear about this dragon. FormID: 00078661 MQ104 MQ104FarengarBlocking MQ104FarengarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wonder what Irileth is so excited about? FormID: 000DD042 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroD1 CUST 0 The Dragonborn is said to be uniquely gifted in the Voice - the ability to focus your vital essence into a Thu'um, or Shout. FormID: 000DD042 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroD1 CUST 1 If you really are Dragonborn, they can teach you how to use your gift. FormID: 000DCAE1 TG08A SCEN 0 Now, if you'll both proceed to the armory to don your Nightingale Armor, we can begin the Oath. FormID: 000DC290 MS02 MS02UraccenMadanach MS02UraccenMadanachTopic CUST 0 If you're asking, that means you're the new lifer. Tough luck, friend. Those guards sold you out but good. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC290 MS02 MS02UraccenMadanach MS02UraccenMadanachTopic CUST 1 No one talks to Madanach, I'm afraid. Not without getting past Borkul the Beast. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC290 MS02 MS02UraccenMadanach MS02UraccenMadanachTopic CUST 2 And you don't want to talk to Borkul the Beast. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC28D MS02 MS02UraccenBorkul MS02UraccenBorkulTopic CUST 0 Madanach's guard. Big, even for an Orc. Heard he ripped a man's arm off and beat him to death with it. He's old-fashioned like that. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC28F DA10 SCEN 0 Fresh food. No wood rot on the furniture. Someone's been here. Recently. investigative FormID: 000DC28F DA10 SCEN 1 But the people I asked say no one enters or leaves.... investigative FormID: 000DC296 DA10 SCEN 0 Wait. Did you hear that? I think it came this way. investigative FormID: 000DC292 DA10 SCEN 0 That's it. Something's inside the house. Come on, we're getting to the bottom of this. investigative FormID: 000DC28E DA10 SCEN 0 Come out! We know you're here! calling out to a hidden enemy FormID: 000DC297 DA10 SCEN 0 There's another door. See if you can get it open. commanding FormID: 000DC293 DA10 SCEN 0 Stendarr's Mercy! This isn't an ordinary Daedra. We have to get help. falling back FormID: 000DC28B DA10 SCEN 0 Weak. He's weak. You're strong. Crush him. whispering into the player's mind FormID: 000DC295 DA10 SCEN 0 You first. Come on. Let's go. commanding FormID: 000DC28C DA10 SCEN 0 No. Kill him. Crush his bones. Tear at his flesh. whispering into the player's mind FormID: 000DC294 DA10 SCEN 0 Get out of my head, Daedra! calling out to a hidden enemy FormID: 000DC291 DA10 SCEN 0 You will kill. You will kill, or you will die! shouting inside the player's head FormID: 000DC28A DA10 SCEN 0 I don't want to die. I can't die here! terrified FormID: 000CE08C CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You'd be wasted as a regular soldier. I have special plans for you. You'll be of greater use to me with greater flexibility. thoughtful Walk Away FormID: 000CE08C CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 Make your way to our hidden military camp in the Pale. Rikke will have important tasks for you, and will need you when we reclaim the capital. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000A9364 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Make your way to our camp in the Rift. We have a few surprises for the Stormcloaks lined up. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000CE08E CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You're needed in Winterhold. Report to our hidden camp there. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7254 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get over to our camp in Hjaalmarch. We need to strengthen our defensive position. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7254 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 I trust you've come to see the error handing the hold over to the rebels? scolding the player who gave away territory in a peace treaty Walk Away FormID: 000E7255 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Make your way to our camp in Falkreath. We're going to take it back. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7255 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And don't think I've forgotten that you were the one that gave it to Ulfric in the first place. scolding the player who gave away territory in a peace treaty Walk Away FormID: 000E7256 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Hurry over to our military camp tucked away in the Reach. Ulfric's been enjoying those silver mines for far too long. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7256 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And, soldier. You better help win me back Markarth, or die trying. It was your brilliant strategy to give it over to the rebels in the first place. scolding the player who gave away territory in a peace treaty Walk Away FormID: 00065C8A CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You've little time to glory in your accomplishments. about to give a new order FormID: 00065C8A CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 We're gathering for our final assault on Windhelm. Report to our camp in Eastmarch. and urgent command FormID: 000CE08D CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 I suspect you'll be of greater use to us with greater freedom, so you're free to engage the Imperials as you see fit. thoughtful FormID: 000CE08D CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 But I also want you to find our hidden camp in Falkreath. Galmar will have special tasks for you, and will need you when we liberate the capital. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000A9365 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get over to our camp in the Reach. They need every able body they can muster. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000CE08F CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You're needed in Hjaalmarch. There's much to be done. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7257 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get over to our camp in the Pale. It's time we bring them back into the fold. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7257 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And don't think for a moment I've forgotten it was you that lost us the hold in the first place. scolding the player, who foolishly gave the territory away in a peace treaty FormID: 000E7258 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get up to Winterhold. We're going to take it back. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7258 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 I know you thought we weren't losing much when you gave it to the enemy. But I'm wasting troops guarding the border that belong on the front lines. scolding the player, who foolishly gave the territory away in a peace treaty FormID: 000E7259 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Make your way to our hidden camp in the Rift. I can't continue to push forward when I'm worried about Eastmarch's southern border. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7259 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 I hold you responsible for this situation. So, you better win me back Riften, or die trying. scolding the player, who foolishly gave the territory away in a peace treaty FormID: 001039B5 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's cousin is getting married! frustrated FormID: 001039B5 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 If royal blood was spilt, all of Cyrodiil would be up in arms. We can't afford an all out war with the Empire. So we'll bide our time for now. frustrated FormID: 001039B6 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's visiting! The goddamned Emperor! frustrated FormID: 001039B6 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And, as much as I'd like to kill the man myself, we can't risk an all out war with the Empire. We'll bide our time for now... frustrated FormID: 00065C8B CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You've no time to glory in your accomplishments. FormID: 00065C8B CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 We're gathering for our final assault on Solitude. I need you there. Report to our camp in Haafingar. urgent order FormID: 000DC24F CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatAreDuties CUST 0 You'll be doing whatever Rikke tells you to do. And, I expect you to find creative ways to disrupt the Stormcloaks along the way. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000DC250 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatAreDuties CUST 0 You'll be doing whatever Galmar tells you to do, and causing as much mayhem as possible for the Empire and any Jarl who supports them. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000DC256 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 For the Empire! sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C56 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 For the Emperor! sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C57 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 Gods be with you. sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000DC257 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 Talos guide you. sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C58 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 Go with the gods. sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C59 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 For Skyrim! sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000DC243 CW03 SCEN 0 Sir! (running, out of breath) calling out to someone in back room while running to him FormID: 000DC25A CW03 SCEN 0 Sir! I... I have... completely out of breath, have been running for miles FormID: 000DC24B CW03 SCEN 0 Take a moment to breathe, soldier. order to a wheezing soldier FormID: 000DC241 CW03 SCEN 0 But... sir... completely out of breath, have been running for miles FormID: 000DC25B CW03 SCEN 0 Breathe! abrupt, annoyed, order to a wheezing soldier FormID: 000DC24E CW03 SCEN 0 The outer walls are strong. If we can hold them there... consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23E CW03 SCEN 0 They have catapults. a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC258 CW03 SCEN 0 Damnit. Where'd they get catapults? The city walls are already falling apart as it is. (upset, worried) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC244 CW03 SCEN 0 My scouts tell me they're loading them with fire. (clarification, not good news) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC259 CW03 SCEN 0 So, he wants to take my city, walls intact. (frustrated but handling it) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC247 CW03 SCEN 0 The men will be fighting in flames. (cautionary) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC23B CW03 SCEN 0 My men are fearless. It's the Imperial milk drinkers I'm worried about. (frustrated accidentally calling his allies a slur) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC24C CW03 SCEN 0 If you prefer I took my men and left... (offended, willing to do it) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC23C CW03 SCEN 0 No. Of course not. Just - don't let me down Cipius. (frustrated, embarrassed) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23C CW03 SCEN 1 We'll need to set up water brigades to combat the flames. changing the subject, worried for his people FormID: 000DC248 CW03 SCEN 0 Already taken care of. (satisfied with himself) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC23D CW03 SCEN 0 You Imperials are efficient, I'll give you that. (lightening the mood) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23D CW03 SCEN 1 How long until they arrive? back to business FormID: 000DC24A CW03 SCEN 0 Sir. (interjecting) tired, but caught breath FormID: 000DC240 CW03 SCEN 0 Not long. They're hiding in the country side. a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC252 CW03 SCEN 0 Damnit. What's he waiting for? (wants to get this over with) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23F CW03 SCEN 0 Sir! (strongly interrupting, has something important to say) tired, but caught breath FormID: 000DC251 CW03 SCEN 0 What?! out of patience FormID: 000DC246 CW03 SCEN 0 Sir, they're on the move. They'll be at the gates at any moment! (quickly) FormID: 000DC23A CW03 SCEN 0 Why didn't you say so immediately?! shocked, upset FormID: 000DC24D CW03 SCEN 0 Sir, I tried. (shrinking) FormID: 000DC242 CW03 SCEN 0 This is it! Time to see what these Stormcloaks are made of. (talking about the enemy) glad the moment of truth has arrived FormID: 000DC255 CW03 SCEN 0 The men are already gathering at the gates. explaining this are under control FormID: 000DC245 CW03 SCEN 0 Move it soldier. Spread the word. Go. Go. Go. barking an order to soldier FormID: 000DC239 CW03 SCEN 0 Oblivion take them. Every miserable last one of them. (mix of hate and excitement) glad the moment of truth has arrived FormID: 000DC166 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic CUST 0 Well then, you're talking to the right person. I'm the only one left in Tamriel that can get my hands on it. obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC166 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic CUST 1 It's damn near impossible to find anymore. You want to buy it off of me? obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC167 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic CUST 0 I do. Still want to buy it? FormID: 000DC169 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Good. Here, take this key. FormID: 000DC169 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01a CUST 1 The Balmora Blue is locked in a chest under the docks near the Red Wave. Hope you like getting wet. obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC16A TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Sorry, guess it's too rich for your blood. Come back when you find the coin. FormID: 000DC16D TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01b CUST 0 I'm afraid not. How else can a poor, overworked sailor like myself expect to earn a living? obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC168 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01c CUST 0 I'm sorry you feel my illegal contraband is overpriced, perhaps you should bring it up at the next merchant guild meeting. sarcasm FormID: 000DC168 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01c CUST 1 Look, you want it, I got it. You know the price, so talk to me when you want to cough up the gold. FormID: 000DC16B TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranch TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 Not sure. I know that it starts with Moon Sugar, but all sorts of other ingredients are added to increase its potency. FormID: 000DC16B TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranch TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 Used to be a lucrative underworld commodity when Balmora was still standing. Now the stuff is beyond valuable. FormID: 000DC16B TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranch TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranchTopic CUST 2 It's also very illegal. Anyone caught with Balmora Blue looks forward to rotting in jail for a very long time. FormID: 000DC16C TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranch TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranchTopic CUST 0 There's pirates and then there's the crew of the Red Wave. They're in a class by themselves. FormID: 000DC16C TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranch TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranchTopic CUST 1 They usually make runs along the coast shipping all sorts of contraband to and from Morrowind. FormID: 000DC16C TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranch TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranchTopic CUST 2 Rumor has it they can get you anything for the right price. FormID: 000DBE48 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaCoven DA11FINEolaCovenTopic CUST 0 No. This coven has existed for thousands of years. Namira is a goddess. She has been worshipped since time began. modest FormID: 000DBE48 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaCoven DA11FINEolaCovenTopic CUST 1 I'm honored to be leading the latest generation of Namira's faithful. Those who have embraced what they are. modest FormID: 000DBAF0 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Well it stops now, and that's final! FormID: 000DBAFF DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic CUST 0 I play the lute. If you'd like to hear something, it only costs five gold. FormID: 000DBAFC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 That's so sweet of you. very embarrassed... shy FormID: 000DBAFC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll tell you what... I'll play a special song, just for you, for no charge at all. FormID: 000DBAFD DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Why thank, you... you're very kind. Still interested? FormID: 000DBAF6 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Thank you, milord. FormID: 000DBAF7 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Thank you, milady. FormID: 000DBAF3 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000DBAF1 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranchTopic CUST 0 Right away, milord. FormID: 000DBAF2 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranchTopic CUST 0 Right away, milady. FormID: 000DBB00 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadJoftorBranch DialogueIvarsteadTembaBranchTopic CUST 0 My business is falling apart, my apprentice never listens to me and now there's talk of dragons. FormID: 000DBB00 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadJoftorBranch DialogueIvarsteadTembaBranchTopic CUST 1 If I hadn't sunk every bit of gold I had into my mill, I would have picked up and left Ivarstead long ago. FormID: 000DBAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranch DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranchTopic CUST 0 My father taught me an important lesson many years ago. chipper FormID: 000DBAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranch DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranchTopic CUST 1 He said [QUOTE]Gwilin, you have the whole world before you. Go out and experience it... be whatever you want to be.[QUOTE] chipper - change voice a bit as if mimicking his father (lovingly) FormID: 000DBAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranch DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranchTopic CUST 2 So I took his advice, and here I am. This life might not look like much to you, but I'm content, and isn't that all that matters? chipper FormID: 000DBA4B MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraStage30Branch MGRitual03DremoraStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 I am not your plaything, worm! FormID: 000DBA4A MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraStage30Branch MGRitual03DremoraResponse3 CUST 0 Never! FormID: 000DBA4C MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraStage30Branch MGRitual03DremoraResponse4 CUST 0 I'll tear out your heart first! FormID: 000DBA0E DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 Would you like to buy a lady a drink? flirting FormID: 000DBA3B DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 What would Hroggar say if he heard I was drinking with you? FormID: 000DBA20 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 Forget about Hroggar. He's always so tired lately. I need someone with a little fire in their blood. FormID: 000DBA1F DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 After all you've put that man through. You should be more loyal to him. FormID: 000DBA1E DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 I'm bored, Benor. Nobody wants to have any fun with me. flirting (pouting, not truly sad) FormID: 000DBA1D DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 If you leave that kinslayer Hroggar, I would be happy to keep your company. FormID: 000DBA11 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 Hroggar doesn't have to know if we sit together. Or drink together. I doubt he would even care. flirting FormID: 000DBA10 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 You tempt me mightily, Alva. But I won't cuckhold another man, even on murderer like Hroggar. FormID: 000DBA30 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 In a fight, if you see a big wind up, get out of the way or bash him with your shield. Attacks like that go right through a regular block. FormID: 000DBA31 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 When the other guy has his shield up, regular blows are useless. Wind up and hit him with a really powerful attack to get past that shield. FormID: 000DBA32 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Even if your opponent doesn't have a shield, those big, powerful blows can stagger him. Leaves him open for a quick follow up blow. FormID: 000DBA33 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Using two weapons means you've got no defense. You can't block anything. But if you hit him with both at the same time, he may not get up again. FormID: 000DBA34 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Only a fool lets himself get surrounded. Back up and make them come at you one at a time. FormID: 000DBA35 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Those big, powerful blows are tiring. Pace yourself until you've got the stamina to do one. FormID: 000DBA36 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Any fool can just flail about, swinging his weapon as fast as he can. Any fool can die. Keep your guard up and wait for an opening. FormID: 000DD638 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Make sure to pull your bow all the way back to get the most power out of your shot. FormID: 000DBA37 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Don't just stand still to do your big wind-up blows. Which way you're moving changes what happens and can be a big advantage. FormID: 000DD639 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 If you want to sharpen your blade, use the grindstone. Although you'll need the right raw materials, such as iron or steel. FormID: 000DD63A DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Want to improve your armor? Use the workbench. Make sure you have the right raw materials, such as iron or steel. FormID: 000DD63B DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 If you want to make new armor or weapons, use the forge. It takes plenty of raw materials though, such as iron or steel. FormID: 000DD63C DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Before you can enchant your weapon or armor, you'll need to learn an enchantment by sacrificing an enchanted item. Just use the arcane enchanter. FormID: 000DD63D DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 If you know an enchantment and have a filled soul gem, you can enchant armor and weapons. Just use the arcane enchanter. FormID: 000DD63E DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 You can eat an ingredient to learn one of its properties. However, they taste disgusting. FormID: 000DD63F DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 You can make your own potions by mixing up to three ingredients together. Just use the Alchemy Lab. FormID: 00027491 MS14 MS14Taunt TAUT 0 She's mine! She's my reward. You can't have her! FormID: 00070E76 MS14 MS14Taunt TAUT 0 I won't let you hurt Alva! FormID: 000771AB MS14 MS14Taunt TAUT 0 You've ruined everything! FormID: 000DB9F4 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateNevermindBranch DBCiceroStateNevermindBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, all right then, Listener. Cicero will just carry on with what he was doing. Until you say otherwise. FormID: 0003AA70 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateNevermindBranch DBCiceroStateNevermindBranchTopic CUST 0 Very well, Listener. FormID: 0003AA71 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateNevermindBranch DBCiceroStateNevermindBranchTopic CUST 0 As you wish, Listener. FormID: 000DB9F5 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateTradeBranch DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic CUST 0 Ooh! Listener! That tickles! FormID: 0003AA72 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateTradeBranch DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. FormID: 0003AA73 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateTradeBranch DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener. FormID: 000DB9E9 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleYesTopic CUST 0 Argonian Ale! I can almost taste it! FormID: 000DB9E8 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleNoTopic CUST 0 Then we got nothin' more to talk about. Disgruntled, annoyed FormID: 000DB9EB DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemYesTopic CUST 0 Good. You're clearly better suited than I am to carry out such a menial task. FormID: 000DB9EA DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemNoTopic CUST 0 Well, let's see... travel-stained clothes, worn soles, blank and unintelligent expression... Yes, in fact you do. FormID: 000DB8D5 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Stay close to the wall! shouting out a warning FormID: 000DB8E0 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get up, papa! Get up! FormID: 000DB8D8 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Haming, you need to get over here. Now! directing a child who's in danger FormID: 000DB8DD MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Gods guide you, Hadvar. FormID: 000DB8D7 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 That a boy. You're doing great. directing a child in danger FormID: 000DB8D3 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Still alive, prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way. not threatening, heroic and commanding FormID: 000DB8D9 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 That's it, son. Make me proud. in pain FormID: 000DB874 MQ104 SCEN 0 You wouldn't understand, Housecarl. You ain't a Nord. a little surly, but still respectful of a superior officer FormID: 000DB886 MQ104 SCEN 0 I've been all across Tamriel. I've seen plenty of things just as outlandish as this. with a skeptical snort FormID: 000DB882 MQ104 SCEN 0 I'd advise you all to trust in the strength of your sword arm over tales and legends. FormID: 000DB881 MQ104 SCEN 0 So your information was correct after all. And we have our friend here to thank for recovering it for us. FormID: 000DB87F MQ104 SCEN 0 You went into Bleak Falls Barrow and got that? Nice work. grudgingly impressed FormID: 000DB87D MQ104 SCEN 0 Just send me a copy when you've deciphered it. FormID: 000DB87B MQ103 SCEN 0 You have a visitor. dryly - Farengar doesn't' notice someone standing right next to him FormID: 000DB879 MQ103 SCEN 0 Hmm? Ah, yes, the Jarl's protege! Back from Bleak Falls Barrow? You didn't die, it seems. FormID: 000DB875 MQ103 SCEN 0 Now, let me show you something else I found... very intriguing... I think your employers may be interested as well... FormID: 000DB873 MQ104 SCEN 0 Wait for me. FormID: 000DB884 MQ103 HELO 0 Oh, I thought you were already on your way to Bleak Falls Barrow... FormID: 000DB885 MQ103 HELO 0 What are you still doing here? The Jarl said retrieving that stone tablet is a priority. Remember? FormID: 000DB880 MQ104 SCEN 0 Here he comes! Find cover and make every arrow count! FormID: 000DB87E MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookA1 CUST 0 You'll have to see the Jarl about that. Maybe his steward, Avenicci. I'm sure one of them will pay you appropriately. airily dismissive FormID: 000DB87C MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookA2 CUST 0 That is where your job ends and mine begins. The work of the mind, sadly undervalued in Skyrim. FormID: 000DB878 MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookB1 CUST 0 My... associate here will be pleased to see your handiwork. She discovered its location, by means she has so far declined to share with me. FormID: 000E240F MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookB1 CUST 0 My... associate will be pleased at your resourcefulness. She discovered its location, by means she has so far declined to share with me. FormID: 000DB83E DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenTopic CUST 0 What are you in for, new blood? FormID: 000DB836 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenTopic01 CUST 0 Innocent? So was I, for the first one. The other murders were all me, though. FormID: 000DB843 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenTopic02 CUST 0 Petty thieving, huh? Just like poor Grisvar. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson faster than he has. FormID: 000DB849 DialogueCidhnaMine IDAT 0 Violent one, huh? Best keep that to yourself, new blood. Others find out, they'll consider that a challenge. FormID: 000DB84B DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInvisibleContinue CUST 0 I hear you're in for life. Sad. I'd get a shiv if I was you, or maybe some Skooma to drown your troubles. FormID: 000DB84C DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInvisibleContinue CUST 0 My advice? Serve your time at the pickaxe and get out. You don't want to end up getting a shiv in the guts over a bottle of Skooma. FormID: 000DB840 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShiv DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShivTopic CUST 0 They come in here once a week to clean out the bodies, grab any ore we've mined, and beat down the troublemakers. FormID: 000DB840 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShiv DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShivTopic CUST 1 That's the only time when we get food, too. And if there's not enough ore mined up, we don't get any. FormID: 000DB835 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInForBranch DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInFor CUST 0 A Nord nobleman I served was stabbed in the night. Wasn't me, but I knew I'd be blamed. FormID: 000DB835 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInForBranch DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInFor CUST 1 So I ran. Joined the Forsworn. Started killing. Got caught. Now I'm here. FormID: 000DB83B DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForsworn DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForswornTopic CUST 0 Because life was better under the old ways. No Nords and their laws. FormID: 000DB844 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForsworn DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForswornInvisible CUST 0 One day, the Forsworn will paint the walls of Markarth in your kinsmen's blood. Best you not be there on that day, Nord. FormID: 000DB845 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForsworn DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForswornInvisible CUST 0 One day, the Forsworn will paint the walls of Markarth in their blood. FormID: 000DB83C FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccen FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccenTopic CUST 0 Small blade. Easy to hide. I mean, sure, you could just swing a pickaxe into someone's face, but people tend to see that coming. FormID: 000DB83C FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccen FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccenTopic CUST 1 Got a problem with a prisoner? Get a shiv. Hear Grisvar has a spare, if you could get him to part with it. FormID: 000DB83D FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarTopic CUST 0 Ah, you want protection? I can get you what you need. FormID: 000DB83D FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarTopic CUST 1 Maybe you can do something for me, first? Duach has a bottle of Skooma. Finest distilled Moon Sugar. I'm shaking just thinking about it. FormID: 000DB83A FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGisvarAccept CUST 0 Ah, you're a clever one aren't you? Now, here's your shiv. Promise you won't ever use it on me, okay? FormID: 000E6DE0 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGisvarAccept CUST 0 Thank you, friend. Don't worry. I'll have that shiv ready for you. FormID: 000DB83F FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarReject CUST 0 All right, but if you change your mind. Not like we're going anywhere. FormID: 000DB848 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvanTopic CUST 0 You give me one more look, and I cut you open. That Skooma's mine. FormID: 000DB837 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachPersuade CUST 0 Getting the shakes, huh? All right. Take it. Old gods keep you. FormID: 000DB891 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachPersuade CUST 0 Skooma addict. Get lost. FormID: 000DB846 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachIntimidate CUST 0 Easy there. I didn't mean nothing. Take it. FormID: 000DB847 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachIntimidate CUST 0 That's it. FormID: 000DB839 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachNevermind CUST 0 Smart. FormID: 000DB84A FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAHaveSkooma FreeformCidhnaMineAHaveSkoomaTopic CUST 0 Here's your shiv. Promise you won't ever use it on me, okay? laughing at the end, ingratiating weasel FormID: 000DB36E DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Every blade I make honors Malacath. Every rivet, every plate of armor is for him. FormID: 000DB36F DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Only a true Orc knows how to temper Orichalcum properly. FormID: 000DB370 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 The old traditions are passed down from one generation to the next. The secrets of smithing are passed down as well. FormID: 000DB371 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Lob will one day take my place, and bring honor to our tribe as I have. FormID: 000DB372 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I learn much from Garakh every day. I must learn if I am to take her place. FormID: 000DB373 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I've worked with metal long enough that I almost never burn myself anymore. FormID: 000DB374 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 My weapons will someday be as strong as my mother's, and Malacath will be pleased with me. FormID: 000DB375 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 The days of staying within Largashbur's walls are over. FormID: 000DB376 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Malacath demands much of us now. We will not fail him again. FormID: 000DB377 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Gularzob has been chosen as chief. He will one day be great, but he has much to learn. FormID: 000DB378 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Largashbur will not soon forget what you have done. We have a second chance thanks to you. FormID: 000DB379 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 The ways of the mystic are known to me. I have remedies and cures, should you need them. FormID: 000DB37A DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 It is good to finally know that Malacath has not forsaken us. FormID: 000DB37B DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 We have learned from our mistakes. Malacath's needs come first, and we will serve him faithfully. FormID: 000DB37C DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I will do my best to lead the tribe, but I don't know why Malacath chose me. FormID: 000DB37D DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I am honored to have been chosen to lead. But I know that being picked by Malacath does not mean that I am ready. FormID: 000DB37E DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Yamarz betrayed us all. I will never allow that to happen again, so long as I rule. FormID: 000DB37F DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Do not raise arms against my people, and you shall always have a place here, Champion of Malacath. FormID: 000DB380 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Atub is wise beyond her years. I take her advice seriously, and you should as well. FormID: 000DB381 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I am... surprised that Gularzob was named chief. FormID: 000DB382 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 We are all blood here. One family, one tribe. FormID: 000DB383 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I will serve Gularzob as best I can, even though I am his elder. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 0 These spells are difficult, even for one as skilled as I. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 1 To even begin to inscribe them, I need something very special. A sigil stone from an Oblivion gate. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 2 I do not have one in my possession. Nor do you, I'm sure. So we require a Daedra to retrieve one for us. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 3 You will summon a Dremora, and order it to bring a sigil stone to you. I will then inscribe the spells for you. FormID: 000DB36D MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse2 CUST 0 I will teach you the spell to summon the Dremora, but know that it will only work in a place properly prepared for the event. FormID: 000DB36D MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse2 CUST 1 Once you have summoned the Dremora, you will order it to deliver to you a sigil stone from an Oblivion gate. FormID: 000DB36D MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse2 CUST 2 Once I have the sigil stone, I shall inscribe the spells that you seek. FormID: 000DB36C MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse4 CUST 0 If only that were true. FormID: 000DB36B MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse3 CUST 0 Because I have no wish to be harmed. FormID: 000DB36A MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisFollowUp1 CUST 0 Summoning an Unbound Dremora is not like other Conjuration spells. It will not simply do your bidding. FormID: 000DB36A MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisFollowUp1 CUST 1 You must first prove you are in control. FormID: 000DB36A MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisFollowUp1 CUST 2 Here is the spell you need. Go to the top of the Hall of Attainment; I have prepared a place for you there. FormID: 000DB369 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraBranch MGRitual03DremoraInitResponse1 CUST 0 I serve no mortal! FormID: 000DB368 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraBranch MGRitual03DremoraInitResponse2 CUST 0 You control nothing, mortal! FormID: 000DB286 DB10 HELO 0 Do it, Listener. Kill me. wounded and near death FormID: 000DB287 DB10 HELO 0 You have no choice. You must complete your contract. You must kill me. wounded and near death FormID: 000DB288 DB10 HELO 0 Please, Listener. Release my soul, and let Sithis be the judge. wounded and near death FormID: 000DAB66 SolitudeOpening TRES 0 Please step back, there's an execution in process. FormID: 000DAB67 SolitudeOpening TRES 0 Last warning. Stand back from the execution. FormID: 000DAB36 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Ask any fool around here, and get a different answer. FormID: 000DAB36 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 Mercenaries. Warriors of honor. Brothers and sisters of the blade. Drunken rabble. Take your pick. FormID: 000DAB36 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 I've been here longer than most of them. Even I don't know sometimes. I just hope they don't kill each other. FormID: 000DAB38 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 The Companions are my family. We fight so that other people don't have to. FormID: 000DAB38 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 We bring honor and glory to ourselves and each other. FormID: 000DAB39 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 You'll hear some of the brighter faces around here talk about honor and glory. FormID: 000DAB39 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 I've got nothing against it, but for me, the promise of coin is what feeds my blade. FormID: 000DAB39 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 Wherever someone in Skyrim doesn't feel up to defending their own honor, we'll take up their burden. FormID: 000DAB3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Your question carries more weight than you may know, newcomer. The sort of thing some of us spend our lives pondering. FormID: 000DAB3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 The difference between a noble band of warriors and a ragged bunch of assassins is as thin as a blade's edge. FormID: 000DAB3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 I try to hold us to the right path. FormID: 000DAB3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Why would you even come to Jorrvaskr without knowing what we stand for? FormID: 000DAB3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 This is not play-acting, here. We are the true spirit of Skyrim. Honor is in our blood, death in our hearts. FormID: 000DAB3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 If you seek either, you've found the right place. FormID: 000DAB3C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Are you looking to join? I wouldn't get your hopes up. FormID: 000DAB3C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 The short answer is: we fight. The long answer is... eh, forget it. You're not worth my time. FormID: 000DAB3D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Only the most famous warrior band in all of Skyrim. Have you been living with the horkers? FormID: 000DAB3D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 When we arrive, blood is spilled and our blades sing to the glories of Ysgramor. FormID: 000DAB3E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 We're the best damned fighters in Skyrim. At least, some of us are. FormID: 000DAB3F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 They used to be something. Nowadays they just squabble amongst themselves. FormID: 000DAB3F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 Take my advice and keep away. You look too smart to get caught up with this bunch. FormID: 000DAB40 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 To hear Vignar tell it, they're a bunch of layabouts and useless whiners who used to know how to fight. FormID: 000DAB40 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 But he thinks everything used to be better. I, for one, would trust any Companion with my life. FormID: 000DAB41 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 A good bunch of men and women, who make too much a mess, if you ask me. FormID: 000CF2D3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsSharedInfos IDAT 0 An outsider, eh? Never heard of the Companions? FormID: 000CF2D3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsSharedInfos IDAT 1 An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. FormID: 000CF2D3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsSharedInfos IDAT 2 And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough. FormID: 000DAB16 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrRiaContinuation CUST 0 This is life, brother. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath. FormID: 000DAB17 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrRiaContinuation CUST 0 This is life, sister. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath. FormID: 000DAB26 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 Politics are something best avoided. I prefer more personal confrontations, myself. FormID: 000DAB27 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 None of our business. There's no honor to be had in the squabbling of jarls. FormID: 000DAB28 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 Kodlak says not to worry about it. I worry that a bunch of snowberries are out there earning glory while we stay out of it. FormID: 000DAB28 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 1 But I'll follow the old man's lead. As ever. FormID: 000DAB29 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 Too confusing for me. Empire, Nords, Talos. Who cares? FormID: 000DAB29 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 1 Just tell me who needs bludgeoning. FormID: 000DAB2A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 There are always good reasons to fight. I just wish this war had them. FormID: 000DAB2A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 1 Who cares who worships what dead god? Give me something to make me draw my sword. you're wanting a good reason to fight FormID: 000DAB4E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 Soon enough, it'll be me. In the meanwhile, the Circle handles our daily routine, and Kodlak advises them as Harbinger. FormID: 000DAB4F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 You don't just waddle in here and get to speak to the boss. Who do you think you are? FormID: 000DAB4F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 1 If you want to embarrass yourself, I won't stop you. Kodlak is the Harbinger. He's the closest thing you'll find to a leader around here. FormID: 000DAB50 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 The Circle are the ones who parcel out the jobs. FormID: 000DAB50 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 1 That's Aela, Skjor, and the brothers, Farkas and Vilkas. FormID: 000DAB50 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 2 Kodlak advises them, but he doesn't really give orders. FormID: 000DAB51 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 In charge of what? I'm in charge of me, and you're in charge of you. FormID: 000DAB51 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 1 If you're looking to join up, Kodlak's the one to be talking to. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 I learned the ways of the blade in the Great War. Nearly lost my life outside the Imperial City. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I came home to Skyrim when it was all over. But I wasn't much good at anything other than fighting. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Wandered around as a blade for hire. Was a damned good one, too. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 The money was good, and the women were good, and the drinks were good. But I was losing myself. My heart. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 4 I was lucky the Companions found me. Now there's a reason to be fighting. The honor of my brothers and sisters is worth more than coin. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 5 Of course, the money is still good. And the drinks! FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 My mother was a Companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade. FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I stayed with my father in the woods until I was old enough for my Trial. We hunted everything there was to hunt. FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Good training. FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 Ma didn't live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time. FormID: 000DAB2D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Vilkas and I have been here since we were little whelps. FormID: 000DAB2D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 Our father, Jergen, raised us here. FormID: 000DAB2D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Even Vignar couldn't remember Companions younger than us! FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 To hear Farkas tell it, our father raised us here as happy pups, running around biting knees. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I love my brother, but his brains are not his strong suit. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 We were brought here by Jergen. Whether he was our father or not, I don't care. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 He left to fight in the Great War and never came back. So he's not my problem anymore. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 4 We've been here as long as either of us can remember, though. So try to show some respect. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Like most of our band, I found this family after losing my own. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I traveled the length and breadth of this land, learning all I could of the sword and the axe. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 I was just a boy, but I had the fire of a man in my heart. Eventually, my body caught up to my spirit. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 My predecessor, Askar, found me in Hammerfell. I was serving as bodyguard for some weak-necked lord out there. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 4 He brought me back here, and I realized... that I was actually coming home. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 5 I work to bring honor to this family, and to the family that I lost. For my mother, my father, and my grandfather. For all my Shield-Siblings. FormID: 000DAB30 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Fortune and glory, friend. Fortune and glory. [QUOTE]friend[QUOTE] is ever-so-slightly sarcastic FormID: 000DAB31 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 So I wouldn't have to answer stupid questions from idiots. FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding? I've wanted to be with them since I was a little girl. FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 Haven't you heard the stories of Kodlak and Skjor fighting off the hundred-and-one Orc berserkers? FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Skjor says it was more like forty, but he's just being modest. FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 Where else would I want to be but here? Learning from them, fighting at their sides. FormID: 000DAB33 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 A man of my station has many debts. I'm not much use at labor or learning, but I can throw a punch with the best of 'em. FormID: 000DAB33 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 The Companions let me fight for gold, and so I fight. FormID: 000DAB34 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 When you get to be my age, you don't remember why you did much of anything. FormID: 000DAB34 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 Only that it happened. FormID: 000DAB35 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Oh, I'm not a Companion, myself. I just help Vignar. He took me in when I was having a tough time, and... well, I owe him. FormID: 000DAB18 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrKodlakContinuation CUST 0 Family and honor. That's what it means to be one of us, boy. FormID: 000DAB19 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrKodlakContinuation CUST 0 Family and honor. That's what it means to be one of us, girl. FormID: 000DAB1A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 How did you... you reach beyond your station, new blood. Let's wait and see how we judge your Trial before speaking further. FormID: 000DAB1B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 You shouldn't even know about that. Remember you're not a full Companion yet, whelp. Know your place. FormID: 000DAB1C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 What did I tell you? Keep quiet about that. FormID: 000DAB1D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I think there are some things that... oh, wait. Are you trying to trick me? You are not a full-blood yet. We can't talk about that. FormID: 000DAB1E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 We should not be talking about that. FormID: 000DAB1F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I don't know what you're talking about. But if I were you, I'd hold my tongue. you definitely know what he's talking about. this is a thinly-veiled thread. FormID: 000DAB20 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I don't know who you've been talking to, but they were clearly mistaken. FormID: 000DAB20 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 Especially for a new whelp, you should choose your words more carefully. FormID: 000DAB21 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 For me, a heavy burden. FormID: 000DAB21 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 The beastblood has given me prowess, but my soul is now forfeit to Hircine upon my death. FormID: 000DAB21 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 I keep searching for some hope of Sovngarde, but to no avail. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 A sensitive question. You may want to be careful broaching that subject with some. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 The old man and I have our differences when it comes to this. It's a blessing, given by Hircine. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 To worry about the hereafter means losing sight of the now. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 3 What do I care about Sovngarde? Give me the power to tear my foes as a beast of the wild, and I will savor it. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I was raised in the woods. Hunting every animal I could see, with my father. I know them all as well as I know my own mind. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 And when I feel myself filling with the blood of the wolf... it's like I'm bringing all the strength of all the beasts inside me. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 But my mind and soul remain my own. I become more than either human or beast. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 3 It's like being born. Every time. FormID: 000DAB24 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I've enjoyed the boons that come with beastblood. Just like every member of the Circle. FormID: 000DAB24 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 Kodlak is right, though. We've given a piece of our souls for this power. I know my mythic histories. Bargains like that lead to ruin. FormID: 000DAB24 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 This is a curse that was laid upon us. That much is clear. FormID: 000DAB25 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I like being stronger when I become the wolf. But Kodlak says it is bad for the soul, and I trust him. FormID: 000DAB42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means living such that your Shield-Siblings would proudly say they fought at your side. FormID: 000DAB42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 Glory in battle, honor in life. FormID: 000DAB42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 Deal with problems head on. Leave whispers and sneaking to the gutter rats who can't fight for themselves. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 I wish more of our ranks asked such questions. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 I've started seeing the Companions as a kind of family. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 I've battled next to every man and woman here, and the bonds of sweat are stronger than those of blood. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 I would trust anyone here with my life, which is more than I'd say for the milk drinkers who raised me. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means resting your haunches in Whiterun more than I'd care to, for one. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 But when it's time to draw blood, there's no one in Skyrim I'd rather have at my back. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 It means waking up every day knowing that you could die, and having to earn your life by clawing for every breath. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 I don't know how those cozy lords manage to drag themselves out of bed every day. Why bother if you're not living? FormID: 000DAB45 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 I've never been a smart one. But the Companions welcome anyone with the heart of a warrior. FormID: 000DAB45 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 When we step into battle, we fight for our own name, and the name of the Companions. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 There's been a group called the Companions for over 4000 years. It's been many different things in that time. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 A conquering army. Ruthless mercenaries. A band of drunken louts. And the esteemed company you see before you. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 But there's always been a kind of honor to it. We don't deal in politics or underhanded sneaking. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 We try to uphold the legacy of Ysgramor. To bear his good name such that it never be forgotten, and always be spoken with reverence. FormID: 000DAB47 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means signing on for the Nord ideas of how to live your life. Honor, battle, glory, all that. FormID: 000DAB47 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 [QUOTE]Even an elf can be born with the heart of a Nord,[QUOTE] Skjor said when I joined. I think he meant it as a compliment. FormID: 000E8451 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 To me, it means not having to answer foolish questions a second time. FormID: 000DAB48 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 Just because you've been accepted here so quickly, don't think I'm going to help you rise any faster. FormID: 000DAB48 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 Fight well, don't be a lout, and you'll be fine. You don't need my help. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 So much. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 This group... this family... this band... this is the best thing I've ever been a part of. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 The oldest fighting group in Skyrim, and nothing but glory from Ysgramor's day to our own. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 To be counted in that line is a bit of immortality. Even if I never see Sovngarde, I'll have that much. FormID: 000DAB4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means when I have troubles, I always have someone on my side. FormID: 000DAB4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 We have Shield-Siblings to keep our backs as dangerous as our fronts. FormID: 000DAB4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 I think. FormID: 000DAB4B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 My advice? Don't overthink it. Fight well and the rest takes care of itself. FormID: 000DA70B FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic CUST 0 Mostly food supplies like dried fish and salted meats; you know, things that keep fresh for a long time. FormID: 000DA70B FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic CUST 1 The Greybeards tend not to get out much, if you catch my meaning. FormID: 000DA707 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, it's kind of an understanding between us. I mean, it just wouldn't feel right to charge them for a bit of preserved food. FormID: 000DA707 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Trouble is, my legs aren't what they used to be and climbing the 7,000 Steps takes its toll. FormID: 000DA705 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Really? That would be kind of you. FormID: 000DA705 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Here, take this bag of supplies. At the top of the steps you'll see the offering chest. Just leave the bag inside and you're done. FormID: 000DA710 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Maybe I'll hold off and go another day. Get some rest first. FormID: 000DA70D FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekDoneBranch FFI04KlimmekDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Quite a climb, wasn't it? FormID: 000DA70D FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekDoneBranch FFI04KlimmekDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Anyway, much appreciated. Here, take this for your troubles. FormID: 000DA70C FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranch FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, there's the occasional wolf pack or stray, but that's all I've ever had to deal with. Shouldn't be a problem for the likes of you. FormID: 000DA70C FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranch FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranchTopic CUST 1 Other than that, watch your footing. In these wintry conditions, the stairs can be treacherous. FormID: 000DAAF0 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep your eyes open in the barrow... that's how they get you! FormID: 000DAAF1 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you're headed up to the monastery, watch your step... it's a long way down. FormID: 000DAAF2 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you pass through again, stop by for a drink. FormID: 000DAAF3 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 A pleasant journey, milord. FormID: 000DAAF4 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 A pleasant journey, milady. FormID: 000DAAF5 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just get out of town as fast as you can. Nothing for anyone here. FormID: 000DAAF6 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sure, leave. Everyone else does. FormID: 000DAAF7 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 I wish I could go with you... sigh at the end (wistful) FormID: 000DAAF8 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Narfi so happy! So happy! So happy! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAF9 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 The mountain will eat you! Watch the mountain! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAFA DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you see Reyda, tell her that Narfi misses her and to come home soon... very soon. Soon... soon, like the moon! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAFB DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Reyda! Reyyyyda! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAFC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hmph. What a boring conversation. FormID: 000DAAFD DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Thanks again for the legwork. FormID: 000DAAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful up there. FormID: 000DAAFF DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Welp, time to gather more supplies I guess. very tired FormID: 000DAB00 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you get a chance, kill a few more bears for me, will you? FormID: 000DAB01 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now go give those stupid bears what's coming to them! FormID: 000DAB02 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just get out of my way, I've got work to do. FormID: 000DAB03 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Have yourself a great day! FormID: 000DA67A DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringBusinessBranch NightgateHadringBusinessBranchTopic CUST 0 Nah, not so much. The odd traveler on the road. But mostly just old Fultheim, come to drink away a lifetime of bad memories, I'd wager. FormID: 000DA67A DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringBusinessBranch NightgateHadringBusinessBranchTopic CUST 1 Course there's the Orc. Long-term tenant, that one. For what he pays, I could afford to shut this place down. FormID: 000DA67B DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringInnBranch NightgateHadringInnBranchTopic CUST 0 This old place? Been here forever. Built by my great grandda. Run by him, then all the way up the line to me. FormID: 000DA678 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringOrcBranch NightgateHadringOrcBranchTopic CUST 0 Him? Oh... Ah, name's Balablob or Malaclob, one of them funny Orc names. Talks real good, though. Not a savage at all. FormID: 000DA678 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringOrcBranch NightgateHadringOrcBranchTopic CUST 1 Said he's a writer. Don't know what kind of job that is, but it must earn him some pretty coin. He's paid up for the next few months. FormID: 000DA678 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringOrcBranch NightgateHadringOrcBranchTopic CUST 2 He mostly just hangs about. Goes down to the lake, sometimes samples the stores of wine in the cellar. Man can do whatever he pleases, far as I care. FormID: 000DA686 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue GBYE 0 Anything you need, just holler. FormID: 000DA687 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue GBYE 0 Sure, walk away. I wasn't talking or anything... FormID: 000DA679 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateFultheimComeHereBranch NightgateFultheimComeHereBranchTopic CUST 0 You see any other inns around here? Where else would I go to drink? FormID: 000DA685 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue DBNightgateFultheimOrcBranch DBNightgateFultheimCustomersBranchTopic CUST 0 Well he don't like company, I can tell you that much. Just wants to be left alone. But no... that's not really it. FormID: 000DA685 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue DBNightgateFultheimOrcBranch DBNightgateFultheimCustomersBranchTopic CUST 1 It's like... he wants to talk. Likes people and all. But he stays separate, because he's supposed to. FormID: 000DA685 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue DBNightgateFultheimOrcBranch DBNightgateFultheimCustomersBranchTopic CUST 2 Kind of sad, really. FormID: 000DA25A CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 No doubt requesting to garrison his men in my castle. How many times must I deny him? annoyed FormID: 000DA25A CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 1 Well? Out with it. impatient FormID: 000DA25B CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 We can talk about that once this dragon is dealt with. annoyed, dismissing FormID: 000DA25C CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 Ah yes. I've studied those documents... Very interesting... remembering the unpleasant facts revealed to him FormID: 000E40AD CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 Did he now? The man is persistent, I'll give him that. a little shocked, soaking in a warning FormID: 000E40AE CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 We can talk about that once this dragon is dealt with. annoyed, dismissing FormID: 000E40AF CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 Ah yes. remembering the unpleasant facts revealed to him FormID: 000E40AF CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 1 I suppose it's time I gave him an answer... heavy with contemplation FormID: 000DA25E CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 Until that dragon's dealt with, I don't care what Tullius wants. emphasis DRAGON, as in, [QUOTE]why the hell are we talking about anything else?[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA25E CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 1 For now, give the papers to my Steward. FormID: 000DA25F CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 I see... Give the papers to my Steward. FormID: 000E40B2 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 But until that dragon's dealt with, Ulfric's just going to have to wait. emphasis DRAGON, as in, [QUOTE]why the hell are we talking about anything else?[QUOTE] FormID: 000E40B2 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 1 For now, I'll hold onto this axe. But it's a tenuous peace at best. angry sarcasm, hiding a tinge of fear FormID: 000E40B3 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 I suppose it's time I give him an answer... heavy with contemplation FormID: 000DA243 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufJarlsEyesOnly CUST 0 Don't be daft. Proventus is my eyes. stress [QUOTE]IS[QUOTE]... as in [QUOTE]My steward IS my eyes.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA243 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufJarlsEyesOnly CUST 1 Just give me the letter. I presume once I have it, I can do as I please with it? Good. out of patience FormID: 000DA255 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufGoodbye CUST 0 Now, I believe you have some business to conclude with my court wizard? as in [QUOTE]you have better things to do than waste my time with this[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA256 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufGoodbye CUST 0 Now get out of here and to the outpost! I need to know what's happening out there. as in [QUOTE]you have better things to do than waste my time with this[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA257 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufGoodbye CUST 0 Hmm... these are interesting reports... reading, not liking what he's seeing FormID: 000DA241 CW03 SCEN 0 Proventus, what do you make of all this? If Ulfric were to attack Whiterun... asking an advisor for his opinion FormID: 000DA22F CW03 SCEN 0 As in all things, Lord, caution... I urge us to wait and see. trying to sound certain, but really uncertain himself FormID: 000DA250 CW03 SCEN 0 Prey waits. as in, it's time to act. FormID: 000DA23F CW03 SCEN 0 I'm of a mind with Irileth. stating an opinion for his advisor to consider FormID: 000DA22E CW03 SCEN 0 You plan to march on Windhelm? shocked FormID: 000DA24D CW03 SCEN 0 I'm not a fool, Proventus. I mean it's time to challenge Ulfric to face me as a man, or to declare his intentions. annoyed he has to explain himself FormID: 000E409F CW03 SCEN 0 I'm not a fool, Proventus. I mean it's time to challenge Ulfric to face me as a man, or march his Stormcloaks up to the gates. annoyed he has to explain himself FormID: 000DA235 CW03 SCEN 0 It's time to act. stating a difinitive opinion for his advisor to consider FormID: 000DA25D CW03 SCEN 0 He'll do no such thing! disbelief FormID: 000E40A2 CW03 SCEN 0 He'll do no such thing! A dagger in the back is all you could expect! disbelief FormID: 000DA245 CW03 SCEN 0 He was rather straight forward with Torygg. a statement of fact FormID: 000DA231 CW03 SCEN 0 Torygg? He simply walked up to the boy and murdered him! confounded FormID: 000DA251 CW03 SCEN 0 That [QUOTE]boy[QUOTE] was High King of Skyrim. annoyed, stating a fact FormID: 000DA23A CW03 SCEN 0 I'm not the High King, but neither am I a boy. gearing up for a throw down FormID: 000DA23A CW03 SCEN 1 If Ulfric wants to challenge my rule in the old way, let him. with strength FormID: 000DA23A CW03 SCEN 2 Though I suspect he'll prefer to send his [QUOTE]Stormcloaks[QUOTE] to do it for him. as in, [QUOTE]he'll be a coward[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA247 CW03 SCEN 0 True. He's already proven his personal strength. Now he seeks to prove his army's. agreeing and making a point that war is inevitable FormID: 000DA230 CW03 SCEN 0 Then might I urge you to consider General Tullius's request? I mean, if you are bent on offending Jarl Ulfric... Hedging his bets FormID: 000DA258 CW03 SCEN 0 Ulfric is the one who has offended. annoyed at the suggestion his king has offended anyone FormID: 000DA260 CW03 SCEN 0 But, Proventus has a point. Ulfric has made it clear. In his mind, to refuse his claim is to side with the Empire. conceding and making a new point FormID: 000DA23C CW03 SCEN 0 And what harm is there in letting a few legionnaires die in place of your own men? Hedging his bets FormID: 000DA22A CW03 SCEN 0 It seems cowardly. worried about his reputation FormID: 000DA246 CW03 SCEN 0 Was it cowardly then to accept the White-Gold Concordat? jabbing, bringing up an old argument FormID: 000DA24E CW03 SCEN 0 This again?! That was different. Was I given a chance to object to the terms of the treaty? No. upset this old argument is coming back up FormID: 000DA24E CW03 SCEN 1 The Jarls weren't asked. We were told. And we had to like it. defensive, upset this old argument is coming up FormID: 000DA24F CW03 SCEN 0 This again?! That was different. Was Balgruuf given a chance to object? No. The Jarls weren't asked. He was told. And he had to like it. upset this old argument is coming back up FormID: 000DA234 CW03 SCEN 0 The chests of gold didn't hurt. fondly remembering all that delicious gold FormID: 000DA254 CW03 SCEN 0 Damnit! This isn't about gold! livid. ending a conversation FormID: 000DA23E CW03 SCEN 0 Lord, wait. Let us see if Ulfric is serious. fearing they are making a terrible mistake FormID: 000DA22C CW03 SCEN 0 Oh, he's serious. But so am I. determination and smoldering anger FormID: 000DA248 CW03 SCEN 0 Finally. under his breath, glad his king has grown some balls FormID: 000DA232 CW03 SCEN 0 You there. (heat carried over from previous argument) FormID: 000DA232 CW03 SCEN 1 I have a message for you to deliver to our friend, the esteemed Jarl of Windhelm. sarcastic, they are not friends FormID: 000E40A9 CW03 SCEN 0 So about this axe... sarcastic FormID: 000C3486 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 One moment. But don't go far. I expect I'll need you. waving off an interruption FormID: 000C3487 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 I've made up my mind, even if my advisors are still squabbling. I'm sending you to Windhelm. authoritative FormID: 000DA242 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 Deliver this axe to Ulfric Stormcloak. solemnly (it's an important gesture) Walk Away FormID: 000E40A8 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 You can return this axe to our friend. The esteemed Jarl of Windhelm has my answer. Make sure he gets it. solemnly (it's an important gesture) FormID: 000DA23B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeJustAnAxe CUST 0 How long have you been in Skyrim? Yes. Give the man my axe. annoyed, explaining something obvious to an outsider FormID: 000DA23B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeJustAnAxe CUST 1 If he returns it to you it means we have business to settle. If he keeps it, then we are at peace. explaining the custom to a foreigner FormID: 000DA24A CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeSayAnything CUST 0 Men who understand one another need not waste words. speaking a solemn truth,as a father might to a young man FormID: 000DA24A CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeSayAnything CUST 1 There are but a few simple truths behind one warrior giving another his axe. speaking a solemn truth,as a father might to a young man FormID: 000DA24A CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeSayAnything CUST 2 Ulfric will know my meaning. solemn, that meaning is WAR FormID: 000DA24B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeUnderstood CUST 0 Good. FormID: 000DA24B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeUnderstood CUST 1 Good... trailing off as he envisions the war that's about to come to him FormID: 000DA233 CW03 SCEN 0 Proventus. Bring me my pen. And the good parchment. ordering his steward about FormID: 000DA252 CW03 SCEN 0 Are we writing a letter, Lord? curious FormID: 000DA23D CW03 SCEN 0 Yes, to General Tullius. slightly annoyed he needs to explain FormID: 000DA23D CW03 SCEN 1 I need to make a few things clear before I accept these Legionnaires of his. begrudging that he needs to ask for help FormID: 000DA259 CW03 SCEN 0 It's time to decide. tired of discussion, its time to act FormID: 000DA238 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeTopic CUST 0 Is that so? I've been wondering when he'd come around. interest piqued FormID: 000E40A6 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeTopic CUST 0 Then I was wrong about him. angered FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 0 Oh. What's this? dawning understanding FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 1 Ahhh... You're quite brave to carry such a message. It's a pity you've chosen the wrong side... getting the message, then giving a veiled threat FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 2 You can return this axe to the man who sent it. And tell him he should prepare to entertain... visitors. darkening, a threat [QUOTE]visitors[QUOTE] meaning soldiers to attack his city FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 3 I expect a great deal of excitement in the city of Whiterun in the near future... a veiled threat FormID: 000DA240 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeSeeYouSoon CUST 0 Sooner than you think. a mysterious threat FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 0 I have shown the people that when our Jarls drink the Empire's milk, it makes us weak. passionately, with conviction FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 1 I must now show them the path that will lead us back to our strength. passionate, patriotic FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 2 There is no progress without sacrifice. No wheat without threshing the chaff. passionate, patriotic FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 3 The Empire and the Jarls who back them must be swept away. The people demand it. I demand it. passionate, patriotic FormID: 000DA229 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWillBeStopped CUST 0 Oh? True, I may meet my end in a dark alley with a dagger in my back. But the people have seen the truth, and they will not back down. patriotic FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 0 You've returned with my axe. I knew that would be his response. mildly disappointed, but expecting the worse FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 1 As soon as you left I sent word to General Tullius, who's been kind enough to lend us some of his troops and Legate Cipius here. FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 2 Let Ulfric try to make it past our combined forces. pre-battle glow FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 3 I'll turn you back over to your Legion. Legate Cipius will have use for you. Gods be with us all. passing along orders FormID: 000DA18D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollTopic CUST 0 Very funny. Did Enthir put you up to this? FormID: 000DA18C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollResponse1 CUST 0 You... Really? An Elder Scroll? shocked, confused FormID: 000DA18B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderSrollResponse2 CUST 0 Wait. Are you... Are you serious? FormID: 000DA18B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderSrollResponse2 CUST 1 You have an Elder Scroll? You? FormID: 000DA18A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollFollowUp1 CUST 0 I would be honored. Beyond honored to have such a thing here at the College. awed FormID: 000DA18A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollFollowUp1 CUST 1 This opens up entire new realms of research for us. Oh, if only Septimus were here to see this! happy but wistful FormID: 000DA18A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollFollowUp1 CUST 2 Thank you. Please, take this. It can't quite compare to an Elder Scroll, but still. You will be remembered for generations for this. FormID: 000D9DBA DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse4 CUST 0 We have been on our own for some time now. I fear we will not survive. FormID: 000D9DB8 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranchTopic CUST 0 You do not know of Malacath? He is the keeper of oaths, the master of curses. FormID: 000D9DB9 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranchTopic CUST 0 You are an Orc, but do not know of Malacath, our master and yours? FormID: 000D9DB7 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathFollowUp CUST 0 He is quick to anger, and slow to forgive. One who wrongs Malacath is one who will endure great torment in return. FormID: 000D9DB7 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathFollowUp CUST 1 He demands loyalty and strength from his orcs. We have tried to please him, but he is now angry with us, and so we suffer. FormID: 000D9DBF DA06 DA06HowLongBranch DA06HowLongBranchTopic CUST 0 Weeks? Longer? It feels like an age has gone by. I haven't slept in so long. FormID: 000D9DBD DA06 SCEN 0 Malacath has heard my pleas! He speaks to us! FormID: 000D9B4F FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 There ain't much more to tell... they're haunted and you should stay away. FormID: 000D9B4F FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, I've seen one of the spirits with my very own eyes. When it glared at me, I swear it burned right through my soul. FormID: 000D9B5A FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Fortunately, they seem to be sticking to the barrow. I think they're guarding it. FormID: 000D9B5A FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Certainly isn't helping my business any; who'd want to rent a room anywhere near a haunted barrow? FormID: 000D9B56 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 If you think there's anything you can do, be my guest. FormID: 000D9B50 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Don't blame you one bit. FormID: 000D9B62 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranch FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranchTopic CUST 0 About a year or two ago, some fella named Wyndelius came through; said he was some kind of a treasure hunter. thinking back FormID: 000D9B62 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranch FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranchTopic CUST 1 I warned him not to go in there, just like I warned you. The very next night we heard screams from the barrow, and that was it. FormID: 000D9B62 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranch FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranchTopic CUST 2 We never saw him again. FormID: 000D9B5E FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopicPre CUST 0 Let me see that! FormID: 000D9B5E FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopicPre CUST 1 ...I can't believe this... FormID: 000D9B5E FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopicPre CUST 2 It was all just a fabrication of this Wyndelius character? I can't believe we were so stupid. embarrassed FormID: 000D9B59 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmDoneBranch FFI01WilhelmDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me see that! FormID: 000D9B59 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmDoneBranch FFI01WilhelmDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 ...I can't believe this... FormID: 000D9B59 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmDoneBranch FFI01WilhelmDoneBranchTopic CUST 2 It was all just a fabrication of this Wyndelius character? I can't believe we were so stupid. FormID: 000D9B53 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmCompletionBranch FFI01WilhelmCompletionBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, least I can do is give you something for taking care of him. If you won't accept it as a payment, consider it a gift. FormID: 000D9B60 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiBranch FFI02NarfiBranchTopic CUST 0 Reyda was here, then gone. Went to gather plants and never came home... nope, nope. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B60 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiBranch FFI02NarfiBranchTopic CUST 1 Everyone looked and no one could find her. Wilhelm said she'll be back... told Narfi not to worry... Reyda will come back. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B58 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiCrazyBranch FFI02NarfiCrazyBranchTopic CUST 0 With father I said goodbye... with mother I said goodbye. Reyda leaves and Narfi can't say goodbye. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B58 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiCrazyBranch FFI02NarfiCrazyBranchTopic CUST 1 Makes Narfi very, very sad. Narfi needs Reyda to say goodbye. babbling like a crazy person... on verge of tears FormID: 000D9B57 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic CUST 0 He's harmless. He's been in a state ever since his sister Reyda disappeared over a year ago. FormID: 000D9B57 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic CUST 1 He just keeps to himself in what's left of his folk's farmhouse across the river. FormID: 000D9B51 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I just said that to make the poor guy feel better. I'm pretty sure she's dead. FormID: 000D9B51 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Reyda would gather ingredients from the small island in the river east of here. Then one day, she just vanished. FormID: 000D9B51 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I tried to look for her, but she never turned up. FormID: 000D9B5D FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmGHallBranch FFI02WilhelmGHallBranchTopic CUST 0 I've seen some sort of a cave entrance over there. Folks call it [QUOTE]Geirmund's Hall,[QUOTE] but I don't know why. FormID: 000D9B5D FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmGHallBranch FFI02WilhelmGHallBranchTopic CUST 1 Probably best if you avoid it for now... it didn't seem to do Reyda any good. FormID: 000D9B55 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiReturnBranch FFI02NarfiReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Reyda! You saw Reyda? Did you tell her Narfi cries? Did you tell her Narfi never said goodbye like mother and father? babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B54 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiBranchPre FFI02NarfiBranchPreTopic CUST 0 Reyda! You saw Reyda? Did you tell her Narfi cries? Did you tell her Narfi never said goodbye like mother and father? babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B61 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch FFI02NarfiDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh no! No, no, no. Narfi never got to say goodbye! Now Narfi's all alone. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B61 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch FFI02NarfiDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 At least Narfi has Reyda's Necklace... reminds Narfi of his sister. Thank you for giving this to Narfi. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B5C FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02Topic CUST 0 You've made Narfi so happy! Narfi now waits for his sister until she comes home. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B5C FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02Topic CUST 1 At least Narfi has Reyda's Necklace... reminds Narfi of his sister. Thank you for giving this to Narfi. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B52 FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBranch FFI03TembaBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding? Those damn things will drive me right out of business! FormID: 000D9B52 FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBranch FFI03TembaBranchTopic CUST 1 Tell you what. Bring me ten of their pelts from anywhere in Skyrim I'll gladly pay you for thinning out the herd. FormID: 000D9B5F FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaDoneBranch FFI03TembaDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Nice to finally meet someone who can follow simple instructions. FormID: 000D9B5F FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaDoneBranch FFI03TembaDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's your reward, as promised. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. FormID: 000D9B5B FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBearBranch FFI03TembaBearBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you ever seen what a bear does to the trees? They jump up on their hind legs and scratch them to bits... marking their territory or something. FormID: 000D9B5B FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBearBranch FFI03TembaBearBranchTopic CUST 1 It's getting to the point where I have to scour Skyrim for untouched trees at the right size. Costs me too much time and money. FormID: 000D94B4 MQ302 SCEN 0 This is how the Empire repays us for our loyalty? taken aback FormID: 000D94FD MQ302 SCEN 0 By Talos, the stones on this one! You're in no position to dictate terms to us, Tullius! FormID: 000D94DF MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric, you can't be taking this demand seriously? We can hold Riften against anything the Empire can throw at it. FormID: 000D94DB MQ302 SCEN 0 Besides, Jarl Laila will never agree to... FormID: 000D94D6 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 000D94B5 MQ302 SCEN 0 Now that everyone is here, please take your seats so we can begin. FormID: 000D950A MQ302 SCEN 0 I hope that we have all come here in the spirit of... FormID: 000D94E0 MQ302 SCEN 0 No. You insult us by bringing her to this negotiation? emphasis on [QUOTE]her[QUOTE] FormID: 000D94DC MQ302 SCEN 0 Your chief Talos-hunter? FormID: 000D94D8 MQ302 SCEN 0 That didn't take long. muttered FormID: 000D94D4 MQ302 SCEN 0 Hear, hear! muttered FormID: 000D94C9 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes! in an undertone FormID: 000D94BB MQ302 SCEN 0 Diplomatic as usual. a muttered aside to Tullius FormID: 000D94BA MQ302 SCEN 0 I have every right to be at this negotiation. I need to ensure that nothing is agreed to here that violates the terms of the White-Gold Concordat. calmly FormID: 000D94B7 MQ302 SCEN 0 She's part of the Imperial delegation. You can't dictate who I bring to this council. hotly FormID: 000D94B3 MQ302 SCEN 0 Please. If we have to negotiate the terms of the negotiation, we will never get anywhere. FormID: 000D94F7 MQ302 SCEN 0 Perhaps this would be a good time to get the Dragonborn's input on this matter. FormID: 000D94DE MQ302 SCEN 0 You are weak. Sooner you realize it, the sooner we can see the back of you. FormID: 000D94DA MQ302 SCEN 0 Peace, Galmar. mildly FormID: 000D93E4 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteIntro BardsCollegeLuteIntroTopic CUST 0 Hmm? Oh, sorry. My mind wanders sometimes. I was just thinking about Finn's Lute. FormID: 000D93E4 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteIntro BardsCollegeLuteIntroTopic CUST 1 Over a year ago, thieves broke into the college and made off with a lot of valuable things. Mostly gold and silver. FormID: 000D93E4 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteIntro BardsCollegeLuteIntroTopic CUST 2 But they also stole Finn's Lute. We just learned where the bandits fled to, and I very much want that lute back. FormID: 000D93E1 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStory BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStoryTopic CUST 0 Finn was the bard who invented the eight course lute that is commonplace today. FormID: 000D93E1 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStory BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStoryTopic CUST 1 Until he found a way to string the extra courses, bards only had six course lutes. FormID: 000D93E1 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStory BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStoryTopic CUST 2 The lute they stole is Finn's original eight course lute. I doubt they even realize its true value. FormID: 000D93DE BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteHello HELO 0 It makes me sad whenever I think about it. FormID: 000D93DD BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteEnd BardsCollegeLuteEndTopic CUST 0 What? You did? Oh sweet Divines! You did! FormID: 000D93DD BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteEnd BardsCollegeLuteEndTopic CUST 1 There is no way I can pay you what this Lute is worth. But I can teach you a few tricks I've learned over the years. FormID: 000D93DB BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteHello HELO 0 That damn fool! I should ring her neck! FormID: 000D93DA BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteIntro BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic CUST 0 Larina. That fool student of mine stole my flute and sold it to some necromancer. FormID: 000D93DA BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteIntro BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic CUST 1 I just got a ransom note for it. That flute has been handed down for seventeen generations! FormID: 000D93DA BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteIntro BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic CUST 2 Well don't just stand there. Go get my flute! FormID: 000D93D9 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteEnd BardsCollegeFluteEndTopic CUST 0 That's it! Wonderful! I knew I could count on you. FormID: 000D93D9 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteEnd BardsCollegeFluteEndTopic CUST 1 I don't have any money to give you. but I can show you a few tricks I learned playing for the Winterhold wizards. FormID: 000D93E3 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteBackstory BardsCollegeFluteBackstoryTopic CUST 0 Apparently Larina told him some story about the flute being able to make the dead dance. FormID: 000D93E3 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteBackstory BardsCollegeFluteBackstoryTopic CUST 1 It's just a flute. A really old and valuable flute, but just a flute. FormID: 000D93E2 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumHello HELO 0 They found it! They actually found it! FormID: 000D93E0 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumIntro BardsCollegeLuteDrumIntroTopic CUST 0 Rjorn's drum! Nobody knows where he died, and therefore where his drum might be. FormID: 000D93E0 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumIntro BardsCollegeLuteDrumIntroTopic CUST 1 Halldir was the missing link. Rjorn entered Halldir's Cairn in secret, and presumably died there. FormID: 000D93E0 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumIntro BardsCollegeLuteDrumIntroTopic CUST 2 Now all I need to do is find someone to get it. Wait. You. You could do it. I need you to get me that drum. FormID: 000D93DF BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumBackstory BardsCollegeLuteDrumBackstoryTopic CUST 0 You're joking, right? Rjorn? Only the most famous battle drummer of the second age. Well, famous among bards at least. FormID: 000D93DF BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumBackstory BardsCollegeLuteDrumBackstoryTopic CUST 1 That drum has been in half a dozen famous battles. It's a priceless artifact. FormID: 000D93DF BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumBackstory BardsCollegeLuteDrumBackstoryTopic CUST 2 Rjorn was always looking for new stories to tell. It seems he was writing a lay about Halldir when he vanished. That was the missing clue. FormID: 000D93DC BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumEnd BardsCollegeDrumEndTopic CUST 0 At last! I have searched for this drum for 20 years. FormID: 000D93DC BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumEnd BardsCollegeDrumEndTopic CUST 1 The college treasury is a bit thin right now. But I can show you some tricks I learned from my days with the army. FormID: 000D938B FreeformCaravansA HELO 0 Bandits harass the caravans at every step, but Khajiit usually scare them off. FormID: 000D938A FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAQuestGiveTopic CUST 0 A few days ago, we were ambushed. A nuisance, really, but many of the marauders had quick fingers. FormID: 000D938A FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAQuestGiveTopic CUST 1 One of them stole my Moon Amulet, given to me by my mother when I was just a cub. It is my only memory of home in this cold land. FormID: 000D9389 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAAccept CUST 0 You are kind to offer. We believe the bandits are a part of a group headquartered here. FormID: 000D9389 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAAccept CUST 1 Be careful. I miss my amulet, but a life cannot be replaced as easily. FormID: 000D9388 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAReject CUST 0 We are used to the cycle of gain and loss. It is no trouble. FormID: 000D9391 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestEnd FreeformCaravansAQuestEndTopic CUST 0 There it is. Ah.... Home.... nostalgic FormID: 000D9391 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestEnd FreeformCaravansAQuestEndTopic CUST 1 If you ever need the skills of a Khajiit warrior by your side, I would be honored to travel with you. FormID: 000D9391 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestEnd FreeformCaravansAQuestEndTopic CUST 2 Until then, here. This is for you, in thanks. FormID: 000D9332 CreatureDialogueWisp HIT_ 0 FormID: 000D931E dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_Attack ATCK 0 Now you die! FormID: 000D931F dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_Attack ATCK 0 You should never have come here! FormID: 000D8F05 MS03 MS03LouisQuestGiveBranch MS03LouisGreet0b CUST 0 Excellent. FormID: 000D8F08 MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema03 CUST 0 He's Solitude's priest of Arkay. He's the one who figured out Potema was still around. He'll help as much as he can. FormID: 000D906B MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema4 CUST 0 I'm not really sure. Styrr thinks you have some sort of link to Potema. FormID: 000D906B MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema4 CUST 1 I trust his judgment on this. As a priest of Arkay he's had to deal with necromancy before. Nothing as dangerous as Potema though. FormID: 000E774B MS06 GBYE 0 Good luck. I'm counting on you. FormID: 000E774C MS06 GBYE 0 Taking on Potema won't be easy. But you are the one to do it. FormID: 000D8E97 MS06Start MS06StartElisifBlowOff MS06StartElisifBlowOffTopic CUST 0 Oh, I thought that matter was handled. I think Falk is taking care of that. FormID: 000D8E94 MS06Start MS06StartElisifInCourt MS06StartElisifInCourtTopic CUST 0 Please don't interrupt the court. FormID: 000D8E95 MS06Start MS06StartElisifInCourt MS06StartElisifInCourtTopic CUST 0 Court is in session. FormID: 000D8E96 MS06Start MS06StartElisifInCourt MS06StartElisifInCourtTopic CUST 0 I'm trying to speak to the Jarl. FormID: 000D90CB MS06Start MS06StartSybilleStentor MS06StartSybilleStentorTopic CUST 0 Not really. Varnius Junius is a fool. I'm sure nothing will come of it. FormID: 000D90CB MS06Start MS06StartSybilleStentor MS06StartSybilleStentorTopic CUST 1 I suppose if you're truly interested you could talk to Falk. He's the better-safe-than-sorry type. FormID: 000D90A0 MS06Start MS06StartVarnius MS06StartVarniusTopic CUST 0 I've done my part, Dragon Bridge will have extra guards. Falk Firebeard will find a way to take care of the cave. FormID: 000D8E64 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Steal anything from my shop, and you'll regret it. Warning FormID: 000D8E65 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seein' you, stranger. Disinterested, ambivalent FormID: 000D8E66 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 You hear any juicy gossip in town, be sure to share it with me! FormID: 000D8E67 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'll be right here if you need anything else. FormID: 000D8E68 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 See me at my forge if you need arms or armor. FormID: 000D8E69 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good steel's worth every septim. Remember that. FormID: 000D8E6A DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Life is far too short, my friend. Don't waste it! Kindly, well-intentioned. FormID: 000D8E6B DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 We'll all meet Arkay sooner or later. Best to enjoy the time we've got. Kindly, well-intentioned. FormID: 000D8E6C DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good to talk to you. Polite, friendly. FormID: 000D8E6D DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 You'll meet a lot of tongue-wagging gossips in this town. Try not to take them too seriously. Polite, friendly. FormID: 000D8E6E DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Mind what you say! The Empire has ears all over this town. Paranoid FormID: 000D8E6F DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Mark my words, I'll be Jarl again someday! Slightly mad FormID: 000D8E70 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 May wisdom forever light your path. Polite FormID: 000D8E71 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be safe, traveler. Polite FormID: 000D8E72 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't judge Dengeir too harshly. He is old, but he means well. Apologetic FormID: 000D8E73 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 May your time in Falkreath be pleasant. Trying to sound formal/official, but not really succeeding. FormID: 000D8E74 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come and see me again sometime. I might have some use for you. Pompous, arrogant FormID: 000D8E75 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 We're done here, I think. Pompous, arrogant FormID: 000D8E76 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep in song in your heart to ward off the gloom. Friendly, cheerful FormID: 000D8E77 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Perhaps one day, I'll write a song about you! Friendly, cheerful FormID: 000D8E5E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHome DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHomeTopic CUST 0 Oh, merciful Arkay, no! I am too old and frail, and this graveyard is too large. FormID: 000D8E5E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHome DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHomeTopic CUST 1 Kust is my assistant. He helps me tend the headstones and keep our cemetery clean, as befits a place of rest. FormID: 000D8E5D DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomy DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomyTopic CUST 0 Yes, and I couldn't tell you why. FormID: 000D8E5D DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomy DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomyTopic CUST 1 My wife and I think there's some dark magic at work. Or perhaps Arkay's influence is strong here, and he likes to keep it this way. FormID: 000D8E5C DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetary DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetaryTopic CUST 0 The cemetery is ancient. It's been here longer than the town. FormID: 000D8E5C DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetary DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetaryTopic CUST 1 I'm no scholar, but I know that a lot of battles have been fought here over the course of history. FormID: 000D8E5C DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetary DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetaryTopic CUST 2 After each battle, more dead were buried, and the graveyard got bigger. I've heard it's now the biggest graveyard in Skyrim. FormID: 000D8E60 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Call upon me if I can be of any service. Polite FormID: 000D8E61 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Browse as much as you like, please. Polite FormID: 000D8E62 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Look around all you want, but don't try anything funny. Warning FormID: 000D8E63 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Hey! You planning to steal something? Don't even think about it. Warning FormID: 000D8E36 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic CUST 0 Before we get down to business, I've got something I need you to do. FormID: 000D8E35 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, as you know, the Guild's growing and things are looking up around here. FormID: 000D8E35 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The only thing we're lacking is a reliable way to transport our merchandise across Skyrim. FormID: 000D8E33 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there are several Khajiit Caravans that travel across the realm. FormID: 000D8E33 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic02 CUST 1 They're shrewd traders and don't mind getting their hands dirty. I've bartered with their leader, Ri'saad, on more than one occasion. being coy FormID: 000D8E31 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Actually, I want you to bring him something. You see, the caravans are notorious for transporting illegal substances. FormID: 000D8E31 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Present Ri'saad with this satchel of Moon Sugar, and I bet my last septim he'll make a deal. FormID: 000D8E3E TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranch TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranchTopic CUST 0 It's an illegal substance highly favored by the Khajiit. Very difficult to come by. FormID: 000D8E3E TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranch TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranchTopic CUST 1 If Moon Sugar is refined properly, it can be used to make skooma, another substance that will knock you over after a single draught. FormID: 000D8E39 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonBranch TGFenceCaravanTonBranchTopic CUST 0 Ri'saad is the head of a small syndicate of independent merchant families. FormID: 000D8E39 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonBranch TGFenceCaravanTonBranchTopic CUST 1 Each caravan is obliged to pay dues, but in return a small portion of the profits are shared between them and the leader parcels out the routes. FormID: 000D8E39 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonBranch TGFenceCaravanTonBranchTopic CUST 2 If we could make contact with them, they could provide an excellent way to inconspicuously transport goods for us. FormID: 000D8E38 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic CUST 0 You approach as if you know us, stranger. Who are you and what do you want? very wary FormID: 000D8E37 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, I've heard the Guild is rising back to power. An alliance would be most beneficial to both parties. thinking to self, pensive FormID: 000D8E37 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll consider the offer, but I'll have to discuss it with the other caravans. FormID: 000D8E34 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Ah, Moon Sugar. I could smell it on you. I'm pleased with this offer, and accept. FormID: 000D8E34 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Take my word to the leaders of your guild and tell them we look forward to a prosperous and profitable future. FormID: 000D8E34 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02 CUST 2 If you happen upon any of our caravans in your travels, we'd also be more than willing to pay you a fair sum for any of your stolen goods. FormID: 000D8E32 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanDoneBranch TGFenceCaravanDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, I'll contact some of my people and have them prepare some shipments right away. FormID: 000D8E32 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanDoneBranch TGFenceCaravanDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Good job. Here, let me give you something for all the leg work. FormID: 000D8E3C TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanHellos HELO 0 Was there anything else, or is our transaction complete? FormID: 000D8E3D TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanHellos HELO 0 Did Ri'saad accept our offer? FormID: 000D8E3A TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 Give my regards to Tonilia. Tell her I'll contact her soon. FormID: 000D8E3B TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 You'll find Ri'saad with his caravan group. Just don't do anything stupid when you get there. FormID: 000D8C7D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Quickly, follow me! commanding FormID: 000D8C3F MQ104 SCEN 0 But it's more than our honor at stake here. Think of it - the first dragon seen in Skyrim since the last age. FormID: 000D8C3E MQ104 SCEN 0 Could you call yourselves Nords if you ran from this monster? Are you going to let me face this thing alone? FormID: 000D8C3D MQ104 SCEN 0 The glory of killing it is ours, if you're with me! FormID: 000D8BEF dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestHello HELO 0 We should get after Vals Veran before he does more damage here. FormID: 000D8BEC dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFar dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFarTopic CUST 0 I'll tell you more about it when we are nearby. FormID: 000D8BED dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFar dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFarTopic CUST 0 It's somewhere around here, Agna said to look to the Bear to find the way. FormID: 000D8BEE dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINGoodbye dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINGoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Thanks again for your help. FormID: 000D8BEB dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINHello HELO 0 I have things I should see to, but go ahead. FormID: 000D8BC9 DialogueWhiterunTempleHealFarmer SCEN 0 I feel better already. FormID: 000D8BCA DialogueWhiterunTempleHealFarmer SCEN 0 Gods bless you, healer. FormID: 000D8BCB DialogueWhiterunTempleHealFarmer SCEN 0 Thank you. The pain is already easing. FormID: 000D8BCF DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkFarmer SCEN 0 The fever's down a bit, an' I can almost see straight. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D8BD0 DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkFarmer SCEN 0 I still can't hold nothin' down, but it's better than yesterday. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D8BD1 DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkFarmer SCEN 0 My joints ache, I can't eat nothin' and my head feels like a furnace. I've seen better days. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D8BCC DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkSoldier SCEN 0 The pain's a little less than before, but it still hurts bad enough. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D8BCD DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkSoldier SCEN 0 It's not as bad as before, but I still can't get a good night's sleep. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D8BCE DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkSoldier SCEN 0 I ain't going to lie, it's still pretty bad. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D8B8E MQ104 SCEN 0 Let's go. FormID: 000D8B8D MQ104 SCEN 0 Uh... that's right. We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... faster than anything I've ever seen. trying to catch his breath and calm down FormID: 000D8B8C MQ104 SCEN 0 What did it do? Is it attacking the watchtower? FormID: 000D8B6A MQ103 SCEN 0 You see? The terminology is clearly First Era or even earlier. I'm convinced this is a copy of a much older text. FormID: 000D8B67 MQ103 SCEN 0 Perhaps dating to just after the Dragon War. If so, I could use this to cross-reference the names with other later texts. FormID: 000D8B7A MQ103 SCEN 0 Good. I'm glad you're making progress. My employers are anxious to have some tangible answers. FormID: 000D8B76 MQ103 SCEN 0 Oh, have no fear. The Jarl himself has finally taken an interest, so I'm now able to devote most of my time to this research. FormID: 000D8B74 MQ103 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. Don't worry. Although the chance to see a living dragon up close would be tremendously valuable... trailing off as he imagines the wondrous possibilities FormID: 000D8B72 MQ103 SCEN 0 Time is running, Farengar, don't forget. This isn't some theoretical question. Dragons have come back. FormID: 000E0EB9 MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookTopic CUST 0 Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! Seems you are a cut above the usual brutes the Jarl sends my way. FormID: 000D8B79 MQ104 SCEN 0 Farengar! FormID: 000D8B77 MQ104 SCEN 0 Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby. FormID: 000D8B75 MQ104 SCEN 0 You should come, too. FormID: 000D8B73 MQ104 SCEN 0 A dragon! How exciting! Where was it seen? What was it doing? FormID: 000D8B71 MQ104 SCEN 0 I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you. If a dragon decides to attack Whiterun I don't know if we can stop it. ignoring the question, annoyed at his being excited about it FormID: 000D8B6F MQ104 SCEN 0 So, Irileth tells me you came from the western watchtower? worried FormID: 000D8B6D MQ104 SCEN 0 Tell him what you told me. About the dragon. FormID: 000D8B6B MQ104 SCEN 0 Don't worry, my lord. I'm the very soul of caution. FormID: 000D8B68 MQ104 SCEN 0 I should come along. I would very much like to see this dragon. eagerly FormID: 000D8B7B MQ104 SCEN 0 No. I can't afford to risk both of you. I need you here working on ways to defend the city against these dragons. FormID: 000D8B78 MQ104 SCEN 0 As you command. FormID: 000D884F CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 Hey! quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D8850 CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 Get me out of here! quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D8851 CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 Hurry! quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D8852 CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 The guard has the key. quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D884B CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 Thanks! getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D884C CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 Let's teach these bastards a lesson. getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D884D CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 All right! getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D884E CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 Last but not least. Let's go! (last to get rescued) getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D8813 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 Listen, all I want is the truth to be revealed to the Guild. They respected Karliah, and she deserves better. FormID: 000D8813 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 1 Do whatever you can and I'd consider it a personal favor. FormID: 000D880C TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 If trying to rid yourself of stolen goods becomes a burden, and you find yourself in Winterhold, visit me at the College. FormID: 000D880C TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I've been known to handle items of questionable interest from time to time and I'll see what I can do. coy FormID: 000D880D TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 If you ever manage to gain entry to the College, and you find trying to rid yourself of stolen goods becoming a burden, come visit me. FormID: 000D880D TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I've been known to handle items of questionable interest from time to time and I'll see what I can do. FormID: 000D8814 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Crossing the Guild was a bad idea. I'll buy goods from you after you settle your accounts. FormID: 000DEAF0 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're just in time. I got in a shipment of fine wares courtesy of the East Empire Company. FormID: 000D8815 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Come to sell me something special, or did you just want to look through my merchandise? FormID: 000D8816 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're back. I'm hearing good things about the Guild through the grapevine. FormID: 000D8817 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Brought me more than some Firebrand Wine I trust? FormID: 000D8818 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I heard about what you did at the Guild all the way out here. Sorry, can't buy or sell anything from you. FormID: 000DEAF1 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Been a while since I've seen you at the meadery. Bring me anything interesting? FormID: 000D8819 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 What brings you to Whiterun? Got some juicy goods to sell? FormID: 000D881A TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 What have you got for me today? Nothing illegal I hope! sarcastic/coy FormID: 000D881B TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've got plenty of good merchandise for you. Take a look. FormID: 000D881C TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Rumor has it you couldn't follow the Guild's rules, so we can't do any business until it's been worked out. FormID: 000DEAF2 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Taking me up on my offer, eh? Good. FormID: 000D881D TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I'm assuming you're here for more than a social call. Down to business, eh? FormID: 000D881E TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I'm always on the lookout for all sorts of goods. Bring me whatever you... well, [QUOTE]find[QUOTE] and I'll see what I can do. FormID: 000D881F TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 So, did Delvin send you again or you here on your own this time? FormID: 000D8820 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 In trouble with the Guild, eh? Well, looks like we won't be trading merchandise until you smooth it over. FormID: 000DEAF3 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 So, you've come to see me to sell or to buy? Hm? FormID: 000D8821 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've got all sorts of interesting things for you to buy, and I assure you they're of the finest quality. FormID: 000D8822 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 If you've got the time to sell, I've got the time to buy. FormID: 000D8823 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Let's see what you have for me today. Something simple to turn around for a profit I trust. FormID: 000D8824 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've been forbidden to deal with you until amends are made with the Guild. Sorry. FormID: 000DEAF9 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Glad your here, I've been looking for some more merchandise to buy. Have lots of orders to fill and my clients don't like to wait. FormID: 000D8825 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Now I know you've come by for more than just a visit. What did you bring? FormID: 000D8826 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I promise you, I buy much more than simple silver trinkets. FormID: 000D8827 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've made a lot of new contacts thanks to you, and more contacts means more coin for everyone. FormID: 000D880E TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just remember me if you get your hands on anything else. FormID: 000D880F TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Do me a favor. If you speak to Maven, tell her everything's well at hand down here, okay? FormID: 000D8810 TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Give my regards to Karliah if you see her. FormID: 000D8811 TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hurry back... and bring more merchandise. FormID: 000D8812 TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 When you get back to Riften, tell Delvin this new arrangement's working out quite well. FormID: 000D8807 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 Working with the Guild again is the best decision I've ever made. Protection, respect and a constant flow of coin... it couldn't get any better. FormID: 000D8807 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 Best of all, there's no need to smuggle things quietly anymore. With the influence we have in Solitude, I can march it right out the front door. FormID: 000D8808 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 How could I complain when I went from Sabjorn's lackey to one of the wealthiest merchants in Whiterun in no time at all? FormID: 000D8808 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 Plus, the meadery's doing so well, I'm almost having trouble keeping up with the demand. FormID: 000D8808 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 2 I'd say things couldn't be any better. FormID: 000D8809 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 Business? Business is actually inconsequential to me. I share little of your lust for coin. FormID: 000D8809 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 However, as promised, I'll still be more than happy to take any stolen merchandise off your hands. FormID: 000D880A TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been setting up some open trading with Tonilia back at the Guild in Riften, and it's proven to be quite profitable. FormID: 000D880A TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 There's been no word from the remnants of the Summerset Shadows, so I'm assuming you either eliminated all of them or they've fled Skyrim. FormID: 000D880A TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 2 Everything seems to be working out nicely, wouldn't you agree? FormID: 000D880B TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 Business is absolutely booming, my friend. FormID: 000D880B TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 I've taken to hiring a few extra men of my own just to keep up with all the shipments. FormID: 000D880B TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 2 Old Delvin certainly takes care of his own, doesn't he. FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 0 We found a cave under the lake. With luck, it'll lead into the prison. Walk Away FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 1 I need you to sneak in there, and free our men, killing anyone inside as you go. Once you've rescued the prisoners, head out to the courtyard. giving orders to a friend Walk Away FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 2 We'll stand guard out here and rush in as soon as we hear fighting. Walk Away FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 3 Should be fun. (feigning happiness) sending a friend on a dangerous mission Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 0 There's a grate outside the wall. Looks like it used to be buried in snow. I don't think they know it's there. giving the situational report to a friend Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 1 From the look of it, I'd bet it leads straight into the prison. Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 2 I need you to sneak in there, and free our men, killing anyone inside as you go. Once you've rescued the prisoners, head out to the courtyard. giving orders to a friend Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 3 We'll stand guard out here and rush in as soon as we hear fighting. Walk Away FormID: 00108030 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendYes CUST 0 You should wait until night fall before trying to sneak in. Talos preserve you. sincere, sending a friend into harms way for a good cause FormID: 000D87F7 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendYes CUST 0 Talos preserve you. sincere, sending a friend into harms way for a good cause FormID: 000D87F6 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendFrontal CUST 0 I have faith in you. trying to sound reassuring FormID: 000D87F6 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendFrontal CUST 1 But, if you find more trouble than you can handle, run out to the courtyard. We'll come as soon as we hear fighting. FormID: 000D87E3 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Guard! My fine's been paid, now set me free! FormID: 000D87E2 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Sorry, my ears aren't so good. You say somethin'? FormID: 000D87E1 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 I said my fine has been paid! Now let me out! FormID: 000D87E0 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Right, right... Oh, look at that. I seem to have lost my keys. Might take me a while to find them. FormID: 000D87DF MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 You just sit tight. I'll get around to it eventually. FormID: 000D87DE MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Curse you! FormID: 000D87D6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpies DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpiesTopic CUST 0 Some of these Nords will come up with any excuse to despise us. FormID: 000D87D6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpies DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpiesTopic CUST 1 And it isn't just the dark elves they hate -- they make a target of the Argonians as well. FormID: 000D87D6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpies DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpiesTopic CUST 2 In fact, just about anyone who isn't a Nord is fair game for their bullying. FormID: 000D87D3 DA15 SCEN 0 You know, I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous time! Butterflies, blood, a Fox, a severed head... Oh, and the cheese! To die for. FormID: 000D8788 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 0 Let's see. Ah, so that's what happened to Staubin. Tragic, but I warned him he was leading those people on a fool's errand. reading FormID: 000D8788 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 1 Unfortunately, sometimes the stone of scholarship is built on the foundation of death. I'll inform the kin. FormID: 000D8788 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 2 Here, I usually pay researchers for their work when they emerge from the ruins, but they won't be needing it anymore. FormID: 000D93A0 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 0 Oh really? Hmm... this looks like someone from Staubin's little group. A brave scholar, but not very wise.... FormID: 000D93A0 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 1 If you find Staubin, it would be good to see any notes he may have collected. I doubt you'll find him alive, though. FormID: 000D871F MS08 SCEN 0 So, are you working with them? You think you can take me? You so much as touch me, and you're going to lose fingers. trying really hard (and failing) to sound imposing FormID: 000D871E MS08 SCEN 0 I mean it! I'll... I'll cut you in half! trying really hard (and failing) to sound intimidating FormID: 000D871D MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic03 CUST 0 I'm sorry, just... Just don't hurt me. I know you're not one of them, but you just can't help them. You can't let them know I'm here. FormID: 000D871D MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic03 CUST 1 Please, will you help me? There's no one here I can trust. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 0 Turns out, we fatally underestimated the Thalmor. They smashed us with ease during the Great War. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 1 I was one of the few who escaped. For a long time, all I cared about was staying alive, and taking revenge on the Thalmor when I could. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 2 But then the dragons returned. And I remembered that the Blades used to be dragonslayers. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 3 And that we were sworn to protect the Dragonborn, the greatest dragonslayer of all. FormID: 000D8412 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirHornA3 CUST 0 You were given this gift by the gods for a reason. It is up to you to figure out how best to use it. FormID: 000D83F0 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 May your road lead you to warm sands. FormID: 000D83F1 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope that you will come to do business with us again. FormID: 000D83F2 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the sun keep you warm even in this land of bitter cold. FormID: 000D83F3 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until our next meeting, if such is fated. FormID: 000D83F4 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope you will find a warmer welcome in your travels than we have found in ours. FormID: 000D83F5 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 The roads of Skyrim can be treacherous. If you must walk them, be wary. FormID: 000D83E7 Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Tools, wares and weapons, all for sale at fair prices. A merchant hawking wares. FormID: 000D83E8 Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Goods and wares of all kinds, and all can be yours! A merchant hawking wares FormID: 000D83E9 Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Come! Come and see what goods I offer. The barking call of a merchant selling wares FormID: 000D83EA Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Far have I traveled to bring you these fine goods. Come and see what I offer. The barking call of a merchant selling wares FormID: 000D83E4 Caravans CaravansTopicKhajiit CaravansTopicKhajiitTopic CUST 0 The Khajiit hail from a distant land called Elsweyr, bordered on the north by Cyrodiil and the south by the glistening blue waters of the sea. A fond reminiscence FormID: 000D83E4 Caravans CaravansTopicKhajiit CaravansTopicKhajiitTopic CUST 1 Elsweyr is an arid land of deserts and rocky canyons, where the sun shines warmly, always. FormID: 000D83E4 Caravans CaravansTopicKhajiit CaravansTopicKhajiitTopic CUST 2 There are cities so ancient, the sands have swallowed them whole. But now I will say no more, for I miss my home greatly. FormID: 000D83E3 Caravans CaravansTopicCaravan CaravansTopicCaravanTopic CUST 0 An astute question, for we are far from home and this is a cold, hard land. FormID: 000D83E3 Caravans CaravansTopicCaravan CaravansTopicCaravanTopic CUST 1 The wise trader finds the best opportunities, even if he must travel far to find them. Skyrim is a ripe opportunity indeed. FormID: 000D83E3 Caravans CaravansTopicCaravan CaravansTopicCaravanTopic CUST 2 The dragons and the war have scared many other traders away, but for those with courage, there is much profit to be made. Crafty, cunning FormID: 000D83E2 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicCriminals CaravansAhkariTopicCriminalsTopic CUST 0 Mostly it is the Nords. They do not like outsiders in their land, and so we are forbidden to enter the cities. FormID: 000D83E2 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicCriminals CaravansAhkariTopicCriminalsTopic CUST 1 When they look upon us, they see only pickpockets and skooma dealers. It is most unfair, but we do our best to ignore them. FormID: 000D83E1 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrim CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrimTopic CUST 0 Not long, in truth. I came to Skyrim after I found myself unwelcome in both Elsweyr and Cyrodiil. FormID: 000D83E1 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrim CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrimTopic CUST 1 I seem to have an unfortunate talent for getting myself involved in misunderstandings with the law. FormID: 000D83E1 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrim CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrimTopic CUST 2 Ri'saad was able to look past that, and it was he who helped to set me up with a trade caravan. Now I work for him. FormID: 000D83EB Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic CUST 0 He hired the others and paid for my goods. I am allowed to run the caravan, but I pay Ri'saad a percentage of my profits. FormID: 000D83EB Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic CUST 1 I say this without bitterness, for it was Ri'saad who saved me from a life of servitude aboard a trading ship. FormID: 000D83EB Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic CUST 2 I am grateful to have the life that I do now. It is a far cry from my days as an orphan on the streets of Corinthe. FormID: 000D83E6 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2 CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2Topic CUST 0 It is Ri'saad who owns the three trading caravans that travel the roads of Skyrim. FormID: 000D83E6 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2 CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2Topic CUST 1 Long ago, I was an orphan on the streets of Corinthe. I stowed away aboard a trade ship that brought me here. It was Ri'saad who found me. FormID: 000D83E6 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2 CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2Topic CUST 2 He provided the funds to start this caravan, and put me in charge of it. I owe him more than I could ever hope to repay. FormID: 000D83E5 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicWar CaravansMadranTopicWarTopic CUST 0 Quite the opposite, in fact. FormID: 000D83E5 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicWar CaravansMadranTopicWarTopic CUST 1 The soldiers are some of our best customers, for we offer supplies and wares they cannot obtain by other means. FormID: 000D83E5 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicWar CaravansMadranTopicWarTopic CUST 2 It was Ri'saad's idea to come here now, while the land is in turmoil. Where others saw only danger, he saw opportunity. FormID: 000D8308 DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Vampire! Burn it! FormID: 000D8309 DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Vampire! To arms! FormID: 000D830A DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Burn it! Burn the vampire! FormID: 000D830B DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Vampire! FormID: 000D8306 DialogueGenericVampire HELO 0 Your skin's as pale as the snow. You scared of sunlight, or something? FormID: 000D8307 DialogueGenericVampire HELO 0 Don't like those eyes you got. There's a bad hunger to them. FormID: 000D82C6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic01a CUST 0 I wish Elgrim had spent more time tutoring me then that Ingun girl. FormID: 000D7D6F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense. strong and heroic FormID: 000D7D67 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic03a CUST 0 Although it would benefit the Guild more than you can imagine, in the end, it would do more harm than good. FormID: 000D7D64 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic03b CUST 0 I'm afraid that's impossible. player's greed bothers you a bit FormID: 000D7D65 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic3c CUST 0 Good, then you understand why this is about more than just Mercer's lust for power. relieved Player finally gets it FormID: 000D7D58 DialogueWhiterunTempleHealSoldier SCEN 0 I feel better already. FormID: 000D7D59 DialogueWhiterunTempleHealSoldier SCEN 0 Gods bless you, healer. FormID: 000D7D5A DialogueWhiterunTempleHealSoldier SCEN 0 Thank you. The pain is already easing. FormID: 000D7B1E MG04 SCEN 0 Here's something to consider, Mirabelle. FormID: 000D7B1D MG04 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Night of Tears[QUOTE], by Dranor Seleth. Old book, one I'd forgotten about. This thing here... it might be what the book was about. FormID: 000D7B21 MG04 SCEN 0 I don't see the relevance. FormID: 000D7B1F MG04 SCEN 0 He proposed that the real reason Saarthal was fought over by the Elves and the Nords was because something was unearthed there. FormID: 000D7B22 MG04 SCEN 0 Something arcane. Very old, very powerful. Do you think...? FormID: 000D7B20 MG04 SCEN 0 Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll do all the research we need to figure out what we're dealing with. FormID: 000D7B0A MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneInvisibleContinue CUST 0 This is your last warning, outsider. We keep the peace, here. Stay out of our business. threatening FormID: 000D79A5 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopicTopic CUST 0 Tell me, do you believe in mighty Arkay, god of life and death? FormID: 000D7936 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchTopic CUST 0 There's one out on the road. I can't afford to chase him down but I could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company. FormID: 000D7933 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchPersuadeTopic CUST 0 It's a smart man that demands something up front for his work. Some gold now and some when I have my dog. Here's the meat. FormID: 000D7934 MS03 MS03Reward MS03LouisLetrushRewardTopic CUST 0 Ha! You've done it! Got to admit, I wasn't sure you could pull it off. But you've definitely earned your pay. FormID: 000E7517 MS03 MS03Reward MS03LouisLetrushRewardTopic CUST 0 Let's make the exchange. FormID: 000E75ED MS03 MS03Reward MS03LouisLetrushRewardTopic CUST 0 I see you but I don't see Frost. Come back when you have the horse with you. FormID: 000D7937 MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes. Here it is. I think I'd best be off now. FormID: 000D78A7 CreatureDialogueWitchlight DETH 0 FormID: 000D78A6 CreatureDialogueWitchlight HIT_ 0 FormID: 000D78A5 CreatureDialogueHare DETH 0 FormID: 000D78A4 CreatureDialogueHare HIT_ 0 FormID: 000D78A3 CreatureDialogueWisp DETH 0 FormID: 000D788E DA15Rumor DA15RumorBranch DA15RumorBranchTopic RUMO 0 People say there's a man wandering the streets near the Blue Palace. He seems distressed but he's not making any sense. FormID: 000D788D MS06Rumor MS06RumorBranch MS06RumorBranchTopic RUMO 0 Varnius Junius stopped by here on his way to court. He was worried about something. I'm sure Falk Firebeard could tell you what. FormID: 000D788C MS05Rumor MS05RumorBranch MS05RumorBranchTopic RUMO 0 I think the Bards College might be looking for recruits. You should speak to the head of the college, Viarmo, if you're interested. FormID: 000D7882 MGR01 IDAT 0 Ah, yes! There it is! Thank you so much. FormID: 000D7880 MS08 MS08Stage25GuardBranch MS08Stage25GuardBranchTopic CUST 0 Done. Convince him to stay out of the city while you're at it. FormID: 000D7881 MS08 MS08Stage25GuardBranch MS08Stage25GuardBranchTopic CUST 0 Takes coin to pay a fine. And you don't have enough. FormID: 000D77EB MQ101 SCEN 0 What was that? just heard an awful sound in the distance (it's a dragon roar, but you don't know that) FormID: 000D77ED MQ101 SCEN 0 There it is again. Did you hear that? hearing that awful howl again in the distance FormID: 000D77EC MQ101 SCEN 0 I said, next prisoner! shouting out orders to assembled soldiers FormID: 000D77E2 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01a CUST 0 No! Linwe prefers stealing from the deceased. Digs up the corpses, breaks into the Hall of the Dead... this horrifies you FormID: 000D77E2 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01a CUST 1 He even stole that locket right off that poor murdered girl's body... or what was left of it. FormID: 000D770B TGTQ04 TGTQ04Goodbyes GBYE 0 I'm sorry I mislead you. Return when this is over, and we'll talk about my involvement in the Thieves Guild. FormID: 000D77E1 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranch TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know. Rumor has it that she was murdered... butchered by a madman. I really try and stay out of such things. FormID: 000D77E1 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranch TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranchTopic CUST 1 Torsten might think Linwe or myself are responsible for Fjotli's death, but I can assure you nothing could be further from the truth. FormID: 000A0CB5 DA11FIN DA11FINVerulusGoodbyeWhileRunning DA11FINVerulusGoodbyeWhileRunningTopic CUST 0 I must return to Markarth. coming out of a daze FormID: 000D770A TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, can I help you with something? obnoxious FormID: 000D7709 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Fjotli... Fjotli... Where have I heard that name? FormID: 000D7709 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Oh, of course, the poor girl who was murdered. Such a beautiful young thing... a tragedy to be certain. FormID: 000D773A TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic02 CUST 0 How dare you! FormID: 000D773A TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic02 CUST 1 You're accusing me of taking part such a... such a... heinous act? I should have you arrested for even suggesting such a thing! FormID: 000D7728 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Now, just a moment. Let's think about this... you know, discuss it like two rational people. suddenly pleasant FormID: 000D7729 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea what you're speaking of. FormID: 000D771E TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Now, just a moment. Let's think about this... you know, discuss it like two rational people. suddenly pleasant FormID: 000D771F TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Now you're threatening me? What in the name of the Divines is wrong with you? FormID: 000D770E TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic06 CUST 0 Think I'm defenseless? Well you're wrong! about to attack FormID: 000D770C TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic07 CUST 0 Next time you wish to accuse someone of a crime, I suggest you obtain proof! FormID: 000D7708 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I had no choice. They're crazy... I could be killed! FormID: 000D772D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's a guild of Altmer thieves, they call themselves the Summerset Shadows. FormID: 000D772D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Their leader, Linwe, he's the worst of the lot. He steals valuables from the dead. FormID: 000D7727 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I used to fence for the Thieves Guild in Skyrim a long time ago. FormID: 000D7727 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic02 CUST 1 When Linwe moved into the area, he contacted me and said if I didn't fence for them, he'd kill me. FormID: 000D7723 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic03 CUST 0 If I tell you, you need to promise not to kill me. FormID: 000D7723 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic03 CUST 1 I'd prove to be quite an asset to the Thieves Guild... I'm one of the best fences in Skyrim. FormID: 000D771D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Linwe is holed up at a place called Uttering Hills Cave. He's got his entire Guild there, so be careful. FormID: 000D771D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic04 CUST 1 After you're done with all this, come back anytime, and I'll make good on my end of the bargain. FormID: 000D7713 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeReturnBranch TGTQ04NiranyeReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 What do you want now? You still hurling baseless accusations? FormID: 000D770F TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranch TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranchTopic CUST 0 What do you want now? You still hurling baseless accusations? FormID: 000D770D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranch TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Now, just a moment. Let's think about this... you know, discuss it like two rational people. suddenly pleasant FormID: 000D77E3 TGTQ04 TGTQ04Hellos HELO 0 I've already told you everything I know, I swear. FormID: 000D76EF DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro HELO 0 You're just in time to say hello to Roggvir. You're making a Grim joke. Roggvir is about to be executed. FormID: 000D76F0 DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro HELO 0 Wish I could head inside Solitude myself. Wouldn't mind seeing Roggvir get what's coming to him. FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Hmmmm... [QUOTE]Fixed[QUOTE] is such a subjective term. I think [QUOTE]treated[QUOTE] is far more appropriate, don't you? Like one does to a rash, or an arrow in the face. FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Ah, but no matter. Heartless mortal that you are, you've actually succeeded and survived. I am forced to honor my end of the bargain. emphasize [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 So congratulations! You're free to go! FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 3 I... have been known to change my mind. So... go. Really. FormID: 000D76E5 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Oh... lovely. Now all my dear Pelagius has to worry about are the several hundred legitimate threats... FormID: 000D76E5 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 But you're not out of the woods yet! Get it? Out of the woods? FormID: 000D76E6 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Ah, wonderful, wonderful! Why waste all that hatred on yourself when it can so easily be directed at others! FormID: 000D76E6 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 But someone still has quite a bit to do. Hmmm? FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Ah! Good, good! No more barking at all hours, and chewing up my slippers. You used the hemlock, then? Damned good idea! I... FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Um... We're not talking about Barbas, are we? Clavicus Vile's... dog? Oohh... awkward. FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 Oh! That's right! Pelagius! Yes, yes, now I recall. Well done, well done. FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 3 Now keep going. FormID: 000D76E8 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Mortal? Insufferable. FormID: 000D76E8 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Yes, yes, you're entirely brilliant. Conquering madness and all that. Blah blah blah. stretch out [QUOTE]entirely[QUOTE] FormID: 000D76E8 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 But you're not done yet. And you could still die... happy and singing FormID: 000D76E9 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Ah, so now my dear Pelagius can hate himself for being legitimately afraid of things that actually threaten his existence... FormID: 000D76E9 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 ...but only during... the day? confused, trying to piece it all together. FormID: 000D76E9 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 Honestly, I can't keep up. But by all means, don't stop now. FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Oh, I am so happy for you! My, what a burden to have carried. But you've done it! You've conquered your own inner demons! Bravo! separate [QUOTE]bravo[QUOTE] into two exaggerated syllables FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Um... FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 You... didn't mean... yourself. You meant... Pelagius... awkward and embarrassed FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 3 Well! Same congratulations apply! Just, you know, for what you did for the insane emperor. FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 4 Conquering paranoia should be a snap after that ordeal, hmm? FormID: 000D76AA T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 0 The Gildergreen, yes. It's a bit of an eyesore at the moment. More of a problem for the pilgrims than for me, but not many of them around anymore. FormID: 000D76AB T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 0 This is the Temple of Kynareth. The Gildergreen, outside, was planted as a seedling in the early years of Whiterun. FormID: 000D76AB T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 1 Disciples of Kynareth could sense something holy in it, and traveled far to hear the winds of the goddess in its branches. FormID: 000D76AB T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 2 Of course, not as many pilgrims these days. FormID: 000D76AC T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 0 This is the Gildergreen. It was planted as a seedling in the early years of Whiterun. FormID: 000D76AC T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 1 Disciples of Kynareth could sense something holy in it, and traveled far to hear the winds of the goddess in its branches. They built the temple. FormID: 000D76AC T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 2 Of course, not as many pilgrims these days. FormID: 000D76A2 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaWhyNoPilgrims CUST 0 A big dead tree isn't very inspiring if you're coming to worship the divine of wind and rains. FormID: 000D76A2 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaWhyNoPilgrims CUST 1 Kynareth gives life, and we need a living tree to be her symbol. FormID: 000D76A0 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaNeedHelpWithTree CUST 0 I've thought about that... Trees like this never really die. They only slumber. FormID: 000D76A0 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaNeedHelpWithTree CUST 1 I think if we had some of the sap from the parent tree, we could wake up its child. FormID: 000D76A0 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaNeedHelpWithTree CUST 2 But even if you could get to the Eldergleam, you couldn't tap it. Not with any normal metal. FormID: 000D76AD T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaWhereIsTheTree CUST 0 If you want to help, you'll need something to cut into it first. FormID: 000D76A9 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaGiveMeTheKnife CUST 0 You'll have to deal with the Hagravens. I've heard about a weapon they've made for sacrificing Spriggans. FormID: 000D76A9 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaGiveMeTheKnife CUST 1 It's called [QUOTE]Nettlebane.[QUOTE] The hags terrify me, or I would have gone after it myself. FormID: 000D76A8 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaSoWhatThen CUST 0 Eldergleam is older than metal, from a time before men or elves. To even affect it, you have to tap into the old magic. FormID: 000D76A7 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaImOnIt CUST 0 Your spirit is strong. Kynareth's winds will guide your path. FormID: 000D76A7 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaImOnIt CUST 1 It's held in a Hagraven nest called Orphan Rock. FormID: 000D76A5 T03 T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntro T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntroTopic CUST 0 It's an old tree. Very old. They say it was a seedling when the first men were arriving from Atmora, thousands of years ago. slightly detached; reverent FormID: 000D76A5 T03 T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntro T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntroTopic CUST 1 The sap is precious. It can restore barren fields or bring life to rocks. I can use it to repair the Gildergreen, so we can worship properly again. FormID: 000D76A3 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaNotMyProblem CUST 0 You're right. It's mine. FormID: 000D76A3 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaNotMyProblem CUST 1 I may not live to see this little one grow into a new Gildergreen, but I can be remembered as the woman who planted it. FormID: 000D76A3 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaNotMyProblem CUST 2 I thank you. And may Kynareth's soft rains fall before you. FormID: 0006767B T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceEndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 The Eldergleam has blessed us with a sapling. FormID: 000D76A1 T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceEndContinuation CUST 0 You should take it to Whiterun. Danica will want to see that the true blessings of nature lie in renewal, not a slavish maintenance. FormID: 000D769F T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceSoYouStayingHere CUST 0 I believe I'll stay here and bask in Eldergleam's warmth a bit longer. FormID: 000D76B0 T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceKThxBai CUST 0 It was my pleasure, friend. In a way, I envy you getting to carry such a direct sign of Kynareth's graces. FormID: 000D76AF T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceForceGoodbye CUST 0 Good luck on your travels. May Kynareth's wind carry only the sweetest scents. FormID: 000D766E MQ301 SCEN 0 Do vah kiin! dragon roar in the distance, shouting in challenge FormID: 000D767F MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA2 CUST 0 Of course. You already saved Whiterun from that dragon. I owe you a great deal. FormID: 000D767F MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA2 CUST 1 But I don't understand. Why let a dragon into the heart of my city when we've been working so hard to keep them out? FormID: 000D7680 MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA2 CUST 0 I'm sorry, but I can't do it. We'll just have to keep fighting the dragons as best we can. FormID: 000D7674 MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA3 CUST 0 There must be another way. The risk is too great. FormID: 000D766F MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1New CUST 0 You may have a point. It's getting difficult to even move troops around without attracting a dragon attack. FormID: 000D766F MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1New CUST 1 By all accounts the Stormcloaks are suffering just as badly. Even Ulfric might see the sense of a truce under these conditions. FormID: 000D7670 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1New CUST 0 I'll be the judge of that. Besides, by all reports the Stormcloaks are suffering just as much as we are from these dragon attacks. testily FormID: 000D7683 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 0 True. A pause to consolidate our gains would be useful. And the Empire can afford to look magnanimous in victory. FormID: 000D7684 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 0 Ulfric's insurrection has reached its high tide. Soon enough the rebel Jarls will realize what it means to oppose the Empire. FormID: 000D7684 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 1 But, as you say, these negotiations may offer a chance for his supporters to gracefully return to the Imperial fold. FormID: 000D7685 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 0 I think you overestimate Ulfric's chances. He's stretched himself too thin. mulling the situation to himself FormID: 000D7685 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 1 But... we could use the breathing space to regroup. mulling the situation to himself FormID: 000D7676 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroNewA1 CUST 0 They are getting to be a problem. But I wasn't sent to Skyrim to fight dragons. FormID: 000D7676 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroNewA1 CUST 1 My job is to quell this rebellion, and I intend to do just that, dragons or no dragons. FormID: 000D7671 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB4 CUST 0 Has he? I suppose he doesn't want to miss a chance to bluster about the Empire's many crimes. sarcastic FormID: 000D7671 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB4 CUST 1 He's probably hoping I'll refuse so he can blame the Empire for being unreasonable. I think I'll have to disappoint him yet again. with an unkind smile FormID: 000D7672 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB4 CUST 0 Hmm. You may have a point. I'm always surprised by how seriously the Nords take these things. FormID: 000D7689 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 0 Alduin? The World-Eater of song and legend? If that's true... well, it changes the situation doesn't it? FormID: 000D7689 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 1 Even Tullius may be forced to talk sense in the face of such a threat. FormID: 000D768A MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 0 Alduin? The World-Eater of song and legend? If that's true, we're all doomed anyway. incredulously FormID: 000D768A MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 1 And if it isn't true... well, then the fight to free Skyrim goes on. Either way, I don't see the use in talking to the Empire. FormID: 000D7682 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC2 CUST 0 You speak truly, Dragonborn. Sometimes the grubby business of politics clouds my eyes. FormID: 000D7682 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC2 CUST 1 Besides, it will be good to see High Hrothgar again. FormID: 000D7681 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC3 CUST 0 I don't need you to teach me how to play high politics in Skyrim. with a flash of anger at the player's impertinence FormID: 000D7681 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC3 CUST 1 But... you're right. There's nothing to be gained by refusing the Greybeards' request. with grudging admiration for the player's political skills FormID: 000D763F MQ101 SCEN 0 Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm. calling out prisoner's names from a ledger FormID: 000D7648 MQ101 SCEN 0 Lokir of Rorikstead. calling out prisoner's names from a ledger FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure. At first they accused me of being a Stormcloak, a secret Talos worshipper... FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 1 They wanted a confession. To what didn't matter, they simply wanted me to admit to something. FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 2 I think they wanted to break me. Use me as a way to get to the rest of the Gray-Mane family. FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 3 I gave them no such pleasure. FormID: 000D7620 MS09 MS09ThoraldHowLong MS09ThoraldHowLongTopic CUST 0 Gods, I've lost count of the days. It feels like an age has passed. FormID: 000D7620 MS09 MS09ThoraldHowLong MS09ThoraldHowLongTopic CUST 1 I wish I could believe that I'd have held out forever against their torture, but I can't be so sure. FormID: 000D7620 MS09 MS09ThoraldHowLong MS09ThoraldHowLongTopic CUST 2 Now thanks to you I needn't worry anymore. FormID: 000D74D4 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 The pain is so great... This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laying down receiving medical care. he is in great pain, and should struggle to say the words. They s FormID: 000D74D5 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 Unghhh... oww... This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laying down receiving medical care. He is in great pain, and should struggle to say the words. They s FormID: 000D74D6 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 I can't bear it... make it stop... This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laying down receiving medical care. He is in great pain, and should struggle to say the words. They s FormID: 000D74D7 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 So sick... can hardly stand it... This line is spoken by a very sick farmer who is laying down receiving medical care. She is terribly weak and nauseous, and should struggle to say th FormID: 000D74D8 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 The fever... my body burns... This line is spoken by a very sick farmer who is laying down receiving medical care. She is terribly weak and nauseous, and should struggle to say th FormID: 000D74D9 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 Ohh... ughh... This line is spoken by a very sick farmer who is laying down receiving medical care. She is terribly weak and nauseous, and should struggle to say th FormID: 000D74E2 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Has your fever cooled? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E3 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 How is the pain? Any better? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E4 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Feeling any better? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E5 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 How do you feel? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E6 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 How are you feeling? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E7 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 More rest will do you good. A healer speaking to a patient. The tone is gentle but also firm and knowing. FormID: 000D74E8 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Patience. The body needs time to mend. A healer speaking to a patient. The tone is gentle but also firm and knowing. FormID: 000D74E9 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Try to relax. You'll be well soon enough. A healer speaking to a patient. The tone is gentle but also firm and knowing. FormID: 000D74DF DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 The pain's a little less than before, but it still hurts bad enough. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D74E0 DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 It's not as bad as before, but I still can't get a good night's sleep. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D74E1 DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 I ain't going to lie, it's still pretty bad. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D74DC DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 The fever's down a bit, an' I can almost see straight. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D74DD DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 I still can't hold nothin' down, but it's better than yesterday. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D74DE DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 My joints ache, I can't eat nothin' and my head feels like a furnace. I've seen better days. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D74EA DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 I feel better already. FormID: 000D74EB DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 Gods bless you, healer. FormID: 000D74EC DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 Thank you. The pain is already easing. FormID: 000D74DA DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursFaithNoBranchTopic CUST 0 I see. Well, perhaps you'll take pity on a humble priest who has lost something precious. FormID: 000D74CF DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursFaithYesBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm glad to know that, because I need your help. You see, I've lost something precious. FormID: 000D74BD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 0 By Ysmir, are you thick, or just too new to know better? FormID: 000D74BD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 1 The Companions are the oldest, most honored band of warriors in Skyrim. Whiterun was built around their hall, Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000D74BD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 2 Don't reckon they can use you. But stranger things have happened. emphasis on [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] FormID: 000D74BE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 0 By Ysmir's beard, I ain't one for humor. You know who the Companions are. So quit your asking. FormID: 000A84FE dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombLetsGo CUST 0 Great! I'll unlock the door and meet you inside, then you can lead the way. FormID: 000D7246 dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWrapUpBranch dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWhatNow CUST 0 Whatever I can to put my family here back to rest. FormID: 000D7246 dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWrapUpBranch dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWhatNow CUST 1 After that? Probably just stick around here. Saw some good game on my way here, and I'd like to stay close for a while. FormID: 000D724B dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Ah! Oh, by Kyne you startled me. There's a necromancer around here so watch yourself. Initially frightened, then relieved FormID: 000D6CC8 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 0 Just one more thing the Gray-Manes want to blame on others. FormID: 000D6CC8 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 1 It's not my fault they turned their backs on the Empire, or their mule of a son raised arms against it. FormID: 000D6CC8 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 2 And yet they want to heap the fault on my family's good name? Bah. FormID: 000D6CC9 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 0 More bad blood between the houses. Fralia is convinced our family is somehow at fault for the loss of her son. FormID: 000D6CC9 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 1 There's no reasoning with these people anymore. FormID: 000D6CC2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 0 No, nor do I expect to. Would be too dangerous for now. FormID: 000D6CC2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 1 It's enough for me to know that he's out there somewhere, and not locked up like an animal in a cage. FormID: 000D6CC3 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 0 No, nor do I expect to. Would be too dangerous for now. FormID: 000D6CC3 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 1 It's enough for me to know that they're out there somewhere, and together again. FormID: 000D6CC1 MS09 MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfo MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfoTopic CUST 0 Haven't you heard it by now? FormID: 000D6CC1 MS09 MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfo MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfoTopic CUST 1 He made the mistake of supporting the Stormcloaks, and it cost him. Bitter news for his family, but a fate they should've expected. FormID: 000D6CC0 MS09 MS09Stage25JonBranch MS09Stage25JonBranchTopic CUST 0 Here's the letter. Now leave me out of this. FormID: 000D6CBF MS09 SCEN 0 We've got to find Thorald quickly! FormID: 000D6CBE MS09 SCEN 0 Get to the nearest way out! FormID: 000D6CCA MS09 SCEN 0 I can't believe you came for me! FormID: 000D6CC6 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response3 CUST 0 He must have been very convincing. laughing FormID: 000D6CC7 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response3 CUST 0 I've never known Avulstein to be that convincing! Where is the little scamp? laughing FormID: 000D6C5D MS07 IDLE 0 I've got a little work if you're interested, traveler. FormID: 000D6C5E MS07 IDLE 0 You should see me when you get bored, stranger. FormID: 000D6C5B MS07 MS07AfterLamp2 MS07AfterLamp2Topic CUST 0 The Blackblood Marauders are... very identifiable. I didn't want anyone thinking the Blackbloods were getting too bold. FormID: 000D6C5A MS07 MS07AfterLamp3 MS07AfterLamp3Topic CUST 0 Deeja and I are more like their representatives here in Solitude. None of the Blackbloods can show themselves without being arrested. FormID: 000D6C59 MS06Start SCEN 0 Th...thank you, my Jarl thank you. FormID: 000D6C58 MS06Start SCEN 0 Perhaps a more... tempered reaction... might be called for? FormID: 000D6C54 MS06Start SCEN 0 Oh. Yes, of course you are right. Falk, tell Captain Aldis I said to assign a few extra soldiers to Dragon Bridge. FormID: 000D6C52 MS06Start SCEN 0 Thank you, Jarl Elisif. But about the cave... FormID: 000D6C51 MS06Start SCEN 0 I will have someone take care of the cave as well Varnius, you can rest easy. You're dismissed. FormID: 000D6C5C MS06Start MS06FalkReturn MS06StartFalkReturn2topic2 CUST 0 You've done a larger service to the realm than you could possibly know. A resurrected Potema... I shudder at the thought. FormID: 00036FE8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic CUST 0 Then I have an important task for you. FormID: 00036FE8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic CUST 1 I need you to break into Mercer's home and search for anything that could tell us where he's gone. grim/serious FormID: 00036FE0 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Aye. A gift from the Black-Briars after they kicked the previous family out... place called Riftweald Manor. FormID: 00036FE0 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic01 CUST 1 He never stays there, just pays for the upkeep on it. Hired some lout by the name of Vald to guard the place. FormID: 00036FEB TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Be careful, lad. This is the last place in Skyrim I'd ever want to send you. grim FormID: 000C04B1 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Be careful, lass. This is the last place in Skyrim I'd ever want to send you. grim FormID: 000C04AE TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Just find a way in, get the information and leave. And you have permission to kill anyone that stands in your way. FormID: 000D69F3 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Get on with it. FormID: 000D69F4 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Stormcloak lover. FormID: 000D69F5 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Traitor! FormID: 000D69F6 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Traitor! FormID: 000D69F7 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Let's be done with it! FormID: 000D69F8 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 You betrayed us! FormID: 000D69F9 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Some gate guard you were! FormID: 000D7893 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 It shouldn't have been like this. Said to yourself absently in disbelief. FormID: 000D7894 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 I think I expected more. Said to yourself, solemnly. You've just witnessed an execution. FormID: 000D7895 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. Said outloud in a crowd. You've just witnessed an execution. FormID: 000D7896 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 He died well. Quietly, solemnly. FormID: 000D69E8 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Good, Illdi. Soak in the lore. Jorn, what happened during the Red Year? FormID: 000D69E5 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Remember, being a bard isn't just about the music. FormID: 000D69E2 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Illdi. What year did the Aldmeri Dominion invade the Empire? FormID: 000D69DE DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Late One-seventy-one. FormID: 000D69DA DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Vvardenfell's Red Mountain erupts. Try to be precise, Jorn. FormID: 000D69D7 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Ummm, Morrowind suffered a massive explosion... Answering a teacher's question, trailing off as if you weren't quite sure of what you were saying. FormID: 000D69C4 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene1 SCEN 0 Be sure to watch your finger positions. Especially during the transitions. FormID: 000D69F1 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene1 SCEN 0 Ataf, please play back that piece for me. FormID: 000D69E7 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene1 SCEN 0 Very good. Let's continue with our practice. FormID: 000D69E3 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 All right, let's try something a bit more... fun. Said with a bit of disdain. You don't find fun a worthy pursuit in this case. FormID: 000D69DD DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 That was better Ataf. Add a bit of emphasis on [QUOTE]Ragnar[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]Red.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D69D8 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 Remember, it's your job to [QUOTE]deliver[QUOTE] these songs. To excite the crowd. Draw them in and they will love you for it. FormID: 000D69D5 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Evette1 SolitudeFreeform06Evette1Topic CUST 0 I've got a shipment of Spices the East Empire Company is holding up. I need someone to convince them to release it. FormID: 000D69BA SolitudeFreeform06 HELO 0 You wouldn't have a few minutes to run down to the docks would you? FormID: 000D69B8 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Evette2Accept SolitudeFreeform06Evette2AcceptTopic CUST 0 Great. Get back to me when you're done and I'll give you something for your time. FormID: 000D69E9 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Evette3Denie SolitudeFreeform06Evette3DenieTopic CUST 0 Ah well. I'll keep looking for someone. Thanks anyway. FormID: 000D69E6 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Vici SolitudeFreeform06ViciTopic CUST 0 Ah yes. If she wants to pay the two thousand gold tariff than we'll be all set. FormID: 000D69DF SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06PayTariff SolitudeFreeform06PayTariffTopic CUST 0 You will? FormID: 000D69DF SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06PayTariff SolitudeFreeform06PayTariffTopic CUST 1 I mean of course you will. You can tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly. FormID: 000D69DB SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Persuade SolitudeFreeform06PersuadeTopic CUST 0 I suppose I could make an exception. I do like her spiced wine. FormID: 000D69DB SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Persuade SolitudeFreeform06PersuadeTopic CUST 1 Fine, tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly. FormID: 000D69DC SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Persuade SolitudeFreeform06PersuadeTopic CUST 0 That's not my problem. FormID: 000D69D2 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Bribe SolitudeFreeform06BribeTopic CUST 0 That would be acceptable. You can tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly. FormID: 000D69D4 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Bribe SolitudeFreeform06BribeTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid your bargaining without the metal to back it up. FormID: 000D69B7 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06EvetteReturn1 SolitudeFreeform06EvetteReturn1Topic CUST 0 Thank you so much. I swear it's a fight with them every shipment. Here's something for your troubles. FormID: 000D69F2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier1 DialogueSolitudeFrier1Topic CUST 0 Those who worship at the shrines will sometimes receive boons from the gods themselves. FormID: 000D69F2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier1 DialogueSolitudeFrier1Topic CUST 1 The nature of the favors varies per deity. Please, feel free to worship at any or all of the shrines. FormID: 000D69E4 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier2 DialogueSolitudeFrier2Topic CUST 0 Hmm? Ah, yes. That once held the shrine to Talos. But the worship of Talos was banned by the White-Gold Concordat, some time ago. FormID: 000D69E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier3 DialogueSolitudeFrier3Topic CUST 0 It's the peace treaty that ended the war with the Elves of the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 000D69E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier3 DialogueSolitudeFrier3Topic CUST 1 The Dominion recognized the heresy of proclaiming Talos a god. Talos was a great man, and a great Emperor... but that does not make him a god. FormID: 000D69E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier3 DialogueSolitudeFrier3Topic CUST 2 No matter how much the Stormcloaks may wish it were so. FormID: 000D69D9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 0 Most people head over to the Winking Skeever. FormID: 000D69D9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 1 If you're not interested in music or drink, you can at least talk to Corpulus. He can fill you in on any of the latest gossip. FormID: 000DD60A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 0 Most people head over to the Winking Skeever. FormID: 000DD60A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 1 If you're not interested in music or drink, you can at least talk to Corpulus. He can fill you in on any of the latest gossip. FormID: 000D69D6 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 Go ahead, Ataf. FormID: 000D67D5 MG01 SCEN 0 I believe I've made myself rather clear. FormID: 000D67CF MG01 SCEN 0 Yes of course. I'm simply trying to understand the reasoning behind the decision. FormID: 000D67CE MG01 SCEN 0 You may be used to the Empire bowing to your every whim, but I'm afraid you'll find the Thalmor receive no such treatment here. FormID: 000D67D8 MG01 SCEN 0 You are a guest of the College, here at the pleasure of the Arch-Mage. I hope you appreciate the opportunity. FormID: 000D67D3 MG01 SCEN 0 Yes, of course. The Arch-Mage has my thanks. oily, insincere FormID: 000D67D1 MG01 SCEN 0 Very good. Then we're done here. FormID: 000D67D9 MG01 MG01AncanoArgumentBranch MG01AncanoArgumentBranchTopic CUST 0 Your superior and I were simply having a... discussion about my level of access to the College. FormID: 000D67D2 MG01 MG01AncanoArgumentBranch MG01AncanoArgumentCallOut CUST 0 Well, perhaps that is why you're merely an Apprentice here. snotty FormID: 000D67D7 MG01 MG01AncanoArgumentBranch MG01AncanoArgumentWhatAbout CUST 0 Nothing you need to concern yourself with. I shall be quite capable of observing everything that goes on here. FormID: 000D67D0 MG03 SCEN 0 I still don't see why we had to bring it back here. FormID: 000D67D4 MG03 SCEN 0 The Arch-Mage believed it important. It must be powerful. FormID: 000D67CD MG03 SCEN 0 We don't know that. We don't even know what it is. Where is Aren, anyway? FormID: 000D67D6 MG03 SCEN 0 In his quarters, with that Thalmor, Ancano. Something urgent, it sounded like. FormID: 000D67DA MG03 SCEN 0 All right, that's enough. Let's return to our business please. FormID: 000D67DB MG03 SCEN 0 All right, that's enough. Back to bed, please. FormID: 000D67AE MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionGivePhialWalkaway CUST 0 Of course, leave an old man with a ruined dream. Just like everyone else. Fool. FormID: 000D6759 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1Topic CUST 0 The Night Mother's crypt in Bravil was... desecrated. The Imperial Province is ravaged by strife. Nowhere there is safe, at present. FormID: 000D6759 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1Topic CUST 1 So Cicero brought our Lady to her new home. Here! This is the only Sanctuary left in all of Skyrim, you see. FormID: 000D6759 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1Topic CUST 2 Such was my... honor. As Keeper. FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 0 What? Who is the Night Mother? FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 1 Oh! Oh, you jest! You jest with gullible Cicero! FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 2 You of course know that the Night Mother is our Unholy Matron. The undying spirit of a great woman who birthed the children of Sithis. FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 3 And killed them. In his honor. sinister FormID: 000D6757 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch3 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch3Topic CUST 0 Oh, Cicero takes care of our Lady's body. Oils it, preserves it, keeps it safe. Makes sure nobody disrespects our Matron's coffin. FormID: 000D6760 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4Topic CUST 0 Hmm... That's like telling you about the cold of space, or terror of midnight. Sithis is all those things. FormID: 000D6760 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4Topic CUST 1 He is... the Void. FormID: 000D675A DB07 HIT_ 0 Ha ha! Behold the final trick of the Fool of Hearts! You think me near death? Think again! FormID: 000D66B9 MS01 MS01MargretWeylin MS01MargretWeylinTopic CUST 0 No. I was just buying jewelry for my sister in Cyrodiil. I've never even seen that man before. exhausted FormID: 000D667E MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretBusinessTopic CUST 0 Just visiting. I had some business here. That's all. nonchalant FormID: 000D66A9 MS01 MS01MargretHow MS01MargretHowTopic CUST 0 Not much. One moment I was buying a necklace, and the rest is just a blur. exhausted FormID: 000D66B1 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretPersuade CUST 0 Was is that obvious? Damn. I must be losing my touch. exhausted FormID: 000D66B2 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretPersuade CUST 0 No. I'm not. stubborn refusal FormID: 000D6686 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretInfoInvisibleContinue CUST 0 I'm one of General Tullius's agents. I was sent to investigate the Treasury House and the Silver-Blood family. conspiratorial FormID: 000D6686 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretInfoInvisibleContinue CUST 1 They own Cidhna Mine, one of the toughest jails in Skyrim. I was hoping I could buy or steal the deed, but I don't think that's how things work here. conspiratorial FormID: 000D6686 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretInfoInvisibleContinue CUST 2 Mark my words. Thonar Silver-Blood was behind that attack in the market. Somehow. conspiratorial FormID: 000D6679 MS01 MS01MargretBlockingEnd MS01MargretBlockingEndTopic CUST 0 Rather not talk. I have to head back to Cyrodiil soon. exhausted FormID: 000D6691 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretBribe CUST 0 No. I'm telling you. There was no other reason. hiding something FormID: 000D6671 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretIntimidate CUST 0 Or else what? You'll kill me? I already had to face that today. exhausted and annoyed FormID: 000D6692 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretNevermind CUST 0 Thank you. The Eight keep you. blow off FormID: 000D66D6 MS01 MS01MargretEvidence MS01MargretEvidenceTopic CUST 0 So the clues point to the Treasury House, then. That makes sense. Thonar is involved in every facet of the city. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66D6 MS01 MS01MargretEvidence MS01MargretEvidenceTopic CUST 1 Here's the gold I promised. Keep following the trail and there will be more in it for you. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66C2 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You. I've seen you snooping around. Asking questions. threatening Walk Away FormID: 000D66C2 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 1 Back off. You don't want to know what happens to troublemakers here. threatening Walk Away FormID: 000D66C3 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've been warned, outsider. threatening FormID: 000D668E MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneTopic01 CUST 0 Funny. threatening FormID: 000D6676 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneTopic02 CUST 0 You're finding it. That's bad enough. threatening FormID: 000D6673 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneTopic03 CUST 0 We'll see. threatening FormID: 000D66C8 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneWalkaway CUST 0 You've been warned. threatening FormID: 000D66C1 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushBlockingTopic CUST 0 You're not one of my workers. What are you doing here? authoritarian FormID: 000D6689 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushAttackTopic CUST 0 Oh, yes. Weylin. Bastard could have at least gone crazy after we made our silver quota. emphasize [QUOTE]after[QUOTE] : [QUOTE]Bastard could have at least gone crazy AFTER we made our silver quota.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D66C5 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushWorkersTopic CUST 0 You hard of hearing? I run this smelter. And I'm late meeting our silver quota. What do you want? authoritarian FormID: 000D6672 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushNothingTopic CUST 0 Well then, look. Look all you want. And when you're done looking, maybe we can get some work done. sarcastic bellowing with rage FormID: 000D66BC MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushWeylinTopic CUST 0 Whatever you want to know, I don't care. I run a smelter. That's it. authoritarian FormID: 000D66E0 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushPersuade CUST 0 Fine. I did notice something odd last time we handed out the pay. Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room after he got it. giving in FormID: 000D66E1 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushPersuade CUST 0 No. I don't. FormID: 000D669C MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushBribeTopic CUST 0 For that amount, I can. Fine. I did notice something odd last time we handed out the pay. bring bribed FormID: 000D669C MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushBribeTopic CUST 1 Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room after he got it. recounting what he saw FormID: 000D669D MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushBribeTopic CUST 0 No. terse refusal FormID: 000D66C9 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushIntimidate CUST 0 Hold, on there. I think I just remembered something. The last time we handed out pay. being shaken down FormID: 000D66C9 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushIntimidate CUST 1 Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room. recounting facts FormID: 0006A8CB MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushIntimidate CUST 0 Haven't up until now. FormID: 000D66A8 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushNeverMind CUST 0 Hmph. blow off FormID: 000D6684 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 Every other day, seems one of the laborers runs off in the hills saying he'll join the Forsworn. frustrated, angry FormID: 000D6684 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 1 You don't like the Nords? Fine. But pledging your whole life to killing them? That's just dumb. frustrated, angry FormID: 0005538E MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 Don't get involved in that nonsense. Just want to work. refusing to talk FormID: 000553C5 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 We've lost a lot of good people to that damn crusade. Drive out the Nords, they say. Well, the Nord ain't driven out. frustrated, angry FormID: 000D6699 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 0 What? No. Thonar Silver-Blood owns it. He owns everything in Markarth. thinking: [QUOTE]what are you, an idiot?[QUOTE] FormID: 000D6699 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 1 But he hands all the paperwork over to Nepos the Nose to finish. That old man's back is heavy with burden. observational FormID: 00055369 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 0 Me and Hathrasil mostly. Mulush barks at us all day, but I wouldn't call that honest work. frustrated FormID: 00055369 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 1 A few people in the Warrens used to work here. Degaine broke some bones a while back. Eltrys quit. Cairine is too sick. listing off FormID: 0005536A MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 0 Mulush. Big Orc fella. Can't miss him. gruff FormID: 000D66E3 MS01 MS01OmluagWeylin MS01OmluagWeylinTopic CUST 0 Really should talk to Mulush if you have a problem with one of the workers. refusing to talk FormID: 000D66E4 MS01 MS01OmluagWeylin MS01OmluagWeylinTopic CUST 0 The Forsworn? That's right. I'll say it. We all knew. Even that fat-headed, slave-driving Mulush knew. Just ask him about it. frustrated FormID: 000D66E4 MS01 MS01OmluagWeylin MS01OmluagWeylinTopic CUST 1 Bah. Another honest man lost in all this madness. And for what? frustrated FormID: 000D66AE MS01 MS01MulushWeylinKey MS01MulushWeylinKeyTopic CUST 0 You want Garvey. He handles the keys for the Warrens. About the only thing that disease-riddled native is good for. gruff FormID: 000D668C MS01 MS01GarveyWarrens MS01GarveyWarrensTopic CUST 0 It's where you go if you can't afford a room anywhere else. About the time they opened the mines, someone got the idea to throw beds in here. without any pride FormID: 000D668C MS01 MS01GarveyWarrens MS01GarveyWarrensTopic CUST 1 Laborers. The sick. The lame. We're all here. without any pride FormID: 000D66A0 MS01 MS01GarveyWeylin MS01GarveyWeylinTopic CUST 0 Oh yes. I know everyone who sleeps in the Warrens. Kind of the one who passes the keys around. without any pride FormID: 000D66A0 MS01 MS01GarveyWeylin MS01GarveyWeylinTopic CUST 1 I guess someone else will be taking his room, now. without any pride FormID: 000D6677 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyGiveKeyTopic CUST 0 Sorry, but you don't exactly belong here. warning a person away from a bad neighborhood FormID: 000D66AF MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyPersuade CUST 0 Trust is hard to come by here, but all right. giving in FormID: 000D66B0 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyPersuade CUST 0 No. It's not. Trust me. stubbornly refusing FormID: 000D66C6 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyBribe CUST 0 Welcome to the Warrens. ironically FormID: 000D66C7 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyBribe CUST 0 No, I don't think so. stubbornly refusing FormID: 000D6694 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyIntimidate CUST 0 Now don't get all upset. Here. Take it. being shaken down FormID: 000D6695 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyIntimidate CUST 0 And I wasn't stuttering. No key. stubbornly refusing FormID: 000D66D4 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyLeave CUST 0 Right. blow off FormID: 000D669E MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've been digging around where you don't belong. about to beat someone up Walk Away FormID: 000D669E MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 1 It's time you learned a lesson. about to beat someone up Walk Away FormID: 000D9DB1 MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You again. Guess you need another lesson, huh? about to beat someone up Walk Away FormID: 000D669F MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Nepos is in charge. That's all I know. being intimidated FormID: 000D66A3 MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneTopic01 CUST 0 Let's go! about to beat someone up FormID: 000D6687 MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneTopic02 CUST 0 Someone who doesn't like you asking questions. about to beat someone up FormID: 000D667B MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneTopic03 CUST 0 You'll listen to this. about to beat someone up FormID: 000D66DD MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic CUST 0 Excuse me. What's your business here? suspicious, questioning FormID: 000D66DE MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic CUST 0 You again. What are you doing here? suspicious, questioning FormID: 000D66DF MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic CUST 0 Go on in. begrudgingly polite FormID: 000D66A4 MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic01 CUST 0 We haven't been expecting you, and the old man needs his rest. Come back some other time. dismissive FormID: 000D6675 MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic02 CUST 0 If you must know, I'm the maid. And the master of the house is old and needs his rest. dismissive FormID: 000D6675 MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic02 CUST 1 So if you don't have any business. Leave. dismissive FormID: 000D667D MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01BlockingTopic03 CUST 0 This is a private home, and the master of the house is a very old man. He's not to be disturbed. FormID: 000D66CD MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic04 CUST 0 That's what I thought. dismissive FormID: 000D66BE MS01 SCEN 0 Wait. It's okay, my dear. Send him in. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66BF MS01 SCEN 0 Wait. It's okay, my dear. Send her in. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6674 MS01 SCEN 0 Hmph. Yes, Nepos. begrudgingly complying FormID: 000D66AB MS01 SCEN 0 You heard him. Go on in. begrudgingly polite FormID: 000D6685 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry about my housekeeper. She's a little protective of me. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6685 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic CUST 1 Now, what is it you want? old and remorseful FormID: 000D6698 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic1B CUST 0 Because my king told me to. Madanach. When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6698 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic1B CUST 1 I don't know how, but he lives. I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66C4 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlocking2B CUST 0 My king. Madanach. When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66C4 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlocking2B CUST 1 I don't know how, but he lives. I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question. old and remorseful FormID: 000D669A MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic3B CUST 0 A monster? No. I'm just a servant. To my king, Madanach. old and remorseful FormID: 000D669A MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic3B CUST 1 When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. I don't know how, but he lives. old and remorseful FormID: 000D669A MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic3B CUST 2 I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66B7 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyTopic CUST 0 My dear boy, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive? old and remorseful FormID: 000D66B8 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyTopic CUST 0 My dear girl, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive? old and remorseful FormID: 000D6690 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyInvisibleContinue CUST 0 You were seen coming in. The girl at the door is a Forsworn agent masquerading as a maid. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6690 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyInvisibleContinue CUST 1 You aren't the first one to have gotten this far. You won't be the last. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AD MS01 MS01NeposMadanach MS01NeposMadanachTopic CUST 0 He is the King in Rags. A man who once held all the Reach within his grip. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AD MS01 MS01NeposMadanach MS01NeposMadanachTopic CUST 1 He stokes the passions of the downtrodden in this city. Directs them to kill the enemies of the Forsworn in our name. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AD MS01 MS01NeposMadanach MS01NeposMadanachTopic CUST 2 All from inside Cidhna Mine. A Nord prison. The irony is quite thick. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AC MS01 MS01NeposUprising MS01NeposUprisingTopic CUST 0 Markarth and the Reach are our lands. That is why we are the Forsworn. We cannot claim the home that is rightly ours. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AC MS01 MS01NeposUprising MS01NeposUprisingTopic CUST 1 But then during their war with the elves, we had our moment. We drove the Nords out of the Reach in a great uprising. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AC MS01 MS01NeposUprising MS01NeposUprisingTopic CUST 2 Then Ulfric and his men came. Those of us who didn't run were executed, except for myself, my king, and a handful of others. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66A1 MS01 MS01WeylinEvidence MS01WeylinEvidenceTopic CUST 0 Nepos the Nose? He's been in Markarth forever. And he's well-respected among the natives of the Reach. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66A1 MS01 MS01WeylinEvidence MS01WeylinEvidenceTopic CUST 1 Good work. Here's your gold. I have a feeling Nepos gets his own orders, though. If you find out, I'll have more for you. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D6682 MS01 MS01RhiadaSilverBloods MS01RhiadaSilverBloodsTopic CUST 0 It's an old family. Very well-respected throughout the Reach. snobbish FormID: 000D6682 MS01 MS01RhiadaSilverBloods MS01RhiadaSilverBloodsTopic CUST 1 The Silver-Bloods run nearly all the lands in this Hold, as well as the local inn. snobbish FormID: 000D6682 MS01 MS01RhiadaSilverBloods MS01RhiadaSilverBloodsTopic CUST 2 And of course, they own Cidhna Mine, the finest prison and source of silver in Skyrim. snobbish FormID: 000D66E2 MS01 MS01RhiadaCharge MS01RhiadaChargeTopic CUST 0 You want Thonar Silver-Blood. He handles all the family business. snobbish FormID: 000D66E2 MS01 MS01RhiadaCharge MS01RhiadaChargeTopic CUST 1 If you're here to talk politics, though, you'd want his brother Thongvor. He spends most of his time in Understone Keep. snobbish FormID: 000D6683 MS01 MS01RhiadaPatrons MS01RhiadaPatronsTopic CUST 0 For one, the landowners of the Reach. It goes without saying that they rely heavily on us for our silver and support. snobbish FormID: 000D6683 MS01 MS01RhiadaPatrons MS01RhiadaPatronsTopic CUST 1 All the miners, farmers, and laborers in the Reach get their daily wages through us. snobbish FormID: 000D6683 MS01 MS01RhiadaPatrons MS01RhiadaPatronsTopic CUST 2 Nepos the Nose handles that part of our business. He has a way with the workers. snobbish FormID: 000D668D MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid he's asked to not be disturbed. He has important business. snobbish FormID: 000D66BA MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic01 CUST 0 Oh, I'm sorry to keep you. Head right in. polite FormID: 000D66BB MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic01 CUST 0 No. He isn't. stubborn refusal FormID: 000D66D2 MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic02 CUST 0 Riches are a gate-opener around here. Head right in. emphasize: [QUOTE]Riches ARE a gate-opener around here. Head right in.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D66D3 MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic02 CUST 0 Private business, I mean. No visitors. stubborn refusal FormID: 000D668A MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic03 CUST 0 Go... go right ahead then. Don't let me keep you. being shaken down FormID: 000D668B MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic03 CUST 0 I must have misheard you. Did you say you were leaving? stubborn refusal FormID: 000D66C0 MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic04 CUST 0 I doubt he'll be free, but all right. blow off FormID: 000D668F MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are you doing here? I told them no visitors. angrily dismissive FormID: 000D66D5 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic01 CUST 0 The Imperial agent? That's right. I knew. How many dogs is the Empire going to send after me? cynical, angry FormID: 000D66D5 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic01 CUST 1 This is my business. My city. You Empire lovers should learn to stay out of it. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66D5 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic01 CUST 2 Now get out. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A6 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic02 CUST 0 They're crazy. Think they rule the Reach. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A6 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic02 CUST 1 Well guess who really runs things around here? Me. I own the mines. I make the coin pass to the right hands. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A6 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic02 CUST 2 That answer your damn questions? Now get out. cynical, angry FormID: 000D667A MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic03 CUST 0 What did you expect? That no one was going to notice you butting into business that wasn't yours? cynical, angry FormID: 000D667A MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic03 CUST 1 The guards know who holds the purse strings in this city, and I don't like snoops. cynical, angry FormID: 000D667A MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic03 CUST 2 Markarth is my city. You have no right looking into my business. Now get out. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A2 MS01 SCEN 0 For the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 000D66BD MS01 SCEN 0 What? By the gods, Betrid.... hearing something, then running FormID: 000D6693 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackTopic CUST 0 My wife. They killed her. full of rage FormID: 000D6693 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackTopic CUST 1 Damn Madanach. Damn his Forsworn backside. full of rage FormID: 000D66AA MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAttackTopic01 CUST 0 No you're not. You want to know what the Forsworn really are? full of rage FormID: 000D667C MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAttackTopic02 CUST 0 Shut up. Only the gods can judge me. You want to know what the Forsworn really are? full of rage FormID: 000D66A5 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAttack03 CUST 0 Fine. You want to know what the Forsworn really are? full of rage FormID: 000D6681 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackInvisibleContinue CUST 0 They're my puppets. I have their [QUOTE]king[QUOTE] rotting in Cidhna Mine. cynical, full of rage FormID: 000D6681 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackInvisibleContinue CUST 1 He was supposed to keep them under control. cynical, full of rage FormID: 000D6670 MS01 MS01ThonarDeal MS01ThonarDealTopic CUST 0 When their uprising was crushed, I had Madanach brought to me. He was a wild animal, but a useful one. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6670 MS01 MS01ThonarDeal MS01ThonarDealTopic CUST 1 I offered him a stay from execution if he used his influence to deal with any annoyances that came up. Competitors, agents, idiots. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6670 MS01 MS01ThonarDeal MS01ThonarDealTopic CUST 2 So I've let him run his little Forsworn rebellion from inside Cidhna Mine. Now he's out of control. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A7 MS01 MS01ThonarMadanachDeal MS01ThonarMadanachDealTopic CUST 0 You already got what you wanted, you damn hound. This is your fault. full of rage FormID: 000D66A7 MS01 MS01ThonarMadanachDeal MS01ThonarMadanachDealTopic CUST 1 You and Madanach are animals, and I'll see you both rot to death in Cidhna Mine for this. full of rage FormID: 000D66A7 MS01 MS01ThonarMadanachDeal MS01ThonarMadanachDealTopic CUST 2 Now get out of my house! shouting, full of rage FormID: 000D6696 MS01 MS01ThonarFinalBlocking MS01ThonarFinalBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get of my house. Now. full of rage FormID: 000D6678 MS01 MS01ThonarKing MS01ThonarKingTopic CUST 0 Madanach. The King in Rags. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6678 MS01 MS01ThonarKing MS01ThonarKingTopic CUST 1 While we were off fighting the Elves in the Great War, Madanach was busy ruling over the Reach. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6678 MS01 MS01ThonarKing MS01ThonarKingTopic CUST 2 Until Ulfric came and put them down. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6680 MS01 MS01ThonarCidhnaMine MS01ThonarCidhnaMineTopic CUST 0 My prison. The source of half the silver in Skyrim. The most secure prison in Tamriel. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6680 MS01 MS01ThonarCidhnaMine MS01ThonarCidhnaMineTopic CUST 1 No one escapes. I thought keeping Madanach down there would keep him under control. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6617 CW02A SCEN 0 Hardly likely. FormID: 000D6619 CW02A SCEN 0 Just shut up and keep out of sight. dealing with an idiot FormID: 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 0 A legendary crown, dating back to King Harald's time, or before. A powerful relic of a golden age, long since passed. FormID: 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 1 Legend has it that the crown is made from the bones and teeth of ancient dragons, and is said to increase the power of the wearer. FormID: 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 2 Whatever the truth, if Ulfric get's his hands on it, it would be a powerful symbol around which to rally support for his cause. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 Well, to be frank, we don't. Its location was lost with King Borgas, when the Great Hunt killed him while off on his Alessian campaigns. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 1 Supposedly, his body was brought back to Skyrim and secretly buried with the crown. Knowledge of that location was lost, in the Wars of Succession. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 2 But my agents report that Galmar is pretty damned convinced Korvanjund is the tomb of King Borgas. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 3 I know Galmar. We fought in many wars together. He's not a sentimental man taken to fancy. If he believes the crown is there... he's likely found it. FormID: 000D6611 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 We're backing Elisif. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing. a soldierly view of politics FormID: 000D6612 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 We're backing Erikur. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing. a soldierly view of politics FormID: 000D6615 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I need someone I can trust to deliver a message of great import to Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun. Walk Away FormID: 000E2D11 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I need someone I can trust to deliver a message of great import to Jarl Hrongar of Whiterun. Walk Away FormID: 000D660D CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03YesSir CUST 0 We have it on good authority that Ulfric has raised enough men to attack the city of Whiterun. The Jarl, however, refuses the Legion's support. FormID: 000D660D CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03YesSir CUST 1 This missive should convince him. Be aware soldier, these documents contain sensitive intelligence for the Jarl's eyes only. with gravity FormID: 000D6613 CW01A CW01Hello HELO 0 I trust you'll be finished with Fort Hraggstad soon? FormID: 000DDE3F CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 Hey there! Can you believe this place? So cold my breath turns to icicles! What are we even doing up here? joking with an old friend Walk Away FormID: 000DDE3F CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Guess Tullius wants to make sure everything's locked down before launching a serious campaign for Eastmarch. speculating Walk Away FormID: 000DDE3F CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 2 Anyway, I'm glad you're here. We're outnumbered again, more so than when we took that wagon. But if we work together, we can pull this off. getting down to business Walk Away FormID: 000D87FA CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 Break our men out and head to the courtyard. We'll meet you there. confident FormID: 000E1740 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 I can't believe we're the only ones who survived. glad to be alive, but frustrated FormID: 000E1740 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Glad you were here. sincere FormID: 000E1740 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 2 I guess... I'll hold down the fort by my lonesome. Hurry back and tell them to send a garrison. Quickly! at a loss, seeing the absurd humor of the situation FormID: 000D87FB CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 You go report our success. I'll set up a garrison here. A shame none of the prisoners made it, but their names will be remembered. FormID: 000D87FB CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Glad you were here. Couldn't have done it without you! sincere FormID: 000D87FC CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 Great work! Get back and report our success. I'll stay here and clean up the mess. FormID: 000D87FC CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Glad you were here. Couldn't have done it without you! sincere FormID: 000D61D9 TG05SP SCEN 0 Come, Karliah. It's time for you and Gallus to become reunited! about to attack FormID: 000D61DC TG08A SCEN 0 Yes. That's why we need to prepare ourselves and meet Mercer on equal footing. FormID: 000D61DA TG08A SCEN 0 Woah there, lass. I appreciate the armor, but becoming a Nightingale? That was never discussed. FormID: 000D61DE TG08A SCEN 0 To hold any hope of defeating Mercer, we must have Nocturnal at our backs. very serious, almost irritated you're being questioned FormID: 000D61DE TG08A SCEN 1 If she's to accept you as one of her own, an arrangement must be struck. FormID: 000D61DB TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranch TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Indirectly. The Trinity is usually selected from the ranks of the Guild although its existence is a closely-guarded secret. FormID: 000D61DF TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranch TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic01b CUST 0 The Nightingales protect the temple of Nocturnal, a place known as the Twilight Sepulcher. FormID: 000D5F11 DialogueGuardsHBlocker HELO 0 What do you need? FormID: 000D5F12 DialogueGuardsHBlocker HELO 0 What is it? FormID: 000D5EEA CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Tell me again, why I'm wasting men chasing after a fairy tale. dismissive FormID: 000D5EED CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 If Ulfric gets his hand on that crown, it won't be a fairy tale. It'll be a problem. insisting (in the middle of a heated debate) FormID: 000D5EE5 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Don't you Nords put any stock in your own traditions? I thought the Moot chose the king. goading FormID: 000D5EEF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. making a point she's made before FormID: 000D5EEF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 You've been here long enough to know that Nords aren't always sensible. pride tinged statement of fact FormID: 000D5EEF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 2 We follow our hearts. with pride FormID: 000D5EDF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 So what - Ulfric gets this crown and then suddenly he's High King? sarcastic hyberpole FormID: 000D5EF1 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 No, it's not as simple as that, but the Jagged Crown would be a potent symbol for his cause to rally around. conceding but making a strong case FormID: 000D5EF1 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 But, if we found it first... boasting a leading suggestion FormID: 000D5EE1 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 And we gave it to Elisif? finally understanding the idea behind the argument FormID: 000D6616 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 And we gave it to Erikur? finally understanding the idea behind the argument FormID: 000D5EE2 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 In the absence of the Moot, it would further legitimize her claim. Gloating slightly as she drives her point home FormID: 00013AA2 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 In the absence of the Moot, it would further legitimize his claim. Gloating slightly as she drives her point home FormID: 000D5EF0 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Perhaps... I'm entrusting you with what resources I can spare. But I'm warning you, if this turns out to be a waste of time and men... begrudgingly considering the idea FormID: 000D5EE4 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 It won't be a waste. insisting, (not knowing when to shut up) FormID: 000D5EDD CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Make sure you take the Auxiliary here. You can send him back when you get there and find nothing but old bones and cobwebs. grumpily giving in, [QUOTE]auxiliary[QUOTE] is the player who is standing nearby FormID: 000E7A24 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Make sure you take the Auxiliary here. You can send her back when you get there and find nothing but old bones and cobwebs. grumpily giving in, [QUOTE]auxiliary[QUOTE] is the player who is standing nearby FormID: 000D5EE0 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 The Stonefist's no fool. He's found the Crown. But we'll get to it first. with certitude FormID: 000D5EE8 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 0 What's the matter, soldier? I gave you an order. I want that fort, and I want it now. Move it! annoyed, repeating an order she expects to give only once FormID: 000E7A29 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 0 Welcome back, soldier. I'm glad you made it in one piece. I'll send men to garrison the fort right away. You did well. I'm impressed. appreciative FormID: 000E7A29 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 1 But before we go any further, it's time for you to officially join the Legion. pleased with her recruit FormID: 000D5EE9 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 0 Speak with General Tullius. He'll administer the oath. pleased with her recruit Walk Away FormID: 000D55EC MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11GuardTerribleHowsItGoing CUST 0 We're stretched thin as it is with the war. Nobody has the time to spend on this. Not pleasant, but it's the truth. FormID: 000D55EB MS11 MS11JorleifQuestOver MS11JorleifQuestOverTheEnd CUST 0 You've done this city a mighty service, friend. FormID: 000D55EB MS11 MS11JorleifQuestOver MS11JorleifQuestOverTheEnd CUST 1 I believe you'll find the guards to be a bit more cordial with you in the future. FormID: 000D55EA MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, she's dead. But I guess that's not unusual, at least not for somebody in here. FormID: 000D55EA MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 I mean, someone who's not me, that is. FormID: 000D55EA MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 2 Sorry, was only joking with you. FormID: 000D55E9 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyRightSoUm CUST 0 Oh, yes, right, of course! FormID: 000D55E8 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyLetsKeepGoing CUST 0 Not really. FormID: 000D55E7 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdActualInformation CUST 0 The only unusual thing is the shape of the cuts. FormID: 000D55E7 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdActualInformation CUST 1 They look like they were made with... well, the ancient Nords used these kinds of curved blades when they embalmed their dead. FormID: 000D55E7 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdActualInformation CUST 2 I don't know who in Windhelm would even have something like that. Other than me, of course. add a nervous chuckle at the end FormID: 000D55F0 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdWellThatsALittleObvious CUST 0 I'm too busy tending to the dead to spend my time making more of them. FormID: 000D55F0 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdWellThatsALittleObvious CUST 1 And I wouldn't very well tell you about the cuts if I had made them, now would I? FormID: 000D55EF MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBrushOff CUST 0 Now, I really got to get back to the body. Lot of work to prepare her for the grave. FormID: 000D55ED MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdIGuessThatsThat CUST 0 I wouldn't hold out too much hope. FormID: 000D5584 dunCragslaneQST dunCragslaneGuardTrespass TRES 0 These fights are invite only. And you're not invited. Slag off. FormID: 000D553A MQ103 MQ103OrgengarInnkeeper MQ103OrgengarInnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Out. She owns the place, she does what she wants. with a shrug FormID: 000D5538 MQ103 MQ103OrgengarInnkeeper MQ103OrgengarInnkeeperA1 CUST 0 Inn's closed. Bar's still open, though. with massive indifference FormID: 000D5538 MQ103 MQ103OrgengarInnkeeper MQ103OrgengarInnkeeperA1 CUST 1 Feel free to sit and put your head down on the table for as long as you like. I won't bother you. FormID: 000D5533 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Bring back this tablet that Farengar wants and I'll be in your debt. FormID: 000D5534 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 That tablet is your priority now. Bring that back from Bleak Falls Barrow and I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about. FormID: 000D5537 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll introduce you to Farengar. He can be a bit... difficult. Mages. You know. apologetically FormID: 000D5535 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Farengar can explain the situation better than I can. FormID: 000D5536 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Farengar is probably puttering around in his lab. Day and night. I'm not sure he ever sleeps. apologetically FormID: 000D553E MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufReward CUST 0 Here, take this as a small token of my esteem. FormID: 000D553E MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufReward CUST 1 There is another thing you could do for me. Suitable for someone of your particular talents, perhaps. slowly... thinking of what you might be able to do for him FormID: 000D553E MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufReward CUST 2 Come, let's go find Farengar, my court wizard. He's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and... rumors of dragons. FormID: 000D553C MQ102A SCEN 0 I'm sure Riverwood will be all right, dear. When the Jarl learns what's happened, he's sure to send soldiers. trying to convince himself that this is true FormID: 000D5539 MQ102A SCEN 0 Go on, Hadvar. Let's hear the rest of it. FormID: 000D531A MQ103 SCEN 0 The Jarl has finally agreed to send you back to Riverwood. FormID: 000D5319 MQ103 SCEN 0 I can't afford to send anyone else. And we don't know where the dragon is. FormID: 000D5318 MQ103 SCEN 0 Yes, Housecarl. We'll leave immediately. FormID: 000D5317 MQ103 SCEN 0 Your main job will be to keep an eye out and get the people to safety if the town is attacked. FormID: 000D5316 MQ103 SCEN 0 It's just us against a dragon, is that it? FormID: 000D531D MQ103 SCEN 0 I don't expect the three of you to fight off a dragon by yourselves. But I do expect you to do your duty. sternly FormID: 000D531C MQ103 SCEN 0 Of course. We'll keep Riverwood safe. You can count on it. FormID: 000D531B MQ103 SCEN 0 Let's move out. Time's a wasting. FormID: 000D5139 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 I'm telling you, Ulfric's planning an attack on Whiterun. insisting (in the middle of a heated debate) FormID: 000D5152 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 He'd be insane to try. He doesn't have the men. dismissive and convinced FormID: 000D513E CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 That's not what my scouts report, sir. Every day more join his cause. Riften, Dawnstar, and Winterhold support him. insisting FormID: 000D5130 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 It's not a cause. It's a rebellion. making a point about choice of words FormID: 000D5144 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Call it whatever you like, General. The man's going to try to take Whiterun. annoyed the danger is being ignored FormID: 000D5148 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Jarl Balgruuf... suggesting the Jarl will handle things FormID: 000DA253 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Jarl Hrongar... suggesting the Jarl will handle things FormID: 000D5137 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Balgruuf refuses the Legion's right to garrison troops in his city. abruptly, frustrated FormID: 000D5137 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 On the other hand, he also refuses to acknowledge Ulfric's claim. conceding it's not all bad FormID: 000DA239 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Hrongar carries on the policies of his brother and refuses to acknowledge the Legions right to garrison troops in his city. abruptly, frustrated FormID: 000DA239 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 On the plus side, he also refuses to acknowledge Ulfric's claim. conceding it's not all bad FormID: 000D514C CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Well, if he wants to stand outside the protection of the Empire, fine. Let Ulfric pillage his city. mocking, anger FormID: 000D5132 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 General. disapproving - mild rebuke FormID: 000D5149 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 You people and your damn Jarls. venting FormID: 000D513A CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Sir? taking offense FormID: 000D513A CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 You can't force a Nord to accept help he hasn't asked for. playing her role as cultural advisor FormID: 000C348B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 0 I remember you, you were at Helgen. Speak to Legate Rikke. I suspect we could use someone like you. FormID: 000D5145 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Are my men now giving free reign to anyone who wanders into the castle? upset at the apparent lack of security Walk Away FormID: 000D5145 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 1 Do you have some reason to be here, citizen? with authority, suspicious Walk Away FormID: 000D5146 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 0 There something I can do for you? Perhaps direct you to the nearest prison... sarcastic FormID: 000D5154 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetAlreadyMet CUST 0 Have we? incredulous FormID: 000D5154 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetAlreadyMet CUST 1 Oh. Of course. dawning recognition FormID: 000D5154 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetAlreadyMet CUST 2 You were at Helgen! placing the face FormID: 000D5135 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetPrisoner CUST 0 One of the prisoners, if I recall correctly. stress [QUOTE]PRISONERS[QUOTE] - suddenly very suspicious, realizing that this person might be a criminal FormID: 000D5142 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHelgen CUST 0 Right... Helgen.. dawning realization, [QUOTE]Riiight[QUOTE] FormID: 000D5136 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetTalkRikke CUST 0 I suspect we might have use for someone resourceful like you. Not many survived Helgen. coming around FormID: 000D5136 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetTalkRikke CUST 1 Besides, I'm sure your being imprisoned was all a terrible misunderstanding. hint of sarcasm, should read as possibly sincere FormID: 000D514B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHadvar CUST 0 Hadvar's alive? I hope that's true. He's a damn good soldier. sincere FormID: 000D514B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHadvar CUST 1 But he hasn't reported in yet, so he can't exactly confirm your story. hint of suspicion FormID: 000D514B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHadvar CUST 2 In the meantime, why don't you have a chat with Legate Rikke. directing the player to a recruiter FormID: 000D5150 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetFreeToGo CUST 0 I suppose that's true. Fine. willing to give the player a chance FormID: 000D5150 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetFreeToGo CUST 1 Why don't you have a chat with Legate Rikke? coming around to thinking maybe the player will be useful after all FormID: 000D514D CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you lost? authoritative, suspicious - talking to someone who is trespassing FormID: 000D514E CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 You survived Helgen? General Tullius told me what happened. Not many made it out alive... impressed Walk Away FormID: 000D514E CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 1 I've got a good feeling about you. And I don't often get good feelings about anything. A warrior knows to trust her gut... considering carefully Walk Away FormID: 000D514E CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 2 I'm not going to go through the normal process with you. I've got a little test lined up. Pass that, and we'll talk about you joining the Legion. hatching a plan Walk Away FormID: 000D514F CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to test yourself at Fort Hraagstad? hinting at the challenge ahead FormID: 000D512B CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetHandleAnything CUST 0 Is that confidence, or bravado? Confidence I can use. Bravado gets soldiers killed. making a point FormID: 000D512B CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetHandleAnything CUST 1 We'll soon find out. hint of challenge to come FormID: 000D513C CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetClearOutFort CUST 0 I'm sending you to clear out Fort Hraagstad. If you survive, you'll pass. stating the terms of the challenge FormID: 000D513C CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetClearOutFort CUST 1 If you die, then I'll have no further use for your corpse. FormID: 000D5151 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetWhatTest CUST 0 The kind that evaluates your usefulness during... duress. hinting at the challenge to come FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 0 The ancients built many of the fortresses that dot the landscape of Skyrim. explaining the test FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 1 Sadly, most have fallen into disrepair. And nearly all have been overrun with bandits or other vagabonds. FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 2 Fort Hraagstad is one of the few that remains mostly intact. FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 3 We're going to install a garrison there, but first, your going to clean out the bandits that have moved in. hinting at the danger FormID: 000D5133 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAlreadyDone CUST 0 Is that so? I was right about you. well pleased FormID: 000D513F CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreet CUST 0 Oh, not so confident now, are we? amused FormID: 000D5140 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreet CUST 0 Yes. This is a test. I don't think you're regular militia material. I want to see what you're capable of. explaining herself, this is an honor she is bestowing really Walk Away FormID: 000D513D CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetNotSure CUST 0 Well, if you change your mind, you know what to do. disappointed FormID: 000D5153 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAcceptQuest CUST 0 Good. That's what I want to hear. Now go make it happen, soldier. well pleased FormID: 000D50E5 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenA1 CUST 0 Really? You're certainly... forthright about your criminal past. he's surprised (and a little amused) that you'd admit that FormID: 000D50E5 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenA1 CUST 1 But it's none of my concern who the Imperials want to execute. Especially now. What I want to know is what exactly happened at Helgen. FormID: 000D50DE MQ102 SCEN 0 What do you say now, Proventus? Shall we continue to trust in the strength of our walls? Against a dragon? FormID: 000D50D9 MQ102 SCEN 0 My lord, we should send troops to Riverwood at once. urgently FormID: 000D50D6 MQ102 SCEN 0 It's in the most immediate danger, if that dragon is lurking in the mountains... FormID: 000D50D0 MQ102 SCEN 0 The Jarl of Falkreath will view that as a provocation! He'll assume we're preparing to join Ulfric's side and attack him. FormID: 000D50CD MQ102 SCEN 0 Enough! FormID: 000D50C8 MQ102 SCEN 0 Irileth, send a detachment to Riverwood at once. decisively FormID: 000D50EF MQ102 SCEN 0 Yes, my Jarl. bowing and turning to leave FormID: 000D50E7 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroTopic CUST 0 Ah, indeed? The Jarl... Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. FormID: 000D50E8 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroTopic CUST 0 Hmm? What? Project? You think you could help me? I really don't think so. you've interrupted him and he's irritated FormID: 000D50DF MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroAlchemy CUST 0 What? I'm not even... ah, I see. You have some knowledge of the alchemical art. FormID: 000D50DC MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroMagic CUST 0 What? I never even cast... ah, I see. You have some knowledge of the Higher Art. FormID: 000D50D7 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroEnchanting CUST 0 Where? I would never... ah, I see. You are a fellow enchanter. FormID: 000D50D3 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroMage CUST 0 Please forgive my earlier rudeness. I am so often interrupted by visitors wandering in, I can occasionally become quite savage. FormID: 000D50D3 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroMage CUST 1 Now... what did you say you wanted? he completely ignored your first question FormID: 000D50CF MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarNeverMind CUST 0 The Jarl can be found in the Great Hall, probably sitting on his Jarl's throne. Not over here in a wizard's laboratory. patiently, as if to a stupid child FormID: 000D50CB MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA1 CUST 0 Straight to the point, eh? No need for tedious hows and whys. I like that. Leave those details to your betters, am I right? FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 0 Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker - perhaps even a scholar? FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 1 You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossiblilities. sarcastically FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 2 One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible. a pointed insult aimed at Proventus, who isn't even here FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 3 But I began to search for information about dragons - where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from? FormID: 000D50ED MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA3 CUST 0 You are eager to begin your adventure. Excellent. The sooner begun, the sooner done, eh? FormID: 000D50DA MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrowTopic CUST 0 An old tomb, built by the ancient Nords, perhaps dating back to the Dragon War itself. FormID: 000D50DA MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrowTopic CUST 1 Ah. Maybe you just want to know how to get there. It's near Riverwood, a miserable little village a few miles south of here. FormID: 000D50DA MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrowTopic CUST 2 I'm sure some of the locals can point you in the right direction once you get there. FormID: 000D50D1 MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103BleakFallsA1 CUST 0 Well. Must preserve some professional secrets, mustn't we? I have my sources... reliable sources. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 0 I'm not surprised you've never heard of it. Even I used to think it was just a myth. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 1 But not anymore. The Dragon War was a real event, although only the barest glimmer of the actual events has come down to us. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 2 Far back in the Mythic Era, the dragons were worshipped as gods in Skyrim. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 3 Many of the monumental ruins that still dot the landscape were, in fact, built as temples to the dragons. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 4 The details are lost, but at some point the Nords rebelled. After a long and terrible war, the Nords overthrew their dragon overlords. FormID: 000D50C9 MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarA1 CUST 0 Oh, no. Many were killed, of course. But many survived into historical times. FormID: 000D50C9 MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarA1 CUST 1 Why, this very palace was built by one of Balgruuf's ancestors to hold a captive dragon. Hence its name - Dragonsreach. FormID: 000D50F0 MQ103 SCEN 0 Farengar, I see you've already met my new friend here. FormID: 000D50F0 MQ103 SCEN 1 I'm sure you two will get along famously. FormID: 000D50F1 MQ103 SCEN 0 Farengar, I think I've found someone who can help you with your dragon project. FormID: 000D50E3 MQ103 SCEN 0 Go ahead and fill him in with all the details. FormID: 000D50E4 MQ103 SCEN 0 Go ahead and fill her in with all the details. FormID: 000D50DD MQ103 SCEN 0 This is a priority now. Anything we can use to fight this dragon, or dragons. We need it, quickly. Before it's too late. FormID: 000D50D8 MQ103 SCEN 0 Of course, Jarl Balgruuf. You seem to have found me an able assistant. FormID: 000D50D4 MQ103 SCEN 0 I'm sure he will prove most useful. ass-kissing FormID: 000D50D5 MQ103 SCEN 0 I'm sure she will prove most useful. ass-kissing FormID: 000D50CC MQ103 SCEN 0 Succeed at this, and you'll be rewarded. Whiterun will be in your debt. seriously FormID: 000D50C7 MQ102 SCEN 0 We should not... FormID: 000D50EE MQ102 SCEN 0 I'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people! FormID: 000D50E6 MQ102 SCEN 0 If you'll excuse me, I'll return to my duties. defeated, glum FormID: 000D50E2 MQ102 SCEN 0 That would be best. curtly - he's still annoyed at Proventus FormID: 000D50DB MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenB2 CUST 0 I should have guessed Ulfric would be mixed up in this. FormID: 000D50D2 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 0 Alvor? The smith, isn't he? Reliable, solid fellow. Not prone to flights of fancy... thinking to himself - trying to recall who Alvor is FormID: 000D50D2 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 1 And you're sure Helgen was destroyed by a dragon? This wasn't some Stormcloak raid gone wrong? almost incredulous emphasis on [QUOTE]dragon[QUOTE] FormID: 000DF1F7 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 0 Gerdur? Owns the lumber mill, if I'm not mistaken. Pillar of the community. Not prone to flights of fancy... thinking to himself - trying to recall who Alvor is FormID: 000DF1F7 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 1 And you're sure Helgen was destroyed by a dragon? This wasn't some Stormcloak raid gone wrong? almost incredulous emphasis on [QUOTE]dragon[QUOTE] FormID: 000D50C5 MQ102 IDAT 0 By Ysmir, Irileth was right! FormID: 00098D46 MQ102 IDAT 0 You'd better speak to the Jarl, then. FormID: 00098D49 MQ102 IDAT 0 Oh, yes? We'll get to that, after I've finished dealing with this dragon situation. FormID: 000D50EC MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenA0 CUST 0 You were at Helgen when it was attacked? You saw this with your own eyes? FormID: 000D507A DunHarmugstahlQST SCEN 0 Perhaps some more Glow Dust in the next batch of potions. That should increase their resistance. FormID: 000D5079 DunHarmugstahlQST SCEN 0 No, but that won't account for the size issue. Blast, if only so many of these creatures hadn't escaped. FormID: 000D4FC5 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic CUST 0 I knew that stupid kid would try and find a way to weasel out of his debt. to self aloud FormID: 000D4FC5 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, this is really simple. I lent him some gold, he promised to pay me back and now he says he's broke. End of story. FormID: 000D4FC2 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 0 All right, all right. I guess I made enough from his shipment. No need to waste any more time threatening a stable hand. FormID: 000D4FC2 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Tell Shadr he doesn't owe me anything. FormID: 000D4FC3 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I don't care, a deal's a deal. FormID: 000D4FBF FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Don't know why you'd help a stranger like that, but a septim's a septim... don't care where it comes from. FormID: 000D4FBF FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 1 You can tell Shadr his debt's been paid. FormID: 000D4FC0 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You don't have enough gold to pay it off, and I'm not cutting any deals. FormID: 000D4FB8 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 0 All right, all right! Take it easy. No idea why you'd care about a stranger so much, but this isn't worth a fight. FormID: 000D4FB8 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Tell Shadr I'm forgetting about his debt. FormID: 000D4FB9 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Ha ha! Are you kidding me? I've got the entire Thieves Guild at my back. What've you got? sarcastic/angry amusement FormID: 000D4FB5 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 0 You can go back and forth all you want, he just needs to pay. FormID: 000D4FCB FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic CUST 0 Back off, this action's all mine. No room for anyone else in the Guild on this one. FormID: 000D4FC4 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Why should I bother? I've already made a bunch of coin off of his shipment, so anything else I squeeze out of him would be a bonus. FormID: 000D4FC4 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Oh... wait a second. I see what this is. You want me to cut you in or you'll rat me out to Brynjolf. FormID: 000D4FC4 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Tell you what. I'll give you a share right now if you forget the whole thing. scheming FormID: 000D4FC1 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Now you're talking. FormID: 000D4FC1 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Oh, if you see Shadr, remind him he still owes me that debt. FormID: 000D4FBE FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Woah, woah. Calm down. Let's just think about this for a moment. FormID: 000D4FBE FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Sigh. You win. Tell Shadr he can forget the debt. FormID: 000D4FBD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, you heard about that, huh? Uh, sorry boss. I was going to speak to Delvin about cutting the Guild in, but I forgot. FormID: 000D4FBD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic CUST 1 You aren't angry about it, right? FormID: 000D4FB7 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yeah, I figured it would be like that. Here you go. disappointed FormID: 000D4FB6 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I got the message. Consider it forgotten, boss. FormID: 000D4FCC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh. Well, thanks for trying I suppose. I'll just have to come up with the coin somehow. extremely dejected FormID: 000D4FCD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 0 By the Eight! You actually talked her into it? FormID: 000D4FCD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 1 I don't know what to say. I didn't think anyone in Riften even cared what happened to me. FormID: 000D4FCD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 2 Look, I was saving this, but I wanted you to have it. I thought I might need it if Sapphire came for me, but I don't need it anymore. FormID: 000D4FC6 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Hey, I cut you into the deal. There's nothing else to discuss. FormID: 000D4FC7 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Look, I already said Shadr doesn't owe me a thing, so get off my back. FormID: 000D4FC8 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Yeah? What's your problem? FormID: 000D4FC9 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Any luck with Sapphire? hopeful FormID: 000D4FCA FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Huh? What do you want? FormID: 000D4FBA FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Goodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, this is between us now. to self, aloud FormID: 000D4FBB FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Goodbyes GBYE 0 That'll teach me to try and make extra coin around this city. to self, aloud FormID: 000D4FBC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Goodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful with Sapphire. She's mixes with all sorts of nasty people. FormID: 000D45E6 DunHarmugstahlQST SCEN 0 Let's see if this works... FormID: 00040F74 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 Step lightly. Who knows if those things can hear us or not. Trying to be quiet FormID: 00040F75 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 Be careful. They're faster than you'd think. Trying to be quiet. FormID: 000B31F6 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 I heard Valdr made it back safe. Too bad about the others, but at least it's one less thing to worry about. Relieved. FormID: 000D77F7 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 Hello again, friend. I'll never forget what you did for me. Genuine, deeply grateful FormID: 000D3E76 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsTopicFun WhiterunLarsTopicFunTopic CUST 0 Well, I used to sneak out at night and try to tip over the big ox in the Gray-Manes' yard. FormID: 000D3E76 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsTopicFun WhiterunLarsTopicFunTopic CUST 1 And me and Mila used to climb up on the roof of Dragonsreach and look for birds' eggs. FormID: 000D3E76 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsTopicFun WhiterunLarsTopicFunTopic CUST 2 But I don't do that stuff anymore. Father keeps catching me and then I get in trouble. FormID: 000D3E5D MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01Topic03 CUST 0 This has been going on for years. And all I've been able to find is murder and blood. I need help. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E5D MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01Topic03 CUST 1 Please. You find out why that woman was attacked, who's behind Weylin and the Forsworn, and I'll pay you for any information you bring me. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E52 MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01Topic04 CUST 0 You want to walk away? Fine. But there's going to be no justice for that poor woman. No one to care what happened to her. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E50 MS01 MS01EltrysMarget MS01EltrysMargetTopic CUST 0 She's not from Markarth. The air about her screamed [QUOTE]outsider.[QUOTE] conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E50 MS01 MS01EltrysMarget MS01EltrysMargetTopic CUST 1 Visitors to the city usually stay at the Silver-Blood Inn. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E51 MS01 MS01EltrysWeylin MS01EltrysWeylinTopic CUST 0 He was one of the smelter workers. I used to have a job down there myself, casting silver ingots. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E51 MS01 MS01EltrysWeylin MS01EltrysWeylinTopic CUST 1 I never knew much about Weylin, except he lives in the Warrens, like all the other workers. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E56 MS01 MS01EltrysForsworn MS01EltrysForswornTopic CUST 0 They're remnants of the old rulers of Markarth. Natives of the Reach. Followers of the old ways. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E56 MS01 MS01EltrysForsworn MS01EltrysForswornTopic CUST 1 The Nords drove them out of the city. Ulfric Stormcloak and his men. That was about 20 years ago. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E56 MS01 MS01EltrysForsworn MS01EltrysForswornTopic CUST 2 But somehow they're still here, and they're killing people. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 0 Yes. It all started when I was a boy. My father owned one of the mines. Rare for anyone who isn't a Nord. tragic memories FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 1 He was killed. Guards said it was just a madman, but everyone knew the murderer was a member of the Forsworn. tragic memories FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 2 I've been trying to find out why ever since. Gotten nowhere so far, and then I got married. Have a child of my own on the way. tragic memories FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 3 I swore I was going to just give up, for my child's sake, but it's like my father's ghost is haunting me. Asking me [QUOTE]Why?[QUOTE] tragic memories FormID: 000D3E53 MS01 MS01InnKerah MS01InnKerahTopic CUST 0 Please. I don't want to talk about it. All that blood. traumatized FormID: 000D3E53 MS01 MS01InnKerah MS01InnKerahTopic CUST 1 If you want answers, ask at the inn. She told me she was staying there. traumatized FormID: 000D3E64 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 0 Who? You mean that woman who was attacked in the market? remembering FormID: 000D3E64 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 1 Didn't know her. Guards dragged her body away. Last we'll hear of that. disgusted, grim FormID: 000D3E65 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 0 Who? You mean that woman who was attacked in the market the other day? remembering FormID: 000D3E65 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 1 Don't know her. Guards dragged that Forsworn's body away, though. Last we'll hear of that. disgusted, grim FormID: 000D3E60 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. Rented the nicest room we had for a whole month. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E60 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 1 I think she's sitting by the fire. Poor girl. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E61 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. Rented the nicest room we had for a whole month. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E61 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 1 Best we all forget about her. Bad luck to talk about the dead in Markarth. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E62 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Oh yeah. Pretty little thing. Been sitting by the fire all day. thinking FormID: 000D5209 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Oh yeah. Pretty little thing. Had a room here I think. Ask the innkeeper. thinking FormID: 000D520A MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Aye. She's by the fire. gruff FormID: 000D3E63 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 I remember her. Her stance. The way she walked. A trained warrior, no doubt. gruff FormID: 000D3E63 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 1 She had a room here. Might talk to the innkeeper about it. gruff FormID: 000D3E55 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperKeyTopic CUST 0 Of course. But I can't just hand that over. Privacy, after all. obstinate weasel FormID: 000D3E57 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperPersuade CUST 0 Well, you seem like the honest sort. Here you are. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E58 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperPersuade CUST 0 Right. You adventuring types would never go into a room just to steal everything. sarcastic FormID: 000D3E59 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperBribeTopic CUST 0 Well, I guess Margret isn't around to complain. It's yours. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E5A MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperBribeTopic CUST 0 Sorry. Margret might be dead, but the room's rented. obstinate weasel FormID: 000D3E5E MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperIntimidateTopic CUST 0 All right. I don't want any trouble. It's yours. being shaken down FormID: 000D3E5F MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? I hear more threatening words from my wife. obstinate weasel FormID: 0006A8D6 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? I say more threatening words to my husband. obstinate housewife FormID: 000D3E54 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperNeverMindTopic CUST 0 Did you need anything else? blow off FormID: 000D3DE1 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsBullyTopic WhiterunLarsBullyNo CUST 0 Oh, okay. I didn't think you'd help me. Nobody ever does. FormID: 000D3DE0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsBullyTopic WhiterunLarsBullyYes CUST 0 Oh, good. She'll listen to you, I just know it. FormID: 000D3D60 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletYes WhiterunAndursAmuletYesTopic CUST 0 I'll just wait here and make sure nothing foul escapes the catacombs. Cowardly FormID: 000D3D5F DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletNo WhiterunAndursAmuletNoTopic CUST 0 So be it. I'm sure Arkay will find it in his heart to forgive you... eventually. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 0 Well, as I said, Arkay is the god of life and death. You'll find his temples and Halls of the Dead all across Tamriel. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 1 Priests of Arkay such as myself perform rites for the dead and sometimes console the bereaved. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 2 We also keep a constant vigil against those who practice the vile arts of necromancy. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 3 I asked the question because I was hoping you might be able to help me recover something I've lost. FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Think you've got the mettle, eh? being tough but glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 1 Honestly, the Legion can use all the able bodies it can muster. We have our hands full. A dead king, a rebellion, and now dragons? Skyrim's a mess. FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 2 If you're serious, make your way to Solitude. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. You find General Tulius there, commanding our forces in Skyrim. glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 3 But talk to Legate Rikke. She handles the local recruiting. FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Think you've got the mettle, eh? being tough but glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 1 Honestly, the Legion can use all the able bodies it can muster. We have our hands full. A dead king, a rebellion, and now dragons? Skyrim's a mess. FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 2 If you're serious, you're in the right place. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. Here you'll find General Tullius, commanding our forces in Skyrim. glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 3 But talk to Legate Rikke. She handles the local recruiting. FormID: 000D3C5B CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's not running a social club. You don't join anything. Either you're a true son of Skyrim, or you're not. being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000D3C5C CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's not running a social club. You don't join anything. Either you're a true daughter of Skyrim, or you're not. (talking to woman) being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 0 You mean Ulfric's so-called [QUOTE]Stormcloak rebellion[QUOTE]? dismissing the rebellion FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 1 The Nord kings - oh, excuse me, [QUOTE]Jarls[QUOTE] - they can't seem to control their own people. So the Legion has stepped in to keep order. conceding a point, but arrogantly FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 2 Sadly, the Empire's stretched a little thin these days, and we've gotten very few reinforcements. So we've been forced to recruit locally. FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 3 But rest assured, citizen. We'll put an end to this uprising... and things will get back to normal soon enough. dismissing the growing threat of war FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 0 Skyrim is the birthplace of humanity. The birthplace of honor. And those snowbacked Imperials renounced both when they laid down before the Thalmor. justifying the rebellion FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 1 Worse still, to pay for the privilege to keep his throne, the Emperor sells Skyrim and our very gods - Talos, no less! - to the damn elves. justifying the rebellion FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 2 And what did Torygg do? He and the Jarls that supported him? They took the Emperor's gold. Sold out their people for a slave master's [QUOTE]peace treaty.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 3 Ulfric did right killing him. Soon we'll rid Skyrim of elves, their bloody Justiciars, and the Jarls in their pockets. The whole damn lot of them. justifying the war FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 4 And we'll cleave through the Legion to get to them. FormID: 000D3C55 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 0 Not sure I understand the question. The Legion's always been in Skyrim. obviously dealing with an outsider or a moron FormID: 000D3C55 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 1 We have garrisons throughout all the provinces of the Empire. Our mission is to serve the Emperor, uphold the law, and protect the citizenry. with a bit of pride FormID: 000D3C55 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 2 Skyrim's days are darkening, and the Legion will soon be called into service like never before. But we stand ready, as always, to meet that call. determined FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 0 At first they called us that to belittle our cause. But we gladly accept being named for Ulfric Stormcloak, the only true High King of Skyrim. a mix of pride and defensiveness FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 1 We are the true sons and daughters of Skyrim, and Ulfric... he's the truest of us all. with pride FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 2 We fight to make our land great once more, to raise up strong, noble thanes, and lay low false Jarls and the cowards who hide behind them. with conviction FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 3 The sound of our fury is a storm about to break on the heads of our enemies. Our friendship, a cloak of true brotherhood for all who would wear it. a stirring of manliness FormID: 000D3C57 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopicContinue CUST 0 If you are, then you make your way to Windhelm and talk to the man himself. If you're not, well friend, you'd best walk away before this gets ugly. being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000FBA68 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopicContinue CUST 0 If you are, then you talk to the man himself. If you're not, well friend, you'd best walk away before this gets ugly. being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000D3C58 CW00A CW00Hello HELO 0 The Legion's always looking for strong, capable warriors. If you think you've got what it takes, our headquarters is in Solitude. regular soldier pitching a citizen FormID: 000D5147 CW00A CW00Hello HELO 0 Speak with Legate Rikke. She will determine if you are Legion material. getting annoyed he's being bothered again FormID: 000D3BC4 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Go on in. FormID: 000D3BC5 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Oh, you again. Very droll, almost bored. FormID: 000D3BC6 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Don't cause any trouble in the city. FormID: 000D3BC7 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 You're clear to enter. FormID: 000D3BC8 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Move along. FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 0 Windhelm is one of the oldest human cities in all of Tamriel. In fact, it was the capital of the First Empire, which was founded by Ysgramor FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 1 The Palace of the Kings in which you now stand is one of the last buildings that remain from that era. FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 2 Long ago, the Empire used the city to garrison troops who guarded the passes to Morrowind. FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 3 And now, thanks to you, the city is back under the Empire's banner. FormID: 000D3B9D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsSteward DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsStewardTopic CUST 0 Well, a few reasons come to mind. FormID: 000D3B9D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsSteward DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsStewardTopic CUST 1 In my days as a riverboat captain, I was known to run a tight ship. FormID: 000D3B9D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsSteward DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsStewardTopic CUST 2 That, and I made my fortune by knowing when to spend my septims, and when not to. I can't stand waste. FormID: 000D3AE7 DialogueWindhelm Isthewarreallyover IsthewarreallyoverTopic CUST 0 I wish I could say that it was, but it's not that simple. FormID: 000D3AE7 DialogueWindhelm Isthewarreallyover IsthewarreallyoverTopic CUST 1 Many Stormcloaks will fight until they die, because they still believe they're fighting for Skyrim's freedom. FormID: 000D3AE7 DialogueWindhelm Isthewarreallyover IsthewarreallyoverTopic CUST 2 But without Ulfric, the movement will wither and die. It's only a matter of time. FormID: 000D3AA9 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, looks like you're fitting in well down here. snarky FormID: 000D3AA9 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm supposed to allow you to trade in one of your pieces of Guild armor, so what will it be? FormID: 000D3AA7 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Of course... otherwise it wouldn't be much of a reward, now would it? annoyed FormID: 000D3AA7 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Your new piece will enhance your skill beyond that of the original. Trust me. FormID: 000D3AB0 TG04Post TG04PostSharedInfos IDAT 0 Are you sure? Once I exchange it for you, I'm not taking it back... unless you want to sell it at a discount of course. FormID: 000D3AB1 TG04Post TG04PostSharedInfos IDAT 0 Make up your mind already. FormID: 000D3AB2 TG04Post TG04PostSharedInfos IDAT 0 Okay, there you go. FormID: 000D3AAE TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic06 CUST 0 Tough luck for you then. Come back when you have at least one of the pieces. FormID: 000D3AAC TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Take this with you. I'm not certain if it will help within the walls of the Sepulcher, but I certainly don't need it as much as you. FormID: 000D3AAC TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I've had this bow almost my entire life, and it's never let me down. I hope it brings you the same luck. FormID: 000D39A1 DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 You'll see! It was a dragon! It'll kill us all and then you'll believe me! FormID: 000D39B8 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 0 Jarl Balgruuf? He rules Whiterun Hold. A good man, perhaps a bit over-cautious, but these are dangerous times. FormID: 000D39B8 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 1 So far he's managed to stay out of the war. I'm afraid it can't last, though. FormID: 000D39B3 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 0 I don't think he likes either Ulfric or Elisif much. Who can blame him? FormID: 000D39B3 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 1 But I've no doubt he'll prove loyal to the Empire in the end. He's no traitor. FormID: 000D39AF MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA2 CUST 0 Of course. Skyrim has always been part of the Empire. FormID: 000D39AF MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA2 CUST 1 That doesn't mean I support everything the Empire's been doing lately, but Nords have never been fair-weather friends. FormID: 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 0 Ah, I forget you're new to Skyrim. Jarl Elisif, I should say, although only because she was married to Jarl Torryg when he was murdered. FormID: 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 1 Ulfric murdered Torygg, you know. Walked right into his palace in Solitude and killed him. Shouted him to death, if you believe the stories. FormID: 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 2 That's what started this whole war. The Empire couldn't ignore that. Once the jarls start killing each other, we're back to the bad old days. FormID: 000D39A9 MQ102 SCEN 0 What would you have me do, then? Nothing? FormID: 000D39A7 MQ102 SCEN 0 My lord. Please. This is no time for rash action. I just think we need more information before we act. FormID: 000D39A3 MQ102 SCEN 0 My lord. Please. You have to listen. FormID: 000D39A4 MQ102 SCEN 0 I only counsel caution. We cannot afford to act rashly in times like these. FormID: 000D39A5 MQ102 SCEN 0 If the news from Helgen is true... well, there's no telling what it means. FormID: 000D399C MQ102 SCEN 0 Who's this, then? FormID: 000D39B7 MQ102 SCEN 0 I just... FormID: 000D39B2 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethForcegreetTopic CUST 0 What's the meaning of this interruption? Jarl Balgruuf is not receiving visitors. suspiciously FormID: 000D39AE MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroA1 CUST 0 Well, that explains why the guards let you in. Come on then, the Jarl will want to speak to you personally. FormID: 000D39AB MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroA2 CUST 0 As housecarl, my job is to deal with all dangers that threaten the Jarl or his people. So you have my attention. Now, explain yourself. still suspicious FormID: 000D39A8 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroB1 CUST 0 You know about Helgen? The Jarl will want to speak to you personally. Approach. FormID: 000D39A6 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroB2 CUST 0 Whatever you have to say to the Jarl, you can say to me. FormID: 000D39A2 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroC1 CUST 0 I'm starting to think... FormID: 000D399F MQ102 SCEN 0 It's all right, Irileth. I want to hear what he has to say. FormID: 000D39A0 MQ102 SCEN 0 It's all right, Irileth. I want to hear what she has to say. FormID: 0001F391 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 0 You went right out to give it to your fiancee! Don't you even remember where you left her? FormID: 0001F391 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 1 And after you told me that sweet story of how you met in Witchmist Grove! I can see why she left you. FormID: 00021260 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 0 You went right out to give it to your fiancee! Don't you even remember where you left him? FormID: 00021260 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 1 And after you told me that sweet story of how you met in Witchmist Grove! I can see why he left you. FormID: 000D3786 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Gods, what a mess. FormID: 000D3788 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Hey, what the...? Shocked, suddently afraid-- discovering a bunch of dead bodies. FormID: 000D36CA TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, you could always speak to Delvin or Vex if you're looking for extra work. FormID: 000D36CA TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Or if you're looking for training, we've got plenty of it down here. Delvin, Vex, Niruin and Vipir can give you a leg up on that. FormID: 000D36CB TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If you're lookin' to get some coin for the fruits of your labor, you should talk to Tonilia. She sounds tough, but she'll cut you a fair deal. FormID: 000D36CB TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 I also suggest you spend some time in the trainin' room. Just talk to Vipir. He'll show you around. FormID: 000D36CC TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If you're ever in need of some quick coin for items you find on the job, Tonilia is the best fence around. FormID: 000D36CC TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 And besides myself, Delvin, Niruin and Vipir can help you with any sort of training you might need to sharpen your skills. FormID: 000D36CD TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll point you to the first and last person you're ever going to need to talk to. Tonilia. She's the Guild's fence. FormID: 000D36CD TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Treat her right and she'll make you rich. Try and rip her off and you'll have the whole Guild to answer to. FormID: 000D36CE TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If talking your way out of trouble isn't enough, you could always pick up some training from Delvin, Vex or Vipir. FormID: 000D36CE TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Also, I recommend hitting the training room if you need lockpick practice. Helped me out of a jam more than once. FormID: 000D33C0 TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you're the new recruit, eh? unimpressed FormID: 000D33C0 TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, looks like you and I are going to have to get very well acquainted. FormID: 000D33BF TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I'm the fence down here. You come by anything you don't exactly own and I'll pay you some coin for it. Minus a little slice for the Guild, of course. FormID: 000D33BF TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I can also provide a few supplies useful to our trade now and again, for a small fee. FormID: 000D33BE TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Sure, how about I get Dirge to knock you over your head and dump you into the cistern? very annoyed FormID: 000D33BE TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Look, I've been in this business a long time and I've seen all types. You can play it tough, you can play it smart... whatever. unimpressed FormID: 000D33BE TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic02 CUST 2 At the end of the day you'll find all we care about down here is how much gold you can make us. FormID: 000D33BD TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Good. Then there isn't much more to say. FormID: 000D33BD TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Here's your armor, just make sure you put it to good use. a bit sarcastic FormID: 000D33A8 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 Huh? FormID: 000D33A8 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 1 You know who I am, fool. So why you askin'? FormID: 000D33A9 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 You blind, boy? I'm a blacksmith. Any half-wit could see that. FormID: 000D33AA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 You blind, girl? I'm a blacksmith. Any half-wit could see that. FormID: 000D33AB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 I don't think so. FormID: 000D2CFF MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapA1 CUST 0 Oh... well, I'll leave that to you. I trust you know your business. taken aback that the player has no plan FormID: 000D2CFF MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapA1 CUST 1 Probably for the best. It will give me time to see if that old trap still works - and break the news to the men. FormID: 000D2CF4 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 0 Odahviing will come to your challenge. Boziik. Krilot. He will not be able to resist your call, from the Hill of the Dovah itself... he will come. FormID: 000D2CF5 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 0 Hmm, yes. I have been pondering on exactly that question. Lingrah morah. Lingrah morah = [QUOTE]long concentration/thought[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2CF5 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 1 I have tasted the voices of Alduin's allies on the wind. Pogaan nahlaas, vokrii wah jun. wistfully - despite everything, it is good to have your fellow dragons backPogaan nahlaas, vokrii wah jun = [QUOTE]many alive, restored to (the) light[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2CF5 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 2 There is one who I remember well. Odahviing. He is the one to tell us where Alduin has gone. FormID: 000D2CF3 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonA1 CUST 0 Ah, I forget how little you know of the dov. Our names are always made up of three Rotmulaag - Words of Power. FormID: 000D2CF3 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonA1 CUST 1 You see - Paar-thur-nax - a Thu'um - a Shout, yes? FormID: 000D2CF0 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonB1 CUST 0 He is not compelled to come, but the dov are prideful by nature. Few could resist such a challenge. Especially from you, Dovahkiin. FormID: 000D2CF0 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonB1 CUST 1 But Odahviing, he is... headstrong? Boziik. Rash. Even among the dov, he was known for this. FormID: 000D2CF0 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonB1 CUST 2 He will not resist the challenge of your Voice, Dovahkiin. He will come. FormID: 000D2CEF MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonC1 CUST 0 Now - hear his name. Odahviing. Taste it on the wind. Od-ah-viing. Know it in your su'um. Od-ah-viing! each time you say [QUOTE]Odahviing[QUOTE] make it louder and more enunciated, the last one should be shouted FormID: 000D2D0B MQ301 TAUT 0 Housecarl! No! FormID: 000D2D0F MQ301 TAUT 0 The Jarl's down! FormID: 000D2D15 MQ301 TAUT 0 Why are we doing this again? FormID: 000D2D2C MQ301 TAUT 0 I've got a bad feeling about this. FormID: 000D2D4F MQ301 TAUT 0 Dragonborn, do whatever you're going to do! FormID: 000D2D50 MQ301 TAUT 0 We may not be trying to kill him, but he sure seems to be trying to kill us! FormID: 000D2D57 MQ301 TAUT 0 We've got to bring it down! FormID: 000D2D6F MQ301 TAUT 0 Damn dragon! FormID: 000D2D70 MQ301 TAUT 0 Dovahkiin! Here I am! roar of challenge FormID: 000D2D72 MQ301 TAUT 0 Faaz! Nah! [QUOTE]Pain, fury![QUOTE] = [QUOTE]damn you![QUOTE] FormID: 000D2D73 MQ301 TAUT 0 So this is how you defeated Alduin. Ruth... zu'u ni Alduin. [QUOTE]Pain, fury![QUOTE] = [QUOTE]damn you![QUOTE]Zu'u ni Alduin = [QUOTE]I (am) not Alduin.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2D7E MQ301 TAUT 0 Your Thu'um is no match for mine. FormID: 000D2D9A MQ301 TAUT 0 Do not try to hide from me. FormID: 000D2DB7 MQ301 TAUT 0 Nivahriin joorre! [QUOTE]cowardly mortals![QUOTE] FormID: 000D2DB8 MQ301 TAUT 0 My Thu'um is strong! FormID: 000D2DBB MQ301 TAUT 0 Ni faas, Dovahkiin! [QUOTE](I do) not fear (you), Dragonborn[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2DBC MQ301 TAUT 0 I will conquer where Alduin failed. FormID: 000D2DBD MQ301 TAUT 0 I claim the glory of your defeat, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000D2DBE MQ301 TAUT 0 Your Thu'um is strong, Dovahkiin. But not strong enough! FormID: 000D2DBF MQ301 TAUT 0 Thu'um wah Thu'um! [QUOTE]Shout versus Shout![QUOTE] FormID: 000D2DC8 MQ301 TAUT 0 Hold your fire until he's close! FormID: 000D2DD6 MQ301 TAUT 0 Steady now! FormID: 000D2E08 MQ301 TAUT 0 We need to bring it down! FormID: 000D2E14 MQ301 TAUT 0 Keep under cover until it's down! FormID: 000D2E1B MQ301 TAUT 0 That's it! FormID: 000D2E1C MQ301 TAUT 0 We've almost got it! FormID: 000D2C91 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 You. You're coming with me. FormID: 000D2C91 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 1 We're finally going to arrest the Butcher. FormID: 000D2C8C MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Yes, sir. FormID: 000D2C88 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 What is the meaning of this? FormID: 000D2C7E MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 You're under the arrest, for the Murder of Susanna of Candlehearth Hall. And Friga Shatter-Shield. And all the rest. FormID: 000D2C7E MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 1 We're wise to your scheming, you coward. FormID: 000D2C9C MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Has the whole city lost their brains? FormID: 000D2C9C MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 1 I've been scrying and auguring to find the murderer myself. FormID: 000D2C99 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Make your excuses from the Bloodworks, wizard. the word [QUOTE]wizard[QUOTE] is almost spat, as if he was calling him a pedophile FormID: 000D2C98 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Get him out of my sight. FormID: 000D2C96 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Yes, sir! FormID: 000D2C95 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 I'm sorry, sir. But you'll have to come with me. FormID: 000D2C92 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 This isn't over, Jorleif! shouted -- the cries of a condemned man protesting his innocence FormID: 000D2C8D MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 In you go. disdainfully, putting a prisoner into his cell FormID: 000D2BD4 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 I've got some fresh cabbage. I'm thinking of making some apple cabbage stew. FormID: 000D2BB1 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 Dorthe won't eat that. Are you trying to starve the child? FormID: 000D2C1E DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 She needs to learn to eat what I serve her. I swear, you spoil that child rotten. Besides, it's one of your favorites. FormID: 000D2C12 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 Ay, it is. I suppose it won't hurt the girl to eat it this once. FormID: 000D2C0B DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 And speaking of spoiling Dorthe, who made her a new doll last week? teasing FormID: 000D2C04 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 Just never you mind about that. embarrassed FormID: 000D2BFB DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 Can the sawmill handle those logs? They look a might big. FormID: 000D2BEE DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 Ay, it can. Wouldn't want them any bigger though. FormID: 000D2BE6 DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 And the blade? FormID: 000D2BCA DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 Gettin' dull. We'll need a new one soon. FormID: 000D2BB9 DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 I'll talk to Alvor about getting us a new one. FormID: 000D2C2C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 How's about a drink, Hod. FormID: 000D2C1C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 You'll be wantin' me to pay for them? FormID: 000D2C10 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 It's only right seein' as your the important lumber man. FormID: 000D2C06 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 You come do an honest day's work at my mill, and I'll pay you an honest day's wages. Then we'll drink. FormID: 000D2C02 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 I need some more ale, Orgnar. FormID: 000D2BF6 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 You've had more than enough. Besides, you still haven't paid for the last one. FormID: 000D2BD6 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 I'll find some coin for you. I always do. FormID: 000D2BC9 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 Until then, I've no ale for you. FormID: 000D2BB8 DialogueGenericCommanded CommandedHello HELO 0 Zombie like groan. FormID: 000D2C13 DialogueGenericCommanded CommandedGroan IDAT 0 Uhhh. Zombie like groan FormID: 000D2B48 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirAccept CUST 0 That would be wonderful. FormID: 000D2B48 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirAccept CUST 1 I'll be sure and have everything ready. This is exciting, isn't it? FormID: 000D2B44 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirReject CUST 0 Ah, well now you can help me directly! Far more useful, I think. FormID: 000D2B44 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirReject CUST 1 Please do let me know if you change your mind. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 0 Not much, I'm afraid. It was named Kahvozein's Fang after the dragon worshipped by this particular sect of the cult. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 1 They were said to be quite fond of ritual sacrifices. So fond, in fact, that the high priest spent a great deal of time sharpening the dagger. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 2 That way it was always ready for the next inevitable victim. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 3 Perhaps not the brightest spot in Skyrim's history, eh? FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 0 Not just any dragon scales. Heartscales. Very special. FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 1 You'll need Kahvozein's Fang, of course. FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 2 Then, if you should happen upon the corpse of a dragon, you should be able to use it to slice off a heartscale or two. FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 3 Even just one should be enough for me to complete my research. FormID: 000D2B3D MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranch MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 Wonderful, just wonderful! FormID: 000D2B3D MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranch MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranchTopic CUST 1 And it's just as I suspected. The energies need to be channeled back through the nexus a second and third time... trailing off, thinking to yourself FormID: 000D2B3D MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranch MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranchTopic CUST 2 And that's it. I certainly think you deserve the first copy of the tome. Use it well! FormID: 000D2B3B MGRitual02 MGRitual02HaveBooks MGRitual02HaveBooksTopic CUST 0 Yes, very good. FormID: 000D2B3B MGRitual02 MGRitual02HaveBooks MGRitual02HaveBooksTopic CUST 1 Here, then, is the first of the Illusion spells you sought. FormID: 000D2B20 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic00 CUST 0 Karliah... she's still alive? FormID: 000D2B20 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic00 CUST 1 I feared she'd befallen the same fate, ending up a victim of Mercer's betrayal. FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't you see? I was like a daughter to Tova. A sister to Nilsine and Friga. But the family refuses to believe my innocence. No matter what I say. FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 1 Couldn't they understand that I was used? That I was grieving for Friga, too? No... they treated me like garbage, threw me away. FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 2 With Nilsine dead, maybe then Tova will realize what she's lost, hmm? Maybe then she'll see that I was just as much a daughter as the others. whispering, conspiratorial but talking kind of crazy FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 3 And if not, may she drown in her own tears. whispering, conspiratorial but angry FormID: 000D2ABB DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 These fruits and vegetables are disappointing, Carlotta. FormID: 000D2ABC DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 I get them fresh from the farms daily, Nazeem. FormID: 000D2ABD DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 If you were getting them from my farm, they'd be twice as fresh. FormID: 000D2A47 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Watch out! FormID: 000D2A49 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Come on now, old girl. urging horse on out of danger FormID: 000D2A4A DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Gee up, there! urging horse on out of danger FormID: 000D2A4B DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Look out! FormID: 000DD656 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Never been to Whiterun before? The Jarl's palace is something to see. Dragonsreach they call it. Big old dragon skull hanging on the wall. FormID: 000D2A4C DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 First time to Solitude? Beautiful old city. Capital of Skyrim, but I'm sure you already knew that. FormID: 000D2A4D DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Ever been to Markarth? Some say it was built by the dwarves. I don't believe a word of it though. FormID: 000DD657 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 If you've never been to Riften, be sure to visit the Black-Briar meadery. A few mugs of that and you'll forget all about the long trip. FormID: 000DD658 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Ever been to Windhelm? Oldest city in Skyrim, by some accounts. They say the big old palace there was built by Ysgramor himself. FormID: 000D2A4E DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Solitude's famous for it's Bards College. Worth a visit if you've never been. Some of them can sing just as pretty as a lark. FormID: 000DFB1F DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Solitude's a big port town, you know? Full of sailors and their tales of far away lands. Most of 'em's foreigners and liars, of course. FormID: 000D2A4F DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll want to watch out for the Forsworn if you do any travelling around the Reach. Bloodthirsty bastards, them. FormID: 000DFB20 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 If you don't mind a piece of advice, I'd stay out of trouble in Markarth. They'll toss you in the Cidhna Mine, and you'll never get out. FormID: 000DD659 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 When I'm in Whiterun, I always visit the Gildergreen. Never hurts to pay your respects to Lady Kynareth, particularly in my line of work. FormID: 000DD65A DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll want to watch yourself in Riften. A lot of ways to get yourself in trouble in that town. FormID: 000DFB21 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 I might have to stop and get myself a pint of Black-Briar mead while I'm in Riften. Almost worth the trip all by itself. FormID: 000DFB22 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You might run into some of them lizard-folk in Riften. Quite a few of them work the docks there, not sure why. Like swimming in the lake, maybe. FormID: 000DD65B DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Windhelm's a bit cold for my tastes. And I ain't talking about the weather. You're not from Windhelm, are you? FormID: 000DFB23 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll find Windhelm's full of dark elves. The kind from Morrowind, you know. Not that I have anything against them, long as they keep to themselves. FormID: 000D2A50 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead! singing quietly to yourself then trailing off FormID: 000DFB24 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You ever met one of them cats? - kah-jeet, I think they call themselves. I hear there's whole countries full of them down south. FormID: 000D2A51 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Gee up, there. FormID: 000D2A52 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Steady, old girl. FormID: 000D2A54 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Sun feels good, hmm? FormID: 000DFB25 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 It's almost getting downright hot out now. FormID: 000DFB26 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Couldn't ask for better weather. FormID: 000D2A55 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Nice weather for a ride. Hope it lasts. FormID: 000D2A56 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 This'll clear up soon, I'm sure of it. FormID: 000D2A57 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Why is it always raining? FormID: 000DFB27 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 This rain will stop eventually. Always does. FormID: 000DFB28 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Hope you're not getting too wet back there. FormID: 000D2A58 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Better bundle up. This may keep up for a while. FormID: 000D2A59 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 A little snow never stopped me, don't worry. FormID: 000DFB29 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 I bet you'll be glad to get to Whiterun and get out of this weather. FormID: 000DFB2A DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You picked quite a day for a trip to Solitude. FormID: 000DFB2B DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You picked quite a day for a trip to Markarth. FormID: 000DFB2C DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 I swear it rains like this every time I go to Riften. FormID: 000DFB2D DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Better get used to it. Snows most all the time in Windhelm. FormID: 000D27DB MS14 SCEN 0 Well, seems like you have a bit of gold left in your pockets, don't you, my friend? Mmm, yes... FormID: 000D27DA MS14 SCEN 0 Let me just take this coin purse off your hands for you. And those nice boots you've got there. FormID: 000D27D9 MS14 SCEN 0 Now you just stay here, with all your friends, and I'm going to go get my shovel. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 0 Two things I have for you. Two shapes. One edged, one round. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 1 The round one, for tuning. Dwemer music is soft and subtle, and needed to open their cleverest gates. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 2 The edged lexicon, for inscribing. To us, a hunk of metal. To the Dwemer, a full library of knowings. But... empty. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 3 Find Mzark and its sky-dome. The machinations there will read the Scroll and lay the lore upon the cube. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 4 Trust Septimus. He knows you can know. FormID: 00107601 CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 Is that so? Lost your uniform along the way did you, soldier? commanding officer, half-disciplinary, half-suspicious FormID: 00107602 CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 Is that so? I don't recognize you. Why aren't you wearing your Stormcloak colors? commanding officer, half-disciplinary, half-suspicious FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 All right. Let's take a look... receiving a courier's message FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 1 Ah, good. Looks like the reinforcements for the fort are on the way. And we have some information about enemy troop movements as well. Excellent. pleased by the intelligence he's received FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 2 It's not easy running messages, what with Imperials scouts crawling all over the place. Well done. a measured but genuine appreciation FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 3 Why don't you grab yourself a drink at the Windpeak before heading back? a small but genuine token of appreciation FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 Thank you, soldier. Let's take a look at these reports... receiving a courier's message FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 1 I'm waiting on word about reinforcements for the fort... Good, they're on the way. And we have some information on enemy troop movements. Excellent. pleased with what you're reading FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 2 Stormcloak scouts are making it difficult to move around. It's good you made it here in one piece. a measured but genuine appreciation FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 3 Why don't you have yourself a drink at the Moorside before you head back? a small but genuine token of appreciation FormID: 000D2580 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnTopic CUST 0 Alduin? The World-Eater himself? But... how can we fight him? Doesn't his return mean it's the end times? FormID: 000D2581 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnTopic CUST 0 How can we fight Alduin? Doesn't his return mean it's the end times? FormID: 000D2448 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA1 CUST 0 I didn't say anything about giving up. FormID: 000D2447 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA2 CUST 0 I don't know about such things, but I heard the Greybeards summon you. That's good enough for me. FormID: 000D23CB MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA3 CUST 0 Spoken like a true Nord. I'll stand beside you, Dragonborn. FormID: 000D2446 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA3 CUST 0 No Nord could have said it better! I'll stand beside you, Dragonborn. you mean that as a compliment - it's not the player's fault he's not a Nord... FormID: 000D23C9 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlTrapDragonTopic CUST 0 Now, what's this nonsense about trapping a dragon in my palace? FormID: 000D23C8 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlTrapDragonA1 CUST 0 I want to help you, Dragonborn. And I will. But I need your help first. FormID: 000D2597 MQ301 MQ301JarlArrangeTruce MQ301JarlArrangeTruceTopic CUST 0 Aye, Dragonborn. Maybe you can stop the dragons - and this war into the bargain. FormID: 000D2540 MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapTopic CUST 0 Then... Whiterun will stand with you, Dragonborn. We will take the risk, and gain the glory, whether it be in victory or defeat! decisively - your decision is made, and it's a relief - now to action! FormID: 000D2540 MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapTopic CUST 1 So what's the plan, then? How do you intend to lure a dragon into the trap? FormID: 000485C5 MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayerTopic CUST 0 As I promised, my men stand ready. The great chains are oiled. We wait on your word. FormID: 000D246B MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayerTopic CUST 0 We'll be ready, don't worry. You do have a plan for actually luring a dragon into this trap, don't you? FormID: 000D251D MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayerTopic CUST 0 My men will be ready when you are, Dragonborn. You have a truce to arrange first, eh? FormID: 000D2324 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpB1 CUST 0 What? A dragon? In Helgen? you're having trouble believing this - you couldn't be more shocked FormID: 000D2324 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpB1 CUST 1 That explains what I saw earlier... flying down the valley from the south... I was hoping I was wrong about what I thought it was... pondering FormID: 000D2323 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpB2 CUST 0 Suit yourself. I hate to turn away any friend of Hadvar, but in times like these... you understand if I can't just take your word for it. FormID: 000D2322 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpC1 CUST 0 A dragon... here in Skyrim. What's this world coming to? First the war, now dragons... trouble loves company, they say... shaking his head in dismay Walk Away FormID: 000D2321 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpC2 CUST 0 You're right, I saw it. Didn't want to believe my own eyes, is all. FormID: 000D2327 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpD1 CUST 0 The Jarl needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose. Riverwood is defenseless... thinking quickly FormID: 000D2327 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpD1 CUST 1 We need to get word to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun to send whatever soldiers he can. If you'll do that for me, I'll be in your debt. seriously FormID: 000D2326 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpD0 CUST 0 There's something you could do for me. For all of us here. seriously - almost pleading FormID: 000D1E0D CWFinale SCEN 0 This is it for you. Any last words before I send you to Oblivion? confronting his arch enemy, upset because he was just forced to kill a friend FormID: 000D1E16 CWFinale SCEN 0 You realize this is exactly what they wanted. (absently) staring off while his life passes before him FormID: 000D1E05 CWFinale SCEN 0 What who wanted? angry, thinks his enemy is stalling, willing to humor him for moment before killing him FormID: 000D1E18 CWFinale SCEN 0 The Thalmor. They stirred up trouble here. Forced us to divert needed resources and throw away good soldiers quelling this rebellion. suddenly lucid, forceful. Trying to reason his way of getting killed FormID: 000D1E07 CWFinale SCEN 0 It's a little more than a rebellion, don't you think? arrogantly defiant, he has (in truth) already won. FormID: 000D1E10 CWFinale SCEN 0 Heh. chuckling at the understatement of the decade FormID: 000D1E08 CWFinale SCEN 0 We aren't the bad guys you know. slipping back into a trance of his life passing before him FormID: 000D1E15 CWFinale SCEN 0 Maybe not, but you certainly aren't the good guys. conceding a point to his fallen enemy FormID: 000D1E0B CWFinale SCEN 0 Perhaps you're right. But then what does that make you? snapping out of trance, granting a point to his victorious enemy ([QUOTE]If neither of us are good guys or bad guys, what's that make you?[QUOTE]) FormID: 000D1E13 CWFinale SCEN 0 You just said it yourself. smiling at an enemy's ironic choice of phrase FormID: 000D1E0A CWFinale SCEN 0 It makes us right. voicing the ironic subtext behind an enemy's phrase [QUOTE]Perhaps you're right.[QUOTE] to mean, [QUOTE]in the right.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D1E04 CWFinale SCEN 0 And if I surrender? a mostly hopeless question, but one that must be asked FormID: 000D1E11 CWFinale SCEN 0 The Empire I remember never surrendered. with contempt FormID: 000D1E06 CWFinale SCEN 0 That Empire is dead. And so are you. deadly serious FormID: 000D1E17 CWFinale SCEN 0 So be it. (slipping into a trance) surrendering to his fate, about to be killed by his arch nemesis FormID: 000D1E0C CWFinale SCEN 0 Just kill him and let's be done with it already. losing his patience for all the damn melodrama FormID: 000D1E1A CWFinale SCEN 0 Come, Galmar. Where's your sense of the dramatic moment? injecting levity into the moment before he executes his rival FormID: 000D1E0E CWFinale SCEN 0 By the gods! If it's a good ending to some damn story you're after - perhaps the Dragonborn should be the one to do it. losing his patience, suggesting robbing the moment by giving it to the [QUOTE]real[QUOTE] hero, the dragonborn (the player) FormID: 000D1E14 CWFinale SCEN 0 Good point. considering giving the honor of the kill to the player FormID: 000D1E09 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopic CUST 0 Well, Dragonborn. What do you say? Do you want the honor? Walk Away FormID: 0006591D CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopic CUST 0 Song or not, I just want it done. gruff, just wants this over with Walk Away FormID: 000D1E0F CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice1 CUST 0 As you wish. subtext: [QUOTE]if you're not man enough to do it, I'll happily do it[QUOTE] FormID: 0006594B CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice1 CUST 0 Well, I'm not quite done myself. subtext: [QUOTE]if you're not man enough to do it, I'll happily do it[QUOTE] FormID: 000D1E1B CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice2 CUST 0 As you wish. This moment, we three, will be immortalized in song. grateful FormID: 000658EB CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice2 CUST 0 Fine by me. gruff, just wants this over with FormID: 000D1E19 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice3 CUST 0 Dragonborn. Here, use my sword to do it. This moment will be immortalized in song. Make it a good kill. solemnly, sincere but with a tinge of envy FormID: 00065900 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice3 CUST 0 Here, use my sword to do it. I made sure to sharpen it for the occasion. solemnly, sincere but with a tinge of envy FormID: 000D1E12 CWFinale SCEN 0 Enough... enough... hesitant, then strongly FormID: 000D1D57 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 No, I'm not. Looks like we've got something in common, then. FormID: 000D1D58 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Hmph. No, friend, that I'm not. But I get along with your kind well enough. FormID: 000D1D59 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Ha! And neither are you, eh? Good to see another Redguard. I like to think we bring a little heat to this frozen wasteland. FormID: 000D1D55 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenInvisBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenInvisBranch1Topic CUST 0 No, I'm a Redguard. My family hails from the Imperial Province. Ah, but I left home when I was just a lad. Been wandering ever since. FormID: 000D19B7 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 Ha! I thought as much. FormID: 000D19A6 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Sulla look, the passage is open, wait... there's someone down there! FormID: 000D19A9 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 No! Blackreach was to be my discovery! FormID: 000D19A7 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Sulla, let's just get out of here. Hasn't there been enough death? FormID: 000D19A5 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Oh, of course you want me to leave. Just waiting for me to turn my back. So you can have all the glory for yourself! FormID: 000D197C DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranchTopic CUST 0 Halt! City's closed with the dragons about. Official business only. FormID: 000D1980 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopNote CUST 0 Riverwood's in danger, too? You'd better go on in. You'll find the Jarl in Dragonsreach, at the top of the hill. FormID: 000DF1F9 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopNote CUST 0 The Jarl will definitely want to talk to you. You'll find him in Dragonsreach, at the top of the hill. FormID: 000D1981 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopPersuade CUST 0 Fine, but we'll be keeping an eye on you. FormID: 000D197B DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBribe CUST 0 Welcome to Whiterun, friend. Go right on in. FormID: 000D197F DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopIntimidate CUST 0 Or else what? You think you can stand against the entire Whiterun city guard? The gate's closed. FormID: 000D1982 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopNevermind CUST 0 Safe travels. Walk Away FormID: 000D197D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsStormcloaks CUST 0 Oh yes, many times. But mighty Talos was my keeper, my shield against the heresy of the south! FormID: 000D197D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsStormcloaks CUST 1 If not for Talos, and a few modest bribes paid to the right jailors, why, I would not be standing before you today, resplendent in my faith! This is a grand proclamation, except for the middle bit that read [QUOTE]and a few small bribes paid to the right jailors[QUOTE]... that line is said quickly and FormID: 000D19A3 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 0 Of course! I know, today wasn't the best introduction to the Legion, but I hope you'll give us another chance. FormID: 000D19A3 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 1 The Legion could really use someone like you, especially now. FormID: 000D19A3 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 2 And if the rebels have themselves a dragon, General Tullius is the only one who can stop them. FormID: 000D19A4 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 0 General Tullius has his headquarters in Castle Dour, in the city of Solitude, northwest of here. FormID: 000D19A4 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 1 You'll want to talk to Legate Rikke. She deals with the new recruits. FormID: 000D19A4 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 2 I'll be sure to put in a good word for you if I get back to Solitude first. FormID: 000D1961 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionYes CUST 0 I hope so. The Legion is Skyrim's only hope right now. Come on, we'd better get moving. FormID: 000D195D MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionNo CUST 0 Sure, I understand. It's not easy to go from being executed by the Legion one day to joining up the next. FormID: 000D195D MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionNo CUST 1 But I think you'll see that the Legion is Skyrim's only hope for real peace right now. I know you'll make the right choice in the end. FormID: 000D1950 MS01 MS01EltrysForceGreetBranch MS01EltrysForceGreetResponseTopic03 CUST 0 You don't have to say sorry to me. I just hope the Eight bring us more peace in the future. nonchalant but sympathetic FormID: 000D1951 MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopic MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopicTopic CUST 0 Huh. Not sure. I don't worship Talos, myself. nonchalant FormID: 000D1951 MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopic MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopicTopic CUST 1 I think I heard someone mention it was underneath the Temple of Dibella, in the big crag in the center of the city. nonchalant FormID: 000D194E MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineAttackTopic MS01EltrysNotAtShrineAttackTopicTopic CUST 0 No. I was just getting some fresh air. Had one too many pints of mead at the Silver-Blood Inn. nonchalant FormID: 000D1827 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW00BStormcloakOathInterrupted CUST 0 We're not done here. FormID: 000D180C TG06 SCEN 0 Hmm. This is intriguing, but highly disturbing. FormID: 000D1814 TG06 SCEN 0 It appears that Gallus had suspicions about Mercer Frey's allegiance to the Guild for months. FormID: 000D1814 TG06 SCEN 1 Gallus had begun to uncover what he calls an [QUOTE]...unduly lavish lifestyle replete with spending vast amounts of gold on personal pleasures.[QUOTE] you're quoting from a book FormID: 000D180B TG06 SCEN 0 Does the journal say where this wealth came from? FormID: 000D1813 TG06 SCEN 0 Yes. Gallus seems certain that Mercer had been removing funds from the Guild's treasury without anyone's knowledge. FormID: 000D180E TG06 SCEN 0 Anything else, Enthir? Anything about... the Nightingales? FormID: 000D1816 TG06 SCEN 0 Hmm. Yes, here it is. FormID: 000D1811 TG06 SCEN 0 The last few pages seem to describe [QUOTE]the failure of the Nightingales[QUOTE] although it doesn't go into great detail. FormID: 000D1811 TG06 SCEN 1 Gallus also repeatedly mentions his strong belief that Mercer desecrated something known as the Twilight Sepulcher. FormID: 000D1815 TG06 SCEN 0 Shadows preserve us. So it's true... out loud to self - unbelieving FormID: 000D180D TG06 SCEN 0 I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. What is it? What's Mercer Frey done? FormID: 000D1818 TG06 SCEN 0 I'm sorry Enthir, I can't say. All that matters is we deliver your translation to the Guild immediately. urgent FormID: 000D1818 TG06 SCEN 1 Farewell, Enthir... words can't express... faltering FormID: 000D180F TG06 SCEN 0 It's alright Karliah. You don't have to say a word. FormID: 000D1817 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04c CUST 0 As a Nightingale, I've been sworn to secrecy regarding the Sepulcher. solemn FormID: 000D1817 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04c CUST 1 I know the Guild doesn't do much to foster faith, but I'm going to have to ask that you continue to trust me. solemn, almost sad FormID: 000D16CB MS05 MS05ViarmoAtCourtBranch MS05ViarmoAtCourtBranchTopic CUST 0 I think my voice is ready. I hope we've done this well. FormID: 000D143D CWFinale SCEN 0 Secure the door. urgent but quiet, just broke into the stronghold of the enemy FormID: 000D1430 CWFinale SCEN 0 Already done. knows the drill FormID: 000D1429 CWFinale SCEN 0 Ulfric. Stop. forceful - final plea with an old friend determined to destroy everything dear FormID: 000D142A CWFinale SCEN 0 Stop what? Taking Skyrim back from those who'd leave her to rot? anger mounting, justifying his war and the many dead in its wake FormID: 000D1441 CWFinale SCEN 0 You're wrong. Ulfric. We need the Empire. Without it Skyrim will assuredly fall to the Dominion. trying to reason with a mad man FormID: 000D142D CWFinale SCEN 0 You were there with us. You saw it. The day the Empire signed that damn treaty was the day the Empire died. angry that his old friend is on the wrong side FormID: 000D142F CWFinale SCEN 0 The Empire is weak, obsolete. Look at how far we've come and with so little. hoping it's not too late, trying to convince his old friend she is on the losing side FormID: 000D142F CWFinale SCEN 1 When we're done rooting out Imperial influence here at home, then we will take our war to the Aldmeri Dominion. serious, trying to illicit the bold courageous woman he knew from before this mess started FormID: 000D1434 CWFinale SCEN 0 You're a damn fool. bitter resignation, there's no convincing this madman who was once a cherished friend FormID: 000D142B CWFinale SCEN 0 Stand aside woman. We've come for the General. frustrated, angry, wanting to get the bloody thing over with FormID: 000D1435 CWFinale SCEN 0 He has given up. But I have not. resigning herself to fight her old friends, and quite likely to die at their hands. FormID: 000D142C CWFinale SCEN 0 Rikke. Go. commanding, Forceful, afraid he's going to be forced to kill his friend FormID: 000D142C CWFinale SCEN 1 You're free to leave. commanding, but almost pleading FormID: 000D1432 CWFinale SCEN 0 I'm also free to stay and fight for what I believe in. steeling herself to fight her old friends - letting them no she's deadly serious FormID: 000D1443 CWFinale SCEN 0 You're also free to die for it. a last warning, but resigning himself to the real possibility of having to fight and kill his old friend FormID: 000D1431 CWFinale SCEN 0 This is what you wanted? Shield brothers and sisters killing each other? losing it, breaking under the weight of love for her old friends and anger at their stupid cruelty FormID: 000D1431 CWFinale SCEN 1 Families torn apart? furious shock, not hysterical, but letting loose with abandon FormID: 000D1431 CWFinale SCEN 2 This is the Skyrim you want?! yelling - at a complete an utter loss FormID: 000D1433 CWFinale SCEN 0 Damnit woman, stand aside. frustrated, angry, not wanting to have to fight his friend FormID: 000D1428 CWFinale SCEN 0 That's not the Skyrim I want to live in. (almost to herself) - heartbroken but resolving to end her life by fighting her old friends and longing for the good old days FormID: 000D142E CWFinale SCEN 0 Rikke. You don't have to do this. calmly pleading with an old friend, he doesn't want to have to kill her FormID: 000D1442 CWFinale SCEN 0 You've left me no choice... (explaining not blaming) at peace with her decision to die FormID: 000D1442 CWFinale SCEN 1 Talos preserve us. a final prayer before she suicides herself by attacking her old friends who have become evil war mongers FormID: 000D1437 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionTopic CUST 0 Always was a stubborn woman. She's not going to stand down. frustrated FormID: 000D1438 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionTopic CUST 0 War always comes down to this, doesn't it? A single truth-laden moment. distant, considering that he might have to kill a friend FormID: 000D1439 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionTopic CUST 0 Dragonborn... Perhaps this is the fate of Skyrim after all. To be destroyed from the inside. distant, considering the futility of fighting the good fight FormID: 000D143E CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionA CUST 0 You're a cold hearted bastard, aren't you? not exactly shocked FormID: 000D143F CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionA CUST 0 I fear that will be the way of it. distant, considering killing his friend FormID: 000D1440 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionA CUST 0 A true Nord never fears death. It's the how and why of it that one needs consider. distant, considering killing / being killed by her friends FormID: 000D143A CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionB CUST 0 Aye, I'll hate it, but I'll do it if I have to. psyching himself up to it, but hoping it won't come to that FormID: 000D143B CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionB CUST 0 It's up to her, isn't it? psyching himself up to it, but hoping it won't come to that FormID: 000D143C CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionB CUST 0 If that must be, then it will. And why should I be any different? How many the lives already lost. What's one more? psyching herself up to it a painful decision, but hoping it won't come to that FormID: 000D13DC DB06 DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranch DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranchTopic CUST 0 Killing Commander Maro would do no good. Someone would merely replace him. No, we need him to remain in charge. But... distracted. Weakened. FormID: 000D13DC DB06 DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranch DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranchTopic CUST 1 Implicate and kill his son Gaius, and the commander will be grief-stricken and humiliated, his family name ruined. The security plan will then fail. FormID: 000D13DC DB06 DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranch DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranchTopic CUST 2 Best yet, the Emperor will be lulled into a false sense of security, thinking an assassination plot had already been discovered and foiled. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 0 He is set to leave the Penitus Oculatus outpost at Dragon Bridge, and inspect the security of each city in Skyrim. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 1 Go there now. Observe Gaius Maro's departure, and follow him. Waylay him in one of the cities, and send his soul to Sithis. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 2 Once he's dead, plant the incriminating letter on his body, and let fate take care of the rest. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 3 Oh, and one final thing... FormID: 000D13DD DB06 GBYE 0 Walk in Gaius Maro's shadow, and deliver to him the judgment of Sithis. FormID: 000D1201 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 The finest cuts, fresh from the wilds! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1202 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Chops and steaks fit for a Jarl! Come and see my selection of finest-quality meats! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D3D65 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Tired of bread and stew? Had enough of fish and fowl? Treat yourself and your kin to a choice cut of steak or a tender rack of ribs! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1203 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Shiny trinkets for your good lady! All crafted by the great Eorlund Gray-Mane himself! She is calling out to passersby from her stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1204 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Bits and baubles for sale, all crafted by the best blacksmith in Skyrim. FormID: 000D1205 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Ripe fruit and fresh vegetables for sale! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1206 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Fresh-baked loaves, still warm from the oven! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D3BAB DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Take pity, sir, and spare me a few septims. Begging FormID: 000D3BAC DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Take pity, lady, and spare me a few septims. Begging FormID: 000D3BAD DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Spare a coin for a poor old beggar? Begging FormID: 000D3BAE DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 A few septims for my supper is all I ask. Begging FormID: 000D3BAF DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I ain't askin' for much, just a few septims. Begging FormID: 000D3BB0 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 If you have need of hunting supplies then you've come to the right place. FormID: 000D3BB1 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 We sell bows, arrows and ale. A unique combination, to be sure. Polite FormID: 000D3BB2 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I'll be happy to assist you if you'd like to purchase something. Polite FormID: 000D3BB3 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I can tell you're no stranger to the wilds. I'm sure we can meet your hunting needs. Polite FormID: 000D3BB4 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 We've got arms and armor of all kinds. FormID: 000D3BB5 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 You look like someone who knows how to wield a weapon. Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000D3BB6 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 If it's armor you need, we've got all kinds, both light and heavy. FormID: 000D3BDA DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Everything you see here was made with skill and care by my wife Adrianne. Proud. FormID: 000D3BE1 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Please, do look around. I'm sure I have something you'll want. Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BE2 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I can tell you're a discriminating customer. Perhaps you're a wealthy one, too, hm? Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BF6 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Everything's for sale, my friend! You need visit no other shops today! Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BFA DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I assure you, I'm prepared to make any deal. Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BFB DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 You'll find tonics, salves, poultices and potions on my shelves. Browse to your heart's content. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D3BFC DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I offer remedies for ailments both common and rare. Do let me know if I can be of service. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D3BFD DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 If there's anything I can help you with, you have but to ask. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D3BFE DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I sell cures for all ills, and I'll be happy to serve you. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D1200 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 Forgive me, my lord. It was foolish of me to make such a suggestion. FormID: 000D082C BardSongs BardSongsBallad02RequestBranch BardSongsBallad02RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 You must be a Stormcloak through and through to request that one. FormID: 000E772D BardSongs BardSongsBallad02RequestBranch BardSongsBallad02RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Only true Imperials request that one. FormID: 000D081D BardSongs BardSongsDrinkingSong02RequestBranch BardSongsDrinkingSong02RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Ahhh, a fine but bloody tale. I can do that one. FormID: 000D50EB MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 Well done. You sought me out, on your own initiative. You've done Whiterun a service, and I won't forget it. FormID: 000DF024 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 One moment. slightly irritated FormID: 000D07FD MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 So. You were at Helgen? You saw this dragon with your own eyes? FormID: 000D50E9 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 What's this about Riverwood being in danger? FormID: 000D50EA MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 Well. I trust you have something vitally important to tell me. Important enough to interrupt me in the middle of council? FormID: 000D07EE MQ101 SCEN 0 What in Oblivion is that? seeing a dragon for the first time FormID: 000D07ED MQ101 SCEN 0 Sentries! What do you see? yelling to soldiers up on watch towers FormID: 000D07EB MQ101 SCEN 0 Don't just stand there! Kill that thing! barking orders FormID: 000D07EB MQ101 SCEN 1 Guards, get the townspeople to safety! Barking orders FormID: 000D07EB MQ101 SCEN 2 Someone get the battlemages out here. Now! barking orders FormID: 000D07D9 MG07 SCEN 0 I don't care... We're going all the way in. I want to know what Shalidor hid in here. FormID: 000D07D7 MG07 SCEN 0 You want to stay here, fine. But the rest of us aren't giving up now. FormID: 000D07D6 MG07 SCEN 0 No, no. You just stay here and rest. FormID: 000D07D8 MG07 SCEN 0 We'll come back for you as soon as we've reached our goal. You have my word. FormID: 000D0744 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Once again you have come seeking something. FormID: 000D0744 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 The circumstances differ. This time I have what you seek. FormID: 000D0744 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 Are you prepared? FormID: 000D0745 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 The trial awaits. Are you now prepared? FormID: 000D0742 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurResponse1 CUST 0 Colette has already told you. You must be tested before knowledge can be imparted to you. FormID: 000D073D MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurResponse2 CUST 0 Arrogance will serve you poorly. Your worth must be determined before knowledge can be bestowed upon you. FormID: 000D073D MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurResponse2 CUST 1 And so you shall be tested. FormID: 000D074A MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04TestFollowUp CUST 0 You will rely on your skill as a mage. Not on your belongings, not on your scrolls and potions. Only what lies within. FormID: 000D074A MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04TestFollowUp CUST 1 Survive, and you are worthy. This is the test put before you. Will you accept? FormID: 000D0749 MGRitual04 MGRitual04TestAccept MGRitual04TestAcceptTopic CUST 0 Step into the light, and your test begins. FormID: 000D0748 MGRitual04 MGRitual04TestInfo1 MGRitual04TestInfo1Topic CUST 0 Knowledge is power. Knowing spells can be powerful, but applying that knowledge is key. FormID: 000D0748 MGRitual04 MGRitual04TestInfo1 MGRitual04TestInfo1Topic CUST 1 You will be called upon to rely solely on your Restoration spells. FormID: 000D0747 MGRitual04 TAUT 0 You are not worthy! FormID: 000D0746 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 At this very moment? No. However... FormID: 000D0746 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I've been working on something. An improvement on the Ebonyflesh spell. FormID: 000D0746 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I've made progress, but then hit a snag. I think perhaps you could help. FormID: 000D0743 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitResponse1 CUST 0 I need dragon scales. And not just any dragon scales. FormID: 000D073E MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitResponse2 CUST 0 I need you to collect some dragon scales. And not just any dragon scales. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 0 As I've said, I made some progress using the essence of dragon scales. But they're just not quite potent enough. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 1 My knowledge of Skyrim's history is far from complete, but I did some research and discovered two things. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 2 First, there are ancient references to dragon [QUOTE]heartscales[QUOTE]. What little I could learn suggests they may be what I need. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 3 Second, there are stories of a dagger called Kahvozein's Fang, said to be sharp enough to carve individual scales off a dragon. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 4 First you'll need to retrieve the dagger, then use it to carve a few scales off a dragon. Presumably a deceased one. FormID: 000D070D MQ301 MQ301DelphineIntro MQ301DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 What's happened? Did you find a way to learn the Dragonrend Shout? FormID: 000D070C MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you find the Elder Scroll? What happened when you took it back to the Throat of the World? FormID: 000D0709 MQ301 MQ301DelphineIntro MQ301DelphineIntroA1 CUST 0 Esbern should be able to help. He's spent his whole life poring over every old book he could find about dragons and that prophecy. FormID: 000D0709 MQ301 MQ301DelphineIntro MQ301DelphineIntroA1 CUST 1 He's been digging around the records the Blades left here, too. But we can talk about that later. you're alluding to Paarthurnax - that you're going to ask the player to kill him in a minute FormID: 000D069B t02 T02RukiGreetingBranch T02RukiNoBodies CUST 0 I don't have time for your foolishness. Either help me or be gone. FormID: 000D069A t02 T02RukiDismissPlayerBranch T02RukiBlowOffContinuation CUST 0 He must be here somewhere... FormID: 000D0699 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarNoneOfYourBeeswax CUST 0 Ah, a secret admirer, eh? Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. FormID: 000D0698 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarGossipGossipGossip CUST 0 Calcelmo? Is he interested in Faleen? That sly old codger. I should have guessed. FormID: 000D0698 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarGossipGossipGossip CUST 1 Good for him. For the both of them. FormID: 000D0698 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarGossipGossipGossip CUST 2 Between you and me, she could use a bit of warmth. you're using [QUOTE]bit of warmth[QUOTE] as a euphemism for sex FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 0 As for what she might like... FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 1 I didn't tell you this. Faleen likes to act tough, but she really has a soft spot for, of all things, poetry. FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 2 You know, I took some classes at the Bards College as a youth. Poems come in handy when wooing. FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 3 There's a poem I once used on an older lady of Rorikstead. I can change it to be about Faleen, if you've got some gold. FormID: 000D0695 t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarPoemGiving CUST 0 You should probably just take this directly to Faleen. Wouldn't want the old icebrain stumbling over the words. FormID: 000D0696 t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarPoemGiving CUST 0 You should probably just let Faleen read it herself. Don't want you stumbling over the words and ruining my flow. FormID: 000D0652 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 We have a cozy little profit. Here. This is your share, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0653 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 We've made a bit of gold. Here, love, this is your share. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0654 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 Fortune smiles on us. Here's your share, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0655 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 The gold is flowing nicely. Here's your half of the profits, my dear. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0656 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 You want your share, don't you? Here you are, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0657 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 Of course it has. Would you expect any less of me? Here, this is your half, my love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0658 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 It has. Here, this is your half, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D05AF dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Kyr's orders. Nobody goes in or out until he gets back. Or the boss will skin you soon as he's done with Ra'jirr. FormID: 000D05AD dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 What? There's a whole shift down there! FormID: 000D05B1 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 There she is! Spotting a target. FormID: 000D05AE dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Get her! Spotting a target. FormID: 000D05AB dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 The boss went down there? Today? FormID: 000D05B2 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Yeah, he's after Ra'jirr- never seen him so angry. FormID: 000D05B0 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 I've got a bad feeling about this... something's just felt wrong down there lately. Eerie. FormID: 000D05AC dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Now you're sounding as crazy as the cat. Be going on about the Pale Lady next. FormID: 000DE45B MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, kinsman. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45C MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, dark elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Breton. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45E MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Khajiit. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Argonian. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE460 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, high elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE461 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, wood elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE462 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Redguard. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE463 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Orc. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE464 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, you. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000D0582 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We need to move. Now! commanding - dragon is attacking the tower FormID: 000D058F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Up the stairs! Quickly! urgently -- player is standing around doing nothing FormID: 000D0590 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Move! Up the tower! urgently FormID: 000D0591 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on! Before the dragon brings down the whole tower! urgently FormID: 000D0592 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 What are you waiting for? Up the stairs! Now! urgently FormID: 000D0552 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela03 SCEN 0 You should be more careful with the men you pick, dear. FormID: 000D0551 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela03 SCEN 0 He said he loved me.... FormID: 000D0550 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela03 SCEN 0 Real men prove their love. Words are as empty as the air they run through. FormID: 000D054F DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela04 SCEN 0 Stop moping about, girl. Tears won't change what you've done. FormID: 000D0558 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela04 SCEN 0 I was such a fool. How could I let him use me like that? FormID: 000D0557 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela04 SCEN 0 We all get used, dear. It's living with it that makes you a woman. FormID: 000D0556 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Jarl Elisif the Fair. Poor woman. Losing her husband and king like that. It was a dark day for us all. FormID: 000D0556 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Damn, that reminds me, I have a delivery to make to her steward, Falk Firebeard. He ordered a special bottle of Stros M'Kai Rum. FormID: 000D0555 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04Accept CUST 0 Save me a lot of trouble. Here. Take it to the Blue Palace. FormID: 000D0554 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04Reject CUST 0 Yeah, thanks. FormID: 000D0553 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestEnd SolitudeFreeform04QuestEndTopic CUST 0 Oh right, the rum. Thank you. I developed a taste for it after a fair weather trip to Hammerfell. FormID: 000D0553 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestEnd SolitudeFreeform04QuestEndTopic CUST 1 Here, this is for you. FormID: 000D0508 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Traitor! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0504 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Liar! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0529 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 He doesn't deserve to speak! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0526 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Booooo. You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0520 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Booooo. You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D051C SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Booooo. You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0516 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Cut em down! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0514 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningGuardStopPlayer SolitudeOpeningGuardStopPlayerTopic CUST 0 Stand back. Interrupting an execution is a serious crime. FormID: 000D050A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I'm sorry about Roggvir. It's a shame, I liked him. FormID: 000D0506 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Greta is taking it hardest. She won't go to the Temple of Divines anymore. FormID: 000D052B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Jawanan, I don't see you here often. FormID: 000D0527 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I do not like fish. FormID: 000D0524 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Okay. Well. That's all I've got. FormID: 000D051E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I am buying a fish for Noster. He likes fish. FormID: 000D0519 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 A sale's a sale but I have to know... why are you buying something for Noster? FormID: 000D0511 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 A war veteran should be respected. FormID: 000D050D DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Salmon sounds good today. FormID: 000D0509 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Speaking of sounding good, I've heard a couple of your classmates on the street recently. FormID: 000D0505 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 As long as they're playing instruments they're passable. You don't want to hear them sing. FormID: 000D052A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I wish we could have absolved your brother-in-law of his sins before his execution. FormID: 000D0521 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I don't think he would have wanted your absolution, Rorlund. He worshiped Talos. FormID: 000D0517 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I appreciate the thought though. FormID: 000D0515 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Fresh fish sounds like just the thing today, Addvar. FormID: 000D050F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I've been pushing the Salmon but I'll tell you the Slaughterfish is a bit better today. FormID: 000D050B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Thank you, Addvar, I am picky about what I eat these days. FormID: 000D0507 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 A little late in the day for your rounds Sorex. FormID: 000D0503 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I seem to have more chores for the Winking Skeever each day. I still have a delivery to do too. FormID: 000D0528 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 You know, my father collected exotic alcohols. FormID: 000D0525 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Really? Mildly curious. FormID: 000D051F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Rum from Hammerfell, mulled wine from Daggerfall and the like. FormID: 000D051A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 None of what he collected tasted as good as your Spiced Wine, Evette. FormID: 000D051B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'm still finding your Spiced Wine to be the best drink I've ever tasted. FormID: 000D0512 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Thanks, Aia. That means a lot. FormID: 000D0513 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Glad to hear it, Aia. FormID: 000D0332 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the far target. FormID: 000D032C dunArcherQST SCEN 0 We've talked about speed and composure. Now we'll go over precision. FormID: 000D031F dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Often times you won't be able to get as close to your prey as you'd like and you'll have to settle with a long shot. FormID: 000D0317 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 However, with such a long shot, it's more than likely that's the only shot you'll be able to take before your prey runs off. FormID: 000D032E dunArcherQST SCEN 0 If you find yourself in such a situation, then you need to make your shot count. FormID: 000D032E dunArcherQST SCEN 1 Don't rush your shot. Crouch down, get comfortable, and take aim. FormID: 000D031B dunArcherQST SCEN 0 OK, your turn. Try and hit that target way in the back, far behind the other three. Remember to take your time and make your shot count. FormID: 000D0318 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 I'll count to three and then say [QUOTE]go.[QUOTE] You have ten seconds to hit each of the four targets. Draw string and get ready. FormID: 000D031D dunArcherQST SCEN 0 You did it! All four targets in ten seconds. Nice job. FormID: 000D0312 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 We've talked about composure, speed, and precision. FormID: 000D0312 dunArcherQST SCEN 1 Now it's time to use all three at once. FormID: 000D0321 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 I'm warning you now, this challenge will be quite difficult. FormID: 000D0316 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Just remember everything I've taught you and you should be able to complete it. FormID: 000D0316 dunArcherQST SCEN 1 It may take you a couple of tries, but that's what practice is all about. FormID: 000D0320 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 When I tell you to, try and hit all four targets in ten seconds. FormID: 000CF90D dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 But... Eisa? She's smarter than that. FormID: 000CF90C dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Ra'jirr was always dragging her into things. FormID: 000CF909 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 But.. stealing the boss's sword? Did he have a death wish? FormID: 000CF90F dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Who knows. The cat was crazy. She was a fool to trust him. FormID: 0001FD53 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranchTopic PFGT 0 Who in Dagon's name are you? Speak, or I'll cut you down where you stand. Angry, frustrated, surprised. Walk Away FormID: 000CF90A dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Damn it, not now! Winded, furious. FormID: 000CF2D8 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayerTopic CUST 0 You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent Shield-Brother. FormID: 000CF2D9 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayerTopic CUST 0 You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent Shield-Sister. FormID: 000CF2DA C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayerTopic CUST 0 Well, that's taken care of. No thanks to you. FormID: 000CF2D7 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackIWantIn CUST 0 Not for me to say. You'll have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane up in Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000CF2D7 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackIWantIn CUST 1 The old man's got a good sense for people. He can look in your eyes and tell your worth. FormID: 000CF2D7 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackIWantIn CUST 2 If you go to him, good luck. FormID: 000CF2D4 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackWhoMe CUST 0 Certainly not. But a true warrior would have relished the opportunity to take on a giant. FormID: 000CF2D4 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackWhoMe CUST 1 That's why I'm here with my Shield-Brothers. FormID: 000CF2D6 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackMyBad CUST 0 Ha. Another milk drinker crying about his effort. FormID: 000CF2D6 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackMyBad CUST 1 Glory only awaits those who triumph. FormID: 000CF2D6 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackMyBad CUST 2 And as Companions, our glory must always be hard-fought. FormID: 000CF2D5 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackNoSirIDontLikeIt CUST 0 Well nobody asked you. If you think you're better than we are, go talk to Kodlak Whitemane. FormID: 000CF2D5 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackNoSirIDontLikeIt CUST 1 See what a warrior of true mettle is like. FormID: 000CF213 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_FamilyKilledBranch dunArcherQST_FamilyKilledTopic01a CUST 0 Already did. Part of the reason I'm living out here now. Thanks for offering though. FormID: 000CF212 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetsTopic03a CUST 0 If you need a bow, there's one on the rack to the left of the door. FormID: 000CF215 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetsTopic03b CUST 0 I'd give you a bow, but it looks like you've already taken it from the rack. You're not mad. Said with a smile and wink. FormID: 000BBCAB TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 0 What kind of a mentor would I be if I denied a potential student a glimpse at his master's ingenuity! FormID: 000BBCAB TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 1 Here, this key will provide access to my museum. Feel free to browse for as long as you wish. FormID: 000BBCAB TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 2 However, I must insist that my laboratory remains strictly off limits. FormID: 000CF030 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 0 While I appreciate the sentiment, I still have to decline. smug Walk Away FormID: 000CF030 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 1 Being an admirer, I'm sure you can appreciate the need to keep my research a secret. smug Walk Away FormID: 000CF031 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02b CUST 0 Do you realize that at a snap of my fingers I can bring the entire Markarth city guard to my defense? Walk Away FormID: 000CF031 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02b CUST 1 You best rethink this course of action or you may find yourself on the executioner's block. Walk Away FormID: 000CEFD3 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathLodBranch1 DialogueFalkreathLodTopic1 CUST 0 Only inside the gates. Much of Falkreath hold is wilderness and there's plenty of trouble to be had. FormID: 000CEFC0 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeTGBribeYes CUST 0 Done. Now move along, before you get me in trouble. FormID: 000CEFBF DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeTGBribeNo CUST 0 Suit yourself, but you better decide what you want to do about this arrest. No one walks away for free. Walk Away FormID: 000CEFBE DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Not so tough now, are you? FormID: 000CEFB9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DB02AstridWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 I'll cut right to it. You murdered the old woman in the orphanage. You owe the Dark Brotherhood a kill. I've come to collect. FormID: 000CEFB9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DB02AstridWalkAwayTopic CUST 1 One of these poor sods has a contract out on their life. Which one is it? Any idea? Make your choice. Make your kill. And you get to walk away. FormID: 000CEDFE VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, ugly! taunting FormID: 000E0CB5 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, slug-breath! taunting FormID: 000E0CB6 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, skeever butt! taunting FormID: 000E0CB7 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, cheese brain! taunting FormID: 000E0CB8 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, melon nose! taunting FormID: 000E0CB9 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, troll bait! taunting FormID: 000CED8C TG05 SCEN 0 They say that these ancient Nordic burial mounds are sometimes impenetrable. FormID: 000CED95 TG05 SCEN 0 This one doesn't look too difficult. FormID: 000CED91 TG05 SCEN 0 That should do it. After you. FormID: 000CED8F TG05 SCEN 0 Quite simple really, I don't know what the fuss is about these locks. All it takes is a bit of know-how and a lot of skill. FormID: 000CED94 TG05 SCEN 0 Ah, it's one of the infamous Nordic puzzle doors. How quaint. FormID: 000CED90 TG05 SCEN 0 Without the matching claw, they're normally impossible to open. And since I'm certain Karliah already did away with it, we're on our own. FormID: 000CED8D TG05 SCEN 0 Fortunately, these doors have a weakness if you know how to exploit it. Quite simple, really. FormID: 000CED93 TG05 SCEN 0 Karliah's close, I'm certain of it. Now let's get moving. FormID: 000CE6FE dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetsTopic CUST 0 I set up those targets a long time ago. I shoot at them from time to time. Don't want to get rusty with my bow. FormID: 000CE6FF dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetTopic01a CUST 0 That I am. You know how to use one? FormID: 000CE6EF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopic DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopicTopic CUST 0 There's a whole college up in Solitude where they teach the arts. Song. Lute-playing. Poetry. FormID: 000CE6EF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopic DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopicTopic CUST 1 I studied there myself. Had to leave over a misunderstanding with a headmistress. Well, more a misunderstanding with her husband. FormID: 000CE32B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsDecideTopic CUST 0 Got stones in your ears? I asked what side you're on, Gray-Mane or Battle-Born! FormID: 000CE32A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 0 Then you're either a Stormcloak sympathizer or a fool. Either way, you're no friend of mine. FormID: 000CE329 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 0 Then I say well met, friend. I could tell you were a sharp one the moment I laid eyes on you. FormID: 000CE328 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsExplain CUST 0 New in town, huh? Whiterun's got two clans, both old and both respected. FormID: 000CE328 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsExplain CUST 1 Difference is, the Gray-Manes turned their backs on the Empire and we Battle-Borns stayed loyal. FormID: 000CE328 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsExplain CUST 2 So I'll ask again, Gray-Mane or Battle-Born? FormID: 000CE327 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntroTopic CUST 0 Gray-Mane or Battle-Born? FormID: 000CE32C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunidolafTopicsNoDecide CUST 0 Sooner or later, we all have to choose a side. FormID: 000CE2C8 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTEnd dunDarklightQSTEndTopic CUST 0 I suppose it would be better than sitting around thinking about all this. FormID: 00051EE9 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTMotherDead dunDarklightQSTReward CUST 0 Keep Mother's staff. Think of it as payment. I want to leave everything from this cursed place behind. Goodbye. And thank you. you've just pulled yourself together from the brink of tears FormID: 000CE2C7 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTEnd dunDarklightQSTJoin CUST 0 I could also do some good for a change. Sure, I'd go with you. FormID: 000CE258 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Intro02Branch dunArcherQST_Intro02Topic01 CUST 0 I moved here from Helgen after my family was killed. FormID: 000CE258 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Intro02Branch dunArcherQST_Intro02Topic01 CUST 1 At the time I couldn't stand to be around anyone. They all felt sorry for me and I didn't want them to. It was my problem, not theirs. FormID: 000CE25D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_IntroView01Branch dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01 CUST 0 Name's Angi and if you try anything stupid I won't hesitate to put in arrow in your head. You're not afraid of anyone. FormID: 000CE253 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_IntroView01Branch dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01a CUST 0 Sorry, a girl can't be too careful out here. FormID: 000CE253 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_IntroView01Branch dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01a CUST 1 Like I said, name's Angi and I've been living out here for a couple of years now. FormID: 000CDEE0 DialogueMarkarthIntroArnleifandSonsScene SCEN 0 Did you hear all that noise outside? FormID: 000CDEE2 DialogueMarkarthIntroArnleifandSonsScene SCEN 0 It's just the market rabble. We should get back to work. FormID: 000CDEE1 DialogueMarkarthIntroArnleifandSonsScene SCEN 0 You there. If you're here to trade, step up to the counter. FormID: 000CDEC7 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3Topic CUST 0 I'm a Dark Elf and I live in Windhelm, so yes, I live in the Gray Quarter. FormID: 000CDEC7 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3Topic CUST 1 You must be new around here, or you'd know they don't let my kind live anywhere outside that slum. FormID: 000CDEC6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3 DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3Topic CUST 0 It was difficult at first. The Nords of this city are, at best, suspicious of outsiders. FormID: 000CDEC6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3 DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3Topic CUST 1 But in time, I made the right friends and proved myself useful enough that they don't give me trouble anymore. FormID: 000CDEC6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3 DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3Topic CUST 2 The dark elves are too proud and naive to understand the way things truly are, and so they continue to dwell in that slum. FormID: 000CDEC3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1Topic CUST 0 They're parasites. They're living in our city, under our protection, but what do they do for us? Nothing! FormID: 000CDEC3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1Topic CUST 1 I know the High King invited them here, but he didn't ask me or anyone else first. Maybe he should have. FormID: 000CDE8B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2Topic CUST 0 Wouldn't surprise me. They've done nothing to help in the fight for Skyrim's freedom. FormID: 000CDE8B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2Topic CUST 1 Those Thalmor are elves, too. I bet they're working together. FormID: 000CDE8B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2Topic CUST 2 Maybe I should round up some men and take us a few prisoners to interrogate. FormID: 000CDE61 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeBribe CUST 0 Not a chance. Not for this. You're going to the Cidhna Mine for the rest of your days. Walk Away FormID: 000CEFC3 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeBribe CUST 0 Well... maybe just this once. But there's still a price on your head. Better make yourself scarce, or we'll have to do this little dance again. FormID: 000CDEC8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1 DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1Topic CUST 0 Nothing new there. Most of the Nords living in Windhelm don't care much for us, but Rolff is the worst by far. FormID: 000CDEC8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1 DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1Topic CUST 1 He likes to get drunk and walk around the Gray Quarter yelling insults at us in the small hours of the morning. A real charmer, that one. Sarcasm FormID: 000CDDF0 MQ206 TAUT 0 Dovahkiin, you call yourself? Arrogant mortal. FormID: 000CDDF1 MQ206 TAUT 0 Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor. Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor = [QUOTE]My hunger has been fed by mortal souls[QUOTE] FormID: 000CDDF2 MQ206 TAUT 0 I will feast on your soul in Sovngarde! FormID: 000CDDF3 MQ206 TAUT 0 You are no match for me, joor! joor = mortal FormID: 000CDDF4 MQ206 TAUT 0 Paarthurnax is weak. I am strong. FormID: 000CDDF5 MQ206 TAUT 0 My time has come again. FormID: 000CDDF6 MQ206 TAUT 0 Maar saraan ko Sovngarde. Terror awaits in Sovngarde FormID: 000CDDF7 MQ206 TAUT 0 You are no match for me, Dovahkiin. FormID: 000CDDF8 MQ206 TAUT 0 I have feasted on many greater than you. FormID: 000CDDF9 MQ206 TAUT 0 You will pay for your defiance! FormID: 000CDDFA MQ206 TAUT 0 My teeth to your neck, Dovahkiin! cursing FormID: 000CDD66 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4BranchTopic CUST 0 Man gives bards a bad name. FormID: 000CDD66 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4BranchTopic CUST 1 We Nords have a long history as warrior poets. I am proud to count myself among them. FormID: 000CDD66 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4BranchTopic CUST 2 But Mikael... He sings only for gold and the affections of wenches. He dishonors our traditions. FormID: 000CDAEF DialogueSolitudeBitsXanderSaymaScene1 SCEN 0 I need some things for the ship. FormID: 000CDAEE DialogueSolitudeBitsXanderSaymaScene1 SCEN 0 If you give me a list, I'll have them delivered to the dock by tomorrow morning. FormID: 000CDAED DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderTaarieScene1 SCEN 0 My tunic is fading. Too much sun and salt spray. FormID: 000CDAEC DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderTaarieScene1 SCEN 0 I doubt it can be repaired. You'll have to buy a new one. FormID: 000CDAF3 DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderAngelineScene1 SCEN 0 Back so soon Xander? FormID: 000CDAF1 DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderAngelineScene1 SCEN 0 Can you make some new poultices for know? FormID: 000CDAF0 DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderAngelineScene1 SCEN 0 You should be more careful about the women you spend time with in port. Come back later and it will be ready. mild disapproval FormID: 000CDA1C DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST SCEN 0 Grrah! Roar of fury FormID: 000CDAF4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 We've got a murderer on the loose... FormID: 000CDAF5 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 What...? Whoever did this, you're dead. You hear me? Dead! FormID: 000CDAF6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Kill one of us, and three more will take their place. The Forsworn are unstoppable. FormID: 000CDAF7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Your body lies dead, but your soul has joined our ranks... FormID: 000CDAF8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Freshly killed. Whoever did this is still close... and will suffer for their insolence. FormID: 000CDAF9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Damn. We've got trouble. FormID: 000D7781 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Sovngarde take your soul. I'll avenge your body. FormID: 000CDAFA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Well now, this is unexpected... emphasis on [QUOTE]this[QUOTE] FormID: 000CDB48 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 I'll claw the eyes out of whoever did this! FormID: 000CDB4A DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Dead! Someone's going to pay for this. threatening FormID: 000CDB4B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 No... FormID: 000CDB4C DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Hsss! Dead. Who did this? FormID: 000CDB4D DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Damn it, this will not stand! emphasis on [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] FormID: 000CDB4E DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 What...? No... No, this can't be happening... FormID: 000CDB4F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 A...a body! How absolutely terrible. FormID: 000CDB50 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Murdered? By Azura, who would do such a thing? FormID: 000CDB51 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 What? Someone will suffer for this injustice. FormID: 000CDB52 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 I'm going to find whoever did this, and when I do... FormID: 000CDB53 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 By Ysmir! There's a killer about. FormID: 000CDB54 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Hmph. Looks like we got a cutthroat skulkin' around... FormID: 000D7782 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Ain't nothing pretty about a corpse. No matter how fresh. FormID: 000CD9ED MQ206 SCEN 0 Gormlaith! We're running out of time! The battle... FormID: 000CD9EC MQ206 SCEN 0 If I die today, it will not be in terror. disdainfully FormID: 000CD9E5 MQ206 SCEN 0 You feel fear for the first time, worm. I see it in your eyes. with fierce gloating glee FormID: 000CD9E3 MQ206 SCEN 0 No, damn you! yell of rage and sorrow and despair (just saw your best friend be devoured by Alduin) FormID: 000CD9E2 MQ206 SCEN 0 You are banished! final words of the ritual - forcefully, each word enunciated like a shouted command FormID: 000CD9DF MQ206 SCEN 0 Meyye! Tahrodiis aanne! Him hinde pah liiv! Zu'u hin daan! [QUOTE]Fools! Treacherous slaves! Your hopes (are) all withered! I (am) your doom.[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD9DE MQ206 SCEN 0 Faal Kel...?! Nikriinne... ends with roar of surprise and rage as time rift swallows you[QUOTE]Elder Scroll...? Cowards...[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD9EB MQ206 SCEN 0 Begone, World-Eater! By words with older bones than your own we break your perch on this age and send you out! FormID: 000CD9E6 MQ206 SCEN 0 You are banished! Alduin, we shout you out from all our endings unto the last! FormID: 000CD9E4 MQ206 SCEN 0 Which is why I brought the Elder Scroll. FormID: 000CD985 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Look at you. Such a devoted student of Restoration. FormID: 000CD985 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 It's comforting to see that not everyone has dismissed it as entirely as most members of the College. Truly comforting. FormID: 000CD984 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteFollowUp1 CUST 0 It looks like you're ready to speak with the Augur. FormID: 000CD983 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurResponse1 CUST 0 Oh, didn't you know? FormID: 000CD982 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurResponse2 CUST 0 Oh, goodness no. There are those far more skilled than I. flattered FormID: 000CD981 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurFollowUp1 CUST 0 The Augur was a brilliant mage. Truly inspired. Mastered spells others could barely comprehend. FormID: 000CD981 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurFollowUp1 CUST 1 He was especially gifted when it came to Restoration. He's... Well, he's very particular about who shares the knowledge. FormID: 000CD981 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurFollowUp1 CUST 2 So you'll need his approval first. Go on, go talk to him. I'm sure he's been paying attention, and will be expecting you. FormID: 000CD986 MGRitual04 SCEN 0 You are worthy. The knowledge is yours. FormID: 000CD8F0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 You come here where you're not wanted, you eat our food, you pollute our city with your stink and you refuse to help the Stormcloaks. Angry, bullying FormID: 000CD8EF DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Hey, maybe the reason these gray-skins don't help in the war is because they're Imperial spies! Threatening, bullying FormID: 000CD8EE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Imperial spies? You can't be serious! Frightened & threatened FormID: 000CD8EC DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Maybe we'll pay you a visit tonight, little spy. We got ways of finding out what you really are. FormID: 000CD8EA DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 But we haven't taken a side because it's not our fight. Frightened FormID: 000CD868 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAQuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Everything you see is grown at my family's own Hollyfrost Farm. Fresh and filling. FormID: 000CD868 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAQuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I also do a little herb growing. The court wizard, Wuunferth, pays us to plant a little Nightshade. Who knows what he uses it for? FormID: 000CD868 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAQuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Hey, could you deliver this bottle of Nightshade Extract to Wuunferth? FormID: 000CD861 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAYES CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 000CD85A FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmANO CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000CD859 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestEnd FreeformWindhelmAQuestEndTopic CUST 0 Ah yes, the extract, good. Poisonous, of course, but it has its uses. FormID: 000CD859 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestEnd FreeformWindhelmAQuestEndTopic CUST 1 I suppose you want something for your trouble? Here. FormID: 000CD81D MG08 SCEN 0 You've done it! You've beaten him! FormID: 000CD81C MG08 SCEN 0 And yet... FormID: 000CD81B MG08 SCEN 0 He's no longer abusing the power of the Eye. I would've expected all this to stop. FormID: 000CD7B1 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch02a CUST 0 Wait a moment... do I detect a hint of genuine avarice from this noble thief? Still disgusted, but also a bit surprised. Walk Away FormID: 000CD7B1 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch02a CUST 1 Perhaps Karliah and Brynjolf misjudged you and your true nature is no different than my own. Walk Away FormID: 000CD67B MQ101 SCEN 0 Who are you? to the player - slow, stern, but puzzled - handling a prisoner, but this person isn't on your list FormID: 000CD678 MQ101 SCEN 0 Captain. What should we do? He's not on the list. looking to your superior officer for guidance FormID: 000F7B35 MQ101 SCEN 0 Captain. What should we do? She's not on the list. looking to your superior officer for guidance FormID: 000CD670 MQ101 SCEN 0 Follow the Captain, prisoner. somewhat friendly, ordering a prisoner to move on FormID: 000CD66C MQ101 SCEN 0 Forget the list. He goes to the block. flatly, uncaring FormID: 000F7B30 MQ101 SCEN 0 Forget the list. She goes to the block. flatly, uncaring FormID: 000CD67E MQ101 SCEN 0 Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne. giving a speech, denouncing Ulfric for his crimes in front of an audience FormID: 000CD676 MQ101 SCEN 0 It's nothing. Carry on. some kind of monster just howled in the distance, but you order your men to ignore it and keep moving FormID: 000CD672 MQ101 SCEN 0 As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved.... priest reciting last rites before an execution, you get interrupted at the end FormID: 000CD66B MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Nord in the rags! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 00107569 MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the lizard! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756A MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Breton! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756B MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the dark elf! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756C MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the high elf! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756D MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the renegade from Cyrodiil! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756E MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the cat! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756F MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Orc! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 00107570 MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Redguard! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 00107571 MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the wood elf! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 000CD668 MQ101 SCEN 0 To the block, prisoner. Nice and easy. ordering a prisoner to the block, a bit nervous FormID: 000CD612 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWho DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrInvis CUST 0 We're quartered in the Hall of the Vigilant. Keeper Carcette heads Skyrim's branch of our order there, providing healing and justice as needed. FormID: 0002B38C DA05 DA05Shared IDAT 0 So be it. FormID: 000E4A33 DA05 DA05Shared IDAT 0 (Crying) FormID: 000CD119 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 Maybe you're right. I guess I just didn't want anyone to think I couldn't handle one Nord lass. FormID: 000CD119 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 1 On my honor, I won't bother Carlotta ever again. FormID: 000CD11B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 What did you just say? All I heard was the sound of jealousy. FormID: 0003F15A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 Bold words, but true. Fine, you win. I'll pay the Argonians more coin. FormID: 0003F15B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 They don't work now. Why should I waste more money? FormID: 000554DB Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 All right, all right. You sound like a damn Legion officer, but I get it. I'll give him a break. This better not hurt our quota. FormID: 000554DD Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 I'm in charge of the smelter. Not you. So why don't you lay off? VO: threatening, [QUOTE]So why don't YOU lay off?[QUOTE] FormID: 00068F6A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 Fine. You sound like a priest of Mara, but I get your point. Tell him to forget about the gold. FormID: 00068F6D Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 A debt. Is a debt. FormID: 0006F82E Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 I guess you're right. A Nord shouldn't be so proud to turn down a kind soul's generosity. Tell Iddra I'll be fine. FormID: 0006F88B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 No. I have my pride. FormID: 00094041 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 You're right. What would my forefathers think if they knew I wasn't paying my debts? Tell Haran I'll bring her the gold I owe. FormID: 00094042 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 And I told you I'd pay it when I'm good and ready. FormID: 000DC532 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 The finest jewelry in all of Markarth. welcoming FormID: 000DC533 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 Redguard craftsmanship in every piece. FormID: 000DC534 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 The bloodiest beef in the Reach. FormID: 000DC535 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 You want a cut of venison or mutton? Of course you do. FormID: 000CD10E CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 0 All right, prisoner. Eyes front. You're in Cidhna Mine, now. And we expect you to earn your keep. Walk Away FormID: 000CD10E CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 1 There's no resting your hide in a cell in this prison. Here, you work. You'll mine ore until you start throwing up silver bars. Walk Away FormID: 000CD10E CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 2 You got it? Walk Away FormID: 000CD10F CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 0 I said get down there. Now. Walk Away FormID: 000CD10A CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaQuestion CUST 0 You won't. The Jarl has ordered a life sentence for you. Get comfortable in the dark, 'cause you'll never see the sun again. FormID: 000D922F CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaQuestion CUST 0 You'll pay off your debt to the Reach. Just work and you'll earn your freedom. FormID: 000CD109 CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaAgreeTopic CUST 0 Good. FormID: 000CD11D CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaDisagreeTopic CUST 0 Don't get smart with me. I'm in charge. You keep it up, I'll have your toes cut off. FormID: 000CD112 CidhnaMineJailEventScene SCEN 0 All right. Open her up. FormID: 000CD10D CidhnaMineJailEventScene SCEN 0 Now, you. Get down there. FormID: 000CD110 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaA DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaATopic CUST 0 This is a jail, owned by the Silver-Blood family. We use the prisoners to mine for ore. FormID: 000CD110 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaA DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaATopic CUST 1 It's the most secure prison in Skyrim. Throw scum in, close the gates. No one gets out. FormID: 000CD110 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaA DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaATopic CUST 2 So unless you're here to dig, you don't belong here. FormID: 000CD10B DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaB DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaBTopic CUST 0 We're not. The Silver-Bloods pay our wage. Every man here is a trained mercenary. FormID: 000CD0FE CWSiege SCEN 0 Everyone, on me! The Jarl wishes to speak! calling out over a din of cheering soldiers FormID: 000CD0AA CWSiege SCEN 0 Revel in your victory here today, even as the gods revel in your honor! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0A9 CWSiege SCEN 0 They already sing of your valor and skill! The halls of Sovngarde are no doubt ringing with your praises! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0A2 CWSiege SCEN 0 In defeating these Stormcloak traitors, you have proven the hollowness of their cause and the fullness of your hearts. addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0A0 CWSiege SCEN 0 The citizens of Whiterun are forever in your debt! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD11A CWSiege SCEN 0 But Ulfric will not stop here. No, he will continue to strike out against any true Nord who remains faithful to the Empire. addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD11A CWSiege SCEN 1 He will continue to sow discord and chaos wherever he can. addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD08E DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST SCEN 0 ...You! Why? Shocked, suspicious, betrayed. FormID: 000CD118 CWSiege SCEN 0 And so, we must each one of us, continue to fight this insurrection, lest our fallen brothers have died for naught! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD078 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met, kinsman. What brings you to Whiterun? FormID: 000CD079 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met, traveler. What brings you to Whiterun? FormID: 000CD077 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse1 CUST 0 Ah, so it's gold you're after, then? FormID: 000CD077 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse1 CUST 1 You need only ask about. Plenty o' folk in Whiterun with too much fat and gold to be bothered doing anything for themselves. FormID: 000CD074 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse2 CUST 0 Truly? FormID: 000CD074 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse2 CUST 1 Ha! By Shor, this city could use more like you. FormID: 000CD074 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse2 CUST 2 Best head up to Dragonsreach, then, and see the Jarl. He's lord of Whiterun, and can set you on the path. FormID: 000CD076 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse3 CUST 0 A pity. And words I hear too often. FormID: 000CD076 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse3 CUST 1 But there's no shame in it. One of them dragons comes callin' in Whiterun, the place'll go up like tinder. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, that I do. Have all my life. We Battle-Borns have been here since the beginning. Along with the Gray-Manes. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 1 Our families been close as kin for generations. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 2 But Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising has divided us. Now seems we can scarce look at each other without comin' to blows. Petty and foolish, that. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 3 They're sayin' dragons have returned to Skyrim. Now that there, that's a real problem. emphasis on [QUOTE]real[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD072 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2BranchTopic CUST 0 Ain't sure if they're takin' on new members, but you should talk to the Companions. They're over in their hall, Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000CD072 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2BranchTopic CUST 1 If by [QUOTE]work[QUOTE] you mean [QUOTE]testing your steel in bloody battle.[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD075 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! The most important question of all, that one. FormID: 000CD075 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want the Bannered Mare. See old Hulda, she'll keep you swimmin' in mead. FormID: 000CD075 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 2 But mind he bard, Mikael. Poncy little milk drinker, that one. FormID: 000A7249 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! The most important question of all, that one. FormID: 000A7249 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want the Bannered Mare. See old Hulda, she'll keep you swimmin' in mead. FormID: 000A724A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! The most important question of all, that one. FormID: 000A724A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want the Bannered Mare. See Olfina, she'll keep you swimmin' in mead. FormID: 000CD115 CWSiege SCEN 0 Lest our honor be lessened should we allow these bloodthirsty beasts to prowl our lands! FormID: 000CD113 CWSiege SCEN 0 Carry on men, my gratitude and blessings go with you! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD10C CWSiege SCEN 0 For Whiterun! For the Empire! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0B1 CW CWSiegeJarlThankYou CWSiegeJarlThankYouTopic CUST 0 Thank you for your role in all of this. FormID: 000CD0B1 CW CWSiegeJarlThankYou CWSiegeJarlThankYouTopic CUST 1 It'd be my honor should you decide to make Whiterun your home. Speak with Proventus. He'll make the necessary arrangements. grateful FormID: 000CC83D DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedraTopic CUST 0 And any other abominations that prey on mortals. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. FormID: 000CC83D DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedraTopic CUST 1 But the Daedra are the worst. Their callous disregard for our lives is abhorrent in the eyes of the God of Mercy. FormID: 000CCD41 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricBranch DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrHandOverYES CUST 0 Wise decision. The vaults in the Hall of the Vigilant will guard this against future temptation. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9C0 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrCureDisease DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrCureDiseaseTopic CUST 0 Stendarr's Light purify you of your ills. holy warrior FormID: 000CC95A DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr GBYE 0 Stendarr be with you. FormID: 000CC95B DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr GBYE 0 The Vigil will be watching you. FormID: 000CC95C DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr GBYE 0 None escape the Vigil. All come into the light. FormID: 000CC855 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWho DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoTopic CUST 0 Yes. Our order was founded after the Oblivion Crisis. We dedicate our lives to facing the threat of Daedra wherever they appear. holy warrior FormID: 000CC96F DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 You're bloated with disease. The Vigilant of Stendarr can help you, as long as you promise to never assist the Daedra. holy warrior FormID: 000CC970 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 I am Keeper of the Vigil here in Skyrim. We bring Stendarr's Mercy to the innocent and His Justice to the Daedra. holy warrior FormID: 000CC971 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 You speak to a Vigilant of Stendarr. Cavort with any Daedra, and we will hunt you down. holy warrior FormID: 000CC972 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 Wherever the Daedra hide, the Vigil of Stendarr will cast them into the light. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9A4 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 Stendarr's Mercy be upon you, for the Vigil has none to spare. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9BD DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 Walk always in the light, or we will drag you to it. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9BE DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 The suffering the Daedra cause will not go unpunished. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9BF DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 The Mercy of Stendarr does not extend to Daedra worshippers. holy warrior FormID: 000CC851 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarrTopic CUST 0 He is the God of Mercy. The patron of order and justice for all of Tamriel. holy warrior FormID: 000CC851 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarrTopic CUST 1 We bring his compassion where none can be found, by cleansing all those who would offend his children. holy warrior FormID: 000CC83C DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadraTopic CUST 0 They are profane creatures with no hope of redemption. They lure innocents to their deaths and corrupt the souls of all they touch. holy warrior FormID: 000CC83C DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadraTopic CUST 1 And their heretical artifacts grant powers to mortals that wreak havoc across Tamriel. They must be destroyed or guarded to prevent temptation. holy warrior FormID: 000CC7AE DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 We'll pay whatever it takes. But we must have more swords for the Imperial soldiers. Determined and forceful. [QUOTE]We MUST have more swords![QUOTE] FormID: 000CC7AF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I just can't fill an order that size on my own. FormID: 000CC7AF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 Why don't you swallow that stubborn pride of yours and ask Eorlund Gray-Mane for help? FormID: 000CC7AD DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Ha! I'd sooner bend my knee to Ulfric Stormcloak. FormID: 000CC7AD DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 Besides, Gray-Mane would never make steel for the Legion. FormID: 000CC7AC DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Have it your way. I'll take the job, but don't expect a miracle. FormID: 000CC778 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaNahNotForMe CUST 0 Do not forsake your heart, child, for it may one day come to surprise you. FormID: 000CC778 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaNahNotForMe CUST 1 Mara will always accept into her arms should you seek return to her fold. FormID: 000CC775 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaQuestOfferingTopic CUST 0 Always, child. Mara's mercy is ever-flowing. FormID: 000CC774 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaReadyFreddy CUST 0 Are you prepared, then, to help bring the light across this land? FormID: 000CC772 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredGetItTogether CUST 0 I don't want to choose! They're both so amazing. FormID: 000CC77D t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsToManUp CUST 0 That may be the case. FormID: 000CC77D t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsToManUp CUST 1 But she is as volatile as a sabre cat. One wrong word, and I've seen her turn on a man so quickly... FormID: 000CC77C t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmoTopic CUST 0 Calcelmo? What about him? suspicious FormID: 000CC77B t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenPlayerTriesToSpillTheBeans CUST 0 What? You're out of your mind. That old coot's more interested in dead dwarves than anybody around here. FormID: 000CC77B t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenPlayerTriesToSpillTheBeans CUST 1 Don't talk such rot. FormID: 000CC77A t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenDoYouLikeLikeHim CUST 0 Think of him? He's an odd little man. Always poking around the ruins and wasting time in his museum. FormID: 000CC77A t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenDoYouLikeLikeHim CUST 1 Seems friendly enough. Obviously intelligent. Why do you ask? FormID: 000CC779 t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenNoItsTrue CUST 0 Please, stop wasting my time. You're embarrassing yourself. FormID: 000CC777 t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenIWasJustJoshin CUST 0 Of course you were. Now stop wasting my time. FormID: 000CC776 t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenOhNothingAtAll CUST 0 Well aren't you a strange one. FormID: 000CC4F2 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Sahloknir! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) FormID: 000CC35D dunArcherQST SCEN 0 My father was rarely home, so it was my mother who actually taught me how to use a bow. FormID: 000CC349 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 She always said composure was the key to a successful archer. FormID: 000CC339 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 If you can remain calm, even in the midst of chaos, your arrow will most likely find its target. FormID: 000CC374 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 OK, let's see what you can do. FormID: 000CC374 dunArcherQST SCEN 1 Remember to stay within the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. I have some if you don't have any. FormID: 000CC374 dunArcherQST SCEN 2 Aim for the middle target. FormID: 000CC34C dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Training01 dunArcherQST_Training01Topic01 CUST 0 Here you go. FormID: 000CC342 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Training02 dunArcherQST_Training02Topic01 CUST 0 It's easy - stay inside the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. You're training someone and informing her of the rules. FormID: 000CC341 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Now hit the target to the left. FormID: 000CC348 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 My older brother took me out hunting a lot when I was little. FormID: 000CC375 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 At the time, it was difficult to keep food on the table, let alone have enough left over to sell at the market. FormID: 000CC355 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 So whenever we came across more than one deer in a single location, it was imperative we kill as many as we could. FormID: 000CC340 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 If you can learn to keep your composure and trust that each shot is true, then you should be able to quickly handle multiple targets. FormID: 000CC33B dunArcherQST SCEN 0 When I tell you to, try and hit each of the three closest targets in eight seconds. FormID: 000CC347 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 I'll count to three and then say [QUOTE]go.[QUOTE] You have eight seconds to hit each of the three targets. Draw string and get ready. FormID: 000CC357 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 You did it! All three targets in eight seconds. Nice job. FormID: 000CC34B dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Training04 dunArcherQST_Training04a CUST 0 Here, take these. Looks like you're running low. FormID: 000CC356 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Great shot. Now hit the target to the right. FormID: 000CC346 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the left target. FormID: 000CC35C dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the right target. FormID: 000CC363 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the middle target. FormID: 000CC33E dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01 CUST 0 I think I've taught you everything I know. You might even be as good as me now. You've just finished training the person and sarcastically mention that the person is better than you now. FormID: 000CC33E dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01 CUST 1 Kind of scary if I think about it. Said with a smile. FormID: 000CC34D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01a CUST 0 It was my pleasure. It's not often I get visitors out here. Let alone friendly ones. FormID: 000CC376 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01b CUST 0 Very funny. You're being sarcastic. FormID: 000CC33D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01d CUST 0 Thanks for sticking around and keeping me company. FormID: 000CC33D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01d CUST 1 It was nice to finally meet someone out here who doesn't want to rob you or take off your head. FormID: 000CC33D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01d CUST 2 I know it isn't much, but here, take this bow. It was given to me by my family. It's special to me, but brings back too many painful memories. FormID: 000CBAB1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub CUST 0 Reputation, mostly. A lot of Khajiit turn to smuggling and thievery to get by. FormID: 000CBAB1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub CUST 1 A few bad apples spoil the bunch. You know how it is. FormID: 000CBAB0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 0 Matter of fact, I do. They've been fair enough with me, far as I can tell. FormID: 000CBAB0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 1 And a Nord knows a liar when she sees one. FormID: 000CBAAF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub1 CUST 0 Head up the steps from the market an' look to your right. Can't miss it. FormID: 000CBAAE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 0 Don't even get me started on that lot. FormID: 000CBAAE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 1 They put on airs like they're somethin' special. Sure, they've got money, but they ain't got a shred of honor between 'em. FormID: 000CBAAE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 2 Gray-Mane. Now that's a name fills you with pride. We've got roots in Whiterun. We've got history. FormID: 000CBA97 BQ04 BQ04Main BQ04MainTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has put out a bounty on the dragon that's been terrorizing the countryside. Here, take a look at this decree for details. FormID: 000CB3A7 MS01IntroWorldScene SCEN 0 A bit of jewelry for your journey home? talking to a customer FormID: 0002A7D3 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunCompletedFavors WhiterunCompletedFavorsTopic CUST 0 Oh, thank Arkay. Please, take this gold for your troubles. FormID: 0002A7D8 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunCompletedFavors WhiterunCompletedFavorsTopic CUST 0 Well, would you look at that! Argonian Ale! My thanks, friend. Here, take this here healing potion. I, er, [QUOTE]found[QUOTE] it in the temple. FormID: 000CB269 DialogueRiften FLEE 0 Just... leave here! Leave us alone! FormID: 000CB26A DialogueRiften FLEE 0 Begone from here! Get out of this orphanage! Help!Somebody help me! FormID: 000CB1B7 CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Whiterun. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1B8 CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Markarth. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1B9 CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Riften. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1BA CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Windhelm. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1A7 TG04 SCEN 0 I knew it... Mercer sent you to kill me! Guards, there's an intruder! scared, loud (yell second line to guards) FormID: 000CAF65 MQ206 SCEN 0 You cannot prevail against me. I will outlast you... mortal! FormID: 000CAE33 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic DialogueWhiterunAdrianneSwordAccept CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 000CAE32 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic DialogueWhiterunAdrianneSwordReject CUST 0 Very well then. FormID: 000CADE4 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWarTopic CUST 0 About 30 years ago, the Aldmeri Dominion invaded the Empire. It was a surprise attack, caught everyone off guard. FormID: 000CADE4 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWarTopic CUST 1 They ended up sacking the Imperial City. I was there, blasting apart young Elven men and women with Fireballs and Lightning Bolts. FormID: 000CADE4 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWarTopic CUST 2 By Akatosh, all the blood. The smell of flesh burned and pulled apart by magic. I never want to do that to another soul ever again. FormID: 000CADE3 DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkaldScene SCEN 0 This isn't over. I catch you sending one letter to General Tullius, I'll have you both executed. FormID: 000CADE2 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren01 SCEN 0 No. Not really. FormID: 000CADE1 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren01 SCEN 0 (sigh) sighing FormID: 000CAB97 MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Arise! Arise and defend us! FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Hmph. Plenty. FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 I'd say we're prosperous enough. Most folk don't go hungry, if they're willing to work hard. FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 The city's ruled by the Jarl up in Dragonsreach. That's the fortress, there, up on the tall hill. FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 But you're probably more interested in Jorrvaskr, mead hall of the Companions. Their deeds of war and valor are... legendary. FormID: 000CAB7F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Yeah, these Khajiit make a living traveling the roads and selling their wares. FormID: 000CAB7F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 It's got to be tough. Skyrim's a hard enough land when you've got a roof over your head. FormID: 000CAB7F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Worst thing is, nobody wants them in the cities. Nobody trusts them. FormID: 000CAB7E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 About the same as everyone else. They're the cat-folk of Elsweyr. Great warriors, good traders. FormID: 000CAB7E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Way I hear it, Elsweyr ain't nothing like Skyrim. It's got tropical forests and dusty badlands. It sounds awful! FormID: 000CAB7C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 The heat of battle is the fire that forges the strongest blades. It's an old Nord proverb. FormID: 000CAB7C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 That, and a true Nord never misses a chance to test her worth. FormID: 000CAB7B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 You been talking to those Companions? FormID: 000CAB7B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 [QUOTE]Too hot-headed,[QUOTE] they cried. Weak, pathetic cowards, the lot of them! Angry, bitter FormID: 000CAB7A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 It wasn't my fault! I told them over and over that it was an accident! Angry, defensive, guilty. FormID: 000CAB7A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 They wanted me to prove my worth, so they threw me up against a young whelp of a lad, hardly old enough to grow his first chin-hairs. Angry, defensive and guilty. FormID: 000CAB7A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 I guess they thought a woman wasn't strong enough to hurt him. I didn't mean for him to die! Why would I want that? I just... lost control. She starts angry, but her voice begins to break with grief when she reaches the admission in the second half of this dialogue. FormID: 000CAB81 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranch HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranchTopic CUST 0 I am an artisan, painting in strokes of blood red upon the canvas of life. But yes, I will take coin to fight at your side. FormID: 000CAB81 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranch HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranchTopic CUST 1 After all, where is the value in creating art if there is nobody left alive to see it? FormID: 000CAB1D dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Lost, stranger? FormID: 000CC377 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Looking to practice, stranger? FormID: 000CC378 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the middle target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC379 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Ready to practice some more? FormID: 000CC37A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Let me know if you want to try again. FormID: 000CC37B dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the left target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC37C dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the right target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC37D dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Great job hitting those targets. You definitely surprised me with your speed and composure. FormID: 000CE25E dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 It's not often I get visitors out here. You lost, stranger? FormID: 000D0323 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the far target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CAB0D dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Let's see if I can teach you a few things about using a bow. FormID: 000CC371 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, composure and speed. You don't need to see your arrow hit before moving onto your next target. Trust your shot is true. FormID: 000CC372 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Take care, stranger. Be careful out there. FormID: 000D0334 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Shoot the far target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000E48FC dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was nice to spend time with someone who enjoys archery as much as I do. FormID: 000CAB19 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Well, let me know if you ever want to practice. FormID: 000CAB1A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 You chose the wrong girl to mess with. You're pissed off and about to get in a fight. FormID: 000CC364 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Nice shot! Right on target. FormID: 000CC365 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Now hit it again. FormID: 000CC366 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Let me know if you want to practice some more. Next time we'll make it a little more challenging. FormID: 000CC367 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 You need to stay inside the boundaries. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC368 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Only use the practice arrows. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC369 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Stay within the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC36A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Shoot the right target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC36B dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Shoot the left target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC36C dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Shoot the middle target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CE25F dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Two Imperial drunks who thought they were above the law. You're a little pissed off. FormID: 000CE260 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Don't be like them. Don't feel sorry for me. You're not angry, you're just tired of people always feeling sorry for you. FormID: 000D0325 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Nice job hitting those targets. FormID: 000D0326 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Excellent. Follow me to the targets and we'll begin. FormID: 000D0327 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 One, two, three... You're counting to three and about to say Go. Don't rush it. About a second between each number. FormID: 000D0328 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Go! FormID: 000D0329 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Time's up! Better luck next time. FormID: 000D032A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Here, take these. Looks like you're running low. FormID: 000D032B dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Listen to me and you might learn something. FormID: 000D8DAD dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Sure. FormID: 000CA74B CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 Enough! Stop! shouting above a loud battle going on around him (calling from deep reserves of inner strength) FormID: 000CA74B CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 1 Cease fighting. It's over. shouting to get people to stand down FormID: 000CA777 CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 Sir... about to try convincing his liege to keep fighting. FormID: 000CA74E CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 It's over. No more violence. loudly so all can hear (but to his body guard who wants to keep fighting) FormID: 000CA749 CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 We surrender. The capital is yours. If you pledge no harm will come of my people, I turn over the seat of power to you. loudly to the crowd, trying to remain commanding even as he is losing his position as king and facing exile FormID: 000CA74A CWFortSiegeCapital CWFortSiegeSurrenderBranch CWFortSiegeSurrender CUST 0 Go. Tell your commanders you have won. I, my family, and my men will be gone before they arrive. frustrated he lost the city FormID: 000CA74A CWFortSiegeCapital CWFortSiegeSurrenderBranch CWFortSiegeSurrender CUST 1 There is no point in further talk. Go now! upset he lost the city and is no longer king FormID: 000CA638 MQ106 TAUT 0 We've got to bring it down! FormID: 000CA639 MQ106 TAUT 0 Don't let it get too close! FormID: 000CA63A MQ106 TAUT 0 We've got to ground that bastard! FormID: 000CA63B MQ106 TAUT 0 Come on! This is our best chance! FormID: 000CA6D9 MQ106 TAUT 0 Attack while it's landed! FormID: 000CA63C MQ106 TAUT 0 Now it's my turn, you son of a bitch. FormID: 000CA63D MQ106 TAUT 0 For the Blades! FormID: 000CA63E MQ106 TAUT 0 I am Sahloknir! Hear my Voice and despair! FormID: 000CA63F MQ106 TAUT 0 It's to be a real fight, then. Good! relishing the battle FormID: 000CA640 MQ106 TAUT 0 My lord Alduin requires your death. I am glad to oblige him. FormID: 000CA641 MQ106 TAUT 0 I see that mortals have become arrogant while I slept. FormID: 000CA642 MQ106 TAUT 0 My Voice has been silent for too long! FormID: 000CA643 MQ106 TAUT 0 Hiding will not save you! FormID: 000CA644 MQ106 TAUT 0 Dohaviin, your Voice is no match for mine! FormID: 000CA645 MQ106 TAUT 0 Your Voice is strong... for a mortal. scornfully FormID: 000CA647 MQ106 TAUT 0 Come and face me, then! FormID: 000CA648 MQ106 TAUT 0 I do not fear you, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000CA631 MQ106 NOTC 0 Take that thing down! FormID: 000CA630 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA4 CUST 0 I hope so. But you'll forgive me if I don't assume that something's true just because the Greybeards say so. distrustfully FormID: 000CA630 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA4 CUST 1 I just handed you the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Does that make me Dragonborn, too? skeptically FormID: 000CA649 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA1 CUST 0 Good. Good. Now we won't have to spend time searching for it. with rare enthusiasm - pleasantly surprised at the player's competence FormID: 000CA649 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA1 CUST 1 We should get moving. There's no time to waste. FormID: 000CA637 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA2 CUST 0 I need to get into my traveling gear. Give me a minute and I'll be ready. FormID: 000CA635 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA3 CUST 0 I can't wait around for you to make up your mind. I'll meet you at Kynesgrove. Don't waste time getting there. tersely - she's annoyed that the player isn't ready to go FormID: 000CA633 MQ106 MQ106Kynesgrove MQ106KynegroveEntryA1 CUST 0 Why didn't you say so earlier? At least now we don't have to waste time searching the area. annoyed, but also pleased you know of it FormID: 000CA633 MQ106 MQ106Kynesgrove MQ106KynegroveEntryA1 CUST 1 We should get moving. There's no time to waste. FormID: 000CA627 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 0 Aye, he does indeed... and with his fingers in the East Empire Company's pie, we'll make good use of that debt. minor revelation FormID: 000CA627 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 1 If I'm not being clear enough, that means we don't want him killed. warning FormID: 000CA627 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 2 For now, just keep on his tail and he's bound to step into something he can't scrape off his boot. FormID: 000CA626 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic02a CUST 0 No, please! There's no need for that! I'll tell you everything. afraid for life FormID: 000CA626 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic02a CUST 1 It's Karliah... her name is Karliah. slightly reluctant to say this FormID: 000CA434 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 My wife Seren and I run it together. She still smiths even though we found out she is with child. FormID: 000CA434 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Our son or daughter isn't going to get much Redguard culture here in Skyrim. I know my wife worries how she will pass along her traditions. FormID: 000CA434 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Hey, if you find a book called [QUOTE]Night Falls on Sentinel,[QUOTE] could you bring it to me? It's a story from my wife's people. Be good to have. FormID: 00090E0D Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Work? I demand tribute before you can be considered for any real tasks. FormID: 00090E0D Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 How about drink? None of that local piss. Real Black-Briar Mead, fresh from Riften. FormID: 00079ADA Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Before my ma and da passed, I told them that one day, I'd become the best trader in Skyrim. FormID: 00079ADA Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I met one of the caravan leaders, Ma'dran. He said he'd help get me started if I could bring him a mammoth's tusk. Easier said than done. FormID: 00094050 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I picked up the trade when I was a girl. One of the temple healers staying here on a pilgrimage showed me the basics. FormID: 00094050 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 She had a book with her, [QUOTE]Song of the Alchemists,[QUOTE] that I used to read over and over. I miss having a copy. FormID: 00094051 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 That I am. Train the recruits. Turn boys into men. That sort of thing. FormID: 00094051 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Thinking of asking the General for some training books. Give the soldiers something to do while they're on rest. Something besides drinking. FormID: 00094051 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Ever seen a book called [QUOTE]The Mirror[QUOTE]? We used to hand it out to boys looking to learn basic shield work. FormID: 000AB85A Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Our little girl died recently. I've been shouldering my days with strong mead, but nothing gives my Tova peace. FormID: 000AB85A Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I've been looking for an Amulet of Arkay to remind my wife that our child is with the gods now, but I can't find one. FormID: 000CA436 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Good on you. FormID: 00090DFA Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 You better. I hate people who waste my time. FormID: 00079ADC Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 You'd do that? If you find one, I could teach you a thing or two about trading. Help you get a fair bargain in the future. FormID: 000940C8 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Really? I'd be happy to show you a bit about herbs if you find the book. FormID: 000940C9 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Good on you. FormID: 000AB818 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 000CA437 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 My loss, right? FormID: 00090E04 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 Then I don't have time for you. FormID: 00079AE1 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 I'll do my best. FormID: 00094093 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 I suppose it is. FormID: 00094094 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 Be glad you're not training under me with that mouth of yours. FormID: 000AB83F Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 Aye. FormID: 000CA438 Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Good. I'll see if I can get some copies made for the men. Here, something for your trouble. The Legion thanks you. FormID: 0009408C Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 It's amazing how much you can learn from a book. FormID: 0009408C Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here. Let me show you some of the things the temple healers taught me about potions. FormID: 0009408D Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Don't know what the Redguards see in books, but this will make my Seren happy. FormID: 0009408D Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Thank you. Let me show you some tricks around the forge. FormID: 00090DEE Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Now that's what I like to see. Someone who gets things done. FormID: 00090DEE Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here. A little something for you. FormID: 00079AE2 Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. This should turn that old cat's gaze. Maybe I'll be able to become a caravaneer myself, one day. FormID: 00079AE2 Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 As promised, let me show you a thing or two about bargaining. Don't want some shifty merchant giving you a raw trade. FormID: 000AB81A Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 I hope Arkay grants my wife some comfort. Thank you. Here. I always pay my debts. FormID: 000CA317 MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Ah, a test subject! Go, my pets! Attack! Crazed, grandiose. A wizard ordering his pet rats to attack. FormID: 000CA1F7 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 That bard Mikael is begging for a dagger up against his throat, the way he goes on about me. FormID: 000CA1F7 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I've heard him boasting at the Bannered Mare, saying he'll [QUOTE]conquer me as a true Nord conquers any harsh beast.[QUOTE] Hmph. FormID: 0003F062 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Torbjorn Shatter-Shield. I wish someone would beat the coin out of his fat fists. He clings to every Septim. FormID: 0003F062 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 He says an Argonian's labor is only worth a tenth of a [QUOTE]proper Nord worker.[QUOTE] My people are not slaves! FormID: 00055367 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 He's a damn tyrant. Always being goaded on by the Silver-Bloods to get more work out of us. FormID: 00055367 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 They pay us next to nothing. We get beaten if we make a mistake, and where are our kind Nord rulers? What are they doing? Typical. FormID: 0006F816 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Too many drinking games, too many bets, and I'm too old to ever raise the coin on my own. FormID: 00068F33 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 He's been in Kynesgrove forever. Great storyteller. Keeps everyone's spirits up. FormID: 00068F33 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Owes me a lot of coin for drinks. I keep telling him not to worry about it, but he's got the stubborn Nord blood. FormID: 00068F33 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Damn fool doesn't have the coin to pay me back, so he just beats himself up over it, and then he gets thirsty, and it cycles all over again. FormID: 00094074 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 He owes this tavern enough coin to burn it down, build it back up, then burn it down again just for laughs. FormID: 00094074 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 He's had some troubles in his life, but I can't have him drinking here without at least paying back some of the coin he owes. FormID: 000CA1FA Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 He's a stubborn oaf. I don't know what good it'll do. FormID: 0006F7EF Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 If you want to try, go right ahead. I don't think anything will get through that thick skull of his, though. FormID: 0003F085 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 You can try, but we've gotten nowhere talking to him ourselves. FormID: 00055115 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 You're going to try to talk sense into that Orc? I'll believe it when I see it. FormID: 00068FDF Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 If you could convince him that I don't care about his tab, it'd certainly make me feel better. FormID: 00094048 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 Go right ahead. He just might be sober enough to listen to you. FormID: 000CA1FE Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 I'm sure. I'm sure. FormID: 0006F826 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 I can take care of myself. A Whiterun woman learns how to handle a few idiot men early in life. FormID: 0003F07B Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 We will make do somehow. We always have. FormID: 00055386 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 Sorries don't help anyone. FormID: 00068F31 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 He'll be fine, I just hate worrying about his worrying. FormID: 0009407B Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 I'm sure we'll get our gold at some point. Not like he has anywhere to go. FormID: 000CD114 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Anything for my favorite lass. FormID: 000CD116 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Oh? Were you after her yourself? I won't stand in your way, my friend. You have my word. FormID: 000CD117 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Carlotta put you up to this, didn't she? I'm sorry, but that fiery widow is mine. She just doesn't know it yet. FormID: 0003F07E Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Well, my friend, if you think those boots needs more coin, I'll make it happen. But I'm doing this for you, not them. FormID: 0003F083 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Those boots aren't worth the septims I do pay them. I'm not giving them coin I could give to good, Nord workers. FormID: 000552BA Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 What? Are you telling me how to treat my workers? Do you have any idea how much metal the Silver-Blood family wants us to smelt? FormID: 0006F94A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Debts are debts. Either he pays them, or his kind do. FormID: 00068F62 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 I guess if you're telling me to stop worrying about it, maybe I should just let it go. Thank you, friend. FormID: 00068F63 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 What do you think I am, a beggar? My family has always paid back every single coin we owed, going back to Tiber Septim's time. FormID: 00094077 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Who are you to say what I should do? I'll pay her back when I'm ready. FormID: 000CA204 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Bribing me? Well, a bard does need to eat. On my ancestor's honor, I won't trouble sweet Carlotta again. FormID: 000CE6F1 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I don't think so. sarcastic laugh at the beginning FormID: 0003F160 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Paying the wages yourself? Well, I won't say no to gold. By my family's honor, this money will go to the Argonian workers. FormID: 0003F161 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 What future? FormID: 000554D9 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I guess I can spare him a few beatings. Deal. FormID: 000554DA Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 The only thing I understand is you bothering you. FormID: 0006F82A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Works for me. Tell Octieve the debt's settled. FormID: 0006F82B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Don't think so. FormID: 00068F5C Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 A true Nord would settle it himself, but at least this way Iddra gets her coin. Thank you. Tell her I'll be fine. FormID: 00068F60 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 This isn't about me paying Iddra back, this is about me being able to pay her back with my own coin. FormID: 00094086 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I won't say no to that. FormID: 00094087 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I'm not about to take on debts from some milk drinker I don't know. FormID: 000CA1F5 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Whoa. Hey there. I didn't mean to make you upset. On my honor, Carlotta won't have to worry about me again. FormID: 0003F067 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Easy. Maybe I was being too harsh on them. By the honor of Clan Shatter-Shield, they will be paid fairly. You have my word. emphasize: [QUOTE]Maybe I WAS being too harsh on them[QUOTE] FormID: 00055512 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Wait. You win. I'll ease off on the beatings, just leave me alone. FormID: 0005551D Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Think you can mess with an Orc of the Reach? Let's go. FormID: 0006F955 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 All right, all right. Have it your way. Tell Octieve to forget about the debt. FormID: 00068FD3 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 What? No. All right. I won't worry about the coin anymore, just stop giving me that look. FormID: 000940CB Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Calm down there, friend. I'll pay! Tell Haran that she'll have her gold. FormID: 000CA1FB Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 Wasn't your business, anyway. FormID: 0006F6E3 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 Already have. FormID: 0003F159 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 That's what I thought. FormID: 000552BD Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 Idiot. FormID: 00068FF8 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 It's better that way. FormID: 00094046 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 That's what I thought. FormID: 000CA1F4 Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Really? You convinced that lute player to stop chasing me? FormID: 000CA1F4 Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I'd thank the gods, but I'll settle for thanking you. Here's some coin for your help. FormID: 0003F15E Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You talked Torbjorn down? I'm impressed. FormID: 0003F15E Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, I was saving this for a rainy day. Maybe now I can afford a few more for my people. Take it. FormID: 00055511 Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 I don't believe it. Someone sticking up for us. Here. It's a week's wages for me, but you've earned every coin. FormID: 0006F7DD Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You've done a fine thing for me. You know, I used to be quite a warrior in my day. Let me show you a thing or two. FormID: 00068F5B Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 It'll be good to not have to hear him whining about his debts. FormID: 00068F5B Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Roggi pawned a few of his things back when he still had things to pawn. Take them. FormID: 0009407D Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. He's not a bad man, just bad with his coins and his drink. My husband Dagur could tell you stories, there. FormID: 0009407D Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I have a couple of Ranmir's things that he traded to us back when he was still paying regularly. I say you've earned them. FormID: 000CA1F8 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 How about a test? Your muscle against mine. The victor gains 100 gold coins from the loser. FormID: 0006C811 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I'm drunk, and it's been a while since I had a good fight. FormID: 0006C811 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 A hundred septims says I can take ya, bare-handed. FormID: 00055A0D Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 And why not? I could beat anyone in this city, bare-handed. FormID: 00055A0D Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 A hundred gold says I knock your hide to the ground. FormID: 00040397 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Don't like it? Too bad. This is our city. Ours! FormID: 00040397 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Don't think I can take you? One hundred septims says I can punch you back where you came from. FormID: 00094052 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Want me to prove it? I bet a hundred gold I can take you, bare-handed. FormID: 000CA1F9 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 This will be good training. Let's go! FormID: 000CE6F0 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 You're short on coin. FormID: 0006C813 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 That's the spirit! Let's go. FormID: 0006C815 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Hey, I may have had a few, but I can still count. You don't have a hundred septims on you. FormID: 00055A0B Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Just fists. No weapons, no magic... no crying. Let's go! FormID: 00055A0C Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Why don't you come back when you actually have a hundred gold? FormID: 0004039C Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 All right. Fists only. And none of that magic stuff, either. Let's go! FormID: 0004039E Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 I said a hundred gold! Damn broke elves and damn broke elf-lovers. FormID: 000940C6 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Just your own two hands. Weapons and magic are out. Now let's see what you got! FormID: 000940C7 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Come back when you have the coin. FormID: 0007758E Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Soft. Just like all outlanders. FormID: 0006C817 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Pfft. Snowback. FormID: 00055A05 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Milk drinker. FormID: 00055A06 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Pit bait. FormID: 00094092 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Milk drinker. FormID: 000CA13A DB01Misc SCEN 0 You just keep quiet and stay where you are. Soon as my relief arrives, we'll all take a nice little trip. FormID: 000CA138 DB01Misc SCEN 0 You there! Fool! Hold fast. You've been accused of a crime against the laws of this land. What say you in your defense? FormID: 000CA13B DB01Misc SCEN 0 You look like a crazy man to me. And what's in that coffin, hmm? Maybe some time in a cell will help loosen that lying tongue. FormID: 000CA139 DB01Misc SCEN 0 You just keep quiet and stay where you are. Soon as my relief arrives, we'll all take a nice little trip. FormID: 000C9F15 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceKhajiitTopic CUST 0 Oh, well, it's just... I never imagined the Gourmet was a Khajiit. You know, because of all the fur, and the potential for getting hair in the... FormID: 000C9F07 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaBranch MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaBranchTopic CUST 0 A lofty goal, to be sure. And what brings your search to our doorstep? FormID: 000C9F06 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaBranch MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaFollowUp CUST 0 It's true, the scrolls are a subject of interest to us, and work has been done to learn of them. But outsiders are not allowed within the College. wary FormID: 000C9B78 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'll take a bottle of spiced wine. FormID: 000C9B8C DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I haven't known you to drink before, Ataf. FormID: 000C9B8D DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 A bottle of spiced wine for ya, Ataf? FormID: 000C9B88 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Viarmo is trying to get Elisif to allow the Burning of King Olaf. I don't want to look like I don't know how to drink in front of the other bards. FormID: 000C9B89 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 No thank you. I'm still feeling sick from the festival. FormID: 000C9B83 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Ah a few bottles of Spiced Wine should hit the spot. FormID: 000C9B81 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Of course. And I'm sure it's mostly for ceremonial purposes. FormID: 000C9B7E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Plenty of ways to worship the Divines as you know. FormID: 000C9B7C DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Not fair. You're well aware I can't seem to get warm here. FormID: 000C9B7A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 A bit of warming wine, Illdi. You know you can't resist. FormID: 000C9B77 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Do you know I look forward to Burning of King Olaf each year just because of the fire? FormID: 000C9B8A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Are your sales going well? FormID: 000C9B8B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I hope the Divines have been keeping you well. FormID: 000C9B86 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Not too bad. A few of the guests from the upcoming wedding have placed orders. FormID: 000C9B87 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 They seem to when you're around Silana. FormID: 000C9B80 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 It should be quite the affair. Nice to have something happy in the midst of the war. FormID: 000C9B7D DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Vittoria is practically glowing. FormID: 000C9B7B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I went out ice fishing a few days ago. FormID: 000C9B79 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Brave man, with the Blackbloods out there. Did you catch anything? FormID: 000C9B76 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Naw, mostly just froze. FormID: 000C9B8E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Well, keep at it. The fish have to get to know you before they're willing to bite. FormID: 000C9B85 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Spiced Wine for the Winking Skeever? FormID: 000C9B84 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Actually just a bottle for me today. I'm thinking of giving it to Vivienne. FormID: 000C9B82 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Sure, Sorex. Just like you did the last one. FormID: 000C9B7F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 The last one was warm up. FormID: 000C9AF3 CreatureDialogueHagraven DETH 0 FormID: 000C9AF2 CreatureDialogueHagraven HIT_ 0 FormID: 000C9AD2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Get out of my face. Brusque, hostile. FormID: 000C9AD3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch out some gray-skin doesn't pick your pocket. You're a racist bully warning a countryman about the minority you dislike. Said with sneering contempt. FormID: 000C9AD4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Talos protect you, friend. With respect and regard FormID: 000C9AD5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell, then. Curt, dismissive FormID: 000C9AD6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I enjoyed our talk. Polite, friendly FormID: 000C9AD7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until our next meeting, honored friend. Polite FormID: 000C9AD8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May Talos shield you from all harm. FormID: 000C9AD9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May Talos bless your days. FormID: 000C9ADA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Blessings of Arkay be upon you. FormID: 000C9ADB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Too few remember to honor the god of the dead. Do not be one of those. FormID: 000C9ADC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 The Divines smile on a charitable soul. FormID: 000C9ADD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't forget them who's less fortunate than yourself. FormID: 000C9ADE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Thank you for your custom. Polite. FormID: 000C9ADF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'll see you again soon, I hope. Playful, confident. You are secretly the leader of a thieves' guild, and you tend to view everyone as a potential mark. FormID: 000C9AE0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Enjoy your stay, and don't break nothin'! FormID: 000C9AE1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Mind you don't put out that candle on the hearth upstairs! FormID: 000C9AE2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful! That murderer could be anywhere, and anyone. A bit scared. FormID: 000C9AE3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 The streets are safer now, thanks to you. Grateful. FormID: 000C9AE4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 See you around, handsome. Flirtatious. FormID: 000C9AE5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 See you around, my beauty. Flirtatious. FormID: 000C9AE6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 A word of advice -- don't buy discounted armor. FormID: 000C9AE7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you've need of weapons or armor, come back and see Oengul. FormID: 000C9AE8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the earth beneath your feet be always soft. FormID: 000C9AE9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope we will speak again soon, marsh-friend. FormID: 000C9AEA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Trust me, marsh-friend, you do not want to live in this city. FormID: 000C9AEB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I would not complain if you returned with some Skooma. FormID: 000C9AEC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Fair winds and calm seas. That's an old sailor's parting. Friendly FormID: 000C9AED DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was a pleasure to talk to someone so interesting. Polite FormID: 000C9AEE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Travel safely. It's dangerous out there. FormID: 000C9AEF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you'll excuse me, I must return to my duties. FormID: 000CD8F2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Do come again! FormID: 000CD8F3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Very well. FormID: 000CD8F4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May you lose yourself in the pages of a good book! Enthusiasm. You love books. FormID: 000CD8F5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 As you travel Skyrim, make sure you stop and take in the view from time to time! Enthusiasm. You love books. FormID: 000CD8F6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you need another drink, I'll be right here. FormID: 000CD8F7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Have a seat, there should be plenty of space. FormID: 000CD8F8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please forgive my mood. I'm still coming to terms with my daughter's death. Somber, tinged with grief FormID: 000D2B1C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please forgive my mood. I'm still coming to terms with the death of my wife and daughters... Somber, tinged with grief FormID: 000CD8F9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't take anything for granted in life. Nothing lasts forever. Somber FormID: 000CD8FA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be sure to stop by Sadri's Used Wares in the Gray Quarter. FormID: 000CD8FB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Take care, friend. FormID: 000CD8FC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sometimes the difference between life an' death is a swift steed. FormID: 000CD8FD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sorry about the smell. It's a stable, after all. FormID: 000CD8FE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Whether it's armor you need or a new blade, come see me. FormID: 000CD8FF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you meet anyone in your travels who needs good steel, send them my way. FormID: 000CD900 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Strength and steel are well and good, but magic is the true power in this world. FormID: 000CD901 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 A strong sword-arm wins battle, but a keen mind wins wars. FormID: 000CD902 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Safe journeys, sword-brother. FormID: 000CD903 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell, then. FormID: 000CD904 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 A most pleasant chat. Until the next! Polite. FormID: 000CD905 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I bid you safe travels. Polite FormID: 000CD906 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seeing you. FormID: 000CD907 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Alright, then. FormID: 000CD908 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good day to you. FormID: 000CD909 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you're not doing something you enjoy, then you're wasting your life. FormID: 000CD90A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope to see you again soon. FormID: 000CD90B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you have need of tonics or potions, come see me at my shop. FormID: 000CD90C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch yourself out there. FormID: 000CD90D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Battle reveals who a man really is. Remember that. FormID: 000CD90E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep on your guard. This city can be a little rough for those such us. FormID: 000CD90F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was a pleasure. FormID: 000CD910 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I should have been an adventurer like you, instead of a farmer. FormID: 000CD911 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Never trade a sword for a hoe, my friend. FormID: 000CD912 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Right. See you around. FormID: 000CD913 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Aye, 'til next time. Saying goodbye, a friendly parting FormID: 000C9A03 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Then, as I've said, 1000 gold will be required to set things right. FormID: 000B12C4 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I made it rather clear that a donation of 500 gold will clear it up rather neatly. FormID: 000B12C5 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 As I've said, a donation of 250 should help take care of that. FormID: 000B12C6 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 It's most unfortunate that we need to have this discussion once again. FormID: 000B12C6 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 These matters are becoming more difficult to deal with. I'm going to need 1000 gold from you in order to make reparations. FormID: 000B12C6 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I also hope that this is the last time we'll need to discuss this. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Another incident? I must say, I'm disappointed. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I thought I made it clear that this sort of behavior is totally unacceptable. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 It cannot become widely known that these sorts of things happen here. Work will need to be done to keep this quiet. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 I think a donation of 500 gold on your part is necessary in order to put this behind us. FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. There was an incident, wasn't there? FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, as this is the first time this has happened, I'll make it very clear that the College does not condone that sort of behavior. FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 As an act of good faith on your part, I'd advise that you consider donating an amount of gold to the College. FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 Strictly to cover damages, you understand. I believe 250 gold should be sufficient. FormID: 000C9A08 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 Yes. I hope this will be enough to maintain order. FormID: 000C9A08 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 1 Once again, your suspension is lifted. Please try and control yourself. FormID: 000B12BF MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 Very good. I'll see that this is put towards getting things back to normal. FormID: 000B12BF MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 1 Consider the suspension lifted. FormID: 000B12C2 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 Oh, excellent. I'll see that it gets where it needs to go. FormID: 000B12C2 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 1 And I'll make sure the suspension is lifted. I'm glad we were able to clear this matter up, and I do hope we don't need to have this talk again. FormID: 000C9A09 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 You don't seem to have the gold on you. Perhaps there's a misunderstanding? FormID: 000C9A05 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestDontHaveGold CUST 0 Then I'm afraid your suspension will stand for now. I'm sorry, but that's the way it has to be. FormID: 000C99FF mg06 SCEN 0 Come on, get up... I need you on your feet. wounded FormID: 000C9A0A mg06 SCEN 0 I have no idea what happened. Ancano did it, I think. FormID: 000C9A02 mg06 SCEN 0 I don't see the Arch-Mage. He must've been blown clear. I need you to find him immediately, all right? Make sure he's safe. FormID: 000C99FE mg06 SCEN 0 Get moving, now. I'll be fine. FormID: 000C9A06 MG05 SCEN 0 Come on, Arniel. Let's go. FormID: 000C9A00 MG05 SCEN 0 Do we have to? They'd never lift a finger to help us. FormID: 000C9A07 MG05 SCEN 0 That looks like it's the last of them. FormID: 000C9A01 MG05 SCEN 0 We'll stay here. Get back to the College and let them know what's going on. FormID: 000C9A0B MS08 MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLooking MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLookingTopic CUST 0 It's none of your concern. All you need to know is that we're paying for information. FormID: 000C9A0B MS08 MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLooking MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLookingTopic CUST 1 If that doesn't interest you, feel free to walk away. FormID: 000C99E8 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 I can take a hint, lad. You want to make some coin, come find me. you've just been ignored FormID: 000C99E9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 I can take a hint, lass. You want to make some coin, come find me. you've just been ignored FormID: 000C9836 CW01B CW01BGoodbye GBYE 0 Good luck with that Icewraith. ironic, good cheer FormID: 000C9832 CW01A CW01AGoodbye GBYE 0 Don't keep waiting, soldier. officer to a junior soldier FormID: 000C982B CW03 CW03Hello HELO 0 You have your orders, soldier. annoyed FormID: 000C982E CW03 CW03Hello HELO 0 I thought I gave you something to do? annoyed FormID: 000C9826 CW03 CW03Goodbye GBYE 0 Get those documents to Whiterun. reminding soldier of orders FormID: 000C9828 CW03 CW03Goodbye GBYE 0 To Whiterun with you. reminding a soldier of his orders FormID: 000C97D0 MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusHeyThanksDude CUST 0 I want to thank you for your help. I know my master can be a bit short at times. FormID: 000C97CE MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusAllGood CUST 0 Here, you should have this. FormID: 000C97CF MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusCheapskate CUST 0 Oh, I'm sorry about that. FormID: 000C9831 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 You don't think this is a war already? Sir, I... searching for words FormID: 000C9829 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Thank you, Legate. In the future, I'll let you know when your opinion is needed. stopping an argument before it happens FormID: 000C9820 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Sir. smoldering, but acquiescing FormID: 000C96B2 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 How's the newcomer look? FormID: 000C96B3 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 He might just make it. FormID: 000C96B4 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 She might just make it. FormID: 000C96B5 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 Looks slow to me. FormID: 000C96B6 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 I could take him. FormID: 000C96B7 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 I could take her. FormID: 000C96B8 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 Not bad. FormID: 000C96BA C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 Come on, now. This is meant as encouragement -- you're training with him FormID: 000C96BB C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 Come at me. You couldn't hurt me if you wanted to. This is meant as encouragement -- you're training with him FormID: 000C96BC C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 Don't just stand there. This is meant as encouragement -- you're training with him FormID: 000C96BD C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 What are you waiting for? FormID: 000C8EA1 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir, krii daar joorre. Sahloknir, kill these mortals. FormID: 000C8EA0 MQ106 SCEN 0 Ful, losei Dovahkiin? Zu'u koraav nid nol dov do hi. [QUOTE]So, you're the Dragonborn? I see nothing of the dragon about you.[QUOTE](scornfully) FormID: 000C8EA3 MQ106 SCEN 0 You do not even know our tongue, do you? Such arrogance, to dare take for yourself the name of Dovah. dripping with contempt for the player's temerity FormID: 000C8953 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Sahloknir! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) FormID: 000C8952 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Sahloknir! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) FormID: 000C8614 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Come back if you need steel. FormID: 000C8615 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 We forge every day if you need anything. FormID: 000CADF1 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Let me know if you come down with the Rattles. FormID: 000CADF2 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Back to another fine day in Dawnstar. sarcastic FormID: 000CADF3 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Stay out of trouble, now. FormID: 000CADF4 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Don't bother me again unless it's important. FormID: 000C8577 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSeren DialogueDawnstarSerenTopic CUST 0 That's right. Home of the Redguards. The land of sand and seas. homesick FormID: 000C8577 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSeren DialogueDawnstarSerenTopic CUST 1 I hope one day I'll convince Rustleif to take us back there. Until then, I'm content running the forge together here in Dawnstar. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 0 So it's true. That traitorous bitch! Morthal owes you a debt. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 1 Here. You were promised a reward for solving the crime, but I need one more favor from you. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 2 Morthal is still in danger. The journal mentions Movarth, a master vampire I thought was destroyed a century ago. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 3 I'll gather together some able-bodied warriors to clean out Movarth's lair. They'll be waiting outside for you to lead them. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 0 By Ysgramor's axe! It's true. Morthal owes you a debt. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 1 Here is your reward for solving the murder, but I have another request. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 2 Unfortunately Morthal is still in danger. The journal mentions Movarth, a powerful master vampire that I had assumed was destroyed. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 3 I'll gather together some able-bodied warriors to clean out Movarth's lair. They'll be waiting outside for you to lead them. FormID: 000C82E1 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 0 Then stop wasting my time. FormID: 000C8283 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1Topic CUST 0 Did you see that candle above the fire upstairs? FormID: 000C8283 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1Topic CUST 1 It was lit one hundred and sixty-three years ago, back when this building was the home of a grand warrior named Vundheim. FormID: 000C8283 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1Topic CUST 2 When word came that he'd fallen, his son Deroct lit the candle in his honor. Nobody knows why it still burns. FormID: 000C8284 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in the Reach. FormID: 000C8285 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Haafingar. FormID: 000C8286 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Hjaalmarch. FormID: 000C8287 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Falkreath. FormID: 000C8288 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Whiterun. FormID: 000C8289 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in the Pale. FormID: 000C828A CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in the Rift. FormID: 000C828B CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Eastmarch. FormID: 000C828C CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Winterhold. FormID: 000C827B CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11GoGetEmTigerErIMeanWolf CUST 0 Get it back, for the honor of us all. FormID: 000C8276 CR11 CR11ComingBack CR11ComingBackTopic CUST 0 Another piece of glory. Good work, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000C8277 CR11 CR11ComingBack CR11ComingBackTopic CUST 0 Another piece of glory. Good work, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000C8270 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1Topic CUST 0 I don't see these troubles as business. This is a labor of honor. FormID: 000C8270 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1Topic CUST 1 To bring Ulfric his rightful glory, I would hammer a thousand shields. FormID: 000C8270 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1Topic CUST 2 Shor's bones, I might just have to! FormID: 000C827A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Topic CUST 0 Every bit as sharp as what you'll find in Whiterun. FormID: 000C827A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Topic CUST 1 I respect Eorlund, but he has the good fortune to work the Skyforge. Something about the fires... their steel just holds tighter. FormID: 000C827F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Continuation CUST 0 You know what I mean. Forges have personalities, right? FormID: 000C8280 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Continuation CUST 0 If that makes any sense. FormID: 000C8282 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopic1 DialogueWindhelmTopic1Topic CUST 0 For Ulfric? Oh, nothing official. Known him for years. FormID: 000C8282 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopic1 DialogueWindhelmTopic1Topic CUST 1 He seems to value my thoughts, and I'm grateful for that. FormID: 000C8282 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopic1 DialogueWindhelmTopic1Topic CUST 2 I don't really have a mind for war, and I think he likes having an untrained opinion from time to time. FormID: 000C826D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2 DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2Topic CUST 0 Grew up here. Colder as Atmora, but that just grows the beards thicker! FormID: 000C826D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2 DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2Topic CUST 1 Lot of history in these walls. We're trying to make some more. It's a lucky time to be alive. FormID: 000C8271 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1Topic CUST 0 No, but then I don't have much need for Ulfric. FormID: 000C8271 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1Topic CUST 1 We both leave well enough alone. FormID: 000C8278 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2Topic CUST 0 Whatever I don't already know. FormID: 000C8278 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2Topic CUST 1 Power is the crux of this world. There's always more of it to be had, if you look in the right places. FormID: 000C826F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1Topic CUST 0 Are you kidding? I came all the way from Cyrodiil just to work with him. FormID: 000C826F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1Topic CUST 1 He's... he's not the best teacher. But just watching him, I've learned so much. FormID: 000C8273 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic2 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic2Topic CUST 0 It doesn't matter what I believe. Nurelion does, and it might be the only thing keeping him alive right now. FormID: 000C827D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic3 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic3Topic CUST 0 I'll carry on his tradition as best I can. I could spend a lifetime just going over his notes. FormID: 000C826C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1Topic CUST 0 Every Nord should admire Ulfric. He fights for all of us. FormID: 000C826C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1Topic CUST 1 In fact, he's the reason I chose to learn the smithing trade. I want to make weapons and armor for the great Stormcloak army. FormID: 000C8272 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2Topic CUST 0 Smithing isn't the most exciting thing for me, but we all have to lend a hand as best we can. FormID: 000C8272 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2Topic CUST 1 If a Stormcloak uses one of my swords to strike down an Imperial soldier, then I've done my part to free our land. FormID: 000C8279 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1Topic CUST 0 We work where we can get work. The Nords don't like unloading their ships, so we do it instead. FormID: 000C8279 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1Topic CUST 1 Sometimes cargo goes missing. FormID: 000C827E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic2 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic2Topic RUMO 0 I came here as a hatchling. The only thing colder than Skyrim is the Nords themselves, but we stick together. FormID: 000C826E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic1 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic1Topic CUST 0 Wherever I can find them. If you're the type who worries over where something came from, you may want to move on. FormID: 000C827C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1Topic CUST 0 There's an old saying that only a Nord can work the soil in Skyrim. I don't think anyone else would have the patience for it. FormID: 000C827C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1Topic CUST 1 It takes half a day just to dig a planting row in the cold, stony earth here. But what else can we do, eat rocks and ice? FormID: 000C8281 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic1 DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic1Topic CUST 0 Just got here from the Summerset Isles. Lots of opportunity in Skyrim. FormID: 000C822B DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopic DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopicTopic CUST 0 That's right. In the Second Era, Tiber Septim himself led the army that conquered Old Hroldan from the barbarians of the Reach. proud FormID: 000C822B DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopic DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopicTopic CUST 1 Septim would later found the Empire that united Tamriel, but his first known battle and victory was right here. proud FormID: 000C822B DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopic DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopicTopic CUST 2 And this inn has the very bed the great general slept in on his first night as Old Hroldan's liberator. As good as it was hundreds of years ago. proud FormID: 000C822A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 0 Pfft. I'm the oldest woman in Dawnstar. Was here when the Skald the Elder was Skald the Younger. FormID: 000C822A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 1 He's a fool, if you haven't met him already. Thinks Ulfric Stormcloak is invincible and spits dragon fire. FormID: 000C822A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 2 The people here look to Brina Merilis when they need things settled. Real firebrand going up. Wasn't surprised when she joined the Legion. FormID: 00090DF1 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 0 Seems Brina Merilis and the Legion came and now she's Jarl. That's a relief. I don't like the fighting, but Brina is the woman for the job. FormID: 000C8229 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 0 Aye. I've worked on a few moorings here and there for it. Most of the ship captains are superstitious about who works on their vessels, though. FormID: 000C8229 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 1 And Dawnstar is known for its bad luck. We're the last port of call before Windhelm, and the ore we trade makes rich targets for pirates. FormID: 000C8613 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 0 Not much. I came here a few years ago from Hammerfell when I married. FormID: 000C8613 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 1 The land is beautiful, but I can't stand this cold. I don't know how Rustleif manages it. FormID: 000C8202 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCO CUST 0 My parents were traveling merchants eventually settling in Cyrodiil. I must have inherited their wanderlust... reminiscing with a fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8202 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCO CUST 1 I joined the Legion to see the world. I know, that's one of those things people say, but it's completely true in my case. reminiscing with a fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8202 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCO CUST 2 Wasn't long before I saw more of the world than I bargained for. (turning to dark memories) reminiscing with a fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8205 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup1 CUST 0 Home? Home to me is a hot cup of ale at the end of the day and five minutes without someone needing something from me... reminiscing with fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8205 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup1 CUST 1 Cyrodiil is a beautiful place, full of diverse peoples and histories. But so too, Hammerfell and Skyrim, and every other place I've been. thinking fondly of home Walk Away FormID: 000C8205 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup1 CUST 2 Don't get me wrong, every country has its dark corners. But that's why we're here. To bring order and civilization, and to protect the people. (waxing patriotic) reminiscing with a fellow solider Walk Away FormID: 000C8204 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2 CUST 0 The life of a soldier is full of hardship. That's nothing. brushing it off Walk Away FormID: 000C8204 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2 CUST 1 But they send the Legion to places that've gotten too bad to be settled without violence. What's hard is seeing good people warped by evil. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8204 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2 CUST 2 And I've seen the face of evil. It was in the air above Sentinel on the Night of Green Fire. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8203 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCODone CUST 0 For the glory of the Empire. a patriotic summation of his reasons for being here. FormID: 000C8206 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowUp1B CUST 0 Ulfric and his thugs are stirring up trouble for their own agenda. The Empire is the only thing keeping the Dominion from walking all over Skyrim. Walk Away FormID: 000C8206 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowUp1B CUST 1 It matters little if some of the people here are ignorant to that truth. They are still citizens of the Empire. It's our solemn duty to protect them. with certitude Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 0 Back in 42 I was stationed in Hammerfell, on leave in Sentinel, trying to track down some refugee relatives who had fled persecution in Alinor. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 1 Suddenly an explosion of magic in the refugee quarter. Thalmor mages were attacking the Altmer dissidents who were resisting with magic of their own. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 2 I ran to the scene with other Legionaries who where stationed there, but the entire quarter was a smoking ruin by the time we arrived. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 3 Everyone was dead. Wholesale slaughter. The Dominion, not content with killing dissidents at home, came to Hammerfell to finish the job. (smoldering anger) reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 4 We're supposedly at peace now. But I put in to be stationed here to keep an eye on the Thalmor. I've a feeling they're behind this unrest in Skyrim. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C81DA MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveDragonA1 CUST 0 Well, I don't know. Not yet... it flew over the town and landed on the old dragon mound! FormID: 000C81D9 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveDragonA2 CUST 0 It flew over the town and landed on the old dragon burial mound. FormID: 000C81D8 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveDragonB1 CUST 0 I don't know what it's doing up there, but I'm not waiting around to find out! FormID: 000C7FC4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1 DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1Topic CUST 0 My pa used to say there ain't no use worryin' about the things you can't change. FormID: 000C7FC4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1 DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1Topic CUST 1 If it's my fate to be ended by a dragon, so be it. Meantime, I'll live my life the way I want to. FormID: 000C7FC3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopic DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopicTopic CUST 0 Been about eight years now. I used to be a mercenary, but one trip to Ravenscar Hollow cured me of that. FormID: 000C7FC3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopic DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopicTopic CUST 1 There's hagravens in that cave with talons like daggers. They'll open your bowels quick as a wink if you let 'em get close. FormID: 000C7FC3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopic DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopicTopic CUST 2 Creature like that'll make a man think long and hard about what he wants out of life. FormID: 000C7F6C DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 Hmm... Your creature doesn't appear to be fairing any better than before. Methinks your aim is off. FormID: 000C7F6B DA15Loathing SCEN 0 You seem to be having a small problem... or perhaps it's a big problem? Maybe if you shrunk the whole thing down a little first? FormID: 000C7F6A DA15Terror SCEN 0 Still can't wake him up? Perhaps you're barking up the wrong tree? FormID: 000C7F37 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Hello, Silana. Would you like an apple? FormID: 000C7F36 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Free of charge for you. FormID: 000C7F49 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 That's generous, Jala, but I am happy to pay my way. FormID: 000C7F47 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1 SCEN 0 I'll need a whole crate of fruit. That Varnius Junius went through quite a few of our supplies. FormID: 000C7F45 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1 SCEN 0 The guy in from Dragon Bridge? He didn't seem the type. FormID: 000C7F43 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1 SCEN 0 You never can tell. FormID: 000C7F3C DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 There's nothing quite like a good vegetable. FormID: 000C7F3B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Vegetables are the food of the Divines. FormID: 000C7F40 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 I've heard stanger things, are eaten over at the Temple of the Divines. FormID: 000C7F3E DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I keep coming out here thinking I'll see what others see in this... frivolity. FormID: 000C7F39 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Your a hard woman to please Una. FormID: 000C7F38 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'm pleased when the palace is clean, I'm pleased when the beds are made on time, I'm pleased when I Erdi isn't around. FormID: 000C7F41 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Most of those don't happen very often. FormID: 000C7F4A DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaJornScene1 SCEN 0 I like you Una. You've got presence. FormID: 000C7F48 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaJornScene1 SCEN 0 You like everyone Jorn. You'll make a good court bard some day. FormID: 000C7F46 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaJornScene1 SCEN 0 I don't think that was a compliment. FormID: 000C7F44 DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJornScene1 SCEN 0 Sometimes I like to think my cooking is like playing the flute or singing a song. FormID: 000C7F42 DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJornScene1 SCEN 0 I've tasted your food, Odar. It's better than most songs I've heard. FormID: 000C7F3F DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJawananScene1 SCEN 0 How do you put up with that fop Fihada? FormID: 000C7F3D DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJawananScene1 SCEN 0 I once saw Fihada put an arrow in between the eyes of a Blackblood Marauder at five hundred paces. FormID: 000C7F3A DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJawananScene1 SCEN 0 You don't put up with a man like that. He puts up with you. FormID: 000C7D36 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01Topic CUST 0 Thanks. Papa talks about it some. Mum doesn't say much since Uncle Roggvir died. She doesn't even go to Temple anymore. FormID: 000C7D36 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01Topic CUST 1 I wish she would. At least that way she'd have people to talk to. FormID: 000C7D35 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari02Accept SolitudeFreeform03Svari02AcceptTopic CUST 0 You would do that? That's great. You should go do it right now. FormID: 000C7D34 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari03Refuse SolitudeFreeform03Svari03RefuseTopic CUST 0 Yeah, that's what papa says too. FormID: 000C7D33 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet01 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet01Topic CUST 0 She did, did she? She's going to get a sit down later. FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 0 Well. I wish it were that simple. FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 1 Maybe it is. Look, I want to go back but I won't feel right in there without a tie to Talos. FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 2 My brother Roggvir wore a symbol of Talos. He kept it hidden on his person. If I had that... FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 3 I can't go near his body. Would you get it back for me? FormID: 000C7D3F SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03Topic CUST 0 Why did you... nevermind, it's a sign. I'll return to temple. Here's something for your help. FormID: 000C7D40 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03Topic CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 000C7D37 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Greta01 SolitudeFreeform03Greta01Topic CUST 0 Thanks so much. I'll return to temple. Here's something for your time and effort. FormID: 000C7B67 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1 DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1Topic CUST 0 As anyone will tell you, Morthal can be a dangerous place. FormID: 000C7B67 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1 DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1Topic CUST 1 My... talents... are useful here. I help maintain order, even if it goes unnoticed. FormID: 000C7B66 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionTopic2 DialogueMorthalFalionTopic2Topic CUST 0 The marsh is treacherous. You would do well to not wander at night. FormID: 000C7B68 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1Topic CUST 0 Slow? No. It just ain't there at all. FormID: 000C7B68 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1Topic CUST 1 Few enough reasons to pass through Morthal before the war started. FormID: 000C7B68 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1Topic CUST 2 Now... Well, let's just say the front door doesn't get much use. FormID: 000C7B64 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2Topic CUST 0 Lurbuk? FormID: 000C7B64 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2Topic CUST 1 Fancies himself a bard. He pays, so I let him stay. FormID: 000C7B64 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2Topic CUST 2 If I had any customers, I'd be worried about him annoying them. But, well... Look around. FormID: 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 0 No, no. Well, sometimes, but that's not the problem. FormID: 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 1 I just often don't have much to do, so I tend to... I try things out. They don't usually work, but I try. FormID: 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 2 Next thing I know, I've used up most of my stock. FormID: 000C7B02 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Lock the city gate. FormID: 000C7AC7 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Positions. FormID: 000C7CBF DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 Your fruit are looking a little less ripe today. FormID: 000C7CC8 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 Your selection looks very delicious. I'll take an apple. FormID: 000C7BAD DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 It's those damned Blackblood Marauders. They're scaring off shipping. FormID: 000C7BAF DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 One apple. Since the Blackbloods were dispatched I've had good luck getting shipments. FormID: 000C7B78 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I could listen to him play all day. FormID: 000C7B79 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I could listen to her play all day. FormID: 000C7B04 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 He's okay. A little breathy and a little harsh on the notes. FormID: 000C7B19 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 She's okay. A little breathy and a little harsh on the notes. FormID: 000C7AF2 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Speaking of harsh. FormID: 000C7AC5 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 You Bards don't cut each other any slack do you? FormID: 000C7ABE DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Not in our nature. FormID: 000C7BBB DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene2 SCEN 0 Do you miss your days training at the College? FormID: 000C7B9C DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene2 SCEN 0 Absolutely not. I prefer to be near enough to come visit but free to come and go as I please. FormID: 000C7B7D DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 Well, you can understand Elisif not wanting it. FormID: 000C7B89 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 I'm so glad we got to have it. I thought for sure Elisif would never consent. FormID: 000C7B00 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 It's too bad the Burning of King Olaf was called off this year. I think some of the younger bards would really have gotten a kick out of it. FormID: 000C7B01 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 I think our flutist here has gotten better since the Burning of King Olaf. FormID: 000C7AC8 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 It is a shame though. FormID: 000C7AC0 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I think I may wait until the Burning of King Olaf to have and Spiced Wine. FormID: 000C7CC9 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 You and everyone else. Word is it may not happen this year though. FormID: 000C7BB2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeLisette01 DialogueSolitudeLisette01Topic CUST 0 Oh, no. But being surrounded by good music, good drink and good friends is all I've ever asked for. FormID: 000C7B9B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeLisett02 DialogueSolitudeLisett02Topic CUST 0 Generally, if you want rumors, you should talk to Corpulus. That said... I did see a visitor pass through on his way to the Blue Palace. FormID: 000C7B7B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Um, excuse me. Could I buy two leeks. FormID: 000C7B75 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Fine, Ataf. You should eat some more tomatoes, though. FormID: 000C7B3E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1 SCEN 0 My mother always used to say that too. FormID: 000C7AF9 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Perhaps you could spare a tomato for a priest of the Divines? FormID: 000C7AF8 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Perhaps if I were a little more blessed I could afford to give away my fruit. As is you'll have to pay, Rorlund. FormID: 000C7AC6 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiJalaScene1 SCEN 0 How about I trade you a song for some fruit? FormID: 000C7ABF DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiJalaScene1 SCEN 0 You don't need my fruit, I've heard when you sing people throw tomatoes at you anyway. FormID: 000C7CB9 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01Topic CUST 0 You're really going to the Blue Palace? That presents an opportunity. FormID: 000C7CB9 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01Topic CUST 1 If you were willing to wear one of Radiant Raiment's outfits and speak to the Jarl I would not only pay you but let you keep the outfit. FormID: 000C7BA4 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie02Accept SolitudeFreeform02Taarie02AcceptTopic CUST 0 Good. Here's the outfit. Try to get Elisif's opinion on it and if she likes it mention it's from Radiant Raiment. FormID: 000C7B99 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie03Refuse SolitudeFreeform02Taarie03RefuseTopic CUST 0 Look silly! As if you could look any sillier than you do now. FormID: 000C7B76 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif01 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif01Topic CUST 0 It's quite fetching actually. The craftsmanship is excellent. FormID: 000C7B5E SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif02 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif02Topic CUST 0 Oh really? Well you can tell them that I will be putting in a request for a few dresses quite soon. FormID: 000D6CCB WIGreeting SCEN 0 If you are here to purchase, I have many spells available. Do come in. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCC WIGreeting SCEN 0 Welcome. There are many things here that cannot be found elsewhere. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCD WIGreeting SCEN 0 Good to have a customer! You need food or drink, you say the word. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCE WIGreeting SCEN 0 Always good to see folk come back for more. You need a drink, you just let me know. shouting, merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCF WIGreeting SCEN 0 It's down the stairs, dear. Just come right in. shouting, merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000C7918 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Oh, do come in! I hope I have what you need. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000CB267 WIGreeting SCEN 0 The Mortar and Pestle makes potions, if you can't tell from the name. Just step up to the counter. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 00065C4D WIGreeting SCEN 0 I'm kind of busy, but if you need any potions or ingredients, let me know. FormID: 00065C4E WIGreeting SCEN 0 I'll be over here if you need any potions or ingredients. FormID: 00065C4F WIGreeting SCEN 0 Hello there, can I pour you a Black-Briar Mead? FormID: 00065C50 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Ah good, back for some more Black-Briar mead, eh? FormID: 00065C51 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Welcome to the Pawned Prawn. Come on in, take a look around. FormID: 00065C52 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Welcome back to the Prawn. Let me know if you need anything. FormID: 0005536B WIGreeting SCEN 0 Let me know if you see anything you like. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000C7B05 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Take a good look around. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. If not, let me know, I might have it stored away. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000C7B06 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Got something for just about everybody in here. Give a holler if you have any questions. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000CB264 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Good to see you. Come on in. greeting a friend who just stepped through the door. FormID: 000C7B08 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. greeting a friend who just stepped through the door. FormID: 000C7B09 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Hello friend. Make yourself at home. greeting a friend who just stepped through the door. FormID: 000C7917 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Can I help you? suspicious of an uninvited guest FormID: 000C7B0A WIGreeting SCEN 0 You lost? suspicious of an uninvited guest FormID: 000C7B0B WIGreeting SCEN 0 I trust you're not planning any trouble. What can I do for you, friend? suspicious of an uninvited guest FormID: 000C7B03 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02ReturnTaarie01 SolitudeFreeform02ReturnTaarie01Topic CUST 0 That's wonderful. You've done us a great service. As promised the outfit is yours and here's something for your trouble. FormID: 000C72DC WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06HelloTopic CUST 0 Hail, friend! It's good to see another merry soul enjoying this fine day. FormID: 000C72D9 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06A CUST 0 Ah, but you look tired. Come, share a bottle of Honningbrew Mead with me! Walk Away FormID: 000C72D6 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06B CUST 0 You've never had a taste of sweet Honningbrew? Why, it's only the finest mead outside of Sovngarde! FormID: 000C72E6 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06C CUST 0 Its sweetness is like a fair maiden's kiss on a starry night. And it's got enough kick to put a frost troll on his hind quarters! Ha! FormID: 000C72E4 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06D CUST 0 But enough talk. Come! Won't you share a drink with me and my companions? Walk Away FormID: 000C72E1 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06E CUST 0 Ha, nothing like fine spirits to help raise your... well, your spirits! FormID: 000C72DB WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06F CUST 0 Cheers, my friend! May your adventures find you fame and fortune! FormID: 000C72D8 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06G CUST 0 Black Briar? How dare you shove that swill in my face. I'd rather drink mammoth drool! angry and offended FormID: 000C72E3 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06H CUST 0 Black Briar Mead? What are you trying to do? Poison me? FormID: 000C72E0 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06I CUST 0 Ysmir's beard! You're one after my own heart. I would love another bottle. FormID: 000C72DE WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06J CUST 0 This good deed should not go unrewarded. Here, take this! FormID: 000C72DA WERJ06 SCEN 0 Ah, is there any way you'd rather spend the day than drinking Honningbrew Mead? FormID: 000C72D7 WERJ06 SCEN 0 Drink Honningbrew Mead with a wench on each arm? Ha ha! FormID: 000C72D5 WERJ06 SCEN 0 I'd rather have two bottles of mead then two wenches, friend. FormID: 000C72E5 WERJ06 SCEN 0 Why's that? FormID: 000C72E2 WERJ06 SCEN 0 The meads won't argue your ear off about which one should go first! FormID: 000C72DF WERJ06 SCEN 0 Ha! Too true, my friend. Too true... FormID: 000C72DD WERJ06 WERJ06Goodbyes HELO 0 I don't talk to people who drink that Black Briar drench. FormID: 000C7232 MS04 MS04HelpGreet MS04HelpGreetTopic2 CUST 0 The memories. I cannot stand them. You must take them away, return them to Avanchnzel. You are haunted by the memories of friends you have lost recently. FormID: 000C7232 MS04 MS04HelpGreet MS04HelpGreetTopic2 CUST 1 You must take the Lexicon from me. Please... take it now. You are pleading fervently. FormID: 000C7034 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 No, you don't want to go up there! A dragon... it's attacking! Walk Away FormID: 000C8956 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm not going out there. Not with that dragon on the loose. FormID: 000C8957 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wouldn't go out there for all the money in the world. FormID: 000C8958 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you think it's gone yet? FormID: 000C8EA2 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't you know there's a dragon attacking? FormID: 000C8959 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 We've got to find someplace to hide! FormID: 000C7033 MQ106 SCEN 0 Wait. Something's wrong. FormID: 000C7032 MQ106 SCEN 0 Come on. Hurry. We might be too late. FormID: 000C7007 T01 SCEN 0 Dibella, guide us. FormID: 000C7006 T01 SCEN 0 Lead us to your Sybil. FormID: 000C6E20 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 My lord Jarl, if we do not take steps soon, our coffers will be empty. FormID: 000C6E1D DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 Raise the taxes, then! Put anyone that refuses to pay in the stocks and make an example of them. FormID: 000C6E1C DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 As you command, my lord. But, the issue could be solved another way. FormID: 000C6E1C DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 1 If we spend less on new arms and armor for the guards, for example... FormID: 000C6E18 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 We're at war, old fool, or have you forgotten? FormID: 000C6E18 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 1 Whiterun is the crown jewel of Skyrim, and you would leave us defenseless? FormID: 000C6E24 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'll be glad to help you. There are many ways to improve your home, provided you have the coin. FormID: 000C6E24 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 1 And of course, don't forget to consult your Home Decorating Guide for descriptions of the decorations you can buy. FormID: 000C6E24 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 2 Now, what would you like to purchase? FormID: 000C6E25 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 You've already purchased every available improvement. I'm afraid I have nothing else to offer you. FormID: 000C6E26 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Splendid! There's a house available right now. FormID: 000C6E27 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 The house I mentioned earlier is still available, if you want to buy it. FormID: 000C6E28 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Wonderful! Here is the key to your new home. FormID: 000C6E29 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Very well, just let me know when you're ready to purchase the house. FormID: 000C6E2A HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Very well, just let me know when you have the necessary funds. FormID: 000C6E2B HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Is there anything else you'd like to purchase? FormID: 000C6E2C HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 As you wish. Speak to me again if you decide to purchase some decorations for your home. FormID: 000C6E2D HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm sorry, but you don't seem to have enough gold to pay for that. FormID: 000C6E2E HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Very well, I'll make the arrangements. The next time you visit your house, your new furnishings will be in place. FormID: 000C6CE8 MS04 SCEN 0 Waiting for what? FormID: 000C6CE7 MS04 SCEN 0 No one seems to know. Perhaps the return of the Dwemer. Perhaps the end of the world. FormID: 000C6C38 mg06 SCEN 0 Here it is. Magnificent, isn't it? FormID: 000C6C3A mg06 SCEN 0 Took an incredible amount of work to get it running again. Now I'm hoping it'll all be worth it. FormID: 000C6C39 mg06 SCEN 0 Place the crystal in the central apparatus, and we can start the process for focusing it. FormID: 000C65A7 MQ102A IDAT 0 When he shows up here and vouches for you, then I'll see what I can do for you. he's pretty sure you're lying FormID: 000D33B3 MQ102A IDAT 0 Closest town from here is Riverwood. My uncle's the blacksmith there. I'm sure he'd help you out. FormID: 000D39B1 MQ102A IDAT 0 It's probably best if we split up. Good luck. I wouldn't have made it without your help today. FormID: 000D33B4 MQ102A IDAT 0 Listen, you should go to Solitude and join up with the Imperial Legion. We could really use someone like you. earnestly FormID: 000D33B4 MQ102A IDAT 1 And if the rebels have themselves a dragon, General Tullius is the only one who can stop them. FormID: 000C65A3 MQ106 SCEN 0 We need to talk. FormID: 000C65A2 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA0 CUST 0 I think you're looking for this. with a faint smile at the player's surprise - casually tossing on to the table a priceless artifact FormID: 000C65A0 MQ106 SCEN 0 That's better. Let's get on the road to Kynesgrove. FormID: 000C659F MQ106 SCEN 0 Kynesgrove is this way. We can travel together or split up and meet there, your choice. FormID: 000BFBBF dunHunterQST dunHunterHellos HELO 0 Someday I'm going to kill a dragon all by myself. You really hate dragons. FormID: 000BFBBD dunHunterQST dunHunterHellos HELO 0 I'm eleven years old, and I could take you. You're teasing a grown-up FormID: 000C64F2 MQ206 SCEN 0 Aav uv dir. Join me or perish with your mortal friends. aav uv dir = [QUOTE]join (me) or die[QUOTE] FormID: 000C64F1 MQ206 SCEN 0 Ruth wah nivahriin joor! Ruth wah nivahriin joor = [QUOTE]rage/curses to (you) cowardly mortal[QUOTE] FormID: 000C64ED MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend! It is the only chance to defeat him! FormID: 000C64EE MQ206 SCEN 0 He is too strong on the wing! Bring him to gol with Dragonrend! FormID: 000C64EF MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000C64F0 MQ206 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin, vosaraan! Use Dragonrend before Alduin consumes you! vosaraan = do not wait FormID: 000C64F3 MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend! It is the only chance to defeat him! FormID: 000C64F4 MQ206 SCEN 0 He is too strong on the wing! Bring him to gol with Dragonrend! FormID: 000C64F5 MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000C64F6 MQ206 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin, vosaraan! Use Dragonrend before Alduin consumes you! vosaraan = do not delay FormID: 000C64F7 MQ206 SCEN 0 Now, Dovahkiin! Now he is vulnerable! FormID: 000C64F8 MQ206 SCEN 0 This is your chance, Dovahkiin! Strike with all your force! FormID: 000C64F9 MQ206 SCEN 0 Hurt him while he is grounded! FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 0 You have it. The Kel - the Elder Scroll. Tiid kreh... qalos. Time shudders at its touch. FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 1 There is no question. You are doom-driven. Kogaan Akatosh. The very bones of the earth are at your disposal. somewhat awed - respectful of the player's accomplishmentKogaan Akatosh = [QUOTE]blessed of Akatosh[QUOTE] FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 2 Go then. Fulfill your destiny. Take the Scroll to the Time-Wound. FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 3 Do not delay. Alduin will be coming. He cannot miss the signs. FormID: 000CAF66 MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do not delay. Alduin must feel the tremors in Time by the Scroll's presence here. He will know what it means. FormID: 000C6447 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here, this is fresh. I'll have another meal ready tomorrow. FormID: 000CD57D RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here. Wouldn't want you going into a fight on an empty stomach. I'll have another meal ready tomorrow. FormID: 000CD57E RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 A warrior marches on the gut. Here. This should give you strength. I'll cook another tomorrow. FormID: 000CD581 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here. This is from a recipe my people have passed on to me. I can cook another tomorrow. FormID: 000CD587 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here you are. I added a little mead into the recipe. I think it tastes better. Let me know what you think tomorrow, I'll make another one. FormID: 000CD58B RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 I should be asking you the same question, but all right. I'll cook. Here, try this, and don't you dare ask for another one before tomorrow. FormID: 000CD58C RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 I can. Here. This is fresh. I'll have another one made tomorrow. FormID: 000C5FF6 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 C'mon, let's get something to eat. FormID: 000C5FF5 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 *Sigh*... and that's the last one. All right, enough of this. Tired, finishing work for the day FormID: 000C5C1A mg06 MG06ParatusStaffBranch MG06ParatusStaffBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you? Suspicious FormID: 000C5C1A mg06 MG06ParatusStaffBranch MG06ParatusStaffBranchTopic CUST 1 Well. I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I need the crystal to do anything useful, and I don't have it. FormID: 000D8701 C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorIntro CUST 0 Skjor was looking for you, earlier. FormID: 000C593E T01 T01InnkeeperDegainePointerBranch T01InnkeeperDegainePointerBranchTopic RUMO 0 Degaine the beggar got himself kicked out the Temple of Dibella. Caused quite the ruckus. FormID: 000C5876 MS07 SCEN 0 I'm not interested, Jaree. It doesn't matter how many times you ask. FormID: 000C5875 MS07 SCEN 0 You might want to rethink that. You're missing out on some wonderful opportunities, working in that bar. FormID: 000C5844 TG03 TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranch TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranchTopic CUST 0 Some layabout named Sabjorn. FormID: 000C5844 TG03 TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranch TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranchTopic CUST 1 Been a thorn in my side for the last few years now. FormID: 000C57F1 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Oh? Where? FormID: 000CD5A3 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Where are you thinking? FormID: 000CD5A5 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Where? FormID: 000CD5A7 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 You want to move? Where? FormID: 000CD5A8 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 I was just getting settled in. Where are we going? FormID: 000CD5A9 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Oh really? And where were you thinking? FormID: 000CD5AA RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 And where would that be? FormID: 000C57F7 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll get everything ready and meet you there. FormID: 000CCBDA RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll meet you there. FormID: 000CCBDB RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll see you there, then. FormID: 000CCCD8 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 Very well. I'll meet you there. FormID: 000CCCDF RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 All right. I'll see you there. FormID: 000CCD3E RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 If that's what you want. I'll see you there, soon. FormID: 000CCD3F RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll see you there. FormID: 000C57F8 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 Our new home. I'll see you there! FormID: 000CCD40 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 Then I'll see you at home! FormID: 000CD58D RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 A home for the two of us. I'll meet you there. FormID: 000CD590 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 It will be our little nest. I'll be waiting for you there. FormID: 000CD591 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 The two of us, living together. I'll see you at home! FormID: 000CD593 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll see you at home, then. Don't keep me waiting! FormID: 000CD594 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll be waiting for you at home, then. FormID: 000C57FB RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Goodbye, my love. FormID: 000CCD4E RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Bye, love. FormID: 000CCD4F RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Conquer your enemies, my love. FormID: 000CCD50 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 I'll be here if you need me, love. FormID: 000CCD51 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 You're going? I'll miss you, dear. FormID: 000CCD52 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Leaving? Take the world by storm, dearest. FormID: 000CCD53 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 I'll be here, my dear. FormID: 000C5222 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremonyTopic CUST 0 We spoke the traditional words of greeting to a Dragonborn who has accepted our guidance. FormID: 000C5222 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremonyTopic CUST 1 The same words were used to greet the young Talos, when he came to High Hrothgar, before he became the Emperor Tiber Septim. FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 0 Ah. I sometimes forget you are not versed in the dragon tongue as we are. This is a rough translation: FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 1 [QUOTE]Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 2 [QUOTE]By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of Old.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 3 [QUOTE]You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North, hearken to it.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 0 He was a great war leader of the ancient Nords, a master of the Voice, or Tongue. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 1 After the disaster at Red Mountain, where the Nord army was annihilated, he spent many years pondering the meaning of that terrible defeat. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 2 He finally came to realize that the gods had punished the Nords for their arrogant and blasphemous misuse of the Voice. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 3 He was the first to understand that the Voice should be used solely for the glory and worship of the gods, not the glory of men. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 4 Jurgen Windcaller's mastery of the Voice eventually overcame all opposition, and the Way of the Voice was born. FormID: 000C521F MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA1 CUST 0 The Dragonborn is an exception to all the rules - the Dragon Blood itself is a gift of the gods. FormID: 000C521F MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA1 CUST 1 If we accept one gift, how can we deny the other? As Dragonborn, you have received the ability to Shout directly from Akatosh. FormID: 000C521F MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA1 CUST 2 We therefore seek to guide you on the proper use of your gift, which transcends the restrictions which bind other mortals. FormID: 000C521D MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA2 CUST 0 That is commendable. But remember, the Dragon Blood is itself a gift of Akatosh. Do not try to deny that gift. FormID: 000C521D MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA2 CUST 1 Your destiny requires you to use your Voice - why else would Akatosh have bestowed this power upon you? FormID: 000C521D MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA2 CUST 2 If you remember to use your Voice in service to the purpose of Akatosh, you will remain true to the Way. FormID: 000C521C MQ00 MQArngeirDragons MQArngeirDragonsA1 CUST 0 Good. Then you will be ready for whatever lies ahead. FormID: 000C5219 MQ00 MQArngeirDragons MQArngeirDragonsA2 CUST 0 There is indeed much that we know that you do not. That does not mean that you are ready to understand it. FormID: 000C5219 MQ00 MQArngeirDragons MQArngeirDragonsA2 CUST 1 Do not let your easy mastery of the Voice tempt you into the arrogance of power that has been the downfall of many Dragonborn before you. sharply FormID: 000C513F MG04 SCEN 0 Ayleid, Dwemer, Daedric... Not even Falmer. None of them are a match. Quite curious indeed. FormID: 000C513E MG04 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, were you about to say something? FormID: 000C513D MG04 SCEN 0 We will see about this... angry, suspicious FormID: 000C4DFF MS05 MS05WeddingDelayBlockingBranch MS05WeeddingDelayBlockingHello CUST 0 Hey! It's the bard-to-be. FormID: 000C4DFB DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHert DialogueHalfMoonMillHertTopic CUST 0 We have guests as often as we can but there aren't a lot of travellers these days. The war keeps people off the roads. FormID: 000C4DFC DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHern DialogueHalfMoonMillHernTopic CUST 0 We supply Falkreath to the south. Until recently we supplied Helgen. FormID: 000C4DFC DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHern DialogueHalfMoonMillHernTopic CUST 1 Falkreath trades with the surrounding holds and without our wood they would have trouble keeping their prices low. FormID: 000C4DFE DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHert2 DialogueHalfMoonMillHern2Topic CUST 0 Other people just make things complex. Out here, Hern and I can get everything we need from the occasional traveler. FormID: 000C4CC9 CreatureDialogueGiant HIT_ 0 FormID: 000C4B15 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 I can't thank you enough for what you did. FormID: 000C4B16 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 The East Empire Company is in your debt. FormID: 000C4B17 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 Glad Orthus was able to find someone competent to help out. FormID: 000C4B18 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 You handled yourself pretty well back at Japhet's Folly. We'll remember that. FormID: 000C483C TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic02a CUST 0 I'm going to make you sorry for this! bring it on! FormID: 000C483E TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Come on, give it your best shot! bring it on! FormID: 000C483F TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02Topic01a CUST 0 How could you possibly know about... utter shock FormID: 000C483F TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02Topic01a CUST 1 Please. My family means too much to me. Don't hurt them. sudden worry and sadness FormID: 000C44A2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch03a CUST 0 Wealth is my business. Help me out and I can add to yours. Would you like a taste? dangling the bait Walk Away FormID: 000C4424 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPowerTopic CUST 0 While I feel Ulfric's cause is just, my concern is for the people of The Rift. FormID: 000C4424 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPowerTopic CUST 1 How can they continue to lead their already meager lives with dark clouds looming overhead? FormID: 000C4424 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPowerTopic CUST 2 My heart goes out to them. If only our coffers were deeper, I could protect them as they were my own family. FormID: 000C444C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 0 With the Stormcloaks at his back, Ulfric's poised to rid Skyrim of the Empire's forces and invalidate our involvement with the White-Gold Concordat. FormID: 000C444C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 1 Between you and I, I think his motivations are a bit more self-serving. He uses this holy war as leverage in order to pursue the throne. FormID: 000C444C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 2 If he were to be crowned High King, I'm not so certain it would be the golden age his followers expect. FormID: 000C444D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 0 With the Stormcloaks at his back, Ulfric's poised to rid Skyrim of the Empire's forces and invalidate our involvement with the White-Gold Concordat. FormID: 000C444D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 1 Many have died taking up arms for this cause. I fear that the land will be stained with blood for years to come. FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 0 Surely you're aware of the Great War between the Imperials and the Elves who called themselves the Aldmeri Dominion? FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 1 When the smoke cleared, the White-Gold Concordat was signed... it was supposedly a treaty aimed at establishing peace within the Empire. FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 2 One of the terms of the treaty was the outlawing of worship to Talos. FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 3 To the Stormcloaks, this was viewed as the moment when the Empire became unworthy of the allegiance of any true Nord. FormID: 000C4423 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 0 Indeed. There have been multiple attempts on the Jarl's life. We're not certain if it's the Dark Brotherhood or simply Imperial sympathizers. FormID: 000C4423 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 1 We've also had run-ins with spies attempting to probe our security for weaknesses. I work with the city guard to make certain they fail. FormID: 000C4423 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 2 At the end of the day, I'm the last line of defense for the Jarl. I will not allow her to fall. FormID: 000BD772 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 0 As long as she continues to keep me at her side, she can count on my blade to protect her. FormID: 000BD772 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 1 To be honest, I doubt someone would be stupid enough to make an attempt on Maven... sorry, Jarl Maven's life. FormID: 000BD772 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 2 But just in case, I'll be ready for them. FormID: 000C4421 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiBranchTopic CUST 0 Not well I'm afraid. That Brynjolf... he keeps draining the people's pockets with his ridiculous miracle cures. FormID: 000C4421 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiBranchTopic CUST 1 A few months ago it was troll fat salve and now he's got something new. FormID: 000C4421 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiBranchTopic CUST 2 Not that there's anything that can be done about it. He's in good with the Thieves Guild. FormID: 000C4435 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranchTopic CUST 0 He's the protector of Man, the Dragon of the North, the patron of all Nords. FormID: 000C4435 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranchTopic CUST 1 And despite the Imperials and their treaty, he will always be one of the Nine Divines. FormID: 000C4435 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranchTopic CUST 2 A devout Nord would rather fall in battle and have his blood spill upon the earth than allow the Empire to strike his name from the divinity. FormID: 000C4422 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar wants me to keep the mead flowing and that's what I aim to do despite all these lazy good-for-nothings that work for us. FormID: 000C4422 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynBranchTopic CUST 1 Ever since I took over as the foreman the production of our mead has never been more profitable. FormID: 000C4422 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynBranchTopic CUST 2 And if the meadery is profitable, I get rich. Get the picture? FormID: 000C442A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranchTopic CUST 0 Lady Maven could buy or sell anyone in Skyrim. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the one pulling the strings around this city. FormID: 000C442A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranchTopic CUST 1 She's always welcome in Mistveil Keep and between you and me, I'm pretty sure she even has some pretty influential friends within the Empire. FormID: 000C442A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranchTopic CUST 2 I'd also warn you not to cross her. She employs quite a few... troubleshooters to take care of messy problems. FormID: 000C4434 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliBranch DialogueRiftenBolliBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I suppose someone has to be around here. Have you seen the condition of this sorry excuse for a city? FormID: 000C4434 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliBranch DialogueRiftenBolliBranchTopic CUST 1 Beggars roam the streets, crime runs rampant and the threat of war is driving away business. FormID: 000C4434 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliBranch DialogueRiftenBolliBranchTopic CUST 2 The paltry amount of coin that I place in the charity box at the temple is the least I can do to help. FormID: 000C4433 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course! I'd be more than happy to add a donation to our charity box. FormID: 000C4433 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic CUST 1 Right now, the best you could provide is coin. We need all the help we can get. FormID: 000C444B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you! I can promise you that this will be put to good use. FormID: 000C4437 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic02 CUST 0 As you wish. Whatever you can afford will certainly be put to good use. FormID: 000C4429 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBalimundBranch DialogueRiftenBalimundBranchTopic CUST 0 People say I'm making gold off of other people's misery, but what else would I do? Smithing is all I know. FormID: 000C4429 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBalimundBranch DialogueRiftenBalimundBranchTopic CUST 1 Next time one of my shields deflects a killing blow, they'll change their tune. FormID: 000C442B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranch DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranchTopic CUST 0 Been stuck with the name for years. FormID: 000C442B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranch DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranchTopic CUST 1 I've been ridin' horses since I was a lad... nothin' I liked more. But as I got bigger, so did my mounts. FormID: 000C442B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranch DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranchTopic CUST 2 Then one day, I was drunker than I've ever been and mounted a poor colt. Broke his back in two. Haven't ridden since. FormID: 000C4426 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimBranchTopic CUST 0 The moisture in the air is better for the ingredients. It isn't every day that you get your hands on fresh nirnroot or painted troll fat. FormID: 000C4426 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimBranchTopic CUST 1 It also makes it easier to gather water when the canal is right out the front door. FormID: 000C4426 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimBranchTopic CUST 2 Besides, I also prefer the quiet. I didn't open this business for browsing. Come in, buy what you need and get out. FormID: 000C4425 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been adventuring across Tamriel since I was a fresh-faced young woman barely able to swing a blade. FormID: 000C4425 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic CUST 1 My travels have taken me from High Rock to Valenwood, Elsweyr to Morrowind and all points in between. FormID: 000C443C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I haven't seen so much celebrating in years. Mercer's dead, we have a new Guild Master and things are finally looking up. FormID: 000C443C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Business is booming, coin is flowing and everyone seems content as things keep going our way. FormID: 000C443C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 A new chapter in the Thieves Guild is being written this day and we all owe it to you. Many thanks. FormID: 000C443D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I haven't seen so much celebrating in years. Mercer's dead, we have a new Guild Master and things are finally looking up. FormID: 000C443D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I only hope we can restore the Guild to its former glory after all the damage that's been done. FormID: 000C443E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 So, word has it you and Brynjolf know where Mercer's hiding. Good. FormID: 000C443E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Make sure you make him pay for what he did to Gallus... heck, for what he did to all of us. FormID: 000C443E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 We're all behind you, friend. Do your best. FormID: 000C443F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 The word is that Mercer Frey is a dead man. The Guild wants his blood. FormID: 000C443F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I can't say I blame them. Murder is not our way. Gallus was before my time, but I still can't believe it. FormID: 000C443F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 You need to teach him a lesson... show him the penalty for betrayal around here. FormID: 000C4440 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I like you, so I'll tell it to you straight. Brynjolf and the rest are in the Guild, and they're ready to cut you down. FormID: 000C4440 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I know you have a damn good reason for siding with Karliah, so I hope you can give it to them. FormID: 000C4441 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Everyone's been worried since you and Mercer haven't shown up in a while. Brynjolf even went out to find you. FormID: 000C4441 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Delvin and Vex have been running things for now. FormID: 000C4441 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope this all gets straightened out soon or I'm headed on the first caravan out of Riften. FormID: 000C4442 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Glad to hear Gulum-Ei got what he deserved. That lizard owes me big for a bad shipment of Shadowbanish Wine he tried to pass off on me. FormID: 000C4442 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Mercer's been storming around waiting for you to come back. I think he's finally figured out who's been messing with the Guild. FormID: 000C4442 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Never seen the guy so angry. Better help him out any way you can. FormID: 000C4443 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven was down here right before you got back and she was all smiles. Haven't seen her like that in a long time. FormID: 000C4443 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Whatever you did at Honningbrew, you're now on her good side. Best of all, if she's happy, Mercer's happy. FormID: 000C4443 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Keep it up and you'll go places. FormID: 000C4444 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, you did something Vex couldn't do at Goldenglow, so you're looking pretty damn good. FormID: 000C4444 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Word is that you found something while you were out there though... something that could be a problem for the Guild. FormID: 000C4444 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Just watch your back and do what Mercer says... he'll sort it out. FormID: 000C4445 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know about the others, but I sure am glad to see a fresh face down here. FormID: 000C4445 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 The Flagon used to be packed every night with the boys from the Guild but now look at it. FormID: 000C4445 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Last few years have been pretty bad. I've almost closed this place up. FormID: 000C4446 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know you so we've got nothing to talk about. How about you finish the job Brynjolf gave you, then we can talk. FormID: 000C4447 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure. How about you mind your own business about it, and I won't have to get Dirge to toss you into the cistern? FormID: 000C43E9 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigYouWannaGo CUST 0 It would be my pleasure. FormID: 000C43EB MS10 MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranch MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to go? FormID: 000C43E8 MS10 MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranch MS10AdelaisaCodeSix CUST 0 All aboard! FormID: 000C43EC MS10 MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranch MS10AdelaisaHoldUpForASec CUST 0 Let me know. We shouldn't stay here all day. My men want their mead. FormID: 000C43EA MS10 MS10AdelaisaPostBattle MS10AdelaisaIDidItYAY CUST 0 There you are. FormID: 000C43AB MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C43A9 MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C43A8 MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C43A7 MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43A6 MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43A5 MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43AF MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43AE MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C43AD MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C43AC MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C43AA MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C436B MQ105 SCEN 0 Dah... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Dah[QUOTE] FormID: 000C436A MQ105 SCEN 0 You have completed your training, Dragonborn. We would Speak to you. FormID: 000C4369 MQ105 SCEN 0 Stand between us, and prepare yourself. Few can withstand the unbridled Voice of the Greybeards. But you are ready. FormID: 000C4368 MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C435F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll do anything if it means saving my brother. You'll join us, won't you? FormID: 000C435F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranchTopic CUST 1 Thorald can't be left to those... monsters. FormID: 000C41FB DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 0 Well, you were deep in your cups when you got here. FormID: 000C41FB DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 1 You were ranting but most of it was slurred. You said something about Rorikstead. FormID: 00021258 DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 0 Oh, I'd love to help you figure it out, but I'm so busy cleaning up the mess you made of our temple... FormID: 00021258 DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 1 Now if you were to help tidy up and perhaps apologize afterwards... I might be able to help you. FormID: 000C4200 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 0 Well, we can always use contributions. FormID: 000C4200 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 1 You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred. You did say something about Rorikstead . Maybe you should take a look there. FormID: 000C4201 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 0 Oh you must be nobility of some sort. Running around partying and paying others to clean it up. FormID: 000C4201 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 1 I don't think so. Clean up your own mess. FormID: 000C4206 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffPersuade DA14AskAboutStaffPersuadeTopic CUST 0 I suppose that makes sense. You didn't mention a Sam and nothing you said about the staff made sense. FormID: 000C4206 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffPersuade DA14AskAboutStaffPersuadeTopic CUST 1 You left a note but it was mostly gibberish, the only bit I could make out was [QUOTE]after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4207 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffPersuade DA14AskAboutStaffPersuadeTopic CUST 0 You didn't seem to need either to sell Gleda to the Giant in the first place. I think you'll figure it out. FormID: 0002E148 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffTaskComplete DA14AskAboutStaffTaskCompleteTopic CUST 0 You said a whole lot of nonsense about selling Gleda to hire a priestess for some big event. FormID: 0002E148 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffTaskComplete DA14AskAboutStaffTaskCompleteTopic CUST 1 There was a bit of talk about some staff you had in safe keeping. Never said where, but you sure didn't have it with you! FormID: 000C4204 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffBribe DA14AskAboutStaffBribeTopic CUST 0 Fine, but I'll still be missing my Gleda. Doubt I'll ever have a prize winning goat again. FormID: 000C4204 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffBribe DA14AskAboutStaffBribeTopic CUST 1 Most of what you said was gibberish but you left a note. The only bit I could read was [QUOTE]after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4205 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffBribe DA14AskAboutStaffBribeTopic CUST 0 There's not enough money in the world to replace Gleda. FormID: 000C41FE DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidate DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Okay, okay. Most of what you said didn't make sense but you left a note. The only bit that I could read said [QUOTE]after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C41FE DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidate DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic CUST 1 That's all I know. FormID: 000C41FF DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidate DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Do what you have to do, I'm not giving up on Gleda. FormID: 000C4208 DA14 DA14YsoldaBribe DA14YsoldaBribeTopic CUST 0 Decided to go through with it then? I knew you couldn't have forgotten about your fiance. You spoke of her so glowingly. FormID: 000C4208 DA14 DA14YsoldaBribe DA14YsoldaBribeTopic CUST 1 I don't know much about Morvunskar but it sounded like a lovely place for the ceremony. Congratulations. FormID: 000C4209 DA14 DA14YsoldaBribe DA14YsoldaBribeTopic CUST 0 I think I would prefer my ring back. I put a lot of time into making it and you just gave is away as a joke. FormID: 000C4202 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 0 You must have had a wild night if you can't remember that. FormID: 000C4202 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 1 But I suppose everyone gets the jitters before their wedding. And I did say you could take a bit of time paying me back. FormID: 000C4202 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 2 You said the ceremony was going to be at Morvunskar. Don't forget you still owe me! FormID: 000C4203 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 0 I'm sure your bride-to-be will tell you when you where the ceremony will be. FormID: 000C4203 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 1 If she still wants to marry you when you tell her you can't afford the ring. FormID: 000C41FC DA14 DA14YsoldaIntimidate DA14YsoldaIntimidateTopic CUST 0 All right, all right. You're mean when you're sober. FormID: 000C41FC DA14 DA14YsoldaIntimidate DA14YsoldaIntimidateTopic CUST 1 You said you the ceremony was going to be in Morvunskar. You said your friend Sam was going to be your best man. FormID: 000C41FD DA14 DA14YsoldaIntimidate DA14YsoldaIntimidateTopic CUST 0 You think you can bully me. I grew up with five brothers. Go... FormID: 000C41D4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterun DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterunTopic CUST 0 Well, I know the Companions make their home here. Their mead hall, Jorrvaskr, is the oldest building in the city. FormID: 000C41D4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterun DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterunTopic CUST 1 Oh, and there's a nasty feud between two families called the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns. You'll want to be careful there. FormID: 000C41D4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterun DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterunTopic CUST 2 The rest you can find out by asking the townsfolk. I'd start with the barkeep at the Bannered Mare, or the castle steward. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 0 It's an old city, I can tell you that. The Palace of the Kings is ancient. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 1 It's not the friendliest place for outsiders. The Dark Elves were all forced to live in a slum called the Gray Quarter. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 2 The Argonians can't even live inside the walls. They're all stuck out on the docks. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 3 Still, Candlehearth Hall's got decent food and cheap bunks. You could do worse. FormID: 000C41DD DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitude DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitudeTopic CUST 0 Solitude's been the capital of Skyrim as long as I can remember. Most of the High Kings of Skyrim were Jarls of Solitude first. FormID: 000C41DD DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitude DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitudeTopic CUST 1 Ah, let's see, what else... The Bards College is here, and the main office of the East Empire Company. FormID: 000C41DD DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitude DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitudeTopic CUST 2 If you need it, you can get a room for a fair price at the Winking Skeever, just inside the main gate. FormID: 000C41DB DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiften DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiftenTopic CUST 0 You can get a room at the Bee and Barb, but mind your coin purse -- it's no secret the Thieves' Guild makes its home here. FormID: 000C41DB DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiften DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiftenTopic CUST 1 Oh, and if you meet Maven Black-Briar, stay on her good side. This is her city, and nobody else's. FormID: 000C41D9 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopic RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopicTopic CUST 0 Exploiting? What's that supposed to mean? Erik works the farm because he's a good lad! Indignant, angry FormID: 000C41D9 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopic RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopicTopic CUST 1 I'm not forcing him to stay here. I know that he wants a life of adventure, but I've told him before that I can't afford to buy him armor. Indignant, annoyed. FormID: 000C41D7 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1 DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1Topic CUST 0 None of 'em's older than nine, and the youngest is six. FormID: 000C41D7 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1 DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1Topic CUST 1 Now, the horse I got for sale is seven years old, but in fine health. She's got a lot of spirit, that one. FormID: 000C41D7 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1 DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1Topic CUST 2 We've taken to calling her Queen Alfsigr, or just Allie for short. I expect you can name her anything you like once she's yours. FormID: 000C41D6 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch11Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch11MralkiTopic CUST 0 Another time, or not at all. It's really none of your business, after all. FormID: 000C41D5 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestErikSlayer HirelingQuestErikSlayerTopic CUST 0 Father says I should pick a name that describes what I really am, but nobody's going to hire Erik Greenthumb or Erik Hoe-pusher. FormID: 000C41D5 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestErikSlayer HirelingQuestErikSlayerTopic CUST 1 No, I need a name that will put some fear in the hearts of my enemies. When I have some enemies, that is. FormID: 000C3EBC MG08 SCEN 0 No! You will not deny me this! FormID: 000C3EBE MG08 SCEN 0 No! The Eye is mine! FormID: 000C3EBD MG08 SCEN 0 You cannot take this away from me! FormID: 000C3D15 FavorOrcsIntro GBYE 0 Return with the gauntlets, or not at all. FormID: 000C3D14 FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroGuardBlocking FavorOrcsIntroGuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 You have returned with the gauntlets! Enter. Speak to our chief right away. FormID: 0005AE9F TG08A TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranch TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranchTopic CUST 0 Very true. In our line of work, it's quite rare we set out to return a stolen item to its rightful owner. small laugh... found player's response amusing FormID: 000C3CF3 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic3d CUST 0 If the Key isn't returned to its lock in the Twilight Sepulcher, things will never be the same for the Guild. FormID: 000C3CF3 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic3d CUST 1 As time passed, our luck would diminish to the point of non-existence. And whether you know it or not, our uncanny luck defines our trade. FormID: 000C3CF2 TG08A TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranch TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Before we depart, Brynjolf has some business to discuss. I suggest you listen to him. FormID: 000C3CF1 TG08A SCEN 0 Ah, Karliah. I was wondering when I'd hear from you again. Lose something did we? very smug, sarcastic FormID: 000C3CFC TG08A SCEN 0 You're already mine, Karliah. Your terms were struck long ago. What could you possibly offer me now? very sarcastic, degrading FormID: 000C3CFB TG08A SCEN 0 You surprise me, Karliah. This offer is definitely weighted in my favor. very mocking, sarcastic FormID: 000C3CFA TG08A SCEN 0 Very well. I name your initiates Nightingale and I restore your status to the same, Karliah. almost reluctant, disinterested FormID: 000C3CFA TG08A SCEN 1 And in the future, I'd suggest you refrain from disappointing me again. condescending, with anger FormID: 000C3CF9 TG08A SCEN 0 My appetite for Mercer's demise exceeds my craving for wealth, Your Grace. humbled - you are speaking to a goddess FormID: 000C3CF8 TG08A SCEN 0 Revenge? How interesting... sarcastic... and then pondering (weighing a silent decision) FormID: 000C3CF8 TG08A SCEN 1 Very well, the conditions are acceptable. You may proceed. FormID: 000C3CF4 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you wish to talk, I'll be here for a bit. FormID: 000C3CF5 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Proceed down the hall to the gate when you're ready. FormID: 000C3CF6 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 This way, please. FormID: 000C3CF7 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please hurry, we need to catch Mercer before he leaves Skyrim. FormID: 001092AE TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lad. FormID: 001092AF TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lass. FormID: 000C3CB4 MS04 SCEN 0 Best get rid of the ones we see. Just in case. FormID: 000C3CB3 MS04 SCEN 0 Wait! FormID: 000C3CB2 MS04 SCEN 0 A few hours sleep and we should be ready to continue through. FormID: 000C3CB1 MS04 SCEN 0 I can't do this. We shouldn't be here. I'm sorry. FormID: 000C3A30 TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT04Branch TGLarcenyLT04BranchTopic01 CUST 0 This should compensate you for your find. FormID: 000C3A2F TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT05Branch TGLarcenyLT05BranchTopic01 CUST 0 What a delightful find! This should cover it. FormID: 000C3A2A TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT06Branch TGLarcenyLT06BranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's worth quite a bit actually. Quite a catch! Here you go, this should make you smile. FormID: 000C3A27 TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT07Branch TGLarcenyLT07BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Must have come from Mercer's place. He'd admired the Gray Fox for some time. Sure, I'll buy it from you... here you are. FormID: 000C3A2E TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT08Branch TGLarcenyLT08BranchTopic01 CUST 0 By the Eight... you actually got your hands on it! This alone is worth more than some thieves earn in a lifetime. FormID: 000C3A2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I've moved all over Skyrim selling these bits of junk and I'm barely scraping by. FormID: 000C3A2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm not out to win friends and I could care less if you're happy about your purchase or not. I just need the coin. FormID: 000C3A2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranchTopic CUST 2 The sooner I get out of Skyrim the better. FormID: 000C3A29 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? The war is tearing the land apart, the dragons have returned seeking who knows what... Skyrim is going nowhere fast. FormID: 000C3A29 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranchTopic CUST 1 If I were you, I'd pack up and get out of here before you end up in one of those burial cairns. FormID: 000C3A31 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAnurielBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielBranchTopic CUST 0 There are those that believe the Jarl does nothing for this city... that it's corrupt and run by the Black-Briar family. FormID: 000C3A31 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAnurielBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielBranchTopic CUST 1 I can assure you that this is entirely false. We are fully in control of everything. FormID: 000C3A38 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar is the owner of the largest and most profitable business in all Skyrim, the Black-Briar Meadery. FormID: 000C3A38 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 We're pleased to have her in Riften. She brings stability, opportunities for employment and strategic value to our city. FormID: 00063E5E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar, the matriarch of the family, represents everything that's wrong with this city. FormID: 00063E5E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 She's bribed countless officials, has friends back in the Imperial City and freely associates with the Thieves Guild. FormID: 00063E5E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 2 I've tried everything I can to protect Riften's citizens from her family, but to no avail. FormID: 000C4439 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 The Black-Briars have been instrumental in keeping Riften on the map. FormID: 000C4439 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 Before the meadery was opened almost fifty years ago, this town was nothing... a simple waypoint for those journeying on to Morrowind. FormID: 000C4439 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 2 Now, thanks to my mother's generosity, this city is making its mark. FormID: 000C443A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 When speaking of the Black-Briars, only one thought should spring to mind. We are not to be trifled with. FormID: 000C443A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 Help us, you end up rich. Cross us and you'll end up a memory. Is that enough information for you? FormID: 000C443B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. My family. All that wealth and they squander it on foolish ventures and political schemes. FormID: 000C443B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 I was meant for so much more than all of this... I wish to pledge my life and ply my talents in darker circles. FormID: 000C443B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 2 If only my mother would let me, I would make her proud. FormID: 000C39FD MQ105 SCEN 0 Wuld... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Wuld[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4370 MQ105 SCEN 0 Nah... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Nah[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4371 MQ105 SCEN 0 Kest... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Kest[QUOTE] FormID: 000C39FC MQ105 SCEN 0 You must hear the Word within yourself before you can project it into a Thu'um. FormID: 000C39FB MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Wulfgar will demonstrate Whirlwind Sprint. Then it will be your turn. FormID: 000C3A08 MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Borri. nodding to tell him [QUOTE]when you're ready[QUOTE] FormID: 000C3A02 MQ105 SCEN 0 Now it is your turn. FormID: 000C3698 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 You've got no idea. Half the men in Whiterun have proposed to me. Some were even single. FormID: 000C3698 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 They'll never understand. No amount of flowers or honeyed words are going to change my mind. FormID: 000C3698 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Right now, all that matters is my daughter Mila. No man's going to get between me and my little girl. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 I can tell you're new around here, askin' a question like that. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 My husband Eorlund tends the Skyforge up at Jorrvaskr, the Companions mead hall. There's no finer smith in the nine holds. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 You should ask him about his work. It's the only subject that'll get him talking. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 Well, that and maybe those stuck-up, dung-sniffing Battle-Borns. FormID: 000A724D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Curse you for bringing up that bitter memory. FormID: 000A724D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Not long ago it was my husband Eorlund. There was no finer smith in the nine holds. FormID: 000A724D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Now he's dead and gone and the Skyforge of Jorrvaskr lies cold. FormID: 000C3695 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Try Hulda, the innkeeper at the Bannered Mare. It's just up the road, near the market. FormID: 000C3695 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 You should check in at Dragonsreach, too. There's so much going on these days, the Jarl or his Steward might have need of help. FormID: 000A724F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Try Olfina, the new innkeeper at the Bannered Mare. It's just up the road, near the market. FormID: 000A724F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 You should check in at Dragonsreach, too. There's so much going on these days, the Jarl or his Steward might have need of help. FormID: 000C3693 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Why, because I'm a proud citizen of the Empire? Because the Stormcloaks only want Nords in Skyrim? FormID: 000C3693 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 The Stormcloaks can rot in Oblivion for all I care. I've lived in this city for twenty years. Twenty! FormID: 000C3691 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 That'll be the Jarl, Balgruuf the Greater. He's an honorable enough man. Never done wrong by me or my kin. FormID: 000C3691 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Things are tough for him now, I'd wager. What with the fighting, and the dragons. But Balgruuf's a tough old Nord. He can handle it. FormID: 000C6E2F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Hrongar became the Jarl when his brother Balgruuf, who had the job before him, was murdered. FormID: 000C6E2F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Balgruuf was an even-tempered man, but his brother's a hot-blooded war-monger who wants to settle everything with a blade. FormID: 000C6E2F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 If you've got some business with Hrongar, mind you stay on his good side. The palace dungeon's filled with folk who roused his temper. FormID: 000C6E30 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Vignar the Revered is the Jarl in Whiterun. I guess he was a great hero once, because the Companions all call him [QUOTE]Vignar the Revered.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C6E30 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Is Vignar too old to be Jarl? It's a fair question. If he's grown infirm and is losing his wits, where does that leave the people of Whiterun? FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Interesting, to say the least. What with all that's been going on. FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 On the one hand, supplies are harder to come by, since fewer traders are traveling the roads these days. FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 But on the other, the scarcity of supplies has led to some, well, [QUOTE]elevated[QUOTE] prices. FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 All that matters is that I have what you need. And it's worth every septim. FormID: 000C368F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Isn't it obvious? Why, the wonderful weather and hospitable people, of course! Sarcastic FormID: 000C368F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Not to mention my great fondness for dragons and petty political power struggles. sarcastic FormID: 000C368F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 Ah, but without a doubt, the most compelling feature of this frozen wasteland is the volley of inane questions leveled at me on a regular basis. FormID: 000C369A DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Her name's Olda. If you've met her, then you probably already know what I'm talking about. FormID: 000C369A DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 I swear that woman is the most spiteful shrew in all Skyrim. I think there's a chunk of ice where her heart ought to be. FormID: 000C3699 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Hard to say. It's ancient, that much we know for sure. It was here long before the town itself. FormID: 000C3699 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 I just hope the bridge survives the war. It's the only place you can cross the Karth river for a long way in either direction. FormID: 000C3699 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 Could be if one side wants to keep the other from coming across, they might try to knock it down. FormID: 000C3696 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 I grew up an orphan on the streets of Markarth. I'd have died there, too, but for the kindness of an old warrior named Logrolf the Bent. FormID: 000C3696 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Logrolf rescued me and gave me enough money to get out of the city. I followed the Karth river north, and came here. FormID: 000C3696 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 When I met Michel, I knew this was where I belonged. I suppose that's it, really. FormID: 000C3694 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Both the Imperials and Stormcloaks have sent riders this way, scouting the bridge and the lands nearby. FormID: 000C3694 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 They stayed at the inn, but didn't pay. They said soldiers don't need to pay because they're risking their lives to protect us. FormID: 000C3694 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 And that's not all. They took a heap of our lumber, and one tried to have his way with my daughter. They think they can do whatever they want. FormID: 000C3692 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Of course. Every night I pray that we don't get a visit from a dragon, or that two armies don't show up to fight over the bridge. FormID: 000C3692 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 You ask if I'm worried? I'm terrified, if you want to truth of it. But I have to stay strong for my wife and children. FormID: 000C3524 dunForelhostQST HELO 0 What are you waiting for? Get in there and find that mask. FormID: 0006223A dunForelhostQST HELO 0 Any progress on finding the mask? FormID: 000C352B dunForelhostQST HELO 0 Don't bother me if you haven't found anything about the mask. FormID: 0006223D dunForelhostQST dunForelhostQSTMidJournalBranch dunForelhostQSTMidJournalBranchTopic CUST 0 And what? You couldn't read it yourself? Fine, give it here a moment. Sighs before the second sentence. FormID: 00062238 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostQSTMidMask dunForelhostQSTMidMaskTopic CUST 0 Well then, what are you waiting for? Get in there and earn your pay. FormID: 000C34A3 MS04 SCEN 0 Not to mention our pay. FormID: 000C34A7 MS04 SCEN 0 Besides, you're not scared of a few sleeping metal men. Are you, Drennen? FormID: 000C34A6 MS04 SCEN 0 Properly controlled, it has knowledge enough to turn paupers into kings. FormID: 000C34A5 MS04 SCEN 0 Sure. Sarcastic. FormID: 000C34A4 MS04 SCEN 0 Of course. FormID: 000C347C CW CWWhatsEmpireDoing CWWhatsEmpireDoingTopic CUST 0 The Legion's always been here. Without us to keep order, the provinces would fall into barbarism and lawlessness. Especially Skyrim. FormID: 000C347C CW CWWhatsEmpireDoing CWWhatsEmpireDoingTopic CUST 1 Take for example, Ulfric Stormcloak and his little [QUOTE]rebellion.[QUOTE] But rest assured, his days are numbered. bitter rivalry FormID: 000C3478 CW CWAboutYourself CWAboutYourselfTopic CUST 0 I'm originally from Cyrodiil, sent here at the request of the Emperor himself. I'm often ordered to places with problems that need fixing. FormID: 000C3478 CW CWAboutYourself CWAboutYourselfTopic CUST 1 Now, while I'm certain this is all terribly interesting to you, I have important matters to attend. annoyed, sarcastic FormID: 000C348C CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 Ulfric Stromcloak's head rolling away from his lifeless body. smoldering FormID: 000C348D CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now. thinking of the good old days FormID: 000C348D CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 1 Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. Either way, much blood will be spilt. FormID: 000C348E CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 First we'll kick the Thalmor and their bloody Imperial puppets out of the country. Then we'll rebuild Skyrim into the land she once was. with fervor FormID: 000C348E CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 1 When we are done with that, we will take our army to the Dominion, and show those pointy-eared bastards not every man is fit to be their slave. with hate FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 We're fighting because we're done bleeding for an Empire that won't bleed for us. pent up emotion FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 1 Untold numbers of Nords died defending the Empire against the Dominion. And for what? bitter anger FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 2 Skyrim being sold to the Thalmor so the Emperor could keep his throne! bitter anger FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 3 We're fighting because our own Jarls, once strong, wise men, have become fearful and blind to their people's suffering. pent up emotion FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 4 We're fighting because Skyrim needs heroes, and there's no one else but us. FormID: 000C3481 CW CWHighKing CWHighKingTopic CUST 0 I killed Torygg to prove our wretched condition. How is the High King supposed to be the defender of Skyrim, if he can't even defend himself? unapologetic FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 0 I challenged him in the traditional way, and he accepted. There were many witnesses. No [QUOTE]murder[QUOTE] was committed. stating facts FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 1 True, he didn't stand a chance against me. matter of fact FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 2 But that was precisely the point! He was a puppet-king of the Empire , not a High King of Skyrim. FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 3 His father before him perhaps, but not Torygg. FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 4 He was too privileged and too foolish, more interested in entertaining his queen than ruling his country. FormID: 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 0 There hasn't been a true High King in Skyrim for generations. FormID: 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 1 For too long he's been hand-picked by the Emperor, and given emphatic nods by milk-drinking Jarls addicted to Imperial coin. making a point, angry FormID: 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 2 It's time we had a real king. One of our own making. emphatic! FormID: 000C3477 CW CWHighKing CWHighKingElisif CUST 0 Indeed, Elisif has become Jarl of Solitude, historically and conveniently home of the High King, backed by Imperial interests. FormID: 000C3477 CW CWHighKing CWHighKingElisif CUST 1 But the Moot has not yet met to name her High Queen. And they won't. Not as long as I have any say in it. FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 0 My father, the great Bear of Eastmarch, died during my imprisonment after the Markarth Incident. remembering dark days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 1 I, his only son, forced to deliver his eulogy via a letter I had smuggled out of prison. Such is the love of Titus Mede for his subjects. remembering dark days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 2 When finally set free, I returned to Windhelm, and was greeted by a city in mourning, at one with my own grief and anger. remembering dark days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 3 Clamoring in angry voices, calling out for justice, for war, they sat me on the throne. remembering dark but exciting days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 4 The Throne of Ysgramor! The throne of my father... I only hope I can prove worthy of the honor. true humility FormID: 000C3473 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarEveryoneDoThis CUST 0 Only the ones I'm not sure about. This will prove your abilities, but more importantly, it will prove your commitment. Walk Away FormID: 000C3471 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetSentMeToDie CUST 0 Not at all. That was as much a test of your abilities as it was your resolve. taken a aback a little Walk Away FormID: 000C3471 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetSentMeToDie CUST 1 I wasn't sure your heart was in it. But you've proven me wrong. And I respect that. Walk Away FormID: 000C3471 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetSentMeToDie CUST 2 Now, if were done being sentimental, it's time for you to take the Oath. getting back to business Walk Away FormID: 000C3483 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00ATulliusGreetYes CUST 0 Good. dismissing a new recruit FormID: 000C3480 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00ATulliusGreetNotWhyImHere CUST 0 I see. Then there's nothing further to discuss. If you change your mind, speak with the Legate. dismissing a civilian FormID: 000C347D CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetYessir CUST 0 Good. dismissing a new recruit FormID: 000C3479 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreet CUST 0 I'm sorry to hear that. If you change your mind, speak with Galmar. What does bring you to me? FormID: 000C3472 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeDangerous CUST 0 True, he's a dangerous and blood thirsty man, but he's also a Nord that honors our traditions. begrudging respect FormID: 000C3472 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeDangerous CUST 1 Keep your wits about you and you won't be harmed. giving council to someone on a dangerous mission FormID: 000C3472 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeDangerous CUST 2 And then get back here. Because if Ulfric isn't bluffing, I'll need every able body to defend Whiterun. FormID: 000C3490 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBeirandTopic CUST 0 Yep. I have just one question for you. as if expecting the visit FormID: 000C3490 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBeirandTopic CUST 1 Light, medium, or heavy? listing off choices for a patron FormID: 000C348A CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialClarify CUST 0 Light armor for scouting detail, heavy armor for full on combat, or something in between? clarifying his original question FormID: 000C3485 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialLight CUST 0 Alright... here you go. Should keep you light on your feet, and hold up decent enough if you wind up trading blows with the enemy. giving patron some leather armor for scouting missions Walk Away FormID: 000C3482 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialMedium CUST 0 Alright. This here's enough to keep your insides from spilling out, except from the fiercest of blows, and shouldn't weigh you down too much. giving patron some leather armor for scouting mission Walk Away FormID: 000C347F CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialHeavy CUST 0 They don't make finer steel anywhere else. If this doesn't keep you from dying, nothing will. giving patron some leather armor for scouting mission Walk Away FormID: 000C347B CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBye CUST 0 Now, that's it. One free outfit per soldier. You lose that, or get it banged up, you'll need to pay like everyone else. cautionary FormID: 000C33BB MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescriptionTopic CUST 0 He's sending you after King Olaf's Verse then? That's good, we shouldn't leave it lying around now that I've figured out where it is. FormID: 000C33BB MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescriptionTopic CUST 1 The Verse was Svaknir's contribution to the Poetic Edda, the living history of Skyrim. Each bard adds to the Edda in his or her time. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 0 And a very ancient one. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 1 The verse criticized the reigning King Olaf. He was so incensed the bard was put to death and all the copies burned. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 2 At least, that's what we thought until I translated some ancient texts a year or so ago. We now believe King Olaf buried the truth with the bard. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 3 If I'm right Svaknir and King Olaf's Verse lie in Dead Men's Respite, along with the burial chamber of King Olaf himself. FormID: 000C33B8 MS05 MS05ViarmoPoeticEddaDescription MS05ViarmoPoeticEddaDescriptionTopic CUST 0 I think Giraud here would give you the best explanation of both it and the history of King Olaf's Verse. You should speak to him about it. FormID: 000C2D4D MQ105 SCEN 0 Ro... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Ro[QUOTE] FormID: 000C2D02 DA13 DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranch DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 This one would try a shop. You might prefer the direct route, hm? FormID: 000C2D02 DA13 DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranch DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Deathbell grow in the frozen tundra. You might nip into a mine for the ruby and silver. Vampire Dust is tricky. Vampires, you know. FormID: 000C2D04 DA13 DA13NeedSPeakPeryiteAgain DA13NeedSPeakPeryiteAgainTopic CUST 0 The vapors are waning, but not yet gone. Take a breath. Peryite will speak if He sees fit. FormID: 000C2D01 DA13 DA13PeryiteReturnBlocker DA13PeryiteReturnBlockerTopic CUST 0 Well done, mortal. All things are in their order, and Orchendor roams the Pits. His betrayal will be punished, and your obedience is rewarded. [QUOTE]The Pits[QUOTE] proper name of a place FormID: 000C2D06 DA13 DA13WhatNow DA13WhatNowTopic CUST 0 Go, seek your fate. I will be watching, and perhaps we will meet again - afterwards. FormID: 000C2D03 DA13 DA13ReluctantChampion DA13ReluctantChampionTopic CUST 0 And yet you have done my bidding. Why, I wonder? FormID: 000C2D07 DA13 DA13PeryiteGoodByeBranch DA13PeryiteGoodByeBranchTopic CUST 0 Embrace order and hard truth, mortal. Good bye. FormID: 000C2D05 DA13 DA13AfflictedFateBranch DA13PeryiteAfflictedPostComment CUST 0 Did you leave any alive? The Afflicted are mere vessels for my Blessing. It will spread to others through their touch and my own. FormID: 000C2D05 DA13 DA13AfflictedFateBranch DA13PeryiteAfflictedPostComment CUST 1 Another Overseer will replace Orchendor, when the time comes. For now all is cleansed and ordered. FormID: 000C2957 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Go! Now! urgently - the player is doing nothing FormID: 000C2958 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get moving! urgently FormID: 00107A88 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Go! urgently FormID: 000C293F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Jump! Come on! urgently - player is hanging around FormID: 000C2949 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get going! urgently FormID: 000C294D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Through the inn! Now! urgently FormID: 000C2951 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 You still here? Go! urgently FormID: 000C2935 CreatureDialogueSkeleton POAT 0 FormID: 000C28E3 MQ105 SCEN 0 Now let us see how quickly you can master your new Thu'um. FormID: 000C28C7 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB2 CUST 0 Yes. I think I am. You can Shout now. That can only mean one thing. You must be Dragonborn. awed FormID: 000C28C8 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB2 CUST 0 There's one way to find out. Try to Shout... FormID: 000C28C8 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB2 CUST 1 According to the old legends, only the Dragonborn can Shout without training, the way the dragons do. FormID: 000C28CA MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB1 CUST 0 Well, you can Shout now. You couldn't before, right? That can only mean one thing. You must be Dragonborn. awed FormID: 000C28CB MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB1 CUST 0 There's one way to find out. Try to Shout... that would prove it. awed FormID: 000C28CB MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB1 CUST 1 According to the old legends, only the Dragonborn can Shout without training, the way the dragons do. FormID: 000C27F0 CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Intimidate CUST 0 Now, now! That won't be necessary. cowed after being intimidated FormID: 000C27EE CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Nevermind CUST 0 Hmph. FormID: 000C2796 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirLetsGo CUST 0 I'll be right behind you! FormID: 000C278B MG08 SCEN 0 Spells have no effect! horrified FormID: 000C277E MG08 SCEN 0 I am beyond your pathetic attempts at magic. You cannot touch me. laughing maniacally, mocking FormID: 000C277C MG08 SCEN 0 The staff! Use it on the Eye! FormID: 000C277B MG08 SCEN 0 Enough! shouting, supremely angry FormID: 000C2779 MG08 SCEN 0 Still you persist? Very well. FormID: 000C275F CreatureDialogueSkeleton ATCK 0 FormID: 000C2760 CreatureDialogueSkeleton ATCK 0 FormID: 000C273B MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's go on ahead. See if the way is clear. FormID: 000C2740 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll keep watch in case Ulfric comes through here. Talos guide the both of you. FormID: 000C273F MQ101 SCEN 0 All right, let's see if we can find a way out. FormID: 000C273E MQ101 SCEN 0 I better stay back and see to the old man. Good luck you two. FormID: 000C25B3 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 You will pay for stealing from me you eyeless freak! FormID: 000C25B2 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 I will take you down too. I am not splitting this horde with anyone. This is not an empty threat, you are already moving to attack. FormID: 000C24C4 C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverBackOff CUST 0 We should keep moving. Still the draugr to worry about. FormID: 000C24C5 C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverBackOff CUST 0 Now let's move. I think that was the last of the Silver Hand, but still plenty of draugr for the both of us. FormID: 000C24C6 C01 SCEN 0 This looks like the guardian chamber. The key to that door has to be around here somewhere. FormID: 000C24C7 C01 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Every door has a key,[QUOTE] says Vilkas. Sometimes he is wrong, but look around anyway. FormID: 000C24C8 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchPreamble CUST 0 Good that you're so eager. FormID: 000C24C9 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchPreamble CUST 0 Good that you're so eager. FormID: 000C2468 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Adrianne. At her forge, just outside. FormID: 000C2468 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Place is named after her. [QUOTE]Warmaiden's.[QUOTE] It's a childhood nickname, given by her father. What I hear, she was playing with swords even back then. FormID: 000C2468 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Anyway, our wares are strong and the prices fair. What else matters? FormID: 000A724C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Since Adrianne's death, I've had to buy them from the Khajiit caravans. FormID: 000A724C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Tried making some myself, but I'm no good with the forge and anvil. Sheepish FormID: 000A724C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Anyway, our wares are strong and the prices fair. What else matters? FormID: 000C2467 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Of a sort. I don't have formal training in the Restoration school, but... something just as good. FormID: 000C2467 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Within these walls, I have all that I need to brew a potion for nearly any ailment. FormID: 000C2467 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 If I had a Septim for every case of Rockjoint or Witbane I've cured since I opened this shop, I'd be a rich woman indeed. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Yes, I hear that question often. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 My brother Anoriath and I came up with it one night after consuming... rather too much mead. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 After our drinks, we went out for a moonlight hunt. We got separated, and in his drunken state my brother mistook me for a deer. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 He shot an arrow that pierced my... well, my rump. After such a memorable adventure, we knew we had the name for our shop. FormID: 000C2469 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Oh, yes. Hunting is my great passion. FormID: 000C2469 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 That's why my brother and I opened a shop to sell hunting supplies. It's the Drunken Huntsman, down by the main gate. FormID: 000C2469 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 He tends the store, and I've got this stall. FormID: 000C2462 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornA1 CUST 0 In the very oldest tales, back from when there still were dragons in Skyrim, the Dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power. FormID: 000C2462 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornA1 CUST 1 That's what you did, isn't it? Absorbed that dragon's power? FormID: 000E67D3 CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Bribe CUST 0 Well, if you insist... accepting a bribe FormID: 000C27ED CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Bribe CUST 0 Seems your purse is lighter than you thought. needs to be read in such a way that could be [QUOTE]shady[QUOTE] or [QUOTE]sincere[QUOTE] FormID: 000C1F70 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They live below the streets in the Ratway like dirty animals. And trust me, they're no better than the vermin that slink out of there for scraps. FormID: 000C1F70 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 They make it difficult for decent people to earn a living. Of course, not many decent people live here in the first place. FormID: 000C442C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 I'd hardly call them a Guild. More like unorganized rabble. FormID: 000C442C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 In fact, I wouldn't say they were a threat at all. No, our resources should be spent on preparations for invasion. FormID: 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 We're all eager to see them brought to justice. Maven Black-Briar has assured me that they're being dealt with appropriately. FormID: 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 As one of our city's most influential citizens, she's has taken it upon herself to oversee their incarceration. FormID: 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 2 Sadly, they're proving elusive but I have confidence that Maven won't give up until this city has been rid of them all. FormID: 000C442E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 Liars and bastards. Every one of them. I'd have their heads on a pike if it wasn't for the war effort. FormID: 000C442E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 All I need is a dozen men and we could march into the Ratway and burn them out like rodents. FormID: 000C442E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 2 Stormcloaks won't have it though. Too busy keeping the Imperial forces at bay. FormID: 000C442F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They're vermin... garbage. They're exactly what makes this city such a horrible place to live. FormID: 000C442F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 How appropriate they should live in the Ratway with the rest of the trash. FormID: 000C99EC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They'd stop at nothing to take your last bit of food if that's all you had. FormID: 000C99EC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 The Ratway's too good of a place for that scum. FormID: 000C99ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They used to be pretty feared around here. I mean, you'd whisper the name and it'd send chills down your spine. FormID: 000C99ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 Now, they're nothing more than ruffians and thugs trying to pry a few extra coin from honest people. FormID: 000C99ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 2 All it would take is a small force of guard to go into the Ratway and flush them out. FormID: 000C1F75 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 It's Riften's name for the sewers beneath our feet. Absolutely disgusting! FormID: 000C1F75 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 If you fancy keeping your purse filled with gold and your head on your shoulders, I'd stay out of those awful tunnels. FormID: 000C4448 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 Disgusting. Ruined sewers filled with goodness knows what. FormID: 000C4448 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 There's an entrance down by the canal, but I'd highly advise you stay out of there... its the Thieves Guild's territory. FormID: 000C444A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 Everyone knows the Thieves Guild uses the old sewer system beneath Riften as their hideout. FormID: 000C444A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 I'd go down there myself, but that would leave Jarl Laila unprotected. FormID: 000C44A4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 There are ruined sewer tunnels beneath the city. The only way I know how to get in there is through a door off of the canal. FormID: 000C44A4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 If I were you, I'd keep my feet dry and stay up here. FormID: 000C99EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 It's our name for the old sewers that run under the city. FormID: 000C99EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 It used to be a huge system hundreds of years ago but it fell into decay just like the rest of Riften. FormID: 000C99EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 2 The Guild stocks the place full of thugs that aren't good enough to join, so watch yourself if you venture down there. FormID: 000C1F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranch DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 0 I may be dark elf by birth, but I was raised Argonian. FormID: 000C1F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranch DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 1 Through reasons I'm still trying to discover, I ended up orphaned then taken in by a kindly Argonian family in Black Marsh. FormID: 000C1F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranch DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope one day to find out what happened to me... how I ended up like that. FormID: 000C1E4C MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTrade MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTradeTopic CUST 0 It doesn't matter. It's also none of your concern. FormID: 000C1E4C MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTrade MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTradeTopic CUST 1 Just talk to him; see if you can convince him to give my amulet back. FormID: 000C1E48 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportant MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportantTopic CUST 0 I told you, it's from my family. FormID: 000C1E48 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportant MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportantTopic CUST 1 I don't... I know they always disapproved of what I wanted in life, to learn magic instead becoming a farmer, or a hunter. FormID: 000C1E48 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportant MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportantTopic CUST 2 But no matter how poorly they may have treated me, they're still my family. I didn't consider that until after I'd made the trade. FormID: 000C1E65 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInit MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInitTopic CUST 0 Oh my. How precious. FormID: 000C1E65 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInit MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInitTopic CUST 1 Onmund is too afraid to deal with me himself, and so he's sent you. FormID: 000C1E65 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInit MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInitTopic CUST 2 I'll make this very simple for you. All my trades are final. Onmund knew this ahead of time, and went through with it anyway. FormID: 000C1E65 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInit MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInitTopic CUST 3 So there's nothing more to be said. FormID: 000C1E66 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInit MGRAppOnmund01Stage10EnthirInitTopic CUST 0 I've already made it very clear that all of my trades are final. FormID: 000C1E58 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Persuade MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10PersuadeTopic CUST 0 Oh, I suppose. But you keep this to yourself; I don't want it being known that I go back on my trades. Understand? FormID: 000C1E59 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Persuade MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10PersuadeTopic CUST 0 Yes, you see, the thing is... I'm not concerned with [QUOTE]everyone's best interest.[QUOTE] I find I'm only concerned with my own. FormID: 000C1E54 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Bribe MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10BribeTopic CUST 0 No, no. You're not understanding this. FormID: 000C1E54 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Bribe MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10BribeTopic CUST 1 Onmund made a deal. He made that choice, and now he has to live with it. FormID: 000C1E4F MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10TaskInit MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10TaskInitTopic CUST 0 Look how persistent you are. It's charming, really. bemused FormID: 000C1E4F MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10TaskInit MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10TaskInitTopic CUST 1 Onmund gave up the first time I said no. But not you... FormID: 000C1E4F MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10TaskInit MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10TaskInitTopic CUST 2 All right. I'll tell you a little story. FormID: 000C1E4E MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10StoryTopic CUST 0 Let's pretend for a moment that a certain individual was looking to acquire a particular staff. FormID: 000C1E4E MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10StoryTopic CUST 1 Let's also pretend that he traded some valuable items for said staff. FormID: 000C1E4E MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10StoryTopic CUST 2 And it was only later that it was realized that this individual might... misuse such a staff. FormID: 000C1E4E MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10StoryTopic CUST 3 The resulting disaster would reflect quite poorly on everyone involved. Are you following me? FormID: 000E0C39 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10StoryTopic CUST 0 Yes, I thought we'd gotten past that bit already. FormID: 000E0C39 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10StoryTopic CUST 1 Onmund's amulet in exchange for my staff. FormID: 000C1E4D MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStoryPoint CUST 0 You're not very good at this, are you. mildly annoyed FormID: 000C1E4D MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStoryPoint CUST 1 Look, I traded a staff to someone and found out later that was a bad idea. So, I'd like the staff back. Understand now? FormID: 000C1E49 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStoryGetIt CUST 0 Well, yes. I was completely unaware of the reputation of the other party in this trade. FormID: 000C1E49 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStoryGetIt CUST 1 I don't want that coming back to haunt me. FormID: 000C1E47 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStoryHypocrite CUST 0 It's an entirely different situation. I don't expect you to comprehend the nuances of these matters. annoyed FormID: 000C1E47 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStoryHypocrite CUST 1 Regardless, I'm making you a very simple offer. You get me the staff, and I give you Onmund's precious amulet. Do we have a deal? FormID: 000C1E44 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirDeal CUST 0 Finally, we have an agreement. FormID: 000C1E44 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage10Story MGRAppOnmund01EnthirDeal CUST 1 I look forward to having it back soon. The sooner, the better, in fact. FormID: 000C1E63 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage20OnIt MGRAppOnmund01Stage20OnItTopic CUST 0 Oh, good. I was really afraid I'd lose it forever. FormID: 000C1E57 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage30Branch MGRAppOnmund01EnthirStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Pleasure doing business with you. FormID: 000C1E55 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage40Branch MGRAppOnmund01Stage40BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! I didn't think he'd really give it back. FormID: 000C1E55 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage40Branch MGRAppOnmund01Stage40BranchTopic CUST 1 Thank you, friend. It's good to know I can count on you. FormID: 000C1E53 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirBranchTopic CUST 0 Actually, yes Arch-Mage. I believe there is. FormID: 000C1E5A MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Solitude. FormID: 000C1E5B MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've become aware of a problem in Winterhold. FormID: 000C1E5C MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Riften. FormID: 000C1E5D MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Whiterun. FormID: 000C1E5E MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Morthal. FormID: 000C1E5F MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Markarth. FormID: 000C1E60 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Windhelm. FormID: 000C1E61 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Dawnstar. FormID: 000C1E62 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30TolfdirExplanationHold CUST 0 We've been contacted by the Jarl of Falkreath. FormID: 000C1E50 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30ExplanationAnomaly CUST 0 It would seem there's some sort of disturbance. From what few details we were given, it sounds quite familiar. FormID: 000C1E50 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30ExplanationAnomaly CUST 1 I suspect that the power released by the Eye of Magnus was not fully contained, and has coalesced in this part of Skyrim. FormID: 000C1E50 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30ExplanationAnomaly CUST 2 I do hope you still have the Staff of Magnus someplace. I suspect you're going to need it. FormID: 000C1E51 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30ExplanationAnomaly CUST 0 There's another report of a disturbance in this Hold. Best if it's taken care of before things get out of hand. FormID: 000C1E52 MGR30 MGR30TolfdirBranch MGR30ExplanationAnomaly CUST 0 There's another report of a disturbance in that Hold. Best if it's taken care of before things get out of hand. FormID: 000DE439 MGR30 MGR30Stage20Branch MGR30Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Very good. I'm sure the Jarl will be quite pleased. FormID: 000DE439 MGR30 MGR30Stage20Branch MGR30Stage20BranchTopic CUST 1 Pleased enough to justify the significant amount of gold offered to the College to rectify the problem. amused FormID: 000DE43A MGR30 MGR30Stage20Branch MGR30Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Excellent news. Were it to have gotten out of hand, it could have become a major problem for the College. FormID: 000C1E4A MGR30 IDAT 0 Ah, excellent. Well, here's the gold the Jarl offered in exchange for taking care of the problem. FormID: 000C1E4B MGR30 IDAT 0 Ah, excellent. Well, it's good to know that won't be a problem any longer. FormID: 000C1E46 MG02 SCEN 0 Do you see that? FormID: 000C1E64 MG02 SCEN 0 Some kind of resonance... you and the wall. It must be connected to the amulet! FormID: 000C1E56 MG02 SCEN 0 I wonder... what effect might your spells have? FormID: 000C1E1B MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBlocking MQ204ArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 The Words wait. FormID: 000C1E1C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBlocking MQ204ArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 Use Clear Skies to open the way to Paarthurnax. FormID: 000C1E19 MQ204 HELO 0 Follow me. I will show you how to open the path to Paarthurnax. FormID: 000C1E1A MQ204 HELO 0 Paarthurnax is the only one who can answer your questions about Dragonrend. FormID: 000C1DFF DialogueRiftenSS02 DialogueRiftenSS02Hellos HELO 0 I don't have any business with you, so get out of my face. FormID: 000C1E00 DialogueRiftenSS02 DialogueRiftenSS02Hellos HELO 0 I can't talk right now. FormID: 000C1DFE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenShadrBranch DialogueRiftenShadrBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. Hofgrir took me in when I arrived in Riften about a year ago. He's been teaching me everything he knows. FormID: 000C1DFE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenShadrBranch DialogueRiftenShadrBranchTopic CUST 1 Horses are my whole life. Back in Hammerfell, I helped my family raise horses at our farm. FormID: 000C1DFE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenShadrBranch DialogueRiftenShadrBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope to open my own stables one day, but I think it's going to take a lot longer than I expected. FormID: 000C1DFD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrBranch FFRiften22ShadrBranchTopic CUST 0 I owe a great deal of money to someone and I think they cheated me. I don't know what to do. FormID: 000C1DFC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrBranch FFRiften22ShadrBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I was able to work out a deal with the stables in Whiterun to sell me some of their tack and harnesses. FormID: 000C1DFC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrBranch FFRiften22ShadrBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I borrowed some gold from Sapphire to pay for the shipment, but it got robbed before it even arrived. FormID: 000C1DFC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrBranch FFRiften22ShadrBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Now Sapphire wants her money back, and if I don't pay her, I think she's going to kill me. FormID: 000C1DFB FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrBranch FFRiften22ShadrBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You will?! Oh, thank you! FormID: 000C1E01 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrBranch FFRiften22ShadrBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Not half as sorry as I am. FormID: 000C1DDB MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60PsijicBranch MG02TolfdirStage60PsijicBranchTopic CUST 0 They were a group of mages with a history that pre-dates the Empire. Very powerful, very secretive. FormID: 000C1DDB MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60PsijicBranch MG02TolfdirStage60PsijicBranchTopic CUST 1 No one's seen them in well over a hundred years. They vanished, along with their sanctuary on the Isle of Artaeum. FormID: 000C1DDB MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60PsijicBranch MG02TolfdirStage60PsijicBranchTopic CUST 2 I have no idea what connection they'd have to this place. FormID: 000C1A37 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne01 DialogueSolitudeVivienne01Topic01Continue CUST 0 And my Aunt wouldn't have to worry about her daughter. FormID: 000C1AB8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalk01Topic01Continue CUST 0 But we must have the support of the other Jarls for that claim to have any meaning. FormID: 000C1AB8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalk01Topic01Continue CUST 1 Should they accept her rule, we will have peace. FormID: 000C1A44 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAhtar02 DialogueSolitudeAhtar02Topic02 CUST 0 Good man. FormID: 000DD60D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAhtar02 DialogueSolitudeAhtar02Topic02 CUST 0 Good lass. FormID: 000C1A41 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisli02 DialogueSolitudeGisli02Topi01Continue CUST 0 If you're looking for truth instead, see Noster. He's a good example of what life has to offer. FormID: 000C1A41 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisli02 DialogueSolitudeGisli02Topi01Continue CUST 1 And if you're just looking to feel good, go get some Spiced Wine from Evette. But whatever you do, just leave me alone. FormID: 000C1A42 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisli02 DialogueSolitudeGisli02Topi01Continue CUST 0 But you won't get any better than this from me. FormID: 000C1A3A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorex02 DialogueSolitudeSorex02Topic01Continue CUST 0 Well... okay. My father owns the Winking Skeever. But it's the family business, so it'll be mine when he kicks off. emphasize [QUOTE]father[QUOTE] FormID: 000C1A3B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorex02 DialogueSolitudeSorex02Topic01Continue CUST 0 My father owned it until he... passed on. FormID: 000C1A38 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranch DialogueSolitudeViarmo01Topic01Continue CUST 0 If you want something a bard can dig into look to the dragons. FormID: 000C1A38 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranch DialogueSolitudeViarmo01Topic01Continue CUST 1 A thousand years from now Skyrim will have changed rulers dozens of times but the return of the dragons, that story is once in an era. FormID: 000C1A19 WERJ09 WERJ09Attack ATCK 0 You will be my blood offering to Morvath! FormID: 000C1A12 WERJ07 SCEN 0 Help me! A vampire! FormID: 000C1A11 WERJ07 SCEN 0 Please, someone help me! FormID: 000C1A1A WERJ07 SCEN 0 Another victim fell for our ruse! FormID: 000C1A16 WERJ07 WERJ07MS14AttackYell ATCK 0 Morvath will taste your blood! FormID: 000C19EF WEJS09 WEJS09Main WEJS09MainTopic CUST 0 I thought I was a goner just now. Thanks for the help, and if you need any supplies I have a few to sell. FormID: 000C19EE dunBloodletThroneQST SCEN 0 And who is this? FormID: 000C19ED dunBloodletThroneQST SCEN 0 It is no matter, this fool will be the next act of the show. FormID: 000C199C DialogueRiftenSS02 SCEN 0 I'm really getting tired of your excuses. When you borrowed the money, you said you'd pay it back on time and for double the usual fee. FormID: 000C19A0 DialogueRiftenSS02 SCEN 0 I know I did. But how was I to know the shipment would get robbed? FormID: 000C199F DialogueRiftenSS02 SCEN 0 Next time, keep your plans quieter and nothing would have happened to it. smug FormID: 000C199E DialogueRiftenSS02 SCEN 0 What? Are you telling me you robbed it? Why? Why are you doing this to me? shocked FormID: 000C199D DialogueRiftenSS02 SCEN 0 Look, Shadr. Last warning. Pay up or else. All I care about is the gold. Everything else is your problem. FormID: 000C1921 DA13 DA13SpellbreakerBranch DA13SpellbreakerBranchTopic CUST 0 The pettiness of mortals. I had almost forgotten. FormID: 000C1921 DA13 DA13SpellbreakerBranch DA13SpellbreakerBranchTopic CUST 1 I can grant you a powerful token for this task. An escutcheon of Dwemer make, capable of shielding you from both the spell and sword. FormID: 000C1921 DA13 DA13SpellbreakerBranch DA13SpellbreakerBranchTopic CUST 2 Return when the elf lies dead and it will be yours. FormID: 000C1922 DA13 DA13BackgroundBranch DA13BackgroundBranchTopic CUST 0 An impertinent question. The elf must die. Either carry out my will or do not. You are not the only mortal agent I could choose. FormID: 000C191F DA13 DA13KeshOrchendorBranch DA13KeshOrchendorBranchTopic CUST 0 Orchendor? Kesh knew him. He's an Overseer. Shepherd. Gathers the Afflicted, contains the festering wound. start with a knowing [QUOTE]oh[QUOTE] as in [QUOTE]Aaah, THAT guy.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C191F DA13 DA13KeshOrchendorBranch DA13KeshOrchendorBranchTopic CUST 1 Orchendor and his Afflicted are meant to stand ready, awaiting Peryite's command to cover the world with his Blessing. FormID: 000C1920 DA13 DA13KeshBthardamzBranch DA13KeshBthardamzBranchTopic CUST 0 Not far, not far. This one looks upon it on clear days. Look to the west, at the foot of the mountain. The Dwarven ruins there. Bthardamz. FormID: 000C1923 DA13 DA13PeryiteDismissedBranch DA13PeryiteDismissedBranchTopic CUST 0 So you have, mortal. Go now. Kill Orchendor. FormID: 000C1792 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus1 SCEN 0 Proventus, you must help me. We need to convince my brother to do more for the war effort. Spoken in a low voice, almost a whisper. He is trying to talk about someone behind his back, and that person is in the same room. FormID: 000C1790 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus1 SCEN 0 What would you have me do, Hrongar? Your brother is the Jarl. You know I can't question his judgement. Spoken in a low voice, almost a whisper. He is trying to talk about someone behind his back, and that person is in the same room. FormID: 000C178E DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus1 SCEN 0 I'm not asking you to defy the Jarl, just to open his eyes. Spoken in a low voice, almost a whisper. He is talking about someone behind his back. FormID: 000C178E DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus1 SCEN 1 Use subtlety and suggestion to turn his thoughts to the war. You're his steward, he'll listen to you. Spoken in a low voice, almost a whisper. FormID: 000C178C DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus1 SCEN 0 Leave me out of your intrigues, Hrongar. If you have something to say to the Jarl, say it with you own tongue. Spoken in a low voice, almost a whisper. Also, the character is annoyed because the person he is speaking to is trying to manipulate him. FormID: 000C178A DialogueWhiterunDagnyFrothar1 SCEN 0 I'm so angry, I can hardly stand it! Whiny, petulant FormID: 000C178A DialogueWhiterunDagnyFrothar1 SCEN 1 Father promised me a new dress days ago, now where is it? FormID: 000C1789 DialogueWhiterunDagnyFrothar1 SCEN 0 It takes a while to make a dress, Dagny. You have to be patient. FormID: 000C1788 DialogueWhiterunDagnyFrothar1 SCEN 0 But I don't want to be patient! I want my dress right now! Father promised! Whiny, petulant FormID: 000C1794 DialogueWhiterunDagnyFrothar1 SCEN 0 All you ever do is complain about what you want. You're a spoiled baby. FormID: 000C1793 DialogueWhiterunDagnyFrothar1 SCEN 0 I'm going to tell father you said that. He'll tan your hide for sure! Whiny, petulant FormID: 000C178F DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 No, I openly welcome the presence of armed strangers who have no reason to care about any of us. Spiteful, bitter, sarcastic FormID: 000C178F DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Of course it bothers me! I'm sure it's only a matter of time until they seize our mill in the name of their war effort. FormID: 000C178F DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 Next thing you know, there'll be more guards, and then we'll lose our homes as well. This is just the start of it, mark my words. Spiteful, angry. FormID: 000C178D DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 My husband owns it, barely. He'll lose it soon enough. He's behind on his loan payments, but he drinks all his money away just the same. Angry, spiteful FormID: 000C178D DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeOldaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 Now we're deep in debt, penniless and about to lose our sole source of income. Angry, spiteful. FormID: 000C178B DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Damn right it has. Demand's never been so high, at least not since I built the new mill. FormID: 000C0F1B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirand02 DialogueSolitudeBeirand02Topic CUST 0 I think I would, if it weren't for my son. And my wife. FormID: 000C0F1B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirand02 DialogueSolitudeBeirand02Topic CUST 1 Oh, Sayma would have my hide if I even suggested I might step foot on a battlefield. FormID: 000C0F1B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirand02 DialogueSolitudeBeirand02Topic CUST 2 You think Stormcloaks and Legionnaires are dangerous? Ha! FormID: 000C0E16 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic CUST 0 It's almost all I have time for these days. FormID: 000C0E16 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic CUST 1 The men training here in Solitude and the troops out in the field, they all need weapons and armor. FormID: 000C1AAD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic CUST 0 These days? Aye. Most of what I make is for folk like you. FormID: 000C0E05 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic01Continue CUST 0 You should look into joining. They could use every hand they can get. FormID: 000C0E06 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic01Continue CUST 0 But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. FormID: 000C1ACF DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic01Continue CUST 0 There's still Imperial camps to be cleaned up, as you know. And that takes arms and armor. FormID: 000C0DFF DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAngeline02 DialogueSolitudeAngeline02Topic CUST 0 We mostly carry herbs and alchemical ingredients, that sort of thing. Before the war, our stock was mostly used for aromatic use in homes, yes. FormID: 000C0DFF DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAngeline02 DialogueSolitudeAngeline02Topic CUST 1 These days, we have more people like you coming in, looking for healing and the like. FormID: 000C0DFD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTaarie02 DialogueSolitudeTaarie02Topic CUST 0 It's not an insult, just an observation. FormID: 000C0DFD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTaarie02 DialogueSolitudeTaarie02Topic CUST 1 If I were walking around with a wound, I would want you to tell me to see a doctor. FormID: 000C0DFD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTaarie02 DialogueSolitudeTaarie02Topic CUST 2 Your outfit is something of an open wound... where attire is concerned. FormID: 000C0DFE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTaarie02 DialogueSolitudeTaarie02Topic CUST 0 Not many people care, these days. The world is the worse for it. FormID: 000C0FD3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSayma02 DialogueSolitudeSayma02Topic CUST 0 No. That was an ugly affair. High King Torygg's death has turned the whole town on its head. FormID: 000C0FD3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSayma02 DialogueSolitudeSayma02Topic CUST 1 And between you and me? He wasn't even that good a king. All of those rambling speeches about the Empire this, and the Empire that... FormID: 000C0F18 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarie02 DialogueSolitudeEndarie02Topic CUST 0 Only when you're around. The rest of these fools I could do without. FormID: 000C0F19 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarie02 DialogueSolitudeEndarie02Topic CUST 0 You'd think so, wouldn't you? I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Flat, matter of fact but genuine. FormID: 000C0F1A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarie02 DialogueSolitudeEndarie02Topic CUST 0 It is when my customers waste time chatting, and not buying. FormID: 000C0C16 MQ104 SCEN 0 I know it looks bad, but we've got to figure out what happened. And if that dragon is still skulking around somewhere. FormID: 000C0BBF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHarraldBranch DialogueRiftenHarraldBranchTopic CUST 0 Every day the threat of exile from Riften draws closer for myself and my family. FormID: 000C0BBF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHarraldBranch DialogueRiftenHarraldBranchTopic CUST 1 Who knows how many spies the Empire has sent into our midst already. We're at war. This isn't the time for hospitality. FormID: 000C0BBF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHarraldBranch DialogueRiftenHarraldBranchTopic CUST 2 Thank goodness mother is keeping a level head about everything. If my brother Saerlund had his way, we'd be flying Imperial colors by now. FormID: 000C0BC3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHarraldBrotherBranch DialogueRiftenHarraldBrotherBranchTopic CUST 0 Can you believe that fool had the audacity to speak of his love for the Empire in the plaza? FormID: 000C0BC3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHarraldBrotherBranch DialogueRiftenHarraldBrotherBranchTopic CUST 1 He expects us to drop our defenses and greet them with open arms... to dialogue with them rather than defend our homeland by spilling their blood. FormID: 000C0BC3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHarraldBrotherBranch DialogueRiftenHarraldBrotherBranchTopic CUST 2 He's a traitor, plain and simple. Had I been sitting on the throne, he'd be hanging from the gallows for his sympathies towards the Empire. FormID: 000C0BC1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranchTopic CUST 0 Because I did something not a soul in this bloodstained house of war has the backbone to do... dared to speak my mind. FormID: 000C0BC1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranchTopic CUST 1 I dared speak of the Empire and the lies that have been spread by Ulfric, the leader of the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000C0BC1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranchTopic CUST 2 Now my mother's stripped me of my heritage and incarcerated me here like a common criminal and my brother has all but disowned me. FormID: 000C0BC1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundBranchTopic CUST 3 Be wary what you say around here, friend. You'll find not all take kindly to [QUOTE]insurrection.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C0BC0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundUlfricBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundUlfricBranchTopic CUST 0 Ulfric only cares about one thing... Ulfric. He's ordained himself the future High King of Skyrim and steps on anyone that gets in his way. FormID: 000C0BC0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundUlfricBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundUlfricBranchTopic CUST 1 He's begun a rebellion against those that wish to eradicate the worship of Talos and uses it as his rallying cry. FormID: 000C0BC0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSaerlundUlfricBranch DialogueRiftenSaerlundUlfricBranchTopic CUST 2 His cause may be true, but the man is a lie... all he holds in his heart his lust for the throne. FormID: 000C085D MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Exactly as I said it would. pleased with yourself FormID: 000C085D MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30BranchTopic CUST 1 Now, are you ready to try again? I am confident it will work this time. FormID: 000C0849 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Response1 CUST 0 This will be worth it. FormID: 000C0848 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Response3 CUST 0 Good, good. It'll be worth it, I assure you. FormID: 000C0847 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranch MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? FormID: 000C0846 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Branch CUST 0 Well I really would like to make sure I've corrected what happened last time. FormID: 000C0846 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage30Branch CUST 1 Please give me a chance to try again. FormID: 000C0895 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranch MGRAppBrelyna01FinalResponse1 CUST 0 Agreed. FormID: 000C0895 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranch MGRAppBrelyna01FinalResponse1 CUST 1 And thank you for your help. You're a good friend. FormID: 000C0893 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranch MGRAppBrelyna01FinalResponse2 CUST 0 Oh, no it hasn't. Let's be honest. FormID: 000C0893 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranch MGRAppBrelyna01FinalResponse2 CUST 1 I have a long way to go before I'm ready for the kind of advanced magic I've been attempting. FormID: 000C0893 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01FinalBranch MGRAppBrelyna01FinalResponse2 CUST 2 But at least I know where to start now. Thank you, you've been a great help to me. FormID: 000C0892 MGRAppOnmund01 HELO 0 I need your help with something. Something private. FormID: 000C084A MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranch MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, but it needs to be kept quiet. FormID: 000C084A MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranch MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I may have entered into an... agreement with Enthir. He had something I needed, so I traded him something of mine. FormID: 000C084A MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranch MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 It was a mistake, and now I want back what I gave him. It's an amulet that belonged to my family, and I never should've given it to Enthir. FormID: 000C084A MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranch MGRAppOnmund01OnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 But he won't deal with me. Talk to him; see what it'll take to get my amulet back. FormID: 000C0834 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBardBlocking MQ201PartyBardBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope you're enjoying the music, sir. FormID: 000C0835 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBardBlocking MQ201PartyBardBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope you're enjoying the music, ma'am. FormID: 000C0836 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBardBlocking MQ201PartyBardBlockingTopic CUST 0 These parties are a great way to earn a little extra money. FormID: 000C0837 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBardBlocking MQ201PartyBardBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's good practice. Most people barely notice what I'm playing. FormID: 000C0838 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBardBlocking MQ201PartyBardBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope to get into the Bards College one day. FormID: 000C0814 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyDistractionPersuadeElisif CUST 0 I'm sorry, but I really can't. FormID: 000665D9 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyDistractionPersuadeVittoria CUST 0 Well. Anything to relieve the boredom. As long as it doesn't get back to me. FormID: 000C0423 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyDistractionPersuadeVittoria CUST 0 I don't think so. Sorry. I would love to help you, but Elenwen can be very vindictive. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. FormID: 000C080E MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyDistractionPersuadeIgmund CUST 0 Sorry, but you'll have to find someone else to help you with your prank. FormID: 000C080A MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyDistractionPersuadeSiddgeir CUST 0 Mmm, sorry. I really can't risk it. I'm sure you can find someone else with a little less dignity. FormID: 000C07ED C02 C02QuestgiverKickoffBranch C02QuestgiverWaitWhat CUST 0 Come, follow me. FormID: 000C07EC C02 C02QuestgiverKickoffBranch C02QuestgiverYeahSo CUST 0 Watch that tongue, new blood. FormID: 000C07AC dunNorthwatchKeepQST dunNorthwatchKeepQSTGuardHello HELO 0 Halt! FormID: 000C07AD dunNorthwatchKeepQST dunNorthwatchKeepQSTGuardHello HELO 0 You have no business here, so keep walking. FormID: 000C1A47 dunNorthwatchKeepQST dunNorthwatchKeepQSTGuardHello HELO 0 What are you looking at? FormID: 000C1A48 dunNorthwatchKeepQST dunNorthwatchKeepQSTGuardHello HELO 0 Leave me alone. FormID: 000C1A49 dunNorthwatchKeepQST dunNorthwatchKeepQSTGuardHello HELO 0 I've got to get out of here! FormID: 000C06DD DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Have you reconsidered my idea? FormID: 000C06DC DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 I haven't changed my mind, if that's what you're asking. I won't leave Whiterun defenseless, even for a day. FormID: 000C06DB DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 If we send half our guards to aid the legions, just for a few days, it could tip the scales in the Empire's favor. Plaintive, trying to persuade the jarl to sign off on his plan FormID: 000C06DB DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 1 The Companions can help protect the city, and the Emperor will be in our debt. Plaintive, trying to persuade the jarl to sign off on his plan FormID: 000C06DE DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Have you lost all sense? We are short on guards as it is! FormID: 000C06DE DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 1 If we lose half our men, the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves' Guild will have the run of the city. The Stormcloaks will be the least of our worries! Angry FormID: 000C06DE DialogueWhiterunHrongarBalgruuf1 SCEN 2 The answer is no, I tell you! Now stop pestering me with your war-mongering! Angry FormID: 000C07FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybilleBranch DialogueSolitudeSybille01Topic02 CUST 0 Very. I helped raise him. Oh, I could not have been more proud to see Torygg on the throne. He made a fine king. A fine king... FormID: 000C07E8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybilleBranch DialogueSolitudeSybille01Topic03 CUST 0 I like to think I've aged well. I'm certainly wiser than I once was. And I know when one should speak... and when one should hold their tongue. Tone changes from conversational to a warning with [QUOTE]... and when one should hold their tongue.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C06A3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic01 CUST 0 I was, to my shame. The whole court was in attendance. I've seen much in my time, but that was a gruesome day. FormID: 000C06A2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02a CUST 0 Because Ulfric needed a symbol. FormID: 000C06A2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02a CUST 1 Someone he could defeat that represented the Empire, the White-Gold Concordat, the banning of Talos worship. FormID: 000C06A2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02a CUST 2 Torygg's father Istlod had held Skyrim together for nearly twenty-five years. When he died, Torygg became that symbol. FormID: 000C069B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic03 CUST 0 Ulfric showed up at the gates of Solitude requesting an audience. FormID: 000C069B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic03 CUST 1 We thought he was here to ask Torygg to declare independence. By the time we realized Ulfric was here to challenge Torygg... it was already too late. FormID: 000C069A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02b CUST 0 No. Even after Istlod died, the moot voted to make Torygg High King of Skyrim. FormID: 000C069A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02b CUST 1 But Ulfric was at that moot, continually talking about Skyrim's independence in terms just shy of treason. FormID: 000C069A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02b CUST 2 I don't think Ulfric knew how much Torygg respected him for that. FormID: 000C069A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02b CUST 3 If Ulfric had asked Torygg directly to stand up, to declare independence, Torygg might have done it. FormID: 000C0695 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02c CUST 0 Because the Dominion is a sleeping beast that Skyrim cannot slay alone. Because many Nords are part of the Imperial army even now. FormID: 000C0695 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02c CUST 1 Because the food and resources we get from the Empire are important to our people. FormID: 000C0695 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02c CUST 2 Because even if we can't openly worship him, Talos the god was once Tiber Septim the man, and this is his Empire. FormID: 000C0695 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic02c CUST 3 And Torygg wasn't ready to let it fall apart. FormID: 000C07EE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic03b CUST 0 By Nord custom, once the challenge was issued in court, Torygg had no choice but to accept. FormID: 000C07EE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic03b CUST 1 Had he not, Ulfric would have had cause to call a new moot and a new vote for High King. FormID: 000C07EE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic03b CUST 2 Torygg had some martial training, of course, but it mattered little that day. FormID: 000C07EE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybille02 DialogueSolitudeSybille02Topic03b CUST 3 When Ulfric's lips parted, when he unleashed the power of the Thu'um... That Shout, that ancient and terrible tongue... ripped Torygg asunder. FormID: 000C07C0 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmo02 DialogueSolitudeViarmo02Topic CUST 0 Not much, to be honest. Their return was a shock to us all. Giraud Gemane has some tomes about them in the library, if you're interested. FormID: 000C06CB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJala02 DialogueSolitudeJala02Topic CUST 0 That I do. I had a messenger from Dragon Bridge stop here on his way to the Blue Palace, not too long ago. FormID: 000C06CB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJala02 DialogueSolitudeJala02Topic CUST 1 He was very nervous, mentioned something about needing help. FormID: 000C06CC DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJala02 DialogueSolitudeJala02Topic CUST 0 At times. Jaree-Ra stopped by the other day. Told me to keep an eye out for him, see if any new people arrived in the city. FormID: 000C06FC DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJala02 DialogueSolitudeJala02Topic CUST 0 Everyone who's anyone. Viarmo bought an apple the other day, said he was looking for a new student. FormID: 000C0705 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJala02 DialogueSolitudeJala02Topic CUST 0 Not lately. Business has been slow. FormID: 000C0699 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEvette02 DialogueSolitudeEvette02Topic CUST 0 Oh, yes. A secret family recipe. The only good thing my father Octieve ever did. In fact, it's so good, no one else in Skyrim even tries to make any. emphasize [QUOTE]family[QUOTE] FormID: 000C0697 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranch DialogueSolitudeEvette01Topic02 CUST 0 It's a great big festival put on by the bards, every year. They burn an effigy of old King Olaf. It's quite a bit of fun. FormID: 000C0697 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranch DialogueSolitudeEvette01Topic02 CUST 1 The bards give out spiced wine during the festival, so they put in a big order. And then, for weeks after, demand is so high, I can barely keep up. FormID: 000C0697 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranch DialogueSolitudeEvette01Topic02 CUST 2 But with the death of High King Torygg, the Festival has been declared [QUOTE]in poor taste.[QUOTE] So it looks like it won't happen this year. FormID: 000C0694 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAddvar02 DialogueSolitudeAddvar02Topic CUST 0 Svari, yes. It's been hard on her. The girl misses her uncle. FormID: 000C0694 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAddvar02 DialogueSolitudeAddvar02Topic CUST 1 I've tried to explain that Roggvir did something bad and that we all have to be accountable for our actions but... a child feels what she will. FormID: 000C0503 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30TopLevel CUST 0 And? Were they magnificent? FormID: 000C04FD MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response1 CUST 0 Oh. J'zargo takes this to mean it did not go... well. FormID: 000C04FD MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response1 CUST 1 This was not the intention, to be sure. It is true that J'zargo was slightly concerned there may have been... problems. FormID: 000C04FD MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response1 CUST 2 But you were not placed in harm's way on purpose. FormID: 000C04FD MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response1 CUST 3 Still, you are a good friend to J'zargo now, for taking this risk. J'zargo thanks you. FormID: 000C04F8 MGRAppBrelyna01 HELO 0 I still need some help, if you can spare the time. FormID: 000C04F9 MGRAppBrelyna01 HELO 0 If you have a moment, could you help me with something? FormID: 000C04FA MGRAppBrelyna01 HELO 0 This will only take me a moment... FormID: 000C04F0 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 We're all trying to become better mages, right? FormID: 000C04F0 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I need someone I can practice a few spells on. Nothing dangerous, really. Would you be willing to assist me? FormID: 000C04F1 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I still need someone to practice a few spells on. Interested? FormID: 000C04EB MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response1 CUST 0 Well, I... I simply thought you might wish to help out one of your fellow mages. FormID: 000C04EB MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response1 CUST 1 If that's not enough, I suppose... I have this amulet you could take. FormID: 000C0505 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response2 CUST 0 No, not that kind of spell. Believe me when I say I wouldn't be asking if it weren't necessary. FormID: 000C04FF MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response3 CUST 0 Oh, good. I was afraid I'd have to go ask J'zargo. relieved FormID: 000C04FF MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response3 CUST 1 Now, you just stand there... FormID: 000C0500 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response3 CUST 0 Oh, good. I was afraid I'd have to rely on Onmund. relieved FormID: 000C0500 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response3 CUST 1 Now, you just stand there... FormID: 000C0501 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response3 CUST 0 Thank you. I was afraid I'd have to figure out some way to do this on my own. relieved FormID: 000C0501 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Response3 CUST 1 Now, you just stand there... FormID: 000C04F3 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01InitialBranch MGRAppBrelyna01Reject CUST 0 Oh. Well, if you change your mind, let me know. disappointed FormID: 000C04EF MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Please hold still, and don't move. FormID: 000C04ED MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 There! Now, I... FormID: 000C04EA MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Oh dear. That wasn't supposed to happen. FormID: 000C0507 MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Do you... do you feel all right? You look very, umm, green. embarrassed FormID: 000C0504 MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 You have to hold still or this isn't going to work. FormID: 000C04FE MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Okay, now don't move at all. FormID: 000C04FB MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Oh my. That isn't right! shocked, gasp at beginning FormID: 000C04F6 MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Just wait. Just... I can fix this. trying to undo a spell you've cast FormID: 000C04F4 MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 There! All better. FormID: 000C04F2 MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Oh no, that's not it at all. FormID: 000C04EE MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 Let me try again... FormID: 000C04EC MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 This really isn't turning out the way I'd hoped. FormID: 000C0508 MGRAppBrelyna01 SCEN 0 I'll get it right this time, I swear. embarrassed FormID: 000C0506 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response2 CUST 0 Ah. No, that was not supposed to happen. embarrassed FormID: 000C0506 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response2 CUST 1 But... J'zargo is pleased to see that you are here, and not in pieces! FormID: 000C0506 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response2 CUST 2 You are a good friend to have done this. J'zargo will not forget it. FormID: 000C0502 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response3 CUST 0 No? FormID: 000C0502 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response3 CUST 1 It is true, J'zargo suspected there might be problems. But this is most disappointing. FormID: 000C0502 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response3 CUST 2 It is good that you were willing to help J'zargo. This will not be forgotten, friend. FormID: 000C04FC MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 I am so very sorry. I went over this again and again, and I was sure it would have better results. FormID: 000C04F7 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Response1 CUST 0 It's not! FormID: 000C04F7 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Response1 CUST 1 It shouldn't be. You'll be back to normal in no time. FormID: 000C04F7 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Response1 CUST 2 And when you are, we can try this again and I'll be sure to get it right. FormID: 000C04F5 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage10Response2 CUST 0 I'm not really sure. I think it's just a minor miscalculation on my part. FormID: 000C04F5 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage10Response2 CUST 1 I'm sure it will wear off soon. When it does, you'll be perfectly fine, and then we can try again. FormID: 000C04F5 MGRAppBrelyna01 MGRAppBrelyna01Stage20Branch MGRAppBrelyna01Stage10Response2 CUST 2 In the meantime, I'll see about figuring out what went wrong. FormID: 000C04B7 TG07SP SCEN 0 Let me see. FormID: 000C04B5 TG07SP SCEN 0 Fine. We do it your way. For now. blunt FormID: 000C04B3 TG07SP SCEN 0 Do what he says, Vex. This isn't helpin' right now. say in calming way FormID: 000C04A9 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenBranch FVDMavenBranchTopic CUST 0 Vald? Why would you want to help that idiot? FormID: 000C04A9 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenBranch FVDMavenBranchTopic CUST 1 He owes me a steep debt. In fact, he's lucky all I did was force him to work for Mercer. FormID: 000C04A6 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenBranch FVDMavenBranchTopic01 CUST 0 A few years back, I commissioned a unique quill from a good friend of mine in Winterhold. FormID: 000C04A6 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenBranch FVDMavenBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Vald was tasked with getting it here safely and it ended up at the bottom of Lake Honrich. FormID: 000C04A5 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenBranch FVDMavenBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The wizards called it the Quill of Gemination and demanded a tremendous amount of gold to have it made. Gemination = jem-uh-ney-shuhn FormID: 000C04A5 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenBranch FVDMavenBranchTopic02 CUST 1 If you can locate the quill and return it to me, something Vald was too stupid to do himself, I'll consider the debt satisfied. FormID: 000C04B4 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenQuillBranch FVDMavenQuillBranchTopic CUST 0 The quill was supposed to allow me to duplicate any writing I'm viewing in exacting detail. smug FormID: 000C04B4 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenQuillBranch FVDMavenQuillBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm sure you can understand how useful that would prove in a business situation, especially where signatures were involved. FormID: 000C04B2 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenQuillBranch FVDMavenQuillBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Fortunately, the quill required an ink with a unique formula known only to myself. FormID: 000C04B2 FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenQuillBranch FVDMavenQuillBranchTopic01 CUST 1 So if you're getting any ideas about selling it to someone else or keeping it, you'll find it would hold little value. smug FormID: 000C04AB FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenLakeBranch FVDMavenLakeBranchTopic CUST 0 I had Vald meet the caravan from Winterhold on the western end of the lake so he could avoid the roads. FormID: 000C04AB FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenLakeBranch FVDMavenLakeBranchTopic CUST 1 The idiot got lost in the mist and ran his boat right over some rocks, sending it straight to the bottom. FormID: 000C04AB FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenLakeBranch FVDMavenLakeBranchTopic CUST 2 He's too stupid to remember where he was, and any attempt I've made to find it in the past has been unsuccessful. FormID: 000C04AA FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenReturnBranch FVDMavenReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Really? I wrote that off a long time ago. FormID: 000C04AA FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenReturnBranch FVDMavenReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I suppose I need to fulfill my end of the bargain. FormID: 000C04AA FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenReturnBranch FVDMavenReturnBranchTopic CUST 2 Give this document to Vald. It frees him from the debt, but I never want to see him in Riften again. FormID: 000C04AF TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic00 CUST 0 But I can't leave here! I'm supposed to watch his house. What do I do? FormID: 000C04B0 TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic00 CUST 0 Oh come on, I ain't that dumb. FormID: 000C04AC TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic00a CUST 0 Wow, sure is nice of ya'. Here, hang on to the key and don't let anyone in! FormID: 000C04A7 TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 Hang on Mercer! I'm coming to help! yelling off to no one in particular FormID: 000C04A8 TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 See ya' round. FormID: 000C050E TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 This is gettin' dangerous. Don't let anythin' get the jump on you. concern FormID: 000C050F TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 While you're in there, help yourself to anything in Frey's manor. I would. concern FormID: 000C0510 TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 Careful at Mercer's place, I don't want to lose anyone else to that madman. concern FormID: 000C0511 TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 I'll watch for Mercer, just get the information we need. FormID: 000C0512 TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 Come on, we need to show the journal to the Guild. FormID: 000EA5B5 TG07 TG07Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you find Mercer, give no quarter... kill him and be done with it. FormID: 000C04A4 TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic02 CUST 0 Ha ha! That's funny. Ya' think you can take me on? Try it anytime. I've been itching for a fight. FormID: 000C04B6 TG07 TG07ValdDebtFoundBranch TG07ValdDebtFoundBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know how ya' talked Maven into letting me go, and I don't care. FormID: 000C04B6 TG07 TG07ValdDebtFoundBranch TG07ValdDebtFoundBranchTopic CUST 1 You did something for me, I'm gonna do something for ya'. Here, take the key to Mercer's house. Won't need it any more. FormID: 000C04AD FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenLakeBranch FVDMavenLakeBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Vald said his rowboat struck some rocks... I'd check under the water near one of the small islands in the lake. FormID: 000C04AD FreeformValdDebt FVDMavenLakeBranch FVDMavenLakeBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Perhaps you should start at the docks and work your way out towards Goldenglow Estate. FormID: 000C041F MQ201Party SCEN 0 An old woman can get away with almost anything. FormID: 000C080B MQ201Party SCEN 0 Watch this. FormID: 000C041A MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRAppJzargo01Reject CUST 0 J'zargo sees what you are up to. Very well. FormID: 000C0419 MGRAppJzargo01 GBYE 0 J'zargo awaits word of how well his scrolls work. FormID: 000C03D1 WEDL04 SCEN 0 I hate it here. Those were my favorite shoes, ruined and for what? We never even made it to the wedding. FormID: 000C03D0 WEDL04 SCEN 0 Wha... Your shoes? We get robbed by bandits, my clothes torn to shreds by some giant cat, our bodyguard eaten by a dragon... You and your wife have been lost for weeks and are arguing and bitter FormID: 000C03F3 WEDL04 SCEN 0 And you're worried about your shoes? You and your wife have been lost for weeks and are arguing and bitter FormID: 000C03F0 WEDL04 SCEN 0 When we get back to Cyrodiil, I swear I will hire an army of battlemages to come up here and set fire to the whole damned province. You and your wife have been lost for weeks and are arguing and bitter FormID: 000C03EA WEDL04 WEDL04HusbandBranch WEDL04HusbandBranchTopic CUST 0 Just get away from me. We've got nothing left to steal. FormID: 000C03EB WEDL04 WEDL04HusbandBranch WEDL04HusbandBranchTopic CUST 0 I bet the wedding was amazing... and we missed the whole thing. FormID: 000C03EF WEDL04 WEDL04HusbandBranch WEDL04HusbandBranchTopic CUST 0 Leave me alone. I just want to find my way out of this accursed province. FormID: 000C03E2 WEDL04 WEDL04WifeBranch WEDL04WifeBranchTopic CUST 0 Ugh. It's talking to me. FormID: 000C03E3 WEDL04 WEDL04WifeBranch WEDL04WifeBranchTopic CUST 0 I hate this place. I hate the trees. I hate the rocks. And I hate the snow. FormID: 000C03E9 WEDL04 WEDL04WifeBranch WEDL04WifeBranchTopic CUST 0 Clearly you have no idea who I am you or you wouldn't dare approach me. FormID: 000C03F1 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08Intimidate CUST 0 All right... All right... Fine. I thought we were friends, but you're a real jerk, you know that? Walk Away FormID: 000C03F2 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08Intimidate CUST 0 Are you kidding me? I fought off all those bandits. I'm not afraid of you. Walk Away FormID: 000C02DC DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Yes, that's right. Look around you. Most of the lands you see are mine. FormID: 000C02DC DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Most of this I purchased while my comrades were fighting in the south, helping the Empire against the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 000C02DC DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Back then, nothing would grow here and so the land was worthless. Now, thanks to hard work and the gods' blessings, our farms prosper. FormID: 000C02D9 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Aye, that I did. I commanded a force of several dozen men, most of them levies from villages in this part of the hold. FormID: 000C02D9 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 I damn near met my end in that war. An Aldmeri soldier ran me through with his blade and left me for dead. FormID: 000C02D9 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 A healer named Jouane saved my life. He's been my closest friend ever since. I tell you, that man is a miracle worker. FormID: 000C02D6 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Not yet, anyway, though it certainly could. FormID: 000C02D6 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 With most of the hold's fighting men committed to the war, there are fewer swords to keep the roads safe from brigands and wild beasts. FormID: 000C02D6 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 And of course, as the war drags on and supplies run low, our ample fields and stores of food will make a tempting target for desperate men. FormID: 000C02D6 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3 DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 3 The best we can hope for a swift end to the conflict. The longer the war goes on, the worse it will be for all for us, I'm afraid. FormID: 000C02D3 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Have you met Rorik? He owns these lands, and it's from him that our village gets its name. We have been friends for many years now. FormID: 000C02D3 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Rorik fought for the Empire in the Great War. He was gravely wounded, and so was brought before me. I was a healer then, you see. FormID: 000C02D3 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 We were as close as kinsmen, and when Rorik returned home I came with him. I am happy to spend my twilight years here with my good friend. FormID: 000C02D0 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Secret? What makes you think there's a secret? FormID: 000C02D0 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 There are no secrets here, my curious friend. Our prosperity is simply the result of hard work, good fortune and the blessings of the gods. FormID: 000C02CE DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch3 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 How can we? We're a community of farmers, not fighting men. FormID: 000C02CE DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch3 DialogueRoriksteadJouaneTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 If not for the war, we might have enough guards in the hold to protect the settlements. That the dragons should return now is most unfortunate. FormID: 000C02E2 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Do I detect a bit of jealousy in your tone? I would hardly blame you. What calling could be more noble than this? FormID: 000C02E2 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 I see in your eyes that you think I jest. I assure you, I don't. I am proud, and rightfully so, of the work we do here. FormID: 000C02E2 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch1 DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Working the soil with your hands, seeing your seeds take root and grow, tending a herd... there is a joy in honest labor you won't find elsewhere. FormID: 000C02E0 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 In Whiterun, mostly. Ennis handles the business arrangements, but I know that he has a few purchasers who give us a fair price. FormID: 000C02E0 DialogueRorikstead DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch2 DialogueRoriksteadReldithTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Ennis prides himself on his shrewd business schemes. For my part, I'm far happier working with cattle and crops than with people. FormID: 000C02DE DialogueWhiterunIrilethProventus1 SCEN 0 I am concerned about the Jarl's safety. Too many of our guards have been redeployed to fight the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000C02DB DialogueWhiterunIrilethProventus1 SCEN 0 What would you have me do? If we do not send men to fight in the war, you'll find yourself guarding one of Ulfric's men. FormID: 000C02D8 DialogueWhiterunIrilethProventus1 SCEN 0 And if an assassin slips past the night watch, we won't have a Jarl at all. Without Balgruuf's leadership, Whiterun will descend into chaos. FormID: 000C02D5 DialogueWhiterunIrilethProventus1 SCEN 0 Nonsense. If Balgruuf falls, someone will take his place, for better or worse. In the meantime, we have a war to win. And win we must. FormID: 000C02D2 DialogueWhiterunIrilethBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Balgruuf, did you slip out again last night for a drink at the Bannered Mare? Equal parts suspicious and scolding. FormID: 000C02D1 DialogueWhiterunIrilethBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Heard about that, did you? Yes, I went out for a pint or two. What of it? FormID: 000C02CF DialogueWhiterunIrilethBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 These secret visits to the tavern will make you an easy target for an enemy assassin. You should have told me first. FormID: 000C02E3 DialogueWhiterunIrilethBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Damn it, woman, I'm the Jarl of Whiterun! I won't apologize for talking to my people. You can't protect me every moment of the day. FormID: 000C02E1 DialogueWhiterunIrilethBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 That might be so, but it will never stop me from trying. FormID: 000C02DF DialogueWhiterunProventusBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 My lord, our provisions are running dangerously low. Our stores of meat, wine and grain are all but depleted. FormID: 000C02DD DialogueWhiterunProventusBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Purchase more supplies, then. That's your job as Steward, isn't it? Why do you trouble me with these details? FormID: 000C02DA DialogueWhiterunProventusBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 My lord, since Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising, the cost of goods has doubled. I'll need more coin if I'm to provision us properly. FormID: 000C02D7 DialogueWhiterunProventusBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Our coffers are nearly empty. I can scarcely afford to pay the guards, and we need every one of them in these troubled times. FormID: 000C02D7 DialogueWhiterunProventusBalgruuf1 SCEN 1 You'll have to make do with what we have, Proventus. FormID: 000C02D4 DialogueWhiterunProventusBalgruuf1 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 000C027A DB03 IDAT 0 I didn't know it when we were... with each other... but Alain is actually the leader of a band of cutthroats. Bandits. awkwardly FormID: 000C027A DB03 IDAT 1 They're holed up in some old dwarven ruin - Raldbthar. It's near Windhelm. They use it as their base. It's where they stage their raids. FormID: 000C027A DB03 IDAT 2 I want you to go to that ruin, find Alain Dufont, and kill him. I don't care about his friends. Do whatever you want with them. But Alain has to die! FormID: 000C0279 DB03 DB03AlainPitTauntBranch DB03AlainPitTauntResponse1 CUST 0 Muiri? Muiri? So, what, you're the cow's champion? Oh, now that is rich. Well then, champion, let's get this over with. Laughing, can't believe what you're hearing - emphasize [QUOTE]that[QUOTE] FormID: 000C0277 DB03 DB03AlainPitTauntBranch DB03AlainPitTauntResponse2 CUST 0 A joke? Alain Dufont... a joke? I am a king on my throne, and you, my friend... you will die slowly, and painfully. emphasize every instance of [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] FormID: 000C027B DB03 DB03AlainPitTauntBranch DB03AlainPitTauntResponse3 CUST 0 Ha! My opponent is so paralyzed with terror, no words will come. Let's be done with it, then! FormID: 000C0199 DA13 DA13PeryiteTopLevelTopic01 DA13QuestInfoQueryTopic CUST 0 I sent a blessing to Mundus, a wasting plague that infected a scattering of Breton villages. FormID: 000C0199 DA13 DA13PeryiteTopLevelTopic01 DA13QuestInfoQueryTopic CUST 1 One of my monks, the elf Orchendor, was sent to gather these Afflicted. He shepherded them into Bthardamz for me, but has since lost his way. FormID: 000C0199 DA13 DA13PeryiteTopLevelTopic01 DA13QuestInfoQueryTopic CUST 2 I will not stand for betrayal. I want you to go to Bthardamz and kill Orchendor, in my name. FormID: 000C016C DA14 DA14GiantAttackDialogue ATCK 0 You cannot eat Gleda! Gleda is protected by Grok! FormID: 000C00F0 dunMistwatchQST SCEN 0 Hey, who's there? FormID: 000C00F1 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTGuardTrespass TRES 0 Unless you've come to pay a ransom, turn around and walk away. FormID: 000C0085 C01 C01SkjorStartFGBranch C01SkjorEntry CUST 0 Ah, there you are. FormID: 000C0084 C01 C01FollowMe C01ObserverInitialHello CUST 0 I hope you've readied yourself. FormID: 000BFF83 dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 I'm just saying that these ceramic lamps make me nervous. They just seem so... fragile. FormID: 000BFF82 dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 Just shut up and play the game. FormID: 000BFC64 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBetridSilverBloods DialogueMarkarthBetridSilverBloodsTopic CUST 0 My dear vagrant, we're the only family worth knowing in Markarth. We own everything in this city, even the jail. arrogant, condescending FormID: 000BFC64 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBetridSilverBloods DialogueMarkarthBetridSilverBloodsTopic CUST 1 And guess who owns the Silver-Blood Inn? Not that we named it that, the people just insisted. arrogant, condescending FormID: 000BFC4E MQ104 SCEN 0 I envy you, you know. To climb the 7,000 Steps again... I made the pilgrimage once, did you know that? musing FormID: 000BFC4E MQ104 SCEN 1 High Hrothgar is a very peaceful place. Very... disconnected from the troubles of this world. wistfully FormID: 000BFC4E MQ104 SCEN 2 I wonder that the Greybeards even notice what's going on down here. They haven't seemed to care before. with a tinge of bitterness FormID: 000BFC49 MQ104 SCEN 0 No matter. Go to High Hrothgar. Learn what the Greybeards can teach you. wistfully - he kind of wishes he could go back FormID: 000BFC4B MQ104 SCEN 0 Back to business, Proventus. We still have a city to defend. FormID: 000BFC48 MQ104 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 000BFC46 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsTopic CUST 0 Yes. They chose me when I was just a lad. It was a great honor, of course. I was to become a Greybeard myself. FormID: 000BFC46 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsTopic CUST 1 I spent almost ten years at High Hrothgar, learning the Way of the Voice. Then the Great War came... I couldn't stand missing it. FormID: 000BFC46 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsTopic CUST 2 I often think about High Hrothgar. It's very... disconnected from the troubles down here. But that's why I couldn't stay, and why I couldn't go back. FormID: 000BFC46 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsTopic CUST 3 I suppose the Greybeards care about Skyrim's troubles, in their way, but I needed to do something about it. FormID: 000BFC46 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsTopic CUST 4 I'm sure Arngeir would call it one of my failings. FormID: 000BFC43 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA1 CUST 0 Yes. The oldest and most powerful, although he may not seem so. FormID: 000BFC43 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA1 CUST 1 I doubt he's forgiven me for leaving. And for... well, for what he'd consider blasphemy. Using Shouts for anything but worship of Kynareth. FormID: 000BFC42 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA2 CUST 0 Yes. Although I rarely use my training. The Greybeards believe the Voice should be used only for worship of Kynareth. FormID: 000BFC42 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA2 CUST 1 I have... fallen from their strict teaching, but I still don't feel it should be used lightly. Not all of Arngeir's lecturing was wasted, it seems. FormID: 000BFC41 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA3 CUST 0 You're Dragonborn. The rules don't apply to you. You can Shout the way dragons do... without training, through inborn instinct. FormID: 000BFC41 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA3 CUST 1 They always hope to teach the Dragonborn to respect the Way of the Voice as they do. They never fully succeed. FormID: 000BFC41 MQ00 MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeards MQUlfricTrainWithGreybeardsA3 CUST 2 You'll have to make your own decision. It's a beautiful philosophy, but outside the seclusion of High Hrothgar, I was never able to hold to it. FormID: 000BFC57 MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsUlfricA1 CUST 0 I studied with them when I was young. They taught me how to Shout. a little uncomfortable in talking about this FormID: 000BFB75 dunHunterQST dunHunterFrokiBowBranch dunHunterFrokiBowTopic CUST 0 I don't believe it. I made that bow myself. Been through some messes with it, let me tell you. you're really surprised to see a memento from your heyday FormID: 000BFB75 dunHunterQST dunHunterFrokiBowBranch dunHunterFrokiBowTopic CUST 1 You know what? I want you to keep it. My great hunts are behind me, but yours are yet to come. You almost can't believe you're saying this. FormID: 000BFB72 dunHunterQST dunHunterFrokiAboutHaming dunHunterFrokiAboutHamingTopic CUST 0 Grandson. He's a strong lad. His parents were at Helgen when, well you know. You're talking to a grown-up, trying to avoid the obvious in front of a child. Think of Helgen as 9/11 FormID: 000BFB73 dunHunterQST dunHunterFrokiAboutHaming dunHunterFrokiAboutHamingTopic CUST 0 Can't say I was a great father the first time around. Now that he's here it's like a second chance. He's a good lad. You're a bit gruff at first, like you don't want him around, but you soften up quickly. FormID: 000BFBBE dunHunterQST HamingAboutSelf HamingAboutSelfTopic CUST 0 Froki won't let me hunt on my own yet, but he never shuts up about killing his first stag when he was eleven. when HE was 11 (you are11, too!) FormID: 000BFBBB dunHunterQST HamingAboutHelgen HamingAboutHelgenTopic CUST 0 It ain't so bad. I miss living with my parents back in Helgen, though. Froki can't cook and there's nobody to talk to up here. You're not really sad, just stating a fact. FormID: 000BFBBA dunHunterQST HamingAboutHelgen HamingParentsAreDead CUST 0 Yeah, but don't say anything about it to Froki. I don't think he understands. You think your grandfather (Froki) doesn't realize your mom and dad are dead. FormID: 000BFB74 dunHunterQST HamingAboutHelgen HamingAvoidHelgen CUST 0 It's okay, I know what happened at home. With the dragon and all. your home was destroyed, and you're sad but okay with it. You know the grown-up is trying to avoid the subject. FormID: 000BFB3D WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHere WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHereTopic CUST 0 I'm looking for a place called Bard's Leap. They say the echo of a song sung from there can be heard all the way in Solitude. FormID: 000BFB3E WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHere WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHereTopic CUST 0 Some may find their inspiration tucked away in tomes, or by carousing in the cities, but I find it here in the vast expanses of Skyrim. FormID: 000BFB3F WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHere WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHereTopic CUST 0 The best tales are those of adventure. Who could truly write such a tale without first experiencing such? you are a traveling bard performing and looking for stories FormID: 000BFB40 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHere WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHereTopic CUST 0 Why to perform for my common man, of course! Why should only the courts and inns of wealthy towns be given the gift of music? you are a traveling bard performing and looking for stories FormID: 000BFB41 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHere WETalsgarTheWandererDialogueWhyAreYouHereTopic CUST 0 Observing and capturing the epic struggle for Skyrim! When brothers clash with bitter blades, surely there is a song to be found. you are a traveling bard performing and looking for stories FormID: 000BFB1E CreatureDialogueSkeleton DETH 0 FormID: 000BFB1D CreatureDialogueSkeleton HIT_ 0 FormID: 000BFAE0 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02 DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02Topic CUST 0 Food, experience and a roof over my head in the finest city in Skyrim. FormID: 000BFAE0 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02 DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02Topic CUST 1 If money's all you hold dear, then you you end up like Jaree-Ra. A plague on the city. FormID: 000BFAE4 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02 DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02Topic02 CUST 0 Captain Aldis can't prove it, but that Argonian is up to no good. FormID: 000BFAE5 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02 DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02Topic02 CUST 0 Really? I knew he was mixed up in something dangerous, but I hadn't heard he was dead. FormID: 000BFAE3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFihada02 DialogueSolitudeFihada02Topic CUST 0 Why of course. And will you also be needing the bow that shoots rainbows? Or perhaps a quiver that dispenses beer? FormID: 000BFAE3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFihada02 DialogueSolitudeFihada02Topic CUST 1 Look, if you want arrows we have them, but don't insult my intelligence. FormID: 000BFA01 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirResponse2 CUST 0 Look for yourself. FormID: 000BFA01 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirResponse2 CUST 1 Ancano's power is growing. We can't crack whatever magic he's using to shield himself. FormID: 000BFA01 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirResponse2 CUST 2 I hope your trip to Labyrinthian was worth it. FormID: 000BF45F MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's see where this goes. FormID: 000BF461 MQ101 SCEN 0 Damn it. No going back that way. FormID: 000BF45C MQ101 SCEN 0 I guess we're lucky that didn't come down on top of us. FormID: 000BF460 MQ101 SCEN 0 We'd better push on. I'm sure the others will find another way out. worried FormID: 000BF45B MQ101 SCEN 0 Hold up. There's a bear just ahead. See her? in an undertone FormID: 000BF45E MQ101 SCEN 0 I'd rather not tangle with her right now. We might be able to sneak by. Just take it nice and slow, and watch where you step. FormID: 000BF462 MQ101 SCEN 0 Easy does it now. in a whisper FormID: 000BF45D MQ101 SCEN 0 Whew. That was close. FormID: 0005B1E5 MQ101 SCEN 0 Not the sneaking type, huh? FormID: 000BF4BB MQ204 SCEN 0 The Word calls you. Go to it. FormID: 000BF4BC MQ204 SCEN 0 Why do you intrude here, if not for tinvaak? FormID: 000BF4BD MQ204 SCEN 0 I have spoken. The Rotmulaag waits. Rotmulaag = word of power FormID: 000BF448 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirResponse1 CUST 0 She... She didn't make it. FormID: 000BF448 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirResponse1 CUST 1 When it was clear we were going to have to fall back, she stayed behind and made sure the rest of us were all right. FormID: 000BF447 MG07 SCEN 0 What are we waiting for? anxious, wondering why no one is charging into battle FormID: 000BF446 MG07 SCEN 0 Not until we're all ready. We have to go together. FormID: 000BF445 MG07 SCEN 0 I'm as ready as I'm going to be. FormID: 000BF3FE MG07 SCEN 0 How much worse is this going to get? FormID: 000BF408 MG07 SCEN 0 We need to get in there and stop this! FormID: 000BF20D FavorJobsChopWood HELO 0 Make yourself useful and chop up some firewood. There's a few coins in it for you. FormID: 0001A0ED FavorJobsChopWood HELO 0 If it's work you need, how about chopping up some wood for the fires? FormID: 00016CF8 FavorJobsChopWood HELO 0 Here for work? Get an axe and bring me all the wood you can chop. FormID: 000BF20E FavorJobsChopWood FavorJobsChopWoodBranch FavorJobsChopWoodBranchTopic CUST 0 Honest gold for honest work. FormID: 000BEFC8 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I heard Elenwen say she's going open a bottle of her best Firebrand Wine later. I can hardly wait. FormID: 000BEFC9 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 These Stormcloaks are nothing more than an armed mob. This war won't last much longer. FormID: 000BF045 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I hope they'll serve the roast venison with bittergreen sauce that we had at the last party. FormID: 000BF045 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 That was delicious. FormID: 000BF06A MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 This war has taken a toll on the merchants of Skyrim. Let's hope that it ends soon, for their sake. FormID: 000BF06B MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I look forward to the day when this rebellion is put down, and we once again have peace. FormID: 000BF06C MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 The Gray Quarter in Windhelm is little better than a slum. It's shameful that the dark elves are made to live that way. FormID: 000BF06D MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 With the soldiers all fighting in the war, there's nobody to hunt down the bandits. Travel has become dangerous of late. FormID: 000BF06E MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 It's been a brutal winter. I can't remember the last time it was this cold, and for this long. FormID: 000BEEC5 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Yes, I agree with you. Have you heard any news from the other parts of Skyrim? FormID: 000BEEC6 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 You speak truly. Have you heard any interesting rumors of late? FormID: 000BEEC7 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I'll not argue that. Heard any interesting gossip lately? FormID: 000BEEC8 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I couldn't agree more. By the way, have you heard any interesting rumors lately? FormID: 000BEEC9 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I couldn't have said it better myself. It's been some time since I've had news from elsewhere in Skyrim. What have you heard? FormID: 000BEECA MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I know just what you mean. Heard anything interesting lately? Any news or gossip? FormID: 000BF0B5 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Well, I did hear that the Argonians have been banned from living inside the walls of Windhelm. FormID: 000BF0B5 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 They're only allowed on the city docks now. Most of them sleep together in one building, and they're as poor as wretches. FormID: 000BF0B6 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Have you visited Rorikstead lately? No matter how harsh the winter, the crops that grow there never falter. FormID: 000BF0B6 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 Even when every other farm in the hold is barely scraping by, the harvest at Rorikstead is always bountiful. FormID: 000BF0B6 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 2 Is it good fortune? The blessings of the Divines? Who knows? FormID: 000BF0BC MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Now that I think on it, I did hear something rather interesting the other day. FormID: 000BF0BC MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 Apparently, the Red Wave has been docked in Solitude for well over a month, and with no sign of shipping out any time soon. FormID: 000BF0BC MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 2 Some say the ship suffered damage to her hull when she struck an iceberg, and Captain Safia can't afford the repairs. FormID: 000BF0BC MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 3 Of course, she would never admit such a thing. Captain Safia is far too proud a woman for that. FormID: 000BF0C6 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Well, there might be nothing to it, but I've heard that the feud between the Gray-Manes and the Battle-Borns in Whiterun has grown ugly. FormID: 000BF0C6 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 Fralia Gray-Mane is convinced that the Battle-Borns have abducted one of her sons. FormID: 000BF0C7 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I'm not sure that it's news, but lately it seems like every blacksmith in Skyrim is out to prove that he's the equal of Eorlund Gray-Mane. FormID: 000BF0C7 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 It's not really a fair comparison, if you ask me. FormID: 000BF0C7 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 2 After all, Eorlund works the Skyforge. How is any smith going to compete with that? FormID: 000BF14E MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Well, I did see something interesting not long ago. FormID: 000BF14E MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 There were several Khajiit camped outside the walls of Whiterun. Seems they've been traveling around the whole of Skyrim peddling their wares. FormID: 000BF14E MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 2 You've got to admire their courage, doing something like that with dragons on the loose and a war going on. FormID: 000BF22F MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 I heard those mages up in Winterhold have been trying to figure out how many dragons there are in Skyrim. FormID: 000BF22F MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 They seem to think it's at least a dozen, but I'm sure they're exaggerating. FormID: 000BF22F MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 2 They're probably trying to scare us into giving them more money and influence, so they can save us from the dragons threat. FormID: 000BF231 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 0 Well, I did hear that Ulfric Stormcloak was slain while defending Windhelm against a dragon, but it sounds too good to be true. FormID: 000BF231 MQ201PartyScene3GuestAndGuest SCEN 1 I'll wager it was Ulfric himself that started the rumor. Maybe he thought it would bolster recruitment. FormID: 000BF06F MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Do enjoy yourself. FormID: 000BF070 MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 I need another drink. FormID: 000BF073 MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Goodbye, then. FormID: 000BF07D MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell. FormID: 000BF092 MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't let me keep you. FormID: 000BF09D MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until later, then. FormID: 000BF09E MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 May wisdom light your path. FormID: 000BF09F MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good speaking with you. FormID: 000BF0A0 MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next time. FormID: 000BF0A1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep an eye on these Thalmor. You never know... FormID: 000BF0AE MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come and visit me in Solitude sometime. FormID: 000BF0AF MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 Very well then. FormID: 000BF0B4 MQ201Party MQ201PartyGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was a pleasure, thank you. FormID: 000BECE7 WEJS13 WEJS13Main WEJS13MainTopic CUST 0 We are traveling to the Shrine of Kynareth in Whiterun. I hear the Gildergreen is more beautiful than ever since it's been restored. FormID: 000BECE7 WEJS13 WEJS13Main WEJS13MainTopic CUST 1 They say that eating the fruit it bears will add years to your life. FormID: 000BECE5 WEJS14 WEJS14Main WEJS14MainTopic CUST 0 Are you finished ogling the grotesque? I suppose I should be grateful you didn't simply attack me. You are obviously diseased and cautious of the person who has just approached you. FormID: 000BECEA WEJS14 WEJS14Main WEJS14Afflicted CUST 0 I am one of the Afflicted. I'd have been dead from this plague a year ago if not for Peryite's protection. FormID: 000BECE9 WEJS14 WEJS14Main WEJS14HighRock CUST 0 Returning to High Rock. Our shepherd lost his way, and I fear Peryite's wrath may consume those who remain with him. FormID: 000BECE9 WEJS14 WEJS14Main WEJS14HighRock CUST 1 Kesh could tell you more. I just want out of Skyrim as quickly as possible. A touch paranoid, like you expect lighting to strike you any second. FormID: 000BECE8 WEJS14 WEJS14Rush WEJS14RushTopic CUST 0 And I have no more time for talking. Go speak with Kesh if you are so curious. impatiently. You really must be going. FormID: 00101AEA MQ101 SCEN 0 Hey, you. You're finally awake. To the player - In a prison cart, noticing the prisoner across from you is awake FormID: 000BEAE1 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01MadanachTopic01B CUST 0 Time to finally see the sky, and make it rain red. demagogue FormID: 000BEAE4 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarEndingTopic02 CUST 0 And you've proven that was the best move I could have made. Don't give me that look. You're free to go. cynical but grateful FormID: 000BEAE4 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarEndingTopic02 CUST 1 Here, how about a little token for your efforts? My family's ring and all the things the guards confiscated from you when you were jailed. cynical but grateful FormID: 000BEAE4 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarEndingTopic02 CUST 2 Now if you'll excuse me, I have to figure out how we're going to fill our recently emptied mine. cynical but grateful FormID: 000BDB52 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestGoodbyes GBYE 0 Why settle for just stabbing your foes when you can roast them alive in a gout of arcane fire? Arrogant FormID: 000BDB53 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch your back, friend. Better yet, pay me to do it for you. FormID: 000BDFB2 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestGoodbyes GBYE 0 Best not to walk the roads of Skyrim alone. FormID: 0001A189 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestGoodbyes GBYE 0 Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you. FormID: 0001A18A HirelingQuest HirelingQuestGoodbyes GBYE 0 The blade can be as lethal as the spell, but deadlier still is the one who wields both! FormID: 000BD7DF DialogueTrainers DialogueTrainersSharedInfos IDAT 0 There's nothing more I can teach you. FormID: 000BD7E0 DialogueTrainers DialogueTrainersSharedInfos IDAT 0 You've already learned all I can teach you. FormID: 000BD7E1 DialogueTrainers DialogueTrainersSharedInfos IDAT 0 You already know all that I know. FormID: 000BD770 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenJobBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielJobBranchTopic CUST 0 As steward, I serve as an intermediary between the Jarl and her subjects. FormID: 000BD770 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenJobBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielJobBranchTopic CUST 1 I also handle the less important and day-to-day policies that effect daily life in Riften. FormID: 000BD770 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenJobBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielJobBranchTopic CUST 2 Lately I've had my hands full suppressing these ridiculous accusations of corruption in the keep. FormID: 000BD771 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenJobBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielJobBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not certain what business it is of yours, but I'm moth... I mean Jarl Maven's steward. you almost said [QUOTE]mother[QUOTE] instead of properly addressing FormID: 000BD771 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenJobBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielJobBranchTopic CUST 1 I run the prisons in Riften, keep the riff-raff from robbing the good folk of this city and have drunks tossed into the lake. FormID: 000BD76F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHemmingBranch DialogueRiftenHemmingBranchTopic CUST 0 Defense? No one would dare attack Riften. I'm not sure you realize just how well connected Jarl Maven is with the Empire. FormID: 000BD76F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHemmingBranch DialogueRiftenHemmingBranchTopic CUST 1 With a single snap of her fingers, we could have a legion here in a fortnight. FormID: 000BD777 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHemmingBranch DialogueRiftenHemmingBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Indeed. You don't get to the position my mother's achieved by blind luck... her business sense and diplomatic skills are legendary. FormID: 000BD776 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHemmingBranch DialogueRiftenHemmingBranchTopic02 CUST 0 If you say so. FormID: 000BD775 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHemmingBranch DialogueRiftenHemmingBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I don't care what you think. The Empire put Maven on the throne for a reason. That's all you need to know. FormID: 000BD773 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranchTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's a bloody hero. I don't think there's a worthy Nord alive who'd dare argue the point. FormID: 000BD773 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranchTopic CUST 1 He's taking the Empire to task and making them answer for their crimes. FormID: 000BD773 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranchTopic CUST 2 I don't think I'll be content until Ulfric sits upon the throne of Skyrim with the ashes of the Concordat at his feet. FormID: 000BD774 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranchTopic CUST 0 Hey, if the Empire and the Stormcloaks want to kill each other over some foolish cause, I say let 'em. FormID: 000BD774 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlPoliticsBranchTopic CUST 1 All I care about is two things: watchin' Maven's back and countin' the gold she pays me to do it. FormID: 000BD745 WEDL12 WEDL12DialogueBranch WEDL12DialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 You there, please you have to help me! I was attacked by a vampire! Do you have a potion or something that can cure this before I turn? Walk Away FormID: 000BD744 WEDL12 WEDL12DialogueBranch WEDL12WhereDidThisHappen CUST 0 Here I'll show you on your map so you can stay away. Please, if you can help me let me know or get out of my way so I can try to find a priest. FormID: 000BD743 WEDL12 WEDL12DialogueBranch WEDL12GivePotion CUST 0 Oh, thank the gods. Here, take this with my thanks. FormID: 000BD74C WEDL12 WEDL12DialogueBranch WEDL12CantHelp CUST 0 Then get out of my way. I have to get to a town and find a priest. FormID: 000BD749 WEDL13 HELO 0 I'm on my way to Solitude to join the Legion. A united Empire is better for everyone. FormID: 000BD74A WEDL13 HELO 0 I was born and raised in Skyrim, but the Nords treat us like dirt. FormID: 000BD74B WEDL13 HELO 0 I want to be on the right side. FormID: 000BD746 WEDL14 HELO 0 I'm on my way to Windhelm to join up with the Stormcloaks. Ulfric has the right of it. FormID: 000BD747 WEDL14 HELO 0 The Empire is in shambles. They've banned the worship of Talos. FormID: 000BD748 WEDL14 HELO 0 I may have roots in Cyrodiil, but Skyrim's as much my home as any Nord's. FormID: 000B9147 WEDL05 WEDL05DialogueBranch WEDL05DialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 I've got a message for you from Louis Letrush. This is for double crossing him. FormID: 000BD733 BQShared BQSharedSharedInfo IDAT 0 Excellent. You've done us a great service. Here is your reward. pleased FormID: 000CBA95 BQShared BQSharedSharedInfo IDAT 0 Here. Take a look at this. Some of the Jarl's men came by and left this bounty letter. FormID: 000BD736 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestRefusal HirelingQuestRefusalTopic CUST 0 If you change your mind, seek me out here. FormID: 00104F29 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 My patron appears once more. Have you need of my blade? Cool, demure, but with a trace of gladness. FormID: 00104F2A HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 It pleases me to see you again, my patron. Cool, demure, but with a trace of gladness. FormID: 00104F2B HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon. Familiar, friendly, a bit of ribbing. FormID: 00104F2C HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 You're looking hale and healthy. It's good to see you again. Familiar, friendly, a bit of ribbing. FormID: 00104F2D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 You're back! Great! Are we going on another adventure? Friendly, familiar and enthusiastic. You're seeing an old friend who you're very fond of. FormID: 00104F2E HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 It's great to see you again! It's been too quiet without you around. Friendly, familiar and enthusiastic. You're seeing an old friend who you're very fond of. FormID: 00104F2F HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Well, look what the horker dragged in. Still wandering all over Skyrim and causing trouble? A good-natured ribbing, but laced with arrogance. You are pleased to see an old acquaintance, but you're not going to let him forget that you are awe FormID: 00104F30 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 I knew you couldn't stay away. Admit it, you were lost without me. A good-natured ribbing, but laced with arrogance. You are pleased to see an old acquaintance, but you're not going to let him forget that you are awe FormID: 00104F31 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Well, look who it is. Been keeping out of trouble much? I hope not! You're pleased to see an old acquaintance. The second half of the line is deliberately facetious. There's a bit of familiar ribbing in it. FormID: 00104F32 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 If you need some skulls crushed, I'm still available for hire. You're pleased to see an old acquaintance, but you want to remind them that you're also a mecercenary. This is friendly and familiar, but also busine FormID: 00104F33 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 It's good to see you. If you need my help again, it's the same fee as always. Business-like, but also friendly. FormID: 00104F34 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Well met, friend. It's good to see you're still in one piece, with all the trouble you get into. Jovial, friendly, you're happy to see the player again FormID: 000BCC89 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 I'm what you'd call of soldier of fortune. Make me an offer, and I just might fight at your side. FormID: 000BCC8B HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Can't be too careful these days, with the war and other dangers. For a fair price, I'll watch your back. FormID: 000BCC8A HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 If you've got the gold to pay my fee, then my sword-arm is yours. FormID: 000BCC8D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Some call me a mercenary, but I like to think of myself as a freelance adventurer for hire. FormID: 000BCC8E HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 My skill in battle is unmatched. Fortunately for you, that skill can be bought. FormID: 000BDB50 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Why hire a common soldier to protect you when you can have a master of the arcane? Arrogant FormID: 000BDB4F HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 The only thing better than a powerful mage fighting at your side is... well, nothing, really. Arrogant, condescending FormID: 000BCC91 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 If it's a mercenary you're looking for, you've found him. There's no stronger sword-arm for hire in all Skyrim. FormID: 000BDB51 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 For a modest fee, I'll bring my formidable arcane powers to bear against your foes. What do you say? Arrogant FormID: 000BDFB4 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 If you're looking to hire the strongest mercenary in Skyrim, I'd wager your search is over. FormID: 000BDFB3 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Sell-swords are common in Skyrim, but you'll find precious few as stout and as a strong as I am. FormID: 000BCC90 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Blade and shadow, silence and death - these are my arts. For a modest fee, I'll make great art for you. FormID: 000BDFB5 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 I've fought in more battles than I've got years of life in me. Pay my fee and I'll put that experience to work for you, friend. FormID: 000BDFB7 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 I know nothing of fear, and nothing of remorse. Pay my fee, and together we will vanquish any foe. FormID: 000BDFB6 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Death is my art, and like all artists, I seek a patron. For a mere handful of gold, I will follow you into any danger. FormID: 000BCC8F HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 By blade or by spell, if you want it dead, I'll make it dead. All you need to do is pay my fee. FormID: 000BDFB8 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 I am a lethal instrument, yours to command for a modest sum. I suggest you hire me before one of your enemies does. Sinister FormID: 0001A18C HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 I fight with both blade and spell. You might say I'm equipped to handle nearly any threat. So, shall we talk price? FormID: 0001A18B HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Sure, you can hire a swordsman or a spellcaster to fight at your side, but why not get both for the price of one? FormID: 0006552C HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Good to see you again! How would you like to hire a brave, if untested, mercenary? FormID: 0001A18D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 Versatility is the key to survival. Hire me, and you'll be well -prepared to face threats both magical and mundane. FormID: 0006552E HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 It just feels right somehow, having this new life as an adventurer. It's what I was meant to do. FormID: 0006552D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 At first I thought I'd miss farming. I guess I've had my fill of it, because I don't miss it at all. FormID: 0006552F HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 This new armor fits me like a glove. FormID: 00065530 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestHellos HELO 0 If I can make enough money here in Skyrim, I think I'll travel to Hammerfell and see what work I can get there. FormID: 000BD72F DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusYouCrazy CUST 0 Oh, I am well. I will be well. Well to be within the will inside the walls. FormID: 000BD701 MS04 MS04LexiconTake MS04LexiconTakeTopic CUST 0 You must bring it to Avanchnzel, in the west. Return it to them. It must go back. FormID: 000BD6FA MS04 MS04LexiconReject MS04LexiconRejectTopic CUST 0 I won't be the one to go back there. I won't return to Avanchnzel. You can't make me do it. FormID: 000BD717 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Don't forget me next time you need herbs and potions. FormID: 000BD718 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Thanks again for finding out about my daughter. FormID: 000BE97D DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Come by the Winking Skeever any time you want to hear a tune. FormID: 000BE97E DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 You should think about staying the night. Corpulus keeps a clean inn. FormID: 000C1A45 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Stick around! Still plenty of songs to sing and mead to drink. FormID: 000BE97F DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Come back if you want to play tag. FormID: 000BE9B5 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Papa doesn't like when I talk to customers, anyway. FormID: 000BEA0C DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Remember the Winking Skeever next time you're footsore. FormID: 000BEA4F DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Need anything, you just say the word. FormID: 000BEA50 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I was done talking anyway. FormID: 000BEA51 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Yeah. Next time. FormID: 000BEA5B DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May song speed you along. FormID: 000BEA5C DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May the words of poets keep you warm. FormID: 000BEA68 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May all your adventures be worthy of telling. FormID: 000BEA73 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Now you can say you've met the most talented bard in all of Skyrim. FormID: 000BEA74 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Don't forget my name. Someday, everyone will be saying it. FormID: 000BEA75 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Glad that distraction's over... FormID: 000BEA76 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 We're done then? Good. FormID: 000BEAC5 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I suppose I should return to my papers... FormID: 000BEAC8 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Always good to talk to a fellow bard. FormID: 000BEACB DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Farewell, stranger. FormID: 000BEACE DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Stop by again, sometime. I'll sing for you. FormID: 000BEAD4 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Anytime, friend. FormID: 000BEADA DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Always time for a fellow bard. FormID: 000BEADD DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Oh, if you haven't heard Dean Pantea sing, you should. FormID: 000BEADE DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 We should talk again sometime. FormID: 000BEADF DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Always glad to talk to a bard. FormID: 000BEAE0 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Thanks for taking the time. People never want to talk to me. FormID: 000BEAE2 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Okay, I'll go now. FormID: 000BEAE3 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I'm glad I could help. FormID: 000BEAE5 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Anything I can do. FormID: 000BEAE7 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Always glad to talk to the bard who returned part of the Poetic Edda. FormID: 000BEAE8 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 It's been an honor. FormID: 000BEAE9 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I'll get back to court business, then. FormID: 000BEB2D DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Keep your sword arm strong. FormID: 000BEB0A DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Always have your shield at the ready. FormID: 000BEB2E DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Take care of your armor, and it'll take care of you. FormID: 000BEB2F DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I must return to the court. They simply can't make do without me. FormID: 000BEB30 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Good, we've wasted enough time here. FormID: 000BEB31 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 We'll speak again later. If we must... FormID: 000BEB32 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I'll be sure to check [QUOTE]Talk to random stranger[QUOTE] off my list of today's tasks... FormID: 000BEB33 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 You are free to leave. FormID: 000BEB34 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 You are excused. FormID: 000BEB35 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I am done with you. You may go. FormID: 000BEB36 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Be well. Pray for Solitude and my husband. FormID: 000BEB37 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Keep the faith. General Tullius will win this war. FormID: 000BEB38 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 We have the utmost confidence in you and Ulfric's guiding hands. FormID: 000BEB39 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May the blessings of the Eight be with you. FormID: 000BEB3A DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May the blessings of the Nine be with you. FormID: 000BEB3B DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Feel free to return to me with questions. The Blue Palace is an open forum. FormID: 000BEB3C DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Please feel welcome in the court of Solitude. FormID: 000BEB3D DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I won't forget what you've done for Solitude. FormID: 000BEB51 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Anyone with a stout heart like yours is welcome here. FormID: 000BEB52 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I'm proud to call a man like you friend. FormID: 000BEB53 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I'm proud to call a woman like you friend. FormID: 000BEB54 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Do not dishonor or attempt to harm Elisif in any way. Adhere to that rule, and you'll be fine. FormID: 000BEB55 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I must return my attention to Elisif. If were were to lose another Jarl while I was... distracted... FormID: 000BEB56 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Take care of yourself, and always remember: the world is ripe with people looking to spill your blood... FormID: 000BEB57 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Stay guarded. You never know what could be out there. FormID: 000BEB58 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 All right. Back to slicing, dicing and baking. FormID: 000BEB59 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Back to my errands. FormID: 000BEDEF DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Don't mess anything up while you're here... FormID: 000BEDF0 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Good talking to you. Not many care to chat with the help. FormID: 000BEDF1 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Okay. I need to get back to the palace soon, anyway. FormID: 000BEDF2 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 You can catch me at the Blue Palace later, if you want to talk again. FormID: 000BEDF3 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 If Erdi caught me chatting, I'd never hear the end of it... FormID: 000BEDF4 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I guess I should be getting back to work. It was more fun talking, though. FormID: 000BEDF5 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May Arkay bless you with a long life. FormID: 000BEDF6 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May the light of truth keep the darkness at bay. FormID: 000BEDF7 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 It's best you leave me be. FormID: 000BEDF8 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Sure, you make your retreat and I'll make mine. FormID: 000BEDF9 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Keep your head about you. FormID: 000BEDFA DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Just watch yourself. You don't want to meet me on the job. FormID: 000BEE01 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Tell these Horkers to set me free. FormID: 000BEE02 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Leave me be. I'm no harm here. FormID: 000BEE03 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Keep my men in your prayers. They'll need them if they don't shape up. FormID: 000BEE04 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Stay strong. The Eight willing, we'll win this war. FormID: 000BEE05 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Sure, whatever you say. Bye. FormID: 000BEE06 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 You should speak to my daughter, Evette. She's the brains of the family. FormID: 000BEE07 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Always good talking to you... friend. FormID: 000BEE08 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Thanks for talking to me. FormID: 000BEE0A DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 For a stranger, you're not so bad. FormID: 000BEE0B DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Blessed are those who worship, for they know true grace. FormID: 000BEE0C DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Keep the faith. FormID: 000BEE0D DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 The strong and honorable always carry the blessing of the Eight. FormID: 000BEE0E DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 The strong and honorable always carry the blessing of the Nine. FormID: 000BEE0F DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Your rewards in life will match the strength of your faith. FormID: 000BEE10 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 The Temple of Divines is always open for worshipers. FormID: 000BEE11 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Take care, and go with the blessings of the Eight. FormID: 000BEE19 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Take care, and go with the blessings of the Nine. FormID: 000BEE1B DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I really need to get back to planning my wedding.. FormID: 000BEE1C DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Now if you'll excuse me. The East Empire Company has several accounts, and it's up to me to balance them. FormID: 000BEE1D DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Perhaps I'll be seeing more of you. FormID: 000BEE1E DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Please come back if you're ever in need of fletching supplies. FormID: 000BEE1F DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Good to talk to a fellow traveler. FormID: 000BEE20 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Stop back anytime. FormID: 000BEE21 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Thank you for helping my Aunt, earlier. I'll see you around. FormID: 000BEE63 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 People to see and places to go, huh? Later, then. FormID: 000BEE7F DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I understand, you're an important person. I'll catch up with you later. FormID: 000BEE80 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I should make sure Svari is okay. FormID: 000BEE81 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Addvar won't sell anything if I don't go and check up on him. emphasize [QUOTE]anything[QUOTE] FormID: 000BEE82 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Come back to Bits and Pieces anytime. FormID: 000BEE83 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Make sure to recommend us to your associates. FormID: 000BEE84 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Return anytime you need arms or armor. My forge never rests. FormID: 000BEE85 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Keep safe. And always wear your armor. FormID: 000BFAE6 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Finally... FormID: 000BFAE7 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Thank the gods for the end of yet another pointless conversation... FormID: 000BFAE8 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Thank you for your patronage. FormID: 000BFAE9 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I do hope you'll remain in Solitude. This city could do with some new blood. FormID: 000BFAEA DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Remember Radiant Raiment when you need a change of attire. FormID: 000BFAEB DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May you sword feast on Stormcloak flesh. FormID: 000BFAEC DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Good hunting. Go kill some bandits for me. FormID: 000BFAED DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 If you're off to fight, talk to Beirand before you go. His armor is well forged and dependable. FormID: 000BFAEE DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 These are troubled times. Be on your guard out there. FormID: 000BFAEF DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 May the gods speed your journeys... and steady your sword arm. FormID: 000BFAF0 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Come back when you figure out how to spend money. FormID: 000BFAF1 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I'll always have fruit to buy. Until it goes rotten. Then... I won't. FormID: 000BFAF2 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Good luck out there. It seems like a tough time to be wandering Skyrim. FormID: 000BFAF3 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Stay warm and keep sober. It's the two things I know for sure will make life better. FormID: 000BFAF4 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 If you're heading up to Solitude you should stop to check out the view on your way. It's a good one. FormID: 000BFAF5 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Carriages to all the cities in Skyrim. Don't forget us. FormID: 000BFAF6 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 A man like you should own a horse. Go speak with my husband. FormID: 000DD60C DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 A woman like you should own a horse. Go speak with my husband. FormID: 000BFAF7 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Plenty of chores to do... FormID: 000BFAF8 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 Pa always says good men need few words. FormID: 000BFAF9 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I want to check on Grani, one of our horses. Goodbye, stranger. FormID: 000BD712 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne02 DialogueSolitudeVivienne02Topic CUST 0 You really don't know? FormID: 000BD712 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne02 DialogueSolitudeVivienne02Topic CUST 1 He let Ulfric Stormcloak escape Solitude. Ulfric rides in, murders the High King and Roggvir lets him ride right back out. FormID: 000C1A3F DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne02 DialogueSolitudeVivienne02Topic CUST 0 You really don't know? FormID: 000C1A3F DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne02 DialogueSolitudeVivienne02Topic CUST 1 He opened the gate for Ulfric Stormcloak. Ulfric rides in, defeats the High King and Roggvir was the one that let him ride right back out. FormID: 000C1A3F DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne02 DialogueSolitudeVivienne02Topic CUST 2 And now the Stormcloaks have claimed the entire city. I guess we have Roggvir to thank for that as well. Sarcastic FormID: 000BD70F DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis02 DialogueSolitudeVald02Topic CUST 0 Not my finest hour. Roggvir was a fine and honorable man. FormID: 000BD70B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis02 DialogueSolitudeVald02Topic02 CUST 0 No. I think he was entirely wrong. Roggvir's execution was justified and necessary. FormID: 000BD70B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis02 DialogueSolitudeVald02Topic02 CUST 1 Being honorable might make you a good man, but it doesn't make you right. Be a better world if it did. FormID: 000BD706 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis02 DialogueSolitudeVald02Topic03 CUST 0 Sometimes you just do what needs to be done. You don't have to hate a man to kill him. FormID: 000BD706 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis02 DialogueSolitudeVald02Topic03 CUST 1 Though, admittedly... it helps. FormID: 000BD703 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeStyrrBranch DialogueSolitudeStyrr01Topic02 CUST 0 This city has a long history of madness and murder. The Wolf Queen... Pelagius... The death of High King Torygg... And now, public executions. FormID: 000BD703 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeStyrrBranch DialogueSolitudeStyrr01Topic02 CUST 1 My books tell the stories. Have no doubt - as pretty as its streets are, as jovial as the bards may be... darkness is drawn to Solitude. FormID: 000BD6FE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeStyrr02 DialogueSolitudeStyrr02Topic CUST 0 You mean Roggvir. Yes. I made an appeal to Captain Aldis. He allowed Roggvir to have a proper Nord burial, as is the custom in Solitude. FormID: 000BD6FC DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAhtarBranch DialogueSolitudeAhtar01Topic02 CUST 0 Depends on what you mean by [QUOTE]busy.[QUOTE] I'm also the head jailor in the dungeon here. Quiet job, usually. FormID: 000BD71E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAhtar02 DialogueSolitudeAhtar02Topic CUST 0 Ain't got one. But I'd fancy a chance at that Jaree-Ra's scrawny neck. FormID: 000BD71E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAhtar02 DialogueSolitudeAhtar02Topic CUST 1 Filthy Argonian never would have set foot in this city, if High King Torygg was still alive. I can tell you that. FormID: 000BD715 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis01 DialogueSolitudeVald01Topic02 CUST 0 Can any man hope to be ready for a dragon? FormID: 000BD715 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis01 DialogueSolitudeVald01Topic02 CUST 1 I can but hone their skills and harden their hearts. The rest is up to the gods. FormID: 000BD716 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis01 DialogueSolitudeVald01Topic02 CUST 0 You're the Dragonborn aren't you? FormID: 000BD716 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis01 DialogueSolitudeVald01Topic02 CUST 1 I'm sort of hoping you're going to fight the dragons for us. A normal man is no match for a dragon. FormID: 000BD711 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvari02 DialogueSolitudeSvari02Topic CUST 0 Dragon? FormID: 000BD70E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvari02 DialogueSolitudeSvari02Topic02 CUST 0 Really? Was it big? Did it breath fire? FormID: 000BD70A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvari02 DialogueSolitudeSvari02Topic03 CUST 0 Oh, wow. I knew it. I knew they were real! I have to remember to tell papa. FormID: 000BD702 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta02 DialogueSolitudeGreta02Topic CUST 0 Then like Roggvir, you're a Nord at heart. It's hard for many of the people here to understand. FormID: 000BD702 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta02 DialogueSolitudeGreta02Topic CUST 1 I think Aldis understands. I don't think I could have stayed here if anyone else had... FormID: 000BD702 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta02 DialogueSolitudeGreta02Topic CUST 2 I... I think I need to stop talking now... FormID: 000BD6FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic CUST 0 Roggvir. He opened a gate and they executed him for it. FormID: 000BD6FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic CUST 1 He opened a gate and the wrong man rode out of it. If that man hadn't been Ulfric Stormcloak. If Ulfric hadn't killed High King Torygg... FormID: 000BD6FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic CUST 2 But it was Ulfric. And he did kill the High King, in honorable combat. My brother refused to allow the the Imperials to take revenge for the deed. emphasize [QUOTE]was[QUOTE] FormID: 000BD6FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic CUST 3 So now he's dead. FormID: 000BD6FB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGeta03Topic02 CUST 0 Then you didn't know Roggvir, and you have no idea what it means to be a Nord of Skyrim! FormID: 000BD6FB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGeta03Topic02 CUST 1 He did the honorable thing, even when he knew it would cost him everything. FormID: 000BD6FB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGeta03Topic02 CUST 2 My brother was the best man in Solitude. FormID: 000BD719 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic03 CUST 0 Then like Roggvir, you have a Nord's heart. It's hard for many of the people here to understand. FormID: 000BD719 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic03 CUST 1 I think Aldis understands. I don't think I could have stayed here if anyone else had... FormID: 000BD719 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic03 CUST 2 I... I think I need to be done talking for the moment. FormID: 000BD714 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawanan02 DialogueSolitudeJawanan02Topic CUST 0 Where the Dragon attacked? FormID: 000BD714 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawanan02 DialogueSolitudeJawanan02Topic CUST 1 We've heard rumors of death and... and fire from the skies. But no real news. FormID: 000BD713 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawanan02 DialogueSolitudeJawanan02Topic02 CUST 0 Then we should soon be selling arrows by the bushel. A sword is no good against a dragon. FormID: 000BD710 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 0 No. That honor is Sybille Stentor's. A smart man steers clear of Stentor. FormID: 000BD710 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 1 And keeps himself out of the dungeon when she's having a bad day... FormID: 000DD60B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 0 No. That honor is Sybille Stentor's. A smart woman steers clear of Stentor. FormID: 000DD60B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 1 And keeps herself out of the dungeon when she's having a bad day... FormID: 000C1A43 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 0 Now that Sybille Stentor is out of the picture, I am indeed. And the court is, well... free of her... eccentricities. FormID: 000C1A43 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 1 Moving into her quarters was an interesting process. FormID: 000BD70C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic02 CUST 0 Let's just say the headsman's axe may not be the worst way for a Solitude Jail prisoner to die. FormID: 000BD70C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic02 CUST 1 Look at that. I've told you to watch your tongue and mine is waggling. I've said enough. FormID: 000BD707 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisli02 DialogueSolitudeGisli02Topic CUST 0 If you're looking for a good attitude go see the Bards. They'll fake it for you if nothing else. FormID: 000BD704 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorex01Topic02 CUST 0 Listen, Roggvir and I grew up together. It was us, a few others and Vivienne. Vivienne Onis. FormID: 000BD704 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorex01Topic02 CUST 1 I have no idea why, but one day, I told Roggvir I liked her. It was a stupid thing to do... He mocked me incessantly after that. FormID: 000BD704 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorex01Topic02 CUST 2 From that point forward, every time Vivienne and I were anywhere close to each other, he made sure to humiliate me. FormID: 000BD704 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorex01Topic02 CUST 3 He'd beat me up, dump mead on my head, anything he could get away with. Once he even slipped a beehive into my bed. FormID: 000BD704 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorex01Topic02 CUST 4 We were children, sure. But Roggvir never outgrew that immaturity, or his cruelty. So any talk about him being an [QUOTE]honorable[QUOTE] Nord? Pure folly. FormID: 000BD6FF DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorex02 DialogueSolitudeSorex02Topic CUST 0 Work in it? I own it. FormID: 000BD700 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorex02 DialogueSolitudeSorex02Topic CUST 0 You could say that. I own the place. FormID: 000BD752 BQ02 BQ02Main BQ02MainTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has put out a bounty on Forsworn. Here, take a look at this decree for details. FormID: 000BD734 BQ03 BQ03Main BQ03MainTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has put out a bounty to slay a giant. Here, take a look at this decree for details. FormID: 000BD639 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Come on now, watch the footwork. Keep your balance. watching a fight, instructing a student (training) FormID: 000BD63A C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Strike when the shoulder turns. He's giving you openings! watching a fight, instructing a student (training) FormID: 000BD63B C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Watch the eyes! watching a fight, instructing a student (training) FormID: 000BD63C C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Just keep moving, you'll wear him out! watching a fight, instructing a student (training) FormID: 000BD693 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Get him! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD694 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Chop chop! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD695 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Get in there and push! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD696 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 All right! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD683 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Nice! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD685 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Come on! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD17F C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 What are you waiting for? cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD180 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Just keep swinging! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD181 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Pull him back! cheering, watching a fight FormID: 000BD688 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightGoodbyes GBYE 0 Great, back to the fight. FormID: 000BD689 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightGoodbyes GBYE 0 Always good to see 'em go. FormID: 000BD68A C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightGoodbyes GBYE 0 So who's winning now? FormID: 000BD68B C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep a sharp eye about you and maybe I'll teach you to fight some day. FormID: 000BD68C C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch the blades. FormID: 000BD631 C00 SCEN 0 Vilkas, take him out to the yard and see what he can do. FormID: 000BD635 C00 SCEN 0 Vilkas, take her out to the yard and see what she can do. FormID: 000BD210 C00 SCEN 0 Aye. FormID: 000BD68D C00 C00Hellos HELO 0 Vilkas will see if you're worth our trouble. FormID: 000BD68E C00 C00Hellos HELO 0 I hear you have spirit. This is good. You may yet join our numbers. FormID: 000BD691 C00 C00Hellos HELO 0 Keep up the effort, boy. Eyes on the horizon, always. FormID: 000BD692 C00 C00Hellos HELO 0 Keep up the effort, young one. Eyes on the horizon, always. FormID: 000BD687 C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundWalkaway CUST 0 Wait, before you go... FormID: 000BD686 C00 C00EorlundFollowup C00EorlundFavorWhatNow CUST 0 I've been working on a shield for Aela. FormID: 000BD686 C00 C00EorlundFollowup C00EorlundFavorWhatNow CUST 1 My wife is in mourning and I need to get back to her soon. I'd be much obliged if you could take this to Aela for me. FormID: 000BD682 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Are those two at it again? FormID: 000BD211 C00JorrvaskrFight SCEN 0 Hey, a fight! FormID: 0003FA43 MQ00 MQ00PaarDragonrendLore MQ00PaarDragonrendLoreTopic CUST 0 I cannot tell you in detail. I never heard it used. Kogaan. It was the first Thu'um created solely by mortals. Kogaan = blessings ([QUOTE]thankfully[QUOTE]) FormID: 0003FA43 MQ00 MQ00PaarDragonrendLore MQ00PaarDragonrendLoreTopic CUST 1 It was said to force a dragon to experience the concept of Mortality. A truly vonmindoraan... incomprehensible idea to the immortal dov. FormID: 000BD168 MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroB1 CUST 0 Fascinating! So the ancients were more daring... or foolhardy... similar to the Dragon Break itself, although less far-reaching... eagerly - your mind is running a mile a minute at the possibilities - almost talking to yourself FormID: 000BD168 MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroB1 CUST 1 This Elder Scroll might be able to show you the past in some way, then... yes, yes, it could work. FormID: 000BD16E MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroB2 CUST 0 Paarthurnax? That name is familiar... the legendary leader of the Greybeards? FormID: 000BD16E MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroB2 CUST 1 I would not have expected a scholar of such an esoteric turn of mind among their ranks. FormID: 000BD16C MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroB3 CUST 0 Hmm. Well, if that's what the Greybeards told you, I confess I don't have a better plan. FormID: 000BD16C MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroB3 CUST 1 So little is known about the Elder Scrolls, almost anything is possible where they're concerned. Artifacts of truly inconceivable power. FormID: 000BD16B MQ205 IDAT 0 Do you know the College of Winterhold? They have a deep interest in such arcana. FormID: 000BD16A MQ00 MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDo MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDoTopic CUST 0 Return it here, to the Tiid-Ahraan. Then... Kelle vomindok. Nothing is certain with such things... Kelle vomindok = [QUOTE]The Elder Scrolls are unknown/unknowable[QUOTE] FormID: 000BD16A MQ00 MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDo MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDoTopic CUST 1 But I believe the Scroll's bond with the Tiid-Ahraan will allow you a... a seeing, a vision of the moment of its creation. FormID: 000BD16A MQ00 MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDo MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDoTopic CUST 2 Then you will feel - know - Dragonrend, in the power of its first expression. FormID: 000BD16A MQ00 MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDo MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDoTopic CUST 3 You will see them... wuth fadonne... my friends - Hakon, Gormlaith, Felldir. wuth fadonne = old friends FormID: 000BD169 MQ00 MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDo MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDoA1 CUST 0 The first mortals that I taught the Thu'um - the first Tongues. The leaders of the rebellion against Alduin. FormID: 000BD169 MQ00 MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDo MQ00PaarElderScrollWhatToDoA1 CUST 1 They were mighty, in their day. Even to attempt to defeat Alduin... sahrot hunne. The Nords have had many heroes since, but none greater. sahrot hunne = mighty heroes FormID: 000BD14E MQ101 SCEN 0 And what's wrong with him, huh? noticing the prisoner next to you is gagged FormID: 000BD159 MQ101 SCEN 0 Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King. quick snap, protective of his king FormID: 000BD157 MQ101 SCEN 0 Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. rising horror at what this means for you (it's bad) FormID: 000BD157 MQ101 SCEN 1 But if they've captured you.... Oh gods, where are they taking us? rising horror at what this means for you (it's bad) FormID: 000BD156 MQ101 SCEN 0 I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits. grim, stoic, [QUOTE]Sovngarde awaits[QUOTE] is like [QUOTE]heaven awaits[QUOTE] FormID: 000BCF23 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardForceGreetBranch MS11CrimeSceneGuardForceGreetTopic CUST 0 Hold it there! Keep your distance. FormID: 000BCF12 MQ104 COTN 0 Is it dead? shocked FormID: 000BCF17 MQ104 TAUT 0 Keep firing! FormID: 000BCF18 MQ104 TAUT 0 That's it! We'll bring that bastard down! FormID: 000BCF19 MQ104 TAUT 0 Is that all you've got? FormID: 000BCF1A MQ104 TAUT 0 For Whiterun and Skyrim! FormID: 000BCF1B MQ104 TAUT 0 Come down here and fight, you coward! FormID: 000BCF1C MQ104 TAUT 0 I can't get a bead on him! FormID: 000BCF1D MQ104 TAUT 0 Does anyone see him? FormID: 000BCF1E MQ104 TAUT 0 We don't stand a chance! FormID: 000BCF1F MQ104 TAUT 0 Stay under cover! FormID: 000BCF20 MQ104 TAUT 0 Now you're going to pay! FormID: 000BCF29 MQ104 TAUT 0 Take him down! It's our best chance! FormID: 000BCF16 MQ104 SCEN 0 You... must be Dragonborn! awed FormID: 000BCD1D DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2Topic CUST 0 I can't talk about it. Rest assured, the Jarl hears everyone's concerns. You will be able to visit the dead again soon. official, hiding something FormID: 000BCD22 DA11Intro DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranch2 DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranch2Topic CUST 0 I don't need to know the details. Blessings of Arkay to you for your help. relieved FormID: 000BCD22 DA11Intro DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranch2 DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranch2Topic CUST 1 Here. Take my amulet as a reward. FormID: 000BCD24 DA07 DA07QuestGiveBranch DA07QuestGiveTopic02 CUST 0 Fine. I can't force you to help me, but the offer is open. passionate curator FormID: 000BCD23 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic02 CUST 0 This shrine was built by the Dunmer. As our land was scorched by fire and brimstone, Azura's prophecies led us to safety. calmness of a monk FormID: 000BCD23 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic02 CUST 1 She is a Daedra, a powerful being who watches from beyond our mortal plane. She has chosen you to be her champion. calmness of a monk FormID: 000BCD16 DA01 DA01AraneaHaveStarBranch DA01AraneaHaveStarTopic02 CUST 0 I understand. Speaking to a goddess is overwhelming for many. Return when you're prepared. calmness of a monk FormID: 000BCD1B DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfHouseTopic02 CUST 0 Coward. You're nothing. Nothing! insulting FormID: 000BCD19 DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroTopic01B CUST 0 I'm with the Vigil of Stendarr. We believe this house might have been used for Daedra worship. Evil rites and so forth. Walk Away FormID: 000BCD17 MS13LucanCamillaScene SCEN 0 Oh, a customer. Sorry you had to hear that. FormID: 0001A18E HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 You seem to be a little short on coin. Come back and see me when you've got the gold. FormID: 000BCC87 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 Looks like you've got some help already. I'll join you, but you'll have to let your comrade go. What do you say? FormID: 000BDB4D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 With a master of magic at your side, you'll have nothing to fear. Arrogant FormID: 000BCC86 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 That's a fair price. My blade is yours. FormID: 000BDFB1 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 My blade is sharp and I thirst for battle. Onward, then! Excited. FormID: 0001A1CD HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 You have chosen wisely. Lead on, and I shall follow. FormID: 0001A1CF HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 What dangers and wonders shall we discover in the frozen wastes? I can hardly wait to find out! FormID: 000653F1 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestTopic HirelingQuestTopic1 CUST 0 Lead the way! Enthusiastic. FormID: 000BC8B3 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Careful, huh? Thanks, Skulvar. I'll remember that. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000BC8B5 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Like to see him laugh his way out that. FormID: 000BC8B4 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000BCC9B DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSvenDragons DialogueRiverwoodSvenDragon CUST 0 Truly? So maybe my mother isn't crazy after all. FormID: 000BCC9B DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSvenDragons DialogueRiverwoodSvenDragon CUST 1 You had best tell the Jarl in Whiterun. He needs to know about this. FormID: 000BC913 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodAlvor DialogueRiverwoodAlvorForge CUST 0 I see no harm in it, if you have the skill. FormID: 000BC913 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodAlvor DialogueRiverwoodAlvorForge CUST 1 The grindstone will improve your weapons. Use the table to improve your armor. FormID: 000BC913 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodAlvor DialogueRiverwoodAlvorForge CUST 2 If you've got the raw materials, you can use the forge to make something new. FormID: 000BCCC6 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSvenStores DialogueRiverwoodSvenStoresTopic CUST 0 Lucan's got a little bit of everything at the Riverwood Trader. FormID: 000BCCC6 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSvenStores DialogueRiverwoodSvenStoresTopic CUST 1 If you need weapons or armor, see Alvor, the blacksmith. FormID: 000FE2D4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSvenStores DialogueRiverwoodSvenStoresTopic CUST 0 And by [QUOTE]supplies[QUOTE] I suppose you mean weapons and armor. sarcasm FormID: 000FE2D4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSvenStores DialogueRiverwoodSvenStoresTopic CUST 1 Alvor can help you out. He's our blacksmith. FormID: 000BCCC4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 0 Orgnar. FormID: 000BCCC4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 1 Orgnar! FormID: 000BCCC4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 2 Are you listening? FormID: 000BC6E7 dunBardsLeapSummitQST dunBardsLeapSummitRewardDialog dunBardsLeapSummitRewardDialogTopic CUST 0 Wait, where did you get this? This piece was thought to be lost forever, please take this with my utmost thanks! FormID: 000BCCBF DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 0 Hard not to. FormID: 000BCCB1 DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 0 The ale is going bad. We need to get a new batch. FormID: 000BCCB0 DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 0 Did you hear me? FormID: 000BCC9C DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 0 Yep. Ale's going bad. FormID: 000BCAF3 DialogueRiverwood_Revised SCEN 0 I guess you don't have potatoes in your ears after all. Just make sure we get a fresh batch in soon. FormID: 000BC58E WERJ05 WERJ05PowerAttackBark POAT 0 This is for Haldyn! FormID: 000BC57E WERJ05 WERJ05TauntBark TAUT 0 Horkers' revenge! FormID: 000BC578 WERJ05 WERJ05AttackBark ATCK 0 Yarr! pirate attack yell FormID: 000DECC4 WERJ05 WERJ05AttackBark ATCK 0 Avast, dog! pirate attack yell FormID: 000DECC5 WERJ05 WERJ05AttackBark ATCK 0 Die, ya cowardly lubber! pirate attack yell FormID: 000BC21A RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic1 RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic1Topic CUST 0 It's true. For as long as I can remember our crops have always done well. FormID: 000BC21A RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic1 RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic1Topic CUST 1 I'm not sure whether it's the soil, the climate or the favor of the Divines, but we've never had a poor harvest. FormID: 000BC280 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2 RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2Topic CUST 0 Born and raised right here in Rorikstead. FormID: 000BC280 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2 RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2Topic CUST 1 My father was a soldier. He fought in the great war and when it was over, he retired here to raise a family. FormID: 000BC280 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2 RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2Topic CUST 2 My mother passed away when I was just a babe, so he did his best to raise me on his own. FormID: 000BC280 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2 RoriksteadFreeformErikGeneralTopic2Topic CUST 3 It's not the most exciting place in the world, but the people here work hard and don't cause trouble for anyone. FormID: 000BC2A6 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBusinessTopic MQ201ErikurBusinessTopicTopic CUST 0 Not every Nord is obsessed with strength, honor and skill at arms. FormID: 000BC2A6 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBusinessTopic MQ201ErikurBusinessTopicTopic CUST 1 A rare few are born with a gift for making money. My investments are my strength and my wealth is my weapon. FormID: 000BC2A6 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBusinessTopic MQ201ErikurBusinessTopicTopic CUST 2 As for honor, well, there are some luxuries even I can't afford. FormID: 000BC22C MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenExpense MQ201PartyElenwenExpenseTopic CUST 0 Of course not. One does not gather the most important men and women of Skyrim and then serve them cheap ale and stale bread. FormID: 000BC22C MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenExpense MQ201PartyElenwenExpenseTopic CUST 1 This is only a taste of the benefits that accrue to those that align themselves with Thalmor interests. FormID: 000BC21D MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenOften MQ201PartyElenwenOftenTopic CUST 0 Quite often, yes. The only thing I enjoy more than luxury is sharing that luxury with those who can appreciate it. FormID: 000BC21D MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenOften MQ201PartyElenwenOftenTopic CUST 1 But I also enjoy learning the latest gossip and hear the most intriguing rumors. FormID: 000BC197 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanFortune MQ201PartyRazelanFortuneTopic CUST 0 I've spent most of my life as a trader. I've got a stake in several shipping ventures across Tamriel, mostly imports and exports. FormID: 000BC197 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanFortune MQ201PartyRazelanFortuneTopic CUST 1 I made a lot of friends in a lot of ports, and the Thalmor approached me with a generous offer. FormID: 000BC197 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanFortune MQ201PartyRazelanFortuneTopic CUST 2 I give them access to my business associates, and they keep my coffers full. FormID: 000BC188 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanTrust MQ201PartyRazelanTrustTopic CUST 0 I trust them completely, because I understand them. FormID: 000BC188 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanTrust MQ201PartyRazelanTrustTopic CUST 1 When the Thalmor want something, they tell you straight. In my experience, they have no interest in subtleties and innuendo. FormID: 000BC188 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanTrust MQ201PartyRazelanTrustTopic CUST 2 So if one of them says they're going to do something, I believe them. When you can just take what you want, there's no need to lie. FormID: 000BC181 MQ201Party MQ201PartyVittoriaThalmor MQ201PartyVittoriaThalmorTopic CUST 0 A delicate question, to be sure. I'm the Emperor's cousin, and the Empire has little love for the Thalmor. FormID: 000BC181 MQ201Party MQ201PartyVittoriaThalmor MQ201PartyVittoriaThalmorTopic CUST 1 On the other hand, the Thalmor have considerable funds and are looking to expand their shipping. FormID: 000BC181 MQ201Party MQ201PartyVittoriaThalmor MQ201PartyVittoriaThalmorTopic CUST 2 I haven't signed any deals yet, but I'm sure my cousin will want a cut if I do. What better way to soothe his wounded pride? FormID: 000BC17D MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenThalmor MQ201PartyMavenThalmorTopic CUST 0 We have a relationship of mutual respect. FormID: 000BC17D MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenThalmor MQ201PartyMavenThalmorTopic CUST 1 I care little about the politics and rivalries between the Thalmor and the Empire. FormID: 000BC17D MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenThalmor MQ201PartyMavenThalmorTopic CUST 2 But I do respect power, and the Thalmor have that. They leave me alone, and I leave them alone. FormID: 000BC2C2 MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenTargets MQ201PartyMavenTargetsTopic CUST 0 Don't mention the Guild. In fact, it's better if you don't speak to me at all. This is not the place. This line is spoken in a low voice, almost a whisper, so it cannot be heard by those within earshot. There should be a suggestion of annoyance. and i FormID: 000BC259 MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenDealings MQ201PartyMavenDealingsTopic CUST 0 Have you learned nothing about me? I have dealings with everyone. FormID: 000BC259 MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenDealings MQ201PartyMavenDealingsTopic CUST 1 Now, leave me. I don't want to arouse suspicion by talking to someone that clearly doesn't belong here. Annoyed and dismissive. FormID: 000BC225 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarWork MQ201PartyOndolemarWorkTopic CUST 0 I lead the Justiciars. We are charged with enforcing the ban on Talos worship. FormID: 000BC225 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarWork MQ201PartyOndolemarWorkTopic CUST 1 Nords can be quite stubborn. They're slow to change their ways, and we find more heretics every day. FormID: 000BC225 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarWork MQ201PartyOndolemarWorkTopic CUST 2 But mark me well -- I will purge the heresy from this land as surely as the flame burns the flesh from the bone. FormID: 000BC190 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarEmpire MQ201PartyOndolemarEmpireTopic CUST 0 There is peace now, and that peace will continue for as long as it suits our needs. FormID: 000BC190 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarEmpire MQ201PartyOndolemarEmpireTopic CUST 1 But make no mistake, this is not a peace forged out of necessity between rival nations of equal strength. FormID: 000BC190 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarEmpire MQ201PartyOndolemarEmpireTopic CUST 2 It is more like the calm between storms. And the next storm, I think, will be far deadlier than the last. FormID: 000BC186 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusAwkward MQ201PartyTulliusAwkwardTopic CUST 0 That's putting it mildly. FormID: 000BC186 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusAwkward MQ201PartyTulliusAwkwardTopic CUST 1 The Thalmor invite me here to remind everyone that they can tell the Empire what to do. FormID: 000BC186 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusAwkward MQ201PartyTulliusAwkwardTopic CUST 2 I would refuse, but I don't want to jeopardize the peace between us. FormID: 000BC180 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusHost MQ201PartyTulliusHostTopic CUST 0 Elenwen is a formidable woman. She lacks for neither cunning nor ambition. FormID: 000BC180 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusHost MQ201PartyTulliusHostTopic CUST 1 Now that I think of it, she would have made a fine Imperial general. FormID: 000BC17C MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusWhoAreYou MQ201PartyOrthusWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 Ill luck. I'm a busy man and I don't have time for this sort of frivolity. Annoyed. FormID: 000BC17C MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusWhoAreYou MQ201PartyOrthusWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 But at the same time, I don't dare refuse an invitation from Elenwen. Annoyed, sarcastic. FormID: 000BC175 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusHappy MQ201PartyOrthusHappyTopic CUST 0 Is it that obvious? I should take pains to seem more happy. I wouldn't want to upset our host. Annoyed, sarcastic FormID: 000BC175 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusHappy MQ201PartyOrthusHappyTopic CUST 1 But the truth of it is, I have a mountain of paperwork back in Windhelm and it's not getting any smaller. Exasperated, annoyed FormID: 000BC175 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusHappy MQ201PartyOrthusHappyTopic CUST 2 I just hope this party doesn't drag on all night. Annoyed FormID: 000BC2AA MQ201Party MQ201PartyGathering MQ201PartyProventusGatheringTopic CUST 0 Oh, yes! Quite! So many important people from all across Skyrim. A bit nervous and nebbish FormID: 000BC24D MQ201Party MQ201PartyProventusJob MQ201PartyProventusJobTopic CUST 0 I'm the Steward of Whiterun. I serve Jarl Balgruuf in Dragonsreach. FormID: 000BC24D MQ201Party MQ201PartyProventusJob MQ201PartyProventusJobTopic CUST 1 Truth be told, I'd be more comfortable if I were back there. I get nervous in the company of so many worthies. Nervous, nebbish FormID: 000BC224 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFamiliar MQ201PartyProventusFamiliarTopic CUST 0 Oh, hello there. I didn't expect to see you here. Surprised. FormID: 000BC224 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFamiliar MQ201PartyProventusFamiliarTopic CUST 1 Yes, I am indeed. Elenwen always serves the best wine at her parties. The food is excellent as well. FormID: 000BC224 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFamiliar MQ201PartyProventusFamiliarTopic CUST 2 Though I confess, being surrounded by so many wealthy and important people makes me feel more than a little nervous. Nervous, nebbish FormID: 000C080C MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifBlocking MQ201PartyElisifBlockingTopic CUST 0 Go ahead and play your little joke. FormID: 000BC1B8 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifBlocking MQ201PartyElisifBlockingTopic CUST 0 When I married Torygg, he promised we'd go to lavish parties just like this. I wish he were here now. Happy, but a little bit melancholy as well. FormID: 000BC1B9 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifBlocking MQ201PartyElisifBlockingTopic CUST 0 Isn't this something? Elenwen really knows how to host a party! FormID: 000BC1BA MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifBlocking MQ201PartyElisifBlockingTopic CUST 0 I could learn a lot from the people in this room. FormID: 000BC1BB MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifBlocking MQ201PartyElisifBlockingTopic CUST 0 Have you tried the wine? It's better than anything in the Blue Palace. FormID: 000BC17F MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifEnjoying MQ201PartyElisifEnjoyingTopic CUST 0 Very much so, yes. FormID: 000BC17F MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifEnjoying MQ201PartyElisifEnjoyingTopic CUST 1 Elewen's parties are always so elegant. She really has impeccable taste. FormID: 000BC17F MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifEnjoying MQ201PartyElisifEnjoyingTopic CUST 2 My only regret is that she doesn't host them more often. FormID: 000BC179 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifJarl MQ201PartyElisifJarlTopic CUST 0 I beg your pardon? FormID: 000BC179 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifJarl MQ201PartyElisifJarlTopic CUST 1 You must have me mistaken for someone else. I am Elisif, widow of High King Torygg and Jarl of Solitude. FormID: 000BC179 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifJarl MQ201PartyElisifJarlTopic CUST 2 Lucky for you, I possess a forgiving nature and I'm not easily insulted. FormID: 000BC2CE MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifSolitude MQ201PartyElisifSolitudeTopic CUST 0 Why, thank you. You are most courteous. FormID: 000BC2CE MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifSolitude MQ201PartyElisifSolitudeTopic CUST 1 I admit, I'm surprised to see you here. Normally these parties are reserved for the Jarls and business leaders of Skyrim. FormID: 000BC2CE MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifSolitude MQ201PartyElisifSolitudeTopic CUST 2 Elenwen must be very fond of you. FormID: 000C0833 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufBlocking MQ201PartyBalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 I've got this. Do what you need to do. FormID: 000BC260 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufBlocking MQ201PartyBalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 This gathering is nothing more than a boast. The Thalmor are reminding us that we're at their beck and call. Annoyed FormID: 000BC278 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufBlocking MQ201PartyBalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 We've got troubles enough without the Thalmor and their witch-hunts. FormID: 000BC27A MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufBlocking MQ201PartyBalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'd rather be back at Whiterun, but while I'm here I might as well get some real news from the other parts of Skyrim. FormID: 000BC27F MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufBlocking MQ201PartyBalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 These Thalmor might not like to admit it, but as long as the Empire has Skyrim, the Empire has strength. FormID: 000BC18A MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufHost MQ201PartyBalgruufHostTopic CUST 0 Not well at all, and I'm happy to keep it that way. FormID: 000BC18A MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufHost MQ201PartyBalgruufHostTopic CUST 1 That woman and her Thalmor Justiciars have caused nothing but problems for the people of Skyrim. Annoyed FormID: 000BC187 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufThalmor MQ201PartyThalmorTopic CUST 0 I am not. I have no more taste for Thalmor wine than I do for Thalmor company. Annoyed FormID: 000BC187 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufThalmor MQ201PartyThalmorTopic CUST 1 What is more, I'm away from the hold at a time when there are dragons and Stormcloaks on the loose. FormID: 000BC187 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBalgruufThalmor MQ201PartyThalmorTopic CUST 2 There's every chance I'll return to find a pile of smoking ash where Whiterun once stood. Annoyed FormID: 000C0826 MQ201Party MQ201PartySidgeirBlocking MQ201PartySidgeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 You asked for my help. Not for nothing, I hope? FormID: 000BC24F MQ201Party MQ201PartySidgeirBlocking MQ201PartySidgeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 These Thalmor know how to treat a guest. FormID: 000BC252 MQ201Party MQ201PartySidgeirBlocking MQ201PartySidgeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 A ruler is entitled to luxury, don't you think? The Thalmor understand that. FormID: 000BC253 MQ201Party MQ201PartySidgeirBlocking MQ201PartySidgeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why would anyone join the Stormcloaks? They have a fraction of the Empire's wealth and power. FormID: 000BC258 MQ201Party MQ201PartySidgeirBlocking MQ201PartySidgeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 If I had my way, I'd spend all my time at parties like this, and none of it dealing with the common rabble. Stuck-up, condescending FormID: 000BC212 MQ201Party MQ201PartySiddgeirHost MQ201PartySiddgeirHostTopic CUST 0 I've known her long enough to appreciate her excellent taste in food and wine. FormID: 000BC212 MQ201Party MQ201PartySiddgeirHost MQ201PartySiddgeirHostTopic CUST 1 And also long enough to respect her importance to Skyrim. She plays a vital role in rooting out the forbidden worship of Talos. FormID: 000BC212 MQ201Party MQ201PartySiddgeirHost MQ201PartySiddgeirHostTopic CUST 2 As far as I'm concerned, those Talos-worshippers get what they deserve. All they do is cause problems for me and the other Jarls. FormID: 000BC189 MQ201Party MQ201PartySiddgeirThalmor MQ201PartySiddgeirThalmorTopic CUST 0 Yes, I know what you mean. Most Nords struggle to accept change. FormID: 000BC189 MQ201Party MQ201PartySiddgeirThalmor MQ201PartySiddgeirThalmorTopic CUST 1 Those who fought the Thalmor in the Great War still see an enemy. But that war is over, and a new day has dawned. FormID: 000BC189 MQ201Party MQ201PartySiddgeirThalmor MQ201PartySiddgeirThalmorTopic CUST 2 Besides, the Thalmor reward their friends richly. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of that is a stubborn fool. FormID: 000C0819 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodBlocking MQ201PartyIdgrodBlockingTopic CUST 0 Be about your business, while I'm about mine. FormID: 000BC185 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodBlocking MQ201PartyIdgrodBlockingTopic CUST 0 Now here is a face I did not expect to see. Be mindful, for you walk among adders. FormID: 000BC182 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodBlocking MQ201PartyIdgrodBlockingTopic CUST 0 It is not eyes that reveal another's true nature. It is the heart. FormID: 000BC183 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodBlocking MQ201PartyIdgrodBlockingTopic CUST 0 If your eyes and your ears are open and your mind is free of judgement and expectation, you might learn much in this chamber. FormID: 000BC184 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodBlocking MQ201PartyIdgrodBlockingTopic CUST 0 There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are adept in both languages. FormID: 000BC24C MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodParty MQ201PartyIdgrodPartyTopic CUST 0 Fair faces and fine food are well and good, but honesty is rarely so pleasing. FormID: 000BC1B7 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodThalmor MQ201PartyIdgrodThalmorTopic CUST 0 There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are adept in both languages. FormID: 000BC1B7 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIdgrodThalmor MQ201PartyIdgrodThalmorTopic CUST 1 For this reason, I avoid them when I can. FormID: 000C0815 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundBlocking MQ201PartyIgmundBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm doing as you asked. This is for some good purpose, yes? FormID: 000BC18B MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundBlocking MQ201PartyIgmundBlockingTopic CUST 0 A Jarl has many duties. Attending parties isn't the most important one, but neither is it unpleasant. FormID: 000BC18C MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundBlocking MQ201PartyIgmundBlockingTopic CUST 0 Take advantage of the fine food and drink. Such things have been scarce since the war began. FormID: 000BC18D MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundBlocking MQ201PartyIgmundBlockingTopic CUST 0 I came here hoping to learn that more Imperial reinforcements were on their way to Skyrim, but so far I've been disappointed. FormID: 000BC18F MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundBlocking MQ201PartyIgmundBlockingTopic CUST 0 I admit, I've never felt entirely at ease in the Thalmor embassy. FormID: 000BC178 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundParty MQ201PartyIgmundPartyTopic CUST 0 Well enough, I suppose. FormID: 000BC178 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundParty MQ201PartyIgmundPartyTopic CUST 1 Elenwen puts a great deal of effort into these parties, and it shows. FormID: 000BC178 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundParty MQ201PartyIgmundPartyTopic CUST 2 I just wonder what her real motivations are. That woman is inscrutable. FormID: 000BC2C3 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundThalmor MQ201PartyIgmundThalmorTopic CUST 0 For now, perhaps. But I've heard disturbing rumors that they're marshalling their strength. FormID: 000BC2C3 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundThalmor MQ201PartyIgmundThalmorTopic CUST 1 I suspect the treaty that ended the war was just a tactic to buy time so the Thalmor can rebuild their armies. FormID: 000BC2C3 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundThalmor MQ201PartyIgmundThalmorTopic CUST 2 I hope I'm wrong. I'm not sure the Empire can afford another war. FormID: 000BC25A MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Are you enjoying the party? Polite, gracious FormID: 000BC25D MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Is the food and drink to your liking? Polite, gracious FormID: 000BC25E MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Is my staff seeing to your needs? Polite, gracious FormID: 000BC191 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 As much as can be expected, yes. Cordial, but a bit frosty. You're at a party, but you don't really want to be there. Still, you are trying to be polite. FormID: 000BC192 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 I have no complaints. Cordial, but a bit frosty. You're at a party, but you don't really want to be there. Still, you are trying to be polite. FormID: 000BC193 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 I suppose so, yes. Cordial, but a bit frosty. You're at a party, but you don't really want to be there. Still, you are trying to be polite. FormID: 000BC194 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Everything is splendid, thank you. Polite, satisfied FormID: 000BC195 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Very much so, and thank you for asking. Polite, satisfied FormID: 000BC196 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Very much so, and thank you for asking. Polite, satisfied FormID: 000BC2AD MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Splendid. Call if you have need of me. Polite, gracious FormID: 000BC2BE MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 It pleases me to hear you say so. Polite, gracious FormID: 000BC2C1 MQ201PartyScene1ElenwenAndGuest SCEN 0 Excellent. I'll leave you to it, then. Polite, gracious FormID: 000BC1BC MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 We've got our hands full dealing with the Stormcloaks. What about you? FormID: 000BC1E6 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 Are the dragons frightening your people as much as they're frightening mine? FormID: 000BC204 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 Have you found it difficult to get provisions lately? I can scarcely feed the staff in my palace. FormID: 000BC20D MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 Between the dragons and the Stormcloaks, my coffers are running dry. FormID: 000BC232 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 We've had the same troubles. FormID: 000BC233 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 I've spent many hours in council meetings lately grappling with that problem. FormID: 000BC23E MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 I've spent many hours in council meetings lately grappling with that problem. FormID: 000BC247 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 I've spent many hours in council meetings lately grappling with that problem. FormID: 000BC1AD MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 With any luck, a worthy hero will step forward and solve our problems, just like in the tales of old. FormID: 000BC1B1 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 We must keep faith in ourselves and the Divines. FormID: 000BC1B5 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 These are troubling times, indeed. FormID: 000BC1B6 MQ201PartyScene2JarlAndJarl SCEN 0 These are troubling times, indeed. FormID: 000BC0AF C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 I just try to keep out of the way when they start roughhousing. FormID: 000BC0B0 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Don't mind them. Just working out some issues, in the old way. FormID: 000BC0B1 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Little blood to clear the air. Hope you have the stomach for it, outsider. FormID: 000BC0B3 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 What is it? annoyed at being bothered FormID: 000BC0B4 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Not now, I'm trying to watch this! FormID: 000BC0B5 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Pay attention, you could learn something. FormID: 000BC0B6 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Are you going to let me watch, or not? FormID: 000BC0B7 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Look at the young ones scrap! FormID: 000BC0B8 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Twelve septims on the girl! Look at that speed. FormID: 000BC0B9 C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Out of the way! FormID: 000BC0BA C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Could you move? You're in the way. FormID: 000BC0BB C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Hope they don't get carried away here. FormID: 000BC0BC C00JorrvaskrFight C00JorrvaskrFightHellos HELO 0 Good fight going, here. FormID: 000BC093 MGR20B MGR20BInitialBranch MGR20BInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 There are more books to be recovered and secured in the Arcanaeum. FormID: 000BC092 MGR20B MGR20BInitialBranch MGR20BAccept CUST 0 All right. I wrote down the last place I'd heard about. Don't get killed. FormID: 000BC095 MGR20B MGR20BInitialBranch MGR20BDecline CUST 0 Some other time, then. FormID: 000BC094 MGR20B MGR20BStage20Branch MGR20BStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like you're still in one piece. And more importantly, so is the book. Thank you. FormID: 000BC04B MQ00 Pilgrim01GreybeardsBranch Pilgrim01GreybeardsBranchTopic CUST 0 They're not the sort to take visitors, but I never go that high up the path anyway. FormID: 000BC04B MQ00 Pilgrim01GreybeardsBranch Pilgrim01GreybeardsBranchTopic CUST 1 Some folk who make the trip leave them food or other essentials, but not to make conversation. FormID: 000BC047 MQ00 Pilgrim01Branch01 Pilgrim01Branch01Topic CUST 0 I'm walking the 7,000 Steps to honor the Greybeards and reflect on my own life. It's a tradition among the Nords of Skyrim. FormID: 000BC049 MQ00 Pilgrim01Branch01 Pilgrim01Branch01Topic CUST 0 I like to spend time up here. Walk the Steps, meditate on the emblems. Doesn't hurt when I bag some game along the way. FormID: 000BC04A MQ00 Pilgrim01Branch01 Pilgrim01Branch01Topic CUST 0 Enjoying the hospitalities of the inn. Suggest you do the same. You aren't being cruel, but prefer to be left alone. Gruff. FormID: 000BC046 MQ00 Pilgrim02Branch01 Pilgrim02Branch01Topic CUST 0 Walking the Steps. Meditating on the emblems. I make this trip every few years. FormID: 000BC045 MQ00 Pilgrim02Branch02 Pilgrim02Branch02Topic CUST 0 Just a pilgrim. I'd prefer to leave it at that, if you don't mind. FormID: 000BC04C MQ00 PilgrimDohvakiinBranch Pilgrim02DohvakiinTopic CUST 0 I was just outside Ivarstead when it happened. It's an exciting moment. Nothing like this has happened in centuries. FormID: 000BC04D MQ00 PilgrimDohvakiinBranch Pilgrim02DohvakiinTopic CUST 0 I did. Strange days when the monks will do that. I wonder what it means. You get a little bit of a chill thinking about what this might mean for the world. FormID: 000BBEAA MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1A1 CUST 0 Hmm. How to explain in your tongue? The dov have words for such things that joorre do not. dov = dragonkind, joorre = mortals FormID: 000BBEAA MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1A1 CUST 1 It is an... artifact from outside time. It does not exist, but it has always existed. Rah wahlaan. They are...hmm... fragments of creation. Rah wahlaan = gods (of) creation, or creator gods FormID: 000BBEAA MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1A1 CUST 2 The Kelle... Elder Scrolls, as you name them, they have often been used for prophecy. Yes, your prophecy comes from an Elder Scroll. FormID: 000BBEAA MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1A1 CUST 3 But this is only a small part of their power. Zofaas suleyk. Zofaas suleyk = fearful power FormID: 000BBEA8 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MMQ204PaarC1A2 CUST 0 Not intentionally. Some hoped he would be gone forever, forever lost. Meyye. meyye = fools - so emphatic disgust on that word FormID: 000BBEA8 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MMQ204PaarC1A2 CUST 1 I knew better. Tiid bo amativ. Time flows ever onward. One day he would surface. tiid bo amativ = [QUOTE]time flows/flies (ever) onward[QUOTE] FormID: 000BBEA8 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MMQ204PaarC1A2 CUST 2 Which is why I have lived here. For thousands of mortal years I have waited. I knew where he would emerge but not when. FormID: 000E8277 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxA1 CUST 0 Knowing a Word of Power is to take its meaning into yourself. FormID: 000E8277 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxA1 CUST 1 Contemplate the meaning of a Rotmulaag. You will become closer to that Word, as it fills your inner self. FormID: 000E8277 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxA1 CUST 2 Will I teach you, Dovahkiin? What Word calls you to deeper understanding? There are three to master: Fus, Feim, and Yol. FormID: 000BBE69 WERJ04 WERJ04KidSell WERJ04Force CUST 0 Fine, I'll show you, you big bully. FormID: 000BBE05 DA16 DA16BeforeLabBranch DA16BeforeLabBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Well done. I wasn't certain you'd even know what to look for. FormID: 000BBE04 DA16 DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryBranch DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Thank Her Benevolence it wasn't burned like the other tomes. relieved and surprised FormID: 000BBE30 DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 How dare you defile this temple, orc! FormID: 000BBE39 DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 Begone, invader! FormID: 000BBE3A DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 Die, foul orc! FormID: 000BBE3B DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 You'll pay for your blasphemy! FormID: 000BBE3C DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 Awaken, and perish! FormID: 000BBE3D DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 Feel the Benevolence of Mara! FormID: 000BBE3E DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 I'll send you to Oblivion! FormID: 000BBE3F DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 This is your final hour! FormID: 000BBE40 DA16 DA16Attacks ATCK 0 We must end the nightmares! FormID: 000BBE61 DA16 DA16Deaths DETH 0 How could you, Erandur... dying FormID: 000BBE62 DA16 DA16Deaths DETH 0 Vaermina forgive me... FormID: 000BBE1A DA16 DA16BleedOuts BLED 0 Lady Mara... preserve me... FormID: 000BBE1C DA16 DA16BleedOuts BLED 0 I've failed you... forgive me... FormID: 000BBE1D DA16 DA16BleedOuts BLED 0 Too much... can't... FormID: 000BBE1F DA16 DA16BleedOuts BLED 0 Lady Mara... I await your embrace... FormID: 000BBE20 DA16 DA16BleedOuts BLED 0 No... not when we're so close... FormID: 000BBE2E DA16 DA16BleedOuts BLED 0 Can't fail now... must hang on... FormID: 000BBE41 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 For Lady Mara! FormID: 000BBE54 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 For Dawnstar! FormID: 000BBE5C DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 By Her Benevolence, you shall not stop us! FormID: 000BBE5D DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 Take heed! They've awakened! FormID: 000BBE5E DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 Time for your final rest! FormID: 000BBE5F DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 They mustn't stop us! FormID: 000BBE60 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 We fight till the last! FormID: 000E1574 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 ...w...what happened? Wait! We're still under attack! go from waking up to attack FormID: 000E1575 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 ...the Miasma... They're still here! Stop them! go from waking up to attack FormID: 000E1576 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 ...dreaming... Defilers! Kill the defilers! go from waking up to attack FormID: 000E1577 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 ..wha?... where?... D-destroy this place! Tear it apart! waking up to attack FormID: 000E1578 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 ...s-sleeping? No! Burn the temple! Kill the priests! waking up to attack FormID: 000E1579 DA16 DA16NormalToCombat NOTC 0 ...not dead? Kill them, kill them all! waking up to attack FormID: 000BBE10 DA16 DA16CombatToNormal COTN 0 So endeth the lesson. FormID: 000BBE13 DA16 DA16CombatToNormal COTN 0 Back from whence you came, heathen! FormID: 000BBE15 DA16 DA16CombatToNormal COTN 0 To Oblivion with you. FormID: 000BBE16 DA16 DA16CombatToNormal COTN 0 Forgive me, my brother. FormID: 000BBE18 DA16 DA16CombatToNormal COTN 0 Mara forgives you, my child. FormID: 000BBE19 DA16 DA16CombatToNormal COTN 0 Rest well and sleep deeply, my brother. FormID: 000BBD94 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08DialogueBranchTopic PFGT 0 Hey! There you are, you drunken bastard. I did it, so pay up. You are approaching the player demanding money for completing a dare made when you were both drunk. The tone should be friendly at this point, but wi Walk Away FormID: 000BBD95 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08DialogueBranchTopic PFGT 0 Whoa, not so fast there, friend. You owe me money. Walk Away FormID: 000BBD96 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08DialogueBranchTopic PFGT 0 You and Sam dared me to go into that bandit camp. Well I did and brought back his stupid hat like you said, so give me the 10,000 gold you promised. Walk Away FormID: 000BBD97 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08DialogueBranchTopic PFGT 0 We agreed to 750 gold. I want my money. Walk Away FormID: 000BBD9C WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08WalkAway CUST 0 Hey, where do you think you're going? Come back here. FormID: 000BBD9B WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08WhoTopic CUST 0 We caroused together with Sam Guevenne, remember? We broke into the Temple of Dibella? How much did you end up drinking? FormID: 000BBD99 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08Pay CUST 0 Thanks. You and Sam drink too hard for me. Think I'll take my gold and go buy a nice bit of swamp in Black Marsh. FormID: 000BBD9A WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08Pay CUST 0 Thanks. You and Sam drink too hard for me. Think I'll take my gold and go buy something for this headache. FormID: 000BBD98 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08NoMoney CUST 0 So you're telling me you and Sam just sent me in there to die, then? I want my money, you bastard. Walk Away FormID: 000C03E0 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08NoMoney CUST 0 If there's one thing I hate more than a mean-spirited drunk, it's one who can't settle their debts. FormID: 000BBD93 WEDL08 WEDL08WalkingAwayBranch WEDL08WalkingAwayBranchTopic CUST 0 See you, friend. And take it easy on the wine. FormID: 000BBD91 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08Persuasion CUST 0 Well... all right. Just because we are friends. Give me, say... 750 gold and we can call it even. Walk Away FormID: 000BBD92 WEDL08 WEDL08DialogueBranch WEDL08Persuasion CUST 0 Nice try, but those bandits almost killed me. Now pay up. Walk Away FormID: 000BBCB3 WEJS03 WEJS03Main WEJS03MainTopic CUST 0 Thanks for the help. The Reach has been crawling with Forsworn lately. FormID: 000BBCB3 WEJS03 WEJS03Main WEJS03MainTopic CUST 1 It's a wonder people can get anywhere around here. Maybe I'll avoid this entire hold for awhile. That said... I do have a few things to sell. FormID: 000BBCAA TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch03 CUST 0 Very well. Perhaps when my research is complete, I'll feel more comfortable discussing my findings with you. FormID: 000BBC96 MG07 SCEN 0 Just another minute, please. scared, exhausted FormID: 000BBC94 MG07 SCEN 0 Come on, we can't stop now. We have to keep moving! scared, trying to keep it together FormID: 000BBC92 MG07 SCEN 0 Where's Elvali? She was right behind me. scared, exhausted, out of breath FormID: 000BBC90 MG07 SCEN 0 Dead. Something grabbed her from behind. Gone before I could do anything. scared, exhausted FormID: 000BBC8E MG07 SCEN 0 This is insanity. We never should've come here. scared, exhausted FormID: 000BBC8C MG07 SCEN 0 You're right. This is all my fault. Should we turn around, head back? scared, exhausted, feeling guilty FormID: 000BBC8A MG07 SCEN 0 I don't think going back is a good idea. scared, exhausted FormID: 000BBC9B MG07 SCEN 0 Going back would be the end of all of us. We keep pushing forward, and we'll make it. We will! scared, trying to keep it together and be in control FormID: 000BBC99 MG07 SCEN 0 Come on, you can make it. Let's go. scared, exhausted FormID: 000BBC98 MG07 SCEN 0 We shouldn't have left her there to die! scared, angry FormID: 000BBC95 MG07 SCEN 0 What else could we do? Stay there and die with her? She refused to go on, we didn't have a choice! scared, guilty FormID: 000BBC93 MG07 SCEN 0 This is it, you know. Through this door. Can you feel it? beyond scared; just completely detached, emotionally shut down FormID: 000BBC91 MG07 SCEN 0 We're not going to make it, are we? beyond scared, resigned to dying FormID: 000BBC8F MG07 SCEN 0 We stay together, no matter what. Agreed? beyond scared, resigned to dying FormID: 000BBC8D MG07 SCEN 0 I'll be right with you. beyond scared, resigned to dying FormID: 000BBC8B MG07 SCEN 0 Agreed. We all stay together. beyond scared, resigned to dying FormID: 000BBC89 MG07 SCEN 0 ...I'm sorry, friends. I'm so sorry! FormID: 000BBC9A MG07 SCEN 0 I had no choice! It was the only way to make sure that monster never escaped! FormID: 000BBC97 MG07 SCEN 0 I promise you, I'll never let this happen again! I'll seal this whole place away... FormID: 000BBB2B DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Welcome, child of Malacath. Your kin bid you welcome to our stronghold. Walk Away FormID: 000BBA90 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Halt, outlander. By the Code of Malacath, this stronghold belongs to the Orcs. Your kind are unwelcome. Walk Away FormID: 000BBA8F DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardTopic01 CUST 0 This is our stronghold. Here, we are free to live as Malacath intended, away from the prying eyes of the Nords. FormID: 000BBA8F DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardTopic01 CUST 1 You must have been away from your kind for a long time to forget. Come, speak to the chief and the wise woman and remember. FormID: 000BBB2D DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardTopic01 CUST 0 This is our stronghold. Here, we are free to live as Malacath intended, away from the prying eyes of the Nords. FormID: 000BBB2D DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardTopic01 CUST 1 You're not an Orc, or Blood-Kin, so stay out. We only help our own. FormID: 000BBA91 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardTopic02 CUST 0 Ha. We admire your fighting spirit, Orc-Kin. You'll fit right in here. Come inside. FormID: 000BBB2C DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardBlockingBranch DialogueOrcsGuardTopic02 CUST 0 We won't kill you, outlander, but we don't want you here. Remember that. FormID: 000BBA8C DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsLetInBranch DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsLetInBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmm... we've heard whispers of an enchanted pair of gauntlets, hidden and protected by dangerous men, beasts, or worse. FormID: 000BBA8C DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsLetInBranch DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsLetInBranchTopic CUST 1 They are called the Forgemaster's Fingers. Bring them to our chief, and he will decide if you're worthy to be Blood-Kin to the Orcs. FormID: 000BBA8D DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMauloch DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMaulochTopic CUST 0 You do not remember the Daedric Lord of the Orcs? The keeper of the Sworn Oath and the Bloody Curse? FormID: 000BBA8D DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMauloch DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMaulochTopic CUST 1 We live by his code and follow his teachings. Spend some time with the wise woman and you'll remember. FormID: 000BBB2A DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMauloch DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMaulochTopic CUST 0 He is the Daedric Lord of the Orcs. The keeper of the Sworn Oath and the Bloody Curse. FormID: 000BBB2A DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMauloch DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsMaulochTopic CUST 1 We live by his code and follow his teachings. An outlander like you wouldn't understand. FormID: 000BBA8E DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsStronghold DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsStrongholdTopic CUST 0 There are a few great strongholds worthy to talk about. Dushnikh Yal, Mor Khazgur, Narzulbur, and Largashbur. FormID: 000BBA92 DialogueOrcs GBYE 0 Outlanders should mind their own business. FormID: 000BBA93 DialogueOrcs GBYE 0 Don't come back. FormID: 0007664F DialogueOrcs GBYE 0 Damn outsiders. FormID: 000BBA94 DialogueOrcs GBYE 0 And stay out. FormID: 000BB965 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodBackground DialogueRiverwoodDragons CUST 0 There's the one about Tiber Septim and the dragon Nafaalilargus. I never bothered to learn it. FormID: 000BB965 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodBackground DialogueRiverwoodDragons CUST 1 The Blades killed them all centuries ago. Nobody asks to hear that lay anymore. FormID: 000BB962 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodSpellsBranch DialogueRiverwoodSpellsTopic CUST 0 I think I have a few old spell books laying about. If you want more, you'll have to go to the College of Winterhold. FormID: 000BB963 DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 And I've got better things to do than listen to more of your fantasies. FormID: 000BB369 dunNilheimQST dunNilheimPreHellosQST HELO 0 Are they gone? FormID: 000BB36A dunNilheimQST dunNilheimPreHellosQST HELO 0 Please help. I can pay you. FormID: 000BB368 dunNilheimQST dunNilheimAttackLine dunNilheimAttackLineTopic CUST 0 Looks like we've got ourselves another fool. FormID: 000BAD12 CreatureDialogueChaurus HIT_ 0 FormID: 000BABE2 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodBackground DialogueRiverwoodBackgroundTopic CUST 0 Gerdur's family first settled here as wood cutters a few generations ago. FormID: 000BABE2 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodBackground DialogueRiverwoodBackgroundTopic CUST 1 She and Hod run the mill. I make a decent living sharpening axes and fixing the sawmill. FormID: 000FE2D3 DialogueRiverwood_Revised DialogueRiverwoodBackground DialogueRiverwoodBackgroundTopic CUST 0 It's my mill. Some folks think it's my town too, but it ain't. The Jarl in Whiterun owns the land and the town. I just pay the taxes. FormID: 000BA59D dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 Can you believe one person came in here and took out this whole camp? FormID: 000BA59C dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 Stop yammering and keep your eyes peeled. They could be here at any moment. If I were them I'd come straight here, sword swingin'! FormID: 000BA598 TG07SP SCEN 0 How can Mercer open up a vault that needs two keys? It's impossible. Could he pick his way in? FormID: 000BA559 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Dibella's blessing to you. FormID: 00065734 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Be careful not to fall on your way out. FormID: 00065735 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have silver to bend. FormID: 000BA55A DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Farewell. FormID: 000BA55B DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Come back if you need a new ring or necklace. FormID: 000BA55C DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Stop by my stall in the market sometime. FormID: 000BA55D DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Bye now, mister. FormID: 000BA55E DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Bye now, miss. FormID: 000BA55F DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Come back when you need more meat. Bring gold. FormID: 000BA560 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Need to get back to chopping. FormID: 000BA561 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Stay out of trouble in my city. FormID: 000BA562 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Stay clear of the Forsworn. Bloodthirsty savages. FormID: 000BA563 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I should get back to work. Money doesn't count itself. FormID: 000BA564 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Time to prepare some more records on the silver trade. FormID: 000BA565 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Yeah, yeah. FormID: 000BA566 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Get going, then. FormID: 000BA567 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 The blood of Markarth is silver. FormID: 000BA568 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have work to do. FormID: 000BA569 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Yes, I was bored talking to you anyway. FormID: 000BA56A DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Take care. FormID: 000BA56D DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have records I need to tend to. FormID: 000BA56E DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 What? Oh. Bye. FormID: 000BA56F DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Bye now, dearie. FormID: 000BA570 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Take care, dearie. FormID: 000BA571 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Come back whenever you need something. FormID: 000BA572 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 If you need anything else, just ask. FormID: 000BA573 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I better get back to sorting the dry goods. FormID: 000BA574 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Now where did I put that shipment of forks... FormID: 000BA575 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I think I'm going to get another drink. FormID: 000BA576 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Bye. FormID: 000BA577 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Remember. Ale is cheaper than blood in Markarth. FormID: 000BA578 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Guards are free to search your room. Uh, just keep that in mind. FormID: 000BA579 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I should remind Kleppr to clean this place up. FormID: 000BA57A DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Bye, now. FormID: 000BA57D DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 May the crags fail to trip your feet. FormID: 000BA57E DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Safe travels to you. FormID: 000BA57F DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Good fighting to you. FormID: 000BA580 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Live a life worth telling about. FormID: 000BA581 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have a prison to run. FormID: 000BA582 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Don't cause any trouble. FormID: 000BA583 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have work to do. FormID: 000BA584 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Goodbye. FormID: 000BA585 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Now you let me know if you need a cure... or anything else. slightly sinister FormID: 000BA586 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have herbs to mix. FormID: 000BA587 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I should get back to memorizing recipes. FormID: 000BA588 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Now, is lavender an herb or a poison? Hmm.... FormID: 000BA589 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Bring more gold next time. FormID: 000BA58A DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Tell everyone you see to bring me some septims. FormID: 000BA58B DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 If you'll excuse me, I have a city to run. FormID: 000BA58C DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I have letters to read. FormID: 000BA58D DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Keep your eyes open for Forsworn when you're on the roads. FormID: 000BA58E DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Let me know if you need something forged. FormID: 000BA58F DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Back to making weapons. FormID: 000BA590 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 I should heat up the forge. Why does it have to be so hot? FormID: 000BA591 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Oh, goodbye then. FormID: 000BA592 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 What? Oh, goodbye. FormID: 000BA593 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Yes, yes. I have a lot of research to do. FormID: 000BA594 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Back to my studies, then. FormID: 000BA595 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Goodbye. Be careful if you head into the ruins. FormID: 000BA596 DialogueMarkarth GBYE 0 Arkay protect you. FormID: 000BA52B DialogueOrcHunters SCEN 0 Do you feel that? (suspicious of possible danger )chatting with fellow hunter FormID: 000BA532 DialogueOrcHunters SCEN 0 You're right. We're not alone. (quietly) to a fellow hunter FormID: 000BA526 DialogueOrcHunters SCEN 0 Aye. agreeing with a fellow hunter FormID: 000BA527 DialogueOrcHunters SCEN 0 It will be so. agreeing with a fellow hunter FormID: 000BA528 DialogueOrcHunters SCEN 0 Shhh. shushing a fellow hunter FormID: 000BA533 DialogueOrcHuntersHellosAndSharedInfos DialogueOrcHuntersSharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 We won't return empty handed. chatting with fellow hunter FormID: 000BA534 DialogueOrcHuntersHellosAndSharedInfos DialogueOrcHuntersSharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 There will be a feast in our honor when we return. chatting with fellow hunter FormID: 000BA535 DialogueOrcHuntersHellosAndSharedInfos DialogueOrcHuntersSharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It will be a good day. I can feel it in my gut. chatting with fellow hunter FormID: 000BA536 DialogueOrcHuntersHellosAndSharedInfos DialogueOrcHuntersSharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The scent of victory is on the wind. chatting with fellow hunter FormID: 000BA516 VC01 SCEN 0 As the sun ends the night, end the darkness of this soul, return life to the creature you see before you! Shouting over the sounds of an open portal to a hellish realm. FormID: 000BA30D MS04 IDLE 0 Why? Why do you pursue me? FormID: 000BD708 MS04 IDLE 0 It is done. I won't go back to Avanchnzel. I won't. FormID: 000BD709 MS04 IDLE 0 I could have left it behind. I could have put it back where it came from. FormID: 000BA306 WERJ04 WERJ04KidSell WERJ04KidSellTopic CUST 0 Hey there! Check out what my friend and I found. I'll sell some of it to you, if you want! FormID: 000BA305 WERJ04 WERJ04KidSell WERJ04Where CUST 0 I found them near the old Dwemer bridge in the far west. I'll mark it down for you on your map for a small fee. FormID: 000BA307 WERJ04 WERJ04KidSell WERJ04PayKid CUST 0 Thank you! You'll find the ruins right here. FormID: 000BA2FB WEJS11 WEJS11NonQuest WEJS11NonQuestTopic CUST 0 Don't look at me. I didn't kill her. I was just... making sure the body got buried. FormID: 000BA2FD WEJS12 WEJS12DA01Taunt TAUT 0 You will pay for Malyn's death, Azura worshipper! FormID: 000BA2FC WEJS12 WEJS12DA01Attack ATCK 0 Azura's Star is ours. Ours! FormID: 000BA268 TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerBanch TG06EnthirFalmerBranchTopic CUST 0 In the time before man, they were known as the snow elves. They lived in the sunlight and had a very prosperous society. FormID: 000BA294 TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerBanch TG06EnthirFalmerBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Like the Altmer? Yes, I would say their culture quite possibly rivaled our own. FormID: 000BA292 TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerBanch TG06EnthirFalmerBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The Nords went to war with the Falmer in the First Era. Killed them by the thousands to drive them from their snowy homeland. FormID: 000BA292 TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerBanch TG06EnthirFalmerBranchTopic02 CUST 1 The Falmer retreated underground and forged an uneasy alliance with the dwarves who ended up betraying them. FormID: 000BA292 TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerBanch TG06EnthirFalmerBranchTopic02 CUST 2 This betrayal made them what they are now... horrible blind monstrosities with a burning hatred of any but their own kind. FormID: 000BA28E TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranch TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I suppose you're right. Forgive me. I've lost several close friends to the Falmer and it tends to distort my view. FormID: 000BA288 TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranch TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Why shouldn't I? The Falmer have killed more than a fair share of my acquaintances. They're animals... they show absolutely no pity or remorse. FormID: 000BA27E TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranch TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Good. I lost more than a few acquaintances to the Falmer and I wish to see them avenged. FormID: 000BA24C TG06 TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranch TG06EnthirFalmerFollowUpBranchTopic03 CUST 0 If you wish to learn more about them, you're welcome to my tome on the subject. Should be on my table. FormID: 000BA1DA WEDL07 WEDL07Ravings WEDL07RavingsTopic CUST 0 Don't go to the Blue Palace. The master is on vacation. Don't listen to Dervenin. Don't do it. mutterings of a mad old woman FormID: 000BA1DB WEDL07 WEDL07Ravings WEDL07RavingsTopic CUST 0 The master has gone but Dervenin will find him. Dervenin should not have gone. mutterings of a mad old woman FormID: 000BA1DC WEDL07 WEDL07Ravings WEDL07RavingsTopic CUST 0 Vacation is where the head is. That is what Dervenin told us about our master. He's cozy in his Solitude. mutterings of a mad old woman FormID: 000BA1D7 WEDL07 WEDL07RavingsPostQuest WEDL07RavingsPostQuestTopic CUST 0 You have it! The blessed Wabbajack! You must use it on me. You must. mutterings of a mad old woman FormID: 000BA1D8 WEDL07 WEDL07RavingsPostQuest WEDL07RavingsPostQuestTopic CUST 0 You're the one who returned blessed Sheogorath. I would be honored to be Wabbajacked by you, your grace. mutterings of a mad old woman FormID: 000BA1D9 WEDL07 WEDL07RavingsPostQuest WEDL07RavingsPostQuestTopic CUST 0 Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack. mutterings of a mad old woman FormID: 000BA1D5 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererSpeechcraftBranch WETalsgarTheWandererSpeechcraftBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah. Well. After a little incident with a roguish lad and the daughter of a prominent Thane... Well, let's just say, best not. you are a traveling bard performing and looking for stories, line should be spoken with embarrassment FormID: 000BA1D6 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue WETalsgarTheWandererSpeechcraftBranch WETalsgarTheWandererSpeechcraftBranchTopic CUST 0 Afraid not. But if you're serious about sharpening that tongue, you might try the Bard's College in Solitude. you are a traveling bard performing and looking for stories FormID: 000BA0DC DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07SilusRazor01 CUST 0 Ever since I was a boy, I felt this strange sense of destiny surrounding the Mythic Dawn cult, and now I know what it is. passionate curator FormID: 000BA0DC DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07SilusRazor01 CUST 1 Don't you see? Fate has led you to me and to the pieces. Dagon has to answer our call. We're so close. passionate curator FormID: 000BA0DC DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07SilusRazor01 CUST 2 I'll meet you at the shrine. passionate curator FormID: 000BA0DA DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07SilusRazor02 CUST 0 You don't want to be part of history? Fine. I'll be at the shrine if you change your mind. passionate curator FormID: 000BA12C DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlocking DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Good. You're here. I'll place the pieces on the altar, and Dagon should speak to us. passionate, excited FormID: 000BA12D DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlocking DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll meet you at the shrine. passionate, excited FormID: 000BA12E DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlocking DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let me put the pieces on the altar. We'll see if Mehrunes Dagon can still be reached. passionate, excited FormID: 000BA12F DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlocking DA07SilusForcegreetShrineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Try putting your hands on the altar. Maybe Mehrunes Dagon will speak to you. directing someone: [QUOTE]Maybe Mehrunes Dagon will speak to YOU[QUOTE] FormID: 000BA11B DA07 SCEN 0 Mehrunes Dagon, the Lord of Change, we have brought your Razor to you. We beg you, please bring the blade's full glory to Tamriel again! trying to summon a demon FormID: 000BA11A DA07 SCEN 0 It's not working. Why don't you give it a try? Just put your hands on the altar. instructing FormID: 000BA0DB DA07 SCEN 0 You think to betray Mehrunes Dagon? Suffer! demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 000BA0D9 DA07 SCEN 0 Before you go, mortal. One final challenge. Ha ha ha. demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 000BA12B DA07 DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlocking DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlockingTopic CUST 0 Wait. Wait. Don't kill me. There's another way. terrified, bargaining Walk Away FormID: 000BA12B DA07 DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlocking DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlockingTopic CUST 1 I can take the pieces back to my museum. Seal them in a display case. terrified, bargaining Walk Away FormID: 000BA12B DA07 DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlocking DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlockingTopic CUST 2 You get a generous amount of gold, I get to complete my collection, and nobody has to die. terrified, bargaining Walk Away FormID: 000BA121 DA07 DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlocking DA07SilusFinalChoice01 CUST 0 Fine. I'm not dying without a fight! cornered FormID: 000BA120 DA07 DA07SilusPleadForcegreetBlocking DA07SilusFinalChoice02 CUST 0 Thank you. Here's your gold. I'll make a run for it back to Dawnstar. terrified, bargaining FormID: 000BA11C DA07FIN HELO 0 The museum is doing well. I haven't told anyone about the... incident with the Razor. relieved FormID: 000BA11D DA07FIN HELO 0 Good to see you in my museum again. I owe you my life. relieved FormID: 000BA11F DA07FIN HELO 0 I never thought all I would want is peace and quiet, but I think our little adventure scared me straight. relieved FormID: 000BA119 DA07FIN DA07FINSilusBlocking DA07FINSilusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Run for it! terrified FormID: 000B9DD0 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakNoFateButWhatWeMake CUST 0 Your own fate will be your own choice. Just as always. FormID: 000B9DD0 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakNoFateButWhatWeMake CUST 1 Now be gone. FormID: 000B9CF9 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that's what his father said. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D00 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq wishes you well. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D02 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq knows much, and tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D07 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq carries two weapons, to be safe. What if one breaks? That would be most unlucky. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D09 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq is always in search of calipers, yet finds none. Where could they have gone? serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D3F WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq hears many stories of war... yet few of them are true. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D56 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 How does anyone know there was a city of Winterhold? M'aiq did not see it with his eyes. Did you? serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D5A WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Too much magic can be dangerous. M'aiq once had two spells and burned his sweetroll. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D5B WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 What does this mean, to combine magic? Magic plus magic is still magic. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D5C WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 It does not matter to M'aiq how strong or smart one is. It only matters what one can do. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D5F WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Dragons were never gone. They were just invisible and very, very quiet. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D61 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Werebears? Where? Bears? Men that are bears? serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D62 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Much snow in Skyrim. Enough snow. M'aiq does not want any more. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D65 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Snow falls. Why worry where it goes? M'aiq thinks the snowflakes are pretty. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D68 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Skyrim was once the land of many butterflies. Now, not so much. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D6C WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq once walked to High Hrothgar. So many steps, he lost count. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D76 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Once M'aiq got in trouble in Riften, and fled to Windhelm. It is good that nobody there cared. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9D79 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq can travel fast across the land. Some lazy types take carriages. It is all the same to M'aiq. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DA9 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq does not understand what is so impressive about shouting. M'aiq can shout whenever he wants. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DD2 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq saw a mudcrab the other day. Horrible creatures. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DD3 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq loves the people of Skyrim. Many interesting things they say to each other. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DD4 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Nords are so serious about beards. So many beards. M'aiq thinks they wish they had glorious manes like Khajiit. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DD9 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq does not remember his childhood. Perhaps he never had one. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DDE WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq is very practical. He has no need for mysticism. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DE0 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Nords' armor has lots of fur. This sometimes makes M'aiq nervous. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DE4 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq was soul trapped once. Not very pleasant. You should think about that once in a while. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DE7 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Some say Alduin is Akatosh. Some say M'aiq is a Liar. Don't you believe either of those things. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DEF WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Something strange happens to Khajiit when they arrive in Skyrim. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DF0 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq has heard the people of Skyrim are better looking than the ones in Cyrodiil. He has no opinion on the matter. All people are beautiful to him. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9DFA WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Why do soldiers bother with target practice? One learns best by hitting real people. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA05E WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq knows why Falmer are blind. It has nothing to do with the Dwemer disappearing. Really. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA060 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq has heard it is dangerous to be your friend. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA084 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 The people of Skyrim are more open minded about certain things than people in other places. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA08F WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Some like taking friends on adventures. M'aiq thinks being alone is better. Less arguing about splitting treasure. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA092 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 Don't try blocking if you have two weapons. You will only get confused. Much better to hit twice anyway. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA094 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq knows many things, no? serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA095 WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq is tired now. Go bother somebody else. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000BA09B WEMaiqTheLiar WEMaiqTheLiarHello HELO 0 M'aiq is done talking. serious or joking? should be hard to tell FormID: 000B9967 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Faida came by today. She says you left the tavern last night without paying for your drinks. Annoyed FormID: 000B996D DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I must have forgotten. I'll take care of it tomorrow. FormID: 000B9971 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 See that you do. You're an embarrassment, Horgeir. I don't know why I married you. Ann annoyed shrew of a wife FormID: 000B9963 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I'm thinking of going for a walk up the mountain later. Would you like to come? FormID: 000B9968 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, that sounds nice. Yes, I think I'll join you. FormID: 000B996F DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I'll bring a blanket and some wine. FormID: 000B996B DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 One of these days, we'll have to find you a good woman like my Olda. FormID: 000B9966 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, I think I'd enjoy a woman like your wife. FormID: 000B9974 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Well then, it's too bad my wife is already taken. FormID: 000B9970 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, it's a great shame. Gods willing, I'll find someone just like her one day. FormID: 000B996A DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene01 SCEN 0 Mind you don't forget to sweep up, Julienne. The floor's looking a bit dusty. FormID: 000B9965 DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene01 SCEN 0 I won't forget. I'll do it after I get the dishes cleaned. FormID: 000B9973 DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene01 SCEN 0 You've been working hard lately. You'll make a fine innkeeper someday. FormID: 000B996E DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene01 SCEN 0 If the Nine are willing! FormID: 000B9969 DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene02 SCEN 0 Miss Faida, may I ask you a question? FormID: 000B9964 DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene02 SCEN 0 Of course, Julienne. What's on your mind? FormID: 000B9972 DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene02 SCEN 0 What do you do when a customer can't afford to pay for a meal or a drink? FormID: 000B996C DialogueDragonBridgeTavernScene02 SCEN 0 Since my customers are mostly local, I just knock on their front doors the next day. FormID: 000B994A dunMossMotherQST dunMossMother_ForcegreetComplete dunMossMotherQST_GiveDagger CUST 0 Ari gave me this dagger when we first started hunting together. Always said it brought her luck. You should be the one to carry it now. FormID: 000B96C4 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateAnskaHellos HELO 0 Thank you again for all the help. FormID: 000B96C5 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateAnskaHellos HELO 0 This is fun. FormID: 000B96C6 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateAnskaHellos HELO 0 Sometimes I just like to watch them burn. FormID: 000B96C7 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateAnskaHellos HELO 0 You look strong. FormID: 000B9647 MQ101 MQ101TorturerBlocking MQ101TorturerBlockingTopic CUST 0 Leave me to my work. Unless you plan to stay and help? FormID: 000B94B1 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Intro1 CUST 0 Krosis. Sorrowfully, no. It cannot be known to me. FormID: 000B94C6 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Intro2 CUST 0 Hmm. Yes. They are very protective of me. Bahlaan fahdonne. bahlaan fahdonne =[QUOTE]worthy friends[QUOTE] FormID: 000B94C6 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Intro2 CUST 1 But I do not know the Thu'um you seek. Krosis. It cannot be known to me. krosis = sorrow (apologies) FormID: 000B94C5 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Intro3 CUST 0 Alduin komeyt tiid. What else would you seek? Alduin and Dovahkiin return together. FormID: 000B94C5 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Intro3 CUST 1 But, I do not know the Thu'um you seek. Krosis. It cannot be known to me. krosis = sorrow (apologies) FormID: 000B921B WERJ03 SCEN 0 Listen, wench, we're on to you. We know who you are, so you'd better come with us right now! FormID: 000B925C WERJ03 SCEN 0 I don't know who you think I am, and I don't care. Leave me alone! FormID: 000B924E WERJ03 SCEN 0 I don't have time for this foolishness. Now come along quietly and we won't have to get rough. FormID: 000B9246 WERJ03 SCEN 0 Brother, I think she's telling the truth... FormID: 000B9243 WERJ03 SCEN 0 I'm not going anywhere. Now back off before I do something drastic. FormID: 000B9237 WERJ03 SCEN 0 She doesn't have the scar. FormID: 000B9229 WERJ03 SCEN 0 What? Oh... you're right. FormID: 000B9223 WERJ03 SCEN 0 We've made a mistake. Now move along before that mouth of yours gets you into trouble. FormID: 000B924F WERJ03 SCEN 0 Next time you're looking to pester someone, make sure it's the right person! FormID: 000B922A WERJ03 WERJ03PostQuest WERJ03PostQuestTopic CUST 0 Foreigners. What a nuisance! FormID: 000B9225 WERJ03 WERJ03PostQuest WERJ03A CUST 0 They thought I was some other Redguard woman! They just wouldn't leave me alone. I hope they get lost in the wilderness. FormID: 000B9106 WEDL03 WEDL03PlautisDialog WEDL03PlautisDialogTopic CUST 0 Don't bother me, peasant. I've had a long journey and paid too much coin on these gifts to be late to Vittoria's wedding. FormID: 000B9104 WEDL03 WEDL03PlautisDialog WEDL03Goodbye01 CUST 0 Indeed. If we ever get there. FormID: 000B90DF WEDL03 WEDL03PlautisDialog WEDL03Attack01 CUST 0 What? No! Guard, help! FormID: 000B9166 WEDL03 WEDL03SaloniaDialog WEDL03SaloniaDialogTopic CUST 0 Ugh. Speak to my husband if you must. FormID: 000B9175 WEDL03 WEDL03SaloniaDialog WEDL03SaloniaDialogTopic CUST 0 Get away from me, you Skyrim trash. FormID: 000B9115 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue HELO 0 Hello there fellow, traveler. One itinerant minstrel and wandering wastrel, at your service. FormID: 000B9126 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue HELO 0 Hello there, friend. How lucky for you to chance upon a bard on the road. FormID: 000B9127 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue HELO 0 Ah, smell that fresh air? Truly, this is a good place to play a song. FormID: 000B9128 WETalsgarTheWandererDialogue HELO 0 The life of adventure and song is the life for us, eh friend? FormID: 000B90F3 WEDL06 SCEN 0 Maven sends her regards Letrush. you are a thug about to attack an npc FormID: 000B90D8 WEDL06 SCEN 0 No, how did you find me? Just give me more time, I can pay Maven back! FormID: 000B9179 WEDL06 SCEN 0 You! You must have told Maven about the horse. If you'd just stuck to the plan, I wouldn't be in this mess. FormID: 000B9156 WEDL06 WEDL06Thug WEDL06ThugTopic CUST 0 This has nothing to do with you, so back off. FormID: 000B8EC0 CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmar CUST 0 Reasons? Since when does a man need a reason to protect his family, to defend his homeland? smoldering anger (defending his patriotism) Walk Away FormID: 000B8EC0 CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmar CUST 1 It's the damn outlanders and Empire that need the reasons. smoldering anger (defending his patriotism) Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBF CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarNevermind CUST 0 Enough talk. There's much to do. slightly dismissive FormID: 000B8EBE CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarEmpire CUST 0 Not this Empire. The world's better without it. Certainly Skyrim is. smoldering anger (defending his patriotism) Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBE CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarEmpire CUST 1 I fought in the Imperial army in the War against the Dominion. I bled and spilt blood for the Empire. And for what? smoldering anger (defending his patriotism) Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBE CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarEmpire CUST 2 The Empire to bend its knee before those evil elf bastards? Signing a treaty meant to kill the heart of the Empire itself. To deny Talos? anger Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBE CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarEmpire CUST 3 No. I will have no part of any such Empire. And I will gladly gut anyone who says otherwise. angry, deadly serious Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBC CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarOutlanders CUST 0 I oppose tyranny. I oppose those who tell me how to live, what to think, and what to believe. Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBC CW CWReasonsGalmarBranch CWReasonsGalmarOutlanders CUST 1 I'm a man. Skyrim is man's homeland. That's a fact. A fact I'm proud of. There's no shame in that. Read your history. defending his patriotism (and bigotry) Walk Away FormID: 000B8EB8 CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikke CUST 0 I am a loyal citizen of the Empire. My parents were Legionnaires, and I've followed in their footsteps. defending her patriotism Walk Away FormID: 000B8EB8 CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikke CUST 1 But more importantly, I am a daughter of Skyrim and wish to see her made whole again. defending her patriotism Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBA CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeDaughter CUST 0 I've been a daughter of Skyrim all my life. I love this land and her people. So do all the Nords that serve the Empire. defending her patriotism Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBA CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeDaughter CUST 1 Ulfric, too, once. He wasn't always a self-serving ego-maniac. He fought in the Imperial army in the War against the Dominion. mix of anger and sadness Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBA CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeDaughter CUST 2 But Ulfric and his [QUOTE]Stormcloaks[QUOTE] are deluding themselves. If there's any hope of a long term victory against the Dominion, it's in the Empire. defending her patriotism Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBA CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeDaughter CUST 3 The rebels are only inflaming the tension and weakening the Empire by distracting it from its ultimate aim. calm anger Walk Away FormID: 000B8EBD CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeNevermind CUST 0 If that's all, there's pressing concerns that need dealing with. mildly dismissive FormID: 000B8EB9 CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeThalmor CUST 0 I consider this conversation over. cutting off a line of questioning that could be seen as treasonous FormID: 000B8EBB CW CWReasonsRikkeBranch CWReasonsRikkeTalos CUST 0 I'm a soldier, not a politician. And my personal beliefs are not yours to question. putting an end to a line of questioning that could be considered treasonous Walk Away FormID: 000B8D0D C04JorrvaskrCommotion C04JorrvaskrCommotionGateAttacker C04JorrvaskrCommotionGateAttackerTopic CUST 0 The Silver Hand. They finally had the nerve to attack Jorrvaskr. We got most of them, but I think a few stragglers made it out. FormID: 000B8D10 C04JorrvaskrCommotion C04JorrvaskrCommotionGateAttacker C04JorrvaskrCommotionGateAttackerTopic CUST 0 Don't leave any of them alive. FormID: 000B8CF2 C04JorrvaskrCommotion C04JorrvaskrCommotionTreeAttacker C04JorrvaskrCommotionTreeAttackerTopic CUST 0 These two aren't a problem anymore. FormID: 000B8CF5 C04JorrvaskrCommotion C04JorrvaskrCommotionTreeAttacker C04JorrvaskrCommotionTreeAttackerTopic CUST 0 Make 'em bleed. FormID: 000B8D16 C04 C04CombatTaunts TAUT 0 The beasts return! FormID: 000B8D3E C04 C04CombatTaunts TAUT 0 Your blood is ours, Companion! FormID: 000B8D41 C04 C04CombatTaunts TAUT 0 You belong to Hircine now! FormID: 000B8C96 dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitial dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitialTopic CUST 0 All right, that's far enough. You know how this works- toll here is 100 gold. Robber, slightly bored FormID: 000B8C97 dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitial dunRobbersGorgeQST_AskToll2 CUST 0 Don't play dumb with me. Pay up, and you walk right through. Refuse, and you'll never see the other side. Irritated FormID: 000B8C95 dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitial dunRobbersGorgeQST_Pay CUST 0 Hmm... looks like it's all here. Okay, go on through. But stick to the road, and don't make any sudden moves. Suspicious, menacing. FormID: 000B8C9C dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitial dunRobbersGorgeQST_Poverty CUST 0 Not my problem. You want through here, you pay. Or else. Irritated FormID: 000B8C9E dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitial dunRobbersGorgeQST_Decline CUST 0 In these parts? Good luck. But don't come this way again. Mocking, menacing FormID: 000B8C93 dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitial dunRobbersGorgeQST_Refuse CUST 0 Not a chance. Get'em, boys! FormID: 000B31F7 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Name's Valdr. I hunt out of Falkreath. FormID: 000B31F8 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 We tracked a bear to this den. Good coin for those pelts. We had the big sow cornered when they showed up. Three of them, out of nowhere. FormID: 000B31F8 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 1 Spriggans. Niels went down before we even knew to run. Ari died just inside. I never even thought the things were real. Spriggans is spat out with disgust. Speaking about recent death of friends. FormID: 000B8C9D dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 I may have lost a drop or two of blood. Truth is, I'm not going anywhere like this. Hurts to breathe. Understatement, trying to grin through pain. Maybe hiding a cough or strain. FormID: 000B31FB dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 I'll give them a proper burial, then head back. Come find me if you're ever in Falkreath. You'll always be welcome at my door. FormID: 00040F6D dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Much better. Thanks, friend. I wouldn't have lasted much longer without that. Relieved FormID: 000D42C4 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 But now what? I can't just walk away. Not with my friends' bodies in there, being torn apart by those beasts. FormID: 000B8A90 MQ00 SCEN 0 You should have acted. They're already here. FormID: 000B8A94 MQ00 SCEN 0 The Elder Scrolls told of their return. FormID: 000B8A8C MQ00 SCEN 0 Their defeat was merely a delay. FormID: 000B8A8F MQ00 SCEN 0 To the time after Oblivion opened. FormID: 000B8A93 MQ00 SCEN 0 When the sons of Skyrim would spill their own blood. FormID: 000B8A8B MQ00 SCEN 0 But no one wanted to believe. Believe they even existed. FormID: 000B8A8E MQ00 SCEN 0 And when the truth finally dawns, it dawns in fire. FormID: 000B8A92 MQ00 SCEN 0 But, there's one they fear. FormID: 000B8A8A MQ00 SCEN 0 In their tongue, he is Dovahkiin. intently FormID: 000B8A8D MQ00 SCEN 0 Dragonborn. FormID: 000B89E0 MQ204 SCEN 0 A gift, Dovahkiin. Yol. Understand Fire as the dov do. FormID: 000B89E1 MQ204 SCEN 0 A gift, Dovahkiin. Toor. Understand Inferno as the dov do. FormID: 000B89E4 MQ204 SCEN 0 A gift, Dovahkiin. Shul. Understand Sun as the dov do. FormID: 000B89DE MQ204 SCEN 0 Hear my Thu'um! Feel it in your bones. Match it, if you are Dovahkiin! FormID: 000B8815 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene11 SCEN 0 Hey Ton, you shouldn't cheat on Vekel. He's a good guy. FormID: 000B881A DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene11 SCEN 0 What are you talking about? FormID: 000B8811 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene11 SCEN 0 Come on, everyone knows about you and Brynjolf. FormID: 000B8813 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene11 SCEN 0 Well, everyone's wrong. Now why don't you just shut up about it. FormID: 000B8818 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene07 SCEN 0 I don't know where you find your sources, but that last shipment of skooma was some of the best quality I've seen in years. FormID: 000B881D DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene07 SCEN 0 I just got lucky is all. Bumped into someone who knew someone else. The rest just writes itself. FormID: 000B8812 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene07 SCEN 0 If you like I'd be happy to take it over the operation for you. Take the source off your hands. FormID: 000B8814 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene07 SCEN 0 And lose out just when the going is getting good? No thanks. FormID: 000B8816 TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic00 CUST 0 The only thing keeping me from having you killed is Brynjolf. He's stepped in and made amends. FormID: 000B8816 TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic00 CUST 1 At least you remembered to bring me the information I requested. Give me that. annoyed FormID: 000B8816 TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic00 CUST 2 This doesn't tell me much. The only thing that could identify Sabjorn's partner is this odd little symbol. disappointed/annoyed FormID: 000B8810 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Exactly! Now you're beginning to see how our little system works. pleased that the player picked up on his notion FormID: 000B8810 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Maven sent word that you discovered something else while you were out there. Something important to the Guild? FormID: 000B876B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Time to die, hero! FormID: 000B876C DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Go ahead, try and fight back! angry combat line FormID: 0009655D DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Die already so I can take your stuff! FormID: 00096587 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Whatcha gonna do? Huh? Whatcha gonna do? angry combat line FormID: 00096588 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Gonna split your belly like an old woman's purse! angry combat line FormID: 00096589 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Gonna rip you... open! angry combat line FormID: 000B876D DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Forsworn forever! FormID: 000854DF DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 For the Reach! FormID: 000B876E DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Bleed for me, mortal! FormID: 000854E0 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Just a taste! FormID: 000854E1 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Hssssss! vampire hissing as it attacks FormID: 000B876F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Behold my power! FormID: 000B8770 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 The elements are mine to command! FormID: 000854E2 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Your shroud awaits! combat attack FormID: 000854E3 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 I offer you eternity! combat attack FormID: 000854E4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Join the dead! combat attack FormID: 000854E5 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Die now, and live forever! combat attack FormID: 000854E6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Yeeaaaggh! combat attack FormID: 000854E7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Ruh! combat attack FormID: 000854E8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Heeya! combat attack FormID: 000854E9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Raagghh! combat attack FormID: 000854EA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Hunh! combat attack FormID: 000854EB DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Nyagh! combat attack FormID: 0009658A DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Hrraaggh! Angry attack line. FormID: 0009658B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Nyyarrggh! Angry attack line. FormID: 0009669F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Yeeeaaagghh! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966A6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Yeagh! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966A7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Rragh! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966A8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Hyunh! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966A9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Arrggh! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966AB DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Nord... dog! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966AE DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Filthy... barbarian! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966B0 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 You are no true Elf! Angry attack line. FormID: 000966B2 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Fall to the Thalmor! Angry attack line. FormID: 00096708 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Bow to your betters! Angry attack line. FormID: 0009670F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 On your knees, worm! Angry attack line. FormID: 00096710 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Pathetic human! Angry attack line. FormID: 00096711 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Suffering to all mankind! Angry attack line. FormID: 00096712 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Disgusting... beast! Angry attack line. FormID: 0009671B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Fear the Thalmor! Angry attack line. FormID: 000B992C DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Rragh! You're a zombie attacking someone FormID: 000B9944 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAttack ATCK 0 Aggh! You're a zombie attacking someone FormID: 000B8757 DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Father, how come Olda's so mean to everyone? She's only ever happy when she's with Lodvar, and she's not even married to him! FormID: 000B875E DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene01 SCEN 0 That's no business of yours, son. Mind you keep your nose out of it. FormID: 000B8759 DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Fine. Annoyed at being dismissed by his father. FormID: 000B875D DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Did you read that letter from Markarth yet? FormID: 000B8758 DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Yes, just this morning. It was from Logrolf. He wrote to thank us for the food we sent. FormID: 000B8754 DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene02 SCEN 0 And how is that old warrior doing these days? FormID: 000B875C DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Not well. He's convinced that his house is haunted, so he's sleeping on the street. FormID: 000B8756 DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Oh dear. I wish there was something we could do to help him. FormID: 000B8753 DialogueDragonBridgeFarmScene02 SCEN 0 As do I. That man saved my life. I hope that someone helps him, as he once helped me. FormID: 000B875B DialogueDragonBridgeScene01 SCEN 0 Haven't you got some chores to do? FormID: 000B8755 DialogueDragonBridgeScene01 SCEN 0 Papa says I'm not old enough yet, so I help out by patrolling the town with Lucky here. FormID: 000B8752 DialogueDragonBridgeScene01 SCEN 0 Your father's too easy on you, boy. I'd have you cutting wood at dawn if you were my son. FormID: 000B873C MG02 MG02TolfdirStage70Branch MG02TolfdirStage70BranchTopic CUST 0 Let him know that we've unearthed something... Well, I'm not sure. Something unique, let's say. FormID: 000B873C MG02 MG02TolfdirStage70Branch MG02TolfdirStage70BranchTopic CUST 1 It's clearly magical in nature, but like nothing I've ever seen before. He should be most interested. FormID: 000B8740 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage70Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage70Branch2Topic CUST 0 Oh, I think I'll be fine. We seem to have eliminated the most pressing threat. FormID: 000B8740 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage70Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage70Branch2Topic CUST 1 It certainly seems that whoever placed this here intended for it to be well guarded. I wonder why... FormID: 000B873F MG03 MG03Stage30UragFellglowInfo MG03Stage30UragFellglowInfoTopic CUST 0 Not enough to bother with it. Arch-Mage Aren's approach to these things is to just let them sort themselves out. FormID: 000B873F MG03 MG03Stage30UragFellglowInfo MG03Stage30UragFellglowInfoTopic CUST 1 Although now it looks like you'll be doing the sorting. Good luck with that. FormID: 000B873E mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06Stage30MirabelleFollowUp1 CUST 0 I warned them it might be dangerous. It's not my fault they didn't listen. FormID: 000B873E mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06Stage30MirabelleFollowUp1 CUST 1 As long as the Synod don't blame us for this mess, I have more pressing matters to deal with. FormID: 000B873D mg06 MG06MirabelleStaffExtraInfo MG06MirabelleStaffExtraInfoTopic CUST 0 I'm not really sure. Made and used by Magnus himself, if you believe those sorts of things. FormID: 000B873D mg06 MG06MirabelleStaffExtraInfo MG06MirabelleStaffExtraInfoTopic CUST 1 I believe I've heard it said that it's the only thing that could adequately contain his power. FormID: 000B873D mg06 MG06MirabelleStaffExtraInfo MG06MirabelleStaffExtraInfoTopic CUST 2 The sort of embellishment wizards of ancient times loved to make. FormID: 000B86BA MG07 SCEN 0 I knew you'd come eventually. FormID: 000B8680 MG07 SCEN 0 It would seem I'm bound to this place. The bitter irony of it all -- my greatest failure, and even in death I can't escape it. FormID: 000B867B MG07 SCEN 0 I never meant for any of what happened here. Tried to seal it up, lock it away forever. FormID: 000B8675 MG07 SCEN 0 But now it all comes out again... FormID: 000B866F MG07 SCEN 0 There were six of us. Full of ambition, eager to conquer the world. FormID: 000B8665 MG07 SCEN 0 It was Atmah's idea to come here, at first. She talked me into it, and I convinced the others. FormID: 000B8715 MG07 SCEN 0 We were sure we'd find it all here, hidden away from time. Power, knowledge... All the things we didn't want to wait for. FormID: 000B86F6 MG07 SCEN 0 We thought it would be so simple. FormID: 000B86E9 MG07 SCEN 0 Girduin died first. It happened so fast, none of us had a chance to react. FormID: 000B86D1 MG07 SCEN 0 One moment we joked about what we'd find below, the next he'd been ripped in half. FormID: 000B867F MG07 SCEN 0 And then we were all fighting just to survive. None of us were prepared. It was amazing the rest of us survived. FormID: 000B8679 MG07 SCEN 0 When it was over, Atmah, Hafnar and I stared, pale-faced, at one another, unwilling to admit we'd made a terrible mistake. FormID: 000B8673 MG07 SCEN 0 We could have turned back. It could have ended there. But we kept going. FormID: 000B866D MG07 SCEN 0 Elvali died here. I don't even remember what killed her. One of the countless faceless horrors. I think she was glad, in that final moment. FormID: 000B871E MG07 SCEN 0 Hafnar was covered in blood, but his stupid Nord pride wouldn't let him admit defeat. FormID: 000B86F8 MG07 SCEN 0 I... I don't know why I pressed the others on, convinced them to keep going. FormID: 000B86DB MG07 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]If we can just make it through, it'll all be worth it[QUOTE], I told them. And the fools believed the words I myself didn't trust. FormID: 000B86CF MG07 SCEN 0 There were only three of us left. Takes-In-Light just sat down and gave up, and we left her there to die. FormID: 000B8682 MG07 SCEN 0 I've no idea what killed her, but I'm sure something did. FormID: 000B867D MG07 SCEN 0 Atmah cried to herself. Hafnar wouldn't look at either of us. And I kept telling them it would be all right. FormID: 000B8677 MG07 SCEN 0 I was in charge now. I pushed them on, insisting it would be worse to try and go back. FormID: 000B8671 MG07 SCEN 0 What happened after was my fault. All mine. FormID: 000B8667 MG07 SCEN 0 We all knew this was the end. Without even opening the door, we knew what was behind it would kill us. FormID: 000B871B MG07 SCEN 0 None of our spells were potent enough, none of our wills were strong enough. FormID: 000B86ED MG07 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]No matter what, we stay together[QUOTE], Hafnar said. I looked him in the eyes and lied to him. FormID: 000B86D2 MG07 SCEN 0 I had no choice, don't you see? FormID: 000B86B7 MG07 SCEN 0 I had to leave them behind, had to sacrifice them so I could make it out alive. FormID: 000B867A MG07 SCEN 0 If we'd all died there, if we'd loosed the thing on the world, who knows what might have happened? FormID: 000B8674 MG07 SCEN 0 That's how I consoled myself for years, after I'd sealed this place shut and vowed never to let anyone open it. FormID: 000B866E MG07 SCEN 0 Now you've put it all to rest, but it can't undo my mistakes. They can never be undone... FormID: 000B871F MGR11 MGR11RejectBranch MGR11RejectBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, well so do I. That's why I was hoping you could help. annoyed FormID: 000B8714 MG07 SCEN 0 Come on, we're finally here! Let's not waste any more time! FormID: 000B86F5 MG07 SCEN 0 Are we truly sure this is a good idea? FormID: 000B86DC MG07 SCEN 0 We'll be back at the College before anyone even knows we're gone. FormID: 000B86D0 MG07 SCEN 0 You would care about that, since you're the Arch-Mage's favorite! joking FormID: 000B8683 MG07 SCEN 0 Don't forget, this whole idea was Atmah's to begin with. FormID: 000B867E MG07 SCEN 0 Let's just get inside, see what's in there. FormID: 000B8678 MG07 SCEN 0 I can't believe we're doing this. excited, nervous FormID: 000B8672 MG07 SCEN 0 Can you imagine the looks on their faces when we come back? FormID: 000B8668 MG07 SCEN 0 You keep talking like you're sure we'll find something useful in here. FormID: 000B871C MG07 SCEN 0 Given the history of this place, it's more than likely there's still some amount of power here. FormID: 000B86F7 MG07 SCEN 0 Enchanted weapons, tomes of ancient knowledge, Shalidor's secrets themselves -- who knows what we could find! excited FormID: 000B86F2 MG07 SCEN 0 And what if... What if there are things guarding this place? FormID: 000B86DA MG07 SCEN 0 Against six College-trained mages? I think we'll be fine. FormID: 000B86C1 MG07 SCEN 0 We... we have to go back. We can't leave Girduin... out of breath, scared out of your mind FormID: 000B8681 MG07 SCEN 0 We barely made it out alive, and you want to go back in? scared, angry FormID: 000B867C MG07 SCEN 0 It's too late. There isn't enough of him left to go back in after. scared FormID: 000B8676 MG07 SCEN 0 Gods, what have we done? FormID: 000B8670 MG07 SCEN 0 We can't go back. Might as well go forward. We can still do this. scared but trying to sound brave. FormID: 000B8666 MG07 SCEN 0 Savos is right. We can make it if we just stay alert. FormID: 000B8716 MG07 SCEN 0 What was that thing, anyway? FormID: 000B862C MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic CUST 0 Who in their right mind would be stupid enough to pay you to steal from Maven? FormID: 000D6C43 MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic CUST 0 Whoa, lad. I'd do just as well drawing a blade across my own neck. Where did this foolish request come from? FormID: 000D6C44 MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic CUST 0 Whoa, lass. I'd do just as well drawing a blade across my own neck. Where did this foolish request come from? FormID: 000B862B MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic02 CUST 0 Guess I should have known. Maven and Sibbi have been at odds ever since she had him tossed into jail. FormID: 000B862B MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic02 CUST 1 Look, if I were you, I'd proceed carefully. Crossin' Maven is one of the first things you learn not to do when you're down here. FormID: 000B862B MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic02 CUST 2 As far as the Guild's concerned this is between Sibbi and Maven, so we're going to officially stay out of it. FormID: 000D6C42 MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic02 CUST 0 So Sibbi finally got the nerve to bare his teeth, eh? amused FormID: 000D6C42 MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic02 CUST 1 Look, this sounds like a family matter and I don't want the Guild in the middle of it. You do what you want. FormID: 000D6C42 MS03 MS03ThievesGuild MS03ThievesGuildTopic02 CUST 2 Just don't expect us to at your back when Maven has your head on the executioner's block. FormID: 000B8617 DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenChoice01 CUST 0 I've heard of him. My father had suspicions about his connection to the Mythic Dawn. Guess they were true. gruff FormID: 000B8617 DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenChoice01 CUST 1 I don't need this. My family wasted 8 generations keeping that Razor safe from a dead cult. As far as I care, it can stay locked in my house. gruff FormID: 000B8624 DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenPersuade CUST 0 You want the hilt that bad? Fine. Here's the keys. It's locked in a chest inside my house. giving in FormID: 000B8625 DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenPersuade CUST 0 I don't care, but my ancestors do. You can't have it. stubborn refusal FormID: 000B861C DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenBribe CUST 0 Divines know the mill could use some new blades. All right. It's yours. Here's the keys. It's locked in a chest inside my house. bring bribed FormID: 000B861D DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenBribe CUST 0 Why don't you take your coin and keep walking? stubborn refusal FormID: 000B861A DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenIntimidate CUST 0 Easy. Here. These are the keys. The hilt is in a chest in my house, just don't hurt anyone. being shaken down FormID: 000B861B DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenIntimidate CUST 0 You want a fight? You got it. ready to brawl FormID: 000B8619 DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07JorgenNevermind CUST 0 Best leave the past buried, I say. blow off FormID: 000B8618 DA07 DA07HaveAllPiecesBranch DA07HaveAllPiecesBranchTopic CUST 0 All at once! You're efficient. I like that. Here's your reward. passionate curator FormID: 000B85B3 WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02InSkyrim CUST 0 You know, I've heard the Gourmet is in Skyrim right now... FormID: 000B85B2 WEJS02 WEJS02Hello HELO 0 I can't believe I just met the Gourmet! FormID: 000B85B1 WEJS10 WEJS10Main WEJS10MainTopic CUST 0 I'm on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Azura, the Goddess of Twilight. If you'll excuse me. FormID: 000B85B6 WEJS10 WEJS10Main WEJS10Where CUST 0 In the mountains to the northeast. I'll mark it on your map. FormID: 000B85B5 WEJS11 WEJS11Main WEJS11MainTopic CUST 0 It is the Champion of Namira! I was just about to eat. Here, you should have the first bite. FormID: 000B83BF FreeformFalkreathQuest03 HELO 0 You were helpful before. I have need of your help again, if you're willing. FormID: 000B83BD FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03OfferTopic CUST 0 You may have seen the open grave in our graveyard. Most of the townsfolk think it's the work of a corpse thief. FormID: 000B83BD FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03OfferTopic CUST 1 The truth is less pleasant. It is...was, the grave of Vighar, my own ancestor, dead for centuries now. FormID: 000B83BD FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03OfferTopic CUST 2 He is also a vampire. My family is entrusted with keeping him buried, but recently someone stole the wardstone, and Vighar escaped. FormID: 000B83BE FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03OfferTopic CUST 0 Destroy Vighar, my long dead vampire ancestor. Have you changed your mind? FormID: 000B83BC FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03Task CUST 0 No. It's too late for the wardstone. Vighar must be destroyed. If this gets out, my family will suffer great shame. FormID: 000B83BB FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03Accept CUST 0 Good. He will have fled to gather others of his kind. FormID: 000B83BA FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Offer FreeformFalkreathQuest03Reject CUST 0 I expected too much. I'll seek someone else to salvage the family honor. Start with a heavy sigh. FormID: 000B83B9 FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03Return FreeformFalkreathQuest03ReturnTopic CUST 0 My family thanks you. Take this as a token of our gratitude. FormID: 000B83A3 DB10 NazirSancLakeGreetBranch DB10NazirSancLakeResponse1 CUST 0 She's here? By Sithis, I thought we'd lost her. Let's go! FormID: 000B83A2 DB10 NazirSancLakeGreetBranch DB10NazirSancLakeResponse2 CUST 0 Oh! Well in that case, lead on. I'm right behind you. FormID: 000B83A0 DB10 SCEN 0 Damn it, there's got to be a way out of here! FormID: 000B839F DB10 SCEN 0 Sleep. Long and drawn out - lulling a child to sleep FormID: 000B839B DB10 DB10NazirSancLakeWalkAwayBranch DB10NazirSancLakeWalkAwayBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know, Babette. Looks like he may have suffered a head wound. Best not let him out of our sight... FormID: 000B839C DB10 DB10NazirSancLakeWalkAwayBranch DB10NazirSancLakeWalkAwayBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know, Babette. Looks like she may have suffered a head wound. Best not let her out of our sight... FormID: 000B8394 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02WalkAway CUST 0 Don't you walk away from me! Walk Away FormID: 000B838B TG05 TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranchTopic CUST 0 The Guild was thrown into disarray. Several stepped up and tried to claim Gallus's former position as Guild Master. FormID: 000B838B TG05 TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranchTopic CUST 1 Sides quickly formed behind these men and the Ratway became a bloodbath. FormID: 000B8389 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch01 CUST 0 I saw what they did to Gallus. I wanted to use the Guild's resources to hunt down Karliah. The others didn't even care he was gone. FormID: 000B8389 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch01 CUST 1 Fortunately, I persevered and the other groups were either killed or they left Skyrim. FormID: 000B8387 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch02 CUST 0 The infighting had taken months to subside which gave her time to go into hiding and carefully cover her tracks. FormID: 000B8387 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch TG05MercerKarliahPursuitBranch02 CUST 1 I spent thousands of septims and used every contact at my disposal, but it was as if she had simply vanished... like I said before, she was the best. FormID: 000B8385 TG05SP SCEN 0 Farewell. I'll be certain to give Brynjolf your regards. You are about to kill the player. FormID: 000B8383 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01x CUST 0 My original intention was to use that arrow on Mercer, but I never had a clear shot. regret FormID: 000B8383 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01x CUST 1 I made a split second decision to get you out of the way and it prevented your death. FormID: 000B8382 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01y CUST 0 More than you'll ever realize. The poison on that arrow took me a year to perfect; I only had enough for a single shot. FormID: 000B838F TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01z CUST 0 Without the antidote I administered, you'd be as still as a statue. I treated your wounds and didn't leave you defenseless. irritated FormID: 000B838F TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01z CUST 1 The poison on that arrow took me a year to perfect; I only had enough for a single shot and yet I used it on you. FormID: 000B838E TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01az CUST 0 I promise you, the thought crossed my mind. The poison on that arrow took me a year to perfect; I only had enough for a single shot. FormID: 000B838D TG05 TG05KarliahIntroConBranch TG05KarliahIntroConBranchTopic CUST 0 Mercer must be brought before the Guild to answer for what he's done. He needs to pay for Gallus's murder. FormID: 000B838C TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01zz CUST 0 All I had hoped was to capture Mercer alive. FormID: 000B838A TG05 TG05KarliahIntroConBranch TG05KarliahIntroConBranch01 CUST 0 My purpose in using Snow Veil Sanctum to ambush Mercer wasn't simply for irony's sake. FormID: 000B838A TG05 TG05KarliahIntroConBranch TG05KarliahIntroConBranch01 CUST 1 Before both of you arrived, I recovered a journal from Gallus's remains. I suspect the information we need is written inside. sound crestfallen as you say this FormID: 000B8388 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroConBranch TG05KarliahIntroConBranch02 CUST 0 I wish I knew. The journal is written in some sort of language I've never seen before. FormID: 000B8386 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroOutBranch TG05KarliahIntroOutBranchTopic CUST 0 Enthir... Gallus's friend at the College of Winterhold. Of course... sudden revelation. FormID: 000B8386 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroOutBranch TG05KarliahIntroOutBranchTopic CUST 1 It's the only outsider Gallus trusted with the knowledge of his Nightingale identity. relieved an idea was discovered FormID: 000B8384 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroOutBranch TG05KarliahIntroOutBranchTopic01 CUST 0 There were three of us. Myself, Gallus and Mercer. We were a anonymous splinter of the Thieves Guild in Riften. FormID: 000B8384 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroOutBranch TG05KarliahIntroOutBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Perhaps I'll tell you more about it later. Right now, you need to head for Winterhold with the journal and get the translation. FormID: 000B8384 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroOutBranch TG05KarliahIntroOutBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Here, take these as well, they may prove useful for your journey. FormID: 000B82F9 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTIlliaTraitor TAUT 0 You dare to betray us, Illia? FormID: 000B82FA dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTIlliaTraitor TAUT 0 Our sisterhood will be better off with you dead, brat. FormID: 000B82EE DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideAccept CUST 0 Let's talk inside. passionate curator FormID: 000B82ED DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 0 Ah, yes. That scabbard. Notice the insignia? An Oblivion Gate. A key symbol of Mehrunes Dagon, the patron Daedra of the Mythic Dawn. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 000B82EC DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideChoice02 CUST 0 Never mind that. Madena is a good woman, but I have my own reasons for opening this museum, and I'm not changing my mind. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EC DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideChoice02 CUST 1 I have a collection of artifacts from the group that toppled an Empire. Their importance to history cannot be forgotten. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EC DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideChoice02 CUST 2 Why don't you come in? You can browse the displays, and we can talk. I have a job you look perfect for. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EB DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideChoice03 CUST 0 And here you are. Good. Come in, browse the display, and let's talk. I have a job you look perfect for. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EA DA07 DA07SilusMuseumWhy DA07SilusMuseumWhyTopic CUST 0 It's no secret that my family were once members of the Mythic Dawn. One of my forefathers was even chosen to assassinate Uriel Septim himself. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EA DA07 DA07SilusMuseumWhy DA07SilusMuseumWhyTopic CUST 1 We hid from our past for years, became tradesman, people of coin and influence. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EA DA07 DA07SilusMuseumWhy DA07SilusMuseumWhyTopic CUST 2 But I realized that the Mythic Dawn's importance -- our importance -- to history cannot be denied. passionate curator FormID: 000B82EA DA07 DA07SilusMuseumWhy DA07SilusMuseumWhyTopic CUST 3 I'll see everyone in Tamriel remember that for a moment, we held the fate of the world in our hands, for good or ill. passionate curator FormID: 000B81F6 DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 Oh, good choice. Well, good for me. I find everyone being out to get you so terribly entertaining. You might find it... less so. FormID: 000B81F2 DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 You see, Pelagius' mother was... well... let us say [QUOTE]unique.[QUOTE] Although, I suppose in the grand scheme of things, she was fairly average for a Septim. FormID: 000B81EF DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 That woman wielded fear like a cleaver. Or did she wield a cleaver and make people afraid? I never get that part right... FormID: 000B81EE DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 Oh, but she taught her son well. Pelagius learned at a very early age that danger could come from anywhere. At any time. Delivered... by anyone. FormID: 000B81ED DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 The objective here is simple, you simpleton! Use your Wabbajack to defeat the enemy, while they do the same! FormID: 000B81E8 DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 Oho! I thought you'd never figure it out. FormID: 000B81E9 DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 The butler did it! Or is it the advisor? Whoever that man behind the throne was. FormID: 000B81E5 DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 With the threat gone Pelagius is under the delusion that he is safe, which means you've helped him... sort of. And we're that much closer to home. FormID: 000B81F5 DA15Terror SCEN 0 Well now, that's something to crow about. With Pelagius up and about you're moving right along. We'll both be home in no time. FormID: 000B81F0 DA15Terror SCEN 0 You've headed down the path of dreams. Unfortunately for you, Pelagius suffered night terrors from a young age. FormID: 000B81F1 DA15Terror SCEN 0 He would lie in bed, paralyzed with fear, imagining his own nightmares coming to life. Ooohhh... Scary. FormID: 000B81EC DA15Terror SCEN 0 All you need to do is find something to wake our poor Pelagius up. You'll find his terrors easy to repel... but persistent. FormID: 000B81EA DA15Loathing SCEN 0 Ah, now this is a sad path. Pelagius hated and feared many things. Assassins, wild dogs, the undead, pumpernickel... FormID: 000B81E7 DA15Loathing SCEN 0 But the deepest, keenest hatred was for himself. FormID: 000B81E6 DA15Loathing SCEN 0 The attacks he makes on himself can be seen here fully. They are always carried out on the weakest part of his fragile self. FormID: 000B81E4 DA15Loathing SCEN 0 The self-loathing enhances Pelagius' anger! Ah, but his confidence will shrink with every hit. You must bring the two into balance. FormID: 000B81F3 DA15Loathing SCEN 0 Wonderfully done. Pelagius is finally ready to love himself... and continue hating everyone else. FormID: 000B81F4 DA15Loathing SCEN 0 Don't get too comfortable here, mortal. You may actually earn your way out. FormID: 000B815E WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02ThiefTopicStart CUST 0 All right, hand over your valuables, or I'll gut you like a fish. Walk Away FormID: 000B8161 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02ThiefTopicStart CUST 0 Hail, Nightingale! Luck has shined down on me and made me a rich man. Here is your cut, as promised. FormID: 000B815F WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02ThiefTopicStart CUST 0 Hail, brother! I saw you walking there and thought you might need this. FormID: 000B8160 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02ThiefTopicStart CUST 0 Hail, sister! I saw you walking there and thought you could use this. FormID: 000B8159 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02GiveMoney CUST 0 Ha, what a coward. Didn't even put up a proper fight. FormID: 000B8167 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02NoMoney CUST 0 Then I guess that's your last request, fool! FormID: 000B8164 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02Intimidate CUST 0 Well. I, uh, can see you're not one to be trifled with. Let this be a warning to you! Speaker is clearly shaken from the previous line FormID: 000B8165 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02Intimidate CUST 0 Nice try, but you don't scare me. FormID: 000B815A WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02Persuade CUST 0 No, I guess not. Well, get out of here before I change my mind. FormID: 000B815B WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02Persuade CUST 0 Yes, actually. You look like you're lousy with gold. FormID: 000B8168 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02SecondChance CUST 0 I'm not going to ask again. Walk Away FormID: 000B8166 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02PlayerThief CUST 0 Of course! I've seen you at the Flagon. My mistake. FormID: 000B8163 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02GoodbyeFriend CUST 0 Good luck out there! FormID: 000B8162 WERJ02 WERJ02Thief WERJ02Nightingale CUST 0 A Nightingale? Oh, I had no idea. My apologies. FormID: 000B813D WEDL03 SCEN 0 Come along, no more stops, we need to find our way to Solitude. FormID: 000B813C WEDL03 SCEN 0 Why are we even going to a wedding at this far flung end of the Empire anyway? FormID: 000B813B WEDL03 SCEN 0 I told you, it's the wedding of Vittoria Vici, an extremely well connected merchant with the East Empire Company. The Emperor's cousin? Remember? stretch out [QUOTE]extremely[QUOTE] in a really snobby, exaggerated way FormID: 000B813E WEDL03 SCEN 0 Hopefully these gifts will put us in her good graces, secure that import deal, and lead the way to an audience with the Emperor. stretch out [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] in an exaggerated and snobby way FormID: 000B811C mg06 MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranch MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranchTopic CUST 0 So, mage from Winterhold, despite your intentions I've beaten your little game. trying really hard to be menacing, and failing FormID: 000B811C mg06 MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranch MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranchTopic CUST 1 Even if all you've said here is lies, I know you have something in Winterhold the Synod Council will be very interested in. trying really hard to be menacing, and failing FormID: 000B811C mg06 MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranch MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranchTopic CUST 2 So fine, trudge off to Labyrinthian in search of your Staff. I shall return to Cyrodiil and deliver my full report to the Council. trying really hard to be menacing, and failing FormID: 000B811C mg06 MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranch MG06ParatusStage55WillHeEverStopTalkingBranchTopic CUST 3 This is not over, I assure you. trying really hard to be menacing, and failing FormID: 000B8117 mg06 MG06ParatusStage60CrazyBranch MG06ParatusStage60CrazyBranchTopic CUST 0 Am I? Am I? FormID: 000B8117 mg06 MG06ParatusStage60CrazyBranch MG06ParatusStage60CrazyBranchTopic CUST 1 I think I've discovered more here than I could've hoped to. triumphant, slightly nuts FormID: 000B8117 mg06 MG06ParatusStage60CrazyBranch MG06ParatusStage60CrazyBranchTopic CUST 2 Your trickery won't confuse me! triumphant, slightly nuts FormID: 000B8112 mg06 MG06ParatusStage60StaffBranch MG06ParatusStage60StaffBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, yes. Probably. FormID: 000B8112 mg06 MG06ParatusStage60StaffBranch MG06ParatusStage60StaffBranchTopic CUST 1 I mean, yes. Certainly it is, but that doesn't matter now, because I know you're hoarding something even more important at your College. FormID: 000B8112 mg06 MG06ParatusStage60StaffBranch MG06ParatusStage60StaffBranchTopic CUST 2 The Council will be informed of this. They will find out what you're up to. FormID: 000B8110 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse4 CUST 0 Ah, the immortal plane. It is said to be the source of all magic. This is a noble goal, indeed. FormID: 000B810E MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse5 CUST 0 Ha! Humor is often in short supply here. FormID: 000B810E MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse5 CUST 1 But I sense that perhaps you're after more than just that. FormID: 000B810C MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryPersuade CUST 0 You know, I think you're right. FormID: 000B810D MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryPersuade CUST 0 No, I'm afraid I don't know anything of the sort. dry; not amused FormID: 000B811F MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01NiryaEntryDragonborn CUST 0 Dragonborn? FormID: 000B811F MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01NiryaEntryDragonborn CUST 1 It's been so long since we've had any contact with the Greybeards. Do you really have the Voice? FormID: 000B811F MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01NiryaEntryDragonborn CUST 2 I would be most impressed to see that. earnest FormID: 000B811D MG01 MG01FaraldaShoutForcegreetBranch MG01FaraldaShoutForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 So the stories are true... you are Dragonborn! really impressed FormID: 000B811D MG01 MG01FaraldaShoutForcegreetBranch MG01FaraldaShoutForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 Normally you'd need to show some aptitude with one of the schools of magic, but you... FormID: 000B811D MG01 MG01FaraldaShoutForcegreetBranch MG01FaraldaShoutForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 2 I think there is much that we can learn from each other. FormID: 000B8135 MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryTakeTest CUST 0 I'm afraid your skills haven't improved enough to be considered. FormID: 000B811B MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryTakeTest CUST 0 Excellent. FormID: 000B8119 MG01 MG01FaraldaYoureInBranch MG01FaraldaYoureInBranchTopic CUST 0 I think you'll be a superb addition to the College. Welcome, Apprentice. FormID: 000B8119 MG01 MG01FaraldaYoureInBranch MG01FaraldaYoureInBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll lead you across the bridge. Once you're inside you'll want to speak with Mirabelle Ervine, our Master Wizard. Please, follow me. FormID: 000B8115 MG01 MG01FaraldaMoreCollegeInfoBranch MG01FaraldaMoreCollegeInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 We are the only group left in Skyrim dedicated to the study of the arcane. FormID: 000B8115 MG01 MG01FaraldaMoreCollegeInfoBranch MG01FaraldaMoreCollegeInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 There are others who study, to be sure, but they do so in private, and often in secret. FormID: 000B8111 MG01 MG01FaraldaLocalProblemsBranch MG01FaraldaLocalProblemsBranchTopic CUST 0 No, not recently at least. FormID: 000B8111 MG01 MG01FaraldaLocalProblemsBranch MG01FaraldaLocalProblemsBranchTopic CUST 1 We don't mistake that for acceptance, though. Odds are they're simply too afraid to confront us directly. FormID: 000B8111 MG01 MG01FaraldaLocalProblemsBranch MG01FaraldaLocalProblemsBranchTopic CUST 2 And most of us are quite satisfied with that. FormID: 0005C82F FreeformRiverwood01 HELO 0 Tell me as soon as you've given Camilla the letter. FormID: 0005C831 FreeformRiverwood01 HELO 0 That letter ought to convince Camilla to never speak to Faendal ever again. FormID: 0005C832 FreeformRiverwood01 HELO 0 Faendal thinks he can woo Camilla Valerius away from me. She's already mine, I keep telling him. FormID: 000B7861 T01 T01PriestessBustedPlayerBranch T01PriestessBustedPlayerBranchTopic CUST 0 What are you doing in here? Walk Away FormID: 000B7861 T01 T01PriestessBustedPlayerBranch T01PriestessBustedPlayerBranchTopic CUST 1 Stay where you are. The mother will deal with you. Walk Away FormID: 000B785D T01 T01PriestessBustedPlayerBranch T01WhosTheMommy CUST 0 Here she is. FormID: 000B785F T01 T01PriestessBustedPlayerBranch T01YeahRightTryIt CUST 0 If that's how you choose to end your life, so be it. FormID: 000B785E T01 T01EnmonLookShesBackForASecondAnyway T01EnmonLookShesBackForASecondAnywayTopic CUST 0 Fjotra! FormID: 000B7862 T01 SCEN 0 Now, come with me, child. We'll prepare you for the goddess's presence. FormID: 000B776D dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaGreeting dunHighGateRuinsExplHelpQST CUST 0 Maybe you could help find it, I just know it's in here. FormID: 000B776C dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsAnskaIanusuTopic dunHighGateRuinsAnskaIanusu CUST 0 Some old priest buried here long ago. I've been searching for his tomb for a few years now. FormID: 000B7770 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsAnskaScroll dunHighGateRuinsAnskaScrollTopic CUST 0 It's probably meaningless to you, but according to family legend it links our bloodline back to Ysgramor himself. FormID: 000B776F dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsPostQST dunHighGateRuinsAnskaPost1 CUST 0 Hmm, it's encrypted. It'll take a while to figure this out. FormID: 000B7771 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaComplete dunHighGateRuinsAnskaCompleteReward CUST 0 And here's a little something for helping me out. FormID: 000B776E dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaComplete dunHighGateRuinsAnskaCompleteDemand CUST 0 I'm sorry, but I can't let that happen. FormID: 000B737E DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaMuseum DA07IntroMadenaMuseumTopic CUST 0 Silus comes from one of the oldest families in Dawnstar. They have a complicated history. worried FormID: 000B737E DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaMuseum DA07IntroMadenaMuseumTopic CUST 1 Several of his ancestors belonged to the Mythic Dawn, the cult that almost destroyed Tamriel. worried FormID: 000B737E DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaMuseum DA07IntroMadenaMuseumTopic CUST 2 His family's involvement was only found out well after the crisis had died down, but it still ruined their reputation. They were outcasts. worried FormID: 000B737E DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaMuseum DA07IntroMadenaMuseumTopic CUST 3 And now Silus is back and this museum to the Mythic Dawn is his way of trying to rebuild his family's pride. It's misguided. worried FormID: 000B737D DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaMythicDawn DA07IntroMadenaMythicDawnTopic CUST 0 Not a student of history I see. It's for the best. They're a group that should be forgotten. worried FormID: 000B737D DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaMythicDawn DA07IntroMadenaMythicDawnTopic CUST 1 The only thing you need to know is that they almost destroyed the world, and they were stopped. A long time ago. worried FormID: 000B737C DA07intro DA07IntroMadenaBlockingBranch DA07IntroMadenaBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 I beg you, don't go into Silus's museum. worried FormID: 000B737B DA07intro GBYE 0 That museum is a mistake. FormID: 000B7381 DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusForcegreetEntryTopic CUST 0 And here comes my first visitor. The Museum of the Mythic Dawn is open, friend! passionate curator Walk Away FormID: 000B82E9 DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusForcegreetEntryTopic CUST 0 Let's talk inside. passionate curator FormID: 000B7380 DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideChoice01 CUST 0 Yes. My collection of artifacts from a group that toppled an Empire. passionate curator FormID: 000B7380 DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideChoice01 CUST 1 Why don't you come in? You can browse the displays, and we can talk. I have a job you look perfect for. passionate curator FormID: 000B737F DA07 DA07SilusForcegreetEntry DA07SilusOutsideReject CUST 0 Your loss, but if you change your mind, I'll be here. passionate curator FormID: 000B72FD DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene14 SCEN 0 Maven! So good to see you again. Hoist a flagon and celebrate with me! slightly drunk, boisterous FormID: 000B7301 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene14 SCEN 0 Vulwulf, it's always a pleasure. FormID: 000B7301 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene14 SCEN 1 When you're standing downwind of me. under breath aloud FormID: 000B7300 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene14 SCEN 0 Sorry, what was that? FormID: 000B72FB DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene14 SCEN 0 Nothing Vulwulf.... cheers. FormID: 000B72FF DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene09 SCEN 0 Hey, hey. Sorry. I just get jealous when I hear rumors about you. FormID: 000B72FA DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene12 SCEN 0 Tonilia, can I offer some friendly advice? FormID: 000B72FE DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene12 SCEN 0 You can offer, but I may not buy. FormID: 000B72F9 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene12 SCEN 0 Why don't you just formally join up? Quit sittin' here wheelin' and dealin' when you could be out there makin' a heck of a lot more coin. FormID: 000B72F9 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene12 SCEN 1 We could use someone with your skills. FormID: 000B72FC DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene12 SCEN 0 Thanks for the compliment, Delvin. I may just take you up on that one day. FormID: 000B714D dunAngarvundeQST SCEN 0 Cowards, every one of them. Running at the first sign of trouble... Speaking to herself FormID: 000B7151 dunAngarvundeQST SCEN 0 Riches and fortune, within my grasp, and I have to give it all up because they're afraid of a few dead bodies... Speaking to herself FormID: 000B7150 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeBothDoors dunAngarvundeBothDoorsTopic CUST 0 Every moment you waste is another moment those doors stay shut tight. Get going! FormID: 000B7152 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeQSTBothDoorsClosed HELO 0 Every moment you waste is another moment those doors stay shut tight. Get going! FormID: 000B7153 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeQSTBothDoorsClosed HELO 0 Only one more door left. Hurry up. FormID: 000B7154 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeQSTBothDoorsClosed HELO 0 I don't have time to talk. Keep moving! FormID: 000B714F dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeNoDeal03 CUST 0 Clear out the chamber, and I'll give you the key. FormID: 000B714E dunAngarvundeQST SCEN 0 Yes! The path is clear! FormID: 000B6BF7 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 Aren't you worried someone will wander in here? The entrance isn't exactly hidden you know. FormID: 000B6BF3 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 This again? I told you we have someone standing guard out there. And, don't forget the rock trap we rigged up. FormID: 000B6BF1 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 So, stop your worrying and get some rest. Your shift is coming up and I don't want you dozing off again like last time. FormID: 000B6BF0 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 I knew I heard something. What's this bridge doing down? FormID: 000B6BF8 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 I thought we had a guard posted outside. FormID: 000B6BF6 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 We did! Keep your eyes peeled. I don't think we're alone. You check the entrance. I'm going to look over here. FormID: 000B6BF4 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 Anything? FormID: 000B6BF5 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 No, haven't seen anyone. FormID: 000B6BF2 dunEmbershardQST SCEN 0 Keep looking. Someone's here, I can feel it. FormID: 000C3484 CW02A GBYE 0 Don't wait for me. Get to Korvanjund as soon as you're ready. I'll meet you there. FormID: 000B6BDB CW02A HELO 0 You have your orders. Rendezvous with the rest of the men outside Korvanjund. FormID: 000B6BDC CW02A HELO 0 What did you need, soldier? FormID: 000A2016 CW02A HELO 0 Good work! Lucky we had you with us today. FormID: 000A2017 CW02A HELO 0 Must be here somewhere. Keep looking. FormID: 000A2018 CW02A HELO 0 Draugr. Dammit. I hate those things. FormID: 000A2019 CW02A HELO 0 Be careful, friend. This place doesn't seem too... forgiving. FormID: 000A201A CW02A HELO 0 Maybe that claw has a clue on it? You know, how to set the rings so the door will open. FormID: 000A201B CW02A HELO 0 Stick close. This place gives me the creeps. FormID: 000A201C CW02A HELO 0 All for some old crown? It's a strange war all right. FormID: 000A201D CW02A HELO 0 The Stormcloaks will never stop us. FormID: 000A201E CW02A HELO 0 So far so good. FormID: 000B6B9E MQ101 SCEN 0 See if you can unlock that door. FormID: 000B6B9F MQ101 SCEN 0 Did you find a key? See if it unlocks that door. FormID: 000B6BA0 MQ101 SCEN 0 Unlock that door and let's get out of here. FormID: 000B667D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene13 SCEN 0 Talen, do you believe what they're saying? Do you really think the dragons have returned? FormID: 000B6680 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene13 SCEN 0 I don't know what to believe. If it's true, then dark times may be upon us. FormID: 000B6685 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene13 SCEN 0 What should we do? FormID: 000B667A DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene13 SCEN 0 We hold each other close and hope that all of this ends well. FormID: 000B667E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene10 SCEN 0 Madesi, have you heard the Imperials might be headed this way? What would we do? FormID: 000B6681 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene10 SCEN 0 They aren't invading, milord... it's simply a response to Ulfric and his Stormcloaks. I assure you everything will be fine. FormID: 000B6683 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene10 SCEN 0 But I've heard from the Snow-Shods that they intend to burn this place to the ground! FormID: 000B6679 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene10 SCEN 0 Tythis, please. The Snow-Shods are good people, but tend to exaggerate. Try and stay calm for your own sake. FormID: 000B6684 DialogueRiftenSS04 SCEN 0 Have our scouts come up with any information on these reports of dragons? FormID: 000B667C DialogueRiftenSS04 SCEN 0 Yes, milady. That unpleasantness at Helgen supposedly involved a dragon. It killed several soldiers before it departed. FormID: 000B6682 DialogueRiftenSS04 SCEN 0 I want you to speak to the city guard. Make sure there's a contingency plan in effect in case Riften falls under attack. FormID: 000B667B DialogueRiftenSS04 SCEN 0 Yes, milady. I've also taken the liberty in preparing a private carriage... just in case. FormID: 000B667F DialogueRiftenSS04 SCEN 0 Good. If Riften should fall, it's only right that its leader be spared. FormID: 000B646A dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 I am Lu'ah Al-Skaven. Who are you to disrupt my work? Begone, or I will add you to my army of the dead! Disembodied voice raising the dead FormID: 000B6342 CreatureDialogueAtronachFlame HIT_ 0 FormID: 000B62CB DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene9 SCEN 0 Do you think we could persuade one of the dragons to join our side? FormID: 000B62C7 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene9 SCEN 0 I'm fairly sure that the dragons don't care about our matters one way or the other. FormID: 000B62CA DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene9 SCEN 0 But just think of the advantage. FormID: 000B62CD DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene9 SCEN 0 I'm not saying it wouldn't be useful. But there are better uses of our resources right now. FormID: 000B62CF DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene9 SCEN 0 I don't suppose we would ever really trust the thing anyway. FormID: 000B62B2 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene6 SCEN 0 Captain, have you heard these stories of dragons? FormID: 000B62B1 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene6 SCEN 0 Elda, you know better than to believe every idiot traveler that wanders through. FormID: 000B62B4 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene6 SCEN 0 But they're saying that one of them freed Ulfric... that he's in league with them. FormID: 000B62B5 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene6 SCEN 0 Think about how ridiculous that sounds. Come now. FormID: 000B62B6 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene7 SCEN 0 Calixto, do you know if there's any truth to these rumors of dragons? FormID: 000B62B7 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene7 SCEN 0 Eh. I try not to trouble myself with stories of the outside world. FormID: 000B62B7 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene7 SCEN 1 Now if someone brings me a dragon scale, that's a different story. FormID: 000B62B0 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene7 SCEN 0 But how would you know it's real? FormID: 000B62AE DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene7 SCEN 0 Ah, I can't reveal all my secrets to you. But rest assured, I would know. FormID: 000B6274 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestKodlakCuredBranch C06PostQuestKodlakCuredBranchTopic CUST 0 And that's exactly what the old man wanted. I'm glad we could give it to him. FormID: 000B6275 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestKodlakCuredBranch C06PostQuestKodlakCuredBranchTopic CUST 0 He's not a werewolf any more? Even dead? This is a good thing! FormID: 000B6276 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestKodlakCuredBranch C06PostQuestKodlakCuredBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, you brought honor to him, even after his death. A worthy outcome for a worthy warrior. FormID: 000B6277 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll be honest, I wouldn't have expected it. FormID: 000B6277 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 1 But that may just be because I remember when you were just a whelp who was begging to join. FormID: 000B6277 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 2 The old man trusted you, so I'll trust you. FormID: 000B6278 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, you don't have to worry about any problems from me. I do what I'm told. Congratulations! FormID: 000B6279 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 0 If you had told me a few months ago that some outsider I had never heard of would lead the Companions, I might have slit your throat. FormID: 000B6279 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 1 But I've seen what you can do. And heard of the love that Kodlak had for you. The trust. FormID: 000B6279 C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranch C06PostQuestSoImInChargeNowHuhBranchTopic CUST 2 Let's hope you can show that his heart was not deceived. Good luck, my friend. FormID: 000B627A C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranch C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranchTopic CUST 0 Eventually. But this... this is the Tomb of Ysgramor. I think I'm just going to... commune for a bit. FormID: 000B627A C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranch C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranchTopic CUST 1 This place is worthy of some time. You go on ahead. I'll see you back there. FormID: 000B627B C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranch C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranchTopic CUST 0 I go where my brother goes. I think he wants to look around some more. FormID: 000B627C C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranch C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranchTopic CUST 0 Not right now. I'm going to look at some of these carvings. I wonder if Ysgramor ever set foot here while he was alive. FormID: 000B627C C06PostQuest C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranch C06PostQuestSoDoYouWannaGetOutOfHereBranchTopic CUST 1 But you don't have to stay, if you don't want to. I'll see you back at Jorrvaskr. Stories to tell the others, eh? FormID: 000B6269 C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06UhDudeTheresNobodyHere CUST 0 You see only me because your heart knows only me as the Companions leader. FormID: 000B6269 C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06UhDudeTheresNobodyHere CUST 1 I'd wager old Vignar could see half a dozen of my predecessors. joking FormID: 000B6269 C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06UhDudeTheresNobodyHere CUST 2 And I see them all. The ones in Sovngarde. The ones trapped with me in Hircine's realm. FormID: 000B6269 C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06UhDudeTheresNobodyHere CUST 3 And they all see you. You've brought honor to the name of the Companions. We won't soon forget it. FormID: 000B6226 MQ101 COTN 0 Damn rebels. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD964 MQ101 COTN 0 That the best Ulfric has? battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD965 MQ101 COTN 0 That's how the Legion fights. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD966 MQ101 COTN 0 Victory... for now. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD967 MQ101 COTN 0 Ever onward. motto, battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000B6227 MQ101 COTN 0 I'll never get tired of killing these Imperial bastards. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD968 MQ101 COTN 0 That the best the Legion has? Heh. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD969 MQ101 COTN 0 See you in Sovngarde. talkng to dead enemy, battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD96A MQ101 COTN 0 That's how a true Nord fights. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000FD96B MQ101 COTN 0 Another day, another victory. battle just ended, winding down FormID: 000B5F8D mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response1 CUST 0 You and your College have ruined years of my work, I've lost colleagues and friends to the Falmer, and you want me to calm down? FormID: 000B5F89 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response2 CUST 0 Go wrong? Go wrong? furious, near hysterical FormID: 000B5F89 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response2 CUST 1 Everything is wrong! Everything! Whatever you have at that College has completely interfered with our work here. FormID: 000B5F76 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response3 CUST 0 You show up here just as our work nears completion, and now I can't get any results from this because of something at your College. furious, accusatory FormID: 000B5F76 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response3 CUST 1 Do you think me a fool? Do you think I'm too stupid to make the connection? You've ruined my work! furious, near hysterical FormID: 000B5F73 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55FollowUp1 CUST 0 How did you do it? FormID: 000B5F6A mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response4 CUST 0 But it must be something you're doing. There's no other explanation... angry, confused FormID: 000B5F68 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response5 CUST 0 Either you're lying to me, or... angry, confused FormID: 000B5F50 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response6 CUST 0 Just look! FormID: 000B5F50 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55Response6 CUST 1 This should be lit up brighter than the night sky, and it's not! Clearly you've interfered somehow. Or... FormID: 000B5FAC mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55FollowUp2 CUST 0 You have something at your College, don't you? Something immensely powerful. Beyond anything I'd anticipated. What is it? suspicious, intense FormID: 000B5F9D mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye1 CUST 0 The Eye of Magnus? confused, repeating what was just said to you, trying to understand it FormID: 000B5F9D mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye1 CUST 1 Well, I suppose if that means what I think it does... FormID: 000B5F9D mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye1 CUST 2 Well, that's interesting.... absent-minded, thinking to yourself FormID: 000B5F90 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye2 CUST 0 Well, now. This I hadn't considered. calming down from being angry FormID: 000B5F90 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye2 CUST 1 If that's taken into account, these results make more sense. FormID: 000B5F8C mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye3 CUST 0 So you do have something, then. FormID: 000B5F8C mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55Eye3 CUST 1 Whether this was intentional or not, it suggests some interesting results. calming down from being angry FormID: 000B5F77 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55FindStaff1 CUST 0 Yes, the staff. Interesting... absent-minded, lost in thought FormID: 000B5F75 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55FindStaff2 CUST 0 You're looking for something, yes? The... Staff of Magnus. absent-minded FormID: 000B5F75 mg06 MG06ParatusStage55FinalBranch MG06ParatusStage55FindStaff2 CUST 1 Well, even if you are trying to ruin my work, there's still something to be learned here. FormID: 000B5F72 mg06 SCEN 0 I can't explain the details. That would be giving away many secrets the Synod have learned over the years. FormID: 000B5F69 mg06 SCEN 0 Also, I doubt you'd be able to comprehend the details. FormID: 000B5F51 mg06 SCEN 0 What's important is that all of this work was designed to reveal to us sources of great magical power. FormID: 000B5F4F mg06 SCEN 0 Purely to help safeguard the Empire, of course. FormID: 000B5FAA mg06 SCEN 0 And yet, in the end, only two locations have been revealed to us. One is your College. FormID: 000B5F93 mg06 SCEN 0 The other... Well, that can only be Labyrinthian. FormID: 000B5E1B MQ204 SCEN 0 Clear Skies will blow away the mist, but only for a time. FormID: 000B5E1A MQ204 SCEN 0 The path to Paarthurnax is perilous, not to be embarked upon lightly. FormID: 000B5DF2 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWithPrisoner WEThalmorDialogueWithPrisonerTopic CUST 0 Taking this man to be interrogated. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DF3 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWithPrisoner WEThalmorDialogueWithPrisonerTopic CUST 0 That is none of your concern. suspicious, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DF0 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWithPrisoner WEThalmorDialogueWhatHasHeDone CUST 0 He has knowledge of a cult of Talos. He will tell us what we need to know, or he will die. The choice is his. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DFF WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWithPrisoner WEThalmorDialogueWhatRight CUST 0 By Imperial Law banning Talos, we have the right to do whatever we want. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5E06 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 Now, get of my way. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5E07 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 And now you'll walk away, if you know what's good for you. He has knowledge of a cult of Talos. He will tell us what we need to know, or he will die. The choice is his. FormID: 000B5E08 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 And so, you will die a heretic's death. smoldering, matter of fact, about to execute of a lesser being FormID: 000B5E09 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 If you're smart, you'll walk away. threatening, continued from:[QUOTE]If you'd like I can show you why [I'm better than you][QUOTE] -- annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass FormID: 000B5E0A WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 Now, go away. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5E0B WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 Perhaps there's something you wish to confess? threatening, suspicious, ready to kill FormID: 000B9BCB WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 This doesn't concern you, [QUOTE]citizen.[QUOTE] [QUOTE]citizen[QUOTE] with a sneer, annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass FormID: 000B9BE1 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 You're interfering with official Thalmor business. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass FormID: 000B9BE2 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 Move along. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass FormID: 000B9BE4 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueShared IDAT 0 Walk away. Now. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass FormID: 000B5E01 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueConfess WEThalmorDialogueConfessTopic CUST 0 Or perhaps there's something you'd like to confess? threatening, suspicious, ready to kill Walk Away FormID: 000B5DF9 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueConfess WEThalmorDialogueBelieveWhatever CUST 0 Incorrect. You can worship whatever gods you like. But Talos is a man, and only a heretic would think otherwise... stress [QUOTE]GODS[QUOTE] with disdain, suspicious, ready to kill FormID: 000B5DF8 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueConfess WEThalmorDialogueRemainSilent CUST 0 I don't like you... I think you're a heretic. FormID: 000B5DF5 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYou WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 I am a Thalmor Justiciar on important business that you are interfering with. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DF6 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYou WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 That we are superior to men is an established fact. For example, take this belief in Talos. The [QUOTE]ninth[QUOTE] divine. Heh. derisive, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DF6 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYou WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 Certainly you don't believe such things? stress [QUOTE]YOU[QUOTE] - suspicious, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DF1 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYou WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreThalmor CUST 0 We are special envoys of the Aldmeri Dominion, the rightful rulers of Tamriel. If you'd like I can show you why. annoyed, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5E00 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWhoAreYou WEThalmorDialogueDoingInSkyrim CUST 0 We're making sure your Emperor wasn't lying to his elven masters when he agreed the Empire would give up false gods and foolish beliefs. with an evil grin, provoking, arrogant, militant, ready to kick some ass if you have to FormID: 000B5DF7 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueWhatWrongWithTalos WEThalmorDialogueWhatWrongWithTalosTopic CUST 0 It's immoral to worship a man. And it's also illegal. A faithful Imperial citizen would know that. FormID: 000B5D80 CreatureDialogueAtronachFlame DETH 0 FormID: 000B5D3B WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02BranchTopic CUST 0 I'm collecting ingredients to bring to the Gourmet. He'll think my tastes so refined when I offer them to him. Walk Away FormID: 000B5D3B WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02BranchTopic CUST 1 You have heard of the Gourmet? Walk Away FormID: 000B5D3A WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02Have CUST 0 Then you know that Gourmet keeps his identity a secret. I'm hoping to discover who he is, so I can tell him how he changed my life. Walk Away FormID: 000B5D3A WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02Have CUST 1 For all I know, the Gourmet is a woman! Walk Away FormID: 000B5D39 WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02NeverHeard CUST 0 You've not heard of the Gourmet? Author of [QUOTE]Uncommon Taste[QUOTE]? He's a wizard with a spatula. Well, not an actual wizard, but his recipes are legendary. Walk Away FormID: 000B5D3E WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02Gourmet CUST 0 Oh, my! You? It is an honor! Your food has opened my eyes to the wonders this world can hold. FormID: 000B5D3E WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02Gourmet CUST 1 I've cooked every dish in your book, and I must say your brilliance is inspiring. My technique surely doesn't even approach yours... but whose would? FormID: 000B5D3C WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02Gift CUST 0 Allow me to give you this, the fork I used the first time I tasted one of your dishes. Oh, and these ingredients I've been collecting for you. FormID: 000B5D3C WEJS02 WEJS02Main WEJS02Gift CUST 1 I've risked life and limb so that you may create another masterpiece. Make sure to think of me when you use them! FormID: 000B5551 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 Good riddance. Let's move on, the scroll must be in the next room. FormID: 000B48F6 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Key CUST 0 I suppose so. But believe me. Only us servants have a key like that, and its a very expensive looking lock. Really, I wouldn't worry about it. (chiding) believing her friend is making a big deal over nothing FormID: 000B48F6 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Key CUST 1 Here. Take a look for yourself. But give it back soon. It's almost time for milady's medicine. playfully strict sounding - handing over a key to friend FormID: 000B48F9 DA02 DA02Flee FLEE 0 Help! Assassin! screaming for help FormID: 000B45F1 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsPostQST dunHighGateRuinsPostQSTTopic CUST 0 Let me look. This is a very exciting moment for me. very excited FormID: 000B45F2 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 That's Vokun, the guardian of the scroll. It must be just past him. medium excited FormID: 000B45CA dunBardsLeapSummitQST SCEN 0 Been a long time since someone took the leap. Longer still since any survived it. FormID: 000B45CB dunBardsLeapSummitQST SCEN 0 I once performed the entirety of the Poetic Edda from atop Bard's Leap before trying my luck... Well, you can see how that turned out. FormID: 000B4585 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 That gem looks suspicious to me. FormID: 000B4584 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 These wall carvings are ancient, we must be getting close. inspecting the carvings FormID: 000B4586 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 There it is! On the table. excited FormID: 000B3CB3 dunBlindCliffQST MelkaPQrewardBranch MelkaPQrewardBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes. My staff, take it. Kill something pretty with it. Thoughtful at first, then a bit crazy. FormID: 000B3E3C DA02 SCEN 0 Stay where I can see you. guard, threatening someone who is trying to evade him FormID: 000B3E3D DA02 SCEN 0 You need an escort at all times. guard, threatening someone who is trying to evade him FormID: 000B3E3E DA02 SCEN 0 Come back here! guard, threatening someone who is trying to evade him FormID: 000B3E34 DA02 SCEN 0 Damn it, I lost him! Protect the Jarl! guard calling out alarm about a trespasser, possibly an assassin FormID: 000B3E35 DA02 SCEN 0 Damn it, I lost her! Protect the Jarl! guard calling out alarm about a trespasser, possibly an assassin FormID: 000B3E36 DA02 SCEN 0 Protect the Jarl! calling out an alarm that an assassin is present FormID: 000B3E3A DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02GuardForcegreetTopic CUST 0 I've been instructed to tell all visitors that the Lady Elisif isn't feeling well. She wishes you a good day, and please call again another time. (mix of boredom and suspicion) )guard telling a visitor to go away, lady's orders Walk Away FormID: 000B3E3B DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02GuardForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Yes. Are you enjoying our little walk together? Or perhaps you'd like to come back when the Lady is taking visitors? bored escorting a visitor who should leave now Walk Away FormID: 000B3E29 DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02PressingBusiness CUST 0 I'm afraid you'll have to come back later. I've been given strict instructions that no one be allowed to trouble Lady Elisif. annoyed, but at exactly who is unclear FormID: 000B3E33 DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02Steward CUST 0 Yes, the Steward is taking visitors. However, I must accompany you at all times while on the royal premises. fearing a boring babysitting is in store Walk Away FormID: 000B3E39 DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02AnywhereNotFollowed CUST 0 I suppose you're free to frolic with the wenches in the servant's quarters, but anywhere else, you must have an escort. Jarl's orders. trying hard not to lose his patience Walk Away FormID: 000B3E26 DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02SomeoneElse CUST 0 If there's someone in the palace who can speak for you and wouldn't mind walking you around. Great. Lead me to him. (mild sarcasm) tired of dealing with a pushy visitor Walk Away FormID: 000B3E2B DA02 DA02GuardForcegreetBranch DA02GuardGoodbye CUST 0 Stay close and in plain view. No funny business unless you want a few inches of steel in your belly. guard cautioning a visitor that the place is on lock down FormID: 000B3E2F DA02GuardWarn SCEN 0 Private quarters are strictly off limits. You have been warned. very stern warning FormID: 000B3E32 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02WhatsWrongWithJarlTopic CUST 0 She's telling everyone she's sick. But she's really locked herself in her room because she fears an assassin is out to get her. confiding in a friend FormID: 000B48FA DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02WhatsWrongWithJarlTopic CUST 0 She's locked herself in her room not letting anyone in. Well, except for us servants. She's afraid of assassins coming to get her. confiding a secret to her friend about the lady of the house FormID: 000B48FA DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02WhatsWrongWithJarlTopic CUST 1 Even still, I make a point of announcing myself when I enter her room now. I spooked her so bad last time she almost threw the chamber pot at me! (concerned amusement) confiding a secret to her friend about the lady of the house FormID: 000B3E2C DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02ThatsCrazy CUST 0 I know. The poor girl's fright has left her bereft of reason. But there's no talking her out of it. I fear she'll be locked in there for days. concerned for her friend who has become paranoid FormID: 000B48F7 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02ThatsCrazy CUST 0 Not so ridiculous, really. I know people don't think much of her. But she is the Jarl after all. Plenty of folk would kill to be in her shoes. concerned for her boss who has become paranoid FormID: 000B3E25 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Favor CUST 0 I bet she would feel safer. And hopefully you wouldn't have to baby sit her for long. Once she calms down, she might start thinking straight again. pleased by the idea FormID: 000B3E25 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Favor CUST 1 Let's go talk with her. Stay close. Talk of assassins has the guards jumpy. They might attack you if you're not standing near me. FormID: 000B48F8 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Favor CUST 0 Well, she needs to eat. I don't think she even knows where the kitchen is. And milady isn't exactly going to remove her own chamber pot, now is she? jesting about the lady of the house FormID: 000B48F8 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Favor CUST 1 It hardly matters though. The door to the stairs is securely locked. There's no way anyone without the key can get in. So don't you worry about it. absent mindedly telling a friend about a flaw in the security FormID: 000B3E43 DA02 SCEN 0 Elisif... calling out to paranoid friend who has locked herself on the other side of a door FormID: 000B3E2D DA02 SCEN 0 Go. Away. Please! (scared and annoyed) calling out from behind door FormID: 000B3E38 DA02 SCEN 0 I've brought a friend. Someone who can help. A bodyguard. To protect you. calling out to paranoid friend who has locked herself on the other side of a door - trying to entice her to open the door FormID: 000B3E28 DA02 SCEN 0 I thought you didn't believe I was in danger! (taunting - still scared and annoyed) calling out from behind door FormID: 000B3E30 DA02 SCEN 0 It doesn't really matter what I believe, now does it? I've brought you someone who can protect you. That's what you want, isn't it? FormID: 000B3E37 DA02 SCEN 0 (Sounds of unlocking and unbarring a door) FormID: 000B3E3F DA02 SCEN 0 I'm not taking any visitors. (scared, annoyed) paranoid that there's an assassin trying to kill her, annoyed that all her friends don't believe her (spoken through a door) FormID: 000B3E40 DA02 SCEN 0 Please, just go away! (scared, annoyed) paranoid that there's an assassin trying to kill her, annoyed that all her friends don't believe her (spoken through a door) FormID: 000B3E41 DA02 SCEN 0 Leave - me - a - lone! (scared, annoyed) paranoid that there's an assassin trying to kill her, annoyed that all her friends don't believe her (spoken through a door) FormID: 000B3E42 DA02 SCEN 0 Go away! (scared, annoyed) paranoid that there's an assassin trying to kill her, annoyed that all her friends don't believe her (spoken through a door) FormID: 000B3E31 DA02 SCEN 0 Well, what are you waiting for?! (yelling, given up and letting them come in) calling out from behind door FormID: 000B3E27 DA02 SCEN 0 Come in, come in! Shut the door behind you! paranoid hurrying in her new bodyguard FormID: 000B3E2E DA02 SCEN 0 I'm glad they finally believed me. About the assassin I mean. It's been so hard since my Torygg passed. No one takes me seriously. suddenly spilling her guts FormID: 000B3E2E DA02 SCEN 1 So how's this work exactly? Do you just kind of stand there on the look out? That's what Bolgeir does. Well, he sort of looms more than stands. sheepishly FormID: 000B3E2E DA02 SCEN 2 Bolgeir's loyal, but even he doesn't do what I ask. Case in point, this whole assassin thing. Well at least I have you now. rambling FormID: 000B3E2E DA02 SCEN 3 Look at me ramble... Well, I guess I'll go about my business sulking in here. You can stand over there in the corner watching for assassins. making light, laughing at her own girlishness FormID: 000B3DFE C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 This is... he should not have gone alone. FormID: 000B3DFE C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 1 Thank you for telling me. This is a day where our souls must cry, and our hearts will answer. FormID: 000B3DFE C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 2 Go. Grieve in whatever way you know. FormID: 000B3DFF C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 Skjor... I always thought of him as invincible. FormID: 000B3DFF C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 1 Truly, one of our great fires has gone out. FormID: 000B3E00 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 He was the one I looked up to. I need to find my brother. FormID: 000B3E01 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 He has joined the honored dead. This will be a difficult time for us all. FormID: 000B3E02 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 Unfortunate. He was an excellent sparring partner. I'll miss our training sessions. FormID: 000B3E03 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 I... I can only imagine Aela's anger. I'll make sure not to cross her for a while. FormID: 000B3E04 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 He did? That's... I'm surprised. FormID: 000B3E04 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 1 I wonder who will replace him in the Circle? FormID: 000B3E05 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 Tragic, of course. FormID: 000B3E05 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 1 But, well. Fires go out. Others ignite. Skjor inspired many with his life. Perhaps his death can continue to inspire. FormID: 000B3E06 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh my. He was always so kind to me. A bit rough around the edges, but a good man. FormID: 000B3E06 C03PostQuest C03PostQuestTellThemBranch C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic CUST 1 I... I'll get his things in order. FormID: 000B3D8D mg06 SCEN 0 That's it! You've got one of them lined up! FormID: 000B3CB2 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffQSTFGleading CUST 0 Pretty, pretty flesh. Let me out! FormID: 000B3D8B mg06 SCEN 0 Almost there! We're so close! FormID: 000B3D70 mg06 SCEN 0 You've done it! That's all of them! FormID: 000B3D8F mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55BranchTopic CUST 0 So, what is it? What have you done? FormID: 000B3D8F mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55BranchTopic CUST 1 Did you know what we were attempting? Are you here to make sure your plan worked, that our efforts have been for nothing? FormID: 000B3D8F mg06 MG06ParatusStage55Branch MG06ParatusStage55BranchTopic CUST 2 Well, explain yourself! FormID: 000B3B91 dunLostValleyRedoubtQST SCEN 0 Heart of thorn... bones of the wild... in life, Forsworn... FormID: 000B3B93 dunLostValleyRedoubtQST SCEN 0 ...rise from death, Blood of our Blood. There should be two readings of this that sound slightly different FormID: 000B3B94 dunLostValleyRedoubtQST SCEN 0 ...rise from death, Blood of our Blood. There should be two readings of this that sound slightly different FormID: 000B3B90 dunLostValleyRedoubtQST SCEN 0 ...hear he's decided to let the Hags turn him into a Briarheart. FormID: 000B3B92 dunLostValleyRedoubtQST SCEN 0 That's a true Reachman. Hope he heads to Markarth to take out some of those Nords. FormID: 000B3B07 DA15Paranoia DA15ParanoiaObjective DA15ParanoiaObjectiveTopic CUST 0 Oh, this is going to be fun. You've got to use your Wabbajack to defeat the enemy while - get this - they use their Wabbajack to defeat you! FormID: 000B3B0D DA15 DA15Where0 DA15Where0Topic CUST 0 Inside the mind of Pelagius, silly. FormID: 000B3B0D DA15 DA15Where0 DA15Where0Topic CUST 1 Oh. Is it your... first time? whisper [QUOTE]first time[QUOTE] like you're talking about sex, and don't want anyone to hear. FormID: 0002CC49 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 Mercer never told you about her? FormID: 0002CC49 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Karliah is the thief responsible for murdering the previous Guild Master, Gallus. Now she's after Mercer. slightly reluctant to say this FormID: 0002CC47 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Help... ? No, no! Look I didn't even know it was her until after she contacted me. FormID: 0002CC47 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Please, you have to believe me! FormID: 0002CC3D TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I don't know. When I asked her where she was going she just muttered [QUOTE]Where the end began.[QUOTE] FormID: 0002CC3D TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Here, take the Goldenglow Estate Deed as proof. And when you speak to Mercer, tell him I'm worth more to him alive. FormID: 000B3984 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Vuljotnaak! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Vuljotnaak! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) (Vuljotnaak = Dark Maw Eat) FormID: 000B3985 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Nahagliiv! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Nahagliiv! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) (Nahagliiv = Fury Burn Wither) FormID: 000B3986 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Viinturuth! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Viinturuth! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) (Viinturuth = Shine Hammer Rage) FormID: 000B3977 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Alduin, thuri! FormID: 000B3971 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Alok, Vuljotnaak. Tiid boaan. Arise, NAME. The time has arrived. FormID: 000B3972 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Alok, Nahagliiv. Tiid boaan. Arise, NAME. The time has arrived. FormID: 000B3973 MQResurrectDragon SCEN 0 Alok, Viinturuth. Tiid boaan. Arise, NAME. The time has arrived. FormID: 000B391E MQ204 SCEN 0 Lok... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Lok[QUOTE] FormID: 000B397E MQ204 SCEN 0 Vah... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Vah[QUOTE] FormID: 000B3979 MQ204 SCEN 0 Koor... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Koor[QUOTE] FormID: 000B3976 MQ204 SCEN 0 I will grant you my understanding of Clear Skies. This is your final gift from us, Dragonborn. Use it well. FormID: 0003F892 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2Topic CUST 0 No. I cannot teach it to you because I do not know it. FormID: 000B3983 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroC1 CUST 0 What I want is irrelevant. This Shout was used once before, was it not? And here we are again. FormID: 000B3983 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroC1 CUST 1 Have you considered that Alduin was not meant to be defeated? FormID: 000B3983 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroC1 CUST 2 Those who overthrew him in ancient times only postponed the day of reckoning, they did not stop it. FormID: 000B3983 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroC1 CUST 3 If the world is meant to end, so be it. Let it end and be reborn. FormID: 000B3970 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirIntroC2 CUST 0 No, no, of course not. Forgive me, Dragonborn. I have been intemperate with you. recollecting yourself from a surge of anger FormID: 000B3970 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirIntroC2 CUST 1 But heed my warning - the Blades may say they serve the Dragonborn, but they do not. They never have. FormID: 000B394E MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroD1 CUST 0 No. Not now. Not until you return to the path of wisdom. FormID: 000B3920 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroD2 CUST 0 Do not confuse inaction with indifference. Often the wisest course is to wait and watch events unfold, until the time to act is clear. FormID: 000B3920 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroD2 CUST 1 The Blades have never followed that path, of course. FormID: 000B398C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroD3 CUST 0 Those who are ignorant find the Way of the Voice easy to ridicule. FormID: 000B398C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroD3 CUST 1 This is why so few follow it, and why the world is as it is. FormID: 000B3980 MQ204 SCEN 0 Arngeir. Rok los Dovahkiin, Strundu'ul. Rok fen tinvaak Paarthurnax. in ground-shaking Greybeard rumble FormID: 000B3981 MQ204 SCEN 0 Arngeir. Rek los Dovahkiin, Strundu'ul. Rek fen tinvaak Paarthurnax. in ground-shaking Greybeard rumble FormID: 000B397B MQ204 SCEN 0 Dragonborn... wait. FormID: 000B3978 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2EntryTopic CUST 0 I cannot teach you the Shout, because I do not know it. FormID: 000B3974 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2Continue CUST 0 It is called [QUOTE]Dragonrend[QUOTE], but its Words of Power are unknown to us. reluctantly FormID: 000B3974 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2Continue CUST 1 We do not regret this loss. Dragonrend holds no place within the Way of the Voice. FormID: 000B396A MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirPaarthurnaxA1 CUST 0 He is our leader. He surpasses us all in his mastery of the Way of the Voice. FormID: 000B391F MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendA1 CUST 0 But not Dragonrend. The knowledge of that Shout was lost in the time before history began. FormID: 000B391F MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusive2 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendA1 CUST 1 Perhaps only its creators ever knew it. But I am not the one to speak of it to you. FormID: 000B38A0 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02b CUST 0 I'm glad to see you're embracing our methods. It would be a waste to lose a contact at the East Empire Company before we had the entire story. FormID: 000B38A0 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02b CUST 1 Just keep on Gulum-Ei's tail and he's bound to step into something he can't scrape off his boot. FormID: 000B3899 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic05a CUST 0 Hasn't Mercer Frey taught you people anything? obnoxious FormID: 000B3899 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic05a CUST 1 You kill me and your only contact with the East Empire Company vanishes. That's not smart for business. FormID: 000B3897 TG04 TG04GulumEiAcquireBranch TG04GulumEiAcquireBranchTopic CUST 0 I have a buyer looking for a case of Firebrand Wine. There just so happens to be a single case in the Blue Palace. FormID: 000B3897 TG04 TG04GulumEiAcquireBranch TG04GulumEiAcquireBranchTopic CUST 1 Bring it to me, and we'll talk about Goldenglow Estate. FormID: 000B3896 TG04 TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranch TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Good. Can't have the buyer getting impatient and looking elsewhere for this, can we? FormID: 000B3896 TG04 TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranch TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, take this. I certainly can't use it, but I suppose I need to pay you something for the goods. FormID: 000B3893 TG04 TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranch TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Not at all. I consider it an investment in prolonging my life. mock friendliness FormID: 000B3893 TG04 TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranch TG04GulumEiWineDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 As far as Goldenglow Estate goes, I'll tell you what I know. FormID: 000B3888 TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 Now you won't forget to tell Mercer I cooperated, will you? FormID: 000B3889 TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 Give Mercer my regards when you return to Riften. mock friendliness FormID: 000B388A TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 Look, did you want the information or not? FormID: 000B388B TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 Do take care handling that case of wine... it's irreplaceable. FormID: 000B3890 TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you're the best the Guild's got, they're in worse shape than I imagined. FormID: 000EA5B7 TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 I need you to put all your efforts into this job. We can't afford any mistakes. FormID: 000EA5B8 TG04 TG04Goodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck in Solitude. Keep Gulum-Ei alive, but remind him who we are. FormID: 000B322D MGRitual02 MGRitual02InitialBranch MGRitual02InitialTopic CUST 0 You have gone beyond my teachings, which is quite a feat. I did not think it possible. FormID: 000B322D MGRitual02 MGRitual02InitialBranch MGRitual02InitialTopic CUST 1 But there is always more to learn. I believe you are ready for the next step. FormID: 000B3227 MGRitual02 MGRitual02InitialBranch MGRitual02InitialFollowUp CUST 0 Knowledge of truly powerful Illusion spells is here at the College, but it is hidden from those who might misuse it. FormID: 000B3227 MGRitual02 MGRitual02InitialBranch MGRitual02InitialFollowUp CUST 1 I shall teach you a spell to discern things hidden from others. With it, you will be able to acquire the texts you need. FormID: 000B3227 MGRitual02 MGRitual02InitialBranch MGRitual02InitialFollowUp CUST 2 Bring all four to me, and I shall use them to inscribe the spells for you. FormID: 000B3228 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene06 SCEN 0 I continue to hear things about dragon sightings in Skyrim. FormID: 000B322F DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene06 SCEN 0 Dragons? Well, that's fascinating. We should have someone look into that. FormID: 000B3229 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene06 SCEN 0 Would you like me to send someone? Faralda or Phinis, perhaps? FormID: 000B322E DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene06 SCEN 0 I'll think about it. FormID: 000B3232 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene10 SCEN 0 Is it true? Are there really dragons in Skyrim? FormID: 000B3225 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene10 SCEN 0 There's talk of it, but I find it hard to believe. FormID: 000B3226 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene10 SCEN 0 I do hope it's true. So many opportunities... lost in thought, greedy sounding FormID: 000B322B DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene10 SCEN 0 Opportunities for what? FormID: 000B3230 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene10 SCEN 0 What? Oh, nothing. It's just... It's an interesting development. FormID: 000B3224 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene11 SCEN 0 You haven't heard any more about dragon sightings, have you? FormID: 000B322A DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene11 SCEN 0 No, which is fine with me. FormID: 000B322C DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene11 SCEN 0 A pity. You have any idea how much fangs would be worth? Or even better -- bottle their flame. The right buyer would pay an immense amount. FormID: 000B3231 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene11 SCEN 0 Bottle... their flame? I can't... No, I don't think I've any interest in that sort of thing. FormID: 000B31FC dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_StewardInitial dunMossMotherQST_BrandrInitialTopic RUMO 0 Folks have gone missing the past few weeks. Word now's that our hunters are gone, too. FormID: 000B31FC dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_StewardInitial dunMossMotherQST_BrandrInitialTopic RUMO 1 Say, if you're traveling, could you keep an eye out for them? Valdr and his men. I think they were after bear up north. FormID: 00040F7E dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherHelpBranch dunMossMotherQST_HelpPotion CUST 0 I just need a little to get going. FormID: 00040F7A dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherHelpBranch dunMossMotherQST_HelpSpell CUST 0 Thank you. Please hurry! FormID: 000B31FA dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherHelpBranch dunMossMotherQST_HelpLater CUST 0 Please, I need help! I don't want to die on this damned log! Afraid player will leave him to die FormID: 000B31FE dunMossMotherQST dunMossMother_ForcegreetComplete dunMossMother_ForcegreetCompleteTopic CUST 0 It's done, then. Justice, if you can call it that. Grim, cynical, satisfied. FormID: 000B31FE dunMossMotherQST dunMossMother_ForcegreetComplete dunMossMother_ForcegreetCompleteTopic CUST 1 Look, I want you to have this. I know it isn't much, but it's important to me. Not emphatic, but insistent FormID: 000B31F9 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_Return dunMossMotherQST_ReturnTopic CUST 0 Changed your mind? Well, I can't give up so easily. I'm heading back. Irritated, cynical FormID: 000B31DE TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Now that this is a Black-Briar Meadery, you can be sure that we'll be selling only the best mead in Skyrim. FormID: 000B31DF TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 What's left of the Honningbrew has been dumped into the sewers. Good riddance. FormID: 000B31E0 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Maven Black-Briar always remembers her friends. That's why I'm in charge of the place. FormID: 000B31E1 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 If you have anything you're having a hard time selling, I can take it off your hands. FormID: 000B31E2 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 It was you, wasn't it. I should of known better. Now look at me. FormID: 000B31E3 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 You've sent an innocent man to jail. I hope your proud of yourself. FormID: 000B31E4 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Maven be damned. One day, she'll get hers. I can promise you that. FormID: 000B31E5 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Leave me alone. Haven't you done enough damage already? FormID: 000E89E5 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Yes, lad? Did you need something? FormID: 000E89EB TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Yes, lass? Did you need something? FormID: 000E89F0 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Good to see you, lad! How are things? FormID: 000E89F1 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Good to see you, lass! How are things? FormID: 000E89F2 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Things are looking up around here, lass. FormID: 000E89F3 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Things are looking up around here, lad. FormID: 000E89F4 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Planning some exciting heists I hope? FormID: 000E89F5 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Enjoying your newfound abilities I trust? FormID: 000E89F6 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 What brings you back to Nightingale Hall? FormID: 000E89F7 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 I trust the night finds you well? FormID: 000E89F9 TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 Things seem to be going well at the Guild. FormID: 000E89FA TGPost TGPostHellos HELO 0 I'm hearing good things about you from Brynjolf. FormID: 000B3163 dunTrevasWatchQST dunTrevasWatchComplete dunTrevasWatchFamilyNotSeenQST CUST 0 Hopefully they made it to safety before the attack. I'll begin the search after a quick restock. concerned optimism FormID: 000B3161 dunTrevasWatchQST dunTrevasWatchComplete dunTrevasWatchEndRewardQST CUST 0 Anyway, here is your reward. Thanks again. happy and thankful FormID: 000B3164 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 An alchemy lab, it could be in here. It's worth a look. FormID: 000B3160 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 This looks like some sort of lever puzzle. We'll have to figure out the correct order to flip them. FormID: 000B3162 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 Maybe the order has something to do with the Symbols up there. FormID: 000B3101 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericWitchhuntersAggroBranch DialogueGenericWitchhuntersAggroBranchTopic CUST 0 I will see you dead, monster. FormID: 000B310B DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricBranch DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricBranchTopic CUST 0 Stop! We know you're holding a Daedric artifact. Hand it over. Walk Away FormID: 000B3107 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricBranch DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricTopic02 CUST 0 The Vigil of Stendarr cleanses all Daedric filth from Tamriel. Give us any artifacts you have, or we'll purge you like all the others. FormID: 000B3106 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricBranch DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricAttackTopic CUST 0 Then prepare yourself to receive Stendarr's Mercy. FormID: 000B2FCD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeKaydTag DialogueSolitudeKaydTagTopic CUST 0 Five, four, three, two, one... go! Hyper-fast. FormID: 000B2FCE DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeKaydTag DialogueSolitudeKaydTagTopic CUST 0 Five, four, three, two, one... go! Hyper-fast. FormID: 000B2DD9 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I feel like I can beat anything. FormID: 000B2DDA WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I'm just itching for a fight. FormID: 000B2DDB WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I ain't scared of nothin'. FormID: 000B2DDC WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 No one can defeat me. sneering FormID: 000B2DDD WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I've never felt this brave. FormID: 000B2DDE WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Suddenly I feel like I can take on the world. FormID: 000B2DDF WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Bah! Is there no one who can offer a challenge? FormID: 000B2DE0 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I've never been more ready! FormID: 000B2DE1 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 My claws are sharp. My will to kill... unquenchable. FormID: 000B2DE2 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I cannot be beaten! FormID: 000B2DE3 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I may be old, but I can show 'em a trick or two. FormID: 000B2DE4 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I'm ready. Let's go! FormID: 000B2DE5 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Hmph. Everyone seems so insignificant now. FormID: 000B2DE7 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I'm ready. More than ready. FormID: 000B2DE8 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Come on! Let's go. FormID: 000B2DE9 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I feel... unbeatable. FormID: 000B2DEA WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 By the gods, I feel like I could crush a giant's head like a walnut. FormID: 000B2DEB WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Ha ha! Look out. Here I come! FormID: 000B2DEC WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 There is none who can stand in my way. FormID: 000B2DED WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Come on, I can take anyone. And that ain't just the mead talkin'. FormID: 000B2DEE WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I feel like I can beat anyone. FormID: 000B2DEF WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Even my claws feel sharper. FormID: 000B2DF0 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 By Ysmir, I feel... invincible! FormID: 000B2DF1 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Been too long since I've embraced my rage... FormID: 000B2DF2 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 Just point me to the fight. FormID: 000B2DF3 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I fight and I'll win. Simple as that. FormID: 000B2DF4 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourage WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCourageTopic CUST 0 I feel like I can take on all of Skyrim. FormID: 000B2968 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 If you need to sample some of the finest mead in Skyrim, you're in the right place. FormID: 000B2969 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 If you're looking to purchase any mead, speak to the owner, Sabjorn. FormID: 000B296A TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 If you're looking to purchase any mead, speak to the brewmaster, Mallus. FormID: 000B296B TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 We're a small meadery, but growing quickly. Sabjorn's only been running this place for a short time now and look at it. FormID: 000B296C TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 It's a shame the Black-Briar Meadery took this place over. I never liked it as much as our Honningbrew. FormID: 000B296D TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 Mallus is teaching me everything he knows about brewing. Hopefully, I can take over his position some day. FormID: 000B296E TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 Welcome. I'm the owner and proprietor of Honningbrew Meadery. FormID: 000B296F TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 Honningbrew uses only the finest natural honey, not that sludge you'll find at Goldenglow Estate. FormID: 000B2970 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 We may be small, but what we lack in size we make up for in quality. FormID: 000B2971 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 Black-Briar Mead is just fine, if you need something to wash the dirt off a riding horse's hooves. FormID: 000B2972 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 You need something to do, or you just enjoy slowing down the hard-working folk? FormID: 000B2973 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 If you want to buy something, go find Sabjorn. Otherwise, piss off. FormID: 000B2974 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 To tell you the truth, Sabjorn isn't much of an owner. Slave driver, sure. FormID: 000B2975 TGPre TGPreHellos HELO 0 I've never met someone like him that revels so much in other's misery. FormID: 000B881C TG04 TG04MercerIntroExtBranch TG04MercerIntroExtBranchTopic CUST 0 Because, even after all their posturing and planning, they've made a mistake. very pleased with self FormID: 000B881C TG04 TG04MercerIntroExtBranch TG04MercerIntroExtBranchTopic CUST 1 The parchment you recovered mentions a [QUOTE]Gajul-Lei.[QUOTE] According to my sources, that's an old alias used by one of our contacts. FormID: 000B881C TG04 TG04MercerIntroExtBranch TG04MercerIntroExtBranchTopic CUST 2 His real name is Gulum-Ei. Slimy bastard. FormID: 0002C2CC TG04 TG04MercerIntroExtBranch TG04MercerIntroExtBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Gulum-Ei is our inside man at the East Empire Company in Solitude. FormID: 0002C2CC TG04 TG04MercerIntroExtBranch TG04MercerIntroExtBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'm betting he acted as a go-between for the sale of Goldenglow Estate and that he can finger our buyer. FormID: 0002C2CC TG04 TG04MercerIntroExtBranch TG04MercerIntroExtBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Get out there, shake him down and see what you come up with. Talk to Brynjolf before you leave if you have any questions. FormID: 000B246C TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01aa CUST 0 They're well-funded and they've been able to avoid identification for years. I'm impressed it reached this point. FormID: 000B246C TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01aa CUST 1 Just don't mistake my admiration for complacency; our nemesis is going to pay dearly. FormID: 000B246B TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01ab CUST 0 You jest, but they've been able to avoid identification for years. They're obviously well-funded, driven and patient. annoyed FormID: 000B246B TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01ab CUST 1 Just don't mistake my admiration for complacency; our nemesis is going to pay dearly. FormID: 000B246A TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01ac CUST 0 Don't dismiss our adversary so easily. They're well-funded, patient and have been able to avoid identification for years. annoyed FormID: 000B246A TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01ac CUST 1 However, don't mistake my admiration for complacency; our nemesis is going to pay dearly. FormID: 000B2469 TG04 TG04MercerGulumEiBranch TG04MercerGulumEiBranchTopic CUST 0 When Gulum-Ei was getting us merchandise from the East Empire Company, we were making a hefty profit. FormID: 000B2469 TG04 TG04MercerGulumEiBranch TG04MercerGulumEiBranchTopic CUST 1 It was so lucrative, I was considering moving the Guild to Solitude to save us time. FormID: 000B2468 TG04 TG04MercerGulumEiBranch TG04MercerGulumEiBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Gulum-Ei started to get greedy and cut us out of the deal. Almost can't say I blame the scaly bastard. FormID: 000B2468 TG04 TG04MercerGulumEiBranch TG04MercerGulumEiBranchTopic01 CUST 1 It started out innocent enough; he kept claiming the shipments were light because of Imperial interference. FormID: 000B2468 TG04 TG04MercerGulumEiBranch TG04MercerGulumEiBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Then, maybe a few years ago, it all stopped. He didn't even bother to contact us anymore. FormID: 000B216E DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 Don't just walk away from me! Where do you think you're going? starting to shout at someone walking away from you FormID: 000B216F DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 To the Inn for a drink, of course! Where else could I even go in this gods-forsaken town? shouting down the street after trying to walk away FormID: 000B2170 DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 And what, you think that'll solve all your problems? shouting down the street to someone who's walking off on you FormID: 000B2171 DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 Probably not, but it's worth a try! shouting down the street after trying to walk away FormID: 000B1FC1 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17Imperial CUST 0 Well in that case. You'll have to hand over your life as well as your coin. taken off guard but quickly turning violent FormID: 000B1FC2 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17Sons CUST 0 We'll see about that. Won't we boys? taken aback, then resorting to deadly violence FormID: 000B192F WERJ01 dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelp dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelpTopic CUST 0 Oh, thank goodness! I've been wandering alone for so long, I thought I'd never see another soul again. Walk Away FormID: 000B192E WERJ01 dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelp WERJ01A CUST 0 I was kidnapped by these bandits weeks ago. They locked me up in the towers near Mistwatch. FormID: 000B1927 WERJ01 dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelp WERJ01C CUST 0 I managed to pick the lock and slip out while the guard slept, but now I'm completely lost. Can you help me, please? Walk Away FormID: 000B191E WERJ01 dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelp WERJ01D CUST 0 Oh, thank you, but I should be fine now that you've shown me the way. But those bandits have to be stopped! Relief FormID: 000B191D WERJ01 dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelp WERJ01E CUST 0 They're at Mistwatch. Here, let me show you on your map.... FormID: 000B191D WERJ01 dunMistwatchWEPrisonderHelp WERJ01E CUST 1 If you can stop them, you'll be a true hero! FormID: 000B149D DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 Nothing to do now but sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip home. Content FormID: 000B12C8 mg06 SCEN 0 Years of work, finally going to pay off... FormID: 000B12C3 mg06 SCEN 0 ...but what's this? These results... They're not at all what they should be. FormID: 000B12B6 mg06 SCEN 0 Something is creating an incredible amount of interference. FormID: 000B12B5 mg06 SCEN 0 Something in Winterhold, it looks like. FormID: 000B12B4 mg06 SCEN 0 What are you playing at? Is this some attempt to stall my work?! FormID: 000B1285 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 0 Now the crystal needs to be focused. It was created so far away, we knew that some adjustments would have to be made. FormID: 000B1285 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 1 Heating and cooling the crystal will cause it to expand or contract, which will change how the light passes through it. FormID: 000B1285 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 2 You'll need to use spells to do that. Being from the College, I assume you know them already. FormID: 000B1285 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 3 There should be a few basic tomes around here somewhere in case your training is even more sub-standard than I've heard. FormID: 000B1290 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 0 You'll have to get the crystal to focus properly. Heat and cold will affect it; simple concentration spells should be enough. FormID: 000B1290 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 1 You'll also need to align the mirrors using the controls up above. Once everything is lined up, the light will reflect back through the crystal. FormID: 000B1290 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 2 Then you'll see some real magic. FormID: 000B1293 mg06 MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranch MG06ParatusOculoryActionBranchTopic CUST 0 Place the crystal in the center of the armillary. Then we can worry about attuning it. FormID: 000B1231 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. Good job. FormID: 000B1232 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 The only grownups who talk to me are the kind I don't want talking to me. FormID: 000B1233 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Have I done something to make you bother me? FormID: 000B1234 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 You... you know the Whispering Lady, don't you. I can tell. FormID: 000B1236 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 You're going to end up helping me. I know it. FormID: 000B1239 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Kind of nice being in on the secret, itsn't it. FormID: 000B1240 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Father says I'm too young to train with a sword, so I practice with my fists! FormID: 000B1241 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Hope this war lasts long enough that I get to fight in it. Battle! Glory! FormID: 000B1243 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 You're not from around here. I'll bet you're here to help with the war! FormID: 000B124D DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 One of the new servants? Remember that I like my meat rare. FormID: 000B124E DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Absurd that you can't get good sweet rolls in this skeeverhole of a city. FormID: 000B124F DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Where is papa? I want to ride Karinda now! stretch out [QUOTE]now[QUOTE] like a bratty child FormID: 000B1250 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Blasted war. I was due a new dress from Solitude, but it will never get here. emphasis on [QUOTE]never[QUOTE] FormID: 000B1138 DialogueWinterholdInnSceneINITIAL SCEN 0 I'm sorry, could you describe the smell? FormID: 000B113C DialogueWinterholdInnSceneINITIAL SCEN 0 Like some horrible monster was turned inside out, and then exploded. What did you do? exasperated FormID: 000B1139 DialogueWinterholdInnSceneINITIAL SCEN 0 It was a minor miscalculation. I've already corrected it for future experiments. FormID: 000B113B DialogueWinterholdInnSceneINITIAL SCEN 0 This, this is why people have a problem with your college, Nelacar. FormID: 000B0F0D dunLostValleyRedoubtQST SCEN 0 Heh, a Nord skull makes the best axe blade. 'bout all they're good for. FormID: 000B0EE9 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead the way. FormID: 000D8DDF DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Then lead on, friend. FormID: 000D8DE0 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 We are in this together, yes? FormID: 000D8DE1 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead, then. You have my steel. FormID: 000D8DE2 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Let's not waste any time. FormID: 0005C829 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like you've already got someone with you. FormID: 000D8DE3 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 You have someone with you, already. FormID: 000D8DE4 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 You have someone already, friend. FormID: 000D8DE5 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 You already have someone to do your fighting for you. Don't need me. FormID: 000D8DE6 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like you got someone already. FormID: 000FE6F6 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm right behind you. FormID: 000FE6F7 DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranch DialogueFavorGenericFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 You already appear to have someone with you. FormID: 000B0EED DialogueFavorGeneric DialogueFavorGenericIntimidateBranch DialogueFavorGenericIntimidateBranchTopic CUST 0 You can't scare me into submission. Let's go. FormID: 000B0E80 WEDA02 WEDA02Attack ATCK 0 At last, a worthy opponent! ecstatic madness, about to attack a superior foe FormID: 000B0BC2 MQ00 SCEN 0 I used to dream of it. In the dream, I was standing... someplace high up... a tower, or mountain. FormID: 000B0BC2 MQ00 SCEN 1 It was always just before dawn. The whole world was in darkness. FormID: 000B0BC1 MQ00 SCEN 0 Then came the flash of light - just on the horizon, within the clouds that mark the border between worlds. FormID: 000B0BC1 MQ00 SCEN 1 It could have been lightning, but there was no thunder. In the dream, the sense of foreboding grew, but I could never wake up. FormID: 000B0BC0 MQ00 SCEN 0 Then it came again, this time more distinct. Closer. Definitely not lightning now. It was orange - brilliant orange, the color of hearth and dawn. FormID: 000B0BC0 MQ00 SCEN 1 And a sound, too. Distinct and indistinct. Not thunder... something else. Something I should recognize, but in the dream I cannot place it. FormID: 000B0BC4 MQ00 SCEN 0 I want to leave my high place, to seek shelter. From what, I don't yet know. FormID: 000B0BC4 MQ00 SCEN 1 In the manner of dreams, I cannot escape. I'm forced to wait and watch. FormID: 000B0BBF MQ00 SCEN 0 Then, finally, realization and horror arrive together. The orange is flame, heat. The sound a roar, a challenge in their ancient tongue. FormID: 000B0BBF MQ00 SCEN 1 But now it's too late for escape. The dragon is upon me - fire and darkness descending like a thunderbolt. FormID: 000B0BBF MQ00 SCEN 2 And not just any dragon, but the Dragon - Alduin, the World-Eater, the dragon who devours both the living and the dead. FormID: 000B0BC3 MQ00 SCEN 0 And then I would wake up. And hope that it was just a dream... but know that it was not. FormID: 000B0395 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Speak to Vex. We have nothing else to talk about. FormID: 000B0396 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 The Guild will not tolerate the kind of behavior you've been displaying. Too much is at stake. FormID: 000B0396 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm taking you out of the game for now. No jobs will be offered and you won't be able to fence your goods. FormID: 000B0396 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 2 Speak to Vex to make the proper reparations if you want back in. Now get out of my sight. FormID: 000B0397 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Until you're done with Vex, we don't have anything to discuss. FormID: 000B0398 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 You've done it now, whelp. You broke the rules and now you're knee deep in it. FormID: 000B0398 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 1 That means your out. No jobs, no payouts... no nothing. FormID: 000B0398 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 2 You want to get back into our graces, you need to talk to Vex. She'll set you straight. FormID: 000B0399 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Sorry. We got nothin' to talk about. Vex will straighten you out. FormID: 000B039A TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you crazy? What were you thinkin'? You can't just go around doin' things the way you please! FormID: 000B039A TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 1 Now we have to kick you out until things cool down. Can't give you any jobs or payouts for goods. FormID: 000B039A TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 2 Go talk to Vex. She'll tell you the why's and how's if you want to get back in. FormID: 000B039B TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Until you get back into the Guild's graces, we have nothing to speak about. FormID: 000B039C TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Straighten yourself out with the Guild and then maybe we can talk. FormID: 000B039D TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't want to know what you did and I don't care. Just keep away from me. FormID: 000B039E TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 I may be new around here, but at least I know how to follow the rules. FormID: 00078B92 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Sorry, I'm not buying any goods until you straighten this out with Vex. FormID: 000DEAFA TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll serve you after you've paid Vex. FormID: 000DEAFB TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 You better straighten things with the Guild or you won't be welcome here anymore. FormID: 000DEAFC TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Settle your accounts with Vex, and then we can talk. FormID: 000DEAFD TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. I don't talk with Guild traitors. FormID: 000DEAFE TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Pay your dues and we'll speak. FormID: 000DEAFF TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 It's a shame you got booted from the Guild... things were going so well. FormID: 000DEB00 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Come back when you're in the Guild's good graces. FormID: 000DEB01 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 You want my advice? Pay your debt to Vex quickly and she'll forget the whole thing. FormID: 000DEB02 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 You're in it deep... better start shoveling your way out. FormID: 000DEB03 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm surprised you're even showing your face around here after what you did. FormID: 000B038D TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, well. If it isn't Brynjolf's little protege. FormID: 000B038D TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm going to make this short and sweet, because frankly I don't think you deserve another shot. FormID: 000B038D TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 You've broken the rules and now you need to pay... and it's going to cost you quite a bit. FormID: 000B0394 TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 This is the Thieves Guild, genius. How do you think? With gold. A lot of gold. FormID: 000B0394 TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Did you think we'd accept a heartfelt apology and let bygones be bygones? FormID: 000B0390 TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I'd say it's time you put your nose to the grindstone and figure it out for yourself. You claim to be a thief... act like one. FormID: 000B0390 TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Pick pockets, knock over houses... heck, I don't care if you have to bust into a palace. You do what you have to do to come up with the coin. FormID: 000B038C TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You'd better. Because until you do, you don't get a single coin from us... and you won't be able to use our fences. FormID: 000B038C TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Anything you steal, you bring it straight to me. FormID: 000B038C TGBan TGBanVexIntroBranch TGBanVexIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 2 Now get out of here and don't come back until your pockets are full. FormID: 000B038F TGBan TGBanVexIntroDoneOnceBranch TGBanVexIntroDoneOnceBranchTopic CUST 0 Again? Didn't we teach you enough of a lesson the first time? FormID: 000B038F TGBan TGBanVexIntroDoneOnceBranch TGBanVexIntroDoneOnceBranchTopic CUST 1 I suppose it's tough for an old dog to learn new tricks. FormID: 000B038F TGBan TGBanVexIntroDoneOnceBranch TGBanVexIntroDoneOnceBranchTopic CUST 2 Anyway, you know the drill. You want to buy back in, and it'll cost you. FormID: 000B039F TGBan TGBanVexDoneBranch TGBanVexDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 And here I expected you to hop the next caravan to Morrowind. What have you got for me? FormID: 000B03A0 TGBan TGBanVexDoneBranch TGBanVexDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 I hope you brought a little something for me. FormID: 000B03A1 TGBan TGBanVexDoneBranch TGBanVexDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 First, let's count the coin, then we can get back to business. FormID: 000B038E TGBan TGBanVexDoneBranch TGBanVexDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's all here. Well, congratulations. You're one of us again. FormID: 000B038E TGBan TGBanVexDoneBranch TGBanVexDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Next time you decide to pull a stunt like that again, just remember how much it hurt to give this away. FormID: 000B0391 TGBan TGBanHellos HELO 0 I hope you come up with that gold soon. FormID: 000B0392 TGBan TGBanHellos HELO 0 You have the gold yet or what? FormID: 000B0393 TGBan TGBanHellos HELO 0 I believe you owe the Guild something. FormID: 000B026C FavorJobsDrunks FavorSimpleDrunksBranch FavorSimpleDrunksBranchTopic CUST 0 Got any ale or mead? FormID: 000B0218 DialogueMarkarthDragonsSmelterScene01 SCEN 0 First war, and now dragons. Everywhere they go, the Nords bring nothing but ruin. FormID: 000B021D DialogueMarkarthDragonsSmelterScene01 SCEN 0 Ain't nothing for it. They're still in charge. FormID: 000B0215 DialogueMarkarthDragonsMarketScene01 SCEN 0 I wonder if we should finally leave Markarth. These dragon attacks, I think Skyrim is cursed. FormID: 000B021A DialogueMarkarthDragonsMarketScene01 SCEN 0 What kind of talk is this? The man I married would never speak of leaving his home. FormID: 000B0212 DialogueMarkarthDragonsMarketScene01 SCEN 0 I just don't know if I can keep you safe. FormID: 000B0219 DialogueMarkarthDragonsMarketScene01 SCEN 0 We will keep each other safe. No matter what. emphasis on [QUOTE]we[QUOTE] - WE will keep each other safe FormID: 000B021C DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepImperialScene01 SCEN 0 More settlements have sent riders to say dragons are being spotted throughout Skyrim. FormID: 000B0211 DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepImperialScene01 SCEN 0 The Forsworn ambush our roads and dragons cloud the skies. Is there any good news? FormID: 000B0213 DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepImperialScene01 SCEN 0 Umm.... No, my Jarl. I'm afraid there isn't. FormID: 000B0217 DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepStormcloakScene01 SCEN 0 I want soldiers sent to deal with these dragons. Every able-bodied man and woman who can carry a bow. FormID: 000B021B DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepStormcloakScene01 SCEN 0 We can't do that. Every soldier we send to hunt dragons is one more man that can't defend the Reach. FormID: 000B021E DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepStormcloakScene01 SCEN 0 Killing dragons isn't defending the Reach? FormID: 000B0214 DialogueMarkarthDragonsKeepStormcloakScene01 SCEN 0 Our men know how to kill Forsworn and Legionnaires, not dragons. FormID: 000AF759 DialogueMarkarthSmelterOmluagHathrasil03 SCEN 0 Surprised to see you working. Mulush almost broke your arm yesterday. FormID: 000AF75A DialogueMarkarthSmelterOmluagHathrasil03 SCEN 0 Does it look like I can afford losing a day's wage? That damn Orc isn't getting the best of me. FormID: 000AF6B7 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, no. FormID: 000AF6B7 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranchTopic CUST 1 Dagur's been talking at you, hasn't he? Gotten you roped into his little plan to fix Ranmir's life? FormID: 000AF6B7 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranchTopic CUST 2 I'll tell you what I told him -- stay out of it. It's none of your business. Those aren't folks you want to get tangled up with. FormID: 000AF6B8 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranchTopic CUST 0 No there isn't. And I suggest you leave it at that. I don't want to see anyone get hurt over this. FormID: 000AF6B6 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranResponse1 CUST 0 You'll wind up getting yourself killed. Dagur shouldn't have said a word about it. FormID: 000AF6B6 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranResponse1 CUST 1 I love the man, bless his heart, but he doesn't know the whole story. FormID: 000AF6B4 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranResponse2 CUST 0 Enough to know that it's not worth it. FormID: 000AF6B4 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranResponse2 CUST 1 Ranmir's a good boy, and he doesn't deserve what fate pushed his way, but there's only so far I'll go to risk my neck. FormID: 000AF6B5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp CUST 0 One night Ranmir was in here like always, drinking himself to death. FormID: 000AF6B5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp CUST 1 When I told him there was no more Honningbrew, that he'd drank it all, he got angry. FormID: 000AF6B5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp CUST 2 He ranted at me, how I didn't know what he's been through, how Isabelle broke his heart when she ran off with some thief named Vex... FormID: 000AF6B5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp CUST 3 He said he'd even gone to Riften to try and find the bastard. I think maybe he was hoping they'd just kill him, and that'd be the end of it. FormID: 000AF6B5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp CUST 4 Dagur never heard any of this, and I chose to keep it to myself. I'm only telling you so you don't get into trouble. FormID: 000AF6B5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCHaranBranch FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp CUST 5 Riften and thieves means trouble. Just leave it alone. FormID: 000AF638 CreatureDialogueAtronachStorm HIT_ 0 FormID: 000AF48B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2Topic CUST 0 That remains to be seen. By rights, she has a legitimate claim as High Queen of Skyrim. FormID: 000C1ABA DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2Topic CUST 0 That's the real question, isn't it? No one can deny Elisif has a legitimate claim to become High Queen of Skyrim... FormID: 000C1ABB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2Topic CUST 0 Well... By rights, she had a legitimate claim as High Queen of Skyrim. FormID: 000C1ABB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2Topic CUST 1 But now Skyrim is at Ulfric's mercy. FormID: 000C1ABB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch2Topic CUST 2 The moot will meet and choose Ulfric as High King. With his troops in most of the cities, they have little choice. FormID: 000AF489 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 0 Of course he does. What sort of a question is that? Annoyed FormID: 000AF489 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 1 Maybe you've been listening to Erikur. There's been loose talk among some of the Thanes, and I suspect he's the cause of it. Annoyed FormID: 000AF489 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 2 You'll pay those rumors no heed if you wish to retain your welcome in this city. FormID: 000AF489 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 3 She may be young, but Elisif is the Jarl by right. And here in Skyrim, if nothing else, we respect the traditions of our father's fathers. FormID: 000AF489 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 4 You'd do well to remember that. FormID: 000C1AB9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 0 Because killing her would yield no political advantage. FormID: 000C1AB9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 1 By leaving Elisif alive, Ulfric completes the separation of the Empire and Skyrim. FormID: 000C1AB9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 2 With Ulfric's troops here, Elisif will be forced to support his bid for High King. He secures the position and appears above reproach. FormID: 000C1AB9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3 DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch3Topic CUST 3 What's more, Ulfric's refusal to execute his slain enemy's wife will be portrayed as the ultimate act of compassion. Hmph. It's genius, really. FormID: 000AF487 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2 DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2Topic CUST 0 Oh, most certainly. At least, when Elisif herself asks. FormID: 000AF487 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2 DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2Topic CUST 1 If you're inquiring whether we have concerns about her age and inexperience, well, let me put it this way... FormID: 000AF487 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2 DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2Topic CUST 2 The Thanes have every confidence in General Tullius's leadership. FormID: 000C1A39 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2 DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2Topic CUST 0 I don't suppose it matters much anymore. FormID: 000C1A39 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2 DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2Topic CUST 1 As long as Ulfric wishes Elisif to remain Jarl, remain Jarl she will. And the Thanes will continue to follow her orders. FormID: 000C1A39 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2 DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch2Topic CUST 2 As long as those orders came from Ulfric. FormID: 000DD609 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 0 Ulfric coveted the High King's throne. He thought he deserved it more than Torygg. FormID: 000DD609 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 1 Now it would seem Ulfric has his wish. And there truly is no justice in the world. Pained, grief-stricken FormID: 000AF483 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 0 Because that's what traitorous cowards do when they desire power. FormID: 000AF483 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 1 Ulfric coveted the High King's throne. He thought he deserved it more than Torygg. FormID: 000AF483 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 2 And so he came before my husband and he... he shouted. With that terrible voice. Like something out of a legend... Or a nightmare. FormID: 000AF483 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 3 When Ulfric unleashed such fury, my husband he... he simply ceased to be. FormID: 000AF483 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch2Topic CUST 4 That is all I will say, for it grieves me to speak of it. Pained, grief-stricken FormID: 000AF482 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3Topic CUST 0 Hmmm... A question I am all to familiar with. One my very Thanes ask often. FormID: 000AF482 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3Topic CUST 1 They worry that Tullius is so focused on the war, that he risks forgetting what's best for our people. FormID: 000AF482 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3Topic CUST 2 The real irony is that, while General Tullius is certainly no Nord, the people of Skyrim would be lost without him. FormID: 000AF482 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3Topic CUST 3 Trust is always difficult, especially for my people. Yet we must trust in Tullius' leadership. For what other choice do we have? emphasize [QUOTE]must[QUOTE] FormID: 000AF259 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsTaunt TAUT 0 By Ysgramor! FormID: 000AF25A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsTaunt TAUT 0 For honor! FormID: 000AF25B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsTaunt TAUT 0 Glory awaits! FormID: 000AF256 DA04 DA04SeptimusHit HIT_ 0 Yaaaargh! FormID: 000AF257 DA04 DA04SeptimusHit HIT_ 0 Ffffeeeargh! FormID: 000AF258 DA04 DA04SeptimusHit HIT_ 0 Rlyehhhgh1 FormID: 000AF25C DA04 DA04SeptimusTaunt TAUT 0 Your depths will open to the mind! FormID: 000AF25D DA04 DA04SeptimusTaunt TAUT 0 Your length is cut! FormID: 000AF25E DA04 DA04SeptimusTaunt TAUT 0 Open to the will of Septimus! FormID: 000AF25F DA04 DA04SeptimusTaunt TAUT 0 Into the dark with you! FormID: 000AF0E4 MG01 MG01FaraldaBridgeForcegreetBranch MG01FaraldaBridgeForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Cross the bridge at your own peril! FormID: 000AF0E4 MG01 MG01FaraldaBridgeForcegreetBranch MG01FaraldaBridgeForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 The way is dangerous, and the gate will not open. You shall not gain entry! FormID: 000AF0E3 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Welcome to the College of Winterhold. I am Faralda, one of the senior Wizards here. FormID: 000AF0E3 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I trust you found your journey to Winterhold not entirely unpleasant. joking FormID: 000AF0E3 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 Now, I must advise you that if your only purpose in being here is to complain, you would be far better off speaking with the Jarl of Winterhold. FormID: 000AF0E3 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 If, however, you seek something more, I will be happy to assist you. FormID: 000B8114 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Is there some way I can assist you? FormID: 000AF0E2 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse1 CUST 0 Oh, forgive me. apologetic FormID: 000AF0E2 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse1 CUST 1 Most who arrive here do so because they have heard of the College beforehand. FormID: 000AF0E2 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse1 CUST 2 This is the College of Winterhold, a safe haven for mages in Skyrim. A place of wisdom and arcane knowledge. FormID: 000AF0E1 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse2 CUST 0 It is no great secret that we have been unjustly blamed for a great many things over the years. FormID: 000AF0E1 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse2 CUST 1 The good people of Skyrim on occasion would rather pass judgment than attempt to understand what we do here. slightly sarcastic, condescending FormID: 000AF0E1 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse2 CUST 2 Thus we must take certain precautions in order to secure our safety. FormID: 000AF0E0 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse3 CUST 0 I am here to assist those seeking the wisdom of the College. FormID: 000AF0E0 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse3 CUST 1 And if, in the process, my presence helps to deter those who might seek to do harm, so be it. joking, but in a [QUOTE]haha but I really mean it, don't mess with me[QUOTE] sense FormID: 000AF0E0 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaInitResponse3 CUST 2 The more important question is: why are you here? FormID: 000AF0DF MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01Faralda1WhyAreYouHereBranchTopic CUST 0 Perhaps. But what is it you expect to find within? FormID: 000B810F MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryBranchIntro CUST 0 It would seem that the College has what you seek. The question now is what you can offer the College. FormID: 000B810F MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryBranchIntro CUST 1 Not just anyone is allowed inside. Those wishing to enter must show some degree of skill with magic. FormID: 000B810F MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryBranchIntro CUST 2 A small test, if you will. FormID: 000B8136 MG01 MG01FaraldaWhyAreYouHereBranch MG01FaraldaEntryBranchIntro CUST 0 If you can pass the test, then yes. FormID: 000AF0EC MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse1 CUST 0 I see. That power certainly exists, I assure you. Wield it faithfully, and few can withstand you. FormID: 000AF0E6 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse2 CUST 0 Do you? FormID: 000AF0E6 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse2 CUST 1 It is true there are some here who have spent years studying the accumulated knowledge of the scrolls. FormID: 000AF0E6 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse2 CUST 2 But what you seek does not come easily, and can destroy those without a strong will. FormID: 000AF0E5 MG01 MG01FaraldaInitialBranch MG01FaraldaHereResponse3 CUST 0 Yes, the school of Illusion can be quite influential. Kings have risen to power because of it, and empires have been razed with it. FormID: 000AF0CB SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningJalaBlocker SolitudeOpeningJalaBlockerTopic CUST 0 Shhhhhh... FormID: 000D050C SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningJalaBlocker SolitudeOpeningJalaBlockerTopic CUST 0 Shhhhhh... FormID: 000AF0CA SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningLisetteBlocker SolitudeOpeningLisetteBlockerTopic CUST 0 That's definitely going in my part of the Edda. FormID: 000D0510 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningLisetteBlocker SolitudeOpeningLisetteBlockerTopic CUST 0 Sorry, I need to pay attention so I can remember this. FormID: 000AF0C9 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningNosterBlocker SolitudeOpeningNosterBlockerTopic CUST 0 A man opens a gate and they cut his head off? Doesn't seem right to me. FormID: 000AF0C8 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningSorexBlocker SolitudeOpeningSorexBlockerTopic CUST 0 I guess it's all over. I expected... I don't know what I expected. FormID: 000D0518 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningSorexBlocker SolitudeOpeningSorexBlockerTopic CUST 0 Roggvir always talked about his honor. Seems to me honorable men don't get executed. FormID: 000AF0C6 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningTaarieBlocker SolitudeOpeningTaarieBlockerTopic CUST 0 They should have drawn it out some more. He deserved a slower death. FormID: 000D051D SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningTaarieBlocker SolitudeOpeningTaarieBlockerTopic CUST 0 Excuse me, I'm trying to watch a traitor to the Empire lose his head. FormID: 000AF0C5 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningGretaBlocker SolitudeOpeningGretaBlockerTopic CUST 0 Roggvir... Why did it have to be like this? FormID: 000D0523 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningGretaBlocker SolitudeOpeningGretaBlockerTopic CUST 0 That's my brother up there. FormID: 000AF0B2 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningVivienneBlocker SolitudeOpeningVivienneBlockerTopic CUST 0 I still can't believe he knew what he was doing when he opened that gate... FormID: 000AF09B SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningAtAfAlanBlocker SolitudeOpeningAtAfAlanBlockerTopic CUST 0 Can we talk later? FormID: 000AF087 DA08RumorPointer DA08BalgruufRumors DA08BalgruufRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Been hearing some strange tales of the Jarl's children. Say the one's turning wicked, and the others have an ill-favored look to them. FormID: 000AF087 DA08RumorPointer DA08BalgruufRumors DA08BalgruufRumorsTopic RUMO 1 Best to keep clear. FormID: 000AEF26 C03 SCEN 0 Look at this. Cowards must have locked the place down after Skjor charged in. You can taste the fear. FormID: 000AEF24 C03 SCEN 0 There's a dead one, isn't there. Thought so. FormID: 000AEF24 C03 SCEN 1 Nobody we know, by the smell. FormID: 000AEF24 C03 SCEN 2 Some can't separate the animal from themselves. Go feral. This poor sod could have been anyone. FormID: 000AEF24 C03 SCEN 3 We should keep moving. FormID: 000AEF22 C03 SCEN 0 Nothing we can do for these ones now. FormID: 000AEF22 C03 SCEN 1 Don't even want to think about what those cretins did to them before they died. FormID: 000AEF0A C03 SCEN 0 No surprise they keep vermin around. Filthy squalor. FormID: 000AEF31 C03 SCEN 0 We're getting close now. Be careful. Their leader is a tricky one. FormID: 000AEF2A C03 SCEN 0 They call him [QUOTE]the Skinner.[QUOTE] FormID: 000AEF2D C03 SCEN 0 They call her [QUOTE]the Skinner.[QUOTE] FormID: 000AEF29 C03 SCEN 0 I don't think I need to tell you why. FormID: 000AED81 MGR10 MGR10InitialDialogue MGR10Reject CUST 0 Perhaps some other time. mildly annoyed FormID: 000AED25 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodWarBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodWarBranchTopic CUST 0 I stand where I have always stood. Here in Morthal. FormID: 000AED25 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodWarBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodWarBranchTopic CUST 1 Now is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. I fear dark days approach and all of Skyrim's strength will be needed. FormID: 000AED2A DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurQuietPlace DialogueMorthalAslfurQuietPlaceTopic CUST 0 That's what many here wanted. A quiet life in a quiet place, without the noise or the trouble of a city. FormID: 000AED2A DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurQuietPlace DialogueMorthalAslfurQuietPlaceTopic CUST 1 Now some worry this wizard, Falion, will foul it all up. FormID: 000AECEC DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene05 SCEN 0 The people still doubt me, don't they. FormID: 000AED27 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene05 SCEN 0 No, not at all. It's just... FormID: 000AED10 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene05 SCEN 0 It does not surprise me. They do not share in what I see, and I cannot explain it to them. FormID: 000AED2B DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene05 SCEN 0 Just guide them well, and all will work out. FormID: 000AECF9 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene05 SCEN 0 I have never doubted that, husband. FormID: 000AED1E DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene06 SCEN 0 Have you made a decision about Falion? FormID: 000AED26 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene06 SCEN 0 What decision is there to be made? I allowed him to live here. I stand by that. FormID: 000AED80 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene06 SCEN 0 Yes, but there are concerns. Rumors that he's up to something. FormID: 000AEDCA DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene06 SCEN 0 We are all up to something, my dear. All is as it should be. FormID: 000AED8C DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene07 SCEN 0 What troubles you, husband? FormID: 000AED8D DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene07 SCEN 0 What? Oh, nothing. All is well. unconvincing FormID: 000AED2C DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene07 SCEN 0 It's Joric. I fear his condition is worse. concerned FormID: 000AEDC9 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene07 SCEN 0 He calls out in his sleep sometimes. I've heard Falion's name. What does it mean? concerned FormID: 000AECFB DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene07 SCEN 0 Joric will be what Joric will be. Give it time. FormID: 000AED1F DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene07 SCEN 0 Still, I fear there is some connection. FormID: 000AED0D DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene05 SCEN 0 How's business? FormID: 000AED13 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene05 SCEN 0 Very funny. FormID: 000AED2D DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene05 SCEN 0 No, I... I was just asking. slightly embarrassed FormID: 000AED67 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene05 SCEN 0 It's as bad as ever. FormID: 000AED23 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene06 SCEN 0 When are you gonna do somethin' to help Falion? Stop people sayin' things about him? FormID: 000AED24 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene06 SCEN 0 You have to understand, his presence here has caused... Well, it's difficult for the people to get used to. FormID: 000AECEF DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene06 SCEN 0 They got used to Idgrod just fine, didn't they? So what's the difference? annoyed FormID: 000AED0F DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene06 SCEN 0 Yes, well. Perhaps you're right. FormID: 000AEC11 DA11IntroScene SCEN 0 What are you hiding, priest? intimidating FormID: 000AEC12 DA11IntroScene SCEN 0 I'm not hiding anything. It's closed for a reason. stubborn FormID: 000AEC10 DA11IntroScene SCEN 0 Typical Imperial lies. First you take away Talos, now you're keeping us from seeing our honored dead? outraged FormID: 000AEC10 DA11IntroScene SCEN 1 You and the Jarl will answer for any desecration of my ancestors' bodies. outraged FormID: 000AE76A DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 The mine will be the talk of Skyrim soon, you'll see. It'll be the stuff of legends. FormID: 000AE76B DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 It's a matter of time before the Jarl is coming to me asking for money. This mine is going to make me... I mean us, rich. FormID: 000AE76C DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 I know they laughed when I said I wanted to keep the mine open. I'll show them. I'll show them all. FormID: 000AE76D DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 You're welcome to look around, of course, but understand that this place belongs to me. FormID: 000AE76E DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 Thorgar says we'll find rocks soon, the kind worth gold. FormID: 000AE76F DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 I'm the best at breaking up rocks. Thorgar says so. FormID: 000AE770 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 It's cold in the mine, but Thorgar really needs me, so I stay. FormID: 000AE771 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 Be careful where you step in the mine. Don't want to cover up some valuable ore, or gems, or... Or something... FormID: 000AE772 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 Any time I get tired of working, I just think that maybe that next swing will make me rich. It keeps me going. FormID: 000AE773 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 It's going to happen soon, I just know it. We'll strike something better than iron. Silver, or maybe even gold. You'll see. FormID: 000AE774 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 We were supposed to be rich by now, you know. Thorgar insisted we'd be swimming in gold. FormID: 000AE775 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 I'm starting to think we might not even find iron in here. We've been at it for so long. FormID: 000AE776 DialogueWhistlingMine HELO 0 Is it still worth it? When do you decide enough is enough, and just walk away? FormID: 000AE758 WIGamesTag WIGamesTagFlee FLEE 0 You can't catch me! laughing, playing tag FormID: 000AE759 WIGamesTag WIGamesTagFlee FLEE 0 Hahaha! laughing, playing tag FormID: 000AE75A WIGamesTag WIGamesTagFlee FLEE 0 laughing, playing tag FormID: 000AE75E WIGamesTag WIGamesTagShared IDAT 0 You're it! triumphant, playing tag FormID: 000AE75F WIGamesTag WIGamesTagShared IDAT 0 Got you! triumphant, playing tag FormID: 000AE760 WIGamesTag WIGamesTagShared IDAT 0 You're too slow! triumphant, playing tag FormID: 000AE726 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkjorUnderwhat CUST 0 I forget that you've never seen it. Beneath the Skyforge, where Eorlund works. FormID: 000AE726 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkjorUnderwhat CUST 1 The door is hidden, but I will show you the way. FormID: 000AEBFA C03 C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranch C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranchTopic CUST 0 Aela will be joining us shortly. Once she's inside, we can follow. FormID: 000AEBFB C03 C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranch C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you prepared? FormID: 000AE9D6 C03 C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranch C03SkjorAgainIAskUnderwhat CUST 0 Here's all you need to know. Jorrvaskr is the oldest building in Whiterun. The Skyforge was here long before it was. FormID: 000AE9D6 C03 C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranch C03SkjorAgainIAskUnderwhat CUST 1 And the Underforge taps an ancient magic that is older than men or elves. FormID: 000AE9D6 C03 C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranch C03SkjorAgainIAskUnderwhat CUST 2 We bring you here to make you stronger, new blood. Now let's move. FormID: 000AE906 C03 C03SkjorUnderforgeEntryBranch C03SkjorYeahWhatever CUST 0 This is no test, new blood. This is a gift. Come inside. FormID: 000AE744 C03 SCEN 0 I would hope you recognize Aela, even in this form. FormID: 000AE744 C03 SCEN 1 She's agreed to be your forebear. FormID: 000AE72B C03 C03SkjorReadyForThisBranch C03SkjorReadyForThisBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you prepared to join your spirit with the beast world, friend? FormID: 000AE72A C03 C03SkjorReadyForThisBranch C03SkjorLayItOnMe CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000AE729 C03 SCEN 0 Are you awake? FormID: 000AE729 C03 SCEN 1 I was starting to think you might never come back. FormID: 000AE727 C03 C03AelaWhatHappenedBranch C03AelaWaitWhatJustHappened CUST 0 You were born into the pack, brother. FormID: 000AE728 C03 C03AelaWhatHappenedBranch C03AelaWaitWhatJustHappened CUST 0 You were born into the pack, sister. FormID: 000AE725 C03 C03AelaWhatHappenedBranch C03AelaFeelsGoodDontIt CUST 0 I almost envy you. That first time is always the most... intense. FormID: 000AE725 C03 C03AelaWhatHappenedBranch C03AelaFeelsGoodDontIt CUST 1 You gave us even more trouble than Farkas did at his first turning. FormID: 000AEBF9 C03 C03AelaAmIAWerewolfBranch C03AelaSoWerewolvesHuh CUST 0 You have the blood of the wolf in you. You'll need to build up your strength before you can call on it again, though. FormID: 000AEBF9 C03 C03AelaAmIAWerewolfBranch C03AelaSoWerewolvesHuh CUST 1 Just be careful where you do it. Some cowards in this land can't stand the sight of glory before them. FormID: 000AE907 C03 C03AelaWhatAreTheRules C03AelaWhatAreTheRulesTopic CUST 0 Nothing, until you choose to use it. FormID: 000AE907 C03 C03AelaWhatAreTheRules C03AelaWhatAreTheRulesTopic CUST 1 Then, well... you got a taste. Stronger, faster. FormID: 000AE907 C03 C03AelaWhatAreTheRules C03AelaWhatAreTheRulesTopic CUST 2 It doesn't last long, though. The blood of your foes can sustain you. If you're willing to feed. FormID: 000AE905 C03 C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDeal C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDealTopic CUST 0 Cure? Hah. You're sounding like the old man. FormID: 000AE905 C03 C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDeal C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDealTopic CUST 1 I... shouldn't say that. FormID: 000AE905 C03 C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDeal C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDealTopic CUST 2 I love Kodlak. I respect and follow him. But he's wrong on this. It's no curse. We're made into the greatest hunters in the land. FormID: 000AE905 C03 C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDeal C03AelaSoWhatsKodlaksDealTopic CUST 3 If he's worried about some mead-swilling afterlife in Sovngarde, he's free to pursue it. I'll take the glories of the hunt right here. FormID: 000ADFFE WIGamesTag WIGamesTagYouGotMe WIGamesTagYouGotMeTopic CUST 0 Oh! You got me! (playful) got caught in a game of tag FormID: 000AE756 WIGamesTag WIGamesTagYouGotMe WIGamesTagYouGotMeTopic CUST 0 Argh! (playful) got caught in a game of tag FormID: 000AE757 WIGamesTag WIGamesTagYouGotMe WIGamesTagYouGotMeTopic CUST 0 Ha! You caught me! (playful) got caught in a game of tag FormID: 000ADE66 dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepThreatBranchTopic PFGT 0 Hold it. This here's a toll road, see? Yer gonna have to hand over, say, 200 gold if you want to use our road. you are a bandit trying to shake down the player Walk Away FormID: 000ADE64 dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepPayGold CUST 0 Wise move. Now get out of here ya goat licker, before I decide the toll's gone up. you are a bandit that the player just agree to pay off to pass through the road FormID: 000ADE69 dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepNoMoney CUST 0 That's a real shame. Gonna make it hard for you to pay a healer after we cave your skull in. you are a bandit that the player just told they could not pay off FormID: 000ADE67 dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepPaidBranch dunValtheimKeepPaidBranchTopic CUST 0 Get on your way before I change my mind. you are a bandit that has been paid off by the player to pass the road and are telling the player to move along FormID: 000ADE68 dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepPaidBranch dunValtheimKeepPaidBranchTopic CUST 0 Go on. Get lost. you are a bandit who the player has paid to pass through the road telling them to be on their way FormID: 000ADE65 dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepShouldHaveLeftBranch dunValtheimKeepShouldHaveLeftBranchTopic CUST 0 Should have left when you had the chance, friend. Now we're gonna have to spill your brains on the road here. you are a bandit that told the player to get lost, and because they didn't now you are going to attack FormID: 000ADE6A dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepThreaten CUST 0 You know, now that I think of it, that sounds fair. Just shove off before the others notice. FormID: 000ADE6B dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepThreaten CUST 0 Ha! Tough talk for someone who's about to have their guts spilled. FormID: 000ADE6C dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepPersuade CUST 0 Eh, fine. I can tell you aren't worth the trouble. Just get out of here before I change my mind. FormID: 000ADE6D dunValtheimKeepQST dunValtheimKeepThreatBranch dunValtheimKeepPersuade CUST 0 How does a knife in the gut sound? It's 200 gold or your life. FormID: 000ADD11 MQ203 SCEN 0 You mean they used a Shout to defeat Alduin? You're sure? FormID: 000ADD9B MQ203 SCEN 0 Hmm? Oh, yes. Presumably something rather specific to dragons, or even Alduin himself. FormID: 000ADD8D MQ203 SCEN 0 So you think that Alduin's Wall will tell us how to defeat Alduin? FormID: 000ADD8A MQ203 SCEN 0 Well, yes, but... there's no guarantee, of course. FormID: 000ADD7E MQ203 SCEN 0 Sky Haven Temple it is, then. I knew you'd have something for us, Esbern. your way of saying [QUOTE]glad to be working with you again, Esbern[QUOTE] FormID: 000ADD74 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203KarthspireTravelTogether CUST 0 Always. Let's go see if we can find this Sky Haven Temple. FormID: 000ADD73 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203KarthspireBestWay CUST 0 From Riverwood? The road south through Falkreath is the most direct route. Walk Away FormID: 000ADD73 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203KarthspireBestWay CUST 1 Or you could catch the carriage from Whiterun to Markarth and then approach from the west. Walk Away FormID: 000ADD73 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203KarthspireBestWay CUST 2 Either way, the Reach is wild country these days. The Forsworn are everywhere. Best be careful. Walk Away FormID: 000ADD6E MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203KarthspireWalkAway CUST 0 We'll meet you there. Be careful. That part of the Reach is rough country these days. FormID: 000ADD31 MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernAlduinsWallHowToDefeat CUST 0 Yes, exactly. Well, I think so. It's certainly our best hope. The ancient Blades remembered much Akaviri dragonlore that has now been forgotten. FormID: 000ADD12 MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernAlduinsWallWhere CUST 0 This is what I've been trying to explain. It's in Sky Haven Temple, an ancient Blades sanctuary, hidden deep in the crags of the Reach. FormID: 000ADD12 MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernAlduinsWallWhere CUST 1 That's where we'll find Alduin's Wall. FormID: 000ADD10 MQ203 SCEN 0 Orgnar, this is it. The inn is yours. I'm probably never coming back here. FormID: 000ADD98 MQ203 SCEN 0 Well, now. That's something to think about. you are speechless FormID: 000ADD8C MQ203 SCEN 0 Take care of yourself, Orgnar. Goodbye. you're going to actually miss the old lug FormID: 000ADD7F MQ203 SCEN 0 Yeah... sure. You, too, Delphine. You be safe. as wistful as you get - you're actually going to miss that tough old bird FormID: 000ADD7D MQ203 SCEN 0 Remember, this is where they recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. FormID: 000AD9F3 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBAccept CUST 0 Thank you. Please, do not open it. It is... private. FormID: 000AD9CC FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBReject CUST 0 I understand. FormID: 000AD9FC DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodVisionsBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodVisionsBranchTopic CUST 0 The Divines reveal things to me at times, yes. I do not hide this. FormID: 000AD9FC DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodVisionsBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodVisionsBranchTopic CUST 1 It is a gift. Anyone who believes otherwise does not and cannot understand it. FormID: 000AD887 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranch DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 If you stand before me to accuse me of sacrificing children, or eating the hearts of the dead, you may save your breath. FormID: 000AD887 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranch DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I have done no such thing, nor do I intend to. I simply wish to live my life in peace. FormID: 000AD86E DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranch DialogueMorthalFalionInitResponse1 CUST 0 The people of Morthal would much rather weave their own horrid tales about my life than simply ask me for the truth. FormID: 000AD86E DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranch DialogueMorthalFalionInitResponse1 CUST 1 If they choose to fear me in their ignorance, that is their choice. But it will not change what is true. FormID: 000AD8C5 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranch DialogueMorthalFalionInitReponse2 CUST 0 I keep to myself. I offer spells and scrolls to those who need them, and wisdom in Conjuration magic for those who wish to learn. FormID: 000AD8C5 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionInitialBranch DialogueMorthalFalionInitReponse2 CUST 1 Beyond that I seek only to be left alone to pursue my research. FormID: 000AD8BC DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You will not disrespect Jarl Idgrod while in this Hall. Do we have an understanding? FormID: 000AD8B8 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitResponse1 CUST 0 Then by all means, go about your business. FormID: 000AD8AF DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitResponse2 CUST 0 It's no secret that Jarl Idgrod is... different. It's also no secret that there are rumors about her and her visions. FormID: 000AD8AF DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitResponse2 CUST 1 I won't repeat them, and I won't allow them to be spread under this roof. FormID: 000AD8AF DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitResponse2 CUST 2 Now, you go about your business. FormID: 000AD8A5 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitResponse3 CUST 0 No? Then how do you like the idea of having your legs broken? FormID: 000AD8A5 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalGormInitialBranch DialogueMorthalGormInitResponse3 CUST 1 Mind your manners in this hall, friend. FormID: 000AD897 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene04 SCEN 0 Why, good evening Jonna! FormID: 000AD893 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Is it true that you kill deer and eat their hearts? FormID: 000AD88F DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 What? Where did you hear such a thing? horrified FormID: 000AD87E DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 I don't know. Someone in town said it. FormID: 000AD864 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 It's not true, I assure you. FormID: 000AD8C2 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Okay. FormID: 000AD8BA DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Don't believe everything you hear, child. FormID: 000AD8B6 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene01 SCEN 0 You are looking after your brother, yes? FormID: 000AD8AE DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, mother. FormID: 000AD89C DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene01 SCEN 0 Good. He must be kept safe from harm. FormID: 000AD896 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene01 SCEN 0 What sort of harm? Have you had a vision? FormID: 000AD892 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene01 SCEN 0 No, no. Just watch over him. FormID: 000AD888 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene02 SCEN 0 I will be Jarl someday, mother? FormID: 000AD86F DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene02 SCEN 0 That is what the Divines have planned for you, yes. FormID: 000AD85E DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene02 SCEN 0 Have you... Do you see that future? Will I be a good leader? FormID: 000AD8BF DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene02 SCEN 0 All things are possible, my child. But I believe it is within you to succeed. FormID: 000AD8B0 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene03 SCEN 0 You are troubled, Gorm. compassionate FormID: 000AD8AD DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene03 SCEN 0 No, no. I'm fine. Is there something you need? trying to sound convincing, and failing FormID: 000AD898 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene03 SCEN 0 No, Gorm. I am simply telling you what I see. compassionate FormID: 000AD895 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, okay. Well thank you. you're weirded out, and want to get away from the conversation FormID: 000AD890 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene04 SCEN 0 How are you feeling, Jarl Idgrod? concerned FormID: 000AD882 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene04 SCEN 0 The visions continue to hold me in balance, Gorm. FormID: 000AD86D DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene04 SCEN 0 So, the same then. disappointed FormID: 000AD8C4 DialogueMorthalHighmoonHallScene04 SCEN 0 Do not worry, my friend. All is well. FormID: 00087FD6 CompanionsBrawlingQuest CompanionsBrawlingQuestHit HIT_ 0 All right, you want to go? FormID: 000880DE CompanionsBrawlingQuest CompanionsBrawlingQuestHit HIT_ 0 Watch it, there, brother. FormID: 000880DF CompanionsBrawlingQuest CompanionsBrawlingQuestHit HIT_ 0 Watch it, there, sister. FormID: 000AD39B C04JorrvaskrCommotion SCEN 0 Look at that. FormID: 000AD39A C04JorrvaskrCommotion SCEN 0 That someone would attack Jorrvaskr... it's unthinkable. FormID: 000AD234 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices UniqueVoicesHello HELO 0 Hmm? FormID: 000AD0DD WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You don't look so good. Are you feeling all right? concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0DE WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You should probably be in bed. You're looking a bit under the weather. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0DF WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 How do you feel? I think you might be sick. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E0 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You look sick. I hope it's not contagious. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E1 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 Are you feeling all right, dear? You look a little ill. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E2 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 Don't take this the wrong way, but you look a little sickly. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E3 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You're looking a little rough around the edges. You feeling all right? concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E4 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You look a bit peaked. You sure you shouldn't be home, in bed? concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E5 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You look worse than I feel. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E6 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 Are you feeling sick? concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E7 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You look awful. Better not get me sick. concerned the person he's talking to is sick - emphasis on [QUOTE]me[QUOTE] FormID: 000AD0E8 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 You all right? You look like you might be sick. concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD0E9 WICommentDiseased WICommentDiseasedHello HELO 0 No offense, but you're not looking so good. Are you feeling ill? concerned the person he's talking to is sick FormID: 000AD084 Favor019 GBYE 0 Don't let Viola catch you in her house. FormID: 000AD081 Favor019 HELO 0 Sneak that ring back to Viola before we both get caught. FormID: 000AD082 Favor019 HELO 0 Have you taken care of that... little problem? FormID: 000AD089 Favor104 GBYE 0 Remember. I need that bandit dead. Not alive. FormID: 000AD08A Favor104 GBYE 0 Bandits are cowards. Don't strain yourself chasing them all down. FormID: 000AD08B Favor104 GBYE 0 Show those marauders what Windhelm justice tastes like. FormID: 000AD088 Favor109 GBYE 0 Vampires are clever hunters. More clever than you, definitely. FormID: 000AD087 Favor151 GBYE 0 I want no mercy for those Forsworn. Understand? FormID: 000AD086 Favor153 GBYE 0 Good luck with the giant. Don't get stepped on. FormID: 000AD085 Favor154 GBYE 0 Execute every last bandit. Spare no one. FormID: 000AD083 Favor157 GBYE 0 Retrieve that shield at all costs. FormID: 000AD080 Favor158 GBYE 0 Come back as soon as you have the helm. FormID: 000AD07F Favor204 GBYE 0 If you find that sword, please bring it to me. FormID: 000AD08C Favor205 GBYE 0 If you find that ring, bring it here. FormID: 000AD08D Favor205 GBYE 0 That journal means a lot to me, if you find it. FormID: 000AD08E Favor205 GBYE 0 I do miss that helmet.... FormID: 000AD08F Favor205 GBYE 0 Hopefully, that story about Lenne's Shield is true. FormID: 000AD09A Favor205 GBYE 0 Don't forget. You find Queen Freydis's Sword, I'll reward you. FormID: 000AD043 MQ203 SCEN 0 This looks promising. FormID: 000AD041 MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes. Definitely early Akaviri stonework here. FormID: 000AD03E MQ203 SCEN 0 We've got to get this bridge down. FormID: 000AD03C MQ203 SCEN 0 These pillars must have something to do with it. FormID: 000AD039 MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes. These are Akaviri symbols. FormID: 000AD037 MQ203 SCEN 0 Let's see... you have the symbol for [QUOTE]King[QUOTE]... and [QUOTE]Warrior[QUOTE]... FormID: 000AD035 MQ203 SCEN 0 And of course the symbol for [QUOTE]Dragonborn.[QUOTE] That's the one that appears to have a sort of arrow shape pointing downward at the bottom. FormID: 000AD048 MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, that's it. The symbol on the pillar on the left. FormID: 000AD049 MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, that's it. The symbol on the middle pillar. FormID: 000AD04A MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, that's it. The symbol on the pillar on the right. FormID: 000AD042 MQ203 SCEN 0 Given that Sky Haven Temple was sealed against the return of the Dragonborn, I would try turning all the pillars to that symbol. FormID: 000AD040 MQ203 SCEN 0 Whatever you did, it worked. Let's see what else those old Blades left in our way. FormID: 000AD03B MQ203 SCEN 0 Wait. FormID: 000AD038 MQ203 SCEN 0 Why are you stopping? FormID: 000AD036 MQ203 SCEN 0 We should be careful here. See these symbols on the floor? FormID: 000AD034 MQ203 SCEN 0 Hmm, Esbern's right. Look like pressure plates. FormID: 000AD044 MQ203 SCEN 0 I would suggest staying on the plates with the Dragonborn symbol. FormID: 000AD045 MQ203 SCEN 0 Be careful. FormID: 000AD046 MQ203 SCEN 0 There should be a way to turn this off. FormID: 000AD047 MQ203 SCEN 0 We'll cross once it's safe. FormID: 000AD03F MQ203 SCEN 0 Looks safe now. Let's move. FormID: 000AD03D MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, yes! I think we must be close to the entrance. FormID: 000AD03A MQ203 SCEN 0 Esbern, look out! FormID: 000AC9A5 DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueBranchTopic CUST 0 Fool! Did you think Molag Bal, the Lord of Domination, would so easily reward you? evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC9A5 DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueBranchTopic CUST 1 What do you see from that little cage? Speak. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC991 DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic01 CUST 0 Yes. It's an altar. Men would come and sacrifice the wretched in my name. The weak would be punished by the strong. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC991 DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic01 CUST 1 But a Daedric Lord has his enemies, and my rival Boethiah had her priest desecrate the altar. Until you came. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC989 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes. Your reward is waiting for you, mortal. Further down. tempting, emphasize the word [QUOTE]reward[QUOTE] FormID: 000AC98B DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic02 CUST 0 Rusted. Dry. There was a time when this mace dripped with the blood of the feeble and the worthless. evil god, outraged FormID: 000AC98B DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic02 CUST 1 But a Daedric Lord has his enemies, and my rival Boethiah had her priest desecrate it. Left it here to decay. Until you came. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC994 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfHouseTopic01 CUST 0 Rescue? No one knew where I was, when I was taken. Who sent you? suspicious, belligerent FormID: 000AC998 DA10 DA10MolagBalFinalBranch DA10MolagBalFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 The Mace of Molag Bal! I give you its true power, mortal. evil god talking to a minion Walk Away FormID: 000AC998 DA10 DA10MolagBalFinalBranch DA10MolagBalFinalBranchTopic CUST 1 When your enemies lie broken and bloody before you, know that I will be watching. evil god talking to a minion Walk Away FormID: 000AC995 DA10 DA10MolagBalFinalBranch DA10MolagBalFinalTopic01 CUST 0 Now, I have a soul in Oblivion that needs claiming. Take care of the house while I'm gone. Ha ha ha! cackling at the end, evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC992 DA10 DA10MolagBalFinalBranch DA10MolagBalFinalTopic02 CUST 0 Know your place, mortal. Or Molag Bal may just send another champion to claim his mace from your broken corpse. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC992 DA10 DA10MolagBalFinalBranch DA10MolagBalFinalTopic02 CUST 1 Now, I have a soul in Oblivion to claim. Take care of the house while I'm gone. Ha ha ha! cackling at the end, evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000AC99C DA10 DA10RumorsBranch DA10RumorsBranchTopic RUMO 0 Got a witchhunter in town, from the Priesthood of Stendarr. Keeps asking questions about that old abandoned house. rumormonger FormID: 000AC99D DA10 DA10RumorsBranch DA10RumorsBranchTopic RUMO 0 A witchhunter from the Priesthood of Stendarr is in town. He's asking a lot of questions about that old abandoned house. rumormonger FormID: 000AC996 WESharedDialogue IDAT 0 We are on the hunt. FormID: 000AC997 WESharedDialogue IDAT 0 Meat from fresh kills. FormID: 000AC120 DialogueGuardsGeneral DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlocking DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlockingTopic CUST 0 What do you think you're doing, walking around dressed like a damn Stormcloak traitor? FormID: 000AC121 DialogueGuardsGeneral DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlocking DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've got a lot of nerve, walking around here dressed like an Imperial Legionnaire. FormID: 000AC127 DialogueGuardsGeneral DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlocking DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyA1 CUST 0 Well. I'll let it slide this time. But you'd be smart to take that off. Someone might get the wrong idea. FormID: 000AC128 DialogueGuardsGeneral DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlocking DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyA1 CUST 0 Hmm. I still don't like it, but I guess I'll overlook it. This time. FormID: 000AC11C DialogueGuardsGeneral DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlocking DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyA2 CUST 0 You don't seem to realize there's a war on. What you are is a damn Imperial spy! FormID: 000AC123 DialogueGuardsGeneral DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyBlocking DialogueGuardsGeneralEnemyA3 CUST 0 Is that right? Here's how the Legion deals with rebel scum like you. FormID: 000AC11E MQ102B SCEN 0 I'm glad you decided to come with me. We're almost to Riverwood. FormID: 000AC11F MQ102B SCEN 0 You sure you won't change your mind? Riverwood isn't far. I'm sure my sister will be glad to help you out. FormID: 000AC126 MQ102B SCEN 0 See that ruin up there? Bleak Falls Barrow. I never understood how my sister could stand living in the shadow of that place. FormID: 000AC11D MQ102B SCEN 0 Remember, this isn't Stormcloak territory. If we're ahead of the news from Helgen we should be fine as long as we don't do anything stupid. FormID: 000AC11D MQ102B SCEN 1 If we run into any Imperials, just let me do the talking, all right? FormID: 000AC124 MQ102A SCEN 0 I'm glad you decided to come with me. We're almost to Riverwood. FormID: 000AC125 MQ102A SCEN 0 You sure you won't change your mind? Riverwood isn't far. I'm sure my uncle will be glad to help you out. FormID: 000AC11B MQ102A SCEN 0 See that ruin up there? Bleak Falls Barrow. When I was a boy, that place always used to give me nightmares. FormID: 000AC129 MQ102A SCEN 0 Listen, as far as I'm concerned you've already earned your pardon. FormID: 000AC129 MQ102A SCEN 1 But until we get that confirmed by General Tullius, just stay clear of other Imperial soldiers and avoid any complications, all right? FormID: 000ABF36 CreatureDialogueAtronachStorm DETH 0 FormID: 000ABDF7 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakUhOhHeKnows CUST 0 I hear you've been busy of late. FormID: 000AC94C PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Oh? Well, I won't turn down your money. FormID: 000AC94D PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 By helping me, you're helping the good folk of Whiterun. How could I say no to that? FormID: 000AC94F PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 I'll take your money, but I make no promises of a large return on your investment. These are troubled times, after all. FormID: 000AC955 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Splendid! With the extra coin, I'll be able to purchase twice the volume in supplies that I normally do. FormID: 000AD3C8 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 I've been looking to expand the business, and your investment will certainly help with that. I accept! FormID: 000AD3CC PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Such an investment will mean that I can take better care of my family, as well as my customers. FormID: 000AD3CE PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 An investment, is it? Alright, I'm sure I can put the extra money to good use. FormID: 000AE684 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Splendid! I've been looking for a new investor. Now it seems my search is over. FormID: 000AE686 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Come to see the hag with an offering of coin, then? So be it. I accept your investment. FormID: 000AF645 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Of course you want to invest in my business. I'm the finest blacksmith in all Skyrim. FormID: 000AF64A PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 How kind. At my age, I've certainly learned how to spend wisely. FormID: 000B1FE1 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 You want to give me money? Just like that? Fine, but I intend to earn that investment. I don't need handouts. FormID: 000B1FE4 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 Ah yes, good idea. Best to let a professional businessman handle that money for you. FormID: 000B1FE6 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 You make an interesting offer. Very well, I'm sure that I can put the extra coin to good use. FormID: 000B1FE9 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorBranch1Topic1 CUST 0 An investment? Very well, I don't see why not. FormID: 000ABD8D PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 You have my thanks, friend. FormID: 000AC95A PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 Ah, the sound of clinking coins. Even better, the sound of clinking coins in my hand! FormID: 000AD3B6 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 I'll call upon my suppliers this very evening and arrange to double my orders. FormID: 000AD3BA PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 I'll start planning how best to spend this. You have my thanks! FormID: 000AD3BF PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 You'll look back on this as one of your best decisions, I swear it. FormID: 000AD3C0 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 If you want to make the most of your investment, you'll come here to sell your goods. FormID: 000AE68A PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 Thank you so much! With this coin, I'll be able to double my stock. FormID: 000AE68C PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 Ah, look at the pretty, shiny coins. Now, how best to spend them? FormID: 000AF643 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 If you have spare weapons and armor to sell, bring them here. FormID: 000AF663 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 More coin means more supplies, and that means more useful balms, potions and remedies for everyone. FormID: 000B1FD7 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 I'll work hard to justify your faith in me. FormID: 000B1FDA PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 A wise choice, my friend. After all, what would a common adventurer know about the complexities of finance? FormID: 000B1FDC PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 Wise is the one who spends a few coins now to make a fortune later. FormID: 000B1FDE PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 Thank you. When I have the time, I'll try to think of how best to use this. FormID: 000B1FE0 PerkInvestor PerkInvestorBranch1 PerkInvestorReply2 CUST 0 May prosperity bless us both! FormID: 000ABD8A PerkInvestor PerkInvestorSharedInfo IDAT 0 Excellent. I think you'll be glad that you made this decision. FormID: 000ABD8B PerkInvestor PerkInvestorSharedInfo IDAT 0 If you change your mind, you know where to find me. FormID: 000ABD8C PerkInvestor PerkInvestorSharedInfo IDAT 0 Thank you. I'll be sure to put it to good use. FormID: 000ABB4E dunLiarsRetreatQST SCEN 0 No! You'll never take me alive! FormID: 000ABB4B dunLiarsRetreatQST SCEN 0 Take the money, just let us go... FormID: 000ABB4C dunLiarsRetreatQST SCEN 0 Shut up or they'll kill us, you idiot! Once they're gone I'll pick the lock... FormID: 000ABB4D dunLiarsRetreatQST SCEN 0 Come on... there! I got it, let's go! you are a bandit finishing picking a lock to gain your freedom FormID: 000ABB4A dunLiarsRetreatQST SCEN 0 Hey, Longhammer, set us up with a round of... what in Oblivion happened in here? coming into a room and finding the aftermath of a battle FormID: 000A8A19 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Hey! What the... keep your damn magic to yourself. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A47 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 What the... Don't do that! nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A50 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Keep your damn spells to yourself. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A51 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 That was pathetic. It didn't even do anything. threatened FormID: 000A8A52 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Ah! Damn wizard. Keep your spells off of me. short scream of surprise. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A53 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Stop that! Keep your spells to yourself. threatened FormID: 000A8A54 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Don't try to magic me, you damn wizard. threatened FormID: 000A8A57 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Hey! What are you trying to pull? nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A5C WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Huh? Don't do that! nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A67 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Don't know what that was, but don't try it again. threatened FormID: 000A8A69 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Hey! Stop that. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A6B WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Magic is for the weak. Pick up some steel if you want to fight me. threatened FormID: 000A8A6C WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Wizards. There oughta be a law against them. short scream of surprise. threatened FormID: 000A8A6D WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Whoa, whoa, whoa? What did you do? short scream of surprise. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A6F WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Ah! Keep your spells away from me. short scream of surprise. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A70 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Ah! Don't do that. short scream of surprise. nervous, threatened FormID: 000A8A71 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Ah! I'm just an old woman. Don't hurt me. short scream of surprise. FormID: 000A8A72 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 You stop that! I will not be violated by some... half-Septim magician! outraged FormID: 000A8A73 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Oh! What did you just do? nervous FormID: 000A8A74 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Hey! I didn't ask you to magic me. nervous FormID: 000A8A75 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Hey! Don't do that. nervous FormID: 000A8A76 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Ah! Picking on an old man? What did I ever do to you? short scream of surprise. nervous FormID: 000A8A77 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Oh! I don't feel any different. What did you do? nervous FormID: 000A8A7B WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Stop it! I don't like magic. nervous FormID: 000A8A7C WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Wow! That was fun. Do it again! FormID: 000A8A7D WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Ah Please! Don't hurt me! short scream of surprise. FormID: 000A8A7E WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 You there! That was uninvited. No more. nervous FormID: 000A8A80 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 What was that? Don't do it again. nervous FormID: 000A8A84 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 Huh... what was that? What'd you do? confused FormID: 000A8A85 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeird WICastMagicNonHostileSpellWeirdTopic CUST 0 I did not ask for that! No more magic. nervous FormID: 000ABCFB WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 My thanks. I feel... better. FormID: 000ABCFC WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 I suppose you think you're better than me because you can do that? FormID: 000ABCFD WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 I hope you're not expecting a thank you. FormID: 000ABCFE WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 A healing spell? Was that really necessary? FormID: 000ABCFF WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Huh. I feel better now. Surprised FormID: 000ABD00 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 My old bones don't hurt so much now. FormID: 000ABD01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Healing magic? An Orc lets her wounds heal naturally... FormID: 000ABD03 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Huh? What...oh! That felt nice. FormID: 000ABD04 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 What...hey! That felt good. FormID: 000ABD05 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 No need to do that now. FormID: 000ABD09 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Suddenly I feel much better. FormID: 000ABD0B WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 You heal away my scars and there's gonna be a problem... FormID: 000ABD0C WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 That put a spring in my step. FormID: 000ABD0D WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Hey! You trying to pull a fast one on me? FormID: 000ABD0E WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Save it for the battlefield. FormID: 000ABD0F WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 I wasn't hurt, but that did make me feel better. FormID: 000ABD11 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 A healing spell? Are you a priest? FormID: 000ABD19 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Don't go casting spells on a woman without asking her permission. FormID: 000ABD1A WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Thanks! FormID: 000ABD1F WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Hmm. Feel a bit better now. Thanks. FormID: 000ABD20 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Was that some sort of... healing spell? FormID: 000ABD22 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Thanks! Not sure it was necessary, though. FormID: 000ABD24 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Healing spells always leave me light-headed... FormID: 000ABD81 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Ah! What did you do? Stop that! Short scream of surprise. FormID: 000ABD83 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Mmm. That felt nice. purr of satisfaction. FormID: 000ABDA8 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Ah! That felt refreshing. Sigh of satisfaction. FormID: 000ABDAA WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Wow! What was that? Do it again! FormID: 000ABDAC WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Hey! My hangover is gone! FormID: 000ABDAD WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealingTopic CUST 0 Ah! I feel like I just woke from a nap. Sigh of satisfaction FormID: 000ABAE6 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 I...I'm fading away! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAE7 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Now what am I supposed to do? I can't be seen in public like this. If I can even be seen at all... had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF1 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 You turned me invisible! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF2 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Not bad. Now turn me back. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF3 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 I'm...I'm invisible! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF4 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 What did ya do that for? had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF5 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Bah! Save your magic. A warrior should face her foe, not hide from him. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF7 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Ooohh... The things I could do now... had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF8 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Hey! Where did I go? had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAF9 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Magic! I'm not sure I approve. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAFB WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 You're a tricky one. Now fix it. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAFD WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Hey! I can't see myself! What did you do to me? had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABAFF WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Wizard tricks! An Orc faces the enemy. He doesn't hide from him. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB00 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Stop that! How can I do my job if I'm invisible? had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Clever. To think, now I could... Well, never mind. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB02 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Ahhh... no one will know I'm here now. had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB03 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 What did you do to me? What am I made of? Air? Shadow? Oh, this is not good... had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB04 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 What the...I'm invisible! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB05 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Goodness! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB06 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 What did you do! I'm...I'm see through! This better not be permanent. You can't just go around making women invisible like this! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB07 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Oh! I didn't expect that! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB08 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 What have you done to me? had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB09 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Hey! Where did I go? I can't see myself! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB0B WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Hey! This could be handy! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB0C WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Ah! I am now like the Shadowscales of old. Sigh of satisfaction. FormID: 000ABB77 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Hmm. I could be a great hunter like this. Purr of satisfaction FormID: 000ABB8B WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Wow! I'm see through! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABB90 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 Hey! What did you do to me? My body is gone! had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000ABBB5 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealth WICastMagicNonHostileSpellStealthTopic CUST 0 What? Do I have mead on my chin? had a spell cast on him that makes him quiet and hard to see FormID: 000AB840 Favor110 HELO 0 I'd appreciate if you don't bother my wife, Tova. She's still in mourning. FormID: 000AB6F5 MS01IntroWorldScene SCEN 0 Oh, this pendant would look lovely on my sister. examining a lovely necklace FormID: 000AB6F1 MS01IntroWorldScene SCEN 0 By the Divines, the Forsworn are here in the city! shouting in terror FormID: 000AB6F6 MS01IntroWorldScene SCEN 0 Everyone stay back. The Markarth city guard have this all under control. There are no Forsworn here. authoritarian FormID: 000AB6F2 MS01 MS01MargretBlocking MS01MargretBlockingTopic CUST 0 By the gods, that man nearly killed me. You saved my life. in shock FormID: 000AB6F2 MS01 MS01MargretBlocking MS01MargretBlockingTopic CUST 1 Thank you. Here, I was going to bring this to my sister, but I think you should have it. in shock FormID: 0006065C MS01 MS01MargretBlocking MS01MargretBlockingTopic CUST 0 Thank you again. I can't believe I was this close to being killed. in shock FormID: 000AB6EF MS01 MS01MargretBlocking MS01MargretTopic01 CUST 0 No. I don't have any idea. I was just shopping for a pendant for my sister back in the Imperial City. in shock FormID: 000AB6F4 MS01 MS01MargretBlocking MS01MargretTopic02 CUST 0 I've heard of them. Something about the men who live in the hills and attack caravans. in shock FormID: 000AB6F4 MS01 MS01MargretBlocking MS01MargretTopic02 CUST 1 I'm sorry. I don't know anymore. I'm just visiting here from Cyrodiil. in shock FormID: 000AD209 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Don't come too close with that. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD20A WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Get away from me! flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD20B WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD212 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD213 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD217 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Please! Keep that magic away from me. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD218 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD219 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 You really should be more careful with the spells you cast. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD22C WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD22D WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 You should be more careful with your spell casting. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD232 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 You keep your distance with that magic flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD23B WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD276 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Dear, that spell is making me nervous. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD27D WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Hurt anyone with that spell and you'll be sorry. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD27F WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD296 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD2EE WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Uuh. Would you mind dousing that magic? flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD2EF WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 It's wearing a dangerous spell... flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD2F0 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks like it'll hurt. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD2F6 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That looks dangerous... flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD2F7 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD2FF WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Please stay away while you got that spell on you. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD300 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD33C WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Don't hurt me! flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD34B WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD34C WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD377 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Walking around like that is why magic gets a bad name. Shame on you. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD37C WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD37D WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 This one thinks you should be more careful with your spells. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD380 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 You're asking for trouble walking around with dangerous magic like that. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD382 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD383 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 Do be careful with that spell, will you? flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD387 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 You better be careful with that magic, if you know what's good for you. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD388 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD389 WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 I trust you know what you're doing with that spell? flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AD38A WICommentMagicDangerous WICommentMagicDangerousHello HELO 0 That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance. flinching away from someone with dangerous magic crackling around them FormID: 000AB1F8 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchExplanationQST CUST 0 We left to help with the war and these filth bags swooped in and seized the place. My family is in there. FormID: 000AAECC DA10 DA10TyranusBlockingBranch DA10TyranusBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 There's no way out. There's no way out.... terrified FormID: 000DE1B0 DA10 DA10TyranusBlockingBranch DA10TyranusBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Out the way we came. Hurry! commanding, anxious FormID: 000DE1B1 DA10 DA10TyranusBlockingBranch DA10TyranusBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 We're getting out of here. Now. commanding, anxious FormID: 000DE1B2 DA10 DA10TyranusBlockingBranch DA10TyranusBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 See if you can get the door open. commanding, anxious FormID: 000DE1B3 DA10 DA10TyranusBlockingBranch DA10TyranusBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Something's going on here. investigative, anxious FormID: 000DE1B4 DA10 DA10TyranusBlockingBranch DA10TyranusBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Eyes open. commanding FormID: 000AAAC9 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirPreDB03BlockBranch DBNazirPreDB03BlockBranchTopic CUST 0 Haven't you talked to Astrid? She's by the pool, greeting the Night Mother and her little jester. She has a contract for you. Come see me afterward. FormID: 000AAA18 DA14 DA14HagravenForcegreet DA14HagravenForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Darling! I've been waiting for you to return, to consummate our love! Walk Away FormID: 000AAA17 DA14 DA14HagravenReply DA14HagravenReplyTopic CUST 0 What? You want it for that hussy Esmerelda, with the dark feathers - don't you? I won't let her have you! FormID: 000AA9A8 MS07Rumor MS07StartRumorsBranch MS07StartRumorsTopic RUMO 0 I've heard Jaree-Ra is hanging around the Wells District, looking for new blood to hire. FormID: 00039623 MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, the claw. I know how it works. The claw, the markings, the door in the Hall of Stories. I know how they all fit together! FormID: 00039623 MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic01 CUST 1 Help me down, and I'll show you. You won't believe the power the Nords have hidden there. FormID: 0003A170 MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic02 CUST 0 Does it look like I can move? You have to cut me down, first. FormID: 0003A16F MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic03 CUST 0 Sweet breath of Arkay, thank you. FormID: 000AA799 MQ101 SCEN 0 This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. grimly musing to yourself, nostalgic about your youth as you're being carted off to be executed FormID: 000AA78C TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, that's it. Sorry if it isn't the ceremony you were hoping for, but we're not exactly known for throwing our coin around. jovial FormID: 000AA78C TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranchTopic CUST 1 After we're done here, head over to Tonilia and she'll set you up with your Guild Master Armor. FormID: 000AA78C TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranchTopic CUST 2 Oh, and one last thing. Here, I want you to take this. It's sort of a tradition around here. FormID: 000AA77C TGLeadership TGLeadershipToniliaBranch TGLeadershipToniliaBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, and I'm more than happy to give it to you. FormID: 000AA77C TGLeadership TGLeadershipToniliaBranch TGLeadershipToniliaBranchTopic CUST 1 I mean look at this place. I've never seen so much wealth down here. You've made us all rich. FormID: 000AA77C TGLeadership TGLeadershipToniliaBranch TGLeadershipToniliaBranchTopic CUST 2 Here you go... should fit you like a glove... boss. FormID: 000AA0B1 DialogueRiftenSS01 SCEN 0 I had another run-in with the Thieves Guild. FormID: 000AA0AF DialogueRiftenSS01 SCEN 0 Be careful, Mjoll. The Thieves Guild has Maven Black-Briar at her back. FormID: 000AA0AF DialogueRiftenSS01 SCEN 1 One snap of her fingers, and you could end up in Riften Jail... or worse. FormID: 000AA0B2 DialogueRiftenSS01 SCEN 0 They represent the reason I'm here. I can't just ignore them, Aerin. FormID: 000AA0B0 DialogueRiftenSS01 SCEN 0 I know. I just don't want you to leave; you're the only good thing that's happened to this city in a long time. FormID: 00017DFF MS13 MS13CamillaEscortYesBranch MS13CamillaEscortYesBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll meet you outside! eager to help FormID: 00017E04 MS13 MS13CamillaEscortNoBranch MS13CamillaEscortNoBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, really? You're just like my brother. Fine, but if you change your mind, I'll be right here. upset FormID: 000AA051 WICrowd WICrowdFlee FLEE 0 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FormID: 000A9F36 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 What? Who is this, Brother? Another of the smooth skins looking for food? But this one wasn't trapped with us... Crazed ramblings of a skooma addict trapped in a frozen ruin upon finding the player. FormID: 000A9EFF dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombQuestWrapUpBranch dunHillgrundsTombQuestWrapUpBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you for your help with Vals. Please, take this and leave me to see to Aunt Agna and my other family members. FormID: 000AB970 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Oooh... pretty colors. witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB971 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 What a display of color! witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB972 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Oh, such colors! witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB978 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Is that magic? Careful, please... nervous, mildly threatening... witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB979 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Oh, look at the colors! witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB983 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Wow! Look at all the colors! witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB986 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Colorful... witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB988 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Whoa. witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB98D WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Brilliant! witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB990 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Keep that magic away from me. witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000AB991 WICommentMagicColorful WICommentMagicColorfulHello HELO 0 Well hey, that's not something you see every day. witnessing a colorful magic spell FormID: 000A95E0 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Guard. Prepare the prisoner. FormID: 000A95FE SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 I don't need your help. Determined, almost a stage whisper. You're going to walk to your own execution without help. FormID: 000A95DF DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroWalkAway CUST 0 Thank you for your time. FormID: 000A95FD SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Very well, Roggvir. Bow your head. Firm but with respect. You're ordering a person to bow their head for execution. FormID: 000A95FC SolitudeOpening SolitudeFreeformOpeningAddvarBlocker SolitudeFreeformOpeningAddvarBlockerTopic CUST 0 Not right now. FormID: 000D0522 SolitudeOpening SolitudeFreeformOpeningBeirandBlocker SolitudeFreeformOpeningBeirandBlockerTopic CUST 0 A traitor right up to the end. FormID: 000A95FB SolitudeOpening SolitudeFreeformOpeningBeirandBlocker SolitudeFreeformOpeningBeirandBlockerTopic CUST 0 I've been waiting for Roggvir's execution. Talk to me later. FormID: 000A95FA SolitudeOpening SolitudeFreeformOpeningEvetteBlocker SolitudeFreeformOpeningEvetteBlockerTopic CUST 0 Go away. FormID: 000A95F9 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 They can't hurt uncle Roggvir. Tell them he didn't do it. FormID: 0001F387 DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14PriestessIntroTopic CUST 0 Of course! You don't remember getting here. FormID: 000A95F2 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Svari, you need to go home. Go home and stay there until your mother comes. FormID: 000A95E1 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 You should tell her that her uncle is scum that betrayed his High King. Best she know now, Addvar. FormID: 000A9605 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 You're all heart, Vivienne. FormID: 000A9594 dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 No! Aunt Agna! Talos, why didn't I go in with her? FormID: 000A958B dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 He's barred the door. Gods only know how he's... defiling the bodies of my ancestors in there! FormID: 000A958A dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Agna once told me there is a secret room deeper in where they buried disgraced members of the family. Maybe that will get us into the main chamber... FormID: 000A958C dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 This looks like the area Agna told me about. She said that the bear would show the way... FormID: 000A958D dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 You found it! The passage goes through the sarcophagus... I don't like this... but we'd better keep going. FormID: 000A9590 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestBranch dunHillgrundsTombKillingAncestors CUST 0 We're not killing them, they were already dead. We're helping them back to Sovngarde. FormID: 000A9592 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestLetsGo dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestGoodbye CUST 0 Vals Veran will die for what he's done. FormID: 000A9593 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestLetsGo dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestGoodbye CUST 0 That dark elf is about to be a dead elf. FormID: 000A958F dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 The dead should be made to serve the living, not the other way around! FormID: 000A9589 dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Sovngarde is a myth, you s'wit! And now you can join your ancestors in service to me! FormID: 000A9591 dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 I'll return my ancestors to Sovngarde, and you with them! FormID: 000A95AD DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14PriestessExplanationTopic CUST 0 I'm guessing you also don't remember coming in here and blathering incoherently about marriage or a goat. FormID: 000A95AD DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14PriestessExplanationTopic CUST 1 Which means you don't remember losing your temper and throwing trash all over the temple. FormID: 000A95C5 DA14Start DA14StartDrinkingContestHello DA14StartDrinkingContestHelloTopic CUST 0 You look like someone who can hold their liquor. How about a friendly contest to win a staff? FormID: 000A95BC DA14Start DA14StartDrinkingContestTopic DA14StartDrinkingContestTopicTopic CUST 0 Ha! We'll see about that. This is a special brew, very strong stuff. Let's get started. FormID: 000A95BB DA14Start DA14StartDrinkingContestRefusal DA14StartDrinkingContestRefusalTopic CUST 0 Well come back when you do, my friend. Come back when you do. FormID: 000A960C DA14Start SCEN 0 I'll start round one. Down the hatch! FormID: 000A95BD DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink1 DA14StartPostDrink1Topic CUST 0 Your turn! FormID: 000A95B7 DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink1Continue DA14StartPostDrink1ContinueTopic CUST 0 One down, my friend. One down. FormID: 000A95C6 DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink1Refusal DA14StartPostDrink1RefusalTopic CUST 0 Sorry to hear that. FormID: 000A95B8 DA14Start SCEN 0 And another one for me. FormID: 000A95ED DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink2 DA14StartPostDrink2Topic CUST 0 And how about you? FormID: 000A95B9 DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink2Continue DA14StartPostDrink2ContinueTopic CUST 0 So says you. I think I've hit my limit on these things. Tell you what, one more and you win the contest. FormID: 000A95BE DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink2Refusal DA14StartPostDrink2RefusalTopic CUST 0 Awww, well, maybe next time. FormID: 000A95B4 DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink2Continue DA14StartPostDrink3topic CUST 0 Wow. You've really done it. The staff is yours. FormID: 000A95BA DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink2Continue DA14StartPostDrink3Finale CUST 0 You know, you're a fun person to drink with. I know this great little place where the wine flows like water. We should head there. FormID: 000A95BA DA14Start DA14StartPostDrink2Continue DA14StartPostDrink3Finale CUST 1 Hey, you don't look so good... FormID: 000A9419 MQ104 SCEN 0 Those born with the Dragon Blood in 'em. Like old Tiber Septim himself. in a lowered tone of voice -- reverent/fearful FormID: 000A940E MQ104 SCEN 0 What do you say, Irileth? You're being awfully quiet. FormID: 000A940D MQ104 SCEN 0 Come on, Irileth, tell us, do you believe in this Dragonborn business? FormID: 000A940C MQ104 SCEN 0 Hmph. Some of you would be better off keeping quiet than flapping your gums on matters you don't know anything about. FormID: 000DB883 MQ104 SCEN 0 But I don't need some mythical Dragonborn. Someone who can put down a dragon is more than enough for me. FormID: 000A941B MQ104 SCEN 0 That was Shouting, what you just did! Must be. You really are Dragonborn, then... awed FormID: 000A941A MQ104 SCEN 0 Here's a dead dragon, and that's something I definitely understand. Now we know we can kill them. FormID: 000A9415 MQ104 SCEN 0 If you really are Dragonborn, like out of the old tales, you ought to be able to Shout. Can you? Have you tried? FormID: 000A9416 MQ104 SCEN 0 Go ahead... try to Shout. FormID: 000A9417 MQ104 SCEN 0 Have you tried to Shout? FormID: 000A9418 MQ104 SCEN 0 They say the Dragonborn can Shout without any training. Like Talos himself... FormID: 000A938B DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 0 I've heard the Empire plans to levy a tax on our trading ships. Falk, you've got to do something about this. FormID: 000A9387 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 0 General Tullius needs more money for the war effort. We need the funds to arm and provision more troops. FormID: 000A9382 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 0 Then let's increase the taxes on the farms and merchants. We can't afford to lose the loyalty of the ship captains. FormID: 000A937E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 0 We know full well about your investment in shipping ventures, Erikur. FormID: 000A937E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 1 I've also heard troubling rumors about dealings between you and the crew of that pirate ship, the Red Wave. FormID: 000A937E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 2 Thankfully, Jarl Elisif cares far less about your lost profits than she does about winning the war! Highly annoyed, almost angry but not quite. FormID: 000A9379 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene5 SCEN 0 The Jarl would be wise to remember that it is her thanes - and my profits - that are paying for this war. A bit barbed and icy. There is a cold anger behind this remark. Emphasis on [QUOTE]and MY profits[QUOTE] FormID: 000A9301 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 0 There's something that's been troubling me, Falk. I am hesitant to share it, but I feel that I must. FormID: 000A92D2 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 0 Speak your mind, Bryling. You're among friends here. FormID: 000A92B6 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 0 You know that I support the Empire, as we all do. However, I fear General Tullius is underestimating the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000A92B6 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 1 Too often the general has lost good soldiers because he did not take Ulfric and his men seriously. FormID: 000A92B6 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 2 If this continues, and the worst comes to pass, Solitude will pay the price. The Empire is headquartered here, after all. FormID: 000A938E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 0 We don't have the luxury of hanging back to see who wins before choosing our friends, Bryling. You know this. FormID: 000A938E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 1 And besides, no Nord with a shred of honor would consider it. We're no cowards. FormID: 000A9385 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 0 Yes, of course, but Ulfric's message is a powerful one. More of our people flock to his cause every day. FormID: 000A9381 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene6 SCEN 0 Have faith, Bryling. When this war is over and Ulfric is dead, you'll see that you were jumping at shadows, and nothing more. FormID: 000A937C DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 It's nearly time to collect taxes on your properties here in the city, Bryling. FormID: 000A937C DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 1 We'll need to visit each home for an assessment. FormID: 000A9332 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Is it that time again already? FormID: 000A9332 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 1 Very well, let's meet this evening and make the arrangements. FormID: 000A92D4 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Oh, well done. Very subtle. Sarcasm. FormID: 000A92D0 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 I beg your pardon? FormID: 000A92B3 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Oh, I'm sorry, did I imply that you'd be meeting for purposes other than court business? You must forgive me. Sarcasm FormID: 000A938C DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Hold your tongue, Wizard, or you're likely to lose it. FormID: 000A9388 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 I should very much like to see you try it, my dear steward. Sarcastic but also menacing FormID: 000A9383 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Stop it, both of you. You're acting like children. FormID: 000A9305 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 Steward Falk, I have a task for you. FormID: 000A9305 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 1 I want to begin stockpiling food and water in the event we come under siege, and I would like you to oversee this work personally. FormID: 000A92D3 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 A wise course of action, my Jarl. However, we have little food or water to spare. FormID: 000A938F DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 General Tullius will never allow that. He's ordered all surplus food to be given over for the war effort. FormID: 000A938A DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 General Tullius does not run this city, Thane Erikur. Or have you forgotten your oaths of fealty? FormID: 000A9386 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 My apologies, Jarl Elisif. I was thinking only of the importance of the war effort. FormID: 000A937D DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 There's no need for an apology, and you're right about the war. FormID: 000A937D DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 1 Perhaps this is a matter best discussed with with the general in person. FormID: 000A9378 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 0 I will make the arrangements, my Jarl. FormID: 000A91FA CreatureDialogueWolf HIT_ 0 FormID: 000A91FB CreatureDialogueSpriggan DETH 0 FormID: 000A91FC CreatureDialogueSpriggan HIT_ 0 FormID: 000A9375 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 0 Steward, I have an idea that might help to bolster the morale of our people in this difficult time. FormID: 000A9375 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 1 I think we shall have a grand parade, and let General Tullius march his troops from the Blue Palace to Castle Dour in all their finery. Cheerful, enthusiastic FormID: 000A92DC DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 0 What a... fine idea, my Jarl. However, I would suggest we wait until the war has ended. Hesitation, doubt. This speaker is reacting to an idea he's just heard which he thinks is terrible, but he is trying to be polite about it. FormID: 000A92DC DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 1 After all, the General needs his soldiers out in the field, fighting battles against the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000A92D1 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 0 I must protest, my Jarl. FormID: 000A92D1 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 1 A parade would make you an easy target for a Stormcloak assassin. You're safer here in the palace. FormID: 000A92B5 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 0 Oh, very well. I can see there's no changing your stubborn Nord minds. Resigned FormID: 000A92B5 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 1 But when this war is won, I will have my parade! Amused, a bit jovial FormID: 000A938D DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9 SCEN 0 Yes, my Jarl. FormID: 000A9389 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 0 We lost another five guardsmen, my Jarl. FormID: 000A9389 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 1 If General Tullius continues to conscript our men and send them off to battle, we'll have none left to protect the city. FormID: 000A9384 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 0 Yes, I know. The general acted with my blessing. FormID: 000A9384 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 1 It is vital that we bring Ulfric to justice, but that cannot happen until his army of Stormcloaks is defeated utterly. FormID: 000A9380 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 0 Told you that, did he? Skeptical, doubtful FormID: 000A9380 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 1 I'm sworn to protect you, my Jarl, but I'm the last line of defense. FormID: 000A9380 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 2 The first line is the walls around this city and the men who patrol them. Stern, authoritative FormID: 000A9380 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 3 Men who, I might add, we're precious short on. FormID: 000A937B DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 0 I'm aware of that, Bolgeir, and I appreciate your dedication. FormID: 000A937B DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 1 However, if we lose the war, the guardsmen of Solitude will make little difference in the end. FormID: 000A9377 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 0 No disrespect toward the general, but sometimes I wonder if he's got your best interests at heart. FormID: 000A9377 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 1 In any case he won't be turnin' me into no Imperial soldier. I know my place, and it's at your side. FormID: 000A9329 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene10 SCEN 0 It comforts me to know that, Bolgeir. FormID: 000A91A2 C01 SCEN 0 Old Nord sacrifice place. Be careful around here. Let's look for a way to open the bars. FormID: 000A91A3 C01 SCEN 0 Ah, the ceremonial juncture. The old Nords used to do sacrifices here. Look around for a way to open those bars. FormID: 000A8D7A DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulDarkBrotherhood DialogueRiftenMaulDarkBrotherhoodTopic CUST 0 The only thing I heard is a rumor that a boy named Aventus Aretino, in Windhelm, has been attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 000A8D7A DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulDarkBrotherhood DialogueRiftenMaulDarkBrotherhoodTopic CUST 1 He used to live here in Riften at the Orphanage on the other side of town but I think he ran away. Can't say I blame him. FormID: 000A8D77 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic CUST 0 They call me Dirge, 'cause I'm the last thing you hear before they put you in the ground. FormID: 000A8D77 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic CUST 1 Why? You think it's funny or something? threatening FormID: 000A8D78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic CUST 0 What, you still think it's funny? threatening FormID: 000A8D79 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic CUST 0 I already told you. They call me Dirge, 'cause I'm the last thing you hear before they put you in the ground. FormID: 000A8D72 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Oh yeah? I think so too. You're pretty smart. FormID: 000A8D72 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Hey, here. Have one on the house. FormID: 000A8D76 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Good. Now shut up and get out of my face. FormID: 000A8D83 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic02 CUST 0 No, no. Sorry if I sounded so mean there. My brother always said I have a big mouth. FormID: 000A8D83 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Here, have one on me. FormID: 000A8D87 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yeah, my problem is I'm too tired to punch your face in. FormID: 000A8D7D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Already did. FormID: 000A8D7C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeMaulBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeMaulBranchTopic CUST 0 Maul? Yeah. That jerk works for Maven Black-Briar now. Left me down here watching this garbage heap. FormID: 000A8D7C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDirgeMaulBranch DialogueRiftenDirgeMaulBranchTopic CUST 1 I guess he's better at all that talking stuff anyway. I'd just mess everything up. FormID: 000A8BEA MQ203 MQ203EsbernKarthspire MQ203EsbernKarthspireTopic CUST 0 The Akaviri blood seal can only be opened with the right kind of blood. Your blood, Dragonborn. FormID: 000ADD13 MQ203 MQ203EsbernKarthspire MQ203EsbernKarthspireTopic CUST 0 We should be careful. There's no telling what traps and wards the ancient Blades may have set. FormID: 000A8BF1 MQ203 MQ203EsbernKarthspire MQ203EsbernKarthspireTopic CUST 0 The entrance must be past the Forsworn camp. Look for a canyon or cave entrance into the Karthspire. FormID: 000A8C06 MQ203 MQ203EsbernKarthspire MQ203EsbernKarthspireTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. The entrance seems to be near what's now known as the Karthspire. We'll have to see what we find when we arrive. FormID: 000A8C16 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203MeetAtKarthspireTopic CUST 0 Very good. I'll trust you to get there in one piece. Don't be long. FormID: 000A8C57 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203MeetAtKarthspireTopic CUST 0 Your call. Might be safer to travel separately - attract less attention that way. FormID: 000A8C57 MQ203 MQ203MeetAtKarthspire MQ203MeetAtKarthspireTopic CUST 1 Don't worry, I'll get Esbern there in one piece. We'll wait for you near Karthspire. Good luck. FormID: 000A87DD dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Well...that's disappointing. This one didn't survive the fall either. FormID: 000A87D9 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 No matter. Another one will be along any time now. FormID: 000A8802 dunRannveigQST dunRannveigQSTSHARED01 IDAT 0 I'm sorry! This isn't what I want! FormID: 000A8803 dunRannveigQST dunRannveigQSTSHARED01 IDAT 0 I don't want to do this! FormID: 000A8804 dunRannveigQST dunRannveigQSTSHARED01 IDAT 0 I don't have any choice! I'm sorry! FormID: 000ACCD3 dunRannveigQST dunRannveigQSTSHARED01 IDAT 0 Is someone there? Stay back! I don't want to attack you. FormID: 000ACCD4 dunRannveigQST dunRannveigQSTSHARED01 IDAT 0 Stay away! FormID: 000ACCD5 dunRannveigQST dunRannveigQSTSHARED01 IDAT 0 Stay back or I'll be forced to attack you! FormID: 000ABC35 WICommentCollegeRobes WICommentCollegeRobesHello HELO 0 Are you a member of the College, or did you just steal those robes from a real wizard? curious, mildly surprised FormID: 000ABC54 WICommentCollegeRobes WICommentCollegeRobesHello HELO 0 You must be one of those wizards. From the College in Winterhold. curious, mildly surprised FormID: 000ABC7D WICommentCollegeRobes WICommentCollegeRobesHello HELO 0 Wow! Look at that robe. Are you a wizard? FormID: 000ABC7E WICommentCollegeRobes WICommentCollegeRobesHello HELO 0 Those are College of Winterhold robes, aren't they? curious, mildly surprised FormID: 000ABC80 WICommentCollegeRobes WICommentCollegeRobesHello HELO 0 Fancy robes. You a wizard or somethin'? curious, mildly surprised FormID: 000ABC82 WICommentCollegeRobes WICommentCollegeRobesHello HELO 0 I like your robes. Are you a sorcerer? From the College? curious, mildly surprised FormID: 000AD0D1 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 It will keep it's hands to itself, yes? slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D2 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 Umm... are you in trouble? Is that why you're hiding like that? slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D3 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 I hope you're not planning on picking my pocket. slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D4 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 What? Why are you skulking about like that? slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D5 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 Look at you, up to no good. slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D6 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 You remind me of the Shadowscales, from the old histories. slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D7 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 Are you playing hide and seek? wondering if we are playing a game FormID: 000AD0D8 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 I trust you aren't considering any... thievery. slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0D9 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 You're not a thief trying to rob me, right? slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0DA WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 You trying to hide? 'Cause I can see you plain as day. slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0DB WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 You're a bad sneak. You're not creeping up on anybody like that. slightly suspicious FormID: 000AD0DC WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 You, my friend, need practice... watching someone sneak around FormID: 000A85C5 CreatureDialogueWolf DETH 0 FormID: 000A8502 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialogTopic CUST 0 Can you help me? He's in the tomb doing Gods know what with my dead relatives. FormID: 000A84FD dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombAccept01 CUST 0 Vals Veran. My family has never really seen eye to eye with him and he has finally gone off the deep end. FormID: 000A84FD dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombAccept01 CUST 1 He's gone in to defile our family tomb by using our ancestors for his filthy dark elf necromancy. FormID: 000A8500 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombAcceptIfDarkElf CUST 0 No offense, I mean I'm sure you aren't into any of that kind of stuff. FormID: 000A8500 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombAcceptIfDarkElf CUST 1 My aunt went in after him, but she hasn't come out yet and I'm afraid to go in by myself. FormID: 000A8501 dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombAcceptIfDarkElf CUST 0 My aunt went in after him, but she hasn't come out yet and I don't think I can take him by myself. FormID: 000A84FF dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombRejectQuest CUST 0 Fine, but I've locked the door so don't think you're getting in there without me. FormID: 000A8457 MQ202 SCEN 0 Where is he? The one who was asking about the fugitive hiding in the Ratway? imperiously FormID: 000A845A MQ202 SCEN 0 You're in the wrong place to be asking those kind of questions, pal. FormID: 000A8458 MQ202 SCEN 0 No. Not yet. FormID: 000A8455 MQ202 SCEN 0 You'd better clear out before someone gets hurt. FormID: 000A8459 MQ202 SCEN 0 Your lack of cooperation has been noted. We'll be back if we require further information. You won't get a second chance. FormID: 000A8456 MQ202 SCEN 0 The answer ain't gonna be any different the next time. Arrogant elven bastard. the first sentence is called out from a distance. The second is muttered under his breath. FormID: 000A81F9 C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverTransformBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm... I'm sorry you had to see that. Walk Away FormID: 00081DE1 C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverTransformBranchTopic CUST 0 I hope I didn't scare you. Walk Away FormID: 000A81FC C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverWhatIsItGirl CUST 0 It's a blessing given to some of us. We can be like wild beasts. Fearsome. Walk Away FormID: 000A81FD C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverWhatIsItGirl CUST 0 Come on now, you're a sharp one. You must have heard of werewolves before. Walk Away FormID: 000A81FD C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverWhatIsItGirl CUST 1 It's a blessing given to the most honored of the Companions. Walk Away FormID: 000A81FA C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverWhatNowBoss CUST 0 Oh, no. Only the Circle have the beastblood. Prove your honor to be a Companion. Walk Away FormID: 000A81FA C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverWhatNowBoss CUST 1 [QUOTE]Eyes on the prey, not the horizon.[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000A81FB C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverWhatNowBoss CUST 0 No, only members of the Circle get this blessing. Right now we're just seeing if you're worth keeping around. Walk Away FormID: 000A8058 DA13 DA13PeryiteIntroBlocker DA13PeryiteIntroBlockerTopic CUST 0 Breathe deep, mortal. I would have you hear me well, so let these vapors fill your lungs. FormID: 000A8057 DA13 DA13PeryiteTopLevelTopic01 DA13PeryiteTopLevelTopic01Topic CUST 0 I have watched you for some time, you know. The decisions you've made intrigue me, and I wonder if you are the proper agent for a task of mine. pause before [QUOTE]intrigue[QUOTE] FormID: 000A8059 DA13 DA13PeryiteTopLevel02 DA13PeryiteTopLevel02Topic CUST 0 In a sense, but no more poisoned than a fool after too much wine. FormID: 000A8041 DB03 DB03AlainPitTauntBranch DB03AlainPitTauntBranchTopic CUST 0 Well. You must have all those annoying gods on your side to have made it this far, whoever you are. Even I have to admit, that's pretty impressive. Walk Away FormID: 000C05D5 DB03 DB03AlainPitTauntBranch DB03AlainPitTauntBranchTopic CUST 0 You had your chance to talk! FormID: 000A7FE2 FavorJobsGatherWheat HELO 0 We could always use help picking crops if you need a few extra coins. FormID: 000A7FEB FavorJobsMineOre HELO 0 Mining is hard work, but we pay a fair price for any ore you dig up. FormID: 0006F808 FavorJobsMineOre HELO 0 Are you looking to work? The mines are nearby. You bring me ore, I'll give you coin. FormID: 000A7FE1 FavorJobsMineOre IDAT 0 I'll buy everything you've dug up. FormID: 000A7B2F HousePurchase HouseWindhelmViewBranch1 HouseWindhelmViewBranch1Topic CUST 0 There is an empty home in the city, but there was some... unpleasantness recently. I'm afraid it's not available just yet. Delivered carefully and delicately, to cover up a private matter. You don't want to say that this house was the scene of a grisly murder, but you do FormID: 000A7334 DA10 SCEN 0 It's abandoned and it's always been abandoned. uncooperative FormID: 000A733A DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Excuse me, but do you know anything about this house? Seen anyone enter or leave? investigative Walk Away FormID: 000A7335 DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroTopic01 CUST 0 Seems no one in this city has. suspicious FormID: 000A7338 DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroTopic02 CUST 0 I was actually just about to head on inside. Be good to have someone watch my back. FormID: 000A7338 DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroTopic02 CUST 1 Follow me, and keep your eyes open. Daedra are powerful creatures and tricksters. Never know what you'll find. FormID: 000AC9A3 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 You there. Are you here to kill me? Slay the mighty Logrolf while he sits tied and helpless? mocking FormID: 000A7179 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 Praise to you, champion! FormID: 000A717A DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 Ah, the new disciple. I hear you have quite the appetite. cannibal FormID: 000A717B DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's an honor, Keeper of the Ring. FormID: 000A717C DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've brought us quite the meal. cannibal FormID: 000A717D DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 You were given Namira's ring? A great honor. FormID: 000A717E DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 I remember my first feast. I envy you. cannibal FormID: 000A717F DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm so glad Eola invited you to dinner. cannibal FormID: 000A7180 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 Namira spoke to you? I knew this feast was going to be something. FormID: 000A7181 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffBlockingTopic CUST 0 Now this is going to be a good feast. cannibal FormID: 000A7173 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffQuestion CUST 0 Ah, yes. The courier. I guess you know my secret ingredient for that spiced beef, now. cannibal FormID: 000A7174 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffQuestion CUST 0 You buy a war dog from me? There's a reason why my hounds are so eager to bite into people. cannibal FormID: 000A7175 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffQuestion CUST 0 That's right. You're the sellsword. Thank you again. It's so nice to have help with my husband gone. Shame what happened to him. implying she killed him FormID: 000A7176 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffQuestion CUST 0 One of my customers? Did you know I inherited the store from my late husband? Shame what happened to him. He had such good taste. ironic, cannibal FormID: 000A7177 DA11DialogueReachcliff DA11DialogueReachcliffBlocking DA11DialogueReachcliffQuestion CUST 0 [QUOTE]The bloodiest beef in the Reach![QUOTE] Ha ha ha. (ironic mocking laugh), cannibal FormID: 000A716E DA11FIN DA11FINCultistAfterFeast DA11FINCultistAfterFeastTopic CUST 0 Shh. You mustn't speak about such things away from the shrine. Only you and your dinner guests can know. hushing the player up FormID: 000A716F DA11FIN DA11FINCultistAfterFeast DA11FINCultistAfterFeastTopic CUST 0 Better if we don't talk about that. As far as anyone's concerned, we all had dinner at a nice inn along the road, and nothing strange happened. hushing the player up FormID: 000A7170 DA11FIN DA11FINCultistAfterFeast DA11FINCultistAfterFeastTopic CUST 0 Don't go talking about that. Only the dinner guests can know. hushing the player up FormID: 000A716A DA11ConvoLisbetBanning SCEN 0 It's so good to have everyone around the table again. cannibal FormID: 000A7168 DA11ConvoLisbetBanning SCEN 0 Eola is a fine host. She really keeps the faithful together. cannibal FormID: 000A7166 DA11ConvoLisbetBanning SCEN 0 I'm just glad we had this, now. I was almost getting ready to eat my servant and blame it on the Forsworn. cannibal FormID: 000A7164 DA11ConvoHogniBanning SCEN 0 When was your first meal, Banning? cannibal FormID: 000A7162 DA11ConvoHogniBanning SCEN 0 Do dogs count? cannibal FormID: 000A7182 DA11ConvoHogniBanning SCEN 0 Of course they don't count! cannibal FormID: 000A7172 DA11ConvoHogniBanning SCEN 0 My friend Marex. We were hunting, and I thought he was an elk. cannibal FormID: 000A716D DA11ConvoHogniBanning SCEN 0 That must have been quite a surprise. cannibal FormID: 000A716C DA11ConvoHogniBanning SCEN 0 Either way, I came back with meat for the table. cannibal FormID: 000A716B DA11ConvoHogniLisbet SCEN 0 The toes are my favorite part. I hope I get to take a few home with me. cannibal FormID: 000A7169 DA11ConvoHogniLisbet SCEN 0 I always preferred the liver myself. My brother had such a juicy liver. cannibal FormID: 000A7167 DA11ConvoEolaHogni SCEN 0 Thank you for coming to dinner, Hogni. cannibal FormID: 000A7165 DA11ConvoEolaHogni SCEN 0 I never miss a good meal. cannibal FormID: 000A7163 DA11ConvoEolaLisbet SCEN 0 This is lovely, as always, Eola. cannibal FormID: 000A7161 DA11ConvoEolaLisbet SCEN 0 Thank you, Lisbet. It's been such a joy to dine with you all these years. cannibal FormID: 000A7178 DA11ConvoEolaBanning SCEN 0 Not too full on bread and wine, I hope? cannibal FormID: 000A7171 DA11ConvoEolaBanning SCEN 0 I always leave room for the main course, Eola. cannibal FormID: 000A7038 DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh my, yes. I absolutely love weddings. I haven't found my special someone yet, but there's still hope. Vittoria is, well, getting up in years... FormID: 000A7039 DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 Am I! Free food and wine, and nobody trying to throw me in the dungeon. I wish they did weddings here every day. FormID: 000A703A DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 Not really. It's just a bunch of elders standing around, looking important. I wish something exciting would happen. FormID: 000A703B DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh. Why... why certainly. I keep telling myself I'm not losing a son, I'm gaining an Imperial. Daughter. An Imperial daughter... FormID: 000A703C DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 No, I'm not having a good time. My boy just married a gods-forsaken Imperial. Skyrim is full of eager Nord women, and he beds down with the enemy. FormID: 000A703D DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 The best. Vittoria's a good woman. Any man should be so lucky. I know my father's not happy about me marrying an Imperial, but that's his problem. FormID: 000A703E DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 I most certainly am not. I've just lost my daughter to a Nord beast, and my nephew Titus is too busy playing Emperor to even show up. FormID: 000A703F DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 I am, thank you. I do so enjoy singing at weddings. It's just one of the many duties we at the Bards College are called upon to perform. FormID: 000A7040 DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 So far. I just hope things remain calm. Wine gets drunk, tempers flare. This may be a joyous celebration, but it's shadowed by a lot of animosity. FormID: 000A7041 DB05 DB05GoodTimeBranch DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, yes. Presiding over the union of two lovers is one of my greatest responsibilities. It helps that Asgeir and Vittoria truly care for each other. FormID: 000A7037 DB05 DB05PenitusGuardBranch DB05PenitusGuardBranchTopic CUST 0 She's dead! On my watch! This won't stand! FormID: 000D562C DB05 DB05PenitusGuardBranch DB05PenitusGuardBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm just here to provide protection for his eminence's cousin. Please, enjoy yourself. FormID: 000A6EFE C01 SCEN 0 Now look what you've gotten yourself into. No worries. Just sit tight. I'll find the release. FormID: 000F2BA0 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 0 Just how long did you expect me to keep those people distracted? I had to let the whole plan fall through. FormID: 000F2BA0 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, at least you didn't do anything stupid. Next time, when you're given a job, don't wander off or take your sweet time. FormID: 000F2BA0 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 2 I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing around here has been going well lately. FormID: 000C1F6D TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you daft? This isn't the Dark Brotherhood! We don't go around murdering anyone, ever. It just isn't how things are done. scolding FormID: 000C1F6D TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 1 I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing around here has been going well lately. [QUOTE]it figures[QUOTE] attitude FormID: 000A6D75 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 0 I guess I expected too much from you. disappointed FormID: 000A6D76 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like I chose the right person for the job. congratulatory FormID: 000A6CB0 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 It's good we hold the Reach. Were the rebels to gain control, the silver mines would give them coin to hire more thugs and expand their violence. FormID: 000E6C7D CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 It was important we reclaimed the Reach. Letting Ulfric control the flow of silver was a mistake. One I'm glad we've finally corrected. pleased, but pointed. Reminding the person you are talking to that it is their fault you were even in this position FormID: 000A6CB1 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We need to stem the flow of silver to the rebellion. Until we retake the Reach, the Stormcloaks will plunder it's mines to fund further violence. FormID: 000A6CB2 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Hjaalmarch is an important buffer zone between the rebel forces and the capital. Ulfric will try to break through at some point. FormID: 000E6C7E CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Reclaiming Hjaalmarch lets me worry less about the rear guard, and push more men to the front. It was a mistake to let Ulfric control it for so long. pleased, but pointed. Reminding the person you are talking to that it is their fault you were even in this position FormID: 000A6CB3 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm losing my patience with this damn war. We must take Hjaalmarch back! The Stormcloaks will be beating upon the doors of the capital soon. FormID: 000A6CB4 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Ulfric will want to take Whiterun from us. But we will hold fast. We can't give the rebellion free reign through the center of Skyrim. FormID: 000A6CB5 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I can't believe we lost Whiterun. The rebels have a great advantage in controlling the center now. We must take it back! FormID: 000A6CB6 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 By holding onto Falkreath, we control access to the Reach, Whiterun, and the Rift. Ulfric will try for it soon. We'll be there to stop him. FormID: 000E6C82 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 By taking back Falkreath, we control access to the Reach, Whiterun, and the Rift. We should never have given it up. pleased, but pointed. Reminding the person you are talking to that it is their fault you were even in this position FormID: 000A6CB7 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I fear losing Falkreath may give too much advantage to Ulfric. The rebels now control access to the Reach, Whiterun, and the Rift. I want it back. FormID: 000A6CB8 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Taking the Pale gives us another port in Dawnstar, and puts us within striking distance of Windhelm. That should make Ulfric a bit more cautious, eh? FormID: 000A6CB9 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Controlling the Pale gives Ulfric a port town and takes the pressure off of Windhelm. But it's only a matter of time before it's back in our hands. FormID: 000A6CBA CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Now that we have Winterhold, I can garrison some troops there until I'm ready to march on Windhelm. FormID: 000A6CBB CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 There's not much up there, but if we can regain Winterhold, our proximity to Windhelm should keep Ulfric wary and wasting troops garrisoned at home. FormID: 000A6CBC CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I almost can't believe it's over. The rebellion is squashed, Windhelm is free. I must admit, Ulfric put up a stronger fight than I was expecting. FormID: 000A6CBD CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We will oust Ulfric from Windhelm soon enough. And when we do, I'll have his head on a plate. FormID: 000A6CBE CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Taking control of the Rift was a great victory. Ulfric must be rather nervous with us so close to his door step. FormID: 000A6CBF CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We need the Rift. We need to regain control of it before we can march on Windhelm without worry about our rear guard. FormID: 000A6CC0 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I almost can't believe it. The Empire has been defeated. The world bears witness to the power and righteousness of the sons and daughters of Skyrim. FormID: 000A6CC1 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Soon enough we will march on Solitude. And on that day the heroes of Sovngarde will march with us, and the Empire will fall to its knees in fear. FormID: 000A6CC2 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Now that the Empire has been driven from the Reach we can put a stop to the raping of her silver mines. That silver belongs in Skyrim. FormID: 000A6CC3 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 The Empire's ravenous hunger for Skyrim's silver makes them fierce. But rest assured, we'll win the Reach and wrest it from their greedy paws. FormID: 000A6CC4 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Tullius must be getting nervous. Taking Hjaalmarch we're practically in his backyard now. As soon as we're able, we'll march on Solitude. FormID: 000A6CC5 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We should take Hjaalmarch. It'll be an important pressure point on the Imperials. We'd be within spitting distance of the capital. FormID: 000A6CC6 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We've driven the Imperials out of Whiterun. This is good. Very good. We now control the center. It's a powerful position. One I aim to keep. FormID: 000A6CC7 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 The Imperials have really dug into Whiterun. We'll wrest it from them soon enough. We must. Its central position is key. FormID: 000A6CC8 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm proud we liberated Falkreath from the Empire. In many ways it's the heart and soul of Skyrim. Not to mention its rather strategic position. FormID: 000A6CC9 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 The Empire thinks it holds Falkreath from us. But the souls of Skyrim's bravest are buried there and will fill our hearts and strengthen our blades. FormID: 000A6CCA CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Tullius has camps in the Pale, entertaining thoughts of battle. The Empire still underestimates the force of our cause. It will be their undoing. FormID: 000E6C83 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm glad we've finally restored the Pale. It was extremely foolish giving the Empire control of another port. pleased, but pointed. Reminding the person you are talking to that it is their fault you were even in this position FormID: 000A6CCB CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I can't believe we let them take the Pale. Losing the port of Dawnstar is lessened only by the threat of Imperial forces being so close to Windhelm. FormID: 000A6CCC CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm not sure why Tullius is wasting his time trying to take Winterhold from us. But if he wants to throw his men away, I'll gladly accept that gift. FormID: 000E6C84 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm glad we've taken back Winterhold. While the Imperials were up there, important resources were tied up stiffening our northern border. pleased, but pointed. Reminding the person you are talking to that it is their fault you were even in this position FormID: 000A6CCD CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I don't like Imperial troops holed up in Winterhold... such a close march to Windhelm. So I'm sending a campaign up there to take it back. FormID: 000A6CCE CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Damn Tullius. He's pocketed men in the Rift. It's dangerous having Imperials skulking about on the southern border of Eastmarch. FormID: 000E6C85 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm glad we liberated the Rift. It was dangerous having Imperials skulking about on the southern border of Eastmarch. pleased, but pointed. Reminding the person you are talking to that it is their fault you were even in this position FormID: 000A6CCF CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Losing the Rift gives Tullius easy access to the south of Eastmarch. Talos preserve us. We must take it back! FormID: 000CE090 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm promoting you to Quaestor. appreciative and thoughtful Walk Away FormID: 000CE090 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 Take this blade, a symbol of your new station and responsibility. I'll keep an eye on your progress. The Empire rewards excellence, and so do I. bestowing rank Walk Away FormID: 000CE091 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Battles are won by trained and disciplined men. Wars are won by talented and exceptional individuals. sincerely offering a promotion FormID: 000CE091 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 I'm raising you to Praefect. Take this blade, as a gift and symbol of your new rank. You've earned it. sincere, offering a promotion FormID: 000CE092 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 You've come a long way. I don't think we could do without you. I'm hereby raising you to Tribune. Congratulations. sincerely offering a promotion FormID: 000CE092 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 Here, take this gift as a sign of the Empire's appreciation, and my own. sincere, offering a promotion FormID: 000CE096 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I have come to rely heavily upon you. It is only fitting that you join the upper echelon. I am hereby elevating you to the rank of Legate. sincere, granting a promotion of the highest order FormID: 000CE096 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 On behalf of the Empire, and myself, please accept this gift along with your new rank. sincere, granting a promotion of the highest order FormID: 000CE096 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 2 Congratulations. sincere, granting a promotion of the highest order FormID: 000CE097 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 However, I'm disappointed to hear that you fled from the field of battle. We do not reward cowardice in the Legion. I expect better of you. chiding a special soldier for being a failure Walk Away FormID: 000CE098 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We'll call you Ice-Veins now, for the thick blood of our land has seeped into your heart. appreciative and thoughtful Walk Away FormID: 000CE098 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 Here, take this. It's an Imperial officer's sword. A fitting weapon to use against our enemy. Walk Away FormID: 000CE099 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Some brothers have taken to calling you Bone-Breaker, evidence of your ferocity and determination. A fitting name. So we shall all call you thus. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE099 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 The war demands so much from us, and we give all we have to it and to the people... but I've kept a little something to offer you in appreciation. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE099 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 2 Please take this on behalf of all the brothers and sisters. genuine appreciation FormID: 000CE099 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 3 And I need capable and loyal warriors close at hand. So I'd like to offer you a home in Windhelm. Speak with my steward who'll make the arrangements. a sincere and hopeful invitation FormID: 000CE09A CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Multitudes of our enemies are buried in an avalanche of pain and retribution delivered by your hands. I shall call you Snow-Hammer now. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE09A CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 You show great passion for battle, and compassion for those we fight for. You are becoming indispensable to our cause. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE09A CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 2 We do what we do out of love for our brothers and sisters. Here, take this as a token of such love reciprocated. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE09E CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 You've become a true hero of Skyrim. I number you among my kin. You shall now be known as Stormblade. sincere. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE09E CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 1 The love of the land and her people flows from your heart, even as death to her enemies flows from your hands. sincere. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE09E CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 2 On behalf of the sons and daughters of Skyrim, on behalf of all that is righteous and true, take this token of our appreciation for your service. sincere. recognizing the player's efforts, offering an informal promotion FormID: 000CE09F CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 But I'm disappointed to hear you ran away from the battle. The gods do not reward cowardice. Nor do I. I expect better from you. chiding a special soldier for being a failure Walk Away FormID: 000E179A CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We found this in the Jarl's treasury after we captured the city. I thought you should be the one to have it. giving a gift in gratitude FormID: 000E18E6 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 We found this in the Jarl's treasury after we captured the capital. I thought you should be the one to have it. giving a gift in gratitude FormID: 000E18E7 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Found this among the dead. Something tells me I should give it to you. giving a gift in gratitude FormID: 000E18E8 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 Here. I want you to have this. Don't ask. Just take it. giving a gift in gratitude FormID: 000E1937 CW CWSharedInfo IDAT 0 I've come to rely on you. There's something I want you to have. It was my father's. It would be my honor if you carried it. giving a gift in gratitude FormID: 0002E19F CW CWHello HELO 0 Something to report? FormID: 000302D6 CW CWHello HELO 0 The General and I have our disagreements, but he's the best hope for both the Empire and Skyrim. FormID: 000302D7 CW CWHello HELO 0 Many of my countrymen joined the rebels. They can't see the big picture. Skyrim needs the Empire as much as it needs us. FormID: 0002E19E CW CWHello HELO 0 Make it quick. I get enough delays from politicians. FormID: 000302D2 CW CWHello HELO 0 I trust this is something important? annoyed FormID: 00076F1A CW CWHello HELO 0 There isn't someone less busy who can help you? annoyed FormID: 000A6386 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 The boss is going to cut those creepy cave people to pieces! FormID: 000A6387 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 Yeah! It'll teach them to steal from us! One of them took my good helmet. FormID: 000A6388 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 I hope one comes running up here so I can stab it right in the face. FormID: 000A6389 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 I would be fine if they didn't. Have you seen their eyes? They don't have any! Gross. FormID: 000A59A6 DB05 SCEN 0 La la la, la la la, la la la, la la la la. La la la, la la la la la laaaaaahhhh... Sung to the Elder Scrolls theme FormID: 000A59A7 DB05 SCEN 0 La la la, do do do do do, dum de dum dum... some made up song FormID: 000A59A8 DB05 SCEN 0 Dum, di di dum, dum di dum, dum di di di di dum da da dum. some made up song FormID: 000D5630 DB05 SCEN 0 Ba ba ba, bum ba, ba ba ba, bum ba, ba da da da, dum da da... some made up song FormID: 000D5631 DB05 SCEN 0 Dum, di di dum, dum di dum, dum di di di di dum da da dum. some made up song FormID: 000A56E1 DB05 SCEN 0 Vittoria! No! FormID: 000A56DE DB05 SCEN 0 Aaaaiiiiieeee! FormID: 000A56DF DB05 SCEN 0 What treachery? FormID: 000A56E0 DB05 SCEN 0 The bride has been murdered! Somebody help! FormID: 000A56E2 DB05 SCEN 0 No! Noooooooo! FormID: 000A4E80 MGRitual01 MGRitual01InitialBranch MGRitual01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I daresay you've learned all I can teach you. FormID: 000A4E80 MGRitual01 MGRitual01InitialBranch MGRitual01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 But... That doesn't mean there isn't more out there. FormID: 000A4E81 MGRitual01 MGRitual01InitialBranch MGRitual01Response1 CUST 0 Over the years I've heard things. Powerful magics lost to the ages, incredible spells that only the most skilled mages can master. FormID: 000A4E81 MGRitual01 MGRitual01InitialBranch MGRitual01Response1 CUST 1 This is the only thing I've ever found. I think it's better off in your hands. FormID: 000A4A5D C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundBlockEntryTopic CUST 0 What brings you here? FormID: 000A4A24 MQ104 SCEN 0 A dragon? shocked, in undertone (during speech) FormID: 000A4A22 MQ104 SCEN 0 What? shocked FormID: 000A4A20 MQ104 SCEN 0 Now we're in for it. FormID: 000A4A1F MQ104 SCEN 0 Shut up. under his breath - said while Sifnar is giving speech FormID: 000A4A1D MQ104 SCEN 0 No, Housecarl! approval during battle speech FormID: 000A4A1C MQ104 SCEN 0 No! shout of approval and anger FormID: 000A4A1B MQ104 SCEN 0 We're with you! shout of approval FormID: 000A4A26 MQ104 SCEN 0 Yeah! yelling/cheering FormID: 000A4A25 MQ104 SCEN 0 We're so dead... under his breath FormID: 000A4A23 MQ104 SCEN 0 Yeah! yelling/cheering FormID: 000A4A21 MQ104 SCEN 0 Let's move out. FormID: 000A4050 dunHaltedStreamCampQST SCEN 0 Gotta have a sharp axe to cut through all that fat... FormID: 000A4051 dunHaltedStreamCampQST SCEN 0 Hurry up with it, we've got a merchant in the pit to take care of after we carve this thing up. FormID: 000A4029 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 If there's nothing else, I really must ask you to leave. FormID: 000E82AB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I really appreciate what you've done for me. I'll never forget it. FormID: 000E82AA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Anything you can find would be of great help. Good luck. FormID: 000E82AC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep your eyes to the road. FormID: 000E82AD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Thanks again for the ice wraith teeth. FormID: 000E82AE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful looking for those teeth... those little bastards are dangerous. FormID: 000E82AF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep your belly full and your shoulders strong. FormID: 000E82B0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come back when you're ready to spend more gold... goodness knows I could use it. FormID: 000E82B1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Safe travels, landstrider. FormID: 000E82B2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good journey, marsh-friend. FormID: 0001362C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Return anytime. You're quite welcome here. FormID: 0001362D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, nothing but genuine fire salts will do... the forge knows the difference. FormID: 0001362E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you need any more smithing work, come see me again. FormID: 00021CE6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Thanks for your business. FormID: 00021CF2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was nice to meet you. FormID: 00021CF4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful out there... Riften can be dangerous. FormID: 00021CF6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Door's over there. Why don't you use it? FormID: 00036A37 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come back and see us again. FormID: 00021CF7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just get out of here. FormID: 00036A38 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you'll excuse me, I have other things to attend to. FormID: 00036A48 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Imperial bastard. FormID: 00036A7E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell, kinsman. FormID: 00036A89 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Support Ulfric or die trying. There's nothing in between. FormID: 00036A8A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Talos preserve you. FormID: 00036A8B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Talos guide you. FormID: 00041F03 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell. FormID: 00036A8C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 It's been good talking to you. FormID: 00036AF4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good, now maybe I can get back to work. FormID: 00036C24 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Well, that was important. sarcastic FormID: 00036C27 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come back and see us again! FormID: 00036C28 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Travel safe. FormID: 00036C29 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember to give at the temple. FormID: 00036C2A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Excuse me. Rude, as if saying to someone in your way FormID: 0003C4DE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 When I find that bitch, I'm going to wring her little neck. FormID: 0003C4DF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Visit me anytime. I'm not going anywhere soon. FormID: 0003C4E0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I believe we're done. FormID: 0003C4E1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Out of my way. FormID: 0003C4E2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't forget to check your supply chest from time to time. FormID: 0003C4EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 My experiments can't be completed until you've brought me those ingredients. Do hurry. FormID: 0003C4EC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now was it two parts giant lichen or three? Hm... As if lost in thought FormID: 00041F4C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 You'd do well to remember who's really in charge around here. FormID: 00041F5C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 You'd do well to remember who's in charge around here. FormID: 00041F5D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 May you return to Her Benevolence in safety. FormID: 00041F68 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 You represent Mara now. Set an example for all. FormID: 00041F69 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good journey, my child! FormID: 00041F6A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I don't know why I bother. FormID: 00041F6B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Try and get those marks without violence please. I don't want to be responsible for their deaths... or yours. FormID: 00041F6C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sure, leave. Not like you care anyway. FormID: 00041F6D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remain vigilant and don't trust anyone. FormID: 00041F70 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 You've been kind, I thank you. FormID: 00041F71 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Any healing potion will do. Please hurry. FormID: 00041F72 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 What am I going to do? FormID: 00041F73 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 A Dreth never forgets a friend. FormID: 00041F74 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, keep this to yourself. FormID: 00043DE7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please, come back and speak to me anytime. FormID: 00043DE8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be cautious, the pilgrimage to the Shrine is not an easy one. FormID: 00043DE9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'd ask you maintain civility while you're here. FormID: 00043DEA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good journey to you. FormID: 00043DEC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 You're welcome in Riften as long as you continue to obey our laws. FormID: 00043DEF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'm keeping my eye on you. FormID: 00043DF0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I have to remember... ward first, then summon. FormID: 00043DF1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Okay, now where did I put those spiders? FormID: 0004532D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 I see I still have much to learn. Lead on. FormID: 00083A97 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please be careful, I don't wish to be the reason for your death. FormID: 00045388 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just stay away from me and I'll forget we had this discussion. FormID: 00083A9A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Safe travels. FormID: 00045389 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch yourself around here, it isn't safe. FormID: 000453A1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Yes, yes... goodbye. FormID: 00054C99 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 You didn't need to leave so soon. FormID: 00054CA4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Give Vex a kiss for me. chuckle at end (obnoxious) FormID: 0005B2DC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful, the road to Shor's Stone could be dangerous. FormID: 0005B2DD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't forget us if you need supplies for your journey. FormID: 000A4033 DB05 SCEN 0 Honored guests. FormID: 000A4034 DB05 SCEN 0 Good people of Solitude. FormID: 000D5633 DB05 SCEN 0 Good friends and neighbors. FormID: 000A4036 DB05 SCEN 0 I just wanted to take this time to thank you all for being here. To thank you for sharing this wonderfully happy day with myself, and my new husband. FormID: 000A4037 DB05 SCEN 0 Are you all enjoying yourselves? Please, eat, drink, and make merry on this most happy of days. FormID: 000D5634 DB05 SCEN 0 My husband Aesgir and I thank you for coming to our reception. We thank you for sharing the love we have for each other. FormID: 000A402A DB05 SCEN 0 Today, the problems of Skyrim are not my problems. Nor are they yours. Today we are joined in peace and happiness. So please, enjoy yourselves. FormID: 000A402B DB05 SCEN 0 These days, it seems there is dread everywhere, whether it be war or dragon. But I beg you - here, today, put such fears aside. Enjoy yourselves! FormID: 000D5632 DB05 SCEN 0 In this courtyard, there are no Stormcloaks. There are no Imperials. There are only people, come to celebrate a union of two souls. So make merry! FormID: 000A4030 DB05 SCEN 0 I thank you all again for making this the best wedding a woman could ask for. FormID: 000A4031 DB05 SCEN 0 You have all helped make this a truly extraordinary wedding. All of my dreams have come true. So thank you. Thank you all. FormID: 000D562D DB05 SCEN 0 May you all be as happy in your lives as I know I will be in mine. Thank you again for everything. FormID: 000A4035 DB05 DB05VeezaraHelpBranch DB05VeezaraHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 I guess we should have expected this response, hmm? FormID: 000A4032 DB05 DB05VeezaraHelpBranch DB05VeezaraHelpPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Astrid ordered me to keep an eye on you. Figured you could use a hand when the chaos erupted. FormID: 000A4032 DB05 DB05VeezaraHelpBranch DB05VeezaraHelpPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 I'll try and hold them off as best I can. You get back to the Sanctuary! FormID: 000A4028 DB05 DB05VeezaraAlreadyHelpedBranch DB05VeezaraAlreadyHelpedBranchTopic CUST 0 We'll meet back up at the Sanctuary! I'll be fine. Go! FormID: 000A3F8B MQ105 SCEN 0 Do not be afraid. Your Shout will not harm us. FormID: 000A3F8C MQ105 SCEN 0 Shout at us, and let us taste of your Voice. FormID: 000A3F8D MQ105 SCEN 0 Strike us with the power of your Voice. FormID: 000A3F87 MQ104 SCEN 0 Let's make sure that overgrown lizard is really dead. FormID: 000A3F7E MQ104 SCEN 0 Damned good shooting, boys! FormID: 000A3F86 MQ104 SCEN 0 Is it really dead? FormID: 000A3F84 MQ104 SCEN 0 We killed it! I can't believe it! FormID: 000A3F83 MQ104 SCEN 0 I thought we were all dead for sure! FormID: 000A3F7F MQ104 SCEN 0 Look at that! FormID: 000A3F88 MQ104 SCEN 0 Everybody get back! FormID: 000A3F7C MQ104 SCEN 0 What's happening?! FormID: 000A3F85 MQ104 SCEN 0 Dragonborn? What are you talking about? confused FormID: 000A3F8A MQ104 SCEN 0 That's right! My grandfather used to tell stories about the Dragonborn. FormID: 000A3F89 MQ104 SCEN 0 I never heard of Tiber Septim killing any dragons. skeptical FormID: 000A3F7D MQ104 SCEN 0 There weren't any dragons then, idiot. They're just coming back now for the first time in... forever. FormID: 000A3F80 MQ104 SCEN 0 But the old tales tell of the Dragonborn who could kill dragons and steal their power. You must be one! awed and excited FormID: 000A3F4F MQ104 SCEN 0 No signs of any dragon right now, but it sure looks like he's been here. grimly FormID: 000A3F50 MQ104 SCEN 0 Spread out and look for survivors. We need to know what we're dealing with. FormID: 000A3E7C C00 SCEN 0 But I still hear the call of the blood. FormID: 000A3E97 C00 SCEN 0 We all do. It is our burden to bear. But we can overcome. FormID: 000A3E62 C00 SCEN 0 You have my brother and I, obviously. But I don't know if the rest will go along quite so easily. FormID: 000A3E6B C00 SCEN 0 Leave that to me. FormID: 000A3E7A C00 C00KodlakJoinUpStart C00KodlakJoinUpStartTopic CUST 0 Would you now? Here, let me have a look at you. FormID: 000A3E7A C00 C00KodlakJoinUpStart C00KodlakJoinUpStartTopic CUST 1 Hm. Yes, perhaps. A certain strength of spirit. FormID: 000A3E74 C00 SCEN 0 Master, you're not truly considering accepting him? FormID: 000A3E75 C00 SCEN 0 Master, you're not truly considering accepting her? FormID: 000A3E80 C00 SCEN 0 I am nobody's master, Vilkas. And last I checked, we had some empty beds in Jorrvaskr for those with a fire burning in their hearts. FormID: 000A3E95 C00 SCEN 0 Apologies. But perhaps this isn't the time. I've never even heard of this outsider. FormID: 000A3E5B C00 SCEN 0 Sometimes the famous come to us. Sometimes men and women come to us to seek their fame. It makes no difference. FormID: 000A3E5B C00 SCEN 1 What matters is their heart. tired of having to explain this again FormID: 000A3E5E C00 SCEN 0 And their arm. FormID: 000A3E72 C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakBackToThePlayerTopic CUST 0 Oh you're back. Do you still think you could stand as a Companion? FormID: 000CC83F C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakBackToThePlayerTopic CUST 0 Of course. How are you in a battle, boy? FormID: 000A3E73 C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakBackToThePlayerTopic CUST 0 Of course. How are you in a battle, girl? FormID: 000A3E68 C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakDontWorryAboutMe CUST 0 That may be so. This is Vilkas. He will test your arm. FormID: 000A3E65 C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakOffended CUST 0 Calm down there, whelp. Don't feel like you need to show off for our sake. FormID: 000A3E65 C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakOffended CUST 1 Vilkas, here, will be the one testing your mettle. FormID: 000A3E9A C00 C00KodlakBackToThePlayer C00KodlakTeachMeMaster CUST 0 That's the spirit. Vilkas, here, will get started on that. FormID: 000A3E98 C00 C00VilkasTrainPlayer C00VilkasTrainPlayerTopic CUST 0 Not here. Out in the yard. Come on. FormID: 000A3E99 C00 C00VilkasTrainPlayer C00VilkasTrainPlayerTopic CUST 0 The old man said to have a look at you, so let's do this. FormID: 000A3E99 C00 C00VilkasTrainPlayer C00VilkasTrainPlayerTopic CUST 1 Just have a few swings at me so I can see your form. Don't worry, I can take it. FormID: 000A3E7F C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestOver C00VilkasTrainingQuestOverTopic CUST 0 Not bad. Next time won't be so easy. FormID: 00074769 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestOver C00VilkasTrainingQuestOverTopic CUST 0 Now that's impressive. You're mightier than you look. FormID: 0007476A C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestOver C00VilkasTrainingQuestOverTopic CUST 0 What do you think this is? We don't do battle with magic around here, new blood. Now come at me. FormID: 000F82B0 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestOver C00VilkasTrainingQuestOverTopic CUST 0 Come on now, fight your own battles. FormID: 000A3E94 C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundIntroTopic CUST 0 I'm guessing you're the newcomer then? Walk Away FormID: 000A3E79 C00 C00EorlundIntro C00ImAScrub CUST 0 Oh, don't worry too much about it. They were all whelps once. They just might not like to talk about it. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E79 C00 C00EorlundIntro C00ImAScrub CUST 1 And don't always just do what you're told. Nobody rules anybody in the Companions. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E70 C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundNameAndGame CUST 0 Not actually a Companion myself, but none of them know how to work a forge properly, and I'm honored to serve them. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E70 C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundNameAndGame CUST 1 My name is Eorlund Gray-Mane. I work the Skyforge. Best steel in all of Skyrim. All of Tamriel. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E5F C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundImAGoodBoy CUST 0 That attitude would get you far, if you were some stuffy merchant or a Jarl's footstool. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E5F C00 C00EorlundIntro C00EorlundImAGoodBoy CUST 1 Around here, you'll want to learn to live your own life. Remember, nobody rules anybody in the Companions. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E8A C00 C00EorlundIntro C00CompanionsHierarchy CUST 0 Well, I'm not sure how they've managed it, but they have. No leaders since Ysgramor. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E8A C00 C00EorlundIntro C00CompanionsHierarchy CUST 1 Kodlak is the Harbinger, and he's a sort of advisor for the whole group, but every man is his own. Every woman, her own. Walk Away FormID: 000A3E7B C00 C00EorlundFollowup C00GetAMoveOn CUST 0 I have a favor to ask. FormID: 000A3E6C C00 C00EorlundFollowup C00EorlundWaitASec CUST 0 This isn't a command. Just decency. Help out an old blacksmith. I've got to get back to my work. FormID: 000A3E8E C00 C00EorlundFollowup C00EorlundHappyToHelp CUST 0 That's a good man. FormID: 000A3E8F C00 C00EorlundFollowup C00EorlundHappyToHelp CUST 0 Well done. FormID: 000A3E85 C00 C00AelaIhaveYourShield C00AelaIhaveYourShieldTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Good to see you made it up here. FormID: 000F11BE C00 C00AelaIhaveYourShield C00AelaIhaveYourShieldTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Wait... I remember you. So the old man thinks you've got some heart, I guess. FormID: 000F11BF C00 C00AelaIhaveYourShield C00AelaIhaveYourShieldTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Are you new here? FormID: 000A3E71 C00 SCEN 0 You know this one? I saw him training in the yard with Vilkas. FormID: 000F11BB C00 SCEN 0 You know this one? I saw her training in the yard with Vilkas. FormID: 000F11BC C00 SCEN 0 I told you, this is the whelp that Vilkas mentioned. FormID: 000A3E8D C00 SCEN 0 Ah, yes. I heard you gave him quite a thrashing. FormID: 000A3E5D C00 SCEN 0 Don't let Vilkas catch you saying that. FormID: 000A3E86 C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaCanYaTakeHimTopic CUST 0 There you are. I had wondered where you got to. FormID: 000CC83E C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaCanYaTakeHimTopic CUST 0 Do you think you could handle Vilkas in a real fight? FormID: 000A3E6E C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaWhoMe CUST 0 Ah, a man of action. FormID: 000A3E6F C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaWhoMe CUST 0 Ah, a woman who lets her actions speak for her. I knew there was something I liked about you. FormID: 000A3E64 C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaIfYouWereAnyOtherMan CUST 0 Woah, ease up there. We're rough, but there's no need to kill a Shield-Brother over a dispute. FormID: 000A3E64 C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaIfYouWereAnyOtherMan CUST 1 I like your fire, though. You'll make a fierce Companion. Let us hunt together sometime. FormID: 000A3E5C C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaNowGetOuttaHereYouBotherMe CUST 0 Here, let's have Farkas show you where you'll be resting your head. FormID: 000A3E9E C00 SCEN 0 Farkas! shouting at someone to summon them FormID: 000A3E69 C00 SCEN 0 Did you call me? FormID: 000A3E82 C00 SCEN 0 Of course we did, icebrain. This is meant affectionately FormID: 000A3E82 C00 SCEN 1 Show this new blood where the rest of the whelps sleep. FormID: 000A3E88 C00 SCEN 0 New blood? Oh, I remember you. Come on, follow me. FormID: 000F11BD C00 SCEN 0 New blood? Oh, hello. I'm Farkas. Come, follow me. FormID: 000A3E96 C00 SCEN 0 Skjor and Aela like to tease me, but they are good people. FormID: 000A3E96 C00 SCEN 1 They challenge us to be our best. FormID: 000A3E87 C00 SCEN 0 Nice to have a new face around. It gets boring here sometimes. FormID: 000A3E87 C00 SCEN 1 I hope we keep you. This can be a rough life. FormID: 000A3E9B C00 SCEN 0 The quarters are up here. Just pick a bed and fall in it when you're tired. FormID: 000A3E9B C00 SCEN 1 Tilma will keep the place clean. She always has. FormID: 000A3E9F C00 SCEN 0 All right, so here you are. Looks like the others are eager to meet you. FormID: 000A3E9F C00 SCEN 1 Come to me or Aela if you're looking for work. FormID: 000A3E9F C00 SCEN 2 Once you've made a bit of a name for yourself, Skjor and Vilkas might have things for you to do. FormID: 000A3E9F C00 SCEN 3 Good luck. Welcome to the Companions. FormID: 000A3E89 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 You've already turned down a job that I had for you. FormID: 000A3E89 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 1 Work needs doing, and if you're not up to it, maybe you're not cut out to be a Companion. FormID: 000C18B4 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 Be cautious. Beasts are not nearly as predictable as men. Give the thing a quick death. FormID: 000C18B5 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 Good. I knew that we could count on you. It's simply a beast, but be cautious. The beasts of Skyrim are made of sterner stuff than most. FormID: 000C18B6 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 I knew we could count on you. Get it taken care of right away. Nobody wants an animal left roaming around in their place. FormID: 000C18B9 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 You're not afraid, are you? Of animals? Come back when you find your spine. FormID: 000C18C1 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 Unfortunate, but someone else will take care of it. FormID: 000C18C3 CR00 CR00SharedInfos IDAT 0 I see. Well, should you change your mind, the contract will be available for a while. FormID: 000A3E66 C01 SCEN 0 Looks like someone's been digging here. And recently. FormID: 000A3E66 C01 SCEN 1 Tread lightly. FormID: 000A3E78 C01 SCEN 0 Be careful around the burial stones. I don't want to haul you back to Jorrvaskr on my back. FormID: 000A3E83 C01 SCEN 0 Shor's bones... how did they find this place? FormID: 000A3E67 C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02PostQuestKodlakBeginTopic CUST 0 I see you've been allowed to know some secrets before your appointed time. No matter. Yes, it's true. FormID: 000A3E67 C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02PostQuestKodlakBeginTopic CUST 1 Not every Companion, though. Only members of the Circle all share the blood of the beast. FormID: 000A3E67 C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02PostQuestKodlakBeginTopic CUST 2 Some take to it more than others. FormID: 000A3E6D CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03OnIt CUST 0 Of course you will. FormID: 000A3E61 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03NoThanks CUST 0 Fine, I'll get someone else to take care of it. FormID: 000A3E77 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04PlayerReject CUST 0 This work isn't for everyone. Maybe you're more cut out for those snowberries up in Winterhold. FormID: 000C1799 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04PlayerReject CUST 0 This isn't an order of cowards. I'll find someone more agreeable, I'm sure. FormID: 000A3C9A MQ00 TAUT 0 We've got to bring it down! FormID: 000A3C9B MQ00 TAUT 0 Don't let it get too close! FormID: 000A3C9C MQ00 TAUT 0 We've got to ground that bastard! FormID: 000A3C9D MQ00 TAUT 0 Come on! This is our best chance! FormID: 000A3C9E MQ00 TAUT 0 Attack while it's landed! FormID: 000A3C9F MQ00 TAUT 0 Now it's my turn, you son of a bitch. FormID: 000A3CA0 MQ00 TAUT 0 For the Blades! FormID: 000A3CA1 MQ00 TAUT 0 Let's get this over with. FormID: 000A3CA3 MQ00 TAUT 0 Come on. What are you waiting for? FormID: 000A3CA4 MQ00 TAUT 0 You're not afraid of me, are you? taunting FormID: 000A3CA5 MQ00 TAUT 0 Lorkhan's eyes, you're an ugly one, aren't you? taunting FormID: 000A3CA6 MQ00 TAUT 0 Remember Cloud Ruler Temple! taunting FormID: 000A3CA7 MQ00 TAUT 0 Did you think the Blades had been destroyed? taunting FormID: 000A3CA8 MQ00 TAUT 0 Now it's your turn, Thalmor bitch. FormID: 000A3CA9 MQ00 TAUT 0 The Blades will never be defeated, Thalmor dog. FormID: 000A3CAA MQ00 TAUT 0 I could use a hand here. FormID: 000A3CAB MQ00 TAUT 0 I'm not afraid of you. FormID: 000A3CAC MQ00 TAUT 0 For the Blades! FormID: 000A3CAD MQ00 TAUT 0 I wasn't looking for trouble. FormID: 000A3CAE MQ00 TAUT 0 I gave up this kind of thing a long time ago. FormID: 000A3CAF MQ00 TAUT 0 You can still run. It's not too late. FormID: 000A3DE7 MQ00 TAUT 0 You've brought this on yourself. FormID: 000A3E04 MQ00 TAUT 0 Thalmor dog! Death is too good for you. FormID: 000A3E2D MQ00 TAUT 0 You'll die knowing it was the Blades that sent you to Oblivion. FormID: 000A3E2F MQ00 TAUT 0 You're starting to make me angry. FormID: 000A3E60 MQ00 TAUT 0 I'm in a bit of trouble here. FormID: 000A3E63 MQ00 TAUT 0 I need some help with this one! FormID: 0006CCE2 MQ00 TAUT 0 You should not have meddled in the Thalmor's affairs. FormID: 0006CCE3 MQ00 TAUT 0 The Thalmor's memory is long. FormID: 0006CCE4 MQ00 TAUT 0 Esbern cannot elude us, fool. FormID: 000E0CA0 MQ00 TAUT 0 I shall sing of thee in Sovngarde! FormID: 000E0CA1 MQ00 TAUT 0 Feel the bite of my axe! FormID: 000E0CA2 MQ00 TAUT 0 It is glorious to battle once again in Tamriel! FormID: 000E0CA3 MQ00 TAUT 0 Feel the thunder of my voice! yell FormID: 000E0CA4 MQ00 TAUT 0 You will die for the glory of the Dragonborn! yell FormID: 000E0CA5 MQ00 TAUT 0 You are not worthy of Sovngarde! yell FormID: 000E0CA6 MQ00 TAUT 0 For the Dragonborn! attack yell FormID: 000E0CA7 MQ00 TAUT 0 For Sovngarde! attack yell FormID: 000E0CA8 MQ00 TAUT 0 My sword will taste of your blood! attack yell FormID: 000A3C64 MQ00 IDLE 0 Ah... the power of the dragon is yours! There can be no doubt that you are the Dragonborn of prophecy. FormID: 000A3C65 MQ00 IDLE 0 Alduin cannot ignore this for long. FormID: 000A3C93 MQ00 PCSH 0 Ah! I've heard of this Shouting, but never seen it. Fascinating... FormID: 000A3C94 MQ00 PCSH 0 I've read the dragon language, but to hear it spoken is most interesting. FormID: 000A3C95 MQ00 PCSH 0 This skill should prove very useful, Dragonborn. Fighting fire with fire, as the saying goes. FormID: 000A3C96 MQ00 PCSH 0 The dragons will surely fear your Voice. FormID: 000A3C4A WIRentRoomWalkTo SCEN 0 I'll show you to your room. Right this way. leading a patron FormID: 000A3C49 WIRentRoomWalkTo SCEN 0 Let me know if there's anything else you need. leading a patron FormID: 000A3BB8 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Roggvir. You helped Ulfric Stormcloak escape this city after he murdered High King Torygg. Strong, firm, you are pronouncing judgement at an execution in front of a crowd. FormID: 000A3BB7 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 By opening that gate for Ulfric you betrayed the people of Solitude. Firmly pronouncing judgement in front of crowd. Emphasis on [QUOTE]that gate[QUOTE] you're pointing to the gate you're talking about. FormID: 000A3BB5 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 There was no murder! Ulfric challenged Torygg. He beat the High King in fair combat. Determined, with almost religious fervor. You are speaking to a crowd at your own execution. FormID: 000A3BB3 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Such is our way! Such is the ancient custom of Skyrim, and all Nords! Determined, with almost religious fervor. You are speaking to a crowd at your own execution. FormID: 000A3BB9 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 On this day... I go to Sovngarde. With deep belief. You're about to be executed and asserting this to a crowd and for yourself. FormID: 000A34FD DarkBrotherhood DBNazirPreDB04aBlockBranch DBNazirPreDB04aBlockBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you seen Astrid? She needs to speak with you. It seemed urgent. Come talk to me afterward. FormID: 000A34FE DarkBrotherhood DBAstridPreDB04aBlockBranch DBAstridPreDB04aBlockBranchTopic CUST 0 Please. Not now. You'll know when I'm ready to discuss the issue. FormID: 000A34F7 MG02 SCEN 0 Well now... would you look at that. FormID: 000A34F5 MG02 SCEN 0 I never imagined we'd find something like this. FormID: 000A34F6 MG02 SCEN 0 Why is this buried so far within Saarthal? FormID: 000A34A3 Favor255 Favor255QuestReturn Favor255QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Hjaalmarch. Congratulations. FormID: 000A34A3 Favor255 Favor255QuestReturn Favor255QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A34A3 Favor255 Favor255QuestReturn Favor255QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000A34A8 Favor256 Favor256QuestReturn Favor256QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of the Pale. Congratulations. FormID: 000A34A8 Favor256 Favor256QuestReturn Favor256QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A34A8 Favor256 Favor256QuestReturn Favor256QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000A349B Favor257 Favor257QuestReturn Favor257QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Winterhold. FormID: 000A349B Favor257 Favor257QuestReturn Favor257QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you this weapon from the armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A349B Favor257 Favor257QuestReturn Favor257QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify the guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000A349E Favor258 Favor258QuestReturn Favor258QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Falkreath. Congratulations. FormID: 000A349E Favor258 Favor258QuestReturn Favor258QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A349E Favor258 Favor258QuestReturn Favor258QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000A34A2 Favor157 Favor157QuestGive Favor157QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I do. A personal matter. My father died trying to negotiate with the Forsworn, back when that was possible. FormID: 000A34A2 Favor157 Favor157QuestGive Favor157QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 They took his shield to those Hagraven beasts they consort with. I need you to bring it home where it belongs. FormID: 000A34A2 Favor157 Favor157QuestGive Favor157QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 I warn you, it's dangerous work. No man of mine has ever faced a Hagraven and lived. I'll understand if you decline. FormID: 00064B69 Favor157 Favor157QuestReturn Favor157QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You've honored my father's memory in more ways than I have words to say. FormID: 000A349C Favor157 Favor157QuestGive Favor157QuestGiveAccept CUST 0 Divines watch over you. FormID: 000A34A0 Favor157 Favor157QuestReturn Favor157QuestReturnContinue CUST 0 I hereby grant you permission to purchase property in my city. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000A34A0 Favor157 Favor157QuestReturn Favor157QuestReturnContinue CUST 1 And take this. A gift from the Jarl's personal stores. FormID: 000A322E RoriksteadSceneJouaneEnnis1 SCEN 0 The last time I was in Whiterun, the tradesmen were talking about you. It seems your reputation as a businessman is growing. FormID: 000A322D RoriksteadSceneJouaneEnnis1 SCEN 0 Glad to hear all my hard work has paid off. Maybe we'll fetch a better price for our crops next time we're in the city. FormID: 000A3230 RoriksteadSceneJouaneReldith1 SCEN 0 I picked up a set of fine silver brushes in the city, Reldith. I thought you might be interested. FormID: 000A322B RoriksteadSceneJouaneReldith1 SCEN 0 How thoughtful! I'll come take a look after supper. FormID: 000A322F RoriksteadSceneJouaneErik1 SCEN 0 Anything I can pick up for you on my next trip into the city, Erik? FormID: 000A3229 RoriksteadSceneJouaneErik1 SCEN 0 Thanks for the offer, Jouane, but I'm saving up for a new sword. FormID: 000A322C RoriksteadSceneJouaneLemkil1 SCEN 0 Good day, Lemkil. I saw some nice dresses for your little girls while I was in Whiterun. I'd be happy to purchase them, if you like. FormID: 000A322A RoriksteadSceneJouaneLemkil1 SCEN 0 We don't need your charity, Breton. If my girls deserve something nice, it'll be their father who buys it. FormID: 000A31DB RoriksteadSceneRorikEnnis1 SCEN 0 I hear your crops sold well at the market. Well done, Ennis. Cheerful FormID: 000A31D8 RoriksteadSceneRorikEnnis1 SCEN 0 I'm trying something new, offering discounts for bulk purchases. So far, that seems to be working. FormID: 000A31DA RoriksteadSceneRorikReldith1 SCEN 0 Are you making good progress with the planting? FormID: 000A31D5 RoriksteadSceneRorikReldith1 SCEN 0 So far, things are going well. Let's just hope the weather holds. FormID: 000A31D4 RoriksteadSceneRorikErik1 SCEN 0 Ah, there's nothing like fresh air and honest labor to bolster the spirit. FormID: 000A31D6 RoriksteadSceneRorikErik1 SCEN 0 True enough, but there's nothing wrong with a little adventure now and then. Not much excitement in working the soil every day. FormID: 000A31D7 RoriksteadSceneRorikLemkil1 SCEN 0 Those little girls of yours are growing like weeds, Lemkil. FormID: 000A31D9 RoriksteadSceneRorikLemkil1 SCEN 0 Yes, and just like weeds, they're nothin' but trouble. Irritated FormID: 000A3125 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Now that you mention it, there is. FormID: 000A3125 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I have a buyer with, shall we say, a very odd taste in literature looking for some particular books. the odd taste mentioned is repulsive, even for you FormID: 000A3123 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I'm told they're the ravings of a madman... a wizard named Arondil and his peculiar cravings. FormID: 000A3123 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic01 CUST 1 It's said to be spread across four volumes and very hard to come by. My client is offering quite a reward for them, which I'd split with you. FormID: 000A3122 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Then we have a deal. FormID: 000A3122 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic02 CUST 1 In his later years, Andoril moved into some ice caves known as Yngvild. He prefered the solitude in which to perform his, um... experiments. FormID: 000A3121 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Yeah, but you're into gold. Let me know if you change your mind. I'm not going anywhere. FormID: 000A311F FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I can't believe it. You have them already? FormID: 000A311F FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Here, take this. This should cover your end of the work nicely. FormID: 000A3120 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic04 CUST 0 It's a good start, but you need all four of the volumes or the set isn't complete. FormID: 000A3120 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Why don't you head back out to Yngvild and find the rest? FormID: 000A3127 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelArondilBranch FFRiften21VekelArondilBranchTopic CUST 0 Only rumors. He used to have a home in Dawnstar until they burned it down. FormID: 000A3127 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelArondilBranch FFRiften21VekelArondilBranchTopic CUST 1 The people say he was doing unspeakable experiments on reanimation... rituals only a necromancer would perform. FormID: 000A3127 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelArondilBranch FFRiften21VekelArondilBranchTopic CUST 2 After he made for Yngvild, he was never heard from again. FormID: 000A3126 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelJournalsBranch FFRiften21VekelJournalsBranchTopic CUST 0 Recently, a woman was found... naked and shivering along the road to Dawnstar. FormID: 000A3126 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelJournalsBranch FFRiften21VekelJournalsBranchTopic CUST 1 The only information the guard could get from her were tales of strange experiments and Arondil scribbling in his journals. FormID: 000A3124 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21ReturnBranch FFRiften21ReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Good. I was hoping you hadn't forgotten about it. FormID: 000A3124 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21ReturnBranch FFRiften21ReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 As promised, here's your payment for bringing them to me. Got it as part of a fair trade from my client. FormID: 000A2CD7 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 Spare a coin for a fellow Nord who's down on his luck? FormID: 000A2CD6 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 So you can spend it on drinks at the Bannered Mare? If it's food you need, ask for that instead. FormID: 000A2CD5 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 Never you mind, then. I'll find a more charitable soul. FormID: 000A2CD4 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 That's what I thought. FormID: 000A2CBF DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetResponse1 CUST 0 Oh. No, no, no. Don't you understand? Guilt, innocence, right, wrong.... Irrelevant. What matters is I ordered you to kill someone, and you obeyed. FormID: 000A2CBE DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetResponse2 CUST 0 Indeed. For you, my friend, seem to understand what's truly important. When I give an order to spill blood, you follow it. No questions. No remorse. FormID: 000A2CBD DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetResponse3 CUST 0 Hmph. When most would speak, you listen. You think. You understand that the only thing that matters is you following my orders. To kill. FormID: 00090DF6 Favor154 Favor154QuestGiverBranch Favor154QuestGiveAccept CUST 0 Good. FormID: 000A2C40 Favor250 Favor250QuestGiver Favor250QuestGiverTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of the Reach. Congratulations. FormID: 000A2C40 Favor250 Favor250QuestGiver Favor250QuestGiverTopic CUST 1 I grant you a personal Housecarl to watch over your home and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A2C40 Favor250 Favor250QuestGiver Favor250QuestGiverTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000A2C5A FavorJarlsMakeFriends IDAT 0 There is room in my court for a new Thane. It's an honorary title, mainly, but there are a few perks someone like you could make use of. FormID: 000A2C5A FavorJarlsMakeFriends IDAT 1 However, I could only grant the title to someone who is known throughout my Hold, and who owns at least one piece of property in my city. FormID: 000A2C5A FavorJarlsMakeFriends IDAT 2 You help my people and purchase a house from my steward, and I'll make you my Thane. FormID: 000A34A4 FavorJarlsMakeFriends IDAT 0 There is room in my court for a new Thane. It's an honorary title, mainly, but there are a few perks someone like you could make use of. FormID: 000A34A4 FavorJarlsMakeFriends IDAT 1 However, I could only grant the title to someone who is known throughout my Hold. FormID: 000A34A4 FavorJarlsMakeFriends IDAT 2 You help my people, and I'll make you my Thane. FormID: 000A2C6C HousePurchase HELO 0 The Jarl has appointed me to be your housecarl. It's an honor to serve you. FormID: 000A2C6D HousePurchase HELO 0 Long life to you, Thane. FormID: 000A2C6E HousePurchase HELO 0 I am your sword and your shield. FormID: 000A2C6F HousePurchase HELO 0 Honor to you, my Thane. FormID: 000A2C70 HousePurchase HELO 0 What do you need, my Thane? FormID: 000A2C71 HousePurchase HELO 0 Honored to see you again, my Thane. FormID: 000A2C74 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeUseInfluence CUST 0 No one in the Jarl's court is above the charge of conspiring against the city. You're coming with us. Walk Away FormID: 000A34BD DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeUseInfluence CUST 0 No one in the Jarl's court is above the charge of conspiring against the city. You're coming with us. Walk Away FormID: 000A2C51 DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 Oh, forgive me, Thane. I didn't realize it was you. FormID: 000A2C51 DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 1 We'll look the other way this time, but even the Jarl's influence has its limits. Be more careful. FormID: 00034039 DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 Wait... I know you. FormID: 0003403A DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 In the name of the Jarl, I'm ordering you to stand fast! FormID: 000F20AB DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 Since you put it that way, I think we can overlook your crime for now. FormID: 000F20AC DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 All right, all right. Just keep your voice down and don't let me catch you again. FormID: 000F20AD DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 Everything here appears to be in order. You can move along now. FormID: 000F20AE DialogueCrimeGuards IDAT 0 I can make all your problems with the guards go away. But it'll cost you. What do you say? FormID: 000A2C48 Favor252 Favor252QuestReturn Favor252QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Haafingar. Congratulations. FormID: 000A2C48 Favor252 Favor252QuestReturn Favor252QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you a personal Housecarl to watch over your home and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A2C48 Favor252 Favor252QuestReturn Favor252QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000A2C41 Favor253 Favor253QuestReturn Favor253QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun. Congratulations. FormID: 000A2C41 Favor253 Favor253QuestReturn Favor253QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you a personal Housecarl to watch over your home and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A2C41 Favor253 Favor253QuestReturn Favor253QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now. FormID: 000E0B8A Favor254 Favor254QuestGiver Favor254QuestGiverTopic CUST 0 I'd like to offer you a place in my court, as a Thane. It's mainly an honorary title, but there are a few perks. sincere FormID: 000E0B8A Favor254 Favor254QuestGiver Favor254QuestGiverTopic CUST 1 Now, by law and tradition, I can only grant the title to one who is known throughout Eastmarch, and who owns property in Windhelm. explaining customary requirements FormID: 000E0B8A Favor254 Favor254QuestGiver Favor254QuestGiverTopic CUST 2 If you do good works for the people and purchase a home from my steward, I'll name you my Thane. FormID: 000A2C7A Favor254 Favor254QuestReturn Favor254QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Eastmarch. Congratulations. FormID: 000A2C7A Favor254 Favor254QuestReturn Favor254QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I grant you a personal Housecarl to watch over your home and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000A2C7A Favor254 Favor254QuestReturn Favor254QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. FormID: 000A2C3F DA01 SCEN 0 The Star is free to purify itself. Don't worry, mortal. I will return you before you are cleansed. stern goddess, speaking inside the player's head FormID: 000A2C45 DA01 SCEN 0 Malyn's enchantments are broken. Hold on. I'm going to pull your soul out of there. Brace yourself. Reassuring, speaking inside the player's head FormID: 000A2BB4 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 I don't suppose you're going to buy something this time? Impatient, slightly annoyed FormID: 000A29A8 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic CUST 0 Are you daft? I told you not kill any of them. How much clearer do you need me to be? very angry - accentuate the [QUOTE]any[QUOTE] FormID: 000A29A8 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic CUST 1 How about the gold? Did you remember to bring it or is that too difficult an instruction as well. calming down, but still agitated FormID: 000A29A9 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic CUST 0 So, job's done and you even brought the gold. Best of all you did it clean. I like that. FormID: 000A29A9 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic CUST 1 Dumping bodies and keeping the guards quiet can be expensive. making a joke FormID: 000A29AA TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic01 CUST 0 I suppose it's not a total loss then. mildly annoyed FormID: 000A29AA TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic01 CUST 1 Let me give you a piece of advice. If you want to make some serious coin in this business you need to listen to rules. annoyed and scolding FormID: 000A29AA TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic01 CUST 2 Now, on to other things. FormID: 000A29AB TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic01 CUST 0 Well done. And it would seem I owe you something in return. FormID: 000A29AB TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneTopic TG01BrynjolfDoneTopicTopic01 CUST 1 Here you go, I think you'll find these quite useful. FormID: 000A2BB1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 Just browsin' today. If the gods be kind, someone will take mercy on me and spare a few septims. FormID: 000A29B8 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 If they do, promise you'll actually purchase something for once. FormID: 000A29B3 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 By Ysmir, I will. Gods know it's been too long since I tasted real meat. FormID: 000A2BBE DialogueWhiterunAnoriathYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 I've got a recipe for venison stew that I want to try out. Will you have venison anytime soon? FormID: 000A2BBB DialogueWhiterunAnoriathYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Certainly. I'll be sure to bring some back for you the next time I go hunting. FormID: 000A2BB6 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Make it quick, and there might be a bowl of hot stew in it for you. FormID: 000A2BB3 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Ah, Olfina. How may I help you? FormID: 000A2BB0 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Got any sausages? I'm cooking a special breakfast for a friend, and they're his favorite. FormID: 000A2A6B DialogueWhiterunAnoriathOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Would your good friend be named Jon, by any chance? I've spied the two of you talking quite intimately. Trying to be friendly, with a bit of [QUOTE]nudge nudge, wink wink[QUOTE] gossip thrown in. He's not disapproving, but he wants to let the gal he's speaking to k FormID: 000A724E DialogueWhiterunAnoriathOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Glad to see you're making new friends. I know Jon's death was hard on you. FormID: 000A29B5 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Best you forget whatever you think you saw, elf. Such idle talk can prove hazardous to one's health. A bit icy... this line is filled with warning. FormID: 000A29B2 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 How goes the begging today, Brenuin? Mocking FormID: 000A2BBD DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 That's right, mock the town beggar like everyone else. But I've got a right to browse, don't I? I ain't hurtin' anyone. FormID: 000A2BBA DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 Make it quick, then. I don't want your stink driving my customers away. Cruel, mocking a beggar FormID: 000A2BB8 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene1 SCEN 0 The gods smile on them who show charity. Best you remember that. Reproachful FormID: 000A2BB5 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Those green apples you sold me the other day were delicious. FormID: 000A2BB2 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Aren't they? I always set some aside for myself when the traders bring them up from the south. FormID: 000A2BAD DialogueWhiterunCarlottaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 I'm sure you could charge double for those and still sell them all within a week. FormID: 000A29B9 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 You're right. I'll have to remember that the next time I get a shipment in. FormID: 000A29B4 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Did you raise your prices, Carlotta? FormID: 000A29B1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 I had to. The farmers are charging me double for the produce I sell. FormID: 000A2BBC DialogueWhiterunCarlottaOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Let me guess, they're saying it's because of this trouble with the Stormcloaks? FormID: 000A2BB9 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Exactly. Road patrols were cut in half because the Jarl needed soldiers. Now the bandits are bolder than ever. FormID: 000A2BB9 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaOlfinaScene1 SCEN 1 They've been raiding the farms for food, and supplies are scarcer than ever. Maybe I should sell swords and armor, instead. FormID: 000A2BB7 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaOlfinaScene1 SCEN 0 Maybe, but they wouldn't taste as good as a loaf of fresh-baked pumpernickel. This is a joke, so feel free to throw in a laugh at the end. FormID: 000A27CF DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridNeedTimeBranch DB04AstridNeedTimeBranchTopic CUST 0 This is all just too much, too fast. Go get some work from Nazir. I need time to... to think... FormID: 000DD040 MQ104 HELO 0 I envy you the chance to see this dragon up close! FormID: 000A27B1 MQ104 SCEN 0 No! Get back! It's still here somewhere! Hroki and Tor just got grabbed when they tried to make a run for it! FormID: 000A27B0 MQ104 SCEN 0 Guardsman! What happened here? Where's this dragon? Quickly now! FormID: 000A27AF MQ104 SCEN 0 I don't know! FormID: 000A27B8 MQ104 SCEN 0 Kynareth save us, here he comes again... FormID: 000A2035 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Where is it? I know you were trying to keep it for yourself J'zhar... You always try to keep it for yourself! Crazed rantings of a skooma addict trapped in a frozen ruin, looking for his fix. FormID: 000A2034 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 No! There's got to be more Skooma... Shut up! Shut up! Don't lie to me J'zhar! You hid it! You always try to steal it from me! Rantings of a skooma addict going crazy in a frozen ruin, looking for his fix. J'zhar is his brother, who he killed trying to find more drugs. FormID: 000A2036 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 No... No! You must be the one who took my skooma! Crazed ramblings of a skooma addict trapped in a frozen ruin just before attacking the player FormID: 000A2013 CW02A SCEN 0 Listen up, legionnaires. Those Stormcloaks are here for the same reason we are. FormID: 000A2012 CW02A SCEN 0 Ulfric the Pretender wants that crown, but we're not going to let him have it. FormID: 000A2011 CW02A SCEN 0 I realize some of you may know men on the other side. But remember this. They are the enemy now and will not hesitate to end your lives either. FormID: 000A2010 CW02A SCEN 0 General Tullius is counting on us to bring back the Jagged Crown, and that's exactly what we're going to do. FormID: 000A200F CW02B SCEN 0 Listen up. Those Imperials aren't here by coincidence. FormID: 000A200E CW02B SCEN 0 Their spies must've found out we know about the Crown, and they don't want us to have it. But they won't stand in our way. FormID: 000A2028 CW02B SCEN 0 I know some of you are ex-legion and may know men on the other side. But remember this. They are the enemy now and they will not hesitate to kill you. FormID: 000A2015 CW02B SCEN 0 Keep your wits about you and watch your shield brother's back. FormID: 000A2014 CW02B SCEN 0 Ulfric Stormcloak is counting on us to bring him back that crown, and that's exactly what we're going to do. FormID: 000C9844 CW02B HELO 0 What? Get over with the rest of the men at Korvanjund. as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you still doing here?[QUOTE] FormID: 000C9845 CW02B HELO 0 Korvanjund. Remember? sarcastic, as in [QUOTE]why aren't you following orders?[QUOTE] FormID: 000A201F CW02B HELO 0 Good work! Lucky we had you with us today. FormID: 000A2020 CW02B HELO 0 That crown must be here somewhere. Keep looking. FormID: 000A2021 CW02B HELO 0 My pa always warned me not to mess with places like this. FormID: 000A2022 CW02B HELO 0 Careful. No telling what will happen the next time you mess with that door. FormID: 000A2023 CW02B HELO 0 Maybe that claw has a clue on it? You know, how to turn the rings so the door will open. FormID: 000A2024 CW02B HELO 0 Keep a sharp eye out. There's no telling what we might run into in here. FormID: 000A2025 CW02B HELO 0 All for an old crown, huh? shaking his head in disbelief FormID: 000A2026 CW02B HELO 0 The Imperials will be sorry they got in our way. FormID: 000A2027 CW02B HELO 0 So far, so good. FormID: 000A1A71 DA13 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. This will create a fine fume. FormID: 000A1A65 DA13 SCEN 0 That should do. Now - Inhale deeply. FormID: 000A1A93 DA13 DA13FetchTurnIn DA13FetchTurnInTopic CUST 0 Ah, have you? Let Kesh have them. FormID: 000A17E1 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 If anything actually happens, call a guard. FormID: 000A1959 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 If the guards in the Gray Quarter weren't a bunch of n'wahs, I wouldn't be here talking to you. FormID: 000A17E2 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 My men have their orders. But it's a big city, and there's a war on. Plus these murders. FormID: 000A17E2 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 A few dark elves getting shoved around doesn't really amount to much. FormID: 000A17EA DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Typical Nord. Beard for brains. FormID: 000A17E9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Watch that tongue, Rendar, or your whole lot could be down with the Argonians hauling ballast by tomorrow. FormID: 000A195A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicCity DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicCityTopic CUST 0 Well, nothing. At least not any more. Folk just call me that because of what I used to do. FormID: 000A195A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicCity DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicCityTopic CUST 1 I was a sailor for many a year. I made my coin as a trader and in time, I bought my own ship. FormID: 000A195A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicCity DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicCityTopic CUST 2 When I retired here in Windhelm, most folk already knew me as Captain Lonely-Gale, and the name just stuck. FormID: 000A17CB DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2 DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2Topic CUST 0 Terrible shame, that. Seems we have a killer on the loose here in Windhelm. FormID: 000A17CB DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2 DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2Topic CUST 1 He's claimed three victims that I know of, though maybe there's more that haven't been found yet. FormID: 000A17CB DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2 DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2Topic CUST 2 All lovely young ladies, too. Let's hope the guards find that demon soon, and introduce him to the headsman's axe. FormID: 000A193B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeople DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeopleTopic CUST 0 There's an author named Adonato staying at the inn. He's published a few works of historical fiction. FormID: 000A193B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeople DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeopleTopic CUST 1 The clans Shatter-Shield and Cruel-Sea see most of the gold that passes through the city. FormID: 000A193B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeople DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeopleTopic CUST 2 And obviously you have Ulfric, the Jarl and future High King. FormID: 000A193B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeople DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsPeopleTopic CUST 3 Oh, and that busybody Viola Giordano. She's got her nose in everyone's business, which I guess is one way of being prominent. FormID: 000A17E4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsActivitiy DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsActivitiyTopic CUST 0 If you're looking to pass the time, you can give Calixto a few septims and gawk at whater oddity he's come across lately. FormID: 000A17E4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsActivitiy DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsActivitiyTopic CUST 1 If you're need of goods, there's a market. If it's a soft bed and a hot meal you're after, there's Candlehearth Hall. FormID: 000A18C5 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTemple DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTempleTopic CUST 0 Talos, who in life was known as Tiber Septim, united Tamriel and founded the Empire. FormID: 000A18C5 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTemple DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTempleTopic CUST 1 He was rewarded for his deeds by being joined with the Divines in eternal glory. The only mortal to do so. FormID: 000A18C5 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTemple DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTempleTopic CUST 2 We worship him that we might follow in his path. We can't literally join him in the heavens, but we may do our best to know them here on Nirn. FormID: 000A17E8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTalos DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTalosTopic CUST 0 The Empire's elven puppetmasters never cared much for the idea of a human becoming a divine. So the worship of Talos is outlawed. FormID: 000A17E8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTalos DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsTalosTopic CUST 1 Skyrim doesn't take kindly to being told what to do. And to try and forget Talos, well... they may as well ordered us all to cut off our ears. FormID: 000A1929 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsClans DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsClansTopic CUST 0 Like anyone, a crisis will push them towards devotion. I've been seeing a lot of the Shatter-Shields, since they lost their daughter. FormID: 000A1929 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsClans DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsClansTopic CUST 1 Hillevi Cruel-Sea comes in a lot, but I haven't seen her husband here in years. FormID: 000A1929 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsClans DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsClansTopic CUST 2 Ulfric prays for strength. I speak to Captain Lonely-Gale, but he doesn't spend much time here. Too busy. FormID: 000A17E6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarterTopic CUST 0 Where else would we be? FormID: 000A17E6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarterTopic CUST 1 When the Red Mountain burned, you could scarcely breathe in Morrowind. So we came west. FormID: 000A17E6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarterTopic CUST 2 Windhelm is the first city on that road, and here we are. FormID: 000A17E6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmAmbarysGrayQuarterTopic CUST 3 If we had known the Nords would be so unwelcoming, we may have kept walking. FormID: 000A17E3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysNordsTopic DialogueWindhelmAmbarysNordsTopicTopic CUST 0 Well you see where we have to live. This forgotten alley. All the filth from the upper quarters flows downhill, like they say. FormID: 000A17E3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysNordsTopic DialogueWindhelmAmbarysNordsTopicTopic CUST 1 Good luck getting one of the guards to help with anything. FormID: 000A17E3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysNordsTopic DialogueWindhelmAmbarysNordsTopicTopic CUST 2 I tried to get Ulfric to even come down here to see the squalor, but the High Lord of His Mightiness couldn't find the time. obviously the title is facetious FormID: 000A1794 MS06Start HELO 0 I've got what I came for, I better get back to Dragon Bridge. FormID: 000D909D MS06Start HELO 0 Did you find anything at Wolfskull Cave? FormID: 000A17E5 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAmbarysMurders DialogueWindhelmAmbarysMurdersTopic CUST 0 None of that matters to me. Until someone takes a Dunmer, I let Windhelm deal with its own problems. FormID: 000A0E9B WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Calcelmo WIAddItem07CalcelmoTopic CUST 0 You are? Very good.... may I see it? excited FormID: 000A0E95 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Calcelmo WIAddItem07No CUST 0 Oh... what a terrible shame. Well, if you think you know where you left it and can retrieve it, I'll be here. disappointed FormID: 000A0E83 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Calcelmo WIAddItem07Result CUST 0 Excellent. Very good. This is exactly what I need to complete a series of studies I'm doing on Dwemer craftsmanship and magical resonance. thrilled FormID: 000A0E83 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Calcelmo WIAddItem07Result CUST 1 I simply must have this! I'll pay you double what it's worth. excited, no head for bartering FormID: 000A0F3C WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07HaggleSold CUST 0 Wonderful. You've just made an important contribution to the advancement of a Dwemer scholarship. pleased FormID: 000A0E9C WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07Persuade CUST 0 Well... I suppose important research is worth every coin. All right. You have yourself a deal. How's double and a half its value in trade? glad to have the item, but feels a little taken advantage of. FormID: 000A0E9D WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07Persuade CUST 0 With this the world could have a better understanding of the Dwemer! chiding someone trying to extort him. FormID: 000A0E9D WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07Persuade CUST 1 Come now, where's your sense of propriety? Extorting an old man like this. chiding someone trying to extort him. FormID: 000A0E98 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07Intimidate CUST 0 Hold on, there. I suppose, in the uh, interest of research... I can spare a few more coins. Double and a half its value. That's all I can muster. cowed, taken advantage of. FormID: 000A0E99 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07Intimidate CUST 0 Ha! I'll see to it the Jarl hears of your abuse of a court scholar. Shame on you. chiding someone trying to extort him. FormID: 000A0E94 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07NoDeal CUST 0 Oh... well... I can see you have no appreciation for scholarship. disappointed. FormID: 000A0E82 WIAddItem07 WIAddItem07Haggle WIAddItem07Success CUST 0 I'm glad we could come to an agreement. feels taken advantage of FormID: 000A0DF7 CW02B SCEN 0 Pick a man and put him down. We attack on my signal. whispering orders because enemies are nearby FormID: 000A0DEF CW02B SCEN 0 Time to show what you're really made of. FormID: 000A0DE2 CW02B SCEN 0 For Skyrim! FormID: 000A0DF9 CW02B SCEN 0 I don't like the look of this. Perfect spot for an ambush. Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side. FormID: 000A0DE3 CW02B SCEN 0 But there isn't any other way through. FormID: 000A0DF4 CW02B SCEN 0 You sure about that? Then please, be my guest and go strolling on in there. We'll stay here and watch your back... sarcastically putting a recruit in place FormID: 000A0DF0 CW02B SCEN 0 Not so sure? Oh, then perhaps we should take a moment to look around a little, eh? sarcastically schooling a recruit FormID: 000A0DF6 CW02B SCEN 0 You there, Unblooded, see if you can find another way through. We'll charge in to help as soon as we hear fighting. FormID: 000A0E04 CW02B SCEN 0 There may be some way to get through on the level above. Hurry! FormID: 000A0E05 CW02B SCEN 0 Maybe you can find a way through somewhere above us. FormID: 000A0E06 CW02B SCEN 0 You have your orders. Get moving. FormID: 000A0DFF CW02B SCEN 0 No, but I know they're out there. No other way they can come. Now shut up or you'll blow our ambush. FormID: 000A0DF1 CW02B SCEN 0 I don't like it. What are they waiting for? FormID: 000A0DE7 CW02B SCEN 0 Maybe they're so scared of you they ran away. FormID: 000A0E0F CW02B SCEN 0 Careful, boys. There's bound to be more up ahead. FormID: 000A0E0E CW02B SCEN 0 Don't give them a chance to warn the others! FormID: 000A0DFC CW02B SCEN 0 Steady. A few dusty bonewalkers aren't going to stop us anymore than the Imperials could. FormID: 000A0DF2 CW02B SCEN 0 Now let's keep moving. FormID: 000A0DE0 CW02B SCEN 0 What in the nine holds is that? FormID: 000A0DDE CW02B SCEN 0 Draugr. Ain't you ever seen one before? FormID: 000A0E0A CW02B SCEN 0 Ah! The Hall of Stories... we must be getting close now. FormID: 000A0DFE CW02B SCEN 0 One thing at a time. We're here for the Crown. Any of these carvings show a crown? FormID: 000A0DEB CW02B SCEN 0 Hmm, looks like this is as far as the Imperials got. FormID: 000A0DEE CW02B SCEN 0 Even if one of these pictures tells us where the Crown is, I'm betting we're going to have to find a way through that door. FormID: 000A0DDD CW02B SCEN 0 See what you can figure out, Unblooded. I'm going to check out these carvings over here. Let me know if you find something. FormID: 000A0DF8 CW02B SCEN 0 Hmm... that looks like some kind of claw from a statue. I wonder what it's used for. FormID: 000A0DEC CW02B SCEN 0 Look out! FormID: 000A0DE1 CW02B SCEN 0 I wouldn't do that again unless you know for sure it's going to open. FormID: 000A0E03 CW02B SCEN 0 Looks like the door will open if we turn these rings the right way. FormID: 000A0DE5 CW02B SCEN 0 Is there anything on the claw that might show how to open this door? FormID: 000A0DFA CW02B SCEN 0 Good job! FormID: 000A0DE9 CW02B SCEN 0 Alright everyone! Keep your guard up. No telling what we'll find down here. FormID: 000A0DEA CW02B SCEN 0 Come on, boys. Let's spread out and see what we've got. FormID: 000A0E00 CW02B SCEN 0 Unblooded, do what you do best. See if you can find some way to get that gate open. FormID: 000A0E07 CW02B SCEN 0 How's it going, Unblooded? You find anything yet? FormID: 000A0E08 CW02B SCEN 0 Keep looking, Unblooded. There's got to be some way to get that thing open. FormID: 000A0E09 CW02B SCEN 0 You see a lever anywhere? FormID: 000A0DF5 CW02B SCEN 0 That's done it! Alright, boys, let's get moving. We've got more... FormID: 000A0DE6 CW02B SCEN 0 Steady now! They may be uglier than Imperials but they'll go down just the same. FormID: 000A0DE4 CW02B SCEN 0 Let's hope that's the last of them. Come on, let's see what's down this way. FormID: 000A0DF3 CW02B SCEN 0 Oh... I've heard of this. They say these walls show the history of the ancients who built this place. FormID: 000A0DED CW02B SCEN 0 Too bad we can't read these carvings. Who knows what secrets we'd uncover? FormID: 000A0DFD CW02B SCEN 0 The crown must be around here somewhere. Spread out, and keep your eyes open. FormID: 000A0DE8 CW02B SCEN 0 We'll stick around here for a while and see if we can find anything else useful. FormID: 000A0D5E MQ203 MQ203EsbernRatway MQ203EsbernRatwayTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes. We should proceed cautiously. FormID: 000A0C8E DA11 COTN 0 Namira grants us victory. FormID: 000A0CDE DA11DialogueReachcliff MUNC 0 Praise to Namira! prayer, joyous FormID: 000A0CE4 DA11DialogueReachcliff MUNC 0 The feast has begun! joyous FormID: 000A0CE5 DA11DialogueReachcliff MUNC 0 I can smell the blood. Good and sour. joyous FormID: 000A0CE6 DA11DialogueReachcliff MUNC 0 Good. proud FormID: 000A0CFD DA11DialogueReachcliff MUNC 0 Is dinner ready? expectantly FormID: 000A0D24 DA11DialogueReachcliff MUNC 0 I love this part of the meal. joyous FormID: 000A0CDC DA11FIN DA11FINEolaBlocking DA11FINEolaBlockingTopic CUST 0 I knew when you walked into the Hall of the Dead that you were special. in awe FormID: 000A0CDC DA11FIN DA11FINEolaBlocking DA11FINEolaBlockingTopic CUST 1 And here you are. Champion of Namira. Keeper of her ring. You're everything I hoped you would be. in awe FormID: 000A0C3E CW02B SCEN 0 That's the way I like it. Short and bloody. They never knew what hit them. FormID: 000A0C40 CW02B SCEN 0 We had the advantage of surprise this time, but things won't be so easy from here on out. FormID: 000A0C3F CW02B SCEN 0 Enough talk. Let's go kill some Imperials. FormID: 000A0CB6 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaBlocking DA11FINEolaChoice01 CUST 0 It's an honor, champion. Feel free to stay and mingle with your new coven. FormID: 000A0C91 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaBlocking DA11FINEolaChoice02 CUST 0 There, there. It will pass. Going too long without a proper meal can make the stomach weak. FormID: 000A0C91 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaBlocking DA11FINEolaChoice02 CUST 1 Feel free to stay and mingle with your new coven, if you have the strength. FormID: 000A0947 CW02A SCEN 0 What's the situation? FormID: 000A0944 CW02A SCEN 0 Stormcloaks were already camped out around the entrance when we got here. They don't know we're here yet, though. soldier reporting to commander FormID: 000A0946 CW02A SCEN 0 Well, that's something at least. FormID: 000A0943 CW02B SCEN 0 What's the situation? FormID: 000A0942 CW02B SCEN 0 Imperials? Well, if they're keeping themselves comfortable, let's slip in and send them to their graves that way. shocked the enemy is here, but glad they will get the drop on their enemy FormID: 000A0941 CW02B SCEN 0 Cold as the inside of an ice wraith. That and some Imperials are camped out around the entrance, staying nice and warm around their fires. FormID: 000A0950 CW02B SCEN 0 low grim laugh FormID: 000A094D CW02B SCEN 0 low grim laugh FormID: 000A094A CW02B SCEN 0 Hail, Ilfhild. FormID: 000A0949 CW02B SCEN 0 Hail, Galmar. FormID: 000A0948 CW02B SCEN 0 No. And I'm not sure I'm better off for it now neither. FormID: 000A0945 CW02B SCEN 0 We're not leaving until we get what we came for. grimly FormID: 000A0354 CW02B GBYE 0 Don't wait around for me. I bet I'll beat you to Korvanjund even though you start first. FormID: 0009FC02 DA16 DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryBranch DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryBranchTopic CUST 0 Barring any more interruptions, perhaps we can locate the information I need. FormID: 0009FC01 DA16 DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryBranch DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryTopic01 CUST 0 We're looking for a book of alchemical recipes called [QUOTE]The Dreamstride.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009FC01 DA16 DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryBranch DA16ErandurBeforeLibraryTopic01 CUST 1 The tome bears the likeness of Vaermina on the cover. It should be here somewhere. FormID: 0009FBFD DA16 DA16BeforeLabBranch DA16BeforeLabBranchTopic CUST 0 Now that they've been dealt with, we need to find the Torpor. FormID: 0009FBFB DA16 DA16BeforeLabBranch DA16BeforeLabBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It should be in a small bottle, very similar to a potion. FormID: 0009FBFB DA16 DA16BeforeLabBranch DA16BeforeLabBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll begin searching up here. FormID: 0009FBF9 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLabBranch DA16ErandurAfterLabBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm relieved you discovered a bottle intact; this place looks as though it was ransacked by the orcs. relieved FormID: 0009FBF9 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLabBranch DA16ErandurAfterLabBranchTopic CUST 1 So... I've taken us this far, but you need to guide us the rest of the way. Drink. FormID: 0009FBFA DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLabBranch DA16ErandurAfterLabBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Dawnstar's fate rests in that tiny bottle. The longer we wait, the more damage Vaermina could be doing to those poor people. FormID: 0009FBFA DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLabBranch DA16ErandurAfterLabBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I understand your hesitation, but I promise you that it works. FormID: 0009FBFF DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Indeed. My reverence for Vaermina's machinations should not take precedence over our mission. My apologies. FormID: 0009FBFF DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic04 CUST 1 The inner sanctum lies ahead. We must reach the Skull and put an end to Dawnstar's troubles. Lead on, my friend. FormID: 0009FBFC DA16 SCEN 0 I call upon you, Lady Mara! FormID: 0009FBFE DA16 SCEN 0 The Skull hungers. It yearns for memories and leaves nightmares in its wake. FormID: 0009FC00 DA16 SCEN 0 Grant me the power to break through this barrier and to send the Skull to the depths of Oblivion! FormID: 0009F7E6 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17ForcegreetTopic CUST 0 You there! Ah... citizen. This area is off limits. bandit coming up with a scam as he is currently dressed in imperial soldier armor he took off some soldiers he killed. Walk Away FormID: 0009F7E6 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17ForcegreetTopic CUST 1 You are interfering in Imperial business. Yeah, so you'll have to pay us a fine... of say, 100 gold. Pay up, citizen. bandit coming up with a scam as he is currently dressed in imperial soldier armor he took off some soldiers he killed. Walk Away FormID: 0009F7E5 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17PayFine CUST 0 The, um, Emperor thanks you... Now shove off! bandit pretending to be an imperial soldier collecting a fine FormID: 0009F7E5 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17PayFine CUST 1 Er, rather, have a nice day, citizen. bandit coming up with a scam as he is currently dressed in imperial soldier armor he took off some soldiers he killed. FormID: 0009F7E3 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17Excuse CUST 0 Fine. If you can't pay with coin, you'll pay with your life! bandit giving up on his scam and just going to kill the obstinate victim FormID: 0009F7E4 WE17 WE17MainBranch WE17Refuse CUST 0 If you insist. Come on boys. This'll be fun. about to get into combat FormID: 0009F7E7 WE17 WE17Forcegoodbye WE17ForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Go on, get out of here! aggressive FormID: 0009F7E8 WE17 WE17Forcegoodbye WE17ForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Get out of my face! aggressive FormID: 0009F79F mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06WhatsCrystalFor CUST 0 It was a brilliant idea, really. Mostly mine, though Gavros took the credit. FormID: 0009F79F mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06WhatsCrystalFor CUST 1 Secret, though. Official Synod business. Can't talk about it. FormID: 0009F7A3 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelp CUST 0 You found... how in the world... FormID: 0009F7A3 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelp CUST 1 That's it. That's it! I don't know who you are, but you may have just saved this little project... FormID: 0009F7A3 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelp CUST 2 In fact, who are you, anyway? FormID: 0009F7A4 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelp CUST 0 I don't know what sort of help you expect from me, but if you can actually find the crystal I'd certainly be grateful. FormID: 0009F79E mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelpFollowUp CUST 0 You are, are you? FormID: 0009F79E mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelpFollowUp CUST 1 Savos wouldn't even grant us an audience when we came to you, but now you come here expecting something from me? FormID: 0009F79E mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelpFollowUp CUST 2 I don't much like this, I'll tell you. But you've saved my skin, so maybe I can overlook the past for now. FormID: 0009F79E mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06CrystalHelpFollowUp CUST 3 Come on, I'll explain on the way. FormID: 0009F79A mg06 MG06ParatusStage35Branch MG06ParatusStage35BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! So you did. FormID: 0009F79A mg06 MG06ParatusStage35Branch MG06ParatusStage35BranchTopic CUST 1 I was almost beginning to think Gavros had gone and gotten himself killed just to spite me. FormID: 0009F79A mg06 MG06ParatusStage35Branch MG06ParatusStage35BranchTopic CUST 2 Well, with the Falmer skulking around I can't very well do this on my own. I guess you'll have to come with me. FormID: 0009F79A mg06 MG06ParatusStage35Branch MG06ParatusStage35BranchTopic CUST 3 I'll explain on the way. FormID: 0009F79C mg06 SCEN 0 No matter what Gavros said, this was my idea first. The Council is going to know that when I get back. FormID: 0009F79D mg06 SCEN 0 I was the one who thought of using this... this Oculory. I don't know what the dwarves called it. Something unpronounceable, I'm sure. FormID: 0009F7A0 mg06 SCEN 0 From all our research, it seems they were intent on discerning the nature of the divine. FormID: 0009F7A5 mg06 SCEN 0 This machinery, all of it, was designed to collect starlight, and then... I'm not sure. Split it, somehow? FormID: 0009F799 mg06 SCEN 0 It was my idea to replace one of the key elements with our focusing crystal. Months of enchantments went into it. FormID: 0009F79B mg06 SCEN 0 Let's just hope they got it right this time. FormID: 0009F275 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 0 I suppose there's no point in concealing the truth any longer. FormID: 0009F275 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 1 My knowledge of this temple comes from personal experience. I was a priest of Vaermina. FormID: 0004E399 TG03 TG03MavenIntroFinBranch TG03MavenIntroFinBranchTopic CUST 0 Faith? I don't have faith in anyone. accentuate [QUOTE]anyone[QUOTE] FormID: 0004E399 TG03 TG03MavenIntroFinBranch TG03MavenIntroFinBranchTopic CUST 1 All I care about is cause and effect. Did the job get done and was it done correctly. There's no gray area. Accentuate [QUOTE]anyone[QUOTE] FormID: 0004E3AD TG03 TG03MavenIntroFinBranch TG03MavenIntroFinBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I hope not. This is an important job. wary confidence in player FormID: 0004E3AD TG03 TG03MavenIntroFinBranch TG03MavenIntroFinBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I have a competitor called Honningbrew Meadery that I want to put out of business. you don't like this meadery... they are a thorn in your side FormID: 0004E3AD TG03 TG03MavenIntroFinBranch TG03MavenIntroFinBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I also want to know how they managed to get the place up and running so quickly. FormID: 0002BA6B TG03 TG03MavenIntroFinBranch TG03MavenIntroFinBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Head to the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and look for Mallus Maccius. He'll fill you in on all the details. dismissive FormID: 0004E3AC TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntoBranchTopic00 CUST 0 The only reason we're having this conversation is due to Brynjolf's assurance you won't botch another assignment. FormID: 0004E3AC TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntoBranchTopic00 CUST 1 He claims you possess some sort of uncanny aptitude for your line of work. Quite frankly I find that hard to believe. Last line more obnoxious FormID: 0004E3A4 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroOutBranch TG03SabjornIntroOutBranchTopic CUST 0 I bought some poison. I was going to have my lazy, good-for-nothing assistant Mallus handle it, but he seems to have vanished. FormID: 0004E3A4 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroOutBranch TG03SabjornIntroOutBranchTopic CUST 1 If you plant this in the vermin's nest, it should stop them from ever coming back. FormID: 0002BA70 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroOutBranch TG03SabjornIntroOutBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Don't come back until every one of those things are dead. dismissive FormID: 0009F157 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic03aa CUST 0 Oh, very well. Here's half. You get the rest when the job's done. annoyed, but you've given in FormID: 0009F158 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic03aa CUST 0 Well that's not how I operate, so forget it. FormID: 0009F155 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic01aa CUST 0 Oh really? And I don't suppose you'd just do it out of the kindness of your heart, would you? sarcasm, not genuine question FormID: 0009F155 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic01aa CUST 1 I hope you're not expecting to get paid until the job's done. FormID: 0009F108 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic03ab CUST 0 Okay, okay. No need to make rash decisions. FormID: 0009F108 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic03ab CUST 1 Here's half. You get the rest when the job's done. FormID: 0009F154 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic03ab CUST 0 Yell all you want. It's not going to change my mind. FormID: 0009F15F TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic03ac CUST 0 My only demand is that these vermin are permanently eliminated before my reputation is completely destroyed. FormID: 0009E0DE DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Saffir! FormID: 0009E0DD DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Wait... I.... sighs as his wife walks away FormID: 0009E0B1 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I know your family's honor is important to you, but we can't afford it! Surprised and angry FormID: 0009E0AE DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 It took me weeks to find that thieves' den. I can't stop now, and I can't get the sword on my own. Determined, pleading. FormID: 0009E0AF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 So you're willing to starve your wife and daughter to reclaim some rusty old sword? angry FormID: 0009E0B2 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I just need to hire one, maybe two good men. You won't starve. Pleading, desperate FormID: 0009E0B3 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I'll put it plainly. You can claim your sword, or you can keep your wife. If you set foot outside the gate, I won't be here when you return. Angry, resolute, cold. FormID: 0009E051 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E05C MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E053 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E066 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E075 MQ306 SCEN 0 Sahrot thur qahnaraan (The mighty overlord is vanquished) FormID: 0009E055 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E05F MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E06C MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E04D MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E058 MQ306 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin los ok dovahkriid (The Dragonborn is his dragonslayer - The Dragonborn slew him) FormID: 0009E062 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E06F MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E04F MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E05A MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E064 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E072 MQ306 SCEN 0 Thu'umii los nahlot (His Voice is silenced) FormID: 0009E054 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E05E MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E06B MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E076 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E057 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E061 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E06E MQ306 SCEN 0 Mu los vomir (we are unallied/free of fealty) FormID: 0009E04E MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E059 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E063 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E071 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E052 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E05D MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E068 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E074 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E056 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E060 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E06D MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E067 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E070 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E050 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E05B MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E065 MQ306 SCEN 0 Alduin mahlaan (Alduin is fallen) FormID: 0009E073 MQ306 SCEN 0 Goraan! I feel younger than I have in many an age. FormID: 0009E073 MQ306 SCEN 1 Many of the dovahhe are now scattered across Keizaal. Without Alduin's lordship, they may yet bow to the vahzen... rightness of my Thu'um. FormID: 0009E073 MQ306 SCEN 2 But willing or no, they will hear it! Fare thee well, Dovahkiin! FormID: 0009E069 MQ306 MQ306OdahviingBlocking MQ306OdahviingBlockingTopic CUST 0 Pruzah wundunne wah Wuth Gein. I wish the old one luck in his... quest. [QUOTE]Good travels to the old one.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009E069 MQ306 MQ306OdahviingBlocking MQ306OdahviingBlockingTopic CUST 1 But I doubt many will wish to exchange Alduin's lordship for the tyranny of Paarthurnax's [QUOTE]Way of the Voice[QUOTE]. with a cynical chuckle at the end FormID: 0009E06A MQ306 MQ306OdahviingBlocking MQ306OdahviingBlockingTopic CUST 0 If Alduin himself could not stand against your Thu'um, I feel no shame in my own defeat. FormID: 0009E00A MS06Start MS06StartFalkReturnForcegreet MS06StartFalkReturnForcegreetTopic CUST 0 You've returned. Good. What did you find at Wolfskull Cave? FormID: 0009E00B MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema02 CUST 0 I wish you well friend. Be careful. FormID: 0009E007 MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice02 CUST 0 Summoned in spirit form is not raised from the dead. She'll need help before she can return to the living. FormID: 0009E007 MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice02 CUST 1 For the moment, the Wolf Queen has retreated to a place filled with dead eager to serve her. She has gone to her old Catacombs. FormID: 0009E007 MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice02 CUST 2 A few days ago, one of her servants busted through a wall into the Temple of Divines. We'll need you to go into the Catacombs themselves. FormID: 0009E009 MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice03b CUST 0 Good. Being at the summoning created a connection to Potema, you are the one to do this. FormID: 0009E009 MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice03b CUST 1 I can provide you with some help with her minions. FormID: 0009E006 MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice04 CUST 0 As to Potema herself, find what's left of her body, likely a skeleton. Remove it from the Catacombs and bring it back to be sanctified by Arkay. FormID: 000284E4 MS06 MS06StyrrHello MS06StyrrHelloTopic CUST 0 Ah Potema. Former queen of Solitude and one of the most dangerous necromancers in recorded history. FormID: 000284E4 MS06 MS06StyrrHello MS06StyrrHelloTopic CUST 1 She was responsible for the Empire's near collapse almost five hundred years ago. I believe I have a book about her... FormID: 0009E00F MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd02 CUST 0 Take this payment - the Jarl would thank you but she very much wants to keep Potema's return quiet. FormID: 0009E00F MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd02 CUST 1 Make no mistake we consider you a protector of Solitude. FormID: 0009E010 MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd02 CUST 0 Take this payment - the Jarl would thank you but she very much wants to keep Potema's return quiet. FormID: 0009E010 MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd02 CUST 1 Make no mistake we consider you a protector of Solitude. FormID: 0009E008 MS06 MS06StyrrQuestEnd MS06StyrrQuestEndTopic01 CUST 0 Excellent! These things do have a way of working out when people take action. I'll sanctify the remains. FormID: 0009E00C MS06 MS06StyrrQuestEnd MS06StyrrQuestEndTopic02 CUST 0 In case Falk doesn't make it clear - Solitude owes you a debt of gratitude. FormID: 0009E00D MS06 MS06StyrrQuestEnd MS06StyrrQuestEndTopic02 CUST 0 I hope Falk made it clear that Solitude owes you a debt of gratitude. FormID: 0009DFB9 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Been a while since I've seen one of those. What you've got there is a Stone of Barenziah. FormID: 0009DFB2 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Not like that it isn't. FormID: 0009DFB2 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The stone was pried off of Barenziah's ceremonial crown by a thief in order to cover his tracks. FormID: 0009DFB1 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I think there were twenty-four in all. Most people keep them as a curiosity. FormID: 0009DFB1 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Some of the Guild members have tried to locate them over the years, but they haven't been successful... well, until now. FormID: 0009DFB5 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Look, I only buy things I can turn around quickly for a profit. And no one wants those stones unless they have the whole set. FormID: 0009DFB5 TGCrown TGCrownIntroBranch TGCrownIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Tell you what, if you find the rest of them, talk to me again. Otherwise, keep it and maybe it'll bring you luck. FormID: 0009DFB6 TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic CUST 0 Unbelievable! You must be the first person to set eyes on all twenty-four of them in... well, the last two eras. FormID: 0009DFB3 TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic01 CUST 0 When I told you the set had to be complete, I left out a small detail... I honestly didn't think you'd ever get this far. accentuate the [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] FormID: 0009DFB3 TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If the stones were remounted on the crown, it would be of great benefit to the Thieves Guild. FormID: 0009DFBA TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I have it on good authority that the crown is within Tolvald's Cave; dropped by a Dunmer caravan leaving Morrowind long ago. FormID: 0009DFBA TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic02 CUST 1 If you can bring it back, we could restore the paragon... and reap its benefits. FormID: 0009DFB4 TGCrown TGCrownFinalBranch TGCrownFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 I knew you had it in you. After all, finding the Stones was no easy feat. FormID: 0009DFB4 TGCrown TGCrownFinalBranch TGCrownFinalBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I'm not one to welch on a deal, so here's your reward. I hope you put it to good use. I know I have. FormID: 0009DEAB DA11 IDLE 0 Many used to come to these caves. The forgotten. The wretched. nostalgic FormID: 0009DEA9 MS13 TRES 0 I'll need to lock up the store. Thank you so much for agreeing to help us. FormID: 000A30E5 MS13 TRES 0 I should lock up the store now. Thank you again. FormID: 0009DEAA MS13 TRES 0 Mara, I forgot how late it was. We'll need to lock up the shop. FormID: 000A30E9 MS13 TRES 0 Mara, I forgot how late it was. Need to lock up the shop. FormID: 0009DEA2 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive1Persuade CUST 0 Okay, well... I guess it's possible. I've been selling my sword arm for years now. Killed a lot of people. Could be someone wanted revenge. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0009DEA2 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive1Persuade CUST 1 But... But you're not going to kill me. Right? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0009DEA1 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive2Persuade CUST 0 I'm a woman living in Skyrim with six children and no husband. I don't have the time or patience to be [QUOTE]nice.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009DEA1 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive2Persuade CUST 1 Do some people look down on me? Have I made some enemies? You're damn right. FormID: 0009DEA6 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive3Persuade CUST 0 He he he he he he he. The real question is, [QUOTE]Would someone pay to have me killed... again.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009DEA6 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive3Persuade CUST 1 A day goes by without someone trying to gut me in the street, I get disappointed. FormID: 0009DEA5 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive1Intimidate CUST 0 Please! I don't know! I mean, I'm a soldier. I've killed people. When I was ordered to. Maybe there were some times... some times I got carried away? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0009DEA5 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive1Intimidate CUST 1 But war is war. Right? Nobody could blame me for that. Could they? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0009DEA4 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive2Intimidate CUST 0 I'm kneeling here with my hands bound and a sack over my head, and you have the gall to ask me that? FormID: 0009DEA4 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive2Intimidate CUST 1 What do you think, genius? FormID: 0009DEA3 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive3Intimidate CUST 0 Fool! Don't you get it? I live in the shadow of death every day. A knife in every doorway, a nocked arrow on every rooftop! FormID: 0009DEA3 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive3Intimidate CUST 1 If one of my enemies wouldn't pay to have me killed, I'd take it as a personal insult. FormID: 0009DE57 DialogueCarriageSystem HELO 0 Need a ride? FormID: 0009DE8C DialogueCarriageSystem HELO 0 I can take you to any of the hold capitals. FormID: 000C41DC DialogueCarriageSystem HELO 0 My carriage is the safest way to travel. FormID: 0009DD69 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWR TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWRTopic CUST 0 Olfrid sent ahead his compliments. Looks like his friend Arn is soon to be released thanks to his brand new identity. FormID: 0009DD69 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWR TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWRTopic CUST 1 More importanly, he's pledged the full support of the Battle-Born clan to the Thieves Guild. FormID: 0009DD6A TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchSO TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchSOTopic CUST 0 Erikur assures me that Captain Volf will spend pretty much the rest of his life clapped in irons. FormID: 0009DD6A TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchSO TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchSOTopic CUST 1 Best of all, he's also pledged to open doors for us in Solitude and to get things rollin' again. FormID: 0009DD6B TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWH TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWHTopic CUST 0 Torsten was gratified the death of his daughter was avenged and the heirloom was returned. FormID: 0009DD6B TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWH TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWHTopic CUST 1 At this very moment, he's layin' the groundwork for the Guild to reestablish itself in Windhelm. FormID: 0009DD6B TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWH TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWHTopic CUST 2 Burnin' that banner was a nice touch, too. Should send a clear message to the Summerset Shadows that we're a force to be reckoned with. FormID: 0009DD6C TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWH TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWHTopic CUST 0 Torsten was gratified the death of his daughter was avenged and the heirloom was returned. FormID: 0009DD6C TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWH TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWHTopic CUST 1 At this very moment, he's layin' the groundwork for the Guild to reestablish itself in Windhelm. FormID: 0009DD6C TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWH TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWHTopic CUST 2 I wished you could have sent more of a message to those Summerset Shadows upstarts, but hopefully they'll stay out of our business. FormID: 0009DD68 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchMK TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchMKTopic CUST 0 I hear Endon's quite pleased to have his merchandise back. FormID: 0009DD68 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchMK TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchMKTopic CUST 1 He's a powerful ally in Markarth. Should help the Guild regain a foothold in the west. FormID: 0009DD6D TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 0 The Guild's at full strength and we have you to thank for it. We've had our share of dark times, and now they seem like a distant memory. FormID: 0009DD6D TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm goin' to tell you'll somethin' you'll never hear me say again, and if you tell anyone I told you, I'll deny it. very serious FormID: 0009DD6D TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 2 When you walk through the Guild, don't be ashamed to hold your head high 'cause you're the best damn thief in the place. FormID: 0009DD6E TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 0 Success means that the Guild is gettin' stronger. We've picked up another merchant and a new recruit. FormID: 0009DD6E TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 1 Bein' a thief is like a second skin for you, ain't it? Never seen anythin' like it. FormID: 0009DD6E TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 2 If you don't watch out, you might even earn Vex's respect. Now that'd be something, eh? coy FormID: 0009DD6F TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 0 We're still growin' by leaps and bounds thanks to you. Another merchant's just moved into the space outside the Flagon. FormID: 0009DD6F TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 1 You're a natural. Never seen anythin' like it. FormID: 0009DD6F TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 2 We've got a long way to go, but don't let that bother you... it's a lot farther than we've been in years. FormID: 0009DD70 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 0 I think you'll find that the Guild is beginnin' to grow. We've had a merchant move into the space right outside the Flagon. FormID: 0009DD70 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranch TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic CUST 1 It's nice to shake the cobwebs off and get things rollin' again. Keep this up and I can see a bounty headed our way. FormID: 0009DD53 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, I never thought I'd see the Guild this way ever again. The place is growin' into what it used to be when Gallus was runnin' the show. FormID: 0009DD53 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Contacts are springin' up all over and I've got young footpads beatin' down the door to join up. FormID: 0009DD53 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 2 I got one last special request of you. Finish this one and all of Skyrim's ours for the takin'. FormID: 0009DD54 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know what your made of, but I've never seen anyone tackle this many jobs without endin' up dead or in jail. FormID: 0009DD54 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 We've got half of Skyrim back under our wing and the coin's startin' to flow. FormID: 0009DD54 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 2 Now, if you're ready, I got another special job for you. FormID: 0009DD55 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I've got another special request and they specifically asked for you. FormID: 0009DD55 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Your makin' a name for yourself, that's for sure. But more important, you're makin' a name for the Guild. Keep it up. FormID: 0009DD56 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, it appears your actions are startin' to make waves out there. People are talkin' about the Guild again. FormID: 0009DD56 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 In fact, I just got a special job request in. I haven't gotten anythin' like it in years. FormID: 0009DD57 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 0 Got word from Torsten Cruel-Sea in Windhelm that a rival Guild is tryin' to get itself started. FormID: 0009DD57 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 1 Not only that but they're givin' us thieves a bad name by murderin' their marks. FormID: 0009DD57 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 2 Get over there and see what you can do. FormID: 0009DD58 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 0 We actually got a request from one of the most powerful families in Whiterun, the Battle-Born's. FormID: 0009DD58 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 1 Make your way up there and look for Olfrid. He says he's got a matter that requires a delicate touch, and I suggested you for the job. FormID: 0009DD58 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 2 Don't make me the fool and let me down, all right? a warning, but subtle FormID: 0009DD59 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 0 I want you to head out to Markarth and speak to Endon. He's a silversmith... has some kind of a shop there. FormID: 0009DD59 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 1 His father was a good friend of the Guild back in the day, and we could really use his family's influence back on our side. FormID: 0009DD5A TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 0 I need you to make your way to Solitude and talk to Erikur. He's lookin' to run some kind of a shill job. FormID: 0009DD5A TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranch TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic CUST 1 Now, he's not exactly goin' to welcome you with open arms, but keep your cool. Do this job right and we've just made an important friend out there. subtle warning, this is important FormID: 0009DD42 MS08 GBYE 0 We will find her eventually. FormID: 0009DD43 MS08 GBYE 0 She cannot hide from us forever. FormID: 0009DD44 MS08 GBYE 0 If you locate her, find us in Rorikstead. FormID: 000D87E5 MS08 GBYE 0 Quickly, come with me. FormID: 000D87E6 MS08 GBYE 0 Find me the moment the Alik'r are taken care of. FormID: 0009DCCE DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 And you're sure? FormID: 0009DCD0 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I've dispatched a rider to Helgen. We'll know soon enough. FormID: 0009DCCD DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 By Ysmir, this is just what we need. There'll be panic in the streets if this proves true. FormID: 0009DCCF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Panic we can handle, Balgruuf. It's the dragons I'm not so sure about. FormID: 0009DCD1 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Hmph. FormID: 0009D9E9 MS06Start MS06StartSybilleForcegreet MS06StartSybilleResponse3 CUST 0 Listen you impudent cur. According to my scrying something happened at Wolfskull Cave that returned Potema to this world. FormID: 0009D9F0 MS06Start MS06StartSybilleForcegreet MS06StartSybilleResponse2 CUST 0 You weren't nearly as successful as you think, fool. According to my scrying the Wolf Queen has returned. FormID: 0009D9DC MS06Start MS06StartSybilleForcegreet MS06StartSybilleResponse1 CUST 0 I'm Sybille Stentor, court mage of Solitude, and according to my scrying you've managed to unleash Potema herself! FormID: 0009D9DF MS06Start MS06StartSybilleForcegreet MS06StartSybilleForcegreetTopic CUST 0 What did you do in Wolfskull cave?! FormID: 0009D9F7 MS06Start SCEN 0 I shall not be bound. FormID: 0009D9ED MS06Start SCEN 0 Something is wrong. There is an intruder. FormID: 0009D9E4 MS06Start SCEN 0 You ants don't have the power to bind me! FormID: 0009D9DE MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9F6 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9EC MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9E3 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9DA MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9F4 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9EA MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9E2 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9D9 MS06Start SCEN 0 What! What are you doing?! You fools! You cannot bind me to your wills! FormID: 0009D9F3 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9E8 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9E0 MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9D7 MS06Start SCEN 0 Yes! Yes! Return me to this realm! FormID: 0009D9EF MS06Start SCEN 0 Summoned with words. Bound by blood. FormID: 0009D9E6 MS06Start SCEN 0 As our voices summon you the blood of the innocent binds you Wolf Queen! FormID: 0009D9D8 MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9E7 MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9EE MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9E5 MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9DD MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9F5 MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9EB MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9E1 MS06Start SCEN 0 We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9DB MS06Start SCEN 0 Long have you slept the dreamless sleep of death, Potema. No longer. Hear us Wolf Queen! We Summon You! FormID: 0009D9F1 MS06Start SCEN 0 Wolf Queen. Hear our call and awaken. We summon Potema! FormID: 0009D9F2 MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JareeRaWalkawayTopic CUST 0 Just remember I'm here if you rethink your decision. FormID: 0009D6E7 CR08 CR08Hellos HELO 0 Please get me home! FormID: 0009D6E8 CR08 CR08Hellos HELO 0 Are you here to save me? FormID: 0009D6EA CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09StartQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been hearing rumors of Silver Hand activity. FormID: 000C24CA CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09StartQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been hearing rumors of Silver Hand activity. FormID: 0009D6EB CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in the Reach. FormID: 0009D6EC CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in Haafingar. FormID: 0009D6ED CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in Hjaalmarch. FormID: 0009D6EE CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in Falkreath. FormID: 0009D6EF CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in Whiterun. FormID: 0009D6F0 CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in the Pale. FormID: 0009D6F1 CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in the Rift. FormID: 0009D6F2 CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in Eastmarch. FormID: 0009D6F3 CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09WhereItsAt CUST 0 A group of them has holed up in Winterhold. FormID: 0009D6D0 CR09 CR09StartQuestBranch CR09GoGetEmTigerErWolf CUST 0 Run fast, my friend. FormID: 0009D6DC CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around the Reach. FormID: 0009D6DD CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Haafingar. FormID: 0009D6DE CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Hjaalmarch. FormID: 0009D6DF CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Falkreath. FormID: 0009D6E0 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Whiterun. FormID: 0009D6E1 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around the Pale. FormID: 0009D6E2 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around the Rift. FormID: 0009D6E3 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Eastmarch. FormID: 0009D6E4 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Winterhold. FormID: 0009D6F4 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10GoGetDemPlans CUST 0 If you can sneak into their camp and steal his plans, we'll have the advantage. FormID: 0009D6F5 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10GoGetDemPlans CUST 0 If you can sneak into their camp and steal her plans, we'll have the advantage. FormID: 000C8274 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11QuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 The Silver Hand has been scouring the world for more pieces of Wuuthrad. FormID: 000C8275 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11QuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 The Silver Hand has been scouring the world for more pieces of Wuuthrad. FormID: 0009D6DA CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04DoesntMatterNowDoesIt CUST 0 I don't know what the fight is about, and that's not our business anyway. FormID: 0009D6DA CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04DoesntMatterNowDoesIt CUST 1 I just need you to go out there, look tough, and scare this milk drinker into submission. FormID: 0009D6DA CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04DoesntMatterNowDoesIt CUST 2 No more than that. I don't want to hear about a killing, understand? FormID: 0009D6E5 CR04 CR04WhoopsMyBad CR04WhoopsMyBadTopic CUST 0 Shor's bones, boy. What did I tell you? FormID: 0009D6E6 CR04 CR04WhoopsMyBad CR04WhoopsMyBadTopic CUST 0 Shor's bones, girl. What did I tell you? FormID: 0009D6D1 CR04 CR04WhoopsMyBad CR04WellDontLetItHappenAgain CUST 0 I'm cutting your pay for this job. FormID: 0009D6D1 CR04 CR04WhoopsMyBad CR04WellDontLetItHappenAgain CUST 1 Be more careful next time. This isn't a game. FormID: 0009D6CF CR04 CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuse CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuseTopic CUST 0 Kind of fun to push people around sometimes, isn't it. Good work, brother. FormID: 000C15CA CR04 CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuse CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuseTopic CUST 0 Kind of fun to push people around sometimes, isn't it. Good work, sister. FormID: 000C15E6 CR04 CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuse CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuseTopic CUST 0 You seem to have a knack for this kind of thing. I'll make sure people in charge know. FormID: 000C15E7 CR04 CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuse CR04IMadeHimAnOfferHeCouldntRefuseTopic CUST 0 I figured you had it in you. Nicely done. FormID: 0009D6E9 CR10 CR10ComingBack CR10ComingBackTopic CUST 0 Perfect. Hopefully this will let us know more about their movement. I think we've got them on the run! FormID: 0009D6DB CR09 CR09ComingBack CR09ComingBackTopic CUST 0 Excellent. Looks like you've really driven them into hiding. Keep this up. We'll wipe them out, yet. FormID: 0009D5E2 MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 Not much further. Come, little thing. Serve me in death. Evil, Alluring, hushed. FormID: 0009D595 MG02 SCEN 0 I'm not the only one seeing this, am I? FormID: 0009D59B MG02 SCEN 0 Why, this is utterly unique. amazed, excited FormID: 0009CCCD DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaTokenBranch WhiterunOlavaTokenBranchTopic CUST 0 Token, you say? Let me see. FormID: 0009CCCD DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaTokenBranch WhiterunOlavaTokenBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh, goodness me. You're a friend of Gabriella's, then. Well, I guess we both know why you're here. FormID: 0009CCCE DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic1 CUST 0 Hmph. Yes. Yes, I surely can. It's not something I do lightly, mind you, and it's not as specific as you might want. But yes. I will do this for you. FormID: 0009CCCE DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic1 CUST 1 Please, relax. Free your mind. Yes, that's it... FormID: 0009CCCF DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 0 There's a cave. No, not a cave. A... home? A place you feel secure. You will find safety there... sanctuary. I see snow, lit by the star of dawn. FormID: 0009CCCF DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 1 And you are not alone. There are others. A child of night... a stalker of the sands? Oh, but before you are family, there will be blood. Such blood. FormID: 0009CCCF DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 2 Wait! There's something else... A potential for adventure, and wealth. It is a ruin, ripe for the plunder. Deepwood Redoubt. Far to the northwest... FormID: 0009CCCF DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 3 Through there is... Hag's End. The last resting place of an assassin of old. A Dark Brother, who bequeaths his ancient earthly possessions... to you. FormID: 0009CCD0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 0 Your destiny is dark. Oh yes, so dark. But much of it has been fulfilled. You have found sanctuary, and the comforting words of a mother's love. FormID: 0009CCD0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 1 And you have companionship. A child of night, and a stalker of the sands. Together, you are a family. FormID: 0009CCD0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 2 Wait! There's something else... A potential for adventure, and wealth. It is a ruin, ripe for the plunder. Deepwood Redoubt. Far to the northwest... FormID: 0009CCD0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic2 CUST 3 It is the last resting place of an assassin of old. A Dark Brother, who bequeaths his ancient earthly possessions... to you. FormID: 0009CCCB DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaReadingTopic3 CUST 0 No... no, that is all. Now... now please. I find myself very weary all of sudden. FormID: 0009CCD1 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaPaidReadingBranch WhiterunOlavaPaidReadingBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, very well. But my energies are low. I warn you - I won't be able to see much. Give me... five gold, and I'll do what I can. FormID: 0009CCD2 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunOlavaPaidReadingBranch2 WhiterunOlavaPaidReadingBranch2Topic CUST 0 Sorry, love, but I'm not a charity. FormID: 0009CC9A DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRentRoomBranch DelphineRentRoomTopic CUST 0 Are you joking? You just rented a room from me. FormID: 0009CC9B DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRentRoomBranch DelphineRentRoomTopic CUST 0 Sure thing. It's yours for a day. FormID: 0009CC9C DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRentRoomBranch DelphineRentRoomTopic CUST 0 What does this look like, the Temple of Mara? No gold, no bed. FormID: 0009CC93 DialogueGeneric RentRoomBranch RentRoomTopic CUST 0 Are you joking? You just rented a room from me. FormID: 0009CC94 DialogueGeneric RentRoomBranch RentRoomTopic CUST 0 Have a good rest. It's the big room with the double bed. FormID: 00079B1A DialogueGeneric RentRoomBranch RentRoomTopic CUST 0 Sure thing. It's yours for a day. FormID: 0009CC95 DialogueGeneric RentRoomBranch RentRoomTopic CUST 0 What does this look like, the Temple of Mara? No gold, no bed. FormID: 0009CA07 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene01 SCEN 0 A Forsworn agent. Running loose in the city. The Jarl is going to hear about this. FormID: 0009CA08 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene01 SCEN 0 The Jarl has things under control. Don't you worry. FormID: 0009CA09 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene01 SCEN 0 This was their city once. They won't stop until we're all dead. FormID: 0009C9FF DialogueMarkarthGenericScene01 SCEN 0 Now you're being ridiculous. This is our city. Not theirs. FormID: 0009CA00 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene02 SCEN 0 Someone was attacked in the market. Do you know who it was? FormID: 0009CA01 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene02 SCEN 0 I think it was Margret. Poor woman, she was just visiting the city from Cyrodiil. FormID: 0009CA02 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene02 SCEN 0 Yeah, but she was a Nord. And a noble. Perfect Forsworn target. FormID: 0009CA03 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene02 SCEN 0 You're being paranoid. We're in control of Markarth. Not the Forsworn. FormID: 0009CA04 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene03 SCEN 0 The Jarl is refusing to dispatch men to the front lines. Do you think it's because of the Forsworn threat? FormID: 0009CA05 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene03 SCEN 0 Please. Those savages are no match for us. The Jarl is just biding his time. FormID: 0009CA06 DialogueMarkarthGenericScene03 SCEN 0 Biding his time until what? Until another person is lying dead in the streets? Don't be naive. FormID: 0009C890 MS01IntroWorldScene SCEN 0 The Reach belongs to the Forsworn! loud declaration of violence FormID: 0009C892 MS01 NOTI 0 The Forsworn. Here inside the city. shocked and afraid FormID: 0009C893 MS01 NOTI 0 He was after Margret. Why? shocked, afraid FormID: 000D66CE MS01 NOTI 0 Damn. Another body to get rid of. annoyed, gruff FormID: 000D66CF MS01 NOTI 0 Betrid. No! We had a deal you Forsworn bastards! outraged and betrayed FormID: 000D66D0 MS01 NOTI 0 Why? We had a deal Madanach. A deal! outraged and betrayed FormID: 000D66D1 MS01 NOTI 0 Traitors. Traitors all of you! outraged and betrayed FormID: 0009C895 MS01 MS01GuardBlocking MS01GuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'll handle things from here. Move along. authoritarian FormID: 0009C897 MS01 MS01GuardBlocking MS01GuardTalk01 CUST 0 I said move along. The Forsworn are just a bunch of madmen. We have everything under control. Stay out of it. authoritarian FormID: 0009C898 MS01 MS01GuardBlocking MS01GuardTalk02 CUST 0 That's right. It isn't. authoritarian FormID: 0009C899 MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahBlockingTopic CUST 0 Margret. He... he killed her. Right in front of me. traumatized FormID: 000AB6F0 MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahBlockingTopic CUST 0 He... he tried to kill Margret. Right in front of me. traumatized FormID: 0009C89A MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahTopic01 CUST 0 She's a traveler, from the Imperial City. Came by every day looking for jewelry for her relatives back home. traumatized FormID: 0009C89A MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahTopic01 CUST 1 Why would anyone want to kill her? It doesn't make any sense. traumatized FormID: 000AB6F3 MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahTopic01 CUST 0 No. She's such a nice woman. Comes by every day looking for jewelry for her family in Cyrodiil. Is it because she's a noble? traumatized FormID: 000AB6F3 MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahTopic01 CUST 1 Why would anyone want to kill her? It doesn't make any sense. traumatized FormID: 0009C89B MS01 MS01KerahBlocking MS01KerahTopic02 CUST 0 I'm sorry. I don't think I can bare to sell anything right now. traumatized FormID: 0009C88F MS01 MS01HogniBlocking MS01HogniBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you see that madman? A Forsworn agent. Here in the city. disgusted, grim FormID: 0009C891 MS01 MS01HogniBlocking MS01HogniTopic01 CUST 0 Think he worked down at the smelter. Lot of the laborers there are sympathetic to the Forsworn. disgusted, grim FormID: 0009C891 MS01 MS01HogniBlocking MS01HogniTopic01 CUST 1 They promise people they'll kill off all the Nords that rule over the Reach. Nothing but murderers and saboteurs. disgusted, grim FormID: 0009C894 MS01 MS01HogniBlocking MS01HogniTopic02 CUST 0 Didn't you just see that woman getting attacked in front of us? We're closed. disgusted, grim FormID: 0009C20B MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroTopic CUST 0 So, it is done. Alduin dilon. The Eldest is no more, he who came before all others, and has always been. FormID: 0009C213 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroA1 CUST 0 Happy? No, I am not happy. Zeymahi lost ont du'ul Bormahu. Alduin was once the crown of our father Akatosh's creation. Zeymahi lost ont du'ul Bormahu = [QUOTE]My brother was once the crown of our father[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C216 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 0 Of course. Alduin wahlaan daanii. I would not have helped you if I thought otherwise. Alduin wahlaan daanii = [QUOTE]Alduin created his (own) doom[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C219 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroB1 CUST 0 You did what was necessary. Alduin had flown far from the path of right action in his pahlok - the arrogance of his power. pahlok = arrogance FormID: 0009C21A MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroA3 CUST 0 Indeed. Alduin wahlaan daanii. [QUOTE]Alduin created his (own) doom.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C21A MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroA3 CUST 1 His doom was written when he claimed for himself the lordship that properly belongs to Bormahu - our father Akatosh. FormID: 0009C20A MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroB2 CUST 0 But I cannot celebrate his fall. Zu'u tiiraaz ahst ok mah. He was my brother once. This world will never be the same. Zu'u tiiraaz ahst ok mah. = [QUOTE]I am sad at his fall.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C209 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC1 CUST 0 And so you fulfilled your destiny, which you once said you did not believe in. FormID: 0009C217 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC2 CUST 0 You once told me you did not believe in destiny. FormID: 0009C218 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC2 CUST 0 Indeed, you saw more clearly than I - certainly more clearly than Alduin. Rok funta koraav. Rok funta koraav. = [QUOTE]He failed to see[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C215 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroD2 CUST 0 Perhaps now you have some insight into the forces that shape the vennesetiid... the currents of Time. FormID: 0009C215 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroD2 CUST 1 Perhaps you begin to see the world as a dovah. FormID: 0009C212 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroD1 CUST 0 But I forget myself. Krosis. So los mid fahdon. Melancholy is an easy trap for a dovah to fall into. So los mid fahdon = [QUOTE]Sorrow is (a) loyal friend[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C212 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroD1 CUST 1 You have won a mighty victory. Sahrot krongrah - one that will echo through all the ages of this world for those who have eyes to see. FormID: 0009C212 MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroD1 CUST 2 Savor your triumph, Dovahkiin. This is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of Time. FormID: 0009C20C MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC3 CUST 0 Perhaps. At least it will continue to exist. Grik los lein. Grik los lein. = [QUOTE]Such is the world[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C20C MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC3 CUST 1 And, as you told me once, the next world will have to take care of itself. Ful nii los. Even I cannot see past Time's ending. Ful nii los. = [QUOTE]so it is[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]so be it[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C20D MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC3 CUST 0 I am glad you believe that. At least it will continue to exist. Grik los lein. Grik los lein. = [QUOTE]Such is the world[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C20D MQ306 MQ306PaarthurnaxIntro MQ306PaarthurnaxIntroC3 CUST 1 Even I cannot see past Time's ending to what comes next. Niid koraav zeim dinoksetiid. We must do the best we can with this world. Niid koraav zeim dinoksetiid. = [QUOTE](there is) no seeing through (the) end of time[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C214 MQ306 SCEN 0 Zu'u Odahviing. Call me when you have need, and I will come if I can. first sentence is formal - [QUOTE]I am Odahviing[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]You know my name[QUOTE]. FormID: 0009C20E MQ306 SCEN 0 As for myself, you've proven your mastery twice over. Thuri, Dovahkiin. I gladly acknowledge the power of your Thu'um. Thuri, Dovahkiin = [QUOTE](You are) my king/overlord, Dragonborn[QUOTE] FormID: 0009C20F MQ306 SCEN 0 And so Alduin's lordship passes to you. Thuri, Dovahkiin. I gladly submit to your mastery of the Thu'um. Thuri, Dovahkiin = [QUOTE](You are) my king/overlord, Dragonborn[QUOTE] FormID: 0009BE4C DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh yes, Cicero and the Listener! On the hunt! FormID: 0003AA74 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Off we go. FormID: 000379FF DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, but the Listener jests with poor Cicero. You already have company. You don't need my help at all. FormID: 00037A02 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 I am honored to be chosen. FormID: 0003AA76 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead on, Listener. FormID: 00037A04 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 But you already have a traveling companion. I fear I would just get in the way. FormID: 00037A1C DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 I am yours, Listener. FormID: 0003AA77 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener. FormID: 00037A26 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateFollowBranch DBCiceroStateFollowBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, well... You seem to already have assistance. Surely you mean to remain inconspicuous... FormID: 0009BE4A DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateWaitBranch DBCiceroStateWaitBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener! I will remain in this very spot until you tell me otherwise. Spiders could eat my face off and faithful Cicero would not move an inch! FormID: 0003AA6E DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateWaitBranch DBCiceroStateWaitBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener. I won't move unless you give the word. FormID: 0003AA6F DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateWaitBranch DBCiceroStateWaitBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll remain in this location until ordered otherwise. FormID: 0009BE4B DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateSanctuaryBranch DBCiceroStateSanctuaryBranchTopic CUST 0 Home again, home again! I'll return to the Night Mother straightaway! FormID: 0003AA78 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateSanctuaryBranch DBCiceroStateSanctuaryBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, of course. Mother needs me, after all. FormID: 0003AA79 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateSanctuaryBranch DBCiceroStateSanctuaryBranchTopic CUST 0 I will return to the Dawnstar Sanctuary immediately, Listener. FormID: 0003AA7A DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateSanctuaryBranch DBCiceroStateSanctuaryBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener. I'll be here if you need me. FormID: 0003AA7B DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateSanctuaryBranch DBCiceroStateSanctuaryBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener. I'll return to the Dawnstar Sanctuary without delay. FormID: 0003AA7C DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateSanctuaryBranch DBCiceroStateSanctuaryBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. But if you need me, just give the order. FormID: 0009BCA7 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPostQuestAliveBranch DBCiceroPostQuestAliveBranchTopic CUST 0 Listener! FormID: 0009BB8D MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleResponse3 CUST 0 You were told to find it, weren't you? FormID: 0009BB8D MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleResponse3 CUST 1 If the stories about the staff are true, if it really can absorb a tremendous amount of power, maybe we can break through Ancano's magic. FormID: 0009BB8C MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFollowUp2 CUST 0 Savos. Before... before he died. FormID: 0009BB8F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFinal CUST 0 He... He gave me something just a little while ago. FormID: 0009BB8F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFinal CUST 1 He told me it was from Labyrinthian, and that I would know what to do with it when the time came. FormID: 0009BB8F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFinal CUST 2 I think... I think he meant this for you, then. I'm not sure why, but there was something very personal about it for him. FormID: 0009BB8F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFinal CUST 3 Also, I think you should take this amulet. It belonged to Savos, but I think would do you the most good now. FormID: 0009BB8F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFinal CUST 4 Take it, and get out of here. Bring back that staff before Ancano brings the whole College down around us. FormID: 0009BB8E MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoBranch MG04Stage20AncanoBranchBlocker CUST 0 I said let's go. Now. FormID: 0009BB33 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusNeverMind CUST 0 Arkay watch over you. short prayer while walking away FormID: 0009BB3A DA11 SCEN 0 Yes. I'm your friend, and I've invited you to dinner. hypnotizing a victim FormID: 0009BB39 DA11 SCEN 0 I've been invited to dinner.... I'm so hungry.... being hypnotized FormID: 0009BB38 DA11 SCEN 0 Why don't you lay down and rest, while we get the meal ready? hypnotizing a victim FormID: 0009BB37 DA11 SCEN 0 I need to lay down. I'll just be a minute.... being hypnotized FormID: 0009BB36 DA11 SCEN 0 Come with me. Our feast is about to begin. gently commanding FormID: 0009BB35 DA11 SCEN 0 The meal is on Namira's table. Go ahead. Carve. cannibal, gently commanding FormID: 0009BE1E WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE2C WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE2D WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE30 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE39 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE3A WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE3B WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BE3C WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Watching you reminds me of my first days as an enchanter. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C1AF WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C1CB WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C1CC WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C1D7 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C1EA WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C1F9 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C22F WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C251 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 That's a decent enchantment. But keep studying, you've only scratched the surface. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2DD WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2DE WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2DF WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2E0 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2E1 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2E2 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2E3 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2E4 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Well done. Not many enchanters could pull that off. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDB0 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDB4 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDBD WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDCA WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDCB WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDCC WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDCD WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BDCE WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Now that's how it's done! I doubt anyone in Skyrim could have weaved a better enchantment. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BEC0 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF12 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF13 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF14 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF15 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF1D WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF1E WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BF2D WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 Ah, fire. A capricious element. Often deadly, but always exciting. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B2 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B3 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B4 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B5 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B6 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B7 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B8 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2B9 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's wise to carry a few summoning enchantments around. commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2BA WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2BB WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2BC WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2BD WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2BE WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2BF WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2C0 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009C2C1 WICraftItem02 SCEN 0 It's intriguing the way certain materials are more or less receptive to the force of lightning, is it not? commenting on another enchanters creation FormID: 0009BFFC WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BFFD WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BFFE WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C06A WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C09D WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C0E8 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C101 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C102 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C103 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An [QUOTE]interesting[QUOTE] mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C2CB WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2CC WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2CD WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2CE WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2CF WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2D0 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2D1 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2D2 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009C2D3 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a good concoction. But keep trying new things. Alchemy rewards inquisitive minds. compliment FormID: 0009BE43 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE54 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE55 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE56 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE59 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE5C WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE70 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE71 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE72 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 An excellent elixir. Your technique shows a command of the alchemical art. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C252 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C26C WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C270 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C272 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C27A WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C287 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C298 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C29C WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2A0 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've produced a rarefied solution there, an infusion of pure essences. Artfully done. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2E5 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2E6 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2E7 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2E8 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2E9 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2EA WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2EB WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2EC WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009C2ED WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 You've brewed a truly vile poison there. I pity the beast that tastes that. (a compliment) commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF2E WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF2F WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF71 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF72 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF73 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF74 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF75 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF76 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009BF77 WICraftItem03 SCEN 0 That's a fine potion you've put together. commenting on another alchemists creation FormID: 0009B9CD DA16 DA16ErandurOutsideBranch DA16ErandurOutsideBranchTopic CUST 0 Before we enter, I must warn you about the dangers that could be lurking within. FormID: 0009B9CD DA16 DA16ErandurOutsideBranch DA16ErandurOutsideBranchTopic CUST 1 Years ago, this temple was raided by an orc war party seeking revenge... they were being plagued by nightmares just like the people of Dawnstar. FormID: 0009B9CF DA16 DA16ErandurOutsideBranch DA16ErandurOutsideBranchTopic02 CUST 0 No. Knowing they could never defeat the orcs, the priests of Vaermina released what they call [QUOTE]The Miasma,[QUOTE] putting everyone to sleep. FormID: 000C15EB CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04PlayerAccept CUST 0 Try not to get carried away. FormID: 0009B14D CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04PlayerAccept CUST 0 Go. Bring honor to yourself, and the Companions. FormID: 000C15EC CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04PlayerAccept CUST 0 Get to it, then. FormID: 0009B14E CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle over in the Reach. FormID: 0009D6D2 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle up in Haafingar. FormID: 0009D6D3 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle up in Hjaalmarch. FormID: 0009D6D4 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle down in Falkreath. FormID: 0009D6D5 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle right here in Whiterun Hold. FormID: 0009D6D6 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle out in the Pale. FormID: 0009D6D7 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle over in the Rift. FormID: 0009D6D8 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle over in Eastmarch. FormID: 0009D6D9 CR04 CR04StartBranch CR04StartBranchTopic CUST 0 We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle all the way in Winterhold. FormID: 0009B033 DialogueRorikstead RorikPatrolCommentBranch RorikPatrolCommentTopic RUMO 0 Nothing refreshes the soul like an honest day's labor in good, tilled earth. FormID: 0009B034 DialogueRorikstead RorikPatrolCommentBranch RorikPatrolCommentTopic RUMO 0 Looks like it's going to be a bountiful harvest once again. The gods continue to smile upon us. FormID: 0009B035 DialogueRorikstead RorikPatrolCommentBranch RorikPatrolCommentTopic RUMO 0 It's remarkable that our farms are so prosperous given the harsh winters of late. FormID: 0009B038 RoriksteadSceneRorikJouane1 SCEN 0 Looks like we're in for quite a harvest. We've had better luck with our planting than any village in the hold. FormID: 0009B026 RoriksteadSceneRorikJouane1 SCEN 0 Luck? I think it has more to do with the hard work and good soil. FormID: 0009B017 RoriksteadSceneRorikJouane1 SCEN 0 Maybe you're right. Even so, I can't help wondering if some other force it at work here. FormID: 0009B02C RoriksteadSceneRorikJouane2 SCEN 0 The last wheat shipment fetched a fine price at market. FormID: 0009B01D RoriksteadSceneRorikJouane2 SCEN 0 Well done! I don't know where I'd be without you, my old friend. FormID: 0009B00E RoriksteadSceneRorikJouane2 SCEN 0 It pleases me to know that I can still be of use even in the twilight of my life. FormID: 0009B031 RoriksteadSceneBritteSissel3 SCEN 0 Look at you! You're as filthy as a pig in a pen! Mocking FormID: 0009B022 RoriksteadSceneBritteSissel3 SCEN 0 I am not! You're lying! Angry FormID: 0009B013 RoriksteadSceneBritteSissel3 SCEN 0 You smell like a pig's pen, too. What a stink! Have you been rolling in the dirt all day? Mocking FormID: 0009B03A RoriksteadSceneBritteSissel3 SCEN 0 You're a liar! I won't listen to you. Leave me alone! Angry FormID: 0009B036 RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik01 SCEN 0 Father, how old were you when you left home? FormID: 0009B024 RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik01 SCEN 0 I know where this is going, son. As I've said many a time. the world is a dangerous place. You're much safer here at the farm, with me. FormID: 0009B015 RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik01 SCEN 0 But I don't want to be safe! I'm not afraid of the dangers out there. The only thing I'm afraid of is wasting my life on this farm. Exasperated FormID: 0009B03C RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik01 SCEN 0 Yes, that's your mother's side of the family talking. Just stay on for one more season, that's all I ask. FormID: 0009B02A RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik02 SCEN 0 I heard you sneaking around downstairs last night. Were you trying to break into my chest again, son? I've told you to leave it alone. Scolding FormID: 0009B01B RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik02 SCEN 0 I just wanted to try on your old armor, from back when you were a soldier. I thought I might be old enough to wear it. Plaintive, maybe a bit guilty. He was caught doing something he should not have been doing. FormID: 0009B00D RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik02 SCEN 0 I've told you a hundred times, I lock that chest for a reason. I don't want you getting a head full of ideas about adventure and glory. FormID: 0009B030 RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik02 SCEN 0 I'm old enough to decide how to live my life, and I'd be honored to wear your armor, if you'd just let me. I'm strong enough to handle it. FormID: 0009B021 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith01 SCEN 0 Another fine day at work in the fields. I don't envy those city folk who miss out on the joys of working the land. FormID: 0009B012 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith01 SCEN 0 I'll tell you who I don't envy - those poor children who lost their parents in this war. FormID: 0009B039 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith01 SCEN 0 Lives lost, crops burned, land ruined... there's no greater sin than war. And yet, you were an orphan, and you've made something of your life. FormID: 0009B027 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith01 SCEN 0 I was lucky. If you hadn't rescued me, I'd probably be a thief, a mercenary or something even worse. FormID: 0009B018 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith01 SCEN 0 It's too fine a day to dwell on such things. Let's get back to work and forget about wars and orphans for awhile. FormID: 0009B03F RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith02 SCEN 0 The way our crops have been growing, Rorikstead must have the richest soil in the hold. FormID: 0009B02D RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith02 SCEN 0 Maybe we should start selling the soil along with the dung. We could make a tidy profit. FormID: 0009B01E RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith02 SCEN 0 Hah! Who in their right mind would pay for dirt? You'd get laughed out of Whiterun for even trying it. Mocking FormID: 0009B00F RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith02 SCEN 0 Hey, people have paid money for stranger things. Take our cow dung - we sell that by the wagon load. FormID: 0009B032 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith02 SCEN 0 When you're rich, you can waste as much money as you like on far-fetched business ideas. In the meantime, there's a farm to run. Mocking FormID: 0009B023 RoriksteadSceneLemkilErik01 SCEN 0 I'm not saying it's my business, but I have to ask. Why are you so cruel to your little girls? FormID: 0009B014 RoriksteadSceneLemkilErik01 SCEN 0 You're right, it's none of your business. How about you keep your nose out of it? Hostile FormID: 0009B03B RoriksteadSceneLemkilErik01 SCEN 0 You keep on like you are, you'll end up with two daughters who hate you. FormID: 0009B029 RoriksteadSceneLemkilErik01 SCEN 0 Hah! And what would a witless oaf like you know about raising children? Scornful FormID: 0009B00C RoriksteadSceneLemkilMralki01 SCEN 0 Your daughters are growing up fast, Lemkil. Seems like only yesterday they were newborn babes. FormID: 0009B02F RoriksteadSceneLemkilMralki01 SCEN 0 They've grown, all right - lazier and more stupid. Bitter FormID: 0009B020 RoriksteadSceneLemkilMralki01 SCEN 0 There's times I think you're the coldest man in Skyrim. This is your own flesh and blood you're talking about. Scolding FormID: 0009B025 RoriksteadSisselJouaneScene02 SCEN 0 Today I'll teach you a useful spell that might just save your life. If you should ever fall into a river, you'll be very glad you learned it. Teaching FormID: 0009B016 RoriksteadSisselJouaneScene02 SCEN 0 Oh! Are you going to teach me how to turn into a mud crab? Eager FormID: 0009B03D RoriksteadSisselJouaneScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, it's much better than that. I will teach you how to breathe underwater, with no need to turn into one of those ugly creatures. Teaching FormID: 0009B02B RoriksteadSisselJouaneScene02 SCEN 0 Wow! Then I could dive into a river and swim so far away that Britte and father could never find me. Excited FormID: 0009B01C RoriksteadSisselJouaneScene02 SCEN 0 Now, clear your mind and breathe deeply. Good concentration is very important for spellcasting. FormID: 0009A7DF dunValthumeQST dunValthumeQSTValdar dunValthumeQSTValdarTopic CUST 0 Hevnoraak planned his resurrection obsessively before dying. My duty in life and in death is to make sure he stays in this tomb for eternity. FormID: 0009A7D0 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeQSTHevnoraak dunValthumeQSTHevnoraakTopic CUST 0 He had a way of enthralling people and built up a loyal army of followers. Good men fell under his spell and were forever twisted. Made... evil. FormID: 0009A7D0 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeQSTHevnoraak dunValthumeQSTHevnoraakTopic CUST 1 After that, fear was enough to keep them in line. He could torture and humiliate them and they would not rebel. Even in death, they serve him still. FormID: 0009A7A3 DialogueAnimalTrainers DialogueAnimalTrainerSystemBuyAnimalBranch DialogueAnimalTrainerSystemBuyAnimalTopic CUST 0 Good. Here you are. He'll follow you to Oblivion and back, if it comes to that. FormID: 00035F1C DialogueAnimalTrainers DialogueAnimalTrainerSystemBuyAnimalBranch DialogueAnimalTrainerSystemBuyAnimalTopic CUST 0 Sorry. You already have an animal with you. FormID: 00035F1D DialogueAnimalTrainers DialogueAnimalTrainerSystemBuyAnimalBranch DialogueAnimalTrainerSystemBuyAnimalTopic CUST 0 War dogs cost gold, friend. Come back when you have some. FormID: 0009A035 MQ102B SCEN 0 What is it, woman? Sven drunk on the job again? FormID: 0009A03A MQ102B SCEN 0 Hod. Just come here. annoyed at Hod's denseness FormID: 0009A03C MQ102B SCEN 0 Hush, Frodnar. This is no time for your games. sharply FormID: 0009A03D MQ102B SCEN 0 Aw, mama, I want to stay and talk with Uncle Ralof! FormID: 0009A02F MQ102B SCEN 0 That's right! Don't worry, Uncle Ralof, I won't let those soldiers sneak up on you. FormID: 0009A036 MQ102B MQ102GerdurHelpForcegreet MQ102GerdurHelpForcegreetTopic CUST 0 I'm glad to assist you in any way I can. FormID: 0009A036 MQ102B MQ102GerdurHelpForcegreet MQ102GerdurHelpForcegreetTopic CUST 1 But I need your help. We need your help. FormID: 0009A033 MQ102B SCEN 0 Don't worry about me. I know how to lay low. FormID: 0009A034 MQ102B SCEN 0 Helgen? Has something happened...? cutting herself off as she realizes Ralof said he didn't want to talk about it here FormID: 00099F1E MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 How quickly you've advanced. Most impressive. reserved, but pleased FormID: 00099F1E MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 There are spells yet to be learned, powerful spells that can more closely and more permanently bind creatures to your will. imparting a secret FormID: 00099F1E MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03InitialBranchTopic CUST 2 But there are risks. There are always risks. You must summon and command an unbound Dremora. slightly menacing FormID: 00099F26 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraBranch MGRitual03DremoraBranchTopic CUST 0 You dare bring me here? You must be punished. FormID: 00099DA4 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102BStormcloakOath1 CUST 0 [QUOTE]...Jarl of Windhelm and true High King of Skyrim.[QUOTE] formally - reciting the oath for the player to repeat Walk Away FormID: 00099DA5 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102BStormcloakOath2 CUST 0 [QUOTE]As Talos is my witness, may this oath bind me to death and beyond...[QUOTE] formally - reciting the oath for the player to repeat Walk Away FormID: 00099DA6 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102BStormcloakOath3 CUST 0 [QUOTE]...even to my lord as to my fellow brothers and sisters in arms.[QUOTE] formally - reciting the oath for the player to repeat Walk Away FormID: 00099DA7 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102BStormcloakOath4 CUST 0 Now you're one of us. FormID: 00099DA7 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102BStormcloakOath4 CUST 1 Which means you get to tag along on a little trip with me. talking about delving into a dungeon looking for an artifact FormID: 00099DA7 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102BStormcloakOath4 CUST 2 Oh, and here. You're a Stormcloak now, you ought to look the part. giving a new recruit the outfit FormID: 00099D59 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04a CUST 0 I've already said too much. If anyone overhears what we're saying, it could start a panic. FormID: 00099D59 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04a CUST 1 I would simply ask that you trust me and help me end Dawnstar's nightmares. FormID: 00099D5A DA16 DA16ErandurOutsideBranch DA16ErandurOutsideBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'm concerned that when this place is unsealed, the Miasma will dissipate and they'll awaken; both orcs and priests alike. FormID: 00099D5B DA16 DA16ErandurMiasmaBranch DA16ErandurMiasmaBranchTopic CUST 0 The Miasma was created by the priests of Vaermina for their rituals. It's a gas that places the affected in a deep sleep. FormID: 00099D5B DA16 DA16ErandurMiasmaBranch DA16ErandurMiasmaBranchTopic CUST 1 Because the rituals would last for months or even years, the Miasma was designed to slow down the aging process. FormID: 00099D5C DA16 DA16ErandurMiasmaBranch DA16ErandurMiasmaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Sadly, yes. The longer an individual is exposed to the Miasma, the more the mind can become damaged. FormID: 00099D5C DA16 DA16ErandurMiasmaBranch DA16ErandurMiasmaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Those who've been under the effect of it for extended periods of time have been known to lose their minds entirely. FormID: 00099D5C DA16 DA16ErandurMiasmaBranch DA16ErandurMiasmaBranchTopic01 CUST 2 In some cases, a few never awoke at all. FormID: 00099D14 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath1 CUST 0 [QUOTE]...and unwavering obedience to the officers of his great Empire.[QUOTE] formally, reciting the oath for the player to repeat back Walk Away FormID: 000C3474 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath1 CUST 0 [QUOTE]...and unwavering obedience to the officers of his great Empire.[QUOTE] formally, reciting the oath for the player to repeat back Walk Away FormID: 00099D15 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath2 CUST 0 [QUOTE]May those above judge me, and those below take me, if I fail in my duty.[QUOTE] formally, reciting the oath for the player to repeat back Walk Away FormID: 00099D17 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath3 CUST 0 [QUOTE]Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire![QUOTE] formally, reciting the oath for the player to repeat back Walk Away FormID: 00099D18 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath4 CUST 0 Welcome to the Imperial Legion, soldier. FormID: 00099D18 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath4 CUST 1 Just remember, we take care of our own. Once you're in the Legion, you're in it for life. seriously FormID: 00099D18 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath4 CUST 2 Speak to Beirand, he's normally out by the forge. He'll get you outfitted. FormID: 00099D18 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102ALegionOath4 CUST 3 Now, if I'm not mistaken. Legate Rikke has a special assignment for you. FormID: 00099D10 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102AJoinLegionInterrupted CUST 0 We're not done here. FormID: 00099CF8 DA11HallScene SCEN 0 It's all right. I will not shun you for what you are. Stay. I will tell you everything you have forgotten. seductive, speaking inside the player's head FormID: 00099CF9 DA11 IDAT 0 A lot of our kind block out the memory of their first meal. The shame is too much. But you don't need to hide anymore. seductive FormID: 00099CF9 DA11 IDAT 1 Namira, the Lady of Decay, accepts you for what you are. She has a place for us, where we can sate our appetites without judgment. seductive FormID: 00099CFA DA11 IDAT 0 To Oblivion with you then! taunt before battle FormID: 00099CFB DA11 IDAT 0 A priest, filled with the taste of an easy life. Brother Verulus, from Markarth. gently commanding FormID: 00099CFB DA11 IDAT 1 Give him this gold. Tell him you need Arkay's help exploring an old cavern for treasure. gently commanding FormID: 00099CFB DA11 IDAT 2 And when he stands in Namira's presence, she will take care of the rest. gently commanding FormID: 00099CF4 DA11 SCEN 0 Draugr are below. Foul tasting. warning of danger FormID: 00099CF3 DA11 SCEN 0 The shrine of Namira is further inside. Keep going. urging onwards FormID: 00099CFF DA11 SCEN 0 The shrine of Namira is beyond that door. Get ready. getting ready for battle FormID: 00099C58 DA16 SCEN 0 Listen to your friend, Fruki. They are just dreams, my dear. I assure you that it is quite normal. FormID: 00099C59 DA16 SCEN 0 Everyone, please. I'm doing what I can to end these nightmares. FormID: 00099C59 DA16 SCEN 1 In the meantime all I ask is you remain strong and put your trust in Lady Mara. FormID: 00099761 DialogueDushnikhYal FreeformDushnikhYalAGharolQuestgive FreeformDushnikhYalAQuestgiveTopic CUST 0 Occasionally. But an Orc blade is a very personal thing. Anger, regret, pride. All these things are put into our steel. FormID: 00099761 DialogueDushnikhYal FreeformDushnikhYalAGharolQuestgive FreeformDushnikhYalAQuestgiveTopic CUST 1 When my daughter Lash chose to leave the stronghold, I forged a sword to channel all my shame and grief. FormID: 00099761 DialogueDushnikhYal FreeformDushnikhYalAGharolQuestgive FreeformDushnikhYalAQuestgiveTopic CUST 2 Honor me with a task, outlander. Bring the sword to my daughter, if you see her. It'll be all she needs to know. FormID: 00099763 FreeformDushnikhYalA FreeformDushnikhYalALashGiveItem FreeformDushnikhYalALashGiveItemTopic CUST 0 So that's it, then. [QUOTE]Don't come back.[QUOTE] FormID: 00099763 FreeformDushnikhYalA FreeformDushnikhYalALashGiveItem FreeformDushnikhYalALashGiveItemTopic CUST 1 Thank you. Here. You honored my mother's task and should be rewarded. FormID: 00099763 FreeformDushnikhYalA FreeformDushnikhYalALashGiveItem FreeformDushnikhYalALashGiveItemTopic CUST 2 Now, I need to be alone. FormID: 000996DB MQ102A MQ102AlvorHelpForcegreet MQ102AlvorHelpForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Like I said, I'm glad to help in any way I can. FormID: 000996DB MQ102A MQ102AlvorHelpForcegreet MQ102AlvorHelpForcegreetTopic CUST 1 But I need your help. We need your help. seriously - not quite pleading FormID: 000993DA e3demo SCEN 0 So we're just supposed to sit here while Arvel runs off with that golden claw? frustrated, [QUOTE]to hell with it[QUOTE] FormID: 000993DF e3demo SCEN 0 That dark elf wants to go on ahead, let him. Better than us risking our necks. indifferent, [QUOTE]whatever happens happens[QUOTE] FormID: 000993E6 e3demo SCEN 0 What if Arvel doesn't come back? I want my share from that claw! FormID: 000993DD e3demo SCEN 0 Just shut it and keep an eye out for trouble. indifferent, [QUOTE]whatever happens happens[QUOTE] FormID: 000993DC e3demo SCEN 0 Is... is someone coming? Is that you Harknir? Bjorn? Soling? FormID: 000993DB e3demo SCEN 0 I know I ran ahead with the claw, but I need help! FormID: 000993D9 e3demo SCEN 0 You. Over here! FormID: 000994EE e3demo SCEN 0 That's it. Keep hacking at it. FormID: 000993FF e3demo SCEN 0 It's coming loose. I can feel it. FormID: 000993EA e3demo SCEN 0 You fool, why should I share the treasure with anyone? taunting FormID: 000993E7 e3demo SCEN 0 No. Not again. Help! FormID: 00099436 e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Wait, come back! FormID: 00099438 e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Where are you going? Come back! FormID: 0009943B e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Noooo! FormID: 00099442 e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Aaaaagh! FormID: 0009944C e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Cut me down, or you'll never get the claw! FormID: 0009944D e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Where are you... get me down from this! FormID: 0009944E e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 Sorry, but I have a treasure to get to... FormID: 00099452 e3demo E3demoGoodbye GBYE 0 So long [QUOTE]friend.[QUOTE] Ha ha ha! FormID: 00099402 e3demo E3demoHello HELO 0 You're not getting that treasure. FormID: 00099403 e3demo E3demoHello HELO 0 I'm too swift for you! FormID: 0009940B e3demo E3demoHello HELO 0 Too slow! FormID: 00099453 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Get me out of here! FormID: 00099454 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Hey, over here! FormID: 00099460 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Don't leave me, for Arkay's sake! FormID: 00099461 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Help me! Help! FormID: 00099464 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Help me out of here! FormID: 00099465 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Get me down. Get me down! FormID: 00099474 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Ah, kill it. Kill it! FormID: 00099475 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Get it away from me. Get it away! FormID: 00099477 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Don't let it get me. Help! FormID: 00099478 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Agh. Agh! FormID: 0009947B e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Keep it away from me! FormID: 000994D8 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Is it over? FormID: 000994DC e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Is it dead? FormID: 000994DD e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Is it safe now? FormID: 000994E1 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 You'll never get the claw! FormID: 000994E5 e3demo E3demoShared IDAT 0 Too slow! FormID: 000994EF e3demo E3demoArvelWebStuckBlocking E3demoArvelWebStuckTopic CUST 0 You did it. You killed it. Now cut me down before anything else shows up. FormID: 000994F5 e3demo E3demoArvelWebStuckBlocking E3demoArvelWebStuckTopic CUST 0 What? Who are you? Oh, never mind. Cut me down before that thing gets us! FormID: 000993EC e3demo E3demoArvelWebStuckBlocking E3demoArvelWebStuckTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, the claw. I know how it works. The claw, the markings, the door in the Hall of Stories. I know how they all fit together! FormID: 000993EC e3demo E3demoArvelWebStuckBlocking E3demoArvelWebStuckTopic01 CUST 1 Help me down, and I'll show you. You won't believe the power the Nords have hidden there. FormID: 000993E9 e3demo E3demoArvelWebStuckBlocking E3demoArvelWebStuckTopic02 CUST 0 Does it look like I can move? You have to cut me down, first. FormID: 000993DE e3demo E3demoArvelWebStuckBlocking E3demoArvelWebStuckTopic03 CUST 0 Sweet breath of Arkay, thank you. FormID: 000991DC dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 It's been forever since I've eaten so well. FormID: 000991D4 dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 And it shows, I've seen horkers with smaller guts. poking fun FormID: 000991D3 dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 Funny coming from a woman who's breath smells like she just kissed a draugr. poking fun FormID: 000991D1 dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 Would you two shut up before Brurid hears you messing around. annoyed FormID: 00098E46 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene3 SCEN 0 Stay away from Camilla. FormID: 00098E4B DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene3 SCEN 0 Ah, Camilla. Fair as the morning sun. But I ask you, how could she prefer your brooding to my romantic tunes? dreamy FormID: 00098E49 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene3 SCEN 0 Just stay away from her, or...or else. FormID: 00098E44 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene4 SCEN 0 You play so well. FormID: 00098E54 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene4 SCEN 0 With you as my muse, how could I not? FormID: 00098E47 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene4 SCEN 0 Oh, Sven. You do know how to turn a girl's head. slightly embarrassed, secretly pleased FormID: 00098E4D DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 Gimme a mug of ale. FormID: 00098E4E DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 A pint of your finest mead. FormID: 00098E4F DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 Some wine, please? FormID: 00098E50 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 I'll have some mead. FormID: 00098E51 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 Pour me an ale. FormID: 00098E52 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 Coming right up. FormID: 00098E53 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantOrderDrinks SCEN 0 Certainly. FormID: 00098E48 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene5 SCEN 0 You need to choose between those two boys. It ain't fair to Sven or Faendal to keep tuggin' on their heart strings like that. FormID: 00098E4A DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene5 SCEN 0 It's bad enough my brother is harping on me to pick one. Don't you start too. FormID: 00098E55 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene5 SCEN 0 I'm just sayin' you should pick one to settle down with. FormID: 00098E56 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene6 SCEN 0 I got a new order in for shields. I'm gonna need some hardwood planks. None of that soft pine this time. FormID: 00098E4C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene6 SCEN 0 Ay, we can get that for ya. We just finished the timber for those catapults. FormID: 00098E57 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene6 SCEN 0 War may be good for business, but it's hard on families. FormID: 00098E45 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene6 SCEN 0 A hard truth, that is. Let's drink to the fallen ones. FormID: 00098F7F MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC4 CUST 0 Hey, haven't I seen you around the Flagon? I never expected to see another Guild brother down here. FormID: 00098F7F MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC4 CUST 1 They grabbed me in the Ratway. The nerve of these bastards... they need to be taught a lesson. FormID: 00098F8A MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC4 CUST 0 They grabbed me in Riften. They seem to think I know something. They just kept asking me the same damn questions. FormID: 00098D4A MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroCW03 CUST 0 Oh, yes? I wonder what that old busybody wants now. FormID: 00098D4A MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroCW03 CUST 1 Whatever it is, it will have to wait until after I've finished dealing with this dragon situation. FormID: 00098D4B MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroCW03 CUST 0 And I'm sure he told you it was urgent. Well, he's not the only Jarl in Skyrim with problems to deal with. FormID: 00098D4B MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroCW03 CUST 1 Whatever it is, it will have to wait until after I've finished dealing with this dragon situation. FormID: 00098D4E MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC4 CUST 0 So Delphine keeps up the fight, after all these years. wistfully - he's been desperate for someone to believe him for so long FormID: 00098D4E MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC4 CUST 1 You'd better come in and tell me how you found me and what you want. FormID: 00098D54 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC4 CUST 0 Delphine? How do you ... ? This is just a trick to get me to open the door, eh? I told you to go away! FormID: 000F25D8 MQ305 MQ305LostSoulBlocking MQ305LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hear your heart beat like the Harbingers of old. Your glories in Skyrim are seen and honored. FormID: 000ED35A MQ305 MQ305LostSoulBlocking MQ305LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 In life we were enemies, but eternity's too long to hold a grudge - my heart's now free of such old hatreds. FormID: 000ED35A MQ305 MQ305LostSoulBlocking MQ305LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 Hero of the Nords I name you, Dragonborn, let none deny it. FormID: 00098BC4 MQ305 MQ305LostSoulBlocking MQ305LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 The mist is gone! A glorious day! FormID: 00098BC5 MQ305 MQ305LostSoulBlocking MQ305LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 The World-Eater is dead! The way is now clear! FormID: 00098BC8 MQ305 MQ305LostSoulBlocking MQ305LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 You saved us all. We will sing of you forever. FormID: 000EC39E MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Welcome, Dragonborn! Our door has stood empty since Alduin first set his soul-snare here. FormID: 000EC39F MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 The three await your word to loose their fury upon the perilous foe. FormID: 00098BBF MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do not fail Kodlak. He's earned his place here, and does not deserve to fall prey to Alduin's insatiable hunger. grimly FormID: 000F1C7E MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 My disciples still follow the difficult path - the Way of the Voice is neither wide, nor easy. seriously FormID: 000F1C7E MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 1 But if you stray from wisdom then to Sovngarde you will not return. FormID: 000E863E MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 You freed Svaknir, a fool of a poet, but an honest enemy who has earned my respect. FormID: 000E863E MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 1 Sadly, he's now lost in the soul-snaring mist - defeat Alduin, and his doom avert - I hope to greet him in this Hall as a friend. FormID: 000F1C7F MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Fate drives you, but you follow your own path. Choose wisely, lest you wander into evil. seriously FormID: 000EC3A0 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Far you've travelled, your trials long, to taste of Sovngarde's sweet delights. FormID: 000EC3A1 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Seek ye food or song unending? Fighting, drinking, fellowship and boasting? Find welcome here, and warm your soul. FormID: 00098BC0 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Hail, Dragonborn. That honor is also mine - to our shared birthright you'll bring new glory! FormID: 00098BC1 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Dragonborn! Have you come to cleanse Sovngarde at long last of Alduin's foul mist? FormID: 00098BC2 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why does Shor forbid us to face Alduin? I fear no worm, World-Eater though he be. FormID: 00098BC3 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 I long to fight that foul worm, but by Shor's command we curb our wrath. FormID: 000F1A37 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 No gloom can hold my heart for long in Shor's bless'd hall, where no shadows lie. FormID: 000F1A38 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 A cup, Dragonborn, to death and glory! FormID: 000F1A39 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Take your ease, let troubles fade. FormID: 000F1A3A MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 By Shor's command we curb our wrath, so we feast and sing, til the final doom. FormID: 000F1A3B MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Shor's power protects this hall; but beyond is fear, brought by Alduin. FormID: 000F1A3C MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304HallofValorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Shor's high seat stands empty; his mien is too bright for mortal eyes. FormID: 00098B63 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice1 CUST 0 Banners, huh? Trying to pretty up the place? All right, you got it. FormID: 00098B66 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice2 CUST 0 That'll come in handy, yeah? An alchemy station, maybe a little garden with some choice plants. All right, consider it done. FormID: 00098B5C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice3 CUST 0 Oh ho. Now that's the Dark Brotherhood I know and love. This for business or pleasure? Ah, what's it matter, right? I'll see that it gets done. FormID: 00098B5E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice4 CUST 0 Yeah, we can do that. I'm thinking a sewer grate on the outskirts of Dawnstar. Leads to a tunnel, then inside. You'll be in or out, quick as a coney. FormID: 00098B68 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice5 CUST 0 Heh. Chamber fit for a king and all that, right? No problem. Give ya a big bed, decorate the room real nice, maybe even throw in a few extra baubles. FormID: 00098B5B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice6 CUST 0 Suit yourself. FormID: 00098B60 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair IDAT 0 You're a little light on coin there, my friend. No gold, no refit. FormID: 00098B65 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch2 DBNazirAfter11Branch2Topic CUST 0 Now, might I offer some advice? You should go to Riften and find Delvin Mallory. I believe Astrid had you visit him once before? FormID: 00098B65 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch2 DBNazirAfter11Branch2Topic CUST 1 Mallory is an expert [QUOTE]obtainer of goods.[QUOTE] We can use the money to repair and refit this Sanctuary. Make a true home for us, hmm? FormID: 00098B65 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch2 DBNazirAfter11Branch2Topic CUST 2 You do that, and I'll see what I can do about recruiting some new additions to our Family... FormID: 0009888C MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 You've come far, mortal, but can you stand against my inner council? Let's see! FormID: 0009888D MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 Don't applaud yourself too soon, worm! FormID: 0009888E MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 Rip the eyes from her head! Mad with rage FormID: 0009888F MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 Rip the eyes from his head! Mad with rage FormID: 0009878F DialogueLeftHandMineIntroScene SCEN 0 The Forsworn have taken Kolskeggr Mine. We're the only ones left. FormID: 00098790 DialogueLeftHandMineIntroScene SCEN 0 Troll's blood, what happened to you Pavo? FormID: 00098792 DialogueLeftHandMineIntroScene SCEN 0 Gods.... You two head inside and get some rest. I'll send word to the Jarl. FormID: 0009864D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch DialogueRiftenBersiBranchTopic CUST 0 The question is, what isn't wrong with Riften. FormID: 0009864D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch DialogueRiftenBersiBranchTopic CUST 1 This city is corrupt. Rotten to the core. No one cares about anything except themselves and how much coin they can make off the misery of others. FormID: 00098651 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch01 DialogueRiftenBersiBranch01Topic CUST 0 Authorities? Have you been listening to what I said? They're all dirty. Every one of them. FormID: 00098651 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch01 DialogueRiftenBersiBranch01Topic CUST 1 The only way to get things done in this city is to keep your head down and pay off the right people. FormID: 00098644 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenBranch DialogueRiftenMavenBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. Nothing gets done without my approval in this city. I have the Jarl's ear, and the guards in my pocket. FormID: 00098644 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenBranch DialogueRiftenMavenBranchTopic CUST 1 Anyone makes trouble for me and I pay a visit to the Thieves Guild. Make me angry and I contact the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 00098644 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenBranch DialogueRiftenMavenBranchTopic CUST 2 You'd do well to remember that the next time you make such a stupid observation. FormID: 00098649 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranch DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranchTopic CUST 0 The Black-Briar family has always been allied with the Guild. Our connections with the Empire and within Skyrim make for a perfect fit. FormID: 00098649 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranch DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranchTopic CUST 1 I dare say the Guild owes its survival as much to my family as it does to its own people. FormID: 0009864A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranch01 DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranch01Topic CUST 0 And you think that I care? Interesting. FormID: 0009864A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranch01 DialogueRiftenMavenTGBranch01Topic CUST 1 I don't believe in getting my hands dirty. You have people that handle those sort of things... use them. FormID: 0009864C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalBranchTopic CUST 0 Mara's domain encompasses the emotions we strive the most to embrace; love, compassion and understanding. FormID: 0009864C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalBranchTopic CUST 1 It's difficult to appreciate her gifts in these dark times, but you should consider her light a beacon in the storm. FormID: 0009864E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranchTopic CUST 0 This heap of matchsticks is what everyone calls Haelga's Bunkhouse. Can you stay here? No. FormID: 0009864E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranchTopic CUST 1 The Bunkhouse is for the working man, not some sort of a luxury inn for tourists. FormID: 00098650 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch01 DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch01Topic CUST 0 Of course not. You expect me to take care of it by myself? FormID: 00098650 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch01 DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch01Topic CUST 1 My niece Svana helps me with the chores. She'd be more help if she kept her head out of the clouds. FormID: 00098650 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch01 DialogueRiftenHaelgaBranch01Topic CUST 2 She's been with me ever since her parents were killed by bandits and she was dropped in my lap. FormID: 00098633 MQ102A SCEN 0 Well, I'd better get back to work. You two make yourselves at home. FormID: 00098634 MQ102A SCEN 0 Well, I'd better get some sleep. Don't mind me, though. You two make yourselves at home. FormID: 000985B5 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is it men! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E725A CWSiege SCEN 0 This is it men! It's time to make this city ours! FormID: 000AC043 CWSiege SCEN 0 They've barricades to block us, but we'll tear through them and the Imperials behind them! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6CB3 CWSiege SCEN 0 They've barricades to block us, but we'll tear through them and the rebels behind them! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000985AF CWSiege SCEN 0 They'll have set barricades to slow us down. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000985AF CWSiege SCEN 1 Destroy them quickly, and take out the archers in the towers along the way. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6CB4 CWSiege SCEN 0 They'll have barricades set, destroy them quickly. Keep pressing forward. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000AC04C CWSiege SCEN 0 Our objective is the drawbridge. If we can find a way to drop it, the city will be ours! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000985B0 CWSiege SCEN 0 The faster we take them out, the faster we can claim this city as ours! FormID: 000AC048 CWSiege SCEN 0 Beyond that are two exterior gates. Find a way to open them and we can take this city! FormID: 0009C6F2 CWSiege SCEN 0 All that remains then is the exterior gate. Find a way through to open it and the city will be ours! FormID: 000985AE CWSiege SCEN 0 Whiterun's walls are tall, but they are old and crumbling, like the Empire whose Legion lines them. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 0009C6E1 CWSiege SCEN 0 The approach to Riften is guarded by watchtowers. They will be full of archers. Move fast, and stay low. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000AC03F CWSiege SCEN 0 The only way into Windhelm is across this bridge. Keep moving, stay close, and we'll be through their gates in no time. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000AC040 CWSiege SCEN 0 We now fight our way to Castle Dour to cut the head off the legion itself! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000AC040 CWSiege SCEN 1 And in that moment, the gods will look down and see Skyrim as she was meant to be. Full of Nords who are mighty, powerful, and free! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000AC042 CWSiege SCEN 0 The walls of Markarth may be high, but their age will have created weakness or secret entrances. Find them! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000985AC CWSiege SCEN 0 Everyone on me. Let's show these Imperial milk drinkers what true Nords look like! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000985AC CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrraaaaaarrrrr!!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 000E6C30 CWSiege SCEN 0 Everyone on me. Let's show these Imperials what we're made of! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C30 CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrraaaaaarrrrr!!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 0009C6E4 CWSiege SCEN 0 Ready now! Everyone, with me! For the Empire! For the Legion! leading a battle charge (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 0009C6E4 CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 000E6C31 CWSiege SCEN 0 All right men. On me! For the Emperor! For his Legionnaires! leading a battle charge (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C31 CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 000E6C32 CWSiege SCEN 0 Ready now! Everyone, with me! For the sons and daughters of Skyrim! leading a battle charge (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C32 CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrrraaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 000AF66B MQ305 MQ305HeroBlocking MQ305HeroBlockingTopic CUST 0 Our ancient debt for Alduin's reprieve is now repaid - the long night is ended! FormID: 000AF66C MQ305 MQ305HeroBlocking MQ305HeroBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll look for you, friend, when at last you return to Shor's hall. The honor will be ours when you rejoin the ranks of Sovngarde. FormID: 000AF66D MQ305 MQ305HeroBlocking MQ305HeroBlockingTopic CUST 0 Even here, where heroes throng, few can match this mighty deed. What glory! The gods themselves must envy us this well-earned honor! exultant FormID: 000C7F8B MQ00 BLED 0 Dammit... FormID: 000C7F8C MQ00 BLED 0 I think this might be the end... FormID: 00097FCC TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203C1 CUST 0 Aye, you've got a point there. impressed with the Player's intuition FormID: 00097FCD TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203C1 CUST 0 Passing on a golden opportunity is worse. FormID: 00097FCB TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203D1 CUST 0 Your guy's hiding out in the Ratway Warrens and paying us good coin for nobody to know about it. Well, until now that is. FormID: 00097FCB TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203D1 CUST 1 Tell you what. Go ahead and deal with your business for now. When you're done, find me and we'll deal with mine. FormID: 00097F7D DA07 DA07DagonVoiceFinalBranch DA07DagonFinalTopic01 CUST 0 You have been a worthy tool. Fill the world with destruction in my name. demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 00097F7D DA07 DA07DagonVoiceFinalBranch DA07DagonFinalTopic01 CUST 1 Place your hands on my altar one last time, and you will witness the power of Mehrunes Dagon for yourself. demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 00097F7C DA07 DA07DagonVoiceFinalBranch DA07DagonFinalTopic02 CUST 0 Spare me your pitiful pride. You are but a tool of my ambitions, mortal. Never forget that. demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 00097F7C DA07 DA07DagonVoiceFinalBranch DA07DagonFinalTopic02 CUST 1 Place your hands on my altar one last time, and you will witness the power of Mehrunes Dagon for yourself. demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 00097F73 DB03 DB03MuiriPoisonBranch DB03MuiriPoisonBranchTopic CUST 0 I planned to kill Alain myself, you know. Nilsine, too. But lost my nerve. I even brewed a special poison, Lotus Extract. Maybe you could use it? FormID: 00097F73 DB03 DB03MuiriPoisonBranch DB03MuiriPoisonBranchTopic CUST 1 Just coat your weapon with it. Then... you get the idea. FormID: 00097EF1 DA07 DA07DagonVoiceBranch DA07DagonVoiceBranchTopic CUST 0 You. Mortal. You are worthy of speaking to. You have claimed the pieces of my Razor. It has been an amusing game to witness. demon speaking to a lowly mortal Walk Away FormID: 00097EF1 DA07 DA07DagonVoiceBranch DA07DagonVoiceBranchTopic CUST 1 But Dagon does not declare a winner while there is a pawn on the board. Kill Silus. He and his family have served their purpose. dark god speaking to a mortal Walk Away FormID: 00097EF2 DA07 DA07DagonVoiceBranch DA07DagonTopic01 CUST 0 Kill him. Take your rightful place as my champion, or I will crush you. demon speaking to a lowly mortal FormID: 00097EED DA07 DA07DagonVoiceBranch DA07DagonTopic02 CUST 0 Only Dagon can declare if a pawn is worth keeping. I. Have. Spoken. demon talking to a lowly mortal FormID: 00097EF0 DA07 DA07DagonVoiceFinalBranch DA07DagonVoiceFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 I am pleased, mortal. I will give you my Razor. Use it to wreak havoc on Tamriel. demon speaking to a lowly mortal Walk Away FormID: 00097EEF DA07 DA07SilusQuestionsMythicDawnBranch DA07SilusQuestionsMythicDawnBranchTopic CUST 0 They were worshippers of Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Lord of Destruction and Change. passionate curator FormID: 00097EEF DA07 DA07SilusQuestionsMythicDawnBranch DA07SilusQuestionsMythicDawnBranchTopic CUST 1 The Mythic Dawn killed Uriel Septim VII and his heirs, triggering the events that lead to the Oblivion Crisis, when the Daedra invaded Tamriel. passionate curator FormID: 00097EEF DA07 DA07SilusQuestionsMythicDawnBranch DA07SilusQuestionsMythicDawnBranchTopic CUST 2 All that remains of the infamous cult, I've gathered in my museum. passionate curator FormID: 00097D2D MQ101 SCEN 0 You'd better get out of that Stormcloak gear. Today's not the day to go around dressed like a rebel. with a frown at your choice of wearing a rebel uniform FormID: 00097A52 MG05 SCEN 0 What's happened? He's not... FormID: 00097A51 MG05 SCEN 0 Is he dead? FormID: 00097A50 MG05 SCEN 0 Everyone please, stand back! FormID: 00097A4F MG05 SCEN 0 Please remain calm! FormID: 00097A4E MG05 SCEN 0 Arniel, stay on your guard. We can't let harm come to these people. FormID: 000976DD DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 Gods, I'll be glad to see the last of Skyrim. FormID: 000976D2 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 Dragons, murder, rebellion... and we sail right into the middle of it with the Emperor on board. Cynical FormID: 000976D1 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 I think we'll all feel better once we're back out to sea. Won't be long now. FormID: 000976D0 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 Well, it's all over now. Lieutenant said you could see the smoke from Whiterun. Relieved FormID: 000976B8 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 Yeah. I'm glad we can finally stand down- getting tired of looking over my shoulder all the time. Relieved FormID: 000975A2 TG09 TG09KarliahIntroBranch TG09KarliahIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you were able to bring the Key back safely. FormID: 000975A2 TG09 TG09KarliahIntroBranch TG09KarliahIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Nocturnal seemed quite pleased with your efforts. FormID: 0009759D TG09 TG09KarliahIntroBranch TG09KarliahIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I wouldn't take that to heart. It's her way. FormID: 0009759D TG09 TG09KarliahIntroBranch TG09KarliahIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Think of her as a scolding mother continually pushing you harder to be successful; outwardly sounding angry but silently content. FormID: 0009759D TG09 TG09KarliahIntroBranch TG09KarliahIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I assure you, had she been displeased with you, we wouldn't be having this conversation. FormID: 0009759F TG09 TG09KarliahPowerBranch TG09KarliahPowerBranchTopic CUST 0 The circles at the base of the Ebonmere imbue you with powers befitting a Nightingale Agent. FormID: 0009759F TG09 TG09KarliahPowerBranch TG09KarliahPowerBranchTopic CUST 1 The crescent moon represents the Agent of Shadow, the half moon for the Agent of Subterfuge and the full moon for the Agent of Strife. FormID: 0009759E TG09 TG09KarliahPowerBranch TG09KarliahPowerBranchTopic01 CUST 0 This is Nocturnal's way of maintaining balance. FormID: 0009759E TG09 TG09KarliahPowerBranch TG09KarliahPowerBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If you ever feel the need to change your abilities, you can return to the Sepulcher and step onto a different circle. FormID: 0009759E TG09 TG09KarliahPowerBranch TG09KarliahPowerBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Be warned that once you've chosen, you can't reselect for at least a day. FormID: 000975A1 TG09 TG09KarliahEndingBranch TG09KarliahEndingBranchTopic CUST 0 Now, your life as a Nightingale begins. Should the need arise, you'll be summoned to the Sepulcher in order to defend it. FormID: 000975A0 TG09 TG09KarliahEndingBranch TG09KarliahEndingBranchTopic01 CUST 0 The Guild has welcomed me back with open arms. I feel like a void in my life has finally been filled. content for the first time in your life FormID: 000975A0 TG09 TG09KarliahEndingBranch TG09KarliahEndingBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I only hope that this isn't an ending to things, but actually the beginning. FormID: 0009759C TG09 TG09KarliahEndingBranch TG09KarliahEndingBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Why, perhaps the greatest crime spree Skyrim's ever known. FormID: 0009759C TG09 TG09KarliahEndingBranch TG09KarliahEndingBranchTopic02 CUST 1 There are pockets brimming with coin and coffers overflowing with riches ripe for the picking. FormID: 0009759C TG09 TG09KarliahEndingBranch TG09KarliahEndingBranchTopic02 CUST 2 We may be Nightingales, but in our hearts we're still thieves and we're damn good at what we do. FormID: 0009739D DA07 DA07QuestGiveBranch DA07QuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 0 A little history, first. After the Oblivion Crisis, a number of groups cropped up dedicated to wiping out the remnants of the Mythic Dawn. passionate curator FormID: 0009739D DA07 DA07QuestGiveBranch DA07QuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 1 One of these groups found Mehrunes' Razor, the artifact of Dagon. They split it into three fragments and pledged to keep them apart forever. passionate curator FormID: 0009739D DA07 DA07QuestGiveBranch DA07QuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 2 That was almost 150 years ago, and the pieces are still being kept by the descendants of that group. And they're right here, in Skyrim. passionate curator FormID: 000973A3 DA07 DA07QuestGiveBranch DA07QuestGiveTopic01 CUST 0 At least two of the owners, Ghunzul and Drascua, are dangerous marauders. And the third owner, Jorgen, I only know he lives in Morthal. passionate curator FormID: 000973A3 DA07 DA07QuestGiveBranch DA07QuestGiveTopic01 CUST 1 Here are my notes about them. I'll gladly pay you for getting the pieces any way you can. No questions asked. passionate curator FormID: 0009739F DA07 DA07RazorOwnersBranch DA07RazorOwnersBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't know what you're talking about, stranger. hiding something FormID: 000973A4 DA07 DA07HaveBladeBranch DA07HaveBladeBranchTopic CUST 0 Look at them. The legendary sharpness of a deadric weapon. Marvelous. passionate curator FormID: 000973A4 DA07 DA07HaveBladeBranch DA07HaveBladeBranchTopic CUST 1 And here's your payment for the shards. passionate curator FormID: 0009739C DA07 DA07HavePommelBranch DA07HavePommelBranchTopic CUST 0 Our master craftsman are nothing compared to the perfection of the Daedra. Look at how it shines. FormID: 0009739C DA07 DA07HavePommelBranch DA07HavePommelBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's your gold, as promised. passionate curator FormID: 0009739E DA07 DA07HaveHiltBranch DA07HaveHiltBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you try the grip? Isn't it eerie how it seems to mold itself into your hand? passionate curator FormID: 0009739E DA07 DA07HaveHiltBranch DA07HaveHiltBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's your gold. passionate curator FormID: 000973A5 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 Finally, all the pieces of Mehrunes' Razor are in my hands. It's time I let you in on something. passionate curator Walk Away FormID: 000973A5 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 1 There's a fourth piece. That scabbard in the display case. Built to house the Razor. And there's more. passionate curator Walk Away FormID: 000973A5 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 2 I know how to put all the pieces together. We just need to take them to Dagon's shrine and contact the Lord of Change directly. passionate curator Walk Away FormID: 000B861E DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 We just need the shards of the blade and the hilt, now. passionate curator FormID: 000B861F DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 We just need the pommel and the shards of the blade, now. passionate curator FormID: 000B8620 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 We just need the hilt and the pommel, now. passionate curator FormID: 000B8621 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 There's only the shards of the blade left to collect. Exciting, isn't it? passionate curator FormID: 000B8622 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 There's only the pommel left to collect. Exciting, isn't it? passionate curator FormID: 000B8623 DA07 DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranch DA07HaveAllInvisibleContinueBranchTopic CUST 0 There's only the hilt left to collect. Exciting, isn't it? passionate curator FormID: 00097270 DA07 DA07PamphletBranch DA07PamphletBranchTopic CUST 0 And here you are. I hope you've found the museum to your liking. passionate curator FormID: 00097263 DB11 SCEN 0 But our work is just beginning. Approach me, Listener, and hear my words. FormID: 00097252 DBrecurring SCEN 0 Yet another child has prayed to their mother. FormID: 00097250 DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Nervous Patron at Candlehearth Hall, in Windhelm. Accept his gold, then kill the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 00097251 DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Wary Outlaw at the Bee and Barb, in Riften. Accept his gold, and then eliminate the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 000A0307 DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Corrupt Agent at the Penitus Oculatus Outpost, in Dragon Bridge. Accept his gold, then kill the target. Hail Sithis! FormID: 000A0308 DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Scheming Servant at the Keep in Markarth. Accept his gold, then eliminate the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 000A0309 DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Desperate Gambler at the Barracks, in Windhelm. Accept his gold, then eliminate the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 000A030A DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Blasphemous Priest at the Temple of Kynareth, in Whiterun. Accept his gold, then kill the target. Hail Sithis! FormID: 000A030B DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Dishonored Skald at the Bards College, in Solitude. Accept his gold, then eliminate the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 000A030C DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Indolent Farmer at the Vilemyr Inn, in Ivarstead. Accept his gold, then kill the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 000A030D DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Griefstricken Chef, at the Windpeak Inn, here in Dawnstar. Accept his gold, then eliminate the target. Hail the Listener! Hail Sithis! FormID: 000A030E DBrecurring SCEN 0 Speak with the Unemployed Laborer at the Frostfruit Inn, in Rorikstead. Accept his gold, then kill the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood. FormID: 00096FF8 MQ304 SCEN 0 At long last! Alduin's doom is now ours to seal - just speak the word and with high hearts we'll hasten forth to smite the worm wherever he lurks. FormID: 00096FF9 MQ304 SCEN 0 Hold, comrades - let us counsel take before battle is blindly joined. FormID: 00096FC7 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 0 Feel free to look around. Come talk to me when you're ready to discuss that job I mentioned. passionate curator FormID: 00096FD2 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 0 Those robes were worn during the Mythic Dawn's secret meetings, where they plotted to bring the Daedra Mehrunes Dagon into Tamriel. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FD2 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 1 Each bolt of yarn used to make the robe was colored with a dye made from sacrificial blood. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FC8 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 0 The Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes were written by the Mythic Dawn cult leader, Mankar Camoran. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FC8 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 1 He promised a paradise awaited his followers when they died, that they would be reborn by Mehrunes Dagon's side. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FCE DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 0 The tapestries hung here and outside were found in hideouts where members of the Mythic Dawn would meet and plot. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FCE DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 1 The cult's greatest accomplishment was the assassination of the Septim Dynasty and the opening of the Oblivion Gates. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FC6 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 0 That burned paper is all that remains of the fabled Mysterium Xarxes. The blasphemous book written by Mehrunes Dagon himself. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FC6 DA07MuseumScenes SCEN 1 It's said that Mankar Camoran used the book to open a portal to a Paradise where all his followers would live forever. passionate curator explaining an exhibit FormID: 00096FB7 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Were I able to provide it, I'd shower you in wealth for what you've done. FormID: 00096FB7 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 1 My only regret is that you had to undertake this task alone. suddenly depressed FormID: 00096FB6 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic01c CUST 0 You've done the Guild a great deed. And although they may not show it, I'm certain they appreciate your sacrifices. FormID: 00096FB6 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic01c CUST 1 My only regret is that you had to undertake this task alone. suddenly depressed FormID: 00096FB8 TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, absolutely. Your skill is your own... don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. FormID: 00096FB8 TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic01 CUST 1 But Nocturnal, she influences our luck; nearly imperceptible assistance we get when we ply our trade. FormID: 00096FBA TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Think about the Guild... about the state it was in when you began. Think about all the little things you might have heard. FormID: 00096FBA TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic02 CUST 1 A pick breaking when it shouldn't have, the clouds in the nighttime sky clearing at the wrong moment... FormID: 00096FBA TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Our access to those bits of luck are what separates us from common bandits. FormID: 00096FB9 TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Precisely. There are a few who still call Nocturnal [QUOTE]Lady Luck[QUOTE] and for good reason. FormID: 00096D13 MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 You've arrived at last. The hero who prevented me from being bound returns to my fold. Powerful and full of malice. The person you're talking to is just a play thing. FormID: 00096D14 MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 You've arrived at last. The heroine who prevented me from being bound returns to my fold. Powerful and full of malice. The person you're talking to is just a play thing. FormID: 00096D15 MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 I have much to thank you for, little one. When you die I will raise you and you can take your place by my side. Powerful and full of malice. The person you're talking to is just a play thing. FormID: 00096D11 MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 You'll serve me soon enough. Evil, threatening and amused. The person you're talking to is just a play thing. FormID: 000967F7 TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't recognize you, but I sense that you're one of us. Who are you? FormID: 000967FC TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic01 CUST 0 The last of the Nightingale Sentinels, I'm afraid. I've defended the Sepulcher alone for what seems like an eternity. distant sadness FormID: 000967F2 TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic02 CUST 0 We were betrayed by one of our own kind. In fact, I'm to blame for what's happened here. distant sadness FormID: 000967F5 TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I was blinded. Blinded by dark treachery masquerading as friendship. mad at yourself FormID: 000967F5 TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Perhaps if I had been more vigilant, then Mercer Frey wouldn't have lured me to my fate and stolen the Skeleton Key. angry with yourself FormID: 000967F3 TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I haven't heard that name in a long time. as if thinking of past times FormID: 000967F3 TG09 TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranch TG09PlayerInitialReactionBranchTopic04 CUST 1 How do you know of me? suddenly interested and intrigued FormID: 000967FA TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Nothing would bring me more pride than to return the Key, but I'm afraid it's impossible. FormID: 000967FA TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 From the moment I arrived here, I've felt myself... well... dying. FormID: 000967F8 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 The Sepulcher isn't merely a temple or a vault to house the Key. Within these walls is the Ebonmere... a conduit to Nocturnal's realm of Evergloam. FormID: 000967F8 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 When Mercer stole the Key, that conduit closed, severely limiting our ties to her. FormID: 000967F6 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'm afraid so. I'm weakening, and I can feel myself slipping away. The years without restoration of my power have taken their toll. FormID: 000967F6 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Whatever damage has been caused can only be corrected by following the Pilgrim's Path to the Ebonmere and replacing the Key. FormID: 000967F9 TG09 TG09GallusSentinelsTopic TG09GallusSentinelsTopic01 CUST 0 With the Ebonmere closed, and their sudden severance from the realm of Evergloam, I fear they've undergone a drastic change. FormID: 000967F9 TG09 TG09GallusSentinelsTopic TG09GallusSentinelsTopic01 CUST 1 They're shadows of their former selves. They no longer remember their true purpose or their original identities. FormID: 000967FB TG09 TG09GallusSentinelsTopic TG09GallusSentinelsTopic02 CUST 0 My spirit didn't manifest itself in the Sepulcher immediately, so fortunately I wasn't present when the Ebonmere was sealed. FormID: 000967FB TG09 TG09GallusSentinelsTopic TG09GallusSentinelsTopic02 CUST 1 However, ever since that day, I've felt my power waning... slowly draining away. FormID: 000967E2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! You can't resist, can you? FormID: 000967E2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01Stage10BranchTopic CUST 1 Let's see... this one, I think. J'zargo has designed it to be an excellent flame cloak, with a twist. FormID: 000967E2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01Stage10BranchTopic CUST 2 It is especially potent against the undead, and should burn them to a crisp in no time. FormID: 000967E2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01Stage10BranchTopic CUST 3 J'zargo gives you plenty of these scrolls, so you try them and return when you can say whether they work. FormID: 0009654C MS06Start SCEN 0 I swear to you, unnatural magics are coming from that cave! There are strange noises and lights! We need someone to investigate! FormID: 0009654F MS06Start SCEN 0 Your eminence, my scrying has suggested nothing in the area. Dragon Bridge is under imperial control. This is likely superstitious nonsense. FormID: 00096550 MS06Start SCEN 0 Then we will immediately send out a legion to scour the cave and secure the town. Haafingar's people will always be safe under my rule. FormID: 00096200 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarifyTopic CUST 0 J'zargo has worked hard on learning new spells, trying new things. This will make J'zargo stand out as a mage. FormID: 00096200 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarifyTopic CUST 1 But J'zargo works so hard, there is no time to test these new spells. If you help with the testing, this will make learning easier. FormID: 00096200 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarifyTopic CUST 2 J'zargo will give you scrolls, you will use them and report the results. This is a good plan, no? FormID: 00096200 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarify MGRJzargoSpell01InitialClarifyTopic CUST 3 You tell J'zargo when you are ready. FormID: 0009583E BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960D5 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960D6 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960D7 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960D8 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960D9 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960DA BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960DB BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960DC BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 000960DD BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 0010AA4F BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 0010AA50 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 0010AA51 BardSongsInstrumental IDAT 0 FormID: 00095676 DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_HunterCombatLines IDAT 0 What the... we've been betrayed! Look out! FormID: 00095678 DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_HunterCombatLines IDAT 0 There he is! Get him! FormID: 00095FDD DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_HunterCombatLines IDAT 0 Treachery! Attack! FormID: 00095FDC DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST SCEN 0 Let's finish this. Deadly, intense FormID: 00095E7E DialogueRiftenRatway SCEN 0 I dunno, Drahff. They'd skin us alive if they knew we were doin' this. Drahff = [QUOTE]Draff[QUOTE] FormID: 00095E7D DialogueRiftenRatway SCEN 0 Why are you always acting like such a big baby? I've gotten us this far. annoyed FormID: 00095D31 DialogueRiftenRatway SCEN 0 This far? We're livin' in a sewer. You said we'd have a house as big as the Black-Briars' by now. annoyed FormID: 00095D2F DialogueRiftenRatway SCEN 0 You worry about bashing people's heads in, I'll worry about the Guild. Okay? FormID: 00095CB0 DialogueRiftenRatway SCEN 0 Okay, okay. Annoyed FormID: 00095C39 DialogueRiftenRatway SCEN 0 I'm going to check the entrance to the Ratway. Be right back. FormID: 00095C38 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic CUST 0 Hey, you. Stop right there! Walk Away FormID: 00095C38 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic CUST 1 Empty your pockets or end up as skeever food. Walk Away FormID: 00095C37 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Brynjolf's been sending idiots like you down here for years looking for their hideout. Walk Away FormID: 00095C37 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Funny thing is his stupid Thieves Guild never counted on me and my partner blocking the way. Walk Away FormID: 00095C37 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Now, empty your pockets or I'll pick the gold off your corpse. Walk Away FormID: 00095E7F DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic02 CUST 0 No need to get hasty. I... I was just testing you. You can go on ahead. FormID: 00095E7F DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Let 'em go, Hewnon. All clear. yelling to someone else FormID: 00095E80 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I doubt that very much. Walk Away FormID: 00095E7C DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You aren't going to pass. You're going to give me everything you have. Whether you leave here in one piece is up to you. Walk Away FormID: 00095D30 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Suit yourself. Get 'em Hewnon! Second line to someone else FormID: 00095D2E DialogueRiftenRatway DRRDrahffBranch DRRDrahffBranchTopicWalkaway CUST 0 Ignoring me, huh? Suit yourself. Get 'em Hewnon! Yell last line to someone else. FormID: 00095CB1 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRHellos HELO 0 Don't worry, Hewnon will let you pass. FormID: 00095CB2 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRHellos HELO 0 We won't give you any more trouble. FormID: 00095CB8 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRHellos HELO 0 Sorry to have bothered you. I'll just be out of your way now. FormID: 00095CB9 DialogueRiftenRatway DRRHellos HELO 0 What are you lookin' at? FormID: 000958B1 MGRAppJzargo01 HELO 0 J'zargo is eager to hear how the scrolls are working. FormID: 000C041B MGRAppJzargo01 HELO 0 It is difficult to admit, but J'zargo could still use some help. FormID: 000C041C MGRAppJzargo01 HELO 0 Can you... can you possibly help J'zargo? FormID: 000958B2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialBranch MGRJzargoSpell01InitialTopic CUST 0 J'zargo has seen that Tolfdir likes you. FormID: 000958B2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialBranch MGRJzargoSpell01InitialTopic CUST 1 You must be very skilled with magic, yes? FormID: 000958B2 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01InitialBranch MGRJzargoSpell01InitialTopic CUST 2 J'zargo is working hard, but cannot do it alone. Can you help with this? FormID: 000956B1 C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasIfGreeting CUST 0 This is the resting place of Ysgramor. And his most trusted generals. You should be cautious. FormID: 000956B2 C06 C06Hellos HELO 0 For Kodlak! FormID: 000C2CF7 C06 C06Hellos HELO 0 Greetings, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000C2CF8 C06 C06Hellos HELO 0 Greetings, Shield-Sister. FormID: 00095677 DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST SCEN 0 No. I will have no peace until these hunters are dead. Resolute (angry at hunters) FormID: 0009564A DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursHaveAmuletBranch WhiterunAndursHaveAmuletBranchTopic CUST 0 Can it be? You've brought me my amulet? Oh, thank Arkay. And thank you. Oh, dear friend, please, take this gold for your troubles. FormID: 00095584 DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_JKierDLG dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_JKierIntro CUST 0 Has the Bloodmoon called you, fellow Hunter? Dying, coughing, sputtering. FormID: 00095585 DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_JKierDLG dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_JKierExplains CUST 0 The prey is strong. Stronger than the hunters. Dying, gasping FormID: 00095585 DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_JKierDLG dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_JKierExplains CUST 1 But more will come. Bring him down, for the glories of Lord Hircine. Dying, intense final request FormID: 000954CC DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 A dragon! I saw a dragon! excited and afraid FormID: 000954C6 DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 What? What is it now, mother? FormID: 000954C8 DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 It was as big as the mountain, and black as night. It flew right over the barrow. FormID: 000954D3 DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 Dragons, now, is it? Please, mother. If you keep on like this everyone in town will think you're crazy. FormID: 000954D2 DialogueRiverwoodSceneEmbrySoldier SCEN 0 My favorite drinking buddy! Let's get some mead. FormID: 000954C5 DialogueRiverwoodSceneEmbrySoldier SCEN 0 Not now. If I don't pull night duty, I'll drink a round with you at the Sleeping Giant. FormID: 000954C4 DialogueRiverwoodSceneEmbrySoldier SCEN 0 But I'm thirsty now. FormID: 000954CA DialogueRiverwoodSceneEmbrySoldier SCEN 0 You're always thirsty. Just like you're always drunk. Now let me get back to my rounds. FormID: 000954D1 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSoldierHilde SCEN 0 Has my son Sven asked to join the war? Irritated FormID: 000954C3 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSoldierHilde SCEN 0 Not this again. FormID: 000954C7 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSoldierHilde SCEN 0 If he does, tell him how bad the food is. And how dangerous it is. FormID: 000954C9 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSoldierHilde SCEN 0 Look old woman. If your boy wants to learn how to fight, we'll teach him. Now off with you. FormID: 000951BB TG08B SCEN 0 Mercer was able to knock this thing down? Gods... FormID: 000951BC TG08B SCEN 0 It's the Key, Brynjolf. In his hands, there's no telling what he's capable of. FormID: 00095123 BQ01 BQ01Main BQ01MainTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has put out a bounty on some bandits. Here, take a look at this decree for details. FormID: 00094E33 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletBranch WhiterunAndursAmuletBranchTopic CUST 0 My Amulet of Arkay. It's the source of my divine powers and also a sacred badge of office. FormID: 00094E33 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletBranch WhiterunAndursAmuletBranchTopic CUST 1 I misplaced it in the catacombs. I'd look for it, but I've been hearing noises down there. I fear the dead have become... restless. FormID: 00094E33 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletBranch WhiterunAndursAmuletBranchTopic CUST 2 Without that amulet, I'm powerless to confront them. Would you be willing to search for it? FormID: 00094E3B DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemBranchTopic CUST 0 I believe I am, yes. Technically speaking, of course. The city is also home to a priest, priestess, an alchemist, and I'm sure others who practice. FormID: 00094E3B DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemBranchTopic CUST 1 Ah, that reminds me. Speaking of alchemists, I have some frost salts for Arcadia. She asked me to obtain them for one of her potions. FormID: 00094E3B DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemBranchTopic CUST 2 Would you be so kind as to deliver the frost salts for me? I'm sure Arcadia will provide some form of recompense... FormID: 00094E34 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunArcadiaGemBranch WhiterunArcadiaGemBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, splendid, splendid. It's for a special brew I'm working on. A love elixir like none other. Maybe I'll test it on Farengar first... FormID: 00094E34 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunArcadiaGemBranch WhiterunArcadiaGemBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh, but I suppose you expect some compensation. Um... here, these potions should suffice. FormID: 000A7252 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunArcadiaGemBranch WhiterunArcadiaGemBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, splendid, splendid. It's for a special brew I'm working on. A love elixir like none other. FormID: 000A7252 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunArcadiaGemBranch WhiterunArcadiaGemBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh, but I suppose you expect some compensation. Um... here, these potions should suffice. FormID: 00094E3A DBDestroy DBDestroyGuardReportBranch DBDestroyGuardReportBranchTopic CUST 0 You did what? FormID: 00094E3A DBDestroy DBDestroyGuardReportBranch DBDestroyGuardReportBranchTopic CUST 1 By the gods, you're serious. You'd better report this to Commander Maro right away. He's at the Penitus Oculatus outpost, up in Dragon Bridge. FormID: 00094E36 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranch DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranchTopic CUST 0 The leader of the Dark Brotherhood? You mean Astrid? Dead? And this is no jest? FormID: 00094E36 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranch DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranchTopic CUST 1 Ha! This is a stroke of good fortune. Long have I watched the Dark Brotherhood's movements... waiting for the time to strike. That time is now! FormID: 00094E36 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranch DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranchTopic CUST 2 My agents have recently acquired the passphrase to their Sanctuary. It is, [QUOTE]Silence, my brother.[QUOTE] Every assassin in that hole must be put down! FormID: 00094E36 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranch DBDestroyMaroFirstReportBranchTopic CUST 3 You, my friend. You've slain their leader. This honor should be yours. Do this, and you will be rewarded most handsomely! FormID: 00094E37 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroInProgressBranch DBDestroyMaroInProgressBranchTopic CUST 0 We have a chance to destroy the Dark Brotherhood, forever. It's all up to you. FormID: 00094E38 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroDoneBranch DBDestroyMaroDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 By all I hold holy... Can it be true? Have you actually done it? FormID: 00094E38 DBDestroy DBDestroyMaroDoneBranch DBDestroyMaroDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 This is a great day, my friend. You have struck a blow against darkness that will not soon be forgotten! Here, as promised - a most generous reward! FormID: 00094E35 DarkBrotherhood DBMaroBrotherhoodDeadBranch DBMaroBrotherhoodDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll make sure the Emperor himself hears of all you've accomplished. You've made Skyrim a better place. FormID: 00094D7D DA07intro SCEN 0 Your ancestors wouldn't want this, Silus! pleading, Silus is opening a museum that highlights his family's dark past FormID: 00094D7F DA07intro SCEN 0 Why should I hide from it? This is my family's legacy! arguing, proud of his family's history FormID: 00094D7C DA07intro SCEN 0 It's the past! Dead oaths on dead lips. Let it stay there. arguing, fearful of what might happen FormID: 00094D7E DA07intro SCEN 0 The museum is opening, Madena. ending an argument FormID: 00094C5B TG08B TG08BKarliahIntroBranch TG08BKarliahIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Brynjolf and I found them like that. Mercer's doing. FormID: 00094C5B TG08B TG08BKarliahIntroBranch TG08BKarliahIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 We have to catch up to him before it's too late. FormID: 00094C59 TG08B SCEN 0 Look at the size of this place. Have you ever seen anything like it in your life, lass? FormID: 00094C6B TG08B SCEN 0 Can't say that I have. Imagine the riches hidden within these walls. FormID: 00094C51 TG08B SCEN 0 Looks like we can take the low road or the high road across this chamber. Your choice. FormID: 00094C56 TG08B SCEN 0 So this is what we heard. The entire tower collapsed. FormID: 00094C5D TG08B SCEN 0 The only reason to do that would be to block pursuit. It must be Mercer. FormID: 00094C5D TG08B SCEN 1 We'll have to find another way around. FormID: 00094C5F TG08B SCEN 0 Mercer must have triggered these pistons. We're going to have to search for a way to open them. FormID: 00094C65 TG08B SCEN 0 I'll bet my last septim that there's a mechanism around here somewhere. FormID: 00094C4D TG08B SCEN 0 Shor's Bones! Look at that monstrosity. FormID: 00094C54 TG08B SCEN 0 It's a Dwarven Centurion. Very tough and very deadly. FormID: 00094C69 TG08B SCEN 0 We can take the beast on or sneak around. It's your call, lad. We're right behind you. FormID: 00094C6A TG08B SCEN 0 We can take the beast on or sneak around. It's your call, lass. We're right behind you. FormID: 00094C4E TG08B SCEN 0 This is where we saw Mercer. We must be getting close. FormID: 00094C53 TG08B SCEN 0 The stench... this place reeks of Falmer. FormID: 00094C5C TG08B SCEN 0 This must be their hive. We'll have to keep silent if we want to avoid drawing their attention. FormID: 00094C63 TG08B SCEN 0 Even the Falmer don't deserve the pain these implements must have inflicted. The dwarves were a cruel race. FormID: 00094C6C TG08B SCEN 0 There's a mass of the Falmer in this chamber. We can sneak through or take them down... I don't care. As long as we get to Mercer. FormID: 00094C52 TG08B SCEN 0 Aye. Whatever you want to do, we're with you. FormID: 00094C58 TG08B SCEN 0 Falmer patrol up ahead. I don't think they know we're here. FormID: 00094C60 TG08B SCEN 0 He's close. I'm certain of it. We must prepare ourselves. FormID: 00094C68 TG08B SCEN 0 Then this is it. We do this for Gallus and for the Guild. FormID: 00094C4F TG08B SCEN 0 I can hear water rushing through these pipes. We must be beneath a lake. FormID: 00094C55 TG08B SCEN 0 It's Mercer! Look... down there! FormID: 00094C5E TG08B SCEN 0 Damn it! There's no way through. FormID: 00094C66 TG08B SCEN 0 He's toying with us. He wants us to follow. FormID: 00094C50 TG08B SCEN 0 Aye, lass... and we'll be ready for him. FormID: 00094C50 TG08B SCEN 1 Let's keep moving. FormID: 00094C57 TG08B SCEN 0 Wait a moment... what's that? FormID: 00094C61 TG08B SCEN 0 I'm on it, lass. FormID: 00094A25 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 I think it's sweet Lu'ah is so worked up over her dead soldier... Sarcastic FormID: 00094A24 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 Yeah, but raising Draugr to take on both the Imperials and the Stormcloaks? That's just crazy. FormID: 00094A26 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 True, but I'm not going to be the one to try to oppose her... FormID: 000949C5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlOblivionCrisis DialogueWinterholdJarlOblivionCrisisTopic CUST 0 You may have noticed the College, just to the north there. Very prestigious place. Mages from all over Tamriel traveled here to seek knowledge. FormID: 000949C5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlOblivionCrisis DialogueWinterholdJarlOblivionCrisisTopic CUST 1 After the Oblivion Crisis was over, many felt that magic users were to blame. Elves, to be specific. It created a great deal of tension. FormID: 000949C5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlOblivionCrisis DialogueWinterholdJarlOblivionCrisisTopic CUST 2 A good many dark elves were driven from the city, and people became... uncomfortable with the presence of the College. FormID: 000949C4 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapse DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapseTopic CUST 0 Just about eighty years ago, there was a terrible disaster. The cliffs overlooking the Sea of Ghosts collapsed, taking most of Winterhold with them. FormID: 000949C4 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapse DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapseTopic CUST 1 In the middle of it all, the College was practically untouched. Many of the survivors were suspicious. FormID: 000949C4 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapse DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapseTopic CUST 2 Some believed the mages were behind the whole thing, and others felt they could have at least prevented it. FormID: 000949C4 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapse DialogueWinterholdJarlCollapseTopic CUST 3 Arch-Mage Aren assures me that his people had nothing to do with it, and I believe him. But Winterhold never recovered. FormID: 000949C3 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollege DialogueWinterholdJarlCollegeTopic CUST 0 Goodness, no! FormID: 000949C3 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollege DialogueWinterholdJarlCollegeTopic CUST 1 They're simply scholars, they mean no one harm. I've had... several conversations with Arch-Mage Aren over the years. FormID: 000949C3 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdJarlCollege DialogueWinterholdJarlCollegeTopic CUST 2 He's perfectly polite, if a bit guarded. FormID: 000A3C7C MQ00 ALIL 0 Better make sure. FormID: 000A3C7D MQ00 ALIL 0 I'm sure I heard something... FormID: 000A3C7E MQ00 ALIL 0 Nothing yet. FormID: 000A3C7F MQ00 ALIL 0 Could have been my imagination, I suppose... FormID: 000A3C80 MQ00 ALIL 0 Hmm. I don't see anything. FormID: 000A3C81 MQ00 ALIL 0 That's strange... FormID: 000A3C5A MQ00 LOIL 0 Running won't save you. FormID: 000A3C5B MQ00 LOIL 0 Got to be here somewhere... FormID: 000A3C5C MQ00 LOIL 0 You should run while you have the chance. FormID: 000A3C5D MQ00 LOIL 0 Maybe they're gone? FormID: 000A3C88 MQ00 NOTA 0 Who's there? FormID: 000A3C89 MQ00 NOTA 0 Hmm? FormID: 000A3C8A MQ00 NOTA 0 Hold on, what was that? FormID: 000A3C8B MQ00 NOTA 0 Did you hear that? FormID: 000A3C8C MQ00 NOTA 0 I'm going to check that out. FormID: 000A3C5F MQ00 ALTN 0 Must be my mind playing tricks on me. FormID: 000A3C60 MQ00 ALTN 0 Hmm, nothing there after all. FormID: 000A3C61 MQ00 ALTN 0 Nothing there. Strange. FormID: 000A3C62 MQ00 ALTN 0 I must be getting jumpy. FormID: 000A3C63 MQ00 ALTN 0 Hmm. I was sure I heard something. FormID: 0009820F MQ00 COTN 0 I've waited an eternity for this day. FormID: 00098210 MQ00 COTN 0 My debt is repaid at last. FormID: 00098211 MQ00 COTN 0 I vowed to have your head. exultant FormID: 0010339B MQ00 COTN 0 That takes care of that. FormID: 0010339C MQ00 COTN 0 I can always use the practice. FormID: 0010339D MQ00 COTN 0 That's how it's done. FormID: 0010339E MQ00 COTN 0 I was just getting warmed up. FormID: 0010339F MQ00 COTN 0 Another one for the Blades. FormID: 001033A0 MQ00 COTN 0 That's the end of that, hmm? FormID: 001033A1 MQ00 COTN 0 That seems to be all of them. FormID: 001033A2 MQ00 COTN 0 A shame it had to come to that. FormID: 001033A3 MQ00 COTN 0 Seems I still remember my old training. FormID: 001033A4 MQ00 COTN 0 I'm getting too old for this. FormID: 000A3E76 MQ00 COLO 0 Where'd you go? FormID: 000A3E84 MQ00 COLO 0 Anyone see anything? FormID: 000A3E90 MQ00 COLO 0 I'm afraid I've lost them. FormID: 000A3E91 MQ00 COLO 0 Must still be here, somewhere... FormID: 000A3E92 MQ00 COLO 0 Don't let your guard down. FormID: 000A3E93 MQ00 COLO 0 Where'd you go? FormID: 000A3E9C MQ00 COLO 0 You think running will save you? FormID: 000A3C66 MQ00 LOTN 0 Well, good. They're gone. FormID: 000A3C67 MQ00 LOTN 0 I think they're gone. FormID: 000A3C68 MQ00 LOTN 0 I don't see 'em any more. FormID: 000A3C69 MQ00 LOTN 0 Stay alert. They may not have gone far. FormID: 000A3C6A MQ00 LOTN 0 Hmm. Gone. I don't like it. FormID: 000A3C82 MQ00 LOTC 0 Oho, so that's where you went. FormID: 000A3C83 MQ00 LOTC 0 Here we go again. FormID: 000A3C84 MQ00 LOTC 0 You should have run away. FormID: 000A3C85 MQ00 LOTC 0 There you are. FormID: 000A3C86 MQ00 LOTC 0 Over here! FormID: 000A3C87 MQ00 LOTC 0 Now you're mine! FormID: 00098223 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 00098224 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 00098225 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 00098226 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 00098227 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 00098228 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 00098229 MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 0009822A MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 0009822B MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 0009822C MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 0009822D MQ00 HIT_ 0 grunt of pain FormID: 000A3C8D MQ00 HIT_ 0 Damn it. FormID: 000A3C8E MQ00 HIT_ 0 You'll have to do better than that. FormID: 000A3C8F MQ00 HIT_ 0 Not bad... but it won't save you. FormID: 000A3C90 MQ00 HIT_ 0 I'm too old for this. FormID: 000A3C91 MQ00 HIT_ 0 Damn you. FormID: 000A3C92 MQ00 HIT_ 0 I could use some help over here! FormID: 000946F7 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopicTopic CUST 0 Aye, that I do. I've got to, if I hope to be as good as Eorlund Gray-Mane some day. In fact, I just finished my best piece of work. FormID: 000946F7 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopicTopic CUST 1 It's a sword. I made it for the Jarl, Balgruuf the Greater. It's a surprise, and I don't even know if he'll accept it. But... FormID: 000946F7 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopicTopic CUST 2 Listen, could you take the sword to my father, Proventus Avenicci? He's the Jarl's steward. He'll know the right time to present it to him. FormID: 000946F6 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunProventusSwordBranch WhiterunProventusSwordBranchTopic CUST 0 From Adrianne? FormID: 000946F6 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunProventusSwordBranch WhiterunProventusSwordBranchTopic CUST 1 Ah, this must be that weapon for the Jarl. Poor girl, so eager to prove herself. I'll present it to Balgruuf when his mood is... agreeable. FormID: 000946F6 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunProventusSwordBranch WhiterunProventusSwordBranchTopic CUST 2 Thank you. Please, take these few coins, for services rendered. FormID: 000946F0 MQ304 MQ304TsunPursueAlduin MQ304TsunIntroAlduin CUST 0 A fateful errand. No few have chafed to face the Worm since first he set his soul-snare here at Sovngarde's threshold. FormID: 000946F0 MQ304 MQ304TsunPursueAlduin MQ304TsunIntroAlduin CUST 1 But Shor restrained our wrathful onslaught - perhaps, deep-counselled, your doom he foresaw. FormID: 000946F1 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroHallofValor CUST 0 No shade are you, as usually here passes, but living, you dare the land of the dead. FormID: 000946F1 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroHallofValor CUST 1 By what right do you request entry? stern FormID: 00094398 dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 Ah, my parlor. No finer place to boil eyes, no... FormID: 00094399 dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 Petra, you traitorous grouse! Die! Frothing with rage FormID: 00094397 dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 I spit on you, dead sister. FormID: 0009425B dunValthumeQST SCEN 0 Fools! You will not hold me here any longer, Valdar! FormID: 00094173 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMathyrTopicsImperial DialogueWindhelmMathyrTopicsImperialTopic CUST 0 Yes, markedly so. Ulfric and his Stormcloaks made no secret of their disdain for the Dark Elves. FormID: 00094173 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMathyrTopicsImperial DialogueWindhelmMathyrTopicsImperialTopic CUST 1 In fact, they didn't seem to care much for anyone who wasn't a Nord. FormID: 00094173 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMathyrTopicsImperial DialogueWindhelmMathyrTopicsImperialTopic CUST 2 The folk of the Empire have always had a more cosmopolitan view of the world, so I'm glad to see them in charge. FormID: 00094172 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3Topic CUST 0 You have no idea. Relief FormID: 00094172 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3Topic CUST 1 Did you know it was his decree that forbade the Argonians from living inside the city walls? A little bit angry FormID: 00094172 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3Topic CUST 2 I hope in his next life, he's reborn as an Argonian forced to live in a slum because of some bigoted Nord dictator. Sarcasm FormID: 00094172 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic3Topic CUST 3 I'm joking, of course, but I'm a lot happier seeing the Empire running things in Windhelm. FormID: 00094171 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2Topic CUST 0 Well, not yet. The Empire hasn't been in charge for that long, and real change takes time. FormID: 00094171 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2Topic CUST 1 Still, having a just and honorable man like Brunwulf in charge can only be an improvement. FormID: 00094171 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2Topic CUST 2 Unlike Ulfric, Brunwulf has shown a great willingness to work with the other races and make us feel more at home here. FormID: 00094171 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic2Topic CUST 3 For the first time in a long while, I truly believe that there are brighter days ahead. A mix of relief and optimism. FormID: 00094182 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2 DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2Topic CUST 0 In some ways, yes, but there is often opportunity in chaos. FormID: 00094182 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2 DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2Topic CUST 1 When a new government takes charge, records can be lost, taxes can be forgotten and laws aren't always enforced. FormID: 00094182 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2 DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2Topic CUST 2 The new guards are often too busy learning their responsibilities to notice a few smuggled goods or minor robberies. FormID: 00094182 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2 DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic2Topic CUST 3 Not that I'd ever get involved in any of those kinds of things, of course. Trying a little too hard to sound innocent. FormID: 00094179 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3Topic CUST 0 I almost didn't. I wasn't sure I could stomach having some Imperial tell me how to live my life. FormID: 00094179 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3Topic CUST 1 I was ready to pack my things when Hermir came to me. She wanted to make sure I'd finish teaching her the smithing trade. FormID: 00094179 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3Topic CUST 2 That girl's determination won me over. I suppose it didn't hurt that she said she only wanted to learn from the best smith in Skyrim. FormID: 00094179 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic3Topic CUST 3 I couldn't let her run off to that pretender Eorlund Gray-Mane, could I? FormID: 00094178 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2Topic CUST 0 Aye, that I do. I ain't sayin' he was perfect, but he knew what it meant to be a Nord. FormID: 00094178 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2Topic CUST 1 The Empire's always taken us for granted. Nords died by the thousands in the Great War, and what did the Empire do? FormID: 00094178 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2Topic CUST 2 They outlawed the worship of Talos, Skyrim's most beloved son. There's thanks for you. FormID: 00094178 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic2Topic CUST 3 I guess what I'm sayin' is, Ulfric stood up for us, an' for all Skyrim. So who's goin' to stand up for us now? FormID: 00094177 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperials DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperialsTopic CUST 0 I don't care what the Imperials say -- when Ulfric Stormcloak died, one of Skyrim's greatest heroes was lost. FormID: 00094177 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperials DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperialsTopic CUST 1 Now at last, the Thalmor will get their way. The worship of Talos will finally be stamped out. Or so they think. The last line should have some bite to it. There's a bitter anger at work here. FormID: 00094177 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperials DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperialsTopic CUST 2 Those true sons and daughters of Skyrim will never cease to worship mighty Talos. If we cannot do so in our temples, we will do so in our hearts. Determined and angry. A sort of [QUOTE]we'll show them![QUOTE] tone. FormID: 00094177 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperials DialogueWindhelmJoraTopicsImperialsTopic CUST 3 Oblivion take the Thalmor! I'll never give up Talos, not even if it means my life. Let them come and make me a martyr! Angry, with a zealous bent. FormID: 00094176 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl1Topic CUST 0 Every day is a struggle, but a Nord doesn't back down from a fight when the cause is honorable. FormID: 00094176 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl1Topic CUST 1 I just wish things were simpler. In my days as a soldier, I knew who the enemy was, and how to defeat him. FormID: 00094176 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl1Topic CUST 2 Unfortunately, a sword can't repair damaged buildings, feed hungry people or undo years of prejudice. FormID: 00094175 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2 DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2Topic CUST 0 I'd like to, but it's not as simple as that. FormID: 00094175 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2 DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2Topic CUST 1 Most of the folk in the city believe as Ulfric did, that outsiders should not be trusted. FormID: 00094175 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2 DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2Topic CUST 2 Until those people learn to accept the Argonians, they must remain outside, for their own safety. FormID: 00094175 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2 DialogueWindhelmBrunWulfTopicsJarl2Topic CUST 3 Old habits don't die easily, and we Nords can be as stubborn as stone. FormID: 00094174 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3Topic CUST 0 I've taken the first steps toward doing so already. FormID: 00094174 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3Topic CUST 1 I met with several of the Dark Elves to discuss improvements in the Gray Quarter, but we have no real plans as of yet. FormID: 00094174 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3Topic CUST 2 First we'll need to refill our coffers and stockpile stone and wood. The war took a heavy toll on Windhelm's resources. FormID: 00094174 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsJarl3Topic CUST 3 But I swore an oath to our Dunmer friends that, for as long as I sit on the throne of Windhelm, their needs will not be ignored. FormID: 0009414D FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuest FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestTopic CUST 0 By inheritance, as my men are fond of saying. Can't blame them, my mother ran the Sea Squall as strictly as she ran the house. FormID: 0009414D FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuest FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestTopic CUST 1 I've been trying to find new areas of business, trying to win the sailors' respect, but I keep having problems. FormID: 0009414D FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuest FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestTopic CUST 2 Take the last trade we did. Some Fine-Cut Void Salts from the College of Winterhold. Plenty of coin if you know who to sell it to. FormID: 0009414C FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuest FreeformShipsDawnstarAccept CUST 0 Sailors are what happened to them. They got drunk and ended up losing the merchandise in some cave. FormID: 0009414C FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuest FreeformShipsDawnstarAccept CUST 1 If you're not afraid of little exploring, I'll pay good gold to get those salts. FormID: 0009414B FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuest FreeformShipsDawnstarReject CUST 0 Your choice, friend. FormID: 0009414A FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestReturn FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestReturnTopic CUST 0 That's the first bit of good news I've had since I set sail a year ago. FormID: 0009414A FreeformShipsDawnstar FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestReturn FreeformShipsDawnstarQuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here's your cut. FormID: 00094151 FreeformShipsWindhelm FreeformShipsWindhelmQuest FreeformShipsWindhelmQuestTopic CUST 0 The North Wind is my mistress, and I'm her master. I don't tolerate any disloyalty. FormID: 00094151 FreeformShipsWindhelm FreeformShipsWindhelmQuest FreeformShipsWindhelmQuestTopic CUST 1 You looking for work? Got a sailor who thought running a gang of thieves would be more money than hauling my cargo. FormID: 00094151 FreeformShipsWindhelm FreeformShipsWindhelmQuest FreeformShipsWindhelmQuestTopic CUST 2 You make an example of that gang, I'll give you a year's worth of pay. FormID: 00094150 FreeformShipsWindhelm FreeformShipsWindhelmQuest FreeformShipsWindhelmAccept CUST 0 That's the spirit. FormID: 0009414F FreeformShipsWindhelm FreeformShipsWindhelmQuest FreeformShipsWindhelmReject CUST 0 Coward. FormID: 0009414E FreeformShipsWindhelm FreeformShipsWindhelmQindhelmReturn FreeformShipsWindhelmQindhelmReturnTopic CUST 0 Fine work. Here's your pay. Don't spend it all on mead. FormID: 000940EC DialogueRiften NOTI 0 Oh yes. You're a fine fat one, aren't you! FormID: 000940EE DialogueRiften TAUT 0 Give me just one... little... bite! FormID: 000940EF DialogueRiften TAUT 0 Ah, yes. No fat on this one! FormID: 000940F0 DialogueRiften TAUT 0 Don't run. Stay for dinner! FormID: 000940F1 DialogueRiften TAUT 0 I've been waiting for you, my sweet one. FormID: 000940F2 DialogueRiften TAUT 0 Come closer! FormID: 000940ED DialogueRiften BLED 0 No, no, no. I've got more blood than you know! FormID: 0009403D Favor158 Favor158Quest Favor158QuestTopic CUST 0 Winterhold has lost much of its history, and with that much of its power. I aim to change that. FormID: 0009403D Favor158 Favor158Quest Favor158QuestTopic CUST 1 I've heard rumors of the resting place of the Helm of Winterhold, the very same helm that Jarl Hanse wore in the First Era. FormID: 0009403D Favor158 Favor158Quest Favor158QuestTopic CUST 2 Hanse was in line to be High King of Skyrim, you know. Having that might get the ear of the other Holds and give me some authority. FormID: 000940CD Favor158 Favor158Quest Favor158Accept CUST 0 Good. I'll have a sum of gold waiting for your return. FormID: 0009408F Favor158 Favor158Quest Favor158Reject CUST 0 Then I have no work for you. FormID: 0009407C Favor158 Favor158Return Favor158ReturnTopic CUST 0 Can you believe that this hold used to contend for the throne of the High King? Now perhaps others will listen. FormID: 0009407C Favor158 Favor158Return Favor158ReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, your reward as promised. You have Winterhold's thanks. FormID: 00094078 Favor257 Favor257QuestGive Favor257Accept CUST 0 Good luck to you. FormID: 0009406D Favor257 Favor257QuestGive Favor257Reject CUST 0 Then stop wasting my time. FormID: 0009404A Favor255 Favor255QuestGive Favor255Accept CUST 0 Good luck. FormID: 00094044 Favor255 Favor255QuestGive Favor255Reject CUST 0 As you wish. FormID: 00094040 Favor109 HELO 0 If I needed something from you, you would know it. FormID: 0009403E Favor109 Favor109QuestGive Favor109QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Nothing. I'm busy, and I don't like being bothered unless I'm expecting something from you. FormID: 0009403E Favor109 Favor109QuestGive Favor109QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Oh, don't give me that look. Fine. I supposed I can find some menial task to set your mind on. Hmm.... FormID: 0009403E Favor109 Favor109QuestGive Favor109QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 We have something of a vampire problem. Bodies have been found with blood drained. I know of a den nearby you can wipe out as a precaution. FormID: 0009403C Favor109 Favor109QuestGive Favor109Accept CUST 0 I don't expect you to be capable of even that. FormID: 000940CA Favor109 Favor109QuestGive Favor109Reject CUST 0 I give, and I give. sarcastic FormID: 00094085 Favor109 Favor109QuestReturn Favor109QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Filthy creatures, aren't they? Living in the darkness, like they do. So uncivilized. FormID: 00094085 Favor109 Favor109QuestReturn Favor109QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I prefer finery. Like this. Here, for your trouble. And I suppose I should show you a little about Illusion magic for free, shouldn't I? FormID: 0009407A Favor252 Favor252QuestGive Favor252Accept CUST 0 Good luck to you. FormID: 00094076 Favor252 Favor252QuestGive Favor252Reject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 00094053 Favor253 Favor253QuestGive Favor253Accept CUST 0 As you were, then. FormID: 00094047 Favor253 Favor253QuestGive Favor253Reject CUST 0 Fine, then. FormID: 000E0B8D Favor254 Favor254QuestGiver Favor254Accept CUST 0 The honor will be mine. FormID: 00094043 Favor254 Favor254QuestGiver Favor254Accept CUST 0 Good. Honor to you. FormID: 0009403F Favor254 Favor254QuestGiver Favor254Reject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 00093FDC MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernPersuade CUST 0 Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age, but I actually believe you. FormID: 00093FDD MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernPersuade CUST 0 That's a touching story. Now get outta my face. FormID: 00093FDE MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernPersuade CUST 0 A friend, huh? Well... then it's probably okay if I tell you. FormID: 00093FDF MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernPersuade CUST 0 I guess you don't hear too well. I never heard of this [QUOTE]friend[QUOTE] of yours. FormID: 00093FF3 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernBribe CUST 0 Well... when you put it that way, I think I do know the old guy you're talking about. FormID: 00093FF4 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernBribe CUST 0 Big talk for someone with a light purse. sneering FormID: 00093FF5 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernBribe CUST 0 You know what? I think I do know the guy you're talking about. FormID: 00093FF6 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernBribe CUST 0 Maybe it would. If you had it. FormID: 00093FE0 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernIntimidate CUST 0 There's no need for that. Not like he's a friend of mine or anything. Just calm down. FormID: 00093FE1 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernIntimidate CUST 0 You've got a lot of nerve. But not a lot of common sense. FormID: 00093FE2 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernIntimidate CUST 0 Easy there. I don't want that kind of trouble. Guy ain't worth it. FormID: 00093FE3 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernIntimidate CUST 0 Yeah. That's what it's going to take. gleefully - he loves a good brawl FormID: 00093FE9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 Ah... so tender. Come here, you juicy morsel! FormID: 00093FEA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 Go away. Go away. Go away! FormID: 00093FEB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's hopeless. He told me. He's right, you know. FormID: 00093FEC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 Their fires lit up the night. All across Lake Rumare, like stars come to earth. It was beautiful, really. FormID: 00093FED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 They were golden, even when they were dead. But their blood was red. I knew it would be. FormID: 00093FEE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 You don't think there's any hope, do you? I don't. He's right. FormID: 00093FEF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 He explained it all to me. Before, when I still understood. I don't remember, but I still know. FormID: 00093FF0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 He'll tell you. Just ask. You don't even need to ask. He'll tell you anyway. FormID: 00093FF1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 I finally understand what it all means. What it was all for. The killing. And the dying. FormID: 00093FF2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlocking DialogueRiftenEsbernsVaultBlockingTopic CUST 0 I had a medal. It had someone's face on it. I threw it away, after. It didn't help. FormID: 00093FE4 DialogueRiften TRES 0 Ah. Ha ha! Come here, come here come here come here! gleefully FormID: 00093FE5 DialogueRiften TRES 0 Yes, yes. Closer. I won't bite. Promise. gleefully FormID: 00093FE6 DialogueRiften TRES 0 Come over here. Please pretty please? gleefully FormID: 00093FE7 DialogueRiften TRES 0 I have a present for you. A nice, shiny present. gleefully FormID: 00093FE8 DialogueRiften TRES 0 A little closer. gleefully FormID: 00093FDA DialogueRiften NOTC 0 I'm going to eat well tonight, my darling! FormID: 00093FDB DialogueRiften NOTC 0 No! You can't be here! You're all dead! I already killed you over and over! FormID: 00093BC8 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 Rise from your graves to defeat this worm! Disembodied voice raising the dead FormID: 00093BCB dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 I shall have vengeance for the death of my husband. Rise! Disembodied voice raising the dead FormID: 00093BC0 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 I could not raise him, but I will raise an army to avenge his defilement! Disembodied voice raising the dead FormID: 00093BC3 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 You will not stop me from killing those who wage this pointless war! FormID: 00093BC6 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 Thank you for releasing us from her spell. FormID: 00093BC9 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 Now we can rest in peace once again. Come Fjori, my love... FormID: 00093BC4 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostJournalGreet dunForelhostJournalGreetTopic CUST 0 Let me see that journal... FormID: 00093BC5 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostJournalGreet dunForelhostJournalGive CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 00093AF2 CreatureDialogueDwarvenSpider HIT_ 0 FormID: 00093AF1 CreatureDialogueDwarvenSpider DETH 0 FormID: 00093A71 dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 Help will arrive soon. reassuring FormID: 00093A70 dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 Agreed, we can't afford to try again. FormID: 00093A6E dunTrevasWatchQST dunTrevasWatchQSTStalleoHello HELO 0 Are you here to help? FormID: 00093A6F dunTrevasWatchQST dunTrevasWatchQSTStalleoHello HELO 0 I will take back my family's castle. FormID: 00093A6D dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTTheBest CUST 0 Good, the place is crawling with bandits. We lost some good men trying to take it earlier. FormID: 00093A6C dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTBruridContinue CUST 0 I suspect Brurid planned this, there's been bad blood between us since the king's death. FormID: 00093A6C dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTBruridContinue CUST 1 But to invade my home, kidnap my family... FormID: 00093A6B dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTBadBlood CUST 0 You ask a lot of questions for a mercenary. Just get in there and open the gate, we'll try and provide help once that's done. slightly impatient FormID: 00093A6A dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTHaveAPlan CUST 0 The front gate is locked so you'll need to use the mine entrance behind us. Open the front gate and we'll try and give you some support. FormID: 00093A72 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTRewardHelp CUST 0 My family is everything to me. Clear the fort and on top of the posted reward you can have whatever items you'd like. FormID: 00093809 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleTopicTopic CUST 0 Only if I can help it. FormID: 00093809 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleTopicTopic CUST 1 But damn if I ain't almost sober. FormID: 00093809 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleTopicTopic CUST 2 Hey. In the Bannered Mare, there's this bottle of Argonian Ale. The good stuff. Get it for me. They won't even know it's gone. Come on... FormID: 000D33B1 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleTopicTopic CUST 0 Well that all depends on you, now. Doesn't it? FormID: 000D33B2 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleTopicTopic CUST 0 Not anymore. Thanks to you. Friend. Sleazy and scary. FormID: 0009377B DA01 DA01AzuraBlockingBranch02 DA01AzuraBlockingBranch02Topic CUST 0 Are you ready to enter the Star and purge the soul of Malyn Varen? stern goddess FormID: 00093775 DA01 DA01AzuraBlockingBranch02 DA01AzuraEnterStarTopic04 CUST 0 Have faith, mortal. I will be watching over you. stern goddess FormID: 00093779 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Easy there. The numbness will pass. Just don't strain yourself. reassuring FormID: 00093779 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranchTopic CUST 1 We've done it. The Star has been cut off from Azura, and Malyn's soul finally has some measure of peace, even if it is in non-existence. in awe FormID: 00093776 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalTopic02 CUST 0 Go ahead. Take it. I'd sooner finally put this chapter of my life behind me. exhausted FormID: 00093776 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalTopic02 CUST 1 Congratulations. You've altered the fate of a Daedric artifact and lived. happy but exhausted FormID: 00093778 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalTopic01 CUST 0 Now? You could use it for what we meant it for. Using black souls for enchanting. reassuring FormID: 00093778 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalTopic01 CUST 1 The Black Star will never decay, but it can no longer hold the white souls of lesser creatures. calmly explaining FormID: 00093778 DA01 DA01NelacarFinalBlockingBranch DA01NelacarFinalTopic01 CUST 2 You keep it. I'd sooner finally put this chapter of my life behind me. Congratulations. You've changed the fate of a Daedric artifact and lived. happy but exhausted FormID: 00024659 DA01 IDAT 0 Malyn wanted to alter the Star. He was dying. Disease. He thought he could store his own soul inside. Become immortal. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 00024659 DA01 IDAT 1 It drove him mad. Students started dying. Eventually, the College exiled him. He took a few loyal disciples to Ilinalta's Deep and vanished. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 00024659 DA01 IDAT 2 Look, I don't care who asked you to find the Star, but don't take it back to Azura. The Daedra are evil. They're the reason Malyn went insane. dire warning FormID: 0004C436 DA01 IDAT 0 And who are you to challenge me? I have conquered mortality itself. I've spat in the eyes of the Daedric Lords. insane meglomaniac FormID: 0004C436 DA01 IDAT 1 This is my realm now. I've sacrificed too much to let you take it from me! insane megalomaniac FormID: 00093787 DA01 IDAT 0 Eventually, the Star will fade back into my realm in Oblivion, but I doubt you have the hundred or so years it would take to wait. stern goddess FormID: 00093787 DA01 IDAT 1 No, only one option remains. I will send you inside the Star. You will banish Malyn's soul there. stern goddess FormID: 00093787 DA01 IDAT 2 Tell me when you are ready, mortal. stern goddess FormID: 00093773 DA01 DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranch DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 My Star has been restored and Malyn's soul has been consigned to Oblivion. You have done well, mortal. stern goddess Walk Away FormID: 00093773 DA01 DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranch DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranchTopic CUST 1 As was destined, you are free to use my Star as you see fit. stern goddess Walk Away FormID: 0009377D DA01 DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranch DA01AzuraFinalTopic01 CUST 0 Farewell, mortal. Know that Azura will be guarding over the threads of your fate in the Twilight. stern goddess FormID: 0009377E DA01 DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranch DA01AzuraFinalTopic02 CUST 0 Oblivion has been watching you since the day you were conceived, mortal. Do not think that your life has been served by your will alone. stern goddess FormID: 0009377E DA01 DA01AzuraFinalBlockingBranch DA01AzuraFinalTopic02 CUST 1 Go now. I have seen the threads of your fate in the Twilight, and you still have much to accomplish. stern goddess FormID: 0009374A FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferGreet LodBookOfferTopic01 CUST 0 Hey friend, you wouldn't happen to be looking for unusual items would you? FormID: 00093749 FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferBranch01 LodBookOfferTopic02 CUST 0 First off, let's keep this between us. I picked these up from the graves in town so don't go blabbing about it to Kust. FormID: 00093749 FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferBranch01 LodBookOfferTopic02 CUST 1 You have to understand, Gentle Repose is a fallow festering place I should have left a long time ago. This is one of the few ways I make any money. FormID: 00093749 FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferBranch01 LodBookOfferTopic02 CUST 2 Right now I've got a book that I think you might like. FormID: 0009374F FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferBranch01 LodBookOfferTopic03 CUST 0 Yeah, if your interested then I'll give you the book for free. If you like it you can come back later and I'll have other stuff. FormID: 0009374F FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferBranch01 LodBookOfferTopic03 CUST 1 I mean, it don't cost me anything to let you have one and the dead won't notice their stuff missing. heh. FormID: 00093746 FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookAcceptBranch LodBookAcceptTopic01 CUST 0 Great. Here you go. Come back later and I'll have other things. FormID: 00093751 FreeformFalkreathQuest01 KustTurnInLod KustTurnInLodTopic CUST 0 I knew something was up. I'll make sure he doesn't disrespect this place anymore. Honesty is a rare thing to find these days. Thank you. FormID: 00093748 FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch01 UruinilTroubledTopic CUST 0 Burying the past is much harder than burying remains. I'm... I'm afraid of what you will think of me if I tell you about the things I've done. FormID: 0009374B FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic CUST 0 Although I have not practiced in a long time I was once a wizard. Even when I was young my magic was undeniably powerful. FormID: 0009374B FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic CUST 1 It was that power that brought me to the attention of the Thalmor. In the Summerset Isles it is a great honor to be chosen to serve the Thalmor. FormID: 0009374D FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic02 CUST 0 They are the governing council of the Aldmeri Dominion. They lead us to attack the Empire and forced the Empire to agree to stop worshiping Talos. FormID: 0009374D FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic02 CUST 1 It was during the war with the Empire that I was at the height of my power. As a Thalmor battlemage I laid waste the enemy. FormID: 0009374D FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic02 CUST 2 Men, women, children, no one was spared my wrath. I destroyed whole villages. FormID: 00093752 FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic03 CUST 0 I dream about those days still. Except I'm not me. I can see myself there and I try to stop what I know is going to happen but... FormID: 00093752 FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch02 RunilTroubledBranch02Topic03 CUST 1 Many of the Empire's troops were Nords at that point. Some of them could even have been from around here. FormID: 00093750 FreeformFalkreathQuest02 RunilTroubledBranch03 RunilTroubledBranch03Topic01 CUST 0 Thank you. May Arkay bless you. I won't forget this. FormID: 00093747 FreeformFalkreathQuest02 KustTellBranch01 KustTellBranch01Topic01 CUST 0 I knew he was troubled but one of the Thalmor? I wish I could say I did not believe it. Thank you for telling me. FormID: 0009374E FreeformFalkreathQuest02 MathiasTellBranch01 MathiasTellBranch01Topic CUST 0 I knew he was troubled, but one of the Thalmor? I wish I could say I did not believe it. Thank you for telling me. FormID: 0009374C FreeformFalkreathQuest02 IndaraTellBranch01 IndaraTellBranch01Topic CUST 0 I knew he was troubled, but one of the Thalmor? I wish I could say I did not believe it. Thank you for telling me. FormID: 000936CD dunMistwatchQST SCEN 0 You - over here, quick. Before any of them show up! FormID: 000936CE dunMistwatchQST SCEN 0 Please, stranger! I need your help! FormID: 000936CF dunMistwatchQST SCEN 0 I will find you, Fjola! FormID: 0009360C MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 And begin. Starting a test FormID: 0009360F MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Again! FormID: 0009360E MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Good. We'll take a short break, then move on to wide-area destruction spells. FormID: 00093592 DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada1 SCEN 0 How do you manage to hold your ground like that? FormID: 000935A7 DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada1 SCEN 0 You have to remember, it's not about strength. It's about leverage. FormID: 00093574 DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada1 SCEN 0 But strength doesn't hurt. FormID: 000935AF DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada1 SCEN 0 Well, no. I'm just saying there's more to defense than muscle. FormID: 00093578 DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada2 SCEN 0 I've heard some rumors... about you and Skjor. FormID: 000935B0 DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada2 SCEN 0 And if you want to keep having ears, you'll pretend you didn't. FormID: 000935AB DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada2 SCEN 0 Is it not allowed? FormID: 000935CD DialogueCompanionsAelaNjada2 SCEN 0 It's not exactly forbidden, but even so... it's not true. So that's that. FormID: 000935BF DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis1 SCEN 0 You only use the little swords. FormID: 00093570 DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis1 SCEN 0 It's called a shortsword, oaf. It's quicker. Sharper. Like a razorfish against a whale. FormID: 000935AC DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis1 SCEN 0 But whales eat razorfish. FormID: 000935C0 DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis1 SCEN 0 And they always come to regret it. FormID: 000935C6 DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis2 SCEN 0 You might do well to learn a smaller weapon. Vary your style a bit. FormID: 0009356F DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis2 SCEN 0 Tiny blades don't hurt enough. A sword needs weight. FormID: 00093572 DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis2 SCEN 0 But ten little cuts... FormID: 0009358D DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis2 SCEN 0 All I need is one to cut you in half. FormID: 00093590 DialogueCompanionsFarkasAthis2 SCEN 0 Well, when you put it that way... put a nervous gulp before the line FormID: 000935BB DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar1 SCEN 0 You'll do all right some day. Today you need to keep training, though. FormID: 0009356A DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar1 SCEN 0 Enough with the training. I want to go fight something. FormID: 00093585 DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar1 SCEN 0 No fighting just yet. Not till Skjor says so. We train now. FormID: 0009359D DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar1 SCEN 0 Easy for you to say. You get to fight. emphasize [QUOTE]get[QUOTE] FormID: 000935BA DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar1 SCEN 0 But before I fought, I had to train. FormID: 0009356C DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar2 SCEN 0 Relax, new blood. FormID: 0009358A DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar2 SCEN 0 I've been hunting on my own for years. FormID: 000935A8 DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar2 SCEN 0 Fighting people is different. Smarter. FormID: 00093596 DialogueCompanionsFarkasTorvar2 SCEN 0 Some of them, anyway. FormID: 000935C8 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela1 SCEN 0 You wanted to see me? FormID: 00093576 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela1 SCEN 0 I worry that you've been spending too many nights out. [QUOTE]out[QUOTE] is kind of italicized. they're talking around the issue. FormID: 0009358F DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela1 SCEN 0 Where I go is my business. If you have a concern about my honor, bring it before the Circle. FormID: 000935A1 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela1 SCEN 0 You forget yourself, young one. FormID: 000935C2 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela1 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Just... these hunters. We're all on edge. suitably chastised FormID: 0009356B DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela1 SCEN 0 That's why it's best to not mistake foolhardiness for bravery. FormID: 00093586 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela2 SCEN 0 How goes the hunt? FormID: 000935A2 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela2 SCEN 0 Skjor's heard rumors of a bear the size of a mammoth in Hammerfell. We're going to seek it out. FormID: 000935B8 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela2 SCEN 0 What glorious prey. Come back alive, and with stories to tell! FormID: 000935D4 DialogueCompanionsKodlakAela2 SCEN 0 Always. FormID: 00093588 DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas1 SCEN 0 How are the young ones coming along? FormID: 000935A4 DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas1 SCEN 0 Some are too happy to fight. Blood runs hot. FormID: 000935C1 DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas1 SCEN 0 I remember when you were the same way. The more they train, the more they'll cool down. FormID: 0009356D DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas1 SCEN 0 I hope so. FormID: 0009358C DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas1 SCEN 0 Just have them focus on the calm in the battle. Control the rage, don't let it control you. FormID: 000935A0 DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas2 SCEN 0 What weapon do you like, Harbinger? FormID: 000935BD DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas2 SCEN 0 When I was young, I favored huge swords, much like you. Hard to lift these days, but I still enjoy the heft of a good hammer. FormID: 000935CE DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas2 SCEN 0 Big swords should always beat little swords. FormID: 0009357F DialogueCompanionsKodlakFarkas2 SCEN 0 Brave hearts beat lesser ones. That's the decider. FormID: 00093599 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor1 SCEN 0 Tradition is very important to me, son. FormID: 000935B7 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor1 SCEN 0 To me as well. I think we don't see the same tradition at play here. FormID: 000935D0 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor1 SCEN 0 If you want to lead this pack when I'm gone, you have to see farther. Look closer. FormID: 0009357C DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor1 SCEN 0 Well which is it? Look farther or closer? FormID: 00093597 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor1 SCEN 0 Come on now, boy, you know what I meant... FormID: 000935B1 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor1 SCEN 0 You speak in riddles sometimes. FormID: 000935D1 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor2 SCEN 0 I don't mean to confuse you. FormID: 00093583 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor2 SCEN 0 It's not confusing... just frustrating. FormID: 0009359F DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor2 SCEN 0 You're a strong warrior, Skjor. Your heart is fiery and that serves you well in battle. FormID: 000935B4 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor2 SCEN 0 Thank you, Harbinger. FormID: 000935D5 DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor2 SCEN 0 But even the bravest of men consider their actions. I want you to survive long enough to take the mantle. FormID: 0009357D DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjor2 SCEN 0 Don't worry about me. FormID: 000935C4 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 0 Master, I... FormID: 00093584 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 0 My title is Harbinger, child. I am no man's master. FormID: 0009359C DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 0 Forgive me. You're just the one in charge, and it's what I'm used to. FormID: 000935B6 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 0 No one is in charge here. Each Shield-Brother is his own man, each Shield-Sister her own woman. FormID: 000935CB DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 0 Well why do I have to listen to Skjor, then? FormID: 0009357E DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 0 Skjor has been a warrior for a long time. You would be wise to listen to him. FormID: 0009357E DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar1 SCEN 1 Any warrior that gets to be old is either fearsome or a coward. I'll let you find out which Skjor is. FormID: 0009357A DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar2 SCEN 0 Do you think I could be a member of the Circle? Some day? If I work hard? FormID: 00093594 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar2 SCEN 0 Don't worry about such things. Just focus on your own honor. Bring glory to the Companions, and that glory will return upon you. FormID: 000935A6 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar2 SCEN 0 I just want to make sure I'm moving up. FormID: 000935C3 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar2 SCEN 0 This isn't the military, son. There are no ranks. FormID: 00093571 DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar2 SCEN 0 But aren't the Circle in charge? And don't you lead them? FormID: 0009358B DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvar2 SCEN 0 I guide the Companions. The Circle advises me. But we are all free warriors. Only our honor binds us together. FormID: 0009359E DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas1 SCEN 0 Why can't I train with Aela? FormID: 000935BC DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas1 SCEN 0 Because you wanted to learn the longer blades. Aela's never used anything bigger than a dagger. FormID: 000935D3 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas1 SCEN 0 It's just... I think our fighting styles are similar. FormID: 00093582 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas1 SCEN 0 Well you can either get better with a bow or try to learn from me. FormID: 00093598 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas2 SCEN 0 Should I be holding the blade further away than I would a smaller one? FormID: 000935B2 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas2 SCEN 0 If you keep it in close, you'll have more control, but it can be harder to balance a strike. FormID: 000935CA DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas2 SCEN 0 I guess that comes down to footwork, then. FormID: 00093579 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas2 SCEN 0 Exactly. When you have a big heavy weight swinging around your upper body, your lower body has to compensate or you'll fall right over. FormID: 0009358E DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas3 SCEN 0 It just feels so slow. FormID: 000935AD DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas3 SCEN 0 It will feel that way for a while. But eventually you'll get used to it, and then you'll get faster with it. FormID: 000935AD DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas3 SCEN 1 After that, the shortsword will feel like a knitting needle when you pick it up again. FormID: 000935A9 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas3 SCEN 0 I've never held a knitting needle. FormID: 000935C5 DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkas3 SCEN 0 Of course not. My mistake. FormID: 00093575 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela1 SCEN 0 Are you prepared for tonight's hunt? FormID: 00093593 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela1 SCEN 0 I've been thinking we need to be more... discreet. FormID: 000935AE DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela1 SCEN 0 There's nothing wrong with what we're doing. FormID: 000935C9 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela1 SCEN 0 You know the old man doesn't like it. FormID: 000935C9 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela1 SCEN 1 Let's just not be too obvious. FormID: 000935CF DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 All these younglings scampering around. FormID: 00093581 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 Worried one of them is going to take your place? FormID: 0009359B DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 Some of them might try. But that's not what I'm worried about. FormID: 000935B5 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 What then? FormID: 00093569 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 That they might get themselves killed. FormID: 00093587 DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 By you? FormID: 000935AA DialogueCompanionsSkjorAela2 SCEN 0 They should be so lucky. FormID: 000935C7 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada1 SCEN 0 Heard you had a bit of trouble near Solitude last week. FormID: 00093573 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada1 SCEN 0 Just those same ruffians I was bringing in for the Shatter-Shields. FormID: 00093573 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada1 SCEN 1 So much wasted breath in that crew. FormID: 00093577 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada1 SCEN 0 I'm imagining you just standing your ground and letting them tire themselves out. FormID: 00093591 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada1 SCEN 0 I'm telling you, it works. Let them ring their own ears on my shield, then scoop them up off the ground. FormID: 000935A3 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada1 SCEN 0 We all have different means to glory, Stonearm. Well done. FormID: 000935BE DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada2 SCEN 0 I've got a bad grip on my shield, could you take a look at it? FormID: 0009356E DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada2 SCEN 0 I'm a warrior, not a blacksmith. FormID: 00093589 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada2 SCEN 0 Can't you just tell me if the grip is bad? FormID: 000935A5 DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjada2 SCEN 0 If Eorlund made it, it's more likely you're gripping it wrong. Find me tomorrow and we can go over it. FormID: 000935B9 DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis1 SCEN 0 One day when you and I are on the Circle, we can change how things are run around here. FormID: 000935D2 DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis1 SCEN 0 I don't think that's how the Circle works. FormID: 00093580 DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis1 SCEN 0 They're lording it over us all the time, though. FormID: 0009359A DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis1 SCEN 0 Young warriors are smart to listen to older ones. They've lived. FormID: 000935B3 DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis2 SCEN 0 What kind of weapon do you prefer? I like the smaller, quicker blades. FormID: 000935CC DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis2 SCEN 0 Yes, you're very fond of saying that. You know I like hammers and axes. FormID: 0009357B DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis2 SCEN 0 Aren't they slow? I can get in and out before you have one swing. FormID: 00093595 DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthis2 SCEN 0 Let's test that out some time. FormID: 000934F3 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBraithBullyBranch WhiterunBraithBullyBranchTopic CUST 0 Yeah? Why? FormID: 000934F8 DialogueWhiterun IDAT 0 Okay, okay! I'll leave him alone! I was just kidding around. Besides, if he'd only kiss me, I wouldn't have to beat him up all the time... FormID: 000934E2 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsBullyTopic WhiterunLarsBullyTopicTopic CUST 0 Yes. Braith bullies me all the time. All the elders think I'm a milk drinker 'cause I can't fight. Nobody understands. FormID: 000934E2 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsBullyTopic WhiterunLarsBullyTopicTopic CUST 1 If you can get Braith to leave me alone, I'll be your best friend... forever! I'll pay you, too! My whole life's savings - two septims! FormID: 000932AD MS08 SCEN 0 I'm not sure I like these Alik'r warriors hiding out here. They seem like trouble. FormID: 000932C5 MS08 SCEN 0 Keep it to yourself. They're not paying us to talk. FormID: 000932C8 MS08 SCEN 0 They'll be gone as soon as they've found whoever they're looking for. And we'll have all the more coin. FormID: 000931B8 DialogueSalviusFarm FreeformSalviusFarmARogtaus FreeformSalviusFarmARogtausTopic CUST 0 That's right. Old inn to the south. The oaf doesn't even bother to visit these days. What am I supposed to do if the dragons burn down the farm? FormID: 000931B8 DialogueSalviusFarm FreeformSalviusFarmARogtaus FreeformSalviusFarmARogtausTopic CUST 1 You're a traveler, right? I have this letter for him. Let him know how much of a failure he is. FormID: 000931B9 DialogueSalviusFarm FreeformSalviusFarmARogtaus FreeformSalviusFarmARogatusYES CUST 0 Good. You make sure the lug tips you when he gets it. FormID: 000931BB DialogueSalviusFarm FreeformSalviusFarmARogtaus FreeformSalviusFarmARogatusNO CUST 0 Typical. Well don't mind me, then. FormID: 000931BD FreeformSalviusFarmA FreeformSalviusFarmALeonitus FreeformSalviusFarmALeonitusTopic CUST 0 What's this? FormID: 000931BD FreeformSalviusFarmA FreeformSalviusFarmALeonitus FreeformSalviusFarmALeonitusTopic CUST 1 I guess some things never change. Thanks for bringing this to me. Here, for your trouble. FormID: 0008B643 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Well, there are three of them. Arranged in three tiers, as you may have noticed. FormID: 0008B643 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 The Plains District is so named because it's the closest of the three to the plains that surround the city. The inn and marketplace are found there. FormID: 0008B643 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Most of the city's residents live in the Wind District, which is the middle of the three. FormID: 0008B643 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 Dragonsreach occupies the highest, which we call the Cloud District. From here, the Jarl can see all that goes on within his city. FormID: 0009312D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunTopic2BranchTopic CUST 0 Ulfric Stormcloak's head on a pike. FormID: 0009312D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunTopic2BranchTopic CUST 1 Do you think Ulfric really cares about Skyrim's independence, or the welfare or its people? I promise you, he doesn't. FormID: 0009312D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunTopic2BranchTopic CUST 2 He's nothing more than a barbarian renegade, whose lust for power has cost the lives of countless innocents. FormID: 00093131 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 0 With good planning and constant vigilance. FormID: 00093131 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 1 Even now, my court wizard, Farengar, continues his research into ways we might drive back these terrors. FormID: 00093131 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 2 We must also have ample reserves of water to combat the fires that will surely spread after an attack. FormID: 00093131 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 3 But our greatest weapon? Courage. For if we cannot kill the beast, we must at least have the tenacity to drive it back. FormID: 00093131 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 4 Until brave heroes step forward to destroy these monsters, that is the best we can do. FormID: 000A7248 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 0 With good planning and constant vigilance. FormID: 000A7248 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 1 We must have ample reserves of water to combat the fires that will surely spread after an attack. FormID: 000A7248 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 2 But our greatest weapon? Courage. For if we cannot kill the beast, we must at least have the tenacity to drive it back. FormID: 000A7248 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic4BranchTopic CUST 3 Until brave heroes step forward to destroy these monsters, that is the best we can do. FormID: 0009312E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Ah, splendid! Our fine city has a proud history, and I'm happy to share what I know. FormID: 0009312E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 The history of Whiterun begins with Jorrvaskr, the hall of the Companions. For a long time, it was the only building on the mountain. FormID: 0009312E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 As time passed, a thriving community sprang up around Jorrvaskr, as was common with mead halls. FormID: 0009312E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 3 Today, Whiterun is the jewel of Skyrim. I can say without boast that is the greatest city in all the holds. FormID: 0009312C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 That is an old tale, but well known to those of us who serve in the keep. FormID: 0009312C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 Long ago, there lived a mighty hero of the Nords. Olaf One-Eye. Olaf did battle with a fearsome dragon named Numinex. FormID: 0009312C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 The struggle between Olaf and the dragon culminated in a mighty duel atop Mount Anthor, with Olaf the victor. FormID: 0009312C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 3 Olaf returned in triumph to Whiterun. By his decree, the city's keep was rebuilt as a prison for Numinex. FormID: 0009312C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunProventusTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 4 And so, from that time until this, our great keep has been called [QUOTE]Dragonsreach.[QUOTE] FormID: 0009312A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Balgruuf and I share a battle bond. We met as youths, and forged our friendship in the fires of war. FormID: 0009312A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 When he became Jarl, I insisted on serving as his protector. He had no cause to argue. FormID: 0009312A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Gods, you are curious. Almost... dangerously so. FormID: 00093129 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 I am charged with protecting the Jarl from any and all threats. FormID: 00093129 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Powerful men have many enemies. More so, in times of strife. So you can imagine the dangers. FormID: 00093129 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 Oh yes, there have been attempts on the Jarl's life. More than one would-be assassin has met his end at the tip of my blade. FormID: 00093136 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Take your pick. Dragons, Stormcloak assassins, ambitious and unscrupulous nobles... Sometimes I think his own children want him dead. FormID: 00093136 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 And those are just the physical threats. Assaults on his sanity are another matter entirely. FormID: 00093136 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 Every day, he deals with obsequious functionaries and incompetent bureaucrats. Sadly, I'm not allowed to eliminate them. FormID: 00093136 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunIrilethTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 3 Well, not yet, anyway. FormID: 00093134 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Sadly, no. My work affords me few opportunities for such an adventure. FormID: 00093134 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Perhaps some hero will bring one to Dragonsreach, like old Olaf One-Eye once did. FormID: 00093134 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 What a fascinating conversation that would be! FormID: 00093133 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 If I said that was a tedious question, would you be smart enough to know what I meant? Probably not. FormID: 00093133 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 As long as I'm left alone to pursue my research, I don't care who gives the orders. FormID: 00093133 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 Now, I'm a busy man and your pointless questions are boring me terribly. Good day. FormID: 0009312F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 I'll put it simply, so you'll understand. I advise the Jarl in matters of magic. FormID: 0009312F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 If the hold is faced with any threats or mysteries of a magical nature, I am called upon to explain things and suggest a course of action. FormID: 0009312F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunFarengarTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 Hopefully that answer will satisfy you. Good day. FormID: 0009312B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Hello, my friend! If you seek knowledge about mighty Talos, you have most certainly come to the right person. FormID: 0009312B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 In mortal life, Talos was a Nord possessed of unmatched tactical skill, limitless wisdom and the power to see into men's hearts. FormID: 0009312B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Talos mastered the power of the Voice, and with it he united the lands of men into a great Empire. FormID: 0009312B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 In southern lands, he was known by the name Tiber Septim. Here in Skyrim, we honor him by his proper Nord name. FormID: 0009312B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 4 So great was his reign in life, when he ascended to the heavens he was made lord of the Divines. FormID: 0009312B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 5 If you want to know more, I'm sure you can find any number of tomes on the subject. FormID: 00093135 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Because the so-called Emperor is a coward! That's right, I said coward! FormID: 00093135 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Oh yes! He agreed to banish the worship of Talos at the tip of an Aldmeri sword. They called it the [QUOTE]White-Gold Concordat.[QUOTE] FormID: 00093135 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 Well, I call it blasphemy! A true son of the Empire would never have turned his back on our greatest hero, not at any price. FormID: 00093135 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 3 Well, let me tell you something, friend. Cyrodiil is a long way from here, and in Skyrim, we will never forsake mighty Talos! FormID: 00093130 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Let them come! I have no fear, for Talos is my ally and I am his prophet. His word is upon my lips, his voice in my throat. FormID: 00093137 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Indeed. The temple here in the city is my charge. FormID: 00093137 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 The goddess's divine blessings have no doubt helped make Whiterun a thriving and prosperous city. FormID: 00093137 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 After all, it is she who brings rain to our crops and fair weather on the harvest days. FormID: 00093132 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Somewhat, yes. At first it seemed a distant thing, heard only in the idle speech of guards and traders. FormID: 00093132 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 When the wounded soldiers began to return from battle, I did what I could to help them. FormID: 00093132 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 As more of the sick and injured came to the temple, my work as a healer became more important than my duties as a priestess. FormID: 00093132 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunDanicaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 3 I wish only an end to the fighting, so that I can tend to the temple once more. FormID: 00092F2A DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarTopic05 CUST 0 He's already dead. Worse, the enchantment keeping him intact requires black souls. I don't know how many people he must have killed. anxious FormID: 00092F2A DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarTopic05 CUST 1 If we don't do something, the enchantment will eventually fade, and the Star will slip back into Oblivion. Azura will have the last laugh. anxious FormID: 00092E14 DA01 SCEN 0 He did it. He actually managed to trap his own soul inside the Star, but it's falling apart. It needs more and more souls to sustain itself. examining, analyzing FormID: 00092E11 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarTopic01 CUST 0 Precisely. But it's not as simple as enchanting Malyn away. He's put up barriers. Souls are only allowed in, not out. anxious FormID: 00092E11 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarTopic01 CUST 1 If we were to... somehow... send a soul inside the Star. One that was ready to overpower Malyn from the inside.... anxious FormID: 00092E04 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarInvisibleContinue CUST 0 I understand if you need some time to prepare. Let me know when you're ready. anxious FormID: 00092E07 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarTopic02 CUST 0 I could soul trap you. Place you inside the Star. Then bring you back once Malyn has been dealt with. anxious FormID: 00092E09 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarTopic03 CUST 0 A special type of soul trap. Placing you inside the Star without fully killing you. Once Malyn has been dealt with, I'll bring you back. anxious FormID: 00092E08 DA01 DA01NelacarStarQuestionsMalynBranch DA01NelacarStarQuestionsValasBranchTopic CUST 0 Malyn's soul is beyond hope because his body is dead. But I'll be keeping you just slightly alive on this end. anxious FormID: 00092E08 DA01 DA01NelacarStarQuestionsMalynBranch DA01NelacarStarQuestionsValasBranchTopic CUST 1 But be careful. If you die inside the Star, your soul will be disrupted. There's nothing anyone can do for you if that happens. anxious FormID: 00092E15 DA01 DA01NelacarStarQuestionsInsideBranch DA01NelacarStarQuestionsInsideBranchTopic CUST 0 Malyn's soul should be in the Star. Theoretically, purging him will be just like killing a ghost anywhere else. anxious FormID: 00092E15 DA01 DA01NelacarStarQuestionsInsideBranch DA01NelacarStarQuestionsInsideBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll have a magical tether to your soul while you're inside. Once you're done, it'll be as simple as pulling you back into your body. anxious FormID: 00092E0C DA01 DA01NelacarReadyBranch DA01NelacarReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Okay. Stand very still. This might sting. calming FormID: 00092E0A DA01 SCEN 0 First, I'll need to grab hold of your soul. reassuring, calming FormID: 00092E0F DA01 SCEN 0 Now, take a deep breath. reassuring, calming FormID: 00092E13 DA01 DA01AzuraBlockingBranch DA01AzuraBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Greetings, mortal. You have followed my guidance through the veils of Twilight and rescued my Star from Malyn Varen. stern goddess FormID: 00092E13 DA01 DA01AzuraBlockingBranch DA01AzuraBlockingBranchTopic CUST 1 But his soul still resides within, protected by his enchantments. Until he is purged, my artifact is useless to you. stern goddess FormID: 00092CC1 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchIntroTopic CUST 0 Stendarr's mercy - you aren't one of them. Please, you've got to help me! With great relief. Stendarr's Mercy == Thank God FormID: 00092CDB dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChristerMyWife01 CUST 0 It's my wife, Fjola! I think she's being held in this tower. FormID: 00092CBF dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister002 CUST 0 I'm sorry, I'm just... you're right. Let me explain. FormID: 00092CE1 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister003 CUST 0 Fjola, my wife, left the farm on errands and never came back. It's been months, and I've been searching for her since. FormID: 00092CE3 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister005 CUST 0 I heard a rumor that these bandits were ransoming captives, so I thought she may be here. FormID: 00092CE2 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister006 CUST 0 I managed to sneak past the guards and get this far, but... I don't think I can go on. I'm no warrior! Please, can you look for her? FormID: 00092CDF dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister007 CUST 0 Honestly? I have no idea. But I've looked all over and the kidnappings here started around when she disappeared. So I have to hope... with some doubt, but trying to sound confident FormID: 00092CDD dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister008 CUST 0 Thank you! I don't have much, but I can give you some coin for the trouble. FormID: 00092CCF dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchIntro dunMistwatchChrister011 CUST 0 One of the guards dropped this key while I hid. I wager it will come in handy for you. Please hurry! FormID: 00092CD1 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjolaTopic CUST 0 Until you can find out whether Fjola is here there's nothing I care to to discuss. FormID: 0005E98F dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjolaTopic CUST 0 What news? Why isn't Fjola with you? hopeful excitement FormID: 00092CDA dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchChristerDeadWithProof CUST 0 That... I gave it to her on our wedding day. Help me, Divines... it's true isn't it? Overwhelming grief FormID: 00092CDA dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchChristerDeadWithProof CUST 1 I'm sorry. Keep the ring. I cannot bear the weight of them in my heart, and I must make the journey alone now. Thank you for... thank you. trying to recover himself FormID: 00092CC2 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola01 CUST 0 All right, snowback. Who are you, and what are you doing in my tower? FormID: 00092CC3 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola02 CUST 0 Fjola? How do you know that name? FormID: 00092CC4 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola03 CUST 0 Christer? He's here? Genuine surprise that her husband's here. FormID: 00092CCE dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola04 CUST 0 The fool's my husband. I'm Fjola - or I was, once. Don't you see? FormID: 00092CCE dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola04 CUST 1 I left that old scab. Came home to Skyrim, and found this rabble of bandits. FormID: 00092CD4 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola06 CUST 0 Didn't take much to prove myself and knock them into shape. Now every free blade from here to Windhelm wants to sign on for a piece. FormID: 00092CD2 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola07 CUST 0 And it won't end here. I'd die before I went back. FormID: 00092CC8 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola08 CUST 0 None. Not back to him. FormID: 00092CC9 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola09 CUST 0 Better men have tried. Let's finish this. FormID: 0005E963 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola09 CUST 0 You think so? Let's see who the real woman is here. FormID: 00092CCA dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola11 CUST 0 I don't know. I never expected the old bag to follow me so far. Just get rid of him. FormID: 00092CCA dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola11 CUST 1 But don't kill him. I don't hate the man. I just want him to go back to his farm and forget about me. FormID: 00092CD0 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola13 CUST 0 Take my wedding band. Stuhn only knows why I've kept it this long. He'll recognize it. Tell him whatever you think will convince him to leave. FormID: 00092CD0 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchFjola01 dunMistwatchQSTFjola13 CUST 1 The ring itself is worth a few bits. Keep it as thanks for cutting off the last vestige of an unwanted fate. FormID: 00092CD7 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerEnd02 CUST 0 Her marriage band? Then there's hope - she was here! FormID: 00092CD7 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerEnd02 CUST 1 I have to move on if I want to find her. Please, take the coin I promised. Blessings of Stendarr on you! FormID: 00092CC7 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerEnd03 CUST 0 What? My Fjola would never... confusion, then rage FormID: 00092CD5 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerEnd04 CUST 0 You monster! I'll kill you for this! with rage FormID: 00092CD6 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEnd dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEndStart CUST 0 I didn't expect to see you again. What became of my doting husband? [QUOTE]doting husband[QUOTE] with some sarcasm FormID: 000C00F2 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEnd dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEndStart CUST 0 Oh, it's you. I didn't think you could handle this on your own. Did you get rid of Christer? FormID: 00092CDE dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEnd dunMistwatchQSTFiolaB01 CUST 0 Then stop wasting my time. FormID: 00092CDC dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEnd dunMistwatchQSTFiolaB02 CUST 0 How did... no, forget it. I don't care to know. I'm free of the little man, and that's what matters. FormID: 00092CE0 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTFiolaQuestEnd dunMistwatchQSTFiolaB03 CUST 0 I owe you a debt, and I aim to repay it. We'll see each other again someday. For now, goodbye, and thanks. FormID: 00092B1D DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Well, sounds like you've had quite the journey, Uthgerd. But you were gone longer than usual. I got to thinking maybe you weren't coming back... FormID: 00092B19 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 You sound like my ma. Figured I was lying dead in a field somewhere, is that it? FormID: 00092B1E DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Thought did cross my mind, yeah. War brewing, talk of a riot in Helgen, and now jesters? Skyrim's gone mad, girl. You need to be careful out there. FormID: 00092B1F DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 00092B1A DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 By Ysmir, it's true. A jester - funny suit and all. Just north, by the Loreius Farm. Fool had a coffin in a cart, with a broken wheel. FormID: 00092A62 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Battle-Born! Give me your money! FormID: 00092A5F DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I... I don't have any money. FormID: 00092A5E DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 You'd better give me five septims right now, or I'm going to bloody your nose... FormID: 00092A61 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 No! Please! I really don't have any money, Braith! I'll give you ten septims tomorrow. Just don't hit me. FormID: 00092A60 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Ten septims tomorrow, baby Battle-Born. Or I'm gonna bloody your nose and your lip. FormID: 00092A43 C05 C05Hellos HELO 0 We're going to make them pay. FormID: 00092A44 C05 C05Hellos HELO 0 Those bastards will regret raising their weapons against Jorrvaskr. FormID: 00092A45 C05 C05Hellos HELO 0 Let's get back to Jorrvaskr. We'll want to pay our respects to Kodlak's spirit. FormID: 00097593 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 What is this, you think you're clever? FormID: 00097593 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranchTopic CUST 1 If you want to fight your way out of here, you have to do it in the Pit. FormID: 00097593 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranchTopic CUST 2 Gotta give the crowd a show. FormID: 00097593 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranchTopic CUST 3 Luckily there's no shortage of Pit bait around here. Now get in there and earn your freedom. FormID: 00038B5D EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, meat, it's time for you to earn your freedom. FormID: 00092A46 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightQuestImReady CUST 0 Well aren't you in luck. He's the next piece of gutter scum on the docket. Between you and me, I hope you cleave his arrogant head open. FormID: 00097592 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightQuestImReady CUST 0 All right. Head to the pit when you think you're ready. FormID: 00092A47 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightQuestWhatDoIDo CUST 0 We don't just let people rot in cells until they've served their time. Here, you fight. FormID: 00092A47 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightQuestWhatDoIDo CUST 1 If you win, you go free. FormID: 00092A47 EastmarchJailArenaFightQuest EastmarchJailArenaFightHukiGreetBranch EastmarchJailArenaFightQuestWhatDoIDo CUST 2 If you lose, well, you'll know the freedom of Sovngarde if you're lucky. FormID: 00092A28 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Thank you, thank you. No, please, hold your applause. FormID: 00092A2E DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 One more song, what say you? Yeah? All right, then! FormID: 00092A25 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Nnnnooowwwwwww.... FormID: 00092A26 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead! FormID: 00092A27 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade, as he told of bold battles and gold he had made! FormID: 00092A29 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 But then he went quiet, did Ragnar the Red, when he met the shieldmaiden Matilda who said... FormID: 00092A2A DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Oh, you talk and you lie and you drink all our mead! Now I think it's high time that you lie down and bleed![QUOTE] FormID: 00092A2B DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 And so then came the clashing and slashing of steel, as the brave lass Matilda charged in full of zeal! FormID: 00092A2C DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 And the braggart named Ragnar was boastful no moooooree... when his ugly red head rolled around on the floor! FormID: 00092A2D DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Thank you, good patrons of the Bannered Mare! Thank you! FormID: 00092516 MQ102A SCEN 0 Wait! FormID: 00092517 MQ102A SCEN 0 Looks like he's gone for good this time. But I don't think we should stick around to see if he comes back. relieved and still afraid FormID: 00092518 MQ102A SCEN 0 Draugr creeping down the mountain to climb through my window at night, that kind of thing. I admit, I still don't much like the look of it. FormID: 00092519 MQ102B SCEN 0 Wait! FormID: 0009251A MQ102B SCEN 0 There he goes. Looks like he's gone for good this time. relieved and still afraid FormID: 0009251B MQ102B SCEN 0 I guess you get used to it. FormID: 00092491 DA01 DA01AraneaTravellingtoShrineBranch DA01AraneaTravellingtoShrineBranchTopic CUST 0 Please place your hands on the altar. Azura wishes to speak with you. calmness of a monk FormID: 00092479 DialogueFalkreathCemeteryScene01 SCEN 0 You visit us often, Thadgeir. FormID: 00092443 DialogueFalkreathCemeteryScene01 SCEN 0 Most of my friends are buried here. FormID: 00092455 DialogueFalkreathCemeteryScene02 SCEN 0 There are a lot of good men buried here, Kust. FormID: 0009246C DialogueFalkreathCemeteryScene02 SCEN 0 Men aren't good or bad. They're just men. FormID: 00092480 DialogueFalkreathCorpselightFarmScene01 SCEN 0 The fields will need cutting soon. FormID: 00092449 DialogueFalkreathCorpselightFarmScene01 SCEN 0 I suppose so. Seems like it was just turning summer yesterday. FormID: 00092451 DialogueFalkreathCorpselightFarmScene01 SCEN 0 And now winter is coming. FormID: 0009245A DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene01 SCEN 0 Narri! This mead tastes like water and the meat has gone off. FormID: 00092469 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene01 SCEN 0 The mead is same as it ever was and the meat is fresh, maybe your sense of taste has [QUOTE]gone off.[QUOTE] FormID: 00092457 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene01 SCEN 0 The impertinence! You never would have talked to me like that when I was Jarl. FormID: 0009246F DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene01 SCEN 0 We had this same argument every week, even when you were Jarl. FormID: 00092471 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene02 SCEN 0 Tekla! It's good to see you, girl. How's Dengeir treating you? FormID: 0009244E DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene02 SCEN 0 As he should I suppose. FormID: 00092475 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene02 SCEN 0 Hmmm, well don't take what you don't have to. FormID: 00092444 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene03 SCEN 0 Narri, do you think the war will ever end? FormID: 0009245B DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene03 SCEN 0 I think the war is just an excuse. If it does end there will be a new reason and a new place. FormID: 00092472 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene03 SCEN 0 But what about the banning of Talos worship? Isn't that worth fighting about? FormID: 00092442 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene03 SCEN 0 I don't know about you, tekla, but all my prayers are silent and who I pray to is still my own to decide. FormID: 00092456 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene04 SCEN 0 Leave me alone, Lod. FormID: 00092470 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene04 SCEN 0 Ah Tekla, you're a pretty little mouse. FormID: 00092481 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene04 SCEN 0 Alright, but if you ever want to leave that old curmudgeon I've got plenty for you to do at Gentle Repose. FormID: 0009244B DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene05 SCEN 0 I wish I could afford to pay you both, Narri. I really do. FormID: 00092463 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene05 SCEN 0 At some point we should hire Tekla on here. If she could just spend less time serving Dengeir... FormID: 00092477 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene06 SCEN 0 Keep them coming and keep them strong, Valga. FormID: 00092445 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene06 SCEN 0 Will do. FormID: 00092465 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene07 SCEN 0 The way this war is going you'll soon have plenty of veterans like me to buy drinks. FormID: 00092486 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene07 SCEN 0 The way this war is going there might not be anyone left to drink soon. FormID: 00092478 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene08 SCEN 0 Hey gossip, bring me a drink. FormID: 00092448 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene08 SCEN 0 Bolund, you're going to die of thirst if you keep calling me that. FormID: 0009245C DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene09 SCEN 0 Hey, Lod, how is the worst farmer in the hold doing? FormID: 0009247A DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene09 SCEN 0 The Gentle Repose is barren, it was barren the day my father claimed the land and it's barren now. FormID: 00092476 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene09 SCEN 0 Sure it is, Lod. Sure it is. FormID: 0009244C DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene10 SCEN 0 Do you ever get tired of long nights at the mill, Zaria? FormID: 00092464 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene10 SCEN 0 Do you ever get tired of the long days on the farm, Mathias? FormID: 0009247D DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene10 SCEN 0 Yes, yes I do. FormID: 0009246D DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene11 SCEN 0 Mathies. I wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to your girl. FormID: 0009246E DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene11 SCEN 0 How's the Corpselight treating you Mathies? FormID: 0009245E DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene11 SCEN 0 That's kind of you, Lod. FormID: 0009245F DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene11 SCEN 0 You know how farming is here, long days and little to show for it. FormID: 00092462 DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene01 SCEN 0 Do you think Tekla has been talking to Siddgeir again? FormID: 0009247C DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene01 SCEN 0 We've been over this, Den. Tekla does not share your secrets with Siddgeir. FormID: 00092446 DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene01 SCEN 0 Hmmf. Maybe you're the one talking to him then... FormID: 0009245D DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene02 SCEN 0 Tekla. The Hall is filthy. See to your cleaning. FormID: 0009247B DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene02 SCEN 0 Yes sir. FormID: 00092459 DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene03 SCEN 0 Don't let my brother get to you, Tekla. You're doing a fine job around here. FormID: 00092473 DialogueFalkreathDengeirsHallScene03 SCEN 0 Thank you sir. FormID: 00092447 DialogueFalkreathGrayPineGoodsScene01 SCEN 0 Falkreath is a fine place to be, Bolund. FormID: 00092461 DialogueFalkreathGrayPineGoodsScene01 SCEN 0 Another day in this graveyard. FormID: 0009247E DialogueFalkreathGrayPineGoodsScene01 SCEN 0 Falkreath is where people go to die. We could be fighting, taking back Nord land! FormID: 0009244A DialogueFalkreathGrayPineGoodsScene01 SCEN 0 Falkreath is our home, a place where we have good jobs under a good Jarl. Until the war comes to us we stay put. FormID: 00092453 DialogueFalkreathHouseofArkayScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, Indara. Arkay's blessing upon you and your husband. Spend as much time here as you need. FormID: 0009246A DialogueFalkreathHouseofArkayScene01 SCEN 0 Thank you, Runil. Your support means much to us. FormID: 00092485 DialogueFalkreathHouseofArkayScene02 SCEN 0 The temple is the one place my wife finds peace these days, Runil. FormID: 00092452 DialogueFalkreathHouseofArkayScene02 SCEN 0 It is a hard time for all of us. I hope that you too can find some sanctuary here, Mathies. FormID: 00092467 DialogueFalkreathHouseofArkayScene03 SCEN 0 The graveyard has been lonely. Few pay homage to the dead. FormID: 00092482 DialogueFalkreathHouseofArkayScene03 SCEN 0 Few want to be reminded of mortality in a time of war, Kust. FormID: 0009244D DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 Preparing the defenses is almost impossible lately, every time we get a new war report our needs change. FormID: 00092460 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 The trade routes are affected as well. Procuring supplies is a guessing game. Weapons sell well though. FormID: 00092474 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 Mmmm, careful with that, Nenya, our merchants could be selling weapons to an invading force. FormID: 00092441 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Why have taxes not come in from Granite Hill, Nenya? We should send some guards down there. FormID: 00092454 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 They are only a little late, Jarl. The trade routes are affected by the war, we should give them another day. FormID: 0009246B DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Very well, but when their emissary arrives I want words with him. FormID: 00092484 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 Helvard! The guards are looking sloppy today. I want you to reduce their wages for the month. FormID: 00092450 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 Sir, I will shape them up but with the war on it is unwise to reduce their wages any further. FormID: 00092466 DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 We can't afford to lose any men if we wish to keep Falkreath protected. FormID: 0009247F DialogueFalkreathJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 I would think a man of your military training would be able to do with less but so be it. FormID: 00092346 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoDwemer DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoDwemerTopic CUST 0 Yes. Their history and culture is all around us in Markarth. A race of stonecutters, artisans, and engineers. FormID: 00092346 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoDwemer DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoDwemerTopic CUST 1 They invented machines and built elaborate underground cities where they researched powers to rival the gods themselves. FormID: 00092346 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoDwemer DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoDwemerTopic CUST 2 And then, at a time we are still not sure when, they disappeared. The whole people, all at once. Leaving behind only their works. FormID: 0009234B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthHogniMeat DialogueMarkarthHogniMeatTopic CUST 0 Ah, now that is a good question. Where does Hogni get the finest, freshest meat from all over the Reach? FormID: 0009234B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthHogniMeat DialogueMarkarthHogniMeatTopic CUST 1 The answer is simple. Orcs. There is a stronghold nearby whose hunters can butcher a deer in seconds. FormID: 0009234B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthHogniMeat DialogueMarkarthHogniMeatTopic CUST 2 Now having an Orc for a wife would be something, yes. Strong and bulky. Too bad they don't let people go beyond the walls. FormID: 0009234B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthHogniMeat DialogueMarkarthHogniMeatTopic CUST 3 Let me show you where they are. Maybe they welcome you. Maybe they put an arrow in your face. Who knows? FormID: 00092331 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundWar DialogueMarkarthIgmundWarTopic CUST 0 It all started here. This rebellion. When the Empire lost the Reach during the Great War, we became desperate. FormID: 00092331 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundWar DialogueMarkarthIgmundWarTopic CUST 1 We promised a group of Nord militia free worship in exchange for their help retaking the Hold. Then the Elves found out about it. FormID: 00092331 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundWar DialogueMarkarthIgmundWarTopic CUST 2 We were forced to arrest all of them. Ulfric Stormcloak, their leader, used the whole thing as proof that the Empire had abandoned Skyrim. FormID: 00092331 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundWar DialogueMarkarthIgmundWarTopic CUST 3 The rebels called it [QUOTE]The Markarth Incident.[QUOTE] It was the founding day for the Stormcloaks, and where this war really started. FormID: 00092335 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitia DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitiaTopic CUST 0 The White-Gold Concordat. Our treaty with the Elves after the Great War forbids free worship of Talos. FormID: 00092335 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitia DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitiaTopic CUST 1 But that's what we promised Ulfric and his men. It seems foolish looking back, but at the time we were hoping the Elves wouldn't find out. FormID: 00092335 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitia DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitiaTopic CUST 2 So when they did find out, it was either we arrest Ulfric and the militia, or enter into yet another war with the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 00092335 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitia DialogueMarkarthIgmundMilitiaTopic CUST 3 The choice was clear. And now, Ulfric threatens the thinly veiled peace we sacrificed so much for. FormID: 00092341 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundReach DialogueMarkarthIgmundReachTopic CUST 0 When the Aldmeri Dominion invaded the Imperial City, the Legion all but turned a blind eye to the other provinces. FormID: 00092341 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundReach DialogueMarkarthIgmundReachTopic CUST 1 Many of the disgruntled natives of the Reach used the opportunity to depose the Empire, and founded what they called an independent kingdom. FormID: 00092341 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundReach DialogueMarkarthIgmundReachTopic CUST 2 It was little more than a chaotic uprising, but the Reach was removed from Imperial authority for two years before we reclaimed it. FormID: 00092341 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundReach DialogueMarkarthIgmundReachTopic CUST 3 But the leaders of the uprising refused our offers of peace. They fled into the hills and became the Forsworn. FormID: 00092349 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundDragons DialogueMarkarthIgmundDragonsTopic CUST 0 Yes, I know. We have some advantages if they come here. The city is built into the mountainside, so it's hard to reach into even from the skies. FormID: 00092349 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundDragons DialogueMarkarthIgmundDragonsTopic CUST 1 And everything is made of stone. Even the beds. We'll have no trouble from dragon's fire here. FormID: 0009234F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthSennaDibella DialogueMarkarthSennaDibellaTopic CUST 0 A heathen. Lovely. Oh, don't put on that angry look. I'm just teasing you. FormID: 0009234F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthSennaDibella DialogueMarkarthSennaDibellaTopic CUST 1 Dibella is the Divine of Beauty. She is a patron deity to artists and bards and those who seek life's simple pleasures. FormID: 0009234F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthSennaDibella DialogueMarkarthSennaDibellaTopic CUST 2 The temple offers her blessings to pilgrims and instruction in enjoying all life has to offer. FormID: 00092333 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthSennaInstruction DialogueMarkarthSennaInstructionTopic CUST 0 Well, you are lovely to look at, and there's so many things I could teach you, but I'm afraid the Temple isn't taking in new students. FormID: 0009233C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorWar DialogueMarkarthThongvorWarTopic CUST 0 The Imperials were weak. They created this Forsworn problem, but now that we're in charge we'll solve it. FormID: 0009233C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorWar DialogueMarkarthThongvorWarTopic CUST 1 Once the war is over, I'll petition Ulfric to send the militia and we'll cleanse the Reach of this menace. FormID: 0009233C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorWar DialogueMarkarthThongvorWarTopic CUST 2 Then the Forsworn will be where they belong. In the mines, bringing us wealth. FormID: 00092347 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorDragon DialogueMarkarthThongvorDragonTopic CUST 0 The stone structure the Dwarves have left makes us invincible. Let the dragons singe a few carpets. They'll never topple Markarth. FormID: 0009234C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorForsworn DialogueMarkarthThongvorForswornTopic CUST 0 Through neglect. During the Great War, they let the unwashed natives retake the Reach and declare their own sovereignty. FormID: 0009234C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorForsworn DialogueMarkarthThongvorForswornTopic CUST 1 The Stormcloaks were forced to retake the Reach on our own, but that taste of independence emboldened them. And the Forsworn were born. FormID: 0009234C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorForsworn DialogueMarkarthThongvorForswornTopic CUST 2 In the end, we took back Markarth, but those damn Forsworn still stalk the hills and roads, looking for revenge. FormID: 0009234E DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadena DialogueDawnstarMadenaTopic CUST 0 If you could call it that. The Jarl can make all the demands in the world, I'm not setting one foot on the battlefield. FormID: 0009234E DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadena DialogueDawnstarMadenaTopic CUST 1 I fought in the Great War. I cut enough young lives short, I'm not going to do it again. FormID: 0009232E DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSkaldWar DialogueDawnstarSkaldWarTopic CUST 0 The Stormcloaks are destined to win this fight. Talos is with us, and when you fight under a Divine's blessing, victory is assured. FormID: 0009232E DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSkaldWar DialogueDawnstarSkaldWarTopic CUST 1 Dawnstar has a history of being the site of battles that have crippled the fate of the Empire. I hope this remains true. FormID: 00092330 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSkaldDragons DialogueDawnstarSkaldDragonsTopic CUST 0 The only reason dragons are attacking is because Talos is angry with us for turning our backs on him. FormID: 00092330 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSkaldDragons DialogueDawnstarSkaldDragonsTopic CUST 1 As soon as we drive the Empire out of Skyrim, the dragons will vanish. Mark my words. FormID: 00092332 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarKeraRhyme DialogueDawnstarKeraRhymeTopic CUST 0 Yes. Ever since mother died a few winters ago. I play songs and help with the drinks when I have the time. FormID: 0009234A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaWar DialogueDawnstarBrinaWarTopic CUST 0 The Empire has stretched itself too far. This rebellion in Skyrim is one problem, but solving it won't fix everything. FormID: 0009234A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaWar DialogueDawnstarBrinaWarTopic CUST 1 But that's the kind of talk an old warhorse shouldn't be making. Don't worry. I have my problems with the Empire, but I'm still a soldier first. FormID: 0009234A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaWar DialogueDawnstarBrinaWarTopic CUST 2 We'll keep peace and order in Dawnstar. FormID: 0009234D DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaDragons DialogueDawnstarBrinaDragonsTopic CUST 0 No. We're completely exposed. Bows and arrows are in short supply. Every building is made of thatch and wood. FormID: 0009234D DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaDragons DialogueDawnstarBrinaDragonsTopic CUST 1 I've given standing orders to the guards to prepare water bucket runs to the harbor in case of a fire, but that's all we can do. FormID: 00091AE3 DA01 SCEN 0 These fissures and cracks aren't encouraging. Malyn obviously was growing more desparate once he left the College. examining, analyzing FormID: 00092E10 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Star is being used to sustain Malyn's soul. I can't fix it while that fragment of him is inside. anxious FormID: 00091AE2 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranch01 DA01NelacarStarBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Just give me a moment. anxious FormID: 00091949 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a CUST 0 Karliah and I had a long discussion before you arrived here. FormID: 00091949 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a CUST 1 Thanks to your efforts, the Guild's been restored to it's full strength and you've exposed the traitor in our midst. FormID: 00091949 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a CUST 2 As a result, we both feel that you'd make an excellent replacement for Mercer as leader of the Thieves Guild. FormID: 0009194A TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a CUST 0 Karliah and I had a long discussion before you arrived here. FormID: 0009194A TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a CUST 1 Thanks to your efforts, Mercer's treachery has been exposed. After we deal with him, all that remains is restoring the Guild to its full strength. FormID: 0009194A TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a CUST 2 As a result, we both feel that you have the potential of replacing Mercer as leader of the Thieves Guild. FormID: 00091944 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1b CUST 0 I've been at this game a long time, my friend. A long time. I've stolen trinkets from nobles and framed priests for murder. FormID: 00091944 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1b CUST 1 I'm good at what I do, maybe even one of the best. But it's all I know. FormID: 00091944 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1b CUST 2 I've never been one to lead. Never desired it, never cared for it. Don't want it. FormID: 00091943 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1c CUST 0 Well, we have a bit of an errand to run before your coronation, so don't get sentimental on me now. sarcastic FormID: 00091947 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1d CUST 0 Ha! Spoken like the leader of the Thieves Guild. FormID: 00091947 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1d CUST 1 Just don't lose yourself in the role. We have a bit of an errand to run before your coronation. sarcastic FormID: 00091948 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1e CUST 0 Look. Everyone in the Guild admires what you've done. Maybe they won't come out and simply tell you, but I promise you it's true. earnest FormID: 00091948 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1e CUST 1 And now they know Mercer never genuinely cared about the Guild. He lacked the loyalty you obviously possess. FormID: 00091948 TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1e CUST 2 I can't think of anyone better. FormID: 00091945 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic CUST 0 Then it's decided. When this entire sorry affair is over, we'll handle the details. FormID: 00091945 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic CUST 1 Until then, we have quite the task ahead. grim FormID: 00091946 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic CUST 0 Then it's decided. When this is all over and Delvin's contacts assure me that we've regained our footing in Skyrim, we'll handle the details. FormID: 00091946 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic CUST 1 Until then, we have quite the task ahead. grim FormID: 00091942 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I've been pouring over the plans you brought us, and I'm convinced the Eyes of the Falmer are in the dwarven ruins at Irkngthand. FormID: 00091942 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Karliah and I will meet you there. Prepare yourself, lad. This will be a fight to remember! FormID: 000D7D66 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I've been pouring over the plans you brought us, and I'm convinced the Eyes of the Falmer are in the dwarven ruins at Irkngthand. FormID: 000D7D66 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Karliah and I will meet you there. Prepare yourself, lass. This will be a fight to remember! FormID: 000918D0 MG01 SCEN 0 Well, I think this is an excellent start. I'd like you all to continue practicing with wards, please. FormID: 000918D2 MG01 SCEN 0 I think perhaps we're ready to begin exploring some of the various applications of magic throughout history. FormID: 000918CF MG01 SCEN 0 The College has undertaken a fascinating excavation in the ruins of Saarthal nearby. It's an excellent learning opportunity. FormID: 000918D1 MG01 SCEN 0 I suggest we meet there in a few hours, and see what awaits us inside. That's all for now, thank you. FormID: 000917AA DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic02B CUST 0 There is no one else, but very well. I cannot force you to accept your destiny. calmness of a monk FormID: 000917BA DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 The mages are up in the College. You can ask them, if they'll let you in. gruff innkeeper FormID: 000917BA DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 Then again, Nelacar might know. He's an old-timer from the College, but he has a room here. gruff innkeeper FormID: 0002452C DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you say an [QUOTE]elf[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]stars[QUOTE]? I hope you don't know what you're asking. suspicious FormID: 00024578 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 [QUOTE]An elf that studies stars[QUOTE]? Where did you hear about that? suspicious FormID: 0002457A DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Studies stars you say? Why, there hasn't been a mage doing anything related to stars since.... Oh.... remembering something best forgotten FormID: 0002457D DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Why specifically stars? Wait, you aren't referring to... No, there's no way you would know about that. suspicious FormID: 0002458E DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 I know plenty of spells that produce light, but stars? Hmm. There was that problem a few years ago, but that couldn't be related. introverted FormID: 00024591 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Stars? You wouldn't be referring to that incident a few years ago? I still say that exile was far too harsh. suspicious FormID: 00024592 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Why would anyone bother to study stars? Well, unless you're talking about that artifact that got all those... dimwits thrown out. suspicious FormID: 00024594 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Studies stars? I remember the last time the word [QUOTE]stars[QUOTE] was flown through the Hall of the Elements. Bad things had happened. suspicious FormID: 000917B9 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 There was an... unfortunate incident a few years ago. An elven mage named Nelacar was exiled from the College over it. arrogant FormID: 000917B9 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 He's still in town, getting by plying spells to the people inside the Frozen Hearth. Disgraceful. arrogant FormID: 00024626 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 Officially, nothing. regretful FormID: 00024626 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 Why don't you head into town and get a drink at the Frozen Hearth? I hear old Nelacar still has a room there. He knows a lot of stories, that one. nonchalant FormID: 0002463B DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 Well, it's a... minor stain on the College's reputation. One of many, unfortunately. remorseful FormID: 0002463B DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 You should head to the Frozen Hearth and speak with Nelacar. It's his story to tell, and I wouldn't want to discredit him by talking behind his back. remorseful FormID: 0002464A DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 It was a few years ago. A few of the mages got overconfident and were exiled. They had no talent, anyway. arrogant FormID: 0002464A DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 I hear one of them, Nelacar, still hangs around the Frozen Hearth. Guess he has no where else to go, poor thing. arrogant FormID: 0002464E DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 There was some bother about a group of mages being exiled. I can't remember what the details were. introverted FormID: 0002464E DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 I think one of them came back. Nelacar. Stays at the Frozen Hearth, but I don't know why. He's not welcome in the College. introverted FormID: 00024655 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 You shouldn't ask me. There's an Altmer named Nelacar in the Frozen Hearth. He's the one to talk to. arrogant FormID: 00024657 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 Oh, no, I'm not falling for that one again. Next thing I know, I'm getting yelled at for saying something inappropriate. neurotic FormID: 00024657 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 If you're so curious, talk to Nelacar, in the Frozen Hearth. He can tell you the whole sad story. neurotic FormID: 00024658 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 0 The kind of things that even the College won't tolerate. Things that can get a wizard exiled for life. threateningly FormID: 00024658 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 There's an Altmer who's staying at the Frozen Hearth. Nelacar. You should speak with him, if you're so curious. threateningly FormID: 000917B1 DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelecarIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Who sent you? Was it the College? The Jarl? We agreed there would be no more questions. persecuted, nervous FormID: 000917B4 DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsBranch DA01NelacarQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Azura is no ordinary Daedra. She commands an entire realm inside of Oblivion. The more Malyn worked on the Star, the more she was able to damn him. dryly explaining but filled with fear FormID: 000917B4 DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsBranch DA01NelacarQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 It started slowly at first. Malyn would see things that weren't there. Then he would yell at students over words they hadn't said. dryly explaining but filled with fear FormID: 000917B4 DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsBranch DA01NelacarQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 2 Then one day I walked in and Malyn had... killed a student, and in a horrific moment of inspiration, he started using her soul for his work. dryly explaining but filled with fear FormID: 000917BC DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranch DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranchTopic CUST 0 I mentioned how the Star is a soul gem, only it never gets depleted? There's another rule the artifact follows. dryly explaining FormID: 000917BC DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranch DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranchTopic CUST 1 You can only store white souls in the Star, belonging to the lesser creatures. Azura's magic won't allow black souls to enter it. dryly explaining FormID: 000917BC DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranch DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranchTopic CUST 2 As a mortal, Malyn's soul was black, so part of his work was breaking past Azura's rules. He was close before... well, I already told you. dryly explaining FormID: 000917AC DA01 DA01AraneaQuestionsNelacarBranch DA01AraneaQuestionsNelacarBranchTopic CUST 0 Good. All will be revealed in time. Keep playing your part, and Azura will reward you. calmness of a monk FormID: 000917B6 DA01 DA01AraneaHaveStarBranch DA01AraneaHaveStarTopic01 CUST 0 I will commune with Azura. calmness of a monk FormID: 000917AE DA01 DA01NelacarStarBranch DA01NelacarStarBranchTopic CUST 0 Stendarr's Mercy. You found it. Azura's Star. awe mixed with fear FormID: 000917AE DA01 DA01NelacarStarBranch DA01NelacarStarBranchTopic CUST 1 Maybe this is my chance to make things right. I can finish Malyn's work, the way we had meant to before his madness. anxious FormID: 000917AE DA01 DA01NelacarStarBranch DA01NelacarStarBranchTopic CUST 2 It would mean cutting the Star off from Azura. Only black souls would be able to enter it once we finished. anxious FormID: 0004C433 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBranch DA01NelacarStarBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to give me the Star? anxious FormID: 00066323 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Shared IDAT 0 Intruder! Help! FormID: 00066320 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Shared IDAT 0 Help! In here! FormID: 00066322 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Shared IDAT 0 Backup! I need some help in here! FormID: 0006631D TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Shared IDAT 0 Over here! Hurry! FormID: 00091527 MG01 SCEN 0 Now, cast the ward spell, and keep it up. FormID: 00091529 MG01 SCEN 0 Hold still... FormID: 0009152A MG01 SCEN 0 You have to keep your ward up, or else this won't work. I don't want to hurt you. FormID: 00091528 MG01 SCEN 0 Excellent work! FormID: 00091506 CreatureDialogueDwarvenCenturion HIT_ 0 FormID: 00091507 CreatureDialogueDwarvenCenturion DETH 0 FormID: 00090EF1 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostGrifterBranch dunForelhostWhatMission CUST 0 The General has sent me to obtain a powerful weapon for the war effort. FormID: 00090EF1 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostGrifterBranch dunForelhostWhatMission CUST 1 This was the last great bastion of the Dragon Cult, and their leader's mask was reported to be quite powerful. FormID: 00090EE2 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 You there! You look like a sympathetic soldier. I require your assistance! FormID: 00090EE6 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostGrifterBranch dunForelhostReadyToGo CUST 0 Very good. FormID: 00090EE4 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Let's see... found the Dragon Cult... laid siege... people already dead... poisoned themselves... blah, blah, blah... ah! Here it is! FormID: 00090EE7 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 So the Dragon Cult poisoned their own well, which explains the ghosts. However, Skorm thought the well was the key to entering the inner areas. FormID: 00090EEA dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 That all happened in the First Era, so the well should be clear of poison by now. It says the key to the well is likely somewhere in the crypt. FormID: 00090EEE dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 I'll do you ten gold at three to one on the white one. FormID: 00090EE1 dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 Sounds like easy money to me. You're on. accepting a bet FormID: 00090EE8 dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 Get him! Rip his throat out! FormID: 00090EEF dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 Give em the dogs, boys! FormID: 00090EE3 dunFaldarsToothQST SCEN 0 So you're the one who's been down there killing all my wolves. You're gonna die for that! FormID: 00090E06 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBeitildMine DialogueDawnstarBeitildMineTopic CUST 0 I own Iron-Breaker Mine. We make twice as much coin as those horkers over in Quicksilver Mine, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. FormID: 00090E06 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBeitildMine DialogueDawnstarBeitildMineTopic CUST 1 I pay a good wage for any iron ore you dig up, if you're looking for work. FormID: 00090DFF DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBeitildCharge DialogueDawnstarBeitildChargeTopic CUST 0 That would be Jarl Skald the Elder. He's over in the White Hall, probably talking about Ulfric like he's the second coming of Talos. FormID: 00090E00 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBeitildCharge DialogueDawnstarBeitildChargeTopic CUST 0 Jarl Brina Merilis is in charge, thanks to the Empire. Best hide any Talos amulets you have. FormID: 00090DF3 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaArgue DialogueDawnstarBrinaArgueTopic CUST 0 Skald supports Ulfric's rebellion, and he doesn't like having a couple of old Legionnaires living in his town. FormID: 00090DF3 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaArgue DialogueDawnstarBrinaArgueTopic CUST 1 He's a fool. A dragon has attacked Helgen. Dawnstar needs the Empire now more than ever. FormID: 00090DED DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaTavern DialogueDawnstarBrinaTavernTopic CUST 0 Drowning your troubles in mead? A lot of folks are doing that these days. You'll want the Windpeak Inn. FormID: 00090DED DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarBrinaTavern DialogueDawnstarBrinaTavernTopic CUST 1 As for work, you could try to catch Skald in a good mood, but your best bet would be working in the mines. They're on opposite ends of town. FormID: 00090DEB DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarKaritaMother DialogueDawnstarKaritaMotherTopic CUST 0 My mother taught me. She was a Bard, from the college in Solitude. FormID: 00090DEB DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarKaritaMother DialogueDawnstarKaritaMotherTopic CUST 1 I hear they accept most people who apply, if you're ever interested. FormID: 00090E0A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarLeigelfCharge DialogueDawnstarLeigelfChargeTopic CUST 0 That would be Skald the Elder. He's been running Dawnstar ever since he was a boy, and he never lost that brat's attitude. FormID: 00090E0A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarLeigelfCharge DialogueDawnstarLeigelfChargeTopic CUST 1 Turned on the Empire first chance he got. Now we're all part of this rebellion. FormID: 00090E0B DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarLeigelfCharge DialogueDawnstarLeigelfChargeTopic CUST 0 Brina Merilis came in with the whole damn Legion and deposed Skald. Couldn't have happened to a better man. FormID: 00090E03 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarLeigelfRole DialogueDawnstarLeigelfRoleTopic CUST 0 If you don't mind digging, I own the Quicksilver Mine. It's a better life than working in that damned Iron-Breaker Mine with all those milk drinkers. FormID: 00090DFD Favor256 Favor256Questgive Favor256Accept CUST 0 Good luck. FormID: 00090DF9 Favor256 Favor256Questgive Favor256Reject CUST 0 It was supposed to be an honor, but very well. FormID: 00090DF5 Favor153 Favor153QuestGive Favor153QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Giants are a common problem in the Pale. The Empire always demanded I leave them be, but the Empire isn't here now. FormID: 00090DF5 Favor153 Favor153QuestGive Favor153QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Go and slay one of the beasts. It should let them know that Dawnstar is not to be trifled with. FormID: 00090DEF Favor153 Favor153QuestGive Favor153Accept CUST 0 I'm counting on you. FormID: 00090DEC Favor153 Favor153QuestGive Favor153Reject CUST 0 You don't have time? Fine. FormID: 00090DEA Favor153 Favor153QuestReturn Favor153QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You've shown those monsters that they will no longer be tolerated in the Pale. Good work. FormID: 00090DEA Favor153 Favor153QuestReturn Favor153QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, a reward from your Jarl. FormID: 00090E07 DialogueAngasMill DialogueAngasMillAeriAngasMill DialogueAngasMillAeriAngasMillTopic CUST 0 If you've got an axe, you can always make gold chopping wood. Just bring me everything you cut. FormID: 00090DFC DialogueAngasMill DialogueAngasMillAeriTown DialogueAngasMillAeriTownTopic CUST 0 That I am. My father left it to me after he died in that Great War against the Elves. FormID: 00090DFC DialogueAngasMill DialogueAngasMillAeriTown DialogueAngasMillAeriTownTopic CUST 1 I don't care what's going on in the world. Rebellion. Dragons awakening. The mill is enough trouble for me to worry about. FormID: 00090CFC dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTree dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTreeTopic CUST 0 How the tree came to grow there is a bit of a mystery... FormID: 00090CFC dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTree dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTreeTopic CUST 1 Some say that when Vvardenfell erupted, a piece was blown to the middle of Skyrim and from the crater grew the tree. FormID: 00090CFC dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTree dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTreeTopic CUST 2 I've also heard that it was a spore that fell from an island floating in the sky, but that just sounds like nonsense. FormID: 00090CFC dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTree dunSleepingTreeCampAboutTreeTopic CUST 3 All I know is that the sap makes you feel as healthy as a cave troll, but slow as a drunk horker. And that and it fetches good coin. FormID: 00090CD9 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastYakBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met, hunter. FormID: 000905A7 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitResponse2 CUST 0 No? Well, then she hasn't gotten to you yet. But she will. And you don't you believe a word of it. FormID: 0009059E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitResponse3 CUST 0 Oh she will, mark my words. And don't you let her. FormID: 000CDD69 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Shop at Belethor's for the best prices and selection. He pays me to say that. The first sentence is delivered with mock enthusiasm. The second is almost an apology for the first. FormID: 000904B1 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Hm hmm. FormID: 000904B2 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 We done? FormID: 000904B3 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Best if... you didn't mention to anyone that you saw me here. FormID: 000904B4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I've said too much already. FormID: 000904B5 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Remember - don't trust the Imperials. No matter what honeyed lies they tell you. FormID: 000904B6 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Live long. Fight well. FormID: 000904B7 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You take care of yourself, now. FormID: 000904B8 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If you need any jewelry, just let me know. FormID: 000904B9 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If you need a drink, just holler. FormID: 000904BA DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Yeah, take care. FormID: 000904BB DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Come back anytime if you need a remedy. FormID: 000904BC DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Do forget to see me at my shop sometime - Arcadia's Cauldron. FormID: 00090A45 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Stay out of trouble. FormID: 00090A46 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Keep your nose clean. FormID: 000904BD DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Need anything else, just let me know. FormID: 000904BE DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I think I've got some mugs need scrubbin'. FormID: 000934E3 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Goodbye, dear. FormID: 000934E4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Is it cold in here? I should put more wood on the fire... FormID: 000904BF DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Now please, no more questions. FormID: 000904C0 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If there's nothing else, I have work to do... FormID: 00096439 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You should buy some produce from Carlotta's stall. Most of it comes from my farm. FormID: 0009643A DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You should stop by my farm if you get a chance. See what life's really about. FormID: 000904C1 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 It's the leaving that's hardest, I know. FormID: 000904C2 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Some parting advice - women love sonnets. FormID: 000904C3 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Yeah, take care of yourself. FormID: 000904C4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Do come back. sleezy FormID: 000904C5 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Remember, I'll give you the best deals, or die trying. sleezy FormID: 000904C6 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Next time, come see my at my shop. I've got some things you'll just love. sleezy FormID: 000904C7 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Good doin' business with ya. FormID: 000904C8 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 We'll have to have a pint together sometime, you and me. FormID: 000904C9 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Good hunting. FormID: 000904CA DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Remember, I've got the freshest meat in all of Whiterun. FormID: 000904CB DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Right. Till next time. FormID: 000904CC DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Thank you very much for your business. Sincere, polite, responsible FormID: 000904CD DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Farewell. FormID: 000904CE DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I was done talkin' anyway. FormID: 000904CF DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You go on your way now, boy. FormID: 000904D0 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You go on your way now, girl. FormID: 000904D1 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Farewell, my lady. FormID: 000904D2 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Farewell, sir. FormID: 000904D3 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Take care. FormID: 000904D4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You watch yourself out there. FormID: 000904D5 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Keep your eyes open for those Stormcloak dogs, yeah? FormID: 000904D6 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Do be careful, child. Skyrim is not as safe as it used to be. FormID: 000904D7 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 By the way, you might want to stop in at Warmaiden's. These days, folk need all the protection they can get. FormID: 000904D8 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Long live the Empire. FormID: 000904D9 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 The Stormcloaks are living on borrowed time, believe me. FormID: 000904DA DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 May your sword be sharp, and your tongue sharper. FormID: 000904DB DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Keep a song in your heart, and a blade in your boot. FormID: 000904DC DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 It's back to work, then. FormID: 000904DD DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I'll see you. FormID: 000904DE DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Yes, yes. Goodbye. FormID: 000904DF DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 May all your possible futures be bright. FormID: 000904E0 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Remember, fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Mostly. mumbles the [QUOTE]mostly[QUOTE] FormID: 000904E1 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Thanks for the business. FormID: 000904E2 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I've really got to be going. FormID: 000904E3 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I think I hear my daughter calling... FormID: 000904E4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Goodbye, ma'am. FormID: 000904E5 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Goodbye, sir. FormID: 000904E6 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 May Talos guide you. Always. FormID: 000904E7 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Stay vigilant! Our enemies are legion! FormID: 000904E8 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Goodbye. And if you happen to see Mikael, tell him I was asking about him... FormID: 000904E9 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Farewell. FormID: 000904EA DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 See you. FormID: 000904EB DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Right, then. FormID: 000904EC DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Hmm hmm. FormID: 000904ED DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 We done? FormID: 000904EE DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Finally. I got stuff to do, ya know. FormID: 000904EF DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Back to my book... FormID: 000904F0 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Damn it, I lost my page... FormID: 000904F1 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 The blessing of Arkay be upon you. FormID: 000904F2 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Walk always in the light, in these days of darkness. FormID: 000904F3 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Sure. Whatever. FormID: 000904F4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Bye, now. FormID: 000904F5 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Don't let the door slam into your backside on the way out. laughs little to himself, like he's happy he made a joke FormID: 000904F6 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Now if ya don't mind, my house could do with a bit of dusting. FormID: 000904F7 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Grace of Kynareth be with you. FormID: 000904F8 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Travel great Skyrim, and Kynareth travels with you. FormID: 000904F9 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You need to be careful in this city. Never know who you can trust, these days. FormID: 000904FA DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Goodbye, dear. FormID: 000904FB DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Right, I really am busy. So... FormID: 000904FC DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If there's nothing else, I really do have important matters tend to. FormID: 000904FD DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If you run into my husband Nazeem, remind him that he's not married to himself. FormID: 000904FE DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Take care of yourself. FormID: 000904FF DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You know, if you've got the aptitude, you should join the Mages College in Winterhold... FormID: 00090500 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Remember, your mind is the best weapon you have. FormID: 00090501 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Stay sharp. FormID: 00090502 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Don't forget to check inside the shop if you need anything. FormID: 00090503 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Thanks for the business. FormID: 00090732 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Enjoy your visit to Dragonsreach. FormID: 00090733 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If there's any more I can help you with, just let me know. FormID: 00092D9D DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Next time, deal with Avenicci. FormID: 00092D9E DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Now if you don't mind, I've got a city to keep. FormID: 00092D9F DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Maybe we'll meet in the field. Just pray we're on the same side. FormID: 00092DA0 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 If you run into any Stormcloaks, kill a dozen for me. FormID: 00090504 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 I've got my eyes on you. FormID: 00090505 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Mind yourself in front of the Jarl, or we'll have serious problems. FormID: 00090506 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Ride strong. FormID: 00090507 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 You always keep us in mind when you need a fresh horse, yeah? FormID: 00090508 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Uh huh. FormID: 00090509 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Back to work, I guess. There's never a shortage of dung to shovel around here. FormID: 000918D4 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Good. Chat time's over. FormID: 000918D5 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Yeah, whatever. FormID: 0002C619 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Please, leave me to recover my... mental energies. FormID: 00090298 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 Riften's biggest exports used to be fishing and honey, until the Black-Briar family moved in. Now the meadery is the biggest game in town. FormID: 00083A96 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 The Thieves Guild has been pushing hard to regain a foothold in this city. Rumor has it they're falling apart from the inside. FormID: 00090299 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 The city guard has been tearing Riften apart looking for the source of our skooma problem. I'd hate to be in their shoes if they get discovered. FormID: 0009029A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 Sibbi Black-Briar is furious that his ex-lover tried to murder him. He's leaving no stone unturned searching for her. FormID: 0009029B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 Mjoll the Lioness used to adventure across Skyrim before she settled down in Riften. I hear it all ended when she lost her enchanted blade. FormID: 0009029C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 Crime is at an all-time high in this city thanks to the Thieves Guild. Don't we have enough problems with the war going on? FormID: 0009029D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 If Maven Black-Briar keeps raising prices on mead, I'll have to resort to watering it down just to make ends meet. FormID: 0009029E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenKeeravaRumorsBranch DialogueRiftenKeervaRumorsBranchTopic CUST 0 If it's true that the dragons have returned, what will it mean for all of us? Is this how it all ends? FormID: 0009028C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredBranch DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredTopic CUST 0 They mean to take our history and crush it all in the name of some damn treaty. FormID: 0009028C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredBranch DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredTopic CUST 1 The soil beneath our feet is steeped in the blood of our ancestors. We've fought for this land and... died for it. pause before died... as if remembering a love on lost FormID: 0009028C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredBranch DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredTopic CUST 2 I lost my own daughter to the Imperial dogs, and by Talos I'll not lose anyone else! FormID: 000C4428 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredBranch DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredTopic CUST 0 Talos is part of our culture. He's part of our heritage and our tradition. He's Skyrim personified. FormID: 000C4428 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredBranch DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredTopic CUST 1 To suddenly have all that wrenched away is like losing someone you hold dearly in your heart. FormID: 000C4428 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredBranch DialogueRiftenSnowShodHatredTopic CUST 2 The Empire already took my daughter from us, but by Talos they will not take our homeland! FormID: 0009028D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 0 Lilija joined the Stormcloaks many years ago, when the first of the skirmishes broke out across Skyrim. I was so proud of her. FormID: 0009028D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 1 She served as a Battle Maiden, using her healing arts to help those that fell on the battlefield. Never even lifted a blade in her life. FormID: 0009028D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 2 It didn't matter. The Imperial soldiers cut her down... killed her like a dog and left her body to rot in the mud. FormID: 0009028D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 3 And that's why I won't rest easy until every single Imperial soldier joins her, and Ulfric sits upon the throne of Skyrim. FormID: 00036C2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 0 I trained our daughter Lilija as a healer... to one day tend the Shrine of Talos and replace me as a Priestess of Talos. FormID: 00036C2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 1 When the fighting began over the White-Gold Concordat, she ran off to join the Stormcloaks. She had her father's fire, how could I say no? FormID: 00036C2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01 DialogueRiftenSSDaughterBranch01Topic CUST 2 She died out there, only having tended to the wounded soldiers for a few months. We never even found her body... the Empire burned all the dead. Last part is very hard to say FormID: 0009028F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranchTopic CUST 0 It was my sister, Lilija. She served as a Battle Maiden with the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0009028F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranchTopic CUST 1 We recently heard she'd been killed... I... I find it difficult to talk about. Perhaps you'd be better off speaking to my parents about it. FormID: 0009028F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranchTopic CUST 2 Anyway, I'm glad my work at the Black-Briar Meadery keeps me busy. Helps me keep my mind off of things. FormID: 00090292 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01 DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01Topic CUST 0 My father was a Stormcloak soldier in his younger days. Now he just walks the streets spewing his hatred and propaganda. FormID: 00090292 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01 DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01Topic CUST 1 My mother is the Priestess of Talos. She tends to the shrine and teaches his ways. I'm just not so sure she's delivering the right message. FormID: 00090295 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch DialogueRiftenRomlynBranchTopic CUST 0 Sorry, fresh out. Maybe next time. FormID: 00090296 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch DialogueRiftenRomlynBranchTopic CUST 0 Absolutely. Did you still want to buy one? FormID: 00090297 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch DialogueRiftenRomlynBranchTopic CUST 0 Nothing but the best. Black-Briar Mead... fresh from the vat. FormID: 00090297 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch DialogueRiftenRomlynBranchTopic CUST 1 Best of all, you don't have to pay the ridiculous prices Maven charges. So what do you say to that? FormID: 0009029F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch DialogueRiftenRomlynBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Here you go. Oh, and keep it quiet. This stuff isn't exactly easy to get a hold of at these prices, if you catch my drift. FormID: 0009028E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch DialogueRiftenRomlynBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Suit yourself. If you change your mind, I'll be around. FormID: 00090290 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch01 DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch01Topic CUST 0 Sure. How do you think I get my hands on the good stuff and offer it so cheap? You think old Maven is just giving it away to anyone? FormID: 00090290 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch01 DialogueRiftenRomlynBranch01Topic CUST 1 Good thing she makes so much money. Makes it easier for merchandise like this to fall through the cracks. FormID: 0009018C dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 Take this with our gratitude. FormID: 0009003E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1Topic CUST 0 I've seen documents dating back to the late Second Era. Beyond that, it's hard to say. FormID: 0009003E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1Topic CUST 1 Events in the last several hundred years resulted in a significant loss of our history, I'm afraid. FormID: 000DF035 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1Topic CUST 0 The Great Collapse, as it has come to be known. FormID: 000DF035 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1Topic CUST 1 An unfortunate natural disaster that ravaged the area. The College fared far better than the city of Winterhold, but it was not left untouched. FormID: 000DF036 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1Topic CUST 0 No one is sure of the cause. Some believed the eruption of Red Mountain had far-reaching consequences that were only felt years later. FormID: 000DF036 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageHistory1Topic CUST 1 I know there are some who have blamed the College, said that we were responsible. I assure you this is not the case. FormID: 00092458 DA14 DA14SammyMeet1 DA14SammyMeet2Topic CUST 0 Oh, the Hagraven feather and so on. You can throw all those out. You see... FormID: 0008F1AD TG08B SCEN 0 Damn! This place is coming down! Quick, get the Skeleton Key and the Eye and lets get out of here! FormID: 0008F1B0 TG08B SCEN 0 No luck there, lass. Something must have fallen on the other side of the door because it isn't moving! FormID: 0008F1AE TG08B SCEN 0 We have to find another way out of here before the place fills with water! FormID: 0008F179 mg06 SCEN 0 Crystal.... gone... FormID: 0008F178 mg06 SCEN 0 [coughing] FormID: 0008F17A mg06 SCEN 0 Find... Paratus... in Oculory... FormID: 0004FA20 MQ304 HELO 0 What brings you, wayfarer grim, to wander here, in Sovngarde, souls-end, Shor's gift to honored dead? What brings you, wayfarer grim, to wander here,in Sovngarde, souls-end, Shor's gift to honored dead? FormID: 00090EC8 MQ304 IDAT 0 Beware! The World-Eater waits within the mist! FormID: 000923F7 MQ304 IDAT 0 There is no escape. Courage is useless. FormID: 000947CF MQ304 IDAT 0 None may pass this perilous bridge 'til I judge them worthy by the warrior's test. FormID: 000EA2FF MQ304 IDAT 0 Living or dead, by decree of Shor, none may pass this perilous bridge 'til I judge them worthy by the warrior's test. gravely FormID: 0008E660 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse3 CUST 0 Yamarz has demanded we stay inside the walls. We cannot leave. FormID: 0008E660 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse3 CUST 1 I must petition Malacath for relief. This curse must be lifted. FormID: 0008E660 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse3 CUST 2 But I cannot travel to Malacath's shrine. The ritual must be done here, and I do not have the materials I need. FormID: 0008E660 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse3 CUST 3 I beg of you, can you bring me Troll Fat and a Daedra Heart? I have no wish to depend on a stranger, but I have no choice. FormID: 0008DC20 TG00 TG00BrynjolfLostRingBranch TG00BrynjolfLostRingBranchTopic CUST 0 Lost it? Well, at least you showed signs of initiative by telling me. [QUOTE]Lost it?[QUOTE] is annoyed, the rest is like [QUOTE]oh well[QUOTE] FormID: 0008DC20 TG00 TG00BrynjolfLostRingBranch TG00BrynjolfLostRingBranchTopic CUST 1 I guess I shouldn't be surprised with the way things are going around here. [QUOTE]it figures[QUOTE] attitude FormID: 0008D2C1 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroAngryRoadBranch DBCiceroAngryRoadBranchTopic CUST 0 Someone lied. Someone told the guard poor Cicero did something he did not. We were detained, delayed! The Night Mother kept from her new home! FormID: 0008D2C1 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroAngryRoadBranch DBCiceroAngryRoadBranchTopic CUST 1 But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Hmmm? No. No... Of course not. Because then Cicero would get angry, and that would be... ugly. FormID: 0008D2C1 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroAngryRoadBranch DBCiceroAngryRoadBranchTopic CUST 2 Now Loreius. Loreius has learned the meaning of ugly. FormID: 0008D2BF DialogueWindhelm AventusGreetingBranch AventusGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll go back to the Orphanage in a while. I'll give them time to, you know... clean up the mess. FormID: 0008D2C0 DialogueWindhelm AventusGreetingBranch AventusGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 When I grow up, I'm going to be an assassin. That way I can help lots of children, just like you. FormID: 0008D2BE DialogueRiften DialogueAventusRiftenBranch DialogueAventusRiftenBranchTopic CUST 0 You came to visit! It's so much better here with Grelod gone. Thanks to you. FormID: 0008D2AF DA14 DA14SanguineReveal2 DA14SanguineReveal2Topic CUST 0 I am Sanguine, Daedric Prince of Debauchery! FormID: 0008D2AF DA14 DA14SanguineReveal2 DA14SanguineReveal2Topic CUST 1 I know, I know, how could I lie to you? Well, how could I trust you until we've shared a few drinks? FormID: 0008D2AF DA14 DA14SanguineReveal2 DA14SanguineReveal2Topic CUST 2 But it wasn't long before I realized you'd make a more interesting bearer of my not-quite-holy staff than this waste of flesh. FormID: 0001F386 DA14 DA14SanguineMeet2 DA14SanguineMeet2Topic CUST 0 Details, details. The Sanguine Rose breaks all the time and is fixed with but a thought. FormID: 0001F386 DA14 DA14SanguineMeet2 DA14SanguineMeet2Topic CUST 1 In fact, here it is now. Think of it - a never-ending stream of minions. And all of the prestige of being Sanguine's chosen. FormID: 0008D292 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0008D25C TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Calcelmo's orders- no one gets through to the tower. Kill any intruders on sight. Call for backup if you need to. FormID: 00029F12 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic01 CUST 0 Azura has given me the gift of foresight. I had a vision of you walking up the steps to this altar long before you were born. calmness of a monk FormID: 00029F12 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic01 CUST 1 You have been chosen to be her champion. I know it is unexpected, but do not worry. It will all unfold as she has predicted. calmness of a monk FormID: 0008CF81 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic01B CUST 0 You must go to a fortress, endangered by water, yet untouched by it. calmness of a monk FormID: 0008CF81 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic01B CUST 1 Inside, you will find an elven mage who can turn the brightest star as black as night. calmness of a monk FormID: 0008CF81 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic01B CUST 2 It is cryptic, I know, but Azura's signs are never wrong. I believe the fortress may refer to Winterhold. Ask if they know this elven enchanter. calmness of a monk FormID: 0008CDD3 C04 C04Hellos HELO 0 I've been looking for you. FormID: 0008CDD4 C04 C04Hellos HELO 0 Thank you for coming. FormID: 0008CDBA DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor SCEN 0 Sigrid! Love of my life! When you get a spare moment, I could use some water. First two sentences, friendly teasing. FormID: 0008CDB1 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor SCEN 0 Don't you sweet talk me, Alvor. Not after last night. I'll bring you water when I'm done with my other chores. Friendly chiding. FormID: 0008CDB3 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor SCEN 0 Woman, you'll be the death of me yet. Fine, take your time. I'll just die of thirst in the heat of this forge. Friendly teasing. FormID: 0008CDB4 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridEmbry SCEN 0 Care to have a drink with me, sweet Sigrid? Drunk and leering. FormID: 0008CDB7 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridEmbry SCEN 0 Drunk again, Embry? Don't let Alvor hear you talking to me that way. He'll stick your head in his forge. disgusted and annoyed FormID: 0008CDB5 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridEmbry SCEN 0 So that's a no I take it? resigned FormID: 0008CDB9 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridHilde SCEN 0 It seems like Dorthe grows a head taller every season. FormID: 0008CDB6 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridHilde SCEN 0 Aye. She's helping me in the house, and even helps her father at the forge. FormID: 0008CDB2 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridHilde SCEN 0 She'll make a fine wife someday. FormID: 0008CDB8 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridHilde SCEN 0 Thank Shor I have a lot of years before I have to worry about that! FormID: 0008CBED DB02 DB02CaptiveReleaseBranch DB02CaptiveReleaseBranchTopic CUST 0 Please! Release me! Cut my bonds! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0008CBEF DB02 DB02CaptiveReleaseBranch DB02CaptiveReleaseBranchTopic CUST 0 You cut these bindings this minute! You hear me? You cut these bindings right now! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0008CBF0 DB02 DB02CaptiveReleaseBranch DB02CaptiveReleaseBranchTopic CUST 0 Come now, my friend. Haven't we played this game long enough? Untie me, and we can all go our separate ways. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0008CBE3 DB02 DB02CaptiveReleaseBranch DB02PlayerReleaseResponse CUST 0 Thank you! Thank you! I'll never speak of this to anyone, I promise! FormID: 0008CBE9 DB02 DB02CaptiveReleaseBranch DB02PlayerReleaseResponse CUST 0 Well it's about damn time. Capturing a woman from her home, keeping her bound like an animal. Ridiculous... FormID: 0008CBEB DB02 DB02CaptiveReleaseBranch DB02PlayerReleaseResponse CUST 0 Ah, you see? That wasn't so hard, now was it? Let's the two of us just forget we ever met, hmm? FormID: 0008CBB7 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsWiseWomanMauloch DialogueOrcsWiseWomanMaulochTopic CUST 0 He is our creator and master. The Daedric Lord of the Sworn Oath and the Bloody Curse. FormID: 0008CBB7 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsWiseWomanMauloch DialogueOrcsWiseWomanMaulochTopic CUST 1 Malacath teaches us to honor all words with action. To demand blood from your enemies and strength from your allies. FormID: 0008CBB7 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsWiseWomanMauloch DialogueOrcsWiseWomanMaulochTopic CUST 2 He watches over all Orcs as his children. A truth those who leave the stronghold are quick to forget. FormID: 0008CBBD DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsChiefCodeofMauloch DialogueOrcsChiefCodeofMaulochTopic CUST 0 The Code of Malacath. It is both tradition and law in the strongholds. Break the code, and you must pay Blood Price. FormID: 0008CBBD DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsChiefCodeofMauloch DialogueOrcsChiefCodeofMaulochTopic CUST 1 The code is not written anywhere. It is known and carried on by the Orcs, and all who live in the strongholds follow it. FormID: 0008CBBD DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsChiefCodeofMauloch DialogueOrcsChiefCodeofMaulochTopic CUST 2 For an outlander, following it is simple. Do not steal or attack anyone in the stronghold, or be ready to pay in gold or blood. FormID: 0008CBB8 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlacksmith DialogueOrcsBlacksmithTopic CUST 0 It is said that an Orc first learns to wield a hammer in her mother's womb. FormID: 0008CBB8 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlacksmith DialogueOrcsBlacksmithTopic CUST 1 By tradition, a mother always teaches her children how to smith. If a chief has a second wife, she is called the [QUOTE]Forge-wife[QUOTE] in honor of this. FormID: 0008CACF DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsWiseWomanPeople DialogueOrcsWiseWomanPeopleTopic CUST 0 We have lived in Skyrim since before the Nords came. Our way is simple, all work to make the tribe strong. FormID: 0008CACF DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsWiseWomanPeople DialogueOrcsWiseWomanPeopleTopic CUST 1 Only the bravest are allowed to lead, and to marry. A great chief is able to attract many wives and raise bold children. FormID: 0008CACF DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsWiseWomanPeople DialogueOrcsWiseWomanPeopleTopic CUST 2 Wise women like myself are mothers of chieftains. We guide the tribe and advice our kin on what is most pleasing to Malacath. FormID: 0008F3D4 DA14 DA14SammyMeet1 DA14SammyMeet1Topic CUST 0 I thought you might not remember your first trip here. You had a big night. I think you've definitely earned the staff. FormID: 0008CA5C DA14 DA14Intimidate DA14IntimidateTopic INTI 0 You should try that bit on the barkeep. Maybe get yourself a free drink. FormID: 0008CA5E DA14 DA14Bribe DA14BribeTopic BRIB 0 That amount should allow me to readily acquire a drink. FormID: 0008C458 TG00 TG00Goodbyes GBYE 0 I'll be at the market come morning. You better be there too. veiled threat FormID: 0008C459 TG00 TG00Goodbyes GBYE 0 I'm ready when you are. Just give the word. FormID: 0008BBCA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Aventus Aretino. He was sent to live here after his mother died. He escaped. And... FormID: 0008BBCA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 Before he left, he said he was going to do the Black Sacrament. You know, to call the Dark Brotherhood. So they'd come and kill old Grelod! whispering FormID: 0008BBCA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 2 Word out on the street is that he went home to Windhelm, and people have heard strange chanting coming from his house. He's really doing it! FormID: 00016CA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Aventus Aretino. He was sent to live here after his mother died. He escaped. And... FormID: 00016CA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 Before he left, he said he was going to do the Black Sacrament. You know, to call the Dark Brotherhood. So they'd come and kill old Grelod! FormID: 00016CA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 2 Word out on the street is that he went home to Windhelm, and people have heard strange chanting coming from his house. Looks like he really did it! FormID: 0008BBCB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 A little boy who lived here. Aventus Aretino. He was nice, but really quiet, and sad, because his mother just died. FormID: 0008BBCB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 He ran away. Back home to Windhelm. Samuel told me he's trying to get some murderer people to come here and kill Grelod. I really hope he does. FormID: 00016CA6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 A little boy who lived here. Aventus Aretino. He was nice, but really quiet, and sad, because his mother just died. FormID: 00016CA6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 He ran away. Back home to Windhelm. Samuel told me he was trying to get some murderer people to come here and kill Grelod. Did he really do it? FormID: 0008BBCC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, Aventus Aretino. He was sent here when his mother died, but he ran away. FormID: 0008BBCC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 I heard he went back to his house in Windhelm, and is trying to get the Dark Brotherhood to come and murder Grelod. That would be so wonderful. FormID: 00016CA7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, Aventus Aretino. He was sent here when his mother died, but he ran away. FormID: 00016CA7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 I heard he went back to his house in Windhelm, to try and get the Dark Brotherhood to come and murder Grelod. And... he actually pulled it off! FormID: 0008BBCD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Aventus Aretino? He only lived here for awhile. I think his mother got sick and died or something. Anyway, he's gone now. He ran away. FormID: 0008BBCD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 But Samuel told me he's back home in Windhelm, and is doing some kind of dark ritual. He's trying to summon some killers to come get old Grelod. FormID: 00016CA8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Aventus Aretino? He only lived here for awhile. I think his mother got sick and died or something. Anyway, he's gone now. He ran away. FormID: 00016CA8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 1 But Samuel told me he's back home in Windhelm, and did some kind of dark ritual. He summoned killers to murder old Grelod. He's saved us all. FormID: 0008BAC7 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 And one more thing! I will hear no more talk of adoptions! None of you riff-raff is getting adopted. Ever! Nobody needs you, nobody wants you. FormID: 0008BACF DialogueRiften SCEN 0 That, my darlings, is why you're here. Why you will always be here, until the day you come of age and get thrown into that wide, horrible world. FormID: 0008BAC4 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 Now, what do you all say? FormID: 0008BAC3 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 We love you, Grelod. Thank you for your kindness. Unemotionally. Forced to say [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE] to someone you hate. FormID: 0008BAC8 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 We love you, Grelod. Thank you for your kindness. Unemotionally. Forced to say [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE] to someone you hate. FormID: 0008BAC6 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 We love you, Grelod. Thank you for your kindness. Unemotionally. Forced to say [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE] to someone you hate. FormID: 0008BACB DialogueRiften SCEN 0 We love you, Grelod. Thank you for your kindness. Unemotionally. Forced to say [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE] to someone you hate. FormID: 0008BAC9 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 Those who shirk their duties will get an extra beating. Do I make myself clear? FormID: 0008BACD DialogueRiften SCEN 0 Yes, Grelod. FormID: 0008BACC DialogueRiften SCEN 0 Yes, Grelod. FormID: 0008BAD0 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 Yes, Grelod. FormID: 0008BAC5 DialogueRiften SCEN 0 Yes, Grelod. FormID: 0008BACA DialogueRiften SCEN 0 That's better. Now scurry off, my little guttersnipes. FormID: 0008B6DF DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DialogueDarkwaterCrossingSondasBridge DialogueDarkwaterCrossingSondasWarTopic CUST 0 I'm lucky enough that none of my friends have been killed. Of course we have soldiers coming through all the time. FormID: 0008B6DA DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DialogueDarkwaterCrossingSondasBridgeBranch DialogueDarkwaterCrossingSondasBridgeBranchTopic CUST 0 Those falls... dangerous place. Derkeethus thought he could find some good fish in the pools. FormID: 0008B6DA DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DialogueDarkwaterCrossingSondasBridgeBranch DialogueDarkwaterCrossingSondasBridgeBranchTopic CUST 1 Haven't heard from him in a long while. FormID: 0008B6DC DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DialogueDarkwaterCrossingTormirTown DialogueDarkwaterCrossingTormirTownTopic CUST 0 Not much to it, really. We fish, and keep to ourselves. Try to keep from upsetting the Empire or the Stormcloaks, and so far the war's left us alone. FormID: 0008B6DD DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranch DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranchTopic CUST 0 A bunch of lazy rabble trying to make a living. Can't get better workers in because everyone's afraid of the tomb up above the mine. FormID: 0008B6DD DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranch DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranchTopic CUST 1 Dead dragons... it hasn't moved since Ysgramor and it's not going to start now. Superstitious milk drinkers. FormID: 0008B6DE DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranch DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranchTopic CUST 0 So it seems the milk drinkers were right. That dragon was nearly the death of us. FormID: 0008B6DE DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranch DialogueKynesgroveKjeldTownBranchTopic CUST 1 All we can do now is rebuild. FormID: 0008B6D8 DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveGannaTrees DialogueKynesgroveGannaTreesTopic CUST 0 We got the mill up and running before we found out that the big stand of trees on the hill was sacred. FormID: 0008B6D8 DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveGannaTrees DialogueKynesgroveGannaTreesTopic CUST 1 Now we can't cut them, and can't afford to buy another mill somewhere else. FormID: 0008B6D8 DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveGannaTrees DialogueKynesgroveGannaTreesTopic CUST 2 So we scrounge whatever we can from around the tundra. FormID: 0008B6D9 DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveRoggiMeadBranch DialogueKynesgroveRoggiMeadBranchTopic CUST 0 A lifetime of study, you might say. The best comes from Riften, but I haven't been there in years. FormID: 0008B6D9 DialogueKynesgrove DialogueKynesgroveRoggiMeadBranch DialogueKynesgroveRoggiMeadBranchTopic CUST 1 Ever tried making your own? It's... not easy. Trust me. FormID: 0008B636 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopic DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopicTopic CUST 0 Not at all. I consider it a blessing. FormID: 0008B636 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopic DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopicTopic CUST 1 My family was convinced coming here was a death sentence, or worse. It took years of insisting that this is what I'm meant to do. FormID: 0008B637 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopic DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopicTopic CUST 0 Mages in Cyrodiil are all about politics. The Synod and the College of Whispers are too busy guarding secrets to bother to teach. FormID: 0008B637 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopic DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopicTopic CUST 1 Skyrim was not J'zargo's first choice, but Winterhold is removed from politics, dedicated to study. This is the place for J'zargo to become great. FormID: 0008B638 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopic DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopicTopic CUST 0 So far, if only because no one is telling me how great I ought to be. FormID: 0008B638 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopic DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentTopicTopic CUST 1 I just want to learn, I don't want to think about what's expected of me. FormID: 0008B5EA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic1BranchTopic CUST 0 Mutual advantage! Any fool can see that. FormID: 0008B5EA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic1BranchTopic CUST 1 For centuries, we have benefited from the Empire's protection, and prosperous trade with the south. FormID: 0008B5EA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic1BranchTopic CUST 2 In exchange, the people of Cyrodiil sleep peacefully, knowing their northern border is guarded by the fiercest warriors in all Tamriel. FormID: 0008B5E1 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic01a CUST 0 And here you go... your payment, just as I promised. FormID: 0008B5E1 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic01a CUST 1 The way things have been going around here, it's a relief that our plan went off without a hitch. FormID: 0008B5E2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic01b CUST 0 I didn't think you'd get pinched. a bit disappointed FormID: 0008B5E2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroPreBranchTopic01b CUST 1 Can't say I'm surprised with the way things have been going around here. disappointed FormID: 0008B5B2 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitResponse1 CUST 0 Magic is shunned by most. If it can't be swung over your head and used to crack skulls, most Nords want nothing to do with it. FormID: 0008B5B2 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitResponse1 CUST 1 Magic is seen as something for elves, and weaker races. FormID: 0008B5A6 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitResponse2 CUST 0 Not at all. I consider it a blessing. FormID: 0008B5A6 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitResponse2 CUST 1 My family was convinced coming here was a death sentence, or worse. It took years of insisting that this is what I'm meant to do. FormID: 0008B59B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundLocals DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundLocalsTopic CUST 0 Well, look at the evidence. Nords generally don't trust magic, so it's not off to a good start. FormID: 0008B59B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundLocals DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundLocalsTopic CUST 1 Throw in the Oblivion Crisis, which was caused by magic-users, and the troubles now with the Aldmeri Dominion, who are elves and magic users. FormID: 0008B59B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundLocals DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundLocalsTopic CUST 2 And finally take the fact that the College is the only thing left standing after most of Winterhold was destroyed. It's all fairly damning. FormID: 0008B597 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpellsTopic CUST 0 Well, that depends on what you're looking for. FormID: 0008B594 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleDestructionTraining CUST 0 Faralda can teach Destruction spells, and offers training in that school. FormID: 0008B5D9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleConjuration CUST 0 Phinis is one of the best Conjurers in all of Skyrim, and can help with spells from that school. FormID: 0008B5D8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleAlterationTraining CUST 0 Don't let Tolfdir fool you; he's the pre-eminent scholar on Alteration. One of the best in Tamriel, and always willing to pass on his knowledge. FormID: 0008B5B6 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeIllusionTraining CUST 0 If you can find him and focus his attention, there's a great deal Drevis can teach you about Illusion magic. FormID: 0008B5D6 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeIllusionTraining CUST 0 FormID: 0008B5A7 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleRestorationTraining CUST 0 And finally, there's Colette. She may be... difficult to get along with, she's very knowledgeable when it comes to Restoration magic. FormID: 0008B5A2 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisInitBranchTopic CUST 0 You... You can see me? surprised, confused FormID: 0008B59A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisInitResponse1 CUST 0 Confound it all. I was quite sure I was invisible, or at least transparent. FormID: 0008B599 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisInitResponse2 CUST 0 But you can hear me, obviously. Something still isn't quite right. At least I'm making progress. FormID: 0008B596 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpellsTopic CUST 0 Oh my, that's quite a difficult question. FormID: 0008B596 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpellsTopic CUST 1 Never underestimate the ability to influence others. Whether they're friends or foes, they're almost all susceptible to Illusion spells. FormID: 0008B596 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpellsTopic CUST 2 They can turn the tide of a battle in a moment's notice. FormID: 0008B596 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpells DialogueWinterholdCollegeDrevisIllusionSpellsTopic CUST 3 There are also spells that help in avoiding conflict altogether. Invisibility is tricky to master, but exceptionally useful. FormID: 0008B5DA DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialty DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialtyTopic CUST 0 Certainly. Destruction spells come in different forms, each useful for various purposes. FormID: 0008B5DA DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialty DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialtyTopic CUST 1 Concentration spells can be cast immediately, though they're weaker. Good for a tight spot, and less costly if you miss. FormID: 0008B5DA DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialty DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialtyTopic CUST 2 You'll also need to decide whether to devote yourself to a single type of spell. FormID: 0008B5DA DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialty DialogueWinterholdCollegeFaraldaSpecialtyTopic CUST 3 Focusing solely on flame spells will make them more powerful, but you may find yourself at a disadvantage against foes immune to fire. FormID: 0008B598 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitBranchTopic CUST 0 It's lies. All of it. I don't care what she told you, it's all lies. FormID: 0008B5D7 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaInitResponse1 CUST 0 Faralda. Don't act like she didn't say anything. I know her, I know what she's been up to. FormID: 0008B00C DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Now. Enough. We will speak no more of this. I am the only friend you need. FormID: 0008AFB7 DialogueRiverwoodSceneAlvorGerdur SCEN 0 Are those parts ready yet? FormID: 0008AFB9 DialogueRiverwoodSceneAlvorGerdur SCEN 0 I can only hammer so fast, Gerdur. FormID: 0008AFB8 DialogueRiverwoodSceneAlvorGerdur SCEN 0 They don't have to be perfect. Just send them over when they're ready. FormID: 0008AF4A DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Fine. Then I'll invite him out to play. He lives right there. I'm going to knock on his door... FormID: 0008AF50 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 No, child! Wait! That boy, that house - they're cursed. FormID: 0008AF4B DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Then it's true, what everyone is saying? That Aventus Aretino is doing the Black Sacrament? Trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood? FormID: 0008AF49 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Oh, Grimvar... always with the nonsense. No, no, of course not. Those are just tales... FormID: 0008AF4E DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Ha! Then I'm right. I knew it. He's trying to have somebody killed! FormID: 0008AF4C DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 All right. I won't deny it, child. What you heard is true. But Aventus Aretino walks a dark path. His actions can lead only to ruin. Sad, frustrated sigh at the beginning. FormID: 0008AF48 DialogueWindhelm SingsOfDreamsDBBranch SingsOfDreamsDBBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmm. Yes, it is quite sad. A young boy, Aventus Aretino, lost his mother recently, and was sent to an orphanage. FormID: 0008AF48 DialogueWindhelm SingsOfDreamsDBBranch SingsOfDreamsDBBranchTopic CUST 1 But he has returned home, and people have heard strange chanting. They say it's the Black Sacrament, the ritual to contact the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 0008AF48 DialogueWindhelm SingsOfDreamsDBBranch SingsOfDreamsDBBranchTopic CUST 2 Why a little boy would want to contact a group of murderers is beyond me, but he is inviting evil into this city. FormID: 0008A3BB CreatureDialogueBear HIT_ 0 FormID: 0008A3BC CreatureDialogueBear DETH 0 FormID: 0008A364 MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Go, boys! Attack! Siccing dogs on the player FormID: 0008A1F7 DB10 SCEN 0 If I am to die today, so be it. But you'll not soon forget the Dark Brotherhood. fighting, and losing FormID: 0008A19A MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Hmm? What is it? [QUOTE]Pet voice[QUOTE]-- crazed wizard talking to his pet rats. FormID: 00089BB2 DA01dunIlinaltasDeepQST SCEN 0 Another soul for the master! minion FormID: 00089BA4 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitial TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitialTopic CUST 0 I suppose it would be inappropriate of me to ask how you obtained this, so I simply won't. making a bit of a joke FormID: 00089BA4 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitial TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitialTopic CUST 1 A rubbing, eh? Odd. I expected notes. FormID: 00089BA5 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitial TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitial01 CUST 0 I undertstand. Now, let me take a good look at this. Over here, please. FormID: 000899B5 MS01 MS01JarlMarketPlace MS01JarlMarketPlaceTopic CUST 0 My guards told me. Poor Margret. And witnesses report that the attacker was shouting some nonsense about being a Forsworn. blindly reassuring FormID: 000899B5 MS01 MS01JarlMarketPlace MS01JarlMarketPlaceTopic CUST 1 I want to make things clear. Markarth has its troubles, but there are no Forsworn in this city. blindly reassuring FormID: 000899B5 MS01 MS01JarlMarketPlace MS01JarlMarketPlaceTopic CUST 2 They're only a threat in the hills and along the roads, where they live. Everywhere else, we are in control. blindly reassuring FormID: 000899B7 MS01 MS01JarlMarketPlace MS01JarlMarketPlaceTopic CUST 0 It's unfortunate that we live in such violent times, but there you have it. dismissive FormID: 000899B7 MS01 MS01JarlMarketPlace MS01JarlMarketPlaceTopic CUST 1 Now I've been told that the attacker claimed to be a Forsworn. It's nonsense. More likely he was just sick in the head. dismissive FormID: 000899B7 MS01 MS01JarlMarketPlace MS01JarlMarketPlaceTopic CUST 2 So don't concern yourself with it. Markarth is safe. You have my word. dismissive FormID: 00089984 DA13 DA13KeshPeryiteBranch DA13KeshPeryiteTopic01 CUST 0 He is the pus in the wound. Oh, proper ones curl their noses, but it's pus that drinks foul humors and restores the blood. FormID: 00089984 DA13 DA13KeshPeryiteBranch DA13KeshPeryiteTopic01 CUST 1 I worship Peryite, yes, because sometimes the world can only be cleansed by disease. FormID: 00089985 DA13 DA13KeshQuestBranch DA13KeshQuestIntroTopic01 CUST 0 Not everyone has the stomach required to entreat my Lord. But Kesh likes you, friend. There is a way Peryite may speak to us who will take Him in. slight chuckle at [QUOTE]stomach[QUOTE] like it's an inside joke FormID: 00089985 DA13 DA13KeshQuestBranch DA13KeshQuestIntroTopic01 CUST 1 If you wish to commune with Him, we'll need the incense. FormID: 000C2D08 DA13 DA13KeshQuestBranch DA13KeshQuestIntroTopic01 CUST 0 Ah, no. Don't think you've got the stuff. Come back when you've seen a bit more in life, perhaps. FormID: 00089983 DA13 DA13BlockingBranch DA13BlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, a wanderer, yes? No? Pilgrim, perhaps? Have you come to commune with Peryite, Taskmaster and blighted Lord? FormID: 00089982 DA13 DA13KeshFetchDetails DA13KeshFetchDetailsTopic CUST 0 Yes, the incense. Fetch for me a deathbell flower, one silver ingot, a flawless ruby, and some vampire dust. Then I will show you how. FormID: 00089947 MS09 GBYE 0 I'll see you at Northwatch Keep, friend. FormID: 000D7622 MS09 GBYE 0 Please, get word to my mother. FormID: 000D7623 MS09 GBYE 0 Let's go, let's go! FormID: 00089948 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response1 CUST 0 Of course. I should've known. Avulstein was behind this, wasn't he? FormID: 00089949 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response1 CUST 0 Of course. I should've known. This was all Avulstein's idea, wasn't it? Where is he? FormID: 0008994C MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response2 CUST 0 A wise decision, but I fear he may not be safe there anymore. FormID: 0008994C MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response2 CUST 1 They'll go looking for me, and Whiterun will be the first place they search. FormID: 0008994D MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response2 CUST 0 So he might still be in there? FormID: 0008994D MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response2 CUST 1 I don't dare go back in now. I'll just have to hope that in the confusion he can slip out. FormID: 0008994E MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response2 CUST 0 Avulstein... you stupid boy... FormID: 0008994E MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response2 CUST 1 What is my freedom worth, if the price is my brother's life? FormID: 0008994A MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 0 I cannot stay. Not here, not in Whiterun. It likely won't be safe for Avulstein, either. I cannot stay here, AND I can't stay in Whiterun; two seprate locations FormID: 0008994A MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 1 Our best hope now is to fall in with the ranks of the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0008994A MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 2 But would you do me a favor? Tell my mother to suffer the winter's cold wind, for it bears aloft next summer's seeds. She'll know what it means. FormID: 0008994A MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 3 I thank you again, friend. You've given me my life back. FormID: 0008994B MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 0 I don't dare return to Whiterun. But my mother... She'll need some consolation. FormID: 0008994B MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 1 Tell her... tell her to suffer the winter's cold wind, for it bears aloft next summer's seeds. She'll understand. FormID: 0008994B MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Final1 CUST 2 Though shall mourn my brother, I thank you, friend. You've given me my life back. FormID: 000896A7 DA03 DA03BarbasGreeting DA03BarbasWalkaway CUST 0 Listen, when you're ready to do something useful, find me outside Haemar's Shame, in Falkreath. FormID: 00089423 DA11 DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranch DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Mortal. I am Namira, the Lady of Decay. Your consumption of the blood and bile of Arkay's own is pleasing to me. Dark god speaking to a minion Walk Away FormID: 00089423 DA11 DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranch DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranchTopic CUST 1 I give you my ring. Wear it, and when you feast on the flesh of the dead, I will grant you my power. Dark god speaking to a minion Walk Away FormID: 00089424 DA11 DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranch DA11VoiceofNamiraTopic01 CUST 0 Wallow in your wretchedness, my newest champion. Dark god speaking to a minion FormID: 00089425 DA11 DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranch DA11VoiceofNamiraTopic02 CUST 0 Your mockery will be the end of you. And on that day, another servant will feast on your entrails and discover a ring clenched in her teeth. Dark god speaking to a minion FormID: 00089425 DA11 DA11VoiceofNamiraBlockingBranch DA11VoiceofNamiraTopic02 CUST 1 Be grateful for what time I give you until then. Dark god speaking to a minion FormID: 0007EAED MS07 MS07ConfronationGreet2 MS07ConfronationGreet2Topic CUST 0 To Oblivion with your loot! This ends now! FormID: 0007EAEF MS07 MS07ConfronationGreet2 MS07ConfronationGreet2Topic CUST 0 You don't have what it takes to kill me. FormID: 00088989 MQ302 SCEN 0 For once you'll actually pay for your crimes. angry and triumphant FormID: 0008898A MQ302 SCEN 0 Once again, the Empire takes the blame for the crimes of others. bitterly FormID: 00088986 MS07 MS07BanditGreetAtBoat MS07BanditGreetAtBoatTopic CUST 0 You're the one who put out the fire in the Lighthouse, right? FormID: 00088C71 MS07 MS07BanditGreetDirections MS07BanditGreetDirectionsTopic CUST 0 That was good work. Deeja's in the hold of the ship. Go down two levels. FormID: 0008893E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1 DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1Topic CUST 0 I know it's a bit strange. Not exactly a name to bring comfort to the sick and ailing who come to buy a poultice or salve. FormID: 0008893E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1 DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1Topic CUST 1 But what you must understand about Falkreath is that our town is defined, for better or wrose, by the large and ancient cemetery here. FormID: 0008893E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1 DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1Topic CUST 2 That's why the inn is called Dead Man's Drink, the farm is called Corpselight Farm, and so on. I suppose it's sort of a running joke. FormID: 00088965 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics2 DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics2Topic CUST 0 Well, my family back in Hammerfell didn't approve of my interest in lethal poisons and death in general. So I left, and wandered north. FormID: 00088965 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics2 DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics2Topic CUST 1 When I found this town, with its huge cemetery, I felt right at home. I opened the shop and I've never looked back. This is where I belong. FormID: 00088960 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2 DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2Topic CUST 0 I was Dengier's personal guard for years. I risked my hide more than once to protect him. FormID: 00088960 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2 DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2Topic CUST 1 Why would I do that? For money? Because I swore an oath? No, it was because he was a good man and a true friend. FormID: 00088960 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2 DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2Topic CUST 2 A true Nord places loyalty and honor above all else. FormID: 0008894A DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic1 DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic1Topic CUST 0 His name's Bolund. He's the one who works the lumber mill down by the river. FormID: 0008894A DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic1 DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic1Topic CUST 1 If you meet him, don't expect much in the way o' conversation. He ain't one for talking, especially with folk he don't know. FormID: 00088949 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic2 DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic2Topic CUST 0 I was once, but not any more. I was wounded in a skirmish up near Windhelm. This was years ago, mind you. FormID: 00088949 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic2 DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic2Topic CUST 1 Now, maybe I don't pick up a blade in Ulfric's name no more, but I still hold with his ideals. Skyrim is Nord land, and we ought to rule it. FormID: 00088949 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic2 DialogueFalkreathSolafTopic2Topic CUST 2 We don't need no help from the Empire on that count. FormID: 00088948 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic1 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic1Topic CUST 0 You think some Emperor sitting on a gilded throne in Cyrodiil is going to know what's best for Skyrim? FormID: 00088948 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic1 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic1Topic CUST 1 The Imperial City's so far from here, it might as well be on one of the moons. And yet the Empire thinks it can tell us what to do an' how to live. Indignant FormID: 00088948 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic1 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic1Topic CUST 2 I'm no man's fool. I know Ulfric Stormcloak's selfish and power-hungry, but he's the devil I know. Does that put it plain enough for you? FormID: 00088947 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengierTopics2 DialogueFalkreathDengierTopics2Topic CUST 0 For one thing, I won't empty Falkreath's coffers to buy myself fine clothes an' expensive mead. Angry, reprimanding tone FormID: 00088947 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengierTopics2 DialogueFalkreathDengierTopics2Topic CUST 1 For another, I won't get mixed up with criminals and other sorts who take advantage of the honest folk for profit. Angry, reprimanding tone FormID: 00088947 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengierTopics2 DialogueFalkreathDengierTopics2Topic CUST 2 I might be old, but I haven't forgotten that a Jarl's first duty is to look after his people. Angry, reprimanding tone FormID: 0008896B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3Topic CUST 0 Aye, not so long ago. Some'll tell you I stepped down on account of my old age. FormID: 0008896B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3Topic CUST 1 Truth is, I found out about all the Imperial spies crawling around Falkreath. A few well-placed bribes, and they bought themselves some friends. FormID: 0008896B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3Topic CUST 2 Suddenly the nobles are calling for a new Jarl, and all the while their pockets are jingling with the sound of Imperial septims. FormID: 0008896B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3 DialogueFalkreathDengeirTopic3Topic CUST 3 They named me Thane, and they got my nephew Siddgeir in my place. A real friend to Cyrodiil, that one. FormID: 000D6C28 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic1 DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic1Topic CUST 0 I should think so! I'm well used to taking care of a house and the folk living in it. Nervous FormID: 000D6C28 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic1 DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic1Topic CUST 1 Taking care of the entire hold is another matter entirely. It would be a big enough job without the war on and the dragons about. FormID: 000D6C28 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic1 DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic1Topic CUST 2 I just hope I can do right by the good folk who are looking to us to see to their needs. FormID: 0008894B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic2 DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic2Topic CUST 0 Comes down to trust, I expect. After Dengeir gave up his seat to his nephew, he didn't trust anyone. FormID: 0008894B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic2 DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic2Topic CUST 1 Everywhere he looks, he sees assassins, spies an' plots against him. I'm the only one he confides in. FormID: 0008894B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic2 DialogueFalkreathTeklaTopic2Topic CUST 2 So, when he was made Jarl again, he didn't wait a moment to name me his Steward. He said I was the only choice. FormID: 00088741 MQ302 SCEN 0 Master Arngeir, are you going to just let him continue to... FormID: 0008874A MQ302 SCEN 0 I have something to say first. FormID: 00088737 MQ302 SCEN 0 Here we go. muttered under her breath FormID: 0008873C MQ302 SCEN 0 The only reason I agreed to attend this council was to deal with the dragon menace. FormID: 00088747 MQ302 SCEN 0 We have no interest in negotiating with the Empire. It's only a matter of time before they are driven out of Skyrim. FormID: 00088748 MQ302 SCEN 0 There's nothing else to talk about, unless the Empire is finally ready to renounce its unjust claim to rule over the free people of Skyrim. FormID: 0008875C MQ302 SCEN 0 I knew he wouldn't be able to resist. muttered under her breath FormID: 0008873A MQ302 SCEN 0 We're here to arrange a temporary truce to allow the Dragonborn here to deal with the dragons. Nothing more. FormID: 00088744 MQ302 SCEN 0 You should be glad enough of a chance to lick your wounds at this point in the war. FormID: 00088745 MQ302 SCEN 0 I consider even talking to the Empire a generous gesture. FormID: 0008874D MQ302 SCEN 0 Are you done? Did you just come here to make speeches? Or can we get down to business? flatly - irritated FormID: 00088738 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, let's get this over with. he thinks this is likely a big waste of time FormID: 00088740 MQPaarthurnax IDAT 0 We have nothing to say to each other. Paarthurnax's murder is beyond my powers of forgiveness. FormID: 000D7673 MQPaarthurnax IDAT 0 Yes. But understand - during the days of Alduin's rule, all dragons were his allies. There was nothing else they could be. FormID: 000D7673 MQPaarthurnax IDAT 1 If not for Paarthurnax, Alduin could not have been overthrown. It was he that first taught men to use the Thu'um. FormID: 0008898C MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'd give a week's pay to see the look on Ulfric's face again, when he had to swallow the terms of the truce. FormID: 0008898D MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope this truce gives you what you need. It won't last. FormID: 0008898E MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 As soon as I get back to Whiterun, I'll get my men ready. FormID: 0008898F MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 When I return to Whiterun, I'll get my men ready to help trap this dragon. FormID: 00088992 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 The look on Tullius's face while the Greybeard read the terms was worth the trip. FormID: 00088993 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't much like this truce. Feels like a betrayal to me. FormID: 00088994 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 We're counting on you to make this all worthwhile. FormID: 00088995 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I sacrificed a lot here today for this plan of yours. FormID: 00088996 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 That could have gone worse. Now it's up to you to deliver. FormID: 00088997 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 You'd better be able to deliver, Dragonborn. I sacrificed a lot here today. FormID: 0008874E MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 Is everyone here? Let's get this started. FormID: 0008874F MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't worry, I'll come to this peace council of yours. FormID: 00088750 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I never thought I'd ever willingly stand in the same room with Tullius again. At least not without a weapon in my hand. FormID: 00088998 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's good to be back in High Hrothgar after all these years. FormID: 00088999 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'd just as soon get this over with. FormID: 00088751 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll come to your council. But I doubt any good will come of it. FormID: 00088752 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 When has any good ever come from talking to the Empire? FormID: 000E6CA7 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't know how you convinced Ulfric to talk to the Empire. Worse than a waste of time if you ask me. FormID: 00088753 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm glad I finally got a chance to see this place. FormID: 000E6CA8 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 Talking peace with Ulfric? You must be an optimist. FormID: 0008899A MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've done well, to even get the two of them in the same room. FormID: 00088754 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 If you can arrange an end to the fighting, Dragonsreach is at your disposal. FormID: 00088756 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 If you can arrange an end to the fighting, Dragonsreach is at your disposal. FormID: 00088758 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 We should get started. Alduin is only getting stronger. FormID: 0008899B MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are we waiting for? impatiently FormID: 00088759 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 We must make them see their danger, Dragonborn. intensely FormID: 0008899C MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 We must succeed here today. intensely FormID: 000D950B MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 And so we meet again. But this time I know who and what you really are. with a thin, cold smile FormID: 000D950C MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll give you credit for boldness. But associating yourself with the Blades is a choice you will come to regret. FormID: 000D950D MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm here to ensure that General Tullius does not exceed his authority. FormID: 000D950E MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 You gave Ulfric more than he deserved. This will certainly prolong the war. FormID: 000D950F MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 These terms are satisfactory to my government. The truce is unlikely to last long in any case. FormID: 000D9510 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm here because it's required of me. But there's nothing to be gained by talking to that murderer. FormID: 00088757 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I understand this council was your idea, Dragonborn. I'm afraid I don't hold out much hope for success. FormID: 000D9511 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't know why you gave Ulfric so much. That murderer will never rule Skyrim. FormID: 000D9512 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you were able to negotiate a truce, but I don't trust Ulfric. He'll break his word as soon as it suits him. FormID: 000D9513 MQ302 MQ302CouncilBlocking MQ302CouncilBlockingTopic CUST 0 We should get started. FormID: 00087FCE CompanionsSingleCombatQuest CompanionsSingleCombatQuestVictory CompanionsSingleCombatQuestVictoryTopic CUST 0 You fight well, brother. FormID: 00087FD2 CompanionsSingleCombatQuest CompanionsSingleCombatQuestVictory CompanionsSingleCombatQuestVictoryTopic CUST 0 You fight well, sister. FormID: 000AF260 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHit HIT_ 0 Argh! FormID: 000AF261 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHit HIT_ 0 Uf! FormID: 000AF262 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHit HIT_ 0 Yergh! FormID: 000AF263 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHit HIT_ 0 Egh! FormID: 000AF264 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHit HIT_ 0 Oof! FormID: 00087B6D DBrecurring IDAT 0 You must speak with the Farmhand at Chillfurrow farm. FormID: 00087B7B DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 So you're the... the assassin? I need you to kill the Visiting Noble at Dragonsreach, in Whiterun. Here's the gold. I... I hope it's enough. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B7C DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 So you're the one from the... Dark Brotherhood? I need you to kill the Big Laborer at Katla's Farm. Here's the gold for the kill. Make it painful. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B7D DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 You must be the... assassin. I need you to kill the Itinerant Lumberjack, in Morthal, at the logging camp. Here, this is all the gold I have. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 00087B7E DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 You're the assassin, right? Look, there's this Reckless Mage in the Frozen Hearth Inn, in Winterhold. I want him dead. This gold should cover it. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B7F DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 You're the one? From the... the Dark Brotherhood? The man I need killed is a Seasoned Hunter. He's just outside Falkreath. Here's the gold... whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B80 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 You're here! I was wondering if that Black Sacrament even worked. I need you to kill a woman, a Poor Fishwife, on the Riften Docks. Here's the gold. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B81 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 Dark Brotherhood? You look the type. Listen, there's this Grim Shieldmaiden walking the streets of Markarth. Kill her. Now take this gold, and go. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B82 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you the assassin? From the...? Well, there's this Traveling Dignitary, in Solitude. I need her... you know. This gold will cover it, right? whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination - After [QUOTE]you know,[QUOTE] makes a sound, like killing someone FormID: 00087B83 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. I need you to kill a Coldhearted Gravedigger, tends to work in the Hall of the Dead in Windhelm. This is all the gold I have. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00087B84 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, you're here. Look, in Ivarstead, there's this Beautiful Barbarian. I need her dead. Don't ask why. Just do it. This gold should cover it. whispering/nervous/setting up an assassination FormID: 00097253 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 If anybody asks, this meeting never took place. FormID: 00097254 DBrecurring DBRecurringContactBranch DBRecurringContactBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know you. Says it kind of funny, like he does know the person, but is pretending he doesn't. FormID: 00087B85 DBrecurring DBRecurringTargetBranch DBRecurringTargetBranchTopic CUST 0 Would it kill you to let a man go about his business in peace? Really, the nerve... FormID: 00087B86 DBrecurring DBRecurringTargetBranch DBRecurringTargetBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I'm busy. Please go bother somebody else. FormID: 00087B87 DBrecurring DBRecurringTargetBranch DBRecurringTargetBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you want something? I'm quite busy. FormID: 00087B88 DBrecurring DBRecurringTargetBranch DBRecurringTargetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm dying for a rest. I swear, I could lie down right now, and just sleep forever. FormID: 00087B6F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 The Dawnstar Sanctuary? That where you lot are holing up in now? Hmm... Tell you what. It'll cost you - a lot - but I can help you out. FormID: 00087B6F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 1 What exactly are we talking about here? FormID: 00098B61 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 Tell me what you need, and I'll get my people get on it. FormID: 000DB289 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course you do. FormID: 000DB28A DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 All right. What's your fancy? FormID: 00098B62 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid that's it, my friend. I've done all I can. I hope the place is at least livable now. Good luck with, your, um... murders. FormID: 00087B54 DA11FIN DA11VerulusForcegreetGlooredhelDeadBranch DA11VerulusForcegreetGlooredhelDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 What... what happened? coming out of a daze FormID: 00087B56 DA11FIN DA11VerulusForcegreetGlooredhelDeadBranch DA11VerulusForcegreetTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. I don't know what's going on, but I think I owe you my life. coming out of a daze FormID: 00087B58 DA11FIN DA11VerulusForcegreetGlooredhelDeadBranch DA11VerulusForcegreetTopic02 CUST 0 Sweet Breath of Arkay, were these the cannibals that were plaguing the Hall of the Dead? coming out of a daze FormID: 00087B55 DA11FIN DA11VerulusForcegreetGlooredhelDeadBranch DA11ForcegreetInvisibleContinue CUST 0 I need to get back to Markarth. Here, take this. It's the least I can do for saving my life. coming out of a daze FormID: 00087B5A DA11 DA11VerulusFollowPlayerBlockingBranch DA11VerulusFollowPlayerBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't worry, Arkay's protection is absolute. arrogant FormID: 00087B5C DA11 DA11SceneBlockingBranch DA11SceneBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 (yawn) I'm so tired... yawning, hypnotized FormID: 00087B5D DA11 DA11SceneBlockingBranch DA11SceneBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me speak to our guest. FormID: 0008942A DA11 DA11SceneBlockingBranch DA11SceneBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't be shy. You should be the one to carve. gently commanding FormID: 0005C82D DA11 DA11SceneBlockingBranch DA11SceneBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 This is your initiation into the coven. Go ahead. Have the first bite. gently commanding FormID: 00087986 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoInitBranchTopic CUST 0 Another new Apprentice, I see. annoyed FormID: 00087986 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoInitBranchTopic CUST 1 Are you of the sort that believe you're here to change the world? Or are you only in it for yourself? condescending FormID: 00087986 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoInitBranchTopic CUST 2 I assure you that I shall be watching you -- all of you -- very closely. FormID: 00087971 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoRole DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoRoleTopic CUST 0 I am an advisor to the Arch-Mage. The Thalmor wish to promote relations with your College. smug, condescending FormID: 00087971 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoRole DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoRoleTopic CUST 1 I am at the Arch-Mage's disposal if he requires advice. smug, condescending FormID: 00087993 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoThalmor DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoThalmorTopic CUST 0 Now that stability has been established between the Dominion and the Empire, we seek only to help Skyrim. FormID: 00087993 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoThalmor DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoThalmorTopic CUST 1 To guide its people through this time of transition, to help lead them to a better future. FormID: 00087991 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoAdvice DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoAdviceTopic CUST 0 Perhaps not as often as he should. In time, I believe he will be more trusting. annoyed FormID: 00087990 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisRogues DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisRoguesTopic CUST 0 Not within society, no. Many who practice within the school of Conjuration do so on their own, secretly. FormID: 00087990 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisRogues DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisRoguesTopic CUST 1 Falion is the only one I know who is public about what he does. He was once my teacher here, but left the College years ago. FormID: 0008798E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisFalionBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisFalionBranchTopic CUST 0 He didn't like the Arch-Mage. Hated dealing with him, hated having to answer to him. FormID: 0008798E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisFalionBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisFalionBranchTopic CUST 1 Falion said he hated what this place was becoming. So he just left. Aren found a note on his desk, and that was it. FormID: 0008798E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisFalionBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisFalionBranchTopic CUST 2 I understand he settled down in Hjaalmarch, and his presence there caused something of a problem. FormID: 0008798D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranchTopic CUST 0 You are new, yes? FormID: 0008798D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranchTopic CUST 1 Have you mastered the Expert level destruction spells yet? FormID: 0008798C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoKnowSpells CUST 0 You... you have? Already? FormID: 0008798C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoKnowSpells CUST 1 Well, J'zargo is surprised. And pleased! There is real competition here. This is good. FormID: 0008797D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoWillKnowSpells CUST 0 Ah, this is good. But J'zargo will know them first. smug FormID: 0008797D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoWillKnowSpells CUST 1 It is good to finally be around mages who may be able to keep up with J'zargo. very smug FormID: 0008796F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoNoWaySpells CUST 0 Is it? This is disappointing. FormID: 0008796F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoNoWaySpells CUST 1 J'zargo hoped there might be one who could keep pace with his accomplishments. smug FormID: 0008799B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoCompetition DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoCompetitionTopic CUST 0 Oh, but you are wrong. sly FormID: 0008799B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoCompetition DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoCompetitionTopic CUST 1 The only reason you could disagree is because you are losing so badly you cannot see it. sly FormID: 00087992 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoSureSelf DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoSureSelfTopic CUST 0 There is much for J'zargo to be sure of. proud, smug FormID: 00087992 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoSureSelf DialogueWinterholdCollegeJzargoSureSelfTopic CUST 1 There is skill in magic, there is charm, and there is a strong will. J'zargo will be successful, of this there is no doubt. proud FormID: 00087956 DA11 DA11GlooredhelDraugrClearBranch DA11GlooredhelDraugrClearBranchTopic CUST 0 You've done it. The shrine is ours again. pleased, proud FormID: 00087956 DA11 DA11GlooredhelDraugrClearBranch DA11GlooredhelDraugrClearBranchTopic CUST 1 Now we need to prepare a grand feast to welcome you to Namira's coven. gently commanding FormID: 00087956 DA11 DA11GlooredhelDraugrClearBranch DA11GlooredhelDraugrClearBranchTopic CUST 2 You will have the honor of bringing a fresh kill for the main course. And I know the perfect person. gently commanding FormID: 00087957 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusLureBranchTopic CUST 0 You are looking for Arkay's protection while you delve some dank tomb, I take it? not eager to go FormID: 00087957 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusLureBranchTopic CUST 1 My duties keep me busy in Markarth. I don't know if I can help you. not eager to go FormID: 00087948 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusPersuade CUST 0 Treasure, you say? tempted, greedy FormID: 00087948 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusPersuade CUST 1 I suppose the Jarl won't mind if I'm gone for a little while. Lead on. tempted, greedy FormID: 0009BB3B DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusPersuade CUST 0 You know, in the Priesthood of Arkay, we have a joke about an empty pocket being better than a full grave. stubborn refusal FormID: 00087941 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusBribe CUST 0 That's no small amount of coin, friend. being bribed FormID: 00087941 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusBribe CUST 1 I suppose I can come with you for a short venture. Lead on. cooperative FormID: 0009BB34 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusBribe CUST 0 I'm just not up for it, sorry. I'd rather stay here, have a glass of wine, and perform my rites to Arkay in peace. stubborn refusal FormID: 00087959 DA11 DA11VerulusLureBranch DA11VerulusIntimidate CUST 0 I think you need to calm down before I summon the guards. stubborn refusal FormID: 000877DA TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Yes, I'm positive I heard something. Irritated. Emphasis on 'positive'. FormID: 0001EA16 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 'Accidents' like this don't just happen! Someone is trying to sabotage my uncle's research! Irritated, panicked FormID: 000877D9 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 I'll deal with my uncle. Just... go! Scour this place from top to bottom! Angry, panicked FormID: 000876C1 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Aedra, what a day! Curse, under his breath FormID: 000875E3 MQ302 SCEN 0 I know you, Ulfric. You have no intention of coming to terms. FormID: 000875F8 MQ302 SCEN 0 You're here to blacken the Empire's name, and I won't be party to it. FormID: 00087627 MQ302 SCEN 0 You may think this war is nearly won. You're wrong. I've been fighting you with a mere handful of troops. FormID: 00087627 MQ302 SCEN 1 Once the Emperor is convinced of the need, then you will see the full strength of the Imperial Legion. FormID: 00087628 MQ302 SCEN 0 If you think you can hold Riften, you're as deluded as you've always been. FormID: 0008760A MQ302 SCEN 0 We get Riften back. Now we'll see if there's anything behind your fine words. FormID: 000875DB MQ302 SCEN 0 I know how this works, Tullius. I've learned the value of Imperial promises the hard way. Never again. FormID: 000875E8 MQ302 SCEN 0 You're losing this war and you know it. FormID: 000875D3 MQ302 SCEN 0 If you think that winning a few battles means you're winning the war, you're even worse at strategy than diplomacy. FormID: 000875F7 MQ302 SCEN 0 You slaughtered the very people you claim to be fighting for! True sons of Skyrim would never do such things. scornful emphasis on [QUOTE]sons of Skyrim[QUOTE] - she thinks they are no such thing FormID: 00087601 MQ302 SCEN 0 Damned Imperial lies! My men would never stoop to such methods, even in retaliation for your butchery at... FormID: 000875C9 MQ302 SCEN 0 This is our homeland, Tullius. All the blood spilled in this war is on your head. coldly FormID: 000875CF MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA1Imperial CUST 0 Well said! You may be fighting on the wrong side in this war. FormID: 000875D0 MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA1Imperial CUST 0 Well said. FormID: 00087603 MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA2Imperial CUST 0 I expected better from you. FormID: 00087604 MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA2Imperial CUST 0 I should have known better than to expect you to give us a fair hearing. FormID: 000875EC MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA1Imperial CUST 0 I'm impressed at your even-handed treatment. Thank you. FormID: 000875ED MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA1Imperial CUST 0 I knew I could count on you. FormID: 000875D6 MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA2Imperial CUST 0 What? Have you forgotten your oath to the Emperor? FormID: 000875D7 MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA2Imperial CUST 0 As I expected, you favor your friends. bitterly FormID: 000875CA MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesB1 CUST 0 Come see me in Windhelm when this is all done. There's always work for those willing to fight for Skyrim. FormID: 000875DC MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsTopic CUST 0 Your actions here were a disgrace. You betrayed Skyrim at every turn. Walk Away FormID: 000875DD MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsTopic CUST 0 You... you disappointed me. You gave too much away. More than was necessary to secure this truce. Walk Away FormID: 000875E5 MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsA1 CUST 0 I'm sure that will be a great comfort to the families of your comrades who died to free the land you just gave back to the Empire. FormID: 000875E6 MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsA1 CUST 0 You should think harder on your commitment to Skyrim's freedom next time you're deciding what's right. FormID: 000875D2 MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsA2 CUST 0 You made your decision. Now live with it. FormID: 000875DE MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsA3 CUST 0 Very honorable, I'm sure, but you should not put your own honor above the freedom of Skyrim. FormID: 000875CC MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsB1 CUST 0 You've disgraced yourself and our cause. You are no longer fit to be known as a son of Skyrim. FormID: 000875CD MQ302 MQ302KickOutSons MQ302KickOutSonsB1 CUST 0 You've disgraced yourself and our cause. You are no longer fit to be known as a daughter of Skyrim. FormID: 00087608 MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesImperial MQ302SwitchSidesImperialTopic CUST 0 Ulfric showed his true colors today, eh? Don't worry. You aren't the first to be taken in by his self-serving lies. FormID: 00087609 MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesImperial MQ302SwitchSidesImperialTopic CUST 0 I think you may have joined the wrong side. You showed yourself to be a true friend to the Empire today. Walk Away FormID: 000875EF MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesImperial MQ302SwitchSidesImperialA1 CUST 0 I'm sorry to hear that. I thought you'd finally seen through Ulfric's lies. FormID: 000875E0 MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesImperial MQ302SwitchSidesImperialA2 CUST 0 Excellent! You aren't the first to have a change of heart, after seeing what Ulfric's reckless pride is doing to Skyrim. FormID: 000875CE MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesImperial MQ302SwitchSidesImperialB1 CUST 0 Come see me in Solitude when this is all done. The Emperor can always use another good soldier. FormID: 000875F3 MQ302 SCEN 0 Now, back to the matter at hand. FormID: 000875F4 MQ302 SCEN 0 I suppose that's the fairest deal we're likely to get. FormID: 000875FA MQ302 SCEN 0 If we're not going to get Riften, we need you to give us something. FormID: 000875FB MQ302 SCEN 0 You know as well as I do that that we can't hand over Markarth on these terms. FormID: 000875FC MQ302 SCEN 0 You know I can't agree to these terms. The Emperor would repudiate this treaty and I would be recalled. FormID: 000875FD MQ302 SCEN 0 Don't hand me a mug of sheep's piss and call it Colovian brandy. These terms are still not acceptable. FormID: 000875FE MQ302 SCEN 0 Come on, Ulfric. You have to give a little ground here. The dragons are a threat to us both. FormID: 00087629 MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm listening. skeptically FormID: 0008762A MQ302 SCEN 0 Let's hear it. skeptically FormID: 0008762B MQ302 SCEN 0 Out with it, then. skeptically FormID: 000875E1 MQ302 SCEN 0 Shor's bones, where will these demands end? muttered under his breath FormID: 000875E2 MQ302 SCEN 0 Damn Imperial arrogance! muttered under his breath FormID: 0002E34C MQ302 SCEN 0 You see what talking to them gets us? muttered under his breath FormID: 0008762C MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Barleydark Farm. FormID: 0008762D MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Riverwood. FormID: 0008762E MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Rorikstead. FormID: 0008762F MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Karthwasten. FormID: 00087630 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Old Hroldan. FormID: 00087631 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine. FormID: 00087632 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Stonehills. FormID: 00087633 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Frost River Farm. FormID: 00087634 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Granite Hill. FormID: 00087637 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill. FormID: 00087638 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen. FormID: 00087639 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Anga's Mill. FormID: 0008763A MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm. FormID: 0008763B MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine. FormID: 0008763C MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Ivarstead. FormID: 0008763D MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone. FormID: 0008763E MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill. FormID: 0008763F MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Sarethi Farm. FormID: 00087640 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want Hjaalmarch back, and Idgrod Ravencrone restored as Jarl. FormID: 00087641 MQ302 SCEN 0 You withdraw from Falkreath, and allow Siddgeir to resume his rightful place as Jarl. FormID: 00087642 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want the Pale returned to Imperial control. The traitor Skald the Elder will be replaced with a more loyal candidate. FormID: 00087643 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want Kraldar removed as Jarl of Winterhold, and an Imperial candidate put in his place. FormID: 00087644 MQ302 SCEN 0 Never mind. I can see that these are the best terms we'll get from this council. scornfully -- [QUOTE]this council[QUOTE] is clearly stuffed with Imperial sympathizers FormID: 00087644 MQ302 SCEN 1 So be it. The Empire at least puts the greater good above our own interests. emphasizing that he (unlike Ulfric) is thinking of the greater good FormID: 00087605 MQ302 SCEN 0 Why would I give you that, if I wouldn't give you Riften? FormID: 00087606 MQ302 SCEN 0 What next, Tullius? Shall I just hand over all of Skyrim? sarcastically FormID: 000875F0 MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm willing to let the Dragonborn decide the fairness of my request. FormID: 000875F1 MQ302 SCEN 0 I guess I have no choice but to let the Dragonborn decide. Although I'm starting to doubt your fairness. FormID: 00087607 MQ302 SCEN 0 For what it's worth, I'm sorry to see you go. You fought well for us. FormID: 000875CB MQ302 SCEN 0 Don't listen to him. Ulfric's been telling lies about himself for so long, he's actually starting to believe them. FormID: 000875D8 MQ302 SCEN 0 Jarl Baalgruf, I assume you are familiar with the Dragonborn's plan? FormID: 000875E9 MQ302 SCEN 0 Well that's an excellent question. You haven't overlooked that little detail, have you? FormID: 000875F9 MQ302 SCEN 0 Come on Galmar. We have a lot of work to do. FormID: 000875D9 MQ302 SCEN 0 This is quite an achievement, Dragonborn. And General Tullius. Riften is ours! FormID: 000DD622 MQ302 SCEN 0 Giving up Markarth is a heavy price for this truce, Dragonborn. I hope it was worth it. FormID: 000875DA MQ302 SCEN 0 I admit, I really didn't expect you'd be able to arrange a truce. Getting Ulfric to agree to anything at all is quite an achievement. FormID: 00087626 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, I'm ready to do my part. FormID: 00087602 MQ302 SCEN 0 Just say the word, and my men will help you spring this trap. FormID: 000874F5 DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkaldScene SCEN 0 Your man Horik is wearing his old Legion armor. What should I make of that? FormID: 000874F3 DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkaldScene SCEN 0 He's proud of his service, Skald. The Legion taught us loyalty. And we're loyal to Dawnstar. FormID: 000871BA MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreetTopic CUST 0 We warned you, but you just had to go and cause trouble. authoritarian, cynical Walk Away FormID: 000871BA MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreetTopic CUST 1 Now we have to pin all these recent murders on you. Silence witnesses. Work. Work. Work. authoritarian, cynical Walk Away FormID: 000871CC MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01AmbushResponseTopic03 CUST 0 You'll never leave Markarth! taunting FormID: 000871B1 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01AmbushResponseTopic02 CUST 0 You'll never see the sun again, you hear me? No one escapes Cidhna Mine. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000871B1 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01AmbushResponseTopic02 CUST 1 No one. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 0008715B dunAngarvundeQST SCEN 0 At last, the treasure is mine! All mine! FormID: 0008715A dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeDoorsAreClosed dunAngarvundeOtherWay02 CUST 0 There must be a way to activate these doors deeper in the ruins. Here, take this key. It should open the doors on either side of this chamber. FormID: 00087159 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeDoorsAreClosed dunAngarvundeOtherWay01 CUST 0 There'd better be. I didn't come all this way to leave empty handed. FormID: 00087158 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeDoorsAreClosed dunAngarvundeDoorsAreClosedTopic CUST 0 Hmm. These doors seem to be the only thing left between me and the treasure. FormID: 000870F3 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 I... oh, all right. If there is a thief, he won't leave this tower alive. But shouldn't we inform Master Calcelmo? Skeptical, hesitant FormID: 000876C2 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 All right men, spread out and search the tower. No telling who- or what- we're dealing with here. Worried, cautious FormID: 000870FE TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 What a waste! There must be a dozen men up there! FormID: 00087104 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Yeah. Calcelmo called in his entire expedition team- said he needed every man he could get to protect his research. FormID: 000870F0 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Better them than us. We lost three good men to the traps up there, and for what- just to see another damn spider clanking around? FormID: 000870F4 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Well, at least this post is safe enough. Come on, let's get back to work. FormID: 000870F9 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 You heard me, captain- our work must not be disturbed. Deadly serious FormID: 000870F9 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 1 Kill any intruders on sight. Call for backup if you need it. But let no one through. Deadly serious FormID: 00087100 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Sir, are you serious? FormID: 000870F5 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 ...As you say, sir. FormID: 000870FF TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 What do you think this is? FormID: 000870EE TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Another trap, most likely. Things are dangerous... three of the guards died when the lower hall flooded with steam last week. FormID: 000870F1 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 What the...? Shocked, terrified FormID: 000870F6 TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 Everyone, fall back! Run for it! Commander yelling orders FormID: 000870C7 DB01Misc GBYE 0 Oh thank you, kind stranger. Thank you for helping Cicero and his poor, stranded mother. FormID: 000870C8 DB01Misc GBYE 0 He he. That'll teach the little loony. FormID: 000870C9 DB01Misc GBYE 0 A jester. In these parts. Man must be completely off his tree. FormID: 000870CA DB01Misc GBYE 0 Move along, now. FormID: 000870C0 DB01Misc SCEN 0 You there! Fool! Hold fast. You've been accused of a crime against the laws of this land. What say you in your defense? FormID: 000870BB DB01Misc SCEN 0 Wh... What? A crime? Me? Preposterous! Poor Cicero is just standing here! Cicero loves order. Oh yes! He would never disrespect the law! FormID: 000870C2 DB01Misc SCEN 0 You look like a crazy man to me. And what's in that coffin, hmm? Maybe some time in a cell will help loosen that lying tongue. FormID: 000870BF DB01Misc SCEN 0 Damn that Loreius. Oh, how he will pay for this treachery... Says it softly. Simmering in anger. FormID: 000870C4 DB07 SCEN 0 Listener! Is that you? Oh, I knew you'd come. Send the best to defeat the best. Astrid knew her stupid wolf couldn't slay sly Cicero. processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870C3 DB07 SCEN 0 Oh, but this isn't at all what Mother would want. You kill the Keeper or I kill the Listener? Now that's madness. processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt - emphasis on the word [QUOTE]that's[QUOTE] FormID: 000870CB DB07 SCEN 0 Ouch! Pointy pointy! My home is well defended. I always have been a stickler for details. Get it? [QUOTE]Stick-ler.[QUOTE] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, I slay me! processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870C6 DB07 SCEN 0 You're... still alive. Cicero respects the Listener's abilities, of course, but could you at least slow down a bit? I'm not what I used to be. Heh. processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870BC DB07 SCEN 0 All right, so Cicero attacked that harlot, Astrid! But what's a fool to do, when his mother is slandered and mocked? Surely the Listener understands! processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870C5 DB07 SCEN 0 Brrr! Chilly! You'll enjoy this. Not an original part of the Sanctuary, per se. Let's call it a [QUOTE]forced addition.[QUOTE] Forced by what? Oh, come and see! processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870BE DB07 SCEN 0 Cicero admits, he thought the Listener would be dead by now. Heh. Maybe we could just forget all this? Hmm? Let bygones be bygones? What do you say? processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870BD DB07 SCEN 0 If it's any comfort, I do feel slightly bad about Veezara. Stupid lizard got in my way! But please tell me that hulking sheepdog has bled to death. processed with an echo effect - Cicero struggles when he speaks; he's obviously hurt FormID: 000870C1 DB07 SCEN 0 And now we come to the end of our play. The grand finale. echo effect -coughs at the end, wounded FormID: 00086ED6 MQ302 SCEN 0 Our terms are simple. FormID: 00086EDC MQ302 SCEN 0 Riften must be returned to Imperial control. That's our price for agreeing to a truce. FormID: 00086EE3 MQ302 SCEN 0 Elisif, are you really going to be a party to this foolishness? with fatherly condescension FormID: 00086EE3 MQ302 SCEN 1 Do you really think Ulfric will just turn Riften over because some Imperial general barked an order? FormID: 00086EE4 MQ302 SCEN 0 That's quite an opening demand, Tullius. mildly FormID: 00086ED5 MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm sure General Tullius does not expect something for nothing. FormID: 00086EDA MQ302 SCEN 0 Of course not! What will you offer for Riften, Tullius? Some empty promises? Maybe some more Imperial bluster? FormID: 00086EDE MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric, you can't be taking this demand seriously? We can hold Riften against anything the Empire can throw at it. FormID: 00086EE5 MQ302 SCEN 0 Come on, Tullius, you can't seriously expect us to just hand over Riften at the negotiating table. FormID: 00086ED4 MQ302 SCEN 0 You haven't been able to take it back yet. Why should we give it up now? FormID: 00086ED7 MQ302 SCEN 0 Jarl Ulfric, what would you want in return? FormID: 00086EE2 MQ302 SCEN 0 First, let me be clear. The sons of Skyrim know from bitter experience that talking to the Empire is a waste of time, or worse. FormID: 00086EE2 MQ302 SCEN 1 Imperial promises are simply a way to lull you while they prepare a dagger for your back. FormID: 00086EDD MQ302 SCEN 0 But I accepted the Dragonborn's invitation to this council, and I at least will negotiate in good faith. FormID: 00086EDB MQ302 SCEN 0 Aye! We haven't forgotten Markarth, Tullius! muttered under his breath FormID: 00086ED8 MQ302 SCEN 0 You heard the man, Tullius. a bit gloating FormID: 00086ED9 MQ302 SCEN 0 You heard what she said, Tullius. a bit gloating FormID: 00086EDF MQ302 SCEN 0 Riften is off the table. The Empire barely has a toehold left in Skyrim. We don't need to pay such a high price for this truce. FormID: 00086EE0 MQ302 SCEN 0 We've made you a fair offer. If you're really serious about this truce, you need to reconsider. skeptical that Tullius is actually serious FormID: 00086DCC dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeAreDraugrDead dunAngarvundeAreDraugrDeadTopic CUST 0 Have you killed them all yet? FormID: 00086DCB dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeAreDraugrDead dunAngarvundeDraugrDeadNo CUST 0 Well, hurry up. FormID: 00086DCD dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeAreDraugrDead dunAngarvundeDraugrDeadYes CUST 0 Then we've no time to lose. Follow me! FormID: 00086DCA dunAngarvundeQST SCEN 0 Don't fall behind! FormID: 00086CB2 MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 So, you've done it. The men of violence are gathered here, in these halls whose very stones are dedicated to peace. FormID: 00086CA7 MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroA1 CUST 0 I should not have agreed to host this council. The Greybeards have no business involving ourselves in such matters. Walk Away FormID: 00086CA4 MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 0 Peace? I doubt it. They may put their weapons down for a moment, but only to gather strength for the next bloodletting. FormID: 00086CA4 MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 1 They are not yet tired of war. Far from it. Do you know the ancient Nord word for war? [QUOTE]Season unending[QUOTE]... so it has proved. FormID: 00086C9C MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroB2 CUST 0 Yes, yes. Which is why I allowed this... violation of all our traditions. FormID: 00086C9F MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroC1 CUST 0 But regrets are pointless. Here we are. FormID: 00086C9F MQ302 MQ302ArngeirIntro MQ302ArngeirIntroC1 CUST 1 Take your seat at the council table and let us see what wisdom we can find among these warriors of Skyrim. FormID: 00086CB1 MQ302 SCEN 0 You should be glad enough of a chance to lick your wounds at this point in the war. FormID: 0008875A MQ302 SCEN 0 We consider even sitting down to talk with these rebels more than generous. FormID: 00086C9E MQ302 SCEN 0 We want control of Markarth. That's our price for agreeing to a truce. FormID: 00086CA3 MQ302 SCEN 0 Besides, Jarl Laila will never agree to... FormID: 00086CAA MQ302 SCEN 0 Galmar. We will do whatever I decide is in the best interests of Skyrim. Are we clear? FormID: 000D94E1 MQ302 SCEN 0 Vignar. We will do whatever I decide is in the best interests of Skyrim. Are we clear? FormID: 00086CAC MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 00086C9D MQ302 SCEN 0 Enough, Galmar. evenly FormID: 00086CB6 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2Sons CUST 0 It has its advantages. I've never liked having the Empire perched on my doorstep. And Riften would be easy to hold... pleased that you agree with him FormID: 00086CB7 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2Sons CUST 0 Yes. With Markarth in our hands, we'll be able to raid the Imperial supply lines out of Solitude... pleased that you agree with him FormID: 00086CBC MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2Sons CUST 0 You're right. Tullius isn't in any position to ask for Riften. FormID: 00086CA0 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4Sons CUST 0 In exchange for Riften, the jewel of Skyrim? Hardly. Walk Away FormID: 00086CA0 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4Sons CUST 1 Whiterun seems like a better choice to me. From there we can threaten to undermine the whole Imperial position. Walk Away FormID: 00086CA1 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4Sons CUST 0 In exchange for Riften, the jewel of Skyrim? Hardly. How about the Reach? Gaining control of the silver mines would be invaluable. Walk Away FormID: 00086CA5 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A3Sons CUST 0 I'm glad you agree. I was starting to wonder whose side you were on here. relieved that you sided with him after all FormID: 00086CA6 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A3Sons CUST 0 Well. Good! You favor the Empire less than I feared. Maybe we will be able to come to some agreement here after all. surprised you sided with him, despite being loyal to Ulfric FormID: 000DA638 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A2Sons CUST 0 Not enough to outweigh the loss of Riften. The whole south of Eastmarch would be open to Imperial attack. Walk Away FormID: 00086905 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 You can't just leave me here! FormID: 00086906 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 Fie. We beseech you. Darken this gem so that we may use its power to restore The Order of the Black Worm. FormID: 00086909 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 Grant us this power so that in your name we may vanquish our enemies. FormID: 00086904 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 Fie! FormID: 00086907 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 Yeah, fie! FormID: 00086908 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 The Order shall rise. FormID: 0008685D MQ302 SCEN 0 So. Arngeir, is it? You know why we're here. Are you going to let us in or not? FormID: 00086852 MQ302 SCEN 0 You were not invited here. You are not welcome here. FormID: 00086857 MQ302 SCEN 0 We have as much right to be at this council as all of you. More, actually, since we were the ones that put the Dragonborn on this path. FormID: 0008686A MQ302 SCEN 0 I know what path you set her on. And now Paarthurnax's wisdom is lost to us, just when we need it most. FormID: 0008686B MQ302 SCEN 0 I know what path you set him on. And now Paarthurnax's wisdom is lost to us, just when we need it most. FormID: 0008686C MQ302 SCEN 0 We know what path you've set her on. But she has made a different choice. Paarthurnax is still safe from your malice. with rising anger FormID: 0008686D MQ302 SCEN 0 We know what path you've set him on. But he has made a different choice. Paarthurnax is still safe from your malice. with rising anger FormID: 0008686E MQ302 SCEN 0 Were you? The hubris of the Blades truly knows no bounds. shaking his head in disbelief FormID: 00086865 MQ302 SCEN 0 She did what had to be done. It was long overdue. My only regret is that I wasn't able to kill him myself. FormID: 00086866 MQ302 SCEN 0 He did what had to be done. It was long overdue. My only regret is that I wasn't able to kill him myself. FormID: 00086867 MQ302 SCEN 0 For now. The Blades' memory is long, as you know. with a grim smile FormID: 00086868 MQ302 SCEN 0 If it were up to you, the Dragonborn would sit dreaming on this mountain doing nothing! FormID: 0008685E MQ302 SCEN 0 Delphine, we're not here to rehearse old grudges. FormID: 00086869 MQ302 SCEN 0 The matter at hand is urgent. Alduin must be stopped. You wouldn't have called this council if you didn't agree. urgently FormID: 00086869 MQ302 SCEN 1 We know a great deal about the situation and the threat that Alduin poses to us all. You need us here if you want this council to succeed. seriously FormID: 00086860 MQ302 SCEN 0 Very well. You may enter. reluctantly FormID: 00086862 MQ302 SCEN 0 Damn right we do. FormID: 00086861 MQ302 SCEN 0 Don't play dumb, Tullius! FormID: 00086863 MQ302 SCEN 0 Tell him, Ulfric. FormID: 00086856 MQ302 SCEN 0 I just want to make clear that the only reason I agreed to attend this council was to deal with the dragon menace. FormID: 0008685C MQ302 SCEN 0 We have no need to negotiate when the rebels are so clearly losing the war. FormID: 0008873E MQ302 SCEN 0 I have no authority to negotiate a permanent settlement, unless Ulfric is ready to sue for peace and turn himself over to Imperial justice. FormID: 00086864 MQ302 SCEN 0 Enough posturing, Tullius. If you came to talk, let's get on with it. FormID: 00086855 MQ302 SCEN 0 We're here to arrange a temporary truce to allow the Dragonborn here to deal with the dragons. Nothing more. FormID: 00086853 MQ302 SCEN 0 One moment. FormID: 00086858 MQ302 SCEN 0 Here we go. muttered under his breath FormID: 00086854 MQ302 SCEN 0 Fine. Let's get this over with. he thinks this is likely a big waste of time FormID: 0008682C T01DegaineFavor T01DegaineDuringOpeningBranch T01DegaineDuringOpeningBranchTopic CUST 0 What is there to know? It's in the temple, you bring it out. You bring it to me, I pay you. Now get moving. FormID: 00086830 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonStayBehind CUST 0 You're... probably right. Just hurry, please. Who knows what those things are doing to her. FormID: 00086832 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonComeWithMe CUST 0 Thank you, friend. FormID: 0008682E T01 SCEN 0 Father! FormID: 00086836 T01 SCEN 0 Fjotra, dear. Did they hurt you? FormID: 00086839 T01 SCEN 0 Of course not. My spirit remains strong. FormID: 0008682D T01 SCEN 0 My little girl. Always strong. Do you know where you have to go? FormID: 0008682F T01 SCEN 0 I'm to go to the temple in Markarth. I... I'll have to leave you and mother. FormID: 00086835 T01 SCEN 0 It's our honor to have you there. emphasize [QUOTE]our[QUOTE] FormID: 00086837 T01 SCEN 0 This man is going to take you to Markarth. Are you ready? FormID: 00086838 T01 SCEN 0 This woman is going to take you to Markarth. Are you ready? FormID: 0008682B T01 SCEN 0 Of course. FormID: 00086831 T01 SCEN 0 Please, lead on. FormID: 0008681C TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch TG03MallusPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 Start changing it over to the Black-Briar Meadery West as soon as possible. That was Maven's part of the deal. FormID: 0008681C TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch TG03MallusPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 1 She's put me in charge of keeping the mead flowing, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. FormID: 0008681C TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch TG03MallusPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 2 If you're in the area and you ever need anything fenced, you just let me know. FormID: 0008649A MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveC2Horn CUST 0 I knew the Greybeards would send you there if they thought you were Dragonborn. They're nothing if not predictable. Walk Away FormID: 0008649A MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveC2Horn CUST 1 When you showed up here, I knew you were the one the Greybeards sent, and not some Thalmor plant. Walk Away FormID: 000211D9 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A3 CUST 0 You should know. You got the map for me from Bleak Falls Barrow. FormID: 00085FBC FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlyBranch FFRiften02LynlyBranchTopic03a CUST 0 I should say so. I'd be careful in the future before you confront someone without all of the facts! FormID: 00053260 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranch FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranchTopic CUST 0 Sibbi and I were to be married. We were supposed to be happy together forever. Frightened, almost crying. FormID: 00053260 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranch FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranchTopic CUST 1 Then I found that wretched poetry from Svana. When I confronted Sibbi about it, he threatened to kill me. FormID: 00053260 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranch FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranchTopic CUST 2 I was scared so I told my brother Wulfur. He went to talk to Sibbi for me and... and... Sibbi killed him. My brother wasn't even armed! FormID: 00053260 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranch FFRiften02LynlySolvedBranchTopic CUST 3 When I heard what Sibbi did, I fled. Now you've found me, and you're going to tell him where I am. Frightened, crying. FormID: 00085DF7 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 It's nice to receive good news for a change. Did you recover anything else from the warehouse worth mentioning? FormID: 00085DF8 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Results speak volumes over words and you've just proved it. FormID: 00085DF8 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Did you happen to discover where the fetcher was getting his skooma from? FormID: 00085DF5 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Then there's no time to lose. It won't take long for Sarthis's associates to learn of his death. FormID: 00085DF5 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The source of the poison must be destroyed once and for all, otherwise another dealer will simply take his place. grim FormID: 00085DF5 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Do this task for me and you'll be well on your way to a title in Riften. FormID: 00085DF6 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Then I want you to head out there immediately and eliminate all of them. FormID: 00085DF6 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I can't afford to have another Sarthis blunder into Riften because they think we're too lazy to disrupt their pitiful operation. FormID: 00085DF6 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Do this task for me and you'll be well on your way to a title in Riften. FormID: 00085DF3 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Good. Report back to me when your task is complete. FormID: 00085DF4 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Good. Make sure not one of them escapes alive. FormID: 00085DF1 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I can't say I'm happy with your decision. If you change your mind, let me know. FormID: 00085DF2 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlIntroBranch FFRiften01JarlIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'm very disappointed. I'd advise you to rethink that decision soon. FormID: 00085D3D FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaBranch FFRiften20WujeetaBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I don't think I should say. I mean, they could kill me! FormID: 00085D3C FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaBranch FFRiften20WujeetaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's not worth dying over. FormID: 00085D38 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaBranch FFRiften20WujeetaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 It's got nothing to do with the coin... this is my life we're talking about. FormID: 00085D34 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaBranch FFRiften20WujeetaBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You can't threaten me any worse than they have! FormID: 00085D30 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaBranch FFRiften20WujeetaBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 00085D2F FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20SharedInfos IDAT 0 Okay, okay, I'll tell you. FormID: 00085D2F FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20SharedInfos IDAT 1 I get my skooma from Sarthis Idren. He has some sort of a setup over at the Riften Warehouse. FormID: 00085D2F FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20SharedInfos IDAT 2 You can't get inside though. They've kept that place locked up tight since the war began. FormID: 00085D3A FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaCleanBranch FFRiften20WujeetaCleanBranchTopic CUST 0 If it wasn't for skooma, I'd already be on my way out of this horrible city. FormID: 00085D3A FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaCleanBranch FFRiften20WujeetaCleanBranchTopic CUST 1 All my gold... completely gone. Now I have to start over. I'll never use skooma again! FormID: 00085D3A FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaCleanBranch FFRiften20WujeetaCleanBranchTopic CUST 2 Although I suppose a little mead now and then would be harmless... FormID: 00085D39 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaKeyBranch FFRiften20WujeetaKeyBranch01 CUST 0 I overheard Bolli say that only the Jarl carries the key to the warehouse. FormID: 00085D39 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20WujeetaKeyBranch FFRiften20WujeetaKeyBranch01 CUST 1 When I meet Sarthis there, he's usually waiting for me outside with his bodyguard. FormID: 00085D35 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I'm afraid we're aware of Sarthis's presence in the warehouse. FormID: 00085D35 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic CUST 1 Unfortunately, we're certain he has informants within the city guard. Every time we've made a move to arrest him, he's escaped. FormID: 00085D35 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic CUST 2 However, if you'd take care of this discreetly, you might be able to surprise him without warning. Say a bit quieter as if the walls have ears FormID: 00085D36 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah yes, Sarthis... a thorn in my side for the last few years. FormID: 00085D36 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic CUST 1 I've tried repeatedly to eradicate that meddler, but he has ears within the city guard. Gives us the slip every time we raid the warehouse. FormID: 00085D36 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic CUST 2 However, if you'd wish to eliminate that burden for me... well, let's just say it would go a long way with earning my favor. Say a bit quieter as if the walls have ears FormID: 00085D31 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Excellent. Here, this is the key to the warehouse. FormID: 00085D31 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic01 CUST 1 See if you can drop in on this dealer of poison and convince him to close down his operation permanently. FormID: 00085D32 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Good. Here, take the key to the warehouse. FormID: 00085D32 FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic01 CUST 1 Pay dear old Sarthis a visit and tell him Maven sends her regards, would you? FormID: 00085D3E FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic02 CUST 0 Hm. Well, if you change your mind, come see me again. FormID: 00085D3F FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic02 CUST 0 Let me give you a word of advice. FormID: 00085D3F FreeformRiften20 FFRiften20Branch FFRiften20BranchTopic02 CUST 1 Think about your choices carefully from now on. You'll go much farther in Riften with me on your side. FormID: 000858C8 TG03SP SCEN 0 Oh come now, this is mead... not some wine to be sipped and savored. FormID: 000858CC TG03SP SCEN 0 You... you're in charge here until I can sort this all out. speaking to someone else... you're very sick, hard to talk FormID: 000858CA TG03SP SCEN 0 It will be my pleasure. FormID: 000858CD TG03SP SCEN 0 Look, I assure you, this is all just a huge misunderstanding! protest/fear... about to be imprisoned FormID: 000858D6 TG03SP SCEN 0 I said move! furious FormID: 000858C9 TG03SP SCEN 0 Farewell, Sabjorn. FormID: 000858CB TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic01e CUST 0 Then this is beyond coincidence. First Aringoth and now Sabjorn. grim FormID: 000858CB TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic01e CUST 1 Someone's trying to take us down by driving a wedge between Maven and the Guild. FormID: 000858CF TG03 TG03MallusTunnelsBranch TG03MallusTunnelsBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Sabjorn keeps that locked up tight. If you can get through that way, go right ahead. FormID: 000855F1 MG02 SCEN 0 Hold on, my boy. Hold on! FormID: 000855F2 MG02 SCEN 0 Hold on, my dear. Hold on! FormID: 000855F0 MG02 SCEN 0 I thought it high time I caught up with you. FormID: 000855F8 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranchTopic PFGT 0 I've never seen anything like this in Nordic ruins before. Why, just look at all these coffins! FormID: 000855F8 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranchTopic PFGT 1 This bears closer inspection. I'd like to stay a while and examine this. FormID: 000855F8 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranchTopic PFGT 2 You, however, should press on. See if you can find whatever this vision of yours mentioned. But if it is truly dangerous, be careful. FormID: 000855F8 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirStage60Cell01ForcegreetBranchTopic PFGT 3 Go on ahead. I'll be sure and catch up with you before long. FormID: 000855F3 MG02MinerDialogue MG02MinerBranch MG02MinerBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm just doing what I'm told. FormID: 000855F4 MG02MinerDialogue MG02MinerBranch MG02MinerBranchTopic CUST 0 Gods, it's cold. They'd better find something good in there to make this worthwhile. FormID: 000855F5 MG02MinerDialogue MG02MinerBranch MG02MinerBranchTopic CUST 0 As long as the College keeps paying, I'll keep digging. FormID: 000855F6 MG02MinerDialogue MG02MinerBranch MG02MinerBranchTopic CUST 0 For thousand-year old ruins, they're not much to look at. FormID: 000855F7 MG02MinerDialogue MG02MinerBranch MG02MinerBranchTopic CUST 0 Can't imagine what the College expects to find in here. FormID: 00085505 MG03 SCEN 0 But why? horrified FormID: 00085504 MG03 SCEN 0 This little adventure of yours has cost me a number of test subjects. I need more, and you'll do nicely. FormID: 000854C5 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Ohh... but I will have your blood... FormID: 00096732 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 My thirst will be sated... emphasis on [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] FormID: 0009678D DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Oh, I can smell your blood... FormID: 000854C6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 You'll be so much easier to rob when you're dead... FormID: 0009678F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Tell you what. You start running so I can stab you in the back. FormID: 00096791 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Can't wait to count out your coin... FormID: 000854C7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 You cannot even conceive of the power I wield... FormID: 00096792 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Fire, frost, or lightning - you will suffer at my hands! FormID: 00096793 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Don't you see? I am master of the arcane! FormID: 000854C8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Come. Come and face the Forsworn... FormID: 00096796 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 First you... then all of the Reach! FormID: 00096797 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 The Forsworn will reclaim what is rightfully ours! FormID: 000854C9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Soon you will know the cold of death... FormID: 000854CA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 The endless sleep comes for us all... FormID: 000854CB DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Eternal slumber awaits... FormID: 00096798 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Foolish human. Your time is at its end! angry combat taunt FormID: 0009679E DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Time for you humans to learn your place! angry combat taunt FormID: 0009679F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Soon, all Nords will be thralls to the Thalmor! angry combat taunt FormID: 000967A0 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Nord beast! Both your life and lands are now forfeit! angry combat taunt FormID: 000967AA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Behold, the future. Behold, the Thalmor! angry combat taunt FormID: 000967BF DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Ha ha ha ha ha! You wish to defeat me? Impossible. angry combat taunt FormID: 000967CE DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Don't you see? Elven supremacy is the only truth! angry combat taunt FormID: 000967D4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 Death is the only way out of your misery! angry combat taunt FormID: 000967E0 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETTaunt TAUT 0 You are but a dog, and I am your master! angry combat taunt FormID: 000854B5 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Ha! You can never truly stop me! FormID: 000854B6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Ugh! Only a fool tries to kill the dead! FormID: 000962E6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Agh! Pathetic mortal! FormID: 000854B7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Never! FormID: 000854B8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Agh! FormID: 000854B9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Unh! FormID: 000854BA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Oof! FormID: 000854BB DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Waaagh! FormID: 000854BC DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Naggh! FormID: 000B98DC DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Unh! You're a zombie getting hit by an attack FormID: 000B98F8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETHit HIT_ 0 Oof! You're a zombie getting hit by an attack FormID: 000854A0 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 Noo... FormID: 000854A1 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 I will return... FormID: 000854A2 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 Aggghh... FormID: 000854A3 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 Uggh... FormID: 000854A4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 Agggh! FormID: 000B990B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 Uggh... You're a zombie dying FormID: 000B9927 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETDeath DETH 0 Unnff... You're a zombie dying FormID: 00085498 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToAlert NOTA 0 I sense a presence... FormID: 00085499 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToAlert NOTA 0 Hmm? Does someone live among the dead? FormID: 000854CF DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Lookee here. Looks like we got ourselves a hero. FormID: 000854D0 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToCombat NOTC 0 You picked a bad time to get lost, friend. FormID: 000854D1 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Now ain't this a surprise. FormID: 000854D2 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Who dares disturb my rest? FormID: 000854D3 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToCombat NOTC 0 You are not welcome here! FormID: 000854D4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNormalToCombat NOTC 0 All the living shall fear the dead! FormID: 0008549C DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETALertToCombat ALTC 0 Mortal fool! No one hides from the dead! FormID: 0008549D DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETALertToCombat ALTC 0 Death comes for you now! FormID: 00085496 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAlertToNormal ALTN 0 Nothing... Nothing... FormID: 00085497 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETAlertToNormal ALTN 0 The glimmer of life is gone... FormID: 000854C3 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETCombatToNormal COTN 0 Such an abrupt end to our game. FormID: 000854C4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETCombatToNormal COTN 0 Finality. FormID: 000854A5 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETCombatToLost COLO 0 You dare hide from me? FormID: 000854A6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETCombatToLost COLO 0 I still sense your presence, living fool... FormID: 0008549E DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETLostToNormal LOTN 0 Gone. The living are right to fear the dead. FormID: 0008549F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETLostToNormal LOTN 0 There is no more life here. FormID: 0008549A DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETLostToCombat LOTC 0 We meet again, mortal! FormID: 0008549B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETLostToCombat LOTC 0 Time to end your foolish charade! FormID: 000854A7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...retire some day... get myself an island... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 000854A8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...never enough gold... just need one good haul... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 000854A9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...might pay off my bounty this time... walk into the city a free man... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 000854AA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ..told him to just hand over the gold, but did he listen? Oh, no... they always have to fight back... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 000854AB DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...I'll never do another span in that stinking jail... rather die than give myself up... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 000854AC DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...he he he... two threes? What was he thinking? Fool never saw me pull that ace out of my boot... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 000854AD DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...need me some skooma... the imported stuff... just one last time... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096507 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...gonna start keepin' a knife in my boot... tired of gettin' disarmed... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096508 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...should have known she was lying... said she'd wait for me... but they never wait... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096509 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...lyin' little harlot... that brat ain't mine... could be anyone's... won't get one rusty septim from me... mumbling to himself, bored - emphasis on [QUOTE]me[QUOTE] FormID: 0009650A DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...[QUOTE]go to the college[QUOTE] da said... [QUOTE]use your smarts[QUOTE] he said... like I'm supposed to figure out which college he meant... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096531 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...hmph, wizards... Now that's power... Bet they got that [QUOTE]secret[QUOTE] magic... can turn wood to gold... yeah... Wish I could turn wood to gold... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096532 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...mead, mead, mead... ...kill 'em to get some beer every now and then? ...stupid bees and their stupid honey... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096533 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...picking pockets, now that's the real art... rough stuff, just take it and go... ...hmph, don't sound like much fun, though... mumbling to himself, bored FormID: 00096534 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai... singing to himself, bored FormID: 0009653F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...with three beers down, the Orc did frown, and bid the Elf goodbye... ...for none could know, 'twas not for show, and someone had to die... singing to himself, bored FormID: 00096540 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETIdle IDLE 0 ...kill him, he talks to me like that again... ...get him while he's sleeping... ...or poison his meat... ...see how he likes that... singing to himself, bored FormID: 000851FD DA09 SCEN 0 It is done. The defiler is defeated. Take Dawnbreaker from its pedestal. (godly) - commanding from another realm of existence FormID: 00084D07 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOgmundWhatdoYouDo DialogueMarkarthOgmundWhatdoYouDoTopic CUST 0 That's about the truth of it. Write tales about the sights I've seen. The battles I've fought. FormID: 00084D07 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOgmundWhatdoYouDo DialogueMarkarthOgmundWhatdoYouDoTopic CUST 1 Earned quite a name for myself when I was younger. The Bards College still teaches some of my work to their students. FormID: 00084D06 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOgmundBardsCollege DialogueMarkarthOgmundBardsCollegeTopic CUST 0 It's a school that teaches music, poetry, that sort of thing. Most bards in Skyrim have been to the college at some point. FormID: 00084D06 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOgmundBardsCollege DialogueMarkarthOgmundBardsCollegeTopic CUST 1 If you're thinking of applying, talk to Viarmo in Solitude. FormID: 00084D6C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSaymaBranch DialogueSolitudeSaymaBranchTopic CUST 0 Beirand's my husband. He works the forge up at Castle Dour. I barely see him nowadays, what with him filling orders for the army. Affectionately, you're proud of his importance to the war effort. FormID: 000C1A40 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSaymaBranch DialogueSolitudeSaymaBranchTopic CUST 0 My husband. He was the blacksmith up at Castle Dour. FormID: 00084A1B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic02 CUST 0 Ah... To be honest, no. But High King Torygg supported them, and now her lady Elisif has thrown in with them. FormID: 00084A1B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic02 CUST 1 You could say I'm a King's man at heart. Hmph. I guess that's [QUOTE]Jarl's man[QUOTE] now. FormID: 00084A1B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeBeirandBranch DialogueSolitudeBeirand01Topic02 CUST 2 My loyalty lies with Solitude. So where Jarl Elisif leads, I follow. FormID: 000849EF DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranch DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranchTopic CUST 0 Nothing at all. It's very... nice. If you want something with a little more style, however, you should see what we have available. FormID: 000C0F1D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranch DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranchTopic CUST 0 Nothing at all. It's very... nice. If you want something with a little more style, however, you should come by our shop. Radiant Raiment. FormID: 000C0F1D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranch DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranchTopic CUST 1 We could fix you right up. FormID: 000C0F1E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranch DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranchTopic CUST 0 I do. So few people possess the taste and sophistication of a proper wardrobe these days. FormID: 000C0F1E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranch DialogueSolitudeTarrieBranchTopic CUST 1 Be sure and investigate Radiant Raiment's fine selection of clothing. We have many items you'll fancy, I'm sure. FormID: 000C0E01 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 0 I suppose I would, but you're the only one who gets that greeting. FormID: 000C0E02 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 0 It's never been an issue. People say you helped with the problems at Wolfskull Cave. FormID: 000C0E02 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 1 I applaud anyone who assists the court. FormID: 000C0E03 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, we do all right. Rumor is, you had a hand in the Blackblood Marauders' demise... FormID: 000C0E03 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm impressed. FormID: 000C0E04 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 0 Radiant Raiment has the finest attire in all of Skyrim. That is how we... FormID: 000C0E04 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 1 Wait. You're that new bard, the one who saved the Festival. Aren't you? FormID: 000C0E04 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 2 That was a good bit of work. FormID: 000849AF DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranch DialogueSolitudeEndarieBranchTopic CUST 0 Radiant Raiment has the finest attire in all of Skyrim. That is how we get business. emphasize [QUOTE]that[QUOTE] FormID: 00084987 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeCorpulusBranch DialogueSolitudeCorpulusBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, as it turns out, I had a pet skeever when I was a boy and he used to wink. FormID: 00084985 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAddvarBranch DialogueSolitudeAddvarBranchTopic CUST 0 Down at the docks. There are a few good spots, if you can avoid the East Empire Company workers and those Red Wave thugs. FormID: 000C0696 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranch DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranchTopic CUST 0 Not much. But as a bard, I find the whole affair depressing. FormID: 000C0696 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranch DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranchTopic CUST 1 There are no heroes in this war. No winners to be had and no real conclusion. FormID: 000C1ACD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranch DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranchTopic CUST 0 Not much. But as a bard, I find the whole affair depressing. FormID: 000C1ACD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranch DialogueSolitudeViarmoBranchTopic CUST 1 There are no heroes in this war. Even with Ulfric here in Solitude, there are no winners to be had. No real conclusion. FormID: 000C0698 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranch DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranchTopic CUST 0 They're... adequate. Honestly, I rely on the business brought in by the Burning of King Olaf, and that's not likely to happen this year. FormID: 00084983 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranch DialogueSolitudeEvetteBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, very brisk. When the snow sets in, even the hardiest Nord needs some spiced wine to warm the blood. FormID: 0008497C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJalaBranch DialogueSolitudeJalaBranchTopic CUST 0 I have my ways, but it's not easy these days. FormID: 0008497C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJalaBranch DialogueSolitudeJalaBranchTopic CUST 1 The Blackblood Marauders have been plundering ships off the coast. A lot of people been hurt by their foolishness. FormID: 000C1A9D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJalaBranch DialogueSolitudeJalaBranchTopic CUST 0 It's been easier lately. FormID: 000C1A9D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJalaBranch DialogueSolitudeJalaBranchTopic CUST 1 The Blackblood Marauders haven't been seen since the Icerunner attack, so my shipments have been more regular. FormID: 000C1AAB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch DialogueSolitudeElisifBranchTopic CUST 0 No. Although it's true my husband Torygg was the High King and I am his widow, I am in no position to claim such a title. FormID: 000C1AAB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch DialogueSolitudeElisifBranchTopic CUST 1 Ulfric Stormcloak is victorious, and the Jarls have fallen in line. FormID: 000C1AAB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch DialogueSolitudeElisifBranchTopic CUST 2 It seems I will never take my rightful place as High Queen. FormID: 000AF4E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch DialogueSolitudeElisifBranchTopic CUST 0 Not yet, no. Although it is true my husband Torygg was the High King, and I am his widow... now is not the time to lay claim to such a title. FormID: 000AF4E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch DialogueSolitudeElisifBranchTopic CUST 1 This land is riven by war, and her people suffer for it. The Stormcloaks are a blight on Skyrim, and like any blight... must be purged. FormID: 000AF4E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch DialogueSolitudeElisifBranchTopic CUST 2 Only then will I take my rightful place as High Queen. FormID: 000BFAE1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSybilleBranch DialogueSolitudeSybilleBranchTopic CUST 0 I was a member of the court during the reign of Torygg's father. It was Torygg who appointed me to the position. FormID: 0008497B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFihadaBranch DialogueSolitudeFihadaBranchTopic CUST 0 Please. You're in the presence of a born huntsman. I can hear the sweat sliding down your forehead. FormID: 000BFAE2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvarBranch DialogueSolitudeHeimvarBranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! I like you. FormID: 000BFAE2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvarBranch DialogueSolitudeHeimvarBranchTopic CUST 1 No man is a match for a dragon. FormID: 000BFAE2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvarBranch DialogueSolitudeHeimvarBranchTopic CUST 2 Buying one of our blades wouldn't hurt your chances, though. FormID: 00085308 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeCorpulusBranch DialogueSolitudeCorpulusPetTopic CUST 0 They were smaller back then. FormID: 00084AB6 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeCorpulusBranch DialogueSolitudeCorpulusReasonTopic CUST 0 I thought so. FormID: 000D7935 DA03Start HELO 0 Did you see a hound on the road? A fine, strong creature that's been wandering near town. FormID: 00084EF9 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Fruit, fresh off the boat! The freshest in Skyrim! FormID: 00084F19 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Get your fresh fruit and produce here! FormID: 00084F23 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Apples, tomatoes, leeks and cabbages! Fresh and ripe! FormID: 00084F29 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Fresh fish! Fresh fish! stretch out the second [QUOTE]fresh fish[QUOTE] FormID: 00084F30 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Fresh Fish! Straight from the Fjords! FormID: 00084F4D DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 The finest fish, here! Caught daily! FormID: 00084F59 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Spiced Wine to warm the blood! FormID: 00084F5D DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Keep the cold at bay with our spiced wine! FormID: 00084F5E DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Spiced wine, the taste of home and hearth! FormID: 00085C4D DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Come on, now! I want those arrows dead center! The lives of your fellow soldiers are counting on it. FormID: 00085C4E DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Concentrate. The battlefield is full of distractions. Ignore them! Focus on your targets. FormID: 00085C4F DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Some day soon, you will all see battle. And what you do here, today, may well save your lives! FormID: 000C1ACE DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 You won't get anything out of me, you filthy sons o' horkers. FormID: 000302D8 DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 I stand with the Stormcloaks. You Imperial dogs will never break my will. Never! FormID: 0002E15E DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 I've got weapons for givin', and armor for gettin'! FormID: 000DD60E DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Arms and armor! Forged by a master craftsman! FormID: 000D69EA DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 A coin or two for a veteran? It's not much to ask... FormID: 000D69EB DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 You know you can afford a septim or two. FormID: 000D69EC DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Let us walk in the steps of the Divines. FormID: 000D69ED DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 Remind us of our place, when we forget. FormID: 000D69EE DialogueSolitude IDLE 0 May knowledge of your Divinity carry us through our daily trials. FormID: 000BD70D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorexBranchTopic CUST 0 I showed up to watch, yeah. FormID: 000BD70D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorexBranchTopic CUST 1 I don't know if they were right to execute him for what he did, but I'll tell you something... FormID: 000BD70D DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSorexBranch DialogueSolitudeSorexBranchTopic CUST 2 It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. FormID: 000854FA DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGretaBranch DialogueSolitudeGretaBranchTopic CUST 0 Then you didn't know Roggvir, and you have no idea what it means to be a Nord of Skyrim! FormID: 000854FA DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGretaBranch DialogueSolitudeGretaBranchTopic CUST 1 He did the honorable thing, even when he knew it would cost him everything. FormID: 000854FA DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGretaBranch DialogueSolitudeGretaBranchTopic CUST 2 My brother was the best man in Solitude. FormID: 000854FB DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeErikurBranch DialogueSolitudeErikurBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm a Thane. In the future, you may want to gain that information before talking with someone. Risk of looking like an idiot, and all that. sly and condescending; emphasize [QUOTE]before[QUOTE] FormID: 000854FC DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisliBranch DialogueSolitudeGisliBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. My older brother and the person you probably want to be speaking to right now. FormID: 000854FC DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisliBranch DialogueSolitudeGisliBranchTopic CUST 1 But really, since Torygg's death, Falk Firebeard wields the true power of the Jarl's court. My brother is nothing more than a pompous little fop. FormID: 000C1A46 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisliBranch DialogueSolitudeGisliBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. My older brother. He was a bit of a fop, really. FormID: 000C1A46 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGisliBranch DialogueSolitudeGisliBranchTopic CUST 1 And truth be told, since Torygg's death, he had no real power in court. But still... He didn't deserve to die. FormID: 000854FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranch DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranchTopic CUST 0 I make sure Erikur keeps breathing. FormID: 000C1AA9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranch DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranchTopic CUST 0 I provide my wisdom and insight to the court. FormID: 000C1AAA DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranch DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranchTopic CUST 0 It does indeed. You know, I hear you had something to do with Sybille Stentor's demise... FormID: 000C1AAA DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranch DialogueSolitudeMelaranBranchTopic CUST 1 That must have been a hard bit of business. I hear Stentor had been alive for a long, long time. FormID: 000854F8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawananBranch DialogueSolitudeJawananBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, but I'll be here in Solitude for longer still. Fihada's skill as a fletcher drew me to this place. I wanted to learn. FormID: 000854F8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawananBranch DialogueSolitudeJawananBranchTopic CUST 1 And there is still much of Skyrim I wish to see. I hear there is a city, Wind-Helm, that is nearly white with... What do you call it? Ah yes! Snow. FormID: 000854F8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawananBranch DialogueSolitudeJawananBranchTopic CUST 2 And far to the west lies a ruin. Volskygge. Inside, there is said to be a wall, black as night. And it speaks! In the ancient Dragon tongue! FormID: 000854F8 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJawananBranch DialogueSolitudeJawananBranchTopic CUST 3 There are wonders in this place I never dreamed imaginable. FormID: 000854F9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeNosterBranch DialogueSolitudeNosterBranchTopic CUST 0 What? You see a man fallen on hard times, and you think he's been like that forever? FormID: 000854F9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeNosterBranch DialogueSolitudeNosterBranchTopic CUST 1 I was there. I fought in the Great War. I was on the field at Anvil. And when I was struck down, they left me. FormID: 000854F9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeNosterBranch DialogueSolitudeNosterBranchTopic CUST 2 You understand? They left me for dead. I didn't leave them. FormID: 000854F2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvariBranch DialogueSolitudeSvariBranchTopic CUST 0 I shouldn't be. Mama says if I do, people are going to ask about uncle Roggvir. FormID: 000854F2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvariBranch DialogueSolitudeSvariBranchTopic CUST 1 Maybe if I don't talk, they won't either. FormID: 000C1A3C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvariBranch DialogueSolitudeSvariBranchTopic CUST 0 I shouldn't be. Everyone wants to ask me about mama and uncle Roggvir. FormID: 000C1A3C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvariBranch DialogueSolitudeSvariBranchTopic CUST 1 Maybe if I don't talk, they won't either. FormID: 000854F3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJornBranch DialogueSolitudeJornBranchTopic CUST 0 And why wouldn't I be? We sing tales of kings, queens and their politics, 'tis true. But do you know who really makes history? FormID: 000854F3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeJornBranch DialogueSolitudeJornBranchTopic CUST 1 The person who writes it. FormID: 000854F4 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeIlldiBranch DialogueSolitudeIlldiBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you. I'm still at the beginning of my lessons but Inge... Dean Six Fingers... says I'm quite good with the flute. FormID: 000C1A3E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeIlldiBranch DialogueSolitudeIlldiBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you. I'm still at the beginning of my lessons. Dean Six Fingers used to say I was quite good with the flute. FormID: 000854F5 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAhtarBranch DialogueSolitudeAhtarBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye. I'm the headsman here in Solitude. It's my job. FormID: 000854F6 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFalkBranch DialogueSolitudeFalkBranchTopic CUST 0 She still mourns greatly for her husband, High King Torygg. So she leaves many of the courtly details to me. FormID: 000854F7 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeStyrrBranch DialogueSolitudeStyrrBranchTopic CUST 0 All my life. I practically grew up in the Hall. My father and mother were the priest and priestess of Arkay before me, you see. FormID: 000854F7 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeStyrrBranch DialogueSolitudeStyrrBranchTopic CUST 1 I believe I was put here to protect this place from the darkness that pervades Solitude. FormID: 000854F0 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAldis01 DialogueSolitudeValdBranchTopic CUST 0 Their aim could be steadier, but they're battle ready. FormID: 000C1ABC DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne01 DialogueSolitudeVivienneBranchTopic CUST 0 Perhaps, but necessary. As you know my cousin, Fura, died out there fighting for us. She wouldn't have had to, if it weren't for Roggvir. FormID: 000854F1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne01 DialogueSolitudeVivienneBranchTopic CUST 0 Perhaps, but necessary. My cousin, Fura, is somewhere out there in Skyrim right now, fighting Ulfric Stormcloak and his damned insurrectionists. FormID: 000854F1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne01 DialogueSolitudeVivienneBranchTopic CUST 1 She wouldn't have to be there at all, if it weren't for Roggvir. FormID: 000C0E07 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAngelineBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineBranchTopic CUST 0 No, no. Mostly, I'm just a simple herbalist. Lami over in Morthal should be able to help you. FormID: 000C0E08 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeAngelineBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineBranchTopic CUST 0 No, no. I'm just a simple herbalist. You'll want to see Arcadia, over in Whiterun. FormID: 0008509E DA15 IDLE 0 Oh, master. It's your time to do with as you please, but what about those who depend on you so much? emphasis on [QUOTE]so[QUOTE] FormID: 000850A4 DA15 IDLE 0 Tendrils of thought may wind their way through this realm, but those tendrils bind our reality together. FormID: 000850A5 DA15 IDLE 0 A method to your madness and your madness is the method and the melody... FormID: 000850A8 DA15 IDLE 0 I found the bone! I've brought it to you but still I am refused... FormID: 000848EC TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Before we begin, I want to make two things perfectly clear. FormID: 000848EC TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 One, I'm the best infiltrator this rathole of a Guild's got, so if you think you're here to replace me, you're dead wrong. FormID: 000848EC TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 And two, you follow my lead and do exactly as I say... no questions, no excuses. FormID: 00084842 TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Then we understand each other... good. FormID: 00084842 TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Now, it's time to get your feet wet and I don't want to waste a lot of time talking about anything but business. FormID: 00084ABA TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Easy, huh? So, should I just hand you purses of coin or are you going to work to earn your keep? annoyed FormID: 00084ABA TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Let me give you a small bit of advice. Nothing in this line of work is easy. If it was, every dreg in the Ratway would be robbing Riften blind. annoyed FormID: 00084ABA TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 2 If something's being handed to you on a silver platter, then there's a catch... steal the platter instead. You get it? annoyed - dispensing advice FormID: 0008484A TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Now you I like. I've been getting sick of the pushovers that usually walk in here. FormID: 0008484A TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I think you and I are going to get along just fine. FormID: 0008484A TG02B TG02BVexIntroBranch TG02BVexIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 2 Now, it's time to get your feet wet and I don't want to waste a lot of time talking about anything but business. serious FormID: 00084841 TG02B TG02BVexOutroBranch TG02BVexOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not going to sugar-coat it for you. We're in a bad way down here. FormID: 00084849 TG02B TG02BVexOutroBranch TG02BVexOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Who knows. Old Delvin thinks it's some kind of a curse. I think he's crazy. FormID: 00084849 TG02B TG02BVexOutroBranch TG02BVexOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 If you want my opinion I say it's just plain old bad luck. FormID: 0008483B TG02B TG02BVexOutroBranch TG02BVexOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You can get out there and start making a name for us again... make them start fearing us like they did long ago. FormID: 0008483B TG02B TG02BVexOutroBranch TG02BVexOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 And, while you're at it, make a little bit of coin on the side. Not a bad deal, eh? FormID: 00084845 TG02B TG02BDelvinIntroBranch TG02BDelvinIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf, huh? Lemme guess. He plucked you off the street and dropped you into the thick of things without tellin' you which way is up. Am I right? FormID: 00084804 TG02B TG02BDelvinIntroBranch TG02BDelvinIntoBranch01 CUST 0 Lyin' to my face isn't gonna win you any favors with me, I can promise you that. FormID: 00084804 TG02B TG02BDelvinIntroBranch TG02BDelvinIntoBranch01 CUST 1 On the other hand, takin' some of these extra jobs off my hands, now that'll get you to the top of my list. FormID: 00084AB4 TG02B TG02BDelvinIntroBranch TG02BDelvinIntoBranch02 CUST 0 See, that kind of attitude comes from someone who wants to get rich and stay alive long enough to enjoy it. We're goin' to get along nicely. FormID: 00084AB4 TG02B TG02BDelvinIntroBranch TG02BDelvinIntoBranch02 CUST 1 So, if you've got the nerve, I've got plenty of extra jobs to help get the Guild back on its feet. FormID: 00084848 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 Look around you. The Flagon, the Guild... it's all fallin' apart. this raises your ire FormID: 00084848 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 A few decades ago, this place was as busy as the Imperial City. Now, you're lucky if you don't trip over a skeever instead. FormID: 00084803 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranch02 CUST 0 Look, I know the others think I'm a bit daft for sayin' stuff like this, but I'm gonna give it to you straight. FormID: 00084803 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranch02 CUST 1 Somethin' out there is piss-drunk mad at us. I don't know who or what it is, but it's beyond just you and me. We've been cursed. FormID: 00084AB3 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'll tell you what we do. We spit in that curse's face and turn things around down here. Put things back the way they were. FormID: 00084AB3 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 That's where you come in. I've got plenty of work available that could guide us down the road to recovery. FormID: 00084AB3 TG02B TG02BDelvinOutroBranch TG02BDelvinOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 2 All you need to do is ask and we can both come out of this smellin' like a rose. FormID: 000848ED TG02 TG02BrynjolfStartupBranch TG02BrynjolfStartupBranchTopic CUST 0 Welcome to the family, lad. I'm expecting you to make us a lot of coin, so don't disappoint me. First line nicer, second line serious/stern. FormID: 000848EE TG02 TG02BrynjolfStartupBranch TG02BrynjolfStartupBranchTopic CUST 0 Welcome to the family, lass. I'm expecting you to make us a lot of coin, so don't disappoint me. First line nicer, second line serious/stern. FormID: 00084847 TG02 TG02BrynjolfStartupBranch TG02BrynjolfStartupBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Simple. Do as you're told and keep your blade clean. We can't turn a profit by killing. Walk Away FormID: 00084847 TG02 TG02BrynjolfStartupBranch TG02BrynjolfStartupBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You should talk with Delvin Mallory and Vex. They know their way around this place and they'll be able to kick some extra jobs your way. Walk Away FormID: 00084847 TG02 TG02BrynjolfStartupBranch TG02BrynjolfStartupBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Oh, and talk to Tonilia in the Flagon... she'll set you up with your new armor. Walk Away FormID: 00084794 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 The Skyforge? Aye, my clan-fathers have worked it since the first Gray-Manes came to Whiterun. FormID: 00084794 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Skyforge Steel is all the Companions will use, for good reason. FormID: 00084796 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Why? Who says I have to be? FormID: 00084796 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 Skyforge Steel is my art and honor. The Companions need the best, so they come to me. FormID: 00084797 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Battle-Born is a name out of legend, sung in the songs of old and heard in deeds of valor for a hundred generations. FormID: 00084797 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 [QUOTE]For Clan Battle-Born![QUOTE] they cry in the mead halls. [QUOTE]First into the fray and last to quit their ale![QUOTE] FormID: 00084797 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 We've got honor. Wealth and titles, too. Aye, and buxom women to warm your bed on a cold Skyrim night. FormID: 00084797 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 Now if that don't answer your question, then no words will. FormID: 00084798 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Uncivilized, pelt-wearing axe-draggers. It's a wonder they don't still live in a cave like those ancestors they keep boasting about. FormID: 00084798 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 It's true the Vignar Gray-Mane and his lot are one of Whiterun's oldest and, depending on who you ask, most respected clans. I don't dispute that. FormID: 00084798 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 But it's one thing to take pride in your lineage, and another to cling blindly to the past. What they call honor and tradition, I call ignorance. FormID: 00084799 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Money, you laggard! What else? It always comes down to coin. FormID: 00084799 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 The Gray-Manes have deep roots in Whiterun, but so do we. Difference is, we're rich, and Vignar hates it. FormID: 00084799 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 Oh, and they hate it, too. All their big talk of pride and honor, and what have they got to show for it? Beggar's rags and stale bread. FormID: 00084799 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 3 We've got the same pride, the same honor, and we've got wealth. No wonder they envy us. FormID: 000840C0 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Peryite, heed our call if you deem us worthy. Our leader, Orchendor, has led us here and for that we are thankful. FormID: 000840C0 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 1 He has shown us that our suffering is not a punishment, but a blessing. FormID: 000840BD dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, a blessing. For many months we have sought your guidance, yet we have heard nothing from you. FormID: 000840BD dunBthardamzQST SCEN 1 If we do not please you, give us a sign so that we may understand why. FormID: 000840BA dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, a sign. We are lost without your guidance. FormID: 000840BA dunBthardamzQST SCEN 1 On the ninth of Rain's Hand our prayers went unanswered, yet here we stand, not faltering in our belief that soon you will show yourself to us. FormID: 0008401B dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, show yourself to us. Until that day, we will continue to devote our lives to you and suffer for you. FormID: 00083FFF dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, suffer for you. FormID: 00083FFD dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Keep your eyes and ears open my Brothers and Sisters. Orchendor needs us to keep vigilant while he convenes with Peryite in the Arcanex. FormID: 00083FFB dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 I'm sorry to wake you, my Brother. I have a request from Orchendor. FormID: 00083FF9 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, what is it? FormID: 00083FF7 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 He requests more barrels of ichor to be delivered to the Arcanex tomorrow. FormID: 000840C2 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 This is the reason you wake me? I already have Orchendor's request taken care of. FormID: 000840BF dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 I'm sorry my Brother. FormID: 000840BC dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Now leave me to my sleep. My strength and patience are waning. FormID: 000840B9 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, my Brother. Forgive me. May the blessing of Peryite be with you. FormID: 00084000 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Yes, yes, as with you. Now be off. FormID: 00083FFE dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Are you asleep? FormID: 00083FFC dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 I know you can't hear me, brother. I don't like what we've become. FormID: 00083FFA dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 We've been here so long and what do we have to show for it? FormID: 00083FF8 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Orchendor promised a place where we would be accepted and taken care of. FormID: 000840C3 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 He promised Peryite would be present at all times and give us comfort in our suffering. FormID: 000840C1 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 Forgive me for saying this, brother, but I have not felt Peryite's presence. FormID: 000840BE dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 I want out. I want to leave this place. I long for the fresh air of the Reach. This place only makes us sicker. FormID: 000840BB dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 But who am I kidding, I know you wouldn't let me leave, brother. You truly believe in Orchendor and his promises. FormID: 00084055 dunBthardamzQST SCEN 0 I know this place will eventually kill us. I have come to accept that. But I will always regret that day I introduced you to Orchendor. FormID: 00083A8E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Ah ha! So you're a student of theoretical applied harmonics! FormID: 00083A8E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01a CUST 1 Putting aside Ralston's Constant of Universal Inversion for a moment, how would you approach the problem? FormID: 00083A8E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01a CUST 2 Draw the harmonic energy into the reagent or allow it to generate its own field? FormID: 00083AA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02a CUST 0 Seven. Astonishing. I hadn't considered that. FormID: 00083AA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02a CUST 1 I mean, it would take months... years to work out the differentials. But what a revolutionary concept. FormID: 00083AA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02a CUST 2 Wait, wait. I can see a minor problem in your theory. Without a soul siphon, how would you prevent permanent magicka burn? FormID: 00083AA1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01b CUST 0 The blue thing? But even the simplest harmonic field is composed of entirely... FormID: 00083AA1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01b CUST 1 Wait just a moment. The blue thing. Yes, yes, yes! I can see your point. Draw out the necessary energies using a Jarol Apparatus! FormID: 00083AA1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01b CUST 2 But wait. What about soul reversal? You must be aware of the consequences when using the apparatus near an open magic field. FormID: 00083A9C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02b CUST 0 Calipers? That's utterly ridiculous. Maybe long ago, you could just find calipers in every household across Tamriel, but not anymore. FormID: 00083A9C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02b CUST 1 Hold on, you've given me a brilliant idea. Just as calipers hold materials in place, a soul siphon can hold magic fields in place. FormID: 00083A9C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02b CUST 2 Genius! And I'm sure you've completely worked out how to counteract complete dimensional collapse, right? FormID: 00083A95 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03a CUST 0 Of course! Nine is the most basic of magical principles. Oh, how stupid of me. FormID: 00083A95 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03a CUST 1 That completely takes care of all your basic problems, magicka burn, dimensional collapse and thermic drift! FormID: 00083A95 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03a CUST 2 You've done it! Now, if I can only remember what we were originally talking about. FormID: 00083A94 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03b CUST 0 Are you completely insane? Swallow a soul gem? FormID: 00083A94 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03b CUST 1 That has to be the most brilliant and unexpected solution I've heard in a long time. It solves all of my problems and keeps the field stable! FormID: 00083A94 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03b CUST 2 Now all I need... wait, what were we talking about? FormID: 00083A92 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranch DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It was Aerin who found me dying outside of a Dwemer ruin. If he hadn't brought me here and nursed me back to health, I would have died. FormID: 00083A92 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranch DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranchTopic01 CUST 1 When my strength returned and he told me about the problems plaguing Riften, I decided fate brought me here for a reason... so I stayed. FormID: 00083A91 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You know, I'm beginning to respect you. Other than Aerin, you seem to be the only other person I've met I might be able to trust. FormID: 00083A91 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Since we share the same opinion of them, let me warn you that they're recruiting others to join their [QUOTE]guild[QUOTE] and you should be cautious. FormID: 00083A90 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic02 CUST 0 That's a shame. Too many people in Riften share your view and look where its getting them. FormID: 00083A90 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic02 CUST 1 It's going to take more than just myself and Aerin to help this city... it has to want to help itself first. FormID: 00083A8D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You disappoint me. I expected someone from outside Riften to be different, but I see corruption's reach holds little regard for boundaries. FormID: 00083A8D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Enjoy the city. It will suit you well. FormID: 000834FB DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionWhere CUST 0 You will find him holed up at Knifepoint Ridge, where he plays king to bandits and highwaymen. godly contempt Walk Away FormID: 000834FA DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionWhat CUST 0 For a time he served his purpose, but that time has ended. He uses my gifts for his own amusement, and the only amusement I tolerate is my own. godly disgust Walk Away FormID: 000834FD DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionGotIt CUST 0 Kill every single member of his band. Do so as silently and invisibly as you can, for this is not about you. You are to be my instrument in this. godly, vengeful FormID: 000834FD DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionGotIt CUST 1 Slay him in the coldest of blood. Do not give him the dignity of defending himself. godly decree (smoldering anger) FormID: 000834FD DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionGotIt CUST 2 Once his corpse lays cold upon the ground, and all trace of his followers erased, retrieve my Ebony Mail. A gift fit only for my true champion. FormID: 000834ED MG02 MG02JzargoBranch MG02JzargoBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, yes. J'zargo hopes to find things that will make him a more powerful mage here. FormID: 000834ED MG02 MG02JzargoBranch MG02JzargoBranchTopic CUST 1 Hopefully small things that fit inside pockets, and will not be noticed if they are missing. FormID: 000834EA MG02 MG02StudentExpectationBranch MG02StudentExpectationBranchTopic CUST 0 Because Tolfdir says so. He says there are things to learn here. FormID: 000834EB MG02 MG02StudentExpectationBranch MG02StudentExpectationBranchTopic CUST 0 Hopefully we can learn something from the experience. How the ancient Nords used magic, maybe even what happened to this place. FormID: 000834EC MG02 MG02StudentExpectationBranch MG02StudentExpectationBranchTopic CUST 0 Not really. Just that it's very, very old. It was one of the first cities of men in Tamriel, I think. FormID: 00083447 BardSongs BardSongsBallad01RequestBranch BardSongsBallad01RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Certainly! It's a fine tune and a good request! FormID: 00083079 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachAccept CUST 0 You can try, but I'd keep your sword-arm ready if things get ugly. FormID: 0008308F FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachReject CUST 0 You're telling me. FormID: 0008307F FreeformKarthwastenA HELO 0 Ainethach needs to get rid of those Silver-Blood. Then maybe we can go back to work. FormID: 00083080 FreeformKarthwastenA HELO 0 You should talk to Ainethach. He runs the mines. Used to anyway. FormID: 00083081 FreeformKarthwastenA HELO 0 You should talk to Ainethach if you have business with the mine. Not that there's much these days. FormID: 00083082 FreeformKarthwastenA HELO 0 Forsworn attacks are bad enough, but those sellswords are worse. FormID: 00083074 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarAccept CUST 0 Do that and I'll make sure you get a cut. FormID: 00083073 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarReject CUST 0 Right. FormID: 0008306F FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachPersuade CUST 0 You're right. They always get what they want, somehow. Fine. Tell Atar I'll sell. FormID: 00083070 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachPersuade CUST 0 Someone has to stand up to them. I won't sell. FormID: 00083083 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachBribe CUST 0 That's more gold than they're offering. Fine. I'll sell. FormID: 00083084 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachBribe CUST 0 This isn't about the money. FormID: 0008307D FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachIntimidate CUST 0 Easy. I'll sell. Just don't hurt anyone. FormID: 0008307A FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachForgetIt CUST 0 Let's do that. FormID: 00083076 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarPersuade CUST 0 Dealing with a mob wouldn't be good for my coin purse. Fine. We're leaving. FormID: 00083077 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarPersuade CUST 0 Let's see them make us. FormID: 00083071 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarBribe CUST 0 That I will, stranger. This is more than the Silver-Bloods are paying us. We'll clear out. FormID: 00083072 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarBribe CUST 0 Don't think I'm being paid already? Get lost. FormID: 00083090 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAIntimidate CUST 0 Whoa. Wait a second. I was just kidding. We'll leave. We'll leave! FormID: 00083091 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAIntimidate CUST 0 I thought today was going to be boring. FormID: 0008307C FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarForgetIt CUST 0 Milk drinker. FormID: 0008307B FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarSold FreeformKarthwastenAAtarSoldTopic CUST 0 Good work. Here's your cut. I guess this finishes up our contract with the Silver-Bloods, so we'll be heading out. FormID: 00083078 DialogueKarthwasten DialogueKarthwastenInCharge DialogueKarthwastenInChargeTopic CUST 0 My family has owned Karthwasten for generations. Rare for anyone in the Reach that isn't a Nord. FormID: 00083078 DialogueKarthwasten DialogueKarthwastenInCharge DialogueKarthwastenInChargeTopic CUST 1 Not that it does me any good. Nords think I'm working for the Forsworn. Forsworn think I'm working for the Nords. FormID: 00083075 DialogueKarthwasten DialogueKarthwastenAtarInCharge DialogueKarthwastenAtarInChargeTopic CUST 0 I'm not from here. I'm a sellsword. These are my men. FormID: 00083055 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroB3 CUST 0 And now you have it. No harm done. Walk Away FormID: 00083055 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroB3 CUST 1 I knew the Greybeards would send you for the horn if they thought you were Dragonborn. Walk Away FormID: 00083055 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroB3 CUST 2 Taking it was the only way I could be sure this wasn't a Thalmor trap. Walk Away FormID: 0005C2FD MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveC4ThalmorTopic CUST 0 Yes. We're very old enemies. And if my suspicions are correct, they might have something to do with the dragons returning. Walk Away FormID: 0005C2FD MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveC4ThalmorTopic CUST 1 But that isn't important right now. What is important is that you might be Dragonborn. impatiently Walk Away FormID: 00083053 MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveC4ThalmorTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor. We're very old enemies. And if my suspicions are correct, they might have something to do with the dragons returning. Walk Away FormID: 00083053 MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveC4ThalmorTopic CUST 1 But that isn't important right now. What is important is that you might be Dragonborn. Walk Away FormID: 00083052 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2EntryTopic CUST 0 Something's happening to bring the dragons back to life. And I need you to help me stop it. FormID: 0008304F MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineBladesTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor happened. They've been hunting down every Blade they can find for the past thirty years. FormID: 0008304F MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineBladesTopic CUST 1 Thanks to the White-Gold Concordat, they've been able to operate throughout the Empire with impunity. FormID: 0008304C MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineJusticiars CUST 0 Part of the cost of peace. Emperor Titus Mede saved his Empire at a very high price. A price that included the Blades. FormID: 0008304C MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineJusticiars CUST 1 The Nords didn't like the peace treaty much either. Thirty years later, the Empire ends up with the Stormcloak rebellion on its hands. FormID: 0008304C MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineJusticiars CUST 2 No doubt exactly as the Thalmor intended. FormID: 0008304B MQ00 MQDelphineDragonborn MQDelphineDragonbornTopic CUST 0 The Blades have always guarded and guided the Dragonborn. But we'd forgotten why. FormID: 0008304B MQ00 MQDelphineDragonborn MQDelphineDragonbornTopic CUST 1 Now our purpose is clear. I'm all that's left of the Blades, and you're the Dragonborn. FormID: 0008304B MQ00 MQDelphineDragonborn MQDelphineDragonbornTopic CUST 2 Together we're going to stop these dragons, if we have to put every last one of them back in the ground. FormID: 0002435B MQ00 MQDelphineDragonborn MQDelphineDragonbornTopic CUST 0 Dragons are coming back, and you're a born dragonslayer. That's all you need to know right now. FormID: 00082FB9 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 Is there someone out there? FormID: 00082FBA dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 You have to help me, they are going to kill me! FormID: 00082FB8 dunHobsFallQST SCEN 0 We offer this soul to The Revenant: he who watches over the opponents of Arkay and his power over life and death. Fie upon Arkay and his followers! FormID: 00082A29 MG02 MG02OnmundBranch MG02OnmundBranchTopic CUST 0 No. FormID: 00082A29 MG02 MG02OnmundBranch MG02OnmundBranchTopic CUST 1 There's no chance anyone in authority approved this. FormID: 00082A29 MG02 MG02OnmundBranch MG02OnmundBranchTopic CUST 2 Our ancestors should be allowed to rest in peace. FormID: 00082A28 MG02 MG02BrelynaBranch MG02BrelynaBranchTopic CUST 0 Why? Because it's old, and full of dead things? FormID: 00082A28 MG02 MG02BrelynaBranch MG02BrelynaBranchTopic CUST 1 Clearly you've never spent any time in Morrowind. FormID: 00082A10 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Did he now? FormID: 00082A10 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10BranchTopic CUST 1 Does he have information about our wonderful discovery? FormID: 00082A14 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10Response1 CUST 0 Is that the one about something buried beneath Saarthal? Something that men and mer fought over? FormID: 00082A14 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10Response1 CUST 1 I'll have to make a point of re-reading it. I don't recall the details. FormID: 00082A13 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10Response2 CUST 0 Ah, yes. Well, I'll be sure and stop by the Arcanaeum later. FormID: 00082A12 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10FollowUp CUST 0 I just can't seem to tear myself away. Whatever this is, its beauty is like nothing I've ever seen before. FormID: 00082A12 MG04 MG04TolfdirStage10Branch MG04TolfdirStage10FollowUp CUST 1 If you'd allow me to indulge myself for a moment, I thought I might make a few observations... FormID: 00082A11 MG04 SCEN 0 This marvelous object. It practically radiates magicka, and yet it's unlike anything I've felt before. FormID: 000D194F MS01 IDAT 0 Oh, I think you dropped this. Some kind of note. Looks important. nonchalant FormID: 000D231A MS01 IDAT 0 You want answers? Well so do I. So does everyone in this city. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D231A MS01 IDAT 1 A man goes crazy in the market. Everyone knows he's a Forsworn agent. Guards do nothing. Nothing but clean up the mess. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D6697 MS01 IDAT 0 Ah, yes. You've proven to be a real bloodhound. Well, you've sniffed me out. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6697 MS01 IDAT 1 I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. Sending the young to their deaths. All in the name of the Forsworn. And I'm tired. So tired. old and remorseful FormID: 00081DE0 C01 C01SkjorWhyMe C01SkjorWhyMeTopic CUST 0 This is a simple errand, but the time is right for it to be your Trial. Carry yourself with honor, and you'll become a true Companion. FormID: 00081DE2 C01 C01SkjorPickMePickMeBranch C01SkjorPickMePickMeBranchTopic CUST 0 There's a fine line between respect and boot-licking, new blood. But I like your spirit. FormID: 00081DE2 C01 C01SkjorPickMePickMeBranch C01SkjorPickMePickMeBranchTopic CUST 1 We've decided this will be your Trial. Do well, and you'll be counted among the Companions. FormID: 00081DDF C01 C01SkjorWhatIsThat C01SkjorWhatIsThatTopic CUST 0 Wuuthrad was the blade held by Ysgramor when he cut through the elven hordes that once swarmed this land. FormID: 00081DDF C01 C01SkjorWhatIsThat C01SkjorWhatIsThatTopic CUST 1 He made it safe for our kind. FormID: 00055D77 C01 C01SkjorWhatIsThat C01SkjorWhatIsThatTopic CUST 0 Wuuthrad was the blade held by Ysgramor when he came back from Atmora. FormID: 00055D77 C01 C01SkjorWhatIsThat C01SkjorWhatIsThatTopic CUST 1 An axe of great vengeance. Each fragment is precious. FormID: 00081F0F DA11 DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranch DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead the way. FormID: 00081D00 DA11 DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranch DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 You've come. The draugr infesting Namira's sanctuary are inside. gently commanding FormID: 00081F0E DA11 DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranch DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Clear Namira's sanctuary of the undead. gently commanding FormID: 00081C50 DA09 SCEN 0 Look at my temple, lying in ruins. So much for the constancy of mortals, their crafts and their hearts. (godly) anger - from realms beyond FormID: 00081C50 DA09 SCEN 1 If they love me not, how can my love reach them? FormID: 00081C4F DA09 SCEN 0 Restore to me my beacon, that I might guide you toward your destiny. (godly) commanding - whispering from realms beyond FormID: 00081C4B DA09 SCEN 0 A new supplicant approaches. (godly) commanding from another dimension FormID: 00081C4C DA09 DA09SharedInfos IDAT 0 Listen. Hear me and obey. A foul darkness has seeped into my temple. A darkness that you will destroy. godly (aloof and commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C52 DA09 SCEN 0 Return my beacon to Mount Kilkreath. godly (aloof and commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C52 DA09 SCEN 1 And I will make you the instrument of my cleansing light. godly (aloof and commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C51 DA09 SCEN 0 But first, you must restore to me my beacon. (godly) commanding from another dimension FormID: 00081C51 DA09 SCEN 1 I shall guide you unto it. Find it and return here. And great shall be your reward. (godly) commanding from another dimension FormID: 00081CC5 DA11 DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranch DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffTopic01 CUST 0 I was hoping you would say that. eager for battle FormID: 00081C7F DA11 DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffBlockingBranch DA11GlooredhelOutsideReachcliffTopic02 CUST 0 Then I'll wait. FormID: 000819D5 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroBlockingEntry CUST 0 You were young when you first tasted human flesh, weren't you? A brother or sister had died? An accident, of course. darkly seductive FormID: 000819D5 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroBlockingEntry CUST 1 Then the hunger set in. Curiosity. What's the harm in just one bite? darkly seductive FormID: 000819D5 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroBlockingEntry CUST 2 It's okay, now. You've found a friend who understands you. You can let go of your guilt. darkly seductive FormID: 000819D8 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroChoice01B CUST 0 It's inside Reachcliff Cave. But the dead have stirred from their slumber recently, and I was forced here. seductive FormID: 000819D8 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroChoice01B CUST 1 Meet me there. We will fight our way to Namira's embrace together. seductive FormID: 000819D8 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroChoice01B CUST 2 Until then, tell the people of Markarth that their dead won't be disturbed, anymore. We have bigger plans ahead. seductive FormID: 000819D4 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroChoice02B CUST 0 Very well. But should the hunger call out to you, I'll be waiting outside Reachcliff Cave. seductive FormID: 000819D4 DA11 DA11EolaIntroBlocking DA11EolaIntroChoice02B CUST 1 Tell the people of Markarth that their dead are safe. My work is done here. seductive FormID: 000819DD DA11Intro DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranch DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranchTopic CUST 0 Divines preserve you, you're a hero. We'll re-open the Hall right away. relieved FormID: 000819DD DA11Intro DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranch DA11FavorPlayerDialogueBranchTopic CUST 1 Here. Take my amulet as a reward. FormID: 000813A7 TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic03a CUST 0 No, no. That's the beauty of the whole plan. We're going to get Sabjorn to give it to us. devilish mischief attitude FormID: 000813A7 TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic03a CUST 1 The meadery has quite a pest problem and the whole city knows about it. Pest poison and mead don't mix well, you know what I mean? not-so-subtle hint FormID: 000813B0 TG03 TG03SabjornMavenBranch TG03SabjornMavenBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Silent means I don't tell and it's none of your business. FormID: 000813AF TG03 TG03MallusOutroBranch TG03MallusOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't think that could have gone any better. cocky, pleased with self FormID: 000813AF TG03 TG03MallusOutroBranch TG03MallusOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Anything else you need before you head back to Riften? FormID: 000813AD TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic06 CUST 0 Maven and I spent weeks planning this. All we need is someone like you to get in there and get it done. FormID: 000813AD TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic06 CUST 1 Now get going before Sabjorn grows a brain and hires someone else to do the dirty work. dismissive FormID: 000813A8 TG03 TG03MallusSabjornBranch TG03MallusSabjornBranchTopic02 CUST 0 If this plan works, not only is my debt gone, but I'll be set up for life. mischievously proud FormID: 000813A8 TG03 TG03MallusSabjornBranch TG03MallusSabjornBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Maven and I worked out a little deal. If Sabjorn ends up in jail, she's going to take over his meadery. FormID: 000813A8 TG03 TG03MallusSabjornBranch TG03MallusSabjornBranchTopic02 CUST 2 And guess who gets to run the Black-Briar Meadery in Whiterun? You're looking at him. mischievously proud FormID: 000813AE TG03 TG03MallusOutroBranch TG03MallusOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 So, Maven wants to hunt down Sabjorn's private partner, huh? mildly surprised FormID: 000813AE TG03 TG03MallusOutroBranch TG03MallusOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You're welcome to take a look around Sabjorn's office. He keeps most of his papers stashed in his desk. FormID: 000813AE TG03 TG03MallusOutroBranch TG03MallusOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Here, this should help. FormID: 000813AC TG03 TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranch TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You'll just have to wait until after the captain's finished. I suppose you can wait around if you must. FormID: 000813AB TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you lost your mind? I thought it was clear I didn't want anyone killed. absolutely furious FormID: 000813AB TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 Now I have to spend a fortune to keep the whole thing quiet. Guess where that money comes from. FormID: 000B8819 TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 This doesn't tell me much. The only thing that could identify Sabjorn's partner is this odd little symbol. FormID: 000C5845 TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, whoever this mysterious marking represents, they'll regret starting a war with me. FormID: 000C5845 TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You should bring this information to the Thieves Guild immediately. FormID: 000813AA TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, whoever this mysterious marking represents, they'll regret starting a war with me. FormID: 000813AA TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You should bring this information to the Thieves Guild immediately. FormID: 000813AA TG03 TG03MavenReturnBranch TG03MavenReturnBranchTopic01 CUST 2 There's also the matter of your payment. I believe you'll find this more than adequate for your services. level and business-like FormID: 00081320 dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 Look out! The wolf is loose! FormID: 0008131F dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 You think it'll work? FormID: 0008131C dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 'Course not. Dogs I could train. But a half-starved wolf? Not a chance. FormID: 0008131E dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 Right. Lucky if it doesn't rip our throats out. FormID: 0008131B dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 So, you in? FormID: 0008131D dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 ...Yeah. We can't have that rheumy-eyed fool as our watchman, even if he is Hajvarr's uncle. Time we dealt with both of them. FormID: 00081321 dunWhiteRiverWatchQST SCEN 0 We strike tonight, at dusk. Be ready. FormID: 0001C3B7 dunWhiteRiverWatchQST dunWhiteRiverWatch_WatchmanGreet dunWhiteRiverWatch_WatchmanGreetTopic CUST 0 Eh? Who's there? Rodulf, that you? Walk Away FormID: 000812F3 dunWhiteRiverWatchQST dunWhiteRiverWatch_BanditGoodbye dunWhiteRiverWatch_BanditGoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Good luck out there. FormID: 00081179 DA02 SCEN 0 I have need of a warrior. Only the most ruthless, cunning, and agile will do. godly proclamation FormID: 0008117F DA02 SCEN 0 You have gathered here night after night, sacrificing fools upon my shrine, and sparring aimlessly with yourselves. godly FormID: 0008117E DA02 SCEN 0 But which among you truly exceeds the rest? godly proclamation FormID: 0008117B DA02 SCEN 0 Prove yourselves to me! godly decree, inciting violence FormID: 0008117A DA02 SCEN 0 I have a special task for whichever of you is left standing. (amused) godly decree, inciting violence FormID: 00080C24 TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar needs Goldenglow's honey for her mead. She's been using the Guild to keep the Estate under her thumb. FormID: 00080C24 TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If the owner cuts the Guild out of the picture, he's cutting Maven out of the picture... which she can't afford. FormID: 00080C24 TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If I was Maven, I'd blame the Guild for weakening and not being able to handle the place. FormID: 00080C10 TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Exactly. For the Guild to survive, they need Maven's support. FormID: 00080C10 TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic02 CUST 1 This Karliah must have spent a lot of time and resources planning this. FormID: 00018A78 MS01 MS01EltrysForceGreetBranch MS01EltrysForceGreetResponseTopic01 CUST 0 I'm so sorry. I hope the Eight give you more peace in the future. nonchalant but sympathetic FormID: 000806C6 MS01 MS01EltrysForceGreetBranch MS01EltrysForceGreetResponseTopic02 CUST 0 The Forsworn? Strange. Well, I hope the Eight give you more peace in the future, for what it's worth. nonchalant but sympathetic FormID: 000806BE MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01EntryTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry to drag you into Markarth's problems, but after that attack in the market, I'm running out of time. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000806BE MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01EntryTopic CUST 1 You're an outsider. You're dangerous-looking. You'll do. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E5C MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01EntryTopic CUST 0 Changed your mind? Ready to find out the truth about Markarth? conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 00080621 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine1 SCEN 0 Found another one of those vents in back near the scaffold. FormID: 00080614 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine1 SCEN 0 Does Dravynea know? FormID: 0008062E DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine1 SCEN 0 She hasn't had a chance to look at it yet. Just be careful over there. FormID: 00080613 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine1 SCEN 0 Always. FormID: 0008061B DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine2 SCEN 0 Sweltering in here. FormID: 0008061A DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine2 SCEN 0 I'd like the fresh air better, but this isn't so bad. FormID: 00080623 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine2 SCEN 0 How do you stay cheery down in these blazes? FormID: 00080620 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine2 SCEN 0 I don't know. Maybe because it makes the mead taste that much better at night. FormID: 00080627 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine2 SCEN 0 Again with the mead! FormID: 00080629 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine3 SCEN 0 You going to be at the inn tonight? FormID: 00080611 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine3 SCEN 0 Not sure. Feeling like taking another trip. FormID: 00080612 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine3 SCEN 0 What's your wife think of your trips? FormID: 00080619 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeldMine3 SCEN 0 They're none of her business, and none of yours either. FormID: 00080615 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 What did I tell you about snooping around my wards? FormID: 0008061C DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 Woman, there's a vein of malachite as thick as my leg back there. FormID: 00080622 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 And if you don't let me secure the steam channel, your leg could get blown off. FormID: 00080622 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine2 SCEN 1 So go dig at the other corner for a bit. FormID: 00080624 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 Well... just get it done. FormID: 0008062B DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 Roggi tell you about the scorcher we found under the scaffolding? FormID: 00080616 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 Again? But there shouldn't be any earthstreams over there. FormID: 0008061D DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 Well I nearly lost my eyebrows to it. FormID: 00080625 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 All right, I'll take a look at it. FormID: 0008062C DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine3 SCEN 0 Is the new shaft cleared yet? FormID: 00080617 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine3 SCEN 0 No, I've been busy trying to keep the whole mine from collapsing, if that's all right with you. FormID: 0008062A DialogueKynesgroveKjeldDravyneaMine3 SCEN 0 You're busy. I'll come back later. FormID: 0008061E DialogueKynesgroveRoggiDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 Kjeld bothering you again? FormID: 00080626 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 Nothing I can't handle. FormID: 0008062D DialogueKynesgroveRoggiDravyneaMine1 SCEN 0 Well, you send that blowhard to me if he steps over the line. FormID: 00080618 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 How's the mine today? FormID: 0008061F DialogueKynesgroveRoggiDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 Not too bad. Careful around the more obvious scorchers. FormID: 00080628 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiDravyneaMine2 SCEN 0 As usual. I've always got an eye on the rocks. FormID: 00080108 MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50LabyrinthianTopic CUST 0 What? FormID: 00080108 MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50LabyrinthianTopic CUST 1 Are you... Are you sure? The staff is there? FormID: 00080108 MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50LabyrinthianTopic CUST 2 That can't be a coincidence. FormID: 0008010C MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFollowUp1 CUST 0 The Arch-Mage. FormID: 0008010B MG07 SCEN 0 Wo meyz wah dii vul junaar? FormID: 00080103 MG07 SCEN 0 Nivahriin muz fent siiv nid aaz het. FormID: 00080106 MG07 SCEN 0 You do not answer... Must I use this guttural language of yours? FormID: 00080105 MG07 SCEN 0 Have you returned, Aren? My old friend? FormID: 0008010A MG07 SCEN 0 Do you seek to finish that which you could not? FormID: 00080102 MG07 SCEN 0 You only face failure once more... FormID: 00080104 MG07 SCEN 0 You... You are not Aren, are you? Has he sent you in his place? FormID: 00080107 MG07 SCEN 0 Did he warn you that your own power would be your undoing? That it would only serve to strengthen me? FormID: 00080109 MG07 SCEN 0 Come. Face your end. FormID: 0008069D DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 So you're interested in my potions and ingredients? FormID: 000A9634 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Got a pretty full stock of potions and alchemy reagents. FormID: 000A9635 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Ah, so you're an alchemist, then? FormID: 0008069E DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 The finest weapons and armor. FormID: 000A9636 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Hmm... Blades, helmets. Pretty much anything to suit your needs. FormID: 000A9637 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Looking to protect yourself, or deal some damage? FormID: 0008069F DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Usual guild rate. Let's take a look at them. FormID: 000E32F9 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Why don't you take a look at some of my merchandise and we'll see what kind of a deal we can make. FormID: 000E32FD DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 I've got coin and I've got merchandise. Let's see what we can do. FormID: 000E3300 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 I give special rates to members of the Thieves Guild. Show me what you've got. FormID: 000806A0 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Bow and arrows for the mighty huntsman. FormID: 000A9638 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 An archer, eh? Oh, I've got just what you need. FormID: 000A9639 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 What are you hunting? Never mind. I don't want to know. FormID: 000806A2 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Drink for the thirsty, food for the hungry. FormID: 000A963A DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Let's sate that appetite, hmm? FormID: 000DEE85 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Depends. Are you thirsty, hungry, both? FormID: 000806A3 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Beautiful things for beautiful people. FormID: 000A963B DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Let see what adornments I might have available... FormID: 000A963C DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 I've got some wonderful jewelry. FormID: 000806A4 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Oh, a bit of this and a bit of that. FormID: 000A963D DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of thing. FormID: 000A963E DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Some may call this junk. Me, I call them treasures. FormID: 000806A5 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Just what you see here. FormID: 000A963F DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Everything I've got on display, really. FormID: 000A9640 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 See for yourself. FormID: 000806A6 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them. FormID: 000A9641 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 So, you wish to master the arcane arts... FormID: 000A9642 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Hmph. I had you figured for a mage. I think you'll appreciate this... FormID: 000806A7 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Clothes and raiment for the discerning customer. FormID: 000A9643 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Breeches, gowns... clothes for any occasion, really. FormID: 000A9687 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Let's see if we can't find an outfit that suits you. FormID: 0007F6BC DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Take a look. FormID: 0007F6B6 CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 We've failed. The city is lost. They're through the gates and will be here soon. upset he lost the battle FormID: 0007F413 C03 C03AelaWhereWeGoing C03AelaWhereWeGoingTopic CUST 0 The Silver Hand have taken over the old fort at Gallows Rock. They always make such easy prey. FormID: 0007F414 C03 C03AelaWhereWeGoing C03AelaWhereWeGoingTopic CUST 0 Old fort. Abandoned for years. They're like jackals, making their home anywhere they can find. FormID: 0007F3F7 MS08 MS08WarriorForceGreetBranch MS08WarriorForceGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You there. We are looking for someone in Whiterun, and will pay good money for information. FormID: 0007F265 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene1 SCEN 0 So, what book should I read to you tonight? FormID: 0007F273 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene1 SCEN 0 How about [QUOTE]The Lusty Argonian Maid[QUOTE]? FormID: 0007F270 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene1 SCEN 0 Mother! FormID: 0007F267 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene1 SCEN 0 You've got no sense of humor, you know that? Why don't you pick up where you left off with [QUOTE]The Real Barenziah.[QUOTE] FormID: 0007F272 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene2 SCEN 0 Lars, dear, why don't you go outside and play? It's a beautiful day. FormID: 0007F266 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene2 SCEN 0 That's all right, grandmother. I like staying home with you. FormID: 0007F268 DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene2 SCEN 0 It's that Braith girl again, isn't it? Has she been bothering you again? I've a mind to speak with her mother. FormID: 0007F26A DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene2 SCEN 0 No! Please, grandmother, don't do that. I'm fine. Really. Can we just... not talk about this anymore? FormID: 0007F26B DialogueWhiterunHouseBattleBornScene2 SCEN 0 All right, dear. sighing - gives up, slightly frustrated FormID: 0007F26D DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene1 SCEN 0 When will you be makin' some more jewelry, love? Some silver lockets and amulets would fetch a nice price at the stand. FormID: 0007F26C DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene1 SCEN 0 Hrm. ignoring his wife, and responding with a bit of a grunt. FormID: 0007F264 DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene1 SCEN 0 Wonderful, dear. Thank you. FormID: 0007F26E DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene1 SCEN 0 Hrm. ignoring his wife, and responding with a bit of a grunt. FormID: 0007F269 DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene2 SCEN 0 Eorlund, dearest, are you hungry? Would you like me to fix you something? FormID: 0007F271 DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene2 SCEN 0 Hrm. ignoring his wife, and responding with a bit of a grunt FormID: 0007F26F DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene2 SCEN 0 A venison pie, maybe? With a nice cup of mulled mead? FormID: 0007F274 DialogueWhiterunHouseGrayManeScene2 SCEN 0 Hrm. ignoring his wife, and responding with a bit of a grunt FormID: 0007EDD8 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeMedresiStartTopic CUST 0 Oh, I didn't see you there. FormID: 0007EDE1 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeYouSeemTroubled CUST 0 Of course I'm troubled. I'm on the verge of incredible wealth, but my cowardly work force ran at the first sign of danger. said with air of superiority FormID: 0007EDD9 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeWhatFrightened CUST 0 We were excavating this old tomb when we opened a chamber full of corpses. The team took one look, turned tail, and ran. FormID: 0007EDDE dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeCorpsesArentScary CUST 0 Well, probably not like these. The ones in there are all still walking around. FormID: 0007EDDA dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeICantGetTheTreasure CUST 0 In any case, if I can't get past the creatures in that room, I can't recover the treasure. I need more manpower. As if annoyed by a trivial manner FormID: 0007EDE3 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeOfferHelp CUST 0 Say, that's not a bad idea. You look like you could handle yourself against these beasts. FormID: 0007EDE4 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeIllTellYouWhat CUST 0 I'll tell you what. You help me get the treasure and I'll split it with you. Deal? FormID: 0007EDDC dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeTellMeMore01 CUST 0 Legend says this tomb holds a treasure that bestows great power on the one who discovers it. Beyond that, not much more is known. FormID: 0007EDDB dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeTellMeMore02 CUST 0 Obviously, this treasure will fetch a good deal of gold, and I'm willing to let you share in the reward when we find it. FormID: 0007EDDD dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeDeal CUST 0 Excellent. With my brains and your brawn, that treasure will soon be mine... uh, ours. FormID: 0007EDE2 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeNoDeal CUST 0 Bah! You're just as bad as the rest of them. FormID: 0007EDE0 dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeNoDeal02 CUST 0 Bear in mind, even if you clear out the tomb, you'll still need a key to get to the treasure. A key I happen to possess. FormID: 0007EDDF dunAngarvundeQST dunAngarvundeMedresiStart dunAngarvundeDealEnd CUST 0 First, I need you to clear the main chamber of those monstrosities. I'll stay here until you're finished, planning our next move. FormID: 0007EC1B DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 You shoe that gelding, boy? FormID: 0007EC13 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, father. FormID: 0007EC5C DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 Groom her, too? FormID: 0007EC0D DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 You know I did. FormID: 0007EC15 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 You clean out that muck? FormID: 0007EC4C DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, father, I did. And I watered her, and got fresh feed, and refitted the old saddle, just like you asked. Is there anything else? FormID: 0007EC06 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene1 SCEN 0 Don't suppose there is. But you don't have to be so damned prickly. FormID: 0007EBE4 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 I tell you? Saw that wild mare again yesterday, just outside the walls. FormID: 0007EC27 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 Yeah. So? FormID: 000D19B8 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 So? So? FormID: 0007EBDA DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 Shor's beard, boy! You forget where you're standing? What kind o' business we're running? FormID: 0007EC3A DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 We manage to break that mare and bring her back here, we can sell her for a small fortune. FormID: 0007EBE5 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 Oh. Okay. So we should try to... what? Capture it? FormID: 0007EC53 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, son. We should try to capture it. FormID: 0007EC0C DialogueWhiterunStablesScene3 SCEN 0 Listen, father. I've been thinking.... FormID: 0007EC41 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene3 SCEN 0 Here it comes again. Not happy with a roof and a trade, no. You want to be something entirely... different. FormID: 0007EBE3 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene3 SCEN 0 I'm just no good at this. You said it yourself. Gods, I don't even like horses. And if it's true what they're saying about dragons... FormID: 0007EBF8 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene3 SCEN 0 Dragons? You want to go out and fight dragons? Are you completely off your nut? FormID: 0007EC23 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene3 SCEN 0 Come on, father, how hard can it be? They're just... big lizards. And those scales and teeth, they must be worth a fortune... FormID: 0007EC3E DialogueWhiterunStablesScene3 SCEN 0 Big lizards? By Shor, your mother gave birth to a half-wit. That is the end of this discussion. FormID: 0007EBD5 DialogueWhiterunFraliaLillithScene1 SCEN 0 Hello, Fralia dear. FormID: 0007EBFC DialogueWhiterunFraliaLillithScene1 SCEN 0 Lillith - always a pleasure. Just browsing, or were you looking for something particular? FormID: 0007EC1F DialogueWhiterunFraliaLillithScene1 SCEN 0 Funny you should ask. I'm in the market for a new locket. Something in polished silver, maybe. Big enough to hold, say, a folded-up letter? FormID: 0007EC5A DialogueWhiterunFraliaLillithScene1 SCEN 0 Ahhh, I see. I think I know just what you need. I don't have anything like that here now, but my Eorlund - he can make you one right quick. FormID: 0007EC5A DialogueWhiterunFraliaLillithScene1 SCEN 1 When I get home, I'll have him start on it right away. Come back to pick it up in, oh... three days? FormID: 0007EBEA DialogueWhiterunFraliaLillithScene1 SCEN 0 Perfect, my dear. Absolutely perfect. I'll see you then. FormID: 0007EC11 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 Do you have anything even remotely fresh? FormID: 0007EC31 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 I can assure you, it's all fresh. I hunt the game myself, every day. FormID: 0007EC51 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 Hmm. As you say. FormID: 0007EC35 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 Maybe you'd like to try the horker? Or some beef? FormID: 0007EBD8 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 You don't prepare the meat with any of those strange Elven spices, do you? FormID: 0007EBF9 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 Ahhhh... No, no Elven spices. Just some salt, to preserve it. You're not afraid of salt, are you? FormID: 0007EC19 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 I'm not [QUOTE]afraid[QUOTE] of anything. I simply prefer quality merchandise. No, no this meat won't do at all. Too much fat, and it all smells... wrong. FormID: 0007EC2C DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 Suit yourself, then. The woods are that way. Outside the walls, walk straight ahead. Can't miss them. Good luck on your hunt. FormID: 0007EC45 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 Good day. voice dripping with venom - mad because he's been insulted FormID: 0007EBD7 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 Can you close up the stand early today, mama? FormID: 0007EBFD DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 I'm afraid not, little fairy. The fruit has about another day left before it spoils. We've got to sell as much as we can, as soon as we can. FormID: 0007EC17 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 That's what you always say. FormID: 0007EC39 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 Because it's always true. a mother laughing gently at her daughter FormID: 0007EC5E DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 Can we at least go to the tavern for supper? FormID: 0007EBF3 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 Tsk. And to think, I was going to feed you cabbages and apples again. Yes, little fairy, we can go to the tavern for supper. humoring her daughter FormID: 0007EC07 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaMilaScene1 SCEN 0 Yay! FormID: 0007EC34 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 And what might you be looking at? FormID: 0007EC57 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, the fruit looks so good. So juicy. FormID: 0007EBF0 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 No handouts today, Brenuin. Now scat. You'll scare off my paying customers. FormID: 0007EC14 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, just one apple, Carlotta? Just one tiny apple. I'll pay you tomorrow, I swear it. FormID: 0007EC2D DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 That's what you said last week, and the week before that. Now go, before I call a guard. FormID: 0007EC49 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 No, no! Don't do that. No need to do that. I'm going. See? I'm leaving. No guards, please. FormID: 0007EBDC DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 Look, come back tomorrow, okay? If I have anything left that's not sold or spoiled, you can have it. sighs at the beginning FormID: 0007EBF7 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaBrenuinScene2 SCEN 0 You've got the heart of Mara herself, you know that? Thank you, Carlotta. Thank you. FormID: 0007EBD6 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Everyone is this city is so on edge. I could use some good news, Skulvar. FormID: 0007EBFE DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Ha! Four more geldings sold. Sound like good news to you? FormID: 0007EC5F DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Indeed. FormID: 0007EC5F DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 1 I do hate to admit it, but if nothing else, all the fighting lately has been a complete blessing to this business. FormID: 0007EBEB DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Aye, that it has. Trust me, mum - once you've killed a man from a horse, you'll never want to fight on the ground again. Ain't no goin' back. FormID: 0007EC03 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Why thank you for that most colorful assessment, Skulvar. FormID: 0007EC03 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 1 So we'll be needing fresh horses, then? FormID: 0007EC0A DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Aye, mum. That we will. Mares, stallions, donkeys - I don't think it matters. Pretty sure I can sell any steeds we get. FormID: 0007EC24 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Excellent. I'll send the proper letters, then, and have some fresh horses delivered straightaway. FormID: 0007EC43 DialogueWhiterunStablesScene4 SCEN 0 Lookin' forward to it. FormID: 0007EBFB DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 I've been thinking of hunting out beyond the boundaries of Whiterun hold. FormID: 0007EC40 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 Again? You just had an [QUOTE]extended hunt[QUOTE] last month. To the Pine Forest, wasn't it. FormID: 0007EC61 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 That was three days. I'm thinking more like three weeks. FormID: 0007EBF4 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 Three weeks? You're mad! You can't keep the stand closed for that long! FormID: 0007EC16 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 Why not? Business has been terrible. Most folk would rather hunt their own meat than buy ours. FormID: 0007EC26 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 Nonsense. That's just an excuse for you to avoid working, and [QUOTE]commune with the greenwood like our fathers of old[QUOTE] and blah blah. FormID: 0007EC3C DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 Congratulations, brother. You've been living in Skyrim so long, you've become a Nord. FormID: 0007EC56 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1 SCEN 0 At least the Nords don't shirk their responsibilities. FormID: 0007EBF1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene2 SCEN 0 Our stock of arrows is running a bit low. FormID: 0007EC18 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene2 SCEN 0 All right. I'll fletch some more when I get the time. FormID: 0007EC38 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene2 SCEN 0 Good. I'll do the same. We've still got plenty of shafts from that Riverwood shipment. FormID: 0007EC55 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene3 SCEN 0 It's been two months, and no word from father. FormID: 0007EBED DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene3 SCEN 0 Don't worry, brother. I'm sure he's fine. We've waited longer before receiving a letter. FormID: 0007EC09 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene3 SCEN 0 Might be worth riding out to Solitude, see if a messenger ship's come in. FormID: 0007EC2B DialogueWhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene3 SCEN 0 If it'll put your mind at ease, then I agree. But not now, all right? We need the business from the stand. FormID: 0007EC4B DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene1 SCEN 0 Oh look, it's little baby Battle-Born. FormID: 0007EBE8 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene1 SCEN 0 Leave me alone, Braith... FormID: 0007EC12 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene1 SCEN 0 What are you gonna do if I don't? Huh? Gonna cry to your papa? FormID: 0007EC30 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene1 SCEN 0 Just go away! FormID: 0007EC59 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene2 SCEN 0 Battle-Born! Give me your money! FormID: 0007EBF2 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene2 SCEN 0 I... I don't have any money. FormID: 0007EC1C DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene2 SCEN 0 You'd better give me five septims, right now, or I'm going to bloody your nose... FormID: 0007EC36 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene2 SCEN 0 No! Please! I really don't have any money, Braith! I'll give you ten septims tomorrow. Just don't hit me. FormID: 0007EC4E DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene2 SCEN 0 Ten septims tomorrow, baby Battle-Born. Or I'm gonna bloody your nose and your lip. emphasis on [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] FormID: 0007EBDE DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene3 SCEN 0 Braith. I.... I've come to tell you that I'm not afraid of you anymore. FormID: 0007EC01 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene3 SCEN 0 Don't make me laugh, baby Battle-Born. You'll be afraid of me till the day I kill you. laughs before she starts talking FormID: 0007EC20 DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene3 SCEN 0 You... You're wrong! You can't hurt me anymore... standing up to a bully and terrified FormID: 0007EC3B DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene3 SCEN 0 Oh no? So you're gonna fight back if I punch you? Huh? You're gonna hit a girl? FormID: 0007EC5D DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene3 SCEN 0 Well, no... I... I mean... confronting a bully and terrified FormID: 0007EBEF DialogueWhiterunBraithLarsScene3 SCEN 0 That's what I thought. Now get out of my way, baby. I got things to do. laughing at a kid she's bullying FormID: 0007EC0B DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 So I'm, uh... writing a song for you... FormID: 0007EC33 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 Why Jon Battle-Born. You're writing me a song? Does it somehow involve blood, or beheadings, or the honor of my forebears? emphasis on [QUOTE]me[QUOTE] FormID: 0007EC4A DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 Well, that's where I started. But it turned into something of a ballad. FormID: 0007EBE7 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 A ballad? Oh, now I know you're joking with me. playful FormID: 0007EC10 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 It's all true, I swear it. You can hear it when it's done. I'll just need a year or two smooth the rough edges. FormID: 0007EC2F DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 0 So have you spoken to that man from the Bards College? FormID: 0007EC50 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 0 No, not yet. But I will. I just haven't... gotten around to it yet. FormID: 0007EBE6 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 0 Oh Jon, stop dallying. You know you have to go. It's why Mara put you on this earth. FormID: 0007EBE6 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 1 You think a few miles can truly keep us apart? FormID: 0007EBE9 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 0 You mean you won't forget about me the moment I'm out of sight? Get yourself a nice old rich husband, have sixteen babies? playful FormID: 0007EC02 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 0 Tsk. You've uncovered my master plan. Now I suppose you'll never leave. playful/joking FormID: 0007EC22 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene2 SCEN 0 Harlot. playful/joking FormID: 0007EC47 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 0 I want to see you when you're done working. FormID: 0007EBE1 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 0 I can't. Not tonight. I need to go home. I swear, my father is starting to suspect something. FormID: 000A724B DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 0 I can't. Not tonight. I need to go home. I swear, my family is starting to suspect something. FormID: 0007EC00 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 0 That's your imagination running wild. Nobody knows how we feel about each other. FormID: 0007EC21 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 0 Don't talk about my father like that, Jon. And the answer's still no. FormID: 0007EC21 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 1 But tomorrow. Definitely. FormID: 000A7250 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 0 Don't say that out loud. Not here. And the answer's still no. FormID: 000A7250 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene3 SCEN 1 But tomorrow. Definitely. FormID: 0007EC25 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene1 SCEN 0 Fancy a game of Iron Hearts later? FormID: 0007EC48 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene1 SCEN 0 You going to lose horribly, and then say you let me win? FormID: 0007EBE0 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene1 SCEN 0 Probably. FormID: 0007EC08 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene1 SCEN 0 Then you're on. laughing FormID: 0007EC32 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene2 SCEN 0 You ain't made me that stew in a long time. FormID: 0007EC54 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene2 SCEN 0 Which, the mutton or the vegetable? FormID: 0007EBEE DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene2 SCEN 0 Mutton. FormID: 0007EC1D DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene2 SCEN 0 Hmm. So I haven't. All right, I'll buy the ingredients tomorrow and we can have it for dinner. FormID: 0007EC37 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 There's a chill in the air. Ysmir's beard, it gets colder in here every day. shivering FormID: 0007EC52 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 That's just you getting skinnier every day, old man. You're losing your padding. You need to eat more. FormID: 0007EBE2 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 Well if my layabout manservant fed me more, that wouldn't be a problem. FormID: 0007EC05 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 Oho! Manservant? Is that what I am now? FormID: 0007EC2A DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 My mistake. A manservant wouldn't let me starve or freeze. I let you live here, and now I'm two steps closer to the grave. emphasis on [QUOTE]or[QUOTE] - he's being sarcastic/playful FormID: 0007EC3D DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 Old man, without me, you would have withered away a long time ago. FormID: 0007EC62 DialogueWhiterunVignarBrillScene3 SCEN 0 Hmph. Damn you for being right. playful, lightly laughing FormID: 0007EBF6 DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene1 SCEN 0 Papa, I want to talk to you... FormID: 0007EC1E DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene1 SCEN 0 Hmm? What about? FormID: 0007EC42 DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene1 SCEN 0 Well, there's this boy, and... FormID: 0007EBD9 DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene1 SCEN 0 Listen, Braith... Why don't you talk to your mother about this, okay? There's a good girl. FormID: 000A7251 DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene1 SCEN 0 I wish your mother were still alive. She could answer you much better. Let me think on it and we'll talk later. FormID: 0007EBDB DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene1 SCEN 0 Mother? FormID: 0007EBF5 DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene1 SCEN 0 What? annoyed FormID: 0007EC44 DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene1 SCEN 0 I wanted to ask you something. It's about a boy... FormID: 0007EBDD DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene1 SCEN 0 Not now, Braith. Go... go ask your father. annoyed FormID: 0007EC04 DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene2 SCEN 0 Mother? Can I talk to you? FormID: 0007EC29 DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene2 SCEN 0 Not now, Braith. FormID: 0007EC4D DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene2 SCEN 0 But... FormID: 0007EBEC DialogueWhiterunBraithSaffirScene2 SCEN 0 Not now, Braith. emphasis on [QUOTE]now[QUOTE] - says it with teeth clenched, getting angry FormID: 0007EC0F DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene2 SCEN 0 Papa, the next time you go away, I want to come with you. FormID: 0007EC2E DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene2 SCEN 0 When I go away, I go to war. That's no place for a little girl. FormID: 0007EC4F DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene2 SCEN 0 Every knight needs a squire. I could help you with your sword, things like that. FormID: 0007EBDF DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene2 SCEN 0 Nice try, blossom, but I'm not a knight, I'm a mercenary. The answer's still no. Besides, your mother would miss you too much. FormID: 0007EBFA DialogueWhiterunBraithAmrenScene2 SCEN 0 Yeah. Right. FormID: 0007EB22 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic001a CUST 0 Aringoth sold Goldenglow? What's that idiot thinking? shocked FormID: 0007EB22 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic001a CUST 1 He has no idea the extent of Maven's fury when she's been cut out of a deal, but I'm certain he'll find out. FormID: 0007EB22 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic001a CUST 2 If only this parchment had the buyer's name instead of this odd symbol. Any idea what that might be? FormID: 0007EB31 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic001b CUST 0 Blast. Well, I'll check my sources and speak to Mercer. FormID: 0007EB31 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic001b CUST 1 But for now, you're off to speak to Maven Black-Briar. She asked for you by name. FormID: 0007EB2A TG02 TG02BrynjolfBurnBranch TG02BrynjolfBurnBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I'll give you one good reason. Maven Black-Briar. FormID: 0007EB2A TG02 TG02BrynjolfBurnBranch TG02BrynjolfBurnBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Burn all the hives and she'd have to import honey for Black-Briar Meadery which would cut into her profits. FormID: 0007EB28 TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Worthless mercenaries. To self, aloud Walk Away FormID: 0007EB28 TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I didn't think Maven or Mercer would allow me to get away with this, but I had little choice. Walk Away FormID: 0007EB29 TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 0 I can't. If I do, I may as well cut my own throat. Walk Away FormID: 0007EB2C TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranch1b CUST 0 Fine. Take it! FormID: 0007EB2C TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranch1b CUST 1 Once the new owner finds out I gave in, I'm as good as dead anyway. FormID: 0005630E TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranch1b CUST 0 I don't believe you. That's not your way. Walk Away FormID: 0007EB24 TG02SP SCEN 0 Keep your eyes open, they'll try to hit us again... I just know it. FormID: 0007EB2D TG02SP SCEN 0 If they do, we'll send them crying back to their boss again. FormID: 0007EB21 TG02SP SCEN 0 I can't believe how lucky we got landing this job. It's a far cry from working for the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0007EB26 TG02SP SCEN 0 You're telling me. Playing nursemaid to a bunch of bees and drinking mead all day beats dying on some battlefield. FormID: 0007EB2F TG02SP SCEN 0 So why did he sell this place? I mean look at it. This is how to live. FormID: 0007EB23 TG02SP SCEN 0 No idea. Maybe he got tired of getting stung by these damn bees. FormID: 0007EB2B TG02SP SCEN 0 Agh... so bored! Only one fight in the last few weeks? This is gonna' drive me crazy. FormID: 0007EB30 TG02SP SCEN 0 Aringoth said as soon as the deed goes through, we're done here. Then we'll head south and look for more work. Deal? FormID: 0007EB20 TG02SP SCEN 0 Did you get a look at that thief that they sent to break into the place? What I wouldn't give for a night with her. FormID: 0007EB25 TG02SP SCEN 0 Sure. Then you wake up in the morning with your purse empty and your gear stolen. No thanks. FormID: 0007EB2E TG02SP SCEN 0 Have you seen Refnir? I told him to check out the well drain, but he never reported back. FormID: 0007EB33 TG02SP SCEN 0 Probably got drunk and fell into the lake. Who cares. FormID: 0007EAE0 DA03 DA03BarbasForcegreet DA03BarbasForcegreetTopic CUST 0 You are exactly what I was looking for. FormID: 0007EAE3 MS07 MS07DeejaBleedout MS07DeejaIcerunnerGreet CUST 0 My brother told me you were coming. I'm supposed to give you what you've earned. FormID: 0007EADB MS07 MS07ValdMeetsPlayerAtShip MS07ValdMeetsPlayerAtShipTopic CUST 0 You're the one Mazzaka described to me. FormID: 0007EADF MS07 MS07ValdMeetsPlayerAtShip2 MS07ValdMeetsPlayerAtShip2Topic CUST 0 I'm Captain Aldis. I'm here to help you take down these bandits. FormID: 0007EAE9 MS07 MS07ValdMeetsPlayerAtShip2 MS07ValdMeetsPlayerAtShip2Topic2 CUST 0 We're stretched thin in Solitude, and I don't expect these bandits to be much challenge. Are you ready? FormID: 0007EAF4 MS07 MS07ValdtimeAndPlayerAttack MS07ValdtimeAndPlayerAttackTopic CUST 0 With pleasure. FormID: 0007EAE5 MS07 MS07JareeRaConfrontationGreet MS07JareeRaConfrontationGreetTopic CUST 0 First you murder my sister, then you massacre my men! FormID: 0007EAE8 MS07 MS07JareeRaConfrontationGreet MS07JareeRaConfrontationGreetTopic CUST 0 You've betrayed me, murdered my sister and massacred my men! FormID: 0007EADE MS07 MS07ValdRewardGreet MS07ValdRewardGreetTopic CUST 0 It's appreciated. The captains around here will have one less thing to worry about. Here's your reward. FormID: 0007EAE1 MS07 MS07ValdCleanUpBandits MS07ValdCleanUpBanditsTopic CUST 0 Good riddance. FormID: 0007EAE2 MS07 MS07ValdCleanUpBandits MS07ValdCleanUpBanditsTopic CUST 0 I'll take care of it. FormID: 0007EAEA MS07 MS07ValdCleanUpBandits MS07ValdCleanUpBandits2 CUST 0 I've been away from Solitude for as long as I can. But if you decide to finish these bandits off, you'll be rewarded for your efforts. FormID: 0007EAA9 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Really? FormID: 0007EAA9 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I do recall warning them it might not be the safest of locations. I hope this doesn't become a problem for us. FormID: 0007EAA9 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 2 Were you able to learn anything? FormID: 0007EAAA mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06Stage30MirabelleResponse1 CUST 0 Hmm. I can't say I've any idea what they were up to. Have you found this observatory? FormID: 0007EAAA mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06Stage30MirabelleResponse1 CUST 1 You might be able to learn something from it. Keep looking, but be careful. FormID: 0007EAAC mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06Stage30MirabelleResponse2 CUST 0 I can't imagine what that might be, but if it's safe, you might see if they were successful. FormID: 0007EAAC mg06 MG06MirabelleStage30Branch MG06Stage30MirabelleResponse2 CUST 1 You could get some useful information about whatever they were up to. Sounds like it won't be of use to them now, anyway. FormID: 0007EAA8 mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 What are you doing here? What've you done with Gavros? FormID: 0007EAAB mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse1 CUST 0 It was the Falmer, wasn't it? Curse them! They've ruined everything! FormID: 0007EAAB mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse1 CUST 1 If Gavros is gone, there's no hope. He was supposed to return with the crystal... Without that, all our efforts are wasted. FormID: 0007EAAB mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse1 CUST 2 And you. If you're here for treasure, or wisdom, or anything, I'm afraid you've wasted your time. FormID: 0007EAA6 mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse2 CUST 0 And just why would you be doing that? FormID: 0007EAA6 mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse2 CUST 1 Oh, it doesn't matter now. Gavros is never coming back, and he was supposed to have the crystal. Without that, we're lost. FormID: 0007EAA6 mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse2 CUST 2 It's all been for nothing. FormID: 0007EAA6 mg06 MG06ParatusInitialBranch MG06ParatusInitialResponse2 CUST 3 So congratulations, whoever you are, you've found the Synod. Just me, alone, surrounded by angry machines and angrier Falmer. FormID: 0007EAA7 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06ParatusCrystalBranchTopic CUST 0 It didn't work the first time. I tried to tell Gavros, but he wouldn't listen. [QUOTE]No, it won't be too cold[QUOTE] he said. FormID: 0007EAA7 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06ParatusCrystalBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I was right, wasn't I? Focused completely wrong by the time we got here! The cold had warped it! FormID: 0007EAA7 mg06 MG06ParatusCrystalBranch MG06ParatusCrystalBranchTopic CUST 2 Gavros had to cart it all the way back to Cyrodiil. Left the rest of us here to fend off the damnable Falmer. FormID: 0007EAB0 mg06 MG06ParatusSynodBranch MG06ParatusSynodBranchTopic CUST 0 I am on official business of the Grand Council of the Synod. That's all you need to know. FormID: 0007EAB0 mg06 MG06ParatusSynodBranch MG06ParatusSynodBranchTopic CUST 1 I might well ask the same of you, running around by yourself in this dangerous place. suspicious FormID: 0007EA58 CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 It's time to leave. forceful but respectful FormID: 0007EA59 CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 Not without a fight it isn't! defiant, wants to make a last stand FormID: 0007EA5B CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 As soon as we can muster our forces, we'll be back. mildly frustrated, appealing to his lord to be reasonable FormID: 0007EA5B CWEscapeCity SCEN 1 That's the battle you need to fight. Not this. This will be suicide. And to what end? professional, but pleading FormID: 0007EA57 CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 And my children? considering fleeing, but wants reassurance about his family FormID: 0007EA5A CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 I assume everyone's gone ahead of us as planned. I just swept through the castle, no one's here. uncertain but consoling his defeated lord FormID: 0007EA5A CWEscapeCity SCEN 1 Now. We really must be going, sir. respectful but insisting FormID: 0007EA5C CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 Fine. Let's go. accepting defeat, but taking charge FormID: 0007EA56 CWEscapeCity SCEN 0 Come. You, too. We can escape through the tunnels. admitting defeat, but taking charge FormID: 0007E97B DA16 SCEN 0 First, an incantation to remove the barrier. FormID: 0007E97A DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranch DA16ErandurEndingBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Forgive me if I don't appear relieved... this temple has taken its toll on me. FormID: 0007EA25 DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranch DA16ErandurEndingBranchTopic02 CUST 0 In time, I believe I will. FormID: 0007EA24 DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranch DA16ErandurEndingBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Yes. The Skull has been destroyed and Dawnstar is safe. FormID: 0007EA23 DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranch DA16ErandurEndingBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Being a humble servant of Mara, I have little in the way of gold or coin, but perhaps I can offer you something better... companionship. FormID: 0007EA22 DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutro DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutroTopic CUST 0 I'd constructed a meager shrine to Mara in the antechamber where we entered. FormID: 0007EA22 DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutro DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutroTopic CUST 1 My intention was to spend the rest of my years here, burying the past and praying for forgiveness. FormID: 0007EA22 DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutro DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutroTopic CUST 2 But instead, I wish to offer my services to you. If you ever wish to journey with me, I'll be here. FormID: 0007E97D DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutro DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 0 There's no need to thank me. What you did was for the people of Dawnstar. FormID: 0007E97D DA16 DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutro DA16ErandurEndingBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 1 If anyone should be thanked, it should be you. FormID: 0007E96D MQ105 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin. You have tasted the Voice of the Greybeards, and passed through unscathed. High Hrothgar is open to you. formally, bowing FormID: 0007E64B MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Look out! The prisoners are loose! FormID: 0007DE91 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusHelpCiceroResponseb CUST 0 Look, I... I... FormID: 0007DE91 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusHelpCiceroResponseb CUST 1 You're right. You're right. Feller might be nutters, might not. But fact is, he needs help. I turn him away, what kind of man am I, hmm? Sighs at the beginning, like he's resigned himself to the fact that he's been wrong. He's come to terms with his foolishness. FormID: 0007DE91 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusHelpCiceroResponseb CUST 2 Look, um... Thanks. And I'm sorry for my unneighborly reaction. If you talk to Cicero, you be sure and tell him I'll be down to help soon. FormID: 0007DCB3 dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 Who enters? Will nobody save poor Melka? pathetic/pleading FormID: 0007DCB4 dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 Careful here, there's a trick to this. Trick is to not bleed to death. Ah, and there's a lever, too. FormID: 00099CFD DA11 GBYE 0 I will be waiting at Reachcliff. seductive FormID: 00099CFE DA11 GBYE 0 Say hello to Verulus for me. seductive FormID: 000819D9 DA11 GBYE 0 Namira covets your ugliness. seductive FormID: 000819DA DA11 GBYE 0 Blessed are the forgotten. The wretched. prayer, seductive FormID: 000819DB DA11 GBYE 0 The dead exist to feed the living. prayer, cannibal FormID: 00087B5B DA11 GBYE 0 Don't worry, the Eight are watching over us. I hope. FormID: 00099CF5 DA11Intro HELO 0 You've returned. What happened in the Hall of the Dead? anxious FormID: 00099CF6 DA11Intro HELO 0 Find out what's happening in the Hall of the Dead. Arkay will watch over you. anxious but trying to reassure FormID: 0007D939 DA11Intro HELO 0 If it's about the Hall of the Dead, no, you can't go in there. stubborn FormID: 0007D93F DA11HallScene SCEN 0 Not many would walk blindly into a crypt, smelling of steel and blood, but not fear. seductive, speaking inside the player's head FormID: 0007D935 DA11HallScene SCEN 0 I feel the hunger inside of you. Gnawing at you. You see the dead and your mouth grows wet. Your stomach growls. seductive, speaking inside the player's head FormID: 0007D940 DA11Intro IDAT 0 Arkay keeps the cycle. He watches us in life and death. praying FormID: 0007D941 DA11Intro IDAT 0 Arkay will guard our eternal rest. His servants shall protect the dead from harm. praying FormID: 0007D942 DA11Intro IDAT 0 Protect us, Arkay, from the foul and unclean who seek to disturb the dead's rest. praying FormID: 0007D943 DA11Intro IDAT 0 Let us sleep, sweet Arkay, by your side. Let no harm come to us. praying FormID: 00099CF7 DA11Intro GBYE 0 Tread lightly in the Hall. We don't know what's in there. anxious FormID: 0007D672 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 My daughter Fjotli... she was murdered a few months ago. Left her laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. distraught FormID: 0007D672 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I assume they were after her valuables... she always wore far too much jewelry in public. When I told her it'd be the death of her, I never thought... trail off at the end (emotional) FormID: 0007D675 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No need to explain, I'm well aware of your Guild's methods. annoyed FormID: 0007D675 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 It took me weeks, but I finally tracked down the killer. A bloody Altmer at that. Can you imagine? FormID: 0007D677 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Let's just say I'm a firm believer in an eye for an eye and leave it at that. grim FormID: 0007D677 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 He fancied himself a thief in some sort of a new Guild forming around here. Gave me some valuable information before... well, you know. implication you killed this thief FormID: 0007D673 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Well, like I told Delvin, I think we can help each other. You recover what I'm looking for and take out a rival Guild in the process. FormID: 0007D676 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Exactly. One of the pieces stolen from her was a silver locket, a Cruel-Sea family heirloom. I want it back. FormID: 0007D671 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranch TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 The only name I have is Niranye. Has a house right here in Windhelm. That's where you should begin looking. FormID: 0007D674 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenOutroBranch TGTQ04TorstenOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 It pains me to see this locket... to be reminded of Fjotli once more, but I'm glad it's back where it belongs. FormID: 0007D674 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenOutroBranch TGTQ04TorstenOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Tell Delvin that if he still desires to have my support for the Thieves Guild in Windhelm, he's got it. FormID: 0007D42D MQ301 HELO 0 I'm still amazed that your plan worked. FormID: 0007D42E MQ301 HELO 0 You'll be the toast of Whiterun for this! FormID: 0007D42F MQ301 HELO 0 No one can doubt that you truly are Dragonborn. FormID: 0008898B MQ301 HELO 0 We're ready, Dragonborn. Just say the word. grimly FormID: 000D2E1D MQ301 HELO 0 You're getting pretty good at this dragon-fighting business. FormID: 000D2E1E MQ301 HELO 0 I don't know how you talked the Jarl into this plan of yours. grimly FormID: 000D2E1F MQ301 HELO 0 My job is to keep the Jarl safe, despite his best efforts. grimly FormID: 0007D430 MQ301 HELO 0 I can't believe that worked! FormID: 0007D431 MQ301 HELO 0 Something to tell the grandkids, eh? FormID: 0007D432 MQ301 HELO 0 I can't believe I'm still alive. FormID: 0007D42B MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinTopic CUST 0 He must have returned to Sovngarde to feed on the souls of the dead. FormID: 0007D42B MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinTopic CUST 1 If you don't find him soon, he'll return, stronger than ever! FormID: 0007D427 MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinA2 CUST 0 Very true! Hmm. I wonder... do you know the Jarl's palace in Whiterun? FormID: 0007D42A MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinB1 CUST 0 Yes, exactly! Most people don't know that it was originally built to hold a captive dragon - hence its name. FormID: 0007D429 MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinB2 CUST 0 Well, you see, the palace - Dragonsreach - was originally built to hold a captive dragon. Hence its name. FormID: 0007D428 MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinC1 CUST 0 Oh, this was thousands of years ago, before the Akaviri crusaders cleansed Skyrim of dragons. FormID: 0007D428 MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinC1 CUST 1 Skyrim's mountains were still infested with dragons. One of the early Nord kings caught a dragon and kept it in Dragonsreach. FormID: 0007D43B MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinC2 CUST 0 You could trap him there, exactly. eagerly FormID: 0007D42C MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinA1 CUST 0 Yes, yes. We must think. He must have some means of travelling to and from Sovngarde. But no tale tells where that might be. FormID: 000D070F MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinA1 CUST 0 The Jarl's palace in Whiterun? Ah, yes... the old story about King Olaf's pet dragon. Ingenious! FormID: 0007D417 mg06 SCEN 0 G...Gavros? Is that you? FormID: 0007D415 mg06 SCEN 0 I'd almost given up hope. Let me get the door... FormID: 0007D416 mg06 SCEN 0 What the... FormID: 0007D414 mg06 SCEN 0 Who are you? Where's Gavros? FormID: 0007D025 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 You're here! And not a moment too soon. If anything should happen to Arn, there'll be hell to pay. FormID: 0007D021 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 A close friend of mine. We fought together on the battlefield for many years until old age got the better of us. FormID: 0007D021 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Now it's up to me to save him one more time... this time from the executioner's block in Solitude. FormID: 0007D022 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Hold a moment. This is more than a simple prison break. I want to have Arn's name stricken from the record books permanently. FormID: 0007D022 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 I'm setting him up with a new identity. It's the only way to throw the guard permanently off his trail. FormID: 0007D026 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 The job is two-fold. First, steal a letter that was sent from Solitude warning Whiterun's guard to be on the lookout for Arn. FormID: 0007D026 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 The second is to change Arn's name in the prison registry to his new identity. FormID: 0007D01F TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 0 The city guard in Solitude is seeking Arn for a serious crime. When he fled here, he was arrested for drunken behavior. Can you imagine? FormID: 0007D01F TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 1 Fortunately, his identity isn't known to the authorities in Whiterun, so there's still a chance to save him. FormID: 0007D024 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 If it was easy, I would have hired a local thug instead of a professional. FormID: 0007D024 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 You see both of these items are kept inside Dragonsreach, and they don't allow visitors inside the Jarl's or the Steward's chambers. FormID: 0007D024 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranch TGTQ03OlfridIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 2 One more thing. If you get caught, I can't afford to be connected to you. Remember that before you do anything stupid. FormID: 0007D023 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridLetterBranch TGTQ03OlfridLetterBranchTopic CUST 0 I have eyes within Dragonsreach. They tell me that all correspondence from other holds are sent to the Jarl's private chambers. FormID: 0007D01E TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridRegistryBranch TGTQ03OlfridRegistryBranchTopic CUST 0 It's a well-known fact that the steward keeps all of the records on Whiterun's prisoners in a large book. FormID: 0007D01E TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridRegistryBranch TGTQ03OlfridRegistryBranchTopic CUST 1 My sources tell me you can find that book in a study in his quarters. FormID: 0007D01E TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridRegistryBranch TGTQ03OlfridRegistryBranchTopic CUST 2 Change Arn's entry in the book to anything you want and they'll be forced to let him go after he serves a few weeks. FormID: 0007D020 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridOutroBranch TGTQ03OlfridOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 Arn? Never heard of him. snicker at end - coy FormID: 0007D020 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridOutroBranch TGTQ03OlfridOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 I guess that means you're finished. Here's your payment. FormID: 0007D020 TGTQ03 TGTQ03OlfridOutroBranch TGTQ03OlfridOutroBranchTopic CUST 2 Tell Delvin that he has my support and all the weight it carries in Whiterun from now on. I think he'll be quite pleased. FormID: 0007CD31 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 It's about time you got here. FormID: 0007CD31 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm not accustomed to dealing with people who are unreliable. That's why I asked Delvin to send me his best. FormID: 0007CD35 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Hmph. That remains to be seen. FormID: 0007CD2F TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 That's more like it. FormID: 0007CD32 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Nothing raises my ire more than having an agreement broken. It's bad for business and it wastes time. FormID: 0007CD32 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Captain Volf of the Dainty Sload has decided to test my patience on this matter by neglecting to honor a trade agreement we had established. FormID: 0007CD36 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I need you to help me show him the error of his ways by sneaking on board the Sload and planting some contraband. FormID: 0007CD30 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 You'll need to get your hands on some Balmora Blue from Sabine Nyette down by the docks. She's the first mate on another ship, the Red Wave. FormID: 0007CD30 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Once you get your hands on it, I want you to plant it in Captain Volf's footlocker. I'll take care of the rest. FormID: 0007CD33 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic06 CUST 0 Captain Volf is ashore right now and I want the authorities waiting for him when he gets back. FormID: 0007CD33 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranch TGTQ02ErikurIntroBranchTopic06 CUST 1 Now get going... I don't want to see your face until the job's done. FormID: 0007CD34 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurOutroBranch TGTQ02ErikurOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I know. In fact, by now, Captain Volf should be on his way to the prisons. FormID: 0007CD34 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurOutroBranch TGTQ02ErikurOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Our contract is complete. Here's a token of my gratitude for your efforts. FormID: 0007CD34 TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurOutroBranch TGTQ02ErikurOutroBranchTopic CUST 2 Oh, convey my compliments to Delvin for me. Tell him I'll be happy to reopen whatever doors he needs in Solitude. FormID: 0007C71B CreatureDialogueDeer HIT_ 0 FormID: 0007C71C CreatureDialogueDeer DETH 0 FormID: 0007C71E CreatureDialogueDwarvenSphere HIT_ 0 FormID: 0007C71D CreatureDialogueDwarvenSphere DETH 0 FormID: 0007C13E MQ301 SCEN 0 Get back! Get back! We need to trap it, not kill it! FormID: 0007C13D MQ301 SCEN 0 Take cover! FormID: 0007BC29 dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 This is getting ridiculous. If we can't get this open soon, the boss will have our heads. FormID: 0007D434 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Lure it into the trap! I'm counting on you! FormID: 0007D435 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do whatever you're going to do before it kills us all! FormID: 0007D436 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 My men are ready. Now it's up to you. FormID: 0007BC23 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Come, my men stand ready on the great porch. FormID: 0007BC24 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's do this. Summon this dragon of yours. FormID: 000E899B MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get it into the trap before it kills us all! FormID: 000E899C MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's get this over with. FormID: 0007D437 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 This was your crazy idea, huh? FormID: 0007D438 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 You better know what you're doing. FormID: 0007D439 MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't know how you talked the Jarl into this. FormID: 0007D43A MQ301 MQ301DragonAttackBlocking MQ301DragonAttackBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's get this over with. FormID: 0007B0D3 dunYngvildQST dunYngvildWizardAttackMale IDAT 0 What? An intruder? Attack, my lovelies! FormID: 0007B0D4 dunYngvildQST dunYngvildWizardAttackMale IDAT 0 Ah, another plaything for my collection. FormID: 0007B0D5 dunYngvildQST dunYngvildWizardAttackMale IDAT 0 What's happening? No! Leave me alone! FormID: 0007A4AD MQ00 MQArngeirNoSpeak MQArngeirNoSpeakTopic CUST 0 The others do not speak. Their Voices are too powerful for you to withstand. FormID: 0007A1E7 HousePurchase HousePurchaseHousecarlTopic HousePurchaseHousecarlTopicTopic CUST 0 As my Thane, I'm sworn to your service. I'll guard you, and all you own, with my life. FormID: 0007A0DA MQ206 SCEN 0 Nivahriin joorre! What have you done? What twisted Words have you created?! Tahrodiis Paarthurnax! My teeth to his neck! FormID: 0007A0DD MQ206 SCEN 0 To feed my power when I come for you in Sovngarde! FormID: 00079BB0 DA16 DA16ErandurRitualBranch DA16ErandurRitualBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Yes. You're right. If they needed to die so that Dawnstar could live, then it was worth the price. FormID: 00079BAC DA16 DA16ErandurRitualBranch DA16ErandurRitualBranchTopic01b CUST 0 And had they succeeded, Dawnstar's fate would be sealed. You have a unique way of looking at things, my friend. FormID: 00079BA9 DA16 DA16ErandurRitualBranch DA16ErandurRitualBranchTopic01c CUST 0 No! You mustn't listen to them. They speak only lies and deception. FormID: 00079BA9 DA16 DA16ErandurRitualBranch DA16ErandurRitualBranchTopic01c CUST 1 Had we aided them in releasing the Skull, they would use it to wreak havoc across Skyrim. They... they had to die. FormID: 00079BA8 DA16 DA16ErandurRitualFollowUpBranch DA16ErandurRitualFollowUpBranchTopic CUST 0 It's time. The Skull must be destroyed. FormID: 00079BA8 DA16 DA16ErandurRitualFollowUpBranch DA16ErandurRitualFollowUpBranchTopic CUST 1 If you'll stand back, I'll perform the ritual granted to me by Lady Mara. FormID: 00079BA5 DA16 SCEN 0 Wait... FormID: 00079BA3 DA16 SCEN 0 Veren... Thorek... you're alive! FormID: 00079BB2 DA16 SCEN 0 No thanks to you, Casimir. FormID: 00079BB1 DA16 SCEN 0 I no longer use that name. I'm Erandur, Priest of Mara. proud FormID: 00079BAF DA16 SCEN 0 You're a traitor. You left us to die and then ran before the Miasma took you. FormID: 00079BAE DA16 SCEN 0 No. I... I was scared. I wasn't ready to sleep. FormID: 00079BAD DA16 SCEN 0 Enough of your lies! FormID: 00079BAD DA16 SCEN 1 I can't allow you to destroy the Skull, Priest of Mara. FormID: 00079BA4 DA16 SCEN 0 Then you leave me no choice! FormID: 00079B19 DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanSkuli DialogueOldHroldanSkuliTopic CUST 0 Watch your tongue, stranger. We don't take backtalk in this inn. FormID: 00079B18 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBCuhlecainBranch FreeformOldHroldanBAccept CUST 0 I long to taste battle again. FormID: 00079B17 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBCuhlecainBranch FreeformOldHroldanBReject CUST 0 I cannot go into battle without a sword, Hjalti. FormID: 00079B16 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBGhostWhere FreeformOldHroldanBGhostWhereTopic CUST 0 You don't remember me, Hjalti? Two campaigns we served together. You saved my life time and time again. FormID: 00090DF4 Favor154 Favor154QuestGiverBranch Favor154QuestReject CUST 0 Disappointing. FormID: 00079AD8 Favor258 Favor258QuestGive Favor258Accept CUST 0 On your way, then. FormID: 00079AD7 Favor258 Favor258QuestGive Favor258Reject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000799D6 TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I thought I was clear when I said I didn't know. FormID: 000799D7 TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Endon's mold? I'm afraid you have the wrong place, my friend. You'll find no silversmiths here. FormID: 000799D7 TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I assure you, I have nothing of value. I'm nothing but a poor woodcutter just trying to make ends meet. sob story FormID: 000799DD TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well uh, Endon is a silversmith in Markarth, so I just assumed... oops, you're trying to weasel out of a lie FormID: 000799DC TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 So that's how it's going to be, huh? Fine. Take your best shot! about to attack FormID: 000799D9 TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 No harm done. Tell this Endon fellow I hope he finds what he's looking for. FormID: 000799DA TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Well, can't say exactly where the mold is, but something does spring to mind. pretending to think hard FormID: 000799DA TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 It seems there's this strange button on the wall opposite the fireplace in my house. Always wondered what it was for. you're being coy FormID: 000799DA TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 2 Think I'm going to head out now. Take a long vacation from woodcutting, you know? Good luck. FormID: 00085FBD TGTQ01 TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranch TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Come on, what are trying to do? Insult me? FormID: 000799DB TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh thank goodness! I wasn't sure where else to turn... FormID: 000799D3 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Several months ago I ordered a special silver mold from some artisans in Valenwood by way of a Khajiit Caravan. FormID: 000799D3 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Well, it never arrived. Later I found out that it was robbed by a group of bandits led by someone named Rigel Strong-Arm. FormID: 000799DE TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Look, I talked to the Jarl, the Steward, the Housecarl... everyone. They all told me their resources were spread too thin right now. FormID: 000799DE TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Word on the street says that the Thieves Guild is coming back into its own in Markarth so I figured... trail off FormID: 000799D5 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Exactly. FormID: 000799D5 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Look, this mold is irreplaceable. I'll pay you well for its return and I can also prove to be quite a valuable ally to the Thieves Guild. FormID: 000799D4 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Yes, indeed. The only thing I can tell you is that the mold was taken to the bandit's hideout... a small cottage called Pinewatch. FormID: 000799D4 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I'm not sure how many men they have inside, but I trust that won't be an issue for you. Good luck. FormID: 000799D8 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonOutroBranch TGTQ01EndonOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 You've more than proven that the Thieves Guild is back on its feet in our city and earned every bit of your reward. FormID: 000799D8 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonOutroBranch TGTQ01EndonOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Tell Delvin that he can count on me to provide the influence around here with the right people when he needs it. FormID: 000799D8 TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonOutroBranch TGTQ01EndonOutroBranchTopic CUST 2 If you're ever looking to sell any illegally obtained merchandise, I'd also provide my services as a fence. It's the least I can do. FormID: 0007933C DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingStart CUST 0 Come to gawk at the monster? FormID: 00078F47 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner1 SCEN 0 Verner, you should have come out with me yesterday. I found the most amazing tree growing right out of a cave. FormID: 00078F3C DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner1 SCEN 0 And I found a new deposit of amber. Would have been nice to have some help pulling it out. FormID: 00078F3F DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner1 SCEN 0 You used to love finding new places. FormID: 00078F46 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner1 SCEN 0 I still do. I just like to have food waiting for me when I come home. FormID: 00078F35 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner2 SCEN 0 Sweetheart, did you move my pickaxe? FormID: 00078F3A DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner2 SCEN 0 It's at the south end near that loose rockpile. FormID: 00078F40 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner2 SCEN 0 So you can be helpful sometimes. FormID: 00078F49 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner2 SCEN 0 No need to get snippy. FormID: 00078F37 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner3 SCEN 0 Ever think about spending more time around town? FormID: 00078F42 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner3 SCEN 0 Not when there's so much to see! FormID: 00078F39 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner3 SCEN 0 I guess I should join you more often. FormID: 00078F41 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingAnnekeVerner3 SCEN 0 You should. I miss you. FormID: 00078F36 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene4 SCEN 0 Thanks for looking after Hrefna. FormID: 00078F3D DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene4 SCEN 0 Oh, it's no trouble. She's a smart little girl. Might talk your ear off, but she's fun. FormID: 00078F43 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene4 SCEN 0 Well, I know she thinks the world of you. FormID: 00078F48 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene4 SCEN 0 Well, I'll try to be a good influence, then. FormID: 00078F3B DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene5 SCEN 0 Sondas, does Hrefna ever mention Meieran to you? FormID: 00078F44 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene5 SCEN 0 She hardly mentions anything else. FormID: 00078F38 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene5 SCEN 0 I'm just worried about what he's teaching her. FormID: 00078F3E DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene5 SCEN 0 I wouldn't worry about that. He's a good elf. I trust him. FormID: 00078F45 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingInnScene5 SCEN 0 You're probably right. FormID: 00078DF7 MQ206 SCEN 0 Daar sul thur se Alduin vokrii. Today Alduin's lordship will be restored. Daar sul thur se Alduin vokrii = This day the overlordship of Alduin (is) restored. FormID: 00078DF7 MQ206 SCEN 1 But I honor your courage. Krif voth ahkrin. Die now, in vain. Krif voth ahkrin = (you) fight bravely. FormID: 00078DF6 MQ206 SCEN 0 For Skyrim! battle cry as you charge in FormID: 00078B90 DA16 SCEN 0 This library used to be filled with arcane volumes. Now look at it; almost everything's been burned. FormID: 00078B90 DA16 SCEN 1 I hope the tome we need is still intact. FormID: 00078B52 MQ206 SCEN 0 Hakon! A glorious day, is it not! FormID: 00078B4F MQ206 SCEN 0 Have you no thought beyond the blooding of your blade? in worried exasperation FormID: 00078B50 MQ206 SCEN 0 What else is there? raising her blade in triumph FormID: 00078B53 MQ206 SCEN 0 The battle below goes ill. If Alduin does not rise to our challenge, I fear all may be lost. FormID: 00078B51 MQ206 SCEN 0 You worry too much, brother. Victory will be ours. reassuring FormID: 00078B3B MQ105 SCEN 0 You are ready to learn the final word of Unrelenting Force, [QUOTE]Dah,[QUOTE] which means [QUOTE]Push.[QUOTE] FormID: 00078B3A MQ105 SCEN 0 With all three words together, this Shout is much more powerful. Use it wisely. FormID: 00078B39 MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Wulfgar will now gift you with his knowledge of [QUOTE]Dah.[QUOTE] FormID: 00078B3E MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Borri will teach you [QUOTE]Wuld,[QUOTE] which means [QUOTE]Whirlwind.[QUOTE] FormID: 00078B3F MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Borri will teach you [QUOTE]Nah[QUOTE] - [QUOTE]Fury[QUOTE] - the second word of Whirlwind Sprint. FormID: 00078B41 MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Borri will teach you [QUOTE]Kest[QUOTE] - [QUOTE]Tempest[QUOTE]- the third word of Whirlwind Sprint. FormID: 00078B3C MQ105 SCEN 0 We will now see how you learn a completely new Shout. FormID: 00078B3D MQ105 SCEN 0 I see that you have already begun to learn the Whirlwind Sprint Shout. FormID: 00078DDD FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthJBothela FreeformMarkarthJBothelaTopic CUST 0 Comes with living to a ripe old age, people start thinking there's something magical about you. Then, the insults. FormID: 00078DDD FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthJBothela FreeformMarkarthJBothelaTopic CUST 1 Still, a little knowledge of plants and potions can get you by. Not that anyone likes to admit buying things from you. FormID: 00078DDD FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthJBothela FreeformMarkarthJBothelaTopic CUST 2 See? I even have a little potion for the Steward. Mind handing it over to him? Just say it should solve that problem he has. FormID: 00078EAA FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthJBothela FreeformMarkarthJBothelaTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 00078F74 FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthJBothela FreeformMarkarthJBothelaTopic02 CUST 0 Pity. FormID: 00078B12 FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthJSteward FreeformMarkarthJStewardTopic CUST 0 Oh... yes... um... thank you. Here you go. Some gold for your assistance and your, discretion. FormID: 00078740 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02Topic01 CUST 0 No, and I never will. Now get out of my inn! FormID: 0007873C TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Ha! We'll see about that! about to fight FormID: 0007873B TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic01a CUST 0 You're gouging me for what little coin I make and you can't even protect yourselves? Ridiculous! FormID: 00078741 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopicFriend CUST 0 Then go back to your boss and tell him what I've already told him so many times, I lose count. FormID: 00078741 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopicFriend CUST 1 His request is denied... I'm not paying him any more gold. This madness has to end. FormID: 00078724 DA16 SCEN 0 Give him a chance to speak. He's trying to help us. FormID: 000786E8 RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranch RelationshipOrcsFactionTitle CUST 0 I'll send word to the strongholds to let you in as one of our own. FormID: 0007864D DA16 SCEN 0 Now I can show you the source of the nightmares. Over here. FormID: 0007864C DA16 SCEN 0 Behold the Skull of Corruption, the source of Dawnstar's woes. FormID: 0007864C DA16 SCEN 1 We must reach the inner sanctum and destroy it. Come, there's no time to lose. FormID: 0007864B DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Yes, you're right. I should have, but I didn't know what to say. FormID: 0007864B DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 When the orcs raided the temple, I fled. I left my brothers and sisters behind to die. FormID: 00078651 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 And what would you have me say? Sorry for following the misguided teachings of a mad Divine? Sorry for stealing memories from children? FormID: 00078651 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Do you realize when the orcs attacked, I was only concerned with myself? I fled... and left my brothers and sisters behind to die. FormID: 00078650 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic06 CUST 0 I've spent the last few decades living in regret and seeking redemption from Mara. And by Her Benevolence, I will right my wrongs. accentuate [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] FormID: 0007864F DA16 SCEN 0 It's just up here. FormID: 0007864E DA16 SCEN 0 Be careful... we're certain to find more of the awakened within. FormID: 00077F6A DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest DarkwaterDerkeethusTakesOffBranch DarkwaterDerkeethusTakesOffTopic CUST 0 Thanks! I'm out! FormID: 00077F60 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene1 SCEN 0 Sondas, I've heard about Morrowind. FormID: 00077F53 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene1 SCEN 0 Oh? What about it? FormID: 00077F6C DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene1 SCEN 0 That it was black and gross and nobody wanted to live there anymore. FormID: 00077F5F DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene1 SCEN 0 I'll have to take your word on that one, my dear. FormID: 00077F7C DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene2 SCEN 0 Do you ever want to go to Morrowind, Sondas? FormID: 00077F6B DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene2 SCEN 0 I've been in Skyrim my whole life. Why would I want to leave? FormID: 00077F59 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene2 SCEN 0 To see the fires! FormID: 00077F72 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene2 SCEN 0 I think I like the lake here just a little more. FormID: 00077F61 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene4 SCEN 0 And Meieran thinks that we should go there. FormID: 00077F65 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene4 SCEN 0 I don't want to hear another word about what you're learning from the elf! It's high time you learned to be a Nord, too! FormID: 00077F69 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene4 SCEN 0 But mama... FormID: 00077F74 DialogueDarkwaterCrossingHrefnaScene4 SCEN 0 He's a half-decent farmer. Ask him to teach you to farm! FormID: 00077EFA dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaForceGreetBranch dunDarklightIlliaForceGreetLeverTopic CUST 0 Hagraven up ahead. Pull the lever when you're ready and we'll take her. Not whispering, but keeping your voice low. FormID: 00077EFB dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaForcegreetLockedDoor dunDarklightIlliaForcegreetLockedDoorTopic CUST 0 Locked. Damn! One of the hags nearby will have the key. You'll have to take it from here. I'll keep watch here - unless you can pick the lock. You're thinking this through. The lockpick idea dawns on you as you say it, but you're not hopeful the player has this ability. FormID: 00077DD5 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 He didn't want to hit the bar like the rest! Ha ha ha! laugh after, like it's hilarious FormID: 00077DDC TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Oh my... that's the worst one yet. How about we stop talking and keep our eyes open like Gulum-Ei said? FormID: 00077DE7 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 What, seriously? Come on, I thought that was funny! FormID: 00077C2F dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffHagHellos HELO 0 We go up, yes? Always up. FormID: 0008CA81 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffHagHellos HELO 0 Such a kind nibble you are. FormID: 00077C2C dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffHagHellos HELO 0 You, meat! Come, come. FormID: 00077C2D dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffHagHellos HELO 0 Don't leave poor Melka to die. Pitiful, wheedling. FormID: 00077C2E dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffHagHellos HELO 0 Petra! Petra! Curse her eyes! FormID: 00077C30 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffHagHellos HELO 0 Do you like my pretty tower? FormID: 00077C28 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffMelkaTopTopic CUST 0 Petra! Evil Petra put me here, stole my tower. Hate her, chew her bones! Let me out, kind, kind meat. FormID: 00077C26 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffWhyFreeYou CUST 0 Because, because you are such a nice Breton, yes! FormID: 00077C23 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffReward CUST 0 Ah, I have a pretty staff. Help me find Petra, wring her neck, pluck her eyes. Take my prize staff, I just want my tower back! FormID: 00077C25 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaSharedRacial IDAT 0 Oh. Yes. You all look the same. matter of fact. Not concerned at all about being offensive FormID: 00077C29 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffWhyFreeRacialB CUST 0 Because you are such a very nice Orc? FormID: 00077C2A dunBlindCliffQST MelkaPostQuest MelkaPostQuestTopic CUST 0 Live in my tower, roost in my home. Mix pretty poisons and collect shiny eyeballs, yes. FormID: 00077C2B dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 Yes, kind morsel. Let us go up, and mind Melka on the way. FormID: 00077C31 dunBlindCliffQST SCEN 0 Press only middle button! Clever trick, yes? Nobody ever thinks of the middle. Last sentence is almost to herself. FormID: 00077C22 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffAlreadyDead CUST 0 What? That flower-chewer's died? Then let me out. My tower! FormID: 00077DEC TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 You'd better find that chest that fell off the boat or Gulum-Ei will have your hide! FormID: 00077DED TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 I know! I know! Just shut up and let me look, okay? FormID: 00077590 DA16 SCEN 0 Give me just a moment, and I'll have this open. FormID: 00077421 DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlWarlockPlayer01 ALTC 0 What? How did you get this far? FormID: 00077423 DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlWarlockPlayer01 ALTC 0 What? No! Get back in your cage! FormID: 00077426 DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlQSTAdventurerLeaves HELO 0 Is there anything more revolting than spiders? Too many legs... FormID: 00077376 DarkBrotherhood DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranch DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 You know, I like it here. We should have moved to Dawnstar ages ago. FormID: 00077377 DarkBrotherhood DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranch DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 I can't wait to see what the future brings. FormID: 00077378 DarkBrotherhood DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranch DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll follow you till I'm dust in the breeze. You do realize that? FormID: 00077379 DarkBrotherhood DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranch DBFamilyGreetAfterCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 This place is already starting to feel like home. Must be all the bloodstains. FormID: 0007736F DB11 DB11MaroPlayerGreetAttack DB11MaroPlayerGreetAttackTopic CUST 0 By the gods... you! But it can't be. You're dead. You... Yeaaaahhhh! FormID: 0005C302 CreatureDialogueDragon HELO 0 Speak, if you have aught to say worth the listening. FormID: 00077358 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsTopic CUST 0 Now you see why I've warned you against them! Bloodthirsty barbarians! FormID: 0007735B MQ205 MQ205ArngeirIntro MQ205ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 So... you spoke to Paarthurnax. The dragonblood burns bright within you. FormID: 0007735B MQ205 MQ205ArngeirIntro MQ205ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 1 Did he tell you what you wanted to know? Did he teach you the Dragonrend Shout? bitterly FormID: 00077359 MQ205 MQ205ArngeirIntro MQ205ArngeirIntroA1 CUST 0 So be it. If he believes it is necessary for you to learn this... we will bow to his wisdom. FormID: 0007735D MQ205 MQ205ArngeirIntro MQ205ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 0 We have never concerned ourselves with the Scrolls. The gods themselves would rightly fear to tamper with such things. FormID: 0007735D MQ205 MQ205ArngeirIntro MQ205ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 1 As for where to find it... such blasphemies have always been the stock in trade of the mages of Winterhold. FormID: 0007735D MQ205 MQ205ArngeirIntro MQ205ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 2 They may be able to tell you something about the Elder Scroll you seek. FormID: 00077357 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsB1 CUST 0 The same could be said for any of us, could it not? Are you so guiltless as to stand in judgment upon Paarthurnax? FormID: 00077357 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsB1 CUST 1 Listen to your inner Voice before acting. Do not allow the Blades to bully you into doing something you will later regret. FormID: 00077357 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsB1 CUST 2 After all, repentance is something you deny to Paarthurnax by meting out your so-called justice. FormID: 0007735F MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsB2 CUST 0 You're learning, Dragonborn. Doing nothing can be the wisest choice, although strangely often the most difficult. FormID: 0007735F MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsB2 CUST 1 I trust that you will make the right choice, in the end. Listen to the Voice that Kynareth has placed within you, and your path will be clear. FormID: 0007735A MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxGreybeards MQPaarthurnaxGreybeardsB3 CUST 0 Kynareth has placed the Voice of wisdom within you, Dragonborn. All you need do is learn to listen to it, and your path will be clear. FormID: 00077362 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 My oath binds me, Dragonborn. Until Paarthurnax is dead, you aren't welcome here. FormID: 00077363 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 Do the right thing. Paarthurnax deserves to die. FormID: 00077364 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 We have nothing to talk about until Paarthurnax is dead. FormID: 00077365 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 You shouldn't be here, unless you've decided to bring Paarthurnax to justice. FormID: 00077366 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 What further business do you have with us? FormID: 00077367 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 You have made your choice, Dragonborn. You are not welcome here. FormID: 00077368 MQPaarthurnax HELO 0 Speak, and then begone. FormID: 0007735E MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlocking MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 This is how you repay our trust? Paarthurnax's trust? extremely angry FormID: 0007735E MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlocking MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 1 His noble spirit... the wisdom of ages... his deep understanding of our existence... all gone, and for what? FormID: 0007735E MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlocking MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 2 A mindless vendetta urged on you by a cabal of Akaviri barbarians! FormID: 0007735E MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlocking MQPaarthurnaxArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 3 Begone, before even my philosophy is tested beyond the breaking point. We are men of peace, and you are not. FormID: 00077264 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion1Branch MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion1BranchTopic CUST 0 I'll be the one asking the questions. annoyed FormID: 00077264 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion1Branch MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion1BranchTopic CUST 1 All you need to know is that the Psijic Order is a rogue organization, believing themselves to be above the law. FormID: 00077264 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion1Branch MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion1BranchTopic CUST 2 They have clashed with the Aldmeri Dominion before, and I have no intention of allowing that to happen here. FormID: 0007726B MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion2Branch MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion2BranchTopic CUST 0 Technically, that is true. But I still report to the Aldmeri Dominion, and I cannot ignore this situation. FormID: 0007726B MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion2Branch MG04Stage20AncanoQuestion2BranchTopic CUST 1 Don't worry, you can return to your petty squabbles and meaningless 'research' as soon as this matter is resolved. condescending FormID: 00077267 MG04 SCEN 0 Please do not be alarmed. I mean you no harm. FormID: 0007726C MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirInitial02Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirInitial02BranchTopic CUST 0 I merely wish to talk to you. FormID: 0007726D MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1BranchTopic CUST 0 I've given us a chance to speak privately, but I'm afraid I can't do this for long. We must be brief. FormID: 0007726D MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1BranchTopic CUST 1 The situation here at your College is of dire importance, and attempts to contact you as we have previously have failed. FormID: 0007726D MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1BranchTopic CUST 2 I believe it is due to the very source of our concern. This object... The Eye of Magnus as your people have taken to calling it. FormID: 0007726D MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1BranchTopic CUST 3 The energy coming from it has prevented us from reaching you with the visions you have already seen. FormID: 0007726D MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1BranchTopic CUST 4 The longer it remains here, the more dangerous the situation becomes. And so I have come here personally to tell you it must be dealt with. FormID: 00077270 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Response1 CUST 0 I'm afraid it's not that simple. FormID: 00077263 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Response2 CUST 0 You set this chain of events in motion at Saarthal. FormID: 00077268 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Final1 CUST 0 You must understand, the Psijic Order does not typically... intervene directly in events. FormID: 00077268 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Final1 CUST 1 My presence here will be seen as an affront to some within the Order, and as soon as we have finished, I will be leaving your College. FormID: 00077268 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Final1 CUST 2 I'm all too aware that my arrival has aroused suspicion, especially in Ancano, your Thalmor associate. FormID: 00077268 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirFollowUp1Final1 CUST 3 Nevertheless, my Order will not act directly. You must take it upon yourself to do so. FormID: 0007726A MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1BranchTopic CUST 0 As you may have learned, this object... The Eye... is immensely powerful. FormID: 0007726A MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1BranchTopic CUST 1 This world is not ready for it. If it remains here, it will be misused. FormID: 0007726A MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1BranchTopic CUST 2 Indeed, many in the Order believe it has already... Rather, something will happen soon, something that cannot be avoided. FormID: 00077265 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Response1 CUST 0 We believe the your efforts should be directed towards dealing with the aftermath, but we cannot predict what that will be. FormID: 00077266 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Response2 CUST 0 Unfortunately, the future is as obscured to us as it is to you. The overwhelming power of the Eye makes it difficult for us to see. FormID: 0007726E MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Final1 CUST 0 I fear I have already overstepped the bounds of my Order, but I will offer this: seek out the Augur of Dunlain here in your College. FormID: 0007726E MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Branch MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Final1 CUST 1 His perception may be more coherent than ours. FormID: 00077271 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirOrderQuestionBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirOrderQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 I presume you refer to Ancano's distaste for the Psijic Order? FormID: 00077271 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirOrderQuestionBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirOrderQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 The Thalmor see our Order as a threat because we have power, and we will not allow them to control us. FormID: 00077271 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirOrderQuestionBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirOrderQuestionBranchTopic CUST 2 I assure you that we mean you no harm. FormID: 0007726F MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirAugurWhoBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirAugurWhoBranchTopic CUST 0 He was once a student here at the College. Now he is... something different. FormID: 00077269 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirAugurWhereBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirAugurWhereBranchTopic CUST 0 I... I am unsure. He is somewhere within the College. Surely one of your colleagues must know his location. FormID: 00077269 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirAugurWhereBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirAugurWhereBranchTopic CUST 1 I am sorry I cannot provide you with further help, but this conversation requires a great deal of effort on my part. FormID: 00077262 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFinalBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 Now, I am afraid I must leave you. We will continue to watch over you, and guide you as best we can. FormID: 00077262 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirFinalBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirFinalBranchTopic CUST 1 It is within you to succeed. Never forget that. FormID: 000771A6 MS14 MS14AlvaRevealed MS14AlvaRevealedTopic CUST 0 So you were right. Go tell the Jarl. Hurry! FormID: 00073EB3 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Die rebel! attack taunt FormID: 00073EB4 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Send Ulfric my regards! attack taunt FormID: 00073EB5 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 You call yourself a warrior? attack taunt FormID: 00073EB6 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 For the Emperor! attack taunt FormID: 00073EB7 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 For the glory of the Empire! attack taunt FormID: 00073EB8 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Die dog! attack taunt FormID: 00073EB9 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 A pox on the Empire! attack taunt FormID: 00073EBA CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 I'll water the ground with your blood. attack taunt FormID: 00073EBB CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 For the sons of Skyrim! attack taunt FormID: 00073EBC CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Talos smite you! attack taunt FormID: 00073EBD CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 We're almost through! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EBE CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They're at the gate! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EBF CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 We're through! Keep at them! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC0 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They're in! Don't let them gain further ground! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC1 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Keep it together! There's not many of us left! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC2 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 This is hopeless! Retreat! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC3 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Yeaaaah! Come on, we can take them! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC4 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Here they come! [QUOTE]heeeere theeeey coooooome![QUOTE] in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC5 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 That's it! We're pushing them back! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC6 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Fall back, fall back! Regroup and fall back! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC7 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 We've got them pinned in! It's only a matter of time now. Keep fighting! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC8 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 This is it! Hold at all costs! Don't give them any more ground! in heavy combat FormID: 00073EC9 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Someone take out that mage! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ECA CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Someone put an arrow in that damn wizard! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ECB CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Take out their archers! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ECC CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Archers! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ECD CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Over by that bridge! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ECE CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Along the fence, do you see them? in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ECF CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They got archers over there by the fence! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED0 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Wizard! Hiding over there by that fence! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED1 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They're over there, next to that house! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED2 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 By that rock over there. See 'em? in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED3 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They're hiding over by those stables! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED4 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Up in that tower! Quick! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED5 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Archer in that tower! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED6 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Mage up there! In the tower! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED7 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Over by the tree! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED8 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They're up on that wall. in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073ED9 CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They got archers up along the wall! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073EDA CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Look! Up on the wall. A wizard! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073EDB CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Look sharp. There they are. In the window! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073EDC CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 Archers. Behind those windows! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00073EDD CWSharedCombatInfos CWSharedCombatStack IDAT 0 They've got a mage hiding in that window up there! in combat, calling out a warning FormID: 00076F4A MS14 SCEN 0 Laelette! She's dead! FormID: 00076F4A MS14 SCEN 1 Ysmir's beard! She's...she's a vampire! FormID: 00076B35 DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuestBranch DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Derkeethus, from Darkwater Crossing. FormID: 00076B35 DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuestBranch DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Should have known better than to swim all the way to the falls. FormID: 00076B35 DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuestBranch DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuestBranchTopic CUST 2 Please, get me out of here! FormID: 000769CC DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginGreetTopic CUST 0 By Sithis, what a mess. I guess this is the end. FormID: 000769CD DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginGreetTopic CUST 0 You just worry about fulfilling the contract. I'll take care of things on this end. FormID: 000769D2 DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 What? Well - what did she say? FormID: 000769CA DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 Amaund Motierre? But that would mean... FormID: 000769D3 DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse3 CUST 0 Hmph. All right, then. Go. Go, my Listener. Find out what that slimy bastard Motierre has to say, then send the Emperor to Sithis. FormID: 000769D3 DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse3 CUST 1 Ah, but when you're done, there's no use returning here, is there? I was thinking... the Dawnstar Sanctuary. We could make a proper home there. FormID: 000769D3 DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse3 CUST 2 Listen, when you're finished with this Emperor business, meet Babette and me there. I'll find some way to move the Night Mother. Don't worry. Now go! FormID: 000769D3 DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse3 CUST 3 And come back with a barrel full of gold, hmm? FormID: 000769C9 DB11 SCEN 0 Babette, my girl - pack your things. We're moving. FormID: 000769CB DB11 SCEN 0 I was hoping you'd say that. FormID: 000769CE DB11 DB11BabetteGreet DB11BabetteGreetTopic CUST 0 I'll admit, I'm having trouble coming to terms with all of this. I'll just follow Nazir's lead. FormID: 000769CF DB11 GBYE 0 Please, make haste. The Emperor's ship won't stayed moored forever. We won't get a chance like this again. FormID: 000769D0 DB11 DB11RexusGreet DB11RexusGreetTopic CUST 0 Well I'll be damned. We heard you were dead. Motierre's in the back room, if you've got business. FormID: 00076646 C06 SCEN 0 Who will start? FormID: 0007664D C06 SCEN 0 I'll do it. FormID: 0007664E C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWaitWhatGeneralsWoah CUST 0 The original Companions. Their finest warriors rest with Ysgramor. You'll have to prove yourselves to them. FormID: 0007664E C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWaitWhatGeneralsWoah CUST 1 It's not that you're intruding. I'd wager they've actually expected us. FormID: 0007664E C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWaitWhatGeneralsWoah CUST 2 They just want to be sure that you're worthy. Be ready for an honorable battle. FormID: 000762A9 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are you doing here, outlander? We don't deal with your kind. FormID: 000762AA DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 This is our stronghold. Leave. FormID: 000762AB DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Outsiders. Nothing but trouble. FormID: 0007632B DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Malacath blesses us with this land. It's not for your kind. FormID: 000BBA95 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 This stronghold is for the Orcs. Leave. Now. FormID: 0007632C DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 We don't know you, and we don't want you here. FormID: 00076330 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Leave, outlander. FormID: 00076331 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've no right to be here. This place is for Orcs. And Orcs alone. FormID: 00076332 DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsBlocking DialogueOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Outlanders should learn to not wander where they don't belong. FormID: 0007632D FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturn FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturnTopic CUST 0 I don't believe it. You found the Forgemaster's Fingers. You've impressed me, outlander. No one else has returned from this task before. Walk Away FormID: 0007632D FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturn FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturnTopic CUST 1 By the Code of Malacath, I name you Blood-Kin to the Orcs. Let it be known among the strongholds that you are family, now. Walk Away FormID: 0007632E FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturn FavorOrcsIntroNiceTopic CUST 0 Feel free to trade with our smiths for Orc weapons and armor. Train with my warriors, or purchase poisons from the wise woman. FormID: 0007632E FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturn FavorOrcsIntroNiceTopic CUST 1 Welcome to our stronghold, Blood-Kin. FormID: 000762A8 FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturn FavorOrcsIntroSnarkTopic CUST 0 Few outsiders earn the right to enter our strongholds. Speak with more respect, or we might forget your gifts. FormID: 000762A8 FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroQuestReturn FavorOrcsIntroSnarkTopic CUST 1 Feel free to trade with our smiths for Orc weapons and armor. Train with my warriors, or purchase poisons from the wise woman. FormID: 00075CDE DB10 SCEN 0 What's the bloody hold up in there? How long can it take to run through a few scraggly assassins? FormID: 00075CDF DB10 SCEN 0 If they were easy to kill, don't you think we would have done it years ago? If our men aren't out in a few minutes, they're dead, trust me. FormID: 00075CE1 DB10 SCEN 0 Anyway, I can smell the smoke. They've already set the place alight. FormID: 00075CE4 DB10 SCEN 0 And so ends the Dark Brotherhood, once and for all. About bloody time. FormID: 00075CAB RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's our wedding day. I feel like all of Skyrim is focused on just the two of us. FormID: 000CCBB1 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 This is a fine wedding. And to think, it's for us. FormID: 000CCBB2 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 This ceremony is so different from an Orc marriage. Less blood. FormID: 000CCBB3 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 I never would have dreamed I would be getting married in the Temple of Mara. FormID: 000CCBB4 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Weddings always make me cry. What am I supposed to do now that I'm the one getting married? FormID: 000CCBB5 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's a simple ceremony, but it'll do. You're here. That's enough. FormID: 000CCBB6 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Who would have thought I would be getting married? FormID: 00075CAC RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 How could you? Just go. FormID: 000CCBB7 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't want to see you ever again. FormID: 000CCBB9 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get away from me. Liar! FormID: 000CCBBC RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You should leave. Now. FormID: 000CCBCD RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get out. Leave me alone! FormID: 000CCBD0 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You're abandoning me? Me? I never want to see you ever again. FormID: 000CCBD5 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get out of my sight. FormID: 00075CAE RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get out. FormID: 00067E83 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Congratulations on your wedding. I'm so happy for both of you. FormID: 00067E84 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlocking RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Just leave. FormID: 00075CAF RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageMaramalWeddingRestartBranch RelationshipMarriageMaramalWeddingRestartBranchTopic CUST 0 [QUOTE]Forgiveness is the heart of Mara's blessings.[QUOTE] Very well. We shall re-arrange your wedding. FormID: 00075CAF RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageMaramalWeddingRestartBranch RelationshipMarriageMaramalWeddingRestartBranchTopic CUST 1 Tomorrow. Same time as before. FormID: 00075D2D RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageMaramalWeddingRestartBranch RelationshipMarriageMaramalWeddingRestartBranchTopic CUST 0 Well I think your betrothed might feel otherwise. The two of you will need to work this out before the temple will marry you. FormID: 00075CA6 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingScenePlayerVows RelationshipMarriageWeddingScenePlayerVowsTopic CUST 0 Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever? Priest conducting a wedding Walk Away FormID: 00075CA2 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneVowsYES RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneVowsYESTopic CUST 0 Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. FormID: 00075CA2 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneVowsYES RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneVowsYESTopic CUST 1 I present the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together. FormID: 00075CB1 RelationshipMarriageWedding RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneVowsNO RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneVowsNOTopic CUST 0 You're just going to walk away from your betrothal? Get out of the temple. FormID: 00075CA4 RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 Ah, here's the blushing bride now. Let's begin the ceremony. Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 00075CA5 RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 Ah, here's the proud groom now. Let's begin the ceremony. Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 00075C74 dunMidden01QST dunMidVelehkBlockingBranch dunMidVelehkBlockingBranchTopic PFGT 0 Where am I? You! Out with it, then. Just got teleported from a sunny boat deck into a dark dungeon. Confused, angry and addresses the player FormID: 00075C71 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch InMiddenBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, I was beginning to think the day would never come. So you broke the binding spell, did you? Matters little. confident, presumptuous FormID: 00075C71 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch InMiddenBranchTopic CUST 1 Their souls are trapped in Oblivion all the same, and here I stay. FormID: 00075C70 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenThreatenVelehk CUST 0 Where I belong is back aboard my ship, on the Abecean. Mocking FormID: 00075C70 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenThreatenVelehk CUST 1 You've no hope of defeating me, pup. Don't bother. Why not broker a bargain, instead? FormID: 00075C76 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenRefuseVelehk CUST 0 Have it your own way, meat. Threatening, confident. About to attack player. FormID: 00075C6F dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenentertainVelehkOffer CUST 0 Those kids are dead anyway. Killing me won't bring them back. I, on the other hand, have done quite a bit with my time on Mundus. FormID: 00075C6F dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenentertainVelehkOffer CUST 1 Release me, and I'll share a bit of my wealth with you. FormID: 00075C75 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenVelehkWealthDetail CUST 0 Years back, I had to ferret away some booty nearby. We'd sunk an Imperial Galleon off the coast. Good plunder, but we needed to travel light. Slightly boastful & reminiscent FormID: 00075C75 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenVelehkWealthDetail CUST 1 We stashed what we couldn't carry, and I hid it with a trick I know. I can point you in the right direction, and we'll each go our separate ways. FormID: 00075C77 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenHowReleaseVelehk CUST 0 Names have power, lad. You should know by now. Just say [QUOTE]Velehk Sain, I release you.[QUOTE], and [QUOTE]Poof![QUOTE], I'm on my way. FormID: 00075C78 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenHowReleaseVelehk CUST 0 Names have power, lass. You should know by now. Just say [QUOTE]Velehk Sain, I release you.[QUOTE], and [QUOTE]Poof![QUOTE], I'm on my way. FormID: 00075C72 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenreleaseVelehk CUST 0 There's a smart lad. Take the map. The loot's hidden there. It'll show itself when you get near. FormID: 00075C73 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenreleaseVelehk CUST 0 There's a smart lass. Check the map. The loot's hidden there. It'll show itself when you get near. FormID: 00075C79 dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch MiddenVelehkTrickery CUST 0 Clever try, scab, but it won't be that easy! Openly laughs at player, then attacks. FormID: 00075C06 MQ101 SCEN 0 This looks like the way. FormID: 00075C07 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, hurry up. FormID: 00075C08 MQ101 SCEN 0 Better to stick together down here. FormID: 00075BEE MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. FormID: 00075BF6 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, hurry up. FormID: 00075C05 MQ101 SCEN 0 Better to stick together down here. FormID: 000753C3 WE31 SCEN 0 Rise up and live again! intoning, hopefully but frustrated. Yelling a corpse trying to get his magic staff to resurrect it, which is failing. FormID: 000753C4 WE31 SCEN 0 I grant you a new life! intoning, hopefully but frustrated. Yelling a corpse trying to get his magic staff to resurrect it, which is failing. FormID: 000753C5 WE31 SCEN 0 Come on, get up! frustrated. Yelling a corpse trying to get his magic staff to resurrect it, which is failing. FormID: 000753C6 WE31 SCEN 0 This should work. I've done it before. frustrated. Yelling a corpse trying to get his magic staff to resurrect it, which is failing. FormID: 000753C7 WE31 SCEN 0 Gah! This staff is useless... I'm useless. The whole world is useless! frustrated. Yelling a corpse trying to get his magic staff to resurrect it, which is failing. FormID: 000753C1 WE31 WE31MainBranch WE31MainBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh... hello there. Didn't notice you come up. I was focusing my magicka. embarrassed FormID: 000753C1 WE31 WE31MainBranch WE31MainBranchTopic CUST 1 Or at least, I thought I was. I don't really know what I'm doing. embarrassed and sad FormID: 000753BF WE31 WE31MainBranch WE31Mean CUST 0 You don't have to tell me that. depressed FormID: 000753C0 WE31 WE31MainBranch WE31Nice CUST 0 I used to think so, too. explaining FormID: 000753C2 WE31 WE31Shared IDAT 0 See, my grandfather was a wizard. My father wouldn't talk about him much. But I found some of his things in the attic. Including this staff. explaining, mildly embarrassed FormID: 000753C2 WE31 WE31Shared IDAT 1 After that I thought I was turning into a wizard too, because dead things near me would come to life again for while. explaining, a bit embarrassed FormID: 000753C2 WE31 WE31Shared IDAT 2 I even went to the College of Winterhold. But they just laughed at me. The magic is in the staff, not in me they said. sad, embarrassed FormID: 000753C9 WE31 WE31MainBranch WE31MayI CUST 0 In fact. Keep it. I must have used up the magic in the staff or something. It's just a dumb stick of wood now. frustrated and giving up FormID: 0007538E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKerahTown DialogueMarkarthKerahTownTopic CUST 0 My family came here centuries ago. We've made a good living smithing the silver that flows through the city. FormID: 0007538E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKerahTown DialogueMarkarthKerahTownTopic CUST 1 But you probably wanted to know about the fancy carvings and stonework, didn't you? Travelers always do. FormID: 0007538E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKerahTown DialogueMarkarthKerahTownTopic CUST 2 Here, I have a delivery I need to make to Calcelmo. Why don't you take it to him? He knows the history of Markarth better than anyone. FormID: 00075375 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthHogniTown DialogueMarkarthHogniTownTopic CUST 0 Do I look like a guide? Only thing I do is sell meat. Now, are you going to buy or not? FormID: 0007537C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoRing DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoRingTopic CUST 0 Oh, that's right. I keep forgetting to pick that up. Poor Kerah, such a patient woman. FormID: 0007537C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoRing DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoRingTopic CUST 1 Now, you're supposed to get something for your trouble, aren't you? How about some gold? People seem to like that, I notice. FormID: 0007538F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoCity DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoCityTopic CUST 0 To protect my research, for one. There are more cutthroat scholars out there who would steal my findings if they got the chance. FormID: 0007538F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoCity DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoCityTopic CUST 1 And the excavations into Nchuand-Zel are dangerous. Dwemer machines and traps still function even after thousands of years. FormID: 0007537E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthListbetStore DialogueMarkarthListbetStoreTopic CUST 0 Oh, by the Divines is it that obvious? I swear, if my Gunnar was alive to see me now. FormID: 0007537E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthListbetStore DialogueMarkarthListbetStoreTopic CUST 1 This store would finally be on its feet if I hadn't lost my last shipment to Forsworn attacks. A specially-made Dibella statuette. FormID: 0007537E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthListbetStore DialogueMarkarthListbetStoreTopic CUST 2 You aren't for hire, are you? A sellsword? I'll pay you if you can recover that statuette from the Forsworn. FormID: 00075383 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthLisbetStatue DialogueMarkarthLisbetStatueTopic CUST 0 Ah, there it is! This little gold delight is going to keep us afloat for a while. Thank you. Here's something for your hard work. FormID: 00075362 DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaArtifact CUST 0 Mortals call it Dawnbreaker, for it was forged in a holy light that breaks upon my foes, burning away corruption and false life. godly magnificence Walk Away FormID: 00075362 DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaArtifact CUST 1 You will enter my shrine, destroy Malkoran, and retrieve this mighty blade. godly decree Walk Away FormID: 00075354 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid the Winterhold you see before you is somewhat... underwhelming. FormID: 00075354 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 1 I can assure you, though, that it was quite something in its prime. An early capital of Skyrim, you know. FormID: 00075354 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 2 Sadly, the Oblivion Crisis took its toll on Winterhold, in more ways than one. Then, the Great Collapse swallowed most of our beloved city. FormID: 00075355 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 0 What's there to tell? It's mostly gone now, thanks to those damned mages in the College. FormID: 00075355 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 1 Someday there'll be proof they caused the Great Collapse. Most of a city just dropping off into the sea... That doesn't just happen. FormID: 00084B89 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid there's not much to be said. Winterhold is hardly what it used to be. FormID: 00084B89 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 1 You can talk to Birna if you need to buy anything. She doesn't have much, but could certainly use the coin. And then there's our little inn. FormID: 00084B89 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfo DialogueWinterholdGeneralInfoTopic CUST 2 Most of the business we get is from folks here to visit the College, though even that's dried up some. FormID: 00075096 MQ203 GBYE 0 We should keep moving. FormID: 000ADD70 MQ203 GBYE 0 We'd best be careful in here. FormID: 000ADD71 MQ203 GBYE 0 It's starting to look like Esbern was right. FormID: 00075098 MQ203 SCEN 0 Here are the Akaviri - the Blades - you see their distinctive longswords. FormID: 00075098 MQ203 SCEN 1 Now they kneel, their ancient mission fulfilled, as the Last Dragonborn contends with Alduin at the end of time. almost to himself - he's a bit awed to think that HE is going to be the one to fulfill this ancient mission FormID: 00075095 MQ203 SCEN 0 I know the prophecy by heart. Once all Blades knew it. the last is a dig at Delphine, one of the lapsed Blades who had forgotten their ancient mission. FormID: 0007508C MQ203 SCEN 0 Well, I'm going to look around some more. See what the old Blades left for us. FormID: 0007508B MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes... yes, that's an excellent idea. Who knows what other lost treasures we might discover? coming out of his reverie, back to a bit of the excitement of discovery FormID: 000E158B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 I'll stay here. You try not to get into too much trouble. disappointed FormID: 000E26F4 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 As you wish. Just don't forget about me. disappointed FormID: 000E26F5 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Here? Right here? Very well, J'zargo shall wait. disappointed FormID: 000E36DF DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Certainly. Be careful. FormID: 000E158D DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 All right. Don't take too long. disappointed FormID: 000750A5 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 All right. Don't be long. FormID: 0004C470 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 You sure? All right. I'll keep guard here. FormID: 000750A6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 If you say so. FormID: 0007A51C DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Don't make me wait too long. I get bored very easily. FormID: 0007A51A DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Patience isn't exactly my strong suit, but alright. FormID: 0007A51B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 As you wish. FormID: 000F11B0 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 I'll be right here. Be careful now! FormID: 0005C83B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 As you wish, my Thane. FormID: 0007A51D DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Very well. Just be careful! FormID: 0007A51E DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 I'll wait here. Just don't start any trouble without me. FormID: 0007A1E9 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 You go on ahead. FormID: 0005C83C DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 (growl) FormID: 000D8E19 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Head on, then. I'll keep an eye out. FormID: 000D8E1A DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 I'll keep watch from here. FormID: 000D8E1B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 You sure? Fine. I'll stand watch. FormID: 000D8E1C DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerWait DialogueFollowerWaitTopic CUST 0 Go on ahead. I'll stand guard. FormID: 0007508E DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 I'm right with you. FormID: 000E26F2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 J'zargo is ready for more adventure. FormID: 000E26F3 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Of course. Let's go. FormID: 000E3E79 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Certainly, I'm ready. FormID: 000E36DB DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 I'm ready. Let's go. FormID: 000E155C DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Good. We should keep moving. FormID: 0007508F DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 I've got your back. FormID: 0004C468 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Good. I'm ready for anything. FormID: 0007A515 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Try not to walk into any spike-filled pits or filthy skeever dens. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0007A516 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Onward to our next adventure! Enthusiastic FormID: 0007A517 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 I am the shadow at your back. Spoken softly and with reassurance, but also a hint of sensuality. FormID: 0007A518 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Good! Let's go find something to fight. Eager for battle FormID: 0007A519 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 I'm ready. FormID: 000F11B1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Great! Let's go! Happy, enthusiastic FormID: 0005C838 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 As you will, my Thane. I will protect you with my life. FormID: 0002CD25 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 (bark) FormID: 0007A1EB DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Let's get going. FormID: 000D8DB1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 I will walk alongside you. FormID: 000D8DB0 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Khajiit walks in your footsteps. FormID: 000D8DB2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 To the next fight. FormID: 000D8DB3 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFollow DialogueFollowerFollowTopic CUST 0 Lead the way. FormID: 00075093 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallC1 CUST 0 Only if you don't know how to use it. All the great heroes have had to learn to use their power. FormID: 00075093 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallC1 CUST 1 Those that shrank from their destiny... well, you've never heard of them, have you? FormID: 00075093 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallC1 CUST 2 And there are the villains - those that misused their power. There's always a choice, and there's always a risk. FormID: 00075093 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallC1 CUST 3 But if you live in fear of what might go wrong, you'll end up doing nothing. Like the Greybeards up on their mountain. FormID: 00075094 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallC2 CUST 0 Good. The Greybeards can teach you a lot, but don't let them turn you away from your destiny. FormID: 00075094 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallC2 CUST 1 You're Dragonborn, and you're the only one who can stop Alduin. Don't forget it. FormID: 00074E2E C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02KodlakWearsHisTrousersRolled CUST 0 Well, I grow old. My mind turns towards the horizon. To Sovngarde. FormID: 00074E2E C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02KodlakWearsHisTrousersRolled CUST 1 I worry that Shor won't call an animal to glory as he would a true Nord warrior. FormID: 00074E2E C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02KodlakWearsHisTrousersRolled CUST 2 Living as beasts draws our souls closer to the Daedric Lord Hircine. FormID: 00074E2E C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02KodlakWearsHisTrousersRolled CUST 3 Some may prefer an eternity in his Hunting Grounds, but I crave the fellowship of Sovngarde. FormID: 00074E2B C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02KodlakOutForACureThen CUST 0 Yes, but it's no easy matter. FormID: 00074E2B C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02KodlakOutForACureThen CUST 1 But you don't need to share the worries of an old warrior. This day is to rejoice in your bravery! FormID: 00074E26 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 Oh. I'm sorry I said anything, then. rejected by a potential lover FormID: 000CDA10 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 I see. rejected by a potential lover FormID: 000CDA11 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 If that is your wish. rejected by a potential lover FormID: 000CDA12 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 Very well. I am poorer for it. rejected by a potential lover FormID: 000CDA13 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 What are you, some kind of tease? Stendarr's Mercy.... rejected by a potential lover FormID: 000CDA14 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 Waste of time, then. rejected by a potential lover FormID: 000CDA15 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO CUST 0 Your choice. rejected by a potential lover FormID: 00074DE2 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramal RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramalTopic CUST 0 Wonderful. Where to begin? FormID: 00074DE2 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramal RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramalTopic CUST 1 Mara is the Goddess of Love. The temple spreads her gifts by tending to the sick, the poor, and the lost. FormID: 00074DE2 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramal RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramalTopic CUST 2 We also perform wedding ceremonies for all the loving couples in Skyrim. FormID: 00074DE6 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramalWedding RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueMaramalWeddingTopic CUST 0 Yes. If you were ready, of course. Are you familiar with how marriage works in Skyrim? FormID: 00074DE7 RelationshipMarriage IDAT 0 Typically, love in Skyrim is as earnest as the people who live here. Life is hard, and short, so there is little room for long courtship. FormID: 00074DE7 RelationshipMarriage IDAT 1 A person who is looking for a spouse simply wears an Amulet of Mara about the neck, showing they are available. FormID: 00074DE7 RelationshipMarriage IDAT 2 When another person shows interest, and the two agree to be together, one of them comes to the Temple and we arrange a ceremony. FormID: 00074DE1 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 Well, yes. Why wouldn't I be? Are you... interested in me? discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 000CD869 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 I am. I'd be glad to stand by your side until the Divines take us, if you'll have me. discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 000CDA16 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 You're strong. Clever. I'd be proud to face the challenges of life with you, if you feel the same way. discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 000CDA17 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 You have a kind heart. I'd be honored to walk by your side until the trees themselves fade away, if you would have me. discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 000CDA18 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 I'd be a fool to turn down a chance of marrying you. I'm game if you're game! discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 000CDA19 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 You are pleasant company, more than pleasant. And what about you? Would you... be interested in a life together? discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 000CDA1A RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic CUST 0 Won't lie, I am. And you? discussing the possibility of marriage FormID: 00074DE3 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 It's settled then. Brief as life can be in Skyrim, at least we'll have each other. agreeing to be married FormID: 000CDA0A RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 Together. agreeing to be married FormID: 000CDA0B RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 And mine is yours. agreeing to be married FormID: 000CDA0C RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 As short as life can be in this land, we will have each other. agreeing to be married FormID: 000CDA0D RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 Well, look at us, getting married. Life in Skyrim ain't all bad, huh? agreeing to be married FormID: 000CDA0E RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 Good. The two of us then. All of Skyrim should get ready to stand aside. agreeing to be married FormID: 000CDA0F RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntro RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES CUST 0 Then it's settled. You and me. agreeing to be married FormID: 00074A4C MS03 MS03LouisMotivation MS03LouisMotivationTopic CUST 0 I'm not exactly... comfortable around guards or jails. Definitely not when associates of mine have been locked up. No, I'll meet you outside of town. FormID: 00074A3F MS03 MS03MavenOffer MS03MavenOfferTopic2 CUST 0 Really? Now that is interesting... emphasis on [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] FormID: 00074A3F MS03 MS03MavenOffer MS03MavenOfferTopic2 CUST 1 Then you should know that Louis and I have a certain... history. FormID: 00074A3F MS03 MS03MavenOffer MS03MavenOfferTopic2 CUST 2 Tell you what. Go along with his plans for now. I'll keep an eye on you both and, when the time is right, I'll settle accounts with Louis. devilish... you're planning to outwit someone FormID: 0001DA37 MS03 MS03LouisGreetBlockingHello MS03LouisGreetBlockingHelloTopic CUST 0 Looking for work? I need someone to deliver a message to Sibbi Black-Briar. FormID: 000D8F04 MS03 MS03LouisGreetBlockingHello MS03LouisGreetBlockingHelloTopic CUST 0 I'm still looking for someone to deliver my message to Sibbi Black-Briar... FormID: 0007478F RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 0007478C RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 0007478D RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 00074790 RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship. Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 0007478B RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever? Priest conducting a marriage ceremony FormID: 0007478E RelationshipMarriageWedding SCEN 0 I do. Now and forever. reciting wedding vows FormID: 00074773 BardSongs IDAT 0 Alduin's wings, they did darken the sky. His roar fury's fire, and his scales sharpened scythes. FormID: 000748DA BardSongs IDAT 0 Men ran and they cowered, and they fought and they died. They burned and they bled as they issued their cries. FormID: 00074922 BardSongs IDAT 0 We need saviors to free us from Alduin's rage. Heroes on the field of this new war to wage. FormID: 00074984 BardSongs IDAT 0 And if Alduin wins, man is gone from this world. Lost in the shadow of the black wings unfurled. FormID: 00074988 BardSongs IDAT 0 But then came the Tongues on that terrible day. Steadfast as winter, they entered the fray. FormID: 00074989 BardSongs IDAT 0 And all heard the music of Alduin's doom. The sweet song of Skyrim, sky-shattering Thu'um. FormID: 00074997 BardSongs IDAT 0 And so the Tongues freed us from Alduin's rage. Gave the gift of the Voice, ushered in a new Age. FormID: 000749B1 BardSongs IDAT 0 If Alduin is eternal, then eternity's done. For his story is over and the dragons are... gone. FormID: 00074A09 BardSongs IDAT 0 Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart. FormID: 00074A16 BardSongs IDAT 0 I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes. FormID: 00074A0A BardSongs IDAT 0 With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art. FormID: 00074A43 BardSongs IDAT 0 Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes. FormID: 00074A0D BardSongs IDAT 0 It's an end to the evil, of all Skyrim's foes. FormID: 00074A44 BardSongs IDAT 0 Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes. FormID: 00074A10 BardSongs IDAT 0 For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows. FormID: 00074A50 BardSongs IDAT 0 You'll know, You'll know the Dragonborn's come. FormID: 000D0836 BardSongs IDAT 0 We drink to our youth, and to days come and gone. For the age of oppression is now nearly done. FormID: 0009583F BardSongs IDAT 0 We drink to our youth, to days come and gone. For the age of aggression is just about done. FormID: 000D0837 BardSongs IDAT 0 We'll drive out the Empire from this land that we own. With our blood and our steel we will take back our home. FormID: 00095840 BardSongs IDAT 0 We'll drive out the Stormcloaks and restore what we own. With our blood and our steel we'll take back our home. FormID: 000D0838 BardSongs IDAT 0 All hail to Ulfric! You are the High King! In your great honor we drink and we sing. FormID: 00095841 BardSongs IDAT 0 Down with Ulfric the killer of kings. On the day of your death we'll drink and we'll sing. FormID: 000D0839 BardSongs IDAT 0 We're the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives. And when Sovngarde beckons, every one of us dies! FormID: 000D083A BardSongs IDAT 0 But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean. Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams. FormID: 000D083C BardSongs IDAT 0 There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead! FormID: 000D083D BardSongs IDAT 0 And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade, as he told of bold battles and gold he had made! FormID: 000D083E BardSongs IDAT 0 But then he went quiet, did Ragnar the Red, when he met the shieldmaiden Matilda who said... FormID: 000D083F BardSongs IDAT 0 [QUOTE]Oh, you talk and you lie and you drink all our mead! Now I think it's high time that you lie down and bleed![QUOTE] FormID: 000D0840 BardSongs IDAT 0 And so then came the clashing and slashing of steel, as the brave lass Matilda charged in full of zeal! FormID: 000D0841 BardSongs IDAT 0 And the braggart named Ragnar was boastful no moooooree... when his ugly red head rolled around on the floor! FormID: 000E0C6E BardSongs IDAT 0 Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, To keep evil forever at bay! FormID: 000E0C6F BardSongs IDAT 0 And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout, Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray! FormID: 000E0C70 BardSongs IDAT 0 Hearken now, sons of snow, to an age, long ago, and the tale, boldly told, of the one! FormID: 000E0C71 BardSongs IDAT 0 Who was kin to both wyrm, and the races of man, with a power to rival the sun! FormID: 000E0C72 BardSongs IDAT 0 And the Voice, he did wield, on that glorious field, when great Tamriel shuddered with war! FormID: 000E0C73 BardSongs IDAT 0 Mighty Thu'um, like a blade, cut through enemies all, as the Dragonborn issued his roar! FormID: 000E0C74 BardSongs IDAT 0 And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold, that when brothers wage war come unfurled! FormID: 000E0C75 BardSongs IDAT 0 Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, with a hunger to swallow the world! FormID: 000E0C76 BardSongs IDAT 0 But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies, will be silenced forever and then! FormID: 000E0C77 BardSongs IDAT 0 Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin's maw, Dragonborn be the savior of men! FormID: 000E0C78 BardSongs IDAT 0 Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! FormID: 000E0C79 BardSongs IDAT 0 Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal! FormID: 000E0C7A BardSongs IDAT 0 Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod, Aahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein! FormID: 000E0C7B BardSongs IDAT 0 Wo lost fron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul, voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein! FormID: 000E0C7C BardSongs IDAT 0 Ahrk fin zul, rok drey kod, nau tol morokei frod, rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein! FormID: 000E0C7D BardSongs IDAT 0 Sahrot Thu'um, med aan tuz, vey zeim hokoron pah, ol fin Dovahkiin komeyt ok rein! FormID: 000E0C7E BardSongs IDAT 0 Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah, tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein! FormID: 000E0C7F BardSongs IDAT 0 Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun staadnau, voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein! FormID: 000E0C80 BardSongs IDAT 0 Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul dovah nok, fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz! FormID: 000E0C81 BardSongs IDAT 0 Paaz Keizaal fen kos stin nol bein Alduin jot, Dovahkiin kos fin saviik do muz! FormID: 00074768 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestOver C00VilkasTrainingQuestContinuation CUST 0 You might just make it. But for now, you're still a whelp to us, new blood. So you do what we tell you. FormID: 00074768 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestOver C00VilkasTrainingQuestContinuation CUST 1 Here's my sword. Go take it up to Eorlund to have it sharpened. And be careful, it's probably worth more than you are. FormID: 00074754 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 You are not welcome here! FormID: 00074755 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Unworthy! FormID: 00074756 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Fall before the will of Sithis! FormID: 00074757 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 You dare invade this Sanctuary? FormID: 00074758 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Yeagh! FormID: 00074759 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Heyargh! FormID: 0007475A DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Grrr! FormID: 0007475B DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 The Dread Lord awaits! FormID: 0007475C DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 I... am Lucien Lachance. FormID: 0007475D DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Another soul for you, Father! FormID: 0007475E DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 I weep for you, mortal. FormID: 0007475F DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Another thrall for the Void! FormID: 00074760 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Yeagh! FormID: 00074761 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Raaarr! FormID: 00074762 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Grrrarrggh! FormID: 00074763 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Huuragh! FormID: 000D6771 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Ha ha ha ha! maniacal attack FormID: 000D6772 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 For the Night Mother! maniacal attack FormID: 000D6773 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Who's the fool now? maniacal attack FormID: 000D6774 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Stab you, stab you, stab you! maniacal attack FormID: 000D6775 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Yeagh! FormID: 000D6776 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Raarrgh! FormID: 000D6777 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Grraaagghh! FormID: 000D6778 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Eyyaargh! FormID: 000D6779 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Pathetic! FormID: 000D677A DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Yeargh! FormID: 000D677B DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Raaarrgh! FormID: 000D677C DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Grragh! FormID: 000D677D DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Arugh! FormID: 000371D9 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 You dare invade my home? FormID: 000371E6 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Yeargh! FormID: 000371EE DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Raaarrgh! FormID: 00037252 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Grragh! FormID: 00037269 DarkBrotherhood ATCK 0 Arugh! FormID: 00074747 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Arrogant laughing FormID: 00074748 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 You can't kill what's already dead, mortal. FormID: 00074749 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ugh! FormID: 0007474A DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Oof! FormID: 0007474B DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Nuh! FormID: 0007474C DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ha ha! I've suffered worse! FormID: 0007474D DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 There is no pain in the Void! FormID: 0007474E DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 You would shut out the darkness? FormID: 0007474F DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 You wish to kill me? Someone has already had that honor. FormID: 00074750 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ugh! FormID: 00074751 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Agh! FormID: 00074752 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ooof! FormID: 00074753 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Nyargh! FormID: 000D6762 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Come on! Do it again! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000D6763 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 I'm bleeding! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000D6764 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ow! Cheap shot! FormID: 000D6765 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Is that the best the Listener can do? FormID: 000D6766 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ugh! FormID: 000D6767 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Agh! FormID: 000D6768 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Oof! FormID: 000D6769 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Nyargh! FormID: 000D676A DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 No! FormID: 000D676B DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 By Sithis, I'll see you dead! FormID: 000D676C DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 You won't get that lucky again! FormID: 000D676D DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Nyargh! FormID: 000D676E DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Agh! FormID: 000D676F DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Oof! FormID: 000D6770 DarkBrotherhood HIT_ 0 Ugh! FormID: 0007469A DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Precious release... drawn out dying words FormID: 0007469B DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Father... drawn out dying word FormID: 0007469C DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Ahhhhhhhh! FormID: 0007469D DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Yeeeaaahhh! FormID: 000746A3 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 I... am... eternal... drawn out dying words/ethereal FormID: 000746A7 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Back... to... the Void... drawn out dying words/ethereal FormID: 000746AA DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 I return to you, Father. dying words/ethereal FormID: 000746D5 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Ahhhhh..... FormID: 00074712 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Hhhhuuuuuhhh.... FormID: 000A4C70 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Aiiiieee! loud, blood curtling scream FormID: 000A4C71 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Aiiiieee! loud, blood curtling scream FormID: 000A4C72 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Aiiiieee! loud, blood curtling scream FormID: 000D675E DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Coming... Mother... FormID: 000D675F DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Well done... whispered death line FormID: 0003706F DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 Uhh.. thank you... whispered death line FormID: 00037073 DarkBrotherhood DETH 0 But... we had a deal... whispered dying line FormID: 00074318 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 I can't believe you're speaking to me, after what you've done. You broke my heart. jilted lover FormID: 000CD85B RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 We have nothing to talk about. I can't believe what you did to me. jilted lover FormID: 000CD85C RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 Your words are cheap. Why should I speak to you after what you've done? jilted lover FormID: 000CD85D RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 And why should I speak with you? You broke my heart. jilted lover FormID: 000CD85E RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 You. You should just go. I don't have enough ale to stomach talking to you. jilted lover FormID: 000CD85F RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 Look at you. Come crawling back, after everything you've done to me? jilted lover FormID: 000CD860 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlockingTopic CUST 0 What do you want? There's no words left to say to each other. jilted lover FormID: 00074316 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile CUST 0 All right, just because it's you, we'll try again. jilted lover FormID: 000CD86A RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile CUST 0 I'll give you another chance, but watch yourself. jilted lover FormID: 000CD86B RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile CUST 0 You want to try again? Fine, but I'll be watching you carefully. jilted lover FormID: 000CD86C RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile CUST 0 Try again? You and me? Fine, but I've got my eyes on you. jilted lover FormID: 000CD86D RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile CUST 0 You're testing my patience, but very well. I'll give you another chance. jilted lover FormID: 000CD86E RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile CUST 0 All right, we'll start again, but watch yourself. jilted lover FormID: 00074317 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 Get out of my sight! jilted lover FormID: 000CD862 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 Get out of here. Get out of here and never come back! jilted lover FormID: 000CD863 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 What did you say? Get out of my sight! jilted lover FormID: 000CD864 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 You're a monster. Leave and never come back! jilted lover FormID: 000CD865 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 What'd you say to me? Get out! I never want to see you again. jilted lover FormID: 000CD866 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 You come all this way just to hurt me a second time? Get out of my sight! jilted lover FormID: 000CD867 RelationshipMarriageBreakUp RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful CUST 0 Leave. Now! jilted lover FormID: 00073FB9 DialogueWildernessNPCs HELO 0 I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years. FormID: 00073FBA DialogueWildernessNPCs HELO 0 It's not like my poaching is hurting anyone. The Jarl can hardly eat every deer now can he? FormID: 00073FBB DialogueWildernessNPCs HELO 0 There's enough for all of us if you aren't greedy. FormID: 000734BA C02 SCEN 0 Brothers and sisters of the Circle, today we welcome a new soul into our mortal fold. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B3 C02 SCEN 0 This man has endured, has challenged, and has shown his valor. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B4 C02 SCEN 0 This woman has endured, has challenged, and has shown her valor. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734AA C02 SCEN 0 Who will speak for him? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734AB C02 SCEN 0 Who will speak for her? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B2 C02 SCEN 0 I stand witness to the courage of the soul before us. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734AD C02 SCEN 0 Would you raise your shield in his defense? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734AE C02 SCEN 0 Would you raise your shield in her defense? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A6 C02 SCEN 0 I would stand at his back, that the world might never overtake us. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A7 C02 SCEN 0 I would stand at her back, that the world might never overtake us. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A4 C02 SCEN 0 And would you raise your sword in his honor? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A5 C02 SCEN 0 And would you raise your sword in her honor? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734AF C02 SCEN 0 It stands ready to meet the blood of his foes. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B0 C02 SCEN 0 It stands ready to meet the blood of her foes. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B7 C02 SCEN 0 And would you raise a mug in his name? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B8 C02 SCEN 0 And would you raise a mug in her name? practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734BB C02 SCEN 0 I would lead the song of triumph as our mead hall reveled in his stories. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734BC C02 SCEN 0 I would lead the song of triumph as our mead hall reveled in her stories. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A0 C02 SCEN 0 Then the judgment of this Circle is complete. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A1 C02 SCEN 0 His heart beats with fury and courage that have united the Companions since the days of the distant green summers. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000ED093 C02 SCEN 0 Her heart beats with fury and courage that have united the Companions since the days of the distant green summers. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A2 C02 SCEN 0 Let it beat with ours, that the mountains may echo and our enemies may tremble at the call. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734A3 C02 SCEN 0 It shall be so. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734AC C02 SCEN 0 It shall be so. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B1 C02 SCEN 0 It shall be so. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B9 C02 SCEN 0 It shall be so. practiced, measured, a ceremonial line you've repeated many times before FormID: 000734B5 C02 C02KodlakForceGreetPlayer C02KodlakForceGreetPlayerTopic CUST 0 Well, boy, you're one of us now. I trust you won't disappoint. FormID: 000734B6 C02 C02KodlakForceGreetPlayer C02KodlakForceGreetPlayerTopic CUST 0 Well, girl, you're one of us now. I trust you won't disappoint. FormID: 000731D1 MG01 GBYE 0 Mirabelle will be waiting for you. FormID: 00072D19 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch5Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch5MralkiTopic CUST 0 My son? Erik? What about him? Did something happen? Is he alright? Concerned, becoming frightened FormID: 00072DF4 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch6Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch6MralkiTopic CUST 0 But the world is a dangerous place. Erik has no idea what he's getting himself into. FormID: 00072DF4 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch6Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch6MralkiTopic CUST 1 What's more, he's got no armor. I'll have to save up the money for it. FormID: 00072CFD RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch7Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch7MralkiTopic CUST 0 You would give your own coin to help my son? I'm moved by your compassion. FormID: 00072CFD RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch7Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch7MralkiTopic CUST 1 Your kind deed will not go unrewarded, my friend. Tell Erik I've changed my mind, and we'll visit Whiterun soon to fit him for armor. FormID: 000C41DE RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch7Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch7MralkiTopic CUST 0 I appreciate the gesture, but I'd rather not be in debt to a stranger. FormID: 00072BDA RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch8Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch8MralkiTopic CUST 0 Ah, I see. I've just remembered that I saved a few septims in case of an emergency. This is starting to feel like one. Frightened and a bit peevish. FormID: 00072BDA RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch8Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch8MralkiTopic CUST 1 Tell Erik that I've changed my mind, and we'll visit Whiterun soon to fit him for armor. And please don't hurt me! Cowardly, especially the last bit. FormID: 000C41D8 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch8Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch8MralkiTopic CUST 0 Go ahead, hit me as often as you want. It's not going to change anything, other than to make me and the town guard angry. FormID: 00072DA2 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch9Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch9MralkiTopic CUST 0 I... I cannot deny the truth of what you say. Erik is all the family that I have left, but it's wrong to hold him back as I have. FormID: 00072DA2 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch9Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch9MralkiTopic CUST 1 Go and tell Erik that I've changed my mind. I'll see about borrowing some money in Whiterun for his armor. FormID: 000C41DA RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch9Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch9MralkiTopic CUST 0 Perhaps you should let a father decide what is best for his own son. FormID: 00072E39 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 I welcome you, friend. How may I serve you? FormID: 000D83F6 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 So many refuse to talk to us. They call us thieves and smugglers. I am glad to see that you are not such a one. FormID: 000D83F7 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Welcome. If I cannot serve you, I am sure that one of my other traders can do so. FormID: 000D83F8 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 I have traveled far across Tamriel to serve you. FormID: 000D83F9 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Perhaps you have encountered Ma'dran or Akhari? Both are sworn to me, and both have worthy goods to offer. FormID: 000D83FA Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 The road makes this one weary. FormID: 00072E3A Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 The wind blows bitter cold in this place. FormID: 00072E42 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 The longer we travel the roads of Skyrim, the more empty this land seems. FormID: 00072E44 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 The warm sand of Elsweyr is far away from here. FormID: 00072E45 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 The roads of Skyrim lead to many dangers. FormID: 00072E46 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 We are creatures of the desert. The north wind chills us to the bones. FormID: 00072E4C Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 There is much beauty in this place. FormID: 00072E4D Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 How high the mountains of Skyrim rise! FormID: 00072E57 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 A peaceful greeting to you. FormID: 00072E58 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 It is a strange sight, the white flakes that sometimes fall from the sky. FormID: 00072EB2 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 The air is so clear in Skyrim, one can see forever. FormID: 00072EB3 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 A welcome to you, fellow traveler. FormID: 00072EB4 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Khajiit welcomes you, and also your coin. FormID: 00072EB5 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Do you seek to make a purchase? FormID: 00072EBB Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Khajiit has wares, if you have coin. FormID: 00072EF0 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Fortune smiles upon this meeting. FormID: 00072F01 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Welcome to you. FormID: 00072F03 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Warm sands, friend. How may this one serve you? FormID: 00072F04 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Please, come and browse our goods. FormID: 00072F05 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 May your bed be warm and your food sweet. FormID: 00072F06 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 You honor Khajiit with your presence. FormID: 00072F07 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Many fine things are here for you, friend. FormID: 00072F08 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Come and see what is for sale, traveler. FormID: 00072F0A Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 May the sun warm your path, friend. FormID: 00072F0B Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Speak to one of the others if you wish to buy something. FormID: 00072F0C Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 This Khajiit guards the others. FormID: 00072F0D Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Bring your coins, but do not bring trouble. FormID: 00072F0E Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Khajiit is always watching for thieves and pickpockets. FormID: 00072F0F Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Khajiit is ready for any troublemakers. FormID: 00072F10 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 If you have come to see our wares, speak to the others. FormID: 00072F13 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Welcome to Khajiit's humble camp. FormID: 00072F14 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Khajiit is just a guard, and has no wares to sell. FormID: 00072F15 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Blessings of the moons upon you, traveler. FormID: 00072F16 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Some come to buy, but others come to steal. Khajiit shows no mercy to thieves. FormID: 00072F17 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 Khajiit are not welcome in the cities, so we make our camps outside the walls. FormID: 00072F18 Caravans DialogueCaravansHellos HELO 0 There is no trust for Khajiit in this place. FormID: 00072BD9 CaravanScene1 SCEN 0 Soon it will be time to replenish our supply of water. FormID: 00072DA1 CaravanScene1 SCEN 0 The road takes us past many cold rivers. We can fill our skins there. FormID: 00072D0D CaravanScene1 SCEN 0 If the river is not frozen to ice, perhaps. FormID: 00072C81 CaravanScene2 SCEN 0 My bones ache for the moonsugar. It has been too long since I tasted it. Longing, craving FormID: 00072F7B CaravanScene2 SCEN 0 You know that our supply is limited. It could be a season or more before we get a new shipment from the south. Scolding FormID: 00072D9E CaravanScene2 SCEN 0 My ears hear the truth in your words, and yet my body shakes with the need. Longing (like a drug addict) FormID: 00072D0A CaravanScene2 SCEN 0 Control yourself! Do not frighten away our customers with your fits. Scolding FormID: 00072C6A CaravanScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, of course you are right. Still, I would give much for even a few grains of moonsugar. Longing FormID: 00072E34 CaravanScene2 SCEN 0 Put the thought out of your mind, and do not speak of it again. FormID: 00072D9C CaravanScene3 SCEN 0 It has been a profitable journey, and yet I long for the warm sands of Elsweyr more and more each day. FormID: 00072D08 CaravanScene3 SCEN 0 I feel the same. I do not think Khajiit were made for the cold. FormID: 00072C00 CaravanScene3 SCEN 0 Not only that, but these Nords have no love for us. They look upon us and see only thieves and smugglers. FormID: 00072E31 CaravanScene3 SCEN 0 It is a pity, but it cannot be helped. Perhaps if we continue to show that we can be trusted, they will open their cities to our caravans. FormID: 00072D28 CaravanScene3 SCEN 0 Hah! I wish that I had your optimism. FormID: 00072D00 CaravanScene4 SCEN 0 We have been in this land for so long, I have forgotten what it feels like to walk on warm sand. FormID: 00072BDD CaravanScene4 SCEN 0 Yes, I know just what you mean. My toes are numb from the cold more often than not. FormID: 00072DF3 CaravanScene4 SCEN 0 Do you ever find that you regret making this journey? FormID: 00072D18 CaravanScene4 SCEN 0 In truth, I do not. I have always dreamed of seeing new lands, and it does not hurt that we are making a good profit. FormID: 00072CFC CaravanScene4 SCEN 0 That is true. Perhaps I should be more grateful for this opportunity. Not many Khajiit can say that they have visited Skyrim. FormID: 00072BD2 CaravanScene5 SCEN 0 All this talk of dragons returning to the world makes me more than a little nervous. FormID: 00072DA0 CaravanScene5 SCEN 0 Moons protect us! I hope we do not encounter one of them on the road. FormID: 00072D0B CaravanScene5 SCEN 0 I suppose if we do, we will find out just how fast each of us can run. FormID: 00072C71 CaravanScene5 SCEN 0 As the saying goes, you do not need to be faster than the dragon; you need only be faster than your friends. FormID: 00072F19 CaravanScene6 SCEN 0 Do you believe all this talk of dragons? Can the ancient ones truly have returned? FormID: 00072D9D CaravanScene6 SCEN 0 I wish I could say that I did not, but in every part of Skyrim, there is talk of dragon sightings. It is no coincidence. FormID: 00072D09 CaravanScene6 SCEN 0 S'rendarr be merciful! What ill fortune that this should happen now, while we are trying to make a living. Frightened FormID: 00072C69 CaravanScene6 SCEN 0 We are fortunate. We travel lightly, and can escape at a moment's notice. We have no home that a dragon can burn to the ground. FormID: 00072E33 CaravanScene6 SCEN 0 I feel pity for these Nords. When the dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything. FormID: 00072D9B CaravanScene6 SCEN 0 And we will lose customers. Let us hope that if there are dragons, there are only a few and they are not too foul-tempered. FormID: 00072D01 CaravanScene7 SCEN 0 I wonder if we should offer discounts to the soldiers. FormID: 00072BFF CaravanScene7 SCEN 0 The soldiers? From which side, the Stormcloaks, or the Imperials? FormID: 00072E04 CaravanScene7 SCEN 0 Both. One or the other is bound to win the war eventually. Why not curry favor now, so that the victor will look upon us kindly? FormID: 00072D27 CaravanScene7 SCEN 0 Hah, you have the foresight of a Khajiit in a sandstorm. If we offer a discount to both sides, the winners will persecute us for helping the losers. FormID: 00072CFE CaravanScene7 SCEN 0 Hm. I had not thought of it that way. FormID: 00072BDB CaravanScene8 SCEN 0 Between the war and the return of the dragons, I wonder if we should not leave Skyrim and ply our trade elsewhere. FormID: 00072DA3 CaravanScene8 SCEN 0 I admit, the dragons are a concern, but we can avoid them if we do not stay in one place for too long. FormID: 00072D0E CaravanScene8 SCEN 0 That may be, but what of the war? That is not so easy to escape from. FormID: 00072CF8 CaravanScene8 SCEN 0 The war? That is not a reason to leave, it is a reason to stay. FormID: 00072BD1 CaravanScene8 SCEN 0 And what makes you think that? FormID: 00072D9F CaravanScene8 SCEN 0 Because war is good for business, of course. FormID: 00072AFB TG07 TG07BreakInBranch TG07BreakInBranchTopic CUST 0 Good question. I've only set foot inside a few times myself and that was in Mercer's company. thinking as your talking FormID: 00072AFB TG07 TG07BreakInBranch TG07BreakInBranchTopic CUST 1 If you can get past his trained watchdog, I think your best bet might be the ramp to the second floor balcony in his backyard. FormID: 00072AF8 TG07 TG07BreakInBranch TG07BreakInBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No. It's some sort of crazy contraption Mercer commissioned for quick escapes. FormID: 00072AF8 TG07 TG07BreakInBranch TG07BreakInBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'd wager a well-placed shot at the ramp's mechanism would lower it in a hurry. FormID: 00072AFA TG07 TG07WatchdogBranch TG07WatchdogBranchTopic CUST 0 That'd be Vald. A real piece of work, that one. chuckle at beginning FormID: 00072AFA TG07 TG07WatchdogBranch TG07WatchdogBranchTopic CUST 1 Mercer's holding something over his head, keeping him loyal. FormID: 00072AFA TG07 TG07WatchdogBranch TG07WatchdogBranchTopic CUST 2 Talk to Vex. She used to know him very well... if you catch my meaning. say with a [QUOTE]wink[QUOTE] FormID: 00072B00 TG07 TG07ValdBranch TG07ValdBranchTopic CUST 0 That pig? Oh, I have info on him. More than you care to know. FormID: 00072B03 TG07 TG07ValdBranch TG07ValdBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Vald? Good side? I think you have the wrong person. snide FormID: 00072B03 TG07 TG07ValdBranch TG07ValdBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The only thing Vald understands is gold. A man after my own heart. FormID: 00072AF9 TG07 TG07ValdBranch TG07ValdBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Sure, but he'll ask for a whole lot. I mean, you are asking him to betray Mercer Frey. FormID: 00072AF9 TG07 TG07ValdBranch TG07ValdBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Your best bet would be to erase his debt with Maven Black-Briar. If you talk to her, she might be able to give you the details. FormID: 00072AF9 TG07 TG07ValdBranch TG07ValdBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Of course, you could just run him through and take what you need off of his corpse... I could care less. FormID: 00072B01 TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic CUST 0 Of mine? What is it? FormID: 00072B02 TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic CUST 0 No visitors. No way. Now piss off, before ya' make me mad. FormID: 00072AFC TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic01 CUST 0 I can't believe it! How did ya' talk her into this? FormID: 00072AFC TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic01 CUST 1 Never mind, I don't care. I'm just glad I don't gotta' work for Maven anymore. FormID: 00072AFC TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic01 CUST 2 Here, ya' did me a favor, I guess I owe you one. FormID: 00072AFD TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic01 CUST 0 You ain't got enough coin to make my problems go away unless ya' can talk Maven Black-Briar into letting me outta' my debt. FormID: 00072AFD TG07 TG07ValdDeb TG07ValdDebTopic01 CUST 1 You try and set one foot in this yard, and I'll cut it off. FormID: 00072A0F dunNilheimQST SCEN 0 It's just across the bridge and up that hill. FormID: 00072A10 dunNilheimQST SCEN 0 We're close now. I can see the camp. FormID: 00072A11 dunNilheimQST dunNilheimDeadCampQST dunNilheimDeadCampQSTTopic CUST 0 My men? What did you do? You'll die for this. FormID: 000729EF dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Wait, it's haunted? I don't like ghosts... let me think about this for a minute... FormID: 000729F6 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Why don't you go in there and get it? FormID: 000729F2 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Hmm.... FormID: 000729F3 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Wait... who in blazes is this? FormID: 000729EE dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Oh! Um, he he... Hold on... I... I can explain... FormID: 000729F4 dunForelhostQST SCEN 0 Valmir, you rat. You're not a soldier at all! Must be one of the Thalmor! FormID: 00072BE5 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineDuachInFor DialogueCidhnaMineDuachInForTopic CUST 0 I'm a Forsworn. One of our raids went bad, and I got captured. FormID: 00072BE5 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineDuachInFor DialogueCidhnaMineDuachInForTopic CUST 1 Would've been fine dying for the Reach with my kinsmen, but the Silver-Bloods want their ore mined, so they threw me in here. FormID: 00072AA7 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulInFor DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulInForTopic CUST 0 Murder. Banditry. Assault. Theft. And lollygagging. FormID: 00072979 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineDuachHowLong DialogueCidhnaMineDuachHowLongTopic CUST 0 Year seven, I think? Surprised I haven't cut my own throat out by now, but something keeps me going. FormID: 00072E0F DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulHowLong DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulHowLongTopic CUST 0 Guards brought me in about 12 years ago. Was running a good group of bandits up until then. FormID: 00072E0F DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulHowLong DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulHowLongTopic CUST 1 But these Forsworn. They're nothing like the men I cobbled together. They're real killers. FormID: 00072BE7 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineOdvanInFor DialogueCidhnaMineOdvanInForTopic CUST 0 Guards say I murdered someone. I was just sleeping off some mead in my aunt's house, but that didn't stop them from arresting me. FormID: 00072BE7 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineOdvanInFor DialogueCidhnaMineOdvanInForTopic CUST 1 I don't even know who they said I killed. FormID: 00072BE6 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineOdvanHowLong DialogueCidhnaMineOdvanHowLongTopic CUST 0 A couple of years? I wasn't a Forsworn when I came, but I joined up when I got in. Easier that way. FormID: 00072B18 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBraigInFor DialogueCidhnaMineBraigInForTopic CUST 0 Don't want to talk about it. FormID: 00072B0D DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBraigHowLong DialogueCidhnaMineBraigHowLongTopic CUST 0 Long enough. FormID: 00072AF5 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineGrisvarInFor DialogueCidhnaMineGrisvarInForTopic CUST 0 The first time? Thieving. The second time? Thieving. The third time? Thieving. It kind of keeps going like that. FormID: 000729C0 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineGrisvarHowLong DialogueCidhnaMineGrisvarHowLongTopic CUST 0 First it was 6 months, then a year, then 2 years. Now I'm in for life. FormID: 0007283C MG03 MG03Stage60OrthornBranch MG03Stage60OrthornBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, you certainly do. Walk Away FormID: 0007283C MG03 MG03Stage60OrthornBranch MG03Stage60OrthornBranchTopic CUST 1 You'll be going back to the College, then? I, uhh... I think perhaps I'll wait a bit before venturing there myself. Walk Away FormID: 0007283C MG03 MG03Stage60OrthornBranch MG03Stage60OrthornBranchTopic CUST 2 Let this whole thing blow over, you know. Give certain parties a chance to forget what I may have done. Walk Away FormID: 0007283C MG03 MG03Stage60OrthornBranch MG03Stage60OrthornBranchTopic CUST 3 Still, you've gotten me out of that cage, and I won't forget it. Thank you again, and good luck to you. Walk Away FormID: 0007283D MG03 MG03Stage60OrthornBranch MG03Stage60OrthornBranchTopic CUST 0 Have the books, do you? I mean, I'm very glad. That's wonderful. FormID: 0007283D MG03 MG03Stage60OrthornBranch MG03Stage60OrthornBranchTopic CUST 1 You could, you know, let me out of this cage now. FormID: 0007283A MG03 SCEN 0 The undercroft is ahead... ugh, Necromancers. Be careful. FormID: 0007283B MG03 SCEN 0 The library is just through here. We're getting close now. FormID: 00072769 DB11 SCEN 0 And the outpost at Dragon Bridge? FormID: 0007276D DB11 SCEN 0 It'll be shuttered by the end of the month. FormID: 0007276A DB11 SCEN 0 Very good. And you'll be returning to... Well, if you don't mind me asking, where exactly will you be going now, sir? FormID: 00072767 DB11 SCEN 0 Hmph. Now there's an excellent question. An excellent question, indeed. Truth is, as soon as the Emperor sets sail, I'm resigning my position. thoughtful... introspective at first... then he sort of snaps out of it. FormID: 0007276C DB11 SCEN 0 Oh... I see. Well then, let me be just say that it's been an honor serving under you Commander Maro. FormID: 00072768 DB11 SCEN 0 The honor has been mine. You should be proud of what we've accomplished here. The Dark Brotherhood is no more. And the Emperor, finally, is safe. FormID: 0007276B DB11 SCEN 0 Yes sir. happy and hopeful FormID: 00072766 DB11 SCEN 0 And, once more, I prove Commander Maro the fool. I told him you can't stop the Dark Brotherhood. Never could. FormID: 0007265E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsYoung DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsYoungTopic CUST 0 My uncle Dengeir was Jarl until a short time ago. His old age and failing health caught up with him, and he stepped down. FormID: 0007265E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsYoung DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsYoungTopic CUST 1 He now serves us honorably as Thane, and to the great benefit of the hold, I now serve as Jarl. FormID: 0007271D TG05 SCEN 0 Karliah's been through here. What does she expect to find? FormID: 0007266B TG05 SCEN 0 The stench in here... this place smells of death. Be on your guard. FormID: 0007266E TG05 SCEN 0 Pull the chain over there, and watch out for the spikes. Looks like Karliah reset all of the traps. FormID: 00072664 TG05 SCEN 0 There's two more of them ahead. FormID: 00072669 TG05 SCEN 0 Bone chimes... clever. Rigged to wake the draugr I'd bet. Don't blunder into any of them. FormID: 0007266D TG05 SCEN 0 Karliah always was a nimble minx... slipping passed these draugr must be child's play for her. FormID: 0007266F TG05 SCEN 0 We're on the right track. She's been through here as well. FormID: 0007265B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsHard DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsHardTopic CUST 0 Difficult? I am a Jarl. I eat the most succulent meat, drink the finest ale and hunt with the best hounds in the hold. Condescending, pompous FormID: 0007265B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsHard DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsHardTopic CUST 1 Meanwhile, my very capable steward sees to the needs of the smallfolk and ensures that my hold runs smoothly. Condescending, pompous FormID: 0007265B DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsHard DialogueFalkreathSidgeirTopicsHardTopic CUST 2 Being a Jarl could hardly be simpler. You should try it sometime. Amused condescension for the second line. The speaker does not think the player will ever actually be a jarl. FormID: 0007265A DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsLong DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsLongTopic CUST 0 It was Dengeir who made me a steward, long ago when he was young. FormID: 0007265A DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsLong DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsLongTopic CUST 1 When Dengeir's health began to fail, young Sidgeir was appointed Jarl in his stead. It was simpler just to keep me as steward. FormID: 0007265A DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsLong DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsLongTopic CUST 2 Sidgeir has no interest in running his hold, and so leaves such matters to me. As for my part, I do my best to see that folk are treated fairly. FormID: 00072659 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsCemetary DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsCemetaryTopic CUST 0 Many battles have been fought here over the centuries. Graves were dug and monuments built, and the town grew around these. FormID: 00072659 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsCemetary DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsCemetaryTopic CUST 1 In time, Falkreath came to be known as the heroes' graveyard. Many noble Jarls and renowned warriors asked to be buried here. FormID: 00072659 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsCemetary DialogueFalkreathNenyaTopicsCemetaryTopic CUST 2 Falkreath's reputation has faded somewhat, but the graves remain, reminding us of the one inevitable truth of life. FormID: 00072666 TG05 SCEN 0 That door up ahead... looks perfect for hiding an ambush. Be ready. FormID: 000721A6 dunShroudHearthBarrowQST SCEN 0 Leave this place... Leave this place... Spooky, ghostly warning FormID: 00071DE5 C02 C02QuestgiverKickoffBranch C02QuestgiverKickoffBranchTopic CUST 0 We've been awaiting your return. Walk Away FormID: 00071DE3 C01 C01SkjorSendoffBranch C01SkjorSendoff CUST 0 He'll answer any questions you have. FormID: 00071DE3 C01 C01SkjorSendoffBranch C01SkjorSendoff CUST 1 Try not to disappoint. Or to get him killed. FormID: 00071DE4 C01 C01SkjorSendoffBranch C01SkjorSendoff CUST 0 She'll answer any questions you have. FormID: 00071DE4 C01 C01SkjorSendoffBranch C01SkjorSendoff CUST 1 Try not to disappoint. Or to get her killed. FormID: 00071DE1 C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 0 Ysgramor was the hero who started the Companions. Wuuthrad was his weapon. FormID: 00071DE1 C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 1 He came from the ancient homeland and killed all the elves. FormID: 00071DE1 C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 2 But not all of them, because some of them are still here. FormID: 000241FB C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 0 It was the blade hefted by Ysgramor when he returned to drive the elves out of the old Skyrim. FormID: 000241FB C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 1 Without that axe, this whole land would be overrun still. FormID: 00081DE3 C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 0 Wuuthrad is a relic of Ysgramor. Through that weapon, we trace our line straight to the first harbinger of makind in this land. FormID: 00081DE3 C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 1 What fragments we have are displayed in honor, but we always seek more. FormID: 00071DE7 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 0 I watch you to make sure you are honorable. FormID: 00071DE7 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 1 If you are honorable and strong, then I can call you brother. FormID: 000246D8 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 0 I watch you to make sure you are honorable. FormID: 000246D8 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 1 If you are honorable and strong, then I can call you sister. FormID: 000246E1 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 0 I would hope that's obvious. FormID: 000246E1 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 1 Do well here, and you'll be a full member of the Companions. FormID: 000246E1 C01 C01ObserverTrial C01ObserverTrialTopic CUST 2 Fail, and it won't matter anyway. FormID: 00071DE6 C01 C01ObserverSilverHand C01ObserverSilverHandTopic CUST 0 Bad people who don't like werewolves. FormID: 00071DE6 C01 C01ObserverSilverHand C01ObserverSilverHandTopic CUST 1 So they don't like us either. FormID: 000241FD C01 C01ObserverSilverHand C01ObserverSilverHandTopic CUST 0 A group of werewolf hunters who have gotten wise to our little secret. FormID: 000241FD C01 C01ObserverSilverHand C01ObserverSilverHandTopic CUST 1 They've made it their mission to hunt us down, but we are hunters ourselves. FormID: 00071DE2 C01 C01ObserverWerewolf C01ObserverWerewolfTopic CUST 0 Not everyone, but all the Circle are. It's a secret to everybody. FormID: 000241FA C01 C01ObserverWerewolf C01ObserverWerewolfTopic CUST 0 Not all of us, just the members of the Circle. We shouldn't be talking about this anyway. FormID: 00071C2A MQ203 SCEN 0 Fascinating! Original Akaviri bas-reliefs... almost entirely intact! FormID: 00071C29 MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, of course. We'll have more time to look around later, I suppose. Let's see what's up ahead. FormID: 00071C28 MQ203 SCEN 0 We're here for Alduin's Wall, right, Esbern? urging him to stay focused on the task at hand FormID: 00071C2B MQ203 SCEN 0 Amazing... you can see how the Akaviri craftsmen were beginning to embrace the more flowing Nordic style... FormID: 00071AD6 MS08 IDAT 0 She sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion. Were it not for her betrayal, Taneth could have held its ground in the war. FormID: 00071ADA MS08 IDAT 0 The other noble houses discovered her betrayal and she fled. They want her brought back alive. FormID: 00071ADF MS08 IDAT 0 The resistance against the Dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell, and they want justice. FormID: 00071AB0 MS08 MS08WarriorTurnInBranch MS08WarriorTurnInBranchTopic CUST 0 You have? Where? Tell me now! FormID: 00071A88 MS08 MS08WarriorTurnInBranch MS08WarriorTurnInGetPaid CUST 0 Money, if that is what you wish. FormID: 00071A88 MS08 MS08WarriorTurnInBranch MS08WarriorTurnInGetPaid CUST 1 Now tell me where she is! FormID: 00071A92 MS08 MS08WarriorTurnInBranch MS08WarriorTurninSaadiaInn CUST 0 We cannot go after her, not without drawing attention. FormID: 00071A92 MS08 MS08WarriorTurnInBranch MS08WarriorTurninSaadiaInn CUST 1 You must bring her to us. FormID: 00071A92 MS08 MS08WarriorTurnInBranch MS08WarriorTurninSaadiaInn CUST 2 Lead her to the Whiterun stables, outside of the city. We will wait for you there. FormID: 00071765 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene03 SCEN 0 All right, Delvin. What gives with that case of Shadowbanish you sold me? FormID: 000717B7 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene03 SCEN 0 What do you mean? That wine tastes finer than anythin' Surilie Brothers ever made. FormID: 0007176C DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene03 SCEN 0 Sure, it tastes great. Only one problem. You said it can make the darkness as clear as day when you drink it. Guess what? It doesn't. FormID: 00071777 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene03 SCEN 0 Am I responsible if the vintage was off on that case? Sorry, you know the rules Vekel. No refunds. FormID: 00071773 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene04 SCEN 0 Puttin' together another shipment from Morrowind, Vekel. Lookin' for anythin' special? FormID: 000717A1 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene04 SCEN 0 Well, if some Moon Sugar should fall into your lap... FormID: 0007176D DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene04 SCEN 0 Maybe. That stuff's gettin' tough to bring across the border with all the Argonian patrols. FormID: 00071778 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene04 SCEN 0 Well if it turns up, I'll be willing to buy. FormID: 00071763 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene05 SCEN 0 You need to tell your boys to place nice, Delvin. Almost threw two of them into the well last night. FormID: 00071772 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene05 SCEN 0 They aren't my boys. Do I look like the leadin' type? FormID: 000717B8 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene05 SCEN 0 You know what I mean. Tell your boss that rough is rough, but when someone pulls a dagger fun time is over. FormID: 00071769 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene05 SCEN 0 I'll pass it along. FormID: 0007177C DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene06 SCEN 0 Good news. I found that dwarven hammer you were looking for. FormID: 00071767 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene06 SCEN 0 You did? Thanks. I get you the rest of your coin by tomorrow. FormID: 0007176E DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene06 SCEN 0 Yeah, funny thing about that. The price was a hundred higher than I expected. FormID: 00071768 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene06 SCEN 0 Vekel, you have no shame. I'll get you the rest like I said. I want that hammer. FormID: 00071799 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene08 SCEN 0 Why can't you just settle down and run the Flagon with me? FormID: 00071761 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene08 SCEN 0 I don't want to settle. I like things the way they are. FormID: 00071764 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene08 SCEN 0 Come on, Ton. Marry me. Let me take care of you. FormID: 0007176B DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene08 SCEN 0 I can take care of myself. FormID: 00071770 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene09 SCEN 0 How dare you! After all we've been through together? How can you do this to me! upset and angry FormID: 00071776 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene09 SCEN 0 Look, I need to know. What's going on between you and Brynjolf? FormID: 0007179A DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene09 SCEN 0 That's all they are... rumors. So quit worrying. FormID: 00071762 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene10 SCEN 0 I need you to do me a favor, Dirge. FormID: 0007176A DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene10 SCEN 0 Sure, Ton. You know I'm good for it. FormID: 0007175F DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene10 SCEN 0 There's a new guard nosing around the meadery. Can you do something about it? FormID: 00071766 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene10 SCEN 0 Gladly. He won't bother you anymore, I promise. FormID: 0007179B DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Please milady, can you spare a gold coin for an old woman? FormID: 0007179C DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Please my lord, can you spare a gold coin for an old woman? FormID: 0007179D DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Please help me, I'm starving. FormID: 0007179E DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Please, I don't have anything to eat. FormID: 0007179F DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Can you spare any coin? FormID: 000717A0 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Spare a septim? FormID: 00071784 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Go away. FormID: 00071785 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Edda, you know well I barely have any coin to call my own. I'm sorry. FormID: 00071786 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 You must be starving. Here, spend it well. FormID: 00071787 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 All right, all right. Here. FormID: 00071788 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Yes, I hope this helps. FormID: 00071789 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Yes, of course. This war is causing your woes, it's hardly your fault. FormID: 0007178A DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Certainly, good lady. Here. FormID: 0007178B DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Are you joking? Go earn a living and stop loafing! FormID: 0007178C DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 I would if I could, but I can barely make ends meet. FormID: 0007178D DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Here, this should help. FormID: 0007178E DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Of course, here. Be well. FormID: 0007178F DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Maybe you should look for work instead of begging for coin. FormID: 00071790 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Here you are. FormID: 00071791 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Oh you poor thing! Come by the temple and my husband and I will keep you fed. FormID: 00071792 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Edda, Edda. There's no need for this. Just come by the temple and we'll care for you. FormID: 00071793 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Sorry, all out of coin. FormID: 00071794 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 I've told you before, and I'll tell you again. Leave me alone. FormID: 00071795 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Ugh, you reek. Get out of my way. FormID: 00071796 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Here you go, dear. FormID: 00071797 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Oh, very well. Just try and clean yourself up. FormID: 00071798 DialogueRiftenBeggarEddaScene SCEN 0 Get away from me, you filthy woman. FormID: 0007177E DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Spare a coin? FormID: 0007177F DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 If you could spare a septim, I'd be grateful. FormID: 00071780 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Help out an old man here with some coin, would you? FormID: 00071781 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Hey, can I get a gold or two? FormID: 00071782 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 I could sure use some coin. FormID: 000717A2 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 No. Now shove off. FormID: 000717A3 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Snilf, it's me. I don't have a roof over my head either, remember? FormID: 000717A4 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Oh if only I could provide more than this coin. I hope it'll do. FormID: 000717A5 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Again? Buy some food this time will you? FormID: 000717A6 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Yes, I hope this helps. FormID: 000717A7 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Another uncounted causality of this war. Here you are, you poor man. FormID: 000717A8 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Certainly, my good man. Here. FormID: 000717A9 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 You're disgusting, stay away from me. FormID: 000717AA DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 If I had even a pot to piss in, I'd gladly share. Sorry. FormID: 000717AB DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Yes, I hope this helps you. FormID: 000717AC DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Absolutely. Here you are. Be well. FormID: 000717AD DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Ugh, you smell horrible. Get yourself cleaned up. FormID: 000717AE DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Very well, here. FormID: 000717AF DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Oh you poor thing, you must be starving. Come to the temple later and let us feed you. FormID: 000717B0 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Snilf, I told you begging isn't the answer. I expect to see you at the temple later. FormID: 000717B1 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Sorry, no time. I'm late. FormID: 000717B2 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 If you want to awaken from your next slumber, I suggest you leave me be. FormID: 000717B3 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 What? No. Get away from me. FormID: 000717B4 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 I suppose. Just get something to eat and stay away from the Bee and Barb for a change. FormID: 000717B5 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Very well, please use it for food. FormID: 000717B6 DialogueRiftenBeggarSnilfScene SCEN 0 Never. Now move aside. FormID: 000716DC C03 C03SkjorReadyForThisBranch C03AelaSkjorWerewolvesBaaaaaadBranchTopic CUST 0 That is your choice. We will not force you. But to join the Circle, your blood must be as ours. FormID: 000716DC C03 C03SkjorReadyForThisBranch C03AelaSkjorWerewolvesBaaaaaadBranchTopic CUST 1 Meet us here when you're ready. FormID: 000711F8 DialogueRiftenKeepScene01Alternate SCEN 0 Why are the potions I requested not completed? FormID: 000711F3 DialogueRiftenKeepScene01Alternate SCEN 0 I'm sorry, milady. The components for those elixirs are quite volatile and in some cases, very dangerous to handle. I must take care. FormID: 000711F9 DialogueRiftenKeepScene01Alternate SCEN 0 Excuses are not acceptable in my court. When I ask for something I expect results, and I expect them immediately. FormID: 000711D1 DialogueRiftenKeepScene01Alternate SCEN 0 Yes, milady. Sorry, milday. They will be completed. FormID: 000711E9 DialogueRiftenKeepScene02Alternate SCEN 0 There's still the matter of the prisoner to discuss. Now, his family is willing to contribute handsomely if we release him. FormID: 000711CF DialogueRiftenKeepScene02Alternate SCEN 0 The execution will proceed as planned. FormID: 000711E6 DialogueRiftenKeepScene02Alternate SCEN 0 But, mother... this is quite a sizable contribution and the crime doesn't befit such a harsh punishment. FormID: 00071202 DialogueRiftenKeepScene02Alternate SCEN 0 Are you going soft on me, Hemming? Perhaps I made the wrong choice installing you as steward. FormID: 000711D6 DialogueRiftenKeepScene02Alternate SCEN 0 No, mother. The execution will proceed as planned. FormID: 000711F4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene03Alternate SCEN 0 Hemming, have you dispatched that letter I gave you yesterday? FormID: 000711D0 DialogueRiftenKeepScene03Alternate SCEN 0 Yes, and I sent it with our fastest courier and under the cover of night, exactly as you specified. FormID: 000711E4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene03Alternate SCEN 0 Good. If I need to light a few fires in order to get what we need to defend this place from the Stormcloaks, so be it. FormID: 000711FF DialogueRiftenKeepScene03Alternate SCEN 0 I'm almost certain he'll reach the Imperial City tomorrow, so we should have an answer by the end of the week. FormID: 000711D4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene04Alternate SCEN 0 Any word about our little problem in the Ratway? FormID: 000711ED DialogueRiftenKeepScene04Alternate SCEN 0 I've spoken to Brynjolf and he assures me it'll be taken care of. FormID: 000711C9 DialogueRiftenKeepScene04Alternate SCEN 0 Next time you speak to him, tell him to clean up his own messes. I'm not about to jeopardize this position for a bunch of low-life thugs. FormID: 000711DD DialogueRiftenKeepScene04Alternate SCEN 0 I'll let him know. FormID: 000711E2 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05Alternate SCEN 0 Your mother seems to have taken to her seat quite well. FormID: 000711D8 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05Alternate SCEN 0 Yes, she's been grooming herself for this for quite a long time. FormID: 000711E1 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05Alternate SCEN 0 It's surprising the Council is allowing a Nord rule Riften under the Imperial flag. That can't be their first choice. FormID: 000711E5 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05Alternate SCEN 0 Let's just say my mother knows which pockets to line and keep it at that. FormID: 000711EE DialogueRiftenKeepScene06Alternate SCEN 0 So, have you thought about what I said? FormID: 000711FA DialogueRiftenKeepScene06Alternate SCEN 0 I find the concept of sleeping with you not only repulsive, but morally unsettling. Does that answer your question? FormID: 00071200 DialogueRiftenKeepScene06Alternate SCEN 0 You listen to me. I'd be careful wagging that pretty little tongue at me like that otherwise I may just have it cut off. FormID: 00071206 DialogueRiftenKeepScene06Alternate SCEN 0 Just stay away from me and maybe I won't weave a spell to shrink something that matters to you. FormID: 000711CB DialogueRiftenKeepScene07Alternate SCEN 0 Maul, can I ask a personal favor of you? FormID: 000711D5 DialogueRiftenKeepScene07Alternate SCEN 0 Well that depends on what the favor is, now doesn't it. FormID: 000711DB DialogueRiftenKeepScene07Alternate SCEN 0 It's Hemming. He's making advances and I can't bear the man's presence. Is there anything you can do? FormID: 000711E3 DialogueRiftenKeepScene07Alternate SCEN 0 I'll talk to him, but he's stubborn. He's like his mother; he sees what he wants and he won't quit until he has it. FormID: 000711E8 DialogueRiftenKeepScene07Alternate SCEN 0 Anything you can do to keep his filthy hands off of me would be a welcome change. FormID: 000711F1 DialogueRiftenKeepScene08Alternate SCEN 0 My agents are telling me that we've appropriated the caravan from Hammerfell... with minimal losses. FormID: 000711F7 DialogueRiftenKeepScene08Alternate SCEN 0 For what it's costing me, I should be handed the merchandise on a silver platter. FormID: 000711DE DialogueRiftenKeepScene08Alternate SCEN 0 The coin isn't just for the men, there's a lot of people that need to be compensated in order to make this happen. FormID: 000711F2 DialogueRiftenKeepScene08Alternate SCEN 0 And a hefty cut for yourself too I'm sure. Just see to it the items are secured and the rest disposed of properly this time. FormID: 000711F6 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene03 SCEN 0 I don't understand, Elgrim. The formulas you're giving me are for novices but I've advanced well passed that point. FormID: 000711FE DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene03 SCEN 0 Until you can do those formulas with your eyes shut, you'll never be ready to master the more difficult ones. FormID: 00071203 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene03 SCEN 0 This is an utter waste of time. FormID: 000711CE DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene03 SCEN 0 Ingun! If you want to remain in my shop as an apprentice I expect you to act like one. No exceptions! FormID: 000711D3 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene03 SCEN 0 Very well, I'll keep practicing them. FormID: 000711DA DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene04 SCEN 0 Ingun, you clumsy fool! You've tainted our entire supply of Painted Troll Fat. You have no idea how hard that was to get. FormID: 000711E0 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene04 SCEN 0 I'm sure my mother can compensate you for it. FormID: 000711EB DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene04 SCEN 0 I'll draft a letter to Rythe. If you could have it sent to Cheydinhal for me, that would make up for your blunder. FormID: 000711F0 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene04 SCEN 0 I'll make sure it's sent right away. FormID: 000711FD DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene05 SCEN 0 Niluva, you promised me you'd pay me back yesterday. So what's the story? FormID: 00071205 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene05 SCEN 0 Just give me a few more days and I promise I'll come up with it. FormID: 000711CD DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene05 SCEN 0 If you'd stop wasting your coin on that skooma, you'd have enough gold to live on. FormID: 000711D2 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene05 SCEN 0 Sorry, Tythis. I'll get it to you somehow. FormID: 000711D9 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene06 SCEN 0 How do you do it, Valindor? How do you work at Black-Briar Meadery and the Fishery without getting exhausted? FormID: 000711DF DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene06 SCEN 0 Oh, it's not so terrible. I actually find the work quite relaxing. FormID: 000711EA DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene06 SCEN 0 Relaxing? They must be working you to the bone! You should rest before you do yourself in. FormID: 000711EC DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene06 SCEN 0 Not to worry, dear Svana. I promise you I can handle it, but your concern is quite flattering. FormID: 000711F5 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene07 SCEN 0 Wujeeta, you really need to stop using that skooma. It's very bad for your health and I wouldn't want to see anything happen to you. FormID: 00071201 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene07 SCEN 0 I can't, Valindor. It won't let me go. It's taking over my life. FormID: 000711C8 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene07 SCEN 0 It's an evil substance. Whoever's selling it to you should be brought to justice. FormID: 000711FC DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene07 SCEN 0 If there was any justice in the world, I'd just get this over with and die peacefully. FormID: 00071207 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene08 SCEN 0 Wujeeta, you're worrying me. You look so... well, so sad. FormID: 000711CC DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene08 SCEN 0 Don't worry about it, Svana. It's my problem... no need for you to get involved. FormID: 000711D7 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene08 SCEN 0 Look, if you're in some sort of trouble, I could talk to Haelga. FormID: 000711DC DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene08 SCEN 0 No, no... please, I'm just tired is all. Thank you. FormID: 000711EF DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene03 SCEN 0 So how are things with you and Bolli? FormID: 000711FB DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene03 SCEN 0 How do you think? He's a pig. All I am to him is a warm body to lay with. FormID: 00071204 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene03 SCEN 0 Nivenor! How can you say that? He gives you everything you ask for. FormID: 000711CA DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene03 SCEN 0 If I cared for your opinion on our affairs, I'd ask. Now, if you'll excuse me. FormID: 00071051 Favor204 Favor031GiveItemBranch Favor031GiveItemBranchTopic CUST 0 You found it? I've been looking for that blade for months. You took on all those bandits yourself? FormID: 00071051 Favor204 Favor031GiveItemBranch Favor031GiveItemBranchTopic CUST 1 Thank you. Here, my father had a favorite sword and shield technique. Let me teach it to you, in honor of his memory. FormID: 000BFA05 Favor204 Favor031GiveItemBranch Favor031GiveItemBranchTopic CUST 0 Bless you, friend. You have renewed my hope. FormID: 000BFA05 Favor204 Favor031GiveItemBranch Favor031GiveItemBranchTopic CUST 1 Before I came into Zenithar's calling, I confess I was a thief. But I learned a few things in my time that might help you survive. Let me show you. FormID: 00070EBE DB11 DB11NazirBeginGreet DB11NazirBeginPlayerResponse2a CUST 0 You mean... there's still a chance? But how? Our plan has gone to ruin, everyone is dead, the Family... exasperated... like he doesn't see any way the plan can work. he's given up. FormID: 00070EBF DB11 DB11AmaundPlayerMaroBranch DB11AmaundPlayerMaroBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes, I can imagine you'd want to settle that score. Last I heard he was at the Solitude Docks, conducting the Emperor's departure. FormID: 00070E77 MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 0 The poor child is probably beggin' for us to string up her murderin' father. FormID: 00070E77 MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 1 Best tell the Jarl. FormID: 00070E78 MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 0 The spirit world is strong in this place. FormID: 00070E78 MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 1 Look to the graveyard. That is where you'll find her. FormID: 000771AA MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 0 You saw her ghost? FormID: 000771AA MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 1 I'm glad it was you and not me. FormID: 000771AA MS14 MS14HelgisGhost MS14HelgisGhostTopic CUST 2 She's buried outside of town. That's where I'd look. FormID: 00070394 T01DegaineFavor T01DegaineAtFinish T01DegaineAtFinishTopic CUST 0 Give it to me quickly, before they see us together. You've riled up the priestesses, and the guards don't take kindly to that. FormID: 00070394 T01DegaineFavor T01DegaineAtFinish T01DegaineAtFinishTopic CUST 1 Here's your share. Nicely done. FormID: 00070375 MS08 MS08GuardSicariusQuestion MS08GuardSicariusQuestionTopic CUST 0 Bunch of foreign troublemakers. Wandering around, getting into mischief, scaring the citizens. annoyed, disinterested FormID: 00070375 MS08 MS08GuardSicariusQuestion MS08GuardSicariusQuestionTopic CUST 1 They've been told to stay out of the city, but keep trying to get back in. FormID: 0007020E WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01MainTopic CUST 0 Ooh, you're a wizard! I mean, you cast that spell just now, yeah? I was hoping you could make me invisible or something. Can you? Make me invisible? excited and hopeful Walk Away FormID: 00070210 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01No CUST 0 Awww. And here I thought you could do it... disappointed FormID: 00070210 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01No CUST 1 Well, I'll just have to think of something else then. Bye. disappointed, but determined FormID: 0007020C WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01Trick CUST 0 Really? I mean... I still feel like I'm here. skeptical, thinking he's being tricked by an adult. FormID: 00070215 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickYes CUST 0 Okay, great! excited FormID: 00070215 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickYes CUST 1 Now I'm finally going to have some fun around here. mischievous, about to go pull a prank FormID: 00070215 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickYes CUST 2 Bye! excited to go cause mischief FormID: 000F94BE WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickYes CUST 0 Okay, great! excited FormID: 000F94BE WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickYes CUST 1 Now I'm finally going to have some fun around here. mischievous, about to go pull a prank FormID: 000F94BE WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickYes CUST 2 Bye! excited to go cause mischief FormID: 00070208 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01TrickNo CUST 0 You're dumb. upset FormID: 0007020D WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01MainBranch WICastMagic01Yes CUST 0 All right! I knew you'd do it. This is going to be so fun. You can't even imagine! giddy with excitement - stretch out [QUOTE]so[QUOTE] FormID: 0007020F WICastMagic01 SCEN 0 I can't wait to be invisible. talking aloud, hoping to make things go faster FormID: 00070209 WICastMagic01 SCEN 0 Come on. Hurry it up already. The waiting is killing me. excitedly complaining - emphasize [QUOTE]on[QUOTE] - melodramatically draw out KIIIIIIILLING MEEEEE FormID: 0007020A WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01BugPlayerBranch WICastMagic01BugPlayerTopic CUST 0 Hey... So are you ever going to make me invisible or what? bored waiting, pleading to be made invisible by a wizard FormID: 00070211 WICastMagic01ActorDialogueEvent SCEN 0 Boo! Ahahahaha! (giggling) scaring someone by pretending to be a ghost while he believes he is invisible FormID: 00070212 WICastMagic01ActorDialogueEvent SCEN 0 Oooooh... weeeeoooooo.... (giggling) scaring someone by pretending to be a ghost while he believes he is invisible FormID: 00070213 WICastMagic01ActorDialogueEvent SCEN 0 That's right. Who's invisible? Me! (giggling) scaring someone by pretending to be a ghost while he believes he is invisible FormID: 00070214 WICastMagic01ActorDialogueEvent SCEN 0 Surprise! Ahaha! (giggling) scaring someone by pretending to be a ghost while he believes he is invisible FormID: 00070207 WICastMagic01 WICastMagic01BugPlayerBranch WICastMagic01YouAreInvisible CUST 0 Really? I dunno... I don't feel invisible. skeptical - stress the word FEEL. [QUOTE]I don't FEEL invisible...[QUOTE] FormID: 0006F99D DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 You disrespected the Brotherhood. And it'll cost you. You want back into the Family, you pay the price. 500 gold, and all is forgiven. FormID: 0006F99E DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 You may be Listener, and head of the Sanctuary, but your recent behavior sets a bad example. I must insist you pay a fine of 300 gold. FormID: 0006F99F DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 If the Tenets were still in place, you would be required to defeat the Wrath of Sithis. Now you just need to pay a fine to Nazir. Ah, the Old Ways... FormID: 0006F9A0 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 When you disrespect your Family, you disrespect yourself. Don't you care for anything at all? Prove that you do - speak with Nazir, make reparations. FormID: 0006F9A1 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 Bah. If it were up to me, we'd cut off your hands and never let you back in this Sanctuary. But no. All you have to do is pay Nazir a fine. Pathetic. FormID: 0006F9A2 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, don't worry, we all like to break the rules sometimes. Just see Nazir and pay the fine. Seems I do that at least once a month... FormID: 0006F9A3 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 There are so few rules here. All we ask is that you don't disrespect your Family. But for some reason, you have. Best talk to Nazir and pay the fine. FormID: 0006F9A4 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 Idiot. I may not have a lot of rules, but that doesn't give you free reign to do as you please. You want to resume your duties? Go talk to Nazir. FormID: 000D5C3A DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, but Cicero can't talk to you. You've been naughty, naughty. I think you need to clear this whole mess up with Nazir. FormID: 000D5C3B DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like Cicero's not the only only one to go a little crazy from time to time. Eh, Listener? You should talk to Nazir, work this whole mess out. FormID: 000D5C3C DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 With all due respect, Listener, you broke what few rules we seem to have. Nazir insists you talk to him and work this issue out. FormID: 000D5C3D DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 I do apologize, Listener, but Nazir made it clear the initiates are not to speak with you until you first deal with him, and atone for your actions. FormID: 0006F999 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Good. I'll spread the word that you've made reparations. Now let's forget the past and get back to business... FormID: 0006F99A DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Excellent. Now we can get back to business. I think it's best we just forget this ever happened and move on, hmm? FormID: 0006F998 DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 Then I suggest you [QUOTE]collect[QUOTE] it. Until you pay the fine, you are effectively cut off from all Dark Brotherhood duties and contracts. FormID: 0006F99B DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionPlayerResponse3 CUST 0 Not ready? Well, my arrogant little sibling, until you pay the fine the Dark Brotherhood holds nothing for you. No contracts. No rewards. No respect. Shocked and angry. Says [QUOTE]no respect[QUOTE] like he hardly believes what he's hearing. FormID: 0006F99C DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionPlayerResponse3 CUST 0 I understand, Listener. And I hope you understand that until the fine is paid, I must insist you refrain from all Dark Brotherhood business. FormID: 0006F96F CW02B TAUT 0 My pa always warned me about these things! FormID: 0006F970 CW02B TAUT 0 Damn dustmen! Why don't you stay dead? FormID: 0006F975 CW02A TAUT 0 Just what I was afraid of! FormID: 0006F978 CW02A TAUT 0 Damn dustmen! FormID: 0006F979 CW02A TAUT 0 Why don't you stay dead? with baffled disgust FormID: 0006FB15 CW02B NOTC 0 Look out! Draugr! FormID: 0006F963 CW02B NOTA 0 It must be the Stormcloaks! Find them! FormID: 0006FB31 CW02A NOTC 0 Look out! Draugr! FormID: 0006FB0F CW02A NOTA 0 It's got to be the Imperials! Find them! FormID: 0006F6BD C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't know. He just said he needed to talk to you before you do anything else. FormID: 0006F6BD C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranchTopic CUST 1 I don't like making him angry, but there is some work for you if you want it. FormID: 0006F6BE C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranchTopic CUST 0 He didn't say, but you'd better move fast. FormID: 0006F6BE C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranchTopic CUST 1 There's probably something I could find for you to do, but best to check with him. FormID: 0006F6BF C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know, but he sounded impatient. FormID: 0006F6B9 C01 C01SkjorIntroBranch C01SkjorIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I did. Your time, it seems, has come. FormID: 0006F6BA C01 C01SkjorIntroBranch C01SkjorIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, and we have something special for you this time. FormID: 0006F6BC C01 C01SkjorIntroBranch C01SkjorPushOutTheDoor CUST 0 Last week a scholar came to us. He said he knew where we could find another fragment of Wuuthrad. the word [QUOTE]scholar[QUOTE] should be dripping with contempt FormID: 0006F6BC C01 C01SkjorIntroBranch C01SkjorPushOutTheDoor CUST 1 He seemed a fool to me, but if he's right, the honor of the Companions demands that we seek it out. FormID: 0006F6C2 C01 C01SkjorSendoffBranch C01SkjorObserverSplit CUST 0 Aela will be your Shield-Sibling on this venture, whelp. FormID: 0006F6C3 C01 C01SkjorSendoffBranch C01SkjorObserverSplit CUST 0 Farkas will be your Shield-Sibling on this venture, whelp. FormID: 0006F6C0 C01 C01FollowMe C01FollowMeTopic CUST 0 So I'm told. Try and keep up. FormID: 00071DE8 C01 C01FollowMe C01FollowMeTopic CUST 0 So I'm told. Let's see if you impress. FormID: 0006F6BB C01 C01SkjorUponReturnBranch C01SkjorUponReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, you're back. FormID: 0006F817 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashRole DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashRoleTopic CUST 0 Me? I'm Burguk's brother. I came back after serving many years in the Legion. FormID: 0006F817 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashRole DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashRoleTopic CUST 1 By then, Burguk had already become chief, and he welcomed me home as family, not a rival as is tradition. FormID: 0006F80A DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashLegion DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashLegionTopic CUST 0 I did. I was known as Ghorbash gro-Dushnikh in those days, in honor of my homeland. FormID: 0006F80A DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashLegion DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashLegionTopic CUST 1 Many Orcs leave the stronghold to join the Legion. They welcome our skill in battle and smithing, and we welcome a chance to see the world. FormID: 0006F800 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraftTopic CUST 0 I do. There is a freedom the roads give you that the stronghold does not. FormID: 0006F800 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraftTopic CUST 1 But I have a place here, and I wouldn't want to dishonor my clan by leaving again like some young pup. FormID: 0006F802 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraftTopic CUST 0 I couldn't. It would dishonor the place the chief has made for me. FormID: 0006F7EA DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashPersuade CUST 0 You're right. Look at me, talking in circles like some old wise woman. Very well, outlander. You have my axe when you need it. FormID: 0006F7EE DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashPersuade CUST 0 Yes, but I am honor-bound to stay here. FormID: 0006F6E9 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashBribe CUST 0 Well, for that much, I don't think Malacath would turn his scowl on me. All right, outlander. My axe is yours. FormID: 0006F6FA DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashBribe CUST 0 My honor isn't so cheap, outlander. FormID: 0006FA12 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashIntimidate CUST 0 I'm not a coward, outlander. You want me to prove it? Fine. My axe is yours. To the most dangerous corners of Skyrim and back. FormID: 0006F812 DialogueDushnikhYal DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashSpeechcraft DialogueDushnikhYalGhorbashForgetIt CUST 0 As you wish. FormID: 0006F806 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhRole DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhRoleTopic CUST 0 I am Larak's daughter. Soon, I'll be of age and will be sent to marry an Orc chief in some distant stronghold. FormID: 0006F806 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhRole DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhRoleTopic CUST 1 Until then, I train. My new home will need strength, and my new sisters must know I am not weak when I arrive. FormID: 0006F7FE DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhMarry DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhMarryTopic CUST 0 No. A chief's daughter marries who her chief wishes. It ensures the stronghold receives a fair trade in goods for my absence. FormID: 0006F7FE DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhMarry DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhMarryTopic CUST 1 I used to look forward to the day when I was of age, to see new places and people, but now it feels like a cage. FormID: 0006F7F2 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeaveTopic CUST 0 Yes, but I must stay here and wait for the day when I'll be married and sent to another stronghold. FormID: 0006F7F2 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeaveTopic CUST 1 It is our way, and I am proud to follow my people's traditions, but I can't help but feel chained. FormID: 0006F7F6 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeaveTopic CUST 0 I couldn't. It would shame my chief and my mother and foremothers. FormID: 0006F7D2 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhPersuade CUST 0 You're right. Malacath teaches us to meet our fate. Perhaps this is mine. FormID: 0006F7DC DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhPersuade CUST 0 What do you know about my people, outlander? FormID: 000A6BC1 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 No mercy! attack FormID: 000A726F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Bring it on! attack FormID: 000A7270 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Gettin' to old for this. attack FormID: 000A7271 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You're mine! attack FormID: 000A7272 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 I'll cut your throat! attack FormID: 000A7273 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Come on! attack FormID: 000A7274 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You've breathed your last! attack FormID: 000A6BC3 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Your end is near! attack FormID: 000A6BC4 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Out of my way! attack FormID: 000A6BC6 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You mean nothing! attack FormID: 000A6BEC DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Your life is mine! attack/taunt FormID: 000A6BEE DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You're making this too easy! FormID: 000A6BEF DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Your fate is sealed! attack FormID: 000A6BF6 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Nocturnal, guide my hand! attack FormID: 000A6C31 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Dodge this! attack FormID: 000A6C32 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Darkness consume you! attack FormID: 000A6C33 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Shadows take you! attack FormID: 000A7275 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Is that all you've got? in combat FormID: 000A7276 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You fight like a child! in combat FormID: 000A7277 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Ha! You're pathetic! in combat FormID: 000A7278 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Die, damn you! in combat FormID: 000A7279 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Come on, put up a fight! in combat FormID: 000A727A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Give up? in combat FormID: 0006F435 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Yeargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F436 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Rargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F437 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Hyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F438 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Nyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F439 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Yiiee! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F43A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Hunh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F43D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Die! FormID: 0006F43C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Grrarrgh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0002E3E5 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Die, insect! FormID: 0002E3EB DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 I will end you! FormID: 0006F440 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You're as good as dead! FormID: 0006F43E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You're... dead! FormID: 0006F43F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Fall, damn you! FormID: 0006F43B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Agggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0006F441 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Come on! FormID: 0006F442 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 I... Willl... kill you! FormID: 0006F443 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0006F444 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 You're pathetic! FormID: 000E7AFA DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Talos smite you! attacking FormID: 000E7AFD DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Talos smite you! attacking FormID: 000E7AFE DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Die dog! attacking FormID: 000E7AFF DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Hahaha! attacking (enjoying the fight) FormID: 000E7B00 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 On your knees! attacking FormID: 000E7B01 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Take that! attacking FormID: 000E7B02 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Die! attacking FormID: 000A6802 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices POAT 0 Yeeeaarrggh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 000A6804 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices POAT 0 Hhyyaarrgghh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 000A6806 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices POAT 0 Nnnnyyaarrgghh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 0006F44C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BASH 0 Rrargh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0006F44D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BASH 0 Hrargh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0006F44E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BASH 0 Unnff! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 000A6BB1 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Nuhn! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000A6BB2 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Aggh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000A6BB3 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Oof! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000A6BB4 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Arrggh! REC - no subtitles displayed; reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0006F448 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Gah! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0006F449 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Hunh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0006F44A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Wagh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0006F44B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices HIT_ 0 Unh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0006F422 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices FLEE 0 No... flee line FormID: 0006F423 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices FLEE 0 Enough of this! flee line FormID: 0006F424 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices FLEE 0 Damn it, no more! flee line FormID: 0006F42B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BLED 0 I'll... get you... seriously injured, down on the ground FormID: 0006F42C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BLED 0 I'm not done yet... seriously injured, down on the ground FormID: 0009BC03 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BLED 0 Gods... the pain... seriously injured, down on the ground FormID: 0009BC04 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices BLED 0 You'll... pay for this... seriously injured, down on the ground FormID: 0002E3CE DialogueGenericUniqueVoices DETH 0 Noooo.... FormID: 000A682F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices DETH 0 Shadows take me... FormID: 0009BC00 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices DETH 0 Aghh.. FormID: 000A7261 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 I don't have time for this. FormID: 000A7262 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 There's no need to hide. I won't hurt you. FormID: 000A6834 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 Come out and face me, you coward! FormID: 000A7263 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 I can smell your fear. FormID: 000A7264 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 I can hear your heart beating. FormID: 000A683C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 Hiding? The shadows are my domain! FormID: 000A6845 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 Hiding only prolongs the inevitable. FormID: 000A68F7 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALIL 0 I know you're here. Show yourself. FormID: 000A6C52 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOIL 0 I'll find you... it's only a matter of time. FormID: 000A6C77 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOIL 0 Coward. Come out and fight me! FormID: 0006F425 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOIL 0 Come on, show yourself! FormID: 0006F426 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOIL 0 I'm going to find you... FormID: 000A67FD DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTA 0 Hm? Something's near... FormID: 000A67FE DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTA 0 Wait, I hear something... FormID: 000A7297 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTA 0 I heard something. FormID: 0006F41F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTA 0 Who's there? FormID: 0006F420 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTA 0 What was that? FormID: 000A725D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 Time to fight! FormID: 000A725E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 Finally! Let's end this. FormID: 000A725F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 There you are! FormID: 000A6AE2 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 Your feeble attempt to hide is insulting! FormID: 000A6AF7 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 You can't hide from me! FormID: 000A6B20 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 Enough games, let's end this! FormID: 000A6B3C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 Come coward, now we fight! FormID: 0006F42D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 I knew I heard something! FormID: 0006F42E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTC 0 Now you're mine! FormID: 000A727D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 You've got moments to live. FormID: 000A727E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I'm endin' you right now! FormID: 000A727F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Sure, pick on the old guy! FormID: 000A7280 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Come on, I won't bite. FormID: 000A7281 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Let's get this party started. FormID: 000A7282 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Been itching for a fight. FormID: 000A6BB5 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I promise a swift but painful end! FormID: 000A7283 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 No mercy for the weak! FormID: 000A7284 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I'll give no quarter! FormID: 000A7285 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 So, it's to the pain then! FormID: 000A7286 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Ah good, I could use some practice! FormID: 000A7287 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I'll tear you apart! FormID: 000A7288 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 The burden of death approaches! FormID: 000A6BB6 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Come, taste darkness's embrace! FormID: 000A6BB7 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Your life is forfeit! FormID: 000A6BB8 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I bring death from the shadows! FormID: 000A6BB9 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 By Nocturnal's grace, I will defeat you! FormID: 000A6BBA DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I'll bury my blade in your heart! FormID: 000A6BBB DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Your death will be my triumph! FormID: 000A6BBC DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 You're not a threat... merely an annoyance. FormID: 000A6BBD DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 You've just written your own epitaph. FormID: 000A6BBE DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Your blood will adorn my blade! FormID: 000A6BBF DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 This shouldn't take long. FormID: 000A6BC0 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 So, it begins. FormID: 0006F429 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Where'd you come from? FormID: 0006F42A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Hey! FormID: 00107F9A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Talos smite you! jumping into combat FormID: 00107F9B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Sovngarde awaits! jumping into combat FormID: 00107F9C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 This should be fun! jumping into combat FormID: 00107F9D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 For the Emperor! jumping into combat FormID: 00107F9E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 Die villain! jumping into combat FormID: 00107F9F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices NOTC 0 I'll enjoy killing you! jumping into combat FormID: 0006F417 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTN 0 Guess it was nothing after all. FormID: 0006F418 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ALTN 0 I must've been hearing things. FormID: 000A728B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 They picked on the wrong old man. FormID: 000A728C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Haven't fought like that in years. FormID: 000A728D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 That was fun. FormID: 000A728E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Waste of time. FormID: 000A728F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Didn't even work up a sweat. FormID: 000A7290 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Pathetic. FormID: 000A7291 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 That's what happens when you cross the Guild. FormID: 000A7293 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 I think they got the message. FormID: 000A7294 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Damn, just as I was getting warmed up. FormID: 000A7295 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 I hardly felt a thing. FormID: 000A7296 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 And that's why I'm the best. FormID: 000A6923 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 The afterlife will bring you darkness. FormID: 000A6927 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Bless you, Lady of Shadows... I live another day. like a prayer FormID: 000A6956 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 I send you to your rest. FormID: 000A6957 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 You were no match for a Nightingale. FormID: 000A695C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Shadows consume you. FormID: 000A695D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 That wasn't a fight, it was an execution. FormID: 000A695E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 So ends the lesson. FormID: 000A6ABC DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 That was hardly worth my time. FormID: 000A6ADE DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 How disappointing. FormID: 000A6AE1 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 Hmph. Hardly a challenge. FormID: 0006F41D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 That'll teach you to cross me. FormID: 0006F41C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COTN 0 That's the end of that. FormID: 000A7260 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 Oh come now, resorting to petty tricks are we? FormID: 000A6826 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 A bold but foolish move. FormID: 000A682E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 Coward. FormID: 0002E3D5 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 You cannot escape! FormID: 0006F42F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 Where'd you go? FormID: 0006F430 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 Come back here! FormID: 0006F431 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 Where are you? FormID: 0006F432 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 You can't hide forever! FormID: 0006F433 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 You can't get away from me! FormID: 0006F434 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices COLO 0 Show yourself! FormID: 0006F427 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTN 0 No one here now. finished searching after losing track of someone FormID: 0006F428 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTN 0 Must've scared 'em off. finished searching after losing track of someone FormID: 000A726E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTC 0 Enough of this! Fight me! FormID: 000A67FF DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTC 0 So, you reveal yourself! FormID: 000A6800 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTC 0 You can't hide from me! FormID: 0002E343 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTC 0 Now you die! FormID: 0006F419 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTC 0 There you are! FormID: 0006F41A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices LOTC 0 Ha, found you! FormID: 0006F455 CreatureDialogueMammoth HIT_ 0 FormID: 0006F8A4 DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhBribe CUST 0 That is a fine idea. The stronghold would need the gold when I left to marry, anyway. I am ready when you are. FormID: 0006F90D DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhBribe CUST 0 No. That won't be enough. FormID: 0006F81E DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhIntimidate CUST 0 I am not weak. Very well, outlander, I will go with you whenever you are ready. FormID: 0006F81F DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhIntimidate CUST 0 You dare challenge a child of Malacath? FormID: 0006F80C DialogueMorKhazgur DialogueMorKhazgurBorgakhLeave DialogueMorKhazgurBorghakNeverMind CUST 0 Thank you for asking. FormID: 0006F805 Favor104 HELO 0 You wouldn't be a sellsword, would you? I have a little problem you could solve. FormID: 00068FE7 Favor104 HELO 0 I used to be an adventurer in my day, then I settled down. Got married. FormID: 0006F7F9 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I may have accidentally let a prisoner escape. The leader of one of those bandit groups. FormID: 0006F7F9 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I told everyone he died during questioning, and I need you to track him down and make sure he doesn't show up to disprove that. FormID: 00068F3F Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 That's right. Used to explore all over. I'm the one who originally found the mine Darkwater Crossing was built around. FormID: 00068F3F Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I was actually scouting a bit the other day, old times sake. Spied a brigand heading back to his camp. FormID: 00068F3F Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Up for a little hunting? My husband is being a sad stick, so I can't go myself. FormID: 000AB81D Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Whenever a group of marauders attack a Nord village, Ulfric is the first to sound the horn and send the men. FormID: 000AB81D Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 But a group of Dark Elf refugees gets ambushed? A group of Argonians, or a Khajiit caravan? No troops. No investigation. Nothing. FormID: 000AB81D Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 There's a group of cutthroats out there right now that Ulfric doesn't lift a finger to bring to justice, as long as they don't threaten Nord land. FormID: 0006F7E7 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestAccept CUST 0 Good. I'll have a sack of coin waiting for you when you get back. FormID: 00068F61 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestAccept CUST 0 This brings back memories. Come back when you're done and maybe I'll be up to showing you a few tricks. FormID: 000AB822 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestAccept CUST 0 That's a brave offer. I'd be happy to throw in my coin behind that. FormID: 000AB822 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestAccept CUST 1 You deal with them, I'll make sure you get paid. Maybe this old soldier will throw in some lessons as well. FormID: 0006F7B7 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestReject CUST 0 Suit yourself. FormID: 00068F69 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestReject CUST 0 Fair enough. FormID: 000AB841 Favor104 Favor104QuestGive Favor104QuestReject CUST 0 Yes. It is. FormID: 0006F6D6 Favor104 Favor104QuestReturn Favor104QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 That's a load off my mind. Here's your pay. FormID: 0006F962 Favor104 Favor104QuestReturn Favor104QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You remind me of myself a few years ago. Let me show you a little bit about wearing light armor. It's helped me out whenever I was scouting. FormID: 0006F962 Favor104 Favor104QuestReturn Favor104QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Now I've got the itch to travel again. If you're leaving town, I wouldn't mind coming with for a while. FormID: 000AB859 Favor104 Favor104QuestReturn Favor104QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Now that's good work. Everyone will be a lot safer with them gone, Dark Elf and Nord alike. FormID: 000AB859 Favor104 Favor104QuestReturn Favor104QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, some gold as promised, and let me show you a bit about wearing heavy armor. Save you some aches on a long march. FormID: 0006F7DE Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 My husband. We used to go out in the wilds and collect ingredients together. He used to call me his [QUOTE]pretty Juniper.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006F7DE Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 It's quite romantic, if you're an alchemist. Frost took the old fool a few seasons back, while he was looking for the Ring of Pure Mixtures. FormID: 0006F7DE Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 I found the ring's resting place after he died, but I'm far too old to go exploring some cave, now. FormID: 00090DF0 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I am. I came into Arkay's light after the Great War. So many died by my hands, my magics. FormID: 00090DF0 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I'm fortunate that Kust and the people of Falkreath have come to accept me as one of their own. FormID: 00090DF0 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Could you do an old elf a favor? I misplaced my journal in a cave I was exploring. I'll pay for its return. FormID: 00070437 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I was the finest scout in the Legion, once. Tracked down all the places in the wilds that were causing people trouble. FormID: 00070437 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Lost my helmet in one of the old caves. My pretty, pretty helmet. Life just got worse after that. Kept losing things. So many things.... FormID: 00068FE2 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Yes. I've wandered a bit, but I always come back to Kynesgrove. My clan was one of the first to settle here. FormID: 00068FE2 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Legend says that my forefather Lenne discovered the mines after he stumbled into a dark cave to relieve himself. Too much mead. FormID: 00068FE2 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Of course, there's another story of Lenne losing the family shield in a different cave, so it depends on who you believe. FormID: 000AB817 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Of course I am. What do I look like, a tavern wench? FormID: 000AB817 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Ah, don't let my words cut you too deep. I've just been working the forge too hard. Trying to set this sword right. FormID: 0006FC72 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 0 Well, aren't you sweet? I'd be happy to give you some alchemy training in exchange for the ring, if you bring it to me. FormID: 00090E01 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 0 Blessing of Arkay to you for your help. FormID: 0007044D Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 0 Oh, you could? I sure would love to have it again. Could show you some of my old scouting tricks. FormID: 00068F64 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 0 According to my grandfather at least. He swore that version of the legend was true, even found the cave old Lenne stumbled into. FormID: 00068F64 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 1 Hey, if you find it, I could show you some of the clan's favorite fighting moves. They're all shield techniques. FormID: 000AB83B Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 0 Jarl wants it to look like an ancient blade. High Queen Freydis ruled over Windhelm in the Second Era, and her sword was legendary. FormID: 000AB83B Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 1 Getting the real sword would be even better than making a copy, but no one wants to risk getting it from its resting place. FormID: 000AB83B Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestAccept CUST 2 If you find that sword, traveler, I'd be grateful. FormID: 0006F82C Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestReject CUST 0 Why am I not surprised? FormID: 00090E09 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestReject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 00070492 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestReject CUST 0 So many things lost.... FormID: 00068F21 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestReject CUST 0 Well, I never claimed otherwise. FormID: 000AB816 Favor205 Favor205QuestGive Favor205QuestReject CUST 0 Pfft. Ungrateful milk drinker. FormID: 0006F815 Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. Here, let an old alchemist pass on some of her secrets to you. FormID: 00090E0C Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. It's a collection of regrets that I try not to forget. Here, I promised you this. FormID: 00070574 Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Look at it. That's real Nord craftsmanship, that is! Let me show you an old trick I learned as a scout. Makes it harder for the enemy to notice you. FormID: 00068F32 Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 My clan's shield. So Lenne really did stumble into that cave and was eaten by monsters. FormID: 00068F32 Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 In honor of his memory, let me show you a few shield techniques. And tell me if you're leaving town. Be good to travel again. FormID: 000AB81C Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Look at that edge. Still sharp. FormID: 000AB81C Favor205 Favor205QuestReturn Favor205QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I'll present this to the Jarl later. As for you, let me show you some smithing techniques. FormID: 0006F20D WIChangeLocation04 WIChangeLocation04ForceGreetBranch WIChangeLocation04ForceGreetTopic CUST 0 I've finally found you! I want to join the College of Winterhold. But I need help with my wards. Can you teach me? hopeful Walk Away FormID: 0006F209 WIChangeLocation04 WIChangeLocation04ForceGreetBranch WIChangeLocation04No CUST 0 Oh. All right... I guess I'll just keep practicing on my own. Sorry to bother you. disappointed FormID: 0006F20C WIChangeLocation04 WIChangeLocation04ForceGreetBranch WIChangeLocation04Yes CUST 0 Really? Great! Okay. So, first, you raise your ward and I'll throw a little spell at it. That way I can see the [QUOTE]right[QUOTE] way to do things. excited his hero is willing to help him FormID: 0006F20B WIChangeLocation04 SCEN 0 Get your ward ready. excitedly explaining what to do next FormID: 0006F20F WIChangeLocation04 SCEN 0 Great! Now I'm going to cast some spells at you. Keep your ward up so I can study it. excitedly explaining what to do next FormID: 0006F210 WIChangeLocation04 SCEN 0 I think I see what I was doing wrong... coming to a realization and explaining what to do next FormID: 0006F20A WIChangeLocation04 SCEN 0 Come on. I don't want to hit you until you have your ward ready. excited and trying not be annoyed the player isn't listening to his instructions FormID: 0006F20E WIChangeLocation04 SCEN 0 All right. That should do it. I think I'm ready to try the College again. Thanks! excited FormID: 000C4DFD MS05 MS05WeddingDelayBlockingBranch MS05WeddingDelayBlockingTopic1 CUST 0 We would but there's a big wedding taking place at Castle Dour. We'll have to wait until after the wedding. FormID: 000C4DFD MS05 MS05WeddingDelayBlockingBranch MS05WeddingDelayBlockingTopic1 CUST 1 Come back in a few nights when the wedding reception is over and we'll start the ceremony when you do. FormID: 0006F176 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorEmbassyTrickeryBranch MQ201ThalmorEmbassyTrickeryBranchTopic CUST 0 Why didn't you say so? Take over my post. Make sure nobody enters the Solar. FormID: 0002525C MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorEmbassyTrickeryBranch MQ201ThalmorEmbassyTrickeryBranchTopic CUST 0 The Emissary? What's this about? working out that he's being tricked FormID: 0002525C MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorEmbassyTrickeryBranch MQ201ThalmorEmbassyTrickeryBranchTopic CUST 1 Wait... who are you? Intruder! now it's dawned on him. FormID: 0006F169 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201SolarGuardWalkaway MQ201SolarGuardWalkawayTopic CUST 0 Well? Get out of here and mind your rounds. FormID: 0006EFEF dunSouthfringeQST DunBoulderFallFreeMeBlockingBranch SelveniFreeMeTopic CUST 0 Please, cut me down! FormID: 0006EFF8 dunSouthfringeQST dunBoulderfallSelveniHELLO HELO 0 You! Please, help me! FormID: 0006EFFE dunSouthfringeQST dunBoulderfallSelveniHELLO HELO 0 Hurry, cut me down! trapped in spider web, pleading for help FormID: 0006F003 dunSouthfringeQST dunBoulderfallSelveniHELLO HELO 0 I want to get to my son. He's all I have left. FormID: 0006EEE1 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodTroubleBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodTroubleBranchTopic CUST 0 That which is unknown can create unease, even fear. It is to be expected. FormID: 0006EEE1 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodTroubleBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodTroubleBranchTopic CUST 1 Some fear our new resident wizard. As they grow to know him, they will accept him. FormID: 0006EEE1 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalIdgrodTroubleBranch DialogueMorthalIdgrodTroubleBranchTopic CUST 2 Time will prove me right. FormID: 0006EBD9 MQ203 MQ203FoundEsbern MQ203FoundEsbernTopic CUST 0 Really? He's safe? Where is he? FormID: 0006EBDF MQ203 MQ203FoundEsbern MQ203FoundEsbernA1 CUST 0 Mara's mercy, then he's safe! Come on, we have a lot to discuss. with flooding relief FormID: 0006EBDE MQ203 MQ203FoundEsbern MQ203FoundEsbernA1 CUST 0 What? You left him on his own? With the Thalmor after him? Go make sure he's safe and bring him here! aghast FormID: 0006EBD6 MQ202 MQ202FoundEsbern MQ202FoundEsbernTopic CUST 0 So what are you doing here? Lorkhan's eyes, you can't let the Thalmor get to him first! Get back to Riften! FormID: 0006EBD7 MQ202 MQ202FoundEsbern MQ202FoundEsbernTopic CUST 0 Did you tell him you were Dragonborn? I didn't think so. FormID: 0006EBD7 MQ202 MQ202FoundEsbern MQ202FoundEsbernTopic CUST 1 Lorkhan's eyes, do I have to do everything myself? Get back to Riften before the Thalmor find him! FormID: 0006EBDD MQ00 MQ00EsbernWhoAreYou MQ00EsbernWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 Hasn't she told you? We were both Blades, back when that still meant something. FormID: 0006EBDD MQ00 MQ00EsbernWhoAreYou MQ00EsbernWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 Now we're just fellow fugitives from the Thalmor. I didn't know she was still alive, but I'm not surprised. She was a survivor. FormID: 0006EBD8 MQ00 MQ00EsbernThalmorHuntingYou MQ00EsbernThalmorHuntingYouTopic CUST 0 Well. They've been hunting down Blades since the Great War, on general principle. FormID: 0006EBD8 MQ00 MQ00EsbernThalmorHuntingYou MQ00EsbernThalmorHuntingYouTopic CUST 1 But if you mean me, now, in particular... maybe they've started to get an inkling of what the return of the dragons means. FormID: 0006EBD8 MQ00 MQ00EsbernThalmorHuntingYou MQ00EsbernThalmorHuntingYouTopic CUST 2 I don't suppose they want the world to end any more than we do. Or at least, they'd prefer to end it on their terms. FormID: 0006EBDA MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 0 Haven't you been paying attention to anything I've said? Only you can finally defeat Alduin and avert the end of the world! FormID: 0006EBDA MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 1 If we can just find out what this Dragonrend Shout is, you may have a chance. FormID: 0006EBDA MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 2 Or not. There's no guarantee with prophecy. Merely hope. FormID: 000E1373 MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 0 Haven't you been paying attention to anything I've said? Only you can finally defeat Alduin and avert the end of the world! FormID: 000E1373 MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 1 If we can just find out what Shout the ancient Nords used, you may have a chance. FormID: 000E1373 MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 2 Or not. There's no guarantee with prophecy. Merely hope. FormID: 0006EBDB MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 0 It's the prophecy, don't you see? Only a Dragonborn can stop Alduin and avert the end of the world! FormID: 0006EBDB MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 1 But... I don't yet know how you can stop him. The prophecy doesn't say. But Alduin's Wall does. I hope. FormID: 0006EBDC MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 0 Not yet, not yet. When we get to Riverwood... with Delphine... I'll tell you both then, when I've collected my thoughts. FormID: 0006EBDC MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 1 I never expected... well, suddenly here you are and now I'm too muddled to explain myself. at random -- scattered FormID: 0006EBDC MQ00 MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportant MQEsbernWhyDragonbornImportantTopic CUST 2 I still need some time to get used to the idea that there might be hope for us after all. FormID: 0006E78E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes, you're the new Family member. Let's make this easy - consider me the cranky old uncle nobody talks to. You go your way, I'll go mine. FormID: 0006E78F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 There you are! Astrid's told me all about you. Heard she pulled the ole' [QUOTE]Choose your victim[QUOTE] gag with you. Ah, I love that one... FormID: 0006E790 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, well. It's raw meat. Oh, my beautiful wife has told me all about you. FormID: 0006E791 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 New brother. May I offer my most sincere welcome to our Family. FormID: 0006E792 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 New sister. May I offer my most sincere welcome to our Family. FormID: 0006E793 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Welcome, my brother. Welcome to our Sanctuary. You have made the right choice, joining us, I assure you. FormID: 0006E794 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranch DarkFamilyMembersGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Welcome, my sister. Welcome to our Sanctuary. You have made the right choice, joining us, I assure you. FormID: 0006E795 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue IDAT 0 Hmph. FormID: 0006E796 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue IDAT 0 I'll give you a week before you end up dead in a ditch. FormID: 0006E797 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue IDAT 0 You certainly have a strange energy about you. I look forward to following your progress. FormID: 0006E798 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue IDAT 0 You just trust in Astrid, follow her orders, and you'll do fine here. FormID: 0006E799 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue IDAT 0 You're going to love it here. We have a lot of fun, and we look out for each other. Just like any family. FormID: 0006E25E DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha! Again! Again! Do the part where he tries to buy you some candy. FormID: 0006E267 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Okay, okay. Wait. Here we go. [QUOTE]Ooh, you are such a pretty little girl. Would the sweetie like a sweetie? Oh yes, how about some chocolate?[QUOTE] impersonating an old man. Some kind of funny German accent would be great. FormID: 0006E262 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh yes, please, kind sir. My mama and papa left me all alone, and I'm so very hungry. I know a shortcut to the candy shop. Through this alley. Very sweet and innocent FormID: 0006E261 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh ya, very good. Very good. My it is dark down here. Oh, but you are so beautiful. Such a lovely smile. Your teeth... your teeth! No! Aggghh!! impersonating an old man. Some kind of funny German accent would be great. FormID: 0006E269 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh Babette, but you are so wicked. FormID: 0006E25B DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 What about you, Festus? How did that last contract turn out? FormID: 0006E264 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh, yes, please, old man. Regale us with your tales of wizardry... FormID: 0006E26C DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ah, the young and stupid. Always mocking the experienced and brilliant. My contract went very well, I'll have you know. FormID: 0006E25F DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Tried a new spell. Little something I've been working on in my spare time. Came [QUOTE]this[QUOTE] close to turning that priest inside out. Damned messy. FormID: 0006E266 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 And what of your latest, Arnbjorn. Something about a Khajiit? Merchant was it? FormID: 0006E265 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh, a big doggy chasing a little kitty! How adorable! FormID: 0006E26A DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! laughing at a funny story FormID: 0006E259 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! laughing at a funny story FormID: 0006E25C DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! laughing at a funny story FormID: 0006E25D DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 I am not adorable, it was not funny, and he wasn't a merchant. He was a Khajiit monk, a master of the Whispering Fang style. FormID: 0006E260 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 But now he's dead... and I have a new loincloth. FormID: 0006E263 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0006E268 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0006E26B DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0006E25A DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0006E01D WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03ForcegreetBranch WIChangeLocation03ForcegreetTopic CUST 0 You call yourself a wizard? I challenge you to a duel! challenging a known hero Walk Away FormID: 0006E017 WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03ForcegreetBranch WIChangeLocation03No CUST 0 I won't take no for answer! about to attack someone he wants to duel FormID: 0006E016 WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03ForcegreetBranch WIChangeLocation03Yes CUST 0 The gods will be the judge of that. FormID: 0006E018 WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03Shared IDAT 0 Stop it! This is a one-on-one duel! upset someone else is fighting him FormID: 0006E019 WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03Shared IDAT 0 I thought you were a wizard. Hit me with a spell! upset the rules of the duel are being broken FormID: 0006E01A WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03Shared IDAT 0 You're cheating! upset the rules of the duel are being broken FormID: 0006E01B WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03Shared IDAT 0 It's no fun unless you fight me with magic. upset the rules of the duel are being broken FormID: 0006E01C WIChangeLocation03 WIChangeLocation03Shared IDAT 0 This is a magic duel. Ma-gic. You know, with spells. [QUOTE]Ma-gic[QUOTE] like [QUOTE]maa-giiic[QUOTE] sarcastic. upset the rules of the duel are being broken FormID: 0006DEB2 MQ202 SCEN 0 That's better. Now we can talk. with relief at being safely locked inside again FormID: 0006DE7B dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 The research I've done seems to indicate that Skorm Snow-Strider left part of his journal here after laying siege. FormID: 0006DE7C dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 I believe it should indicate how to enter the blocked off sections of the stronghold. FormID: 0006DE7D dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 I should warn you, Forelhost is quite haunted, but I'm sure you can handle it. Return to me here once you've obtained the staff. FormID: 000729ED dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 Me? No, I'm too important to the war effort to risk life and limb in there... Besides, that's what I'm paying you for. FormID: 000C3534 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 It seems that after the strength of the Cult was broken in the Dragon War a last contingent came here to create a stronghold and regroup. FormID: 000C3534 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 1 King Harald's forces crushed stragglers here the during the First Era and it has been haunted ever since, but the specifics of the siege are unclear. FormID: 000C355B dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 They were among the first men to arrive from Atmora and they worshipped certain animals as avatars of the Gods; Dragons being foremost. FormID: 000C355B dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 1 And for their bloody sacrifices, the Dragons gifted their priests with terrible power. FormID: 000C355B dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 2 But their cruelty was too great for men to bear, and they rose up in what would be called the Dragon War and the Cult swept from the land. FormID: 00090EE5 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostShared IDAT 0 Oh... well... of course they'd disavow all knowledge... spies are everywhere. you are lying to the player, pretending to be an officer FormID: 0006DE32 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitResponse1 CUST 0 I've just been asked enough questions. I'm here to learn, not to explain myself over and over. tired FormID: 0006DE32 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitResponse1 CUST 1 Forgive me, I didn't mean to assume. apologetic FormID: 0006DE0D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitResponse2 CUST 0 No, I suppose we haven't. Brelyna Maryon, of House Telvanni. First of my family to leave Morrowind in a long time. FormID: 0006DE0D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitResponse2 CUST 1 Now I'm here to study Conjuration. That's what's important. FormID: 0006E008 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmer DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmerTopic CUST 0 Didn't you know? FormID: 0006E008 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmer DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmerTopic CUST 1 Before the Oblivion Crisis, many elves called Winterhold their home. More visited the College from Morrowind every year. FormID: 0006E008 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmer DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmerTopic CUST 2 After, growing distrust of magic made life difficult for many. Some left rather than endure the growing hatred from the local Nords. FormID: 0006E008 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmer DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmerTopic CUST 3 Others returned home after the Red Year, when Vvardenfell erupted and caused much destruction. FormID: 0006E008 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmer DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaDunmerTopic CUST 4 Winterhold itself died in the years between then and now. What's left out there is a husk. Only the College really remains. FormID: 0006DEC4 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranchTopic CUST 0 You consider Restoration a valid school of magic, worthy of study, don't you? Don't you? slightly nuts/desperate FormID: 0006DE3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse1 CUST 0 Good, good. relieved FormID: 0006DE3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse1 CUST 1 Not that I require validation, of course. There are just some - and I shan't name names - who would disagree. FormID: 0006DE3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse1 CUST 2 It can make life difficult when one's colleagues fail to recognize the research one engages in. FormID: 0006DE34 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse2 CUST 0 I... I see. shocked, horrified FormID: 0006DE34 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse2 CUST 1 Well, I'm glad we've established this early, rather than me hearing about it years or decades later when the whispers behind my back are loud enough. FormID: 0006DE2C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse3 CUST 0 It's quite simple really. There are some who shall not be dignified by being named, who have implied that it is not. a bit nuts FormID: 0006DE2C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse3 CUST 1 That is to say, it's been suggested that resources used for my study of Restoration could be put to better use. Any other use, in fact. a bit nuts FormID: 0006DE2C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse3 CUST 2 It's not just healing cuts and bruises, you know. The undead are a very real, very dangerous threat and Restoration magics can keep them at bay. a bit nuts FormID: 0006DE2C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteInitResponse3 CUST 3 Not to mention the benefit of wards! How can they continually overlook wards! It's baffling! increasingly agitated FormID: 0006E00A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadly DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadlyTopic CUST 0 Well... No. Not really. Not directly, I mean. FormID: 0006E00A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadly DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadlyTopic CUST 1 But I know things are said behind my back. Conversations cease when I enter rooms. nervous, agitated FormID: 0006E00A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadly DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadlyTopic CUST 2 I'm quite aware of what's going on here, and I will not stand for it! increasingly agitated FormID: 0006DFB8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragInitBranchTopic CUST 0 You are now in the Arcanaeum, of which I am in charge. It might as well be my own little plane of Oblivion. FormID: 0006DFB8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragInitBranchTopic CUST 1 Disrupt my Arcanaeum, and I will have you torn apart by angry Atronachs. FormID: 0006DFB8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragInitBranchTopic CUST 2 Now, do you require assistance? FormID: 0006DF9A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragTakeWorkSeriously DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragTakeWorkSeriouslyTopic CUST 0 Of course I do. If I didn't, most of these books would've been burned to ashes or dissolved to nothing before the Third Era. annoyed by the question but proud of your work FormID: 0006DF9A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragTakeWorkSeriously DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragTakeWorkSeriouslyTopic CUST 1 Mages need to be reminded to be careful around research materials. FormID: 0006DEC3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragLibraryImpressive DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragLibraryImpressiveTopic CUST 0 A mage is only as good as what he knows. I try and make sure as much knowledge is available as possible. gruff, but proud FormID: 0006DEC3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragLibraryImpressive DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragLibraryImpressiveTopic CUST 1 We've been keeping this collection since the Second Era. Books have come and gone during that time, but it's mostly intact. gruff, but proud FormID: 0006DE95 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisInitBranchTopic CUST 0 If you require assistance with summoning techniques, please let me know. FormID: 0006DE95 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisInitBranchTopic CUST 1 If you would, please also contain your summons to the College grounds. The locals do not need to be agitated further by Atronachs roaming their town. FormID: 0006DE95 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisInitBranchTopic CUST 2 The summoning of undead is even less advisable outside of the College. FormID: 0006DE3C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisUndeadInit DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisUndeadInitTopic CUST 0 By Sheor, no. Those archaic policies died out with the Mages Guild, and were never enforced here. FormID: 0006DE3C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisUndeadInit DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisUndeadInitTopic CUST 1 Necromancy, as any other type of magic, is a tool to be used. FormID: 0006DE3C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisUndeadInit DialogueWinterholdCollegePhinisUndeadInitTopic CUST 2 Of course, non-mages may not see it that way, so we don't go around flaunting it. FormID: 0006DE3B MG01 SCEN 0 Do not cross the bridge unaided! FormID: 0006DE33 MG01 SCEN 0 You risk death by doing so, and you shall not gain entry. FormID: 0006DE17 MG01 SCEN 0 You must first prove your worth, and then I shall lead you across. FormID: 0006DE15 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportant MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportantTopic CUST 0 Dragons, is it? Does that make you the fabled [QUOTE]Dragonborn[QUOTE] we've heard mention of? FormID: 00079AEB MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportant MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportantTopic CUST 0 You were just going to prove that you're Dragonborn. FormID: 0006E009 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportant MGMainQuestBridgeScrollResponse1 CUST 0 Can you? You have the power of the Voice? Now I'm interested. FormID: 0006E009 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportant MGMainQuestBridgeScrollResponse1 CUST 1 By all means, show me. FormID: 0006DFA3 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeScrollImportant MGMainQuestBridgeScrollResponse2 CUST 0 So you have the Voice, then? I would be quite impressed to see that. FormID: 0006DEC5 MGMainQuestBridge SCEN 0 You do indeed have the power. I'm impressed. FormID: 0006DEC2 MGMainQuestBridge SCEN 0 Please, follow me. I'll escort you inside the College. FormID: 0006DE3E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranchTopic CUST 0 The key to wards is that they take time to charge. FormID: 0006DE3E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranchTopic CUST 1 Not long, but you can't start casting with a fireball coming at you. joking FormID: 0006DE3E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranchTopic CUST 2 Also, if your ward isn't negated by an incoming spell, it will recharge itself after a moment or two. FormID: 0006DE3E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeWardBranchTopic CUST 3 Just be careful. Casting wards requires constant concentration, and you can easily find yourself drained of your magicka reserves. FormID: 0006D919 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Walk always in the shadow of Sithis. FormID: 000E0D5C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 May the shroud of death embrace you. FormID: 000BEB5A DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Darkness guide you. FormID: 000E0D5D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Burn that little jester alive. FormID: 000E0D5E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Remember, fireballs. You can never go wrong. FormID: 000E0D5F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Go, incinerate some poor bastard for me. emphasis on [QUOTE]me[QUOTE] FormID: 000BEB5B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Yeah, yeah. Goodbye, kill lots of people, Hail Sithis, and all that. FormID: 000E0D60 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Go. Do what has to be done. FormID: 000E0D61 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Have fun! FormID: 000E0D62 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Can't wait to hear all about the next person you murder. FormID: 000BEB5C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Have a good contract. FormID: 000BEB5D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Kill well, and often. FormID: 000BEB5E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Just come back alive, and I'll be happy. FormID: 000BEB5F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Go on now. Time to get your hands bloody. FormID: 000BEB60 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Take care of yourself, beef roast. FormID: 000BEB61 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Later, ham hock. FormID: 000BEB62 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Yeah, good luck. FormID: 000BEB63 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Represent us well, brother. FormID: 000BEB64 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Represent us well, sister. FormID: 000BEB65 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Remember, when you kill - we all wield the blade. FormID: 000BEB66 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Watch yourself out there. FormID: 000BEB67 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Cicero bids you... farewell. FormID: 000BEB68 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Oh, yes. Goodbye, goodbye. FormID: 000BEB69 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Farewell, farewell! FormID: 0006D91A DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Until next time, brother. FormID: 0006D91B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Until next time, sister. FormID: 0006D91C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Kill well. And often. FormID: 000E26FA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Right, then. FormID: 000E26FB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue GBYE 0 Stay safe. FormID: 0006D4A8 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic05 CUST 0 Only way you could have found one of those is by stealin' it. Guess you'll fit in around here better than I thought. FormID: 0006D4A8 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic05 CUST 1 So what do you want to know? FormID: 0006D4A6 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSSharedInfos IDAT 0 The name's Maul; I watch the streets for the Black-Briars. If you need dirt on anything, I'm your guy. FormID: 0006D481 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulJewel DialogueRiftenMaulJewelTopic CUST 0 Do I look like a merchant to you? You're going to have to take that up with Vex in the Thieves Guild. FormID: 0006D481 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulJewel DialogueRiftenMaulJewelTopic CUST 1 Get in good with them and you'll find her. FormID: 0006D480 TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Not exactly. The crown is what the Guild calls a paragon; an object that enhances our thieving abilities. FormID: 0006D480 TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic03 CUST 1 At least, that's what I'm told it does... there hasn't been a paragon in this Guild for hundreds of years. FormID: 0006D43C TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic04 CUST 0 If we want to stay on top in Skyrim, the Guild needs that paragon back. FormID: 0006D43C TGCrown TGCrownTurnInBranch TGCrownTurnInBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Without it, we're just a bunch of petty thieves. FormID: 0006D197 MQ105 SCEN 0 When you Shout, you speak in the language of dragons. Thus, your Dragon Blood gives you an inborn ability to learn Words of Power. FormID: 0006D3B6 MQ00 MQArngeirShouting MQArngeirShoutingTopic CUST 0 Dragons have always been able to Shout. Language is intrinsic to their very being. FormID: 0006D3B6 MQ00 MQArngeirShouting MQArngeirShoutingTopic CUST 1 There is no difference in the dragon tongue between debating and fighting. Shouting comes as naturally to a dragon as breathing, or speaking. FormID: 0006D3B6 MQ00 MQArngeirShouting MQArngeirShoutingTopic CUST 2 In mythic times, when mortalkind was in great need, the goddess Kynareth granted us the ability to speak as dragons do. FormID: 0006D3B6 MQ00 MQArngeirShouting MQArngeirShoutingTopic CUST 3 For most people, long years of training are required to learn even the simplest Shout. FormID: 0006D3B6 MQ00 MQArngeirShouting MQArngeirShoutingTopic CUST 4 But for you, the dragon speech is in your blood, and you learn it almost without effort. FormID: 0006D202 MQ105 SCEN 0 Approach Master Borri and he will gift you his knowledge of [QUOTE]Wuld.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006D204 MQ105 SCEN 0 Approach Master Borri and he will gift you his knowledge of [QUOTE]Nah.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006D205 MQ105 SCEN 0 Approach Master Borri and he will gift you his knowledge of [QUOTE]Kest.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006D198 MQ00 MQArngeirGreybeards MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsNoTalk CUST 0 Their Voices are too powerful for anyone not trained in the Way to withstand. Even a whisper could kill you. FormID: 0006D3C2 MQ00 MQArngeirOnlyFour MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsLeader CUST 0 Five. Our leader, Paarthurnax, lives alone on the peak of the Throat of the World. FormID: 0006D3C2 MQ00 MQArngeirOnlyFour MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsLeader CUST 1 When your Voice can open the path, you will know you are ready to speak to him. FormID: 0006D2AE MQ00 MQArngeirPaarthurnax MQArngeirPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 As I said, you will know you are ready when your Voice can open the path to him. FormID: 0006CD22 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 How can you just sit here and wait? We should be in there! You're a bit whiny about this. FormID: 0006CD23 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 We must gather our strength. Who knows what's inside? FormID: 0006CD20 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Treasure, that's what! Get off your scaly rump and let's go. T.R.E.A.S.U.R.E.! That's what! You're annoyed with your caretaker advising caution. FormID: 0006CD21 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Hush, Salma. We aren't alone. FormID: 0006CCE5 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 Too easy. FormID: 0006CCE6 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 There's the Blades agent! Kill him! FormID: 0006CCE7 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 There's the Blades agent! Kill her! FormID: 00075097 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 If they had their way, you'd do nothing but sit up on their mountain with them and talk to the sky, or whatever it is they do. FormID: 00075097 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 The Greybeards are so afraid of power that they won't use it. FormID: 00075097 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 2 Think about it. Have they tried to stop the civil war, or done anything about Alduin? FormID: 00075097 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 3 No. And they're afraid of you, of your power. FormID: 00075097 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 4 Trust me, there's no need to be afraid. Think of Tiber Septim. Do you think he'd have founded the Empire if he'd listened to the Greybeards? FormID: 0005F51A MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 What? You have it? with an avaricious gleam in his eye FormID: 0005F51A MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 No... No, as tempting as it is, it won't do to have both sides angry at us. FormID: 0005F51A MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 2 The College has had enough trouble staying out of the war. No need to make it worse. FormID: 0005F51A MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 3 You take that book to General Tullius or Ulfric and let them have their little triumph. It will be delivered back here to me soon enough. FormID: 000BFC53 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 They live in seclusion near the top of the Throat of the World, the great mountain of Skyrim. FormID: 000BFC53 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 They're masters of the Way of the Voice - of Shouting. FormID: 000BFC53 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 2 It's a great honor for them to summon you. They speak to very few - in fact, they hardly speak at all. FormID: 000C5225 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 No doubt. The appearance of a Dragonborn at this time is not an accident. Your destiny is surely bound up with the return of the dragons. FormID: 000C5225 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 You should focus on honing your Voice, and soon your path will be made clear. FormID: 000C5226 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 The Voice was a gift of the goddess Kynareth, at the dawn of time. She gave mortals the ability to speak as dragons do. FormID: 000C5226 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 Although this gift has often been misused, the only true use of the Voice is for the worship and glory of the gods. FormID: 000C5226 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 2 True mastery of the Voice can only be achieved when your inner spirit is in harmony with your outward actions. FormID: 000C5226 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 3 In the contemplation of the sky, Kynareth's domain, and the practice of the Voice, we strive to achieve this balance. FormID: 000C5227 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 We study the Way of the Voice, according to the teachings of our founder, Jurgen Windcaller. FormID: 000C5227 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 Very few are permitted to study with us here at High Hrothgar. FormID: 000C5227 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 2 But in your case, Dragonborn, it is a privilege to guide you towards mastery of your Voice. FormID: 0007E96E MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 Sky above, Voice within. serenely - this is sort of a mantra for the Greybeards FormID: 0008649E MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 Exactly. Nobody even remembers our name these days. bitterly FormID: 0008649E MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 We used to be known across Tamriel as the protectors of the Septim Emperors. Those days are long gone, though. FormID: 0008649E MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 2 For the last two hundred years, we've been searching for the next Dragonborn to guide and guard, as we are sworn to do. FormID: 0008649E MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 3 But we never found one. Until now. FormID: 00041301 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 The faction that rules the Aldmeri Dominion. The ones who almost destroyed the Empire during the Great War, thirty years back. FormID: 00041301 MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 1 There's no worse enemy to humankind in Tamriel. The Empire barely survived the last war. The Thalmor don't intend to lose the next one. FormID: 0003BD9A MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 I'm very dangerous! Don't make me come out there and hurt you! shouted through a locked door FormID: 0003BD9B MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 I'm not opening this door, so you might as well leave me alone. shouted through a locked door FormID: 0003BD9C MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 If my friends find out you've been bothering me, you'll be very sorry! shouted through a locked door FormID: 0003BD9D MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 Go away! shouted through a locked door FormID: 000A3C5E MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 This one's mine. FormID: 000D840A MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 Wind guide you. serenely FormID: 000D840B MQ00 MQ00Shared IDAT 0 Sky guard you. serenely FormID: 00098220 MQ00 NOTC 0 Stand together and we shall defeat him! FormID: 00098221 MQ00 NOTC 0 There he is! FormID: 00098222 MQ00 NOTC 0 No escape this time, foul worm! FormID: 000A3C6F MQ00 NOTC 0 Careful! FormID: 000A3C70 MQ00 NOTC 0 Uh-oh. FormID: 000A3C71 MQ00 NOTC 0 This is not good. FormID: 00103233 MQ00 NOTC 0 Be careful. The Forsworn are just as dangerous as they look. FormID: 00103234 MQ00 NOTC 0 The roads just aren't safe these days. sarcastically, as bandits attack FormID: 00103235 MQ00 NOTC 0 I don't have time for this. with disgust as you're attacked by bandits FormID: 00103236 MQ00 NOTC 0 Where do they keep coming from? with disgust as you're attacked by bandits FormID: 00103237 MQ00 NOTC 0 Watch out. Wolves. FormID: 00103238 MQ00 NOTC 0 Should have picked somebody else for your dinner. to hungry wolf as it attacks you FormID: 00103239 MQ00 NOTC 0 If that's the way you want it. FormID: 000A3C6B MQ00 NOTC 0 Good. I can use the practice. FormID: 000A3C6C MQ00 NOTC 0 Here we go. FormID: 000A3C6D MQ00 NOTC 0 Look out! FormID: 000A3C6E MQ00 NOTC 0 On guard! FormID: 000A3C76 MQ00 ALTC 0 Ah ha. FormID: 000A3C77 MQ00 ALTC 0 So it wasn't my imagination. FormID: 000A3C78 MQ00 ALTC 0 Ach, there you are. FormID: 000A3C79 MQ00 ALTC 0 Aha. FormID: 000A3C7A MQ00 ALTC 0 I've got one! FormID: 000A3C72 MQ00 ATCK 0 Bad move. FormID: 000A3C73 MQ00 ATCK 0 This won't take long. FormID: 000A3C74 MQ00 ATCK 0 Too slow. FormID: 000A3C75 MQ00 ATCK 0 This is how it's done. FormID: 0006CD0F MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55Response3 CUST 0 Well, I guess you'll have to. angry FormID: 0006CD10 MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55Response4 CUST 0 If you really think you can manage... FormID: 0006CD10 MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55Response4 CUST 1 I mean, I'd hate to leave now and find out later you met some horrible fate at the hands of the Caller. FormID: 0006CD10 MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55Response4 CUST 2 But if you insist, I suppose I'll be on my way. Thank you, and good luck. FormID: 0006CCC4 MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55Response5 CUST 0 Yes, let's! FormID: 0006CCC5 MG03 SCEN 0 Really, I think there's been a mistake. FormID: 0006CCCC MG03 SCEN 0 May I just speak with her, please, to clear all this up? FormID: 0006CCCE MG03 SCEN 0 Just let me out of here. I only wanted to help you! FormID: 0006CCCF MG03 SCEN 0 Okay, now can you let me out? Please? I won't tell anyone it was you. FormID: 0006CCD0 MG03 SCEN 0 Just open the cage, and I'll leave quietly. Won't make a sound, won't bother you at all. FormID: 0006CCD1 MG03 SCEN 0 Quiet down. FormID: 0006CCD2 MG03 SCEN 0 Stop your whining. FormID: 0006CCD3 MG03 SCEN 0 She said you stay in there, and that's final. FormID: 0006CD0E MG03 SCEN 0 I'll give you something to cry about if you don't quiet down. FormID: 0006CB4A DialogueGeneric GRNT 0 FormID: 0006CB4B DialogueGeneric GRNT 0 FormID: 0006CB4C DialogueGeneric GRNT 0 FormID: 0006C9E9 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalConfrontBranchTopic CUST 0 You just can't leave well enough alone, can you? Angered, offended. FormID: 000AF399 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalConfrontBranchTopic CUST 0 And just what do you think you're doing? Angered, offended. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9ED T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalConfrontNiceOption CUST 0 Unfortunately for you, we don't allow men into the inner sanctum. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9EE T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalConfrontNiceOption CUST 0 Unfortunately for you, we don't allow the uninitiated into the inner sanctum. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E8 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalConfrontMeanOption CUST 0 Indeed it is. Walk Away FormID: 000B7860 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalConfrontMeanOption CUST 0 There are many valuable artifacts all through the temple. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E7 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalPayThePrice CUST 0 You have committed a breach, and must pay the penalty. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E2 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalSoWhatsThePrice CUST 0 Normally, a quick death. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E3 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalSoWhatsThePrice CUST 0 Normally, a period of servitude. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9EC T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalMakesAnotherOffer CUST 0 Luckily for you, there are more pressing matters. We could make an example of you, but perhaps you could be put to better use. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E6 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalWhatDoYouHaveInMind CUST 0 The ceremony you so rudely interrupted was the Exalted Protocol of the Dibellan Sybil. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E6 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalWhatDoYouHaveInMind CUST 1 I don't expect you to know what that means. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E6 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalWhatDoYouHaveInMind CUST 2 Suffice to say that our Sybil was recently lost to us. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E6 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalWhatDoYouHaveInMind CUST 3 Through the Protocol, we have seen the home of the next Sybil, to the north, in a small village pressed against the stone. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9E6 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalWhatDoYouHaveInMind CUST 4 If you can travel there, and retrieve our young Sybil, your transgression will be forgiven. Walk Away FormID: 0006C9EA T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalScrewYou CUST 0 So be it. We gave you a choice. FormID: 0006C9EB T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalScrewYou CUST 0 So be it. We gave you a choice. FormID: 0006C9E1 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalIGuessIllHelp CUST 0 We believe the place in our vision to be Karthwasten. FormID: 0006C9E1 T01 T01HamalConfrontBranch T01HamalIGuessIllHelp CUST 1 Now move quickly. The girl must be brought to the temple as soon as possible. FormID: 0006C9E4 T01 T01SennaKickPlayerOut T01SennaKickPlayerOutTopic CUST 0 The sisters are communing with Dibella. They can't be disturbed. FormID: 0006C9E4 T01 T01SennaKickPlayerOut T01SennaKickPlayerOutTopic CUST 1 You'll have to come back another time. FormID: 0006C9A1 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Why the drawn weapon? Is it contemplating violence? (to herself)- suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A2 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Neat weapon. You're not going to hurt anybody, though. Right? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A3 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 I trust you'll put your weapon away? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A4 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You planning on using that weapon? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A5 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Civilized people don't brandish their weapons unless they plan to use them. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A6 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Umm... you're not planning on using that weapon, are you? At least not on me... right? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A7 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You'd better know how to use that weapon if you plan on swinging it around in here. (calling out) - challenging, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A8 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Perhaps you'd care to put your weapon away? Hmm? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A9 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 There a reason you're walking around with an unsheathed weapon? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9AA WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 This one wonders why you brandish your weapon so? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9AB WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Might want to put it away that weapon... unless you plan on using it. (calling out) - challenging, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9AC WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You got no respect, strutting about with that weapon out, threatening everyone. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9AD WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Dear. You should put that weapon away. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9AE WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You got guts walking around with that weapon out. Looking for a fight? Is that it? (calling out) - challenging, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9AF WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Put that thing away before someone gets hurt! (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B1 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Now, now... no need for weapons. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B2 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Nice weapon you have there. But I don't suppose you'd consider putting it away? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B3 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 What's this? Is it spoiling for a fight? If not, it should hide its weapon away. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B4 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You want to fight? That why you have your weapon out? (calling out) - suspicious, mildly challenging, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B5 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Wow. Nice weapon! Can I hold it? I promise not to break anything. Honest! (calling out) - curious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B6 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Put your weapon away. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B7 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You're not planning on hurting anyone with that weapon there, are you? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B8 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 So... carrying that weapon around like that makes you feel safe, does it? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9B9 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Uh. Hey. That weapon there is just for show. Right? I mean, you aren't going to hurt me or anything... right? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9BA WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 In some parts of the world, wielding a weapon openly like that is an invitation to combat... (calling out) - threatening, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9BB WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Ooh, real tough, wagging your weapon around... (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9BC WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 I suggest you put away your weapon. Wouldn't want to cause a... scene. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9BD WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You're not planning on using that weapon in here, I hope. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9BE WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 That's mighty bold, strutting about like that, looking for a fight. This one will oblige if he must. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9BF WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Oh ho! What's with the weapon? Looks like it's about to get rough in here. (calling out) - boisterous, ready to rumble, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9C0 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Damn fool parading around with your weapon out. You planning on hurting someone, huh? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9C1 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You're making people a bit nervous. Should consider putting that weapon away. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9C2 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Ever see someone killed with their own weapon? Would you like to? (calling out) - challenging, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9C3 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Walk into the the wrong place with your weapon drawn? You might not walk out again.... (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9C4 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 It's probably best if you put that weapon away. (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9C5 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Nice weapon you got there. Care to put it away? (calling out) - suspicious, to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C97C WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 If you cause problems, I'll have to ask you to leave. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C97D WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You're making my patrons nervous. Put the weapon away. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C97E WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Put that thing away. You're making people nervous. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C97F WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 We've all seen your little weapon. We're impressed. Now, please put it away. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C980 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 It's time to put the weapon away now. Thank you. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C981 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 It is making patrons nervous. It needs to put the weapon away, now. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C982 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You. Weapon. Away. Now! suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C984 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You can bring weapons in, but you can't use 'em in here. Got it? suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C985 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 If it's not too much to ask, put the weapon away? Thanks. sarcastic, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C986 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 I trust I won't have to, but I'll bust your head in if you cause problems for my patrons. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C987 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 While a good fight is always entertaining, my patrons don't like blood in their food. Put the weapon away. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C988 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 If you don't mind, my patrons would appreciate it if you put the weapon away. suspicious, calling out to an armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C98A WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Don't break anything with that weapon, okay? warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C98B WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You break it, you buy it. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C98C WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Please... don't break my wares! warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C98D WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 If that weapon breaks anything, you will be buying it. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C98E WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 This is a proper store. Start acting like a proper customer. Sheathe that weapon. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C98F WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Don't start swinging that thing in here. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C990 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 If that weapon breaks anything of mine, I'll break something of yours. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C991 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Put that thing away, or get out. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C992 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You should probably put that away before you knock something over. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C993 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Break my stuff with that weapon, and I'll break you. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C994 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Watch it with that thing! warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C995 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Fine weapon, but you wouldn't mind putting it away, I'm sure. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C996 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Look. You're making my customers nervous. Put the weapon away. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C997 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You. Weapon. Put it away. Now. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C998 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Don't start swinging that thing in here. You break it, you buy it. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C999 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Brandishing your weapon is not going to help you negotiate a better sale... warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C99A WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You're disturbing my other customers. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C99B WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 That weapon breaks my wares, we're gonna have us a real problem... warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C99C WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 You won't be intimidating me into lower prices. Put that thing away. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C99D WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Walking around with your weapon out is bound to make people nervous. We understand each other? warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C99E WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 If that weapon causes problems for my customers, I cause problems for you. Got it? warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C99F WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Unless you're here to sell that weapon of yours, why don't you put it away. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C9A0 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Come on. Put the weapon away. You're making people nervous. warning, calling out to armed person as he enters FormID: 0006C85B MQ202 MQ202ThalmorAgentBlocking MQ202ThalmorAgentBlockingTopic CUST 0 Pff. Go away, if you know what's good for you. FormID: 0006C85C MQ202 MQ202ThalmorAgentBlocking MQ202ThalmorAgentBlockingTopic CUST 0 I got nothing to say to you. FormID: 0006C85D MQ202 MQ202ThalmorAgentBlocking MQ202ThalmorAgentBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm not looking for a conversation. FormID: 0006C85E MQ202 MQ202ThalmorAgentBlocking MQ202ThalmorAgentBlockingTopic CUST 0 Leave me alone. FormID: 0006C864 MQ202 SCEN 0 He's in the Flagon right now. Get ready. eagerly, in a low voice FormID: 0006C865 MQ202 SCEN 0 She's in the Flagon right now. Get ready. eagerly, in a low voice FormID: 0006C84C MQ202 SCEN 0 You're sure? skeptically FormID: 0006C84D MQ202 SCEN 0 Of course I'm sure! He was asking about Esbern. FormID: 0006C84E MQ202 SCEN 0 Of course I'm sure! She was asking about Esbern. FormID: 0006C853 MQ202 SCEN 0 Doesn't matter. We'll kill them either way. dismissively FormID: 0006C810 RelationshipOrcs HELO 0 For your help, I'm sending word to the Orc strongholds that you're to be trusted. You should be welcome there now. FormID: 0006C80F DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsChief DialogueOrcsChiefTopic CUST 0 Yes. I earned the right by slaying my father in single combat. FormID: 0006C80F DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsChief DialogueOrcsChiefTopic CUST 1 One day, I will have a son who will challenge me when I become too old to lead, and the stronghold will have a new chief. FormID: 0006C80F DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsChief DialogueOrcsChiefTopic CUST 2 Until then, I alone have the right to have wives and children. It ensures our strength. FormID: 0006C80E Favor151 Favor151JarlQuestGive Favor151JarlQuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Are you a sellsword? I don't like your kind. No honor. No loyalty. Unreliable. FormID: 0006C80E Favor151 Favor151JarlQuestGive Favor151JarlQuestGiveTopic CUST 1 But I can't turn away a potential ally in these times. Let's see if you're better than a common mercenary. FormID: 0006C80E Favor151 Favor151JarlQuestGive Favor151JarlQuestGiveTopic CUST 2 My scouts have tracked down one of the Forsworn leaders, hiding out in their blood-soaked camps. Deal with them. FormID: 0006C80D Favor151 Favor151JarlQuestGive Favor151QuestAccept CUST 0 We will see. FormID: 0006C80B Favor151 Favor151JarlQuestGive Favor151QuestReject CUST 0 Then leave. FormID: 0006C816 Favor151 Favor151QuestReturn Favor151QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 I'm impressed. Forsworn usually make short work of mercenaries, but you took care of them. Here is your reward. FormID: 0006C3E9 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yeah. Follow my wife's orders, and don't do anything stupid. FormID: 0006C3EA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You must speak to that Muiri woman, correct? I have heard rumors in Windhelm. She was recently implicated in a thievery, along with her lover. FormID: 0006C3EA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 The lover will likely be your target. If memory serves me correctly, he leads a group of bandits. So this may be rather interesting for you. FormID: 0006C3EB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 The contracts I dole out are fairly simple - go to a location, and kill the target. But this is different. FormID: 0006C3EB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 The jobs Astrid gives you will be more important, and usually more complex. Just keep your wits about you. And for Sithis' sake, don't get killed. FormID: 0006C3EC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You're headed to The Hag's Cure, right? It's a good shop. You should examine their wares. Never pass up the chance to buy a good potion... or poison. FormID: 0006C3EC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 And one more thing. Have fun. You'll be committing a dark deed, but there's no reason you shouldn't enjoy yourself. FormID: 0006C3EC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 2 You're only young once. Trust me, I know. FormID: 0006C3ED DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. Just because you're now a professional assassin, don't think you have to skulk around in the dark like a skeever and stab people. FormID: 0006C3ED DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Do what I do. Walk up to your target, introduce yourself, melt their skin off, and then run like the wind. Works every time. FormID: 0006C3EE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You're being sent to meet with the contact directly, is that correct? What a most unusual occurrence. Astrid usually performs this duty herself. FormID: 0006C3EE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 I can only assume she wants to test the full breadth of your abilities. So. Be polite, and professional, and represent us well. FormID: 0006C3EF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 She said that? If I find anyone working against my wife, or this Sanctuary, I'll beat them to death with their own severed head. FormID: 0006C3EF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course, they'd probably already be dead... FormID: 0006C3EF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 2 But you know what I mean! FormID: 0006C3F0 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You're joking. While I can understand if some family members wish to honor the Old Ways once more, surely no one would oppose Astrid's rule. FormID: 0006C3F1 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Does she? Listen, brother... Astrid is my mistress, and I worship the ground she walks on. But this Cicero business has her a bit... paranoid. FormID: 0006C3F2 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Does she? Listen, sister... Astrid is my mistress, and I worship the ground she walks on. But this Cicero business has her a bit... paranoid. FormID: 0006C3F3 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh! Well, I hope she doesn't suspect me. I mean, I've spoken with Cicero a bit, and he's quite charming. But I'd never go against Astrid. Never. FormID: 0006C3F4 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! And would that surprise anyone? This Sanctuary's a mess. Wouldn't surprise me if somebody's talking to the fool on the sly. Making deals. FormID: 0006C3F4 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 And no, before you ask, it's not me. I know which side my bread is buttered on. FormID: 0006C3F5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 To what end? Usurping Astrid's authority as leader of the Sanctuary? Hmmm... Yes, I can see her concern. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. FormID: 0006C3F6 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Oho! The Listener wants my counsel! I thought you were above the opinions of mere mortals, now that you commune with dead old women. FormID: 0006C3F7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Just remember Astrid's commitment to her Sanctuary, to her Family. A Family that now counts you as one of its own. Honor Astrid above all others. FormID: 0006C3F8 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You may be the Listener, or you may just be a lunatic who's started hearing voices. Either way, Astrid is still your mistress. Not the Night Mother. FormID: 0006C3F9 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 The man you need to speak with, his name is Motierre? That's a very old and powerful Breton family, firmly established in Cyrodiil. Most curious... FormID: 0006C3FA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 So you're the Listener, hmm? Well that hardly seems fair. You just got here. The Night Mother should have spoken to me. Any idiot could see that. FormID: 0006C3FA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 But, I will serve gladly, as that's my lot in life. Now let's see. Ah yes, Volunruud. It's an old crypt, infested with Draugr. So plan accordingly. FormID: 0006C3FB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If the Night Mother truly spoke to you, if you really are the Listener... your destiny was written in the Void. Astrid is right to fear your power. FormID: 0006C3FC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You've got to kill a soft little woman on her wedding day. What's next? Murdering a crippled orphan in his sleep? laughing, mocking. FormID: 0006C3FD DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Your contract sounds simple, which means it certainly will not be. Getting into that reception will be easy, but have you thought about getting out? FormID: 0006C3FE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Slaughtering the Emperor's cousin? At her wedding? Those guards will be out for blood. Wouldn't surprise me if the crowd jumped in too. emphasis on [QUOTE]won't[QUOTE] FormID: 0006C3FF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 It's no fair. I love weddings. Astrid should have given this contract to me. Instead, she's got me visiting cities, assessing security. How boring. A disappointed [QUOTE]tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning. FormID: 0006C3FF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 But listen, I think I can help you. The wedding reception is outside the Temple of the Divines, right? In Solitude? FormID: 0006C3FF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 2 If so, the bride will probably address the crowd from the balcony. It overlooks the courtyard. FormID: 0006C3FF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 3 Well, there's an old statue there. I've seen it. Hanging right over where she'll be standing. Old means weak. Weak means it could fall. Hmmm? giggles at the end. Like, [QUOTE]See, don't you get it?[QUOTE] FormID: 0006C400 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, killing her will be easy. She'll be so happy, she'll never see it coming. I should know, I killed a bride once. FormID: 0006C400 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 It was our honeymoon. Tepid, I said! The bathwater should be tepid! Lukewarm is not tepid! Close, maybe, but there's is a difference! Stupid cow. FormID: 0006C401 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of surveying the site of the reception. FormID: 0006C401 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 There's a small parapet, just opposite the balcony, that would prove an excellent spot for a long-range kill. FormID: 0006C401 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 2 I left something there for you. If you're inclined to take that approach. FormID: 0006C402 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 What's the matter, Listener? Night Mother not feeling very chatty these days? You need help from your flesh and blood lessers? FormID: 0006C402 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 You've got to track a man, kill him, and then frame him for a crime. This contract's perfect... for me. Clearly, my lovely wife made a mistake. FormID: 0006C403 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Astrid had me investigate the Penitus Oculatus. Their members are highly trained, effective warriors. Be on your guard, brother. FormID: 0006C404 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Astrid had me investigate the Penitus Oculatus. Their members are highly trained, effective warriors. Be on your guard, sister. FormID: 0006C405 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Killing Gaius Maro in a city will be challenging because of all the guards, but fights, even murder, are fairly common. FormID: 0006C405 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Killing him secretly will certainly make things easier on you, but if there are witnesses, so be it. emphasis on the word [QUOTE]are[QUOTE] FormID: 0006C406 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Normally I talk to a victim before I end his life, but I wouldn't recommend it this time. Maro will be alert to danger. Talking may spook him. FormID: 000749B6 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 I've taken the liberty of visiting the cities, and spreading some nasty rumors about Gaius Maro. To make his treachery that much more believable. FormID: 0006C407 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Remember, your target is Gaius Maro, the son. Not Commander Maro, the father! We need him alive. But the son... Ha! Scorch his face off! FormID: 0006C409 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, do not underestimate Cicero. A man like that, small and foolish, is easy to mock. To underestimate. Don't make the same mistake I did. FormID: 0006C40A DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Going after Cicero now would be a fool's errand. That little jester is currently being digested in Arnbjorn's stomach, mark my words. FormID: 0006C40B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Cicero destroyed any sympathy I may have had for him when he wounded Veezara. Kill the fool and be done with it. FormID: 0006C40C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, so maybe I was wrong. Maybe Cicero coming here wasn't the best thing that could have happened. But even I didn't anticipate this. FormID: 0006C40C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, you know the old saying. When life gives you lemons... FormID: 0006C40C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 2 ...go murder a clown. FormID: 0006C40D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 I feel only pity for Cicero. He must die, of course, but can any of us truly blame him for his actions? We mocked him, disrespected the Old Ways. FormID: 0006C40D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Our actions were shameful. Surely, the Night Mother weeps this day. FormID: 0006C40E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 The last thing you need is my help. Listener or not, you've proven yourself time and again. To Astrid, to the Family... and to me. FormID: 0006C40F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmm... Well, assuming this Gourmet is just a cook, it will probably be an easy kill. Just be discreet - alerting others will be the real threat. FormID: 0006C410 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. I wouldn't worry too much about this Virane giving you the information you need. Give him a good scare, and he'll squawk like a Hagraven. FormID: 0006C410 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 That said... If your attack on Virane is witnessed, those Markarth guards are going to be none too happy... FormID: 0006C411 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes - don't kill the Gourmet! FormID: 0006C411 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh, I know you have to, but it makes me sad all the same. I love the Gourmet's recipes. The world will soon be a blander, less flavorful place. FormID: 0006C412 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You've been directed to dispose of the Gourmet's body, is that correct? I often find water to be a suitable hiding place. A lake, a pool... the sea. FormID: 000749B7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Believe it or not, Festus likes you. He senses your power, your potential. Follow his instructions to the letter, and you may even earn his respect. FormID: 0006C414 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 You get to kill the Emperor. The bloody Emperor. You'd better enjoy this one. You owe us all that much. So make it bloody, painful, and spectacular. FormID: 0006C413 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. You're killing the Emperor himself. The Dark Brotherhood will get one shot at this, and you've been given the honors. So don't screw up. FormID: 0006D1C5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't take any chances with this one. Use the Jarrin Root to poison the Emperor's food. You're disguising yourself as a chef - it only makes sense. FormID: 0006D274 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Well... While it's true I prefer sorcery's more destructive nuances, we mustn't forget the many spells with simpler, more practical applications. FormID: 0006D274 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Sure, you poison the Emperor, but what then? Why not summon an Atronach to cause some chaos? Or turn invisible and slip away. Use your imagination! FormID: 0006D275 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 What an honor, the assassination of an Emperor. And all because you are the Listener, favored by the Night Mother, anointed by Sithis. FormID: 0006D275 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 I am so very happy for you. If not a bit... envious. FormID: 0006D276 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Astrid has arranged for your escape, no? Then you have nothing to worry about. Get in, kill the Emperor, and get out. Then, we celebrate. FormID: 0006D277 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 It took all the favors, bribes, and blackmails I could muster, but I've secured your exit out of the keep. FormID: 0006D277 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkContractHelpBranch DarkContractHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Just follow my instructions, and the Dark Brotherhood will be back on top. All thanks to you... Listener. FormID: 0006C3DE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Look. If you're trying to get to know me - don't. I don't like you, and I never will. It's nothing personal. But... FormID: 0006C3DE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 My wife trusts you, and I trust her judgment. So you can't be all bad. FormID: 0006C3DE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 Here's all you need to know: I'm a werewolf. I like killing things. I love Astrid. I hate annoying people. And the color blue gives me a headache. FormID: 0006C3DF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 I might ask the same of you. For you are more than mortal. You are moon-born. You are wolf. FormID: 0006C3DF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 So you're a Companion, then? I can't imagine you got your gift anywhere else. I hope you have better luck with them than I did. FormID: 0006C3DF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 Oh yes, I was once brother to the Companions. Let's just say they found my methods [QUOTE]unsettling.[QUOTE] The Dark Brotherhood, obviously, feels differently. FormID: 0006C3E0 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 What a curious question. Well, I enjoy moonlit nights, taking long walks on the beach, knitting and unicorns. FormID: 0006C3E0 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 In fact, I once took a seaside stroll, on a moonlit night, and discovered a unicorn... which I proceeded to stab in the throat with a crochet needle. FormID: 0006C3E0 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm a woman of refined, yet simple tastes. FormID: 0006C3E1 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm just a little girl! The Dark Brotherhood killed my mama and papa, and then they took me captive! Please, please help me! FormID: 0006C3E1 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 Rather convincing, don't you think? laughs when she says it FormID: 0006C3E1 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 In truth, I'm no more a little girl than you are. I was once, of course. Three hundred years ago. Vampirism tends to keep one remarkably... fresh. FormID: 0006C3E2 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. I like to say I was born with a wand in my hand. Well, not literally - you can see how painful that would have been for mother. FormID: 0006C3E2 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 But I was a prodigy! Casting simple spells by one, completing complex incantations by three. Resurrecting corpses by seven! Ha! FormID: 0006C3E2 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 When I was thirteen I accidentally burned down the family home. A bit of lightning gone awry. Ah, but soon after I mastered my gifts. Completely. FormID: 0006C3E2 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 3 I went on to teach at the College - left after two years. Too simple. Too safe. None of them truly understood the glory of the Destruction school... says the word [QUOTE]glory[QUOTE] like it stirs some evil emotion in him. Like the Emperor from Star Wars. FormID: 0006C3E3 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Once, I was a Shadowscale. An assassin in service to the King of Black Marsh. Trained by the Dark Brotherhood since the day of my hatching. FormID: 0006C3E3 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 Ah, but that was a lifetime ago. Today, I am the last of my kind. My order is extinct. Now, I happily serve Astrid, and this Sanctuary. FormID: 0006C3E3 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 I am a trained killer, and once again have been given purpose. Life is good. FormID: 0006C3E4 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 This Sanctuary has been my entire life since I was a young woman. That's when I first discovered my, shall we call it [QUOTE]aptitude,[QUOTE] for elimination. FormID: 0006C3E4 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 I had an uncle, you see. He made certain... unwanted advances. So I killed him. And liked it. Then I killed again. And liked it even more. And so on. FormID: 0006C3E4 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 I was recruited by the Dark Brotherhood, and have been here ever since. I met my husband Arnbjorn, rose to leadership. And now here we are. FormID: 0006C3E5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, well, I'm Redguard, as I'm sure you've noticed. Though not like most of my kind you'll find in Skyrim, that's for damned sure. FormID: 0006C3E5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 I am a child of Hammerfell, born of the sands of the mighty Alik'r. In that great desert, blood is a shade of crimson I can scarce describe. FormID: 0006C3E5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 My past is long and storied, and not altogether proud. But the Dark Brotherhood saved me from myself. And I have never looked back. FormID: 0008CDA5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, well, I'm Redguard, as I'm sure you've noticed. Though not like you. Hmph. No, definitely not like you. FormID: 0008CDA5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 I am a child of Hammerfell, born of the sands of the mighty Alik'r. In that great desert, blood is a shade of crimson I can scarce describe. FormID: 0008CDA5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 My past is long and storied, and not altogether proud. But the Dark Brotherhood saved me from myself. And I have never looked back. FormID: 0006C3E7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Me? Oh, Cicero is just the Keeper! I... keep! I look after our matron, you see. The Night Mother. I keep her clean, and protected, and happy... FormID: 0006C3E7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 But I am not the Listener. Oh no. There is no Listener. Not yet! But some day, some day, some day I pray, that one will come to hear her say... FormID: 0006C3E7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 2 The words. FormID: 0006C3E8 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 0 Me? Oh, Cicero is just the Keeper! I... keep! I look after our matron, you see. The Night Mother. I keep her clean, and protected, and happy... FormID: 0006C3E8 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkAboutYourselfBranch DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic CUST 1 But I am not the Listener. Oh no. You are the Listener! You heard the words! And everything will soon be put right. FormID: 0006C3D6 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 Two hundred years ago, I would have lain down my life for the Unholy Matron. But that is an age long since passed. Astrid is my matron now. FormID: 0006C3D7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 Without the Night Mother, there is no Dark Brotherhood. The Matron deserves our unwavering support and respect. FormID: 0006C3D7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 1 Though I admit, I find her Keeper a bit too exuberant for my liking. FormID: 0006C3D8 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 The witless fool and his pet corpse? Take a guess. FormID: 0006C3D9 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 Their arrival is the best thing that's happened to this Sanctuary in years. Astrid is an effective leader, but we've been rudderless for too long. FormID: 0006C3D9 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 1 Scrounging for contracts, abandoning the Tenets. The Dark Brotherhood has been reduced to a group of common cutthroats. Frankly, it's embarrassing. FormID: 0006C3DA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 Truthfully? I'm not entirely sure. It's not that I don't have the utmost respect for Sithis, and the Night Mother, and the ancient ways. I do. FormID: 0006C3DA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 1 But I've never been much for religion. I kill because it's what I've been trained to do. It's all I know. So long as Astrid is happy, I'm happy. FormID: 0006C3DB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't like mimes, minstrels, thespians, acrobats, jugglers, troubadours or tumblers. Flutists give me a headache. I particularly hate jesters. FormID: 0006C3DB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue DarkCiceroNightMotherBranch DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 1 As a rule, I'm also not crazy about the corpses of old women. For the Night Mother, I'll make an exception. But Astrid is the only mistress I serve. FormID: 0006C0E2 MS05KingOlafsFestival SCEN 0 Welcome, people of Solitude! We of the Bards College are pleased to be here to celebrate the Burning of King Olaf. FormID: 0006C0E3 MS05KingOlafsFestival SCEN 0 The festival would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our latest applicant. FormID: 000E7696 MS05KingOlafsFestival SCEN 0 The festival would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our most recent inductee. FormID: 0006C0E4 MS05KingOlafsFestival SCEN 0 With the lighting of the effigy... FormID: 0006C0E5 MS05KingOlafsFestival SCEN 0 He becomes a full-fledged member of the Bards College. Please welcome our newest Bard! FormID: 000E7789 MS05KingOlafsFestival SCEN 0 We remember all those Solitude soldiers out fighting the good fight in this thankless war. FormID: 0006BC32 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me give you a bit of advice. FormID: 0006BC32 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranchTopic CUST 1 You want to work on something that's not officially allowed? Don't tell anyone you're doing it. FormID: 0006BC32 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranchTopic CUST 2 You need something you're not officially supposed to have, you come see me. FormID: 0006BC32 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirInitBranchTopic CUST 3 You tell anyone that I told you, and I'll fry you from the inside out. Got it? Good. FormID: 0006BC31 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, let's not overdo it. FormID: 0006BC31 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorBranchTopic CUST 1 Meet me at my quarters. FormID: 0006BC30 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorFGBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorFGBranchTopic CUST 0 I hope you've got some coin. FormID: 0006BC2F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorFGBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorFGResponse1 CUST 0 Let's just take a look then. FormID: 0006BC2E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorFGBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirVendorFGResponse2 CUST 0 Well then you'd better have something I really want to buy. FormID: 0006DE36 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranchTopic CUST 0 Before you even ask, yes I have an ancestry steeped in magic, and no I don't want to talk about it. annoyed FormID: 0006DE36 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranchTopic CUST 1 Yes, I know Winterhold used to be full of my kind, and no I don't care that they're all gone now. annoyed FormID: 0006DE36 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeBrelynaInitBranchTopic CUST 2 Does that cover everything? annoyed FormID: 0006BC17 MS10 MS10MercTransitLessGo MS10MercTransitLessGoTopic CUST 0 You're the one who's coming to Japhet's Folly with us, right? You ready to go? FormID: 0006BC16 MS10 MS10MercTransitLessGo MS10MercTransitLetsGo CUST 0 All aboard! FormID: 0006BC15 MS10 MS10MercTransitLessGo MS10MercTransitHoldOff CUST 0 Well, hurry it up! FormID: 0006B956 CreatureDialogueFalmer HIT_ 0 FormID: 0006B942 DGArrestQuest DGArrestQuestBlocking DGArrestQuestTopic CUST 0 Well... if you say so. FormID: 0006B947 DGArrestQuest HELO 0 Move along. Nothing to see here. FormID: 0006B948 DGArrestQuest HELO 0 Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. FormID: 0006B949 DGArrestQuest HELO 0 That could have turned out better. FormID: 0006B94A DGArrestQuest HELO 0 I can't believe I got caught. FormID: 000453EE MQ106 MQ106RentRoom MQ106RentRoomTopic CUST 0 Oh, you wanted the attic room? Why didn't you say so the first time? FormID: 000453EE MQ106 MQ106RentRoom MQ106RentRoomTopic CUST 1 The thing is... we don't actually have an attic room. But I think I know what you mean. Go ahead and make yourself at home. FormID: 000A56D4 MQ106 MQ106RentRoom MQ106RentRoomTopic CUST 0 Attic room, eh? Well... we don't have an attic room, but you can have the one on the left. Make yourself at home. FormID: 000453EF MQ106 MQ106RentRoom MQ106RentRoomTopic CUST 0 Next to the door, the room on the left. FormID: 00090DF8 Favor154 Favor154QuestFinish Favor154QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Teach them to stop paying me. FormID: 00090DF8 Favor154 Favor154QuestFinish Favor154QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 Here. You deserve a reward for your service. FormID: 0006B543 DB09 SCEN 0 What? No! No, you don't understand! There's been some kind of mistake! I... Aggghhh! FormID: 0006B524 MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiAlreadyPromised CUST 0 Well then, if you don't want the extra gold, you can certainly let Letrush keep it as a gesture of goodwill. FormID: 0006B523 MS03 MS03SibbiJailTopics MS03SibbiJailAboutMaven CUST 0 I'm not stealing anything. Besides, some jail time isn't going to make me roll over and play dead. FormID: 0006B1A8 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 You there. I don't think I've seen you around before. Trying to distinguish your face. FormID: 0006B1A9 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 Haven't seen her around before. Trying to distinguish your face. FormID: 0006B1DC MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 Haven't seen him around before. Trying to distinguish your face. FormID: 0006B1E6 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 Come here. Let me see your face. Trying to distinguish your face. Increasingly suspicious of you. FormID: 0006B1E7 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 Seems a bit short to me. Full volume, but to self. Trails off in suspicion. FormID: 0006B1E8 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 Wait, is that a tail? it that a...(pause) tail? FormID: 0006B1E9 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201ThalmorTrespass01 TRES 0 Must be new around here. Mostly to self. FormID: 0006B1A7 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201SolarGuardBlocking MQ201SolarGuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why aren't you at your post, Justiciar? Walk Away FormID: 0006F180 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201SolarGuardBlocking MQ201SolarGuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 Who are you? Intruder! somebody in a (bad) disguise just walked up to this guy. FormID: 00015F50 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201SolarGuardBlocking MQ201SolarGuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 What? Raise the alarm! somebody in a (bad) disguise just walked up to this guy. FormID: 00015F51 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy MQ201SolarGuardBlocking MQ201SolarGuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 Raise the alarm! We've been infiltrated! start with a [QUOTE]wha?[QUOTE] somebody in a (bad) disguise just walked up to this guy. FormID: 0006B136 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 I'm still sore where I took that arrow. I hate archers. FormID: 0006B137 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 This imperial armor is damn heavy. FormID: 0006B138 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 I'm sick of waiting. When are we going to see some action? FormID: 0006B139 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 Hope I don't draw guard duty. FormID: 0006B13A CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 I bet we have rabbit again. I'm getting sick of rabbit. FormID: 0006B13B CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 We're running out of bread. I hope the supplies get here soon. FormID: 0006B142 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 Aw, quit your bellyaching. FormID: 0006B143 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 Yeah, I know what you mean. FormID: 0006B144 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 It's not that bad. FormID: 0006B145 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 You'd rather be plowing a field? Not me. FormID: 0006B146 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 Go tell the commander. I'm sure the boot in your arse will take your mind off your troubles. FormID: 0006B147 CWDialogueSoldiers01 SCEN 0 You must be all right if you've got time to complain. FormID: 0006AF3F MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 0 We are the Greybeards, followers of the Way of the Voice. FormID: 0006AF3F MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 1 You stand in High Hrothgar, on the slopes of Kynareth's sacred mountain. FormID: 0006AF3F MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 2 Here we commune with the voice of the sky, and strive to achieve balance between our inner and outer selves. FormID: 0006AF3E MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB2 CUST 0 We are here to guide you in that pursuit, just as the Greybeards have sought to guide those of the Dragon Blood that came before you. FormID: 0006AF3D MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB3 CUST 0 We are honored to welcome a Dragonborn to High Hrothgar. FormID: 0006AF3D MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB3 CUST 1 We will do our best to teach you how to use your gift in fulfillment of your destiny. FormID: 0006AF3C MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB4 CUST 0 You have shown that you are Dragonborn. You have the inborn gift. FormID: 0006AF3C MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB4 CUST 1 But do you have the discipline and temperament to follow the path laid out for you? That remains to be seen. FormID: 0006AF3B MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB2A1 CUST 0 You are not the first. There have been many of the Dragon Blood since Akatosh first bestowed that gift upon mortalkind. FormID: 0006AF3B MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB2A1 CUST 1 Whether you are the only Dragonborn of this age... that is not ours to know. FormID: 0006AF3B MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB2A1 CUST 2 You are the only one that has been revealed thus far. That is all I can say. FormID: 0006AF3A MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroB3A1 CUST 0 That is for you to discover. We can show you the Way, but not your destination. FormID: 0006AEA7 DialogueGeneric IDLE 0 coughing - no subtitles displayed FormID: 0006AEA8 DialogueGeneric IDLE 0 clearing throat - no subtitles displayed FormID: 0006AEA9 DialogueGeneric IDLE 0 humming softly to self- no subtitles displayed FormID: 0006AEAA DialogueGeneric IDLE 0 coughing- no subtitles displayed FormID: 0006AEAB DialogueGeneric IDLE 0 short yawn- no subtitles displayed FormID: 0006AEAC DialogueGeneric IDLE 0 sniffling- no subtitles displayed FormID: 0006AEA4 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 It's time for you to go. FormID: 000A9B44 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Hey, get out of here! FormID: 0006AEA5 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Leave or be removed. FormID: 000A9B45 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 You need to leave now. FormID: 000A9B46 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Go, you're not wanted here. FormID: 000A9B47 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 I don't think you belong here. FormID: 000A9B48 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Leave now or suffer dire consequences. FormID: 000A9B49 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Get out of here before I call the guards! FormID: 000A9B4A DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Both of you... out, out! FormID: 000A9B4B DialogueGeneric TITG 0 I think it's time for you to get going. FormID: 000A9B4C DialogueGeneric TITG 0 Could you please leave now? FormID: 000A9B4D DialogueGeneric TITG 0 You must leave immediately. FormID: 000A9B4E DialogueGeneric TITG 0 You're not welcome here. Go. FormID: 0006AEA6 DialogueGeneric TITG 0 You need to leave. FormID: 0006ABD4 CreatureDialogueGiant DETH 0 FormID: 0006AA59 T03 T03Goodbyes GBYE 0 May Kynareth's winds blow you to fortune. FormID: 0006AA5A T03 T03CombatLines ATCK 0 For Kynareth! FormID: 0006AA5B T03 T03CombatLines ATCK 0 Scourge of nature! FormID: 0006A8BD DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiAccept CUST 0 I'm sure Pavo would be grateful, and we'd all rest a little easier. FormID: 0006A8BD DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiAccept CUST 1 But that's nonsense. You can't handle a group of Forsworn by yourself. If their axes don't get you, their magic will. FormID: 0006A8BE DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiAccept CUST 0 I'd be grateful. Kolskeggr is my home. FormID: 0006A8BE DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiAccept CUST 1 But, I wouldn't go there if I were you. There's a whole group of them with axes and magic on their side. You'd never stand a chance. FormID: 0006A8AF DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiReject CUST 0 Aye. FormID: 0006A8B4 DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiReject CUST 0 You're telling me. FormID: 00061349 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole GBYE 0 We're going to need an army to clear out that crypt. FormID: 0006A88B DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch DialogueSoljundsSinkholePerthChoice02 CUST 0 Fine, but there's a whole crypt of draugr underneath the mine. FormID: 0006A88B DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch DialogueSoljundsSinkholePerthChoice02 CUST 1 We're not going in there until the Jarl's men come to clear them out, so I wouldn't go down there. FormID: 0006A886 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch DialogueSoljundsSinkholePerthAccept CUST 0 You're joking, right? Those bone-walkers will tear you limb from limb. FormID: 0006A886 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch DialogueSoljundsSinkholePerthAccept CUST 1 But if you want to get yourself killed, go ahead. FormID: 0006A8CD DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch DialogueSoljundsSinkholePerthReject CUST 0 Good to hear. FormID: 0006A8CC DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellNative DialogueMarkarthKibellNativeTopic CUST 0 They just call themselves the people of the Reach. Lot of common blood with the Bretons, by the looks of them. FormID: 0006A8CC DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellNative DialogueMarkarthKibellNativeTopic CUST 1 Used to have their own kingdom, till the Nords came, now they're at the bottom of the hay pile. FormID: 0006A8BF DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsLetInBranch DialogueOrcsQuestAccept CUST 0 We will see. FormID: 0006A8BC DialogueOrcs DialogueOrcsGuardQuestionsLetInBranch DialogueOrcsQuestReject CUST 0 Then leave. FormID: 0006A8B6 DialogueDushnikhYal FreeformDushnikhYalAGharolQuestgive DialogueDushnikhYalAccept CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 0006A8A4 DialogueDushnikhYal FreeformDushnikhYalAGharolQuestgive DialogueDushnikhYalReject CUST 0 As you wish. FormID: 0006A79B MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurA3 CUST 0 What? That little tease! Leading me on and turning cold at the last minute. I don't think so. outraged FormID: 0006A7A7 MQ201Party MQ201PartyProventusBlocking MQ201PartyProventusBlockingTopic CUST 0 The Empire is fortunate to have the support of the Thalmor during this difficult time, don't you think? FormID: 0006A7A8 MQ201Party MQ201PartyProventusBlocking MQ201PartyProventusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Mark my words, the war will be over in a matter of months. Once Ulfric sees the full might of the Empire, I'm sure he'll come to his senses. FormID: 0006A7A9 MQ201Party MQ201PartyProventusBlocking MQ201PartyProventusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't understand why General Tullius hasn't been recalled. The man is clearly incompetent. I have half a mind to tell him so myself. FormID: 0006A7AA MQ201Party MQ201PartyProventusBlocking MQ201PartyProventusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Trust me, there's no place better to forge relationships with the movers and shakers of Skyrim. FormID: 0006A7AC MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wasn't expecting to see you here! I assume you have your reasons. Everyone does. FormID: 0006A7AD MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Look around the room and you'll see what we're up against. Just between you and me, a lot of what Ulfric says about the Empire is true. FormID: 0006A7AE MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I swear Elenwen holds these parties just to make the Empire look bad. Almost makes me want to join the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0006A7AF MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 The only reason I'm here is because my refusal to attend would cause a diplomatic incident. FormID: 0006A7B0 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I need another drink. FormID: 0006A7B1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't remember seeing you at one of these before. bored FormID: 0006A7B2 MQ201Party MQ201PartyTulliusBlocking MQ201PartyTulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do I know you? I didn't think so. FormID: 000C081D MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusBlocking MQ201PartyOrthusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Go ahead and play your joke. FormID: 0006A7A4 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusBlocking MQ201PartyOrthusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Just between us, I've got more important things to do than attend these meaningless parties. Annoyed. FormID: 0006A7A1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusBlocking MQ201PartyOrthusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I should be back in Windhelm. I've got work to do. FormID: 0006A7A2 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusBlocking MQ201PartyOrthusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you know Vittoria is the Emperor's cousin? Best stay on her good side. FormID: 0006A7A3 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusBlocking MQ201PartyOrthusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you know Vittoria's getting married? They say the Emperor might even come to Skyrim for the wedding! FormID: 0006A7A5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOrthusBlocking MQ201PartyOrthusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm ready for this party to be over. Annoyed FormID: 0006A7AB MQ201Party SCEN 0 Vittoria! There's someone I'd like you to meet. calling across a crowded party FormID: 0006A79C MQ201Party SCEN 0 It's very nice to meet you. You'll have to excuse Orthus here. He so rarely gets back to civilization. Stuck in Windhelm, poor fellow. FormID: 0006A79E MQ201Party SCEN 0 Don't worry, Orthus. I'm doing my best to get you reassigned to Solitude. FormID: 0006A7B3 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Oh, don't worry about me. I relish the challenge. stoutly FormID: 0006A77C DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene01 SCEN 0 You think living with Grogmar is easy? Did you see how he lives? FormID: 0006A76F DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene01 SCEN 0 You two will just have to learn to get along until we can build you another house. FormID: 0006A77F DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene01 SCEN 0 At this rate that'll never happen. FormID: 0006A771 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene01 SCEN 0 Quit your bellyaching. We've all got our problems. FormID: 0006A77B DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene02 SCEN 0 I've been cracking rock ever since I was able to hold a pickaxe and I'm telling you, this mine is drying up. FormID: 0006A77A DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene02 SCEN 0 And I'm telling you, you're wrong. FormID: 0006A76C DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene02 SCEN 0 What makes you so sure? What if I'm right? FormID: 0006A776 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene02 SCEN 0 I know there's ore still in there, I can smell it. If you think you're right then you can pack up and leave any time you like. FormID: 0006A780 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene03 SCEN 0 How are your parents faring, Grelka? Doing better than we are I would guess. FormID: 0006A770 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene03 SCEN 0 It's no feast in their neck of the woods either. Last time I was up there, father said they were barely scraping by. FormID: 0006A779 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene03 SCEN 0 This civil war is taking its toll on all of us. Miners are some of the hardest hit. FormID: 0006A783 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene03 SCEN 0 That's what scares me. I'm afraid I'll travel to Darkwater Crossing and find it burned to the ground. FormID: 0006A773 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene04 SCEN 0 All I'm asking is that you clean up once in a while. How you can find anything in your half of the place is beyond me. FormID: 0006A77D DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene04 SCEN 0 I'd rather spend more time in the mine hauling up iron then doing woman's work keeping the house clean. FormID: 0006A76D DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene04 SCEN 0 I'll have you know I can haul up just as much iron as you in a day and still manage to clean up my messes. FormID: 0006A775 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene04 SCEN 0 You think so, huh? Maybe you'd like to put some septims behind that boast. FormID: 0006A781 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene04 SCEN 0 You have yourself a bet. FormID: 0006A778 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene05 SCEN 0 Grelka, do you fancy a walk tomorrow? FormID: 0006A77E DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene05 SCEN 0 Odfel, I've told you time and time again. I'm not interested in a relationship with you. FormID: 0006A782 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene05 SCEN 0 And why not? I'm handsome, strong and smart. What else could you possibly need? FormID: 0006A76B DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene05 SCEN 0 I need someone that cares about me more than they care about themselves. That person isn't you. FormID: 0006A76E DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene06 SCEN 0 I've been watching the way you mine and I have to say, I'm very impressed. FormID: 0006A772 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene06 SCEN 0 I owe it all to my father who started me swinging the pickaxe when I was a barefoot little girl. FormID: 0006A774 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene06 SCEN 0 Well, it shows. Your skill rivals some of the greatest miners I've known. FormID: 0006A777 DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene06 SCEN 0 Thank you. It's nice to know someone admires me for more than just my appearance. FormID: 0006A3DB DB07 DB07GabriellaBlockTopic DB07GabriellaBlockTopicTopic CUST 0 This is not the time to keep Astrid waiting. FormID: 0006A3DC DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 It's true, I'm afraid. Cicero was a little whirlwind, slashing this way and that. It would have been funny, if he weren't trying to murder us all. FormID: 0006A3DA DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Don't forget the ranting and raving. About the Night Mother, how she was the true leader of the Dark Brotherhood, and Astrid was just a [QUOTE]pretender.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006A3D4 T03 T03TreeRumors T03TreeRumorsTopic RUMO 0 I assume you saw the Gildergreen? Big tree, all burnt up, in the middle of the Wind District. FormID: 0006A3D4 T03 T03TreeRumors T03TreeRumorsTopic RUMO 1 It's part of the Temple of Kynareth. People want Danica to do something about it, but I don't know what they expect. FormID: 0006A26D CW CWSalaryBranch CWSalaryYes CUST 0 Here you go. Your continued assistance to the cause is appreciated. a little disappointed that the player didn't donate his pay to the cause FormID: 0006A26E CW CWSalaryBranch CWSalaryNo CUST 0 I wish more had the dedication and strength of character that you demonstrate. I'll be sure this gets put to good use. well pleased FormID: 0006A26F CWAttackCity CWAttackCitySurrenderBranch CWAttackCitySurrenderTopic CUST 0 I surrender! Give me a few hours to gather my household, and I'll depart. You have my word. upset he has been exiled by force FormID: 0006A170 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01MadanachTopic01 CUST 0 Now? I announce to all of Markarth that I have returned. Don't worry about your name. They'll know who to blame and fear after today. demagogue FormID: 0006A170 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01MadanachTopic01 CUST 1 It'll take years, but I'll organize the Forsworn again. We'll reclaim our land, and then, when power is ours, we'll have peace. A kingdom. demagogue FormID: 0006A170 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01MadanachTopic01 CUST 2 Until then, let me offer you a warning. Beware the Forsworn. No place in the Reach is safe from us now. demagogue FormID: 0006A059 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialBranch MGRArniel01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You mean the official sort of business? Hmm, well... no. No, not really. FormID: 0006A082 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialBranch MGRArniel01InitialFollowUp1 CUST 0 But... I can't help but notice that you're doing quite well for yourself, rising through the ranks and all. FormID: 0006A082 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialBranch MGRArniel01InitialFollowUp1 CUST 1 It may not be [QUOTE]official[QUOTE], but there is a, uhh, project I've been working on. FormID: 0006A082 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialBranch MGRArniel01InitialFollowUp1 CUST 2 I wonder if perhaps you could assist with it. FormID: 0006A041 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialQuestion01Branch MGRArniel01InitialQuestion01Topic CUST 0 What? FormID: 0006A041 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialQuestion01Branch MGRArniel01InitialQuestion01Topic CUST 1 No, no. Goodness, no! FormID: 0006A041 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialQuestion01Branch MGRArniel01InitialQuestion01Topic CUST 2 At least, I don't think so. No, it's just... It's just something I'd prefer to keep to myself. FormID: 0006A035 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialQuestion02Branch MGRArniel01InitialQuestion02Topic CUST 0 Ah, yes. Umm, no. No, I don't think so. Not at this point. FormID: 0006A035 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialQuestion02Branch MGRArniel01InitialQuestion02Topic CUST 1 It's just that, well I'm not even really sure it's going to amount to anything just yet. All theoretical right now, you understand. FormID: 0006A035 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialQuestion02Branch MGRArniel01InitialQuestion02Topic CUST 2 But the implications are quite intriguing, I think. I simply need some experimental results to confirm my suspicions. FormID: 0006A04B MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialFinalBranch MGRArniel01InitialFinalTopic CUST 0 Just... Just bring me some Dwemer cogs. I need to examine them for the methods used in forging them. FormID: 0006A04B MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01InitialFinalBranch MGRArniel01InitialFinalTopic CUST 1 Ten of them should be enough for me to get a better understanding of how they were crafted. That's all I need, all right? FormID: 0006A056 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01Stage20Branch MGRArniel01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, that's excellent news. This will be most helpful in furthering my research. FormID: 0006A056 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01Stage20Branch MGRArniel01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 1 I'm afraid I can't offer you much right now, but please take this. And perhaps, if this is all successful... FormID: 0006A056 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01Stage20Branch MGRArniel01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 2 Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's too early to be getting excited. Still, this is most encouraging. FormID: 0006A056 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01Stage20Branch MGRArniel01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 3 Thank you again. If I require anything else, I shall be sure and let you know. FormID: 0006A057 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01Stage20Branch MGRArniel01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 I simply need more pieces of Dwemer equipment to study. It's nothing dangerous... At least, not necessarily. FormID: 0006A057 MGRArniel01 MGRArniel01Stage20Branch MGRArniel01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 1 And please, let's just... Let's keep this between us. FormID: 0006A05A MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02InitialBranch MGRArniel02InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 As a matter of fact, there is something you can do for me. FormID: 0006A05B MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02InitialBranch MGRArniel02InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 What? Oh, no. No, no. I need more time to research the dwarven machinery. Thank you for offering, though. FormID: 0006A03E MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02InitialBranch MGRArniel02InitialFollowUp CUST 0 I had retained Enthir's services in, uhh, acquiring something specific. FormID: 0006A03E MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02InitialBranch MGRArniel02InitialFollowUp CUST 1 But now he's refusing to deliver. Could you perhaps speak with him, and see if we can come to some sort of arrangement? annoyed FormID: 0006A044 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Oh dear. amused FormID: 0006A044 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10BranchTopic CUST 1 He's so afraid to talk to me he's sending you to do it? I should've expected as much. amused FormID: 0006A044 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10BranchTopic CUST 2 I'm afraid you've been a little mis-informed. I have something of mine, that I was going to sell to Arniel. smug, emphasis on [QUOTE]mine[QUOTE] FormID: 0006A039 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 0 With all due respect, Arch-Mage, I'm not in a position to just give this away. annoyed FormID: 0006A039 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 1 I told Arniel what I wanted in exchange for it, and he was unwilling to come up with it. annoyed FormID: 0006A039 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 2 Now, if you're here on his behalf, I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist on my original payment. annoyed FormID: 0006A038 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 0 You think you can do what he can't, and I'll sell it to you. Then you're free to run off to him with it, if you like. amused, smug FormID: 0006A058 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWant MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWantTopic CUST 0 I have a... friend, let's say, who's interested in a staff. A particular one. FormID: 0006A058 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWant MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWantTopic CUST 1 It's nothing dangerous, so don't worry. I'm not even sure why he wants it, but then that's not really my concern. He's willing to pay for it. FormID: 0006A058 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWant MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWantTopic CUST 2 The problem is that it'll be a little difficult to acquire, seeing as how it's in the hands of someone who isn't exactly friendly. FormID: 0006A058 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWant MGRArniel02EnthirStage10WhatYouWantTopic CUST 3 So, you bring that staff back here, and I'll consider it payment for the item Arniel was after. FormID: 0006A085 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage30Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Well, well. FormID: 0006A085 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage30Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage30BranchTopic CUST 1 All right, you delivered on your end, so I'll deliver on mine. Here's the gem Arniel was after. FormID: 0006A085 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02EnthirStage30Branch MGRArniel02EnthirStage30BranchTopic CUST 2 Can't imagine what he expects to do with that... it's warped beyond any ability to capture a soul. FormID: 0006A047 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02ArnielStage40Branch MGRArniel02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 0 Do you? FormID: 0006A047 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02ArnielStage40Branch MGRArniel02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 1 Wonderful. I was afraid I'd have to give up, and when I'm so close... FormID: 0006A047 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel02ArnielStage40Branch MGRArniel02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 2 Thank you for this. I have a great deal of work ahead of me. FormID: 0006A036 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Terrible, just terrible. I vastly underestimated the heat transfer necessary, and have destroyed my only working model. I'm at a loss. upset FormID: 0006A032 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse1 CUST 0 Look, it's all very simple. annoyed FormID: 0006A032 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse1 CUST 1 The Dwemer, they were uhh, masters of magic in a way we can't even begin to conceive of. FormID: 0006A032 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse1 CUST 2 Their greatest achievement, however, has also been their greatest, shall we say... Mystery. FormID: 0006A048 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse2 CUST 0 Don't patronize me! FormID: 0006A04F MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse3 CUST 0 Their disappearance, of course! animated, annoyed FormID: 0006A04F MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse3 CUST 1 Instant, unexplainable. The stories have fascinated me... Ever since I was young, I wanted to know what really happened. thinking hard to yourself FormID: 0006A04F MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse3 CUST 2 After years and years of work, I'm closing in on a way to investigate what happened through experimentation. annoyed FormID: 0006A04F MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse3 CUST 3 Only now... Well, it's simply a disaster. FormID: 0006A084 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse4 CUST 0 Precisely! FormID: 0006A084 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialBranch MGRArniel03InitialResponse4 CUST 1 What could be worth studying about a long-lost civilization? FormID: 0006A081 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongTopic CUST 0 Without boring you with the, ahh, details, I am attempting to re-create the circumstances of the event. FormID: 0006A081 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongTopic CUST 1 The dwarves were very clever, tapping into and drawing power from the Heart of Lorkhan itself. FormID: 0006A081 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongTopic CUST 2 Lacking the heart of a dead god myself, I was attempting to substitute a rather specific soul gem. The ahh, the one you helped me acquire. FormID: 0006A03C MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03WhatWentWrongResponse1 CUST 0 Well, yes. I mean, no. That is, it might, but I'm not completely sure. I'm no tonal architect, I've only read their writings. Scraps, really. FormID: 0006A03C MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03WhatWentWrongResponse1 CUST 1 The soul gem by itself isn't enough, you see. It needs to be altered, purified. The dwarves had machines for this sort of thing. FormID: 0006A03C MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03WhatWentWrongResponse1 CUST 2 I attempted to build my own, based on designs and using parts you helped to provide. My very own Dwarven Convector. FormID: 0006A03C MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03WhatWentWrongResponse1 CUST 3 It worked, but not fully. And the uhh... The device was destroyed in the process. FormID: 0006A045 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03WhatWentWrongResponse2 CUST 0 Hmm? No, no. No! I'm too close now. Can't take the time. annoyed FormID: 0006A045 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialWhatWentWrongBranch MGRArniel03WhatWentWrongResponse2 CUST 1 Though... Perhaps there's another option. I, umm, I may require further assistance from you. thinking hard FormID: 0006A037 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatDoIDo MGRArniel03WhatDoIDoTopic CUST 0 Well, yes. The designs for my Convector were based on real dwarven machines, so there may still be some in existence. FormID: 0006A037 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatDoIDo MGRArniel03WhatDoIDoTopic CUST 1 I'd go looking myself, but uhh... Yes, there are calculations to double- and triple-check. Many calculations. FormID: 0006A037 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatDoIDo MGRArniel03WhatDoIDoTopic CUST 2 Perhaps you could seek out these Convectors in Skyrim ruins? I can even teach you the spell to heat them. FormID: 0006A037 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatDoIDo MGRArniel03WhatDoIDoTopic CUST 3 It's very particular, and very important. FormID: 0006A03D MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatsInThisBranch MGRArniel03WhatsInThisBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, I... Don't you see? FormID: 0006A03D MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatsInThisBranch MGRArniel03WhatsInThisBranchTopic CUST 1 Unlocking this mystery... The story alone is worth more riches than you can even imagine. FormID: 0006A03D MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03WhatsInThisBranch MGRArniel03WhatsInThisBranchTopic CUST 2 And perhaps... well, I don't wish to speculate, but... What if we could contact the dwarves? What if they're still out there? Imagine! FormID: 0006A04E MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranch MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranchTopic CUST 0 Wonderful, just wonderful! I knew I could count on you! FormID: 0006A04E MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranch MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranchTopic CUST 1 Now this spell is not for defending yourself, but it's just right for heating the Convector. At least three seconds' burn is necessary. FormID: 0006A04E MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranch MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranchTopic CUST 2 Just place the soul gem inside, and heat the Convector. At least three seconds. You'll almost certainly need to find multiple Convectors. FormID: 0006A04E MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranch MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranchTopic CUST 3 I suspect it may be due to the nature of the soul gem versus the crystals this was intended for. Destroys the equipment in the process. FormID: 0006A04E MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranch MGRArniel03InitialTeachSpellBranchTopic CUST 4 But, ahh... It's effective. Three times, and the crystal should be ready for the next step. Isn't this exciting? FormID: 0006A046 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04InitialBranch MGRArniel04InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 No, and at this rate, I never shall! FormID: 0006A046 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04InitialBranch MGRArniel04InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Enthir is once again holding out on me. He refuses to deliver yet another item absolutely essential to my work! FormID: 0006A046 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04InitialBranch MGRArniel04InitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I am close, so close! You must force him to see reason! extremely agitated FormID: 0006A033 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage10EnthirBranch MGRArniel04ArnielStage10EnthirTopic CUST 0 I don't know, I don't know! FormID: 0006A033 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage10EnthirBranch MGRArniel04ArnielStage10EnthirTopic CUST 1 I've already agreed to pay him quite handsomely for the... well, the item in question. annoyed FormID: 0006A033 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage10EnthirBranch MGRArniel04ArnielStage10EnthirTopic CUST 2 Just... Do whatever it takes to get him to stop lording this over me. annoyed FormID: 0006A04C MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, by the Divines, you too? exasperated FormID: 0006A04C MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10BranchTopic CUST 1 I've already told him. I don't have it! supremely annoyed FormID: 0006A03F MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Response1 CUST 0 Nothing, nothing at all! Arniel already overpaid for... whatever it is. annoyed FormID: 0006A042 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Response2 CUST 0 Did I ask you to? Did you hear me say that? really, really annoyed FormID: 0006A049 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 0 You're not listening to me. I don't have it. exasperated, slowly emphasize [QUOTE]I don't have it[QUOTE] FormID: 0006A049 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 1 I set up the whole deal. A courier was supposed to be bringing it from Morrowind. He never arrived. annoyed FormID: 0006A049 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10Branch MGRArniel04EnthirStage10FollowUp CUST 2 Okay? The deal was already done, the thing just never showed up. I can't help that! annoyed FormID: 0006A055 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Topic CUST 0 What? incredulous FormID: 0006A055 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Topic CUST 1 I... I don't understand. Where is it? FormID: 0006A04A MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Response1 CUST 0 No, no no no. This can't be happening. FormID: 0006A04D MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Response2 CUST 0 He has some simple-minded courier delivering it? shocked, horrified FormID: 0006A054 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20FollowUp CUST 0 It can't be lost. It just can't! It's irreplaceable, do you understand? FormID: 0006A054 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20FollowUp CUST 1 Without it, I cannot finish my work. All these years, so much time, so much energy... FormID: 0006A054 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20Branch MGRArniel04ArnielStage20FollowUp CUST 2 You must find it! It cannot end this way! Not after I've worked so hard! FormID: 0006A03B MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04Stage20WhatIsIt MGRArniel04Stage20WhatIsItTopic CUST 0 It... It's very valuable. Critical to my work, and one-of-a-kind. That's all I care to say for now. FormID: 0006A03A MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthir MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthirTopic CUST 0 Have you lost your mind? FormID: 0006A03A MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthir MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthirTopic CUST 1 Think, please, just for a moment, about what he would do if he knew its true value. FormID: 0006A03A MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthir MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthirTopic CUST 2 Do you really believe he would honor our agreement, or go running off to the highest bidder? FormID: 0006A03A MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthir MGRArniel04ArnielStage20TellEnthirTopic CUST 3 Please, you must set this right. I'm begging you. FormID: 0006A040 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhatsTheItem MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhatsTheItemTopic CUST 0 I don't know. He never told me. annoyed FormID: 0006A040 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhatsTheItem MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhatsTheItemTopic CUST 1 He made most of the arrangements himself, he just needed it transported from Morrowind. That's what I agreed to help with. annoyed FormID: 0006A040 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhatsTheItem MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhatsTheItemTopic CUST 2 If I'd known it was so important to him, I'd have charged him more. really annoyed FormID: 0006A07C MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourier MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourierTopic CUST 0 I don't know. Are you not listening at all? annoyed FormID: 0006A07C MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourier MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourierTopic CUST 1 It was a simple task, so I didn't keep close tabs on it like I do with the dangerous stuff. annoyed FormID: 0006A052 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourier MGRArniel04EnthirStage10HoldTopic CUST 0 Last I heard he intended to pass through Eastmarch on his way here. FormID: 0006A053 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourier MGRArniel04EnthirStage10HoldTopic CUST 0 Last I'd heard, he was crossing the border from Morrowind into The Rift. FormID: 0006A034 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourier MGRArniel04EnthirStage10HoldFollowUp CUST 0 If you're getting involved in this, that'd be where you start looking. annoyed FormID: 0006A034 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04EnthirStage10WhereCourier MGRArniel04EnthirStage10HoldFollowUp CUST 1 Why is this suddenly so important, anyway? annoyed FormID: 0006A050 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Final2 CUST 0 I heard one of them was just arrested trying to sneak into the city. If he's locked up in the jail, perhaps you can get it out of him. FormID: 0006A050 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Final2 CUST 1 Please, I know I'm asking you to do something difficult, maybe even dangerous. I just don't know who else I can trust. FormID: 0006A051 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Final2 CUST 0 You've seen them? Then waste no time, head there at once! FormID: 0006A051 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Final2 CUST 1 The longer they're around, the more danger I'm in! Please, kill Kematu and end this nightmare for me! FormID: 00069FA0 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Now you're going to be sorry you crossed me. in a low, angry tone FormID: 00069FA4 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Elenwen! This servant girl has been throwing herself at me in a most disgusting manner. FormID: 00069F9C MQ201Party SCEN 0 I demand that you have this wench removed from my presence at once! FormID: 00069FA3 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Is that so, Erikur? And you with such delicate sensibilities. It must have been most upsetting. with just an undertone of sarcasm FormID: 00069FA9 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Well. Whatever the truth of it, I'm sure a few words with Master Rulindil will have a salutary effect. Take her downstairs. coldly, dismissively FormID: 00069F9F MQ201Party SCEN 0 No! gasp of shock and fear FormID: 00069F9A MQ201Party SCEN 0 Mistress Elenwen, it's not true! I did nothing! FormID: 00069F9E MQ201Party SCEN 0 Sir, you must tell her! You don't know what they'll do to me! Please! FormID: 00069FA8 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Yes, Madame Ambassador. FormID: 00069F9D MQ201Party SCEN 0 Well, I'm glad that little unpleasantness is over. cheerfully FormID: 00069FA5 MQ201Party HELO 0 I hope you're enjoying yourself, sir. FormID: 00069FA6 MQ201Party HELO 0 I hope you're enjoying yourself, ma'am. FormID: 00069FA7 MQ201Party HELO 0 What can I get for you? FormID: 000E16EF MQ201Party HELO 0 I trust that this is just the begining of a long and mutually beneficial relationship. FormID: 000E16F0 MQ201Party HELO 0 I'm so glad you could attend today. FormID: 000E16F1 MQ201Party HELO 0 I hope you're enjoying yourself. FormID: 000E16F2 MQ201Party HELO 0 Please, help yourself to more wine. FormID: 000E16F3 MQ201Party HELO 0 The hospitality of the Thalmor Embassy is at your service. FormID: 00069FA1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBrelasErikur MQ201PartyBrelasErikurTopic CUST 0 Ugh. Erikur, right? He was talking to me earlier. I could tell what he was after. FormID: 00069FA1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBrelasErikur MQ201PartyBrelasErikurTopic CUST 1 I hate working these parties. Some of the guests are nice, but there's always a few like Erikur. FormID: 00069FA1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyBrelasErikur MQ201PartyBrelasErikurTopic CUST 2 Please tell him to leave me alone. Politely. I'm sure you'll have better luck getting through to him than I would. pleading FormID: 00069F21 MQ201Party SCEN 0 There's a likely-looking filly. Even if she is an elf. FormID: 00069F25 MQ201Party SCEN 0 You there! Serving girl! What's your name, dear? FormID: 00069F29 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Uh, Brelas, sir. Did you need a drink? Something to eat? very polite and deferential FormID: 00069F36 MQ201Party SCEN 0 No, no, that's not what I'm interested in right now. FormID: 00069F36 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I just wanted to get a better look at you. I like what I see, my dear. FormID: 00069F36 MQ201Party SCEN 2 And believe me, I don't say that to everyone. I'm very discriminating when it comes to the female form. FormID: 00069F23 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Um, thank you. Sir. Was there anything else I can do for you? uncomfortable, slightly hesitating FormID: 00069F28 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Oh... not at the moment. Maybe later. Don't go far. with a leer and a wink FormID: 00069F2D MQ201Party SCEN 0 Yes, sir. FormID: 00069F30 MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurBlockingTopic CUST 0 Have you talked to Brelas yet? I'm not a patient man, you know. impatiently FormID: 00069F31 MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you see that serving girl? I hear elf women are insatiable... with a wolf-whistle or appreciative [QUOTE]mm-hmm[QUOTE] in between the sentences - he's a pig FormID: 00069F32 MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurBlockingTopic CUST 0 For the man who knows how to make money, war can be a most profitable venture. FormID: 00069F33 MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurBlockingTopic CUST 0 The Great War is long past. It's time the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion put aside their differences. Prosperity is good for everyone. FormID: 00069F34 MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurBlockingTopic CUST 0 Elenwen always throws quite a party. I never miss one if I can help it. FormID: 00069F27 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurWhoAreYou MQ201ErikurWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 You must be new to Skyrim, or you'd already know who I am. I have a stake in most anything of importance in Solitude. FormID: 00069F27 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurWhoAreYou MQ201ErikurWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 I feel that it's time to put aside the grievances of the past, and let peace and prosperity flourish between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. sanctimoniously -- he believes not a word of this claptrap FormID: 00069F27 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurWhoAreYou MQ201ErikurWhoAreYouTopic CUST 2 I try to do my little part. Besides, just between you and me, it's making me pots of money, hahaha. jovially -- your new best friend FormID: 00069F26 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBrelas MQ201ErikurBrelasTopic CUST 0 Mmm, yes... Brelas, is that the one? I hope you're not thinking of cutting me out, are you? Haha. half-joking but not really FormID: 00069F26 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBrelas MQ201ErikurBrelasTopic CUST 1 I'm warning you, when I get my heart set on something I'm not easily put off. half-joking but not really FormID: 00069F2F MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBrelas MQ201ErikurBrelasA1 CUST 0 Really? Yes, maybe that would be just the thing. She seemed to be playing hard to get when I spoke to her earlier. FormID: 00069F2F MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBrelas MQ201ErikurBrelasA1 CUST 1 Go on. See what she says. Now you've gone and gotten my hopes up again. FormID: 00069F24 MQ201Party MQ201ErikurBrelas MQ201ErikurBrelasA2 CUST 0 Ha. We'll see. I do have my eye on her, but she seemed a bit cold when I spoke to her earlier. Maybe just playing hard to get, eh? FormID: 00069F20 MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurA1 CUST 0 Ha. Don't toy with me. I may just have to seize my opportunity with both hands, ha ha ha. But we'll play it your way for now. FormID: 00069F2B MQ201Party MQ201PartyErikurBlocking MQ201PartyErikurA2 CUST 0 Haha. I knew it! No woman yet born has been able to resist my charms for long. Thank you, my friend. I owe you one. with a leer FormID: 0006A79F MQ201Party SCEN 0 Hello, my dear. I got your message. Where shall we go? Lothario unleashed FormID: 00069F2A MQ201Party SCEN 0 So. You think you can toy with me, is that it? No, my dear. I have my heart set on you, and I always get what I want. in a low, angry voice FormID: 00069F2C MQ201Party SCEN 0 What? I'm sorry, sir, but you must have misunderstood. I'm not permitted to leave the party. hesitant, confused, trying to remain polite FormID: 0006A7A0 MQ201Party SCEN 0 I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression earlier. I meant no disrespect. hesitant, confused, trying to remain polite FormID: 00069F2E MQ201Party SCEN 0 Oh, I don't think so. I think I understand perfectly. Don't worry, my dear, I will make any necessary excuses to your employer. FormID: 0006A79D MQ201Party SCEN 0 Oh, don't worry. I'll let you make it up to me. Now, where can we go for a little privacy, hmm? FormID: 00069F35 MQ201Party SCEN 0 No, I'm sorry, but I can't go anywhere with you. I won't. Please, I must get back to my duties. FormID: 00069F1F MQ201Party SCEN 0 Don't you dare walk away from me, you slut! Do you know who I am? raising his voice, calling across the room FormID: 00069F22 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Please, sir, leave me alone! FormID: 00069685 MQ105 SCEN 0 Use your Unrelenting Force shout to strike the targets as they appear. FormID: 00069672 DB06 DB06GaiusmaroBlowOffBranch DB06GaiusmaroBlowOffBranchTopic CUST 0 Trust me, we have nothing to say to one another. FormID: 0006965A MQ201 MQ201MalbornEscapeBlocking MQ201MalbornEscapeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Now the Thalmor will be hunting me for the rest of my life. I hope it was worth it. FormID: 0006965B MQ201 MQ201MalbornEscapeBlocking MQ201MalbornEscapeBlockingTopic CUST 0 I should have known this would end badly. I can't believe I let Delphine talk me into this. FormID: 0006965C MQ201 MQ201MalbornEscapeBlocking MQ201MalbornEscapeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's get out of here, for pity's sake! FormID: 0006965D MQ201 MQ201PrisonerBlocking MQ201PrisonerBlockingTopic CUST 0 I saw guards dragging bodies over here. Might be a way out. FormID: 0006965E MQ201 MQ201PrisonerBlocking MQ201PrisonerBlockingTopic CUST 0 We've got to get out of here. FormID: 0006965F MQ201 MQ201PrisonerBlocking MQ201PrisonerBlockingTopic CUST 0 You saved my life. I won't forget it. Look me up if you're ever in Riften. FormID: 00069660 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerBlocking MQ201PrisonerBlockingTopic CUST 0 You didn't have to help me, so... thanks. FormID: 00069647 CW CWSalaryBranch CWSalaryTopic CUST 0 Here's your pay. It's never enough for what we do, but war gives us warriors its own kind of benefits, doesn't it? paying a special agent his salary FormID: 00069648 CW CWSalaryBranch CWSalaryTopic CUST 0 Are you sure? It's rightfully yours, but this money could go to getting better weapons and armor, and making repairs to the settlements we control. FormID: 0006958C DialogueOldHroldanEydisSkuliScene02 SCEN 0 Did you clean the linens, yet? FormID: 000695AE DialogueOldHroldanEydisSkuliScene02 SCEN 0 I did. Those mead stains are always tricky. FormID: 000695AD DialogueOldHroldanEydisSkuliScene01 SCEN 0 Mama, where did papa go? FormID: 000695BA DialogueOldHroldanEydisSkuliScene01 SCEN 0 He's off fighting the war, dear. For the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0006958E DialogueOldHroldanEydisSkuliScene01 SCEN 0 Last time you said he was fighting for the Empire. FormID: 0006958D DialogueOldHroldanEydisSkuliScene01 SCEN 0 Yes. I'm sure he's doing well there. FormID: 00068F57 FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformKynesgroveAQuest FreeformKynesgroveAQuestTopic CUST 0 Nosy one, huh? I was a mage back in Morrowind. I lend my talents to the mines here, helping them keep the tunnels safe. FormID: 00068F57 FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformKynesgroveAQuest FreeformKynesgroveAQuestTopic CUST 1 By Azura, it gets hot in there. I use Frost Salts for a potion to keep the heat bearable, but I'm out. FormID: 00068F3B FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformKynesgroveAQuest FreeformKynesgroveAAccept CUST 0 If you want to go to the trouble, feel free. I suppose I could offer you a bit of free Alteration training when you get back. FormID: 00068F39 FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformKynesgroveAQuest FreeformKynesgroveAReject CUST 0 It's not any of your bother, so I don't see what you're apologizing for. FormID: 00068F2A FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformKynesgroveAQuestReturn FreeformKynesgroveAQuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Well, well, you actually did what you said you were going to do. I'm impressed. FormID: 00068F2A FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformKynesgroveAQuestReturn FreeformKynesgroveAQuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, let me teach you a thing or two about Alteration magic. It's the least I can do. FormID: 000983BF stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Suppose so. Got one all saddled if you've got the coin. FormID: 00068CC0 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Not today. Sold my last one. Pretty sure I sold it to you. FormID: 00068CC2 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Yeah, I got one for sale. FormID: 00068CC3 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 You could if I had one. Sold my last available horse to someone that looked an awful lot like you. FormID: 00068CBB stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Got one all saddled and ready to go. What are you willing to pay? FormID: 000983C5 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 If I had one. Sold my last one to you a bit ago. FormID: 000983C6 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Reckon you can. How much you willing to pay? FormID: 000983C7 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Nope. Sold my last one to some stranger. FormID: 000983CC stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 It's for sale, if you've got the coin. FormID: 000983D0 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Not right now. You bought my last one. FormID: 000983D1 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 That one with the saddle? How much are you offering? FormID: 000983D2 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Can't help you. They're all spoken for. FormID: 000983D5 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Don't mind if you do. What's your price? FormID: 000983DC stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 If I had one you could. They're all spoken for. FormID: 000983DE stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 I've got one all saddled up for you! What do you figure she's worth? FormID: 0009B792 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Wish I did, but some outlander bought my last one. FormID: 0009B794 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 That's what I'm here for. What are you offering? FormID: 0009B796 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Don't have any that are for sale right now. FormID: 0009B797 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Yes! Yes, you can. She's all saddled up and everything. FormID: 000983ED stables StablesBuyHorse StablesBuyHorseTopic CUST 0 Not today. You should have come by earlier. Wait, didn't I sell me last one to you? FormID: 00068CF1 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 You've got a deal. It's the one with the saddle. FormID: 00068CF2 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Then come back when you've got that much. FormID: 00068CF4 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 That'll do. She's all saddled up for you. FormID: 00068CF5 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 When you get it, she's yours. FormID: 000983EE stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Sounds fair. She's yours. Like I said, she's all saddled. FormID: 00098410 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 When you got that much, we'll talk. FormID: 00098411 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Fair enough. You can have her. She's the one with the saddle. FormID: 0009841B stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Didn't think you had the coin. sarcastic FormID: 0009841D stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 That's your best offer? I suppose so. She's the one with the saddle. FormID: 0009841E stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 If you had it, you'd be riding and we wouldn't be talking. FormID: 00098422 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 That much? I mean, of course. If that's all you've got. FormID: 00098427 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 I'd sell her for that, but you ain't got it. FormID: 00098430 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Sold. She's all yours. She's already saddled up. FormID: 00098431 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 That would work, except you ain't got. FormID: 00098437 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Wish everyone haggled like you. She's all yours. FormID: 00098438 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Too bad you don't have that much. Guess you'll have to walk. FormID: 0009B799 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Good enough for me. It's the one with the saddle. FormID: 0009B79F stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 That would be a fair price. When you've got it, come see me. FormID: 0009B7A0 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Wow! Didn't think I could get that for her. I mean, sure! FormID: 0009B7A1 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesAcceptTopic CUST 0 Looks like you're a little short on coin though. Sorry. FormID: 00068CC5 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Suit yourself. FormID: 000983AF stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Don't blame me if your feet get sore. FormID: 000983B0 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Then stop wastin' my time. FormID: 00068CEE stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Off with ya then. I've got work to do. FormID: 000983B1 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Didn't think you had the coin for it anyway. FormID: 000983B2 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Then off with ya. I've got better things to do. FormID: 000983B3 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Should have known you'd be a cheap one. FormID: 000983B4 stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Then what are you wasting my time for? FormID: 0009B78B stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Walkin' never hurt nobody. If you change your mind, I'll be here. FormID: 0009B78C stables StablesBuyHorse StablesRejectTopic CUST 0 Oh. Was it something I said? I can't afford to lower the price, but come back if you change your mind. FormID: 00068B70 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 So, the prodigal murderer returns. And the Gourmet? FormID: 00068B71 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, you're back. Ready to try again, are we? Let's start from the top. You were sent to kill the Gourmet. And he is... FormID: 00068B73 DB08 GBYE 0 Remember, the Markarth Keep. That's where you'll find Anton Virane. Probably cooking up all of the Gourmet's recipes, passing them off as his own. FormID: 00068B74 DB08 GBYE 0 All you've got to do is find and kill one lousy chef. The clock is ticking... FormID: 00068B77 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 0 So I gathered. It seems a certain Orc has disappeared. Which means you not only killed the Gourmet, but disposed of the body as well. FormID: 00068B77 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 1 You've got the Writ of Passage too, I see. Splendid, splendid... FormID: 00068B77 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 2 Ah, and word has come in from Markarth that the keep's cook has met an untimely demise. FormID: 00068B77 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 3 You performed your duties to the letter. FormID: 00068B78 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 0 Right, which we had already established. And you managed to hide the body as well? Good. FormID: 00068B78 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 1 You've got the Writ of Passage too, I see. So there's that. And Anton Virane has suffered an untimely fate, as well. Good. FormID: 00068B78 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 2 Well, looks like you completed the contract as directed. Finally. A little sloppy, but, well... done is done. FormID: 00068B78 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 3 Here's your gold, with a little extra for hiding the body. Now go see Astrid. The final stage of the contract has come. The Emperor must fall. FormID: 00068B79 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 0 Good. And his Writ of Passage? FormID: 00068B79 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 1 Oh wait, let me guess - you don't have them. FormID: 00068B79 DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 2 Fool! Amateur! Without those papers you'll never be able to present yourself as the Gourmet! Off with you! Back to the body to retrieve them! FormID: 00068B7A DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 0 Good, good. And you've got the Writ of Passage too, I see, so that's done. FormID: 00068B7A DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 1 But why? Why, pray tell, have I received word that Anton Virane is still walking around Markarth, hale and healthy as the day he was born? FormID: 00068B7A DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 2 Back to Markarth with you! Virane must be silenced! He's a potential witness, you witless dagger jabber! FormID: 00068B7B DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 0 Good, good. And you've got the Writ of Passage, too, I see. So there's that. FormID: 00068B7B DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 1 I've also received word from Markarth. It would seem Anton Virane has suffered an untimely fate, as well. Good. FormID: 00068B7B DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 2 But unfortunately, that inn is abuzz with the news of somebody killing one of their guests! What, hiding the body was too much for you to handle? FormID: 00068B7B DB08 DB08FestusCompleteBranch DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse CUST 3 Bah! Useless. Here's your gold. Now go see Astrid. The time to move against the Emperor has finally come. Sithis help us all. FormID: 00068B69 DarkBrotherhood DBFestusNoRespectBranch DBFestusNoRespectBranchTopic CUST 0 Look. I gave you a contract, and you completed it. Barely. Now let's go back to you being insufferable, and me being... me. FormID: 00068946 FreeformOldHroldanB SCEN 0 (screams) scream of fright, just saw a ghost (literally) FormID: 00068943 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranchTopic CUST 0 There's a... ghost. Just wandering around my inn like it owned the place. FormID: 00068944 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. I've heard stories that Old Hroldan was haunted, but no ones seen a ghost here since the Great War. FormID: 00068944 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranchTopic CUST 1 He's from the battle, I just know it. He's one of Tiber Septim's soldiers... back from the dead. FormID: 0006894C FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisGhostBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisGhostBranchTopic CUST 0 Hjalti? I've never heard of anyone named Hjalti. Tiber Septim had many names. Maybe that's one of them? FormID: 00068942 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisSwordBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisSwordBranchTopic CUST 0 A sword? I remember a legend that Tiber Septim had attacked one of the enemy camps before he came to Old Hroldan. It could be there. FormID: 00068942 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisSwordBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisSwordBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll mark it down on your map. FormID: 0006894E FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBSwordBranch FreeformOldHroldanBSwordBranchTopic CUST 0 It's been an honor to serve you, brother. FormID: 0006894E FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBSwordBranch FreeformOldHroldanBSwordBranchTopic CUST 1 Remembers our lessons from the sword masters of Alcaire? Let me show you a few things you may have forgotten before we leave Hroldan. FormID: 00068947 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 Mara have mercy that gave me a fright. FormID: 00068953 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 Do you think the ghost is one of... Tiber Septim's dead men? FormID: 00068955 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 All of a sudden, the ghost disappeared. What happened to it? FormID: 00068956 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 Do you think that ghost is coming back? It seems to have vanished. FormID: 00068957 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 I was just getting used to that ghost being here, and poof, now he's gone. FormID: 00068195 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 Hjalti? Is that you? I've been waiting. FormID: 00068958 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 I've been waiting for you. Hjalti. FormID: 00068959 FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 I fought by your side. To take back the Reach from the savages. FormID: 0006895A FreeformOldHroldanB HELO 0 Do you remember me now, Hjalti? FormID: 00068511 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes, for the hundredth time, I am a Breton. I was born in High Rock. And then I came here. I am not a Reachman! FormID: 00068512 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Please. Please just let me be... FormID: 00068514 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonPlayerWhoIsGourmet CUST 0 The... the Gourmet? FormID: 00068514 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonPlayerWhoIsGourmet CUST 1 Never! I don't know what led you here, but nothing will betray my trust. I'll take the secret of the Gourmet's identity to my grave. FormID: 00068516 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonPlayerArranged CUST 0 The Dark Brotherhood? FormID: 00068516 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonPlayerArranged CUST 1 Now... now wait a minute. Let's not get hasty. I mean, surely my friend wouldn't want me to endanger my own life. Right? FormID: 00068516 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonPlayerArranged CUST 2 Look, his name is Balagog gro-Nolob. He's an Orc! The Gourmet's an Orc! He's staying at the Nightgate Inn. That's all I know! FormID: 00068516 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonPlayerArranged CUST 3 Now... now you'll let me go. Right? FormID: 0006851A DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonBeforeKillResponse1 CUST 0 Okay. All right. Wonderful. You're welcome! I'll just be on my way, then... FormID: 00068517 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonBeforeKillResponse2 CUST 0 No. Oh, please no... FormID: 00068518 DB08 DB08AntonQuestionBranch DB08AntonBeforeKillResponse3 CUST 0 So... we're done? FormID: 0006839A MQ201 SCEN 0 Listen up, spy! You're trapped in here, and we have your accomplice. shouted into a large room FormID: 00068399 MQ201 SCEN 0 Surrender immediately or you both die. FormID: 0006839D MQ201 SCEN 0 Never mind, I'm dead already- FormID: 00068398 MQ201 SCEN 0 Silence, traitor! Move. Slowly. FormID: 0006839B MQ201 SCEN 0 He's got to be here somewhere. FormID: 0006839C MQ201 SCEN 0 Good luck. You're on your own now. calling softly through a closed door FormID: 00068384 MS05 GBYE 0 I wish you luck in finding the verse. FormID: 000E776D MS05 GBYE 0 We should really get to court. FormID: 000E776E MS05 GBYE 0 We should present the verse soon. FormID: 000E776F MS05 GBYE 0 Don't forget to speak to Jorn when you're ready for the festival. FormID: 000E7770 MS05 GBYE 0 Be careful, you might find more than just King Olaf's Verse in Dead Man's Respite. FormID: 00068377 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Best batch of Spiced Wine I ever had. FormID: 00068378 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 I thought the festival wasn't happening this year. FormID: 00068379 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Thanks for convincing Elisif to put this on again. FormID: 0006837A MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Come on! Light the fire! FormID: 0006837D MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Jorn is the best of the bunch, you should hear him sing. FormID: 0006837E MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 I heard you're the reason we get to have this. Thank you. FormID: 000E7792 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 I believe Sanguine would be pleased with this festival. FormID: 00068380 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 I like the pretty lights. FormID: 0006837F MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Burn the king! FormID: 000E7793 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 You've done well by restoring our Festival. FormID: 000E7794 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Thank you so much. The festival has really increased my sales. FormID: 000E7795 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 There's the man himself! FormID: 000E7796 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 There's the woman herself! FormID: 000E7797 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Burn the King! FormID: 000E7798 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Congratulations on getting the festival restored. FormID: 000E7799 MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Get your festival meat pie. Specially made. FormID: 000E779A MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 Try our meats made here at the Festival. They're the best. FormID: 000E779B MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 So nice to get this break from my cleaning duties. FormID: 000E779C MS05KingOlafsFestival HELO 0 You might as well have some sweets. I made them for the festival after all. FormID: 0005C621 MS05 MS05ReturnWithTheCoat MS05ReturnWithCoatTopic1 CUST 0 Great. Looks like you'll be one of us soon. We'll gather outside the College for the Burning of King Olaf. FormID: 0006216A MS05 MS05ReturnWithTheCoat MS05ReturnWithCoatTopic1 CUST 0 I'll tell everyone we're ready but we'll start the festival at dusk. FormID: 0006216A MS05 MS05ReturnWithTheCoat MS05ReturnWithCoatTopic1 CUST 1 Come talk to me after dark, we'll get the festival started when you do. FormID: 000681EC C01 C01SkjorUponReturnBranch C01GetReport CUST 0 I'll speak with Aela about how you handled yourself. Come back later. FormID: 000681EF C01 C01SkjorUponReturnBranch C01GetReport CUST 0 I'll speak with Farkas about how you handled yourself. Come back later. FormID: 000681C8 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 It's tough, with just the two of us. FormID: 000681C8 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 There's hardly ever time to make the occasional delivery to the taverns of Skyrim. FormID: 000681C8 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 We could use a pair of hands and a strong back. There'd be a little coin in it for you. FormID: 000681C9 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Indeed I do. FormID: 000681D3 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverAccept CUST 0 That'd be great. There's a case of our soon-to-be famous mead that needs to get to Winterhold. Get it there, and you can keep the delivery fee. FormID: 000681D0 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. I've been waiting on that. FormID: 000681D0 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's the gold for it. Thanks. FormID: 000681D1 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. I've been waiting on that. FormID: 000681D1 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's the gold for it. Thanks. FormID: 000681D2 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. I've been waiting on that. FormID: 000681D2 FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliveryBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's the gold for it. Thanks. FormID: 000681CD FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliverRepeat CUST 0 I need you to take a case of mead to the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold. The delivery fee is yours to keep. FormID: 000681CE FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliverRepeat CUST 0 Another case of mead needs to find its way to the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. The delivery fee is yours to keep. FormID: 000681CF FreeformFrostRiver FreeformFrostRiverInitialBranch FreeformFrostRiverDeliverRepeat CUST 0 Candlehearth Hall is running low on our famous mead. Can you drop off this case? The gold is yours, as always. FormID: 000681BA DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusStartBranchTopic CUST 0 There you are. Took your sweet time dealing with Cicero, hmph? Now let's get down to business. Astrid told you about the Gourmet, I hope? FormID: 000681BC DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusPlayerYesGourmet CUST 0 Quite so. FormID: 000681BC DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusPlayerYesGourmet CUST 1 But first you'll need to learn who he is. Assuming, of course, that the Gourmet actually is a [QUOTE]he.[QUOTE] Could be a woman for all we know. FormID: 000681BB DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic1 CUST 0 Don't be so petulant! FormID: 000681BB DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic1 CUST 1 In my, um, investigations, I came upon this. It's a copy of the Gourmet's cookbook. Ah, but not just any copy. It's signed you see! FormID: 000681BB DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic1 CUST 2 Seems to be a message from the Gourmet to one Anton Virane. I've tracked Virane to the keep in Markarth. It would seem he's the cook. FormID: 000681BE DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic2 CUST 0 Ah, indeed I do! Indeed I do! FormID: 000681BE DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic2 CUST 1 In my, um, investigations, I came upon this. It's a copy of the Gourmet's cookbook. Ah, but not just any copy. It's signed you see! FormID: 000681BE DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic2 CUST 2 Seems to be a message from the Gourmet to one Anton Virane. I've tracked Virane to the keep in Markarth. It would seem he's the cook. FormID: 000681BD DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic3 CUST 0 You know, maybe I was wrong about you after all. Anyone who's smart enough to shut up and listen can't be all bad. FormID: 000681BD DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic3 CUST 1 In my, um, investigations, I came upon this. It's a copy of the Gourmet's cookbook. Ah, but not just any copy. It's signed you see! FormID: 000681BD DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusIdentityTopic3 CUST 2 Seems to be a message from the Gourmet to one Anton Virane. I've tracked Virane to the keep in Markarth. It would seem he's the cook. FormID: 000681B9 DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusPlayerKillGuyTopic CUST 0 I believe so. Therefore, you are to obtain that information from Virane - who the Gourmet really is, and where he can be found. FormID: 000681B9 DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusPlayerKillGuyTopic CUST 1 Oh, and when you're done with Virane, kill him. FormID: 000681B9 DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusPlayerKillGuyTopic CUST 2 Loose ends and all that. FormID: 000681B9 DB08 DB08FestusStartBranch DB08FestusPlayerKillGuyTopic CUST 3 Next, you'll have to... Are you still paying attention? FormID: 000681B8 DB08 IDAT 0 Hmph. FormID: 000681B8 DB08 IDAT 1 As I was saying... You'll need to kill the Gourmet, of course. But what's more, you'll need to get his Writ of Passage, so you can take his place. FormID: 000681B8 DB08 IDAT 2 Oh, and if you can, hide his body. The longer it takes for anyone else to determine his real identity, the better. FormID: 000681B8 DB08 IDAT 3 Now off with you! FormID: 00068515 DB08 IDAT 0 Who are you? What do you want? FormID: 00068B72 DB08 IDAT 0 Hmph. I was wrong about you. I see that now. Maybe we all were. FormID: 00068B72 DB08 IDAT 1 Here's your payment. And... a little something else, as well. From me. Consider it my way of apologizing. For being so damned curmudgeonly! FormID: 00068B72 DB08 IDAT 2 It's called the Nightweaver's Band. I wore this for years. I want you to have it now. It'll give your magic and sneakiness some much needed [QUOTE]oomph.[QUOTE] FormID: 00068B72 DB08 IDAT 3 Now, you'd better get a move on and see Astrid. It's time! Time for the final stage of this grand and glorious operation. FormID: 00068198 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBCuhlecainBranch FreeformOldHroldanBHjaltiBranchTopic CUST 0 You promised me, Hjalti. You promised that when we sacked Hroldan, you would make me your sworn brother. FormID: 00068198 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBCuhlecainBranch FreeformOldHroldanBHjaltiBranchTopic CUST 1 And I've waited. Even after the enemies' arrows dug into my chest and their hammers crushed my bones. I've waited. FormID: 00068198 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBCuhlecainBranch FreeformOldHroldanBHjaltiBranchTopic CUST 2 Give me your sword, Hjalti. That we may become brothers as you promised. FormID: 00068197 RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueIntroBranch RelationshipOrcsDialogueIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 The most well known stronghold is Dushnikh Yal. Here, I'll mark it down for you. FormID: 0006C812 RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueIntroBranch RelationshipOrcsDialogueIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 The strongholds keep to themselves. Skyrim hasn't always been kind to the Orcs. FormID: 0006C812 RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueIntroBranch RelationshipOrcsDialogueIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 For an outsider like you to be accepted, an Orc would have to make you Blood-Kin, and send word to the chiefs. FormID: 00068196 RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranch RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranchTopic CUST 0 Trust like that is not freely given. FormID: 0007870A RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranch RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranchTopic CUST 0 Gladly. By the Code of Malacath, I name you Blood-Brother to the Orcs. FormID: 0007870B RelationshipOrcs RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranch RelationshipOrcsDialogueAddtoFactionBranchTopic CUST 0 Gladly. By the Code of Malacath, I name you Blood-Sister to the Orcs. FormID: 0006816E MG03 SCEN 0 No, no! This is the wrong way! FormID: 00068169 MG03 SCEN 0 We need to go upstairs, that's where she is! That's where the books are! FormID: 0006816C MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorBranchTopic CUST 0 Wait, what? FormID: 0006816C MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorBranchTopic CUST 1 I thought I was going to help you! FormID: 0006816B MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorResponse1 CUST 0 Well yes, I did. And thank you so much for helping me. FormID: 0006816B MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorResponse1 CUST 1 But... I rather thought that if I were to help, I might... Well, I might be allowed to return to the College. FormID: 0006816B MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorResponse1 CUST 2 I'm not sure where else I'd go. FormID: 0006816A MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorResponse02 CUST 0 Are you quite sure? I don't want to get in the way, but... FormID: 0006816D MG03 MG03Stage55ExteriorBranch MG03Stage55ExteriorFollowUp1 CUST 0 But... I rather thought that if I were to help, I might... Well, I might be allowed to return to the College. FormID: 000C0827 MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenBlocking MQ201PartyMavenBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm doing as you asked. Not for nothing, I hope? FormID: 00067EDF MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenBlocking MQ201PartyMavenBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't recall seeing you at one of these before. And I know everyone who's anyone in Skyrim. FormID: 00067EE0 MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenBlocking MQ201PartyMavenBlockingTopic CUST 0 That's General Tullius himself. He can't stand Elenwen, but she insists that he attend these parties. Just to piss him off, no doubt. amused at his predicament FormID: 00067EE1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyMavenBlocking MQ201PartyMavenBlockingTopic CUST 0 See that disgusting drunk over there? A high-ranking official in the East Empire Company, believe it or not. FormID: 00067ED2 MQ201Party MQ201MavenWhoAreYou MQ201MavenWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 To maintain relationships. FormID: 00067ED2 MQ201Party MQ201MavenWhoAreYou MQ201MavenWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 By the way, I don't know who you are, but unless you want me to blow your cover, I'd advise that you avoid me for the rest of the party. FormID: 000C0808 MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarBlocking MQ201PartyOndolemarBlockingTopic CUST 0 You have asked for my help. I am providing it. FormID: 00067EEC MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarBlocking MQ201PartyOndolemarBlockingTopic CUST 0 The degeneracy of the Empire is on display here in this room. FormID: 00067EED MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarBlocking MQ201PartyOndolemarBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's only a matter of time before your whole rotten Empire collapses of its own decay. No offense. FormID: 00067EEE MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarBlocking MQ201PartyOndolemarBlockingTopic CUST 0 None of these people cares a whit about the religious aspects of this war. Another sign of the degeneracy of your Empire. FormID: 00067EEF MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarBlocking MQ201PartyOndolemarBlockingTopic CUST 0 At least Ulfric's men are willing to fight for their principles, barbaric as they may be. FormID: 00067EEB MQ201Party MQ201PartyOndolemarBlocking MQ201PartyOndolemarBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's a necessary part of my job to mix with the upper classes of Skyrim, such as they are. FormID: 00067EE9 MQ201Party MQ201OndolemarWhoAreYou MQ201OndolemarWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 There are those in the Empire who would wish to evade their obligations to help root out the Talos heresy. FormID: 00067EE9 MQ201Party MQ201OndolemarWhoAreYou MQ201OndolemarWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 Fortunately, those most opposed to the Emperor's wise policy have now branded themselves traitors as well as heretics. FormID: 00067EE9 MQ201Party MQ201OndolemarWhoAreYou MQ201OndolemarWhoAreYouTopic CUST 2 I am here to remind the ruling classes of Skyrim that their loyalty to the Emperor requires cooperation with the Thalmor. smiles thinly FormID: 00067ECB MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionNo CUST 0 Don't presume upon our friendship. My first loyalty is to the Thalmor, as you well know. FormID: 000C0422 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionNo CUST 0 Yes, that's probably for the best. I really shouldn't risk getting on Elenwen's bad side. FormID: 000C0810 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionNo CUST 0 Yes, this probably isn't really the place for your little jokes. FormID: 000C0811 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionNo CUST 0 Thank you. I knew you'd understand. FormID: 000C0812 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionNo CUST 0 I'll try to forget you ever asked. FormID: 00067EC6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyOndolomarDistractionYes CUST 0 Hmm. Very well. I'm putting my reputation on the line for you. FormID: 000C1E20 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyOndolomarDistractionYes CUST 0 This is neither the time nor place for such things. I'm surprised you would ask it of me. FormID: 00067ED3 MQ201 SCEN 0 Stop. Please. I don't know anything else. Don't you think I'd have told you already? FormID: 00067EE6 MQ201 SCEN 0 Silence. You know the rules. Do not speak unless spoken to. Master Rulindil will ask the questions. FormID: 00067EDB MQ201 IDLE 0 muted moans of pain, groans -- someone who's been tortured FormID: 00067EDC MQ201 IDLE 0 muted moans of pain, groans -- someone who's been tortured FormID: 00067EDD MQ201 IDLE 0 muted moans of pain, groans -- someone who's been tortured FormID: 00067EDE MQ201 IDLE 0 muted moans of pain, groans -- someone who's been tortured FormID: 00105589 MQ201 IDLE 0 SILENCE - do not record FormID: 00067EEA MQ201 SCEN 0 Let's begin again. FormID: 00067EC9 MQ201 SCEN 0 No... for pity's sake... I've already told you everything... FormID: 00067ECD MQ201 SCEN 0 You know the rules. FormID: 00067ECF MQ201 SCEN 0 Noooooo!!! screaming in pain (being tortured) FormID: 00067ED4 MQ201 SCEN 0 Start at the beginning, as usual. FormID: 00067EE4 MQ201 SCEN 0 If you persist in this stubbornness I'll have... FormID: 00067EC5 MQ201 SCEN 0 No, wait! I was just... catching my breath... why wouldn't I tell you again? I don't even know anything... FormID: 00067EC8 MQ201 SCEN 0 There's an old man. He lives in Riften. FormID: 00067EC8 MQ201 SCEN 1 He could be this Esbern you're looking for, but I don't know. He's old and seemed kind of crazy. That's all I know. FormID: 00067EC4 MQ201 SCEN 0 And his name is...? FormID: 00067ECA MQ201 SCEN 0 I don't know his name. Like I've told already a hundred- start with hacking coughing ... seriously tortured already FormID: 00067ECC MQ201 SCEN 0 Ahhhh! scream followed by heavy breathing/panting -- torture FormID: 00067ECE MQ201 SCEN 0 You know the rules. Just answer the questions. FormID: 00067ED1 MQ201 SCEN 0 And where can we find this nameless old man? FormID: 00067EDA MQ201 SCEN 0 Like I said, I don't know! I've seen him down in the Ratway. Maybe he lives down there, but I don't know for sure. FormID: 00067EE2 MQ201 SCEN 0 That will be all for now. I must say I continue to be disappointed in your lack of cooperation. I hope next time you will do better. begin with a heavy sigh -- the torturer's work is never done FormID: 00067EE3 MQ201 SCEN 0 What else do you want from me? I've already told you everything. Listen, if you let me go I can take you to Riften, show you where- FormID: 00067EE7 MQ201 SCEN 0 Gaaaaah!!! bubbling scream of pain followed by panting/gasping for breath FormID: 00067EC7 MQ201 SCEN 0 Silence, prisoner! FormID: 00067CC7 MS03 MS03LouisBlackBriarInfo MS03LouisBlackBriarInfoTopic CUST 0 No idea, but whatever he did it must have angered Maven. No guard would lock up a Black-Briar without the old lady's permission. FormID: 00067CC6 MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJail1Topic CUST 0 Ah, and let me guess. He wants his horse. Well, that's going to be a bit of a problem. You see, I don't really outright [QUOTE]own[QUOTE] Frost... FormID: 00067CC9 MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJail2 CUST 0 That is correct. You see, Frost belongs to the Black-Briar estate. Technically everything in the estate is owned by my mother, Maven. emphasis on [QUOTE]that[QUOTE] FormID: 00067CC9 MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJail2 CUST 1 My plan was to take the horse from our lodge and deliver it to Letrush at the stables. Obviously, that didn't exactly work out as I'd planned... FormID: 00067CC9 MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJail2 CUST 2 Still, I don't want to cross Letrush. Tell you what. Steal the horse and deliver it, and you can have the second half of the payment. emphasize [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] in last sentence. FormID: 00067CC8 MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailAccept CUST 0 Then I think we're done talking. FormID: 000534EB MS05 HELO 0 Welcome to the Bards College. I am the headmaster here. How may I help you? FormID: 00067CCD MS05 HELO 0 I have faith that you'll return with King Olaf's Verse. FormID: 00067CCC MS05 HELO 0 Ah, you have returned. How goes the task I gave you? FormID: 000E7748 MS05 HELO 0 I still don't know if rewriting the verse is going to work. FormID: 000C2A55 MS05 HELO 0 I do hope the court likes the verse. I think we've done an excellent job of recreating it. FormID: 000E7749 MS05 HELO 0 We should have the festival soon. FormID: 000E774A MS05 HELO 0 Good to meet a prospective Bard. FormID: 000C33B9 MS05 HELO 0 Get the coat. Then we'll talk. FormID: 000C33BA MS05 HELO 0 Nice to meet the person who went to King Olaf's Tomb. FormID: 0006770B DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 The Greybeards are a solitary lot. I don't think they've ever ventured outside their monastery. FormID: 0006770B DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 We get the occasional pilgrim passing through here on their way to the summit, but almost all of them have returned disappointed. FormID: 0006770C DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 I've been to the monastery many times, but I've never even laid eyes on one of the Greybeards. Not that I'd care to. FormID: 0006770C DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 Being masters of the Thu'um, they could kill you by uttering a single word. FormID: 0006770C DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 2 Well, not that they would. They seem peaceful, but I wouldn't want to provoke them. FormID: 0006770D DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 Klimmek brings food supplies up to them once every few weeks when the weather permits it. FormID: 0006770D DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 Other than that, they seem like a quiet lot. Don't really know too much about them. FormID: 0006770E DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 It's frightening living below their monastery. FormID: 0006770E DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 Sometimes I swear I can hear strange noises rolling down from up there. It sounds like thunder, but there's never any rain. FormID: 0006770E DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 2 What do you make of that? FormID: 0006770F DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 The Greybeards stay away from me, and I stay away from them. Suits me just fine. FormID: 00067710 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 Always thought it was odd that there's a layer of thick clouds covering the peak of the mountain above the monastery. FormID: 00067710 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 Not sure what's up there, but I bet the Greybeards know. FormID: 00067711 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 They call the path to the monastery the 7,000 Steps. Can you imagine? FormID: 00067711 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 I'm not certain if I could even make it to the top without collapsing from exhaustion. FormID: 00067712 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 The Greybeards are a strange bunch. FormID: 00067712 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 I heard they live their entire life without uttering a single word; can you even imagine? FormID: 00067713 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 0 I've always fancied a journey up the 7,000 Steps to the monastery. wistful FormID: 00067713 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarBranch DialogueIvarsteadHighHrothgarTopic CUST 1 Anything to break the boredom of living in this town. I envy you. sadness, but not revealing FormID: 00067706 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene01 SCEN 0 I think you should continue with your performances. FormID: 000676E8 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene01 SCEN 0 What's the point? I'm not very good, and it's only for the same few people every night. sad... wistful FormID: 000676F9 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene01 SCEN 0 I think you play beautifully. It would be a shame if you stopped. FormID: 00067700 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene01 SCEN 0 All right, Wilhlem. I suppose it's the least I can do for you. warm FormID: 00067707 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene02 SCEN 0 I think I saw it again. That... ghost. It was over by the barrows. FormID: 00067716 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene02 SCEN 0 That thing's evil, Lynly! I told you to keep away from there! FormID: 000676E0 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene02 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. I was curious... I didn't believe the stories. I won't go over there ever again. FormID: 000676E6 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene02 SCEN 0 See that you don't. I promised to keep you safe and I'm not going to break my word. FormID: 000676E9 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene03 SCEN 0 Have you spoken to Fastred yet? FormID: 000676F3 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene03 SCEN 0 No. I'll tell you, Wilhelm, if I could sweep her away from here tomorrow I'd do it, but Klimmek still has so much to learn. conflicted FormID: 000676EC DialogueIvarsteadInnScene03 SCEN 0 Klimmek is doing just fine. You should follow your heart. FormID: 000676F7 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene03 SCEN 0 Perhaps one day, but not today. FormID: 00067701 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene04 SCEN 0 You heading up to High Hrothgar soon, Klimmek? FormID: 00067709 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene04 SCEN 0 I wish I didn't have to. It's quite a difficult climb. FormID: 00067719 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene04 SCEN 0 Take your time then. It isn't as though the Greybeards are going to complain. trying to make a joke FormID: 000676F4 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene04 SCEN 0 I know, but I don't want to let them down. I guess I better start thinking about it soon. FormID: 000676FB DialogueIvarsteadInnScene05 SCEN 0 I thought you played wonderfully last night. FormID: 00067703 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene05 SCEN 0 Thank you Klimmek. That's too kind. blushing FormID: 00067714 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene05 SCEN 0 Perhaps when you're finished here this evening, we could... embarrassed, you are asking a woman you fancy on a first date FormID: 000676DD DialogueIvarsteadInnScene05 SCEN 0 You're sweet. I'm just not ready for that sort of thing right now. I'm sorry. FormID: 000676E4 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene06 SCEN 0 I heard Temba yelling at you yesterday. Why do you let her treat you like that? FormID: 000676ED DialogueIvarsteadInnScene06 SCEN 0 If you'll pardon the expression, she's far more bark than bite. chipper FormID: 000676F2 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene06 SCEN 0 Perhaps, but abuse is abuse. I don't think I could stand it. FormID: 000676F8 DialogueIvarsteadInnScene06 SCEN 0 There's much more to worry about in life then a bit of a temper, my friend. FormID: 000676FD DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Fastred, I wanted to talk with you. serious tone FormID: 000676EE DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene01 SCEN 0 What is it now? FormID: 000676FF DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Wilhelm said he saw you speaking to one of the pilgrims on the 7,000 Steps. I told you that I didn't want you to go up there. FormID: 00067704 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene01 SCEN 0 I know what you said, but I only wanted to speak to him for a moment. FormID: 00067708 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene02 SCEN 0 You have to let Fastred follow her heart. You can't tell her what to do. FormID: 00067717 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene02 SCEN 0 She's our only child, Boti. Am I to throw her to the wolves? FormID: 000676E1 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene02 SCEN 0 You're hardly throwing her to the wolves. She just wants to see the world... just like I did when I was her age. annoyed FormID: 000676E7 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene02 SCEN 0 And if she decides to leave Ivarstead, what then? No, no... I can't bear the thought. FormID: 000676EF DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene03 SCEN 0 I need you to pitch in a little more around here, dear. annoyed but trying to be nice FormID: 000676F5 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene03 SCEN 0 I help, I do the chores. What else would you have me do? annoyed FormID: 000676FC DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene03 SCEN 0 I know your sights are set beyond this town, but for now, while you're under our roof, I need you to pitch in a little more. annoyed but trying to be nice FormID: 00067702 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, mother. very disappointed FormID: 00067715 DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene01 SCEN 0 We're behind again. I need you to catch another two bushels by week's end if I'm to make another delivery. FormID: 000676DE DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Blood from a stone, Klimmek. I've been out there every morning. They just aren't biting. annoyed FormID: 000676E3 DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Come on, everyone in town knows that you spend more time with Fastred than fishing in the river. FormID: 000676EA DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene01 SCEN 0 That's none of your business and I appreciate if you wouldn't mention it again. FormID: 000676F0 DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene02 SCEN 0 If you have a moment, I've come up with a few ideas I wanted to share. FormID: 000676FA DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I'm becoming sick to death of your ideas. Not one of them has paid off since you moved in. FormID: 000676FE DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Look, I'm merely suggesting a few things that could expand our business. FormID: 00067705 DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene02 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Our[QUOTE] business? accentuate [QUOTE]our[QUOTE] FormID: 00067705 DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene02 SCEN 1 As I remember things, it was you that showed up at my doorstep looking for a job and a place to live. Try and remember that. FormID: 0006770A DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene01 SCEN 0 Another batch of logs completely ruined. I swear, these bears have it out for me. FormID: 00067718 DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene01 SCEN 0 I hardly think the bears are clever enough to hold a grudge against you, Miss Temba. chipper, trying to be positive FormID: 000676DF DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene01 SCEN 0 When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. Otherwise, mind your business. FormID: 000676E5 DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene02 SCEN 0 Gwilin! I told you to cut those boards at twice arm length! My arm's length. Not yours. FormID: 000676EB DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene02 SCEN 0 I'm so sorry Miss Temba. Perhaps if you would have been more specific... chipper, trying to maintain that composure FormID: 000676F1 DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene02 SCEN 0 Sigh. Everyone isn't as short as you are... what good are these boards to someone of the proper height!? FormID: 000676F6 DialogueIvarsteadTembasMillScene02 SCEN 0 Sorry, Miss Temba. FormID: 000C5C16 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Still eager to please. This is good. Skjor may be right about you. FormID: 000C5C16 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 1 He has something special planned for you. Better talk to him. FormID: 0006767A C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. I have something a little different planned this time. FormID: 0006767A C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 1 But it's not for everyone to hear. Meet me in the Underforge tonight. FormID: 0006767A C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 2 We will speak more. FormID: 000C5C15 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I have something special for you. FormID: 000C5C15 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 1 But it's not for everyone to hear. Meet me in the Underforge tonight. FormID: 000C5C15 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 2 We will speak more. FormID: 000A7052 C03 C03SkorQuestStartBranch C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Skjor was looking for you before. Talk to him before doing anything else. FormID: 00067596 CreatureDialogueFalmer DETH 0 FormID: 0006696F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You are relatively new here, are you not? I have noticed you, but we have not spoken. FormID: 00066970 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You are new here, are you not? We have not spoken. FormID: 0006696C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitFollowUp CUST 0 I am Savos Aren, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold. FormID: 0006696C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitFollowUp CUST 1 I am quite content to see nearly any aspect of magic explored and investigated here. FormID: 0006696C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitFollowUp CUST 2 But I do not and will not approve of any research or experiments that cause purposeful harm to your fellow members of the College. FormID: 0006696C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitFollowUp CUST 3 Are we clear? FormID: 0006696B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitResponse1 CUST 0 Then allow me to introduce myself. FormID: 00066979 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageInitResponse2 CUST 0 [QUOTE]Sir[QUOTE]? How quaint. mildly amused FormID: 00066976 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageDangerousResearch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageDangerousResearchTopic CUST 0 Not often, no. FormID: 00066976 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageDangerousResearch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageDangerousResearchTopic CUST 1 Some risks must be taken, to be sure. I am simply trying to avoid untimely deaths. FormID: 00066976 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageDangerousResearch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageDangerousResearchTopic CUST 2 We also must make an effort to avoid worsening what Skyrim thinks of us. FormID: 00066973 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 New here too, eh? It's good to see another Nord. I feared I'd be the only one. FormID: 00066973 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Almost doesn't feel like Skyrim, being so far away from the rest of the world here. FormID: 00066974 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 New here too, eh? I'd hoped I wouldn't be the only Nord, but I should've known better. FormID: 0006696E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeOnmundNordsFollowUp1 CUST 0 No offense, of course. FormID: 0006697A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchantTopic CUST 0 Well, there's an Imbuer here in the Great Hall. FormID: 0006697B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchantTopic CUST 0 Well, there's an Imbuer in the Great Hall. FormID: 00066977 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchantFollowUp1 CUST 0 I'm sure you can figure it out on your own. If you can't, perhaps Urag has a book you can read. FormID: 00066975 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchantResponse1 CUST 0 My pleasure. FormID: 00066972 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant2 CUST 0 No. No I can't. FormID: 00066972 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant DialogueWinterholdCollegeSergiusNeedEnchant2 CUST 1 I have enough to keep me busy. View it as a chance to hone your craft. FormID: 00066657 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04x CUST 0 In any other circumstance, I'd agree with you. However, these aren't normal dreams. FormID: 00066657 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04x CUST 1 The Daedric Lord Vaermina's voracious hunger for memories is responsible for these visions. FormID: 00066657 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04x CUST 2 The nightmares are an echo of her presence as she feeds. FormID: 0006664C DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04y CUST 0 Turn my back on these people when their lives could be at stake? I should say not. you're a bit angry the player doesn't care FormID: 0006664C DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04y CUST 1 Those dreams are not just visions, they're a footprint left by the Daedric Lord Vaermina as she drains these people of their memories! you're a bit angry the player doesn't care FormID: 00066649 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch12 CUST 0 I understand. If you should change your mind, I'll be here. extremely sad player refused to help you FormID: 00066648 DA16 DA16ErandurReturnIntroBranch DA16ErandurReturnIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Mara be praised! FormID: 00066648 DA16 DA16ErandurReturnIntroBranch DA16ErandurReturnIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Nightcaller Temple is only a short walk from Dawnstar. Come, we must hurry. sense of urgency FormID: 000665D8 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201RazelanIntro1 CUST 0 Ah, pardon me, friend. I didn't see you standing there. FormID: 000665D8 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201RazelanIntro1 CUST 1 Allow me to introduce myself: Razelan. Imports and exports, by trade. Observer of human nature, by avocation. FormID: 000C080F MQ201Party MQ201PartyVittoriaBlocking MQ201PartyVittoriaBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't worry. I'll play my part. FormID: 000665DE MQ201Party MQ201PartyVittoriaBlocking MQ201PartyVittoriaBlockingTopic CUST 0 I find these parties such a dreadful bore. FormID: 000665DF MQ201Party MQ201PartyVittoriaBlocking MQ201PartyVittoriaBlockingTopic CUST 0 One thing everyone can agree on. This war is bad for business. FormID: 000665E2 MQ201Party IDAT 0 What does a fellow need to do to get a drink around here? grumbling to himself FormID: 000C1E1D MQ201Party IDAT 0 Ah, I see. Very well, my friend. I'll do it. assuming you're going to help make someone else look foolish - which sounds great FormID: 000C1E1E MQ201Party IDAT 0 Oh... all right. If it's so important to you, I suppose I can help. FormID: 000C1E1F MQ201Party IDAT 0 Very well. I suppose there's nothing wrong with a bit of harmless fun. FormID: 000665D6 MQ201Party MQ201RazelanWhoAreYou MQ201RazelanWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 You must be new around here. Bad manners to ask such a direct question, at one of Elenwen's little soirees. he's joking with you FormID: 000665D6 MQ201Party MQ201RazelanWhoAreYou MQ201RazelanWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 But I have nothing to hide. I'm in from the south, on business. FormID: 000665D6 MQ201Party MQ201RazelanWhoAreYou MQ201RazelanWhoAreYouTopic CUST 2 And if you want to do business in Tamriel these days, well, you'd better get used to cozying up to the Thalmor. Like it or not. FormID: 000C082C MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 Let's hear it. with good humor FormID: 000C082D MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 Well... let's hear it. FormID: 000C082E MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 My ears are always open to a friend's request. FormID: 000C082F MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 Say on, friend. What do you need? FormID: 000C0830 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 I'm always glad to help a friend if I can. What do you need? FormID: 000C0425 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 Oh? Something interesting, I hope? FormID: 000665D3 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 Of course! I mean... assuming you don't want me to kill someone for you. I might have to draw the line there. with a laugh - you're joking FormID: 00067ED6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 I'm listening. FormID: 00067ED7 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionTopic CUST 0 What is it, my friend? FormID: 000665E0 MQ201Party MQ201VittoriaWhoAreYou MQ201VittoriaWhoAreYouTopic CUST 0 The East Empire Company has interests all across Tamriel, inside and outside the Empire's borders. We try not to get involved in politics. FormID: 000665E0 MQ201Party MQ201VittoriaWhoAreYou MQ201VittoriaWhoAreYouTopic CUST 1 However, as the head of the company it's my job to make sure we maintain good relationships with prospective partners and investors. FormID: 000C081E MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 Say no more. I was wondering what you were doing here... I'm glad to play my part. conspiratorially - you're happy to help poke the Thalmor in the eye FormID: 000C081F MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 I trust you don't presume on our friendship? I am a Jarl, after all. I wouldn't want to appear foolish in front of these people. doubtfully FormID: 000C0427 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 Nothing would please me more. I'll keep their eyes away while you do what you came here for. serenely FormID: 000C0820 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 Hmm. I don't want to get involved in anything beneath my dignity as Jarl. doubtfully FormID: 000C0821 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 Oh... perhaps not, then. I don't think the Jarl of Solitude should be participating in a childish prank. doubtfully FormID: 000C0822 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 I don't know... I don't want to do anything that might offend Elenwen. There is a lot of money at stake, after all. doubtfully FormID: 000C042C MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 I don't even want to know, do I? But for you... all right. I'll do it. FormID: 00067ED9 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 This is very irregular. I trust that whatever you're doing doesn't compromise my position in any way? FormID: 00067ED8 MQ201Party MQ201PartyFriendDistraction MQ201PartyFriendDistractionYes CUST 0 That's it? Sure. Shouldn't be too hard. I usually end up making a fool out of myself without even trying. with a smile FormID: 0006717B MQ201Party SCEN 0 No harm is meant to you, happy fool. in a low confidential tone FormID: 0006717B MQ201Party SCEN 1 Right here! I see it in your face! The snakes writhe behind your eyes! Get away, get away from me! FormID: 000C0823 MQ201Party SCEN 0 It's all for a good cause, old chap. in a low confidential tone FormID: 000C0823 MQ201Party SCEN 1 Ulfric Stormcloak? The rightful High King? That's bordering on treason, man! Stand up. Stand up, I say! FormID: 000C0824 MQ201Party SCEN 0 What...! Do you know who I am? I should have you taken up and flogged! shocked and offended (faking - could be overacted) FormID: 000C041E MQ201Party SCEN 0 Hey, Razelan, remember when you told me I'd never amount to anything? quietly, under your breath to someone very nearby - venomously FormID: 000C041E MQ201Party SCEN 1 Well, I don't think you should stay things like that about the Ambassador! FormID: 000665D5 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Just play along. quietly, under her breath to someone very nearby FormID: 000665D5 MQ201Party SCEN 1 How dare you! You disgusting pig! FormID: 000C0825 MQ201Party SCEN 0 You've got a lot of nerve, suggesting something like that, to me of all people! If this was Riften, I'd have you thrown in the dungeon! FormID: 00067ED5 MQ201Party SCEN 0 How dare you speak of the Thalmor in such a disgusting manner! FormID: 0006717C MQ201Party SCEN 0 You take it back then? You retract your statement? Well? FormID: 000C081A MQ201Party SCEN 0 Begone, serpent! Begone from this house and trouble it no more! FormID: 000C081A MQ201Party SCEN 1 Beware of the serpent in your midst! Beware, oh people of Skyrim! FormID: 000C081B MQ201Party SCEN 0 There's no excuse for your behavior! FormID: 000C081B MQ201Party SCEN 1 You behave like you're carousing in a house of ill repute, not the residence of the Thalmor Ambassador! FormID: 000C0424 MQ201Party SCEN 0 I know you're drunk as usual, but that's no excuse for insulting our hostess. loudly FormID: 000C0424 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I don't think anyone deserves that kind of abuse! I've known plenty of elves who were perfectly decent people. loudly FormID: 000665D2 MQ201Party SCEN 0 The head office will hear of this, Razelan! You're a disgrace to the East Empire Company, and to the Empire itself! FormID: 000C081C MQ201Party SCEN 0 You're a disgrace to the Empire. To think that you're actually the representative of the East Empire Company. FormID: 000C081C MQ201Party SCEN 1 When people talk about the decadent, tottering Empire, it's people like you they have in mind! FormID: 00067ED0 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Your insults and provocations have gone far enough! FormID: 00067ED0 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I'd kill you where you stand if I wasn't bound by my oath as an officer of the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 000665D7 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. FormID: 000C0828 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Razelan. What is it this time? FormID: 000665DA MQ201Party SCEN 0 Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests. FormID: 000665DB MQ201Party SCEN 0 Yes, Madame Ambassador. FormID: 000C0816 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Tell your men to stand down. I don't need any help dealing with this kind of fool. He isn't worth the trouble. FormID: 000C0816 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I apologize for the disruption to such a festive occasion. a bit sarcastically FormID: 000C0817 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Dear me. All this trouble over me? I think I was confused. There's no harm in him. Please, let him go. FormID: 000C0818 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Oh... I'm afraid I may have overreacted. Please, I've already forgotten whatever it was he said to me. FormID: 000C0818 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I'm sure he's learned his lesson. Let's try to enjoy ourselves. brightly FormID: 000C0421 MQ201Party SCEN 0 I'm sorry, Ambassador. I didn't mean to cause such a commotion. There's no need to have him thrown out on my account. FormID: 000665D0 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Oh, Ambassador Elenwen, that won't be necessary. It is just Razelan, after all. FormID: 000665D0 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I'm sure he'll behave himself for the rest of the evening, won't you dear? FormID: 0006717D MQ201Party SCEN 0 Well, now. There's no need to ruin the party on my account. I don't think he'll be bothering me again. FormID: 00067EE5 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Forgive me, Ambassador. I allowed this... fool to provoke me. The fault is mine. There is no need for further disruption on my account. apologetically FormID: 000C0829 MQ201Party SCEN 0 I don't understand... did you say Ulfric Stormcloak? Fine fellow, although a bit too fond of... I mean, no, of course, I condemn him in the most... muttered, confused, protesting FormID: 000C082A MQ201Party SCEN 0 Hmm? Did you say snakes? Where? I hate them, always slithering they way they do... what? Are they on me? muttered, confused, protesting FormID: 000C082B MQ201Party SCEN 0 What? Of course I know who you are... I didn't mean to suggest, that is, I don't remember even saying that... muttered, confused, protesting FormID: 000665E1 MQ201Party SCEN 0 What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I don't mean to say I wouldn't be interested... what I mean is... muttered, confused, protesting FormID: 00067EE8 MQ201Party SCEN 0 What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I would never openly insult your... that is to say... muttered, confused, protesting FormID: 000665CF MQ201Party SCEN 0 I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! standing on his dignity despite being completely drunk FormID: 000C0831 MQ201Party SCEN 0 This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! standing on your dignity despite being completely drunk - can't get out [QUOTE]disrepectful[QUOTE] FormID: 000C0832 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time! standing on your dignity despite being completely drunk FormID: 000665D1 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. FormID: 000C0426 MQ201Party SCEN 0 That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind. FormID: 00066658 DA16 DA16ErandurVaerminaBranch DA16ErandurVaerminaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Who can say? Perhaps she collects them for display like works of art in a nonsensical art gallery. thinking FormID: 00066658 DA16 DA16ErandurVaerminaBranch DA16ErandurVaerminaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Whatever the case may be, her intentions are far from benevolent. FormID: 0006624E DialogueLeftHandMinePavoGatScene01 SCEN 0 Well I'm glad you were there. I don't know how I would have gotten past the Forsworn without you. FormID: 0006624D DialogueLeftHandMinePavoGatScene02 SCEN 0 Thank the Divines we survived that. FormID: 0006624C DialogueLeftHandMinePavoGatScene02 SCEN 0 Those Forsworn were fierce fighters. Fiercer than I could have imagined. FormID: 0006624B DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreSkaggi02 SCEN 0 Do you think the Forsworn will come here? I mean, if they attacked Kolskeggr.... FormID: 00066261 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreSkaggi02 SCEN 0 Let's just hope that doesn't happen. FormID: 0006624F DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiMineTopic CUST 0 That I do. If you want to grab a pickaxe and dig up some iron, feel free. I'll pay for anything you bring me. FormID: 0006A8CF DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiMineTopic CUST 0 Skaggi is in charge, not me. FormID: 0006A8D5 DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiMineTopic CUST 0 That it is. Good to be home. Let me know if you dig up any ore. We'll pay a fair wage. FormID: 0006A88C DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggrTopic CUST 0 Seems Kolskeggr Mine got hit by Forsworn. Those madmen get more bold every season. FormID: 0006A88C DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggrTopic CUST 1 Pavo and Gat are the only survivors. I'll be sending word to the Jarl about this, but I don't know when help will come. FormID: 0006A897 DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggrTopic CUST 0 Was. Forsworn came in the night. Killed everyone. Gat and I are the only ones who escaped. FormID: 0006A897 DialogueLeftHandMine DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggr DialogueLeftHandMineSkaggiKolskeggrTopic CUST 1 Hopefully Skaggi will send word to the Jarl and something will be done. FormID: 000661C0 MQ105 SCEN 0 Ro means [QUOTE]Balance[QUOTE] in the dragon tongue. Combine it with Fus - [QUOTE]Force[QUOTE] - to focus your Thu'um more sharply. FormID: 000661BF MQ105 SCEN 0 All Shouts are made up of three Words of Power. As you master each Word, your Shout will become progressively stronger. FormID: 000661BE MQ105 SCEN 0 But learning a Word of Power is only the first step... you must unlock its meaning through constant practice in order to use it in a Shout. FormID: 000661BD MQ105 SCEN 0 Well, that is how the rest of us learn Shouts. As Dragonborn, you can absorb a slain dragon's life force and knowledge directly. FormID: 000661BC MQ105 SCEN 0 As part of your initiation, Master Einarth will allow you to tap into his understanding of [QUOTE]Ro.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006618A DialogueSalviusFarm DialogueSalviusFarmRogatus DialogueSalviusFarmRogatusTopic CUST 0 What kind of question is that? Look at me! Is this a young man's face? FormID: 0006618A DialogueSalviusFarm DialogueSalviusFarmRogatus DialogueSalviusFarmRogatusTopic CUST 1 I've been here 50 years, and nothing is going to move me off my land. FormID: 00066189 DialogueSalviusFarm DialogueSalviusFarmRogatusFarmTopic DialogueSalviusFarmRogatusFarmTopicTopic CUST 0 What've you been staring at your feet this whole time? You see that big city up ahead of you? Markarth? FormID: 00066189 DialogueSalviusFarm DialogueSalviusFarmRogatusFarmTopic DialogueSalviusFarmRogatusFarmTopicTopic CUST 1 Head over there, unless you feel like helping my wife pick crops. And then 50 years later you'll wake up and still be here. FormID: 0006617C MS11 SCEN 0 Oh my. That... FormID: 0006617C MS11 SCEN 1 You... you go first. FormID: 00065C7D CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBlocking CWFinaleExecutionBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm ready. I made my peace with the gods long ago. speaking to his executioner FormID: 00065C7E CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBlocking CWFinaleExecutionBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are you waiting for? Do it! speaking to his executioner FormID: 00065C7F CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBlocking CWFinaleExecutionBlockingTopic CUST 0 With me, you kill Skyrim's last hope. Mark my words. You'll all be serving elven masters soon. And know then, that I would have stopped them. speaking to his executioner FormID: 00065C80 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBlocking CWFinaleExecutionBlockingTopic CUST 0 By the gods, stop toying with me and do it! speaking to his executioner FormID: 00065C74 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 0 Ulfric is dead and his army destroyed. There's not much more I could ask of you. The gods, however, I suspect, may have plans for you elsewhere. appreciative FormID: 00065C74 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 1 That said, Stormcloak true believers are still operating out of hidden military camps in the hills. If you encounter any on you travels, kill them. FormID: 00065C74 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 2 With luck, they'll soon lose heart and return to their homes and families. If not, we'll be forced to put them all to the sword. FormID: 00065C75 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 0 The Legion's work is far from finished, but you are free to roam. I suspect you'll be of greater good to Skyrim out there, in the world. appreciative FormID: 00065C75 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 1 If while you're out there, you stumble into any Stormcloak military camps, I expect you to destroy them. I've reports they are hiding in the hills. FormID: 00065C76 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 0 True sons and daughters of Skyrim reign in every city, we've crippled the Imperial Legion, and cut off its head by killing General Tullius himself. appreciative FormID: 00065C76 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 1 What more could I ask of you? No, you're free to roam. I suspect the gods have needs for you elsewhere. appreciative FormID: 00065C76 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 2 That said, some of the Legion's staunchest men have organized themselves, and are operating out of hidden military camps in the wilderness. concerned FormID: 00065C76 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 3 If you come across any Imperials in your travels, I expect you'll know what to do. subtext: [QUOTE]kill them[QUOTE] FormID: 00065C77 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 0 No. I trust you'll do more good out there in the world, wherever you damn well please to go. You're a true son of Skyrim. You'll know what to do. appreciative FormID: 00065C77 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 1 To begin with, killing any Legionnaire you find out in the wilderness. I've reports they've hidden military camps out there. appreciative FormID: 00065C78 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 0 No. I trust you'll do more good out there in the world, wherever you damn well please to go. You're a true daughter of Skyrim and'll know what to do. appreciative FormID: 00065C78 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 1 To begin with, killing any Legionnaire you find out in the wilderness. I've reports they've hidden military camps out there out there. appreciative FormID: 00065C79 CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 0 No, I suspect Skyrim to be my home for many years. a fact of military life FormID: 00065C79 CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 1 Can't say I'll ever get used to the damn cold, or understand these Nords... but, I've come to respect them. FormID: 00065C79 CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 2 The harshness of Skyrim has a way of carving a man down to his true self. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C7A CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 0 The General's put me in charge of assisting the new governments. a fact of military life FormID: 00065C7A CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 1 I may understand things here in Skyrim better than the General, but I'm a soldier at heart, not a politician. But I'll do my best. a fact of military life FormID: 00065C7A CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 2 This is the land of my birth, the land that shaped me. I'm proud to have any part in making it strong again. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C7B CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 0 No, not yet. We'll wait for the Moot to name me High King. It'll be better for all that way. with a smile FormID: 00065C7B CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 1 But, that doesn't mean I won't start acting like it. There's much to do. The new Jarls need help building armies, and enforcing their right to rule. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C7B CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 2 The Empire may try to reclaim Skyrim, and I need everyone ready for that. Though the biggest threat, of course, is the elves. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C7C CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 0 Heh. Ulfric's put me in charge of keeping an eye on the new Jarls. You know, make sure they're generally following orders. with a smile FormID: 00065C7C CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 1 Can't say I'm looking forward to that. But, I'll also be training men and women for their new armies. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C7C CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 2 The Empire might send over a few Legionnaires to make sure we're serious, and of course, we'll be taking the fight to the elves soon enough. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C7C CWFin CWFinWhatsNextForYou CWFinWhatsNextForYouTopic CUST 3 We'll need trained, disciplined and creative warriors ready for all that. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C70 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 0 The fiercest of the remaining rebels will continue to harass us, but by in large, the people here desire peace. FormID: 00065C70 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 1 What I'm not so sure about is the peace we've made with the Thalmor. But we'll keep that between the two of us, alright? confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C71 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 0 There are those who still call themselves Stormcloaks, who continue to fight us, and bring misery to the people... but they are few in number. FormID: 00065C71 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 1 The ordinary citizen will be happy to get back to life as normal, to have their families return home. FormID: 00065C71 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 2 And they should enjoy it while they can... I suspect all of Tamriel will again be called to arms in the not too distant future. confiding in a respected officer FormID: 00065C72 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 0 There will be peace for a time, during which we must rebuild Skyrim into the land it once was. Strong. Self-reliant. The center of mankind. passionate FormID: 00065C72 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 1 Because getting rid of the Empire was only half the problem. darkly FormID: 00065C72 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 2 Soon, the elves will again seek to rule the world. We must ready ourselves to fight them. FormID: 00065C72 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 3 For it will be Skyrim that shall lead Tamriel in those dark days, when the fate of the world is finally determined. with great passion FormID: 00065C73 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 0 Peace? When has any Nord ever known peace? Skyrim breeds warriors. It's who we are, it's in our blood. FormID: 00065C73 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 1 And that's as it should be. In the darkest days ahead, it'll be us Nords who lead the fight against the elves. darkly FormID: 00065C73 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 2 It's only a matter of time before their pointy ears start itching to rule the world again. FormID: 00065C73 CWFin CWFinThinkPeaceWillLast CWFinThinkPeaceWillLastTopic CUST 3 It'll be Skyrim that leads the charge. Mark my words. And that time around, mankind will either succeed once and for all or die trying. with great passion FormID: 00065C62 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopicWalkaway CUST 0 Ignore me all you want, you still aren't getting in. FormID: 00065C48 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic CUST 0 Hey, you're not supposed to be down here. Official business only. Walk Away FormID: 00065C61 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic CUST 0 What are you doing down here? Walk Away FormID: 00065C46 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Oh, my mistake then. Sorry, you can go on ahead. FormID: 00065C47 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Sure, and I'm Queen Barenziah. Now tell me another one. FormID: 00065C44 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Sure, that'll do just fine. Go on ahead. FormID: 00065C45 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic02 CUST 0 That's just insulting. Not even a proper bribe? FormID: 00065C43 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Bloody tourists. FormID: 00065C41 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Forgive me milord, I didn't recognize you! Please proceed. FormID: 00065C42 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranch DialogueRiftenPrisonGuardBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Forgive me milady, I didn't recognize you! Please proceed. FormID: 00065C2F FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic CUST 0 Bah, I'm not afraid of anything out here. Walls are just a weakling's hiding spot. FormID: 00065C2F FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic CUST 1 Now me, I'm no weakling. In fact, I bet I've got the strongest arms in all of Skyrim. FormID: 00065C2E FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Oh! Sounds like I've got a challenger. FormID: 00065C2E FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Tell you what. How about a friendly wager, just between us. I bet you my entire purse of septims I can beat you in a fistfight. FormID: 00065C2E FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic01 CUST 2 You match the bet and we fight until one of us gives in. FormID: 00065C29 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic02 CUST 0 All right, remember... this is a clean fight. No weapons, no tricks. And none of those fancy magic spells, either. FormID: 00065C29 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Here we go! FormID: 00065C2A FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Well come back when you earn some more so I can take it from you! FormID: 00065C27 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I don't blame you. If I were in your shoes, I'd chicken out too. FormID: 00065C27 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirBranch FFRiften19HofgrirBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Well, offer still stands if you ever want to have a go. FormID: 00065C25 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranch FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, I don't mind taking some more of your gold. FormID: 00065C25 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranch FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranchTopic CUST 1 Just let me know when you're ready. FormID: 00065C26 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranch FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll fight you again, but not until you have the gold to back up your bet. FormID: 00065C23 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranch FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Here we go! FormID: 00065C22 FreeformRiften19 FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranch FFRiften19HofgrirRematchBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Suit yourself. I'm always here. FormID: 00065AE9 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlBranch FFRiften01JarlBranchTopic CUST 0 Well done! Your continued efforts have been of great benefit to the people of Riften. FormID: 00065AE9 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlBranch FFRiften01JarlBranchTopic CUST 1 Allow me to present you with this compensation for your selfless efforts. FormID: 00065AEA FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlBranch FFRiften01JarlBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll send my men to secure any of the remaining goods you left behind. We can't have that substance falling into the wrong hands now, can we? say this with a wink... she's devious FormID: 00065AEA FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01JarlBranch FFRiften01JarlBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, this should suffice as your cut of the... or rather, a reward for your actions. Now, if you'll excuse me... FormID: 00065AE1 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01Hellos HELO 0 I told you everything I know. What else did you want? FormID: 00065AE2 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01Hellos HELO 0 You looking for something? FormID: 00065AE3 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01Hellos HELO 0 I thank you for your help, my friend. FormID: 00065AF8 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01Goodbyes GBYE 0 I think I've said enough. Now leave me alone. FormID: 00065AF9 FreeformRiften01 FFRiften01Goodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful, Niluva is a bit... aggressive when she's cornered. FormID: 00065AF0 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you'd visit us again. FormID: 00065AF0 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic CUST 1 I've been informed by my steward that you've made quite an impression in the Rift; several of our citizens have expressed their admiration. FormID: 00065AF1 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic CUST 0 So, I've been hearing your name in court quite a bit lately. FormID: 00065AF1 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic CUST 1 I've been informed by my steward that you've made quite an impression in the Rift; the people won't stop blathering about you. FormID: 00065AEC FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Much like Mjoll, you've become champion of our hold; helping people with their difficulties and providing assistance for their needs. FormID: 00065AEC FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic01 CUST 1 As the Jarl of Riften, I feel it's my duty to honor your selfless behavior by honoring you with the title Thane of Riften. FormID: 00065AED FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Oh don't pretend to be modest. I'm talking about your new role as champion. Apparently, you've taken my people under your wing. FormID: 00065AED FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If you think you can steal my throne by winning the hearts of the people, that's where you're wrong. Keep that in mind. FormID: 00065AED FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneJarlBranch FFRiftenThaneJarlBranchTopic01 CUST 2 However, since it wouldn't behoove me to make you disappear, I'd rather have you on my side as Thane of Riften. FormID: 00065AE6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I should be the one thanking you. You've solved more problems in the short time you've been here then anyone in my court has their entire careers. FormID: 00065AE6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You've been a beacon of hope in these dark times for my people and I will never forget it. FormID: 00065AE6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Therefore, by my authority as Jarl, I pronounce you Thane of Riften and award you all of the benefits befitting your station. Congratulations. FormID: 00065AE7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I expect that you'll distance yourself from the affairs of state. In other words, keep your nose out of my business and we'll do just fine. FormID: 00065AE7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Just remember that you're only a part of my court, this doesn't make you one of the family. FormID: 00065AE7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I guess all that's left is to bestow the title. What were those words again? last line sort of to self aloud FormID: 00065AE7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneDoneBranch FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 3 Doesn't matter... the title is yours. I henceforth name you Thane of Riften. Don't disappoint me. FormID: 00041FC8 MQ201 HELO 0 What are you doing here? You're supposed to be meeting Malborn in Solitude. FormID: 00041FC9 MQ201 HELO 0 Not here. I told you to meet me in Riverwood. FormID: 0003ADB3 MQ201 HELO 0 As soon as you distract the guards, I'll open the door. in an undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 00025CF6 MQ201 HELO 0 What can I get for you, sir? FormID: 00025CF7 MQ201 HELO 0 What can I get for you, ma'am? FormID: 00025CF8 MQ201 HELO 0 Yes? What do you need? FormID: 00065AF4 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 0 You've already taken all the necessary steps in becoming eligible for the title. FormID: 00065AF4 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 1 Therefore all that remains is to bestow it upon you. FormID: 00065AF5 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 0 You damn well better. FormID: 00065AF5 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 1 I've checked with my court and apparently you're fully eligible... there's nothing standing in the way of presenting you the title. FormID: 00065AF6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 0 Before I can present you with the title, there's but a single requirement you must fulfill. FormID: 00065AF6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 1 A Thane of Riften is expected to maintain permanent residence within the city walls. FormID: 00065AF6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 2 My steward has such a home available to you for purchase. I think you'll find the accommodations to be most pleasing. FormID: 00065AF6 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 3 When the house is yours, return to me and I will present you the title. FormID: 00065AF7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 0 Not so fast, there's a matter of residence to be discussed. FormID: 00065AF7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 1 In order to have the title bestowed upon you, you need to purchase a house within Riften. FormID: 00065AF7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 2 And by the Eight, aren't you fortunate that my steward has just the place for you to buy. mock elation FormID: 00065AF7 FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneContBranch FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic CUST 3 After the place is yours, come back to me and we'll deal with the rest of the nonsense. FormID: 00065AFA FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneReturnView FFRiftenThaneReturnViewTopic CUST 0 Then allow me to officially welcome you to Riften. You'll make a fine addition to our city. FormID: 00065AFA FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneReturnView FFRiftenThaneReturnViewTopic CUST 1 All that remains now is to bestow the title upon you. FormID: 00065AFB FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneReturnView FFRiftenThaneReturnViewTopic CUST 0 Hmm? What's this about? FormID: 00065AFB FreeformRiftenThane FFRiftenThaneReturnView FFRiftenThaneReturnViewTopic CUST 1 Oh, yes. Of course... the whole thane thing. I'd forgotten. If you're ready then, can we get this out of the way? FormID: 000658F5 CWFinale SCEN 0 Secure the door. urgent but quiet, just broke into the stronghold of the enemy FormID: 000658F0 CWFinale SCEN 0 Already done, sir. knows the drill FormID: 000658E6 CWFinale SCEN 0 Ulfric Stormcloak! (with authority) loudly calling out to his nemesis in the distance FormID: 000658E6 CWFinale SCEN 1 You are guilty of insurrection, murder of Imperial citizens, the assassination of King Torygg, and high treason against the Empire. (with authority) loudly calling out FormID: 000658E6 CWFinale SCEN 2 It's over. (with authority) loudly calling out FormID: 000658D1 CWFinale SCEN 0 Not while I'm still breathing, it's not. fatalistic, defiant, loudly FormID: 0006594F CWFinale SCEN 0 Step aside Galmar. We're here to accept Ulfric's surrender. with authority, but SUBTEXT: [QUOTE]please old friend, don't make this worse than it has to be[QUOTE] FormID: 00065939 CWFinale SCEN 0 I'll never surrender Skyrim into the hands of a corrupt and dying Empire. passionate, fatalistic, defiant, ready to be a martyr FormID: 00065929 CWFinale SCEN 0 Skyrim doesn't belong to you, Ulfric. crisply, jabbing, SUBTEXT: [QUOTE]you arrogant fool, what's happened to you? you're better than this.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006591A CWFinale SCEN 0 No... But I belong to her. distant, patriotic, fatalistic, seeing his martyrdom before his eyes FormID: 000658F8 CWFinale SCEN 0 Enough! (with authority) loudly, putting a stop to delaying the inevitable FormID: 000658F8 CWFinale SCEN 1 You are traitors and will die traitors' deaths. Stand down and face public execution, or advance and face summary execution by my hands. (with authority) angry, ready fight, ready to put this behind him FormID: 000658F8 CWFinale SCEN 2 It matters little to me. Either way I'll be sending your heads back to Cyrodiil. (with authority) bitter but not exaggerating, this is a truthful statement FormID: 000658F3 CWFinale SCEN 0 Well? What are we waiting for? fatalistic, defiant, he knows he's likely to die in this fight FormID: 000658EE CWFinale SCEN 0 Well Ulfric, you can't escape from me this time. victorious, hint of gloating - about to execute his nemesis FormID: 000658EE CWFinale SCEN 1 Any last requests before I send you to... to wherever you people go when you die. gracious, but gruff FormID: 000658E4 CWFinale SCEN 0 Sovngarde... sir. distant, thinking about her old friend who is about to be executed and sent to the underworld FormID: 0006594D CWFinale SCEN 0 Right. Well? annoyed he's been corrected - about to execute his nemesis FormID: 0006593E CWFinale SCEN 0 Let the Dragonborn be the one to do it. in pain, but strong, fatalistic FormID: 00065932 CWFinale SCEN 0 It'll make for a better song. fatalistic, defiant, thinking of glory in the after live FormID: 00065921 CWFinale SCEN 0 Talos be with you... quietly, muttering a (heretical) prayer to an old friend FormID: 000658FC CWFinale SCEN 0 What was that, Legate? didn't hear her FormID: 000658F6 CWFinale SCEN 0 Nothing. distant, thinking of her dead friend FormID: 000658F6 CWFinale SCEN 1 Just saying goodbye. regaining her composure FormID: 000658F1 CWFinale SCEN 0 Well, the men will be expecting some kind of speech. calm after the storm FormID: 000658F1 CWFinale SCEN 1 And we'll need to hand the city over to that Free-Winter fellow. the calm after the storm FormID: 000658E9 CWFinale SCEN 0 Brunwulf. Yes, I've sent men to protect him and bring him here. retuning to her role of efficient soldier FormID: 000658E9 CWFinale SCEN 1 Windhelm will need a government quickly if we are to prevent more violence. FormID: 000658D9 CWFinale SCEN 0 The Legion will be staying here for quite some time. I don't expect there to be any further violence. authoritative, certain FormID: 00065950 CWFinale SCEN 0 Attention! General Tullius has an announcement! calling out to a crowd of soldier FormID: 00065949 CWFinale SCEN 0 The rebellion is over. Ulfric Stormcloak is dead. calling out to crowd of soldiers FormID: 00065931 CWFinale SCEN 0 His head will be sent to Cyrodiil where it will adorn a spike on the walls of the Imperial City. calling out to crowd of soldiers FormID: 00065931 CWFinale SCEN 1 Let this day be a final warning to all who would still call themselves Stormcloaks. calling out to a crowd of soldiers FormID: 0006591C CWFinale SCEN 0 We are turning the city over to Brunwulf Free-Winter, an honorable and faithful man. calling out to crowd of soldiers FormID: 0006591C CWFinale SCEN 1 Many of you will be staying in Windhelm to aid the Jarl in restoring order and stamping out any embers of rebellion that may still smolder here. calling out to a crowd of soldiers FormID: 000658FA CWFinale SCEN 0 In appreciation for your exemplary service, I am doubling your pay and compensation to the widows of your fallen comrades. calling out to crowd of soldiers FormID: 000658EF CWFinale SCEN 0 I am proud of all of you. (sincere) calling out to crowd of soldiers FormID: 000658EF CWFinale SCEN 1 All hail the Emperor. All hail his Legionnaires! calling out to crowd of soldiers FormID: 000658C8 CWFinale SCEN 0 I hate giving speeches. confiding in his officers FormID: 0006594E CWFinale SCEN 0 It wasn't so bad. supportive FormID: 00065940 CWFinale SCEN 0 I hope we haven't just created a martyr. confiding in his officers FormID: 00065938 CWFinale SCEN 0 There's bound to be resistance. There are many Stormcloak camps tucked away in the hills. supporting the concern FormID: 00065938 CWFinale SCEN 1 They'll no doubt strike whenever and wherever they can. FormID: 00065938 CWFinale SCEN 2 But without Ulfric to inflame their passions, they'll settle down and return to their homes eventually. trying to sound convincing FormID: 000658FE CWFinale SCEN 0 I pray you're right, Legate. confiding in his officers FormID: 000658FE CWFinale SCEN 1 In the meantime, we'll continue to root them out and put them to the sword. matter of factly FormID: 000658F7 CWFinale SCEN 0 We couldn't have done this without you. The Empire glories in your accomplishments... appreciating the player's accomplishments FormID: 000658F2 CWFinale SCEN 0 Come, Rikke. There's still much to be done. back to business FormID: 00065737 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCosnachWork DialogueMarkarthCosnachWorkTopic CUST 0 Arnleif and Sons Trading Company. I'm a porter. Just some muscle hired to move heavy packages. FormID: 00065737 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCosnachWork DialogueMarkarthCosnachWorkTopic CUST 1 But we don't get any shipments in. Forsworn attack every caravan. So all I do is sit here and drink. FormID: 00065733 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGarveyMiserable DialogueMarkarthGarveyMiserableTopic CUST 0 That's right. Welcome to Markarth, traveler. Thank the Divines you can choose to live somewhere else. FormID: 0006570E DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 How are you today, Thaena? FormID: 0006571C DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Same as ever. Trying to keep from freezing to death, trying to keep food on the table. FormID: 00065706 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Always looking on the bright side, aren't you. FormID: 0006570C DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Don't sass me, little girl. annoyed FormID: 0006571B DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene02 SCEN 0 You got anything in here worth buying? FormID: 0006570A DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I certainly hope so, otherwise I'm wasting my time. FormID: 00065711 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Yeah, well I don't see anything. FormID: 00065709 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene03 SCEN 0 You looking for anything in particular this time? FormID: 0006570D DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Perhaps, perhaps. I'm not quite sure what I need. FormID: 0006570F DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Well, you know the drill. You don't see it here, it's gonna cost you extra for me to get it. FormID: 00065710 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene03 SCEN 0 I'm fully aware of the terms of our... arrangement. FormID: 00065715 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Have you gotten the items I requested from you? FormID: 00065705 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Not yet. You know you're asking for some pretty strange stuff, don't you? It's not easy to find. FormID: 00065707 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene04 SCEN 0 You assured me that you could find it, however. FormID: 00065708 DialogueWinterholdBirnasHouseScene04 SCEN 0 I did, and I will. It's just tougher than I thought. FormID: 000653F9 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikConclusionTopic RoriksteadFreeformErikConclusionTopicTopic CUST 0 I can't thank you enough, friend. I'll hope you'll come back to Rorikstead soon and pay me a visit. FormID: 000653F9 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikConclusionTopic RoriksteadFreeformErikConclusionTopicTopic CUST 1 Maybe we can swap stories about our adventures over a mug of ale at the inn! Happy, enthusiastic FormID: 000653F8 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformErikConclusionTopic2 RoriksteadFreeformErikConclusionTopic2Topic CUST 0 Can't blame you for having better things to do than help some farmer you don't know. FormID: 000653F6 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestErikTopic1 HirelingQuestErikTopic1Topic CUST 0 Seemed like the best way to see the world and make some coin. FormID: 000653F6 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestErikTopic1 HirelingQuestErikTopic1Topic CUST 1 Sure I'm a little green, but what I lack in experience, I make up for in courage. FormID: 000653EE RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformNo RoriksteadFreeformNoTopic CUST 0 Well, if you change your mind, I'd still like your help. FormID: 000653DB RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformChangeMind RoriksteadFreeformChangeMindTopic CUST 0 Did you reconsider? Will you talk to my father? FormID: 00064EA0 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, not exactly. FormID: 00064EA0 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Listen, we're friends, right? FormID: 00064EA0 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I wondered if I could ask a favor of you. FormID: 00064E97 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranchTopic CUST 0 It's about Ranmir. FormID: 00064E98 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, I'm so glad you changed your mind. FormID: 00064E98 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranchTopic CUST 1 It's about Ranmir. FormID: 00064E9C FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorFollowUp01 CUST 0 Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with him being here all the time. He mostly keeps to himself, and so far he's been able to pay. FormID: 00064E9C FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorFollowUp01 CUST 1 I just hate to see what's happened to him. He hasn't always been like this, you know. Drunk, I mean. FormID: 00064EA4 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCRejected CUST 0 Ah. Well, some other time, perhaps. FormID: 00064E9B FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorResponse1 CUST 0 Oh, he was a different person. Happy, outgoing... Like anyone who's in love. FormID: 00064E94 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorResponse2 CUST 0 Well, I'm getting to that. Just let me explain. FormID: 00064E91 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorResponse3 CUST 0 See, Ranmir was involved with a pretty young woman named Isabelle Rolaine. The two of them were very happy together, I thought. FormID: 00064E91 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorResponse3 CUST 1 One day, she just disappeared. Ranmir was convinced she'd run off with someone else, leaving him behind. FormID: 00064E91 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorResponse3 CUST 2 He turned to drinking, and what's left of him is what you see here every day. FormID: 00064E9D FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorFinal CUST 0 I'm not sure. I hoped that maybe if she could be found, if he had some sort of explanation, that maybe he could put himself back together. FormID: 00064E9D FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurFavorBranch FreeformWinterholdCFavorFinal CUST 1 I'm in no position to go searching for her, but perhaps you could. FormID: 00064E8F FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurQuestion01 FreeformWinterholdCDagurQuestion01Topic CUST 0 I don't, I'm afraid. Ranmir didn't talk much about her after she'd left. FormID: 00064E8F FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCDagurQuestion01 FreeformWinterholdCDagurQuestion01Topic CUST 1 He seemed convinced that she'd run off with someone named Vex. That's all I remember. FormID: 00064EA3 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCVexBranchTopic CUST 0 Who's asking? FormID: 00064E9F FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCVexResponse1 CUST 0 Well, ain't gonna find her here. Haven't seen her in a while. FormID: 00064E95 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCResponse2 CUST 0 Not him again. FormID: 00064E95 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCResponse2 CUST 1 He came nosing around Riften a while back, making a lot of noise about me. He was... persuaded to leave before he found me. FormID: 00064E95 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCResponse2 CUST 2 Funny, I'd have thought she would've gone back to him by now. FormID: 00064EA6 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCVexResponse3 CUST 0 She came through a while ago, wanted to know where she could get her hands on something valuable. Anything, really. FormID: 00064EA6 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCVexResponse3 CUST 1 I told her it was a bad idea, that she wasn't cut out for what'd be necessary, but she wouldn't hear it. FormID: 00064EA6 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexBranch FreeformWinterholdCVexResponse3 CUST 2 So I gave her some advice, pointed her towards Hobs Fall Cave and that was that. FormID: 00064E90 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCVexStage20Branch FreeformWinterholdCVexStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Like I told you, last time I saw her she was headed for Hobs Fall Cave. No idea what happened to her. FormID: 00064EA7 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage10View FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage10Topic CUST 0 What? FormID: 00064EA7 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage10View FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage10Topic CUST 1 Don't you... Don't you say that name to me. FormID: 00064EA7 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage10View FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage10Topic CUST 2 Don't you dare. Ever. FormID: 00064E96 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage20Branch FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Huh? FormID: 00064E96 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage20Branch FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage20BranchTopic CUST 1 Ha. Sure you did. Dagur put you up to this? bitter, disbelieving FormID: 00064E96 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage20Branch FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage20BranchTopic CUST 2 It don't matter now. None of it does. Just leave me be. bitter FormID: 00064EA5 FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage30View FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage30ViewTopic CUST 0 Unless it's gold for another round of drinks, I don't wanna hear it. FormID: 00064E9E FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage30View FreeformWinterholdCRanmirLetter CUST 0 A what? FormID: 00064E9E FreeformWinterholdC FreeformWinterholdCRanmirStage30View FreeformWinterholdCRanmirLetter CUST 1 Don't you go pulling my leg. Give it here. FormID: 00064E93 FreeformWinterholdC SCEN 0 This... This is really from her, isn't it? FormID: 00064E99 FreeformWinterholdC SCEN 0 Did she really run off and do this? For me? FormID: 00064E92 FreeformWinterholdC SCEN 0 By the Eight. She's dead, isn't she? And it's all my fault. FormID: 00064E9A FreeformWinterholdC SCEN 0 I... I have some thinking to do. Thank you for this. FormID: 00064EA1 FreeformWinterholdC HELO 0 Please, leave me alone. I need to be by myself. FormID: 00064B5C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthAntonHighRock DialogueMarkarthAntonHighRockTopic CUST 0 Yes. The finest court in all of High Rock. You think politics here are something? Well, we Bretons invented politics. FormID: 00064B5C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthAntonHighRock DialogueMarkarthAntonHighRockTopic CUST 1 That is where I learned to cook, and where I belong. Not here, with all these dogs. FormID: 00064B58 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthFaleenBlocking DialogueMarkarthFaleenBlockingTopic CUST 0 You. Who are you to approach the Jarl of Markarth? Walk Away FormID: 00064B56 DialogueMarkarth IDAT 0 Very well, you may approach the Mournful Throne, but watch your words. FormID: 00064B5E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthFaleenBlocking DialogueMarkarthFaleenWalkAway CUST 0 Nothing to say. Fine, but I'm watching you. FormID: 00064B5B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundHouse DialogueMarkarthIgmundHouseTopic CUST 0 I don't know you, and I don't sell what precious property we have to outsiders. FormID: 00064B5B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthIgmundHouse DialogueMarkarthIgmundHouseTopic CUST 1 But if you're willing to work, and you prove to be reliable, I might deem you worthy to live here. My steward will handle things from there. FormID: 00064B5A DialogueMarkarthKeepIntroCourtScene SCEN 0 My Jarl, we need to discuss the Forsworn. FormID: 00064B59 DialogueMarkarthKeepIntroCourtScene SCEN 0 The only thing we need to discuss is how many men it'll take to flush them out of the hills. FormID: 00064B57 DialogueMarkarthKeepIntroCourtScene SCEN 0 It's not that simple, Igmund. There are reports of Forsworn here in the city. FormID: 00064B55 DialogueMarkarthKeepIntroCourtScene SCEN 0 It doesn't matter if they're in the city. We fight them where they live, we won't have to fight them here. FormID: 00064B68 DialogueMarkarthKeepIntroCourtScene SCEN 0 They live here too, my Jarl. That's what I'm telling you. FormID: 00064B61 Favor157 Favor157QuestGive Favor157QuestReject CUST 0 I don't blame you. FormID: 00064B5F Favor250 Favor250QuestGive Favor250Accept CUST 0 As you were, then. FormID: 00064B5D Favor250 Favor250QuestGive Favor250Reject CUST 0 As you wish. FormID: 00064B11 DialogueWinterholdCollege SCEN 0 All right, let's give this a try. Ready your ward... FormID: 00064B10 DialogueWinterholdCollege SCEN 0 Good! FormID: 00064AF9 MS11 MS11Hellos HELO 0 This is a shame. FormID: 00064AFA MS11 MS11Hellos HELO 0 Always sad when someone has to die. FormID: 00064AFB MS11 MS11Hellos HELO 0 Another one. Terrible. FormID: 000D76AE MS11 MS11Hellos HELO 0 Large diagonal cut from left shoulder... FormID: 000649EB DialogueRiftenMaul SCEN 0 Hey, you. Get over here, I want to talk to you. FormID: 000649E1 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know you. You in Riften lookin' for trouble? tough guy Walk Away FormID: 000649E0 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yeah? Well, I got news for you; there's nothing to see here. Walk Away FormID: 000649E0 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Last thing the Black-Briars need is some stranger stickin' their nose where it doesn't belong. Walk Away FormID: 000649F6 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Don't say something you'll regret. Walk Away FormID: 000649F6 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Last thing the Black-Briars need is some loudmouth tryin' to meddle in their affairs. Walk Away FormID: 000649F4 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic03 CUST 0 That's the wrong answer. Walk Away FormID: 000649F4 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Last thing the Black-Briars need around here is some troublemaker tryin' to steal a piece of the action. Walk Away FormID: 000649F1 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic CUST 0 The Black-Briars have Riften in their pocket and the Thieves Guild watchin' their back, so keep your nose out of their business. Walk Away FormID: 000649F1 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic CUST 1 Me? I'm Maul. I watch the streets for 'em. If you need dirt on anythin', I'm your guy... but it'll cost you. Walk Away FormID: 000649EA DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneWalkaway DialogueRiftenMaulSceneWalkawayTopic CUST 0 You can pretend not to hear me all you want... but you better stay out of the Black-Briars' business. FormID: 000649E8 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic01 CUST 0 Then we're speakin' the same language. Good. FormID: 000649E8 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic01 CUST 1 So what do you want to know? FormID: 000649E9 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic01 CUST 0 Then you're stupider than you look. Walk Away FormID: 000649E9 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic01 CUST 1 You better watch your ass around here. Walk Away FormID: 000649E4 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic02 CUST 0 Pleasure doin' business with you. mocking FormID: 000649E4 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic02 CUST 1 So what do you want to know? FormID: 000649E5 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic02 CUST 0 You don't have enough to earn my loyalty. Walk Away FormID: 000649F8 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic03 CUST 0 All right, all right, let's not get too hasty now. FormID: 000649F8 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic03 CUST 1 So what do you want to know? FormID: 000649F9 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic03 CUST 0 Ha ha! Don't make me laugh. FormID: 000649F9 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic03 CUST 1 Just stay out of the Black-Briars' affairs. You'll live longer. FormID: 000649F5 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic04 CUST 0 Suit yourself. FormID: 000649F5 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneBranch02Topic04 CUST 1 I'll be at the docks if you change your mind. FormID: 000649F3 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulSceneWalkaway02 DialogueRiftenMaulSceneWalkaway02Topic CUST 0 Yeah, walk away like a good doggie. Just stay out of the Black-Briars' business and maybe we'll give you a bone. FormID: 0006D4A9 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 Dirge told me you made it into the Guild. You need dirt on anything, you talk to me. FormID: 0006D4AA DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 What did you want to know? FormID: 0006D4AB DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 Back again? What is it this time? FormID: 0006D517 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 You want to talk? Finish those jobs for Brynjolf first. FormID: 0006D539 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 Get in good with Brynjolf, then we'll talk. FormID: 000649ED DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 Stay out of the Black-Briars' business and you'll live longer. FormID: 000649EE DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 You aren't worth my time. Piss off. FormID: 000649EF DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 I'm through with you. Get out of my way. FormID: 000649F0 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSHellos HELO 0 What did you want? FormID: 000649E2 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSGoodbyes GBYE 0 Slip up and I'll gut you like a fish. FormID: 000649E3 DialogueRiftenMaul DRMSGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seein' you around. FormID: 000649DF DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulBlackBriars DialogueRiftenMaulBlackBriarsTopic CUST 0 Well, you got Maven, she pretty much runs the whole operation. She's got friends in high places if you know what I mean. FormID: 000649DF DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulBlackBriars DialogueRiftenMaulBlackBriarsTopic CUST 1 She's also got ties to the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild, so basically no one can touch her. FormID: 000649DF DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulBlackBriars DialogueRiftenMaulBlackBriarsTopic CUST 2 Just remember, if she tells you to do somethin'... you damn well better do exactly what she says. FormID: 000649F7 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulTG DialogueRiftenMaulTGTopic CUST 0 You kiddin'? My brother Dirge works in their hideout. FormID: 000649F7 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulTG DialogueRiftenMaulTGTopic CUST 1 I used to run with them myself, but took a job with Maven after they started hittin' a rough patch. FormID: 000649F7 DialogueRiftenMaul DialogueRiftenMaulTG DialogueRiftenMaulTGTopic CUST 2 If you want to get in on that action, find Brynjolf in the marketplace. I'm sure he could use someone like you. FormID: 000649B5 MQ105 SCEN 0 Dragonborn. It is you. Welcome to High Hrothgar. gravely FormID: 000649A9 DialogueStonehills DialogueStonehillsPacturLocationBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturLocationBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't have to tell me twice. But then, I'm not the one that buried iron under these mountains. FormID: 000649AD MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199BranchTopic CUST 0 You liar! FormID: 000649AD MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199BranchTopic CUST 1 How could you do that to me! FormID: 000649AC MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Response1 CUST 0 You could have warned me you were baiting me into a trap. FormID: 000649AC MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Response1 CUST 1 But you're right. This should scatter the rest of them. I can go back to my life for now. FormID: 000649AC MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Response1 CUST 2 You have my thanks. FormID: 000649AB MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Response2 CUST 0 A risky game to play, friend. FormID: 000649AB MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Response2 CUST 1 But now Kematu's gone, and the rest of his snakes should slither back to their desert. FormID: 000649AA MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Final CUST 0 I can go back to my life for now. FormID: 000649AA MS08 MS08SaadiaStage199Branch MS08SaadiaStage199Final CUST 1 And I have you to thank for it. I won't forget this. FormID: 0006497F DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene09 SCEN 0 Svana, I heard that Sibbi was put in jail. What happened? FormID: 0006497B DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene09 SCEN 0 They say... well, they say he murdered someone. Something to do with Svidi. FormID: 0006498D DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene09 SCEN 0 Come to think of it, I haven't seen Svidi in a while. Wait... he didn't... FormID: 0006498B DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene09 SCEN 0 No, it was Svidi's brother, Wulfur. She's in hiding now. Somewhere far from here I'd suspect. FormID: 00064985 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene09 SCEN 0 If he wasn't a Black-Briar, I'd march right over to the jail and teach Sibbi some manners... but then I suppose I'd end up like Wulfur. FormID: 00064983 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene10 SCEN 0 Madesi, why don't you just take a bed here? There's no need to sleep in Beggar's Row. FormID: 00064981 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene10 SCEN 0 The cold stone, the dampness... it suits me, Svana. FormID: 0006497E DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene10 SCEN 0 Are you sure that's the real reason? It wouldn't have anything to do with others making an Argonian unwelcome, because if it is... FormID: 0006497C DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene10 SCEN 0 You have a kind heart; much too kind for Riften. Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine. FormID: 0006497A DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene11 SCEN 0 Hey, greenskin... close your mouth. Some of us are trying to eat over here. FormID: 0006498C DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene11 SCEN 0 There's no need to be rude, Grelka. If you don't care for Argonians, then perhaps you should take residence somewhere else. FormID: 0006498A DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene11 SCEN 0 Or perhaps you should crawl back into whatever swamp you came from, lizard man. FormID: 00064986 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene11 SCEN 0 You're not going to goad me into a fight so I'll get kicked out, Grelka. Eat your food and leave me in peace. FormID: 00064984 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene12 SCEN 0 I can't take it anymore, Tythis. Indaryn keeps pushing me around and I'm not even doing anything wrong. FormID: 00064982 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene12 SCEN 0 Maybe it's time you quit then. FormID: 00064980 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene12 SCEN 0 And do what? Losing a job from the Black-Briar family would make me a marked man. No one would ever take me on anywhere else. FormID: 0006497D DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene12 SCEN 0 Don't let it get you down. Indaryn will eventually tire of picking on you and move on to someone else. FormID: 00064956 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 No, and before you ask, it's not for sale. FormID: 00064955 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitResponse1 CUST 0 I'm just protecting Bryling's investment. She's the owner, even though we're the ones here doing all the work. FormID: 00064955 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitResponse1 CUST 1 She's already come down hard on us for missing shipments. Likely to do it again, since we're late. FormID: 00064953 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitResponse2 CUST 0 Well, no. FormID: 00064953 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitResponse2 CUST 1 But that's not the point. FormID: 00064953 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitResponse2 CUST 2 Bryling owns the mine, and she's not selling. We make her some decent coin running this place. Keeps her living well in Solitude. FormID: 00064953 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch DialogueStonehillsPacturInitResponse2 CUST 3 At least, when we can get shipments to her. We're late on the last one. I expect her to start breathin' fire any moment now. FormID: 00064951 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturInitResponse3 CUST 0 You could take word to her that there'll be a shipment soon. Buy us some time and keep her off our backs. FormID: 00064951 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturInitResponse3 CUST 1 In exchange, I'm willing to let a few ingots go missing. Maybe more than a few. FormID: 00064950 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturInitResponse4 CUST 0 Can't do that and keep an eye on things here at the same time. FormID: 00064950 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturInitResponse4 CUST 1 But... You could take word to her in Solitude, let her know it'll be coming soon. FormID: 00064950 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturInitResponse4 CUST 2 I'd make it worth your while. No one would notice a few missing ingots out of the next shipment. FormID: 0006494F FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturAgree CUST 0 You're doing me quite a favor. I won't forget it. FormID: 0006494F FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturAgree CUST 1 I'm sure she'll be angry. Brace yourself. FormID: 00064957 FreeformStonehillsA DialogueStonehillsPacturInitialBranch FreeformStonehillsAPacturReject CUST 0 Won't be 'some other time' at this rate. FormID: 00064954 FreeformStonehillsA FreeformStonehillsABrylingBranch FreeformStonehillsABrylingBranchTopic CUST 0 Is everything all right? I've not heard from Sorli or Pactur in some time. FormID: 00064952 FreeformStonehillsA FreeformStonehillsABrylingBranch FreeformStonehillsABrylingResponse1 CUST 0 That's good news. I was starting to fear something had happened. FormID: 00064952 FreeformStonehillsA FreeformStonehillsABrylingBranch FreeformStonehillsABrylingResponse1 CUST 1 You have my thanks. FormID: 00064786 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBetridThonar DialogueMarkarthBetridThonarTopic CUST 0 He's the real head of this family. He may not be the eldest, but all the work that keeps us respected is handled by my Thonar. FormID: 0006477B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarThalmor DialogueMarkarthOndolemarThalmorTopic CUST 0 We're the ruling body of the Aldmeri Dominion. Saviors of Mer. Victors of the Great War. FormID: 0006477B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarThalmor DialogueMarkarthOndolemarThalmorTopic CUST 1 The Empire exists because we allow it to exist, and I'm here to make sure the Jarl of Markarth remembers that. FormID: 00064788 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMarkarthTopic CUST 0 As if this craggy, wretch of a city could give birth to a superiorly bred Mer such as myself. No, I'm not from Markarth. FormID: 00064788 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMarkarthTopic CUST 1 I was sent here to lead the Thalmor's interests in this corner of Skyrim. It's my mission to root out all Talos worship in this city. FormID: 00064785 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalos DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalosTopic CUST 0 It's a religious matter. The Thalmor do not recognize Talos as a god. He was only a man, and does not deserve to a place in our pantheon. FormID: 00064785 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalos DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalosTopic CUST 1 The Empire has agreed to accept our beliefs, and its citizens have a responsibility to cease their heretical worship. FormID: 00064785 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalos DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalosTopic CUST 2 You're awfully inquisitive, aren't you? I like that. Perhaps you'd care to solve a little problem I'm having? FormID: 00064783 FreeformMarkarthM FreeformMarkarthMOndolemarReturn FreeformMarkarthMOndolemarReturnTopic CUST 0 Ah, there we have it. This will be all I need to have Ogmund taken care of. FormID: 00064783 FreeformMarkarthM FreeformMarkarthMOndolemarReturn FreeformMarkarthMOndolemarReturnTopic CUST 1 I would like to personally thank you on behalf of myself and the Thalmor for your assistance. Here, for your work. FormID: 00064781 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalos DialogueMarkarthOndolemarAccept CUST 0 Ogmund the skald. He's old, respected, and I know for a fact that he worships Talos in his home. FormID: 00064781 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalos DialogueMarkarthOndolemarAccept CUST 1 But the Jarl has been hesitant to call for his arrest. I want you to break in to his home and find evidence. FormID: 0006477F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarTalos DialogueMarkarthOndolemarReject CUST 0 Hmph. Fine. FormID: 0006477E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMer DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMerTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor saved all of Elven-kind during the Oblivion Crisis. We've been watching over our lands for 200 years. FormID: 0006477E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMer DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMerTopic CUST 1 We re-founded the Aldmeri Dominion, an alliance between us and our Bosmer cousins. You might know them from their common name. Wood elves. FormID: 0006477E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMer DialogueMarkarthOndolemarMerTopic CUST 2 We intend to prove the superiority of Mer over Man, one century at a time. FormID: 0006477C FreeformMarkarthMPostQuest HELO 0 Damn Elves! You'll pay for this! FormID: 0006477D FreeformMarkarthMPostQuest HELO 0 Praise Talos! FormID: 0006477A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthAntonReach DialogueMarkarthAntonReachTopic CUST 0 No. I'm a Breton from High Rock, and I refuse to be mistaken for a filthy native. FormID: 0006477A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthAntonReach DialogueMarkarthAntonReachTopic CUST 1 I don't care if we share the same ancestors, these people are savages. Half of them are Forsworn barbarians, and have you seen what they eat? FormID: 0006477A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthAntonReach DialogueMarkarthAntonReachTopic CUST 2 What have I done for the gods to take me so far from my beloved Daggerfall? FormID: 00064789 FreeformMarkarthN FreeformMarkarthNMothReturn FreeformMarkarthNMothReturnTopic CUST 0 Good. I'd prefer using water to cool my metal, but it's what the Jarl wants. FormID: 00064789 FreeformMarkarthN FreeformMarkarthNMothReturn FreeformMarkarthNMothReturnTopic CUST 1 Here. Some of my best armor. Wear it well. FormID: 00064787 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothWeapons DialogueMarkarthMothWeaponsTopic CUST 0 Anything. Served in the Legion with my sister, Ghorza, for over 10 years. We've seen every piece you can imagine. FormID: 00064787 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothWeapons DialogueMarkarthMothWeaponsTopic CUST 1 Have you met her? She runs the forge near the smelter. Just don't bother talking to her apprentice. Boy has no talent. FormID: 00064784 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothArmor DialogueMarkarthMothArmorTopic CUST 0 Depends on what you need. A light armor is good for travel. Less to carry. A heavy armor weighs you down, but no true warrior goes without it. FormID: 00064784 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothArmor DialogueMarkarthMothArmorTopic CUST 1 If you want some heavy armor, I might have a deal we could work out. I need a Daedra's Heart. Jarl wants me to cool his new sword in blood. FormID: 00064784 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothArmor DialogueMarkarthMothArmorTopic CUST 2 You get me a heart, I get you some armor. Interested? FormID: 00064782 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothArmor DialogueMarkarthMothAccept CUST 0 Good hunting. FormID: 00064780 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMothArmor DialogueMarkarthMothReject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000643E5 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Beem! What are you doing? shocked at unexpected betrayal FormID: 0006429B TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Flee FLEE 0 Ugh... damn thing. FormID: 0006429C TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Flee FLEE 0 Just... stay back. FormID: 0006429D TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Flee FLEE 0 Back off. FormID: 0006429E TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST_Flee FLEE 0 Can't trust these things. FormID: 00064166 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranch DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranchTopic CUST 0 No, nothing. At least nothing I'm aware of. FormID: 00064166 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranch DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranchTopic CUST 1 Well... If I'm being honest, I haven't exactly been discreet lately in expressing my frustration with this whole situation. FormID: 00064166 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranch DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranchTopic CUST 2 Obeying the Night Mother. You being the Listener. It's ridiculous. No offense. FormID: 00064166 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranch DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranchTopic CUST 3 Cicero may have overheard me talking to one of the others about the Night Mother. It's possible I was... not entirely respectful. FormID: 00064166 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranch DB07AstridCiceroSetOffBranchTopic CUST 4 But to go this far. To attempt to murder the leader of a Sanctuary. Cicero must pay with his life. There is no other option. FormID: 00064164 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridFoundJournalBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you found something? FormID: 00064165 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridTellAboutJournalTopic CUST 0 Good, good. Does it say where he may be headed? FormID: 00064167 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridDawnstarTellTopic CUST 0 The Dawnstar Sanctuary? Whatever for? FormID: 00064167 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridDawnstarTellTopic CUST 1 Never mind, it doesn't matter. You need to leave. Now. FormID: 00064167 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridDawnstarTellTopic CUST 2 Every moment counts, so I want you to take my horse. His name is Shadowmere. You'll find him outside, by the pool. Let's just say he's... one of us. FormID: 00064167 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridDawnstarTellTopic CUST 3 Find Arnbjorn. Make sure my husband's all right. FormID: 00064167 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridFoundJournalBranch DB07AstridDawnstarTellTopic CUST 4 And then, send that jester's twisted little soul to the Void, in as many pieces as possible. FormID: 00040FD5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201PartyRazelanBlockingTopic CUST 0 Please. You first. I insist. FormID: 0004101A MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201PartyRazelanBlockingTopic CUST 0 I just need to rest a moment, right here on this lovely rock. FormID: 00041030 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201PartyRazelanBlockingTopic CUST 0 Inside, my friend, inside! Where only the women and drinks are cold. FormID: 00036D4D MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201PartyRazelanBlockingTopic CUST 0 Stand back and watch a true professional wreck a party. FormID: 000665E4 MQ201Party MQ201PartyRazelanBlocking MQ201PartyRazelanBlockingTopic CUST 0 My friend! A toast to a beautiful friendship! FormID: 0006422A DB09 SCEN 0 (Clapping.) This is slow, methodical clapping. As if he's being sarcastic. FormID: 00064266 DB09 SCEN 0 That man was, by far, the most insufferable decoy the Emperor has ever employed. I'm glad he's dead. Ah, but I'm even happier that you killed him. FormID: 00063FEC DB09 SCEN 0 You, an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, have just made an attempt on the Emperor's life. Would have succeeded, had it been the real man. Does a [QUOTE]tsk tsk tsk[QUOTE] after he says it FormID: 00063FEE DB09 SCEN 0 Surprised? So was I, when a member of your [QUOTE]Family[QUOTE] came to me with the plan. We worked out a deal, you see. An exchange. FormID: 00063FF3 DB09 SCEN 0 I get you, and the Dark Brotherhood gets to continue its existence. FormID: 00064116 DB09 SCEN 0 But you know what? I've changed my mind. How about this? I kill you, and butcher each and every one of your miserable little friends? emphasis on the [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] - gets more and more angry as he speaks FormID: 00064268 DB09 SCEN 0 Your Sanctuary's being put to the sword right now. That's what I think of this [QUOTE]deal.[QUOTE] You killed my son! All of you! And now you'll pay the price. FormID: 0006408C DB09 SCEN 0 Kill him. And make sure there's nothing left to bury. He's calmed down, and is now cold, and calculating. FormID: 0006408F DB09 SCEN 0 Kill her. And make sure there's nothing left to bury. He's calmed down, and is now cold, and calculating. FormID: 0006416C DB09 SCEN 0 But aren't even you the least bit nervous? After everything that's happened? FormID: 00063FED DB09 SCEN 0 Quite. Yet that recent business with the young officer. Maro, was it? How dreadful. The son of your commander, plotting your assassination. FormID: 00063FF1 DB09 SCEN 0 Yes, an unfortunate turn of events, that. But an isolated incident. And I have been assured that the fault was with the man's son alone. FormID: 00064114 DB09 SCEN 0 You mean the wedding? My cousin's apparent murder? An unfortunate misunderstanding, no more. Cold mead, hot tempers... these things happen. FormID: 000641D2 DB09 SCEN 0 Truth is, we are in no danger whatsoever. Killing an Emperor can be useful, but befriending one? Now that's beneficial - as I'm sure you'd all agree. FormID: 0006422E DB09 SCEN 0 Here we are. Gods, I'm nervous. We'll go in in just a moment. Please, I'll serve. You just stand there and... be amazing. FormID: 00063FE7 DB09 SCEN 0 Aha! Here we are. Honored guests, I present to you - the Gourmet! serious and joking at the same time - laughs at the end FormID: 00063FF0 DB09 SCEN 0 Ah, the Potage le Magnifique. So delicious. My friends, as Emperor, I of course reserve the right of first taste. serious and joking in an aristocratic sort of way - laughs after he says it FormID: 00063FF2 DB09 SCEN 0 (Laughing.) polite laughter FormID: 00064225 DB09 SCEN 0 (Laughing.) polite laughter FormID: 00064230 DB09 SCEN 0 (Laughing.) polite laughter FormID: 000640CD DB09 SCEN 0 By the gods! The Gourmet has killed the Emperor! Attack! FormID: 000640F6 DB09 SCEN 0 By the gods! The Gourmet and the chef have poisoned the Emperor! Get them! FormID: 00063EA0 dunHighGateRuinsQST SCEN 0 Looking for work? FormID: 00063EBF DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene25 SCEN 0 Good day, Grelka. FormID: 00063E63 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene25 SCEN 0 What's so good about it? I've got deadbeats who don't pay me, the city guard looking over my shoulder and Maven Black-Briar breathing down my neck. FormID: 00063E4F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene25 SCEN 0 You poor thing. You should come by the temple, speak to Maramal. FormID: 00063E42 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene25 SCEN 0 Religion isn't going to save me. So unless Mara is going to start raining coin from the heavens, why don't you mind your own business. angered... increases as you say this FormID: 00063E37 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene26 SCEN 0 Grelka, have you had anyone come by and try to sell you an iron war axe? FormID: 00063E2B DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene26 SCEN 0 Not lately. Why? FormID: 00063EDF DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene26 SCEN 0 Well, we had one go missing from the Pawned Prawn, and I was just wondering... trying to be pleasant FormID: 00063ED6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene26 SCEN 0 Oh I get it. [QUOTE]It's missing so Grelka must have it.[QUOTE] I wish this town would stop pointing their fingers at me. FormID: 00063ED6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene26 SCEN 1 There is a Thieves Guild in town you know. very annoyed FormID: 00063ECE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene27 SCEN 0 Oh, Haelga... there you are. Your special order from Hammerfell came in off the last Khajiit caravan. FormID: 00063EC6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene27 SCEN 0 Oh, good. I wanted to try that out as soon as possible. FormID: 00063E75 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene27 SCEN 0 Try it out? What would you need a leather harness for anyway? FormID: 00063E5B DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene27 SCEN 0 It's a religious thing. FormID: 00063E48 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene28 SCEN 0 What's this nonsense I've been hearing? How dare you call Bolli a deadbeat! FormID: 00063E3D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene28 SCEN 0 If he paid what he owes, I wouldn't have to say anything. Besides, what in Oblivion do you care? FormID: 00063E34 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene28 SCEN 0 What's that supposed to mean? FormID: 00063EE4 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene28 SCEN 0 Oh come off it, Niv. We both know you married that fisherman for his gold. You don't need to put on an act for my benefit. FormID: 00063EDC DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene29 SCEN 0 Grelka, can you repair boots? FormID: 00063ED3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene29 SCEN 0 Leather? If they're armored, you should talk to Balimund over at The Scorched Hammer. FormID: 00063ECB DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene29 SCEN 0 Horker skin, actually. a bit embarrassed FormID: 00063EC3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene29 SCEN 0 Why in goodness name would you have... oh never mind, just bring them by my house later and I'll see what I can do. FormID: 00063E71 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene30 SCEN 0 I've come to warn you that the Thieves Guild seems to be back to its old tricks again. FormID: 00063E55 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene30 SCEN 0 Did something happen at the Pawned Prawn? FormID: 00063E44 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene30 SCEN 0 One of them came in and demanded payment. Bolli tried to tell them no; stood up to them, but... FormID: 00063E2D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene30 SCEN 0 Just when you think things couldn't get any worse. FormID: 00063EE1 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene31 SCEN 0 I don't like being made a fool of, Brand-Shei. Not one bit. FormID: 00063ED9 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene31 SCEN 0 Maven, please. I didn't know it was your man. Had I known, I would have looked the other way, I swear. FormID: 00063ED0 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene31 SCEN 0 Turning him in to the guards? Have you joined Mjoll as official peacekeepers of Riften? You cost me a lot of coin. FormID: 00063EC9 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene31 SCEN 0 Maven, I... please, don't hurt me. FormID: 00063EBE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene32 SCEN 0 Brand-Shei, do you think you can find me some theilul? FormID: 00063E61 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene32 SCEN 0 The Argonian sugar-cane wine? It's pretty hard to get around here. Very expensive. FormID: 00063E4C DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene32 SCEN 0 That's fine. I have a special occasion coming up, and I'd like to have it. FormID: 00063E3F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene32 SCEN 0 I'll see what I can do. FormID: 00063E36 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene33 SCEN 0 Brand-Shei, did you hear about Helgen? It's... it's gone! A dragon burned it to the ground! FormID: 00063EDE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene33 SCEN 0 Yes, I heard. I think all of Skyrim knows by know. FormID: 00063ED5 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene33 SCEN 0 Do you... do you think that could happen here? I mean, could a dragon come here and burn the city down? FormID: 00063ECD DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene33 SCEN 0 I don't know. All we can do is hope the Eight will favor us and have these creatures stay far away from Riften. FormID: 00063EC5 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene34 SCEN 0 Hi, Marise. How are you today? very shy FormID: 00063E73 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene34 SCEN 0 I'm well. How are things over at the stables? Old Hofgrir giving you a hard time? small giggle at end FormID: 00063E5A DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene34 SCEN 0 Naw... he's fine. Look, I wanted to ask if you'll... um, if you'd like to... well, like to have a drink with me at the Bee and Barb sometime? shy, asking for a date FormID: 00063E46 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene34 SCEN 0 Shadr, that's so sweet... I'd love to. FormID: 00063E3C DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene35 SCEN 0 I have two more bushels for you, Marise. That should keep you well-stocked. FormID: 00063E32 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene35 SCEN 0 Sounds good. May I owe you for them? FormID: 00063EE3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene35 SCEN 0 Of course. FormID: 00063EE3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene35 SCEN 1 Say, how are you going to sell all those fish before they spoil? FormID: 00063EDB DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene35 SCEN 0 You know I can't tell you that. As soon as I do, and you have a few meads in you, everyone will know. FormID: 00063ED2 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene36 SCEN 0 Dinya? I was reading that missive you gave me and I was wondering something about marriage. FormID: 00063EC2 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene36 SCEN 0 Feel free to ask me anything you like. FormID: 00063E65 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene36 SCEN 0 There's someone I like very much in Riften. I think I'd like to marry him someday, but... well, he's not of my kind. Would Mara be angry? FormID: 00063B51 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Fine, fine. Get your hands off me. I'll be a good boy now. FormID: 00063B52 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Wouldn't want to offend our Thalmor overlords, would we? FormID: 00063B50 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Someone bring me a drink, quick! FormID: 00063B53 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Attention, everyone! Could I have your attention, please! I have an announcement to make! FormID: 00063B54 MQ201Party SCEN 0 I propose a toast to Elenwen! Our mistress! FormID: 00063B54 MQ201Party SCEN 1 I speak figuratively, of course. Nothing could be more unlikely than that someone would actually want her in their bed. FormID: 00063B54 MQ201Party SCEN 2 Although... most of you are already in bed with her! But again... I speak figuratively, of course! FormID: 00063B4F MQ201Party SCEN 0 Razelan. What are you doing? icy cold calm, dangerous, softly FormID: 00063B55 MQ201Party SCEN 0 heavy sigh of disgust FormID: 00063AC9 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash05 SCEN 0 You have strong arms. You'd make a good Orc. FormID: 00063AD8 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash05 SCEN 0 Um... thank you, Lash. You'd... make a fine Nord? FormID: 00063AE2 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash05 SCEN 0 Don't say words you don't mean. FormID: 00063AF3 DialogueKarthwastenEnmonBelchimach01 SCEN 0 When are those Silver-Blood men going to leave? FormID: 00063AFE DialogueKarthwastenEnmonBelchimach01 SCEN 0 Never. They've shut us down forever, Enmon. The Divines have abandoned us. FormID: 00063AB5 DialogueKarthwastenEnmonBelchimach02 SCEN 0 We're doomed. The mine is going to stay closed, and we'll up be carted of to Cidhna Mine as slaves. FormID: 00063ABE DialogueKarthwastenEnmonBelchimach02 SCEN 0 Only criminals get sent to Cidhna Mine. They're not going to send us there. FormID: 00063AC7 DialogueKarthwastenEnmonBelchimach02 SCEN 0 Oh, they'll find some way to send us there. It'll be just my luck. FormID: 00063ABB DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 But why did they take her? What could they want with our little girl? FormID: 00063AD2 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I don't know. The guards are out looking for her, now. They'll be back soon. FormID: 00063ADB DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 You keep saying that. What if she's gone forever? What if they've done something to her? FormID: 00063AE5 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Are you all right, dear? FormID: 00063AF4 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 The house is so... empty, Enmon... and quiet. FormID: 00063AAE DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Are you all right, dear? I thought I saw a tear in your eye a moment ago. FormID: 00063AB8 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Oh, I'm fine, Enmon. I just... I still miss her. FormID: 00063AC5 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 I miss her, too, but I'm glad she's safe. FormID: 00063AD0 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 So am I. I hope she's happy at the temple. FormID: 00063ADD DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Enmon, dear, do you have any regrets? About letting her go? FormID: 00063AE8 DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 No... no, we did the right thing. The temple will take good care of her, and one day she'll be helping all of Skyrim. FormID: 00063AEF DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 You're right. She'll be a great Sybil, won't she? FormID: 00063AFD DialogueKarthwastenT01EnmonsHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Of course she will. She's our daughter, after all. FormID: 00063AB4 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash01 SCEN 0 I've been thinking, would you like to join me in hunting? FormID: 00063AC2 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash01 SCEN 0 You want me to hunt with you? I thought you preferred being alone. FormID: 00063ACC DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash01 SCEN 0 Your arms and legs are fit for catching strong, agile prey. I could use your help. FormID: 00063AD6 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash01 SCEN 0 I'd be honored, but I have work to do in the mines. FormID: 00063AE1 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash02 SCEN 0 When will Sanuarach Mine be open? FormID: 00063AF1 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash02 SCEN 0 I don't know. Whenever those Silver-Blood men decide to leave. FormID: 00063AFC DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash03 SCEN 0 I haven't seen you hunting in a while. FormID: 00063AB6 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash03 SCEN 0 I can afford to buy meat now. I prefer working in the mines, anyway. FormID: 00063ABF DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash04 SCEN 0 Tell me, Ragnar, what do you think of the Orcs? FormID: 00063ACD DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash04 SCEN 0 Cunning warriors and skilled workers. It's good to have you here, Lash. FormID: 00063AD9 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash04 SCEN 0 I asked what you thought of the Orcs, not about me. FormID: 00063AE4 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarLash04 SCEN 0 Oh. I'm sorry. Well, it's good to have you here, anyway. FormID: 00063AF0 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac01 SCEN 0 Damn Nords. Always getting in the way of us honest folk. FormID: 00063AFB DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac01 SCEN 0 What did you say? You lazy coward, I'll cut your throat. FormID: 00063AB2 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac01 SCEN 0 Nothing, Ragnar. Please... don't hurt me. FormID: 00063AC1 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac01 SCEN 0 I... I'm sorry, Belchimac. I didn't mean that. FormID: 00063ACE DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac02 SCEN 0 You're always talking about the Forsworn. You aren't thinking of joining them, are you? FormID: 00063AD7 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac02 SCEN 0 Maybe I will. What do you think about that? FormID: 00063AE3 DialogueKarthwastenRagnarBelchimac02 SCEN 0 I'm warning you. Those people are killers. You'd never last a day with them. FormID: 00063AED DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac01 SCEN 0 I don't like bunking with Orcs. It's not... clean. FormID: 00063AF9 DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac01 SCEN 0 If you want me to leave, you could challenge me to a fight. I promise to stop once you've lost an arm. FormID: 00063AB1 DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac01 SCEN 0 What I meant to say was... I love having an Orc here in the barracks. They're so... pleasant. FormID: 00063AB9 DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac02 SCEN 0 Why do your people claim the Reach is theirs? The Orcs have been in these lands just as long. FormID: 00063AC0 DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac02 SCEN 0 You wouldn't understand, Lash. Your people aren't smart enough for politics. FormID: 00063ACB DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac02 SCEN 0 Is that so? I'll remember that next time we're in the mine tunnels... alone. FormID: 00063AD5 DialogueKarthwastenLashBelchimac02 SCEN 0 Did... did I say you weren't smart? I meant to say that I'm not smart, Lash. I'm just not smart enough to answer your questions. FormID: 0006399B CreatureDialogueChaurus DETH 0 FormID: 00063E54 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene36 SCEN 0 No, no... not at all. Mara believes that the spark of a union comes from inside us, not from our appearance. FormID: 00063E54 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene36 SCEN 1 Tell you what... if you still feel unsure, come by the temple sometime and we'll talk about it. FormID: 00063E38 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene37 SCEN 0 Marise, I've come to warn you that the Thieves Guild has been harassing shopkeepers again. FormID: 00063EE0 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene37 SCEN 0 I've heard. Bolli and Keerava were speaking of it just a little while ago. FormID: 00063ED7 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene37 SCEN 0 I hope that doesn't mean things are going to get worse around here. FormID: 00063ECF DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene38 SCEN 0 Mjoll! I'm glad I found you. FormID: 00063EC8 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene38 SCEN 0 What is it, Drifa? What's the matter? FormID: 00063EBD DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene38 SCEN 0 It's Bersi. He's getting so angry about the corruption in Riften, he said he's going to walk right up to Maven and give her a piece of his mind. FormID: 00063E5F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene38 SCEN 0 If I see him, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything brash. Don't worry. FormID: 00063E49 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene39 SCEN 0 Have you prepared the stables like I suggested, Shadr? FormID: 00063E3E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene39 SCEN 0 Yes, Lady Mjoll. If Riften gets attacked, we'll retreat inside the city gates and bar the door just like you said. FormID: 00063E35 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene39 SCEN 0 Good. You could be our first line of defense since you live outside the city walls, so we're depending on you. FormID: 00063EE5 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene40 SCEN 0 Hello Bolli. How's the fishing? FormID: 00063EDD DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene40 SCEN 0 Bountiful. Although I would like to have anchored a bit closer to Goldenglow Estate. FormID: 00063ED4 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene40 SCEN 0 Why didn't you then? FormID: 00063ECC DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene40 SCEN 0 When I got close, the mercenaries Aringoth hired to protect the estate just waved me off. I don't think he wants visitors anymore. FormID: 00063EC4 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene41 SCEN 0 Nivenor, my darling. What a pleasant surprise. FormID: 00063E72 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene41 SCEN 0 Oh! Bolli... yes, hello. FormID: 00063E57 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene41 SCEN 0 Will we be dining together this evening after my work at the fishery? FormID: 00063E45 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene41 SCEN 0 Sigh. Yes, as usual. I'll be there. FormID: 00063E39 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene42 SCEN 0 So, Tythis... you coming by the Bunkhouse later? FormID: 00063E2E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene42 SCEN 0 Of course. I rented a bed there. Where else would I sleep? FormID: 00063EE2 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene42 SCEN 0 I have plenty of room in my bed. sultry FormID: 0006382C FreeformKarthwastenA SCEN 0 I want you sellswords out of my mine. FormID: 00063832 FreeformKarthwastenA SCEN 0 Watch your tongue, native. We'll leave when we're sure there's no Forsworn here. FormID: 00063833 FreeformKarthwastenA SCEN 0 Oh, and when would that be, I wonder? When I sell my land to the Silver-Bloods? FormID: 00063838 FreeformKarthwastenA SCEN 0 The Silver-Bloods have made you a very generous offer for this pile of dirt. I suggest you take it. FormID: 00063837 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Robbery is what it is. The Silver-Bloods are trying to muscle in on my land. FormID: 00063837 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAStage10BranchTopic CUST 1 Forsworn attack the mines, and suddenly all these sellswords show up to [QUOTE]help.[QUOTE] They won't let anyone work until I sell it off. FormID: 0006382D FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenASellBranch FreeformKarthwastenASellBranchTopic CUST 0 No. This is my land. You expect me to just hand it over to those Silver-Blood thugs? FormID: 00063830 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Forsworn attacked a while back. Jarl had no men to spare, so the Silver-Bloods generously offered to send us to clean things up. FormID: 00063830 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarStage10Branch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarStage10BranchTopic CUST 1 We just want that old native to hand over his land in payment for our services. Then we'll leave, and everyone can get back to work. FormID: 0006382A FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranch FreeformKarthwastenAGetLostBranchTopic CUST 0 Helping out Ainethach, huh? Give me a reason not to plunge a dagger in your chest. FormID: 00063836 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAThonarBranch FreeformKarthwastenAThonarBranchTopic CUST 0 A family of thieves. Running their corrupt empire from Markarth. FormID: 00063836 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAThonarBranch FreeformKarthwastenAThonarBranchTopic CUST 1 The Silver-Blood family own half the Reach, and they won't stop until they own all of it. FormID: 0006382F FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarThonarBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarThonarBranchTopic CUST 0 You haven't heard of the Silver-Blood family? They're the most important people in the Reach. FormID: 0006382F FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAtarThonarBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAtarThonarBranchTopic CUST 1 They practically own the city of Markarth. And we're here on their coin. FormID: 00063834 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachAtarDeadBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachAtarDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 That won't be the last we hear from the Silver-Bloods, but at least we can get back to work. FormID: 00063834 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachAtarDeadBranch FreeformKarthwastenAAinethachAtarDeadBranchTopic CUST 1 Thank you. You've done a good thing for me and my workers. Here. This is for you. FormID: 00063EDA DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene42 SCEN 0 Good, that must be very comfortable for you. I think mine's a bit too small. Perhaps we could trade? FormID: 00063ED1 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene42 SCEN 0 Sigh. FormID: 00063ECA DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene43 SCEN 0 Haelga, I like you, so I'm only going to say this one time. FormID: 00063ECA DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene43 SCEN 1 If you ever try and [QUOTE]practice the Dibellan arts[QUOTE] with Hemming again, I'll make sure that pretty little face loses its beauty. FormID: 00063EC1 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene43 SCEN 0 He wasn't protesting, Maven. FormID: 00063E64 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene43 SCEN 0 Of course he wasn't you stupid whore; he's a man. Now I'm not going to warn you again. Is that clear? FormID: 00063E53 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene43 SCEN 0 Very well. FormID: 00063E43 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, there's Ingun Black-Briar, Maven's daughter. Strange girl. She likes to spend time down in Elgrim's Elixirs working on her alchemy. FormID: 00063E43 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Then you have Hemming, Maven's son; spoiled brat and heir to her empire. He follows her word like a loyal dog follows its master. FormID: 00063E43 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic01 CUST 2 And finally, Sibbi; the worst of all of them. He's in Riften Jail for murder. FormID: 00063412 t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekInsult CUST 0 Wait... you mean I should just... tell her? Tell her how I feel? FormID: 00063410 t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekPushItFurther CUST 0 If that's what she wants, then that's what she'll get. FormID: 00063411 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsACyrano CUST 0 There is one... Yngvar. He's quite popular with the ladies. FormID: 00063411 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsACyrano CUST 1 Thankfully Faleen is not quite his type, but they've been friends for some time, and he may have some ideas. FormID: 00063411 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsACyrano CUST 2 Please, ask him what she likes. It's my only chance. FormID: 00062F4F DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranch DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranchTopic CUST 0 Very funny. annoyed FormID: 00062F4F DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranch DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm sure you've noticed that Winterhold isn't exactly overflowing with people. FormID: 00062F4F DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranch DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranchTopic CUST 2 So I'll sell whatever I can. If it's worth putting a price on, you can bet I'll do it. FormID: 00062F53 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleBranch DialogueWinterholdBirnaSaleFollowUp CUST 0 I've been burned a few times, made a few bad deals, but mostly I come out on top. FormID: 00062F4D FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Yeah, it was stupid of me. FormID: 00062F4D FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I shouldn't have believed the story and just refused the trade. But I didn't, and now I'm stuck with this worthless junk. FormID: 00062F4E FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdAInitialFollowUp CUST 0 Some line about this claw thing and Yngol Barrow. He said it was worth more than its weight in gold if I took it back there. FormID: 00062F4E FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdAInitialFollowUp CUST 1 Something about placing it back in Yngol's chamber, I don't know. FormID: 00062F4E FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdAInitialFollowUp CUST 2 What was I thinking? Even if it were true, I'm not setting foot in some ancient tomb, filled with who knows what. FormID: 00062F4A FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdAInitialFinal CUST 0 I don't even care any more. You want to check it out? Fine. I'll sell you the thing for fifty gold, and then it's your problem. FormID: 00062F4B FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranch FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranchTopic CUST 0 Fine, here you go. FormID: 00062F4B FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranch FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranchTopic CUST 1 You get killed on account of this thing, it's not my fault. Got it? FormID: 00062F4B FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranch FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranchTopic CUST 2 But, I suppose, if it does actually turn out to be worth something, let me know, will you? FormID: 00062F4C FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranch FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, I'd gladly sell it to you if you had the money. FormID: 00062F4C FreeformWinterholdA FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranch FreeformWinterholdABirnaSellBranchTopic CUST 1 But you don't, do you? FormID: 00062D7B DA08 DA08NelkirDoorOpeningHints DA08NelkirDoorOpeningHintsTopic CUST 0 I told you, I know everything about this castle. FormID: 00062D7B DA08 DA08NelkirDoorOpeningHints DA08NelkirDoorOpeningHintsTopic CUST 1 For some reason that door is special. Only two people can open it, Balgruuf and Farengar, the court wizard. FormID: 00062D7B DA08 DA08NelkirDoorOpeningHints DA08NelkirDoorOpeningHintsTopic CUST 2 How you get it from them is up to you. Nobody would notice if Farengar went missing, I promise you. FormID: 00062CEF DA08 SCEN 0 Excellent work. FormID: 00062CEF DA08 SCEN 1 Now, I trust you're sharp enough to see that the sword doesn't match the description of the Ebony Blade you may know. FormID: 00062CEF DA08 SCEN 2 It has languished too long outside the winds of alliance and betrayal. FormID: 000622BB DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRumors DialogueDawnstarRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Everyone in town knows about the Black Door, and to never go near it. FormID: 0009DA29 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRumors DialogueDawnstarRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Whatever you do, stay away from that Black Door. Being near it chills you to the bones. FormID: 000622BC DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRumors DialogueDawnstarRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Did you hear? People have been seen coming in and out of the Black Door. Divines have mercy. FormID: 0009DA2A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRumors DialogueDawnstarRumorsTopic RUMO 0 I've heard that shadowy figures are being seen coming in and out of the Black Door. Gods help us. FormID: 0006223C dunForelhostQST dunForelhostGrifterBranch dunForelhostForceGreetIntro CUST 0 You there! As an officer of the Imperial Legion, I require your assistance to complete my mission. FormID: 000C355D dunForelhostQST dunForelhostGrifterBranch dunForelhostForceGreetIntro CUST 0 You there, hold! If you are a true friend to Skyrim, you will help me in my mission. FormID: 000C3562 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostGrifterBranch dunForelhostForceGreetIntro CUST 0 Are you going to help me with my mission? I need someone very capable. FormID: 0006216B MS05 MS05TulliusCoatFavor MS05TulliusCoatFavorTopic CUST 0 My coat? What do you need my coat for? FormID: 00062167 MS05 MS05TulliusCoatFavor MS05TulliusCoatFavorTopic2 CUST 0 What?! This is exactly why... don't they understand it's hard enough to fight a war without these juvenile attempts to undermine authority? FormID: 0006216F MS05 MS05TulliusCoatFavor MS05TulliusCoatFavorTopic3 CUST 0 If you say so. If this were anyone but you I would lock them up. FormID: 0006216F MS05 MS05TulliusCoatFavor MS05TulliusCoatFavorTopic3 CUST 1 Take it. Take the coat, have your fun. I'll see you at the festival. FormID: 00061FC5 WE23 WE23Tresspass TRES 0 Get out of here! warning off someone who wants to steal his treasure FormID: 00061FC9 WE23 WE23Tresspass TRES 0 This is my treasure! warning off someone who wants to steal his treasure FormID: 00061FCA WE23 WE23Tresspass TRES 0 I'm not kidding. I'll hurt you! warning off someone who wants to steal his treasure FormID: 00061FF7 WE24 WE24Main WE24MainTopic CUST 0 I am waiting for a good death. old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061FFD WE24 WE24Main WE24MainTopic CUST 0 If you are not here to grant me a good death, then you can leave. (annoyed that he's being pestered) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00062021 WE24 WE24Main WE24What CUST 0 Yes. Were I to simply lay down and die, it would not please Malacath. old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061F9A WE24 WE24Main WE24Why CUST 0 My time has come. I am old. Too old to become chief. It would be wrong for me to take wives at this age. So I will die. old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061F9A WE24 WE24Main WE24Why CUST 1 Malacath has given me a vision of a glorious death. I am to wait here until it finds me. old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061F9A WE24 WE24Main WE24Why CUST 2 As you can see, it has not yet arrived. old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061FC4 WE24 WE24Main WE24Help CUST 0 Perhaps... (considering) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight Walk Away FormID: 00061FC4 WE24 WE24Main WE24Help CUST 1 Are you sure about this? (making doubly sure a fight is what the player wants) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight Walk Away FormID: 00061FC2 WE24 WE24Main WE24Yes CUST 0 Hmm. We shall see. (hopeful, but doubtful) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061FD5 WE24 WE24Main WE24Convince CUST 0 Indeed. One should find his death while he can still call himself a proper man. old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight Walk Away FormID: 00061FD5 WE24 WE24Main WE24Convince CUST 1 We Orc men are not like these Nords and Imperials who carry on until they are grey and feeble and their hair falls out. (with contempt) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight Walk Away FormID: 00061FD5 WE24 WE24Main WE24Convince CUST 2 To cling to something past its usefulness is unseemly, how much more so when that thing is you? (explaining as if to a child) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight Walk Away FormID: 00061FC3 WE24 WE24SharedInfo IDAT 0 You should leave. I don't want you scaring off my good death. (disappointed and annoyed) old warrior sitting patiently waiting for a good death after a good fight FormID: 00061FFE WE25 WE25ForceGreet WE25ForceGreetTopic CUST 0 Take this and hold onto it. I'll be back for it later. I'll pay you good. Don't lose it. out of breath (being chased), ditching something he stole with a stranger Walk Away FormID: 00062016 WE25 WE25ForceGreet WE25ForceGreetTopic CUST 0 Did you see someone run past just now? out of breath, chasing a fugitive Walk Away FormID: 000620E5 MS07 MS07JareeRaInitialOfferGreet MS07JareeRaInitialOfferGreetTopic CUST 0 You're passing through Solitude? Maybe you're looking to make some easy gold, yes? FormID: 00025F63 MS07 MS07JareeRaOffer MS07JareeRaOfferTopic CUST 0 With the war, many more ships come through these docks. Loaded with weapons and pay, but few people. And they pass through dangerous waters. FormID: 00025F63 MS07 MS07JareeRaOffer MS07JareeRaOfferTopic CUST 1 We have an interest in one of those boats, the Icerunner. FormID: 00025F63 MS07 MS07JareeRaOffer MS07JareeRaOfferTopic CUST 2 The Solitude Lighthouse will be guiding it in... but if its fire were to go out, the Icerunner would run aground. FormID: 00061FCB WE25 WE25SharedInfos IDAT 0 No time to talk. Snitch or double-cross me and I'll kill you. I mean it! FormID: 00061F08 MS07 MS07JareeRaOffer MS07JareeRaOfferTopic2 CUST 0 What an interesting idea. I think if someone were to do something like that, there would definitely be a certain amount of loot to be shared... emphasis on [QUOTE]were[QUOTE] FormID: 00061F08 MS07 MS07JareeRaOffer MS07JareeRaOfferTopic2 CUST 1 Yes, if someone were to put out the Lighthouse fire and then meet me on the docks afterwards... I could certainly direct them to that loot. FormID: 0007EADC MS07 MS07DeejaIcerunnerBranch MS07DeejaIcerunnerBranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! I'm afraid the loot's already been moved. You've been useful to the Blackbloods, though. You've earned a quick death. FormID: 00061FD3 WE25 WE25ForceGreet WE25No CUST 0 Well, if you do, grab him and yell. Bastard stole from me. out of breath, chasing a fugitive FormID: 00061F9C WE25 WE25ForceGreet WE25WentThatWay CUST 0 Great! Thanks! Bastard stole from me. I'll catch him though! out of breath, chasing a fugitive FormID: 00061FC1 WE25 WE25ForceGreet WE25Here CUST 0 Yes! How'd you get this? Never mind, here. It's not much, but its something. (out of breath) confused but glad his property is being returned FormID: 00061FC1 WE25 WE25ForceGreet WE25Here CUST 1 I'm going to track down that thief and murder him! out of breath from chasing a thief FormID: 00062498 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I think we're almost out. Come on! FormID: 00062499 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's take our time. I think we can sneak by her if we're careful. whispered FormID: 0006249A MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 We must be near the entrance for that bear to have made its den here. whispered FormID: 0006249C MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll follow your lead. whispered FormID: 0006249D MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Easy does it. whispered FormID: 0006249E MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Not now. whispered FormID: 0006249F MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hate those things. Too many eyes or something. FormID: 000624A0 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Looks like we're on our own now. FormID: 000624A1 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Since nobody's trying to kill me just now, maybe we should rest for a minute. FormID: 000624A3 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's see if we can find a way out of here. FormID: 00061B25 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better stick together down here. FormID: 000624A5 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm glad to be out of that place. I hope this leads somewhere. FormID: 000624A6 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 These bastards call themselves Imperial Legionnaires... FormID: 000624A7 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Come on. Sounds like trouble. FormID: 000624A9 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Look around. Grab anything that looks useful. FormID: 00061B2D MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 There may be a way out, down this way. FormID: 00061B37 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I guess that'll teach me to try to reason with a Stormcloak. FormID: 00061B3F MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's see where this goes. We can't be the only survivors. FormID: 00061B40 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Find yourself a weapon. You're going to need it. FormID: 00061B7A MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better get out of here. I don't think this place is going to stand up to much more of this. FormID: 00061B81 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't worry. We'll get out of here, somehow. FormID: 00064765 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I can't decide if things are about to get worse or better. FormID: 00064766 MQ101 MQ101HadvarBlocking MQ101HadvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 At least we don't have a dragon to worry about, for the moment. FormID: 00064903 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 I think we're almost out. Come on! FormID: 00064904 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Take it slow and careful, and I think we can sneak by her. whispered FormID: 00064905 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 We must be near the entrance for that bear to make its den here. whispered FormID: 00064906 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll follow your lead. whispered FormID: 00064907 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 I've got your back, don't worry. whispered FormID: 00064908 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Not now. whispered FormID: 00064909 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Biggest damn spiders I've ever seen. FormID: 0006490A MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 The others'll have to find another way out. FormID: 0006490B MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 This is the longest day I can remember. wearily FormID: 0006490C MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's see if we can find a way out of here. FormID: 0006490D MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better stick together down here. FormID: 0006490E MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 I sure hope there's a way out somewhere down here. FormID: 0006490F MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Here's the noble Empire in all its glory. Pah. FormID: 00064910 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Come on! FormID: 00064911 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Look around. Grab anything useful. FormID: 00064912 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 There may be a way out, down this way. FormID: 00064913 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better get moving before any more Imperials show up. FormID: 00064914 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's see where this goes. Better than going back outside with that dragon. FormID: 00064915 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get yourself a weapon. I'm going to need your help if we run into any more Imperials. FormID: 00064916 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 We've got to find a way out of here. FormID: 00064917 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't worry. We'll get out of here, somehow. FormID: 00064918 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't think this day is ever going to end. wearily FormID: 00064919 MQ101 MQ101RalofBlocking MQ101RalofBlockingTopic CUST 0 Better in here than out there. FormID: 000648EF MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Help us and you may earn a pardon. FormID: 000648F0 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Hey, weren't you on the carts with the Stormcloaks? FormID: 000648F0 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 1 Ah, well, if Hadvar vouches for you I guess it must be all right. with a shrug - not your problem FormID: 000648F1 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I saw Caius.. that dragon just grabbed him and... I don't know how I made it out of there... FormID: 000648F2 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Nothing for it but to keep moving. FormID: 000648F3 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Better down here than out there. FormID: 000648F4 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 A dragon.... First in a thousand years.... FormID: 000648F5 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 We need to find a way out of here. FormID: 000648F6 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 What? FormID: 000648F7 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Worry about yourself. FormID: 000648F8 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Thank Talos you came along... I thought I was going to die down here. FormID: 000648F9 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Imperial dogs... there's nothing that's too low for them. FormID: 000648FA MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You were with us on the carts, weren't you? Not your lucky day, eh? FormID: 000648FB MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wonder if there's any more Imperials hiding down here somewhere. FormID: 000648FC MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Ralof seems to like you. That's good enough for me. FormID: 000648FD MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 What do you make of it... the dragon? What does it mean? FormID: 000648FE MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 What next? FormID: 00064900 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope someone knows where we're going. FormID: 00064901 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Better down here than out there. FormID: 00064902 MQ101 MQ101SoldierBlocking MQ101SoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. wearily FormID: 000618E7 TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 There are all sorts of people wandering around carryin' their valuables on their person... just waitin' for someone like you to pick their pocket. FormID: 000618E7 TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 1 So, you in for a little fishin'? coy FormID: 000618E8 TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, I've got a mark for you. Stole something quite important from a friend of the Guild and we take care of our own. You in? FormID: 000618E9 TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 One of our marks seems to have an item of value we want to add to our vault. Get it for us and you'll receive the usual pay. Sound good? FormID: 000618EA TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 Got ourselves a freelancer thinks he can muscle in on our territory. How about you teach him some manners, eh? FormID: 000618EB TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven wants this mark's most prized possession. The bloody fool carries it on his person all the time. So, think you can handle it? FormID: 000618EC TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf want's this mark's head on a pike, but we'll settle for what the bastard's carryin' instead. Can I count on you? FormID: 000618ED TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a mark taxed with carryin' a heavy item. Care to lighten' the load? FormID: 000618EE TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 This brilliant soul decided to pick a fight with a fellow Guild mate. Time for them to pay the piper. Will you help out? FormID: 000618EF TGRShell TGRShellGFBranch TGRShellGFBranchTopic CUST 0 I've got a mark who just got an item from a relative outside of Skyrim. They probably should have been quieter about it. You in? FormID: 0006183D TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 Most of the establishments in Skyrim keep their transactions recorded within business ledgers. FormID: 0006183D TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 1 Your job would be to change the numbers in those books so the shortfalls from our other jobs look legit. FormID: 0006183D TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 2 Feel like doing a bit of writin'? coy FormID: 0006183E TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 This business is a regular target for the Guild. They keep pretty shoddy records, so the job should be a cinch. You in? FormID: 0006183F TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 We want to waylay a shipment on the way from this business without them even noticin' anything went missin'. Want the job? FormID: 00061840 TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 Yeah, sure. Got a business on tap that could use a little number rearrangin'. What do you say? FormID: 00061841 TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 Okay, got just the one for you. Ledger's just beggin' to be changed and the Guild could use the coin. How about it? FormID: 00061842 TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 Have a client lookin' to have a rival's business ledger changed. Don't know the reason, and don't want to know. Count you in? FormID: 00061843 TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a personal request from Brynjolf on this numbers job. He says we may hit 'em hard later, and wants to prep their books. Help us out? FormID: 00061844 TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 These marks keep their ledger all neat and tidy, but they're ripe for some change if you know what I mean. Take it? FormID: 00061845 TGRShell TGRShellFOBranch TGRShellFOBranchTopic CUST 0 All right. Got a simple one. Just get in, change the books and be back in time for last call. So how's about it? FormID: 0006150A DialogueSoljundsMineScene01 SCEN 0 Feels good to be mining again. FormID: 0006150B DialogueSoljundsMineScene01 SCEN 0 How can you say that? This mine was filled with draugr not too long ago. FormID: 0006150D DialogueSoljundsMineScene02 SCEN 0 I feel like any moment, a draugr is going to come and chop my head off. FormID: 0006150C DialogueSoljundsMineScene02 SCEN 0 Steel your nerves. The draugr are gone. Focus on your mining. FormID: 000614EC DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Those draugr are going to come up and kill us all. FormID: 000614F0 DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 They haven't moved out of the caves. I think we're safe. FormID: 000614F4 DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]We're safe[QUOTE] he says. You'll eat those words when a draugr is tearing into your face. FormID: 000614EE DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene02 SCEN 0 The guards say no draugr have come out of the mine. FormID: 000614F1 DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene02 SCEN 0 That's comforting. Glad they're keeping watch instead of getting rid of the draugr. sarcastic FormID: 000614F6 DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Those draugr are going to be back. I can feel it. FormID: 000614EF DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Don't be such a coward. We haven't seen any draugr since the mine was cleared. Be grateful. FormID: 000614F2 DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene04 SCEN 0 I don't think it's safe mining a cave on top of that crypt. FormID: 000614F5 DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene04 SCEN 0 There's a war on. We need every scrap of ore we can get, so we're going to keep digging. Understand? FormID: 000614ED DialogueSoljundsMineHouseScene04 SCEN 0 Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. FormID: 0006138D TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 When a client needs us to eliminate another, we don't operate like the Dark Brotherhood. We find alternate means to get them out of the way. FormID: 0006138D TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 1 We send you to plant some phony evidence in the mark's house, and then tip off the town guard... the rest takes care of itself. FormID: 0006138D TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 2 Sound like you can handle it? FormID: 0006138E TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 Someone wants to see this mark suffer. They're paying a good bit of coin to have us plant the evidence in their house. You in? FormID: 0006138F TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 This one should be easy. Get in, plant the goods and get out. Quiet and neat. Sound like your kind of job? FormID: 00061390 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 The mark must have ticked-off our client badly. He's impatient and keeps asking if the job's done. Can you get him off my back? FormID: 00061391 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a good one here. Personal score to settle between myself and this mark. You up for it? FormID: 00061392 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf finally got some dirt on the mark and the evidence to back it up. Think you can give him a hand? FormID: 00061393 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 This one angered someone pretty high up in the keep. Can I count on you to get this done for me? FormID: 00061394 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 Got another personal score to settle and I'd consider it a favor if you'd take the job. Think you can help me out? FormID: 00061395 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, sure. Got one that should be pretty easy, as long as you keep your weapon sheathed. Can you handle it? FormID: 00061396 TGRShell TGRShellDUBranch TGRShellDUBranchTopic CUST 0 Yeah. Someone ticked off Maven and she wants to teach them a lesson... our way. You in? FormID: 00061347 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranchTopic CUST 0 Whoa, there. I don't know where you're going, but stay out of that mine. It isn't safe. Walk Away FormID: 0006134C DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthChoice01 CUST 0 We tunneled into an old Nordic crypt. The whole place is crawling with draugr. FormID: 0006134C DialogueSoljundsSinkhole FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthBranch FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAPerthChoice01 CUST 1 We're not mining up any ore with those undead around, so I wouldn't go down there if I were you. FormID: 00061348 FreeformSoljundsSinkholeA FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAClearedBranch FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAClearedBranchTopic CUST 0 You did? We were waiting for the Jarl to send an entire regiment to clear that mine. FormID: 00061348 FreeformSoljundsSinkholeA FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAClearedBranch FreeformSoljundsSinkholeAClearedBranchTopic CUST 1 Now we can get back to work. Thank you. FormID: 0003FF6A DialogueFavorGeneric IDAT 0 I don't have to take this from the likes of you. FormID: 0006097D TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 Pretty simple. Break into a house, grab a specific item and get out before they realize what's going on. FormID: 0006097D TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 1 The catch is you can't kill anyone who lives there or you forfeit the payment. FormID: 0006097D TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 2 You ready for some good old-fashioned burglary? FormID: 0006097E TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 We're looking to recover an heirloom for a client. They claim ownership of it, and as long as they're paying we don't really care. You in? FormID: 0006097F TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 We've been trying to get this item for a while, but no one with the skills has come along to claim it. Can I count on you to get it? FormID: 00060980 TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 Have a house with a good bit of valuables inside, but one particular item's caught my eye. You up for it? FormID: 00060981 TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a tip on a desirable item at this location. We want you to break in there and bring it to us. What do you think? FormID: 00060982 TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, got a buyer in a rush for this item. If you hurry we can turn it around and make a quick profit. Can you get it? FormID: 00060983 TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, sure. We're always looking to get our hands on items from all over Skyrim. How about this one? FormID: 00060984 TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 As long as you can keep things quiet and don't get yourself killed in the process, this place has exactly what we're looking for. You in? FormID: 00060985 TGRShell TGRShellBEBranch TGRShellBEBranchTopic CUST 0 We've actually stolen this item before and somehow it ended up back in some other mark's house. Guess it's time to reclaim it, eh? FormID: 000606E9 DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, is there any weapon finer than an Orc blade? FormID: 000606EB DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene01 SCEN 0 No, mother. It's no wonder our enemies fear the sight of an Orc warrior. FormID: 000606ED DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene02 SCEN 0 The metal has been stubborn today. It refuses to bend. FormID: 000606EF DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene02 SCEN 0 Save your anger for the forge. The steel cannot hear your whining. FormID: 000606E5 DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene02 SCEN 0 Sorry, mother. I'll focus on my work. FormID: 000606E7 DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene03 SCEN 0 Imagine the heads of your enemies as you forge. Let your hatred work the steel. FormID: 000606E8 DialogueDushnikhYalBlacksmithingScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, mother. FormID: 000606EE DialogueMorKhazgurBagrakBorghakScene01 SCEN 0 You'll come of age soon. Time to be married to another chief. FormID: 000606F0 DialogueMorKhazgurBagrakBorghakScene01 SCEN 0 I won't be married to some weak-willed Orc chieften. I'd sooner join the Legion. FormID: 000606E6 DialogueMorKhazgurLarakOlurScene01 SCEN 0 I served in the Legion. Perhaps I'll show you some of their technique one of these days. FormID: 00060679 FreeformMarkarthL FreeformMarkarthLGhorzaReturn FreeformMarkarthLGhorzaReturnTopic CUST 0 Books. Don't know why the Imperials like these so much. This should help the boy, though, Malacath willing. FormID: 00060679 FreeformMarkarthL FreeformMarkarthLGhorzaReturn FreeformMarkarthLGhorzaReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, let me show you how an Orc learns to smith. FormID: 00060655 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeform DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeformTopic CUST 0 Tacitus? Boy's an Imperial. I keep showing him how to treat the iron, but he never gets it. FormID: 00060655 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeform DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeformTopic CUST 1 In the Legion, the Imperial smiths used to read books when they couldn't set their hammers straight. Wisdom of the old, I guess. FormID: 00060655 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeform DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeformTopic CUST 2 If you find a book called [QUOTE]The Last Scabbard of Akrash,[QUOTE] could you bring it to me? Tacitus sure isn't learning by example. FormID: 0006064D DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeform DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeformAccept CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 00060645 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeform DialogueMarkarthGhorzaFreeformReject CUST 0 Fair enough. FormID: 00060643 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBothelaForsworn DialogueMarkarthBothelaForswornTopic CUST 0 Only that they break an old woman's heart. So many friends, so many kin, all lost trying to rebuild a past that was over long ago. FormID: 000607D4 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKerahTown DialogueMarkarthKerahAccept CUST 0 Thank you. He can be a bit difficult, but I'm sure he'll appreciate your help. FormID: 000607A8 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKerahTown DialogueMarkarthKerahReject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 00060751 DA11IntroScene SCEN 0 That's enough, Thongvor. We're done. stubborn FormID: 0006067A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthVerulusHalloftheDead DialogueMarkarthVerulusHalloftheDeadTopic CUST 0 New to Skyrim? I was confused at first, too. The Nords call their mausoleums the Hall of the Dead. FormID: 0006067A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthVerulusHalloftheDead DialogueMarkarthVerulusHalloftheDeadTopic CUST 1 It's where people in the city are buried. Fathers. Forefathers. Mothers. Foremothers. FormID: 0006065A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthVerulusArkay DialogueMarkarthVerulusArkayTopic CUST 0 Arkay. One of the Eight Divines. God of the Cycle of Birth and Death. FormID: 0006065A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthVerulusArkay DialogueMarkarthVerulusArkayTopic CUST 1 It is his shrine people pray to when they visit the Hall. That his divinity will watch over their ancestors on the way to the next life. FormID: 00060652 DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusPersuade CUST 0 All right. I was going to suggest the Jarl hire someone to sort this mess out, anyway. FormID: 0006064F DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusInvisibleContinue CUST 0 We've discovered that some of the dead have been... eaten. Flesh has been chewed off, bones were snapped to get at the marrow inside. afraid, uncomfortable FormID: 0006064F DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusInvisibleContinue CUST 1 We haven't caught anyone or anything yet. It's like it knows when I'm there. afraid, uncomfortable FormID: 0006064F DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusInvisibleContinue CUST 2 If you can get to the bottom of this, the Priesthood of Arkay will reward you. Take my key, and be careful. afraid, uncomfortable FormID: 00060647 DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusBribe CUST 0 Well, the Priesthood of Arkay always accepts generous donations. being bribed FormID: 0006064B DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusBribe CUST 0 That's not going to work. stubborn refusal FormID: 000DBE4C DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusIntimidate CUST 0 Then my answer is the Hall of the Dead is closed. By order of the Jarl. Understand? stubborn refusal FormID: 00060513 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahSlayFriendReasonsPrivate CUST 0 Indeed. But I abide only those whose will is aligned to my own. Those who oppose my desires perish in the most dreadful of ways. godly anger Walk Away FormID: 0006051A DA02 DA02SharedInfos IDAT 0 Tell me, why have you slain this one, who trusted you, here upon my shrine? godly encouragement FormID: 0006051B DA02 DA02SharedInfos IDAT 0 Tell me, why have you slain those who profess to follow in my ways? (vaguely threatening) godly curiosity FormID: 0006099A DA02 DA02SharedInfos IDAT 0 You were weak. Now you are dead. What signs have you left of your passing for us to remember you by? religious prayer over the body of a slain enemy FormID: 000E6E1B DA02 DA02SharedInfos IDAT 0 A god? Assuredly not! Gods are weak and ineffectual. When was the last time you heard or saw evidence of the Aedra in the world? (chortling) godly derisive humor FormID: 000E6E1B DA02 DA02SharedInfos IDAT 1 No, we Daedra are far more powerful than any god. And among my brethren, I am the most feared. godly annoyance (she shouldn't have to explain any of this to a mortal) FormID: 0005FC7C DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahYouAreAGod CUST 0 I am called Boethiah. Many names have mortals given me. But I am not interested in names. I am interested only in deeds. godly conceit Walk Away FormID: 00060514 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahYouAreAGod CUST 0 A god? Assuredly not! When was the last time you saw evidence of Aedra in the world? (chortling) godly derisive humor Walk Away FormID: 00060514 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahYouAreAGod CUST 1 No, we Daedra are far more powerful than any god. And among my brethren, I am the most feared. godly annoyance (she shouldn't have to explain any of this to a mortal) Walk Away FormID: 00060518 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahContinue CUST 0 Is that so? You should be. Though a heart without fear is something I can use... Perhaps you are the one I seek. godly reappraisal Walk Away FormID: 00060518 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahContinue CUST 1 We shall soon find out. (amused) Godly mischievousness Walk Away FormID: 000607D3 DA11Intro DA11IntroSceneFavorGiveBranch2 DA11IntroVerulusNeverMind CUST 0 Arkay keep you and protect you. small prayer while walking away FormID: 00060790 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlockingTopic CUST 0 You there. You another Imperial puppet? Answer me. FormID: 00060741 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorChoice01 CUST 0 What of it, he says. Your Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. Honor. Pride. Mighty Talos. FormID: 00060744 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorChoice01 CUST 0 What of it, she says. Your Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. Honor. Pride. Mighty Talos. FormID: 00060656 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorInvisible01 CUST 0 You can tell Jarl Igmund that the Silver-Blood family won't tolerate his cowardice for much longer. FormID: 00060651 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorChoice02 CUST 0 Finally, someone with decent sense. The Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. Honor. Pride. Mighty Talos. FormID: 00060651 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorChoice02 CUST 1 Jarl Igmund can't ignore us for much longer. Not if the Silver-Blood family has a say. FormID: 0006064E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorChoice03 CUST 0 There's a war on and you don't know what I'm talking about? The Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. FormID: 0006064E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorBlocking DialogueMarkarthThongvorChoice03 CUST 1 Jarl Igmund can refuse to see me all he wants. The Silver-Blood family will be heard. FormID: 00060646 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorTalos DialogueMarkarthThongvorTalosTopic CUST 0 That's a true Nord hero. A legend. So great that the Divines themselves lifted his soul into the heavens and made him a god. FormID: 000607D5 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorTalos DialogueMarkarthThongvorElvesContinue CUST 0 He founded the Empire, and now they've turned their back on him. To appease the Elves. Elves! Do the Elves rule Skyrim, or do the Nords? FormID: 0006099B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorTalos DialogueMarkarthThongvorElvesContinue CUST 0 He founded the Empire, and now they've turned their back on him. To appease your kind, Elf. Do your people rule Skyrim, or do the Nords? FormID: 000607BD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorFamily DialogueMarkarthThongvorFamilyTopic CUST 0 We own Cidhna Mine. Best prison in Skyrim, and source of half the wealth in this city. FormID: 000607BD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorFamily DialogueMarkarthThongvorFamilyTopic CUST 1 We keep the Reach safe. We flood Markarth with wealth, but does the Jarl listen to us when we want a say? No. FormID: 000607BD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorFamily DialogueMarkarthThongvorFamilyTopic CUST 2 He's busy forgetting that Ulfric Stormcloak saved this city from the Forsworn. Ulfric's a hero, not a damn criminal. FormID: 0006075A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorElves DialogueMarkarthThongvorElvesTopic CUST 0 They started the Great War. Nearly destroyed the Imperial City. Then the Emperor took the coward's way out and surrendered. FormID: 0006075A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorElves DialogueMarkarthThongvorElvesTopic CUST 1 Now the Elves dictate everything we do, and they don't want us acknowledging a [QUOTE]mere human[QUOTE] like Talos as the god he is. FormID: 0006077D DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorElves DialogueMarkarthThongvorElvesTopic CUST 0 Your kind started the Great War. Nearly destroyed the Imperial City. Then the Emperor took the coward's way out and surrendered. FormID: 0006077D DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorElves DialogueMarkarthThongvorElvesTopic CUST 1 Now you people dictate everything we do. Don't want us acknowledging a [QUOTE]mere human[QUOTE] like Talos as the god he is. FormID: 0006065B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorUlfric DialogueMarkarthThongvorUlfricTopic CUST 0 He used the Thu'um. Shouted those Forsworn from the walls. Then he led a band of Nord warriors in to take the city. FormID: 0006065B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthThongvorUlfric DialogueMarkarthThongvorUlfricTopic CUST 1 Just like Talos himself at the Battle of Old Hroldan, reclaiming the Reach from those heathen natives. FormID: 00060654 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntro DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntroTopic CUST 0 What are you doing here? The excavation site is closed. I don't need any more workers or guards. FormID: 00060650 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntro DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoChoice01 CUST 0 Nchuand-Zel? The ruins underneath Markarth? The wealth of artifacts that I've based two human lifetimes of research on? Angry and astonished: [QUOTE]The wealth of artifacts that I've based TWO human lifetimes of research on?[QUOTE] FormID: 0006064C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntro DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoChoice02 CUST 0 Magic. That's what they always want. Never history. Never the secrets of the lost races. No, just little spells and enchantments. FormID: 00060644 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntro DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoChoice03 CUST 0 I told you I'm not hiring any more guards. Why do you people always bother me when I'm trying to finish my research? FormID: 00060642 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntro DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoContinue CUST 0 You idiot. Do you even know who I am? The most recognized scholar on the Dwemer in all of Tamriel, and you people keep bothering me! FormID: 00060642 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoIntro DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoContinue CUST 1 I... I'm sorry I... I got too excited. I'm in the middle of some very... stressful work, and I shouldn't have yelled. How can I help you? FormID: 0006035E MS05 SCEN 0 Make sure that he is. FormID: 0006035F MS05 SCEN 0 Make sure that she is. FormID: 0006035D MS05 MS05ViarmoApplication MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic2 CUST 0 Yes. According to Giraud, our histories keeper, the portion of the Edda dealing with King Olaf might still exist in Dead Man's Respite. FormID: 0006035D MS05 MS05ViarmoApplication MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic2 CUST 1 I need you to retrieve the poem. FormID: 00057A4D MS05 MS05ViarmoApplication MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic2 CUST 0 Yes. According to Giraud, our histories keeper, the portion of the Edda dealing with King Olaf might still exist in the Dead Man's Respite. FormID: 00057A4D MS05 MS05ViarmoApplication MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic2 CUST 1 I need you to retrieve the poem. FormID: 0006009C T03 T03MauriceIntroduction T03MauricePardonMe CUST 0 Was I correct in hearing that you were traveling to the grove of the Eldergleam? FormID: 0007A510 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 I'm a mage, not a pawnbroker, you know. amused, joking FormID: 000E26F6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 If it will help you, then certainly. FormID: 000E26F7 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 J'zargo only has so much room to carry things. joking FormID: 000E36DE DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 No problem, I can carry a good bit of gear. FormID: 000E1568 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 Running out of room, eh? I'll be glad to help. FormID: 000E1569 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 Do I get to keep it? Just kidding. Joking with the player, who is about to hand him some items. Put a short pause in between [QUOTE]Do I get to keep it?[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]Just kidding![QUOTE]in order to reinf FormID: 0007A511 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 I am an apprentice wizard, not a pack mule! Oh very well, but make it quick. Annoyed, and his ego is a bit bruised because he thinks he is above this menial task (of carrying the player's gear). FormID: 0007A512 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 Sure, feel free to hand me all the gold you want. Joking with the player... for the most part FormID: 0007A513 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 If that is what you wish. A hint of reluctance FormID: 0007A514 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 Sure, what have you got? FormID: 000F11B3 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 No problem! How can I help? Moderately enthusiastic FormID: 0002CCC5 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 (bark) FormID: 00060023 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 I am sworn to carry your burdens. FormID: 0007A1E8 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 What do you want me to carry? FormID: 000D8DBE DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 I'll shoulder some of your burden. FormID: 000D8DBF DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 Need me to carry something? FormID: 000D8DC0 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 Fine. Let's trade, then. FormID: 000D8DC1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerTrade DialogueFollowerTradeTopic CUST 0 What do you need to take? FormID: 00092348 FavorJobsBeggars FavorJobsBeggarsGiveMoney FavorJobsBeggarsGiveMoneyTopic CUST 0 Finally. Now get lost. FormID: 00060022 FavorJobsBeggars FavorJobsBeggarsGiveMoney FavorJobsBeggarsGiveMoneyTopic CUST 0 Oh, thank you! Divines bless your kind heart. FormID: 0005FC7F DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethahSlayFollowersReasonsPrivate CUST 0 I abide only those whose will is aligned to my own. Those who oppose my desires perish in the most dreadful of ways. godly condescension FormID: 0005FC7F DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethahSlayFollowersReasonsPrivate CUST 1 I have a purpose for which you might prove useful. But first I must test the deftness of your guile, and the strength of your purpose. godly consideration FormID: 0005FC7F DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethahSlayFollowersReasonsPrivate CUST 2 Make a thrall. Lure him to my shrine. Prove your will is stronger. Convince him to embrace the Pillar of Sacrifice, and then slay him without mercy. godly evil mischievousness FormID: 0005FC7F DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethahSlayFollowersReasonsPrivate CUST 3 Do this and I shall remember you and bestow an important task upon you. Do this not, and I shall forget you, and your soul will waste in obscurity. godly decree FormID: 0005FAFB DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCiceroOpinionTopic DBAstridCiceroOpinionTopicTopic CUST 0 Well, he's quite obviously mad. Whether or not that makes him dangerous is another question entirely. FormID: 0005FAFB DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCiceroOpinionTopic DBAstridCiceroOpinionTopicTopic CUST 1 Do I trust him? Not in the slightest. FormID: 0005FA43 DA02 SCEN 0 Well, well. You've slain my followers. I should destroy you for your impudence! godly indignation FormID: 0005FA43 DA02 SCEN 1 On the other hand, you've weeded out the weak from among those who would deign worship me. godly reconsideration FormID: 0005FA43 DA02 SCEN 2 You could be the one I seek... if your will is strong, lure a thrall to my shrine. Convince him to embrace the Pillar of Sacrifice. Then slay him. godly mischievousness FormID: 0005FA43 DA02 SCEN 3 Do this, and I shall favor you. FormID: 0005F725 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro3New MQ201DelphineIntro3A1 CUST 0 If we could get into the Thalmor Embassy... it's the center of their operations in Skyrim... thinking aloud FormID: 0005F725 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro3New MQ201DelphineIntro3A1 CUST 1 Problem is, that place is locked up tighter than a miser's purse. They could teach me a few things about paranoia... FormID: 000410D8 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodTopic CUST 0 What? Something you're still confused about? FormID: 000410D9 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodTopic CUST 0 Not here. Downstairs. FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 0 The Thalmor ambassador, Elenwen, regularly throws parties where the rich and connected cozy up to the Thalmor. FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 1 I can get you into one of those parties. Once you're inside the Embassy, you get away and find Elenwen's secret files. FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 2 I have a contact inside the Embassy. He's not up for this kind of high-risk mission, but he can help you. FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 3 His name's Malborn. Wood elf, plenty of reason to hate the Thalmor. You can trust him. FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 4 I'll get word for him to meet you in Solitude, at the Winking Skeever -- you know it? FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 5 While you're doing that, I'll work on getting you an invitation to Elenwen's little party. FormID: 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 6 Meet me at the Solitude stables after you've arranged things with Malborn. Any questions? last sentence said with a grin -- she knows she's just given you a laundry list of questions FormID: 0005F700 MQ106 SCEN 0 Orgnar. I'm travelling. You've got the inn 'til I get back. called across noisy tavern FormID: 0005F6FD MQ106 SCEN 0 Right. Happy trails. laconically FormID: 0005F9DF DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene03 SCEN 0 I believe she's trying to look as ravishing as possible for you, milord. FormID: 0005F97A DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene03 SCEN 0 Oh, well... I suppose that's a noble cause. I'll settle this bill at the end of the day. Thank you. calming down FormID: 0005F8C9 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene11 SCEN 0 Grelka, I wanted to talk about that suit of leather armor you sold me. The fasteners are already coming loose. FormID: 0005F871 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene11 SCEN 0 Fine. It'll be five septims to repair it. FormID: 0005F7D9 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene11 SCEN 0 Why should I pay for a repair on something I just bought? FormID: 0005F73E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene11 SCEN 0 All right, all right. Just bring it to me tomorrow and I'll fix it for you. FormID: 0005FB19 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene12 SCEN 0 Grelka, how fast can you get your hands on some longbows? FormID: 0005FA56 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene12 SCEN 0 I don't usually deal in weapons, but I know someone who can get them for me. You mind paying a little extra to get them fast? FormID: 0005FA36 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene12 SCEN 0 I don't care what it costs. I need four longbows and four score of arrows. Just make it happen. FormID: 0005F97F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene12 SCEN 0 I'll contact my man tonight and let you know what he says. FormID: 0005F925 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene13 SCEN 0 Aerin tells me you might be dealing arms to the Thieves Guild. Is this true? FormID: 0005F874 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene13 SCEN 0 I don't know what he's talking about. He must be seeing things. FormID: 0005F84D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene13 SCEN 0 I'm watching you, Grelka. One slip up and I report you to the guards. You got that? FormID: 0005F7BF DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene13 SCEN 0 Whatever you say. blow off FormID: 0005F73A DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene14 SCEN 0 Did you do everything I said, Shadr? FormID: 0005FAFC DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene14 SCEN 0 Yes. The man came by at noon just like you said. I gave him the package and he gave me this pouch for you. FormID: 0005FAFC DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene14 SCEN 1 The package was heavy... I needed his help getting it on his horse. What was inside? FormID: 0005FA53 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene14 SCEN 0 Hey, I told you not to ask any questions. Now, here. For your trouble. FormID: 0005F5BC MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorTopic CUST 0 Hmm. There's no simple answer to that. You want the long version or the short version? FormID: 00083050 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHunting CUST 0 When I was young, our leaders became obsessed with the Thalmor threat. FormID: 00083050 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHunting CUST 1 They believed that if and when we found a Dragonborn, we would need to protect her against the Thalmor. FormID: 000D840C MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHunting CUST 0 When I was young, our leaders became obsessed with the Thalmor threat. FormID: 000D840C MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHunting CUST 1 They believed that if and when we found a Dragonborn, we would need to protect him against the Thalmor. FormID: 0005F5B2 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHunting CUST 0 We hurt them in the past, and they have long memories. FormID: 0005FA34 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene14 SCEN 0 Thanks, Grelka! FormID: 0005F9EC DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene15 SCEN 0 So while I was in Ivarstead, I heard news that something terrible happened at Helgen. FormID: 0005F97D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene15 SCEN 0 You've heard too? They say the town was completely destroyed by a dragon. FormID: 0005F8D1 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene15 SCEN 0 If that's true, then we have much more to fear than the Thieves Guild. FormID: 0005F873 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene15 SCEN 0 I'd still keep an eye on my purse if I was you. FormID: 0005F83E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene16 SCEN 0 Dinya, about that incense you requested? Its not arriving anytime soon. The Khajiit caravans are having tough times getting through. FormID: 0005F7BE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene16 SCEN 0 That's a shame. What's causing them all the trouble? FormID: 0005F6E3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene16 SCEN 0 There's the stories about Helgen, bandits, skirmishes between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials... it almost seems endless. FormID: 0005FA5E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene16 SCEN 0 Chin up, Brand-Shei. Lady Mara will provide us strength and guidance through these difficult times. FormID: 0005FA3A DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene17 SCEN 0 Has the Thieves Guild visited you yet, Haelga? FormID: 0005FA30 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene17 SCEN 0 They haven't been by the Bunkhouse, but I'm certain they will. How about you? FormID: 0005F981 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene17 SCEN 0 No. I'm surprised actually. I thought they had a stranglehold on the city, but in the last few years, it hasn't been that bad. FormID: 0005F970 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene17 SCEN 0 Perhaps they moved on to greener pastures. Whatever the reason, lets be glad they're scarce. FormID: 0005F858 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene18 SCEN 0 Well met, Brand-Shei. I've come by to browse your wares today. FormID: 0005F7D6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene18 SCEN 0 Is it true you chased a thief from your home? I overheard Aerin mentioning it. FormID: 0005F73D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene18 SCEN 0 It's true. Wasn't much of a thief though. Made enough noise to wake the Red Mountain. FormID: 0005FB10 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene18 SCEN 0 Good. Maybe that will teach them to leave honest citizens alone. FormID: 0005FA54 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene19 SCEN 0 Brand-Shei... have you managed to find those boots for me? FormID: 0005FA35 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene19 SCEN 0 What's with all the boots and shoes you keep buying? You must have bought twenty pairs in the last two years. FormID: 0005F9EF DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene19 SCEN 0 Always be prepared. You never know if you might get a split in one, or lose one, then where would you be? No sir, that's not happening to me. FormID: 0005F97E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene19 SCEN 0 Um... okay. Well, the boots aren't here yet. Hopefully on the next Khajiit caravan. Weirded out at beginning FormID: 0005F8E5 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene20 SCEN 0 Thanks for that bushel of apples, Marise. They're wonderful. How did you keep them so fresh? FormID: 0005F84C DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene20 SCEN 0 Can't tell you. It's a bit of a trade secret I picked up when I was living in High Rock. FormID: 0005F70A DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene20 SCEN 0 Well, whatever you're doing, keep doing it and you'll have me as a customer for life. FormID: 0005FA6D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene21 SCEN 0 I'm afraid it's going to be a while before I can get any more Goldenglow Honey. FormID: 0005FA4C DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene21 SCEN 0 I thought it was strange that Aringoth stopped coming into town. I suppose he's having some difficulties out there. FormID: 0005FA33 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene21 SCEN 0 May I ask what all the honey's for? I mean, you used to buy almost a jar a week. Are you cooking or something? FormID: 0005F9EB DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene21 SCEN 0 In a manner of speaking. sly... wink and a nod kind of way FormID: 0005F97B DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene22 SCEN 0 Hey. What's the matter with you? You have no right to spread rumors around town about me. FormID: 0005F872 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene22 SCEN 0 What rumors? FormID: 0005F816 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene22 SCEN 0 You know very well what I'm talking about. You're saying that I only married Bolli for his gold and that I don't really love him. FormID: 0005F73F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene22 SCEN 0 Well, if the shoe fits... FormID: 0005FB1A DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene23 SCEN 0 Oh! Miss Maven. What can I do for you? nervous FormID: 0005FA5D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene23 SCEN 0 Relax, Marise... I have no quarrel with you. I just wish to speak a moment. FormID: 0005FA37 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene23 SCEN 0 Yes? FormID: 0005F9F0 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene23 SCEN 0 You watch the market, you hear the rumors around Riften. What have you heard about these dragons? FormID: 0005F980 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene23 SCEN 0 I heard a traveler say that Helgen was destroyed by one of those creatures. Didn't leave a soul alive they said. FormID: 0005F937 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene23 SCEN 0 Interesting. Keep your ears open for me and tell me if you hear anything more. I'll make it worth your while. FormID: 0005F894 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene24 SCEN 0 Maven. How's the criminal underworld treating you this fine day? very sarcastic FormID: 0005F84E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene24 SCEN 0 You may have everyone else impressed around here, but you don't impress me. You couldn't touch me if you wanted to. FormID: 0005F7D5 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene24 SCEN 0 You're a cold, unfeeling bitch. FormID: 0005F73B DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene24 SCEN 0 My dear, you have no idea who you're trifling with. Now I suggest you turn around and rattle someone else's cage before you get hurt. FormID: 0005FB0D DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene24 SCEN 0 I'm watching you, Maven Black-Briar. One day, you'll slip up and your Imperial friends won't be there to catch your fall. FormID: 0005F6D9 C06 SCEN 0 At this loss... FormID: 0005F1AC C06 SCEN 0 We weep. FormID: 0005F129 C06 SCEN 0 We weep. FormID: 0005F565 C06 SCEN 0 We weep. FormID: 0005F566 C06 SCEN 0 We weep. FormID: 0005F555 C06 SCEN 0 We grieve. FormID: 0005EE39 MQ104 IDAT 0 We were just talking about you. My brother needs a word with you. FormID: 000A27BE MQ104 IDAT 0 Let's go. We need to get to the Western Watchtower before it's too late. FormID: 000A27BF MQ104 IDAT 0 I'll see you at the watchtower as soon as the rest of the men have gathered. FormID: 000A27C0 MQ104 IDAT 0 Follow me. We're assembling near the main gate. FormID: 000A27C1 MQ104 IDAT 0 Talos save us! It's a dragon! shouted as dragon roars overhead FormID: 000BFC52 MQ104 IDAT 0 But remember, you're still oathbound to our cause. Skyrim still waits to be free. sternly FormID: 0005637F MQ104 IDAT 0 Krif krin. Pruzah! Krif krin. Pruzah. = [QUOTE](you) fight couragously. Good![QUOTE] FormID: 00056380 MQ104 IDAT 0 Thurri du hin sille ko Sovngarde! [QUOTE]My lord will feast on your souls in Sovngarde![QUOTE] FormID: 00056381 MQ104 IDAT 0 Brit grah. I had forgotten what fine sport you mortals can provide! brit grah = [QUOTE]beautiful battle[QUOTE] FormID: 00056382 MQ104 IDAT 0 You are brave. Balaan hokoron. Your defeat brings me honor. Balaan hokoron = [QUOTE]worthy enemy[QUOTE] FormID: 000A27BD MQ104 IDAT 0 Zok morokei! More souls to feed my master's hunger. FormID: 000BCF14 MQ104 IDAT 0 Dovahkiin! No!! death scream as he realizes you're going to suck his soul FormID: 000C28C6 MQ104 IDAT 0 I can't believe it! You're... Dragonborn... awed FormID: 0005DD44 MQ104 IDAT 0 There's no refusing a summons from the Greybeards. If you really are Dragonborn, they can teach you how to use your power. FormID: 0005EE3D MQ104 SCEN 0 You heard the summons. What else could it mean? FormID: 0005EE3A MQ104 SCEN 0 The Greybeards... trailing off as he notices the player approaching FormID: 0005EE38 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroB1 CUST 0 So it's true. The Greybeards really were summoning you. somewhat awed FormID: 0005EE3E MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroB2 CUST 0 Not just the men. The Greybeards seem to think the same thing. astonished, awed Walk Away FormID: 0005EE40 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroC1 CUST 0 Masters of the Way of the Voice. They live in seclusion high on the slopes of the Throat of the World. Walk Away FormID: 0005EE35 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroC2 CUST 0 The Dragonborn is said to be uniquely gifted in the Voice - the ability to focus your vital essence into a Thu'um, or Shout. FormID: 0005EE35 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroC2 CUST 1 The Greybeards are masters of the Way of the Voice. If you really are Dragonborn, they can teach you how to use your gift. FormID: 0005EE3F MQ104 SCEN 0 Didn't you hear the thundering sound as you returned to Whiterun? FormID: 0005EE3F MQ104 SCEN 1 That was the voice of the Greybeards, summoning you to High Hrothgar! FormID: 0005EE3F MQ104 SCEN 2 This hasn't happened in ... centuries, at least. Not since Tiber Septim himself was summoned when he was still Talos of Atmora! FormID: 0005F3F9 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook MQ103BUlfricBookA1 CUST 0 That's the spirit. I'll get all the details from Galmar when he gets back. Now then... FormID: 0005F3FA CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook MQ103BUlfricBookA2 CUST 0 The blood of our fallen heroes will make Skyrim free, never doubt it. Also, never doubt me or Galmar. Now then... a slight edge to the voice FormID: 0005F3FB CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook MQ103BUlfricBookA3 CUST 0 Damn it. What were they doing there? Imperial spies are everywhere. Never forget that... I trust you gave them a thrashing? Now then... emphasis [QUOTE]THEY[QUOTE] , not expecting them to be they FormID: 0005F6DA C06 SCEN 0 We shout. FormID: 0005F334 C06 SCEN 0 We shout. FormID: 0005F56A C06 SCEN 0 We shout. FormID: 0005F1A2 C06 SCEN 0 We shout. FormID: 0005F1FA C06 SCEN 0 And for ourselves... FormID: 0005F571 C06 SCEN 0 We take our leave. FormID: 0005F6DD C06 SCEN 0 We take our leave. FormID: 0005F5A6 C06 SCEN 0 We take our leave. FormID: 0005F59B C06 SCEN 0 We take our leave. FormID: 0005EE53 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene15 SCEN 0 I'm sorry you disapprove, father. But I've made up my mind. I'm not a warrior, I'm a businessman. FormID: 0005EDAB DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene15 SCEN 0 The only reason you have the gold for your [QUOTE]business[QUOTE] is because I gave it to you. FormID: 0005EDA2 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene15 SCEN 0 I'll pay you back, if it means that much. FormID: 0005EE52 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene15 SCEN 0 It's not about the coin, it's about honoring your legacy by picking up arms and keeping this land free. FormID: 0005EE52 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene15 SCEN 1 The sooner you remember that, the better. FormID: 0005EE50 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene16 SCEN 0 Haelga, we need to stop seeing each other. FormID: 0005EE4D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene16 SCEN 0 Oh, Bolli you silly man. You weren't saying that when you were licking that honey off my... FormID: 0005EE49 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene16 SCEN 0 Haelga! That's just it. I can't keep up with you. Your Dibellan techniques... they're exhausting. FormID: 0005EE46 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene16 SCEN 0 Is it really me, or is it your wife? You need to make a choice Bolli. The honey or her. FormID: 0005EE44 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene17 SCEN 0 When are you going to take me away from here Bolli? FormID: 0005EE42 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene17 SCEN 0 I told you, I can't just pick up and leave. I have my wife, my business... not to mention you have the Bunkhouse. FormID: 0005EDAA DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene17 SCEN 0 That old place? I could care less about it. Its you I want, Bolli. FormID: 0005EDA1 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene17 SCEN 0 I... I'm sorry Haelga, I can't. Not yet. FormID: 0005EE51 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene18 SCEN 0 Sometimes I'm not certain that the people of Riften want to be helped. FormID: 0005EE4F DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene18 SCEN 0 I think some of them do, Lady Mjoll. They're just too frightened to step up and do something about it like you are. FormID: 0005EE4C DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene18 SCEN 0 Aerin, you never cease to amaze me. You always see the good in everything. FormID: 0005EE4A DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene18 SCEN 0 It's only because I've had an excellent teacher. FormID: 0005F3FF CW02B SCEN 0 Gretta, Engar, stay and guard the entrance. We don't want any Imperial reinforcements taking us by surprise. FormID: 0005EE48 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene19 SCEN 0 So, what do you think of my plan. You in or out? FormID: 0005EB13 MS13 SCEN 0 This is the bridge out of town. The path up the mountain to the northwest leads to Bleak Falls Barrow. FormID: 0005EB13 MS13 SCEN 1 I guess I should get back to my brother. He'll throw a fit if I take too long. Such a child.... FormID: 0005F402 CW02B SCEN 0 The rest of you lot are with me. FormID: 0005EE45 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene19 SCEN 0 If you think I'd would make a move like that without asking Maven, you're out of your mind. Doing that would be a fatal mistake. FormID: 0005EE43 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene19 SCEN 0 Come on, think about it. She'd reward us! FormID: 0005EDC0 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene19 SCEN 0 If you want to go out to Whiterun and burn that meadery down, go right ahead. FormID: 0005EDC0 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene19 SCEN 1 And when the guard traces it back here, and Maven is implicated, I'll be sure to tell her it was your idea. FormID: 0005EDA9 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene20 SCEN 0 I'm telling you, Vulwulf, it's the investment you've been waiting for. FormID: 0005EE54 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene20 SCEN 0 So I pay for the weapon shipments and you oversee their distribution to the Stormcloaks? FormID: 0005EE4E DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene20 SCEN 0 Exactly. What better way to help the cause than to put weapons into the hands of young Nord warriors dying for their homeland? FormID: 0005EE4B DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene20 SCEN 0 Shor's Beard! You're right! I'll do it... provided you supervise the shipments personally. FormID: 0005EE47 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene20 SCEN 0 Don't worry, I'll treat those shipments as if I owned them myself. say slightly deviously... so other person almost wouldn't pick up on it FormID: 0005F1AB C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06KodlakCanBeCured CUST 0 Did he now? I can only hope. FormID: 0005F1AB C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06KodlakCanBeCured CUST 1 You still have the witches' heads? Excellent. Throw one of them into the fire. It will release their magic, for me at least. FormID: 0005F403 CW02A SCEN 0 You two, stay and guard the entrance. We don't want any Stormcloak reinforcements taking us by surprise. FormID: 0005F519 CW02A SCEN 0 Everyone else, with me. FormID: 0005E2FE MQ104 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 0005E2F6 MQ104 SCEN 0 No, my lord. It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would come after me for sure. trying to catch his breath and calm down FormID: 0005E2FD MQ104 SCEN 0 Good work, son. We'll take it from here. Head down to the barracks for some food and rest. You've earned it. FormID: 0005E2FB MQ104 SCEN 0 Irileth, you'd better gather some guardsmen and get down there. FormID: 0005E2F7 MQ104 SCEN 0 I've already ordered my men to muster near the main gate. FormID: 0005E2F8 MQ104 SCEN 0 One last thing, Irileth. This isn't a death or glory mission. I need to know what we're dealing with. FormID: 0005E2FC MQ104 SCEN 0 Good. Don't fail me. FormID: 0005E2C9 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene07 SCEN 0 Keeping busy, Sergius? FormID: 0005E2C0 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene07 SCEN 0 As always. The Nords don't ever stop wanting things enchanted. FormID: 0005E2CC DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene07 SCEN 0 At least it's more money for the College. FormID: 0005E2C2 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene07 SCEN 0 Perhaps, but it just means more work for me. FormID: 0005E2C4 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene06 SCEN 0 Do you think you might, err, have a moment to look at something for me? FormID: 0005E2D0 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene06 SCEN 0 If this is another dwarven trinket, I keep telling you I'm not familiar with them. FormID: 0005E2C5 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene06 SCEN 0 Yes, I just thought perhaps you'd have, err, come across something like this before. FormID: 0005E2C1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene06 SCEN 0 Why, because I'm a Dunmer? We didn't all grow up in dwarven ruins, you know. FormID: 0005E2D5 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene06 SCEN 0 Well, err, yes. Sorry to have troubled you. FormID: 0005E2CB DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene07 SCEN 0 Hello, Nirya. FormID: 0005E2C7 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene07 SCEN 0 Don't even talk to me, Gane. annoyed FormID: 0005E2D1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene07 SCEN 0 Ah, err, yes. Sorry. FormID: 0005E2C3 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene05 SCEN 0 I've had yet another complaint. Please stop barging in on experiments in progress. annoyed FormID: 0005E2CD DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene05 SCEN 0 My dear, I am merely observing the proceedings. defensive FormID: 0005E2CF DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene05 SCEN 0 Well then [QUOTE]observe[QUOTE] from a greater distance. You're making people uncomfortable. annoyed FormID: 0005E2D4 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene08 SCEN 0 How are you, Drevis? FormID: 0005E2C6 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene08 SCEN 0 Ugh. What do you want? annoyed FormID: 0005E2D3 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene08 SCEN 0 Why should I want anything? Why can't I simply be sociable with my colleagues? stammering, insulted FormID: 0005E2C8 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene08 SCEN 0 I'm busy right now, Colette. annoyed FormID: 0005E2CA DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene08 SCEN 0 Well, then. Fine. Have a nice day. insulted FormID: 0005E2D2 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene09 SCEN 0 What are you up to, Gane? Hmm? FormID: 0005E2D6 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene09 SCEN 0 What? Err, nothing! FormID: 0005E2CE DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene09 SCEN 0 Some days I marvel that you haven't managed to blow yourself up. FormID: 0005E152 CreatureDialogueIceWraith HIT_ 0 FormID: 0005DE12 TG05 TG05Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you see Karliah, don't hesitate. Kill her. FormID: 0005DE13 TG05 TG05Goodbyes GBYE 0 That's enough of this unnecessary chatting, we need to keep going. FormID: 0005DE14 TG05 TG05Goodbyes GBYE 0 Let's get going. I want her head on my mantle. FormID: 0005DE15 TG05 TG05Goodbyes GBYE 0 Have your weapon at the ready. I'm certain Karliah knows we're here. FormID: 0005DE16 TG05 TG05Goodbyes GBYE 0 Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. FormID: 00080C0F TG05 TG05Goodbyes GBYE 0 When you're ready, meet me at Snow Veil Sanctum. FormID: 0005DD99 dunValthumeQST GhostIntroBranch GhostIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Leave, stranger. Evil stirs in this place. I fear for the security of the very land if it should break free. FormID: 0005DD97 dunValthumeQST GhostIntroBranch GhostIntroContinue CUST 0 We stand at the tomb of Hevnoraak, who has been dead for many generations. I fear, however, that his return may be at hand. FormID: 0005DD9D dunValthumeQST GhostIntroBranch GhostIntroCollect CUST 0 I have been holding him here. While he regains strength, however, I am fading. With regret, not melodrama FormID: 0005DD9D dunValthumeQST GhostIntroBranch GhostIntroCollect CUST 1 By now I can barely contain his power, much less defeat him if he awakens. But with the help of a living champion I may be able to succeed. FormID: 0005DD98 dunValthumeQST GhostIntroBranch GhostIntroVillains CUST 0 You would do this? Three vessels in the tomb below hold the power to vanquish Hevnoraak. Before anything else, we need those. FormID: 0005DD98 dunValthumeQST GhostIntroBranch GhostIntroVillains CUST 1 Bring them to me - but be careful, mortal. They are guarded by Hevnoraak's minions. They will stop at nothing to see their master return. FormID: 0005DD9B dunValthumeQST GhostReturnBranch GhostReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 You've found the vessels. I worried that I had sent you to your death. FormID: 0005DD78 DialogueGeneric OUTB 0 (Heavy breathing) FormID: 000604E5 DialogueGeneric OUTB 0 (Heavy breathing) FormID: 000604E6 DialogueGeneric OUTB 0 (Heavy breathing) FormID: 0005DD4B MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm proud to be your battle-brother, Dragonborn. Whiterun doesn't need to fear with you on our side. FormID: 0005DD4A MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You sure took care of that dragon. Dragonborn or not, that's good enough for me. FormID: 000BCF2A MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I can't believe we actually killed a dragon! FormID: 000BCF2B MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Dragonborn... it's an honor. FormID: 000BCF2C MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You saved Whiterun today. We won't forget. FormID: 000BCF2D MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Is it really dead? FormID: 000BCF2E MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Come on, I want a better look at that thing. FormID: 000BCF2F MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 We taught that dragon not to mess with Whiterun, didn't we? FormID: 000BCF30 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you're on our side. FormID: 000A941C MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get under cover! The dragon - it's still around somewhere! FormID: 000A4A27 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you're coming with us. They say Talos favors you. FormID: 000A4A28 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 That dragon should've stuck with killing Imperials. Now he's going to learn how real Nords fight. FormID: 000A4A29 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 My cousin's stationed out at the watchtower. I hope he's all right. FormID: 000A4A2A MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I doubt any of us are coming back from this mission. FormID: 000A4A2B MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 With Irileth, you either come back covered with glory or not at all. FormID: 000A4A2C MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You really think we can kill a dragon? FormID: 000A4A2D MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm looking forward to testing myself against this dragon. FormID: 000A4A2E MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hear you faced a dragon at Helgen and lived to tell about it. That ain't nothing. FormID: 000A4A2F MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better keep moving. Who knows what that dragon is doing. FormID: 000A4A30 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope the tower holds out until we get there. FormID: 000A4A31 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 This doesn't look good. FormID: 000A4A32 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Shor's bones, did it kill them all...? FormID: 000A4A33 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better find out what's happened. FormID: 000A4A34 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better keep moving. FormID: 000BCF55 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Good luck. I hope you get there in time. wearily - you just ran all the way from there to deliver the news FormID: 000A941D MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Hold on. I want to hear what Irileth's saying. FormID: 0005DD43 MQ104 MQ104BDragonDead MQ104BDragonDeadTopic CUST 0 That may be true, but I ordered Irileth to bring back proof. You'd best report back to her at once. FormID: 0005DD51 MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 0 We'd better go make sure that bastard is really dead. Collect us a trophy or something to bring back to Ulfric. FormID: 0005DD52 MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 0 Scatter and get behind cover! We need to hurt it, somehow! If you've got a bow or spells, now would be a good time to use them! FormID: 0005DD4F MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 0 That was the hairiest fight I've ever been in, and I've been in more than a few. FormID: 0005DD4F MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 1 I don't know about this Dragonborn business, but I'm sure glad you're with us. FormID: 0005DD4F MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 2 You better get back to Whiterun right away. Jarl Balgruuf will want to know what happened here. FormID: 0005DD50 MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm taking command here for the moment. You head back to Whiterun and let the Jarl know what happened. FormID: 000A7920 MQ104 MQ104IrilethBlocking MQ104IrilethBlockingTopic CUST 0 Be careful. We need to find out what happened here. FormID: 0005DD4C MQ104 MQ104HrongarBlocking MQ104HrongarBlockingTopic CUST 0 If you really are Dragonborn, then Skyrim needs you. Go to High Hrothgar and talk to the Greybeards. with a note of awe/reverence FormID: 000E0EBB MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've done a great service for me and my city, Dragonborn. FormID: 0005DD45 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 So what happened at the watchtower? Was the dragon there? FormID: 0005DD46 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Help Irileth kill this dragon before it can attack Whiterun. There's no time to lose. FormID: 000DF1F5 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 There's no time to stand on ceremony, my friend. I need your help again. FormID: 000DF1F5 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 1 I want you to go with Irileth and help her fight this dragon. FormID: 000DF1F5 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 2 You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here. FormID: 0005DD47 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Not now. FormID: 0005EE37 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroA1 CUST 0 I knew I could count on Irileth. But there must be more to it than that. FormID: 0005EE3B MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroA2 CUST 0 Dragonborn? What do you know about the Dragonborn? emphasis on [QUOTE]YOU[QUOTE] -- he knows all about it, he just wants to see what you know FormID: 0005EE36 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroA3 CUST 0 There's no question about that. It was a mighty deed. You've earned a place of honor among the heroes of Whiterun. FormID: 0005EE36 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroA3 CUST 1 But there must be more to it than that. Did something... strange... happen when the dragon died? FormID: 0005DB9C VC01 VC01FilledBlackSoulGem VC01FilledBlackSoulGemTopic CUST 0 Very well. Meet me at the summoning circle in the marsh at dawn. We shall banish the creature you have become. FormID: 0006B528 VC01 VC01FilledBlackSoulGem VC01FilledBlackSoulGemTopic CUST 0 Which is utterly useless at the moment. You need to fill it with a soul. FormID: 0005DBA5 VC01 VC01RitualStart VC01RitualStartTopic CUST 0 Good, you're here. FormID: 000E7697 VC01 VC01RitualStart VC01RitualStartAgreement CUST 0 As you desire. FormID: 0005DB9D VC01 VC01RitualStart VC01RitualStartAgreement CUST 0 Stand in the center of the circle. FormID: 0005DB9B VC01 SCEN 0 I call upon Oblivion realms. The home of those who are not our ancestors. Answer my plea! Commanding. Not shouting. Words are part of a dark ritual. FormID: 0005DB9E VC01 SCEN 0 As in death there is new life, in Oblivion there is a beginning for that which has ended. Strong, commanding, words are part of a dark ritual. FormID: 0005DBA3 VC01 SCEN 0 I call forth that power! Accept the soul that we offer! Voice rising above the sounds of a portal opening to a hellish realm. FormID: 0005DBA2 VC01 VC01RitualCompletionDialogue VC01RitualCompletionDialogueTopic CUST 0 The ritual is complete. FormID: 0005DBA1 VC01 VC01RitualCompletionDialogue VC01RitualCompletionDialogue2 CUST 0 You are human again. Like the rest of us. FormID: 0008AFA1 MS13 MS13LucanVolunteer MS13LucanVolunteerTopic CUST 0 You could? I've got some coin coming in from my last shipment. It's yours if you bring my claw back. FormID: 0008AFA1 MS13 MS13LucanVolunteer MS13LucanVolunteerTopic CUST 1 If you're going after those thieves, you should head to Bleak Falls Barrow, northeast of town. FormID: 0008AFA2 MS13 MS13LucanVolunteer MS13LucanVolunteerTopic CUST 0 You could? I've got some coin coming in from my last shipment. It's yours if you bring my claw back. FormID: 00048A7C MS13 MS13LucanVolunteer MS13LucanVolunteerTopic CUST 0 Oh really? Well, I'm not going to hold my breath. FormID: 00048A7C MS13 MS13LucanVolunteer MS13LucanVolunteerTopic CUST 1 The thieves are up in Bleak Falls Barrow, northeast of town. I'd take you there, but with Lucan gone, I'm busy with the store. FormID: 0005D324 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene03 SCEN 0 Still no word from your family? FormID: 0005D31E DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene03 SCEN 0 No, and I'm not expecting any. FormID: 0005D329 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene03 SCEN 0 Really? That must be so nice. I came all the way to Skyrim just to get away from my family's expectations. FormID: 0005D320 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene03 SCEN 0 My family didn't really approve of me coming here at all. FormID: 0005D327 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene03 SCEN 0 Oh. Well, that's... awkward. Sorry to have brought it up. FormID: 0005D323 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene04 SCEN 0 Have you heard from your family recently? FormID: 0005D321 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene04 SCEN 0 No, not really. Couriers don't seem to like delivering letters here. FormID: 0005D322 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene04 SCEN 0 Ah, that's too bad. FormID: 0005D328 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene04 SCEN 0 Not at all. It means I'm not being hounded about my progress at the College. FormID: 0005D31F DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene05 SCEN 0 J'zargo continues to struggle with wards. You have time to practice? FormID: 0005D326 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene05 SCEN 0 Maybe later. I'm sort of busy now. FormID: 0005D325 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene05 SCEN 0 J'zargo understands. You hesitate because you know J'zargo will be better than you. Very well. FormID: 0005D300 MQ104 MQ104IrilethIntro MQ104IrilethIntroTopic CUST 0 Jarl Balgruuf is waiting. FormID: 0005D2FE MQ104 MQ104IrilethIntro MQ104IrilethIntroTopic CUST 0 You're the one that got out of Helgen, aren't you? I could use anyone who's tangled with a dragon before. Walk Away FormID: 0005D2FE MQ104 MQ104IrilethIntro MQ104IrilethIntroTopic CUST 1 Where do you think you'll be the most help - scouting ahead or supporting the rest of my men? Walk Away FormID: 0005D2FF MQ104 MQ104IrilethIntro MQ104IrilethIntroTopic CUST 0 Well? You going to scout ahead or travel with me? Walk Away FormID: 0005DD4E MQ104 MQ104IrilethIntro MQ104IrilethIntroA2 CUST 0 Good enough. We'll meet up near the watchtower. Don't take any chances until we get there. FormID: 0005D2E3 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, I suppose I could use a hand with something, yes. FormID: 0005D2E3 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Faralda's working on something, and I want to know what it is. FormID: 0005D2E3 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I want her notes. You think you could get them for me, without her knowing? FormID: 0005D2E5 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformCollegeAInitResponse1 CUST 0 Yes, yes it is. FormID: 0005D2E5 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformCollegeAInitResponse1 CUST 1 You have a problem with that? FormID: 0005D2E5 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformCollegeAInitResponse1 CUST 2 Look, either you get the notes or I'll figure out another way to do it. Just come find me if you can get your hands on them. FormID: 0005D2E7 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformCollegeAResponse2 CUST 0 I'll throw some money at you. Good enough? FormID: 0005D2E7 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformWinterholdCollegeAInitialBranch FreeformCollegeAResponse2 CUST 1 Just get the notes and bring them to me. If you can't do it, I'll find some other way to manage it. FormID: 0005D2E4 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA HELO 0 I'm still waiting for those notes, if you can get them. FormID: 0005D2E2 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformCollegeAFaraldaBranch FreeformCollegeAFaraldaBranchTopic CUST 0 She what? FormID: 0005D2E2 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformCollegeAFaraldaBranch FreeformCollegeAFaraldaBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh, I should've known she'd try it again! FormID: 0005D2E2 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformCollegeAFaraldaBranch FreeformCollegeAFaraldaBranchTopic CUST 2 Thanks for warning me. I'll see to it this is taken care of. FormID: 0005D2E6 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformCollegeAFinalBranch FreeformCollegeAFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, good. She didn't see you take them? FormID: 0005D2E6 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformCollegeAFinalBranch FreeformCollegeAFinalBranchTopic CUST 1 Al right, this should be enough to figure out what she's up to. Then I can make sure it doesn't work. FormID: 0005D2E6 FreeformWinterholdCollegeA FreeformCollegeAFinalBranch FreeformCollegeAFinalBranchTopic CUST 2 Good work. Here, take this, and keep quiet. FormID: 0005CE8D MQ101 SCEN 0 It's the Imperials! Take cover! in urgent undertone FormID: 0005CE90 MQ101 SCEN 0 It's the escaped prisoners! FormID: 0005CE96 MQ101 SCEN 0 Get this gate open. FormID: 0005CE21 DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 People of Riften, heed my words. The return of the dragons is not mere coincidence. FormID: 0005CE24 DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 This is one of the signs. The signs that Lady Mara is displeased with your constant inebriation. FormID: 0005CE20 DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 No, no... Maramal... we talked about this. Talen... FormID: 0005CE1E DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 Put down your flagons filled with your vile liquids and embrace the teachings of the handmaiden of Kyne. FormID: 0005CE23 DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 Keerava, certainly we can come to some sort of an understanding. These people must be made aware of the chaos they've sown. FormID: 0005CDEE DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 Enough, Maramal. We've all heard of the dragons and their return. There's no need to use them as an excuse to harass our customers. FormID: 0005CE1F DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 Very well, Talen. I'll remove myself from this den of iniquity. FormID: 0005CE22 DialogueRiftenSS05 SCEN 0 We're not kicking you out, just keep the sermons at the temple and let us all sin in peace. sarcastically accentuate [QUOTE]sin[QUOTE] FormID: 0005CCB5 CW02A SCEN 0 Well done. They never knew what hit them. FormID: 0005CCB8 CW02A SCEN 0 We had the advantage of surprise this time, but don't expect it to last. Let's move out. FormID: 0005CCB6 CW02A SCEN 0 Now let's keep moving. FormID: 0005CCB9 CW02A IDAT 0 Take that crown back to Solitude, soldier. FormID: 0005CCBA CW02A IDAT 0 Get the crown already. We don't need to hang around here any longer than necessary. FormID: 0005CCBB CW02A IDAT 0 The crown should be around here somewhere. Spread out, and keep your eyes open. FormID: 0006F964 CW02A IDAT 0 It's the Legion! FormID: 0006F965 CW02A IDAT 0 Imperials! Kill them! FormID: 0007641B CW02A IDAT 0 The Legion is here! Defend the entrance! FormID: 000C9838 CW02A IDAT 0 We have it on good authority that Ulfric has raised enough men to attack the city of Whiterun. The Jarl, however, refuses the Legion's support. FormID: 000C9838 CW02A IDAT 1 This missive should convince him. Be aware soldier, these documents contain sensitive intelligence for the Jarl's eyes only. with gravity FormID: 0005CC6C MS05 SCEN 0 Ah, Viarmo. I assume you are here to petition for the reinstatement of the Burning of King Olaf Festival. FormID: 0005CC6D MS05 SCEN 0 I am, Jarl. I wish to present King Olaf's verse from the Poetic Edda. Recovered this very day from the Bards Tomb. FormID: 0005CC6E MS05 SCEN 0 Ah, you mentioned something that would convince us the festival should take place but I didn't expect King Olaf's lost verse. Please proceed. FormID: 0005DBA0 VC01 VC01SoulGemPurchase VC01SoulGemPurchaseTopic CUST 0 I would not sell it to just anyone but I'll make an exception for you. The cost to replace the gem is quite high. FormID: 000B862D VC01 VC01SoulGemPurchase VC01SoulGemPurchaseTopic CUST 0 I believe this gem is worth more than you are at the moment. FormID: 0005CA18 MGRRogue MGRejoinInitialBranch MGRejoinInitialPayback1 CUST 0 I would hate to see our reputation further tarnished. FormID: 0005CA10 MGRRogue MGRejoinFinalBranch MGRejoinFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 Very good. I hope this will allow us to maintain our reputation. FormID: 0005CA16 MGSuspensionQuest MGSuspensionQuestBlockingBranch MGSuspensionQuestBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 You've been suspended from the College for what you did. You'd better talk to Tolfdir if you want to get it sorted out. FormID: 0005CA17 MGSuspensionQuest MGSuspensionQuestBlockingBranch MGSuspensionQuestBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry, but you've been suspended from the College. I can't be seen talking to you right now. FormID: 0005CA00 VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01CureInfo CUST 0 It requires a filled black soul gem. You will need to kill someone. FormID: 0005CA00 VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01CureInfo CUST 1 When you have a gem and have filled it return to me and I will perform the ritual. I will bring life to your dead body, vampire. FormID: 0005C9FF VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01SunlightTopic CUST 0 I met several of your kind during my studies of life-extending magics. I even considered becoming a vampire myself. FormID: 0005C9FF VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01SunlightTopic CUST 1 In the end, vampirism would endanger my ward Agni which would defeat the intended purpose. FormID: 0005C9FE VC01 VC01GeneralVampirismTopics VC01BlackSoulGemTopic CUST 0 They are rare things, I have one I picked up during my research of the Oblivion realms but it is a precious item. FormID: 0005CA01 VC01 VC01Rumors VC01RumorsTopic RUMO 0 They say Falion of Morthal has studied vampires, draugr and all matter of undead. FormID: 0005C9D9 MQ104 SCEN 0 Here's the situation. FormID: 0005C9D3 MQ104 SCEN 0 A dragon is attacking the Western Watchtower. FormID: 0005C9D8 MQ104 SCEN 0 You heard right! I said a dragon! FormID: 0005C9DC MQ104 SCEN 0 I don't much care where it came from or who sent it. What I do know is that it's made the mistake of attacking Whiterun! FormID: 0005C9D5 MQ104 SCEN 0 That's a fair question. None of us have ever seen a dragon before, or expected to face one in battle. FormID: 0005C9D4 MQ104 SCEN 0 Now what do you say? Shall we go kill us a dragon? FormID: 0005C9D6 MQ104 SCEN 0 But we are honorbound to fight it, even if we fail. This dragon is threatening our homes... our families. FormID: 0005C9D7 MQ104 SCEN 0 But Housecarl... how can we fight a dragon? FormID: 0005C9DA MQ104 SCEN 0 Yeah! yelling/cheering FormID: 0005C9DB MQ104 SCEN 0 Damn right! FormID: 0005C9D2 MQ104 SCEN 0 Yeah! yelling/cheering FormID: 0005C825 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 He's a bard, so he says. Occasionally he finds time to do his job here at the mill. FormID: 0005C825 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Thinks his ballads and sonnets are going to convince Camilla Valerius to marry him. As if she would say [QUOTE]yes.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005C825 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 An intelligent, beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense... I hope. FormID: 0005C822 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTopic01 CUST 0 I've been thinking... maybe Camilla needs a little help seeing Sven for what he is. FormID: 0005C82E FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTopic02 CUST 0 I don't need your jokes right now, but maybe you have a point. Maybe Camilla needs some help seeing Sven for what he is. FormID: 0005C81D FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalInvisibleTopic CUST 0 Could you... could you give her this letter, and say it's from Sven? I think I've matched that Nord's lack of cleverness perfectly. FormID: 0005C833 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetterBranch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetterBranchTopic CUST 0 Another poem, I'll bet. He does know how to make a girl blush. FormID: 0005C833 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetterBranch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetterBranchTopic CUST 1 What's this? If that oaf thinks all I'm going to do is stay in that filthy house of his and clean, I'll.... ends with a furious exasperation FormID: 0005C833 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetterBranch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetterBranchTopic CUST 2 You can tell Sven that he already has a mother. I'm not speaking to him anymore. FormID: 0005C834 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetter02Branch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetter02BranchTopic CUST 0 He what? What are you talking about? FormID: 0005C834 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetter02Branch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetter02BranchTopic CUST 1 Why that jealous idiot. Thought he could just manipulate me into never seeing Sven again? FormID: 0005C834 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetter02Branch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaFaendalsLetter02BranchTopic CUST 2 Thank you for telling me the truth. You should speak to Sven. I'm sure he'll want to thank you, too, for defending his name. FormID: 0005C835 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranchTopic CUST 0 What is this? The elf playing at treachery? Shocking. sarcastic FormID: 0005C835 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranchTopic CUST 1 As if I would write this dribble. How about we play a bit of turnabout with Faendal? FormID: 0005C835 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranchTopic CUST 2 Here. I had to use simple words, but this letter should convince Camilla it's from him. FormID: 0005C820 FreeformRiverwood01 IDAT 0 You may be right. Camilla may see Faendal as little more than a friend, but why take chances? FormID: 0005C820 FreeformRiverwood01 IDAT 1 Here. Give Camilla this letter. It's full of venomous nonsense. Tell her it's from Faendal. FormID: 0005C823 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Camilla Valerius knows I'm the best man in Riverwood. That elf is kidding himself if he thinks she would choose him over me. FormID: 0005C823 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I've seen him sneaking over to the Riverwood Trader to speak with her when I'm not around. He's wasting his time. FormID: 0005C824 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenTopic02 CUST 0 Is that sarcasm? I've heard better wisecracks from Orgnar. FormID: 0005C824 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenTopic02 CUST 1 Still, you have a point. Camilla letting Faendal visit her isn't a good thing for me. FormID: 0005C824 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenIntroBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenTopic02 CUST 2 Here, let me give you a particularly venomous letter. Say it's from Faendal. That should get Camilla to stop inviting the elf over. FormID: 0005C81F FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTellBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTellBranchTopic CUST 0 What is that blowhard up to now? FormID: 0005C81F FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTellBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTellBranchTopic CUST 1 So, he thinks he can turn Camilla against me? Two can play at this. FormID: 0005C81F FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTellBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalTellBranchTopic CUST 2 Here. Give this letter to Camilla and tell her it's from Sven. Let's see what she thinks of him after reading that. FormID: 0005C836 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetterBranch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetterBranchTopic CUST 0 From Faendal? That's strange. He's never written to me before. FormID: 0005C836 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetterBranch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetterBranchTopic CUST 1 What, what is this? Is this what he really thinks about me? FormID: 0005C836 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetterBranch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetterBranchTopic CUST 2 Well, you can tell that... that long-eared ass not to come around the store anymore. He's not welcome. FormID: 0005C83A FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetter02Branch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetter02BranchTopic CUST 0 What are you talking about? What's in the letter? FormID: 0005C83A FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetter02Branch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetter02BranchTopic CUST 1 Oh my. He... he wanted me to think Faendal wrote this? FormID: 0005C83A FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetter02Branch FreeformRiverwood01CamillaSvensLetter02BranchTopic CUST 2 Thank you for telling me the truth. Could you talk to Faendal, as well? I'm sure he'll want to thank you for standing up for him. FormID: 0005C837 FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01SvenRewardBranch FreeformRiverwood01SvenRewardBranchTopic CUST 0 Now that's what I like to hear. Good work. I think you deserve some gold from my tips at the inn. FormID: 0005C81E FreeformRiverwood01 FreeformRiverwood01FaendalRewardBranch FreeformRiverwood01FaendalRewardBranchTopic CUST 0 I appreciate your help. Please, take this. Some gold I've saved up from working at the mill. FormID: 0007A50B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 If that's what you want. Come find me at the College if you change your mind. FormID: 000E26F8 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 You'll be all right on your own? Then I'll see you back at the College. FormID: 000E26F9 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 Really? J'zargo was having such fun. Ah, well. Back to the College then. disappointed FormID: 000E155A DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 I understand. We must all follow our own paths. If you wish to find me again, I'll be in Nightcaller Temple. FormID: 000E2702 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 Such a shame. I thought we were getting along so well. I'll head back to Riften if you should have second thoughts. disappointed FormID: 000E155B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 Farewell, then. If you need my services again, just come and look for me in the usual place. FormID: 0007A50C DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 So you think you can make it on your own, then? We'll just see about that. His pride is a bit wounded that the player does not want to adventure with him anymore, and he's trying to sound like he doesn't care. FormID: 0007A50D DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 If that's what you want. Watch your back out there, and if you need me again, you know where I'll be. FormID: 0007A50E DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 It is a lonely thing, facing all the dangers of Skyrim by yourself. Come and find me if you decide that you miss my companionship. A bit seductive, a bit of a tease. She is sad to see the player go, and she's leaving in a way that she hopes will make the player want to hire her a FormID: 0007A50F DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 You're letting me go? What's wrong, is my skill with a blade making you look bad? Hah! I'm kidding, friend. Until we meet again! Jovial. He's giving the player a bit of a ribbing here, sounding both cocky and friendly at the same time. FormID: 000F11B2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 Well, it's been fun. I guess I'll head back to Rorikstead. The second sentence is tinged with disappointment. FormID: 0005C826 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 I will be back at your house if you need me, Thane. FormID: 0005C827 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 (whine) dog whining FormID: 0007A1EA DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 I'll head back home if you need me. FormID: 000D8DD1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 Then back home is where you'll find me. FormID: 000D8DD2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 I'll be heading home, then, if you need me. FormID: 000D8DD3 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 You need my strength again, I'll be home. FormID: 000D8DD4 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDismiss DialogueFollowerDismissTopic CUST 0 I'm heading home if you need me. FormID: 0005C61E MS05 MS05BardsCollegeInduction MS05BardsCollegeInductionTopic2 CUST 0 Yes. Congratulations, you are now a full-fledged member of the Bards College. FormID: 0005C61E MS05 MS05BardsCollegeInduction MS05BardsCollegeInductionTopic2 CUST 1 Due to your adventurous nature several of the college professors have some things they wish you to do. FormID: 0005C61E MS05 MS05BardsCollegeInduction MS05BardsCollegeInductionTopic2 CUST 2 What's more, Elisif has declared the Burning of King Olaf should become a weekly event. FormID: 0005C61E MS05 MS05BardsCollegeInduction MS05BardsCollegeInductionTopic2 CUST 3 And finally, there's the matter of the Patronage that Elisif wanted me to give you. FormID: 0005C622 MS05 MS05ReturnWithTheCoat MS05ReturnWithTheCoatTopic CUST 0 Ah the bard-to-be. Did Viarmo send you? FormID: 0005C61F VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01QuestStartTopic CUST 0 Not many come to see me. What do you want? FormID: 0005C620 VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01QuestInfo CUST 0 I know many things. I have studied things beyond the reach of most humans, traveled the Oblivion planes, seen things one should not see. FormID: 0005C620 VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01QuestInfo CUST 1 I have met Daedra and Dwemer and everything in between and I know enough to see a vampire where others would see a man. FormID: 0005C2FC MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA3 CUST 0 I hope you're just playing dumb. I'm the one who left the note in Ustengrav. FormID: 0005C2FF MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA3A1 CUST 0 Good. The whole point of being in hiding is to appear to be someone you're not. FormID: 0005BF36 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08MephalaHowToOpenDoor CUST 0 The whole of Whiterun is ripe with paranoia and tensions. The Jarl's court is right to fear the power I hold behind this door. FormID: 0005BF36 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08MephalaHowToOpenDoor CUST 1 The Jarl trusts few, and they will be his undoing. The dark child knows of what I speak. FormID: 0005BF36 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08MephalaHowToOpenDoor CUST 2 Let him guide your path. FormID: 0005BF28 DB04a DB04aRexusGreet DB04aRexusGreetTopic CUST 0 I have vowed to serve Amaund Motierre until my dying breath. Best remember that. FormID: 0005BF29 DB04a DB04aRexusGreet DB04aRexusGreetTopic CUST 0 Here. FormID: 0005BF27 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch6 AmaundContractInfoBranch6Topic CUST 0 Oh, Rexus is no mere servant. He has been with the Motierre family since I was a child. I trust the man with my life. FormID: 0005BF26 DB04a SCEN 0 Rexus. The items. FormID: 0005B5C4 DB04 SCEN 0 Poor Cicero. Dear Cicero. Such a humble servant. But he will never hear my voice. For he is not the Listener. FormID: 0005B496 DB04a DB04aDelvinMalloryGreetBranch DB04aDelvinMalloryGreetTopicTopic CUST 0 Somethin' ya need? Anything for the guild. FormID: 0005B497 DB04a DB04aDelvinMalloryGreetBranch DB04aDelvinMalloryGreetTopicTopic CUST 0 Ah, now you must be lost. Best ya scurry off while you're able. The Ratway, well, it has a habit of swallowin' up the uninvited. FormID: 0005B494 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh. Oh I see. FormID: 0005B494 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, you're makin' friends all over, ain't ya? FormID: 0005B494 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 2 So, uh... how is Astrid doing' these days? Tell her to stop by some time. We can have a drink. Catch up. FormID: 0005B494 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 3 Ah, but business! Of course. What kind of business? FormID: 0005B495 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh. Oh I see. FormID: 0005B495 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 1 Well now, how is Astrid doin' these days, uh? Tell her to stop by some time. We can have a drink. Catch up. FormID: 0005B495 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 2 Ah, but we can discuss that later, yeah? What does the Brotherhood need? FormID: 0005B492 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBranchTopic CUST 0 Let's see... FormID: 0005B492 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBranchTopic CUST 1 Where oh where did you get this? Don't answer - I don't want to know. whistles at the beginning of the line, like he can't believe what he's holding. FormID: 0005B492 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBranchTopic CUST 2 This is an amulet of the Emperor's Elder Council. Specially crafted for each member. Worth a small fortune. Ain't somethin' you'd give up lightly. FormID: 0005B492 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBranchTopic CUST 3 Look, it ain't my business ta tell the Dark Brotherhood its business, but if you killed a member of the Elder Council, you'd better belie- FormID: 0005B490 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranchTopic CUST 0 Buy it? This? An Elder Council amulet? FormID: 0005B490 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh yes. Oh yes, indeed. very sleazy, slimy, like he knows he shouldn't be doing it, but can't resist. FormID: 0005B490 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranchTopic CUST 2 Wait just one moment... like he's busy doing something (writing a note) FormID: 0005B490 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranchTopic CUST 3 Here. It's a letter of credit. Usable, by Astrid only, for any service or item I can provide. As per our standard arrangement. FormID: 0005B490 DB04a DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranch DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranchTopic CUST 4 You bring that back to your lovely mistress. With my regards. FormID: 0005B493 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB04a_05TransitionGreetTopic CUST 0 Good, you're back. Well, what did Mallory have to say? Is the amulet authentic? FormID: 0005B491 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB04a_05TransitionAstridPlayerResponse CUST 0 The Elder Council... FormID: 0005B491 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB04a_05TransitionAstridPlayerResponse CUST 1 Oh, now that explains quite a bit. Motierre, you naughty, naughty boy. Hiring the Dark Brotherhood to help you rise beyond your station. Delicious. FormID: 0005B491 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB04a_05TransitionAstridPlayerResponse CUST 2 Was Mallory willing to buy the amulet? FormID: 0005B2F0 CreatureDialogueDog IDAT 0 barking/panting happily (greeting someone he likes) FormID: 0005B2F1 CreatureDialogueDog IDAT 0 barking angrily - someone he doesn't like FormID: 0005B3C3 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Auxiliary. greeting a fellow soldier by his title FormID: 0005B3C4 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Quaestor. greeting a fellow soldier by his title FormID: 0005B3C5 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Praefect. greeting a fellow soldier by his title FormID: 0005B3C6 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Tribune. greeting a fellow soldier by his title FormID: 0005B3C9 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Legate. greeting a fellow soldier by his title FormID: 0005B3CA CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 It's always good to see someone I can count on. (busy) greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B3CB CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The general expects so much with so little. (commiserating) greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B3CC CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The sooner we end this rebellion, the sooner I'll be able to sleep at night. melancholy, thinking about all the killing of her kin folk the civil war demands FormID: 0005B3CD CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Ulfric... what have you done my old friend? (to herself) melancholy, thinking about all the killing of her kin folk the civil war demands FormID: 0005B3CE CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Stormcloaks... even the name of their rebellion stinks of Ulfric's vanity. He wants to be king. That's all this is about. One man's ambition. angry that her old friend has stirred up this rebellion FormID: 0005B3CF CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 I don't fight for the glory of the Empire, nor do I glory in the death of my kinsmen. I fight to bring peace and order to my homeland. melancholy, thinking about all the killing of her kin folk the civil war demands FormID: 0005B3D0 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Damnit! Why can't Ulfric see he's tearing Skyrim to pieces? angry and melancholy, thinking about all the killing of her kin folk the civil war demands FormID: 0005B3D1 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Sometimes I wonder if the gods have abandoned us... as we have abandoned them. distant and melancholy (ntoe: this sentiment is marginally treasonous and said without realizing it), thinking about all the killing of her kin folk FormID: 0005B3D2 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 What I do, I do for Skyrim and her people. angry and melancholy, thinking about all the killing of her kin folk the civil war demands FormID: 0005B3D3 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 When we destroy the rebellion, perhaps the Thalmor will call off their damned inquisitions. It's just making things worse. angry and melancholy, thinking about all the killing of her kin folk the civil war demands FormID: 0005B3D4 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Sometimes I miss being out there in the middle of the action. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B3D5 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Unblooded. greeting a fellow ([QUOTE]unblooded[QUOTE] is what they call the FNGs) FormID: 0005B3D6 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Ice-Veins. greeting a fellow soldier by his nick name FormID: 0005B3DC CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Bone-Breaker. greeting a fellow soldier by his nick name FormID: 0005B3E1 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Snow-Hammer. greeting a fellow soldier by his nick name FormID: 0005B404 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Stormblade. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B406 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Always good to see someone I can trust. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B407 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Sometimes I wonder if Ulfric understands what I'm dealing with out here. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B408 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 That godless Emperor can shove his damn treaty into the steaming nether-reaches of my you-know-where. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B415 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 My hatred for the Empire is exceeded only by my hatred for their witch-elf puppet-masters. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B416 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 What will Skyrim have become if her children submitted to tyranny? wistful, defiant, greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B418 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The Empire would have us become their slaves as they have become slaves to the Thalmor. I will not live as a slave, nor will I die as one. wistful, defiant, greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B41A CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The Empire is weak. That is why we fight them. Skyrim must be ruled by the strong. wistful, defiant, greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B41B CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Some say Ulfric desires to be king and nothing more... have they not seen that his anger floats on a sea of tears? wistful, defiant, greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B41C CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Countless dead haunt countless sleepless nights... when Skyrim becomes whole again, perhaps so will I. wistful, defiant, to himself FormID: 0005B41D CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 When we've reclaimed our homeland from the Imperials, we'll take the fight to the Thalmor. They are the true enemy. Make no mistake. angry, defiant, greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 0005B41E CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 If there was someone else Ulfric could trust with all this planning nonsense, I'd be out there breaking heads with the rest of you. greeting a fellow soldier FormID: 00083244 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Auxiliary. greeting special agent by rank FormID: 00083245 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Quaestor. greeting special agent by rank FormID: 00083246 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Praefect. greeting special agent by rank FormID: 00083247 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Tribune. greeting fellow superior officer FormID: 00083248 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Legate. greeting a respected fellow officer (a peer) FormID: 00083249 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Skyrim is the birth place of the Empire. We won't let a bunch of thugs rob her of her lineage. FormID: 0008324A CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 General Tullius expects much of me, and thus I expect much of my men. FormID: 0008324B CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 In these grave times each Legionnaire must be his better self at all times and under all conditions. stern admonition FormID: 0008324C CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The Empire is man's last bastion. If Ulfric wasn't blinded by lust for power, he'd see we are on the same side. FormID: 0008324D CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Were the Stormcloaks to prevail in dismantling Imperial rule in Skyrim, who would be her protector? No. We will crush this rebellion. We must do. with gusto FormID: 0008324E CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Ulfric would expunge from Skyrim citizens whose only crime was to be born of a non-Nordic woman. That is unacceptable to free men everywhere. FormID: 0008324F CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Every Legionnaire's secret weapon lies in this: knowledge of himself. And like any blade, he must be forged between the hammer and the anvil. stern sermon from commander to soldier FormID: 00083250 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 On the coldest of nights, in the steam rising from my breath, I see the many faces of the dead. heartfelt patriotism for his new home FormID: 00083251 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 We stand out here in the cold, as brothers, warmed by the knowledge that we fight for the rights of every free citizen of the Empire. patriotic FormID: 00083252 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Unblooded. greeting a volunteer ([QUOTE]unblooded[QUOTE] is what they call the FNGs) FormID: 00083253 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Ice-Veins. greeting volunteer by nickname FormID: 00083254 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Bone-Breaker. greeting special volunteer by nickname FormID: 00083255 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Snow-Hammer. greeting respected fellow freedom fighter by nickname FormID: 00083256 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Stormblade! heartily greeting a high ranked fellow freedom fighter (a peer) FormID: 00083257 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Look deeply into the faces of the warriors around you. These are the true sons and daughters of Skyrim. See her strength and nobility in their eyes. stern - heartfelt patriotism and camaraderie FormID: 00083258 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The Empire would have us become slaves to the Thalmor. We are not slaves. We are men. Free men who will slay anyone who begs to differ. stern and with gusto FormID: 00083259 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 It was anger that brought each of us here, but it is love that keeps us fighting. stern patriotism FormID: 0008325A CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The measure of a man is taken at the moment of his death. And know this for truth, the ghosts of many heroes walk among us. wistful camaraderie FormID: 0008325B CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 One lives for the things he is willing to die for. FormID: 0008325C CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 My hatred for the Empire is bested only by love for my countrymen. patriotic FormID: 0008325D CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 The Emperor would turn Skyrim into a puppet of the Dominion. I for one would not care to dance for the amusement of those foul elves. citing his reason for fighting the empire FormID: 0008325E CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 That we have forgotten them, this I fear the gods will remember. distant FormID: 0008325F CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Before we wage war upon our foes, we must wage a war against our lesser selves. Cleave to your higher voice and with it shatter your foes. stern sermon from commander to soldier FormID: 0002095B CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 I'll fight the entire Legion myself if they dare show their faces here. FormID: 00020958 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Legion soldiers gleam like fresh-fallen snow and clank like a kitchen. They head this way, we'll know it. FormID: 00020956 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 I long to be out there, with my brothers, waging war against the Empire. FormID: 0002094F CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Keep an eye out for Stormcloak spies. FormID: 00044666 CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Been so long since I killed a Stormcloak, my sword arm's getting flabby. FormID: 0002094E CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Stay alert. Never know when those Stormcloak dogs might charge. FormID: 0005B262 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene02 SCEN 0 Did I ever tell you about the day when Skald the Elder was Skald the Younger? FormID: 0005B26A DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene02 SCEN 0 I can't imagine Skald ever being young. FormID: 0005B260 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, he was young, and handsome. I had half a mind to go after him, myself, before I met my husband. FormID: 0005B26C DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene02 SCEN 0 Frida, you aren't saying.... FormID: 0005B275 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene02 SCEN 0 I was a beauty in my day, dearie. Don't act so surprised. FormID: 0005B27A DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene01 SCEN 0 Dawnstar has always held its own against the bandits and wild animals of the Pale. FormID: 0005B248 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene01 SCEN 0 Did you ever have to fight off bandits, Frida? Like in your stories? FormID: 0005B251 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene01 SCEN 0 Why, I once fought alongside your father when we were both younger. Saved him from getting his fool head sliced off. FormID: 0005B257 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene01 SCEN 0 Who were you fighting against? FormID: 0005B261 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaKaritaScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, dearie, it was so long ago. But I do remember the celebration we had afterwards. Mead never tasted so good. FormID: 0005B264 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 Thoring, do you remember the time when that wolf pack come clamoring into town? FormID: 0005B26D DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 How could I forget? That old alpha male almost took off my leg. FormID: 0005B273 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 Never did find out why they came sprawling into town like that. FormID: 0005B279 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 Animals in the Pale don't need a reason to attack Dawnstar. It's just their nature. FormID: 0005B27E DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 Now, who was it that kidnapped the Jarl's son 20 years ago? FormID: 0005B250 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 You mean Hildolf the Skull-Splitter? Remember when we rounded up the townspeople and dragged him out of that cave? FormID: 0005B256 DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 Those were the days. I'd never seen my husband fight so bravely before. FormID: 0005B25A DialogueDawnstarInnFridaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 Aye, to your husband. Divines bless his memory. FormID: 0005B265 DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene02 SCEN 0 Tough day at the mines. I swear the ore is getting harder to dig. FormID: 0005B26E DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene02 SCEN 0 You're just getting older. FormID: 0005B276 DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene02 SCEN 0 That's why I come here to talk to you. You're all heart. FormID: 0005B27B DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene01 SCEN 0 You should quit working in the Eastern Mine. Leigelf's no good to work for. FormID: 0005B24A DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene01 SCEN 0 Leigelf is a good man, and I'm not running out on him now. FormID: 0005B253 DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, got a bit of an interest in your boss do you? FormID: 0005B25D DialogueDawnstarInnIrgnirFrukiScene01 SCEN 0 No, not that it's any of your business. FormID: 0005B1F6 MQ101 SCEN 0 That thing was a dragon. No doubt. Just like the children's stories and the legends. The harbingers of the End Times. FormID: 0005B1EE MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. FormID: 0005B1EF MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, hurry up. FormID: 0005B1F0 MQ101 SCEN 0 Better to stick together down here. FormID: 0005B1EB MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's see where this goes. FormID: 0005B1B5 DialogueGenericSceneDog01 SCEN 0 Good dog. FormID: 0005B1B6 DialogueGenericSceneDog01 SCEN 0 Stupid dog. FormID: 0005B1F5 MQ101 SCEN 0 No going back that way, now. FormID: 0005B1DA MQ101 SCEN 0 We'd better push on. The rest of them will have to find another way out. worried FormID: 0005B1F3 MQ101 SCEN 0 Hmm. That doesn't go anywhere. FormID: 0005B1D7 MQ101 SCEN 0 I guess we'd better try this way. FormID: 0005B1EC MQ101 SCEN 0 Hold up. There's a bear just ahead. See her? in an undertone FormID: 0005B1F8 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'd rather not tangle with her right now. Let's try to sneak by. Just take it nice and slow, and watch where you step. FormID: 0005B1E7 MQ101 SCEN 0 Go ahead. I'll follow your lead and watch your back. FormID: 0005B1F7 MQ101 SCEN 0 Almost there. in a whisper FormID: 0005B1F1 MQ101 SCEN 0 Whew. That was close. FormID: 0005B1F2 MQ101 SCEN 0 Sneaking is overrated, eh? FormID: 0005B200 MQ101 SCEN 0 That looks like the way out! I knew we'd make it! FormID: 00056AAA MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Surely even down in Cyrodiil people have heard news of the war in Skyrim? FormID: 00056AAA MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 1 The Nords are tired of spending our blood fighting the Empire's wars, and paying for the Empire's decadence with our taxes. FormID: 00056AAA MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 2 Ulfric is our rightful High King. He's leading the fight to drive the Empire out of Skyrim, once and for all. enthusiastically FormID: 00056B1E MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 0 You haven't heard of the civil war in Skyrim? I guess down in Cyrodiil people have other things to worry about. FormID: 00056B1E MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 1 It's pretty simple. Ulfric founded the Stormcloaks years ago, as a sort of private army to advance his ambitions. FormID: 00056B1E MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 2 He's always used the ban on the worship of Talos to stir people up against the Empire. FormID: 00056B1E MQ00 MQ102StormcloaksBranch MQ102StormcloaksTopic CUST 3 He never succeeded in getting much support, so a few months ago he murdered the High King! That got the Empire's attention. FormID: 00056AA9 MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 0 I was assigned to Ulfric's guard. We were on our way to Darkwater Crossing, in the south of Eastmarch. FormID: 00056AA9 MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 1 The Imperials were waiting for us. As pretty an ambush as I ever saw. We were outnumbered five to one, at least. FormID: 00056AA9 MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 2 Ulfric ordered us to stop fighting. Didn't want us all to die for nothing, I guess. FormID: 00056AA9 MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 3 I thought they were taking us south to Cyrodiil. Parade us in front of the Emperor. But then we stopped in Helgen, and you know the rest. FormID: 00056B1F MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 0 A masterstroke by General Tullius! He's only been in charge here for a few months, but he's turned things around for the Empire. admiringly FormID: 00056B1F MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 1 We've been trying to catch Ulfric since the war started, but he always seemed to slip through our fingers... like he knew we were coming. FormID: 00056B1F MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 2 This time, the General turned the tables on him. Ulfric rode right into our ambush with only a few bodyguards. FormID: 00056B1F MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 3 He surrendered pretty meekly, too. So much for his death-or-glory reputation. FormID: 00056B1F MQ00 MQ102UlfricCaptureBranch MQ102UlfricCaptureTopic CUST 4 I thought we were taking Ulfric back to Cyrodiil, but I guess the General changed his mind. You know the rest. FormID: 0005B2B3 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgBranch FFRiften17HafjorgBranchTopic CUST 0 I swear, if I wasn't around, Elgrim would forget to eat his meals. How we make any coin at all is beyond me. FormID: 0005B2B3 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgBranch FFRiften17HafjorgBranchTopic CUST 1 In fact, I need to arrange for someone to pick up an ore sample for me in Shor's Stone... goodness knows Elgrim won't lift a finger to do it. FormID: 0005B211 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgBranchTopic CUST 0 When Elgrim said we were setting up shop down here, I told him he would catch his death. FormID: 0005B211 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgBranchTopic CUST 1 The dirt, the moisture... it's disgusting. Who wants to spend their life living like a skeever? FormID: 0005B211 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgBranchTopic CUST 2 But that old bellyacher just fed me some nonsense about light ruining his mixtures and being close to the water... agh. frustrated FormID: 0005B17F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic CUST 0 I know how to mix a few basic potions, but I'm nowhere near as skilled as a master alchemist. FormID: 0005B17F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic CUST 1 I've picked up a few tricks by reading the tomes scattered all over the shop, but I don't have the knack to pull half of the formulas off. FormID: 0005B0D4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Oh! No, I didn't mean it that way. Elgrim can barely put his on his own shoes let alone have the energy to pursue a young girl. laugh FormID: 0005B0D4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic01 CUST 1 He's been gushing about how talented Ingun is at alchemy. He'd never say it to her face; that's not his way. FormID: 0005B0D4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I just think Elgrim's taken it upon himself to mentor the young thing so he focuses a lot of attention on her. FormID: 0005B002 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgBranch FFRiften17HafjorgBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You would? Oh, that would be wonderful. FormID: 0005B002 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgBranch FFRiften17HafjorgBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Speak to Filnjar in Shor's Stone. He's got some sort of ore sample he wants us to identify and was willing to pay us well for it. FormID: 0005AFFE FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgBranch FFRiften17HafjorgBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The job pays well, so I hope I can make arrangements soon. We could really use the gold. FormID: 0005B212 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17FilnjarBranch FFRiften17FilnjarBranchTopic CUST 0 It's about time; I sent them a letter weeks ago. That Elgrim... he'd forget his own pants if his wife didn't help him dress. hearty laugh at end FormID: 0005B212 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17FilnjarBranch FFRiften17FilnjarBranchTopic CUST 1 Here you go. Tell Hafjorg that she can chip off whatever she thinks is a fair trade for their time. FormID: 0005B0D5 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17FilnjarOreSample FFRiften17FilnjarOreSampleTopic CUST 0 Redbelly is supposed to be nothing but an iron mine. Been working it for years. FormID: 0005B0D5 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17FilnjarOreSample FFRiften17FilnjarOreSampleTopic CUST 1 Then right before the spiders had moved in, we found that chunk of ore. Never seen anything like it. FormID: 0005B0D5 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17FilnjarOreSample FFRiften17FilnjarOreSampleTopic CUST 2 I want to know what I'm dealing with before I start tearing it out of the ground. FormID: 0005B063 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgReturnBranch FFRiften17HafjorgReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you. I'll be sure to get Elgrim to examine this as soon as his... busy schedule allows. sarcasm at the end... the thank you is genuine FormID: 0005B063 FreeformRiften17 FFRiften17HafjorgReturnBranch FFRiften17HafjorgReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, I had him make you a few things for all that travel. FormID: 0005AFE3 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18MadesiBranch FFRiften18MadesiBranchTopic CUST 0 I do. Sadly, I'm one of the few traditional Saxhleel Jewelers that remains in Tamriel; it's becoming a lost art. FormID: 0005AFE3 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18MadesiBranch FFRiften18MadesiBranchTopic CUST 1 Only trouble is gathering materials has become hazardous. The roads to the mines and to the other cities are thick with bandits... and worse. FormID: 0005AFE3 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18MadesiBranch FFRiften18MadesiBranchTopic CUST 2 Would you be interested in gathering some materials for me? I'd certainly be happy to compensate you. FormID: 0005B2B9 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18MadesiBranch FFRiften18MadesiBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you, marsh-friend. FormID: 0005B2CF FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18MadesiBranch FFRiften18MadesiBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you, land-strider. FormID: 0005B1D0 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18MadesiBranch FFRiften18MadesiBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I'm seeking a small list of items to complete my next creation: two flawless sapphires, a mammoth tusk and a chunk of gold ore. FormID: 0005B04D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiSaxhleelBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiSaxhleelBranchTopic CUST 0 Forgive me. It's a term I haven't used in some time. While most in Tamriel call my kind Argonian, we prefer the term Saxhleel. FormID: 0005B062 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiSaxhleelBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiSaxhleelBranchTopic CUST 0 Forgive me. It's a term I haven't used in some time. While most in Tamriel would call us Argonian, we prefer the term Saxhleel. FormID: 0005B001 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiSaxhleelBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiSaxhleelBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Madesi was actually my original Saxhleel name. Unlike others, I decided to embrace tradition and keep it that way. FormID: 0005AFFF FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18SapphireBranch FFRiften18SapphireBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, these will make wonderful settings for my rings. FormID: 0005B206 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18TuskBranch FFRiften18TuskBranchTopic CUST 0 The ivory from this tusk will be perfect for the inlay on my amulets. FormID: 0005B0CC FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18GoldBranch FFRiften18GoldBranchTopic CUST 0 Perfect. Melting this down will give me plenty of gold for those necklaces I started. FormID: 0005B000 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18DoneListBranch FFRiften18DoneListBranchTopic CUST 0 No, I think I have enough here to get started. FormID: 0005B000 FreeformRiften18 FFRiften18DoneListBranch FFRiften18DoneListBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, let me give you this. It's the least I can do for all your trouble. FormID: 0005AEB9 CW02A SCEN 0 And this must be the Hall of Stories. FormID: 0005AEBE CW02A SCEN 0 Oh... I've heard of this. These walls are supposed to show the history of the ancients who built this place. FormID: 0005AEC1 CW02A SCEN 0 Too bad we can't read these carvings. Who knows what secrets we'd uncover? FormID: 0005AEBA CW02A SCEN 0 One thing at a time soldier. Focus on our primary mission. We're searching for the crown. FormID: 0005AEBF CW02A SCEN 0 Looks like we weren't the first ones here, either. wondering at the dead bodies FormID: 0005AEB7 CW02A SCEN 0 Even if these carvings tell us where the crown is, I'm sure we're going to have to find a way through this door. FormID: 0005AEBC CW02A SCEN 0 See what you can figure out auxillary, I'm going to check out these carvings over here. Let me know if you find something. FormID: 0005AEC0 CW02A SCEN 0 Hmm... what is that? Some kind of stone claw? I wonder what it's used for. FormID: 0005AEB8 CW02A SCEN 0 Careful! I wouldn't do that again unless you know for sure it's going to open. FormID: 0005AEBD CW02A SCEN 0 Uh oh! Look out! FormID: 0005AEC2 CW02A SCEN 0 Looks like the door will open if we turn these rings the right way. FormID: 0005AEBB CW02A SCEN 0 Maybe there's something on the claw itself that could help us. FormID: 0005AE9E TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic CUST 0 Now that you've transacted the Oath, it's time to reveal the final piece of the puzzle to you; Mercer's true crime. very serious FormID: 0005AEA4 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Mercer was able to unlock the Guild's vault without two keys because of what he stole from the Twilight Sepulcher... the Skeleton Key. delivering a serious revelation FormID: 0005AEA4 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic01a CUST 1 By doing this, he's compromised our ties to Nocturnal and in essence, caused our luck to run dry. FormID: 0005AE9D TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Well, yes. But the Key isn't only restricted to physical barriers. a bit surprised Player isn't getting the big picture FormID: 0005AE9D TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic02 CUST 1 All of us possess untapped abilities; the potential to wield great power, securely sealed within our minds. FormID: 0005AE9D TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Once you realize the Key can access these traits, the potential becomes limitless. FormID: 0005AE8E MGRRogue MGRejoinJarlBranch MGRejoinJarlBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, so they've finally sent someone to deal with that lunatic. FormID: 0005AE8E MGRRogue MGRejoinJarlBranch MGRejoinJarlBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, is it taken care of? FormID: 0005AE8C MGRRogue MGRejoinJarlBranch MGRejoinFollowUp1 CUST 0 Well, that's good to know. I suggest you tell your people at the College to keep a tighter leash on their mages. FormID: 0005AE8B MGRRogue MGRejoinInitialBranch MGRejoinInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid so. There's a problem with one of the Jarls here in Skyrim. FormID: 0005AE8F MGRRogue MGRejoinInitialBranch MGRejoinInitialExplanation1 CUST 0 He's been complaining of a member of the College running amok in his hold. FormID: 0005AE90 MGRRogue MGRejoinInitialBranch MGRejoinInitialExplanation1 CUST 0 She's been complaining of a member of the College running amok in her hold. FormID: 0005AE8D MGRRogue MGRejoinInitialBranch MGRejoinInitialExplanation2 CUST 0 We have, of course, severed all ties with the mage in question, but the Jarl isn't appeased. FormID: 0005AE8D MGRRogue MGRejoinInitialBranch MGRejoinInitialExplanation2 CUST 1 So, the mage needs to be [QUOTE]taken care of,[QUOTE] if you understand me. FormID: 0005A867 DB09 SCEN 0 This city is crawling with Imperial Legion, and you know what? I'm still nervous. FormID: 0005A868 DB09 SCEN 0 All these damn Stormcloaks. They're making me nervous. Never in a million years did I imagine they'd gain control of Solitude. FormID: 0005A86B DB09 SCEN 0 Lazy and useless, the lot of them. They can't even keep the Stormcloaks in line. No way I trust them with the Emperor's life. FormID: 0005A86C DB09 SCEN 0 I'm all for diplomacy, but the sooner the Emperor deals with this civil war mess, the sooner we can get back to Cyrodiil. FormID: 0005A86D DB09 SCEN 0 You worry too much. The Emperor's never been safer. You think assassination attempts are planned overnight? We discovered the plot. End of threat. FormID: 0005A864 DB09 SCEN 0 I suppose. But what about the old man? Son killed, family name ruined... and he acts as if nothing even happened. Think he's even fit for duty? FormID: 0005A865 DB09 SCEN 0 I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Commander Maro is the best the Penitus Oculatus has ever produced. You should be half the man he is. FormID: 0005A866 DB09 SCEN 0 You misunderstand. It's just... I feel for him, is all. To carry a weight like that. It's got to take its toll. That happened to me, I'd be a wreck. FormID: 0005A6A3 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103UlfricBookTopic CUST 0 Are you now? You were at Helgen, one of the prisoners. Although no one seems to know how you got mixed up in that affair. suspiciously Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A3 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103UlfricBookTopic CUST 1 Normally, I would have welcomed someone like you -- resourceful, clearly no friend of the Empire. Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A3 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103UlfricBookTopic CUST 2 But I've had some disturbing reports of you... seen talking to General Tullius in Castle Dour, for example. Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A3 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103UlfricBookTopic CUST 3 So what do you have to say for yourself? How can I be sure you're not an Imperial spy? Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A0 CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103TulliusBookTopic CUST 0 You... you were at Helgen. One of the prisoners. What makes you think I'm interested in someone like you for the Legion? Walk Away FormID: 0005A6AB CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103BTulliusBookA1 CUST 0 You... what? How could you possibly... Walk Away FormID: 0005A6AB CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103BTulliusBookA1 CUST 1 Oh, so you're trying to play both sides, is that it? What do you really want? Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A9 CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103BTulliusBookA2 CUST 0 You'd do well to get out of here before I change my mind and have you locked in irons... FormID: 0005A6A6 CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103BTulliusBookB1 CUST 0 Well... you did show remarkable initiative. And you didn't have to bring the crown to me... mulling it over Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A6 CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103BTulliusBookB1 CUST 1 But let me warn you - joining the Legion is for life. Any previous loyalties... I trust we understand each other. Walk Away FormID: 0005A6A6 CW02B MQ103TulliusBook MQ103BTulliusBookB1 CUST 2 You can prove your new allegiance to me, by delivering an important message to the Jarl of Whiterun. Walk Away FormID: 0005A6B9 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookA1 CUST 0 So you as good as admit you're working for the Imperials. Yet you walk in here, and ask to join me. What are you playing at? Walk Away FormID: 0005A6B7 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookA2 CUST 0 The Imperials wouldn't have just let you walk away. Remember that. FormID: 0005A6B1 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookB1 CUST 0 You're not short of guts, are you? What's your game? Walk Away FormID: 0005A6B1 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookB1 CUST 1 Why would Tullius waste resources getting the crown only to give it to me? Poisoned perhaps? No. He's not that cunning. Walk Away FormID: 0005A6B1 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookB1 CUST 2 Alright. I believe you. You aren't the first to turn away from the Empire in disgust. Walk Away FormID: 0005A6B1 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookB1 CUST 3 But remember - you're one of us now, forever. Whatever Imperial loyalties you may have had... that's all in the past, forgotten. with a slight edge -- a bit of a threat Walk Away FormID: 0005A6B1 CW02A MQ103UlfricBook MQ103AUlfricBookB1 CUST 4 Now, to prove yourself to me, I have a task for you. Take my axe, and deliver it to the Jarl of Whiterun. the axe means he's ready to wage war against his enemy Walk Away FormID: 0005A409 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridWhatToDoTopic CUST 0 Dear brother, I need you to steal into that chamber, and eavesdrop on their meeting. FormID: 0005A409 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridWhatToDoTopic CUST 1 It'll be no use clinging to the shadows. They'll see you for sure. No, you need a hiding place. Somewhere they'd never think to look. FormID: 0005A409 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridWhatToDoTopic CUST 2 Like inside the Night Mother's coffin. FormID: 00059631 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridWhatToDoTopic CUST 0 Dear sister, I need you to steal into that chamber, and eavesdrop on their meeting. FormID: 00059631 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridWhatToDoTopic CUST 1 It'll be no use clinging to the shadows. They'll see you for sure. No, you need a hiding place. Somewhere they'd never think to look. FormID: 00059631 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridWhatToDoTopic CUST 2 Like inside the Night Mother's coffin. FormID: 0005A0D4 TG08A SCEN 0 Beyond this gate is the first step in becoming a Nightingale. FormID: 0005A0C5 TG08A SCEN 0 Okay, lass. We've got these getups on... now what? a bit grumpy... not sure you believe in what you're doing FormID: 0005A092 TG08A SCEN 0 What sort of arrangement? I need to know the terms. FormID: 00059F49 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 No shipments have come in. nervous about having bad news FormID: 00059F37 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 What do I pay you for, to stand around all day? You're supposed to be bringing goods to the store. frustrated FormID: 00059F48 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 There are no goods to bring to the store. That's what I'm saying. defensive FormID: 00059F50 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 Lazy oaf. FormID: 00059F59 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 Where are my goods? Did the shipment come in? FormID: 00059F2C DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 Only a few things came today. Cedran said he'd drop it off later. FormID: 00059F32 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 Cedran said he'd... what am I paying you for? Next time, you bring the shipment in yourself. incredulous FormID: 00059F38 DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushOmluag02 SCEN 0 Careful. You spill one drop of silver, I'm taking it out of your hide. FormID: 00059F3E DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushOmluag02 SCEN 0 I'm being as careful as I can. FormID: 00059F46 DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushOmluag02 SCEN 0 Did you just talk back to me? I'm not paid to listen. I'm paid to keep you working. Now work. FormID: 00059F4E DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushOmluag01 SCEN 0 Mulush, we need a break. The heat from the smelter is too much. FormID: 00059F54 DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushOmluag01 SCEN 0 Are you complaining? Work. If you have strength to whine, you have strength to smelt. FormID: 00059F5B DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushHathrasil02 SCEN 0 I could smelt metal in half the time as you weak-willed pink-skins. Do I have to do everything? FormID: 00059F5F DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushHathrasil02 SCEN 0 No Mulush. I'll work harder. FormID: 00059F33 DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushHathrasil01 SCEN 0 I don't want any of you thieving workers even thinking about stealing any silver. FormID: 00059F3B DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushHathrasil01 SCEN 0 If I see you sneaking off with even one speck of silver, I'll break your leg and throw you into the river. FormID: 00059F3F DialogueMarkarthSmelterMulushHathrasil01 SCEN 0 Yes, Mulush. FormID: 00059F4B DialogueMarkarthSmelterOmluagHathrasil02 SCEN 0 Careful of the molten metal. That gets on you, kiss your fingers goodbye. FormID: 00059F51 DialogueMarkarthSmelterOmluagHathrasil02 SCEN 0 I know what I'm doing. Stop telling me. FormID: 00059F5A DialogueMarkarthSmelterOmluagHathrasil01 SCEN 0 Divines, I'm tired. This is too much work. FormID: 00059F2D DialogueMarkarthSmelterOmluagHathrasil01 SCEN 0 Just keep at it, or Mulush will beat you. FormID: 0001E3A9 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofBlockingTopic PFGT 0 Ha, I knew you'd join up! Great news. We'll take back Skyrim together, eh? FormID: 0001E3A9 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofBlockingTopic PFGT 1 I'm glad I'll have you beside me in there. This place chills my blood, and I don't care who knows it. nervous FormID: 000E6C33 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofBlockingTopic PFGT 0 I remember you... you were with us at Helgen. I heard you joined us. Welcome to the Stormcloaks! FormID: 000E6C33 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofBlockingTopic PFGT 1 Ooh... This place really chills the blood, eh? a shiver runs down your spine FormID: 00059EE1 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofIntroA1 CUST 0 These old ruins... My father always told me to stay away from them. Good advice, I'd say. FormID: 00059EE2 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofIntroA2 CUST 0 You, too, huh? I'd take a straight fight with the whole Legion over creeping around a place like this. FormID: 00059EE3 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103RalofIntroB1 CUST 0 But never mind all that. We've got a job to do, and nothing's going to stand in our way. bucking himself up FormID: 00059EE7 CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You must be the new recruit. Welcome to the Legion. FormID: 000A094B CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 At least we got the damn crown. I hope it was worth it. FormID: 000A094C CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wish the Legate would let us clear out of here. Place gives me the creeps. FormID: 00059EE8 CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't know what we're doing here, but orders are orders. FormID: 00059EE9 CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I keep thinking I see something moving in the shadows... FormID: 00059EEA CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope we don't run into anything worse than Stormcloaks in here. FormID: 00059EEB CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 It's the waiting that gets me. FormID: 0005A0B8 CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't like the look of this place. FormID: 00059EEC CW02A MQ103ASoldierBlocking MQ103ASoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Nobody allowed in. Ulfric Stormcloak's orders. Consider yourself warned. FormID: 00059EED CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You must be the new unblooded. Welcome to the fight, brother. FormID: 00059EEE CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 You must be the new unblooded. Welcome to the fight, sister. FormID: 000A094E CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 At least we got the damn crown. I hope it was worth it. FormID: 000A094F CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wish Galmar would hurry it up. We shouldn't be here. FormID: 00059EEF CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I don't know what we're doing here. Ulfric must have his reasons. FormID: 00059EF0 CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I keep thinking I see something moving in the shadows... FormID: 00059EF2 CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are we waiting for? FormID: 00059EF1 CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 I hope we don't run into anything worse than Imperials in here. FormID: 0005A086 CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Keep a sharp eye out. FormID: 00059EF3 CW02B MQ103BSoldierBlocking MQ103BSoldierBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't interfere with Imperial Legion business. Now move along, unless you want three inches of steel in your gut. FormID: 0005A0D5 TG08A SCEN 0 The terms are quite simple, Brynjolf. Nocturnal will allow you to become a Nightingale and use your abilities for whatever you wish. FormID: 0005A0D5 TG08A SCEN 1 And in return, both in life and in death, you must serve as a guardian of the Twilight Sepulcher. [QUOTE]in life and in death[QUOTE] should stand out FormID: 0005A0AD TG08A SCEN 0 Aye, there's always a catch. But at this point, I suppose there isn't much to lose. amused - [QUOTE]it figures[QUOTE] FormID: 0005A0AD TG08A SCEN 1 If it means the end of Mercer Frey, you can count me in. finally agreeing FormID: 0005A091 TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 What about you? Are you ready to transact the Oath with Nocturnal? FormID: 0005A0C0 TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Good. After I open the gate, please stand on the western circle. FormID: 0005A0CF TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic02 CUST 0 By transacting the Oath with Nocturnal, you're entering into a business deal. FormID: 0005A0CF TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic02 CUST 1 You'll be provided all of the power and knowledge befitting a Nightingale. FormID: 0005A0CF TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic02 CUST 2 You're free to use those powers as you see fit to further your own goals or the goals of the Thieves Guild. FormID: 0005A0CC TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic03 CUST 0 In return, you'll be required to defend the Twilight Sepulcher and everything within when the need arises. FormID: 0005A0CC TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic03 CUST 1 More importantly, upon your death, your spirit will be bound to the Twilight Sepulcher as one of its guardians. FormID: 0005A0D6 TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Once the Oath has been struck, the terms are binding. very serious FormID: 0005A0D6 TG08A TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranch TG08AKarliahPreOathQuestionBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Knowing this, are you ready to undergo the ceremony? very serious FormID: 00059AD4 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene01 SCEN 0 How's the forge today? happy to see his old friend FormID: 00059AFA DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene01 SCEN 0 It's fine. Much better than the rickety tools I had in the Legion. reminiscing about old times FormID: 00059AD7 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene01 SCEN 0 Remember that old rusty sword I had? Damn thing must have had over a hundred chips in it. reminiscing about old times FormID: 00059AE6 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene01 SCEN 0 Well, if you had learned to swing it correctly. A sword is an extension of the arm, not a meat cleaver. reminiscing about old times FormID: 00059AF4 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene01 SCEN 0 I was about to say how impressed I was that you always managed to put it back together. reminiscing about old times FormID: 00059ACF DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene01 SCEN 0 Flattery doesn't suit you, Thongvor. sarcasm FormID: 00059AEA DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene02 SCEN 0 Hello, my friend. Come to visit the forge? happy to see an old friend FormID: 00059AF9 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene02 SCEN 0 I grow tired of counting coin all day. Put steel in my hand, not gold. frustrated with work, longing for his days in the Legion FormID: 00059AD6 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene02 SCEN 0 Your family's success burdens you, does it? empathizing with her friend FormID: 00059AE7 DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene02 SCEN 0 Sometimes I miss the Legion, back when the Empire stood up for Skyrim. FormID: 00059AFB DialogueMarkarthKeepMothThongvorScene02 SCEN 0 No politics, Thongvor. I told you before. FormID: 00059A82 CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarBlockingTopic PFGT 0 Good to see you, my friend! I knew you'd make a proper Legionnaire. FormID: 00059A82 CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarBlockingTopic PFGT 1 I'm glad you'll be with me in there. I don't like the looks of this place... and I'm not talking about the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000E6C5A CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarBlockingTopic PFGT 0 I remember you... You were with us at Helgen... I heard you came around and picked the right side. Welcome to the Legion! remembering FormID: 000E6C5A CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarBlockingTopic PFGT 1 I'm glad you're with us. I don't like the looks of this place... and I'm not talking about the Stormcloaks. FormID: 00059A83 CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarIntroA1 CUST 0 These old ruins... They don't want us here, the ancient ones. Better left alone. FormID: 00059A84 CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarIntroB1 CUST 0 But never mind all that. We're the Emperor's soldiers. We'll do our duty no matter what stands in our way, right? dismissing his own fears, cheering himself up FormID: 00059A81 CW02A MQ103HadvarBlocking MQ103HadvarIntroA2 CUST 0 You, too, huh? I'd much rather a straight up fight than creeping around a place like this. FormID: 000596F4 MG08 SCEN 0 You've come for me, have you? FormID: 000596F8 MG08 SCEN 0 You think I don't know what you're up to? You think I can't destroy you? FormID: 000596F1 MG08 SCEN 0 The power to unmake the world at my fingertips, and you think you can do anything about it? mocking FormID: 000596F7 MG08 SCEN 0 Come then. See what I can do now. FormID: 000596F5 MG08 MG08Stage10TolfdirBranch MG08Stage10TolfdirBranchTopic CUST 0 You're the one with the staff, my boy. FormID: 000596F6 MG08 MG08Stage10TolfdirBranch MG08Stage10TolfdirBranchTopic CUST 0 You're the one with the staff, my dear. FormID: 000596F3 MG08 MG08Stage10TolfdirBranch MG08Stage10TolfdirFollowUp CUST 0 If it can help us get inside the College, and reach Ancano, we'll have to hope that there's a way to stop all this. FormID: 000596F0 MG08 SCEN 0 Be on your guard. I've no idea what to expect inside the College. FormID: 000596F2 MG08 SCEN 0 Head for the Great Hall, quickly! Don't stop for anything! FormID: 00059634 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaQuestCompleteGreetTopic CUST 0 Ah, at last. I've been anxiously awaiting your return. FormID: 00074DB1 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaQuestCompleteGreetTopic CUST 0 Why are you here? Killing Gaius Maro is but the first step of your contract - you must also plant the incriminating letter on his body... FormID: 00059636 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic CUST 0 Yes, I know. As does Astrid. You have done well, and have earned both your reward, and a bonus, as I may have mentioned. FormID: 00059636 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic CUST 1 But you should know that we have a more pressing matter to deal with. FormID: 00059636 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic CUST 2 It's... Cicero. There's been an incident. You should proceed into the Sanctuary. I'll let Astrid explain. FormID: 00059643 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic CUST 0 Yes, I know. As does Astrid. And you've earned your payment, though the bonus is forfeit, as I'm sure you're aware. FormID: 00059643 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic CUST 1 But you should know that we have a more pressing matter to deal with. FormID: 00059643 DB06 DB06GabriellaCompleteGreetBranch DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic CUST 2 It's... Cicero. There's been an incident. You should proceed into the Sanctuary. I'll let Astrid explain. FormID: 000590B4 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 What should we have tonight? FormID: 000590AE DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Something simple, a stew perhaps. FormID: 000590BA DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Stew again, papa? I want steak. FormID: 00059093 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Maybe we could spend a little bit more and buy some meat, Endon. FormID: 00059098 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Maybe. Let me think about it. FormID: 0005909C DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 Markarth has changed, but the inn is as lively as ever. FormID: 000590A1 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 The city hasn't changed that much, dear. Same old dwarven stones gathering the same old moss. FormID: 000590AA DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 The stones aren't what bother me, love. The Forsworn are tearing the Reach apart. FormID: 000590B1 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 Let's not talk about this over dinner. FormID: 000590B9 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine1 SCEN 0 Look at you, begging on the streets. Learn a trade. FormID: 00059092 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine1 SCEN 0 Picking on me again, you backbiting Nord? Tired of those prissy nobles turning down your rotten slabs of venison? FormID: 00059095 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine1 SCEN 0 How dare you. No one turns down cut meat from Hogni Red-Arm! FormID: 0005909A DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine1 SCEN 0 Hogni Red-Arm, more like Hogni Fat-Arm. FormID: 0005909F DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine2 SCEN 0 Alms. Give me some meat, you fat Nord! FormID: 000590A5 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine2 SCEN 0 What did you say to me, Reachman? FormID: 000590B3 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine2 SCEN 0 I said give me some meat. I'm hungry, and the Divines know you don't need more food in that huge gut of yours. FormID: 000590B8 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine2 SCEN 0 You little twig. I'll snap you in two! FormID: 00059091 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniDegaine2 SCEN 0 Just try it. Maybe a little time inside Cidhna Mine will get rid of all that fat on you. FormID: 00058F85 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook MQ103UlfricRetrieveBookTopic CUST 0 Damn him - the old bear was right! Did you run into any trouble? laughing, pleasantly surprised FormID: 00058EC2 TG08A TG08AKarliahInitialBranch TG08AKarliahInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. genuine FormID: 00058ED2 TG08A TG08AKarliahInitialBranch TG08AKarliahInitialBranchTopic01 CUST 0 If you'll follow me, I'll try to explain on the way. FormID: 00058ECF TG08A TG08AKarliahInitialBranch TG08AKarliahInitialBranchTopic02 CUST 0 This is the headquarters of the Nightingales, cut into the mountainside by the first of our kind. FormID: 00058ECF TG08A TG08AKarliahInitialBranch TG08AKarliahInitialBranchTopic02 CUST 1 We've come to seek the edge we need to defeat Mercer Frey. a bit smug, about to unveil a secret? FormID: 00058EBB TG08A SCEN 0 So, this is Nightingale Hall. I heard about this place when I joined the Guild, but I never believed it existed. sense of wonderment FormID: 00058EC8 TG08A SCEN 0 The assumption that the Nightingales were just a myth was seeded within the Guild on purpose. FormID: 00058EC8 TG08A SCEN 1 It helped avert attention from our true nature. FormID: 00058ED4 TG08A SCEN 0 What's wrong, Brynjolf? I can almost hear your brow furrowing. wry humor FormID: 00058EC3 TG08A SCEN 0 I'm trying to understand why I'm here, lass. I'm no priest, and I'm certainly not religious. Why pick me? FormID: 00058EC9 TG08A SCEN 0 This isn't about religion, Brynjolf... it's business. FormID: 00058ED7 TG08A SCEN 0 This is Nightingale Hall. You're the first of the uninitiated to set foot inside in over a century. FormID: 00058EC6 TG08A TG08ABecomeNightingaleBranch TG08ABecomeNightingaleBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's my hope that you will, yes. FormID: 00058EC1 TG08A TG08ABecomeNightingaleBranch TG08ABecomeNightingaleBranchTopic04 CUST 0 This isn't about religion or destiny. This is nothing more than a business transaction between yourself and Nocturnal. FormID: 00058EC1 TG08A TG08ABecomeNightingaleBranch TG08ABecomeNightingaleBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Consider this an extremely risky job but with a massive potential for profit, and you'll do fine. FormID: 00058ECA TG08A SCEN 0 I call upon you Lady Nocturnal, Queen of Murk and Empress of Shadow... hear my voice! emotive - an oath to a goddess FormID: 00058EBE TG08A SCEN 0 My Lady, I've come before you to throw myself upon your mercy and to accept responsibility for my failure. humbled - speaking to a goddess FormID: 00058ECE TG08A SCEN 0 Lady Nocturnal, we accept your terms. We dedicate ourselves to you as both your avengers and your sentinels. FormID: 00058ECE TG08A SCEN 1 We will honor our agreement in this life and the next until your conditions have been met. FormID: 00058EBC TG08A SCEN 0 I have two others that wish to transact the Oath; to serve you both in life and in death. humbled - you are speaking to a goddess FormID: 00058ECB TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic CUST 0 Listen, lad. There's one last piece of business we need to settle before we go after Mercer... the leadership of the Guild. FormID: 00058ECC TG08A TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranch TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic CUST 0 Listen, lass. There's one last piece of business we need to settle before we go after Mercer... the leadership of the Guild. FormID: 00058CF4 DarkBrotherhood DBAlainAdditionalTalkBranch DBAlainAdditionalTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know how you made it this far, but you'll go no farther. bored and arrogant FormID: 00058C47 DA16 SCEN 0 It's a curse! It has to be! I've got to get out of this town. FormID: 00058C43 DA16 SCEN 0 Irgnir, get a hold of yourself. They're just dreams. Please tell her, Erandur. FormID: 00058C44 DA16 SCEN 0 It's the same dream over and over again. You think that's normal? It's evil I tell you! FormID: 00058C45 DA16 SCEN 0 Erandur, she has a point. You keep telling us no harm will follow these dreams, but they must be an omen. FormID: 00058C46 DA16 SCEN 0 I... I will. Thank you... FormID: 00058B39 MS08 MS08KematuAmbushBranch MS08KematuAmbushBranchTopic CUST 0 Now, we'll take our friend here back to Hammerfell, where she will pay the price for her treason. FormID: 00058B38 MS08 MS08KematuAmbushBranch MS08KematuAmbushFollowUp CUST 0 Not on the way back. Once she gets there, it's not up to me to decide what's done with her. FormID: 00058B38 MS08 MS08KematuAmbushBranch MS08KematuAmbushFollowUp CUST 1 And as for you, I owe you a portion of the reward, don't I? FormID: 00058B38 MS08 MS08KematuAmbushBranch MS08KematuAmbushFollowUp CUST 2 Well, here you go. Spend it wisely, and if I may... Don't allow yourself to be fooled by a pretty face. You're better than that. FormID: 00058B37 MS08 MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranch MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Stay your hand, warrior! FormID: 00058B37 MS08 MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranch MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 It's no secret why you're here and you have proven your skill in combat. Let us talk a moment, and no one else needs to die. FormID: 00058B37 MS08 MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranch MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 2 I think we can all profit from the situation in which we find ourselves. FormID: 00058B37 MS08 MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranch MS08KematuST100ForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 3 My men will not attack you, if you will lower your weapons. FormID: 000587F7 TG08A SCEN 0 Brynjolf, the time has come to decide Mercer's fate. Until a new Guild Master is chosen, the decision falls to you. FormID: 000587F4 TG08A SCEN 0 Aye, lass... and I've come to a decision. FormID: 000587F4 TG08A SCEN 1 Mercer Frey tried to kill both of you, he betrayed the Guild, murdered Gallus and made us question our future. He needs to die. You are not happy with this decision/reluctant FormID: 000587F8 TG08A SCEN 0 We have to be very careful, Brynjolf. Mercer is a Nightingale, an Agent of Nocturnal. FormID: 000587F5 TG08A SCEN 0 Then it's all true... everything I heard in the stories. The Nightingales, their allegiance to Nocturnal and the Twilight Sepulcher. FormID: 000587F9 TG08A SCEN 0 Just outside of Riften, beyond the Southeast Gate is a small path cut up the mountainside. FormID: 000587F9 TG08A SCEN 1 At the end of that path is a clearing and an old standing stone. I'd ask you both meet me there. FormID: 0005AEA3 TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I suggest you talk to Karliah first. She has some news that'll turn your stomach. FormID: 000587FA TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 Time's wasting and Mercer's still out there. Let's get this show on the road. a bit annoyed FormID: 00058EBF TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 This is enough to make your head spin, eh? FormID: 00058EC0 TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I think we should trust the lass and take the deal. FormID: 000587FB TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I'm just as puzzled as you, lad. FormID: 0005DDB0 TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I'm just as puzzled as you, lass. FormID: 000587FC TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I think we can trust Karliah. Let's see what she's on about. FormID: 000BA03D TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I have some preparations of my own to make. I'll meet you at the stone. FormID: 000587FE TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 Not now, lad. Karliah said it was important. a bit annoyed FormID: 000587FF TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 Not now, lass. Karliah said it was important. FormID: 00058800 TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 We'll speak when the Oath is complete. FormID: 000C3CFD TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 You appear ready for the Oath. FormID: 000C3CFE TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 You appear hesitant to don your Nightingale Armor. What's troubling you? FormID: 000C3CFF TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 It's just ahead. Please, keep following. FormID: 000C3D00 TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I'm preparing to leave for the standing stone. What is it? FormID: 000BA03E TG08A TG08AHellos HELO 0 I promise you, all your questions will be answered. You just have to trust me. FormID: 000587F6 TG08A TG08AKarliahWhatsGoingOnBranch TG08AKarliahWhatsGoingOnBranchTopic CUST 0 From the moment you were struck with my poisoned arrow at Snow Veil Sanctum, my path changed its course. FormID: 000587F6 TG08A TG08AKarliahWhatsGoingOnBranch TG08AKarliahWhatsGoingOnBranchTopic CUST 1 Perhaps I couldn't bring Mercer back alive, but together, we were able to clear my name and to put Gallus's memory to rest. FormID: 000587F6 TG08A TG08AKarliahWhatsGoingOnBranch TG08AKarliahWhatsGoingOnBranchTopic CUST 2 I'd always intended Mercer's fate to ultimately be decided by the Guild, and it seems they've spoken. a bit of regret FormID: 00058655 CW02B SCEN 0 ... FormID: 000A1910 CW02B IDAT 0 Get to Windhelm with the crown as quick as you can. Tell Ulfric he owes me a drink. gloating FormID: 000763FB CW02B IDAT 0 It's the rebels! Defend the entrance! FormID: 0006F974 CW02B IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! FormID: 000C983E CW02B IDAT 0 Yes. An axe. How long have you been in Skyrim. Give the man my axe. explaining the custom to a foreigner Walk Away FormID: 000C983E CW02B IDAT 1 If he keeps it, I will bide my time. If he returns it to you, it means war. explain custom to a foreigner. Walk Away FormID: 000C983F CW02B IDAT 0 Men who understand each other often have no need for words. as a mentor Walk Away FormID: 000C983F CW02B IDAT 1 There are but a few simple truths behind one warrior giving another his axe. as a mentor Walk Away FormID: 000C983F CW02B IDAT 2 Balgruuf will know my meaning. solemn, that meaning is [QUOTE]pick a side or WAR[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000C9842 CW02B IDAT 0 Men who understand each other often have no need for words. as a mentor Walk Away FormID: 000C9842 CW02B IDAT 1 There are but a few simple truths behind one warrior giving another his axe. as a mentor Walk Away FormID: 000C9842 CW02B IDAT 2 Hrongar will know my meaning. solemn, that meaning is [QUOTE]pick a side or WAR[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000C9843 CW02B IDAT 0 Keep your wits about you. The Jarl of Whiterun is known for his temper. it's true, but making a joke FormID: 00058656 CW02B SCEN 0 Get yourself kitted out with what you need. Welcome to the fight, brother! FormID: 000585FA t02 T02AcolyteComeBackLaterBranch T02AcolyteComeBackLaterBranchTopic CUST 0 This temple is dedicated to Mara, and the light of love she shines on us all. FormID: 000585FA t02 T02AcolyteComeBackLaterBranch T02AcolyteComeBackLaterBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm only a humble acolyte, though. If you wish to avail yourself of Mara's blessing, you should speak with Dinya Balu or Maramal. FormID: 000585F9 t02 T02AcolyteComeBackLaterBranch T02AcolyteComeBackLater CUST 0 They should be back shortly. You're welcome to wait here if you like. FormID: 000582EC C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerTriesToHideContinuation CUST 0 Mind you, it's no business of mine what each Companion does in the name of honor. FormID: 000582EC C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerTriesToHideContinuation CUST 1 But this sneaking around. It doesn't befit warriors of your standing. Aela knows better, and so should you. FormID: 000582E2 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakContinuation CUST 0 In any case, I have a task for you. FormID: 000582D2 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakGiveTaskTopic CUST 0 Have you heard the story of how we came to be werewolves? FormID: 000582EE C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakILessThanThreeWerewolves CUST 0 Aye, that sounds like him. FormID: 000582EE C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakILessThanThreeWerewolves CUST 1 As in all matters of faith, though, the reality is more complicated than one believer would tell you. FormID: 000582DC C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakBadDog CUST 0 The boy has a nugget of truth, but the reality is more complicated than that. FormID: 000582DC C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakBadDog CUST 1 It always is. FormID: 000582E0 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakTruthAboutDogs CUST 0 The Companions are nearly five thousand years old. This matter of beastblood has only troubled us for a few hundred. FormID: 000582E0 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakTruthAboutDogs CUST 1 One of my predecessors was a good, but short-sighted man. He made a bargain with the witches of Glenmoril Coven. FormID: 000582E0 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakTruthAboutDogs CUST 2 If the Companions would hunt in the name of their lord, Hircine, we would be granted great power. FormID: 000582DB C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakPowerDescribe CUST 0 They did not believe the change would be permanent. The witches offered payment, like anyone else. FormID: 000582DB C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakPowerDescribe CUST 1 But we had been deceived. FormID: 000582E7 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakButILikeWerewolves CUST 0 The witches didn't lie, of course. But it's more than our bodies. FormID: 000582E4 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakSonOfAWitch CUST 0 We'll get to that. FormID: 000582E4 C04 C04KodlakGiveTask C04KodlakSonOfAWitch CUST 1 It's not so simple as just killing them, though. FormID: 000582DE C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakReallyGiveTaskTopic CUST 0 Ah yes, their trickery. FormID: 000582F2 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakBodyToSoul CUST 0 The disease, you see, affects not just our bodies. It seeps into the spirit. FormID: 000582F2 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakBodyToSoul CUST 1 Upon death, werewolves are claimed by Hircine for his Hunting Grounds. FormID: 000582F2 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakBodyToSoul CUST 2 For some, this is a paradise. They want nothing more than to chase prey with their master for eternity. FormID: 000582F2 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakBodyToSoul CUST 3 And that is their choice. But I am still a true Nord. And I wish for Sovngarde as my spirit home. FormID: 000582D9 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIsThereACure CUST 0 That's what I've spent my twilight years trying to find out. FormID: 000582D9 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIsThereACure CUST 1 And now I've found the answer. The witches' magic ensnared us, and only their magic can release us. FormID: 000582D9 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIsThereACure CUST 2 They won't give it willingly, but we can extract their foul powers by force. FormID: 000582D9 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIsThereACure CUST 3 I want you to seek them out. Go to their coven in the wilderness. Strike them down as a true warrior of the wild. FormID: 000582D9 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIsThereACure CUST 4 And bring me their heads. The seat of their abilities. From there, we may begin to undo centuries of impurity. FormID: 000582D4 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakJustMeQuestionMark CUST 0 You shall have no Shield-Brother this time. But the spirit of Ysgramor goes with you, to restore the honor of his legacy. FormID: 000582ED C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakImOnIt CUST 0 Good. Now move quickly. And don't leave any of them alive. FormID: 000582E6 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIWantToBeAWerewolf CUST 0 This is not about your desires, lad. FormID: 000B9DD1 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakIWantToBeAWerewolf CUST 0 This is not about your desires, lass. FormID: 000582F1 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04VilkasOutJustOutWhy CUST 0 I hope it was important, because it means you weren't here to defend him. Walk Away FormID: 000582DD C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04VilkasCutToTheChase CUST 0 One of the fiercest battles I've ever seen. Walk Away FormID: 000582D1 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04VilkasMistuhKodlakHeDead CUST 0 The Silver Hand. They finally found enough courage to attack Jorrvaskr. Walk Away FormID: 000582D1 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04VilkasMistuhKodlakHeDead CUST 1 We fought them off, but... choking back tears Walk Away FormID: 000582D1 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04VilkasMistuhKodlakHeDead CUST 2 The old man... Kodlak... he's dead. Walk Away FormID: 000582E3 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04AnyoneElse CUST 0 No, but they made off with all our fragments of Wuuthrad. FormID: 000582E3 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04AnyoneElse CUST 1 But you and I are going to reclaim them. FormID: 000582E3 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04AnyoneElse CUST 2 We will bring the battle to their chief camp. There will be none left living to tell their stories. Only songs of Jorrvaskr will be sung. FormID: 000582E3 C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04AnyoneElse CUST 3 We will avenge Kodlak. And they will know terror before the end. FormID: 000582DF C05 C05VilkasUponReturnBranch C05VilkasCodeSixLetsGo CUST 0 The others have probably prepared Kodlak's funeral by now. FormID: 000582DF C05 C05VilkasUponReturnBranch C05VilkasCodeSixLetsGo CUST 1 Come up to the Skyforge to pay your respects. FormID: 000582E1 C06 SCEN 0 Before the ancient flame... FormID: 000582E5 C06 SCEN 0 We grieve. FormID: 000582D3 C06 SCEN 0 We grieve. FormID: 000582EF C06 SCEN 0 We grieve. FormID: 000582DA C06 SCEN 0 For the fallen... FormID: 000582EA C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasOutsideTombBranchTopic CUST 0 Return Wuuthrad to Ysgramor. It should open the way. FormID: 000582D6 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranchTopic CUST 0 Do you have the fragments of Wuuthrad, still? FormID: 000582D6 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll need to prepare them for mounting again. FormID: 000582E8 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundYouBetcha CUST 0 Don't get too flowery on me, lad. FormID: 000956B3 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundYouBetcha CUST 0 Don't get too flowery on me, lass. FormID: 000582E9 C06 C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranch C06KodlakHeyImAGhostBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. My fellow Harbingers and I have been warming ourselves here. Trying to evade Hircine. FormID: 000582D7 C06 C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranch C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranchTopic CUST 0 And so slain the beast inside of me. FormID: 000582D7 C06 C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranch C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranchTopic CUST 1 I thank you for this gift. The other Harbingers remain trapped by Hircine, though. FormID: 000582D7 C06 C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranch C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranchTopic CUST 2 Perhaps from Sovngarde, the heroes of old can join me in their rescue. The Harrowing of the Hunting Grounds. It would be a battle of such triumph. FormID: 000582D7 C06 C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranch C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranchTopic CUST 3 And perhaps some day, you'll join us in that battle. But for today, return to Jorrvaskr. Triumph in your victory. FormID: 000582D7 C06 C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranch C06KodlakSeeYaLaterBranchTopic CUST 4 And lead the Companions to further glory. FormID: 0005829E C04 C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranch C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranchTopic CUST 0 Aela's laid claim to your services, and I've learned the hard way not to upset her. Best you stick to her for now. FormID: 0005829F C04 C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranch C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranchTopic CUST 0 Aela said you were hers, and I wasn't supposed to interfere. She scares me. FormID: 000582A0 C04 C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranch C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranchTopic CUST 0 And there is more work to be done, but I fear that Kodlak's gotten wind of our recent efforts. He's asked to see you. FormID: 000582A0 C04 C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranch C04OtherCompanionsRedirectBranchTopic CUST 1 My advice? Always be honest with the old man, but don't tell him anything he doesn't need to know. FormID: 0005829B C04 C04VilkasPostAttackBranch C04VilkasPostAttackBranchTopic CUST 0 Where have you been? Walk Away FormID: 0005829C C05 C05VilkasUponReturnBranch C05VilkasUponReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 We did well today, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000582EB C05 C05VilkasUponReturnBranch C05VilkasUponReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 We did well today, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000580A0 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Final1 CUST 0 They're mercenaries, only in it for the money. They're led by a man named Kematu. Get rid of him, and the rest will scatter. Walk Away FormID: 000580A0 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Final1 CUST 1 I don't dare show my face, lest they recognize me, so you'll have to find out where they are. Walk Away FormID: 00057FB1 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse1 CUST 0 Please, our tribe suffers and we need help. FormID: 00057FB3 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialFollowUp CUST 0 Our Chief, Yamarz, was once a strong and proud warrior. Now he is stricken, cursed. FormID: 00057FB3 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialFollowUp CUST 1 He is weak, and so our tribe is weak. The giants sense this, and intrude on our territory. Now they assault our very home. FormID: 00057FB3 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialFollowUp CUST 2 Yamarz refuses help, but I sense that you may be just what we need. FormID: 00057FB2 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse2 CUST 0 No, don't go! FormID: 000D9DBC DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse2 CUST 0 No, don't go! You may not be one of our tribe, but you are an Orc nonetheless! FormID: 00057FA0 MS08 SCEN 0 We meet at last, my dear lady. FormID: 00057FA3 MS08 SCEN 0 What is this? FormID: 00057FA2 MS08 SCEN 0 What have you done? FormID: 00057FA5 MS08 SCEN 0 Oh, come now. You didn't really expect to manipulate people forever, did you? Your luck had to run out sometime. FormID: 00057FA4 MS08 MS08SaadiaST125Branch MS08SaadiaST125FollowUp CUST 0 But where will I go? I can't keep running forever! FormID: 00057FA1 MS08 MS08SaadiaST125Branch MS08SaadiaST125Response1 CUST 0 After all this, I have to pick up and leave again? FormID: 00057FA1 MS08 MS08SaadiaST125Branch MS08SaadiaST125Response1 CUST 1 If you really think this is the only way, I trust you. Let's not waste any time. FormID: 00057F7E DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Keep talking, little man, and we'll see who gets [QUOTE]punished.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005809E DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Hmph. Said like an angry growl FormID: 00057F81 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Wait, oh wait. I know you! Yes, yes. From the road! Cicero never forgets a face. FormID: 00057F82 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Another member of the Family! Hello, hello. So very good to meet you. FormID: 00057F83 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 No time to talk now, my friend. No time. Out mistress needs tending. Keeping. Giggles after he says [QUOTE]keeping[QUOTE] FormID: 00057F84 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Why talk? Cicero has nothing to say to you. Call it a matter of... trust. FormID: 00057F85 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, I do wish we could get to know each other better. But not now! I must tend to mother. See her settled. FormID: 00057F7F DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 0 I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! Emphasis on both [QUOTE]my[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]our[QUOTE] FormID: 00057F7F DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 1 And you helped me! You helped poor Cicero! You talked to Loreius, got him to fix my wheel! FormID: 00057F7F DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 2 Oh, you may have pleased me, but you have surely pleased the Night Mother. And our mother, she will never forget. FormID: 000CF756 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 0 I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! Emphasis on both [QUOTE]my[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]our[QUOTE] FormID: 000CF756 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 1 But you disappeared! You were there... then you weren't! Did you mean to help poor Cicero or not? I'm left to wonder... FormID: 000CF756 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 2 Ah, it doesn't matter. What's done is done, right? Cicero is here! As is the Night Mother! Joy of joys! FormID: 00057F80 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 0 I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! Emphasis on both [QUOTE]my[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]our[QUOTE] FormID: 00057F80 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 1 Oh, but you didn't help poor Cicero! You helped that stupid farmer! Stupid Loreius! Oh, the guard said cruel things about us. Untrue things... FormID: 00057F87 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancScrewedHim CUST 0 He said I attacked someone! On the road! But it never happened. Never. Sweet mother and I were just waiting. My knife was sheathed! FormID: 00057F88 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancScrewedHim CUST 0 He said I was transporting weapons! For the war! In mother's coffin! He made me... open it! Indignity! Sacrilege! FormID: 00057F89 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroPlayerSancScrewedHim CUST 0 He said I stole something! Me! Poor Cicero. A common thief. The very thought is insulting. One might even say... maddening. FormID: 00057F7B DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroNeverMetResponse1 CUST 0 So polite! So nice! Cicero likes you. The Night Mother is sure to like you too. Oh, we're going to be fast friends. Fast friends. FormID: 00057F7C DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroNeverMetResponse2 CUST 0 Do you mistrust poor Cicero? I am, as you say, just an innocent jester. A fool! Oh, but my work is not foolish, no. For I am our mother's Keeper. gives a disappointed [QUOTE]tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning. FormID: 00057F7D DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroNeverMetResponse3 CUST 0 Oooh... So silent. So menacing. A true assassin of the old way. Cicero likes you. Oh yes, Cicero likes you, indeed. FormID: 00057DBF CW02B SCEN 0 Follow me. Quickly and quietly now. I want their guts on the ground before they even know we're here. fiercely FormID: 00057DC0 CW02B SCEN 0 But do not make the mistake of underestimating the Legion. Plenty of them are Nords same as us. FormID: 00057BCD CW02B SCEN 0 You hear anything? FormID: 00057BD0 CW02B MQ103BKorvanjundIntro MQ103BKorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 0 I've found the final resting place of the Jagged Crown. Can you believe it? Well, I'm almost certain. bragging a little FormID: 00057BD0 CW02B MQ103BKorvanjundIntro MQ103BKorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 1 We're headed to Korvanjund. But, if old King Borgas is indeed buried there, we're bound to run into trouble of some kind. confidentially FormID: 00057BD0 CW02B MQ103BKorvanjundIntro MQ103BKorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 2 Your fellow Stormcloaks are already assembling outside the tomb. I'll meet you there as soon as I'm finished up here. giving orders FormID: 00058F8A CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 Get the crown. We will keep an eye out for more of those dustmen. FormID: 00058F8B CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 That crown should be around here somewhere. Just keep an eye out for the bonewalkers... FormID: 00059EE5 CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 The Imperials are here in force. Stick together. FormID: 00057BD1 CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 What's the Legion doing here? Damn Imperial spies... Well, should be fun for us, at least. They don't seem to know we're here yet. Walk Away FormID: 00057BD1 CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 1 Ready to spill some Imperial blood for Skyrim? grimly Walk Away FormID: 00058F8C CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 You ready? grumpily Walk Away FormID: 00057BCB CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundWait CUST 0 Even the Imperials might eventually decide to patrol their perimeter. Get yourself ready! FormID: 00057BCE CW02B MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjund MQ103GalmarAtKorvanjundAttack CUST 0 That's what I like to hear. FormID: 000579A4 MS08 SCEN 0 Alik'r, hold! FormID: 000579A6 MS08 SCEN 0 You've proven your strength, warrior. Let's avoid any more bloodshed. FormID: 000579A7 MS08 SCEN 0 I think you and I have some things to talk about. FormID: 00057996 MQ102A GBYE 0 Be careful on the way to Solitude. Damn Stormcloaks could be anywhere. FormID: 00057997 MQ102A GBYE 0 We'd better keep moving. I feel like that dragon might be up there watching us right now. FormID: 0009E680 MQ102A GBYE 0 Good luck. If you get a chance, look me up in Solitude. FormID: 00057998 MQ102B GBYE 0 I'm going to rest up here a while before heading to Windhelm. Be careful. FormID: 00057999 MQ102B GBYE 0 We'd better keep moving. I don't want to run into any Imperials who know what happened at Helgen. FormID: 0009E65C MQ102B GBYE 0 Good luck. Come to Windhelm and talk to Ulfric. You won't regret it. FormID: 00056BA3 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroContinuation CUST 0 See if you can find some, and I'll try to find some more interesting work by the time you get back. FormID: 00056BAB CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of the Reach has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BAC CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Haafingar has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BAD CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Hjaalmarch has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BAE CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Falkreath has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BAF CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Whiterun has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BB0 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of the Pale has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BB1 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of the Rift has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BB2 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Eastmarch has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BB3 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Winterhold has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BB4 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuation CUST 0 A citizen of Skyrim has been kidnapped. FormID: 00056BA4 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuationTwo CUST 0 The Companions have been asked for assistance, and we shall answer. Particularly when the pay is as good as this. FormID: 00056BA4 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08IntroContinuationTwo CUST 1 Get moving. I shudder to think what might happen if you're too late. FormID: 00056B24 MQ102A MQ102ACivilWar MQ102ACivilWarTopic CUST 0 People are rightly stirred up about the damn Thalmor being allowed to roam around arresting people, just for worshipping Talos. FormID: 00056B24 MQ102A MQ102ACivilWar MQ102ACivilWarTopic CUST 1 But was it worth tearing Skyrim apart, and maybe destroying the Empire? No, Ulfric will have a lot to answer for in the end. FormID: 00056B24 MQ102A MQ102ACivilWar MQ102ACivilWarTopic CUST 2 Nords have always supported the Empire, and the Empire has always been good for Skyrim. FormID: 00056B25 MQ102A MQ102ACivilWar MQ102ACivilWarTopic CUST 0 I just hope the war doesn't come to Riverwood. There's enough trouble in the world without those Stormcloaks stirring up more. FormID: 00056B26 MQ00 MQ102ADragon MQ102ADragonTopic CUST 0 So did I! If the damn Stormcloaks somehow found one, or woke it up... the war might be about to take an ugly turn. FormID: 00056B26 MQ00 MQ102ADragon MQ102ADragonTopic CUST 1 Hard to believe it was just a coincidence, that the first dragon anyone's seen for centuries attacks just as Ulfric was about to be executed. FormID: 00056B27 MQ00 MQ102ASonsofSkyrim MQ102ASonsofSkyrimTopic CUST 0 You didn't know? That was Ulfric Stormcloak and his top lieutenants. FormID: 00056B20 MQ00 MQ102ASonsofSkyrim MQ102ASonsofSkyrimA1 CUST 0 Right, the leader of the Stormcloaks. FormID: 00056B20 MQ00 MQ102ASonsofSkyrim MQ102ASonsofSkyrimA1 CUST 1 They claim to be fighting for Skyrim's freedom, but the war is really all about Ulfric wanting to be High King of Skyrim. FormID: 00056B23 MQ00 MQ102ASonsofSkyrim MQ102ASonsofSkyrimA2 CUST 0 Oh, right, you were caught trying to cross the border into Skyrim, weren't you? FormID: 00056B23 MQ00 MQ102ASonsofSkyrim MQ102ASonsofSkyrimA2 CUST 1 You're not kidding. Ulfric's the leader of the Stormcloaks - you know, the traitors trying to break Skyrim away from the Empire. FormID: 00056B21 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 0 I guess that wasn't such a big deal elsewhere in the Empire, but here it's caused a lot of resentment. Native son and all that. FormID: 00056B21 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 1 Even I'll admit it hasn't been the Empire's finest hour. But it wasn't like the Emperor had any choice, did he? defensively FormID: 00056B21 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 2 If he hadn't signed the peace treaty with the Thalmor, they would have destroyed the Empire - then where would Skyrim be? FormID: 00056B21 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 3 That's the part that Ulfric's supporters always conveniently forget about. Unless the Empire stands together, the Thalmor will destroy us all. FormID: 00056B22 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 0 It's from that treaty that ended the Great War, remember, when the Emperor was forced by the Thalmor to outlaw Talos worship. FormID: 00056B22 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 1 We didn't pay much attention to it when I was a boy - everyone still had their little shrine to Talos. FormID: 00056B22 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 2 But then Ulfric and his [QUOTE]Sons of Skyrim[QUOTE] started agitating about it, and sure enough the Emperor had to crack down. FormID: 00056B22 MQ102A MQ102ATalos MQ102ATalosTopic CUST 3 Dragging people off in the middle of the night... one of the main causes of this war, if you ask me. FormID: 00056AF1 MS10 MSStigBasicBranch MS10StigIntroduces CUST 0 Name is Stig Salt-Plank, one of the captains of the Blood Horkers. This would be the first time the player has heard the name of the pirate group (Blood Horkers), so it should have the feel of an introduction. FormID: 00056AF2 MS10 SCEN 0 I've got a top man on the job right now. He should be returning any moment. FormID: 00056AF3 MS10 SCEN 0 I've got a sharp woman on the job right now. She should be returning any moment. FormID: 00056AF5 MS10 SCEN 0 This must be him, then. FormID: 00056AF6 MS10 SCEN 0 This must be her, then. FormID: 00056AF4 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaFogExposition CUST 0 Hard to say. The weather's taken a bit of a turn, here. FormID: 00056AF4 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaFogExposition CUST 1 Haldyn's been known to obscure his hideaways with magic. FormID: 00056AF4 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaFogExposition CUST 2 If we take care of him, the way should be clear to properly assault the island. FormID: 00056AF0 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPostBattle MS10AdelaisaPostBattleTopic CUST 0 Impressive work. We started the attack once you made the fog scamper away like that. FormID: 00056AF0 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPostBattle MS10AdelaisaPostBattleTopic CUST 1 Hope you didn't catch any of the fire. FormID: 00056AF0 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPostBattle MS10AdelaisaPostBattleTopic CUST 2 We can head back whenever you're set. There's celebrating to be done! FormID: 00056AB1 MQ102B MQ102BCivilWar MQ102BCivilWarTopic CUST 0 The Empire may have been good for Skyrim once upon a time, but those days are long past. FormID: 00056AB1 MQ102B MQ102BCivilWar MQ102BCivilWarTopic CUST 1 Banning the worship of Talos was the last straw. Thalmor everywhere, dragging people off for honoring our own gods! FormID: 00056AB1 MQ102B MQ102BCivilWar MQ102BCivilWarTopic CUST 2 I'm glad Ralof is helping drive them out of here. If I was a bit younger, I might have joined the fight myself. fiercely FormID: 00056AB2 MQ102B MQ102BCivilWar MQ102BCivilWarTopic CUST 0 I've got enough to worry about, taking care of my family. I don't concern myself with such matters. FormID: 00056AAD MQ102B MQ102BHodDragonBlocking MQ102HodDragonTopic CUST 0 So you saw a dragon, did you? Tell me, what was it like? As big as a house? eager, curious FormID: 00056AB4 MQ102B MQ102BHodDragonBlocking MQ102HodDragonA1 CUST 0 Sure, sure. It's just, you know, not every day I meet someone who's laid eyes on a dragon. apologetic FormID: 00056AB0 MQ102B MQ102BHodDragonBlocking MQ102HodDragonA2 CUST 0 Well I'll be! That'd be a sight to see. almost wistfully FormID: 00056AB0 MQ102B MQ102BHodDragonBlocking MQ102HodDragonA2 CUST 1 Not that I actually want to see one, understand. I hope that dragon stays far away from here. hastily FormID: 00056AAB MQ102B MQ102BHodDragonBlocking MQ102HodDragonA3 CUST 0 Don't even say such things! I hope that dragon stays away from Riverwood. We don't need that kind of trouble. aghast FormID: 00056AAC MQ00 MQ102BDragon MQ102BDragonTopic CUST 0 What? Oh, hardly! I don't think even Ulfric could pull a dragon out of his pocket. FormID: 00056AAC MQ00 MQ102BDragon MQ102BDragonTopic CUST 1 Lucky for us it attacked when it did, eh? I wasn't looking forward to getting a shave from the Imperial headsman. a little giddy with relief FormID: 00056AA8 MQ00 MQ102BSonsofSkyrim MQ102BSonsofSkyrimTopic CUST 0 Seriously, you don't know? That was Ulfric Stormcloak himself. FormID: 00056AB3 MQ00 MQ102BSonsofSkyrim MQ102BSonsofSkyrimA1 CUST 0 Right. The leader of our fight against the Empire. I forget that most people don't know what he looks like, except for those Imperial wanted posters. FormID: 00056AAE MQ00 MQ102BSonsofSkyrim MQ102BSonsofSkyrimA2 CUST 0 Oh, right, they said you were captured crossing the border. FormID: 00056AAE MQ00 MQ102BSonsofSkyrim MQ102BSonsofSkyrimA2 CUST 1 Still, I'm surprised you haven't heard of Ulfric. He's our leader - the leader of the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0005660B MS04 SCEN 0 I don't like this place. It feels like we're being... watched. FormID: 0005660C MS04 SCEN 0 It's a simple job, Drennen. We get in, we steal the Lexicon, we leave. Don't get jumpy. FormID: 00056613 MS04 SCEN 0 If you two cannot handle this, we can find others to hire. FormID: 000565E5 MS04 SCEN 0 Enough. Their services will be more than adequate. Let us continue. FormID: 000565F7 MS04 SCEN 0 This place is unbelievable. FormID: 000565E1 MS04 SCEN 0 Indeed. Avanchnzel is as much a library as it is a city. Built to hold the vast memories of the Dwemer. FormID: 000565F9 MS04 SCEN 0 Anavchnzel is waiting. FormID: 000565E3 MS04 SCEN 0 Why are all these metal... things... ignoring us? FormID: 00056602 MS04 SCEN 0 I told you we should have hired a thief. FormID: 00056601 MS04 SCEN 0 We are thieves, you fool. We're stealing the cube. emphasis on [QUOTE]are[QUOTE] FormID: 000565F3 MS04 SCEN 0 And yet none of us can pick a damned lock. FormID: 000565E2 MS04 SCEN 0 This place is huge. FormID: 00056600 MS04 SCEN 0 It is large, indeed. I did not anticipate Avanchnzel's size or the time needed to uncover the entrance. FormID: 00056614 MS04 SCEN 0 Maybe we should turn back. I don't want to sleep here. FormID: 000565FD MS04 SCEN 0 Drennen, you do understand that the Lexicon at the bottom of this place holds the accumulated memories of centuries of Dwemer. FormID: 000565FB MS04 SCEN 0 So? FormID: 00056608 MS04 SCEN 0 So we're not turning back, you fool. FormID: 000565F4 MS04 SCEN 0 I thought you said these things were [QUOTE]sleeping[QUOTE]? FormID: 000565EA MS04 SCEN 0 You said they were sleeping. I said they were waiting. It seems a few of them were [QUOTE]waiting[QUOTE] for someone to try and take the Lexicon. Emphasis on [QUOTE]You[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]I[QUOTE] in the first sentence. FormID: 00056611 MS04 SCEN 0 Great. Sarcastic FormID: 000565ED MS04 SCEN 0 The Lexicon had better be worth all this trouble. FormID: 000565E9 MS04 SCEN 0 I assure you, it is. The knowledge contained in the Lexicon created everything you see around you. FormID: 0005660F MS04 SCEN 0 You sure that's power we're meant to have? FormID: 000565FF MS04 SCEN 0 Absolutely. FormID: 000565E4 MS04 SCEN 0 Drennen! FormID: 0005660D MS04 SCEN 0 Let the field mouse run. Your pay will be double. FormID: 0005660E MS04 SCEN 0 My pay will be nothing if we die in here! FormID: 00056607 MS04 SCEN 0 Calm yourself, Breya. We are closing in on the Lexicon. I can feel it calling. We'll continue without Drennen. FormID: 000565FA MS04 SCEN 0 We are close now. Can you hear the Lexicon calling out? FormID: 000565E7 MS04 SCEN 0 So we grab it and we get out, right? FormID: 00056610 MS04 SCEN 0 Once we have the Lexicon, we'll need to take it to its podium. I know what to do from there. Soon the Lexicon's knowledge will be mine. FormID: 000565F5 MS04 SCEN 0 Ours. Soon the Lexicon's knowledge will be ours. emphasizes [QUOTE]ours[QUOTE] both times FormID: 000565F0 MS04 SCEN 0 We're almost there. I can hear the Lexicon. Come on. Quickly! FormID: 000565EB MS04 SCEN 0 Something doesn't feel right. FormID: 00056609 MS04 SCEN 0 Aaaaaaaaaaa.... Death Scream FormID: 00056603 MS04 SCEN 0 I have the Lexicon! Where's the podium? FormID: 000565F1 MS04 SCEN 0 I can't hold these things! We need to leave! FormID: 00056606 MS04 SCEN 0 I did not come all the way here just to walk out empty-handed. FormID: 000565F6 MS04 SCEN 0 The way out is right there! Run, damn it! FormID: 00056551 MS04 MS04AvanchnzelInnkeeperRumor MS04AvanchnzelInnkeeperRumorTopic CUST 0 Yes, Yes. It is an ancient and ruined city. Built by the Dwemer. The dwarf folk. It is nearby, but I'd stay clear. People say it is quite dangerous. FormID: 000562E6 MS08 MS08SaadiaS25AlikrQuestion MS08SaadiaS25AlikrQuestionTopic CUST 0 You think I'd be in hiding if this was something I trusted town guards to handle? FormID: 000562E6 MS08 MS08SaadiaS25AlikrQuestion MS08SaadiaS25AlikrQuestionTopic CUST 1 These men are ruthless. Cunning, deceitful... they'll pay off whoever they can. I can't trust anyone here in Whiterun. FormID: 000562E6 MS08 MS08SaadiaS25AlikrQuestion MS08SaadiaS25AlikrQuestionTopic CUST 2 Guards and Jarls can be bought. And the Alik'r are close; I'm running out of time, so I'm choosing to trust you. FormID: 000562E5 MS08 MS08SaadiaStage25AlikrQuestion2 MS08SaadiaStage25AlikrQuestion2Topic CUST 0 I don't know for sure. I spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion publicly; I suspect that's why these men were hired to hunt me down. FormID: 00025D6F TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartSecondaryBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartSecondaryBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven prefers that Aringoth remains alive, but if he tries to stop you from getting the job done, kill him. cold FormID: 00025D6F TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartSecondaryBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartSecondaryBranchTopic CUST 1 The Guild has a lot riding on this. Don't make me look foolish by mucking it up. a warning FormID: 000562F1 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic0x CUST 0 Without them at our backs, we'd be in serious trouble. Walk Away FormID: 000562E0 TG02 TG02BrynjolfStartupWalkaway TG02BrynjolfStartupWalkawayTopic CUST 0 Hey, I'm not done talking to you yet. Come back here! you were being ignored FormID: 00056309 TG02 TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranch TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranchTopic00 CUST 0 Let me put it to you this way. FormID: 00056309 TG02 TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranch TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranchTopic00 CUST 1 Nothing happens in Riften without Maven's consent. One word from her and you could spend the rest of the fourth era in prison. a warning FormID: 0007EB32 TG02 TG02AringothResolutionBranch TG02AringothResolutionBranchTopic CUST 0 I've already said too much. FormID: 0007EB32 TG02 TG02AringothResolutionBranch TG02AringothResolutionBranchTopic CUST 1 I gave you what you came here for, now go. Leave me in peace. FormID: 000562FE TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothIntroBranch1c CUST 0 Give it your best shot! FormID: 000562FD TG02 TG02AringothIntroBranch TG02AringothWalkawayTopic CUST 0 No! I'm not about to let you ruin everything I've worked so hard for! FormID: 0004BE91 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 That's between you and Maven and I prefer to keep it that way. FormID: 0004BE91 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Just keep your ears open and your mouth shut and you'll do fine. FormID: 0004BE92 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 That's between you and Maven and I prefer to keep it that way. FormID: 0004BE92 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Don't worry about it. Maven's business dealings usually involve quite a bit of gold for her people. FormID: 000562FA TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Of course... your pay. Haha! You're smart as a whip, lad. jovial FormID: 000562FA TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Keep doing right by us and there's plenty more where that came from. FormID: 000480BF TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Of course... your pay. Haha! You're smart as a whip, lass. jovial FormID: 000480BF TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Keep doing right by us and there's plenty more where that came from. FormID: 00056178 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons MQ102GalmarJoinTopic CUST 0 Changed your mind? You ready to pledge your blood and honor for Skyrim's freedom? Walk Away FormID: 00056170 MQ102B IDAT 0 Never said that. Just that we don't get many of you wanting to join, that's all. defensively FormID: 0009A032 MQ102B IDAT 0 Here's a key to the house. Stay as long as you like. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. FormID: 000C65AB MQ102B IDAT 0 If you really are Ralof's friend, I'll be glad to help you. But you didn't answer my question - how do you know him? she's pretty sure you're lying FormID: 000DE1A5 MQ102B IDAT 0 My sister Gerdur runs the mill in Riverwood, just up the road. I'm sure she'd help you out. FormID: 000DE1A6 MQ102B IDAT 0 It's probably best if we split up. Good luck. I wouldn't have made it without your help today. FormID: 000DE1A7 MQ102B IDAT 0 You know, you should go to Windhelm and join the fight to free Skyrim. You've seen the true face of the Empire here today. FormID: 000DE1A7 MQ102B IDAT 1 If anyone will know what the coming of the dragon means, it's Ulfric. FormID: 0003F403 DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch NazirSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 So you are alive. I was starting to wonder. emphasis on [QUOTE]are[QUOTE] - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 000C04CA DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch NazirSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Look for a way out! We are not going to burn to death in our own damned Sanctuary! - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 000C04CB DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch NazirSancGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Come on! We've got to find a way out of here! - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 00056155 TG07 TG07KarliahVaultBranch TG07KarliahVaultBranchTopic CUST 0 All I can tell you for now is that he's abused his authority as a Nightingale. FormID: 00056156 TG07 TG07KarliahVaultBranch TG07KarliahVaultBranchTopic01 CUST 0 As a Nightingale, I took an oath and was sworn to secrecy. frustrated can't tell player something FormID: 00056156 TG07 TG07KarliahVaultBranch TG07KarliahVaultBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Be patient and your time will come. FormID: 00055FC8 TG07 TG07VaultBranch TG07VaultBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I don't have a clue. That door is impenetrable. FormID: 00055FC8 TG07 TG07VaultBranch TG07VaultBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Without two keys, it's impossible to open. I have a key, Delvin has a key, and Mercer has a key. That's it. There are no other copies. FormID: 00055FC5 TG07 TG07VaultBranch TG07VaultBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Before Mercer took over, Gallus started collecting every bit of material he could on locations the Guild could heist. FormID: 00055FC5 TG07 TG07VaultBranch TG07VaultBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Museums, keeps, estates... you name it. By the time Mercer took over the Guild we must have had a few dozen. FormID: 00055FC4 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00 CUST 0 Look, before I have you help track Mercer down I need to know what you learned from Karliah. I mean everything. accentuate [QUOTE]everything[QUOTE] FormID: 00055FC6 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00a CUST 0 Aye. I feared that was the case. From that last entry in Gallus's diary, it looks like he was getting close to exposing Mercer to the Guild. Walk Away FormID: 00055FC6 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00a CUST 1 Anything else? Walk Away FormID: 00055FC7 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00b CUST 0 What? Nightingales? But, I always assumed they were just a tale... a way to keep the young footpads in line. Walk Away FormID: 00055FC7 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00b CUST 1 Was there anything else she told you? Walk Away FormID: 00055FC3 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00c CUST 0 Trying to make Mercer look bad in front of Maven, eh? Clever lass. admiration Walk Away FormID: 00055FC3 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic00c CUST 1 Was there anything else? Walk Away FormID: 00055FAB MS08ArgueQuest SCEN 0 Look, you've already been told you're not allowed here. Turn around and go back the way you came. FormID: 00055FA9 MS08ArgueQuest SCEN 0 We're causing no trouble. All we ask is to look for her. FormID: 00055FAA MS08ArgueQuest SCEN 0 I don't care what you're doing, after what happened you're lucky I don't toss you in jail. Now get lost. FormID: 00055FAC MS08ArgueQuest SCEN 0 We will be back. This is not over. FormID: 000284F7 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The College of Winterhold is an amazing sight. I've never set foot on the grounds, but always wanted to. FormID: 000E1590 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Forsworn haven't been kind to Karthwasten. I've heard rumors that they've attacked this place without mercy. FormID: 000E1593 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I grew up in The Pale. This land was my home for most of my life... and for a Dunmer, that's quite a statement, I assure you. FormID: 000E159E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 We should bow our heads in silent reverence for those who are interred in Falkreath's cemetery. FormID: 000E15A5 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've always wanted to make a pilgrimage here to the Temple of Mara. Thank you for bringing me here... you've made me quite happy. FormID: 000E15A6 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Watch your step, Markarth has quite a reputation thanks to the Silver-Blood family. I wouldn't advise crossing them. FormID: 000E15A8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 What an amazing city. I've actually never managed to visit Whiterun, but I always wanted to. FormID: 000E15A9 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Windhelm is absolutely freezing. How can these people tolerate it? FormID: 000E15AB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I was a student at the Bards College for a short time... until my affiliation with Vaermina was discovered. I haven't been back to Solitude since. FormID: 000E15AC DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've heard Riften's home to the worst Skyrim has to offer. I hope we don't run into any trouble while we're here. FormID: 000E15C5 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Her Benevolence has taught me patience and mercy, but these vampires deserve none of it. FormID: 000E15D0 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 A good friend of mine was infected by a vampire long ago. He killed himself rather than change into one of those... things. FormID: 000E15D4 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Vampires are utter abominations. We need to do everything in our power to destroy them. FormID: 000E15D9 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Being a priest of Vaermina put me very close to dark sorcery at its worst. FormID: 000E1644 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Let's try and stay together, the sorcerers in these places tend to... well, harvest bodies for parts. FormID: 000E1648 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've seen my share of black magic, but that's all in the past now. FormID: 000E165C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 This place must be cleansed. These draugr were once living beings and they deserve better. FormID: 000E165D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These poor souls... suffering in eternal servitude. FormID: 000E1668 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The thought of the dead rising... makes me sick to my stomach. FormID: 000E1670 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Bandits know nothing of pity or mercy. No need to show them any either. FormID: 000E1673 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 A group of bandits descended on Dawnstar once... if it wasn't for the guard, who knows what they could have done to the place. FormID: 000E1674 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Bandits are the worst lot. They'd steal from their own mothers given the chance. FormID: 000E1675 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I thought I heard footsteps. Be careful. FormID: 000E167C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 When I was a young acolyte of Vaermina, I paid my dues in a shrine located within the catacombs of a fort in Cyrodiil. FormID: 000E167D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I served as a healer in a fort not unlike this one long ago. FormID: 000E167E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I can't imagine what happened to the dwarves. How could a race with the capability to build a place like this simply vanish? FormID: 000E167F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've never been inside a dwarven ruin. They are simply astounding. FormID: 000E1680 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Did you hear that? A metal on stone sound... hmmm, perhaps it was nothing. FormID: 000E1681 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 This place could be massive... very easy to get lost. We have to be careful not to lose our way. FormID: 000E1682 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 What a marvel of engineering. The ancient Nords were ingenious builders. FormID: 000E1683 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Ugh, this place... horrible. FormID: 000E1684 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Watch yourself, these Nordic ruins are notorious for their traps. FormID: 000E1685 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These ruins are old, maybe a thousand years or more. FormID: 000E1686 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Why anything would chose to reside down here is beyond me. FormID: 000E1687 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These caves... they harbor ill omens, I can sense it. alerted, concerned FormID: 000E1688 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Trust in Mara... she'll protect us in this dark place. FormID: 000E1689 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I don't like the looks of this place... not at all. FormID: 000E168A DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I don't know what persuaded you to assist me when we met in Dawnstar, but I'm glad you did. FormID: 000E168B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've done a lot of... questionable things in my life. Serving Vaermina was a horrible mistake, and I hope Mara will forgive me one day. FormID: 000E168C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I was recruited as an acolyte of Vaermina as a young elf. I had no real childhood to speak of... we weren't permitted to socialize. FormID: 000E168D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've always felt a great deal of guilt running from Nightcaller Temple and leaving my friends to die. I'll never forgive myself for that. FormID: 000E168E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 After running from Nightcaller Temple, I wandered Skyrim for years until I was taken in by a priest of Mara who lived in Morthal. FormID: 000E168F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Finding Mara was the greatest moment of my life. I'll never forget the warmth that spread through my heart when we embraced. FormID: 000E1690 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It was a bit difficult to come to the ways of Mara at first, but my fellow priests were kind and quite patient with me. FormID: 000E1691 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've never admitted this before, but I've killed more than I care to admit. I'll just leave it at that. FormID: 000E1692 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 My parents are long dead, but they lived wonderful lives... I have no sad stories to tell about them. Perhaps one day I'll visit their resting place. FormID: 000E1693 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've been enjoying this journey with you. Not for the wealth we've accumulated, but just being carry Mara's will to every corner of Skyrim. FormID: 000E1694 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It's wonderful to be able to sleep soundly, don't you think? FormID: 000E1695 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Greybeards are an amazing lot. Imagine, living your entire life without speaking to a friend or a loved one. I couldn't stand it. FormID: 000E1696 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've been to Ivarstead a few times, but never climbed High Hrothgar. I wouldn't mind visiting the monastery at the summit. FormID: 000E1697 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 When the weather permitted, Aerin and I would often walk the Rift's forests. The trees here are so beautiful. FormID: 000E1698 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Ah, Winterhold. I've always wanted to visit this place. The secrets locked inside must be astounding. FormID: 000E1699 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Incredible... imagine the manpower and ingenuity needed to carve the buildings of Markarth. FormID: 000E169A DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Whiterun is a such beautiful city. Have you ever seen the likes of this place? FormID: 000E169B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 This is the first time I've set foot in Windhelm. What a dreary place. reminiscing FormID: 000E169C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 My mother always loved the sea. When I was young, we'd visit Solitude and watch the ships from the bluff. Ah... better times. reminiscing FormID: 000E169D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It feels good to walk the streets of Riften again. FormID: 000E169E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Vampires... an unclean lot. It will be a pleasure to clear this place. FormID: 000E169F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Don't let the vampires strike you or else you may get infected with their blood poisoning. FormID: 000E16A0 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Be aware of rune traps on the ground or else this could be a very short expedition. FormID: 000E16A1 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Kill these casters as fast as you can, otherwise they may summon creatures we don't want to deal with. FormID: 000E16A2 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Ugh... dark sorcery. Always makes my skin crawl. FormID: 000E16A3 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that draugr burn like tinder. We could use that to our advantage. FormID: 000E16A4 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Many have fallen in this crypt. The Draugr show no mercy. FormID: 000E16A5 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Ugh, Draugr. They reek of decay. FormID: 000E16A6 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 When I was a child, my village was burned to the ground by bandits. Do you know I actually saw one laugh as he ran my brother through... a painful memory makes you angry FormID: 000E16A7 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I hope there's more bandits around... their numbers could use a little more thinning. FormID: 000E16A8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These bandits would stab each other in the back if it meant an extra coin in their pockets. FormID: 000E16A9 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Bandits... the worst type of scum. FormID: 000E16AA DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Perhaps we can find some treasure if we search the grounds of the fort thoroughly. FormID: 000E16AB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If fought more than my share of bandits in places like this. FormID: 000E16AC DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Keep your eyes open for ambushes. These forts have too many blind corners. FormID: 000E16AD DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These are the most dangerous, but the most profitable types of ruins. The dwarves must have been a prosperous race. FormID: 000E16AE DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Watch the walls for the sphere constructs... they can appear in the blink of an eye. FormID: 000E16AF DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The dwarves were masters at subterranean construction... these ruins show only a fraction of their capabilities. FormID: 000E16B0 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Mzinchaleft. I swore I'd never return here. FormID: 000E16B1 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I almost died in a ruin just like this. FormID: 000E16B2 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Danger's about, I can tell. Be cautious. FormID: 000E16B3 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Can you just imagine how ancient this place must be? Hundreds of years? Thousands? FormID: 000E16B4 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There could be Draugr about, I can smell the decay in the air. FormID: 000E16B5 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've ventured into quite a few Nord ruins in my day. FormID: 000E16B6 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Killed my first creature in a cave just like this... I'll never forget it. FormID: 000E16B7 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I'm certain we'll find some treasure down here. FormID: 000E16B8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Keep your eyes open, I don't like the looks of this place. FormID: 000E16B9 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Exploring these caves feels like coming home. I missed this. FormID: 000E16BA DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've really missed traveling like this. Walking the breadth of Skyrim has always filled my heart with excitement. FormID: 000E16BB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've never been a sellsword... never traded my skills for pay. I've always adventured on my own terms. FormID: 000E16BC DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 You should have seen me at the height of my adventuring career... I was fearless and took too many risks. But that's what it was all about. FormID: 000E16BD DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I remember a cutpurse trying to rob me on the road once. When I drew Grimsever, I think the poor man soiled his armor! laugh at end FormID: 000E16BE DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've seen enough death to last three lifetimes, yet I never tire of a good fight. What do you make of that? FormID: 000E16BF DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 When I was young, I'd journey with my father on hunting expeditions into Morrowind. The cliff racers made for excellent sport. FormID: 000E16C0 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I love the cold air... it's exhilarating. Perhaps it's because of my Nord blood, but there's something about it that makes me feel alive. FormID: 000E16C1 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 My father wanted me to follow in his footsteps as a hunter, but I set my aspirations a bit higher. He never complained... I miss him. sad reminiscing FormID: 000E16C2 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 My mother was a strong woman... she's the one who instructed me on my swordfighting techniques. Can you imagine? FormID: 000E16C3 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 People say Skyrim is one of the most dangerous places in Tamriel. I think they're wrong... it's magnificent and I'm proud to call it home. FormID: 000E16C4 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 As we walk these stone passages, we delve into the very bones of the earth. FormID: 000284F8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There is an unnatural chill in the air. Some evil power is at work in this place. FormID: 000284FE DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I do not envy those creatures that make a home in such cold, dark places as this. FormID: 00028504 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Careful. Our footsteps will echo in every chamber and tunnel. FormID: 00028505 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 By the Nine, I'd pay good money for a pint of ale to warm my bones! FormID: 00028506 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Curse this chill! I should have dressed more warmly. FormID: 00028507 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If this cold numbs my fingers any worse, I'll scarcely be able to hold a weapon. FormID: 00028509 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Gods, I'd hate to lose my footing in a place like this. A fall on this stony floor will break bones. FormID: 0002850D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Take extra care you don't hit your head on a low-hanging bit of stone. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0002850F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Mind your step. I think I spied a patch of ice on the floor. Condescending, snarky FormID: 00028545 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Don't go stopping for a nap. If you fall asleep in this place, you'll never wake up. Condescending, snarky FormID: 00028547 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Are you sure you can find your way? It would be easy to get lost in here. Condescending, snarky FormID: 00028549 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 This cold is unbearable. It's all I can do not to shiver until my teeth rattle. FormID: 00028552 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Would it be foolish to stop for a while and light a fire? I suppose it would. FormID: 00028555 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Gods willing, we'll find a chest full of gold in one of these chambers. FormID: 0002856E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 At times like this, I truly appreciate the joys of a warm fire and a stiff drink. FormID: 00028570 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There are strange echoes in these caves. Keep you eyes open. FormID: 00028573 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If a man can't feel at home in a freezing cave, then he isn't truly a Nord. FormID: 0002857B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I have to admit, I admire your courage. Most folk in Skyrim wouldn't go near a place like this. FormID: 0002857E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 When I was a boy, my friends and I used to play [QUOTE]seek the wumpus[QUOTE] in caves much like this. FormID: 000CD830 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Caves sounded more exciting in the bard's songs. disappointed, nervous FormID: 000CD831 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It's kind of dark in here. nervous FormID: 000CD832 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 How deep is this cave? nervous, emphasis on [QUOTE]IS[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD833 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It feels like a whole mountain of rock is above us. nervous FormID: 0002857F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 In a mine, the poor man labors to find precious stones that only the rich man can afford. FormID: 00028580 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder how many poor souls have lost their lives working these tunnels. FormID: 00028581 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These earthen passages do not agree with me. I already miss the wind and sky. FormID: 00028582 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The fewer of these mines we venture into, the happier I'll be. FormID: 00028583 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The cloying air in this place is almost unbearable. FormID: 000BC17E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 By the gods, let this mine be small so we can be done with it quickly. FormID: 00028586 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 My nose and mouth are so full of dust, I can hardly breath. FormID: 00028587 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Wouldn't it be something if we found a vein of gold? FormID: 00028588 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It would be easy for someone -- or something -- to sneak up on us down here. FormID: 00028589 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Are you sure you wouldn't rather explore, say, a nice tavern? Condescending, snarky FormID: 0002858A DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Let's try not to make too much noise. I've heard that cave-ins can start that way. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0002858B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder what they were mining down here. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0002858C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Let's hope the miners didn't unearth anything besides precious stones, if you take my meaning. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0002858D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Not for all the gold in Skyrim would I spend my life working in these tunnels. FormID: 0002858E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've heard that miners sometimes die from poisonous gases trapped beneath the ground. FormID: 0002858F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I'm already looking forward to getting back above ground. FormID: 00028590 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 You know what I miss the most right now? Fresh air. FormID: 00028591 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It takes uncommon strength to work the mines in Skyrim. The earth here is cold and hard, like the heart of a Nord. FormID: 00028592 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There's an old maid's tale that says our ancestors dug these mines with their bare hands. FormID: 00028593 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've half a mind to grab a pickaxe and start digging. Never know what you might find. FormID: 00028579 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It seems warmer down here than it was outside. FormID: 000CD834 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Hard to believe people actually have to work in places like this. FormID: 000CD835 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Wonder what they mine from these walls. FormID: 000CD836 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I'll take a sword or mace over a pick axe any day. FormID: 000CD837 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Do you think we'll find gold nuggets in here? FormID: 00028585 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It is strange to think that these chambers were once home to the ancient Nords. FormID: 000346F6 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I feel the eyes of angry spirits upon us. We are not welcome here. FormID: 000346F7 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Few would dare to trespass in these ruins. What you lack in wisdom, you make up for in courage. FormID: 000346F8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Do not ask me to take treasures from this place. I will not risk the anger of the dead. FormID: 000346F9 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 They say ruins like these are filled with treasure. Of course, they're filled with traps, too. FormID: 000346FA DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I could have sworn I heard something right behind us. FormID: 000346FB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I'll bet some of these artifacts would fetch a good price. I hope they're not cursed. FormID: 000346FC DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder what the ancient Nords did in these ruins. Unspeakable sacrifices, maybe? FormID: 000346FD DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If these ruins frighten you, take comfort in the knowledge that I am here. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000346FE DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Do try not to set off any traps, will you? Condescending, snarky FormID: 000346FF DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I suppose you intend to carry off every item of value in these ruins. Condescending, snarky FormID: 00034700 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These ruins might be interesting if I wasn't already an expert on Nordic history. Condescending, snarky FormID: 00034701 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Remember to check behind you every once in a while. Who knows what might try to sneak up on us. FormID: 00034702 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Keep your eyes open for traps. Old ruins like this are usually filled with them. FormID: 00034703 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The ancient Nords were a savage people, but they built some remarkable crypts and temples. FormID: 00034704 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There's a lot of history in a place like that. I'll bet these walls could tell some amazing stories. FormID: 00034705 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Look at this craftsmanship! These old halls fill some folk with dread, but as a Nord, they fill me with pride. FormID: 00034706 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 We're bound to find some gold in these ruins, but out of respect, let's leave a few coins for the dead. FormID: 00034707 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It's strange to think that some of my own ancestors might be buried in here. FormID: 00034708 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Plunder these ruins at your peril, friend. The spirits of the dead won't look kindly upon it. FormID: 000CD838 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Never knew a place could be so ancient. I bet it's over a thousand years old. awe FormID: 000CD839 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Wonder if any of my ancestors ever walked these halls? FormID: 000CD83A DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Everything in here seems to be about death. Burial urns, crypts, funeral shrouds. It's a bit depressing. FormID: 000CD83B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder what the ancient nords used this place for? FormID: 00034717 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Dwemer who built this place were sometimes called Dwarves, but history records that they were no shorter than humans. FormID: 00034719 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There are scholars in Cyrodiil who have dedicated their lives to solving the mystery of the Dwemers' disappearance. FormID: 0003471F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It is remarkable that so many of these ancient Dwemer creations still function. FormID: 00034721 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There are those who believe that the entire Dwemer race will one day return just as suddenly as it vanished. FormID: 00034723 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 What good is a sword or an axe against an enemy made of brass and steel? FormID: 00034725 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It's unnatural, building all these machines. If you ask me, the Dwemer got what they deserved. FormID: 0003473C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I don't like fighting these Dwemer creations. Where's the fun in killing something that doesn't even bleed? FormID: 0003473D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Watch out for the hot steam vents down here. They'll burn you worse than fire. FormID: 00034744 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Had they placed their faith in magic instead of machinery, the Dwemer might still be around. Condescending, snarky FormID: 00034785 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 A living Dwemer was once discovered in Morrowind. Can you imagine it, being the last surviving member of your race? Condescending, snarky FormID: 00034798 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I should bring some of these Dwemer artifacts to the Arcane University in Cyrodiil for study. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0003479B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder what keeps these machines working so long after their masters disappeared. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0003479E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Dwemer created so many wondrous machines, and yet nobody ever followed in their footsteps. Why is that, I wonder? FormID: 0003479F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Among other things, the Dwemer were expert trap-makers. Watch the floor for tripwires and false plates. FormID: 000347B1 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've half a mind to dismantle one of these Dwemer machines. I'd like to see how it works. FormID: 000347B4 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I suppose the warmth in this place comes from all the hot steam vents. FormID: 000347B7 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Scholars say the Dwemer were an advanced culture. Ha! The Nords outlasted their entire race. So much for being advanced. FormID: 000347B8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder why the Dwemer came to Skyrim. Why did they build this place? I suppose we'll never know. FormID: 000347CB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Do these steel walls and strange Dwemer devices make you uneasy? Perhaps it's just me. FormID: 000347E5 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I've heard that you can sell Dwemer artifacts on the black market down in Cyrodiil. They fetch a handsome price, too. FormID: 000CD83C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 This place is amazing! It's hard to believe that mortal hands built them. awe FormID: 000CD83D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 What do you think these devices were for? awe FormID: 000CD83E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The stories don't say why the dwarves disappeared. I wonder if their machines turned on them. FormID: 000CD83F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It's amazing this place is so well preserved. There isn't even a hint of rust. awe FormID: 000347E6 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 So many shadowy corners to strike from! I could learn to like this place. FormID: 000347EA DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Silence will serve us well in this place. Let us take our foes by surprise. FormID: 000347EB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Be wary for traps. If you spy one, try to get an enemy to trigger it. FormID: 000347EC DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I can see the battle-lust in your eyes. Doom will surely come to any who cross your path. FormID: 000347ED DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If it wasn't for all the dangers in here, this place could almost be cozy. FormID: 000347EE DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 When I was a child, I dreamed about having a fort like this all to myself. FormID: 000347EF DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder if we'll come across some bandits who've just finished roasting a rabbit on a spit. Maybe they'll have a keg of ale, too. FormID: 000347F0 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 If my ma could see me now, she'd scold me good. She'd tell me I should know better than to go poking around in abandoned forts. FormID: 000347F1 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 This smell of dank earth and worm-eaten wood is going to make me lose my last meal. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000347F3 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 How pathetic, being forced to eke out a miserable existence in a place like this. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000347F4 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Just look at this place. Is this what passes for a fort in Skyrim? Condescending, snarky FormID: 000347F5 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The sooner we can get out of this filth-pit, the better. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000347F6 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These timber supports are rotted through. It's a wonder this place is still standing. FormID: 000347F7 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Check every crate, chest and barrel you see. Who knows, maybe a few of them have something valuable inside. FormID: 000347F8 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Did you bring a torch? These old forts can get pretty dark inside. FormID: 000347F9 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There are forts like this all over Skyrim. The Imperials abandoned most of them a long time ago. FormID: 000347FB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Just look at this place. I've seen better workmanship from Nord children only ten winters old. FormID: 000347FD DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 So this is what passes for Imperial craftsmanship. Try not to sneeze, or you might bring the whole fort down. FormID: 00034802 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 What is that stench? Rotting wood, perhaps? That can't be good. FormID: 00034803 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 You'd have to be pretty desperate to want to make a home in this dank hole. FormID: 000CD840 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Jarls never want to pay to keep the forts. They just keep slipping further into ruin. FormID: 000CD841 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I wonder what great battles were fought here? FormID: 000CD842 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Do you think Tiber Septim ever fought here? FormID: 000CD843 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I can see why they built the fort here. A small force could control most of the nearby land. FormID: 00034806 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Outlaws and brigands are the lowest of the low. They prey on their own countrymen for profit. FormID: 00034805 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I hope that when I die, I don't end up as a shambling corpse. FormID: 0003E2DB DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Forsworn are as wild as wolves. Practice those old magics, so some folk say. FormID: 000CD844 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Wizards. Why is it always wizards. FormID: 00034809 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It isn't just your blood that a vampire wants, it's your mortal soul. FormID: 0003480A DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Fighting draugr is as much about controlling your fear as anything else. FormID: 000CD845 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Most bandits are cowards. These seem to be braver than most. FormID: 0003480F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These wizards are mad beyond reason. They understand only violence. FormID: 0003E2E3 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There is no greater madness than those who seek to become vampires. That's a dark bargain if there ever was one. FormID: 0003482B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 You can easily break a blade on the metal skin of a Dwemer construct. FormID: 000CD846 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I hate bandits and thieves. Men like these raid our town every year. FormID: 000CD847 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I hope that when I die, I don't end up as a shambling corpse. FormID: 000CD848 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 The Forsworn are strange men. They fight to reclaim Markarth, but they live like savages. FormID: 000CD849 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I don't like wizards and their spells. Give me an axe any day. FormID: 000CD84A DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These walking devices are strange yet amazing. What magic powers them? awe FormID: 0003E301 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I'd rather fight bandits than draugr. At least bandits know when to stay dead. FormID: 000CD84B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Taken alone, the draugr aren't so fearsome. They're far more deadly in greater numbers. FormID: 000CD84C DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These Forsworn are just savages. They live in caves and ruins when civilized folk build towns and cities. FormID: 0003E311 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 You can't argue with these mages. They'll attack you on sight. FormID: 0003E31B DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It probably took some Dwemer craftsman a year to build one of those things. FormID: 0003E31E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There may be no enemy more foul than a walking corpse. FormID: 000CD84D DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I thought about becoming a bandit. I decided I preferred clean clothes and fresh mead. FormID: 0003E321 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These ruins and their mechanical inhabitants are all that remain of the Dwemer. FormID: 0003E322 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 It's said that the Forsworn make dark pacts with the Hagravens, and that is why they can use magic. FormID: 0003E323 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 There is no adversary more deadly than a vampire. They are as cruel as they are cunning. FormID: 0003E324 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Bandits are desperate men. They have nothing to lose, and they fight like it. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0003E325 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 What some call devotion to the dark arts, I call foolishness. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000CD84E DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 These Forsworn don't even have the decency to dress right. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000CD84F DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Draugr are slow and clumsy. Hardly a challenge for a man like me. Condescending, snarky FormID: 0003E327 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 I would find the Dwemers' mechanical guardians fascinating if they didn't try to kill everything on sight. Condescending, snarky FormID: 000CD850 DialogueFollower HirelingIdles IDLE 0 Don't get too far ahead. FormID: 00055DF6 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Pleased enough, I suppose. At least they appreciate the ways and traditions of the Nord people. FormID: 00055DF6 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Can't say I ever much liked the idea of the Empire telling us what to do an' how to do it. FormID: 00055DF5 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 Of course they have! I've made no secret of my loyalty to the Empire. I'm no coward. Angry and stubborn FormID: 00055DF5 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 1 Twice I've been robbed, and good luck getting any kind of justice from Vignar now that he's the Jarl. He probably told the Stormcloaks to do it. FormID: 00055DF5 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 2 Lately, they've been threatening to send my whole family into exile if we're caught collaborating with the Empire. They think we're spies! Disbelief, incredulity, anger FormID: 00055DF5 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunOlfridTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 3 Needless to say, these rebels and I have no love for each other. Anger, resignation FormID: 00055DF2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsCitySwap DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsCitySwapTopic CUST 0 I'm sure my brother Vignar is, since they made him Jarl after throwing Balgruuf out. FormID: 00055DF2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsCitySwap DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsCitySwapTopic CUST 1 Comes the end of the day, Imperials and Stormcloaks ain't much different. FormID: 00055DF2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsCitySwap DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsCitySwapTopic CUST 2 Both sides want to tell you how you should live your life. Guess I'd rather hear it from a real Nord than some Emperor down south. FormID: 00055DF1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsCitySwap DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsCitySwapTopic CUST 0 With open arms, with cheers and song, with joy in my heart and tears in my eyes! Cheerful, exultant, almost theatrical FormID: 00055DF1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsCitySwap DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsCitySwapTopic CUST 1 Praise be to Talos, this is a glorious day for Whiterun and for all Skyrim! Our liberators have come at last! Cheerful, exultant, almost theatrical FormID: 00055DFB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic5Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic5BranchTopic CUST 0 If the gods are merciful, they've found a safe place to hide in the city. FormID: 00055DFB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic5Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic5BranchTopic CUST 1 I hope Vignar doesn't find them. He'll ask a king's ransom, I'm sure. FormID: 00055DFA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6BranchTopic CUST 0 If it's the war you're referring to, I'm on the side of Whiterun. FormID: 00055DFA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6BranchTopic CUST 1 No doubt General Tullius and his friends in the Empire will tell you that I owe them my loyalty, and perhaps I do. FormID: 00055DFA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6BranchTopic CUST 2 Ulfric Stormcloak would say that I owe my allegiance to the Nord people as they fight for Skyrim's independence. Perhaps this is also true. FormID: 00055DFA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6BranchTopic CUST 3 The day might come when I am forced to draw my sword for one side or the other. FormID: 00055DFA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic6BranchTopic CUST 4 But that day has not come yet. Finality, resignation. FormID: 00055DF8 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic7Branch DialogueWhiterunJarlTopic7BranchTopic CUST 0 No doubt he thought it was the only way to make his point. And also because he knew he could. FormID: 00055D2E TG07SP SCEN 0 The gold, the jewels... it's all gone. FormID: 00055D2F TG07SP SCEN 0 That son-of-a-bitch! I'll kill him! FormID: 00055D30 TG07SP SCEN 0 Vex! Put it away... right now. telling someone to sheath weapon FormID: 00055D30 TG07SP SCEN 1 We can't afford to lose our heads... we need to calm down and focus. calming down from anger, but determined FormID: 00055D32 TG07SP SCEN 0 Delvin, Vex... watch the Flagon. If you see Mercer, come tell me right away. FormID: 00055BF7 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you all right? What happened in there? FormID: 00055BF8 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse1 CUST 0 By the Nine... FormID: 00055BF8 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse1 CUST 1 Is he responsible for this? The Arch-Mage, dead? FormID: 00055BF8 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse1 CUST 2 There's more. Something's happened to Winterhold. It must be whatever Ancano did. You need to get out there and make sure it's safe. FormID: 00055BF8 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse1 CUST 3 Quickly now, quickly! I'll find Mirabelle and see if we can't put a stop to this! FormID: 00055BF6 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse2 CUST 0 I can hardly believe it. shaken, scared FormID: 00055BF6 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse2 CUST 1 But there's no time. Whatever happened here has affected Winterhold as well. I need you to get out there and make sure everything's all right. FormID: 00055BF6 MG05 MG05TolfdirForceGreetBranch MG05Stage25TolfdirResponse2 CUST 2 I'll do what I can here. Go now, go! FormID: 00055CDF MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch1 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch1Topic CUST 0 He's my son. I just... I feel it in my heart. You'd understand if you had children. FormID: 00055AE1 TG07SP SCEN 0 You better have a damn good reason to be here with that murderer. FormID: 00055AE7 TG07SP SCEN 0 Please, lower your weapons so we can speak. I have proof that you've all been misled! FormID: 00055AE5 TG07SP SCEN 0 No tricks, Karliah or I'll cut you down where you stand. FormID: 00055ADE TG07SP SCEN 0 Now what's this so-called proof you speak of? FormID: 00055ADC TG07SP SCEN 0 I have Gallus's journal. I think you'll find its contents disturbing. FormID: 00055AD6 TG07SP SCEN 0 No, it... it can't be. what you're looking at doesn't make any sense FormID: 00055AD5 TG07SP SCEN 0 This can't be true. I've known Mercer too long... stunned/puzzled FormID: 00055AE8 TG07SP SCEN 0 There's only one way to find out if what the lass says is true. Delvin, I'll need you to open the Vault. FormID: 00055AE2 TG07SP SCEN 0 It's true, Brynjolf. Every word. Mercer's been stealing from the Guild for years, right under your noses. FormID: 00055ADF TG07SP SCEN 0 Wait just a blessed moment, Bryn. annoyed FormID: 00055ADA TG07SP SCEN 0 What's in that book? What did it say? annoyed FormID: 00055AD8 TG07SP SCEN 0 It says Mercer's been stealing from our vault for years. Gallus was looking into it before he was murdered. still can't believe it FormID: 00055AE4 TG07SP SCEN 0 That door has the best puzzle locks money can buy. There's no way it can be picked open. FormID: 00055AE0 TG07SP SCEN 0 He didn't need to pick the lock. out loud but almost to self FormID: 00055ADB TG07SP SCEN 0 What's she on about? FormID: 00055AD9 TG07SP SCEN 0 Use your key on the vault, Delvin. We'll open it up and find out the truth. FormID: 00055AE6 TG07SP SCEN 0 I've used my key, but the vault's still locked up tighter than a drum. Now use yours. FormID: 00055ADD TG07SP SCEN 0 By the Eight! It's gone, everything's gone! Get in here, all of you! shock FormID: 00055AA2 TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. I think some of these people are beginning to suspect who I am. A bit worried, and speaking so others can't overhear FormID: 00055AA2 TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Are you ready to face the Guild? speaking so others can't overhear FormID: 00055AA3 TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you finished your other business and ready to face the Guild? FormID: 00055AA0 TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Keep your eyes open. I'm not sure what to expect when we enter the cistern. A bit worried, and speaking so others can't overhear FormID: 00055A9F TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic01b CUST 0 Then we show them Gallus's journal and hope for the best. FormID: 00055A9F TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic01b CUST 1 Remember, we have proof and all he's got is his word. FormID: 00055A9E TG07 TG07KarliahInitialBranch TG07KarliahInitialBranchTopic01c CUST 0 Time is of the essence here, please hurry back. A bit annoyed FormID: 00055CE5 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 0 It's hardly a secret that they have ties to the Empire, and hate anyone who speaks out against it. FormID: 00055CE5 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 1 Thorald did worse. He took action against the Empire, and the Battle-Borns knew it. FormID: 000D6CC4 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 0 The Battle-Borns. The Emperor's biggest boot-lickers here in Whiterun. FormID: 000D6CC4 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 1 Their connections to the Empire and the Legion are well-known. When Thorald didn't return home, there was no question in my mind. FormID: 000D6CC4 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 2 They knew Thorald supported the Stormcloaks, knew he was going to aid them in battle. Made sure he didn't come back. FormID: 000D6CC4 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 3 Locked him up someplace to get back at my family. I'm sure of it. FormID: 000559E4 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Bloody enough for you, outsider? FormID: 00055980 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice01 CUST 0 Markarth. Is it bloody enough for you? FormID: 000559E7 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice02 CUST 0 Then turn around and go back where you came. City doesn't need you, doesn't want you. FormID: 000559E7 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice02 CUST 1 Blood and silver are what flows through Markarth. That's the way it is. That's the way it'll stay. FormID: 0005598B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice03 CUST 0 Then you've found your home, friend. Blood and silver are what flows through Markarth. Welcome. FormID: 00055A0F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice04 CUST 0 If I was threatening you, believe me, you'd know it. FormID: 00055A0F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice04 CUST 1 You outsiders never learn. If the Forsworn don't get you, the guards will throw you in Cidhna Mine to work your fingers off. FormID: 00055A0F DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBlocking DialogueMarkarthYngvarChoice04 CUST 2 Think that's water in the river? Blood and silver are what flows through Markarth, friend. FormID: 000559C6 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarLive DialogueMarkarthYngvarLiveTopic CUST 0 No. I live in a nice house in Solitude where the air isn't filled with smoke from the silver smelters and golden-haired girls shine my shield. sarcastic FormID: 000559C6 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarLive DialogueMarkarthYngvarLiveTopic CUST 1 Been here ever since I left the Bards College. Turns out a few muscles earn more gold than a damn lute. FormID: 000559C6 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarLive DialogueMarkarthYngvarLiveTopic CUST 2 The Silver-Bloods pay me, let me crack a few skulls, and keep the guards off my back. That's all I need. FormID: 00055A08 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarWork DialogueMarkarthYngvarWorkTopic CUST 0 Jarl is who you want to talk to. Always coin to be made killing off some Forsworn in the hills. FormID: 00055A08 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarWork DialogueMarkarthYngvarWorkTopic CUST 1 As long as you don't mind going axe-to-axe with a bunch of Daedra-worshipping savages who practice the dark arts. FormID: 00055985 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBloodandSilver DialogueMarkarthYngvarBloodandSilverTopic CUST 0 It's right there in the name of the most powerful family in Markarth. The Silver-Bloods. FormID: 00055985 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBloodandSilver DialogueMarkarthYngvarBloodandSilverTopic CUST 1 They have a whole mine filled with prisoners to dig up silver ore, gets smelted by workers they pay, and they own half the city. FormID: 00055985 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthYngvarBloodandSilver DialogueMarkarthYngvarBloodandSilverTopic CUST 2 I work for them. The inn is named after them. When the guards make an arrest, they check with them first. FormID: 00055A02 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why are you bothering me, kinsman? FormID: 00055A03 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why are you bothering me, outsider? FormID: 00055973 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusChoice01 CUST 0 Then you're talking to the wrong man. You want that elf in the keep. Calcelmo. FormID: 00055973 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusChoice01 CUST 1 The only thing I'll tell you about Markarth is stay out of our business. We have enough around here without some outsider causing trouble. FormID: 00055A04 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusChoice02 CUST 0 I don't. Go bother Kleppr at the Silver-Blood Inn, he handles the newcomers. FormID: 00055A04 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusChoice02 CUST 1 And by Ysmir, if you find work, just do what you're told. There's enough trouble in Markarth already. FormID: 00055988 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusChoice03 CUST 0 That's about the only harmless thing you can do in this city. Silver-Blood Inn is the place to go. FormID: 00055988 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlocking DialogueMarkarthReburrusChoice03 CUST 1 And once you've had your fill of mead, do us all a favor and go home. Markarth has enough trouble. FormID: 000559FD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaSmith DialogueMarkarthGhorzaSmithTopic CUST 0 Grew up in a stronghold. Every Orc girl tended the forge at some point. FormID: 000559FD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaSmith DialogueMarkarthGhorzaSmithTopic CUST 1 But a girl has to grow up, and life in the stronghold asked for a lot in return, so I joined the Legion. Mastered my trade there. FormID: 00055983 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaStronghold DialogueMarkarthGhorzaStrongholdTopic CUST 0 That's right. An Orc stronghold. Kept to ourselves. Lived as our ancestors would have wanted. FormID: 00055983 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthGhorzaStronghold DialogueMarkarthGhorzaStrongholdTopic CUST 1 Wasn't enough for me, though. I left. Didn't want to end up as the third wife of some lowly chieftain. FormID: 00055986 DialogueMarkarthBlacksmithScene01 SCEN 0 You strike your metal like a new mother giving her babe a light slap. Hit it harder. FormID: 00055A0A DialogueMarkarthBlacksmithScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, Ghorza. I just... flinch, and uh.... FormID: 000559FC DialogueMarkarthBlacksmithScene01 SCEN 0 If you can't pound the dusk out of your iron, it'll break when it's finished. Hit. It. Harder. FormID: 00055982 DialogueMarkarthPostAttackScene01 SCEN 0 What am I supposed to do? Never leave the house? You want that, Endon? FormID: 00055A07 DialogueMarkarthPostAttackScene01 SCEN 0 You're closing the stall, and that's final. FormID: 000559B8 DialogueMarkarthPostAttackScene01 SCEN 0 You want to give up now? Out of fear? Is that what we're teaching our daughter? FormID: 00055972 DialogueMarkarthPostAttackScene01 SCEN 0 Mama, why are you and papa fighting? FormID: 000559FF DialogueMarkarthPostAttackScene01 SCEN 0 We're not fighting we're just.... Why don't I get you something to eat? Mama and papa will talk later. FormID: 00055987 DialogueMarkarthStablesBanningCedranScene01 SCEN 0 Think we should buy more horses next season? FormID: 00055A09 DialogueMarkarthStablesBanningCedranScene01 SCEN 0 I'd rather spend the gold on a new litter of pups, but the horses bring in more gold. FormID: 000559BA DialogueMarkarthStablesBanningCedranScene02 SCEN 0 How are the new breeds getting along with my dogs? FormID: 0005597F DialogueMarkarthStablesBanningCedranScene02 SCEN 0 Haven't attacked each other yet. Good a sign as any. FormID: 0005585B BardSongs BardSongsGeneralRequestBranch BardSongsGeneralRequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, what can I do for you? FormID: 000D77E6 BardSongs BardSongsGeneralRequestBranch BardSongsGeneralRequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, what can I do for you? FormID: 000B9130 BardSongs BardSongsGeneralRequestBranch BardSongsGeneralRequestBranchTopic CUST 0 For a generous fellow traveler? But of course. What would you like to hear? FormID: 000B9131 BardSongs BardSongsGeneralRequestBranch BardSongsGeneralRequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Sorry friend, but it looks like you're a bit light in the purse, and the wayward minstrel can't afford to do free performances. FormID: 0005585A BardSongs BardSongsTakeABreakBranch BardSongsTakeABreakBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure, my voice could use a rest. FormID: 000556FB DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerResponseNoProb CUST 0 Well all right, then. FormID: 00055704 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerResponseProb CUST 0 Would you now? FormID: 00055704 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerResponseProb CUST 1 Well, spit it out. What's the matter? FormID: 000556F3 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerResponseNeverMind CUST 0 Bah! Stop wasting my time! FormID: 000556F6 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerResponseCiceroReport CUST 0 What about him? FormID: 000556F7 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed1 CUST 0 Did he now? FormID: 000556F7 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed1 CUST 1 Nobody pilfers property on my watch. FormID: 000556F7 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed1 CUST 2 My thanks for bringing this to my attention, citizen. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. FormID: 000556F8 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed2 CUST 0 What? FormID: 000556F8 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed2 CUST 1 How dare that little fool! And right under my nose! FormID: 000556F8 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed2 CUST 2 My thanks for bringing this to my attention, citizen. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. FormID: 000556FA DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed3 CUST 0 What? FormID: 000556FA DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed3 CUST 1 An assault. On my watch. By the gods, he'll not get away with this. FormID: 000556FA DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardPlayerCiceroFramed3 CUST 2 My thanks for bringing this to my attention, citizen. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. FormID: 000556F9 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerCiceroReported CUST 0 Ha ha! Oh, I knew I had a good feeling about you! FormID: 000556F9 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerCiceroReported CUST 1 Here, my friend. A few septims, to show my thanks, hmm? And may that twisted little jester rot in a cell for a fortnight! happy and laughing FormID: 00055989 MQ204 SCEN 0 Now, show me what you can do. Greet me not as mortal, but as dovah! FormID: 000BBEAB MQ204 SCEN 0 Now, show me what you can do. Greet me not as elf, but as dovah! FormID: 000BBEAC MQ204 SCEN 0 Now, show me what you can do. Greet me not as orc, but as dovah! FormID: 000BBEAD MQ204 SCEN 0 Now, show me what you can do. Greet me not as khajiit, but as dovah! FormID: 000BBEAE MQ204 SCEN 0 Now, show me what you can do. Greet me not as Argonian, but as dovah! FormID: 000559DC MQ204 SCEN 0 Come, Dovahkiin. Nin Yol. Strike me with the fire of your Thu'um. FormID: 000559DD MQ204 SCEN 0 Why do you delay? Are you Dovahkiin or not? FormID: 000559DE MQ204 SCEN 0 Do not be afraid. Faasnu. Let me feel the power of your Thu'um. FormID: 0005586A MQ204 SCEN 0 Aaah... yes! Sossedov los mul. The dragonblood runs strong in you. It is long since I had the pleasure of speech with one of my own kind. Sossedov = [QUOTE]blood of the dragon[QUOTE], los mul = [QUOTE]is strong[QUOTE] FormID: 0005586E MQ204 SCEN 0 By long tradition, the elder speaks first. FormID: 0003FA3F MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Topic CUST 0 Do you know why I live here, at the peak of the Monahven - what you name Throat of the World? Monahven = [QUOTE]Mother (of the) Wind[QUOTE] = dragon name for Throat of the World FormID: 00055981 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Topic CUST 0 You have not answered my question. Why do you need to learn this Thu'um? emphasis on NEED FormID: 0003FA40 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Topic CUST 0 Ah. I have expected you. Prodah. FormID: 0003FA40 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3Topic CUST 1 You would not come all this way for tinvaak with an old dovah. No. You seek your weapon against Alduin. sadly FormID: 000556DA MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A1 CUST 0 Nid. If you wish me to answer your question, you must answer mine. mildly but firmlyNid = no FormID: 000556DC MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A2 CUST 0 Yes. Alduin... zeymah. The elder brother. Gifted, grasping and troublesome as is so often the case with firstborn. FormID: 000556DC MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A2 CUST 1 But why? Why must you stop Alduin? emphasis in second is on [QUOTE]YOU[QUOTE]? FormID: 0003F9E1 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1 CUST 0 True... But qostiid - prophecy - tells what may be, not what should be. emphasis on [QUOTE]may[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]should[QUOTE]Qostiid= prophecy (KWOWES-teed) FormID: 0003F9E1 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1 CUST 1 Qostiid sahlo aak. Just because you can do a thing, does not always mean you should. Qostiid sahlo aak. ([QUOTE]Prophecy is a weak guide[QUOTE])Qostiid= prophecy (KWOWES-teed) FormID: 0003F9E1 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1 CUST 2 Do you have no better reason for acting than destiny? Are you nothing but a plaything of dez... of fate? dez = fate FormID: 0003FA13 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3 CUST 0 Pruzah. As good a reason as any. There are many who feel as you do, although not all. FormID: 0003FA13 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3 CUST 1 Some would say that all things must end, so that the next can come to pass. FormID: 0003FA13 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3 CUST 2 Perhaps this world is simply the Egg of the next kalpa? Lein vokiin? Would you stop the next world from being born? Lein vokiin = world unborn FormID: 0005597E MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3C1 CUST 0 Hahaha! You have much to learn of the dov, then. highly amused FormID: 0005597E MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3C1 CUST 1 There is nothing else but philosophy to a dovah. It is no accident that we do battle with our Thu'um, our Voices. FormID: 0005597E MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3C1 CUST 2 There is no distinction between debate and combat to a dragon. Tinvaak los grah. For us it is one and the same. tinvaak los grah = [QUOTE]talk/speech is battle[QUOTE] FormID: 00055771 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3A1 CUST 0 Paaz. A fair answer. paaz= fair FormID: 00055771 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3A1 CUST 1 Ro fus... maybe you only balance the forces that work to quicken the end of this world. ro fus = balance force FormID: 00055771 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3A1 CUST 2 Even we who ride the currents of Time cannot see past Time's end. Wuldsetiid los tahrodiis. Wuldsetiid los tahrodiis = [QUOTE]the whirlwind/vortex of time is treacherous/turbulent[QUOTE] FormID: 00055771 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A3A1 CUST 3 Those who try to hasten the end, may delay it. Those who work to delay the end, may bring it closer. FormID: 0005586F MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A1 CUST 0 If you can see your destiny clearly, your sight is clearer than mine. FormID: 0005586F MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A1 CUST 1 Dahmaan - remember, Alduin also follows his destiny, as he sees it. Dahmaan = remember FormID: 0005586F MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A1 CUST 2 But, I bow before your certainty. In a way I envy you. The curse of much knowledge is often indecision. FormID: 000556DB MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A2 CUST 0 And so, perhaps, your destiny will be fulfilled. Who can say? FormID: 000556DB MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A2 CUST 1 Dez motmahus. Even to the dov, who ride the currents of Time, destiny is elusive. dez motmahus = fate is elusive/slippery FormID: 000556DB MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A2 CUST 2 Alduin believes that he will prevail, with good reason. Rok mul. rok mul = [QUOTE]he (is) strong[QUOTE] FormID: 000556DB MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3B1A2 CUST 3 And he is no fool. Ni mey, rinik gut nol. Far from it. He began as the wisest and most far-seeing of us all. Ni mey = [QUOTE]no fool[QUOTE], Rinik gut nol = [QUOTE]very far from[QUOTE] FormID: 00055870 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3A CUST 0 Drem. All in good time. First, a question for you. Why do you want to learn this Thu'um? Drem = peace FormID: 000556D9 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend3 MQ204PaarDragonrend3D1 CUST 0 But you have indulged my weakness for speech long enough. Krosis. Now I will answer your question. Krosis = sorrow ([QUOTE]Apologies[QUOTE]) FormID: 000231C8 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 We don't just take in any milk drinker who stumbles in. Talk to Kodlak if you think you have what it takes to be a Companion. FormID: 0005477B C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know if you're capable, and I don't have time to find out. If Kodlak will vouch for you, I might have some work you could do. FormID: 0005477C C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 Kodlak is the one who figures out who can be a Companion. So talk to him. It's out of my hands. FormID: 0005477D C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 So you think you have what it takes? Huh. Lucky for you, I'm not the one who makes that decision. Talk to Kodlak. FormID: 0005477D C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 1 Who knows, maybe he's in a generous mood. FormID: 0005477E C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 Aren't you already running a job for Aela? Come talk to me when you finish that up. FormID: 0005477F C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 I've already given you a job, now get to it. FormID: 00054780 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 Aren't you already running a job for Farkas? Come talk to me when you finish that up. FormID: 00054781 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 I've already given you a job, now get to it. FormID: 00054782 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 Aren't you already running a job for Vilkas? Come talk to me when you finish that up. FormID: 00054783 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 I've already given you a job, now get to it. FormID: 00054784 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 Aren't you already running a job for Skjor? Come talk to me when you finish that up. FormID: 00054785 C00 CRNoWorkBranch CRNoWorkBranchTopic CUST 0 I've already given you a job, now get to it. FormID: 000556A0 FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15BolliBranch FFRiften15BolliBranchTopic CUST 0 I sell my catch across a good portion of Skyrim... it's worth its weight in gold to me. FormID: 000556A0 FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15BolliBranch FFRiften15BolliBranchTopic CUST 1 The only untapped market left is Markarth. However, I just got word that Kleppr at The Silver Blood Inn might be interested. FormID: 000556A0 FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15BolliBranch FFRiften15BolliBranchTopic CUST 2 If you're headed that way, I would appreciate you delivering a purchase agreement for me. You'd be paid, of course. FormID: 00055698 FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15BolliBranch FFRiften15BolliBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Good. Kleppr will pay you as soon as you arrive with the letter. Here you are. FormID: 00055680 FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15BolliBranch FFRiften15BolliBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Certainly. FormID: 0005567F FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15KlepprBranch FFRiften15KlepprBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, Bolli finally got someone out here. Well it's about time. I've been waiting for weeks. FormID: 0005567F FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15KlepprBranch FFRiften15KlepprBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, thank you for bringing it I suppose. Have a good day. FormID: 0005567E FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15KlepprBranch FFRiften15KlepprBranchTopic01 CUST 0 What? Oh! How could I have possibly forgotten. Your reward, of course... of course. pretending to be flustered FormID: 0005567E FreeformRiften15 FFRiften15KlepprBranch FFRiften15KlepprBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Here you are. So sorry about that. FormID: 00055788 FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldBranch FFRiften16HarraldBranchTopic CUST 0 If you must know, I was practicing in the yard when the guard I was sparring with feinted when I specifically told him to duck! FormID: 00055788 FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldBranch FFRiften16HarraldBranchTopic CUST 1 My blade bit right into the stonework next to the keep and needed serious repairs. Thankfully our smith Balimund works wonders. FormID: 00055788 FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldBranch FFRiften16HarraldBranchTopic CUST 2 In fact, if you'd fetch my blade from him I'd be most appreciative. FormID: 000556B9 FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldBranch FFRiften16HarraldBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. Do hurry please. FormID: 000556B8 FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldBranch FFRiften16HarraldBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Hmph. I should have known better than to ask a knave. FormID: 000556AD FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldReturnBranch FFRiften16HarraldReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Took your sweet time getting it to me. FormID: 000556AD FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16HarraldReturnBranch FFRiften16HarraldReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 Here you go, for your trouble. FormID: 0005569E FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16BalimundBranch FFRiften16BalimundBranchTopic CUST 0 Lazy good-for-nothing, isn't he? Sent you down here when I'm a stone's throw from the keep? FormID: 0005569E FreeformRiften16 FFRiften16BalimundBranch FFRiften16BalimundBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's the sword. Tell Harrald to stop slaying walls and perhaps his blade will stay in better condition! hearty laugh at end FormID: 000550EA DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Agh! Bother and befuddle! Stuck here! Stuck! My mother, my poor mother. Unmoving. At rest, but too still! FormID: 000556FC DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 The farmer is at his farm! Where else would he be? Loreius is his name. Talk to him. Convince him to help poor Cicero. FormID: 000556FD DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Poor mother... she's been waiting here so long... Stupid farmer and his stupid tools! Why won't he help us? FormID: 000550EB DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Poor mother... Her new home seems so very far... FormID: 000556FE DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Unfair! Unjust! Cicero has done nothing wrong! Loreius will pay for his treachery! Oh, how he will pay... And you! You were no help! Not at all! FormID: 000556FF DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I will wait for Loreius! Oh yes, mother and I will wait right here, right here until he fixes our wheel. FormID: 000550ED DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, for the love of Mara. What now? FormID: 000550EE DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You need to report that crazy jester to the guard. He should be patrolling the road. FormID: 000550EF DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I thought we'd talked enough. Unless you've reconsidered my offer? That Cicero needs sortin'... FormID: 00055700 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Well? Is it done? Have you reported the fool to the guard? FormID: 00055701 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! That'll teach the little jester to go bothering the decent, hardworking folk of Skyrim. Fool never should have come here. FormID: 000E4A87 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Little fool's going to experience the hard reality of Skyrim justice, eh? FormID: 00055702 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You can tell Cicero I'll be along presently. I just need to do a couple things here first, and gather my tools. FormID: 000E4A88 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Just need to gather my tools and finish up a couple of things. No worries - I'll see to Cicero, make sure that wagon gets fixed. FormID: 000556F4 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You need something? FormID: 000556F5 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You don't want to go up to that farmhouse, citizen. It's a terrible sight. The farmer and his wife, slaughtered in the night. So many knife wounds... FormID: 0007F427 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't worry, citizen. I'm on top of that little matter we discussed. FormID: 0007F428 DB01Misc DB01MiscGuardGreetBranch DB01MiscGuardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll soon arrange transportation for our little friend. Don't worry, he'll rot in a cell and pay for what he's done. FormID: 00055703 DB01Misc DB01MiscCurweGreetBranch DB01MiscCurweGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You need something talk to my husband. Vantus Loreius. Or just Loreius, if it's all the same to you. FormID: 000550E3 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 That Cicero feller? FormID: 000550E3 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 Hmph. Tell me something I don't know. Crazy fool's already asked me about five times. Seems he's not satisfied with my answer. FormID: 000550E3 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 Why can't he just leave us alone? FormID: 000550E4 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Is something wrong. [QUOTE]Is something wrong?[QUOTE] she asks. Yes, something is bloody well wrong! angry, starting to lose his temper and his voice FormID: 000550E4 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 Or maybe you missed the demented little man in the jester's garb, down by the road? Goes by the name of Cicero? FormID: 000550E4 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 Crazy fool's asked me to fix his broken wagon wheel five times. He won't take no for an answer. Why can't he just leave us alone? FormID: 000550E5 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Is something wrong. [QUOTE]Is something wrong?[QUOTE] he asks. Yes, something is bloody well wrong! angry, starting to lose his temper and his voice FormID: 000550E5 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 Or maybe you missed the demented little man in the jester's garb, down by the road? Goes by the name of Cicero? FormID: 000550E5 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 Crazy fool's asked me to fix his broken wagon wheel five times. He won't take no for an answer. Why can't he just leave us alone? FormID: 000550E2 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusSharedResponse1 IDAT 0 Pay me? You think this is about money? FormID: 000550E2 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusSharedResponse1 IDAT 1 Have you seen the man? He's completely out of his head. A jester? Here, in Skyrim? Ain't been a merryman in these parts for a hundred years. FormID: 000550E2 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusSharedResponse1 IDAT 2 And he's transporting some giant box. Says it's a coffin, and he's going to bury his mother. Mother my eye. FormID: 000550E2 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusSharedResponse1 IDAT 3 He could have anything in there. War contraband. Weapons. Skooma. Ain't no way I'm getting involved in any of that. FormID: 0007DE92 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusSharedResponse1 IDAT 0 Well, there is something. There's a guard, patrols the road that crazy jester is on. He passes by pretty often. FormID: 0007DE92 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusSharedResponse1 IDAT 1 You could report the fool. You know, say he's done something against the law. That will at least get rid of him for me. What do you say? FormID: 000550E8 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusHelpCiceroResponse CUST 0 What? Angry FormID: 000550E8 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusHelpCiceroResponse CUST 1 And just who in Mara's name are you, anyway? Hmm? Come here, telling me my business. And for what? To help a... a... a fool! FormID: 000550EC DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusScrewCiceroNo CUST 0 Hmph. Fine. Suit yourself. But you're wrong, anyway. Just look at the fool. I don't know what it is, but he's damn well guilty of something. FormID: 000550E6 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusScrewCiceroYes CUST 0 Ha! Wonderful! FormID: 000550E6 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusScrewCiceroYes CUST 1 Like I said, the guard is down by the road. You really can't miss him. FormID: 000550E6 DB01Misc DB01MiscLoreiusGreetBranch DB01MiscLoreiusScrewCiceroYes CUST 2 You tell him that jester is up to no good, and he'll deal with it. Then come back here, and I'll toss a few coins your way, yeah? FormID: 000550DF DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Poor Cicero is stuck. Can't you see? I was transporting my dear, sweet mother. Well, not her. Her corpse! She's quite dead. FormID: 000550DF DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 I'm taking mother to a new home. A new crypt. But... aggh! Wagon wheel! Damnedest wagon wheel! It broke! Don't you see? FormID: 000550E0 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 Oh. Oh yes! Yes, the kindly stranger can certainly help! FormID: 000550E0 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerResponse2 CUST 1 Go to the farm - the Loreius Farm. Just over there, off the road. Talk to Loreius. He has tools! He can help me! But he won't! He refuses! FormID: 000550E0 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerResponse2 CUST 2 Convince Loreius to fix my wheel! Do that, and poor Cicero will reward you. With coin! Gleamy, shiny coin! FormID: 000550E9 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerSuccessTopic CUST 0 You... you did? He has? FormID: 000550E9 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerSuccessTopic CUST 1 Oh stranger! You have made Cicero so happy! So jubilant and ecstatic! But more! Even more! My mother thanks you! FormID: 000550E9 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerSuccessTopic CUST 2 Here, here. For your troubles! Shiny, clinky gold! A few coins for a kind deed! And thank you! Thank you again. FormID: 000551A8 FreeformDragonBridge01 HELO 0 Have you met my husband? Well don't bother, he's a drunk. FormID: 000552BC FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01Olda FreeformDragonBridge01OldaTopic CUST 0 He promised me, swore on his ancestors, that he'd give up the mead. And what do I find out? He's been stashing drink in a cave nearby. FormID: 000552BC FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01Olda FreeformDragonBridge01OldaTopic CUST 1 He even has some wolves guarding it. I swear, I should just cut out his tongue. That would be the end of it. FormID: 000554FE FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01Olda FreeformDragonBridge01OldaAccept CUST 0 If you want to try, but I'll keep my dagger sharpened just in case. FormID: 000554FE FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01Olda FreeformDragonBridge01OldaAccept CUST 1 You can help yourself to any drink you find, but bring me the bottle of Dragon's Breath Mead. It's his favorite, so I know he has one there. FormID: 000552BE FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01Olda FreeformDragonBridge01OldRefuse CUST 0 It's not luck, it's mead I'm cursing. FormID: 000550F6 FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoOlda FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoOldaTopic CUST 0 Stendarr's Mercy to you. If my Horgeir doesn't give up the mead this time, I'll hit him over the head with it. FormID: 000550F6 FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoOlda FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoOldaTopic CUST 1 Here, for your trouble. FormID: 000551AB FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoHorgeir FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoHorgeirTopic CUST 0 Shor's Crown, that woman never gives up. I guess that's why I married her. FormID: 000551AB FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoHorgeir FreeformDragonBridge01ReturntoHorgeirTopic CUST 1 You're a real friend saving this mead from her. Here, let me show you how to block a punch that might be coming from some angry spouse, huh? FormID: 000550CD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBothelaMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBothelaMarkarthTopic CUST 0 We'd be better off without the Silver-Bloods. They send their brute, Yngvar, to shake some coins from me every few days. FormID: 000550CD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBothelaMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBothelaMarkarthTopic CUST 1 And Betrid Silver-Blood is always asking for more potions to fuel Thonar's [QUOTE]ambitions.[QUOTE] Gives him a temper fiercer than any bear. FormID: 00054F92 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch DB04AstridPlayerGreetFirstTopic CUST 0 When I heard Cicero screaming, I knew you'd been discovered. I feared the worst. Are you all right? FormID: 000534EC MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 0 [QUOTE]O, Olaf, our subjugator, the one-eyed betrayer;[QUOTE] FormID: 000534EC MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 1 [QUOTE]death-dealing demon and dragon-killing King.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534EC MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 2 [QUOTE]Your legend is lies, lurid and false;[QUOTE] FormID: 000534EC MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 3 [QUOTE]your cunning capture of Numinex, a con for the ages.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534F5 MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 0 [QUOTE]Olaf grabbed power, by promise and threat;[QUOTE] FormID: 000534F5 MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 1 [QUOTE]From Falkreath to Winterhold, they fell to their knees;[QUOTE] FormID: 000534F5 MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 2 [QUOTE]But Solitude stood strong, Skyrim's truest protectors.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534F5 MS05 MS05SharedInfos IDAT 3 [QUOTE]Olaf's vengeance was instant, inspired and wicked.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F88 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse2Prompt CUST 0 King Olaf was Olaf One-Eye? He famously captured the dragon Numinex and took him to Dragonsreach. What do we say really happened? Walk Away FormID: 00054F89 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05Verse4Prompt CUST 0 Strange. According to history Solitude attacked Winterhold, but Aesgeir seems to be saying Olaf reacted. What do we say happened? Walk Away FormID: 00054EC0 TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The Goldenglow Estate job has undoubtedly interrupted the supply of honey I need to make my mead. FormID: 00054EC0 TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Sabjorn could use this interruption to his advantage and collect a larger share of the market. I can't have that. FormID: 00054E92 MQ102B SCEN 0 Uncle Ralof! Can I see your axe? How many Imperials have you killed? Do you really know Ulfric Stormcloak? overly excited FormID: 00054EA1 MQ102B SCEN 0 Look at you, almost a grown man! Won't be long before you'll be joining the fight yourself. trying to cheer Frodnar up FormID: 00054EA4 MQ102B SCEN 0 Now, Ralof, what's going on? You two look pretty well done in. FormID: 00054E77 MQ102B SCEN 0 I can't remember when I last slept... settling gratefully into a chair FormID: 00054E7D MQ102B SCEN 0 Where to start? Well, the news you heard about Ulfric was true. The Imperials ambushed us outside Darkwater Crossing. FormID: 00054E7D MQ102B SCEN 1 Like they knew exactly where we'd be. That was... two days ago, now. FormID: 00054E7D MQ102B SCEN 2 We stopped in Helgen this morning, and I thought it was all over. Had us lined up to the headsman's block and ready to start chopping. FormID: 00054E94 MQ102B SCEN 0 The cowards! FormID: 00054E73 MQ102B SCEN 0 They wouldn't dare give Ulfric a fair trial. Treason, for fighting for your own people! All of Skyrim would have seen the truth then. Nodding in agreement FormID: 00054E78 MQ102B SCEN 0 But then... out of nowhere... a dragon attacked... FormID: 000DF1FC MQ102B SCEN 0 When your friend told me, I didn't believe it at first either. FormID: 00054E7E MQ102B SCEN 0 You don't mean, a real, live... trailing off in disbelief and amazement FormID: 00054E85 MQ102B SCEN 0 sharp intake of breath -- surprise and amazement -- [QUOTE]wha??[QUOTE] FormID: 00054E76 MQ102B SCEN 0 I can hardly believe it myself, and I was there. with an attempt at a smile FormID: 00054E95 MQ102B SCEN 0 As strange as it sounds, we'd be dead if not for that dragon. In the confusion, we managed to slip away. FormID: 00054E95 MQ102B SCEN 1 Are we really the first to make it to Riverwood? FormID: 00054E97 MQ102B SCEN 0 Nobody else has come up the south road today, as far as I know. FormID: 00054EA6 MQ102B SCEN 0 Good. Maybe we can lay up for a while. I hate to put your family in danger, Gerdur, but... FormID: 00054E79 MQ102B SCEN 0 Nonsense. You and your friend are welcome to stay here as long as you need to. FormID: 00054E79 MQ102B SCEN 1 Let me worry about the Imperials. with a derisive snort FormID: 00054E75 MQ102B SCEN 0 Any friend of Ralof's is a friend of mine. FormID: 00054E7C MQ102B SCEN 0 Go and watch the south road. Come find us if you see any Imperial soldiers coming. seriously FormID: 00054E88 MQ102B SCEN 0 Mind your mother, boy! FormID: 00054E8C MQ102B SCEN 0 I'll let them into the house and, you know, show them where everything is... expansively FormID: 00054E8F MQ102B SCEN 0 Hmph. Help them drink up our mead, you mean. affectionately FormID: 00054EA0 MQ102B SCEN 0 Good luck, brother. I'll see you later. FormID: 00054E98 MQ102B HELO 0 I told you my sister would help us out. FormID: 00054E99 MQ102B HELO 0 I hope to see you in Windhelm. Good luck. FormID: 00054E9A MQ102B HELO 0 Come on. I'll feel better once we're under cover in Riverwood. FormID: 00054E9B MQ102B HELO 0 Do you think that dragon is still flying around here somewhere? FormID: 00054E9C MQ102B HELO 0 I almost can't believe it... a real, live dragon... FormID: 00054E9D MQ102B HELO 0 Did you really see a dragon? hopefully FormID: 00056AAF MQ102B HELO 0 I bet my uncle Ralof is tougher than you are. FormID: 00054E9E MQ102B HELO 0 Make yourself at home. warmly FormID: 00054E9F MQ102B HELO 0 I'm glad to help any way I can. warmly FormID: 00054E7B MQ102B SCEN 0 Thanks, sister. I knew we could count on you. FormID: 00054E81 MQ102B SCEN 0 I ought to get back to work before I'm missed, but... did anyone else escape? Did Ulfric... FormID: 00054E87 MQ102B SCEN 0 Don't worry. I'm sure he made it out. It'll take more than a dragon to stop Ulfric Stormcloak. FormID: 00054CA6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromBranchTopic CUST 0 Because big, bad Brynjolf doesn't like the way I play thief. FormID: 00054CA6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, he says we needed coin, so I got coin. Who cares if people got hurt? Blood washes off septims. FormID: 00054CA6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromBranchTopic CUST 2 Now I'm sitting in here counting skeever droppings while he's drinking Black-Briar mead with Maven. FormID: 00054CA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromEscapeBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromEscapeBranchTopic CUST 0 Hey, if you're in good with Maven you've pretty much got it made. FormID: 00054CA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromEscapeBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromEscapeBranchTopic CUST 1 She's got friends in high places, and I don't just mean in Skyrim. FormID: 00054CA5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromEscapeBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromEscapeBranchTopic CUST 2 So getting the guards to throw me in here as a [QUOTE]punishment[QUOTE] was about as easy as falling off a log. FormID: 00054C89 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranchTopic CUST 0 Got into a scrap a few years ago at the Ragged Flagon. Some idiot who stole himself a guard's sword and kept boasting about it. FormID: 00054C89 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranchTopic CUST 1 He's making too much racket and I'm trying to get Vex drunk. So I tell him to keep it down and he just runs me through. FormID: 00054C88 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yeah, I was lucky though. After Vex tore the guy to pieces, she gave me a potion. If she hadn't of been there... trail off at end of line FormID: 00054C88 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Anyway, after I got back to the Guild, I decided to start calling myself Twice-Killed. FormID: 00054C87 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranch DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yeah, but Twice-Killed has more of a ring to it! chuckle at end obnoxiously FormID: 000549D1 TG03 TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranch TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Well it's about time! I had to stall the captain until you were finished. FormID: 000549D2 TG03 TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranch TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Why are you standing here then? FormID: 000549D2 TG03 TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranch TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 I've told the captain of the guard we'll have the meadery cleared for the tasting and he could be here any minute. FormID: 000549CE TG03SP SCEN 0 Well, Sabjorn. Now that you've taken care of your little pest problem, how about I get a taste of some of your mead? FormID: 000549D3 TG03SP SCEN 0 Help yourself, milord. It's my finest brew yet... I call it Honningbrew Reserve. I think you'll find it quite pleasing to your palate. faux courtesy FormID: 000549D6 TG03SP SCEN 0 By the Eight?! What... what's in this? You startled... something is making you sick you just drank. FormID: 000858CE TG03SP SCEN 0 Shor's Bones! What... what's in this? FormID: 000549D0 TG03SP SCEN 0 I... I don't know. What's wrong? scared FormID: 000549CD TG03SP SCEN 0 You assured me this place was clean! I'll see... see to it that you remain in irons for the rest of your days! you're sick, it's hard to speak FormID: 000549CF TG03SP SCEN 0 No, please! I don't understand... frantic FormID: 000549D7 TG03SP SCEN 0 Silence, idiot! I should have known better... to trust this place after it's been riddled with filth. you're quite sick, tough to speak FormID: 000549D4 TG03SP SCEN 0 I beg you... please. This is not what it seems! pleading, afraid FormID: 000549CC TG03SP SCEN 0 And you... you're coming with me to Dragonsreach. We'll see how quickly your memory clears in the city's prisons. sick, effort to speak FormID: 000549CC TG03SP SCEN 1 Now move. weapon drawn FormID: 0005486A MS02EscapeMadanachEnding SCEN 0 Madanach. I've brought what you asked for. delivering weapons and armor FormID: 0005486E MS02EscapeMadanachEnding SCEN 0 Good work. Get ready while I have a word with our favorite outsider. demagogue FormID: 00054875 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01KaieBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01KaieBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 It wasn't easy getting all your things. A few guards had to have their throats slit. bloodthirsty FormID: 00054874 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 I had Kaie recover all the things the Nords stole from you. You better get ready before we break out into the city. demagogue Walk Away FormID: 00054874 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranch MS02EscapeScene01MadanachBlockingBranchTopic CUST 1 And take this. It's blessed with the old magicks. Something to remember me by. ironically Walk Away FormID: 00054844 CW02A SCEN 0 Good job! FormID: 00054829 CW02A SCEN 0 Alright everyone! Keep your guard up. Let's move out! FormID: 0005485F CW02A SCEN 0 Alright legionnaires! Spread out and see what we've got. FormID: 00054840 CW02A SCEN 0 Auxiliary, do what you do best. See if you can find some way to get that gate open. FormID: 00054855 CW02A SCEN 0 How's it going? You find anything yet? FormID: 00054856 CW02A SCEN 0 Keep looking. There's got to be some way to get that gate open. FormID: 0005485E CW02A SCEN 0 This may sound obvious, but do you see a lever anywhere? a bit sarcastic FormID: 00054833 CW02A SCEN 0 Alright, let's move, men! We've got more... FormID: 00054842 CW02A SCEN 0 Steady, legionnaires! We've been through worse. Just keep your guard up! FormID: 00054843 CW02A SCEN 0 Follow me. Let's see where this leads. FormID: 00054848 CW02A SCEN 0 Hadvar... get away from there! FormID: 00054834 CW02A SCEN 0 We'll stay here and see if we can find anything else that could be of use. FormID: 00054796 MG07 MG07OnmundBranch MG07OnmundBranchTopic CUST 0 There's no time! You have to get back to the College as fast as you can! FormID: 00054796 MG07 MG07OnmundBranch MG07OnmundBranchTopic CUST 1 Mirabelle is dead, and they're losing ground fast. I'd be there now if I hadn't seen... I had one of your 'visions', I think. FormID: 00054796 MG07 MG07OnmundBranch MG07OnmundBranchTopic CUST 2 Go on, get moving! I'll try and clear a path for you. FormID: 00054763 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Cave Bear pelts. FormID: 00056BA5 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Bear pelts. FormID: 00056BA6 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Snow Bear pelts. FormID: 00056BA7 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Sabre Cat pelts. FormID: 00056BA8 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Snow Sabre Cat pelts. FormID: 00056BA9 CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Ice Wolf pelts. FormID: 00056BAA CR03 CR03IntroBranch CR03IntroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've got some traders coming in, and are short on Wolf pelts. FormID: 00054759 CR03 CR03FinishQuestBranch CR03FinishQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 These look like good quality, too. I know it's not the glamorous, heroic work, but don't be surprised if I ask you to do it again. FormID: 00054771 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 There's some trouble in Eastmarch. Farmers getting troubled by some bad types who've built up a stronghold in the area. FormID: 00054772 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 There's some trouble in Falkreath. There's always some sort of trouble down there, but now it's come to a head. FormID: 00054773 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 There's some trouble in Haafingar. The Legion's too busy with the war, and they're hiring us to take care of their problems. FormID: 00054774 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 We've been hired to deal with some pests in Hjaalmarch. Someone's got them riled up, and you need to put an end to it. FormID: 00054775 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 There's some trouble in The Pale. We need you to go in and clear out an enemy stronghold. FormID: 00054776 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 There's always some sort of trouble in The Reach, but a local warlord has raised the stakes. We have to handle the situation. FormID: 00054777 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 The Rift is seeing a lot of trouble from some riff-raff. We need to head in and break them up. FormID: 00054778 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 We've got trouble right here in Whiterun Hold. Nothing we can't handle. FormID: 00054779 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05IntroBranch CUST 0 There's trouble up in Winterhold. I'm a little surprised anyone's complaining about it, but money is money. FormID: 00054767 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 Nothing but a bunch of lowly bandits. Cowards, who will take little effort. FormID: 00054768 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 The restless dead. Not pretty, but if you don't stop them, they'll move on to the locals. FormID: 00054769 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 The Falmer. There have been reports that they've been attacking people at night. FormID: 0005476A CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 It's a problem with the Forsworn. Unpredictable, unknowable, and dangerous. Be careful. FormID: 0005476B CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 It's a clan of giants. The war is driving them out of their lands, and they've started attacking settlements. FormID: 0005476C CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 You'll be clearing a nest of those Hagraven things. I've never faced one myself, but I hear... disturbing things about them. FormID: 0005476D CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 Oddly enough, Spriggans. Usually they let alone, but for some reason, this particular grove isn't. FormID: 0005476E CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 Bloodsuckers. Vampires. Take every precaution. One bite, and you could end up as one of them. FormID: 0005476F CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05EnemyTypeTopic CUST 0 Rogue wizards. I've never trusted magic types. The College is bad enough. Destroy them. FormID: 00054764 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05TakeTheJob CUST 0 I knew you could be counted on. Do what must be done. FormID: 00054765 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05TakeTheJob CUST 0 Excellent. Show them no mercy. FormID: 00054766 CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05TakeTheJob CUST 0 Good. Do not spare them your blade. FormID: 0005475B CR05 CR05GetQuestBranch CR05TurnDownJob CUST 0 Shame. But, I'm sure one of the whelps around here will take it up. FormID: 00054760 CR05 CR05EndQuestBranch CR05EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 And I have already received word that the client is satisfied. You have done well for yourself, and for the Companions. FormID: 00054761 CR05 CR05EndQuestBranch CR05EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Another job well done. Your payment is secure, and you have my thanks. FormID: 00054762 CR05 CR05EndQuestBranch CR05EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I expected no less of you. And once again, you have not disappointed. FormID: 00054770 CR08 CR08GivingQuestBranch CR08GivingQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 We've received a desperate missive. FormID: 0005475E CR08 CR08FinishQuestBranch CR08FinishQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Unfortunate. Let's be more careful next time. FormID: 00017E9E CR08 CR08FinishQuestBranch CR08FinishQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 So I hear. You've brought honor to the Companions and yourself. FormID: 0005475D CR08 CR08VictimThanksLetsGoNowPlz CR08VictimThanksLetsGoNowPlzTopic CUST 0 Thank the Divines! Let's move! FormID: 0005475F CR08 CR08VictimYayIAmHomeNaoKThxBai CR08VictimYayIAmHomeNowKThxBaiTopic CUST 0 I'm ever so grateful. Please, give my regard to the rest of the Companions. FormID: 00054742 DB04 SCEN 0 Poor Cicero has failed you. Poor Cicero is sorry, sweet mother. I've tried, so very hard. But I just can't find the Listener. FormID: 000546CD DB04 SCEN 0 Tell Cicero the time has come. Tell him the words he has been waiting for, all these years: [QUOTE]Darkness rises when silence dies.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054741 DB04 SCEN 0 What? What treachery! Defiler! Debaser and defiler! You have violated the sanctity of the Night Mother's tomb! Explain yourself! FormID: 0009BDCF WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDD3 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDD6 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDD7 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDD8 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDF1 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDF2 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDF7 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009BDFB WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not bad. Reminds me when I first started smithing. begrudging half compliment FormID: 0009C2A2 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2A3 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2AB WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2AC WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2AD WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2AE WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2AF WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2B0 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009C2B1 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Not too shabby. Apprentice level work, but solid. Keep at it. begrudging compliment FormID: 0009BDFE WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE00 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE02 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE03 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE06 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE07 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE08 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE09 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE0A WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Good job. I can see you know what you're doing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BF78 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BF79 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BF7A WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BF7B WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BF7C WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BF7D WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BFDC WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BFFA WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BFFB WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 Masterful. That's a work of art, right there. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C2 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C3 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C4 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C5 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C6 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C7 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C8 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2C9 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009C2CA WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You don't see many people crafting with that these days. Impressive. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE0B WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE0C WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE0D WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE0E WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE0F WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE15 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE18 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE1C WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 0009BE1D WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 You made that from the remains of a dragon? Amazing. compliment, mutual respect FormID: 00054217 CR02 CR02QuestCompletion CR02QuestCompletionTopic CUST 0 Good work. The mindless cretins didn't stand a chance. FormID: 000C15FB CR02 CR02QuestCompletion CR02QuestCompletionTopic CUST 0 Not bad, not bad. The intensity of the hunt is special, isn't it? FormID: 000C15FC CR02 CR02QuestCompletion CR02QuestCompletionTopic CUST 0 Good to hear. Have your share of the pay. FormID: 0005413F TG03 TG03MallusSabjornBranch TG03MallusSabjornBranchTopic CUST 0 I made the mistake of borrowing coin from Sabjorn. He's allowing me to pay it back, but he's working my fingers to the bone! FormID: 0005413F TG03 TG03MallusSabjornBranch TG03MallusSabjornBranchTopic CUST 1 He treats me like a slave... I have to do every nasty, dirty job in the meadery. FormID: 00054139 TG03 TG03MallusTunnelsBranch TG03MallusTunnelsBranchTopic CUST 0 Both of the buildings are connected by tunnels made by the pests infesting the meadery. FormID: 00054139 TG03 TG03MallusTunnelsBranch TG03MallusTunnelsBranchTopic CUST 1 There's an entrance to it in the basement storeroom of the warehouse that used to be boarded over. FormID: 00054139 TG03 TG03MallusTunnelsBranch TG03MallusTunnelsBranchTopic CUST 2 I've already removed the boards so the meadery would get infested. That's where you should start. FormID: 00106CF0 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Remember to put in a good word with Maven for me. FormID: 00106CF1 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 I love it when a plan comes together. FormID: 00054142 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, Sabjorn will be needing a helping hand. Make it look good. FormID: 00054143 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck. I'll be here if you need me. FormID: 00054144 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Suit yourself. FormID: 00055042 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Please hurry. The Captain of the Guard isn't patient when it comes to tasting time. FormID: 0009F15E TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Now I've got to clean up this mess. FormID: 00055043 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, you don't get paid until they're all dead. FormID: 000EA5B6 TG03 TG03Goodbyes GBYE 0 One more time in case I wasn't clear. You butcher this job and you'll be sorry. FormID: 00054140 TG03 TG03MallusPoisonBranch TG03MallusPoisonBranchTopic CUST 0 Once Sabjorn is out of the way, Maven has plans for this place. One way or another, we don't want the pests coming back. FormID: 00054140 TG03 TG03MallusPoisonBranch TG03MallusPoisonBranchTopic CUST 1 Consider it just more of the dirty work. I did my part getting them in there, now you need to clear them out. FormID: 0005413D TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Are you kidding me? Look at this place. FormID: 0005413D TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'm supposed to be holding a tasting of the new Honningbrew Reserve for the Captain of the Guard. worried FormID: 0005413D TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If he sees the meadery in this state, I'll be ruined. FormID: 0005413E TG03 TG03SabjornMallusBranchTopic01 TG03SabjornMallusBranchTopicA CUST 0 Mallus is the best deal I've ever made. Lent him a bit of gold some time ago I knew he'd never be able to pay back. FormID: 0005413E TG03 TG03SabjornMallusBranchTopic01 TG03SabjornMallusBranchTopicA CUST 1 Nothing like free labor to make operating costs cheaper. obnoxiously gleeful FormID: 00054146 TG03 TG03SabjornMavenBranch TG03SabjornMavenBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well... yes. I mean, all of the gold didn't come from me. I have a silent partner that helped with the finances. taken aback... hiding something? FormID: 00053F09 CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of the Reach has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F0A CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of Haafingar has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F0B CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of Hjaalmarch has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F0C CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of Falkreath has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F0D CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of Whiterun has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F0E CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of the Pale has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F0F CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of the Rift has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F10 CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of Eastmarch has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F11 CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Jarl of Winterhold has asked for our help. FormID: 00054216 CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02QuestGivingBranchTopic CUST 0 One of the Jarls has asked for our help. FormID: 00053F08 CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02IntroContinuation CUST 0 It seems that predators have taken up residence and have been attacking farmers and travelers. FormID: 00053F08 CR02 CR02QuestGivingBranch CR02IntroContinuation CUST 1 Someone's got to head out there and take care of the beasts. FormID: 00053A51 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornCaravan MQ201MalbornCaravanTopic CUST 0 Ah. You must mean that one over there. He's not one of us. FormID: 00053A51 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornCaravan MQ201MalbornCaravanTopic CUST 1 Thalmor filth, eh? Giving all Khajiit a bad name. FormID: 00053A2A MQ201 MQ201GissurBlocking MQ201GissurBlockingTopic CUST 0 You must be new. We don't talk to each other here. FormID: 00053A2C MQ201 MQ201GissurBlocking MQ201GissurBlockingTopic CUST 0 You here to see Rulindil, too, eh? None of my business of course. FormID: 00053A42 MQ201 MQ201GissurBlocking MQ201GissurBlockingTopic CUST 0 Push off, will you? FormID: 00053A57 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 What did you tell him? Why did you do this to me? FormID: 00053A59 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 You've got to help me! Please! FormID: 00053A63 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 I don't know where I'll go. Somewhere far away from here. FormID: 00053A64 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 Maybe this is a way out? FormID: 00053ACE MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 Maybe one of the guards had a key? FormID: 00053ACF MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 There's got to be some way out of here! FormID: 00069F9B MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasBlockingTopic2 CUST 0 What did you tell him? Why did you do this to me? FormID: 00053A50 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasPrisonerA1 CUST 0 Oh... thank you. I don't understand what's happening. I can't stay here. What will I do now? FormID: 00053A20 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasPrisonerA2 CUST 0 What? Why? But... you must have said something to Erikur! You lied to him and now here I am! You're a heartless monster! FormID: 00053A23 MQ201 MQ201BrelasBlocking MQ201BrelasPrisonerA2 CUST 0 No... please, you have to help me! You don't understand what they do to people here! FormID: 00053A1E MQ201 MQ201GeneralBlocking MQ201GeneralBlockingTopic CUST 0 Go. Out. Before I change my mind. FormID: 00053902 TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 You're going to happen by and lend poor old Sabjorn a helping hand. sarcastic FormID: 00053902 TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic05 CUST 1 He's going to give you the poison to use on the pests, but you're also going to dump it into the brewing vat. devilishly clever, proud of your plan FormID: 000537D5 CR01 CR01QuestCompletionBranch CR01QuestCompletionBranchTopic CUST 0 Good work. A simple job, but it keeps the coin rolling in. Here's your share. FormID: 000537D6 CR01 CR01QuestCompletionBranch CR01QuestCompletionBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm sure that the owner of that place is relieved. They certainly came through with the coin. FormID: 000537D7 CR01 CR01QuestCompletionBranch CR01QuestCompletionBranchTopic CUST 0 Well done. Here's your gold. FormID: 00053539 TG08B SCEN 0 He's here and he hasn't seen us yet. Brynjolf, watch the door. whispering as if an enemy might hear FormID: 0005353A TG08B SCEN 0 Aye, lass. Nothing's getting by me. whispering as if enemy might overhear FormID: 00053535 TG08B SCEN 0 Climb down that ledge and see if you can... FormID: 00053536 TG08B SCEN 0 Karliah, when will you learn you can't get the drop on me? FormID: 000C7B3F MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 It is. We train the bards you hear throughout the land. Viarmo is the head of the college and in charge of admissions. FormID: 000C7B5C MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 Only in that I'm a graduate. I work at here at the Winking Skeever. I would highly recommend it though. Talk to Viarmo if you're interested. FormID: 000C7B5D MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 Only in that I'm a graduate. I work over at the Winking Skeever. I would highly recommend it though. Talk to Viarmo if you're interested. FormID: 000534F2 MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 I'm a bard, trained at the Bards College in Solitude. Wanderers like you should think about applying. FormID: 000534F3 MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 I'm a bard, from the Bards College here in Solitude. Wanderers like you should think about applying. FormID: 000BB964 MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 At the Bards College in Solitude. They train bards and skalds like myself. FormID: 000BB964 MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 1 If you go there, talk to Viarmo. He's the headmaster. FormID: 00053504 MS05 MS05ViarmoWelcome MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic CUST 0 Always a pleasure to meet a prospective bard. FormID: 00053504 MS05 MS05ViarmoWelcome MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic CUST 1 You should be aware that many apply but we accept very few people. FormID: 00053504 MS05 MS05ViarmoWelcome MS05ViarmoApplicationTopic CUST 2 When possible, we ask applicants to perform tasks the college needs completed. In this case, I do have a task befitting an aspiring bard... FormID: 0005350B MS05 MS05QuestInfo MS05ViarmoTaskDescription CUST 0 As you may be aware Elisif's husband High King Torygg was recently killed. FormID: 0005350B MS05 MS05QuestInfo MS05ViarmoTaskDescription CUST 1 Elisif mourns her husband deeply and she feels that a festival that burns a King in effigy is... distasteful. FormID: 0005350B MS05 MS05QuestInfo MS05ViarmoTaskDescription CUST 2 I've tried to convince her the festival is many centuries old and celebrates Solitude but I need proof. FormID: 0005350B MS05 MS05QuestInfo MS05ViarmoTaskDescription CUST 3 I believe King Olaf's verse will provide that proof. FormID: 000534E7 MS05 MS05ViarmoWelcome MS05ViarmoTask2 CUST 0 Elisif has forbidden the Burning of King Olaf, a Festival put on by the Bards College. We need to change her mind. FormID: 000534E7 MS05 MS05ViarmoWelcome MS05ViarmoTask2 CUST 1 To convince her I want to read King Olaf's Verse. A part of the Poetic Edda, the living history of Skyrim. Unfortunately the verse was lost long ago. FormID: 000534F0 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 0 I have to admit I didn't think it would actually be there. Now let's take a look at this... FormID: 000534F0 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 1 Oh. Oh-no. This won't do at all. FormID: 000534F0 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 2 The copy is incomplete, it's aged to the point that parts are unreadable. FormID: 000534F0 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 3 And the parts that are readable... well... bardic verse has come a long way since ancient times. FormID: 000E769F MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 0 Ah wonderful, I knew it would be. This is a significant find. You're excited. FormID: 000E769F MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 1 I'll let Viarmo take possession but I will be looking forward to adding this to our library. Good work. FormID: 00057A4E MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 0 That's tremendous! I have to admit I didn't fully believe it still existed. Now let's take a look at this... FormID: 00057A4E MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 1 Oh. Oh-no. This won't do at all. The copy is incomplete, it's aged to the point that parts are unreadable. FormID: 000E76A0 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05GivePoemTopic CUST 0 I knew it was at the Dead Man's Respite. FormID: 000534E9 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05PoemInspection CUST 0 It means I can't read it to the court. Without the verse I won't be able to convince Elisif of the importance of The Burning of King Olaf Festival. FormID: 000534E9 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05PoemInspection CUST 1 If she isn't convinced of the festival's importance then she won't reverse her decision to stop the effigy burning. FormID: 000534E9 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05PoemInspection CUST 2 It means that the Burning of King Olaf, which the Bards College has held for time immemorial, won't be happening. FormID: 000534F8 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05NewPoemIdea CUST 0 Make it up? That doesn't seem appropriate... FormID: 000534F8 MS05 MS05GivePoem MS05NewPoemIdea CUST 1 I suppose I could copy his style based on what you brought me but I have no idea what happened in between these verses. FormID: 000534E5 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse2Incompetent CUST 0 Ha! All right, I'm writing that in. I'm not sure about the court but I find that much more probable than Olaf capturing a dragon. Walk Away FormID: 000534E6 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse4 CUST 0 And they got the orders backwards. Ha ha ha. Yes, I'm writing that in. It should be good for a laugh from the court. Walk Away FormID: 0005467E DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlForceGreet DunHarmugstahlForceGreetTopic CUST 0 That was a close one! Walk Away FormID: 000534FC MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemFinalVerse CUST 0 It has a few final lines but that's all we needed to add. I need to head to court immediately and present this. You should come. FormID: 000534F6 MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]No shouting match between dragon and man, no fire or fury did this battle entail.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534F6 MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]Olaf captured a fast-sleeping dragon, a mighty feat which the meek would not fail.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8D MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]No shouting match between dragon and man, no fire or fury did this battle entail.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8D MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]Olaf struck a deal to make himself king, Numinex let go though none tell that tale.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8E MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]No shouting match between dragon and man, no fire or fury did this battle entail.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8E MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]Olaf was Numinex in human form, on moonless nights he would spread wings and sail.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534EE MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Olaf gave orders, Winterhold disguises. An attack on Solitude total destruction to follow.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534EE MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]His men dressed up and then went out to fight, but they reversed Olaf's orders much to Winterhold's sorrow.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8B MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Olaf sent word to Solitude's Jarl, cajoling and mocking and begging for a fight.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8B MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]From Winterhold Olaf had sent every message, upon attack he was nowhere in sight.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8C MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Because Solitude would not soon bend knee, Olaf would hurt them while his status accrued.[QUOTE] FormID: 00054F8C MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]He sacked Winterhold his only true ally, and used magic bold to blame Solitude.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005CBFC MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Because Solitude would not soon bend knee, Olaf would hurt them while his status accrued.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005CBFC MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]He sacked Winterhold in dragon form, and bent their minds to blame Solitude.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005350C MS05 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]So ends the story of Olaf the liar, a thief and a scoundrel we of Solitude commit to the fire.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005350C MS05 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]In Solitude bards train for their service, they also gather each year and burn a King who deserves it.[QUOTE] FormID: 000534F4 MS05 SCEN 0 I thank you and the college thanks you, Jarl. FormID: 00053509 MS05 SCEN 0 You have proven your point, Viarmo. The festival is truly a celebration of Solitude and a condemnation of false kings. FormID: 00053510 MS05 SCEN 0 Furthermore, I believe that such a fine poem deserves some payment of Patronage. The college will be moderately rewarded. FormID: 00060360 MS05 SCEN 0 Furthermore, I believe that such a fine poem deserves some payment of Patronage. The college will be moderately rewarded. FormID: 00060361 MS05 SCEN 0 Furthermore, I believe that such a fine poem deserves some payment of Patronage. The college will be generously rewarded. FormID: 00060362 MS05 SCEN 0 Furthermore, I believe that such a fine poem deserves some payment of Patronage. The college will be very generously rewarded. FormID: 000534EF MS05 SCEN 0 Thank you yet again. I will make sure our applicant, who was instrumental in... recovering the poem will be well rewarded. FormID: 000534FE MS05 MS05PoemReward MS05PoemRewardTopic CUST 0 Unbelievable! You have done us a great service here. I can't begin to thank you enough. FormID: 000534F1 MS05 MS05PoemReward MS05SendToJornTopic CUST 0 Soon, soon. These things must be done properly, you will be inducted as part of the Festival itself. FormID: 000534F1 MS05 MS05PoemReward MS05SendToJornTopic CUST 1 I need you to go speak to Jorn. He was preparing the Effigy of King Olaf. FormID: 000534F1 MS05 MS05PoemReward MS05SendToJornTopic CUST 2 Tell him to finish the preparations, the Festival is back on. FormID: 000534FD MS05 MS05BardsCollegeInduction MS05BardsCollegeInductionTopic CUST 0 I think they like you. FormID: 000534FA MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse2Underhanded CUST 0 Hmmm, Olaf did become king and Numinex escaped later. It's entirely possible... and I'm sure the court will like that, I'm writing it in. Walk Away FormID: 000534F7 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse2Evil CUST 0 I find that highly unlikely... but the court will love it. I'm writing it in. Walk Away FormID: 000E7752 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse2Evil CUST 0 I find that highly unlikely... I think it would be irresponsible to write that in to the verse. Walk Away FormID: 000534FB MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse4Underhanded CUST 0 It's not the most exciting answer but the most likely. I'll write it in. Walk Away FormID: 00053502 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse4Dragon CUST 0 Oh that is exciting! I'm sure the court and the Jarl will love it. I'm writing it in now. Walk Away FormID: 000E770E MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse4Dragon CUST 0 No, that's pushing it too far. Very exciting but highly unlikely, I can't possibly write that in. Walk Away FormID: 00062169 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemExit CUST 0 You're leaving? Okay, we'll just work on the verse in a bit. FormID: 00053505 MS05 MS05PoemCreation MS05PoemVerse4Evil2 CUST 0 That sounds good. I'm not sure the court will believe that Olaf had wizard powers but we shall see. Walk Away FormID: 00053497 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01a CUST 0 Well, I'm not blind to the fact that you've been instrumental in improving my affairs of the heart. FormID: 00053497 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01a CUST 1 If you wish, you may enter my tower to view the museum section, but I'm afraid the laboratories are still off limits. FormID: 00053497 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01a CUST 2 That's the best I can offer. FormID: 000BA28A TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01a CUST 0 I've already provided you a key to the museum. You should consider it an honor. Few are allowed to browse my collection. FormID: 000BA28A TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01a CUST 1 I'm sorry, but that's as far as my generosity extends. FormID: 0005343E CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of the Reach has asked for our help. FormID: 0005343F CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Haafingar has asked for our help. FormID: 00053440 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Hjaalmarch has asked for our help. FormID: 00053441 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Falkreath has asked for our help. FormID: 00053442 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Whiterun has asked for our help. FormID: 00053443 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of the Pale has asked for our help. FormID: 00053444 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of the Rift has asked for our help. FormID: 00053445 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Eastmarch has asked for our help. FormID: 00053446 CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Winterhold has asked for our help. FormID: 000537DA CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01MainBranchTopic CUST 0 A citizen of Skyrim has asked for our help. FormID: 0005343D CR01 CR01MainBranch CR01IntroContinuationTopic CUST 0 It seems that a predator has invaded their home, and someone needs to clear the beast out. FormID: 0005332C DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExteriorGuard DialogueMarkarthExteriorGuardTopic CUST 0 First time in Markarth, traveler? Take my advice. You see anything, don't get involved. The city guard will take care of it. FormID: 00053329 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExteriorGuard DialogueMarkarthGateGuardChoice01 CUST 0 See, there you go. Getting involved. Don't ask too many questions in Markarth. Safer for everyone that way. FormID: 00053327 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExteriorGuard DialogueMarkarthGateGuardChoice02 CUST 0 Jarl Igmund sits on the Mournful Throne. You can find him in the keep, in the back end of the city inside the mountain. FormID: 00053325 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExteriorGuard DialogueMarkarthGateGuardChoice03 CUST 0 You're our favorite kind of traveler, then. The market area is just inside in the gate. FormID: 00053322 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExteriorGuard DialogueMarkarthGuardGateInvis CUST 0 Head on in. Keep your nose clean, and you won't have any problems with us. FormID: 00053351 MS01IntroWorldScene MURD 0 Margret! screaming in terror FormID: 00053355 MS01IntroWorldScene MURD 0 Guards! Forsworn! yelling for help FormID: 00053407 MS01IntroWorldScene MURD 0 Gods, not again.... under his breathe FormID: 0005332E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumTopic CUST 0 Halt. The Dwemer Museum isn't open to anyone without the court wizard's permission. FormID: 0005332A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumChoice01 CUST 0 Because Calcelmo doesn't want anyone to go in. He runs the museum, he makes the rules. FormID: 0005332A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumChoice01 CUST 1 You have a problem with that? Go talk to him. You'll find him in front of the ruins during the day. Just down the tunnel. FormID: 00053328 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumChoice02 CUST 0 Calcelmo. He's the Jarl's magical advisor, but he spends most of his time studying the ruins. FormID: 00053328 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumChoice02 CUST 1 If you want in, Calcelmo has to give his say-so. He's usually in front of Nchuand-Zel. Just down the tunnel. FormID: 00053326 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumChoice03 CUST 0 It means [QUOTE]Dwarven Museum.[QUOTE] Lost race of people that built the city. FormID: 00053326 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthMuseum DialogueMarkarthMuseumChoice03 CUST 1 You want to know more? Ask Calcelmo. He's usually in front of the ruins, just down the tunnel. FormID: 00053323 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExcavationSite DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoExcavationSiteTopic CUST 0 Correct. It's a private place where I can catalog my research. Occasionally, the Jarl will come in and have questions, but that's thankfully rare. FormID: 00053324 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExcavationSite DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoExcavationSiteTopic CUST 0 Persistent aren't you? Oh, very well. Who am I to stand in the way of curiosity? FormID: 00053321 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExcavationSite DialogueMarkarthCacelmoInvis CUST 0 I'll let you in if you agree to something for me. There's a giant spider in Nchuand-Zel. My workers call her [QUOTE]Nimhe,[QUOTE] the poisoned one. FormID: 00053321 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExcavationSite DialogueMarkarthCacelmoInvis CUST 1 If you deal with Nimhe, I'll let you into both the excavation site and my Dwemer Museum. What do you say? FormID: 00053320 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExcavationSite DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoAccept CUST 0 Enthusiasm. Good. Here's the key to the dig site. FormID: 00053336 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthExcavationSite DialogueMarkarthCalcelmoReject CUST 0 Oh, very well. Probably safest that way. FormID: 0005332D FreeformMarkarthO FreeformMarkarthOCalcelmoReturn FreeformMarkarthOCalcelmoReturnTopic CUST 0 You have my gratitude. That spider had been interfering with my excavations for months. FormID: 0005332D FreeformMarkarthO FreeformMarkarthOCalcelmoReturn FreeformMarkarthOCalcelmoReturnTopic CUST 1 As promised, here's the key to the Dwemer Museum. Mind the displays. Some of them are quite fragile. FormID: 0005326B FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, we all have our flaws; mine is that women can't get enough of me. FormID: 0005326B FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic CUST 1 So I had this little affair going on while I was betrothed to a beautiful girl named Svidi. FormID: 0005326B FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic CUST 2 Well, she finds out and she tells her brother, Wulfur. Then her brother attacks me with a knife... I mean, I had to defend myself! FormID: 0005326A FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Exactly! And now I have to stare at these bars for eight months. Can you believe it? FormID: 0005326A FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I was about to let that wench marry into the richest family in Riften, and this is how she repays me. FormID: 0005326A FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I'd do anything to have that whore's head on a platter. All I need to know is where she is. FormID: 0005325F FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlyBranch FFRiften02LynlyBranchTopic CUST 0 No, I'm sorry. You must have me mistaken for someone else. I've never even heard that name before. Scared FormID: 0003C4C5 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlyBranch FFRiften02LynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. FormID: 00053275 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, good. Just point me in the right direction and I'll do the rest. FormID: 0005327A FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Ivarstead? So close to Riften? She's an even bigger fool than I thought. FormID: 00053270 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranchTopic02 CUST 0 So, the whore thinks the Black-Briar reach ends at the border of Skyrim, eh? She'll soon discover her mistake. FormID: 00053264 FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 No, no friend. You've got it all wrong. I'm not selling cheap mead. I'm selling good mead for cheap... Black-Briar Mead. FormID: 00053264 FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I sell cases of it for half of what the inns and taverns pay through the Meadery. FormID: 00053264 FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 All I need is someone to deliver it for me. If anyone saw me leave Riften, they'd get suspicious. FormID: 0005325E FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I need someone to take this small keg of Black-Briar Mead to Wilhelm at the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead. FormID: 0005325E FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Drop it off and he'll trade you something for the delivery. Keep it as payment for the legwork. FormID: 0005325E FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Oh, and if you bump into Indaryn from the meadery, keep your mouth shut. He'd rat us out in a second. FormID: 00053276 FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften03TavernkeepBranch FreeformRiften03TavernkeepBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, pipe down. You want the whole blessed place to hear you? FormID: 00053276 FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften03TavernkeepBranch FreeformRiften03TavernkeepBranchTopic CUST 1 The arrangement called for a trade. I hope you'll find this suitable. FormID: 000531A3 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 We must hasten to Riften before Mercer can do any more damage to the Guild. worried FormID: 000531AA TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You've come this far, so I see no harm in concealing it any longer. FormID: 000531AA TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 The Twilight Sepulcher is the temple to Nocturnal. It's what the Nightingales are sworn to protect with their lives. this is a big revelation to the Player FormID: 000531A9 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Everything that represents Nocturnal's influence is contained within the walls of the Sepulcher. FormID: 000531A9 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Now it seems Mercer's broken his oath with Nocturnal and defiled the very thing he swore to protect. FormID: 000531A6 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04a CUST 0 I'll make for Riften and scout the situation; see if I can discover what Mercer's up to. When you're ready, meet me at the Ragged Flagon. FormID: 000531A6 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04a CUST 1 In the meantime, I wanted you to have this. It belonged to Gallus, but given the circumstances I think he'd approve. FormID: 000531A8 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04b CUST 0 I felt the same way when Gallus first revealed these things to me. FormID: 000531A8 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04b CUST 1 I think given time, you'll understand what I mean. FormID: 0005326C FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften03IndarynBranch FreeformRiften03IndarynBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, I suspected as much but I've never been able to catch that little sneak with proof. FormID: 00053271 FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften03IndarynBranch FreeformRiften03IndarynBranchTopic01 CUST 0 That fetcher! I gave him the same keg just this morning and told him to store it in the cellars. FormID: 00053271 FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften03IndarynBranch FreeformRiften03IndarynBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Oh, he'll rot in prison for this one I promise you. As soon as Maven finds out, it's all over for him. FormID: 00053271 FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften03IndarynBranch FreeformRiften03IndarynBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Here, take this as a bit of a reward for nabbing our little thief. FormID: 0005325C FreeformRiften04 FF04IngunReturnNirnBranch FFRiften04IngunReturnNirnBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah yes, excellent samples. Thank you. This coin should compensate you for all the bother. FormID: 0005329C FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunReturnNightBranch FFRiften04IngunReturnNightBranchTopic CUST 0 Perfect. This is just what I needed. Here's some gold for your time. FormID: 00053279 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunReturnBellBranch FFRiften04IngunReturnBellBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, my experiments are at a critical stage and these are just what I need to finish. Here's some coin for all the trouble. FormID: 0005327C FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaBranch FFRiften05DinyaBranchTopic CUST 0 Riften is drowning in a sea of sin and wickedness and it's my personal mission to let everyone know that the warmth of Mara can see them through. FormID: 0005327C FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaBranch FFRiften05DinyaBranchTopic CUST 1 All I need is a messenger to bring Her words to these poor souls by distributing these missives. FormID: 00053278 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaBranch FFRiften05DinyaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Oh my, how wonderful! Lady Mara will be so pleased! FormID: 00053278 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaBranch FFRiften05DinyaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Here you are. Now make sure you give out every single one, we can't afford to let even one lost soul stray from Her warmth. FormID: 00053115 MS13 SCEN 0 That's it. Keep hacking at it. FormID: 00053116 MS13 SCEN 0 Don't stop. Keep cutting. FormID: 00053114 MS13 SCEN 0 It's coming loose. I can feel it. FormID: 0005310D MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleBranchTopic CUST 0 Wish I could say the same for us. FormID: 0005310D MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleBranchTopic CUST 1 Tolfdir and I can try and keep this contained. You need to get your hands on the Staff of Magnus. Now. FormID: 0005310F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleResponse1 CUST 0 I've got to stay here, to see if we can get to Ancano and stop this. I need someone I can trust to do it. FormID: 0005310F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleResponse1 CUST 1 Besides, you're the one having all of these visions, aren't you? FormID: 0005310E MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleResponse2 CUST 0 I certainly hope so. I don't know how long we can keep this up. FormID: 0005310E MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleResponse2 CUST 1 At least tell me where you're going, so we can send someone after you if you don't come back. FormID: 00053064 TG06 TG06KarliahGoAloneView TG06KarliahGoAloneViewTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid not. There are preparations to make and Gallus's remains to lay to rest. FormID: 00053064 TG06 TG06KarliahGoAloneView TG06KarliahGoAloneViewTopic CUST 1 I promise to join you there as soon as I can. FormID: 0005306E TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, speak only to Enthir. Trust no one else. FormID: 00053070 TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you have further need of me, you can find me in the College. FormID: 000D8806 TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 Calcelmo is stubborn as a mule. Be careful when you speak to him. FormID: 00053071 TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful. FormID: 000BBCAD TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 I hope you enjoy touring the museum. Just don't touch anything. snide FormID: 00053498 TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 Oh, be certain to purchase my Falmer translation tome when it's completed! mock friendliness FormID: 000BBCAE TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 Now, stand aside, there's work to be done. FormID: 000BBCAF TG06 TG06Goodbyes GBYE 0 Try not to disturb me in the future, I'm in the midst of groundbreaking research! FormID: 00053072 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic CUST 0 He was a dear friend of mine and a surprisingly astute pupil of academia... I was devastated when he was killed. remembering a long lost friend FormID: 00053072 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic CUST 1 I suppose that risk always coexisted with his line of work, I just never thought his luck would run out. remembering a long lost friend FormID: 00053067 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, for the thrill of course. FormID: 00053067 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic01 CUST 1 He was quite clear that he felt more in his element climbing through a window rather than hunched over a dusty tome. FormID: 00053065 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Ah yes, quite an amusing anecdote actually. I caught him trying to break into my laboratory. fond memory FormID: 00053065 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic02 CUST 1 I was about to show him the error of his ways when he made a curiously astute comment about my research notes. fond memory FormID: 00053065 TG06 TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranch TG06EnthirGallusBackgroundBranchTopic02 CUST 2 I was astounded and in turn it lead to a conversation. Who'd have imagined it would lead to such a strong friendship? fond memory FormID: 00053066 TG06 TG06EnthirAncientFalmer TG06EnthirAncientFalmerTopic CUST 0 Besides the fact that there are only a handful of people in Tamriel that even recognize the language? FormID: 00053066 TG06 TG06EnthirAncientFalmer TG06EnthirAncientFalmerTopic CUST 1 I'm fairly certain he was planning some sort of a heist that involved a deep understanding of the Falmer language. FormID: 00053066 TG06 TG06EnthirAncientFalmer TG06EnthirAncientFalmerTopic CUST 2 Sadly, we never had the opportunity to speak about the details. FormID: 00053068 TG06 TG06EnthirAncientFalmer TG06EnthirAncientFalmerTopic01 CUST 0 Ironically, I pointed him in the same direction I pointed you. To Markarth and Calcelmo. FormID: 00053068 TG06 TG06EnthirAncientFalmer TG06EnthirAncientFalmerTopic01 CUST 1 I'm only hoping whatever means he used to learn the language will still be available to you. FormID: 000532BC FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 What's this nonsense? Bah. FormID: 000532DE FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I'll read it. Thank you. FormID: 000532E0 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I don't have time for this nonsense. FormID: 000532E2 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Seems like a noble cause, I'll look it over. FormID: 000532E4 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 If only more people would read this, things might be better in Riften. FormID: 000532E5 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I don't understand how paper will help the dregs of this city, but suit yourself. FormID: 000532E6 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Do you take me for a fool? Get this drivel away from me! FormID: 000532E7 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you. Blessings of Mara upon you as well. FormID: 000532E8 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Interesting. I'll look it over. Thanks. FormID: 000532E9 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I hold my own beliefs, but thanks anyway. FormID: 000532EA FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Mara this and Mara that. Where is she when hundreds of Stormcloaks are dying for no good reason, eh? FormID: 000532EB FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Not really my usual read, but I'll give it a try. FormID: 000532EC FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Mara can't help me. No one can. FormID: 000532ED FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, interesting. I'll read it this evening. FormID: 000532EE FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I have no desire to seek religion. FormID: 000532EF FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I visit the temple sometimes, but perhaps not often enough. Thanks for bringing this to me. FormID: 000532F0 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you for the blessing, I'll put this to good use. FormID: 000532F1 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, well thank you. I'll try and read this if I can. FormID: 000532F2 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Are you out of your mind? FormID: 000532F3 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I think I have some more of these padding my mattress. FormID: 000532F4 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I have no time for Marla or Mara or whatever her name is... there's work to be done! FormID: 000532F5 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 Had only Mara saved that poor animal... FormID: 000532F6 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05Pamphletbranch FreeformRiften05PamphletbranchTopic CUST 0 I'll give it a try, thanks very much. FormID: 0005329F FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Mara only helps those who can afford her tithes. This is nonsense. FormID: 000532A0 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Oh, how kind! Thank you. FormID: 000532A1 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Excellent, I needed some more kindling for my kitchen hearth. FormID: 000532A5 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Whatever you're peddling, I'm not buying. FormID: 000532A6 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? You're as crazy as Maramal. FormID: 000532A7 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Look, the only religion I believe in is the good old septim. Everything else is just a waste. FormID: 000532A8 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Ugh. Get this awful paper away from me, by Talos! FormID: 000532A9 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Oh, a new pamphlet from Dinya? I'll be glad to read it. Thanks. FormID: 000532AA FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Huh? Oh. Sure, whatever. I prefer Dibella's teachings myself. FormID: 000532AB FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Thank you. Umm, blessings upon you too. FormID: 000532AC FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 I wouldn't even clean my tail with this trash. FormID: 000532AD FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Unless Mara wishes to come down and help me with these urchins, I don't really give a damn about her blessings. FormID: 000532AE FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Thank you. I'll share this with Aerin. FormID: 000532B5 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemale FreeformRiften05PamphletBranchFemaleTopic CUST 0 Hmmm. Never read anything from the temple before. I suppose there wouldn't be any harm in reading it. FormID: 000DF022 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Of course. Take what you need. FormID: 00052CAF MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Of course. Here's a key to the house. Stay as long as you like. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. FormID: 00052CAF MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 1 But what's this all about? What are you two doing here? FormID: 000E163E MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Of course. Take what you need. FormID: 000E163E MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 1 But what's this all about? What are you two doing here? FormID: 00052CB0 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Ralof? How do you know him? suspicious FormID: 00052CB1 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102BRiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Like I said, I'm glad to help in any way I can. Help yourself to whatever you need, within reason. FormID: 00052CB2 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpA2 CUST 0 You did? We heard that Ulfric was captured... FormID: 00052CB2 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpA2 CUST 1 ... no, sorry, but in times like these I can't just take the word of a stranger who wanders into town claiming to be my brother's friend. FormID: 00052CAB MQ102B MQ102BWhiterunTopic MQ102BWhiterunTopicTopic CUST 0 Just head north - you can't miss it. It's the capital of Whiterun Hold. FormID: 00052CAB MQ102B MQ102BWhiterunTopic MQ102BWhiterunTopicTopic CUST 1 Jarl Balgruuf still hasn't declared for one side or the other, so at least you won't run into any Imperials along the way. FormID: 00052CAC MQ102B MQ102BWhiterunTopic MQ102BWhiterunTopicTopic CUST 0 Cross the river and then head north. You'll see Whiterun on its hill as you pass the falls. FormID: 00053266 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaDoneBranch FFRiften05DinyaDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, splendid! Just splendid! Mara smiles upon us this day. FormID: 00053266 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaDoneBranch FFRiften05DinyaDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Allow me to give you her gift... a true blessing to aid you in times of need. Despair not, her warmth will protect you always! FormID: 0005327D FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiBranchTopic CUST 0 I met her when I wandered into Riften a few years ago. Been smitten with her ever since. In fact, I'm thinking of asking her to marry me. FormID: 0005327D FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiBranchTopic CUST 1 In Black Marsh, tradition dictates we present a potential mate a unique wedding ring to represent our future bond. FormID: 0005327D FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiBranchTopic CUST 2 I already have the gold band, but all I need are three flawless amethysts to complete the setting. FormID: 000529DB DB04a SCEN 0 The sealed letter will explain everything that needs to be done. The amulet is quite valuable - you can use it to pay for any and all expenses. FormID: 0005286C TG06_dunMarkarthWizardsQuartersQST SCEN 0 No, no! This can't be happening! Shocked FormID: 00053272 FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundBranch FFRiften10BalimundBranchTopic CUST 0 Smithing's been in my blood for generations. I owe my success to my forefathers and their recipe for flame. FormID: 00053272 FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundBranch FFRiften10BalimundBranchTopic CUST 1 The secret is my forge. It consumes fire salts, a strange mineral that burns as hot as Red Mountain lava. FormID: 00053273 FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundBranch FFRiften10BalimundBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, it was. Sadly, this forge is dying and I've used the last of my fire salts. If I can't feed it soon, it may grow cold. FormID: 00052792 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionExplain CUST 0 My previous champion displeases me. godly annoyance Walk Away FormID: 00052792 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionExplain CUST 1 It is time he is replaced - in the traditional fashion. godly (amused) cruelty - [QUOTE]traditional fashion[QUOTE] is assassination Walk Away FormID: 00052793 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionYesB CUST 0 An astute observation. godly appreciation FormID: 00052793 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionYesB CUST 1 Skyrim is a beautiful and harsh mistress, but her people cling to such a petty notion of honor. godly assessment, mildly annoyed FormID: 00053269 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 When you told me of your intent to join the Thieves Guild, I honestly didn't think we'd have much to speak about ever again. FormID: 00053269 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Yet here you are with my weapon that you could have easily sold or kept for yourself. FormID: 00053269 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 2 Forgive me for my hasty opinion of you, I see that I was wrong and that there's much I can learn from you. FormID: 00053269 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 3 If you'd permit me, I'd be honored to accompany you in your travels for a time. FormID: 00083A93 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 Astonishing. To think you actually were able to reach it and yet return to tell the tale. FormID: 00083A93 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Rarely in my travels have I encountered those who possess skills equal to your own. FormID: 00083A93 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranch FreeformRiften09MjollOutroBranchTopic CUST 2 I see I still have much to learn. If you'd permit me, I'd be honored to accompany you in your travels for a time. FormID: 00052726 MG03 MG03OrthornInitialBranch MG03OrthornHereToRescue CUST 0 See? I knew Aren wouldn't leave me in here! FormID: 00052726 MG03 MG03OrthornInitialBranch MG03OrthornHereToRescue CUST 1 Hurry and get me out of this cage before they come for me! FormID: 00052721 MG03 MG03Stage50OrthornWhyInCage MG03Stage50OrthornWhyInCageTopic CUST 0 They threw me in here until they were ready to use me in one of their experiments. FormID: 00052721 MG03 MG03Stage50OrthornWhyInCage MG03Stage50OrthornWhyInCageTopic CUST 1 This wasn't supposed to happen. I thought they wanted my help, not to use me as a test subject! FormID: 00052722 MG03 MG03Stage50OrthornKey MG03Stage50OrthornKeyTopic CUST 0 No, it's the levers in the center there. Just make sure you don't pull the wrong one. Please, hurry. I don't like being in here! FormID: 00052720 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubCurse DA06Stage30AtubCurseTopic CUST 0 Almost ever since he became leader of the tribe. FormID: 00052720 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubCurse DA06Stage30AtubCurseTopic CUST 1 He killed Shagrol in combat, which none of us thought possible. But the winner is made Chief. That is how it is done. FormID: 0005254A DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridWakeUpTopic CUST 0 Sleep well? Walk Away FormID: 00058FD1 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridWakeUpTopic CUST 0 The anticipation is killing me. Can you figure out who has the contract? Which one will you choose? FormID: 00052549 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridPlayerWhereTopic CUST 0 Does it matter? You're warm, dry... and still very much alive. That's more than can be said for old Grelod. Hmm? Walk Away FormID: 00054686 DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlForceGreet DunHarmugstahlAdventurer01 CUST 0 I don't know, but this place is full of them. Every one I've encountered has been enchanted or the like. FormID: 0005350F DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlForceGreet DunHarmugstahlAdventurer02 CUST 0 Look, I'm getting out of here. Normally, spiders make my skin crawl, but magic spiders? Blech. FormID: 000524D2 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarThoraldBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you joking? FormID: 000524D2 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarThoraldBranchTopic CUST 1 Even if we had a prisoner by that name, the only way he'd be released is by order of the Imperial Legion. FormID: 000524D2 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarThoraldBranchTopic CUST 2 Now I suggest you turn around and go back the way you came. FormID: 000524D3 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarThoraldBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you joking? FormID: 000524D3 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarThoraldBranchTopic CUST 1 Even if we had a prisoner by that name, the only way he'd be released is by order of the Imperial Legion. FormID: 000524D3 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarThoraldBranchTopic CUST 2 Now I suggest you turn around and go back the way you came. FormID: 000524D4 MS09 MS09TulliusThoraldBranch MS09TulliusThoraldBranchTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor? Do you have any idea what you're asking? FormID: 000524D4 MS09 MS09TulliusThoraldBranch MS09TulliusThoraldBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm sorry, that's just not possible. It would cause far too many problems. FormID: 000524D5 MS09 MS09TulliusThoraldBranch MS09TulliusThoraldBranchTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor? Do you have any idea what you're asking? FormID: 000524D5 MS09 MS09TulliusThoraldBranch MS09TulliusThoraldBranchTopic CUST 1 I can only imagine the headaches this is going to cause... FormID: 000524D5 MS09 MS09TulliusThoraldBranch MS09TulliusThoraldBranchTopic CUST 2 Here, take this. Assuming they even honor it, you should be able to get your prisoner out. FormID: 000524D6 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarGiveOrder CUST 0 What? FormID: 000524D6 MS09 MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch MS09JusticiarGiveOrder CUST 1 Well... This seems to be in order. Very well, follow me. FormID: 000525EC TG08B TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranch TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranchTopic CUST 0 We're right behind you. FormID: 000525ED TG08B TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranch TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead on, we're ready. FormID: 000525EE TG08B TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranch TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranchTopic CUST 0 We're with you. FormID: 000525EF TG08B TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranch TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranchTopic CUST 0 Will do. Don't stray too far away or else we'll come after you. FormID: 00052749 TG08B TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranch TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranchTopic CUST 0 No problem, but if you get too far away, we're going to catch up. FormID: 0005274B TG08B TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranch TG08BKarliahAccompanyBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, but don't wander ahead too far or else we'll be forced to come find you. FormID: 00052259 MS10 SCEN 0 You beasts are the worst. FormID: 0005225C MS10 SCEN 0 Come now, dearie, surely we aren't all that bad. FormID: 0005225F MS10 SCEN 0 Just... leave me alone! I've brought your mead, now drink it and shut your filthy mouths. FormID: 00052263 MS10 SCEN 0 Oh, we've got other things in mind for our mouths, sweetie. FormID: 00052261 MS10 MS10StigInterrogate MS10StigTellMeAboutPirates CUST 0 Aye, the war keeps the Empire and the locals too busy to worry about us. Haldyn calls it [QUOTE]our golden age.[QUOTE] FormID: 0005225B MS10 MS10StigInterrogate MS10WhoIsThisHaldynYouSpeakOf CUST 0 Our secret ingredient, if you will. FormID: 0005225B MS10 MS10StigInterrogate MS10WhoIsThisHaldynYouSpeakOf CUST 1 A battle-mage of fearsome cunning. FormID: 0005225B MS10 MS10StigInterrogate MS10WhoIsThisHaldynYouSpeakOf CUST 2 Runs the Blood Horkers, and makes sure the battles end right-side up. FormID: 0005225A MS10 SCEN 0 Adelaisa, I'm sorry. FormID: 0005225D MS10 SCEN 0 Sorry isn't good enough, Orthus. There's a lot of gold at stake here, and sniveling isn't going to get it back. FormID: 0005225E MS10 MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranch MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranchTopic CUST 0 Finally, someone around here that can get things done. FormID: 0005225E MS10 MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranch MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranchTopic CUST 1 Since we're short on soldiers you'll be coming with us, too. No arguments. FormID: 0005225E MS10 MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranch MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranchTopic CUST 2 Anything else you want to say? FormID: 00052264 MS10 MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranch MS10AdelaisaWarnAboutHaldyn CUST 0 Haldyn? I've heard of the man, but never guess he'd join up with some pirates. FormID: 00052264 MS10 MS10AdelaisaKnowIslandBranch MS10AdelaisaWarnAboutHaldyn CUST 1 This could be even more dangerous than I thought. Head to the ships. We'll plan the assault on the way. FormID: 00052260 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaPreAssaultTopic CUST 0 Well, here we are. We think. FormID: 00052248 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDBWhoTopic CUST 0 Don't know. Creepy fella, black robe. Couldn't see his face. Paid me a pretty sum to get that into your hands, though. FormID: 00052182 TG02 TG02MercerForceGreetBranch TG02MercerForceGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Do I make myself clear? FormID: 00051EEB dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTDecision dunDarklightQSTDecisionTopic CUST 0 You've decided to help? FormID: 00051EE6 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTMotherDead dunDarklightQSTMotherDeadTopic CUST 0 Don't be sorry for me. I just - if I would have known it would come to this. Mother... Mourning the loss of her mother. Should be holding back tears. FormID: 00051EE8 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTPlan dunDarklightQSTPlanTopic CUST 0 All right. Mother is just outside this door. I have a plan. Deep breath after [QUOTE]all right[QUOTE] you are steeling yourself. FormID: 00051EEA dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTPlan dunDarklightQSTAskPlan CUST 0 I'll present you as the sacrifice. Just play along. While mother begins the ritual, I'll strike. Then, together we can... we can kill her. She says this with a tinge of hesitation. FormID: 00051EE7 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTPlan dunDarklightThoughtThrough CUST 0 I've thought this through, and it's the only way. She's too far gone, too corrupted by the Hags. At least in death she can be free again. FormID: 00051EE7 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTPlan dunDarklightThoughtThrough CUST 1 Enough. Let's go. pulling yourself together after a moment of sadness. FormID: 00051ACE MG02 MG02ArnielStage40Branch MG02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 0 You found what? FormID: 00051ACE MG02 MG02ArnielStage40Branch MG02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 1 Hmm. Well now. Yes, this might actually be something interesting. You'd better show that to Tolfdir right away. FormID: 0004011B MG02 MG02ArnielStage40Branch MG02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 0 You found what? FormID: 0004011B MG02 MG02ArnielStage40Branch MG02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 1 Hmm. Well now. This is all very fascinating, but I don't recall asking to you to touch anything in here. annoyed FormID: 0004011B MG02 MG02ArnielStage40Branch MG02ArnielStage40BranchTopic CUST 2 I suppose you'd better show that to Tolfdir nonetheless. And please, ask before tampering with anything else. FormID: 00051AC6 MG02 SCEN 0 As some of you may know, Saarthal was one of the earliest Nord settlements in Skyrim. It was also the largest. FormID: 00051AD2 MG02 SCEN 0 Sacked by the elves in the infamous [QUOTE]Night of Tears,[QUOTE] not much is known about what happened to Saarthal. FormID: 00051AE2 MG02 SCEN 0 This is an exciting opportunity for us. To be able to study such an early civilization, and the magics they used... FormID: 00051AC4 MG02 SCEN 0 Well, this is highly unusual. And very interesting. FormID: 00051AD8 MG02 SCEN 0 Why in the world would this be sealed off? What is this place? FormID: 00051AD7 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 What do you think we'll find in there? FormID: 00051ACD DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 It's thousands of years old. Who knows what we might find? FormID: 00051ACC DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 I'm betting bodies. Lots and lots of bodies. And maybe some valuables... FormID: 00051AC3 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 Don't get any ideas. We're here on official business, remember? FormID: 00051AC2 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene3 SCEN 0 Are you excited to see what's in there? This is important to you Nords, isn't it? FormID: 00051AD4 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene3 SCEN 0 Not excited, no. Some very bad things happened here. FormID: 00051AD6 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene3 SCEN 0 Oh, right. That whole thing with the elves. Well, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? FormID: 00051AC7 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene3 SCEN 0 I think, given the state of Skyrim, some might disagree. FormID: 00051AD0 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 This is a little creepy. FormID: 00051AC9 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 That doesn't begin to describe it. FormID: 00051AD5 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 You seem uncomfortable being here. FormID: 00051ACA DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 I just don't know that it's right for us to be in here like this, picking through the ruins . FormID: 00051AD1 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this isn't it. FormID: 00051AC8 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 There's no gold, nothing shiny at all. FormID: 00051AD3 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 Don't sound so disappointed. You wouldn't be allowed to take it even if there was. FormID: 00051AC5 DialogueSaarthalInteriorConvoScene2 SCEN 0 Like anyone would even notice, in all this mess. FormID: 00051A69 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic06 CUST 0 All right, calm down, no need to for that. I'll let you in right away, just need to get the gate unlocked. FormID: 00051B10 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic06 CUST 0 I think you'd be a little smarter than that. sarcastic FormID: 00051978 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Ooooh...yes...yes. You've fallen for my trap! Greed makes a great lure. Odd you didn't die from the fall though. Most do. FormID: 0005197E dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Alright, let's see if we have something here to end this as quickly as possible. FormID: 00051976 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Don't worry though. It'll be relatively painless...relatively. FormID: 00051979 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Oh, and don't mind my assistant here. He may have seen better days, but he's still more help to me dead than he was alive. FormID: 00051974 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 It's got to be somewhere around here! Now where did I put it? FormID: 00051977 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Hhhmmm...maybe I put it over here. FormID: 0005197A dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Ah...Here it is. Now, if you'd be so kind as to stand still this will be much easier for me to do. FormID: 00051975 dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Oh, and I wasn't entirely truthful before. This is actually going to hurt a lot. You see, you have to be dead in order for the spell to take hold. FormID: 0005197B dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Come on! You know you want what's in that chest. Just walk toward it! FormID: 0005197C dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 Just walk toward the chest! Gravity will do the rest. FormID: 0005197D dunRannveigQST SCEN 0 I know you're up there. Go get the treasure. Doesn't it look pretty? FormID: 0005195B MQ304 MQ304TsunWhoAreYou MQ304TsunIntroWhoAreYou CUST 0 I am Tsun, shield-thane to Shor. I am Tsun, shield-thane to Shor.The Whalebone Bridge he bade me guardand winnow all those souls whose heroic endsent them here, to Shor's lo FormID: 0005195B MQ304 MQ304TsunWhoAreYou MQ304TsunIntroWhoAreYou CUST 1 The Whalebone Bridge he bade me guard and winnow all those souls whose heroic end sent them here, to Shor's lofty hall FormID: 0005195B MQ304 MQ304TsunWhoAreYou MQ304TsunIntroWhoAreYou CUST 2 where welcome, well-earned, awaits those I judge fit to join that fellowship of honor. FormID: 00051791 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Constance! Angry, ordering someone FormID: 00051796 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, Grelod? Tired, frustrated about always being called upon FormID: 00051797 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Samuel is getting to be a problem. Fancies himself something of a [QUOTE]leader[QUOTE] to the other children. Put an end to the nonsense, or I will. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 00051798 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Hroar's crying is keeping me up at night. I'll give you one chance to talk the tears out of him, or he's getting the belt. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 00051799 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 I can't abide Samuel's constant talk of his parents. [QUOTE]They're coming for me.[QUOTE] [QUOTE]This is only temporary.[QUOTE] The boy must accept his fate. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 0005179A DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Seven septims are missing from my purse. I know it was Runa. You get those coins back, or by Stendarr, I'll see her rot in the dungeon. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 0005179B DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 This place is filthy. I've a mind to cancel all town privileges unless those brats start pulling their weight. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 0005179C DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 The stores are running low. We'll need to water down the milk again. Besides, don't want the little darlings getting fat. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 0005179D DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 We haven't had an adoption in months. At this rate, we'll be stuck with these brats forever. We need to get the word out. A sale, if need be. Angry, ordering someone - overreacting FormID: 00051792 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 All right. I'll take care of it. Tired of someone overreacting. FormID: 00051793 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 I'll handle it. No need to blow things out of proportion. Tired of someone overreacting. FormID: 00051794 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Please, just let me handle it. It's not a problem. Tired of someone overreacting. FormID: 00051795 DialogueRiftenHonorhallScene01 SCEN 0 Okay, okay. I'll deal with it. Tired of someone overreacting. FormID: 000513FA DB01 DB01GrelodFirstGreetBranch DB01GrelodFirstGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 What do you want? You have no business being in here. Mean and nasty old woman, always angry. FormID: 00051400 DB01 DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranch DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranchTopic CUST 0 You did? Really? FormID: 00051400 DB01 DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranch DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranchTopic CUST 1 This is the best news I've ever gotten! FormID: 00051400 DB01 DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranch DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranchTopic CUST 2 I mean, I knew the Dark Brotherhood was good... just not that good! You killed the old hag before I even asked! FormID: 00051400 DB01 DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranch DB01AventusGrelodAlreadyKilledBranchTopic CUST 3 Oh, and please, take this as payment. It's an old family heirloom, supposed to be pretty valuable. It should fetch you a nice price. Thank you again! FormID: 00051402 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 Thank you again for resolving my... problem. FormID: 000DA67C DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 Ah, hello there, traveler. Come to the Nightgate for food or lodging? FormID: 000DA67D DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 Need a room? Or maybe just some mead? FormID: 000DA67E DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 Something I can get for ya? more quizzical than happy FormID: 000DA67F DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 I can't help you, friend. Talk to Hadring, the Innkeeper. FormID: 000DA680 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 I value my privacy. So if you don't mind? FormID: 000DA681 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 I really don't mean to be rude, friend, but I'm not feeling particularly sociable... FormID: 000DA682 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 Hadring got himself another customer, eh? FormID: 000DA683 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 The beds and beer are both lousy, you ask me. FormID: 000DA684 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue HELO 0 What do you want? FormID: 00050F12 DB10 SCEN 0 Which one was the rat? FormID: 00050FAE DB10 SCEN 0 Dunno. One of these corpses. Does it matter? FormID: 00050FA1 DB10 SCEN 0 Suppose not. But what's taking the others so long? The sooner we get out of here, the better. Smoke's getting bad. This place'll be raging soon. coughs at the end and throughout - there's a lot of smoke from fire FormID: 00050FA0 DB10 SCEN 0 Arcturus took some men deeper in, wanted to be sure. We should maybe... assist them. FormID: 00050FE1 DB10 SCEN 0 You assist all you like. And get roasted for your trouble. I'll guard the exit. coughs at the end and throughout - there's a lot of smoke from fire FormID: 00050DA9 DB01 GBYE 0 Please hurry. To be honest, I'm kind of lonely here. As much as I hated getting sent to Honorhall, I really miss my friends there... FormID: 00051418 DB01 GBYE 0 You've taken up enough of my time. Now leave. FormID: 00051419 DB01 GBYE 0 Think you can intimidate me? In my own orphanage? Ha! Not bloody likely. FormID: 00050CAD DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlEndDialogue DunHarmugstahlEndDialogueTopic CUST 0 What? Who are you? How did you get this far? FormID: 00050CAC DunHarmugstahlQST DunHarmugstahlEndDialogue dunHarmugstahlWizardAttack CUST 0 Your corpse will feed my spiders for weeks. Now die, you fool! FormID: 00050C9A DB01 DB01AventusMotherBranch DB01AventusLiveAloneBranchTopic CUST 0 She got sick, last winter, when the snows came. And she just... she never got better. Not all year. One night she fell asleep and... never woke up. choking with sadness and emotion. Staggering the words. FormID: 00050C9A DB01 DB01AventusMotherBranch DB01AventusLiveAloneBranchTopic CUST 1 So now I'm all alone. And the Jarl said I had to go to Honorhall Orphanage. It's not fair! FormID: 00050C9F DB01 DB01AventusYouSureBranch DB01AventusYouSureBranchTopic CUST 0 I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life. Someone like Grelod doesn't deserve to live one more day. She's a monster. FormID: 00050C88 TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiNormaltoAlert NOTA 0 Who's there? FormID: 00050C89 TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiNormaltoAlert NOTA 0 Is someone following me? FormID: 00050C84 TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlerttoCombat ALTC 0 You're trailing me? I knew I heard something. FormID: 00050C85 TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlerttoCombat ALTC 0 Ha! I knew it was you all along. FormID: 00050C86 TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiNormaltoCombat NOTC 0 Following me, huh? You're not very good at this are you? FormID: 00050C87 TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiNormaltoCombat NOTC 0 You may as well give up, I see you there. FormID: 00050C82 TG04SP TG04SPAlerttoNormal ALTN 0 Must be my imagination. FormID: 00050C83 TG04SP TG04SPAlerttoNormal ALTN 0 Damn ears... playing tricks on me again. Can't stand this sea air! FormID: 00050C8A TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlertIdle ALIL 0 Hey... is someone watching me? FormID: 00050C8B TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlertIdle ALIL 0 I swear, if I'm being followed... FormID: 00050C8C TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlertIdle ALIL 0 I swear I feel like I'm being watched. FormID: 00050C8D TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlertIdle ALIL 0 If this keeps up, I'm headed back to the Winking Skeever. FormID: 00050C8E TG04SP TG04SPGulumEiAlertIdle ALIL 0 I don't have time to chase shadows, I've got better things to do. FormID: 00050CC7 WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 It's really dead, then? fear tinged curiosity (looking at corpse of recently killed dragon) FormID: 00050CC8 WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 I never would have believed it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... fear tinged curiosity (looking at corpse of recently killed dragon) FormID: 00050CC9 WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 It may be dead now, but... where did it come from? fear tinged curiosity (looking at corpse of recently killed dragon) FormID: 00050CCA WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... fear tinged curiosity (looking at corpse of recently killed dragon) FormID: 00050CCB WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 Something's happening... fear tinged curiosity - a magical vortex is forming while player sucks the soul out a recently killed dragon FormID: 00050CCC WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 What manner of magic is this? fear tinged curiosity - a magical vortex is forming while player sucks the soul out a recently killed dragon FormID: 00050CCE WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 Look out! Don't get too close! fear tinged curiosity - a magical vortex is forming while player sucks the soul out a recently killed dragon FormID: 00050CD3 WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 It's like the ancient legends. Dragonborn... awe and fear tinged curiosity - player has just visibly sucked the magical soul from a dying dragon FormID: 00050CD4 WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 It can't be... You... You took its very soul... awe and fear tinged curiosity - player has just visibly sucked the magical soul from a dying dragon FormID: 00050CD5 WIDragonKilled WIDragonKilledSharedInfo IDAT 0 By the gods... I don't even know what to say... awe and fear tinged curiosity - player has just visibly sucked the magical soul from a dying dragon FormID: 00050AE0 TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 0 It would seem our adversary is attempting to take us apart indirectly by angering Maven Black-Briar. Very clever. thinking to self aloud FormID: 00050ADB TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic CUST 0 Goldenglow Estate provided a huge payout for us before Aringoth locked us out. FormID: 00050ADB TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic CUST 1 Maven looked the other way as long as the honey kept flowing and we kept him in line. FormID: 00050ADD TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Let's not kid ourselves. Black-Briar Mead is swill. The only thing keeping it successful is Maven. FormID: 00050ADD TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Word on the street was that Honningbrew tasted better, cost less and Sabjorn didn't shove it down everyone's throat. FormID: 00050ADD TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If Sabjorn ever managed to push Maven off her pedestal, we'd all be in trouble. FormID: 00050AD8 TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Look, in case you hadn't noticed, these aren't the glory days of the Guild. threatening FormID: 00050AD8 TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic02 CUST 1 We've lost more clients in the last decade than I'd care to count, but Maven's stuck with us through throughout the entire ordeal. FormID: 00050AD8 TG04 TG04MercerFarmSaleBranch MercerFarmSaleBranchTopic02 CUST 2 I'll be damned if I'm going to lose her to... well, to whatever they are. FormID: 00050ADF TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 0 You're going to have to buy him off; it's the only way to get his attention. FormID: 00050ADF TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic01a CUST 1 If that fails, follow him and see what he's up to. If I know Gulum-Ei, he's in way over his head and you'll be able to use it as leverage. FormID: 00050AE1 TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, we spoke at length while you were in Whiterun dealing with our meadery situation. FormID: 00050AE1 TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic CUST 1 I hope for all your sakes you find out who's behind this supposed [QUOTE]plot.[QUOTE] FormID: 00050AE2 TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Having Goldenglow kept in line by the Thieves Guild has kept the honey flowing with minimal cost. FormID: 00050AE2 TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Now, mysteriously, some sort of anonymous adversary shows up and takes the Estate out of my hands. FormID: 00050AE3 TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic02 CUST 0 When you've been doing business like I have for decades, you quickly discover that the only person you can trust is yourself. FormID: 00050AD9 TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic03 CUST 0 If you were to bring me the deed to Goldenglow Estate, so I was the full owner, that would be a step in the right direction. FormID: 00050ADC TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Since I know losing the farm's payments will harm the Guild, I intend to make a substantial contribution for compensation. FormID: 00050ADC TG04 TG04MavenFarmSaleBranch MavenFarmSaleBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I take care of my friends. FormID: 00050A21 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 What's going on? What happened in there? FormID: 0005142F MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 What's going on? What happened in there? FormID: 00050A22 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response1 CUST 0 It 'may be' in danger? Take a look. I don't think there's much question. FormID: 00050A22 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response1 CUST 1 Let's get down there. We have to do something. determined FormID: 00051430 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response1 CUST 0 That's certainly an understatement. I've never seen anything like this! FormID: 00051430 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response1 CUST 1 Well, I suppose we can't just stand here. We'd better do something. FormID: 00050A23 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response2 CUST 0 We'll go with you, but when this is all over I want an explanation. FormID: 0005142B MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response2 CUST 0 We'll go with you, but when this is all over I want an explanation. FormID: 00050A24 MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response2 CUST 0 I'll go with you, but when this is all over I want an explanation. FormID: 0005142C MG05 MG05FaraldaStage30Branch MG05FaraldaStage30Response2 CUST 0 I'll go with you, but when things are back to normal I want an explanation. FormID: 000509B3 WIChangeLocation09 SCEN 0 By the gods... dawning realization a dragon is about to attack the town FormID: 000509B3 WIChangeLocation09 SCEN 1 Dragon! calling out at the top of his lungs, a warning that a dragon is in bound FormID: 00050AEE WIChangeLocation09 SCEN 0 Everyone, inside. Now! barking orders to civilians who are in grave danger FormID: 0005095A MQ305 SCEN 0 We must clear this confounding mist. FormID: 0005095B MQ305 SCEN 0 Alduin will hide in this lightless mist until we Shout together, and shatter his power. FormID: 0005095C MQ305 SCEN 0 We must Shout together these shadows to dispel. FormID: 0005095D MQ305 SCEN 0 We're ready, Dragonborn, our wrath to unleash. FormID: 00050958 MQ305 SCEN 0 Again! FormID: 0005094F MQ305 SCEN 0 Again, together! Alduin is strong! FormID: 00050950 MQ305 SCEN 0 Again, as one! The World-Eater fears us! FormID: 00050951 MQ305 SCEN 0 We can shatter his power if we Shout together! FormID: 0005094B MQ305 IDAT 0 Ven Mul Riik! Alduin shouts his evil mist back across Sovngarde FormID: 0005195A MQ305 IDAT 0 This was a mighty deed! The doom of Alduin encompassed at last, and cleansed is Sovngarde of his evil snare. FormID: 0005195A MQ305 IDAT 1 They will sing of this battle in Shor's hall forever. But your fate lies elsewhere. FormID: 0005195A MQ305 IDAT 2 When you have completed your count of days, I may welcome you again, with glad friendship, and bid you join the blessed feasting. FormID: 000EB7C7 MQ305 IDAT 0 When you are ready to rejoin the living, just bid me so, and I will send you back. gravely FormID: 000AF1B4 MQ305 IDAT 0 The eyes of Shor are upon you this day. Defeat Alduin, and destroy his soul-snare. gravely FormID: 000AF1B5 MQ305 IDAT 0 All hail the Dragonborn! Hail him with great praise! FormID: 000AF1B6 MQ305 IDAT 0 All hail the Dragonborn! Hail her with great praise! FormID: 000ECC77 MQ305 IDAT 0 The endless wait gives way to battle! Alduin's doom, his death or ours! FormID: 000ECC78 MQ305 IDAT 0 wordless yell of defiance FormID: 000F1A34 MQ305 IDAT 0 DO NOT RECORD - used as silent blocker for inappropriate dialogue in Sovngarde FormID: 000ED35B MQ305 IDAT 0 Fen du hin sille ko Sovngarde! (I) will devour your souls in Sovngarde! FormID: 000ED35C MQ305 IDAT 0 Zu'u lost daal. I have returned. FormID: 000ED35D MQ305 IDAT 0 Kel drey ni viik. The Elder Scroll did not defeat me. FormID: 000ED35E MQ305 IDAT 0 Di kiirre fen alok. My children will rise. FormID: 000ED35F MQ305 IDAT 0 Daar Lein los dii. This world is mine. FormID: 000ED360 MQ305 IDAT 0 Hin sil fen nahkip bahloki. Your soul will feed my hunger. FormID: 000ED361 MQ305 IDAT 0 Pahlok joorre! Hin kah fen kos bonaar. Arrogant mortals! Your pride will be humbled. FormID: 000ED362 MQ305 IDAT 0 Zu'u Alduin, zok sahrot do naan ko Lein. I (am still) Alduin, most mighty of any in Mundus (the world). FormID: 000ED363 MQ305 IDAT 0 Nust wo ni qiilaan fen kos duaan. Those who (do) not bow will be devoured. FormID: 000ED364 MQ305 IDAT 0 Dovahkiin, hin kah fen kos bonaar. Dragonborn, your pride will be humbled. FormID: 000ED365 MQ305 IDAT 0 Zu'u lost kriaan hi ont, nu hin sille fen nahkip suleyki. I've killed you once, now your souls will feed my power. FormID: 000ED366 MQ305 IDAT 0 Zu'u ni faas gaaffesejul. I do not fear mortal ghosts ([QUOTE]ghosts of men/humans[QUOTE]). Scornfully. FormID: 000EDF47 MQ305 IDAT 0 Dovahkiin, you should not have come here. Nu hin sil dii. Nu hin sil dii = [QUOTE]Now your soul (is) mine.[QUOTE] FormID: 000EDF48 MQ305 IDAT 0 I have already defeated your friends once. Beyn. I do not fear them. Beyn = [QUOTE]scorn[QUOTE] FormID: 000EDF49 MQ305 IDAT 0 You are persistent, Dovahkiin. Pruzah ol aar. A fine slave you would have made. Pruzah ol aar = [QUOTE]good as (a) slave[QUOTE] FormID: 000EDF4A MQ305 IDAT 0 My teeth to your neck, Dovahkiin! snarling with fury FormID: 000EDF4B MQ305 IDAT 0 Face me, then! Zu'u Alduin! snarling with fury Zu'u Alduin! = [QUOTE]I (am) Alduin![QUOTE] FormID: 00050959 MQ305 SCEN 0 Does his strength have no end? Is our struggle in vain? FormID: 00050948 MQ305 SCEN 0 Stand fast! His strength is failing! Once more, and his might will be broken! FormID: 00050955 MQ305 SCEN 0 One more time, and the World-Eater must face us! FormID: 00050956 MQ305 SCEN 0 His power crumbles - do not pause for breath! FormID: 00050957 MQ305 SCEN 0 Again, and we break his grim hold over Shor's realm, and redeem it for eternity! FormID: 000E0B93 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExplain CUST 0 Not here. Come with me. (hushed) annoyed, and afraid of being over heard FormID: 000E0B93 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExplain CUST 1 Stay close and the guards will leave you alone. (hushed) FormID: 00050936 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExplain CUST 0 I suppose you're here to extort something from me? Is that it? annoyed, shrewd FormID: 00050936 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExplain CUST 1 Well, what is it you want? resigned, upset he's being blackmailed FormID: 0005092F CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 0 So. You're an Imperial spy... Interesting... a tinge of fear, calculating how to escape this sticky situation FormID: 0005092F CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 1 I have no strong love for the Stormcloaks but I can't say I'm all that fond of the Empire, either. nervous but trying to sound sure of herself FormID: 0005092F CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 2 This war of yours makes it difficult for a resourceful woman to advance her interests. trying to sound sure of herself FormID: 0005092F CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 3 Perhaps we can find a way for both of us to prosper from this unfortunate discovery? turning on the charm, hoping to escape unscathed FormID: 00050930 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 0 So. You're one of Ulfric's spies... disgust FormID: 00050930 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 1 I can't deny the man is right about a few things... explaining a complex position FormID: 00050930 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 2 But I've seen first hand what Ulfric is capable of, given the chance. Suffice it to say, he is no friend to Markarth, and no friend of mine. remembering dark and bloody days FormID: 00050930 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeA CUST 3 My first and only loyalties are to my nephew, and to this city. nervous, but firm FormID: 0005092C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailDone CUST 0 What if I told you about a large shipment of gold and weapons? resigned to being blackmailed Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8E CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailDone CUST 0 What if I told you about a large shipment of silver and weapons? (sighing) resigned to the blackmail Walk Away FormID: 000674D2 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Excellent. I can move more soldiers through the area now that I know those scouts are dead. pleased that the special agent was successful FormID: 000674D3 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good job! With those Imperial scouts out of the way, I can be more aggressive about where I send our men. pleased that the special agent was successful FormID: 0005809A CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good. They'll think twice before crossing us while their command structure is in disarray. debriefing special agent about an assassination mission FormID: 0005809B CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 I pray Talos overlooks our less than honorable approach. But he knows our purpose is just and true. I'm glad you made it out alive. debriefing special agent on assassination mission FormID: 0005809C CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good work. This was a double victory. We took a garrison away from the Stormcloaks and further proved the hollowness of their cause. debriefing a special agent who helped turncoats from the enemy take over a town FormID: 0005809D CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Excellent. That's one less settlement in Imperial hands, and one more sign to all that our cause is true. debriefing a special agent who helped turncoats from the enemy take over a town FormID: 00050932 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good work. I'll send some men with a wagon to collect the prize. We can use the weapons here, and I'll pass on the coin to Solitude. superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00050933 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Well done! I'll send men with a wagon to collect our prize. We'll put the weapons to use here, and I'll send the coin back to Windhelm. superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00090EB3 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good job. The more citizens that join the fight against the rebels, the sooner they will see the futility of their rebellion. superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00090EB4 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 We grow that much stronger with each son and daughter of Skyrim who joins us. Down with the Emperor! rebellious and boisterous, superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00090EB5 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Thanks for taking care of that. I don't think that will be the last we see of that Orc. It's always good to gain allies. superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00090EB6 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Thanks for dealing with that orc. Something tells me that's not the last time we'll see him. And, something tells me that might not be a bad thing. superior congratulating a special agent who gained a new ally FormID: 00050934 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good job! I knew I gave the mission to the right person. superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00050935 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccess CWCampaignFieldCOMissionSuccessTopic CUST 0 Good job! Ulfric was right about you. I'm glad to have you with us! superior congratulating a special agent FormID: 00050781 MG05 MG05MirabelleExplosionBranch MG05MirabelleExplosionBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll be fine. I just need a minute to catch my breath. Find Savos... injured, winded FormID: 0005072E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirAfter11BranchTopic CUST 0 Well? What word of the Emperor? FormID: 00050730 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DB11NazirPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Truly? FormID: 00050730 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DB11NazirPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 Could you have brought us more wondrous news? Recent events notwithstanding, this is a happy day for us, my friend. laughs uproariously. Couldn't be happier. FormID: 00050730 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DB11NazirPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 Despite your misfortunes, you stayed true to the Dark Brotherhood. You've saved us all, and for this you have my eternal thanks. FormID: 00050730 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DB11NazirPlayerResponse1 CUST 3 Now, of course I must ask... Killing the Emperor... How much did Motierre pay for such a thing? FormID: 00050731 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerPaymentResponse1 CUST 0 Ha! Remarkable! Well, the old bastard certainly made it worth your while, didn't he? laughs uproariously - couldn't be happier FormID: 0005072F DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerPaymentResponse2 CUST 0 Ha! Clearly, we should have killed that old bastard years ago! Laughing - very happy FormID: 00050732 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerPaymentResponse3 CUST 0 Oh. Is that all? Really? FormID: 00050732 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerPaymentResponse3 CUST 1 Come now! You're joking with old Nazir! Surely the Emperor's life was worth more than that. FormID: 00050733 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerMoneyStillLie CUST 0 Pfft. You'd think an emperor would fetch at least twice that. Damn that motherless cheapskate, Motierre. FormID: 00050733 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerMoneyStillLie CUST 1 In any event, here's my advice. Go to Riften's Ratway, find Delvin Mallory. I believe Astrid had you visit him once before, no? FormID: 00050733 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerMoneyStillLie CUST 2 Mallory is an expert [QUOTE]obtainer of goods.[QUOTE] We can use the money to repair and refit this Sanctuary. Make a true home for us, eh? FormID: 0005072D DarkBrotherhood DBNazirAfter11Branch DBNazirPlayerMoneyComeClean CUST 0 Ha! I knew it, you rascal! By Sithis, the old man was worth the trouble. Laughing uproariously FormID: 000504C6 CWMission07 CWMission07AttackPoint CWMission07AcceptPrompt CUST 0 This will require stealth and discretion. The Jarl's guards won't take kindly to anyone rummaging through her Steward's private quarters. FormID: 000504C7 CWMission07 CWMission07AttackPoint CWMission07AcceptPrompt CUST 0 You'll need to be careful with this one. The Jarl's men won't look kindly on you rummaging through the steward's quarters. FormID: 000504C4 CWMission07 CWMission07AttackPoint CWMission07AcceptYes CUST 0 Good. I can always count on you, can't I? pleased, briefing a special agent FormID: 000504C5 CWMission07 CWMission07AttackPoint CWMission07AcceptYes CUST 0 I can always count on you, can't I? pleased, briefing a special agent FormID: 0005039E MQ304 SCEN 0 You fought well. I find you worthy. FormID: 0005039F MQ304 SCEN 0 It is long since one of the living has entered here. May Shor's favor follow you and your errand. FormID: 00098212 MQ304 MQ304HeroFightAlduin MQ304HeroFightAlduinTopic CUST 0 Alduin escaped us long ago. Today we take our well-tempered revenge. FormID: 00098213 MQ304 MQ304HeroFightAlduin MQ304HeroFightAlduinTopic CUST 0 For a hundred lifetimes my heart has burned for revenge on Alduin too long delayed. FormID: 00050398 MQ305 SCEN 0 Clear Skies - combine our Shouts! FormID: 0005039D MQ305 SCEN 0 We cannot fight the foe in this mist! FormID: 000504C3 MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Get moving. commanding FormID: 000504FB MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 I can't believe we're finally getting out. eager for freedom FormID: 00050501 MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 No turning back now. escaping FormID: 00050512 MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Get going. escaping FormID: 00050524 MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Come on, move it. We have Nords to kill. eager to fight FormID: 000E179B MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Glory to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 000E24FB MS02 MS02EscapeBlockingBranch MS02EscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 For the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 0005036D MG04 GBYE 0 Your time runs short. FormID: 0009BD65 MG04 GBYE 0 Please, we do not have much time. FormID: 0005049F MS02 SCEN 0 My brothers, we have been here long enough. It's time to leave Cidhna Mine and continue our fight against the Nords. demagogue FormID: 000504A5 MS02 SCEN 0 Through this gate, just beside my quarters, is a tunnel. A tunnel that leads right through the old Dwarven ruins of Markarth, into the city. demagogue FormID: 000504A5 MS02 SCEN 1 Well, what do you say, my brothers? demagogue FormID: 000503A1 MS02 MS02MadanachEscapeBlockingBranch MS02MadanachEscapeBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 I say you've earned an early pardon. Let's go. demagogue FormID: 000503A0 MS02 MS02MadanachEscapeBlockingBranch MS02MadanachEscapeTopic01 CUST 0 It's a little gift from the dwarves. Who knew they would end up helping our cause? demagogue FormID: 000503A0 MS02 MS02MadanachEscapeBlockingBranch MS02MadanachEscapeTopic01 CUST 1 We have to move. We'll talk more once we see the sky. demagogue FormID: 000503B8 MS02 MS02MadanachEscapeBlockingBranch MS02MadanachEscapeTopic02 CUST 0 Into the tunnel. Let's go. demagogue FormID: 0004FF04 DB11 SCEN 0 It is done. Emperor Titus Mede II lies dead, and the Dark Brotherhood yet lives. FormID: 0004FEEB TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I was approached by a woman who wanted me to act as the broker for something big. mock friendliness FormID: 0004FEEB TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic01 CUST 1 She flashed a bag of gold in my face and said all I had to do was pay Aringoth for the estate. mock friendliness FormID: 0004FEEB TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I brought him the coin and walked away with her copy of the deed. mock friendliness FormID: 0004FEEC TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Not at all. I tend not to ask too many questions when I'm on the job. I'm sure you understand. sarcastic FormID: 0004FEEC TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic02 CUST 1 However, I did notice she was quite angry and it was being directed at Mercer Frey. Say a bit quieter as if walls have ears FormID: 0004FEEF TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic03 CUST 0 In this business we rarely deal in names; our identity comes from how much coin we carry. FormID: 0004FEEA TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Look, that's all I know. I never promised you I'd have all the answers. obnoxious FormID: 0004FEEA TG04 TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranch TG04GulumEiFirebrandWineBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Now, since our transaction is done, I'll be on my way. mock friendliness FormID: 0004FDA6 DB11 DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranch DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 Aha! You're back! FormID: 0004FDA3 DB11 DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranch DB11AmaundJobDoneTopic CUST 0 I know! I know! I received the news not moments ago! Ha ha! This is glorious! FormID: 0004FDA3 DB11 DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranch DB11AmaundJobDoneTopic CUST 1 My friend, you may not realize it, but you have served the Empire, indeed all of Tamriel, in ways you cannot possibly imagine. FormID: 0004FDA3 DB11 DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranch DB11AmaundJobDoneTopic CUST 2 Ah, but you care little for politics, am I right? You want money! And money you shall have! FormID: 0004FDA3 DB11 DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranch DB11AmaundJobDoneTopic CUST 3 Your payment waits for you at a dead drop. It is inside an urn, in the very chamber where we first met, in Volunruud. FormID: 0004FDA3 DB11 DB11AmaundEmperorDeadBranch DB11AmaundJobDoneTopic CUST 4 Now please, go. Collect your money, and let us never look upon one another again. Our business, thank the gods, is concluded. FormID: 0004FDA7 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11AmaundOneThingBranchTopic CUST 0 Your payment awaits. And don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to betray you. FormID: 00077370 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11AmaundOneThingBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, for the love of Mara, would you please just go? FormID: 0004FDA4 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11AmaundEmperorWishTopic CUST 0 And what might that be? FormID: 0004FDA5 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11EmperorWishPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 You assassins and your riddles. It really does get very annoying, you know. Now if you'll excuse me... FormID: 0004FDA2 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11EmperorWishPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 Ha! Well, I certainly do feel that way. FormID: 0004FDA2 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11EmperorWishPlayerResponse2 CUST 1 Now, if, um... you'll get going? FormID: 0004FDA8 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11EmperorWishPlayerResponse3 CUST 0 Yes? No? Nothing? FormID: 0004FDA8 DB11 DB11AmaundOneThingBranch DB11EmperorWishPlayerResponse3 CUST 1 Very well, then. If you'll just... get going now... FormID: 0004FD6A TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic04a CUST 0 All right. Had I known the deal would bring me this much trouble, I never would have accepted the gold. FormID: 000B3898 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic04a CUST 0 I don't care what you promise. If I tell you the buyer's name and word gets around, it could ruin me! FormID: 0004FD60 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 But of course. You and I have a date with destiny. But so it is with assassins and emperors, hmm? FormID: 0004FD60 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 Yes, I must die. And you must deliver the blow. It is simply the way it is. FormID: 0004FD60 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 But I wonder... would you suffer an old man a few more words before the deed is done? FormID: 0004FD5D DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse4 CUST 0 I thank you for your courtesy. FormID: 0004FD5D DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse4 CUST 1 You will kill me, and I have accepted that fate. But regardless of your path through life, I sense in you a certain... ambition. FormID: 0004FD5D DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse4 CUST 2 So I ask of you a favor. An old man's dying wish. While there are many who would see me dead, there is one who set the machine in motion. FormID: 0004FD5D DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse4 CUST 3 This person, whomever he or she may be, must be punished for their treachery. FormID: 0004FD5D DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse4 CUST 4 Once you have been rewarded for my assassination, I want you to kill the very person who ordered it. Would you do me this kindness? FormID: 0004FD55 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 Oh, you can save your sinister bravado. I'll not go to my grave whimpering like an infant. FormID: 0004FD55 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse2 CUST 1 I know why you're here. I must die. And you must deliver the blow. It is simply the way it is. FormID: 0004FD55 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse2 CUST 2 But I wonder... would you suffer an old man a few more words before the deed is done? FormID: 0004FD5E DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse3 CUST 0 You and I have a date with destiny, it would seem. But so it is with assassins and emperors, hmm? FormID: 0004FD5E DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse3 CUST 1 Yes, I must die. And you must deliver the blow. It is simply the way it is. FormID: 0004FD5E DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse3 CUST 2 But I wonder... would you suffer an old man a few more words before the deed is done? FormID: 0004FD61 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorTalkFirstGreet CUST 0 Come now, don't be shy. You haven't come this far just to stand there gawking. FormID: 0004FD56 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse5 CUST 0 Tsk. How unfortunate. I had hoped you would honor an old man's dying wish. Well, let's be done with it then. FormID: 0004FD52 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse6 CUST 0 You will hear me out, then? Good. FormID: 0004FD52 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse6 CUST 1 You will kill me, and I have accepted that fate. But regardless of your path through life, I sense in you a certain... ambition. FormID: 0004FD52 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse6 CUST 2 So I ask of you a favor. An old man's dying wish. While there are many who would see me dead, there is one who set the machine in motion. FormID: 0004FD52 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse6 CUST 3 This person, whomever he or she may be, must be punished for their treachery. FormID: 0004FD52 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse6 CUST 4 Once you have been rewarded for my assassination, I want you to kill the very person who ordered it. Would you do me this kindness? FormID: 0004FD5C DB11 HELO 0 Well? I won't fight you, so we may as well get this over with. FormID: 000769D1 DB11 HELO 0 Don't you have all the information you need? Please, the Emperor isn't going to kill himself. Hmph. Now wouldn't that be a blessing... FormID: 0004FD58 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse7 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 0004FD58 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse7 CUST 1 Now, on to the business at hand I suppose, hmm? FormID: 0004FD59 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse8 CUST 0 Hmph. Pity. I had hoped to obtain even a modicum of justice. FormID: 0004FD59 DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse8 CUST 1 Well, on to the business at hand then, hmm? FormID: 0004FD5F DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse9 CUST 0 Well. Perhaps you'll at least consider it, hmm? FormID: 0004FD5F DB11 DB11EmperorInitialGreetBranch DB11EmperorPlayerResponse9 CUST 1 Now, on to the business at hand... FormID: 0004FD5A DB11 DB11MotierreShockGreet IDAT 0 By the gods. You... you're alive! But I had heard... your Sanctuary... FormID: 0004FD5A DB11 DB11MotierreShockGreet IDAT 1 Please! You mustn't think I had anything to do with that! I wanted the Emperor dead! The true Emperor! I still do! It was Maro! He... FormID: 0004FD5B DB11 DB11AmaundInitialGreetBranch DB11AmaundPlayerResponse4 CUST 0 You mean, after all that's transpired, the Dark Brotherhood will still... honor the contract? FormID: 0004FD5B DB11 DB11AmaundInitialGreetBranch DB11AmaundPlayerResponse4 CUST 1 Why, this is astounding news! Wonderful news! FormID: 0004FD5B DB11 DB11AmaundInitialGreetBranch DB11AmaundPlayerResponse4 CUST 2 The Emperor is still in Skyrim, but not for long. He's onboard his ship, the Katariah, moored offshore in the Solitude Inlet. But you must hurry! emphatic. FormID: 0004FD5B DB11 DB11AmaundInitialGreetBranch DB11AmaundPlayerResponse4 CUST 3 If you can get onboard that ship. Kill Titus Mede II, as contracted... I will reveal the location of the dead drop that holds your payment. FormID: 0004FD53 DB11 DB11AmaundKatariahBranch DB11AmaundKatariahBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, I don't know. FormID: 0004FD53 DB11 DB11AmaundKatariahBranch DB11AmaundKatariahBranchTopic CUST 1 It's in the Solitude Inlet - that's the channel just north of the docks. FormID: 0004FD53 DB11 DB11AmaundKatariahBranch DB11AmaundKatariahBranchTopic CUST 2 I suppose you should go to the docks and... swim? FormID: 0004FDAA DB11 DB11AmaundSecurityBranch DB11AmaundSecurityBranchTopic CUST 0 Surely you're joking? FormID: 0004FDAA DB11 DB11AmaundSecurityBranch DB11AmaundSecurityBranchTopic CUST 1 This is the true Emperor, not some half-Septim lookalike. He'll be surrounded by elite bodyguards, I'm sure. You'll have your work cut out for you. FormID: 0004FDAA DB11 DB11AmaundSecurityBranch DB11AmaundSecurityBranchTopic CUST 2 Still... everyone assumes the Dark Brotherhood has been completely destroyed. They may be a bit more lax than usual. FormID: 0004FD3C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse1 CUST 0 Indeed. And so you have come looking, though you do not know why. FormID: 0004FD3C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse1 CUST 1 Like others before you, you blindly follow a path to your own destruction. FormID: 0004FD3C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse1 CUST 2 The Thalmor came seeking answers as well, unaware they will be his undoing. FormID: 0004FD3C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse1 CUST 3 Your path now follows his, though you will arrive too late. FormID: 0004FD3E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse2 CUST 0 You seek that which all who wield magic seek. Knowledge. FormID: 0004FD3E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse2 CUST 1 You shall find this: Knowledge will corrupt. It will destroy. It will consume. FormID: 0004FD3E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse2 CUST 2 You seek meaning, shelter in Knowledge. You will not find it. FormID: 0004FD3E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurResponse2 CUST 3 The Thalmor sought the same thing, and it shall lead to his end as it has so many others. FormID: 0004FBEF MG04 SCEN 0 There is no help for you here. FormID: 0004FBF0 MG04 SCEN 0 There is no solace in knowing what is to come. FormID: 0004FBF2 MG04 SCEN 0 Your perseverance will only lead you to disappointment. FormID: 0004FBF3 MG04 SCEN 0 Still you persist? Very well, you may enter. FormID: 0004FA43 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA1 CUST 0 Ah! It's been too long since last I faced a doom-driven hero of the dragon blood. FormID: 0004FA47 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA2 CUST 0 I welcome the chance to challenge the blade of Ysgramor's heir, honored shield-brother to Kodlak Whitemane, whom I've watched for in vain. FormID: 00092EC6 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA2 CUST 0 I welcome the chance to challenge the blade of Ysgramor's heir, honored shield-sister to Kodlak Whitemane, whom I've watched for in vain. FormID: 0004FA48 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA3 CUST 0 Well met, mage of Skyrim. FormID: 0004FA48 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA3 CUST 1 The Nords may have forgotten their forefathers' respect for the Clever Craft, but your comrades throng this hall. FormID: 0004FA48 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA3 CUST 2 Here in Shor's house we honor it still. FormID: 0004FA46 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA4 CUST 0 You trespass here, shadow-walker. Shor does not know you. FormID: 0004FA46 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA4 CUST 1 Perhaps before the end you will earn the right to pass this way. FormID: 0004FA46 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA4 CUST 2 Welcome I do not offer, but your errand I will not hinder, if my wrath you can withstand. FormID: 0004FA44 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA5 CUST 0 Do not mistake the night-shrouded thief's stealthily-taken spoils, stolen and unearned, for a warrior's plunder, won in honorable battle. FormID: 0004FA44 MQ304 MQ304TsunHallofValor MQ304TsunIntroA5 CUST 1 Your doom already binds you to your dark mistress, but your errand I will not hinder, if my wrath you can withstand. FormID: 0005039A MQ304 MQ304TsunBlocking MQ304TsunBlockingTopic CUST 0 Shor's favor has found you, Dragonborn. The Hall of Valor, heart's-ease, awaits. FormID: 0004FA0F MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04MiddenTopic CUST 0 Underneath the College. It's not the nicest place, so if you go down there, please do be careful. FormID: 0004FA11 MG04 MG04MirabelleAugurInfoBranch MG04MirabelleAugurInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 Very well. It's not something often discussed, as it might be... misunderstood by the locals. FormID: 0004FA11 MG04 MG04MirabelleAugurInfoBranch MG04MirabelleAugurInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 The Augur is down in the Midden, below the College. I don't recommend going down there unless it's absolutely necessary. FormID: 000D1952 MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineNote MS01EltrysNotAtShrineNoteTopic CUST 0 My note? No, that's yours. Must have fallen out of your pocket. nonchalant FormID: 0004F7DB DB10 SCEN 0 Astrid is dead. It is as it should be. May she find redemption in the Void. FormID: 0004F7DB DB10 SCEN 1 But while you live, the Dark Brotherhood lives. We must fulfill our contract. Emperor Titus Mede II must be eliminated. FormID: 0004F7DB DB10 SCEN 2 Speak with Amaund Motierre at the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. He will know the true Emperor's location. FormID: 0004F7DB DB10 SCEN 3 But first, inform Nazir of your plans. For you are the Listener, and must bind this Family together. FormID: 0004F74E MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulB2 CUST 0 Don't you know? What drew you here? Surely your dreams showed you the way? FormID: 0004F74E MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulB2 CUST 1 The Hall of Valor, where heroes wait to follow Shor to the final battle. reverently FormID: 0009C104 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C105 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C106 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C107 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C11E WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C135 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C136 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C137 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C138 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's a decent weapon you've made there. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2D4 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2D5 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2D6 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2D7 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2D8 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2D9 WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2DA WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2DB WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0009C2DC WICraftItem01 SCEN 0 That's some good armor you've put together. mutual respect FormID: 0004F41F MQ101 SCEN 0 Look out! yelling as corridor collapses ahead of you FormID: 0004F421 MQ101 SCEN 0 Damn, that dragon doesn't give up easy. surveying the collapsed hallway FormID: 0004F41D MQ101 SCEN 0 A storeroom. See if you can find any potions. We'll need them. calling to player FormID: 00104FC6 MQ101 SCEN 0 A storeroom. Grab anything you can, but let's keep moving. calling to player FormID: 0004F420 MQ101 SCEN 0 Hear that? FormID: 0004F41C MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on! FormID: 0004F423 MQ101 SCEN 0 Was Jarl Ulfric with you? FormID: 0004F424 MQ101 SCEN 0 Shor's bones. We were too late. Damn the Empire. FormID: 0004F41E MQ101 SCEN 0 No, I haven't seen him since the dragon showed up. FormID: 0004F41B MQ101 SCEN 0 Wait a second. Looks like there's something in this cage. FormID: 0004EF1A TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 All right, Brand-Shei. Turn out your pockets, we know you have it. FormID: 0004EF1E TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 Have what? What in blazes are you talking about? FormID: 0004EF22 TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 Don't play stupid. I said turn out your pockets... now! FormID: 0004EF1B TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 I'm telling you, I don't... wait, what's this ring? This isn't mine! FormID: 0004EF20 TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 That's right. It isn't yours. You're under arrest, Brand-Shei. FormID: 0004EF17 TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 This is insane! I didn't steal anything! I never saw this ring before in my entire life! FormID: 0004EF1C TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 We can do this one of two ways. You can walk with me up to the keep, or I can drag your lifeless body. Your choice. FormID: 0004EF1F TG00SPArrest SCEN 0 But... I... very well. FormID: 0004EEEB t02 SCEN 0 I'll make the preparations immediately! FormID: 0004EC4B RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik02 SCEN 0 Strong, yes, but how clever are you? I'll tell you what, if you can open the lock on my chest, you can have everything in it. A bit amused, but also a bit condescending, like a parent challenging his child. FormID: 0004EC48 RoriksteadSceneMralkiErik02 SCEN 0 I'll take your challenge, but if I win I get to start a new life as an adventurer, and with no objections from you. Confident FormID: 0004EC47 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeform1Branch3 RoriksteadFreeform1Branch1Topic CUST 0 I want to be an adventurer like you, but my father says I can't. FormID: 0004EC47 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeform1Branch3 RoriksteadFreeform1Branch1Topic CUST 1 He says that he needs me to stay here and work the farm, and even if he did let me be an adventurer, we couldn't afford to buy armor. FormID: 0004EC47 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeform1Branch3 RoriksteadFreeform1Branch1Topic CUST 2 His name's Mralki, and he's the innkeeper here. I hope you can change his mind. FormID: 0004EC4E RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeform1Branch3 RoriksteadFreeform1Branch3Topic CUST 0 You look like you've seen your share of adventure. I envy you that. In fact, maybe you can help me with something. Will you hear me out? FormID: 0004EC49 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeform1Branch4 RoriksteadFreeform1Branch4Topic CUST 0 Thank you. I can't stand the thought of being trapped in this village for the rest of my days. FormID: 0004E9B6 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 Turn back, traveler! Terror waits within this mist. Turn back, traveller! / Terror waits within this mist. / Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B6 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 Many have braved the shadowed vale but vain is all courage against the peril that guards the way. Many have braved the shadowed vale / but vain is all courage against the peril / that guards the way. Walk Away FormID: 00090ECA MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 In life I felled foes unnumbered, fearless in battle; but no blade can defend against the terror of this gloom-stricken valley. In life I felled / foes unnumbered, fearless in battle; / but no blade can defend against the terror / of this gloom-stricken valley. FormID: 000EA574 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 When Ulfric Stormcloak, with savage Shout, sent me here, my sole regret was fair Elisif, left forlorn and weeping. When Ulfric Stormcloak, / with savage Shout, sent me here, / my sole regret was fair Elisif, / left forlorn and weeping. FormID: 000EA574 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 I faced him fearlessly - my fate inescapable, yet my honor is unstained - can Ulfric say the same? I faced him fearlessly / - my fate inescapable, yet my honor is unstained / - can Ulfric say the same? FormID: 00109C2D MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 When I woke from cold death, my doom was lifted - there was Shor's Hall, my heart's desire. When I woke from cold death,/ my doom was lifted - there was Shor's Hall,/ my heart's desire. FormID: 00109C2D MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 But now I wander, weary and lost. Alduin hunts me as we once hunted our prey - a bitter payment for many bloody deeds. But now I wander,/ weary and lost. Alduin hunts me / as we once hunted our prey - a bitter payment / for many bloody deeds. FormID: 000EA575 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 The bitter war of the world beyond was all for naught. The bitter war / of the world beyond was all for naught. / We are all trapped FormID: 000EA575 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 We are all trapped in Alduin's web - for our allegiance he cares not, but devours us equally - doom unescapable. was all for naught/ We are all trapped in Alduin's web / - for our allegiance he cares not, but devours us equally / - doom unescapable. FormID: 000EA575 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 2 Shor as well - he welcomes all heroes to his kingly hall, if we could but reach it. Shor as well /- he welcomes all heroes to his kingly hall, / if we could but reach it. FormID: 000EA576 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 Skyrim was betrayed, the blood of her sons spilled in doomed struggle against fate. Skyrim was betrayed, / the blood of her sons spilled in doomed / struggle against fate. FormID: 000EA576 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 And so in death, too late, I learn the truth - fed by war, so waxed the power of Alduin, World-Eater - wisdom now useless. And so in death, too late, / I learn the truth - fed by war, / so waxed the power of Alduin, World-Eater / - wisdom now useless. FormID: 000EA576 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 2 By gods' jest in this grim mist together snared, Stormcloak and Imperial, we wander hopeless, waiting for succor. By gods' jest / in this grim mist together snared, / Stormcloak and Imperial, we wander hopeless, / waiting for succor. FormID: 000EA577 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 Dragonborn, even in death you dog my steps? Dragonborn, even in death / you dog my steps? FormID: 000EA577 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 1 How come you here? The king of this realm will cast you out - cursed be your name by all sons of Skyrim, with scorn unceasing. How come you here? / The keeper of this realm will cast you out / - cursed be your name by all sons of Skyrim, / with scorn unceasing. FormID: 00090ECB MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you know the way? I'm weary and lost. FormID: 00090ECC MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulBlockingTopic CUST 0 Turn back! Before he finds you! FormID: 0004E9B8 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulA1 CUST 0 Near Giants' Gap, in the gloom before dawn, we marched, unsuspecting into the Imperials' trap. Near Giants' Gap, in the gloom before dawn,we marched, unsuspecting into the Imperials' trap.Then we stood and fought, our shield-wall defendin Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B8 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulA1 CUST 1 Then we stood and fought, our shield-wall defending until by dawn's light the Legion's ranks wavered. Near Giants' Gap, in the gloom before dawn,we marched, unsuspecting into the Imperials' trap.Then we stood and fought, our shield-wall defendin Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B8 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulA1 CUST 2 But I never knew if nights-end brought victory - a swift-flying arrow to Sovngarde carried me. Near Giants' Gap, in the gloom before dawn,we marched, unsuspecting into the Imperials' trap.Then we stood and fought, our shield-wall defendin Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B9 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulA2 CUST 0 I do not know - but none have passed through. I do not know - but none have passed through.Alduin, his hunger insatiable, hunts the lost soulssnared within this shadowed valley.Can you le Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B9 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulA2 CUST 1 Alduin, his hunger insatiable, hunts the lost souls snared within this shadowed valley. I do not know - but none have passed through.Alduin, his hunger insatiable, hunts the lost soulssnared within this shadowed valley.Can you le Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B9 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulA2 CUST 2 Can you lead the way to where Shor's hall waits, beckoning us on to welcome long sought? I do not know - but none have passed through.Alduin, his hunger insatiable, hunts the lost soulssnared within this shadowed valley.Can you le Walk Away FormID: 0004E9BB MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulB1 CUST 0 I saw it fair when first I trod this long-sought path. The pain and fear vanished, dreamlike, and a vision beckoned - Yes, I saw it fair when first I trod / this fabled path. The pain and fear Walk Away FormID: 0004E9BB MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulB1 CUST 1 Shor's hall, shimmering across the clouded vale. But quenched was hope by the shrouding mist - my mind is darkened. Walk Away FormID: 0004E9BB MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulB1 CUST 2 I've lost the way and wander blindly. Walk Away FormID: 0004E9BB MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulB1 CUST 3 Hurry! Before Alduin your life devours bring word to Shor's hall of our hard fate! Walk Away FormID: 0004E9B7 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304LostSoulC1 CUST 0 I'll try to hold to your hopeful purpose. Quickly, before this encompassing fog once more snares me in the World-Eater's net. FormID: 0004E9B5 MQ304 MQ304LostSoulBlocking MQ304A3 CUST 0 The World-Eater waits within the mist! Bring word to Shor's hall of our hard fate! The World-Eater waits within the mist!Bring word to Shor's hall of our hard fate! FormID: 0004E843 CreatureDialogueAtronachFrost DETH 0 FormID: 0004E841 MG02 SCEN 0 This is all very strange. I've never seen anything like this. FormID: 0004E80A MG02 SCEN 0 I think perhaps it might be best if you lead the way. My eyes aren't what they used to be. FormID: 0004E811 MG02 SCEN 0 Don't worry, I'll stay right with you. FormID: 0004E64D DB11 DB11AmaundInitialGreetBranch DB11AmaundInitialGreetTopicTopic CUST 0 What is it? I said I didn't wish to... be disturbed. Answering a door, and surprised who he finds there FormID: 0004E4C7 DA09 SCEN 0 It is time for my splendor to return to Skyrim. godly (aloof and commanding) FormID: 0004E4C7 DA09 SCEN 1 But the token of my truth lies buried in the ruins of my once great temple, now tainted by a profane darkness skittering within. godly (aloof and commanding) FormID: 0004E4CE DA09 DA09MeridiaDawnbreaker DA09MeridiaDawnbreakerTopic CUST 0 Malkoran is vanquished. Skyrim's dead shall remain at rest. This is as it should be. This is because of you. godly explanation Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CE DA09 DA09MeridiaDawnbreaker DA09MeridiaDawnbreakerTopic CUST 1 A new day is dawning. And you shall be its herald. godly hope Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CE DA09 DA09MeridiaDawnbreaker DA09MeridiaDawnbreakerTopic CUST 2 Take the mighty Dawnbreaker and with it purge corruption from the dark corners of the world. Wield it in my name, that my influence may grow. Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CF DA09 DA09MeridiaDawnbreaker DA09MeridiaDawnbreakerYes CUST 0 May the light of certitude guide your efforts. godly pleasure FormID: 0004E4CA DA09 DA09MeridiaDawnbreaker DA09MeridiaDawnbreakerNo CUST 0 It matters not. The plant cares nothing for the rays that bring it the warmth of the sun. As you carry Dawnbreaker, so will my light touch the world. godly aloofness FormID: 0004E4CC DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestStartTopic CUST 0 The Necromancer Malkoran defiles my shrine with vile corruptions, trapping lost souls left in the wake of this war to do his bidding. godly anger Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CC DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestStartTopic CUST 1 Worse still, he uses the power stored within my own token to fuel his foul deeds. Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CC DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestStartTopic CUST 2 I have brought you here, mortal, to be my champion. You will enter my temple, retrieve my artifact, and destroy the defiler. Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CD DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestStartTopic CUST 0 Guide my light through the temple to open the inner sanctum and destroy the defiler. godly decree FormID: 0004E4C6 DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestWhy CUST 0 But a single candle can banish the darkness of the entire Void. If not you, then someone else. godly aloofness Walk Away FormID: 0004E4C6 DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestWhy CUST 1 My beacon is sure to attract a worthy soul. godly Walk Away FormID: 0004E4C6 DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestWhy CUST 2 But if you are wise, you will heed my bidding. godly Walk Away FormID: 0004E4CB DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestYes CUST 0 Of course you will. I have commanded it! godly authority Walk Away FormID: 0004E4D1 DA09 DA09MeridiaQuestStart DA09MeridiaQuestExplains CUST 0 Go now, the artifact must be reclaimed and Malkoran destroyed. godly command FormID: 0004E4D0 DA09 SCEN 0 Malkoran has forced the doors shut. But this is my temple, and it responds to my decree. godly (aloof and commanding) FormID: 0004E4D0 DA09 SCEN 1 I will send down a ray of light. Guide this light through my temple and its doors will open. godly (aloof and commanding) FormID: 0004E4C9 DA09 SCEN 0 A new hand touches the beacon. godly (aloof and commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C53 DA09 SCEN 0 You have found my beacon. godly (aloof and commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C53 DA09 SCEN 1 But it is not time for rejoicing. The defiler continues to profane my temple. godly (aloof and commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C53 DA09 SCEN 2 Return to my figure on Mount Kilkreath, and I shall make you the instrument of my cleansing light. godly (commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C54 DA09 SCEN 0 Do you prefer heedlessness to my luminous glory? Go! godly (commanding) - shaming an errant servant, speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C54 DA09 SCEN 1 Take my beacon to the mount above Kilkreath. godly (commanding) URGENT speaking from another dimension FormID: 0004E4C8 DA09 SCEN 0 Can you not hear me? Are your ears full of hate? godly (commanding) angry, speaking from another dimension FormID: 0004E4C8 DA09 SCEN 1 The defiler waxes! godly (commanding) ANGRY speaking from another dimension FormID: 0004E4C8 DA09 SCEN 2 Go now, with haste. Take my beacon to Mount Kilkreath. godly (commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C56 DA09 SCEN 0 Fool! He is perverting my Light. ANGRY godly (commanding) speaking from another dimension FormID: 00081C56 DA09 SCEN 1 A Light that could illuminate Skyrim and her people. (godly) frustrated and hateful, from another dimension FormID: 0004E3B0 TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopicA CUST 0 Is that confidence I hear... or is it arrogance? Strange how often they're confused. Mild/mock surprise first line. Second line more disgusted. FormID: 0004E3B0 TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopicA CUST 1 You have to understand, it's been a long time since Brynjolf's sent me anyone I can rely on. FormID: 0004E3A1 TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopicB CUST 0 This is exactly what I'm talking about. very disappointed FormID: 0004E3A1 TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopicB CUST 1 Once again Brynjolf sends me someone with no backbone, no determination. insulting FormID: 0004E3A6 TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic CUST 0 Not a day goes by that I don't regret letting Sabjorn get as far as he did. angry regret FormID: 0004E3A6 TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic CUST 1 In only a few short years, he's taken that bile he calls mead to market and a chunk of my profits with it! very angry FormID: 0004E3A6 TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic CUST 2 I can't imagine where he found the gold to take it to market so quickly. annoyed puzzlement FormID: 0004E39A TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Exactly. With Sabjorn in prison, his meadery will be forced to close. FormID: 0004E39A TG03 TG03MavenSabjornBranch TG03MavenSabjornBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Then I swoop in and take over the place. No more competition. FormID: 0004E397 TG03 TG03SabjornMavenBranch TG03SabjornMavenBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar's gone out of her way to try and have me shut down, but fortunately I have a good relationship with Whiterun's Jarl. FormID: 0004E397 TG03 TG03SabjornMavenBranch TG03SabjornMavenBranchTopic CUST 1 Every year, I sell more Honningbrew and Maven loses customers. Know why? My mead tastes better. FormID: 0004E19D MQ101 SCEN 0 We'll meet again in Sovngarde, brother. quietly (to a dead friend) FormID: 0004E195 MQ101 SCEN 0 We better get moving. Come here. Let me see if I can get those bindings off. friendly FormID: 0004E1A2 MQ101 SCEN 0 There you go. You may as well take Gunjar's gear. He won't be needing it any more. FormID: 0004E1A7 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm going to see if I can find some way out of here. FormID: 0004E1AB MQ101 SCEN 0 Damn. No way to open this from our side. FormID: 0004E1A5 MQ101 SCEN 0 Maybe one of these Imperials had the key. FormID: 0004E19E MQ101 SCEN 0 Here we are, found a key. Let's see if it opens that door. FormID: 0004E1A3 MQ101 SCEN 0 That's it! Come on, let's get out of here before the dragon brings the whole tower down on our heads. FormID: 0004E1A6 MQ101 SCEN 0 Looks like we're the only ones who made it. FormID: 0004E1A0 MQ101 SCEN 0 This one's locked. Let's see about that gate. FormID: 0004DEAA DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahMessageToFollowers CUST 0 Listen. All of you! godly decree, calling out FormID: 0004DEAD DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionYesA CUST 0 I have little need for mindless thralls. godly warning FormID: 0004DEAD DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionYesA CUST 1 My servants serve their own purposes. But, if their will is insufficient, nor suitably aligned with mine, I simply destroy them. godly explanation FormID: 0004DEAD DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionYesA CUST 2 Which brings me to my present concern. FormID: 0004DEB0 DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahChampionWho CUST 0 I am loath to utter his name... one cannot erase a thing if it has a name to be remembered. godly contempt Walk Away FormID: 000834FC DA02 SCEN 0 You may keep my Ebony Mail, a token of my appreciation to my new champion. Its gifts will resonate with your talents. FormID: 000834FC DA02 SCEN 1 Now go. I have strings to pull that require my full attention. You may pursue your own course wherever it leads you. godly decree FormID: 000834FC DA02 SCEN 2 Remember always this: As you will it, so it shall be. godly wisdom FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 0 You have earned the right to call yourself my Champion. godly praise FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 1 And now you must perform the task for which I created you. You have already proven to possess the needed skills. godly decree FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 2 Go to Solitude. Stalk the Jarl and slay her. godly decree FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 3 I have spread rumors of an assassin. It will make your job harder, but will allow me to place blame where I desire it. godly explanation FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 4 You will need stealth and lies to get past her guards. You will assassinate her swiftly and quietly. And if combat finds you, survive the escape. godly explanation FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 5 Succeed, and you may keep your title and my armor, and I shall write your name upon the Tablet of Absolute Blackness. godly beneficence FormID: 0004DEAE DA02 SCEN 6 Failure is not an option. godly severe warning FormID: 0004DEB1 DA02 SCEN 0 You have done well, my Champion. You have earned my respect, a feat few manage and live to tell about it. godly praise FormID: 0004DEB1 DA02 SCEN 1 Now go. I have strings to pull that require my full attention. You may pursue your own course wherever it leads you. godly decree FormID: 0004DEB1 DA02 SCEN 2 Remember always this: You need answer to no authority, neither mortal, nor divine... As you will it, so it shall be. godly reminder FormID: 0004DE3E MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingC2 CUST 0 Ah. Well. Hmm... krosis. There is one... detail about Skuldafn I neglected to mention. FormID: 0004DE3D MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingD1 CUST 0 Only this. You have the Thu'um of a dovah, but without the wings of one, you will never set foot in Skuldafn. FormID: 0004DE3D MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingD1 CUST 1 Of course... I could fly you there. But not while imprisoned like this. slyly FormID: 0004DE36 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingE1 CUST 0 Indeed. Orin brit ro. I cannot leave here until you defeat Alduin, which you cannot do without my help. Orin brit ro = [QUOTE](a) fully beautiful balance[QUOTE] = dragon phrase for irony FormID: 0004DE37 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingE2 CUST 0 Ahraan. You wound me, Dovahkiin. I may not tell the whole truth, but I am no liar. huffily Ahraan = [QUOTE](you) wound (me)[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE37 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingE2 CUST 1 Go and see for yourself. Zu'u ni bo nol het. I will be here... unless Alduin returns before you do. Zu'u ni bo nol het = [QUOTE]I (am) not moving from here[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE38 MQ303 MQ303OdahviingIntro MQ303OdahviingIntroTopic CUST 0 You have reconsidered my offer, hmm? Onikaan kron? FormID: 0004DE32 MQ303 MQ303OdahviingIntro MQ303OdahviingIntroA2 CUST 0 Zu'u ni tahrodiis. It was you that lured me here and took me prisoner... vobalaan grahmindol. I have done nothing to earn your distrust. in a hurt tone of voice Zu'u ni tahrodiis = [QUOTE]I (am) not treacherous[QUOTE] vobalaan grahmindol = [QUOTE]unworthy strategem[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE35 MQ303 MQ303OdahviingIntro MQ303OdahviingIntroB1 CUST 0 Hin aar, orin nu. And yet here I am, still your prisoner. Hin aar, orin nu = [QUOTE]Your servant/slave, even now[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE40 MQ303 IDAT 0 Onikaan koraav gein miraad. It is wise to recognize when you only have one choice. Onikaan koraav gein miraad = [QUOTE]Wisdom sees the one doorway[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE40 MQ303 IDAT 1 And you can trust me. Zu'u ni tahrodiis. Alduin has proven himself unworthy to rule. I go my own way now. Zu'u ni tahrodiis = [QUOTE]I (am) not treacherous[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE40 MQ303 IDAT 2 Free me, and I will carry you to Skuldafn. FormID: 000E16F5 MQ303 IDAT 0 Amativ! Mu bo kotin stinselok. Amativ! Mu bo kotin stinselok! = [QUOTE]Onward! We fly into the sky's freedom.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E16F6 MQ303 IDAT 0 This is far as I can take you. Krif voth ahkrin. I will look for your return, or Alduin's. Krif voth ahkrin = fight bravely FormID: 000E16F7 MQ303 IDAT 0 Hin laas los dii. [QUOTE]Your life (is) mine.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E16F8 MQ303 IDAT 0 Fent ni filok. [QUOTE](You) shall not escape.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E16F9 MQ303 IDAT 0 Sosaal fah hin vothaarn. [QUOTE](you will) bleed for your disobedience[QUOTE] FormID: 000E16FA MQ303 IDAT 0 Zu'u uth nall thurri dein daar miiraak. [QUOTE]I (was) ordered by my lord to keep/guard this portal.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E16FD MQ303 IDAT 0 Alduin mah nol thur. Alduin (has) fallen from (the) overlord(ship). FormID: 000E16FE MQ303 IDAT 0 Alduin sizaan midroti. Alduin has lost my loyalty. FormID: 000E16FF MQ303 IDAT 0 Dovahkiin zol mul. Zu'u gahvon miri Alduin. Dovahkiin is most strong (=stronger). I yield my allegiance (to) Alduin. FormID: 0004DE3A MQ303 MQ303OdahviingFree MQ303OdahviingFreeTopic CUST 0 Saraan uth - I await your command, as promised. Are you ready to see the world as only a dovah can? FormID: 00109E39 MQ303 MQ303OdahviingFree MQ303OdahviingFreeTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to see the world as only a dovah can? FormID: 0004DE3C MQ303 MQ303OdahviingFree MQ303OdahviingFreeA1 CUST 0 Zok brit uth! I warn you, once you've flown the skies of Keizaal, your envy of the dov will only increase. zok brit uth = [QUOTE]most beautiful command[QUOTE] Keizaal = Skyrim FormID: 0004DE42 MQ303 MQ303OdahviingFree MQ303OdahviingFreeA2 CUST 0 Kreh zini! The freedom of the sky beckons! Yet I stay here, nau gol, as promised. Kreh zini! = [QUOTE](You) bend my honor![QUOTE] nau gol = [QUOTE]on earth[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]grounded[QUOTE] FormID: 0004DE41 MQ303 MQ303Gatekeeper MQ303GatekeeperTopic CUST 0 You sure about that? You want to let that dragon loose after all the trouble to catch him in there? FormID: 0004DE3B MQ303 MQ303Gatekeeper MQ303GatekeeperA1 CUST 0 Your funeral. Someone else is gonna have to help you get him back in there again. FormID: 0004DE39 MQ303 MQ303Gatekeeper MQ303GatekeeperA2 CUST 0 Hey, when you make up your mind, just let me know. I'll be here. resigned FormID: 0004DE3F MQ303 SCEN 0 This seems like a really bad idea to me. FormID: 0004DBC1 TG06 TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranch TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranchTopic CUST 0 Mercer lied to the Guild, branded me a murderer and slandered my name across his network of contacts. FormID: 0004DBC1 TG06 TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranch TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranchTopic CUST 1 For twenty-five years I ran, never sleeping in the same place twice and carefully covering my tracks. FormID: 0004DBC1 TG06 TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranch TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranchTopic CUST 2 Mercer doesn't need to die... he needs to feel the cold sting of fate as his life crumbles in front of him and he's hunted by the Guild. FormID: 0004DBB7 TG06 TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranch TG06KarliahMercerNoKillBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I can promise you if it comes to that, and my back's to the wall, I won't hesitate. FormID: 0004DBBF TG06 TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranch TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranchTopic CUST 0 He was a scholar, a master thief and a natural leader. Everyone respected him and followed him without question. remembering better times FormID: 0004DBBF TG06 TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranch TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranchTopic CUST 1 It was Gallus who inducted me into the Nightingales and honed my skills to a razor sharp point. I owe everything to him. remembering a dead loved one (trail off a bit on last sentence) FormID: 0004DBBF TG06 TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranch TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranchTopic CUST 2 We were... very close. very sad, but not crying FormID: 0004DBC0 TG06 TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranch TG06KarliahMercerGallusBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Gallus once said he felt comfortable around me; able to let his guard down. I can't help but think that I'm responsible for what happened to him. FormID: 000D61DD TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranch TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic CUST 0 Gallus, Mercer Frey and I were once members of what's known as the Nightingale Trinity. FormID: 000D61DD TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranch TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic CUST 1 The Trinity disbanded twenty-five years ago when Mercer Frey betrayed us by slaying Gallus and dumping his body in the ruins of Snow Veil Sanctum. FormID: 0004DBB9 TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic CUST 0 She's the mistress of night and darkness and the patron of every thief in Tamriel. FormID: 0004DBBC TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Nocturnal isn't one for worship and reverence. There are no priests and no sermons, no services and no alms. FormID: 0004DBBC TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic01 CUST 1 She influences our luck and in return demands payment. FormID: 0004DBBD TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You're closer to understanding than you realize. FormID: 0004DBBD TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic02 CUST 1 The only difference is she doesn't demand payment in the traditional sense and sometimes the cost can be quite high. FormID: 0004DBBD TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Whether you know it or not, Nocturnal dictates how well we perform as rogues. FormID: 0004DBBB TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Again, you have to think differently. Haven't you ever noticed how our luck behaves? FormID: 0004DBBB TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Like a novice picking an impossible lock or a blind man suddenly turning to face you as you reach for his pocket? FormID: 0004DBBB TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic03 CUST 2 It's through these subtle means that Nocturnal influences us. FormID: 0004DBBE TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Nocturnal's whim is the greatest mystery to everyone. There have been volumes written on the subject. FormID: 0004DBBE TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Does she exact payment when we die? When we suffer does she revel in our misery? No one knows. FormID: 0004DBBE TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranch TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic04 CUST 2 The return certainly seems worth the risk though. FormID: 0004DA13 MG03 GBYE 0 Don't leave me here! FormID: 0004DA14 MG03 SCEN 0 I, uhh... wait, what? FormID: 0004DA15 MG03 SCEN 0 He gets the books, I get you. It's very simple. FormID: 00055FAD MG03 SCEN 0 She gets the books, I get you. It's very simple. FormID: 0004DA17 MG03 SCEN 0 You wouldn't do that, would you? You wouldn't leave me here with her! FormID: 0004DA19 MG03 SCEN 0 I'm waiting. FormID: 0004DA18 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03ArrangementDealBranchTopic CUST 0 Fine. Take your books and leave at once. FormID: 0004DA18 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03ArrangementDealBranchTopic CUST 1 If you ever come back, I won't be so gracious. FormID: 0004DEAF DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Well done. You have proven the strength of your will and your tongue's gift for lies. You have shown ferocity and prowess in combat. godly reappraisal of a potential servant FormID: 0004DEAF DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 1 Now the time has come for a final proving. Are you able to cast aside your honor and strike with the hidden blade? FormID: 0004D8B7 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Ahhhhgh. Wearing flesh is so... distasteful. godly (to herself) disgusted - just possessed a body of someone slain in sacrifice FormID: 0004D8B7 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 1 You have caught my attention, mortal. That is most unwise. godly annoyance FormID: 0004D8C6 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 We are Lord Boethiah's faithful. Have you come to test your mettle? cultist assuming he's talking to a new recruit. Walk Away FormID: 00060998 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 If you wish to gain Boethiah's attention, you must slay a thrall upon her shrine. explaining how to join the cult FormID: 0004D8C2 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 A well placed word, or a well placed dagger. Both can achieve equal purposes. from scripture FormID: 00060519 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Do you wish to test yourself against me? threatening FormID: 0004D8C4 DA02 DA02CultistForcegoodbye DA02CultistForcegoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Though we live in shadow, we carve indelible signs of our passing into the world. from scripture FormID: 0004D8C1 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02WhoMean CUST 0 We are forged by Boethiah's example. We carve our will upon the world through our tongues and our blades. quoting scripture Walk Away FormID: 0004D8C1 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02WhoMean CUST 1 You? You are nothing. An empty vapor, dispersed by the slightest breeze. calm threat Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BE DA02 DA02Cultist DA02WhosBoethiah CUST 0 The Lord of Plots, Deceiver of Nations, Devourer of Trinimac. The Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction, He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases... ecstatically proclaiming the names of his god/goddess Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BE DA02 DA02Cultist DA02WhosBoethiah CUST 1 Many are our lord's lofty names, but they befit only us mortals. Intone her mighty names from now until the end of time - it is for naught. Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BE DA02 DA02Cultist DA02WhosBoethiah CUST 2 Names mean nothing to our Lord. She only cares for those who care for themselves, whose hearts are full of purpose, whose lives are full of deeds. Walk Away FormID: 0004D8B0 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02CultistNeverMind CUST 0 You are nothing. vehement disgust, dismissal FormID: 0004D8C7 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02NotAfraid CUST 0 Good. Perhaps I've misjudged. intrigued Walk Away FormID: 0004D8C9 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02Ready CUST 0 If you desire a glimpse of our Dark Mistress, then this is what you must do. speaking to acolyte who wishes to prove himself. FormID: 0004D8C9 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02Ready CUST 1 First, prove your tongue can wield a lie. Find someone. Gain his trust. Lead him to the shrine above. speaking to acolyte who wishes to prove himself. FormID: 0004D8C9 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02Ready CUST 2 Next, instruct your thrall to touch the Pillar of Sacrifice. Its magic will ensnare him, rendering him helpless. speaking to acolyte who wishes to prove himself. FormID: 0004D8C9 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02Ready CUST 3 Then, girded with certitude, plant the ceremonial blade deeply, so that the waters of his heart wash over you. speaking to acolyte who wishes to prove himself. FormID: 0004D8C9 DA02 DA02Cultist DA02Ready CUST 4 If your will is strong enough, it will stir Boethiah in her Dark Mansion, and she will appear before us. speaking to acolyte who wishes to prove himself. FormID: 0004D8CA DA02 DA02Cultist DA02CultistYes CUST 0 That remains to be seen. But if it is so, and if Boethiah appears, then we will welcome you as one of us. speaking to acolyte who wishes to prove himself. FormID: 0004D8AF DA02 DA02Cultist DA02CultistNo CUST 0 Then you are weak and inconsequential. annoyed and dismissing FormID: 0004D8B9 DA02 SCEN 0 Our Lord! She has come! ecstatic, he is hearing the voice of his goddess FormID: 0004D8BF DA02 SCEN 0 (Gasps) Gasps in awe. FormID: 0004D8B2 DA02 SCEN 0 She is here, among us. amazed to hear the voice of his goddess FormID: 0004D8B8 DA02 SCEN 0 Shhh! Be still. Beware her anger! (emphatic) afraid his goddess will smite them all if they don't shut up FormID: 0004D8BA DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahDeadFriendSlain CUST 0 My favor? godly anger Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BA DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahDeadFriendSlain CUST 1 My good pleasure is not some trophy for mortal sport! godly anger Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BA DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahDeadFriendSlain CUST 2 I should slay you for such insolence! godly smoldering anger Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BB DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahSorry CUST 0 Were you certain in your purpose, you would have no need to apologize. godly annoyance, she shouldn't have to explain all this to her followers Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BB DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahSorry CUST 1 You have much to learn... But you have proven your will is strong and your heart is devoid of pity. godly consideration of a followers attempt at an offering Walk Away FormID: 0004D8BB DA02 DA02BoethiahBranch DA02BoethiahSorry CUST 2 So, perhaps you are not entirely useless... We shall soon find out. godly condescension Walk Away FormID: 0004D8C8 DA02 SCEN 0 Hear me! godly proclamation FormID: 0004D875 mg06 SCEN 0 I don't care what it is, I want it down now! I want to know what he's doing in there! FormID: 0004D89E mg06 MG06Stage60ArenBranch MG06Stage60ArenBranchTopic CUST 0 Ancano. He's in there, doing... something. We don't know what. We're trying to get in now. FormID: 0004D89E mg06 MG06Stage60ArenBranch MG06Stage60ArenBranchTopic CUST 1 I will have his head for this, I assure you. FormID: 0004D89E mg06 MG06Stage60ArenBranch MG06Stage60ArenBranchTopic CUST 2 Help take this down, will you? We're throwing everything we can at it. FormID: 0004D877 mg06 MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranch MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranchTopic CUST 0 Excellent. I'd suggest that we go retrieve it immediately, but right now we have more pressing matters. FormID: 0004D877 mg06 MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranch MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranchTopic CUST 1 Ancano has somehow locked himself in the hall. He's up to something, and I intend to put a stop to it. FormID: 0004D877 mg06 MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranch MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranchTopic CUST 2 Help us get through this, will you? We're throwing everything we have at it. FormID: 0005A189 mg06 MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranch MG06Stage60ArenStaffBranchTopic CUST 0 Now's not the time. We need to put a stop to whatever it is that's going on. FormID: 0004D889 mg06 SCEN 0 What's going on?! FormID: 0004D872 mg06 SCEN 0 Ancano! Stop this at once! I command you! FormID: 0004D887 mg06 SCEN 0 Don't go near him! FormID: 0004D863 mg06 MG06Stage99Branch MG06Stage99BranchTopic CUST 0 Are you all right? Can you walk? injured, winded Walk Away FormID: 0004D863 mg06 MG06Stage99Branch MG06Stage99BranchTopic CUST 1 I need you on your feet. We're in trouble here. injured, winded Walk Away FormID: 0004D886 mg06 MG06Stage99Branch MG06Stage99Response1 CUST 0 Ancano is doing something with that thing... the Eye. We can't stop him! injured, winded FormID: 0004D886 mg06 MG06Stage99Branch MG06Stage99Response1 CUST 1 I haven't seen Savos since the explosion. He must've been blown clear, and he may be injured. injured, winded FormID: 0004D886 mg06 MG06Stage99Branch MG06Stage99Response1 CUST 2 I need you to find the Arch-Mage, and I need you to do it quickly. Get moving! injured, winded FormID: 000D8E5F DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Kust is responsible for the cemetery here in Falkreath, I take care of the Shrine. FormID: 0004D785 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The number of graves in this cemetery never decreases. FormID: 0004D786 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 War is not new to Falkreath. You have only to stand in our cemetery to see that. FormID: 0004D78A DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Dengeir deserves more respect than his nephew, Jarl Siddgeir, affords him. FormID: 0004D78C DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Without birth there is no life, without death there is only stasis. Such is the truth of Arkay. FormID: 0004DCB2 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Strangers like you bring war. I've seen enough war. FormID: 0004DCB3 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 These graves hold the sons and daughters of Falkreath. FormID: 0004DCB6 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Show respect while you're here and you and I will be fine. FormID: 0004DCB7 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 You have the look of a killer. FormID: 0004DCB8 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Arkay helps us find peace with death. FormID: 0004DCBB DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Indara and I like to keep to ourselves and run our farm. FormID: 0004DCBE DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Runil has been a true friend to my wife and I in our time of need. FormID: 0004DCBC DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My wife, Indara, has a gift with animals. It makes her a better farmer than anyone I've ever seen. FormID: 0004DCBD DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 This war isn't needed. Imperials like my wife can be hard to handle but we Nords could work with them. I should know. FormID: 0004DCBF DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I don't know if the war is Arkay's will or man's, but it's none of my doings. FormID: 0004DCC2 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My husband Mathias and I tend Corpselight Farm. FormID: 0004DCC3 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath is a hard place and tending a farm here is thankless work. FormID: 0004DCC5 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Mathies is a kind and wise man. The Nords could use more like him. So could the Imperials. FormID: 0004DCC6 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 How could people see all the graves in Falkreath and still want to make war? FormID: 0004DE85 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Steel's good, but loyalty's better. I'm loyal to Dengeir first and the Empire second. FormID: 00088966 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Only a hearty soul travels the road these days. FormID: 0004DE87 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The war bleeds Skyrim. It bleeds her dry and I think none of us are the better for it. FormID: 000CDE63 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Men and women join the war, they travel far on these roads to spill each other's blood. FormID: 000CDE64 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath's warriors always return, one way or another. FormID: 0004DE8C DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Someone new, perhaps someone looking for me to mix something up for them? FormID: 000D83EC DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Don't let the shop's name frighten you away. I have plenty of reliable tonics and healing potions to sell. FormID: 0004DE92 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath's warriors always return, one way or another. FormID: 0004DE8E DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 If either these Nords or Imperials had some red in their blood this war would be over. FormID: 0004DE93 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 A hearty welcome to Falkreath! All of Skyrim's true sons are welcome here! FormID: 0004DE94 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Stay out of my way, boot. FormID: 0004DE98 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I can't believe we let provincials like you wander Skyrim. FormID: 0004DE9A DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 You'll find my brother Solaf and I are the only true Nords in Falkreath. FormID: 0004DE9E DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Well met. Unlike my brother, I've no dislike of strangers. Met lots of 'em while I was a Stormcloak. FormID: 00088967 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Can I get you something? FormID: 0004DE9F DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Don't mind Bolund. He's young and gets riled easily. FormID: 0004E27C DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Looking for something? FormID: 0004E27D DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 What do you need, stranger? FormID: 0004E281 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Shor's bones! A handsome man in Falkreath. FormID: 0004E282 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 You're going to have the men around here wrapped around your finger in no time. FormID: 000D83ED DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 A strong drink will chase off that chill in the air. FormID: 000D83EE DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I've half a mind to ask if you'll take me on one of your adventures, but I can't just leave Valga on her own. FormID: 000D83EF DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Not much exciting happens around here. You're as like as not to be bored to death if you stay too long. FormID: 0004E284 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Anything I can get you? FormID: 0004E285 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Can I get you a drink? FormID: 0004E287 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Welcome to Dead Man's Drink. FormID: 0004E28B DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I escaped fighting in Cyrodiil only to have it track me down again in Skyrim. FormID: 0004E288 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I wouldn't complain if we could string together a few sunny days now and then. FormID: 0004E28E DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Try not to judge Falkreath too harshly, visitor - the war has been hard on us. FormID: 0004E292 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I'm sorry, I should really go now. FormID: 0004E293 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I can't really help you, I'm just Dengeir's maid. FormID: 0004E295 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I was Jarl once, but I was encouraged to step down when I took sides with the Stormcloaks. It was an imperial plot, I tell you! Emphasis on the word [QUOTE]encouraged[QUOTE], intended to convey that you believe you were forced out of office by your peers. FormID: 00088968 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Be mindful. My maid Tekla has been known to pass information to that pompous nephew of mine, Siddgeir. FormID: 0004E298 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Enemies and ears. Both are everywhere. FormID: 0004E296 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 If you're sympathetic to the Empire, you'll be wise to put Falkreath far behind you. FormID: 00088969 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My nephew has always been handed things, even the title of Jarl. FormID: 0004E297 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Stendarr protect Falkreath until Skyrim's Sons rise. FormID: 0004E299 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The war has changed Falkreath, even our neighbors can be our enemies. FormID: 0004E29C DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I protect the Jarl, whoever that might be. FormID: 0004E29D DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath's cemetery reminds of us that war is not new here. FormID: 0004E29E DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Being Housecarl of Falkreath is an honor. FormID: 0004E29F DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Treat the Jarl with respect, and you'll be welcome here. FormID: 0004E2A1 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I'm the Steward here. I serve under Jarl Siddgeir and Jarl Dengeir before him. FormID: 0004E2A4 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Siddgeir can sometimes act too quickly but he does listen to Helvard and I. FormID: 0004E2A5 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 For Falkreath and I this is just one more war in a long line. FormID: 0004E2A6 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Yes? What is it that you want? Disinterested, arrogant FormID: 0004E2A8 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Boland speaks much about the war and the Stormcloaks but he knows who provides. FormID: 0004E2AA DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The Stormcloaks want freedom but don't understand its price. FormID: 0004E2AC DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 There are opportunities everywhere. Why don't you go find them. FormID: 0004E2AD DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 No time, I have business to conduct. FormID: 00092F22 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Unless you intend to bury someone, this isn't the place you're looking for, traveler. FormID: 00092F23 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath was once full of wanderers and warriors like yourself. Those were better days. FormID: 00092F24 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Skyrim's history of war is well documented here in Falkreath's graveyard. FormID: 00092F25 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My brother Dengeir can be... difficult. Take his words with a grain of salt. FormID: 000CEFD4 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Kust is responsible for the cemetery here in Falkreath, I take care of the Shrine. FormID: 000CEFD5 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The number of graves in this cemetery never decreases. FormID: 000CEFD6 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 War is not new to Falkreath. You have only to stand in our cemetery to see that. FormID: 000CEFD7 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Dengeir deserves more respect than his nephew, Jarl Siddgeir, affords him. FormID: 000CEFD8 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Without birth there is no life, without death there is only stasis. Such is the truth of Arkay. FormID: 000CEFD9 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Strangers like you bring war. I've seen enough war. FormID: 000CEFDA DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 These graves hold the sons and daughters of Falkreath. FormID: 000CEFDB DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Show respect while you're here and you and I will be fine. FormID: 000CEFDC DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 You have the look of a killer. FormID: 000CEFDD DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Arkay helps us find peace with death. FormID: 000CEFDE DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Indara and I like to keep to ourselves and run our farm. FormID: 000CEFDF DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My wife, Indara, has a gift with animals. It makes her a better farmer than anyone I've ever seen. FormID: 000CEFE0 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Runil has been a true friend to my wife and I in our time of need. FormID: 000CEFE1 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 This war isn't needed. Imperials like my wife can be hard to handle but we Nords could work with them. I should know. FormID: 000CEFE2 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I don't know if the war is Arkay's will or man's, but it's none of my doings. FormID: 000CEFE3 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My husband Mathias and I tend Corpselight Farm. FormID: 000CEFE4 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath is a hard place and tending a farm here is thankless work. FormID: 000CEFE5 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Mathies is a kind and wise man. The Nords could use more like him. So could the Imperials. FormID: 000CEFE6 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 How could people see all the graves in Falkreath and still want to make war? FormID: 000CEFE7 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Only a hearty soul travels the road these days. FormID: 000CEFE8 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The war bleeds Skyrim. It bleeds her dry and I think none of us are the better for it. FormID: 000CEFE9 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Men and women join the war, they travel far on these roads to spill each other's blood. FormID: 000CEFEA DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath's warriors always return, one way or another. FormID: 000CEFEB DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Someone new, perhaps someone looking for me to mix something up for them? FormID: 000CEFEC DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 If either these Nords or Imperials had some red in their blood this war would be over. FormID: 000CEFED DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath's warriors always return, one way or another. FormID: 000CEFEE DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 A hearty welcome to Falkreath! All of Skyrim's true sons are welcome here! FormID: 000CEFEF DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Stay out of my way, boot. FormID: 000CEFF0 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Can't believe we let provincials like you wander around Skyrim. FormID: 000CEFF1 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 That Valga Vinicia is a gossip and a troublemaker. FormID: 000CEFF2 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 You'll find my brother Solaf and I are the only true Nords in Falkreath. FormID: 000CEFF3 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Can I get you something? FormID: 000CEFF4 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Don't mind Bolund. He's young and gets riled easily. FormID: 000CEFF5 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Looking for something? FormID: 000CEFF6 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 What do you need, stranger? FormID: 000CEFF7 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Shor's bones! A handsome man in Falkreath. FormID: 000CEFF8 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 You're going to have the men around here wrapped around your finger in no time. FormID: 000CEFF9 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Anything I can get you? FormID: 000CEFFA DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Can I get you a drink? FormID: 000CEFFB DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Welcome to Dead Man's Drink. FormID: 000CEFFC DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 In Falkreath if I don't know it, it's not worth knowing. FormID: 000CEFFD DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I escaped fighting in Cyrodiil only to have it track me down again in Skyrim. FormID: 000CEFFE DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 From maid to Steward, I can hardly believe it. I hope I'm up to the task. FormID: 0008896A DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Try not to judge Falkreath too harshly, visitor - the war has been hard on us. FormID: 000CEFFF DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I'm sorry, I should really go now. FormID: 000CF000 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I can't really help you, I'm just Dengeir's maid. FormID: 000CF001 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Be mindful. My maid Tekla has been known to pass information to Siddgeir. FormID: 000CF002 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My nephew has always been handed things, even the title of Jarl. FormID: 000CF003 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Stendarr protect Falkreath until Skyrim's Sons rise. FormID: 000CF004 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Enemies and ears. Both are everywhere. FormID: 000CF005 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The war has changed Falkreath, even our neighbors can be our enemies. FormID: 000CF006 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Nenya's history of service is impeccable. She truly is the Steward of Falkreath. FormID: 000CF007 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath's cemetery reminds of us that war is not new here. FormID: 000CF008 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Being Housecarl of Falkreath is an honor. FormID: 000CF009 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Dengeir was a good Jarl in his day. Even if his day has passed. FormID: 000CF00A DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 I'm the Steward here. I serve under Jarl Siddgeir and Jarl Dengeir before him. FormID: 000CF00B DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Siddgeir can sometimes act too quickly but he does listen to Helvard and I. FormID: 000CF00C DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 For Falkreath and I this is just one more war in a long line. FormID: 000CF00D DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Stand aside. I don't need to speak to you. FormID: 000CF00E DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Boland speaks much about the war and the Stormcloaks but he knows who provides. FormID: 000CF00F DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 The Stormcloaks want freedom but don't understand its price. FormID: 000CF010 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 There are opportunities everywhere. Why don't you go find them. FormID: 000CF011 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 No time, I have business to conduct. FormID: 000CF012 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Unless you intend to bury someone this isn't the place you're looking for, traveler. FormID: 000CF013 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Falkreath was once full of wanderers and warriors like yourself. Those were better days. FormID: 000CF014 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 Skyrim's history of war is well documented here in Falkreath's graveyard. FormID: 000CF015 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 My brother Dengeir can be... difficult. Take his words with a grain of salt. FormID: 0004D6C0 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridEndFirstGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Alive.... You're alive... Thank Sithis... In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C2 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerFindTopic CUST 0 Ssshhh.... Please. There is much... I have to say. And... not much time... In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C2 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerFindTopic CUST 1 I'm sorry. So very sorry. The Penitus Oculatus... Maro... He said that by giving you to them, he would leave the Dark Brotherhood alone. Forever. In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C2 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerFindTopic CUST 2 By Sithis, I was such a fool. All of this... it's all my fault. You are the best of us, and I nearly killed you... as I've killed everyone else... In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C1 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice1 CUST 0 Yes. I set you up. I wanted you dead. I betrayed you, the Night Mother, and everything I hold dear. And now Maro has betrayed me. In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C1 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice1 CUST 1 I just wanted things... to stay the way they were. Before Cicero, before the Night Mother. Before... you. I thought I could save us. I was wrong. In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C1 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice1 CUST 2 But you're alive! So there's still a chance. A chance to start over, rebuild. That's why I did... this. In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6C1 DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice1 CUST 3 Don't you see? I prayed to the Night Mother! I am the Black Sacrament. In pain, coughing, near death. Burned badly, and doesn't have a lot of time left. FormID: 0004D6BD DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice2 CUST 0 No! Don't pity me. I deserve whatever fate the Dread Lord has in store. I betrayed you... and now Maro has betrayed me. Fitting... FormID: 0004D6BD DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice2 CUST 1 I just wanted things... to stay the way they were. Before Cicero, before the Night Mother. Before... you. I thought I could save us. I was wrong. FormID: 0004D6BD DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice2 CUST 2 But you're alive! So there's still a chance. A chance to start over, rebuild. That's why I did... this. FormID: 0004D6BD DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice2 CUST 3 Don't you see? I prayed to the Night Mother! I am the Black Sacrament. FormID: 0004D6BE DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice3 CUST 0 Don't you see? It was me. I set you up, wanted you dead. I betrayed you, the Night Mother... everything I hold dear. And now Maro has betrayed me. FormID: 0004D6BE DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice3 CUST 1 I just wanted things... to stay the way they were. Before Cicero, before the Night Mother. Before... you. I thought I could save us. I was wrong. FormID: 0004D6BE DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice3 CUST 2 But you're alive! So there's still a chance. A chance to start over, rebuild. That's why I did... this. FormID: 0004D6BE DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerSetupChoice3 CUST 3 Don't you see? I prayed to the Night Mother! I am the Black Sacrament. FormID: 0004D6BF DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerPlanTopic CUST 0 I'm saying you were right. The Night Mother was right. The old ways... they guided the Dark Brotherhood for centuries. I was a fool to oppose them. FormID: 0004D6BF DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerPlanTopic CUST 1 And to prove my... sincerity, I have prayed for a contract. You lead this Family now. I give you the Blade of Woe, so that you can see it through. FormID: 0004D6BF DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerPlanTopic CUST 2 You must kill... FormID: 0004D6BF DB10 AstridEndFirstGreetBranch AstridPlayerPlanTopic CUST 3 Me. FormID: 000BFA06 Favor204 HELO 0 Windhelm has been hard on my people. But our fortunes will turn, and we have shelter and food. FormID: 0004D545 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse1 CUST 0 Ah. I see. FormID: 0004D545 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse1 CUST 1 Well, then I'll just stay behind you a little bit, and follow along quietly. FormID: 0004D54B MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse2 CUST 0 Yes, of course. I said I'd tell you, didn't I? FormID: 0004D54B MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse2 CUST 1 The Caller will have them. She was most interested in one of the volumes. FormID: 0004D54B MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse2 CUST 2 Although not interested enough to keep me from being locked up. FormID: 0009957F MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse2 CUST 0 The... the books? Oh, I see. I thought perhaps... Well, I thought you'd come for me. FormID: 0009957F MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse2 CUST 1 But yes, the books. The Caller will have them. She was most interested in one of the volumes. FormID: 0009957F MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03Stage55OrthornResponse2 CUST 2 Although not interested enough to keep me from being locked up. FormID: 0004D2A3 CreatureDialogueIceWraith DETH 0 FormID: 0004D609 MQ102B SCEN 0 Looks like nobody here knows what's happened yet. Come on. Gerdur's probably working in her lumber mill. FormID: 0004D57B MQ102B SCEN 0 Gerdur! FormID: 0004D244 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you're the one who barged into my home and laid waste to my projects. Walk Away FormID: 0004D244 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 How nice to meet you. Walk Away FormID: 0001A0F2 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Well? What's it going to be? FormID: 0004D241 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerResponse1 CUST 0 Names no longer matter. You may refer to me as The Caller. Walk Away FormID: 0004D241 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerResponse1 CUST 1 Now, do you have a reason for making such a mess? Walk Away FormID: 0004D243 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerResponse2 CUST 0 So you're just one of Aren's lackeys? That's disappointing. You show real promise. Walk Away FormID: 0004D243 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerResponse2 CUST 1 You come here, kill my assistants, disrupt my work... You've annoyed me, so I don't think I'll be giving you anything. Walk Away FormID: 0004D242 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksFavor CUST 0 Oh, now we're all please and thank you, are we? Walk Away FormID: 0004D242 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksFavor CUST 1 I'm afraid we're well beyond pleasantries. Walk Away FormID: 0004D242 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksFavor CUST 2 I'll allow you the opportunity to turn around, walk out that door, and never come back. I suggest you move quickly. Walk Away FormID: 0004D546 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksTrade CUST 0 An arrangement? After you've destroyed so much? FormID: 0004D546 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksTrade CUST 1 Fine. Leave me the elf. You may go with your books. FormID: 0004D245 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksTrade CUST 0 I'm afraid you don't have anything worth trading. Walk Away FormID: 0004D245 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBooksTrade CUST 1 Now, you can go back to your College and leave me be, or I can kill you. Your choice. Walk Away FormID: 000DF1FB MQ102B SCEN 0 Brother! Mara's mercy, you're safe! Your friend told me about Helgen... very pleased to see him FormID: 0004D2D3 MQ102B SCEN 0 Brother! Mara's mercy, it's good to see you! very pleased to see him FormID: 000DF1FE MQ102B SCEN 0 But is it safe for you to be here? Won't the Imperials be looking for you? FormID: 0004D56D MQ102B SCEN 0 But is it safe for you to be here? We heard that Ulfric had been captured... FormID: 0004D1F9 DA11FIN HELO 0 Thanks again for saving my life. I think I'm done with venturing outside of Markarth, though. exhausted FormID: 0008942C DA11FIN HELO 0 It's an honor to see you, the keeper of Namira's ring. gracious FormID: 0004D1FB DA11FIN HELO 0 Namira watch over you, champion. gracious FormID: 0008942D DA11FIN HELO 0 You're one of Namira's faithful now. gracious FormID: 0004D1F6 DA11 DA11Rumors DA11RumorsTopic RUMO 0 Did you hear? The Hall of the Dead is closed. Brother Verulus isn't the most popular man in town right now. rumormonger FormID: 0008794C DA11 DA11Rumors DA11RumorsTopic RUMO 0 They say that something happened in the Hall of the Dead. Brother Verulus has the whole place closed. rumormonger FormID: 0004D71C MQ102B SCEN 0 Are you hurt? What's happened? FormID: 0004D2D6 MQ102B SCEN 0 Gerdur... in a low, soothing voice -- trying to calm his sister down FormID: 0004D6B6 MQ102B SCEN 0 Gerdur, I'm fine. At least now I am. FormID: 0004D2D5 MQ102B SCEN 0 And who's this? One of your comrades? FormID: 0004D5FB MQ102B SCEN 0 Not a comrade yet, but a friend. I owe him my life, in fact. FormID: 0004D5FE MQ102B SCEN 0 Not a comrade yet, but a friend. I owe her my life, in fact. FormID: 0004D318 MQ102B SCEN 0 Is there somewhere we can talk? There's no telling when the news from Helgen will reach the Imperials... trails off at the end with a meaningful glance at nearby Imperial soldiers FormID: 0004D6B3 MQ102B SCEN 0 You're right. Follow me. worried FormID: 0004D2D4 MQ102B SCEN 0 Hod! Come here a minute. I need your help with something. raising her voice to call across the lumberyard FormID: 0004D574 MQ102B SCEN 0 Ralof! What are you doing here? Ah... I'll be right down. calling across a distance - last line delivered in a lower voice as he realizes he shouldn't be shouting Ralof's name around FormID: 0004D0D3 TG01 SCEN 0 Stop! That's priceless! FormID: 0004D0D4 TG01 SCEN 0 Please, I don't have anything to pay you with! Don't destroy my urn! FormID: 0004D0E6 TG01 SCEN 0 If I had it, I'd pay! There's no need to do that! FormID: 0004D0F3 TG01 SCEN 0 No! You're going to break it! FormID: 0004D10E TG01 SCEN 0 I can't pay, I can't! FormID: 0004D10F TG01 SCEN 0 I can't believe you're doing this! Stop! FormID: 0004CDB3 dunTrevasWatchQST dunTrevasWatchQuestRunning dunTrevasWatchQuestRunningTopic CUST 0 He's a rogue mage who defected at the beginning of the war. I turned him in but apparently he escaped and now this. disgusted FormID: 0004CDB2 dunTrevasWatchQST dunTrevasWatchComplete dunTrevasWatchCompleteTopic CUST 0 Thank you for your help. Did you see my family inside? FormID: 0004C6BD TG02 TG02GoldenglowBranch TG02GoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 0 Watch yourself out there. The mercenaries Aringoth hired are trained killers. Just ask our poor little Vex. FormID: 0004C6BE TG02 TG02GoldenglowBranch TG02GoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 0 The honey they collect on that hunk of rock goes into making Black-Briar Mead; just about the best tasting mead in all of Skyrim. FormID: 0004C6BF TG02 TG02GoldenglowBranch TG02GoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 0 I wouldn't bother smacking at those hives with a weapon. Set 'em on fire and they'll go up like kindling. FormID: 0004C6C0 TG02 TG02GoldenglowBranch TG02GoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 0 I'd like to know why you're wasting time asking about it when you should already be on your way. FormID: 0004C6BC TG02 TG02VexGoldenglowBranch TG02VexGoldenglowBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, there's an old sewer tunnel that dumps into the lake on the northwest side of the island. FormID: 0004C6BC TG02 TG02VexGoldenglowBranch TG02VexGoldenglowBranchTopic01 CUST 1 That's how I slipped in there. Should still be unguarded. FormID: 0004C596 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 REC - no subtitles displayed; noise of physical exertion while attacking FormID: 0004C597 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 REC - no subtitles displayed; noise of evil laughter FormID: 0004C598 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 REC - no subtitles displayed; noise of physical exertion while attacking FormID: 0004C599 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 REC - no subtitles displayed; noise of physical exertion while attacking FormID: 0004C59A DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 REC - no subtitles displayed; noise of physical exertion while attacking FormID: 0004C59B DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 REC - no subtitles displayed; noise of physical exertion while attacking FormID: 0004C59D DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Dir volaan! FormID: 0004C59E DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Bolog aaz, mal lir! FormID: 0004C59F DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Faaz! Paak! Dinok! FormID: 0004C5A0 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Kren sosaal! FormID: 0004C5A1 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Qiilaan us dilon! FormID: 0004C5A2 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Sovngarde saraan! FormID: 00016949 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Daanik Kendov! FormID: 0001695D DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Unslaad Krosis! FormID: 0001695E DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0004C5A3 DialogueDraugr ATCK 0 Aav dilon! FormID: 0004C4EC DA11 SCEN 0 He looks so... sweet. Go ahead. Have the first bite. cannibal FormID: 0004C4B9 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenIntroA1 CUST 0 Ah yes. I remember your name from the guest list. Walk Away FormID: 0004C782 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenIntroA2 CUST 0 Don't worry, my parties are always well-stocked with the finest food and drink available in this country. implying that the finest in Skyrim isn't really all that fine Walk Away FormID: 0004C782 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenIntroA2 CUST 1 But first, you were introducing yourself. Walk Away FormID: 0004C5F1 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenIntroA3 CUST 0 Have you? All good, I trust. But you have me at a disadvantage. I'm afraid I know nothing about you... the closest Elenwen will ever get to being amused Walk Away FormID: 0004C593 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Madame Ambassador, I'm so sorry to interrupt... obsequiously FormID: 0004C4CF MQ201Party SCEN 0 What is it, Malborn? snapped out FormID: 0004C4CC MQ201Party SCEN 0 It's just that we've run out of the Alto wine. FormID: 0004C4B8 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Do I have your permission to uncork the Arenthia red... FormID: 0004C4B4 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Of course. I've told you before not to bother me with such trifles. FormID: 0004C4B2 MQ201Party SCEN 0 Yes, Madame Ambassador. FormID: 0004CB9C MQ201Party SCEN 0 My apologies. We'll have to get better acquainted later. Please, enjoy yourself. FormID: 0004C781 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenIntroB1 CUST 0 Please, tell me more about yourself. What brings you to this... to Skyrim? she stops herself from saying something uncomplimentary about Skyrim (e.g. [QUOTE]benighted land[QUOTE]) FormID: 0004C4C9 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 meanspirited laughter FormID: 0004C4B5 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 meanspirited laughter FormID: 0004C4B3 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 Well, we'd better get back to our rounds. FormID: 0004CBB4 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestTopic CUST 0 Oh, it's you. I didn't expect to see you again. FormID: 0004CB9B MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestA1 CUST 0 Trying to stay ahead of the Thalmor assassins. I'm not a hero like you. I don't stand a chance. FormID: 0004CA80 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestA2 CUST 0 I count my blessings every day. FormID: 0004C77F MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestA3 CUST 0 Don't worry, I'm mad at her, too. And at myself for ever agreeing to get involved in her insane scheme. FormID: 0004C594 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestB1 CUST 0 Trying to stay alive. I think time's running out though. I'm pretty sure the Thalmor know where I am. FormID: 0004C594 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestB1 CUST 1 Maybe you can help me. You know, by way of making amends for getting me into this mess. FormID: 0004C4D0 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestC1 CUST 0 You will? Really? Well, okay, here's the situation. shocked that someone's willing to help FormID: 0004C4CD MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuest MQ201MalbornPostQuestC2 CUST 0 Sure, fine. Thanks for nothing. You already got what you needed from me. bitterly FormID: 0004CBA0 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 0 That's... great news. I'd... I'd better go. Right now. Before they find me again. This is my chance. FormID: 0004CBA0 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 1 Thank you! Here... I stole a lot from the Thalmor over the years. You may as well have some of it. FormID: 0004CBA8 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 0 I was trying to get to Morrowind. The Dunmer don't care much for the Thalmor and I figured I'd be safe there. As safe as anywhere, that is. FormID: 0004CBA8 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 1 But there's a Khajiit hanging around the main gate. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. FormID: 0004CBA8 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 2 I'm sure he's Thalmor. Just waiting for me to leave so he can follow me and kill me in a lonely place. FormID: 0004CBAE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 0 I was trying to get to Morrowind. The Dunmer don't care much for the Thalmor and I figured I'd be safe there. As safe as anywhere,that is. FormID: 0004CBAE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 1 But there's a Khajiit hanging around the main gate. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. FormID: 0004CBAE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 2 I'm sure he's Thalmor. Just waiting for me to leave so he can follow me and kill me in a lonely place. FormID: 0004C58C MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassinA1 CUST 0 You'd be saving my life. Again. I know I probably seemed ungrateful... I've just been so scared. Expecting a knife at my throat any minute. FormID: 0004C4CE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassinA2 CUST 0 No, you can't ever be too paranoid where the Thalmor is concerned. Look what happened to the Blades. The Blades! FormID: 0004C4CE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassinA2 CUST 1 If the damn Blades are no match for the Thalmor, what chance do I have? FormID: 0004C4CE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassinA2 CUST 2 Please, just go check it out. You'll be saving my life. FormID: 0004C4CB MQ201Malborn IDAT 0 I was trying to get to Morrowind. The Dunmer don't care much for the Thalmor and I figured I'd be safe there. As safe as anywhere,that is. FormID: 0004C4CB MQ201Malborn IDAT 1 But there's a Khajiit hanging around the main gate. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. FormID: 0004C4CB MQ201Malborn IDAT 2 I'm sure he's Thalmor. Just waiting for me to leave so he can follow me and kill me in a lonely place. FormID: 0004C4B6 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornAssassinBlocking MQ201MalbornAssassinBlockingTopic CUST 0 Move on, friend. I have nothing to sell today. FormID: 0004C4B7 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornAssassinBlocking MQ201MalbornAssassinBlockingTopic CUST 0 Move on, friend. I have nothing to sell today. FormID: 0004C4B1 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornAssassinBlocking MQ201MalbornAssassinBlockingA1 CUST 0 Malborn? Ah... very good. I think we understand each other. FormID: 0004C780 MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornAssassinBlocking MQ201MalbornAssassinBlockingA2 CUST 0 Indeed. That would be best. FormID: 0004C595 MQ201Malborn TAUT 0 The Thalmor never forget. FormID: 0004C59C MQ201Malborn TAUT 0 You'll have a traitor's death. FormID: 0004C5E1 MQ201Malborn TAUT 0 Why struggle? The Thalmor will only send more like me. FormID: 0004C487 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic CUST 0 A Priest of Arkay is entrusted with a ceremonial dagger once they've completed their training. FormID: 0004C487 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic CUST 1 It usually given by the head priest who sanctified the ritual. In my case, the head priest happened to be my father. FormID: 0004C487 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic CUST 2 The thing is, I never wanted to follow in his footsteps... I some ways I still don't. FormID: 0004C486 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I had to for honor's sake, but I had waited too long. My father died before he could see my training to completion. FormID: 0004C486 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic01 CUST 1 When I finally became a priest, they gave me the new high priest's dagger, but I already owned my father's. FormID: 0004C486 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic01 CUST 2 So you see, I have to return it. It breaks tradition, and I need to tell him that I finally did what he wanted. FormID: 0004C485 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AndursBranch FFRiften13AndursBranchTopic CUST 0 She finally decided to return it to her father. Bless her heart. FormID: 0004C485 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AndursBranch FFRiften13AndursBranchTopic CUST 1 I will make sure this finds its way to his tomb as soon as possible. Thank you for bringing it, my child. FormID: 0004C42A DA01 DA01MalynVarenBlocking DA01MalynVarenBlockingTopic CUST 0 Ah, my disciples have sent me a fresh soul. Good. I was getting... hungry. insane megalomaniac Walk Away FormID: 0004C42A DA01 DA01MalynVarenBlocking DA01MalynVarenBlockingTopic CUST 1 Wait. There's something different about you. insane megalomaniac Walk Away FormID: 0004C425 DA01 DA01MalynVarenBlocking DA01MalynWalkaway CUST 0 This is my realm. I won't let you take it from me! insane megalomaniac FormID: 0004C434 DA01 SCEN 0 Azura. Mother of Roses. Goddess of Dusk and Dawn. Your chosen champion has returned your Star to you. praying FormID: 0004C430 DA01 SCEN 0 She wishes to speak to you herself. Please. Place your hands on the altar, and you will hear her voice. calmness of a monk FormID: 0004C42E DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaTopic CUST 0 While you were in the Star, Azura gave me a vision. Her last, she said. filled with loss FormID: 0004C42E DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaTopic CUST 1 I have never been without Azura's foresight since escaping Morrowind. I don't know what to do. filled with loss FormID: 0004C42E DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaTopic CUST 2 If you need me, I'd be honored to accompany you, Guardian of the Star. It would give me a purpose. FormID: 0004C42F DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaTopic CUST 0 Leave this shrine, blasphemer, before I kill you for defiling Azura's artifact. righteous rage FormID: 0004C42B DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaChoice01 CUST 0 Twilight watch over you, guardian. warm FormID: 0004C429 DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaChoice02 CUST 0 I was a sorceress of no small skill before I came into Azura's faith. Afterwards, her magic sustained me. calmness of a monk FormID: 0004C429 DA01FIN DA01FINAranea DA01FINAraneaChoice02 CUST 1 I could easily provide my spells to your cause. Protect you from harm. Defeat your enemies. calmness of a monk FormID: 0004C426 DA01FIN GBYE 0 Until next time, guardian. warm FormID: 0004C427 DA01FIN GBYE 0 It's been an honor, guardian. warm FormID: 0004C435 DA01FIN DA01FINAraneaShrine DA01FINAraneaShrineTopic CUST 0 No. She said my part was over. That my fate had moved beyond the Twilight, and I was on my own. filled with loss FormID: 0004C435 DA01FIN DA01FINAraneaShrine DA01FINAraneaShrineTopic CUST 1 I will tend Azura's shrine when you do not need me. I still have my duties, but for the first time I feel... alone. filled with loss FormID: 0004C3DA DB04 DB04CiceroListenerBranch DB04CiceroListenerTopicTopic CUST 0 Oh, the Listener, well... listens! The Night Mother speaks to you. Guides you on your path. FormID: 0004C3DA DB04 DB04CiceroListenerBranch DB04CiceroListenerTopicTopic CUST 1 But when the Night Mother speaks, the Listener must obey. You must! For her word is the will of Sithis. And Sithis is the Dark Brotherhood incarnate. FormID: 0004C3D9 DB04 DB04CiceroHimListenerBranch DB04CiceroHimListenerBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh... Well... yes. I did. I did indeed. I tried to listen. Tried so hard. But the Night Mother never spoke to poor Cicero. FormID: 0004C3D9 DB04 DB04CiceroHimListenerBranch DB04CiceroHimListenerBranchTopic CUST 1 The silence became almost... maddening. says it in a shocked whisper FormID: 0004C3D9 DB04 DB04CiceroHimListenerBranch DB04CiceroHimListenerBranchTopic CUST 2 Oh, but that was then! This is now! You're the Listener, and the Night Mother chose you for a reason, I'm sure! Cicero will remain the happy Keeper. FormID: 0004C3D8 DB04 DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranch DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! Surely you're pulling Cicero's leg! FormID: 0004C3D8 DB04 DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranch DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranchTopic CUST 1 Wait... the Listener is serious? Oh. FormID: 0004C3D8 DB04 DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranch DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranchTopic CUST 2 Well of course the Night Mother will speak to you again! She might speak now, or later, or... I don't know! But speak she will! FormID: 0004C3D8 DB04 DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranch DB04CiceroNightMotherWhenBranchTopic CUST 3 The Night Mother is part of you now! You get to hear voices inside your head! The rest of us should be so lucky. FormID: 0004C2D5 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 no subtitles - indecipherable giant combat barks FormID: 0004C2D6 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 no subtitles - indecipherable giant combat barks FormID: 0004C2D7 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 no subtitles - indecipherable giant combat barks FormID: 0004C2D8 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 no subtitles - indecipherable giant combat barks FormID: 0004C2D9 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2DA DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2DB DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2EB DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2F3 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2F5 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2F6 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2F7 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2F8 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2F9 DialogueGiant ATCK 0 Ayarg garag gar! angry giant combat barks - like they're trying to speak English, but don't know how FormID: 0004C2BF dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 Those bastards. FormID: 0004C2BE dunTrevasWatchQST SCEN 0 I return from the war to find my home overrun with bandit filth. FormID: 0004C2B6 TG09 TG09KarliahInfosBranch TG09KarliahInfosBranchTopic CUST 0 The Agent of Stealth is the master of remaining unseen. They are able to manipulate the darkness and use it to their advantage. FormID: 0004C2B6 TG09 TG09KarliahInfosBranch TG09KarliahInfosBranchTopic CUST 1 On moonlit nights or in darkened rooms, this agent literally becomes invisible. FormID: 0004C2B5 TG09 TG09KarliahInfosBranch02 TG09KarliahInfosBranch02Topic CUST 0 The Agent of Subterfuge utilizes shadow to cloud the judgement of those around him. FormID: 0004C2B5 TG09 TG09KarliahInfosBranch02 TG09KarliahInfosBranch02Topic CUST 1 By weaving the darkness to their will, this agent can manipulate others into fighting for the Nightingale for a limited time. FormID: 0004C2B4 TG09 TG09KarliahInfosBranch03 TG09KarliahInfosBranch03Topic CUST 0 This Agent of Strife can send forth a tendril of pure darkness into the heart of another, causing great injury to them. FormID: 0004C2B4 TG09 TG09KarliahInfosBranch03 TG09KarliahInfosBranch03Topic CUST 1 At the same time, this tether will bolster the agent's own life force, making him stronger. FormID: 000D2B21 TG09 TG09Goodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck, Nightingale. FormID: 0004C2B3 TG09 TG09Goodbyes GBYE 0 Choose your path and your journey will be complete. FormID: 0004C293 DA14 DA14HagravenWalkAway DA14HagravenWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 We're not done talking. You fell for that hussy Esmerelda, with the dark feathers - didn't you? I won't let her have you! FormID: 0004C09F DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch AstridConfrontListenerResponse1b CUST 0 Okay, let's all take a deep breath. Cicero said he spoke to the Night Mother, but she spoke to you? Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke. FormID: 0004C09E DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch AstridConfrontListenerResponse1c CUST 0 You look like you've just seen a ghost. Please tell me you haven't. Cicero said he spoke to the Night Mother... but she spoke to you? FormID: 0004C08A DA01dunIlinaltasDeepQST SCEN 0 More souls are needed for the Star. The last one died before he could be harvested. conspiring, vile FormID: 0004C089 DA01dunIlinaltasDeepQST SCEN 0 We can't take another villager from the surface so soon. I told you to prepare everything properly! conspiring, vile FormID: 0004C088 DA01dunIlinaltasDeepQST SCEN 0 We can just sacrifice another disciple. Apprentice Haerlon will be no great waste. conspiring, vile FormID: 0004C087 DA01dunIlinaltasDeepQST SCEN 0 Yes. He'll do. conspiring, vile FormID: 000513E6 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 There's a cave here. Perfect hideout for bandits or worse. FormID: 000D2383 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Another filthy cave. Always so dark. FormID: 000D2384 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Hmm. Caves. Wonder what's below. FormID: 000D2385 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Hey look, a cave. Wonder what's inside? FormID: 000D2386 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look, a cave. An exciting place to venture, if you know what you're doing. FormID: 000DBE49 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 There's a cave here. Bears if we're lucky. Trolls if we're not. FormID: 000D2387 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look at that, a cave. Who knows what could be down there? FormID: 000D2388 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look, a cave. A fine place to find trouble. FormID: 000D2389 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 A cave. Dark. Dangerous. FormID: 000D238A FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 There's a cave. Tread carefully. FormID: 000D23AF FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Hey, there's a cave. Bad place to stumble drunk. FormID: 000D238B FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 There's a cave here. Think we should check it out? FormID: 000D238C FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 We've found a cave. I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside. FormID: 000D238D FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 There's a cave. Animals or bandits inside, no doubt. FormID: 000D238E FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 A cave. Up for some hunting? FormID: 000D238F FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Cave up ahead. Trouble or maybe treasure? FormID: 000513E7 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 It's a Nordic ruin. Thousands of years old. FormID: 000D2390 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look. Nordic ruins. I hope there's gold inside. FormID: 000D2391 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Nordic ruins. Old. Secretive. FormID: 000D2392 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Is that one of the old ruins? FormID: 000DBE4A FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Oh, look. A Nordic ruin. FormID: 000D2393 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Old ruins. Nordic, I think. FormID: 000D2394 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 My word, look at those ruins. Remarkable. FormID: 000D2395 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look at those ruins. How long have they stood here, I wonder? FormID: 000D2396 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Old stonework. Gold, traps, and bones. FormID: 000D2397 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Nord stonework. Thousands of years old. FormID: 000D23B0 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look at those old stones. Ancient Nords sure could build. FormID: 000D2398 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look at those ruins. Think there's gold inside? FormID: 000D2399 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 The old Nords sure did love their stonework. FormID: 000D239A FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look at these stones. The ancestors knew how to build, no doubt. FormID: 000D239B FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Ruins ahead. Means old traps and bonewalkers. FormID: 000D239C FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look. One of the ancient Nord ruins. Who knows what's down there? FormID: 000D239D FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 The entrance to a dwarven city. All manner of strange traps and machines will be inside. FormID: 000D239E FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Is this that dwarven city? I hear the treasure from their ruins is worth a fortune. FormID: 000D239F FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Dwemer ruins. The people under the mountains. All gone now. FormID: 000D23A0 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Look over there. That's a dwarven ruin. FormID: 000DBE4B FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 A dwarven city. A place of mystery and death. FormID: 000D23A1 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Dwarven metalwork. So much wasted effort. FormID: 000D23A2 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Oh, look. It's the entrance to a dwarven city. I've heard stories.... FormID: 000D23A3 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 I dislike lurking near dwarven cities. It's like their ghosts are watching us. FormID: 000D23A4 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Huh. Dwarven ruins. Strange places. FormID: 000D23A5 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 A Dwemer city. The lost people. The heretics. FormID: 000D23A6 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Is that a dwarven city? I've never seen a dwarf, ever. Don't think anyone has. FormID: 000D23A7 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Seems like a ruin. Dwarven, I think? FormID: 000D23A8 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 By the Mane, look. A dwarven city. Still sitting here after thousands of years. FormID: 000D23A9 FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Get nervous around dwarven stonework. Legends say these cities are haunted. FormID: 000D23AA FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 Old dwarven ruin. Look at that metalwork. Such a waste. FormID: 000D23AB FollowerCommentary01 SCEN 0 That's a dwarven city. I hear they built armor that walks like people. FormID: 000BCCC9 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Don't see that every day. FormID: 0004C469 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 I've seen better. Well, maybe not. FormID: 000D2368 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Damn. That's quite a sight. FormID: 000BCCCA FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 I've never seen anything quite like that. FormID: 000DBE4D FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 What a sight.... FormID: 000BCCCC FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Mighty impressive. FormID: 000BCCCD FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Wow! That's impressive. FormID: 000BCCCE FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 By the Hist, what a sight.... FormID: 000D2369 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 That's...that' FormID: 000BCCD1 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Impressive. Damn impressive. FormID: 000D8E55 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Look at that. Am I drunk? I must be drunk. FormID: 000BCCD2 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Wow. Would you look at that. FormID: 000D236E FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 By the Twin Moons... FormID: 000BCCDA FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 By Ysmir! That's impressive. FormID: 000BCCDB FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 Gotta admit, that's impressive. FormID: 000BCCF1 FollowerCommentary02 SCEN 0 By the Nine! FormID: 0004C46B FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Get ready. Trouble ahead. FormID: 000D2371 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Yuck. Something smells. FormID: 000D2377 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Trouble is in the air here. FormID: 000D2378 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 I've got a bad feeling about this. FormID: 000DBE4E FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 I smell blood. FormID: 000D2379 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Keep your blade ready. FormID: 000D237A FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 I don't like where this is going. FormID: 000D237B FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 I have a feeling there's going to be trouble. FormID: 000D237C FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Get ready for a fight. FormID: 000D237D FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Keep your eyes open. FormID: 000D23B1 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Get a bad feeling. FormID: 000D237E FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Don't like the looks of this. FormID: 000D237F FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Something smells foul. FormID: 000D2380 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Got a feeling there's trouble ahead. FormID: 000D2381 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 Smell that? Blood. FormID: 000D2382 FollowerCommentary03 SCEN 0 I don't think I like where this is going. FormID: 0004BE8F TG02 TG02BrynjolfAringothBranch TG02BrynjolfAringothBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Aye. Aringoth sent the city guard packing and fortified the entire island. FormID: 0004BE8F TG02 TG02BrynjolfAringothBranch TG02BrynjolfAringothBranchTopic01 CUST 1 In fact, Vex barely made it out of there alive. You should talk to her about it before you go. FormID: 0004BE90 TG02 TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranch TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranchTopic CUST 0 We had an arrangement with Maven. We kept an eye on Goldenglow Estate to make sure the honey kept flowing. FormID: 0004BE90 TG02 TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranch TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranchTopic CUST 1 If the workers had a dispute, we'd rough them up. If competitors tried to buy honey from Aringoth, we'd steal the shipments. FormID: 0004BE90 TG02 TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranch TG02BrynjolfMavenBBBranchTopic CUST 2 In return, Maven allowed us to extort Aringoth and bring in a huge payout. FormID: 0004BE8E TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Don't sound so eager, it's not a social visit. It's business. slightly scolding FormID: 0004BE88 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic01b CUST 0 Oh, no. Nothing like that. You're calling on her for business. FormID: 0004BE8B TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic01c CUST 0 Ha ha. If it was like that she wouldn't be asking for you, she'd be calling on the Dark Brotherhood. laugh at beginning, jovial FormID: 0004BE8B TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic01c CUST 1 It's just business. FormID: 0004BE55 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Dragonborn has spoken, Tullius. Markarth will be ours. FormID: 0004BE5E MQ302 SCEN 0 Now we'll see if there's anything behind your talk of good faith. FormID: 0004BE62 MQ302 SCEN 0 I know you, Ulfric. If I hand over Markarth, you'll be ready with a new demand. FormID: 0004BE64 MQ302 SCEN 0 You're losing this war, and you know it. FormID: 0004BE65 MQ302 SCEN 0 You'll never defeat the Empire, and you know it. But you're willing to sacrifice thousands for your own selfish ambition. FormID: 0004BE58 MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialTopic CUST 0 Your actions here were a disgrace. You betrayed your oath to the Emperor at every turn. Walk Away FormID: 0004BE59 MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialTopic CUST 0 You... you disappointed me. You gave too much away. More than was necessary to secure this truce. Walk Away FormID: 0004BE73 MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialA1 CUST 0 I'm sure that will be comforting to your comrades that gave their lives for the territory you just handed to Ulfric. FormID: 0004BE74 MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialA1 CUST 0 You should think harder on your oath to the Emperor next time you're deciding what's right. FormID: 0004BE52 MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialA2 CUST 0 You made your decision. Now live with it. FormID: 0004BE72 MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialB1 CUST 0 You are hereby dishonorably dismissed and removed from the rolls of the Imperial Legion. FormID: 0004BE68 MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. Good luck. FormID: 0004BE57 MQ302 SCEN 0 Legate, with me. We have a lot of work to do. FormID: 0004BE69 MQ302 SCEN 0 This is quite an achievement, Dragonborn. And Jarl Ulfric. Markarth is ours! FormID: 000DD623 MQ302 SCEN 0 Giving up Riften is a heavy price to pay for this truce, Dragonborn. I hope it was worth it. FormID: 0004BE6A MQ302 SCEN 0 I admit, I really didn't expect these talks to succeed. Getting the Empire to agree to anything at all is quite an achievement. FormID: 0004BE67 MQ302 SCEN 0 Jarl Vignar, I assume you are familiar with the Dragonborn's plan? FormID: 0004BE6B MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, I'm ready to do my part. FormID: 0004BE66 MQ302 SCEN 0 By Talos, that's an excellent question. I hope you haven't forgotten that little detail? FormID: 0004BE6C MQ302 SCEN 0 Just say the word, and my men will help you spring this trap. FormID: 00048F0A MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragon MQ301EsbernCallDragonTopic CUST 0 Shout for Odahviing from the Dragonsreach courtyard. After that, it's up to you. FormID: 000D2D04 MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragon MQ301EsbernCallDragonTopic CUST 0 Interesting problem. Hmm. Yes. I've been poring over the records here in Sky Haven Temple. FormID: 0004BE5D MQ302 MQ302KickOutImperial MQ302KickOutImperialA3 CUST 0 Fair? This is war, soldier. War's about winning, not being fair to the enemy. FormID: 0004BE5A MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesTopic CUST 0 The Empire showed its true colors today, eh? Don't worry. I was once loyal to the Empire, too, before my eyes were opened. FormID: 0004BE5A MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesTopic CUST 1 Come see me in Windhelm when all this is over, and I'll find a place for you. FormID: 0004BE5B MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesTopic CUST 0 I think you may have joined up with the wrong side, Dragonborn. You showed yourself a true son of Skyrim here today. Walk Away FormID: 000875E7 MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesTopic CUST 0 I think you may have joined up with the wrong side, Dragonborn. You showed yourself a true daughter of Skyrim here today. Walk Away FormID: 0004BE60 MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesA1 CUST 0 I'm sorry to hear that. I thought your eyes had finally been opened to the Empire's true nature. FormID: 0004BE5F MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesA2 CUST 0 Welcome, brother! I'm glad that your eyes have finally been opened to the Empire's true nature. FormID: 000875E4 MQ302 MQ302SwitchSidesSons MQ302SwitchSidesA2 CUST 0 Welcome, sister! I'm glad that your eyes have finally been opened to the Empire's true nature. FormID: 0004BE54 MQ302 SCEN 0 Pay no attention to him. A ponderous windbag, like most Imperial generals. FormID: 0004BE53 MQ302 SCEN 0 Now, back to the matter at hand. FormID: 0004CC45 MQ302 SCEN 0 I suppose that's the fairest deal we're likely to get. FormID: 0004BD99 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTGoodbye CUST 0 Fine then. The blood of my family is on your hands as well as Brurid's. dismissive anger FormID: 0004BD97 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchStalleoAccept CUST 0 I wish we could offer more help, but our last attack went sour and we're all that is left. FormID: 0004BD97 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchStalleoAccept CUST 1 Good luck. more encouraging than happy FormID: 0004BCEB WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08ForceGreetTopic CUST 0 Hey. You wanna play a game? (shy but hopeful) kid asking an adult if they want to play Walk Away FormID: 0004BCB7 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridKillEmpTopic CUST 0 Oh yes. And I've decided you will have the honor. FormID: 0004BCBF DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond1 CUST 0 Oh, I have the utmost faith in your success, believe me. So let's begin. FormID: 0004BCBF DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond1 CUST 1 Go now to Castle Dour in Solitude. Present the Gourmet's Writ of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro. I'm sure you remember him. FormID: 0004BCBF DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond1 CUST 2 You'll gain unrestricted access to the kitchens, and then the Emperor. You're posing as a chef, so you'll be able to poison his meal rather easily. FormID: 0004BCAA DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond2 CUST 0 Yes. For Sithis... and the Night Mother. You are the Listener after all, hmm? So let's not waste any more time. FormID: 0004BCAA DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond2 CUST 1 Go now to Castle Dour in Solitude. Present the Gourmet's Writ of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro. I'm sure you remember him. FormID: 0004BCAA DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond2 CUST 2 You'll gain unrestricted access to the kitchens, and then the Emperor. You're posing as a chef, so you'll be able to poison his meal rather easily. FormID: 0004BCB5 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond3 CUST 0 Hmph. Look at you. So calm. So confident. I do believe you were born for this task. So let's begin. FormID: 0004BCB5 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond3 CUST 1 Go now to Castle Dour in Solitude. Present the Gourmet's Writ of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro. I'm sure you remember him. FormID: 0004BCB5 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridHonorRespond3 CUST 2 You'll gain unrestricted access to the kitchens, and then the Emperor. You're posing as a chef, so you'll be able to poison his meal rather easily. FormID: 0004BCB0 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridWhichPoison CUST 0 Here, take this - it's called Jarrin Root. FormID: 0004BCB0 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridWhichPoison CUST 1 All it takes is one taste, and the effects are quite immediate. The Emperor will be serving Sithis before he even knows he's dead. FormID: 0004BCB0 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridWhichPoison CUST 2 Once Mede has been killed, escape through the upper door, and across the bridge. I've [QUOTE]arranged[QUOTE] for it to be unguarded once the alarm is sounded. FormID: 0004BCB0 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridWhichPoison CUST 3 Now go, my friend. Go, and fulfill your destiny as Listener. FormID: 0004BCBA DarkBrotherhood DB09AstridJarrinBranch DB09AstridJarrinBranchTopic CUST 0 It's a rare plant, found only on the island of Stros M'Kai. It can be served like any vegetable - cut up, put in a salad, perhaps boiled in a stew. FormID: 0004BCBA DarkBrotherhood DB09AstridJarrinBranch DB09AstridJarrinBranchTopic CUST 1 One taste will lead to nearly instant death, so don't even think about it. FormID: 0004BCB2 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroFirstGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Stop right there. The tower is off limits until further notice. FormID: 0006B502 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroFirstGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Gianna will be overjoyed to meet you. She's in the kitchens. FormID: 0004BCBC DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 0 What's this now? FormID: 0004BCBC DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 1 ...order of his eminence... ...possessor of these papers... the [QUOTE]Gourmet[QUOTE]... FormID: 0004BCBC DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 2 By Azura. The Gourmet! FormID: 0004BCBC DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 3 I... I'm sorry! Your clothes... of course... I should have realized! FormID: 0004BCBC DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 4 Please, excuse my ignorance. Gianna, the castle chef, has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. You should proceed to the kitchens straight away. FormID: 0001BBE7 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 0 What's this now? FormID: 0001BBE7 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 1 ...order of his eminence... ...possessor of these papers... the [QUOTE]Gourmet[QUOTE]... FormID: 0001BBE7 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 2 By Azura. The Gourmet! FormID: 0001BBE7 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 3 I... I'm sorry! I didn't realize! We... we had no idea who to expect, you understand. You're not dressed as I would have suspected... FormID: 0001BBE7 DB09 DB09MaroFirstGreetBranch DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic CUST 4 But please, don't let me keep you. Proceed to the kitchens straight away. Gianna, the castle chef, has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. FormID: 0001BBE9 DB09 HELO 0 The Gourmet. This is such an honor. FormID: 0001BBEA DB09 HELO 0 The misses and I love your strawberry tarts. FormID: 0001BBEB DB09 HELO 0 Hmmm, the Potage le Magnifique. Smells delicious. FormID: 0001BBEC DB09 HELO 0 Please, carry on. happy, friendly FormID: 00028D49 DB09 HELO 0 Move along, citizen. FormID: 0004BCA2 DB09 GBYE 0 Just go right into the tower, then straight ahead to the kitchen. Gianna's expecting you. FormID: 0004BCAC DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 Not another delivery. I told you people, our stocks are fine. Now put whatever you have over there, then get out! FormID: 0001BC11 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 We'll begin as soon as you're wearing the hat. Check the shelf over there. Wouldn't want the Emperor mistaking you for someone else, now would we. FormID: 0001BC16 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 Oh, just look at you. Absolutely brilliant. Now... now you're just as I imagined. FormID: 0006B501 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 The Emperor is going to love it. How can he not? FormID: 0001C0AA DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 Keep it together, Gianna. Keep it together... Nervous - talking to herself FormID: 0001C0AB DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 Maybe when this is all over, you could sign one of your cookbooks for me? FormID: 0001C0A9 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaFirstGreetTopic CUST 0 I'm so nervous. FormID: 0004BCB1 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaPlayerRespondTopic CUST 0 The... Gourmet? FormID: 0004BCB1 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaPlayerRespondTopic CUST 1 Oh! Finally! When I heard the Gourmet was being brought in to cook for the Emperor, I could hardly believe it. FormID: 0004BCB1 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaPlayerRespondTopic CUST 2 It's just... FormID: 0004BCAB DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceImperialTopic CUST 0 Well, I don't mean to seem disappointed, but... I just never figured the Gourmet was an Imperial. I had dreamed of something more exotic, maybe... FormID: 0004BCA1 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceRedguardTopic CUST 0 Well, I'm just surprised the Gourmet is a Redguard. I had you pegged for a Wood Elf, honestly. You know, because of your use of... FormID: 0004BCB8 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceNordTopic CUST 0 You're a Nord! I never would have guessed it! But where in the world did you learn to cook like that? Here in Skyrim? Or maybe somewhere less... FormID: 0004BCBD DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceBretonTopic CUST 0 Well, I just never expected the Gourmet to be a Breton. It almost seems too obvious. Some of the greatest cooks have been Bretons, and... FormID: 0004BCC1 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceOrcTopic CUST 0 It's just... Well... you're an Orc! Ha ha ha! If the people of the Empire only knew! I mean, now I understand your need for secrecy. Most would... FormID: 0004BC9D DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceHighElfTopic CUST 0 You're a High Elf! I... I never would have guessed it. So many of your recipes are clearly aimed at the commonfolk. It just seems... FormID: 0004BCA7 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceWoodElfTopic CUST 0 I guessed right! I... I always imagined the great Gourmet was a Wood Elf. You see, only someone with a knowledge of woodland herbs could combine... FormID: 0004BCBE DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceDarkElfTopic CUST 0 I... Well, I just can't believe the Gourmet is a Dark Elf. How difficult it must have been for you in Morrowind. The food there is... FormID: 0004BCAE DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceArgonianTopic CUST 0 You... you're an Argonian! Where did you learn to cook like that? Surely not in Black Marsh. Why even the... FormID: 0004BCA8 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaBusinessTopic CUST 0 Oh! Yes, but of course. Ahem. FormID: 0004BCA8 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaBusinessTopic CUST 1 The Emperor has requested your signature dish - the Potage le Magnifique. I've taken the liberty of getting it started. FormID: 0004BCA8 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaBusinessTopic CUST 2 But the cookbook only says so much, and everyone makes the Potage differently. I would be honored if we could make it... the Gourmet's special way. FormID: 0004BCA8 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaBusinessTopic CUST 3 The base broth is already boiled. We can get started right now. So... which ingredient should I add next? FormID: 0001BBE6 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaBusinessTopic CUST 0 Oh. Well, um, actually... you're not. Wearing a chef's hat, I mean. There's one right over there on the shelf. You can't very well cook without it... FormID: 0004BCA9 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_1Topic CUST 0 Carrots? Really? Okay... FormID: 0004BCA9 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_1Topic CUST 1 What next? FormID: 0004BCA5 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_2Topic CUST 0 Ooohh.... how decadent. I never would have guessed it. FormID: 0004BCA5 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_2Topic CUST 1 What next? FormID: 0004BC9B DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_3Topic CUST 0 Oh, I get it. This is a test, right? You want to see how well I know the Potage le Magnifique. FormID: 0004BC9B DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_3Topic CUST 1 Well then, I think a pinch of frost salts should do the trick, right? FormID: 0004BC9B DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient1_3Topic CUST 2 Now what? FormID: 0004BCA0 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageReturnBranch DB09GiannaPotageReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Maybe we should start over, hmm? We want the Gourmet's famous Potage le Magnifique to be perfect, after all. FormID: 0004BCA0 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageReturnBranch DB09GiannaPotageReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 So, what is the first special ingredient? FormID: 0004BCC2 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient2_1Topic CUST 0 Vampire dust? Seriously? FormID: 0004BCC2 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient2_1Topic CUST 1 Hmm... yes. I guess I can see how that would add a more... earthy texture. And, oddly enough, we do have some on hand... FormID: 0004BCC2 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient2_1Topic CUST 2 All right. What next, then? FormID: 0004BCAD DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient2_2Topic CUST 0 Ah, of course. I suspected as much. FormID: 0004BC9E DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient2_3Topic CUST 0 My choice, then? Very well. I think we should add some Chaurus eggs. For additional flavor. FormID: 0004BCB6 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient3_1Topic CUST 0 A... giant's toe? You're... sure about that? FormID: 0004BCA6 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient3_2Topic CUST 0 Really? Oh, I use Nirnroot as a special seasoning all the time as well. What a wonderful idea. FormID: 0004BCA6 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient3_2Topic CUST 1 Okay. Now what? FormID: 0004BCA3 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient3_3Topic CUST 0 Ooookay.... Um.... Let me see. Thistle? Yes, let's try that. Just a sprig or two... FormID: 0004BCBB DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_1Topic CUST 0 A Septim? As in... a gold coin? Really? FormID: 0004BCBB DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_1Topic CUST 1 Ah, I see now. That would give the Potage le Magnifique a slightly metallic - but delicious - aftertaste. Simply brilliant. FormID: 0004BCBB DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_1Topic CUST 2 I have to say, the stew seems done. Add anything else, and we may dilute the distinct flavors. So... is that it? FormID: 0004BC9C DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_2Topic CUST 0 Hmmm... horker. So delicious. I swear, is there a soul alive who doesn't enjoy the taste of... FormID: 0004BC9C DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_2Topic CUST 1 Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away. There we go, one cup of diced horker meat. FormID: 0004BC9C DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_2Topic CUST 2 I have to say, the stew seems done. Add anything else, and we may dilute the distinct flavors. So... is that it? FormID: 0004BCA4 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_3Topic CUST 0 My choice, hmm? All right, then - tomatoes. Simple, yet infinitely flavorful. Don't you agree? FormID: 0004BCA4 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaIngredient4_3Topic CUST 1 Well, I have to say, the stew seems done. Add anything else, and we may dilute the distinct flavors. So... is that it? FormID: 0004BCB9 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09_GiannaDontQuestion1 CUST 0 Of course! I.... I'm sorry. One giant's toe. There. FormID: 0004BCB9 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09_GiannaDontQuestion1 CUST 1 What, um... What next? FormID: 0004BCC0 DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaPoisonYesTopic CUST 0 Oh? What is this, some kind of herb? Are you sure? The Potage tastes perfect as it is. Any other ingredient might... FormID: 0004BC9F DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaPoisonNoTopic CUST 0 Excellent. They should be ready for us now. FormID: 0004BC9F DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaPoisonNoTopic CUST 1 And if I may say so... it has been an honor, getting a chance to prepare a meal with, well... the best chef in the entire Empire. FormID: 0004BC9F DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09GiannaPoisonNoTopic CUST 2 I'll carry the stew pot, and lead the way up to the dining room. I'm sure the Emperor and his guests are dying to meet you. FormID: 0004BCAF DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09_GiannaDontQuestion2 CUST 0 Heh, I'm sorry. Of course. It's your most famous recipe, after all. FormID: 0004BCAF DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09_GiannaDontQuestion2 CUST 1 All right then, your secret ingredient's been added. FormID: 0004BCAF DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09_GiannaDontQuestion2 CUST 2 And if I may say so... it has been an honor, getting a chance to prepare a meal with, well... the best chef in the entire Empire. FormID: 0004BCAF DB09 DB09GiannaPotageBranch DB09_GiannaDontQuestion2 CUST 3 I'll carry the stew pot, and lead the way up to the dining room. I'm sure the Emperor and his guests are dying to meet you. FormID: 0004BCED WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08Yes CUST 0 Really? All right! You pick. Tag or hide-and-seek? surprised and elated an adult wants to play a game Walk Away FormID: 0004BCEC WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08No CUST 0 Figures. You elders are always so boring. disappointed, but no surprise there FormID: 0004BCEE WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08Tag CUST 0 Okay. You're it! excited FormID: 0004BCEF WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08HideAndSeek CUST 0 I know all the good spots! You don't stand a chance! excited - gloating FormID: 0004BCEF WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08HideAndSeek CUST 1 You stand right there and count to 10. No peaking. Ready? Okay go! excited, explaining rules of game to an adult who probably doesn't know how it works FormID: 0008686F MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Barleydark Farm. FormID: 00086870 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Riverwood. FormID: 00086871 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Rorikstead. FormID: 00086872 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Karthwasten. FormID: 00086873 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Old Hroldan. FormID: 00086874 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine. FormID: 00086875 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Stonehills. FormID: 00086876 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Frost River Farm. FormID: 00086877 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Granite Hill. FormID: 0008687A MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill. FormID: 0008687B MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen. FormID: 0008687C MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Anga's Mill. FormID: 0008687D MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm. FormID: 0008687E MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine. FormID: 0008687F MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Ivarstead. FormID: 0004BA4D MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone. FormID: 00086880 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill. FormID: 00086881 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want compensation for the massacre at Sarethi Farm. FormID: 0004BA4E MQ302 SCEN 0 You surrender Hjaalmarch to us, and take Idgrod Ravencrone with you. Sorli the Builder will take over as Jarl of Morthal. FormID: 0004BA4F MQ302 SCEN 0 You surrender Falkreath to us. Siddgeir steps down, and Dengeir of Stuhn resumes the Jarlship. FormID: 0004BA50 MQ302 SCEN 0 You withdraw from the Pale, and allow Jarl Skald the Elder to return to Dawnstar. FormID: 0004BA51 MQ302 SCEN 0 We want Imperial forces to withdraw from Winterhold, and allow Jarl Kraldar to return from exile. FormID: 0004BA52 MQ302 SCEN 0 Bah! This is a waste of time. I can see that we won't get better terms from this council. scornfully -- [QUOTE]this council[QUOTE] is clearly stuffed with Imperial sympathizers FormID: 0004BA52 MQ302 SCEN 1 So be it. The sons of Skyrim at least put the greater good above our own interests. emphasizing that he (unlike the Imperials) is thinking of the greater good FormID: 0004BA5E MQ302 SCEN 0 If we're not going to get Markarth, we need you to give us something. FormID: 0004BA5F MQ302 SCEN 0 You know as well as I do that that we can't hand over Riften on these terms. FormID: 0004CC47 MQ302 SCEN 0 Don't hand me a mug of sheep's piss and call it mead. These terms are still not acceptable. FormID: 0004BA60 MQ302 SCEN 0 These terms are not acceptable. You know that. FormID: 0004CC48 MQ302 SCEN 0 Come on, Tullius. You have to give a little ground here. The dragons are a threat to us both. FormID: 0004BA3F MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm sure you have something in mind. skeptically FormID: 0004BA3D MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm listening. skeptically FormID: 0004BA3E MQ302 SCEN 0 Let's hear it. skeptically FormID: 0004BA23 MQ302 SCEN 0 So that's why you're here, Ulfric? You dare to insult the Greybeards by using this council to advance your own position? incredulous FormID: 0004BA48 MQ302 SCEN 0 General, this is outrageous! You can't be taking this demand seriously! I thought we were here to discuss a truce! almost sputtering with moral outrage FormID: 0004BA30 MQ302 SCEN 0 Jarl Elisif, I'll handle this. raising a warning hand FormID: 0004BA2F MQ302 SCEN 0 Elisif! I said I'd handle it. forcefully, with a general's snap of command FormID: 0004BA4B MQ302 SCEN 0 What makes you think I'll give that to you, if I wouldn't give you Markarth? FormID: 0004BA4C MQ302 SCEN 0 Where do these demands stop, Ulfric? Do you expect me to surrender all of Skyrim? FormID: 0004BA43 MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA1 CUST 0 You treat us fairly. Thank you. FormID: 0004BA44 MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA1 CUST 0 Spoken like a true son of Skyrim! FormID: 000875F6 MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA1 CUST 0 Spoken like a true daughter of Skyrim! FormID: 0004BA2C MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA2 CUST 0 What? And you call yourself a son of Skyrim? FormID: 00087613 MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA2 CUST 0 What? And you call yourself a daughter of Skyrim? FormID: 0004BA2D MQ302 MQ302MinorHold MQ302MinorHoldA2 CUST 0 Even the Dragonborn betrays Skyrim. sadly FormID: 0004BA25 MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm willing to let the Dragonborn be the judge of the fairness of my request. FormID: 0004CC46 MQ302 SCEN 0 It seems I have no choice but to let the Dragonborn decide. Although I'm starting to doubt your fairness. FormID: 0004BA45 MQ302 SCEN 0 Jarl Ulfric... FormID: 0004BA22 MQ302 SCEN 0 General Tullius... FormID: 0004BA24 MQ302 SCEN 0 You both agree to this? FormID: 0004BA4A MQ302 SCEN 0 These terms blatantly favor the rebels. Everyone here knows that. clearing your throat a bit before beginning - you're summing up your position FormID: 0004BA4A MQ302 SCEN 1 But the Empire will accept them, until the dragon menace is dealt with. FormID: 0008874B MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire can live with these terms, yes. For a temporary truce, until the dragon menace is dealt with. clearing your throat a bit before beginning - you're summing up your position FormID: 0004BA40 MQ302 SCEN 0 I shouldn't agree to terms that so blatantly favor the Empire. I have no choice, though, under the circumstances. FormID: 0004BA40 MQ302 SCEN 1 But once Alduin is defeated - then it will be the Empire's turn. Remember - [QUOTE]Evgir Unslaad.[QUOTE] FormID: 0008873F MQ302 SCEN 0 The sons of Skyrim will live up to their agreements. As long as the Imperials hold to theirs. FormID: 0004BA2E MQ302 SCEN 0 These are the terms currently on the table. FormID: 0004BA26 MQ302 SCEN 0 Markarth remains allied to the Empire, under the authority of Jarl Igmund. FormID: 0004BA27 MQ302 SCEN 0 Riften remains allied to the Stormcloak cause, under the authority of Jarl Laila Law-Giver. FormID: 0004BA28 MQ302 SCEN 0 Markarth will be handed over to Ulfric's forces. Jarl Igmund will step down, and Thongvor Silver-Blood will become the Jarl of Markarth. FormID: 0004BA29 MQ302 SCEN 0 Riften will be handed over to Imperial control. Jarl Laila Law-Giver will step down, and Maven Black-Briar will become the Jarl of Riften. FormID: 0004BA57 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will withdraw from Hjaalmarch, and Idgrod Ravencrone will resume the Jarlship. FormID: 0004BA58 MQ302 SCEN 0 Falkreath will be returned to Imperial control, under the authority of Jarl Siddgeir. FormID: 0004BA59 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Pale will be turned over to the Empire. Brina Merilis will assume the Jarlship in Dawnstar. FormID: 0004BA5A MQ302 SCEN 0 Winterhold will be turned over to the Empire, although the College itself will retain its traditional neutrality. FormID: 0004BA53 MQ302 SCEN 0 Hjaalmarch will be turned over to Ulfric, with Sorli the Builder assuming the Jarlship. FormID: 0004BA54 MQ302 SCEN 0 Falkreath will be turned over to Ulfric, and Dengeir of Stuhn will return as Jarl. FormID: 0004BA55 MQ302 SCEN 0 Imperial forces will withdraw from The Pale, and Jarl Skald the Elder will be allowed to return to Dawnstar. FormID: 0004BA56 MQ302 SCEN 0 Imperial troops will withdraw from Winterhold, and Kraldar will return as Jarl. FormID: 0004BA31 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will withdraw from the Reach, allowing Jarl Igmund to return to Markarth. FormID: 0004BA32 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will withdraw from the Rift, allowing Imperial troops unhindered access. FormID: 0004BA32 MQ302 SCEN 1 Jarl Laila Law-Giver will step down, and Maven Black-Briar will become the Jarl of Riften. FormID: 0004BA33 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will withdraw its troops from the Reach, allowing Ulfric's forces unhindered access to Markarth. FormID: 0004BA33 MQ302 SCEN 1 Jarl Igmund will go into exile, with Thongvor Silver-Blood taking his place as Jarl of Markarth. FormID: 0004BA34 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will withdraw its troops from the Rift, allowing the return of Jarl Laila Law-Giver. FormID: 0004BA35 MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric will withdraw his forces from Hjaalmarch, allowing Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone to return to Morthal. FormID: 0004BA36 MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric will withdraw his forces from Falkreath, allowing Jarl Siddgeir to return. FormID: 0004BA37 MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric will allow Imperial forces into the Pale. Skald the Elder will go into exile, and Brina Merilis will assume the Jarlship. FormID: 0004BA38 MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric will allow Imperial troops to enter Winterhold. Korir will replace Kraldar as Jarl. FormID: 0004BA39 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will allow Ulfric's forces to enter Hjaalmarch. Idgrod Ravencrone will go into exile, with Sorli the Builder replacing her as Jarl. FormID: 0004BA3A MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will allow Ulfric's forces to enter Falkreath. Jarl Siddgeir will step down, and Dengeir of Stuhn will take his place as Jarl. FormID: 0004BA3B MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will withdraw its troops from the Pale, allowing Jarl Skald the Elder to return from exile. FormID: 0004BA3C MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will withdraw its troops from Winterhold, allowing Jarl Korir to return from exile. FormID: 0004BA5C MQ302 SCEN 0 But I at least will negotiate in good faith. FormID: 0004BA2A MQ302 SCEN 0 Do you hear that, Tullius? The blood of the innocent cries out for weregild. angry and triumphant FormID: 0004BA2B MQ302 SCEN 0 And so the Empire runs roughshod over Skyrim, as usual. bitterly FormID: 0004B9FA MQ302 SCEN 0 Markarth is off the table. Your rabble is on the verge of defeat. We have no need of a truce at such a price. FormID: 0004B9FB MQ302 SCEN 0 We've made you a fair offer. Are you serious about these talks, or are you just here to posture? skeptical that Ulfric is actually serious FormID: 0004B9EB MQ302 SCEN 0 You always were a fool, Ulfric. You'll never get a better chance to salvage something from the ruins of your ambition. FormID: 0004B9CD MQ302 SCEN 0 Stop! Are you so blind to our danger that you can't see past your petty disagreements? FormID: 0004B9F9 MQ302 SCEN 0 Here you sit arguing about... nothing! While the fate of the land hangs in the balance! FormID: 0004B9E6 MQ302 SCEN 0 Is he with you, Delphine? If so, I advise you to tell him to watch his tongue. menacingly FormID: 0004B9C6 MQ302 SCEN 0 He is with me. warningly FormID: 0004B9DF MQ302 SCEN 0 And I advise you both to listen to what he has to say, before you do anything rash. FormID: 0004B9E7 MQ302 SCEN 0 Don't you understand the danger? Don't you understand what the return of the dragons means? starting to lose it FormID: 0004B9D2 MQ302 SCEN 0 Alduin has returned! The World-Eater! Even now, he devours the souls of your fallen comrades! FormID: 0004B9C9 MQ302 SCEN 0 He grows more powerful with every soldier slain in your pointless war! FormID: 0004B9F2 MQ302 SCEN 0 Can you not put aside your hatred for even one moment in the face of this mortal danger? FormID: 0004B9D3 MQ302 SCEN 0 A very pretty speech, but what does it have to do with... FormID: 0004B9DE MQ302 SCEN 0 Shut up. fiercely FormID: 0004B9C8 MQ302 SCEN 0 If he's right about Alduin... we both have just as much to lose here, Tullius, remember that. thinking over what Esbern just said as he speaks FormID: 0004B9DB MQ302 SCEN 0 That's enough out of you. very controlled, very angry FormID: 0004B9C7 MQ302 SCEN 0 I don't know about the end of the world, but this dragon situation has gotten out of hand. slowly, mulling over what Esbern just said FormID: 0004B9C7 MQ302 SCEN 1 If this truce will help the Dragonborn here put an end to that menace, we both gain. Remember that, Ulfric. FormID: 0004B9ED MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA1 CUST 0 I think you're on the wrong side in this war, my friend. FormID: 0004B9EE MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA1 CUST 0 Yes! FormID: 0004B9F1 MQ302 SCEN 0 You slaughtered them - the women, the children! You butchers! FormID: 0004B9F0 MQ302 SCEN 0 That's a lie! My legionnaires are disciplined, unlike your... FormID: 0004B9D4 MQ302 SCEN 0 You don't really expect compensation every time a farm gets burned in a war that you started, do you Ulfric? coldly FormID: 0004B9D0 MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA2 CUST 0 Think carefully where your loyalties lie... brother. FormID: 00087645 MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA2 CUST 0 Think carefully where your loyalties lie... sister. FormID: 0004B9D1 MQ302 MQ302TownRaided MQ302RaidedTownA2 CUST 0 I don't know why I expected even-handed treatment from you. FormID: 0004B996 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4 CUST 0 In exchange for Markarth, the source of most of Skyrim's silver? Hardly. Walk Away FormID: 0004B996 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4 CUST 1 Riften seems like a better choice to me. Well-fortified, easily resupplied across Lake Honrich. Plus all the mead we can drink. Walk Away FormID: 0004B997 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4 CUST 0 In exchange for Markarth, the source of most of Skyrim's silver? Hardly. I might rather consider Whiterun. Walk Away FormID: 0004B99C MQ302 IDAT 0 I've never liked having the rebels right on Solitude's doorstep. Retaking Hjaalmarch would help secure our supply lines... considering FormID: 0004B99D MQ302 IDAT 0 Regaining Pale Pass would help our supply situation considerably... and Whiterun is dangerously exposed with the enemy in Falkreath... considering FormID: 0004B99E MQ302 IDAT 0 Having another port would ease our supply situation considerably... considering FormID: 0004B99F MQ302 IDAT 0 Winterhold would allow us to directly threaten the rebel supply lines out of Windhelm... considering FormID: 0004B9E0 MQ302 IDAT 0 I expected better from you Dragonborn. I came here in good faith, despite your known Imperial sympathies. FormID: 0004B9E1 MQ302 IDAT 0 You're different from what I expected, Dragonborn. You treat us with respect, despite your known Imperial sympathies. FormID: 0004B9E2 MQ302 IDAT 0 Think hard about your loyalties, brother. I expected better from you. FormID: 000D8418 MQ302 IDAT 0 I expected better from you Dragonborn. I came here in good faith, and now it seems you help the Empire at every turn. FormID: 0004B9E3 MQ302 IDAT 0 Think hard about your loyalties, sister. I expected better from you. FormID: 0004B9E4 MQ302 IDAT 0 Well done, brother. If you can hold these Imperials to their promises, we might be able to reach an agreement. FormID: 0004B9E5 MQ302 IDAT 0 Well done, sister. If you can hold these Imperials to their promises, we might be able to reach an agreement. FormID: 0004BA46 MQ302 IDAT 0 You've dealt with us fairly so far. You've heard our demand. What say you? FormID: 0004BA47 MQ302 IDAT 0 What say you, Dragonborn? FormID: 0004B26B MQ302 IDAT 0 Now that that's settled, may we proceed? FormID: 0008685A MQ302 IDAT 0 Who would like to open the negotiations? FormID: 000D94E5 MQ302 IDAT 0 This council is unprecedented. We are gathered here at the Dragonborn's request. FormID: 000D94E6 MQ302 IDAT 0 I ask that you all respect the spirit of High Hrothgar, and do your best to begin the process of achieving a lasting peace in Skyrim. FormID: 000D94E7 MQ302 IDAT 0 Jarl Ulfric. FormID: 000D94E9 MQ302 IDAT 0 General Tullius. FormID: 00088742 MQ302 IDAT 0 Are we ready to proceed? a bit wearily FormID: 00087614 MQ302 IDAT 0 But the difficulty remains - how to lure a dragon to Dragonsreach at all? FormID: 00086CAD MQ302 IDAT 0 Hjaalmarch would allow us to directly threaten the Imperial supply lines out of Solitude... considering FormID: 00086CAE MQ302 IDAT 0 Blocking Pale Pass would cut one of the main Imperial supply routes... and Whiterun is dangerously exposed with the enemy in Falkreath. considering FormID: 000DA237 MQ302 IDAT 0 Blocking Pale Pass would cut one of the main Imperial supply routes... and would leave Whiterun dangerously exposed... considering FormID: 00086CAF MQ302 IDAT 0 Hmm... the Empire is bringing in a lot of supplies through Dawnstar. Taking the Pale would stretch them pretty thin... considering FormID: 00086CB0 MQ302 IDAT 0 I've never liked having the Imperials right on Windhelm's doorstep. Retaking Winterhold would help secure our supply lines... considering FormID: 00086EEA MQ302 IDAT 0 I expected better of you, Dragonborn. You swore an oath to serve the Emperor. Don't forget it. FormID: 00086EEB MQ302 IDAT 0 I don't blame you, Dragonborn. You made the best of a bad situation. FormID: 00086EEC MQ302 IDAT 0 You disappoint me, Dragonborn. I accepted your invitation to this council, despite your known association with the rebels. FormID: 00086EEC MQ302 IDAT 1 But it seems you have no intention of dealing fairly with me. FormID: 000D8419 MQ302 IDAT 0 You disappoint me, Dragonborn. I accepted your invitation on trust in your good name. But it seems you intend to favor Ulfric. FormID: 00086EED MQ302 IDAT 0 I don't blame you, Dragonborn. You treated us fairly despite your known rebel sympathies. FormID: 00087615 MQ302 IDAT 0 But I can see now that this is not a negotiation at all. FormID: 000DA244 MQ302 IDAT 0 I can see now that this is not a negotiation at all. FormID: 00087616 MQ302 IDAT 0 If you think this war is nearly won, you're as deluded as your Emperor when he signed away our freedom to the Thalmor. hotly FormID: 00087616 MQ302 IDAT 1 You can trample us underfoot but we will rise again! FormID: 00087617 MQ302 IDAT 0 If you think you can hold Markarth, you're as deluded as your Emperor when he signed away our freedom to the Thalmor. hotly FormID: 00087618 MQ302 IDAT 0 If you think we'll just hand over Riften, you're as deluded as your Emperor when he signed away our freedom to the Thalmor. hotly FormID: 00087619 MQ302 IDAT 0 Soon enough I'll have you back under the headsman's axe, and this time there won't be any dragon to save you. FormID: 0008761A MQ302 IDAT 0 As always, the Empire's fine words are worth nothing! FormID: 0008761B MQ302 IDAT 0 You heard the man, Ulfric. a bit gloating FormID: 0008761C MQ302 IDAT 0 You heard what she said, Ulfric. a bit gloating FormID: 0008761D MQ302 IDAT 0 You did the best you could, brother. But I've learned the hard way that these Imperials are best dealt with at sword point. FormID: 000D841A MQ302 IDAT 0 You did the best you could, Dragonborn. But I've learned the hard way that these Imperials are best dealt with at sword point. FormID: 0008761E MQ302 IDAT 0 You did the best you could, sister. But I've learned the hard way that these Imperials are best dealt with at sword point. FormID: 0008761F MQ302 IDAT 0 As for you, General Tullius, I see now that Galmar was right. Talking to the Empire is just as useless as ever. mockingly emphasizing [QUOTE]General[QUOTE] FormID: 00087620 MQ302 IDAT 0 Skyrim will never again bow to your false Empire! FormID: 00087621 MQ302 IDAT 0 Let's go, Galmar. I should have listened to you in the first place. FormID: 00087622 MQ302 IDAT 0 You always were a fool, Ulfric. You're no better at diplomacy than you are on the battlefield. FormID: 00087623 MQ302 IDAT 0 You've been even-handed so far. What do you say to our demand? FormID: 00087624 MQ302 IDAT 0 So, Dragonborn. What do you say? FormID: 00087625 MQ302 IDAT 0 Ah. I believe I can be of help here. FormID: 000D767B MQ302 IDAT 0 That's what comes of trying to win a war with a bare handful of legions. If the Emperor would just give me the reinforcements I've requested! FormID: 000D94EA MQ302 IDAT 0 Take your seat and we can begin. FormID: 000D94EB MQ302 IDAT 0 We all wait upon you, Dragonborn. FormID: 000D94EC MQ302 IDAT 0 Why delay? Please, take your seat so we can begin. FormID: 0004B991 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A1 CUST 0 Fair enough. Although I'm beginning to wonder whose side you're really on. Still... FormID: 0004B992 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A1 CUST 0 Fair enough. I was hoping you could put aside your loyalties for the greater good, but I see you're firmly in Ulfric's camp. Still... FormID: 00086CA8 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A1 CUST 0 I did ask. Although I'm beginning to wonder whose side you're really on. Still... FormID: 00086CA9 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A1 CUST 0 Fair enough. I thought you might be able to see past your Imperial loyalties in the interests of peace, but I guess not. Still... FormID: 000DA1D8 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A1 CUST 0 Fair enough. You claim to be neutral, but it seems that you actually favor the Empire. Still... FormID: 000DA639 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A2 CUST 0 Not enough to outweigh the loss of Markarth. With the Reach in enemy hands, our whole position in Solitude would be threatened. Walk Away FormID: 0004B993 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A3 CUST 0 I'm glad you agree. I was starting to wonder whose side you were on here. relieved that you sided with him after all FormID: 0004B994 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4A3 CUST 0 Well. You surprise me. I was expecting you to favor Ulfric. Maybe this council will achieve something after all. surprised you sided with him, despite being loyal to Ulfric FormID: 0004B995 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4B1 CUST 0 Better than nothing, I suppose. But Ulfric will need to offer a lot more if he wants me to give up Markarth without a fight. FormID: 00086CAB MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA4B1 CUST 0 Better than nothing, I guess. But Tullius will need to offer a lot more if he wants me to give up Riften without a fight. FormID: 0004B85F WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekSAYFoundYou WIGamesHideAndSeekSAYFoundYouTopic CUST 0 I found you! Na na na, na na na! playing hide and seek - sing songy FormID: 0004B860 WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekSAYFoundYou WIGamesHideAndSeekSAYFoundYouTopic CUST 0 There you are! playing hide and seek FormID: 0004B861 WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekSAYFoundYou WIGamesHideAndSeekSAYFoundYouTopic CUST 0 Found you! playing hide and seek FormID: 0004B859 WIGamesHideAndSeek SCEN 0 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Prepared or not, I'm coming! playing hide and seek, counting to 10 loudly to give other players a chance to hide FormID: 0004B85A WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekHellos HELO 0 He he he. giggling, playing hide and seek FormID: 0004B85B WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekHellos HELO 0 Shhh! playing hide and seek, worried you're going to blow his cover FormID: 0004B85C WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekHellos HELO 0 He'll never find me here. giggling, playing hide and seek FormID: 0004B85D WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekHellos HELO 0 She'll never find me here. giggling, playing hide and seek FormID: 0004B85E WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekHellos HELO 0 This is a good hiding spot. giggling, playing hide and seek FormID: 0004B862 WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekFoundMe WIGamesHideAndSeekFoundMeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Argh! You found me! Playing hide and seek - got caught FormID: 0004B863 WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekFoundMe WIGamesHideAndSeekFoundMeBlockingTopic CUST 0 You got me. Playing hide and seek - got caught FormID: 0004B864 WIGamesHideAndSeek WIGamesHideAndSeekFoundMe WIGamesHideAndSeekFoundMeBlockingTopic CUST 0 My turn! Playing hide and seek - got caught FormID: 00090DF7 Favor154 Favor154QuestGiverBranch Favor154QuestGiverBranchTopic CUST 0 You've proven reliable. There's a group of bandits in my Hold that I... may have had a few discreet dealings with. FormID: 00090DF7 Favor154 Favor154QuestGiverBranch Favor154QuestGiverBranchTopic CUST 1 The cut they were giving me was good at first, but now it's time to clean things up. Go and take care of it. FormID: 0004B706 C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, lad, you've been raised into the Companions, I hear. FormID: 0004B706 C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundBranchTopic CUST 1 I can fashion whatever kind of weapon you want. Finest forge in Skyrim, right here before you. FormID: 0004B710 C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundSwordPlease CUST 0 A blade! It will be as sharp as Fralia's tongue! FormID: 0004B704 C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundDaggerPlease CUST 0 Ah, the sneaky type, eh? I think we can fix you right up. FormID: 0004B707 C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundBattleaxePlase CUST 0 Just like Ysgramor himself. FormID: 0004B70E C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundGreatswordPlease CUST 0 Sure you can handle that? Ha! Of course you can. FormID: 0004B70C C00 C00EorlundBranch C00EorlundWaraxeReward CUST 0 Now that's a smart weapon. Light, strong, useful. Crack some skulls for me. FormID: 0004B70D dunIronbindQST dunIronbindIntroBranch dunIronbindBeemJaOpener CUST 0 Speak with Miss Salma, if you wish to speak. FormID: 00109C4A dunIronbindQST dunIronbindIntroBranch dunIronbindBeemJaOpener CUST 0 I grow tired of debating this. If Miss Salma insists on this folly, so be it. FormID: 00109C4B dunIronbindQST dunIronbindIntroBranch dunIronbindBeemJaOpener CUST 0 I admit, there is strength in numbers. Perhaps between us... Thoughtfully considering FormID: 0004B71D dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaIntro dunIronbindSalmaIntroTopic CUST 0 We should be inside, loading up on treasure. Worry-scales here thinks we should wait, though. Don't get any ideas, either. We were here first. Start with [QUOTE]Argh![QUOTE] Frustrated, a bit petulant FormID: 001093F3 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaIntro dunIronbindSalmaIntroTopic CUST 0 I don't care what Beem says. It's high time we get in there and find our fortune. Sullen, with a bit of childish defiance. FormID: 0004B71E dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaIntro dunIronbindInvestigate01 CUST 0 Gold, silver. Gems, maybe? Only one way to find out! With hungry wonder FormID: 0004B71F dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaIntro dunIronbindSalmaProposal CUST 0 Not without us, you aren't! I'm sure there's enough for everyone, after all. Playfully Competitive FormID: 0004B71F dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaIntro dunIronbindSalmaProposal CUST 1 Come on, Beem-Ja. We're going. Whether you like it or not is implied. FormID: 0004B564 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2a CUST 0 Hardly worth giving up Markarth for, but not a bad starting point. frowning, considering the possibility FormID: 00086CBD MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2a CUST 0 Not quite worth handing over Riften, but not a bad starting point. frowning, considering the possibility FormID: 0004B4B6 MG02 MG02ArnielStage30Branch MG02ArnielStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Just round up the rest of the magical artifacts so that I can catalog them. FormID: 0004BD98 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest stalleoGiveQuestTopic CUST 0 Finally, reinforcements have arrived. FormID: 0004BD98 dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest stalleoGiveQuestTopic CUST 1 I was expecting more though, you'd better be good. FormID: 0004B46F dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaProblem CUST 0 I didn't want to, but she attacked to try and keep me from leaving. You're conflicted. Start with [QUOTE]I... I didn't want to![QUOTE] FormID: 0004B46F dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaProblem CUST 1 I just can't be a part of this place any more! The things we do here - evil, evil things. No more! FormID: 0004B471 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaSo CUST 0 I called it home, now I know that was a mistake. I am, or was part of a coven serving the Hagravens that live here. So was she. You're still adjusting to the thought of being apart from this coven. Pause to correct yourself. FormID: 0004B470 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaTrustMe CUST 0 I'm going up there to stop her. This cycle must end. I don't know what brought you here, but I could use your help, if you're willing. FormID: 0004B2B5 MG02 MG02ArnielStage25Branch MG02ArnielInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 He what? FormID: 0004B2B6 MG02 MG02ArnielStage25Branch MG02ArnielInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 What? FormID: 0004B2BB MG02 MG02ArnielStage25Branch MG02ArnielInitialNoTalkContinue CUST 0 You must be one of the new apprentices, then? Fine, fine. Just... just don't make a mess of my work, all right? FormID: 0004B2B4 MG02 MG02ArnielStage25Branch MG02ArnielInitialTalkedContinue CUST 0 Ah, yes. You. I remember you. You're going to help? That's fine. Just... Just don't make a mess of my work. FormID: 0004B2B3 MG02 MG02ArnielStage25Branch MG02ArnielInitialFollowUp CUST 0 I've only looked through a portion of this section. You, uh, you can look around in the chambers just north of here. FormID: 0004B2B3 MG02 MG02ArnielStage25Branch MG02ArnielInitialFollowUp CUST 1 Try and be careful, all right? We don't want to damage anything. FormID: 0004B267 MQ302 SCEN 0 Very well, Ulfric. Enjoy your petty victory. FormID: 0004B25D MQ302 SCEN 0 Ha! Skyrim will never bow to the Thalmor! FormID: 0004B270 MQ302 SCEN 0 Unlike your Imperial friends here. FormID: 0004B25A MQ302 SCEN 0 You're lucky I respect the Greybeards' council, Galmar! jumping to her feet in anger. emphasis on [QUOTE]I[QUOTE] -- unlike Galmer, she respects the Greybeards FormID: 0004B255 MQ302 SCEN 0 Legate. We represent the Emperor here. sharply, with general's authority to subordinate FormID: 0004B271 MQ302 SCEN 0 Sorry, sir. It won't happen again. quietly FormID: 0004B264 MQ302 SCEN 0 No. We'll stay. Out of respect for the Dragonborn and our Greybeard hosts. FormID: 0004B269 MQ302 SCEN 0 We walk, then. pleased that the negotiation is over before it started FormID: 0004B265 MQ302 SCEN 0 But she is to observe, nothing more. We are not negotiating with her, is that clear? FormID: 0004B274 MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric, why so hostile? After all, it's not the Thalmor that's burning your farms and killing your sons. calmly but with an edge FormID: 0004B261 MQ302 SCEN 0 She's supposed to be on our side? muttered aside to Tullius FormID: 0004B25C MQ302 SCEN 0 You know exactly... no. Not this time. starting to respond angrily then controlling himself with an effort FormID: 0004B26F MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, let's get down to it. FormID: 0004B258 MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric, you can't seriously expect us to give up Markarth at the negotiating table. calmly but scornfully FormID: 0004B268 MQ302 SCEN 0 I'm sure Jarl Ulfric does not expect something for nothing. FormID: 0004B263 MQ302 SCEN 0 You hope to gain in council what you've been unable to take in battle, is that it? mocking FormID: 0004B26C MQ302 SCEN 0 We've taken it before. I'm only asking for what will be ours soon enough anyway. with a complacent shrug FormID: 0004B266 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, that'd be entirely out of character. muttered aside FormID: 0004B257 MQ302 SCEN 0 What would the Empire want in return? FormID: 0004B25B MQ302 SCEN 0 Wait. General, you don't intend to just hand over Markarth to that... traitor! outraged FormID: 0004B262 MQ302 SCEN 0 You lost the trust of the people of Skyrim, Elisif. You had your chance to make the right choice when the war started. mildly, sadly FormID: 0004B256 MQ302 SCEN 0 Enough! forcefully -- he's a general, used to people snapping to when he speaks. FormID: 0004B272 MQ302 SCEN 0 First, let's be clear. This council wasn't my idea. I think it's a waste of time. FormID: 0004B272 MQ302 SCEN 1 You are a traitor to the Empire, and deserve a traitor's death. FormID: 0004B26D MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionTopic CUST 0 Since we're all here at your request, I'd like to hear what you think Markarth is worth. Walk Away FormID: 00086CC3 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionTopic CUST 0 This council was your idea, eh? So tell us, what do you think Riften is worth? Walk Away FormID: 0004B26A MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA1 CUST 0 Damn right. pleased that you agree with him FormID: 00086CBE MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA1 CUST 0 Just what I was thinking. pleased that you agree with him FormID: 0004B56A MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2 CUST 0 Hmm. The Rift would help secure our communications with Cyrodiil... and threaten Ulfric's southern flank... pleased that you agree with him FormID: 0004B56B MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2 CUST 0 It's true that Whiterun is dangerously exposed as long as the Stormcloaks hold Markarth... pleased that you agree with him FormID: 0004B569 MQ302 MQ302FirstConcession MQ302FirstConcessionA2 CUST 0 You're right. Ulfric isn't in any position to ask for Markarth. FormID: 0004B224 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaYes CUST 0 Good. Follow me. We have to fight our way up. I don't think anyone else here is about to have a change of heart. with resolve FormID: 0004B220 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaNo CUST 0 Then I must do this alone. FormID: 0004B222 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightIlliaGreetTopic CUST 0 By the gods! I know this looks bad. Let me explain... Exclamation is in surprise more at what she just did than noticing the player. FormID: 0004A60B DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIntroTopic CUST 0 At last. FormID: 0004A60B DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIntroTopic CUST 1 I've been waiting for someone more fit to carry out my will. FormID: 0004A60B DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIntroTopic CUST 2 The child is spirited, but lacks... agency. FormID: 0004A4E4 CreatureDialogueDragonPriest HIT_ 0 FormID: 0004A378 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyHere CUST 0 I've seen enough to know their fabric. The warp of air, the weft of time. FormID: 0004A378 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyHere CUST 1 But no, it is not in my possession. FormID: 0004A379 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow CUST 0 The Daedric prince of the unknown. Hermaeus Mora. I thought there were no secrets left to know. Until I first spoke to him. FormID: 0004A379 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow CUST 1 He asks a price -- to work his will. A few murders, some dissent spread, a plague or two. For the secrets I can endure. FormID: 0004A379 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow CUST 2 In time, he brought me here. To the box. FormID: 0004A379 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow CUST 3 But he won't reveal how to open it. Maddening. FormID: 0004A20C MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroTopic CUST 0 The Greybeards? What do those old hermits want with me? FormID: 0004A20E MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroA1 CUST 0 Why? There's nothing to discuss as long as that traitor Ulfric is in arms against his rightful Emperor. FormID: 0004A20F MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroImperial CUST 0 Fair enough. We're driving the Stormcloaks back well enough at the moment, but we're already overstretched. FormID: 0004A210 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroImperial CUST 0 No, you're right. After all this time, Ulfric still holds almost half of Skyrim. FormID: 0004A211 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroImperial CUST 0 Well... we could use some breathing space to regroup. Things haven't been going well for us lately. mulling the situation to himself FormID: 0004A20D MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1A CUST 0 Most of the Legion is tied down on the border with the Aldmeri Dominion. The Emperor can't afford to risk weakening Cyrodiil's defenses. FormID: 0004A20D MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1A CUST 1 From the Imperial City, our war here is just a sideshow. An interlude before the main event against the Thalmor resumes. FormID: 0004A212 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroC1 CUST 0 Yes. Yes, fine, I'll come to this Greybeard council. For all the good it will do. with a deep sigh of doubt and hesitation FormID: 0004951C MS13BleakFallsBarrowCampfireScene SCEN 0 What if Arvel doesn't come back? I want my share from that claw! FormID: 0004951B MS13BleakFallsBarrowCampfireScene SCEN 0 Just shut it and keep an eye out for trouble. indifferent, [QUOTE]whatever happens happens[QUOTE] FormID: 00049448 MQ301 SCEN 0 We're ready when you are. FormID: 00049449 MQ301 SCEN 0 You do have a plan for luring a dragon here, yeah? FormID: 0004944A MQ301 SCEN 0 Go ahead and call this dragon of yours. We're ready. FormID: 0004944B MQ301 SCEN 0 What are you waiting for? Let's get this over with. FormID: 00049402 MS13 SCEN 0 Is... is someone coming? Is that you Harknir? Bjorn? Soling? FormID: 000493F9 MS13 SCEN 0 I know I ran ahead with the claw, but I need help! FormID: 00048F06 MQ301 SCEN 0 Got him! shout of satisfaction FormID: 00048F07 MQ301 SCEN 0 I think it's holding! FormID: 00048F0C MQ301 SCEN 0 Nid! with a dragon roar of furyNid = [QUOTE]no![QUOTE] FormID: 000D767E MQ301 SCEN 0 No! with a dragon roar of fury FormID: 00048F04 MQ301 SCEN 0 Horvutah med kodaav. Caught like a bear in a trap... Horvutah med kodaav = [QUOTE]trapped like a bear[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F09 MQ301 SCEN 0 Zok frini grind ko grah drun viiki, Dovahkiin. with grudging admiration. Zok frini grind ko grah drun viiki = [QUOTE]my most eagerness (to) meet (you) in battle brought my defeat[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F09 MQ301 SCEN 1 Ah. I forget. You do not have the dovah speech. FormID: 00048F09 MQ301 SCEN 2 My... eagerness to meet you in battle was my... undoing, Dovahkiin. I salute your, hmm, low cunning in devising such a grahmindol - strategem. pausing to think of the words in a foreign language FormID: 00048F02 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingIntroTopic CUST 0 Zu'u bonaar. You went to a great deal of trouble to put me in this... humiliating position. Zu'u bonaar = [QUOTE]I am humbled[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F02 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingIntroTopic CUST 1 Hind siiv Alduin, hmm? No doubt you want to know where to find Alduin? Hind siiv Alduin = [QUOTE](You) wish to find Alduin[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F0D MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB1 CUST 0 Rinik vazah. An apt phrase. Alduin bovul. One reason I came to your call was to test your Thu'um for myself. begin with a chuckle rinik vazah = [QUOTE]very true[QUOTE], Alduin bovul = [QUOTE]Alduin fled (from you)[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F0D MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB1 CUST 1 Many of us have begun to question Alduin's lordship, whether his Thu'um was truly the strongest. FormID: 00048F0D MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB1 CUST 2 Among ourselves, of course. Mu ni meyye. None were yet ready to openly defy him. Mu ni meyye = [QUOTE]we (are) not fools[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 0 Unslaad krosis. Innumerable pardons. I digress. Unslaad krosis = [QUOTE]unending sorrow[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 1 He has travelled to Sovngarde to regain his strength, devouring the sillesejoor... the souls of the mortal dead. A privilege he jealously guards... the last is a grumpy aside to himself FormID: 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 2 His door to Sovngarde is at Skuldafn, one of his ancient fanes high in the eastern mountains. FormID: 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 3 Mindoraan, pah ok middovahhe lahvraan til. I surely do not need to warn you that all his remaining strength is marshalled there. Mindoraan, pah ok middovahhe lahvraan til = [QUOTE]As you know, all his dragon-loyalists (are) mustered there[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 4 Zu'u lost ofan hin laan... now that I have answered your question, you will allow me to go free? slyly Zu'u lost ofan hin laan = [QUOTE]I have given your want/request[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F03 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingC1 CUST 0 Aam? Serve you? Ni tiid. If and when you defeat Alduin, I will reconsider. Ni tiid = [QUOTE]not time[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]not yet[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F03 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingC1 CUST 1 Hmm... krosis. There is one... detail about Skuldafn I neglected to mention. slyly krosis = [QUOTE]apologies[QUOTE] FormID: 00048F0B MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlockingTopic CUST 0 I anticipated the problem. While you were arranging this meeting, I was busy in the library of Sky Haven Temple. FormID: 00048F08 MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonA1 CUST 0 Ah, don't you see? The names of dragons are always three Words of Power -- Shouts. excited FormID: 00048F08 MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonA1 CUST 1 By calling the dragon with the Voice, he will hear you wherever he might be. FormID: 00048F0E MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonB1 CUST 0 He's not compelled to, but dragons are prideful by nature and loath to refuse a challenge. FormID: 00048F0E MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonB1 CUST 1 Your Voice in particular is likely to intrigue this dragon, after your victory over Alduin. FormID: 00048F0E MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonB1 CUST 2 I think it very likely that he will be unable to resist investigating your call. FormID: 00048F01 MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonC1 CUST 0 Ah, indeed. I'm no master of the Voice like these worthy gentlemen, but it is written here in this scroll. FormID: 000D2D00 MQ301 MQ301EsbernCallDragonBlocking MQ301EsbernCallDragonC1 CUST 0 Ah, indeed. I'm no master of the Voice, but it is written here in this scroll. FormID: 00048DD3 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridTransitionBranchTopic CUST 0 So it's done. You've killed the Gourmet. FormID: 00048DD3 DarkBrotherhood DB08_09AstridTransitionBranch DB08_09AstridTransitionBranchTopic CUST 1 And now Titus Mede II is as good as dead. FormID: 00048DCA TG09 TG09GallusKeyTakeBranch TG09GallusKeyTakeBranchTopic CUST 0 Whatever is affecting the Nightingale Sentinels is starting to affect me too. FormID: 00048DCA TG09 TG09GallusKeyTakeBranch TG09GallusKeyTakeBranchTopic CUST 1 As I get closer to the Ebonmere I begin to feel myself slipping away. FormID: 00048DCA TG09 TG09GallusKeyTakeBranch TG09GallusKeyTakeBranchTopic CUST 2 Even right this moment, I feel strange... when I don't think I should be feeling anything at all. FormID: 00048DC9 TG09 TG09GallusHistoryBranch TG09GallusHistoryBranchTopic CUST 0 The Ebonmere is a conduit through which Nocturnal influences our world. Not through magic or blessings, but purely through luck. FormID: 00048C90 DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatBranchTopic CUST 0 Whatever it is, I'm sure I can't be of help. I'm just here on... holiday. FormID: 00068B6A DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatBranchTopic CUST 0 Please, just let me be... FormID: 00048C8E DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatRespond1 CUST 0 Gourmet? Why I... Um... FormID: 00048C8E DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatRespond1 CUST 1 Oh dear. You're going to kill me now, aren't you? FormID: 00048C8F DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatRespond2 CUST 0 What? The Emperor? But I... FormID: 00048C8F DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatRespond2 CUST 1 Oh. Oh, by the gods, no. No, you can't do this. You can't! FormID: 00048C8C DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatRespond3 CUST 0 Yes, well. Perhaps the proprietor of this establishment can assist you. Please, you're starting to... frighten me. FormID: 00068B76 DB08 DB08GourmetThreatBranch DB08GourmetThreatRespond3 CUST 0 Yes, well. Perhaps someone else in the village can assist you? Please, you're starting to... frighten me. FormID: 00068B6B DB08 HELO 0 Come now, you've got your orders. What else could you possibly need? FormID: 00048C8D DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_CookbookBranch DB08festus_CookbookBranchTopic CUST 0 [QUOTE]Uncommon Taste.[QUOTE] It was published a few years ago, and became a sensation throughout the Empire almost overnight. FormID: 00048C8D DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_CookbookBranch DB08festus_CookbookBranchTopic CUST 1 The recipes were hailed as both practical and decadent. FormID: 00048C8D DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_CookbookBranch DB08festus_CookbookBranchTopic CUST 2 I've made a few of the Gourmet's dishes myself, actually. His roast mutton with Redguard berry sauce is to die for. FormID: 00048C8D DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_CookbookBranch DB08festus_CookbookBranchTopic CUST 3 But his chocolate pate gives me the runs. FormID: 00048C91 DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_GourmetInnBranch DB08_Festus_GourmetInnBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. Gaius Maro, on orders from his father, arranged for the Gourmet to come to Skyrim months ago. To serve as the Emperor's personal chef. FormID: 00048C91 DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_GourmetInnBranch DB08_Festus_GourmetInnBranchTopic CUST 1 But the Emperor canceled his journey at the last minute. Maro was smart, kept the Gourmet around, in case things changed. FormID: 00048C91 DarkBrotherhood DB08_Festus_GourmetInnBranch DB08_Festus_GourmetInnBranchTopic CUST 2 And so, the Gourmet has remained in seclusion, somewhere in Skyrim... on indefinite hold. Probably feels like a prisoner. But you'll fix that. FormID: 00048B30 DarkBrotherhood DB08_FestusGourmetBranch DB08_FestusGourmetBranchTopic CUST 0 Nobody knows his true identity. Well, nobody except Gaius Maro, and you've already taken care of him. FormID: 00048B30 DarkBrotherhood DB08_FestusGourmetBranch DB08_FestusGourmetBranchTopic CUST 1 I do know the Gourmet was classically trained in traditional Breton cuisine in High Rock. So that's where he must have met Anton Virane. FormID: 00048B30 DarkBrotherhood DB08_FestusGourmetBranch DB08_FestusGourmetBranchTopic CUST 2 In any event, our anonymous chef shares a passion for food with all of Tamriel. And that anonymity will prove the Emperor's undoing. FormID: 000489E7 MS13 IDAT 0 Get me out of here! FormID: 0002FFCE MS13 IDAT 0 Hey, over here! FormID: 000489E8 MS13 IDAT 0 Don't leave me, for Arkay's sake! FormID: 000489E9 MS13 IDAT 0 Help me! Help! FormID: 000489EA MS13 IDAT 0 Help me out of here! FormID: 00039641 MS13 IDAT 0 Get me down. Get me down! FormID: 00049403 MS13 IDAT 0 Ah, kill it. Kill it! screaming [QUOTE]ah[QUOTE] like [QUOTE]aaaaaah![QUOTE] for however long FormID: 00049404 MS13 IDAT 0 Get it away from me. Get it away! FormID: 00049405 MS13 IDAT 0 Don't let it get me. Help! FormID: 00049406 MS13 IDAT 0 Agh. Agh! screaming [QUOTE]agh[QUOTE] like [QUOTE]aaaagh![QUOTE] for however long feels natural FormID: 00049407 MS13 IDAT 0 Keep it away from me! FormID: 00049408 MS13 IDAT 0 Is it over? FormID: 00049409 MS13 IDAT 0 Is it dead? FormID: 0004940A MS13 IDAT 0 Is it safe now? FormID: 00042484 MS13 IDAT 0 You'll never get the claw! FormID: 000424B1 MS13 IDAT 0 Too slow! FormID: 00039625 MS13 IDAT 0 You found it? Ha ha ha. There it is. Strange... it seems smaller than I remember. Funny thing, huh? relieved FormID: 00039625 MS13 IDAT 1 I'm going to put this back where it belongs. I'll never forget this. You've done a great thing for me and my sister. grateful FormID: 0008AFA9 MS13 IDAT 0 Thanks. I guess this was the least you could do after what happened to Camilla. relieved FormID: 0008AFAA MS13 IDAT 0 Thanks. I only wish Camilla was here to see it. relieved FormID: 0008AFAA MS13 IDAT 1 Here, take this. You've done a good thing for the Riverwood Trader. FormID: 0008AFAB MS13 IDAT 0 Thanks. I guess this was the least you could do after what happened to Lucan. FormID: 0008AFAC MS13 IDAT 0 Thanks. I only wish Lucan was here to see this again. FormID: 0008AFAC MS13 IDAT 1 Take this. You've done a good thing for the Riverwood Trader. FormID: 000485C8 MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlDragonsreachNotYet CUST 0 Now that it's upon us, I'm rather looking forward to the challenge. I'll be famouser than Olaf One-Eye! FormID: 000485C7 MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlDragonsreachReady CUST 0 My men know what to do. Make sure you do your part. I'm putting my city in your hands. FormID: 000483EE dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Careful, there's a pressure plate around here. I've triggered it before and got pelted with darts. FormID: 000483ED dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Hey! Those belong to my family! FormID: 000483EC dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Sigh... fine, take whatever you want, so long as you help me get rid of Vals. FormID: 000483EF dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Okay, I think this door should lead to the main burial chamber where Vals is holed up. Let's get in there and put and end to this. FormID: 00048293 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusiveTopic CUST 0 Only Paarthurnax, the master of our order, can answer that question, if he so chooses. reluctantly FormID: 00048294 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusiveTopic CUST 0 To get the answers you seek, you must travel to the top of the mountain and speak to our master, Paarthurnax. reluctantly FormID: 0004826C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirPaarthurnaxA3 CUST 0 You weren't ready. You still aren't ready. FormID: 0004826C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirPaarthurnaxA3 CUST 1 But thanks to the Blades, you now have questions that only Paarthurnax can answer. FormID: 0004826B MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 0 He lives in seclusion on the very peak of the mountain. FormID: 0004826B MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDragonrendExclusive MQ204ArngeirPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 1 He speaks to us only rarely, and never to outsiders. Being allowed to see him is a great privilege. defensively - trying to make you feel grateful, knowing you were treated shabbily earlier FormID: 000483D8 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirExclusiveEnd MQ204ArngeirExclusiveEndTopic CUST 0 Only those whose Voice is strong can find the path. Come. We will teach you a Shout to open the way to Paarthurnax. FormID: 00048195 DB10 NazirSancFightGreetBranch NazirSancFightGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 By Sithis, help me! wounded, in pain FormID: 00048197 DB10 NazirSancLakeGreetBranch NazirSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 No... No, this cannot be... FormID: 000B839D DB10 NazirSancLakeGreetBranch NazirSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. It's all right. You've been through a lot. Maybe you should just sit down for a bit... Walk Away FormID: 000B839E DB10 NazirSancLakeGreetBranch NazirSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm with you, Listener. FormID: 00089A8B DB10 NazirSancLakeGreetBranch NazirSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Astrid did the right thing, and now it's your turn. End her suffering. FormID: 00048193 DB10 BabetteSancLakeGreetBranch BabetteSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 By Sithis, what... what happened? FormID: 000B83A1 DB10 BabetteSancLakeGreetBranch BabetteSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Nazir told me what happened in Solitude. You poor dear. You've been through so much... FormID: 00089A8C DB10 BabetteSancLakeGreetBranch BabetteSancLakeGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, Astrid... FormID: 00048194 DB10 NazirSancWrapUpGreetBranch NazirSancWrapUpGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Astrid... By the sands, I still can't wrap my head around it... FormID: 00048196 DB10 BabetteSancWrapUpGreetBranch BabetteSancWrapUpGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 If I hadn't heard it with my own ears I wouldn't have believed it. How could Astrid have done this to us? Strangely, I feel only pity for her... FormID: 000C4404 MS09 HELO 0 I owe Thorald my life. Helping to save him is the least I can do. FormID: 000C4405 MS09 HELO 0 No one should ever be left to the Thalmor. FormID: 000C4406 MS09 HELO 0 The Thalmor need to be taught a lesson. FormID: 000C4407 MS09 HELO 0 I pledged to aid Avulstein and Thorald a long time ago. There's nothing that could keep me from helping them now. FormID: 0006BC2D MS09 HELO 0 I must be on my way now. FormID: 000480F2 MS09 HELO 0 I owe you my life, friend. FormID: 000D9277 MS09 HELO 0 Keep going! We need to get farther away from here! FormID: 000D927E MS09 HELO 0 Let's get out of here, fast as we can! FormID: 000D761E MS09 HELO 0 You there! What are you doing? FormID: 000480F3 MS09 HELO 0 We're getting Thorald back, no matter what. FormID: 00027F5F MS09 HELO 0 Do you have news? Did you find something? FormID: 0007F426 MS09 HELO 0 Please tell me you have news of my son. worried FormID: 000D6CC5 MS09 HELO 0 Please, let's speak privately. FormID: 00027F60 MS09 HELO 0 Please, anything you can do to help find my Thorald... FormID: 000524CE MS09 HELO 0 If only you could help bring my son back to me. FormID: 000524CF MS09 HELO 0 Thorald's disappearance has left our family in shambles. FormID: 000C57CE DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Please, stop! I'll pay! Take it! FormID: 000C57CF DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Please, no more. I'll pay, I'll pay. Here! FormID: 000C57D0 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Here... take your damn coin and get out of here! FormID: 000D6688 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Well fought, ya swinging bit of skeever bait. on the ground after losing a fight FormID: 00065C28 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 I don't believe it. I guess you were right! on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000CA200 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Your fists speak louder than your words. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 0006F818 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 You bested me, an Orc chief. Impressive. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 0006F819 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 It's been so long since I tasted my own blood. Sour. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 0006F81C DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Damn addicts always stealing from me. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000B8626 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Damn it. Why'd you have to walk into Morthal? on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000DB892 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Now that's what I call a punch. You got me. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000940CE DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Now that was a punch. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000559FE DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Wait, I can still fight. No, no I can't. drunk, on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 00040396 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 That wasn't a fair swing. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000C0B76 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Damn outsider. Why couldn't you just mind your own business? on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 0006F81D DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Backbiter. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 0003F07D DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Damn boot-lover. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000CA201 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 You throw a mean hook. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000940CF DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 What was that? Some kind of foreign move? on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 00068FD2 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 You know how to throw a punch, I'll give you that. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 000F07B9 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryTopic CUST 0 Ugh. You mangy piece of pit-bait. on the ground after losing a fight Walk Away FormID: 00065C24 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Not at all. It's good to be put in your place once in a while. FormID: 00065C24 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 1 I guess I shouldn't boast so much... it gets expensive! FormID: 000C0B77 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 You're no liar. Best fight I've had in years. There you are. FormID: 000C0B77 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 1 You ever need another blade at your side, just ask. Wouldn't mind seeing how you handle a few trolls. FormID: 00094088 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 You're a real fighter. I like that. FormID: 00094088 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 1 You ever need my steel by your side, you just ask. FormID: 00040398 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 My axe is yours, outlander. Just say the word. FormID: 0006FAB8 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 That you have. Here. FormID: 0006FAB9 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Fair fight. Here you are. FormID: 000B8627 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Fine. The hilt is in a chest inside my house. Here are the keys. Take that damn thing and go. FormID: 00055A0E DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Yeah. Here. FormID: 000CA202 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Yeah, yeah. Go on in. FormID: 000DF1D6 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Here. I hope you choke on it. FormID: 000DF1D7 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 You win. On my honor, Carlotta won't have to worry about me ever again. FormID: 00068F59 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 I get your point. Tell Iddra I'm sorry for being so stubborn about the coin. FormID: 00094089 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 You got me, fair and square. Tell Haran I'll pay. FormID: 0003F05D DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 I yield. By the honor of Clan Shatter-Shield, the Argonians will be paid as much as any other worker. FormID: 000D66CB DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 I was sent by Nepos the Nose. The old man hands out the orders. being intimidated FormID: 000D66CB DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 1 He told me to make sure you didn't get in the way. That's all I know, I swear! being intimidated FormID: 000CA203 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 All right. Tell the old man his debts are settled. FormID: 0006FABA DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 All right. I'll lay off him. Just leave. FormID: 00047AD6 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryYes CUST 0 Fine! I'll take care of it, just please leave me alone! FormID: 00047AD4 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryNo CUST 0 Get it over with, then. resigned to his fate FormID: 00047AD5 DGIntimidateQuest DGIntimidateVictory DGIntimidateVictoryNo CUST 0 You're making a mistake! pleading for your life FormID: 000479AE TG02 SCEN 0 Wait a moment, you're not talking about Goldenglow, are you? Even our little Vex couldn't get in. surprised at Mercer's suggestion FormID: 000479AC TG02 SCEN 0 You claim this recruit possesses an aptitude for our line of work. If so, let him prove it. challenging FormID: 001093FA TG02 SCEN 0 You claim this recruit possesses an aptitude for our line of work. If so, let her prove it. FormID: 000479B2 TG02 SCEN 0 Goldenglow Estate is critically important to one of our largest clients. irritated FormID: 000479B2 TG02 SCEN 1 However, the owner has suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands and shut us out. He needs to be taught a lesson. FormID: 000479B2 TG02 SCEN 2 Brynjolf will provide you with the details. irritated FormID: 000479AA TG02 SCEN 0 Mercer, aren't you forgetting something? almost afraid to ask FormID: 000479AF TG02 SCEN 0 Hmm? Oh, yes. Distracted then suddenly remembering. FormID: 000479AF TG02 SCEN 1 Since Brynjolf assures me you'll be nothing but a benefit to us, then you're in. Welcome to the Thieves Guild. said with little fanfare and almost disinterest FormID: 000479AD TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic03a CUST 0 The Guild depends on an arrangement of influential people to keep things running smoothly. FormID: 000479A8 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic04a CUST 0 Aye, the last thing we want to be doing is crossing our clients. Walk Away FormID: 00047615 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina ATCK 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00047616 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina ATCK 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00047617 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina ATCK 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00047618 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina ATCK 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00047619 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina ATCK 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 0004761A DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina ATCK 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00047378 CreatureDialogueHorker DETH 0 FormID: 00047377 CreatureDialogueHorker HIT_ 0 FormID: 00046FAC MS01IntroWorldScene ATCK 0 We are the rightful rulers of Markarth! battle cry FormID: 0005332F MS01IntroWorldScene ATCK 0 Death to the Nords! battle cry FormID: 00053332 MS01IntroWorldScene ATCK 0 Glory to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 00046FAA MS01IntroWorldScene HIT_ 0 You have stepped on us long enough! shouting in battle FormID: 0005340B MS01IntroWorldScene HIT_ 0 I bleed for the people of the Reach! shouting in battle FormID: 00053550 MS01IntroWorldScene HIT_ 0 The old gods give me strength! shouting in battle FormID: 00046FB8 MS01IntroWorldScene DETH 0 I die for my people. dying FormID: 00046FA7 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthLisbetArnleif DialogueMarkarthLisbetArnleifTopic CUST 0 I inherited the store from my husband. His father was Arnleif. FormID: 00046FA7 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthLisbetArnleif DialogueMarkarthLisbetArnleifTopic CUST 1 My husband, Gunnar, died about five years ago. Forsworn attack. I miss that stubborn oaf. FormID: 00046FAD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthListbetStore DialogueMarkarthLisbetAccept CUST 0 Thank you. I'll have a sum of gold waiting for you when you return. FormID: 00046FAB DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthListbetStore DialogueMarkarthLisbetReject CUST 0 Sorry to hear that. FormID: 00046FA6 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthLisbetAttack DialogueMarkarthLisbetAttackTopic CUST 0 No. As if trade wasn't poor enough. Now there's violence in the streets. FormID: 00046FA6 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthLisbetAttack DialogueMarkarthLisbetAttackTopic CUST 1 It was the Forsworn, wasn't it? I lose dozens of shipments every season to those barbarians. Now they're in the city? Gods help us. FormID: 00046EE6 MQ301 SCEN 0 Hear that? FormID: 00046EEA MQ301 SCEN 0 Shor's bones, here he comes! FormID: 00046EE7 MQ301 SCEN 0 You better know what you're doing! FormID: 00046EE8 MQ301 SCEN 0 Steady! Steady, now! Keep under cover until it's down! shouting out to his soldiers FormID: 00046EE5 MQ301 SCEN 0 That's it! Now, wait until he's well inside! FormID: 00046EE9 MQ301 SCEN 0 Now! Quickly! FormID: 00046ECE CreatureDialogueDragonPriest DETH 0 FormID: 00046D67 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Aerin, have you seen my ring? The one with the inscription? FormID: 00046D6F DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene01 SCEN 0 No, I haven't. Don't tell me you've lost it. FormID: 00046D87 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I hope not. That ring is irreplaceable. FormID: 00046D63 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I'll look around the house and if I find it, I'll bring it to you right away. FormID: 00046D84 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Well, you were right. These so called 'Gutter Saints' live in the sewers beneath. FormID: 00046D68 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I suspected as much. The real question now is do we do something about it ourselves or do we speak to the Jarl? FormID: 00046D91 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I say we go down there and clear the place out, just like old times. FormID: 00046D93 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene02 SCEN 0 No, my friend. That would be reckless. We have to help, but help in a way that doesn't directly place anyone in harm's way. FormID: 00046D93 DialogueRiftenMjollHouseScene02 SCEN 1 For now, give this [QUOTE]Ratway[QUOTE] a wide berth. FormID: 00046D60 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene01 SCEN 0 Dirge! Did you take out the trash like I asked? FormID: 00046D8C DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene01 SCEN 0 Yeah. Threw it in the lake like you said. FormID: 00046D71 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene01 SCEN 0 Tell me you looked through the trash before you did that. FormID: 00046D82 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene01 SCEN 0 Take it easy, Vekel. How long we known each other? Yeah. I checked it. All the stuff is in the safe. FormID: 00046D86 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene02 SCEN 0 Job's done, boss. Gave the package to her just you said. FormID: 00046D8E DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene02 SCEN 0 Good. Did she say anything we need to know? FormID: 00046D65 DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene02 SCEN 0 Yep. She said that the Jarl was planning a surprise raid on us, but she talked her out of it. Said she saved us a lot of trouble. FormID: 00046D6D DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene02 SCEN 0 That she did. Very good. I'll tell Brynjolf. FormID: 00046D8D DialogueRiftenFisheryScene01 SCEN 0 Decided to show up for work today, eh? FormID: 00046D88 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene01 SCEN 0 And just what's that supposed to mean? accentuate [QUOTE]that[QUOTE] FormID: 00046D66 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene01 SCEN 0 It means I have a business to run, I need to have the books straight and you're barely ever here! FormID: 00046D89 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene01 SCEN 0 For goodness sake, Bolli! You barely lift a finger yourself when you're here except to point at things for your workers to do. FormID: 00046D89 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene01 SCEN 1 Let them do the work, that's what you pay them for! FormID: 00046D94 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene01 SCEN 0 Sigh. FormID: 00046D7D DialogueRiftenFisheryScene02 SCEN 0 Bolli, I was looking at the finances and I noticed you've been donating gold to the Temple of Mara. Are you out of your mind? FormID: 00046D7E DialogueRiftenFisheryScene02 SCEN 0 Maramal's been helping me through a rough patch. I just wanted to pay him back. It's not like he's keeping it! FormID: 00046D85 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene02 SCEN 0 Uh huh. I'm sure he runs outside with the coin and throws it up in the air so Mara herself can catch it. Come off of it, Bolli. FormID: 00046D8B DialogueRiftenFisheryScene02 SCEN 0 You may be my wife, but this is my business, so just do your job. Don't worry, you'll still have plenty of gold left over to waste on trinkets. FormID: 00046D75 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene03 SCEN 0 Wujeeta, we need to talk. FormID: 00046D62 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene03 SCEN 0 I know, I was late. I'm sorry. FormID: 00046D6E DialogueRiftenFisheryScene03 SCEN 0 I don't know what I'm going to do with you. I can't just let this go unpunished. FormID: 00046D83 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene03 SCEN 0 Please, don't get rid of me! I need the coin. I... I'll work for free for the rest of this week. Please! FormID: 00046D7B DialogueRiftenFisheryScene03 SCEN 0 Sigh. Very well. You're lucky Maramal has placed me in a very forgiving mood. FormID: 00046D7C DialogueRiftenFisheryScene04 SCEN 0 Wujeeta, you can't keep showing up here late. Bolli's just going to get someone to replace you. FormID: 00046D79 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene04 SCEN 0 No, no, no. I need this job! This is the last place in town to have work. FormID: 00046D72 DialogueRiftenFisheryScene04 SCEN 0 There's always the Thieves Guild. mutter this as if to self FormID: 00046D6C DialogueRiftenFisheryScene04 SCEN 0 What was that? FormID: 00046D8A DialogueRiftenFisheryScene04 SCEN 0 Nothing, nothing. Just straighten yourself out before you find yourself headed back to Black Marsh. FormID: 00046D6A DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Maven! Always a pleasure to receive you. What can I help you with today? FormID: 00046D74 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Thank you, Laila. I wanted to discuss the protection of my shipments. FormID: 00046D74 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 1 I'm certain you're aware of the loss I sustained a fortnight ago. FormID: 00046D73 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Yes, indeed. An entire caravan shipment of your mead taken by Imperial soldiers. What of it? FormID: 00046D7F DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Well, I'm also certain you're aware that our own city guard failed to provide the protection required to ensure safe passage of the shipment. FormID: 00046D80 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Indeed. We lost three soldiers in that attack. A sad day for Riften. FormID: 00046D78 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Quite. To be brief, I need compensation for the lost shipment. Since Riften was responsible for it, Riften should pay for it. FormID: 00046D78 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 1 I have payments to make you realize. If I can't make them, I can't make Black-Briar Mead. FormID: 00046D92 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 We... don't have enough to... FormID: 00046D77 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Laila, Riften is my home, but if my meadery can't be safe here, I'll just move it elsewhere. FormID: 00046D61 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 No, that won't be necessary. You'll have compensation for your loss. FormID: 00046D70 DialogueRiftenKeepScene11 SCEN 0 Thank you, Laila. FormID: 00046D90 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene01 SCEN 0 Hafjorg! Where did you put it woman?! FormID: 00046D6B DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene01 SCEN 0 Sigh. What is it now, dear? FormID: 00046D76 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene01 SCEN 0 Don't you [QUOTE]dear[QUOTE] me! I had a bowl of Vampire Dust on my worktable not an hour ago and after you swept in there it's gone! FormID: 00046D95 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene01 SCEN 0 Oh my. Elgrim, it's on the shelf to the right of the table, as always. FormID: 00046D7A DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, I see. Well, just be careful around my things! FormID: 00046D69 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene02 SCEN 0 Elgrim, honey. I'm concerned about your new pupil. She seems very... odd. FormID: 00046D81 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene02 SCEN 0 Ingun? She's brilliant; a natural! FormID: 00046D64 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene02 SCEN 0 Oh dear, I didn't mean to say she isn't bright. FormID: 00046D64 DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene02 SCEN 1 It's the things she makes here, the things she says and all those poor little animals she tests them on. It's just not right. FormID: 00046D8F DialogueRiftenElgrimsElixirsScene02 SCEN 0 Damn it, woman! Ingun is the most promising alchemist I've ever seen and I won't have you scaring her off! FormID: 00046B02 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene06 SCEN 0 So, Talen. Have you reconsidered my offer? FormID: 00046ABD DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene06 SCEN 0 Sorry Hemming, I've no interest in becoming your valet. FormID: 00046B0D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene06 SCEN 0 What's the matter, I thought you people were used to indentured servitude. sneer/snicker FormID: 00046AB5 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene06 SCEN 0 Xhuth! Black-Briar or not, say that again and so help me you're going to need more than your mother to protect you from me. You're furious. The first word is an Argonian expletive. [QUOTE]Shooth![QUOTE] FormID: 00046A8A DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene05 SCEN 0 Talen! Another round! FormID: 00046AF8 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene05 SCEN 0 I think you've had plenty, Vulwulf. Maybe you should head on home. FormID: 00046A97 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene05 SCEN 0 You stupid lizard! I said give me some more drink, or I'll have your head on a pike! FormID: 00046B1D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene05 SCEN 0 Suit yourself. FormID: 00046AC5 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene07 SCEN 0 Have I told you about Valen, my dear? FormID: 00046A84 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene07 SCEN 0 I love when you spin that yarn. Gets better every time you add something new. FormID: 00046AEB DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene07 SCEN 0 He killed six Imperial Guards before they dragged him into the prisons. FormID: 00046A91 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene07 SCEN 0 Was this before or after the Mythic Dawn attacked the Emperor and Valen single-handedly fought them off? Just shut up and drink, Romlyn. FormID: 00046B04 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene01 SCEN 0 Ungrien! I just found another spoiled keg! What's the matter with you? FormID: 00046AA1 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene01 SCEN 0 I... I'm sorry. I could have sworn I sealed it. FormID: 00046AF9 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene01 SCEN 0 Tell me something. Do you enjoy spending Lady Maven's gold for her? It certainly seems that way. FormID: 00046AC8 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene01 SCEN 0 No. FormID: 00046A72 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene01 SCEN 0 This is the last warning. You do it again, and you'll be sleeping in Beggar's Row with the rest of the riff-raff! FormID: 00046ACB DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene02 SCEN 0 Do you know what Indaryn told me? He said if I'm late one more time he'll kick me right out the door! FormID: 00046A74 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene02 SCEN 0 That s'wit. One day, he'll regret pushing all of us around. FormID: 00046ACF DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene02 SCEN 0 What do you mean? FormID: 00046A77 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene02 SCEN 0 All I'm saying is Indaryn's going to push someone too far one day and they're going to push back... hard. FormID: 00046AD2 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene03 SCEN 0 I don't know if I can stand the abuse here much longer. They treat us like outcasts. FormID: 00046A7C DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene03 SCEN 0 The Dark Elves and the Wood Elves have never been the best of friends. Be patient, they'll come around soon enough! FormID: 00046AD8 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene03 SCEN 0 Wretched Dark Elves. It's just my luck I ended up working under one of them. FormID: 00046A81 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene03 SCEN 0 Chin up, Ungrien! Remember, you have a roof over your head and food in your belly thanks to the very same Dark Elves. Be thankful. FormID: 00046ADD DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene01 SCEN 0 You keep giving and giving Bersi, and they'll keep taking and taking. When is it going to end? FormID: 00046A85 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene01 SCEN 0 What would you have me do, woman? Cross the Guild? Take them all on one by one? FormID: 00046ADF DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene01 SCEN 0 You know I don't mean that. We need to find a way out of this. Perhaps talk to Laila... FormID: 00046A87 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene01 SCEN 0 Laila is as clueless as she is stupid. No. If anything's to be done about this, we have to deal with it ourselves. FormID: 00046AE0 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene02 SCEN 0 Drifa? I was looking through our books and there's an entry for [QUOTE]spices.[QUOTE] Says we spent 300 septims. What is that? FormID: 00046A88 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene02 SCEN 0 Spices? I'm certain I have no idea what you're talking about. FormID: 00046B25 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene02 SCEN 0 You sure? It was in your handwriting. If you can't keep the books straight then let me do them. FormID: 00046AC0 DialogueRiftenPawnedPrawnScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, yes... spices. That was a special order for someone in Whiterun. Should be along any day now. Don't let it worry you, my dear. FormID: 00046B27 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene01 SCEN 0 Ingun, how much longer do you intend to waste your life concocting your foolish little potions? FormID: 00046AC1 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene01 SCEN 0 I've told you, my interest in the family business is quite low. I wish to be much more than just a merchant. FormID: 00046B28 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene01 SCEN 0 Your interests lay where I wish them to lay otherwise my favorite daughter may end up homeless and without a septim to her name. Is that clear? FormID: 00046AC3 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, mother. Accentuate disgust when saying [QUOTE]mother[QUOTE] FormID: 00046A76 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 0 Hemming, I need you to bring a note to Sibbi. I need him to do something for me. FormID: 00046AD1 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 0 Sibbi? He's in prison... you put him there. FormID: 00046A7A DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 0 I know that! FormID: 00046A7A DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 1 I can promise you when he's ready, he'll find the cell door unlocked. FormID: 00046AD7 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 0 Why do you tolerate him, mother? All he contributes to this family is embarrassment and disgrace. FormID: 00046A80 DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 0 I tolerate your son because he'll do anything I ask, without question. I'd expect the same from my own son. FormID: 00046ADC DialogueRiftenBlackBriarManorScene02 SCEN 0 I understand, mother. Forgive me. FormID: 00046A99 DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene01 SCEN 0 They laughed at me again, Dinya. They simply don't understand. FormID: 00046B07 DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene01 SCEN 0 I'm so sorry my husband. You must remember, they're at the Bee and Barb to drink, not to listen to a sermon. FormID: 00046A9A DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, yes, I know. I just wish to show them there's more to life than drowning your sorrows in a goblet of mead. FormID: 00046B09 DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene01 SCEN 0 You're a good man, Maramal. We're lucky to have you watching over us. FormID: 00046A9B DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene02 SCEN 0 It fills me with joy to hear you're with child, Dinya. They said it wouldn't... that it couldn't happen, but Mara has shown them they're mistake. FormID: 00046B0B DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene02 SCEN 0 And to think I was wandering the ash wastes only two years ago. I never knew my path would lead to you. FormID: 00046A9D DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene02 SCEN 0 You were guided here; you were always meant to be here. That's the way of things. FormID: 00046AA2 DialogueRiftenTempleofMaraScene02 SCEN 0 Then I thank Lady Mara with all my heart; for you, for our child and for our love. FormID: 00046B10 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 How are things at the Meadery, my dear? FormID: 00046AA6 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Not this again... FormID: 00046AAA DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Hush, Vulwulf... let the boy speak. FormID: 00046B14 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 It's going very well, actually. The war hasn't even slowed down our production or shipping at all. FormID: 00046AAE DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Of course it is. That's what happens when you're partners with a corrupt Imperial whore like Maven. FormID: 00046B17 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Vulwulf! The Empire may be our enemy, but Asgeir is still our son and we're a long way from Cyrodiil. FormID: 00046AB1 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Father, I promise you, this has nothing to do with Empires or politics. It's just business. FormID: 00046B19 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene01 SCEN 0 It has everything to do with politics. Asgeir my son, you have so much to learn. FormID: 00046AB3 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Mother, what can I do to make father happier? It seems no matter how successful I become he doesn't care. FormID: 00046AE1 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Of course he cares. You just have to understand that your father was a soldier and he'll always be a soldier. FormID: 00046AE1 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene02 SCEN 1 He just wants you to follow in his footsteps. FormID: 00046A79 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I understand. It just isn't me. I'm not a warrior and I don't think I ever will be. FormID: 00046AD5 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Then by Talos, you do what you feel you're meant to do. I'll take care of your father for you. FormID: 00046A7F DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene03 SCEN 0 You need to be easier on Asgeir. All he wants to do is please you. FormID: 00046ADA DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene03 SCEN 0 It would please me if he'd take up arms and fight for to save his homeland. Is that too much to ask my own son? FormID: 00046A83 DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene03 SCEN 0 That's right. He is your son. He has his own hopes and dreams and we have no right to tell him otherwise. FormID: 00046ADE DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene03 SCEN 0 You can't deny the fact that he needs to give back to his people; to fight to keep us free. FormID: 00046ADE DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene03 SCEN 1 You healed the wounded, Nura. You saw their life's blood spilling into the mud, giving back to the land. FormID: 00046ADE DialogueRiftenSnowShodHouseScene03 SCEN 2 No. I'm sorry, I've worked too damn hard to let his life go to waste. FormID: 00046B18 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene01 SCEN 0 Aunt Haelga, why you... demean yourself with these people you barely know? They show no real love for you. FormID: 00046AB2 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene01 SCEN 0 It's only a bit of fun. You're a lovely young thing, you should try it sometime. FormID: 00046B1A DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene01 SCEN 0 No! I'm saving myself for someone special. Someone who loves me dearly. FormID: 00046AB4 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene01 SCEN 0 You mean Sibbi? You must be joking! All he wants to do is bed you and be done with it. You may as well get it over with and let him. FormID: 00046B1C DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene01 SCEN 0 You're wrong! Sibbi and I are in love and you're just jealous! FormID: 00046AB6 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene02 SCEN 0 Svana! Has that skooma-addled idiot Niluva paid us her rent yet? Or does she have more excuses? FormID: 00046B1F DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene02 SCEN 0 She said she'll have it soon. She still has her job at the meadery for now, so she'll be able to pay us. FormID: 00046AB7 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene02 SCEN 0 Why do you insist on defending that woman? All she does with her money is spend it on that Dark Elf garbage! FormID: 00046B22 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene02 SCEN 0 Just be patient, aunt. She'll have it, I promise. FormID: 00046ABA DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene03 SCEN 0 Hey, Svana... I hear you like Dark Elves. Perhaps I could should you what a real Dark Elf can do to you. FormID: 00046B23 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene03 SCEN 0 You're an animal, Tythis... keep away from me. FormID: 00046ABC DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene03 SCEN 0 Ah, so my reputation as a lover precedes me. Care to reconsider? FormID: 00046B24 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene03 SCEN 0 You're disgusting! Don't you even think of laying a finger on me or I'll cut off something you can't live without. FormID: 00046ABE DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene04 SCEN 0 So, Brand-Shei... business as awful for you as it is for all of us? FormID: 00046B26 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene04 SCEN 0 Worse. The Khajiit Caravans are the only way to get supplies into the city, and even those are becoming more infrequent. FormID: 00046AA4 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene04 SCEN 0 Well, let's all raise a flagon to Ulfric; future King of Skyrim and bringer of poverty to the working class! louder, not shouting, but want to be heard - also, very sarcastic FormID: 00046B12 DialogueRiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene04 SCEN 0 Grelka! Lower your voice before you get us both in trouble. FormID: 00046AA7 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene08 SCEN 0 Drink up, my boy! Drink to those who have fallen! May their souls find their way to Sovngarde! FormID: 00046B13 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene08 SCEN 0 Take it easy, father. You're making a scene. FormID: 00046AAC DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene08 SCEN 0 I'll rest easy when we've driven every last Imperial pig back across the Jerall Mountains! FormID: 00046AAC DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene08 SCEN 1 Now, do me the honor I deserve as your father and drink up! FormID: 00046B08 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene08 SCEN 0 Yes... father. FormID: 00046A6F DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene09 SCEN 0 You've been in Riften for quite some time now, Lady Mjoll. I fear that you soon may leave us. FormID: 00046AC7 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene09 SCEN 0 Riften has problems of its own. Now is not the time for exploration and discovery. FormID: 00046A71 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene09 SCEN 0 I'm relieved to hear you say that. If you were to leave, I'd miss you terribly. FormID: 00046AC9 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene09 SCEN 0 Aerin, I owe you my life. It would take a threat to all of Skyrim for me to depart. FormID: 00046A73 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene10 SCEN 0 Romlyn, I've been meaning to speak to you. I did a count at the meadery and we're four cases short... again. FormID: 00046ACC DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene10 SCEN 0 What are you saying? You think I had something to do with that? FormID: 00046A75 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene10 SCEN 0 I'm not accusing you of anything. Yet. FormID: 00046AD0 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene10 SCEN 0 The Dreth family doesn't steal, Indaryn. FormID: 00046A78 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene10 SCEN 0 For your sake, I hope you're right. Because if it is you, and Maven finds out, the Dreth family is going to be one member smaller. FormID: 00046AD3 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene11 SCEN 0 Hemming, I want you to personally supervise the next shipment. FormID: 00046A7D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene11 SCEN 0 We already have people that do that and they make quite a bit of coin for it. FormID: 00046AD9 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene11 SCEN 0 I don't trust them. Come to think of it, I don't trust you either, but at least you're family. FormID: 00046A82 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene11 SCEN 0 Anything you say, Mother. FormID: 00046AB9 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene12 SCEN 0 Bersi still refuses to cooperate. What did you want to do? FormID: 00046AF5 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene12 SCEN 0 I've known Bersi a long time. Even before he opened that rubbish heap he calls a shop. FormID: 00046AF5 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene12 SCEN 1 Give him one more week to think about it. FormID: 00046B21 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene12 SCEN 0 And if he still refuses? FormID: 00046A93 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene12 SCEN 0 Then put the thumbscrews on him and hit him... hard. FormID: 00046AD6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene01 SCEN 0 I was hoping you could help me. It seems I've lost a ring that also means quite a bit to me. FormID: 00046AD6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene01 SCEN 1 It's made of gold with an inscription on the inside that says [QUOTE]sand elske.[QUOTE] FormID: 00046AE6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene01 SCEN 0 I'm afraid not. I don't deal in stolen goods. FormID: 00046B20 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene01 SCEN 0 Stolen? How can you be certain? I may have just misplaced it somewhere in the city. FormID: 00046A8F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene01 SCEN 0 Lady Mjoll, if you lost a gold ring anywhere in this city I'm afraid it's likely never to be seen again. I'm sorry. FormID: 00046AB8 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene02 SCEN 0 Ah, Nivenor. What can I sell you on this fine day? FormID: 00046B00 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene02 SCEN 0 I'm looking for a necklace. Do you have anything with garnets? FormID: 00046A7E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene02 SCEN 0 I have a single one left, quite expensive, but also quite elegant. FormID: 00046AA5 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene02 SCEN 0 Posh. I'm not paying for it. Put it on Bolli's account if you please. FormID: 00046AE3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene03 SCEN 0 Madesi, what's this bill for 300 septims! FormID: 00046B16 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene03 SCEN 0 Begging your pardon, milord. Your wife has run up quite an account in the last few months. FormID: 00046A90 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene03 SCEN 0 Outrageous! Who does she think she is?! FormID: 00046ACD DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene04 SCEN 0 Lady Haelga, so pleased to see you. Your Marks of Dibella are ready. FormID: 00046B0F DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene04 SCEN 0 Oh, splendid! I can't wait to use them. FormID: 00046A89 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene04 SCEN 0 Begging your pardon milady... I know these have something to do with Dibella, but whatever are they for? FormID: 00046AAD DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene04 SCEN 0 Maybe I'll show you one day, Madesi. Have them delivered to the Bunkhouse, won't you? FormID: 00046AE8 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene05 SCEN 0 We got a few pieces of jewelry at the Prawn, Madesi. Want to come take a look at them later? FormID: 00046B1E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene05 SCEN 0 I wish I could, milady. Sadly, I haven't sold enough of my own jewelry let alone buy some from you. I'm sorry. FormID: 00046A92 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene05 SCEN 0 Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm certain Bolli would be happy to lend you a few septims. FormID: 00046AC6 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene05 SCEN 0 Much appreciated, Lady Drifa, but I'll manage. FormID: 00046A96 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene06 SCEN 0 When are you going to stop by the temple, Madesi? FormID: 00046AFE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene06 SCEN 0 Sorry Lady Dinya, but I've been busy of late. FormID: 00046A9C DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene06 SCEN 0 It only takes but a moment to say a silent prayer to Mara. Please come by soon; not for me, but for yourself. FormID: 00046AED DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene06 SCEN 0 Very well, I'll try milady. FormID: 00046A94 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene07 SCEN 0 Lady Maven, how may I help you? FormID: 00046AFC DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene07 SCEN 0 Is it true that you refused to sell one of your... trinkets to Hemming? FormID: 00046A7B DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene07 SCEN 0 Please, milady, it was only because he threatened me. He said he'd have me thrown in the prisons if I didn't give him what he wanted! FormID: 00046A7B DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene07 SCEN 1 I can't afford to just give my jewelry away! FormID: 00046AA8 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene07 SCEN 0 Next time a Black-Briar asks for something, I suggest you respond quickly and affirmatively. FormID: 00046AEE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene08 SCEN 0 Hello, Lady Mjoll. FormID: 00046A8E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene08 SCEN 0 Madesi, my friend. How have things been since last week's incident? FormID: 00046B0E DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene08 SCEN 0 Ever since you scared off that thug from the Thieves Guild, not one of them's bothered me. We're lucky to have you here. FormID: 00046B06 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene08 SCEN 0 It's my pleasure. If you see the Thieves Guild harassing anyone else, you be sure and let me know. FormID: 00046A95 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene09 SCEN 0 Here's another septim, Madesi. How much more do I need? FormID: 00046B01 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene09 SCEN 0 Only thirty more and it'll be all yours. If I might ask, who is the lucky woman? FormID: 00046AF3 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene09 SCEN 0 It's for Marise, but don't say a word to her! FormID: 00046AF0 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene09 SCEN 0 Don't worry, Shadr, your secret is safe with me. FormID: 00046B15 DialogueRiftenKeepScene01 SCEN 0 Anuriel, a word please. FormID: 00046AA9 DialogueRiftenKeepScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, my lady? FormID: 00046AEF DialogueRiftenKeepScene01 SCEN 0 It's been brought to my attention that the poison known as skooma may be present in our city. What do you know of this? FormID: 00046A9F DialogueRiftenKeepScene01 SCEN 0 I believe it to be a falsehood perpetrated by the Empire in order to weaken the citizen's confidence in your ability to rule. FormID: 00046ACE DialogueRiftenKeepScene01 SCEN 0 Excellent, then they'll be no need to devote any resources to stopping it. Thank you, Anuriel. That will be all. FormID: 00046AEC DialogueRiftenKeepScene02 SCEN 0 My lady, Maven Black-Briar has sent word that she requires your seal in order to expand her shipments into Morrowind. FormID: 00046AE9 DialogueRiftenKeepScene02 SCEN 0 But of course! Tell her she'll have it. Maven is one of the few people I can trust and I'd be delighted to give her my blessing. FormID: 00046A70 DialogueRiftenKeepScene02 SCEN 0 Yes, my lady. I will pass the good news on to her. FormID: 00046AC2 DialogueRiftenKeepScene03 SCEN 0 Mother, how long must we put up with Saerlund spouting his nonsense about the Empire? FormID: 00046A8B DialogueRiftenKeepScene03 SCEN 0 What would you have me do, send him to the gallows for treason? He's your brother, Harrald. FormID: 00046AA0 DialogueRiftenKeepScene03 SCEN 0 My only concern is your safety, mother. One can only imagine the sordid types he may be conspiring with to bring about your downfall. FormID: 00046B03 DialogueRiftenKeepScene03 SCEN 0 I will hear no more of this, Harrald. Do you understand me? No more! FormID: 00046AE7 DialogueRiftenKeepScene04 SCEN 0 Harrald, I have need of you. FormID: 00046A8C DialogueRiftenKeepScene04 SCEN 0 Yes mother? What is it? FormID: 00046AFD DialogueRiftenKeepScene04 SCEN 0 This situation with the sewers beneath the city. I hear people have entered this place and have gone missing. Do you know of this? FormID: 00046AF4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene04 SCEN 0 Yes, I've heard such things. Anuriel assures me they're just fabrications and there's nothing down there save a few stray skeever. FormID: 00046AA3 DialogueRiftenKeepScene04 SCEN 0 Well, make sure we keep the patrols out night and day, just to be certain. FormID: 00046AC4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 0 I see you still have the run of the place, traitor. FormID: 00046AB0 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 0 Come now brother, don't act all high and mighty. I know you could care less about the war one way or another. FormID: 00046AB0 DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 1 The things you say are just an act to please mother. FormID: 00046ABB DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 0 Perhaps. Perhaps not. FormID: 00046ABB DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 1 I'm disappointed in you brother. You had it all. You had it all and your mouth cost you everything. FormID: 00046AFF DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 0 At least I've chosen a side instead of acting like a spectator. FormID: 00046AFF DialogueRiftenKeepScene05 SCEN 1 One day, you'll be forced to make a choice. And I hope it's the right one, brother. FormID: 00046A8D DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 0 So, is this what it's come to? You'd have your own flesh and blood hanged just to solidify your grip as the next Jarl? FormID: 00046AFA DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 0 If that's what it will take then so be it. FormID: 00046AAF DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 0 What's become of us? We used to be inseparable... always fighting back to back and letting nothing stand in our way. FormID: 00046AAF DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 1 You've changed, brother. And not for the better I'm afraid. FormID: 00046AD4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 0 I've done what I needed to do keep mother happy. It doesn't matter what I really believe. FormID: 00046B29 DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 0 You've done what you've had to for yourself, not for mother. FormID: 00046B29 DialogueRiftenKeepScene06 SCEN 1 Wise up, Harrald. There's a storm on the horizon and it will blow through here with all its fury. It's time to choose a side. FormID: 00046AF7 DialogueRiftenKeepScene07 SCEN 0 Unmid, my sweet. Are we still meeting later for... combat training? FormID: 00046A9E DialogueRiftenKeepScene07 SCEN 0 Of course. Your training isn't complete yet. FormID: 00046AAB DialogueRiftenKeepScene07 SCEN 0 I look forward to it then. FormID: 00046AFB DialogueRiftenKeepScene08 SCEN 0 Anuriel, would you please stop declaring that the city is safe for the Jarl to roam? You and I both know that isn't true. FormID: 00046ABF DialogueRiftenKeepScene08 SCEN 0 I would never knowingly place Laila in danger, you know that too. Why do you always question my judgment? You don't trust me. FormID: 00046AF2 DialogueRiftenKeepScene08 SCEN 0 I trust you, I'm just concerned about her safety. That's all. Don't be angry with me. FormID: 00046B11 DialogueRiftenKeepScene08 SCEN 0 I'm not angry with you. Tell you what, lover. Meet me in my chambers later and we can discuss the situation in private. FormID: 00046AE5 DialogueRiftenKeepScene09 SCEN 0 Unmid, I wish to travel about the city. Prepare an escort please. FormID: 00046A98 DialogueRiftenKeepScene09 SCEN 0 Begging your pardon my lady, but I strongly recommend against it. FormID: 00046A86 DialogueRiftenKeepScene09 SCEN 0 Anuriel seems to think that seeing me on the streets might bolster the city's morale. FormID: 00046B2A DialogueRiftenKeepScene09 SCEN 0 My lady, there could be agents of the Empire looking for an opportunity like that to have you killed. Are you willing to take that risk? FormID: 00046AE4 DialogueRiftenKeepScene09 SCEN 0 No. Of course you're right, Unmid. I'll stay here for now. FormID: 00046B1B DialogueRiftenKeepScene10 SCEN 0 Do you realize how delicate the experiment is you've interrupted by sending for me? I may need to throw out the components and start again. FormID: 00046AEA DialogueRiftenKeepScene10 SCEN 0 How dare you take that kind of tone. You're in service to me, remember? FormID: 00046AE2 DialogueRiftenKeepScene10 SCEN 0 I'm sorry my lady. The stresses of all this research... it's becoming more than I can bear. FormID: 00046B0A DialogueRiftenKeepScene10 SCEN 0 You're forgiven. Now, I want to know if you've made any progress with my son. Is he cursed? Has he been possessed? FormID: 00046AF6 DialogueRiftenKeepScene10 SCEN 0 Sorry, my lady. I've been looking but I'm convinced Saerlund says truly believes what he is saying. FormID: 00046AF1 DialogueRiftenKeepScene10 SCEN 0 Very well. Keep at it. You may go. FormID: 00046810 MQ106 SCEN 0 Steady. I don't know what's happening. Let's watch and wait. FormID: 00046812 MQ106 SCEN 0 Wait. Something's happening... gods above! FormID: 00046784 MQ101 SCEN 0 Why are we stopping? panicking FormID: 0004678D MQ101 SCEN 0 Why do you think? End of the line. grim, stoic, ready to face death FormID: 0004678A MQ101 SCEN 0 No! Wait! We're not rebels! panicking FormID: 00046778 MQ101 SCEN 0 You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake! panicking, pleading, crying FormID: 00046789 MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us. to the player - grim, stoic, ready to die FormID: 00046783 MQ101 SCEN 0 Whoa! cart driver telling a horse to stop - [QUOTE]Whooooooooa[QUOTE] FormID: 000473ED DialogueGenericCommanded ATCK 0 Grunt of effort, done as a zombie FormID: 0004740C DialogueGenericCommanded ATCK 0 Grunt of effort, done as a zombie FormID: 0004741D DialogueGenericCommanded POAT 0 Big grunt of effort, done as a zombie FormID: 0004741E DialogueGenericCommanded POAT 0 Big grunt of effort, done as a zombie FormID: 0004675B DialogueGenericCommanded HIT_ 0 Grunt reaction, done as a zombie FormID: 00046F20 DialogueGenericCommanded HIT_ 0 Grunt reaction, done as a zombie FormID: 000473A4 DialogueGenericCommanded BASH 0 Grunt of effort, done as a zombie FormID: 000473A5 DialogueGenericCommanded BASH 0 Grunt of effort, done as a zombie FormID: 000473A6 DialogueGenericCommanded DETH 0 Moan, done as a zombie FormID: 000473A7 DialogueGenericCommanded DETH 0 Thank you. Relieved, done as a zombie FormID: 000473A8 DialogueGenericCommanded DETH 0 Free...again. Relieved, done as a zombie FormID: 000473EC DialogueGenericCommanded DETH 0 At last. Relieved, done as a zombie FormID: 0004740D DialogueGenericCommanded BLOC 0 Grunt reaction, done as a zombie FormID: 0004741C DialogueGenericCommanded BLOC 0 Grunt reaction, done as a zombie FormID: 00047350 DialogueGenericCommanded TAUT 0 You...must...die. Flat and emotionless, done as a zombie. FormID: 000473A2 DialogueGenericCommanded TAUT 0 Must...kill. Flat and emotionless, done as a zombie. FormID: 000473A3 DialogueGenericCommanded TAUT 0 Kill. Flat and emotionless, done as a zombie. FormID: 0010CC68 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 FormID: 000176FE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Slay it! Slay the dragon! FormID: 000B8A02 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You'll die this day, dragon! FormID: 00109C70 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Werewolf! Kill the monster! FormID: 000B8A03 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Come on, you monster! FormID: 000D3DE5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Die, you filthy beast! FormID: 000D3DE6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Skyrim belongs to the Nords! FormID: 0006D948 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're a disgrace to your own kind! FormID: 000D674B DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You call yourself a Nord? FormID: 0006D949 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Your kind has no place here! FormID: 0006D94A DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You should've stayed in your precious forests, elf! FormID: 0006D94B DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Die, you Orc filth! FormID: 0006D94C DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'm gonna wear that tail as a belt! FormID: 0006D94D DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You'll make a fine rug, cat! FormID: 000B8A04 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You remind me of my cousin's cat. Killed that, too! FormID: 0004949C DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Let's see what you've got! FormID: 00042711 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Shor have mercy on you! FormID: 0004949E DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll rip your heart out! FormID: 0004949F DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You think you can take me? FormID: 000494A0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll carve you into pieces! FormID: 000494A1 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll mount your head on my wall! FormID: 000494A2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Ha ha! I love a challenge! FormID: 000494A3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't leave Skyrim alive! FormID: 000494A4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 True Nords never back down! FormID: 000494A5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't get the best of me! FormID: 000494A8 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't leave here alive! FormID: 000494A6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll bury you! FormID: 000494A9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're dead! Dead! FormID: 000494AA DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You ready to die today? Huh? FormID: 000494AB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Damn you... FormID: 000494AC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Just give up! FormID: 000494AE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Prepare to die! FormID: 000494AF DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This is the end for you! FormID: 00049B9A DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I swear, I'll kill you! FormID: 00049B9B DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't live to see tomorrow! FormID: 00049B9C DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I can take you! FormID: 000494B1 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You can't beat me! FormID: 000494B2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This ends now! FormID: 0004949D DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Victory or Sovngarde! FormID: 000494B3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll make you pay! FormID: 000494B4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You've already lost! FormID: 000494B5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You don't have a chance! FormID: 000494B6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll see you in pieces! FormID: 000494B7 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 There's no escape! FormID: 000494B9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Show me what you've got! FormID: 0006D94E DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Come on! FormID: 0006D94F DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Put up a real fight! FormID: 0006D950 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I've fought worse than you! FormID: 0006D951 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're nothing, hear me? Nothing! FormID: 0006D952 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I can do this all day! FormID: 0006D953 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This is what I've trained for! FormID: 0006D954 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 No one can save you now! FormID: 0006D955 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're a dead man! FormID: 0006D956 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're a dead woman! FormID: 00049B9D DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll kill you if I have to! FormID: 00049B9E DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't get the best of me! FormID: 00049B9F DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Now you'll pay! FormID: 00049BA0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Are you prepared to die? FormID: 000494BA DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I've fought worse than you! FormID: 000494BB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll show you what a real Orc can do! FormID: 000494BC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Pray to Stendarr while you can! FormID: 000494BE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll show you a real fight! FormID: 000494BF DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 No one bests an Orc! FormID: 000494C0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You puny weakling! FormID: 000494C1 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll skin you alive! FormID: 000494C2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're a fool to fight me! FormID: 00049BA2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 For blood! For glory! FormID: 00049BA3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Take your best shot! FormID: 00049BA4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Your death brings me honor! FormID: 00049BA5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Beg for your miserable life! FormID: 00049BA6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll have your head for a trophy! FormID: 00049BA7 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Pray to your gods for mercy! FormID: 000494C3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll rip you in half! FormID: 000494C4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll tear you to pieces! FormID: 000494C5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'm going to crush you like a bug! FormID: 000494C6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't get away from me! FormID: 000494C7 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're good as dead! FormID: 000494C8 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'm gonna kill you! FormID: 000494C9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll fix you good! FormID: 000494CA DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're making me angry! FormID: 000494CB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Graaah! I'll get you! FormID: 000494CC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Why won't you die! FormID: 000494CD DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I can take you! FormID: 000494CE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This is the end for you! FormID: 000494CF DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're out of your league! FormID: 000494D0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death! FormID: 000494D1 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll see you dead and buried! FormID: 000494D2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll gladly kill you myself! FormID: 000494D3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You've dug your own grave! FormID: 00049BA9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're outmatched! FormID: 00049BAA DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Enjoy your last breath! FormID: 00049BAB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't get away! FormID: 0004270C DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll bathe in your blood! FormID: 000494D4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This is your last mistake! FormID: 0004270D DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't even live to regret this! FormID: 000494D5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You'll beg me to kill you before I'm done! FormID: 000494D6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 No one crosses me! FormID: 000494D7 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You can't beat me! FormID: 000494D8 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Just give up! You can't win! FormID: 0004270E DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll gut you like a horker! FormID: 00042716 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're going to pay! FormID: 00042715 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll carve you into pieces! FormID: 0004270F DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I won't hold back! trying to sound scary FormID: 000494D9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll kill you, I swear it! trying to sound scary FormID: 0004271B DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I won't back down! desperate; trying hard to sound intimidating FormID: 000494DA DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll fight you to the end! desperate; trying hard to sound intimidating FormID: 000494DB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I can take you! desperate; trying hard to sound intimidating FormID: 000494DC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You won't get me! desperate; trying hard to sound intimidating FormID: 00042710 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Your end draws near! FormID: 000494DD DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're pathetic! FormID: 000494DE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You dare challenge me? FormID: 00042719 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're no match for me! FormID: 000494E0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You've already lost! FormID: 00042712 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 The White take you! FormID: 00042714 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're as good as dead! FormID: 000494E2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I love a good fight! FormID: 000494E3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Think you can take me? FormID: 000494E4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Your end draws near! FormID: 000494E5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll paint the snow with your blood! FormID: 00017701 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Sovngarde awaits you! FormID: 000494E6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Death awaits you! FormID: 000494E7 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I haven't lived this long to be beaten by you! FormID: 000494E8 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I can still put up a fight! FormID: 000494E9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I've fought colds tougher than you! FormID: 000494EA DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I've got some fight left in me! FormID: 000494EB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I may be old, but I can put up a fight! FormID: 000494EC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I won't go down so easily! FormID: 000494ED DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Look what you've made me do! FormID: 000494EE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I've outlived worse than this! FormID: 000494EF DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You need to learn some manners! FormID: 000494F0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You should respect your elders! FormID: 000494F1 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I've still got some fight in me! FormID: 000494F2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You brought this on yourself! FormID: 00042718 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll see you burn! FormID: 00049BAC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll end your miserable life! FormID: 00013EED DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You don't stand a chance! FormID: 0004271A DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 This is your last mistake! FormID: 0004271C DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're outmatched! FormID: 0004271D DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're already dead. FormID: 000494F3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You can't defeat me! FormID: 000494F4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Come on, fight back! FormID: 00049BAE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I. Will. Destroy you! FormID: 00049BAF DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Come on! Let's see you put up a fight! FormID: 00049BB0 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Come on, show me what you've got! FormID: 00049BB1 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You think I'm afraid of you? FormID: 00049BB2 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Yield to me! FormID: 000494F5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'm going to enjoy this! FormID: 000494F6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll kill you where you stand! FormID: 000494F7 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 And you thought I was just a pretty face. FormID: 000494F9 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll raise a cup to your grave! FormID: 000494FB DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Remember... hit the one in the middle! Drunken slur FormID: 00091705 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Everybody pushes me around. Well no more! FormID: 00091706 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 I'll... get you! FormID: 000494F8 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Stand... still! FormID: 000494FC DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You dare fight a Dunmer? FormID: 000494FD DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Azura curse you! FormID: 000494FE DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Nerevar guide me! FormID: 00049BB3 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Nerevar guide me! FormID: 000494FF DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Hssssssss! FormID: 00049500 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Yield, and I may still show mercy! FormID: 00049501 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Time for you to die! FormID: 00049BB4 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You think you stand a chance? FormID: 00049BB5 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 You're pathetic! FormID: 00049BB6 DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Going to enjoy killing you! FormID: 000C4DDD DialogueGeneric TAUT 0 Foul blood drinker! FormID: 00046214 DA06 DA06LargashburHelpBranch DA06LargashburHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, because a worthless City Orc is just what we've been waiting for. Finally, we're saved! bitter, sarcastic FormID: 000D9DC0 DA06 DA06LargashburHelpBranch DA06LargashburHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, of course! Because Malacath would take pity on us if only a useless outsider would lend a hand. bitter, sarcastic FormID: 00046024 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpB1 CUST 0 I am the one cursed by Malacath. It is my burden. I bear it, and continue to lead, and the others see how strong I am. That is how I rule. FormID: 00046021 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpB2 CUST 0 Are you blind, or just stupid? You think the tribe has not seen you talking to me? You think they would not know? FormID: 00046021 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpB2 CUST 1 Do not mistake our life for one of stupidity. It would be the last mistake you make. FormID: 00046022 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpC1 CUST 0 Hrmph. Breaking a curse is not a simple thing. It is dangerous. FormID: 00046022 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpC1 CUST 1 But... To have won against Malacath himself... That would be seen as real power. FormID: 0004601F DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpC2 CUST 0 Perhaps... Perhaps it might. If nothing else, you could be an excellent sacrifice to Malacath. FormID: 0004601F DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpC2 CUST 1 You really want to help? You go offer yourself at Malacath's Shrine. Petition him for help. FormID: 0004601F DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpC2 CUST 2 He might not devour you whole. FormID: 00046023 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpD1 CUST 0 You persist? Fine. You go tell Malacath to lift this curse from me. See how well he listens to you. FormID: 00046023 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzFollowUpD1 CUST 1 Offer yourself up as a sacrifice while you're there. FormID: 00045D93 MQ301 IDAT 0 What you're asking for is insane. Impossible! FormID: 00045D93 MQ301 IDAT 1 You want me to let a dragon into the heart of my city, with the threat of war on my doorstep? FormID: 000D2595 MQ301 IDAT 0 What you're asking for is insane. Impossible! FormID: 000D2595 MQ301 IDAT 1 Why would I agree to let a dragon into the heart of my city, after working so hard to keep them out? FormID: 00026737 MQ301 IDAT 0 The old tales say that he is able to travel into Sovngarde to devour the souls of the dead. FormID: 00026737 MQ301 IDAT 1 But they don't say how he does this. FormID: 00026738 MQ301 IDAT 0 You misunderstand our authority. The Greybeards have never involved themselves in political affairs. frowning FormID: 000D0708 MQ301 IDAT 0 Although... it might be difficult to persuade the Jarl to allow you to use his palace as a dragon trap... doubtfully FormID: 000D0708 MQ301 IDAT 1 I'm sure you'll manage, though. If you can defeat the World-Eater, surely sweet-talking the Jarl of Whiterun isn't beyond you. FormID: 000D2CF8 MQ301 IDAT 0 An unguessed trove of lost lore... but the important thing is that the Blades recorded many of the names of dragons they slew. FormID: 000D2CF8 MQ301 IDAT 1 Cross-referencing this with Delphine's map of dragon burial sites, and I believe I've identified one of the dragons that Alduin has raised up. FormID: 000D2CFE MQ301 IDAT 0 Od - Ah - Viing. [QUOTE]Winged Snow Hunter,[QUOTE] as I read it. FormID: 00045D05 MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachTopic CUST 0 I must have misheard you. I thought you asked me to help you trap a dragon in my palace. FormID: 00045D06 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlDragonsreachB1 CUST 0 What do you think the Imperials would be doing while this dragon is busy slaughtering my men? FormID: 00045D07 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlDragonsreachB1 CUST 0 Do you think the Stormcloaks will sit idle while this dragon is slaughtering my men and burning down my city? FormID: 000D23CA MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlDragonsreachB1 CUST 0 Ulfric and General Tullius are both just waiting for me to make a wrong move. FormID: 000D23CA MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlDragonsreachB1 CUST 1 Do you think they will sit idle while a dragon is slaughtering my men and burning my city? FormID: 00045D04 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlDragonsreachB2 CUST 0 No. I can't risk weakening the city while we are under the threat of enemy attack. I'm sorry. FormID: 00045D03 MQ301 MQ301JarlArrangeTruce MQ301JarlDragonsreachC1 CUST 0 Then I would be glad to help you with your mad dragon-trapping scheme. FormID: 00045D03 MQ301 MQ301JarlArrangeTruce MQ301JarlDragonsreachC1 CUST 1 But getting both sides to agree to a truce will be difficult at this point. The bitterness has gone too deep. FormID: 00045D03 MQ301 MQ301JarlArrangeTruce MQ301JarlDragonsreachC1 CUST 2 Maybe... hmm... what of the Greybeards? They are respected by all Nords. High Hrothgar is neutral territory. slowly, considering FormID: 00045D03 MQ301 MQ301JarlArrangeTruce MQ301JarlDragonsreachC1 CUST 3 If the Greybeards were willing to host a peace council... then maybe Ulfric and Tullius would have to listen. slowly, considering FormID: 00045D09 MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 0 Yes. This was ages ago, you understand. There were more of us then. Before the bruniikke - the Akaviri - came and killed all my zeymah. bruniikke = savages, zeymah = brothers FormID: 00045D09 MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 1 I used to visit him from time to time. Nearly crazed by loneliness and captivity. Tiiraz sivaas. He did not even remember his own name. Tiiraz sivaas = [QUOTE]sad beast[QUOTE] FormID: 00045D09 MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 2 I do not know how he came to be caught. But the bronjun... the Jarl... was very proud of his pet. Paak! Paak = [QUOTE]shame[QUOTE] - said with deep disgust FormID: 00045D09 MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 3 The hofkahsejun has been known as Dragonsreach ever since. say Dragonsreach as a foreign word, as if in quotes FormID: 00045D0A MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 0 According to legend. Although I never thought to put the tale to the test. FormID: 00045D0A MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 1 Jarl Olaf One-Eye it was, who later became High King. FormID: 00045D0A MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 2 They say he Shouted it into submission in single combat atop Mount Anthor and brought it back to Whiterun. FormID: 00045D0A MQ301 MQ301Dragonsreach MQ301DragonsreachTopic CUST 3 Numinex was the dragon's name. That's his skull decorating the main hall. FormID: 00045C49 DA06 DA06OrcKilledBranch DA06OrcKilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Why, why have you done this to us? FormID: 00045C49 DA06 DA06OrcKilledBranch DA06OrcKilledBranchTopic CUST 1 I cannot protect you if you murder us. This is the only warning you will receive. FormID: 00045919 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroTopic CUST 0 Lot krongrah. You truly have the Voice of a dovah. Alduin's allies will think twice after this victory. admiringlot krongrah = [QUOTE](a) great victory[QUOTE] FormID: 0004591B MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroA1 CUST 0 Yes... one of his allies could tell us. Motmahus... But it will not be so easy to... convince one of them to betray him. slowly, ponderingMotmahus = [QUOTE]slippery[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]tricky[QUOTE] FormID: 0004591B MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroA1 CUST 1 Perhaps the hofkahsejun - the palace in Whiterun... Dragonsreach. It was originally built to house a captive dovah. you should say Dragonsreach like a weird foreign word - like it's in quotes. FormID: 0004591B MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroA1 CUST 2 A fine place to trap one of Alduin's allies, hmm? FormID: 0004591A MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 0 Ni liivrah hin moro. True, this is not the final krongrah - victory. But not even the heroes of old were able to defeat Alduin in open battle. Ni liivrah hin moro = [QUOTE]Do not diminish [wither] your glory[QUOTE] FormID: 0004591A MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 1 Alduin always was pahlok - arrogant in his power. Uznahgar paar. He took domination as his birthright. Uznahgar pahlok = unending ambition FormID: 0004591A MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 2 This should shake the loyalty of the dov who serve him. FormID: 00045918 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxIntro MQ301PaarthurnaxIntroB1 CUST 0 Hmm, yes. But your su'um is strong. I do not doubt that you can convince him of the need. FormID: 00045909 DA06 SCEN 0 It is time, Yamarz. FormID: 0004590C DA06 SCEN 0 You bring an outsider here, and now insist I call on Malacath for help, when he has clearly forsaken me? You try my patience, Atub. FormID: 0004590D DA06 SCEN 0 Doing nothing will not grant our tribe relief from this curse. We must try. FormID: 0004590A DA06 SCEN 0 Grrr. Fine, let's get this over with. FormID: 000453F3 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Ain't used to strangers here in Riverwood. FormID: 0004548C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I'm spoken for, you know. So don't get any ideas. FormID: 000453F4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You're pretty, I'll give ya that. Just stay away from my husband, Alvor. FormID: 000453F5 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Alvor and I, we got a daughter. Little Dorthe. FormID: 000BCCF8 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 He would dote on her so much. Let her work the forge and everything. I miss him so. FormID: 000453F6 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 My girl likes to work the forge with her papa. FormID: 000453F7 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 All of that blacksmithing... It's not good for a little girl. Ain't... ladylike. FormID: 000453F8 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Dorthe needs to spend more time in the garden. I could use the help. FormID: 000453F9 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 It don't matter what I grow - my Alvor, he'll eat anything. FormID: 000453FA DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Maybe I'll do turnips next. Hmmm... Or maybe radishes? FormID: 000453FF DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 New to Riverwood? If you're looking for work, go see Hod at the mill. FormID: 00045400 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 We're a small village, but we work hard, and take care of our own. FormID: 00045401 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I own the lumber mill, and pay a fair wage. See my husband Hod if you're looking for work. FormID: 00045402 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Only worry we've got is the war reaching this far. FormID: 00045403 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Years past, the lumber was used for houses or furniture. Now, the soldiers just buy it all. FormID: 00045404 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 The thought of my wood being used for weapons... Makes me sick. FormID: 00045405 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 No use thinkin' of things I can't change. Too much work to be done... FormID: 0004540A DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You look like a traveler. Someone that has seen far away places and heard new stories. FormID: 0004540E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You should come hear me play at the Sleeping Giant Inn. For a small sum you can even pick the song. FormID: 0004540C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I've been trained as a skald, as was my father, and my father's father before him. FormID: 00045410 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 My time at the Bards College was brief. A prodigy has little need for formal education. FormID: 00045411 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I'm composing a new song. A ballad, for Camilla Valerius. FormID: 00045415 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Some day Camilla will know of my affections. Some day... FormID: 0004541A DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 A new face. And a right fair one at that. FormID: 0004541B DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 A new face. And a right ugly one at that. No offence. FormID: 0004541C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Got business here in Riverwood, eh? There are worse villages. FormID: 0004541D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 At least the damned war hasn't gotten here. Yet. FormID: 0004541E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 We work hard, try to do right by our families. FormID: 0004541F DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Me, I've got my axe, my wife Gerdur and my boy Frodnar. That's all I need. FormID: 00045420 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Woodcutting's my trade. Best log splitter from here to Riften. FormID: 00045421 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 It's all in the way you hold the axe. Caress it, like any wench, and she'll do ya right. FormID: 00045422 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You met Camilla yet? Wouldn't mind getting my hands on those trunks. He he he he. FormID: 00045423 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Now you, lass... You've got some beautiful trunks yourself... Hmm? FormID: 00045424 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Well... I'll let you go about your business. FormID: 0004542A DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You're new around here, so I'll go easy on ya. But don't get on my bad side. FormID: 0004542B DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Get me mad, and I'll prank ya. And not a little. A lot. FormID: 0004542C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Ah, everybody around here's so serious. FormID: 000458BA DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 So I like to have a little fun, so what? FormID: 0004542D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 My friend Dorthe doesn't like my pranking. [QUOTE]You're being mean, Frodnar![QUOTE] So what if I am? FormID: 0004542E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Mother wants me to work at the mill. But I ain't nobody's slave. FormID: 0004542F DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You gotta have better things to do than talk to me all day... FormID: 00045438 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Did I see you talking to Sven? Maybe not. Maybe...nevermind. But I would stay away from him if I were you. FormID: 00045436 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Greetings, sister Elf. Good to see a familiar face so far from home. FormID: 00045437 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Greetings, brother Elf. Good to see a familiar face so far from home. FormID: 000BCD00 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Riverwood's agreeable enough, I suppose. For a Nord village. FormID: 00045439 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 There's beauty here unmatched in all of Skyrim, to be sure. FormID: 0004543A DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Maybe you've already met Camilla Valerius? FormID: 0004543B DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 If only Camilla shared my affections. Or even knew about them. FormID: 0004543C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Are you a hunter, by chance? The hills surrounding the village are ripe with game. FormID: 0004543D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I work at the lumber mill, but I escape into the forest whenever possible. FormID: 0004543E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I miss Valenwood, but the wilds here are... serviceable. FormID: 0004543F DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I don't like to brag, but I once took down a bear at three hundred yards. In a blizzard. FormID: 00045441 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 We got rooms and food. Drink, too. I cook. Ain't much else to tell. FormID: 00045442 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Need a room, talk to Delphine. FormID: 00045443 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I'm just the cook, lad. FormID: 00045444 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I'm just the cook, lass. FormID: 00045445 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I ain't lookin' to make friends. FormID: 00045447 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You like Skeever liver. No? Tough luck. FormID: 00045448 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Food's hot. Never said it was good. FormID: 0004544B DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You're that visitor, been pokin' around. FormID: 0004544C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I'm the innkeeper. It's my business to keep track of strangers. FormID: 0004544D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 We don't get a lot of travelers here in Riverwood. FormID: 00045869 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 The war keeps most folks away, these days. FormID: 0004544E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Most of my customers are locals, come to relax after a hard day's toil. FormID: 0004544F DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 So what's your story? Just here to... relax? FormID: 00045450 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You look like you could use an ale. FormID: 00045451 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 If you're staying the night, I've got a free room. FormID: 00045452 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Wanderer like you must have quite an appetite. Some food? FormID: 00045457 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You're a strapping young man. Don't be a stranger. FormID: 00045458 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 The men here like my attention, and I like theirs. Best know your place. FormID: 00045459 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You're not from around here. That makes two of us. FormID: 0004545A DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I came here from the Imperial Province, to work with my brother Lucan. FormID: 0004545B DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 It got bad back in Cyrodiil. The war with the Thalmor ruined... everything. FormID: 0004545C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I came to Skyrim looking for a better life. So what did I get? Another war. FormID: 0004545D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I just want to find a good husband, and start a family of my own. FormID: 0004545F DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 The Riverwood Trader is everything you need in a general store. FormID: 00045460 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 My sister Camilla or I will be happy to help you. FormID: 00045461 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Maybe you're looking for something... particular? FormID: 00045462 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 We carry just about anything you could need... FormID: 00045463 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I know some of it looks like junk, but everything's a treasure in the right light. FormID: 00045468 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Ain't every day we get visitors in Riverwood. FormID: 00045469 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Whatever you need. By Ysmir, if it's simple and strong, I can forge it. FormID: 0004546A DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You lookin' for a new blade? FormID: 0004546B DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Iron or steel is what you need. Leave that fancy Elven stuff to the Elves. FormID: 0004546C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Iron and steel mostly. I might even have some of your fancy Elven pieces lying around somewhere... FormID: 0004546D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I could forge you a warhammer that would crush a giant's head like a walnut. FormID: 0004546E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You the sneaky type? Got some nice daggers around here somewhere... FormID: 00045473 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Papa says I'm too friendly with strangers, but you seem all right. FormID: 00045474 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 My father is Alvor, the blacksmith. I'm his assistant. I mean, apprentice. FormID: 00045475 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Some day I'm going to forge my own sword! FormID: 00045476 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Papa says I'm not ready for weapons. So I make lots of horseshoes and hobnails. FormID: 00045477 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Mama doesn't think I'm girlish enough. But that's just stupid girl talk. FormID: 00045478 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Papa may have wanted a son, but he got me. He's a lucky man. FormID: 00045479 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Ain't nothin' a boy can do that I can't do better. FormID: 0004547C DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Nobody believes me, but I tell you, I saw a dragon! FormID: 000348F4 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 By Shor, what do you want? FormID: 0004547D DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 It's my boy Sven you need to listen to. He sings at the inn, most every night. FormID: 0004547E DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Sven has the voice of a snow lark. Only good thing he got from his father. FormID: 0004547F DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 My boy fancies that Camilla Valerius. She'll come around soon enough. FormID: 00045480 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Camilla, I've seen her talking to that Faendal. Filthy elf needs to keep to his own kind... FormID: 00045481 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 What happened to my Skyrim? Everywhere you look, cats, lizards and elves. It's sickening. FormID: 00045482 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 I raised my Sven to be strong, and proud. A true Nord. FormID: 00045483 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 You're kinda fuzzy. What's wrong with ya? FormID: 00045484 DialogueRiverwood_Revised HELO 0 Outta my way, stranger. FormID: 000453EB DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRumorsBranchRevised DelphineRumorsBranchRevisedTopic RUMO 0 Word is Ulfric Stormcloak escaped from the Imperials. War's only going to get worse, now. FormID: 000453EC DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRumorsBranchRevised DelphineRumorsBranchRevisedTopic RUMO 0 They say a dragon attacked Helgen. Sounds like hogwash to me. FormID: 000CA6DA DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRumorsBranchRevised DelphineRumorsBranchRevisedTopic RUMO 0 Word is Ulfric Stormcloak escaped from the Imperials. War's only going to get worse, now. FormID: 000CA6DB DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRumorsBranchRevised DelphineRumorsBranchRevisedTopic RUMO 0 They say a dragon attacked Helgen. Sounds like hogwash to me. FormID: 000453ED DialogueRiverwood_Revised DelphineRumorsBranchRevised DelphineRumorsBranchRevisedTopic RUMO 0 We've got something of a love triangle here in Riverwood. Faendal and Sven, both vying for Camilla's affections. FormID: 000452EF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Many years ago I lost my blade, [QUOTE]Grimsever,[QUOTE] within a Dwemer ruin. I took it as a sign that I was wasting my days in search of wealth. FormID: 000452EF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You and I are alike. We seek challenge and great fortune. But for me, that's where the similarities end. FormID: 000452EF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic01 CUST 2 You see, Riften is my great beast to be slain and my fortune comes from gratitude and trust. FormID: 000453DB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranch DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranchTopic CUST 0 Its been difficult. I've taken the burdens of this city's problems upon myself and I keep running into impossible obstacles. FormID: 000453DB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranch DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranchTopic CUST 1 Corruption, lies and deceit are the order of the day here. FormID: 000453DB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranch DialogueRiftenMjollAdventureBranchTopic CUST 2 If it wasn't for Aerin, the young man who saved my life, I think I'd already have given up long ago. FormID: 000452FD FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollStoryBranch FFRiften09MjollStoryBranchTopic CUST 0 I was adventuring in the depths of the ruins when I was attacked by a massive construct... like nothing I had ever seen. FormID: 000452FD FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollStoryBranch FFRiften09MjollStoryBranchTopic CUST 1 When the colossus struck, Grimsever was knocked from my grasp and I was wounded badly. FormID: 000452FD FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollStoryBranch FFRiften09MjollStoryBranchTopic CUST 2 It was only through blind luck that I was able to crawl away from the Dwemer abomination and make my way to the surface. FormID: 000452FD FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollStoryBranch FFRiften09MjollStoryBranchTopic CUST 3 I must have collapsed, because the next thing I remember is Aerin standing over me tending to my wounds. FormID: 00045304 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic CUST 0 It was lost years ago in a Dwemer ruin. FormID: 00045304 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic CUST 1 Without it, I feel almost as defenseless as a newborn. I don't think I'll ever be able to find a replacement. FormID: 00045311 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I couldn't ask you to undertake such a trecherous journey, it would be a fool's errand. FormID: 00045311 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic01 CUST 1 But I see that spark in your eye and I know better than to warn you away. FormID: 00045311 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Grimsever rests with the Dwemer ruin of Mzinchaleft. Tread carefully, friend... those same ruins almost took my life. FormID: 000453C2 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yes, quite a shame. It was a fine weapon. FormID: 000452EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic CUST 0 To call it a guild is ridiculous. How can people who would betray one another over a gold coin be considered part of an association? FormID: 000452EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic CUST 1 They're the worst kind. Even the Dark Brotherhood abides by a strict set of rules and tradition. These thieves are just rabble. FormID: 000452EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic CUST 2 What do you think? FormID: 00045305 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimIngunBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimIngunBranchTopic CUST 0 Hardly! In fact, I don't know how I get anything done with all of the distractions I have to put up with. FormID: 00045305 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimIngunBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimIngunBranchTopic CUST 1 My wife Hafjorg, well, she's a necessary evil I suppose. Not a lick of talent when it comes to alchemy, but she keeps me fed. FormID: 00045305 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimIngunBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimIngunBranchTopic CUST 2 Then there's Ingun Black-Briar. Bright young thing and a worthy apprentice, when she isn't wasting my rare ingredients. FormID: 00044D12 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene01 SCEN 0 Keerava, we're running low on Black-Briar Mead. FormID: 00044D0E DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene01 SCEN 0 If only Maven would stop raising the price on it maybe I could afford to stock more cases. FormID: 00044D15 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene01 SCEN 0 We could always look for another brand. FormID: 00044D1D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene01 SCEN 0 That isn't an option. Maven sees me serve a competitor's brand here and we may as well dig our own graves. FormID: 00044D16 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene02 SCEN 0 Don't worry, the time will come when we can walk away from here. FormID: 00044D1A DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene02 SCEN 0 I hope so. I can't stand this city anymore. FormID: 00044D1C DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene02 SCEN 0 Damn it, Talen. We still don't have enough this year to get out of Riften. FormID: 00044D11 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene03 SCEN 0 Why don't they listen to me, Keerava? Why won't they do as I say? FormID: 00044D1B DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene03 SCEN 0 Maybe they're afraid of you. Maybe it's your breath. How should I know? FormID: 00044D18 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene03 SCEN 0 They always try to take advantage of me. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. FormID: 00044D0D DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene03 SCEN 0 I'll tell you one thing, if you don't make peace with them soon you may get a walkout on your hands. Then we're both in trouble. FormID: 00044D0F DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene04 SCEN 0 Talen my friend, up for some fishing this week? FormID: 00044D14 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene04 SCEN 0 I don't know Bolli. It's getting dangerous outside the walls. FormID: 00044D10 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene04 SCEN 0 Oh come now, what's a dragon or two compared to a day full of fishing! FormID: 00044D13 DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene04 SCEN 0 That's not funny, Bolli. People are scared. FormID: 00044CED MQ206 SCEN 0 Meyz mul, Dovahkiin. You have become strong. with grudging respect (and fear) FormID: 00044CED MQ206 SCEN 1 But I am Al-du-in, Firstborn of Akatosh! Mulaagi zok lot! I cannot be slain here, by you or anyone else! FormID: 00044C52 MQ206 SCEN 0 Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor. My belly is full of the souls of your fellow mortals, Dovahkiin. Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor = [QUOTE]My hunger has been fed by mortal souls[QUOTE] FormID: 00044C52 MQ206 SCEN 1 Die now and await your fate in Sovngarde! FormID: 00044C4F MQ206 SCEN 0 Lost funt. You are too late, Alduin! Lost funt = [QUOTE](you) have failed[QUOTE] FormID: 00044C51 MQ206 SCEN 0 Unslaad hokoron! Never again! unslaad hokoron = [QUOTE]unending enemies[QUOTE] FormID: 00044C4E MQ206 SCEN 0 wordless dragon roar of pain and anger FormID: 00044C50 MQ206 SCEN 0 You may have picked up the weapons of my ancient foes, but you are not their equal! FormID: 00044C05 MG03 SCEN 0 Please, please let me out of here! FormID: 00044C02 MG03 SCEN 0 You have to let me out. They're going to do something awful to me! FormID: 00044BFF MG03 SCEN 0 There's a lever, right there in the center. Hurry, before more of them show up! FormID: 00044C06 MG03 MG03OrthornInitialBranch MG03OrthornInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes! Did Arch-Mage Aren send you? He sent you to rescue me, didn't he? FormID: 00044C01 MG03 MG03OrthornInitialBranch MG03OrthornHereforBooks CUST 0 What? The bo... Oh. Oh dear. FormID: 00044C01 MG03 MG03OrthornInitialBranch MG03OrthornHereforBooks CUST 1 I shouldn't have taken them, I know! It was stupid. I was stupid. It won't happen again. pleading FormID: 00044C01 MG03 MG03OrthornInitialBranch MG03OrthornHereforBooks CUST 2 Help me get out of here, and I'll help you find them. Please! pleading FormID: 00044C04 MG03 MG03OrthornStage50Branch MG03OrthornStage50BranchTopic CUST 0 I don't have them anymore. She took them... The Caller. She's the one who put me in here! FormID: 00044C04 MG03 MG03OrthornStage50Branch MG03OrthornStage50BranchTopic CUST 1 Please, let me out of here! FormID: 00044C03 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03OrthornStage55BranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you, thank you! I promise I'll help. And then I'll go back to the College and I'll beg them to let me back in. FormID: 00099580 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03OrthornStage55BranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, you've saved me! Thank you so much. Who knows what they'd have done to me if you hadn't come along. FormID: 00099580 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55Branch MG03OrthornStage55BranchTopic CUST 1 I promise I'll help you get out of here. FormID: 00044969 MQ206 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin! Use Dragonrend, if you know it! FormID: 00044968 MQ206 SCEN 0 Suleyki mulaag, Paarthurnax. My power has waxed, while yours has waned. Suleyki mulaag = [QUOTE]my power (has) strengthened[QUOTE] FormID: 0004480D DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut02 SCEN 0 I like your shop, Lami. FormID: 0004481A DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut02 SCEN 0 Thank you, dear. It must be nice to get out of the hall every now and then. FormID: 00044817 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut02 SCEN 0 Oh, I quite like living in the hall. Mother says it's an honor to live there and serve Morthal. FormID: 00044800 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut02 SCEN 0 Oh, of course! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that it's not. FormID: 00044810 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut02 SCEN 0 Morthal will be mine to govern someday. I have a great deal to learn. FormID: 000447FD DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut02 SCEN 0 Yes, I'm sure that's true. slightly uncomfortable FormID: 00044826 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut03 SCEN 0 How are the headaches, dear? You or your mother still having them? FormID: 00044821 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut03 SCEN 0 Oh, yes. All the time. They come with the visions, as always. FormID: 0004482E DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut03 SCEN 0 Are you sure you don't want something for them? I may be able to brew you something to help. FormID: 00044820 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut03 SCEN 0 Oh no! I couldn't. Mother says they are a burden we must bear for our gift. FormID: 00044804 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut03 SCEN 0 Well dear, you know where to find me if it ever becomes too much for you. FormID: 000447F9 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 When I grow up, will I go to the College in Winterhold? FormID: 00044823 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 No, I don't think that will be necessary. FormID: 00044812 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 But I'm learning about magic, and that's what they do there. Shouldn't I go? FormID: 00044832 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 The College is not the only place to learn about magic. FormID: 0004482C DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 But you went there, didn't you? Isn't that where you learned? FormID: 0004480E DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I was there only for a short time. Much of what I have learned has been on my own. And I will teach you. You have no reason to go there. FormID: 00044808 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 But... FormID: 0004481C DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 That is enough. FormID: 00044818 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Have you been working on your concentration? FormID: 00044805 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Yes sir, I have. FormID: 0004480F DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Good. Concentration is paramount when dealing with magical forces. FormID: 0004482B DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Why? FormID: 00044819 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Because an unfocused mind will almost certainly be obliterated. Destroyed by the forces you attempt to control and yield. FormID: 00044833 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Oh. FormID: 00044825 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Have no fear. I believe it is within you to excel in your studies. But you must learn to concentrate! FormID: 000447FE DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Yes, sir. FormID: 00044811 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 I had a bad dream again last night. FormID: 0004481D DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Oh? FormID: 00044828 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 I dreamt that you went away. You made monsters. FormID: 000447FA DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 It's just a dream, child. Nothing more. FormID: 0004480B DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 It was scary. It was like it was real! FormID: 00044802 DialogueMorthalFalionsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Hush now. Think no more of it. FormID: 0004481E DialogueMorthalAlvasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 How are you feeling? FormID: 00044829 DialogueMorthalAlvasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I feel wonderful, just like every night. smug FormID: 0004482D DialogueMorthalAlvasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Do you need anything? Are you hungry? FormID: 00044801 DialogueMorthalAlvasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Oh Hroggar, you know I'm always hungry. Don't worry, I'll eat when I need to. FormID: 00044806 DialogueMorthalAlvasHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, look! We have company! FormID: 00044809 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene01 SCEN 0 Jonna, do you think the townspeople are warming to my serenades? FormID: 00044803 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene01 SCEN 0 No. They ain't. And they aren't gonna. If you weren't payin' for your room, I'd have thrown you out a long time ago. FormID: 00044814 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, but they'll come around eventually. You'll see. FormID: 00044831 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, I shouldn't be surprised if they come 'round. And if you're never seen or heard from agin. FormID: 0004480C DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene02 SCEN 0 I'm thinking of composing a song about you, Jonna. Would you prefer that I proclaim your beauty, your strength, your... FormID: 000447FC DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene02 SCEN 0 Nah. Just... don't. Leave me outta it. FormID: 0004482F DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene02 SCEN 0 No interest in being immortalized in song? Remembered and praised for all eternity? FormID: 0004481F DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene02 SCEN 0 No. I mean it. FormID: 000447FB DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene02 SCEN 0 When I'm known throughout Tamriel, you'll regret this decision. FormID: 00044807 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 Ho, Gorm. FormID: 00044816 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 Buy you a drink? FormID: 00044815 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 Not right now. Anything new? FormID: 0004480A DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 Still the same. I tell you, something's got to be done. FormID: 00044813 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 When the time is right, friend. When we're sure. FormID: 0004481B DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 The longer we wait, the worse it gets. FormID: 00044824 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene03 SCEN 0 Let's talk about it some other time. FormID: 000447FF DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene04 SCEN 0 What can I getcha, Alva? FormID: 00044830 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene04 SCEN 0 What can't you get me, sweetie? almost seductive FormID: 0004482A DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene04 SCEN 0 Umm... Did you want somethin' to eat? uncomfortable FormID: 00044822 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene04 SCEN 0 Eat? No, I don't think I'm... hungry. Not now, at least. bordering on seductive FormID: 00044827 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene04 SCEN 0 Right. Okay, tell me if you change yer mind. very uncomfortable; you want to get out of conversation immediately FormID: 00044683 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaComplete highGateRuinsAnskaCompleteTopic CUST 0 I cannot thank you enough for all of the help. FormID: 00044632 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 I run the mill, so I'm a busy woman. What is it? focused FormID: 00057A72 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 Always something going wrong. Mill needs more lumber or the saw needs sharpening. focused FormID: 00044633 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 A good lumberjack is quiet, hard-working, and honest. focused FormID: 00044635 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 I used to work at Anga's Mill, but I... I had to leave. paranoid FormID: 00044637 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 Someone's after me I tell you. They're watching me. Somewhere. paranoid FormID: 00090E08 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 Don't talk to me. You could be one of them. paranoid FormID: 00044639 DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 Strangers are always trouble. FormID: 0004463A DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 I don't need to talk to you. Get lost. FormID: 0004463D DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 Aeri's the boss. Should talk to her if you want work. FormID: 0004463B DialogueAngasMill HELO 0 I work at the mill. Chop trees, carry logs, saw lumber, you know. sincere FormID: 00044622 DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur02 SCEN 0 Whatever happened to Ennodius? He just up and left. FormID: 0004462F DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur02 SCEN 0 Don't know why you're asking me. But I'm glad that damn Imperial is gone. Something wrong about him. FormID: 0004462E DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur02 SCEN 0 You're all heart, Kodrir. I bet Lady Mara is weeping a special tear for you right now. sarcastic FormID: 00044630 DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur01 SCEN 0 I swear that woman Aeri doesn't appreciate all the work I do for her damn mill. FormID: 00044624 DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur01 SCEN 0 Oh, I've heard this one before. Watch out Divines, poor Kodrir curses you all for giving him life! sarcastic FormID: 00044628 DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur01 SCEN 0 Watch your mouth with me you pup! Who do you think you are? FormID: 0004461E DialogueAngasMillKodrirLeifur01 SCEN 0 The man doing your job? FormID: 0004443B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellMarkarthTopic CUST 0 It's an old city. Legends say Dwarves built it first. Then after they vanished, the natives moved in. FormID: 0004443B DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellMarkarthTopic CUST 1 Finally, the Nords took over around Tiber Septim's time. That bent a few folks' arms the wrong way. FormID: 00044437 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellDwarves DialogueMarkarthKibellDwarvesTopic CUST 0 That's right, at least according to them scholars. Stonework's clearly not Nord, that much is for sure. FormID: 00044437 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellDwarves DialogueMarkarthKibellDwarvesTopic CUST 1 Old Elven fella named Calcelmo is up in Understone Keep's the one you want to talk to for more about that. Wrote all those books. FormID: 00044433 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellForsworn DialogueMarkarthKibellForswornTopic CUST 0 That's right. Whole group of the natives called the Forsworn rose up against the Nords. Drove them out. FormID: 00044433 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellForsworn DialogueMarkarthKibellForswornTopic CUST 1 Then Ulfric Stormcloak came with his militia. That must have been a sight to see, him shouting folks to death. FormID: 00044433 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthKibellForsworn DialogueMarkarthKibellForswornTopic CUST 2 You'd think that'd be the end of it, but those Forsworn are still in the hills, and they're as wild as wolves. FormID: 000443E7 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaGreeting highGateRuinsAnskaGreetingTopic CUST 0 I'm Anska. Are you here to help? FormID: 000443EA dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaGreeting dunHighGateRuinsQSTWhatScroll CUST 0 I've finally located Vokun's crypt! The scroll I'm looking for just has to be here. excited FormID: 000443E6 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaHelp highGateRuinsAnskaHelpTopic CUST 0 If Vokun is as powerful as I think, I may need a little help um ... dealing ...with him. FormID: 000443E9 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaHelp dunHighGateRuinsHelpAccept CUST 0 Great, with the two of us this should be easy. excited FormID: 000443E4 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaHelp dunHighGateRuinsHelpRewardQST CUST 0 You can have anything except the scroll of course. FormID: 000443E5 dunHighGateRuinsQST highGateRuinsAnskaHelp dunHighGateRuinsHelpDenyQST CUST 0 Oh alright. Well I'll be here for a bit if you change your mind. FormID: 000444AD DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBanningMarkarth DialogueMarkarthBanningMarkarthTopic CUST 0 Don't fall. FormID: 0004443D DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranJarl DialogueMarkarthCedranJarlTopic CUST 0 That would be Jarl Igmund. Young for a ruler of a Hold, especially the Reach. FormID: 0004443D DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranJarl DialogueMarkarthCedranJarlTopic CUST 1 Wasn't surprising he stayed loyal to the Empire. His father helped capture Ulfric Stormcloak after the Markarth Incident. FormID: 0004443E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranJarl DialogueMarkarthCedranJarlTopic CUST 0 Since the Stormcloaks took over, Jarl Thongvor is in charge. FormID: 0004443E DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranJarl DialogueMarkarthCedranJarlTopic CUST 1 It'll be lean times for the Reach with a Silver-Blood ruling it, that's for certain. FormID: 00044436 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranMarkarthIncident DialogueMarkarthCedranMarkarthIncidentTopic CUST 0 It's the whole reason Ulfric revolted against the Empire. Well, the first reason anyway. FormID: 00044436 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranMarkarthIncident DialogueMarkarthCedranMarkarthIncidentTopic CUST 1 Forsworn had taken over Markarth, and Ulfric and his men drove them out. Empire promised they'd be free to worship Talos afterwards. FormID: 00044436 DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranMarkarthIncident DialogueMarkarthCedranMarkarthIncidentTopic CUST 2 Pity no one told the Elves. Whole group of those Thalmor came and they demanded Ulfric's arrest. FormID: 0004443A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranForsworn DialogueMarkarthCedranForswornTopic CUST 0 Before the Nords came, we worshipped the old gods, had our own kingdom. FormID: 0004443A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranForsworn DialogueMarkarthCedranForswornTopic CUST 1 Times have been good and bad since then, but some folks couldn't handle not ruling their own land. Those are the Forsworn. FormID: 0004443A DialogueMarkarth DialogueMarkarthCedranForsworn DialogueMarkarthCedranForswornTopic CUST 2 The Forsworn follow the old ways, but some of those were best forgotten. Blood sacrifices, communing with Daedra. It's the road to ruin. FormID: 00044373 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut01 SCEN 0 Is there something you need, dear? FormID: 0004437F DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut01 SCEN 0 I... I'm not sure. I think perhaps, but I don't know what it is. FormID: 00044374 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut01 SCEN 0 All right, can you describe it to me? FormID: 00044372 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut01 SCEN 0 No, I'm sorry. I'll just... I'll know it if I find it. Does that make sense? FormID: 00044375 DialogueMorthalThaumaturgistHut01 SCEN 0 If it does to you, dear, that's all that matters. FormID: 00044231 MQ206 SCEN 0 Why does Alduin hang back? We've staked everything on this plan of yours, old man. FormID: 0004421F MQ206 SCEN 0 He will come. He cannot ignore our defiance. And why should he fear us, even now? FormID: 00044221 MQ206 SCEN 0 We've bloodied him well. Four of his kin have fallen to my blade alone this day. FormID: 00044223 MQ206 SCEN 0 But none have yet stood against Alduin himself. Galthor, Sorri, Birkir... shaking his head in sorrow over the fall of these great champions FormID: 0004422E MQ206 SCEN 0 They did not have Dragonrend. Once we bring him down, I promise I will have his head. FormID: 0004422F MQ206 SCEN 0 Felldir! We agreed not to use it! FormID: 00044225 MQ206 SCEN 0 No. We will deal with Alduin ourselves, here and now. FormID: 00044230 MQ206 SCEN 0 I never agreed. And if you are right, I will not need it. sharply FormID: 00044226 MQ206 SCEN 0 You do not understand. Alduin cannot be slain like a lesser dragon. He is beyond our strength. FormID: 00044220 MQ206 SCEN 0 We shall see soon enough. Alduin approaches! FormID: 00044222 MQ206 SCEN 0 So be it. grimly FormID: 0004421A MQ206 SCEN 0 Let those that watch from Sovngarde envy us this day! joyful shout before battle FormID: 0004421C MQ206 SCEN 0 Skyrim will be free! battle cry as you charge to attack Alduin FormID: 0004422A MQ206 SCEN 0 It's no use! Use the Scroll, Felldir! Now! FormID: 0004421D MQ206 SCEN 0 Hold, Alduin on the Wing! Sister Hawk, grant us your sacred breath to make this contract heard! FormID: 0004421E MQ206 SCEN 0 It worked... you did it... stunned and relieved FormID: 0004422C MQ206 SCEN 0 Yes, the World-Eater is gone... may the spirits have mercy on our souls. wearily, regretting what he's done now that it's done FormID: 0004404B DB06 DB06GabriellaDragonBridgeBranch DB06GabriellaDragonBridgeBranchTopic CUST 0 It's a small town, with one rather unique feature - it houses Skyrim's only Penitus Oculatus outpost. FormID: 0004404B DB06 DB06GabriellaDragonBridgeBranch DB06GabriellaDragonBridgeBranchTopic CUST 1 It was established by Commander Maro when he first arrived in Skyrim, several months ago. When he began preparing for the Emperor's initial visit. FormID: 0004404D DB06 DB06GabriellaBonusBranch DB06GabriellaBonusBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. Do not kill Gaius Maro in Dragon Bridge, or on the road. Kill him in one of the other major cities he'll be visiting. FormID: 0004404D DB06 DB06GabriellaBonusBranch DB06GabriellaBonusBranchTopic CUST 1 There, the body will be discovered quickly, as will the letter implicating Gaius Maro and the Stormcloaks in the Emperor's assassination. FormID: 0004404D DB06 DB06GabriellaBonusBranch DB06GabriellaBonusBranchTopic CUST 2 Do that, and Astrid has authorized me to grant you a rather unique bonus. It is a special token, to be given to Olava the Feeble, in Whiterun. FormID: 0004404D DB06 DB06GabriellaBonusBranch DB06GabriellaBonusBranchTopic CUST 3 Olava is an old and dear friend, and a powerful seer. The token entitles you to a reading of your future. It's an opportunity one should not pass up. FormID: 0004404A DB06 DB06GabriellaRouteBranch DB06GabriellaRouteBranchTopic CUST 0 No, so your best plan is to follow him after he leaves Dragon Bridge. However, there is one other option... FormID: 0004404A DB06 DB06GabriellaRouteBranch DB06GabriellaRouteBranchTopic CUST 1 We know there's an actual written travel schedule, somewhere in the Penitus Oculatus outpost. Securing that would, obviously, be most beneficial... FormID: 0004404C DB06 SCEN 0 Father, you worry too much. I'll be fine. FormID: 0004404E DB06 SCEN 0 I know you will. But all the same, remember everything I said. Stay alert, and when you get to the cities, make your observations and move on. FormID: 00044045 DB06 SCEN 0 I understand. But you're being paranoid. I'm inspecting security, not charging off into battle. There's not a lot that can go wrong. FormID: 00044046 DB06 SCEN 0 Son, when the Emperor's safety is concerned, anything could go wrong. Off with you, now. And good travels. emphasis on [QUOTE]anything[QUOTE] FormID: 00044047 DB06 SCEN 0 Farewell, father. I'll return as soon as I'm able. FormID: 00044048 DB06 SCEN 0 Well, this is it, then. Look after yourself, Gaius. You're doing your duty, and I'm proud of you. But you'd better come back to me. You hear? FormID: 00044049 DB06 SCEN 0 Oh, Faida. I may travel alone, but you know I carry you always in my heart. I'll see you soon. FormID: 00043D28 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAlessandraBranch DialogueRiftenAlessandraBranchTopic CUST 0 If you're trying to ask if I tend the hall of the dead alone, then the answer is yes. FormID: 00043D28 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAlessandraBranch DialogueRiftenAlessandraBranchTopic CUST 1 You think anyone around here is going to lift a shovel to help me? Guess again. [QUOTE]Leave the dirty work to old Alessandra.[QUOTE] change voice in last quote as if mimicking someone else FormID: 00043D28 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAlessandraBranch DialogueRiftenAlessandraBranchTopic CUST 2 Look, I didn't ask for this job, I got stuck with it thanks to my father. FormID: 00043DE6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAlessandraFatherBranch DialogueRiftenAlessandraFatherBranchTopic CUST 0 My father was a Priest of Arkay. All my life was spent around the dead, being forced to learn the proper burial rituals and prayers. FormID: 00043DE6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAlessandraFatherBranch DialogueRiftenAlessandraFatherBranchTopic CUST 1 I never had any friends; who'd want to spend time with [QUOTE]the little weird girl who hangs around dead people?[QUOTE] FormID: 00043DE6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAlessandraFatherBranch DialogueRiftenAlessandraFatherBranchTopic CUST 2 So I grew up with a miserable trade. This is all I know how to do... prepare and inter the deceased. FormID: 00043DF3 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraBranch FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic CUST 0 I'd like to make the journey to the Hall of the Dead in Windhelm and give my ceremonial dagger to Andurs, the caretaker. FormID: 00043DF3 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraBranch FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic CUST 1 I believe once it's interred with my father's remains I'll be at peace with his memory. FormID: 00043D27 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraBranch FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I hadn't asked you because I was afraid you'd say no. I appreciate your help. FormID: 00043D27 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraBranch FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Here, I'm entrusting you with the dagger. Bring it to Andurs and he'll take care of the rest. FormID: 00043D29 FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraBranch FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yes. Perhaps one day I'll be able to make the journey, but for now I need to tend the dead. FormID: 00043D2C FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDoneBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 I felt a caress on my cheek some time ago... I thought it to be a trick of the wind, but I think it was a message from my father. FormID: 00043D2C FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDoneBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 We've made peace with one another without even uttering a single word and I'm content for the first time in my life. FormID: 00043D2C FreeformRiften13 FFRiften13AlessandraDoneBranch FFRiften13AlessandraDoneBranchTopic CUST 2 I thank you. Here, please accept this as a token of my appreciation for your selfless action. FormID: 00043DF2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic CUST 0 Someone actually interested in what I'm doing? Amazing! Well, allow me to explain. FormID: 00043DF2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic CUST 1 My experimentation involves a magical construct and a reagent that will allow the construct to maintain a field of permanent harmonic energy! FormID: 00043D2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You don't have to, because it's utter nonsense. It's never going to work. FormID: 00043D2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01 CUST 1 No, no, no. What I need to do is to reverse that. Draw the harmonic energy into the reagent and then apply it with the proper incantation. FormID: 00043D2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic01 CUST 2 What was I thinking? It would never work that first way. Why didn't you tell me? FormID: 00043D2D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I'll tell you why you won't tell me. Because you were absolutely right not to. FormID: 00043D2D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02 CUST 1 It's a fundamental rule of magic and it would be ridiculous. You can't draw from harmonic energy without a soul siphon. FormID: 00043D2D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Since you're so well informed I'm certain you've solved the problem with thermic drift, right? laughing FormID: 00043D2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03 CUST 0 What's not to get? It's as simple as Traven's First Axiom of Magic... or was it Galerion's Law of Casting. Hmm. FormID: 00043D2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03 CUST 1 I'll tell you what, let me find out where that's from. I'll need to look through my library... and get you an answer. FormID: 00043D2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranch DialogueRiftenWylandriahBranchTopic03 CUST 2 Umm... what were we talking about? FormID: 00043DE2 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I could use some help with that. An assistant perhaps? No, no, no. Maybe a familiar. No, too messy. FormID: 00043DE2 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, at any rate, organization is not my strong suit. Not at all. I need as much help as I can get. FormID: 00043DE2 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic CUST 2 In fact, if you could retrieve a few things for me, I could start on my next set of experiments. FormID: 00043D08 DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene01 SCEN 0 I had a look at that boneyard the other day, Vantus. The one to the Northwest. FormID: 00043D01 DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene01 SCEN 0 I told you I don't like you going there. I've seen scavengers picking at the mammoths. They could be dangerous. FormID: 00043D0E DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 You know, I was thinking of expanding the herb garden. Make room for some new plants I'm planning. inquisitive herbalist FormID: 00043D0A DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 That should be all right. How much space were you planning? curious FormID: 00043CFB DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, half the field should do. FormID: 00043D0F DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 Half the field? What could need half the field? FormID: 00043D07 DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 I just think pollinating would be easier if I could do a lot of plants at once. FormID: 00043D10 DialogueLoreiusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 Uh... why don't we talk about this later? FormID: 00043DE5 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic01 CUST 0 As you can imagine, I tend to forget things often. Leave things around. I really must learn to put these things away. FormID: 00043DE5 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic01 CUST 1 What I need is my Dwemer Stirring Spoon, my Orichalcum Ingot and my Grand Soul Gem. In fact, I could use them immediately. FormID: 00043DE5 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Bring those items back to me and I'll be happy to experiment on you. No, no... that isn't right. I'd be happy to reward you. FormID: 00043DE4 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Excellent. I can't wait. FormID: 00043DE4 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Well... why are you still standing here? Oh, right. You need to know where they are! That would help. FormID: 00043DE3 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahBranch FFRiften14WylandriahBranchTopic03 CUST 0 A shame. Perhaps another time then. FormID: 00043D2A FreeformRiften14 FFRiftenWylandriahDirectionsBranch FFRiftenWylandriahDirectionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Let's see. Last time I used the Dwemer Spoon was at my dear friend Boti's house in Ivarstead... Fellstar Farm I believe it's called. FormID: 00043D2A FreeformRiften14 FFRiftenWylandriahDirectionsBranch FFRiftenWylandriahDirectionsBranchTopic CUST 1 The orichalcum ingot should still be in Winterhold at the Frozen Hearth Inn. I don't know why I didn't just take it with me. FormID: 00043D2A FreeformRiften14 FFRiftenWylandriahDirectionsBranch FFRiftenWylandriahDirectionsBranchTopic CUST 2 And last is the soul gem. I left that one in Windhelm at the White Phial alchemy shop. It was a good trade too. Ah well. FormID: 00043DF4 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahDoneBranch FFRiften14WylandriahDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Items? What items? Let me see those. FormID: 00043DF4 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahDoneBranch FFRiften14WylandriahDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Hmm. I'm not sure how you managed it, but these are exactly what I need to start my next set of experiments. Wonderful! FormID: 00043DF4 FreeformRiften14 FFRiften14WylandriahDoneBranch FFRiften14WylandriahDoneBranchTopic CUST 2 Well, at least allow me to reward you for your uncanny foresight. FormID: 00043A98 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 When the orcs invaded the temple, I fled. I left my brothers and sisters here to die. FormID: 000439F9 DialogueCidhnaMineBraigDuach01 SCEN 0 Think the guards will be coming down, soon? FormID: 00043A0C DialogueCidhnaMineBraigDuach01 SCEN 0 Ah, it's not been more than a few days since they came down the last time. FormID: 00043A05 DialogueCidhnaMineDuachOdvan01 SCEN 0 Think maybe we should jump the guards when they come down next? FormID: 00043A03 DialogueCidhnaMineDuachOdvan01 SCEN 0 They keep the doors locked when they come down. You kill them, you're trapping us here with no food. FormID: 000439FA DialogueCidhnaMineDuachBraig01 SCEN 0 Nearly broke my back out in the mines today. Damn Nords should bleed for putting us through this! FormID: 000439EA DialogueCidhnaMineDuachBraig01 SCEN 0 Some day, brother. Some day. FormID: 00043A06 DialogueCidhnaMineDuachOdvan02 SCEN 0 Have any skooma? I need to get something from Grisvar. FormID: 00043A01 DialogueCidhnaMineDuachOdvan02 SCEN 0 You make one move towards my skooma, and I shiv you. FormID: 00044DD2 TG01 TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranch TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranchTopic CUST 0 You have wax in your ears? I said no one dies. We're not assassins. player didn't listen to a cardinal rule FormID: 00044DD2 TG01 TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranch TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranchTopic CUST 1 Well guess what... now you've inherited their debt. Don't come back to me until you have every last coin. scolding FormID: 00042B0B TG01 TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranch TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranchTopic CUST 0 So I've heard. Thanks to you, this should be the last time they forget to pay. It annoys you that those shopkeepers never paid FormID: 00042B0B TG01 TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranch TG01BrynjolfAfterQuestLowGoldBranchTopic CUST 1 One small detail though - I need all of the gold they gave you. No one skims around here. Come back when you've got every last coin. veiled warning FormID: 000428DA MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 0 Here's the big picture. He helped Alduin enslave our ancestors. He may have betrayed Alduin in the end, but that makes him worse, not better. FormID: 000428DA MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 1 We can't afford to give Paarthurnax the opportunity to betray us in turn, and return to his old master. FormID: 000428DB MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 0 Paarthurnax was the author of many atrocities during the Dragon War - crimes great enough to be remembered for thousands of years. FormID: 000428DB MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 1 True, he turned traitor to Alduin and helped overthrow the Dragon Cult, but that does not excuse or expiate his previous deeds. FormID: 000428DB MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA2 CUST 2 Whether or not he has truly repented, or merely acted to save himself, justice demands that he pay with his life. FormID: 00042864 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Yes. The Torpor grants an ability the priests of Vaermina called [QUOTE]The Dreamstride[QUOTE]; using dreams to travel distances in the real world. FormID: 00042866 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I assure you, the Dreamstride is well known in Vaerminian Lore. FormID: 00042866 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Sadly, I have yet to see it function in person. FormID: 00042863 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Quite amazing, yes. Alchemy and the blessings of a Divine distilled down into a ingestible liquid. FormID: 00042863 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Sadly, I have yet to see it function in person. FormID: 00042867 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic06 CUST 0 As a sworn priest of Mara, the elixir won't work for me. The Torpor will only work for Priests of Vaermina, or the unaffiliated. FormID: 00042862 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic07 CUST 0 I will not lie to you, there is some risk involved. The last time the Torpor was imbibed could have been decades ago. FormID: 00042862 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic07 CUST 1 But I swear upon Lady Mara that I will do everything within my power to prevent any harm from befalling you. FormID: 00042865 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic08 CUST 0 No, all my research points in the opposite direction. This is the exact liquid the priests would drink. FormID: 00042865 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic08 CUST 1 The only question in my mind is whether you will be granted The Dreamstride. Otherwise, the worst that could happen is a bad aftertaste. FormID: 00042865 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic08 CUST 2 I swear upon Lady Mara that I would never let any harm befall you. FormID: 00042843 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 Have you decided to do the right thing, Dragonborn? FormID: 00042845 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 I wish there were another way, Dragonborn, but it falls to you to serve justice upon Paarthurnax. FormID: 00042844 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 Make your choice, Dragonborn. You're either with us or against us. FormID: 00042846 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 Justice can be harsh. But it is still justice. Paarthurnax deserves to die. FormID: 00042848 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA1 CUST 0 I knew we could count on you! Glad to have you back on our side. FormID: 00042849 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBranch MQPaarthurnaxA1 CUST 0 At long last. An ancient evil is avenged. The shades of many Blades salute you this day. FormID: 00042847 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroTopic CUST 0 There's one more thing. We know about Paarthurnax. FormID: 000428D8 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid there's a further problem. A serious one. I've discovered who the Greybeards' leader really is. FormID: 000D2D01 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid there's a problem. A serious one. I've discovered who the Greybeards' leader really is. FormID: 0004284A MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA1 CUST 0 Paarthurnax. The dragon, that the Greybeards have been protecting for all these years. FormID: 000428D7 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA1 CUST 0 He's a dragon. Not just any dragon, but the right hand of Alduin, responsible for many atrocities during the ancient Dragon War. FormID: 00042842 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 0 That's fine. We needed his help. Now we don't, and it's long past time for him to pay for his crimes. FormID: 00042842 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 1 And he's not just any dragon. He was the right hand of Alduin. FormID: 00042842 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 2 He committed atrocities so infamous they are still remembered, thousands of years later. FormID: 000428D6 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 0 All well and good. But did you know that he was Alduin's chief lieutenant in ancient times? Responsible for terrible atrocities? FormID: 000428D6 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroA2 CUST 1 It's true that his crimes are long in the past, but justice does not count the passage of years. FormID: 00042841 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroB1 CUST 0 He needs to die. He deserves to die. And it falls to you to kill him. FormID: 00042841 MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroB1 CUST 1 Until he's dead... well, I'm sorry, but we would dishonor our oaths as Blades if we continued to help you. not really sorry. she's pissed off about Paarthurnax. FormID: 000428DC MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroB1 CUST 0 The Blades have been hunting him for centuries, but he was protected by the Greybeards and then the Emperors. FormID: 000428DC MQPaarthurnax MQKillPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxIntroB1 CUST 1 Justice demands that he die for his crimes. Until he is dead, I'm afraid my oath as a Blade prevents me from offering you aid and comfort. FormID: 0004284B MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroTopic CUST 0 Ah, you're back. I hope you've made some progress on tracking down this Shout we need to defeat Alduin? FormID: 00041F12 MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroA1 CUST 0 Ah, indeed? There's a pretty puzzle. Not the kind of thing you'll find in your local bookshop. Let me think... FormID: 00041F12 MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroA1 CUST 1 Perhaps the College of Winterhold. What learning there is in Skyrim is gathered there. FormID: 00041F12 MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroA1 CUST 2 One of the mages there may be able to put you on the trail of this Elder Scroll. FormID: 000BF46A MQ205 MQ205EsbernIntro MQ205EsbernIntroA1 CUST 0 Ah, indeed. Well there's a pretty puzzle. Not the kind of thing you'll find in your local bookshop. I'm sure you'll manage, though. FormID: 00087906 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 Not a single man or woman in Dawnstar has gotten a good night's rest in days. We keep having the same nightmare, over and over. FormID: 00087906 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 If people aren't tired, they're angry, and if they aren't angry, they're afraid. It's made keeping order a mess. FormID: 00087906 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 2 I hear Mara has sent one of her priests to the inn to try to calm people down, but I don't know how much words will do now. FormID: 00087907 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 That's right. Dawnstar. My Dawnstar is plagued with nightmares. I haven't slept properly in days. FormID: 00087907 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 That priest of Mara who came here before you says the Divines will cure us. FormID: 00087907 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 2 Well, until they do, I don't have any business to discuss with outsiders. FormID: 00087909 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 You haven't heard? All of Dawnstar hasn't had a decent night's rest in days. FormID: 00087909 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 People are having nightmares they swear are real. They go to bed, but they wake up more tired than yesterday. FormID: 00087909 DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 2 I've heard that a priest of Mara has come, saying that the Divines will lift this curse somehow, but that remains to be seen. FormID: 0008790A DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 Nightmares. I haven't met a single man or woman who doesn't admit to having them. FormID: 0008790A DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 A bad dream I can handle, but everyone having the same bad dream, every night? It's a curse, I say. FormID: 0008790A DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 2 I hear there's a priest of Mara visiting the inn. Maybe the Divines will cure us. FormID: 0008790B DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 It's these nightmares. Me and every one of my workers can't catch a nod without having one. FormID: 0008790B DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 They're almost... real. They say a priest of Mara has arrived in town. We'll see if faith can cure this curse. FormID: 0008790D DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 New in town? You're lucky. Dreams aren't affecting travelers. FormID: 0008790D DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 Everyone else though.... They're horrible. Imagine dying over and over again in your dreams night after night. FormID: 0008790D DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 2 They say a priest of Mara is visiting the Windpeak Inn. Says the Divines will take care of everything. We'll see about that. FormID: 0008790E DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 0 Everyone here is having nightmares. I have miners tripping over their own feet from lack of sleep. FormID: 0008790E DA16 DA16DawnstarNightmareBranch DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic CUST 1 I heard there was a Priest of Mara who was supposed to be looking into it. We'll see if anything comes of that. FormID: 0003E949 MS02 HELO 0 Go on in, already. threatening FormID: 000E24FC MS02 HELO 0 You're a slave. Just like us. cynical, demagogue FormID: 000E24FD MS02 HELO 0 Do you remember the sun? Because you'll forget. Soon. cynical, demagogue FormID: 000E24FE MS02 HELO 0 You're back. Have you done what I asked? cynical, demagogue FormID: 000E24FF MS02 GBYE 0 Our vengeance will come. cynical, demagogue FormID: 000E2500 MS02 GBYE 0 Remember. It was the Nords who locked you up. cynical, demagogue FormID: 000E2501 MS02 GBYE 0 Our struggle is our people's struggle. cynical, demagogue FormID: 00042172 dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 They drink all day and night and what do I do? FormID: 0004217B dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 Why do they need me to do this? We use magic, not weapons. FormID: 0004219B dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 I swear they're making me do this for a laugh. At least I'm not dealing with the prisoners down below. FormID: 00042170 dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 I bet Naris gets a kick out it. Nasty fella he is. FormID: 0004217D dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 You work the forge. rolling your eyes - you've been listening to your friend complain about the same thing over and over FormID: 0004216F dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 Yeah, I don't know how I feel about what goes on down there. FormID: 00042176 dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 I work the forge. FormID: 0004218E dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 You better quiet down before you end up there. Then I'd have to work the forge. FormID: 00042171 dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 Ah, the sweet smell of burnt flesh. Nothing better really. Talking to yourself. FormID: 0004217A dunDA14MorvunskarQST SCEN 0 They die too quickly. Maybe I'll try and hold off on the paralysis next time. Give me more of a moving target. Good practice. Talking to yourself. FormID: 00041F11 MQ205 MQ205ElderScroll MQ205ElderScrollTopic CUST 0 Ask Esbern. If he doesn't know himself, he'll know where to find it out. FormID: 0007735C MQ205 MQ205ElderScroll MQ205ElderScrollTopic CUST 0 Such blasphemies are the calling of mages, not followers of the Way. FormID: 0007735C MQ205 MQ205ElderScroll MQ205ElderScrollTopic CUST 1 Take your question to the College of Winterhold. They may be able to help you. FormID: 00041F10 MQ205 MQ205DelphineIntro MQ205DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 Were the Greybeards any help? Did they know this anything about the Shout used against Alduin? FormID: 00041F13 MQ205 MQ205DelphineIntro MQ205DelphineIntroA1 CUST 0 An Elder Scroll? That's not going to be easy to come by. FormID: 00041F13 MQ205 MQ205DelphineIntro MQ205DelphineIntroA1 CUST 1 Esbern's your man for that kind of thing. He may be able to at least point you in the right direction. FormID: 00041F15 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpA1 CUST 0 I'd be glad to help a friend of Hadvar. But you didn't answer my question - how do you know him? skeptically - you think the player's evading the question FormID: 00041F14 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpA2 CUST 0 Did he, now? That doesn't sound like my nephew at all. I doubt he'd be mixed up with the likes of you. FormID: 00041E1A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraNoTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraNoTalosBranchTopic CUST 0 Now that the Imperial blight has poisoned Riften, the worship of Talos is strictly forbidden by the terms of the White-Gold Concordat. FormID: 00041E1A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraNoTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraNoTalosBranchTopic CUST 1 They can defile our shrine, they can arrest our people and they can silence our voices, but the Empire will never destroy our spirit. FormID: 00041E1A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraNoTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraNoTalosBranchTopic CUST 2 As long as we keep Talos in our heart, his legacy will never die. FormID: 00041E2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDinyaMaraBranch DialogueRiftenDinyaMaraBranchTopic CUST 0 Mara is the handmaiden of Kyne, the Goddess of the Storm and the Mother of Men. FormID: 00041E2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDinyaMaraBranch DialogueRiftenDinyaMaraBranchTopic CUST 1 She is the bearer of love and the patron of marriage. FormID: 00041E2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenDinyaMaraBranch DialogueRiftenDinyaMaraBranchTopic CUST 2 If you wish to make a donation to her Benevolence, speak to Maramal and ensure your true love will endure for all eternity. FormID: 00041EBF FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaBranch FFRiften05DinyaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Such a shame. Perhaps another time then. FormID: 00041E19 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaTipsBranch FFRiften05DinyaTipsBranchTopic CUST 0 Almost anyone in Riften is in dire need of those missives. Speak to them, child. You will know who will listen and who will sin. FormID: 00041E19 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaTipsBranch FFRiften05DinyaTipsBranchTopic CUST 1 A word of advice, keep away from the Keep and the city guards. They follow their own path and have already forsaken Her. FormID: 00041E36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSvanaNameBranch DialogueRiftenSvanaBunkhouseBranchTopic CUST 0 Work? I suppose you can call it that. I call it slavery. I work my fingers to the bone keeping this disgusting place clean. FormID: 00041E36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSvanaNameBranch DialogueRiftenSvanaBunkhouseBranchTopic CUST 1 Ever since my parents died and Haelga took me in, it's been a nightmare. How was I to know she was such a wretched woman? FormID: 00041E36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSvanaNameBranch DialogueRiftenSvanaBunkhouseBranchTopic CUST 2 So now I'm stuck living here while those pigs she calls customers grope me and say the most awful things. FormID: 00041E49 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic CUST 0 It's not just the work, it's everything about her. She's disgusting. I think she takes her worship of Dibella a bit too seriously. FormID: 00041E49 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic CUST 1 Do you know she's slept with three different men in the last month alone? What kind of a woman would do such a thing? FormID: 00041E49 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic CUST 2 Just for once, I'd like to see her squirm... to rub her nose in it. FormID: 00041EC3 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Actually, there is, but I don't think I could get away with doing it. She'd kill me if she found out. FormID: 00041EC3 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You see, I happen to know after she makes love, she gives her partner a token of her affection called a Mark of Dibella. FormID: 00041EC3 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If you confront her with three of the Marks, she'd be so embarrassed... well, I don't know what she'd do! FormID: 00041E0C FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Oh, this is going to be great! FormID: 00041E0C FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic02 CUST 1 You need to get the Marks of Dibella from Bolli, Hofgrir and Indaryn. Not sure how you're going to do that, but try your best. FormID: 00041E0C FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Then just confront Haelga with them and the rest works itself out. FormID: 00041E0B FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SvanaBranch FFRiften11SvanaBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Yeah, you're right. Maybe it's not the best idea. FormID: 00041E21 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11HaelgaBranch FFRiften11HaelgaBranchTopic CUST 0 What? How... where did you get these? FormID: 00041E21 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11HaelgaBranch FFRiften11HaelgaBranchTopic CUST 1 No, don't tell me. I don't want to know. Look, we need to keep this quiet... between you and me, okay. No one else needs to know about it. FormID: 00041E21 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11HaelgaBranch FFRiften11HaelgaBranchTopic CUST 2 If word got out that I'm practicing my Dibellan Arts in Riften, they'll run me out of town. FormID: 00041E21 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11HaelgaBranch FFRiften11HaelgaBranchTopic CUST 3 Here, take this and don't mention a word of this to anyone, especially Svana! FormID: 00041E09 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11DoneBranch FFRiften11DoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh I know. Isn't it wonderful? I bet she squirmed like a skeever when you pulled them out of your pocket. FormID: 00041E09 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11DoneBranch FFRiften11DoneBranchTopic CUST 1 I think things are going to be a lot different around here from now on and I have you to thank for it. FormID: 00041E09 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11DoneBranch FFRiften11DoneBranchTopic CUST 2 Here, I want you to have this. It was my father's but I'm certain you'll put it to good use. FormID: 00041E40 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic CUST 0 I have no idea what you're talking about. I'd never sleep with anyone besides my good wife, Drifa. FormID: 00041E42 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic CUST 0 Huh? What are you talking about? I don't even know what that is. FormID: 00041E43 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic CUST 0 You're crazy! How dare you make such an accusation! FormID: 00041E23 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Look, it was one night, okay? I think she slipped something in my drink. I haven't even been back to the Bunkhouse since. FormID: 00041E23 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SharedInfos IDAT 1 Just take this damn thing. I never want to see it again. FormID: 00041E24 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SharedInfos IDAT 0 I don't want a bad reputation in Riften, but Haelga's out of control. She wanted to try it in the stables so I said yes. FormID: 00041E24 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SharedInfos IDAT 1 If you want the mark that badly then go ahead and take it. FormID: 00041E2A FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SharedInfos IDAT 0 If word gets around that I bedded her, they'll lose all respect for me at the meadery. FormID: 00041E2A FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SharedInfos IDAT 1 Take the mark if you want it. It's not worth all this hassle anyway. FormID: 00041EC5 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Hand what over? I have no idea what you're talking about. FormID: 00041EC8 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Look, you must have me confused with someone else. FormID: 00041EF2 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You aren't making any sense. Hand what over? FormID: 00041EF5 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Or else what? You don't scare me. FormID: 00041EFA FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You have a death wish or something? FormID: 00041F02 FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You're threatening me? Oh, that's rich! FormID: 00041E3C FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I should say so. FormID: 00041E3D FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Next time think before you speak. FormID: 00041E3E FreeformRiften11 FFRiften11SuitorBranch FFRiften11SuitorBranchTopic03 CUST 0 You've got some nerve. FormID: 00041E16 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWujeetaFisheryBranch DialogueRiftenWujeetaFisheryBranchTopic CUST 0 Bolli is a good man, he pays us well and watches out for us. FormID: 00041E16 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWujeetaFisheryBranch DialogueRiftenWujeetaFisheryBranchTopic CUST 1 I used to work at the Black-Briar Meadery, but Indaryn and I never saw eye-to-eye. That elf has no patience at all. FormID: 00041E16 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenWujeetaFisheryBranch DialogueRiftenWujeetaFisheryBranchTopic CUST 2 It's probably for the best anyway; I'm far better at fishing than working in a meadery. FormID: 00041E2C FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic CUST 0 My job at the Riften Fishery is in danger. The owner, Bolli, said that if I show up for work in this condition one more time, then I'm out. FormID: 00041E2C FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic CUST 1 I don't mean to do this to myself, but I can't help it. I tried some skooma a year ago, and ever since then, I can't stop! FormID: 00041E2C FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic CUST 2 If you could give me a healing potion, I could cleanse this poison from my body and get back to my life. FormID: 00041E2D FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Your kindness will never be forgotten. FormID: 00041E2D FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Here, take this. It's all I can offer for what you've given me. FormID: 00041E20 FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Very well. I suppose I'll just curl up somewhere until this passes as usual. FormID: 000418F8 dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 I can't get it open. FormID: 000418F4 dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 You've been at it for five minutes. Here, let me try. FormID: 000418F6 dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 I think I almost got it. FormID: 000418F7 dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 Come on, just open. FormID: 000420B0 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBlockingBranch dunIronbindBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 We're in this together. Stay close. You are slightly annoyed that you're in this together. FormID: 00109C48 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBlockingBranch dunIronbindBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 This is no time for idle talk. Shushing, annoyed FormID: 00109C49 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBlockingBranch dunIronbindBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Not now. Stay alert. Shushing, annoyed FormID: 000420D2 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBlockingBranch dunIronbindBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Let's clear the place out first. Then we'll gather our loot. You're eager to get to the looting, but trying to advocate patience. FormID: 001093F1 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBlockingBranch dunIronbindBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 Eyes open. Danger could be anywhere. You're eager for some adventure. - more enthusiasm than caution FormID: 001093F2 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBlockingBranch dunIronbindBlockingBranchTopic CUST 0 This place is sure to make us rich! FormID: 00041F84 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBeenjaBetrayalBranch dunIronbindBeenjaBetrayalBranchTopic CUST 0 Fool. I should thank you. I knew the girl wouldn't be strong enough to help me kill Gathrik alone. Gloating Betrayal FormID: 00041F83 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBeenjaBetrayalBranch dunIronbindBetrayalContinue CUST 0 There's just one more thing I need from you. To fully absorb Gathrik's power I require a blood sacrifice. FormID: 00041F83 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindBeenjaBetrayalBranch dunIronbindBetrayalContinue CUST 1 Your blood should be good enough. This will go easier for us both if you don't bother fighting back. FormID: 0004172B dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaPostQuestWhatNow dunIronbindSalmaPostQuestTopic CUST 0 I don't know. Beem-Ja has looked after me since I was knee-high to him. I need to rest, and then I think I'm going back to High Rock. FormID: 000420F1 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaPostTreasure dunIronbindSalmaPostTreasureTopic CUST 0 Look, I never needed treasure. My father owns land; our family is wealthy. I just wanted adventure. Not this. The first part is a bit snippy, but then you fade into your sadness. FormID: 0004172D dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaPostTreasure dunIronbindInvistPostBye CUST 0 Go on without me. I think I need to be alone for a while. Start with a [QUOTE]just...[QUOTE] Firm but not unkind. FormID: 00041E35 FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaBranch FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you, my friend. FormID: 00041E3F FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaDoneBranch FFRiften12WujeetaDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you. I'd almost given up hope. FormID: 00041E3F FreeformRiften12 FFRiften12WujeetaDoneBranch FFRiften12WujeetaDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, take this. It's all I can offer for what you've given me. FormID: 00041E0D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSkoomaBranch DialogueRiftenSkoomaBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure what it's made from, but I can tell you that once you've had a taste, you'll never crave anything else. FormID: 00041E0D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSkoomaBranch DialogueRiftenSkoomaBranchTopic CUST 1 The Dunmer came up with the stuff a long time ago. Very illegal and very hard to come by. FormID: 00041E0D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSkoomaBranch DialogueRiftenSkoomaBranchTopic CUST 2 I got mine off of a merchant ship in Solitude. Worst mistake I ever made. FormID: 00041E0E FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Good. Now get going. FormID: 0004158E MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice03a CUST 0 Yes. I had Falk call you back because you were at the summoning, you have a connection to Potema now. You must deal with her. FormID: 0004158E MS06 MS06StyrrAdvice MS06StyrrAdvice03a CUST 1 I can provide you with help for her minions though. This should help you deal with the Catacombs themselves. FormID: 00041E22 FreeformRiften03 FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranch FFRiften03RomlynIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 What, did you suddenly grow a conscience? Suit yourself. FormID: 00041565 MG08 GBYE 0 Let's hope we succeed. FormID: 00041567 MG08 GBYE 0 This is our only chance. FormID: 00041560 MG08 MG08Stage40TolfdirBranch MG08Stage40TolfdirBranchTopic CUST 0 I... I don't know. Ancano is gone, but whatever he's done to the Eye doesn't seem to have stopped. FormID: 00041560 MG08 MG08Stage40TolfdirBranch MG08Stage40TolfdirBranchTopic CUST 1 I have no idea what to do! FormID: 0004146C DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 What's the Jarl going to do about it? FormID: 000414E5 DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 How are we supposed to feel safe in our own homes? FormID: 000414A2 DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 Please, enough already! FormID: 0004146A DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 I have told Idgrod of your concerns. She'll look after you all. Please, go back to your business. FormID: 000414BC DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 We've no need for wizards in our midst! FormID: 00041473 DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 Morthal has enough problems as it is! FormID: 000414BD DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranch DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, you saw that, did you? FormID: 000414BD DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranch DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranchTopic CUST 1 Life in Morthal has been troubled lately. The people are uncertain, restless. They merely look to the Jarl for leadership. FormID: 000414DF DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranch DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranchTopic CUST 0 There's news of rebellion against the Empire. Strange noises have been heard in the marshes at night. FormID: 000414DF DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranch DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranchTopic CUST 1 And then, the tragedy with Hroggar's home. FormID: 000414DF DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranch DialogueMorthalAslfurInitBranchTopic CUST 2 The men simply seek wisdom. Everything will be fine. FormID: 000414E2 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 0 The world's going mad, and our Jarl does what? FormID: 000414E2 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 1 She hides inside with her 'visions'. We need a leader, not some mystic! FormID: 000E0EE6 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 0 The world's going mad, and our Jarl doesn't care. She's only in it for herself. FormID: 000E0EE6 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 1 If she's the best Ulfric has to offer, we might've been better off with the Imperials. FormID: 000414E4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 0 How can I? FormID: 000414E4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 1 She never speaks with us. She's allowed this wizard, Falion, to live in our midst practicing gods-know-what. FormID: 000414E4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 2 And now there's talk of rebellion, and dragons? What help could Idgrod be against them? FormID: 000414E4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranch DialogueMorthalJorgenInitBranchTopic CUST 3 No, we can only rely on ourselves. You'd do well to remember that. FormID: 00040F76 dunMossMotherQST SCEN 0 That is a lot of blood. That is a LOT of blood. To self. Maybe a person in shock. FormID: 00040F77 dunMossMotherQST SCEN 0 Not sure how much longer I can hold out here. Talking to self. Hurt and pondering chances of survival FormID: 00040F78 dunMossMotherQST SCEN 0 I really got myself into it this time. Talking to self. Badly wounded and alone. FormID: 00040F64 dunMossMotherQST SCEN 0 Hello? You! Over here! Please, I need help! Calling out to the player, from a distance FormID: 00040F72 dunMossMotherQST SCEN 0 Please, do you have a potion you can spare? Desperate, begging FormID: 00040F73 dunMossMotherQST SCEN 0 Please! I'm not sure I'll make it on my own. Trailing off. Dark thoughts. FormID: 00040F7D dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherWoundedBranch dunMossMotherWoundedTopic CUST 0 Thank Kynareth for you, stranger. I'd almost given up hope of walking away from here. Relieved, genuine, thankful. FormID: 00040F63 dunMossMotherQST dunMossHealedBranch dunMossMotherHelp1 CUST 0 You'd do that for a stranger? I don't know what to say. Lead on, I suppose. Startled by the player's generosity FormID: 00040F67 dunMossMotherQST dunMossHealedBranch dunMossMotherHelp2 CUST 0 You'd really risk your life for a stranger's honor? I don't even know what to say. Thank you, my friend. I'll wait here. FormID: 000410FA MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorLongVersion CUST 0 They're the rulers of the Aldmeri Dominion - what used to be the Imperial provinces of Summerset Isle and Valenwood. FormID: 000410FA MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorLongVersion CUST 1 The Thalmor take the arrogance of high elves to the extreme - they believe they are the rightful rulers of all of Tamriel. FormID: 000410FA MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorLongVersion CUST 2 For a century or more, the Thalmor had been picking away at the Empire. Valenwood was the first, then the province of Elsweyr. FormID: 000410FA MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorLongVersion CUST 3 But even the Blades didn't see the Great War coming. We underestimated the Thalmor, and they destroyed us. FormID: 000410D7 MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorShortVersion CUST 0 They're the high elves that rule the Aldmeri Dominion. Sworn enemies of the Empire and everything it stands for. FormID: 000410D7 MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorShortVersion CUST 1 Thirty years ago, they invaded the Empire and came close to destroying it. They smashed the Blades in the process. FormID: 000410D7 MQ00 MQThalmor MQDelphineThalmorShortVersion CUST 2 Since then, they've been working to weaken the Empire any way they can. FormID: 0003B49A MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro3New MQ201DelphineIntro3EntryTopic CUST 0 We need to find out if the Thalmor are behind the dragons coming back. We need to get into the Thalmor Embassy, somehow... FormID: 00040F25 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA3 CUST 0 Before the Great War, the Blades helped the Empire against the Thalmor. FormID: 00040F25 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA3 CUST 1 Our Grand Master saw them as the greatest threat to Tamriel. At the time, that was true. Maybe it still is. FormID: 00040F25 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA3 CUST 2 So we fought them in the shadows, all across Tamriel. We thought we were more than a match for them. We were wrong. FormID: 00040E4A MQ106 SCEN 0 So you really are... FormID: 00040CC0 MQ201 SCEN 0 I don't think you were followed. Come on. I have a plan. FormID: 00041E15 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 0 That would be a bad idea. I'd be too likely to attract the wrong kind of attention. But they don't know you at all, yet. FormID: 0004132C MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodA2 CUST 0 I've been doing this a long time, remember? While the Thalmor's been looking for me, I've been watching them. with a grim smile FormID: 000412F1 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodA3 CUST 0 So that's your plan, huh? Even if you could survive, by the time you got inside, whatever documents they had would be long gone. FormID: 000412F1 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodA3 CUST 1 We're there for information, remember? Trust me, I've been doing this for a long time. My way is better. FormID: 000410DC MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC1 CUST 0 Don't worry about Malborn. He's not a dangerous character like you, but he hates the Thalmor at least as much as I do. FormID: 000410DC MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC1 CUST 1 He's a wood elf - the Thalmor wiped out his family back in Valenwood during one of their purges that we never hear about. FormID: 000410DC MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC1 CUST 2 Luckily they don't know who he really is, or he wouldn't be serving drinks at the Ambassador's parties. FormID: 000410D4 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC2 CUST 0 Let me handle that. You'll have a real invitation, don't worry. As long as you can act the part of a Thalmor toady, you'll get past the guards. FormID: 00040F9F MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC3 CUST 0 That's when the fun starts. You'll have to slip away from the party without raising the alarm. FormID: 00040F9F MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC3 CUST 1 Then you'll need to find Elenwen's office and search her files. Malborn should be able to point you in the right direction. FormID: 00040EC5 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodC4 CUST 0 Sounds good. Be careful. FormID: 00040E8D MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentWhatToBring CUST 0 You're asking me? She promised that she was sending someone who knew what they were doing... last sentence is almost muttering to himself in dismay FormID: 00040E8D MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentWhatToBring CUST 1 If you actually want to get out alive, I'd bring whatever you need to move quietly, and kill quickly. FormID: 00040CDD MQ201 SCEN 0 Ah! A fellow latecomer to Elenwen's little soiree. FormID: 000413F1 MQ201 SCEN 0 And arriving by carriage, no less! I salute you, sir! FormID: 000413F2 MQ201 SCEN 0 And arriving by carriage, no less! I salute you, my good lady! FormID: 00041327 MQ201 SCEN 0 My lateness is due more to getting lost on the way up this gods-forsaken mountain than to any desire to actually arrive late. FormID: 000411DA MQ201 SCEN 0 I prefer to arrive early. Often the day before the party. So as not to miss out on any of the drinking. FormID: 000411DB MQ201 SCEN 0 There's not enough drinking in the world today, wouldn't you agree? FormID: 0004124D MQ201 SCEN 0 I will just... rest here a moment. Although it is damnably cold out here. I don't look forward to the trip back down... FormID: 00041253 MQ201 SCEN 0 Perhaps we might share a carriage after the party? FormID: 00041253 MQ201 SCEN 1 I know, I know - we've just met. But think, by the time the party is over we'll no doubt be fast friends. I look forward to it. FormID: 00041262 MQ201 SCEN 0 Please. Take your time. FormID: 0004126B MQ201 SCEN 0 Don't mind me. I'm perfectly insensible to the cold. FormID: 0004126C MQ201 SCEN 0 I'll go after you. Although these fellows know me. I never miss one of Elenwen's parties, you see. FormID: 00041ED1 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 Welcome to the Thalmor Embassy. Your invitation, please. FormID: 00041ED2 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 Your invitation, please. less politely - starting to get icy FormID: 00041EF3 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 You must present your invitation to be admitted to the party. less politely - starting to get icy FormID: 00041FC1 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 Go right on in. The party has already started. politely FormID: 00041FC2 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry, sir, I'm on duty. politely FormID: 00041FC3 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm on duty. politely FormID: 00041FC4 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 We're not supposed to talk to the guests. politely FormID: 00041FC5 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor Embassy welcomes you. politely FormID: 00041FC6 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 Please proceed into the Embassy. politely FormID: 00041FC7 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 Guests are advised to remain inside the Embassy. politely FormID: 00041CDD MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroA1 CUST 0 Thank you, sir. Go right in. FormID: 00041CE2 MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroA1 CUST 0 Thank you, ma'am. Go right in. FormID: 0004126D MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroA2 CUST 0 Of course not. Purely a formality. Now, I need to see your invitation. FormID: 000410DB MQ201 MQ201EmbassyGuardIntro MQ201EmbassyGuardIntroA3 CUST 0 Of course. Just bring it to me when you find it. slightly suspiciously FormID: 0004104A MQ201 MQ201CarriageDriverBlocking MQ201CarriageDriverBlockingTopic CUST 0 Awful damn cold up here. And only the guests are allowed inside. Damn foreigners and their inhospitable ways. FormID: 0004106F MQ201 MQ201CarriageDriverBlocking MQ201CarriageDriverBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are you out here talking to me for? Party's inside. FormID: 000410D2 MQ201 MQ201CarriageDriverBlocking MQ201CarriageDriverBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm paid to wait to take you home. Enjoy yourself. FormID: 000410D3 MQ201 MQ201CarriageDriverBlocking MQ201CarriageDriverBlockingTopic CUST 0 The lady's already paid the fee. We leave when she gives the word. FormID: 00040CC9 MQ201 SCEN 0 Now then. Here's my invitation, I don't have a poisoned dagger strapped to my thigh, et cetera, et cetera. bored FormID: 00041FCA MQ201 SCEN 0 I'm just doing my duty, sir. FormID: 0004138A MQ201 SCEN 0 Everything's in order. Welcome back, sir. military formality with just a hint of sarcasm FormID: 00041311 MQ201 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. Now to find myself a drink. eagerly FormID: 000410FB MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenBlockingTopic CUST 0 Welcome. I don't believe we've met. I am Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador to Skyrim. Walk Away FormID: 000410FB MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenBlocking MQ201PartyElenwenBlockingTopic CUST 1 And you are...? Walk Away FormID: 000422C1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Oh, it's you again. What in blazes do you want? FormID: 00036C2E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you've got the coin, you're welcome here. Otherwise, hit the road. FormID: 000422C2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What can I get you? Mead? Wine? FormID: 000422C7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Looking for a place to stay? FormID: 000422C8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You have some nerve coming back here after what you did to Keerava. FormID: 00036C30 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome to the Bee and Barb, milord. If I can interest you in one of our special drinks, you let me know. FormID: 00036C44 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome to the Bee and Barb, milady. If I can interest you in one of our special drinks, you let me know. FormID: 000422C9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Is there something I do for you? FormID: 000422CF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Be brief Imperial, there's only so long I can stand being downwind of your stench. FormID: 000422D2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Ah! A fellow Nord! I trust you're bringing the fight to the Empire. FormID: 000422D1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If your allegiance lies with the Empire, we haven't much to discuss. FormID: 000422D0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Hm. You're not from around here. Imperial spy perhaps? FormID: 000422D9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 How can a humble servant of Talos help you today? FormID: 000422D8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Talos bless you, my child. mocking FormID: 000422DA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Blessings of Talos upon you. FormID: 00041F77 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Blessings upon you, traveler. FormID: 000422E0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you much right now... I'm currently in mourning. FormID: 000422E2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You've caught me at a bad time. I've lost someone dear to me. FormID: 000422E1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Yes? What is it? FormID: 000422E7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm the brewmaster around here. What did you want? FormID: 000422E8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm quite busy. Need something or can I get back to work? FormID: 000422E9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Yeah? What do you want? If this is about the meadery, we can talk later. FormID: 000422ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome! Allow me to recommend the Black-Briar Mead... the purest brew in all of Skyrim! FormID: 000422EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 We serve only the best here... Black-Briar Mead. May I get one for you? FormID: 000422EF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm off work at the Black-Briar Meadery. I'll be back there in the morning. FormID: 000422F6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Hey, don't look at me that way! Who are you to judge me? FormID: 000422F7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 So what if I have a problem? I know how to deal with it! FormID: 000422F8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Maramal thinks he's so smart; tells me that Mara will cleanse the filth from my blood. Ha! What does he know? FormID: 000422FB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My n'wah of a father thought he could pull my strings... [QUOTE]continue the Hlaalu tradition.[QUOTE] Bah! I left all that nonsense behind. FormID: 000422F9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If Indaryn finds out, he'll have me thrown out of the Meadery for certain. So don't breathe a word of it to him. Not a word! FormID: 000422FA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Oh what am I going do? I can barely afford to stay at the Bunkhouse. FormID: 000422FC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm going to stop. That's what I'm going to do! Then everyone will see that I'm not as useless as they think. FormID: 00041F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 A Dreth never forgets a traitor. You'll pay for this! FormID: 000422FE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Wilhelm was pleased with the delivery, well done. FormID: 00041F79 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I believe you have a delivery to make. FormID: 000532F8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You look like you could use a drink. What do you say to some cheap mead? FormID: 000422FD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm selling the best mead in town for cheap. Interested? FormID: 00042305 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Well met. I don't think they're hiring anyone at the moment, so if you're looking for work, you're out of luck. FormID: 00042306 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The trees... they're beautiful here. Reminds me of autumn at home. FormID: 00042307 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The fall forest makes me miss my childhood; playing among the towering trees in Valenwood and living with my brethren. FormID: 00042308 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Seeing the sorry state of this city almost makes me regret my decision to leave my home when my apprenticeship completed. FormID: 00042309 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I was fortunate enough to be guided by one of Silvenar's master armorers until he passed. FormID: 0004230A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 On his deathbed, my master urged me to take over his business but I decided against it. I chose to wander Tamriel instead. FormID: 0004230B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Now here I am, working for this dreary city's Fishery. I sometimes wonder why I don't just move on. FormID: 0004230C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Hello. Welcome to the Pawned Prawn. FormID: 000D82C7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If there's anything you need, I'd be glad to help you. FormID: 000D82C8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My husband Bersi will be the death of me. He spends too much time worrying about Riften and not enough about himself. FormID: 0004230F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 All the crime and corruption in Riften is really getting to him... and now that we hear rumors about the dragons, he's been very depressed. FormID: 0004230E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Bersi's afraid that someone's making a move to take the Pawned Prawn from us. I think he's being paranoid. FormID: 0004230D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 We both own the Pawned Prawn together, but he's singlehandedly kept the place running despite all our problems. FormID: 00042310 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I just care about my husband so much and I hate to see him in this state. FormID: 00042311 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome to the Pawned Prawn. What can I do for you? FormID: 00042312 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I have all sorts of interesting items for sale. Have you looked around? FormID: 00042313 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Pickings may be a bit slim today, but if you see anything you like I'll make you a good deal. FormID: 00083866 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for anything to sell for a fair price, I run the Pawned Prawn over by the market. FormID: 0004231A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I presume you're bothering me for a good reason? FormID: 0004231B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What in the name of Oblivion do you want? FormID: 0004231C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I don't have time for idle chit-chat. What is it? FormID: 000BD778 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The throne suits me, don't you think? smug FormID: 000BD779 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My title is just a formality. I've always been in charge around here. smug FormID: 000BD77A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Jarl Maven Black-Briar. Has a pleasant sound to it, wouldn't you say? smug FormID: 0004231F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Fancy yourself the adventuring type, eh? It's just as well, I doubt your combat prowess would prove valuable in a real battle anyway. FormID: 00042320 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I was trained by some of the finest warriors in all Skyrim to wield a blade as if it was an extension of my own arm. FormID: 00042321 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My mother spares no expense where I'm concerned. I'm heir to the family fortune after all. FormID: 00042322 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Once I'm in charge I have bigger aspirations than just Skyrim. I plan to bring Black-Briar Mead to all of Tamriel. FormID: 00042323 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My children, Sibbi and Ingun, are being groomed to run the family business one day as well. FormID: 00042324 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Sibbi will prove to be a fine leader one day, but Ingun... that girl has her mind somewhere other than business. FormID: 00042325 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Maven's disappointed that Ingun's heart isn't in the family business, but she says [QUOTE]Ingun still has her uses.[QUOTE] Not sure what that means. FormID: 00041F7B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm Riften's appointed Steward. How can I help you? FormID: 00041F7C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Steward Hemming Black-Briar at your service. FormID: 00042327 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Well, if it isn't my little problem-solver. FormID: 0003C4ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Well, well. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. I've always got time for lovely ladies. FormID: 00042326 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Have you come to gawk at me or is this a social call? FormID: 000532FC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Ah finally, someone besides the stupid guards to talk to. FormID: 000532FE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My experiments continue to go well thanks to you. How can I return the favor? As if daydreaming FormID: 0003C4EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Any luck gathering those ingredients? As if daydreaming FormID: 0003C4F2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Hm? Sorry, just thinking about my experiments. As if daydreaming FormID: 0004232F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My mind is on my experiments today. What did you need? As if daydreaming FormID: 00042330 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What was it you wanted? As if daydreaming FormID: 00042335 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome back to the temple, messenger. FormID: 00041F7D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Blessings of Mara upon you! FormID: 00042336 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 How may I help you, my son? FormID: 00041F7E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 How may I help you, my daughter? FormID: 00053300 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Lady Mara's messenger returns. What can I help you with, my child? FormID: 00041F7F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Has the Warmth of Mara been given to Riften? FormID: 00041F82 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Lady Mara bids you welcome to Her Benevolence. FormID: 0004233B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What is it you seek, my child? FormID: 00064987 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Visiting Riften? All are welcome at the Temple of Mara. FormID: 00064988 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Please to meet you, I'm a priestess at the Temple of Mara. FormID: 00042342 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Thanks again for the delivery to Markarth. What can I do for you? FormID: 000557AA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Did you get that purchase agreement to Markarth yet? FormID: 00042341 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 New in town, eh? Here for the fishing I'd guess. FormID: 000557AC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 There's nothing like fishing on Lake Honrich, you should try it sometime. FormID: 00036C45 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're hungry, Marise sells fresh fish... caught by yours truly. FormID: 00042348 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for a handout, you're not going to get one from me. FormID: 000D82C9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Can you believe my former husband used to give most of our gold to the poor? FormID: 000D82CA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for a handout, you'll want to speak with my husband. FormID: 00042349 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for a handout, you'll want to speak with my husband. If you're looking for company, I suppose I could do worse. FormID: 0004234A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Bolli's around somewhere, planning to feed the poor with his nonsense about Mara. FormID: 0004234B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 With my husband's new found religion, what I do with our coin and what I do all day seem less important to him. Suits me. FormID: 0004234C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 At this rate, he'll give the entire Riften Fishery away to charity. Then how will I live? FormID: 0004234D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Such a waste of time preaching to the poor. If they're that hungry, they should just grow some food or something. FormID: 0004234E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I spend every Friday at the fishery, so I know the meaning of hard work. All those forms to fill out and file; it's exhausting! FormID: 0004234F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Mark my words. If Bolli thinks he's giving all of our wealth away to some poor slob, I'll leave him high and dry. FormID: 00042350 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm feeling much better thanks to your efforts. FormID: 00043DF8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The pilgrimage is complete, I can feel it. FormID: 00043DF9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Anything else before you make the journey? FormID: 00043DFA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Come to laugh at the grave tender? FormID: 00042351 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I can see that disapproving look in your eye. FormID: 00053301 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Oh, it's you. Come to extort more from me? FormID: 00041F85 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 New around Riften? Take my advice. Stay at the Bee and Barb... the Bunkhouse isn't for you. FormID: 00042356 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for a bed, this is the wrong place. FormID: 00042357 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You looking for something or what? FormID: 0004235D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Hey! Good to see you again. FormID: 00041F86 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Any luck getting the marks from those men? FormID: 00041F88 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Sorry about the mess. Keeping this place clean is quite a chore. FormID: 0004235E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your hands to yourself. FormID: 0004235F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The Bunkhouse isn't an inn. I'd recommend the Bee and Barb. FormID: 00042362 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Who did this to me? FormID: 0006DA82 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 This city is corrupt! You're all corrupt! FormID: 0006DA83 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 This is unfair! I'm innocent! FormID: 0006DA84 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Can I interest you in some fine goods from Morrowind? FormID: 00042364 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Have anything you wish to sell? I pay fair prices for all sorts of goods. FormID: 00042363 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If there's anything you wish to purchase, just let me know. FormID: 00083867 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're ever in the market, I deal in specialty goods from Morrowind at one of the stands. FormID: 00042369 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Working at the Riften Fishery is tough, but it puts some coin in my pocket. FormID: 00042367 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm beginning to think leaving Mournhold was a mistake. FormID: 00042368 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If Riften is the best Skyrim has to offer, I may as well turn back right now and just head for home. FormID: 00042374 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome to Riften, traveler. I hope the road fared well for you. FormID: 00042375 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What can I do for you? FormID: 000BD77B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Speak, I wish to hear everything my subjects have to say. FormID: 00042376 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I feel so helpless out here. The people of Riften depended on me, and I failed them. FormID: 000BD77C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Unmid and Anuriel shouldn't blame themselves for Riften's fall, I am the one who's ultimately responsible. FormID: 000BD77D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If Riften can be retaken, I will redouble my efforts to ensure the safety of my subjects and the defense of the Rift. FormID: 0004237B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Out of my way. The son of the Jarl has no time for idle conversation with travelers. FormID: 0004237D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If this isn't about official city business, you're wasting my time. FormID: 000BD781 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I presume you have something important to say? FormID: 00042381 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Come to gloat, have we? To poke fun at the jarl's youngest son? FormID: 00042382 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I can feel you laughing behind my back. FormID: 00042383 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Did Harrald send you to taunt me? FormID: 00042389 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome to Mistveil Keep. I'm Jarl Laila's steward, Anuriel. FormID: 00042388 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 As Riften's Steward I'm afraid I can provide only limited assistance, but speak your mind. FormID: 000BD782 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're here to report any instances of corruption, be confident that we're handling these rumors accordingly. FormID: 00042387 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm afraid my days as the steward of Riften has come to an end. FormID: 000BD783 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The Imperials now control Riften and have placed Maven Black-Briar on the Jarl's throne. FormID: 000BD784 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Perhaps the Stormcloaks might rally to take back Riften one day. Only time will tell. FormID: 0004238D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 As Jarl Laila's housecarl, I would ask that you maintain a respectable distance from her at all times. FormID: 0004238E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Did you have some sort of official business here? FormID: 0004238F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'd request that when speaking to Jarl Laila, you show the proper respect. FormID: 00042390 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Being in exile is the most humiliating thing I've experienced in my life. FormID: 00042391 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I killed scores of the Empire's men before I was forced to surrender. FormID: 00042392 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The only reason I stopped fighting was a plea from Laila, otherwise I'd would have fought to the death. FormID: 00042394 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I know you. Where was it? Hm. Oh! You were getting something for me? FormID: 00043E01 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Did we have an appointment? No... it was a delivery? I can't remember. FormID: 00042395 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Excuse my disorganization, but I'm in the middle of some delicate experiments. FormID: 00053303 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Come to see Balimund perform miracles with steel, eh? FormID: 00013631 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What brings you to Balimund today? Repair? Purchase? FormID: 00042399 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Nothing like the smell of a white-hot blade, eh? FormID: 0004239A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Looking for some armor? A weapon perhaps? FormID: 0004239F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Here to purchase some armor or a weapon? FormID: 00021CF8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 How can I help you today? FormID: 00021CFA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Have you met Balimund? I'm his apprentice. He's teaching me all about being a blacksmith. FormID: 000423A0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I used to live at the orphanage here in Riften. Grelod said my ma and da left me there when I was a baby... that they didn't want me. FormID: 000423A1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Balimund took me in and has been so kind to me. I don't know why, but he thinks I can be a great blacksmith like him. FormID: 000423A2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 At first I don't know why he picked me. I never even held a hammer in my life! But the first time I picked it up, it just felt right! FormID: 000423A3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Folks in town say that Balimund is the greatest blacksmith in all of Tamriel. I hope I can live up to that some day and make him proud of me. FormID: 000423A4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome back! Good to see you again. FormID: 00083AA2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're back. What have you discovered? FormID: 00053304 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Oh, it's you. Not here to rob me are you? FormID: 00083AA3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Well met, friend. How can I help you? FormID: 00083AA4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You're a stranger here too, eh? FormID: 000423A7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Visitors like us are rare in this part of Skyrim. FormID: 000423AA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I've never seen Mjoll this upset about anything. The city really gets to her. FormID: 000423AB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Mjoll told me that it isn't this bad everywhere. Maybe one day I'll venture out and see if she's right. FormID: 000423AC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Mjoll's brought me nothing but safety and piece of mind... and some lessons with the blade. FormID: 000423AD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I hope that someday this city will be free from corruption and we can all live in peace. FormID: 000423AF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You here for lessons like Ingun? Or did you wish to buy something? FormID: 000423AE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Do you have any idea how busy I am? My mixture could be burning as we speak! FormID: 000423B0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Take a look at my supplies if you must, but do hurry... I'm not getting any younger you know! FormID: 000423B4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Thanks again for delivering that ore sample. FormID: 0005B1D1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Have you managed to make it out to Shor's Stone? FormID: 0005B1E8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 This place has seen better days, but it's not my fault. FormID: 000423B5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Where's my head? I never even greeted you properly. FormID: 000423B6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I apologize in advance for my husband's crankiness; I promise you he means well. FormID: 000423B9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Please, please. I need but a septim. A septim is all I ask. Is that so bad? FormID: 000423BA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I can't take this place anymore. The trees... all the colors, but the city, so dark. Why? It makes no sense. FormID: 000423BB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 So cold, so hungry, so tired. FormID: 000423BC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 No one cares about us! No one! We could die and no one would ever even know! They'd just throw our corpses in the canal! FormID: 000423BD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Are you scared of death? I am. I hear everything just stops... forever. It just all goes away, but you don't realize it. I don't want to die. FormID: 000423BE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Sure, sure. I'm a dirty beggar... why would you want to even speak to me. FormID: 000423BF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 To Oblivion with all of you! You rich piles of dung walking by us like we're not there! Pretending we don't exist! How dare you! FormID: 000423C0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You think you know pain? Do you!? Try watching your wife and daughter burn alive after they've been ravaged by brigands! That's pain, my friend. FormID: 000423C1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Edda... she's crazy as a loon, but at least she doesn't have the mind to realize what a horrible world this is. She's the lucky one. FormID: 000423C2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Just leave Riften. Go far, far away and never return. This place is nothing but a rotten, stinking corpse that's sat in the sun far too long. FormID: 000423C3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Greetings, honored friend. Could I interest you in some fine jewelry? FormID: 000423C4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If anything pleases the eye, don't hesitate to make me an offer. FormID: 000423C5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you have any jewelry to sell, I'd be glad to pay you a fair sum in gold for it. FormID: 00083868 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Come see me in the market if you're looking for the finest custom jewelry in all of Skyrim. FormID: 00044BD9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 So, you're Brynjolf's new protege, eh? Don't look like much to me. FormID: 00044BDA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 It's one thing to say you've got the skills to be a thief. It's another to actually use them. FormID: 00044BDB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 It's been a long time since anyone joined us. Seems like people are in a rush to leave. FormID: 00044BDC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I hear even the simple jobs are becoming difficult. It never used to be like this. FormID: 00044BDD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Less coin in everyone's pocket means less coin in mine. FormID: 00044BDE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Something has to change soon or I may as well pack this place up and leave it for the skeevers. FormID: 00044BDF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You better have coin to pay for your drinks. There's no handouts here. FormID: 00044BE0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Got a lot of nerve coming down here. People tend to get hurt in the Ratway. FormID: 00044BE1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I wouldn't stay here long if I were you. FormID: 00044BE2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 There's a reason the city guard doesn't come down here you know. FormID: 00044BE3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Don't make trouble or else I'll ask Dirge to [QUOTE]walk[QUOTE] you out. FormID: 00044BE4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Even if you're one of us, you better not make trouble. FormID: 00044BE5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I don't care if you're best buddies with the Guild Master. I'll still smash in your skull if you try anything. FormID: 00044BE6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The last person that made trouble for Vekel ended up floating in the canal... catch my drift? FormID: 00044BE8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Stay outta trouble, or there's gonna be trouble. FormID: 00044BE9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Last person who made trouble for Vekel ended up with a smashed head. FormID: 00044BEA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Vekel doesn't like strangers snooping around the Flagon. FormID: 00044BEB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 There's two things to do at the Flagon: spend coin and then get out. FormID: 00044BEC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If it isn't the best brawler in Skyrim. Good to see you again! FormID: 00065C2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You up for another wager? FormID: 00065C2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Back, eh? Ready to brawl? FormID: 00044BED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Too lazy to walk, eh? Well, you've found the right place. FormID: 00065C2D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Got horses that need shoeing, so make it quick. FormID: 000C1E04 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If it's horses you want, you're talking to the right person. FormID: 000C1E03 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If it's horses you want, I'm not sure I can help you. I have too much on my mind as it is. FormID: 00044BF2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If it's horses you want, you'll want to speak to Hofgrir at the stables. FormID: 000C1E02 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If it's horses you want, you'll want to speak to Hofgrir. I'm afraid I'm in too much trouble to help you. FormID: 00044BF3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Hofgrir is a great teacher. I've learned so much about horses from him. FormID: 000D82CB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Horses are all I know. I've been riding since I could walk. FormID: 000D82CC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If the forest wasn't so dangerous, I'd spend every spare moment riding. FormID: 00016CA1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 When Aventus escaped, Grelod got meaner than ever. I really thought she was going to kill one of us. Guess not! FormID: 0008BBCE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Please, mister. You got to get me out of here. Ever since Aventus left, Grelod's been even meaner than usual. I swear, she's going to kill one of us. whispers frantically - pleading for help FormID: 0008BBCF DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Please, lady. You got to get me out of here. Ever since Aventus left, Grelod's been even meaner than usual. I swear, she's going to kill one of us. whispers frantically - pleading for help FormID: 0008BBD0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I used to hate it here, but it's not so bad anymore. Constance is real good to us. FormID: 0008BBD1 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 It's too bad the orphanage ain't letting us kids get adopted. I'd be the best son ever. FormID: 0008BBD2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I was named after the sound a lion makes. You know: rrroooaaaarr! Really. FormID: 0008BBD3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I can't believe it! Grelod is dead! She's really dead! FormID: 000D0598 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I do hope mummy and father come to get me soon. Ever since that Aventus boy left, Grelod has been so angry. FormID: 00016CA2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I do hope mummy and father come to get me soon. Ever since that Aventus boy left, this place has gone mad. FormID: 0008BBD4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My parents dropped me off here a year ago. But they're coming back to get me. They said so. FormID: 0008BBD5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You look kind of scary. But nobody is scarier than old Grelod. FormID: 0008BBD6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Constance Michel says we have to be careful of people we don't know. FormID: 0008BBD7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm really afraid of Grelod. When Aventus escaped, she was so mad. I got double the beatings that day. FormID: 0008BBD9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities. FormID: 00016CA3 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 When Aventus escaped, Grelod was so mad. I got double the beatings that day. But that won't happen ever again. FormID: 0008BBD8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I hate it here. Grelod the Kind is the meanest person in all of Skyrim. FormID: 000D0599 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Things are much better now that Grelod is dead, but still. I'm sick of this place. FormID: 0008BBDA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm strong, and quick, and can do any chore you want. Come on, adopt me. Please? Stretches out the [QUOTE]please[QUOTE] - like [QUOTE]pplleeeeaasssee[QUOTE] - pleading FormID: 00016CA4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 When Aventus took off, when he said those things, about killing Grelod... I never imagined he was serious... FormID: 0008BBDB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Come to get yourself a kid? You're out of luck. No way Grelod will let any of us get adopted. Especially not since Aventus took off. FormID: 0008BBE0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Grelod ain't going to like some stranger just hangin' around. Not that I care. FormID: 0008BBDD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Constance don't care much for strangers in the orphanage. Afraid someone might hurt one of us kids. Which, I gotta admit, is kind of nice. FormID: 0008BBDE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Why's someone like you want to hang around a place like this? FormID: 000A402C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Grelod... murdered. Here. I... I need... air... You... you... Get out of here! Get out! FormID: 000D059A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I can't believe Grelod is dead. I had no love for the woman, but to be murdered, in cold blood... FormID: 000A402D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You really shouldn't be in here. FormID: 000A402E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm sorry, but the children aren't up for adoption right now. You should go. FormID: 000A402F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My only concern is for the children. The poor darlings have no one else. FormID: 000B881F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Welcome to the cozy little family. I'm one of the lookouts for the Guild. I watch Delvin's back. FormID: 000B8820 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for extra work, talk to Vex or Delvin. They'll fix you up. FormID: 000B8821 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Stick to the rules and you'll end up rich. Break them and you're out on your arse. Simple, right? FormID: 000B8822 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for conversation, The Flagon isn't the place. FormID: 000B8823 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Vekel and me, we have a thing going. So I recommend you keep your hands off the merchandise. FormID: 000B8824 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Vekel and me, we have a thing going. Try anything with him and it'd be bad for your health. FormID: 000B8825 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You don't impress me. So don't even try. FormID: 000C3A32 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You going to buy something or just here for training? Otherwise, move on. FormID: 000C3A33 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You gonna stare all day or buy some armor? FormID: 000C3A35 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Come on, come on. The sooner you buy, the sooner I can get drunk. FormID: 000C3A34 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Can't you bother me at my armor stand in the market? Or are you that desperate for training? FormID: 000E82B9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 My food is the best in all of Skyrim; always as fresh as the day it was collected. FormID: 000E82BB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Some fresh meat to fill your belly perhaps? FormID: 000E82BA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The only way to find fresher meats is to hunt it yourself. FormID: 000E82BC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I run the meat and produce stand at the market. Come by and see me if you want some of the freshest food you've ever eaten. FormID: 0004236F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I'm feeling much better now thanks to you. FormID: 00042370 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Did you bring anything? The pain... FormID: 0004236C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Please help me, I'm going to lose my job at the Riften Fishery. Say as if with headache FormID: 00064989 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I really need your help! I don't want to lose my job at the fishery! What am I going to do? FormID: 0004236D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Oh, my aching head. Why do I do this to myself? Headache FormID: 0004236E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You have no idea what it's like to have everything, then watch it all disappear. FormID: 000557AE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Let me out of here, damn it! I'm not a criminal! FormID: 000557B4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 This is what happens to you when you speak your mind in this city. FormID: 000557B8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 They threw me in here because I called Ulfric a liar; a deceiver. FormID: 000557B9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Ulfric doesn't care about Talos. He yearns for the throne of Skyrim and he'll say anything to rally people to his side. FormID: 000557C0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 But now, because of Ulfric's greed, countless lives have been lost. FormID: 000557C8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 On second thought, maybe I'm better off in here. At least I'll die with a clear conscience. FormID: 00054C8A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Brynjolf sent you to rub it in? FormID: 00054C8C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Waste of talent throwing me in here, right? FormID: 00054C8E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Can't wait to get out of here. FormID: 00054C8F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 What? What are you looking at? FormID: 00054C97 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Piss off. I'm busy. FormID: 00054C98 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Get away from me. FormID: 000DA659 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 A pleasure, thane. FormID: 00065C49 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Is it daylight out? Night? I lose track down here. FormID: 00065C4A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 The prisoners are in rare form, as usual. FormID: 00065C4B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Watch your step in here. The stonework gets slippery. FormID: 00065C4C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Now that the Empire's arrived in Riften, we've finally established a launching point into Morrowind... just in case. FormID: 000E156A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 So is it Riften or Rifton? This place has changed its name so many times, I can't even remember. FormID: 000E156B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Seems like capturing Riften is turning out to be more of a hassle than a benefit. But what do I know? FormID: 000E156C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Why we bothered to capture Riften I'll never understand. Just look at this place. FormID: 000E156D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 This city still reeks with the stench of the Stormcloaks. Makes me sick to my stomach. FormID: 000E156E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I hope you're finding the city in proper order, thane. FormID: 00065C69 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 I trust the day's found you well, thane. FormID: 00065C6A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 How do you do, thane? FormID: 000DA655 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You could say the Ratway is the city under the city. Dark, dangerous, and no place for decent folk. FormID: 000AD80A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Riften's under my protection. You watch yourself, now. FormID: 000AD80B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Careful. Riften's not the safest place for a nighttime stroll. FormID: 000AD80F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 City's quiet enough now. But when the sun goes down, you best keep on your guard. FormID: 000DA656 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 There's an apothecary in town, yeah. But it's down on the lower walkway, so stay sharp if you go down there. FormID: 000DA657 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 There's fine steel at the Scorched Hammer, if you fancy a new blade. FormID: 000DA658 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Need a drink, you go to the Bee and Barb. Stay out of the Ragged Flagon, stay out of the Ratway. FormID: 000DA65A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If it's a bed you need, talk to Keerava in the Bee and Barb. She'll set you right. FormID: 000DA65E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 There's a foul presence coming from Darklight Tower, southwest of the city. Some say the place is home to necromancers. FormID: 000DA65B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 City got attacked once by those damn bandits, come east across the lake, from Faldar's Tooth. They won't be trying that again. FormID: 000DA65C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Best not go wandering east of the city. Bandits been seen around Broken Helm Hollow. FormID: 000DA65D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Talk of strange happenings at Autumnshade Clearing, just north of the lake. My guess? Spriggans. FormID: 000DA660 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 If you journey north, keep well away from Snapleg Cave. Damned Hagravens have infested the place. FormID: 000DA661 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 By the gods, a dragon's been sighted just south of the city, flying around Lost Tongue Overlook. FormID: 000403D6 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridTreacheryResponse1 CUST 0 Maybe so, but healthy paranoia has saved this Sanctuary before, and my gut's telling me that demented little fool is up to something. FormID: 00040359 Favor019 Favor019QuestGive Favor019QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Of course nothing in here is stolen. Only a careless, shameful, idiotic fetcher would do something as stupid as to buy pilfered goods.... FormID: 00040359 Favor019 Favor019QuestGive Favor019QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Oh by Azura, I've made a terrible mistake. I bought a gold ring, and Viola Giordano has been missing a ring that looks just like it. FormID: 00040389 Favor019 Favor019QuestGive Favor019QuestAccept CUST 0 It's not that easy. She'd go to the Jarl if she knew I was even remotely involved. You have to get it to her some other way. FormID: 00040389 Favor019 Favor019QuestGive Favor019QuestAccept CUST 1 Look, it's dangerous, but if you sneak the ring into her house. Put in a dresser or something. I will make it worth your while. FormID: 00040355 Favor019 Favor019QuestGive Favor019QuestReject CUST 0 You're telling me. FormID: 00040379 Favor019 Favor019QuestReturn Favor019QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. Thank you! Azura's Prophecy always guide you to fortune. FormID: 00040379 Favor019 Favor019QuestReturn Favor019QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Speaking of fortune. Here. Everything I earned from my last shipment. It's yours. FormID: 00040356 Favor019 Favor019QuestSnitch Favor019QuestSnitchTopic CUST 0 Oh, really? So that Dark Elf took my ring. So typical of his kind. FormID: 00040356 Favor019 Favor019QuestSnitch Favor019QuestSnitchTopic CUST 1 I think the Jarl should hear about this. Maybe double his taxes. No, triple them. That should teach those people a lesson. FormID: 00040356 Favor019 Favor019QuestSnitch Favor019QuestSnitchTopic CUST 2 You deserve something for sniffing out that thief. Here. FormID: 000705B4 Favor001 HELO 0 If you're one of the Jarl's men, you'll get your lumber. Anga's Mill pays its debts. FormID: 00090DF2 Favor001 HELO 0 I'm a writer by trade. Not that the people of Skyrim do much reading. FormID: 00040368 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Sorry, I thought Skald the Elder sent you. We've got an order to fill, and he's not known for patience. FormID: 00040368 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Look, if you're heading towards Dawnstar anytime soon, can you give the Jarl this note? Let him know he'll get his lumber. FormID: 00090E02 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Falkreath is known for its graveyard, traveler. We've buried more dead than you can imagine. FormID: 00090E02 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I just finished giving my old war companion, Berit, a proper burial by fire. Old hard head hated the idea of being lost cold in the ground. FormID: 00090E02 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Could you deliver the ashes to Runil, the priest of Arkay? He'll know the right blessings to make for Berit's soul. FormID: 00070435 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I write drama, friend. The legends and history of Skyrim made to excite and inspire. FormID: 00070435 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Poor Giruad Gemane at the Bards College has been waiting for my latest work, [QUOTE]Olaf and the Dragon,[QUOTE] for weeks now. Roads are a mess. FormID: 00044489 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 My family has been doing it for years. You need one out in the Reach. Don't want to be alone when some Forsworn comes swinging. FormID: 00044489 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I personally trained a whole litter for the Jarl. That reminds me, I was going to deliver some dog food to the Keep. Spiced beef. Their favorite. FormID: 00068FE0 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 This mine is only a few years old, but I've been digging up ore for over a century. FormID: 00068FE0 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 We're getting to the point where the tunnels are getting deep into the rock. People complain of bad coughs and foul air. FormID: 00068FE0 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 I've seen this before. We need some medicines to combat the ore dust. I was about to send a message to Windhelm for aid. FormID: 00094075 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 My brother is... sensitive. He has trouble focusing his attention on things. FormID: 00094075 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 We were taking him to the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun, just so the healers could make sure he was in good health, and they say he's fine. FormID: 00094075 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Are you heading to Whiterun? Could you take this letter to the priestess, Danica Pure-Spring? It's a note about Joric's health. FormID: 0004037F Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 00090DFB Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 0007043E Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 You're sure? When you see Giruad, ask for a tip. I'm sure he'll be in a good mood after reading this. FormID: 0004444B Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 Well, look at you, thanks. Take it to Voada, she handles all the dogs for the Jarl. FormID: 00068FE9 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 Thank you. Take it to Quintus, in the White Phial. FormID: 0009408B Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 00040358 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestReject CUST 0 Fair enough. FormID: 00090DFE Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestReject CUST 0 Indeed it is. FormID: 00044447 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestReject CUST 0 Yeah, yeah. FormID: 00070448 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestReject CUST 0 Typical. FormID: 00068F76 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestReject CUST 0 We'll get by. FormID: 00094083 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestReject CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 0004443C Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 What's this? Oh, that's right, the timbers from Anga's Mill. FormID: 0004443C Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 I swear, that Aeri and her men would make fine Stormcloak recruits. Pity we can't spare the lumber to conscript them. FormID: 0004443C Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 2 Here. Take this. For your time and all that. FormID: 00090E05 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Oh, thank you. The dogs were getting restless. FormID: 00090E05 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 Here, this is for you. FormID: 00070490 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Ah, Berit's ashes. He was a good man. Not many warriors grow to a fine, old age. FormID: 00070490 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 Thank you for bringing this to me. I'll make sure he gets his rites. Here, for your trouble. FormID: 0004038B Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Ah yes, Adonato's new work. Shorter than I expected, but words must be judged on merit, not length. FormID: 0004038B Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 I'll look over this later. Why don't you take this, for your trouble? FormID: 00068F29 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Oh dear. Darkwater Crossing needs medicines for its miners? FormID: 00068F29 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 I'll see about getting this order filled right away. Here, a few septims for you. FormID: 00094096 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Joric's sister? Poor child. Magic runs deep in that family's bloodline. It's not always a blessing. FormID: 00094096 Favor001 Favor001QuestFinish Favor001QuestFinishTopic CUST 1 Thank you for this. Something for your trouble. FormID: 00040365 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridTreacheryResponse2 CUST 0 So you understand my fear. If Cicero's planning something, and conspiring with one of our own, it would be disastrous. FormID: 00040364 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridTreacheryResponse3 CUST 0 You must understand. If Cicero is turning the others against me... against us... Our Family would not survive such division. FormID: 00040361 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridHideResponse1 CUST 0 Be that as it may, we have no other choice. You need to remain unseen! Now go! Before they meet. And report back to me with whatever you learn. FormID: 000403F7 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridHideResponse2 CUST 0 They'll never think to check it. Who in their right mind would hide inside? Now go. Before they meet. And report back to me with whatever you learn. FormID: 000403F6 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04AstridHideResponse3 CUST 0 No objections, then? Good. Go now. Before they meet. And report back to me with whatever you learn. FormID: 000403EF DB04 SCEN 0 Whistling - no subtitles FormID: 00040164 DB10 SCEN 0 You must speak with Astrid. Here, in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. FormID: 00040162 DB10 SCEN 0 Hurry, Nazir! I'm telling you, he's in there! FormID: 00040163 DB10 SCEN 0 Hurry, Nazir! I'm telling you, she's in there! FormID: 00040165 DB10 SCEN 0 I'm going... as fast... as I can, you stupid she-devil. I don't see you... helping... grunts as if pulling something heavy FormID: 0004015D DB10 SCEN 0 I'm not exactly built for manual labor. Now come on, you've almost got it. FormID: 0004015E DB10 SCEN 0 One more... pull... FormID: 00040160 DB10 SCEN 0 Yeeaahh! There. FormID: 0004015F DB10 SCEN 0 Can you get it open? FormID: 00040161 DB10 SCEN 0 I think so. Just hold on a moment. FormID: 0004011C MG02 MG02TolfdirQuestion01Branch MG02TolfdirQuestion01BranchTopic CUST 0 We're particularly interested in the prevalence of magical seals placed on the tombs here. It's rather unlike anything we've encountered. FormID: 0004011A MG02 MG02TolfdirQuestion02Branch MG02TolfdirQuestion02BranchTopic CUST 0 Anything! Anything at all that might be of interest. That's why I adore this location... we have no idea what we're going to find. FormID: 0004011A MG02 MG02TolfdirQuestion02Branch MG02TolfdirQuestion02BranchTopic CUST 1 And if, along the way, my message about the dangers of magic should happen to sink in for a few students, that would be a happy coincidence. FormID: 00040118 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage40Branch MG02TolfdirStage40Forcegreet CUST 0 What in the world was that racket? Is everything all right? FormID: 000E41B6 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage40Branch MG02TolfdirStage40Forcegreet CUST 0 Try casting a spell at the wall. See what happens! FormID: 000EDF18 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage40Branch MG02TolfdirStage40Forcegreet CUST 0 There must be something about that amulet. Have you tried putting it on? FormID: 0004000B dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Looks like the boss is at it again. FormID: 0004000D dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Why? What's he doing now? FormID: 0004000E dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 He's on one of his drunk rants again. Except this time he's challenging everyone to a duel over in the hole. FormID: 0004000F dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 We've got him locked in there now, but he's still challenging anyone that looks crooked at him. FormID: 00040010 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Someone should let that cat lose. That'd shut him up real quick. FormID: 0004000C dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Don't say that to loud, you don't want it getting back to him. FormID: 000B397C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirExclusiveTopic CUST 0 Forgive me. I was... intemperate. I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgment. Master Einarth reminded me of my duty. FormID: 000B397C MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirExclusiveTopic CUST 1 The decision whether or not to help you is not mine to make. FormID: 000B397D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirExclusiveTopic CUST 0 I have given my answer. Go and reconsider your course. FormID: 0003FF9D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirExclusiveTopic CUST 0 So the Blades have survived yet another disaster of their own making, and continue to meddle in things they do not understand. FormID: 0003FF66 DGIntimidateQuest IDAT 0 You're tougher than you look. You got me, fair and square. with grudging respect FormID: 0003FF67 DGIntimidateQuest IDAT 0 I didn't mean nothing by it! Just... leave me alone! What do you want? pleading for your life FormID: 0003FAF6 MQ00 GBYE 0 Wind guide you. serenely FormID: 000B5E19 MQ00 GBYE 0 Sky guard you. serenely FormID: 0003FAF8 MQ00 GBYE 0 Breath and focus. serenely - this is sort of a mantra for the Greybeards FormID: 00098E66 MQ00 GBYE 0 Go away! Leave me alone! FormID: 000750A2 MQ00 GBYE 0 Very good. FormID: 000750A3 MQ00 GBYE 0 That's all, hmm? FormID: 000750A4 MQ00 GBYE 0 Goodbye then. FormID: 000BF4AD MQ00 GBYE 0 Su'um ahrk morah. [QUOTE]breath and focus[QUOTE] FormID: 000BF4B0 MQ00 GBYE 0 Lok, Thu'um. ritual saying: [QUOTE]Sky (above), Voice (within)[QUOTE] FormID: 0003FA6E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse1 CUST 0 Save the niceties for now. I have no intention of getting invested in someone who may be dead tomorrow. FormID: 0003FA6E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse1 CUST 1 If you're still breathing in a few weeks, I'm sure we'll be the best of friends. FormID: 0003FA8B DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse2 CUST 0 Ooh, cocky. FormID: 0003FA8B DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse2 CUST 1 I give you three days before you screw up and someone runs a knife across your throat. FormID: 0003FA8B DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse2 CUST 2 But who knows? I've been proven wrong before. smiling as he says it FormID: 0003FA8C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse3 CUST 0 Ahh, going for the mysterious and brooding thing, hmm? FormID: 0003FA8C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetResponse3 CUST 1 That may work for your targets, but you'll find I'm not so easily impressed. FormID: 0003FA48 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarB1 CUST 0 True. But few now remember that this was the very spot where Alduin was defeated by the ancient Tongues. FormID: 0003FA48 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarB1 CUST 1 Vahrukt unslaad... perhaps none but me now remember how he was defeated. emphasis on HOW he was defeatedVahrukt unslaad = memory unceasing FormID: 0003FA3E MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarB2 CUST 0 This is the most sacred mountain in Skyrim. Zok revak strunmah. The great mountain of the world. revak strunmah = sacred mountain FormID: 0003FA3E MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarB2 CUST 1 Here the ancient Tongues, the first mortal masters of the Voice, brought Alduin to battle and defeated him. FormID: 0003FA47 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarB3 CUST 0 Drem. Patience. I am answering, in my way. FormID: 0003FA46 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1 CUST 0 Yes and no. Viik nuz ni kron. Alduin was not truly defeated, either. If he was, you would not be here today, seeking to... defeat him. Viik nuz ni kron = [QUOTE]defeat but not victory[QUOTE] FormID: 0003FA46 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1 CUST 1 The Nords of those days used the Dragonrend Shout to cripple Alduin. But this was not enough. Ok mulaag unslaad. ok mulaag unslaad = [QUOTE]his strength (is) unending[QUOTE] FormID: 0003FA46 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarC1 CUST 2 It was the Kel - the Elder Scroll. They used it to... cast him adrift on the currents of Time. struggling to explain these esoteric concepts in a foreign languagekren tiid = [QUOTE]break time[QUOTE] FormID: 0003FA49 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarD1 CUST 0 Tiid krent. Time was... shattered here because of what the ancient Nords did to Alduin. FormID: 0003FA49 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarD1 CUST 1 If you brought that Kel, that Elder Scroll back here... to the Tiid-Ahraan, the Time-Wound... FormID: 0003FA49 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarD1 CUST 2 With the Elder Scroll that was used to break Time, you may be able to... cast yourself back. To the other end of the break. FormID: 0003FA49 MQ204 MQ204PaarDragonrend2 MQ204PaarD1 CUST 3 You could learn Dragonrend from those who created it. FormID: 0003FA42 MQ00 MQ204PaarElderScroll MQ204PaarElderScrollTopic CUST 0 Vomindok. I do not know. Perhaps in the very doing they erased the knowing of it from Time itself. vomindok = [QUOTE]unknown[QUOTE] FormID: 0003FA42 MQ00 MQ204PaarElderScroll MQ204PaarElderScrollTopic CUST 1 The dov are children of Akatosh. Thus we are specially... attuned to the flow of Time. Perhaps also uniquely vulnerable. FormID: 0003FA42 MQ00 MQ204PaarElderScroll MQ204PaarElderScrollTopic CUST 2 I warned them against such a rash action. Even I could not foresee its consequences. Nust ni hon. They would not listen. nust ni hon = [QUOTE]they (would) not hear[QUOTE] FormID: 0003FA41 MQ00 MQ204PaarElderScroll MQ204PaarElderScrollTopicA1 CUST 0 Yes. There were a few of us that rebelled against Alduin's thur... his tyranny. We aided the humans in his overthrow. thur = overlord(ship) FormID: 0003FA41 MQ00 MQ204PaarElderScroll MQ204PaarElderScrollTopicA1 CUST 1 But they did not trust us. Ni ov. Their inner councils were kept hidden from us. ni ov = not trust FormID: 0003FA41 MQ00 MQ204PaarElderScroll MQ204PaarElderScrollTopicA1 CUST 2 I was far from here on the day of Alduin's downfall. But all dov felt the... sundering of Time itself. FormID: 0003FA3D MQ204 MQ204PaarFindElderScroll MQ204PaarFindElderScrollTopic CUST 0 Krosis. No. I know little of what has passed below in the long years I have lived here. FormID: 0003FA3D MQ204 MQ204PaarFindElderScroll MQ204PaarFindElderScrollTopic CUST 1 You are likely better informed than I. FormID: 0003F9E2 MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroA3A1 CUST 0 Evenaar bahlok. There are many hungers it is better to deny than to feed. FormID: 0003F9E2 MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroA3A1 CUST 1 Dreh ni nahkip. Discipline against the lesser aids in qahnaar... denial of the greater. Dreh ni nahkip = [QUOTE]do not feed[QUOTE]. Qahnaar = vanquish (denial) FormID: 0005073C DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Watch it! FormID: 000A93BC DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Ouch! Hey! FormID: 000A9B51 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Hey! FormID: 0005073E DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Oh. FormID: 000A9B52 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 What the? FormID: 0003EEFB DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Whoops. FormID: 000A93BD DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Mind yourself. FormID: 0003EEFD DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 What's the hurry? FormID: 000A9B53 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Oaf. FormID: 000A9B54 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Woah! FormID: 000A9B55 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Excuse me. FormID: 000A9B56 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Uh, sorry. FormID: 000A9B57 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Mind the way. FormID: 000A9B58 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Careful! FormID: 0003F884 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduin MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduinTopic CUST 0 Perhaps not. But this Shout was used once before, was it not? And here we are again. FormID: 0003F884 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduin MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduinTopic CUST 1 Have you considered that Alduin was not meant to be defeated? FormID: 0003F884 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduin MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduinTopic CUST 2 Those who overthrew him in ancient times only postponed the day of reckoning, they did not stop it. FormID: 0003F884 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduin MQ204ArngeirDefeatAlduinTopic CUST 3 If the world is meant to end, so be it. Let it end and be reborn. FormID: 000B94C8 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirHateBlades MQ204ArngeirHateBladesTopic CUST 0 Not hate. Distrust and fear. The Blades have always sought to turn the Dragonborn away from the path of wisdom. FormID: 0003F88D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirStopDragons MQ204ArngeirStopDragonsTopic CUST 0 That may be what you are here for, Dragonborn. FormID: 0003F88D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirStopDragons MQ204ArngeirStopDragonsTopic CUST 1 But stopping Alduin is one thing. Helping you wipe out dragons again is quite another. FormID: 0003F88D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirStopDragons MQ204ArngeirStopDragonsTopic CUST 2 Dragons are part of the natural order of the world. The Blades thought to change the order to suit themselves, by wiping out the dragons. FormID: 0003F88D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirStopDragons MQ204ArngeirStopDragonsTopic CUST 3 But again, we see that the natural order will be restored, one way or another. FormID: 0003F88D MQ204 MQ204ArngeirStopDragons MQ204ArngeirStopDragonsTopic CUST 4 Perhaps we would have dragon allies against Alduin if the ancient Blades had not acted so arrogantly. FormID: 0003F886 MQ204 IDAT 0 The Dragonrend Shout is evil. Would you cure one evil with another? FormID: 0003F887 MQ204 IDAT 0 The Blades! Of course. They specialize in meddling in matters they barely understand. Their reckless arrogance knows no bounds. FormID: 0003FA14 MQ204 IDAT 0 Tell me. Why do you come here, volaan? Why do you intrude on my meditation? FormID: 0003F889 MQ204 IDAT 0 The Blades were born of dragon-hating crusaders. They still carry that legacy although they may not remember from whence it came. FormID: 0003F889 MQ204 IDAT 1 They carried out a genocide of dragons when they first came to Tamriel, and now they will do it again, with your help. FormID: 000B3982 MQ204 IDAT 0 It was created by those who had lived under the unimaginable cruelty of Alduin's Dragon Cult. FormID: 000B3982 MQ204 IDAT 1 Their whole lives were consumed with hatred for dragons, and they poured all their anger and hatred into this Shout. FormID: 000B3982 MQ204 IDAT 2 When you learn a Shout, you take it into your very being. In a sense, you become the Shout. FormID: 000B3982 MQ204 IDAT 3 In order to learn and use this Shout, you will be taking this evil into yourself. FormID: 000B94B7 MQ204 IDAT 0 Your kind - joorre - mortals - created it as a weapon against the dov... the dragons. FormID: 000B94B7 MQ204 IDAT 1 Our hadrimme, our minds cannot even... comprehend its concepts. struggling with expressing this in Englishhaddrimme = minds FormID: 000BBEA7 MQ204 IDAT 0 Trust your instincts, Dovahkiin. Your blood will show you the way. FormID: 0003F881 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirIntro MQ204ArngeirIntroA1B1 CUST 0 If you wish to stand alone, so be it. If you wish for our help, you'll answer my question. FormID: 000B3975 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 0 They have always sought to turn the Dragonborn from the path of wisdom. FormID: 000B3975 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 1 Have you learned nothing from us? Would you simply be a tool in the hands of the Blades, to be used for their own purposes? FormID: 0003F880 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroC3New CUST 0 Do not be so sure about that. Beware - the Blades may claim to serve the Dragonborn, but they do not. They never have. FormID: 0003F880 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroC3New CUST 1 As for me, I kept from you only what you were not yet ready to know. Are still not ready to know, as your question reveals. FormID: 0003F888 MQ204 SCEN 0 Keep moving, stay focused on your goal, and you will reach the summit. FormID: 0003F88F MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroTopic CUST 0 So. You have made your way here, to me. No easy task for a joor... mortal. Even for one of Dovah Sos. Dragonblood. FormID: 0003F88F MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroTopic CUST 1 What would you ask of me? FormID: 0003F9E6 MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroTopic CUST 0 Not until introductions are complete. Zin. Heyv. Test your Thu'um against mine, Dovahkiin! zin = honor, heyv = duty FormID: 0003F88B MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroTopic CUST 0 Drem Yol Lok. Greetings, wunduniik. I am Paarthurnax. Wunduniik = traveller FormID: 0003F88B MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroTopic CUST 1 Who are you? What brings you to my strunmah... my mountain? strunmah = mountain FormID: 0003F9E7 MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroTopic CUST 0 You are bold, wunduniik. You dare enter a Dovah's home without permission. FormID: 0003F88A MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroA1 CUST 0 I am as my father Akatosh made me. As are you... Dovahkiin. FormID: 0003F88E MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroA2 CUST 0 They see me as master. Wuth. Onik. Old and wise. It is true I am old... modestly - maybe a bit of false modestywuth = old, onik = wise FormID: 0003F88C MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroA3 CUST 0 Yes. Vahzah. You speak true, Dovahkiin. Forgive me. vahzah = true, tinvaak = speak/talk FormID: 0003F88C MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroA3 CUST 1 It has been long since I held tinvaak with a stranger. I gave in to the temptation to prolong our speech. FormID: 0003F890 MQ204 MQ204PaarIntro MQ204PaarIntroB1 CUST 0 Drem. Patience. There are formalities which must be observed, at the first meeting of two of the dov. FormID: 0003F505 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Point that somewhere else! FormID: 000A9B59 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Don't do that, it's mean! FormID: 000A9B5A DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 You have a death wish? FormID: 0003F507 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Careful there! FormID: 000A9B5B DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 That's a dangerous game you're playing. FormID: 000A9B5C DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Woah... watch it! FormID: 000A9B5D DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 I suggest you aim elsewhere. FormID: 000A9B5E DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Please! Don't shoot! FormID: 000A9B5F DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Hmm? What're you doing? FormID: 000A9B60 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Now that's just rude. FormID: 000A9B61 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 You're not going to shoot, right? FormID: 000A9B62 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 There's no need for that. FormID: 000A9B63 DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Don't be a fool. FormID: 0003F502 DialogueGeneric ACYI 0 I'll let you live. This time. FormID: 0006D946 DialogueGeneric ACYI 0 I'll spare you - for now. FormID: 000D360F DialogueGeneric ACYI 0 All right, you've had enough. FormID: 0003F503 DialogueGeneric ACYI 0 You're not worth it. FormID: 0003F504 DialogueGeneric ACYI 0 I didn't think you had the stomach for it. FormID: 0003F517 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 The door up ahead will be locked. Klotha, one of the hagravens, will have the key on her. FormID: 0003F4FC dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 Watch out for pressure plates here. FormID: 0003F402 DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch DB10NazirSancPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Considering most of us are now dead, I assumed as much. - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 0003F402 DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch DB10NazirSancPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 And before you ask, no - I don't think it was you. Well, maybe I did, but you saving my sorry hide just now sort of erased any doubts. - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 0003F402 DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch DB10NazirSancPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 So thanks. - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 0003F406 DB10 NazirSancGreetBranch DB10NazirSancPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 You've got that right. Only a matter of time before we're roasted alive. Come on! - you're coughing, in a burning building FormID: 0003F404 DB10 SCEN 0 Listener. I am your only salvation. Come. Embrace me. FormID: 0003F0B4 DialogueMarkarthGuardIntros HELO 0 This is Markarth, traveler. Safest city in the Reach. FormID: 0003F139 DialogueMarkarthGuardIntros HELO 0 You here to see the Jarl? No sudden moves, understand? FormID: 0003F150 DialogueMarkarthGuardIntros HELO 0 Whole dwarven city underneath the keep. Nchuand-Zel. Best steer clear if you don't want a Steam Centurion carving you up. FormID: 0003F158 Favor018 HELO 0 By the Hist, if I don't get something soon, I don't know how I'll get through the week. FormID: 0003F05C Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 No. I'm not. I feel like my scales are clawing into me. Maybe you could help an old Argonian out? FormID: 0003F05C Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I heard some of the sailors talking about how they stashed a bottle of Double-Distilled Skooma in the Gnisis Cornerclub. I just need a taste. FormID: 00094045 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Me? Nothing. And I hope to keep it that way. The Jarl is convinced I have some connection with the College, so he goes easy on me. FormID: 00094045 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Maybe you'd like to help me keep up appearances? Old Nelacar has a mage's staff in his room in the Frozen Hearth. FormID: 00094045 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 It'd be good to have that staff in case the Jarl starts wondering if I actually have a real connection to the College. FormID: 000D9390 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Not against me. Against all of Falkreath. Those Imperial bastards are spying on every one of us. FormID: 000D9390 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Last night I saw Lod the blacksmith writing a letter. Probably sending word to Solitude and General Tullius. FormID: 000D9390 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Are you loyal to Skyrim? Break into Lod's house and get that letter. FormID: 0003F066 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestAccept CUST 0 Thank you. I'll be waiting for that bottle. FormID: 0009404B Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestAccept CUST 0 Thanks. I'll be waiting for it. FormID: 000D9392 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestAccept CUST 0 Good. FormID: 0003F03D Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestReject CUST 0 Hist spit on you. FormID: 00094073 Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestReject CUST 0 Daedra take you, then. FormID: 000D938C Favor018 Favor018QuestGive Favor018QuestReject CUST 0 Milk drinker. FormID: 0003F07A Favor018 Favor018QuestReturn Favor018QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you so much. Here. Let me show you a thing or two about not attracting attention to yourself. FormID: 00094079 Favor018 Favor018QuestReturn Favor018QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 This should come in handy. Here. Let me show you a few tricks I've learned about buttering up royalty. FormID: 000D938D Favor018 Favor018QuestReturn Favor018QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 What's this? Some kind of code? [QUOTE]Need as much iron ore as you can dig up....[QUOTE] reading a letter FormID: 000D938D Favor018 Favor018QuestReturn Favor018QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 He's not spying, but it's clear the Empire is making Lod smith up more swords and armor for them. FormID: 000D938D Favor018 Favor018QuestReturn Favor018QuestReturnTopic CUST 2 Good work. Take this. FormID: 0003EC53 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenHillevi SCEN 0 How's business today? FormID: 0003EBE3 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenHillevi SCEN 0 Well enough, I suppose. Nilsine bought up most of the tomatoes, and was asking if we could get more. FormID: 0003EBDF DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenHillevi SCEN 0 We've got another dozen ripening on the vine. They should be ready in a few days. FormID: 0003EBDB DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenHillevi SCEN 0 I'll be sure to tell her. FormID: 0003EDF4 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenAval SCEN 0 Did you have any luck tracking own some more pitchforks? FormID: 0003EDEE DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenAval SCEN 0 Revyn put the word out to his suppliers but with the war on, tools are scarce. Both sides have been snapping them up. FormID: 0003ED4D DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenAval SCEN 0 Tell him I'll pay double the normal price. We've been getting by with one broken pitchfork, but it's falling apart. FormID: 0003ED47 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorstenAval SCEN 0 I'll be sure to stress your urgency. It seems like every farmer in Skyrim is short on supplies these days. FormID: 0003ECA5 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 0 Hello, Jora. I'm glad to see you. In fact, I was just thinking about you and your husband. FormID: 0003EBFE DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 0 Is that so? And what were you thinking, exactly? Mildly suspicious. FormID: 0003EBE1 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 0 Well, I've heard awful stories about these Thalmor, and how they're rounding up everyone who still worships Talos. FormID: 0003EBE1 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 1 The interrogations are quite merciless, from what I've heard. FormID: 0003EBE1 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 2 I fear for you and your husband, should the Thamlor come here. But perhaps there's a way I can help. FormID: 0003EBDD DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 0 I doubt Ulfric would let Thalmor into Windhelm without a fight. But please, do continue. How would you help us? FormID: 0003EE43 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 0 Well, let's just say that I know some people who are experts at helping others disappear when they need to. Sly, as if sharing a secret. FormID: 0003EE43 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 1 They are discreet and thorough, though not inexpensive. I hope you'll keep that in mind, should the worst come to pass. FormID: 0003EDF1 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 0 We accept the risks that come with our faith, but I'll keep your offer in mind. Thank you, Niranye. FormID: 0003EDDF DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 0 I wanted to thank you again for the mince pie you sent over. It was delicious. FormID: 0003ED4C DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 0 It was my pleasure, Torbjorn. I enjoy cooking, and after what you and Tova have been through, it was the least I could do. FormID: 0003ECAA DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 0 My little Friga loved to cook, but she was terrible at it. Then one day, out of nowhere, she made the most amazing leek soup. FormID: 0003ECAA DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 1 She watched while we ate it, and when she saw how much we loved it, she was... so proud... A father talking about his daughter who was murdered recently. Toward the end, he trails off as the grief swells within him. He is heartbroken, and s FormID: 0003EC9B DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 0 I... I'm so sorry, Torbjorn. You must be suffering terribly. I wish there was some way I could help. She is speaking to a man whose daughter was murdered recently. They were talking, when he suddenly began to break down. He is now on the verge of tea FormID: 0003EBE4 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 0 You've done more than enough already. You've been a good friend in a time of need, and we won't forget that. FormID: 0003EBE4 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 1 I'm sorry I lost myself for a moment there. I just need some time to get over the loss. Apologizing because he almost broke down and cried in the middle of a conversation. His daughter was murdered recently, and he is still grief-stricke FormID: 0003EBE0 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 0 I've been meaning to speak to you, Niranye. Rumor is, you've got ties to the Thieves' Guild. Said with a hint of menace, setting up his next line, which is a bit of a threat. The tone here is meant to convey [QUOTE]I know what bad things you're doi FormID: 0003EDF5 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 0 One should never pay too much attention to rumors, Torbjorn. FormID: 0003EDF5 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 1 You have piqued my curiosity, however. Please, do continue. Equal parts amused and smug. This is a women who thinks she is in control, and has fear of her interrogator. FormID: 0003EDEF DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 0 It's a bad time to be a criminal, what with these murders going on. FormID: 0003EDEF DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 1 In fact, thieves have been known to kill, if there's a profit in it. This war's been hard on all of us. This is a man speaking to a suspected head of a thieves' guild, and the words imply a threat. He is basically saying [QUOTE]I'd watch my ass if I were you. FormID: 0003ED4F DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 0 Not that I'd know anything about it, of course, but it seems to me that the last thing a thieves' guild would want is to draw attention to itself. Cool, calculated and a bit amused. This speaker has just been accused of being the head of a thieves' guild - which she is - but she won't admit it. FormID: 0003ED48 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 0 The eyes of the law are everywhere these days. FormID: 0003ED48 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornNiranye SCEN 1 The guards are looking for a killer, but who knows what else they might turn up? Good day. Said with a hint of threat, since the speaker suspects that the woman he's talking to is a criminal. FormID: 0003EC9F DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTovaAval SCEN 0 I understand you purchase used goods, as well as sell them? FormID: 0003EC3A DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTovaAval SCEN 0 Yes, that's right. Whether or not I'm interested depends on what you've got, of course. FormID: 0003EBE2 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTovaAval SCEN 0 I have some things that belonged to my daughter, Friga. She... she won't be needing them any more. Some rief creeps into her voice toward the end. Friga was murdered recently. FormID: 0003EBDE DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTovaAval SCEN 0 Oh, I see. Yes, yes of course I'll take a look. Just bring them by whenever it's convenient for you. Said with concern and pity. He's a junk dealer and he's talking to a woman who wants to sell him her daughter's things, as her daughter was murdered FormID: 0003EE4B DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 0 Captain Lonely-Gale, it's always a pleasure to see you. Friendly, but in an artificial, almost forced way. She is buttering the target up. Maybe even a bit flirty. Actor's discretion =) FormID: 0003EE4B DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 1 In fact, I'm glad you're here. There's something I'd like to ask you. FormID: 0003EDF3 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 0 A pleasure to see you as well, Niranye. What can I do for you? FormID: 0003EDED DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 0 I was wondering if you still had many associates in the shipping profession. FormID: 0003EDED DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 1 I have a business proposition for any sailors who might be looking to make a few extra septims. FormID: 0003ED46 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 0 If that business proposition includes smuggling, forget it. FormID: 0003ED46 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 1 The sailors I know are plenty good at finding trouble without any help from you. The speaker is telling someone off, and rebuffing a business proposition. This should have a slightly scolding tone. FormID: 0003ECA4 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneLonelyGaleNiranye SCEN 0 You're such a wet blanket, captain. Can't a girl have a little fun from time to time? Mock regret, with a bit of flirting thrown in. FormID: 0003EC9D DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneNilsineHillevi SCEN 0 Is that new batch of tomatoes ready for sale yet, Hillevi? FormID: 0003EBE5 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneNilsineHillevi SCEN 0 You know, I'm not sure. My husband's been tending to the vines, so I'll have to ask him. FormID: 0003EBDC DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneNilsineHillevi SCEN 0 Just promise me when you get some more in, I'll have the first crack at them. FormID: 0003EE42 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneNilsineHillevi SCEN 0 What is it Ulfric's always saying... [QUOTE]On my honor as a Nord, I swear it.[QUOTE] (Laughter). As the parenthesized text implies, there should be some light, amused laughter at the end. She is mocking the masculine Nord culture, but it's good-n FormID: 0003EDF0 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneNilsineHillevi SCEN 0 So serious! (Laughter) Bemused laughter at the end. She's is giggling at her friend, who is mocking the overly-masculine Nord culture by pretending to be a Nord taking sole FormID: 0003ED96 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 0 Friend Brunwulf, how good to see you! FormID: 0003ED96 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 1 If you see anything you like, just let me know and I'll glad offer you a discount. FormID: 0003ED4B DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 0 That's not necessary. I'll pay the same price as anyone else. FormID: 0003ECA6 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 0 But I insist. and with good reason. FormID: 0003ECA6 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 1 Malthyr told me that you've been speaking to Ulfric about our situation. He said you're going to help us. FormID: 0003ECA6 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 2 So few Nords have ever offered to help us, a discount is the least I can do. FormID: 0003ECA3 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 0 I'm not looking for special treatment, Aval. All I did was talk to Ulfric. Stern and a little annoyed. FormID: 0003ECA3 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 1 For all I know, he's already forgotten the conversation. I wouldn't get your hopes up. Stern and a little annoyed. FormID: 0003EC9A DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 0 Oh, I see. Well, I'm sorry to have troubled you about it. Crestfallen. FormID: 0003EC9A DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneBrunwulfAval SCEN 1 Just... know that your efforts are appreciated. Crestfallen and sad. FormID: 0003EF0B DarkSideContractDialogue DBEnnodiusGreetBranch DBEnnodiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Why are you here? Get away from me! FormID: 000537CB DarkSideContractDialogue DBEnnodiusGreetBranch DBEnnodiusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 By the gods! Somebody help me! FormID: 0003F51E DarkSideContractDialogue DBNarfiGreetBranch DBNarfiGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Who are you? What do you want? FormID: 000537C8 DarkSideContractDialogue DBNarfiGreetBranch DBNarfiGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Please, just... just leave me be! FormID: 0003F521 DarkSideContractDialogue DBBetildGreetBranch DBBetildGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm really not in the mood. State your business, or take your leave. FormID: 000537CE DarkSideContractDialogue DBBetildGreetBranch DBBetildGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm busy, and you're bothering me. So go away. FormID: 0003EAC5 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAgnisGreetBranch DBAgnisGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You fighter types are always underfoot. You want me to clean? Then scat! FormID: 00053492 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAgnisGreetBranch DBAgnisGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I really must get back to my duties. This fort isn't going to clean itself. cranky FormID: 0003F51F DarkSideContractDialogue DBAnoriathGreetBranch DBAnoriathGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You're making me... nervous. Is there something you need? FormID: 000537CF DarkSideContractDialogue DBAnoriathGreetBranch DBAnoriathGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I find your presence... unnerving. Please depart. FormID: 0003ED8A DarkSideContractDialogue DBDeekusGreetBranch DBDeekusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Hrm. You go find your own wreck. This one's mine. FormID: 000537CD DarkSideContractDialogue DBDeekusGreetBranch DBDeekusGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Go away! This is my wreck! Mine! FormID: 0003F520 DarkSideContractDialogue DBHelvardGreetBranch DBHelvardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes. What is it? We're all very busy here... FormID: 000537CA DarkSideContractDialogue DBHelvardGreetBranch DBHelvardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 By the love of the Nine, what is it with you sycophants and hangers on? The jarl is busy! And so am I, for that matter. FormID: 0003EA7E MQ101 SCEN 0 What next, giant snakes? FormID: 0003EA79 MQ101 SCEN 0 I hate those damn things. Too many eyes, you know? FormID: 0003EA5C MQ101 SCEN 0 No, I haven't seen him since the dragon showed up. FormID: 0003EA81 MQ101 SCEN 0 No, I haven't seen him since the dragon showed up. FormID: 0003E9A4 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BLOC 0 extremely tired, blocking with a shield FormID: 0003E9A5 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BLOC 0 extremely tired, blocking with a shield FormID: 0003E9A6 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BLOC 0 extremely tired, blocking with a shield FormID: 0003E9A7 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BLOC 0 extremely tired, blocking with a shield FormID: 0003E9A8 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BLOC 0 extremely tired, blocking with a shield FormID: 0003E9A9 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BLOC 0 extremely tired, blocking with a shield FormID: 0003E8A0 CreatureDialogueMudcrab DETH 0 FormID: 0003E89F CreatureDialogueMudcrab HIT_ 0 FormID: 0003F1F5 DarkSideContractDialogue DBHernGreetBranch DBHernGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Well now. What have we here? A lost little lamb? FormID: 000537D1 DarkSideContractDialogue DBHernGreetBranch DBHernGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You really don't want to be loitering here, stranger. FormID: 0003F523 DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukGreetBranch DBLurbukGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Is the line for my next performance starting already? Come on, don't be shy. Plenty of room for everyone. Happy and laughing FormID: 000537C7 DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukGreetBranch DBLurbukGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm in the mood to ssssiiiiinnnggg! What about you, friend? Care to join me? Happy and laughing FormID: 0003E4B7 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 They burned his body before I could raise him... it should have been returned to me... FormID: 0003E4B6 dunAnsilvundQST SCEN 0 Keep digging! Ugh... If Lu'ah Al-Skaven can raise an army of Draugr, then why do I have to babysit them? FormID: 0003E249 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Gah! wordless grunt of exertion as you blow a sword blow FormID: 0003E24A DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Nargh! wordless grunt of exertion as you blow a sword blow FormID: 0003E24B DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Unf! wordless grunt of exertion as you blow a sword blow FormID: 0003E9A1 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Grrh! FormID: 0003E9A2 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Nnh! FormID: 000494B8 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Not quite good enough, are you? said as you're blocking a sword blow FormID: 00096503 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Close... FormID: 00096504 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 You'll need to do better than that. FormID: 00096505 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Easily blocked! FormID: 00096506 DialogueGeneric BLOC 0 Oho! Not so fast! FormID: 0003ED2F DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilGreetBranch DBMalurilGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 By the gods! What are you doing here? emphasis on [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] FormID: 000537C9 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilGreetBranch DBMalurilGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 The power of Mzinchaleft is mine! Begone from here! FormID: 0003EDE4 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMrandrujoGreetBranch DBMrandrujoGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 And how may Ma'randru-jo assist you, hmm? FormID: 000537D0 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMrandrujoGreetBranch DBMrandrujoGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Purchase something or leave. Those are your options. FormID: 0003F522 DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaGreetBranch DBSafiaGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me guess - you have some [QUOTE]business[QUOTE] to discuss... FormID: 000537CC DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaGreetBranch DBSafiaGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You do realize there's only one way this can end. FormID: 0003DD27 MS13FIN HELO 0 Thank you so much for taking care of those thieves. The Riverwood Trader is back to the way it used to be! FormID: 0008AF9F MS13FIN HELO 0 Thanks for bringing the claw back. FormID: 0003DD28 MS13FIN HELO 0 It means so much to us to have the claw back where it belongs. Thank you! FormID: 0008AFA0 MS13FIN HELO 0 Thanks for bringing the claw back. FormID: 0003DAC4 TGDialogueHQScene01 SCEN 0 Brynjolf, have you had a chance to speak to our contact in Whiterun? FormID: 0003DABD TGDialogueHQScene01 SCEN 0 Sorry Mercer, they no longer wish to be involved in our operation. FormID: 0003DA99 TGDialogueHQScene01 SCEN 0 I trust you've applied the appropriate pressure in order to change their mind? FormID: 0003DAB8 TGDialogueHQScene01 SCEN 0 I have. I think we may have to turn this one over to the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 0003DA9A TGDialogueHQScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, I'm afraid you're right. Such a shame... FormID: 0003DAB9 TGDialogueHQScene02 SCEN 0 Maven has been nagging us about her request. Any thoughts? FormID: 0003DA9B TGDialogueHQScene02 SCEN 0 Do we have anyone reliable to send out there? I don't want to look the fool again in front of her, Brynjolf. FormID: 0003DABB TGDialogueHQScene02 SCEN 0 Yes, I know. That last job was my fault. I obviously thought Niruin was ready, but I was wrong. FormID: 0003DA9C TGDialogueHQScene02 SCEN 0 Remind me why we even bother to allow him to be a part of the Guild. FormID: 0003DA9F TGDialogueHQScene02 SCEN 0 Two reasons. He's rich and because we need every sword we can get right now. FormID: 0003DAC5 TGDialogueHQScene03 SCEN 0 I think we need to prepare for the worst. The coffers are dwindling and I can barely keep our contacts happy. FormID: 0003DAA0 TGDialogueHQScene03 SCEN 0 There's no need to be concerned. We've been through more difficult times than this. FormID: 0003DAC6 TGDialogueHQScene03 SCEN 0 Normally I'd agree, but we've already lost so many contacts across Skyrim. If we lose the ones in Riften, we may as well close up shop. FormID: 0003DAA2 TGDialogueHQScene03 SCEN 0 I'll speak to the Jarl and see what I can do. Just keep them at bay a little longer. FormID: 0003DA84 TGDialogueHQScene04 SCEN 0 Delvin, please tell me you have good news. FormID: 0003DAA3 TGDialogueHQScene04 SCEN 0 If I told you that, I'd be lying. We haven't had a bite in weeks. Our clients are starting to get angry. FormID: 0003DA85 TGDialogueHQScene04 SCEN 0 You tell this sorry bunch of thieves that they need to put down their flagons and get to work if they want to keep their status! FormID: 0003DAC0 TGDialogueHQScene04 SCEN 0 I will, I will... FormID: 0003DA95 TGDialogueHQScene05 SCEN 0 So, Thrynn, you were a bandit, huh? FormID: 0003DAA9 TGDialogueHQScene05 SCEN 0 Yeah, what of it? FormID: 0003DA92 TGDialogueHQScene05 SCEN 0 So is it true, bandits get... you know, real friendly with the wildlife? snicker at the end FormID: 0003DAAE TGDialogueHQScene05 SCEN 0 You're an idiot. FormID: 0003DA8D TGDialogueHQScene06 SCEN 0 So, what do you think, my dear? Could a beautiful woman like you ever see yourself with an old codger like me? FormID: 0003DA8B TGDialogueHQScene06 SCEN 0 Absolutely. FormID: 0003DA88 TGDialogueHQScene06 SCEN 0 Oh, really? Well then... how can I make that happen? FormID: 0003DAC2 TGDialogueHQScene06 SCEN 0 When you're in your grave and I'm standing over it. Now get out of my way! FormID: 0003DABE TGDialogueHQScene07 SCEN 0 Delvin, that last shipment we heisted on the Cyrodiil frontier was worthless! FormID: 0003DAA1 TGDialogueHQScene07 SCEN 0 That's impossible. I distinctly heard that lout in the tavern say it was a full shipment of furs. They should be worth a fortune. FormID: 0003DABC TGDialogueHQScene07 SCEN 0 You idiot. He said [QUOTE]firs[QUOTE] not [QUOTE]furs.[QUOTE] It was a damn logging caravan! FormID: 0003DAC1 TGDialogueHQScene07 SCEN 0 Oh my... umm, you won't let Mercer hear about this will you? Ahem. FormID: 0003DA93 TGDialogueHQScene08 SCEN 0 I've picked up some new clients and did a few jobs on my own, but I'm not sure if that will cover our expenses. FormID: 0003DA89 TGDialogueHQScene08 SCEN 0 Thank you, Vex. You've always been the most reliable one in the Guild. FormID: 0003DA9E TGDialogueHQScene08 SCEN 0 Well, what the hell is Mercer going to do about this mess? Have you even talked to him? FormID: 0003DAB1 TGDialogueHQScene08 SCEN 0 Mercer is being Mercer. If he has a plan to get us out of this rut, then he isn't sharing it with me. FormID: 0003DAB6 TGDialogueHQScene09 SCEN 0 How are you feeling, Vex? FormID: 0003DAC3 TGDialogueHQScene09 SCEN 0 Pretty angry actually. I can't believe I botched the Goldenglow job. That should have been like stealing a sweetroll from a baby. FormID: 0003DABF TGDialogueHQScene09 SCEN 0 Well, I see your wounds have healed but your pride still needs some time. FormID: 0003DAAB TGDialogueHQScene09 SCEN 0 Brynjolf, something stinks around here and it's more than just the Ratway. We all know it. The question is, what's Mercer going to do about it? FormID: 0003DAA7 TGDialogueHQScene10 SCEN 0 Hold a moment, Rune. What did you think about my idea? FormID: 0003DA98 TGDialogueHQScene10 SCEN 0 Your idea to start a brothel, right? Do you want me to tell you exactly what I think? FormID: 0003DAB0 TGDialogueHQScene10 SCEN 0 Well, yes! Please! FormID: 0003DAAC TGDialogueHQScene10 SCEN 0 I think if Brynjolf catches wind of it, he'll boot you right out of here... so drop it already! FormID: 0003DAB2 TGDialogueHQScene11 SCEN 0 What in the name of Oblivion is going on in this place? FormID: 0003DA86 TGDialogueHQScene11 SCEN 0 Yeah, I know what you mean. If things don't start getting better soon, I may look for work elsewhere. FormID: 0003DAB4 TGDialogueHQScene11 SCEN 0 Hey, I still have a contact in Valenwood that may have some work for us. You're welcome to join me. FormID: 0003DA8A TGDialogueHQScene11 SCEN 0 I'll keep that in mind. FormID: 0003DAA6 TGDialogueHQScene12 SCEN 0 I tried to fence some goods to Tonilia, and you know what she told me? FormID: 0003DA97 TGDialogueHQScene12 SCEN 0 I think I know, but go ahead. FormID: 0003DA8F TGDialogueHQScene12 SCEN 0 She said that she barely had enough coin to cover it and I should come back later. Can you imagine that? FormID: 0003DA83 TGDialogueHQScene12 SCEN 0 This place is getting worse and worse. FormID: 0003DAA5 TGDialogueHQScene13 SCEN 0 So, Sapphire. Can I do anything for you, or more to the point... to you? innuendo FormID: 0003DAB5 TGDialogueHQScene13 SCEN 0 Vipir [QUOTE]the Fleet.[QUOTE] The only man who's foolish enough to name himself after his bedroom prowess. FormID: 0003DA87 TGDialogueHQScene13 SCEN 0 You stupid cow. You don't know what you're missing. FormID: 0003DA94 TGDialogueHQScene13 SCEN 0 No, but I know that you're going to turn up missing if you keep up this kind of talk. FormID: 0003DA91 TGDialogueHQScene14 SCEN 0 You seem to be a bit closer to Brynjolf than the rest of us. Is he giving you any idea why this place seems to be falling apart? FormID: 0003DAA8 TGDialogueHQScene14 SCEN 0 If he does, he isn't telling me a thing. I've asked, but all I get from him are more questions. FormID: 0003DA96 TGDialogueHQScene14 SCEN 0 What about Mercer? Have you asked him? FormID: 0003DAAA TGDialogueHQScene14 SCEN 0 No, and I'm not about to either. I value my life you know... you may want to remember that for yourself. FormID: 0003DA90 TGDialogueHQScene15 SCEN 0 All right. I have everything you asked for all ready to go. FormID: 0003DAB7 TGDialogueHQScene15 SCEN 0 I hope this deal goes through. I'm putting quite a bit of coin on the line... and the last two you set up fell through. FormID: 0003DAAD TGDialogueHQScene15 SCEN 0 I don't understand it either. They were a sure thing, I swear. FormID: 0003DABA TGDialogueHQScene15 SCEN 0 You just better hope this one isn't another waste of my coin. FormID: 0003DAA4 TGDialogueHQScene16 SCEN 0 So, the ending of my tale I began earlier... FormID: 0003DAB3 TGDialogueHQScene16 SCEN 0 Is this your tale of single-handedly fighting off a pack of trolls or my favorite... where you bedded four women on the same night? FormID: 0003DA8E TGDialogueHQScene16 SCEN 0 Well, if you don't want to hear it, that's your loss. FormID: 0003DAAF TGDialogueHQScene16 SCEN 0 If I wanted to hear a tall tale, I'll read a children's storybook. Get some better stories, Vipir. FormID: 0003D4CD dunRavenscarQST IDAT 0 No! Don't leave me here! I beg you to let me out! FormID: 0003D4CE dunRavenscarQST IDAT 0 Please! I'll pay you. I'll give you whatever you want. Just don't leave me here! FormID: 0003D4CF dunRavenscarQST IDAT 0 Hurry! Get me out of here! FormID: 0003D4D0 dunRavenscarQST IDAT 0 Use the key to open the door! We have to be quick! FormID: 0003D4CC dunRavenscarQST dunRavenscarMainbranch dunRavenscarMainTopic CUST 0 Not now! It's time to get back at these crows. FormID: 0003D4C5 dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 I'm glad they didn't find my lucky dagger. It's time to gut these rotten birds. Lead the way! FormID: 0003D4C7 dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll take everything you have... or your life. FormID: 0003D4C6 dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 Actually... on second thought, I'll just kill you! FormID: 0003D28D C03 C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranch C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformIntro CUST 0 Yours was not an easy transformation. But you're still alive, so congratulations. FormID: 0003D28D C03 C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranch C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformIntro CUST 1 We even have a celebration planned for you. FormID: 0003D28E C03 C03AelaForceGreetAtEnd C03AelaForceGreetAtEndIntro CUST 0 The bastards... somehow they managed to kill Skjor. FormID: 0003D23A dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 Hey! Over here! Get me out of here! Loud Whisper FormID: 0003D23B dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 Hey you! Let me out! I can help! Loud whisper FormID: 0003D234 dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 Please! Help me get out of this cage. I don't know why those things locked me up and I don't want to wait around to find out. FormID: 0003D237 dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 One of those things has the key to this cage. If you get me out of here I'll help you slaughter the rest of those crows. loud whisper FormID: 0003D233 dunRavenscarQST SCEN 0 Please, you can't leave me in here! If you let me out I can show you where they hide their best treasure. FormID: 0003D1F7 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod02 SCEN 0 My Jarl, I have concerns about the safety of Dawnstar. FormID: 0003D1D7 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod02 SCEN 0 Safety? Don't I have you to handle the town's safety? What is this about, Jod? dismissive FormID: 0003D1BC DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod02 SCEN 0 You keep pledging more and more of our guard to the frontlines. The way this is going, we won't be able to defend our own borders. FormID: 0003D1E2 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod02 SCEN 0 Nonsense. The best place for our men is driving the Imperials back. I will ensure that men from Dawnstar get every opportunity for glory. over-confidant FormID: 0003D1B5 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod02 SCEN 0 Glory is meaningless if they have no home to return to. I urge you to lower our commitments to the front until I'm sure we're safe. FormID: 0003D1C1 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod02 SCEN 0 I won't have you rob our soldiers of their chance to drive out the Empire. I'm done discussing this, Jod. FormID: 0003D1D3 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek02 SCEN 0 Bulfrek, I have an order of swords and armor from the local blacksmith coming here. I need every piece polished to a fine shine. FormID: 0003D1DF DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek02 SCEN 0 Yes, my Jarl. We could hardly waste anyone else's precious time on such a tedious task. sarcastic FormID: 0003D1B7 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek02 SCEN 0 Exactly, Bulfrek. You always know your place. oblivious to sarcasm FormID: 0003D1B9 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek01 SCEN 0 Skald, if you don't mind sir, I have a request. meek FormID: 0003D1D8 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek01 SCEN 0 You, have a request of me, Bulfrek? This should be interesting. dismissive FormID: 0003D1E3 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek01 SCEN 0 Well, I was thinking sir, with the war going on and all. Maybe, I could enlist? Fight the Imperials? meek FormID: 0003D1FD DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek01 SCEN 0 A servant? Enlisting in the Stormcloaks? Ah, Bulfrek, that's why I like having you about. You're always good for a laugh. insensitive FormID: 0003D1B6 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldBulfrek01 SCEN 0 Uh, yes sir. That's me. The oafish servant. disappointed, laughing but really quite sad FormID: 0003D1C9 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena02 SCEN 0 Madena, can we count on your spells to assist us in this war? The Empire is bound to bring their battlemages against us. FormID: 0003D1C7 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena02 SCEN 0 I told you before, Skald, I have no interest in taking sides in this war. I've no desire to be killed. FormID: 0003D1CC DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena02 SCEN 0 What good is a court mage if she refuses to fight? Where's your sense of duty? FormID: 0003D1E8 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena02 SCEN 0 When I came here, my only duties were to cure crop diseases and occasionally light a bonfire on holidays. I didn't sign up to kill. FormID: 0003D1FA DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena02 SCEN 0 Fine, but this isn't over Madena. We'll talk again. FormID: 0003D1BA DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena01 SCEN 0 Skald, I've been meaning to ask you for a leave of absence. I wish to return to High Rock until this war is over. FormID: 0003D1CD DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena01 SCEN 0 You wish to leave now? In Skyrim's moment of triumph, just before we cast off the yoke of Imperial rule? FormID: 0003D1E4 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena01 SCEN 0 Yes, that's exactly what I'm asking. I'm not a Nord, I'm a Breton, and I have no wish to fight this war. FormID: 0003D1F2 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldMadena01 SCEN 0 I don't think so, Madena. There will be no deserters in this hold, and that's final. FormID: 0003D1CA DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Just like old times, huh Horik? You and me fighting in a war over some forsaken scrap of land. nostalgic FormID: 0003D1B3 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Brings back memories. Do you have any orders for me, Legate? FormID: 0003D1F9 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Keep the guard alert. I want to make sure no townspeople get hurt if there's trouble. FormID: 0003D1DC DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Yes, Legate. No one is getting through us. FormID: 0003D1E5 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Shor's bones, I hope you're right. FormID: 0003D1E6 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 We should go over our strategy again in case the Stormcloaks attack. concerned FormID: 0003D1DD DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 I don't think that's needed, Horik. It's the same strategy we used for every major defense during the Great War. It'll serve just as well now. calm FormID: 0003D1B8 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 Considering how the Great War ended, I think we need to be cautious about what we rely on. worried FormID: 0003D1BD DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 Maybe you're right. I guess the battles I won yesterday won't win today's wars. self-deprecating, joking FormID: 0003D1DE DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, Legate. I didn't want to imply anything about your ability to lead. You're a hero to the Empire, and I.... flustered FormID: 0003D1FE DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, don't be such an old stick, Horik. I was joking. I can do that, you know. Redo the battle plans. I'll look over them later. FormID: 0003D1E0 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, Legate. FormID: 0003D1E1 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik02 SCEN 0 I want you to know I don't trust you, Madena. And I'll be watching you. FormID: 0003D1D4 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik02 SCEN 0 I'll tell you the same thing I told Skald. I'm here to help the people of Dawnstar, not play politics. Point your suspicions of treachery elsewhere. FormID: 0003D1BE DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik02 SCEN 0 So you say. We'll see if that's true when the Stormcloaks make their move. FormID: 0003D1FF DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik02 SCEN 0 Well, at the first sign of battle I'll be comfortably sitting in my room, waiting for it to end, so don't you worry. FormID: 0003D1D9 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik01 SCEN 0 I've seen you walking with a bit of pain sometimes, Horik. concerned FormID: 0003D1C4 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik01 SCEN 0 I'm fine, Madena. doesn't want to be bothered FormID: 0003D1CB DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik01 SCEN 0 I know old men sometimes have pains in their legs when they rise from bed. I know a few spells that could help. sincere, unintentionally insulting FormID: 0003D1F8 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik01 SCEN 0 I said I'm fine, Madena. I won't have some court mage fixing me up like some magical experiment. FormID: 0003D1EC DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaHorik01 SCEN 0 Still suspicious of me. Well, don't say I never offered. FormID: 0003D1C5 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaBrina02 SCEN 0 Madena, I was wondering if you could help me with something. Your magic would be invaluable. FormID: 0003D1DA DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaBrina02 SCEN 0 If this is about battle magic, forget it. I've told every Jarl I've served under that I won't.... get cut-off mid-sentence FormID: 0003D1D1 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaBrina02 SCEN 0 Actually, I was just wondering if you could make sure people are tended to if they get hurt. I'm sure you wouldn't object to that. stern FormID: 0003D1C0 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaBrina02 SCEN 0 I, well, no of course not. I would be glad to help. flustered FormID: 0003D1B2 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallMadenaBrina02 SCEN 0 Thank you, Madena. I appreciate your assistance. FormID: 0003D1F3 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 Father, do you want to talk? About mother? worried FormID: 0003D1EB DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 No, Karita. I don't think I could. FormID: 0003D1F6 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 I'm sure she would want you to be happy, father. Entertaining the guests and drinking and making your lewd jokes like before. worried FormID: 0003D1C2 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene02 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. I just don't feel up to entertaining anyone just now. FormID: 0003D1E9 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 I was wondering, father. Maybe you should take a day off and head into town. I could watch the inn while you're away. trying to get her father to live again FormID: 0003D1D5 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 Why would I do that? There's work to be done here. sad, distant FormID: 0003D1D2 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 It'll do you good! Maybe you could visit Irgnir or Fruki on your way out? I've seen them looking at you when they come in for drinks.... encouraging her father to find a new wife FormID: 0003D1C6 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 Why would they be looking at me? Are they upset about the service? sad, distant, oblivious FormID: 0003D1E7 DialogueDawnstarInnKaritaThoringScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, never mind. frustrated FormID: 0003D1EF MS13 MS13EndofEscort MS13EndofEscortTopic CUST 0 This is the bridge out of town. The path up the mountain to the northwest leads to Bleak Falls Barrow. FormID: 0003D1EF MS13 MS13EndofEscort MS13EndofEscortTopic CUST 1 I guess I should get back to my brother. He'll throw a fit if I take too long. Such a child.... FormID: 0003D1CE MS13 MS13BleakFallsDirectionsBranch MS13BleakFallsDirectionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, it's a winding road up the mountain just ahead. You'll know you're in the right place once you spot the old watchtower. FormID: 0003D1CE MS13 MS13BleakFallsDirectionsBranch MS13BleakFallsDirectionsBranchTopic CUST 1 Once you get to the tower, head north. Bleak Falls Barrow should be just around the corner further up. FormID: 0003D154 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndBranchTopic CUST 0 Is he? You've saved him?! I must see him at once! FormID: 0003D155 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndFollowUp1 CUST 0 What? After all this, I can't even see him? FormID: 0003D155 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndFollowUp1 CUST 1 How... How do I know you're telling me the truth, and not just what I want to hear? FormID: 0003D156 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndFollowUp2 CUST 0 [QUOTE]...for it bears aloft next summer's seeds.[QUOTE] That's my boy. FormID: 0003D156 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndFollowUp2 CUST 1 So it's true, then. For now, it's enough to know that he's alive. I can find peace in that. FormID: 0003D156 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndFollowUp2 CUST 2 Thank you, dear friend. You've given me back my son. FormID: 0003D151 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndReward CUST 0 I'd had Eorlund forge this for Thorald. It was to be a present for his return. I suppose he can't have it now. FormID: 0003D151 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndReward CUST 1 Why don't you take it? We can always make another for the day when this war ends and Thorald can come home. FormID: 0003D153 MS09 MS09FraliaEndBranch MS09FraliaEndReward CUST 0 With Eorlund gone, I'm afraid I can't offer you much in the way of thanks. But please, take this. It's the least I can do. FormID: 000E68A0 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Sorry, lass... I've got important things to do. We'll speak another time. FormID: 000E68B8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Sorry, lad... I've got important things to do. We'll speak another time. FormID: 000E68B9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm busy right now, lass. We can talk later. FormID: 000E68BC TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm busy right now, lad. We can talk later. FormID: 0003D6D1 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Always a pleasure, boss. What can I do for you? FormID: 000E50A5 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Pull up a seat and have a drink. FormID: 0003D6D2 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're back. FormID: 0003D6D3 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Something troublin' ya? I'll listen. FormID: 0003D6D4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 So, what can I do for ya today? FormID: 0003D6D5 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Still have quite a good bit of jobs available if you're looking for some extra coin. FormID: 0003D6D6 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Need some gold? I may have some work for you. FormID: 0003D6D7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Looking for work? FormID: 0003D6D8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Got lots of jobs available. Interested? FormID: 000E177D TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 So, you're the one Brynjolf's been jabberin' about. Been waitin' to have a word with you. FormID: 000E177E TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I think you better listen to Mercer and Brynjolf first. We can talk later. FormID: 0003D6D9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Talk to me again if you prove yourself to Brynjolf. FormID: 0003D6DA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Come back later and I may have some work for you. FormID: 0003D6DB TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I think Brynjolf can give you all the information you need. FormID: 0003D6DC TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Yeah? Disinterested, relaxed FormID: 0003D6DD TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm listenin'. FormID: 0003D6DE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Looking to fix your armor? FormID: 0003D6DF TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Can I interest you in anything? Some fine armor perhaps? FormID: 0003D6E0 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Be glad to repair any damage to your Guild armor. FormID: 0003D6E4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 So, name your poison! Ha ha ha. Oh, I never get tired of that one! Making a bad joke. FormID: 0003D6E5 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Need some sort of toxin for a special occasion? That's where I come in. FormID: 0003D6E6 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I sell all sorts of poisons for almost every occasion. FormID: 0003D6EA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Looking for the best smith in Skyrim? You found it. FormID: 0003D6EC TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 They don't call me the Ember-Master for nothing. What do you need? FormID: 0003D6EB TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Need your weapon repaired? Or could I interest you in a new one? FormID: 0003D6F5 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I've got all sorts of weapons for the discerning marksman. What can I get you? FormID: 0003D6F4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 If you're in the market for the finest bows money can buy, you're talking to the right person. FormID: 0003D6F3 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Skilled, lethal and good-looking. Yep, it's a curse. FormID: 000E50A6 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Hey, let's talk a second. FormID: 000E50A7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 You're making waves around here. I like that. If you ever want to talk about anything, you let me know. FormID: 000E50A9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Hey, how's it going. Need pickpocket training? FormID: 000E50AA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 If you need pickpocket training, just let me know. FormID: 000E50AD TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 If you want to be a master pickpocket like me, I can get you there. FormID: 000E50AE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 If you wondering why they call me Vipir the Fleet, watch me outrun the town guard sometime. FormID: 0003D6F7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I've been a part of this Guild for as long as Mercer has been Guild Master. FormID: 0003D6F8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I might not be as big as some of my fellow Nords, but in a fight they can barely lay a hand on me. FormID: 0003D6F9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 My specialty is pickpocketing. All I need is a rich mark, a moon-lit sky and I'm in my element. FormID: 0003D6FA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I wouldn't mind teaching the ways of the pickpocket... if the gold was right. FormID: 0003D6FB TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I miss the glory days of this place. We had more coin stacked in the vaults than we even knew what to do with. FormID: 0003D6FC TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Come here a second. FormID: 000E50AF TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 A lot of people are beginning to get impressed with you here. Me included. Just wanted to let you know. FormID: 000E50B0 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Interest you in some marksman training? FormID: 000E50B1 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 If you need marksman training, and you've got the coin... I'm ready to teach you. FormID: 000E50B3 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 What's on your mind? FormID: 000E50B4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Of course you can buy me a drink... you didn't need to say a word, but I heard you loud and clear. FormID: 0003D6FD TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Ugh. The wine in Skyrim tastes like urine compared to the fine vintages we had in Valenwood. FormID: 0003D6FE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I don't miss home one bit. I'm glad to leave that life behind me. FormID: 0003D6FF TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'd much rather earn a living liberating others of their coin this way than spending my days as a carpenter like my father. FormID: 0003D700 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 It's not hard to fit in and make friends when you have the coin to make it happen. FormID: 0003D701 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I don't bother with silly pickpocketing jobs when I can make far more at the gambling table. FormID: 000E50B7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Let's talk for moment. FormID: 000E50B8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Look, if I was a little harsh before, I just wanted you to know it's because you were new. Know what I mean? FormID: 000E50B9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Well, hey there. What can Sapphire do for you? FormID: 000E50BA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Back from a job, huh? Hope it went well. FormID: 000E50BB TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Want to talk? Go ahead. FormID: 000E50BD TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 They call me Sapphire because I love to steal them. FormID: 000E50BE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Don't get me wrong, I'll steal any gem that isn't nailed down. But there's something about those blue stones that gets my blood boiling. FormID: 000E50C1 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 When people ask my real name, know what I tell them? Don't ask. FormID: 000E50C2 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Sure I might have some dirt in my past, but that's just ancient history. FormID: 000E50C3 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm a deadeye marksman, lethal with a blade and dangerous in bed. And it only gets better from there. FormID: 000E50C4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Last time someone cheated me, I cut off their hand. Still have it actually. FormID: 000E50C5 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Wanted to say something to you. FormID: 000E50C6 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I think you're all right. In fact, I'm kind of impressed how well you're doing around here. Just keep it between us, okay? FormID: 000E50C7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Yeah, you need something? FormID: 000E50C8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 What's going on? like an informal greeting FormID: 000E50C9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Sure, we can talk a minute. FormID: 000E50CA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I've seen a lot of thieves come and go, but I've never seen anyone as good as me. FormID: 000E50CE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I could crack the lock on any house blindfolded before you even got your picks out of your pocket. FormID: 000E50CF TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Been in the Guild a long time... joined right after Brynjolf. Not interested in leadership though, that's more his kind of thing. FormID: 000E50D0 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I don't care if Vex was chosen as a Guild Third over me, she deserved it. FormID: 000E50D3 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I kind of like watching things from where I am. Making money is all I care about. FormID: 000E50D4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Hey, I want to talk to you... now. FormID: 000E50D6 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 You're pretty tough, I respect that. Bringing in a lot of coin for the Guild, making us look good too. Let me know if you need anything, okay? FormID: 000E50D7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Need something? FormID: 000E50D8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 You want to talk to me? Okay. FormID: 000E50D9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Yeah, I guess I have a minute. What do you want? FormID: 000E50DA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm the heavy hitter around here. When someone needs pushing around, I'm the one they send in. FormID: 000E50DD TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Used to run with a bandit clan in The Pale. Turns out I didn't like them and they didn't like me, so we parted ways. FormID: 000E50DE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Brynjolf pulled me in a few years ago. Said the Guild was lacking some muscle, so I joined up. FormID: 000E50E0 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I've busted heads for Maven Black-Briar when she wants to keep her name out of it. Pays good, so why not? FormID: 000E50E1 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I leave all that sneaking around nonsense to everyone else; believe me, when I'm coming for you... you'll know it. FormID: 000E50E2 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Got a minute? Wanted to say something. FormID: 000E50E3 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I've never seen anyone with skills like yours. I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything, you can talk to me. FormID: 000E50E4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Hey, good to see you! FormID: 000E50E7 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Something I can help with or do you just want to talk? FormID: 000E50E8 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 My brother in crime... what'd you need? FormID: 000E50EA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 My sister in crime. What'd you need? FormID: 000E50EB TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Name's Rune. Yeah, rune... just like you're thinking. FormID: 000E50EC TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Have no idea what my birth name really is, and I frankly don't care. FormID: 000E50ED TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Being brought up by a poor family, I had to learn how to steal if I wanted to make ends meet. FormID: 000E50EF TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Brynjolf actually caught me trying to pick his pocket in the market. If he was anyone else I would have gotten away with it. FormID: 000E50F0 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm glad Brynjolf decided to let me join. Been trying to make some coin for him ever since. FormID: 000E50F4 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Hmph, so you're the one everyone's falling over. FormID: 000E50F5 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I don't know, you don't look so impressive to me. I mean, you're no Gray Fox, but you must be doing something right. FormID: 000E50F9 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm busy, is this important? FormID: 000E50FA TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Are you bothering me for a reason? FormID: 000E50FE TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Oh, this should be good. sarcastic FormID: 000E50FF TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 We haven't met. FormID: 000E5103 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Name's Garthar. Remember it, because you're going to hear a lot about me. FormID: 000E5104 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Still learning the ropes, but I'll get the hang of it. FormID: 000E5181 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Been doing a few jobs for Vex... how about you? FormID: 000E5189 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Did you want something? FormID: 0003D705 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Our Guild Master graces me with a visit. What can I do for you? FormID: 000E518A TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Steal anything worth talking about? FormID: 0003D706 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Back with good news I trust. FormID: 0003D707 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Well? You done or what? FormID: 0003D708 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Out with it. Time is money. FormID: 0003CF3B TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 So, feeling loose? How about you run a job for me. FormID: 0003D709 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Need a few spare septims? I got the cure right here. FormID: 0003D70A TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I have work if you've got the backbone. FormID: 0003D70B TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Ready for some work or you just going to wander around all day? FormID: 000E177F TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 So, you're the new recruit everyone's been talking about, eh? I guess it's about time we talked. FormID: 00064EA2 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 After you talk to Brynjolf and Mercer, come back and see me. FormID: 000E1780 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I have no business with you. FormID: 0003CF40 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm busy. Don't you have something to do? FormID: 0003CF41 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I'm not here to hold your hand. Figure this one out for yourself. FormID: 0003CF42 TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 You need advice? Talk to Brynjolf... I got better things to do. FormID: 0003D70C TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 I have no business with you. FormID: 0003D6CB TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying. FormID: 000FF98C TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 Don't you have better things to do than disturb me? FormID: 000FF98D TGDialogue TGHellos HELO 0 This better be important, I'm quite busy. FormID: 0003CD8F DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 You never talk much about yourself, do you Horik? I swear, these past 30 years you've been at my side, and I think I barely know you. concerned about how little she understands her dear friend FormID: 0003CDA4 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 What's to say? I was born on a farm, joined the Legion when I came of age, and I've served you ever since. matter-of-fact, not interested in talking about himself FormID: 0003CD84 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 What about your family? There must have been someone waiting for you back at the farm. Wondering if you were ever coming home? concerned about how little she understands her dear friend FormID: 0003CDB1 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 No. Can't say there was. My parents died when I was young. You and the Legion have been my only family since. matter-of-fact, uncomfortable discussing his personal life FormID: 0003CD96 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 I see. You're a good soldier, Horik. I'm sorry for intruding. affectionate FormID: 0003CD94 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene01 SCEN 0 You weren't. There's just not much to it. matter-of-fact, dislikes discussing his private life FormID: 0003CDBC DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Are you all right? You seem tired. concerned for his friend's health FormID: 0003CDB6 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 I'm fine, Horik. I just... are you worried about this war? moment of doubt FormID: 0003CDA1 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 No. If we must fight, we will, and you will lead us to victory. As you always have. admiration for his commander FormID: 0003CD82 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 With you by my side, is that right Horik? thinking of all the times she's fought beside her dear friend FormID: 0003CDA8 DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 Of course. I would have it no other way. FormID: 0003CD8B DialogueDawnstarBrinaHorikScene02 SCEN 0 So much for old soldiers settling down to a life of luxury, eh? jokingly FormID: 0003CD90 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren01 SCEN 0 The forge is hot today. FormID: 0003CDB7 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren01 SCEN 0 Not hot enough. Does your Skyrim ever get warm, husband? FormID: 0003CDAC DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren02 SCEN 0 Rustleif, I've been wondering. Maybe after the baby is born, we should move to Hammerfell. worried FormID: 0003CD9D DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren02 SCEN 0 Hammerfell? I'm not against the idea, but why? FormID: 0003CD81 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren02 SCEN 0 I'm just worried about raising a child in the middle of this war of yours. FormID: 0003CDA6 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren02 SCEN 0 War of mine? It's not my war, Seren! FormID: 0003CD8A DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren02 SCEN 0 Your people's war, I mean. The Nords. What kind of life would we be giving our little one if we stayed here? FormID: 0003CDB0 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren02 SCEN 0 I... well, let me think about it. FormID: 000545D0 DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild02 SCEN 0 Keep at it. We need to work twice as hard now that fat-headed Leigelf has declared war! FormID: 0003CD9B DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild02 SCEN 0 We're at war with Leigelf? Isn't he your husband? FormID: 0003CDBE DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild02 SCEN 0 No he isn't! He's the enemy, and we are going to crush him. FormID: 0003CD9C DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild02 SCEN 0 Drafted into a war, how could my life get worse? FormID: 0003CDA0 DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild01 SCEN 0 Work hard, now! The pride of Iron-Breaker Mine is on the line. FormID: 0003CDA2 DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild01 SCEN 0 Pride of the what? This isn't the Legion, boss. We're miners, not soldiers. FormID: 0003CD80 DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild01 SCEN 0 You'll shut your mouth and get back to work, or you won't be a miner or a soldier by the day's end. Hear me? FormID: 0003CDA3 DialogueDawnstarIronBreakerKarlBeitild01 SCEN 0 Uh, yes ma'am. FormID: 0003CDB8 DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond02 SCEN 0 Thank you for sticking by me. sad to see his mine so empty FormID: 0003CD9F DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond02 SCEN 0 Where else would I go? Dawnstar is my home and working here is my job. proud FormID: 0003CD7D DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond02 SCEN 0 It's good to hear you say that. I wish my wife was as simple as you. unintentionally insulting FormID: 0003CDA5 DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond02 SCEN 0 I'll, uh, just take that as a compliment. shrugging off an insult FormID: 0003CD87 DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond01 SCEN 0 If you don't mind me saying, Leigelf. You're working too hard. Go home. FormID: 0003CDA9 DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond01 SCEN 0 Never. Not until we turn this mine around, drive Beitild out of business, and force her to apologize to me for everything she's done! FormID: 0003CD88 DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond01 SCEN 0 What is this feud you have with your wife? What started this? FormID: 0003CDAA DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond01 SCEN 0 I don't want to talk about it. FormID: 0003CD89 DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond01 SCEN 0 You don't want to talk about it, or you don't know? FormID: 0003CDAB DialogueDawnstarQuicksilverLeigelfLond01 SCEN 0 I don't want to talk about it. FormID: 0003CDB9 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod01 SCEN 0 We are poised for glory, Jod. The Empire will never take Dawnstar while every last man, woman, and child here draws breathe! over-confidant FormID: 0003CD8E DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod01 SCEN 0 With respect, Jarl. You can't ask everyone to throw themselves against trained Legionnaires. Let's leave the fighting to the Stormcloaks. worried about people's safety FormID: 0003CDB4 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod01 SCEN 0 You're right. Why dilute the glory with too many souls fighting over it? We'll drive out the Empire and be celebrated as heroes when we win. over-confidant FormID: 0003CD97 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod01 SCEN 0 If we win. This war is going to drag on for years. I can feel it. We need to prepare for a long struggle ahead. FormID: 0003CDBB DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod01 SCEN 0 Enough of your dire predictions! We will talk about this another time. FormID: 0003CD26 MQ204 SCEN 0 The path to Paarthurnax lies through this gate. I will show you how to open the way. FormID: 0003CCEB MQ101 MQ101Decision MQ101DecisionTopic CUST 0 You made it! FormID: 0003CCEB MQ101 MQ101Decision MQ101DecisionTopic CUST 1 We need to get inside. Follow me! FormID: 0003CCEC MQ101 MQ101Decision MQ101DecisionTopic CUST 0 Come on! We need to get inside before that dragon comes back! FormID: 0003C79C DA14Start HELO 0 If you're looking for a challenge, you've come to the right place. FormID: 0003C79D DA14Start HELO 0 A few drinks, a few laughs and a contest. What could be better? FormID: 0003C79F DA14Start HELO 0 Maybe you just aren't up to the challenge... FormID: 0003C6FB TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic01a CUST 0 No risk, no reward. That's the way it goes, so you better get used to it. disappointed and scolding FormID: 0003C6FB TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic01a CUST 1 Now... if you're done bellyaching like a child, how about handling a few deadbeats for me? first part insulting FormID: 0003C6F9 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic01b CUST 0 If you were expecting a palace, then maybe you're not cut out for this line of work. Our methods involve secrecy and discretion. scolding/disappointed FormID: 0003C6F9 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic01b CUST 1 Now... if you're done bellyaching like a child, how about handling a few deadbeats for me? FormID: 0003C700 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic01a CUST 0 That's the spirit! Larceny's in your blood... the telltale sign of a practiced thief. laugh at beginning FormID: 0003C700 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic01a CUST 1 I think you'll do more than just fit in around here. FormID: 0003C586 CW02A SCEN 0 Don't give them a chance to warn the others! FormID: 0003C587 CW02A SCEN 0 Be careful men. There's bound to be more up ahead. Spoken in sort of a half-whisper. FormID: 0003C589 CW02A SCEN 0 What in the nine holds is that? FormID: 0003C588 CW02A SCEN 0 Is this what killed that Stormcloak over there? Can't be. It looks like it's been dead for a hundred years. FormID: 0003C585 CW02A SCEN 0 Steady now. The Legion has faced down worse than a few dusty old bonewalkers. FormID: 0003C585 CW02A SCEN 1 We're not leaving here until we get what we came for. FormID: 0003C575 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBlades MQ204PaarBladesTopic CUST 0 The Blades are wise not to trust me. Onikaan ni ov. I would not trust another dovah. Onikaan ni ov = [QUOTE](It is) wisdom not to trust[QUOTE] FormID: 0003C574 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBlades MQ204PaarBladesA1 CUST 0 Dov wahlaan fah rel. We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not? Dov wahlaan fah rel = [QUOTE]dragons were created for domination[QUOTE] FormID: 0003C574 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBlades MQ204PaarBladesA1 CUST 1 I can be trusted. I know this. But they do not. Onikaan ni ov dovah. It is always wise to mistrust a dovah. onikaan ni ov dovah = [QUOTE]Wisdom is not trusting a dragon[QUOTE] FormID: 0003C574 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBlades MQ204PaarBladesA1 CUST 2 I have overcome my nature only through meditation and long study of the Way of the Voice. FormID: 0003C574 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBlades MQ204PaarBladesA1 CUST 3 No day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature. Zin krif horvut se suleyk. Zin krif horvut se suleyk. = [QUOTE]Honor (is) fighting the lure of power[QUOTE] FormID: 0003C574 MQPaarthurnax MQPaarthurnaxBlades MQ204PaarBladesA1 CUST 4 What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? FormID: 0003C576 DialogueGeneric ENBZ 0 (Deep breath) indrawn, strained breath as bow is zoomed in on target FormID: 0003C577 DialogueGeneric ENBZ 0 (Deep breath) indrawn, strained breath as bow is zoomed in on target FormID: 0003C578 DialogueGeneric ENBZ 0 (Deep breath) indrawn, strained breath as bow is zoomed in on target FormID: 0003C579 DialogueGeneric EXBZ 0 (Deep exhale) exhaled breath, released after holding your breath with some effort while bow is held zoomed in FormID: 0003C57A DialogueGeneric EXBZ 0 (Deep exhale) exhaled breath, released after holding your breath with some effort while bow is held zoomed in FormID: 0003C57B DialogueGeneric EXBZ 0 (Deep exhale) exhaled breath, released after holding your breath with some effort while bow is held zoomed in FormID: 0003C4C9 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic02 CUST 0 That's the spirit. Find her and I promise you'll be well compensated. FormID: 0003C4CF FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02SibbiJailBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Amusing. FormID: 0003C4BF FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiSvidiBranch FFRiften02SibbiSvidiBranchTopic CUST 0 She was a young woman... buxom, with long flowing black hair. FormID: 0003C4BF FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiSvidiBranch FFRiften02SibbiSvidiBranchTopic CUST 1 She used to sing the most lovely songs to me when we were courting. I've never heard a voice so beautiful. FormID: 0003C4BF FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiSvidiBranch FFRiften02SibbiSvidiBranchTopic CUST 2 All that talent will go to waste when I'm finished with her. FormID: 0003C494 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiMonthsBranch FFRiften02SibbiMonthsBranchTopic CUST 0 Mother thought I should be taught a lesson for airing the family's dirty laundry in public. FormID: 0003C494 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiMonthsBranch FFRiften02SibbiMonthsBranchTopic CUST 1 I mean, I've... taken care of many people for her in the past. What in Oblivion did she expect me to do? FormID: 0003C494 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiMonthsBranch FFRiften02SibbiMonthsBranchTopic CUST 2 Ah well. At least I have all the comforts of home during my stay. Well, except the touch of a woman of course. FormID: 0003C4DC FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02LynlyBranch FFRiften02LynlyBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I've been hurt worse before. FormID: 0003C4D0 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SharedInfos IDAT 0 Please, I beg you, don't tell Sibbi where I am. He'll kill me! FormID: 0003C4D0 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SharedInfos IDAT 1 Sibbi's been spreading lies about me, you must hear me out. FormID: 0003C48F FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02LynlyDeadOptionTopic CUST 0 Well, that's just about the best news I've heard all week. FormID: 0003C48F FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02LynlyDeadOptionTopic CUST 1 I was going to give this to whomever killed her for me, but I suppose you've earned it by bringing me this information. FormID: 0003C48F FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiJailBranch FFRiften02LynlyDeadOptionTopic CUST 2 This key opens one of my drop spots in the basement of the meadery. Take anything inside you like. FormID: 0003C4D2 FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Cut out the middleman, eh? Shrewd, very shrewd. You sure you don't have some Black-Briar blood in you? FormID: 0003C4DD FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiften02BailoutTopic CUST 0 You idiot. You came all the way down here for that? FormID: 0003C4CB FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiftenSibbiICTopic CUST 0 You've done me a great service, my friend. Allow me to compensate you for the information. FormID: 0003C4CB FreeformRiften02 FFRiften02SibbiReturnBranch FFRiftenSibbiICTopic CUST 1 This key opens one of my stashes in the basement of the meadery. Help yourself to any of its contents. FormID: 0003C48E FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm aspiring to earn that title, yes. However, the road ahead is paved with loose cobbles and deadly pitfalls. FormID: 0003C48E FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 1 Master Elgrim says I'm a natural; that I have a unique talent. But I fear his approval masks his intolerance for my mistakes. FormID: 0003C48E FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 2 My errant formulas have cost Master Elgrim a fortune in ingredients; some of which are almost irreplaceable. FormID: 0003C4C1 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 To restore Master Elgrim's supply I would need 20 deathbell, 20 nightshade and 20 nirnroot. FormID: 0003C4C1 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Am I sensing that you may be interested in gathering these rare ingredients for me? FormID: 0003C4C7 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic02 CUST 0 That means more time for my experiments and less time in the field. Much appreciated. FormID: 0003C4C0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIngunBranch DialogueRiftenIngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 0 It's exhilarating to observe the effects of my potions on the body. Watching the heart stop... the eyes go blind. FormID: 0003C4C0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIngunBranch DialogueRiftenIngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 1 We're made up of thousands of parts with thousands of different functions all working in tandem to keep us alive. FormID: 0003C4C0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIngunBranch DialogueRiftenIngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 2 Yet if only a single part of our imperfect machine fails, life fails. It makes one realize how fragile... how flawed we are. FormID: 0003C4C0 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIngunBranch DialogueRiftenIngunAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 3 You ask why I'm so fascinated? The irony... the irony that the same world that gave us life provides us the means to die. FormID: 0003C493 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunHerbBranch FFRiften04HerbBranchTopic CUST 0 Nirnroot is the easiest. It grows only by the water and makes a unique chiming noise. The only drawback is it won't regrow after harvesting. FormID: 0003C493 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunHerbBranch FFRiften04HerbBranchTopic CUST 1 Nightshade is native to the pine forest and marshy tundra regions of Skyrim and has a distinctive starburst-like violet flower. FormID: 0003C493 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunHerbBranch FFRiften04HerbBranchTopic CUST 2 Last we have deathbell which only grows in marshy tundra terrain. Its inverted bluish-purple flower bunches are unmistakable. FormID: 0003C4CD FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranch FFRiften04IngunAlchemyBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Disappointing. FormID: 0003C492 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04FinalRewardBranch FFRiften04FinalRewardBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Master Elgrim will be pleased I've restored his stock of these rare ingredients. FormID: 0003C492 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04FinalRewardBranch FFRiften04FinalRewardBranchTopic CUST 1 I feel I owe a bit more than some meaningless coin for all your diligence. Here, this key unlocks my supply chest at Elgrim's Elixirs. FormID: 0003C492 FreeformRiften04 FFRiften04FinalRewardBranch FFRiften04FinalRewardBranchTopic CUST 2 Feel free to take what you need from time to time. I'll be refilling it once every few days or so. FormID: 0003C1A7 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirIntro MQ204ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 Where did you learn of that? Who have you been talking to? sharply FormID: 0003F891 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirIntro MQ204ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 Where did you learn of a Shout used to defeat Alduin? sharply FormID: 0003C1A6 MQ204 MQ204ArngeirIntro MQ204ArngeirIntroA1New CUST 0 Yes. For matters of such gravity, we need to know where you stand. Or who you stand with. FormID: 0003C1AA MQ204 MQ204ArngeirBladesExclusive MQ204ArngeirIntroB3 CUST 0 Ah, the prophecy. Be wary of prophecy. Some are meant as a guide. Some as a warning. Are you sure you can tell one from the other? shaking his head sadly FormID: 0003BDCD DA06 SCEN 0 Halt! You have no business here, outsider. Leave at once. FormID: 0003BDCE DA06 SCEN 0 Ugor, no! This may be the one we need. FormID: 0003BDCF DA06 SCEN 0 We need nothing from outsiders! Yamarz will provide for us. FormID: 0003BDC6 DA06 SCEN 0 We cannot carry on this way! You know we are doomed if we do not do something! FormID: 0003BDC8 DA06 SCEN 0 Yamarz charged me with keeping outsiders away from Largashbur. You would have me disobey him? FormID: 0003BDCA DA06 SCEN 0 You were charged with keeping us inside the walls. Have faith, Ugor. I only wish the best for our tribe. FormID: 0003BDBE DA06 SCEN 0 Fine, it's your neck. FormID: 0003BDC1 DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Forgive Ugor's harsh words. She is merely doing as she has been told. FormID: 000D9DBE DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You have returned. Will you now aid me in contacting Malacath? FormID: 0003BDCC DA06 DA06Stage20AtubQuestion1 DA06Stage20AtubQuestion1Topic CUST 0 Our chief is weakened. He will not rest, will not sleep. He suffers, and so the tribe suffers. FormID: 0003BDCC DA06 DA06Stage20AtubQuestion1 DA06Stage20AtubQuestion1Topic CUST 1 Yamarz is proud, and refuses to see that we need outside help. FormID: 0003BDCC DA06 DA06Stage20AtubQuestion1 DA06Stage20AtubQuestion1Topic CUST 2 He needs someone to confide in. If it will not be one of us, perhaps it will be you. Go to him. FormID: 0003BDC9 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranchTopic CUST 0 Atub! Meddlesome woman... You would help us? Help me? FormID: 0003BDC9 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranchTopic CUST 1 Tell me, outsider. Can you banish spirits? For that is what I need. FormID: 0003BDC2 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzInitFollowUp1 CUST 0 Spirits! Ghosts! I am cursed, haunted, and I can do nothing. Can you fix that? FormID: 0003BDC2 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzInitFollowUp1 CUST 1 Of course you cannot. No one can. It is my lot as Chief of this tribe, and so I suffer quietly. FormID: 0003BDBF DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzInitFollowUp2 CUST 0 The kind that curse you, haunt you in the dead of night. There is nothing you can do, nothing anyone can do. FormID: 0003BDBF DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzInitFollowUp2 CUST 1 Shagrol, once the leader of this tribe, unhappy with his demise, has dealt with Malacath himself to curse me, curse us all. FormID: 0003BDC7 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzResponse1 CUST 0 You? An outsider? I'd sooner slit my own throat than accept help from you. FormID: 0003BDC7 DA06 DA06Stage20YamarzMainBranch DA06Stage20YamarzResponse1 CUST 1 To even consider it would be such a sign of weakness that I might as well abandon my tribe now. FormID: 0003BDBC DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetTopic CUST 0 So, he says to petition Malacath for relief? Interesting. FormID: 0003BDC5 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubResponse1 CUST 0 Perhaps. But he spoke of this [QUOTE]curse[QUOTE] to you, which means it has deeply affected him. FormID: 0003BDC5 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubResponse1 CUST 1 It may be worth attempting contact with Malacath after all. FormID: 0003BDC5 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubResponse1 CUST 2 Go to Malacath's shrine, southeast of Largashbur. See if perhaps he will aid us after all. FormID: 0003BDC0 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubResponse2 CUST 0 Yes, but he offered it as an idea. Perhaps he hopes it will be helpful, but does not wish to risk personal failure. FormID: 0003BDC0 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubResponse2 CUST 1 You should do as he says. Go to Malacath's shrine, northwest of here, and ask for his help. See what happens. FormID: 0003BDC4 DA06 DA06Stage30AtubForcegreetBranch DA06Stage30AtubResponse3 CUST 0 His shrine lies northwest of Largashbur. I am unsure that he will listen, but it cannot hurt. FormID: 0003BDC3 DA06 DA06Stage40AtubBranch DA06Stage40AtubBranchTopic CUST 0 The ears of the wind? FormID: 0003BDC3 DA06 DA06Stage40AtubBranch DA06Stage40AtubBranchTopic CUST 1 Malacath himself said this to you? But what does it... Ah! Yes! I see! A ritual is necessary! FormID: 0003BDC3 DA06 DA06Stage40AtubBranch DA06Stage40AtubBranchTopic CUST 2 This message is for me. I understand now. I have work to do. You, I shall need your help. FormID: 0003BDC3 DA06 DA06Stage40AtubBranch DA06Stage40AtubBranchTopic CUST 3 I need a Daedra's heart, at once! Quickly, quickly! FormID: 0003BD97 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorA1 CUST 0 What?! No, that's not me. I'm not Esbern. I don't know what you're talking about. FormID: 0003BD99 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorTopic CUST 0 Go away! FormID: 0001C0EE MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorTopic CUST 0 I told you to go away. I'm not opening this door for anybody! FormID: 0003BD98 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorB1 CUST 0 Delphine? How do you... so you've finally found her, and she led you to me. And here I am, caught like a rat in a trap. surprised, then bitter and suspicious FormID: 0001C0E7 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorB2 CUST 0 Oh, how reassuring! Most likely you're with the Thalmor and this is just a trick to get me to open the door! FormID: 0003BD2B CWMission03 CWMission03MainBranch CWMission03Destination CUST 0 I need you to deliver some false orders to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar. FormID: 0003BD2B CWMission03 CWMission03MainBranch CWMission03Destination CUST 1 But first we need to get our hands on some rebel orders to make the forgeries. FormID: 000D265A CWMission03 CWMission03MainBranch CWMission03Destination CUST 0 Need you to deliver some false orders to the Imperial Legate in Morthal. FormID: 000D265A CWMission03 CWMission03MainBranch CWMission03Destination CUST 1 But first we need to get our hands on some Imperial orders to make the forgeries. FormID: 0002ACFF DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch AmaundMotierreGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 By the almighty Divines. You've come. You've actually come. This dreadful Black Sacrament thing... it worked. FormID: 0005352D DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch AmaundMotierreGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Rexus will now give you two items which must be passed along to your superior. FormID: 0005352E DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch AmaundMotierreGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Is there... something else you need? FormID: 0003BCE6 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic1 CUST 0 Yes, um.... So it would seem. Well, I won't waste your time. I would like to arrange a contract. Several, actually. FormID: 0003BCE6 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic1 CUST 1 I daresay, the work I'm offering has more significance than anything your organization has experienced in, well, centuries. FormID: 0003BCEC DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic2 CUST 0 Oh, I know. I know. But I'm so glad you're here. Please, allow me to state my business. Surely your time is as valuable as my own. FormID: 0003BCEC DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic2 CUST 1 I would like to arrange a contract. Several, actually. I daresay, the most important work your organization has had in, well... centuries. FormID: 0003BCF4 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic3 CUST 0 Right, then. You prefer to listen, is that it? Well, you must represent the Dark Brotherhood. I certainly wasn't expecting anyone else. FormID: 0003BCF4 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic3 CUST 1 So I'll cut right to the chase. FormID: 0003BCF4 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundRespondTopic3 CUST 2 I would like to arrange a contract. Several, actually. I daresay, the most important work your organization has had in, well... centuries. FormID: 0003BCEA DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundGoOnTopic CUST 0 As I said, I want you to kill several people. You'll find the targets, as well as their manners of elimination, quite varied. FormID: 0003BCEA DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundGoOnTopic CUST 1 I'm sure someone of your disposition will probably even find it enjoyable. FormID: 0003BCEA DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundGoOnTopic CUST 2 But you should know that these killings are but a means to an end. For they pave the way to the most important target. FormID: 0003BCEA DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundGoOnTopic CUST 3 The real reason I'm speaking with a cutthroat in the bowels of this detestable crypt. For I seek the assassination of... FormID: 0003BCEA DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundGoOnTopic CUST 4 ...the Emperor. FormID: 0003BCF2 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse1 CUST 0 Oh, wonderful. You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that. FormID: 0003BCF2 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse1 CUST 1 So much has led to this day. So much planning, and maneuvering. It's as if the very stars have finally aligned. FormID: 0003BCF2 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse1 CUST 2 But I digress. Here, take these to your, um... superior. FormID: 0003BCF2 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse1 CUST 3 Rexus. The items. claps twice before saying [QUOTE]the items,[QUOTE] as if he's summoning a servant FormID: 0003BCF7 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse2 CUST 0 That is correct. What I ask is no small thing, of course. But you represent the Dark Brotherhood. This is... what you do? No? FormID: 0003BCF7 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse2 CUST 1 You must understand. So much has led to this day. So much planning, and maneuvering. Now, it's as if the very stars have finally aligned. FormID: 0003BCF7 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse2 CUST 2 But I digress. Here, take these. They need to be delivered to your, um... superior. FormID: 0003BCF7 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse2 CUST 3 Rexus. The items. claps twice before saying [QUOTE]the items,[QUOTE] as if he's summoning a servant FormID: 0003BCF5 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse3 CUST 0 It's a shocking request, I know. But it is inside the purview of what you Dark Brotherhood types do. Isn't it? If history is to be believed? FormID: 0003BCF5 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse3 CUST 1 You must understand. So much has led to this day. So much planning, and maneuvering. Now you're here, as if the very stars have finally aligned. FormID: 0003BCF5 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse3 CUST 2 But I digress. Here, let me give you these. They are to be delivered to your, um... superior. FormID: 0003BCF5 DB04 AmaundMotierreGreetBranch PlayerAmaundEmperorKillResponse3 CUST 3 Rexus. The items. claps twice before saying [QUOTE]the items,[QUOTE] as if he's summoning a servant FormID: 0003BCE4 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch1 AmaundContractInfoBranch1Topic CUST 0 You think I don't know that? If anyone learned of this meeting, my corpse would swing over Solitude for a decade! angry at being questioned FormID: 0003BCE4 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch1 AmaundContractInfoBranch1Topic CUST 1 But what I ask of you... it must be done. There is too much at stake. FormID: 0003BCEB DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch2 AmaundContractInfoBranch2Topic CUST 0 I performed the Black Sacrament, contacted you people, because I thought you guaranteed discretion. FormID: 0003BCEB DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch2 AmaundContractInfoBranch2Topic CUST 1 Is this no longer so? FormID: 0003BCE7 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch3 AmaundContractInfoBranch3Topic CUST 0 In the year 3E 41, Emperor Pelagius Septim was murdered in the Temple of the One in the Imperial City. Cut down by a Dark Brotherhood assassin. FormID: 0003BCE7 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch3 AmaundContractInfoBranch3Topic CUST 1 His killing ushered in, shall we say, a necessary change in Imperial policy. FormID: 0003BCE7 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch3 AmaundContractInfoBranch3Topic CUST 2 There are those now who wish for a similar change. I am sorry, but that's all I'm at liberty to say. FormID: 0003BCF3 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch4 AmaundContractInfoBranch4Topic CUST 0 Oh, my furtive friend. When Emperor Titus Mede II lies dead, there will be gold... a fortune in gold. But so much more! FormID: 0003BCF3 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch4 AmaundContractInfoBranch4Topic CUST 1 It is said that the Dark Brotherhood, in recent years, has been in decline. That you lack the power, wealth, and respect of days past. Is it not so? FormID: 0003BCF3 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch4 AmaundContractInfoBranch4Topic CUST 2 If you do this, if you kill the Emperor... Oh, how the masses will fear and respect you. FormID: 0003BCE8 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch5 AmaundContractInfoBranch5Topic CUST 0 The logistics of such an endeavor will be staggering, I know. There will be several minor assassinations necessary. Leading up to the... main target. FormID: 0003BCE8 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch5 AmaundContractInfoBranch5Topic CUST 1 As I mentioned, the amulet I gave you is exceptionally valuable, and will certainly cover the costs of all these other unpleasantries. FormID: 0003BCE8 DB04 AmaundContractInfoBranch5 AmaundContractInfoBranch5Topic CUST 2 The sealed letter explains everything else, in detail. It should be delivered to your superior. Whomever that may be. FormID: 0003BCF0 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 You're back. Good. All right, so? Did you meet this Motierre? What did he want? FormID: 0003BCF1 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch BD04AstridMotierreWantsTopic CUST 0 You're joking. FormID: 0003BCED DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreNoJokeTopic CUST 0 What's this? FormID: 0003BCEE DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreEvidenceTopic CUST 0 By Sithis, you're not joking. FormID: 0003BCEE DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreEvidenceTopic CUST 1 To kill the Emperor of Tamriel... The Dark Brotherhood hasn't done such a thing since the assassination of Pelagius. FormID: 0003BCEE DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreEvidenceTopic CUST 2 As a matter of fact, no one has dared assassinate an Emperor of Tamriel since the murder of Uriel Septim, and that was two hundred years ago... FormID: 0003BCE5 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreNightMotherTopic CUST 0 No, she certainly wouldn't. And... for whatever reason, she chose to relay Motierre's information to you. FormID: 0003BCE5 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreNightMotherTopic CUST 1 I don't know exactly what's going on here, if you're the Listener, or this is some fluke, or what. But what we now have before us... FormID: 0003BCF6 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreAcceptTopic CUST 0 You're damn right we'll accept it. If we pull this off, the Dark Brotherhood will know a fear and respect we haven't seen in centuries. Laughs with a single [QUOTE]ha![QUOTE] at the beginning. Like, [QUOTE]Our you kidding??[QUOTE] FormID: 0003BCF6 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreAcceptTopic CUST 1 You think I'd abandon an opportunity to lead my Family to glory? FormID: 0003BCF6 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridMotierreAcceptTopic CUST 2 But this is all so much to take in. I need time to read the letter, and figure out where we go from here. And this amulet. Hmmm... FormID: 0003BCE9 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridSeeDelvinMalloryTopic CUST 0 I'm thinking we need that amulet appraised. I want to know where it came from, how much it's worth, and if we can actually get away with selling it. FormID: 0003BCE9 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridSeeDelvinMalloryTopic CUST 1 And, there's only one man who can give us what we need - Delvin Mallory. He's a fence, a private operator. Works out of the Ratway, in Riften. FormID: 0003BCE9 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridSeeDelvinMalloryTopic CUST 2 Give me the letter. Bring Mallory the amulet. Find out everything you can, and sell it if he's willing. He'll offer a letter of credit - that's fine. FormID: 0003BCE9 DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMotierreReturnBranch DB04AstridSeeDelvinMalloryTopic CUST 3 Delvin Mallory and the Dark Brotherhood have... history. He can be trusted. FormID: 0003BC9F MQ202 MQ202WhosHuntingForEsbern MQ202WhosHuntingForEsbernTopic CUST 0 Dangerous-looking elves who didn't give their names. Draw your own conclusions. FormID: 0006CCE9 MQ202 MQ202WhosHuntingForEsbern MQ202WhosHuntingForEsbernTopic CUST 0 Various shady types I've never seen before. I'd watch my back if I was you. FormID: 0003BC94 MQ202 IDAT 0 He's holed up in the Ratway Warrens. Hardly ever leaves the place - has someone bring him food and such. FormID: 0003BC94 MQ202 IDAT 1 Crazy old coot, from what I've heard. For that to stand out down here, he must really be off his nut. FormID: 0006C84F MQ202 IDAT 0 He lives somewhere in the Ratway Warrens. Must be crazy or desperate to live down there. Maybe both. FormID: 000318FD MQ202 IDAT 0 Haven't you figured it out yet? What more needs to happen before you all wake up and see what's going on? working himself up into a frenzy FormID: 000318FE MQ202 IDAT 0 Alduin has returned, just like the prophecy said! raving FormID: 000318FE MQ202 IDAT 1 The Dragon from the dawn of time, who devours the souls of the dead! raving FormID: 000318FE MQ202 IDAT 2 No one can escape his hunger, here or in the afterlife! Alduin will devour all things and the world will end. Nothing can stop him! raving FormID: 0003635D MQ202 IDAT 0 The Blades knew, once upon a time. Alduin's Wall is the key. Yes, yes! with growing excitement, mainly talking to himself FormID: 0003635D MQ202 IDAT 1 Don't move. Don't move. I have it here, somewhere... never thought it would be any use, but now... beginning to pat his pockets, frantically searching for something FormID: 0006C850 MQ202 IDAT 0 And now you pay for meddling in the Thalmor's affairs. FormID: 0006C851 MQ202 IDAT 0 That's him! That's who was asking about Esbern! Kill him! FormID: 0006C852 MQ202 IDAT 0 That's her! That's who was asking about Esbern! Kill her! FormID: 000318F5 MQ202 IDAT 0 Yes! Yes! You see, you know but you refuse to understand! disgusted at your lack of understanding what is so blindingly obvious to himemphasis on [QUOTE]KNOW but refuse to UNDERSTAND[QUOTE] FormID: 0003BCA6 MQ201 IDAT 0 Did you learn anything useful? eagerly? FormID: 0003BCA7 MQ201 IDAT 0 Esbern? He's alive? I thought the Thalmor must have got him years ago. That crazy old man... very surprised and pleased FormID: 0003BCA7 MQ201 IDAT 1 Figures the Thalmor would be on his trail, though, if they were trying to find out what's going on with the dragons. thinking it through for herself as she talks FormID: 0006839E MQ201 IDAT 0 Let's go, let's go! Before anyone notices us. urgently, in an undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 000A75F1 MQ201 IDAT 0 Hmm. I guess that will have to do. You should pass for a real guest, at least until you open your mouth. FormID: 000A75F1 MQ201 IDAT 1 Ready to board the carriage to the embassy? FormID: 000A791E MQ201 IDAT 0 You made it out alive, at least. Your gear's safe in my room, as promised. with palpable relief FormID: 00041329 MQ201 IDAT 0 I've figured out how we're going to get you into the Thalmor Embassy. FormID: 0003BC99 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro MQ201DelphineOutroA1 CUST 0 Really? That seems hard to believe. You're sure about that? very skeptical FormID: 0003BCA3 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro MQ201DelphineOutroB1 CUST 0 You're right, you're right. I just... I was sure it must have been them. If not the Thalmor, who? Or... what? wearily FormID: 0003BC98 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2Topic CUST 0 You mean, aside from wanting to kill every Blade they can lay their hands on? black humor FormID: 0003BC98 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2Topic CUST 1 Esbern was one of the Blades archivists, back before the Thalmor smashed us during the Great War. FormID: 0003BC98 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2Topic CUST 2 He knew everything about the ancient dragonlore of the Blades. FormID: 0003BC98 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2Topic CUST 3 Obsessed with it, really. Nobody paid much attention back then. I guess he wasn't as crazy as we all thought. ruefully FormID: 0003BC93 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2A1 CUST 0 Ironic, right? The old enemies assume that every calamity must be a plot by the other side... FormID: 0003BC93 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2A1 CUST 1 Even so, we've got to find Esbern before they do. He'll know how to stop the dragons if anybody does. FormID: 0003BC93 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2A1 CUST 2 Do they know where he is? FormID: 0003BC95 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2A2 CUST 0 Riften, eh? Probably down in the Ratway, then. It's where I'd go. thinking aloud FormID: 0003BCA0 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2B1 CUST 0 You'd better get to Riften. Ask around the Ragged Flagon, in the Ratway. It's at least a good starting point. FormID: 0003BCA1 MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2B1 CUST 0 You'd better get to Riften. Talk to Brynjolf. He's... well-connected. A good starting point at least. FormID: 0003BC57 MS13BleakFallsBarrowArvelShouting SCEN 0 Help! Can anyone hear me? I'm stuck down here. FormID: 0003BC60 MS13BleakFallsBarrowArvelShouting SCEN 0 Is anyone out there? Anyone? FormID: 0003BC58 MS13BleakFallsBarrowArvelShouting SCEN 0 You, you there! Help me, I'm trapped. FormID: 0003BB7C DB04 SCEN 0 Are we alone? Yes... yes... alone. Sweet solitude. No one will hear us, disturb us. Everything is going according to plan. FormID: 0003BB7D DB04 SCEN 0 The others... I've spoken to them. And they're coming around, I know it. The wizard, Festus Krex... perhaps even the Argonian, and the un-child... FormID: 0003BB7A DB04 SCEN 0 What about you? Have you... have you spoken to anyone? No.... No, of course not. I do the talking, the stalking, the seeing and saying! FormID: 0003BB7E DB04 SCEN 0 And what do you do? Nothing! Not... not that I'm angry! No, never! Cicero understands. Heh. Cicero always understands! And obeys! FormID: 0003BB7F DB04 SCEN 0 You will talk when you're ready, won't you? Won't you... FormID: 0003BB7B DB04 SCEN 0 ...sweet Night Mother. FormID: 0003B9A4 C02 C02Hellos HELO 0 Finally, you're back. FormID: 000B82E6 DA07 NOTC 0 Looking for the blade? You aren't the first! blood-thirsty FormID: 000B82E7 DA07 NOTC 0 You won't take my eye, man-thing! blood-thirsty FormID: 000B82E8 DA07 NOTC 0 You're after that damn hilt? Go ahead, try and take it! blood-thirsty FormID: 0003B69A MQ202 MQ202ByrnjolfEsbern MQ202ByrnjolfEsbernTopic CUST 0 Yeah. I bet I know your guy. He's hiding out in the Ratway Warrens. Paying us good coin for nobody to know about it. FormID: 0003B69C MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Lot of people looking for him. Don't know his name, but he's paid good money for nobody to know he's down here. FormID: 0003BCA2 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Well... there is guy like that. He's paid good money for nobody to know he's down here, but I guess I can tell you. FormID: 0003B69D MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 He's holed up in the Ratway Warrens. Be careful. You're not the only one looking for him. FormID: 0003B69E MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Huh. Lot of old guys around. I don't really know how I can help. FormID: 0006C85F MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Don't know his name, but there is a guy like that hiding out down here. Paid plenty for nobody to know about it. FormID: 0006C85F MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 1 You're not the first person to come in here asking about him, either, so be careful. FormID: 0006C860 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Yeah, I think I know who you mean. He's paid good money for nobody to know he's down here, but I guess I can tell you. FormID: 0006C861 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Down in the Ratway Warrens. Nice place, if you don't mind the stench, rats, and assorted lowlifes as neighbors. FormID: 0006C862 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 That's interesting. Why do I care? You want a drink, or maybe just a few broken bones? FormID: 0006C863 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 0 Never heard of anybody like that. But if you want to hide out in Riften, the Ratway's where you'd be. FormID: 0006C863 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 1 There's a sort of tavern down there, the Ragged Flagon. Where all the lowlifes in Riften get drunk and knife each other. FormID: 0006C863 MQ202 MQ202RatwayEsbern MQ202RatwayEsbernTopic CUST 2 You might try there, if you can get through the Ratway alive. FormID: 0003C384 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My husband Leigelf is dead. I... I never thought I would miss that oaf so much. FormID: 0003C383 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Iron-Breaker Mine is three times the worth of that Quicksilver Mine and its fat-head owner. FormID: 0003C385 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My miners are as dumb as rocks are grey. FormID: 0003C386 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The Mortar and Pestle has cures for every illness, from Ataxia to Witbane. FormID: 0003C387 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 A Stamina Potion maybe? Popular with young men. FormID: 0003C38A DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Frost took my husband years ago. He was a good man. FormID: 0005A308 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My children all grew up and left Dawnstar to make their fortune. FormID: 0003C38C DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I will serve Dawnstar as I always have. FormID: 000CADE7 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 You should see the grin on Horik's face now that we're in charge. I know he hides it, but I can tell. FormID: 000CADEF DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The Jarl and I have our disagreements. Sorry if you had to overhear one of them. FormID: 000CADF0 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I wasn't born in Skyrim, but when I served in the Legion this land became my home. FormID: 0003C38D DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Horik and I have lived here ever since I retired. He's a good soldier. FormID: 0003C390 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My duty is to guard Brina Merilis. reserved FormID: 00090E0E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Watch your hands around the Legate. FormID: 0003C391 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I've been in the Legion all my life. I'm content to serve. reserved FormID: 0003C394 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm just one of the miners. I don't want any trouble. FormID: 0003C393 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 You should speak to the Jarl if you need something, stranger. FormID: 0003C397 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm no one special, just a miner who swings a pickaxe for his drinking money. sad, drunk FormID: 0003C398 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Beitild thinks I drink on the job. Well, what does it matter if I do? Huh? sad, drunk FormID: 00057E23 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My wife Beitild is dead. Can't say I miss that old sabre cat. FormID: 0003C39C DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Quicksilver Mine is the best mine in Dawnstar, and you can tell those Iron-Breaker miners I said so. proud, stubborn FormID: 00090E0F DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 If it's about the mine, I'm all ears. FormID: 0003C39E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Need a dagger? No? How about a claymore? FormID: 00090E10 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 You looking for a shield? Best thing between you and the enemy, friend. FormID: 00090E11 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Don't forget getting a good pair of gauntlets. Broken hands can't hold a sword. FormID: 000622CB DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I hear people were spotted using the Black Door. Gods have mercy. FormID: 00090E12 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I work steel, weapons mostly. friendly FormID: 0005A309 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Most of the guards in Dawnstar carry swords forged from his very smithy. friendly FormID: 0003C39F DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I trained in Hammerfell during my journeyman years. Redguard smiths are second to none. FormID: 0003C3A1 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'll forge you a weapon tomorrow. Right now, I'm closed. friendly FormID: 0003C3A2 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I traveled far and wide when I was younger. Glad to have settled down finally. FormID: 0003C3A3 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I help my husband Rustleif run the forge. He's a marvel with steel. FormID: 0003C3A4 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I married Rustleif when he was in Hammerfell, apprenticing under my father. FormID: 000C8616 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The only thing I dislike about my husband's homeland is the cold. Why is it always so cold? FormID: 0003C3A6 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 We discovered recently that I am with child. I'll need to stop working next season. FormID: 0003C3AB DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I work in the mine, just like everyone else. FormID: 0003C3AC DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Used to be twice as many miners working here before all this trouble started. FormID: 0003C3B0 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I mine. Work the smelter. Ain't much else to tell. FormID: 0003C3B1 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Been mining all my life. Quicksilver is as much my home as anywhere. FormID: 000CADE0 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Damn Imperials. They won't hold Dawnstar forever. FormID: 000D830C DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Why are you speaking to me, Imperial? FormID: 0003C3B4 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The nightmares in Dawnstar have lifted, and I hear you helped that happen. You have my thanks. FormID: 00090E13 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I've been in charge of Dawnstar for over 35 years. confidant FormID: 0005A30D DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 No Empire is going to take the Jarlship away from this Son of Skyrim. confidant FormID: 0003C3B5 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The Pale will throw those Imperial backbiters up against the wall when they come for us. confidant FormID: 0005A30E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Skyrim will not bow to a false king any longer. Ulfric is the true king. confidant FormID: 000CADE6 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Jarl Skald is upset over the loss of Dawnstar. I'll admit, it's less I have to worry about. FormID: 000D830D DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 You should leave. Skald gets upset around Imperials. FormID: 0003C3B7 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm Skald's housecarl and head of his guard in Dawnstar. vigilant FormID: 00090E14 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My only aim is to keep the peace. vigilant FormID: 0003C3B8 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Skald is very... vocal about his hatred of the Empire. vigilant, worried FormID: 0005A30F DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The tenacity of the Imperial Legion is legendary. We need to be ready for them. vigilant, worried FormID: 0003C3B9 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I served in the Great War against the Thalmor. I remember how bravely a Legionnaire can fight. vigilant, worried FormID: 000CADE5 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Jarl gets booted from Dawnstar, and I'm still stuck cleaning up the dirt. FormID: 000D830E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 What do you want, Imperial? Ain't my life hard enough? FormID: 0003C3BA DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Just a servant of Skald the Elder. Not worthy of time or consideration. resentful FormID: 0003C3BC DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 There's no honor in being a Jarl's servant. No Sovngarde waits for dust cleaners. resentful FormID: 0003C3BB DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My family has served Skald Felgeif's family for generations. resentful FormID: 0005A310 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Oh, it's just wonderful being Skald's servant. He's not demanding in the least. sarcastic, resentful FormID: 0003C3BD DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm here to lend my magic to the people of Dawnstar. FormID: 0005A311 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I had hoped life would be simpler here, but war seems to find a way of following me. FormID: 0003C3BE DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I served in the Great War as a Legion battlemage. I've no desire to go back. FormID: 0003C3BF DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'll work my spells and potions for whoever is willing to leave Dawnstar in peace. FormID: 0003C3C2 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The Windpeak Inn features the finest bard in all of Dawnstar. Me. joking, flirting FormID: 00090E15 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Let me know if you need a drink. That's what we're here for. FormID: 00090E16 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Sorry if my father seems a bit distracted. A lot's happened. FormID: 0003C3C3 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm sorry. My mind was just somewhere else. Did you need a room? Drink? distant FormID: 0003C3C4 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Oh, do you need a room? distant FormID: 0003C3C5 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 My daughter Karita sings to the guests when she can. She has her mother's voice. distant, sad about his dead wife FormID: 000A34BB DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Everyone thinks I'm too young to be a ship's captain, but I'm going to prove them wrong. FormID: 000A34BC DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I don't buy all that talk about ship captains having to be stern and strict. I want my crewmen to enjoy their work. FormID: 000A3509 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I inherited the ship when my mother passed away. She spent her life on the water, and now I do, too. FormID: 000A350D DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm good with stars and charts, but I admit I've got some things to learn about leading men. FormID: 000A353E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I plan to spend all the days I got left on the water. It's where I belong. FormID: 000A3546 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Once sailing gets in your blood, it don't get out. FormID: 000A3547 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I been a sailor for so long, I could navigate these rivers an' seas blindfolded. FormID: 000A355A DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Cap'n Wayfinder's as green as seaweed, but he's learnin'. FormID: 000A355B DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I don't like taking orders from a boy, but I need the gold. FormID: 000A355C DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I could run this ship better than that boy who calls himself a captain. Maybe one day I'll do something about it. FormID: 000A355D DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 The captain inherited the Sea Squall from his mother when she died. Maybe I can inherit the ship if he dies... FormID: 000A355E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Not a day goes by that I don't think about finding a new ship. I guess it's easier just to stay put. FormID: 00090E17 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 You should talk to Rustleif. Get some proper steel. FormID: 00090E18 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Old lady Frida is a grouch, but she sure can whip up a cure for the Rattles fast. FormID: 00090E19 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Beware of Frostmere Crypt, friend. Heard some bandits are living in the ruins now. FormID: 00090E1A DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Giants have been spotted up near Red Road Pass. Best to keep away and avoid it entirely. FormID: 0003C3C7 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Dawnstar is the last port of call before Solitude. Damn rebels aren't taking it. FormID: 0003C3C8 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 We won't give up this port to the Imperials without a fight, don't you worry. FormID: 0003C3C9 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Dangerous post, Dawnstar. If the bandits don't get you, the animals will. FormID: 00090E1C DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Here to dig. That's all. FormID: 00090E1D DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Dawnstar's got its problems, but as long as the ore is good, I'll stay. FormID: 00090E1E DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Here to mine? FormID: 00090E1F DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Quicksilver ore is rare. Worth digging. FormID: 00090E20 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Been working in Iron-Breaker since I was a boy. FormID: 00090E21 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Iron's a good, stout metal. A fine thing for a Nord to dig. FormID: 00090E22 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Plenty of iron to dig. FormID: 00090E23 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Mining's an honest trade. No real tricks to it. FormID: 00090E24 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I work for the Windpeak Inn. You should head on inside. FormID: 00090E25 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 Thoring runs the inn. Speak to him. FormID: 00046219 DA06 HELO 0 Don't make a mess of this. FormID: 00052723 DA06 HELO 0 Let's just get this over with. FormID: 00052724 DA06 HELO 0 Curses aren't enough, now must I suffer you too? What is it? exasperated FormID: 00052725 DA06 HELO 0 Why are you here, outsider? FormID: 0004BCCE DA06 HELO 0 Please, help Yamarz. Do whatever you can. Our tribe depends on you. FormID: 0004621A DA06 HELO 0 I must focus now. This ritual is very important. FormID: 0004621B DA06 HELO 0 I will stay right here and wait for you to bring me what I need. FormID: 0004621C DA06 HELO 0 Do you bring word from Malacath? FormID: 0004621D DA06 HELO 0 Do whatever Yamarz asks of you. It cannot make things worse. FormID: 0004621E DA06 HELO 0 Speak to Yamarz. Convince him to let you help him. FormID: 0004621F DA06 HELO 0 You should not be here, outsider. FormID: 00046220 DA06 HELO 0 We have angered Malacath, and so we must be punished. FormID: 00046221 DA06 HELO 0 Our tribe has survived this long without you interfering. We'll be fine. FormID: 000D9DC1 DA06 HELO 0 We have sworn loyalty to Yamarz. He will see us through these dark times. FormID: 000D9DC2 DA06 HELO 0 By the Ashpit, we can't go on like this. FormID: 0001B31E DA06 GBYE 0 You must help us appease Malacath. FormID: 000D9DBB DA06 GBYE 0 Please hurry. We are counting on you. FormID: 0003B66E DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04LeadInTopic CUST 0 It's Cicero. Ever since he arrived, his behavior's been... Well, erratic would be an understatement. I do believe he is truly mad. FormID: 0003B66E DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04LeadInTopic CUST 1 But it's worse than that. He's taken to locking himself in the Night Mother's chamber, and talking. To someone. In hushed, but frantic tones. FormID: 0003B66E DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB04LeadInTopic CUST 2 Who is he speaking with? What are they planning? I fear treachery. FormID: 0003B66F DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridCiceroTalkBranch DB04AstridCiceroTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 That's the real question, isn't it? The jester enters, seals the door, and the conversation begins. So someone must be waiting for him inside. FormID: 0003B66F DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridCiceroTalkBranch DB04AstridCiceroTalkBranchTopic CUST 1 Any one of us could enter that chamber silently. Unnoticed. But who amongst us would dare conspire against the Sanctuary? FormID: 0003B66F DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridCiceroTalkBranch DB04AstridCiceroTalkBranchTopic CUST 2 The very thought breaks my heart. FormID: 0003B66C DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranch DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranchTopic CUST 0 Isn't it obvious? As the Night Mother's Keeper, he believes he's entitled to the rule of this Sanctuary. FormID: 0003B66C DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranch DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranchTopic CUST 1 Cicero will cite our independence as the need to revert to the Old Ways. He'll claim we're undisciplined, unruly. Heretical, even. FormID: 0003B66C DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranch DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranchTopic CUST 2 Ironically, the Night Mother could prove to be just as much a victim. The queen in a fool's twisted game of chess. FormID: 0003B66D DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMoreInfoBranch DB04AstridMoreInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't believe so. But I'll be able to instruct you further after you've returned from the chamber. It depends on what you learn. FormID: 0003B66D DarkBrotherhood DB04AstridMoreInfoBranch DB04AstridMoreInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 And make haste! You must be in place before Cicero and his... ally arrive! They could be planning another meeting at any time! FormID: 0003B59B TG01 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 If I have to hold your hand through everything, maybe you aren't cut out for this kind of work. annoyed FormID: 0003B59B TG01 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 It's under your feet, lad. Just follow the smell. FormID: 0003C6FA TG01 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 If I have to hold your hand through everything, maybe you aren't cut out for this kind of work. annoyed FormID: 0003C6FA TG01 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 It's under your feet, lass. Just follow the smell. FormID: 0003B59C TG01 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch02 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch02Topic CUST 0 The walls have ears and you're being tested, lad. We'll talk in the Ragged Flagon. FormID: 0003B59E TG01 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch02 TG01BrynjolfBeforeRatwayBranch02Topic CUST 0 The walls have ears and you're being tested, lass. We'll talk in the Ragged Flagon. FormID: 0003B492 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA1 CUST 0 I'm one of the last members of the Blades. FormID: 0003B492 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA1 CUST 1 A very long time ago, the Blades were dragonslayers, and we served the Dragonborn, the greatest dragonslayer. FormID: 0003B492 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA1 CUST 2 For the last two hundred years, since the last Dragonborn emperor, the Blades have been searching for a purpose. FormID: 0003B492 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA1 CUST 3 Now that dragons are coming back, our purpose is clear again. We need to stop them. FormID: 0003B497 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroContinue CUST 0 Go ahead. Whatever you want to know. Nothing held back. FormID: 0003B498 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA2 CUST 0 Not a damn thing. I was just as surprised as you to find that big black dragon here. worried FormID: 0003B494 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA3 CUST 0 Really? Where? astonished FormID: 0003B496 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA3A1 CUST 0 Interesting. Same dragon... FormID: 0003B496 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroA3A1 CUST 1 Damn it, we're blundering around in the dark here! We need to figure out who's behind it all! frustrated anger FormID: 0003B493 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntroA4 CUST 0 The first thing we need to do is figure out who's behind the dragons. slowly, considering FormID: 0003B493 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntroA4 CUST 1 The Thalmor are our best lead. If they aren't involved, they'll know who is. FormID: 0003B499 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA2 CUST 0 Nothing solid. Yet. But my gut tells me it can't be anybody else. FormID: 0003B499 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA2 CUST 1 The Empire had captured Ulfric. The war was basically over. Then a dragon attacks, Ulfric escapes, and the war is back on. FormID: 0003B499 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA2 CUST 2 And now the dragons are attacking everywhere, indiscriminately. Skyrim is weakened, the Empire is weakened. FormID: 0003B499 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro2NEW MQ201DelphineIntro2NewA2 CUST 3 Who else gains from that but the Thalmor? FormID: 0003B495 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro3New MQ201DelphineIntro3Continue CUST 0 I'm not sure yet. I have a few ideas, but I'll need some time to pull things together... frowning, thinking hard FormID: 0003B495 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro3New MQ201DelphineIntro3Continue CUST 1 Meet me back in Riverwood. If I'm not back when you get there, wait for me. I shouldn't be long. decisively - you've finally made up your mind about what to do FormID: 0003B495 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro3New MQ201DelphineIntro3Continue CUST 2 Keep an eye on the sky. This is only going to get worse. grimly FormID: 0003AF79 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage55Branch MS09ThoraldStage55BranchTopic CUST 0 I never thought I'd see another friendly face again. FormID: 0003AF79 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage55Branch MS09ThoraldStage55BranchTopic CUST 1 We need to get to safety as soon as possible. Let's move. FormID: 000524D0 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage55Branch MS09ThoraldStage55BranchTopic CUST 0 I never thought I'd see another friendly face again. FormID: 000524D0 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage55Branch MS09ThoraldStage55BranchTopic CUST 1 We need to get to safety as soon as possible. Let's move. FormID: 0003AF78 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09ThoraldStage100BranchTopic CUST 0 I cannot thank you enough for rescuing me from this place. I suspect I'd never again see the light of day otherwise. FormID: 0003AF78 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09ThoraldStage100BranchTopic CUST 1 But why would you risk your life for me, a stranger? FormID: 0003AF4E MS09 SCEN 0 Welcome to our home. FormID: 0003AF59 MS09 SCEN 0 Mother, what's the meaning of this? Who have you brought into our home? FormID: 0003AF54 MS09 SCEN 0 Avulstein, put that down! He's here to help us find Thorald! FormID: 000480EF MS09 SCEN 0 Avulstein, put that down! She's here to help us find Thorald! FormID: 0003AF51 MS09 SCEN 0 How do we know he's not spying for the Battle-Born? This was foolish! FormID: 0003AF52 MS09 SCEN 0 How do we know she's not spying for the Battle-Born? This was foolish! FormID: 0003AF60 MS09 SCEN 0 We can't trust anyone! Who knows what they'll do if they find me here. FormID: 0003AF57 MS09 SCEN 0 I can't take any more of this. No weapons, please. Let's just talk. FormID: 0003AF55 MS09 SCEN 0 All right, mother. FormID: 0003AF4F MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetTopic CUST 0 So, you're here to help? FormID: 00027F58 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Who are you? What are you doing here? FormID: 00027F58 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetTopic CUST 1 Are you working with the Battle-Borns? Speak now before I put you in the ground! FormID: 0003AF5A MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinFGResponse1 CUST 0 I know that Thorald's not dead. I just know it. The Imperials have him, and are keeping him somewhere. But I don't know where. FormID: 0003AF5A MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinFGResponse1 CUST 1 Those damned Battle-Borns... they know something. They're hiding it. They practically taunt us with it. They must have some sort of proof! FormID: 0003AF5A MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinFGResponse1 CUST 2 There's got to be something in that house of theirs. I just know it. FormID: 0003AF5A MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09Stage10AvulsteinFGResponse1 CUST 3 I don't dare leave the house myself. So I need your help. FormID: 0003AF5E MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10Response2 CUST 0 My brother, Thorald. He was fighting for the Stormcloaks, and went missing. Everyone assumes he's dead. FormID: 0003AF5E MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10Response2 CUST 1 But he's not. I just know it. The Imperials captured him, and they're holding him someplace. The Battle-Borns know where. FormID: 0003AF5E MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10Response2 CUST 2 I'd go and search their house for proof, but they want me too. I'd be captured, and then we'll never know what happened to him. FormID: 0003AF5E MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10Response2 CUST 3 So I need someone to find that proof for me. FormID: 0003AF53 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10FollowUp1 CUST 0 Anything, anything at all would be a start. Then we can figure out how to get to him. FormID: 0003AF53 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10FollowUp1 CUST 1 I'm sorry for doubting you, friend. You have my thanks. FormID: 0003AF58 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10FollowUp2 CUST 0 Please, I'm desperate. This is my brother's life! I won't let them take it away! FormID: 0003AF58 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinStage10FollowUp2 CUST 1 I beg of you, look for proof of Thorald's capture. The Battle-Borns have it, I just know it. FormID: 0003AF61 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage20Branch MS09AvulsteinStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Anything that confirms that Thorald isn't dead, but is being held captive. I know those Battle-Borns have it. FormID: 0003AF61 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage20Branch MS09AvulsteinStage20BranchTopic CUST 1 They'd be hiding it, of course. Wouldn't want it to get out that they've been lying this whole time. FormID: 0003AF61 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage20Branch MS09AvulsteinStage20BranchTopic CUST 2 But you might be able to butter them up enough to lower their guard. FormID: 0003AF5F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30Branch MS09AvulsteinStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 I knew it! Let me see, please! FormID: 0003AF5F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30Branch MS09AvulsteinStage30BranchTopic CUST 1 The Thalmor? By the Nine, it's worse than I thought. FormID: 0003AF5F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30Branch MS09AvulsteinStage30BranchTopic CUST 2 So... Northwatch Keep. Then we know where to hit them. FormID: 000A81F2 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30Branch MS09AvulsteinStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Well, where is it? Forgive me, but I don't dare just trust your word, no matter who you are. FormID: 000524CD MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30Branch MS09AvulsteinStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 I knew he wasn't gone, I just knew it! FormID: 000524CD MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30Branch MS09AvulsteinStage30BranchTopic CUST 1 Please, get that to Avulstein right away. FormID: 0003AF4B MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response2 CUST 0 Are you sure? I doubt you stand a chance against the Thalmor. FormID: 0003AF4B MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response2 CUST 1 I can have a group of men ready at a moment's notice. Many would be willing to help rescue my brother. FormID: 0003AF4C MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response2Yes CUST 0 Very well. I'll give you a chance. But if you can't do it, I will. FormID: 0003AF4D MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response2No CUST 0 Exactly. Together we stand more of a chance of making this work. FormID: 0003AF4D MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response2No CUST 1 Make your way to Northwatch Keep in Haafingar. I'll meet you near there, and we'll plan our assault. FormID: 0003AF49 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response1Alone CUST 0 What? You, alone, reasoning with the Thalmor? That's madness, friend. FormID: 0003AF49 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response1Alone CUST 1 You're serious, aren't you? FormID: 0003AF50 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage50KeepBranch MS09AvulsteinStage50KeepBranchTopic CUST 0 We kill every Thalmor between us and Thorald, and we bring him out alive. Let's go. FormID: 0003ADAF MQ201 MQ201MalbornPartyBlocking MQ201MalbornPartyBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let me do the talking. urgently, in an undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 0003ADB0 MQ201 MQ201MalbornPartyBlocking MQ201MalbornPartyBlockingTopic CUST 0 Not now. urgently, in an undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 0003ADB1 MQ201 MQ201MalbornPartyBlocking MQ201MalbornPartyBlockingTopic CUST 0 Shut up, will you? urgently, in an undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 000727D3 MQ201 MQ201MalbornPartyBlocking MQ201MalbornPartyBlockingTopic CUST 0 What can I get for you? in normal, bland and pleasant tone of voice (servant) FormID: 000727D3 MQ201 MQ201MalbornPartyBlocking MQ201MalbornPartyBlockingTopic CUST 1 You made it in. Good. As soon as you distract the guards, I'll open this door and we can get you on your way. in a low nervous undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 000727D3 MQ201 MQ201MalbornPartyBlocking MQ201MalbornPartyBlockingTopic CUST 2 Let's hope we both live through this day. in a low undertone, trying not to be overheard FormID: 0003ADAA DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people! FormID: 0003ADAC DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine! FormID: 0003ADAB DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both heavens and earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever! FormID: 0003B439 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 Trust in me, Whiterun! Trust in Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word! FormID: 0003AEBF MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionA1 CUST 0 I'm glad we see eye to eye on this. FormID: 00088743 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionA1 CUST 0 Maybe so, but bringing her here is a deliberate provocation. We need to show Tullius we won't be pushed around. Walk Away FormID: 000D94D7 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionA1 CUST 0 Maybe so, but bringing her here is a deliberate provocation. Tullius needs to know I won't be pushed around. Walk Away FormID: 0003AEBE MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionA2 CUST 0 Maybe so, but we shouldn't be making concessions before negotiations even start. Makes us look weak. Walk Away FormID: 000D9509 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionA2 CUST 0 Maybe so, but I can't be making concessions before negotiations even start. It makes the Empire look weak. Walk Away FormID: 0008873D MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionA2 CUST 0 I'm glad we agree on this. FormID: 0003AEC8 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionB1 CUST 0 Well said. FormID: 000D94B9 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionB1 CUST 0 Well said. FormID: 00088746 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionB1 CUST 0 Hmm. It feels like a mistake to me, but I'll bow to your judgment on this. FormID: 0003AEBB MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionB2 CUST 0 Hmm. I guess I'll defer to your judgment on this one, but I think it's a mistake. FormID: 0008874C MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionB2 CUST 0 We're off to a good start. FormID: 000D94BC MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionB2 CUST 0 Well said. FormID: 0003A91E DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 The great stronghold of Narzulbur welcomes you, outsider. FormID: 0003A91F DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Come to purchase ebony? Our Gloombound Mine runs thick with black veins. FormID: 0003A920 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 The blessings of the mine have been many, but I have no mate to share them. FormID: 000E7AC3 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I am proud to have a mate to share in my blessings. FormID: 0003A921 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Been married many times, but the gods keep taking them from me. FormID: 000E7AC5 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I'm hoping this wife can outlast the winter. FormID: 0003A922 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I've read the entrails many times, but can't fathom why Mauhulakh's wives keep finding tragedy. FormID: 000E7AC7 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 All my auguring never predicted this. A woman for Mauhulakh, eh? We'll see how this goes. FormID: 0003A923 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Urog and Dushnamub were such lovely children. I held them as they watched their mothers die after birth. They know me best, now. FormID: 0003A924 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Mauhulakh was such a darling boy. Until he got older and started having opinions. [QUOTE]opinions[QUOTE] should be said with heavy derision FormID: 0003A925 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Yatul and I tend to dote on Mauhulakh. You know how aunts can be with their favorite nephew. FormID: 0003A926 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Mauhulakh. He wants to be a leader but spends too much time moping over women. Bolar and I should be all he needs. FormID: 000E7ACD DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Well at least now Mauhulakh has nothing to whine about. Until this one dies, too. FormID: 0003A927 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Orc chiefs should be strong and stand alone. They need no companions. Progeny is a poor excuse. FormID: 0003A928 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I know I sound abrasive. It's just that I love Mauhulakh so much that I want us to be happy together. FormID: 0003A929 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 My brother keeps trying to spin these fantasies to me about my aunts and our father. He's crazy. FormID: 000E7ACE DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Uglarz is a great huntress. Perhaps she can teach me something new. FormID: 000E7AD1 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I never would have thought, but Uglarz is an even better hunter than Yatul was. The things I'm learning now... FormID: 0003A92A DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Yatul's been teaching me to hunt. I'm still learning, but she's the best teacher I could have. FormID: 0003A92B DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Sometimes I wonder if my aunts are right about my father -- he does seem weak. FormID: 0003A92C DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 New to Narzulbur? If you're smart, you'll keep moving. There is a wicked shadow over this place. FormID: 0003A92D DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Haven't you seen how my aunts act with my father? It's beyond strange. FormID: 000E7AE8 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Glad my father seems to have found someone. I just hope she can hold her own against my aunts. FormID: 0003A92E DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I never knew my mother, but I doubt even she acted as affectionate with my father as Yatul and Bolar do. FormID: 000E7AF5 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 I think I like this new mate of my father's. I mean... nothing like that. I just think she's nice. FormID: 0003A92F DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 My sister is blind. I've told her she shouldn't spend so much time with Yatul, but she won't listen. Thinks she's nice. FormID: 0003A930 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Gadba and me came to work the mine. The plan is to get rich and then go back to Largashbur and take over! FormID: 0003A931 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Mauhulakh brought us in when he found ebony in the mine. Not enough men in town to work it, so here we are. FormID: 0003A932 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 One of these days we need to head back to the Rift. Get some of that good Riften mead. FormID: 0003A933 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Mul is the smart one. I go where he tells me. FormID: 0003A934 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 Mining is tough, but Mul says the money is good so we mine. FormID: 0003A935 DialogueNarzulbur NarzulburHellos HELO 0 When we go back to Largashbur we'll be kings. I like Narzulbur, but don't tell Mul. FormID: 0003A945 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 I used to have five good men who worked the mill with me. Then this war started and they all ran off. Idiots with mead in their blood. FormID: 0003A946 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 There's plenty of good wood around here, but I just can't harvest it all by myself. Everyone able-bodied is fighting. FormID: 0003A947 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Of course, without functioning mills, who will make the arrows for our soldiers? Men have no sense of irony. FormID: 0003A948 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Welcome, welcome, welcome! Don't see many strangers out here. Come to get your hands dirty on a real farm? FormID: 0003A949 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Nothing tastes better than food you've grown yourself. Something magic about dirt and sunshine making food. FormID: 0003A94A DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 The weather's harsh, but I like to think my sunny personality is what helps the grain grow. FormID: 0003A94B DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Bolfrida is certainly grating, but she pays well. Thankfully nobody from the city can see me out here. FormID: 0003A94C DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Farm work is hard work. It's good to relax when I can, but I still have to listen to my brothers harping about [QUOTE]injustices.[QUOTE] FormID: 0003A94D DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Of course working for Bolfrida isn't my first choice. But what else can a Dunmer do out here? FormID: 0003A94E DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 My sister and I both work for the Nords. Our brother is ashamed of us, but at least we can affort to eat. FormID: 0003A94F DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Starting to get too old to work all day, but hopefully Master Hlaalu will let me slow down a bit. FormID: 0003A950 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Every now and then someone from the city comes by. Think they aren't used to seeing a Nord working for a Dark Elf. FormID: 0003A951 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Better to work in the cold than in the heat, I say. Though some sun would be nice. FormID: 0003A952 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Master Cruel-Sea comes and works the fields sometimes. I don't think the Mistress likes it, but she won't come out here to catch him. FormID: 0003A953 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 Once the sun goes down, it's just me and the dogs. They keep me warm, and don't talk too much. FormID: 0003A954 DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 I wonder if I could put the dogs to work somehow. But I don't really have the heart to force them. FormID: 0003A8E4 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene1 SCEN 0 Calm yourself, Galmar. Save it for the battlefield. FormID: 0003A8F4 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene1 SCEN 0 Our men are getting massacred out there. Damn Imperials. FormID: 0003A8E9 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene1 SCEN 0 We can't march on Solitude. Not yet. One thing at a time. FormID: 0003A8E1 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene1 SCEN 0 We need to move faster. Keep them off balance. FormID: 0003A8F0 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene1 SCEN 0 It's working, Galmar. Our patience has won us friends and allies. And our armies are systematically taking care of the rest. FormID: 0003A8C3 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Is there any news from High Rock? FormID: 0003A902 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Not a peep. Those prissy Bretons can't be made to lift a finger to help their neighbors. FormID: 0003A8F9 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene2 SCEN 0 I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. They've never had many problems with the Empire. FormID: 0003A940 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Those milk drinkers? Might as well be elves. Think they're better than us. FormID: 0003A955 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Regardless. It appears Skyrim must stand alone. Again. FormID: 0003A8C8 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 I'm still not sure I understand what you're asking. FormID: 0003A8BF DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 A navy, my lord. We could stop the influx of Imperial troops to Solitude, and choke their northern lines. FormID: 0003A941 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 But most of their supply routes come south, from Cyrodiil. FormID: 0003A8C0 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 But imagine -- fleets of ships sailing from Windhelm, all bearing the Stormcloak flag! It would be glorious! FormID: 0003A909 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 And I suppose the Cruel-Seas would be just the clan to provide ships and men? FormID: 0003A8F7 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 You need but ask. FormID: 0003A8CE DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 I'll think on this, but I make no promises. FormID: 0003A8E7 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene3 SCEN 0 I can ask no more. Thank you, my lord! FormID: 0003A90E DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Captain, I've been receiving complaints about this Giordano woman. FormID: 0003A93D DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Yes, sir. I've been trying to quiet her, but she's insistent. She thinks she can find out who's been killing the women... FormID: 0003A8E0 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene4 SCEN 0 I don't care if she can find a living dwarf -- I can't have her stirring up trouble. We have enough problems as it is. FormID: 0003A8BC DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Yes, sir. I'll try to contain her. FormID: 0003A907 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene4 SCEN 0 See that you do. I will not let Windhelm descend into chaos over a few overactive imaginations. FormID: 0003A8B8 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene5 SCEN 0 What's the current spirit among the dark elves? FormID: 0003A91A DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene5 SCEN 0 As restless as ever, sir, but I don't see them taking any kind of incendiary action. Not soon, anyway. FormID: 0003A8B7 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene5 SCEN 0 Well that much is good. Let's finish this first war before starting the next one, eh? Laughs (black humor) at the last bit FormID: 0003A8BA DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene5 SCEN 0 Um... yes, of course, sir. Unsure how to react to the uncomfortable joke FormID: 0003A90A DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene5 SCEN 0 Carry on, Lonely-Gale. And loosen yourself a bit. FormID: 0003A901 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 Galmar thinks we should double our men in the Reach. FormID: 0003A8D6 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 A reasonable strategy. FormID: 0003A8F8 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 And you, Jorleif? he's giving him permission to share his opinion FormID: 0003A8CF DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 Well, sir, the hold of Falkreath is fairly vulnerable, and blocks the only road from Cyrodiil. FormID: 0003A8DC DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 A good point, old friend. FormID: 0003A90C DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 To be sure, my lord, I am not skilled in the arts of war or military tactics. FormID: 0003A917 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 But you're able to see the whole in the parts, and for that I'm grateful. FormID: 0003A93A DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene6 SCEN 0 As you wish, sir. FormID: 0003A8B3 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Sir, there continues to be unrest in the Gray Quarter. FormID: 0003A8CA DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Blasted dark elves. I don't suppose you could tell them that I presently have larger concerns? Such as all of Skyrim? FormID: 0003A90B DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene7 SCEN 0 They don't seem to be very sympathetic to our cause, sir. FormID: 0003A8C5 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Let me know if you hear anything more substantial? Deep sight before entire line FormID: 0003A8FD DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene7 SCEN 0 Of course, my lord. FormID: 0003A938 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 Jorleif, I want you to send a messenger to our western camps. FormID: 0003A8C7 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 And the message, sir? FormID: 0003A8E3 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 I'm diverting Gar and Haddring's men to join him. FormID: 0003A8FB DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 Is that wise, sir? FormID: 0003A91C DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 It will work if we can pull Hran's men from the south. And find a bit of luck. FormID: 0003A8C2 DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 Of course. Something that seems to be in short supply these days. FormID: 0003A93F DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene8 SCEN 0 I'm not seeking advice right now, friend. Just send the message. FormID: 0003A8EC DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene1 SCEN 0 So what's the news on the street, Captain? FormID: 0003A937 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene1 SCEN 0 The dark elves are uneasy. There's a killer on the streets. And Viola Giordano won't leave me alone. FormID: 0003A8E2 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene1 SCEN 0 How would you like a drink? FormID: 0003A900 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene1 SCEN 0 Very much so. FormID: 0003A8AF DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene1 SCEN 0 Coming right up. FormID: 0003A8D7 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Calixto, someone left an interesting ring in here a few weeks ago. Would you like a look? FormID: 0003A8EF DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Of course, my dear. It may prove to be quite the curiosity! One must always be alert. FormID: 0003A90D DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Well, I seem to have misplaced it at the moment. But it was white, like alabaster, with three bright rubies set in it. FormID: 0003A942 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Be very careful with that. It sounds as if it may be the Death Ring of Dro'farahn. A ring of the most dangerous sort. FormID: 0003A8B2 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Oh dear. What should I do? FormID: 0003A8C6 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Bring it to me straight away when you find it. Don't dally. I can keep it safe. FormID: 0003A936 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, thank the gods you're in Windhelm, Calixto! FormID: 0003A90F DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene2 SCEN 0 Think nothing of it. FormID: 0003A8C9 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene3 SCEN 0 Oh, Jora. Good to see you. I was wondering if you might ask Lortheim something for me. FormID: 0003A93B DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene3 SCEN 0 Don't bother. I don't have much chance of seeing my husband these days. He's always up in the palace with Ulfric. FormID: 0003A8B5 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene3 SCEN 0 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Is everything all right? FormID: 0003A8ED DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene3 SCEN 0 It's been better, I'll be honest with you. FormID: 0003A8B9 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene3 SCEN 0 Here, let me get you some mead. This one's on me. FormID: 0003A8D1 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene4 SCEN 0 I just don't know what to do anymore. He's hardly ever in the temple. I see him at breakfast, and that's it. FormID: 0003A8C4 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene4 SCEN 0 I know, dear. He's a busy man, though, and loyal to the Stormcloaks. FormID: 0003A93C DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene4 SCEN 0 What about being loyal to his wife? FormID: 0003A911 DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene4 SCEN 0 I... I'm sorry, dear, I've got some other customers. I'll be back around in a minute. FormID: 0003A8EA DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene1 SCEN 0 Don't you ever find it demeaning, working for that Nord family? FormID: 0003A8DA DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene1 SCEN 0 Look, Ambarys, I just came here for a drink. I don't need any trouble. FormID: 0003A8B4 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene1 SCEN 0 Fine, then. I guess some Dunmer are content to be their pets. FormID: 0003A8CB DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene1 SCEN 0 Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, and you're going to leave me alone. Deal? FormID: 0003A8CC DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene2 SCEN 0 What's new with the Cruel-Seas, Suvaris? Have they given you one of those helmets with the horns on them yet? FormID: 0003A8F5 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene2 SCEN 0 What do you want from me? I work for them ok? We're not friends. They pay me, and I get the job done. That's it. FormID: 0003A905 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene2 SCEN 0 Touchy. Maybe some Dunmer lives in you yet. FormID: 0003A903 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene2 SCEN 0 Either pour another drink or keep moving, Ambarys. FormID: 0003A8E6 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene3 SCEN 0 Why do the Nords bother you so much, Ambarys? FormID: 0003A944 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene3 SCEN 0 Why do you even need to ask? They treat your people as bad as they do mine. FormID: 0003A8FC DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene3 SCEN 0 I think that's just their way. The Nords don't like anybody who's not a Nord, but they're not bad people, deep down. FormID: 0003A918 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene3 SCEN 0 Look around you. Don't you know what their little war is about? They want all non-Nords out of Skyrim. That means you and me. FormID: 0003A908 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene3 SCEN 0 Oh, I doubt that very much. Who would load their ships, then? FormID: 0003A91B DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene3 SCEN 0 Just you wait and see. FormID: 0003A8E5 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 How much do they pay you per day? FormID: 0003A8BB DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 That's really none of your business... FormID: 0003A8FA DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 How much? FormID: 0003A8E8 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 Eight septims per day, plus lodging. FormID: 0003A913 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 Eight septims for breaking your back, and then you live in squalor. How much is your dignity worth? FormID: 0003A8CD DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 If it's all the same to you, Scouts-Many-Marshes prefers to eat and drink in peace. FormID: 0003A8F6 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene4 SCEN 0 Sorry, my scaly friend, you've come to the wrong place. Around here we don't ignore what's happening in the world. FormID: 0003A919 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 Niranye, I just have to know -- what is your secret? FormID: 0003A904 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 My... my what, now? FormID: 0003A8B1 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 You know. Where do you get your goods? I am always amazed at how you manage to sell things so cheaply. some slightly valley-girlish intonations (emphasized [QUOTE]aMAZed,[QUOTE] for instance) FormID: 0003A906 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 Oh, just a matter of finding the right suppliers. FormID: 0003A8F2 DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 Well, I'll want to meet them next time they're around. Maybe you can give an introduction. FormID: 0003A8EB DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 I'll consider it. Many of the people I deal with are... secretive. You know how it is. FormID: 0003A91D DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 Of course! I undersand completely. You just put us in a room, and I'll do all the talking. No worries at all. FormID: 0003A6A5 dunSouthfringeQST SalveniBranch01 SalveniBranch01Topic CUST 0 Thanks for getting me out of that. Bashnag's coven chased me out and left me for dead down here. Nobody lasts too long with the spiders. FormID: 0003A6A5 dunSouthfringeQST SalveniBranch01 SalveniBranch01Topic CUST 1 Please, will you help me get out of here? If the coast is clear, I'll make a break for it. FormID: 0006EFF0 dunSouthfringeQST SalveniBranch01 SalveniBranch01Topic CUST 0 I'm too weak right now. Between the spiders and the coven, I'd be dead before escaping the cave. FormID: 000B118C dunSouthfringeQST SalveniBranch01 SalveniBranch01Topic CUST 0 I'm feeling better, but Bashnag's curse won't wear off for weeks. FormID: 000B118D dunSouthfringeQST SalveniBranch01 SalveniBranch01Topic CUST 0 I won't be myself for some time. I just need to get out of here and recover. FormID: 0003A6A4 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniHelpBranch SelveniHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Bashnag cursed me. I can't cast a spell to save my life right now. I'll have to wait until the way out is safe. FormID: 0003A6A0 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniHelpBranch dunBoulderfallQSTNotSafe CUST 0 Please, let me know if it seems safe to leave. FormID: 0003A6A6 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack dunBoulderfallQSTYoureAWerewolf CUST 0 I am, and I don't want to hear your moral judgments about it, either. I wouldn't have had to study in secret in the old days. FormID: 0003A6A2 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack dunSouthfringeQSTwhynotamembernow CUST 0 I left for a few days in Riften. When I came back Bashnag accused me of trying to sell him out to the Thalmor. I was cursed and chased off. FormID: 0003A6A7 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack dunBoulderfallQSTWhyRiften CUST 0 My daughter was sent to the orphanage there when I stood accused of illegal necromancy. I had no choice. Run or die. start defiant, but end sad. [QUOTE]I had no choice[QUOTE] almost to self. FormID: 0003A6A7 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack dunBoulderfallQSTWhyRiften CUST 1 I joined with Bashnag then, but I thought of Savela every day. So I snuck off, hoping to find and steal away with her. Savela is her daughter's name. FormID: 0003A6A7 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack dunBoulderfallQSTWhyRiften CUST 2 Only, she was gone. Shipped away to another orphanage, or adopted, or... I didn't know what else to do, so I came back, hoping nobody noticed I left. very sad at first, then shakes it off. FormID: 0003A6A1 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack dunBoulderfallQSTHacklecombDead CUST 0 He is? I'm not sure how to feel about that. Perhaps it's for the better. FormID: 0003A6A8 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack BranchPackTop CUST 0 Bashnag's circle of mages. We - well [QUOTE]they[QUOTE] live here. They made it pretty clear that I'm no longer welcome. FormID: 0006EFF1 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack BranchPackTop CUST 0 These are no dainty college mages. Bashnag has the skill of a magister and the mind of a warlord. This is a dangerous bunch. FormID: 0006EFF1 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniBranchPack BranchPackTop CUST 1 They're good company if you want to study necromancy in peace, though. FormID: 0003A6A3 dunSouthfringeQST SelveniHelpBranch dunBoulderfallQSTSafeNow CUST 0 Thank you. When I find my daughter, it will be thanks to you. FormID: 0003A1DF MS13 SCEN 0 You fool, why should I share the treasure with anyone? taunting FormID: 0003A1D1 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroTopic CUST 0 I told you, I don't know anything else about it. wearily, groggily, confused (she's been tortured for days) FormID: 0003A1D0 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroA1 CUST 0 What? Who... what do you want then? wearily, groggily, confused (she's been tortured for days) FormID: 0003A1C9 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroA2 CUST 0 Fine. Whatever you want. Can't you just kill me and get it over with? wearily, groggily, confused (he's been tortured for days) FormID: 0003A1C9 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroA2 CUST 1 There's this old man. I've seen him around Riften. I don't know where he lives. I don't know his name. wearily. he's said all this a hundred times. FormID: 0003A1C9 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroA2 CUST 2 Yes, he matches the description of this Esbern guy you're looking for. Maybe it's him. Maybe it isn't. wearily. he's said all this a hundred times. FormID: 0003A1C9 MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroA2 CUST 3 That's all I know, okay? with a brief flash of energy and anger FormID: 0003A1CF MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroB1 CUST 0 Yeah, sure, okay. slowly starting to think you're serious about rescuing her FormID: 0003A1CF MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroB1 CUST 1 Come on, this way. I've seen the guards use it to get rid of bodies. It must lead somewhere. FormID: 0003A1CB MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroB2 CUST 0 Why don't you just kill me already. despairing, bitter FormID: 0003A1CA MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC1 CUST 0 Whatever you want. But let's go, now. FormID: 0006839F MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC1 CUST 0 If you like. But we need to find a way to unlock that trap door. FormID: 0003A1CC MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC2 CUST 0 No problem. Thanks for springing me. I owe you. Look me up in Riften if you make it out. FormID: 0003A1CD MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC2 CUST 0 I guess you know what you're doing. I've got to find a way out of here. FormID: 0003A1CE MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC3 CUST 0 I damn well hope so. If it helps you twist them up, I'm glad to help. bitterly FormID: 0003A1CE MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC3 CUST 1 They're after some old guy named Esbern. Something to do with dragons, I gathered it from listening to them talk when they thought I was out. FormID: 0003A1CE MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC3 CUST 2 I've seen a guy in Riften who they seem to think is him. FormID: 0003A1CE MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC3 CUST 3 Not much to go on -- I don't even know where he lives, or his name. But they seemed pretty excited about it. FormID: 0003A1CE MQ201 MQ201PrisonerIntro MQ201PrisonerIntroC3 CUST 4 That's it. Now, let's get out of here. FormID: 0003A176 MS13 SCEN 0 No. Not again. Help! FormID: 0003A177 MS13BleakFallsBarrowCampfireScene SCEN 0 So we're just supposed to sit here while Arvel runs off with that golden claw? frustrated, [QUOTE]to hell with it[QUOTE] FormID: 0003A16E MS13BleakFallsBarrowCampfireScene SCEN 0 That dark elf wants to go on ahead, let him. Better than us risking our necks. indifferent, [QUOTE]whatever happens happens[QUOTE] FormID: 0003A14C DialogueRoriksteadEnnisReldithScene1 SCEN 0 Have you given my idea any more thought? You said you'd let me know yesterday, and that obviously didn't happen. FormID: 0003A151 DialogueRoriksteadEnnisReldithScene1 SCEN 0 Oh, I don't know. Yes, we'd make more money, but I don't like the idea of you traveling alone out there with the war and talk of dragons. FormID: 0003A147 DialogueRoriksteadEnnisReldithScene1 SCEN 0 Come on now, we discussed that. I wouldn't be traveling all of Skyrim. It'd just to Whiterun and back, that's it. FormID: 0003A152 DialogueRoriksteadEnnisReldithScene1 SCEN 0 Tomorrow. I'll let you know tomorrow. FormID: 0003A14F DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment! FormID: 0003B2BF DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise! FormID: 0003A14A DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man! FormID: 0003B2C0 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars! FormID: 0003A154 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, [QUOTE]Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter.[QUOTE] FormID: 0003A14E DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 [QUOTE]I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you.[QUOTE] FormID: 0003A150 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel! FormID: 0003A145 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit! FormID: 0003A14B DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth! FormID: 0003A155 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrPreachScene SCEN 0 Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives? FormID: 0003A095 CW02A SCEN 0 You hear anything? FormID: 0003A094 CW02A SCEN 0 No, but I know they're out there. No other way they can come. Now shut it or you'll ruin our ambush. irritated FormID: 0003A092 CW02A SCEN 0 I don't like it. What are they waiting for? FormID: 0003A096 CW02A SCEN 0 Maybe they're so scared of you they ran away. sarcastic FormID: 0003A065 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 I can't believe it's over. Twenty-five years in exile and just like that, it's done. exhausted... you'd been waiting for all this to end FormID: 0003A065 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 All that remains is to ensure the safe return of the Skeleton Key. FormID: 0003A066 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I'm afraid it's not that simple. FormID: 0003A066 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 When the Skeleton Key was stolen from the Twilight Sepulcher, our access to the inner sanctum was removed. FormID: 0003A066 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 The only way to bring it back will be through the Pilgrim's Path. this annoys you FormID: 0003A068 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 It wasn't created for the Nightingales. It was created to test those who wished to serve Nocturnal in other ways. FormID: 0003A068 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 As a consequence, I have no knowledge of what you'll be facing. FormID: 0003A067 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Brynjolf is needed back at the Thieves Guild to keep order while you're away. FormID: 0003A067 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 And I... I can't bear to face Nocturnal after my failure to protect the Key. this really upsets you FormID: 0003A067 TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 2 I'm afraid you'll have to face the end of your journey alone. FormID: 00039F79 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierTopic CUST 0 I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only. making a delivery FormID: 00039F7A WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierTopic CUST 0 Nope, sorry. Nothing. courier who doesn't have any packages to hand out FormID: 0003DF63 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 Let's see here... (chipper) courier looking in his bag for the delivery FormID: 00052249 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 Yeah, got this note. courier making a delivery - very matter of fact FormID: 00039F80 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 I have a letter here from Quintus Navale in Windhelm. He said it was urgent. courier making a delivery FormID: 0003DF64 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 I've got a letter and a lot of gold. Something about it being your inheritance? Oh, and... sorry for your loss. courier making a delivery - cheerful, then appropriately somber FormID: 00023EE1 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 A letter... not sure who from. He wouldn't say. Just that he was a friend of yours. courier making a delivery FormID: 00071440 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 I have a letter here for you. courier making a delivery - cheerful, then appropriately somber FormID: 000A0E9E WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 A note from someone named Calcelmo, in Markarth. courier making a delivery FormID: 000D906C WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 It's from... Falk Firebeard at the Blue Palace? You've got friends in high places. courier making a delivery FormID: 00094D80 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 There's a new museum opening up in Dawnstar. The owner is asking me to hand out invitations to travelers. FormID: 00039F81 WICourier WiCourierMainBranch WICourierDeliveries CUST 0 Looks like that's it. Got to go. courier wrapping up a delivery FormID: 000ABC83 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 I heard you attacked someone in town recently. FormID: 000ABC83 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 Thought you might be open to doing it again... for a tidy sum. FormID: 000ABC8B WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Heard you hit somebody in town not too long ago. FormID: 000ABC8B WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 I'll pay to do the same, to a certain special someone. FormID: 000ABC8C WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 So you like to hurt people, huh? The town is still talking about what you did. FormID: 000ABC8C WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 You know, I'll pay you to attack one of my enemies... emphasis on [QUOTE]my[QUOTE] FormID: 000ABC8D WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Yeah. You beat people up. FormID: 000ABC8D WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 Got someone I want you to hurt. Don't worry, I can pay. FormID: 000ABC8E WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Uh... yeah. I know you don't mind hurting people. Just look what you did to... well, you know. FormID: 000ABC8E WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 I need someone to do that to someone. I'll even pay. FormID: 000ABC8F WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 I heard you hurt someone in town not too long ago. FormID: 000ABC8F WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 I'll pay you to hurt someone else. Okay? FormID: 000ABC90 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 I heard about what you did. You hurt someone. Bad. FormID: 000ABC90 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 I got someone who deserves a beating, but I need someone else to do it for me. I can pay. FormID: 000ABC91 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Yeah. Uh, I know you hurt someone in town recently. FormID: 000ABC91 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 1 I'd like to pay you to hurt somebody else. For me. FormID: 000ABC94 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Idiot! That wasn't the deal. You were just supposed to teach them a lesson. I am not paying you... aghast things went too far - emphasis on [QUOTE]not[QUOTE] FormID: 000ABC95 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 They're dead? But now everyone will think I did it! aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC96 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 What have you done? You weren't supposed to murder anyone! Gods... aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC97 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Good. Wait. Dead? That's not what I asked for. I... uh... you should leave. I need a drink... aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC98 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Dead? No, no, no, no, no! This is terrible. I don't know you. Get away from me! aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC99 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Shor's bones! What did you do that for? I would have hired the Dark Brotherhood if I'd wanted that! Get away from me. aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC9A WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Really? What did you go and do that for? You... you need to go away. aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC9B WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 No! Tell me you're joking. Sweet Mara, what have I done? Go away. Just go away. aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABC9C WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Oh gods, what did you do that for? This is horrible. I'm not paying for murder. Get away from me. aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABCAF WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 What have you done? They'll think I did it. Wait, I did do it! I'm not paying you! This is all your fault! aghast things went too far FormID: 000ABCB0 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Ha! There's nothing like a few cuts and bruises to drive home a point, huh? FormID: 000ABCB1 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Good. Maybe things will be different around here from now on. FormID: 000ABCB2 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Good. Let's hope it's a lesson learned. FormID: 000ABCB3 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 You what? Oh. That. Good. I hope there was a lot of blood. FormID: 000ABCB4 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 It can't be traced back to me, can it? Was there lot's of crying? I hope so. FormID: 000ABCB5 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Really? I hope it hurt. FormID: 000ABCB6 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Hmph. Good. That'll teach 'em. FormID: 000ABCB7 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Really? Good. Was there a lot of screaming? Never mind. I don't want to know. FormID: 000ABCC5 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Were there tears? I hope everyone can see the bruises. FormID: 000ABCD8 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 Good. I hope it hurt a lot, after all the pain I've been put through. FormID: 000ABA9E WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 No funerals, just some pain. If you get caught, it's not my problem. FormID: 000ABACA WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 No killing. I'm not hiring the Dark Brotherhood, here. If you get caught, it's not my problem. FormID: 000ABAD5 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 Just cause some pain. I don't want a death on my conscience. If you get caught, it's not my problem. FormID: 000ABAD6 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 Hurt him. I mean her. Whichever. No killing though. And I ain't paying your fine if you get caught. FormID: 000ABAD9 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 I hope I can hear the screams. But don't let on it's from me! And I'm not paying your fine if you get caught. FormID: 000ABAE0 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 Make it quick, but make it hurt. If you get caught by the guards, I don't know you. FormID: 000ABAE2 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 Good. No killing, though. Don't get arrested. I won't help you. FormID: 000ABAE3 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 Make it hurt. But not too much. No killing. And don't let the guards catch you. FormID: 000ABAE4 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 It should hurt. A lot. But I'm not paying for murder. Oh, if you're caught, it's not my problem. FormID: 000ABAE5 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02Yes CUST 0 Good. Now remember - pain, and lots of it. But not to the death. If they arrest you, it's not my problem. FormID: 00039F72 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02No CUST 0 That's too bad. disappointed he can't hire a thug to do his dirty business FormID: 00039F74 WIAssault02 WIAssault02Hello HELO 0 You have a job to do. reminding a thug of the job he needs to do FormID: 00039F75 WIAssault02 WIAssault02Hello HELO 0 You want to get paid? Do what I hired you for. reminding a thug of the job he needs to do FormID: 00039F5B MS09 MS09FraliaInitialBranch MS09FraliaInitialTopic CUST 0 All I can think about is my son, my Thorald... they say that he was killed, but I know better. I know my son is alive! FormID: 00039F5B MS09 MS09FraliaInitialBranch MS09FraliaInitialTopic CUST 1 Those Battle-Born... they're in with the Imperials. They know it too, and yet they lie to my very face! FormID: 00039F5A MS09 MS09FraliaInitialBranch MS09FraliaInitialFollowUp1 CUST 0 It's not wise to discuss it here. Please, if you truly wish to help, meet me at my home. I'll tell you the whole story. Walk Away FormID: 00039F58 MS09 MS09FraliaInitialBranch MS09FraliaInitialFollowUp2 CUST 0 I just... I just know it. I can feel it in my heart. You have to believe me. FormID: 00039F58 MS09 MS09FraliaInitialBranch MS09FraliaInitialFollowUp2 CUST 1 Please, visit me at my home. I can tell you the whole story. FormID: 00039F59 MS09 MS09Stage10Branch MS09Stage10FraliaNotAtHome CUST 0 Not here. Let's speak at my home, where we can be alone, unwatched. FormID: 000524D1 MS09 MS09Stage10Branch MS09Stage10FraliaNotAtHome CUST 0 Thorald's disappearance has been hard on all of us, but Avulstein has taken it badly. FormID: 000524D1 MS09 MS09Stage10Branch MS09Stage10FraliaNotAtHome CUST 1 He's afraid of being taken as well, so he hasn't left the house. All he talks about is Thorald. FormID: 000524D1 MS09 MS09Stage10Branch MS09Stage10FraliaNotAtHome CUST 2 Please, help Avulstein if you can. Something has to be done, or we're all going to lose our minds. FormID: 00039F0C MQ201 SCEN 0 But, I need that money! I earned it. whining FormID: 00039F12 MQ201 SCEN 0 I have my own expenses you know... trails off as Rulindil interrupts him FormID: 00039F0D MQ201 SCEN 0 Silence! FormID: 00039F0E MQ201 SCEN 0 Do not presume, Gissur. You are most useful, but do not presume. We have other informants who are less... offensive. FormID: 00039F16 MQ201 SCEN 0 But no one else has brought you such valuable information, have they? eagerly, sensing an opportunity FormID: 00039F16 MQ201 SCEN 1 Etienne, he's talked, hasn't he? He knows where that old man is you're looking for, he told me himself. FormID: 00039F14 MQ201 SCEN 0 You'll get the rest of your money when we confirm his story. As agreed. firmly FormID: 00039F15 MQ201 SCEN 0 So he has talked! I knew it! gleeful, gloating FormID: 00039F0F MQ201 SCEN 0 Everyone talks, in the end. regretfully FormID: 00039F0F MQ201 SCEN 1 Now, I have work to do. Leave me to it, if you ever want to see the rest of your payment. FormID: 00039F13 MQ201 SCEN 0 Can I... I could help you. He'd talk to me. He trusts me. hopefully -- whining again a bit FormID: 00039F11 MQ201 SCEN 0 You'd like to come downstairs with me, is that it, Gissur? softly, enjoying terrifying Gissur FormID: 00039F11 MQ201 SCEN 1 Shall we loose his bonds and put you in a cell together? You can ask him anything you like, and see how he answers. softly, with grim amusement FormID: 00039F0B MQ201 SCEN 0 No, no. I'll... I'll wait outside. terrified, but trying not to show it FormID: 00039F10 MQ201 SCEN 0 That would probably be best. FormID: 00039F10 MQ201 SCEN 1 Now get out! with sudden, forceful anger and disgust FormID: 00039F17 MQ201 SCEN 0 He can't treat me like that. He needs me. muttered to himself under his breath FormID: 00039F18 MQ201 SCEN 0 Rulindil, pah! One day, the shoe will be on the other foot. muttered to himself under his breathspitting in anger at the idea of Rulindil FormID: 00039F19 MQ201 SCEN 0 I knew he was telling the truth. I always can tell. muttered to himself under his breath FormID: 00039F1A MQ201 SCEN 0 They're scared of the dragons, too, aren't they? Paying too well. They don't know anything. muttered to himself under his breath FormID: 00039F1B MQ201 SCEN 0 Etienne must know something related to the dragons... who else might know? Greasy Thom... no, they'd see right through him... muttered to himself under his breath FormID: 00039E36 TG08B TG08BKarliahIntroBranch TG08BKarliahIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Mercer's been here, I hope we aren't too late. FormID: 00039E35 TG08B TG08BKarliahIntroBranch TG08BKarliahIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 We should tread carefully. I wouldn't be surprised if he's left behind a few surprises for us. very serious FormID: 001092B0 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Let's get out of here before we end up like Mercer! FormID: 0005DDFD TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Aye, there will be blood today. I can promise you that. FormID: 0005DDFE TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Crime is one thing, murder is another. Mercer will answer for this. FormID: 0005DDFF TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 I'd just assume die before I'd let Mercer get those gems. FormID: 0005DE00 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Do the Falmer also have no sense of smell? This place reeks! FormID: 0005DE01 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 The Eyes would go a long way in helping get the Guild back on its feet. FormID: 0005DE02 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 I can't wait to get my hands around that bastard's neck. FormID: 0005DE03 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 By Talos, Mercer has a lot to answer for. FormID: 001092B1 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 This place is coming down. Let's get out of here! FormID: 0005DE04 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 With any luck, this will be Mercer's final day alive. FormID: 0005DE05 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 This place, it's like a maze. How did the dwarves find their way around? FormID: 0005DE06 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 This is just like old times. FormID: 0005DE07 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Keep as quiet as you can. The Falmer may be blind, but they can still hear us. FormID: 0005DE08 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 If Mercer leaves here with the Eyes, we'll never see him again. a bit worried FormID: 0005DE09 TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 We have to get the Key back. a bit worried FormID: 0005DE0A TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Mercer's here. I can feel it. FormID: 0005DE0B TG08B TG08BHellos HELO 0 Be careful, there's no telling what lurks within these walls. a bit worried FormID: 00039DEE DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 Jouane? FormID: 00039DEF DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, child? FormID: 00039DF3 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 I was just wondering. The next time we meet, do you think maybe you could teach me some fire magic? Nothing dangerous! Maybe a candle lighting spell? FormID: 00039DF0 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 By the Eight, keep your voice down! Do you want the entire village to learn our secrets? semi-panicked whisper FormID: 00039DF6 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 Oh! I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. FormID: 00039DF1 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 Shh shh. It's fine, child. It's fine. But we must be cautious, hmm? What we do, the things I teach you. The others wouldn't understand. FormID: 00039DF4 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 I understand. I'm sorry. I just get so excited thinking about it. So... can we. Do some fire magic? FormID: 00039DF2 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 Hmph. Most certainly not. But perhaps I can teach you how to put some candles out. We'll start there. FormID: 00039DF5 DialogueRoriksteadSisselJouaneScene1 SCEN 0 Oooh, wonderful! I can't wait! FormID: 00039CEC MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 0 Here you go, sir. The finest Colovian brandy. formally, as if to a stranger FormID: 00039CEC MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 1 Is there anything else I can get for you? FormID: 0004CA81 MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 0 Here you go, ma'am. The finest Colovian brandy. formally, as if to a stranger FormID: 0004CA81 MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 1 Is there anything else I can get for you? FormID: 0004CB5A MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 0 We seem to have run out of Colovian brandy. I'll check in the wine cellar for more when I get a moment. FormID: 00069FA2 MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 0 Here you go, sir. Colovian brandy. FormID: 0004CB7F MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 0 Here you go, miss. Colovian brandy. FormID: 0004CB8E MQ201 MQ201AskForDrink MQ201AskForDrinkTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry, but I think you've had enough for the moment. very polite and apologetic FormID: 00039CB6 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene1 SCEN 0 Quintus, could you fetch me a copy of The Firmament? I need to compare the old star charts to today's. FormID: 00039CC8 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene1 SCEN 0 Did they really record the star positions from Curalmil's tomb? There's no way it's that precise. FormID: 00039CD5 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene1 SCEN 0 Confound it, boy, I know what I'm doing. It will help me determine the season of his burial, which I can cross-reference. FormID: 00039CCF DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene1 SCEN 0 I... I apologize, master. FormID: 00039CB9 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene1 SCEN 0 Don't waste time apologizing, just find the book! FormID: 00039CDB DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 Master, I have a question about infusions of arrowroot. FormID: 00039CC1 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 Damn it, child, didn't I tell you to gather my notes on sub-material properties? FormID: 00039CC7 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, and I'm working on it, but I'm also trying to... FormID: 00039CD4 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 When I ask you for something, I expect it to get done. FormID: 00039CB7 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, master, I know. I just want to keep up my own projects as well. FormID: 00039CC0 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 You can waste your own time, not mine. An apprentice obeys his master. A good one does, at least. FormID: 00039CC5 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, master. I'm sorry, I'll get back to those notes straight away. FormID: 00039CD0 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 I'm sorry to always be so hard on you, boy. I just worry I don't have much time left. FormID: 00039CDA DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 I know, master. Don't say such things -- there is always time. FormID: 00039CCE DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 Don't be so sure. Now, have you finished grinding the dried snowberries? FormID: 00039CBA DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 Erm... no. Not yet. I'm sorry, I was reading up on the effects of distillation. FormID: 00039CC3 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 What? You've been lollygagging in idle reading? turning on a dime; furious FormID: 00039CCB DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 No... I was trying to... FormID: 00039CD8 DialogueWindhelmAlchemyShopScene3 SCEN 0 Out of my sight! FormID: 00039CBE t02 T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranch T02DinyaNextStep CUST 0 I see you are eager to carry the light. FormID: 00039CBE t02 T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranch T02DinyaNextStep CUST 1 As you venture, Mara fills my mind ever more with visions of love in peril. FormID: 00039CBE t02 T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranch T02DinyaNextStep CUST 2 Embers lie nestled in stone, needing only fuel to bloom to a flame that will warm all around them. FormID: 00039CBE t02 T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranch T02DinyaNextStep CUST 3 Go to Markarth. There you'll find Calcelmo, wise, acid, and reclusive. Help him to emerge and state his intentions. FormID: 00039CBE t02 T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranch T02DinyaNextStep CUST 4 This is the prayer heard by the goddess and relayed to her servants. FormID: 00039CCD DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene1 SCEN 0 Tell me about the Great War. I hear you were in the battle of... FormID: 00039CD6 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene1 SCEN 0 Elda, honey, let's not talk about the war. It's in the past. FormID: 00039CBB DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene1 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. What would you like to talk about? FormID: 00039CC4 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene1 SCEN 0 Hows about we figure out some way to keep warm tonight? friendlily coming on to her FormID: 00039CCC DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene1 SCEN 0 Oh! You behave, now! mockingly scolding FormID: 00039CDC DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene2 SCEN 0 How long have you run this place, again? FormID: 00039CBF DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene2 SCEN 0 Nearly thirty years, now. FormID: 00039CC9 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene2 SCEN 0 Just wondering when you'll be ready to give it up and settle down. Seems like you're always working. FormID: 00039CD3 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene2 SCEN 0 I just feel like if I'm not here, then something could go wrong. Nils is a hard worker, but I wouldn't trust him to run things. FormID: 00039CD7 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene2 SCEN 0 One of these days he'll have to learn. FormID: 00039CBC DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene2 SCEN 0 Perhaps. But not today. FormID: 00039CC6 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene3 SCEN 0 I've been thinking about building that cabin we talked about. FormID: 00039CD2 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene3 SCEN 0 Oh? Where? FormID: 00039CB8 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene3 SCEN 0 There's a clear spot just west of Riften. You know the area? FormID: 00039CC2 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene3 SCEN 0 I've been there before, but I don't know it well. FormID: 00039CCA DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene3 SCEN 0 Well that's where I want to build. In the fall forest. Give it an easterly view. The sunrise is almost as pretty as you are. FormID: 00039CD1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfEldaScene3 SCEN 0 That sounds lovely. You're very sweet. taken aback; flattered FormID: 00039C77 DialogueRoriksteadBritteSisselScene1 SCEN 0 You're going to get it, Sissel! Threatening her sister FormID: 00039C7B DialogueRoriksteadBritteSisselScene1 SCEN 0 Why? What did I do? Feeling threatened by her sister FormID: 00039C75 DialogueRoriksteadBritteSisselScene1 SCEN 0 I told you to weed the garden by sunset, and you didn't do it. Now you're in big trouble! Trying to scare her sister FormID: 00039C7C DialogueRoriksteadBritteSisselScene1 SCEN 0 Papa told you to do that, not me! Now leave me alone! Angry that her sister is threatening her unfairly. Emphasis on [QUOTE]you[QUOTE]... Dad told YOU to do that, not ME! FormID: 00039C31 DialogueGeneric ASNC 0 I guess you had your reasons. FormID: 00039C32 DialogueGeneric ASNC 0 None of my business. FormID: 000D3E9B DialogueGeneric ASNC 0 I don't think there's a need for that! FormID: 00039C33 DialogueGeneric ASNC 0 Was that really necessary? FormID: 000D3E9C DialogueGeneric ASNC 0 Why are you doing that? FormID: 00039C3F DialogueGeneric MUNC 0 Guess they deserved it... FormID: 00039C40 DialogueGeneric MUNC 0 What's done is done. FormID: 000D3609 DialogueGeneric MUNC 0 Well... that was an unpleasant bit of business. FormID: 00039C41 DialogueGeneric MUNC 0 I didn't know you were so cold-blooded... FormID: 000D360A DialogueGeneric MUNC 0 Remind me not to make you angry. FormID: 00039C36 DialogueGeneric PICN 0 I guess I can look the other way, this time. FormID: 00039C39 DialogueGeneric STFN 0 Help yourself, by all means. Who cares if I starve? Self-pity FormID: 00091707 DialogueGeneric STFN 0 Don't worry about it. Keep it. FormID: 00039C3A DialogueGeneric STFN 0 I guess you can have that. FormID: 000D360C DialogueGeneric STFN 0 You must really need that. FormID: 000D3E93 DialogueGeneric STFN 0 I'll look the other way this time. FormID: 0006AE43 DialogueGeneric STFN 0 I didn't really want that anyway. FormID: 000D3E94 DialogueGeneric STFN 0 I suppose that's yours now. FormID: 00039C3B DialogueGeneric STFN 0 Oh, what a clever thief you are. Sarcastic FormID: 00091708 DialogueGeneric STFN 0 You could have asked before just taking it. FormID: 00039C3C DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 You really shouldn't be in here, but I guess since it's you... doubtfully FormID: 00039C3D DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 I'll let you stay. This time. doubtfully FormID: 0006AE40 DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 If you were anyone else, I'd make you leave. doubtfully FormID: 0006AE41 DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 You're not really supposed to... you know, be here. doubtfully FormID: 00039C3E DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 You know you're not supposed to be in here right now. doubtfully FormID: 000D360D DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 You're not really allowed in here, you know. doubtfully FormID: 000D360E DialogueGeneric TRAN 0 You can stay, but you're not supposed to be here. doubtfully FormID: 00039B96 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 Agh! It... hurts... mortally wounded FormID: 00039C34 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 If I can just... stand up... mortally wounded FormID: 00042708 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 I'll... get you... mortally wounded FormID: 00042709 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 This... isn't over... mortally wounded FormID: 0004270A DialogueGeneric BLED 0 All right... End it... FormID: 0004270B DialogueGeneric BLED 0 Come on. Finish it! mortally wounded FormID: 00039C35 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 I can't believe it... FormID: 00039B98 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 Please... mercy... FormID: 00039B97 DialogueGeneric BLED 0 No... not like this... mortally wounded, dying but not dead FormID: 0001717D DialogueGeneric BASH 0 Hunh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0001717E DialogueGeneric BASH 0 Gah! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0001717F DialogueGeneric BASH 0 Yah! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 00017180 DialogueGeneric BASH 0 Rargh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0003999E dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombSharedInfoAunt IDAT 0 Sigh... I'm not proud of it. I'm terrified of that place and Aunt Agna knows it. FormID: 0003999E dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombSharedInfoAunt IDAT 1 My Da locked me in there in a drunken rage when he left us... three days in there eating the offerings left for our dead before Aunt Agna found me. FormID: 00039999 MG07 MG07EstormoAmbushBranch MG07Stage50EstormoResponse1 CUST 0 You fool. You don't stand a chance. Walk Away FormID: 0003999B MG07 MG07EstormoAmbushBranch MG07Stage50EstormoResponse2 CUST 0 I'm afraid you do. FormID: 00039848 MG08 MG08Stage50TandilForceGoodbyeBranch MG08Stage50TandilForceGoodbyeBranchTopic CUST 0 It is time for us to go. FormID: 00039832 MG08 ATCK 0 Die, worm! FormID: 00082A3C MG08 ATCK 0 The College will not fall! FormID: 00082A3D MG08 ATCK 0 We will prevail! FormID: 00082A3E MG08 ATCK 0 I'll not go down without a fight! FormID: 0003982F MG08 MG08AncanoTaunt MG08AncanoTauntTopic CUST 0 You dare approach me here? Are you mad? You cannot hope to defeat me! FormID: 00039831 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50TandilFreeTopic CUST 0 We knew you would succeed. FormID: 00039831 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50TandilFreeTopic CUST 1 Your victory here justifies our belief in you. You have proven yourself more than worthy to guide the College of Winterhold. FormID: 00039830 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50FollowUp1 CUST 0 The Eye has grown unstable. It cannot remain here, or else it may destroy your College and this world. FormID: 00039830 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50FollowUp1 CUST 1 It must be secured. Ancano's actions prove that the world is not ready for such a thing. FormID: 00039830 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50FollowUp1 CUST 2 We shall safeguard it... for now. FormID: 00039830 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50FollowUp1 CUST 3 You now have the opportunity to maintain your College, and carry on with your lives. FormID: 00039830 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50FollowUp1 CUST 4 You have our gratitude, Arch-Mage. FormID: 00039834 MG08 Stage50TandilFreeBranch MG08Stage50FollowUp2 CUST 0 A great many things obscured to you are quite clear to us. We have long believed you would prevail. FormID: 0003976B MQ102A SCEN 0 Things look quiet enough here. Come on. There's my uncle. FormID: 00039672 CW02A SCEN 0 Everybody ready? We charge on my signal. Whispering orders because enemies are nearby. FormID: 00039674 CW02A SCEN 0 Time to show what you're really made of. loud whisper because there are enemies nearby FormID: 00039673 CW02A SCEN 0 For the Empire! yelling a battle cry FormID: 0003963B MS13 HELO 0 Show those thieves not to steal from Lucan Valerius! FormID: 0003963C MS13 HELO 0 The sooner you find the claw, the sooner our lives can get back to normal. FormID: 0003963D MS13 HELO 0 You're back from Bleak Falls. Did you find anything? FormID: 0003963A MS13 HELO 0 Don't let my sister do anything foolish. worried about his sister FormID: 0003BC61 MS13 HELO 0 I don't know what you overheard, but the Riverwood Trader is still open. Feel free to shop. realizing how the robbery could negatively impact sales FormID: 0003BC6C MS13 HELO 0 You're not getting that treasure. FormID: 0003BC6D MS13 HELO 0 I'm too swift for you! FormID: 0003BC6E MS13 HELO 0 Too slow! FormID: 00039642 MS13 HELO 0 Lucan over in the Riverwood Trader says thieves broke into his store. Strange, he says they hardly took anything. FormID: 00039644 MS13 HELO 0 Did you hear? The Riverwood Trader was robbed! Poor Lucan must be torn to pieces over it. FormID: 0003BC6F MS13 HELO 0 I heard Lucan yelling the other day about a thief breaking into his store. It wasn't me, honest! FormID: 000176A6 MS13 HELO 0 Maybe you could talk some sense into my pig-headed brother. angry at her brother's stubbornness FormID: 0008AFA7 MS13 HELO 0 Lucan's dead. I guess I'm in charge of the Riverwood Trader now. FormID: 0008AFA8 MS13 HELO 0 I guess Lucan will never see the golden claw again now. FormID: 00017E01 MS13 HELO 0 Mara bless you for agreeing to help us. FormID: 00017E06 MS13 HELO 0 If you're going after the claw, you'll need to know the way. eager to help FormID: 00017E07 MS13 HELO 0 So, you need a guide out of town after all? eager to help FormID: 00017E00 MS13 HELO 0 Bleak Falls Barrow is just outside of town. I can show you. eager to help FormID: 000176A7 MS13 HELO 0 This way. FormID: 0003D200 MS13 HELO 0 You have the claw. Oh, you have to tell Lucan at once. Hurry! ecstatic FormID: 0003D201 MS13 HELO 0 Hurry up and tell Lucan you have the claw. He'll be so excited! ecstatic FormID: 0003962C MS13 MS13LucanQuestGiveBranch MS13LucanQuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, we did have a bit of a... break-in. But we still have plenty to sell. Robbers were only after one thing. trying to reassure the customer FormID: 0003962C MS13 MS13LucanQuestGiveBranch MS13LucanQuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 1 An ornament, solid gold. In the shape of a dragon's claw. describing the ornament lovingly FormID: 0008AF9E MS13 MS13LucanQuestGiveBranch MS13LucanQuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 0 You mean before he died? We had a break in. Thieves didn't touch anything on the shelves, or any coin, just one thing. FormID: 0008AF9E MS13 MS13LucanQuestGiveBranch MS13LucanQuestGiveBranchTopic CUST 1 A solid gold ornament, in the shape of a dragon's claw. FormID: 00039632 MS13 GBYE 0 I better get back to cleaning the store. What a mess. FormID: 0005D474 MS13 GBYE 0 Damn thieves. As if things weren't bad enough. FormID: 000993E8 MS13 GBYE 0 Where are you going? Come back! FormID: 0003BC59 MS13 GBYE 0 Wait, come back! FormID: 0003BC5A MS13 GBYE 0 Noooo! FormID: 0003BC5B MS13 GBYE 0 Aaaaagh! FormID: 0003BC5C MS13 GBYE 0 Cut me down, or you'll never get the claw! FormID: 0003BC5D MS13 GBYE 0 Where are you... get me down from this! FormID: 0003BC5E MS13 GBYE 0 Sorry, but I have a treasure to get to... FormID: 0003BC5F MS13 GBYE 0 So long [QUOTE]friend.[QUOTE] Ha ha ha! FormID: 0006C1DC MS13 GBYE 0 Good luck. Lucan and I will be waiting for you back in the shop. FormID: 00039626 MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic CUST 0 You did it. You killed it. Now cut me down before anything else shows up. FormID: 000AA84C MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic CUST 0 What? Who are you? Oh, never mind. Cut me down before that thing gets us! FormID: 000AAECE MS13 MS13ArvelWebStuckBlocking MS13ArvelWebStuckTopic CUST 0 frustrated grunts FormID: 00039257 CreatureDialogueDragon HIT_ 0 FormID: 0003916C WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Stay away! Last time you hurt me. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 0003916E WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 I don't want to fight you again. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039170 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Hey! You're the one that hurt me! remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039171 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You gonna hurt me again? remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039178 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You! Don't hurt me! Not again! remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 0003917D WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 I don't want any trouble. Not after what you did to me last time. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 0003917E WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You! Back to inflict more pain on me? remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039183 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 I hope you're not planning to attack me again... remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039184 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 If you provoke me, I will be forced to unsheathe my claws. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 000391A3 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 I don't want to be hurt again! remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 000391A5 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You wouldn't attack an old woman again, would you? remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039630 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You here to attack me? I'm ready for you this time. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 000396B9 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You have a lot of nerve coming near me again. I'm still sore from what you did to me. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039765 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Please! Don't hurt me again! remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039779 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 No! Don't hurt me again! remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 0003977B WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 This one's claws are ready for you should you assault me again. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 0003977D WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 If you try to hurt me again, I may have to kill you. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039780 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Attack me again and I'll hunt you down! remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039783 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Ah! No more! Don't hurt me again. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 000397B0 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Come back to gloat? I've been beaten by worse than you. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 000397EE WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Don't come near me! I don't want to get hurt again. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039995 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 I hope you're not planning to attack me again... remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039A12 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Uh, oh. You ain't gonna hurt me again, are ya? remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B79 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You're the brute that hurt me before. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B7A WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Hey! Don't get mad and hurt me again. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B7C WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Look, I don't want to get in another brawl with you. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B7D WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 You wouldn't attack an old man again, would you? remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B7F WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 I don't go down easy if you raise your hand against me again. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B81 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Well, if it isn't the bully that goes around hurting people. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B82 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 Ah! Are you planning on hurting me again? remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039B92 WIAssaultRememberDialogue WIAssaultRememberDialogueHello HELO 0 If it's a fight you want, I'm ready this time. remembering when the player assault him/her last time FormID: 00039166 DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsMalyn DA01NelacarQuestionsMalynTopic CUST 0 The College would agree with you, but do you have any idea how many innocent lives were cut short, just so Azura could have revenge? dryly explaining but filled with anger FormID: 00039166 DA01 DA01NelacarQuestionsMalyn DA01NelacarQuestionsMalynTopic CUST 1 We're nothing to the Daedra. Pawns to move around, praise, and punish as they see fit. dryly explaining but filled with anger FormID: 00039168 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBranch DA01NelacarStarChoice01 CUST 0 Give me a minute to examine the Star. I'll see what we'll need to do. anxious FormID: 00039167 DA01 DA01NelacarStarBranch DA01NelacarStarChoice02 CUST 0 All right, but hurry. Who knows if Azura is watching us? anxious FormID: 0002673E MQ00 HELO 0 This is High Hrothgar, our temple, sanctuary, and home. We ask that you respect our solitude while you are here. FormID: 0003BE24 MQ00 HELO 0 Your training proceeds well, Dragonborn. FormID: 00039075 MQ00 HELO 0 What do you need, Dragonborn? FormID: 000A63CD MQ00 HELO 0 What is it? FormID: 000A63CE MQ00 HELO 0 Do you need something? FormID: 00075099 MQ00 HELO 0 Eh? Did you say something? FormID: 0007509A MQ00 HELO 0 You'll have to speak up. I'm a little deaf in my right ear. FormID: 0007509B MQ00 HELO 0 Yes? What is it? FormID: 0007509C MQ00 HELO 0 Did you need something? FormID: 00077360 MQ00 HELO 0 Drem Yol Lok. Greetings. FormID: 000B89E5 MQ00 HELO 0 Speak. I will listen. FormID: 0007A4AF MQ00 HELO 0 Dovahkiin. whispered, throaty - this is a guy who never ever speaks except to Shout FormID: 0003BE25 MQ00 HELO 0 silent bow FormID: 0007A4AE MQ00 HELO 0 silent bow FormID: 00053A44 MQ00 HELO 0 Ah! You made it! Good to see you, my friend. I'll never forget how you saved my life from those Thalmor maniacs. FormID: 00053A4F MQ00 HELO 0 So you made it out. Good for you. Don't expect me to thank you. I still remember what you did to me. FormID: 00093FFC MQ00 HELO 0 Ah... so tender. Come here, you morsel! FormID: 00093FFD MQ00 HELO 0 Ah... so tender. Come here, you morsel! FormID: 000BC04E MQ00 HELO 0 Keep an eye out for wolves if you're headed up the path to High Hrothgar. FormID: 000E0CC9 MQ00 HELO 0 What is your need, Dragonborn? FormID: 000E0CCA MQ00 HELO 0 Lead me into battle. FormID: 000E0CCB MQ00 HELO 0 I answer the call of the Dragonborn. FormID: 000E0CCC MQ00 HELO 0 Lead me into battle. FormID: 000E0CCD MQ00 HELO 0 I serve the Dragonborn. FormID: 000E0CCE MQ00 HELO 0 Lead me into battle. FormID: 000766D0 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 You have no business in our stronghold, outlander. FormID: 000E0ED8 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 Malacath blesses this land for the Orcs. And the Orcs alone. FormID: 000E0ED9 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 We won't kill you, outlander, but we don't want you here. FormID: 000C3D16 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 Most of my kin are in the longhouse. Come back during the day if you wish to trade. FormID: 000C78B7 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 It's late outlander. Come back in the morning if you need to spend coin. FormID: 000C78B8 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 We only trade during the day, outlander. At night, most rest in the longhouse. FormID: 000C78B9 DialogueOrcs HELO 0 I'm here to mine, outlander. So unless you want to dig, get out. FormID: 000C78BA DialogueOrcs HELO 0 I have metal to dig. FormID: 000C78BB DialogueOrcs HELO 0 Malacath has given me the task to mine. Good ore brings strength to our people. FormID: 000C78BC DialogueOrcs HELO 0 Every Orc learns the heavy labor of mining. All spend years in the caves. FormID: 000C78BD DialogueOrcs HELO 0 The mines are hard, but Malacath rewards those who rise to the challenge. FormID: 0003C6F8 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Of course you'll get a cut. We take care of our own. Annoyed FormID: 0003C6F8 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Now if you need any details on your marks, I'll be here. Get going. FormID: 00020535 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch01 CUST 0 Keerava, Bersi Honey-Hand and Haelga. FormID: 00020535 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch01 CUST 1 Do this right, and I can promise you a permanent place in our organization. FormID: 0007873F TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch00 CUST 0 They owe our organization some serious coin and they've decided not to pay. undercurrent of anger - these people have obviously been troublesome FormID: 0007873F TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch00 CUST 1 I want you to explain to them the error of their ways. with a smirk FormID: 00038C6D DarkBrotherhood DB07_08AstridTransitionBranch DB07AstridNextQuestChoice CUST 0 There's just one more target before we strike out at the Emperor. FormID: 00038C6D DarkBrotherhood DB07_08AstridTransitionBranch DB07AstridNextQuestChoice CUST 1 Have you by chance heard of the [QUOTE]Gourmet[QUOTE]? Read his cookbook? It's become quite a phenomenon. FormID: 00038C6D DarkBrotherhood DB07_08AstridTransitionBranch DB07AstridNextQuestChoice CUST 2 The Gourmet is scheduled to cook for the Emperor at a special dinner. You'll kill him, steal his Writ of Passage, and assume the roll of master chef. FormID: 00038C6D DarkBrotherhood DB07_08AstridTransitionBranch DB07AstridNextQuestChoice CUST 3 Festus has been spearheading this part of the assassination plan. He's close to uncovering the identity of the Gourmet. You should report to him. FormID: 00020536 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch03 CUST 0 Honestly, the debt is secondary here. What's more important is that you get the message across that we aren't to be ignored. very serious - almost a bit angry FormID: 00020536 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch03 CUST 1 A word of warning though... I don't want any of them killed. Bad for business. stern FormID: 00028EDE TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionOutroBranch04 CUST 0 Good. If you need any details on your marks, I'll be here. Now get going. FormID: 00038AE3 CW02A SCEN 0 Let's show these rebels what real soldiers look like. FormID: 00038AE4 CW02A SCEN 0 But don't underestimate the Stormcloaks. Many are Legion veterans. They may be traitors, but they know how to fight. FormID: 00038AE0 WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch CUST 0 I see... and this [QUOTE]force of habit,[QUOTE] does it also compel you to murder? suspicious, interrogating suspect FormID: 00038AB3 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch09 CUST 0 There's someone that wants to see him put out of business permanently. That's all you need to know. all business FormID: 00038AB3 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch09 CUST 1 Now, you tell me when you're ready and we'll get started. FormID: 00020BD9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch09 CUST 0 There's someone that wants to see him put out of business permanently. That's all you need to know. All business FormID: 00020BD9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch09 CUST 1 I'll be out in the market all day, from eight in the morning until eight in the evening. FormID: 00020BD9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch09 CUST 2 Meet me then if you've still got the stomach for it. with a hint of mystery FormID: 00038A3C TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 When Brynjolf brought you before me I could feel a sudden shift in the wind. Walk Away FormID: 00038A3C TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 And at that moment, I knew it would end with one of us at the end of a blade. Walk Away FormID: 00038A3A TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch01 CUST 0 What's Karliah been filling your head with? Tales of thieves with honor? Oaths rife with falsehoods and broken promises? Walk Away FormID: 00038A3A TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch01 CUST 1 Nocturnal doesn't care about you, the Key or anything having to do with the Guild. Walk Away FormID: 00038A46 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch02 CUST 0 Revenge is it? Have you learned nothing from your time with us? Walk Away FormID: 00038A46 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch02 CUST 1 When will you open your eyes and realize how little my actions differ from yours? Both of us lie, cheat and steal to further our own end. Walk Away FormID: 00038A3D TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch03 CUST 0 Then it appears the shadows shroud more than your presence... they blind your wisdom as well. Walk Away FormID: 00038A3D TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch03 CUST 1 Our actions have always been one in the same; both of us lie, cheat and steal to further our own end. Walk Away FormID: 00038A45 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch04 CUST 0 It's clear you'll never see the Skeleton Key as I do... as an instrument of limitless wealth. Walk Away FormID: 00038A45 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch04 CUST 1 Instead you've chosen to fall over your own foolish code. Walk Away FormID: 00038A3B TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch05 CUST 0 Then the die is cast, and once again my blade will taste Nightingale blood! about to attack - this is the final battle FormID: 00038A2E CreatureDialogueTroll IDLE 0 FormID: 00038764 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Oh no... what happened here? finding a dead body FormID: 00038771 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Is he... dead? seeing a corpse in the street FormID: 00038772 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Is she... dead? seeing a corpse in the street FormID: 00038768 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Looks dead to me. seeing a dead body in the street FormID: 00038762 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Alright now. Everyone back away. Let the law handle this. dispersing a crow gathered around a dead body in the street FormID: 0003876E WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 But... at a loss for words FormID: 00038766 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 If anyone saw anything, step forward. Otherwise, step away from the body! guard dispersing a crowd, getting frustrated FormID: 00038765 WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WiDeadBodyMainTopic CUST 0 You there. What do you know about this? suspicious, questioning a potential criminal Walk Away FormID: 00038770 WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseA CUST 0 Hmm... If you happen to recollect anything about the incident, you be sure to report to the captain of the guard. suspicious, interviewing a suspected criminal FormID: 00038770 WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseA CUST 1 I've got my eye on you. FormID: 00038ADF WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseA CUST 0 Then perhaps you care to explain why you are standing so close a dead body with your weapon drawn? increasingly suspicious, interrogating a suspect Walk Away FormID: 00038B0A WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseA CUST 0 Hmmm... You can go, but you stay on your best behavior now. suspicious, letting a suspect leave FormID: 00038B0A WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseA CUST 1 I've got my eye on you. suspicious, mildly threatening FormID: 0003876C WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseB CUST 0 Is that so? Well, perhaps a night in jail might loosen your tongue. Hmmm? extremely suspicious, interviewing a suspected criminal Walk Away FormID: 0003876D WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBodyResponseB CUST 0 Alright, you are now under arrest. extremely suspicious, interviewing a suspected criminal FormID: 00038767 WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBody01ArrestResist CUST 0 Resisting arrest will mean your death. attacking a criminal refusing to go to jail FormID: 00038769 WIDeadBody01 WiDeadBodyMainBranch WIDeadBody01ArrestGoToJail CUST 0 You're smarter than you look. arresting a criminal who is coming willingly FormID: 00038773 WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Is that the murderer? watching a guard interrogate a suspect FormID: 0003876A WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 Not sure, let's watch and find out. watching a guard interrogate a suspect FormID: 0003876F WIDeadBody01 SCEN 0 You there! Wait a moment. guard calling out to a suspect FormID: 00038735 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 If you beat up my sister Sissel, I won't tell. FormID: 000653FA DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Are you new around here? You should go to the inn if you need a place to stay. FormID: 000653FD DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Sissel thinks she's so special. No way she's more special than me. FormID: 00038736 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I'm the older sister, by nearly five minutes. Sissel's barely worthy to walk in my shadow. FormID: 00038739 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I wish I could be an adventurer like you, and go wherever I want. FormID: 0006541A DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I had a dream that there was a good dragon. He was old and gray, but he wasn't scary. FormID: 00065494 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Most days, I do all I can to stay away from my sister and my father. The beating's the same from either one. FormID: 0003873A DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Some day soon I'll stop being afraid. Jouane is teaching me magic. He says I'm real good. FormID: 0003873C DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Do yourself a favor and don't have children. They're good for nothing at all. FormID: 00065496 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I got enough troubles, so don't go adding to them. FormID: 000654B7 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I spend every day tending the fields, and what do my daughters do? Nothing! Complain and caterwaul! Sleep and eat! Useless! FormID: 0003873D DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Curse my good-for-nothing daughters! My wife was twice the woman they'll ever grow to be. She gave her life birthing them. What a waste. FormID: 000654C0 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Did you have any luck talking to my father? FormID: 000654C2 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I hope you can change my father's mind. He can be a little stubborn. FormID: 0003873F DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 You look like you've seen your share of adventure. I envy you that. In fact, maybe you can help me with something. Said with enthusiasm and a bit of envy. FormID: 00038740 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 My father, Mralki, manages the inn. He used to be a soldier, but he left that life behind. FormID: 000654C4 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 If you need a meal or a room, I've got both. FormID: 00038742 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I only take real coin here, no handouts and no bartering. FormID: 00038744 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 That fool son of mine, Erik, wants to be an adventurer. He a good-natured lad, but he's got no idea how dangerous the world really is. FormID: 0004EC4C DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Some folk here will tell you I'm sheltering my boy too much, but I ask you, isn't it a father's duty to keep his children safe? FormID: 00038745 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Name's Ennis. If you've got friends who do business in Whiterun, they might know me. FormID: 00065524 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 You talk to Reldith yet? She's like a mother to me. FormID: 00038747 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 You here from the city? I visit Whiterun from time to time, mostly to make deals. FormID: 00065525 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Reldith is the hardest-working farmer in Rorikstead, but I'm the one with a head for business. FormID: 00038749 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Did you see those guards? Get out of line, and you'll have them to deal with. FormID: 00065526 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 We're honest, hardworking folk here, and we don't suffer beggars or thieves. FormID: 00065527 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 City folk might look down on us, but what's wrong with farming? Everything we've got, we had to earn with our own sweat. FormID: 0003874A DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 You look like the adventurous sort. You should talk to Erik, the innkeeper's son. He could use your help. FormID: 00039C80 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 If you've got some business in Rorikstead, you should start by speaking to Jouane. FormID: 00065528 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Sorry, I don't mean to be rude but Jouane's the one who deals with people. I'm afraid I lost my charm years ago. FormID: 00039C81 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 No offense intended, but I don't think we have anything to talk about. FormID: 0004EC4D DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I was a different man, once -- strong, commanding, ah, and young. But the Great War was a long time ago. FormID: 00065529 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 If you're thinking of setting up to farm, you picked the right place. FormID: 00039C82 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Peace and prosperity are all the good folk of Rorikstead want in life. FormID: 0006552A DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 I'm sure it's hard to believe, but I was once a bold adventurer like you, ready to face any danger. FormID: 0006552B DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Have you spoken to Erik? His father won't let him go out and seek his fortune in the world. Maybe you can help. FormID: 00039C84 DialogueRorikstead HELO 0 Do enjoy your time in Rorikstead. This close to the Reach, well, we are truly blessed to have such fertile ground. FormID: 00038732 DialogueBarleydarkFarm HELO 0 Come to gawk at the Dark Elf? FormID: 00038733 DialogueBarleydarkFarm HELO 0 Well look at us. Like two gray specks in the snow. FormID: 00038734 DialogueBarleydarkFarm HELO 0 I mean no offense. I am but a humble farmer. Not a... a great wanderer, like you. FormID: 00038575 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene2 SCEN 0 No, I want to take my time with it. FormID: 0003856C DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene2 SCEN 0 Can I help with it? Maybe just the cuirass? FormID: 0003856A DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene2 SCEN 0 This is more delicate work than you're used to. FormID: 0003856E DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene2 SCEN 0 I did that engraved piece just last month! FormID: 0003857C DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene2 SCEN 0 This is the royal armor, lass. Maybe in a few years. FormID: 00038574 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 Did you use my good hammer? FormID: 0003857E DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 No. FormID: 00038582 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 Blast, girl, I told you to leave my tools alone. You have yours and I have mine. FormID: 0003857F DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 I didn't touch it! FormID: 00038570 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 Hammers don't have legs. FormID: 0003856F DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 Did you look behind the forge? I think I saw it there. FormID: 00038571 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene3 SCEN 0 Oh... yes. Now that you mention it, I think... sorry about that. FormID: 00038578 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene1 SCEN 0 Captain, captain! FormID: 00038572 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene1 SCEN 0 What is it now, Viola? impatient FormID: 00038568 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene1 SCEN 0 Did you notice that the snow settles in a different direction near the murder sites? FormID: 0003857A DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene1 SCEN 0 Don't you think all your tramping around there investigating might have something to do with it? [QUOTE]Investigating[QUOTE] is sarcastic. FormID: 00038583 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene1 SCEN 0 I... well. Perhaps. But still! It's curious. FormID: 00038566 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 Captain Lonely-Gale! I've been looking for you everywhere! FormID: 00038579 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 And now you've found me. Can I help you? He had been avoiding her FormID: 00038563 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 Have you thought about my invitation? FormID: 0003856D DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 I've thought about it, but I'm not sure it's such a good idea. FormID: 00038580 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, I see. Is it still too soon? meekly, somewhat embarrassed. FormID: 00038577 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, I think that must be it. My wife hasn't been gone that long, after all. Ask me again on another day. FormID: 00038573 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene3 SCEN 0 Do you think those dark elves had anything to do with the murders? The attacks all happened at night, after all. FormID: 00038567 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene3 SCEN 0 Viola, dark elves sleep just like the rest of us. FormID: 00038569 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene3 SCEN 0 You wouldn't think it from the racket that Cornerclub makes. FormID: 00038576 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene3 SCEN 0 I'm sure the guards have the matter well in hand. Now, if you'll excuse me. FormID: 0003856B DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene4 SCEN 0 Hello, captain! Can you spare a moment? I heard something the other day that I wanted to share with you. FormID: 0003857B DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene4 SCEN 0 What did you hear? FormID: 00038565 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene4 SCEN 0 It was an old Nord proverb. It said, the best way to get over the loss of a lover is to find a new one. FormID: 0003857D DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene4 SCEN 0 I didn't lose a lover, Viola, I lost my wife. It's not the same thing. FormID: 00038581 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene4 SCEN 0 Well, if it works in the one case, why not the other? Don't you want to at least give it a try? FormID: 00038564 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene4 SCEN 0 No, I really don't. It'll be a while before I'm ready for that. I'll be on my way now. FormID: 00093784 DA01 GBYE 0 Twilight guide your path. calmness of a monk FormID: 00093785 DA01 GBYE 0 May Azura's magic protect you. calmness of a monk FormID: 00093786 DA01 GBYE 0 This has all been foreseen, and we must play our parts. calmness of a monk FormID: 0003834A MS13LucanCamillaScene SCEN 0 Well one of us has to do something! Store has just been robbed. Wants thieves to suffer. FormID: 00038279 t02 T02RukiGreetingBranch T02RukiGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm searching for my Fenrig. He was marching with Gjukar's men, who they say were wiped out here. FormID: 00038279 t02 T02RukiGreetingBranch T02RukiGreetingBranchTopic CUST 1 I've turned over every body, though, and I can't find him. FormID: 00038279 t02 T02RukiGreetingBranch T02RukiGreetingBranchTopic CUST 2 Please help me look. He has a bright red beard and hair. FormID: 00038281 t02 T02RukiGreetingBranch T02RukiMocksPlayerTopic CUST 0 Are you a fool? Look at the bodies around you. Even if you're blind, surely you smell the blood. FormID: 00038285 t02 T02RukiDismissPlayerBranch T02RukiDismissPlayerBranchTopic CUST 0 Come, help me search for Fenrig. FormID: 00038275 t02 T02FenrigIntroBranch T02FenrigIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Ruki? Where is she? FormID: 00038282 t02 T02FenrigIntroBranch T02FenrigTellsWhatHappened CUST 0 We're expected to fight there tomorrow. Gjukar elected to camp here for the night. I don't like it, though. FormID: 00038276 t02 T02FenrigIntroBranch T02FenrigTellsAboutCamp CUST 0 Our fires are visible for miles. We're in a low valley. Sitting ducks. FormID: 00038272 t02 T02FenrigIntroBranch T02FenrigTakeToHuki CUST 0 If she's come this far from home, it must be important. Lead on. I just need to report back to camp by sunrise. FormID: 00038286 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Have you been learning your ores? FormID: 00038280 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 I think I've got a handle on it, but Orichalcum is confusing. FormID: 00038278 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Don't even bother with that one. Leave it to the orcs. FormID: 00038284 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Oh, right. That makes sense. Kind of a messy metal, anyway. FormID: 0003827B DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Exactly. FormID: 00038273 DialogueWindhelmBlacksmithScene2 SCEN 0 Is Ulfric's armor done yet? FormID: 0003827D t02 SCEN 0 Fenrig! You're alive! FormID: 00038277 t02 SCEN 0 Of course I am. What brings you here? FormID: 00038283 t02 SCEN 0 I had heard that Gjukar's men were wiped out. I came to find you. FormID: 0003827C t02 SCEN 0 But that battle isn't expected until tomorrow... Ruki, what's going on? FormID: 00038274 t02 SCEN 0 I'm so confused. What's happening? tearful FormID: 0003827A t02 SCEN 0 It doesn't matter. I'm here. We're together now. And we will be forever. FormID: 0003827F t02 T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranch T02DinyaGiveMarkarthSegmentBranchTopic CUST 0 How wonderful. Like the sea, their love roils and swells, but brings life and nourishment to all. FormID: 000382B8 MS13LucanCamillaScene SCEN 0 We are done talking about this. [QUOTE]that's final[QUOTE] voice FormID: 000382C5 MS13LucanCamillaScene SCEN 0 Well what are you going to do then, huh? Let's hear it! hotheaded FormID: 0003824E DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 Foolish old woman! You know nothing! Nothing of our struggles, our suffering! FormID: 0003824C DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 Nothing? And what of my son? Hmm? What of Thorald? Is he nothing? So don't talk to me about suffering! FormID: 00038245 DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 Your son chose his side, and he chose poorly. And now he's gone. Such is the way of war. The sooner you accept his loss, the better. FormID: 0003824F DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 I will never accept his death! My son still lives. I feel it in my heart. So tell me, Battle-Borns, where is he? Where are you holding my Thorald? FormID: 00038247 DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 Do you believe this old hag? FormID: 00038250 DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Holding him[QUOTE]? Why I've got him in my cellar. He's my prisoner. mocking, laughing FormID: 00038248 DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 Face it, cow! Your stupid son is dead! He died a Stormcloak traitor. And you... you best keep your mouth shut before you suffer the same. mocking, condescending FormID: 00038246 DialogueWhiterunArgueScene SCEN 0 Come on, father. There's nothing more to be said here. FormID: 000382BE MS13 SCEN 0 So this is your plan, Lucan? sarcastic FormID: 00038309 MS13 SCEN 0 Yes. So now you don't have to go, do you? smug FormID: 000382C3 MS13 SCEN 0 Oh really? Well I think your new helper here needs a guide. smug FormID: 000382B9 MS13 SCEN 0 Wh- no... I.... Oh, by the Eight, fine. But only to the edge of town! flabbergasted FormID: 00038308 MS13 SCEN 0 Those thieves must be mad, hiding out there. Those old crypts are filled with nothing but traps, trolls, and who knows what else! scared but excited FormID: 000382BD MS13 SCEN 0 I wonder why they only stole Lucan's golden claw. I mean, we have plenty of things in the shop that are worth just as much coin. making idle conversation on the way FormID: 000382BD MS13 SCEN 1 Lucan found the claw about a year after he opened the store. He never quite explained where he got it. He's a tricky one. making idle conversation on the way FormID: 00038064 DA07 DA07Rumors DA07RumorsTopic RUMO 0 Some fool is opening a museum in Dawnstar. They say he's paying people to collect artifacts from that old Mythic Dawn cult. rumormonger FormID: 00037EB6 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 Arch-Mage, the Synod have contacted us again, asking if we've any word on their researchers. What shall I tell them? FormID: 00037EBE DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 What did you tell them last time? FormID: 00037EC1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 That they had arrived, asked for information which was provided to them, and went on their way with no suggestion of further interaction. FormID: 00037EB7 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 That hasn't changed, has it? Then just tell them again. FormID: 00037EC2 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 Should we consider investigating the matter? FormID: 00037EB8 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 No, I don't think so. Respond to their request, and we'll leave it at that. FormID: 00037EC3 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene04 SCEN 0 Yes, Arch-Mage. Thank you. FormID: 00037EB9 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 Err, excuse me Enthir. Might I have a moment? FormID: 00037EC4 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 What is it? FormID: 00037EBA DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, err, apologies for the intrusion. I was wondering, err, if you could possibly, ah, procure a few select items for me. FormID: 00037EBD DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 Really, Arniel? Because I seem to recall doing just that for you recently, at which point you assured me that you'd cover my expenses. FormID: 00037EC5 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 And that, my nervous little friend, has not happened. Would you care to comment on that, perhaps? annoyed FormID: 00037EC7 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 Ahh, hmm. Yes. I, err, I was unaware that I had forgotten that. I will, err, I mean I'll take care of that as soon as possible. FormID: 00037EBB DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene01 SCEN 0 See that you do. annoyed FormID: 00037EBF DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene02 SCEN 0 So, Arniel. How's that little project of yours coming along? Any progress worth mentioning? FormID: 00037EC6 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, that. Err, yes. It's... It's quite promising, I believe. Definitely on the right track. Results, err, results should be soon. FormID: 00037ED4 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene02 SCEN 0 Right. And what did you say the point of this little venture was? sarcastic, mocking FormID: 00037EBC DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, no. Err, wouldn't do to say at all. Not, err, not now. Not at all. I have far too many things to do still. FormID: 00037EC0 DialogueWinterholdCollegeDormitoryScene02 SCEN 0 If you say so. mocking, dismissive FormID: 00037E6E DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene04 SCEN 0 You've been spending a fair bit of time with Sergius lately, I see. FormID: 00037E78 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene04 SCEN 0 What? Why, the audacity! How dare you imply such a thing! FormID: 00037E71 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene04 SCEN 0 Calm down! Why are you over-reacting? I was going to ask if the two of you are collaborating on research! FormID: 00037E66 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene04 SCEN 0 Oh! Well... I... I'm sorry. Yes, we have been working on something together. FormID: 00037E63 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene04 SCEN 0 This is why I avoid being social. FormID: 00037E75 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene05 SCEN 0 Ah, my dearest Urag! How are you today, my green-skinned friend? FormID: 00037E73 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene05 SCEN 0 Did you need something, Colette? FormID: 00037E68 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene05 SCEN 0 I only wish to escape the constant glaring of my [QUOTE]colleagues[QUOTE] and discover an opportunity for repose. Your Arcanaeum is so lovely and quiet... FormID: 00037E65 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene05 SCEN 0 I... see. FormID: 00037E6B DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene05 SCEN 0 Don't fret, my fanged acquaintance. I shan't trouble you a bit. FormID: 00037E72 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene06 SCEN 0 Was there something specific you needed? FormID: 00037E7A DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene06 SCEN 0 I'm positive whatever I require will be revealed to me on its own, in due time. FormID: 00037E64 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene06 SCEN 0 So, you don't need anything then. FormID: 00037E6D DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene06 SCEN 0 Oh, my dear Urag. You're trying so hard to help. I do hope you're not disappointed. FormID: 00037E74 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene06 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Disappointed[QUOTE] is not the word I would choose, Colette. Excuse me. FormID: 00037E7C DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene01 SCEN 0 Mirabelle, would you please make sure my schedule is clear for the next few days? I'm working on something important. FormID: 00037E67 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene01 SCEN 0 Your schedule is always clear, Arch-Mage. I see to that. FormID: 00037E6C DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, yes. True. Well, thank you. FormID: 00037E76 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene02 SCEN 0 Sir, the Imperial Legion has again requested assistance. What shall I tell them? FormID: 00037E7B DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene02 SCEN 0 The same thing we've told them before, and the same thing we've told these Stormcloaks. It's not our concern. FormID: 00037E69 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene02 SCEN 0 Forgive me, but at what point does it become our concern? FormID: 00037E6F DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene02 SCEN 0 Never. The College cannot become mired in local politics. What happens inside these walls is our worry. What happens outside is theirs. FormID: 00037E77 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene03 SCEN 0 Is there anything new I should be aware of, Mirabelle? FormID: 00037E62 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene03 SCEN 0 I'm dealing with a few new research proposals, evaluating the results of three long-term projects, and keeping an eye on our new Apprentices. FormID: 00037E6A DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene03 SCEN 0 There were also two items requiring disciplinary action recently. FormID: 00037E70 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene03 SCEN 0 Everything's under control, then? Right. Keep up the good work. FormID: 00037E79 DialogueWinterholdCollegeGHallScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, thank you Arch-Mage. FormID: 00037DFE DialogueSnowShodFarmScene01 SCEN 0 I'm not so sure the few guards they've assigned to the farm are enough. FormID: 00037DF9 DialogueSnowShodFarmScene01 SCEN 0 It will have to do. Besides, if it came to blows, I'm sure the Snow-Shod's would come out here and assist us. FormID: 00037DFC DialogueSnowShodFarmScene01 SCEN 0 I suppose so. I just fear they won't make it out here in time. FormID: 00037DFA DialogueSnowShodFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Just worry about keeping the fields tended and let the Jarl worry about the war. FormID: 00037DFB DialogueSnowShodFarmScene02 SCEN 0 My darling, you've made me the happiest woman in all Skyrim. FormID: 00037DF8 DialogueSnowShodFarmScene02 SCEN 0 It brings me joy to hear that, but what possessed you to say that so suddenly? FormID: 00037DFD DialogueSnowShodFarmScene02 SCEN 0 I've already lost a family, and we're about to start a new one. I don't want that to happen again. FormID: 00037DF7 DialogueSnowShodFarmScene02 SCEN 0 My sweet Leanora, I will never let anything happen to us. I promise. FormID: 00037DBE DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 Can you believe we're here? Saarthal, of all places. FormID: 00037DC0 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 I'm surprised that the College is allowed to excavate here. FormID: 00037DC6 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 I bet your family would be amazed, right? FormID: 00037DC7 DialogueSaarthalExteriorConvoScene1 SCEN 0 Amazed isn't the right word. They might find this... offensive. FormID: 00037DBF DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene02 SCEN 0 Are you looking for any specific volumes, Drevis? FormID: 00037DC4 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene02 SCEN 0 Hmm? Oh, no. No, not really. I... Actually, I've forgotten what I was looking for. confused, distracted FormID: 00037DC8 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene02 SCEN 0 Ah. Well, then. Let me know if you need anything. annoyed, dismissive. FormID: 00037DBC DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene02 SCEN 0 What's that? Oh yes, yes. Thank you, I will. confused, distracted FormID: 00037DC1 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene03 SCEN 0 Can I help you with anything, Nirya? FormID: 00037DC5 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene03 SCEN 0 I was wondering. Has Faralda been in recently? Borrowed any books that you can recall? FormID: 00037DC9 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene03 SCEN 0 Nirya... FormID: 00037DBD DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene03 SCEN 0 Did she, perhaps, mention any dangerous research she might be working on? Anything that could get her in trouble? FormID: 00037DC2 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene03 SCEN 0 I'm here to help you with books, Nirya. That's all. FormID: 00037DC3 DialogueWinterholdCollegeArcanaeumScene03 SCEN 0 Ah, yes. Of course. No, I don't need anything. FormID: 00037D6E TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Stabbed in the back. It's like the Dark Brotherhood all over again. FormID: 000C0513 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Can't talk long, got to keep my eyes open for Mercer. FormID: 000C0514 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Hold your thoughts 'til after we untangle this mess. FormID: 00037D71 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 If I see Frey, I'll pluck his eyes from his skull with my bare hands! furious FormID: 000C0515 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Need to stay focused in case Frey comes back, make it fast. FormID: 00037D72 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 We can talk after I find out what's going on. FormID: 00037D73 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I'm relieved Brynjolf has an open mind or that could have gotten bloody. FormID: 000C0516 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 How can I help? FormID: 00055AA1 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 The time for talk has passed. We must hurry. urgency FormID: 0005DF61 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Quickly, what is it? FormID: 00037D77 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I can't believe this is happening, lad. FormID: 000C0517 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I can't believe this is happening, lass. FormID: 000C0518 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Just take a step back and let me figure this out. Then we'll talk. FormID: 00072AFE TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Can't talk.... I'm outta' here. FormID: 00072AFF TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 This is Mercer Frey's place and he don't like visitors. Now go away. FormID: 000EA5BC TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I dare Mercer to come back here! He sets one foot in the cistern and I'll cut it off! FormID: 0010327D TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Look at that dark elf whore... strutting around like she's innocent. I'll cut her open from gullet to groin! FormID: 000EA5BD TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I never saw this coming, I thought we were just having a run of bad luck. FormID: 0010327E TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 So it's true. You've turned traitor. I can't believe it. FormID: 000EA5BE TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I hope he turns up soon... he needs to answer for his betrayal. FormID: 000EA5BF TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I won't rest until Mercer's dead. How could he murder Gallus and betray all of us like that? FormID: 0010327F TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 If you don't have a good reason to be partnered with Karliah, you're dead. FormID: 000EA5C0 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 How can Karliah remain so calm when Mercer had her on the run for that long? Amazing. FormID: 00103280 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 They say that Karliah murdered Gallus, but I'm not so sure. FormID: 000EA5C1 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 If I find Mercer first, I'm going to crush his skull with my bare hands! FormID: 00103281 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 They're waiting for you in the cistern. No tricks. FormID: 000EA5C2 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Punishment's too good for Mercer Frey. The only penalty for his betrayal is death. FormID: 00103282 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Vex is ready to tear you apart. I hope you have a good excuse for bringing Karliah here. FormID: 000EA5C3 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 There's no doubt Mercer will make for the borders of Skyrim. I hope you find him before he escapes our grasp. FormID: 000EA5C4 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I heard what happened and the Guild owes you thanks for bringing this to light. FormID: 00103283 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 I can't believe he emptied the vault. Right from under our noses. FormID: 00103284 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 How dare you bring that Dunmer bitch here. FormID: 00103285 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Vex better leave a piece of Mercer for us. It's payback time. FormID: 00103286 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 What in blazes is going on? Are you working with Karliah? FormID: 00037D6B TG07 TG07VaultBranch TG07VaultBranchTopic CUST 0 Better question would be [QUOTE]what did he leave.[QUOTE] FormID: 00037D6B TG07 TG07VaultBranch TG07VaultBranchTopic CUST 1 Mercer took everything. Even all of our plans are gone. FormID: 00037CD5 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 We've scoured the town and I've spoken to every contact we have left. No sign of Mercer. FormID: 00037CD5 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 Any luck on your end? FormID: 00037CD2 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Shor's beard! He's going after the Eyes of the Falmer? That was Gallus's pet project. FormID: 00037CD2 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If he gets his hands on them, you can be certain he'll be gone for good and set up for life. FormID: 00037CD8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Agreed. He's taken everything the Guild has left, and to go after one of the last greatest heists is just an insult. FormID: 00037CD8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 I've spoken to Karliah, and made amends for how the Guild's treated her. Now she wishes to speak with both of us. FormID: 00037CD8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfOutroBranch TG07BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Quickly, we have no time to lose. serious FormID: 00016F99 MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernBlockingTopic CUST 0 Isn't it amazing? FormID: 0007509E MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernBlockingTopic CUST 0 Just think. We're the first to set foot here in thousands of years. FormID: 0007509F MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernBlockingTopic CUST 0 I can't wait to see what's inside! eagerly FormID: 000750A0 MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernBlockingTopic CUST 0 Patience. Give me a moment and I'll explain everything. FormID: 00037BC4 MQ203 SCEN 0 Delphine! I... it's good to see you. It's been... a long time. choking back unaccustomed emotions. Almost in tears. (happiness) FormID: 00037BDB MQ203 SCEN 0 It's good to see you, too, Esbern. It's been too long, old friend. Too long. trying not to get overly emotional FormID: 00037BC9 MQ203 SCEN 0 Well, then. You made it, safe and sound. Good. Come on, I have a place we can talk. brusquely, trying to get back to business FormID: 00037BB9 MQ203 SCEN 0 Orgnar, hold down the bar for a minute, will you? calling across the room FormID: 00037BCC MQ203 SCEN 0 Yeah, sure. FormID: 00037BBC MQ203 SCEN 0 This way. FormID: 00037BCF MQ203 SCEN 0 Now then. I assume you know about... FormID: 00037BC5 MQ203 SCEN 0 Oh yes! Dragonborn! Indeed, yes. with a slight nod/bow in the player's direction FormID: 00037BBE MQ203 SCEN 0 This changes everything, of course. There's no time to lose. We must locate... let me show you. I know I had it here, somewhere... beginning to pat himself and search his pockets, muttering to himself by the end FormID: 00037BD8 MQ203 SCEN 0 Give me... just a moment... searching wildly through his pack, throwing papers on the floor, etc. FormID: 00037BC8 MQ203 SCEN 0 Esbern, what... FormID: 00037BDA MQ203 SCEN 0 Ah! Here it is. Come, let me show you. triumphantly FormID: 00037BBD MQ203 SCEN 0 You see, right here. Sky Haven Temple, constructed around one of the main Akaviri military camps in the Reach, during their conquest of Skyrim. tapping the book to show you FormID: 00037BD2 MQ203 SCEN 0 Do you know what he's talking about? dryly FormID: 00037BC6 MQ203 SCEN 0 This is where they built Alduin's Wall, to set down in stone all their accumulated dragonlore. FormID: 00037BC6 MQ203 SCEN 1 A hedge against the forgetfulness of centuries. FormID: 00037BBF MQ203 SCEN 0 Shh! with an angry look at Delphine, raised finger -- [QUOTE]wait a moment, don't be impatient, I'm getting to it![QUOTE] FormID: 00037BD9 MQ203 SCEN 0 A wise and foresighted policy, in the event. seriously FormID: 00037BD9 MQ203 SCEN 1 Despite the far-reaching fame of Alduin's Wall at the time - one of the wonders of the ancient world - its location was lost. FormID: 00037BC3 MQ203 SCEN 0 Esbern. What are you getting at? exasperated FormID: 00037BDC MQ203 SCEN 0 You mean... you don't mean to say you haven't heard of Alduin's Wall? stopped in mid-lecture with surprise FormID: 00037BCB MQ203 SCEN 0 Either of you? FormID: 00037BCA MQ203 SCEN 0 Let's pretend we haven't. What's Alduin's Wall and what does it have to do with stopping the dragons? patiently (with effort) FormID: 00037BBA MQ203 IDAT 0 Sky Haven Temple. An ancient Blades sanctuary, hidden deep in the crags of the Reach. That's where we'll find Alduin's Wall. FormID: 000ADD92 MQ203 IDAT 0 Alduin's Wall... one of the lost secrets of the Blades. Where they recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. Part history, part prophecy. formally, like he's giving a scholarly lecture FormID: 000ADD92 MQ203 IDAT 1 Its location has been lost for centuries, but I've found it again. FormID: 000ADD92 MQ203 IDAT 2 Not lost, you see, just forgotten. The Blades archives held so many secrets... I was only able to save a few scraps... FormID: 0007509D MQ203 IDAT 0 Right. Good thing they've already let you into their little cult. Not likely they'd help Esbern or me if we came calling. with a derisive laugh FormID: 0007509D MQ203 IDAT 1 We'll look around Sky Haven Temple and see what else the old Blades might have left for us. It's a better hideout than I could have hoped for. FormID: 0007509D MQ203 IDAT 2 Talos guard you. seriously FormID: 0010323A MQ203 IDAT 0 This looks promising. Akaviri stonework, I think. Reminds me a bit of Cloud Ruler Temple. FormID: 0010323B MQ203 IDAT 0 I think we're getting close. Let's keep moving. FormID: 0010323C MQ203 IDAT 0 Lead on to Sky Haven Temple. FormID: 0010323D MQ203 IDAT 0 We'll meet up near Karthspire. FormID: 0010323E MQ203 IDAT 0 Let's keep moving. FormID: 0010323F MQ203 IDAT 0 Let's get this door open and see what we've got. FormID: 00103240 MQ203 IDAT 0 Alduin isn't getting any weaker while we stand around here gawping at the architecture. FormID: 00037BD0 MQ203 SCEN 0 Alduin's Wall was where the ancient Blades recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. Part history, part prophecy. FormID: 00037BD0 MQ203 SCEN 1 Its location has been lost for centuries, but I've found it again. Not lost, you see, just forgotten. FormID: 00037BD0 MQ203 SCEN 2 The Blades archives held so many secrets... I was only able to save a few scraps... FormID: 00037BD6 MQ202 SCEN 0 I'll need this... No, no, useless trash... where'd I put my annotated Anuad? muttering to himself, picking up books, leafing through them, throwing them down again FormID: 00037BC2 MQ202 SCEN 0 One moment, I know, time is of the essence, but mustn't leave secrets for the Thalmor... there's one more I must bring... FormID: 00037BD7 MQ202 SCEN 0 Well, I guess that's good enough... let's be off... reluctantly -- leaving his safe hideout of many years FormID: 000750AC MQ203 HELO 0 Let's see what Esbern has to say. FormID: 00014318 MQ203 HELO 0 Amazing, eh? To be standing at the very entrance to Sky Haven Temple itself! FormID: 000750AD MQ203 HELO 0 We must be getting close. We should proceed cautiously. FormID: 000750AE MQ203 HELO 0 Are you sure this is the right way? FormID: 000750AF MQ203 HELO 0 I've told you where Sky Haven Temple is. I'll trust you to get us there in one piece. FormID: 000750B0 MQ203 HELO 0 I must speak to Delphine at once. There's no time to lose. a bit disappointed FormID: 000750B1 MQ203 HELO 0 So this is where Delphine has been hiding all these years? Hmm. a bit disappointed FormID: 00014319 MQ203 HELO 0 Are we close? Thalmor spies could be anywhere. FormID: 00037BD4 MQ203 HELO 0 I don't like being out in the open like this. FormID: 00037BD5 MQ203 HELO 0 Did you hear that? FormID: 00037B5C DB05 HELO 0 Oh, Asgeir! My husband! My dear, sweet husband! Why would someone do this to you? Why? This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life! distraught - husband was murdered at his own wedding FormID: 000F500B DB05 HELO 0 Please, enjoy the festivities! This is a day of peace and happiness, when Imperials and Stormcloaks join together, as equals! FormID: 00037B5D DB05 HELO 0 My wife is dead! Dead! FormID: 000D3E7D DB05 HELO 0 Now now, fella. Let's not get too close to my new bride, eh? FormID: 00037B5E DB05 HELO 0 Well aren't you a pretty thing? Should my new bride by worried? He he he he. FormID: 000618A9 DB05 HELO 0 Make sure to get yourself something to drink. FormID: 000618AA DB05 HELO 0 You hungry? There's plenty of food. Eat up, now. FormID: 000618AB DB05 HELO 0 What's going on? Why would somebody do that? FormID: 000D3E7E DB05 HELO 0 This wedding is boring. I wish they had jugglers. FormID: 000618AC DB05 HELO 0 When my aunt got married, they had a cake that was three feet tall. I got really sick that day. FormID: 000618AD DB05 HELO 0 I heard Vittoria Vici is the Emperor's cousin. I wish he came to the wedding. I never saw a real live Emperor before. FormID: 000618AE DB05 HELO 0 By the gods, the blood! The blood! FormID: 000D3E7F DB05 HELO 0 Vittoria did pretty well for herself, marrying that Asgeir. Not a bad looking fellow at all. FormID: 000618AF DB05 HELO 0 I love weddings, don't you? FormID: 000618B0 DB05 HELO 0 I just can't wait to be a bride someday. Someday... FormID: 000618B1 DB05 HELO 0 I didn't do it! You saw! I didn't do it! happy that he gets to attend the wedding FormID: 000D3E80 DB05 HELO 0 Long as I stay out of the way, the guards don't seem to care about me being here. happy that he gets to attend the wedding FormID: 000618B2 DB05 HELO 0 I've eaten more in the last two hours than I have in the last two weeks. happy that he gets to attend the wedding FormID: 000618B3 DB05 HELO 0 If I'm really lucky, I'll get to kiss the bride for good luck. him saying this is really creepy FormID: 000F500C DB05 HELO 0 The Emperor's cousin is dead! This is a disaster! FormID: 000618B4 DB05 HELO 0 By all the gods, the groom has been killed. At his own wedding! I can only think of my own husband... FormID: 000618B5 DB05 HELO 0 A marriage of both love and political advantage. A rare thing indeed. FormID: 000618B7 DB05 HELO 0 Oh, no no no... This is so wrong... FormID: 000618B8 DB05 HELO 0 I'm so glad Vittoria and Asgeir chose a public reception. That way the entire city can share in their holy bond. FormID: 000618B9 DB05 HELO 0 Oh, did you miss the ceremony? It was rather quick, actually. The couple seemed more concerned with their reception. FormID: 000618BB DB05 HELO 0 I just came to sing! This is a horror show! FormID: 000D3E81 DB05 HELO 0 If you want my opinion, I think they should have paid for an entire quartet. Plenty of bards at the College would have loved the opportunity. FormID: 000618BC DB05 HELO 0 Ahem. Mi mi mi mi. Pardon me. Just, um, warming up. Never know when I may be called upon for a ballad. FormID: 000618BD DB05 HELO 0 My daughter! Dead! Noooooo! FormID: 000D3E82 DB05 HELO 0 My nephew, the Emperor. Too busy to attend the wedding of his beloved cousin. We won't stand for this slight, I assure you. FormID: 000618BE DB05 HELO 0 What my daughter sees in that... barbarian, I'll never know. FormID: 000618BF DB05 HELO 0 The thought of paying a dowry to that, that... Stormcloak turns my stomach. FormID: 000F500E DB05 HELO 0 It was the Empire killed her! I know it! They killed her so they can blame it on the Stormcloaks! FormID: 000618C0 DB05 HELO 0 My son is dead! At his own wedding! Only those Imperial dogs would have dared do something like this! Damn them all to Oblivion! FormID: 000D3E83 DB05 HELO 0 I still think my boy should have had a traditional Nord wedding. Outside, in the cool mountain air. FormID: 000618C1 DB05 HELO 0 They say this marriage is the first step towards peace. Who in Shor's name wants peace? Pfft. says [QUOTE]peace[QUOTE] like it's a dirty word. FormID: 000618C2 DB05 HELO 0 My boy, he always did have an eye for the pretty ones. That Vittoria ain't bad, for an Imperial. FormID: 000618C3 DB05 HELO 0 By Ysmir, this is horrible! I never wanted the girl dead, I swear! FormID: 000D3E84 DB05 HELO 0 Vittoria may be pretty, but does she have the right hips for the job? I want grandchildren, and lots of them. FormID: 000618C4 DB05 HELO 0 To think, my little boy is married. And to an Imperial. Oh, they grow up so fast. FormID: 000618C5 DB05 HELO 0 If my Asgeir is happy, then I'm happy. Really. FormID: 000D562E DB05 HELO 0 I never should have taken this job! FormID: 000D562F DB05 HELO 0 Sorry, no time to talk. I need to keep playing. FormID: 00037B45 DB05 DB05VittoriaThreatenBranch DB05VittoriaThreatenBranchTopic CUST 0 What an amazing day this has been. I hope you're enjoying the festivities. I'm... I'm just so overwhelmed. Such kindness... for me. FormID: 00037B5B DB05 DB05VittoriaThreatenBranch DB05VittoriaPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Oh! Well, you tell your Stormcloak friends [QUOTE]hello[QUOTE] right back at them! This is a day of healing! Legion, Stormcloaks - all are welcome here! FormID: 00037B53 DB05 DB05VittoriaThreatenBranch DB05VittoriaPlayerResponse2 CUST 0 Ha ha ha ha! Yes, yes indeed! Hail the Imperial Legion! Hail the Stormcloaks! Hail Solitude and the Eight Divines! FormID: 00037B53 DB05 DB05VittoriaThreatenBranch DB05VittoriaPlayerResponse2 CUST 1 On this glorious day, we honor everyone! Ha ha ha ha! FormID: 00037B54 DB05 DB05VittoriaThreatenBranch DB05VittoriaPlayerResponse3 CUST 0 Oh, no need to be shy! My day is your day! Please - eat, drink, make merry! We're all friends here! FormID: 00037B51 DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB05AstridBrideDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 Ha ha! The news is everywhere! Vittoria Vici, the Emperor's cousin, butchered at her own wedding! Well done! FormID: 00037B51 DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB05AstridBrideDeadBranchTopic CUST 1 Let's see his eminence try to ignore this. FormID: 00037B5A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic1 CUST 0 Her name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. FormID: 00037B5A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic1 CUST 1 The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. FormID: 00037B5A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic1 CUST 2 Vici is likely to address her guests frequently, as is the wedding custom. Kill her when she does that, and I promise you a significant bonus. FormID: 00037B5A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic1 CUST 3 Now go. And give my best to the bride. FormID: 00037B59 DB05 GBYE 0 Please, enjoy yourself! FormID: 0003798A MG01 MG01NiryaStage20MirabelleBranch MG01NiryaStage20MirabelleBranchTopic CUST 0 She's the Master-Wizard here. Arch-Mage Aren may be in charge, but Mirabelle runs the place. FormID: 0003798A MG01 MG01NiryaStage20MirabelleBranch MG01NiryaStage20MirabelleBranchTopic CUST 1 You'd do well to remember that. FormID: 000376D5 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Looks to be another cold day. FormID: 000376CE DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Aren't they all? FormID: 000376E5 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Not like this. Feels colder than usual. Bet it's those damned Mages. FormID: 000376CF DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sure you're right. FormID: 000376F2 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 That... wizard is still at the Inn. I can't believe Dagur allows him to stay there. [QUOTE]wizard[QUOTE] said like it's a bad word FormID: 000376D1 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 This is what it's come to. No one seems to care what they've done to our home. FormID: 000376A4 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 It's clear that memories are far too short. FormID: 000376A5 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene02 SCEN 0 And it's clear money matters more to Dagur than honor. FormID: 000376D2 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Eirid says the mages at the College are nice people, but you said they're bad. FormID: 000376A6 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Eirid's a little girl who doesn't understand that they're responsible for destroying our home. FormID: 000376D3 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Why did they do that? Why would they be so evil? FormID: 000376A7 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 Because they don't care about you or I, cub. They think they're better than all of us, and that we can just be thrown away. FormID: 000376D4 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 I hate them. FormID: 000376A8 DialogueWinterholdKorirsHouseScene03 SCEN 0 That's my boy. proud FormID: 00037059 DarkBrotherhood PCSH 0 Ooh. What a fun trick. Teach me, teach me! FormID: 0003705A DarkBrotherhood PCSH 0 For someone called the [QUOTE]Listener,[QUOTE] you do an awful lot of shouting... FormID: 000379CA DarkBrotherhood BLED 0 Is that... the best... you can do... dying but defiant, laughing a little FormID: 000379E7 DarkBrotherhood BLED 0 Ow... It hurts when I laugh. He he... dying but defiant, laughing a little FormID: 000379EA DarkBrotherhood BLED 0 Have you... gone... completely... mad? dying but defiant FormID: 000379F4 DarkBrotherhood BLED 0 This... this is... an outrage... dying but defiant FormID: 000379F7 DarkBrotherhood BLED 0 It will... take more than that... to stop me... dying but defiant FormID: 0003705B DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 Oooh. Time to kill? FormID: 0003705C DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 Finally! FormID: 00037062 DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 Ooh. That had to hurt. FormID: 00037063 DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 What? Why would the stranger attack innocent Cicero? FormID: 00037064 DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 Ow! What did I do? emphasis on [QUOTE]I[QUOTE] FormID: 00037065 DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 What have I done, Listener? Has Cicero offended you? FormID: 00037067 DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 By Sithis, you will pay for that! FormID: 00037068 DarkBrotherhood ASNC 0 Why you insolent little bastard... FormID: 000377C3 DarkBrotherhood MUNC 0 It's... it's like watching an artist create a masterpiece. FormID: 000377C4 DarkBrotherhood MUNC 0 And another soul for Sithis. FormID: 0003786F DarkBrotherhood MUNC 0 You are an inspiration. Do you know that? FormID: 0003726A DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 What do you expect to find? My juggling balls? He he. FormID: 000372B7 DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 Hey, that's my lint! Ha, Cicero is just joking. You can have it. FormID: 000372DA DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 If I had anything worth giving, I'd have offered it already. FormID: 0003730B DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 Anything good in there? FormID: 000373C7 DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 See if they have any cheese. I'm getting a bit... peckish. FormID: 000373C8 DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 You're putting your hand... in my pocket? Have you gone complete cracked? FormID: 000373CC DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 I've hardly anything worth pickpocketing... FormID: 000373CD DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 This how you get your thrills? Feeling up an old man? FormID: 00037425 DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 I haven't been touched like that since I visited a certain brothel in the city of Sentinel... FormID: 00037429 DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 It would seem you're not the accomplished pickpocket you think you are... FormID: 0003742A DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 What do you hope to find? Sweets and my dolly? Or maybe some of my spare Nightshade? FormID: 00037437 DarkBrotherhood PICN 0 You're not actually... picking my pocket? Well, you've got guts. I'll give you that. FormID: 00037069 DarkBrotherhood ASSA 0 What is this madness? Rexus, help me! FormID: 0003706B DarkBrotherhood ASSA 0 Wait! That's not how this is supposed to work! FormID: 0003706C DarkBrotherhood ASSA 0 What are you doing? I thought we were friends! FormID: 0003706D DarkBrotherhood ASSA 0 You can't be serious. FormID: 000368D5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkThanks CUST 0 Your wish is my command! As long as it doesn't involve much physical activity. I seem to be having trouble staying on my feet at the moment. FormID: 00036D4C MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkNeedHelp CUST 0 Wonderful! I can begin to repay your generosity immediately. Say on, friend. FormID: 00036D4B MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkHowToHelp CUST 0 Is that all? My friend, you've come to the right person. You could say that causing a scene is somewhat of a specialty of mine. FormID: 00036D4B MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkHowToHelp CUST 1 Stand back and behold my handiwork. FormID: 00036A2F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranch DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranchTopic CUST 0 Three in fact. They're my own recipe. Brought them over here from my days as a bartender in Gideon. FormID: 00036A2F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranch DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranchTopic CUST 1 First is the [QUOTE]Velvet Lechance[QUOTE] which is a mixture of blackberry, honey, spiced wine and a touch of nightshade... perfectly safe, I assure you. FormID: 00036A2F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranch DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranchTopic CUST 2 Second, we have the [QUOTE]White-Gold Tower[QUOTE] which is heavy cream with a layer of blended mead, lavender and dragon's tongue on top. FormID: 00036A2F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranch DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranchTopic CUST 3 Last, and only for the bravest of souls, we have the [QUOTE]Cliff Racer[QUOTE] which is Firebrand Wine, Cyrodiilic Brandy, Flin and Sujamma. FormID: 00036A31 FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I was hoping you'd offer. I didn't think it was my place to ask such a favor of you. I thank you. FormID: 000369F7 FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I understand. Hopefully I'll be able to save my meager earnings up to buy them one day. FormID: 00036A00 FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I... I... I don't know what to say. Such kindness is unheard of in these times. FormID: 00036A00 FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06SharedInfos IDAT 1 Here. I want you to accept this as payment for your sacrifice and I... well, we both thank you. FormID: 00036A2E FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiGemBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiGemBranchTopic CUST 0 Every Argonian wedding proposal band is supposed to have three flawless amethysts as part of their design. FormID: 00036A2E FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiGemBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiGemBranchTopic CUST 1 Two of the gems, the ones on the outside, represent the couple to be married... one for the husband, one for the wife. FormID: 00036A2E FreeformRiften06 FFRiften06TalenJeiGemBranch FFRiften06TalenJeiGemBranchTopic CUST 2 The amethyst in the center represents The Hist, the entity that all Argonians consider a sacred part of our lives. FormID: 00036A36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01 DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01Topic02 CUST 0 Don't mistake my political beliefs as a substitute for my family values. They're still my parents, and I love them dearly. FormID: 00036A36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01 DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01Topic02 CUST 1 I just think they've let my sister's death skew their outlook on Ulfric and what he really brings to the table with this war. FormID: 00036A36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01 DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01Topic02 CUST 2 I'm not so certain that Ulfric's intentions are as noble as they think. I think Ulfric cares about Ulfric and the rest is a smokescreen. FormID: 00036A36 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01 DialogueRiftenAsgeirBranch01Topic02 CUST 3 I'd... appreciate if you kept my opinion between us. The last thing I want to do is have my parents [QUOTE]lose[QUOTE] another child. FormID: 00036A2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirMeaderyBranch DialogueRiftenAsgeirMeaderyBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, actually. I'm partnered with Maven Black-Briar. I put up a chunk of the gold she needed to get the place off the ground. FormID: 00036A2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirMeaderyBranch DialogueRiftenAsgeirMeaderyBranchTopic CUST 1 We've been staggeringly successful so far. In fact, I'm almost surprised how quickly she's generated business for us. FormID: 00036A2B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsgeirMeaderyBranch DialogueRiftenAsgeirMeaderyBranchTopic CUST 2 My name may not be on the label, but some of my blood, sweat and tears are in every drop. Uh, figuratively of course. FormID: 00036A05 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranchTopic CUST 0 Lady Maven's been developing the secret recipe for Black-Briar Mead over the last several decades. FormID: 00036A05 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranchTopic CUST 1 She uses a very secret blend of spices, fresh honey from Goldenglow Estate and specially constructed aging casks to ensure the best flavor. FormID: 00036A05 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranchTopic CUST 2 Even when you get to the last sip in your flagon, it'll taste just as good as the first! FormID: 00036A27 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Damn it! Sorry. I'm not very good at this. FormID: 00036A27 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Look, just don't say anything to Maven, will you? I've spent weeks trying to get that right and if she sees how stupid I am, she'll get rid of me. FormID: 00036A2D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienMeadBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yeah... fired. Sure. That's what I meant. FormID: 000369F8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 She's an absolute pleasure to work for! In fact, I almost feel guilty accepting pay from her. FormID: 000369F8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 Why, just this last week I was commenting to my fellow meadery workers just how lucky we are to be working for such a charitable family. FormID: 00036A33 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranchTopic01 CUST 0 That is the truth, my friend! Maven is a saint and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. FormID: 00036A24 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranchTopic03 CUST 0 It's going to take a lot more than that. FormID: 000369EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSharedInfos IDAT 0 Okay, look. If I'm caught saying anything bad about the meadery or the family, I'm a dead man. FormID: 000369EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSharedInfos IDAT 1 I'm the fourth person to work the tasting counter in the last year. The last three are at the bottom of Lake Honrich. FormID: 000369EE DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenSharedInfos IDAT 2 Just take my advice and just get out of Riften as soon as you can. FormID: 000369FA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenUngrienBlackBriarBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Sure am! I thank my lucky stars every time I look to the night sky that Maven took me in and gave me this opportunity. FormID: 00036A30 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliFisheryBranch DialogueRiftenBolliFisheryBranchTopic CUST 0 Only the best in all of Riften! I own Riften Fishery. FormID: 00036A30 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliFisheryBranch DialogueRiftenBolliFisheryBranchTopic CUST 1 Started out with a single fishing pole and now I have an entire building and two boats to my name. Not bad for a middle-aged Nord, eh? FormID: 00036A30 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliFisheryBranch DialogueRiftenBolliFisheryBranchTopic CUST 2 Too bad I haven't had the same success helping this city shed its poverty. Nivenor thinks I'm wasting my time trying, but I disagree. FormID: 00036A01 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliNivenorBranch DialogueRiftenBolliNivenorBranchTopic CUST 0 Nivenor is my wife. How I was ever able to meet such a gorgeous creature is one of life's mysteries. FormID: 00036A01 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliNivenorBranch DialogueRiftenBolliNivenorBranchTopic CUST 1 We're... at odds about my charity. She thinks the people in this town have become lazy and expecting a handout. FormID: 00036A01 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliNivenorBranch DialogueRiftenBolliNivenorBranchTopic CUST 2 I try to include her in my lessons from Maramal over at the Temple of Mara, but she prefers to shop instead. Different strokes, eh? FormID: 000368E4 MS14 MS14Goodbye GBYE 0 Let me know if you find out anything about the fire. FormID: 00077498 MS14 MS14Goodbye GBYE 0 Hroggar's fate is in your hands. FormID: 000368E5 MS14 MS14Goodbye GBYE 0 I hope Alva is not what you think. FormID: 00077499 MS14 MS14Goodbye GBYE 0 humming FormID: 000368E2 MS14 MS14HroggarHouseBranch MS14HroggarHouse CUST 0 That's true, but I'm in a new house now. A better house. FormID: 000368E0 MS14 MS14HroggarHouseBranch MS14HroggarWifeChild CUST 0 Yeah, that was a shame. Totally disinterested FormID: 000368E0 MS14 MS14HroggarHouseBranch MS14HroggarWifeChild CUST 1 But now Alva takes care of me. And I take care of her. FormID: 000368E7 MS14 MS14HroggarAlvaBranch MS14HroggarAlvaBranchTopic CUST 0 She came by so Alva could kiss her goodbye. FormID: 000368E7 MS14 MS14HroggarAlvaBranch MS14HroggarAlvaBranchTopic CUST 1 Then she left to join the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000368E6 MS14 MS14HroggarAlvaBranch CUST 0 He was cruel to her. He would beat her every night. FormID: 000368E6 MS14 MS14HroggarAlvaBranch CUST 1 It's no wonder she fled in the middle of the night. FormID: 000368E1 MS14 MS14HroggarHelgiBranch MS14HroggarHelgiGhost CUST 0 Really? How nice. FormID: 000368E3 MS14 MS14HroggarHelgiBranch CUST 0 I have Alva to take care of now. I don't need Helgi anymore. Dreamy, like he's hypnotized. FormID: 00036D4F MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 0 Of course! I would do anything for you, my one and truest friend! What do you need from me? FormID: 00036D50 MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 0 Ah, the one generous soul amongst a gathering of pinch-pennies and lick-spittles! FormID: 00036D50 MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 1 If there's anything I can ever do for you, do not hesitate to call upon me! FormID: 000665DC MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 0 Ah, the nectar of the gods! If there's ever anything I can do for you, just name it! extravagantly FormID: 00036D51 MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 0 My friend, you are very perceptive! I have a powerful thirst that cannot be slaked! FormID: 00036D51 MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 1 And none of the waiters will bring me a drink. Elenwen must have told them to cut me off, the frigid bitch. petulantly FormID: 00036D51 MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 2 Afraid I'll cause another scene, I suppose... sheepishly FormID: 000665DD MQ201Party MQ201PartyDrunk MQ201PartyDrunkTopic CUST 0 Indeed. Being a drunken boor is thirsty work. And I can't seem to find my way back to the bar... FormID: 0003674F DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 Alms? Alms for a veteran? FormID: 00036750 DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 Spare a bite for a poor old veteran? FormID: 00036751 DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 Please, ma'am, I've got nowhere to go... FormID: 00036752 DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 I lost my eye defending the Empire... Spare some grub for a veteran? FormID: 0003677F DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 I'm sorry... Embarrassed, trying not to make eye contact with a beggar FormID: 00036780 DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 We barely have enough for ourselves... Embarrassed FormID: 00036781 DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 SCEN 0 Here, it's all I can spare... FormID: 000367B1 DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 Sure has been quiet around the shop lately. FormID: 000367B2 DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 We hardly ever get new customers anymore. FormID: 0003676A DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 Not that I mind the break, of course. But, still... FormID: 0003676B DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 I suppose in wartime, people aren't looking to part with their old junk... FormID: 000367A8 DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 It's okay, dear. More work than ever down at the blacksmith. FormID: 000367A9 DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 We'll make it through, dear. We always do. FormID: 000367AA DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 Who needs customers and their old junk? FormID: 000367AB DialogueSolitudeBitsScene1 SCEN 0 Father oughtta punch them in the mouth! That'd get people in here! FormID: 00036758 DialogueSolitudeBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Come on, Heimvar. My son could stoke the forge better than you do! Jovial, teasing FormID: 00036759 DialogueSolitudeBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 You're making progress, Heimvar. But my boy could still work the bellows better than you do! Jovial, teasing FormID: 00036783 DialogueSolitudeBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Yeah, but can he hammer the anvil for 8 hours straight? FormID: 00036784 DialogueSolitudeBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Sure, but I bet he can't hold his mead as well as me! Joking FormID: 000367B4 DialogueSolitudeBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Give him time. In a couple years, he'll be the age you were when you started! FormID: 000367B5 DialogueSolitudeBlacksmithScene1 SCEN 0 Right you are! Guess I'll keep training you... for now. Jovial, teasing FormID: 000367B0 DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene1 SCEN 0 How's it coming there, Jawanan? FormID: 000366FB DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene1 SCEN 0 Slow, but looking good, sir. FormID: 0003673D DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene1 SCEN 0 Slow's the only way to do it! Work too hard and you'll warp the wood. FormID: 00036717 DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene2 SCEN 0 Fihada, where did you learn how to make bows so well? FormID: 0003678C DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene2 SCEN 0 The same place I learned my charm and quick wits: I used to be an Imperial ranger, my boy! FormID: 00036773 DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene2 SCEN 0 Wish I could learn some of that charm. I'm just good with bows, not people. FormID: 00036730 DialogueSolitudeFletcherScene2 SCEN 0 You'd make a better Imperial ranger than me. I may have charmed the locals, but my fellow soldiers hated my waggling tongue. FormID: 0003671E DialogueSolitudeRaimentsScene1 SCEN 0 Sister dear, could you try sewing those sleeves a little tighter? We can't have our customers looking sloppy because of your work. Passive aggressive FormID: 000366F6 DialogueSolitudeRaimentsScene1 SCEN 0 Oh certainly, dear sister. We couldn't afford to have our customers look like the simple pigs they are, now could we? Passive aggressive FormID: 00036768 DialogueSolitudeRaimentsScene1 SCEN 0 Good. And while you're at it, perhaps you should sew your mouth shut when our fine customers are within earshot, hrm? Passive aggressive FormID: 0003671D DialogueSolitudeWellsApothecarylScene1 SCEN 0 Vivienne, could you check out supplies of mandrake root? FormID: 0003670E DialogueSolitudeWellsApothecarylScene1 SCEN 0 Which one is that again? FormID: 00036766 DialogueSolitudeWellsApothecarylScene1 SCEN 0 It's the root that looks like an ugly little man. A little exasperated FormID: 00036728 DialogueSolitudeWellsApothecarylScene1 SCEN 0 In that case, I'm pretty sure it tried to buy me a drink last night. FormID: 000366FC DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Sir, we can't just keep trading blows with the rebels like this - it's only strengthening their resolve. FormID: 0003678B DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Your concerns are duly noted, Legate, but unfounded. I assure you, this war will be over in another six months. FormID: 0003674C DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Sir, this is costing lives of both imperial loyalists and Skyrim citizens alike. And it's winning the rebels support where they had none before. FormID: 0003672F DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Don't you think I know that? But these commands come straight from Cyrodiil. Frustrated but determined FormID: 0003672F DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 1 We must maintain order and put the rebellious Jarls in their place, before we have a full scale war on our hands. FormID: 00036703 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene2 SCEN 0 New orders for the soldiers, Legate. Make sure they're distributed as noted. FormID: 0003679D DialogueSolitudeCastleScene2 SCEN 0 Sir, these are missing commands for about half of the commanders. FormID: 0003675E DialogueSolitudeCastleScene2 SCEN 0 That is correct. Those orders have been delivered by special courier. I can't trust some of our normal distribution channels. FormID: 00036737 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene2 SCEN 0 Understood, sir. Frustrated at commander FormID: 000366FF DialogueSolitudeJailerScene1 SCEN 0 Rest up, scum. Probably getting executed tomorrow. FormID: 000367B3 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene1 SCEN 0 Yeah, you said that yesterday. FormID: 00036754 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene1 SCEN 0 Come now. You'll want to show up in Sovngarde refreshed. You got an eternity of merrimakin' ahead of you. cruel and mocking FormID: 00036755 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene1 SCEN 0 Guess the headsman's been busy with all your friends. Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 00036742 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene2 SCEN 0 Hey, jailor! What I don't understand is why you're siding with the Imperials. FormID: 00036739 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene2 SCEN 0 Shut up, scum. bored and casually threatening FormID: 00036707 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene2 SCEN 0 I mean, the Redguards fought off the Aldmeri and the Empire, and now Hammerfell is an independent state. That's all we Nords want for Skyrim! FormID: 00036753 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene2 SCEN 0 I said shut up, scum! FormID: 00036761 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene2 SCEN 0 So it's okay if your people rebel against the Empire, but not mine? FormID: 00036708 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene2 SCEN 0 They aren't my [QUOTE]people.[QUOTE] I'm with the Empire because they pay me. And that means I'm out here, and you're in there. So shut up, scum! Frustrated and angry FormID: 0003670D DialogueSolitudeDocksScene1 SCEN 0 Big shipment coming in later tonight. I need you three working late. FormID: 00036762 DialogueSolitudeDocksScene1 SCEN 0 Oh, we'll make sure it's emptied out by morning. You can trust us! A little sinister FormID: 0003672C DialogueSolitudeDocksScene1 SCEN 0 Yeah, we'll get the valuables out of there, no problem! FormID: 00036743 DialogueSolitudeDocksScene2 SCEN 0 My contact, she says Hammerfell steel is much desired by certain parties. FormID: 0003670B DialogueSolitudeDocksScene2 SCEN 0 I know of a ship coming in from Hammerfell. Some cargo might get [QUOTE]lost[QUOTE]... FormID: 00036748 DialogueSolitudeDocksScene2 SCEN 0 Why should we settle for half a fin when we could just take the whole whale? FormID: 000366F9 DialogueSolitudeDocksScene2 SCEN 0 Patience, sister. Patience. FormID: 00036775 DialogueSolitudeDocksScene3 SCEN 0 Got any work? FormID: 00036776 DialogueSolitudeDocksScene3 SCEN 0 I ain't begging. I just need a job. Anything. FormID: 0003675A DialogueSolitudeDocksScene3 SCEN 0 Shoo! Go away! You get nothing from me. FormID: 0003675B DialogueSolitudeDocksScene3 SCEN 0 You bother me again, maybe you will not walk away. Understand? FormID: 0003675C DialogueSolitudeDocksScene3 SCEN 0 Sorry, I have everyone I need at the warehouse. Times are tight. FormID: 00036769 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene1 SCEN 0 My lady, I'm pleased to inform you that you have a new gown for court, specially tailored by madame Endarie. FormID: 000366F5 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene1 SCEN 0 Really? How did we afford that? Besides, I like the gown I already have. FormID: 00036713 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene1 SCEN 0 Madame Endarie insisted. She made it free of charge, in honor of your lenience about last month's rent discrepancies. FormID: 00036746 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene1 SCEN 0 That was suspiciously nice of her. I thought she hated everyone. FormID: 00036770 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene1 SCEN 0 She does, my lady. But apparently, she hates you just a little less than the others. FormID: 000366FA DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene2 SCEN 0 What news have you heard from the war, Irnskar? FormID: 00036718 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene2 SCEN 0 You won't like it, my lady. FormID: 00036749 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene2 SCEN 0 I'm well aware that I won't like it. But it's my duty to keep my people safe. Tell me. FormID: 00036774 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene2 SCEN 0 Possession of the holds change on an almost daily basis, but I can report that Haafingar is still secure. Your people are safe. FormID: 00036700 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene2 SCEN 0 I'm not just talking about my subjects. I'm talking about my people: the proud Nords of Skyrim. FormID: 0003671F DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene2 SCEN 0 I told you you wouldn't like the news. slightly reproachful FormID: 00036756 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene3 SCEN 0 Falk, you shouldn't have come. You know what'd happen if people found out about us. FormID: 0003677C DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene3 SCEN 0 I know, my lady. I just needed to see you outside of court, away from all of the politics. FormID: 0003671A DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene3 SCEN 0 I'm serious. If Erikur knew about us, he'd force you to resign from your position. And without you, he'd have the Jarl bent around his little finger. FormID: 0003671B DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene3 SCEN 0 I'm serious. If Erikur knew about us, he'd force you to resign from your position. And without you helping the Jarl, Solitude would be weaker. FormID: 00036704 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene3 SCEN 0 You're right, of course. But when this war is over, I'll gladly resign and we can stop sneaking around like this. FormID: 00036778 DialogueSolitudeBrylingScene3 SCEN 0 One more reason to pray for the fighting to end then, my love. FormID: 0003675F DialogueSolitudeErikurScene1 SCEN 0 Sister, how is my fortune coming along? emphasis on [QUOTE]MY[QUOTE] FormID: 0003677D DialogueSolitudeErikurScene1 SCEN 0 Profits continue to rise. The warehouse continues to bring in good revenues, and rent on your stores in the Well is acceptable. Simmering resentment - the fortune should be hers FormID: 00036709 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene1 SCEN 0 I'm afraid [QUOTE]acceptable[QUOTE] just isn't acceptable anymore. I'm sure they can spare a few more coins in monthly rent. FormID: 00036723 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, brother. I'm sure they'll agree it's a fair price to pay in order to avoid interacting with you on a daily basis. FormID: 00036764 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene1 SCEN 0 Fair or not, they'll pay it, and that's all I need to care about. Bear that in mind, sister. FormID: 00036787 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene2 SCEN 0 That clumsy maid at the palace spilled wine on my best suit. Sister, I believe it's time for a replacement. FormID: 00036710 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene2 SCEN 0 I can commission one from the Radiant Raiment. It won't be cheap, but if you want the best, they're the only choice. FormID: 00036729 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene2 SCEN 0 I swear, those scheming elves charge us twice what anyone else would pay. FormID: 0003676E DialogueSolitudeErikurScene2 SCEN 0 Of course they do, brother. You keep raising their rent. FormID: 00036791 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene3 SCEN 0 Melaran, you lazy milk drinker, have you finished studying the imports from Black Marsh? FormID: 00036715 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene3 SCEN 0 Indeed I have, sir. Elven weapons for their armies, sir. Elven material, but poor workmanship, like most of what we get from them. FormID: 00036732 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene3 SCEN 0 Scary, thinking of those boots with an army of Elven weapons at their command. Let's be thankful they're half a world away, eh? FormID: 00036772 DialogueSolitudeErikurScene3 SCEN 0 Even a fine weapon is only as good as its wielder, sir. But they should fetch a high price from the Imperial army. FormID: 000367AC DialogueSolitudeErikurScene3 SCEN 0 Right you are, elf! Or even from the rebels, if they've got enough money to make a competitive offer. FormID: 0003671C DialogueSolitudeErikurScene3 SCEN 0 As always, lord, your loyalty is a shining example to us all. Sarcastic FormID: 00036738 DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene1 SCEN 0 It's all we've got for today. Don't be greedy. FormID: 0003677A DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Fish? Again? FormID: 0003677B DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Potatoes? Again? FormID: 00036790 DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Eat up, Svari. FormID: 00036701 DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow. FormID: 00036731 DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene1 SCEN 0 We'll make it, Greta. We always have so far... desperate FormID: 00036757 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Where've you been all day? FormID: 000367A7 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene1 SCEN 0 At the market, father. weary FormID: 0003674B DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Well, did you bring back any mead? FormID: 00036745 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene1 SCEN 0 I barely make enough for us to eat as it is, father. You can't just drink it all away. weary FormID: 00036702 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene1 SCEN 0 Humph. Some daughter you are. FormID: 000366F8 DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene2 SCEN 0 Svari, Jala said you stole an apple from her cart yesterday. Is this true? FormID: 0003675D DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene2 SCEN 0 Just a little one! I was hungry! FormID: 00036747 DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene2 SCEN 0 I'll talk with Jala, dear. I'm sure she'll accept a potato as repayment. FormID: 0003670A DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene2 SCEN 0 I suppose. But Svari, we don't steal. We're better than that. Understand? FormID: 000366FD DialogueSolitudeAddvarHouseScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, papa. chastised FormID: 00036765 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene2 SCEN 0 Father, could you clean up the house a little while I'm away? FormID: 0003674D DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene2 SCEN 0 Maybe. I'll see if I feel like it. FormID: 00036711 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene2 SCEN 0 I'm on my feet all day. Can you please do this one thing for me? FormID: 00036705 DialogueSolitudeSanHouseScene2 SCEN 0 Sure, whatever. FormID: 00036785 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene1 SCEN 0 A word, my love? FormID: 00036763 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene1 SCEN 0 What troubles you, darling? FormID: 00036726 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene1 SCEN 0 I fear attendance is down. There are so few worshippers coming to see us. Could it be that the war has weakened their faith? FormID: 0003670F DialogueSolitudeTempleScene1 SCEN 0 Nonsense, dear. I've had more visitors than ever seeking the wisdom of the hearth goddesses. FormID: 00036789 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene1 SCEN 0 Ah, that must be it. So many of the men are serving in battle. I shall pray to Stendarr that they return victorious. FormID: 0003676D DialogueSolitudeTempleScene2 SCEN 0 Silana, you don't seem yourself. Is something the matter? FormID: 0003672D DialogueSolitudeTempleScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, yes sir. I feel many of Solitude's families are having trouble getting by, and the wealthy do nothing to help them! FormID: 00036714 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene2 SCEN 0 Your compassion is admirable, but you see, we cannot help them all. The poor must learn from the examples of the gods and raise themselves up. FormID: 0003679B DialogueSolitudeTempleScene2 SCEN 0 I respectfully disagree, sir. Stendarr and Zenithar may demand strength from them, but Mara and Dibella demand compassion from us. FormID: 00036771 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene2 SCEN 0 I see you have meditated on this subject quite thoroughly. I shall not stop you, but please, try to attend to your temple duties as well. FormID: 00036735 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 Mistress, a word? FormID: 00036779 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 Certainly, acolyte. What troubles you? FormID: 000367AE DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 I know you and father Rorlund have many duties to attend to in the temple, but sometimes I feel that there are more important matters to attend to. FormID: 00036722 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 What could be more important than hearing the prayers of the faithful, and answering the questions of the dedicated? FormID: 0003673B DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 Mistress, the people of Solitude are destitute. Many are starving and desperate for work. We need to be more active, to reach out to them. FormID: 00036782 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 We took you in, didn't we? We would be glad to extend our welcome to any other who showed your dedication. What more could we do? FormID: 000367B8 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 I know, and I appreciate it dearly. But I can't help but feel we could be doing more... FormID: 00036725 DialogueSolitudeTempleScene3 SCEN 0 Kynareth has blessed you with tremendous compassion, Silana. You will find a way, I'm sure of it. FormID: 0003678D DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 You there. Have you performed your voice exercises today? FormID: 0003678E DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Your solo performance is about a week away. I expect to hear your early rendition tomorrow, understand? FormID: 0003678F DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Pardon me, but I trust you've been working on your poem, on the classical heroes of Skyrim, yes? FormID: 0003679E DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, Lady Ateia. My voice is strong as a Dragonborn's! FormID: 0003679F DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Always! Perfection takes dedication, after all! FormID: 000367A0 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, madam. I know I have a lot to work on. FormID: 000367A1 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 I've converted the classic tale of Eyldi the Bear to be performed with drums. I think you'll be impressed! FormID: 000367A2 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 At this point, I hardly see how your advice would improve it. It's flawless. FormID: 000367A3 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Oh, thank you! I've been working on an original piece. I hope it can stand up to the classics! FormID: 000367A4 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Yes sir, Professor Gemane! It's a war epic about Hoag Merkiller's last stand! FormID: 000367A5 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Must it be written? Poetry is so dull when it isn't set to music. FormID: 000367A6 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Why do we always focus on retelling the old stories? There are so many new stories being made, right now... FormID: 00036796 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, well, see that you keep at it. That is all. Dismissively FormID: 00036797 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 I'll be the judge of that. Now, back to your practice. Dismissively FormID: 00036798 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 Patience, Illdi. We study the heroes of the past so we can have better understanding of the heroes of today... and tomorrow. Dismissively FormID: 00036799 DialogueSolitudeBardScene1 SCEN 0 I'm sure it will be fine. Just don't be late. Dismissively FormID: 000367B6 DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 How are your students coming along? FormID: 00036786 DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, headmaster. FormID: 0003673E DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Passably. Aia is my star pupil. None of the others can hold a candle to her. Especially not that wretched llldi. FormID: 0003673F DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Some of them have a long way to go, but they're mostly passable. Don't let them hear I said that, though! FormID: 00036740 DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Bunch of distractions, if you ask me. They just interrupt the rest of my work. FormID: 00036793 DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Try not to play favorites, Lady Ateia. It does a disservice to the whole class. FormID: 00036794 DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Of course not! Complacency is the bane of art. They're in good hands with you, Inge. FormID: 00036795 DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 I'm sorry to break it to you, Giraud, but students are an unfortunate necessity of a college. Do try to persevere. FormID: 00036719 DialogueSolitudeBardScene3 SCEN 0 What're you going to do after you graduate? I'm thinking of joining the Legion. I hear they're looking for skalds. Just think. Me - a war bard. FormID: 00036727 DialogueSolitudeBardScene3 SCEN 0 Lady Ateia has already arranged for me to perform in the court of the Jarl of Falkreath. FormID: 00036777 DialogueSolitudeBardScene3 SCEN 0 You'd better hope the war's over by then. The Stormcloaks would eat you alive! FormID: 0003678A DialogueSolitudeBardScene3 SCEN 0 Hmph. Music tames the most savage beasts. Even Nords. Aloof FormID: 00036720 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 As you know, Solitude's coffers are much depleted by the war efforts. Thane Erikur, you have a strong head for business. What do you suggest? FormID: 0003672E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 This is an unfortunate but unavoidable ebb in revenue. But as long as we continue to support the Empire, our sacrifices will be well rewarded. FormID: 0003677E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 Listen to you, speaking of sacrifice. You've never gone hungry a day in your life, Erikur! FormID: 0003679C DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 And what would my impetuous Thane Bryling suggest, instead? FormID: 00036724 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 Simple. Let the Empire fight its own war, with its own funds, and without hijacking our supplies and soldiers. Let Haafingar rebuild. FormID: 00036736 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 My lady... Surely you're not that naive. Such foolishness would only leave us defenseless. The rebels would storm the palace in an afternoon. emphasize [QUOTE]naive[QUOTE] FormID: 00036788 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks only rebel because the Empire uses Skyrim as its personal larder. The more they take, the more support the rebels gain! FormID: 000367AF DialogueSolitudePalaceScene1 SCEN 0 That is quite enough. Perhaps I will raise these issues when I have an audience with General Tullius. FormID: 0003672A DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Thane Bryling, what do you have to report about the state of Haafingar's defenses? FormID: 0003673C DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 The news is the same as it's been for the rest of the war, your grace. Our borders are secure, but at the cost of the guards for our towns and roads. FormID: 00036792 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 I don't see any reason why we'd need them. As long as those dogs stay outside of our borders, we're fine. FormID: 000367B9 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks are far from the only threat to the hold. The roads are beset by bandits and beasts... and now there's even talk of bloody dragons. FormID: 000366FE DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 My dear Bryling. Barring any... fancy and folly... the good people of Haafingar are surely capable of dealing with the odd highwayman or stray dog. FormID: 0003672B DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Trouble on the roads and cities means less commerce. Less commerce means less money and more starving people. And that means more crime. FormID: 0003674E DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 Humph. That's only a problem for people who can't afford to hire their own security. FormID: 0003679A DialogueSolitudePalaceScene2 SCEN 0 That may well be our only answer. I will empower my Steward to seek out capable individuals to secure Haafingar. Thank you, my Thanes. FormID: 00036706 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene3 SCEN 0 Steward, when is my appointment to meet with General Tullius? There are some issues we must speak about. FormID: 00036734 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene3 SCEN 0 I'm afraid he's had to reschedule, my grace. By all accounts, waging war takes his every moment. FormID: 00036760 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene3 SCEN 0 Again? He can't simply cancel an appointment with the Jarl! He serves in my capital city! FormID: 000367AD DialogueSolitudePalaceScene3 SCEN 0 I'm afraid he can. His authority comes from the emperor. Who you also serve, technically. FormID: 0003670C DialogueSolitudePalaceScene3 SCEN 0 He uses all of Haafingar's resources, and doesn't answer to me in the slightest? This hardly seems fair. FormID: 0003673A DialogueSolitudePalaceScene3 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Fair[QUOTE] is a word rarely applied to politics, my grace. I'm afraid you must learn to accept this. FormID: 00036767 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Steward, I will need the following reagents for my studies. Please see to them. Brusquely FormID: 000367B7 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Miss Stentor, these are quite expensive. I trust you know how limited the hold's funds are at this time? FormID: 00036712 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Yes, and I'm also aware of how necessary my divinations and wards have been in the city's defense. My experiments are all I ask for in return. FormID: 00036744 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Very well. But I suspect her grace will not be pleased. FormID: 0003676F DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 And? I've seen jarls come and go. This one only became Jarl because her husband died. She'll be replaced in a matter of months. FormID: 000366F7 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 Miss Stentor, watch your tongue in the Jarl's court! FormID: 00036716 DialogueSolitudePalaceScene4 SCEN 0 On threat of what, exactly? This city wouldn't run without me! Now if you'll excuse me, my work awaits. FormID: 0003664F MS14 SCEN 0 Make Laelette go away! FormID: 000365F3 MS14 MS14HideAndSeek MS14AskHelgiLaelette CUST 0 I can't tell you. She might hear me. She's so close. FormID: 000365F3 MS14 MS14HideAndSeek MS14AskHelgiLaelette CUST 1 If you can find me first, I can tell you. FormID: 000365ED MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14AreYouSure CUST 0 No! You're wrong. You must be wrong. Laelette may have met her fate out in the marsh. In denial about his wife's true fate. FormID: 000365ED MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14AreYouSure CUST 1 I refuse to believe Alva had anything to do with this. There is no way you can prove it to the Jarl. In denial about the fate of his wife. FormID: 0003635A MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroB2 CUST 0 Then... there is hope after all. For so long, all I could do was watch our doom approach, helplessly. with exhausted relief FormID: 00036356 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroD1 CUST 0 Dragons, pah. They can be killed. The Blades killed many in their early days as dragon-slayers. FormID: 00036356 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroD1 CUST 1 No, the dragons are merely the final portent of the End of Days. FormID: 00036353 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroAlduinExclusive MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveA1 CUST 0 I tried to tell them. They wouldn't listen. Fools. It's all come true... all I could do was watch our doom approach... FormID: 00036357 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroD2 CUST 0 Oh, yes! The prophecies make clear the signs that will precede the end times. One by one, I have seen them fulfilled. FormID: 00036360 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEnd MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEndA1 CUST 0 We must go, quickly now. Take me to Delphine. We have much to discuss. FormID: 0003172D MQ00 MQ00RemansWall MQ00RemansWallTopic CUST 0 Alduin's Wall was created by the ancient Akaviri Dragonguard, the forerunners of the Blades. excited, warming to his subject FormID: 0003172D MQ00 MQ00RemansWall MQ00RemansWallTopic CUST 1 One of the lost secrets of the Blades. Where they recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. Part history, part prophecy. getting more and more excited -- this is his subject. FormID: 0003172D MQ00 MQ00RemansWall MQ00RemansWallTopic CUST 2 Its location was lost for centuries, but I know where it is: Sky Haven Temple, an ancient Blades sanctuary, hidden within the crags of the Reach. FormID: 0003526D DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina POAT 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 0003526F DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina POAT 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00035270 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina POAT 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00035271 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BASH 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00035272 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BASH 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 00035273 DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina BASH 0 [no text -- heavy breathing due to fatigue] FormID: 000362C3 MQ201 SCEN 0 So far so good. Let's hope nobody saw us slip out. FormID: 000362C3 MQ201 SCEN 1 We need to pass through the kitchen. Your gear is hidden in the larder. FormID: 000362C3 MQ201 SCEN 2 Just stay close and let me do any talking, got it? Follow me. FormID: 000362C7 MQ201 SCEN 0 Who comes, Malborn? You know I don't like strange smells in my kitchen. FormID: 000362C8 MQ201 SCEN 0 A guest, feeling ill. Leave the poor wretch be. FormID: 000362CA MQ201 SCEN 0 A guest? In the kitchens? You know this is against the rules... FormID: 000362C5 MQ201 SCEN 0 Rules, is it, Tsavani? I didn't realize that eating Moon Sugar was permitted. mildly but with a threat FormID: 000362C9 MQ201 SCEN 0 Perhaps I should ask the Ambassador... FormID: 000362C4 MQ201 SCEN 0 Tss! Get out of here, I saw nothing. FormID: 000362CB MQ201 MQ201PartyMalbornReady MQ201PartyMalbornReadyTopic CUST 0 Of course. Let me see if we have another bottle of that. formally, as if to a stranger FormID: 000362CB MQ201 MQ201PartyMalbornReady MQ201PartyMalbornReadyTopic CUST 1 I'll be waiting by the door for everyone to be distracted. in an undertone, for the player's ears only (who is standing close) FormID: 000362C6 MQ201 SCEN 0 Your gear is in that chest. I'll lock the door behind you. Don't screw this up. FormID: 000362CC MQ201 SCEN 0 Hurry it up. I've got to get back before I'm missed. FormID: 000362CD MQ201 SCEN 0 Come on. If someone misses me at the party, we're both dead. FormID: 000362CE MQ201 SCEN 0 I need to lock the door behind you or the patrols might notice something's wrong. FormID: 00072E15 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You should just serve your time. Find an ore vein and start digging. FormID: 00072E17 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You're not in here for life, like I am. FormID: 000362A3 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I left behind my daughter Uaile when I was taken. FormID: 000362A4 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 How old is my daughter now, I wonder? In prison, you lose track of time. FormID: 00072E1B DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I'm just another Forsworn sent to rot here in this mine. FormID: 000362A5 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You need to not bother me. FormID: 00072E1C DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You're talking to a killer, remember that. FormID: 000362A7 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You serve your time by digging. So dig. FormID: 00036A7F DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Prison's not so bad. Less complaints when I kill people. FormID: 00072E1F DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 What? FormID: 000CD11C DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Cidhna Mine's for prisoner scum only. Keep out. FormID: 0003628C DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I'm in charge of the prisoners here. FormID: 0003628D DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 No funny business. I'm watching you. FormID: 0003628E DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You do something out of line, I'll put you down. FormID: 00036298 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Don't reach for a shiv around me, or we'll both regret it. FormID: 00036A80 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 What do you want? Have digging to do. FormID: 00036A81 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Other prisoners get suspicious when we talk to each other, so keep it down. FormID: 0003629E DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Whenever I get out of here, I'm going to go kill a Nord. FormID: 0003629F DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I was sent here because someone said I was a Forsworn. FormID: 00036A84 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I'm innocent. The Nords framed me. I was nowhere near that murder weapon. FormID: 000362A0 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I wonder how grandma Bothela is doing. She's probably worried sick about me. FormID: 00072E22 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 What do you want, new blood? FormID: 00036A85 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Jarl decided I was too much of a problem. Threw me in here with the Forsworn. FormID: 000362A9 DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I got locked up one too many times. Now I'm in for life. FormID: 000362AA DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I swear, if I ever get out of here, I'm giving up thieving. Really. FormID: 0004E84C DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 You mess with the Silver-Blood family, you end up here. FormID: 0004E84D DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 I catch you stealing anything, I'll break your neck. FormID: 0004E84E DialogueCidhnaMine HELO 0 Now this is real guard duty. Just throw them in the mine and be done with it. FormID: 000361DD MQ201 MQ201MalbornIntro MQ201MalbornIntroTopic CUST 0 Really? You're who she picked? I hope she knows what she's doing. FormID: 000361E4 MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentTopic CUST 0 Your job is to get into the party without being fingered as a spy. I'll take care of the rest. FormID: 000361E5 MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentTopic CUST 0 Here's the deal. I can smuggle some equipment into the Embassy for you. FormID: 000361E5 MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentTopic CUST 1 Don't plan on bringing anything else in with you. The Thalmor take security very seriously. FormID: 000361E5 MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentTopic CUST 2 Give me what you can't live without, and I'll make sure to get it into the Embassy. The rest is up to you. FormID: 00039CED MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentTopic CUST 0 You ready yet? I need to get back before I'm missed. Remember, you won't have anything except what I smuggle in for you. FormID: 000361DF MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentReady CUST 0 Okay. I'll get this inside the Embassy for you. I've got to go. I'll find you at the party, don't worry. with nervous relief FormID: 000361E7 MQ201 MQ201MalbornEquipment MQ201MalbornEquipmentNotReady CUST 0 I'll give you a few more minutes. I can't wait here all day. It's my neck on the line, remember. with a frustrated sigh. FormID: 000361E2 MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageTopic CUST 0 You can't go to a party at the Thalmor Embassy dressed like that. FormID: 000361E3 MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageTopic CUST 0 Have you given Malborn the gear you want to smuggle into the embassy? FormID: 000361DC MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageReady CUST 0 Don't worry, it will all be waiting for you when you get back. she sounds like she might actually be worried about you FormID: 000361DC MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageReady CUST 1 Just make sure you get back out of there alive with the information we need. she sounds like she might actually be worried about you FormID: 000361DC MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageReady CUST 2 Good luck. she sounds like she might actually be worried about you FormID: 000361E0 MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageNotReady CUST 0 This is no time for cold feet. I've put everything in your hands here, not least Malborn's life. FormID: 000361E0 MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineCarriageNotReady CUST 1 Now do whatever it is you need to do, and let's get going before we miss our chance! FormID: 000361DE MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineMetMalbornYes CUST 0 Good. I have your invitation to the party. FormID: 000361DE MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineMetMalbornYes CUST 1 But the only way you're going to get past the guards is if they really believe you're an invited guest. FormID: 000361DE MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineMetMalbornYes CUST 2 Which means you need to look the part, and not be armed to the teeth. Here, put this on. FormID: 000361DB MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineMetMalbornNo CUST 0 You need to meet with him and give him whatever you think you can't live without while you're inside the embassy. FormID: 000361DB MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineMetMalbornNo CUST 1 The Thalmor are paranoid and thorough. You won't get in the front door with anything but the clothes on your back. FormID: 000361E6 MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineExplainsCarriageRide CUST 0 When you're ready, I'll keep the rest of your gear safe until you get back. FormID: 000361E6 MQ201 MQ201DelphineCarriage MQ201DelphineExplainsCarriageRide CUST 1 You'll only have what Malborn smuggled in for you, plus whatever you can pick up inside. FormID: 000361C3 TG01 SCEN 0 Give it up, Brynjolf... those days are over. FormID: 000361C4 TG01 SCEN 0 I'm telling you, this one is different... FormID: 000361C1 TG01 SCEN 0 We've all heard that one before, Bryn! Quit kidding yourself. FormID: 000361C5 TG01 SCEN 0 It's time to face the truth, old friend. You, Vex, Mercer... you're all part of a dying breed. Things are changing! FormID: 000361C2 TG01 SCEN 0 Dying breed, eh? Well what do you call that then! FormID: 000C7FED DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Enchanting services are one of the few things that keep us in touch with the rest of Skyrim. FormID: 000365F6 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Perhaps we can go another few decades without a disaster. That would be nice. FormID: 000C8189 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Perhaps we can go another few decades without a disaster. That would be nice. FormID: 000C818A DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I'm working on some very important research, I assure you. FormID: 000365F7 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The exact nature of my research is a secret, I'm afraid, but it really is quite valuable. FormID: 000365F8 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I don't think anyone here truly understands how useful my work will be. FormID: 000365F9 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 When I've finished what I'm working on, everyone will understand its significance. FormID: 00087994 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I have many important things on my mind. Your concerns are not among them. FormID: 00087995 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Are you quite sure we need to be speaking? FormID: 00087996 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I'm disappointed to say I've learned little during my time here. FormID: 00087997 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I had hoped your scholars would be on a level comparable with my own colleagues. They are not. FormID: 000365FA DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 We have survived difficult times, and are better mages for it. We owe you that, Arch-Mage. Thank you. FormID: 000C818B DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The Eye of Magnus. Here, but lost. Slipped through our grasp. Oh, what we might have learned. wistful FormID: 000C818C DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I wonder what we could've done with the Eye, had it been put to better use? FormID: 000C818D DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Have you seen Mirabelle around? I know she's dead, but I thought... Well, I thought she might stop in and say hello anyway. FormID: 000C818E DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 You know, they say knowledge is its own reward. FormID: 000365FB DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Illusion really is the least appreciated of the schools of magic. FormID: 000365FD DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If only I could be free of the mundane, day-to-day activities life so often requires. FormID: 000365FE DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I'm not one for commendations, but I might've lost everything that matters. So... thanks. blurting it out, trying to get it over with as quickly as possible FormID: 000C8194 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Arch-Mage or not, my rules about books still stand. FormID: 000C8195 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 All this knowledge might have been lost, were it not for you. FormID: 000C8196 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I don't want to see you treating any of these books poorly. Are we clear? FormID: 000365FF DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Hundreds of years have gone into assembling this collection. It's going to stay pristine, understand? grumpy FormID: 00036600 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 You need a book, you talk to me. Otherwise you're going to find yourself in a lot of pain. FormID: 00036601 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I don't care if you wrote it yourself -- if you want a book from here, you go through me. FormID: 00036602 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The Arcanaeum is always accepting new volumes. I'll take what I can get. FormID: 00036604 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 We all have you to thank for saving the College. Your position is well-deserved. FormID: 000C8197 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Tolfdir as Master Wizard. Certainly didn't anticipate that. FormID: 000C8198 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 And to think, Mirabelle questioned my allowing you into the College. I can just imagine the look on her face now. FormID: 0002D8CA DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If you need any help with Destruction spells, please let me know. FormID: 000C8199 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Mirabelle does a fine job as Master Wizard, I suppose. Still, there's always room for improvement. FormID: 00036605 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I can't wait to see who succeeds Mirabelle. I've no doubt she'll be promoted to Arch-Mage at some point. slightly sarcastic FormID: 00036606 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Certainly a few of my colleagues aren't quite as talented as they'd like to believe. nasty, mean-spirited FormID: 00036607 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Savos Aren is wise beyond his years. He knows real talent when he sees it. suggestive FormID: 0002D8CB DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I'm sure when the time for promotions comes, they'll go to the most deserving mage. FormID: 0002D8CC DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Don't you think I'd make a wonderful Master Wizard? Maybe even Arch-Mage someday? flirty FormID: 00036608 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Nasty business with that Ancano fellow. Pity that I was unable to assist, but I was... otherwise occupied. FormID: 000C819B DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I care little for idle conversation, but perhaps you need help with Conjuration magic? FormID: 00036609 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 There are few places where one can pursue my type of work without fear of persecution. FormID: 0003660A DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 That 'incident' in Morthal was just a misunderstanding. No matter what the guards claim. FormID: 0003660B DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The people of Skyrim have no appreciation for what we do here. Not that I care. FormID: 0003660C DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Should you ever fall victim to an unfortunate accident, I promise your remains will be put to good use... FormID: 0003660E DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! defensive FormID: 0003660F DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Why are my research materials constantly disappearing? FormID: 00036610 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Once again, I have found very insulting notes left in my personal effects. Simply barbaric. FormID: 00036611 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Just because I don't fit in here is no reason for others to ridicule me behind my back. FormID: 000C819C DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Ancano is exactly why we're so restrictive about access to the College. We'd all have perished if it weren't for you. FormID: 000C819D DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I'm sure you've made note of who's been the most helpful during your time here, Arch-Mage. FormID: 000C819E DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 May I just say, it's a pleasure to have you leading the College. Really. FormID: 000C81A7 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If there's ever any way I can assist you, please let me know. laying it on really thick FormID: 00036612 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I think the College is due for a change in leadership. FormID: 00036613 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If you're working on any experiments, please clean up after yourself. FormID: 00036614 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Just like anywhere else, it's all about who you know. Lucky for you, you know me. FormID: 00036615 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I hope I can count on you if I ever need a favor. FormID: 0002D8CD DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 It's a small group of us here at the College. Favors don't go unremembered. Neither do affronts. FormID: 00036616 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The Arch-Mage triumphant! The College... Skyrim... All of Tamriel owes you a great debt! sucking up to the boss FormID: 000C81A9 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I'm quite pleased that we're back to business as usual. FormID: 000C81AA DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Certainly nothing illicit going on here, Arch-Mage. You can be quite sure of that. FormID: 000C81AB DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Even with the College's laid-back attitude, there are still some things that are off-limits. FormID: 00036617 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 There are some experiments the College frowns on. If they're aware of them, of course. FormID: 00036618 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If you ever need something, especially something hard to come by, let me know. FormID: 00036619 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I've spent a long time building up a list of contacts for goods from all over Tamriel. FormID: 0003661A DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I am always available should you need me, Arch-Mage. FormID: 000C81AC DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Like it or not, you are a shining example to future generations of College Mages. FormID: 000C81AF DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 After all that it's been through, the College still stands. In no small part thanks to you! proud FormID: 000C81DD DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 It's always encouraging to see the younger generations embracing education. FormID: 0003661B DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The College will be here for you, no matter what. We always look after our own. FormID: 0003661C DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Education is never appreciated until after the fact. Young people never understand this. FormID: 0003661D DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Have you, by chance, seen my research notes? I seem to have misplaced them. FormID: 0002D8CE DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Another day, another opportunity to learn! FormID: 0003661E DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 What you learn here will last you a lifetime. Several, if you're talented. FormID: 0003661F DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 It's no secret that the College's reputation in Skyrim is... tainted. FormID: 00036620 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Please don't do anything to anger the locals. They don't need additional reasons to hate us. FormID: 00036621 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 It is not the place of the College to become involved in local politics. FormID: 0002D8CF DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Someday the College may be fully accepted by the Nords. I hope that my work as Arch-Mage may help. FormID: 00036622 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Please don't bother the Arch-Mage unless it's absolutely necessary. FormID: 00036623 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If there are any problems, let me know. It's my job to keep things running smoothly. FormID: 00036624 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Day-to-day operations are my responsibility, which means if you become a problem, you get sent to me. FormID: 00036625 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Mine is not a popular position, but someone needs to keep things running smoothly around here. FormID: 0002D8D0 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Like it or not, this College is a direct influence on the public's impressions of magic and those that use it. FormID: 0002D8D1 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 It is up to each of us to present ourselves publicly as maturely as possible, and to remain above petty local squabbles. FormID: 000C81DF DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I still can't believe it. You, the Arch-Mage? Never would have guessed it. FormID: 00037DCA DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 You know, this is one of a very few places where you can receive a real education in the schools of magic. FormID: 00037DCB DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I think my parents reserved a spot for me here at the College on the day I was born. FormID: 00037DCC DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 There's a lot of pressure for me to excel in my studies. I hope I can live up to expectations. FormID: 00037EC8 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Thanks to you, the people of Skyrim will continue to have a place to study magic. Even if most of them resent you for it. joking FormID: 000C81E6 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I never would have suspected that the Eye could be so dangerous. Tolfdir is right, isn't he? Magic really can overwhelm you. FormID: 000C81ED DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I've certainly learned more here than I ever expected to. FormID: 000C81F6 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I wonder if the College's reptuation will ever recover from our adventures. FormID: 000C81FA DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The College is a bit of an oddity in Skyrim. Magic isn't something that's looked upon fondly here. FormID: 00037EC9 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Nords don't trust magic, or those that use it. Made it difficult for me growing up. FormID: 00037ECA DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 They won't say much, but most people have very strong opinions about the College and those that study here. FormID: 00037ECB DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Don't expect the local Nords to take kindly to you once they find out you're from the College. FormID: 00037ECC DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 J'zargo is pleased, and more than a little jealous, to greet the new Arch-Mage. joking FormID: 000C82AB DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 J'zargo had expected to be named Arch-Mage. But there is still time. joking FormID: 000C82AD DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Are the Arch-Mage's robes as comfortable as J'zargo believes them to be? FormID: 000C82AF DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Skyrim couldn't be more different from Elsweyr. But magic... Magic's the same no matter where you go. FormID: 00037ECD DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 J'zargo will go wherever he can to learn more. Oblivion itself, if need be. FormID: 00037ECE DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Khajiit are not known as mages, so J'zargo has much to prove. FormID: 00037ECF DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 J'zargo can learn magic from these men and elves, but they cannot learn to be as dashing as he. J'zargo comes out on top. FormID: 00037ED0 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I think we could blow up half of Eastmarch, and people would still come to us for enchantments. FormID: 00037ED1 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 The local Nords may not like us very much, but they don't seem to mind having access to enchanted weapons and armor. FormID: 00037ED2 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Savos doesn't care for politics. He likes to believe the College is removed from the rest of Skyrim. FormID: 00037ED3 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If he could, Savos would float the the entire College above Skyrim, for all the Nords to see. FormID: 000C82B1 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 Greetings, Arch-Mage. FormID: 000C82C4 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 May I help you, Arch-Mage? FormID: 00035ED6 DialogueMarkarth SCEN 0 What was that you said, venomous wife of mine? FormID: 00035ED5 DialogueMarkarth SCEN 0 Nothing, you pig-headed oaf! FormID: 00035E12 MG07 MG07EstormoAmbushBranch MG07EstormoAmbushBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you made it out of there alive. Ancano was right... you are dangerous. Walk Away FormID: 00035E12 MG07 MG07EstormoAmbushBranch MG07EstormoAmbushBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm afraid I'll have to take that Staff from you now. Ancano wants it kept safe... oh, and he wants you dead. Walk Away FormID: 00035E12 MG07 MG07EstormoAmbushBranch MG07EstormoAmbushBranchTopic CUST 2 Nothing personal. said with an evil, wolf-like grin Walk Away FormID: 000130DA MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You survived! You have it, then? FormID: 000130DA MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 Let's hope it's as powerful as the Psijics believe it to be. FormID: 000C2778 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 What are we waiting for? FormID: 0005F5B1 MQ106 HELO 0 Look around, see if you see anything unusual. Any signs of the mound being disturbed. Anything. FormID: 00035E0B MQ106 HELO 0 If my analysis is correct, the dragon buried near Kynesgrove will be the next to come back to life. FormID: 00035E0C MQ106 HELO 0 We need to find that burial mound before its dragon comes back to life. FormID: 00035E08 MQ106 SCEN 0 This is worse than I thought... muttered under her breath to herself FormID: 00035D4F MQ106 SCEN 0 I'll be damned, you did it! FormID: 00035D52 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntro MQ201DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 I owe you some answers, don't I? FormID: 000A8607 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Really. We aren't interested in seeing all that. Remove yourself until you are properly attired! watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8608 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You might consider putting on... something. Anything. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8609 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This one wonders - do you have no clothes, or just like the feel of the wind? watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A860A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Gonna get cold tonight. Might want to at least cover your delicates. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A860B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Please. Remove your naked obscenity from the company of civilized folk. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A860C WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Dear. You really ought to put some clothes on. You're embarrassing yourself. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A860D WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Enough already. Put on some clothes. You're making people nervous. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A860E WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're naked! watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8610 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You must either be crazy or supremely confident to go walking around with no clothes on... watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8611 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not sure you should be walking around naked. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8612 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It should be embarrassed to be uncovered so. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8613 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Umm. You got no clothes. You should get some. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8614 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Naked. Naked, naked, naked! (laughing - sing songy) watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8615 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Dress yourself. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8616 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ought put on some clothes. Bound to upset some people... watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8617 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Put on a cloth sack at the very least. You're making me... unseasonably warm... a man watching a naked woman walk by FormID: 000A8618 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Aren't you... embarrassed? watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8619 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You aren't as attractive as you'd like to believe. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A861A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Either I'm drunk, or you're naked. Possibly both. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A861B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Cover yourself. Have you no shame? watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A861C WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Next time, you might want to get dressed before leaving the house. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A861D WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This one suggests donning some apparel. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A861E WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ysmir's beard, you're going to freeze to death... watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A861F WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Put on some damn clothes already! watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8620 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You really should put on some clothes, you know. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8621 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 All right, we've all seen enough. Put on some clothes. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8622 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The way you walk around at home is your own business. When you're at home... watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8623 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What are you, some kind of barbarian? Don't care for armor? watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8624 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It's probably not a good idea to walk around naked like that. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 00035B58 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 We're here to teach you a lesson. vigilante about to attack FormID: 00035B59 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This'll teach you not to take things that don't belong to you! vigilante about to attack FormID: 0006D1D8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The mill! shouting, panicked - the mill was just sabotaged FormID: 0006D1D9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The flour mill! shouting, panicked - the mill was just sabotaged FormID: 0006D1DA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The smelter! shouting, panicked - the smelter was just sabotaged FormID: 0006D1DB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Somebody do something! shouting, panicked - bystander witnessing something tragic unfolding FormID: 0006D1DC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Hurry! shouting, panicked - bystander witnessing something tragic unfolding FormID: 0006D1DD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What's all the commotion? shouting, panicked - bystander witnessing something tragic unfolding FormID: 0006D1DE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 By the gods! spectator - shocked by something unnerving that he is witnessing FormID: 0006D1DF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What in the world... spectator - shocked by something unnerving that he is witnessing FormID: 0006D1E0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This can't be happening. spectator - shocked by something unnerving that he is witnessing FormID: 0006FEB1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It should be careful with those flames. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're not supposed to play with fire, you know. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Take care not to set anything on fire. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're not afraid you'll set fire to something? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What kind of fool plays with fire like that? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're not planning on burning anything with that, are you? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful not to torch anything important. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I do hope you know what you're doing with those flames... concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEB9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Try not to set anything on fire, all right? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEBA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Fire is not a thing to be played with... concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEBB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful with that fire. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEBC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What's the matter with you? You want to start a blaze? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEBD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Dear, you really ought to be careful with fire. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEBE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Better not set anything on fire. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEBF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What do you think you're doing? Knock it off with the flames already. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Is it getting hot, or is it just me? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Whoa. Hope you know what you're doing with those flames there. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It is planning on starting a fire? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Hey now, you be careful with that fire. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I wish I could play with fire like that. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Take care with those flames. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Mind yourself with that fire. Don't burn anything down, now. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Have a fascination with fire, do we? (sarcastic) concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FEC9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Umm... don't suppose you'd want to take that fire somewhere else? You know... somewhere away from me? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FECA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful with those flames, unless you plan on torching something. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FECB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Fire! concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FECC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I do hope you know what your doing with those flames. It would be quite a shame if something caught fire. (sarcastic) concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FECD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Don't set anything on fire, all right? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FECE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Fire is not a toy. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FECF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Don't go setting the place on fire, okay? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FED0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Plan on burning everything down, do you? Damn fool. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FED1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You should be more careful with those flames. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FED2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Those flames get out of control, and you're gonna wish they hadn't. (threatening) concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FED3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful, now. Wouldn't want someone to get... burned. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FED4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful with that fire. concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 0006FED5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You've got that fire under control. Right? concerned something might get caught on fire because the player is casting flame spells, swinging a torch, etc. FormID: 00070DE6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. For you. For my hatchling of the heart. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DE7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I found this. I thought you might like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DE8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I wanted to give you this. A token of my appreciation. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DE9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. It isn't much, but... I hope it's the thought that counts. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DEA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I saw this and thought of you. It would be a waste on anyone lesser. I hope you like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DEB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Um... I was thinking you might like this. Here. It's nothing really. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DEC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 In dark times friends bring light. This is for you. Thank you for your friendship. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DED WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I had to get this for you when I saw it. I hope you like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DEE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm glad we're friends. I have something for you. Here. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DEF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This one is honored by your friendship. I hope this gift does honor to you. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here's to friendship. A gift! If you don't like it, too bad. (joking but sincere) giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're always a sight for sore eyes. Here, I've been hanging on to this for you. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I've been holding on to this for you. I hope you like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I have something I want to give to you. Here. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. For you. Don't thank me, just take it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You always brighten my day a little. Here. I hope you like this. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It's really great we're friends. I was hoping to find some way to thank you. I hope this does the trick. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You are like my brood to me. Here. A token. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DF9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're a good friend. Here. Take this. You'll like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DFA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 So I found something. Here. Take it. I think you'll like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DFB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. This is for you. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DFC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I've been wanting to say thanks for being a friend. Here. It's not much, but I was thinking you might like to have this. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DFD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're not tiresome like the rest of the people I have the displeasure of dealing with on a regular basis. Here. I'd like you to have this. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DFE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 So... I've been thinking... I'm grateful we're friends. I'd like you to have this. It's not much, but I hope it's something you like. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070DFF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 A true friend is a gift. Here. I'd like you to have this. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E00 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You know... you ain't so bad. Here. Take this... giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E01 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 When I found this, I immediately thought of you. Here. A small token of my gratitude. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E02 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. I'd like you to have this as a token my friendship. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E03 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You bring a smile to this one's eyes and peace to his heart. Take this. A small token of appreciation. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E04 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 In a world of fools, you stand out above the rest. Here, take this small sign of my friendship. (joking, but sincere) giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E05 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. Something I want you to have. Now, don't embarrass either of us by saying something sappy. Just... take it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E06 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I've been holding onto this for you. Here! I hope you like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E07 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. I want you to have this. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E08 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I wanted you to have this. A token of my affection. Don't mean we're engaged or nothin'. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E09 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here. Take this. I hope you like it. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00070E0A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I got this for you. It's nothing big, but I hope you like it. I want you to know I appreciate your friendship. giving a gift to a friend FormID: 00073094 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Many thanks. Here - a token of gratitude. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 00073095 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! Here - this is for you. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 00073096 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm grateful for your efforts. Here, take this. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 00073097 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks a lot. Here - a little something for your trouble. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 00073098 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Here, take this small token of appreciation for your efforts. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 00073099 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh. Good job. Here... My way of saying thanks. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 0007309A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Good. Take this token of my gratitude. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 0007309B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Very well. Here, take this for your troubles. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 0007309C WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. Please, take this for your efforts. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 0007309D WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Well done. Here, a token of appreciation. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 0007309E WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. Honor dictates something in return. I hope you find this pleasing. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 0007309F WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I wasn't sure it'd ever happen. Here. I want you to have this. My way of saying [QUOTE]thanks.[QUOTE] grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Finely done. Here, please accept this gift as a sign of my thanks. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Good. Take this gift. We're even now. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Wonderful! Here, take this. I hope it's fair compensation. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I couldn't be more pleased. Take this small token of my appreciation. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm truly grateful. Please accept this as a token of my appreciation. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It has done a good thing. It will take this gift as a token of gratitude. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ah, good, good. Now please, take this. Just my way of saying thanks. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks a lot! Here. Take this. For all your hard work. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730A9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Good job. Please accept this in return. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730AA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Much obliged. Here. It's not much, but take it anyway. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730AB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm surprised you succeeded. Please accept this as payment. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730AC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Excellent! Thank you... Here, take this as, um, a sign of my gratitude. It's not much, but I hope it's enough. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730AD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Your deed was true, and so is my gratitude. Please take this in return for your efforts. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730AE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Really? Good show. Here, take this. You know, as a thank you. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730AF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Fine. Please accept this token of gratitude. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm so glad you succeeded. Here. Please take this for your trouble. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Excellent. And now, please accept this token of appreciation. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Many thanks. And please, take this gift. I hope it's a fitting token to honor the deed. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Hmph. Hadn't expected you had it in you. Here. Take this for a job well done. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Well done, indeed. Please accept this as a sign of my thanks. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Very good. But you've created a debt between us. Here. Take this. We are even now. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 My joy knows no bounds. Here. A little payment for your troubles. (sarcastic) grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Good job. Take this in return. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I can't thank you enough. Here, take this. It's not much, but please accept it as a token of my thanks. grateful... needs to work for both sincere happy thanks, and thanks for doing something slightly underhanded. FormID: 000730B9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, let us put this behind us and speak of it no more. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730BA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 So we're not going to talk about this any more, right? Because I don't want to. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730BB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This is last time we speak of this. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730BC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Let's both get on with our lives now, hmm? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730BD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, let's pretend this never happened, shall we? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730BE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Umm... So, the business is done. This is the last we'll talk about it, right? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730BF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The deed is done. We need speak of it no longer. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now let us turn our conversation away from such unpleasantness. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now let's, um, not talk about this anymore. Okay? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, let us bury the memory of these dark deeds. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, so we're clear - this is the last time we talk about this. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, as far as I'm concerned, none of this ever happened. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now we can both pretend this whole thing never happened. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I trust you'll keep your mouth shut about this. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now the whole thing's over and done with. So let's stop talking about it. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730C9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now... I trust we'll never have to speak of this again. To anyone. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730CA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now I just want to put the whole nasty business behind me. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730CB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now we can put this all behind us, hmm? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730CC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now we never talk about it again. Got it? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730CD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now let's not talk about it anymore, okay? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730CE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now... This conversation never happened. Understood? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730CF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Anyway, it's done. Time to move on. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 But enough of this. Such things are best forgotten. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now let's just, you know, try to forget any of this ever happened. All right? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What happened is between you, me, and Azura. Let's keep it that way. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It's done. No more... no more talking about it. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, let us turn our thoughts to more pleasant matters. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, let's just pretend this never happened. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I hope you'll agree that these dark deeds are best left forgotten... slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now, let's pledge never to speak of this again. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 But let's not talk about it anymore. What's done is done. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730D9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now... I don't really want to talk about it anymore. So let's not. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730DA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now our business together is done. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730DB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I trust we'll never need to speak of this again... to anyone. slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730DC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Let's go our separate ways now, hmm? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730DD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm just glad to put all this behind me. So let's never speak of it again, okay? slyly making it clear this is a topic that won't be broached in the future FormID: 000730DE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It speaks truthfully. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730DF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Um... yeah... somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You are correct. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yep. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Indeed. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Uh... yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You speak the truth. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Indeed. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes... somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 That is true, yes. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 That is so. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730E9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730EA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes dear. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730EB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730EC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It's true. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730EE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Indeed. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730EF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It speaks the truth. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ahh... yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Correct. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Indeed. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Umm... yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Indeed. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Um. Yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730F9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Indeed. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730FA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730FB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 That is the truth. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730FC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It is so. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730FD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yeah. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730FE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes... somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000730FF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yep. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 00073100 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 True enough. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 00073101 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're correct. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 00073102 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes. somewhat sly/ mysterious agreement, usually in response to something related to shady dealings FormID: 000A8625 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 It should put on some coverings. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8626 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're naked! (giggling) watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8627 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Put on some clothes, you damned fool. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8628 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You ought to cover your... unmentionables. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A8629 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Even rags would be preferable to your current wardrobe. Or lack thereof... watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A862A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful. They might put you away if you don't at least put on some pants. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000A862B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I've seen enough. Put on some clothes. watching a crazy naked person FormID: 000ADC65 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What the..? concerned FormID: 000ADC66 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What are you doing? concerned FormID: 000AB3D3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What is the meaning of this? concerned FormID: 000AB3D4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What's going on? concerned FormID: 000AB3D5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 What in the name of the gods are you doing? concerned FormID: 000AB3D6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Careful! concerned FormID: 000AB3D7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Wait, what are you doing? concerned FormID: 000AB3D8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Fool! What do you think you're doing? concerned FormID: 000AB3D9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Look... You shouldn't be doing that... concerned FormID: 000AB3DA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This is going to end horribly, I just know it. concerned FormID: 000AB3DB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Gods help us, this can't end well. concerned FormID: 000AB3DC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Magic. Foul magic... concerned FormID: 000AB3DD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, someone's going to get hurt, I just know it... concerned FormID: 000AB3DE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Damned wizards and their damned magic... concerned FormID: 000AB3DF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh goodness, someone's going to get killed. concerned FormID: 000AB3E1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Whoa, now... ease off on the magic... concerned FormID: 000AB3E2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, now, that can't be good... concerned FormID: 000AB3E3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Someone stop this fool sorcerer before someone gets killed. concerned FormID: 000AB3E4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ysmir's beard - I don't like the look of this... concerned FormID: 000AB3E5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You shouldn't play around with magic like that... concerned FormID: 000AB3E6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Mind your tricks, wizard. No need for someone to get hurt... concerned FormID: 000AB3E7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I don't know if that's such a good idea... concerned FormID: 000AB3E8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, I do not approve at all. concerned - emphasize [QUOTE]at all[QUOTE] FormID: 000AB3E9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, no... No, no, no... concerned FormID: 000AB3EA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Crazy n'wah - you're trying to get someone killed? concerned FormID: 000AB3EB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, great. I'm gonna get killed by a crazy wizard... concerned FormID: 000AB3EC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 The world's gone mad with sorcerers now, is that it? concerned FormID: 000AB3ED WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ah, dangerous... concerned FormID: 000AB3EE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I think it's time to leave... concerned FormID: 000AB3EF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 By Ysmir, this will not end well... concerned FormID: 000AB3F0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You're going to get us all killed, you damn fool! concerned FormID: 000AB3F1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, now, do be careful... concerned FormID: 000AB3F2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Magic. Great. concerned FormID: 000AB3F3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, this is not going to end well... concerned - emphasis on [QUOTE]not[QUOTE] FormID: 000AB3F4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You there! What are you doing? concerned FormID: 000AB3F5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 This doesn't look good. concerned FormID: 000ADC67 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. distraught, overcome with painful emotion FormID: 000ADC68 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I don't want to talk about it. distraught, overcome with painful emotion FormID: 000ADC69 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. distraught, overcome with painful emotion FormID: 000ADC6A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Please... I... not now... distraught with emotion FormID: 000ADC6B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Begone. I have no wish to speak to anyone right now. distraught FormID: 000ADC6C WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Just go away, please. distraught FormID: 000ADC6D WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. distraught FormID: 000ADC6E WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Have the decency to leave me to my sorrows. distraught FormID: 000ADC6F WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now, please. distraught FormID: 000ADC70 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. distraught FormID: 000ADC71 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Get out of here.... I'm in no mood to talk... distraught FormID: 000ADC72 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Leave me alone. Can't you see I'm upset? distraught FormID: 000ADC73 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. I'm... much too upset to talk. distraught FormID: 000ADC74 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Go on, leave me alone... distraught FormID: 000ADC75 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. I'm too upset to talk. distraught FormID: 000ADC77 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm too upset to talk.... distraught FormID: 000ADC78 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Please, I can't... Just... just go. distraught FormID: 000ADC79 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Go away. distraught FormID: 000ADC7A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Leave me. distraught FormID: 000ADC7B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Go away. distraught, crying FormID: 000ADC7C WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. distraught FormID: 000ADC7D WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I can't talk now. distraught FormID: 000ADC7E WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now is not a good time. Leave me alone. distraught - emphasis on [QUOTE]not[QUOTE] FormID: 000ADC7F WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Go away... please? distraught FormID: 000ADC80 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Now is not the time for talk... distraught FormID: 000ADC81 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I want a drink, not company. Now go. distraught FormID: 000ADC82 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I'm in no mood for conversation. Now go, and leave me be. distraught FormID: 000ADC83 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now, please. I'm just... too upset to talk. distraught FormID: 000ADC84 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Go away. distraught FormID: 000ADC85 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Let me stew. Alone. distraught FormID: 000ADC86 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Just... get out of my face. I've got nothing to say. distraught FormID: 000ADC87 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Please... I... I can't talk to you right now... distraught FormID: 000ADC88 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Go away. Now. distraught FormID: 000ADC89 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Leave me alone... I'm in no mood for talking. distraught FormID: 000ADC8A WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Not now. distraught FormID: 000ADC8B WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Look... Now's not a good time... distraught FormID: 000DEE8F WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 How are we doing over here? tavern server checking on patron FormID: 000DEE90 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 You want another one of those? tavern server checking on patron FormID: 000DEE91 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 There's plenty more where that came from. Just give a holler. tavern server checking on patron FormID: 000B80A3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Many thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80A4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Oh, thank you! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80A5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80A6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80A7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Well. I do suppose thanks are in order. So... my thanks. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80A8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80A9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Azura bless you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80AA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I suppose thanks are in order. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80AB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80AC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Many thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80AD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Gods' blessings on you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80AE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks. I guess. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80AF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you, dear. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Malacath preserve you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Well now. I guess I owe you my thanks. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks a lot! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 My thanks to you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks a lot! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80B9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80BA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Yes, yes, thank you and all that. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80BB WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80BC WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Azura bless you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80BD WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80BE WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 I suppose thanks are in order. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80BF WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C0 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Many thanks. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C1 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ysmir's blessing on you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C2 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks. I guess. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C3 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you, oh thank you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C4 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Ah, my thanks. Malacath watch over ya. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C5 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C6 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C7 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thanks a lot! grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C8 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Gods be praised. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80C9 WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. grateful, relieved FormID: 000B80CA WISharedInfos WISharedInfosTopic IDAT 0 Thank you. grateful, relieved FormID: 00035B56 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 Beg pardon. You dropped some armor over there. Don't suppose you'd mind if I... took it? hopeful FormID: 00035FA4 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 Umm... You dropped a piece armor over there. I was kind of hoping that I could, you know, have it? hopeful FormID: 00035FA6 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 Excuse me. I'm assuming that armor you got rid of wasn't an accident, but just in case, I wanted to make sure I could take it. hopeful FormID: 00035FA7 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 That armor you got rid of. I can have it, yeah? hopeful FormID: 00035FA8 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 Pardon. I saw you toss a piece of armor. You wouldn't mind if I take it, then? hopeful FormID: 00035FA9 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 Couldn't help but notice, that, um... you dropped some armor. Just wanted to check with you before I took it. Is that all right? hopeful FormID: 00035FAA WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 Hey. That armor. You got rid of it, yeah? I can take it, no problem? hopeful FormID: 00035FAB WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WiRemoveItem05MainTopic CUST 0 If you're not going use that armor you dropped... do you mind if I take it? hopeful FormID: 00035B55 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 That's great. I owe you one. Thanks! grateful and excited FormID: 00035FF4 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 Oh, well, um... thank you. grateful and excited FormID: 00035FF6 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 Thanks! I'm going to go put it on right now. grateful and excited FormID: 00035FF7 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 Mighty decent of you. grateful and excited FormID: 00035FF8 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 My thanks! grateful and excited FormID: 00035FF9 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 Well great! Let's see anyone try to hurt me now... grateful and excited FormID: 00035FFA WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 Best luck I've had all day. grateful and excited FormID: 00035FFB WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05Yes CUST 0 I'm going to go get it right now and wear it. Many thanks! grateful and excited FormID: 00035B57 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Oh. Well, you should probably go get it before someone steals it. confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F81 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Well... you probably should go collect it before someone else does, shouldn't you? confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F83 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Oh... well. Never mind then. confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F84 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Well what did you go dropping it for? Got my hopes up for nothin'... confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F85 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 You dropped it by mistake? Well, if I was you, I'd go grab it now before somebody does. confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F86 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Aww. I thought you were done with it. confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F87 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Well... fine. I wasn't really gonna do anything with it anyway. Hmph. confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035F88 WIRemoveItem05 WiRemoveItem05MainBranch WIRemoveItem05No CUST 0 Well, you'd better go pick it up then, before someone snatches it. confused and disappointed - was hoping he could take it FormID: 00035B4A MQ106 SCEN 0 Alduin, thuri! Boaan tiid vokriiha suleyksejun kruziik? Alduin, my king (overlord)! Has the time arrived (flown) to restore (unkill) your ancient dominion (power-of-king)? FormID: 00035B4B MQ106 SCEN 0 Geh, Sahloknir, kaali mir. Yes, Sahloknir, my loyal champion. Start with these mortals. FormID: 00035B1D CWFinale SCEN 0 Good. It's done. talking about executing the enemy leader FormID: 00035B10 CWFinale SCEN 0 Well, I suppose some kind of speech is in order. releasing tension FormID: 00035BA2 CWFinale SCEN 0 I'll go gather the men in the courtyard. on his way out FormID: 00035B1F CWFinale SCEN 0 And Elisif? as in [QUOTE]what are we going to do with her?[QUOTE] FormID: 00035B23 CWFinale SCEN 0 And Erikur? as in [QUOTE]what are we going to do with him?[QUOTE] FormID: 00035B71 CWFinale SCEN 0 Don't you worry about her. I've sent my best men to round her up. confidently FormID: 00035B73 CWFinale SCEN 0 Don't you worry about him. I've sent my best men to round him up. confidently FormID: 00065936 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleHonorPlayerTopic CUST 0 Oh, and Legate. It's been an honor to have you at my side. As a token of my appreciation, I want you to keep my sword. appreciative, sincere FormID: 00065936 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleHonorPlayerTopic CUST 1 And now, to deliver a speech. not looking forward to giving a speech FormID: 00035DC9 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleHonorPlayerTopic CUST 0 Stormblade. I want you to have my sword, a token of my appreciation. (appreciative, sincere) [QUOTE]Stormblade[QUOTE] is a nickname for the player Walk Away FormID: 00035DC9 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleHonorPlayerTopic CUST 1 Now then. The men will expect a speech. Will you stand by my side? I wish to honor you, Dragonborn and the truest of Stormcloaks. sincere, though also wanting to have another known hero give credence to his cause Walk Away FormID: 00035DE5 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleHonorPlayerTopic CUST 0 The men will expect a speech. Will you stand by my side? I wish to honor you, Dragonborn and the truest of Stormcloaks. sincere, though also wanting to have another known hero give credence to his cause Walk Away FormID: 00035DA8 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleYes CUST 0 Very good. Come, the people await us. pleased, gloating a little FormID: 00035B1E CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleLeaveMeOut CUST 0 Oh, why is that? confused, not expecting that answer Walk Away FormID: 00035BA1 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleManyDied CUST 0 On the contrary, you exceed the rest. sincerely boasting the player's accomplishments FormID: 00035BA1 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleManyDied CUST 1 But, I will honor your request. The gods know of your victories, and they themselves will glory in your deeds. sincere FormID: 00035DF2 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleNotWorthIt CUST 0 There's no shame in such thoughts. A man without doubts is a man without a conscience. pensive but encouraging FormID: 00035DF2 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleNotWorthIt CUST 1 But rest assured. We've won Skyrim's right to determine her own future. And for that, every Nord praises us. boosting confidence in the course of action that lead to the deaths of many FormID: 00035DF2 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleNotWorthIt CUST 2 But I will heed your wishes. FormID: 00035B0E CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleMyOwnReasons CUST 0 A man's heart is his own burden to bear, so I will honor your request, though it casts a bit of gloom on an otherwise glorious day. pensive, but agreeable FormID: 00035B32 CWFinale CWFinaleHonorPlayer CWFinaleWalkWithMe CUST 0 Come, at the very least walk out with me. spirits lifting, encouraging FormID: 00035DAD CWFinale SCEN 0 And now, I present to you, Ulfric Stormcloak, hero of the people, liberator and High King of Skyrim! calling down to a large crowd FormID: 00035BA5 CWFinale SCEN 0 I am indeed Ulfric Stormcloak, and at my side the man we know as Stormblade, and the world knows as the Dragonborn. calling down to a cheer crowd FormID: 00035CB5 CWFinale SCEN 0 I am indeed Ulfric Stormcloak, and at my side the woman we know as Stormblade, and the world knows as the Dragonborn. calling down to a cheer crowd FormID: 00035CB6 CWFinale SCEN 0 I am indeed Ulfric Stormcloak... calling down to a cheer crowd FormID: 00035B41 CWFinale SCEN 0 And indeed, there are many that call us heroes. calling down to a cheer crowd FormID: 00035B45 CWFinale SCEN 0 And indeed, there are many that call me hero. calling down to a cheer crowd FormID: 00035BA0 CWFinale SCEN 0 But it is all of you who are the true heroes! calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035DF1 CWFinale SCEN 0 It was you who fought a dying Empire who sunk its claws into our land, trying to drag us down with it. (raising) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B31 CWFinale SCEN 0 It was you who fought the Thalmor and their puppets who would have us deny our gods and our heritage. (further raising up) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035DF3 CWFinale SCEN 0 It was you who fought your kin who didn't understand our cause, who weren't willing to pay the price of our freedom. (further raising up) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B37 CWFinale SCEN 0 But more than that, it was you who fought for Skyrim, for our right to fight our own battles... (further raising up) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035DF0 CWFinale SCEN 0 To return to our glory and traditions, to determine our own future! (further raising up) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B6E CWFinale SCEN 0 Huzzah! crowd loudly cheering FormID: 00035B13 CWFinale SCEN 0 And it is for these reasons that I cannot accept the mantle of [QUOTE]High King.[QUOTE] calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B13 CWFinale SCEN 1 Not until the Moot declares that title should adorn my shoulders will I accept it. [QUOTE]until[QUOTE] is a sure thing FormID: 00035B3A CWFinale SCEN 0 And what about Jarl Elisif? member of the crow calling up FormID: 00035B3D CWFinale SCEN 0 And what about Jarl Erikur? member of the crow calling up FormID: 00035DA3 CWFinale SCEN 0 Yes, what about the Lady Elisif? calling down to challenge a defeated foe amongst the crowd below FormID: 00035DA3 CWFinale SCEN 1 Will she put aside her personal hatred for me, and her misplaced love for the Emperor and his coin, so that the suffering of our people will end? rising crescendo FormID: 00035DA3 CWFinale SCEN 2 Will she acknowledge that it is we Nord's who will determine Skyrim's future? rising crescendo FormID: 00035DA3 CWFinale SCEN 3 Will she swear fealty to me, so all may know that we are at peace, and a new day has dawned? rising crescendo to climax FormID: 00035DA5 CWFinale SCEN 0 Yes, what about Jarl Erikur? calling down to challenge a defeated foe amongst the crowd below FormID: 00035DA5 CWFinale SCEN 1 Will he cast aside the Imperial coin falling into his coffers? rising crescendo FormID: 00035DA5 CWFinale SCEN 2 Will he acknowledge that we Nords deserve to determine our own future? rising crescendo FormID: 00035DA5 CWFinale SCEN 3 Will he swear fealty to me, that all may know we are at peace, and a new day has dawned? rising crescendo to climax FormID: 00035B75 CWFinale SCEN 0 I do! calling up from the crowd, defeated, angry but resigned FormID: 00035B92 CWFinale SCEN 0 I do! calling up from the crowd, defeated, angry but resigned FormID: 00035DEB CWFinale SCEN 0 Then it is settled. The Jarl will continue to rule Solitude, I will garrison armies here to ward off Imperial attempts to reclaim the city. calling down to challenge a defeated foe amongst the crowd below FormID: 00035DEB CWFinale SCEN 1 And in due time, the Moot will meet, and settle the claim to High King once and for all. (confident) calling down to challenge a defeated foe amongst the crowd below FormID: 00035B12 CWFinale SCEN 0 There is much to do, and I need every able bodied man and woman committed to rebuilding Skyrim. (rising crescendo) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B12 CWFinale SCEN 1 A great darkness is growing, and soon we will be called to fight it, on these shores or abroad. (rising crescendo) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B12 CWFinale SCEN 2 The Aldmeri Dominion may have defeated the Empire, but it has not defeated Skyrim! (rising crescendo to climax) calling down to a cheering crowd FormID: 00035B93 CWFinale SCEN 0 How'd I do? (light hearted) (turning away from crowd, asking his second in command) FormID: 00035B14 CWFinale SCEN 0 Eh, not so bad. jesting FormID: 00035B14 CWFinale SCEN 1 Nice touch about the High King. FormID: 00035B9F CWFinale SCEN 0 Thank you, I thought so, too. (light hearted) FormID: 00035B1C CWFinale SCEN 0 It's a foregone conclusion, you know. FormID: 00035DAB CWFinale SCEN 0 Oh, I know. (light hearted) FormID: 00035B40 CWFinale SCEN 0 The Imperials aren't going to leave us alone. They still have camps in the hills. suddenly serious FormID: 00035B40 CWFinale SCEN 1 They'll continue to strike out at us, whenever and wherever they can. suddenly serious FormID: 00035DA6 CWFinale SCEN 0 I'm not afraid of the remnants of the Legion, in time they'll all give up and go home. matching his friend's concern FormID: 00035DA6 CWFinale SCEN 1 What I fear, is that the Thalmor will see our victory here and turn greater attention to our shores. matching his friend's concern FormID: 00035DA6 CWFinale SCEN 2 We must be prepared to face them. with certitude, foreseeing a terrible conflict FormID: 00035DAC CWFinale SCEN 0 Aye. agreeing, serious, at a loss for what else to say FormID: 00035B36 CWFinale SCEN 0 And of course, we couldn't have done it without you. sincere FormID: 00035B36 CWFinale SCEN 1 May the gods preserve you. seriously FormID: 00035DAA CWFinale SCEN 0 May the gods preserve us all. agreeing, serious, at a loss for what else to say FormID: 00035B25 CWFinale SCEN 0 Come, Galmar. We've still much work to do. lighthearted but solemn FormID: 00035856 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Bring up some more mead, my boy. This cask's nearly tapped! FormID: 00035859 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, father. Which cask should we open? FormID: 00035862 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Just bring any of them, lad! Can't risk thirsty customers without mead to drink, even for a second! FormID: 00035863 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Any of them! Just hurry up! No time for a debate when customers are thirsty! FormID: 0003589D DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Bring the Blackbriar 195 Berry-Blend. It should be at its peak right now, and if it doesn't get served soon, it'll only go bad. FormID: 0003589E DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 We just got a cask of Old Gold 200 that has a crack in it. Better serve it now before it goes bad. FormID: 0003589F DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Fat Toad 190 is always a crowd-pleaser. Father could probably charge extra. FormID: 0003589B DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Good idea, sis. Maybe you ought to be in charge! FormID: 00035884 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, yes, fine. Just hurry! Mustn't keep the customers thirsty! FormID: 0003585C DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 It's been a good week, my boy! Loud customers mean good cheer, and good cheer means a full till! FormID: 0003585C DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 1 You know, I ought to retire and leave you to run the Skeever, son! FormID: 00035885 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 I don't know, father... There's a whole world out there I want to see. FormID: 00035886 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 You'd just spend your time here, bossing me around and yelling for more drinks. You're practically retired already... FormID: 00035871 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 I could run the Skeever! You even said I'm almost as smart as you! FormID: 00035872 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 Why not let me run the Skeever? I already know lots about it! FormID: 00035882 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 Don't be a silly girl! Running a bar's no job for a young lady. FormID: 00035883 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 Hah! A girl running a bar? Don't be ridiculous, Minette! FormID: 00035873 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 What about [QUOTE]Auntie Faida[QUOTE] in Dragon Bridge? She runs a bar, and you said she's one of your favorite girls! FormID: 00035874 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 But you always say you want more girls in the bar to begin with! FormID: 0003586C DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, brother... FormID: 0003586D DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 Hah! stifling a laugh at his father FormID: 00035877 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 That's it! I'm not retiring, ever! End of discussion! embarrassed and ending the discussion FormID: 00035878 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene2 SCEN 0 Well, you see, that's a little complicated, and... you know what? Never mind. Guess I'm not retiring anytime soon. embarrassed and trying to explain FormID: 00035890 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 A round for all of my friends! FormID: 00035891 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 Another round, on me! FormID: 000358AC DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 You heard the man! Drink and be merry! FormID: 000358AD DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 Let's hear it for our kind benefactor! FormID: 000358B6 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 Hooray! FormID: 00035870 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 Hooray! FormID: 00035857 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene3 SCEN 0 Free mead! FormID: 00035896 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 Can I buy you a drink, darling? FormID: 00035897 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 So, um, mind if I buy you a drink? FormID: 00035898 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 This drink's on me. FormID: 000358AE DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 Not if you were the last man in the Empire. Dismissive FormID: 000358AF DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 Oh, if you insist! flirty FormID: 000358B0 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 You can buy me whatever you want! flirty FormID: 000358B1 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 Aw, that's so sweet of you! Thanks! almost patronizing FormID: 000358B2 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 Being friends with the bartender's son has its advantages, huh? flirty FormID: 000358B3 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4 SCEN 0 Oh, yes please! flirty and almost entranced FormID: 000358A9 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene6 SCEN 0 Bet I can reach the bottom of this flagon before you! FormID: 000358AA DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene6 SCEN 0 Bet I can down this ale faster than you! FormID: 0003586E DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene6 SCEN 0 You're on! Loser buys the next round! FormID: 0003586F DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene6 SCEN 0 In your dreams! If I win, the next round's on you! FormID: 0003587F DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Viarmo, the college really must take a stand on the war! FormID: 00035880 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Viarmo, don't you think it's time that the Bards College officially declared support for the empire? FormID: 00035892 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Lady Ateia, it is the official position of the college to remain neutral in all political affairs. We cannot risk our history by choosing sides. FormID: 00035893 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Now, now, our duty is to record the great tales of history, not to pick sides in them. Best to stay out of the warfare, I feel. FormID: 00035875 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 But I'm sure those Skyrim dogs would stand down if the keepers of the tales showed their patriotism! FormID: 00035876 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Maybe if we stopped singing about their silly Nord heroes, the rebels would stop making such a fuss! FormID: 00035894 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Aia, please be quiet. Viarmo and I are discussing matters of national politics. FormID: 00035895 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Aia, this is a delicate matter. Why don't you review your lessons and be silent for a while. FormID: 000358A7 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 Pantea, perhaps you should attend to your students, and leave the politics to me. FormID: 000358A8 DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene7 SCEN 0 That is precisely why we remain neutral. Ours is to tell tales of empires, not to make or break them. FormID: 00035860 DialogueSolitudeWellScene2 SCEN 0 Tag! You're it! FormID: 00035861 DialogueSolitudeWellScene2 SCEN 0 I'm bored! Let's play a game! FormID: 00035868 DialogueSolitudeWellScene2 SCEN 0 Can't catch me! FormID: 00035869 DialogueSolitudeWellScene2 SCEN 0 Aww, I'm hungry! Can we get some food, instead? FormID: 0003586A DialogueSolitudeWellScene2 SCEN 0 I'm not playing with you, Kayd! You play mean! FormID: 0003586B DialogueSolitudeWellScene2 SCEN 0 Father says I shouldn't play with you anymore. FormID: 00035811 MQ105 SCEN 0 You learn a new word like a master... you truly do have the gift. with genuine admiration FormID: 00061D72 MQ106 MQ106DelphineDragonAtttack MQ106DelphineDragonAtttackTopic CUST 0 Gods above! Look at that! FormID: 00035D53 MQ106 MQ106DelphineDragonAtttack MQ106DelphineDragonAtttackTopic CUST 0 Kill the damn dragon! Unless you have a better idea?! FormID: 00035814 MQ106 MQ106DelphineDragonAtttack MQ106DelphineDragonAtttackTopic CUST 0 Stay under cover. This is what we came for. We need to see what happens. FormID: 00035815 MQ106 MQ106DelphineDragonAtttack MQ106DelphineDragonAtttackTopic CUST 0 Steady. Let's see what it does. FormID: 000C8954 MQ106 MQ106DelphineDragonAtttack MQ106DelphineDragonAtttackTopic CUST 0 Come on. We need to find out what's happening up there! FormID: 00035812 MQ106 SCEN 0 Lorkhan's eyes! Look at that big bastard! Keep your head down, let's see what it does. FormID: 00020B95 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Bah. My organization's been having a run of bad luck, but I suppose that's just how it goes. disappointed/a bit exasperated FormID: 00020B95 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 But never mind that, even though you fouled up the job I still think you've got that spark I'm looking for. leaving disappointment behind FormID: 00020B95 TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 2 There's plenty of gold out there for the taking... if you're up to the challenge. dangling the bait again FormID: 000355CF TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Bah. My organization's been having a run of bad luck, but I suppose that's just how it goes. disappointed/a bit exasperated FormID: 000355CF TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 But never mind that, you did the job and you did it well. Best of all, there's more where that came from... if you think you can handle it. leaving disappointment behind and a bit of back-patting FormID: 000355CB TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 All right, then. Let's put that to the test. challenge accepted FormID: 000355CB TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 The group I represent has its home in the Ratway beneath Riften... a tavern called the Ragged Flagon. FormID: 000355CB TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Get there in one piece and we'll see if you've really got what it takes. FormID: 000355CC TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Look, I'll make this simple for you. somewhat annoyed FormID: 000355CC TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 The group I represent has its home in the Ratway beneath Riften... a tavern called the Ragged Flagon. FormID: 000355CC TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 2 When you make up your mind, come find me there and we'll talk about your future. hint of a challenge FormID: 000355CE TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Arrogant, eh? Play it however you want, but listen up. not impressed FormID: 000355CE TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 The group I represent has its home in the Ratway beneath Riften... a tavern called the Ragged Flagon. FormID: 000355CE TG00 TG00BrynjolfOutroBranch TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 2 When you come to your senses, find me there and we'll discuss your future. hint of a challenge FormID: 0003537C dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 Find anything worthwhile yet? FormID: 0003537A dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 Can't say that I have. FormID: 0003537D dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 Quiet! I think I heard something. nervous and scared FormID: 00035379 dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 This place has had you shaking in your armor ever since we arrived. FormID: 0003537B dunVolskyggeQST SCEN 0 I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's move on. FormID: 000352DC TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 When I'm done here, I'd be more than happy to sell you an elixir. slimy salesman, a little loud so whole crowd hears (not yelling) FormID: 000352DD TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 Please, please... hold all your questions until after I've finished! slimy salesman, a little loud so whole crowd hears (not yelling) FormID: 000352DE TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 Oh, excuse me, milord. I'll be glad to sell you an elixir after I'm done with these fine people. slimy salesman, a little loud so whole crowd hears (not yelling) FormID: 0008A917 TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 Oh, excuse me, milady. I'll be glad to sell you an elixir after I'm done with these fine people. slimy salesman, a little loud so whole crowd hears (not yelling) FormID: 0008C456 TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 What wasn't I clear about? a bit annoyed FormID: 000FC235 TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 Okay lad, ready to make some coin? FormID: 000FC236 TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 Okay lass, ready to make some coin? FormID: 0008C457 TG00 TG00Hellos HELO 0 Changed your mind I hope? FormID: 000352DF TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Glad to see you finally came to to your senses. Ready to make some coin? FormID: 0004FCDA TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying, eh lad? scolding yet jovial Walk Away FormID: 000352E0 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Running a little light in the pockets, lad? sort of with a wink and a nod Walk Away FormID: 000352E1 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying, eh lass? scolding yet jovial Walk Away FormID: 0004FCDB TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Running a little light in the pockets, lass? sort of with a wink and a nod Walk Away FormID: 000352DB TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch01 CUST 0 I'm saying you've got the coin but you didn't earn a septim of it honestly. I can tell. with a hint of mystery Walk Away FormID: 0004FCDC TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch01 CUST 0 Your pockets... they're a little low on coin. I can tell. with a hint of mystery Walk Away FormID: 000352E2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch02 CUST 0 It's all about sizing up your mark, lad. matter of factly Walk Away FormID: 000352E2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch02 CUST 1 The way they walk, what they're wearing. It's a dead giveaway. matter of factly Walk Away FormID: 00020ADA TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch02 CUST 0 It's all about sizing up your mark, lass. matter of factly Walk Away FormID: 00020ADA TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch02 CUST 1 The way they walk, what they're wearing. It's a dead giveaway. matter of factly Walk Away FormID: 000352D8 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch03 CUST 0 Oh, but that's where you're wrong, lad. Wealth is my business. mock surprise/accentuate the [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000352D8 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch03 CUST 1 Maybe you'd like a taste? dangling the bait Walk Away FormID: 000352D9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch03 CUST 0 Oh, but that's where you're wrong, lass. Wealth is my business. mock surprise/accentuate the [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000352D9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch03 CUST 1 Maybe you'd like a taste? dangling the bait Walk Away FormID: 000352DA TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch04 CUST 0 I've got a bit of an errand to perform, but I need an extra pair of hands. Walk Away FormID: 000352DA TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch04 CUST 1 And in my line of work, extra hands are well-paid. bit of a wink and a nod Walk Away FormID: 000352D7 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch06 CUST 0 Simple... I'm going to cause a distraction and you're going to steal Madesi's silver ring from a strongbox under his stand. very serious Walk Away FormID: 000352D7 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch06 CUST 1 Once you have it, I want you to place it in Brand-Shei's pocket without him noticing. Brand-Shei = [QUOTE]Brand-Shay[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000352E5 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch07 CUST 0 Sorry... I usually have a nose for this kind of thing. amazed that he was wrong FormID: 000352E5 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch07 CUST 1 Never mind then, lad. If you change your mind, come find me. a bit disappointed FormID: 00020ADC TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch07 CUST 0 Sorry... I usually have a nose for this kind of thing. amazed that he was wrong FormID: 00020ADC TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch07 CUST 1 Never mind then, lass. If you change your mind, come find me. A bit disappointed FormID: 000352E3 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch08 CUST 0 You're trying my patience, lad. annoyed FormID: 000352E4 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch08 CUST 0 You're trying my patience, lass. annoyed FormID: 00036358 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEnd MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEndTopic CUST 0 You're right, I forget myself. I've lived without hope for so long... subsiding, recollecting himself FormID: 00036358 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEnd MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEndTopic CUST 1 The prophecies are clear. Only the Dragonborn can stop Alduin. FormID: 00036359 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEnd MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEndTopic CUST 0 What? You're... can it really be true? Dragonborn? shock, almost knocks him to his knees FormID: 00036359 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEnd MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveEndTopic CUST 1 Then... there is hope! The gods have not abandoned us! We must... we must... hope reigniting in his eyes, starting to think at a million miles an hour FormID: 00035235 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Kharag, take a break and drink with me! Those trees aren't going anywhere! FormID: 00035236 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Why so glum, my ugly friend? Did we run out of mead? FormID: 00035239 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 I have to work twice as hard because you drink up all our profits. FormID: 0003523A DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Can you pay attention to work for once, instead of your mug? FormID: 00035240 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 What did you say? I ought to break off one of those tusks and use it as my drinking horn! FormID: 00035241 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Don't make me to defend the honor of my mead! It's been my friend a lot longer than you have! FormID: 00035237 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Hjorunn, the last time you tried anything, your fist broke on my head! FormID: 00035238 DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Just as long as you don't breathe on me, Hjorunn. I'll be out for hours. FormID: 0003523C DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 Guess we can't afford to miss that much work, can we? Oh well... FormID: 0003523D DialogueSolitudeSawmillScene1 SCEN 0 True enough, you cur. Back to work, I suppose... FormID: 00035234 DialogueSolitudeKatlasFarmScene1 SCEN 0 Another gorgeous gray day, right dear? FormID: 00035233 DialogueSolitudeKatlasFarmScene1 SCEN 0 It's too cold for my bones, but that never seems to stop you, dear. FormID: 0003523E DialogueSolitudeKatlasFarmScene1 SCEN 0 I'm gonna go play soldier with a tree! FormID: 0003523F DialogueSolitudeKatlasFarmScene1 SCEN 0 That's nice, son. Just don't stomp on the crop like last time! FormID: 0003523B DialogueSolitudeKatlasFarmScene1 SCEN 0 I'll see if I can't get some work done inside, where it's warm. FormID: 0003510B t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBassianusPush CUST 0 Bassianus is still so terrified of Jofthor. FormID: 0003510B t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBassianusPush CUST 1 If he knew that I'd keep him from hunting the poor boy down, he'd take Fastred to Riften without a second thought. FormID: 0003510B t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBassianusPush CUST 2 Let him know that I'll watch out for them. I just want my daughter to be happy. FormID: 0003510E t02 T02FastredCheckingIn T02FastredCheckingInTopic CUST 0 Have you spoken to my parents yet? Please, my love depends on it! FormID: 0003510D t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusGetToHer CUST 0 She would? If she's willing to deal with him, then everything would be all right. FormID: 0003510D t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusGetToHer CUST 1 I'll... I'll go speak to Fastred. Post-haste! FormID: 00035110 t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusExit CUST 0 As do I. It's a puzzling situation. FormID: 0003510C t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekExit CUST 0 I guess not. FormID: 0003510F t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsCommonInterests CUST 0 That's the trouble. I know Faleen from the Keep, but I have no idea what sorts of things she likes. FormID: 0003510F t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsCommonInterests CUST 1 It's not a simple matter. I could offend her fairly easily by bringing up the wrong subject. I've seen it happen before. FormID: 0003510A t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarAdviceStartBranchTopic CUST 0 What? Why, are you... interested? FormID: 000350F1 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 What is it doing? Walking around nearly naked... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036011 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Oh! Look over there! Giggling hysterically, talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036012 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 That's certainly unusual. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036013 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Some folk - they got no shame. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036014 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Well now! That's a shamefully absurd way to go around in public. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036015 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Ummm... they'd lock me up if I went around like that. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036016 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 What is that half-naked fetcher trying to prove? talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036018 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 What a vulgar display. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036019 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 That's not something you see every day... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003601A WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Gracious! This one is certainly unaccustomed to such sights... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003601B WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Well now! Aren't you putting on quite the show? (laughing) talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003601C WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Shameful, really. I blame the parents. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003601D WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Oh, dear. Would you look at that? How embarrassing. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003601E WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Look at that fool. laughing - talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003601F WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Gah! Look over there. I can't believe it. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036021 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 It takes a lot of confidence to walk around naked. Trust me on that. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036022 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Whoa. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036023 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Crazy person... Something must be wrong with its head, to strut around like that. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036024 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 They're half-naked. That ain't right. Somebody's gotta say somethin'... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036025 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Look! Look! laughing hysterically - talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036026 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Somebody get that idiot some armor... sigh at the beginning, talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036027 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 A bit much, going around like that... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036028 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Why the impropriety! talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036029 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Never see me strutting around like that! talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003602A WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Crazy, naked n'wah... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003602B WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Whoa... Not even I'm that drunk... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003602C WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Positively vulgar. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003602D WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Somebody get that fool a blanket. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003602E WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Despite the shame, this one can't help but stare. (amused) talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 0003602F WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 By Ysmir's beard! I didn't know it was gonna be a party! talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036030 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 For shame! You should be locked up for strutting around like that. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036031 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Oh my. Been a lot of years since I've seen something like that... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036032 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Got to admire the chops it takes to walk around like that. laughing - talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036033 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Not my thing, but who am I to judge... talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036034 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Wait until the boys hear about this. talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 00036035 WIChangeLocation01 SCEN 0 Now that's something else, right there! talking about a naked crazy person strutting around in public FormID: 000350E7 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroConfrontBranchTopic CUST 0 You caught me! I surrender! Ha ha ha ha. Coughing, and badly wounded. FormID: 00064E71 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroConfrontBranchTopic CUST 0 Do what you will. Cicero has no fight left. In the end, Sithis will judge us both. Coughing, and badly wounded. FormID: 000350DF DarkBrotherhood DB07_08AstridTransitionBranch DB07AstridCiceroDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Arnbjorn is safe, and for that you have my thanks. But what of the fool? Is Cicero dead? FormID: 000350E0 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice1 CUST 0 Oh, I like that! Very good, very good! Creative! FormID: 000350E0 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice1 CUST 1 But killing me would be a mistake! Oh yes. You would displease our mother, hmm? For she's your mother too, isn't she... Listener? FormID: 000350E0 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice1 CUST 2 Walk away! Let poor Cicero live! Tell the pretender Astrid you did the job! Stabbed, strangled, drowned poor Cicero! One little itty bitty lie! FormID: 000350E3 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice2 CUST 0 Traitor? Me? Silly assassin. So confused, so confused... and they say I'm mad! FormID: 000350E3 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice2 CUST 1 If I'm a traitor, so are you! Have you not heard the maiden's voice? Are you not the Listener? FormID: 000350E3 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice2 CUST 2 So walk away! Let poor Cicero live! Tell Astrid you did the job! Stabbed, strangled, drowned poor Cicero! A tiny white lie for a dark assassin! FormID: 000350E6 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice3 CUST 0 Oh, you prefer to listen, eh? Of course, of course! The Listener listens! A joke! A funny joke! I get it. FormID: 000350E6 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice3 CUST 1 Then listen to this - don't kill me. Let poor Cicero live! I attacked the strumpet Astrid, I did! And I'd do it again! Anything for our mother! FormID: 000350E6 DB07 DNB07CiceroConfrontBranch DB07CiceroPlayerChoice3 CUST 2 Return to the pretender, tell her I'm dead! Tell her you strangled me with my own intestines! Ha ha! But lie! Yes, lie! Lie, and let me live! FormID: 000350EB DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 So, what's the latest exciting news about goings-on in Winterhold? FormID: 000350EA DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 There is no news, I'm afraid. FormID: 000350EE DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 None? Nothing at all? Nothing from the College, even? FormID: 000350CE DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 I shall inform you the moment something noteworthy happens. FormID: 0003508B DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, that will be fine. Thank you. disappointed FormID: 00035093 DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Will you be needing anything special today? FormID: 000350D0 DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Why don't you see if Arch-Mage Aren is interested in joining me for a meal? FormID: 00035090 DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Again? Are you sure? He still hasn't answered your last several requests. FormID: 0003508F DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Well, he's been very busy. Perhaps today he'll have some free time. FormID: 0003508E DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 As you wish. FormID: 0003508D DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 Malur, I need you to take care of something. FormID: 0003508C DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 No, I don't think so. Not today. FormID: 00035092 DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 I haven't even said what it is. FormID: 000350D1 DialogueWinterholdJarlsLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 Doesn't really matter. Thanks, but no. FormID: 00035072 DB04 GBYE 0 You must deliver those items to your superior. And I... I must get out of this foul place. FormID: 0004C3D6 DB04 GBYE 0 I don't even know what to think anymore... FormID: 0004C3D7 DB04 GBYE 0 Are you excited? Oh, you should be. Things are finally looking up! FormID: 0003505F DA16 DA16ErandurRitualBranch DA16ErandurRitualBranchTopic CUST 0 I... knew Veren and Thorek. They were my friends. FormID: 0003505F DA16 DA16ErandurRitualBranch DA16ErandurRitualBranchTopic CUST 1 Is this punishment for my past? Is it Mara's will to torment me so? FormID: 000FE2A0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I do the cookin' and cleanin' round the palace. A servant offering a casual remark on what he does. No particular mood, very matter-of-fact. FormID: 000FE2A1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Don't need to pay me no mind. I'm the least important person in here. A servant offering a casual remark on what he does. No particular mood, very matter-of-fact. FormID: 000FE2A2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Keepin' the palace clean an' the lords fed ain't easy work, but it's honest work. A servant offering a casual remark on what he does. No particular mood, very matter-of-fact. FormID: 00047CA6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Every night, I walk around the Gray Quarter and let them gray-skins know what I think of 'em. FormID: 00047CA7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 We ought dig a big hole, throw all them dark elves and Argonians in it, and let 'em tear each other to pieces. FormID: 00047CA8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Only thing I hate worse than those scale-backs are them filthy gray-skins! FormID: 00047CA9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Gray Quarter's a disgrace. Them dark elves live like animals. FormID: 00047CAA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Can't see why we let them dark elves live inside the walls. We should kick 'em out like we did to the scalebacks. FormID: 0008256F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Yes? Make it quick, I'm a busy man. FormID: 00034F94 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Skyrim isn't very friendly for Argonians, so we mostly just keep out of the way. FormID: 00034F95 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Shahvee knows the dock doesn't look nice, but fresh air is good for the gills. FormID: 00034F96 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Good honest work staves off the cold. FormID: 00034F97 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I like to bring Grimvar down here sometimes. It reminds him how lucky he is. FormID: 0008B008 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I try to keep Grimvar safe, but these are dangerous times. FormID: 00034F99 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 When Grimvar asks me why women are being killed around the city. I don't even know what to say to him. FormID: 00034F9A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Ever tried taking care of children? It can be a nightmare. FormID: 00034F9B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 We can't thank you enough for helping us get this office running. FormID: 00034F9C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Hey, it's our hero! Seen any more of those pirates around here? FormID: 00034F9D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I appreciate everything you've done for us, but I really am quite busy. FormID: 00094184 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 To receive the blessing of Talos, you have only to pray at the altar. FormID: 000DD696 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Ulfric Stormcloak was a true hero of Skyrim. He stood up to the Thalmor and refused to turn his back on Talos. FormID: 00034F9F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Stormcloaks are gone, but Talos will never be forgotten. I don't care what the Thalmor say! FormID: 00094185 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You know about Talos? He founded the Empire! FormID: 00034FA0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 We're the only Temple in Skyrim that can openly worship Talos. FormID: 00034FA1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Those awful Thalmor can't touch us, thanks to Ulfric. FormID: 00034FA2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I can't believe the Empire would turn its back on Talos. FormID: 00034FA3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Spare a coin for a poor old woman, milord? FormID: 00034FA4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Spare a coin for a poor old woman, milady? FormID: 00034FA5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Spare a coin? Talos rewards the generous. FormID: 00034FA6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I hope the wind dies down a bit before tonight. Hard when you've got to sleep outside. FormID: 00034FA7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Nervous being alone at night. Especially these days, with the Butcher prowling the streets. FormID: 00034FA8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Looking for shipping? We'll always offer better service than the East Empire Company. FormID: 00034FA9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 These lazy Argonians better get their tails moving. FormID: 00034FAA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You hear about the Shatter-shield girl? It's a tragedy. FormID: 00034FAB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Torbjorn wants the shipping operations to bring in cash, and I make it happen. FormID: 00034FAC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Come see me in the marketplace tomorrow. You won't find better prices in all of Eastmarch. FormID: 00034FAD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I don't haggle. If you want a lower price, look elsewhere. FormID: 00034FAE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'd travel more, but who wants to deal with all the soldiers these days? FormID: 00034FAF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If you're looking to get a drink, Candlehearth Hall's got warm fires and strong ale. FormID: 00034FB0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Horses. All day long. Do you have any idea how dull horses are? FormID: 00034FB1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If the guards would listen to Viola, they'd have caught the Butcher by now. FormID: 00034FB2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I love my husband, but he can be a bit... dull at times. FormID: 00034FB3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Ugh. I'll need to bathe thoroughly to get this stench off of me. FormID: 00034FB4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Looking for something? FormID: 00034FB5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Real Nords like to prove their mettle in the pit. FormID: 00034FB6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Just between you and me, I wouldn't mind if the Empire just up and left for good. FormID: 00034FB7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'd love get one of those Imperial weasels under my boot... FormID: 00034FB8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I've been a bit out of sorts since... since our daughter was taken from us. FormID: 00034FB9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Not really sure what to do with myself anymore. I just miss her so much. FormID: 00034FBA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I try not to think of her, but sometimes the simplest thing will remind me. FormID: 00034FBB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 No mother should have to bury her daughter. FormID: 00034FBC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 This is the Hall of the Dead. Someday you'll end up here. FormID: 00034FBD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 My job's simple enough. The dead don't really complain much. FormID: 00034FBE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Luckily Windhelm is cold, so the dead don't rot as quickly. Sometimes the burial has to wait for the ground to thaw, though. FormID: 00034FBF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Another Dark Elf. Just what Windhelm needs. Sarcastic, with mock enthusiasm. FormID: 00034FC0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Maybe you should just move along. FormID: 00034FC1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 This here's Candlehearth Hall. Great room's upstairs, an' there's a bed for rent on the ground floor. FormID: 00034FC3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Got some fresh-baked bread an' good cheese, if you're after a bite to eat. FormID: 00034FC2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Mind you don't get fresh with Susanna. She plays the flirt, but it's just to get good tips. FormID: 0006A874 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Those Dark Elf refugees will take over the city if we aren't careful. FormID: 00034FC4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Be on the lookout. The Butcher could be around any corner! FormID: 00034FC5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Captain Lonely-Gale has been avoiding me, I just know it. FormID: 00034FC6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 After what happened to those other women, I'm worried about my own safety. FormID: 00034FC7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Women murdered time and again, and all the guards care about is the war. FormID: 00034FC8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 How can Elda hate the dark elves when she knows so little about them? FormID: 00034FC9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You didn't hear it from me, but if you want a real drink, try the Cornerclub in the Gray Quarter. FormID: 00034FCA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Did you know that candle on the mantle hasn't gone out in over a hundred years? FormID: 00034FCB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Stand away from me, or I'll crack you like an egg. FormID: 00034FCC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 What are you looking at? Scared of strong women? FormID: 00034FCD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You look mighty tasty. Better not stick around for supper. FormID: 00034FCE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Working in Windhelm is great. I get to see Ulfric up close. FormID: 00034FD0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I never expected Ulfric to live up to his legend, but he does. FormID: 000DD697 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Ulfric was a true hero of Skyrim. He will be missed. FormID: 000DD698 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I just can't believe that Ulfric is gone. Skyrim will never be free now. Remorseful FormID: 00034FCF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I couldn't ask for a better teacher than Oengul. FormID: 00034FD1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 It's a new day in Windhelm. The Stormcloaks are gone, and so is their prejudice. FormID: 00094186 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I wish the Nords, Argonians and dark elves in Windhelm got along better. FormID: 00034FD2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 We Argonians do the work the Nords don't want to do. FormID: 00034FD3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The water is cold, but it's a lot better than having to work up in the dry air. FormID: 00034FD4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Shatter-Shield, East Empire Company... we'll work for any ship that pulls in, as long as they can pay. FormID: 00034FD5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Nords don't appreciate us, but so what? I don't appreciate them right back. FormID: 00034FD6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Look, we don't have much love for your kind down here. Probably best if you just left. FormID: 00034FD7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Haven't seen you here before, egg brother. Welcome! FormID: 00035F43 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Haven't seen you here before, egg sister. Welcome! FormID: 00034FD8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The docks can be a dangerous place. Don't expect me to save you if you fall in. FormID: 00034FD9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Huh? What's that now? Leave me alone. FormID: 00034FDA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Another day, another septim. FormID: 00034FDC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The young folks are too happy to break their backs for the Nords. They forget what it was like to swim free. FormID: 00034FDD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Do you know my father? He's really important. He even talks to the Jarl sometimes. FormID: 000DD699 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Did you know my father? He was really important. He even talked to the Jarl sometimes. FormID: 00034FDF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 All the Argonians at the docks are nice to me. Good thing, too, or father would run them off! FormID: 00034FE0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 They say dragons are coming back. I want to kill one! FormID: 00034FE1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I made my fortune as a sea captain, but now I'm retired. FormID: 00034FE2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The townsfolk call me [QUOTE]captain[QUOTE] because I used to be a sailor. FormID: 00034FE3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I lost my family years ago. Truth is, I don't really know what keeps me going. FormID: 00034FE4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Did Viola send you to bother me? FormID: 00034FE5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Serving as Steward to Ulfric Stormcloak was a great honor, but I don't miss his temper. FormID: 00094187 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I don't care that we lost, I'm just glad the war is over. FormID: 00034FE6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Stormcloaks are finding victory across the land. FormID: 00034FE7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'm not much of a strategist, but Lord Ulfric listens to my counsel all the same. FormID: 00034FE8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If you have any news of the western holds, take it to Ulfric immediately. FormID: 00034FE9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Terrible shame, what happened to those women. FormID: 00034FEA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I was one of the best soldiers in the Stormcloak army, until I took a sword through the chest. FormID: 0002C0C2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'd be out there fighting the Imperials right now if it wasn't for my war-wound. FormID: 000CD8F1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Ever since that Imperial craven ran me through from behind, I've had trouble breathing. Don't have any trouble drinking though. FormID: 0002DDE4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 What? Were you hoping to claim this house for yourself? Well, the Aretinos always liked me, so I think I'm family enough to take up here. FormID: 0002DDE5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The milk drinkers in this town wouldn't last five minutes in a real battle. FormID: 0002DDE6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Rumor holds that the Aretino boy brought an assassin here. Sounds like nonsense to me. FormID: 00034FEB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I once killed six men, single-handed, while rescuing my brothers-in-arms from ambush by an Imperial patrol. FormID: 00034FEE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'm not too proud to admit that I need a bit of help from time to time. FormID: 00034FEF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Can't say I mind the sight of all the Imperial guards. It's a change for the better. FormID: 00094189 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 All my goods are legitimate, which is more than I can say for some. FormID: 00034FF0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I like to share my good fortune with those who deserve it. FormID: 00034FF1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Trader dropped by recently with some lovely pieces, if you'd like to have a look. FormID: 00034FF2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Pardon the mess. We're really trying to do better around here. FormID: 00034FF3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 [QUOTE]Windhelm's an easy posting![QUOTE] they said. Guess they didn't count on Ulfric's little uprising. FormID: 00034FF4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Can you believe the company won't even dock ships here anymore? FormID: 00034FF5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The conquering hero returns! FormID: 00034FF6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I really can't thank you enough for your help. FormID: 00034FF7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I still can't believe Isabella's gone. She was such a helpful young lass. FormID: 00034FF8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Now more than ever, the world needs tales of heroism. FormID: 0002C0C3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'll find some way to finish my book. FormID: 00034FF9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Know any tales of nobility and courage? I'm keen to record them. FormID: 00034FFA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Oh splendid, another Nord. first two sentences are sarcastic FormID: 0002C0C4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Come slumming to the Gray Quarter, have you? first two sentences are sarcastic FormID: 00034FFB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Welcome, brother. Please, enjoy yourself. FormID: 00034FFC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Welcome, sister. Please, enjoy yourself. FormID: 00034FFD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Apparently some Nord women were murdered. Not sure why I should care. FormID: 00034FFE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 At long last, Windhelm is free. No longer must we suffer persecution at the hands of Ulfric Stormcloak. FormID: 0009418A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Things have been a lot worse around here since Ulfric took over. FormID: 00034FFF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 It's not the cold of Skyrim that gets to me. It's the stink from the people. FormID: 00035000 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 When I've made enough money, I'm going to return to Morrowind in high style. FormID: 00035001 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Both my daughters. Now my wife? How much is one man supposed to take? FormID: 00035002 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Poor Nilsine has been wrecked since her sister was killed. FormID: 00035003 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Seeing a good tavern brawl might be just the thing to lift my spirits. FormID: 00035004 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Brond's one of the most savage fighters I've ever seen... FormID: 00035006 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 What I lack in strength, I make up for with tenacity. FormID: 00035008 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You need anything, come see me. I'm as resourceful as I am discreet. FormID: 00035009 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I have a lot of respect for Ambarys Rendar, but his views are a little extreme. FormID: 0003500A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You look like someone who appreciates nice things. FormID: 0003500B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Oh, pardon me. Was I in your way? FormID: 0003500C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I hope someday we'll get to know each other better. FormID: 0003500D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I see why the Nords like Skyrim. This crisp air is wonderful for the lungs! FormID: 0003500E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You seem like such a nice person. I'd love to hear more about you. FormID: 0003500F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Can't believe Ulfric's gone. If not for Hermir, I'd have left the city by now. FormID: 0009418B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Everyone says Eorlund Gray-Mane is the best smith in Skyrim. I plan to change a few minds about that. FormID: 00035010 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Need some metal hammered? FormID: 00035011 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Hermir's become a decent smith. Like to think I had a hand in that. FormID: 00035012 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 With my swords in their hands, Ulfric's men will send those legion dogs running. FormID: 00035013 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I lost my twin sister a while back. Have you ever lost anyone close? FormID: 00035015 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 My father says we need to just get on with our lives. Like it's that easy. FormID: 00035016 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I've been a lot of things in my life. Pit fighter's the one I'm best at. FormID: 00035017 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 We should get a dragon for the Pit. I'd love to fight one. FormID: 00035018 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I've been fighting in the Pit for years. That should tell you something. FormID: 0002C0C7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 There's two kinds of Pit fighters -- good ones and dead ones. FormID: 00035019 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Ulfric once tried to get me to fight for him, but marching bores me. FormID: 0003501A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Steel. Barehanded. Armor. Naked. It's all fighting. I can kill you with a weapon or by myself. No difference. FormID: 0003501B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 With Ulfric dead and the Stormcloaks gone, who will have the courage to champion the cause of Talos? FormID: 0009418C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I've spent my life serving Talos. I don't plan to stop now, no matter what the Empire says. FormID: 0003501C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Talos created the Empire. You'd think they'd show him more respect. FormID: 0003501D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The way I see it, Ulfric's fighting a holy war. FormID: 0003501E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Someday all of Skyrim will worship Talos openly, as we do here. FormID: 0003501F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Whatever you've heard I can do is probably true. Second sentence has an awkward, almost sing-songy flow to it. The shorter these are, the easier it becomes to avoid problems like that. FormID: 00035020 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If Ulfric needs a favor, he has it. Anyone else better pay well for the service. FormID: 00035021 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'd explain my research, but you'd just be confused. FormID: 00035022 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Yes, I'm a powerful wizard. No, I won't put on a magic show for you. Said with sneering condescension. FormID: 00035023 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 My job? Well, I'm the Watcher of the Wheel! Which is... exactly what it sounds like. I watch the Wheel. FormID: 00035024 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Watching the wheel isn't as simple as you might think. Have to inspect all the way around the ice, make sure it's not melting. FormID: 00035025 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Don't get too many folks up here these days. Sometimes I think they've forgotten about me. FormID: 00035026 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 My time is limited, so speak quickly. FormID: 0009418E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 It'll take time to rebuild, but the Nords are no strangers to hard work. FormID: 00094196 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The dark elves and Argonians won't soon forget Ulfric's prejudice, but I'm doing what I can to repair that rift. FormID: 00094197 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Being a Jarl isn't something I ever wanted, but if I can help these people, then I will. FormID: 00094198 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Got no time for a Nord who thinks he's better than everyone else. Keep walking. FormID: 0002C0C8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I told you, I've got no patience for fools. Keep walking. FormID: 0002C0C9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 There's no glory in war. It's just something they tell soldiers so they'll risk their lives. FormID: 00035027 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 They call me a war hero. I'm no hero, I'm just a soldier who didn't want to die. FormID: 00035028 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If Ulfric had his way, anyone who wasn't a Nord would be shipped right out of Skyrim. FormID: 00035029 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The sooner this war ends, the sooner we can all get on with our lives. FormID: 0003502A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Welcome to the House of Curiosities! I offer a brief tour for a few coins, or you can simply browse at your leisure. FormID: 000E14DE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If you've got some time, stop by my House of Curiosities. I promise you'll see wonders! FormID: 0003502B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Welcome, friend, to Calixto's House of Curiosities! FormID: 0003502C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 My sister and I once traveled the world to assemble our collection. Such adventures we had! FormID: 0003502D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I don't care much for the war one way or the other. FormID: 0002C0CA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 It bothers me that fewer people come to Windhelm these days. FormID: 00035031 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Name's Nils. I'm the cook up at Candlehearth Hall. FormID: 00035032 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Can't just throw the big logs on the fire. Got to have the little bits, too. FormID: 00035033 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 When I'm cutting wood, I pretend there's an Imperial soldier's head on the stump. FormID: 00035034 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Hello, hello, hello. Interested in fighting in the Pit? The rules are strict, but if I don't see it, it didn't happen, know what I mean? FormID: 00035035 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 It's very important to Huki that all the battles are fair. What's more important to me is that my pay is fair. FormID: 00035036 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Prove your valor in the Pit! If you haven't got any valor, prove your pocketbook! FormID: 00035037 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 When Ulfric was killed, justice was done. That might sound harsh, but it's how I feel. FormID: 00094199 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I thought the the Gray Quarter would be a haven for my kind. I was wrong. FormID: 00035038 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Gray Quarter's not much to look at now, but it wasn't always so bad. FormID: 00039CD9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The cornerclub's been filling up at night lately. I'll bet Elda up at Candlehearth is jealous. FormID: 00035039 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 We might be poor, but is it really any better out there? FormID: 0003503A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Not a day passes that I don't wonder if life would be better in Morrowind. FormID: 0003503B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I don't see why we should live as an underclass to the Nords. If anything, they owe us. FormID: 0003503D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Alchemy is simple. Unless, of course, you are simple. Then I can't help you. FormID: 0003503C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Must you bother me now? I've almost figured out where it is. FormID: 0003503E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 My master can be a bit short-tempered, but I've learned so much from him. FormID: 0002C0CB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'll never have Master Nurelion's skill with potions. FormID: 0003503F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I have a decent mind for potions, but I've also learned how to craft magical items. FormID: 000A344D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'm a sailor on the Northwind. We're laying over in Windhelm for awhile. FormID: 00035040 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 It's good to spend some time on solid land. FormID: 000A344E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 A life on the river makes for weak legs, so I do a lot of walking when we dock. FormID: 000A344F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Captain Kjar expects the best, but he's a fair man. He never fails to reward hard work and loyalty. FormID: 000A3450 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Never much cared for Windhelm. The place is depressing. FormID: 000A345F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'm a lot happier out here on the deck than I am wandering around in that ruin of a city. FormID: 000A34B4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I heard those Forsworn out west live in caves. Can't be any worse than trying to live in Windhelm. FormID: 000A34B5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Can't wait until we raise anchor. Anytime the boat's not moving, I start to get impatient. FormID: 000A34B6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Sorry, but I'm not looking to hire any more crew right now. FormID: 000A34B7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You don't know what freedom really means until you've lived on the river. FormID: 000A34B8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Been on the river since I could walk. Wouldn't trade it for the world. FormID: 000A34B9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 While you're on my boat, you follow my rules. First rule is, don't touch anything that doesn't belong to you. FormID: 000DD69A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The best way for us to win the Nords' respect is through hard work. FormID: 000DD69B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Too many dark elves in Windhelm complain about the way we're treated. What good does complaining do? FormID: 000DD69C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'm proud of my farm. It takes no small effort to grow crops in this part of Skyrim. FormID: 000DD69D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I own Hollyfrost Farm outside the city. It's honest work, if a bit dull. FormID: 000DD69E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Cruel-Seas have been sailors for generations. In truth, I regret not following in the footsteps of my ancestors. FormID: 000DD69F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If I make enough money from the farm, I'll buy myself a longship to sail the rivers of Skyrim. FormID: 000A34BA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I understand what potions do, but I don't always understand how they do it. FormID: 0003ED50 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 This is Stormcloak territory. If you're one of those craven Imperials, don't expect a warm welcome. Said with a hint of warning. FormID: 0003ED51 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If you're here to join the Stormcloaks, the palace is inside. FormID: 0003ED52 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Loyal Nords are always welcome here. Anyone else better watch their step. FormID: 0003ED8D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If you're an Imperial spy, better turn around right now. FormID: 000DA663 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Stay away from the Aretino Residence. The place is cursed. FormID: 000DA662 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You should unload some of that unwanted gear. Head over to Sadri's Used Wares, talk to the Elf. FormID: 000DA664 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If you need an apothecary, the White Phial has respectable stock. FormID: 000DA665 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 By the gods, you're diseased. Get yourself to the White Phial and purchase a remedy, before you infect us all. FormID: 000DA666 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Dunmer get their drinks at the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Why they can't just call it a tavern is beyond me... FormID: 000DA668 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 If it's bed or board you're after, Candlehearth Hall's got both. FormID: 000DA669 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Across the river to the northeast lies Yngol Barrow. Steer clear of that foul place, lest the walking dead claim you as their own. FormID: 000DA66B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 The Eye of Talos was a fine ship, once. Now it lies wrecked, off an island just north of here. FormID: 000DA66C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Maybe you've seen masts sticking out of the water to the northeast? That would be the wreck of the Winter War. Fine vessel, back in its day. FormID: 000DA66D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 South of here, and west of the road, lies Cronvangr Cave. Stay away from that cursed place, and the vampires that call it home. FormID: 000DA66E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 Tell me you've seen them. Those... things. Small and evil, like something out of a nightmare. They come from Stillborn Cave, to the north. I know it. FormID: 000DA66F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I've no problem with your kind, Orc. But that stronghold you've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people. FormID: 000DA670 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I've no problem with Orcs. But that stronghold they've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people. FormID: 000DA671 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You hear the news? There's a dragon roosting up on Mount Anthor, to the northwest. FormID: 00034DAA WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 What's this? It thinks it can just throw refuse wherever it likes? annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F97 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 Really, the nerve of some people, leaving their trash wherever they please. annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F98 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 What kind of filthy barbarian just throws their trash on the ground? annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F99 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 Oh, by all means. Just leave your refuse wherever you see fit. annoyed by a litter bug/sarcastic FormID: 00035F9A WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 There's a place for trash, and that's not it. annoyed by a litter bug. [QUOTE]tsk tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning FormID: 00035F9B WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 In my day, we knew how to dispose of trash properly. annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F9C WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 What's the matter with you? You think you can just go dropping your junk wherever you like? annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F9D WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 Look at this one. Spoiled as a child, I'll bet. Allowed to leave trash just lying around... annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F9E WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 I swear, is there no end to these uncouth savages, just throwing their trash wherever they please... annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035F9F WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 Hrmmm. Pick up your trash, fetcher. annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 000CDE46 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 And they call me a savage. Least I don't leave my trash lying around... annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035FA0 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 I never did understand the local custom of simply leaving one's trash wherever is convenient... annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035FA1 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 Who does that? Who just leaves their garbage lying about? annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035FA2 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 Gah! Quit throwing your garbage everywhere. annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00035FA3 WIRemoveItem04 SCEN 0 One person's trash is another's treasure. Don't be surprised if you find that gone... annoyed by a litter bug FormID: 00034D9F WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's he doing poking his nose in there? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00034DA0 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's she doing poking her nose in there? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FAC WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Is he... sifting through trash? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FAD WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Is she... sifting through trash? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FAE WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's he rummaging around in there for? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FAF WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's she rummaging around in there for? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB0 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Look at him, rummaging through refuse. Wonder what he's lost... besides his mind. watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB1 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Look at her, rummaging through refuse. Wonder what she's lost... besides her mind. watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB2 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Tsk. What a man will do for a few coins... watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB3 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Tsk. What a woman will do for a few coins... watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB4 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Picking through garbage. Has he no shame? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB5 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Picking through garbage. Has she no shame? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB6 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's he digging around in there for? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB7 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's she digging around in there for? watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB8 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's he doing? Looking for rubies in rubbish? Get a job! watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00035FB9 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 What's she doing? Looking for rubies in rubbish? Get a job! watching someone rummage through trash FormID: 00034DA1 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Maybe he's looking for something to eat? watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00034DA2 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Maybe she's looking for something to eat? watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036003 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 He might find something good in there. One man's trash is another's treasure. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036004 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 She might find something good in there. One man's trash is another's treasure. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036005 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 The poor dear must truly be hungry to comb through rubbish like that. Hope he finds something edible. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036006 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 The poor dear must truly be hungry to comb through rubbish like that. Hope she finds something edible. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036007 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Sometimes it pays to look in every nook and cranny. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036008 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Sometimes it pays to look in every nook and cranny. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036009 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 When you're hungry, you'll look anywhere for food. Can't blame him. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 0003600A WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 When you're hungry, you'll look anywhere for food. Can't blame her. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 0003600B WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe he found what he was looking for in there. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 0003600C WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 Desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe she found what she was looking for in there. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 0003600D WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 How unfortunate he has to dig through refuse like that. Someone should give him a piece of bread. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 0003600E WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 How unfortunate she has to dig through refuse like that. Someone should give her a piece of bread. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 0003600F WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 You never know what you'll find laying around in a crate or barrel. People toss the darnedest things in them. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00036010 WIAddItem02 SCEN 0 You never know what you'll find laying around in a crate or barrel. People toss the darnedest things in them. watching someone dig through trash FormID: 00034CB6 mg06 SCEN 0 You have done well thus far, but trying times are ahead. FormID: 00034CB5 mg06 SCEN 0 It is imperative that you return to your College at once. FormID: 00034CAB mg06 SCEN 0 You will be called on to take swift action. Rise to the challenge, and discover what you are capable of. FormID: 00034CB1 mg06 SCEN 0 You are on the right path, and you will prevail. FormID: 00034C8B dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 So, you're saying you brought that cat down alone? FormID: 00034C88 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Why, you don't think I could do it? FormID: 00034C87 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Wasn't our last catch a Cave Bear? FormID: 00034C83 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Yeah, why? FormID: 00034C85 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Take down that one with your bare hands too? FormID: 00034C89 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Troll's blood was he a tough one! FormID: 00034C8A dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Pfft Actor makes [QUOTE]Pfft[QUOTE] noise. As if saying [QUOTE]Pfft...yeah right![QUOTE] FormID: 00034C84 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 But, I've got the key to the Sabre Cage! Look! FormID: 00034C86 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 What's that supposed to prove? Get back on patrol! FormID: 00036901 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm the Jarl's personal blacksmith, but that doesn't mean I can't sell you a few pieces for a fair price. FormID: 00055A10 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Empire has always been good to the Orcs, but this war of theirs is none of my concern. FormID: 00036900 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I served in the Legion with Thongvor Silver-Blood. He's a good man and a tough soldier. FormID: 000368FF DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I learned to forge when I was a pup, then I joined the Legion and mastered it. FormID: 00035EFE DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Poor Banning. Twice as much work here in the stables without him. calm, strong-but-silent FormID: 0004448C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You need a reliable horse in the Reach. That's what we have. calm, strong-but-silent FormID: 00035F00 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You treat a horse well, it'll take you to Oblivion and back. calm, strong-but-silent FormID: 0004448E DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Traveling in the Reach is dangerous. You need a good carriage. FormID: 00044491 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 City of Markarth sure is a beauty. No doubt about that. FormID: 00035F02 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Stormcloaks took Markarth. It is good to see Talos worshipped openly again. FormID: 0007ACE4 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 What can an old skald do for you, huh? FormID: 00035F03 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Songs are just old memories that help the mead go down quicker. FormID: 00054A16 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I've seen every corner of Skyrim, but nothing is as beautiful as the battlefield. FormID: 00035EFB DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My father Kleppr is the one you want to talk to. I just clean up. FormID: 00064B63 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My mother and father yell a lot. Always have. FormID: 00034C40 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I work silver, like my father, and his father before him. proud and noble FormID: 00034C41 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My wife Kerah runs our jewelry stall in the market. proud and noble FormID: 00035596 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My daughter Adara is also my apprentice. She's a quick study. FormID: 0005479C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I prefer working in silver. More skill needed than forging iron or steel. proud and noble FormID: 00034C42 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Silver-Bloods tax everything now that they run the city. FormID: 0007ACE5 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The finest jewelry in all of Markarth. welcoming FormID: 00034C43 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Redguard craftsmanship in every piece. FormID: 00034C44 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Are you looking for a gift for a friend, perhaps? Or... a lover? FormID: 00034C45 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Perhaps a silver necklace or a silver ring? Easy to wear and soft against the skin. FormID: 00034C46 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I have a necklace that would look lovely on you, or on a... special someone. FormID: 00039772 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My daughter Adara is going to be a fine silversmith when she's older. FormID: 00055101 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Jewelry for sale. Redguard craftsmanship in every piece. FormID: 00055102 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You there, uh, the finest silver in Markarth is sold right here. FormID: 00055103 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Maybe you could buy a gift for a friend? A best friend? FormID: 00039773 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm going to be a silversmith one day, like my mother and father. FormID: 00039774 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Being an apprentice is great. I get to swing a hammer at things. FormID: 00039775 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Mama doesn't like me jumping up and down in the house, but I can't help it. I swear. FormID: 00035598 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Stormcloaks or Imperials. Either way, all they want is everything for free and you to lick their boots. FormID: 0007ACE6 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Hey you. Yeah, you. Fresh meat for your stomach. FormID: 0005479D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The bloodiest beef in the Reach. FormID: 00035599 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You want a cut of venison or mutton? Of course you do. FormID: 0003559A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Don't try to haggle with me. Buy or leave. FormID: 0003559B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The secret to chopping meat is never washing your hands. FormID: 00039777 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 A man like me makes a lot of enemies. People are always trying to cheat me. FormID: 00039778 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I paid extra for the biggest room in the Silver-Blood Inn. I need space to stretch these arms. FormID: 0003559F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I am the Jarl of Markarth, now. The Silver-Blood family is finally where it should have always been. FormID: 0007ACE7 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Igmund was weak. We'll bring the order that the Empire should have. FormID: 0007ACEF DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Let the Forsworn ravage the Reach. Talos favors us. Our victory is assured. FormID: 0007ACF2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Silver-Blood family will be heard. FormID: 0006478A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Jarl can refuse to see me all he likes. He can't ignore us forever. FormID: 000AF75C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Markarth lives because my family makes sure it's fed on gold and silver. FormID: 000355A0 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm Thongvor's steward now. Every coin in this city is ours. FormID: 0007ACF3 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 We'll be sending generous resources to Ulfric. As much as the Reach can bleed. FormID: 0007ACF6 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Taxes. I love taxes. FormID: 0007ACF7 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Out of my way, kinsman. FormID: 00055A11 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Out of my way, outsider. FormID: 00055A12 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Bother someone else. FormID: 00055A14 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Didn't I speak clear enough? Out of my way. FormID: 000357F5 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Thongvor's made me his housecarl. Remember, me killing you is legal. FormID: 0007ACF8 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Keeping this place secure is as simple as breaking a few spines. FormID: 0007ACF9 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Used to have run-ins with the guards, now they have run-ins with me. FormID: 0007ACFA DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Outsiders. Pfft. FormID: 00055A15 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Blood and silver, friend. Blood and silver. FormID: 00055A16 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Just turn around and leave the city. That's the smart move. FormID: 000357F9 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My family owns this inn, but I've put Kleppr in charge. Right rat for the right job, I say. FormID: 000B0216 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm a busy man. Half this city works for my family, and I have to keep them in line. FormID: 000357FA DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Thongvor may be the head of the family, but I'm the hands. FormID: 000357FB DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 We control every piece of this city. The people should be calling us kings. FormID: 000357FC DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 If someone joins the Forsworn, we haul him to the mines. FormID: 000357FD DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Every prisoner in the Reach is just another worker for our family. FormID: 000357FF DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm married to Thonar Silver-Blood. Keep that in mind while you're speaking to me. FormID: 0006478B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My husband Thonar handles all our family's business. He's an important man. FormID: 00035800 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I married Thonar for the money, and I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit it. FormID: 00035806 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm just a servant. Don't pay me any mind. FormID: 00035807 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Working in the Treasury House isn't so bad. I earn good money. FormID: 00035809 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Ildene has been working in the Treasury House since before I was born. FormID: 00054A0A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Sometimes I hear Yngvar singing in his room. He's actually quite good. FormID: 0003580A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You just let old nana know if you need anything, all right dear? sounds a little bit like the wicked witch from Snow White FormID: 00035ED7 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I've worked in the Treasury House for almost twenty years. sounds a little bit like the wicked witch from Snow White FormID: 00054A0B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 There isn't an inch of this building that I haven't cleaned up. sounds a little bit like the wicked witch from Snow White FormID: 00035EDA DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 So the Stormcloaks took the Reach? Maybe Talos really is on their side. FormID: 0007ACFB DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Arnleif and Sons Trading Company buys and sells anything you wandering types need. FormID: 00035EDD DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 No, I'm not Arnleif. Yes, I know it's called Arnleif and Sons. frustrated FormID: 00035EDC DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The selection seems small, but we can provide whatever you need. Just ask. FormID: 0003977A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I love hearing Ogmund sing at the inn. He's a true skald. FormID: 00055104 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 With Lisbet gone, I'll be taking care of you. FormID: 00055105 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Let me know if there's something you need to buy. FormID: 00055106 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm keeping Arnleif and Sons going, as best I can. FormID: 00055107 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Never thought I'd be running the store. I'm not used to it. FormID: 00035EE2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Lisbet handles the customers. I just check the shipments. FormID: 00035EE3 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Feel free to take a look around the store. FormID: 00035EE4 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I've been at Arnleif and Sons all my life. It's a good store. FormID: 00054A0F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I remember old Arnleif building each shelf in this store himself. FormID: 00035EE5 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Old Arnleif would be proud of Lisbet. She's kept this place running, thick and thin. FormID: 00035EE7 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I brought in my cousin Cosnach to help me handle shipments. FormID: 00054A11 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 There's no shipments coming in, so I do nothing. Just drink. drunk FormID: 00035EEA DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 [QUOTE]Check the shipments[QUOTE] Lisbet says. [QUOTE]There are no shipments[QUOTE] I says. drunk FormID: 00035EEB DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 No breaks for a good worker out here. drunk FormID: 00054A12 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 This is the Silver-Blood Inn. I'll let you figure out who owns it by yourself. FormID: 00035EED DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 If I can't get you something, I'm sure my wife will bellow at me until I can. FormID: 00053335 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Things are so much quieter with my darling Frabbi dead. FormID: 00054A13 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Unlike my husband Kleppr, I watch after our guests. FormID: 00035EF2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Now you just tell me if you need something. FormID: 00035EF3 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You come right to me if you find an unwashed floor or lumpy bed. FormID: 00054A14 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'll bend Kleppr's ear if there's anything wrong with a room you rent. FormID: 00035EF5 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Isn't my son Hreinn such a good worker? Not like his father at all.... FormID: 00055108 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My worthless husband is gone, so I run the inn now. FormID: 00055109 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I can't believe the mess Kleppr left things in. I have twice the work with him gone. FormID: 00035EF6 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Don't mind the yelling. My parents are always going at each other. FormID: 00035EF7 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm just here to clean up. FormID: 00064B64 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 My father is more generous than he lets on. Gives me plenty of spending money. FormID: 0003626C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Hag's Cure is here for all your discreet needs... FormID: 00054A17 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I have potions for disease, love sickness, irritating children... FormID: 0003626D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 A little bit of old Reach magic can cure whatever ills you.... FormID: 0003626E DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Oh yes... you'll need one of my special brews... FormID: 00036270 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Not scared of an old woman now, are you? FormID: 0005510E DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I've taken over the Hag's Cure, since Bothela is gone. FormID: 0005510F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm not sure if half these potions work. But they should. I think. FormID: 00055110 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I wish Bothela was still running the store. I'm not ready for this. FormID: 00036275 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm Bothela's assistant. She's the one you should talk to if you need an herb or a potion. FormID: 00036276 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 There's so much to learn about the shop. I'll never get it all straight. FormID: 00036278 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Why can't the men in this city leave me alone? FormID: 0003627B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Alms. I said [QUOTE]alms[QUOTE] you backbiter. Give a crippled worker a helping hand. FormID: 000550CF DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 How about a septim? Wait, make that two septims, I feel like living it up. FormID: 000550D0 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Come on, you outsiders always have plenty of gold on you. Spare a piece! FormID: 0003627F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 They don't like us talking to people when we work. FormID: 00036281 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Busy with the smelter. FormID: 00036280 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Got metal to shape. FormID: 00064B65 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Just here to drink. FormID: 00036284 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Can't talk. Mulush will beat me if I stop working. FormID: 00054A18 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I spill just a bit of metal, and Mulush takes it out of my hide. FormID: 00036285 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Can't you see I'm working? Beat it. FormID: 00064B66 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Drinks here are watered down, but they're cheap. FormID: 00036288 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I oversee Markarth Smelter. Worker gets out of line, I get him back in line. emphasize: [QUOTE]Worker gets out of line, I get him back IN line.[QUOTE] FormID: 00036289 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 These workers. Always complaining. Always excuses. FormID: 00054A19 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 If a man has time to complain, he has time to work. FormID: 0003628A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Shipment of silver this month is behind. Nepos is to blame, not me. FormID: 0003628B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I tell Thonar I can only smelt what Nepos and his miners dig up. FormID: 0007ACE2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Stormcloaks have taken the Reach, but we'll return. The Empire will bring order. FormID: 000D830F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 What do you want? Haven't you done enough damage to Markarth? FormID: 000368F0 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You speak to Igmund. Son of Hrolfdir. Jarl of Markarth. calm, level-headed FormID: 00064B67 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Treat my people fairly, and I will do the same to you. calm, level-headed FormID: 000368F2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Forsworn have troubled the Reach for too long. I intend to deal with them. determined FormID: 000368F1 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Markarth is not without its problems, but the Empire is here to maintain order. calm, level-headed FormID: 0007ACE1 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I can't believe we lost Markarth. Igmund's family has ruled there for generations. FormID: 000D8310 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I don't think we have anything to discuss, Stormcloak. FormID: 000368F5 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm Igmund's uncle as well as his steward. courteous FormID: 00054A1A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I advise Igmund the same way I advised his father. Caution, caution, caution. courteous FormID: 000368F8 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Forsworn know every stone in the Reach. We have to wait them out. cautious FormID: 0007ACE3 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Igmund is alive, and I'll keep it that way, Jarl or not. FormID: 000D8311 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You lay one finger on Igmund, and I'll end you Stormcloak. FormID: 000368FA DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 As his housecarl, Igmund's security is my chief concern. FormID: 000368FC DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Igmund's father was killed by Forsworn. I won't rest until they've paid with their blood. FormID: 000368FD DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Raerek is far too cautious, but I'll agree with him on any measure that keeps this city safe. FormID: 000368FE DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Need a new blade? FormID: 00055A17 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Got an axe here. Good for cleaving up Forsworn. FormID: 00055A18 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 How about some armor? FormID: 00055A19 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You'll want some thick armor if you're traveling the Reach alone. FormID: 00055A1A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Don't bother with Tacitus. Useless. FormID: 00055A1B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You'd think an apprentice could forge a few hinges. Not Tacitus. FormID: 00055111 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I run the forge now. Kind of... scary. FormID: 00055112 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Making weapons and armor isn't like making nails at all. FormID: 00055113 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You need a sword? Uh, how about a small sword? Nail-sized? FormID: 00036902 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm Ghorza's assistant. I help her with the forge. FormID: 00054A1C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Ghorza is the one you should ask if you need anything. FormID: 00036903 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm not very good for anything more than smithing nails right now. FormID: 00036904 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 One time, I almost cut a finger off sharpening a blade. I hate blood. FormID: 00054A1D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I have things to study, what is it? FormID: 00036908 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The artifacts I've discovered in Nchuand-Zel will make history one day. FormID: 00036909 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I've only ever lost a few guards to Steam Centurions. Good odds, considering... FormID: 0003690A DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I used to travel so much before all this Forsworn nonsense. Such an inconvenience... socially awkward FormID: 00055114 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Oh, excuse me. With my uncle gone, things are a bit of a mess. FormID: 000551E6 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm not half the wizard my uncle was, but I still have a few spells worth buying. FormID: 000551E7 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Did you need something? A staff? Some enchanting materials? FormID: 0003690B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm Calcelmo's nephew. I help him around the laboratory. FormID: 0003690D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Don't let my uncle go on about his theories. You'll be here all night. FormID: 0003690C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'm afraid to touch half of the things we keep in the tower. FormID: 0003690E DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I try not to think about how my uncle got all the Dwemer Centurion parts. sighing. FormID: 0003690F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Before you say anything, no, I am not from the Reach. FormID: 00036911 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I have meals to cook for the entire castle and almost no help. FormID: 00054A1F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Jarl gives me two incompetent assistants. Worthless. FormID: 00036913 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I have to work, or Anton will rip my head off. FormID: 00036914 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Anton sure looks like he's from the Reach, but don't tell him that. FormID: 00036917 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Only reason Jarl keeps Anton on is because he cooks up a storm. FormID: 00036918 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Don't mind the dogs, they get anxious when they haven't had dinner. FormID: 00036919 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You should talk to Anton if you need anything. He's the master chef. FormID: 00054EAA DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 It's been a hard day cleaning. Good, honest work I say. FormID: 0003691B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Even the dead need company. That's what Arkay provides. dry humor FormID: 0003691C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 We all come into Arkay's light in the end, but there's no need to rush. dry humor FormID: 0003691D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Markarth is a city of wealth, but gold doesn't follow you in death. dry humor FormID: 0003691E DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Arkay's blessing to you. FormID: 0003691F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You have the honor of addressing a member of the Thalmor. Bask in it. FormID: 0006478C DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Dominion is here, and we're watching you. FormID: 0006478D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Thalmor know how to deal with Talos worshippers. FormID: 00054EAB DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 If you see any signs of Talos worship, it's your obligation to report them to me. FormID: 00036920 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Aldmeri Dominion is the only thing keeping the Empire on its feet. FormID: 00036922 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 This war is such nonsense. All this fuss over their false human god. FormID: 000D66B3 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Warrens isn't a place for your type. What do you want? FormID: 000D66B4 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Warrens ain't for you. Trust me. FormID: 000D66B5 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You don't want to be here. No one wants to. FormID: 000D66B6 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Don't know anyone here doesn't have Rattles or Ataxia. FormID: 00036A3B DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Empire didn't think we could take the Reach, but here we are. FormID: 00036A39 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Let's see those Stormcloaks try to break into this canyon. FormID: 00036A34 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Outsiders aren't trusted in Markarth. Best keep that in mind. FormID: 00036A35 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Can't believe I'm posted here. Even the beds are made of stone. FormID: 00035F16 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You should see that Orc over in Understone Keep, have him forge you some new armor... FormID: 000DA640 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 By Shor, you're hauling around a lot of junk. Best stop in at the Arnleif and Sons Trading Company, sell it off. FormID: 000DA641 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Let me guess - you need a drink. It's the Silver-Blood Inn you're looking for. FormID: 000DA642 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Break the law in Markarth, and it's off to Cidhna Mine with you. FormID: 000DA643 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Caught a case of Rockjoint, once. Bothela at the Hag's Cure fixed me right up. FormID: 000DA644 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Lots of nasty holes in the Reach, and Blind Cliff Cave is one of them. A filthy Hagraven nest, northeast of here. FormID: 000DA645 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 There's an evil to the north, friend, and its name is Ragnvald. A tomb like so many in Skyrim, where the dead have found no peace. FormID: 000DA646 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Travel southeast and you'll find an Orc stronghold, up around the old Dushnikh orichalcum mine. FormID: 000DA647 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Beware the region northeast, across the river. Forsworn have taken refuge in Broken Tower Redoubt and Red Eagle Redoubt. FormID: 000DA648 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 There's a small skeever den just east of the city, at Reachwater Rock. FormID: 000DA649 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 The Forsworn have been spotted to the north, near Bruca's Leap Redoubt. FormID: 0009A79F DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Need a trained war dog? Fiercest companion money can buy. FormID: 0009A7A0 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I'll be handling the horses with Cedran gone. Miss that old man. FormID: 0004449D DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 A war dog is good company and good protection. FormID: 0009A7A1 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 I like the loyalty of a dog. Not as fickle as a wolf. FormID: 0009A7A2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 You have to train a good war dog from a pup. Bite your arm clean off otherwise. FormID: 000607C4 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Ondolemar is the commander of the Thalmor in Markarth. FormID: 000607D2 DialogueMarkarth HELO 0 Worship of Talos is strictly forbidden. FormID: 0001681D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 It's all thanks to a special technique I developed. I call it the [QUOTE]Razor-Winged Butterfly.[QUOTE] I'd teach it to you... but then I'd have to kill you. laughs after he says it. he's joking... or is he? FormID: 0006D26B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Yeah, well, don't expect many more stories like that in my future. I'm getting old. Being that amazing takes too much damn effort. FormID: 0006D26C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Hmph. Been awhile since I've actually cleaved someone in two. Forgot how hard it was to get the scimitar back out. FormID: 0006D26D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Let that be a lesson to you young pups. There is no challenge that magic cannot overcome. FormID: 00034CF4 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Bah! A child could have accomplished it. Such is the power of the arcane. If you only knew of the spells I didn't use. He he he he he. FormID: 00034CF5 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 What? You think me too old, too feeble? There is more knowledge in me than in two of you pups put together. And knowledge... knowledge is my weapon. FormID: 00034CF6 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Once again, you have underestimated me. You see the man, brutish and hulking. But I am wolf as well. Deliberate. Cunning. FormID: 0001681E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Romantic, isn't? Like that time we first met. Remember that? Never seen so much blood. Ah, to be young again... FormID: 00034CF7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 When I am become wolf, I am treachery incarnate. And then, then... there is no one who can stand between the hunter and his prey. FormID: 00034CF8 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 When I first received the blessing of the wolf, my creator gave me a valuable piece of advice. [QUOTE]Arnbjorn,[QUOTE] he said. [QUOTE]Never lose![QUOTE] And I never do. FormID: 00034CF9 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 He he. Don't forget that I am Shadowscale. I was, quite literally, born to kill. FormID: 00034CFA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 It was a simple matter, really, when one has mastered the art of camouflage. Scale becomes stone, becomes shadow. Then... death. FormID: 00034CFB DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 My greatest challenge was deciding which weapon to use, for I am prone to indecision. Bow, dagger... axe? In the end, I opted for my claws. FormID: 00034CFC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 In truth? It was so easy, I feel a bit guilty. Once again, the sweet, innocent child earned more trust than was wise. FormID: 00034CFD DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 You give me too much credit. For how could I fail? I am, after all, just a little girl. What threat could I possibly pose? He he he he he. FormID: 00034CFE DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 I am the perfect weapon. My innocent, childish form grants me nearly unrestricted access. Poison or a good bite usually takes care of the rest. FormID: 00034CFF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 I am but a humble instrument of Sithis. Our Dread Father guides me. Therefore, failure is an impossibility. FormID: 00034D00 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 In the end, I relied on a woman's natural weapons - beauty and seduction. The rest was a formality. Though, a rather wet, messy formality... FormID: 00034D01 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 When one can divine the future, success may not be assured... but it can at least be anticipated. It helps that I've already foretold my own death. FormID: 0006D26E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Come now, dear husband. You above all people should know what I'm capable of. FormID: 00034C13 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Unscrupulous daring. It's why you fell in love with me, my dear. FormID: 0006D26F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Sometimes I just need to remind everyone why I'm the one in charge. FormID: 0006D270 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 I guess I got tired of handing out contracts to everyone else, while I stayed home playing den mother. It was good to get out, and have some fun. FormID: 0006D271 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy myself. But more importantly, I made this Sanctuary some much needed gold. In the end, that's all that matters. FormID: 0006D272 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Well, I just did what had to be done. Nothing more. Nothing less. I'm just glad I lived to tell the tale. FormID: 0006D273 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Ah, contracts like that are few and far between, it seems. Makes me long for the old days... FormID: 0002E149 SolitudeFreeform01 HELO 0 It's good to see a fresh face. You wouldn't have happen to come from Whiterun would you? FormID: 00034B32 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1Question CUST 0 Generally posting information is need to know only. FormID: 00034B36 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdPersuade CUST 0 I... I've been trying to find the time and place to let her know. FormID: 00034B37 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdPersuade CUST 0 I'm sorry, I can't help you. FormID: 00034B3E SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdIntimidate CUST 0 If you want to know that bad then fine. FormID: 000C7B9A SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdIntimidate CUST 0 I'm afraid that kind of thing doesn't work on Captains in the Imperial Army. FormID: 00034B3A SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdNevermind CUST 0 That's the way it is. FormID: 00034B39 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdPullRank CUST 0 Yes, Sir. Although I'm not sure you'll be happy to know. FormID: 00034B33 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdContinue CUST 0 Her daughter was sent to Whiterun, the skirmishes there have been violent. The whiterun legate, he needed to know the Stormcloak positions. FormID: 00034B33 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdContinue CUST 1 He sent out a party to scout the area. They happened upon a large force... I'm told none of them made it back. FormID: 00034B33 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdContinue CUST 2 Private Morrard... Angela's daughter was in that scouting party. She needs to be told. FormID: 00034B3C SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnBranch SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnTopic CUST 0 You got Aldis to tell you something? I knew you would. What did he say? FormID: 00034B3B SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnBranch SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnResponse CUST 0 I told her. I told her the imperial army would kill her. That this was a war of Jarls and Imperial Generals and we had no part in it. FormID: 00034B3B SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnBranch SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnResponse CUST 1 She just wouldn't hear it. FormID: 00034B3B SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnBranch SolitudeFreeform01AngelaMorrardReturnResponse CUST 2 It was brave of you to come to me with this. I can't thank you for it, not for this, but you have done me a service. FormID: 00034B38 DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro SolitudeFreeformGateGuardGreetBranch SolitudeFreeformGateGuardGreet CUST 0 If you've come to Solitude to join the Legion, speak to Rikke. If not, just keep your nose clean while you're here... or you'll end up like Roggvir. FormID: 00034B34 DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro SolitudeFreeformGuardSolitudeInfoBranch SolitudeFreeformGuardSolitudeInfo CUST 0 He's the sorry bastard who's going to be executed. FormID: 00034B34 DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro SolitudeFreeformGuardSolitudeInfoBranch SolitudeFreeformGuardSolitudeInfo CUST 1 A gate guard who let Ulfric Stormcloak escape the city, after he killed the High King. FormID: 00034B35 DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro SolitudeFreeformGuardSolitudeArmyBranch SolitudeFreeformGuardSolitudeArmy CUST 0 There's no greater honor than to serve. If you're serious about enlisting, speak to Legate Rikke in Castle Dour. FormID: 0003499D DA04 SCEN 0 The crucial nature is pure apparent. Mundane sight traded for another sort. FormID: 0003496C dunPinewatchQST SCEN 0 I tried to tell him that he wouldn't get past the traps, but he wouldn't listen... FormID: 0003496B dunPinewatchQST SCEN 0 It was a stupid plan, and now Rigel is so mad she won't even let us cut him down from there! FormID: 0003496D dunPinewatchQST SCEN 0 Aye, and she's added more traps now as well... A moment of silence for our fallen friend... FormID: 00034945 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Astrid, I've been hearing some, er... interesting things, from the others... about what you did when you left the Sanctuary last week... FormID: 000167DF DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Tell me, husband. Is it true what I've heard? FormID: 000167E0 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 So, is it true? FormID: 00034946 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 I heard about what happened... FormID: 00034947 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Tell me, brother. Are the stories true? FormID: 00034948 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Tell me, sister. Are the stories true? FormID: 00034949 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Your latest exploit certainly has the Sanctuary talking... FormID: 000167E1 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Come now. What everyone else is saying. It can't possibly be true... FormID: 0003494D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 You're referring to that blacksmith contract? FormID: 0003494E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 You must be talking about the caravan job... FormID: 0003494F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Word certainly travels fast, doesn't it? FormID: 00034950 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 The temple contract? Well, I certainly won't deny my involvement. He he he he he. FormID: 00034951 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 The Redoran contract? Yes, you heard correctly. In and out of Vvardenfell in less than forty eight hours. FormID: 00016811 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Ah, you must mean my little adventure on the ship... FormID: 00016813 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Oh, you mean in that manor house? During the thunderstorm? Heh. What can I say? It happened, just like you heard. FormID: 0003494A DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 But to be outnumbered twenty to one... FormID: 0003494B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 You infiltrated the position, eliminated the target, and made it look like an accident. Impressive. I'd say you earned your bonus on that one! FormID: 0003494C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 To kill triplets, secretly, and then have the whole thing blamed on the mother. Remarkable. FormID: 00034C14 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 It was a suicide mission! Astrid said as much. Yet here you stand, hale and hearty. FormID: 00034CF3 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 By Sithis, you slew everyone! Well, except for that one you kept alive, to serve as witness. Does your wickedness, or your skill, know no bounds? FormID: 000167E2 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 But really. A horker, some twine, three wood elves, and a hatchet? Points for creativity, if nothing else. FormID: 000167E3 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 It's the part with the severed head I find most impressive. My compliments. FormID: 00016810 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 I'm just trying to imagine you hiding inside the body of a mammoth. Bloody brilliant idea. FormID: 000341B9 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirReturnHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirReturnHornTopic CUST 0 Ah! You've retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. pleased and amazed FormID: 000341B9 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirReturnHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirReturnHornTopic CUST 1 Well done. You have now passed all the trials. reserved but warm FormID: 000341B9 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirReturnHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirReturnHornTopic CUST 2 Come with me. It is time for us to recognize you formally as Dragonborn. FormID: 000C5228 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirReturnHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirReturnHornTopic CUST 0 Stand in the center of the room and prepare yourself to taste the Voice of the Greybeards. FormID: 000C5229 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirReturnHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirReturnHornTopic CUST 0 Come inside. The other masters will meet us there. FormID: 000C522A MQ105 MQ105ArngeirReturnHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirReturnHornTopic CUST 0 First, Master Wulfgar will teach you the final word of Unrelenting Force. You are ready. FormID: 000340B8 DialogueRiverwoodKidsScene SCEN 0 Wait, so... a costume? You're not serious... FormID: 000340B6 DialogueRiverwoodKidsScene SCEN 0 Sure I am. We get some furs and tree branches, paint them white, and then tie them to Stump. Instant Frostbite Spider! FormID: 000340B7 DialogueRiverwoodKidsScene SCEN 0 Frodnar... nobody is going to believe that your dog is a... Frostbite Spider. And if they do... they'll kill him. That's not much of a prank. FormID: 000340BB DialogueRiverwoodKidsScene SCEN 0 Oh yeah, and what would you rather do? FormID: 000340B9 DialogueRiverwoodKidsScene SCEN 0 How about... we play tag! You're it! FormID: 000340BA DialogueRiverwoodKidsScene SCEN 0 Hey, no fair! Get her, Stump! FormID: 000A9B4F DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 I'm getting out of here! FormID: 000A9B50 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Those fools are actually fighting! FormID: 000CE299 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Hey! Watch what you're doing. FormID: 000CE29B DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 My money's on the big one. FormID: 0003CD24 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Gods! Another fight. FormID: 000CE29C DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 I'm staying out of this. FormID: 000A7B00 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Don't hurt me! FormID: 000CE29D DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Please, someone do something! FormID: 000A7B01 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Someone do something! FormID: 000A7B02 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Somebody help! FormID: 000A7B03 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Help! FormID: 0003CD22 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 A fight! FormID: 000CE2A0 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 This should be good. FormID: 000CE2A2 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Get 'em! Kill 'em! FormID: 000CE2B5 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Ah! screaming FormID: 000CE2B8 DialogueGeneric OBCO 0 Why are they hurting each other? screaming FormID: 0003403B DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeNeverMind CUST 0 Well, your bounty is low... All right, get out of my sight. But you're known to me now, scum. Remember that. give a [QUOTE]hmph[QUOTE] at the beginning; emphasis on [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] - like you're talking/thinking to yourself at first. FormID: 0003403C DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeNeverMind CUST 0 You know what? You're not worth the hassle. Go... be some other guard's problem. FormID: 0006A8DA DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 You speak to Burguk, chief of Dushnikh Yal. FormID: 0006C818 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 You need steel? Speak to my forge-wife, Gharol. FormID: 0006C819 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Need a poison for your hunting? My mother, Murbul, knows several. FormID: 0006C81A DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 This stronghold respects strength, and strength alone. FormID: 000931BC DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Orc poisons are to be feared, if you wish to trade. FormID: 0006C81B DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I have an old cure for Rockjoint. Common in little Orc children. FormID: 0006C81C DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 If you wish to trade, wait for the sun to rise. FormID: 000C503C DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I am Burguk's mother and wise woman to our tribe, outlander. FormID: 00033627 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Malacath rewards the strong and punishes the weak. FormID: 0003362A DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Murbul knows many poisons and cures if you need them. FormID: 0006C81D DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 You should see Gharol if you're looking for a blade or armor. FormID: 0006C81E DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I am the hunts-wife of this stronghold. FormID: 000606F1 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Burguk is a fine chief. He brings strength and wealth to the stronghold. FormID: 0003362E DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 You wish to trade in Orc steel? FormID: 0006C81F DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Strong gauntlets for strong hands. FormID: 0006C820 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Blades to kill your prey and your rivals. FormID: 0006C821 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 We can trade when there's light outside. FormID: 000C5046 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I'm Burguk's forge-wife. I shape all the steel for the stronghold. FormID: 0003362F DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 As forge-wife, I'm also in charge of our mine. FormID: 00033632 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I am Burguk's favored wife. He knows my beauty should be praised. FormID: 00033633 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Arob and Gharol eye me with envy. They don't know how to please their chief. FormID: 00033634 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Umurn and Nagrub will be held up as weak next to the son I will one day bear for my chief. FormID: 00033636 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I work the forge, with my mother Gharol. We mine our own ore and shape our own metal. FormID: 00033637 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 One day I will shape a weapon fit for a chief. Maybe that chief will be me. FormID: 00033638 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I help in the mines as well as the forge. FormID: 000C78B6 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 One day, I must fight my brother Nagrub for chiefdom. It will not be easy. FormID: 0003363A DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I help my mother Arob with the hunt. We bring much meat and skins to the stronghold. FormID: 0003363B DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Brother Umurn is a strong warrior. I look forward to fighting him for chiefdom one day. FormID: 0003363C DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 One day, I intend to be chief. I will fight my father and my brother for it, as is tradition. FormID: 00033640 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I serve my chief and my brothers by working in the mines. It's the only place fit for an aging Orc. FormID: 0003363E DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 Sorry, outlander, but this old Orc cannot help you. Burguk is the chief here. FormID: 0003363F DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I don't know how Ghorbash has so much spirit. He should act his age. FormID: 00033642 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I used to wander the corners of Skyrim like you. I miss those days. FormID: 00033643 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 We honor the bravest fighters, but I have seen many types of bravery in my travels. FormID: 0006F807 DialogueDushnikhYal HELO 0 I am an Orc and a warrior, but I have no desire to become chief. FormID: 00033612 DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 Tell me, mother, does Malacath favor our stronghold? FormID: 00033611 DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene01 SCEN 0 He is pleased. Ours is the strongest tribe in all the Reach. FormID: 00033619 DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 I saw you working the forge today, wife. Your muscles have grown strong from the metal shaping! FormID: 00033613 DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 Do they, my chief? Am I now favored enough to replace Shel by your side at the feast? Back your words with action! FormID: 0003361C DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene02 SCEN 0 No more talk of Shel. As chief, I will do what I please, so point your fiery gaze to our enemies. FormID: 00033615 DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 My chief, Gharol threatens to have me work in the mines. You won't allow my pretty hands to dirty, will you? FormID: 0003361E DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 No, my wife. You have been given other gifts to please your chief than mine work. I will talk to Gharol and all will be well. FormID: 00033617 DialogueDushnikhYalLonghouseScene03 SCEN 0 Oh, thank you my chief! FormID: 00033645 DialogueDushnikhYalMineScene01 SCEN 0 It is a fine day to work the mines. FormID: 0003361A DialogueDushnikhYalMineScene01 SCEN 0 This metal will serve the forge well, my brother. FormID: 00033614 DialogueDushnikhYalMineScene02 SCEN 0 You could challenge Burguk, my brother. Yours is the stronger swordarm. FormID: 0003361D DialogueDushnikhYalMineScene02 SCEN 0 Serving in the Legion taught me to respect leadership. The stronghold needs Burguk. FormID: 00033616 DialogueDushnikhYalHuntingScene01 SCEN 0 The air has the smell of beasts. The hunt is good today. FormID: 0003361F DialogueDushnikhYalHuntingScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, mother. I'm eager to prove my skills today. FormID: 00033618 DialogueDushnikhYalHuntingScene02 SCEN 0 Ah, the air is good today. I welcome the smell of blood from all the kills I will make. FormID: 00033610 DialogueDushnikhYalHuntingScene02 SCEN 0 Patience, my son. The hunter days not welcome the blood of his prey, he waits for it. FormID: 000330FB DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 You are speaking to Larak, chief of Mor Khazgur. FormID: 0006F95F DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 You should see my forge-wife, Shuftharz, if you need weapons or armor. FormID: 0006F960 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 My mother, Sharamph, knows many remedies you may wish to take with you. FormID: 00099D8A DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 I'm a strict follower of the old traditions. Honor, strength, deeds. FormID: 0006F971 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 My place is chief and my challenge is to lead my people. FormID: 00033100 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 I have poisons for your weapons, and cures for your ills. FormID: 000C78B3 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Poisons can kill your enemies faster than any blade. FormID: 0006F973 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Do not allow Ataxia to fester. A smart warrior keeps a potion to cure diseases at all times. FormID: 0006F97A DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 If you wish to trade, see me during daylight. FormID: 000C78B4 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 I am wise woman to this stronghold. FormID: 00033101 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Our chief is strong. That is all that matters. FormID: 000606F3 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 You should see my mother, Sharamph, if you need a cure or a poison. FormID: 0006F97B DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Shuftharz can forge you some armor, outlander. FormID: 00099D8B DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Malacath protect you. FormID: 00033105 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Larak is strong, but he has much to prove as chief. FormID: 00033108 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 You need some armor, outlander? FormID: 0006F97C DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 How about an axe? Malacath smiles on the axe-wielder. FormID: 000C78B5 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 We can trade in the morning, outlander. FormID: 0006F98E DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 The forge is strong and so is our chief, Larak. I'm content. FormID: 00033109 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 My son, Olur, learns the forge well. His work brings me pride. FormID: 0003310C DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 I envy you, outlander. You can choose to leave if you wish. FormID: 0003310D DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Soon, I will be of age. The taste is bitter. FormID: 0003310E DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Perhaps I'll join the Legion one day, as my father had done. FormID: 00033110 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 I work in the forge and the mines. Mother says it pleases her and our people. FormID: 00033111 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Even good hammers warp metal if struck without care. FormID: 000606F5 DialogueMorKhazgur HELO 0 Mother tells me to shape metal with focus and strength. FormID: 000330F2 DialogueMorKhazgurLarakSharamphScene01 SCEN 0 Malacath is pleased with your strength, Larak. FormID: 000330EB DialogueMorKhazgurLarakSharamphScene01 SCEN 0 I am honored. FormID: 000330E4 DialogueMorKhazgurLarakOlurScene01 SCEN 0 The way you and your mother forge weapons is impressive. FormID: 000330F9 DialogueMorKhazgurLarakOlurScene01 SCEN 0 It's simple Orc smithing practice, my chief. Nothing that hasn't been passed down for years. FormID: 000330EF DialogueMorKhazgurLarakShuftharzScene01 SCEN 0 Thank you, my chief. FormID: 000330E8 DialogueMorKhazgurLarakShuftharzScene01 SCEN 0 Your muscles ripple when you work the forge. It's pleasing. FormID: 000C7CCC DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Damn shame, Roggvir. You were a good man. FormID: 000C7CCE DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 That makes Twenty-Three. FormID: 000C7CD7 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Talos protect you. Whispered FormID: 000C7CD9 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Roggvir. You damn fool. Whispered FormID: 000330AE DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 I'm going to find whoever did this. FormID: 000CDAF2 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Kynareth preserve us. FormID: 000A9B64 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Better this one than me. matter-of-fact FormID: 000A9B65 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Agh! Dead body! FormID: 000A9B66 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Poor bastard's better off. FormID: 000A9B67 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 What a waste. FormID: 000A9B68 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Another corpse for the pile. FormID: 000A9B69 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Such a shame. FormID: 000A9B6A DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Damn shame. FormID: 000A9B6B DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Dead? Oh my goodness! FormID: 000A9B6C DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Shouldn't leave things around to trip over... FormID: 000A9B6D DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Oh my word, this is terrible. FormID: 000A9B6E DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Agh! Who did this? FormID: 000A9B6F DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Another poor soul lost. FormID: 000A9B70 DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Dead? How did this happen? FormID: 000330AF DialogueGeneric NOTI 0 Oh... what happened? FormID: 000330AB DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Dragonborn! FormID: 00013A6F DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Shor's blood, the Thu'um! FormID: 0006CE43 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Are you Dragonborn? FormID: 00013A70 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 By the gods, is that the Voice? FormID: 00013A74 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Wow! FormID: 00013A75 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 That must be the Voice! FormID: 0006CE4F DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 What in Arkay's name was that? FormID: 00013A8B DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 That sound... it's deafening! FormID: 00013A8D DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Could that be... the Voice? FormID: 00013A8E DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Those words have such power! FormID: 0006CE50 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 What sort of power was that? FormID: 00013A8F DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 That was amazing! FormID: 00013A90 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 The Voice? Here? FormID: 00013A91 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 That sound could bring mountains down! FormID: 0006CE52 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 You have a mighty voice! FormID: 00013A92 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 That voice is power! FormID: 00013A93 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Louder than the roar of the Mane, that is! FormID: 00013A94 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 S'rendarr's mercy! FormID: 0006CE53 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Are you a Greybeard? FormID: 00013A95 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Did anyone else hear that? FormID: 00013A96 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 By the gods, my ears... FormID: 0006CE54 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 That gave me the shivers! FormID: 00013A97 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Now that's a real man! FormID: 00013A98 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Oh gods, my ears! FormID: 0006CE55 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Not so loud! FormID: 0006CE56 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 I haven't heard a true shout in generations! FormID: 00013A99 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 Now that's the true Voice! FormID: 0006CE57 DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 How did you do that? FormID: 00013A9A DialogueGeneric PCSH 0 What was that? FormID: 00032DF8 TG05SP SCEN 0 Do you honestly think your arrow will reach me before my blade finds your heart? FormID: 00032DF6 TG05SP SCEN 0 Give me a reason to try. FormID: 00032DF9 TG05SP SCEN 0 [QUOTE]To ensure an enemy's defeat, you must first undermine his allies.[QUOTE] quoting someone else while angry FormID: 00032DF9 TG05SP SCEN 1 It was the first lesson Gallus taught us. FormID: 00032DF4 TG05SP SCEN 0 You always were a quick study. sarcastic complement FormID: 00032DF7 TG05SP SCEN 0 Not quick enough, otherwise Gallus would still be alive. FormID: 00032DCF TG05SP SCEN 0 Gallus had his wealth and he had you. All he had to do was look the other way. FormID: 00032DDD TG05SP SCEN 0 Did you forget the Oath we took as Nightingales? Did you expect him to simply ignore your methods? FormID: 00032DF5 TG05SP SCEN 0 Enough of this mindless banter! Weapon drawing, furious. FormID: 00032DD5 TG05SP SCEN 0 I'm no fool, Mercer. Crossing blades with you would be a death sentence. FormID: 00032DD5 TG05SP SCEN 1 But I can promise the next time we meet, it will be your undoing. FormID: 00032DD0 TG05SP SCEN 0 You're a clever girl, Karliah. Buying Goldenglow Estate and funding Honningbrew Meadery was inspired. sarcastic chuckle before line FormID: 00032DF3 TG05SP SCEN 0 How interesting. It appears Gallus's history has repeated itself. Standing over Player who is dying FormID: 00032DF3 TG05SP SCEN 1 Karliah has provided me with the means to be rid of you, and this ancient tomb becomes your final resting place. Standing over Player who is dying FormID: 00032DF3 TG05SP SCEN 2 But do you know what intrigues me the most? The fact that this was all possible because of you. Standing over Player who is dying FormID: 000D1819 TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Shhh. Listen to Enthir... we can't afford to miss a single detail. FormID: 000D181A TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 We haven't much time for discussion, but what did you need? FormID: 00023608 TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Let's listen to Enthir's translation before we decide what we do. FormID: 00053069 TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Please, there isn't much time. What is it? FormID: 0005306A TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Please, make it brief. We have much to do. FormID: 0005306B TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Back, eh? And how was our friend Calcelmo? FormID: 000B407E TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Was there something else? FormID: 000B407F TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Yes, yes. What is it? annoyed FormID: 0005306C TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Can I help you with anything else? FormID: 0005306D TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Ah yes, my matchmaker. What is it I can do for you? FormID: 0005349D TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 Look, I'm very busy, so this better be important. FormID: 0005349E TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 I've already provided you with the key to my museum, what else could you possibly want? FormID: 000BBCAC TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 What is it this time? FormID: 0005349F TG06 TG06Hellos HELO 0 This better be important. FormID: 00032D55 TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Karliah? Then she's finally found it. Surprised, to self aloud. FormID: 00032D55 TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Do you have Gallus's Journal? FormID: 00032D5B TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranch05 CUST 0 A problem? Let me see it. FormID: 00032D5B TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranch05 CUST 1 This is just like Gallus. A dear friend, but always too clever for his own good. FormID: 00032D5B TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranch05 CUST 2 He's written all of the text in the Falmer language. FormID: 00032D5A TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranch06 CUST 0 No. However, I know someone who might. FormID: 00032D5A TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranch06 CUST 1 The court wizard of Markarth, Calcelmo, may have the materials you need to get this journal translated. FormID: 00032D5A TG06 TG06EnthirIntroBranch TG06EnthirIntroBranch06 CUST 2 A word of warning. Calcelmo is a fierce guardian of his research. Getting the information won't be easy. FormID: 00032D58 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Then you were well informed. I am at this very moment on the cusp of completing my magnum opus on the subject. full of self FormID: 00032D58 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm calling it [QUOTE]Calcelmo's Guide to the Falmer Tongue.[QUOTE] It will revolutionize the way we understand those ancient beings. full of self FormID: 0005349A TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01 CUST 0 Preposterous! That research represents years of personal toil in some of the most dangerous Dwemer ruins in Skyrim! Walk Away FormID: 0005349A TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch01 CUST 1 You must be mad to think I'd allow anyone to see it before it's completed. Walk Away FormID: 00032D5D TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02 CUST 0 I'm not certain how many scholars you're accustomed to dealing with, but I can assure you that personal wealth is our lowest priority. smug/offended Walk Away FormID: 000A6CD7 CW CWVictoryBranch CWVictoryTopic CUST 0 By defeating Ulfric at Whiterun we have solidified the allegiance of the Jarl. FormID: 000A6CD7 CW CWVictoryBranch CWVictoryTopic CUST 1 Perhaps the Stormcloaks will soon lose heart for this little rebellion of theirs once and for all. FormID: 000CD157 CW CWVictoryBranch CWVictoryTopic CUST 0 We've driven the Imperials out of Whiterun. This is good. Very good. We now control the center. It's a powerful position. One I aim to keep. FormID: 0005799E CW CWOrdersBranch CWOrdersTopic CUST 0 The rebels have agreed to cease hostilities until we hash out this treaty. Suffice it to say I'm not holding my breath. FormID: 00064F69 CW CWOrdersBranch CWOrdersTopic CUST 0 For the moment we have ceased hostilities. We'll see what these Imperials have to say. I doubt we'll come to any lasting agreement. FormID: 00064F6B CW CWOrdersBranch CWOrdersTopic CUST 0 Things are quiet for the moment. That won't last long. As soon as a new campaign starts, I want you there. Stay close. See me tomorrow. FormID: 00049324 CW CWOrdersBranch CWOrdersTopic CUST 0 The gods have granted us peace for the moment. But that won't last long. I'm sure trouble will be stirred up soon enough. FormID: 00032938 MS14 SCEN 0 Of course. But why not let him go in first? FormID: 00032939 MS14 SCEN 0 Of course. But why not let her go in first? FormID: 0003293A MS14 MS14ThonnirMobScaredBranch MS14ThonnirMobScaredBranchTopic CUST 0 They may be cowards, but I'm not. I'll go with you. FormID: 00032937 MS14 MS14ThonnirMobScaredBranch CUST 0 Lead on. FormID: 0003293B MS14 MS14ThonnirMobScaredBranch CUST 0 I suppose you're right. I'm not a fighting man. FormID: 0003293B MS14 MS14ThonnirMobScaredBranch CUST 1 Go, and avenge my Laelette for me. FormID: 00032902 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 So you're the Dragonborn I've been hearing so much about. Walk Away FormID: 000211DF MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 Close the door, then we can talk. quietly FormID: 000211E0 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 Not here. Follow me. quietly FormID: 000C65A1 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 The Greybeards seem to think you're the Dragonborn. I hope they're right. sizing you up FormID: 00032907 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA1 CUST 0 Surprised? I guess I'm getting pretty good at my harmless innkeeper act. amused at your surprise but bitter that she's so easily taken for a non-entity FormID: 00032909 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA2 CUST 0 You can't be too careful. Thalmor spies are everywhere. grimly FormID: 00032913 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroB2 CUST 0 It was the only way I could make sure it wasn't a Thalmor trap. grimly FormID: 0003290C MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveTopic CUST 0 You ready to hear me out? Walk Away FormID: 0003290E MQ106 IDAT 0 I'm not your enemy. I already gave you the horn. I'm actually trying to help you. I just need you to hear me out. urgently FormID: 0003290F MQ106 IDAT 0 I'm part of a group that's been looking for you... well, someone like you, for a very long time. getting down to business FormID: 0003290F MQ106 IDAT 1 If you really are Dragonborn, that is. Before I tell you any more, I need to make sure I can trust you. suspiciously FormID: 00032910 MQ106 IDAT 0 Kynesgrove. There's an ancient dragon burial near there. If we can get there before it happens, maybe we'll learn how to stop it. FormID: 00035D51 MQ106 IDAT 0 That was well done. Come on. I've been wanting a closer look at one of these buggers. FormID: 00035E0E MQ106 IDAT 0 Come on. Let's go see if there's a mythical dragon buried up there. FormID: 00035E0F MQ106 IDAT 0 We need to find the burial mound. Let's ask in the inn. FormID: 00061D73 MQ106 IDAT 0 I... it's true, isn't it? You really are Dragonborn. stunned into speechlessness - quiet, reflective FormID: 0005F5BB MQ106 IDAT 0 So you were paying attention. I arranged to have Farengar recover the dragonstone for me. FormID: 0005F5BB MQ106 IDAT 1 It's what I do. I make things happen from behind the scenes. After all, here you are. FormID: 000CA636 MQ106 IDAT 0 I shouldn't let you walk out of here, knowing what you know. But I guess even my paranoia has its limits. seriously considering whether or not to kill you right now FormID: 000CA636 MQ106 IDAT 1 You know where to find me when you change your mind. Because you will. You have to. FormID: 0008304D MQ106 IDAT 0 We remember what most don't - that the Dragonborn is the ultimate dragonslayer. FormID: 0008304D MQ106 IDAT 1 You're the only one that can kill a dragon permanently by devouring its soul. FormID: 0008304E MQ106 IDAT 0 The dragonstone was a map of ancient dragon burial sites. I've looked at which ones are now empty. The pattern is pretty clear. FormID: 0008304E MQ106 IDAT 1 It seems to be spreading from the southeast, down in the Jeralls near Riften. The one at Kynesgrove is next if the pattern holds. FormID: 000211E9 MQ106 IDAT 0 I didn't go to all this trouble on a whim. I needed to make sure it wasn't a Thalmor trap. grimly FormID: 000211F2 MQ106 IDAT 0 You should know. You got the map for me. The dragonstone you got for Farengar, remember? FormID: 000B3987 MQ106 IDAT 0 Slen Tiid Vo! the Shout he's using to resurrect the dragon Sahloknir. Maximum intensity. Enunciate each word -- almost pausing between them. FormID: 0010339A MQ106 IDAT 0 There's no time to waste. Let's go. FormID: 000328F9 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveA1 CUST 0 Like I said in my note, I've heard that you might be Dragonborn. FormID: 000328FB MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveA2 CUST 0 I'll explain what I want when I want, got it? You'd already be dead if I didn't like the look of you when you walked in here. with a flash of anger FormID: 000328FB MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveA2 CUST 1 But I had to know if the rumors about you were true... FormID: 00032901 MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveC1 CUST 0 If you don't trust me, you were a fool to walk in here in the first place. Walk Away FormID: 000328FE MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveD1 CUST 0 Dragons aren't just coming back, they're coming back to life. emphasis on [QUOTE]they're coming back to life[QUOTE] -- this is new and surprising information that she's telling you FormID: 000328FE MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveD1 CUST 1 They weren't gone somewhere for all these years. They were dead, killed off centuries ago by my predecessors. FormID: 000328FE MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveD1 CUST 2 Now something's happening to bring them back to life. And I need you to help me stop it. FormID: 0008649C MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A2 CUST 0 I know they are. I've visited their ancient burial mounds and found them empty. FormID: 0008649C MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A2 CUST 1 And I've figured out where the next one will come back to life. FormID: 0008649C MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A2 CUST 2 We're going to go there, and you're going to kill that dragon. If we succeed, I'll tell you anything you want to know. FormID: 00032905 MQ106 GBYE 0 You'll be back. If you're really Dragonborn, this is your destiny. FormID: 001033A5 MQ106 GBYE 0 Let's get going. FormID: 001033A6 MQ106 GBYE 0 Come on. We've got to get to Kynesgrove. FormID: 001033A7 MQ106 GBYE 0 We'd better keep moving. FormID: 0003290D MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A1 CUST 0 Ha. A few years ago, I said almost the same thing to a colleague of mine. Well, it turned out he was right and I was wrong. bitterly FormID: 00032911 MQ106 MQ106Kynesgrove MQ106KynesgroveEntryTopic CUST 0 That mound you remembered sounds like what we're looking for. East of Kynesgrove, right? FormID: 00035816 MQ106 MQ106Kynesgrove MQ106KynesgroveEntryTopic CUST 0 I don't know exactly. We need to find the ancient burial mound. Let's ask around town. FormID: 00032887 C03 SCEN 0 I'm glad you came. It's been a long time since we had a heart like yours among our numbers. FormID: 00032887 C03 SCEN 1 That pitiful ceremony behind the hall does not befit warriors like us. FormID: 00032887 C03 SCEN 2 You are due more honor than some calls and feasting. FormID: 00032888 C03 SCEN 0 We do this in secret because Kodlak is too busy trying to throw away this great gift we've been granted. FormID: 00032888 C03 SCEN 1 He thinks we've been cursed. But we've been blessed. How can something that gives this kind of prowess be a curse? FormID: 00032888 C03 SCEN 2 So we take matters into our own hands. FormID: 00032886 C03 C03AelaForceGreetAtEnd C03AelaForceGreetAtEndTopic CUST 0 He was one of the strongest we had, but numbers can overwhelm. He should not have come without a Shield-Brother. FormID: 00032886 C03 C03AelaForceGreetAtEnd C03AelaForceGreetAtEndTopic CUST 1 Get out of here. I'm going to make sure we got the last of them, and see if there's any information to be gotten from the bodies. FormID: 00032886 C03 C03AelaForceGreetAtEnd C03AelaForceGreetAtEndTopic CUST 2 You and I have work to do. The Silver Hand will tremble at our sight. FormID: 00032883 C03 C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranch C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranchTopic CUST 0 There's a pack of werewolf hunters camped nearby, at Gallows Rock. FormID: 00032883 C03 C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranch C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranchTopic CUST 1 The Silver Hand. I think you've met them before. FormID: 00032883 C03 C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranch C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranchTopic CUST 2 We're going to slaughter them. All of them. FormID: 00032883 C03 C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranch C03AelaForceGreetPostTransformBranchTopic CUST 3 Lead on. Skjor's already scouting ahead. FormID: 00032885 C03 SCEN 0 To reach the heights of the Companions, you must join with us in the shared blood of the wolf. FormID: 00032B91 MQ102B MQ102RalofIntro MQ102RalofIntroBlocking CUST 0 I was hoping you'd change your mind. Come on. I'm heading to Riverwood, just up the road. My sister Gerdur will help us out. Walk Away FormID: 00032A47 MQ102B MQ102RalofIntro MQ102RalofIntroA1 CUST 0 All right. If I make it back to Windhelm, I'll make sure Ulfric knows how you helped me. FormID: 00032A47 MQ102B MQ102RalofIntro MQ102RalofIntroA1 CUST 1 Skyrim needs people like you, if we ever hope to regain our freedom from the damned Empire. Good luck. seriously FormID: 00032816 MQ102B MQ102RalofIntro MQ102RaolofIntroA2 CUST 0 Keep an eye out for Imperials. They still hold this entire region. As long as we don't do anything stupid... we should be all right. FormID: 0003277F DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04PointerToSeptimusBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, that's the work of Septimus Signus. FormID: 0003277F DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04PointerToSeptimusBranchTopic CUST 1 He's the world's master of the nature of Elder Scrolls, but... well. FormID: 0003277F DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04PointerToSeptimusBranchTopic CUST 2 He's been gone for a long while. Too long. FormID: 0003277E DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Come closer. Bask in my presence. FormID: 0003277D DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 0 I am Hermaeus Mora. I am the guardian of the unseen, and knower of the unknown. I have been watching you, mortal. FormID: 0003277D DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 1 Most impressive. FormID: 0003277C DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 0 Your continuing aid to Septimus renders him increasingly obsolete. He has served me well, but his time is nearing its end. FormID: 0003277C DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 1 Once that infernal lockbox is opened, he will have exhausted his usefulness to me. FormID: 0003277C DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 2 When that time comes, you shall take his place as my emissary. What say you? FormID: 0003277B DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 0 Indeed. Speak with me when the box has been opened, and all shall be revealed. FormID: 00032784 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraIntroBranch CUST 0 Be warned. Many have thought as you do. I have broken them all. You shall not evade me forever. FormID: 00032782 DA04 DA04Goodbye GBYE 0 Go forth. Do the biddings of Septimus, for he is working my will in your plane. FormID: 00032781 DA04 SCEN 0 What is this... it's... it's just a book?! I can see. The world beyond burns in my mind. It's marvelous.... FormID: 00032780 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranch DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranchTopic CUST 0 Come, my champion. FormID: 00032783 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranch DA04HermaeusMoraQuestFinishTopic CUST 0 Now you have my Oghma Infinium. It contains the knowledge of the ages as revealed to Xarses, my loyal servant. FormID: 00032783 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranch DA04HermaeusMoraQuestFinishTopic CUST 1 For hundreds of years it's been shut away from the world. Septimus was a useful tool for unleashing it. FormID: 00032783 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranch DA04HermaeusMoraQuestFinishTopic CUST 2 Now it is in your hands. Let us work wonders together... FormID: 00031961 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranchTopic CUST 0 Eirid and I are playing Hunt the Elf. It's my job to find the Elf, and kill it dead. FormID: 00031961 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranchTopic CUST 1 Have you seen it? FormID: 00031963 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurResponse1 CUST 0 Thanks! FormID: 0003195F DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurResponse2 CUST 0 Thanks! FormID: 00031964 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurResponse3 CUST 0 All right! FormID: 00031960 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurResponse4 CUST 0 Fine, Elf-Lover. I'll find her myself. FormID: 00031962 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdAssurGameBranch DialogueWinterholdAssurResponse5 CUST 0 I'll find that Elf. I always do. FormID: 00031954 DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 I'm gonna find you, Elf! playing game, trying to sound big and mean FormID: 00031955 DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 Ha! Found you! FormID: 00031953 DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 I hate this game. FormID: 00031952 DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 That's because you always lose... Elf. mean FormID: 0003193F DialogueWinterholdInnScene03 SCEN 0 I understand Eirid's been playing [QUOTE]Hunt the Elf[QUOTE] again. FormID: 00031926 DialogueWinterholdInnScene03 SCEN 0 It's just children playing, Haran. I wouldn't fret over it. FormID: 00031929 DialogueWinterholdInnScene03 SCEN 0 I'm not [QUOTE]fretting.[QUOTE] I don't want Eirid playing those sorts of games! FormID: 00031938 DialogueWinterholdInnScene03 SCEN 0 All right, all right. I'll speak to her. FormID: 0003192B DialogueWinterholdInnScene04 SCEN 0 I understand Korir's been complaining about our customers again. FormID: 00031939 DialogueWinterholdInnScene04 SCEN 0 What of it? It's our Inn, and they cause him no harm. FormID: 0003192C DialogueWinterholdInnScene04 SCEN 0 I believe he was suggesting their presence causes him harm. FormID: 0003193A DialogueWinterholdInnScene04 SCEN 0 Well, then he's welcome to eat and drink at home, isn't he? FormID: 0003192D DialogueWinterholdInnScene05 SCEN 0 Well, isn't this a surprise! FormID: 0003193C DialogueWinterholdInnScene05 SCEN 0 How much of our money have you spent today, Ranmir? Anything left, or is it all gone? FormID: 0003192F DialogueWinterholdInnScene05 SCEN 0 If I wanted to get yelled at, I'd be home. Can't you leave me be? FormID: 0003193D DialogueWinterholdInnScene05 SCEN 0 Oh, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you? Am I making your life more difficult? FormID: 00031930 DialogueWinterholdInnScene06 SCEN 0 Please, come home. Just... Just come home. FormID: 0003193E DialogueWinterholdInnScene06 SCEN 0 Can't. Got at least two rounds to go. FormID: 00031931 DialogueWinterholdInnScene06 SCEN 0 Why don't you go... sell something. FormID: 00031940 DialogueWinterholdInnScene06 SCEN 0 Why? Because I'd rather be here trying to keep my only brother from drinking himself to death. FormID: 00031932 DialogueWinterholdInnScene06 SCEN 0 Ha! Drink ain't gonna kill me. Not today, anyway. FormID: 00031927 DialogueWinterholdInnScene07 SCEN 0 Is everything well, Nelacar? FormID: 00031935 DialogueWinterholdInnScene07 SCEN 0 Oh yes, quite fine. My accommodations here continue to be just what I need. FormID: 0003192E DialogueWinterholdInnScene07 SCEN 0 And there haven't been any... problems? hesitant FormID: 00031936 DialogueWinterholdInnScene07 SCEN 0 Are you referring to your other customers? No, everything is quite all right. I expect a bit of animosity now and then. FormID: 0003193B DialogueWinterholdInnScene07 SCEN 0 I see. Well, let me know if things get out of hand. FormID: 00031928 DialogueWinterholdInnScene08 SCEN 0 I say, you didn't hear any loud noises last night, did you? No, ahh... explosion sounds? FormID: 00031933 DialogueWinterholdInnScene08 SCEN 0 No, I certainly didn't! surprised, laughing FormID: 00031937 DialogueWinterholdInnScene08 SCEN 0 Is there a reason you're asking me? realized question wasn't a joke, suddenly suspicious FormID: 00031925 DialogueWinterholdInnScene08 SCEN 0 No, certainly not. A small experiment may have gone awry, but clearly with no discernable consequences. FormID: 0003192A DialogueWinterholdInnScene08 SCEN 0 I... see. And is this something I'll need to worry about in the future? suspicious FormID: 00031934 DialogueWinterholdInnScene08 SCEN 0 Oh, certainly I hope not! That would be quite unfortunate for my research. FormID: 000318F3 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroA1 CUST 0 Yes, yes, so you said. But so what? The end is upon us. I may as well die here as anywhere else. I'm tired of running. with despair and weariness FormID: 00036361 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroB1 CUST 0 Important? Far more than even she realizes! If you are Dragonborn, then... with astonished relief, almost giddiness FormID: 000318F6 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroAlduinExclusive MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveB2 CUST 0 Oh, yes. It's all been foretold. The end has begun. Alduin has returned. FormID: 000318F6 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroAlduinExclusive MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveB2 CUST 1 Only a Dragonborn can stop him. But no Dragonborn has been known for centuries. FormID: 000318F6 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutroAlduinExclusive MQ202EsbernOutroExclusiveB2 CUST 2 It seems that the gods have grown tired of us. They've left us to our fate, as the plaything of Alduin the World-Eater. FormID: 000318F4 MQ202 SCEN 0 But, give me... just a moment... I must gather a few things... searching wildly around his home, throwing papers on the floor, etc. FormID: 000318B9 DialogueWinterholdInnScene01 SCEN 0 Are we running low on mead? FormID: 000318B2 DialogueWinterholdInnScene01 SCEN 0 No. Even Ranmir can only drink so much. laughing FormID: 0006570B DialogueWinterholdInnScene01 SCEN 0 No, without Ranmir around we're running out of stock far less often than we used to. FormID: 000318BC DialogueWinterholdInnScene01 SCEN 0 Let's just keep an eye on the supply. It's such a chore to restock. FormID: 000318B3 DialogueWinterholdInnScene01 SCEN 0 I suppose that's a benefit to having so few customers. joking FormID: 000318B4 DialogueWinterholdInnScene02 SCEN 0 How long are we going to let Ranmir drink himself into a stupor? When will enough be enough? FormID: 000318B5 DialogueWinterholdInnScene02 SCEN 0 As long as he keeps paying, I suppose. He keeps to himself, and isn't hurting anyone. FormID: 000318BF DialogueWinterholdInnScene02 SCEN 0 Are you so sure of that? I think Birna might disagree with you. FormID: 000318B6 DialogueWinterholdInnScene02 SCEN 0 It's not my place to get involved in their family's business, remember? You're the one that told me to stay out of it. FormID: 000318BD DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 Good morning, Assur. What do you want to do today? FormID: 000318BA DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 We're playing Hunt the Elf. You're the Elf. mean, snotty FormID: 000318B1 DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 Why do I always have to be the Elf? I don't want to! upset, whiny FormID: 000318BE DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 Too bad. That's what we're playing, and you're the Elf. Now go hide so I can hunt you! FormID: 000318B0 DialogueWinterhold SCEN 0 Fine. pouting FormID: 000318F8 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 0 I know, I know. I'm hurrying. distracted FormID: 00037F1E MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 0 Yes, I'll be ready in a moment, I just need one more thing... distracted FormID: 00037F1F MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 0 Fine! I'll just... leave the rest of it. Let's go, then, if you're in such a hurry. distracted FormID: 000318F9 MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 0 Come in, come in. Mustn't speak of these things in the Ratway. FormID: 0003172E MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 0 You... Dragonborn? Is it really true? FormID: 0003172F MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 0 So Delphine keeps up the fight, after all these years. shaking his head sadly FormID: 0003172F MQ202 MQ202EsbernOutro MQ202EsbernOutroTopic CUST 1 I thought she'd have realized it's hopeless by now. I tried to tell her, years ago... shakes head sadly at her refusal to face the facts FormID: 000316F8 DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkaldScene SCEN 0 Divines sake, Skald. Who do think we're threatening with our old war wounds? We're not soldiers, anymore. FormID: 00031277 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 So you're the newest member of our dwindling, dysfunctional little Family. I've heard quite a bit about you. FormID: 00031296 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirFirstGreetBranch DBNazirFirstGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Stop. Turn around. And go back the way you came. Astrid is waiting for you. She's down near the entrance. You must have passed right by her. FormID: 0003056F DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreSkaggi01 SCEN 0 You work hard, Daighre. Glad you have stayed with us. FormID: 00030560 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreSkaggi01 SCEN 0 I'm grateful, Skaggi. I'm sorry my daughter gives you so much trouble. FormID: 0003056E DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith01 SCEN 0 Skaggi tells me that you were bothering him today. Can't you and Torom just play by yourselves? FormID: 00030563 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith01 SCEN 0 But mom, it's so boring with just me and Torom. I was just asking Skaggi some questions. FormID: 00030572 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith01 SCEN 0 You leave him alone. I don't want to hear Skaggi telling me you've been bothering him again! FormID: 00030564 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith01 SCEN 0 Yes, ma'am. FormID: 00030588 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 Mining out this old rock is a lot quieter, now. Thank the Divines. FormID: 00030589 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 Hard to believe there'd be an old crypt underneath the mine. FormID: 0005E9AE DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 We're getting back to work as best we can. FormID: 0003058E DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 It's crazy to still be working here. What if there's more draugr down there? FormID: 0003058F DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 This mine will be our grave yet. I just know it. FormID: 0005E9B0 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 Any day now more draugr are going to come out of that crypt. FormID: 0006134D DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 We tunneled into an old crypt. We're warning strangers to keep out. FormID: 0006134E DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 I'm not going into the mine with draugr lurking down there. FormID: 0006134F DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 Guards are useless. They just stand around waiting for a full regiment to come and help. FormID: 00061350 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 We're keeping the mine closed until that crypt is clear. FormID: 00061351 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 I hear talk about a regiment coming to clear the crypt out. We'll see if that happens. FormID: 00061352 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 There's still plenty of ore left in that mine. What a waste. FormID: 000614F3 DialogueSoljundsSinkhole HELO 0 Mine's closed. Move along. FormID: 000304ED dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 This is the last hagraven between us and my mother! FormID: 000304E6 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 Greetings, mother. FormID: 000304E9 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 Daughter. Who is this you have brought me? FormID: 000304EB dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 I found a willing subject for you. Payment has already been discussed, of course. Sneaky - you're leaving out that the subject will be killed. FormID: 000304EC dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 Splendid! Please take a seat on the chair behind me, would you? You're shifting your attention to the player after [QUOTE]Splendid[QUOTE] Polite but not friendly. FormID: 000304E5 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 I'll just prepare the subject now... [QUOTE]Subject[QUOTE] like it's an amusing term to you (because you are about to kill him) FormID: 000304E8 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 I can't let you do this, mother. You have to die now! FormID: 000E3E84 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 I'm still busy, but I can always make time to speak with you. FormID: 000E3E85 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 Always a pleasure. What brings you back? FormID: 000E3E86 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 Any luck locating those jazbay grapes? FormID: 0006BBA7 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're back. FormID: 000E3E87 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 I hope this is important... I get little sleep as it is. annoyed because tired FormID: 000E3302 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 I'm a bit busy at the moment, what did you want? annoyed because tired FormID: 000303D8 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 I have a lot to do around the farm, so make it quick please. What is it you wanted? annoyed because tired FormID: 000303D6 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 I don't suppose you could come back another time? I'm very busy. annoyed because tired FormID: 000303D9 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 This place is boring. Nothing but the same thing every day. Sigh. FormID: 000303DA DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 I wish I could head to one of the capital cities... maybe even back to Mournhold. Anywhere but here. FormID: 000303DB DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 One day I hope to become a painter, but at this rate it looks like it's never going to happen. FormID: 000303DC DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to set what you see on a canvas so you'd have that memory forever? FormID: 000303DD DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmHellos HELO 0 My sister keeps telling me that the farm keeps us alive, but I don't really call this living. FormID: 000303DF DialogueSarethiFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Aduri, how come the fields haven't been tilled like I asked? FormID: 000303E0 DialogueSarethiFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Because it's boring. The fields are going to do fine... you don't have to dote over them so much. annoyed FormID: 000303CF DialogueSarethiFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Boring? That food is paying for everything. If we lose even a single crop, we could starve or be forced to beg. I won't have it! FormID: 000303D0 DialogueSarethiFarmScene01 SCEN 0 All right, I understand. I'll do it tomorrow, okay? Just get off my back. very annoyed FormID: 000303DE DialogueSarethiFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Have you decided if I can head up to Solitude yet? I hear it's the best place to meet someone who may be willing to teach me to paint. FormID: 000303D2 DialogueSarethiFarmScene02 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, Aduri, not this year. Perhaps next year after the harvest, I don't know. There's so much to do. you're sorry you can't let your daughter do what she wants FormID: 000303D3 DialogueSarethiFarmScene02 SCEN 0 It's not going to be next year, nor the year after that! You just care about this farm more than you care about me! FormID: 000303D1 DialogueSarethiFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Painting won't put food on the table, but our crops will. Be patient Aduri... it will happen someday, I promise. FormID: 0003031E dunPOIReachForswornRaidQST dunPOIReachForswornRaidQST_Hello HELO 0 Thanks for the help. Not many willing to take on the Forsworn these days. FormID: 00030309 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirBorriWord MQ105ArngeirBorriWordTopic CUST 0 Stand next to me, and prepare your Whirlwind Sprint. Master Borri will give the signal. FormID: 0003030A MQ105 MQ105ArngeirBorriWord MQ105ArngeirBorriWordTopic CUST 0 Follow me. Master Borri will test your Whirlwind Sprint. FormID: 000A5469 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirBorriWord MQ105ArngeirBorriWordTopic CUST 0 We will do your next test in the courtyard. Follow Master Borri. FormID: 000C3A09 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirBorriWord MQ105ArngeirBorriWordTopic CUST 0 Master Borri will teach you the first Word of a new Shout. Attend to him. slightly disapproving FormID: 0002F2C9 MQ105 HELO 0 Master Einarth is waiting. sarcastically FormID: 0003030E MQ105 HELO 0 You must feel the Word within yourself. FormID: 0003030F MQ105 HELO 0 You learn quickly, as only a Dragonborn can. FormID: 00030310 MQ105 HELO 0 Master Borri is waiting. FormID: 00030317 MQ00 MQArngeirDragonborn MQArngeirDragonbornTopic CUST 0 Dragons have the inborn ability to learn and project their Voice. Dragons also are able to absorb the power of their slain brethren. FormID: 00030317 MQ00 MQArngeirDragonborn MQArngeirDragonbornTopic CUST 1 A few mortals are born with similar abilities -- whether a gift or a curse has been a matter of debate down through the centuries. FormID: 00030317 MQ00 MQArngeirDragonborn MQArngeirDragonbornTopic CUST 2 What you have already learned in a few days took even the most gifted of us years to achieve. FormID: 00030317 MQ00 MQArngeirDragonborn MQArngeirDragonbornTopic CUST 3 Some believe that Dragonborn are sent into the world by the gods, at times of great need. We will speak more of that later, when you are ready. FormID: 00030311 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirHornBlockingTopic CUST 0 Your quick mastery of a new Thu'um is... astonishing. I'd heard the stories of the abilities of Dragonborn, but to see it for myself... stunned and amazed Walk Away FormID: 00030314 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirHornA1 CUST 0 No. Indeed not. But beware that your skill does not outstrip your wisdom. sternly, disapproving FormID: 000302A3 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 Despite what you discovered it's still comforting to know my husband is at peace. FormID: 0006BBA5 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 So, any luck finding my louse of a husband? FormID: 000E3E8B DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 Hmph. If you see my good-for-nothing husband Leifnarr on your journeys tell him he's no longer welcome here. FormID: 000302A4 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 Men are utter pigs... they only care about one thing. FormID: 000E3E8C DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 You men are utter pigs... you only care about one thing. FormID: 000E3E8D DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 Men are complete pigs, am I right? All they care about is one thing... and you know exactly what I mean. FormID: 000302A5 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 If I ever catch my husband in bed with another woman, he's going to find himself homeless. FormID: 0006BBA6 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 I can't believe my mother's gone. Now what'll I do? FormID: 000E3E8E DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 I knew it! I knew my father was a hero and he didn't just run away. FormID: 000302A9 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 It's just me and my mother at the mill here. My father is gone. We don't know what happened to him. FormID: 000302A8 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 I hope you're not here to start some trouble. I'll fight you if I have to. FormID: 000302AA DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 My mother taught me the millwork trade... you know, which trees to cut and which ones to pass up. FormID: 000E3E8F DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 Someday I'll take over the mill... when I'm old enough. FormID: 000302AB DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 I'm not afraid of anyone. Put a sword in my hand and I could defend this place if I had to! acting tough FormID: 000302AC DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillHellos HELO 0 Millwork sure is boring, but at least I don't have to work in a nasty mine. FormID: 000302AE DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 Gralnach! I told you not to go through your father's things! yelling at your daughter FormID: 000E3E7B DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sorry mother, now that he's dead, I just want to know everything I can about him. FormID: 000302AF DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sorry mother, I just want to know more about him. You never tell me anything! FormID: 000E3E6D DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 He was a wonderful man, and he loved us very much. I'm sorry I yelled at you. FormID: 000302A1 DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 That's because there's nothing to tell. He left us to fend for ourselves and that's all you need to know. FormID: 000E3E71 DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 It's okay, mother. I understand. FormID: 0003029E DialogueHeartwoodMillScene01 SCEN 0 I wish you didn't hate him so much... I wish the whole family could be together again. FormID: 000302A2 DialogueHeartwoodMillScene02 SCEN 0 Mother, I finished cutting at the northern stand. Where do I move on to now? FormID: 0003029F DialogueHeartwoodMillScene02 SCEN 0 There is a copse of elms to the east. We could really use that wood. FormID: 000302AD DialogueHeartwoodMillScene02 SCEN 0 I was hoping to head into Riften for supplies, but I can do that after I'm done with the elms. FormID: 000302A0 DialogueHeartwoodMillScene02 SCEN 0 Just be careful, Gralnach. That copse doesn't look safe. If you see any trouble, you run right home. FormID: 0006B999 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 Thanks again for getting my bow back from those thieves. Next time they come knocking I'll be ready. FormID: 000E3E7D DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 So, has my bow turned up yet? FormID: 000E3E7E DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 Who in the name of Azura are you? act startled - in a bad way FormID: 000E3E7F DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 You look suspicious. You better not be one of those damn thieves. act startled FormID: 000E3E80 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 It's not safe around here. There's thieves out there looking to steal everything you own. act startled FormID: 000E3E81 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 You even think of taking something from my house... and I'll kill you. FormID: 00030262 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 Now that you've brought Dravin's bow back, he's back to his crabby old self. For better or for worse, I still thank you. FormID: 0006B99A DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 After we were robbed, Dravin's become more bitter than ever. He hates this place. FormID: 00030264 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 You'll have to forgive my husband's manners. He's not used to pleasantries. FormID: 00030265 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 The war's been hard on the farm and hard on Dravin. We don't know what to expect from one day to the next. FormID: 00030266 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 Someday, I hope we can get away from here... perhaps move back to Morrowind. This isn't at all what we expected. FormID: 000E3E82 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmHellos HELO 0 I'm afraid we have little to offer you in the way of hospitality. FormID: 00030268 DialogueMerryfairFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Synda... you left your dagger behind again yesterday. I told you, the road isn't safe. FormID: 00030267 DialogueMerryfairFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Husband, you worry far too much. We are within an hour's walk of Riften. FormID: 00030259 DialogueMerryfairFarmScene01 SCEN 0 That doesn't matter. All it would take is a stray wolf or a bandit crossing your path... I can't bare to lose you after everything we've done. FormID: 0003025D DialogueMerryfairFarmScene01 SCEN 0 If it puts your mind at ease, I'll take it with me. I'm sorry. FormID: 00030258 DialogueMerryfairFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Dravin! One of the soldiers I spoke to on the way home said you threatened them. What's come over you? FormID: 0003025C DialogueMerryfairFarmScene02 SCEN 0 I can't stand them, they represent everything I hate about Skyrim. They're tearing the place apart! FormID: 0003025A DialogueMerryfairFarmScene02 SCEN 0 All you'll accomplish by threatening them is ending up in the Riften dungeon. You're lucky they didn't take you seriously. FormID: 00030269 DialogueMerryfairFarmScene02 SCEN 0 Sorry, Marise. I just can't sit back and watch them treat us like a resource. This is our home! FormID: 0003025B DialogueMerryfairFarmScene02 SCEN 0 I don't care! Just stay away from the soldiers and keep to your business. It's the only way we'll make it through this. FormID: 0003014E DialogueSalviusFarmhouseScene02 SCEN 0 Maybe we could invite some of those nice guards over. You know, for some supper? FormID: 00030148 DialogueSalviusFarmhouseScene02 SCEN 0 No. I have enough trouble without more mouths to feed! They're the Jarl's men, they can eat supper at the keep. FormID: 00030144 DialogueSalviusFarmOutsideScene01 SCEN 0 Terrible. Only a matter of time before soldiers come and burn all my hard work into dust! FormID: 00030143 DialogueSalviusFarmOutsideScene01 SCEN 0 How do you think the crops are coming, dear? FormID: 00030145 DialogueSalviusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 Look at the sky. Be a terrible day tomorrow. I know it. FormID: 0003014F DialogueSalviusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 Oh, Rogatus! Maybe tomorrow will be pleasant for once, hmm? It can't be terrible every day! FormID: 0003014A DialogueSalviusFarmOutsideScene02 SCEN 0 Yes it can. I haven't been wrong in 50 years, and I won't be wrong tomorrow. FormID: 00030147 DialogueLeftHandMinePavoGatScene01 SCEN 0 Are you all right, Gat? FormID: 00030149 DialogueLeftHandMinePavoGatScene01 SCEN 0 Still shaken from all the fighting, my friend. It's been too long since I had to kill someone. FormID: 000300E8 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 I try to think of it as coaxing the ore from the rock. FormID: 000300E9 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 I keep hearing stories about Morrowind. Sounds like a wretched place. FormID: 000300EA DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 I hear there's baked slaughterfish tonight. FormID: 000300F0 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Is there something I can help you with? exhausted FormID: 000300F1 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 What's your trouble? Dasturn telling tales again? FormID: 000300F2 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 We keep hearing that the war could come through here. I try not to worry about it. FormID: 000300F3 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 It's tough to keep track of Hrefna. If her father wasn't such a snowback, he'd be around to help out. FormID: 00035041 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 I'm not proud of Hrefna's father. If she knew him, she wouldn't be either. FormID: 000300F5 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Hi! I've never seen you around here before. Are you a miner too? FormID: 000300F6 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Sondas takes care of me when mom's not around. FormID: 00035042 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Derkeethus used to take me diving way down deep in the river. I miss him. FormID: 000300F8 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Mom says the Empire is mean, but I don't think they're that bad. FormID: 000300F9 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 The Stormcloaks are named after Ulfric. He's a bad man, but don't tell the soldiers that. FormID: 000300FF DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 A traveler? I'll be you've seen some sights. We should swap tales sometime. FormID: 00030100 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 There's a gorgeous tree that grows right up through a cave to the northeast of here. FormID: 00030101 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 If you're heading to Kynesgrove, stick to the road. Some pretty dangerous caves between here and there. FormID: 00030102 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Verner used to love exploring before we got married. Now he's become a bit of a milk drinker. Likes to stay home. FormID: 00030103 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 If you head straight west from where the White River splits towards Whiterun, you can get a look at the Cradlecrush giants. FormID: 00030104 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 You looking for work? We could use an extra hand in the mine. Just bring me any Corundum you dig up. FormID: 00030105 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Annekke used to help more with the mining, but nowadays she's a bit of a bounder. FormID: 00030106 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 I do love my wife. Just wish she'd get her head out of the clouds. FormID: 00030107 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 If you want some information about the area, Annekke knows it better than anyone. FormID: 00030108 DialogueDarkwaterCrossing DarkwaterCrossingHellos HELO 0 Sometimes I feel like Annekke cares more about finding new rocks than being with me. FormID: 00030094 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 Did you see the fires from Goldenglow Estate? I was afraid the whole place was going to burn to the ground! FormID: 00030095 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 If you're looking to purchase goods, I have none to sell. You should head into Riften instead. FormID: 00030096 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 Pretty quiet out here on the farm. My wife and I kind of like the solitude. FormID: 00030097 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 Vulwulf has been quite generous to let me take care of their farm considering I am not part of their family. FormID: 00030098 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 The Snow-Shod's are very trusting to let me run this place without their supervision. FormID: 00030099 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 I'm glad there are guards outside the farm. I don't think I could defend the place alone. FormID: 00037DFF DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 My husband and I were just recently married. FormID: 00037E00 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 I'm originally from Cyrodiil, but I left there after I had a falling out with my family. FormID: 00037E01 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 This was the first door in Skyrim I knocked upon, and little did I know my future husband would be answering the door. FormID: 00037E02 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 I like the farm life. It's a huge change from living in a city. FormID: 00037E03 DialogueSnowShodFarm DialogueSnowShodFarmHellos HELO 0 Addvild's made me a happy woman. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else in the world. FormID: 0002F7A1 MQ105 SCEN 0 Impressive. Your Thu'um is precise. You show great promise, Dragonborn. FormID: 0006D1EC MQ105 SCEN 0 You show promise. Remain focused, and you will fulfill your potential. FormID: 0006D1EF MQ105 SCEN 0 You have the ability, but you need to learn discpline if you wish to fulfill your potential. FormID: 0002F7A4 MQ105 SCEN 0 We will perform your next trial in the courtyard. Follow Master Borri. FormID: 0002F7A9 MQ105 SCEN 0 Now we will see how quickly you can master a new Shout. FormID: 00079B0E MQ105 SCEN 0 Now we will see how quickly you can master a new Word. FormID: 0002F7AB MQ105 SCEN 0 Stand next to me. Master Borri will open the gate. Use your Whirlwind Sprint to pass through before it closes. FormID: 0002F7A6 MQ105 SCEN 0 Try it again. Breath and focus. FormID: 0002F7A7 MQ105 SCEN 0 Is this your best effort? Again. FormID: 0002F7A8 MQ105 SCEN 0 Come, Dragonborn. Attend to Master Borri. FormID: 0002F7A5 MQ105 IDAT 0 So... a Dragonborn appears, at this moment in the turning of the age. aloof, somewhat distrustful FormID: 00030315 MQ105 IDAT 0 You are now ready for your last trial. FormID: 00030315 MQ105 IDAT 1 Retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, our founder, from his tomb in the ancient fane of Ustengrav. FormID: 00030315 MQ105 IDAT 2 Remain true to the Way of the Voice, and you will return. FormID: 00030316 MQ105 IDAT 0 Masters Einarth, Borri, and Wulfgar will each demonstrate a Shout. Make your choice. FormID: 00030316 MQ105 IDAT 1 Don't worry, though. You will find all three Words in Ustengrav. FormID: 00069687 MQ105 IDAT 0 Strike the targets as they appear. Breath and focus. [QUOTE]breath[QUOTE] not [QUOTE]breathe[QUOTE]. this is supposed to be sort of a saying of the Greybeards. FormID: 000A546A MQ105 IDAT 0 Master Borri has agreed to teach you the first Word of a new Shout. Attend to him. FormID: 000C3A04 MQ105 IDAT 0 Use both words, if you can. FormID: 000C3A05 MQ105 IDAT 0 Use both Fus and Ro. Together, they will make the Shout more powerful. FormID: 000C4372 MQ105 IDAT 0 Well done. Again. FormID: 000C4373 MQ105 IDAT 0 You learn quickly. Once more. FormID: 0006D201 MQ105 IDAT 0 That's it. One more time. FormID: 000C4374 MQ105 IDAT 0 Bex! Word of power, means [QUOTE]open![QUOTE] FormID: 000649B6 MQ105 IDAT 0 Come, we will do your next test inside the hall. FormID: 0002F7A3 MQ105 SCEN 0 Without training, you have already taken the first steps towards projecting your Voice into a Thu'um, a Shout. FormID: 0002F7A3 MQ105 SCEN 1 Now let us see if you are willing and able to learn. FormID: 0002F7A2 MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Einarth will now teach you [QUOTE]Ro,[QUOTE] the second Word in Unrelenting Force. FormID: 0002F7AA MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroA2 CUST 0 First, let us see if you truly are Dragonborn. Let us taste of your Voice. FormID: 0002F38D DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 But the Night Mother is mother to all! It is her voice we follow! Her will! Would you dare risk disobedience? And surely... punishment? FormID: 0002F395 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 You and the Night Mother are of course welcome here, Cicero. And you will be afforded the respect deserving of your position as Keeper. FormID: 0002F38F DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Understood... husband? FormID: 0002F397 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh, yes yes yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! FormID: 0002F391 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh, be quiet you great lumbering lapdog. The man has had a long journey. You can at least be civil. FormID: 0002F399 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Mister Cicero, I for one am delighted you and the Night Mother have arrived. Your presence here signals a welcome return to tradition. uncharacteristically nice FormID: 0002F393 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh, what a kind and wise wizard you are. Sure to earn our Lady's favor. FormID: 0002F38E DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 But make no mistake. I am the leader of this Sanctuary. My word is law. Are we clear on that point? FormID: 0002F396 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh yes, mistress. Perfectly! You're the boss. FormID: 0002F392 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Oh yes, mistress. You're the [QUOTE]boss.[QUOTE] For now. whispering to himself FormID: 0002F2C5 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroA1 CUST 0 We will see if you truly have the gift. FormID: 0002F2C5 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroA1 CUST 1 Show us, Dragonborn. Let us taste of your Voice. FormID: 0002F21B DialogueStonehillsMineScene02 SCEN 0 Everything well, Jesper? FormID: 0002F214 DialogueStonehillsMineScene02 SCEN 0 Yes sir, fine sir. FormID: 0002F216 DialogueStonehillsMineScene02 SCEN 0 Good, good. Keep up the hard work. It'll all pay off. FormID: 0002F210 DialogueStonehillsMineScene03 SCEN 0 Is everything well with you, my scaly friend? FormID: 0002F217 DialogueStonehillsMineScene03 SCEN 0 Teeba-Ei is cold, but Teeba-Ei works hard as always. FormID: 0002F211 DialogueStonehillsMineScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, well... That's all we ask of you. Carry on. FormID: 0002F215 DialogueStonehillsMineScene03 SCEN 0 Yes sir. FormID: 0002F21A DialogueStonehillsMineScene04 SCEN 0 How goes it, son? FormID: 0002F213 DialogueStonehillsMineScene04 SCEN 0 I'm fine, father. Work is fine. FormID: 0002F218 DialogueStonehillsMineScene04 SCEN 0 Good, good. It's honest work, son. No shame in that. FormID: 0002F212 DialogueStonehillsMineScene04 SCEN 0 Of course not. I never thought otherwise. FormID: 0002F219 DialogueStonehillsMineScene04 SCEN 0 Right. Well, you let me know if you need anything. FormID: 0004C15D MS14 SCEN 0 I'm going to Movarth's Lair to kill that monster. Are you with me? FormID: 0002F1EC MS14 SCEN 0 Take us to Movarth's Lair! FormID: 0002F1E8 MS14 SCEN 0 Yes! FormID: 0002F1F0 MS14 SCEN 0 Yeah! FormID: 0002F1EA MS14 SCEN 0 Yeah! FormID: 0002F1EF MS14 SCEN 0 Take us! FormID: 0002F1E5 MS14 SCEN 0 Kill the vampire! FormID: 0002F1E9 MS14 SCEN 0 Kill him! FormID: 0002F1ED MS14 SCEN 0 Kill him! FormID: 0002F1F1 MS14 SCEN 0 Let's kill him! FormID: 0002F1E3 MS14 SCEN 0 Destroy him! FormID: 0002F1EE MS14 MS14ThonnirMobBranch MS14ThonnirRevenge CUST 0 I want vengeance for my wife! FormID: 0002F1EE MS14 MS14ThonnirMobBranch MS14ThonnirRevenge CUST 1 Vengeance for Laelette! FormID: 0002F1EE MS14 MS14ThonnirMobBranch MS14ThonnirRevenge CUST 2 We're marching on Movarth's Lair whether you come with us or not. FormID: 0002F1E6 MS14 SCEN 0 Um...this place looks dangerous. FormID: 0002F1E4 MS14 SCEN 0 Yeah. Kind of scary too. FormID: 0002F1E7 MS14 SCEN 0 And it's full of vampires? FormID: 0004C15E MS14 SCEN 0 Morthal is full of cowards! Let's go kill that monster. FormID: 0002F1EB MS14 SCEN 0 Cowards! We must kill the vampires. We have to make them pay! FormID: 0002F187 DialogueStonehillsMineScene01 SCEN 0 Let's make sure we're just as productive this month as we were last. If Bryling's happy, we're happy. FormID: 0002F185 DialogueStonehillsMineScene01 SCEN 0 Yes sir, of course. FormID: 0002F186 DialogueStonehillsMineScene01 SCEN 0 All right. Keep up the good work. FormID: 0002EE2F CreatureDialogueDraugr NOTA 0 FormID: 0002ED61 DA05 DA05Goodbye GBYE 0 I just don't understand what kind of a man does that. FormID: 000649B7 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 I am Master Arngeir. I speak for the Greybeards. FormID: 000649B7 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 1 Now tell me, Dragonborn, why have you come here? FormID: 0002EC67 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirIntro MQ105ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 Shout for us, Dragonborn. Then we may have time for questions. FormID: 0002EC58 DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 Oh, what is this? A visitor? To our farm? Oh, do stay for a while, dear. FormID: 0002EC59 DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 Now, you don't let Rogatus cause you any bother. kindly grandmothering FormID: 0005E9AC DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 My husband just gets cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep. kindly grandmothering FormID: 0002EC5B DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 Our son Leontius moved to Old Hroldan nearly 30 years ago. I still miss him. kindly grandmothering FormID: 0005E9AA DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 I hope my son has found some nice, well-mannered girl to settle down with. kindly grandmothering FormID: 0002EC5A DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 Rogatus and I have been married over 50 years. He's always been a bit of a grouch. kindly grandmothering FormID: 0002EC55 DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 My boy Leontius lives in Old Hroldan. Damn drunk. grumpy old man FormID: 0005E9AD DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 I've lived through rebellion, Forsworn, undead, witches, wizards, hagravens, and marriage. grumpy old man FormID: 0002EC56 DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 Next thing you know there will be some kind of damn blight and undead will walk the land. grumpy old man FormID: 0002EC57 DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 You ever have to farm land while there was a battle going on? I have. grumpy old man FormID: 0005E9AB DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 Damn soldiers always trample my crops. grumpy old man FormID: 0002EC54 DialogueSalviusFarm HELO 0 I'm been farming this bit of land all my life. grumpy old man FormID: 0002EC50 DialogueSalviusFarmhouseScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, wipe that frown off your face Rogatus. You've been wearing that frown for over 50 years now. FormID: 0002EC2A DialogueSalviusFarmhouseScene01 SCEN 0 You want me to smile? What's there to smile about? Soldiers and dragons are going to be trampling all over the crops this year. I just know it. FormID: 0002EC2C DialogueSalviusFarmhouseScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, stop being such a grouch! Not every visitor to the farm wants to burn it down! Maybe they just want to have a nice supper with us, hmm? FormID: 0002EC52 DialogueSalviusFarmhouseScene01 SCEN 0 You don't invite monsters into your home to have supper! I won't have them here, and I'm certainly not smiling for them! FormID: 0002EC2E DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Damn Forsworn. Only a matter of time before they hit here, too. tough FormID: 00066250 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Guess we'll have two more mouths to feed for a while. tough FormID: 00066251 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Don't have much to say unless you're here to mine metal. tough FormID: 00098794 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 I'm in charge of Left Hand Mine. You cause trouble, you answer to me. tough FormID: 0002EC2F DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Left Hand Mine deals with iron, the perfect metal to dig with a war going on. tough FormID: 0002EC33 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Kolskeggr, overrun with Forsworn, what next? FormID: 00066252 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Did you hear that? Pavo was driven out of his mine. Almost everyone is dead. FormID: 00066253 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 What if the Forsworn come here? We aren't safe. FormID: 00066254 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 You should speak with my husband. Skaggi runs everything. FormID: 00066255 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 I'm just here to mine. FormID: 00066256 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Got ore to dig. FormID: 00066257 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 I'm one of miners. Plenty of ore to dig up around here. FormID: 00066258 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Don't have much to say to you. Got work. FormID: 00066259 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 It's amazing how much work goes into the little things, isn't it? FormID: 0006625A DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 I'm just here to dig. Not much else to talk about. FormID: 0002EC3C DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Kolskeggr Mine is lost, friend. Forsworn killed everyone. FormID: 0002EC3D DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Don't go to Kolskeggr. It's not safe. FormID: 0002EC3F DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Gat and I are the only survivors. FormID: 0002EC42 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Pavo and I had to fight our way out of Kolskeggr. Forsworn killed everyone else. FormID: 0006625B DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Thank Malacath we got out of Kolskeggr alive. FormID: 0006625C DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Don't know what I would have done without Pavo. Man's braver than he admits. FormID: 0002EC45 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Poor Pavo and Gat. To have lived through a Forsworn attack. FormID: 0006625D DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Another day, another settlement gets attacked. No place in the Reach is safe from the Forsworn. FormID: 0006625E DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 I'm the hardest worker in Left Hand. Better than any man. FormID: 0001FD65 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Most women would rather die than dig, but I have a daughter to raise. FormID: 0002EC46 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 My Erith has her father's eyes. She's all I have left of him. FormID: 0002EC49 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Why is everyone so upset? If there's Forsworn, the Jarl will take care of them, right? child being overly curious FormID: 0006625F DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Hope Pavo will be able to go back to his mine soon. Everyone needs a home. child being overly curious FormID: 00066260 DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 What'cha doing in Left Hand? Do you dig up rocks too, like my mom? child being overly curious FormID: 0002EC4A DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Why do they call it Left Hand Mine? Can the miners use their right hands too? child being overly curious FormID: 0002EC4B DialogueLeftHandMine HELO 0 Have you met Torom? He's the best dog in the Reach. child being overly curiosity FormID: 0002EBE1 MS14 MS14Reward MS14RewardTopic CUST 0 By the Eight, I didn't think you could do it! FormID: 0002EBE1 MS14 MS14Reward MS14RewardTopic CUST 1 Now maybe we can put all this behind us. FormID: 0002EBE1 MS14 MS14Reward MS14RewardTopic CUST 2 Take this as a token of our gratitude. FormID: 00016AD3 MS14 MS14Reward MS14RewardTopic CUST 0 By the Eight, I didn't think you could do it! FormID: 00016AD3 MS14 MS14Reward MS14RewardTopic CUST 1 Now maybe we can put all this behind us. FormID: 00016AD3 MS14 MS14Reward MS14RewardTopic CUST 2 Take this as a token of our gratitude. FormID: 0002EA3C DA05 SCEN 0 The god Arkay was once like us, bound to winding mortality. FormID: 0002EA3A DA05 SCEN 0 But he willingly gave up this existence that we might better understand the vagaries of life and death. FormID: 0002EA3D DA05 SCEN 0 It is through the ebb and flow of this cosmic tide that we find renewal and, in the end, peace. FormID: 0002EA39 DA05 SCEN 0 May the spirit of Lavinia and all those who have left this world and its suffering know the beloved serenity of Aetherius... FormID: 0002EA38 DA05 SCEN 0 ... and may we one day rejoin them in eternity. FormID: 0002EA3B DA05 DA05SindingHircineInformation DA05SindingHircineInformationTopic CUST 0 Do you not know the Daedric Lord of the Hunt? FormID: 0002EA3B DA05 DA05SindingHircineInformation DA05SindingHircineInformationTopic CUST 1 He revels in the chase, and also gave the [QUOTE]gift[QUOTE] of lycanthropy to mortals. FormID: 0002EA3B DA05 DA05SindingHircineInformation DA05SindingHircineInformationTopic CUST 2 A powerful force, not to be crossed. As I learned too late. FormID: 0002E8E2 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeWaitingFor HELO 0 With those three vessels, Hevnoraak can restore himself. Find them before he can. FormID: 0002E8E3 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeWaitingFor HELO 0 Kill him now, while we still can! FormID: 0009A806 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeWaitingFor HELO 0 Did you find all of the vessels? FormID: 0009A823 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeWaitingFor HELO 0 Do not interrupt the ritual. Go empty the vessels and sit on the throne. FormID: 0009A857 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeWaitingFor HELO 0 Hevnoraak is defeated. FormID: 0002E8E1 dunValthumeQST dunValthumeGhostAtPeace dunValthumeGhostAtPeaceTopic CUST 0 Thank you, hero. Now I may finally rest. Take Hevnoraak's iron mask. It may be of use to you, and serve as some reward for your feat here. FormID: 000749B8 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Boy, did you miss all the excitement. FormID: 000749B9 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 There's too much of an obsession these days with knives and arrows. You can kill someone just as easily with a well-placed spell. FormID: 0002EA57 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 You like creepin' around in the shadows? Magic'll work just as good there as anywhere else. FormID: 000E0D63 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Nobody ever expects a fireball from the darkened corner. sinister laugh FormID: 0002EA58 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Talk to Babette about potions. She's the creepy little girl - can't miss her. FormID: 0002EA59 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Yes, yes. I'm your brother and I'm supposed to greet you respectfully. So [QUOTE]hello.[QUOTE] There, satisfied? FormID: 000749BA DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 I believed in Cicero. But he's betrayed us all. FormID: 0002EA5B DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Don't let my appearance throw you off. I'm older than you. A lot older. Getting bitten by a vampire when you're ten will do that to a girl. FormID: 0002EA5C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 It's been quite a boon, looking like a child. No one ever suspects a thing. FormID: 000E0D64 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 My targets make the mistake of not perceiving me as a threat. Last mistake they ever make. FormID: 0002EA5D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 I could brew some potions for you. Or train you in Alchemy. FormID: 0002EA5E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 You looking to buy some potions? Or maybe I could help train you to make your own? FormID: 0002EA60 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Let me guess - Astrid failed to mention I'm her husband? She has a tendency to do that. Doesn't want the others thinking she plays favorites. FormID: 000E0D65 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 What do you want, beef roast? FormID: 0002EA61 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 You're part of a family now, hamshank. I trust you... you trust me. Got it? FormID: 0002EA62 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Don't take offense to the nicknames, morsel. I'm a werewolf. Hard not to think of you as a snack. laughs after he says it FormID: 0002EA63 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Hello, tidbit. FormID: 000522B7 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 It was a truly terrifying scene. Beautiful, in some respects. FormID: 0002EA67 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Does death not come to us all? Is it not a certainty? I am, therefore, honored to be doom's herald. To play some part in a being's inevitable end. FormID: 0002EA66 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 In the Dark Brotherhood, I found acceptance, love, and my life's true purpose. FormID: 0002EA68 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Death is but the time to sleep forever, in the Void. FormID: 0002EA69 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Sithis' whisper be upon you, brother. FormID: 0002EA6A DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Sithis' whisper be upon you, sister. FormID: 000749BC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 It only hurts when I laugh. He he he. Owww... FormID: 000A7036 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Ah, you're back. It was good to fight alongside you. I'm sure people won't be forgetting that wedding anytime soon, hmm? FormID: 0002EA6D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Me, I have been part of the Dark Brotherhood from the day I first hatched. I am a Shadowscale, you see. Born under the sign of the Shadow. FormID: 0002EA6E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 I serve Astrid, and this Sanctuary. Life is simple, and good. FormID: 0002EA6F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 The Shadowscales are all but forgotten. An ancient tradition, from another time. FormID: 0002EA70 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Greetings, brother. FormID: 0002EA71 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Greetings, sister. FormID: 0006D91D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Oh, hello hello! FormID: 0006D91E DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 You require the services of the Fool of Hearts? FormID: 0006D91F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Greetings, Listener! FormID: 0006D920 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 How may I serve the Listener? FormID: 0006D921 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Brother. FormID: 0006D922 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Sister. FormID: 000E26FC DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Need something? FormID: 0002E6D7 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 If you bring mead, you're welcome here! Even if you don't, you're still welcome! FormID: 0002E6D8 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 All this talk of dragons is making people antsy. Nonsense! FormID: 0002E6D9 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 I visited the meaderies of Riften once, as a lad. Wish I had their skill. FormID: 0002E6DA DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Working our mine is dangerous work, but Dravynea keeps it going. Well, Dravynea and the promise of more mead. FormID: 0002E6DB DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 You've got a fine look about you. Come have a visit at the Braidwood Inn. Better than home! FormID: 0002E6DC DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Welcome to Kynesgrove. If you want to do business here, you'll have to deal with me. FormID: 0002E6DD DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 If it's malachite you're after, you've come to the right place. I'll pay for any you dig up out of Steamscorch Mine. FormID: 0002E6DE DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Kjeld speaks for Kynesgrove. Anyone who says otherwise is aching for a fight. FormID: 0002E6DF DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Roggi and I do the work around here. My wife and brats just sit around on their brains wasting time. [QUOTE]Roggi[QUOTE] rhymes with [QUOTE]old fogey[QUOTE] FormID: 0002E6E0 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 My wife is a good woman, but every man needs a little variety, you know? FormID: 0002E6E1 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 An outsider? No reason to stop in Kynesgrove. Keep moving. FormID: 0002E6E2 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 The mine's always on the verge of collapse. Good thing I'm around to keep it up. FormID: 0002E6E3 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Morrowind used to be a lovely place, but you couldn't pay me to live there these days. FormID: 0002E6E4 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Most people in Skyrim don't care for Dunmer. Roggi's the only one around here even half-decent. FormID: 0002E6E5 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 I should get over to Windhelm more. See how the other Morrowind refugees are getting along. FormID: 0002E6E6 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Seen the remnants of the grove? That... well, that was me. Me and my sister. FormID: 0002E6E7 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Came here to start a lumber mill. Who knew the Nords cared about a bunch of old trees? FormID: 0002E6E8 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 But... well, they did. Sacred, they said. So we work the mines until we've worked it off. Fair enough, I guess. FormID: 0002E6EB DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Oh, great, another wanderer. Slumming it on your way to Windhelm? FormID: 0002E6EC DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Wouldn't even be here if it weren't for my idiot sister. FormID: 0002E6EE DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 I can't believe she dragged me all the way to this snowball. I'd rather be broke in Cyrodiil than broke here. FormID: 0002E6EF DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 If these Nords don't let up soon, I might just make a break for it. At least Cyrodiil is warmer than this. FormID: 0002E6F0 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Did you see my husband already? I'm sorry... he can come off a bit rough at times. FormID: 0002E6F1 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 I hope you'll stay for a bit. We could certainly use the business. FormID: 0002E6F2 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 This is really quite a nice town when you get down to it. Just look at the view! FormID: 0002E6F4 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Got some nice comfy beds at the Braidwood Inn, if you're looking to flop down somewhere. FormID: 0002E6F5 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 I've never seen you before. Leave me alone! FormID: 0002E6F6 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 My pa runs this town, and you're going to be in big trouble if you mess with me. FormID: 0002E6F8 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 You don't look so tough. I'll bet I could take you. FormID: 0002E6F9 DialogueKynesgrove HELO 0 Why are you still here? FormID: 0002E51E DA06 SCEN 0 Yamarz was a fool. Always trying to scheme his way out of responsibility. FormID: 0002E524 DA06 SCEN 0 Well, the giants took care of him, and you took care of the giants. Two problems solved at once. FormID: 0002E525 DA06 SCEN 0 But, you took care of him and the giants. Two problems solved at once. FormID: 0002E523 DA06 SCEN 0 Now, take Shagrol's hammer back to Largashbur, and we'll see about whipping the rest of them into shape. FormID: 0002E493 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 The Old Hroldan Inn is still open, bless poor Eydis's memory. FormID: 000BEB6B DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 Skuli owns the inn with his mother gone, but I handle the rooms. FormID: 000BEB6C DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 You should head on inside. Eydis or Skuli can take care of you. FormID: 0006895F DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 I work for Eydis. She runs the inn. FormID: 0002E498 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 You'll be looking to rent Tiber Septim's room I take it? FormID: 0002E499 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 Old Hroldan is the stone that the Empire's history is built on. FormID: 0002E49B DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 Don't underestimate my son, Skuli. He may look young, but he can handle any drunks we get. FormID: 0002E49D DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 Skuli's father is off fighting for the Empire. I'm sure he's just fine. welcoming FormID: 00068960 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 Skuli's father is off fighting for the Stormcloaks. I'm sure he's just fine. welcoming FormID: 0002E49F DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 This is the Old Hroldan Inn. Clean beds and strong drink. more adult than his age FormID: 0002E4A0 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 My mother's dead, but I won't close the inn. I've hired Leontius to run things. more adult than his age FormID: 0002E4A1 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 If you drink too much, you're out. No drunks. more adult than his age FormID: 0002E4A2 DialogueOldHroldan HELO 0 Changed the linens myself. They're fresh. more adult than his age FormID: 0002E34D MQ101 SCEN 0 Hmm. That doesn't go anywhere. FormID: 0002E34A MQ101 SCEN 0 I guess we'd better try this way. FormID: 0002E34B MQ101 SCEN 0 Go ahead. I'll follow your lead and watch your back. FormID: 000A7265 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 You dare challenge me? FormID: 0002E3ED DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I cannot be defeated! FormID: 0002E441 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 My power is supreme! FormID: 0002E3EC DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Come on, show an old man what you got! FormID: 000A7266 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I'll cut out your eyes and sell 'em for coin! FormID: 000A7267 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 You're nothing but a joke! FormID: 000A7268 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Don't make me laugh! FormID: 000A7269 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 My blade thirsts for your blood! FormID: 000A726A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Come on. Show me you've got what it takes! FormID: 000A726B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 You just made the last mistake of your life! FormID: 000A6B3D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I'll spit on your corpse! FormID: 000A6B3E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I've killed legions like you! FormID: 000A6B44 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Is that the best you can do? FormID: 000A6B48 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I claim your soul for Nocturnal! FormID: 000A6BAF DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 The shadows will be your undoing! FormID: 000A6BB0 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Your death will be swift! FormID: 000E7B10 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I'm having fun, are you? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B11 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Call yourself a warrior? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B20 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 You're losing a lot of blood. Maybe you should sit down for a moment. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B35 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Come on! I dare you! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B3D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Come on, at least try to hurt me. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B40 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Die Imperial! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B65 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Where's your precious Emperor now? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7B92 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 You call this a fight? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7BC6 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Wake me up when you're ready to fight me for real. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7BEB DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 You want me to close my eyes? Would that even things up a little? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7BFD DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Hahahaha! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7BFF DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Getting tired yet? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C00 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Die, will you?! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C01 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I've seen fresh recruits with more skill than you! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C02 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I'm not impressed. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C03 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I have no problem killing you. How do you feel about dying? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C04 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Ready to give up? taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C05 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Hahahaha! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C06 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I'll enjoy killing you! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C07 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Now you're just making me mad. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C08 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Your blood is such a pretty shade of red! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C09 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 The Emperor can kiss my ass! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C0A DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Damn you! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C0B DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I eat Legionnaires like you for breakfast! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C0C DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I got something for you. But you'll have to come and get it. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C0D DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 I'm getting bored. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C0E DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Are you trying? 'Cause I'm not. taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C0F DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Die damnit! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 000E7C10 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices TAUT 0 Come on, you're not even trying! taunting your enemy during a fight FormID: 0002E2D6 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me make this plain and simple. No more jobs until you pay Vex. No get to it. FormID: 000EA2B7 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Aren't you supposed to be in Markarth? Finish that job and we'll talk about more. FormID: 0009DD5B TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Slow down, you have that special request in Windhelm to finish first. After that's done, I'll send you some more jobs. FormID: 0009DD5C TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Before I'm goin' to give you any more work, you need to finish that job in Solitude. FormID: 0009DD5D TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 I want you to finish that job in Whiterun first. Then we'll talk about more work. FormID: 0002E2D5 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 I handle the fishin', numbers and bedlam jobs... the ones with the more personal touch. FormID: 0002E2D5 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 1 If break-ins are more your thing, go talk to Vex. FormID: 000DE40A TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, my clients are gettin' impatient. FormID: 000DE40B TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Bloody good timin'. Just got some more clients. FormID: 000DE40C TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, anythin' in particular strike your fancy? FormID: 000DE40D TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 'Bout time. Brynjolf's been gettin' on me about money. annoyed FormID: 000DE40E TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Great. What do you want to do? FormID: 0002E2D7 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 You're not getting anything until you pay the Guild back. FormID: 0002E2DB TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 I think you should finish that special assignment Delvin gave you, then we'll talk. FormID: 0002E2DA TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 I handle the burglary, shill, sweep and heist jobs. Most of them involve breaking and entering. FormID: 0002E2DA TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 1 If you don't like that kind of work, talk to Delvin. He runs the more up-close and personal jobs. FormID: 000DE40F TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Okay, what'll it be? FormID: 000DE410 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Got plenty, take your pick. FormID: 000DE411 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Got more than you can handle. sarcasm FormID: 000DE412 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 I bet you are. Which one do you want? sarcasm FormID: 000DE413 TGRShell TGRShellRadiantBranch TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, we could use the coin. FormID: 0002E2C8 MS13 SCEN 0 We have to go through town and across the bridge to get to Bleak Falls Barrow. excited FormID: 0002E2C8 MS13 SCEN 1 You can see it from here, though. The mountain just over the buildings. excited FormID: 0002F812 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Sybille Stentor has a grasp of magical theory that I would never have expected from a human. Even a Breton. FormID: 000B2DB8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 No doubt most folk in Skyrim consider the dragons terrifying. I find them... wondrous. FormID: 0002E187 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Spiced wine for ya? It's a family recipe. FormID: 0002F813 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Wanderer like you needs a little fire in the veins. Some spiced wine? FormID: 0002F815 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Being old's not so bad. Daughter keeps me fed, and my working days are done. FormID: 0002E188 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm too old to work, but that don't make me too old to drink. FormID: 0002F816 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You got nothin' better to do than bother an old man? FormID: 000B2DB9 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You want to know the one truth I've learned in all my years? Life's too hard to face sober. FormID: 0002E189 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hmm? Sorry, I was lost in thought. I'm planning my wedding, you see. So many details to work out. FormID: 0002F817 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Some say I got my position because my cousin is the Emperor. Nonsense. The man's given me nothing. He can't even be bothered to attend my wedding. FormID: 000DD60F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Good business for the East Empire Company means all the more gold for the Empire. FormID: 0002F818 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I don't have time for anyone too lazy or cowardly to make their own way in this world. FormID: 000C1B4D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I swear, I left another bottle right here... FormID: 0002F814 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you see my father Octieve around, stay clear. He'll only ask you for money or mead. FormID: 0002E160 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Seems there's no end to the needs of the Imperials. But what can I help you with? FormID: 000D788F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 When the Stormcloaks took Solitude, I thought for sure things would slow down. But they keep me just as busy as the Imperials. FormID: 000C1C44 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Wanderer like you must have plenty of tales to tell. But I'm afraid I'm too busy to hear 'em. FormID: 000C1BC7 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I got some fine armor, if you're lookin'. FormID: 000D7890 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Need a weapon? Hmmm... By the looks of ya, yeah... Think I've got somethin' you can use. FormID: 000D7891 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It's good to be away from the forge for a bit. FormID: 0002F7D8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 As high priest of the Eight Divines, I bid you welcome. FormID: 000C0F1F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 As high priest of the Nine Divines, I bid you welcome. FormID: 000BE940 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We welcome you to worship the Eight Divines, freely and openly. FormID: 000C0F20 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We welcome you to worship the Nine Divines, freely and openly. FormID: 0002FD3F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Wander no more, for you are among friends here, and safe. FormID: 000BE941 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm afraid I'm running errands at the moment. But please, visit me later at the Temple of the Divines. FormID: 000BE96F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Well, now. I'm afraid you've caught me a bit out of my element. Most of my time is spent in the Temple of the Divines, you see. FormID: 000C0FA1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Blessings be with you. FormID: 0002E196 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Blessings of the Eight Divines upon you. How may I help? FormID: 000C0FA2 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Blessings of the Nine Divines upon you. How may I help? FormID: 0002F7DA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You look troubled. Have you come seeking guidance? FormID: 000BE973 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Feel free to take a seat, or pray at the shrines. We appreciate worship in all its forms. FormID: 0002E197 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Blessings to you. The Divines are listening. FormID: 0002F7DC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The Divines saved me from the streets, and they can save you from your trials, as well. FormID: 000C0FA3 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 May the Divines guide and keep you. FormID: 000C0FA4 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 May you be saved by the Divines, as I once was. FormID: 0002E198 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I have no business with you. Leave me. FormID: 0002F7DE DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Go away. I have more important things on my mind right now. FormID: 0002F7DF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I don't like strangers... FormID: 0002E199 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You, talk to egg-brothers. Deeja has no words for you. FormID: 0002F7E0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You have no knowledge of who you speak to. Go away. FormID: 0002F7E1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You want knives? You want them in your belly? No? Then you stop talking to Deeja. FormID: 0002E19A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Dock work is not good work. Better than Black Marsh though. Much better. FormID: 0002E19B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Oh my, old Ma'zaka has a visitor! FormID: 0002F7E4 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 What brings you all the way out here? FormID: 0002F7E6 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Oh, for the salt spray, the creek of the mast, and the clash of sabers. Those were the days... FormID: 000B2FCF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hey! Wanna play tag? FormID: 000B2D88 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hiya! What's your name? Are you visiting? What do you do? FormID: 0002E176 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Papa says I won't see Roggvir any more, but he wouldn't tell me why not. FormID: 0002F7E8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My papa says I'm greg-gare-ree-yus, just like him! He says it means [QUOTE]smart,[QUOTE] but my brother says he's wrong. FormID: 000C1D48 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Papa used to say I was greg-gare-ree-yus, just like him. I miss him... FormID: 0002E177 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Spare some gold for a veteran? FormID: 0002F7E9 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Can you spare a septim? Lost an eye during the Great War, or I'd earn it myself... FormID: 000C0FA7 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I hid here in Solitude for a long time but war, war follows a man until it's done with him. FormID: 0002F7EA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Them Imperials left me to die in Anvil, and I had to fight my way back home. Then they followed me back here! FormID: 0002E178 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Plenty of fresh fish for ya. FormID: 0002F7EB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I've got some salmon to sell. FormID: 000C0FAC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You shouldn't leave Solitude without trying our fish. Best in Skyrim. FormID: 0002F7ED DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I... I don't want to talk. FormID: 0002E17A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I don't have anything to say. FormID: 0002E179 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Pardon me. FormID: 000C0FB0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Mother says I shouldn't talk to people... FormID: 0002F7F0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Are you here to talk about my brother? Do you think his execution was justified? FormID: 000BD71A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm not looking for conversation. FormID: 000C0FD0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you want to talk about my brother, I'm not interested. FormID: 000BD71B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm in mourning. Can't you see that? FormID: 000E8BD1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Ah, welcome to Angela's Aromatics. Can I help with some herbal needs? FormID: 00034B3D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Need something for a potion? You're certainly in the right place. FormID: 000C1D4C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 So, what are your needs? Perhaps a pinch of this, and a bit of that? Hmm? FormID: 00055872 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You were there for Roggvir's execution... FormID: 0002E14E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you're looking for potions you should talk to my aunt, Angeline Morrard. FormID: 000C1D4D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you're looking for potions, I think I can be of service. FormID: 00055873 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm a little busy at the moment. I've got all sorts of errands to run. FormID: 0005585C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You look like an adventurous one. I bet we're kindred spirits, you and I. FormID: 000C1D51 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Beirand said you got here just before the execution. Must have been a lovely first sight. FormID: 0002E154 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hmph. You know, you've got a certain... fire in your eyes. Just like my Beirand. Please, feel free to look around. We've got a bit of everything. FormID: 000C1D52 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hmph. You know, you've got a certain... fire in your eyes. Just like my Beirand did. Please, feel free to look around. We've got a bit of everything. FormID: 00084D6B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Welcome. Look around. We've got everything you could want in life. At least... that's what Beirand always tells me. FormID: 000C1D53 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Welcome. Look around. We've got everything you could want in life. At least... that's what my Beirand always told me... FormID: 0002E159 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hey! Wanna play tag? FormID: 000C1D54 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I thought adventurers were supposed to look tough? FormID: 0002E15A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I bet my papa could beat you up. FormID: 000C1D55 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I bet my papa could have beat you up. He was stronger than anyone. FormID: 000C1D56 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I get to help mother with the shop. I used to help papa too... 'till I tried to use the forge... FormID: 000C7C1F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you're heading to the Blue Palace, you might want to rethink that outfit. FormID: 000C7C21 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you ever want to replace those old rags, stop by Radiant Raiment. give an disapproving [QUOTE]tsk tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning FormID: 0002E163 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Why, hello! Here to buy? If you have to ask the price, you may be in the wrong store. FormID: 0002E164 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We provide clothing for all of Solitude's most... influential residents. But for you, I'll make an exception. FormID: 0002E168 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Oh, what delight. Another charming customer... Sarcastic, stretch out [QUOTE]charming[QUOTE] FormID: 000C0FD1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 So good to see you again. How can I be of service? FormID: 0002E169 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Let me just drop everything to help you. I don't mind. Really. Sarcastic FormID: 000C1D57 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I can help with purchases, but if you came to talk, see my sister. She's the one who gets on with people. It's her one virtue, really. FormID: 0002E16D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Welcome to the Winking Skeever, friend. FormID: 0002E16E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you need a good rumor or two, I think I can oblige... conspiratorially FormID: 0002E170 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Traitors, civil wars, dragons. Bah. Those troubles don't cross my doorway. So sit, relax. FormID: 0002F7F2 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Feel free to make requests. FormID: 000B2D8B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 There's nothing like a good song to lift the spirit in troubled times. FormID: 000C1D58 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Have a drink, rest your feet and stay a little while. FormID: 000B2D8C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Uh oh. A fellow bard. I best not miss my notes or forget any lyrics. Jokingly. FormID: 000BD71C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 New in town, right? If you need a place to sleep, head over to the Winking Skeever. We keep a fine inn. FormID: 000BD71D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You know, the Winking Skeever's not just the best inn in Solitude. It's the also the only inn in Solitude. emphasize [QUOTE]only[QUOTE] FormID: 0002E175 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Don't mind me. I'm just running errands for the old man. FormID: 000C1D59 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm just running some errands for the old man... Err... For myself. I'm just running some errands for myself... You remember your father is dead as you say this. FormID: 0002F7F4 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Seems there's always more to be done... FormID: 000B2DAB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Glad you decided to check us out. FormID: 000B2DAC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Soft sheets and hard liquor. What's not to like? FormID: 0002E17B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Welcome to Solitude. Home of the arts here in Skyrim. FormID: 00036D33 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It is my personal mission to ensure that the Bards College preserves the great deeds of the past, in both poetry and song. FormID: 0002F7F5 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I generally don't involve myself in politics. Good tales deal with the issues of the day, but a wise bard remains a neutral observer. FormID: 000DD610 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We bards record history - we do not make it. You'd do well to remember that. FormID: 0002F7F6 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Never forget, the most important job of any bard is to entertain. The day you lose your audience is the day you cut your lute strings. FormID: 000C7C25 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Youngest bard at the Bards College, at your service. FormID: 000C7C46 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Anything I can do for you, I will. overeager FormID: 000C7C48 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The pleasure's all mine. FormID: 0002E17C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Good evening. I'm Pantea Ateia, the Master Vocalist. FormID: 0002F7F7 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It's been my honor to perform at the Blue Palace on many occasions. His late lordship was quite the admirer. FormID: 0002F7F8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you ask me, this damned rebellion can't end soon enough. I had to end my tour of Skyrim's courts. Too dangerous too travel. FormID: 0002F7F9 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 To be honest, I simply can't stand some of my students. Only Aia shows true potential for greatness. The rest are just wasting my time. FormID: 0002F7FA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm Dean of Lute at the Bards College, and no, I don't give private lessons. FormID: 000B2DAD DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It takes two things to be a good teacher. The first is patience. The second is a firm wooden stick for rapping knuckles. FormID: 0002F7FB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Only reason I'm so good with a lute is because I'm old. It takes a lifetime to master. FormID: 000B2DAE DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You here to apply at the Bards College? Well don't bother - you're too damned old. Start past four, and it's all wasted effort. You're a curmudgeonly music teacher. FormID: 0002E17E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hello, yes? I'm the Dean of History. And scribe work, when I can find some quiet time. FormID: 0002F7FD DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My position, [QUOTE]Dean of History,[QUOTE] actually covers a wide range of subjects. I teach poetry, writing, history, and the finer points of court life. FormID: 000B2DAF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 What a fascinating time to be alive! Mark me, these days will be remembered long after we're gone. FormID: 000B2DB0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you love history, you're in the right place. Skyrim is steeped in it. FormID: 0002E17F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I wish only to graduate and enroll with the Legion. My drums will lead our troops to victory. FormID: 0002F800 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It's an honor to have Viarmo for instruction on drum, but he's far too reserved for my tastes. FormID: 000DD611 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Viarmo is too concerned with precision. What of instinct? Hmm? What of passion? FormID: 0002F801 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Lisette's a fine lass, but when I join the Legion, she's not the type to wait for my return. FormID: 0002E180 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Lady Ateia says my voice is second only to hers. But she's selling me short. Aloof FormID: 0002F802 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Few can resist my charms. Even fewer are worthy of them. aloof FormID: 000B2DB2 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I can't understand why Jorn would want to join the Imperial Legion. Soldiers only appreciate one thing, and it isn't music. FormID: 0002F804 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You're new here, right? Welcome to the Bards College. It's like a... musical museum. you try to find the best way to describe it FormID: 0002E181 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Dean Inge says a bard can never have enough practice. So, would you like a tune? FormID: 00036D34 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'm so glad you got back from Olaf's Tomb okay. They gave you a tougher task then they gave me. FormID: 0002F805 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You know, I don't get the impression that I'm very well liked at the College... FormID: 0002F806 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Thane Bryling, at your service. FormID: 00036D35 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I can always find time to share a word with a warrior. FormID: 000B2DB3 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Many condemn the Stormcloaks, but I refuse. There is honor in fighting for what you believe. FormID: 000B2DB4 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 This godsforsaken war is dividing our people and destroying our land. FormID: 0002E183 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Unless we have specific business, I'm not interested. Good natured but firm. FormID: 000D7892 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I think Bryling's the one you want to talk to. I'm mostly just here to scare away the riff raff. FormID: 000C1D5A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You don't want to talk to me. I'm just a stand in for a dead Thane. FormID: 0002F80A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 When I was a young rascal, I broke a man's arm with a single punch. Course, I had a horseshoe hidden in my glove... devilishly FormID: 0002E184 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The Imperials are good for business, and business is good for Skyrim. FormID: 0002F80B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Bryling's obsession with honor and tradition is quaint, but politically irrelevant. FormID: 000DD612 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I understand what's best for Solitude... and Jarl Elisif knows it. FormID: 0002F80C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Half of the businesses in town owe me money, and I own most of the rest. I practically run Solitude already. FormID: 0002E18E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Please address all questions to the Steward, Falk Firebeard. FormID: 0002F80D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My duty is to keep the Jarl safe. Not play nursemaid to you sycophants. FormID: 0002F80E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Keep your weapon out of your hands, and we'll get along just fine. FormID: 000B2DB6 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The Jarl has advised me not to talk about which court attendants I'd like to punch in the face. More's the pity. FormID: 0002F80F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hello. I'm Gisli. But you can just call me Erikur's sister. Everyone does. resentful FormID: 0002E185 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Welcome to the center of the world. Or at least my brother Erikur's world... Simmering resentment FormID: 0002F810 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Have you met my dear brother Erikur? The man's as trustworthy as a Khajiit goldmonger. FormID: 000B2DB7 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Quickly, if you please. I'm quite busy running errands for my bastard of a brother... FormID: 0002E186 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Speak if you must, but mind your tongue. I do not suffer fools gladly. FormID: 0002F811 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Working for Erikur may be below my stature, but the compensation is... acceptable. FormID: 0002E18A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You look like you could do with a ripe apple. Or a tomato, cabbage or leek? FormID: 0002F81A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 An apple to keep you healthy? A tomato to keep you strong? Surely you need one or the other... FormID: 000C1D5B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You get around, right? If you come across any Stormcloaks... gut one for me. They did the same to my brother in Whiterun. FormID: 000D69EF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Mind yourself in my city, friend. This here axe in full swing is a right terrible sight... FormID: 000DD613 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Mind yourself in my city, lass. This here axe in full swing is a right terrible sight... FormID: 0002F81C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You stay out of trouble, now. The Castle Dour dungeon can break even the strongest will. FormID: 0002E18B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Not much work being a jailor. Long as you can ignore the pleading and all that. FormID: 00076F19 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Ain't many visitors come to the dungeon. Every now and then Sybille Stentor will come by looking for... volunteers. FormID: 0002F81D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you have business, please see Falk Firebeard, my steward. FormID: 0002E18C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 With the passing of my dear husband Torygg, the weighty position of Jarl has fallen to me. Please direct questions to my Steward. FormID: 000B2DBA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Ulfric is a fool and a coward, who naively believes he can bring about peace through warfare. It's rather sad, really. FormID: 000B2DBB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Thanks to Ulfric's rebellion, countless innocent people can't feed or clothe their families. It's unacceptably tragic. FormID: 0002F820 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Do you have business with the court? FormID: 0002E18D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I am the Jarl's Steward. If you have court business to tend to, you talk to me. FormID: 00036D36 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The Jarl is not to be disturbed with common affairs of court. You direct those concerns to me. FormID: 0002E18F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Just arrive in the city? Is it true what they say, then? There are dragons about? FormID: 000C1D62 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Think I'll forge me a new sword, just in case things go awry here in Solitude. I'm the blacksmith's apprentice, you see. FormID: 000C1D63 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We've got strong swords and sturdy armor, if you're looking to buy. FormID: 0002F824 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Apprentice blacksmith, at your service. FormID: 000C1D64 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Blacksmith, at your service. FormID: 0002E190 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Be quick. I have little patience for mundane concerns. FormID: 0002F826 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I have so very many ways to deal with people. Very few of them pleasant. FormID: 000B2DBD DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You're trying my patience. FormID: 000B2DBC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Surely you have something better to do... FormID: 0002E191 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Jarls come and jarls go, but a good cook stays for a lifetime. And I'm a very, very good cook. FormID: 0002F828 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Everyone knows General Tullius wields the real power Solitude. Elisif? Ah, she's a figurehead. A puppet. FormID: 0002F829 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Folks at court won't admit it, but Sybille Stentor scares us all to death. FormID: 000DD614 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Somethin' just ain't right about that Sybille. You know, I've never seen her eat a thing? That can't be natural. FormID: 000B2DBE DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Most of the time, people just forget I'm even here. That's why I hear so much good gossip. FormID: 0002E192 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Oh, hello! Just tidying up. distracted FormID: 000C7C58 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 So exciting when new folk come into town. I bet you've had plenty of adventures. FormID: 00036D37 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Someday, a gallant hero will ride up and take me away. Someday... FormID: 000C7C6A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Someday, I'll be a gallant heroine. You make it look so.. appealing. FormID: 0002F82B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Are you my gallant hero? Have you come to whisk me away, to a life of adventure and romance? Flirtatious FormID: 000C7C84 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Maybe you need a partner? Hmm? Just picture it. Two women, the dusty road, strapping men at every tavern, a fortune in gold to be claimed... playful FormID: 000B2DBF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I made a wish in the town well that a golden knight came to take me to his castle. Oh, does it spoil the wish if I tell? The second line should be said as if it is a sudden realization. FormID: 0002E193 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Watch your feet. We just cleaned there! FormID: 0002F82C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Got lots of things to take care of. What do you need? FormID: 0002E194 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hello, my child. Arkay watch over you. FormID: 0002F82E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 May Arkay bless you with a long life, a proud death, and a restful grave. FormID: 0002FD42 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Hello and welcome, my friend. How may I help you on this fine day? FormID: 000302CE DialogueSolitude HELO 0 True, I may look the part of dashing swordsman, but I prefer the art of wit to that of warfare. I realize you may mistake me for a dashing swordsman, but I prefer the art of wit to that of warfare. FormID: 000302CF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Your typical Solitude wench is like the city itself. Stormy exterior, but ah the charms that lie within... FormID: 000B2DC0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 A sharp mind beats a sharp blade any day. Words to live by. Mercurial, dashing. FormID: 0002E19D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Ah, yet another new face. I'm from Hammerfell, you see. I can hardly keep track of all the people I've been meeting. FormID: 000D69F0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Always good to see a fellow traveler. I hope you've found the roads relatively safe. Free from dragons, at the very least... FormID: 000302D0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you're looking for any archery or fletching supplies, you should see Fihada. I'm just the apprentice. FormID: 000302D1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Fletching suits me. It's difficult, and sometimes tedious. But a well made arrow strikes forth like the fury of a god. FormID: 0002E1A0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You here for my next interrogation? I got nothing but time... FormID: 000C1D65 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Leave me be, Imperial. I haven't got anything to say to you. FormID: 000302D9 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Don't think I don't know what's coming. FormID: 000C1D69 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It's only a matter of time before Ahtar's blade finds my neck... FormID: 0002E1A1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You got business at the stables? FormID: 000302DA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Work hard for the future and leave the past be. That's my motto. FormID: 000302DB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 With a wife like Fridrika and a son like Horm, I'm the luckiest man in Skyrim. FormID: 000C1D6A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You wouldn't know it, but before my family got killed? I was the luckiest man in Skyrim. FormID: 0002E1A2 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Is this about the stables? My husband, Geimund, handles the business. FormID: 000C1D6B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Is this about the stables? With my husband gone, my son Horm handles the business. FormID: 000302DC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I really don't mean to be rude, but I don't think there's much I can help you with. FormID: 000302DD DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My family's weathered its share of problems, but we don't dwell on the past. FormID: 0002E1A3 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Looking for a horse? You'll want to talk to my father, Geimund. FormID: 000C1D6C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Need a horse? I guess I'm the one to talk to, since my da passed... FormID: 000302DE DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I grew up tending some of these horses. They're almost family. FormID: 000302DF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 When I was a boy, there was a year we couldn't afford enough feed. So I snuck my dinner out to the stables, and gave it to the horse. FormID: 000302E0 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Come in, come in! I was just about to take a break. FormID: 000302E1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Living outside the walls is a risk, aye. But at least the guards don't come nosin' around. FormID: 000302E2 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We had some trouble, while back. Stormcloak tried to set the mill on fire. But we sorted her out. FormID: 0002E1A5 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 What do you want? Sullen, angry FormID: 000302E3 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Out here at work, Hjorunn treats me like an equal. Better than most in town. FormID: 000302E4 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Any day is a good one, long as I don't have to go into town. But some days, Hjorunn's too drunk... FormID: 000C1D6D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Any day is a good one, long as I don't have to go into town. But with Hjorunn gone... FormID: 0002E1A6 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My duty is simple - oversee the Thalmor Justiciars, and make sure they perform their duties admirably. FormID: 000302E5 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The Empire, in its wisdom, has come to recognize Talos worship as a barbaric remnant of a bygone age. FormID: 000302E6 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Talos was a heroic man, but not a god. It pains the Altmer that we must remind our younger cousins of the difference. FormID: 000302E7 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We only want what is best for Tamriel. Surely, the rebels will accept peace when they realize this. FormID: 000302E8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I could swear I've seen you somewhere before... FormID: 0002E1A7 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Can I help you? FormID: 000302E9 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My husband handles the indoor work. Just as well - he'd only hurt himself out here. FormID: 000302EA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It's hard work keeping Solitude fed, but I wouldn't trust any other family to do it. FormID: 0002E1A8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Oh, hello. Have a seat, will you? FormID: 000302EB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I was a much younger man when I married Katla. Now I can hardly keep up with her. FormID: 000302EC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My brothers would have been appalled to see a man outdone by his wife, but not me. Without Katla, this farm would fall apart. FormID: 000302ED DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You're a guest. And father says we have to be polite to guests. FormID: 0002E1A9 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Mama said I could help with the goats! FormID: 000302EE DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Father says I don't have the knack for reading, but mama says I won't need it to work the farm. FormID: 0002E1AB DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Good day to you. FormID: 000302F1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Do you have business with the East Empire Company? FormID: 000302F2 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I will thank you not to interrupt me in my tasks. FormID: 0009417A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You'd better have a damned good reason for being here... FormID: 0009417B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 It takes a brave soul to wander onto my deck. It'll take more than that to leave in one piece. Menacing FormID: 0009417C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I'd say you're either brave or stupid, but I can already tell which one it is. Sarcasm, cruelty FormID: 0009417D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You must have a death wish. Menacing FormID: 0009417E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You reek. A little friendly advice - take a bath and get some new clothes. Cruel, spiteful FormID: 0009417F DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Whatever you're about to say, don't bother. I don't want to hear it. Cruel, spiteful FormID: 00094180 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 What hole did you crawl out of? Cruel, spiteful FormID: 00094181 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Out of my way, or I'll cut you. Deep. Cruel, spiteful FormID: 000AF490 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I've only been a part of the Red Wave's crew for a few weeks, but I've already learned to stay out of Captain Safia's way. FormID: 000AF493 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Forget wine, women and wealth - give me a calm sea and a good book, and I'm happy. FormID: 000AF495 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I hear Adonato Leotelli's staying up in Windhelm. I've read a few of his works. Be good to meet him someday. FormID: 000DD615 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Don't misunderstand me, friend. I like my quiet, and I like to read. But you trifle with my ship, my crew, or my captain? I will kill you. FormID: 000AF494 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You've not seen the night sky until you've seen it on the open sea. FormID: 000AF498 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My father was all the family I ever had. I felt so lost when he died. But the crew of the Red Wave's my family now. Tinged with melancholy, but with a more upbeat ending. FormID: 000AF49C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I've seen some truly wondrous sights since I took to the seas. I had no idea a man could die in so many ways... FormID: 000AF49D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Just yesterday, I saw a musician in the street playing a flute. It was... beautiful. I want that flute. FormID: 000AF4B5 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Dorian is helping me perfect my fencing, but I don't think I'll ever be as good as he is. FormID: 000E7699 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You've found the Bards College kitchen. Congratulations. Sarcastic. FormID: 000E769C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Meals are served to Bards at designated times. Find an inn if you want to make requests. FormID: 000E769D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You look a little sturdier than most of the Popinjays around here. FormID: 000AF4C1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I once captained a ship called the Argent Raptor. She struck an iceberg and went down, just north of Windhelm. FormID: 000AF4CC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 My shipmates scoff at my love of finery, but I know envy when I hear it. FormID: 000AF4D3 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 From ship's captain to lowly crewman... I suppose I deserve it after wasting all my coin on gambling and women. FormID: 000AF4DA DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I hail from Cyrodiil, but after a... misunderstanding with the law, I needed a swift change of scenery. FormID: 000DA64A DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If it's arms or armor you need, see Beirand in Castle Dour. Bloody good blacksmith, that one. FormID: 000DA64B DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you need potions, head over to Angeline's Aromatics. FormID: 000DA64C DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You can sell off that junk at Bits and Pieces. FormID: 000DA64D DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The Winking Skeever's got warm beds and cold mead. You look like you could use both. FormID: 000DA64E DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I don't abide fancy clothes, but you look like you might. I hear Radiant Raiments has a large selection. FormID: 000DA650 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Off the coast a ways to the east, you'll find the wreck of the Brinehammer. Never know what treasures may still be aboard. FormID: 000DA651 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 You heard of Ravenscar Hollow? Cave on the island to the west. Place is a roost for those foul Hagravens. FormID: 000DA652 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you must venture southwest, stay clear of Volskygge. It is a cursed place, a tomb where the dead still live... FormID: 000DA653 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 The road to Whiterun's not safe these days. Lots of travelers just... disappear, south of Dragon Bridge. Can't find a trace of them. FormID: 000DA654 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Pinemoon Cave is down to the southwest, but it ain't fit for exploring. There are stories... Vampires, some say... FormID: 000D90CC DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Been up to the Blue Palace? It's a sight to see. Even if it is filled with fops... FormID: 000D90ED DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We couldn't have taken this city without you, sir. FormID: 000D9169 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 We couldn't have taken this city without you, ma'am. FormID: 000D9174 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Everything's in order. FormID: 000D91CF DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Solitude is as glorious as they said it was. Nothing like Falkreath where I grew up. FormID: 000A95F6 DA14 GBYE 0 Don't talk to me, defiler. FormID: 000A9600 DA14 GBYE 0 I have no words. Talk to Anwen. FormID: 000A9603 DA14 GBYE 0 Pick up your mess. Then we'll talk. FormID: 000A9604 DA14 GBYE 0 I'm not going to talk to you until this mess is cleaned up. FormID: 00085C4C DA14 HELO 0 Talk to me again when you've cleaned up your mess. FormID: 0002E147 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaff DA14AskAboutStaff0 CUST 0 You mentioned something like that... when you were running off with my goat! FormID: 0002E147 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaff DA14AskAboutStaff0 CUST 1 Tell you what - you bring back my goat, and maybe I'll give a damn about your staff. FormID: 0002E11A RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 We're married. I guess we'll need to decide where we're living, won't we? You can always stay with me. FormID: 000CD60C RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 I guess we have our entire lives together, now. Where should we live? You could stay with me.... FormID: 000CD60D RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 We face the world together now. Where should we live? My home is yours. FormID: 000CD60E RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 We're united, but where should we live? My home is yours, of course. FormID: 000CD60F RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm a married man! Hey, where should we live? I guess you could always stay with me. FormID: 000CD610 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 This is the happiest day of my life. Where should we live? My home is your home now, of course. FormID: 000CD611 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPostLoveInterestBlocking RelationshipMarriagePostWeddingLoveInterestBlockingTopic CUST 0 Married. It doesn't feel like I thought it would, but I'm happy. Where should we live? You could stay with me.... FormID: 0002E0F1 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 The mine will be running better than ever thanks to you. FormID: 0002E0F0 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Nasty little buggers, aren't they? FormID: 000E4A0E DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 The spiders put you through the ringer? FormID: 000E4A0F DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 I hope you haven't arrived here looking for work in the mine. FormID: 0002E0F2 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Sorry, the mine's dry right now. FormID: 0002E0F3 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 I hate seeing a good mine go to waste like that, you know? FormID: 0002E0F4 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 If you're looking for supplies, I'd advise heading to Riften. FormID: 000E4A10 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 What brings you out to Shor's Stone? FormID: 0006A704 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Everything was going great in Redbelly. Then the damn spiders showed up. FormID: 0002E0F5 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 You think you're tough, huh? Wandering Skyrim is a picnic compared to tunnel crawling! FormID: 0002E0F6 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 The real work happens in places like this. Blood and sweat is what makes the world turn. FormID: 0002E0F8 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Sure, I used to be a soldier... but that was child's play compared to cracking rock. FormID: 000E4A11 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Mining's my life now, I wouldn't want to do anything else. FormID: 0002E0FD DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Making that trip to Darkwater Crossing was a huge help. Thank you. FormID: 0002E0FE DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 I trust my parents are well? FormID: 000E4A12 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Would you happen to be headed towards Darkwater Crossing? FormID: 000E4A13 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Welcome to Shor's Stone. FormID: 0006A705 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Have you ever been to Darkwater Crossing? Terrible name for such a beautiful place. FormID: 000E4A14 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 I suppose you're used to traveling, being a stranger around here. FormID: 0002E0FA DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Came all the way out here to see us, did you? FormID: 0002E102 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Ha! You showed those spiders a thing or two! FormID: 0002E100 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 You're looking at the best miner in Skyrim. FormID: 0002E101 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 I'd wager I could crack rock faster than anyone. Even you. FormID: 000E4A15 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Takes a lot of strength to swing a pick axe, know what I mean? FormID: 0002E0FF DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 Aye, I see the look you're giving me. Don't worry, I won't bite. FormID: 0003FDBE DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Morthal used to be a quiet place. But then, the world used to make sense. FormID: 0003FE0E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 You ask me, we'd be better off without that wizard in town. FormID: 0003FE1E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 This isn't the time or place for magic, or whatever it is Falion does. FormID: 000E0EE8 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I figure the guards could always use some help, so I keep my eyes open. FormID: 000E0EE9 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Been hoping they'd make me a guard, but not yet. Still, I'll help them out if I can. FormID: 00042891 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The Jarl does little to protect us these days. FormID: 00042E30 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 A new face! Such a welcome sight in dreary old Morthal. Welcome friend, welcome! FormID: 00042E31 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Don't fret over the gloom, there's nothing to fear! Old Lurbuk will brighten your spirits -- just lend him your ear! sing-song FormID: 00042E32 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The good people of Morthal have yet to embrace my talent. FormID: 00042E33 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Try as you may, they won't say [QUOTE]good day,[QUOTE] but will just walk away. Worry not, Morthal! Lurbuk is here to stay! FormID: 00042E34 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The fair Jonna does me a great courtesy by allowing me to entertain the guests of her noble establishment. FormID: 00042E35 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I, Lurbuk the Great, will win the hearts of the people of Morthal one day, mark my words! FormID: 00042E36 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Welcome to the Moorside. If you need anythin', I'll be 'round. Good to have a customer. FormID: 00042E37 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 There ain't much to offer, but if you wanna place dry to spend the night, I'll rent you a room. FormID: 00042E38 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Runnin' an inn weren't my plan. But Falion decided to move here, so I joined him. FormID: 000604EF DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Falion had his work to keep him busy, and I needed somethin' to do. So, here I am. FormID: 00042E39 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I take what little business I can git. I'm grateful for anyone willin' to spend money here. FormID: 00042E3A DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Ignore the Orc. He pays, so I let him stay. FormID: 000604F0 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I've tried to explain to Lurbuk that his [QUOTE]singin'[QUOTE] is gonna get his throat cut. FormID: 00042E3B DialogueMorthal HELO 0 You'll want to be careful travelin' at night. The marsh is a dangerous place. FormID: 00042E3C DialogueMorthal HELO 0 So, life has brought you to Morthal, and to me. What purpose this serves, we will no doubt see. Welcome. FormID: 00042E3D DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Tamriel is full of wisdom and magic, if one is willing to look for it. Few have their eyes open. FormID: 000E0D37 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Dark times, indeed. I fear the worst for Morthal and my people. FormID: 000E0D38 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I try and take comfort in knowing that when all is lost, there is much to be gained. FormID: 000E0D39 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 It is my hope that I will one day return to Hjaalmarch. But the Divines have not shown this to me. FormID: 00042E3E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I speak, and others hear. It is my hope that instead they listen. FormID: 00042E3F DialogueMorthal HELO 0 In Morthal, there is little to rule. But there is much to teach. And so, I am Jarl. FormID: 00042E40 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 All this talk of rebellion and strife. Too many are focused on what might be instead of what is. It tires me to talk about it. FormID: 00042E41 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 There is too much to learn in the world, too much to know, to fight over [QUOTE]laws[QUOTE] that have no real purpose. FormID: 00042E42 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 We're safe here now. But what of Morthal? FormID: 000E0D3A DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The Empire brought stability, assurance to the people of Morthal, even if they didn't appreciate it. Now what do they have? FormID: 000E0D74 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I fear for what this change will do to my family. FormID: 000E0D75 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 If you've business with the Jarl, I'd ask that you speak to me first. FormID: 00042E43 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I do what I can to see that Idgrod's time isn't wasted, and that she only has to deal with important matters. FormID: 00042E44 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Too many bother my wife with their petty problems, and then don't even understand the advice she gives them. FormID: 00042E45 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The only thing that matters to me is keeping my wife safe. I won't let anyone harm her. emphasis on 'anyone' FormID: 00042E46 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Morthal doesn't need any trouble. You keep your nose clean, understand? FormID: 00042E47 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 My mind weighs heavy enough. Leave me to my food. FormID: 000E0D76 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Leave Idgrod and her family alone. They've been through enough. FormID: 000E0D7E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 This wasn't what I wanted. Not at all. FormID: 000E0D8B DialogueMorthal HELO 0 All that ever mattered was what was best for Morthal. Leaving it in Ulfric's hands... It's not right. FormID: 000AD89B DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I'm just here to protect the Jarl, not to chat. FormID: 00042E48 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Morthal has enough problems without you bothering me. FormID: 00042E49 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I'm under a lot of pressure. If you don't leave me alone, I won't be held responsible. FormID: 00042E4B DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Please don't mind Joric. He's not mad, really he's not. timid FormID: 000E0D95 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 To be driven from our homes, to be forced here... this is the last thing that Joric needs. timid FormID: 00042E4C DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I don't... I haven't mother's gift, not quite, but I've seen things. timid FormID: 00042E4D DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Someday I'll be Jarl. Mother reminds me often. I hope I can help the people of Morthal the way she has. timid FormID: 00042E4E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 It's difficult sometimes... To know whether what I see is real or not. timid FormID: 000E0DB0 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I keep hoping this is another vision, that it's not real. But it is, isn't it? We really have lost our home. timid FormID: 000604F1 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 For now, looking after Joric is my job. timid FormID: 00042E4F DialogueMorthal HELO 0 You're different, aren't you? Not like anyone else. Not in Morthal, or Skyrim. FormID: 00042E50 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I don't understand. Why can't we go home? FormID: 000E0DCA DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I can't sleep here. The dreams are even worse than before. FormID: 000E0DCB DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I get lost sometimes. I'm not sure where I go, but I'm not... I'm not here. FormID: 00042E51 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Gorm thinks I'm mad. He doesn't say it, but I know he thinks it. Is he right? FormID: 00042E52 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 My mother sees things. She doesn't know why, but she does. Only sometimes, she doesn't see me at all. FormID: 00042E53 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 It's Falion. He... He did it. I don't know what it was, but he did it. FormID: 00042E54 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Keep your wits about you. Morthal's hardly a safe place. FormID: 00042E55 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I'm just a poor man trying to make a living. I'd leave Morthal were it in my power. FormID: 00042E56 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 This damned war has cost us... me... everything. FormID: 00042E57 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 My boy's to grow up without a mother? What life is that? It's not right, I tell you. FormID: 00042E58 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Hasn't been seen for a while. She just vanished without a trace. FormID: 000604F2 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Some say the swamp took her. Part of me wishes it were that simple. FormID: 00042E59 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Have you seen my mother? I'm still waiting for her to come home. FormID: 00042E5A DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Papa says that I shouldn't keep waiting. Why not? Mama has to come home some time. FormID: 00042E5C DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Who are the Stormcloaks, and why would mama want to spend time with them instead of me? FormID: 00042E5D DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I know you for what you are. This town's blood is ours. Leave it! Now we must return to our roles lest the sheep suspect the wolves. whispered FormID: 000DBA2D DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Well, aren't you the handsome one. You and I should spend some time together. flirting FormID: 000DBA2E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Well, aren't you the pretty one. I bet all the men chase after you. catty FormID: 00042E5E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The people here work so hard, and they never allow themselves a moment of fun. It's such a pity. It won't last forever though. FormID: 00042EC7 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 These people are like cattle. All they do is work, sleep and eat. FormID: 00042EC8 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Gathering plants, picking mushrooms, brewing potions. It all gets so dreary after a while. This town needs something exciting to happen. FormID: 00042ECA DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Thank you for saving me from Alva. I was completely under her evil spell. I'll never forgive myself for what happened to Helgi and my wife. FormID: 000DBA2F DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I... I'm not one for talk. Try to keep to myself. FormID: 00042ECB DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Alva's been good to me ever since... well, since the fire. FormID: 00042ECC DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I just try and do my job, and not to think about what's happened. Try to find what happiness I can. FormID: 00042ECD DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Ignore the talk of spirits and creatures and such. It's just superstition. FormID: 000604F3 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 There's enough real troubles in the world without making new ones up. FormID: 00042ECE DialogueMorthal HELO 0 You are new to Morthal. We have not spoken before. This is interesting. FormID: 00042ECF DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The changes in Morthal are of little consequence to me. So long as the laws are upheld, I do not care who does the upholding. FormID: 000E0DD6 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 My talents are much needed here, in order to keep Morthal... safe. FormID: 00042ED0 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Morthal is a troubled place, and it is my duty to see it rest in peace. FormID: 00042ED1 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Please remain indoors at night. It is dangerous to go outside. FormID: 00044376 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Do you like magic? Falion says I'm good at learning. I like learning about magic. FormID: 00044377 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 My mother and father died years ago. Falion takes care of me now. FormID: 00044378 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I asked Falion if someday I could learn from the mages in Winterhold, but he doesn't like that idea. FormID: 00044379 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 If you need any alchemy supplies, I'll do my best to provide them. Assuming I haven't used them all up. FormID: 0004437A DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Jorgen and I both work hard, all the time. Morthal is important to both of us. FormID: 0004437B DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I don't get many customers, but that leaves me time to try things out. Experiment, I guess. FormID: 0004437C DialogueMorthal HELO 0 Unless it's about the mill, I don't have time to talk. Too much to do. FormID: 0004437D DialogueMorthal HELO 0 We've gone from a Jarl lost in her own head to a Jarl that cares for nothing but herself. Lot of good that does us. FormID: 000E0DE6 DialogueMorthal HELO 0 The mill is my responsibility, and that's what I care about. That's all. Understand? FormID: 0004437E DialogueMorthal HELO 0 I just want to be left alone to do my job, and to enjoy what little free time I have when I have it. FormID: 0002F189 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 We've got all the miners we need, so I hope you're not here looking for work. FormID: 000E0D2F DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Hjaalmarch isn't much, but it's a good start. I'll make a name for myself here, then maybe work my way up to someplace like Riften. FormID: 000E0D30 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Finally, my leadership is being recognized. smug FormID: 0002F18A DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Nothing here but the mine. Probably best you keep moving. FormID: 0002F18B DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Pactur and I, we make sure the miners aren't stealing, and that the ore makes it to Solitude. FormID: 000E0D31 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 It's good that Sorli has finally been given some real authority. FormID: 000E0D32 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I'll see to it that Sorli is safe now that she's running Morthal. FormID: 000E0D33 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 We left Sirgar in charge back at Stonehills. I hope that wasn't a mistake. FormID: 0002F18D DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Sorli and I are just here to make sure the mine is run proper. FormID: 0002F18E DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Wouldn't ever have expected to wind up living in a place like this, but the money's good. FormID: 0002F18F DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Don't bother the miners. They've got work to do. FormID: 0002F190 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I'm in charge now that my parents are in Morthal. FormID: 000E0D34 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I figured that I would run the mine someday. I just didn't figure that would mean now. FormID: 000E0D35 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Guess the Empire's going to need plenty of iron what with all the fighting. That'll be good for us, I suppose. FormID: 000E0D36 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Talk to my parents if you need something. FormID: 0002F191 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 My parents keep a close eye on the miners. They can't be trusted too much. FormID: 0002F192 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I hear there's been fighting in Skyrim. Rebellion, maybe. Wonder if our iron is being used for weapons. FormID: 0002F193 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 If you're here about the mine -- it's already got an owner, and she's not selling. If not, then please stay out of my workers' way. FormID: 0002F194 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 You get used to the cold after a while. The harder you work, the warmer you stay. FormID: 00068364 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I spend every waking moment making sure the mine is put to good use. FormID: 0002F195 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Bryling owns this mine. I wouldn't have much to live for if she hadn't offered me a job. FormID: 0002F196 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 My job is my life. Whatever happened before doesn't matter. FormID: 0002F1A4 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I'm just here to work the mine. Nothing else matters anymore. FormID: 0002F1A5 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 The outside world means little to us, and we'd like it to stay that way. FormID: 0002F1A6 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 When you work hard enough, really get into a rhythm, everything else just fades away. FormID: 0002F1A7 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 I'm just trying to make a living. I've no interest in trouble. FormID: 0002F1A8 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 My business is my own. Why can't others see that? annoyed, [QUOTE]others[QUOTE] meaning YOU FormID: 0002F1A9 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 The mine gives us purpose. Something many of us have wished for. FormID: 0002F1AA DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Stonehills' warmth is a welcome change in this cold, bleak land. FormID: 0002F1AB DialogueStonehills HELO 0 Teeba-Ei the hatchling never imagined working a mine in this cold place. Greater things were dreamt of. FormID: 00068366 DialogueStonehills HELO 0 This is not where Teeba-Ei was meant to live out the rest of his days. FormID: 0002DE38 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightLivingWith CUST 0 We were supposed to find a sacrifice. Human sacrifice. I told her I couldn't do it and she attacked. FormID: 0002DE38 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightLivingWith CUST 1 I've done horrible things living here, but never taken an innocent life. I couldn't just find some person for them to kill. FormID: 0002DE39 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightQSTHelpKill CUST 0 The Initiation. My mother is going to become one of those things. I can't be a part of that. The Initiation and her mother's transformation are things you're afraid of. FormID: 0002DE39 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightIlliaBranch dunDarklightQSTHelpKill CUST 1 Gods, I can't run away from this. I have to stop her. You've just realized what must be done. With resolve. FormID: 0002DE36 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 I'm going with you whether you like it or not. FormID: 0002DE3A dunDarklightQST dunDarklightTravelChatter dunDarklightTravelChatterTopic CUST 0 Let's get up there before mother finds out what we're doing. FormID: 0002DE37 dunDarklightQST SCEN 0 You want in there? Here's my spare key. Take whatever you want. FormID: 0002DD27 MS14 MS14JarlSolvedMystery MS14JarlAlvaDidIt CUST 0 Alva? Didn't think she had it in her. FormID: 00016AD5 MS14 MS14JarlSolvedMystery MS14JarlAlvaDidIt CUST 0 So Alva did it to get Hroggar for herself? I should have suspected her. FormID: 0002DD26 MS14 MS14JarlSolvedMystery MS14JarlAlvaVampire CUST 0 I assume you have proof? Can't go making accusations like that without proof. skeptical FormID: 00016AD6 MS14 MS14JarlSolvedMystery MS14JarlAlvaVampire CUST 0 By the gods! I assume you have proof. FormID: 0002DCA0 MS12 SCEN 0 Bah. If there was a tonic that could help me, I would have found it by now... FormID: 0002DCA2 MS12 MS12NurelionIntroBranch MS12NurelionOfferThanks CUST 0 You would do that? It's good to know there are some people out there who are willing to help an old man. Passive aggressively, wanting Quintus to hear FormID: 0002DCA2 MS12 MS12NurelionIntroBranch MS12NurelionOfferThanks CUST 1 It's buried with its maker, Curalmil, in a long forsaken cave to the west of here. FormID: 0002DCA2 MS12 MS12NurelionIntroBranch MS12NurelionOfferThanks CUST 2 Curalmil was a crafty one, even in death. You would need the skills of a master alchemist to reach his resting place. FormID: 0002DCA2 MS12 MS12NurelionIntroBranch MS12NurelionOfferThanks CUST 3 Luckily for you, I've already made the mixture. Here, take it. FormID: 0002DCA2 MS12 MS12NurelionIntroBranch MS12NurelionOfferThanks CUST 4 Please... don't dally. I've wasted enough time arguing with my useless assistant here. The coughing overtakes him again FormID: 0002DC9F MS12 MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranch MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 A legendary bottle, forged in the days when Skyrim was just starting its turn to ice. FormID: 0002DC9F MS12 MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranch MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 A small container, made of the magically infused snow that first fell on the Throat of the World. FormID: 0002DC9F MS12 MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranch MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranchTopic CUST 2 It is said that the Phial will replenish whatever fluid is placed inside of it. FormID: 0002DC9F MS12 MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranch MS12NurelionPhialInfoBranchTopic CUST 3 For an alchemist like myself, it is the most pure expression of my art. To create from nothingness is... poetry. FormID: 0002DCA1 MS12 MS12NurelionMotivationBranch MS12NurelionMotivationBranchTopic CUST 0 I have spent my entire life searching for it. FormID: 0002DCA1 MS12 MS12NurelionMotivationBranch MS12NurelionMotivationBranchTopic CUST 1 It brought me all the way to these frozen reaches from the warm embrace of Summerset Isle. FormID: 0002DCA1 MS12 MS12NurelionMotivationBranch MS12NurelionMotivationBranchTopic CUST 2 Entire years spent in libraries. Seeking out tiny villages with local legends that contain but a whisper of a hint of the Phial. FormID: 0002DCA1 MS12 MS12NurelionMotivationBranch MS12NurelionMotivationBranchTopic CUST 3 I even named my shop after it, hoping that it might attract anyone who had heard of it. FormID: 0002DCA1 MS12 MS12NurelionMotivationBranch MS12NurelionMotivationBranchTopic CUST 4 And now it's within my grasp... but the Eight, it seems, have chosen me for their amusement. coughing FormID: 0002DCA1 MS12 MS12NurelionMotivationBranch MS12NurelionMotivationBranchTopic CUST 5 ... for in my current condition, I'll never be able to lay my hands on it. FormID: 0002D8A2 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05StartPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Splendid. Then we're ready to begin. Or, more specifically, you're ready to begin. After all, you're the one the Night Mother spoke to. FormID: 0002D8A2 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05StartPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 But by Sithis, I hope I'm making the right choice here. You may be an effective killer, but your command of guile leaves much to be desired. FormID: 0002D8A2 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05StartPlayerResponse1 CUST 2 The sealed letter you delivered to me was mysteriously unsealed upon its arrival. I can only assume you've read its contents. Sloppy... FormID: 0002D8A2 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05StartPlayerResponse1 CUST 3 But moving on to business. As you probably already know from reading the letter... you're going to a wedding. FormID: 0002D8A3 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05StartPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Splendid. Then we're ready to begin. Or, more specifically, you're ready to begin. After all, you're the one the Night Mother spoke to. FormID: 0002D8A3 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05StartPlayerResponse1 CUST 1 Now then. I hope you have something nice to wear. Because you're going to a wedding. FormID: 0002D8A5 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWeddingResponse CUST 0 Well, more like the public reception. It should be a lovely affair. You'll mingle with the guests, eat some cake... stab the bride. FormID: 0002D8A5 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWeddingResponse CUST 1 Oh yes. You've got to kill the bride. At her wedding. FormID: 0002D8A5 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWeddingResponse CUST 2 And they say romance is dead. FormID: 0002D89C DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridWeddingStartTopic DB05AstridReceptionStartTopicTopic CUST 0 Soon. I'm not exactly sure when. But not to worry - the ceremony itself is being followed up by a public banquet that will last for several days. FormID: 0002D89C DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridWeddingStartTopic DB05AstridReceptionStartTopicTopic CUST 1 Both Vittoria and her husband will be there for the duration, and everyone in Solitude is invited to attend. You'll have plenty of opportunity. FormID: 0002D89A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridTargetInfoTopic DB05AstridTargetInfoTopicTopic CUST 0 An excellent question. Vittoria Vici is the first cousin to our dear Emperor, Titus Mede II. FormID: 0002D89A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridTargetInfoTopic DB05AstridTargetInfoTopicTopic CUST 1 Vici has obvious Imperial connections. Her husband has ties to the Stormcloaks. Their union is a step toward reconciliation. FormID: 0002D89A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridTargetInfoTopic DB05AstridTargetInfoTopicTopic CUST 2 So if there's a murder at the wedding... Not only will it stall the peace process - it will send shockwaves throughout the entire Empire. FormID: 0002D89A DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridTargetInfoTopic DB05AstridTargetInfoTopicTopic CUST 3 The Emperor's hand will be forced. He'll have to travel to Skyrim to deal with the aftermath... and he'll find the Dark Brotherhood waiting. FormID: 000D7845 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 Every now and again, we like to remind the shopkeepers that we're in charge. FormID: 000D7845 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 1 If that means breaking into their strongboxes and stealing something valuable from them, then so be it. FormID: 000D7845 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 2 Feel like doing a bit of shopping... the Guild way? coy FormID: 0002E6AF TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a shop owner with a very choice item a client wants to get his hands on if you do the dirty work. FormID: 0002E7B2 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a good one here involving a shop, a waylaid shipment of goods and an angry client. You fill in the blanks. You want in? FormID: 0002E9B2 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 I have just the place. The owner likes to stash some lovely trinkets in his strongbox like this beauty. Can you get it for us? FormID: 0002E9D6 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 The owner of this place just inherited an heirloom from a relative. You want in? FormID: 0002E9FD TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure. A client's relative lost this item in a gambling match and they're paying us to get it back. So much for fair play, huh? amused FormID: 0002EA00 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 The owner of this shop stiffed us on their last protection payment, but we're taking it anyway. You want to help us on this one? FormID: 0002EA02 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 'Jiit caravan brought this shop a nice piece from Elsweyr. Think you can break into their strongbox and get it for us? Jiit = [QUOTE]Jeet[QUOTE] FormID: 0002EA04 TGRShell TGRShellSLBranch TGRShellSLBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a client in desperate need for this item. He won't say what it's for, and we don't care. Can you take this one? FormID: 0002D8A4 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridMoreInfoTopic DB05AstridMoreInfoTopicTopic CUST 0 This is a public kill. How you do it is entirely up to you. Arrow to the throat? Knife in the belly? Your choice, so long as it's loud and messy. FormID: 0002D8A4 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridMoreInfoTopic DB05AstridMoreInfoTopicTopic CUST 1 Because of the current political climate, people are going to assume the murder is related to the bad blood between the Legion and Stormcloaks. FormID: 0002D8A4 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridMoreInfoTopic DB05AstridMoreInfoTopicTopic CUST 2 In any event, when Vici dies, it's going to be complete pandemonium. Best have your escape route planned out in advance. FormID: 0002D8A6 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridEmperorQuestion DB05AstridEmperorQuestionTopic CUST 0 Hmph. He had a trip to Skyrim planned for months, and canceled at the last minute. Much to his cousin's dismay. FormID: 0002D8A6 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridEmperorQuestion DB05AstridEmperorQuestionTopic CUST 1 Seems the Emperor realized his presence would necessitate a more direct role in the ongoing hostilities. A role he was, obviously, unwilling to take. FormID: 0002D8A6 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridEmperorQuestion DB05AstridEmperorQuestionTopic CUST 2 All that will change with his cousin's murder. Everyone will think it was motivated by the conflict between the Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks. FormID: 0002D8A6 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridEmperorQuestion DB05AstridEmperorQuestionTopic CUST 3 And the Emperor will be forced to come clean up the mess. FormID: 000D2325 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102RiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Of course. Take what you need. FormID: 0002C44F MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102RiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Of course. Take what you need. FormID: 0002C44F MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102RiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 1 But what's all this about? What are you two doing here? FormID: 00041F16 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102RiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Hadvar? How do you know him? suspicious FormID: 0002D751 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102RiverwoodHelpTopic CUST 0 Like I said, I'm glad to help in any way I can. Help yourself to whatever you need, within reason. FormID: 0002D755 MQ102A MQ102WhiterunTopic MQ102WhiterunTopicTopic CUST 0 Just head north - you can't miss it. FormID: 0002D755 MQ102A MQ102WhiterunTopic MQ102WhiterunTopicTopic CUST 1 It's the capital of Whiterun Hold, the biggest and the best of the nine holds of Skyrim. But don't take my word for it. FormID: 0002D756 MQ102A MQ102WhiterunTopic MQ102WhiterunTopicTopic CUST 0 Cross the river and then head north. You'll see it, just past the falls. FormID: 0002D756 MQ102A MQ102WhiterunTopic MQ102WhiterunTopicTopic CUST 1 When you get to Whiterun just keep going up. When you get to the top of the hill, you're at Dragonsreach, the Jarl's palace. FormID: 000D39B9 MQ102A MQ102WhiterunTopic MQ102WhiterunTopicTopic CUST 0 Just follow the road north. When you get to Honningbrew Meadery, turn left and the road will take you to the city gates. FormID: 000D39B9 MQ102A MQ102WhiterunTopic MQ102WhiterunTopicTopic CUST 1 It's not far. We used to go to the market there every month or so, until the roads got so dangerous with the war and all. FormID: 0002D55F DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene4 SCEN 0 You really think I can be a blacksmith someday, papa? As good as Eorlund Gray-Mane? Or maybe... even as good as you? FormID: 0002D5C2 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene4 SCEN 0 Oh, I know it! You keep working hard, like you been doing, and you could be the greatest blacksmith Skyrim has ever seen. FormID: 0002D5C1 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene4 SCEN 0 He he. Thanks, papa. FormID: 0002D4E9 MS12 SCEN 0 You see, you're not well! Have a seat and I'll fetch you some tonic. FormID: 0002D4EA MS12 SCEN 0 I'll... I can... just... coughing violently, unable to speak FormID: 0002D4EB MS12 SCEN 0 Master, you're far too old for this sort of journey. We don't know what's inside... FormID: 0002D4E8 MS12 SCEN 0 I'll be fine. FormID: 0002D4EC MS12 MS12Hellos HELO 0 I'm so close to the answer... FormID: 0002DCA3 MS12 MS12Hellos HELO 0 May the Eight guide you to the Phial... FormID: 0002DCA4 MS12 MS12Hellos HELO 0 Please hurry -- I fear my master doesn't have much time left. FormID: 0009753E DA07 GBYE 0 Good luck finding the fragments. send off FormID: 0009753F DA07 GBYE 0 I'll just be tending the museum if you need me. passionate curator FormID: 0002CC84 T01 T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranch T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranchTopic CUST 0 Please, open the door. I need to get out of here. FormID: 000D8700 T01 T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranch T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you one of them? Please don't hurt me. FormID: 0002CC83 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 I hope we reach Markarth soon. FormID: 000DAB52 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 I can't wait to learn from the priestesses. FormID: 000DAB53 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 Please, let's hurry to the Temple before the Forsworn find me again. FormID: 000DAB54 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 I hope Fjotra is happy in the temple. We're so honored to have given her. FormID: 000DAB55 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 Thank you for getting her back from the Forsworn. Dibella was smart to have sent you. FormID: 00086833 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 Let's get to the Forsworn camp. Her life could be in danger. FormID: 000DAB56 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 I swear, if those things have laid a hand on her... FormID: 00086834 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 Let's find Fjotra. This place gives me the creeps. FormID: 000DAB57 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 How could they live like this? It's disgusting. FormID: 00092350 T01 T01Hellos HELO 0 I'm sorry, the Temple of Dibella is closed. You can receive your blessing, if you wish, but the other sisters are in seclusion. FormID: 0002CC76 T01 T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranch T01FjotraWillBeTheSybil CUST 0 I've heard stories about the wonders of the great Temple in Markarth. FormID: 0002CC76 T01 T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranch T01FjotraWillBeTheSybil CUST 1 But I never dreamed that I would even get to see it. FormID: 0002CC76 T01 T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranch T01FjotraWillBeTheSybil CUST 2 I am honored to be called for this duty. Please, lead on. FormID: 0002CC40 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic CUST 0 Now, there's no need to do anything rash... afraid FormID: 0002CC40 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic CUST 1 This isn't as bad as it seems. I was going to tell Mercer about everything, honestly! Please... he'll have me killed! afraid FormID: 0002CC48 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I see you wish to be reasonable, perhaps I misjudged you. relieved FormID: 0002CC48 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic02 CUST 1 The name of the person you want is Karliah. slightly reluctant to say this FormID: 0002CC45 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic03 CUST 0 All right, all right. It's Karliah... her name is Karliah. slightly reluctant to say this FormID: 0002CC4E TG04 TG04GulumEiNightingales TG04GulumEiNightingalesTopic CUST 0 They were a secret cabal of the three top rogues in the Thieves Guild. No one knew their identities. FormID: 0002CC4E TG04 TG04GulumEiNightingales TG04GulumEiNightingalesTopic CUST 1 Some people say they watched over the group, others say they were reserved for the most elite jobs. I don't really know. FormID: 0002CC4E TG04 TG04GulumEiNightingales TG04GulumEiNightingalesTopic CUST 2 It wasn't until recently that I heard Mercer Frey and this Dark Elf named Karliah were a part of that group. FormID: 0002CC3F TG04 TG04GulumEiDeed TG04GulumEiDeedTopic CUST 0 Consider it a gift to ensure your silence. That thing seems to be bringing me nothing but trouble anyway. FormID: 0002CC3F TG04 TG04GulumEiDeed TG04GulumEiDeedTopic CUST 1 Karliah didn't even want it, she wanted to keep the sale a secret. I can see how well that went. FormID: 000B881E TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 I thought it was painfully obvious that Gulum-Ei was important to the Guild. extremely irritated FormID: 000B881E TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm sorry to say your payment for the job will have to go to elsewhere since you feel like taking things in your own direction. FormID: 000B881E TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic CUST 2 Now, did Gulum-Ei give up any information on our buyer? changing subjects FormID: 0002CC41 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 Did Gulum-Ei give up any information on our buyer? FormID: 0002CC42 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No, it.. it can't be. I haven't heard that name in decades. Stunned. FormID: 0002CC42 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 This is grave news indeed, she's someone I hoped to never cross paths with again. FormID: 0002CC4B TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Karliah destroyed everything this Guild stood for. She murdered my predecessor in cold blood and betrayed the Guild. FormID: 0002CC4B TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 After we discovered what she'd done, we spent months trying to track her down, but she just vanished. FormID: 0002CC43 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Karliah and I were like partners. I went with her on every heist. We watched each other's backs. almost musing to yourself aloud FormID: 0002CC43 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 I know her techniques, her skills. If she kills me, there'll be no one left that could possibly catch her. a bit worried FormID: 0002CC43 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic03 CUST 2 If only we knew where she was... FormID: 0002CC4D TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 There's only one place that could be. The place where she murdered Gallus... a ruin called Snow Veil Sanctum. FormID: 0002CC4D TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 We have to go out there before she disappears again. suddenly resolved FormID: 0002CC46 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Yes, I'm going with you and together we're going to kill her. very cold FormID: 0002CC46 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Prepare yourself and meet me at the ruins as soon as you can. We can't let her slip through our fingers. very cold FormID: 000B8817 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Yes, I'm going with you and together we're going to kill her. very cold FormID: 000B8817 TG04 TG04MercerOutroBranch TG04MercerOutroBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Here's your payment for Solitude. Prepare yourself and meet me at the ruins as soon as you can. We can't let her slip through our fingers. FormID: 0002CC4A TG05 TG05MercerKill TG05MercerKillTopic CUST 0 I have a long-standing arrangement with the Dark Brotherhood. If I need someone in the Guild taken care of, we do it ourselves. FormID: 0002CC4A TG05 TG05MercerKill TG05MercerKillTopic CUST 1 We both agree it's best to keep these matters in house. FormID: 0002C8D6 MG04 SCEN 0 I'm sure you've already noticed the markings. They're quite unlike anything we've seen before. FormID: 0002C8CE MG04 SCEN 0 Now, I'm not sure that you're quite as attuned as I am, given my extensive years of experience, but can you feel that? FormID: 0002C8E6 MG04 SCEN 0 Arch-Mage Aren is already hard at work, and hopefully we'll have more information soon. FormID: 0002C8E1 MG04 SCEN 0 I'm afraid I must intrude. It is urgent that I speak with your associate immediately. FormID: 0002C8D4 MG04 SCEN 0 Now, I... FormID: 0002C8E7 MG04 SCEN 0 This is most inappropriate! We are involved in serious research here! FormID: 0002C8E5 MG04 SCEN 0 Yes, I've no doubt of its gravity. This, however, is a matter that cannot wait. dismissive FormID: 0002C8DC MG04 SCEN 0 Well, I'm quite sure I've never been interrupted like this before... the audacity!... astonished, talking to self FormID: 0002C8D5 MG04 SCEN 0 I suppose we'll continue this at some later time, when we can avoid interruptions. annoyed FormID: 0002C8D3 MG04 MG04Stage10AncanoBranch MG04Stage10AncanoBranchTopic CUST 0 I need you to come with me immediately. Let's go. FormID: 0002C8D2 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoBranch MG04Stage20AncanoBranchTopic CUST 0 Really? Well, allow me to clarify the situation. FormID: 0002C8D2 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoBranch MG04Stage20AncanoBranchTopic CUST 1 I'd like to know why there's someone claiming to be from the Psijic Order here in the College. FormID: 0002C8D2 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoBranch MG04Stage20AncanoBranchTopic CUST 2 More importantly, I'd like to know why he's asking for you specifically. FormID: 0002C8D2 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoBranch MG04Stage20AncanoBranchTopic CUST 3 So we're going to go have a little chat with him, and find out exactly what it is he wants. FormID: 0002C8E0 MG04 MG04Stage20AncanoHallBranch MG04Stage20AncanoHallBranchTopic CUST 0 Now, you are going to speak to this... Monk... and find out why he is here, and then he will be removed from College grounds. Walk Away FormID: 0002C8D1 MG04 MG04Stage30AncanoPreSceneBranch MG04Stage30AncanoPreSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 Find out why he's here, and what he wants. FormID: 0002C8D7 MG04 MG04Stage30QuaranirBranch MG04Stage30QuaranirBranchTopic CUST 0 I'd simply like to talk to you. FormID: 0002C8E2 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 The Augur? Really? Well, it's certainly not my place to say anything about it. FormID: 0002C8E2 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 I think you'd better go see Mirabelle Ervine. FormID: 00078C1C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 What? The Augur? Oh no, I'm quite sure that's... He's nothing I'm involved in. No, no. FormID: 00078C1C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 Mirabelle Ervine... Or Tolfdir. They're qualified to discuss him. Not me, definitely not. FormID: 00078C1D MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 It's not enough that you've stolen the spotlight with this Eye thing, now you're looking for the Augur? FormID: 00078C1D MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm not sure what you're playing at, but you'd do well to remember your place around here. FormID: 00078C1E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 The Augur? Tragic story, really. At least, the way I heard it. But that was a long time ago. FormID: 00078C1E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 It was some experiment gone horribly wrong. Ghastly results, I was told. And his ghost still roams the halls, they say. FormID: 00078C1E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 2 Of course, on further reflection, that may have simply been an attempt to scare me. Hmm. annoyed FormID: 00078C1E MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 3 Perhaps I'll ask Tolfdir what really happened. I understand he was here at the time. FormID: 0005036F MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, no. No, that won't do at all. FormID: 0005036F MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 Not my problem. Not even a little. Take it to Tolfdir, he's supposed to be looking after you lot. FormID: 00050370 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 That's nothing you need to concern yourself with. FormID: 0004FA10 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 The what of what? No. No idea. FormID: 0004FA10 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 If it's important, maybe Tolfdir knows. He seems to know a lot. FormID: 00050371 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Huh? That sounds ominous. Are you getting yourself into even more trouble? FormID: 00050371 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 Did you ask Mirabelle? She runs things around here, after all. FormID: 00078C1F MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 I've never heard of anything like that. Did you ask Tolfdir? He's been here a long time, and seems to know almost everything. FormID: 0002C8E3 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 The what? surprised, annoyed FormID: 0002C8E3 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 No. No, I'm quite sure I have no idea what you're talking about. lying, covering something up FormID: 0002C8E3 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 2 I suggest you mind your own business and return to whatever it is you do here. annoyed FormID: 0002C8E4 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Well now, there's a name I haven't heard in some time. FormID: 0002C8E4 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 My goodness, it's been years since I've spoken with him. I suppose he's still down in the Midden, but I haven't checked. FormID: 0002C8E4 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 2 Are you going to see him? Do tell him [QUOTE]hello[QUOTE] for me, won't you? FormID: 0010272C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Has Tolfdir been telling stories again? I thought I made it quite clear that this was a subject inappropriate for conversation. FormID: 0010272C MG04 MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranch MG04Stage40AugurQuestionBranchTopic CUST 1 Please don't allow him to continue to discuss the subject. FormID: 0002C8DA MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurBranchTopic CUST 0 I am that which you have been seeking. FormID: 0002C8DA MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurBranchTopic CUST 1 Your efforts are in vain. It has already begun. FormID: 0002C8DA MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurBranchTopic CUST 2 But those who have sent you have not told you what they seek. What you seek. FormID: 000167C8 WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WIRemoveItem01MainTopic CUST 0 You shouldn't leave weapons laying around. Someone could get hurt. And if I see you do it again, that someone will be you. scolding, mildly sarcastic/violent Walk Away FormID: 000167C8 WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WIRemoveItem01MainTopic CUST 1 Have I made myself clear? mildly sarcastic Walk Away FormID: 0002C6A6 WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WIRemoveItem01MainBranchSorry CUST 0 See that it doesn't happen again. annoyed, warning FormID: 0002C6A8 WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WIRemoveItem01MainBranchNotSorry CUST 0 No? Do you care about rotting away for a month in a cell? annoyed, sarcastic (tsk tsk) Walk Away FormID: 0002C6A8 WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WIRemoveItem01MainBranchNotSorry CUST 1 Ah, but nobody wants that, right? Painful for you, annoying for me. So, you pay my fine... and you walk away. annoyed police officer, getting even by soliciting a bribe. Walk Away FormID: 0002C6A7 WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WIRemoveItem01PayFine CUST 0 See, that wasn't so difficult, was it. happily accepting a bribe FormID: 0002C6AA WIRemoveItem01 WIRemoveItem01MainBranch WiRemoveItem01NotPayFine CUST 0 Is that so? Well then, I'll have to charge you with disturbing the Jarl's peace. slyly trumping up a charge FormID: 0002C59D DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Come on. Let's see what you're made of. FormID: 0002C5A4 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Get him! FormID: 0002C5A5 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Get her! FormID: 0002C59F DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Twelve septims on the big one! FormID: 0002C5A1 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Fight! Fight! FormID: 0002C5A0 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Drive that snowback to the ground. Come on! FormID: 000AA73A DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 You just going to stand there and take it? Fight back. FormID: 000AA743 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Who taught you to fight? Keep those hands up! FormID: 0002C5AE DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Don't let him get away with this! FormID: 000AA752 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Don't let her get away with this! FormID: 0002C5AF DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Get him! FormID: 000AA754 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Get her! FormID: 0002C5B0 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Come on, he's not so tough. FormID: 000AA758 DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Come on, she's not so tough. FormID: 0002C59E DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 You want a real fight, eh? FormID: 0002C4A2 MS12 SCEN 0 Master, look. It's the Phial. FormID: 0002C4A5 MS12 SCEN 0 What? How? weak, dying, weakly coughing FormID: 0002C4A1 MS12 SCEN 0 It doesn't matter. Look, it's refilling with your tonic as we speak. laughing through tears FormID: 0002C4A4 MS12 SCEN 0 Marvelous. last words FormID: 0002C4A0 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeathTopic CUST 0 He is gone. FormID: 0002C4A0 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeathTopic CUST 1 But thanks to you, he died knowing his life's work was not in vain. FormID: 0002C4A3 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusNurelionIsDead CUST 0 As am I. FormID: 0002C4A3 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusNurelionIsDead CUST 1 You acted very nobly in helping my master realize his life's work. Thank you for that. FormID: 0002C4A3 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusNurelionIsDead CUST 2 As for myself, I've always been content to simply be an alchemist. FormID: 0002C4A3 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusNurelionIsDead CUST 3 I fear keeping the Phial would just remind me of Nurelion's obsession, and how it consumed him. FormID: 0002C4A3 MS12 MS12QuintusAfterNurelionsDeath MS12QuintusNurelionIsDead CUST 4 Here, keep it. You are as much a part of its legend now as Curalmil was. I hope it brings you the happiness that my master desired. FormID: 0002C48E WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 You assaulted one of my family members. I've come to accept your apology. threatening Walk Away FormID: 00035F90 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 You! Fetcher! I should kill you for assaulting my family. But I will accept your apology... threatening (fetcher & s'wit are cusswords) Walk Away FormID: 00035F91 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 You know who I am? You attacked one of my clan. I've come to accept your apology... or your death. threatening Walk Away FormID: 00035F92 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 You! You hurt my family. I don't like when my family gets hurt. Say you're sorry. Or say goodbye. threatening Walk Away FormID: 00035F93 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 You attacked one of my family. What do you have to say for yourself? threatening Walk Away FormID: 00035F94 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 You can't attack my family and get away with it, fetcher! I will have an apology, or your head on a spike. Choose. threatening (fetcher, n'wah is a cussword) Walk Away FormID: 00035F95 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 Dishonorable dog. You attacked one of my kin. So now you're going to apologize... or I'm going to lop off your head. threatening Walk Away FormID: 00035F96 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01MainTopic CUST 0 Here's the situation. You attacked my family. So now you're going to apologize.. or I'm going to kill you. I hope we understand each other... threatening Walk Away FormID: 0002C492 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 I trust this is the last I'll hear of your violent outbursts. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 00035F89 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 Stay away from my family if you value your life. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 00035F8A WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 Good. But know that further dishonor to my family will mean your death. accepting an apology, warning -- emphasize [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] FormID: 00035F8B WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 You stay away from my family. Or you die. Be smart. Stay away. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 00035F8C WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 This had better be the last I hear of you disrespecting my family. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 00035F8D WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 Mark these words carefully, fetcher. Stay away from my family, or I will paint the ground with your blood. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 00035F8E WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 Any further dishonor done to my kin, and I'll put you in the ground. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 00035F8F WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01Sorry CUST 0 That wasn't so hard, now was it. accepting an apology, warning FormID: 0002C48F WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Come again? threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 0002C490 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 I am prepared to deal with your insolence... threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 0002C491 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Fine. Then it will be an honor to kill you for your offenses against my kin. about to start a fight FormID: 00035FDF WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Are you out of your mind? threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FE0 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 If you value your well being, you will offer an apology... threatening violence - emphasis on [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 00035FE1 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 You should be. about to start a fight FormID: 00035FE2 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 You may care nothing of honor, but I do. I'm not leaving without an apology. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FE3 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 You sure you want it to come to this? threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FE4 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 In your death may you find the honor you lacked in life. about to start a fight FormID: 00035FE5 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 What? You stupid or something? threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FE6 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Say you're sorry. Say it now. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FE7 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 That's it! about to start a fight FormID: 00035FE8 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Really? threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FE9 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 You're making a fatal mistake. Apologize, and you may yet live... threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FEA WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 So be it. about to start a fight FormID: 00035FEB WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 I will not tolerate this offense against my kin. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FEC WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Are you mad? Apologize, or I will gut you like a horker. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FED WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Then you are fool, and will die for it. about to start a fight FormID: 00035FEE WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Honor may mean nothing to you, but it means much to me. Your apology, or your life. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FEF WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Only your death or an apology will restore my family's honor. Last chance. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FF0 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Then I guess we're done talking. about to start a fight FormID: 00035FF1 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. Your best and least painful course of action is to apologize and promise to leave my family in peace. threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FF2 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 No? You sure? 'Cause we're reaching the point of no return here... threatening violence Walk Away FormID: 00035FF3 WIAssault01 WIAssault01MainBranch WIAssault01NotSorry CUST 0 Annnddd... Point of no return reached. about to start a fight FormID: 0002C48D WIAssault01 WIAssault01Hello HELO 0 Hrrrmm. angry, under the breath half-growl FormID: 0002C450 MQ102A SCEN 0 Hadvar! We've been so worried about you! Come, you two must be hungry. Sit down and I'll get you something to eat. FormID: 0002C44C MQ102A SCEN 0 Sigrid! We have company! FormID: 000D553D MQ102A SCEN 0 Now, then, boy. Helgen was destroyed? How did you get away? FormID: 0002C455 MQ102A SCEN 0 Now, then, boy. What's the big mystery? What are you doing here, looking like you lost an argument with a cave bear? FormID: 0002C44E MQ102A SCEN 0 I don't know where to start. You know I was assigned to General Tullius's guard. FormID: 0002C44E MQ102A SCEN 1 We were stopped in Helgen when we were attacked... by a dragon. FormID: 000D553F MQ102A SCEN 0 When your friend told me, I didn't believe it at first either. shaking his head in dismay FormID: 0002C449 MQ102A SCEN 0 A dragon? That's... ridiculous. You aren't drunk, are you boy? say [QUOTE]a dragon[QUOTE] like it's the most shocking thing you've heard FormID: 000D5532 MQ102A SCEN 0 Mara's mercy! A dragon... in Helgen? Why, it could be here at any moment! FormID: 0002C454 MQ102A SCEN 0 Husband. Let him tell his story. FormID: 0002C44D MQ102A SCEN 0 Not much more to tell. This dragon flew over and just wrecked the whole place. Mass confusion. wearily FormID: 0002C44D MQ102A SCEN 1 I don't know if anyone else got out alive. I doubt I'd have made it out myself if not for my friend here. wearily FormID: 0002C44D MQ102A SCEN 2 I need to get back to Solitude and let them know what's happened. FormID: 0002C44D MQ102A SCEN 3 I thought you could help us out. Food, supplies, a place to stay. FormID: 0002C451 MQ102A SCEN 0 Of course! Any friend of Hadvar's is a friend of mine. I'm glad to help however I can. FormID: 0002C44A MQ102A SCEN 0 Hadvar, did you really see a dragon? What did it look like? Did it have big teeth? FormID: 0002C453 MQ102A SCEN 0 Hush, child. Don't pester your cousin. FormID: 00035FFC WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 What'd you pick up there? Oh, I wish I saw that first. You're so lucky! commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 00035FFD WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 Hey, someone had to take it, right? commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 00035FFF WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 Lucky for you that was just sitting there for the taking. commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 00036000 WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 Oh, wow! That was just sitting there? I wish I found it first. commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 00036001 WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 Hope nobody misses that... commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 00036002 WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 You just find that lying around? Must be your lucky day. commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 0002C436 WIAddItem01 WIAddItemSayToPlayerBranch WIAddItemSayToPlayer CUST 0 That was just lying around? Good find. commenting on finding something interesting FormID: 0002C353 TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, you're finally here. FormID: 0002C353 TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I've scouted the ruins and I'm certain Karliah is still inside. FormID: 0002C34C TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No, I found her horse. Don't worry, I've taken care of it... she won't be using it to escape. pleased with self FormID: 0002C34C TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Let's get moving, I want to catch her inside while she's distracted. Take the lead. FormID: 0002C34D TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'm sorry, I was under the impression I was in charge. Very sarcastic FormID: 0002C34D TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 1 You're leading and I'm following. Does that seem clear to you? FormID: 0002C352 TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Just make certain you keep your eyes open. Karliah is as sharp as a blade. FormID: 0002C352 TG05 TG05MercerIntroBranch TG05MercerIntroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 The last thing I need is you blundering into a trap and warning her that we're here. FormID: 0002C34F TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic CUST 0 She was a stubborn Dunmer... always had to do everything her way. FormID: 0002C34F TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic CUST 1 But she was also the best... bringing in more coin a month than some thieves heist in a year. FormID: 0002C34F TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic CUST 2 Gallus trusted her too much and let her get too close. FormID: 0002C351 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic01 CUST 0 If you want to call it that, yes. Me? I think she was softening him for the kill. FormID: 0002C351 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Gallus would call her his [QUOTE]little nightingale.[QUOTE] He was absolutely smitten by her. remembering a happier moment FormID: 0002C355 TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic CUST 0 Twenty-five years ago I was standing outside these very same ruins. Gallus told me to meet here but he wouldn't say why. reminiscing FormID: 0002C355 TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic CUST 1 When I arrived, Gallus stepped from the shadows. Before he uttered a sound an arrow pierced his throat. FormID: 0002C355 TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic CUST 2 Before I could even draw my blade, her second arrow found its mark in my chest. FormID: 0002C350 TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Karliah was a master marksman and her greatest weapon was the element of surprise. I was lucky... she missed my heart by mere inches. FormID: 0002C350 TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I staggered away from the ruins and my vision began to blur. It's then that I realized the bitch had poisoned her arrows. FormID: 0002C34E TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The last thing I saw was Karliah dumping his body into a opening atop the ruins; an unceremonious end for a remarkable man. FormID: 0002C34E TG05 TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranch TG05MercerRuinsStoryBranchTopic02 CUST 1 To this day I've regretted allowing her to escape, even if it meant I had died trying. I owed Gallus that much. softer toned, as choked up as a tough man can get FormID: 0002C362 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Greed? Jealousy? Spite? Who can say what drove her to such an iniquitous act. frustrated FormID: 0002C362 TG05 TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranch TG05MercerKarliahRelationshipBranchTopic02 CUST 1 One thing's certain. I intend to find out before she draws her last breath. very grim FormID: 0002C332 DA11 SCEN 0 Who... who are you? What's going on? FormID: 0002C338 DA11 SCEN 0 Priest of Arkay. I'm your friend. hypnotizing a victim FormID: 0002C357 DA11 SCEN 0 You're my... friend.... being hypnotized FormID: 0002C32A DA01 DA01AraneaQuestionsAzura DA01AraneaQuestionsAzuraTopic CUST 0 She is the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk. Azura sees into the Twilight of the future, and guides her followers through it. calmness of a monk FormID: 00081C7E DA11 HELO 0 Not here. We will meet at Reachcliff Cave. annoyed FormID: 00087960 DA11 HELO 0 Bring Verulus here. The Lady of Decay will do the rest. seductive FormID: 00087B57 DA11 HELO 0 Go ahead. Eat. gently commanding FormID: 0008795A DA11 HELO 0 Soon, Namira's blessing will be yours. seductive FormID: 0008795E DA11 HELO 0 We will sate the hunger together. seductive FormID: 0008795F DA11 HELO 0 Don't fear the unknown, the hidden, the wretched. prayer FormID: 0002C32E DA11 ATCK 0 I will feast on you! battle cry FormID: 0002C32F DA11 ATCK 0 Glory to Namira! battle cry FormID: 000A0CDD DA11 ATCK 0 Glory to the repulsive! battle cry FormID: 0002C339 DA11 HIT_ 0 Namira grind your bones for my bread! battle cry FormID: 0002C33A DA11 HIT_ 0 I will drink your blood and feast on your flesh! battle cry FormID: 0002C654 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 It's nice to be back in a friendly spot, huh? FormID: 0002C654 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 1 Listen, I'm going to lay up here for a while. You can make your own way to Solitude from here. FormID: 0002C654 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 2 I'd recommend heading to Whiterun, just down the road from here. From there you can take a carriage to Solitude. FormID: 0002C655 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 I hope I'll see you in Solitude. Good luck. FormID: 0002C300 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 Come on. I'll feel better once we're under cover in Riverwood. FormID: 0002C301 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 I hope that dragon isn't still flying around here somewhere. FormID: 0002C302 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 I still almost can't believe it... a real, live dragon... FormID: 000D39B5 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 What do you need? FormID: 000D39B6 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 Yeah? What is it? FormID: 0002C656 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 Did you really see a dragon? hopefully FormID: 0002C657 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 Make yourself at home. warmly FormID: 0002C658 MQ102A MQ102Hello HELO 0 Take what you need, my friend. Within reason, of course. gruffly but warmly FormID: 0002C2FC MQ102A SCEN 0 Uncle Alvor! Hello! FormID: 000D5531 MQ102A SCEN 0 Hadvar, thank Talos! Your friend told me about Helgen... FormID: 0002C303 MQ102A SCEN 0 Hadvar? What are you doing here? Are you on leave from... FormID: 0002C2F8 MQ102A SCEN 0 Shor's bones, what happened to you, boy? shocked at Hadvar's haggard appearance FormID: 0002C2FD MQ102A SCEN 0 Are you in some kind of trouble? FormID: 0002C304 MQ102A SCEN 0 Shh.. Uncle, please. Keep your voice down. I'm fine. But we should go inside to talk. FormID: 0002C2FA MQ102A SCEN 0 What's going on? And who's this? FormID: 0002C2FE MQ102A SCEN 0 He's a friend. Saved my life in fact. Come on, I'll explain everything, but we need to go inside. in quiet voice, trying to hush and calm his uncle FormID: 0002C2FF MQ102A SCEN 0 She's a friend. Saved my life in fact. Come on, I'll explain everything, but we need to go inside. in quiet voice, trying to hush and calm his uncle FormID: 000D553B MQ102A SCEN 0 Come on inside. Sigrid will get you something to eat and you can tell us what happened. FormID: 0002C2F9 MQ102A SCEN 0 Okay, okay. Come inside, then. Sigrid will get you something to eat and you can tell me all about it. FormID: 0002C2D6 TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, there you are. a bit annoyed FormID: 0002C2D6 TG04 TG04MercerIntroBranch TG04MercerIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I've consulted my contacts regarding the information you recovered from Goldenglow Estate, but no one can identify that symbol. FormID: 0002C2CA TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I can't believe Gulum-Ei's mixed up in all this; that Argonian couldn't find his tail with both hands. FormID: 0002C2CA TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Don't get me wrong, he could scam a beggar out of his last septim... but he's no mastermind. FormID: 0002C2C6 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Trouble? He's one of the most stubborn lizards I've ever met! You have your work cut out for you. jovial FormID: 0002C2D2 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 No, no. Mercer wants him alive, for now. FormID: 0002C2D2 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Stubborn or not, he's the only contact we've got at the East Empire Company. FormID: 0002C2D2 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Just keep on his tail and he's bound to step into something he can't scrape off his boot. FormID: 0002C2C9 TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumBranchTopic CUST 0 Gulum-Ei works in the East Empire Company Warehouse. He helps maintain all of the shipments of goods that goes in and out of Solitude. FormID: 0002C2C9 TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumBranchTopic CUST 1 That means he has the pick of the litter from some of the finest goods to grace Skyrim's shores. FormID: 0002C2C9 TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumBranchTopic CUST 2 He isn't exactly in the Guild, but he pays us a cut of all the stuff he lifts from the warehouse. FormID: 0002C2CE TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumBadBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumBadBranchTopic CUST 0 There are thieves and then there is Gulum-Ei. No honor, no code at all. He'd shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. FormID: 0002C2CE TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumBadBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumBadBranchTopic CUST 1 The cut he's supposed to provide the Guild has dwindled as of late. He says pickings in the warehouse are slim, but I'm certain he's lying. FormID: 0002C2CE TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumBadBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumBadBranchTopic CUST 2 Keep your eyes on him, he's quite crafty. FormID: 0002C2DF TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumInfoBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 Just head right back to the Guild and get the information to Mercer. Nothing else is more important. FormID: 0002C2DF TG04 TG04BrynjolfGulumInfoBranch TG04BrynjolfGulumInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 If you discover Gulum-Ei's holding out on us and has more loot stashed away than he claims, we'd find that information quite valuable as well. FormID: 0002C2D3 TG04 TG04BrynjolfEastEmpireBranch TG04BrynjolfEastEmpireBranchTopic CUST 0 A mercantile group that has established ports all over Tamriel. They pretty much dominate the whole shipping industry. FormID: 0002C2D3 TG04 TG04BrynjolfEastEmpireBranch TG04BrynjolfEastEmpireBranchTopic CUST 1 The Emperor himself supposedly backs them, which means they have fairly unlimited resources... so don't get their feathers in a ruffle. a warning FormID: 0002C2C8 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 So, what do we have here? Hmm. Let me guess. obnoxious FormID: 0002C2C8 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 By your scent, I'd say you were from the Guild. But that can't be true, because I told Mercer I wouldn't deal with them anymore. sarcastic FormID: 0002C2C7 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Oh, wait... did you say Goldenglow Estate? My apologies. Suddenly nervous... makes you trip over your lines a bit. FormID: 0002C2C7 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic02 CUST 1 I'm sorry to say I know very little about that... bee farm, was it? composure regained, back to mock friendliness FormID: 0002C2DC TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I can't be expected to remember every deal I handle. smug FormID: 0002C250 MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionGotPhialTopic CUST 0 This... it matches every description of the Phial that I've found in lore. But if it can't hold liquid, there's no way of knowing. Walk Away FormID: 0002C250 MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionGotPhialTopic CUST 1 How did you manage to damage it, then? This is what I get for not retrieving it myself. Walk Away FormID: 0002C255 MS12 MS12QuintusRepairingPhialBranch MS12QuintusRepairingPhialBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank the gods. I'll get to work on the Phial straight away. FormID: 0002C256 MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsCallPlayerTopic CUST 0 Even though the Phial was damaged, I still think your efforts deserve reward. FormID: 0002C256 MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsCallPlayerTopic CUST 1 Now, if you'll pardon me, I'm going to tend to Nurelion. I can make his final days a bit less painful. FormID: 0002C187 dunValthumeQST GhostQuestionBranch GhostQuestionBranchTopic CUST 0 Find the three vessels within Valthume, then return to me. With these we can defeat him. Not annoyed - optimistic. FormID: 0002C188 dunValthumeQST GhostReturnBranch dunValthumeRestore CUST 0 In life, Hevnoraak drained his own blood from his body. His goal was to transfer his power back into himself after death, becoming a powerful lich. FormID: 0002C188 dunValthumeQST GhostReturnBranch dunValthumeRestore CUST 1 The vessels contain that very blood. Empty them and you remove any chance he has of regaining his former powers. FormID: 0002C18A dunValthumeQST GhostReturnBranch dunValthumeFaith CUST 0 More dangerous than you know. Left alone, however, he will awaken when he has grown too powerful to be stopped. This is the only way to be sure. FormID: 0002C186 dunValthumeQST GhostReturnBranch dunValthumePieces CUST 0 Very well. Empty the vessels into the sconce near the throne, then sit in the throne. FormID: 0002C186 dunValthumeQST GhostReturnBranch dunValthumePieces CUST 1 When you have done so, I will unbind Hevnoraak. He will awaken in a weakened state, but the lich is still to be reckoned with. Be ready. FormID: 0002C18C MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema01 CUST 0 Yes, old friend, I'm afraid it's not good news. FormID: 0002C18C MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema01 CUST 1 When you broke up the binding Potema escaped. We've encountered some of her minions. FormID: 0002C18C MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema01 CUST 2 Styrr says she's still in spirit form or we'd all be dead already. FormID: 0002C18C MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema01 CUST 3 You've already done us a service in stopping the binding, but I need you to go talk to him, to see if Styrr can tell us what to do next. FormID: 0006B943 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 That'll teach you to break the law on my watch. to nearby criminal FormID: 0006B944 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 I thought it was finally going to be a quiet day. to nearby criminal FormID: 0006B945 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 You really thought you could get away with it? to nearby criminal FormID: 0006B946 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 Don't get any bright ideas. to nearby criminal FormID: 0002C170 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 Stop, in the name of the Jarl! shouted FormID: 0002C171 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 Come quietly or taste the Jarl's justice! shouted FormID: 0002C172 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 By order of the Jarl, I command you to halt! shouted FormID: 0002C173 DialogueCrimeGuards PURS 0 Sheathe your weapons and come quietly! shouted FormID: 0002C16A DialogueCrimeOrcs PURS 0 Halt, outlander! FormID: 0002C16B DialogueCrimeOrcs PURS 0 Surrender or die, outlander! FormID: 0002C16C DialogueCrimeOrcs PURS 0 Clanfolk, stop the outlander! FormID: 0002C16D DialogueCrimeOrcs PURS 0 Hold, there! FormID: 0002C16E DialogueCrimeOrcs PURS 0 Lay down your weapons! FormID: 0002C14F CWResolution01 CWResolution01MainBranch CWResolution01Main CUST 0 We are ready to mount our final attack. FormID: 0002C14E CWResolution01 CWResolution01MainBranch CWResolution01AttackDelta CUST 0 Infos conditioned on Attack Delta go here. FormID: 0002C150 CWResolution01 CWResolution01MainBranch CWResolution01Orders CUST 0 Join the forces mustering outside of [CAPITAL]. (Infos conditioned on Capital location go here) FormID: 0002C151 CWResolution01 CWResolution01ForceGoodbyeBlockingBranch CWResolution01ForceGoodbye CUST 0 The attack will be launched imminently. Gather your weaponry and get to the front lines... Now, soldier! FormID: 000D7855 TGRShell TGRShellNTBranch TGRShellNTBranchTopic CUST 0 Sometimes we like to remind a city that we mean business, so we hit it hard. Just steal whatever we can until we've made an impression. FormID: 000D7855 TGRShell TGRShellNTBranch TGRShellNTBranchTopic CUST 1 Simple right? Almost. The catch is it doesn't count if anyone sees you take it. The message needs to be clear; we work in the shadows. FormID: 000D7855 TGRShell TGRShellNTBranch TGRShellNTBranchTopic CUST 2 Steal from anywhere in the hold, and you even get to keep everythin' you stole. So, you in? FormID: 0002C0AF TGRShell TGRShellNTBranch TGRShellNTBranchTopic CUST 0 I always have bedlam jobs. Just remember to hit them fast and don't let them see you. Feel like going for it? FormID: 0002C0B5 TGRShell TGRShellNTBranch TGRShellNTBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. Don't forget to keep out of sight, it doesn't count if they catch you red-handed. You ready? FormID: 0002C0B6 TGRShell TGRShellNTBranch TGRShellNTBranchTopic CUST 0 Taking an easy job, eh? Well, go and do some damage. Just stick to the shadows and keep out of sight. Want to go for it? FormID: 0002C001 DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene2 SCEN 0 I'm sorry to be such a bother. We'll talk another time. FormID: 0002BFBA DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Is that so? You ought to join the Stormcloaks, if you haven't already. FormID: 0002BFBA DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Seems to me they're a bunch of narrow-minded bigots, just like you. FormID: 0002BFBA DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Meantime, you best steer clear of me. FormID: 0002BFB9 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic2 CUST 0 Good. Too many Nords in this town have been listening to Ulfric's narrow-minded words. FormID: 0002BFB9 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic2 CUST 1 He's tough, loyal to his men and a good leader, but if you're not a Nord, Ulfric will never trust you. FormID: 0002BFB8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic3 CUST 0 That's just what Ulfric wants you to think. FormID: 0002BFB8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic3 CUST 1 If that's what you really believe, then you're a fool. Never had much patience for fools, myself. FormID: 0002BFB6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic4 CUST 0 And you're right, at least as far as I'm concerned. FormID: 0002BFB6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1Topic4 CUST 1 Don't let Ulfric or some of these other short-sighted Nords bother you. Most of us are happy to welcome newcomers. FormID: 0002BF93 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarIntroNew MQ102AHadvarIntroA4 CUST 0 If I make it back to Solitude, I'll put in a good word for you with General Tullius. FormID: 0002BF93 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarIntroNew MQ102AHadvarIntroA4 CUST 1 The Legion could sure use someone like you. Good luck. FormID: 0002BFAF DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsBranch1 DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfChallengeQuestion CUST 0 You one of those [QUOTE]Skyrim for the Nords[QUOTE] types? FormID: 0002BFAD DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwuldTopicsWar DialogueWindhelmBrunwuldTopicsWarTopic CUST 0 I killed a lot of High Elves in the Great War, and I didn't die. I guess that makes me a war hero. FormID: 0002BFAD DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwuldTopicsWar DialogueWindhelmBrunwuldTopicsWarTopic CUST 1 The [QUOTE]Great War[QUOTE]... there was nothing great about it. Thousands died on both sides, and where did it get us? FormID: 0002BFAD DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwuldTopicsWar DialogueWindhelmBrunwuldTopicsWarTopic CUST 2 Did we really save the Empire? Or did we just plant the seeds for Ulfric's uprising, and another war? FormID: 0002C0C1 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelp DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelpTopic CUST 0 Help the Dark Elves? Oh, you must have heard me talking to Malthyr. FormID: 0002C0C1 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelp DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelpTopic CUST 1 The Dark Elves live in a run-down slum called the Gray Quarter. Ulfric's content to keep it that way. FormID: 0002C0C1 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelp DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelpTopic CUST 2 I guess they think I can open Ulfric's eyes to their plight, and get him to lift a finger on their behalf. FormID: 0002C0C1 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelp DialogueWindhelmBrunwulfTopicsHelpTopic CUST 3 I'm trying, but Ulfric is set in his ways. For him, there's two kinds of people in this world -- Nords, and the folk beneath them. FormID: 000D3BA1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 I don't appreciate loiterers, if that's what you're here to do. Grumpy FormID: 000D3BA2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 I hope you have coin to spend, and you're not just here to gawk at my goods. Grumpy FormID: 000D3BA3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Have a look around. I buy and sell just about anything. Polite FormID: 000D3BA4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 I'm always happy to see a customer, but I won't deal in stolen goods. That's trouble I don't need. Polite FormID: 000D3BA5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Make yourself at home, please. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Polite FormID: 0002C0A9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Fresh fruit and vegetables for sale! Calling out from a marketplace stall. FormID: 0002C0AA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Fruits and vegetables, all ripe and ready for your table! Calling out from a marketplace stall. FormID: 0002C0AB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Take home Windhelm's finest and freshest produce today! Calling out from a marketplace stall. FormID: 0002C0B0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Assorted fruits and vegetables, all delicious and affordable! Called out from a market stall. FormID: 0002C0B1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Come and browse my fine selection! Everything's fresh and delicious! Called out from a market stall. FormID: 0002C0B2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 I've a little of everything for sale, come and see for yourself! Called out from a market stall. FormID: 0002C0B4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Cookware, knives and other goods for the home, all at reasonable prices! Called out from a market stall. FormID: 0002C0BE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Assorted wares and tools you just can't live without! Come and see for yourself! Called out from a market stall. FormID: 0002C0BF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Buying and selling a wide range of assorted goods! The best selection in Windhelm! Called out from a market stall. FormID: 0003EDF6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Go back to Morrowind, Dark Elf maggots! You're not welcome here! Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 0003EDF7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Get out of our city, gray-skins! This is Nord land! Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 0003EE34 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 We don't want your kind here, dark elves! Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 0003EE40 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 This place reeks of gray-skin filth! Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 0003EE41 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 You like living in this filthy slum, dark elves? Maybe you should go back to Morrowind, where you belong! Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 000CD914 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Spare a coin for a poor old woman? Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 000CD915 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 A few septims for my supper is all I ask. Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 000CD916 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 I ask only for a little charity. Drunk, angry shouting FormID: 000CD917 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Will you spare a few coins to help someone who's got nothing? FormID: 000CD918 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 I ain't askin' for much, just a few septims. FormID: 000CD919 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 The Divines smile on those who show mercy an' charity. FormID: 000CD91A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 A few septims ain't nothing. You can spare that, can't you? FormID: 000D3BA6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Hear my prayer, son of Akatosh, and grant peace to these departed souls. Reverent prayer FormID: 000D4F91 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Lord of Seasons, I pray to you now that you might watch over the dead with mercy and kindness. Reverent prayer FormID: 000D4F92 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Mighty Arkay, God of Mortals, hear now the prayers of your humble servant. Bless these departed souls and welcome them into the realms beyond. Reverent prayer FormID: 000D4F93 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Mighty Arkay, I pray that you will shepherd these souls as they pass into the realm of death. Reverent prayer FormID: 000E14D3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 Feast your eyes on my strange and wondrous collection of curiosities. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 For a few septims, I'll give you a brief tour that includes some of my most unusual items. Friendly, polite FormID: 000E14D5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmIdles IDLE 0 The objects you see here might look mundane at first glance, but I assure you, behind each is an unusual tale. With enthusiasm and showmanship FormID: 0002C0C0 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsGrayQuarterTopic CUST 0 Windhelm is divided into four quarters. The Gray Quarter is the one that's home to all the city's Dark Elves. FormID: 0002C0C0 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsGrayQuarterTopic CUST 1 If it looks to you like an impoverished slum, that's because it is. Ulfric prefers that we live in squalor. FormID: 0002C0C0 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsGrayQuarter DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsGrayQuarterTopic CUST 2 He has nothing but disdain for anyone who isn't a Nord. He tolerates us, but that's the extent of his hospitality. FormID: 0002C011 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsMorrowind DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsMorrowindTopic CUST 0 Not a day goes by that I don't think about returning to the ancestral home of my people. FormID: 0002C011 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsMorrowind DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsMorrowindTopic CUST 1 Still, even with the rough treatment we've had at the hands of Ulfric and his lot, I've got ties here. FormID: 0002C011 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsMorrowind DialogueWindhelmMalthyrTopicsMorrowindTopic CUST 2 It's probably more trouble to pack up and leave than it is to stay. Besides, Ambarys can't run the cornerclub on his own. FormID: 0002BE81 DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge3 CUST 0 Care to take a look around? This is not, I dare say, the Solitude botanical gardens. Have you any idea where you are? Where you truly are? emphasize [QUOTE]truly[QUOTE] FormID: 0002BE81 DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge3 CUST 1 Welcome to the deceptively verdant mind of the Emperor Pelagius III. That's right! You're in the head of a dead, homicidally insane monarch. FormID: 0002BE81 DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge3 CUST 2 Now, I know what you're thinking. Can I still rely on my swords and spells and sneaking and all that nonsense? Sure, sure. Or... you could use... FormID: 0002BE81 DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge3 CUST 3 The Wabbajack! Huh? Huh? Didn't see that coming, did you? FormID: 0002BE7E DA15 SCEN 0 Pelagius Septim the Third, once the Mad Emperor of Tamriel, now so boringly sane. I always knew he had it in him! FormID: 0002BE84 DA15 SCEN 0 Well, I suppose it's back to the Shivering Isles. The trouble Haskill can get into while I'm gone simply boggles the mind... FormID: 0002BE7F DA15 SCEN 0 Let's make sure I'm not forgetting anything. Clothes? Check. Beard? Check! Luggage? FormID: 0002BE78 DA15 SCEN 0 Luggage! Now where did I leave my luggage? FormID: 0002BE83 DA15 SCEN 0 Master! You've taken me back! Does this mean we're going home? Oh, happy times! I can't wait to... excited, but interrupted at the end FormID: 0002BE80 DA15 SCEN 0 Yes, yes, that's quite enough celebration. Let's send you ahead, shall we? FormID: 0002BE7B DA15 SCEN 0 And as for you, my little mortal minion... Feel free to keep the Wabbajack. As a symbol of my... Oh, just take the damn thing. FormID: 0002BE77 DA15 SCEN 0 You take care of yourself, now. And if you ever find yourself in New Sheoth, do look me up. We can share a strawberry torte. Ta ta! FormID: 0002BE56 DA05 DA05MathiesFuneralBranch DA05MathiesFuneralBranchTopic CUST 0 Our daughter. Our little girl. She hadn't seen her tenth winter. FormID: 0002BE5B DA05 DA05MathiesFuneralHowDieBranch DA05MathiesFuneralHowDieBranchTopic CUST 0 She was... he ripped her apart. Like a sabre cat tears a deer. We barely found enough of her to bury. choking up FormID: 0002BE59 DA05 DA05MathiesFuneralWhoDidThisBranch DA05MathiesFuneralWhoDidThisBranchTopic CUST 0 Sinding. Came through as a laborer. Seemed like a decent man. The name tastes vile in your mouth. FormID: 0002BE59 DA05 DA05MathiesFuneralWhoDidThisBranch DA05MathiesFuneralWhoDidThisBranchTopic CUST 1 He's stewing in the pit while we figure out what to do with him, if you've got the stomach to look at him. FormID: 0002BE59 DA05 DA05MathiesFuneralWhoDidThisBranch DA05MathiesFuneralWhoDidThisBranchTopic CUST 2 What could drive a man to do something like this? FormID: 0002BE55 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingGirlIsDead CUST 0 This is the Ring of Hircine. I was told it could let me control my transformations. FormID: 0002BE55 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingGirlIsDead CUST 1 Perhaps it used to. But I'll never know. Hircine didn't care for my taking it, and threw a curse on it. FormID: 0002BE55 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingGirlIsDead CUST 2 I put it on... and the changes just came to me. I could never guess when. It would be at the worst times. FormID: 0002BE55 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingGirlIsDead CUST 3 Like... with the little girl. FormID: 0002BE57 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingWhyKillTheGirl CUST 0 I don't suppose there's a point in keeping the secret if I'm going to die in here anyway. FormID: 0002BE57 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingWhyKillTheGirl CUST 1 I'm sure you've heard of men who shift to beasts under the influence of the moons. FormID: 0002BE57 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingWhyKillTheGirl CUST 2 I am one of them. A werewolf. It's my secret, and my shame. FormID: 0002BE57 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingWhyKillTheGirl CUST 3 That's why I wanted the ring... it was said to give men like me control. FormID: 0002BE57 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingWhyKillTheGirl CUST 4 Now I may look like a man, but I still feel the animal inside of me, as strong as ever. FormID: 0002BE54 DA05 DA05SindingTakeRing DA05SindingTakeRingTopic CUST 0 Oh my. You would do this for me? Here, take it. I don't want anything to do with this wretched thing anymore. FormID: 0002BE54 DA05 DA05SindingTakeRing DA05SindingTakeRingTopic CUST 1 Seek out the beast. He wanders these woods. Bring him down and... well, the Lord of the Hunt should smile on you. FormID: 0002BE54 DA05 DA05SindingTakeRing DA05SindingTakeRingTopic CUST 2 I wish you luck, but should leave here while I still have my skin. FormID: 0002BE54 DA05 DA05SindingTakeRing DA05SindingTakeRingTopic CUST 3 Should our paths cross again, I will remember your kindness. Farewell. FormID: 0002BE58 DA05 DA05SindingExplainAttackBranch DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic CUST 0 I had just come into Falkreath. They needed some help working the mill, and I thought that would be something safe. Something I could do. FormID: 0002BE58 DA05 DA05SindingExplainAttackBranch DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic CUST 1 When I saw the little girl, I was just... I could feel it coming on. I could taste the... I needed to hunt. FormID: 0002BE58 DA05 DA05SindingExplainAttackBranch DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic CUST 2 But this pitiful, limited body wasn't meant for hunting. Slow. No claws. Weak, mashing teeth for chewing cud. FormID: 0002BE58 DA05 DA05SindingExplainAttackBranch DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic CUST 3 I held in my rage as long as I could. But it boiled inside of me. FormID: 0002BE58 DA05 DA05SindingExplainAttackBranch DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic CUST 4 She looked so fragile. Helpless prey. And then... FormID: 0002BE58 DA05 DA05SindingExplainAttackBranch DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic CUST 5 I... I feel terrible about what happened. About what I did. It would probably be best for everyone if I just went away. Snapping out of his bloodlust reverie. FormID: 0002BE47 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDonePreView TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 At least you remembered one of the things I asked. Let me see that. disappointed FormID: 0004BE8A TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDonePreView TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Let me take a look at what you found. FormID: 0002BDE0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunInnkeeperRumorsBranch WhiterunInnkeeperRumorsBranchTopic RUMO 0 The Companions? In Jorrvaskr? They're recruiting new members, from what I hear. FormID: 000DD062 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 It's too bad they executed Roggvir before we got here. FormID: 000EA261 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 They say Helgen got hit by a dragon. One of those horrors comes here, we'll be ready. FormID: 000D27DF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Brigands I can handle, but this talk of dragons? World's gone mad, I say. FormID: 000DD063 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Greybeards have summoned the Dragonborn to High Hrothgar. Such a thing has not happened for... hundreds of years. FormID: 000DD064 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 There was a fight down in the Ratway, but reports are... sketchy. Some say it was Thalmor Agents, others say Thieves Guild. Some say it was both. FormID: 000DD065 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Word is Elenwen's furious. Big party at the Thalmor Embassy, and one of the guests went someplace they shouldn't. Caused quite a commotion. FormID: 000DD066 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Have you heard? There's been another dragon attack. Kynesgrove, this time. FormID: 000DD067 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What could it mean? The return of the Dragonborn? And who among us could possibly hold that honor? And such power? FormID: 000DD068 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 By the gods, it's true, isn't it? A dragon has attacked Whiterun. How could mere men bring down such a beast? FormID: 000DD069 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 By Ysmir, you did it. You killed a dragon. FormID: 000DD06A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 There's been talk amongst the guards. That you are... Dragonborn. But such a thing... Surely that's not possible... FormID: 000DD06B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The guards in Dragonsreach say you've aided the Jarl. On behalf of Whiterun, I thank you. FormID: 000DD06C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I've seen you helping the Jarl. If only all visitors to Whiterun were as noble. FormID: 000DD06D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 It was you convinced the Jarl to trap that dragon in the keep. And by Ysmir, it actually worked. FormID: 000DD06E DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 There's a dragon. Here. In Dragonsreach. And I thought it was just a name. FormID: 000DD06F DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 We had that beast contained. And you released it! Why? Why would you do such a thing? FormID: 000DD070 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Is it true what they say? There was a dragon held captive in Whiterun, and you... you released it? By the gods, man, why? FormID: 000DD071 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Is it true what they say? There was a dragon held captive in Whiterun, and you... you released it? By the gods, woman, why? FormID: 000DD072 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Greybeards have arranged a truce between the Stormcloaks and Imperials. How long can such a thing last? FormID: 000DD073 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Greybeards have called a peace council, at High Hrothgar. And can you believe it - both Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius have agreed to go. FormID: 000DD074 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Word is spreading like magefire! The great evil has been vanquished! You have truly saved us all! FormID: 000DD075 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 All hail the Dragonborn! FormID: 000DD076 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 In the ancient tongue, you are Dovahkiin - Dragonborn! FormID: 000D3BF7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You! You're the one who wiped out the Dark Brotherhood! All the guards are talking about it... You're a hero to us all! FormID: 00101ACD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You hear the news? The Emperor has been murdered! Right here, in Skyrim. By the gods, if the Dark Brotherhood can do that, nobody's safe... FormID: 000DD077 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 By the gods. The Emperor's been murdered. On his own ship... moored in the inlet. It was... the Dark Brotherhood. There was nothing we could do... FormID: 000DD078 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That old woman who runs the orphanage has been murdered. Say, didn't I see you coming out of there...? FormID: 000DD079 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken. FormID: 000DD07A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hey! You're the one who killed Alain Dufont, up in Raldbthar. Oh yeah, word about that got around. Man was a piece of bandit trash, is what I hear. FormID: 000DD07B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Emperor's cousin, killed. Right here in Solitude. I feel nothing but shame... FormID: 000DD07C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The cousin of the Emperor was murdered! In Solitude, at her own damn wedding. Not a chance we would have let that happen here. FormID: 000DD07D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You didn't hear this from me, but we've uncovered a plot to kill the Emperor! It gets better. The ringleader? One of the Emperor's own elite guard... whispering, kind of conspiratorial FormID: 000DD07E DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 There was some ruckus over by that weird black door. You weren't involved in that craziness, were you? FormID: 000DD07F DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Been lots of people coming and going through that creepy black door. And noises... I'd say it sounds like construction, but that's crazy. Right? FormID: 000DD080 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 There are some that say the Dark Brotherhood is back, and stronger than ever. That they've made Dawnstar their home. Tell me - am I wrong? fearful and respectful FormID: 000DD081 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The guards have been saying things about you... That you're the one that... Well... They say the Dark Brotherhood... Well. Never mind. Sir. fearful and respectful FormID: 000DD082 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The guards have been saying things about you... That you're the one that... Well... They say the Dark Brotherhood... Well. Never mind. Ma'am. fearful and respectful FormID: 000DD083 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Wait, I know you. You went into the Emperor's Tower, just before... before his decoy was murdered... sort of talking to himself FormID: 000DD084 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 We just received word that somebody tried to kill the Emperor! Turned out to just be his double, but can you imagine if he had succeeded? FormID: 000DD085 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 They're saying the Dark Brotherhood has been destroyed. Wiped off the face off Tamriel. But that's not entirely true... is it? FormID: 000DD086 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're the one all the guards are talking about. You went into that Sanctuary... wiped out the Dark Brotherhood! Friend, I owe you a drink. FormID: 000D27DE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The city's changed, friend. The Thieves Guild is on the rise... and they've got a firm foothold here in Whiterun. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD087 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Maybe you haven't heard, but the Thieves Guild is back. Windhelm is their city now, if you catch my meaning... whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD088 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Markarth's a different place, now. Do business here, and you do business with the Thieves Guild. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD089 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 A change has swept into Solitude, like a breeze off the ocean - the Thieves Guild has come... whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD08A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ain't no doubt about it. The Thieves Guild is back, and they've got Riften in their grip. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD08B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Welcome to Riften, home of the Thieves Guild. Or so they'd have you believe. It's all lies. They're just thugs... vermin, creeping around the Ratway. FormID: 000DD08C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The say the College has been snooping around Saarthal. Mages in a burial crypt. No good can come of that... FormID: 000DD08D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Some are saying the Psijic Monks have been seen in Skyrim. They're an ancient order. I had 'em figured for dead. FormID: 000DD08E DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You hear the news? Those damn mages blew up Winterhold! Guess it was just a matter of time... FormID: 000DD08F DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Word is the College of Mages is back to normal. If there's such a thing for that lot. FormID: 000DD090 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Your name's been cleared... by Thonar Silver-Blood. Consider yourself lucky. FormID: 000DD091 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 So Madanach was behind those murders. Gods help us. FormID: 000DD092 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 By Shor, is that... is that Azura's Star? How did you come to possess such a rare treasure? FormID: 000DD093 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Who did you have to kill to get that blade? whistles at the beginning, like he's impressed. FormID: 000C7F5F DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That is one... big hammer. whistles at the beginning, like he's impressed. FormID: 000DD094 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That mace... get it away from me. Get it away... FormID: 000C7F60 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Your shield... Dwarf-make, is it not? But yet it seems so much... more. FormID: 000D2AED DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That hammer... Why that's Aegisbane, heirloom of Clan Shatter-Shield! Last I heard, it was stolen by a couple of swindlers. Alain and... Muiri. Yeah. FormID: 000C7F61 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What a foul and unnatural weapon you wield. Never have I seen its like. FormID: 000DD095 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ugh. Your breath is foul. What've you been eating? FormID: 000DD096 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 As if Skyrim didn't have enough outsiders. Now we've got mercenaries from Hammerfell struttin' about... FormID: 000DD097 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 From what I hear, you're the one gave the Thalmor a black eye. Sure know how to pick your enemies, don't you? FormID: 000DD098 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You've come to Dawnstar at a strange time, friend. Seems everyone in the town is having nightmares... FormID: 000DD099 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The damned nightmares have finally stopped. Don't suppose you'd know anything about that? FormID: 000DD09A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You've been seen in the company of the Companions. That's an honorable path you're on, friend. FormID: 000DD09B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I know of your deeds, and am honored to address a member of the Companions. FormID: 000DD09C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Uch. Been tending your hounds? You smell like wet dog. FormID: 000DD09D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Heard about what you did. Killing those foul witches. Well done, Companion. FormID: 000DD09E DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Kodlak killed, Jorrvaskr attacked. How could this happen, within the walls of Whiterun? FormID: 000DD09F DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I heard about the attack on Jorrvaskr, and the killing of your honored leader. You have my sympathies, Companion. FormID: 000DD0A0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Kodlak White-Mane has been laid to rest, I know. May his soul live forever in the halls of Sovngarde. FormID: 000DD0A1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You... you're the Harbinger. Of the Companions. It is my honor to stand before you. FormID: 000DD0A5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I hear the East Empire Company has reopened, thanks in no small part to you. Well done. All of Skyrim benefits from their trade. FormID: 000DD0A6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You did this city a great service by catching that killer. Well done. FormID: 000DD0A7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Good thing you did for Nurelion, retrieving that phial for him before he died. Man was obsessed. FormID: 000DD0A8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 By Ysmir, you've helped save the Gildergreen. Words can't express what that means to this city. FormID: 000DD0A9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That sapling you recovered means the Gildergreen will live again. Your deed honors the people of Whiterun. FormID: 000DD0AA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You've actually done it. You've found the Sybil of Dibella. You have done Markarth a tremendous service. FormID: 000DD0AB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You... you were talking to that murderous savage. And then he escaped. What are you hiding? FormID: 000DD0AC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 First Torygg and now Elisif. Damn those Stormcloaks. Let's hope that Erikur fares better than they did. FormID: 000DD0AD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Filthy she-hound Elisif got what she deserved. Let her serve as [QUOTE]High Queen[QUOTE] of Oblivion, for all I care. FormID: 000E0D59 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Solitude wouldn't be the same without the Fire Festival. City owes you a debt of gratitude. FormID: 000DD0CC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 It's no secret the Aretino boy is doing some ritual, trying to call the Dark Brotherhood. But who's going to stop him? Me? I'll have no part of that. FormID: 000D27E1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch the magic! FormID: 000D27E2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Go cast your fancy magic someplace else. FormID: 000D27E3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Guard might get nervous, a man approaches with his weapon drawn... FormID: 000AD7C9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Guard might get nervous, a woman approaches with her weapon drawn... FormID: 000E7B98 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Sheathe those claws, Khajiit... FormID: 000AD7CA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You come up to me, fists raised? You looking for a beating? FormID: 000DD0AE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Releasing a captured dragon. I don't think I'll ever understand that one... FormID: 000D27E4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Whatever you need, Dragonborn. Just say the word. FormID: 000DD0AF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Yes, Dovahkiin? How can I help you? surprised and eager FormID: 000DD0B0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You have vanquished a great evil from Skyrim. You have saved this land... and our very souls. FormID: 000DD0B1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 No matter what else happens, the guards will always be grateful for everything you've done. FormID: 000DD0B2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Looks like it's really happening. A peace council, attended by both Ulfric and Tullius, up on High Hrothgar. Maybe there's hope for Skyrim yet. FormID: 000DD0B3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 This truce with the Stormcloaks won't last a fortnight. Bloody savages will kill us while we sleep. FormID: 000DD0B4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 A truce? With the Imperials? They'll murder us all, first chance they get. FormID: 000DD0B5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I caught a glimpse of that captured dragon. It's.. beautiful. In its own way. FormID: 000DD0B6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Trapping a dragon in Dragonsreach. Damn clever idea you had, I have to admit. FormID: 000DD0B7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You have the Jarl's confidence, friend. And so you have mine. FormID: 000DD0B8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You couldn't possibly be the Dragonborn of legend. Could you? FormID: 000DD0B9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 If we killed a dragon once, we can do it again. With your help, of course. FormID: 000DD0BA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 If those Whiterun guards can take down a dragon, so can we. FormID: 000DD0BB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Got to thinking, maybe I'm the Dragonborn, and I just don't know it yet. emphasis on [QUOTE]I'm[QUOTE] FormID: 000DD0BC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 For a dragon to attack Kynesgrove... Why? Why there? Is no place safe? FormID: 000DD0BD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 If I'd been on guard at the Thalmor Embassy, wouldn't nobody be disturbing that party... FormID: 000DD0BE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Thalmor in the Ratway? What's next, Spriggans in the Bee and Barb? FormID: 000DD0BF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I have to wonder... what does the Dragonborn do once he's summoned by the Greybeards? Can the Thu'um be taught, like any skill? FormID: 000DD0C1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You know, I could have gone into that Sanctuary. Killed all those Dark Brotherhood types. But I was... sick that day. FormID: 000DD0C0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Helgen... destroyed by a dragon. Hard to believe, isn't it? FormID: 000DD0C2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I know who you are, assassin. I guess the rumors about your kind's [QUOTE]extinction[QUOTE] have been... exaggerated. FormID: 000DD0C3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 So the Emperor had a decoy. Poor bastard got murdered, too. But then, I guess that was his job... FormID: 000DD0C4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Now, I know who you are. And... and I know your business... Just, please... These are good folk we got here. Mostly... FormID: 000DD0C5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 It ain't true what they say about you and... and the Dark Brotherhood? Is it? FormID: 000DD0C6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 There are stories about you, and dark tidings in Dawnstar... FormID: 000DD0C7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Seems the Emperor's coming to Skyrim... and one of his own protectors was going to have him assassinated. Can't trust anyone these days. FormID: 000D3D66 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I heard you were at the wedding of the Emperor's cousin. In Solitude? Gods, that must have been horrible... FormID: 000DD0C8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I heard you were at the wedding of the Emperor's cousin. In Solitude? Gods, that must have been horrible... FormID: 000DD0C9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Look, that Vici woman had a bodyguard. I know it's terrible she got murdered at her own wedding, but the city guard is hardly to blame... FormID: 000DD0CB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You ask me, those brats in the orphanage are better off, now that old Grelod is dead. FormID: 000DD0CD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Emperor's cousin Vittoria Vici is getting married soon. The reception will be public - anyone in Solitude can attend. FormID: 000DD0CE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Emperor of Skyrim. Dead. These are dark times, my friend. Dark times, indeed... FormID: 000DD0CF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 We may guard Whiterun, but the Thieves Guild guards us. If you know what I mean. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD0D0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Shirking the law in Windhelm ain't what it used to be. Not with the Thieves Guild running things... whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD0D1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Break the law here in Markarth, and maybe we can work something out. Courtesy of the Thieves Guild. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD0D2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You know, the law here in Solitude can be a bit... [QUOTE]flexible.[QUOTE] So long as you've got the gold. That's the way the Thieves Guild likes it. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD0D3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Seeing as how Riften is home to the Thieves Guild, maybe we can work something out if you have trouble with the law. For the right price. whispering, a bit conspiratorial FormID: 000DD0D4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Thieves Guild used to run this city. Now they're nothing but braggarts and bullies, rotting to death down in their Ratway... FormID: 000DD0D5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What business do College mages have in a place like Saarthal, anyway? It's a place for Nord dead... not your weird experiments. FormID: 000DD0D6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 One of the guards said he saw a mage appear out of thin air. Claimed it was one of those Psijic Monks. Man's been hitting the skooma, I say. FormID: 000DD0D7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Imagine, blowing up an entire town. Damn College... Winterhold will never be the same. FormID: 000DD0D8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're that Mage from the College. Right? Hear things have finally calmed down over there. FormID: 000DD0D9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You put those Forsworn down. Good job. FormID: 000DD0DA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Gods damn those Forsworn. So many dead... FormID: 000DD0DB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You see those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords. FormID: 000DD0DC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Wonder what it's like for those Thalmor, now that they've been taken down a notch... FormID: 000DD0DD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The people here are still plagued with nightmares. It's... unnatural. FormID: 000DD0DE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 No more nightmares. Thank the gods for that. FormID: 000DD0DF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Now I remember - you're that new member of the Companions. So you, what - fetch the mead? FormID: 000DD0E0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Honored Companion. How can I assist you? FormID: 000DD0E1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Is that... fur? Coming out of your ears? FormID: 000DD0E2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I'm telling you, I heard it. Howling. Those werewolf tales are true. FormID: 000DD0E3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I find your wolfish grin... unsettling. FormID: 000DD0E4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 With respect, Companion, I'd ask that you and your friends muzzle that dog of yours. The howling coming from Jorrvaskr has gotten out of hand. FormID: 000DD0E5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 If it isn't the slayer of the Glenmoril Witches. How can I assist you, Companion? FormID: 000DD0E6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Who would dare attack the leader of the Companions? In his own hall? There'll be blood for this, I know it. FormID: 000DD0E7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Kodlak White-Mane is in a better place now. For is there any place better than Sovngarde? FormID: 000DD0ED DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Thanks again for helping reopen the East Empire Company. Gonna have them import me some of that aged Breton cheese. FormID: 000DD0EE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I was this close to catching that killer. I swear it. FormID: 000DD0EF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 With Nurelion gone, I suppose Quintus has taken over business in the White Phial. FormID: 000DD0F0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Gildergreen blooms again. All thanks to you. FormID: 000DD0F1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Gildergreen will bloom again. All thanks to you. FormID: 000B8240 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Thanks for clearing out that vampire nest. You saved Morthal. FormID: 000DD0F2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Wonder what kinds of things they've got the Dibella doing, over in the temple. Mostly praying, I reckon... FormID: 000DD0F3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I know you had some part in Sinding's escape. Don't deny it... FormID: 000DD0F4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 We'll protect Erikur as best we're able, but I fear the throne of Solitude is cursed. FormID: 000DD0F5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 It is whispered that one of the Daedric Princes himself is behind the murder of Elisif. It would seem even the nobility of Oblivion favors our cause. devilishly FormID: 000D27E0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Watch the skies, traveler. FormID: 000AC12A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Argonian. FormID: 000E0FA6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it, Argonian? FormID: 000D27E5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, lizard. FormID: 000D27E6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Staying out of trouble, kinsman? FormID: 000E0FA7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 How can I help a brother Nord? FormID: 000D33A7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Nord. FormID: 000D27E7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Don't cross me, Elf. FormID: 000D27E8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Elf. FormID: 000E0FA8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it, Elf? FormID: 000D27E9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Khajiit. FormID: 000E0FA9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it, Khajiit? FormID: 000E0FAA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What do you want... cat? FormID: 000D27EA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Redguard. FormID: 000E0FAB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it, Redguard? FormID: 000D27EB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Imperial. FormID: 000E0FAC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it, Imperial? FormID: 000D27EC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Stay out of trouble, Orc. FormID: 000E0FAD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it, Orc? FormID: 000AC12C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hail, Companion. FormID: 000D5E8D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're that one from the College. Heard about you. FormID: 000D5EB6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 So you can cast a few spells. Am I supposed to be impressed? FormID: 000D5E8E DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Try to hide it all you want. I know you're in the Thieves Guild... and so do the other guards. FormID: 000D5E91 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Psst. Hey, I know who you are. Hail Sithis. whispers... conspiratorial FormID: 000D5E92 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ugh. That armor stinks of death. You been grave robbing? disgusted, like he might puke FormID: 000D5E93 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ah, now that's a fine shield. And not mere Dwarven... is it? FormID: 000C7F62 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What manner of staff is that? Such a horror... emphasis on [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] FormID: 000C7F63 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You wield... Azura's Star? How... how can such a thing be possible? gasp before speaking FormID: 000D2AEF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ah, Aegisbane. Sigil of Clan Shatter-Shield. But didn't that get stolen awhile back? Hmph. Must be rememberin' wrong. FormID: 000C7F64 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Fine armor you've got there. Dwarven make, am I right? FormID: 000D5E94 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ebony armor. By Ysmir, 'tis a wondrous sight. FormID: 000D5E95 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Is your armor made of... dragon bones? By the gods, what I wouldn't do for a set of that. whistles at the beginning, like he's impressed FormID: 000D5E96 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Is your armor made of... dragon scales? By the gods, what I wouldn't do for a set of that. whistles at the beginning, like he's impressed FormID: 000D5E97 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Some advice, friend. That armor won't offer much protection in a real fight. FormID: 000D5E98 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You come talking to me wearing Imperial armor? You got stew for brains? FormID: 000D5E99 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That's some fine Imperial armor you've got there. FormID: 000D5E9A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Judging by your armor, I'd say you're an Imperial scout. If so, well met. FormID: 000D5E9B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 For your sake, I hope your took that armor from a dead Imperial scout... FormID: 000D5E9C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You wear the armor of a mercenary. Now that's the life. FormID: 000D5E9D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That's good armor you've got there, friend. Iron, solid and true. FormID: 000AD7CF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hmph. You wear that armor well. Iron may be simple, but it'll stop enough to keep you in the fight. FormID: 000D5E9E DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Fancy the leather armor, huh? Something to be said for going light. FormID: 000D5E9F DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That armor... it's like nothing I've ever seen. Like forged midnight... FormID: 000D5EA0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Orcish armor, hmm? Had me a set of that once. Ugly and strong, like those that forged it. FormID: 000D5EA1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That armor... Are you one of the Emperor's protectors? Can't say I envy you that job. FormID: 000D5EA2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That armor... Are you one of the Emperor's protectors? Not very good at your job, are you? FormID: 000D5EA3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That's fine scale armor you've got on there. Shiny. FormID: 000D5EA4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Aye, now that's some fine armor. Good old-fashioned steel. FormID: 000D5EA5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ah, steel plate. Now that's a solid choice of armor. FormID: 000C7F65 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What do you aim to do with that hammer, friend? Knock down a house? FormID: 000C7F66 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 No.. get that accursed mace away from me... FormID: 000D5EA6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You wear the armor of the bear, my friend. A fine choice. FormID: 000D5EA7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You dare strut around here, wearing that filthy Stormcloak hide? FormID: 000D5EA8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That Stormcloak armor's getting on my nerves... FormID: 000D5EA9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You wear that Stormcloak armor well, friend. FormID: 000D5EAA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You wear the armor of a brigand. Best not cause any trouble on my watch. FormID: 000D5EAB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I know Thieves Guild armor when I see it. You're not fooling anyone. FormID: 000D5EAC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You wear the garb of a true Nord. I salute you. FormID: 000D5EAD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Pigsticker like that's not going to get you far. Best visit the blacksmith. FormID: 000D5F13 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 That iron sword's pretty undependable. You should try steel. FormID: 000AD7E3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Iron sword, huh? What are you killing, butterflies? FormID: 000D5EAE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Aye, now that there's a beautiful sword. Like a sliver of midnight. FormID: 000D5EAF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Why the Elven blade, hmm? Nord steel not good enough for you? FormID: 000D5EB0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Favor a steel sword, do ya? Good choice for slashing or stabbing. emphasis on OR FormID: 000D5EB7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I've a lot of respect for the Restoration School. Skyrim could use more healers. FormID: 000D5EB8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Lightly armored means light on your feet. Smart. FormID: 000D5EB9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hey, you mix potions, right? Can you brew me an ale? FormID: 000D5EBA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hands to yourself, sneak thief. FormID: 000D5EBB DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I find your hand in my pocket, I'm going to cut it off. FormID: 000D5EBC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I know your kind, always sneaking about. FormID: 000D5EBD DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Go fiddling with any locks around here, we're going to have a real problem. FormID: 000D5EBE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Fancy yourself an alchemist, hmm? Never could get the hang of that. FormID: 000D5EBF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're the one casts those illusions. Impressive. FormID: 000D5EC0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Don't think you can barter with me like I'm one of those damned shopkeepers. FormID: 000D5EC1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Best offense is a good defense, am I right? FormID: 000D5EC2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Don't suppose you'd enchant my sword? Dull old blade can barely cut butter. FormID: 000D5EC3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Heard about you and your honeyed words... FormID: 000D5EC4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hail, summoner. Conjure me up a warm bed, would you? FormID: 000D5EC5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Destruction magic's fine, just don't go burning down any buildings. FormID: 000D5EB1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Takes a fair bit of strength to carry a greatsword like that. But can you use it? FormID: 000D5EC6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Keep your arrows in their quiver, archer. FormID: 000D5EC7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Favor the bow, eh? I'm a sword man, myself. FormID: 000D5EC8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The gods gave you two hands, and you use them both for your weapon. I can respect that. FormID: 000D5EC9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're like me, eh? Don't fancy those clunky two-handed weapons. FormID: 0002BE0B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 No lollygaggin'. FormID: 000D3D67 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I heard the Gourmet is hiding out somewhere in Skyrim. You know, fella who wrote that cookbook. conspiratorial FormID: 000D2AF3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 We got a nickname for anyone who trifles with us guards here in Windhelm - [QUOTE]Suicide.[QUOTE] FormID: 00060B23 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Citizen. giving a nonchalant greeting FormID: 000D5EB2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I fear the night. Because the werewolves and vampires don't. FormID: 000E0FAE DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Bit late to be wandering around, isn't it? FormID: 000E0FAF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Only burglars and vampires creep around after dark. So which are you? FormID: 000E0FB0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You hear that? I swear, there's something out there. In the dark. FormID: 0002BE10 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Let me guess - someone stole your sweetroll... FormID: 0002BE11 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Could sure use a warm bed right about now... Yawwns really big before speaking. FormID: 00020948 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead... FormID: 0002094A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Just a few more hours and I can crawl under some furs... FormID: 0002BE12 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Disrespect the law, and you disrespect me. FormID: 000E0FB1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Thinking of settling in? There's a house for sale - Breezehome. You should talk to the steward up in the keep if you're interested. FormID: 000E0FB2 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're that one lives in Breezehome, right? Fine place. Almost bought it myself. FormID: 000E0FB3 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Hjerim is a fine house, and it's up for sale. You should talk to the steward in the keep if you're interested. FormID: 000E0FB4 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Don't think you'll get special treatment just because you have a house in the city... FormID: 000D2AFC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 My heart goes out to Clan Shatter-Shield. Kin murdered, family warhammer stolen... There's no fairness in all that. FormID: 000E0FB5 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Proudspire Manor, now there's a fine home. Up for sale, too. If you're interested, talk to the steward, in the keep. FormID: 000E0FB6 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You own Proudspire Manor, hmm? Beautiful house. At least from the outside. FormID: 000E0FB7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 If you're looking to settle in Riften, there's a house for sale - Honeyside. See the steward in the keep if you want it. FormID: 000E0FB8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Smart thing you did, buying Honeyside. Nice place, and why pay for an inn? FormID: 000E0FB9 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ah, Vlindrel Hall's a fine home, if you can afford it. The steward in the keep can tell you more. FormID: 000E0FBA DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 So you bought Vlindrel Hall, eh? Wish I could afford a house that nice. FormID: 0002094D DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 They say Ulfric Stormcloak murdered the High King... with his voice! Shouted him apart! FormID: 00045FA1 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What is it? Dragons? hopes there will be a battle soon FormID: 0004464A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Guard duty. angry/disgusted at his bad fortune FormID: 00020950 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Gotta keep my eyes open. Damned dragons could swoop down at any time. FormID: 00020954 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee... FormID: 000AD7E7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Everything all right? FormID: 000AD7E8 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Trouble? FormID: 000AD7EC DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Staying safe, I hope? FormID: 000AD7ED DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I mostly deal with petty thievery and drunken brawls. Been too long since we've had a good bandit raid. FormID: 00020955 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Imperials think we need their laws. Pfft. emphasis on [QUOTE]their[QUOTE] FormID: 00020957 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 The Imperials think us all lawless beasts. I'm proof of their ignorance. FormID: 0002095C DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 'Tis a wicked axe you wield there, friend. That blade looks sharp enough to cut through a god. FormID: 000E0D5A DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 You're the one saved the Fire Festival. I remember. FormID: 000E0D5B DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 What do you need, bard? FormID: 0002BD2D DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge2A CUST 0 Is it? FormID: 0002BE7A DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge2B CUST 0 Ha! I do love it when the mortals know they're being manipulated. Makes things infinitely more interesting. emphasize [QUOTE]infinitely[QUOTE] FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 0 Were you now? stretch out [QUOTE]were[QUOTE] FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 1 By whom? FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 2 Wait! Don't tell me! I want to guess! FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 3 Was it Molag? No, no... Little Tim, the toymaker's son? The ghost of King Lysandus? Or was it... Yes! Stanley, that talking grapefruit from Passwall. FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 4 Wrong on all accounts, aren't I? FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 5 Ha! No matter! Honestly, I don't want to know. Why ruin the surprise? FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 6 But more to the point. Do you - tiny, puny, expendable little mortal - actually think you can convince me to leave? FormID: 0002BCFC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1A CUST 7 Because that's... crazy. You do realize who you're dealing with here? emphasize [QUOTE]do[QUOTE] FormID: 0002BCFD DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15DerveninAbout1B CUST 0 Oh, you just don't understand. Without him, I am not free! Without him, I am doomed! All of his empire shall fall into chaos... FormID: 0002BD01 DA15 DA15HowToReachMasterBranch DA15HowToReachMaster CUST 0 He stays in the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace. The doors are locked, and only Falk Firebeard can grant entry. FormID: 0002BD01 DA15 DA15HowToReachMasterBranch DA15HowToReachMaster CUST 1 But I hear the maids, Una and Erdi, know how to enter it for cleaning. Surely they can help for such an important matter? FormID: 0002BCFB DA15 SCEN 0 Yes, yes, go. Leave me to my ceaseless responsibilities and burdens... FormID: 0002BD02 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15QuestStart CUST 0 Yes, but don't try to use force! He's far too mighty. He'd crush you like a clay doll, or drop you from the sky, or simply eat your brain right up! FormID: 0002BD02 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15QuestStart CUST 1 Oh, but he probably won't do those things to you. Probably. Just remind him to come home, and... there'll be no fighting or unpleasantness. Probably. FormID: 0002BD02 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15QuestStart CUST 2 He's just a little confused at the moment, is all. Knowing my master, he may very well reward you for bringing him to his senses! FormID: 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 0 Oh, no no no! No mistake at all. What you made was a choice. Granted, not a very wise choice, but these things happen. Ah, the folly of youth... FormID: 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 1 You know, you remind me of myself at a young age. All I cared about was riding narwhales and sleeping in honeycombs and drinking babies' tears... FormID: 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 2 Word of advice if you ride a Narwhale. Mind the pointy end. Speaking quickly. Deadly serious. FormID: 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 3 Ah, but there I go, waxing poetic about my misspent youth. Now where were we? Ah yes. You're the mortal messenger. An I am...? FormID: 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 4 Honestly. Have you any idea? FormID: 0002BD2C DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge0 CUST 0 Now that's the real question, isn't it? Because honestly, how much time off could a demented Daedra really need? emphasize [QUOTE]really[QUOTE] FormID: 0002BD2C DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge0 CUST 1 So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to leave. That's right. I'm done. Holiday... complete. Time to return to the hum drum day-to-day. FormID: 0002BD2C DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge0 CUST 2 On one condition. FormID: 0002BD2C DA15 DA15SheogorathChallenge DA15SheoChallenge0 CUST 3 You have to find the way out first. Good luck with that. FormID: 0002BD00 DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2A CUST 0 Wrong! loud and furious, draw it out. Like Gandalf screaming at Bilbo FormID: 0002BD00 DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2A CUST 1 Actually, you do. Sort of. FormID: 0002BD00 DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2A CUST 2 I am a part of you, little mortal. I am a shadow in your subconscious, a blemish on your fragile little psyche. You know me. You just don't know it. FormID: 0002BD00 DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2A CUST 3 Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. At your service. FormID: 0002BCFA DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2B CUST 0 Yaaawwwwnn.... A very loud and exagerrated yawn, like you couldn't be more bored FormID: 0002BCFA DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2B CUST 1 Oh, pardon me. Were you saying something? I do apologize, it's just that I find myself suddenly and irrevocably... FormID: 0002BCFA DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2B CUST 2 Bored! scream it in anger FormID: 0002BCFA DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2B CUST 3 I mean, really. Here you stand, before Sheogorath himself, Daedric Prince of Madness, and all you deem fit to do is... deliver a message? How sad. FormID: 0002BCFE DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2C CUST 0 Jolly good guess! FormID: 0002BCFE DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2C CUST 1 But only half right. I'm a mad god. The Mad God, actually. It's a family title. Gets passed down from me to myself every few thousand years. emphasize the first [QUOTE]god[QUOTE]; then emphasize [QUOTE]The[QUOTE] as in [QUOTE]The Mad God[QUOTE] FormID: 0002BCFE DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2C CUST 2 Now you. You can call me Ann Marie. FormID: 0002BCFE DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2C CUST 3 But only if you're partial to being flayed alive and having an angry immortal skip rope with your entrails. FormID: 0002BCFE DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet2C CUST 4 If not... Then call me Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. Charmed. FormID: 0002BA7D TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 So you're the one that burned down Goldenglow Estate. FormID: 0002BA7D TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Do you have any idea what that little stunt you pulled is going to cost me? furious FormID: 0002BA7D TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm amazed you even bothered to show your face here. FormID: 0004E3AA TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you're the one. Hmm. You don't look so impressive. looking over player, making caustic judgment FormID: 0002BA71 TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You're a firebrand, aren't you? FormID: 0002BA71 TG03 TG03MavenIntroBranch TG03MavenIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 It's about time Brynjolf sent me someone with business sense. I was beginning to think he was running some sort of beggar's guild over there. insulting FormID: 0002BA7B TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I'm going to keep this short 'cause we've got a lot to do. very short and to the point FormID: 0002BA7B TG03 TG03MallusIntroBranch TG03MallusIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Honningbrew's owner, Sabjorn, is about to hold a tasting for Whiterun's Captain of the Guard and we're going to poison the mead. blunt, evil whimsy at the end FormID: 0002BA83 TG03 TG03SabjornIntroBranch TG03SabjornIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 What are you gawking at? Can't you see I have problems here? Very annoyed at being interrupted FormID: 000B8826 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 I warned you not to cross Maven. If I hadn't stepped in and paid amends, you'd be... well, I think you know. disappointed FormID: 000B8826 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic CUST 1 At least Sabjorn has found himself in Whiterun's prison. How unfortunate for him. switching mood to content FormID: 0004E3A5 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Word on the street is that poor Sabjorn has found himself in Whiterun's prison. How unfortunate for him. very jovial FormID: 0002BA74 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Mercer thinks he knows a way to identify this new thorn in our side. He wants to meet with you right away. FormID: 0002BA74 TG03 TG03BrynjolfReturnBranch TG03BrynjolfReturnBranchTopic02 CUST 1 And if I were you I'd hurry. I've never seen him this angry before. a bit ominous FormID: 0002CC4C TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 You needed to know more? FormID: 00018978 TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 You again? We have nothing else to discuss. Now move. FormID: 000CC79C TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 You again? We have nothing else to discuss. Now move. FormID: 000B389A TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 Why are you following me? I told you, I don't know anything else! FormID: 000B389B TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 Look, I've told you everything. Now leave me alone! FormID: 000B389C TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 Our business has concluded and you're standing in my way. FormID: 000B389D TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 Ah, I see you have the wine. Hand it over and we'll talk. FormID: 000B928F TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 No Firebrand Wine yet? How disappointing. FormID: 00018962 TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 Hmmm, you again. What is it this time? FormID: 0002C2DA TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 What did you need? FormID: 0002C2DB TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 Aringoth was a fool to think he could get away with this. FormID: 0002BA6D TG04 TG04Hellos HELO 0 No time for idle chatter. Mercer is awaiting your presence. urgency FormID: 0002B967 MG03 MG03Stage60UragBranch MG03Stage60UragBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, well. And you seem to be in one piece! FormID: 0002B967 MG03 MG03Stage60UragBranch MG03Stage60UragBranchTopic CUST 1 Thank you. I'll look these over, and inform Mirabelle if I find anything relevant. FormID: 0002B967 MG03 MG03Stage60UragBranch MG03Stage60UragBranchTopic CUST 2 [QUOTE]Night of Tears[QUOTE], eh? I remember this one. Well, isn't that interesting. FormID: 0002B967 MG03 MG03Stage60UragBranch MG03Stage60UragBranchTopic CUST 3 Did you read it yourself? If I recall it correctly, that has some interesting implications. You should mention that to Tolfdir. FormID: 0002B967 MG03 MG03Stage60UragBranch MG03Stage60UragBranchTopic CUST 4 And... here. I suppose you've earned these. reluctant, don't want to show that you're pleased FormID: 0002B8C1 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15AboutQuest0 CUST 0 My master has abandoned me! Abandoned his people. And nothing I say can change his mind. FormID: 0002B8C1 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15AboutQuest0 CUST 1 Now he refuses to even see me. He says I interrupt his vacation! It's been so many years... Won't you please help? FormID: 0002BD06 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15AboutQuest0 CUST 0 Without his guidance, our homeland is falling apart. North wages war against south! The holy flame flickers and dies! We need his return. FormID: 0002BD06 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15AboutQuest0 CUST 1 Oh, but... I'm sure he'll repay you when he comes to his senses! His favor is a powerful, powerful thing. And so very worth any... inconveniences. FormID: 0002B8B2 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15DerveninAboutQuest1 CUST 0 Last I saw him, he was visiting a friend in the Blue Palace. But no one as mundane as the Jarl. No, no... such people are below him. FormID: 0002B8B2 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15DerveninAboutQuest1 CUST 1 No, he went into the forbidden wing of the palace, to speak with an old friend. Said it had been ages since they had last had tea. FormID: 0002B8B2 DA15 DA15DerveninAboutQuestBranch DA15DerveninAboutQuest1 CUST 2 Oh and you'll need the hip bone... it's very important. No entering Pelagius' Wing without that. FormID: 0002B8BB DA15 DA15AboutMaster DA15AboutMasterTopic CUST 0 He is a great man, but one rarely praised! He rules twin empires that span the length and breadth of our minds! All know him, but few can name him! FormID: 0002B8BB DA15 DA15AboutMaster DA15AboutMasterTopic CUST 1 But... he has forbidden me from saying his name. He says it distracts him, and woe to those who draw his ire. FormID: 0002B8BB DA15 DA15AboutMaster DA15AboutMasterTopic CUST 2 But you will know him when you see him. He's the one who made me like this! FormID: 0002B8BD DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15Convince CUST 0 I'll make an exception for you, but do not bring anything out when you leave. Too many dark deeds transpired in those halls... FormID: 0002B8BF DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15Convince CUST 0 Well... I suppose in that case, it's okay to let you in. But only briefly. Be careful, and come right back! FormID: 0002B8BE DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15Convince CUST 0 If you really want to... Just be careful of the ghost! He snuck up on me once and scared me sick. It took a week for me to feel better... FormID: 0002BD03 DA15 HELO 0 How rude! Can't be bothered to host an old friend for a decade or two. FormID: 0002B8B8 DA15 HELO 0 I have a saying - I'm not going to feel what you have to like. Or something like that. FormID: 000D76EB DA15 HELO 0 Is it just me or is it getting saner and saner these days? FormID: 000D76EC DA15 HELO 0 Pelagius stopped by and mentioned he hated you. Or I mentioned he hated you and he agreed. FormID: 000D76ED DA15 HELO 0 I hope you're having a good time. Actually, I hope I'm having a good time. I could care less about you. FormID: 000D76EE DA15 HELO 0 I see you've been minding your own business. So how is the mind business? FormID: 00034BCA DA15 HELO 0 Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind! FormID: 0002BD04 DA15 HELO 0 Please, take pity on an old madman! FormID: 0002BD05 DA15 HELO 0 Who among you can help me? FormID: 000302EF DA15 HELO 0 Wait, hear my plea! My master, he is lost between worlds and I cannot bring him back! FormID: 000302F0 DA15 HELO 0 Why does everyone ignore me? Why do you turn your heads? Why will no one help me? FormID: 0002E1AA DA15 HELO 0 The flame of my master burns low. Without him, we are all lost and forever gray... Please, help us! FormID: 0002B8C0 DA15 SCEN 0 More tea, Pelly my dear? FormID: 0002B8AB DA15 SCEN 0 Oh, I couldn't. Goes right through me. Besides, I have so many things to do... FormID: 0002B8B3 DA15 SCEN 0 So many undesirables to contend with. Naysayers. Buffoons. Detractors. Why, my headsman hasn't slept in three days! FormID: 0002B8AF DA15 SCEN 0 You are far too hard on yourself, my dear, sweet, homicidally insane Pelagius. What would the people do without you? Dance? Sing? Smile? Grow old? Give a [QUOTE]tsk tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning. FormID: 0002B8AE DA15 SCEN 0 You are the best Septim that's ever ruled. Well, except for that Martin fellow, but he turned into a dragon god, and that's hardly sporting... emphasize [QUOTE]you[QUOTE]; emphasize [QUOTE]hardly[QUOTE] FormID: 0002B8B1 DA15 SCEN 0 Yes, yes, as you've said, countless times before... emphasize [QUOTE]countless[QUOTE] FormID: 0002B8B4 DA15 SCEN 0 Hafrumph! Well then, if you're going to be like that... Perhaps it's best I take my leave. A good day to you sir. I said good day! actually say [QUOTE]hafrumph[QUOTE] - like you're purposely exaggerating the sound. Emphasize [QUOTE]that[QUOTE] FormID: 0002B8AC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet0 CUST 0 Reeaaaallllyyyy? FormID: 0002B8AC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet0 CUST 1 Ooh, ooh, what kind of message? A song? A summons? Wait, I know! A death threat written on the back of an Argonian concubine! Those are my favorite. FormID: 0002B8AC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet0 CUST 2 Well? Spit it out, mortal. I haven't got an eternity! FormID: 0002B8AC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet0 CUST 3 Actually... I do. Little joke. FormID: 0002B8AC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet0 CUST 4 But seriously. What's the message? FormID: 0002B99E MS04 MS04HelpGreet MS04HelpGreetTopic CUST 0 You. You must take the Lexicon. Free me of my burden. Insistent and tinged a bit with insanity. You must be rid of this Lexicon. FormID: 0002B83F DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridSanctuaryFirstArriveTopic CUST 0 Ah, at last! I hope you found the place all right. FormID: 0002B834 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 Oh ho. The whimpering Nord, eh? Yes, yes, I can see how you'd come to that conclusion. Interesting choice. FormID: 000A2CC0 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 Ah, the feisty goodwife. Quite the mouth on her. Someone must have wanted her dead... right? FormID: 000A2CC1 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 The conniving Khajiit. Cat like that was sure to have enemies. It's no wonder you chose him. FormID: 000A2CC2 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 The blubbering barbarian and the tenacious mother. Must have been one of them, right? FormID: 000A2CC3 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 The timid warrior and the sly Khajiit. Must have been one or the other, right? FormID: 000A2CC4 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 Hmm. The fearless wife and mother, and the underhanded Khajiit. Had to be one of them, right? Interesting choice. emphasis on [QUOTE]them[QUOTE] FormID: 000A2CC5 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 Well, well. Aren't we the overachiever. Three possibilities, three victims. Must have been one of them, right? So why take chances... FormID: 000A27D0 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridSecondGreetForcegreet CUST 0 Remember, the Sanctuary is in the southern Pine Forest. Just beneath the road, and away from prying eyes. FormID: 0002B832 DarkBrotherhood DBBlackDoorSanctuary DBBlackDoorSanctuaryTopic CUST 0 What is the music of life? FormID: 0002B836 DarkBrotherhood DBBlackDoorSanctuary DBSanctuaryDoorPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Welcome home. FormID: 0002B732 dunRobbersGorgeQST dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentrySubsequent dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentrySubsequentTopic CUST 0 Move along. Bored, irritated. FormID: 0002B38D DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 A little girl is dead because of me. FormID: 0002B38D DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Believe me, it wasn't anything I ever intended to do. I just... lost control. FormID: 0002B38D DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 I tried to tell them, but none of them believe me. FormID: 0002B38D DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 3 It's all on account of this blasted ring. FormID: 000A0329 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Believe me, it wasn't anything I ever intended to do. I just... lost control. FormID: 000A0329 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 I tried to tell them, but none of them believe me. FormID: 000A0329 DA05 DA05SindingIntroBranch DA05SindingIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 It's all on account of this blasted ring. FormID: 0002B386 DA05 DA05SindingDuringHuntBranch DA05SindingDuringHuntBranchTopic CUST 0 And I would deserve it, wouldn't I? Walk Away FormID: 0002B386 DA05 DA05SindingDuringHuntBranch DA05SindingDuringHuntBranchTopic CUST 1 I can't stop you if that's what you want to do. Hircine is too powerful. Walk Away FormID: 0002B386 DA05 DA05SindingDuringHuntBranch DA05SindingDuringHuntBranchTopic CUST 2 But if you spare me, I can be a powerful ally to you. And I would promise to never return to civilized life. Walk Away FormID: 0002B386 DA05 DA05SindingDuringHuntBranch DA05SindingDuringHuntBranchTopic CUST 3 I know now that I can't live among people. Walk Away FormID: 0002B38E DA05 DA05SindingDuringHuntBranch DA05SindingSpareLife CUST 0 Thank the gods. Now let's deal with these other hunters. We hunt together! FormID: 0002B389 DA05 DA05SindingPostKillHuntersBranch DA05SindingPostKillHuntersBranchTopic CUST 0 Thank you for your help. I will make my home here, away from anyone I might hurt. FormID: 0002B36D MG03 MG03UragStage20Branch MG03UragStage20InitialTopic CUST 0 I know what you want. Word travels fast around here. Discovered some big mystery, huh? FormID: 0002B36D MG03 MG03UragStage20Branch MG03UragStage20InitialTopic CUST 1 Well you don't even need to ask. No, I don't have anything for you. Not anymore, anyway. FormID: 0002B36F MG03 MG03UragStage20Branch MG03Stage20UragFollowUp CUST 0 I said not anymore. Orthorn stole a number of books when he ran off to Fellglow Keep to join those Summoners. Some kind of peace offering. FormID: 0002B36F MG03 MG03UragStage20Branch MG03Stage20UragFollowUp CUST 1 I think one of those volumes may have had some relevant information. If you want them, you'll have to talk to Orthorn. FormID: 0002B36C MG03 MG03Stage30UragOrthornInfo MG03Stage30UragOrthornInfoTopic CUST 0 He was an Apprentice here at the College. Not very skilled, but got involved with a group of mages who took a liking to him. FormID: 0002B36C MG03 MG03Stage30UragOrthornInfo MG03Stage30UragOrthornInfoTopic CUST 1 When they left, he took off after them. Stole supplies and books from the College, I suppose as a way to ingratiate himself. FormID: 0002B36E MG03 MG03UragCavernInfo MG03UragCavernInfoTopic CUST 0 Let's just call it a [QUOTE]difference of opinion[QUOTE] with the College. FormID: 0002B36E MG03 MG03UragCavernInfo MG03UragCavernInfoTopic CUST 1 They were interested in research that goes outside the bounds of what the College allows, so they were... persuaded to leave. FormID: 0002B0B9 CreatureDialogueFrostbiteSpiderGiant DETH 0 FormID: 0002B019 MS11 MS11WuunferthSoTheySayYoureTheBaddy MS11WuunferthSoTheySayYoureTheBaddyTopic CUST 0 I beg your pardon? FormID: 0002B01A MS11 SCEN 0 No! Someone help me! Please! FormID: 0002AD08 DB04 SCEN 0 By Sithis, this ends now! Back away, fool! Whatever you've been planning is over! FormID: 0002ACF8 DB04 SCEN 0 Are you all right? I heard the commotion. Who was Cicero talking to? Where's the accomplice? Reveal yourself, traitor! FormID: 0002AD0C DB04 SCEN 0 I spoke only to the Night Mother! I spoke to the Night Mother, but she didn't speak to me. Oh no. She spoke only to him! To the Listener! FormID: 0002AD0D DB04 SCEN 0 I spoke only to the Night Mother! I spoke to the Night Mother, but she didn't speak to me. Oh no. She spoke only to her! To the Listener! FormID: 0002ACFD DB04 SCEN 0 What? The Listener? What are you going on about? What is this lunacy? FormID: 0002ACFE DB04 SCEN 0 It's true, it's true! The Night Mother has spoken! The silence has been broken! The Listener has been chosen! FormID: 0002ACFA DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch AstridConfrontListenerResponse1a CUST 0 Then what in Sithis' name is going on? Cicero spoke to the Night Mother, but she spoke to you? Is this just more of the fool's rambling? FormID: 00054F91 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse1 CUST 0 What? FormID: 00054F91 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse1 CUST 1 So Cicero wasn't talking to anyone else. Just... the Night Mother's body? FormID: 00054F91 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse1 CUST 2 And the Night Mother, who, according to everything we know, will only speak to the person chosen as Listener... just spoke. Right now... FormID: 00054F91 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse1 CUST 3 you? FormID: 0002ACFB DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse2 CUST 0 By Sithis. FormID: 0002ACFB DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse2 CUST 1 And... what did she say? FormID: 0002AD0E DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse3 CUST 0 Amaund Motierre? I have no idea who that is. FormID: 0002AD0E DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse3 CUST 1 But Volunruud... that I have heard of. And I know where it is. FormID: 0002ACF9 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse4 CUST 0 Volunruud? Well, that is interesting. I know this place... FormID: 0002AD04 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse5 CUST 0 Hmm? FormID: 0002AD04 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse5 CUST 1 No. No! Listen, I don't know what's going on here, but you take your orders from me. Are we clear on that? FormID: 0002AD04 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse5 CUST 2 The Night Mother may have spoken to you, but I am still the leader of this Family. I will not have my authority so easily dismissed. FormID: 0002AD04 DB04 AstridConfrontListenerBranch PlasyerAstridListenerResponse5 CUST 3 I... I need time to think about all this. Go see Nazir - do some work for him. I'll find you when I'm ready to discuss the matter further. FormID: 0002ACC7 DA06 DA06Stage110AtubBranch DA06Stage110AtubBranchTopic CUST 0 But... What of Yamarz? FormID: 0002ACC7 DA06 DA06Stage110AtubBranch DA06Stage110AtubBranchTopic CUST 1 I see. He did not survive. He... He died well? FormID: 0002ACC3 DA06 DA06Stage110AtubBranch DA06Stage110AtubResponse1 CUST 0 What? Why would he do such a thing? FormID: 0002ACC6 DA06 DA06Stage110AtubBranch DA06Stage110AtubResponse2 CUST 0 Ah, that is good to hear, then. FormID: 0002ACC9 DA06 SCEN 0 Yamarz was a coward and a weakling. His deceitful ways have cost you all greatly. FormID: 0002ACC2 DA06 SCEN 0 So he has been punished? And what of us? What fate shall we suffer? FormID: 0002ACC8 DA06 SCEN 0 You'll have to prove yourselves, but I'm willing to give you a chance. Gularzob's in charge now. Let's hope he's a better chief. FormID: 0002ACC5 DA06 SCEN 0 You, place that hammer on the shrine. You're the only one who's proven worthy in all of this... FormID: 0002ACC4 DA06 DA06Stage120ShagrolBranch DA06Stage120ShagrolFGTopic CUST 0 You have done admirably, little one. FormID: 0002ACC4 DA06 DA06Stage120ShagrolBranch DA06Stage120ShagrolFGTopic CUST 1 You have helped rid the Orcs of Yamarz in a way that avoids the destruction of their tribe. FormID: 0002ACC4 DA06 DA06Stage120ShagrolBranch DA06Stage120ShagrolFGTopic CUST 2 They will become stronger for it. And you... You have proven your strength. FormID: 0002ACC4 DA06 DA06Stage120ShagrolBranch DA06Stage120ShagrolFGTopic CUST 3 You have earned my favor for now, mortal, and so I give you a little gift. Use it well. FormID: 0002AC67 DA15 DA15DerveninForcegreet DA15DerveninStart0 CUST 0 You! You'll help me! You help people, right? That's what you do? Frantic, maddened FormID: 0002B8C2 DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15WingAccess0 CUST 0 Absolutely not. That wing has been sealed for hundreds of years, and for good reason. They say the ghost of Pelagius the Mad still haunts it. FormID: 0002B8C2 DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15WingAccess0 CUST 1 Ghost or not, there are reminders of his dark rule that are best left buried away. FormID: 0002B8C3 DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15WingAccess0 CUST 0 Not on your life. It's dangerous in there, and Falk doesn't even like me and Erdi going in every year to clean out the spiders. FormID: 0002B8C4 DA15 DA15WingAccessBranch DA15WingAccess0 CUST 0 Oh, I'd get in trouble for that. It's not allowed. Besides, it's scary in there! FormID: 0002ABBA MG03 MG03Stage10InitialBranch MG03MirabelleStage10FollowUp CUST 0 Well, perhaps it's time for some independent study. FormID: 0002ABBA MG03 MG03Stage10InitialBranch MG03MirabelleStage10FollowUp CUST 1 Check with Urag gro-Shub in the Arcanaeum. See if he's aware of any references to this... thing that you and Tolfdir found. FormID: 0002ABBA MG03 MG03Stage10InitialBranch MG03MirabelleStage10FollowUp CUST 2 I'd like to know as much as we can about it. FormID: 0004D547 MG03 HELO 0 How could you just leave me here? FormID: 000D761F MG03 HELO 0 Well, everything worked out nicely, didn't it? FormID: 0004D548 MG03 HELO 0 I've got to get out of here. FormID: 00099581 MG03 HELO 0 Why did I ever come here? FormID: 0004D549 MG03 HELO 0 Please! Help me! FormID: 0004D54A MG03 HELO 0 Don't leave me here! FormID: 000189E2 MG03 HELO 0 Urag can be very helpful. Just don't antagonize him. FormID: 000E5021 MG03 HELO 0 Well, you're certainly making a name for yourself. FormID: 000189F7 MG03 HELO 0 I understand you're the one that found this... Orb in Saarthal. FormID: 00033DC1 MG03 HELO 0 You have what you came for. Now leave. FormID: 00033DC2 MG03 HELO 0 Take your books and go, before I change my mind. FormID: 0004DA16 MG03 HELO 0 Do we have a deal? FormID: 000C4401 MG03 HELO 0 This thing from Saarthal. What does it do? J'zargo cannot say. FormID: 000C5173 MG03 HELO 0 I hear you found some... thing in Saarthal. You think it could help make me a powerful mage? FormID: 000C4402 MG03 HELO 0 We shouldn't have been disturbing Saarthal, no matter what you found down there. FormID: 000C4403 MG03 HELO 0 At least something good came out of that trip to Saarthal. I didn't find anything but dust. FormID: 0005036E MG04 HELO 0 Welcome to the Midden. FormID: 000C5174 MG04 HELO 0 Is it true? One of the Psijics was here in the College? FormID: 000C5175 MG04 HELO 0 No one's heard from the Psijic Order in so many years. Hard to believe one would just suddenly show up here. FormID: 000C5176 MG04 HELO 0 J'zargo regrets that there was no chance to speak with the Psijic Monk. FormID: 0009BD63 MG04 HELO 0 You must excuse me. I shouldn't be here. FormID: 0009BD64 MG04 HELO 0 It is good to meet you in person. FormID: 000681CA MG05 HELO 0 I hope you have good news for Mirabelle. FormID: 000681CB MG05 HELO 0 Please, make sure Winterhold is safe! FormID: 0005142D MG05 HELO 0 Well? Is everything out there all right? FormID: 000681CC MG05 HELO 0 Find Savos, and get him back here if you can! FormID: 0005118A MG05 HELO 0 What's happening? What did you people do? angry, scared FormID: 0005118B MG05 HELO 0 You brought this on us! You! angry, scared FormID: 0005118C MG05 HELO 0 Please, whatever you did, just make it stop! scared FormID: 000513EE MG05 HELO 0 What's going on out there? What happened? scared FormID: 000513EF MG05 HELO 0 Did you make something bad happen? scared FormID: 000513F0 MG05 HELO 0 I'm not seeing things again, am I? scared FormID: 000513F1 MG05 HELO 0 Whatever it is you're up to at the College, you need to fix this at once! angry, scared FormID: 000C9A0C MG05 HELO 0 What have we gotten ourselves into now? FormID: 000C9A0D MG05 HELO 0 Well, this certainly won't help our image. FormID: 0006BFED MG05 HELO 0 This is not J'zargo's fault! FormID: 0006BFEE MG05 HELO 0 By Azura, what's happening? FormID: 000D7883 MG05 HELO 0 Shor's blood, what have they done? FormID: 0006BFF9 MG05 HELO 0 What's going on?! FormID: 0006BFFA MG05 HELO 0 This can't be happening! FormID: 0006BFFB MG05 HELO 0 The Arch-Mage is dead! Dead! horrified FormID: 0006BFFC MG05 HELO 0 Protect yourself! We're under some kind of attack! FormID: 0006BFFD MG05 HELO 0 We've got to stay focused. confused, afraid FormID: 0006BFFE MG05 HELO 0 We never should have brought that thing here! FormID: 0006BFFF MG05 HELO 0 I hope this isn't something I did. FormID: 0006C000 MG05 HELO 0 If this is somehow your fault... FormID: 0005A187 mg06 HELO 0 By the gods... what was that? FormID: 000A1A5D mg06 HELO 0 We need to find out what Ancano's up to. FormID: 0005A188 mg06 HELO 0 I don't know what he's doing, but he won't get away with it. FormID: 0007EAAD mg06 HELO 0 I trust that you'll inform me as soon as the Staff is recovered. FormID: 0007EAAE mg06 HELO 0 I hope Mirabelle is helpful in locating the Staff. FormID: 000E3556 mg06 HELO 0 So you're off to find some staff now? I don't see the point of that. FormID: 000E355B mg06 HELO 0 J'zargo has heard of the Staff of Magnus. Once you are done with it, perhaps you will allow J'zargo to... Borrow it? very sly FormID: 0007EAAF mg06 HELO 0 Have you managed to track down the Synod, or the Staff of Magnus? FormID: 0009F7A1 mg06 HELO 0 Please, tell me you've found the crystal. I've no wish to die in this place. FormID: 0009F7A2 mg06 HELO 0 Unless you can find that crystal, there's no point in wasting more time with talk. FormID: 000B12C9 mg06 HELO 0 It's very important you do this correctly. FormID: 000E355E mg06 HELO 0 Have you managed to track down the Synod, or the Staff of Magnus? FormID: 00105CBA mg06 HELO 0 You got what you came for, didn't you? Go then, back to your college. sneering FormID: 00091825 MG07 HELO 0 We've got to find a way to put a stop to this. FormID: 00091826 MG07 HELO 0 I hope whatever you're going to do will work. FormID: 00091827 MG07 HELO 0 You'll defeat Ancano, won't you? FormID: 00091828 MG07 HELO 0 What are we going to do? How do we save the College? FormID: 00091836 MG07 HELO 0 I hope you know what you're doing. FormID: 0009184B MG07 HELO 0 I can't lose all my research. There has to be a way to save the College. FormID: 0009184C MG07 HELO 0 You really think the Staff of Magnus is the key? FormID: 00091850 MG07 HELO 0 How long can we keep this up? FormID: 00091852 MG07 HELO 0 J'zargo knows that you will save the College. You must. FormID: 00091853 MG07 HELO 0 J'zargo is sure this is the end. And this was supposed to be a safe place... FormID: 00091856 MG07 HELO 0 If we can't stop this, what happens to the rest of Skyrim? FormID: 00091857 MG07 HELO 0 I've never seen anything like this, in all my years. FormID: 0009185F MG07 HELO 0 Can you imagine the kind of power behind this? FormID: 00091860 MG07 HELO 0 We never should have pulled that thing out of Saarthal. FormID: 0009186B MG07 HELO 0 Do you think Ancano knew all along what the Eye was capable of? FormID: 00053F16 MG07 HELO 0 This is going to be terrible for business... FormID: 00054794 MG07 HELO 0 You're still alive! FormID: 00054795 MG07 HELO 0 Get to the College, before it's too late! FormID: 0009186C MG07 HELO 0 What are you doing here? You need to get that Staff, or else we don't stand a chance! FormID: 0005A40F MG08 HELO 0 Our order will not forget your deeds. FormID: 0005A410 MG08 HELO 0 You have done the world a great service. FormID: 00091823 MG08 HELO 0 Now what's going on?! FormID: 00091824 MG08 HELO 0 Psijics? Here now? What in Talos' name... FormID: 00041561 MG08 HELO 0 I knew you could do it! FormID: 00075CD0 MG08 HELO 0 We must hurry if we're going to defeat Ancano. FormID: 00082A3F MG08 HELO 0 Gods, you'd better have something good up your sleeve. I've got nothing left. FormID: 00082A40 MG08 HELO 0 We never should have brought that thing here... FormID: 00082A41 MG08 HELO 0 I'll be amazed if any of us survive this. FormID: 000CADFC MG08 HELO 0 If only we'd stayed out of Saarthal. FormID: 000D7624 MG08 HELO 0 I can't believe any of this is happening! FormID: 000D7625 MG08 HELO 0 J'zargo is going to stay right here until this is all over. FormID: 000D7626 MG08 HELO 0 If only Savos were alive to see this... FormID: 000D7627 MG08 HELO 0 To Oblivion with the rest of them - save yourself! FormID: 000D7628 MG08 HELO 0 Why doesn't someone do something? FormID: 000D7629 MG08 HELO 0 I'm not ready to die. I'm just not... FormID: 000D762A MG08 HELO 0 So much energy... So much power. Never in my life have I seen something like this... scared but almost entranced FormID: 0002A9A1 DA01 DA01AraneaHaveStarBranch DA01AraneaHaveStarBranchTopic CUST 0 Azura's Star! I knew the Lady of Twilight had sent you for a reason. in awe FormID: 0002A9A1 DA01 DA01AraneaHaveStarBranch DA01AraneaHaveStarBranchTopic CUST 1 Hand it over to me. I will ask Azura to restore the Star to its original purity. calmness of a monk FormID: 0004C42D DA01 DA01AraneaHaveStarBranch DA01AraneaHaveStarBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you ready for me to show Azura her Star and receive her wisdom? calmness of a monk FormID: 0009377F DA01 HELO 0 Azura is watching over you. She has seen this before it ever happened. calmness of a monk FormID: 00093780 DA01 HELO 0 All will happen as it has been foretold. calmness of a monk FormID: 00093781 DA01 HELO 0 The Twilight has foreseen all of this. Everything will be revealed in time. calmness of a monk FormID: 00093782 DA01 HELO 0 I told you what you wanted to know. What else could you want? harried academic FormID: 0009E587 DA01 HELO 0 I can send you into Azura's Star as soon as you're ready. anxious FormID: 0002A732 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreetTopic PFGT 0 Stop, outlander. You must pay for your crimes in blood or gold. Walk Away FormID: 0002A733 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreetTopic PFGT 0 You've broken the Code of Malacath. Your choice - pay with your blood or your gold. Walk Away FormID: 0002A737 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DGCrimeOrcPayFine CUST 0 Huh. Okay. We'll test your mettle another day. FormID: 0002A738 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DGCrimeOrcPayFine CUST 0 Typical outlander weakling. But your gold will strengthen our clan. FormID: 0002A739 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DGCrimeOrcPayFine CUST 0 Then your poverty is my reward. Kill or be killed! FormID: 0002A734 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DGCrimeOrcResistArrest CUST 0 Today is a good day to die. FormID: 0002A735 DialogueCrimeOrcs DialogueCrimeOrcsForceGreet DGCrimeOrcResistArrest CUST 0 Fight well, and I'll make sure your corpse is not dishonored. FormID: 0002A736 DialogueCrimeOrcs DGCrimeOrcsBlocking DGCrimeOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 We haven't forgotten your crimes, outlander. FormID: 000EDF07 DialogueCrimeOrcs DGCrimeOrcsBlocking DGCrimeOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Submit and pay bloodprice, criminal. FormID: 000EDF08 DialogueCrimeOrcs DGCrimeOrcsBlocking DGCrimeOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Stop, outlander! You must pay bloodprice for your crimes. FormID: 000EDF09 DialogueCrimeOrcs DGCrimeOrcsBlocking DGCrimeOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 By the Code of Malacath, you must pay bloodprice for your crimes. Which will it be, blood or gold? Walk Away FormID: 000EDF0A DialogueCrimeOrcs DGCrimeOrcsBlocking DGCrimeOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 Your crimes offend the Code of Malacath and we demand payment. Choose. Gold or blood. Walk Away FormID: 000EDF0B DialogueCrimeOrcs DGCrimeOrcsBlocking DGCrimeOrcsBlockingTopic CUST 0 There are no jails in an Orc Stronghold, criminal. You must pay in gold or blood. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E7 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranchTopic CUST 0 All right, I'll go kill this giant. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E7 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranchTopic CUST 1 Unless, of course, you'd like to make some extra gold. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E3 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06Stage90YamarzGroveResponse1 CUST 0 I'm tired, I haven't slept well in weeks. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E3 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06Stage90YamarzGroveResponse1 CUST 1 You kill the giant, bring me the hammer. We go back to Largashbur, I tell everyone I did it. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E3 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06Stage90YamarzGroveResponse1 CUST 2 You keep your mouth shut, and I pay you. Handsomely. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E8 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06Stage90YamarzGroveResponse2 CUST 0 Fine, then wait here. This should only take a second. FormID: 0002A5A8 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunFrostmereCryptQST_EisaFollowup dunFrostmereCryptQST_EisaFollowupTopic CUST 0 Just stay out of my way. FormID: 0002A5E2 DA06 DA06YamarzStage90GroveBranch DA06Stage09YamarzResponse03 CUST 0 Good. I'll be waiting right here. FormID: 0002A5E4 DA06 DA06Stage100YamarzBranch DA06Stage100YamarzFGTopic CUST 0 Excellent work. You have a true fighting spirit. Did that better than I could have. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E4 DA06 DA06Stage100YamarzBranch DA06Stage100YamarzFGTopic CUST 1 Of course, I can't let you leave here alive. Wouldn't want anyone finding out. Walk Away FormID: 0002A5E5 DA06 DA06Stage100ShagrolBranch DA06Stage100ShagrolFGTopic CUST 0 Yamarz has fallen. It is now up to you to return the giant's hammer to Atub. FormID: 0002A5E5 DA06 DA06Stage100ShagrolBranch DA06Stage100ShagrolFGTopic CUST 1 The tribe may yet survive, but only if you are willing to do what is right. FormID: 0002A5E6 DA06 DA06Stage100ShagrolBranch DA06Stage100ShagrolFGTopic CUST 0 Yamarz has revealed himself as a coward and a schemer, and has earned the fate of all who follow that path. FormID: 0002A5E6 DA06 DA06Stage100ShagrolBranch DA06Stage100ShagrolFGTopic CUST 1 The tribe may yet survive, but only if you are willing to do what is right. FormID: 0002A5E6 DA06 DA06Stage100ShagrolBranch DA06Stage100ShagrolFGTopic CUST 2 Take the giant's hammer to Atub, and tell her what has happened here. FormID: 0002A460 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 Hey! Hands off! FormID: 0002A462 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 Hey, that isn't yours! FormID: 000D3E96 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 I saw you steal that! FormID: 000D361B DialogueGeneric STEA 0 How dare you! FormID: 000D3E97 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 Why you little filcher... FormID: 000D3E98 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 Get your thieving hands off that! FormID: 000D361D DialogueGeneric STEA 0 You won't get away with that! FormID: 000D361E DialogueGeneric STEA 0 You can't take that! FormID: 000D3E99 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 Put that down, you mangy cat! FormID: 000D403F DialogueGeneric STEA 0 By Ysmir, a thief! FormID: 000D3E9A DialogueGeneric STEA 0 You thieving little elf! FormID: 000D4040 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 You dirty, filching lizard! FormID: 000D4041 DialogueGeneric STEA 0 What are you doing, s'wit? FormID: 000D3615 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Think you can steal from me? FormID: 000D3617 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Oh no you don't! FormID: 000D3618 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 You little thief! FormID: 0002A469 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Why you... FormID: 000D361A DialogueGeneric PICC 0 You're not getting anything from me! FormID: 000D3E95 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Nice try, fat-fingers! gloating over catching a thief in the act FormID: 000D3616 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 You dare try and steal from me? FormID: 000D54E7 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Get back, thief! FormID: 000D3619 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Filthy pickpocket! FormID: 0002A46A DialogueGeneric PICC 0 Pickpocket! We've got a pickpocket! FormID: 000D54E8 DialogueGeneric PICC 0 You little wretch, I saw that! FormID: 0002BF97 DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 The Stormcloaks pay blood for blood! FormID: 0002BF98 DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 You dare dishonor the Legion? FormID: 000D3612 DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Fool! The Imperial Legion will have your blood! FormID: 0002BF99 DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Bad idea. FormID: 0002A45C DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Help! Someone's being attacked! FormID: 000D3613 DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Someone do something! FormID: 0002A45D DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Help! I'm being attacked! FormID: 000D3614 DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Help me, help me! FormID: 0002A45E DialogueGeneric ASSA 0 Last mistake. FormID: 0002A465 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Help! Murder! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 000D3DE3 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 What the...?! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 000D3DE4 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Someone do something! FormID: 000D4042 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Help, someone! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 0002A466 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Murdered! In cold blood! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 000D4043 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Ysmir's beard! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 0002A467 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 By the gods, no! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 001038A3 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 By the gods, did that really just happen?! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset FormID: 001038A4 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Murder! Murder! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset - stretch out the second murder, like you crying out FormID: 001038A5 DialogueGeneric MURD 0 Help! Somebody, help! Someone has just been murdered - you're shocked and upset - stretch out the second murder, like you crying out FormID: 00027E4F DialogueGeneric TRES 0 Leave that dog alone! FormID: 00027E54 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 Hey, that's a valuable animal! FormID: 0002A46B DialogueGeneric TRES 0 That's it. Don't say I didn't warn you. FormID: 00034C73 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 That's it. I'm placing you under arrest. FormID: 0002A46C DialogueGeneric TRES 0 This is your last warning. Get away from there, or else. FormID: 00034C74 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 This is your last warning. Get out, or get arrested. FormID: 0002A46D DialogueGeneric TRES 0 You're trespassing here. You'd better clear out. FormID: 0002A46E DialogueGeneric TRES 0 You should have listened. Guards! Help! Trespasser! FormID: 0002A46F DialogueGeneric TRES 0 Guards! Trespasser! FormID: 0002A470 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 I'm not going to warn you again. Get out, or I'll call the guards! FormID: 0002A471 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 Last warning. Leave, now. FormID: 000D360B DialogueGeneric TRES 0 This is the last time I'll say it. Get out. FormID: 0002A472 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 It's time for you to leave, my friend. FormID: 0002A473 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 You, of all people. Get out! FormID: 00034C75 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 You're not supposed to be here... FormID: 0002A475 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 Can't a man have a bit of privacy? Get out of here! FormID: 0002A476 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 Can't a woman get a moment to herself? Leave me! FormID: 000BABE0 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 That's close enough. FormID: 000BABE1 DialogueGeneric TRES 0 I'm warning you. Back off! FormID: 00017DD8 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good. You've got real fire in you. I like that... Talos guide you. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BE45 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I knew I could count on you. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BE46 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good. Don't die out there. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BE47 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We all have faith in you. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEAE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Go with the Nine. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEB5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Talos keep you. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEB7 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Don't screw this up. (said with a smile - half joking) approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEBB CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good. And remember - keep the gods, and they'll keep you. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEBC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Excellent. Put the fear of the Nine into those motherless dogs. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEBD CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 That's what I wanted to hear. Good luck out there. approving of a recruits willingness to get a job done FormID: 0002A3F0 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I knew I could count on you, soldier. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEBE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good luck out there. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BEC4 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We do this for the good of Skyrim and her people. Never forget that. wistful with melancholy, sending a soldier out to kill the enemy in a civil war FormID: 0005BEEA CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Make me proud. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BF32 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 May the gods keep you. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BF33 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Stay sharp out there. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BF34 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good. Make it it happen, soldier. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BF37 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Show the rebels the futility of their cause. approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0005BF38 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 As long as the rebels are willing to die fighting the Empire, we must be willing to oblige them. slight note of melancholy FormID: 0005BF39 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Peace may yet return to Skyrim. But until then, we fight. melancholy but angry, approving of a recruit's willingness to get a job done FormID: 0002A3EE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Don't take too long figuring it out. I've got a war to run here. FormID: 00017DD5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I see. Well, make it quick, or do you have better things to do than fight for the people of Skyrim? mildly annoyed FormID: 0002A3EF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Well, soldier? Are you up to the task? FormID: 00017DD6 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What do you say? Can you do this? FormID: 00015496 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 This won't be easy, but that's why I'm sending you. Think you can handle it? Commanding officer asking if a special agent is ready to go FormID: 00017DD7 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 This won't be easy. But that's why I'm sending you. You got the grit to get this done? Commanding officer asking if a special agent is ready to go FormID: 00025321 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You gave those mongrels a real whipping, eh? Good work. We'll be sure to send a garrison to reinforce the area and keep the peace. FormID: 0003B470 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Excellent! We've hit 'em where it hurts. Repairs will be needed when we take over, but at least the Stormcloaks won't benefit in the meantime. FormID: 00025322 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We hit 'em where it hurts. As soon as we can, we'll take over - make the needed repairs. In the meantime, the people no longer slave for the Empire. FormID: 0001E3C0 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Well done, indeed. This will be of great service. Understanding the enemy's position makes us all the more equipped to usurp it. pleased, commanding officer receiving captured intel from special agent FormID: 0001E3C0 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 And with the rebels thinking us occupied elsewhere for the time being, we'll be able to take them by surprise. FormID: 00025344 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good work. Knowing more about the enemy's position makes it that much easier to take it from him. pleased, commanding officer receiving captured intel from special agent FormID: 00025344 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 And of course, they'll be caught off guard thinking we're off doing something altogether different. FormID: 00015497 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Sungard. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DD9 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Sungard. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154A5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Snowhawk. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DDA CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Snowhawk. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154A6 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Greymoor. FormID: 00017DDB CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Greymoor. FormID: 000154A7 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Neugrad. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DDC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Neugrad. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154A8 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Dunstad. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DDD CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Dunstad. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154A9 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Kastav. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DDE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Kastav. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154AA CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is Fort Greenwall. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DDF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Fort Greenwall. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154AB CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Your objective is the enemy held fort. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DE0 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to the fort. commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154AC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The rebels are keeping some of our men prisoner there. I aim to turn that into an advantage. Commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 000154AC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I've sent men to scout out the area. You are to meet them, find a way to slip in, free our men, and take over the fort. commander briefing special agent FormID: 000154AC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 They won't be expecting an attack from the inside. pleased with the plan FormID: 00017DE1 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 They have some of our boys locked up there. But with a little luck, we can turn that to our advantage. Commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DE1 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I've sent some men to scout out the area. Meet them, see if you can't find a way to slip in, free our men, and take over the fort. FormID: 00017DE1 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 They'll never suspect an attack from the inside. pleased with his plan FormID: 000154AD CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Go in quiet, break our man out, then get out of there. Don't risk combat if you can avoid it. If you can't, then give 'em hell. Commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00017DE2 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Go quiet, break him out, then run. This isn't a suicide mission. Don't risk combat if you can avoid it. If you can't, then give 'em hell. Commanding officer briefing a special agent FormID: 00016759 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You made it! I'm impressed. It was a gamble, but turned out well. surprised and pleased by the success of a special agent FormID: 00017DE3 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're alive! It was a gamble - but as Talos keeps us, we keep each other - I wasn't going to just let them rot in there. surprised, solemn FormID: 000504C8 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to Markarth. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504C9 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Markarth. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504CA CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to Morthal. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504CB CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Morthal. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504CC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to Whiterun. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504CD CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Whiterun. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504CE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to Falkreath. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504CF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Falkreath. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D0 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to Dawnstar. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D1 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Dawnstar. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D2 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to Winterhold. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D3 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Winterhold. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D4 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're going to Riften. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Riften. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D6 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're headed to the capital. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504D7 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to the capital. briefing a special agent FormID: 0006B148 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Damn Stormcloak rebels. grumbling about the enemy FormID: 0006B149 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What the rebels like to forget, is that the Empire's what's keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim. grumbling about the enemy FormID: 0006B14A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Can't wait to kill another of Ulfric's boys. grumbling about the enemy FormID: 0006B14B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Damn faithless Imperials. grumbling about the enemy FormID: 0006B14C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Next Imperial I see is dead. grumbling about the enemy FormID: 0006B14D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We'll show those faithless dogs who this land belongs to. grumbling about the enemy FormID: 0006B14E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Stay sharp. serious but friendly admonition FormID: 0006B14F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Keep your guard up. serious but friendly admonition FormID: 0006B150 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Keep an eye out for trouble. It's only a matter of time. serious but friendly admonition FormID: 0006B151 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Keep your eyes open. serious but friendly admonition FormID: 0006B152 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Fight or die well. serious but friendly admonition FormID: 0006B153 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Talos guide you. serious but friendly admonition FormID: 0006B154 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The waiting... the insufferable waiting. nervous and frustrated FormID: 0006B155 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Can't wait to gut one of those rebels. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B156 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Soon. I can almost taste it. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B157 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Well? Where the hell are those damned Stormcloaks? Let's get this over with already. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B158 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 If those rebels think they can best us, they have another think coming. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B159 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 By the Nine, I hate the waiting. The goddamned waiting. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B15A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Can't wait to kill another Imperial. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B15B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Gah. Let's do this already. I'm itching to kill something. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B15C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What's taking them so long? Did they get lost? Let's get this over with already. nervous and impatient FormID: 0006B15D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find us here waiting to spill their blood. We'll show those faithless curs who this land belongs to. FormID: 0006B15E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Auxiliary. greeting a fellow grunt. FormID: 0006B15F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Quaestor. greeting a respected fellow grunt. FormID: 0006B160 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Praefect. greeting an officer FormID: 0006B161 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Tribune. saluting a well respected officer FormID: 0006B162 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Legate! saluting a well highly respected officer FormID: 0006B163 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Not sure you belong here, citizen. suspicious FormID: 0006B164 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Hey, Unblooded. [QUOTE]unblooded[QUOTE] is what they call the FNGs FormID: 0006B165 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 If it isn't Ice-Veins. Hi there. greeting a respected fellow grunt. FormID: 0006B166 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Bone-Breaker. greeting an officer by name FormID: 0006B167 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Snow-Hammer. saluting a well respected officer by name FormID: 0006B168 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Stormblade. It's an honor. saluting a highly respected officer by name FormID: 0006B169 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Think you might be in the wrong place, friend. suspicious, threatening FormID: 0007D905 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The Stormcloaks will be here any minute! Hurry! Get inside and lock your doors! warning a civilian of danger FormID: 0007D906 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Citizens! Go home and lock your doors! warning a civilian of danger FormID: 0007D907 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 It's not safe out here! Return to your homes immediately! warning a civilian of danger FormID: 0007D908 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The imperial butchers are on their way. Get home and lock your doors! warning a civilian of danger FormID: 0007D909 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What are you people doing outside? Go home. Now! warning a civilian of danger FormID: 0007D90A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Go home and lock your doors. warning a civilian of danger FormID: 000659AE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 My spies report the Jarl's Steward, Anuriel, has arrangements with the Thieves Guild that would be rather embarrassing if made public. briefing a special agent about blackmailing a politician FormID: 000659AE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I need you to find evidence of her corrupt activities, and use it to gain a measure of her [QUOTE]cooperation.[QUOTE] briefing a special agent about blackmailing a politician FormID: 000659AF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Rumor has it the Jarl's Steward, Raerek, is a faithful Talos worshipper, if not a true son of Skyrim - he still supports the Empire, after all. briefing a special agent about blackmailing a politician FormID: 000659AF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 But, if confronted with proof of his belief, you might be able to [QUOTE]persuade[QUOTE] him to aid our cause, indirectly of course. (slyly) briefing a special agent about blackmailing a politician FormID: 000659AF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 Wouldn't want to sully his reputation, would we? (slyly) briefing a special agent about blackmailing a politician FormID: 000A1F9E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Meet the soldiers preparing for the attack. Then join them in wiping out the rebels. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. field officer briefing special agent FormID: 000A1F9F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Meet the brothers preparing for the attack. Then join them in wiping out the Imperials. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. field officer briefing special agent FormID: 000C138F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We sure showed them, eh? Thanks for your part in all that. thanking player for helping out with a battle / important mission FormID: 000C1390 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good job out there. Glad you were with us. thanking player for helping out with a battle / important mission FormID: 000C1391 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Thanks. Couldn't have done that without you. thanking player for helping out with a battle / important mission FormID: 000C2137 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 If you're planning violence against me or mine, you'll regret it. Violence has just erupted, you are protecting yourself and family by being strong and assertive FormID: 000C2138 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What do you want with us? Violence has just erupted, you are protecting yourself and family by being cautious FormID: 000C2139 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Please! Have mercy... I beg you... Violence has just erupted, you are fearing for the safety of yourself and family, you can't help showing your fear FormID: 0006611E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Yyyyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhh! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 0006611F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Wwwwwwrrrraaaaaahhhhh! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066120 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Hhhhhhhaaaaaa! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066121 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Hhhhhhuuuuuuaaaaaa! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066122 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Yyyyrrrraaaaahhhhh! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066123 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Rrrraaaaaaggghhhh! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066124 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Aaaaaahhhhaaaaa! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066125 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Hhhhhuuuuuzzzzzaaaaahhhhh! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066126 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Rrrrraaaaa! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 00066127 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Yyyyyeeeaaaaahhhhhh! guttural cheer (soldiers cheering an end to battle) FormID: 000CD123 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We sure showed them! grateful, excited FormID: 000CD124 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 They'll think twice before coming back here, that's for sure! grateful, excited FormID: 000CD125 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We did it! grateful, excited FormID: 000CD126 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I feel so alive! grateful, excited FormID: 000CD127 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We destroyed those Stormcloak traitors! grateful, excited FormID: 000CD130 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We showed those Imperials what real Nords are made of! grateful, excited FormID: 000C4A7C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Imperial business. Be on your way. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BE8 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 This is none of your concern, citizen. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BE9 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Move along. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000C4A7D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Citizen. I'm warning you. Your presence is interfering with Imperial business. Be gone! warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BEF CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Step aside, citizen. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF0 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Be gone! warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000C4A7E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Citizen. You have been warned. You leave me no choice but to resort to violence. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF1 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You leave me no choice, citizen. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF2 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You have been warned. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000C4A7F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 This doesn't concern you, friend. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF3 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Keep walking. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF4 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Move along. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000C4A80 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Go on, get out of here! warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Are you looking for a fight? warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF6 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Don't make me tell you again. Get out of here. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000C4A81 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I warned you. You leave me no choice but violence. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF7 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Fine. Have it you way. A fight it is. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000B9BF8 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Alright, if it's a fight you want. You've got it. warning a citizen that they need to leave or there will be violence FormID: 000D267A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Need you to deliver some false orders to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar. FormID: 000D267A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 Once you find the courier's route, kill him and take his place. FormID: 000D26E2 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Need you to deliver some false orders to the Imperial Legate in Morthal. explaining the mission to a special agent FormID: 000D26E2 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 Once you find the courier's route, kill him and take his place. FormID: 000D26E4 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We understand the Nightgate and Roughwater inns are frequent stops for Stormcloak runners. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D26E4 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 Set an ambush along the road between, or camp by one of the inns. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D26E4 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 Bring whatever he's carrying to me, and I'll send you with convincing misinformation back to Dawnstar. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D2798 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 My scouts tell me the inns at Dragonbridge and Rorikstead are frequent stops for Imperial runners. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D2798 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 Set an ambush on the road between, or camp one of the inns. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D2798 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 Bring me whatever he's carrying, and I'll send you to Morthal with something convincing but full of lies. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D6B46 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The Nightgate and Candlehearth inns are frequent stops for Stormcloak runners. giving orders to a special agent FormID: 000D6B46 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 See if you can't [QUOTE]convince[QUOTE] one of those innkeepers to help you. [QUOTE]convince[QUOTE] with a little menance FormID: 000D6B46 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 One way or another, get me those documents. FormID: 000D6B46 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 3 But don't do anything rash if you go to Windhelm. word of caution FormID: 000D6B47 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The inns at Dragonbridge and Rorikstead are frequent stops for Imperial runners. FormID: 000D6B47 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 See if you can't [QUOTE]convince[QUOTE] one of those innkeepers to help you. FormID: 000D6B47 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 One way or another, get me those documents. FormID: 000E6CB5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The inns at Dragonbridge and Solitude are frequent stops for Imperial runners. FormID: 000E6CB5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 See if you can't [QUOTE]convince[QUOTE] one of those innkeepers to help you. FormID: 000E6CB5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 One way or another, get me those documents. FormID: 000DDE06 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 It just so happens, I've got some scouts along the road. Meet up with them, and together see if you can't overpower the caravan. FormID: 000DDE07 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 It just so happens, I've got some scouts along the road. Meet up with them, and together see if you can't overpower the caravan. FormID: 000E1749 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Well, well. Look who it is! How have you been? pleased to see a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good to hear. Walk Away FormID: 000E174A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I need this to go well. This is my first real command since they promoted me after Whiterun. confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 You know, some nights when I close my eyes, I see the battle stretched out before me, like I'm still there... confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 3 Do the men you've killed haunt you? Mine do... almost embarrassed to ask the question Walk Away FormID: 000E174B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 These are dark days. But at least we know we're doing our part to make things better, eh? consoling a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I guess I'm doing all right. I need this to go well. This is my first real command since they promoted me after Whiterun. confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 You know, some nights when I close my eyes, I see the battle stretched out before me, like I'm still there... confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 3 Do the men you killed haunt you? Mine do... almost embarrassed to ask the question Walk Away FormID: 000E174C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Straight to business with you, huh? a little caught off guard Walk Away FormID: 000E174C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 Well, it just so happens I have the perfect mission for you. glad to see your friend, but getting down to business Walk Away FormID: 000E174D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I suppose you're right... they say it gets easier... distant Walk Away FormID: 000E174D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I'm not sure if that's a good thing... confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 But never mind all that. We've got a job to do. getting down to business Walk Away FormID: 000E174E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 That's what I keep telling myself. confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E174E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 But, never mind all that. We've got a job to do. Don't we? getting down to business. Walk Away FormID: 000E174F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I remember you... you were with us at Helgen, and Whiterun. Glad to have you with us. How are you? remembering an impressive meeting Walk Away FormID: 000E1750 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I suppose you're right... they say it gets easier... distant Walk Away FormID: 000E1750 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 I'm not sure if that's a good thing... confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E1750 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 2 But never mind all that. What brings you out this way? getting down to business Walk Away FormID: 000E1751 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 That's what I keep telling myself. confiding in a friend Walk Away FormID: 000E1751 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 1 But, never mind all that. What brings you out this way? getting down to business. Walk Away FormID: 000E1752 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Hello friend. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1753 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Glad you're here. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1754 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You're still alive? (joking) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1755 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Huh. I had heard you died. (joking) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1756 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I have to admit. This is more fun that I thought it'd be. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1757 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I can't remember the last time I visited home. Think I've forgotten what a proper bed looks like, let alone feels like. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1758 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Who do you think's killed more Imperials? You? Or me? speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1759 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Have you always been that ugly? (teasing) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E175A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I've heard some things about Ulfric I don't like, but he's right about this war and about Skyrim's future. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E175B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I don't think Galmar even knows my name. Probably because I'm not [QUOTE]The Dragonborn.[QUOTE] (teasing) speaking to a [QUOTE]the dragonborn[QUOTE] who also happens to be a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E175C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Ever wonder if maybe we should a call a truce with the Imperials and join forces for just a little while take care of some of these dragons? speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E175D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Who do you think killed more rebels? You? Or me? speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E175E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 [QUOTE]Dragonborn[QUOTE] huh? Was it your ma or your pa that was the dragon? (teasing) speaking to a trusted friend and ally (who is called [QUOTE]dragonborn[QUOTE]) FormID: 000E175F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Ever get the impression Rikke's not always sure what side she's on? I'm not doubting her loyalty. Just, she seems rather sympathetic to the rebels. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1760 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I don't think Rikke even knows my name. Probably because I'm not [QUOTE]The Dragonborn.[QUOTE] (teasing) speaking to a [QUOTE]the dragonborn[QUOTE] who also happens to be a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1761 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Ever wonder if maybe we should a call a truce with the Stormcloaks, join forces for just a little while, and take care of some of these dragons? speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1762 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Focus on the mission. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1763 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What? Now's not the time to chat. speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1764 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 This should be fun. (nervous) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1765 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I wonder how many of us think we'll be the lucky ones and survive this? (nervous before a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1766 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 So, do you get that weird taste in your mouth before battle, too? What is that? (nervous before a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1767 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Pleasant weather for a war, no? (nervous before a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1768 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Gah! Let's get on with it already! (nervous before a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E1769 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 You made it? I was sure I'd find you face down in the dirt. (joking - glad to be alive after a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E176A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I'm pretty sure I killed more than you. I was counting. (joking - glad to be alive after a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E176B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 That was fun. (glad to be alive after a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E176C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 That went pretty well, all things considered. (glad to be alive after a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E176D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Do colors seem brighter to you? Everything seems bigger, too. Strange... (glad to be alive after a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E176E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Are your ears still ringing? I hope that goes away. (glad to be alive after a big battle) speaking to a trusted friend and ally FormID: 000E6CC5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to the capital! We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6CC6 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Markarth. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6CEE CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Morthal. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D25 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Falkreath. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D68 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Whiterun. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D6A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Dawnstar. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D6B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Winterhold. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D6C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Riften. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D6D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get over to Windhelm. We're mounting our final attack! urgent, as in [QUOTE]what the hell are you doing here?![QUOTE] FormID: 000E6D6E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get down to the front line. urgent FormID: 000E6D72 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get down there and join Rikke on the front line. urgent FormID: 000E6D9B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Get down there and join Galmar on the front line. urgent FormID: 000E6D9C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I'll meet you there. urgent FormID: 000E6DAC CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 We're not quite ready to muster the final attack. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6DAD CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I need you to create some chaos in the hold so I can maneuver men into position without drawing too much attention. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6DFD CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I need you to create some chaos in the hold. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6E18 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Search out enemy soldiers in the wilderness, or guarding towns and settlements, and kill them. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6E19 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Find enemy controlled resources like sawmills, flour-mills, and smelters, and sabotage them. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6E1A CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 And take out resources like sawmills, flour-mills, and smelters, with a little sabotage. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6E2D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 And sabotage enemy controlled resources. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6E31 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 If you run across any enemy couriers, take them down, and bring me whatever they're carrying. giving orders to a soldier FormID: 000E6E3C CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good work! impressed FormID: 000E7067 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good job! impressed FormID: 000E706B CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Excellent. These should come in handy. impressed FormID: 000E7183 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I would hate to think what would happen if this fell into enemy hands. impressed FormID: 000E7194 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Here. Take this for your trouble. giving a token reward FormID: 000E7199 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 So why'd you join up with the Legion? asking a fellow soldier FormID: 000E71A6 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 How'd you end up here? asking a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7203 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What are your thoughts on all this? asking a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7221 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 My father was a Legionnaire, and his before him. I guess I never considered doing anything else. talking with a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7231 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I signed on 'cause I couldn't watch the Stormcloaks tearing everything apart and not do something. But, most of my family disagrees with my choice. confiding with a fellow soldier FormID: 000E724D CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I know it's what everyone says, [QUOTE]To go to new places and see the world.[QUOTE] But it's true in my case... I never bargained on seeing more than I liked. confiding with a fellow soldier FormID: 000E724E CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 So, why'd you join the Stormcloaks? asking a fellow soldier FormID: 000E724F CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 What are your thoughts on all this? asking a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7250 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 So what's your story? asking a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7251 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 My cousin disappeared one night. Some say the Thalmor grabbed him. It wasn't long before I found myself under Ulfric's banner. confiding in a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7252 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I don't want some snotty elf telling me what gods I can and can't worship. confiding in a fellow soldier FormID: 000E7253 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 I'm a true Nord. Simple as that. matter of fact, talking with a fellow soldier FormID: 0002ABB7 MG03 MG03Stage10InitialBranch MG03Stage10InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, from what I've heard I expect Tolfdir will be occupied for some time. Hmm, that is a problem, isn't it? FormID: 0002ABB7 MG03 MG03Stage10InitialBranch MG03Stage10InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I suppose someone else will need to look after the Apprentices for now. FormID: 0002A380 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeWanted DGCrimeWantedTopic CUST 0 You're the one who conspired with the Forsworn against Markarth! You're coming with me, murderer! Walk Away FormID: 00034037 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeWanted DGCrimeWantedTopic CUST 0 There's no mistake. You're a wanted man... and it's time to pay for your crimes. Walk Away FormID: 000AD7FE DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeWanted DGCrimeWantedTopic CUST 0 There's no mistake. You're a wanted woman... and it's time to pay for your crimes. Walk Away FormID: 00020F9A DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeWanted DGCrimeWantedTopic CUST 0 The only mistake was you showing your face. You've committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, and it's time to face the Jarl's justice. Walk Away FormID: 00029F0B DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroEntryTopic CUST 0 Azura has seen your coming, traveler. It was not curiosity, but fate, that has led you here. calmness of a monk FormID: 00029AA2 MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaeletteVampie CUST 0 You think Alva...but that means... FormID: 00029AA2 MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaeletteVampie CUST 1 Ye gods! You think Alva is a vampire? FormID: 00029A97 MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 Please excuse the mess. FormID: 00029A98 MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 If you get me the logbook, I'll have proof of Shatter-Shield's treachery. FormID: 00029A99 MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 Let me know when you've learned more about the pirates. FormID: 00029A9A MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 She's probably the one you ought to talk to. FormID: 00097264 MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 Give those pirates what for! FormID: 00029A9B MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 We're so grateful for your help. FormID: 00097265 MS10 MS10Hellos HELO 0 What're you looking at? FormID: 00029A96 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusPreQuestStartTopic CUST 0 I know this place looks horrible -- please don't hold it against the Company. FormID: 00029A92 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusShatterShieldConnection CUST 0 A very powerful family in Windhelm. FormID: 00029A92 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusShatterShieldConnection CUST 1 They run a private shipping operation, and would love to have the docks to themselves. FormID: 00029A92 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusShatterShieldConnection CUST 2 Wouldn't surprise me if they were in league with the pirates, somehow. FormID: 00029A94 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusBringBook CUST 0 Not yet, no. But perhaps an intrepid person such as yourself could help with that. FormID: 00029A94 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusBringBook CUST 1 They have a dark elf who oversees their operations. Suvaris Atheron. FormID: 00029A94 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusBringBook CUST 2 She's meticulous to a fault, and keeps a logbook with every transaction she makes. FormID: 00029A94 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusBringBook CUST 3 If it were to somehow end up in my hands, I wouldn't argue. FormID: 00029A91 MS10 MS10OrthusHaldynBranch MS10OrthusHaldynBranchTopic CUST 0 We used to think the pirates had an army of battlemages at their side. FormID: 00029A91 MS10 MS10OrthusHaldynBranch MS10OrthusHaldynBranchTopic CUST 1 As it turns out, it was just one. Haldyn. I've since learned more about him. FormID: 00029A91 MS10 MS10OrthusHaldynBranch MS10OrthusHaldynBranchTopic CUST 2 The most dangerous sort of man -- quick to anger, but patient in exacting vengeance. FormID: 00029A91 MS10 MS10OrthusHaldynBranch MS10OrthusHaldynBranchTopic CUST 3 He also has a fearsome control of Destruction magic. FormID: 00029A91 MS10 MS10OrthusHaldynBranch MS10OrthusHaldynBranchTopic CUST 4 I wish you the best of luck. FormID: 000ABD23 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 0 Well, in the old tales, the Dragonborn heroes would use the power of their Voice to defeat the enemies of Skyrim. FormID: 000ABD23 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 1 Wulfharth was Dragonborn. Talos, too - the founder of the Empire, back in the good old days. FormID: 000ABD23 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 2 In the very oldest tales, back from when there still were dragons in Skyrim, the Dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power. FormID: 000BFC4F MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 0 It means you have the Dragon Blood - you have an inborn ability to use your Voice the way dragons do. FormID: 000BFC4F MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 1 The old tales tell of Dragonborn heroes who slew dragons and took their power. FormID: 000BFC4F MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 2 It seems those tales are true. FormID: 000BFC4F MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 3 With the dragons returning, and now a Dragonborn appearing... maybe the Greybeards know what it all means. FormID: 000BFC50 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 0 It means you can kill dragons and steal their power - even speak with a dragon's voice, they say. FormID: 000BFC50 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 1 There hasn't been a Dragonborn seen in the land for centuries. Not since Talos himself walked the 7,000 Steps to High Hrothgar. as awed as Galmar can get FormID: 00029B01 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 0 I don't know much. Only the old tales about the ancient heroes who would use the Voice to defeat the enemies of Skyrim. FormID: 00029B01 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 1 They say the Emperors used to be Dragonborn, but that all ended when Martin died during the Oblivion Crisis. FormID: 00029B01 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 2 The Greybeards can tell you much more than I can. They're the masters of the Way of the Voice and taught Tiber Septim himself. FormID: 00029B77 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 0 The only thing I remember is the old story of Tiber Septim being called Dragonborn by the Nords, before they switched sides and joined the Empire. FormID: 00029B77 MQ00 MQDragonborn MQDragonbornTopic CUST 1 No doubt those Greybeards up at High Hrothgar will talk your ear off about it. FormID: 00029C0B MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 0 They live in seclusion on the slopes of the Throat of the World, the great mountain of Skyrim. FormID: 00029C0B MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 1 They're masters of the Way of the Voice. If you really are Dragonborn, they're the ones who can teach you how to use your power. FormID: 00029C0D MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 0 Near as I can tell, a bunch of ancient Nord hermits who live on top of a mountain. FormID: 00029C0D MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 1 Never heard of them talking to anybody before. If they really do want to talk to you, you'd better go find out what they want. You never know. musing -- maybe they aren't just a bunch of old kooks? FormID: 000ABD25 MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 0 They're the Masters of the Way of the Voice - of Shouting. They live up on top of the Throat of the World. FormID: 000ABD25 MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 1 If you're really Dragonborn, they'll want to talk to you. In the old stories, they always summon the Dragonborn for training. FormID: 000BFC56 MQ00 MQGreybeards MQGreybeardsTopic CUST 0 Ulfric can tell you more than most anyone. He was studying to be a Greybeard himself, back before the Great War. FormID: 00029C17 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 0 In the old tales, Nord heroes would use the power of their Voice to Shout down the gates of cities and strike down their enemies. FormID: 00029C17 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 1 But only the Greybeards study the Way of the Voice any more. If you can Shout... you need to talk to them. FormID: 00029C24 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 0 Old Nord folk tales always talk about Shouting their enemies to pieces. I always thought it was just a myth. FormID: 00029C24 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 1 If you think you might be able to do that kind of thing, the Legion could certainly use your help. FormID: 00029C24 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 2 Go talk to the Greybeards, see what they can tell you. FormID: 000ABD10 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 0 Well, I only know what I've heard in the old tales. Shouting is an ancient form of magic - the use of one's voice to project their power. FormID: 000ABD10 MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 1 If you can Shout, you need to go see the Greybeards. They'll know what to do. FormID: 000BFC4A MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 0 I know more than most. I trained with the Greybeards at High Hrothgar when I was a boy. FormID: 000BFC4A MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 1 The Way of the Voice is an ancient, spiritual form of magic in which you project your vital essence into a [QUOTE]thu'um[QUOTE] or Shout. FormID: 000BFC4A MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 2 Most people would need to train for years before they could even attempt a single Shout. FormID: 000BFC4A MQ00 MQVoicePower MQVoicePowerTopic CUST 3 The Dragonborn is different - you have an inborn ability to Shout, the same way dragons are said to. FormID: 00029982 CreatureDialogueDraugr HIT_ 0 FormID: 00029923 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch02 TG01BersiQuestBranch02Topic CUST 0 All right! I get it. I'll pay on time from now on. Just don't smash anything else. FormID: 00029923 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch02 TG01BersiQuestBranch02Topic CUST 1 Here, take your gold and leave me in peace. defeated FormID: 00029924 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch02 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch02Topic CUST 0 Not Lady Dibella? No, please! I can't lose her! terrified... the statue is a beloved item FormID: 00029924 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch02 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch02Topic CUST 1 I get the message. Here, take your gold. I hope you choke on it! defeated FormID: 0002994E DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 It... it worked. Mara be praised! FormID: 0002994E DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 You vanished after drinking the Torpor and materialized on the other side. I have never seen anything quite like it. FormID: 00029946 DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 How I envy you. I can only imagine the excitement of seeing history through the eyes of another! FormID: 00029946 DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Sadly, I am resigned to just reading of its wonders through my research of the Skull. FormID: 00029954 DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic02 CUST 0 After what you just experienced, you are not amazed? I am at a loss for words. FormID: 00029952 DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I thought I was clear regarding the dangers that awaited you within the Dreamstride. FormID: 00029952 DA16 DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranch DA16ErandurFirstDoneBranchTopic03 CUST 1 However, this hardly matters any longer as you appear to have exited unscathed. FormID: 0002972C WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My wife died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 0002972D WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My husband died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 0002972E WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My father died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 0002972F WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My mother died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029730 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My daughter died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029731 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My son died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029732 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My sister died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029733 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My brother died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029734 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My aunt died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029735 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My uncle died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029736 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My niece died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029737 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My nephew died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029738 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My cousin died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 00029739 WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My cousin died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 0002973A WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My kinsman died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 0002973B WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My kinswoman died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear relative FormID: 0002973C WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My friend died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear friend FormID: 0002973D WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My friend died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a dear friend FormID: 0002973E WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My girlfriend died. Things won't be the same without her. sympathetically mourning the loss of a betrothed FormID: 0002973F WIMourningAllVoiceTypesSplitIntoSeperateQuestsLater WIMourningAdultFemaleVoice1Hello HELO 0 My boyfriend died. Things won't be the same without him. sympathetically mourning the loss of a betrothed FormID: 00029726 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02Topic CUST 0 Very well. Here. Take this back to Brynjolf and tell him he'll have no more trouble from me. defeated FormID: 0002953E MS14 SCEN 0 You found me! Laelette was trying to find me too, but I'm glad you found me first. FormID: 0002953E MS14 SCEN 1 Laelette was told to burn mommy and me, but she didn't want to. FormID: 0002953E MS14 SCEN 2 She wanted to play with me forever and ever. FormID: 0002953E MS14 SCEN 3 She kissed me on the neck, and I got so cold that the fire didn't even hurt. FormID: 0002953E MS14 SCEN 4 Laelette thought she could take me and keep me, but she can't. I'm all burned up. FormID: 0002953E MS14 SCEN 5 I'm tired. I'm going to sleep for a while now. FormID: 00029540 MS14 MS14LaeletteRumor MS14LaeletteRumorTopic CUST 0 Now there's a mystery. FormID: 00029540 MS14 MS14LaeletteRumor MS14LaeletteRumorTopic CUST 1 She ran away when the war started. Her husband, Thonnir, was devastated. No note or nothin'. FormID: 00029540 MS14 MS14LaeletteRumor MS14LaeletteRumorTopic CUST 2 I'm pretty sure she up and joined the Stormcloaks. FormID: 00029541 MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaeletteDead CUST 0 Laelette? I thought she left to join the Stormcloaks. Ah! My poor Laelette! Grief stricken FormID: 000365F4 MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaeletteDead CUST 0 I thought Laelette left to join the war. I hadn't heard from her since she left. FormID: 0002953B MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaelettesFriends CUST 0 She began to spend a lot of time with Alva. Yet just a week before, she despised her. grief stricken FormID: 0002953B MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaelettesFriends CUST 1 In fact, the night she disappeared, she was supposed to meet Alva. grief stricken FormID: 0002953B MS14 MS14ThonnirLaelette MS14LaelettesFriends CUST 2 Alva told me later that she never showed up. I never got to tell her good bye. grief stricken FormID: 00068BC5 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 Speak with Ulfric, he's expecting word from Whiterun. FormID: 000DC249 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 The Stormcloaks are here. In force. Get down to the front line. This is it. We must hold the city. Move it! barking orders FormID: 00023870 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking the city. Meet the soldiers gathering for the attack. Move it! barking orders FormID: 00065C81 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're attacking Riften. Meet the soldiers gathering for the attack. Move it! barking orders FormID: 00065C82 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're mounting our final attack on Windhelm. You're needed on the front line. Get a move on soldier! barking orders FormID: 000CA74C CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking the capital. Meet the soldiers gathering for the attack. Move it! barking orders FormID: 00065C83 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking Dawnstar. Get down there and join the rest of the men gathering for the attack. Now soldier! barking orders FormID: 00065C84 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking Winterhold. Get over there and join the rest of the men gathering for the attack. Now soldier! barking orders FormID: 000934DF CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 The Stormcloaks are here. In force. Get down to the front line. This is it. We must hold the city. Move it! barking orders FormID: 001039B3 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're ready to launch our attack on Solitude. But the Emperor's cousin is getting married! We can't risk attacking now. So we'll bide our time. frustrated FormID: 001039B4 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're ready to launch our attack on Solitude. But the Emperor's visiting! We can't risk attacking now. So we'll bide our time. frustrated FormID: 00028E72 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking the city. Meet the brothers gathering for the attack. Fight well or die well. Talos be with you. barking orders FormID: 00065C85 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking Whiterun. Meet the brothers gathering for the attack. Fight well or die well. Talos be with you. barking orders FormID: 00065C86 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're mounting our attack on Markarth. Get over there and join the brothers gathering for the attack. This is it now! Talos be with you. barking orders FormID: 00065C87 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're mounting our final attack on Solitude. Get over there and join the rest of the army. They'll be launching the attack soon. Talos be with you! barking orders FormID: 000CA74D CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking the capital. Meet the brothers gathering for the attack. Fight well or die well. Talos be with you. barking orders FormID: 00065C88 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're taking Falkreath. Get over there with the others. Fight well or die well. barking orders FormID: 00065C89 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 We're liberating Morthal. Join the brothers gathering for the attack. Talos be with you. barking orders FormID: 000934E0 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 The Imperials are here. All lined up pretty-like in their shiny armor. We'll put a few dents in those bastards before we give up the city. Move it! barking orders FormID: 00028E2D DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroBranch DB07AstridCiceroBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, the Dark Brotherhood is a family. This Sanctuary is a family. And, we've always welcomed those... shunned by society. FormID: 00028E2D DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroBranch DB07AstridCiceroBranchTopic CUST 1 Werewolves, wizards, eternal ten year-old vampires... what does it matter? In truth, I've rarely met a lunatic I haven't liked. FormID: 00028E2D DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroBranch DB07AstridCiceroBranchTopic CUST 2 Cicero's problem isn't his madness. It's an adherence to an ancient, outmoded way of life. The Night Mother's ways... simply are not our ways. FormID: 00028E2D DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridCiceroBranch DB07AstridCiceroBranchTopic CUST 3 He just couldn't accept that. And now he'll have to pay the price. FormID: 00028E29 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridDawnstarBranch DB07AstridDawnstarBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, it's ancient. Apparently one of the first Sanctuaries in Skyrim. It hasn't been used by the Brotherhood in close to a hundred years. FormID: 00028E29 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridDawnstarBranch DB07AstridDawnstarBranchTopic CUST 1 If you say Cicero has gone there, it stands to reason that he's familiar with the place. That means you'll be fighting him on his own ground. FormID: 00028E29 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridDawnstarBranch DB07AstridDawnstarBranchTopic CUST 2 Tread carefully. FormID: 00028E2C DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07ArnbjornGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Should have figured Astrid would send you. FormID: 00064E73 DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07ArnbjornGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Do me a favor and kill that little jester twice. Just to make sure. wounded, it's hard to breathe FormID: 00028E2E DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07PlayerHurtTopic CUST 0 What gave it away? FormID: 00028E2E DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07PlayerHurtTopic CUST 1 Ha ha ha ha ha. coughing - he's laughing through a really painful wound. FormID: 00028E2E DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07PlayerHurtTopic CUST 2 Yeah, got to admit that little jester is good with that butter knife. But don't worry, I gave as good as I got. FormID: 00028E2A DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07PlayerWhereIsCiceroTopic CUST 0 In there! Through the door. Some old Sanctuary, by the looks of it. I would have followed him, but I don't know the phrase. FormID: 00028E27 DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07PlayerPhraseTopic CUST 0 All right, you convinced me. Doubt I'd be much good to you, anyway. The little fop cut me pretty deep. FormID: 00028E27 DB07 DB07ArnbjornGreetBranch DB07PlayerPhraseTopic CUST 1 But I slashed him good. Pretty sure I severed an artery. Don't know what you're going to find in there... but you can probably just follow the blood. Pained and wounded. It hurts to talk. FormID: 00035293 DB07 HELO 0 Kill me if you must. But I can't promise I won't haunt you till the end of your days if... if the Dread Lord lets me. Ha ha ha ha ha. FormID: 00028E2B DB07 GBYE 0 Good hunting. I'll see you back at the Sanctuary. pained/wounded FormID: 000E7B96 DB07 GBYE 0 Gee, thanks for the help. pained/wounded FormID: 000350E4 DB07 GBYE 0 Kill me or don't, Listener! The power is yours! But spare poor Cicero, and a friend you will have! Oh, such a friend, until we enter the Void... wounded, coughing FormID: 000E7B97 DB07 GBYE 0 Oh, we have unfinished business you and I. wounded, coughing FormID: 00028DA3 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionTopic CUST 0 What do you think? Are we going to let Ulfric dictate terms to us before the negotiations even start? Walk Away FormID: 000D94E3 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionTopic CUST 0 What do you think? I can't let Ulfric dictate terms to me before the negotiations even start. Walk Away FormID: 00028DA4 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionTopic CUST 0 By Ysmir's beard, the nerve of those Imperial bastards, eh? Walk Away FormID: 00028DA4 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionTopic CUST 1 To think that we would sit down with that... Thalmor bitch. I say she walks or we walk. Walk Away FormID: 000D94E4 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionTopic CUST 0 By Ysmir's beard, the nerve of those Imperial bastards, eh? Walk Away FormID: 000D94E4 MQ302 MQ302ElenwenDecision MQ302ElenwenDecisionTopic CUST 1 To think that I would sit down at the same table with that... Thalmor bitch. Either she walks or I do. Walk Away FormID: 00028D79 DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirHowDoYouKnowThis CUST 0 This castle is old. Lots of places nobody's been in a long while. FormID: 00028D79 DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirHowDoYouKnowThis CUST 1 Places where you can overhear things. See things. FormID: 00028D79 DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirHowDoYouKnowThis CUST 2 And the Whispering Lady. FormID: 00028D4F DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhatDoYouKnow CUST 0 I know that he still worships Talos. That he hates the Thalmor almost as much as the Stormcloaks do. FormID: 00028D4F DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhatDoYouKnow CUST 1 That he worries about being chased from Whiterun. FormID: 00028D4F DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhatDoYouKnow CUST 2 That he... that I'm... that I don't have the same mother as my brother and sister. FormID: 00028D7D DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhoIsWhisperingLady CUST 0 She won't tell me her name. FormID: 00028D7D DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhoIsWhisperingLady CUST 1 I've gotten good at listening to keyholes. At the door in the basement, I hear her talking to me. FormID: 00028D7D DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhoIsWhisperingLady CUST 2 I thought I was caught, but she started telling me even more secrets. FormID: 00028D7D DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhoIsWhisperingLady CUST 3 But I can't open the door. FormID: 00028D7E DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhereIsThedoor CUST 0 In the basement. Trust me, you'll see it. FormID: 00028D7E DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirWhereIsThedoor CUST 1 I bet she'll talk to you, too. FormID: 00028D50 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhoAreYou CUST 0 Regrettably, I cannot reach your plane so directly. FormID: 00028D50 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhoAreYou CUST 1 But I forgive you for not knowing who I am. Few hear my whispers anymore. FormID: 00028D50 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhoAreYou CUST 2 I am Mephala, the Lady of Whispers. FormID: 00028D50 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhoAreYou CUST 3 I tug at the web of connections between mortals. Love, hatred, loyalty, betrayal. FormID: 00028D50 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhoAreYou CUST 4 The boy was good at sussing out secrets. You, I expect to take a more active role. FormID: 00028D7F DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhatDoYouWant CUST 0 First, you must open this door. FormID: 00028D7F DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhatDoYouWant CUST 1 A piece of my power has been locked away behind it, and even my eyes cannot see past the seals. FormID: 00028D7F DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorWhatDoYouWant CUST 2 I'd much rather it be in the hands of an ambitious and talented person such as yourself. FormID: 00028C82 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Just try to relax, Veezara. Let the elixir do its work. You'll feel better, shortly. FormID: 00028C6B DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Achh... Thank you, dear. You are most kind. The jester's cut feels as bad as it looks, I'm afraid. FormID: 00028C81 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Damn it, this never should have happened! We knew better. We knew better, and still we let our guards down. Agh! FormID: 00028C5F DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 I'll admit, even I'm having a hard time disagreeing with you... FormID: 00028C7E DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Bested by a fool. Who's the fool now, hmm? FormID: 00028C62 DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 Hush, Veezara. You were very brave. Astrid may well be dead if not for you. FormID: 00028C7F DarkBrotherhood SCEN 0 She's right. I'll be forever in your debt, dearest brother. Now be quiet. Just... just rest. FormID: 00028C65 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridStartBranch DB07AstridStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, we've got to deal with this situation. You've got to deal with this situation. emphasis on [QUOTE]You've[QUOTE] FormID: 00028C80 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridStartBranch DB07AstridPlayerDoTopic CUST 0 I want you to find that miserable little fool and end his life! FormID: 00028C80 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridStartBranch DB07AstridPlayerDoTopic CUST 1 But first... find my husband. Make sure he's all right. FormID: 00028C80 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridStartBranch DB07AstridPlayerDoTopic CUST 2 After the attack, Arnbjorn flew into a rage. When Cicero left... Arnbjorn went after him. They disappeared into the wild. FormID: 00028C80 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridStartBranch DB07AstridPlayerDoTopic CUST 3 Search Cicero's room. Maybe there's something in there that sheds some light on where he might have gone. FormID: 00028C80 DarkBrotherhood DB07AstridStartBranch DB07AstridPlayerDoTopic CUST 4 Let me know the minute you find something. I've got to see to Veezara, and calm everyone down. FormID: 00028A5A MS06 HELO 0 You must be the one Falk spoke so highly of. Welcome. FormID: 000D906D MS06 HELO 0 You've returned! I'm hoping successfully. FormID: 000D906E MS06 HELO 0 You know what needs to be done. Is there something more you need? FormID: 000D906F MS06 HELO 0 The courier must have found you. FormID: 000D9070 MS06 HELO 0 Speak to Styrr. He can help. FormID: 000D907F MS06 HELO 0 I won't be able to relax until I'm sure Potema is dealt with. FormID: 00028A09 MGR10 MGR10InitialDialogue MGR10InitialDialogueTopic CUST 0 Sure is. I've got another client -- wants me to do some enchanting. You can do the pick-up for me, if you want. FormID: 0003DD2C MGR10 MGR10InitialDialogue MGR10InitialDialogueTopic CUST 0 There's more enchanting to be done. You can acquire whatever it is and bring it back here, and I'll take care of it. FormID: 00028A12 MGR10 MGR10InitialDialogue MGR10InitialFollowUp CUST 0 All right. Be quick about it, will you? This is a good way for the College to bring in some money. FormID: 00028A12 MGR10 MGR10InitialDialogue MGR10InitialFollowUp CUST 1 Here's the name and location of the client. FormID: 00028A10 MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes I did. I've already sent instructions, you just need to make sure this arrives in one piece. FormID: 0003D29B MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, you're from the College? I've been waiting for you. FormID: 0003D29B MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 1 Please make sure this arrives in a timely manner. And don't scratch it up. FormID: 0003D29C MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, good. I've been waiting for you. Here you go, it's all ready. FormID: 0003D29C MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 1 Now, Sergius knows what I want. I'm hoping he can get it done quickly. FormID: 0003DD2D MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 It's about time someone arrived. Here, make sure this is handled properly. FormID: 0003DD2E MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Oh yes, that. Here you go. I hope this can be ready soon. FormID: 0003DD2F MGR10 MGR10Stage10Branch MGR10Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes. Let's keep our voices down, all right? Just make sure this gets there. FormID: 00028A01 MGR11 MGR11InitialBranch MGR11InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I need some more supplies. Can you help out with that? FormID: 0001FE93 MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGR11Stage10TypeTopic CUST 0 I'm running low on Petty Soul Gems. FormID: 0001FE94 MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGR11Stage10TypeTopic CUST 0 I'm running low on Lesser Soul Gems. FormID: 0001FE95 MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGR11Stage10TypeTopic CUST 0 I'm running low on Common Soul Gems. FormID: 0001FE96 MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGR11Stage10TypeTopic CUST 0 I'm running low on Greater Soul Gems. FormID: 00028A11 MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGR11Stage10TypeTopic CUST 0 I'm running low on Grand Soul Gems. FormID: 00028A05 MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGRStage10AmountTopic CUST 0 If you can bring me three more, that would be helpful. FormID: 0001FE8C MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGRStage10AmountTopic CUST 0 I need at least five more, if you can find them. FormID: 0001FE8D MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGRStage10AmountTopic CUST 0 Bring me another seven of them, if you can. FormID: 0001FE8E MGR11 MGR11Stage10Branch MGRStage10AmountTopic CUST 0 Ten more would keep me stocked for a bit. FormID: 00028A0A MGR12 MGR12InitialBranch MGR12InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 In fact, there is. I need a soul gem filled, if you're up to it. FormID: 00028A0E MGR12 MGR12InitialBranch MGR12Accept CUST 0 Here, take this Grand Soul Gem, fill it for me, and bring it right back. I'll be waiting. FormID: 00028A02 MGR12 MGR12InitialBranch MGR12Decline CUST 0 Some other time? That's not going to help me much, now is it? FormID: 00028A07 MGR10 MGR10Stage20Branch MGR10Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. Thank you. I'll get to work on this right away. FormID: 0003DD2A MGR10 MGR10Stage20Branch MGR10Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 I'll add it to the list of things I need to take care of. Thank you. FormID: 00028A0C MGR12 MGR12Stage10Branch MGR12Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Excellent. Thank you, I'll see that this gets put to good use. FormID: 00028A0D MGR12 MGR12Stage10Branch MGR12Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, a Grand one. Soon, please. FormID: 00028A04 MGR20 MGR20InitialBranch MGR20InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 If you're feeling adventurous, I'm always looking for someone to procure valuable books from some more... dangerous locations. FormID: 0003DD2B MGR20 MGR20InitialBranch MGR20InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 There are more books to be recovered and secured here in the Arcanaeum. FormID: 00028A06 MGR20 MGR20InitialBranch MGR20Accept CUST 0 Well all right. Here, I scribbled down the last place I'd heard about. Check it out, but be careful. FormID: 00028A0B MGR20 MGR20InitialBranch MGR20Decline CUST 0 Ah. Some other time, perhaps? FormID: 000D775A TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I had to use your pay to smooth things over with the client. They didn't want to be associated with a criminal. Next time, don't get arrested. FormID: 000EA5F8 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Gettin' pinched and endin' up in jail doesn't cut it with our clients. If you want to get paid next time, stay clean. FormID: 000EA5F9 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Yeah, your right. Probably a waste of your time anyway. FormID: 000D775B TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Sure, no problem. We'll find someone else to do it. FormID: 000D775C TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Don't even give it a second thought. Maybe next time. FormID: 000288DB TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Your not winnin' points with me with that attitude. annoyed FormID: 000288DC TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 When you find your nerves, then we'll talk. annoyed FormID: 000288DD TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Fine, but you're not gettin' any wealthier by weaslin' out of everythin' I offer you. annoyed FormID: 000288DE TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You're not going to get richer with that attitude. annoyed FormID: 000288DF TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You need to bloody well get your priorities straight if you want to make it around here. annoyed FormID: 000288E0 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Too bad, looks like I need to find someone else to take care of business. annoyed FormID: 000288E1 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 If you think you'll make your fortune kickin' around the Flagon all day, that's where your wrong. annoyed FormID: 000288E2 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 And here I thought you were a master criminal. Guess I was wrong. annoyed FormID: 000D775D TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 All-righty. Good luck out there, boss. pleased FormID: 000D775E TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Here you go, boss. All the details. pleased FormID: 000D775F TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Great. Watch yourself out there, boss. pleased FormID: 000288E3 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Good... here's your assignment. pleased FormID: 000288E4 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Finally, someone with backbone. Here you go. pleased FormID: 000288E5 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Now that's what I like to hear. Off you go. pleased FormID: 000288E6 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Nice. Here, this is what you'll need to know. pleased FormID: 000288E7 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Keep this up and you'll be rich enough retire before you know it. Good luck. pleased FormID: 000288E8 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Just remember the rules... keep it clean and keep it quiet. Here's the details. pleased FormID: 000288E9 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Here's everythin' you need. You get caught, and we've never heard of you. pleased FormID: 000288EA TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Just keep your eyes open and your mouth shut and you'll do fine. Let me give you the details. pleased FormID: 000D7760 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 A pleasure as always, boss. Here's your payment. pleased FormID: 000D7761 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Got all your gold ready, boss. You can count every coin, it's all there. pleased FormID: 000D7762 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I hardly noticed you were gone. Got your share of the spoils right here, boss. pleased FormID: 000288EB TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Good job. Now here's your part of the deal. pleased FormID: 000288EC TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Here's your share. Well done. pleased FormID: 000288ED TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Nicely done. Here's your share. pleased FormID: 000288EE TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 And here's the spoils. Plenty more where this came from! pleased FormID: 000288EF TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I can pat you on the back all day, but coin's coin, right? pleased FormID: 000288F0 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 This kind of work suits you... and is going to end up makin' you rich. pleased FormID: 000288F1 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Couldn't have done it better myself. Here's your coin. pleased FormID: 000288F2 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 If you don't watch it, I may actually start to respect you. Job well done. pleased FormID: 000D7763 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Sorry, boss. Had to use your share to cover expenses after you done and got messy. A bit afraid to say this FormID: 000D7764 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I'm afraid I had to pay off a few officials to keep you out of jail, boss. Expensive to get murder off the books, know what I mean? A bit afraid to say this FormID: 000D7765 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Now don't get cross with me, but the officials are demanding compensation for the mark you killed. Had to do it... had no choice, boss. A bit afraid to say this FormID: 000288F3 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 What's the matter with you? We said keep it clean! Well, you can just forget about your payment. Angry FormID: 000288F4 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Sure you finished, but you killed someone to do it. Next time listen to the rules if you want to get paid. Angry FormID: 000288F5 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You needed to do this clean and quiet, and you failed. Now we need to use your payment to cover your mistake. Angry FormID: 000288F6 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I hope you weren't expectin' to get paid for this blundered job. Next time, the mark stays alive... you hear me? Angry FormID: 000288F7 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 This ain't the Dark Brotherhood. Next time, you keep the job clean and you'll get your coin. Angry FormID: 000D7856 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Consider it forgotten, boss. FormID: 000D7857 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Are you bloody serious? You're not going to get ahead by quitting around here, that I can promise you. FormID: 000D7858 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You can't keep quittin' jobs when it strikes your fancy. You're going to make us all look like a bunch of amateurs. Think next time. FormID: 000D7859 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Keep droppin' these jobs and I might quit assignin' them to you. FormID: 000EA5FA TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Being connected to a criminal didn't make the client happy... next time, act like a real thief and don't get caught. FormID: 000EA5FB TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Good going... you got arrested. Now how do you think that looks for the Guild? Better luck next time. FormID: 00028900 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Good. Here's what you need to do. FormID: 000D7766 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Suit yourself. You're the boss. irritated FormID: 000D7767 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 All right, whatever you want. irritated FormID: 000D7768 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 No problem, I'll find someone else. Don't worry about it. irritated FormID: 000288F8 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Hey, you approached me. You want to play coward, that's your problem. irritated FormID: 000288F9 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Look, I don't like wasting my time. Come back when you decide to get serious. irritated FormID: 000288FA TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Not interested? Fine. Then let me offer it to someone with a little more backbone. irritated FormID: 000288FB TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You need to start pulling your own weight around here, otherwise I might [QUOTE]forget[QUOTE] to offer you any more jobs. irritated FormID: 000288FC TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Fine. I'll just keep all this coin for myself then. irritated FormID: 000288FD TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Look, if you just want to sit around the Flagon all day getting drunk, that's your business. Just quit wasting my time. irritated FormID: 000288FE TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 The last time I checked, gold coins aren't falling from the heavens. You better take some jobs if you want to earn your share. irritated FormID: 000288FF TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Keep turning down jobs like this and the Guild will begin to lose respect for you. irritated FormID: 00028901 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Fine. Here's everything you need to know. FormID: 00028902 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 All right. Take this and get out of here. FormID: 00028903 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Fine. Just keep it clean. Here you go. FormID: 00028904 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Good, just remember the order: do job first, get drunk second. Now take this and go. FormID: 00028905 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Here you go. Hope you don't muck it up. FormID: 00028906 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Here. Just don't make me look like an ass in front of the Guild and mess it up. FormID: 00028907 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Whatever, just get it done. Here's the job. FormID: 00028908 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Oh, you're back? I suppose you'll be wanting your pay then. FormID: 00028909 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You did the job and you did it clean; that's all we ever ask. Enjoy the gold. FormID: 0002890A TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Didn't muck it up I hear. Good. Here's your share. FormID: 0002890B TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I suppose you want your share now? Here you go. FormID: 0002890C TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 And with no strings attached. Not bad. Here, got some coin for you. FormID: 0002890D TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Amazing what people leave laying around for us to take, isn't it? FormID: 0002890E TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Fine. I guess you'll need your coin then. FormID: 0002890F TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Here's your gold. Try not to spend it all in one place. FormID: 000D7769 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I want to pay you, but I had to cover up the murder. Didn't expect you to go on a killing spree. annoyed FormID: 000D776A TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Sorry, I don't have a single septim left after paying the town guard to keep quiet about the mark you killed. annoyed FormID: 000D776B TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Look, I told the client you probably had a good reason to kill the mark, but well, they demanded reparations. annoyed FormID: 00028910 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Are you out of your mind? We said no bloodshed! Well, guess what. You can just forget about your gold. very angry FormID: 00028911 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 I thought it was crystal clear... no one dies on these jobs. Remember that next time you want to get paid. very angry FormID: 00028912 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You an assassin or a thief? Next time, keep your blade sheathed if you want to make any gold. very angry FormID: 00028913 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You drew blood, so you aren't getting paid. That's the rules. You don't like it, take it up with Brynjolf. very angry FormID: 00028914 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 You idiot! We have to cover your mess up and that costs us gold... which means you don't get any. very angry FormID: 000D785A TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 No problem, I'll get someone else to take it. FormID: 000D785B TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Fine. Next time, save me the trouble and pass on it from the beginning. FormID: 000D785C TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Make up your mind, will you? You're starting to make us look bad. FormID: 000D785D TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 First you take the job, now you don't even want it. I wish you'd make up your mind. FormID: 00028707 MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd0 CUST 0 You've done a great thing, today. It doesn't matter who you support in the war; Potema would have been a blight on the land for both sides. FormID: 00028707 MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd0 CUST 1 Without you this would have been a disaster. I should have paid more heed to Varnius' warnings. I won't make that mistake again. FormID: 000D8DF5 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Ready to get moving? FormID: 000E1560 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 So, what's the plan? FormID: 000E1561 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 We heading out? FormID: 000D8DF6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Whenever you're ready to leave. FormID: 000D8DF7 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 You're ready to get going? FormID: 000D8DF8 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Shall we get moving? FormID: 000D8DF9 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 We going? FormID: 0005C82B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Ready to get going? FormID: 000D8DFA DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 You are ready to move, yes? FormID: 000D8DFB DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 We are leaving? FormID: 000D8DFC DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Waiting. FormID: 000D8DFD DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Still standing here. FormID: 0005C82C DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Mara protect us both. FormID: 000E1562 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 I'm itching for a fight. FormID: 000E1563 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 I'm right behind you. FormID: 000D235E DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Still here. FormID: 000D235F DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 I've got your back. FormID: 000D8DE8 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Lead on. I'm behind you. FormID: 000D8DE9 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 To Oblivion and back, as they say. FormID: 000D8DEA DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Ours is to follow, friend. FormID: 000D8DEB DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Khajiit guards your back. FormID: 000D8DEC DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 If anyone sneaks up on us, I'll smell them coming. Or I might not. We'll see. FormID: 000D8DED DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 You're taking us somewhere warm, I trust? sarcastic FormID: 000D8DEF DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 An Orc follows to the death. FormID: 000D8DF0 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 My blood's calm. I prefer it boiling. FormID: 000D8DF1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 You have a grim look. FormID: 000D8DF2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 We've stopped. What is it? FormID: 000D8DF3 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 I'm still here. FormID: 000D8DF4 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerHellos HELO 0 Let's get going. FormID: 00028A58 MS06 MS06CultistDeath DETH 0 No! Not again! I shall not be denied again! FormID: 000284E0 MS06Start MS06FalkReturn MS06FalkBookReturn0 CUST 0 Potema herself? Please tell me you stopped them. FormID: 000284EF MS06 MS06AboutPotema MS06AboutPotema0 CUST 0 Any resident of Solitude can tell you, she was the deadliest person ever to come out of Skyrim. FormID: 000284EF MS06 MS06AboutPotema MS06AboutPotema0 CUST 1 Queen of Solitude, granddaughter of Emperor Uriel Septim II, five hundred years ago. Her fight for succession nearly tore the empire apart. FormID: 000284EF MS06 MS06AboutPotema MS06AboutPotema0 CUST 2 After twenty years of fighting, she had raised armies of the dead, led by vampire generals. If she returns to power, nobody could stop her. FormID: 000284F0 MS06 MS06AboutPotema MS06AboutPotema0 CUST 0 A curious figure. Unrepentantly evil and nasty, of course, but also astonishingly brilliant, and obviously quite a necromancer at her end. FormID: 000284F0 MS06 MS06AboutPotema MS06AboutPotema0 CUST 1 She was always so close to being Empress, but despite her machinations, it was never to be hers. FormID: 000284F0 MS06 MS06AboutPotema MS06AboutPotema0 CUST 2 Ironically, if she were alive today, she'd be the only living member of the Septim bloodline. By all rights, she would now be Empress. FormID: 000283AA CWAttackCity SCEN 0 You think this is personal? emphasis: [QUOTE]you[QUOTE], justifying his actions FormID: 000283AA CWAttackCity SCEN 1 The Empire has no place in Skyrim... not any more. And you? You have no place in Whiterun anymore. with growing righteous anger FormID: 00020674 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Don't worry. We'll take good care of your city when you're gone. sarcastic FormID: 00020674 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 When Ulfric Stormcloak becomes High King, Skyrim will finally be the way my ancestors intended. It's a new day in Markarth. with growing righteous anger FormID: 00025F52 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 You never were able to see the forest for the trees, were you? sarcastic FormID: 000270A6 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 How kind of you. And I've brought an army to give you a going away parade. sarcastic FormID: 000283A8 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 A convenient position to hold now. But mark my words, old man, in the days to come, Ulfric will spread his rebellion thin. And what then? anger at the infighting, sorrowful that his world is falling apart FormID: 000283A8 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 We need the Empire, as much as it needs us. We Nords are the Empire! Our blood built it. Our blood sustains it! You of all people should know that. emphasis on [QUOTE]are[QUOTE] in [QUOTE]We Nord's *ARE* the Empire[QUOTE], defeated, but still trying to reason with his enemy FormID: 00025F6C CWAttackCity SCEN 0 We Nords were proud warriors once. And we still could be. Evidenced by the men and women who fought and died bravely today. anger at the infighting, sorrowful that her world is falling apart FormID: 00025F6C CWAttackCity SCEN 1 You could see that if you had any faith left in that black heart of yours. FormID: 00025F6C CWAttackCity SCEN 2 But no, you're content to snatch scraps falling off the Emperor's table. Fine. Take my home. Take my city. May it burn down around you. bitter FormID: 000283A9 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 If this was my Empire, I'd be able to worship whoever I damned well pleased. You wish to see an Empire without Talos? Without its soul? angry FormID: 000283A9 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 We should be fighting those witch-elves, not bending knee to them. The Emperor is nothing more than a puppet of the Thalmor. epmhasis: *My*, upset, disgusted and given up trying to reason FormID: 000283A9 CWAttackCity SCEN 2 Skyrim needs a High King who will fight for her, and Whiterun needs a Jarl who will do the same. FormID: 0002068D CWAttackCity SCEN 0 A bit melodramatic, even for you Laila. sarcastic FormID: 0002068D CWAttackCity SCEN 1 Pack your things and go. darkly FormID: 000283A4 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Tell me, Vignar. Was all this worth it? angry, defeated FormID: 000283A4 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 How many of those corpses lining our streets wear the faces of men who once called you friend? What about their families? angry, defeated FormID: 00025F45 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 One day when you can see past your own interests, you will come to see that we were right. angry, defeated FormID: 00025F45 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 And this... This is all wrong. angry, defeated FormID: 000283A5 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Enough! That's enough. I surrender... I surrender. defeated in combat, pained, emotionally as well as physically FormID: 000283A5 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 Peace! Everyone stand down. That's an order. Stand down! calling out to his guards FormID: 00020660 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Yield. I yield, Stormcloak! The city of Markarth is yours. bitterly surrendering to the enemy FormID: 000271F4 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Stop! Enough! Stand down! defeated in combat, pained, emotionally as well as physically FormID: 000271F4 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 The city is yours. calling out to his guards FormID: 000271FD CWAttackCity SCEN 0 It's over! Everyone stop! defeated in combat, pained, emotionally as well as physically FormID: 000271FD CWAttackCity SCEN 1 I surrender... I surrender... calling out to his guards FormID: 00027F57 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerResponse1 CUST 0 A likely story. They won't even do their own dirty work now, eh? Well, you won't get the better of me! FormID: 00027F57 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerResponse1 CUST 1 Now tell me where my brother is! FormID: 00027F4B MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerResponse2 CUST 0 No? So you don't know anything about my brother? FormID: 00027F4B MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerResponse2 CUST 1 Then what are you doing here? FormID: 00027F50 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerFollowUp1 CUST 0 Thorald... Thorald Gray-Mane? Fighting for the Stormcloaks, disappeared and believed dead? FormID: 00027F50 MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerFollowUp1 CUST 1 You really don't know anything about this, do you? FormID: 00027F5A MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerFollowUp2 CUST 0 Because they've got Thorald locked away somewhere, and if they find me here I'll disappear too! FormID: 00027F5A MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinTriggerFollowUp2 CUST 1 I am not going to let that happen! FormID: 00027F5E MS09 MS09Stage10AvulsteinForcegreetBranch MS09AvulsteinFollowUpFinal CUST 0 I can't do this all on my own. Are you... are you offering to help me? FormID: 00027F61 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 What's there to say? You go against the Empire, you wind up dead. Thorald got what was coming to him. FormID: 00027F61 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 Best not to ask too many questions about it. People might get the wrong idea about you. threatening FormID: 00027F62 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Between the two of us, his family is better off thinking he's dead. FormID: 00027F62 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 Thorald and I have history, all right? We used to be friends. So I looked into it when he disappeared. FormID: 00027F62 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 2 I found out the Thalmor have him. And they don't let anyone go. FormID: 00027F62 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 3 So I've kept my mouth shut. Like I said, his family is better off believing he's gone, because he's never coming back. FormID: 00027F63 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 He fought on the wrong side, and he paid for it. That's all I have to say. FormID: 00027F64 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh come on, leave it alone. He's gone. There's no use in talking about it anymore. FormID: 00027F64 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 I wish everyone could just get past that and get on with their lives. FormID: 00027F65 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 It's been a while now. I miss him, but it's clear he's not coming back. FormID: 00027F65 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 He knew what he was getting into. I don't... I don't blame anyone. FormID: 00027F51 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoraldQuestionFollowUp1 CUST 0 I used some contacts in the Legion, asked some questions. Was told I should mind my own business. FormID: 00027F56 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoradQuestionFollowUp2 CUST 0 Last I'd heard, he'd been carted off to Northwatch Keep. Ever heard of it? FormID: 00027F56 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoradQuestionFollowUp2 CUST 1 If you go in there, you don't come out. Ever. FormID: 00027F56 MS09 MS09ThoraldQuestionsBranch MS09ThoradQuestionFollowUp2 CUST 2 Here, see for yourself. This is the last word I received. I'm telling you, he's gone for good. FormID: 00027F52 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaBranchTopic CUST 0 You what? shocked FormID: 00027F52 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh no. No, no, no. This can't be happening. FormID: 00027F52 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaBranchTopic CUST 2 Please, you can't tell anyone. It must remain a secret! I'll do whatever you want. FormID: 00027F4E MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlifnaFollowUp1 CUST 0 What makes you think I know anything? Everyone knows he's dead and gone! FormID: 00027F49 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaResponse1 CUST 0 Okay, okay! FormID: 00027F49 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaResponse1 CUST 1 All I know is that Idolaf made some effort to find out what happened to him, but was told to stop asking questions. FormID: 00027F49 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaResponse1 CUST 2 He got some letter from the Legion and has left it alone since then. FormID: 00027F49 MS09 MS09JonOlfinaBranch MS09JonOlfinaResponse1 CUST 3 I'll prove it to you, all right? I'll get you the letter. Just... meet me at the statue of Talos, and don't tell anyone about this. FormID: 00027F53 MS09 MS09JusticiarDefaultView MS09JusticiarDefaultViewTopic CUST 0 That's privileged information. Now move along. FormID: 00027F66 MS09 SCEN 0 Unngh... Uhhh... groaning in pain FormID: 00027F55 MS09 SCEN 0 Thorald? Thorald! calling out, searching FormID: 00027F4C MS09 SCEN 0 Brother? Is... Is that you? pained FormID: 00027F59 MS09 SCEN 0 I'm here! I knew I'd find you! FormID: 00027F4D MS09 SCEN 0 What in the world? FormID: 00027F5B MS09 SCEN 0 There's no time. We've got to get you out of here! Come on, let's go! FormID: 00027F4A MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response1Agree CUST 0 I'll round up what men I can, and meet you outside Northwatch Keep. We'll get in and out as fast as possible. FormID: 00027F4A MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30Response1Agree CUST 1 I'll see you there. FormID: 00027E1C CreatureDialogueMammoth DETH 0 FormID: 00027928 TGLarceny TGLarcenyShared IDAT 0 Well, well. I was looking for this little beauty. FormID: 00027928 TGLarceny TGLarcenyShared IDAT 1 If you happen across any other unusual trinkets like this, be sure and bring them to me. I promise it'll be worth the effort. FormID: 00027923 TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT02Branch TGLarcenyLT02BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Here you go. This should cover it. FormID: 00027926 TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT03Branch TGLarcenyLT03BranchTopic01 CUST 0 I think you'll find this payment to be more than fair. FormID: 0002756F MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50SavosArenBranchTopic CUST 0 Really? And what might that be? FormID: 0002757A MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenFollowUp1 CUST 0 I'm sorry, what? confused FormID: 0002757A MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenFollowUp1 CUST 1 Well... I'd certainly love to have such a powerful staff, but I'm not really sure that any of us need it. hesitant, slightly shaken FormID: 00027575 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenResponse1 CUST 0 And how do you know this? grave FormID: 00027579 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenAugur1 CUST 0 Did you really? shocked FormID: 00027579 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenAugur1 CUST 1 And he specifically mentioned the Staff of Magnus? FormID: 00027579 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenAugur1 CUST 2 I... I'm impressed with your initiative. Of course, someone will need to follow up on this. regain composure, seem positive FormID: 00027570 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenEnd CUST 0 Something as specific and ancient as the Staff of Magnus... I'm not sure we'd ever find something like that... hesitant, hiding something FormID: 00027570 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenEnd CUST 1 I seem to recall Mirabelle mentioning the staff somewhat recently. Why don't you see if she can tell you anything? FormID: 00027570 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenEnd CUST 2 I'm quite pleased with your progress, you know. You've certainly proven yourself to be more than a mere Apprentice. Well done. FormID: 00027570 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenEnd CUST 3 This circlet once proved invaluable to me. I hope it can be of use to you now. FormID: 0002756E MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenFinal2 CUST 0 A most impressive attitude. Keep this up, and you'll do quite well for yourself. FormID: 00027566 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenFinal1 CUST 0 I certainly do. FormID: 00027566 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenFinal1 CUST 1 Since you went so far as seek out the Augur for advice, I thought you'd be more enthusiastic. FormID: 00027577 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06MirabelleStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Well now that's an odd question. Why in the world would you be asking? FormID: 00027574 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleReason1 CUST 0 I see. Well yes, I suppose I did mention it, though I'm not sure what he expects me to tell you. FormID: 00027574 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleReason1 CUST 1 I only brought it to his attention a few months back when the Synod showed up here looking for it. FormID: 00027574 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleReason1 CUST 2 They were apparently under the impression we were keeping it in a closet somewhere. FormID: 00027576 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleReason2 CUST 0 The [QUOTE]Eye of Magnus[QUOTE]? sarcastic, disbelieving FormID: 00027576 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleReason2 CUST 1 I can appreciate that this... thing, this Orb... It's very impressive. Very unique, and definitely worth studying. frustrated FormID: 00027576 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleReason2 CUST 2 But let's not jump to any conclusions, or assign it importance beyond what we're certain of. FormID: 0002757B mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleEyeResponse1 CUST 0 Well, it's said to be very powerful. Has the capacity to store an incredible amount of magical power, as the story goes. FormID: 0002757B mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleEyeResponse1 CUST 1 But it's more myth than anything at this point. I've no doubt that it actually exists, but no one has seen it in what, decades? Longer? I'm not sure. FormID: 0002757B mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleEyeResponse1 CUST 2 The only time I've heard it mentioned was when those Synod characters showed up some months ago looking for it. FormID: 00027571 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleEyeResponse2 CUST 0 The Augur? FormID: 00027571 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleEyeResponse2 CUST 1 Just what have you gotten yourself involved in? concerned, surprised FormID: 00027571 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleEyeResponse2 CUST 2 Whatever is going on, whatever you're up to... Be very careful. suspicious FormID: 00027578 mg06 MG06MirabelleSynodBranch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynod1 CUST 0 Mages based out of Cyrodiil. They fancy themselves the Imperial Authority on magic these last few hundred years. FormID: 00027578 mg06 MG06MirabelleSynodBranch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynod1 CUST 1 My understanding is that all they really do is make noise in an attempt to curry favor from the Emperor. Lots of politics, little magic. FormID: 00027578 mg06 MG06MirabelleSynodBranch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynod1 CUST 2 I was quite surprised to find them on our doorstep. They seemed amiable enough, but their line of questioning made me... uneasy. FormID: 00027578 mg06 MG06MirabelleSynodBranch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynod1 CUST 3 It became clear they're trying to hoard powerful artifacts, looking to consolidate power. FormID: 00027567 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynodStaff1 CUST 0 No one here does. FormID: 00027567 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynodStaff1 CUST 1 The Synod seemed convinced it was somewhere in Skyrim. They inquired about the ruins of Mzulft, but that's all I remember. FormID: 00027567 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynodStaff1 CUST 2 It sounded like they were heading there, though they were rather secretive about why. FormID: 00027567 mg06 MG06MirabelleStage10Branch MG06Stage10MirabelleSynodStaff1 CUST 3 I suppose if you're intent on looking for the staff, there's a chance they might be in Mzulft yet. Just don't expect them to be cooperative. FormID: 0007749B MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Mother's calling me. It's time for me to sleep now. I'm so tired. Thank you for making her feel better. FormID: 00070E7C MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Who's there? Is that you, father? FormID: 00027496 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 FormID: 000C82E2 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Have you found proof of Alva's treachery? FormID: 0007749C MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Is Hroggar innocent or not? FormID: 000C82E3 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 You better get proof of your accusations against Alva. FormID: 000368E8 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Any word on that fire? FormID: 000368E9 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 I hear the steward asked you to look into the fire. FormID: 000368EA MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Have you found out anything about Alva? FormID: 00076F48 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Have you seen Laelette? Have you seen my wife? FormID: 00076F49 MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 She's dead. Laelette is dead. FormID: 000E0C9E MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 I won't let you hurt Alva! FormID: 000E0C9F MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 Now I'm going to have to kill you! FormID: 000368EB MS14 MS14Hello HELO 0 I hear you put Laelette out of her misery. Teasing, like she knows more than she says. FormID: 00027490 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiFirstMeetTopic CUST 0 Helgi. But father says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. FormID: 00027490 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiFirstMeetTopic CUST 1 Are you a stranger? FormID: 000382C7 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiFirstMeetTopic CUST 0 I remember you. You're the stranger. Father says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. FormID: 00027492 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiWhatHappened CUST 0 The smoke woke me up. It was hot and I was scared, so I hid. FormID: 00027492 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiWhatHappened CUST 1 Then it got cold and dark. I'm not scared anymore. FormID: 00027492 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiWhatHappened CUST 2 But I'm lonely. Will you play with me? FormID: 000365EE MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiWhatHappened CUST 0 Like I said. It got hot and smoky. Now it's cold and quiet. FormID: 000365EE MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14HelgiWhatHappened CUST 1 I wish someone would find me. FormID: 0002748F MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14WhoIsDaddy CUST 0 You know him? FormID: 0002748F MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14WhoIsDaddy CUST 1 He made my favorite dolly, but I can't find her. FormID: 0002748F MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14WhoIsDaddy CUST 2 Are you sure you aren't a stranger? FormID: 000365F0 MS14 MS14HelgiFirstMeet MS14WhoIsDaddy CUST 0 Don't you remember? His name is Hroggar. FormID: 00027493 MS14 MS14HideAndSeek MS14HideAndSeekTopic CUST 0 Okay! Let's play hide and seek. You find me and I'll tell you. FormID: 00027493 MS14 MS14HideAndSeek MS14HideAndSeekTopic CUST 1 We have to wait for nighttime though. The other one is playing too, and she can't come out until then. FormID: 000365EF MS14 MS14HideAndSeek MS14HideAndSeekTopic CUST 0 That's cheating. We're playing hide and seek. You have to find me before Laelette does. FormID: 00027487 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroInfoAboutPiratesBranch MS10OrthusPirateStory CUST 0 They call themselves the [QUOTE]Blood Horkers.[QUOTE] FormID: 00027487 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroInfoAboutPiratesBranch MS10OrthusPirateStory CUST 1 They've been around as long as I can remember, but only recently focused on our ships. Emphasize [QUOTE]our.[QUOTE] FormID: 00027487 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroInfoAboutPiratesBranch MS10OrthusPirateStory CUST 2 A dastardly group, but they're more than simple brigands. Shrewd. Clever. Not to be trifled with. FormID: 00027262 DA04 SCEN 0 Here you go. Try not to spill anything on them. FormID: 00027260 DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04UragIsSeptimusDead CUST 0 Oh no. I hope not. But even I haven't seen him in years, and we were close. FormID: 00027260 DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04UragIsSeptimusDead CUST 1 Became obsessed with the Dwemer. Took off north saying he had found some old artifact. Haven't seen him since. FormID: 00027260 DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04UragIsSeptimusDead CUST 2 Somewhere in the ice fields, if you want to try to find him. FormID: 0002725E DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04UragWhereHeBeAtYo CUST 0 Somewhere up north, in the ice fields. FormID: 0002725E DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04UragWhereHeBeAtYo CUST 1 Said he found some old Dwemer artifact, but... well, that was years ago. FormID: 0002725E DA04 DA04PointerToSeptimusBranch DA04UragWhereHeBeAtYo CUST 2 Haven't heard from him since. sense of longing, deep sigh FormID: 0002AB93 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Looking for my husband Nazeem? Check the Jarl's backside. That's usually where he stuffs himself these days. FormID: 0002AB94 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Are you married? You look the type. Make sure you treat your wife with the respect she deserves. FormID: 0002AB95 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Here you stand, talking to a married woman. Why? Am I that interesting? Or perhaps there are other things on your mind. FormID: 000A7253 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Here you stand, talking to a still grieving widow. Why? Am I that interesting? Or perhaps there are other things on your mind. FormID: 0002AB96 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Men are all alike, from Skyrim to Hammerfell. They care only for war and politics, and treat their women like cattle. FormID: 000CDD6A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I work for Belethor, at the general goods store. FormID: 000CDD6B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Come by Belethor's shop, at the market. I'm sure we've got something you need. FormID: 000CDD6C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Don't mean to be rude, but I'm too busy to talk right now. FormID: 0002A7A2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 This war's as stupid as our feud with Clan Gray-Mane. sarcasm and disgust dripping in her voice FormID: 0002A7A1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Need something? Unlike the rest of my family, I've got work to do. FormID: 0002A7A3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My brother Jon's got the right of it - join the Bards College and avoid this pointless war. FormID: 000A7254 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My brother Jon had the right of it - join the Bards College and avoid this pointless war. Too bad he died before he had the chance. FormID: 0002A7A4 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My boy Lars has been getting beat senseless, and by a girl, no less! Sighs at the beginning. FormID: 0008F146 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The finest cuts, fresh from the wilds! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 0008F145 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Chops and steaks fit for a jarl! Come and see my selection of finest-quality meats! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 00027090 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Tired of bread and stew? Had enough of fish and fowl? Treat yourself and your kin to a choice cut of steak or a tender rack of ribs! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000284A0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Need something? Talk to my brother, Elrindir. talks to the player, then screams for his brother to come over. FormID: 000284A8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You should try the venison. It's delicious. FormID: 000284A3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Do you hunt? The plains outside Whiterun are ripe with game. FormID: 000284A9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Shhh. You'll scare the deer. whispers, because he's outside hunting, trying to be quiet FormID: 000284AA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oh! You startled me. I wasn't expecting company out here. whispers, because he's outside hunting, trying to be quiet FormID: 00028472 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You look rather pale. Could be Ataxia. It's quite a problem back home in Cyrodiil. FormID: 00028471 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 These Stormcloaks are ridiculous. They won't shop here because they think I'll sell them poisoned tonics. I should just go back to Cyrodiil. Frustrated FormID: 000E14E0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Pardon me, but do I detect a case of the Rattles? I've got something for that. FormID: 00028475 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I have several elixirs for sale. FormID: 00028473 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Maybe a hardy Nord like you doesn't need a cure-all. Hmm? What about an invisibility potion? FormID: 00027085 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm... Well, who I am isn't important. Let's leave it at that, hmm? FormID: 00027087 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Forget Solitude or Windhelm. Whiterun was the crown jewel of Skyrim before... Well, before... Never mind. emphasis on [QUOTE]was[QUOTE] FormID: 00027088 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 This was such a glorious city. But then everything had to change. The Empire came... and my brother was lost... FormID: 00027089 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah, but Skyrim! Skyrim is supreme among all nations! Our people, our native people, are unmatched in all Tamriel! emphasis on [QUOTE]native[QUOTE] FormID: 0002708A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 One day the war will end and the true heirs of Skyrim will inherit this great realm. FormID: 00028492 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Imperials, Stormcloaks... I don't care who's in charge around here. I just want to make money! Mildly exasperated. FormID: 000E14E1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Everything's for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second. FormID: 00028493 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'd even buy one of your relatives, if you're looking to sell. Ha ha ha ha. That's a little joke. emphasis on [QUOTE]your[QUOTE] FormID: 00028494 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You just let me know what you need. I am at your beck and call. FormID: 0002848F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Welcome to Belethor's General Goods. Welcome, indeed. FormID: 00028491 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I know what you're thinking: [QUOTE]This Belethor, how could he part with such magnificent treasures?[QUOTE] FormID: 0002707C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I might just be a servant among lords, but don't think for a moment I don't take my duties as seriously as the jarl himself takes his! FormID: 000C246B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If my cleanin' gets in your way, just say the word an' I'll be off. FormID: 000C246D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 This here is Dragonsreach, an' it's my task to see it looks fit for a jarl, night an' day. FormID: 000C246C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ain't nobody high and mighty in these halls, exceptin' the Jarl. And don't you forget! Chiding FormID: 000D1821 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Don't you go trackin' your dirty boots on my clean floor! Chiding FormID: 000D1822 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Soldiers! They're everywhere these days. And not a one of them knows how to pick up after themselves. FormID: 000C246E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My poor Fralia thinks Thorald's still alive, but I know better. FormID: 000E14E2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Whiterun belongs to the true sons of Skyrim now, just as it should. FormID: 000D15AE DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 We Gray-Manes got just as much to be proud of as them Battle-Borns, but you won't see us with our noses in the air. FormID: 0002707D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Got of lot of steel to shape. FormID: 0002707E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Hmm? FormID: 0002707F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I ain't much for talkin'. FormID: 00027080 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Why you still starin' at me? FormID: 0008F142 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Never much cared for that Balgruuf myself. He was in the Empire's pocket, so to speak. FormID: 000E14E4 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Bits and baubles for sale, all crafted by the best blacksmith in Skyrim. FormID: 0008F141 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Come see my collection of Gray-Mane's finest trinkets! You'll not find their like in all Tamriel! She is calling out to passersby from her stall at the marketplace FormID: 0008F143 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Shiny trinkets for your good lady! All crafted by the great Eorlund Gray-Mane himself! She is calling out to passersby from her stall at the marketplace FormID: 0008F144 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My Eorlund is the finest blacksmith in Skyrim, and that's not just a wife's boasting. FormID: 00027092 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I can't stand those braggart Battle-Borns. They think they're the gods' gift to Whiterun. FormID: 00027093 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Eorlund and I... we both miss our son terribly. Thorald... he went missing, fighting the Imperials. FormID: 000A7255 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I...I miss our son terribly, especially since Eorlund died. Thorald... he went missing, fighting the Imperials. FormID: 000904AD DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oh, I always knew my Thorald was alive. Ain't a man in Skyrim who can keep a Gray-Mane down. FormID: 00027094 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Everyone thinks Thorald is dead. But not me. I know my boy is alive out there. Somewhere... FormID: 0002709C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 When the Stormcloaks took control of Whiterun, it was a victory for all true Nords. Confident, certain FormID: 000E3DD5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I take my duties as Housecarl very seriously. I won't hesitate to shed blood if my uncle Vignar is threatened. Confident, certain FormID: 000E14E7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It's not easy being a woman in Skyrim, I know. But stay strong, and men will come to respect you, and maybe even fear you. FormID: 0002709B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman? FormID: 0002709E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I miss the days when the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns got along. Ever since the war started, we've been at each others' throats. FormID: 0002709D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There's nothing a man can do that I can't do better, whether it's serving drinks or slaying trolls. FormID: 0002709F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The daughters of this land are just as strong and loyal as its men. FormID: 000270A0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You wouldn't know it now, but the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns were once fast friends. FormID: 0002847D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I enjoy this work well enough, but I'm ready to retire. I've been thinking of selling the inn to Ysolda. Anyway, what do you need? FormID: 0002847E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 What can I get you? FormID: 0002847F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Hungry, tired, or just plain thirsty? FormID: 00028480 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm just out and about, love. The Bannered Mare can do without me for a bit, I suspect. FormID: 00028481 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't get much time time off from the tavern, but I enjoy it when I do. FormID: 00028483 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'll get back to the Bannered Mare soon enough. Just need to stretch my legs a bit... FormID: 00028484 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If it's work you're looking for, Hulda's the one to talk to. FormID: 00028485 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If you need more food or drink, speak to Hulda. FormID: 00028486 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Mind your manners and pay your bills, and you'll always be welcome. FormID: 00028487 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There was a great battle here in Whiterun. It was quite thrilling! I must compose a song about it someday. Excited FormID: 000E14E8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If it's a lady you're looking for, you'd best look elsewhere. Once Mikael gets them, they're got. FormID: 0002848A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm a bard by trade. Perhaps you've heard of me? FormID: 0002848B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't have much of a reputation in Skyrim yet, but I'm working on that, one sweet lady at a time. Haha! The laugh at the end is intended to cast this as a [QUOTE]sarcastic but not really sarcastic[QUOTE] line. He really does think that he's the gods' gift to women. FormID: 0002848C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 No doubt they still tell tales of Mikael and his sweet songs across Cyrodiil, where last I traveled. FormID: 0002848D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I enjoy steady patronage in the Bannered Mare. I do hope you'll watch me perform. FormID: 00028497 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Want to hear a little Nord wisdom? You don't really know a woman 'til you've had a strong drink and a fistfight with her. FormID: 000918D8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Keep walkin', softgut. I'm more woman than you can handle. FormID: 000918D7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I got no quarrel with you, but I won't turn one down, neither. FormID: 000904AF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Welcome to Warmaiden's. Now you, my girl, have definitely come to the right place. FormID: 000918D9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Welcome to Warmaiden's. Now don't let the name worry you - we got plenty o' steel for fightin' men. FormID: 0002849A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 We've got small weapons as well as big. Maces, daggers, that sort of thing. FormID: 00028499 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You look like maybe you need a new weapon. Something big, perhaps? An axe maybe? Or a greatsword? FormID: 0002849B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Most of our weapons were crafted by Adrianne Avenicci. My woman's an artist, is what she is. FormID: 0002849C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Crush, clobber, slash or slice. We've got a weapon for any occasion. FormID: 000284AB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah, hello my Nord friend. In the market for some hunting supplies? FormID: 000CD07A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah, hello my Argonian friend. In the market for some hunting supplies? FormID: 000CD07B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah, hello my Khajiit friend. In the market for some hunting supplies? FormID: 000CD07C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah, kinsman. How my heart soars to look upon a brother Bosmer. Please, how can I serve your hunting needs? FormID: 000CD07D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah... How my heart soars to look upon a sister Bosmer. Please, how can I serve your hunting needs? FormID: 000CD07E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Hello, friend. In the market for some hunting supplies? FormID: 00028DD0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Hagraven or horker, it matters not. We've got the arrows to fell any game. FormID: 00028DD2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 So what can I get you? FormID: 0002A785 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Whiterun once again belongs to its rightful heirs. It's a glorious day for Skyrim. FormID: 0002A787 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 We Gray-Manes have been feuding with the Battle-Borns for years. There's no more bitter enemy than an old friend. FormID: 000E3DD6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 When the Empire surrendered to the Aldmeri Dominion, they shamed us all! FormID: 000E14E9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The people saw fit to name me Jarl, and I don't intend to let them down. FormID: 000E14EA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You're lookin' at a real warrior! At least I used to be. FormID: 00028DD3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Look at you! Betcha think you're something, huh? FormID: 0002A786 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 For thirty years, I served the Legion as a commander. Fought in the Great War. FormID: 0002A78D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Vignar and I have our hands full. It's no small task, running an entire hold. FormID: 000E14EB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 When I became Steward, I had to give up the bottle. The people of the hold need me at my best. FormID: 000E14EC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'd be dead if not for Vignar. He took me in and helped me turn my life around. FormID: 0002A78E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I had a bad time a few years back, an' I turned to drink. But Vignar, he wouldn't let me stay weak. FormID: 000934E5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oh, I'm just a servant, dear. You want to talk to one of the Companions, I'm sure. FormID: 000934E6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I've been tending to the warriors of Jorrvaskr for as long as I can remember. FormID: 000934E7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I see everything, hear everything and know everything. FormID: 000934E8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oh, I'm a good keeper of secrets. Have to be, in this hall. FormID: 000E14ED DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I hope the Empire is sending reinforcements to drive these heathens out of Whiterun. FormID: 0002A791 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Olfrid, patron of the great Clan Battle-Born, a name I'm sure you know well. FormID: 0002A792 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm as much a Nord as the next man, but I'm no fool. I don't live in the past, like those Gray-Manes. FormID: 0002A793 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Eorlund Gray-Mane's a stubborn fool. Our friendship ended when he turned his back on the Emperor. FormID: 000A7256 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Eorlund Gray-Mane was a stubborn fool. Our friendship ended when he turned his back on the Emperor. Now he's dead. FormID: 000264CB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Clan Battle-Born's got a proud lineage in Whiterun, but unlike the Gray-Manes, we've also got wealth. FormID: 000264CC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My bloodin' days might be over, but my son Idolaf is out there fightin' for Skyrim! Fightin' for the Empire! Ha! FormID: 0002A794 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It's a miracle these Stormcloaks haven't robbed us blind yet. I'm sure it's only a matter of time. FormID: 000E14EE DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There's a rift here in Skyrim, and can't neither magic nor the passin' of time make it right. FormID: 0002A795 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Evgir Unslaad has come at last. The [QUOTE]Season Unending.[QUOTE] War... without end. FormID: 0002A796 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Can you believe those pathetic Gray-Manes still show their face in public? FormID: 0002A797 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There was love between our families. For generations. Now, there is only enmity. FormID: 0002A798 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Has the Empire forsaken us? How could Whiterun fall into the hands of these stinking half-wit Nords? Annoyed and incredulous FormID: 000E14EF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Damn those Gray-Manes to Oblivion. They want to back the Stormcloaks, they'll get what's comin' to 'em. FormID: 0002A799 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Avulstein Gray-Mane and I were best friends as children. If I see that traitor again, I'll throw him in jail myself! FormID: 0002A79A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The cold, frightening truth is that the Empire represents progress. Anyone who fears progress is a coward. FormID: 0002A79B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The Stormcloaks are content to live in the past forever. No wonder the Provincials think we're all baseless savages. FormID: 0002A79C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Well met, kinsman. FormID: 000CD07F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Well met, traveler. FormID: 0002A79D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You know what's wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone is obsessed with death. FormID: 0002A79E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 People have forgotten humor, poetry and romance. I love a good sword fight as much as the next man, but there's more to life. FormID: 0002A79F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It's my desire to enter the Bards College. My parents are hesitant, but I pray they let me attend. FormID: 0002A7A0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 All I want it is to escape from this madness. And if Olfina can come with me, all the better. But I've probably said too much. FormID: 0002A7A5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It's no fun getting pushed around all the time... FormID: 000934F6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't know what you did, but Braith won't even look at me now! So thanks! FormID: 0002A7A7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My friend Olava? The seer? She says things will get better for me, once I start sticking up for myself. FormID: 0002A7A8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I can't fight. Not even a little bit. My family thinks I'm a little milk drinker. FormID: 0002C615 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 By Sithis, but you are a persistent one. Haven't I told you enough? FormID: 0002A7AB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Maybe some other time I'll reveal your destiny, hmm? Tea leaves, palm reading, crystal scrying... Oooh! Maybe trepanning? Ha ha ha ha. FormID: 0002A7A9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Come to Olava for a reading, did you? Sorry, pup, but I'm not quite in the mood. FormID: 0002A7AA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oh, I tell the future, all right. When I feel up to the task, that is. But I'm afraid my energies haven't quite peaked yet today. FormID: 0008F148 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ripe fruit and fresh vegetables for sale! Straight from the fields and orchards of Whiterun to your table! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 0008F147 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Fresh-baked loaves, still warm from the oven! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 0002A7AF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I've got a hungry daughter to feed, so selling my produce is really the only thing I care about. FormID: 0002A7AD DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I hope you're looking at me like that because you want to buy something? FormID: 0002A7B1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I work with my mother, to sell fruits and vegetables. It's fun most days, but hard work. FormID: 0002A7B5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Did you know there are some fruits that actually grow better in the cold weather? FormID: 0002A7B2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You'd be surprised how much work it is selling things at a stall. It's not all standing around and chatting. FormID: 0002A7B7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Praise Talos and all the Divines! Whiterun has been liberated by the true sons of Skyrim! FormID: 0002A7B6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You have come! You have come to hear the word of Talos! FormID: 0002A7B9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The Imperials silence us because they fear us! They are cowards! Cowards and fools who have forgotten the truth! FormID: 0002A7B8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There are those who would silence the Dragon's truth! But not I! Not Heimskr! His word will be known! FormID: 0002A7BA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The truth, child of Talos, is that the Dragon's children have come! To purge the world in fire and righteousness! FormID: 0002A7BD DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 He has returned... Oh, how Talos has returned. Helgen has been purged in his light. Will Whiterun be next? FormID: 0002A7C0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Once I've made enough money trading with the Khajiit caravans, I'm going to buy the Bannered Mare from Hulda. FormID: 0002A7BF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I spend a lot of time at the market stalls so I can learn the merchant's trade. I need more experience if I'm going to run an inn someday. FormID: 0002A7C2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 They say there's nothing a Nord woman can't do if she puts her mind to it. FormID: 0002A7C1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 We Nords are strong, and we're as tough as stone. But I'll bet you didn't know there's some of us with a good head for business, too. FormID: 0002A7C3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There's some company I certainly prefer over others. Have you met Mikael? The most amazing bard I've ever heard. obviously smitten FormID: 000D27EE DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I just want to go home and read. FormID: 000D27EF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Excuse me, but I'm trying to read. FormID: 0002A7D0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Nothing like a good adventure or romance to lose yourself in. FormID: 000D27F0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I import books whenever I can. Most Nord works are too bawdy and violent for my tastes. FormID: 0002A7D1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My daughter Braith says I read too much. [QUOTE]Play with me, mother![QUOTE] Girls need to learn how to take care of themselves. FormID: 0002A7D2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Really, I wish my girl would read more. It would certainly keep her out of all those fights. FormID: 0002A7CE DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If you'll excuse me, I really just want to get home. FormID: 0002A7C6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You tried mercenary work? It might suit you. FormID: 0002A7C7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Sometimes I miss the soldier's life, but when I hold my daughter in my arms, I know I made the right choice. FormID: 000E24E6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My wife's a good woman. She can be a little hard-headed sometimes, but I love her just the same. FormID: 000A7258 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My wife was a good woman. She could be a little hard-headed sometimes, but I loved her just the same. Gods I miss her. FormID: 0002A7C8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 What're you lookin' at? I'm not afraid of you, ya know. Even if you are my elder. FormID: 0002A7C9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Boys, girls, dogs, elders - there's nobody I won't fight! FormID: 000934F7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't fight Lars no more, if that's what you're worried about. FormID: 0002A7CA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Stupid Lars Battle-Born. I fight him almost every day, but it's not much of a fight, 'cause he don't fight back. FormID: 0002A7D4 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I spend so much time among the dead, I sometimes forget how much I miss the company of the living. FormID: 0002A7D6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 With this terrible war, I'm a bit overwhelmed. As are the catacombs. FormID: 0002A7D5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 As Whiterun's priest of Arkay, I spread his word whenever I'm able. In the meantime, most of my hours are spent with the city's dearly departed. FormID: 0009380A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I ain't done nothin'. FormID: 0002A7DB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 What? Why you lookin' at me? FormID: 0002A7DA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 That Heimskr's crazy. Him and his talk o' Talos. Wish he'd just shut up. FormID: 0002A7DD DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You're in my home. That's right. This here place, Breezehome, it belongs to old Terek. Emphasis on [QUOTE]my[QUOTE] FormID: 0002A7DC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oho! And what do you want, hmm? FormID: 0002A7DF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You can't kick me out of here. You want me gone, you're gonna have to kill me. FormID: 0002A7DE DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Now I don't care about no deeds, or laws, or other nonsense like that. This house was empty, so I settled in. And now it's mine. FormID: 0002A7E0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm a generous man, to those who treat me right. Might be I'll even let you live here with me, if you mind your manners. FormID: 0002A7E1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Hello, child of Kynareth. FormID: 0002A7E3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Lately it seems I am more nurse than priestess, tending to those who have suffered, both in mind and body, from this terrible war. FormID: 0002A7E2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 These are trying times for us all, I know. Many come to the Temple of Kynareth to pray, and I assist them as best I'm able. FormID: 0002A7E4 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Come to chat with an old woman, hmm? Do your good deed for the day? FormID: 0002A7E5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Looking for a horse? I own these stables, but Skulvar can help you with a purchase. FormID: 0002A7E7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Do you like horses? You should visit the stables. I own them, you see. And our stock is excellent. FormID: 0002A7E6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My friend Maven and I - have you met Maven, in Riften? - we know our place in this world. Know the place of others, too. FormID: 0002AB8F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying - of course you don't. FormID: 0002AB91 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Oh, it took years, but I earned my way to the top. I own Chillfurrow Farm, you see. Very successful business. Obviously. FormID: 0002AB92 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I actually advise the Jarl on political matters. My input is invaluable, of course. But this is all probably a bit over your head. FormID: 0009643B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There's a nip in the air. Cold won't be good for my crops. Never is. FormID: 0009643C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I own the Pelagia Farm, just outside the city walls. Nimriel takes good care of things for me. FormID: 0009643D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I had my years of war and fighting. Senseless, all of it. All I want now is a rake and a patch of good soil. FormID: 0002AB97 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Come to Dragonsreach to discuss the ongoing hostilities, like the rest of the [QUOTE]great warriors[QUOTE]? FormID: 0002AB98 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It seems this damnable conflict has claimed everyone's passions of late. Me, I prefer my books, and my spells. FormID: 0002AB99 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 There's a tranquility in magic, don't you think? It is simply energy, to be harnessed by those with the will and knowledge to do so. FormID: 0002AB9A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Got some good pieces out here, if you're looking to buy. More inside. FormID: 0002AB9B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun. Eorlund Gray-Mane's got that honor. Man's steel is legendary. All I ask is a fair chance. FormID: 000A7259 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun. Eorlund Gray-Mane was that and more, but now he's dead. All I ask is a fair chance. FormID: 0002AB9C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Have you met my father? He's the steward, up at Dragonsreach. FormID: 000A725A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Have you met my father? He was the steward, up at Dragonsreach when Balgruuf was Jarl. FormID: 0002AB9D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I help my father in more ways than people realize. FormID: 0002AB9E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You think all the council my father provides the Jarl is his alone? Hmph. Let's just say I advise the advisor, and leave it at that. FormID: 00090734 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Be warned, the Jarl is in a foul mood since the Stormcloaks overran Whiterun. FormID: 00055DFC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I serve Jarl Baalgruuf as steward. FormID: 00090735 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The Jarl is, as you can imagine, very busy. Perhaps I can assist you? FormID: 00090736 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The task of Steward is more important than you realize. The Jarl often asks for my invaluable council. FormID: 00090737 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm kept so busy, I don't get to see my daughter as often as I'd like. Perhaps you've met her? Adrianne? She owns the shop, Warmaiden's. FormID: 00055DFD DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 After Whiterun is retaken, Ulfric will pay in blood for his insolence. Steely, ominous, and angry. he is really pissed. FormID: 00092DA1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You should be talking to my Steward. FormID: 00092DA2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm the Jarl, not a barkeep. Speak your business. FormID: 00092DA3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Quickly now, or would you prefer I let Whiterun fall to the Stormcloaks? FormID: 00092DA4 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You might be a guest in Dragonsreach, but you're starting to try my patience. FormID: 000E24E7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 What is it that you need? FormID: 000E24E8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You have my attention. FormID: 000E24E9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Speak your mind. FormID: 000E24EA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It pleases me to see you again. FormID: 00092DA5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 All this standing around is rubbish. We should be taking the fight to the Stormcloaks. FormID: 00092DA6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm not a man, I'm a weapon in human form. Just unsheathe me, and point me at the enemy. FormID: 00092DA7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My brother takes council from Proventus Avenicci? What a laugh. He takes council from his daughter, and she's a bloody blacksmith. FormID: 00090A42 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm the commander of the guard here in Whiterun. FormID: 00090A43 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My boys'll keep you safe. Don't you worry. FormID: 00090A44 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You're not thinking of causing trouble here in this beautiful city, now are you? 'Cause I'd strongly advise against such foolishness. FormID: 000918DA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'll always be a commander, even if those Stormcloak dogs have stripped away my power. FormID: 000918DB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The Legion will regain control of this city. Mark my words. FormID: 000934E9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Yes? What is it? FormID: 000918DC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I'm commander of the guard, now. FormID: 000918DD DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The Stormcloaks can keep this city safe better than those Legion lapdogs. FormID: 000918DF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The security in Whiterun is terrible. Shameful, is what it is. FormID: 000918E0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The guards in this city are all lazy and undisciplined. Things need to change... FormID: 000918E1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Commander Cauis walks around Dragonsreach like a preening rooster. I could do his job blindfolded.... FormID: 000D3BA7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You are a welcome guest, but you must still respect the rules of the Jarl's household. FormID: 000D3BA8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 We can never rest easy, for Balgruuf's enemies will not. FormID: 000D3BA9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Please keep your weapons sheathed in the Jarl's presence. FormID: 0002ABA0 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 It seems our enemies have no end of spies, saboteurs and assassins to send against us. FormID: 000D3BAA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Think very carefully about your next move... giving a scary, understated command FormID: 0002AB9F DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Exile or no, my duty to Balgruuf remains. Keep that in mind when you approach him, for I will be watching. FormID: 00055DFE DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Keep your distance... giving a scary, understated command FormID: 0002ABA2 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Got the fleetest steeds in all o' Skyrim. FormID: 0002ABA1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Make a move toward Balgruuf, and you're dead. giving a scary, understated command FormID: 000CEDF7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Gal like you needs a warhorse, I reckon. FormID: 0002ABA3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Man like you needs a warhorse, I reckon. FormID: 0002ABA5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Only thing better than ridin' a swift horse is ridin' a swift horse over the enemy. FormID: 0002ABA4 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Lookin' to shatter records or bones? My beasts can do both. FormID: 0002ABA6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Need a horse? Talk to my father, Skulvar. FormID: 0002ABA7 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Old lady Maiden-Loom owns the stables. But my father and me, we run things. FormID: 0002ABA8 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 So I mostly sweep and shovel. You got a problem with that? FormID: 0002ABA9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Father says I ain't smart enough to be stablemaster. Some day. FormID: 000A725B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 My father never thought I was smart enough to be a stablemaster. I just wish he was around to see me now. FormID: 0002ABC9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Come to gawk at the dark elf? FormID: 0002ABCA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Well look at us. Like two gray specks in the snow. FormID: 0002ABCB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I mean no offense. I am but a humble farmer, not a great wanderer, like you. FormID: 0001A0E6 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Ah, hello my good friend. Would you do me a kindness? I seem to be down to my last drop of spirits. Let me tell you, sobriety is highly overrated. Slightly drunk, maybe slurring just a bit FormID: 0009E118 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Careful if you cross the river to the east. Old Hajvarr Iron-Hand and his brigands are holed up in that cave, White River Watch. FormID: 000DA63A DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 The circle of stones to the southwest? That's Secunda's Kiss. The giants hold it sacred, so tread carefully. FormID: 000DA63B DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You know, I saw something near Shimmermist Cave, to the northeast. Some kind of creature... small and wicked. Never seen its like before. FormID: 000DA63C DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If you're heading east, steer clear of Hillgrund's Tomb. Thing about those old crypts - the dead having trouble staying that way. FormID: 000DA63D DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Looking to do some hunting? Avoid Brittleshin Pass. It's southeast of here. FormID: 000DA63E DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Yesterday, I saw a dragon fly right over the city. Headed northeast. Toward Shearpoint, by the looks of it. FormID: 0002BDE3 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Be glad you're here in the city, and not out in Riverwood. Those poor sods don't even have a wall. FormID: 0002BDE5 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You should talk to the Jarl up in Dragonsreach, lend any aid you can. FormID: 0002BDE9 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Fear not. Come dragon or giant, we'll be ready. FormID: 0002BDEA DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Need a blade? You should talk to Adrianne, at the forge. FormID: 0002BDEB DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Need supplies? See Belethor at his store. Sleazy little man, but he has good stock. FormID: 0002BDEC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 If you need potions, you should try Arcadia's Cauldron. FormID: 000D27F1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Stormcloaks, Imperials, dragons. Ain't no matter to me what I kill. Let them come. FormID: 0002BDED DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I worry about the other settlements in the hold. Unwalled, lightly manned - prime targets for those damned dragons. FormID: 0002BDEF DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Rorikstead's a nice enough little hamlet, but a boring posting for a guard. If a dragon attacks, well... then it'll be a different story. FormID: 0002BDF1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 You look tired, friend. The Bannered Mare has beds for rent. FormID: 000AD808 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Cause trouble in Whiterun, and I'll haul you into the Dragonsreach dungeon myself. FormID: 00026F55 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutSnow MS12QuintusAboutSnowTopic CUST 0 On top of the Throat of the World is a patch of snow that's never melted. FormID: 00026F55 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutSnow MS12QuintusAboutSnowTopic CUST 1 They say the Greybeards taught it to ignore the sun, and heat simply washes over it. FormID: 00026F55 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutSnow MS12QuintusAboutSnowTopic CUST 2 The original Phial was made from this snow. We'll only need a small bit for the repairs. FormID: 00026F56 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutPowder MS12QuintusAboutPowderTopic CUST 0 The ivory produced by those beasts is as hard as iron. But the giants have found ways to make it yield. FormID: 00026F56 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutPowder MS12QuintusAboutPowderTopic CUST 1 They're able to grind it down so fine that it can be infused into the lattice of packed snow. FormID: 00026F56 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutPowder MS12QuintusAboutPowderTopic CUST 2 The finished material has the delicate nature of fresh powder snow, but the strength of the hardest steel. FormID: 00026F54 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeart MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeartTopic CUST 0 The final tempering of the Phial was performed with a type of old magic that's been lost since the Dragon War. FormID: 00026F54 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeart MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeartTopic CUST 1 The nearest modern incarnation of it is the strange rituals practiced by the Forsworn. FormID: 00026F54 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeart MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeartTopic CUST 2 With the heart of one of their Briar Warriors, I can lock the Phial's magic into its physical form. FormID: 00026F54 MS12 MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeart MS12QuintusAboutBriarHeartTopic CUST 3 It's difficult to explain to the layman -- forgive me if I begin waxing alchemic. FormID: 00026F57 MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionPlayerDefendsHimself CUST 0 Figures -- I doubt you have sufficient knowledge to harm the Phial even if you wanted to. FormID: 00026F57 MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionPlayerDefendsHimself CUST 1 Either way, this is the end of it. FormID: 00026F57 MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionPlayerDefendsHimself CUST 2 Now if you'll excuse me, I'm not quite in the mood to entertain guests. I trust you can show yourself out. FormID: 00026F57 MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionPlayerDefendsHimself CUST 3 Here's for your trouble. FormID: 001074DC DialogueFollower SHOW 0 Command me, my Listener. FormID: 001074DD DialogueFollower SHOW 0 Anything you need, Listener. FormID: 001074DE DialogueFollower SHOW 0 Oh yes, Listener! FormID: 000D8DD5 DialogueFollower SHOW 0 (bark) sound of a dog barking FormID: 00026F4F DialogueFollower SHOW 0 What do you need? FormID: 000D8DD6 DialogueFollower SHOW 0 What is it? FormID: 000D8DD7 DialogueFollower SHOW 0 What do you want? FormID: 000D8DD8 DialogueFollower SHOW 0 Show me. FormID: 000D8DD9 DialogueFollower SHOW 0 What? FormID: 000DE50F DialogueFollower SHOW 0 Yes, my Thane? FormID: 000FE6F9 DialogueFollower SHOW 0 Did you need something? FormID: 001074D3 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 It shall be done. FormID: 001074D4 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 Of course. Right away. FormID: 001074D5 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 With pleasure, my Listener! FormID: 000D8DB4 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 (woof!) sound of a dog happily woofing after being told to do something FormID: 00026F4A DialogueFollower AGRE 0 Okay, got it. FormID: 000D8DB5 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 It will be done. FormID: 000D8DB6 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 As you say, it will happen. FormID: 000D8DB7 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 Then that is my task. FormID: 000D8DB8 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 Will do. FormID: 000FE6F3 DialogueFollower AGRE 0 No problem, I'll handle it. FormID: 000D8E0F DialogueFollower REFU 0 Oh Listener. Can't you see that's impossible? FormID: 001074CA DialogueFollower REFU 0 Sorry, Listener. It can't be done. FormID: 001074CB DialogueFollower REFU 0 If only I could, Listener. FormID: 001074CC DialogueFollower REFU 0 (whine) sound of a dog whining pathetically FormID: 00026FE4 DialogueFollower REFU 0 Can't do that. Sorry. FormID: 000D8E10 DialogueFollower REFU 0 Not possible. FormID: 000D8E11 DialogueFollower REFU 0 That can't be done. FormID: 000D8E12 DialogueFollower REFU 0 Can't do it. FormID: 000D8E13 DialogueFollower REFU 0 No. Not possible. FormID: 000FE6F8 DialogueFollower REFU 0 I'm sorry, that can't be done. FormID: 00026EED t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I was beginning to lose faith that any help would come. Walk Away FormID: 00026EED t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Eh... You see... I've been thinking about Faleen quite a bit. You know Faleen? Walk Away FormID: 00026EC0 t02 T02DinyaQuestStart T02DinyaQuestStartTopic CUST 0 We are devoted to the Goddess Mara, who gave mortals the gift of love that they might have a hint of eternity. FormID: 00026EC0 t02 T02DinyaQuestStart T02DinyaQuestStartTopic CUST 1 Her blessings are many. To love is to know the true nature of the gods. FormID: 00026EDE t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredQuestStartTopic CUST 0 Are you the one sent by Mara? FormID: 00026EF1 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorBackstoryTopic CUST 0 I'm sure I know what this is about. FormID: 00026EF1 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorBackstoryTopic CUST 1 She thinks she's in love with Bassianus and wants to leave town. With him. FormID: 00026EF1 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorBackstoryTopic CUST 2 Let me tell you how I see it. FormID: 00026EF1 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorBackstoryTopic CUST 3 Until a few months ago, the girl was head over heels for Klimmek. Wouldn't stop talking about him. FormID: 00026EF1 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorBackstoryTopic CUST 4 Now if I thought she was really in love with Bassianus, that would be one thing. But she's a child. FormID: 00026EF1 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorBackstoryTopic CUST 5 It will pass. FormID: 00026EDB t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusPushTopic CUST 0 Oh, my love. How I long to take her away from all of this. FormID: 00026EDB t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusPushTopic CUST 1 Why did Boti send you to me? FormID: 00026EE5 t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekPushTopic CUST 0 Oh, Fastred. I'm not sure what happened. One moment she's smiling at me, the next I can't even meet her eyes. FormID: 00026EE5 t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekPushTopic CUST 1 I'll bet Bassianus would know what's going on. He understands women. FormID: 00026ED1 t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarAdviceBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you prepared to receive my golden words? FormID: 00026ED2 t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarManyManyMonies CUST 0 Wonderful. I'll write it out so you won't forget it. FormID: 0004EEEC t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarManyManyMonies CUST 0 Hmmm. I don't think you've got enough to cover my expenses with Silver-Bloods, much less convince me give my words away. FormID: 00026ECE t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarNotEnoughMonies CUST 0 Come back when you've got the gold, then. FormID: 00026ED9 t02 T02FaleenGivePoem T02FaleenGivePoemTopic CUST 0 Pardon me? FormID: 00026ED7 t02 T02CalcelmoGivingLetterBranch T02CalcelmoGivingLetterBranchTopic CUST 0 This is... more than I could have hoped for. Have you really done this for me? FormID: 00026ED7 t02 T02CalcelmoGivingLetterBranch T02CalcelmoGivingLetterBranchTopic CUST 1 I have to see her. Please, excuse me. FormID: 00026EBA t02 T02DinyaQuestStart T02DinyaHowToGetBlessing CUST 0 Not all can hear the broad echoes of deepest dawn. FormID: 00026EBA t02 T02DinyaQuestStart T02DinyaHowToGetBlessing CUST 1 To receive the touch of Mara, you must first act as her hands in the world. FormID: 00026EBA t02 T02DinyaQuestStart T02DinyaHowToGetBlessing CUST 2 Explore the facets of the infinite jewel. FormID: 00026EB5 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaAcceptQuest CUST 0 The dawn surely opens upon you, child. You must bear its light that all may see. FormID: 00026EB5 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaAcceptQuest CUST 1 Mara has reflected an image to me. At the foot of the throat and young woman... almost a girl... her fickle love must resolve itself. In a reverie FormID: 00026EB5 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaAcceptQuest CUST 2 The village of Ivarstead. The woman, Fastred. clarifying, coming out of a vision FormID: 00026EB5 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaAcceptQuest CUST 3 This is the prayer heard by the goddess and relayed to her servants. Return when she has seen her path. FormID: 00026EB5 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaAcceptQuest CUST 4 I will entreat Mara on your behalf. FormID: 00026EDC t02 T02Goodbyes GBYE 0 May you carry the warmth of Mara to all corners of the frozen wastes. FormID: 00063413 t02 T02Goodbyes GBYE 0 The dawn surely opens upon you, child. You must bear its light that all may see. FormID: 00026EE7 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredWho CUST 0 I prayed to Mara and she spoke to me in a dream. She said a stranger would appear to help me. FormID: 00026EE7 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredWho CUST 1 Is that you? FormID: 00026EE8 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredStory CUST 0 My parents are being impossible. FormID: 00026EE8 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredStory CUST 1 Bassianus wants to marry me. And I think I love him. But he wants to move to Riften afterwards, and my father won't allow it. FormID: 00026EE8 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredStory CUST 2 He only cares about this stupid town, but Bassianus makes me happier than anyone ever has. FormID: 00026EE8 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredStory CUST 3 My mother's not any help, either. FormID: 00026EE0 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredQuestEnd CUST 0 Oh, thank you so much! It's wonderful to have someone around who understands. FormID: 00026EE3 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorWhyImportant CUST 0 You know how children are. Her fancies change with the moon. FormID: 00026EE3 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorWhyImportant CUST 1 And like always, the boy lacks any kind of spine. He'll need some convincing. FormID: 00026EE3 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T02JofthorWhyImportant CUST 2 A little push and this would all be simpler. FormID: 00026ED6 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T0JofthorAboutKlimmek CUST 0 Look around here. There's not much left. FormID: 00026ED6 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T0JofthorAboutKlimmek CUST 1 Used to be a good-sized town, but folks have been moving to Riften for a while now. FormID: 00026ED6 t02 T02JofthorBackstory T0JofthorAboutKlimmek CUST 2 If all the young people leave, what happens to Ivarstead? FormID: 00026EBD t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBackstoryBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh my. Probably something about the men. We all wish we had her problems. FormID: 00026EBD t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBackstoryBranchTopic CUST 1 Now, don't tell my husband, but I don't have any problem with Bassianus. FormID: 00026EBD t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBackstoryBranchTopic CUST 2 Even if it means her leaving Ivarstead, I want Fastred to be happy. FormID: 00026EBD t02 T02BotiBackstoryBranch T02BotiBackstoryBranchTopic CUST 3 If they just snuck out of town together, I could manage my husband. FormID: 00026EC4 t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekDoIt CUST 0 What did you call me? FormID: 00026ECA t02 T02KlimmekPush T02KlimmekNothingToLose CUST 0 Ysmir's beard, you're right! No fish was ever caught by staying away from the shore. I'm off to see her! FormID: 00026ED3 t02 SCEN 0 Fastred, I have something to say to you. FormID: 00026EE4 t02 SCEN 0 Klimmek? What is it? FormID: 00026EB9 t02 SCEN 0 I don't want you to leave Ivarstead. FormID: 00026ECC t02 SCEN 0 Why not? FormID: 00026EDD t02 SCEN 0 Because... I would miss you. FormID: 00026EF2 t02 SCEN 0 But I thought you only cared about your fishing! FormID: 00026EC6 t02 SCEN 0 What good are fish if you have to eat them alone? FormID: 00026ED5 t02 SCEN 0 Oh, Klimmek... FormID: 00026EE6 t02 SCEN 0 Fastred, we must speak. FormID: 00026EBB t02 SCEN 0 Bassianus, sweetie, what is it? FormID: 00026ECB t02 SCEN 0 We must leave. Your father will never approve of us, and I grow weary of this place. FormID: 00026EDA t02 SCEN 0 Where will we go? FormID: 00026EEE t02 SCEN 0 To Riften, my pet. How you'll adore the city. FormID: 00026EC1 t02 SCEN 0 Oh, and to be with you! FormID: 00026ECD t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusBotiSurprise CUST 0 I always had a feeling she liked me. More than that brute Jofthor, at least. FormID: 00026ECD t02 T02BassianusPush T02BassianusBotiSurprise CUST 1 Jofthor... what about him? He'll come after us and... it will be unpleasant. FormID: 00026EC8 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoRavesAboutFaleen CUST 0 The trouble is that I can't seem to speak around her. FormID: 00026EC8 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoRavesAboutFaleen CUST 1 My mouth goes dry, and I start to shake. FormID: 00026EC8 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoRavesAboutFaleen CUST 2 I could never hope to approach her. FormID: 00026EEB t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoPlayerKnowsFaleen CUST 0 Then you know what a beauty she is. FormID: 00026EF0 t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoPlayerDoesntKnowFaleen CUST 0 Well, suffice to say she is resplendent, but not without resolve. Striking, in all senses. FormID: 00026EBF t02 SCEN 0 Faleen... I... FormID: 00026ED4 t02 SCEN 0 Sssh. It's all right. You don't need to say anymore. I had no idea you were so... nuanced. FormID: 00026EDF t02 SCEN 0 I love you. FormID: 00026EB6 t02 SCEN 0 So I hear. Come here, you. FormID: 00026EBE t02 T02FaleenGivePoem T02FaleenPoemIsFromCalcelmo CUST 0 I'm not sure what this is all about. FormID: 00026EC7 t02 T02FaleenGivePoem T02FaleenPoemReaction CUST 0 This is... lovely. Calcelmo wrote this... about me? I never knew he had such feeling in him. FormID: 00026ECF t02 T02FaleenGivePoem T02FaleenGiveLetter CUST 0 Clearly. I've never even thought of him in that manner. I wish that I was as skilled with words as he. FormID: 00026ECF t02 T02FaleenGivePoem T02FaleenGiveLetter CUST 1 Here, take him this letter. I may not be as eloquent as he is, but I hope he understands. FormID: 00026EBC t02 T02DinyaGiveQuestFinalSegment T02DinyaGiveQuestPhaseTwoTopic CUST 0 The goddess smiles at your efforts, child. The dawn shines bright upon you. FormID: 00026EBC t02 T02DinyaGiveQuestFinalSegment T02DinyaGiveQuestPhaseTwoTopic CUST 1 You have seen the young, fickle love of youth, and helped a more seasoned love find its way. FormID: 00026EBC t02 T02DinyaGiveQuestFinalSegment T02DinyaGiveQuestPhaseTwoTopic CUST 2 There is one final aspect we wish for you to explore. For a strong love can withstand storms and even survive death. FormID: 00026EBC t02 T02DinyaGiveQuestFinalSegment T02DinyaGiveQuestPhaseTwoTopic CUST 3 Take this symbol of Mara. She will guide you to the wandering souls of two whose love was so great that their entwinement binds them to this world. FormID: 001074D9 DialogueFollower FEXT 0 Nothing else? I'm always eager. FormID: 001074DA DialogueFollower FEXT 0 That everything? FormID: 001074DB DialogueFollower FEXT 0 Is that all? FormID: 000D8DB9 DialogueFollower FEXT 0 (panting) sound of a dog happily panting FormID: 00026F64 DialogueFollower FEXT 0 Anything else? FormID: 000D8DBA DialogueFollower FEXT 0 Is that all? FormID: 000D8DBB DialogueFollower FEXT 0 Do you need anything else? FormID: 000D8DBC DialogueFollower FEXT 0 We done? FormID: 000D8DBD DialogueFollower FEXT 0 That it? FormID: 000FE6F4 DialogueFollower FEXT 0 Anything else before you go? FormID: 001074C7 DialogueFollower MREF 0 Now wait a minute, Listener. Even Cicero has his limits! Not many, mind you... but I do have them... FormID: 001074C8 DialogueFollower MREF 0 I won't do it. You ask too much. FormID: 001074C9 DialogueFollower MREF 0 But Listener... Are you sure? I just can't bring myself to do it... FormID: 00027091 DialogueFollower MREF 0 (growl) sound of dog growling in anger FormID: 000D8DC7 DialogueFollower MREF 0 Not for you. Not for anyone. FormID: 000D8DC8 DialogueFollower MREF 0 Even Khajiit have their limits. No. FormID: 000D8DC9 DialogueFollower MREF 0 Maybe you want to rethink what you're asking? FormID: 000D8DCA DialogueFollower MREF 0 I will not drag my honor through the mud for you, or anyone. FormID: 000D8DCB DialogueFollower MREF 0 Forget it. I don't do that kind of work. FormID: 000FE6F5 DialogueFollower MREF 0 I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do something like that. Even for you. FormID: 00026EC5 t02 T02DinyaFinishQuest T02DinyaFinishQuestTopic CUST 0 Your efforts have helped illuminate the entire province. I trust by now you've achieved a higher comprehension of love. FormID: 00026EC5 t02 T02DinyaFinishQuest T02DinyaFinishQuestTopic CUST 1 Carry the blessings of Mara with you, so the rest of the province may shine with her glories. FormID: 000D8DC2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 J'zargo is listening. FormID: 000E36DC DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 Anything, as long as I get to fight. trying to lighten the mood FormID: 000E1566 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 Name it. FormID: 000F11B4 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 What do you need? FormID: 0002708F DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 (bark) dog barking expectantly FormID: 000E1567 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 All right. What is it? FormID: 000D8DC3 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 What do you need? FormID: 000D8DC4 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 Go ahead. What is it? FormID: 000D8DC5 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 What is it? FormID: 000D8DC6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 Fine. What? FormID: 000DE50E DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerFavorState DialogueFollowerFavorStateTopic CUST 0 Yes, Thane. What is it? FormID: 001074CD DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 You want me to do something or not? FormID: 001074CE DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you have any orders? FormID: 001074CF DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Still something you'd like me to do? FormID: 000D8DDA DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you require something of J'zargo? FormID: 000E36E1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you still need me for something? FormID: 000E1564 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 So, did you still need my assistance? FormID: 0002708D DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 (panting) dog happily panting, waiting for your command FormID: 000E1565 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Still need me to do something? FormID: 000D8DDB DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you still need me to do something? FormID: 000D8DDC DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 You wanted me to do something, yes? FormID: 000D8DDD DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 You still wish something of me? FormID: 000D8DDE DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlockingTopic CUST 0 Still have something you need? FormID: 001074D6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 I'm on it. FormID: 001074D7 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 Right away. FormID: 001074D8 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 With pleasure. FormID: 000FECF5 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 Right. FormID: 00026FE6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 (woof) dog woofing happily FormID: 000D8DCC DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 Let's see it. FormID: 000D8DCD DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 Point the way. FormID: 000D8DCE DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 Let us see it, then. FormID: 000D8DCF DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 As you will. FormID: 000D8DD0 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerContinueFavorState CUST 0 Right, then. FormID: 001074D0 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 Okie dokie, Listener. FormID: 001074D1 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 All right. FormID: 001074D2 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 As you will. FormID: 000FECF6 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 00026F4B DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 (bark) dog barking in acknowledgement FormID: 000D8E14 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 All right. FormID: 000D8E15 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 As you wish. FormID: 000D8E16 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000D8E17 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 Fine. FormID: 000D8E18 DialogueFollower DialogueFollowerDoingFavorBlocking DialogueFollowerEndFavorState CUST 0 Your call. FormID: 00026FE8 Favor013 HELO 0 Take my advice. Never gamble. Damn Irnskar has me in debt up to the eyes. FormID: 0006F7CF Favor013 HELO 0 Life's hard enough with all these men propositioning me. But that bard is the worst. FormID: 0003F05A Favor013 HELO 0 We're used to getting by on scraps, but the Shatter-Shields want everything for nothing. FormID: 00068F3D Favor013 HELO 0 Poor Roggi. If you're feeling charitable, buy the Nord a mead. He's good for it. FormID: 00094049 Favor013 HELO 0 Ranmir beg a drink from you, yet? That's gold wasted, friend. FormID: 00026F4C Favor017 HELO 0 You a fighting man? How about a little bet? FormID: 00055A00 Favor017 HELO 0 You a fighting girl? How about a little bet? FormID: 00055A01 Favor017 HELO 0 Think you can go blade to blade with me? You'd be dead in six seconds. FormID: 00040399 Favor017 HELO 0 You. You a Dark Elf lover? Get out of our city, you filthy piece of trash. FormID: 0004039B Favor017 HELO 0 You damn gray-skin. Go back to Morrowind! FormID: 0009408A Favor017 HELO 0 I'm the best warrior in Morthal, and that's no boast. FormID: 00026DF2 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 The corn stores are getting low again, Orgnar. FormID: 00026DF3 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 You promised me you'd sweep the entranceway. Irritated FormID: 0002C6D3 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 I still need you to make a batch of those fried potatoes. We can serve them with the ale. FormID: 0002C6D4 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 You are going to brew a new batch of ale, right? Like we talked about? What we have's been sitting in that barrel for over a month. Irritated FormID: 00026E21 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 Yep. Emotionless/bored/Not really listening FormID: 00026DEC DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 And... you'll take care of it? prodding, impatient FormID: 00026DED DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 Wait, let me guess. You'll get to it later. sarcastic FormID: 00026DEF DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 Don't I always? Emotionless/bored/Not really listening FormID: 00026DFB DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 I don't suppose I could convince you to take care of it now, could I? sarcastic FormID: 00026E28 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 No. Final word... annoyed FormID: 00026E00 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 Well. There's something to be said for honesty, I suppose. surrendering to the inevitable FormID: 00026E01 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene1 SCEN 0 I should have guessed. surrendering to the inevitable FormID: 00026E1C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene2 SCEN 0 Sven, we need to talk... FormID: 00026DF7 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene2 SCEN 0 Here we go... sarcastic FormID: 00026E0C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene2 SCEN 0 It's about your singing. Well, not your singing, your songs. But you know what I'm talking about. FormID: 00026DFE DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene2 SCEN 0 You do realize these simpletons wouldn't know real music if it bit them in the britches, hmm? Very well. Your wish is my command. sighs, like he's accepting his fate FormID: 00026E36 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene2 SCEN 0 Wonderful. And let's not have this chat again next week. Agreed? FormID: 00026E3B DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Lucan, we don't sell silver buckles, do we? One of the customers was asking. FormID: 00026E3C DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 We don't sell any imports from Summerset Isle, do we, Lucan? FormID: 00026E3D DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Lucan, I was thinking we should have a grand sale. Lower the prices by half, maybe get some jugglers. We could attract lots of new customers. FormID: 00026E42 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 No, dear sister. We do not. FormID: 00026E43 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 I'm afraid not. FormID: 00026E44 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 A sale? To attract new customers? Camilla, everyone in Riverwood already shops here. There are no more customers. emphasis on [QUOTE]are[QUOTE] FormID: 00026E15 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Hmm. All right. Do you think... maybe we should? FormID: 00026E16 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Well, I was thinking... we should. We could stock all kinds of specialty items. You know, to cater to some of our more.... [QUOTE]eclectic[QUOTE] customers. FormID: 00026E17 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Hmmm... Well, maybe we could go on a sort of trip. Take the wares on the road. Get some new customers. emphasis on [QUOTE]new[QUOTE] FormID: 00026E22 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 That's really not at the top of my list, no. Please, Camilla, I need you to focus. FormID: 00026E23 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Dear sister, we talked about this sort of thing before. We sell dry goods, nothing more, nothing less. FormID: 00026E24 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Camilla, really? You don't have better things to do? Because I could certainly find quite a few tasks... FormID: 00026E25 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Of course, Lucan. Of course. I was just, well... Never mind. FormID: 00026E26 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 Okay, okay. Just trying make this place a little less... boring. FormID: 00026E27 DialogueRiverwoodLucansDryGoodsScene1 SCEN 0 I know, I know. My head's in the clouds again. Just... forget I said anything. FormID: 00026E3E DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 Can I make something now, papa? FormID: 00026E3F DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 Is it time yet? Time for me to make my sword? Or maybe... an axe? FormID: 00026E40 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 I'm bored standing around, papa. I could take over for you... FormID: 00026E37 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 Later, little one. I need to finish what I'm working on. But keep watching. Watch, and learn. FormID: 00026E38 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 He he. Not just yet, Dorthe. I need to keep forging, and you need to keep watching. FormID: 00026E39 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 Patience, Dorthe. You'll get some time at the forge, I promise you. But not right now. You need to keep watching me. That's how you'll learn. FormID: 00026E18 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 Don't worry, I am. FormID: 00026E19 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 All right. But I am getting a bit tired of waiting. FormID: 00026E1A DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, sir. FormID: 00026E09 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Dorthe, dear, I've been growin' some really lovely vegetables. Maybe tomorrow you could help me plant a new patch? What do you say? FormID: 00026E0A DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Dorthe... I was thinkin' I'd knit a couple of blankets, sell them to Lucan. Would you like to make one? Might be fun, workin' together. FormID: 00026E0B DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 You know, Dorthe, with all those vegetables I've been growing lately, I was thinkin' we could make a right lovely stew. Together. How about it? FormID: 00026E06 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Oh. Um. Well... You see... awkwardly getting out of something FormID: 00026E07 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Wow. Yeah. That sounds great, mother. Only, um... it's just that... awkwardly getting out of something FormID: 00026E08 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Oooh. Ahhh... Well... See, the thing is... awkwardly getting out of something FormID: 00026E0F DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Shor's crown! There are things ladies like us are supposed to do. We've talked about this... frustrated FormID: 00026E10 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Let me guess. You'd rather play [QUOTE]Daedra and Battlemages[QUOTE] with Ordnar. Or go fishing, or catch frogs... frustrated/sighing FormID: 00026E11 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Dorthe, listen to me. Your father and your friend may treat you like a boy, but you're not. Do you understand? So please. Be a girl. For me. frustrated/sighing FormID: 00026E03 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 It's just that papa promised I could make something at the forge. So maybe we could do something together, hmmm... next week? Is... that okay? FormID: 00026E04 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Just stop trying to change me, mother! I'm not a baby anymore! I'm almost a woman! I... I can't be who I want to be! FormID: 00026E05 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, mother. I can't help it. All that stuff you like to do, it's just so... boring. FormID: 00026DEB DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Ho, now... Keep me out of this... FormID: 00026E2B DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Fine. You play in the mud, or play with your father's forge, or get into sword fights with your little friend. But this is not over. emphasis on [QUOTE]not,[QUOTE] as in [QUOTE]NOT over[QUOTE] FormID: 00026E2C DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, Dorthe. You're breaking your mother's heart, you know that? Sighing, exasperated FormID: 00026E2D DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Well. I can see your father and I are going to have to talk about this. And when we do, things are going to change. FormID: 00026E31 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Hey boy, I heard you nailed a Septim into Lucan's doorstep. Damn near drove him crazy. That true? FormID: 00026E32 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Tell me, son. Any truth to these stories I been hearing. About you gluing a cow's udders shut? You really do something like that? FormID: 00026E33 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Heard me a rumor, boy. Something about you putting bugs in the stew over at the Sleeping Giant. You do this? FormID: 00026E2E DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Sure I did. And I'd do it again. FormID: 00026E2F DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Yeah. So? FormID: 00026E30 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha! Yeah, I sure did. It was one of my best pranks yet, father. FormID: 00026DF4 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's my boy! FormID: 00026DF5 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Ha! I knew it! Had your name written all over it, that one did! FormID: 00026DF6 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 See, now that's what I'm talking about. Working hard, making your mark on this world. Good job, son. FormID: 00026E12 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 He he he he he. FormID: 00026E13 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 You just wait. My new pranks are going to the best ever! You'll see! He he he he. FormID: 00026E14 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene3 SCEN 0 Ha! That ain't nothing. Wait till you see what I got planned for next week. emphasis on [QUOTE]next[QUOTE] FormID: 00026C4A MS06Start MS06FalkInvestigate MS06FalkInvestigate0 CUST 0 You mean the Dragon Bridge issue? I'll be honest with you, I was planning to let that go. Varnius is a bit jumpy at the best of times. FormID: 0002C189 MS06Start MS06FalkInvestigate MS06FalkInvestigate0 CUST 0 The cave has a bad history. Long ago, Potema the Wolf Queen used it for necromantic rituals. That's where it got the name. FormID: 0002C189 MS06Start MS06FalkInvestigate MS06FalkInvestigate0 CUST 1 That was over 500 years ago. Nothing much down there now - but everyone's always convinced the cave is haunted. FormID: 00026C49 MS06Start MS06FalkInvestigate MS06FalkInvestigate1 CUST 0 There have been reports of weird happenings near Wolfskull Cave. Travelers disappearing, odd lights. I suspect wild animals or perhaps bandits. Skeptical, Emphasis on [QUOTE]have[QUOTE] FormID: 00026C49 MS06Start MS06FalkInvestigate MS06FalkInvestigate1 CUST 1 I don't think it's worth our time with the war going on, but if you want to clear out the cave, I'll make sure you're repaid for your work. Weary FormID: 00026C2C MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 There may be a matter in which your... skills... could be useful. FormID: 00026C2C MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 The various points of focus for magic energies around the College have become polluted, and need cleansing. FormID: 00026C2D MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 The magical energies underneath the College still require purification. Your assistance would be most useful. FormID: 00026C2B MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialFollowUp CUST 0 As you may be aware, the College has gone to great lengths to purify and enhance the natural energies of the world. FormID: 00026C2B MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialFollowUp CUST 1 This both enhances our connection to the realm of magic, and eliminates possible interference from outside sources. FormID: 00026C2B MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialFollowUp CUST 2 These energies, on occasion, become... polluted. Effort must be made to see that they are kept pure, clean. FormID: 00026C2B MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialFollowUp CUST 3 Do you wish to aid in this cleansing? FormID: 00026C2A MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialAccept CUST 0 Very well. These specially enchanted gloves will allow you to delve directly into the focal points for these energies. FormID: 00026C2A MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialAccept CUST 1 Go to each focal point and remove whatever impurities you may find there. FormID: 00026C2A MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialAccept CUST 2 Return the gloves to me when you have finished. FormID: 00026C2A MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02InitialAccept CUST 3 Please exercise caution. This is not a procedure without possible... consequences. FormID: 00026C28 MGR02 MGR02Stage10Branch MGR02Stage10Entry CUST 0 Use the gloves to clear the focal points. Return to me when you have finished. I thought I made this rather clear. FormID: 00026C29 MGR02 MGR02InitialBranch MGR02Decline CUST 0 I see. FormID: 00026C2F MGR02 MGR02Stage20Branch MGR02Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, they have. I can feel the difference already. But of course, I'm far more in tune with these sorts of things than most. FormID: 00026C2F MGR02 MGR02Stage20Branch MGR02Stage20BranchTopic CUST 1 Thank you. I appreciate your assistance. FormID: 00038066 DA07 HELO 0 Silus keeps filling his house with those Mythic Dawn things. Creepy, I tell you. rumormonger FormID: 00038069 DA07 HELO 0 I can't believe Silus is collecting Mythic Dawn artifacts. Right here in Dawnstar, no less. rumormonger FormID: 00096FD5 DA07 HELO 0 Did you have any questions about the museum, or would you rather talk business? passionate curator FormID: 00097543 DA07 HELO 0 What is it? Do you have one of the Razor fragments? passionate curator FormID: 000BA122 DA07 HELO 0 I keep gazing into the pommel gem. Not a single flaw. passionate curator FormID: 000BA129 DA07 HELO 0 I've had to be careful handling those blade shards you found. They're each sharp enough to sever a finger with no effort. passionate curator FormID: 000BA12A DA07 HELO 0 It's strange holding a hilt that isn't connected to a dagger. Oh well. passionate curator FormID: 000DB35C DA07 HELO 0 My family were in the Mythic Dawn. My museum is our legacy. passionate curator FormID: 000DB35D DA07 HELO 0 Wrong or right, the Mythic Dawn changed Tamriel's history. They deserve study. passionate curator FormID: 000DB35E DA07 HELO 0 Scholars from around the world will come here one day. passionate curator FormID: 00026B8B DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Mara will protect you. FormID: 000E1570 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 I'll wait here. FormID: 000E1571 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 I'll just be here, then. FormID: 000D8DFE DialogueFollower GBYE 0 We'll be waiting, then. FormID: 000D8DFF DialogueFollower GBYE 0 I will wait. FormID: 000D8E00 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Back to the great task of waiting. sarcastic FormID: 000D8E01 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 I'll be right here, then. FormID: 000D8E02 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 I'm ready, let's continue. FormID: 000E1572 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 All set, let's go. FormID: 000E1573 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Lead on. FormID: 000D2351 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 You lead, I'll follow. FormID: 000D2352 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Let's get going, then. FormID: 000D8E03 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 We follow, then. FormID: 000D8E04 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Khajiit will follow. FormID: 000D8E05 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Lead on, friend. FormID: 000D8E06 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 May the Hist guide us. FormID: 000D8E07 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Let's tread softly. FormID: 000D8E08 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Lead. I'll follow. FormID: 000D8E09 DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Malacath witness our deeds. casual prayer while on the road FormID: 000D8E0A DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Lead us to our next task. FormID: 000D8E0B DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Go where the challenge is greatest. casual prayer while on the road FormID: 000D8E0C DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Let's go. FormID: 000D8E0D DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Lead on, then. FormID: 000D8E0E DialogueFollower GBYE 0 Following. FormID: 00026B5C RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMara RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMaraTopic CUST 0 Here you are. Now remember, people in Skyrim respond to deeds. You will find more people interested in your love if you help them. FormID: 00026B5C RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMara RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMaraTopic CUST 1 Good luck. Mara bless you. FormID: 00026B75 RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMara RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMaraTopic CUST 0 Lost the last one I gave you? Very well, here you are. Mara keep you. FormID: 00026B7F RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMara RelationshipMarriageIntroSymbolofMaraTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry, but even Mara's Temple needs coin. We will have a symbol ready for you when you come back with enough gold. FormID: 00075CA3 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 You've embarrassed the temple and spat in the face of love. What do you want? FormID: 00026B3E RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Is that an Amulet of Mara? I'm surprised someone like you isn't spoken for. noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 000CD86F RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 An Amulet of Mara? You're not married? Surprising. noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 000CD870 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 That amulet. I've seen the Nords wear these when they're looking to marry. With your strength, you should have no trouble. noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 000CD871 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Is that Lady Mara's amulet? I'm shocked a fine person like you isn't married already. noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 000CD872 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 You're wearing Mara's amulet? You? I'd marry you. I'd marry you twice. noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 000CD873 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Look at you. Wearing an Amulet of Mara. Are you saying you're available? noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 000CD874 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 An Amulet of Mara, you're looking for marriage, then? noticing a person wearing jewelry that signals they're looking for a spouse FormID: 00026B5B RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 You should arrange the ceremony at the Temple of Mara right away. I can't wait. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD875 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 You go ahead and arrange the wedding ceremony when you're ready. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD876 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 You should speak to the priest in the Temple of Mara to arrange the ceremony. No sense waiting. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD877 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Have you spoken to the Temple of Mara, yet? I'm so excited. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD878 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Hey, shouldn't you tell the Temple of Mara that we're getting married? Be hard to have a wedding without a priest. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD879 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Now shouldn't you be off arranging our wedding day? Don't keep me waiting. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD87A RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 You should tell the priest we're getting married. They'll take things from there. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD87B RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 I'll see you at our wedding! discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD87C RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Our wedding is soon. I'll see you then! discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD87D RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Never thought I'd get married under a Nord god. But with you, it feels right. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD87E RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 Our wedding is soon, under Mara's loving eyes. It'll be perfect. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD87F RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 We have our wedding soon, don't we? That's right, we do! discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD880 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 I'm looking forward to our wedding. You and me.... discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 000CD881 RelationshipMarriage HELO 0 The wedding is soon. It'll be a good day. discussing the wedding with your fiance FormID: 00026BAA RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageTempleArrangement RelationshipMarriageTempleArrangementTopic CUST 0 You wish to be married? It's good to see love blossoming, even during these difficult times. FormID: 00026BAA RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageTempleArrangement RelationshipMarriageTempleArrangementTopic CUST 1 Your wedding will be held tomorrow, from dawn until dusk. FormID: 00026BAA RelationshipMarriage RelationshipMarriageTempleArrangement RelationshipMarriageTempleArrangementTopic CUST 2 Don't be late, you don't want to miss your own wedding! FormID: 00026A62 T01 T01HamalWhatsASybilBranch T01HamalWhatsASybilBranchTopic CUST 0 The Sybil of Dibella spends her entire life in direct communion with the goddess. FormID: 00026A62 T01 T01HamalWhatsASybilBranch T01HamalWhatsASybilBranchTopic CUST 1 From the time she's a little girl to the moment she expires, she is a direct connection with the heavenly mother. FormID: 00026A62 T01 T01HamalWhatsASybilBranch T01HamalWhatsASybilBranchTopic CUST 2 From her reverie, we know the mind of our god. FormID: 00026A62 T01 T01HamalWhatsASybilBranch T01HamalWhatsASybilBranchTopic CUST 3 We have had a vision of the next Sybil, living in a village to the north. She must be brought to the temple for her reverie to begin. FormID: 00026A5F T01 T01HamalGirlTakenBranch T01HamalGirlTakenBranchTopic CUST 0 It's considered a great honor for the family. Their daughter will never know hardship, and the goddess blesses them with great bounty. FormID: 00026A61 T01 T01HamalWhySecretBranch T01HamalWhySecretBranchTopic CUST 0 We prefer not to announce that the Sybil has died until we can introduce the new one. People like to know that we're connected to the goddess. FormID: 00026A6D T01 T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranch T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranchTopic CUST 0 You, my dear, can earn the Blessing of Dibella. You'll find men to be more pliable in the future... or more vulnerable. FormID: 00026A6E T01 T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranch T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you heard of the Blessing of Dibella? It can help you with the wooing of women, if that's your aim. FormID: 00026A6E T01 T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranch T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranchTopic CUST 1 Or give you strength if you happen to offend one. FormID: 00026A6E T01 T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranch T01HamalWhatsInItForMeBranchTopic CUST 2 Typically we avoid bestowing it upon men, but for the Sybil's escort, we could make an exception. FormID: 00026A6A T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonTellsAboutKidnapping CUST 0 Our daughter, Fjotra, was taken from here. The Forsworn descended and... they didn't touch anything else. Just our little girl. FormID: 00026A6C T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonGivesLocation CUST 0 It was the Forsworn from Broken Tower. Never been much trouble before. What's it to you? FormID: 00026A71 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonHearsAboutSybil CUST 0 She... really? That's... I wouldn't have dreamed. Of course, we need her in Markarth, then. I'll come with you. FormID: 00026A72 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonWantsHerToBeSafe CUST 0 That's... that's good of you. If you were to save her, I would be very grateful. I don't think there's anything I could give you, though... FormID: 000AD38B WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 My mother's been haunting me ever since she died. At first it was a little strange, but now I'm glad she's here. FormID: 000AD3AC WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 My mother's been haunting me ever since she died. At first it was a little strange, but now I'm glad she's here. FormID: 000AD3AF WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 My father's been haunting me ever since he died. At first it was a little strange, but now I'm glad he's here. FormID: 000AD3B5 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 My father's been haunting me ever since he died. At first it was a little strange, but now I'm glad he's here. FormID: 000AD3C7 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 A parent should never outlive a child. Having my son's spirit here... it's as if he never died. FormID: 000AD5C8 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 A parent should never outlive a child. Having my son's spirit here... it's as if he never died. FormID: 000AD5FF WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 A parent should never outlive a child. Having my daughter's spirit here... it's as if she never died. FormID: 000AD670 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 A parent should never outlive a child. Having my daughter's spirit here... it's as if she never died. FormID: 000AD676 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 I was a little scared at first, but I like having my sister around. It's comforting. FormID: 000AD6FD WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 I was a little scared at first, but I like having my sister around. It's comforting. FormID: 000AD71B WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 I was a little scared at first, but I like having my brother around. It's comforting. FormID: 000AD76E WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 I was a little scared at first, but I like having my brother around. It's comforting. FormID: 000AD776 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 When my wife died, I wasn't sure I could let her go. Now I don't have to. FormID: 000AD779 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 When my wife died, I wasn't sure I could let her go. Now I don't have to. FormID: 000AD78B WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 When my wife died, I wasn't sure I could let her go. Now I don't have to. FormID: 000AD7A5 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 When my husband died, I wasn't sure I could let him go. Now I don't have to. FormID: 000AD7A7 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 When my husband died, I wasn't sure I could let him go. Now I don't have to. FormID: 000AD7A9 WIKill02 WIKill02HauntedBranch WIKill02HauntedTopic CUST 0 When my husband died, I wasn't sure I could let him go. Now I don't have to. FormID: 000AD106 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm worried about my daughter. I'm keeping an eye on her for a little while before I pass on. FormID: 000AD11E WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm worried about my son. I'm keeping an eye on him for a little while before I pass on. FormID: 000AD12A WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I know my mother would be worried about me. I'm here to let her know everything's all right. FormID: 000AD162 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I know my father would be worried about me. I'm here to let him know everything's all right. FormID: 000AD163 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I worry about my sister. This way I can keep an eye on her, make sure she's not getting into trouble. FormID: 000AD1C3 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I worry about my brother. This way I can keep an eye on him, make sure he's not getting into trouble. FormID: 000AD1FB WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my wife. FormID: 000AD1FE WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my wife. FormID: 000AD1FF WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my wife. FormID: 000AD201 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my wife. FormID: 000AD203 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my husband. FormID: 000AD204 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my husband. FormID: 000AD207 WIKill02 WIKill02GhostBranch WIKill0GhostTopic CUST 0 I'm not quite ready to let go of my husband. FormID: 000268DA DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 We got everything in hand here. You aren't needed 'round here. FormID: 000268DB DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 We chop trees, we mill the wood. What more would you want to know? FormID: 000268DC DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 It's a hard way to make a living, but we find ways to make ends meet. FormID: 000268DD DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 We don't take kindly to people snooping around our business. FormID: 000268DF DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 These axes can chop a lot more than wood, you know. FormID: 000268E0 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 Hey, welcome to the mill! FormID: 000268E1 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 My brother and me bought this place when we left the army. Boy, did we lose a bundle, but at least we're not fighting the war! FormID: 000268E2 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 We're making our money back, bit by bit. Every extra bit of work helps... FormID: 000268E3 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 We served our time in the Legion. Now we're just trying to make it day to day. FormID: 000268E5 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 I used to serve with Trilf and Steirod. Good guys, but don't get on their bad side, you know? FormID: 000268E6 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 I once saw Steirod tear a whole tree out the ground with his bare hands. Glad he's on our side! FormID: 000268E7 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 These boys do good work for the Empire! FormID: 000268E8 DialogueHaafingarHold HELO 0 Nice to be here on the home-front. Wouldn't mind being down in Cyrodiil, though. FormID: 00020FA5 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeForcegreetTopic PFGT 0 Halt. You're under arrest for murder and conspiracy against the city of Markarth! Walk Away FormID: 000267DF DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeForcegreetTopic PFGT 0 The [QUOTE]problem[QUOTE] is your disrespect for the laws of this land. It's time to face the Jarl's justice. Walk Away FormID: 0002A37C DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeForcegreetTopic PFGT 0 By order of the Jarl, stop right there! Walk Away FormID: 0002A37D DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeForcegreetTopic PFGT 0 You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense? Walk Away FormID: 00020F99 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeGoToJail CUST 0 Ha, enjoy the Chill. FormID: 00092A41 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeGoToJail CUST 0 You'll never see the sun again. No one escapes Cidhna Mine. No one. FormID: 000CD111 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeGoToJail CUST 0 It's off to Cidhna Mine for you. FormID: 000AD7C7 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeGoToJail CUST 0 You're going to rot in the Dragonsreach Dungeon. FormID: 000AD7C8 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeGoToJail CUST 0 A stretch in the Castle Dour Dungeon will straighten you right out. FormID: 000267E1 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeGoToJail CUST 0 I guess you're smarter than you look. FormID: 00020F93 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 Time to cleanse the Empire of its filth. grimly FormID: 00060C8A DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 Then suffer the Emperor's wrath. grimly FormID: 0002C168 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 Skyrim has no use for your kind. grimly FormID: 00060C8B DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 Then let me speed your passage to Sovngarde! grimly FormID: 000267E2 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 Then pay with your blood. grimly FormID: 00060C8C DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 That can be arranged. grimly - emphasis on the first word, [QUOTE]that[QUOTE] FormID: 0002C169 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeResistArrest CUST 0 So be it. grimly, but with a smile. FormID: 00020FA9 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePayFine CUST 0 You aren't fooling me. Trusted witnesses have seen you commit several murders. FormID: 00020FA9 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePayFine CUST 1 And there are accounts of your suspicious behavior throughout the city. Now come quietly. FormID: 000267E0 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePayFine CUST 0 Smart man. Now come along with us. We'll take any stolen goods, and you'll be free to go. After you pay the fine, of course. threatening but happy, in a sly way FormID: 00060C89 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePayFine CUST 0 Smart woman. Now come along with us. We'll take any stolen goods, and you'll be free to go. After you pay the fine, of course. threatening but happy, in a sly way FormID: 0003ADAE DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePayFine CUST 0 Good enough. I'll just confiscate any stolen goods you're carrying, then you're free to go. FormID: 000267B7 DA07 DA07SilusMehrunesDagonBranch DA07ValmirMehrunesDagon CUST 0 Ah, an excellent question. Mehrunes Dagon is the Daedric Lord of Change, Destruction, and Ambition. passionate curator FormID: 000267B7 DA07 DA07SilusMehrunesDagonBranch DA07ValmirMehrunesDagon CUST 1 Dagon's Mythic Dawn cult killed the Septim Dynasty and opened the Oblivion Gates into Tamriel. They called it the Oblivion Crisis. passionate curator FormID: 000267BF DA07 DA07SilusQuestionsDaggerBranch DA07ValmirMehrunesRazor CUST 0 The Razor is Mehrunes Dagon's personal artifact. It has always heralded bloody change and carnage. passionate curator FormID: 000267BF DA07 DA07SilusQuestionsDaggerBranch DA07ValmirMehrunesRazor CUST 1 It's held many names: Dagger of the Final Wounds, Bane of the Righteous, the Kingslayer. passionate curator FormID: 000267BF DA07 DA07SilusQuestionsDaggerBranch DA07ValmirMehrunesRazor CUST 2 The Mythic Dawn worshipped Dagon as a god. Having his Razor would be invaluable to my collection. passionate curator FormID: 00026741 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroTopic CUST 0 Alduin... we heard the Dragonrend Shout from here... you defeated him? hardly daring to hope FormID: 00026743 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroA1 CUST 0 I feared as much. I thought it was him we saw flying east after your battle. FormID: 00026733 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinA1 CUST 0 Yes, of course! But how to force a dragon to talk to you... FormID: 00026733 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinA1 CUST 1 There is one possibility. But... no, the Jarl would never agree. FormID: 00026735 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeiFindAlduinB1 CUST 0 Do you know Dragonsreach? The Jarl of Whiterun's palace? FormID: 00026735 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeiFindAlduinB1 CUST 1 Its name is no accident. The palace was originally built to hold a captive dragon. FormID: 0002673C MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinC1 CUST 0 Oh, this was back in the days of Olaf One-Eye, thousands of years ago. FormID: 0002673C MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinC1 CUST 1 In those days, dragons could still be found among the remote mountain peaks. wistfully FormID: 0002673C MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinC1 CUST 2 Before the Blades wiped them all out. FormID: 0002673B MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinC2 CUST 0 You might be able to trap him there, exactly. a bit eagerly -- getting into this idea FormID: 0002673B MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinC2 CUST 1 You'd require the Jarl's cooperation, of course. That might not be easy to come by. doubtfully FormID: 0002673B MQ301 MQ301ArngeirFindAlduin MQ301ArngeirFindAlduinC2 CUST 2 You must trust in the rightness of your cause, and the strength of your Voice. firmly and seriously FormID: 000266EC MGR01 MGR01Stage10Branch MGR01Stage10BranchTopic CUST 0 Well, yes. This is rather embarrassing, but it seems I've misplaced something. FormID: 000266EE MGR01 MGR01Stage10Branch MGR01Stage10ItemSpecifics CUST 0 I can't find my Alembic. I suppose I could use another one, but... well, it sounds silly, but mine has sentimental value. FormID: 000266EE MGR01 MGR01Stage10Branch MGR01Stage10ItemSpecifics CUST 1 If you happen to see it, would you mind bringing it to me? FormID: 00026C30 MGR01 MGR01Stage10Branch MGR01Stage10ItemSpecifics CUST 0 I seem to have misplaced the book I was reading. FormID: 000266EB MGR01 MGR01Stage10Accepted MGR01Stage10AcceptedTopic CUST 0 My Alembic. I need it for some research, and can't seem to find it. FormID: 00026C2E MGR01 MGR01Stage10Accepted MGR01Stage10AcceptedTopic CUST 0 A book of mine. I was at least halfway through, and wanted to finish it, but apparently I put it down somewhere. FormID: 000266ED MGR01 MGR01Stage20Branch MGR01Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes! There it is! Thank you so much. FormID: 000D767A MQ301 MQ301ArngeirPeaceConference MQ301ArngeirPeaceConferenceTopic CUST 0 Deliver the message to the warring parties. If they will listen, I will do what I can to bring them to terms. FormID: 0002673F MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 0 We are not warriors. What is overlooked in the Dragonborn is not permitted to any other followers of the Way of the Voice. warningly FormID: 00026740 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 0 Ah! Dragonsreach! There are many difficulties, but I cannot think of a better plan. surprised and pleased FormID: 00026740 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 1 Although I fear the Jarl may not be easy to persuade. FormID: 00026740 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 2 Remember, the Way of the Voice trains you for more than battle. Indeed, we believe that battle is the least of its uses. FormID: 00026740 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirIntro MQ301ArngeirIntroB1 CUST 3 May the strength and truth of your Voice serve you well. Breath and focus. serenely FormID: 00026734 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirPeaceConference MQ301ArngeirPeaceConferenceA1 CUST 0 I see. The dragon will lead you to Alduin, but without the Jarl's help... pondering your dilemma FormID: 00026732 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirPeaceConference MQ301ArngeirPeaceConferenceB1 CUST 0 Paarthurnax has made the decision to help you. This is the road we have to walk. with a sigh FormID: 00026732 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirPeaceConference MQ301ArngeirPeaceConferenceB1 CUST 1 Even the Greybeards must bend to the winds of change, it seems. slowly, doubtfully FormID: 00026732 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirPeaceConference MQ301ArngeirPeaceConferenceB1 CUST 2 So be it. Tell Ulfric and General Tullius that the Greybeards wish to speak to them. with a heavy sigh of resignation FormID: 00026732 MQ301 MQ301ArngeirPeaceConference MQ301ArngeirPeaceConferenceB1 CUST 3 We will see if they still remember us. FormID: 000265BA DB01 DETH 0 Aiiiiiiieeeeeeee!! The loudest, most blood-curdling scream imaginable. Something that says, [QUOTE]Wow, everyone is going to hear this![QUOTE] FormID: 000265BC DB01 SCEN 0 It's Grelod! FormID: 00025D65 TG02 TG02IntroSceneDialogue02Branch TG02IntroSceneDialogue02BranchTopic CUST 0 If you're not sure maybe you don't belong here. I'll ask again, are we clear on all of this? FormID: 00025D5E TG02 TG02IntroSceneDialogue03Branch TG02IntroSceneDialogue03BranchTopic CUST 0 I'll let that comment go because you're new here. Ask things out of turn again, and we have a problem. Now, are we clear on all of this? FormID: 000263D8 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosStage70BranchTopic CUST 0 Please don't tell me that another one of the apprentices has been incinerated. I have enough to deal with right now. FormID: 000263DA MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosResponse1 CUST 0 Very well, I trust that you wouldn't be here were it not significant. FormID: 000263D9 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosResponse2 CUST 0 I... see. I trust that Tolfdir will provide a more... specific explanation. FormID: 000263D7 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosFollowUp CUST 0 Thank you for bringing this to my attention. FormID: 000263D7 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosFollowUp CUST 1 Tolfdir normally looks after your little group, yes? FormID: 000263D7 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosFollowUp CUST 2 Since he's apparently occupied, and I will need to see this discovery for myself, I think perhaps you should begin researching the subject. FormID: 000263D7 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosFollowUp CUST 3 Speak with Urag in the Arcanaeum. See if he is aware of anything that matches your discovery. FormID: 000263D7 MG02 MG02SavosStage70Branch MG02SavosFollowUp CUST 4 And... good work. The next time you find yourself exploring Nordic ruins, perhaps this will be helpful. FormID: 000263B9 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 Damn it, man, are you trying to taunt us? FormID: 00026A69 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 Damn it, woman, are you trying to taunt us? FormID: 000B7863 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, I... I'm sorry. I just can't... you'll have to speak to my husband. broken up, sobbing. FormID: 000B7864 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, my. You'll want to talk to Enmon about that. talking around something he doesn't want to mention FormID: 000B7865 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 I thought Enmon and Mean had a little girl, but I haven't seen her in a while. FormID: 000B7866 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 I think you might be looking for Enmon. FormID: 000B7867 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 And what's that have to do with me? FormID: 000B7868 T01 T01EnmonSybilBranch T01EnmonSybilBranchTopic CUST 0 Yeah, we're all looking for something. FormID: 000263B7 T01 T01FjotraMeetingPlayerBranch T01FjotraTakeToMarkarth CUST 0 Then it is true what they said? I am touched by the gods? FormID: 000263B8 T01 T01HamalConclusionBranch T01HamalConclusionBranchTopic CUST 0 You... you found her? I can't believe it. Let the girl come with me and we can begin her preparation. FormID: 000263B8 T01 T01HamalConclusionBranch T01HamalConclusionBranchTopic CUST 1 I will send word to her family that she is in good hands. FormID: 000263B8 T01 T01HamalConclusionBranch T01HamalConclusionBranchTopic CUST 2 You've truly earned the Blessing of Dibella, child. Prostrate yourself before her altar, and she will bestow her gift. FormID: 0002634D MQ101 SCEN 0 Hold on, now, we only want to... FormID: 00026340 MQ101 SCEN 0 Look out! yelling as corridor collapses ahead of you FormID: 0002634E MQ101 SCEN 0 Damn, that dragon doesn't give up easy. surveying the collapsed hallway FormID: 0002633F MQ101 SCEN 0 An old storeroom. See if you can find some potions. Might come in handy. calling to player FormID: 00104FC7 MQ101 SCEN 0 An old storeroom. Grab anything you can, but let's keep moving. calling to player FormID: 00026354 MQ101 SCEN 0 Hear that? FormID: 00026332 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on! FormID: 00026351 MQ101 SCEN 0 You fellows happened along just in time. These boys seemed a bit upset at how I've been entertaining their comrades. sarcastic FormID: 0002632F MQ101 SCEN 0 Don't you even know what's going on? A dragon is attacking Helgen! FormID: 0002634B MQ101 SCEN 0 A dragon? Please. Don't make up nonsense. haughtily FormID: 00026353 MQ101 SCEN 0 Although, come to think of it, I did hear some odd noises coming from over there. grudgingly FormID: 00026330 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come with us. We need to get out of here. FormID: 0002634F MQ101 SCEN 0 You have no authority over me, boy. haughtily FormID: 0002632D MQ101 SCEN 0 Didn't you hear me? I said the keep is under attack! FormID: 00026333 MQ101 SCEN 0 Forget the old man. I'll come with you. gruffly FormID: 00026352 MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab what you can, and let's go. FormID: 00026331 MQ101 SCEN 0 There's no way out that way, you know... calling, spitefully FormID: 000261A5 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T01StartingProdFromDegaine CUST 0 Aye, a whole heap of it. You see that Temple? Way up there? FormID: 000261A5 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T01StartingProdFromDegaine CUST 1 All them women, keeping to themselves. Won't let poor Degaine in, no. FormID: 000261A5 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T01StartingProdFromDegaine CUST 2 Not even for a look. FormID: 000261A5 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T01StartingProdFromDegaine CUST 3 But they've got a treasure in there. Gold statue, size of a child. Who knows what they use it for, but I know what I'll use it for. FormID: 000261A4 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T0StartingRumorsPointerToTemple CUST 0 Well let's not put it like that. Wouldn't want the Thieves Guild catching wind of us, eh? FormID: 000261A4 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T0StartingRumorsPointerToTemple CUST 1 Nah, just creep in and have a go at taking it out. I'll be here, and pay you half of what my man in Riften promised for it. FormID: 000261A4 T01DegaineFavor T01StartingProdFromdEgaineBranch T0StartingRumorsPointerToTemple CUST 2 You'll be helping out an old beggar, and the Divines smile on that sort of thing. FormID: 0002619A MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50VisionInfo1 CUST 0 The Psijic Order? Are you quite sure about that? That's very odd. FormID: 0002619A MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50VisionInfo1 CUST 1 And danger ahead? Why that doesn't make any sense at all. FormID: 00026199 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50VisionInfoFollowUp CUST 0 The Psijics have no connection to these ruins. And no one's seen any of their order in a long time. FormID: 00026199 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50VisionInfoFollowUp CUST 1 Perhaps we should take a look inside these coffins... FormID: 00026199 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50VisionInfoFollowUp CUST 2 Now please do be careful. Who knows what we're going to find. FormID: 00026197 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60Branch MG02TolfdirStage60BranchTopic CUST 0 I have no idea! This is amazing. Absolutely amazing. The Arch-Mage needs to be informed immediately. He needs to see this for himself. FormID: 00026197 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage60Branch MG02TolfdirStage60BranchTopic CUST 1 I don't dare leave this unattended. Can you return to the College and inform Savos Aren of this discovery? Please, hurry. FormID: 00026185 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage40Branch MG02TolfdirStage40BranchInit CUST 0 How in the world did that happen? FormID: 00026189 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage40Branch MG02TolfdirStage40Followup CUST 0 Really? Perhaps the amulet is important somehow. Is there some way you can use it? FormID: 0002617F MG02 SCEN 0 Hold, mage, and listen well... FormID: 00026187 MG02 SCEN 0 Know that you have set in motion a chain of events that cannot be stopped. FormID: 00026186 MG02 SCEN 0 Judgment has not been passed, as you had no way of knowing. FormID: 00026182 MG02 SCEN 0 Judgment will be passed on your actions to come, and how you deal with the dangers ahead of you. emphasis on [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] -- it's a warning FormID: 0002617D MG02 SCEN 0 This warning is passed to you because the Psijic Order believes in you. FormID: 00026183 MG02 SCEN 0 You, mage, and you alone, have the potential to prevent disaster. FormID: 0002618A MG02 SCEN 0 Take great care, and know that the Order is watching. FormID: 00026180 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50BranchTopic CUST 0 I... I swear I felt something rather strange just then. FormID: 00026180 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50BranchTopic CUST 1 What just happened? FormID: 00026188 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50VisionResponse1 CUST 0 I'm afraid I didn't see anything... FormID: 0002617E MG02 MG02TolfdirStage50Branch MG02TolfdirStage50ResponseFollow CUST 0 Can you tell me more about what you saw? FormID: 000A6BE9 MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet0 CUST 0 It's easy to find things to sell. Things nobody will miss. Things from underground, or just left lying around in someone's house. Walk Away FormID: 000A6BE9 MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet0 CUST 1 I bet the two of us, we're very alike. So why not take the next step? We can help each other. Walk Away FormID: 000A6BE9 MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet0 CUST 2 My sister Deeja and I are treasure hunters. We like to collect things. Walk Away FormID: 000AAA14 MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet0 CUST 0 As I said, it's easy to find things nobody will miss. My sister Deeja and I are treasure hunters. You could be too. Walk Away FormID: 00025F6D MS07 HELO 0 Hey! What're you doing in here? FormID: 00025F6E MS07 HELO 0 Get out of here or I'll call the guards! FormID: 00025F6F MS07 HELO 0 That's it! You're leaving, right now. FormID: 00025F70 MS07 HELO 0 You look new. I'm new, too. I think we could be friends. FormID: 000D6C55 MS07 HELO 0 If you're looking for opportunities to make some coin, well... I'm your man. FormID: 000D6C56 MS07 HELO 0 Everyone needs work, right? I have good work for you. FormID: 000E768D MS07 HELO 0 I believe you know what needs to be done. Something about putting out a fire? FormID: 000D6C57 MS07 HELO 0 Looks like you had no trouble. FormID: 000267D8 MS07 HELO 0 Get moving. I'll see if I can't delay any patrols out there. FormID: 00025F5D MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet1A CUST 0 Of course not! Thieves take what is precious. Thieves steal. Walk Away FormID: 00025F5D MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet1A CUST 1 We just take what will not be missed. What no one needs anymore. Maybe we take some weapons and stop a few deaths. Who would call that thievery? Walk Away FormID: 00025F5B MS07 MS07JRGreet MS07JRGreet1B CUST 0 I knew you looked like a clever one... FormID: 00025F60 MS07 MS07JRWhatIf MS07JRWhatIf0 CUST 0 Turn me in? For what? What crime's been committed? I'm just making idle talk about what would most undoubtedly be a tragic event... FormID: 00025F60 MS07 MS07JRWhatIf MS07JRWhatIf0 CUST 1 A tragic, and very, very profitable event. FormID: 00025F6B MS07 Ms07AfterLamp Ms07AfterLamp0 CUST 0 The effects have already been felt. The Icerunner has failed to dock on time. FormID: 00025F6B MS07 Ms07AfterLamp Ms07AfterLamp0 CUST 1 Without the Lighthouse, the Icerunner will have swung wide of the western shoal and run aground on the eastern coast. FormID: 00025F6B MS07 Ms07AfterLamp Ms07AfterLamp0 CUST 2 My sister Deeja will be at the wreck with our Blackblood Marauders. She knows to expect you. FormID: 00025F5E MS07 MS07Victims MS07Victims0 CUST 0 Don't worry about them. We'll make sure they wash up safe. Maybe they'll even pay us for the heroic rescue from their sad crash. FormID: 00025F3A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 Hroggar's house? It burned down not too long ago. FormID: 00025F3A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 1 It's a real pity about his wife and kid. The screams woke half the town. FormID: 00025F3A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 2 Most folk won't go near it now for fear it's cursed. FormID: 0007749A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 Do they? How delightful! FormID: 0007749A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 1 I'm lucky to have a man that is so devoted to me. FormID: 00070E7B MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 Hroggar's house? He lost his wife and daughter in the blaze. FormID: 00070E7B MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 1 The townsfolk won't go near it. Superstitious lot. FormID: 00064963 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 Hroggar's house fire? Aye. He lost his wife and daughter in the blaze. FormID: 000771A9 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 Hroggar's house? He lost his wife and daughter in the blaze. FormID: 000771A9 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 1 My people believe it to be cursed now. Who am I to gainsay them? FormID: 00064964 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 Hroggar's house fire? He lost his wife and daughter in the blaze. FormID: 00064964 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 1 My people believe it to be cursed now. Who am I to gainsay them? FormID: 00076F47 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 0 It's bad luck to talk about that place. FormID: 00076F47 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14AskAboutHouseTopic CUST 1 Jarl's been looking for someone who ain't superstitious though. Be lookin' for a fool if you ask me. FormID: 00025F3D MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14HowDidItStart CUST 0 Hroggar claims it was a hearth fire. Some folks say Hroggar started it himself. FormID: 00070E75 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14HowDidItStart CUST 0 Bear fat in the hearth fire, if you believe Hroggar. FormID: 00070E75 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14HowDidItStart CUST 1 I do, but some folk here think he set the fire himself. FormID: 000771A7 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14HowDidItStart CUST 0 Hroggar blames his wife for spilling bear fat in the fire. FormID: 000771A7 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14HowDidItStart CUST 1 Many folk think he set the fire himself. FormID: 00025F3B MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 0 That's what they say. FormID: 00025F3B MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 1 See, he's living with Alva now. That started the day after the fire. FormID: 00025F3B MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 2 It ain't right, movin' in with a new love the day after your kin die like that. FormID: 00070E7A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 0 They think he did it to get rid of his wife so he could be with Alva. FormID: 00070E7A MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 1 He moved in with her the day after the fire. Even I find that suspicious. FormID: 00064965 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 0 They think he did it to get rid of his wife so he could be with Alva. FormID: 00064965 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 1 He moved in with her the day after the fire. Even I find that suspicious. FormID: 000771AC MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 0 Lust can make a man do the unthinkable. FormID: 000771AC MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 1 The ashes were still warm when he pledged himself to Alva. FormID: 00064966 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 0 Lust can make a man do the unthinkable. FormID: 00064966 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14KilledHisOwnFamily CUST 1 The ashes were still warm when he pledged himself to Alva. FormID: 00025F3C MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 0 Aye. Our Jarl would sure like to know if he did though. Might even pay to find out. FormID: 00070E74 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 0 Can't prove it. But I could use your help, being unbiased and all. FormID: 00070E74 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 1 See if you can find anything in the burned out house. FormID: 00070E74 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 2 I'll pay you to figure it, whether or not he's guilty. FormID: 000771A8 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 0 On rumor and gossip? No. But you, a stranger, might find the truth for us. FormID: 000771A8 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 1 Sift through the ashes that others are too fearful to touch. See what they tell you. FormID: 000771A8 MS14 MS14AskAboutHouse MS14ShouldArrest CUST 2 Should you prove him guilty or innocent, I will reward you. FormID: 00025E53 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11GuardThereAreMultipleMurders CUST 0 Susanna's the third. It's always the same: young girl, killed at night, body torn up. FormID: 00025E46 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11GuardHowWasSheKilled CUST 0 Same as the others. Looks like she was stabbed, and then cut apart. Seen it before. Disturbed, but no longer shocked. FormID: 00025E46 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11GuardHowWasSheKilled CUST 1 It's like an animal got to her, but these are the wounds of a blade. FormID: 00025E49 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11GuardInsinuations CUST 0 Look, there's a war going on, if you hadn't heard. We barely have enough soldiers to walk the streets, much less patrol every corner. Bristling at the accusation that he's ineffectual. FormID: 00025E57 MS11 MS11GuardPlayerOffersHelp MS11GuardWantHelp CUST 0 If you want to help, ask some of these gawkers if they saw anything useful. Mistrusting, dismissive FormID: 00025E57 MS11 MS11GuardPlayerOffersHelp MS11GuardWantHelp CUST 1 I'm going to examine the body before the rats can get to it. FormID: 00025E48 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardPointToUlfric MS11GuardPlayerWantsToHelp CUST 0 Look, friend, if you think you can do better than the legion of guards, be my guest. The [QUOTE]friend[QUOTE] is sarcastic. FormID: 00025E48 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardPointToUlfric MS11GuardPlayerWantsToHelp CUST 1 You'll need to talk to Jorleif, though. We can't just let anyone go around claiming to be on official business. FormID: 00025E48 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardPointToUlfric MS11GuardPlayerWantsToHelp CUST 2 If he's willing, then we'll talk. FormID: 00025E63 MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry -- she was very dear to me, and it's rather painful to think about. FormID: 00025E64 MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 I'd rather not talk about my daughter, if you'll excuse me. FormID: 00025E4C MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaRespectMyAuthority CUST 0 Well... all right. What exactly do you need to know? FormID: 00025E4B MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaTryingToFindOut CUST 0 Well... all right. What exactly do you need to know? FormID: 00025E52 MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaFindingDaughter CUST 0 I've had enough troubles recently. What is it that you're after? FormID: 00025E5E MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaForgivenessPlease CUST 0 Good day. FormID: 00025E67 MS11 MS11TovaGettingIntoHjerimPostIntroBranch MS11TovaNeedKey CUST 0 Hjerim? Well, I'm not sure what you think you'll find there, but you're welcome to have a look. FormID: 00025E51 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaGuardsUseless CUST 0 They say they're too busy with the war -- I say what good is winning a war if we're still terrorized by one of our own? FormID: 00025E5F MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaPeopleAreLazy CUST 0 Oh, they care all right. Just none of them thinks to do anything about it. FormID: 00025E5F MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaPeopleAreLazy CUST 1 They say I'm just snooping around bothering people, but I'm trying to save lives! FormID: 00025E5B MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaPosterExplanation CUST 0 I've been trying to put those up around the city, to warn people. Have them keep their eyes open. FormID: 00025E5B MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaPosterExplanation CUST 1 But someone keeps taking them down. FormID: 00025E5B MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaPosterExplanation CUST 2 You say you found it in Hjerim? Friga's old place. Let's go have a look around there. FormID: 00025E5B MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaPosterExplanation CUST 3 I've got a feeling about this one. FormID: 00025E4E MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsAmuletTopic CUST 0 I've never seen anything like it. I would take this to Calixto at the House of Curiosities. He has a good eye for strange trinkets. FormID: 00025E4E MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsAmuletTopic CUST 1 Might even give you a bit of gold for it. FormID: 00025E65 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmuletTopic CUST 0 Let me see... ah, yes. This is the Wheelstone. It's an heirloom symbol of the power of Windhelm. He's lying. This is really a magical artifact of great power which he had and misplaced. He's attempting to throw the player off the track of the mur FormID: 00025E65 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmuletTopic CUST 1 Traditionally it's carried by the court mage. FormID: 00025E65 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmuletTopic CUST 2 I would... eh... be interested in acquiring it. If you're willing to part with it, that is. He wants this badly, but doesn't want to tip his hand as to how badly. FormID: 00025E65 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmuletTopic CUST 3 For a piece like that, I could pay... 500 gold? FormID: 00025E66 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmuletTopic CUST 0 The Wheelstone? Have you decided to sell it, yet? FormID: 00025E5C MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaToHjerimExclamationPoint CUST 0 Follow me. FormID: 00025E5D MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11ViolaToHjerimExclamationPoint CUST 0 I'll meet you over there. FormID: 00025E62 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaOutsideHjerim MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaOutsideHjerimTopic CUST 0 Let's go. I'd rather not stay out here alone any longer than I have to. FormID: 00025E60 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11CalixtoBuyingAmulet CUST 0 Wonderful. This will be a splendid addition to my private collection. Emphasize private -- he considers this to be highly valuable. It's more important that he has it than that others see it. FormID: 00025E55 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11CalixtoAmuletBelongsToWuunferth CUST 0 Wuunferth? Bah. It's purely ceremonial, and he has no use for it. FormID: 00025E55 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11CalixtoAmuletBelongsToWuunferth CUST 1 Besides, I wouldn't want to be the one to give it to him. Gives me the creeps. They say he dabbles in necromancy. FormID: 00025E50 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesCalixtoAmulet MS11CalixtoPlayerKeepsAmulet CUST 0 Suit yourself. It's only of value to collectors, though. Good luck finding anyone else who will appraise it that highly! FormID: 00025E54 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaPostFoundBasement MS11ViolaThinksItsWuunferth CUST 0 Wuunferth. There have been rumors swirling about him for years. As long as I can remember. FormID: 00025E54 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaPostFoundBasement MS11ViolaThinksItsWuunferth CUST 1 But he's a dangerous man. It's why they call him [QUOTE]the Unliving.[QUOTE] I wouldn't approach him directly. FormID: 00025E54 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaPostFoundBasement MS11ViolaThinksItsWuunferth CUST 2 This information needs to go straight to the steward. He'll listen to you. Emphasize [QUOTE]you,[QUOTE] contrasting that he would *not* listen to Viola. FormID: 00025E4A MS11 MS11JorleifAccusationOfWuunferth MS11JorleifPresentEvidence CUST 0 I don't want to believe it. Wuunferth has been a trusted friend to Ulfric for many years. FormID: 00025E4A MS11 MS11JorleifAccusationOfWuunferth MS11JorleifPresentEvidence CUST 1 It pains me to see that the whispers had truth to them. FormID: 00025E4A MS11 MS11JorleifAccusationOfWuunferth MS11JorleifPresentEvidence CUST 2 Wuunferth shall be apprehended. I thank you for your diligence in getting to the bottom of this matter. FormID: 00025E4A MS11 MS11JorleifAccusationOfWuunferth MS11JorleifPresentEvidence CUST 3 The streets of Windhelm are now safe. FormID: 00025E59 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 What made you think I was to blame in the first place? I've actually been after the killer myself. FormID: 000E4C93 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 More of those things. Bah. Viola Giordano's been putting them all around the city. FormID: 000E4C93 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 Frankly, whoever keeps taking them down should get a medal. FormID: 000E4C95 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Oh, Friga Shatter-Shield's old place? FormID: 000E4C95 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 Well, since she's not using it anymore, Ulfric might just let you have it, if you have the money. And if he likes you. FormID: 000E4C95 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 2 Or you could head over to the family and see if they'll let you in. But I wouldn't want to do that myself. Bad luck over there. FormID: 000E4C99 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Doesn't mean anything to me. Got an unusual shine to it, though. FormID: 000E4C99 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 I'd take it to Calixto. He's got a good eye for pieces like that. FormID: 000E4CAF MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 I don't know if I've ever seen any of those before. I've heard about them, though. Sorry, can't help you. FormID: 000E4CC0 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Sorry, I don't know anything about those kinds of things. FormID: 000E4CC1 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Not very good quality, is it? Probably came from the Gray Quarter. Have a talk with Revyn Sadri. FormID: 000E4CC1 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 He usually knows what's going in and out of that place. Thankfully that means I don't have to. FormID: 000E4CC2 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Looks like something one of the dark elves would wear. Ask Revyn Sadri, he probably sold whatever it used to be. FormID: 000E4CC4 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Nothing anybody I know would wear. Maybe ask one of the Dark Elves, they usually have some kind of rag falling off of them. FormID: 000E4CC4 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 The one who sells things, what's his name. Oh, yes! Revyn Sadri. Maybe he'd know something. FormID: 000E4CC5 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Of course, of course. But such things are valuable, and usually falling apart anyway. FormID: 000E4CC5 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 I don't see why someone would actually use them. FormID: 000E4CC5 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 2 Although... that court wizard does all manner of experiments. And I know he owns some truly strange things. FormID: 000E4CC5 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 3 Nobody else would even know which end to hold. FormID: 000E4CC5 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 4 If I were you, I'd go straight to the steward with this information. FormID: 000E4CC6 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Oh, good, more of those. FormID: 000E4CC6 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 Did you know Viola Giordano wanted to put one of them on my front door? FormID: 000E4CC6 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 2 [QUOTE]Everyone will see it![QUOTE] she said. Of course! That was my problem with it. FormID: 000E4CC6 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 3 If you want to ask her about them, good luck. But I'm not going near her. FormID: 000E4CC7 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Are you joking? Even I wouldn't sell something like that. FormID: 000E4CC7 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 1 They definitely have some magic in them, I can tell you that much. But it's nothing I know about. FormID: 000E4CC8 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 How goes the investigation? FormID: 000E4CCC MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Any luck finding the Butcher? FormID: 000E4CCD MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Please, tell me you have good news. FormID: 000E4CCE MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Mmm hmm. Anything else? FormID: 000E4CCF MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Now that's interesting. Tell me more. FormID: 000E4CD0 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Good observation. What else? FormID: 000E4CD1 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 Well, come back when you have some more evidence. I think you're on the trail, though. FormID: 000E4CD2 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 That's absurd. Come on now. FormID: 000E4CD3 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 So what do you think about it all, then? FormID: 000E4CD4 MS11 MS11SharedInfos IDAT 0 I hate to admit it, but you're probably right. FormID: 00025E56 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthHatesNecromancy CUST 0 Necromancy? I am a member of the College of Winterhold, in good standing! FormID: 00025E56 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthHatesNecromancy CUST 1 They haven't allowed necromancy for hundreds of years! FormID: 00025E5A MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthNoSuchAmulet CUST 0 My what, now? I've never kept a journal, I can assure you. Dismissing the ridiculous notion of a wheelstone, then realizing the implication of someone falsely identifying an artifact to frame him. Final sente FormID: 00025E5A MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthNoSuchAmulet CUST 1 What exactly did this amulet look like? very suspicious, putting together the puzzle FormID: 00025E61 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthKnowsTheAmulet CUST 0 I know it well. Or at least, I've heard of it. I would wager that carving once depicted a skull. The same kind of resignation we saw in Gandalf when he realized what the Ring was. FormID: 00025E61 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthKnowsTheAmulet CUST 1 That is the Necromancer's Amulet, of legend. FormID: 00025E61 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthKnowsTheAmulet CUST 2 It appears you were at least half-right. There is necromancy at the heart of this. FormID: 00025E4F MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthCalixtoDenigration CUST 0 Eehh.. Calixto and his books are often confused about such matters. It happens to the best of us. FormID: 00025E58 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthCSIMoment CUST 0 I've been noting a pattern to when the killings happen. FormID: 00025E58 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthCSIMoment CUST 1 Now that we know they're tied in to some sort of necromantic ritual, I think I know when the next might occur. FormID: 00025E58 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthCSIMoment CUST 2 Let's see. From a Loredas of Last Seed until a Middas of Heartfire... it will happen soon. Very soon. Doing calculations in his head during the ellipsis. FormID: 00025E58 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthCSIMoment CUST 3 Keep watch in the Stone Quarter tomorrow night. That's almost certainly where the killer will strike next. FormID: 00025F5A CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Oh? I don't expect anyone to miss my meaning. cooly FormID: 00025F5A CWAttackCity SCEN 1 Come, Legate. There's much to do. FormID: 00025D68 TG02 SCEN 0 Mercer? This is the one I was talking about... our new recruit. FormID: 00025D62 TG02 SCEN 0 This better not be another waste of the Guild's resources, Brynjolf. FormID: 00025D77 TG02 SCEN 0 Before we continue, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you play by the rules, you walk away rich. FormID: 00025D77 TG02 SCEN 1 You break the rules and you lose your share. No debates, no discussions... you do what we say, when we say. FormID: 00025D64 TG02 TG02IntroSceneDialogue01 TG02IntroSceneDialogue01Topic CUST 0 Good. Then I think it's time we put your expertise to the test. FormID: 00025D6D MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulBribe CUST 0 Ah, now that's a good idea. Head on in. But don't try anything in there. Madanach is smarter than you think. being bribed FormID: 00025D7A TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 So tell me, did Aringoth enjoy your visit? a wink and a nod FormID: 00025D7D TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 All eyes are on you, lad. Don't disappoint us. serious FormID: 000562FF TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 All eyes are on you, lass. Don't disappoint us. serious FormID: 00025D7B TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 Was there something else? FormID: 00025D7E TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 I suggest you listen to what Mercer has to say... if you want in. stern FormID: 00056300 TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 Let me show you the operation, then you can ask your questions. FormID: 00025D7F TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 It's just this way. Keep following me. FormID: 00025D80 TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 Keep following, it isn't far. FormID: 00056302 TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 Go, leave me in peace. FormID: 000AA94B TG02 TG02Hellos HELO 0 Let's wait until Brynjolf's here before we begin. FormID: 00025D72 MS02 MS02MadanachShiv MS02MadanachShivTopic CUST 0 Ah, Borkul muscle one out of you on your way in? Fine. Take this one. demagogue FormID: 00025D71 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Goldenglow Estate is a bee farm; they raise the wretched little things for honey. It's owned by some smart-mouth wood elf named Aringoth. the estate is obviously an irritation to youAringoth = pronounce [QUOTE]Air-in-goth[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 00025D71 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic03 CUST 1 We need you to teach him a lesson by burning down three of the estate's hives and clearing out the safe in the main house. Walk Away FormID: 00025D67 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic04 CUST 0 The catch is that you can't burn the whole place to the ground. serious/stern Walk Away FormID: 00025D67 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic04 CUST 1 That important client Mercer mentioned would be furious if you did. the client is someone powerful, even you fear them a bit Walk Away FormID: 00025D70 TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranch TG02BrynjolfQuestStartBranchTopic06 CUST 0 That's not how things work around here. The Guild depends on an arrangement of influential people to keep things running smoothly. disappointed FormID: 00025D6E TG02 TG02BrynjolfBurnBranch TG02BrynjolfBurnBranchTopic CUST 0 They're built like small fortresses to resist the weather, but their one weakness is flame. FormID: 00025D6E TG02 TG02BrynjolfBurnBranch TG02BrynjolfBurnBranchTopic CUST 1 Besides, nothing tells the people of Riften we mean business better than a huge column of smoke. FormID: 00025D66 TG02 TG02BrynjolfAringothBranch TG02BrynjolfAringothBranchTopic CUST 0 Goldenglow Estate brought in a mountain of gold for the Guild. You could almost call it our sweetest deal. FormID: 00025D66 TG02 TG02BrynjolfAringothBranch TG02BrynjolfAringothBranchTopic CUST 1 Then out of the clear blue, Aringoth stops sending us our cut. Mercer was... well, angry to put it kindly. FormID: 00025D66 TG02 TG02BrynjolfAringothBranch TG02BrynjolfAringothBranchTopic CUST 2 So we send in Vex and find out he's hired a bunch of mercenaries to guard the place. FormID: 000479B1 TG02 TG02VexGoldenglowBranch TG02VexGoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph, yeah I did. That wood elf s'wit... he's a lot smarter than I expected. FormID: 000479B1 TG02 TG02VexGoldenglowBranch TG02VexGoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 1 Can you believe that fetcher had more than tripled the guard? There must be eight of them in there. FormID: 000479B1 TG02 TG02VexGoldenglowBranch TG02VexGoldenglowBranchTopic CUST 2 It was like he was daring us to come and get him. FormID: 00025D6B TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDonePreView TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 You've made a mess of things and Maven's furious. I told you not to burn more than three of the hives! Walk Away FormID: 00025D6B TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDonePreView TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 I've smoothed things over with her for now, but you can forget your cut. very disappointed Walk Away FormID: 0004BE8C TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDonePreView TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Word on the street is Goldenglow's been hit. Good job, lad. Walk Away FormID: 0004BE8D TG02 TG02BrynjolfQuestDonePreView TG02BrynjolfQuestDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Word on the street is Goldenglow's been hit. Good job, lass. Walk Away FormID: 0002BA89 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 You did this didn't you? I'll get you for this! FormID: 00055044 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 I haven't heard even a scratch at the door. Have you done it? FormID: 00055045 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 What is it now? We have a tasting to attend to! FormID: 00055046 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 Was something we discussed unclear? FormID: 000858D0 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 I can't believe that worked. FormID: 00086786 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 I can't wait to see Sabjorn squirm. FormID: 00086787 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 You're supposed to be at the meadery. annoyed FormID: 00017EA7 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 Can't a man drink in peace? FormID: 0002BA8B TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 I believe Brynjolf wishes to speak with you. We're done here. FormID: 000858D1 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 I trust you have good news for me. FormID: 000858D2 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 Why aren't you at Honningbrew Meadery? annoyed FormID: 000858D3 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 Shouldn't you be on your way to Whiterun? FormID: 000C5846 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 About time you showed up. FormID: 000858D4 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 Out with it. What happened at the meadery? anxious to hear the news FormID: 000858D5 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 I'm certain Maven wishes you to be in Whiterun, not wasting time here. FormID: 00025D76 TG03 TG03Hellos HELO 0 Maven wants to see you right away. I suggest you head right over. FormID: 00025CFF DA10 HIT_ 0 No.... Not again! terrified FormID: 000DEFE2 DA10 HIT_ 0 No more.... No more! terrified FormID: 000DEFE3 DA10 HIT_ 0 Don't kill me.... I don't want to die! terrified FormID: 000DEFE4 DA10 HIT_ 0 I... won't... surrender! exhausted FormID: 000DEFE5 DA10 HIT_ 0 Call... that... a... swing? exhausted FormID: 000DEFE6 DA10 HIT_ 0 You.... You'll pay for this.... exhausted FormID: 000DEFE7 DA10 HIT_ 0 I'll never submit! FormID: 00025D01 DA10 HIT_ 0 Do your worst, monster! FormID: 00025D03 DA10 HIT_ 0 I won't bend. Never! FormID: 00041631 MQ201 GBYE 0 I'll see you back in Riverwood. FormID: 00105587 MQ201 GBYE 0 groan of pain FormID: 00105588 MQ201 GBYE 0 Let's get out of here. FormID: 00025366 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 Did you see those robes march in this morning? Who're they with? More of the Emissary's treaty enforcers? FormID: 00025365 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 No. They're high mages, just in from Alinor. I guess Herself is finally getting worried about all the dragon attacks. FormID: 00025364 MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 Ah, good. I've been wondering how we were supposed to defend this place from a dragon. FormID: 000252BA MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 If a dragon does show up, maybe we'll get lucky and it will eat the mages first. Might give us enough time to kill it. FormID: 0002525E MQ201ThalmorEmbassy SCEN 0 Ha. I'd like to see those arrogant bastards taken down a notch. Always looking down their noses at us lowly footsloggers. FormID: 0009BD36 DarkSideContractDialogue HELO 0 I just cook, and clean, and do whatever it is they ask of me. FormID: 0009BD37 DarkSideContractDialogue HELO 0 I can't even keep track of all the people who have been in and out of this fort. They come, they go. I barely notice. FormID: 0009BD38 DarkSideContractDialogue HELO 0 Hard enough to keep up with who owns this fort. One side takes over, the other runs away. I tell them, [QUOTE]I ain't leaving! I come with the place![QUOTE] Ha! FormID: 0009BD39 DarkSideContractDialogue HELO 0 I remember one morning, long time ago, I woke up and the place was run by some Orcs. Went to bed that night, it was all vampires. Don't matter to me. FormID: 0009BD3A DarkSideContractDialogue HELO 0 Now, then. I been gabbin' long enough. Too much cleanin' to do. FormID: 0002523F DarkBrotherhood DBAstridAdviceBranch DBAstridAdviceBranchTopic CUST 0 Just be yourself. Eliminate the targets any way you see fit. Quiet, loud, quick, slow - whatever you feel is best. FormID: 0002523F DarkBrotherhood DBAstridAdviceBranch DBAstridAdviceBranchTopic CUST 1 Occasionally I'll give you a contract with certain parameters. Stay within them, and you'll earn yourself a bonus. FormID: 0002523E DarkBrotherhood DBAstridAdviceAstridBranch DBAstridAdviceAstridBranchTopic CUST 0 Me? I like to talk to my targets before the kill. Taunt them, scare them... even challenge them. FormID: 0002523E DarkBrotherhood DBAstridAdviceAstridBranch DBAstridAdviceAstridBranchTopic CUST 1 That can have interesting results. Some victims may flee, others may cower in fear. FormID: 0002523E DarkBrotherhood DBAstridAdviceAstridBranch DBAstridAdviceAstridBranchTopic CUST 2 If you can goad a target into attacking you first, you may even find any local guards coming to your aid. emphasis on [QUOTE]your[QUOTE] FormID: 0002515D CR01 HELO 0 Help! Get that beast out of my house! FormID: 0002515E CR01 HELO 0 It's still here! Get it out! FormID: 0002515F CR01 HELO 0 Get that thing out of here! FormID: 00025160 CR01 HELO 0 Thank you! I thought that beast would be the end of me! FormID: 00025145 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage10Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage10Branch2Topic CUST 0 No? I daresay we don't have all day. FormID: 00025146 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage10Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage10Branch2Topic CUST 0 Still? If I have to wait much longer, you may need to just bury me here. FormID: 0002ABB9 MG02 HELO 0 I'm not sure what to expect here. Please be on your guard. FormID: 00051AD9 MG02 HELO 0 What... What was that? Everything seemed to shimmer for a moment. FormID: 00051ADA MG02 HELO 0 What happened? FormID: 00025140 MG02 HELO 0 And here we all are. Shall we step inside? FormID: 0004B2B7 MG02 HELO 0 What could this place be? FormID: 0004BCCF MG02 HELO 0 Be prepared to defend yourself. FormID: 0004BCD0 MG02 HELO 0 This is simply fascinating. FormID: 0004BCD1 MG02 HELO 0 Please be careful here. The site isn't entirely secured. FormID: 000C0630 MG02 HELO 0 Please be careful here. The site isn't entirely secured. FormID: 0004B2B8 MG02 HELO 0 J'zargo finds nothing but dust in these ruins. disappointed FormID: 000C0631 MG02 HELO 0 Do you think there's treasure here? Something to make J'zargo a powerful wizard? FormID: 000C0632 MG02 HELO 0 Who knows what we might find in here. FormID: 00051ADB MG02 HELO 0 You know, there might be gold somewhere in here. FormID: 0004B2B9 MG02 HELO 0 To think, my ancestors destroyed the homes of Onmund's ancestors. So much bloodshed. FormID: 000C0633 MG02 HELO 0 I'm not seeing signs of any warding magics at all. Either they're not here, or they were removed long ago. FormID: 000C0634 MG02 HELO 0 This is better than sitting around talking about magic, don't you think? FormID: 00051ADC MG02 HELO 0 This is exciting, isn't it? FormID: 0004B2BA MG02 HELO 0 I wonder if everyone else would be so happy to rifle through the bones of their ancestors. FormID: 000C0635 MG02 HELO 0 Can you imagine what it was like, living here so long ago? The first men in Tamriel, here... FormID: 000C0636 MG02 HELO 0 I'm not so sure we should be here. FormID: 00051ADD MG02 HELO 0 I find it hard to believe this excavation was approved. FormID: 00051ADE MG02 HELO 0 Don't touch anything! FormID: 00051ADF MG02 HELO 0 It's going to take forever to sift through all this. FormID: 00051AE0 MG02 HELO 0 I'll be amazed if we find anything useful here. FormID: 00051AE1 MG02 HELO 0 Well, certainly none of this will benefit my research... FormID: 0002513F MG02 MG02TolfdirStage20Branch MG02TolfdirStage20Init CUST 0 Well, are there any questions before we begin? FormID: 00025142 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage20Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage20NoMoreQuestions CUST 0 Ah, yes. Hmm. Well, why don't you see if you can assist Arniel Gane? He's one of our scholars, here working on cataloging our finds. FormID: 00025142 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage20Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage20NoMoreQuestions CUST 1 I expect he'd appreciate some help in locating any additional magical artifacts here in the ruins. FormID: 00025142 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage20Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage20NoMoreQuestions CUST 2 Any enchanted items will do; the usefulness of the enchantment is irrelevant. If you find anything, the class can look it over. FormID: 00025143 MG02 MG02TolfdirStage20Branch2 MG02TolfdirStage20NoMoreQuestions CUST 0 Find Arniel Gane. He's somewhere in the northern section of the ruins. He'll show you what to do. FormID: 0002513C MG02 SCEN 0 Now, let's see. What shall we have the rest of you do? FormID: 0002513E MG02 SCEN 0 Brelyna, my dear, why don't you search for warding magics. Anything designed to keep people out. Don't interact with them, just identify them. FormID: 0002513A MG02 SCEN 0 Onmund, please search that area over there. See if you notice any... residual energies. Alive or undead. FormID: 0002513D MG02 SCEN 0 J'zargo... what shall we have you do... Ah! Why don't you verify that we're the first ones here? Look for any amount of tampering with the tombs. FormID: 00025141 MG02 SCEN 0 All right, everyone. Let's be careful, but have fun! FormID: 00024E61 DarkSideContractDialogue IDAT 0 What? Why? I don't understand... I have done nothing to wrong you. Please, mercy! FormID: 00024E62 DarkSideContractDialogue IDAT 0 What? You dare challenge Ma'randru-jo? You will suffer for your insolence! FormID: 00024CE9 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarBlockingTopic CUST 0 My eyes inside Cidhna Mine tell me that Madanach is dead. cynical but grateful Walk Away FormID: 00024CE9 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarBlockingTopic CUST 1 You've done a great service to the Silver-Blood family. I've had the Jarl officially pardon you, and taken care of a few other loose ends. cynical but grateful Walk Away FormID: 00024CE5 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarEndingTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, you're innocent. As innocent as anyone can be in this city. cynical but grateful FormID: 00024CE5 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarEndingTopic01 CUST 1 I guess we also owe you something for locking you up. Here, my family's ring. And everything the guards confiscated from you. cynical but grateful FormID: 00024CE5 MS02EscapeThonarEnding MS02ThonarEndingBlocking MS02ThonarEndingTopic01 CUST 2 Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mine that needs new workers to fill it. cynical but grateful FormID: 00024A3D MS12 MS12Goodbyes GBYE 0 Why are you still standing around here? Go get me the Phial, you fool. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 0 Ooooh, an observant one. How clever to ask of Septimus. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 1 This Dwemer lockbox. Look upon it and wonder. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 2 Inside is the heart. The heart of a god! The heart of you. And me. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 3 But it was hidden away. Not by the Dwarves, you see. They were already gone. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 4 Someone else. Unseen. Unknown. Found the heart, and with a flair for the ironical, used Dwarven trickery to lock it away. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 5 The scroll will give the deep vision needed to open it. FormID: 00024B3F DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranch DA04SeptimusWhyYouWantBranchTopic CUST 6 For not even the strongest machinations of the Dwemer can hold off the all-sight given by an Elder Scroll. FormID: 00024AA1 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranch DA04HMYoureNotMyDad CUST 0 Who do you think brought Septimus here? Who do you think protected you on your journey to open the box and loose my knowledge on this world? FormID: 00024AA1 DA04 DA04HermaeusMoraFinishBranch DA04HMYoureNotMyDad CUST 1 Your free will is an illusion. Whether you acknowledge me or not is your own business. But I will be in your mind. FormID: 00024849 CWMerchants CWMerchantsVendorViewBranch CWMerchantsVendorViewBranchTopic CUST 0 What do you need? FormID: 000E6C34 CWMerchants CWMerchantsVendorViewBranch CWMerchantsVendorViewBranchTopic CUST 0 Here's what I can spare. FormID: 000E6C35 CWMerchants CWMerchantsVendorViewBranch CWMerchantsVendorViewBranchTopic CUST 0 Take a look. FormID: 00024846 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene02 SCEN 0 Whatever. Just get back to work. Now. sighing, giving up FormID: 000246A0 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene02 SCEN 0 Now now, brother. Arnoit is just being his usual gloomy self, he didn't mean it, did you Arnoit? You're just being silly again. cheerful FormID: 00025EEC DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene02 SCEN 0 What was that? irate chef FormID: 00025EB8 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene02 SCEN 0 You touch her, and I swear it'll be your fingers that go missing, you stupid Breton! protecting his sister FormID: 000249E6 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene02 SCEN 0 Voada, you spilled laundry water in the soup pot again! Do I need to cut off your fingers to teach you a lesson? irate chef FormID: 00024684 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene01 SCEN 0 Move it. Get to work. Get to work! irate chef FormID: 00025EE7 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene01 SCEN 0 Always another big meal to cook. Figures. FormID: 00025D1E DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene01 SCEN 0 Right away, sir! cheerful FormID: 000246B3 DialogueMarkarthKeepKitchenScene01 SCEN 0 Filthy natives. Get to work. We have meals to prepare and no time to prepare them! irate chef FormID: 00024669 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene02 SCEN 0 Nonsense, you're a vital part of my research team. You'll be there, have no fear! Now, I don't want to hear another word of protest. overly excited FormID: 00025EEA DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene02 SCEN 0 Could I maybe, skip the excavation, Uncle Calcelmo? I, uh, I just think you won't need me. secretly afraid of the excavating the dangerous ruins FormID: 00025EB9 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene02 SCEN 0 The excavation, Aicantar! Right after I finish my book. We'll start excavating Nchuand-Zel again. overly excited FormID: 00024739 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene02 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Next season for sure...[QUOTE] What? Uncle Calcelmo, I don't understand what you mean. confused FormID: 00024675 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene02 SCEN 0 Next season, nephew. Next season for sure.... FormID: 00025EE6 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 Stop bothering me Aicanter! FormID: 000253B2 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 Are you sure? worried FormID: 0002460E MS12 MS12SharedInfo IDAT 0 Just a man's life work, is all. I've finally derived the location of the White Phial, but this doting busybody won't let me get it. FormID: 000E4A3D MS12 MS12SharedInfo IDAT 0 Now, how would you like me to align the Phial's properties? FormID: 000E4A3E MS12 MS12SharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm not as skilled as Curalmil, so I'm afraid it will only ever refill with one type of liquid. FormID: 000E4A3F MS12 MS12SharedInfo IDAT 0 It's just one of those things that happens. The lungs just... give up. Even elves get old. FormID: 000E4A40 MS12 MS12SharedInfo IDAT 0 What's it matter to you? Not like you could do anything about it. FormID: 000246A7 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 Um, no. Nothing. Nothing at all. thinking hard about it FormID: 00024631 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 I just wanted to know if you needed anything. FormID: 00025EC3 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 What is it nephew? Can't you see I'm trying to think here? broken out of deep thought FormID: 0002471F DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 Uncle Calcelmo.... FormID: 0002468C DialogueMarkarthBlacksmithScene02 SCEN 0 Your job is to do what I say. And I say you have many nails and fittings to make before you even touch a blade. Now get to work. scolding her apprentice FormID: 0002462F DialogueMarkarthBlacksmithScene02 SCEN 0 When will I learn how to forge weapons and armor? Isn't that my job? afraid of being yelled at FormID: 00025ECC DialogueMarkarthIntroBlacksmithScene SCEN 0 You thought what? You would skip a step? Not heat the metal all the way through? Useless! Now do it again. scolding her assistant FormID: 000253B5 DialogueMarkarthIntroBlacksmithScene SCEN 0 I... I'm sorry. I just, well, the forge gets so hot and I thought.... trying to explain, gets cut off mid-sentence FormID: 000246B8 DialogueMarkarthIntroBlacksmithScene SCEN 0 Is that what you call it? In the Legion we would have called it [QUOTE]useless.[QUOTE] Look how brittle the metal is! scolding her assistant FormID: 0002463D DialogueMarkarthIntroBlacksmithScene SCEN 0 Uh, a nail? FormID: 00025EBF DialogueMarkarthIntroBlacksmithScene SCEN 0 Tacitus? What is this? scolding her assistant FormID: 00024844 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, Thongvor. I'll draft the letter immediately. acquiescing FormID: 0002469E DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Whose side are you on, Reburrus? I'm not worried about Skyrim, I'm worried about the Reach. Specifically, the part of the Reach we're standing on. self-interested FormID: 00024647 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Thongvor, do you really think that's wise? I mean, King Ulfric is such a busy man, and there are so many areas of Skyrim to protect. worried, fussing FormID: 00025ECE DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Ha! About time we got some more muscle in this city. eager for additional troops FormID: 000253AD DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Reburrus, I need you to draft a letter to Ulfric requesting more men. FormID: 00024676 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Yes, Thongvor. FormID: 00024623 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene02 SCEN 0 The Forsworn aren't our real concern, defeating the Imperials and making sure we keep control of this city is. FormID: 00025DA5 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Well yes, of course you had to go and mention that. FormID: 000246CD DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Except the ones attacked by Forsworn. FormID: 00024683 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Very well, Thongvor. With the Stormcloaks here to help, the Silver-Blood family control nearly every route in and out of the city. FormID: 00025EE5 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene02 SCEN 0 How goes the trade in and out of the city? FormID: 00025D2B DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 I see. Well, let's continue this discussion later then. sighing, tired, angry FormID: 000246BA DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 I, uh, I can't tell Thongvor. It's anyone's guess. stumped FormID: 0002465A DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 What does that mean Reberrus? Are we winning or aren't we? tired of double-talk FormID: 00025ED8 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, right. Oh, well, things are going well enough. At least, as well as we can hope. unsure of himself FormID: 000253B8 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, Talos's breath, Reberrus. Skip ahead to the good part. impatient FormID: 0002471D DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 I have a few very detailed missives from border patrols, beginning with Fifth Irregulars' reports on the movements of.... fussy, cut off mid-sentence FormID: 00024660 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 I want word on our campaign against the Imperials. FormID: 00025EC6 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, my Jarl. FormID: 00024726 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Yes, my Jarl. FormID: 00024693 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Enough! We can't imprison the very people that own the jail we would be throwing them into. The Silver-Blood family are to be left alone, am I clear? exasperated FormID: 0002464B DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 I second that, Igmund. Who knows what that family will do for power? They could be working with the Forsworn, for all we know. worried about Igmund FormID: 00025ED1 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Loyal? Thongvor supports Ulfric and his Stormcloaks! We should imprison the entire family as a precaution. debating his point FormID: 000251DA DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 What about them? They seem loyal enough. bored, dismissive FormID: 00024687 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene03 SCEN 0 Igmund, we need to talk about the Silver-Blood family. worried FormID: 0002463C DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Cowards, the both of you. My father would not sit idly back and wait while evil men take over his lands. We're done discussing this for now. hotheaded FormID: 00025ED4 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene02 SCEN 0 The safety of the city and our settlements must be our only concern, Igmund. The rest of the Reach is on its own. worried about Igmund FormID: 00025D25 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene02 SCEN 0 And what do Legion soldiers know about the hills the Reach? And the caves that make up those hills? The Forsworn can hide and ambush every assault. debating his point FormID: 00024734 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene02 SCEN 0 This is why I say we take the fight to them. Gather the Legion and drive those blasted beasts out of the Reach for good. hotheaded FormID: 00024692 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Things are bad, Igmund. Our forces are barely able to keep the Forsworn in check. Merchants are reporting the loss of more of their shipments. worried FormID: 00024625 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene02 SCEN 0 Raerek, how is The Reach faring against this Forsworn menace? FormID: 00025EC4 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Very well. I'll send a request for additional Legionnaires to protect trade to the other Imperial holds. Hopefully Solitude can spare more men. sighing, tired FormID: 000253B1 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Forgive me for worrying about the future of Markarth. The lifeblood of a city is gold, Igmund, and it doesn't stop bleeding because there's a war on. debating his point FormID: 000246C8 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Why do you pester me with battles we can't win? I need my steward to plan for our victory, not nag me with every ill account. FormID: 0002466A DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Not to mention the rebels completely control Windhelm and all of Eastmarch hold. agreeing with Igmund FormID: 00024620 DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Of course there's a collapse in trade, Raerek. The Stormcloaks stalk every road and harass every one of our patrols. upset and being told the obvious FormID: 00025EBC DialogueMarkarthKeepImperialCourtScene01 SCEN 0 My Jarl, we need to discuss the state of Markarth's collapsing trade with the other holds. worried FormID: 00025EE8 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 Too bad. That one's my favorite. proud of his lies FormID: 00025D21 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 I don't buy that story, either. FormID: 000246C6 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 Fell off the top of the cliff after a drunken party with the priestesses of Dibella. blunt FormID: 00024664 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 You're lying. You're not quick enough to be a pickpocket. What's the real reason? FormID: 00025ED9 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 Mining accident, back when I was in prison for being a pickpocket. blunt FormID: 000253B7 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene02 SCEN 0 How did you manage to cripple yourself, Degaine? FormID: 000246B7 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 And I'm a porter with no shipments coming in. You're not getting any coin from me, Degaine. angry at being begged to FormID: 00024649 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 I'm a cripple. I have a reason to be drinking. justifying himself FormID: 00025EC8 DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 Like you won't do different? upset at being begged to FormID: 000253AB DialogueMarkarthInnDegaineCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 Give us a coin, Cosnach. You'll just spend it on cheap ale, anyway. aggressively begging FormID: 00025EBE DialogueMarkarthInnOmluagHathrasilScene01 SCEN 0 Sometimes I think we deserve these miserable lives of ours. fanatically angry FormID: 000253B6 DialogueMarkarthInnOmluagHathrasilScene01 SCEN 0 Mmmhmm. heard this all before, wants to relax FormID: 000246AE DialogueMarkarthInnOmluagHathrasilScene01 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Mmmhmm[QUOTE]? I've been working with you for over 10 years, and all you have to say is [QUOTE]mmmhmm[QUOTE]? FormID: 00024642 DialogueMarkarthInnOmluagHathrasilScene01 SCEN 0 Mmmhmm. heard this all before, wants to relax FormID: 00025ECF DialogueMarkarthInnOmluagHathrasilScene01 SCEN 0 Another foul day at the smelter. FormID: 000253AA DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 Don't be. We all make mistakes. sad, speaking mainly to herself FormID: 00024686 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, I didn't realize. FormID: 0002462A DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 I have one. A nephew. He's in prison for being a member of the Forsworn. interrupting, eerily blunt FormID: 00025EC0 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me if you don't.... gets cut off before she can finish the sentence FormID: 00024733 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 Oh. Oh, I see.... disappointed, wasn't expecting that FormID: 0002467A DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 I was actually just wondering if you had any family.... gently interrupting Bothela's trian of thought FormID: 00024627 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 You want to know a secret of mine, young girl? The most effective poison to kill a man? A potion to make others fall in love, perhaps? a little sinister FormID: 00025D35 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela02 SCEN 0 Bothela, I have a question.... FormID: 00025EDE DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela01 SCEN 0 You will. Until then, you'll taste every potion you make before you sell it. scolding her apprentice FormID: 00025EB2 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela01 SCEN 0 There's just so much to memorize. How am I supposed to remember what goes where for every single herb? upset at how difficult things are FormID: 000251E0 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela01 SCEN 0 No, no girl. It's the pickled spider tongue and then the decayed taproot. Do it the other way, and your cure turns into a poison. correcting her apprentice FormID: 00024633 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 You're right, dear. I'm sorry to worry you. apologizing FormID: 00025EC5 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 Endon, dear, please don't.... Save your frustrations for work. worried about her husband FormID: 000253AF DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 I miss those days, before the Forsworn took up arms again, when you could walk the roads in peace. missing the old days FormID: 000246B4 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 Well, I'm proud of both of you. I haven't been so busy since those nobles from Solitude come into the city three years ago. nostalgic FormID: 00024666 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 Adara bends the silver so naturally. Grandmother would have cried if she saw how deft our daughter has become. proud FormID: 00025EE1 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 That's right! Papa helped me with the clasps, but I did all the links on my own. proud of her accomplishment FormID: 00025D29 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene02 SCEN 0 We sold all those lovely little necklaces you brought me today. Did you make them yourself? doting mother FormID: 0002472F DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 If there's still a Legion left, Adara. I'm sure you'd make a great soldier. Just like your brother. proud of his daughter FormID: 0002466D DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Can I join the Legion when I grow up? eager to contribute to the conversation FormID: 00025EDD DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 No. I think if I was a young man, I would have done the same. proud of his son FormID: 00025D33 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Endon, we talked about this... Are you still disappointed in Cade's choice? worried about her husband's relationship with his son FormID: 0002484A DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Our son joining the Stormcloaks. If this war had never happened, Cade would have joined the Imperial Legion, like grandfather. nostalgic, misses the way things were FormID: 000246AC DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 He's off fighting, Adara, with the Stormcloaks. He'll return when the war is over. explaining things to her daughter FormID: 00024628 DialogueMarkarthInnEndonsFamilyScene01 SCEN 0 Mama, when is Cade coming home? misses her brother FormID: 00024985 MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusSendsYouOffTopic CUST 0 Good to hear. You can be a difficult man to find. Thankfully those couriers are tenacious. FormID: 0002498C MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusSendsYouOffTopic CUST 0 Good to hear. You can be a difficult woman to find. Thankfully those couriers are tenacious. FormID: 000246BD DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 No you aren't. surly FormID: 00024653 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 That's just terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. false sincerity FormID: 00025ED3 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 What are you, blind? That store is empty. Forsworn get almost every shipment that comes in. surly FormID: 00025DA3 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 I wasn't aware that Lisbet was having trouble, Cosnach. Is Arnleif and Sons not doing a good turn of business these days? knows the answer to his own question, probing for info FormID: 00024848 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 All your drinks are watered down, Kleppr. You aren't fooling me, and you know Lisbet can't afford to pay me enough for the finest drinks anyhow. drunk FormID: 00024696 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprCosnachScene01 SCEN 0 Another drink, Cosnach? A porter with Arnleif and Sons deserves nothing but the finest here. obsequious FormID: 00024630 DialogueMarkarthInnYngvarKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 Always such a model for decency in these troubled times, Yngvar. sarcastic FormID: 00025EC7 DialogueMarkarthInnYngvarKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 Shut it, Kleppr. Thongvor isn't here, so save your kissing up for a Nord who cares. upset at Kleppr's pandering FormID: 000253AC DialogueMarkarthInnYngvarKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, Yngvar, here to sing? You know an employee of the Silver-Blood family is always a guest of honor here. overly fawning FormID: 00024698 DialogueMarkarthInnOgmundKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 That's a sensible lad. Now fetch me drink. pleased with himself FormID: 00024640 DialogueMarkarthInnOgmundKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 Uh, right. Maybe just one of the popular songs, like [QUOTE]The Slaying of the Falmer Princes[QUOTE]? fearful of Ogmund's temper FormID: 00025EE4 DialogueMarkarthInnOgmundKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 Son, I know thousands of the old ballads. If I played all of them, everyone in this inn would be as grey as I am before I finished. not impressed with Kleppr's flattery FormID: 00025EBA DialogueMarkarthInnOgmundKlepprScene01 SCEN 0 Playing tonight, Ogmund? Everyone here is anxious to hear the old ballads performed by the True Skald of the Reach. pandering to Ogmund's ego FormID: 00024528 DA01Intro DA01IntroRumors DA01IntroRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Have you seen that Shrine of Azura? They say the dark elves built it after they fled from Morrowind. Sight to see. rumormonger FormID: 00024525 DA01 IDLE 0 We are children of the Twilight. Beings who are to be guided from the darkness into the light. And from the light into darkness. calm chanting FormID: 00024526 DA01 IDLE 0 Azura. Who led her children away from the disaster of Vvardenfell. You are the prophet that reveals our true future. calm chanting FormID: 00024527 DA01 IDLE 0 No harm shall come to me, for I live under Azura's wisdom. Her foresight protects me. Her insight sustains me. calm chanting FormID: 00024521 DA01 DA01AraneaShrine DA01AraneaShrineTopic CUST 0 My people, the Dunmer, built it. We fled from Morrowind after Vvardenfell erupted almost 200 years ago. calmness of a monk FormID: 00024521 DA01 DA01AraneaShrine DA01AraneaShrineTopic CUST 1 Those of us who were faithful to Azura were given a vision that led us away from the island before the worst came. calmness of a monk FormID: 00024521 DA01 DA01AraneaShrine DA01AraneaShrineTopic CUST 2 This shrine is our thanks to her. That none will forget that she watches over us all. calmness of a monk FormID: 0002451E DA01 DA01AraneaAlone DA01AraneaAloneTopic CUST 0 Yes. There were others at first, but Azura's visions tested everyone's faith. One by one, they left. Afraid to know their own future. calmness of a monk FormID: 0002451E DA01 DA01AraneaAlone DA01AraneaAloneTopic CUST 1 But I refuse to abandon the shrine. The visions are a gift. Azura warns me of tragedy, war, death before it happens. I won't leave her guidance. calmness of a monk FormID: 00024463 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic03 CUST 0 Perhaps that is what you are meant to believe. To better serve your role as Azura's champion. calmness of a monk FormID: 00024463 DA01 DA01AraneaIntroBranch DA01AraneaIntroTopic03 CUST 1 Do not fight it. Azura's prophecies always come to pass. To deny them is to go headlong into the darkness with no light to guide you. calmness of a monk FormID: 00024598 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 Well, I've certainly heard worse things. arrogant FormID: 00024598 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 1 I think the man you want to talk to is Nelacar. He was exiled a few years ago, bad research. Still hangs around the Frozen Hearth. arrogant FormID: 000245A2 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 You were given a vision? Are you serious? cynical FormID: 000245A2 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 1 Whatever. The person you probably want is Nelacar. He's in the Frozen Hearth. Be careful, he was exiled from the College for a reason. cynical FormID: 000245A3 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 No. I wouldn't. matter-of-fact FormID: 000245A3 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 1 Why don't you head into town and get a drink at the Frozen Hearth? I hear old Nelacar still has a room there. He knows a lot of stories, that one. nonchalant FormID: 000245A5 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 Vision? What vision are you talking about? Oh, no matter. dismissive FormID: 000245A5 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 1 You should head to the Frozen Hearth and speak with Nelacar. It's his story to tell, and I wouldn't want to discredit him by talking behind his back. remorseful FormID: 000245A7 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 You should go into town and talk to an elf named Nelacar. He was involved in the whole mess. introverted FormID: 000245A8 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 Yes, I did. I shouldn't be the one to tell you about this. There's an Altmer named Nelacar in the Frozen Hearth. Believe me, he'll know. arrogant FormID: 0002461F DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 Oh no, I'm not talking about that. I'm not being blamed for saying something out of place. Again. neurotic FormID: 0002461F DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 1 If you want to know, ask Nelacar. He's staying at the Frozen Hearth. Knows the whole sad story. neurotic FormID: 00024622 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 0 Almost the opposite. The College got rid of something... someone, that was too much trouble. threateningly FormID: 00024622 DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02 CUST 1 There's an Altmer named Nelacar staying at the inn outside the College. You should ask him about it. threateningly FormID: 0002450E DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarPersuade CUST 0 Azura? Gods, it's all finally coming back to haunt me. regretful FormID: 0005332B DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarPersuade CUST 0 You're working with the Daedra? Right. Now tell me the one about the Argonian Maid and the lusty baron. stubborn refusal FormID: 000243BC DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarBribe CUST 0 A few coins for my soul? If only you understood the irony. regretful FormID: 000243BD DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarBribe CUST 0 I don't think you understand. I'm not answering questions. stubborn refusal FormID: 00024663 DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarIntimidate CUST 0 Just calm down. I'll tell you everything. being shaken down FormID: 00024667 DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarIntimidate CUST 0 Do you think muscling me is going to work? I'm a wizard. An old. Elven. Wizard. Think about it. stubborn refusal FormID: 00024524 DA01 DA01NelecarIntroBranch DA01NelacarNeverMind CUST 0 That's for the best. blow off FormID: 00024523 DA01 DA01NelacarExclusive DA01NelacarExclusiveTopic CUST 0 What do you know about soul gems? dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 00024522 DA01 DA01NelacarExclusive DA01NelacarChoice01 CUST 0 They are. Except the gem is always consumed. They're frail. Except for one. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 00024520 DA01 DA01NelacarExclusive DA01NelacarChoice02 CUST 0 That's what caused all the trouble. Soul gems are used in enchanting, but they break afterwards. Except one. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 0002450D DA01 DA01NelacarExclusive DA01NelacarStarInvisContinue CUST 0 Azura's Star. A Daedric artifact that allows any number of souls to pass through it. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 0002450D DA01 DA01NelacarExclusive DA01NelacarStarInvisContinue CUST 1 Some of us wanted to find out how. I was working under Malyn Varen, then. If only we knew what he was really planning. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 00024399 DA01 DA01NelacarExclusive DA01NelacarChoice03 CUST 0 Soul gems are the subject, friend. They're used in enchanting, then they break. Except one. dryly explaining but filled with regret FormID: 00024359 MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineConcordat CUST 0 The Great War... only thirty years past and already ancient history to most people. FormID: 00024359 MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineConcordat CUST 1 Seems to me like it just ended... it's never really ended for me. FormID: 00024359 MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineConcordat CUST 2 But to answer your question, the White-Gold Concordat was the fancy name they put on the peace treaty between the Empire and the Thalmor. FormID: 00024359 MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineConcordat CUST 3 It ended the war and saved the Empire to fight another day. FormID: 00024359 MQ00 MQDelphineBlades MQDelphineConcordat CUST 4 Also trampled on the sacred name of Talos, and gave the Thalmor free reign to stamp out Talos worship throughout the Empire. FormID: 00024735 DialogueMarkarthInnFrabbiHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 No, not right now. Maybe later, if I'm still upset. comforting her son, but admitting she wants to hit her husband FormID: 0002467F DialogueMarkarthInnFrabbiHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 Are you going to walk over to father and start hitting him again? knows what always happens next FormID: 0002462C DialogueMarkarthInnFrabbiHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 Aren't you wonderful! Why can't your father be more like you and your sister? more proud of her children than her husband FormID: 00025ECB DialogueMarkarthInnFrabbiHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 I've been cleaning up spills and there is fresh linen for the rooms. happy to report his success to his mother FormID: 00024845 DialogueMarkarthInnFrabbiHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 How are your chores coming, son? doting mother FormID: 0002468A DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene02 SCEN 0 Dibella's Heart, son, I hope not. casually praying that his son doesn't end up like him FormID: 00024629 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene02 SCEN 0 Will I need to talk so loudly with my wife when I get married? child wondering why his parents fight FormID: 00025EC1 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene02 SCEN 0 We don't fight, son. We, um, talk. Loudly. trying to explain complicated adult relationships to his son FormID: 0002484B DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene02 SCEN 0 Father, why do you and mother fight so much? FormID: 000246A6 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 Never mind your mother, Hreinn. You listen to me, and you'll be a great man one day. exhausted at his wife's constant insults FormID: 00025ED0 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 That's right! Worst innkeeper in all of Skyrim! affirming what she said earlier; hates her husband FormID: 00025EB4 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 But mother says you're a terrible innkeeper! repeating some unfortunate news his mother gave him FormID: 000246B5 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, my son, you'll be a fine innkeeper someday, like your father. happy to hear of his son's accomplishments FormID: 0002471E DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 Today I've cleaned the linens, washed the floors, and checked in on all our guests. listing off his accomplishments to his father FormID: 0002466B DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprHreinnScene01 SCEN 0 How are your chores coming, my son? expecting to hear a positive answer FormID: 00025EE0 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene03 SCEN 0 I am your better half. And your better half is telling you to stop being an idiot and serve the customers their drinks! fighting with her husband FormID: 00025D27 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene03 SCEN 0 Shouldn't you be helping me then, wife of mine? Sharing my problems? Being my better half? sarcastic FormID: 00024725 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene03 SCEN 0 You were just standing there when you were supposed to be serving drinks to our customers! fighting with her husband FormID: 00024672 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene03 SCEN 0 What? What did I do this time? I was just standing here! fighting with his wife FormID: 00025ED6 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene03 SCEN 0 Kleppr, you idiot! Can't you do anything right? fighting with her husband FormID: 00024674 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene02 SCEN 0 No, just check in the guests and manage the coin and keep a roof over your head. No, nothing important. sarcastic FormID: 0002464F DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene02 SCEN 0 Clean the rooms yourself Kleppr. It's not like you do anything important around here. fighting with her husband FormID: 00025ECD DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene02 SCEN 0 Frabbi, my dear loving wife, could you please clean out our guest rooms? sarcastic FormID: 000253A8 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01 SCEN 0 Not a day goes by I don't ask that question myself, my dear. fighting with his wife FormID: 00024681 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01 SCEN 0 You're an idiot, Kleppr. Why did I ever marry you? fighting with her husband FormID: 00024641 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01 SCEN 0 Don't worry, my love. Just show the bugs your adoring face, and they'll scurry away in complete fear in no time. fighting with his wife FormID: 0002C6D6 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Assur had to move away because of the Empire. But we get to stay. FormID: 000E0CFE DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 The mages don't let us go in the College. They said it's not safe in there. FormID: 0002C6D7 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Assur says his pa says the College made lots of bad things happen, but the mages I've seen look nice. FormID: 0002C6D5 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Assur and I are playing a game. Don't tell him where I am! FormID: 0002C6D8 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 There's not many people left in Winterhold, so I only have Assur to play with, and sometimes he's mean. FormID: 0002C6D9 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Assur always wants to play [QUOTE]Hunt the Elf[QUOTE] and he makes me be the Elf. FormID: 0002C6DA DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Pa says the Empire made us leave, but the Empire just does whatever the elves tell them to. FormID: 000E0CFF DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 How come you're in Winterhold? My pa says people like you are the reason no one lives here anymore. FormID: 0002C6DB DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 We don't get many people like you visiting Winterhold. Usually it's elves. [QUOTE]elves[QUOTE] with disgust FormID: 00062F50 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 My pa says elves are bad and not to trust 'em. FormID: 0002C6DC DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Did you know that most of Winterhold fell into the sea? I heard it's because of that College. FormID: 0002C6DD DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Someday I'm gonna grow up and be the Jarl. FormID: 0002C6DE DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I heard the College teaches you how to kill people with magic. Is that true? FormID: 00029CE5 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'm just the Housecarl. If you need something, you should speak to Kraldar. FormID: 0002C6DF DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'm very busy, you know. I'm the only one Kraldar can rely on to assist him. FormID: 001097B8 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Kraldar's family was once very powerful in Winterhold. It's my honor to assist him even now. FormID: 0002C6E0 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Kraldar has big plans for Winterhold. We'd be better off if he was in charge. FormID: 000E0D00 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Some people can't be trusted to accomplish anything that's asked of them. They don't take pride in their work. FormID: 0002C6E1 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'm not one to complain, but I'm not sure why Kraldar insists on keeping Malur Seloth around. FormID: 0002C6E2 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 My job is to serve the Jarl, not waste time talking with travelers. sarcastic FormID: 0002C6E3 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Thonjolf is convinced I've got some connections at the College, so he goes easy on me. FormID: 0002C6E4 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I don't really know anyone at the College. I guess everyone just assumes I do because I'm a Dunmer. FormID: 0002C6E5 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 People won't say it, but they're afraid of me, so they leave me alone. FormID: 0002C6E6 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 It turns out that if people think you're some sort of secret wizard, they'll let you get away with a lot. FormID: 0002C6E8 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'm trying to do as little as possible. You're getting in the way of that. FormID: 000350EF DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 With the Empire's help, Winterhold will be back on its feet in no time. FormID: 000D923D DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 There's yet hope that our relationship with the College can be repaired. FormID: 0002C6EA DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Winterhold may not look impressive, but it has a very rich history. FormID: 0002C6EB DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Winterhold was once the capital of Skyrim, you know. Quite an honor. FormID: 0002C6EC DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'd like nothing more than to see Winterhold regain its former glory. FormID: 0002C6ED DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 It's hard to recover from something like the Great Collapse, but I believe Winterhold can do it. FormID: 0002C6EE DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 The College of Winterhold is truly an asset to our city... err, town. FormID: 00062F51 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I have a very close relationship with Savos Aren, the current Arch-Mage. self-important FormID: 0002C6EF DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Just say the word if you need a drink or something to eat. FormID: 00029CE6 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 We may not have as much to offer as Whiterun or Solitude, but we'll do what we can to make your stay a pleasant one. FormID: 00029D04 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Winterhold doesn't offer much, but we like living here. Been here all our lives. FormID: 00029D05 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 If you're here for the College, don't let the folks in town bother you. Just try and keep to yourself. FormID: 00029D06 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 The Mages at the College keep to themselves for the most part, so we don't see much of them. FormID: 00062F52 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Most of our business comes from folks traveling to and from the College. FormID: 0002C6F0 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 If you need a drink, just say the word. FormID: 0002C6F1 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Something I can get for you? FormID: 00029D07 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Turns out who runs Winterhold doesn't change much. Can't say I'm surprised. resigned FormID: 000E0D01 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I won't complain about Korir being gone, but I don't expect things to really be any different. resigned FormID: 000E0D02 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 If there's anything you need, just let me know. FormID: 00029D08 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 If you've business with the College, you're welcome to stay here. It's where most of our business comes from, in fact. FormID: 00029D09 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Unlike some folks here in town, we have nothing against the College or the people that come and go. FormID: 00029D0A DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Don't worry about Nelacar. He has a permanent room here at the Inn, but he keeps to himself and doesn't cause any trouble. FormID: 00029D0B DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Let me know if you need anything. We're here to provide. FormID: 00029D0C DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Without us looking out for Winterhold, it's doomed. Simply doomed. FormID: 000E0D03 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'd rather see the Sea of Ghosts swallow Winterhold entirely than have it run by the Empire. FormID: 000E0D04 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Ours is the only family left that truly cares what happens to Winterhold. FormID: 00029D0D DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Korir will be the first to tell you that if it weren't for that College, we'd all be better off. I agree with him. FormID: 00029DCC DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Winterhold might yet thrive if that College had never been built. FormID: 00029DDD DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 We do the best we can, even though we have next to nothing. But we Nords don't give up, not ever. FormID: 00029EF9 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Assur is going to grow up to be a great man, because he'll have lived through such hardship. FormID: 00029EFF DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Driven out of my own home. After all this, I can't believe it. bitter FormID: 000E0D05 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 It wasn't enough that the College still stands, now the damnable Empire has Winterhold. I hope they all freeze to death. bitter FormID: 000E0D06 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I don't care how many Colleges they build, or how much the sea swallows up. I'll outlast them all. bitter FormID: 00029F05 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 You know Winterhold used to be the seat of power in Skyrim? Now it's a shell. FormID: 00029F08 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Few will admit it, but we know the truth about the Great Collapse. FormID: 00029F09 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Those cursed mages... It's their fault Winterhold is gone. FormID: 00029F17 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 The College is the worst thing that's ever happened to Winterhold, maybe to Skyrim. FormID: 00029F31 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 What is it now? FormID: 00029F33 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 You want something? FormID: 00029F40 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Empire's in charge now, huh? Only a matter of time before we start getting bothered by them Thalmoricars... err, Justimors... Y'know, them elves. FormID: 000E0D07 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Unless you're bringin' me another round, you can just keep walking. FormID: 00029F52 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'm just trying to have a quiet drink here, all right? FormID: 00029F53 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 It's not like there's anything to do here but drink anyway. FormID: 00029F55 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 You ask me, not enough of Winterhold fell off into the sea. FormID: 00029F57 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Nothing to do here but drink till you forget you got nothing to do. FormID: 0002A001 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I'll sell just about anything, if it's worth my time. Keep that in mind, will you? FormID: 000350F0 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I do what's necessary so we can get by. Have to, since I can't count on my brother for anything. FormID: 00065712 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Things are easier now that I don't have to worry about Ranmir anymore. FormID: 00065713 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I still can't believe you were able to help Ranmir pull himself together. FormID: 00065714 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Without all our money going to drink, I can afford to expand my selection a bit. FormID: 00029FE9 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 If you're looking for Ranmir, he's either passed out in bed, or working on winding up that way. FormID: 00029FFE DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 My brother's a good-for-nothing drunk. We'd have lost the house by now if it were up to him. FormID: 00029FFF DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Just because we live in the middle of nowhere doesn't give Ranmir the right to drink himself into oblivion. FormID: 0002A000 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Ranmir has no problem drinking himself under the table, so I have to be the one to make ends meet. FormID: 0009378C DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 I don't deal with any College applicants these days, so don't bother asking. FormID: 0009378D DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 My days at the College are long behind me, but I prefer to stay close by. FormID: 0009378E DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Dagur and I have an understanding. He gives me privacy, and I make sure my experiments don't blow up his inn. FormID: 0002A005 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 If you're here for sight-seeing, well then you've seen the sights. Might as well head somewhere warmer. FormID: 0002A006 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Don't worry about those Stormcloaks. You're safe from them here. As if they'd want the place anyway. FormID: 0002A167 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Keep clear of the College, and keep yourself out of trouble. FormID: 0002A185 DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Hard to believe I ever complained about Riften being cold... FormID: 0002A2EC DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Take care if you're venturing too far from town. That's a bitter wind coming off the Sea of Ghosts. FormID: 0002A31B DialogueWinterhold HELO 0 Winterhold belongs to Skyrim, not the Imperials, or the Mages. FormID: 00025ED7 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01 SCEN 0 It's rotten because the wood is cheap and its soaked with ale! Now we'll have to replace all the furniture before bugs set in. fighting with her husband FormID: 00025D20 DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01 SCEN 0 I don't know, my darling wife. I assume you're going to tell me? fighting with his wife FormID: 00025EDF DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01 SCEN 0 All the wood furniture in this inn is rotting to the core. Do you know why that is, Kleppr? fighting with her husband FormID: 0002420E MS11 MS11SecondCrimeSceneGuardView MS11SecondCrimeSceneGuardViewTopic CUST 0 Indeed. I... I thought you captured the Butcher. Traumatized. He truly felt he was safe and this latest murder has shocked him to his core. FormID: 0002420E MS11 MS11SecondCrimeSceneGuardView MS11SecondCrimeSceneGuardViewTopic CUST 1 You said the city was safe, now. How could this have happened? FormID: 0002420F MS11 MS11SecondCrimeSceneGuardView MS11SecondCrimeScenePointerToWuunferth CUST 0 Obviously. You should visit the Bloodworks to talk to Wuunferth -- we need to figure out where the evidence went wrong. [QUOTE]Obviously[QUOTE] is a mixture of deadpan and angry. FormID: 0002420C MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, isn't that a shame. And here I am in the Bloodworks. Sarcastic, mocking. FormID: 0002420C MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranchTopic CUST 1 Looks like you aren't such a sharp investigator after all. FormID: 0002420D MS11 MS11JorleifQuestOver MS11JorleifQuestOverTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you were able to correct your mistake. I'll release Wuunferth immediately. FormID: 000D55EE MS11 MS11JorleifQuestOver MS11JorleifQuestOverTopic CUST 0 Ysmir's beard! The man was always a bit odd, but I wouldn't have expected... FormID: 000241FF C01 C01Hellos HELO 0 We should keep moving. FormID: 000246BE C01 C01Hellos HELO 0 We need to get back to Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000A3E7E C01 C01Hellos HELO 0 There you are. FormID: 000246E3 C01 C01ObserverScholarBranch C01ObserverScholarBranchTopic CUST 0 A smart man came and told us about a blade piece. FormID: 000246E3 C01 C01ObserverScholarBranch C01ObserverScholarBranchTopic CUST 1 Skjor thinks you should find it, and I'm supposed to watch you. FormID: 000246E2 C01 C01ObserverScholarBranch C01ObserverScholarBranchTopic CUST 0 One of those icebrains who wanders the land getting people's hopes up. FormID: 000246E2 C01 C01ObserverScholarBranch C01ObserverScholarBranchTopic CUST 1 From my view, I don't think we'll find anything here. FormID: 000246E2 C01 C01ObserverScholarBranch C01ObserverScholarBranchTopic CUST 2 You'd better hope there's still a chance for you to prove yourself, though, or this Trial might last longer than you'd like. FormID: 0002412E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoNarfiBranch DBNazirInfoNarfiBranchTopic CUST 0 He's a hapless beggar living in some ruins just outside the village of Ivarstead. Easy even for you. FormID: 0002413F DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoEnnodiusBranch DBNazirInfoEnnodiusBranchTopic CUST 0 He lives just outside Anga's Mill, in the woods. He was once the miller. Now Papius is just a paranoid recluse who thinks someone is out to get him. FormID: 0002413F DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoEnnodiusBranch DBNazirInfoEnnodiusBranchTopic CUST 1 And he's right. whimsically FormID: 00024127 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoBeitildBranch DBNazirInfoBeitildBranchTopic CUST 0 She separated from her husband several months ago. Now the two run competing mining operations. Beitild's angry and desperate. A fighter. FormID: 0002413C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoHernBranch DBNazirInfoHernBranchTopic CUST 0 He's a vampire, and has blended into human society for years. He's never far from his female companion, Hert. Also a vampire. FormID: 0002413C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoHernBranch DBNazirInfoHernBranchTopic CUST 1 The contract is for the male, Hern. But you'll probably have to contend with the female, too. So for Sithis' sake, watch yourself. FormID: 00024141 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoLurbukBranch DBNazirInfoLurbukBranchTopic CUST 0 He is, by all accounts, the worst bard in all of Skyrim. FormID: 00024141 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoLurbukBranch DBNazirInfoLurbukBranchTopic CUST 1 Apparently so many people sought his death, Astrid had to hold a lottery to determine the client. FormID: 0002412A DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoDeekusBranch DBNazirInfoDeekusBranchTopic CUST 0 He's an Argonian layabout, likes to scavenge shipwrecks. My guess is he'll run if threatened. Or swim, if given the chance. FormID: 00024144 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoMarandrujoBranch DBNazirInfoMarandrujoBranchTopic CUST 0 He's an accomplished wizard. And, locating him may be challenging, as he travels with the caravans. FormID: 00024126 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoAnoriathBranch DBNazirInfoAnoriathBranchTopic CUST 0 The wood elf may run a stall in the city, but he retreats to the plains outside Whiterun to hunt. Kill him there, and no one will bear witness... FormID: 00024140 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoAgnisBranch DBNazirInfoAgnisBranchTopic CUST 0 She's a maid. Old, and feeble. But with this contract it's much more a matter of [QUOTE]where[QUOTE] than [QUOTE]who.[QUOTE] FormID: 00024140 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoAgnisBranch DBNazirInfoAgnisBranchTopic CUST 1 Your political affairs are your own, but any allegiance you may have in the ongoing war could very well affect your access to Fort Greymoor. FormID: 00024134 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoMalurilBranch DBNazirInfoMalurilBranchTopic CUST 0 He's dangerous. Very dangerous. A rogue Dark Elf mage doing research into Dwarven artifacts should be both respected... and feared. FormID: 00024134 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoMalurilBranch DBNazirInfoMalurilBranchTopic CUST 1 Just not by you. whimsically FormID: 0002412C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoHelvardBranch DBNazirInfoHelvardBranchTopic CUST 0 He's the housecarl of Falkreath. You know what that means? He's the bodyguard to the Jarl himself. So be careful. FormID: 0002412B DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoSafiaBranch DBNazirInfoSafiaBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. The pirate captain. A ruthless she-devil, by all accounts. Deadly with a blade. FormID: 0002412B DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoSafiaBranch DBNazirInfoSafiaBranchTopic CUST 1 And let's not forget her crew - loyal and bloodthirsty, the lot of them. FormID: 0002412B DarkBrotherhood DBNazirInfoSafiaBranch DBNazirInfoSafiaBranchTopic CUST 2 This is my final contract, and certainly the most challenging. Be careful with this one, my friend. FormID: 0002413A DarkSideContractDialogue DBNarfiKillChoice1Branch DBNarfiKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 No! Oh, by the gods, please no! FormID: 0002413D DarkSideContractDialogue DBNarfiKillChoice2Branch DBNarfiKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Oh... Oh no... Please, please... I ain't never harmed no one... Old Narfi just wants to be left alone... FormID: 00024139 DarkSideContractDialogue DBNarfiKillChoice3Branch DBNarfiKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Do... do you want something? Look, if you ain't gonna talk, or spare no coin, just go away... FormID: 00024138 DarkSideContractDialogue DBEnnodiusKillChoice1Branch DBEnnodiusKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 What? What do you mean? FormID: 00024138 DarkSideContractDialogue DBEnnodiusKillChoice1Branch DBEnnodiusKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 1 Oh! Oh... no... No! FormID: 00024133 DarkSideContractDialogue DBEnnodiusKillChoice2Branch DBEnnodiusKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Aiiiiiiiieeeeee! FormID: 00024132 DarkSideContractDialogue DBEnnodiusKillChoice3Branch DBEnnodiusKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Who are you? You... you're with the Dark Brotherhood, ain'tcha? I knew it. I knew you'd come for me! FormID: 00024130 DarkSideContractDialogue DBBeitildKillChoice1Branch DBBeitildKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 And let me guess, that someone is my so-called husband Leigelf? Well the feeling's mutual. FormID: 0002412D DarkSideContractDialogue DBBeitildKillChoice2Branch DBBeitildKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 What? Well, we'll see about that now, won't we? FormID: 00024128 DarkSideContractDialogue DBBeitildKillChoice3Branch DBBeitildKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 I've a mine to run, so if you'll excuse me... FormID: 00024129 DarkSideContractDialogue DBHernKillChoice1Branch DBHernKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 Well then, you won't be leaving here alive! FormID: 00024125 DarkSideContractDialogue DBHernKillChoice2Branch DBHernKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, so the Brotherhood has come for old Hern, has it? Well then, let us meet as equals. FormID: 0002413E DarkSideContractDialogue DBHernKillChoice3Branch DBHernKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. Don't say much, but there's a strange aura about you. You walk in the shadow of death... FormID: 0002413E DarkSideContractDialogue DBHernKillChoice3Branch DBHernKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 1 Leave here. Leave here and never return. FormID: 00024136 DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukKillChoice1Branch DBLurbukKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! Oh, that's a good one, friend. Killing Lurbuk... I mean, can you even imagine something so ludicrous? Depriving the world of my unique talents? FormID: 0002412F DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukKillChoice2Branch DBLurbukKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Hmm... All right... How about this? FormID: 0002412F DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukKillChoice2Branch DBLurbukKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 1 Shadows creep, and... and phantoms leap! A man got... he got scared. And the demons dared! To um... visit upon him all which they feared! Singing FormID: 0002412F DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukKillChoice2Branch DBLurbukKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 2 Brilliant, I know. It's a gift. FormID: 00024143 DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukKillChoice3Branch DBLurbukKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 What's the matter, friend? Khajiit got your tongue? Maybe you need a little ditty to loosen your gob, hmm? FormID: 00024143 DarkSideContractDialogue DBLurbukKillChoice3Branch DBLurbukKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 1 There once was a stranger, with eyes full of danger, he spoke not a word, but his meaning was heard... Sing on, sweet Lurbuk, sing on! Singing FormID: 00024E5E DarkSideContractDialogue DBDeekusKillChoice2Branch DBDeekusKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 You'll have to catch me first! FormID: 00024E5B DarkSideContractDialogue DBDeekusKillChoice3Branch DBDeekusKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Go away! I don't know who you are, but this is my spot! Whatever's on that ship is mine! FormID: 00024E58 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMrandrujoKillChoice1Branch DBMrandrujoKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 And why would you be looking for me, hmm? I'm not sure I appreciate your presence here. Friend. Emphasis on [QUOTE]friend[QUOTE] -- says it threateningly FormID: 00024E66 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMrandrujoKillChoice3Branch DBMrandrujoKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Now aren't you a strange one. Well, if you're here to shop, shop. If not, find some other caravan to stalk. FormID: 00024124 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAnoriathKillChoice1Branch DBAnoriathKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 Are you... threatening me? Walk away fool. It's not worth it. FormID: 00024142 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAnoriathKillChoice2Branch DBAnoriathKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Is that so? We shall see, villain. We shall see! FormID: 0002413B DarkSideContractDialogue DBAnoriathKillChoice3Branch DBAnoriathKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Well now, you are a strange one. You remind me a bit of myself, when I'm stalking a deer. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that... FormID: 00024137 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAgnisKillChoice1Branch DBAgnisKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 But I have many more rooms to clean. Fort Greymoor is quite large, and rather filthy if I do say. FormID: 00024135 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAgnisKillChoice2Branch DBAgnisKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Sleep? I can't sleep now! There's too much to be done. And what's this Void you're rambling on about? FormID: 00024131 DarkSideContractDialogue DBAgnisKillChoice3Branch DBAgnisKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 I swear, you people are an odd bunch. Please, just step aside, that I may return to my duties! FormID: 00024E59 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilKillChoice1Branch DBMalurilKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 Death? Oh, there's death to be found here, to be sure. FormID: 00024E59 DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilKillChoice1Branch DBMalurilKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 1 But not my own! FormID: 00024E5D DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilKillChoice2Branch DBMalurilKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes... quite. But if that power could be harnessed. Controlled. The possibilities would be... FormID: 00024E5D DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilKillChoice2Branch DBMalurilKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 1 But... who exactly are you? And why are you in here? I think it best you leave Mzinchaleft. These ruins can be quite... dangerous. FormID: 00024E5C DarkSideContractDialogue DBMalurilKillChoice3Branch DBMalurilKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Who are you? Why are you here? Leave this place. I have much work to conduct.... FormID: 00024E6A DarkSideContractDialogue DBHelvardKillChoice1Branch DBHelvardKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 And why would I... Oh. Oh! Guards! Guards, I need assistance! FormID: 00024E63 DarkSideContractDialogue DBHelvardKillChoice2Branch DBHelvardKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Fiend! You will not leave here alive! Guards! Guards! FormID: 00024E6B DarkSideContractDialogue DBHelvardKillChoice3Branch DBHelvardKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Right. Well. If you have some kind of official business with the jarl, I'm afraid now's not the time. Go on then. Off with you. FormID: 00024E56 DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaKillChoice1Branch DBSafiaKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 0 The Dark Brotherhood? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think this is the first contract I've had on my life? FormID: 00024E56 DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaKillChoice1Branch DBSafiaKillChoice1BranchTopic CUST 1 I'm a pirate, sweetie. Assassination attempts are an occupational hazard. Now, shall we? FormID: 00024E5F DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaKillChoice2Branch DBSafiaKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 0 Sithis? Let me guess: [QUOTE]In the Void![QUOTE] By the gods, you Dark Brotherhood are a predictable lot, aren't you? finishing the player's sentence FormID: 00024E5F DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaKillChoice2Branch DBSafiaKillChoice2BranchTopic CUST 1 Okay, here's how this works. You try to assassinate me, and I kill you. Horribly. I have done this dance before, you know. FormID: 00024E5A DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaKillChoice3Branch DBSafiaKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, I see. The old Dark Brotherhood [QUOTE]silent intimidation[QUOTE] treatment. FormID: 00024E5A DarkSideContractDialogue DBSafiaKillChoice3Branch DBSafiaKillChoice3BranchTopic CUST 1 Oh, I know who you are. Don't be so surprised. You ain't the first assassin sent to kill me. Won't be the last. Now let's get this over with. FormID: 000248EE MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusCanRepair CUST 0 I have some thoughts. There are three crucial elements. Some may be easier to find than others. FormID: 000248EE MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusCanRepair CUST 1 On the top of the Throat of the World is a patch of Unmelting Snow. No heat can touch it. FormID: 000248EE MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusCanRepair CUST 2 Then we need the tusk of a mammoth, ground to a fine powder as only the giants know how. FormID: 000248EE MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusCanRepair CUST 3 The final step is tricky. It requires the briar heart from a Forsworn of the Reach. FormID: 000248EE MS12 MS12QuintusSendsYouOff MS12QuintusCanRepair CUST 4 If you can bring me these materials, the Phial can again be made whole. FormID: 00024982 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaHaldynTopic CUST 0 You've shown yourself useful so far. All these lunks are too afraid of Haldyn to head in before the fog's cleared. FormID: 00024982 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaHaldynTopic CUST 1 So if you're willing to perform one more service for the Company, we could put this matter behind us for good. FormID: 00024982 MS10 MS10AdelaisaPreAssault MS10AdelaisaHaldynTopic CUST 2 Take out Haldyn, and we'll handle the rest. FormID: 000240AE MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurThalmor1 CUST 0 The one who calls himself Ancano. FormID: 000240AE MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurThalmor1 CUST 1 He seeks information about the Eye, but what he will find shall be quite different. FormID: 000240AE MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurThalmor1 CUST 2 His path will cross yours in time, but first you must find that which you need. FormID: 000240B0 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurThalmor2 CUST 0 No, though you may be the last. The one who calls himself Ancano has sought my knowledge as well, through very different questions. FormID: 000240B0 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurThalmor2 CUST 1 Your path differs from most. You are being guided, pushed towards something. FormID: 000240B0 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurThalmor2 CUST 2 It is a good path, one untraveled by many. It is a path that can save your College. I will tell you what you need to know to follow it further. FormID: 000240B1 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurNeed1 CUST 0 You, and those aiding you, wish to know more about the Eye of Magnus. You wish to avoid the disaster of which you are not yet aware. FormID: 000240B1 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurNeed1 CUST 1 To see through Magnus' Eye without being blinded, you require his staff. FormID: 000240B1 MG04 MG04Stage40AugurBranch MG04Stage40AugurNeed1 CUST 2 Events now spiral quickly towards the inevitable center, so you must act with haste. Take this knowledge to your Arch-Mage. FormID: 0002425D DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Ainethach's in charge of Karthwasten. You should bother him. FormID: 00083085 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 What do you want? Can't people leave us alone? FormID: 00083086 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Strangers are nothing but trouble. FormID: 00083087 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Karthwasten has enough problems. Leave us alone. FormID: 000622D0 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Ainethach's dead, but that doesn't mean we can stop working. FormID: 00083088 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 I work in the mines. I hunt. Everything else I do is my business. FormID: 00024265 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 These Reach folk are so... nosy. FormID: 00024267 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Ragnar has a strong arm. Pity he isn't an Orc. FormID: 0006966C DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Finally, both of my mines are open again. Time for everyone to get back to work. dignified but depressed FormID: 000240CD DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 If the Forsworn aren't attacking my town, the Nords are trying to force me off it. dignified but depressed FormID: 00024237 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 I'm one of the few native sons of the Reach that owns land. It doesn't make me very popular. dignified but depressed FormID: 0002423F DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Ainethach is dead. What will happen to Karthwasten now? FormID: 00083089 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 I'm Ainethach's right-hand man. I help supervise the mines. FormID: 00024246 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Not many Nords would work for a Reachman, but Ainethach is a good man. FormID: 0002424E DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 The good mine is closed and the other mine has no ore. Gods have cursed me. whiny, lazy FormID: 000622D1 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Sauranach mine is open again. How am I supposed to handle all this work? whiny, lazy FormID: 00024258 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 You're not from here, and we don't need to be talking. FormID: 0008308A DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 You should talk to Ainethach. He's in charge. FormID: 0008308B DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Don't have nothing to say to you, stranger. FormID: 0008308C DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Karthwasten doesn't need outsiders prying in our business. FormID: 00063839 DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 The mine is closed. Get lost. FormID: 0006383A DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 I've been sent by Silver-Bloods to keep this mine [QUOTE]safe.[QUOTE] FormID: 0006383C DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Our business is done here. FormID: 0008308D DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 We're in control of this mine. No sudden moves. FormID: 0008308E DialogueKarthwasten HELO 0 Time to find another job. FormID: 0005FAFD DB03 GBYE 0 Make them all pay for what they've done to me... whispering/conspiratorial FormID: 00023C13 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 I'm not going to warn you again. FormID: 00023C14 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 Once more and I'm going to have to kill you. FormID: 00023C15 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 Don't do that again. Last warning. FormID: 00023C16 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 You're pushing your luck. FormID: 00023C17 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 What's the matter with you? FormID: 00023C18 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 Stop that. FormID: 00023C19 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 Watch it! FormID: 00023C1A DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 Hey, be careful! FormID: 000880E0 DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 I'm on your side! FormID: 00023C1C DialogueGenericFriendlyFire HIT_ 0 What are you doing? FormID: 00023BFC DA10 SCEN 0 So you don't know anything about this house? investigative FormID: 00023C2D DA10 SCEN 0 No. uncooperative FormID: 00023C0A DA10 SCEN 0 Anyone seen entering or leaving? Any strange lights or unusual noises? investigative FormID: 00023B6A MS11 MS11JorleifAccusationOfWuunferth MS11JorleifAccusationOfWuunferthTopic CUST 0 That's quite an accusation. I assume you have proof? FormID: 00023A3B CWMission03 CWMission03CourierBranch CWMission03CourierTopic CUST 0 Can't stop to chat, citizen. soldierly brush off Walk Away FormID: 00023A42 CWMission03 CWMission03CourierBranch CWMission03CourierTopic CUST 0 No time to talk. Out of my way. abrupt brush off Walk Away FormID: 00023858 CWMission03 CWMission03CourierBranch CWMission03CourierBye CUST 0 Hmph. suspicious FormID: 000249CB CWMission03 CWMission03CourierBranch CWMission03CourierBye CUST 0 Hmph. suspicious FormID: 00023873 CWMission03 CWMission03CourierBranch CWMission03CourierDie CUST 0 Is that so? shocked anger, about to attack FormID: 00023874 CWMission03 CWMission03CourierBranch CWMission03CourierDie CUST 0 We'll see about that. shocked anger, about to attack FormID: 000674E7 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 I've got my hands full with something. Don't go far. I'll need you soon. busy field officer FormID: 000674E6 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 I'm in the middle of something. But don't go far. I'll need you soon. busy field officer FormID: 0002386F CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 Good. I can use someone I can trust. pleased FormID: 00079800 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 Excellent. I have a couple tasks for you. pleased FormID: 00079801 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 Good. I have some things that need doing. pleased FormID: 00028E71 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 Good. I'm spread thin. I could use the help. pleased FormID: 00023871 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 Got my hands full as usual. pleased FormID: 00023872 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMissions CUST 0 There's plenty that needs doing. pleased FormID: 0002385B CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionFailureBranch CWCampaignFieldCOMissionFailureTopic CUST 0 I'm disappointed in your failure. But the Empire still needs you. I'll have to over look it for now. disappointed and resigned FormID: 0002385C CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionFailureBranch CWCampaignFieldCOMissionFailureTopic CUST 0 Turns out you're a screw up like the rest. But I still need you. So I'll overlook it for now. disappointed and annoyed FormID: 00023880 DB06 DB06GabriellaDetailsBranch DB06GabriellaDetailsBranchTopic CUST 0 With the Emperor's arrival in Skyrim now a certainty, his security service, the Penitus Oculatus, will need to begin its preparations immediately. FormID: 00023880 DB06 DB06GabriellaDetailsBranch DB06GabriellaDetailsBranchTopic CUST 1 Security is being handled by a Commander Maro. Astrid and I have devised a plan to break the man, and in doing so, cripple the Emperor's protection. FormID: 00023880 DB06 DB06GabriellaDetailsBranch DB06GabriellaDetailsBranchTopic CUST 2 You are to slay the commander's son, Gaius Maro, and once he is dead, plant false evidence on his body implicating him in a plot to kill the Emperor. FormID: 0002392F DB06 DB06GabriellaGoOnBranch DB06GabriellaGoOnBranchTopic CUST 0 To earn your bonus, do not kill Gaius Maro in Dragon Bridge, or on the road. Kill him in one of the other major cities he'll be visiting. emphasis on NOT FormID: 0002392F DB06 DB06GabriellaGoOnBranch DB06GabriellaGoOnBranchTopic CUST 1 There, the body will be discovered quickly, as will the letter implicating Gaius Maro in the plot to assassinate the Emperor. FormID: 0002392F DB06 DB06GabriellaGoOnBranch DB06GabriellaGoOnBranchTopic CUST 2 Do that, and Astrid has authorized me to grant you a rather unique bonus. It is a special token, to be given to Olava the Feeble, in Whiterun. FormID: 0002392F DB06 DB06GabriellaGoOnBranch DB06GabriellaGoOnBranchTopic CUST 3 Olava is an old and dear friend, and a powerful seer. The token entitles you to a reading of your future. It's an opportunity one should not pass up. FormID: 00023735 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 The entire town is being plagued by horrible nightmares. They're in serious danger but I'm afraid there's little I can do about it. frustrated FormID: 0002372D DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch03 CUST 0 I need to return to the source of the problem, to Nightcaller Temple. ominous FormID: 0002372D DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch03 CUST 1 Perhaps you'd be willing to assist me in that regard? FormID: 00023728 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04 CUST 0 These dreams are manifestations created by the Daedric Lord Vaermina. ominous FormID: 00023728 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04 CUST 1 She has an awful hunger for our memories. In return, she leaves behind nightmares not unlike a cough marks a serious illness. FormID: 00023728 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch04 CUST 2 I must end her terrible influence over these people before the damage becomes permanent. FormID: 0002371D DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch09 CUST 0 Wonderful! My lady Mara will be quite pleased! FormID: 0002371D DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch09 CUST 1 Nightcaller Temple is only a short walk from Dawnstar. Come, we must hurry. sense of urgency FormID: 00023727 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch11 CUST 0 Your concerns are understandable; trust is a very difficult commodity to come by these days. disappointed that player doesn't trust you FormID: 00023727 DA16 DA16ErandurIntroBranch DA16ErandurIntroBranch11 CUST 1 I can only give you my word as a priest of Mara that my intentions are honorable. worried player doesn't believe you FormID: 0002426E DA16 DA16ErandurVaerminaBranch DA16ErandurVaerminaBranchTopic CUST 0 Vaermina resides in a strange realm known as Quagmire... a nightmarish land where reality shifts upon itself in seemingly impossible ways. FormID: 0002426E DA16 DA16ErandurVaerminaBranch DA16ErandurVaerminaBranchTopic CUST 1 From her citadel at the center, she reaches forth to collect our memories, leaving nothing in return apart from visions of horror and despair. ominous FormID: 0002372C DA16 DA16ErandurSkullBranch DA16ErandurSkullBranchTopic CUST 0 Lore holds that the Skull of Corruption holds a constant hunger for the memories of others. FormID: 0002372C DA16 DA16ErandurSkullBranch DA16ErandurSkullBranchTopic CUST 1 The Skull has been out of touch for so long, I fear it's gained the ability to reach out on its own and try to feed. FormID: 0002372C DA16 DA16ErandurSkullBranch DA16ErandurSkullBranchTopic CUST 2 What it does with these memories is just conjecture and an argument for scholars and historians to this very day. FormID: 00024275 DA16 DA16ErandurDreamstateBranch DA16ErandurDreamstateBranchTopic CUST 0 You'll be viewing the memory of another through your own eyes and with your own body. FormID: 00024275 DA16 DA16ErandurDreamstateBranch DA16ErandurDreamstateBranchTopic CUST 1 Those around you will perceive you as normal and you will find the words you utter may not be your own. FormID: 00024275 DA16 DA16ErandurDreamstateBranch DA16ErandurDreamstateBranchTopic CUST 2 Thanks to all of these odd principles, there is quite a lot of debate as to whether this is really a dream or just the machinations of Vaermina. FormID: 0002426B DA16 DA16ErandurDreamstateBranch DA16ErandurDreamstateBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I will watch over you as you slumber to ensure your safety. If I deduce anything is amiss, I will use my arts to bring you back. FormID: 0002426B DA16 DA16ErandurDreamstateBranch DA16ErandurDreamstateBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Otherwise, I am uncertain what will end your Dreamstride. Perhaps when Vaermina's curious appetite has been filled. FormID: 00058C4E DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Unless you're here to solve this nightmare problem, I don't need you. FormID: 00058C4F DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Need a room? Don't worry. Nightmares don't seem to happen for travelers. FormID: 00058C52 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 You come to Dawnstar at a bad time. Tempers are... fiery. FormID: 0008790F DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 The Jarl is... tired. Be mindful of that. FormID: 000427CB DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 These dreams are real I tell you. Real! FormID: 00058C4A DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Can't sleep well no matter how much drink I put in me. FormID: 00058C4B DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 I envy you travelers. Dreams aren't affecting anyone not from here. FormID: 000427CE DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 What is it? I haven't had much sleep. FormID: 000427CF DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 If I get any rest soon, I'll count myself richer than a king. FormID: 00058C4C DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 If you're here about the nightmares, I'm afraid my pleas to the College of Winterhold go unheard. FormID: 00058C4D DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Seems like no one is getting a decent night's rest in Dawnstar, stranger. Best buy your steel and move on. FormID: 000427D2 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Gods I'm so tired. FormID: 000A0135 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Please. I must remain uninterrupted if I am to complete the ritual. Have no fear, your time will come. FormID: 00024240 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 What troubles you, my son? FormID: 00024241 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 What troubles you, my daughter? FormID: 0002423B DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Yes, my son, what is it I can help with? FormID: 0002423C DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Yes, my daughter, what is it I can help with? FormID: 000427C6 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 You're wrong to come here, stranger. No rest in Dawnstar. FormID: 000427C7 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 By the Divines, I'm tired. FormID: 00058C48 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 No. I don't have anything for bad dreams, so don't ask. FormID: 00058C49 DA16 DA16Hellos HELO 0 Lady Mara will save us from these nightmares. You'll see. FormID: 00023730 DA16 DA16ErandurRudeBranch DA16ErandurRudeBranchTopic CUST 0 Wish to converse with the crazy old elf, eh? Very well. Go on. FormID: 0002372B DA16 DA16ErandurRudeBranch DA16ErandurRudeBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Apologies accepted. I understand how this entire story can be mistaken for fiction since the circumstances are so abstract. FormID: 0002372B DA16 DA16ErandurRudeBranch DA16ErandurRudeBranchTopic01 CUST 1 However, I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe if you're willing to help me. FormID: 0002371E DA16 DA16ErandurRudeBranch DA16ErandurRudeBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Amusing. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to continue my research. I have no time for idle chatter with any simpleton who strikes up a conversation. FormID: 00024271 DA16 DA16ErandurRudeBranch DA16ErandurRudeBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Thank Mara. I was afraid I'd never be able to convince you. FormID: 00024271 DA16 DA16ErandurRudeBranch DA16ErandurRudeBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Allow me to gather the materials I need for my ritual, and then I will meet you outside the ruins. FormID: 00023732 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me take a look... FormID: 00023732 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic CUST 1 Mara be praised! There is a way past the barrier to the inner sanctum. FormID: 00023732 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic CUST 2 It involves a recipe for a liquid known as Vaermina's Torpor. FormID: 00024274 DA16 DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranch DA16ErandurAfterLibraryBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I believe there is a laboratory in the east wing. If we proceed there, we should be able to locate a sample. FormID: 00024247 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Damn it. The priests must have activated this barrier when the Miasma was released. FormID: 00023738 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Impossible actually. Hmm, I wonder... thinking to self FormID: 00023738 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 There may be a way to bypass the barrier, but I must check their library and confirm it can be done. FormID: 00023729 DA16 DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranch DA16ErandurBarrierIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I still have my key to the library. Whenever you're ready, let's move on. FormID: 0002424A DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Farewell, Brother Casimir. FormID: 0002424C DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Go now! The orcs could breach the inner sanctum at any moment! FormID: 00024254 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Brother Thorek, we must remain here and guard this Skull with our lives if necessary. FormID: 00024255 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 And what about you, Brother Casimir? Are you prepared to serve the will of Vaermina? FormID: 00024256 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Then it's decided. grim FormID: 00024256 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 1 Brother Casimir, you must activate the barrier and release the Miasma. Let nothing stop you. FormID: 0002425A DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Then let it be done. Farewell, my brothers! FormID: 00024260 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Agreed. To the death. grim FormID: 00024262 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 We have no alternative. It's the will of Vaermina. defeated FormID: 00024263 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 The Miasma? But, brother... Surprised FormID: 00024264 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 Then we have no choice. The Miasma must be released. grim FormID: 00024266 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 But... no more than a handful of us remain, brother. FormID: 00024269 DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 We must hold. We can't allow the Skull to fall into their hands. FormID: 0002426A DA16 DA16SharedInfos IDAT 0 The orcs have breached the inner sanctum, Brother Veren. FormID: 000235BF dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 These thralls of yours are slower than Argonians in a blizzard. FormID: 000235BC dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 Feel free to grab a pick and help them out. I prefer not to sully myself with manual labor. FormID: 000235C2 dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 There goes another one. FormID: 000235C0 dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 Bah. Weak-willed rabble. Even dead they're almost useless. FormID: 000235BD dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 They seem less intelligent each time you raise them, if that's even possible. FormID: 000235C1 dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 As long as they can swing a pickaxe where I tell them, they're as smart as we need them to be. FormID: 000235BE dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 You hear that? The others must have found something! FormID: 000235C3 dunUstengravQST SCEN 0 We'd better go see. These can tend to themselves for a few minutes. FormID: 000233CA MG02 MG02TolfdirStage10Branch MG02TolfdirStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 All right, please stay close to me while we're inside. It should be safe, but it's always better to be cautious. FormID: 00022F34 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridThirdGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. And you've repaid your debt, in full. Here's the key to the shack. But why stop here? I say we take our relationship to the next level. FormID: 00022F34 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridThirdGreetBranchTopic CUST 1 I would like to officially extend to you an invitation to join my Family. The Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 00022F34 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridThirdGreetBranchTopic CUST 2 In the southwest reaches of Skyrim, in the Pine Forest, you'll find the entrance to our Sanctuary. It's just beneath the road, hidden from view. FormID: 00022F34 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridThirdGreetBranchTopic CUST 3 When questioned by the Black Door, answer with the correct passphrase: [QUOTE]Silence, my brother.[QUOTE] Then you're in. And your new life begins. FormID: 00022F34 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridThirdGreetBranchTopic CUST 4 I'll see you at home. FormID: 00022F32 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherBranch DBAstridNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 0 The Unholy Matron, the Shrouded Lady, the Mistress of the Void. She goes by many names. FormID: 00022F32 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherBranch DBAstridNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 1 Ages past, Sithis gave a woman five children. She killed them to win his favor, thus becoming the Night Mother. If you believe that sort of thing. FormID: 00022F32 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherBranch DBAstridNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 2 Today, she's... well, she's a skeleton. An ancient corpse. But, more importantly, a corpse that's being brought to this Sanctuary by her Keeper. FormID: 00022F31 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridRulesBranch DBAstridRulesBranchTopic CUST 0 Used to be the Dark Brotherhood was bound by Five Tenets, but we stopped following those years ago. FormID: 00022F31 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridRulesBranch DBAstridRulesBranchTopic CUST 1 All those rules, all that discipline, and look where the Dark Brotherhood ended up. We're the last of our kind, and we live the way we see fit. FormID: 00022F31 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridRulesBranch DBAstridRulesBranchTopic CUST 2 Bottom line - respect your Family. Do that, and everything else will fall into place. FormID: 00022F33 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridContractsBranch DBAstridContractsBranchTopic CUST 0 They used to come from the Night Mother. Potential clients would perform the Black Sacrament, and she would hear their prayers. FormID: 00022F33 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridContractsBranch DBAstridContractsBranchTopic CUST 1 The Night Mother would communicate this to the Listener, who would then dispatch a Speaker to arrange the contract with the client. FormID: 00022F33 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridContractsBranch DBAstridContractsBranchTopic CUST 2 But that was a long time ago. There hasn't been a Listener in years, not since Cyrodiil was overrun in the war with the Thalmor. FormID: 00022F33 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridContractsBranch DBAstridContractsBranchTopic CUST 3 But people don't know that. So they still perform the ritual... and we eventually hear about it. When someone wants us, we find out. FormID: 0002E3CB DB02 HELO 0 I don't know who you are, or what's going on here, but you ought to be ashamed of yourself. FormID: 0002E3CC DB02 HELO 0 What's happening? Damn it, what are you doing? angry and getting panicked, voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3CD DB02 HELO 0 Get these things off of me! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3CF DB02 HELO 0 Cowards! Stealing a woman from her home! For shame! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D0 DB02 HELO 0 By the gods, when I get out of here you're dead! You hear me? Dead! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D1 DB02 HELO 0 Aggghh! me! stretches out [QUOTE]release[QUOTE] like she's pulling at her bonds. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D2 DB02 HELO 0 Thank you! Thank you! I won't tell anyone what happened here, I swear it! FormID: 0002E3D3 DB02 HELO 0 Oh, gods, please! Let me live! I'll do anything you want! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D4 DB02 HELO 0 I... I can hear you talking out there. Please, let me go. I've done nothing to you. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D6 DB02 HELO 0 Is this about that raid last week? I told Holgrim there was no honor in killing sleeping men, but he wouldn't listen! It wasn't my fault, I swear! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D7 DB02 HELO 0 I'm just a soldier. Killing is my job! Surely you can't fault a man for doing his job? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D8 DB02 HELO 0 Please, oh please, I don't want to die... voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3D9 DB02 HELO 0 Ah, sweet freedom. Now that's more like it. You have my thanks, stranger. FormID: 0002E3DA DB02 HELO 0 Whoever this is, clearly we got off on the wrong foot. Ah, but no worries. This is not the first time I have been bagged and dragged. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3DC DB02 HELO 0 Come now. Whatever the problem, we can talk about it like civilized folk. Hmm? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3DB DB02 HELO 0 Hello? Hello? Ah, I know you're listening. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3DD DB02 HELO 0 A man in my position makes lots of enemies. But what is a life-threatening situation if not an opportunity for mutual benefit? Hmmm? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0002E3E6 DB02 HELO 0 You'll let me go. I know you will. This is all just part of the game we play... voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 00022F35 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherArriveBranch DBAstridNightMotherArriveBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. A few months ago I received word from the Night Mother's Keeper that he had arrived in Skyrim from Cyrodiil. FormID: 00022F35 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherArriveBranch DBAstridNightMotherArriveBranchTopic CUST 1 The Night Mother's crypt, in Bravil, was destroyed. A result of the chaos caused by the war with the Thalmor. That forced a relocation. FormID: 00022F35 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherArriveBranch DBAstridNightMotherArriveBranchTopic CUST 2 I don't know where the Keeper has been these past few months, but I recently received another letter. He's bringing the Night Mother here. Soon. FormID: 00022F30 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherPresenceBranch DBAstridNightMotherPresenceBranchTopic CUST 0 Very little. You have my word on that. The Night Mother represents a chapter in the Dark Brotherhood's history that has long since been closed. determined FormID: 00022F30 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherPresenceBranch DBAstridNightMotherPresenceBranchTopic CUST 1 Today we live by our own rules. We're the last Sanctuary in all of Tamriel, and only by forgoing the old ways have we survived for so long. FormID: 00022F30 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherPresenceBranch DBAstridNightMotherPresenceBranchTopic CUST 2 My only worry is her [QUOTE]Keeper.[QUOTE] I'm not sure what Cicero expects to gain by bringing the Night Mother here, but he'll soon learn this is my Sanctuary. emphasis on [QUOTE]my[QUOTE] FormID: 00022EE3 DA10 SCEN 0 Molag Bal. You think you can best Boethiah's faithful? I have won this contest before! calling out to a hidden enemy FormID: 00022EE8 DA10 SCEN 0 Ah. But I have my own champion this time, Logrolf. Evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 00022EE9 DA10 SCEN 0 What? You! suddenly notice who's behind you FormID: 00022EED DA10 SCEN 0 Mortal. I give you my mace, in all its rusted spitefulness. evil god commanding a minion FormID: 00022EED DA10 SCEN 1 Crush the spirit from Logrolf's bones. Make him bend to me. evil god commanding a minion FormID: 00022EEB DA10 SCEN 0 No more.... No more.... I submit, Molag Bal. I submit! broken FormID: 000DDCF3 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 Don't know what that man expects. House is empty. FormID: 000DEE73 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 Untie me. Now. commanding FormID: 000957F8 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 No.... Not again! terrified FormID: 00095812 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 No more.... No more! terrified FormID: 00095813 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 Don't kill me.... I don't want to die! terrified FormID: 00095814 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 I... won't... surrender! exhausted FormID: 00095815 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 Call... that... a... swing? exhausted FormID: 00095839 DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 You'll pay for this.... exhausted FormID: 0009583A DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 I'll never submit! FormID: 0009583B DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 Do your worst, monster! FormID: 0009583C DA10 DA10Hellos HELO 0 I won't bend. Never! FormID: 00022E87 MS08 MS08SaadiaST75Branch MS08SaadiaST75Topic CUST 0 Good. Wipe them out. So long as one of them is left alive, they will come for me! FormID: 00022E79 MS08 MS08SaadiaST125Branch MS08SaadiaST125Topic CUST 0 What? How? I thought they weren't allowed within the city! FormID: 00022E7C MS08 MS08SaadiaST160Branch MS08SaadiaST160Topic CUST 0 At last. I can rest safely. You have done me a great service, warrior. I cannot thank you enough. FormID: 00022E7C MS08 MS08SaadiaST160Branch MS08SaadiaST160Topic CUST 1 Take this reward. I managed to sneak some of my wealth out of Hammerfell when I left. It's the least I can do. FormID: 00022E7C MS08 MS08SaadiaST160Branch MS08SaadiaST160Topic CUST 2 For now, I will maintain my ruse here. You are always welcome in the Bannered Mare. FormID: 00022E7E MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01 CUST 0 Assassins? No, nothing so crass. FormID: 00022E7E MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01 CUST 1 [QUOTE]Saadia[QUOTE], as you know her, is wanted by the noble houses of Taneth for treason. We were hired to see her returned to Hammerfell for her crimes. FormID: 00022E7E MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01 CUST 2 You can help us with that, and make sure no one else gets hurt. FormID: 00022E83 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01c CUST 0 I'd hoped we could work something out, that you would see reason. FormID: 00022E83 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01c CUST 1 That we could avoid having to kill you. polite, but with a bit of menace FormID: 00022E83 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01c CUST 2 Very well, then. If that's the way you want to play it, we will. FormID: 00022E7F MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01a CUST 0 She trusts you, at least to some extent. She sent you after us, and has no reason to think that you'd do anything other than that. FormID: 00022E7F MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01a CUST 1 Convince her that we'll be coming for her, and she needs to leave. Lead her to the stables outside Whiterun. FormID: 00022E7F MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01a CUST 2 We'll be waiting to take her into custody. FormID: 00022E7F MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01a CUST 3 I'll gladly share a portion of the bounty in return for your efforts in seeing proper justice done. FormID: 00022E84 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01a1 CUST 0 Good. We'll be waiting for you at the stables. FormID: 00022E84 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic01a1 CUST 1 It will be good to finally be able to return home. FormID: 000228BA dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Would you look at that! Kid in a candy shop FormID: 000228C0 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Don't rush ahead. This is a trap if I ever saw one. FormID: 0004F8C6 MS01 HELO 0 I hope your stay in Markarth treats you better. sympathetically FormID: 00022914 MS01 HELO 0 Need to get going. What is it? nonchalant FormID: 00020FA0 MS01 HELO 0 New to Markarth? nonchalant FormID: 000D66D7 MS01 HELO 0 I'm shopping. Excuse me. busy and annoyed FormID: 000957F7 MS01 HELO 0 Oh it's you. The one from the market. exhausted FormID: 000D66D8 MS01 HELO 0 I'm sorry, I'm still a bit dizzy from everything. exhausted FormID: 000D66D9 MS01 HELO 0 The Treasury House is really just for patrons of the Silver-Blood family. You don't belong here. snobbish FormID: 000D66DA MS01 HELO 0 I'm sorry. We're only interested in helping our patrons. snobbish FormID: 000D66DB MS01 HELO 0 I work for the Silver-Bloods. Help clean. gruff FormID: 000D66DC MS01 HELO 0 Just here to work. gruff FormID: 000D7B0B MS01 HELO 0 Looks like you weren't followed. Good. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D7B0C MS01 HELO 0 Once you've found out anything, come straight to me. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D7B0D MS01 HELO 0 City's got eyes. Be careful when you're out there. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66E5 MS01 GBYE 0 I'm sorry, but you're not leaving alive. old and remorseful FormID: 0002291F MS01 GBYE 0 Let me know as soon as you've found anything. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 0005A306 MS01 GBYE 0 Be careful who you talk to. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 00022929 MS01 GBYE 0 Keep your eyes and ears open. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 0009C8B9 MS01 GBYE 0 I should never have come to Markarth. exhausted FormID: 000DE1AE MS01 GBYE 0 What's happening to this city? fearful FormID: 0009C8BA MS01 GBYE 0 This has ruined my entire day. dry and rough FormID: 000228C1 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 This is it! Gathrik awaits us! a bit crazed FormID: 000228BF dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 What are you on about? Let's just get the treasure here and go. FormID: 0002397E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Some nights I dream about the mists of Sovngarde. FormID: 00023978 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 When you get to be my age, you'll come to miss the smell of blood. Strange, I know. FormID: 00023976 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 How goes the hunting, brother? FormID: 00023977 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 How goes the hunting, sister? FormID: 00023965 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 A stranger comes to our hall. FormID: 00023975 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Greetings outsider. If you have some business here, speak it. FormID: 00023982 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Are you still here? FormID: 0002398E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Let's not waste too much time talking when there is glory to be had. FormID: 0002398F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Get a move on. FormID: 00023994 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Haven't seen your face before. I'm watching you. FormID: 00023995 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 This is a place for warriors, new blood. What brings you here? FormID: 00023996 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You still need to prove yourself, whelp. FormID: 000BFCB7 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You might make a decent Companion yet. FormID: 00023997 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Are you looking for help with something? This is a busy time. sarcastic, as if the player can't handle things on his own FormID: 00023998 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 This had better be important. FormID: 00023999 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You again? FormID: 0002399C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What now? FormID: 000239A2 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I can't keep helping you with everything. FormID: 00099393 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Blood on the wind today. Good hunt ahead of us. FormID: 000BFCBD DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Do you have guidance for me, Harbinger? FormID: 000BFCBC DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I've been running interference for you around here. I don't think anyone's caught on to our little campaign. Yet. FormID: 000BFCBA DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Have you been bringing the battle to the Silver Hand, friend? I wish I could be there with you. Soon enough. FormID: 000BFCB9 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I hope the hunting goes well, sister. We've got the cowards on their heels now. FormID: 000BFCB8 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I hope the hunting goes well, brother. We've got the cowards on their heels now. FormID: 000239A9 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I've heard you may actually be stronger than you look. Perhaps we can hunt together someday. FormID: 000239AA DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Don't let them intimidate you, sister. We both know how to keep our heads while the men let their hearts rule. FormID: 000239AB DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 It's good to have another quick-eyed Shield-Sister in the hall. Come to me with any troubles. FormID: 000239A7 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 If you wish to hunt with me, your feet need to be quick, and your eyes quicker. FormID: 000239A8 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Ysgramor himself wouldn't have the patience to deal with all the rabble around here. FormID: 000239AC DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Are you on the hunt? FormID: 000239B3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Blood running hot? FormID: 00099394 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You look strong. Come to Jorrvaskr and be a Companion! FormID: 000BFCBE DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Vilkas said you are the new Kodlak. I don't know what that means, but you seem honorable, so that's good. FormID: 00023A13 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Skjor says that I have the strength of Ysgramor, and my brother has his smarts. FormID: 00023A14 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like. FormID: 00023A03 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You are new here. I don't trust the new. FormID: 00023A04 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 My brother Vilkas is a better talker than me. He should be around someplace. FormID: 00023A29 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I'm here to help. FormID: 00023A2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Thinking I need to train some more. FormID: 00023A3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Getting tired of hanging around talking all day. FormID: 00023A7B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I wouldn't have expected someone like you to be the Harbinger, but Kodlak trusted your judgment. And so will I. FormID: 00023A6E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Come to me with questions. I know our history almost as well as Vignar by now. Except I can remember it. last line said with a chuckle (Vignar is senile/forgetful) FormID: 00023A7A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What brings you to me? Find some strange creature in your travels? FormID: 000BFCC0 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I think by now I've killed one of every living thing in Skyrim. May be time for a trip to Morrowind. FormID: 00023A47 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Great, another ambitious visitor. You think you can just wander in here and join us? FormID: 00023A46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Did you just wander in out of the white? FormID: 00023A7C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I suppose you have another question? FormID: 00023A7D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What is it now? FormID: 00023BC5 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You're a talkative one, aren't you. FormID: 00099395 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I swear, every wanderer who shows up in Whiterun looks weaker than the last. FormID: 00023E3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I always thought the new Harbinger would be taller, myself. FormID: 00023D9C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Ah, fresh blood. Hope you know how to handle yourself. FormID: 000BFCC1 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I never thought they would actually let me join the Companions. But now it looks like they're letting anyone in these days. FormID: 00023E3C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I avoid going to Eastmarch if I can. Something in the air... I think it's just too close to the border. FormID: 00023E3D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Are you thinking you're better than me? I crawled west out of the wasteland, so show some respect. FormID: 00023E3E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 We are all Ashlanders now, brother. Good to find another family that cares where they came from, eh? FormID: 00023E3F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 To what do I owe the honor? sarcastic FormID: 00023E40 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Look, I've got training to get to. FormID: 00023E41 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You don't belong here. What do you think you have to offer? FormID: 00023E42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I'm still trying to figure out why Skjor let you in in the first place. FormID: 00023E43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 If the Circle vouches for you, I'm sworn to respect their judgment. But that doesn't mean I like it. FormID: 000BFCC2 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What guidance could you offer me? FormID: 00023E44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What now? incredibly impatient FormID: 00023E45 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Oh, it's you. disdainful FormID: 00099396 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Fight with us and you'll have stories to tell. Come up to Jorrvaskr if you're worth anything in a fight. FormID: 00023E46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Here to be a Companion? Well, they just let me in, so there's probably no more room. FormID: 00023E47 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I was the newest Companion, until you came along. I guess that's ok. Just means I can show you the ropes! FormID: 00023E48 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Oh, hey there. I killed a bear yesterday. Did you kill anything? FormID: 000BFCC3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Good to have some fresh eyes up there at the top. I follow your lead, Harbinger. FormID: 00023E49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Oh, got more to say? FormID: 00023E4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What's on your mind? FormID: 000BFCC4 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Oh, so you're the one in charge now? Fine, fine. FormID: 00023E4B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 I haven't seen you before. Have I? Have we met? I'm sorry if I've forgotten. FormID: 00023E4C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 The latest recruit! Right? Wait, is that right? FormID: 00023E4D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 Might head down to the meadery later. See what they're brewing up. You can smell the honey on the wind. FormID: 00023E4E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 What do you want from me, now? FormID: 00023E4F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsHellos HELO 0 You're a talker, eh? FormID: 0002291D DialogueBrandyMugFarm1 SCEN 0 I don't think we're going to get those potatoes to come in. FormID: 0002314A DialogueBrandyMugFarm1 SCEN 0 Well of course, not with an attitude like that! FormID: 00023287 DialogueBrandyMugFarm1 SCEN 0 The ground is practically frozen. We can't dig down far enough. FormID: 00022886 DialogueBrandyMugFarm1 SCEN 0 Come on, we just need a little elbow grease. FormID: 00022FA7 DialogueBrandyMugFarm2 SCEN 0 Now, I've been reading about the best ways to grow corn in permafrost... FormID: 000231A0 DialogueBrandyMugFarm2 SCEN 0 I keep telling you, without a warming enchantment, it will never grow past your ankles. FormID: 0002325A DialogueBrandyMugFarm2 SCEN 0 Right, but if you plow the soil with fire salts... FormID: 00023961 DialogueBrandyMugFarm2 SCEN 0 Then you've salted it and nothing will grow at all. Genius. FormID: 00022F98 DialogueBrandyMugFarm2 SCEN 0 Oh dear, I hadn't thought of that. FormID: 0002311B DialogueBrandyMugFarm3 SCEN 0 I'll bet this is better than trying to grow something in Morrowind, though, isn't it? FormID: 0002324D DialogueBrandyMugFarm3 SCEN 0 Firstly, I've never even seen Morrowind. Secondly, in volcanic soil the plants practically grow themselves. FormID: 0002369B DialogueBrandyMugFarm3 SCEN 0 Oh, my, I hadn't thought of that. FormID: 00022925 DialogueBrandyMugFarm3 SCEN 0 There are places in the world that aren't wrapped in ice, you know. FormID: 0002309F DialogueHlaaluFarm1 SCEN 0 I was wondering if you had ordered the shipment of that frostwheat, sir. FormID: 00023202 DialogueHlaaluFarm1 SCEN 0 Yes, but that fool Endario can't get it in. I'll thrash him when I get back to the city, don't you worry. FormID: 0002328D DialogueHlaaluFarm1 SCEN 0 I wasn't wanting to get anyone in trouble, sir. Just wanting to get the new planting started, is all. FormID: 0002287C DialogueHlaaluFarm1 SCEN 0 Yes, wouldn't want to miss the lush summer we have ahead. Dripping with sarcasm (this area is a permanently frozen wasteland) FormID: 0002297A DialogueHlaaluFarm2 SCEN 0 Make sure the back fence is repaired. I swear I saw some skeevers in nibbling the leaves yesterday. FormID: 0002309A DialogueHlaaluFarm2 SCEN 0 Oh, no skeevers out here, sir. They can't stand the cold. FormID: 0002320C DialogueHlaaluFarm2 SCEN 0 Maybe, but the way you burn through all that wood to keep the cabin toasty, they might mistake this place for Elsweyr. FormID: 0002328E DialogueHlaaluFarm2 SCEN 0 Sorry, sir. These old bones do like a bit of warmth in the evening. There's no need to make fun. FormID: 0002287E DialogueHlaaluFarm2 SCEN 0 You just need to remember that there's a war on, and firewood isn't cheap these days. FormID: 00022F9D DialogueHlaaluFarm3 SCEN 0 So have you ever actually spoken to Captain Lonely-Gale? FormID: 00023116 DialogueHlaaluFarm3 SCEN 0 By the gods, he's just a retired ship's captain. FormID: 00023259 DialogueHlaaluFarm3 SCEN 0 Maybe to you, but he's just so... his story is... FormID: 0002393B DialogueHlaaluFarm3 SCEN 0 He's just a guard captain. And not a very good one, at that. FormID: 00022F97 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi1 SCEN 0 How have things been with you? FormID: 00023133 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi1 SCEN 0 I got another harangue from Torsten yesterday. FormID: 0002327F DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi1 SCEN 0 Don't worry about him. I know you work hard, and I'm the one who gets you your money. FormID: 00023931 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi1 SCEN 0 Thank you, miss, I appreciate that. FormID: 00022F9C DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi2 SCEN 0 And what about the dogs? How are those precious little angels? FormID: 00023113 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi2 SCEN 0 Healthy and strong. Ysgramor's coat's gotten so thick, he looks fat! FormID: 0002324E DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurHillevi2 SCEN 0 Oh, that's just adorable. FormID: 0002393A DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1 SCEN 0 Tulvur! I've just completed inspection of the farmhouse. FormID: 00022F95 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1 SCEN 0 Oh? FormID: 0002319F DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1 SCEN 0 It's filthy in there! Dirt everywhere, and it looks like the dogs have the run of the place. FormID: 00023257 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1 SCEN 0 Well, sir, it's a farmhouse. It's not going to be as clean as your house in the city. FormID: 00023859 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1 SCEN 0 I just know that our sailors are able to keep their ship quarters clean, and I expect the same of you. FormID: 00022915 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1 SCEN 0 I'll do my best, sir. FormID: 000230F4 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten2 SCEN 0 Sir, I'm going to need some better equipment if you want me plowing the frost. FormID: 00023213 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten2 SCEN 0 Like what? FormID: 00023844 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten2 SCEN 0 Well, some tools that aren't rusted through would be a start. FormID: 00022963 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten2 SCEN 0 I'll provide you wood and timber to make whatever riggings you'll need. FormID: 000230D8 DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten2 SCEN 0 I'm not building a ship, sir. I'm trying to make things grow. FormID: 00022910 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma1 SCEN 0 Did I tell you I got a letter from General Tullius? They've conscripted some more archers and will need... FormID: 00023252 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma1 SCEN 0 Sssssh! That's not something we want everyone to be hearing. FormID: 00022893 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma1 SCEN 0 Oh, like the sleepy rebel supporters in this town are going to tell anyone. FormID: 00022FA6 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma1 SCEN 0 Let's just not take the chance. We can talk about this later. FormID: 000231C7 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma2 SCEN 0 That last brigade of soldiers said there's a tall forest on the eastern edge of the White River. FormID: 00023258 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma2 SCEN 0 Yes, but that's too close to Mixwater Mill. We don't want to get Gilfre angry at us by stealing her trees. FormID: 00023718 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma2 SCEN 0 Well we have to harvest somewhere! This is getting absurd. FormID: 00022920 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma2 SCEN 0 I want to make money just as much as you do, but we don't want to make the Nords angry. FormID: 0002302C DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma2 SCEN 0 Who could tell the difference? FormID: 00023214 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma3 SCEN 0 We've got a new order in. FormID: 000237F7 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma3 SCEN 0 Is that a joke? FormID: 00022F92 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma3 SCEN 0 No! Roggi and Kjeld need some more support timbers for the mine. FormID: 00023103 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma3 SCEN 0 I suppose Kjeld asked for the usual discount? FormID: 0002323F DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma3 SCEN 0 Well, he is the mayor. FormID: 00023962 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma3 SCEN 0 No, it's fine. I don't mind being poor. bitter, spiteful, sarcastic FormID: 00022F94 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma4 SCEN 0 What about Ulfric? Did you ever hear back from him? FormID: 00023109 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma4 SCEN 0 No, but his housecarl sent us a letter. FormID: 00023254 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma4 SCEN 0 Why didn't you tell me? What did he say? FormID: 00023939 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma4 SCEN 0 He... thanked us for contacting him, but said they didn't need any more lumber at the moment. FormID: 0002296C DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma4 SCEN 0 Oh. FormID: 00023118 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma4 SCEN 0 You see? That's why I didn't tell you! FormID: 0002327E DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 There is some good news though. I think the borders of the shrine may be smaller than we think. FormID: 0002392E DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 Wait, so you think we'll be able to harvest some of the sacred trees up there? FormID: 0002296B DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 Well that's just it. Some of them might not be sacred. FormID: 000230FB DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 I'll let you explain that one to the Nords. FormID: 00023223 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 They have to be reasonable about it at some point. FormID: 00023843 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 Gemma. This town is called [QUOTE]Kynesgrove.[QUOTE] That stand of trees is Kyne's Grove. You don't honestly think you can just cut some down. FormID: 000228C7 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 Well, we have to cut down something! FormID: 00023020 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma5 SCEN 0 Maybe we should just admit that this is a horrible place for a mill. FormID: 000231F4 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma6 SCEN 0 I'll never understand why you're so bitter about everything. FormID: 00023293 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma6 SCEN 0 I'm bitter because we had lives in Cyrodiil. And we came out here to be paupers. FormID: 0002288B DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma6 SCEN 0 But we choose our own path now. FormID: 00022FD9 DialogueKynesgroveGannaGemma6 SCEN 0 And a whole lot of good that's gotten us. FormID: 000228B0 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra1 SCEN 0 Mama, when can we go play in the river again? FormID: 00022FE1 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra1 SCEN 0 Not with all those soldiers all over the hold. Their horses can't see you, you know. FormID: 000231D2 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra1 SCEN 0 I know, but... FormID: 00023298 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra1 SCEN 0 And you'll be trampled to death! FormID: 0002266A MS04 HELO 0 Please take the Lexicon. FormID: 000E776B MS04 HELO 0 It's yours now. I won't take it back. I won't. FormID: 000E776C MS04 HELO 0 Avanchnzel. Take it to Avanchnzel. You must take it back. FormID: 000228CA DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra1 SCEN 0 No way. I'm quick! FormID: 000230CD DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra1 SCEN 0 Well why don't you be quick about finding my book that you lost? FormID: 00023205 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra2 SCEN 0 You need to take better care of your sister. FormID: 00023695 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra2 SCEN 0 But she's so stupid! FormID: 0002292A DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra2 SCEN 0 She said you threw her into a goat pen yesterday. FormID: 000230EE DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra2 SCEN 0 Because she was being stupid! FormID: 0002323D DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra2 SCEN 0 Don't make me bring your father into this. FormID: 0002385A DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra3 SCEN 0 I'm going to need your help in the kitchen tomorrow. FormID: 0002297B DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra3 SCEN 0 But papa was going to take me hunting tomorrow! FormID: 00023107 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra3 SCEN 0 Oh, I don't think you're old enough for that yet. You can help me salt the cheese curd. FormID: 0002321C DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra3 SCEN 0 Why can't Froa do it? FormID: 00023875 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerIddra3 SCEN 0 Because I'm telling you to. emphasize [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] FormID: 00022F93 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld1 SCEN 0 Papa, mama's making me do kitchen work again. FormID: 00023111 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld1 SCEN 0 And what did you say to that? FormID: 0002327C DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld1 SCEN 0 She can't tell me what to do! FormID: 0002287D DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld1 SCEN 0 There you go, son. Be your own man! FormID: 00022FA3 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld2 SCEN 0 And then I told her about the vampires and how much they would pay me for her. FormID: 0002318C DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld2 SCEN 0 That is rich. What did she do? FormID: 00023284 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld2 SCEN 0 She's a girl. She cried. FormID: 0002288A DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld2 SCEN 0 It's good to toughen her up. Not an easy world out here. Keep at it. FormID: 00022FA4 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld3 SCEN 0 When do I get to go hunting? FormID: 000225B7 DB01 DB01FrancoisGrelodBranch DB01FrancoisGrelodBranchTopic CUST 0 Miss Grelod is... well she's a terrible old crone. No person could be that cruel. I think she's part hagraven. FormID: 000225B7 DB01 DB01FrancoisGrelodBranch DB01FrancoisGrelodBranchTopic CUST 1 She only lets us out in the yard once. In the morning. And she just stands there watching us. FormID: 000225B7 DB01 DB01FrancoisGrelodBranch DB01FrancoisGrelodBranchTopic CUST 2 Like I said. Hagraven. FormID: 000225BB DB01 DB01SamuelGrelodBranch DB01SamuelGrelodBranchTopic CUST 0 Sometimes, when she goes to her room to work or sleep, I slip out for a bit. Noontime, every day - that's when I hit the streets. FormID: 000225BB DB01 DB01SamuelGrelodBranch DB01SamuelGrelodBranchTopic CUST 1 A boy's gotta make a livin', right? FormID: 000225B8 DB01 DB01RunaGrelodBranch DB01RunaGrelodBranchTopic CUST 0 I hate her. Everyone hates her. She's the meanest person I ever met. Sometimes she even locks us in the... room. FormID: 000225B8 DB01 DB01RunaGrelodBranch DB01RunaGrelodBranchTopic CUST 1 Constance tries to stop her, and is real good to us, but it's never enough. FormID: 000225B6 DB01 DB01HroarGrelodBranch DB01HroarGrelodBranchTopic CUST 0 I ain't afraid of the old hag. Still, I wish Constance was in charge. She treats us real good. FormID: 000225B6 DB01 DB01HroarGrelodBranch DB01HroarGrelodBranchTopic CUST 1 Constance, sometimes she gives me little snacks. Which is good, 'cause we only get but one meal. Late, too, in the afternoon. FormID: 000225B6 DB01 DB01HroarGrelodBranch DB01HroarGrelodBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm a growing boy. I need as much food as I can get. FormID: 000225BC DB01 DB01ConstanceGrelodBranch DB01ConstanceGrelodBranchTopic CUST 0 I will do nothing of the sort. You have no business here. I'm sorry, but you really must leave. FormID: 000231CC DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld3 SCEN 0 When you're able to draw a bow all the way to your shoulder. FormID: 00023288 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld3 SCEN 0 I can do that! I did it yesterday! FormID: 00022898 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld3 SCEN 0 Oh, really? skeptical, teasing a child FormID: 00022FDA DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld3 SCEN 0 So can I come? FormID: 00023200 DialogueKynesgroveKjeldYoungerKjeld3 SCEN 0 We'll see. FormID: 000236AC DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra1 SCEN 0 Have you heard about Goldenglow Meadery? FormID: 0002291C DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra1 SCEN 0 Did something happen to it? FormID: 000230FC DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra1 SCEN 0 All the apiaries... it will take years to get those bees happy again. FormID: 00023219 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra1 SCEN 0 Do the bees need to be happy? FormID: 00023848 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra1 SCEN 0 Of course! You can't make good mead without happy honey! FormID: 0002296A DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra2 SCEN 0 If you like mead so much, why not go live in Riften? FormID: 000230F5 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra2 SCEN 0 Oh, I wouldn't be able to help them. Their skills were given by the Divines. FormID: 00023216 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra2 SCEN 0 Maybe you could be a taster or something. FormID: 000236AD DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra2 SCEN 0 Ah, but I can do that right here. Right now! FormID: 00022928 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra3 SCEN 0 How are the little ones? FormID: 00023100 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra3 SCEN 0 Oh, you know. Little Kjeld is a handful, and Froa is just so quiet. FormID: 0002321D DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra3 SCEN 0 He takes after his father, and she takes after you. FormID: 00023720 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiIddra3 SCEN 0 Well, that's the good and the bad of it. FormID: 00022968 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld1 SCEN 0 I'm not sure that's a good joke to tell with women present... FormID: 000230F1 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld1 SCEN 0 But don't you get it? She thought he was a troll! FormID: 0002321A DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld1 SCEN 0 I get it. It's funny. It just might upset your wife. FormID: 000236BE DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld1 SCEN 0 Eh, let her get upset. She'll be angry no matter what I say, might as well enjoy myself. FormID: 000228D1 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld2 SCEN 0 So, Roggi, when are you going to get yourself a woman? FormID: 00023022 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld2 SCEN 0 Oh, I'm not sure I could ever settle down like you have, friend. not exactly sarcastic, but not believing (his friend is a philanderer) FormID: 000231C9 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld2 SCEN 0 Who says I've settled down? sly, creepy FormID: 00023289 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld2 SCEN 0 I think this is yet another conversation that wouldn't make your wife happy. FormID: 00022883 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld2 SCEN 0 That's just it... if she's not happy, there are plenty of other women who will be. FormID: 00022FA0 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld2 SCEN 0 Oh, you old charmer. very uncomfortable with this man's openness with his cheating on his wife FormID: 00023108 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld3 SCEN 0 How much do you know about the brewing of mead? FormID: 00023251 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld3 SCEN 0 I know all there is to know about the drinking of it, and that suits me just fine. FormID: 0002380A DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld3 SCEN 0 I've been trying to figure out what makes Riften mead better than the stuff from Whiterun. FormID: 00022912 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld3 SCEN 0 Better honey? FormID: 000230F6 DialogueKynesgroveRoggiKjeld3 SCEN 0 There has to be more to it than that, though. I wish I knew where the bees got it from. FormID: 00023211 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul1 SCEN 0 I hear Mauhulakh is wandering again. He's after a new woman. FormID: 0002333C DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul1 SCEN 0 He's lonely. What do you expect? FormID: 0002291A DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul1 SCEN 0 No matter. You'll take care of things like you always have. FormID: 0002309C DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul1 SCEN 0 Please, let's not have it come to that. FormID: 00023217 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul1 SCEN 0 True... we could simply make sure she never reaches Narzulbur. FormID: 0002369A DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul1 SCEN 0 That wasn't what I meant. FormID: 0002295F DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul2 SCEN 0 If he does show up with a bride, we'll have to move quickly. FormID: 000230E1 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul2 SCEN 0 Once she's with child, I will not harm her. FormID: 00035071 DB04 HELO 0 Is there... something else you need? FormID: 0004C3D5 DB04 HELO 0 You are the Listener! You are the Listener! I have served mother well, I have! FormID: 0002321B DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul2 SCEN 0 Yes, you've made that quite clear in the past. And now we have Urog and Dushnamub because of your weakness. FormID: 0002329A DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul2 SCEN 0 They are good, loyal children. FormID: 0002243C DB04 SCEN 0 Oh, but how can I defend you? How can I exert your will? If you will not speak? To anyone! FormID: 00022437 DB04 SCEN 0 Yes, you. You, who shares my iron tomb, who warms my ancient bones. I give you this task - journey to Volunruud. Speak with Amaund Motierre. FormID: 00022438 DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranchTopic CUST 0 What? What treachery! Defiler! Debaser and defiler! You have violated the sanctity of the Night Mother's coffin! Explain yourself! FormID: 00022438 DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranchTopic CUST 1 Speak, worm! FormID: 0002243D DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherRespondTopic1 CUST 0 She... spoke to you? More treachery! More trickery and deceit! You lie! The Night Mother speaks only to the Listener! FormID: 0002243D DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherRespondTopic1 CUST 1 And there is... no... Listener! emphasis on [QUOTE]Listener[QUOTE] FormID: 00022911 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul2 SCEN 0 They squander their father's love. We can't dally this time. FormID: 00023025 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul3 SCEN 0 Have you scried anything new in the entrails? FormID: 0002243A DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherRespondTopic2 CUST 0 She... she said that? She said those words... to you? [QUOTE]Darkness rises when silence dies[QUOTE]? Walk Away FormID: 0002243A DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherRespondTopic2 CUST 1 But those are the words. The Binding Words. Written in the Keeping Tomes. The signal so I would know. Mother's only way of talking to sweet Cicero... confused, unsure, not really believing Walk Away FormID: 0002243A DB04 CiceroNightMotherSpeechBranch CiceroNightMotherRespondTopic2 CUST 2 Then... it is true! She is back! Our Lady is back! She has chosen a Listener! She has chosen you! Ha ha ha! All hail the Listener! had an epiphany that everything is going to be okay - laughs maniacally Walk Away FormID: 0002320A DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul3 SCEN 0 Very little. It's an uncertain time. FormID: 00023697 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul3 SCEN 0 Not for us, it isn't. FormID: 00022960 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul3 SCEN 0 For all of us. FormID: 0002310E DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul3 SCEN 0 Come back to me when you have something useful. FormID: 00023255 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul4 SCEN 0 He's been spending a lot of time at the graves again. FormID: 00023937 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul4 SCEN 0 Good. The more time he pines for the dead wives, the less time he spends finding a new one. FormID: 00022969 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul4 SCEN 0 Be careful. The spirits can speak to the living if there's a strong connection. FormID: 000223C8 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubBranch DA06Stage50AtubBranchTopic CUST 0 Excellent. Now, you must come with me. You've become a part of this. You must be present for the ritual. FormID: 0004590B DA06 DA06Stage50AtubBranch DA06Stage50AtubBranchTopic CUST 0 In a Daedra, of course. FormID: 00022392 DA06 SCEN 0 Now, we begin the ritual... FormID: 000223CF DA06 SCEN 0 Why are we bothering with this? FormID: 000223D3 DA06 SCEN 0 You pathetic weakling! FormID: 00022382 DA06 SCEN 0 What's that? FormID: 000223D1 DA06 SCEN 0 You dare summon me, Yamarz? FormID: 000223CE DA06 SCEN 0 What? What is this? FormID: 000230D0 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul4 SCEN 0 Bah. He never had a connection with any of them beyond what his loins told him. FormID: 000223C9 DA06 SCEN 0 You don't deserve to call yourself an Orc! You're weak, you're small, and you're an embarrassment! FormID: 000223D5 DA06 SCEN 0 You let giants... Giants!... overrun my shrine. Bring me their leader's club as an offering, and I might release you from this curse! FormID: 00022395 DA06 SCEN 0 So it will be. Malacath has spoken, Yamarz. Your path is clear. FormID: 0002238F DA06 SCEN 0 Very well. You, outsider, come here! I want a word. FormID: 0002239F DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzFGTopic CUST 0 This is all your fault, you know. Walk Away FormID: 0002239F DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzFGTopic CUST 1 I'm stuck fighting a giant now, thanks to you. So you're going to help me. Walk Away FormID: 0002239F DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzFGTopic CUST 2 You're going with me, and you're going to make sure I don't have any trouble reaching that giant. Walk Away FormID: 0002239F DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzFGTopic CUST 3 Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while. Walk Away FormID: 000223D4 DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzResponse1 CUST 0 Thanks to you, I've just been issued a challenge in front of my whole tribe, by a Daedric Prince, no less. I can't ignore that. FormID: 000223D4 DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzResponse1 CUST 1 I didn't say I wouldn't fight the giant. I just said you're going to help me get to it. FormID: 000223D4 DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzResponse1 CUST 2 Meet me outside Fallowstone Cave. You clear the way to the giant for me, and I'll make sure you get paid for it. FormID: 000223D2 DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzResponse2 CUST 0 This giant... It's not the only thing in Fallowstone Cave. Getting to it isn't going to be easy. FormID: 000223D2 DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzResponse2 CUST 1 You're going to clear a path to the giant, so I can conserve my strength. I'll make sure you're paid for it. FormID: 000223D2 DA06 DA06Stage70YamarzBranch DA06Stage70YamarzResponse2 CUST 2 So you meet me at Fallowstone Cave, and we'll get this over with. I can have my tribe back, and you can... You can leave us alone. FormID: 000223BD DA06 SCEN 0 If there's a chance this will save me, then I'm taking it. FormID: 000223D0 DA06 SCEN 0 I'll lead the way, but you'd better back me up. FormID: 000223BA DA06 SCEN 0 Let's get this over with. FormID: 00023215 DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul4 SCEN 0 Maybe, but... FormID: 0002384C DialogueNarzulburBolarYatul4 SCEN 0 We're the ones he loves. Me, and you. FormID: 0002297C DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 0 Bolar, I must ask you something. FormID: 000230CF DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 0 Yes, child? FormID: 0002323E DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 0 Have the spirits told you where I may find a wife? One who will be safe from this curse? FormID: 0002369C DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 0 Oh, all things in time, my boy. All things in time. FormID: 0002369C DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 1 What more do you need that Yatul and I cannot provide? FormID: 00067DDC CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, we've learned the location of some rebels scouting our positions throughout the hold. Need to take them out. FormID: 00067DDD CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, there's a couple of Imperials skulking about the hold. Need to cut their throats so they can't make their reports. FormID: 000221E4 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, they've got some rebels holed up in a nearby settlement. Need to clean them out so our boys can move in. FormID: 00017DD0 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, there's a band of Imperials hiding in a nearby village. We're going to flush them out and put them to the sword. FormID: 000221E5 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, we need to limit Stormcloak capacity and send them a not so subtle message by sabotaging a resource they claim to control. FormID: 00017DD1 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First problem here is a pack of Imperial dogs drooling over resources stolen from the people. A little sabotage will sour the taste of that victory. FormID: 000221E6 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, we have information regarding the movements of a rebel courier. We need to intercept him and confiscate his package. FormID: 00017DD2 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, we've learnt the whereabouts of an Imperial cur fetching documents for his master in Solitude. We need to put a muzzle on that, don't we? FormID: 0002F57F CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First of all, one of our men was captured by rebels who refuse to surrender him. So we're going to break him out. FormID: 00017DD3 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First of all, a son of Skyrim rots in an Imperial prison. We'll be getting him out of there soon. FormID: 00015490 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First of all, I need to sew confusion and doubt through the rebel troops. I want to assassinate their commanding officer. commander briefing a special agent FormID: 00037B03 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, if we can assassinate their commander, we'll be able to strike them while they're busy tucking their tails between their legs. commander briefing a special agent FormID: 00037B04 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, our intelligence suggests one of the rebel garrisons has become disaffected. If we play our cards right, we should be able to turn them. FormID: 00017DD4 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, we hear a group of Imperial legionnaires are coming around to our way of thinking. With a little encouragement they'll join our side. commander briefing special agent FormID: 0004AFA7 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, seems the Jarl's Steward might be vulnerable to blackmail. Need to investigate that possibility. FormID: 0004AFA8 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, it seems that we might be able to blackmail the Jarl's Steward. I need to find out for sure. FormID: 000504E8 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First on my list, is a problem with our supply caravans being constantly harassed by a giant. Need to deal with that hairy brute. And soon. briefing a special agent FormID: 000504E9 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 The last few supply caravans have been attacked... by a giant. As if I didn't have enough to deal with. Need that damn hairy brute straightened out. briefing a special agent FormID: 00051090 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, I need to get a handle on rebel operations. Need to discretely liberate some documents from their headquarters. briefing a special agent FormID: 00051091 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, I need to know what the Imperials are planning. Need to slip into their headquarters, grab plans, maps, something useful like that. briefing a special agent FormID: 00090E9F CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First of all, I'd like to drum up some more support from the local populace. I have someone in mind. briefing a special agent FormID: 00090EA0 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First of all, there's someone in particular I'd like to win over to our cause. briefing a special agent FormID: 0008F341 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, there's an Orc hanging around causing me headaches. Something about a vision quest he needs help with. briefing a special agent FormID: 0008F342 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First off, there's a damn Orc hanging around getting in the way. He's been yammering on about needing help with some kind of vision quest. briefing a special agent FormID: 000A1F82 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, we're mounting an attack on the Fort. We aim to confiscate it from the rebels. briefing a special agent FormID: 000A1F83 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 First, we're attacking the fort. I want that fort. briefing a special agent FormID: 000551ED CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 ... briefing a special agent FormID: 000551EE CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission1Hook CUST 0 ... briefing a special agent FormID: 00067DDA CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, some rebel scouts that have seen too much are moving through the hold. Need to take them out before they report back to their leaders. FormID: 00067DDB CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, we got a couple of Imperial spies roaming through the hold. Need to put an end to that. FormID: 000221E8 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, we got more of 'em hiding in a village, using the local populace as shields. Not to worry. We can dispatch them without harming the locals. FormID: 00017DC0 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, we plan on liberating a settlement from Imperial hands. FormID: 000221E9 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, I need to cripple rebel production capabilities with a little sabotage. FormID: 00017DC1 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Next problem - Imperial thieves have, yet again, stolen an important resource. So we're gonna take it from them permanently - by destroying it. FormID: 000221EA CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Soldiers win wars, but where to put them is the key. We have word of an enemy courier in the area. We aim to confiscate his documents. FormID: 00017DC2 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And then, it seems an Imperial worm wiggles it's way back home, carrying information stolen from us. We need to steal it back. FormID: 000221E7 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And perhaps more importantly, I need to break one of our boys out of a rebel controlled fort. FormID: 00017DC3 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And perhaps more importantly, we have a brother rotting in an Imperial prison. He won't languish in there long, will he now? FormID: 00015494 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And we have an opportunity to slay the rebel field commander. Without a clear command structure, they should fall into confusion and disarray. FormID: 00017DC4 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 We also have the opportunity to slay an Imperial Legate. That'll put fear and confusion into those faithless dogs. FormID: 00037AD9 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And we understand a rebel garrison is close to abandoning the resistance. We need to send them a little encouragement. FormID: 00037AEE CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And we hear a handful of Imperials are realizing they are Stormcloaks at heart. We need to send them a little encouragement. FormID: 0004AFA1 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Next, I need a little investigating to confirm the possibility of blackmailing the Jarl's Steward. FormID: 0004AFA2 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Next, I need dirt on the Jarl's Steward. Heard there's blackmail potential there. FormID: 000504EA CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And then there's a tiny problem with a giant that's been raiding our supply caravans... You heard me right. A giant. Need to put a stop to that. (sarcastic) briefing a special agent FormID: 000504EB CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And then there's a tiny problem with a giant attacking our supply caravans. A giant! As if I didn't have enough to deal with. briefing a special agent FormID: 00051098 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 I also would like to get a handle on what the rebels are planning - slip into their headquarters and steal their war plans. briefing a special agent FormID: 00051099 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Also, I need a peek inside Imperial headquarters, ideally lifting some documents detailing their plans. I need to know what to concentrate on. briefing a special agent FormID: 00090EA5 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Then there's a little matter of some recruiting. I have someone in mind I'd like to join our campaign. briefing a special agent FormID: 00090EA6 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 I need to send someone out to do a little recruiting. There's someone in particular I'd like to join us. briefing a special agent FormID: 0008F343 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And then there's this Orc who's been hanging around causing me headaches. Something about a vision quest he needs help with. briefing a special agent FormID: 0008F344 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 And as if that wasn't enough. I got this damn Orc hanging around, getting in the way, yapping about needing help with some kind of vision quest. briefing a special agent FormID: 000A1FA0 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, we're mounting an attack on the Fort. I want to gain a fortified position here before we launch our final attack on the capital. briefing a special agent FormID: 000A1FA1 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 Secondly, I want to take the fort here. Having a fortified position will make it easier for us to amass men for our ultimate attack on the capital. briefing a special agent FormID: 0005520F CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 ... briefing a special agent FormID: 00055210 CW CWCampaignFieldCOMissionHooks CWCampaignFieldCOMission2Hook CUST 0 ... briefing a special agent FormID: 0002385D DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 0 I need more children. FormID: 00021EBB CWResolution02 CWResolution02JarlSurrenderBranch CWResolution02JarlSurrender CUST 0 I surrender! I surrender! fearful for his life FormID: 00022F9A DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar1 SCEN 0 Well, that's a different matter... FormID: 00078748 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh! There's no need for that. I know why you're here. Tell Brynjolf not to worry about it anymore. FormID: 00078748 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Oh! And look, I even have the payment I owed. Here, take it. scared, nervous false happiness FormID: 00021E95 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Then I thank you for showing me mercy. Here, take this coin to him. If it keeps us together, it's worth its weight. FormID: 000E57D3 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Wha... what? Oh, it's one of you people. Groggy as if just awakened FormID: 000E57D3 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 So, Brynjolf doesn't even bother to show up himself anymore, eh? What's this message? very snarky FormID: 00021E7F TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Petty threats and fist waving are not going to sway me. You people are all talk, and everyone knows it! very angry FormID: 00021E7F TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Pay you to protect me? You can't even protect yourselves! First line sarcastic FormID: 00021E7A TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Likewise. Now, I have a lot to do, so I'm afraid you'll just have to leave! snarky FormID: 00021E96 TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Don't fool yourself. It's only a matter of time before you people are run out of Riften. snarkey FormID: 00078745 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I know who you are. You've been terrorizing the entire city. FormID: 00078745 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Please, there's no need for that here. Message understood. Here, I even have the payment! FormID: 00078746 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I knew when we were married, this would come between us one day. I don't want to lose what we have, so I'll pay him gladly. FormID: 00021E85 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 You... you have my statue! What are you going to do with it? FormID: 000E57D2 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 What does he want now? I already explained to him that you can't get blood from a stone. very snide FormID: 00021E80 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Look, I can't make the coin appear out of thin air. Please, be reasonable. I'll... I'll pay next month. Start out snide, but the illusion is crumbling. You're scared. FormID: 0002311C DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar2 SCEN 0 Are the gods angry with me? FormID: 00021E86 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic04 CUST 0 And so have I. What's the point of paying anyway? Your outfit can't even fend for itself. I could do better tossing the gold into the sewer. mock bravery... being defiant but looking down barrel of gun FormID: 00021E86 TG01 TG01HaelgaQuestBranch TG01HaelgaQuestBranchTopic04 CUST 1 You can't scare me with your tough talk. I'm not paying you people a single coin. brave again, you found your voice FormID: 00021E82 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Despite your mistakes, I see more potential in you than half the snot-nosed footpads that stumble their way into the Flagon. thinking to self aloud FormID: 00021E82 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'm going to put my neck on the line. We need people like you in our outfit. FormID: 0003C6FC TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Judging from how well you handled those shopkeepers, I'd say you've done more than simply prove yourself. We need people like you in our outfit. serious/impressed FormID: 00021E7E TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic03 CUST 0 What's on your mind? FormID: 00021E7B TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic04 CUST 0 We've run into a rough patch lately, but it's nothing to be concerned about. dismissive but it bothers you FormID: 00021E7B TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Tell you what. You keep making us coin and I'll worry about everything else. Fair enough? FormID: 00021E5D MG01 MG01NiryaGreetingBranch2 MG01NiryaGreetingBranch2Topic CUST 0 I look forward to it. FormID: 00021D2C T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebane T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebaneTopic CUST 0 The hags are hateful of anything which grows from the earth. They made the weapon strong against the natural world. FormID: 00021D2C T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebane T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebaneTopic CUST 1 It's the only thing I've even heard of that could cut Eldergleam. Stick it in, give it a twist, and the stuff will just flow out. FormID: 00021D2D T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebane T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebaneTopic CUST 0 The hags are hateful of anything which grows from the earth. They made the weapon strong against the natural world. FormID: 00021D2D T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebane T03DanicaQuestRunningTellMoreNettlebaneTopic CUST 1 It's the only thing I've even heard of that could cut Eldergleam. FormID: 00021D28 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningNettlebaneBranch T03DanicaTravelToGrove CUST 0 Eldergleam's sanctuary grove is to the east of here. FormID: 00021D28 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningNettlebaneBranch T03DanicaTravelToGrove CUST 1 You can use Nettlebane to retrieve some of its sap. FormID: 00021D2A T03 T03MauriceFollowingOrNot T03MauriceFollowingOrNotTopic CUST 0 Shall we proceed, friend? FormID: 00021D2B T03 T03MauriceFollowingOrNot T03MauriceThankYouForLettingMeFollow CUST 0 Thank you for your kindness. FormID: 00021D2F T03 T03MauriceFollowingOrNot T03MaurceUnderstanding CUST 0 I understand. Some journeys must be taken alone. I'll be here if you change your mind. FormID: 00023281 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar2 SCEN 0 Why do you ask me that? FormID: 00022888 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar2 SCEN 0 Why else have they cursed me? Killed all my wives? FormID: 00022FCF DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar2 SCEN 0 Perhaps it's actually a sign of their love for you. They don't want to see you with unworthy mates. FormID: 00023147 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar2 SCEN 0 Then they should send one they consider worthy. FormID: 0002327D DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolar2 SCEN 0 Patience, boy. FormID: 00022885 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub1 SCEN 0 Don't you ever wonder, father? FormID: 00022FD3 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub1 SCEN 0 All the time. FormID: 000231F5 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub1 SCEN 0 But your aunts don't even seem to care. FormID: 00023297 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub1 SCEN 0 They are good women. They love me. You will speak no more ill of them. FormID: 000228A6 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub1 SCEN 0 I've just never heard of a midwife losing all her mothers like that. FormID: 00022FD5 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub2 SCEN 0 Father, I'm worried about Gadba and Mul. FormID: 000231D6 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub2 SCEN 0 What about them? FormID: 00021D08 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 If Ulfric's making a move for Whiterun, then we need to be there to stop him. FormID: 00021D08 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 Draft another letter with the usual platitudes, but this time share some of your intelligence regarding Ulfric's plans. Embellish if you have to. giving an order FormID: 00021D08 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 2 We'll let it seem like it's his idea. FormID: 00021D13 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Yes, sir. responding to an order FormID: 00021D07 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 You Nords and your bloody sense of honor. FormID: 00021D18 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Sir. assenting to a slur against her people FormID: 00023299 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub2 SCEN 0 You don't worry about two Orc men coming into your stronghold? That they might challenge you? FormID: 00022899 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub2 SCEN 0 They're miners. Harmless. FormID: 00022FDC DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub2 SCEN 0 I've just learned not to trust luck around here. FormID: 000231DA DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub3 SCEN 0 Someday, you can have your own stronghold. FormID: 00023296 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub3 SCEN 0 I think it may have to be far away from here. FormID: 000228C8 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub3 SCEN 0 Oh, if you're worried about me trying to meddle with you... FormID: 00022FDD DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub3 SCEN 0 It's not you I'm worried about. FormID: 000231FF DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog1 SCEN 0 How is your hunting with Yatul? FormID: 0002330A DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog1 SCEN 0 We are strong. We get the job done. FormID: 00022919 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog1 SCEN 0 I'm proud of you for helping provide for us. FormID: 000230D5 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog1 SCEN 0 Well someone has to provide around here. FormID: 00023218 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog1 SCEN 0 What is that supposed to mean? FormID: 00023814 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog1 SCEN 0 Nothing. FormID: 00021CE2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsbjornBranch DialogueRiftenAsbjornBranchTopic CUST 0 I was apprenticed to Balimund before he died. He taught me everything I know about forging armor and weapons. FormID: 00021CE2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsbjornBranch DialogueRiftenAsbjornBranchTopic CUST 1 Balimund pulled me out of Grelod's orphanage when I was just a child. I don't know what he saw in me, but I was glad to get out of there. FormID: 00021CE2 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAsbjornBranch DialogueRiftenAsbjornBranchTopic CUST 2 I've spent years watching his techniques and learning his tricks. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever be as talented as he was. FormID: 00021CE5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00 DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00Topic CUST 0 Catchy, isn't it? FormID: 00021CE5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00 DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00Topic CUST 1 In my youth I was a fisherman... I had a beautiful ship named [QUOTE]The Brawny Prawn.[QUOTE] But the years have a way of creeping up on you. FormID: 00021CE5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00 DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00Topic CUST 2 I ended up selling that ship to open this place. Seemed only fitting to name it after her. Well, changed it a bit I suppose. FormID: 00021CE5 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00 DialogueRiftenBersiBranch00Topic CUST 3 If I had been smarter, I would have kept my boat. Coming to this city was a big mistake. FormID: 00021A6E MG01 MG01TolfdirClassroomScene2Branch MG01TolfdirClassroomScene2BranchTopic CUST 0 Would you mind helping me with the demonstration? Are you at all familiar with ward spells? Walk Away FormID: 00021A6B MG01 MG01TolfdirClassroomScene2Branch MG01TolfdirWardResponse1 CUST 0 Well, then this should be no problem at all for you. FormID: 00021A6D MG01 MG01TolfdirClassroomScene2Branch MG01TolfdirWardResponse2 CUST 0 That's what this lesson is for. Perfect time to try it out. FormID: 00021A6C MG01 MG01TolfdirClassroomScene2Branch MG01TolfdirWardResponse3 CUST 0 That's all right. I can teach you a very basic ward, one that's enough for the purposes of this lesson. FormID: 00021A6A MG01 MG01TolfdirClassroomScene2Branch MG01TolfdirWardResponseFinal CUST 0 Now, if you'll just stand right over there, I'll cast a spell at you, and you block it with the ward. Here we go. FormID: 00021E60 MG01 HELO 0 Shhh! FormID: 0009BC47 MG01 HELO 0 Leave me alone. FormID: 0009BC48 MG01 HELO 0 I'm trying to pay attention. FormID: 00021E62 MG01 HELO 0 After I've finished showing you the grounds, we can talk. FormID: 000E1B9F MG01 HELO 0 Welcome to the College. FormID: 00021E63 MG01 HELO 0 How do you think we should spend the remainder of our classroom time? FormID: 00021E64 MG01 HELO 0 If you have any further questions, can you please hold them until I've finished? FormID: 000AF0E7 MG01 HELO 0 Greetings. Welcome to the College of Winterhold. FormID: 000B811E MG01 HELO 0 If it's true, and you do have the Voice, would you mind showing me? I've never seen it first-hand. FormID: 000AF0E8 MG01 HELO 0 Much knowledge lies within the College's walls. FormID: 000AF0E9 MG01 HELO 0 The College is an asset to Skyrim, even if it goes unnoticed or unappreciated. FormID: 000AF0EA MG01 HELO 0 Winterhold's glory days may lie behind it, but the College lives on. FormID: 000AF0EB MG01 HELO 0 No matter what, the College will endure. FormID: 00022F99 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 I don't know what your aunts told you, but... FormID: 00023117 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 They're not my aunts. They're your aunts. And they told me enough. FormID: 00023250 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 What are you talking about? FormID: 00023964 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 About how the Divines cursed you. What horrible thing did you do to deserve it? FormID: 0002299E DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 Nothing! I... it's ill fortune. That's all. FormID: 0002310F DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 Well, your ill fortune means I have no mother. FormID: 00021889 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 What I am doing is none of your business! FormID: 00021889 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Why are you here? Did you follow me? FormID: 00021889 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I demand that you leave at once and never speak of this again. FormID: 00021813 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalAFollowUpA CUST 0 It is none of your concern, I assure you. Just... Forget that you ever saw me here. FormID: 00021890 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalAFollowUpB CUST 0 I am under no obligation to tell you anything. Now, leave me at once and never mention that you saw me. FormID: 000217E2 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalABlackmail CUST 0 Is that so? FormID: 000217E2 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalABlackmail CUST 1 I should have expected as much. Fine, I shall give you 200 gold, and you shall leave me in peace. FormID: 000217E2 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalABlackmail CUST 2 Now go, leave me to my work. FormID: 000217E8 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAFalionInitialBranch FreeformMorthalAInitAgree CUST 0 Thank you. I will not forget this. FormID: 0002188A FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, Falion. Always looking where he shouldn't for things he doesn't need. FormID: 0002188A FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlBranchTopic CUST 1 What has he done now? FormID: 0002188B FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlBranchTopic CUST 0 I've never trusted him... what has he done? FormID: 00023256 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog2 SCEN 0 I... I'm sorry. FormID: 0002287B DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog3 SCEN 0 Haven't I always been a good father? A good chief? FormID: 00022FA1 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog3 SCEN 0 Yatul and I do all the hunting. Mul and Gadba do all the mining. It seems like all you do is find more wives to get killed. FormID: 000230FF DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog3 SCEN 0 That's not fair, now. FormID: 000217E3 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse1 CUST 0 Ah, so it is not just dreams then. I have seen this. FormID: 000217E3 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse1 CUST 1 I will see that it is dealt with. Thank you for bringing clarity. FormID: 000217E4 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse1 CUST 0 Is that so? Well, I'll make sure that's taken care of immediately. FormID: 000217E4 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse1 CUST 1 It's good that you brought this to my attention. FormID: 000217E6 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse2 CUST 0 I see. If something does happen, you know where I am. FormID: 000217E7 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse2 CUST 0 Either this is some kind of a joke, or you're keeping something from me. FormID: 000217E7 FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalAJarlBranch FreeformMorthalAJarlResponse2 CUST 1 Whichever it is, I don't like it. FormID: 000217E9 FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 Falion, I am disappointed. FormID: 000217EA FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 I'm told that you're up to something out in the marsh, Falion. FormID: 000217EB FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 What is the meaning of this? FormID: 0002188C FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 You've been exploring places you shouldn't, and you know it. FormID: 0002188D FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 I don't even want to know what it is you've been doing. FormID: 0002188E FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 It stops at once, or else there will be consequences of an unpleasant nature. Do you understand? FormID: 0002188F FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 It doesn't happen again, or else I'll have you thrown in jail. Clear? FormID: 000217DE FreeformMorthalA SCEN 0 I... Yes, I understand. defeated, regretful FormID: 000217EC FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 There's a... A problem, yes. FormID: 000217EC FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm worried about Idgrod, and I don't know what to do. FormID: 000AD9F4 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, but... not so loud! FormID: 000AD9F4 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Will you take it to Captain Aldis? FormID: 00021863 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBGormInitFollowUp CUST 0 She's so lost in her visions, and it's only getting worse. FormID: 00021863 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBGormInitFollowUp CUST 1 I've looked after her safety for so long... FormID: 00021863 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBGormInitFollowUp CUST 2 If she can't tell what's real and what's not, how will she continue to lead Hjaalmarch? FormID: 000217DF FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBGormInitResponse1 CUST 0 Yes, I suppose there is. FormID: 000217DF FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBGormInitResponse1 CUST 1 There is a letter, one I have had for some time now. I think it is time it gets delivered. FormID: 000217DF FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBInitialBranch FreeformMorthalBGormInitResponse1 CUST 2 I cannot leave Idgrod's side, so I must stay here. Could you see that it reaches Captain Aldis in Solitude? FormID: 000217E5 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBValdBranch FreeformMorthalBValdBranchTopic CUST 0 For me? From whom? FormID: 000217E1 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBValdBranch FreeformMorthalBValdFollowUp1 CUST 0 Well now, that is something. Hand it over, please. FormID: 0002170B TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic CUST 0 I asked her the same thing and she wouldn't come out and tell me. FormID: 0002170B TG04 GulumEiFarmBranch GulumEiFarmBranchTopic CUST 1 But now that I know who she is, I'd say she's trying to hit the Thieves Guild where it hurts. FormID: 0002170A TG04 GulumEiScamBranch GulumEiScamBranchTopic CUST 0 Now you're speaking my language. FormID: 0002170A TG04 GulumEiScamBranch GulumEiScamBranchTopic CUST 1 Tell you what. If you need any stolen goods fenced, you bring them to me and I'll pay you good money for them. FormID: 0002170A TG04 GulumEiScamBranch GulumEiScamBranchTopic CUST 2 Consider me your new friend in the north. FormID: 000217E0 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBValdBranch FreeformMorthalBValdReadNote CUST 0 Oh, no. I hadn't heard from Gorm for a while, so I'd hoped he'd given up on his little scheme. disappointed, resigned FormID: 000217E0 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBValdBranch FreeformMorthalBValdReadNote CUST 1 The last time we'd discussed this issue was before this damnable war broke out. Things were different then. FormID: 000217E0 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBValdBranch FreeformMorthalBValdReadNote CUST 2 Now, what's he's asking, it's just impossible. Even if it worked, the questions and accusations it would cause... resigned FormID: 000217E0 FreeformMorthalB FreeformMorthalBValdBranch FreeformMorthalBValdReadNote CUST 3 Well, I'll take it under advisement. Thank you. resigned FormID: 000216A0 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaInsideHjerim MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaInsideHjerimTopic CUST 0 Look here. There's something strange about this cabinet. FormID: 000216A1 MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaPostFoundBasement MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaPostFoundBasementTopic CUST 0 What's it say? FormID: 0002166E MS11 MS11JorleifButcherPermission MS11JorleifButcherPermissionTopic CUST 0 These are difficult times indeed, when men stalk their brethren like beasts. FormID: 0002166E MS11 MS11JorleifButcherPermission MS11JorleifButcherPermissionTopic CUST 1 My men are stretched thin as it is. If you offer your aid, I gladly accept. The guards will be told to assist you as necessary. FormID: 0002166E MS11 MS11JorleifButcherPermission MS11JorleifButcherPermissionTopic CUST 2 I'm happy to lend a hand as much as I can, as well. FormID: 0002166B MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardHint MS11CrimeSceneGuardHintTopic CUST 0 All right, then. Slightly impatient, not wanting to deal with the player. FormID: 0002166B MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardHint MS11CrimeSceneGuardHintTopic CUST 1 I noticed a trail of blood leading away from here. FormID: 0002166B MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardHint MS11CrimeSceneGuardHintTopic CUST 2 Helgird's taken the body into the Hall of the Dead to prepare for burial. She's a little crazy, but if she knows anything, it's dead bodies. FormID: 00021671 MS11 MS11GuardsGettingIntoHjerim MS11GuardsGettingIntoHjerimTopic CUST 0 Friga Shatter-Shield's old place? It's been abandoned ever since she was killed. FormID: 0002166D MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsFlyer MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsFlyerTopic CUST 0 Uf. Have you been talking to Viola Giordano? She posts those all over the city, and someone keeps taking them down. FormID: 0002166D MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsFlyer MS11InvestigatingCluesGuardsFlyerTopic CUST 1 Ask her about it if you want an earful. FormID: 0002166F MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyerTopic CUST 0 I've been following him for months now. Well, not actually following. Trying to find him. Very Mrs. Kravitz (from Bewitched). Busybody, nosy neighbor. Paranoid, delusional, and utterly correct. FormID: 0002166F MS11 MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyer MS11InvestigatingCluesViolaFlyerTopic CUST 1 The guards won't help. The people won't help. I'm the only one who thinks he can be caught. FormID: 00023253 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrog3 SCEN 0 Just... try and keep out of our way. FormID: 00023963 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul1 SCEN 0 Bolar has been in a bad mood for weeks, now. FormID: 00022F9E DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul1 SCEN 0 Oh? I hadn't noticed. FormID: 000231B4 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul1 SCEN 0 Since Galka was taken from us. She's been... sad, I guess. FormID: 00023280 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul1 SCEN 0 She's just worried about you. We all are. We just want you to be happy. We want to make you happy. FormID: 00023930 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul2 SCEN 0 You wanted to see me? FormID: 00022F9F DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul2 SCEN 0 Bolar said you had been looking for a new wife? FormID: 0002315D DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul2 SCEN 0 Well, I... FormID: 00023286 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul2 SCEN 0 I don't think you're quite ready yet. FormID: 0002288F DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul2 SCEN 0 How will I know when I'm ready? FormID: 00021607 DB01 SCEN 0 Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear. FormID: 00021608 DB01 SCEN 0 Please... How long must I do this? I keep praying, Night Mother. Why won't you answer me? FormID: 00021609 DB01 SCEN 0 Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear. FormID: 0002160A DB01 SCEN 0 So... very tired... FormID: 0002160B DB01 SCEN 0 Grelod, you old crone. You'll get what you deserve. The Dark Brotherhood will see to that... FormID: 0002160C DB01 SCEN 0 Die, Grelod! Die! FormID: 00022FD6 DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhYatul2 SCEN 0 Bolar and I will tell you. FormID: 000231EE DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 How much longer do we have to work this backwoods mine? FormID: 00023295 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 A bit longer, yet. We need more money if we want to be chiefs of our own. FormID: 0002289B DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 But I thought there was only one chief. FormID: 00022FDB DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 Well, right. One of us will be a chief. FormID: 000231FE DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 What about the other one? FormID: 0002329C DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 Which other one? FormID: 00022917 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 The other chief! FormID: 000230FA DialogueNarzulburMulGadba1 SCEN 0 There's only one chief! FormID: 0002324F DialogueNarzulburMulGadba2 SCEN 0 I found a big load of ebony at the bottom pocket in the mine. FormID: 00070374 MS08 HELO 0 I can't believe it's come to this. FormID: 0009DD45 MS08 HELO 0 I really thought you'd be able to save me. FormID: 0009DD46 MS08 HELO 0 Please, let's hurry. FormID: 0009DD47 MS08 HELO 0 Let's get to the stables before they find me. FormID: 0009DD48 MS08 HELO 0 Any news of the Alik'r? FormID: 000D87E4 MS08 HELO 0 Please, we need to speak in private. FormID: 0006334E MS08 HELO 0 What are you looking at? FormID: 000215C9 MS08 HELO 0 Can you help me find someone? There's gold in it for you. FormID: 000215CA MS08 HELO 0 We're looking for someone. Maybe you can help. FormID: 000215CB MS08 HELO 0 I have some questions for you. I'm trying to find someone. FormID: 000215CC MS08 HELO 0 The Alik'r are not permitted within the city walls. FormID: 000215CD MS08 HELO 0 You're not one of those Alik'r thugs, are you? FormID: 000215CE MS08 HELO 0 By decree of the Jarl, the Alik'r are banned from Whiterun. FormID: 0009DD49 MS08 HELO 0 Do you have news of our quarry? FormID: 0009E1AB MS08 HELO 0 Thank you for your trust. I am eager to return to my homeland. FormID: 000215BD MS08 MS08AlikrST0Branch01 MS08AlikrST0Topic CUST 0 A woman -- a foreigner in these lands. Redguard, like us. FormID: 000215BD MS08 MS08AlikrST0Branch01 MS08AlikrST0Topic CUST 1 She is likely not using her true name. We will pay for any information regarding her location. FormID: 000215BD MS08 MS08AlikrST0Branch01 MS08AlikrST0Topic CUST 2 We are not welcome here in Whiterun, so we will be in Rorikstead if you learn anything. FormID: 000580A1 MS08 MS08AlikrST0Branch01 MS08AlikrST0Topic CUST 0 We're looking for information about a woman -- a foreigner in these lands. She's a Redguard, like us. FormID: 000580A1 MS08 MS08AlikrST0Branch01 MS08AlikrST0Topic CUST 1 We believe she may be hiding in Whiterun, but we're checking everywhere to be sure. FormID: 000215B1 MS08 MS08SaadiaST10Branch MS08SaadiaST10BranchTopic CUST 0 Are you sure? FormID: 000215B1 MS08 MS08SaadiaST10Branch MS08SaadiaST10BranchTopic CUST 1 Oh no! They've found me? I need your help! FormID: 000215B1 MS08 MS08SaadiaST10Branch MS08SaadiaST10BranchTopic CUST 2 Please, come with me. I need to speak to you privately. FormID: 00055A2D MS08 MS08SaadiaST10Branch MS08SaadiaST10BranchTopic CUST 0 The who? I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. FormID: 000215B4 MS08 MS08AlikrST10Branch MS08AlikrST10BranchTopic CUST 0 We're looking for a fugitive who comes from Hammerfell. A Redguard woman. She may be somewhere in this city. FormID: 000215B8 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic CUST 0 No. There are too many people around. Come with me. FormID: 00070376 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic CUST 0 I've told you, we can't talk out in the open. Come with me. FormID: 000215B9 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic CUST 0 So the Alik'r know where I am? What did they offer you? Gold? How many more of them are coming? scared, almost desperate but trying to sound brave FormID: 000215B9 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic CUST 1 Tell me! scared, almost desperate but trying to sound brave FormID: 000215BE MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic CUST 0 You have a death wish, then? If you know that name, you must know to meet him would be to meet your end. FormID: 000215BE MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic CUST 1 But it seems we both have needs, friend. Perhaps we can help each other out. FormID: 000215BF MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic CUST 0 You buy my way out of here, and I'll tell you what you want to know. FormID: 000215C6 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01 CUST 0 I have dishonored my brothers by being captured, and so they have left me here. FormID: 000215C6 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01 CUST 1 My life with the Alik'r is over now, but I have no wish to die in this gods-forsaken land. If I can be released from prison, I may start over. FormID: 000215C6 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01 CUST 2 See to that, and I'll tell you what you want to know. FormID: 000215C1 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 0 100 gold will secure my release. You can afford that, can't you? FormID: 000215C1 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 1 I suppose you'd better hope you can, if you want the information. FormID: 000215C1 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 2 Get the money into the hands of one of these guards, and I'll tell you what you want to know. FormID: 000215C2 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000215C2 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 1 Kematu is west of Whiterun. It's an unassuming little cave called Swindler's Den. FormID: 000215C2 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 2 You realize if you set foot in there, you're never coming back out. They'll kill you. FormID: 000215C2 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 3 But that's your problem, not mine. FormID: 000215C3 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01a CUST 0 Then we have nothing more to say to one another. FormID: 000215C5 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01b CUST 0 Because I was clumsy enough to be captured. FormID: 000215C5 MS08 MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Branch MS08AlikrPrisonerST25Topic01b CUST 1 Kematu always says we're supposed to be the best of the best. I wasn't. FormID: 000215B5 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic01 CUST 0 Then I need your help and there isn't anyone I can trust here in the city. Walk Away FormID: 000215AF MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic02 CUST 0 You can't tell them! Walk Away FormID: 000215AF MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic02 CUST 1 Please, I need your help and there isn't anyone I can trust here in the city. Walk Away FormID: 000215B0 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic01a CUST 0 I am not the person that the people of Whiterun think I am. My real name is Iman. I am a noble of House Suda in Hammerfell. Walk Away FormID: 000215B0 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic01a CUST 1 The men who are looking for me, the Alik'r, they are assassins in the employ of the Aldmeri Dominion. They wish to exchange my blood for gold. Walk Away FormID: 000215B0 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic01a CUST 2 I need you to root them out and drive them away before they find me and drag me back to Hammerfell for an execution. Walk Away FormID: 000215B2 MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic01b CUST 0 There will be. Of that, you can be assured. FormID: 000215B6 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic CUST 0 Of course, sent by... what is it that she's calling herself these days? Shazra? Saadia? One of those, correct? FormID: 000215B6 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic CUST 1 Did she appeal to your sense of honor? Your greed? A more... base need, perhaps? It doesn't matter. FormID: 000215B6 MS08 MS08KematuST100Branch MS08KematuST100Topic CUST 2 No doubt she's convinced you that she's the victim. But, do you know why we pursue her? FormID: 0002157D MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardPointToUlfric MS11CrimeSceneGuardPointToUlfricTopic CUST 0 Just like always -- nobody saw anything useful. The bastard's escaped again. FormID: 0002157A MS11 MS11CrimeSceneWitness3Branch MS11CrimeSceneWitness3BranchTopic CUST 0 I heard a scream and came running, but she was already... like this... when I got here. FormID: 00021581 MS11 MS11CrimeSceneWitness2Branch MS11CrimeSceneWitness2BranchTopic CUST 0 Sorry. I thought I saw a fellow running away, but didn't get a good look at him. FormID: 0002157C MS11 MS11CrimeSceneWitness1Branch MS11CrimeSceneWitness1BranchTopic CUST 0 Eehhh... no. Sorry. But I did notice that her coinpurse was still intact, so whoever did this wasn't after gold. FormID: 0002157C MS11 MS11CrimeSceneWitness1Branch MS11CrimeSceneWitness1BranchTopic CUST 1 I'm going to keep preparing the body, if you'll excuse me. FormID: 0002157B MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntroTopic CUST 0 Another girl killed. This is Susanna, from Candlehearth Hall. Mournful, exasperated. FormID: 0002157B MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntroTopic CUST 1 Served me a drink just a few nights ago... but I can't say I knew her. FormID: 0002157E T03 T03SharedInfo IDAT 0 To the east of here is a hidden grove where the Eldergleam resides. It's the oldest living thing in Skyrim. Maybe all of Tamriel. FormID: 0002157E T03 T03SharedInfo IDAT 1 Our tree here in the city was grown from a cutting of that tree. You can still feel the glory of the mother tree through it. FormID: 0002157E T03 T03SharedInfo IDAT 2 Even its name is an echo. FormID: 00078742 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, everything was all just a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to tell Brynjolf to go jump off the pier. You'll tell him I said sorry, yes? FormID: 00078742 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Take this. Every single coin I owe is there, I swear it. FormID: 000E482E TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll already told that buffoon I'm not paying you people a single coin! FormID: 0002153A TG01 TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch TG01BrynjolfDoneQuestBranch02 CUST 0 Now if there are no more questions, how about following me and I'll show you what we're all about. FormID: 00021533 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Look around you, I'm barely keeping this rathole together. The war's seen to that. going from angry to purely defiant FormID: 00021538 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Good, and take this little message back to your bosses. obnoxious FormID: 00021538 TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic05 CUST 1 I'm not paying any of you a single septim... ever! Now get out of my inn! FormID: 00021534 TG01 TG01TalenJeiQuestBranch TG01TalenJeiQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 With the rumors going around about how poorly your Guild's been doing, she's become much too bold. FormID: 00021534 TG01 TG01TalenJeiQuestBranch TG01TalenJeiQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm not that foolish. The last thing I want is a war with your people. FormID: 00021532 TG01 TG01TalenJeiQuestBranch TG01TalenJeiQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Look, I'm only telling you this because I care for her. Don't mistake this as acceptance for what you do. sudden snap of anger FormID: 00021532 TG01 TG01TalenJeiQuestBranch TG01TalenJeiQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Keerava has some family at a farm just inside of Morrowind. If you mention you know about it, she might just listen to you. reluctant to say this FormID: 00021532 TG01 TG01TalenJeiQuestBranch TG01TalenJeiQuestBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Just please, don't harm anyone. I couldn't bear the thought. FormID: 00021519 MG01 SCEN 0 All right, let's settle down. I suppose we can try something practical... FormID: 00021518 MG01 SCEN 0 In continuing with our theme of safety, we'll start with Wards. Wards are protective spells that block magic. FormID: 00021518 MG01 SCEN 1 I'll teach you all a ward, and we'll see if you can successfully use it to block spells, all right? FormID: 000238FF DialogueNarzulburMulGadba2 SCEN 0 Did you mark it? FormID: 00022F9B DialogueNarzulburMulGadba2 SCEN 0 No, I don't need to mark it. I remember it. FormID: 000214D6 DB01 SCEN 0 Someone has killed Grelod! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000214D4 DB01 SCEN 0 Grelod is dead! Aventus did it! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000214D5 DB01 SCEN 0 Hooray! Grelod the Kind is dead at last! We're saved! FormID: 000214D1 DB01 SCEN 0 Yay! FormID: 000214D7 DB01 SCEN 0 Hurrah! Hurrah! FormID: 000214D2 DB01 SCEN 0 Aventus really did it! He got the Dark Brotherhood to kill old Grelod! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 000214D3 DB01 SCEN 0 Ha ha ha ha ha! Hooray! FormID: 000214D8 DB01 SCEN 0 We love you, Dark Brotherhood! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0002311A DialogueNarzulburMulGadba2 SCEN 0 So where is it? FormID: 00023283 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba2 SCEN 0 You can tell it because it has lots of ebony. FormID: 0002287F DialogueNarzulburMulGadba3 SCEN 0 Do you ever get a weird feeling about those sisters? FormID: 00022FA2 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba3 SCEN 0 Who has a sister? FormID: 000231CB DialogueNarzulburMulGadba3 SCEN 0 Mauhulakh's aunts. You know... the way they're all around him all the time. FormID: 00021524 MGR20 MGR20Stage20Branch MGR20Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like you're still in one piece. And more importantly, so is the book. Thank you. FormID: 00023285 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba3 SCEN 0 That's just how it is with families. When we're chiefs, you'll see how it is. FormID: 00023E50 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba3 SCEN 0 Can we both be chiefs? FormID: 00022FA5 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba3 SCEN 0 Not today, we can't. FormID: 000231D4 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba4 SCEN 0 Sometimes I think your head is made of rocks. FormID: 0002328F DialogueNarzulburMulGadba4 SCEN 0 That would be good! I could use it to smash other rocks. Easier to mine, then. FormID: 00022889 DialogueNarzulburMulGadba4 SCEN 0 Oh, good point. I wish my head were made of rocks. FormID: 00022FD1 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul1 SCEN 0 Come, child, I will tell you how to track a snow cat. FormID: 000231CA DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul1 SCEN 0 But you said that was impossible. FormID: 0002328B DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul1 SCEN 0 No, just very difficult. You have to look for shift in various shades of white. FormID: 00022880 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul1 SCEN 0 My eyes are sharp. FormID: 00022FD4 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul1 SCEN 0 They are, but your mind has to be sharp, too. FormID: 00021407 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericPoisonCoughBranch DialogueGenericPoisonCoughBranchTopic CUST 0 Cough Cough FormID: 00021408 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericPoisonCoughBranch DialogueGenericPoisonCoughBranchTopic CUST 0 Cough FormID: 000231D3 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul2 SCEN 0 What's the most dangerous beast you've ever killed? FormID: 0002328C DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul2 SCEN 0 Oh, probably a troll. FormID: 000228B1 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul2 SCEN 0 They're fearsome! FormID: 00023026 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul2 SCEN 0 They are indeed. Nothing like your mother, though! FormID: 00023203 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul2 SCEN 0 That's what everyone keeps saying. But you didn't kill her. That's what I was asking. FormID: 00023294 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul2 SCEN 0 Oh of course. My mistake. FormID: 000228C9 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul3 SCEN 0 What about my father? Was he a good hunter? FormID: 000479F5 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 It's a wonderful house, my love. If you don't mind, I'm going to start a small store. Something to do whenever you're on the road. FormID: 000CCD5A RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 You have quite a house. I'm thinking of setting up a small store here. Sell odds and ends. FormID: 000CCD5B RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Strange house, but strong. Solid. I think I'll open a store. A task to tend to whenever you're away. FormID: 000CCD5C RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 This house of yours is wondrous, at least to these eyes. I've thought about starting a store. Something to do here when you're out. FormID: 000CCD5D RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 This house is huge. I'll be tripping my feet all over this place. Hey, I think I'll start a little business here. Something to do, you know? FormID: 000CCD5E RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 I've seen bigger houses, but it's yours, so I like it. Now, I think I need something to do if you're ever away, so I'll be opening a store. FormID: 000CCD5F RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 A good house. You chose well. I don't like sitting still, so I've decided to open a store. Buy and sell whatever is needed. FormID: 000C5D0B RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Hello, my love. Back from some adventure I bet. FormID: 000CCD60 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 It's good to see you again, dear. FormID: 000CCD61 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 It's pleasing to see you again. FormID: 000CCD62 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Ah, it's my love, come to visit. FormID: 000CCD63 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Hello, dear. I haven't been drinking too much, if that's what you're thinking. lying FormID: 000CCD64 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 You and I, we're the only people in Skyrim worth loving. That's what I think. FormID: 000CCD65 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Good to see you, dear. FormID: 000C644A RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Yes, my love? What do you need? FormID: 000CCD66 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Do you need anything, my love? FormID: 000CCD67 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Speak. You can ask anything of me, love. FormID: 000CCD68 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Is there anything you need, dearest? FormID: 000CCD69 RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 I love you. You know that, right? FormID: 000CCD6A RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 What do you need, love? Ask anything. FormID: 000CCD6B RelationshipMarriageFIN HELO 0 Yes, love? FormID: 00023021 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul3 SCEN 0 Oh, you've seen your father just trying to chase a skeever from his house. He's a bit soft. FormID: 000231D7 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul3 SCEN 0 Sometimes I'm surprised he's still the chief. FormID: 00023292 DialogueNarzulburUrogYatul3 SCEN 0 We all are, my dear, but sometimes the Divines reward those who don't seem to deserve it. Call it dumb luck. FormID: 0002144E DB03 DB03MuiriContractBranch DB03MuiriContractBranchTopic CUST 0 Why are you looking at me like that? FormID: 00021455 DB03 DB03MuiriContractBranch DB03MuiriContractDBComeTopic1 CUST 0 The Dark Brotherh... Oh. Oh! I... my goodness, you're really here! The Black Sacrament. It actually worked? Surprised and loud, then goes into a whisper FormID: 000212CE DB03 HELO 0 Isn't there some business you should be tending to? emphasis on [QUOTE]business[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2AE6 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriKillNilsineTopic CUST 0 If you can... I want you to kill someone else, as well. You don't have to - not as part of our deal. But if you do... I'll pay you even more. irrational... angry but not thinking straight, also whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 000D2AE6 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriKillNilsineTopic CUST 1 It's Nilsine Shatter-Shield, in Windhelm. If Nilsine dies, too... I'll make it worth your while. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 00021454 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails1 CUST 0 What I need? What I need is for Alain Dufont to die! I want him hunted down and murdered like the dog he is! whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 00058FD0 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails2a CUST 0 What? FormID: 00058FD0 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails2a CUST 1 Alain is... is dead? surprised and loud, but goes into a whisper FormID: 00058FD0 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails2a CUST 2 I... I'm grateful. It's just this... this isn't at all how I imagined things would play out. There was Alain, but I was considering more, and... FormID: 00058FD0 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails2a CUST 3 Ah, well. Dead is dead. Right? My thanks to you, assassin. Here's the gold I was going to pay for the job. You earned it, after all. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 00021452 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails3 CUST 0 Excellent. Once Alain is dead, I'll pay you. In gold. I've saved up a bit. I hope that'll do. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 00021452 DB03 DB03MuiriContractQuartersBranch DB03MuiriContractDetails3 CUST 1 But, well... There is one more thing. If you're interested? whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 0002144D DB03 DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranch DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranchTopic CUST 0 I went to Windhelm to see the Shatter-Shields. They were old and dear friends, and... in mourning. Friga was killed recently. Murdered... FormID: 0002144D DB03 DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranch DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranchTopic CUST 1 I met Alain in the tavern, while I was... drinking my sadness away. He was handsome, and charming. He said I was the [QUOTE]beautiful lily[QUOTE] of his dreams. sad, and unbelieving FormID: 0002144D DB03 DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranch DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranchTopic CUST 2 Alain made all the pain just... go away. But it was all lies! Alain used me. He ruined my name, destroyed my friendship with the Shatter-Shields... overcome with anger and grief FormID: 0002144D DB03 DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranch DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranchTopic CUST 3 Do you know why Alain was in Windhelm? He heard about Friga's murder. He wanted to befriend the family, in their grief... and rob them blind. overcome with anger and grief FormID: 0002144D DB03 DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranch DB03MuiriAlainWhyBranchTopic CUST 4 Alain used me to get close to my friends. And now they all think I'm some kind of... monster. Alain Dufont took my life. And now I'm taking his. overcome with anger and grief FormID: 000212D0 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, what news? Is Alain... whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 000212D1 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03JobDoneTopic CUST 0 That bastard got exactly what he deserved. whispering/conspiratorial FormID: 000212D1 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03JobDoneTopic CUST 1 But last I heard, Nilsine is still alive. So I guess you decided not to kill her as well. I have to admit... I'm disappointed. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 000212D1 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03JobDoneTopic CUST 2 Here's the payment for killing Alain. And nothing for letting Nilsine live. Just remember, that was your decision. whispering/conspiratorial FormID: 000212D2 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03JobDoneTopic CUST 0 Thank you. That bastard got exactly what he deserved. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 000212D2 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03JobDoneTopic CUST 1 And... I heard about Nilsine. You have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain. Please, take this - as payment, and a symbol of my affection. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 000212D2 DB03 DB03MuiriAlainDeadBranch DB03JobDoneTopic CUST 2 I'll never forget you. whispering, conspiratorial FormID: 000212D3 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DBAstrid03CompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, you're back. So, how went your first real contract? A bit more exciting than what Nazir's been offering, I'd wager. FormID: 00021451 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB03AstridCompleteResponse1 CUST 0 Of course, dear. Of course. And, from what my little ravens tell me, you handled yourself quite well. FormID: 00021451 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB03AstridCompleteResponse1 CUST 1 Now, I need your assistance with a matter of a more... personal nature. FormID: 000212CD DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB03AstridCompleteResponse2 CUST 0 Oh, very good. Very good indeed. You, my dear, are going to fit in here quite nicely... FormID: 000212CD DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB03AstridCompleteResponse2 CUST 1 Now, I need your assistance with a matter of a more... personal nature. FormID: 00021453 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB03AstridCompleteResponse3 CUST 0 Very well. I respect your discretion. FormID: 00021453 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03_04TransitionBranch DB03AstridCompleteResponse3 CUST 1 Now, I need your assistance with a matter of a more... personal nature. FormID: 00021261 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 If you're looking for a room, you want the Four Shields. FormID: 00021266 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You look like you've seen your share of adventure. FormID: 00021262 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 It's no easy thing to make a living in the wilds of Skyrim. FormID: 00021263 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Don't see many travelers out this way. FormID: 00021264 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 This land's tough and unforgiving, but beautiful, too. FormID: 00021265 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You hear all this talk about a war? I hope it never comes here. FormID: 0002126B DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Seen some mean-spirited folk pass through lately. Thought I was rid of those sorts when I left Markarth. FormID: 00021269 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Welcome, traveler. Mind yourself in our town. FormID: 0002126A DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 We aren't a big city like Solitude or Markarth, but we like it this way. FormID: 0002126C DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 If it weren't for Michel, I'd probably be dead in a Markarth gutter by now. FormID: 0002126D DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Got a loving wife, a healthy son and a patch of land to call my own. What more could a man ask for? FormID: 00021271 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Are you a soldier? One day, I'm going to be a soldier! An eager child FormID: 00021272 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Pa says I'm too young to fight in the war, but I can still help by patrolling the town. FormID: 00021273 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 I wish I was a soldier! They get to travel and stay up late and have fun! FormID: 00021274 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Have you met Lucky? He's my pet goat, and he helps me patrol the town. FormID: 0002E142 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 I'm hoping to run my own inn someday. FormID: 00055B5C DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Faida's teaching me the innkeeper's trade. She runs the Four Shields. FormID: 0002E143 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Please stop looking at me like that. FormID: 0002E144 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 First the war and now there's talk of dragons. What's next? FormID: 00021279 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Working hard gives a man reason for drinking hard! Well, that and putting up with a wife like mine. FormID: 00021277 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You're a well-traveled sort, I can tell just looking at you. FormID: 0002127B DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You been to Markarth? They've got a tavern called the Silver-Blood Inn. Best ale this side of Skyrim. FormID: 0002127A DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Money's been tight since the mill burned down. My wife won't let me forget it. FormID: 0002EBEB DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 They say a strong drink, a sharp axe and a good woman are all a Nord needs to be happy. Two out of three's not bad. FormID: 00021278 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Rest a spell! Can't work every minute of your life. FormID: 0002127F DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Where is that lazy man? FormID: 00021280 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You going to try and sell me something? Well, I ain't interested. FormID: 00021282 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Did my worthless husband send you? FormID: 00055B5D DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Got nothing to say to strange folk. FormID: 00021285 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Keep walking, stranger. FormID: 00021286 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Got nothing to spare for travelers nor refugees, here. FormID: 00021287 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 If you're looking for handouts, look somewhere else. FormID: 00021288 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You want anything in this life, you gotta take it. Just not from me. FormID: 0002128B DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Faida's the name. I keep the inn. FormID: 0002128F DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Something different about you, I can tell. Hope you ain't here to cause trouble. FormID: 0002128D DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 The meals I serve ain't what I'd call a Jarl's feast, but they'll fill your belly. FormID: 0002128C DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Seen a lot of travelers lately. Mostly soldier, nowadays. FormID: 0002128E DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 You met the Lylvieves? Quiet family, but they're the heart of Dragon Bridge. FormID: 00021290 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Poor Horgeir. Everyone in town knows about his wife's affair but him. Probably better if he doesn't know. FormID: 00021291 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 I think the dragons are here to test us, and make sure we're still true Nords. FormID: 00021292 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 I was a barmaid at the Winking Skeever when I met my husband, rest his soul. Wasn't for him, I'd still be working there! FormID: 0002129B DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Respect the law, and you'll have no trouble in Dragon Bridge. FormID: 0002129C DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Mind you don't cross Tassius. He's in charge around here. FormID: 0002129D DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Don't start any trouble and I think we'll get along just fine. FormID: 0002129E DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 At least, if you're gonna cause trouble, go somewhere else, okay? Please? Dropping the tough facade FormID: 000212A1 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Another quiet day. FormID: 000212A2 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Another quiet day... I hope. FormID: 000212A3 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Heard there were wolves on the road up north. FormID: 000212A4 DialogueDragonBridge HELO 0 Those rebels better not try coming to Haafingar. FormID: 000217F3 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Oh my, a guest! FormID: 000217F4 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Please, make yourself at home! FormID: 000217F5 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Lone travelers can find these woods a little treacherous. A little creepy FormID: 000217F6 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 We've been looking for someone to join us in a hunt. Creepy FormID: 000217FA DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Hern and I do so adore guests! These guards are such a bore. Creepy FormID: 000217F9 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 A guest, oh my! FormID: 000217FD DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Why don't you stay a while? Creepy FormID: 000217FB DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 The patrols never seem to give us time to be alone, the nosy pests. Menacing FormID: 00021808 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Is Hert his sister or his wife? Or both? FormID: 0002180C DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Hert keeps giving me this look. I don't know if she wants me or if she wants to eat me. FormID: 0002180F DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 Just my luck, stuck in the sticks with this crazy old woman. FormID: 00021811 DialogueHalfMoonMill HELO 0 I grew up hearing songs about Eyldi the Bear! She wrestled a storm out of the sky! FormID: 000663C8 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Now that our [QUOTE]ghost[QUOTE] has been unmasked, I hope we see more visitors in town than just the occasional pilgrim. FormID: 000211F8 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 If I were you, I'd keep away from the barrow on the east side of town... it's haunted. FormID: 0002EA74 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 We don't get many visitors through here, unless their headed up to High Hrothgar of course. FormID: 000211F9 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Need a room? Maybe a drink? You name it. FormID: 000211FA DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Let me know if I can get you anything. FormID: 00021200 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Anything I can help you with? A drink or a room perhaps? FormID: 000DBB01 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Pardon me, milord. Would you care to hear me play my lute? FormID: 000DA744 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Pardon me, milady. Would you care to hear me play my lute? FormID: 00021202 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 If you fancy a bit of music, let me know. FormID: 0002120C DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I can't believe Fastred's gone. I... I should have been nicer to her. FormID: 0002120A DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I can't believe Fastred ran off to Riften with that... that bastard. annoyed FormID: 000DBB02 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 My daughter's driving me crazy, so forgive me if I'm a bit on edge. annoyed FormID: 00021209 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 If you ever settle down to have children, think twice before you do it. FormID: 00064616 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Any idea how I can get my daughter's head out of the clouds? FormID: 000DA74B DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 You a pilgrim or just passing through? FormID: 000DA766 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Watch yourself on High Hrothgar, I hear wolves prowl the steps. FormID: 00021214 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I hope Fastred's doing well in Riften. I miss her. FormID: 00021211 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 You must be another pilgrim on the way up to High Hrothgar. No other reason to pass through here. sarcastic FormID: 000DBB03 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Pilgrim or not, if I were you, I'd move right through our backwards little town. FormID: 000DA767 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 You better not be here to stir up any trouble. FormID: 00021212 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 And to think that we've been supplying the Greybeards with our own food supplies. What have they ever done for us? FormID: 00021219 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Oh! You're a traveler! You must have so much to tell about the world outside this boring town! FormID: 0002121C DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Have anything interesting to tell me? FormID: 0002121A DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I can't imagine how exciting it must be like to journey from place to place. You're so lucky! FormID: 000663C9 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Narfi's happy now. Maybe Narfi can sleep. Sleep all night. Sleep, sleep, sleep. babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DA768 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Narfi's sad now. Still wait for Reyda. No more sleep. No, no... no. babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 00021221 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I can't see you, Reyda! I can't find you! Why are you hiding? Hiding, hide, hide, hide! Don't make me sad! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 00021222 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Oh Reyda! Redya! You live among the clouds now, dear Reyda! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 00021223 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I miss Reyda. She was so nice to Narfi. Narfi's sad he can't be with Reyda. crazy babbling FormID: 00021229 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 You don't look like a pilgrim. Why bother visiting Ivarstead? FormID: 0002122B DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Hmm? What do you want? annoyed FormID: 00021225 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Is it absolutely necessary for you to bother me right now? FormID: 0002122F DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Thanks again for delivering those supplies to the Greybeards. FormID: 000DA770 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Ah, good to see you again! How did that delivery go? FormID: 000DA771 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Passing through on your way to High Hrothgar? About to make a delivery up there myself. FormID: 000663CA DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I wish I could make my deliveries more often, but the road's getting dangerous. FormID: 00021231 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 7,000 Steps indeed... next time they need to build it closer to the ground... muttering aloud to self FormID: 000663CB DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I'm going to put those pelts you gave me to good use. FormID: 000663CC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 So, have you shown those furry menaces that I mean business? FormID: 000DA7FE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 This has to be the worst place in Skyrim to run a mill. How am I supposed to do anything with all those bears running around? FormID: 000663CD DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 These damn bears are driving me crazy! FormID: 000DBB04 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Can you believe it? Another pile of logs ruined. FormID: 000663CE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I swear, if one more thing goes wrong, I'm going to burn my mill to the ground! FormID: 000663D1 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Hello, my friend? What can I do for you on such a fine day? chipper FormID: 000663CF DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Miss Temba is much happier now that you took care of those bears. She may not look like she is, but I can tell. FormID: 000663D0 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Those bears are making Miss Temba so angry. I hope you can do something about them. FormID: 000663D2 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Such a fine day, smell the air! Isn't it wonderful? chipper FormID: 000DBB05 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 I hope life's treating you well, friend. chipper FormID: 00021115 CWResolution02 CWResolution02ForceGoodbyeBlockingBranch CWResolution02ForceGoodbye CUST 0 The attack will be launched imminently. Gather your weaponry and get to the front lines... Now, soldier! FormID: 000C2C1F MS01 MS01EltrysForceGreetBranch MS01EltrysForceGreetEntryTopic CUST 0 Gods. A woman attacked right on the streets. nonchalant but sympathetic Walk Away FormID: 000C2C1F MS01 MS01EltrysForceGreetBranch MS01EltrysForceGreetEntryTopic CUST 1 Are you all right? Did you see what happened? nonchalant but sympathetic Walk Away FormID: 000270CE CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Balgruuf! calling out to a defeated foe, half sorrowful, half gloating that he gets to be the new king FormID: 0002078B CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Ready to listen to the Silver-Blood family now, Igmund? sarcastic, gloating over his enemy FormID: 00025F7C CWAttackCity SCEN 0 I think I'll like living here. calling out to a defeated foe, sarcastic FormID: 00020F46 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Ahhh... It's good to be home. calling out to a defeated foe, gloating that he's back in power after being thrown out FormID: 000270AA CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Vignar Gray-Mane! Your family was noticeably absent from the walls. Now I know why. Wouldn't a dagger in the back have sufficed? with contempt toward the man that will take his place as king, and caused great suffering [QUOTE]absent from walls[QUOTE] means not manning defensive perimeter d FormID: 00020816 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Thongvor. I should have executed your whole treacherous clan when I had the chance. spitting at the turncoat FormID: 00025F44 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 So enters Maven Black-Briar, the glint of Imperial coin in her eyes. So tell me, what's the price for a woman's integrity these days? [QUOTE]Black-Briar[QUOTE] with great disdain.... contempt toward the woman that will take her place as queen and caused great suffering FormID: 00020F45 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Welcome back. I've left a few surprises for you to discover. with contempt toward the man that will take his place as king, and caused great suffering FormID: 00020F48 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Enough! Both of you! anger, belting out above the noise FormID: 00020F48 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 There is a burning city out there that needs a government. imploring haste FormID: 00020880 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Are you two quite done? anger, cutting through the bullshit FormID: 00020880 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 You, go pack your things. as in [QUOTE]get the hell out[QUOTE] FormID: 00020880 CWAttackCity SCEN 2 And you, go sit on that damn chair and start acting like a Jarl. annoyed FormID: 00025F06 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 If you ladies are finished bickering, there's much to be done. anger, cutting through the bullshit FormID: 00025F06 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 Jarl Black-Briar put your government together. Do it now, or there will be rioting in the streets. as if giving orders to a subordinate. FormID: 00025F06 CWAttackCity SCEN 2 We must move quickly to prevent further violence. direct FormID: 000270A7 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 If you two are finished with the touching homecoming, there's a city in chaos out there. anger, belting out above the noise FormID: 00020F6E CWAttackCity SCEN 0 He's right. Galmar, come, let us restore order. stepping into his new role as king FormID: 00020826 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Come Galmar, we have much to do. stepping into his new role as king FormID: 00025DE1 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Jarl Black-Briar. I must admit, I do like the sound of that. emphasis [QUOTE]JARL[QUOTE], trying out her new title. FormID: 00025DE1 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 And don't worry about any rioting, Legate. I have it under control. cooly FormID: 00025DE1 CWAttackCity SCEN 2 We will soon begin publicly executing captured men. That should send a clear message to the people. cooly FormID: 0002718B CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Indeed. Come, there is much to be done. stepping back into the comfortable role of leader FormID: 00020F44 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 This isn't over. smoldering FormID: 00020F44 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 You hear me you old fool! This isn't over! FormID: 0002069B CWAttackCity SCEN 0 The Empire will return. Count on it. smoldering FormID: 00025F62 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Yes, but not likely the one you intend. smoldering FormID: 00020BE2 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction1Topic CUST 0 Now that is a shame. does a [QUOTE]tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning - mock/playful sadness FormID: 00020BE2 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction1Topic CUST 1 But what you fail to realize is that you involved yourself in this [QUOTE]insanity[QUOTE] when you took Grelod's life. You made your choice. FormID: 00020BE2 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction1Topic CUST 2 Now it's time to face the consequences of your actions. You don't leave this shack until someone dies. FormID: 00020BE1 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction2Topic CUST 0 See, I knew we could resolve this civilly. A debt owed must be repaid. You understand that. FormID: 00020BE1 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction2Topic CUST 1 Well, get to it then. Pick your guest, and send the poor fool to the Void. I'll give you the key to this shack, and you'll be on your way. FormID: 00020BE0 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction3Topic CUST 0 Am I to take your silence as acceptance? FormID: 00020BE0 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepReaction3Topic CUST 1 Then you know where we stand. Make your kill, and we're square. Repayment of your debt is but a discreet knife thrust away. FormID: 00020BDD DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep1Topic CUST 0 Our Family, my dearest. Our Family. Together, united as one, the Dark Brotherhood can accomplish anything. FormID: 00020BDD DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep1Topic CUST 1 But you must be anxious to get to work. I'm arranging a job, but need a bit more time. For now, go see Nazir. He's got several smaller contracts. FormID: 00020BDD DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep1Topic CUST 2 Soon, the Night Mother will arrive. And things around here are sure to get even more interesting. FormID: 00020BDD DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep1Topic CUST 3 Ah, but one last thing. A welcome home present. The armor of the Dark Brotherhood. May it serve you well in all your... endeavors. FormID: 00020BDE DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep2Topic CUST 0 Soon, my dearest. Soon. FormID: 00020BDE DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep2Topic CUST 1 I'm arranging a job for you, but I need some more time. For now, go talk to Nazir. He may have some smaller contracts to tide you over. FormID: 00020BDE DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep2Topic CUST 2 Soon, the Night Mother will arrive. And things around here are sure to get even more interesting. FormID: 00020BDE DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep2Topic CUST 3 Ah, but one last thing. A welcome home present. The armor of the Dark Brotherhood. May it serve you well in all your... endeavors. FormID: 00020BDF DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep3Topic CUST 0 Hmm... Yes, the silence suits you. Gives you an air of mystery. FormID: 00020BDF DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep3Topic CUST 1 Now, down to business. I'm arranging a job for you. But in the meantime, go talk to Nazir. He may have some smaller contracts to tide you over. FormID: 00020BDF DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep3Topic CUST 2 Soon, the Night Mother will arrive. And things around here are sure to get even more interesting. FormID: 00020BDF DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridNextStep3Topic CUST 3 Ah, but one last thing. A welcome home present. The armor of the Dark Brotherhood. May it serve you well in all your... endeavors. FormID: 00020B9C DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You want to talk to me? After everything you've done? FormID: 00020BAC DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Divines smile on you, friend. FormID: 00020BA0 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I hope the wilds claim you, one of these days. FormID: 00020BAD DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 What do you need, my friend? FormID: 00020BBA DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I've had just about all I'm willing to take from you. What is it? FormID: 00020BC2 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You and me, we're the only people around who aren't complete fools. FormID: 000214E4 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Now why would I want to talk to you? FormID: 000214E6 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Friends like you are hard to find and very valuable to me. FormID: 000214DF DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Something you need, you miserable wretch? FormID: 000214E5 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Good to see you. Finally someone useful is around. FormID: 000214F2 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I don't like talking to someone who holds their honor so cheaply. FormID: 000214F9 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Good to have you by my side, friend. I need reliable people around. FormID: 000214F6 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You have something to say, dog? Something on your mind? FormID: 000214FB DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're someone who can get things done. I like that. FormID: 00021502 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I should bash your face in after all you've done. FormID: 0002150C DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You've been a good friend to me. That means something. FormID: 00021618 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 What do you want? You've caused enough trouble. FormID: 00021621 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Good to see you again, friend. FormID: 00021617 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You. What do you want? FormID: 00021623 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Now here's a man I'm glad to see. FormID: 00021624 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Now here's a woman I'm glad to see. FormID: 0002162B DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You! You're going to hurt me again aren't you? Just stay away. FormID: 00021631 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 It's so good to see you again. FormID: 00021630 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I don't mean you any trouble. Just leave me alone. FormID: 00021637 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Divines bless you. May the ground you walk quake as you pass. FormID: 0002163A DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Gods strike you down. FormID: 0002164A DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 My favorite drinking buddy. Let's get some mead. FormID: 0002164E DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Just looking at you makes me upset. FormID: 00021659 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Good to see Skyrim still has such fine people. You give an old man hope. FormID: 0002164D DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're just rotten. No good. FormID: 00021CDF DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I hope your parents are proud of you. They have a lot of reason to be. FormID: 00021CE1 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Leave me alone. Can't an old man have some peace? FormID: 00021CEA DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're not as dumb as you look. FormID: 000CF7AE DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Here to shame an old woman? Leave me be. FormID: 00021CF1 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Well, look at you. If only everyone acted like you did. FormID: 00021CF9 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You. Every time I look at you my blood boils. FormID: 00021D00 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 It's a fine day with you around. FormID: 00021CFC DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're nothing but trouble. FormID: 00021CFF DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Good day, friend! Keeping well? FormID: 00021D0F DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Worthless. Everyone like you is completely worthless. FormID: 00021D12 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Good to see you. At least you know how to treat someone properly. FormID: 00021F77 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Every time I think of you, I imagine a Saber Cat closing its claws around your face. FormID: 00021F86 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 It's so good to see you again. FormID: 00021F87 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're mean. I hate you. I hate you forever and ever and ever. FormID: 00021F94 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're the best! Can you be my father? FormID: 00021F95 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 You're the best! Can you be my mother? FormID: 00021F88 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I hope monsters come and eat you. FormID: 00021F93 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 I bet you could slay one of those mean old dragons. I bet you could do anything. FormID: 0002252D DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 The gods know what you've done. FormID: 00022530 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 A fine day to you, friend. May you die with a sword in your hands. FormID: 0002252C DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 What do you want, milk drinker? FormID: 00022531 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 May the gods watch over your battles, friend. FormID: 0002253E DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Absolutely no time to deal with lowlifes these days. Go away. FormID: 0002253A DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Oh, it's you. I was wondering why I was smelling something unpleasant. FormID: 00022540 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 So nice to have pleasant company for a change. FormID: 00022546 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 There are so few pleasures in life as fine as your company. FormID: 0002254A DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 There are so many delightful ways I've pictured you dead. FormID: 00022554 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 We're one of the same kind, you and I. I'm glad to have met you. FormID: 00022552 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Azura's wisdom to you, friend. FormID: 00022549 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Filth. Run to the horizon before I hunt you down. FormID: 0002255F DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 What do you want? Aren't your hands coated with enough blood? FormID: 000225CD DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 May your next fight bring you victory, friend. FormID: 0002255A DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 For your crimes, may Malacath boil your blood and grind your bones. FormID: 000225CE DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 May your weapons be sharp and your prey fresh. FormID: 000225D6 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Khajiit wishes for you to go away. You have done us too much harm. FormID: 000225DD DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 These sands are cold, but Khajiit feels warmness from your presence. FormID: 000225D2 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Its scent is foul, unclean. Hurtful. FormID: 000225E0 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Speak. Khajiit will listen until all the sugars in the world turn sour. FormID: 000225E3 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 It fills us with rage. What harm does it bring to us now? FormID: 000225EB DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 Ours is to smile at your passing, friend. FormID: 000225E5 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 It annoys us. What does it want to take from us now? FormID: 000225F0 DialogueRelationshipGeneric DialoguePlayerRelationshipHellos HELO 0 It is our most favored company. FormID: 00020AE2 TG00SP SCEN 0 Everyone! Everyone! Gather 'round! Call out like salesman FormID: 00020AE2 TG00SP SCEN 1 I have something amazing to show you that demands your attention! Call out like salesman FormID: 00020ADD TG00SP SCEN 0 Gather 'round all! Calling out like a salesman FormID: 00020ADE TG00SP SCEN 0 No pushing, no shoving. Plenty of room! Calling out like a salesman FormID: 00020ADF TG00SP SCEN 0 This way everyone! Over here! Calling out like a salesman FormID: 00020AE0 TG00SP SCEN 0 You need to hear this! Calling out like a salesman FormID: 00020B94 TG00SP SCEN 0 Come on, Brynjolf... what is it this time? FormID: 00020AD7 TG00SP SCEN 0 Patience, Brand-Shei. This is a rare opportunity, and I wouldn't want you to get left out. FormID: 00020AD0 TG00SP SCEN 0 That's what you said about the Wisp Essence and it turned out to be crushed nirnroot mixed with water! FormID: 00020AD6 TG00SP SCEN 0 That was a simple misunderstanding, but this item is the real thing. FormID: 00020AD6 TG00SP SCEN 1 Lads and lasses I give you, Falmerblood Elixir! FormID: 00020AD3 TG00SP SCEN 0 Oh come on, are you talking about the Snow Elves? FormID: 00020BCE TG00SP SCEN 0 The one and only. FormID: 00020BCE TG00SP SCEN 1 Mystical beings who live in legends and were masters of great magic. Imagine the power that coursed through their veins! FormID: 00020ACF TG00SP SCEN 0 How did you get that, then? No one's seen them in years! FormID: 00020B93 TG00SP SCEN 0 My sources must remain a secret for their own protection but I can promise that the contents are genuine. FormID: 00020B93 TG00SP SCEN 1 One sip of the elixir and your wishes will be granted. Great wealth, everlasting life or perhaps limitless power could be yours! FormID: 00020AD8 TG00SP SCEN 0 How much does it cost? FormID: 00020BD8 TG00SP SCEN 0 Only twenty gold septims! Hurry before my supply is gone. FormID: 00020B83 TG00SP SCEN 0 Grow back that missing limb! FormID: 00020B84 TG00SP SCEN 0 See into other people's thoughts! FormID: 00020B85 TG00SP SCEN 0 Learn a library's worth of knowledge in moments! FormID: 00020B86 TG00SP SCEN 0 Wield powerful magic incantations! FormID: 00020B87 TG00SP SCEN 0 Live for thousands of years! FormID: 00020B89 TG00SP SCEN 0 Who knows what powers the elixir will unlock! FormID: 00020B8A TG00SP SCEN 0 Please hurry, I have only a few bottles left! FormID: 00020B8B TG00SP SCEN 0 Only twenty septims a bottle! FormID: 00020B8C TG00SP SCEN 0 He has to be lying! FormID: 00020B8D TG00SP SCEN 0 Twenty coins? No one has that much. FormID: 00020B8E TG00SP SCEN 0 Don't listen to him, he's making this up. FormID: 00020B8F TG00SP SCEN 0 Why would you even listen to him? FormID: 00020B90 TG00SP SCEN 0 He gives other merchants a bad name. FormID: 00020B91 TG00SP SCEN 0 This is ridiculous. FormID: 00020BD0 TG00SP SCEN 0 I dunno, sounds like I should try it. FormID: 00020BD1 TG00SP SCEN 0 What if he's right? Maybe I'll buy one. FormID: 00020BD4 TG00SP SCEN 0 I could get rich and stop selling these trinkets. FormID: 00020BD5 TG00SP SCEN 0 This is just what I need right now. FormID: 00020BD6 TG00SP SCEN 0 I can't afford to get one, but can I afford not to? FormID: 00020BD7 TG00SP SCEN 0 That Wisp Essence didn't help, but maybe this will. FormID: 00020ACC TG00SP SCEN 0 Well, I see that my time is up. Come back tomorrow if you wish to buy. FormID: 00020AD1 TG00SP SCEN 0 What a waste of time. FormID: 00020BDA TG00SP SCEN 0 Damn. I knew I shouldn't have waited. FormID: 000C0BC2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfReadyToStartBranch TG00BrynjolfReadyToStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Good. Wait until I start the distraction and then show me what you're made of. all business FormID: 00020AD4 TG00 TG00BrynjolfBrandSheiInfoBranch TG00BrynjolfBrandSheiInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 We've been contracted to make sure Brand-Shei remembers not to meddle in affairs that aren't his own. Brand-Shei = [QUOTE]Brand-Shay[QUOTE] FormID: 00020AD4 TG00 TG00BrynjolfBrandSheiInfoBranch TG00BrynjolfBrandSheiInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 Now, since we're not the Dark Brotherhood, we're not going to kill him, we're just going to make sure he sits in the prisons for a few days. FormID: 00020ACD TG00 TG00BrynjolfHelpBranch TG00BrynjolfHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Do you want me to hold your hand as well? very annoyed FormID: 00020ACD TG00 TG00BrynjolfHelpBranch TG00BrynjolfHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 You have the ring. All you have to do is pick Brand-Shei's pocket and plant it there. Brand-Shei = [QUOTE]Brand-Shay[QUOTE] FormID: 0005169C TG00 TG00BrynjolfHelpBranch TG00BrynjolfHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Do you want me to hold your hand as well? very annoyed FormID: 0005169C TG00 TG00BrynjolfHelpBranch TG00BrynjolfHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 You're going to have to sneak over to Madesi's stall and use your lockpick on the strongbox. FormID: 0005169C TG00 TG00BrynjolfHelpBranch TG00BrynjolfHelpBranchTopic CUST 2 Then when you have the ring, you pickpocket Brand-Shei and leave it behind. Brand-Shei = [QUOTE]Brand-Shay[QUOTE] FormID: 00020A2C MG01 MG01NiryaStage30Branch MG01NiryaStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 You'll need to speak with Mirabelle Ervine. Her quarters are in the Hall of Countenance, but she could be anywhere on the grounds. FormID: 00020A2A MG01 MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranch MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranchTopic CUST 0 You've been quiet so far. What do you think we should do? Walk Away FormID: 00020A23 MG01 MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranch MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranchResponse2 CUST 0 Well, your classmates certainly seem to disagree with you. amused FormID: 00020A24 MG01 MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranch MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranchResponse1 CUST 0 Is that so? FormID: 00020A25 MG01 MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranch MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranchResponse3 CUST 0 Not going to weigh in either way? FormID: 00020A25 MG01 MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranch MG01TolfdirStage50SceneBranchResponse3 CUST 1 I admire your restraint, but there are times when you must make decisions, even without all the facts. Rely on instinct. FormID: 00020A26 MG01 SCEN 0 See? He agrees with us too! Why don't you actually show us something? FormID: 00020A27 MG01 SCEN 0 See? She agrees with us too! Why don't you actually show us something? FormID: 00020A28 MG01 SCEN 0 Oh, don't listen to him. We can do it, just give us a chance! FormID: 00020A29 MG01 SCEN 0 Oh, don't listen to her. We can do it, just give us a chance! FormID: 00020A2B MG01 SCEN 0 We're all pretty new at this, right? Let's just give it a chance. What's the worst that could happen? FormID: 000209C2 DA03 SCEN 0 Ah, that feels so much better! You forget how nice supreme power feels until you've been stuck in a cave for a few years. FormID: 000209C3 DA03 SCEN 0 It's a shame you wished for something so dull as me taking back the mutt. Quite the lack of imagination on your part. FormID: 000209C4 DA03 SCEN 0 Now, as for your wish... An end to the war, was it? FormID: 000209C5 DA03 SCEN 0 Now, as for your wish... Power, was it? FormID: 000209BE DA03 SCEN 0 A lack of ambition like that really ought to be punished. Perhaps by turning you into a worm, or maybe a few decades of... Interrupted from his vicious contemplation at the end FormID: 000209BF DA03 SCEN 0 I'll make sure this war ends, all right. Just as soon as the dragons swarm across Skyrim and wipe out all of you puny... Maniacal threatening, interrupted at the end. FormID: 000209C0 DA03 SCEN 0 You can be a part of a tremendous power - all you have to do is let your soul be absorbed by this axe. I never said it would be your power... emphasis on [QUOTE]your[QUOTE] FormID: 000209BB DA03 SCEN 0 Vile! None of that - you made a deal, and the mortal stood by it honestly. Now it's your turn to come through. FormID: 000209BD DA03 SCEN 0 Oh, fine. Have my boon and be done with it. I've got more interesting deals to make, anyway. FormID: 000206C4 MG01 SCEN 0 Welcome, welcome! We were just beginning. Please, stay and listen. FormID: 000206C0 MG01 SCEN 0 So, as I was saying, the first thing to understand is that magic is, by its very nature, volatile and dangerous. FormID: 000206C0 MG01 SCEN 1 Unless you can control it, it can and will destroy you. FormID: 000206BE MG01 SCEN 0 Sir, I think we all understand that fairly well. We wouldn't be here if we couldn't control magic! FormID: 000206C2 MG01 SCEN 0 Of course, my dear. Of course. You all certainly possess some inherent natural ability. That much is not being questioned. FormID: 000206C2 MG01 SCEN 1 What I'm talking about is true control, mastery of magic. It takes years, if not decades, of practice and study. FormID: 000206C1 MG01 SCEN 0 Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started! FormID: 000206BD MG01 SCEN 0 Please, please! This is exactly what I'm talking about. Eagerness must be tempered with caution, or else disaster is inevitable. FormID: 000206C3 MG01 SCEN 0 But we've only just arrived here -- you've no idea what any of us are capable of. Why not give us a chance to show you what we can do? FormID: 00021537 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchBersi TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchBersiTopic CUST 0 I wasn't sure that he'd see the light, but I'm sure you [QUOTE]explained[QUOTE] it to him. Well done! FormID: 000206A7 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchBersi TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchBersiTopic CUST 0 He's as pig-headed a man as you'll ever find. annoyed FormID: 000206A7 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchBersi TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchBersiTopic CUST 1 The key is that ugly dwarven urn in his shop. Smash that thing to bits and he'll change his attitude. FormID: 0002153B TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchHaelga TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchHaelgaTopic CUST 0 She's as stubborn as she is beautiful, isn't she? Glad you found a way to get her to pay. FormID: 000206A8 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchHaelga TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchHaelgaTopic CUST 0 Haelga is a devout follower of Dibella and dotes over the statue to the Divine that she keeps at the Bunkhouse. Use it as leverage and she'll cave. FormID: 000205BD DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet6ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet6ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. Yes. Yes, I believe you are. Very well, then. FormID: 000205BD DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet6ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet6ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 You need to find and kill Safia, the captain of the pirate ship Red Wave. FormID: 000205BD DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet6ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet6ReadyBranchTopic CUST 2 The ship travels the northern coast, and sometimes isn't even in Skyrim at all. So you'll have to be patient. Good luck. FormID: 00020881 CWAttackCity CWAttackCityBlocking CWAttackCityBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get over to Windhelm. Tell Ulfric of our victory here. beaming FormID: 0002088E CWAttackCity CWAttackCityBlocking CWAttackCityBlockingTopic CUST 0 They will sing stories of this day. beaming FormID: 00020537 TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic CUST 0 Well, well... color me impressed, lad. I wasn't certain I'd ever see you again! pleasantly surprised FormID: 0003626A TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic CUST 0 Well, well... color me impressed, lass. I wasn't certain I'd ever see you again! pleasantly surprised FormID: 0002053B TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic01 CUST 0 Reliable and headstrong? You're turning out to be quite the prize! jovial, accentuate [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] FormID: 0002053B TG01 TG01BrynjolfIntroductionBranch TG01BrynjolfIntroductionTopic01 CUST 1 So... now that I've whetted your appetite with our little scheme at the market, how about handling a few deadbeats for me? FormID: 00021540 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I trust everything went well? FormID: 0002053C TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Have anything for us yet? FormID: 00078F72 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 What is it with you and all these questions? Very well, ask away. FormID: 00078F73 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 All right, I'll entertain you a bit more. Go on. annoyed FormID: 00021541 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Now what did you want? I already paid you. FormID: 000E57D4 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I know you... everyone's been talking about it. What are you here for? FormID: 00021542 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I'm not paying you or Brynjolf a single coin! Now get out of my tavern! FormID: 00021543 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I said get out! I'm not paying a single coin! FormID: 00021545 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Here for a room or something to drink? Show me some coin first. FormID: 000E57D5 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 You want something or not? FormID: 00021546 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 We got the message... now just take your business elsewhere. FormID: 00021547 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 What do you want? distrust FormID: 00021E88 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I hope you're here for friendlier reasons now... after all, I'm all paid up. mock happiness, actually kind of scared FormID: 000E57D6 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Oh no! You're the one from Brynjolf's outfit, aren't you? FormID: 00021E89 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 No! That urn was priceless! favorite possession just destroyed FormID: 00021E8A TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Please, reconsider what you're doing. Maybe I can pay later... FormID: 00021E8B TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I... I don't care! I'm not paying! defiant, but faltering FormID: 00021E8C TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave. Tell Brynjolf he'll just have to make due without my coin. FormID: 00021E8E TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 So, can I interest you in anything today? FormID: 00021E8F TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Look, I got the message. What else did you want? FormID: 00021E92 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 It's you! Please, don't hurt me! FormID: 00021E90 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Please! Don't take the statue! It's the only thing of value I have left! FormID: 00021E91 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 Ask all you want, you can't squeeze blood from a stone. Not in this part of the world anyway. Say last sentence a bit quieter (under breath) FormID: 000E57D7 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 If you're looking for a room, try the Bee and Barb. This place is for the working man. FormID: 00021E93 TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 What did you want? FormID: 00020540 TG01 TG01Goodbyes GBYE 0 I'll be here when you're done. FormID: 00020541 TG01 TG01Goodbyes GBYE 0 Come back when you grow a backbone. FormID: 000EA5B9 TG01 TG01Goodbyes GBYE 0 Just leave me in peace. FormID: 000EA5BA TG01 TG01Goodbyes GBYE 0 I hope Brynjolf chokes on his gold. FormID: 000EA5BB TG01 TG01Goodbyes GBYE 0 I can't stand this city. It's impossible to make a decent living here. FormID: 0002153C TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchKeerava TG01BrynjolfAboutKeerava CUST 0 She was the toughest of the bunch. Honestly, I'm amazed she didn't kick you out of the Bee and Barb herself. FormID: 00020542 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchKeerava TG01BrynjolfAboutKeerava CUST 0 Keerava's stubborn, but she's got a soft spot for family. annoyed FormID: 00020542 TG01 TG01BrynjolfDuringQuestBranchKeerava TG01BrynjolfAboutKeerava CUST 1 Talk to Talen-Jei at the Bee and Barb and see if you can get something out of him. They're... well acquainted if you catch my meaning. Talen-Jei = [QUOTE]Talon Jay[QUOTE] - say last part with a wink FormID: 00020655 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 And you. A Stormcloak? I'd thought better of you. You'll all come to regret this day. smoldering, to the player who was once an ally FormID: 00020435 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridSanctuaryGreetTopic CUST 0 Well, what happens now is you start your new life in the Dark Brotherhood. You're part of the Family, after all. FormID: 00020435 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSanctuaryGreetBranch DBAstridSanctuaryGreetTopic CUST 1 This, as you can see, is our Sanctuary. You won't find a safer place in all of Skyrim. So get comfortable. FormID: 0002042D DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract1FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract1FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Congratulations. You slaughtered an emaciated beggar in cold blood. You are truly an opponent to be feared. FormID: 0002042D DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract1FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract1FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's your payment. FormID: 00020432 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract2FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract2FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Good. And I hope you were careful in that lumber mill. Those splinters and rusty nails can be quite nasty. sarcastic, but happy/funny FormID: 00020432 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract2FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract2FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Your payment, for a job well done. semi-sarcastic FormID: 00020436 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract3FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract3FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course she is. I hear the mining business is extremely cutthroat. And those hours... they're murder. FormID: 00020436 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract3FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract3FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 I could do this all day. Here's your payment. FormID: 0002042A DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract4FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract4FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 No sarcasm this time. You faced a vampire, and lived to tell the tale. Well done. FormID: 0002042A DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract4FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract4FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 And if you contracted Sanguinare Vampiris, be sure to get that taken care of. Else you'll end up like our own Babette. FormID: 0002042A DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract4FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract4FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 2 Unless, of course, that was your goal all along. Here's your payment. FormID: 0002042E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract5FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract5FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Wonderful. The only good bard is a dead one, as far as I'm concerned. All that singing and... mirth. FormID: 0002042E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract5FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract5FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Your payment, as per the usual. FormID: 0002042F DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract6FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract6FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Personally, I've always found Argonians to be incredibly unpredictable opponents. Especially near water. FormID: 0002042F DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract6FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract6FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 In any event, nice work. Here's your payment. FormID: 00020430 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract7FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract7FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah! Well done! Well done! FormID: 00020430 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract7FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract7FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Those caravaners can be an elusive bunch. Takes a fair bit of stalking to take one down. But then, that's half the fun, isn't it? FormID: 00020430 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract7FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract7FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 2 Here's your payment. Well earned, indeed. FormID: 00020428 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract8FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract8FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, so the hunter came to know the fear of the hunted, hmm? FormID: 00020428 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract8FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract8FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Your payment, my friend. Well done. FormID: 00020434 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't worry, my friend, I'll spare you the facetious quip about killing a defenseless old woman. FormID: 00020434 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Infiltrating an occupied fort and making it out in one piece is nothing to joke about. Well done. FormID: 00020434 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 2 Your payment for services rendered. FormID: 00020429 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract10FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract10FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 I hope the elf didn't give you too much trouble. I once got set on fire by a sorcerer. Nasty business, that. FormID: 00020429 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract10FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract10FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 But I digress. Here's your payment. FormID: 00020433 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract11FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract11FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. Well, that's sure to throw a branch into Falkreath's well-oiled political machine. FormID: 00020433 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract11FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract11FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's your payment. Well earned, as always. FormID: 0002042C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 0 By Sithis, now I am truly impressed! FormID: 0002042C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 1 To kill a pirate captain, on her own ship no less? Simply masterful! FormID: 0002042C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 2 You've not only earned your payment, but my respect as well. And believe me, friend - that does not come easily. FormID: 0002042C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 3 I'm afraid that concludes our business. You have exhausted all available additional contracts. FormID: 0002042C DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranch DBNazirContract12FulfilledBranchTopic CUST 4 But I'm sure you've got plenty to keep you busy right about now, hmm? FormID: 0002AD12 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 As a matter of fact, I do. Two of them. One rather easy assignment, and another that should prove quite a challenge. FormID: 0002AD12 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 Your first target is an Orc bard named Lurbuk. The other is a vampire by the name of Hern. FormID: 0002AD12 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 2 Happy hunting. FormID: 0002AD13 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry, I don't. Come see me again later. FormID: 000205BE DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Well then, your timing couldn't be better. FormID: 000205BE DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 As it turns out, I've got two new contracts. One rather easy assignment, and another that should prove quite a challenge. FormID: 000205BE DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 2 Your first target is an Orc bard named Lurbuk. The other is a vampire by the name of Hern. FormID: 000205BE DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 3 Happy hunting. FormID: 0002AD14 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 More work? My friend, you still haven't finished the last set of contracts I gave you. Why don't you concentrate on eliminating that final target. FormID: 0002AD15 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet2ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 More work? My friend, you still haven't finished the last two contracts I gave you. Let's get those done, hmm? FormID: 000205BF DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Well aren't we the eager one? Sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing. Try me again later. FormID: 0002AD00 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 There are indeed. Three, to be exact. FormID: 0002AD00 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 There's Deekus, a shipwreck scavenger. Ma'randru-jo, a traveling caravaner. And Anoriath, a hunter. FormID: 0002AD02 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. How about, instead of giving you another contract, I simply deride you for not finishing the one you still have? FormID: 0002AD03 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet3ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 So it would appear. Though I'd suspect she'd want you to complete your other contracts first. Do those, then we'll talk about something new. FormID: 000205C1 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet4ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet4ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Just one right now, actually. FormID: 000205C1 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet4ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet4ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 I need you to eliminate an old woman named Agnis, a servant in Fort Greymoor. FormID: 000205C0 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet5ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet5ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, yes. Two of them. But you're reaching the end of what I have available. FormID: 000205C0 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet5ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet5ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 Your targets are a dark elf wizard named Maluril, in the dwarven ruin of Mzinchaleft. And Helvard, the housecarl of Falkreath. FormID: 000205C0 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet5ReadyBranch DBNazirContractSet5ReadyBranchTopic CUST 2 Kill these two, and I'll have one last contract to give you. I'm just finalizing some details now. FormID: 0002069E CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Not so fast Elf! [QUOTE]ELF[QUOTE] with a sneer, anger, belting out FormID: 0002065A CWAttackCity SCEN 0 I presume you're talking to me? condescending, but knows he's about to die. FormID: 00020817 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 On your knees! anger, about to kill an evil bastard FormID: 00020303 MG01 SCEN 0 Unfortunately, we've had to implement more stringent entry procedures, due to some problems with the local Nords. FormID: 00020303 MG01 SCEN 1 We don't anticipate any real violence, but it never hurts to be prepared. FormID: 00020307 MG01 SCEN 0 Our newest members are housed here in the Hall of Attainment. FormID: 00020307 MG01 SCEN 1 I'll ask that you please keep your voice down while inside, as others may be working on research or... delicate experiments. FormID: 00020304 MG01 SCEN 0 Now I'll show you to your quarters. You're going to be sharing space with your fellow Apprentices, who you'll meet shortly. FormID: 00020305 MG01 SCEN 0 This is where you'll be staying. This bed and desk are yours. Please try and be considerate of others. FormID: 00020305 MG01 SCEN 1 Now, let's go back to the Hall of the Elements, where most of the members gather for lectures and study sessions. FormID: 00020306 MG01 SCEN 0 Initially you'll be learning from Tolfdir, one of our most esteemed Wizards. FormID: 00020308 MG01 SCEN 0 Tolfdir is likely already addressing the new Apprentices. Go on in, and if you have any problems, let one of our senior members know. FormID: 00020666 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 I said, on your knees, Elf! anger, about to kill an evil bastard FormID: 0002064E CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Enjoy this while you can. Soon you will all be slaves. condescending, but knows he's about to die. FormID: 00020675 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Raagh! anger, executing an evil bastard FormID: 00020651 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Someone get that thing out of here and burn it. dripping with hate, referring to a corpse of an evil bastard FormID: 000202D6 MG02 MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Well would you look at that! FormID: 000202D6 MG02 MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 This appears to lead somewhere. Let's see where it goes. FormID: 000202DA MG02 MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure. I certainly wasn't expecting this. FormID: 000202DA MG02 MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranch MG02TolfdirPlayerFreeForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 This appears to lead somewhere. Let's see where it goes. FormID: 00020132 MQ101 SCEN 0 Looks like we're the only ones who made it. Was that really a dragon? The bringers of the End Times? thinking to yourself, afraid of what dragons might mean FormID: 00020130 MQ101 SCEN 0 We should keep moving. Come here. Let me see if I can get those bindings off. friendly FormID: 000211DA MQ106 SCEN 0 Follow me. FormID: 0002110E MQ106 SCEN 0 Close the door. FormID: 0002110F MQ106 SCEN 0 Come on, close the door. FormID: 00021110 MQ106 SCEN 0 You're not afraid of me, are you? sarcastically - not a big strong adventurer like you? FormID: 00021111 MQ106 SCEN 0 Just close the door, will you? irritated FormID: 000210A6 MQ106 SCEN 0 Now we can talk. FormID: 00020953 MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveC3A1 CUST 0 Can you do it? Can you devour a dragon's soul? FormID: 000211E2 MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroDragonbornA1 CUST 0 Good. And you'll have a chance to prove it to me soon enough. Walk Away FormID: 000211DC MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroDragonbornA2 CUST 0 This is no time to play the reluctant hero. You either are or aren't Dragonborn. Walk Away FormID: 000211DC MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroDragonbornA2 CUST 1 But I'll see for myself soon enough. Walk Away FormID: 0002110D MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroDragonbornA3 CUST 0 You're wrong. It is my business. You may be the only one that can stop these dragons. flaring anger Walk Away FormID: 0002110D MQ106 MQ106DelpineIntroExclusiveDragonborn MQ106DelphineIntroDragonbornA3 CUST 1 But you'll understand that soon enough. Walk Away FormID: 0002110B MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A2A2 CUST 0 Yes. A map of ancient dragon burial sites. I've looked at which ones are now empty. The pattern is pretty clear. FormID: 0002110B MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusive2A2A2 CUST 1 It seems to be spreading from the southeast, starting in the Jeralls near Riften. The one near Kynesgrove is next if the pattern holds. FormID: 00021109 MQ106 MQ106OrgnarDelphine MQ106OrgnarDelphineTopic CUST 0 That's her business. Not mine. Probably not yours either. FormID: 00020029 MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Another new student... I'm surprised at how many of you there are lately. FormID: 00020029 MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 1 Well, first you'll need these. While you're not required to wear them, you may find them more to your liking than your current clothes. FormID: 00020029 MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 2 I'll give you a brief tour, and then we'll get you to your first class. Are you ready to begin? FormID: 0002002A MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, just a brief overview of our facilities. Are you ready? FormID: 0002002C MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30TakeTour CUST 0 Wonderful. Please follow me, and don't wander off. FormID: 00020027 MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30TourNotYet CUST 0 I see. FormID: 00020027 MG01 MG01MirabelleStage30Branch MG01MirabelleStage30TourNotYet CUST 1 Well, please let me know when you are. FormID: 0002002B MG01 SCEN 0 The College of Winterhold has been a fixture in Skyrim for thousands of years. FormID: 00020028 MG01 SCEN 0 The prominent feature here is the Hall of the Elements. It's our primary location for lectures, practice sessions, and general meetings. FormID: 00020015 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractBranch DBNazirAnythingElseTopic CUST 0 It is. These aren't particularly glamorous assassinations, I'll be honest. Don't pay much, either. FormID: 00020015 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractBranch DBNazirAnythingElseTopic CUST 1 But they'll keep you busy. Just do them as you're able. There's no real time limit - the targets aren't going anywhere. FormID: 00020015 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractBranch DBNazirAnythingElseTopic CUST 2 You can turn each one in as it's completed, or wait and turn in the whole group when all the targets have been eliminated. Whichever works for you. FormID: 00020017 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet1ReadyBranch DBNazirContract1ReadyBranchTopic CUST 0 Well then, let's get started. I've got three available right now. FormID: 00020017 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet1ReadyBranch DBNazirContract1ReadyBranchTopic CUST 1 Your targets are the beggar Narfi, an ex-miller named Ennodius Papius, and Beitild, a mine boss. FormID: 00020017 DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractSet1ReadyBranch DBNazirContract1ReadyBranchTopic CUST 2 When you've completed all those, we'll see if I might have some more. FormID: 00020013 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridSleepGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Who I am really isn't as important as what I am. And what I am is an admirer. Of sorts. Walk Away FormID: 00020016 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridAdmirerTopic CUST 0 Half of Skyrim knows. Old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage? Things like that tend to get around. Walk Away FormID: 00020016 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridAdmirerTopic CUST 1 Oh, but don't misunderstand. I'm not criticizing. It was a good kill. Old crone had it coming. And you saved a group of urchins, to boot. Walk Away FormID: 00020016 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridAdmirerTopic CUST 2 Ah, but there is a slight... problem. Walk Away FormID: 00020012 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 You see, that little Aretino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood. For me, and my associates. FormID: 00020012 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 1 Grelod the Kind was, by all rights, a Dark Brotherhood contract. A kill... that you stole. FormID: 00020012 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 2 A kill you must repay. FormID: 0002AD09 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 We need to talk. FormID: 0002AD0A DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 Look. Something is happening here. I'm not sure entirely what that something is, but... Well, we need to find out. FormID: 0002AD0A DarkBrotherhood IDAT 1 If the Night Mother really did give you an order to talk to a contact, we'd be mad to ignore it. FormID: 0002AD0A DarkBrotherhood IDAT 2 And I think we'd both agree, Cicero's brought quite enough madness to this Sanctuary. FormID: 0002AD0A DarkBrotherhood IDAT 3 So go. Go to Volunruud. It's a crypt, pretty far to the northeast. Talk to this Amaund Motierre. And let's see where all this leads. Hmm? FormID: 0002D8A1 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 Best put your other tasks aside. The real challenge is about to begin. FormID: 00037B5F DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 With Vici's murder, you've started us down a path the Dark Brotherhood hasn't traveled in centuries. The assassination of an Emperor. Extra power in the last sentence. Like she's emphasizing the significance of it. FormID: 00037B5F DarkBrotherhood IDAT 1 And now, your reward. A unique spell to summon a legend of the Dark Brotherhood. His soul serves us now in death, as his body once did in life. FormID: 00037B5F DarkBrotherhood IDAT 2 Ah, and of course, a bonus, for killing Vici while she addressed her guests, as instructed. Gold... simple and pure. Spend it as you will. FormID: 00037B5F DarkBrotherhood IDAT 3 Now then. Time to proceed to the next stage of the plan. Go and speak with Gabriella. She's been helping me arrange your next contract. FormID: 000618A5 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 With Vici's murder, you've started us down a path the Dark Brotherhood hasn't traveled in centuries. The assassination of an Emperor. Extra power in the last sentence. Like she's emphasizing the significance of it. FormID: 000618A5 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 1 And now, your reward. A unique spell to summon a legend of the Dark Brotherhood. His soul serves us now in death, as his body once did in life. FormID: 000618A5 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 2 Unfortunately, in your zeal, you failed to eliminate Vici while she addressed her guests, as directed. I'm sorry, but your bonus is forfeit. FormID: 000618A5 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 3 Now then. Time to proceed to the next stage of the plan. Go and speak with Gabriella. She's been helping me arrange your next contract. FormID: 000350E2 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 Excellent. Once again, you've proven yourself a born assassin. FormID: 000350E2 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 1 Tell you what. Why don't you hold onto Shadowmere a while longer? He's a fine steed, and hasn't been ridden nearly as much as he should lately. FormID: 000350E2 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 2 And now that this Cicero mess has been mopped up, we can get back to the matter at hand, hmm? FormID: 0006D288 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 You are not worthy. FormID: 00069FEA DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 Go now to Castle Dour in Solitude. Present the Gourmet's Write of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro. I'm sure you remember him. FormID: 0009BCA4 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 Oh yes, it is Cicero! You were a fool to spare me. What, did you think I would be grateful? Cicero should be Listener! Not you! Now you will die! FormID: 0009BCA4 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 1 ... non verbal line - you just look at someone with a blank stare FormID: 0009BCA4 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 2 Ahhh.... gotcha! Oh, Listener, you should see the look on your face! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 0009BCA4 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 3 Oh, Cicero has returned! Not to kill the kind Listener, but to serve, until one of us dies horribly, in service to our Mother! Best friends forever! FormID: 0009BCA4 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 4 In the meantime, I'll make myself at home in the Sanctuary. I'm sure Mother needs... tending. FormID: 000FDBCE DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 You! You're responsible for the siege of Solitude! By Sithis, this undermines all our plans! Fool! Finish that mess, and only then will we speak! FormID: 000FDBE6 DarkBrotherhood IDAT 0 You! You're responsible for the siege of that... city! By Sithis, this undermines all our plans! Fool! Finish that mess, and only then will we speak! FormID: 00020019 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridWhoToKillTopic CUST 0 Well now. Funny you should ask. feigning surprise Walk Away FormID: 00020019 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridWhoToKillTopic CUST 1 If you turn around, you'll notice my guests. I've [QUOTE]collected[QUOTE] them from... well, that's not really important. The here and now. That's what matters. Walk Away FormID: 00020019 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridWhoToKillTopic CUST 2 You see, there's a contract out on one of them, and that person can't leave this room alive. But... which one? Go on, see if you can figure it out. Walk Away FormID: 00020019 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridWhoToKillTopic CUST 3 Make your choice. Make your kill. I just want to observe... and admire. Walk Away FormID: 00020121 MQ101 SCEN 0 There you go. Take a look around, there should be plenty of gear to choose from. I'm going to see if I can find something for these burns. FormID: 0002012E MQ101 SCEN 0 Let me see if I can get that door open. FormID: 00020133 MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's keep moving. That thing is still out there. FormID: 00020135 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, this way. FormID: 0001FF70 MS13 SCEN 0 You. Over here! FormID: 0001FEDA DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstrid03GiveBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, there you are. Good, I was done speaking with that muttering fool anyway. We've got some business to discuss. Second sentence is muffled - like the person's she talking about might be close, and she doesn't want them to hear. FormID: 0001FED9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstridO3GiveQuestTopic1 CUST 0 I do indeed. FormID: 0001FED9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstridO3GiveQuestTopic1 CUST 1 You must go to the city of Markarth, and speak with the apothecary's assistant. You'll probably find her in The Hag's Cure, when the shop is open. FormID: 0001FED9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstridO3GiveQuestTopic1 CUST 2 The girl's been running her mouth, wants an ex-lover killed. She's apparently performed the Black Sacrament. FormID: 0001FED9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstridO3GiveQuestTopic1 CUST 3 Her name is Muiri. I need you to talk to her, set up the contract, and carry it out. FormID: 0001FED8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstridO3GiveQuestTopic2 CUST 0 Just do whatever the contact wishes. Be professional, represent us well, and get the job done. FormID: 0001FED8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstrid03GiveBranch DBAstridO3GiveQuestTopic2 CUST 1 Since it's your first contract, I'll let you keep whatever Muiri pays. She'll be generous, I'm sure. They always are. FormID: 0001FED6 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 You go speak with Muiri. I've got to deal with the Night Mother and her little... clown. FormID: 00028C7D DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 It's all up to you now... Listener. FormID: 000A27CE DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Go. Quickly. Hide in the coffin before Cicero and the traitor meet. urgent FormID: 000A59A9 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 It's time we put a little kink in the Emperor's security. FormID: 0001BACA DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Off to Solitude with you. Time to give the Emperor some real motivation to visit Skyrim. FormID: 00050DAD DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Goodbye, assassin. FormID: 0003FA8D DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 You've got people to kill, my friend. Best get to it. FormID: 000537E4 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Go on, now. FormID: 000537E5 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Good luck. And try not to get yourself killed. FormID: 000537E6 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Happy hunting. FormID: 0006D918 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Be sure and introduce yourself to your new Family members. They're all very eager to meet you. FormID: 0009BCA8 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Humble Cicero lives to serve. FormID: 0007467B DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Damnable jester... Angry, thinking and muttering to herself FormID: 00074684 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 I took that prancing fool into my home, and this is how he repays me? Angry FormID: 0003AA69 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 You may go now... FormID: 0007E8B1 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 I am yours, master. FormID: 0007E8B3 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 I am yours, mistress. FormID: 0007E8B5 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Walk always in shadow, my Listener. FormID: 0007E8B9 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Just say the word, master. FormID: 0007E8D7 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Just say the word, mistress. FormID: 0007E8E7 DarkBrotherhood GBYE 0 Ready when you need me, Listener. FormID: 0001FD40 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunFrostmereCryptQST_EisaCompleteCombat COTN 0 What a waste. Fools. Cynical, disappointed FormID: 0001FD3F dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranch dunFrostmereCryptQST_EisaQuestion CUST 0 *Sigh* I was part of the gang in the ruins here. Friend of mine went crazy and stole the boss' sword. They blamed me for it. Angry, frustrated, exasperated. FormID: 0001FD3F dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranch dunFrostmereCryptQST_EisaQuestion CUST 1 Look, I'm done here. Mop the floor with these idiots for all I care. Just get out of my way. Frustrated, annoyed. FormID: 0002A5FF dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranch dunFrostmereCryptQST_EisaFight CUST 0 Hmph. Suit yourself. FormID: 0001FC36 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroTopic CUST 0 It's about time they turned their gaze from the heavens, back to our bleeding homeland. What do they want? FormID: 000D767D MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroA1 CUST 0 I have the greatest respect for the Greybeards, of course. And the dragon attacks are a growing plague. FormID: 000D767D MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroA1 CUST 1 But the political situation is still delicate. Not all the Jarls are fully committed to supporting me as High King. FormID: 000D767D MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroA1 CUST 2 I can't afford to appear weak. I can't agree to this unless Tullius himself will be there. FormID: 0001FC37 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB1 CUST 0 Good. Maybe he's realized he's beaten. The way things are going, we'll be knocking at the gates of Solitude itself before too long. FormID: 0001FC38 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB1 CUST 0 Good. We still hold half of Skyrim despite everything the Empire could throw at us. FormID: 0001FC38 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB1 CUST 1 I doubt the Empire has the stomach for much more bloodletting. with a grim smile FormID: 0001FC39 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB1 CUST 0 Good. They've had their victories, but Tullius is no fool. The Empire can't afford to keep this up much longer. FormID: 0001FC34 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB2 CUST 0 I can't agree to any peace council until I know Tullius will be there. The other Jarls could take that as a sign of weakness. FormID: 0001FC3D MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC1 CUST 0 He is weak. And no doubt knows it. He's no fool, he'll come, if only to give his troops a chance to refit. mulling his options FormID: 0001FC3D MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC1 CUST 1 But you're right. Victory is within our grasp. We can afford to give the Empire one more chance to withdraw. FormID: 0001FC3C MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC1 CUST 0 You're right. Let Tullius be the one to insult the Greybeards by refusing their summons. mulling his options FormID: 0001FC3C MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC1 CUST 1 Show up these Imperials for the foreigners they really are. FormID: 0001FC3B MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC1 CUST 0 Hmm. We could use the time to bring in new recruits. Our losses have been heavy recently... mulling his options FormID: 0001FC35 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroD1 CUST 0 Yes. I'll give Tullius one more chance to quit Skyrim with his tail between his legs. FormID: 0001FA50 CWResolution02 CWResolution02MainBranch CWResolution02Main CUST 0 The enemy is mustering for a final attack. FormID: 0001FA51 CWResolution02 CWResolution02MainBranch CWResolution02AttackDelta CUST 0 Infos conditioned on Attack Delta go here. FormID: 0001FA4F CWResolution02 CWResolution02MainBranch CWResolution02Orders CUST 0 Join the forces mustering at the [CAPITAL] (infos conditions on location go here) FormID: 0001F976 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic01a CUST 0 Yes, my friend. Though no one has been able to get close to her for as long as I can remember. FormID: 0001FB8D dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic01b CUST 0 As you can see, Eldergleam's roots are large and stretch far, blocking any path to her trunk. FormID: 0001FB8D dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic01b CUST 1 Though, believe it or not, there are rumors of a weapon that even Eldergleam herself would lift her roots for, more out of fear than respect. FormID: 0001FB82 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic01c CUST 0 Oh, I don't believe those rumors, my friend. Besides, who would ever want to harm such beauty? FormID: 0001FB82 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic01c CUST 1 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have nothing more to discuss. I encourage you to take your time and enjoy yourself. You look like you could use the rest. FormID: 0001FD63 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith02 SCEN 0 Mama, can we talk. You know, about papa? FormID: 0001FB81 DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith02 SCEN 0 Of course, sweetie. What'd you like to know? FormID: 0001FB8A DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith02 SCEN 0 I don't know. What'd he look like? FormID: 0001FB8E DialogueLeftHandMineDaighreErith02 SCEN 0 He had your soft face, and that silly grin you get when you've done something wrong. That's his, too. FormID: 0001FB2F dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Shared IDAT 0 You are in Eldergleam Sanctuary - just a small glimpse of what beauty Kynareth has to offer. Wonderful place, isn't it? FormID: 0001FB79 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Shared IDAT 0 Oh, I don't believe those rumors, my friend. Besides, who would ever want to harm such beauty? FormID: 0001FB22 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03SondIntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03SondIntroBranch01Topic CUST 0 Welcome to Eldergleam Sanctuary, my friend. If you have any questions, speak to Asta. FormID: 0001FAD7 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic01d CUST 0 Oh, I don't believe those rumors, my friend. Besides, who would ever want to harm such... Wait, it can't be. FormID: 0001FAD3 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic02a CUST 0 The rumors were true! You carry the one weapon Eldergleam fears - Nettlebane. I beg of you, don't harm the tree! Nothing good can come of it. FormID: 0001FB89 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03IntroBranch01 dunEldergleamT03IntroTopic02b CUST 0 The rumors were true... I beg of you, don't harm the tree! Nothing good can come of it. FormID: 000AEA78 C03 HELO 0 (Growling) FormID: 0006767C C03 HELO 0 Not now. The Underforge, tonight. FormID: 000716EF C03 HELO 0 Not here. The Underforge. Come on. FormID: 000716F1 C03 HELO 0 Thank you for coming, brother. FormID: 000716F2 C03 HELO 0 Thank you for coming, sister. FormID: 0007DF51 C03 HELO 0 Ah, there you are. FormID: 0007DF52 C03 HELO 0 The blood calls, brother. FormID: 0007DF53 C03 HELO 0 The blood calls, sister. FormID: 000AEF5C C03 HELO 0 Speak to me, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000AEF5D C03 HELO 0 Speak to me, Shield-Sister. FormID: 0007DF57 C03 HELO 0 Let's make the bastards pay. FormID: 000AEF5E C03 HELO 0 Skjor's somewhere ahead. We need to find him. FormID: 000AEF5F C03 HELO 0 Less talk, more hunt. FormID: 000AEF60 C03 HELO 0 The blood calls, brother. FormID: 000AEF61 C03 HELO 0 The blood calls, sister. FormID: 000AEF62 C03 HELO 0 Let's keep moving. FormID: 000ED049 C03 HELO 0 You've returned. FormID: 000C5C18 C03 HELO 0 There you are. FormID: 0001FB23 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03NettlebaneBranch dunEldergleamT03NettlebaneBranchTopic CUST 0 You don't know what you're dealing with. There will be consequences if you harm that tree. Leave this place - you're not welcome here anymore. FormID: 000EA25C MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, you were going to demonstrate your ability, were you not? FormID: 0001F81A MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 A standard spell for one skilled in Destruction magic is the Firebolt. Casting one at the seal on the ground here would be sufficient. FormID: 0001F81B MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 Those invested in Restoration magic find Healing Hands to be essential. Can you cast it on me? That would prove your skill. FormID: 0001F81C MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Fear spell has saved the life of many an Illusion mage. If you could cast it on the seal here on the ground, that would prove your skill. FormID: 0001F81D MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Flame Atronach is a vital companion for anyone relying on Conjuration. Summoning one here would certainly show your skill. FormID: 0001F81E MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 The Mage Light spell is useful to any mage, not just those specializing in Alteration. Can you cast one on the seal on the ground? FormID: 000E0E03 MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 It would seem that you have yet to reach a level of skill that the College would find valuable, so I'm afraid I can't allow you to join at this time. FormID: 0001F81F MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 0 Unfortunately, one needs to be able to cast at least Apprentice level spells in any school of magic before being allowed to join the College. FormID: 0001F81F MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaGreetingBranchTopic CUST 1 And thus, you're not skilled enough to be a candidate. I'm afraid we're not interested. FormID: 0008EC35 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Nords don't care much for magic. The College in Winterhold is about the only place it's not looked down on. FormID: 0008EC35 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Otherwise you could talk to the Jarl's pet wizard in Solitude. FormID: 0008EC36 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 The College of Winterhold is the only place in Skyrim open-minded enough to teach magic. FormID: 0008EC36 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Although Ulfric's court wizard has been known to take on apprentices once in a while. FormID: 0008EC37 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic? Goodness, not here! Nothing dangerous like that! That's all kept to that College up in Winterhold. FormID: 0008EC37 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Better that than dealing with Ulfric's wizard like some do. FormID: 0008EC38 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic is for the weak. Elves, I mean. They keep to that College in Winterhold. They know their place. FormID: 0008EC38 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course there is Farengar. He might be the Jarl's wizard, but at least he's a Nord. FormID: 0008EC39 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Pfft, I should've guessed as much. Your kind sticks to that College in Winterhold, as well they should. FormID: 0008EC39 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 You'd never think to learn from a Nord like the Jarl's wizard. FormID: 0008EC3A MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 There's a College in Winterhold that teaches magic. It's very secretive, though, and you know how people hate secrets. FormID: 0008EC3A MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 The Jarl's court wizard was taught there. That one's full of secrets. FormID: 0008EC3B MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic? That's dangerous. You want to learn that, go to that College in Winterhold. They teach that stuff there. FormID: 0008EC3B MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Hey! I know. The Jarl's wizard could teach ya. He's lots closer. FormID: 0008EC3C MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I've got no interest in magic users. No use for their kind at all. They're way up north in Winterhold, and that's fine with me. FormID: 0008EC3C MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I don't even like our Jarl havin' a court wizard. FormID: 0008EC3D MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Bit of advice, folks here don't care for magic or those that use it. If you're intent on it, check at the College up in Winterhold. FormID: 0008EC3D MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Either that or go see the Jarl's court wizard. FormID: 0008EC3E MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Looking to blow yourself up? I hear that's what magic does to you. There's a College in Winterhold that teaches magic, unless that blew up too. smirking at his own joke FormID: 0008EC3E MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Be a lot safer just to have the Jarl's wizard teach you a thing or two. FormID: 0008EC3F MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic is nothing but trouble. If you're set on it, there's that College in Winterhold or Ulfric's court wizard. But don't say I didn't warn you. FormID: 0008EC40 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 The people of Skyrim don't like magic much, so about the only place you're likely to find a teacher is the College of Winterhold. FormID: 0008EC43 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 That'd be the College in Winterhold. I suppose you'll be headed there, then. Well, don't let me get in your way. FormID: 0008EC44 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Seen enough magic in my day to know to stay away from it. I'd stay away from the Jarl's wizard in Dawnstar too. FormID: 0008EC44 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 If you wanna be a damn fool, go to the College in Winterhold instead. FormID: 0008EC45 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You lookin' for Falion? Why don't you go bother those mages at their College in Winterhold and leave my brother alone? FormID: 0008EC46 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Any aspiring mage would do well to look for the College in Winterhold. Head there, and you'll get what you're after. FormID: 0008EC46 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Although our Jarl's humble wizard might be willing to help you too. FormID: 0001F810 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic? Got no good use for that here. Mages keep to their College in Winterhold. Go bother them. FormID: 0001F810 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Wish the Jarl's wizard would up and leave with ya. FormID: 0008EC47 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Head north to Winterhold. There's a College there, they teach magic. Most Nords don't care for them. FormID: 0008EC47 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Else you could go see the Jarl's wizard. Might be able to help you. FormID: 0008EC48 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic? You're on the wrong side of Skyrim. You want Winterhold... that College there. They teach it. FormID: 0008EC48 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Otherwise you can try the Jarl's wizard. I wouldn't, though. FormID: 0008EC49 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Winterhold. You want the College there. They teach quite a bit. FormID: 0008EC4A MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, I think you'll find that magic is rare in Skyrim. Winterhold, though... The College there has it in abundance. Look there if you wish to learn. FormID: 0008EC4B MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Not here. Definitely not here. You want to learn, join the College in Winterhold. They'll deal with it. FormID: 0008EC4C MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Magic is... frowned upon in Skyrim. Only the mages at the College of Winterhold teach it freely. If you wish to learn, join them. FormID: 0008EC4D MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 A prospective student, are you? Well, I'm afraid I'm not much good at teaching. You should try your luck at the College of Winterhold. FormID: 0008EC4E MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I have no time or patience for a student. Perhaps the College of Winterhold will grant you admission. annoyed FormID: 00030127 MG01 MG01InitialBranch MG01InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 That's right. College of Winterhold, just north of town. Hard to miss. FormID: 0001F819 MG01 MG01NiryaSpellBranch MG01NiryaStage10NoThanks CUST 0 No? Very well, it's your choice. FormID: 0001F811 MG01 MG01NiryaStage20Branch MG01NiryaStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Well done, indeed. FormID: 000B8116 MG01 MG01NiryaStage20Branch MG01NiryaStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Well, you clearly possess the minimum aptitude required. Congratulations. I'll escort you up to the gate. deadpan, sarcastic. FormID: 000B8116 MG01 MG01NiryaStage20Branch MG01NiryaStage20BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want to speak with Mirabelle Ervine right away. And welcome to the College of Winterhold. FormID: 0001FC41 DialogueKolskeggrMine HELO 0 Good to see you again, friend! We've opened the mine back up. If you're here for work, I'll buy any ore you have. FormID: 000DEC6A DialogueKolskeggrMine HELO 0 I never thought I'd see Kolskeggr again. FormID: 0001FC9F DialogueKolskeggrMine HELO 0 The mine is just how I remember it. FormID: 0001FD1B DialogueKolskeggrMine HELO 0 It's good to be mining again. FormID: 0001FD5C DialogueKolskeggrMine HELO 0 I've never seen Pavo so happy. It's good to be back in Kolskeggr. FormID: 0001FC3F DialogueKolskeggrMineScene01 SCEN 0 I feel like we're mining even more ore than before. FormID: 0001FD5F DialogueKolskeggrMineScene01 SCEN 0 It's the rush of good fortune, my friend. It makes you work harder. FormID: 0001FD61 DialogueKolskeggrMineScene02 SCEN 0 Are you worried the Forsworn might return? FormID: 0001FB7F DialogueKolskeggrMineScene02 SCEN 0 I doubt the Forsworn would risk holding this mine a second time. They lost many of their warriors. FormID: 0001FB83 DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 Do you remember the Legion? Fighting the Thalmor in the Great War? FormID: 0001F7A1 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroWhyNotFightBackBranch MS10WhyNotFightBack CUST 0 Our own security forces are limited, and all the mercenaries are tied up in this ridiculous war. FormID: 0001F7A1 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroWhyNotFightBackBranch MS10WhyNotFightBack CUST 1 We don't even know their base of operations, and attacking single ships won't really solve the problem. FormID: 0001FB8B DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 There were many good battles, friend. I miss those days. FormID: 0001FB9D DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 You miss them? I don't know how many times I feared for my life. FormID: 0001F7A2 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigWhereIsTheBase CUST 0 Well I can't just tell that to any skeever that washes up. FormID: 0001F7A2 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigWhereIsTheBase CUST 1 From the look of you, I'm guessing you're more looking to cause some trouble for the Horkers. FormID: 00052262 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigWhereIsTheBase CUST 0 Haldyn will take my hide for this, but Skyrim's been feeling a bit confining lately. FormID: 00052262 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigWhereIsTheBase CUST 1 We draw council at Japhet's Folly. The fools in Windhelm won't go near it, which is fine by us. FormID: 00052262 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigWhereIsTheBase CUST 2 If you'll pardon me now, my crew needs gathering. Should be in Hammerfell before the other Horkers know who let slip their secret. FormID: 0001F6CB DB01 DB01AventusGrelodDeadBranch DB01AventusGrelodDeadBranchTopic CUST 0 Aha! I knew you could do it! I just knew it! I knew the Dark Brotherhood would save me! FormID: 0001F6CB DB01 DB01AventusGrelodDeadBranch DB01AventusGrelodDeadBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, just like I promised. This should fetch you a nice price. And thank you. Thank you again. FormID: 00100565 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 There you are. Look, I... I just wanted to say thanks for coming to find me. Back in Dawnstar. Crazy jester finally met his match, am I right? humble... halting FormID: 000FE513 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 The anticipation is killing me. Can you figure out who has the contract? Which one will you choose? FormID: 00022F42 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 That twisted jester will pay for what's he's done... FormID: 000D536C DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I'm afraid I don't have a primary contract for you yet. FormID: 00047449 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Why am I not surprised to learn Cicero is alive? I still can't stomach the little clown, but if you've welcomed him here, I won't question it. FormID: 0010A2BD DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Maybe I'll make the Potage le Magnifique, hmm? You may have killed the Gourmet, but true artistry never dies. FormID: 0010A2BE DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Maybe I'll make the Potage le Magnifique, hmm? But not the way you make it! Ha ha ha. No, certainly not... referencing the player making a poison batch of soup, think that was funny FormID: 00024E67 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I've been expecting you. FormID: 00024E68 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Should have figured the little lunatic would completely snap. FormID: 000D536D DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 So, what of the old beggar, Narfi? Is it done? Has he groveled for his last septim? FormID: 0001E62D DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 How went your meeting with Ennodius Papius? Did you prove his paranoia legitimate? FormID: 0001E62E DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I see you're back from Dawnstar. Beitild lies dead, I hope? FormID: 0001E62F DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You're alive. Then I guess you haven't paid a visit to the vampire yet, hmm? FormID: 0001E630 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Please tell me you flayed that horrible bard alive and made a drum from his skin... FormID: 0001E631 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Taken care of that layabout Deekus, yet? Or does the idea of killing a fellow Argonian make your scales crawl? FormID: 0001E632 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 No new boots? Does this mean the Argonian is still alive? FormID: 0001E633 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You smell like dead cat. Can I assume Ma'randru-jo has been taken care of? FormID: 0001E634 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 How went your encounter with Ma'randru-jo? Back in Hammerfell, I always loved watching two cats rip each other to shreds... FormID: 0001E635 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Hmph. No arrows protruding from your skull... Can I assume Anoriath is dead, then? FormID: 0001E636 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Ah, back from Fort Graymoor. The old servant has been put out of her misery, I hope? FormID: 0001E637 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 So, you've returned from Mzinchaleft! A Dwarven ruin... what an exotic place for a kill. Assuming Maluril is actually... dead? FormID: 0001E638 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Back from your little vacation in Falkreath. So, did you enjoy the sights, sample the food... kill the housecarl? FormID: 0001E639 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You haven't faced that pirate captain yet, have you? Safia? I only ask because you're still alive... FormID: 0001E63A DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 So many contracts, so little time... FormID: 000537E7 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Will there ever come a time when the people of Skyrim no longer need our services? I think not. FormID: 00024E69 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Still here? What's the matter, can't handle what I'm throwing your way? FormID: 00015CC7 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I wish I had more contracts to dole out. You handled those jobs like a born killer. FormID: 000537E8 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You reek of death, my friend. I salute you. FormID: 00022F3F DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Remember the passphrase: [QUOTE]Silence, my brother.[QUOTE] FormID: 00022F40 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 The Sanctuary is in the southern Pine Forest. Close to the road, but away from prying eyes. FormID: 00022F41 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Have you talked to Nazir? He's sure to have some additional contracts for you. FormID: 0001E63B DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I don't have anything for you just yet. Please, talk to Nazir, and see what he has available. FormID: 0001E63C DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I'm still trying to find a suitable contract for you. Continue to work with Nazir on the, um, supplemental assignments. FormID: 0001E63D DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 The Keeper will be arriving soon, with the body of the Night Mother. So many preparations to be made... FormID: 0001FED7 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Go, take care of the Muiri contract. There will be plenty more, I promise you. FormID: 000A27D1 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Why are you still standing there? Hurry, before the meeting begins. FormID: 0003BDE8 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Speak with Nazir and see if he has any contracts available. I need time to read Motierre's letter. FormID: 00028C60 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 What are you waiting for? My husband is out there somewhere with that lunatic. Find them! Do what you've been tasked to do! FormID: 00048B31 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Shouldn't you be out ruining someone's special day? FormID: 00068B6E DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Ah, good to see you, brother. Gearing up to kill the Emperor? Exciting times. Exciting times, indeed. FormID: 00068B6F DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Ah, good to see you, sister. Gearing up to kill the Emperor? Exciting times. Exciting times, indeed. FormID: 0009BCA2 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Cicero is at your service, oh great and powerful Listener! FormID: 0009BCA3 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Let's kill someone. FormID: 000D13DF DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Citizen? FormID: 000D13E0 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You must be lost. The tavern is down the road a piece. FormID: 000D13E1 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I'm fairly certain you wandered into the wrong building, friend... FormID: 00037074 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Yes, Listener? FormID: 00037077 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I am yours to command. FormID: 00037078 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 How may I serve you, my Listener? FormID: 0003AA7D DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Yes, Listener? How may I serve you? FormID: 0003AA7E DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Listener. It is an honor to stand before you. FormID: 0003AA7F DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 How may I serve you, my Listener? FormID: 0003707A DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Please... FormID: 00037082 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 What is it you want? FormID: 0003708B DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Just... just stop. And I'll tell you where I've hidden my treasure. FormID: 0003708E DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 It's... in a hollowed-out rock. In the tundra. A bit west of Whiterun. Now please... please stop. FormID: 0003708F DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Oh gods, you've taken everything I have. Just kill me and be done with it... FormID: 0003710F DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Why are you people doing this? FormID: 00037110 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Is it information you want? FormID: 00037112 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 This... this is about the inheritance, isn't it? All right! I'll tell you where I've hidden it. FormID: 00037164 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 It's in a hollowed-out tree stump. In the marsh, south of Solitude. Now please, you'll let me go now. Right? FormID: 00037189 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Why don't you be a dear and let me go now. All right? I won't say a word to anyone. Our little secret. I promise. FormID: 0003718A DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You... you can't do this to me... FormID: 000371A9 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Do you have any idea who I am? When my father hears about this, he will gut you. FormID: 000371AA DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Ah, now I understand. This is about that my father's hidden cache, isn't it? The dowry for my wedding. FormID: 000371B5 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Ha! Well it's safely hidden away, in a hollowed-out tree stump. Just outside Riften, tucked away nice and secure. You'll never find it. FormID: 000371B6 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Damn it. I gave it away, didn't I? FormID: 000371BF DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I'll tell you anything. Anything! Just please stop... hurting me... FormID: 000371C6 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I just... can't take the pain. Not a second longer. FormID: 000371C7 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I'll give you money. Treasure. I have some things hidden away. Take them all. They're yours. Just please... stop. FormID: 000371D4 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Just north of Windhelm. There's a hollowed-out rock. I have some things hidden in there. Take them! They're yours. FormID: 000371D8 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I've told you everything I can. I don't know what else you could want... FormID: 0004743C DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 So... wait. Cicero is alive? And we're all friends again? I swear, I can hardly keep up... FormID: 00047446 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 You know, I can still sell you some potions and such, or train you in alchemy. FormID: 0004743D DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I like it here. We should have moved to Dawnstar ages ago. FormID: 00047442 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I can't wait to see what the future brings. FormID: 000E26FD DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Do you need alchemy components? Or training? FormID: 000E26FE DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Hello, Listener. FormID: 0010A2BF DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 What do you think? Some more Nirnroot, maybe? referencing the player making a poison batch of soup, think that was funny FormID: 0010A2C0 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I learned to cook from my father. Ah, but that was a long time ago. Before, you know... I killed him. But let's not talk about that now. realize you're sort of verbalizing internal thoughts, and probably shouldn't be FormID: 0004744B DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 I'll follow you till I'm dust in the breeze. You do realize that? FormID: 00047450 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 This place is already starting to feel like home. Must be all the bloodstains. FormID: 0010A2C1 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 What do you need, Listener? FormID: 0010A2C2 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Listener, please... if Cicero is going to be a part of this Sanctuary I'll accept that. But can't you do something about the... dancing? FormID: 0010A2C3 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Got to admit, I find the Night Mother's presence... comforting. FormID: 0010A765 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 The new initiates are working out well. Eager, dedicated, and not afraid to get their hands wet. FormID: 000E26FF DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Things proceeding well, Listener? FormID: 000E2700 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Yes, Listener? FormID: 00047454 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 The Dark Brotherhood is on the rise again, Listener. I can feel it. FormID: 0009BC01 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Cicero can talk for a moment. Just a moment. Then Mother must be... tended to. FormID: 0009BC02 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Oh, I do wish to get to know you better. But I must tend to mother. Maybe we can talk for just a moment... FormID: 000E2701 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Yes, Listener? How can Cicero be of service? FormID: 0001FBC4 DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene01 SCEN 0 You didn't die. A battle you live through is a great honor. FormID: 0001FD5D DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Did you ever want to return to your stronghold? Go back to your family? FormID: 0001F656 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02CaptivePayToKillTopicTopic CUST 0 What? Oh gods, I don't want to die... voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F653 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02CaptivePayToKillTopicTopic CUST 0 Excuse me? What kind of question is that? FormID: 0001F657 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02CaptivePayToKillTopicTopic CUST 0 Me? Ha! Are you serious? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F5E2 DB02 DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranch DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranchTopic CUST 0 My name is Fultheim. I'm a soldier. Well, mercenary, really. You know, a... a sellsword. I've lived in Skyrim all my life. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F5E2 DB02 DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranch DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranchTopic CUST 1 That's all! I'm a nobody, really. So can't you just let me go? voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F5E7 DB02 DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranch DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranchTopic CUST 0 None of your damned business who I am! If you're going to kill me, just do it already! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F5E7 DB02 DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranch DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranchTopic CUST 1 As Mara is my witness, if I didn't have this hood on right now I would spit right in your face... voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F652 DB02 DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranch DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranchTopic CUST 0 Ahhh... Vasha, at your service. Obtainer of goods, taker of lives, and defiler of daughters. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F652 DB02 DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranch DB02CaptiveWhoAreYouBranchTopic CUST 1 Have you not heard of me? Perhaps I will have my people carve my name in your corpse, as a reminder. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F501 DB02 GBYE 0 What did I do? Please, whatever it is, I'm sorry. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F50D DB02 GBYE 0 I don't have time for this nonsense. I've got a home to keep and children to feed. Now let me out of here! voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F5C0 DB02 GBYE 0 Tell you what. You release me, and I promise my associates won't hunt you down like an animal and butcher you in the street. It's a win-win. voice muffled, because there's a bag over his head FormID: 0001F397 DA14 DA14SanguineForcegreetBranch DA14SanguineForcegreet0 CUST 0 I really just needed something to encourage you to go out into the world and spread merriment. FormID: 0001F397 DA14 DA14SanguineForcegreetBranch DA14SanguineForcegreet0 CUST 1 And you did just that! I haven't been so entertained in at least a hundred years. FormID: 0001F37C DA14 DA14SanguineReveal DA14SanguineWho0 CUST 0 Just a prank? Just a prank? The Daedric Lord of Debauchery does not deal in mere [QUOTE]pranks.[QUOTE] FormID: 0001F37C DA14 DA14SanguineReveal DA14SanguineWho0 CUST 1 This may have begun as a minor amusement, but it wasn't long before I realized you'd make a more interesting bearer of my not-quite-holy staff. FormID: 0001F37E DA14 DA14WhyMe DA14WhyMe0 CUST 0 Let's be honest, here. I don't always think my decisions through. But you... you're going places. FormID: 0001F37E DA14 DA14WhyMe DA14WhyMe0 CUST 1 Maybe a little influence from your old uncle Sanguine could help adjust your course a bit... FormID: 0001F384 DA14 DA14RemakeStaffBranch DA14RemakeStaffYES CUST 0 My pleasure. But I think it's time for you to go. No fun keeping you locked up in here with the staff. FormID: 0001F39D DA14 DA14PriestessSetup DA14PriestessSetup0 CUST 0 Wake up! FormID: 0001F39D DA14 DA14PriestessSetup DA14PriestessSetup0 CUST 1 That's right, it's time to wake up, you drunken blasphemer! FormID: 0001F393 DA14 DA14PriestessHelp DA14PriestessHelp0 CUST 0 Dibella teaches love and compassion, but that doesn't mean we're just going to tell you what you want to know and let you walk away from this. FormID: 0001F393 DA14 DA14PriestessHelp DA14PriestessHelp0 CUST 1 Pick up your mess, then apologize, and if we think you're sincere we'll consider lending you aid. FormID: 0001F342 DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 It worked! I knew you'd come, I just knew it! FormID: 0001F342 DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 I did the Black Sacrament, over and over. With the body, and the... the things. And then you came! An assassin from the Dark Brotherhood! FormID: 0001F338 DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusResponse1Topic CUST 0 Of course you are! I prayed, and you came, and now you'll accept my contract! FormID: 0001F33C DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusResponse2Topic CUST 0 It took so long. So very long. But now that you're here, you can accept my contract. FormID: 0001F33B DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusResponse3Topic CUST 0 You don't have to say anything. There's no need. You're here, so I know you'll accept my contract. FormID: 0001F339 DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusResponse4Topic CUST 0 My mother, she... she died. I... I'm all alone now. So they sent me to that terrible orphanage in Riften. Honorhall. FormID: 0001F339 DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusResponse4Topic CUST 1 The headmistress is an evil, cruel woman. They call her Grelod the Kind. But she's not kind. She's terrible. To all of us. FormID: 0001F339 DB01 DB01AventusQuestBranch DB01AventusResponse4Topic CUST 2 So I ran away, and came home. And performed the Black Sacrament. Now you're here! And you can kill Grelod the Kind! FormID: 0001F343 DB01 HELO 0 Finally! My prayers have been answered! FormID: 0001F344 DB01 HELO 0 You've come at last! I knew you would! FormID: 0001F345 DB01 HELO 0 Grelod is the headmistress of Honorhall Orphanage. But not for long. FormID: 0001F346 DB01 HELO 0 It's Honorhall Orphanage, in Riften. FormID: 0001F347 DB01 HELO 0 Please don't kill Constance Michel. She really is kind. emphasis on [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] FormID: 0001F6CC DB01 HELO 0 Well? Is it done? FormID: 0001F6CD DB01 HELO 0 Grelod the Kind. Is she... you know? FormID: 0001F349 DB01 HELO 0 What do you want? You have no business being in here! FormID: 0001F34A DB01 HELO 0 Riff-raff! That's all you Riften people are! FormID: 0001F34B DB01 HELO 0 This is an orphanage, not an inn. Begone from here. FormID: 0001F34C DB01 HELO 0 You don't scare me. FormID: 0001F34E DB01 HELO 0 You're trying to frighten me, hmm? Do your worst! FormID: 0001F340 DB01 DB01AventusPaymentBranch DB01AventusPaymentBranchTopic CUST 0 I have a family heirloom you can have. Supposed to be sort of valuable. I hope that's all right. FormID: 0001F33D DB01 DB01GrelodThreaten1Branch DB01GrelodThreatenBranchTopic CUST 0 The what? Why how dare you! I will not be intimidated in my own orphanage! Get out! Get out this instant! FormID: 0001F33A DB01 DB01GrelodThreaten2Branch DB01GrelodThreaten2BranchTopic CUST 0 Aretino? Why that little bastard! You tell him I'm coming for him! And when I find him, it will be the beating of his miserable life! FormID: 0001F33F DB01 DB01GrelodThreaten3Branch DB01GrelodThreaten3BranchTopic CUST 0 What are you staring at, you worthless piece of gutter trash? I simply must start locking the doors again... FormID: 0006CB26 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Is someone there? FormID: 0006CB28 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 What was that? FormID: 0006CB29 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Huh? FormID: 0006CB2A DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Where are you? FormID: 0006CB2B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 You can't hide from me! FormID: 0006CE5C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Over here! FormID: 0006CB2C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Be careful! FormID: 0006CB2D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Hey, watch it! FormID: 0006CB2E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Don't do that. FormID: 0006AE39 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 What are you doing that for? FormID: 0006CE5E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 You could have just asked. FormID: 0006CE5F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 I saw you do that, you know. annoyed FormID: 0006CE60 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Ha! Found you! FormID: 0007038E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 What do you think you're doing? FormID: 0008875B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 You're not supposed to be in here. FormID: 000ADC3D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Oh no! By the gods! This can't be happening! distraught, seeing a dead friend / a relative FormID: 00023EE2 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 You dirty thief! FormID: 00023EE3 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Stop, thief! FormID: 000DBA21 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 I understand. FormID: 000DBA22 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Of course. FormID: 000DBA23 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 How much? FormID: 000DBA24 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 It can't be helped. FormID: 000DBA25 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Not my problem. FormID: 000DBA26 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 It would seem so. FormID: 000DBA27 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 It's all in this note. FormID: 000DBA28 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 You've done well. FormID: 000DBA29 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Maybe you can help me. FormID: 000DBA2A DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Thank you. Here, this is for you. FormID: 000DBA2B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Just bring it back to me. FormID: 000DBA2C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 I can pay you. FormID: 000E0CBA DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Okay. Just this once. pressured to agree FormID: 000E0CBB DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 How can I argue with that? reluctant acceptance FormID: 000E0CBC DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. harried FormID: 000E0CBD DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 No need to get rough! FormID: 000E0CBE DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Whatever you say! intimidated FormID: 000E0CBF DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Don't hurt me! You win. intimidated FormID: 000E0CC0 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 A little coin always greases the wheels. FormID: 000E0CC1 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Gold solves most problems, doesn't it? FormID: 000E0CC2 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 For that price? Sure. FormID: 000E0CC3 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 You expect me to believe that? FormID: 000E0CC4 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Nah. I don't think so. FormID: 000E0CC5 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 That doesn't change anything. FormID: 000E0CC6 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'll teach you to talk to me that way! FormID: 000E0CC7 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Hope you're willing to back those words up with your fists! FormID: 000E0CC8 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 I don't have to take that from you! FormID: 000EA64D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 What? Nooo! reaction to someone getting instantly killed right next to you FormID: 000EA64E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 We've got an assassin! Check the shadows! FormID: 000EA64F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 Gods help us! FormID: 000EA650 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSharedInfo IDAT 0 What in the...? FormID: 0001F3A5 DA14 DA14PriestessApology DA14PriestessApology0 CUST 0 I suppose that'll do. Dibella teaches us forgiveness, after all. Even for a drunk like you. FormID: 0001FD60 DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene02 SCEN 0 I would need to challenge the chief, and take his head, to return home. I'd rather stay here. FormID: 0001FD66 DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene02 SCEN 0 Don't tell me you, of all people, are afraid of a battle. FormID: 0001FB80 DialogueKolskeggrMineHouseScene02 SCEN 0 If you had to kill your own brother to be allowed back home, you'd think twice as well. FormID: 0001F38A DA14 DA14EnnisForcegreetBranch DA14EnnisForcegreet0 CUST 0 You! You've got a lot of nerve showing yourself in this town again. What do you have to say for yourself? FormID: 0001F392 DA14 DA14EnnisForcegreetBranch DA14EnnisForcegreet1A CUST 0 Sorry's not good enough! Not while my Gleda is still out there, alone and afraid. You kidnapped her and sold her to that Giant. FormID: 0001F399 DA14 DA14EnnisForcegreetBranch DA14EnnisForcegreet1B CUST 0 Is that so? Does the name Gleda ring a bell? The star beauty of my farm? Kidnapped by a drunk lout and sold to a Giant? FormID: 0001F399 DA14 DA14EnnisForcegreetBranch DA14EnnisForcegreet1B CUST 1 You'd better remember her right fast, before I call the guards and have you hauled away. FormID: 0001F376 DA14 DA14EnnisForcegreetBranch DA14EnnisForcegreet2 CUST 0 You're damned right it does. I'll never breed another prize-winning goat like Gleda! FormID: 0001F376 DA14 DA14EnnisForcegreetBranch DA14EnnisForcegreet2 CUST 1 And don't you think of coming back to Rorikstead until you get her back from that Giant. FormID: 0001F37D DA14 DA14EnnisInfoBranch DA14EnnisInfo0 CUST 0 You really don't remember stealing a goat and selling her to a Giant? Are you thick? FormID: 0001F37D DA14 DA14EnnisInfoBranch DA14EnnisInfo0 CUST 1 Go get her! At least she's bound to follow you back - you smell just like the fermented feed she likes. FormID: 0001F389 DA14 DA14SammyReturnBranch DA14SammyReturnBranch0 CUST 0 Gleda! And not a scratch on her! Happy day! FormID: 0001F389 DA14 DA14SammyReturnBranch DA14SammyReturnBranch0 CUST 1 I still can't figure out why you stole her. You left a note explaining it, but half of it was gibberish and the rest had mead spilled on it. FormID: 0001F389 DA14 DA14SammyReturnBranch DA14SammyReturnBranch0 CUST 2 Only bit I could make out was [QUOTE]repaying Ysolda in Whiterun,[QUOTE] and even that's mostly scribbles. Guess you could try there. FormID: 0001F385 DA14 DA14YMeetBranch DA14YMeet0 CUST 0 So, you're finally back. Look, I've been patient, but you still owe me. FormID: 0001F39B DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YMeet1A CUST 0 It's not about the money, really. I wouldn't have given you the wedding ring on credit if you weren't so obviously in love. FormID: 0001F39B DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YMeet1A CUST 1 But if there isn't going to be a wedding, the least you can do is give the ring back. That was one of my best pieces. FormID: 0001F396 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YMeet1B CUST 0 Aw, what's wrong? Did the engagement fall through? Look, how about we call it even, as long as you bring back the wedding ring? FormID: 0001F396 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YMeet1B CUST 1 That's really a shame - I was so looking forward to the wedding. You said you'd have all the most interesting guests. FormID: 0001F3A4 DA14 DA14YsoldaInfoBranch DA14YsoldaInfo0 CUST 0 How could you forget? It was the sweetest story I'd ever heard. FormID: 0001F3A4 DA14 DA14YsoldaInfoBranch DA14YsoldaInfo0 CUST 1 You met at the full moon, under the biggest tree in Witchmist Grove, surrounded by fireflies. It was straight out of a storybook. FormID: 0001F3A3 DA14 DA14YsoldaReturnBranch DA14YsoldaReturn0 CUST 0 Excellent! Sorry it didn't work out with you and your lady. I know how excited you were for the wedding. FormID: 0001F3A3 DA14 DA14YsoldaReturnBranch DA14YsoldaReturn0 CUST 1 You kept saying it would be a huge ceremony at Morvunskar. You said you even had some magic staff there that would handle all the guests. FormID: 0001EC49 T03 SCEN 0 I really don't have time to deal with you right now. Please just let me get back to my work. FormID: 0001EC48 T03 SCEN 0 But this is supposed to be your work. Emphasize [QUOTE]this.[QUOTE] FormID: 0001EB6E MS03 MS03LouisGreet MS03LouisPlan1A CUST 0 Head to the Riften jail and talk to Sibbi. Get him to tell you where Frost and his Lineage Papers are and bring them to me outside Riften. FormID: 0001EB6E MS03 MS03LouisGreet MS03LouisPlan1A CUST 1 You'll be well paid for your time. FormID: 0001EA4E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractBranch DBNazirContractBranchTopic CUST 0 Did she, now? Well, as it turns out, there are a few lingering contracts we haven't had the chance to complete just yet. FormID: 0001EA4E DarkBrotherhood DBNazirContractBranch DBNazirContractBranchTopic CUST 1 And more, dribbling in from time to time. I'll assign them to you as they become available. To be completed at your leisure. FormID: 0001E99C MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 You've come far, mortal. No doubt you seek to enter Potema's Sanctum. FormID: 0001E999 MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 I can see to that. We'll need plenty of fresh corpses to rebuild her army, you see. FormID: 0001E99A MS06PotemasCatacombsDungeon SCEN 0 None can stand against the Wolf Queen! FormID: 0001E66E MG04 SCEN 0 Well? What is the meaning of this? FormID: 0001E675 MG04 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand. even toned, calm, playing innocent FormID: 0001E671 MG04 SCEN 0 Don't play coy. You asked to see a specific member of the College. Here he is. Now what is it that you want? FormID: 0001E672 MG04 SCEN 0 Don't play coy. You asked to see a specific member of the College. Here she is. Now what is it that you want? FormID: 0001E674 MG04 SCEN 0 There's been a misunderstanding. Clearly I should not be here. I shall simply take my leave. even toned, calm, playing innocent FormID: 0001E670 MG04 SCEN 0 What? What trickery is this? You're not going anywhere until I find out what you're up to! sneering, suspicious FormID: 0001E678 MG04 SCEN 0 I am not [QUOTE]up to[QUOTE] anything. I apologize if I have offended in any way. even toned, calm, playing innocent FormID: 0001E66F MG04 MG04Stage40AncanoGreetBranch MG04Stage40AncanoGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure what just happened but I assure you I will get to the bottom of it. FormID: 0001E66C MG04 MG04Stage40AncanoGreetBranch MG04Stage40AncanoGreetFollowUp CUST 0 Whatever it is those Psijics are up to. They cannot be trusted. FormID: 0001E66C MG04 MG04Stage40AncanoGreetBranch MG04Stage40AncanoGreetFollowUp CUST 1 For all we know, he's here to scout out the College. I'm sure they want to undermine our efforts. FormID: 0001E66D MG04 MG04Stage40AncanoGreetBranch MG04Stage40AncanoGreetFollowup2 CUST 0 This! This... Orb. The Eye of Magnus, whatever you want to call it. It's clearly powerful, and no doubt they want it for themselves! FormID: 0001E66D MG04 MG04Stage40AncanoGreetBranch MG04Stage40AncanoGreetFollowup2 CUST 1 I expect to be informed if they make any future attempts to contact you. FormID: 0001E4E1 DA06 SCEN 0 Great Malacath, we beseech you, aid us in our time of need... FormID: 0001E497 TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Well, now that you mention it, there is something I've been trying to get my hands on. FormID: 00059EE6 CW02B MQ103RalofBlocking MQ103BRalofBlockingA0 CUST 0 I'm glad I'll have you beside me in there. This place chills my blood, and I don't care who knows it. FormID: 0001E1B0 MS10 MS10OrthusGotJournalBranch MS10OrthusGotJournalBranchTopic CUST 0 How did you get it? No, never mind, I probably shouldn't know. Excited, not wanting to know the details. (Like if a mafia goomba handed you the keys to a Mercedes.) FormID: 0001E1B0 MS10 MS10OrthusGotJournalBranch MS10OrthusGotJournalBranchTopic CUST 1 I see... it looks like Suvaris has been traveling to Dawnstar to meet with a pirate crew there. Discovering as he reads FormID: 0001E1B0 MS10 MS10OrthusGotJournalBranch MS10OrthusGotJournalBranchTopic CUST 2 Get to Dawnstar and see what you can find out about these rogues. I'd wager they won't be too far from the tavern. Business-like. FormID: 0001E1B0 MS10 MS10OrthusGotJournalBranch MS10OrthusGotJournalBranchTopic CUST 3 Try to find out where their fortress is. The captain, Stig Salt-Plank, has to know something. FormID: 0001E1AB MS10 MSStigBasicBranch MSStigBasicBranchTopic CUST 0 Heard of them? I've been captaining a crew for 'em well on nine years now. What's it to you? Begin with a boisterous, sarcastic back of a laugh. [QUOTE]HA![QUOTE] FormID: 00027486 MS10 MSStigBasicBranch MSStigBasicBranchTopic CUST 0 Know about them? Lad, you're looking at them. FormID: 00052266 MS10 MSStigBasicBranch MSStigBasicBranchTopic CUST 0 Know about them? Lass, you're looking at them. FormID: 0001E1AA MS10 MS10OrthusKnowIslandBranch MS10OrthusKnowIslandBranchTopic CUST 0 Just in time. This is Adelaisa, one of my superiors from the Company. FormID: 0001E1AA MS10 MS10OrthusKnowIslandBranch MS10OrthusKnowIslandBranchTopic CUST 1 She's been dispatched to... eh... see to it that we get back on schedule. FormID: 0001E1AA MS10 MS10OrthusKnowIslandBranch MS10OrthusKnowIslandBranchTopic CUST 2 You should probably speak to her. FormID: 0001E1AC MS10 MS10OrthusRewardBranch MS10OrthusRewardBranchTopic CUST 0 I can't express how much easier you've made my job. FormID: 0001E1AC MS10 MS10OrthusRewardBranch MS10OrthusRewardBranchTopic CUST 1 Maybe Adelaisa will finally ease up, but I expect she won't. FormID: 0001E1AC MS10 MS10OrthusRewardBranch MS10OrthusRewardBranchTopic CUST 2 Ah, yes, your pay. The Company thanks you for your services. Should we ever be able to help you, stop by. FormID: 0001DDF6 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Sad, isn't it? We can't afford to keep the place running since these attacks started. Wistful, mildly angry. FormID: 0001DDF6 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Pirates, you see. Absent-minded, like he just remembered. FormID: 0001DDF6 MS10 MS10OrthusIntroBranch MS10OrthusIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 Raiding all along the coast, from Hammerfell to Vvardenfell. Only the Shatter-Shields appear safe. FormID: 000A2C66 DA01 DETH 0 No. Not like this. dying FormID: 0001DD3A DA01FIN HELO 0 What do you need, guardian? warm FormID: 0001DD3D DA01FIN HELO 0 Yes, champion of Azura? warm FormID: 0001DD40 DA01FIN HELO 0 The Twilight watches us all, guardian. warm FormID: 0004C431 DA01FIN HELO 0 Just glad all that business with Malyn is over with. What did you need? exhausted FormID: 0004C432 DA01FIN HELO 0 I don't like doing business with Azura's faithful. Make it quick. suspicious FormID: 0001DCFD WE01 SCEN 0 Look at me when I'm talking to you, eh? loud, annoyed and threatening violence FormID: 0001DCF4 WE01 SCEN 0 You start flapping that jaw of yours or I'll start flapping it for you. You understand me? loud, angry and violent FormID: 0001DCF6 WE01 SCEN 0 Where'd you stash it? loud, angry FormID: 0001DCF2 WE01 SCEN 0 Am I going have to beat it out of you? Is that what you want? loud, angry, fed up FormID: 0001DD00 WE01 SCEN 0 I. I don't know, it wasn't me. I swear! scared for his life FormID: 0001DCFB WE01 SCEN 0 Honest, I didn't take it! blubbering, scared for his life FormID: 0001DCF7 WE01 WE01SharedInfos IDAT 0 (Sigh) Let's just kill them both, eh? exasperated FormID: 0001DCF8 WE01 WE01SharedInfos IDAT 0 (Whimpering) scared for his life FormID: 0001DCF9 WE01 WE01SharedInfos IDAT 0 (Sobbing) scared for his life FormID: 0001DA38 MS03 HELO 0 Go on, then. Deliver my message to Sibbi. FormID: 00073F98 MS03 HELO 0 I may not be fond of Letrush, but even I've got to admit he's got the upper hand. FormID: 0001DA31 MS03 MS03LouisQuestGiveBranch MS03LouisGreet0 CUST 0 Ah, well, I recently approached Sibbi Black-Briar about buying Frost, one of the finest breeding horses in Skyrim. He agreed to sell. Hushed and conspiratorial Walk Away FormID: 0001DA31 MS03 MS03LouisQuestGiveBranch MS03LouisGreet0 CUST 1 I paid Sibbi half the cost of Frost up front, but before he could deliver, Maven had him locked up. Sibbi believes this exempts him from our deal. Hushed and conspiratorial Walk Away FormID: 0001DA31 MS03 MS03LouisQuestGiveBranch MS03LouisGreet0 CUST 2 It does not. Walk Away FormID: 0001DA31 MS03 MS03LouisQuestGiveBranch MS03LouisGreet0 CUST 3 I want you to talk to Sibbi for me. Then, I want you to bring me Frost and the Lineage Papers that prove the horse's worth. Walk Away FormID: 0001DA35 MS03 MS03LouisGreet MS03LouisGreet1A CUST 0 Good man. You won't regret it. FormID: 0001EB6C MS03 MS03LouisGreet MS03LouisGreet1A CUST 0 Ah, you're a smart woman. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. FormID: 0001DA33 MS03 MS03LouisGreet MS03LouisGreet1B CUST 0 That's a real shame. You would've fit the bill nicely. FormID: 0001DA36 MS03 MS03MavenOffer MS03MavenOfferTopic CUST 0 Don't tell me - Sibbi and Louis Letrush? Well, Sibbi is in jail and Letrush is certainly welcome to try. My hired help is more than a match for him. Give a good [QUOTE]hmph[QUOTE] before the first sentence FormID: 00067CCB MS03 MS03MavenOffer MS03MavenOfferTopic CUST 0 I'm aware of who stole Frost. And why. FormID: 0001D640 T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceAdmonishmentTopic CUST 0 I had no idea you were a man of violence. What exactly are your intentions in this blessed place? SHOCKED, like you just saw somebody punch a baby. FormID: 00021D31 T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceAdmonishmentTopic CUST 0 I had no idea you were a woman of violence. What exactly are you intending to do here? FormID: 0001D63F T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceReactToPlan CUST 0 You would violate this marvel of Kynareth's glory to fix that half-breed stump in Whiterun? FormID: 0001D63F T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceReactToPlan CUST 1 That's abominable. Barbaric. I'll have no part of this. Why didn't you tell me what you intended? Horrified, appalled FormID: 0001D641 T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceWarning CUST 0 With pleasure. Nature has a way of finding vengeance, though. You walk a bleak path, friend. One that will lead to suffering. Sarcastic, dismissive, then warning. Emphasize *will* in the last sentence. FormID: 0001D63E T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceHasAPlan CUST 0 Well... yes. There is something. Just realizing, having an idea. Dismissive until the ellipsis. FormID: 0001D63E T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceHasAPlan CUST 1 It won't repair the tree back at the temple, but we could bring them a new one. Emphasize [QUOTE]could.[QUOTE] FormID: 0001D642 T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceDisgust CUST 0 Very well. I can't stop you. But I can't bear to watch it, either. Horrified, disdainful. FormID: 0001D63D T03 T03MauriceAdmonishment T03MauriceFollowMeToTree CUST 0 Follow me. I think I can convince the tree to help us. Not sure if it will work, but hopeful. FormID: 0001D4D9 T03 T03MauriceIntroduction T03MauriceIntroductionTopic CUST 0 I am a traveler. A pilgrim. I follow the voice of Kynareth wherever it can be heard. FormID: 0001D4D9 T03 T03MauriceIntroduction T03MauriceIntroductionTopic CUST 1 I've dreamed of seeing Eldergleam for years. Might I travel alongside you? I promise not to get in the way. FormID: 0001D4D8 T03 T03MauriceIntroduction T03MauriceThankYou CUST 0 I thank you for your kindness. A hint of [QUOTE]peace be on you.[QUOTE] FormID: 0001D4DA T03 T03MauriceIntroduction T03MauriceDontFollowResponse CUST 0 I understand. Some journeys must be taken alone. I'll be here if you change your mind. FormID: 0001D252 dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 You've been here for a while, right? What was it like back when we could still make runs out to the coast? FormID: 0001D255 dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 Well, before that cave-in sealed our ships in here we could loot any size ship we wanted. FormID: 0001D257 dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 Where did you keep all that loot? I've been here almost a year and haven't seen any of it. FormID: 0001D253 dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 The Captain has it locked away in that drowned ship by his quarters. He says it's [QUOTE]to keep it safe[QUOTE] but I know he's just keeping it for himself. FormID: 0001D256 dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 If only we could get our hands on that treasure. We could get out of here and never look back. FormID: 0001D254 dunBrokenOarQST SCEN 0 Maybe. For now just lay low and do your job. I have a feeling we'll be rid of the Captain soon... FormID: 0001CDB1 DA03 DA03VileBarbasUnited DA03VileBarbasUnited1A CUST 0 Yeah, rub it in. Just imagine what I could get done with my full power and none of these pesky [QUOTE]morals.[QUOTE] Frustrated at having a conscience FormID: 0001CDB1 DA03 DA03VileBarbasUnited DA03VileBarbasUnited1A CUST 1 Still, I've got this axe, and even if I can't use it, I'm sure someone would make a deal for it. Maybe I'll have a word with Molag Bal... Gleefully hatching a scheme. Voice fades out at the end. FormID: 0001CDAE DA03 SCEN 0 I knew I could trust you! FormID: 0001CDB4 DA03 SCEN 0 Yeah, yeah, dog gets master, master gets cosmic axe, everyone's happy. Just get over here, mutt. FormID: 0001CDA9 DA03 SCEN 0 Don't worry. I'll make sure he sees the light. I trusted you, now you trust me. FormID: 0001CDAA DA03 DA03BarbasMoreInfo DA03BarbasMoreInfo0 CUST 0 Well... I guess you could say I got on his nerves. I tend to be the voice of reason and he finds that... irksome. FormID: 0001CDAA DA03 DA03BarbasMoreInfo DA03BarbasMoreInfo0 CUST 1 He couldn't just kill me, you see. We're technically part of each other. But he was able to banish me from his domain. emphasis on [QUOTE]was[QUOTE] FormID: 0001CDAA DA03 DA03BarbasMoreInfo DA03BarbasMoreInfo0 CUST 2 Of course, because of our separation, Vile is now much weaker. I guess he figured it was a small price to pay for not having to listen to me anymore. FormID: 0001CDB3 DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1B CUST 0 Oh, if I had my full power, granting that would be trivial. Wistfully thinking about the fun he could have. FormID: 0001CDB3 DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1B CUST 1 I'd simply snap my fingers, and everyone in Skyrim would die. War resolved. Clarifying that his offer wasn't nice and friendly, but vicious and delightfully cruel. FormID: 0001C4DE DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1C CUST 0 Really? Power? You're a dragonborn; you already have more power than most people who aren't immense, fire-breathing monsters. Disappointed at the lack of originality FormID: 000BD765 DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1C CUST 0 Really? Power? Haven't you already killed enough of your foes using the more mundane means at your disposal? Swords, magic, etc.? How... uninspired. Disappointed at the lack of originality FormID: 0001CDAC DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet2A CUST 0 As much as I hate to say it, you're almost as powerful as I am right now. But that's just because half of my power resides in that mutt, Barbas. FormID: 0001CDAC DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet2A CUST 1 Come to think of it, I know of a win-win situation for both of us. Making a dangerous offer FormID: 0001CDAB DA03 DA03VileOffer DA03VileOffer0 CUST 0 There's an axe. An incredibly powerful axe. An axe powerful enough for me to have quite a bit of fun, indeed. FormID: 0001CDAB DA03 DA03VileOffer DA03VileOffer0 CUST 1 If you bring it to me, I'll grant you my boon. No strings attached. No messy surprises. At least, not for you. FormID: 0001CDAB DA03 DA03VileOffer DA03VileOffer0 CUST 2 As I recall, it's resting in Rimerock Burrow. Barbas can lead you right to it. The little mutt might even earn his place back at my side. FormID: 000209C1 DA03 DA03VileOffer DA03VileOffer0 CUST 0 In Rimerock Burrow, there's an artifact called the Rueful Axe. Bring it to me, and I'll take Barbas back. Simple as that. Vaguely menacing FormID: 0001CD16 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaUnderstandingEnd CUST 0 I... you're right of course. It can be hard to hear the winds of Kynareth when all you hear are the rabble in the temple. Regretful FormID: 0001CD16 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaUnderstandingEnd CUST 1 Death feeds new life. FormID: 0001CD16 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaUnderstandingEnd CUST 2 I'm sure that, in time, this little sapling will grow into a new Gildergreen that will tower over Whiterun. Thank you. Hopeful, grateful FormID: 0001CEDF TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 One of the quickest ways to make some coin in Skyrim is to clear out some of the wealthier homes of their valuables. FormID: 0001CEDF TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 1 If you're interested, I could point out a good place that could use a little housecleaning. FormID: 0001CEDF TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 2 What do you say? FormID: 0001CEE0 TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 I think we have a nice wealthy home for you to break into. Think you can clear the place of valuables and keep it quiet? FormID: 0001CEE1 TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 These people just inherited some heirlooms from a relative. Good timing for us, bad timing for them, eh? FormID: 0001CEE5 TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 Just got a tip on this house... should be stuffed with loot. Care to head over there and find out? FormID: 0001CEE7 TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 Got a message from one of my people that this place just came into some coin. Should be a good target. Want to take it? FormID: 0001CEE8 TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 Someone with connections to our Guild wants us to hit this place and send a message by clearing it of valuables. You want to handle it? FormID: 0001CEEB TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 Good timing. The people in this home recently got one of your fellow Guild mates sent to jail. How about you make them pay for it. FormID: 0001CEEC TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 You can give this house a once over. I hear they're fairly well-off and probably have lots of good stuff ripe for the picking. Sound good? FormID: 0001CEED TGRShell TGRShellHCBranch TGRShellHCBranchTopic CUST 0 The owner of this place just got an inheritance from a relative lost in the war. Sound like something you can sink your teeth into? FormID: 000DEE74 DA10 GBYE 0 Milk drinker. insulting FormID: 0001CB2A DA14 DA14SammyMeetBranch DA14SammyMeet0 CUST 0 You're here! I was beginning to think you might not make it. FormID: 0001C604 T03 SCEN 0 What is it... what has happened to the Gildergreen? I have traveled long here to worship beneath its branches. FormID: 0001C603 T03 SCEN 0 It was taken by a lightning strike. Wish I had time to deal with it, but it's hard enough with all these wounded from the war. FormID: 0001C602 T03 SCEN 0 Please, don't just let it stay like this. It's disgraceful. FormID: 0001C607 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusWhereIsScroll CUST 0 Here. FormID: 0001C607 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusWhereIsScroll CUST 1 Well, here as in this plane. Mundus. Tamriel. Nearby, relatively speaking. FormID: 0001C607 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusWhereIsScroll CUST 2 On the cosmological scale, it's all nearby. FormID: 0001C6AD DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusBlackreachInsanity CUST 0 Under deep. Below the dark. The hidden keep. Tower Mzark. FormID: 0001C6AD DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusBlackreachInsanity CUST 1 Alftand. The point of puncture, of first entry, of the tapping. FormID: 0001C6AD DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusBlackreachInsanity CUST 2 Delve to its limits, and Blackreach lies just beyond. FormID: 0001C6AD DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusBlackreachInsanity CUST 3 But not all can enter there. Only Septimus knows the hidden key to loose the lock to jump beneath the deathly rock. FormID: 000E4A35 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhatNextBranch DA04SeptimusWhatsNext CUST 0 Oh, but the Dwemer had more than even Septimus expected. FormID: 000E4A35 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhatNextBranch DA04SeptimusWhatsNext CUST 1 This will take time to decryptify. Be on your way, and Septimus will find you if he has further need. FormID: 0001C5FC DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyHere DA04SeptimusWhyHereTopic CUST 0 The ice entombs the heart. The bane of Kagrenac and Dagoth Ur. FormID: 0001C5FC DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyHere DA04SeptimusWhyHereTopic CUST 1 To harness it is to know. The fundaments. The Dwemer lockbox hides it from me. FormID: 0001C5FC DA04 DA04SeptimusWhyHere DA04SeptimusWhyHereTopic CUST 2 The Elder Scroll gives insight deeper than the deep ones, though. To bring about the opening. FormID: 0001C662 DA04 DA04Hello HELO 0 Dig, Dwemer, in the beyond. I'll know your lost unknown and rise to your depths. This man is completely insane. FormID: 00024B40 DA04 DA04Hello HELO 0 When the top level was built, no more could be placed. It was and is the maximal apex. This man is completely insane. FormID: 00024B41 DA04 DA04Hello HELO 0 How long will it be sung? My feet were set upon the rock but it turned to mud and drew me down. This man is completely insane. FormID: 00024B43 DA04 DA04Hello HELO 0 It lick the panes and smokes the glass... FormID: 0001C682 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnowTopic CUST 0 The box contains the heart. The essence of a god. emphasize [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] in [QUOTE]a god is knowledge[QUOTE] FormID: 0001C682 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnowTopic CUST 1 I have devoted my life to the Elder Scrolls, but their knowledge is a passing awareness when compared to the encompassing mind of divinity. FormID: 0001C682 DA04 DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnow DA04SeptimusHowDoYouKnowTopic CUST 2 The Dwemer were the last to touch it. It was thought to have been destroyed by the Nerevarine, but my lord told me otherwise. FormID: 0001C677 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperGoGetBooks CUST 0 I'll bring you everything we have on them, but it's not much. FormID: 0001C677 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperGoGetBooks CUST 1 So don't get your hopes up. It's mostly lies, leavened with rumor and conjecture. FormID: 0001C5EA DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 Never thought I'd see you again. emphasizing [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] FormID: 0001C5EB DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 We were told you may be coming. FormID: 0001C5EC DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 Return when you have completed the Great Hunt. FormID: 0002ED62 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 Greetings, fellow hunter. FormID: 0002ED63 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 Lead on. FormID: 0002ED64 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 May Hircine guide our blades. FormID: 0002ED65 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 We follow you, hunt-master. FormID: 0002ED66 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 The Bloodmoon lights the way. FormID: 0002ED67 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 Show us the path to the prey. FormID: 0002ED68 DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 Hircine chose you to lead the Great Hunt. So lead. FormID: 0003288B DA05 DA05Helllo HELO 0 A sad time. FormID: 0001C5ED DA05 DA05SindingExplainWitches DA05SindingExplainWitchesTopic CUST 0 I've been looking for a way to appease Hircine. FormID: 0001C5ED DA05 DA05SindingExplainWitches DA05SindingExplainWitchesTopic CUST 1 There is a certain beast in these lands. Large, majestic. FormID: 0001C5ED DA05 DA05SindingExplainWitches DA05SindingExplainWitchesTopic CUST 2 It's said that Hircine will commune with whoever slays it. I tracked it into these woods, but then had my... accident with the child. FormID: 0001C5ED DA05 DA05SindingExplainWitches DA05SindingExplainWitchesTopic CUST 3 I want to beg his forgiveness. Give him back the ring. But while I'm stuck in here, the beast wanders free. FormID: 0001C5CA MQ00 MQDelphineBlocking MQDelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Mind your own business. FormID: 0001C5CE MQ00 MQDelphineBlocking MQDelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 We've got nothing to talk about. FormID: 0001C5CF MQ00 MQDelphineBlocking MQDelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Leave me alone. FormID: 0001C5C6 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook MQ103TulliusRetrieveBookTopic CUST 0 Excellent work, soldier. I have to admit, I had my doubts it even existed. Did you run into any trouble? FormID: 0001C5C3 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook MQ103TulliusBookA1 CUST 0 That's what I like to hear. I'll get the full report from Legate Rikke. Now then... FormID: 0001C5C4 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook MQ103TulliusBookA2 CUST 0 That's not for you to decide. Soldier. FormID: 0001C5C4 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook MQ103TulliusBookA2 CUST 1 I wouldn't have sent you in the first place if it wasn't going to be worth it. Now then... FormID: 0001C5C9 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook MQ103TulliusBookA3 CUST 0 Yes. Well, I didn't respond as quickly to the Legate's suggestion as perhaps I should have. admitting perhaps he was in the wrong. FormID: 0001C5C9 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook MQ103TulliusBookA3 CUST 1 But at least we ended up with the damn crown. Now then... FormID: 0001C4DA DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet0 CUST 0 By all means, let's hear it. It's the least I could do, since you already helped me grant one final wish for my last worshippers... FormID: 0001C4DA DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet0 CUST 1 They were suffering so from vampirism, and begged me for a cure. Then you came and ended their misery! I couldn't have planned it better myself. Smug, psychotic satisfaction FormID: 0001C4DA DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet0 CUST 2 So, what's your heart's desire? What kind of deal can we strike? Tempting and ominous, like the biblical serpent FormID: 0001CDB5 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Woof. Saying [QUOTE]woof[QUOTE], not actually barking. FormID: 0001CDB6 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Woof. Saying [QUOTE]woof[QUOTE], not actually barking. FormID: 0001C4D5 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Well, well. Hello there, big man. FormID: 0001C4D6 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Hello there, miss. FormID: 0001C4D7 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Barbas, at your service. FormID: 0001CDB7 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Ah, there you are. I've been waiting for you to arrive. Full of vanity and self-aggrandizement. FormID: 0001CDB8 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Collect the Rueful Axe from Rimerock Burrow, and I believe we'll have a deal. Full of vanity and self-aggrandizement. FormID: 0001CDB9 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 Ah, you've got the axe! And my dog. Splendid. Full of vanity and self-aggrandizement. FormID: 0001C4D8 DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 You have business with Clavicus Vile? FormID: 0001CDBA DA03 DA03Hello HELO 0 It's nice to be rid of that detestable dog. Things are so much more fun without his incessant preaching. FormID: 0001C4D9 DA03 DA03BarbasGreeting DA03BarbasGreet CUST 0 Yes, I think you'll be just what I need. Walk Away FormID: 0001C4DC DA03 DA03BarbasToVileBranch DA03BarbasOffer1A CUST 0 Very funny. My master is Clavicus Vile, Daedric prince of wishes. As you can imagine, he's quite the important person. FormID: 0001BFC0 DA03 DA03BarbasGreeting DA03BarbasGreeting0 CUST 0 Skyrim is now host to giant, flying lizards and two-legged cat-men... and you're surprised by me? Yes. I just talked. And am continuing to do so. Walk Away FormID: 0001C4DF DA03 DA03BarbasFollow DA03BarbasFollowToggle CUST 0 Lead the way. FormID: 0001C4E0 DA03 DA03BarbasFollow DA03BarbasFollowToggle CUST 0 All right, then. We'll get together later. FormID: 0001CDB0 DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1A CUST 0 Ugh. That insufferable pup? Forget it. Request denied. No deal. FormID: 0001CDB0 DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1A CUST 1 I'm glad to be rid of him. Even if it does mean I'm stuck in this pitiful shrine, in the back end of... nowhere. Slowly coming to doubt his own words and changing his mind FormID: 0001CDB0 DA03 DA03VileGreetBranch DA03VileGreet1A CUST 2 Well... perhaps there is a way he could earn his place back at my side. Maybe. But no promises. emphasis on [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] FormID: 0001C4DB DA03 DA03BarbasToVileBranch DA03BarbasToVile CUST 0 Thank you. Now, since he banished me, Vile's been rather weak. He can't manifest very far from one of his shrines. FormID: 0001C4DB DA03 DA03BarbasToVileBranch DA03BarbasToVile CUST 1 I know there's a cult that worships him at Haemar's Shame. We should be able to talk to him there. FormID: 0001C4DB DA03 DA03BarbasToVileBranch DA03BarbasToVile CUST 2 If this works out, I'll make sure you're rewarded. Just don't trust any offer he makes you... okay? FormID: 0001C4E1 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 0 Excellent work. A hero and his faithful companion, retrieving the ancient artifact for the prince. It's almost... storybook. FormID: 0001C4E1 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 1 Ah, but it almost seems a shame to give a weapon like that away, doesn't it? I suppose I could be persuaded to let you keep it... FormID: 0001C4E1 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 2 But only if you use the axe to kill Barbas. Simple as that. FormID: 0001C4E2 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 0 And? FormID: 0001C4E3 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 0 Absolutely! Now I can reabsorb his body, and return to full power. All without having to listen to his whining. FormID: 0001C4E3 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 1 Oh, sure, he'll be back in a century or two, but think of the fun I can have 'til then. FormID: 0001C4E3 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileReturn0 CUST 2 Enjoy that axe! And don't worry about poor old Barbas. After all, he really should have picked a better friend... FormID: 0001C4D3 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileOffer1A CUST 0 And I could absorb the spirit of poor, dead Barbas. He'd still be reunited with me. FormID: 0001C4D3 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileOffer1A CUST 1 And I'm sure Barbas doesn't want me to have that axe. He'd want it this way. Slick and corruptively persuasive, tempting the player to kill. FormID: 0001C4D3 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileOffer1A CUST 2 The choice is yours, friend. We're all counting on you to make the right decision. Put him out of our misery! Slick and corruptively persuasive, tempting the player to kill. FormID: 0001C4D2 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileOffer1B CUST 0 Hrmph. You're no fun at all. Guess I'll have to make my own fun elsewhere. FormID: 0001C4D2 DA03 DA03VileReturn DA03VileOffer1B CUST 1 And with the pup back, I'll be restored to my full power. There's a whole world just waiting for me! FormID: 0001C48B T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 It's a shame, isn't it? FormID: 0001C48C T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 So, have you gotten Nettlebane back from those filthy Hagravens yet? FormID: 0001C48D T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 Do you have the Eldergleam sap? FormID: 0002157F T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 Welcome, child. FormID: 00021580 T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 Was I correct in hearing that you were traveling to the grove of the Eldergleam? FormID: 0006AA5C T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 What's happened to the Gildergreen is a travesty. FormID: 0006AA5D T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 Please move quickly. Eldergleam awaits us. FormID: 0006AA5E T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 Is it much further to the sanctuary? FormID: 0006AA5F T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 I can't believe I've finally made it here. FormID: 0006AA60 T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 It's like it was in my dreams. FormID: 0006AA61 T03 T03Hellos HELO 0 I can almost hear its heart. FormID: 0001C487 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningNettlebaneBranch T03DanicaGotNettlebaneTopic CUST 0 Oh. I... well, I honestly didn't expect you to come back. Of course, I'm glad you did! FormID: 0001C487 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningNettlebaneBranch T03DanicaGotNettlebaneTopic CUST 1 Now... I don't really want to touch that thing, though. Do you think you could handle the next steps? FormID: 0001C488 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaGotSapTopic CUST 0 Wonderful. I'll use it to repair the tree. Thank you so much for all your help. FormID: 0001CB7B T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaGotSapTopic CUST 0 But... I can't run the Temple without the support of people who are inspired by the Gildergreen. How can this little tree bring new worshippers? Angry, exasperated FormID: 0001C3B6 dunWhiteRiverWatchQST dunWhiteRiverWatch_Branch01 WRWlookoutBranch01Topic CUST 0 Boss was looking for you - said he'd be up at the summit. Better not keep him waiting. FormID: 0001C3B5 dunWhiteRiverWatchQST dunWhiteRiverWatch_Branch02 WRWlookoutBranch02Topic CUST 0 Hey! Somebody get down here! Help! FormID: 0010C6C5 DialogueGeneric ALIL 0 FormID: 0001C1EA DialogueGeneric ALIL 0 Anybody there? FormID: 0006D93A DialogueGeneric ALIL 0 I know I heard something. FormID: 0006CB1B DialogueGeneric ALIL 0 Hello? Who's there? FormID: 0010C6C7 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 FormID: 0001C1E1 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 You can't hide from me forever. FormID: 0006D93F DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 I know you're here somewhere. FormID: 0006D940 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 When I find you, you're dead. FormID: 0006D941 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 You afraid to fight me? FormID: 0006D942 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 I know you can hear me! FormID: 0006D943 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 Come on, show yourself! FormID: 0006CF12 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 Stay away from me! FormID: 0001C1E2 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 I'm going to find you. FormID: 0001C1E3 DialogueGeneric LOIL 0 You won't get away. menacing FormID: 0010C6C8 DialogueGeneric NOTA 0 FormID: 0006D947 DialogueGeneric NOTA 0 FormID: 000EA651 DialogueGeneric NOTA 0 Did you hear something? FormID: 0001C1E7 DialogueGeneric NOTA 0 Hello? Who's there? FormID: 0006CB21 DialogueGeneric NOTA 0 Is... is someone there? FormID: 0010C6BE DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 FormID: 000411F4 DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 Ahh! Yelling in fear FormID: 0006CB18 DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 Now you're mine! FormID: 0001C1DA DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 Thought I heard something. FormID: 0001C1DB DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 Aha! FormID: 0006CE58 DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 Time to end this little game! FormID: 0006CB19 DialogueGeneric ALTC 0 I knew it! FormID: 0010C6BF DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 FormID: 0001C1D7 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Come on! FormID: 0001C1D6 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Here we go. FormID: 0001C1D8 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Hey! FormID: 000411F8 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Ahhh! yelling in fear FormID: 0006CED1 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 You're dead! FormID: 0006CED2 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Get him! FormID: 0006CED3 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 You're mine! FormID: 000854BD DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 By Ysmir, you won't leave here alive! FormID: 0006CED4 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Oh, no you don't! FormID: 0006CED5 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 You're as good as dead! FormID: 0006CEE2 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Don't just stand there! Kill him! FormID: 000854BE DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Don't just stand there! Kill her! FormID: 000854BF DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Well well. Another maggot to squash beneath my boot. FormID: 0006CEE3 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Attack! FormID: 000854C0 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 To arms, boys! To arms! FormID: 000854C1 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 What in the bloody blazes? FormID: 000854C2 DialogueGeneric NOTC 0 Never should have come here... FormID: 0010C6C0 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 FormID: 000411F5 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 I guess I was just hearing things. FormID: 0001C1D3 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 Hmm. Nothing here after all. FormID: 0006CB37 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 Must be my imagination. FormID: 0006D93B DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 I was sure I heard something. giving up, going back to normal FormID: 0001C1D5 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 Must have been nothing. FormID: 0001C1D4 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 Just getting jumpy I guess. FormID: 0006CB38 DialogueGeneric ALTN 0 Mind's playing tricks on me... FormID: 0010C6C1 DialogueGeneric COTN 0 FormID: 000411F6 DialogueGeneric COTN 0 I hope there aren't any more. FormID: 0001C1CD DialogueGeneric COTN 0 That takes care of that. FormID: 0001C1CE DialogueGeneric COTN 0 Good enough. FormID: 0001C1CF DialogueGeneric COTN 0 Teach you to mess with me. FormID: 0006CB1C DialogueGeneric COTN 0 All over now. FormID: 0006CE3E DialogueGeneric COTN 0 Phew! relieved FormID: 0006CE3F DialogueGeneric COTN 0 That's the last of them. relieved FormID: 0010C6C2 DialogueGeneric COLO 0 FormID: 000411F7 DialogueGeneric COLO 0 Is it safe? FormID: 0001C1D0 DialogueGeneric COLO 0 Damn, where'd you go? FormID: 0006CB24 DialogueGeneric COLO 0 Where are you hiding? FormID: 0001C1D1 DialogueGeneric COLO 0 I'll find you... FormID: 0001C1D2 DialogueGeneric COLO 0 Come back here! menacing FormID: 0010C6C4 DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 FormID: 000411FA DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 Nobody here anymore. FormID: 0006D93D DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 Must've scared 'em off. FormID: 0001C1E4 DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 Cleared out, I guess. FormID: 0006CB35 DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 Guess it's all clear now. FormID: 0001C1E5 DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 Oh well. Must have run off. FormID: 0001C1E6 DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 No sign of 'em. FormID: 0006CB36 DialogueGeneric LOTN 0 Nobody here now. FormID: 0010C6C6 DialogueGeneric LOTC 0 FormID: 000411F9 DialogueGeneric LOTC 0 There you are. FormID: 0006CB31 DialogueGeneric LOTC 0 There you are! FormID: 0001C1DD DialogueGeneric LOTC 0 I knew I'd find you! FormID: 0001C1DE DialogueGeneric LOTC 0 Can't hide from me. FormID: 0001C0EB MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2C1 CUST 0 Oh, and when you find Esbern... if you think I'm paranoid... you may have some trouble getting him to trust you. FormID: 0001C0EB MQ201 MQ201DelphineOutro2 MQ201DelphineOutro2C1 CUST 1 Just ask him where he was on the 30th of Frostfall. He'll know what it means. grimly FormID: 0001C0EA MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC3 CUST 0 Ah. Indeed, indeed. I do remember. suddenly sober and reflective FormID: 0001C0EA MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC3 CUST 1 Delphine really is alive, then? You'd better come in then and tell me how you found me and what you want. FormID: 0001C0E9 MQ202 SCEN 0 This'll just take a moment... he's in the process of unlocking the 200 locks on his door FormID: 0001C0ED MQ202 SCEN 0 This one always sticks... there we go. he's in the process of unlocking the 200 locks on his door FormID: 0001C0EC MQ202 SCEN 0 Only a couple more. apologetically FormID: 0001C0F0 MQ202 SCEN 0 There we are! pleased -- he's just finished the process of unlocking the 200 locks on his door FormID: 0001C0E8 MQ202 SCEN 0 Come in, come in! Make yourself at home! completely missing the irony of his 200 locks and initial suspicion and hostility 30 seconds ago FormID: 0006DEAF MQ202 SCEN 0 Please. Come in. Musn't talk in the Ratway. FormID: 0006DEB0 MQ202 SCEN 0 Come in, come in. Too many ears out there. FormID: 0006DEB1 MQ202 SCEN 0 Come in. Quickly now. FormID: 0001C0EF MQ00 MQ0030thFrostfall MQ0030thFrostfallTopic CUST 0 It was a cold day. The end of Frostfall is nearly winter in the Jerall Mountains. distantly, remembering FormID: 0001C0EF MQ00 MQ0030thFrostfall MQ0030thFrostfallTopic CUST 1 We heard the news at Cloud Ruler by courier, riding hard from the Imperial City. FormID: 0001C0EF MQ00 MQ0030thFrostfall MQ0030thFrostfallTopic CUST 2 30th of Frostfall, 171. Thirty years ago. The Great War started that day. recollecting himself FormID: 0001C0EF MQ00 MQ0030thFrostfall MQ0030thFrostfallTopic CUST 3 The Thalmor ambassador delivered his ultimatum to the Emperor Titus Mede: the heads of every Blades agent within the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 0001C0EF MQ00 MQ0030thFrostfall MQ0030thFrostfallTopic CUST 4 I knew, that day, that it was truly the beginning of the end. FormID: 0001C0E6 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC1 CUST 0 And no doubt you're one of them. Leave me alone! FormID: 0003BD96 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC2 CUST 0 What's that you said? Dragonborn? Then... there really is hope after all? FormID: 0003BD96 MQ202 MQ202EsbernThroughDoor MQ202EsbernThroughDoorC2 CUST 1 You'd better come inside. Quickly now. Thalmor agents have been seen in the Ratway. last sentence is muttered to himself -- he's used to talking to himself from living alone for years FormID: 0001C0CD CreatureDialogueDraugr DETH 0 FormID: 0001C03B MQ101 SCEN 0 This looks like the way out! I was starting to wonder if we'd ever make it. FormID: 0001C03C MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. FormID: 0001C03D MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, hurry up. FormID: 0001C03E MQ101 SCEN 0 Better to stick together down here. FormID: 0001C036 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 You can't shake us off that easily. Let's see what's here! Having a bit of competitive fun FormID: 0001C054 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 This is it. We've found Gathrik's tomb. FormID: 0001C055 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Well? There must be a way through. Look around. FormID: 0001C034 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 That's done it! Let's get in there. FormID: 0001BFC3 DA03 DA03BarbasOffer DA03BarbasOffer0 CUST 0 My master and I had a bit of a falling out. We got into an argument and it got rather... heated. FormID: 0001BFC3 DA03 DA03BarbasOffer DA03BarbasOffer0 CUST 1 He's kicked me out until I find someone who can settle our disagreement. That's where you come in. FormID: 0001BFC2 DA03 DA03BarbasGreeting DA03BarbasGreeting1A CUST 0 I know, I know... Wars to fight, dragons to confront, guild business to conduct. Walk Away FormID: 0001BE4A WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Hey! What's this? inquisitive FormID: 000D06EB WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Who left that here? inquisitive FormID: 000D06EC WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Well! Finders, keepers as they say. FormID: 000D06ED WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 If nobody wants that, I'll take it. FormID: 000D06EE WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Damn shame to leave that lying around. FormID: 000D06EF WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 It's a bit worn, but I'll take it. FormID: 000D06F0 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Looks like it's my lucky day. FormID: 000D06F1 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Hmm. What's this? FormID: 0001BE1C WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Hey! That's my sword. shouting FormID: 0001BE1D WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Don't touch that dagger! It's mine. shouting FormID: 0001BE29 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 I don't think so. That axe is mine. FormID: 0001BE46 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Keep away from that bow. It's mine. FormID: 0001BE48 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Hands off. That's my armor now! calling out, claiming an object for himself FormID: 0001BE49 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 You're too slow. I saw it first. shouted FormID: 0001BDF8 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 I don't think so! staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F2 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 I saw it first! I'm taking it. staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F3 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Not if I get it first. staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F4 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 No. It's mine! staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F5 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 We'll see about that. staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F6 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 I'm taking it anyway. staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F7 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 No! staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 000D06F8 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 I think not. staking a claim on a lost item FormID: 0001BE4B WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 You can take it over my dead body! fighting over a disputed item FormID: 000D06E4 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. FormID: 000D06E5 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Back off! FormID: 000D06E6 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 You'll have to take it from me. FormID: 000D06E7 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Your blood won't bother me! FormID: 000D06E8 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 You'll have to fight me for it. FormID: 000D06E9 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 I'll hurt you if I have to. FormID: 000D06EA WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 You're too slow and stupid to take it from me. FormID: 0001BDF7 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 That can be arranged. deadly serious, response to [QUOTE]over my dead body[QUOTE] FormID: 0001BE14 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 What's all the commotion? curious about people yelling in the street FormID: 0001BDF9 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 They're fighting over that thing, I think. emphasis [QUOTE]THAT[QUOTE] - pointing at an object two people are claiming FormID: 0001BE4C WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Someone's going to get hurt. coming to understand the situation FormID: 0001BE10 WIRemoveItem03 SCEN 0 Damn. Another fight. sarcastically as a fight is a bout to break out FormID: 0001BD31 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Send another one in here! Send two! I don't care! Drunkenly telling his friends to put two more opponents in the ring with him. FormID: 0001BD32 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 One of you get in here! I could put all of you down! Drunkenly telling his friends to try to defeat him. FormID: 0001BD33 dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 What are you waiting for? I know you want to kill me. Now's your chance! Drunkenly taunting his [QUOTE]friends[QUOTE]. FormID: 0001BC8F CW02A MQ103KorvanjundIntro MQ103KorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's right-hand man, Galmar Stonefist, has located what he believes is the final resting place of the Jagged Crown. FormID: 0001BC8F CW02A MQ103KorvanjundIntro MQ103KorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 1 We're going to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it. FormID: 0001BC8F CW02A MQ103KorvanjundIntro MQ103KorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 2 The rest of my men are already assembling outside Korvanjund. I'll meet you there as soon as I finish up here. FormID: 00059EE4 CW02A MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjund MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 The Stormcloaks are here in force. Stick close and follow orders so we don't stir up the whole place against us. FormID: 0001BC8E CW02A MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjund MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 Looks like the damned rebels got here first. No matter, we have the element of surprise. Prepare to move out. Walk Away FormID: 0001F102 CW02A MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjund MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 You ready, auxiliary? Walk Away FormID: 0001BC90 CW02A MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjund MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjundAttack CUST 0 Follow me. FormID: 0001BC8B CW02A MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjund MQ103RikkeAtKorvanjundWait CUST 0 This isn't a damn summer picnic! Hurry up. We need to hit them before they know we're here. FormID: 0001BC09 DB09 SCEN 0 Oh... Oh how marvelous. Just delicious. It is everything I had hoped it would be. Please, everyone. Enjoy. Sounds of eating. Slurping, sloppy, gluttonous devouring FormID: 0001BBE8 DB09 SCEN 0 Oh... Oh how marvelous. Just delicious. It is everything I had hoped it would be. It.... I.... FormID: 0001BC0A DB09 SCEN 0 I think something's... wrong... I... chokes at the end - been poisoned FormID: 0001BC29 DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 Charmed. FormID: 0001BC31 DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 The Gourmet. Leave it to Titus to spare no expense. FormID: 0001BC40 DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 I prefer a good roast duck. But your soup will do. FormID: 0001BC42 DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. FormID: 0001BC59 DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 So glad we kept you in Skyrim. Serving your Emperor was worth the wait, of course. FormID: 0001BC5A DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 You're not at all what I expected. I imagined you'd be fatter, honestly. FormID: 0001BC5D DB09 DB09DinerTalkBranch DB09DinerTalkBranchTopic CUST 0 You've done your duty and we're all very grateful. Now... I'd like to eat. FormID: 0001BB99 DA15 DA15ExplainBranch DA15Explain0 CUST 0 Emperor Pelagius III. give a good [QUOTE]tsk[QUOTE] at the beginning; emphasize [QUOTE]must[QUOTE] FormID: 0001BB99 DA15 DA15ExplainBranch DA15Explain0 CUST 1 Now surely even you know about Pelagius' decree? On his deathbed - oh, and this was inspired - he forbade... death! That's right! Death! Outlawed! FormID: 0001BB57 DB05 SCEN 0 Typical Imperial rot. You speak of Skyrim like you know the land, know its people. You're from Cyrodiil! You know nothing about us! Nothing! FormID: 0001BB54 DB05 SCEN 0 Oh, I know enough. I know those trouble-making Stormcloaks refuse to submit to Imperial authority. Such seditious behavior. Why it's treason! FormID: 0001BB53 DB05 SCEN 0 And when the elves marched into your beloved Cyrodiil, and everyone took up arms against them, wasn't that treason? Against the Dominion? Huh? FormID: 0001BB56 DB05 SCEN 0 Why that's not the same thing at all. The Dominion were invaders. Conquerors. We had to fight them, to preserve our own way of life. FormID: 0001BB61 DB05 SCEN 0 My point exactly. FormID: 0001BB66 DarkBrotherhood DB06AstridSeeGabriellaBranch DB06AstridSeeGabriellaBranchTopic CUST 0 As I said, go speak with Gabriella. She's been assisting me with your next contract. This Emperor business, well... it does involve everyone. FormID: 0001BB64 DB06 DB06GabriellaBeginBranch DB06GabriellaBeginBranchTopic CUST 0 Dear brother. I've been waiting for you. Your next contract awaits, as I'm sure Astrid indicated. FormID: 0001BB65 DB06 DB06GabriellaBeginBranch DB06GabriellaBeginBranchTopic CUST 0 Dear sister. I've been waiting for you. Your next contract awaits, as I'm sure Astrid indicated. FormID: 0001BB60 DarkBrotherhood DBGabriella06NotYetBranch DBGabriella06NotYetBranchTopic CUST 0 You and I have business to discuss. Ah, but you have not yet reported back to Astrid, have you? Do that, and then we shall talk. FormID: 0001BB42 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Easy, easy. Don't get up so quickly. concerned for the Player FormID: 0001BB42 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 How are you feeling? FormID: 0001BB45 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No, I saved your life. My arrow was tipped with a unique paralytic poison. It slowed your heart and kept you from bleeding out. scolding, irritated FormID: 0001BB45 TG05 TG05KarliahIntroBranch TG05KarliahIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Had I intended to kill you, we wouldn't be having this conversation. FormID: 00032E70 TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 This better be important. FormID: 0005DE0D TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 There's little time for talk, what do you want? FormID: 0005DE0E TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 Yes, yes, what is it now? FormID: 0005DE0F TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 You're quite noisy for someone who claims to be a thief. FormID: 0005DE10 TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 Must you keep stopping? FormID: 0005DE11 TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 What? What is it? FormID: 0008CDD6 TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 Glad the antidote is taking effect. FormID: 00080C23 TG05 TG05Hellos HELO 0 Quickly, what did you want? FormID: 0001B9AB DB01 DB01AventusGrelodDeadBranch DB01AventusGrelodDeadGreet CUST 0 Well? Grelod the Kind. Is she... you know? FormID: 0001B9AA DialogueRiften DialogueConstanceGrelodTopic DialogueConstanceGrelodTopicTopic CUST 0 Sadly, yes. Even the townsfolk have taken to calling her [QUOTE]Grelod the Kind.[QUOTE] Her very existence has become something of a running joke. FormID: 0001B9AA DialogueRiften DialogueConstanceGrelodTopic DialogueConstanceGrelodTopicTopic CUST 1 Grelod runs this orphanage because she's old, and set in her ways, and doesn't know any other life. These children need love, and comfort. I try... FormID: 0001B9AA DialogueRiften DialogueConstanceGrelodTopic DialogueConstanceGrelodTopicTopic CUST 2 But... I'm sorry, you should go. The children aren't up for adoption, and it's cruel to get their hopes up. Besides, Grelod hates... visitors. FormID: 0001B223 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 Hello. FormID: 0001B222 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 Oh, hi, I'm glad I ran into you. I was wondering if... FormID: 0001B227 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 Hello, ladies! Is there anything a big strong man can do for you this fine day? wolf whistle at the beginning FormID: 0001B224 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 I don't know. If you see any big strong men around, let us know, will you? FormID: 0001B220 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 chuckling at their joke FormID: 0001B225 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 chuckling at their joke FormID: 0001B221 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 Harpies, every one of them. muttering to himself after being made fun of by women FormID: 0001B226 DialogueGenericScene04 SCEN 0 Oh, come now. Don't go away mad. calling after the butt of her joke FormID: 0001B25C dunNilheimQST nilheimTelravIntro nilheimTelravIntroTopic CUST 0 Bandits attacked and ransacked my cart. Can you help me? FormID: 0001B24C dunNilheimQST nilheimTelravIntro dunNilheimTelravCampNearbyQST CUST 0 My camp is nearby in the ruins of Nilheim. Get me there safely and you'll be rewarded. FormID: 0001B1F5 dunNilheimQST nilheimTelravIntro CUST 0 Fine, leave me to die. FormID: 0001B24B dunNilheimQST nilheimTelravReward nilheimTelravRewardTopic CUST 0 Wait here. I'll be right back with your reward. FormID: 0001AE51 DA08 DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranch DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, my youngest son. He's a dark child. I don't know what to do with him. FormID: 0001AE51 DA08 DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranch DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 1 He was always a quiet lad, but lately... something has changed. He's become brooding. Violent. FormID: 0001AE51 DA08 DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranch DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 2 He won't say a word to me, but I don't know how I upset him. FormID: 0001AE51 DA08 DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranch DA08BalgruufQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 3 If you could speak to him. Draw out the truth. I would be immensely grateful. FormID: 0001AE50 DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 So the disgusting pig sent you to bother me? One day, I'll tear his face apart so he can leave me alone. FormID: 0001AE50 DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 1 My father doesn't know anything about me. Start off with a dismissive kind of [QUOTE]pfft[QUOTE] of [QUOTE]hrmph.[QUOTE] FormID: 0001AE50 DA08 DA08NelkirQuestStartBranch DA08NelkirQuestStartBranchTopic CUST 2 But I know about him. And about the war. More than he might think. FormID: 0001AACA MS13 SCEN 0 Now, if you're going to get those thieves, you should head to Bleak Falls Barrow, northeast of town. FormID: 0001A4E3 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02ChampionTopic CUST 0 That was a long time ago. brushing off the topic FormID: 0001A4E4 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02ChampionTalkAboutIt CUST 0 I told you. I'm done with all that. There's enough blood on these hands. I'm interested in creating things now. annoyed he's having to relive his past FormID: 0001A4E2 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02BoethiahSentMe CUST 0 The Prince of Plots usually gets what she wants. I'm surprised I'm not dead already. She must have had some reason to keep me alive so long. talking about a god he no longer believes in FormID: 0001A4E0 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02Weak CUST 0 Mind my words or I'll mind them for you: I'm slave to no man, no god, and no Daedra. deadly serious FormID: 0001A4E0 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02Weak CUST 1 Boethiah talks about leaving your mark, a sign of your passing.... Well, you can make a mark on the world without treachery and murder. explaining why he gave up the cult FormID: 0001A4E0 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02Weak CUST 2 Whenever a man's life is saved by armor made with these hands, these hands have changed that man's destiny and his family's. explaining an important personal epiphany FormID: 0001A4E0 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02Weak CUST 3 So you can tell that heartless Daedra bitch I'm done doing her dirty work. profaning an evil god he has turned away from FormID: 0001A4E1 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02NotAfraidToDie CUST 0 A man who feels no fear has no heart. I know fear. But it does not control me. driving home a point FormID: 0001A4E1 DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02NotAfraidToDie CUST 1 If you desire to fight me, then let's get this over with. resigned FormID: 0001A4DE DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02NeverMind CUST 0 Hmph. suspicious FormID: 0001A4DF DA02 DA02ChampionBranch DA02FightChampion CUST 0 That remains to be seen. about to get into a fight FormID: 0001A4E5 DA02 SCEN 0 I desired stealth and secrecy, but you executed the task with as much subtlety as a enrage mammoth. godly annoyance FormID: 0001A4E5 DA02 SCEN 1 But my purpose was ultimately gained. My previous champion was erased, and a new one born. godly (reluctant) appreciation FormID: 0001A4E5 DA02 SCEN 2 If you can learn to be subtle in rendering death, perhaps I will share more of my power with you. FormID: 0001A4E6 DA02 SCEN 0 You have done well, my Champion. You have earned my respect, a feat few manage and live to tell about. godly praise FormID: 0001A4E6 DA02 SCEN 1 I shall write your name upon the Tablet of Absolute Darkness. godly praise FormID: 0001A4E7 DA02Post DA02PostErikurBranch DA02PostErikurTopic CUST 0 Ahhh. Quite fine my friend. Quite fine. (slyly happy) sharing an in joke/secret involving murder FormID: 0001A4E7 DA02Post DA02PostErikurBranch DA02PostErikurTopic CUST 1 So sad what happened to young Elisif. Tragic really. Such a young and pretty girl. (slyly feigning sadness) sharing an in joke/secret involving murder FormID: 0001A4E7 DA02Post DA02PostErikurBranch DA02PostErikurTopic CUST 2 Was in over her head, I'm afraid. feigning sadness, cracking a smile. FormID: 0001A4E7 DA02Post DA02PostErikurBranch DA02PostErikurTopic CUST 3 But we should be done with murders in the Blue Palace. I've stepped up security around here. (slyly happy) sharing an in joke/secret involving murder FormID: 0001A4E8 DA02Post DA02PostErikurCrimeForgive DA02PostErikurCrimeForgiveTopic CUST 0 Hmm... Yes, I've heard about all that fuss. I myself know it's all a terrible, terrible misunderstanding. I'm quite sure you're innocent in all this. slyly offering to return a political favor FormID: 0001A4E8 DA02Post DA02PostErikurCrimeForgive DA02PostErikurCrimeForgiveTopic CUST 1 This one time only, I'll grant you special immunity for any past transgressions, real or perceived. slyly repaying a murderer for helping installing him into government FormID: 0001A4E8 DA02Post DA02PostErikurCrimeForgive DA02PostErikurCrimeForgiveTopic CUST 2 But going forward, I'm sure you realize that your fate is in your own hands. And the law can not be bent for personal friendships. subtle hint this is a one time bailout FormID: 0001A4DD DA02 DA02Goodbye GBYE 0 May your will carve itself upon the world. religious saying used when saying goodbye FormID: 0001A3C1 CWMission03 CWMission03MainBranch CWMission03AcceptPrompt CUST 0 Well, soldier? Can you do this? FormID: 000249CA CWMission03 CWMission03MainBranch CWMission03AcceptPrompt CUST 0 What do you say? FormID: 0001A302 DA04 DA04SeptimusIntroBranch DA04SeptimusIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Elder Scrolls. Indeed. FormID: 0001A302 DA04 DA04SeptimusIntroBranch DA04SeptimusIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 The Empire. They absconded with them. Or so they think. The ones they saw. The ones they thought they saw. FormID: 0001A302 DA04 DA04SeptimusIntroBranch DA04SeptimusIntroBranchTopic CUST 2 I know of one. Forgotten. Sequestered. FormID: 0001A302 DA04 DA04SeptimusIntroBranch DA04SeptimusIntroBranchTopic CUST 3 But I cannot go to it, not poor Septimus, for I... I have arisen beyond its grasp. FormID: 0001A304 DA04 DA04SeptimusBringBloodBranch DA04SeptimusBringBloodBranchTopic CUST 0 I can almost... hear them. I feel their life energy. Come, I will make the mixture. FormID: 0001A2F5 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Halt in the name of the Jarl Balgruuf the Greater! calling out, challenging an aggressor FormID: 00020799 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Halt in the name of the Jarl Hrongar. calling out, challenging an aggressor FormID: 0002079D CWAttackCity SCEN 0 That's close enough. calling out, challenging an aggressor FormID: 00025F64 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Where's Anuriel? worried about his woman, trying to hide it FormID: 000270A5 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Halt in the name of the Jarl! calling out to an aggressor FormID: 0001A2DF CWAttackCity SCEN 0 It's a little late for that, don't you think? annoyed, but resigned to his ill fate FormID: 000206A2 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 He wants the city this badly, he can fight me for it. king stepping up to face invaders FormID: 000206B5 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 She wants the city this badly, she can fight me for it. king stepping up to face invaders FormID: 00025F9C CWAttackCity SCEN 0 She's watching over the others. Look alive now. annoyed, but resigned to his ill fate FormID: 000271FE CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Somehow I doubt that will persuade them. annoyed, but resigned to his ill fate FormID: 0001A2F4 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Stay back, lord! cautioning his lord before he joins the attack FormID: 00020694 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 No, Igmund. It's too dangerous. concerned with her king's security FormID: 00025F74 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Stop right there! Were I can see you. shouting out to trespassers FormID: 000271F3 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Stay back, lord! cautioning his lord before he joins the attack FormID: 0001A2DE CWAttackCity SCEN 0 I'll be damned if I let this rabble take my city without raising my own sword. refusing caution, gearing up for a fight FormID: 00020695 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 I will not surrender Markarth without raising my own sword in her defense. getting ready to fight FormID: 00025F8D CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Riften denies the Emperor. You are here illegally. Stand down and you will be arrested and tried in the morning. Resist and you will die. refusing caution, calling out to the enemy, gearing up for a fight FormID: 000271DA CWAttackCity SCEN 0 If they want my city, they're going to have to take it from me personally. refusing caution, gearing up for a fight FormID: 000270CD CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Protect the Jarl with your lives! barking orders FormID: 000206BF CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Kill them all. Protect the Jarl at all costs! barking orders FormID: 00025F86 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 As you wish. FormID: 00025F86 CWAttackCity SCEN 1 Protect the Jarl! barking orders FormID: 0001A2E7 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Protect the Jarl with your lives! barking orders FormID: 0001A2E0 CWAttackCity SCEN 0 Aye! shouting an affirmation to an order while launching an attack FormID: 0001A2A5 CW02A MQ103RikkeIntro MQ103RikkeIntroTopic CUST 0 Welcome to the Legion, auxiliary. Listen up. a short smile before getting down to business. FormID: 0001A2C5 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 The Key! You have the Skeleton Key! I never thought I'd see it again. FormID: 0001A2C5 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 And Mercer Frey? FormID: 0001A2CC TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic01d CUST 0 That's quite a noble sentiment for someone in our... well, in your line of work. you stop yourself, since you are no longer alive, it's no longer your line of work FormID: 0001A2CC TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic01d CUST 1 My only regret is that you had to undertake this task alone. suddenly depressed FormID: 0001A2B2 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Then... it's over and my death wasn't in vain. immense relief FormID: 0001A2B2 TG09 TG09GallusIntroBranch TG09GallusIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 1 I owe you a great deal, Nightingale. FormID: 0001A2A4 TG09 TG09Hellos HELO 0 Yes, my friend? How may I help? FormID: 0004C2B7 TG09 TG09Hellos HELO 0 Yes, fellow Nightingale? FormID: 0001A29E TG09 TG09GallusPilgrimsPathBranch TG09GallusPilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 0 I wish I could help you, but I've been a prisoner in this very chamber for the last quarter century. FormID: 0001A29E TG09 TG09GallusPilgrimsPathBranch TG09GallusPilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 1 The only possible help I've come across are the remains of some poor fellow who was trying to follow in your footsteps. Perhaps his journal can help? FormID: 0001A2AE TG09 SCEN 0 My, my. What do we have here? FormID: 0001A2B0 TG09 SCEN 0 It's been a number of years since I've set foot on your world. Or perhaps it's been moments. One tends to lose track. FormID: 0001A2C8 TG09 SCEN 0 So... once again the Key has been stolen and a [QUOTE]champion[QUOTE] returns it to the Sepulcher. champion is sarcastic FormID: 0001A2C8 TG09 SCEN 1 Now that Ebonmere has been restored, you stand before me awaiting your accolades; a pat on your head... a kiss on your cheek. FormID: 0001A2C8 TG09 SCEN 2 What you fail to realize is your actions were expected and represent nothing more than the fulfillment of your agreement. FormID: 0001A2CA TG09 SCEN 0 Don't mistake my tone for displeasure, after all, you've obediently performed your duties to the letter. FormID: 0001A2CA TG09 SCEN 1 But we both know this has little to do with honor and oaths and loyalty. It's about the reward; the prize. FormID: 0001A2CA TG09 SCEN 2 Fear not. You'll have your trinkets, your desire for power, your hunger for wealth. FormID: 0001A2BB TG09 SCEN 0 I bid you to drink deeply from the Ebonmere, mortal. For this is where the Agent of Nocturnal is born. FormID: 0001A2BB TG09 SCEN 1 The Oath has been struck, the die has been cast and your fate awaits you in the Evergloam. FormID: 0001A0B8 dunHunterQST dunHunterQSTSharedHereOnMap IDAT 0 Here's where you need to go. FormID: 000BFBB9 dunHunterQST dunHunterQSTSharedHereOnMap IDAT 0 Check your map. You're slightly annoyed. They should know this. FormID: 0001A0BA dunHunterQST dunHunterTier01Branch dunHunterQSTSkeeverWhat CUST 0 Don't mock it, pup. Even the lowliest beasts can kill the weak and arrogant. We'll try more powerful enemies next, if you survive this. FormID: 0001A0B3 MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBookPersuade CUST 0 Fine. Take them and be gone. Never return here, or else you'll face my full wrath. FormID: 0004DDAA MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBookPersuade CUST 0 Are you attempting to threaten me? After I've been so hospitable? FormID: 0004DDAA MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerBookPersuade CUST 1 Well, then you won't be leaving here at all. FormID: 00019FE2 CreatureDialogueSkeever DETH 0 FormID: 00019FE3 CreatureDialogueSkeever HIT_ 0 FormID: 00019FDF CreatureDialogueSabreCat HIT_ 0 FormID: 00019F5C DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Something wrong, Ahlam? FormID: 00019F5D DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Are you alright, Ahlam? You haven't seemed yourself today. FormID: 00019F5E DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 What's wrong, dear friend? You seem... distracted today. FormID: 00019F6C DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Oh, it's Nazeem. He's been spending more and more time fawning over the Jarl. I swear, we're hardly ever home at the same time anymore. FormID: 00019F6D DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 It's nothing, I just... It's Nazeem. How did we get to this point, Danica? Is there no love left between us? FormID: 00019F6E DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Hmm? Oh, well... To be honest, I was just thinking of Nazeem. The gap between us seems to be widening. He is just so... self-absorbed. FormID: 00019F5F DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Now, now, my friend. You must look on the bright side. If soldiers storm the city, there's a good chance your husband may get killed. playfully... cheering up her friend. FormID: 00019F60 DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Let those soldiers come here! You've never seen me throw incense. I could fell a giant. playfully... cheering up her friend. FormID: 00019F59 DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 If you don't mind me saying so, Ahlam, your husband is a damn fool. Any moment spent thinking about him is a moment wasted. FormID: 00019F5A DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Ahlam, let's be honest. Your husband is an arrogant, domineering buffoon. These are the words you used to describe him to me... remember? FormID: 00019F5B DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Oh dearest, who cares? So your husband is a lout. The work you do here, with me, is invaluable. The people of Whiterun know your true worth. FormID: 00019F6F DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 But it's more than that. Nazeem is obsessed with this civil war, as is all of Skyrim. I swear, it will consume us all. FormID: 00019F70 DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Maybe Nazeem's obsession has merit. This civil war seems so big, so unceasing... I'm afraid, Danica. Afraid for us all. FormID: 00019F61 DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Ha! Well, when you put it like that, it certainly puts things into perspective. But enough wallowing. And thank you, Danica. FormID: 00019F62 DialogueWhiterunTempleofKynarethScene1 SCEN 0 Oh, you are terrible. You do know that, right? Ha ha ha ha ha. FormID: 00019F56 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Sir, we really must talk. FormID: 00019F57 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Balgruuf, my Jarl. A word, if I may. FormID: 00019F58 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 I need but a moment of your time, my lord. FormID: 00019F69 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Speak. FormID: 00019F6A DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 What is it? FormID: 00019F6B DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 You've got sixty seconds. Go. FormID: 00019F91 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Well... It's your son. Nelkir. The boy has been acting increasingly peculiar. Moreso than normal, I mean. Something really should be done... FormID: 00019F92 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 We really must discuss the security here in Dragonsreach. Perhaps we could limit patrols in the city, and retain more guards here? FormID: 00019F93 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 There's been talk again in the streets. A general fear that the giants may move south, and then... Well, you understand. FormID: 00019F94 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 One of the servants had a wonderful idea. Fireproofing Dragonsreach. In case of attack by, um... air. FormID: 00019F95 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 My daughter Adrianne wants to forge a new sword for you. Now, it wouldn't be a Skyforge blade, I know, but she really is quite gifted... FormID: 00019F96 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 I think the time might be right for another public appearance. Maybe address the patrons at the Bannered Mare? Or visit Jorrvaskr? FormID: 00019F77 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Damn it, Proventus. I've got war lurking just outside my gates, and this is what you offer me? This? Begone. FormID: 00019F78 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. Take care of it, Proventus. Whatever it is you're talking about... FormID: 00019F79 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Proventus, you're my steward. Your job is to offer me counsel. This? This is not counsel. FormID: 00019F7A DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Hmm... All right, yes, I see your point. Make the necessary arrangements. FormID: 00019F8E DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Of course, sir. FormID: 00019F8F DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 00019F90 DialogueWhiterunDragonsreachScene1 SCEN 0 As you say, my Jarl. FormID: 0001A083 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHikeTopic CUST 0 Don't you need my help? FormID: 0001A071 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHikePolite CUST 0 Well, I... If you're sure... FormID: 0001A071 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHikePolite CUST 1 I'll just be on my way then. Please do be careful, and thank you. FormID: 0001A063 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeaHikeNotSoNice CUST 0 Well, I was only trying to help. FormID: 0001A063 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeaHikeNotSoNice CUST 1 Fine, I'll just save myself then. Thank you for letting me out of that cage. FormID: 0001A305 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHikeMean CUST 0 I was only trying to help you, you know! FormID: 0001A305 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHikeMean CUST 1 I hope the Caller turns you inside out! FormID: 0001A2A2 MG03 MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHike MG03OrthornStage55TakeAHikeNVM CUST 0 I shall do my best. trying to be brave FormID: 0001A0E8 MGR11 MGR11AcceptGems IDAT 0 So you do. Thank you, this will help quite a bit. FormID: 00019705 DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Good morning, wife. FormID: 00019707 DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Hello, husband. You're rising late. You spent too long at the Sleeping Giant last night, didn't you? FormID: 00019708 DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Hello, husband. You slept well? FormID: 00019709 DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Ah. Uh. Of course I'm not just rising. You must have been out when I woke up. FormID: 0001970A DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Like a stone. FormID: 00019706 DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Well, I'd better get to work. I have to fix another saw blade for Gerdur's mill. FormID: 0001970B DialogueRiverwoodSceneA SCEN 0 Take care, husband. FormID: 0001951D TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203A1 CUST 0 Expecting free information, eh? Help me deal with business first, then we'll see how I can help you. FormID: 0001951D TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203A1 CUST 1 Besides, you look like your pockets are a little light on coin, am I right? FormID: 0001951E TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203B1 CUST 0 And I'm busy. You help me out, and I'll help you out. That's just how it is. a bit annoyed FormID: 00019512 DarkBrotherhood DBBlackDoorDawnstarSanctuaryEnterBranch DBBlackDoorDawnstarSanctuaryEnterBranchTopic CUST 0 What is life's greatest illusion? FormID: 00019513 DarkBrotherhood DBBlackDoorDawnstarSanctuaryEnterBranch DBDawnstarDoorPlayerResponse1 CUST 0 Welcome home. FormID: 000D5EEC CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch CW01AJoinLegionBranchTopic CUST 0 I believe the Legate gave you an order. I expect you to follow it. Dismissed. strictly FormID: 000E7A26 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch CW01AJoinLegionBranchTopic CUST 0 Deliver your report to Legate Rikke. strictly FormID: 0002D752 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch CW01AJoinLegionBranchTopic CUST 0 In joining the Legion, you'll be taking an oath binding you to the service of the Emperor and thus to every citizen of the Empire. imparting gravity FormID: 0002D752 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch CW01AJoinLegionBranchTopic CUST 1 Are you prepared to make that commitment? FormID: 0001946E CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch CW01AJoinLegionBranchTopic CUST 0 Changed your mind? Decided you want to soldier for the Empire after all? FormID: 0001945B CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102JoinLegionYes CUST 0 Well, then. Repeat after me. FormID: 0001945B CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102JoinLegionYes CUST 1 [QUOTE]Upon my honor I do swear undying loyalty to the Emperor, Titus Mede II...[QUOTE] FormID: 000C3488 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102JoinLegionYes CUST 0 Well, then. Repeat after me. FormID: 000C3488 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102JoinLegionYes CUST 1 [QUOTE]Upon my honor I do swear undying loyalty to the Emperor...[QUOTE] FormID: 00019459 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102JoinLegionNo CUST 0 I see... Well, the Legion will still be here when you change your mind. Rikke believes in you. And I'm starting to see why. FormID: 00019459 CW01A CW01AJoinLegionBranch MQ102JoinLegionNo CUST 1 Consider this. What greater glory than to serve the Emperor and his citizens here in Skyrim, in these days of greatest need? trying to stir a little patriotism FormID: 00029E0F DB06 HELO 0 Gaius Maro still lives. I am surprised. I had assumed you were more... competent. FormID: 00019206 CreatureDialogueSabreCat DETH 0 FormID: 0001897B TG04 TG04GulumEiInitialBranch TG04GulumEiInitialBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I don't deal in land or property. Now, if you're looking for goods, you've come to the right person. mock friendliness FormID: 00018964 WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 Hey! You dropped this back there. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 00036037 WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 You left this back there. Figured you'd be wantin' it. Here ya go. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 00036038 WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 I think you accidentally mislaid this, dear. Here you go. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 00036039 WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 You dropped this. Good thing I found it and not someone else, otherwise you might have lost it for good. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 0003603A WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 You left this over there. You want it back, right? Here. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 0003603B WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 I think you dropped this! Good thing I brought it to you, huh? returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 0003603D WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 You should take more care, leaving things lying about. Here. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 0003603E WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 Excuse me. You misplaced this, I believe? There you go. Take care now. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 0003603F WIRemoveItem02 WIRemoveItem02MainBranch WIRemoveItem02MainTopic CUST 0 You left this over there. You're lucky - someone else might have kept it for himself. Here you go. returning a item accidentally left behind FormID: 00018941 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Sing you a special song tonight, beautiful lass? FormID: 00018946 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Not now, I'm working. FormID: 00018947 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Bah. You're always working. Why else would I spend so much time here? FormID: 0001893D DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Mikael is quite the songbird. Maybe he's the reason you're here all the time. emphasis on [QUOTE]is[QUOTE] FormID: 000C2452 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Perhaps it's because there's no better way to face the cold Skyrim nights than with a belly full of ale? Playful, teasing FormID: 00018952 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Aye, the bard's got talent, I'll give him that. You just make sure his music is the only thing you're admiring. FormID: 000C2453 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Oh, there's a better way. Playful, flirting FormID: 000C2453 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 1 A buxom barmaid between the sheets will keeps me plenty warm. Playful, flirting FormID: 000C2453 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 2 Better yet, she won't make my head ring the morning after. Playful, flirting FormID: 00018940 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Oh Jon, darling. You know you're the only stone-biting, knuckle-dragging Nord for me. FormID: 0001893C DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene2 SCEN 0 Ha! That's my girl. FormID: 00018942 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Saadia dear? FormID: 00018943 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Oh Saadia... FormID: 00018945 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Yes, mum? FormID: 00018949 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Don't forget to polish those glasses later. FormID: 0001894A DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 You still need to remove that blood stain. From the... incident. FormID: 0001894B DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Just a reminder, sweetie - the blankets still need to be washed. FormID: 0001894C DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 We're running low on the Black-Briar mead. In a couple days I'll have you make a run, fetch some more. FormID: 0001894D DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 I'll be needing you to mop the place down extra tonight. Lots of spills! FormID: 0001894E DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Of course, mum. FormID: 0001894F DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Oh, yes, Miss Hulda. FormID: 00018950 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Certainly, mum. FormID: 00018951 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene3 SCEN 0 Oh yes, mum. I'll make sure it gets done. FormID: 00018479 dunHunterQST dunHunterBranch01 dunHunterBranchInitialTopic CUST 0 Well, look at this. Another city rat crawled outside the walls. I don't suppose you've come up here to tell old Froki about your supposed Divines? FormID: 000BFBBC dunHunterQST dunHunterBranch01 dunHunterBranchInitialTopic CUST 0 Just what we need. City folk barging in, probably looking for an offering to their precious Divines. you are clearly grumpy. FormID: 0001847A dunHunterQST dunHunterLoreSetupBranch dunHunterAtheistBranchTopic CUST 0 Good. This is Skyrim, and we should honor the old ways. These foreigners don't even respect their own gods, much less Kyne and her Sacred Trials. Start with an approving [QUOTE]Hmph[QUOTE] FormID: 0001847B dunHunterQST dunHunterLoreSetupBranch dunHunterDivinesQuery CUST 0 They're stolen idols! Imposter gods, sold by silver tongues. No thank you. Froki will not forget Kyne, or her Sacred Trials. FormID: 0001847F dunHunterQST dunHunterQuestHookBranch dunHunterQuestHookBranchTopic CUST 0 That's what an old man gets for thinking the younger generation might be interested in learning some honor. start with [QUOTE]Bah![QUOTE] FormID: 00018480 dunHunterQST dunHunterQuestHookBranch dunHunterAcceptQuest CUST 0 You must defeat guardian beasts, blessed by Kyne. FormID: 0001846A dunHunterQST dunHunterLoreSetupBranch dunHunterQuestProposalTOpic CUST 0 It's an old Nord Tradition, a test to prove your worth in the eyes of Kyne. Show that you're a hunter and no simple butcher. You're a grumpy old man, but eager to talk about this. FormID: 0001846A dunHunterQST dunHunterLoreSetupBranch dunHunterQuestProposalTOpic CUST 1 Kyne teaches us to respect the beasts and blesses the hunter who will face their champions. True Nord hunters are those who survive the Trials. FormID: 0001847D dunHunterQST dunHunterQuestHookBranch dunHunterProposalFinal CUST 0 Do you think you're strong enough for Kyne's blessing? I would be glad to pass this tradition down. FormID: 0001847E dunHunterQST dunHunterTier01Branch dunHunterTier01BranchTopic CUST 0 I'll anoint you with the symbol of the wolf, the crab and the skeever. This will compel the guardian to appear when you reach his lair. FormID: 0001A0BC dunHunterQST dunHunterTier01Branch dunHunterTier01BranchTopic CUST 0 Return when you've defeated the guardian wolf, crab and skeever. FormID: 00018296 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Olaf! It is time! Yell of challenge. FormID: 000180BE CreatureDialogueGoat HIT_ 0 FormID: 000180BF CreatureDialogueGoat DETH 0 FormID: 00017F2F DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 So Mikael, what'll it be tonight, hmm? Something upbeat? A Breton jig maybe? FormID: 00018944 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Mikael, son. How about something with a bit o' kick? FormID: 00017F2E DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Well, I was thinking maybe something mournful. A High Elf dirge, perhaps? These are rather trying times, after all. FormID: 0001893F DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 You know, Hulda, there's this lovely Argonian ballad I've been studying... FormID: 00017F2C DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 You trying to scare off my customers, son? Lively! Keep it lively! FormID: 00018954 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 We've been down this road before, Mikael. Save the sap and sadness for your lady friends. My patrons need life! Cheeriness! FormID: 00017F30 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Hmm... Yes, you do raise a good point. What about the [QUOTE]Sweet Maidenfair from Hadleyshire[QUOTE]? FormID: 00018948 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Alright, alright... Um... How about [QUOTE]The Guttersnipe[QUOTE]? FormID: 00017F31 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 I think [QUOTE]Seven Septims for Sigurd[QUOTE] will do nicely. Especially when they're in their cups. FormID: 0001893E DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Well, that's not bad. But I was thinking [QUOTE]Mogo's Mead[QUOTE] really gets the place moving. FormID: 00017F2D DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Well then, consider it done. FormID: 00018953 DialogueWhiterunBanneredMareScene1 SCEN 0 Ah! An excellent suggestion. I'll do that one, then. FormID: 00017EF6 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Going straight through or did you want to stop somewhere along the way? FormID: 00017EF7 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Just sit back. This won't take long. FormID: 00107703 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Climb in back and we'll be off. FormID: 000CDF9F DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Sit back and enjoy the ride. FormID: 000CDFA0 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Don't be long. I can't wait around forever. FormID: 000CDFA1 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 That's fine. FormID: 000CDFA2 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Where do you want to go? FormID: 000CDFA7 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Did you need something? FormID: 000CDFA9 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Ready to go? FormID: 000CDFAC DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Woah! FormID: 00017EF8 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I don't do charity. No gold, no ride. FormID: 000D7677 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 You'd best hurry it up. FormID: 000D7678 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I can't wait here forever. FormID: 000DE4D8 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 What do you suppose this is all about? FormID: 000D7679 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 You ready to go yet? FormID: 000DA249 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Here we are. Solitude. Safe and sound, as always. FormID: 000DA2C3 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 End of the road. Markarth, right on schedule. FormID: 000DA339 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Here we are. Whiterun. Everybody out. FormID: 000DA590 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 This is it. Riften, jewel of Skyrim. End of the road. FormID: 000DA5D9 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 We made it. Windhelm. Hope you enjoyed the ride. FormID: 000DD621 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 No problem. FormID: 000DE4D9 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Hold on. This can get a bit tricky. FormID: 000DE4DA DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 We're almost there. Windhelm's just ahead. FormID: 000DE4DB DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 That's Solitude just ahead. Only a few more minutes now. FormID: 000DE4DC DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Ah, good. Markarth is just ahead. I'm glad to make it through the Reach one more time. FormID: 000DE4DD DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 That's Whiterun up on the hill there. We'll be at the main gate before you know it. FormID: 000DE4DE DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Just a few more minutes and we'll be in Riften. FormID: 000DD751 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Now, I don't want to alarm you, but there are bandits in these parts. We're safe up here, of course. Just be careful if you're ever here on foot. Fatherly concern FormID: 000DD752 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Lots of lawless folk around here. Foreigners, mostly. No offense. You aren't embarrassed of being racist, but matter-of-fact polite in your apology. FormID: 000DD753 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Old Embershard Mine's up there. Used to produce a lot of iron, but collapsed and taken over by criminals, I hear. FormID: 000DD754 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Ever taken a swim in the Illinalta? Take care you don't get nipped if you do. Folk say it's teeming with slaughterfish. Who knows what else. Good-natured. Maybe laughing. FormID: 000DD755 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 See those stones peeking through the surface? Used to be an old Imperial fort on the lake. Really! Stories say it up and sunk one day, but who knows? FormID: 000DD756 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Thieves used to hole up in Fort Snowhawk there, but they were run out. Wizards, they say. Suits me fine, so long as they mind their own by. You nod in approval a bit. Those thieves were a pain in your ass. FormID: 000DD757 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Hold your breath if you're superstitious. We're passing Shroud Hearth Barrow. Everyone knows spirits guard the old treasure there. You only half-believe this, but want to scare the person you're talking to. FormID: 000DD758 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Got keen eyes? Might see nasty old Hajvarr up on White River Watch. Piece of work. Jarl should just run him out and have done with it. You tsk in disapproval. Politicians. FormID: 000DD759 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Orc town nearby. Between you and me, we should have had them out years ago. Matter-of-fact racism. You are unashamed of it. FormID: 000DD75A DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 You ever hear the one about the Breton and the bear-tamer? FormID: 000DD75C DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I used to play in the Yorgrim River when I was just a boy. It's true! I was never afraid of the stories about Forsaken Cave, of course. nostalgic FormID: 000DD75D DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I wouldn't wander here alone at night. Folk go missing around Chillwind Depths, the cave just over those falls. FormID: 000DE14A DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 There's Treva's Watch. I hear bandits moved in while the steward was off fighting the war. I wonder if he ever got that sorted out? FormID: 000DE14B DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Between the cliff and Snapleg Cave there, I hate this stretch of road. There's an evil air up here. Getalong, horse. This place gives you the willies FormID: 000DE14C DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 What's your sign? I was born under the Steed, as luck would have it. Really ought to visit my doomstone somtime. It's fairly near here. Read [QUOTE]what's your sign[QUOTE] straight. It's not a joke, and not a pickup line. Just asking a question. FormID: 000DE14D DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 You can see Azura's Shrine for miles on a clear day. You people did a good job with that, I'll say it to anybody. [QUOTE]You People[QUOTE] Said with ignorant - but not hateful - racism FormID: 000DE14E DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Say what you will about the dark elves, but they did a proper job with Azura's Shrine. Can see it for miles on a clear day. Said with ignorant - but not hateful - racism. He assumes you would say bad things about Dark Elves. FormID: 000DE14F DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Thalmor got their embassy up that way. If I had my way, the lot of those yellowback elves would wake up in a box back to Summerset tomorrow. You're pretty outright hateful of these elves. FormID: 000DE150 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I'm not asking, but if you happen to be the type, I hear that Kilkreath Ruin is a shrine to Merdia. You know. Daedra worship. You consider this a touchy - but interesting - subject. FormID: 000DE151 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Did you spot the Dwarven ruins up there? Mzinfazzle, Finchafft, Mzinchaleft? Good thing the Dwarves disappeared and stopped naming things. Pause between sentences - the last thing occurs to you and you find it hilarious. FormID: 000DE152 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 We're passing Fort Sungard. Unbelievable view from up there. No wonder the Empire built a fort on that hill way back when. You're admiring the architecture FormID: 000D2A46 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Look out, I think we have company. FormID: 000D2A48 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I don't know if we can outrun 'em. FormID: 00017EAA DialogueRiften MUNC 0 Did you see that? FormID: 00017EAB DialogueRiften MUNC 0 Oh my goodness! FormID: 00017EAC DialogueRiften MUNC 0 Whoa! They killed Grelod! Ha ha ha ha ha! FormID: 00017EAE DialogueRiften MUNC 0 Yeah! Get her! Kill her! FormID: 00017E03 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene01 SCEN 0 Imedhnain, I was just comparing the ledgers from last season. opening up the topic of business FormID: 00017DFD DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene01 SCEN 0 Not too bad, I hope? bracing for bad news FormID: 00017DFA DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene01 SCEN 0 Worse. The loss of shipments from Forsworn attacks are really hitting us hard. depressed over her misfortune FormID: 00017DF8 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene02 SCEN 0 Where's Cosnach, is that lazy idiot out drinking at the Silver-Blood Inn again? On my coin? angry at her employee not pulling his weight FormID: 00017DFE DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene02 SCEN 0 He's just waiting for the shipments, Lisbet. He'll be back as soon as they come in. covering for his fellow employee and cousin FormID: 00017DF9 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene02 SCEN 0 There are no shipments scheduled today. Stop covering for him! tired of having a lazy employee being protected FormID: 00017E02 DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene02 SCEN 0 He's my cousin. Just give him another chance. Please. pleading for his cousin's job FormID: 00017DFB DialogueMarkarthArnleifLisbetImedhnainScene02 SCEN 0 Fine, I won't fire him, but I'm doing this for your sake. Not his. tired of arguing FormID: 00017D17 CreatureDialogueTroll DETH 0 FormID: 00017C7C DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene02 SCEN 0 Where were you last night, Thonar? Busy with work or have you found some other woman who's willing to tolerate your lack of ambition? Like Lady Macbeth pushing her husband towards greatness FormID: 00017C2A DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene02 SCEN 0 I am busy keeping this family in coin and your pretty little head adorned with jewels, so I'll thank you not to question where I go at night, wife. defensive. hiding his secret love affair with anger FormID: 00017C30 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene02 SCEN 0 Well maybe if you would finally convince Thongvor to put you in charge of the family, I wouldn't need to question you anymore. manipulating her husband to seize power FormID: 00017C86 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene02 SCEN 0 I'll take control of the family on my own time, Betrid. Until then, my brother remains in charge and you'll keep your mouth shut. tried of being nagged FormID: 00017C7B DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene02 SCEN 0 Oh dear, whatever is a girl to do with such fearful brutes about her? sarcastic FormID: 00017C69 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaIldeneScene01 SCEN 0 You have worked here in the Treasury House for a long time, haven't you Ildene? prodding question to talk about something else FormID: 00017C91 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaIldeneScene01 SCEN 0 Yes, child. Nana Ildene has taken care of the Silver-Bloods for many years.... slightly creepy, like an old witch holding a poison apple FormID: 00017C72 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaIldeneScene01 SCEN 0 It's just... aren't you worried about the Forsworn? Maybe it's not safe here. afraid of being attacked, killed by criminals FormID: 00017C8C DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaIldeneScene01 SCEN 0 Don't you worry Rhiada. If any Forsworn coming knocking on our door, Nana will let you know.... cruel joke at Rhiada's expense FormID: 00017C76 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaIldeneScene01 SCEN 0 Thanks Nana. I feel better now. stuttering, actually quite afraid FormID: 00017C2C DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaThonarScene01 SCEN 0 You're a very pretty young woman, Rhiada. flirting FormID: 00017C7F DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Why, thank you Thonar. I'm flattered. embarrassed but afraid of disappointing her employer FormID: 00017C4F DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaThonarScene01 SCEN 0 You're married, yes? To that young metal worker? flirting FormID: 00017C88 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Eltrys, yes, just last season we were wed. embarrassed but afraid of disappointing her employer FormID: 00017C73 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaThonarScene01 SCEN 0 He's a lucky man to have such a beautiful young wife. flirting FormID: 00017C8D DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Thank you, Thonar. That's generous of you to say. embarrassed but afraid of disappointing her employer FormID: 00017C78 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseIldeneThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, Nana Ildene, whatever would my family do without you? happy to see his old servant FormID: 00017C2D DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseIldeneThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Ah, Thonar, don't you worry. Nana Ildene isn't going anywhere. like an evil witch holding a poison apple FormID: 00017C82 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseIldeneThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Um, good. We reward loyalty, you know. trying to maintain composure FormID: 00017C50 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseIldeneThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, I know, Thonar. Only a mad woman would ever betray the Silver-Blood family. like an evil witch holding a poison apple FormID: 00017C89 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseIldeneThonarScene01 SCEN 0 Uh, yes. Quite. trying to maintain his composure FormID: 00017C2E DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 Rhiada, did you clean the tables today? They're filthy! scolding her servant FormID: 00017C83 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, Betrid. I'll clean them right away. apologizing for her poor work FormID: 00017C51 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 No, don't bother. You're useless, as always. I'll get Ildene to do it. scolding her servant FormID: 00017C8A DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, Betrid. I thought I had cleaned the tables properly. apologizing for her poor work FormID: 00017C74 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, stop apologizing. It makes you look like an idiot. Learn to talk back a bit, girl! Why, when I was in the temple.... remembering her early days in the Temple of Dibella FormID: 00017C8E DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 The temple, Betrid? You were one of Dibella's faithful? curious about what Betrid last said FormID: 00017C77 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseRhiadaBetridScene01 SCEN 0 I misspoke. Never mind what I said. Now get back to work. catching herself from telling a secret FormID: 00017809 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerSpillTheBeans CUST 0 Your hearts are full of grief, and my own weeps at the loss of Skjor. a deep sigh of resignation before delivering the line FormID: 00017809 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerSpillTheBeans CUST 1 But his death was avenged long ago. You have taken more lives than honor demanded. FormID: 00017809 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerSpillTheBeans CUST 2 The cycle of retaliation may continue for some time. FormID: 00017805 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerTriesToHideIt CUST 0 Lad, I know what you've been up to. FormID: 000582F0 C04 C04KodlakIntroBranch C04KodlakPlayerTriesToHideIt CUST 0 Lass, I know what you've been up to. FormID: 000177FF C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakSeeYa CUST 0 Talos guide you, lad. FormID: 00017800 C04 C04KodlakReallyGiveTask C04KodlakSeeYa CUST 0 Talos guide you, lass. FormID: 00017277 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon1 SCEN 0 Hello, dear husband. Have you brought more silver jewelry for me to sell? gentle, loving FormID: 00017265 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon1 SCEN 0 Yes, I have. Adara made the rings herself. She is learning to bend the metal well. gentle, loving FormID: 0001727A DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon1 SCEN 0 They are perfect. Thank you both. gently, loving FormID: 00017273 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon2 SCEN 0 How are the necklaces selling, my wife? We could make more. soft-spoken FormID: 0001725F DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon2 SCEN 0 I'm afraid the necklaces aren't selling well. Customers are not interested in medallions engraved with the symbols of other provinces. worried about sales FormID: 00017275 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon2 SCEN 0 Humph. Used to be everyone in Markarth wore a necklace showing his home province, from Elsweyr to High Rock to Hammerfell and Cyrodiil... upset how his city has changed FormID: 00017261 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon2 SCEN 0 We don't have travelers from Elsweyr or Hammerfell anymore, Endon. Only the natives and the Nords stay in Markarth now. trying to keep her husband's mind on the present FormID: 0001727B DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon2 SCEN 0 As they always have, along with those crazed Forsworn. They've driven off the color that used to make this city great. upset over the changing times FormID: 00017266 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahEndon2 SCEN 0 I need to get back to the customers. We'll talk more of this when I come home tonight. reassuring, gentle FormID: 00017281 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki1 SCEN 0 Care to try out a new ring, or perhaps my daughter could make you a necklace... greeting a long-standing customer FormID: 00017260 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki1 SCEN 0 Oh, that sounds lovely. FormID: 0001725B DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki2 SCEN 0 Kerah, do you have anything... exotic? Something no other woman in Markarth would be wearing. FormID: 00017262 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki2 SCEN 0 I do have one set of bracelets in a style that is popular with the nobility in Sentinel. selling FormID: 0001726D DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki2 SCEN 0 Sentinel? That's in Hammerfell, correct? And you say these bracelets are only worn by the nobility? shopping, wondering if the bracelets are in fact special FormID: 00017279 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki2 SCEN 0 They are popular with the nobility there, yes. This particular bracelet is a copy of one worn by a Crown Princess. selling FormID: 00017283 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneKerahHroki2 SCEN 0 Hmm. Maybe in a few seasons I could afford such a treasure. FormID: 0001725C DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki1 SCEN 0 You there, pretty lady. You need some fresh meat for your family? Just look at the blood coming from this cut.... aggressively selling his wares FormID: 00017267 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki1 SCEN 0 That's disgusting, get that rotting carcass away from me! hating the sight of blood and raw meat FormID: 00017276 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki1 SCEN 0 What's wrong? You have to look at the blood closely to see the quality of the meat. How else will you know it's fresh? offended, confused that someone would not like to look at good, fresh meat FormID: 00017280 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki1 SCEN 0 I don't need to know if it's fresh from this distance. FormID: 0001726C DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki2 SCEN 0 Ugh. You're the most disgusting merchant I have ever seen. The guards should take you away. offending by the disgusting meat merchant FormID: 00017274 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki2 SCEN 0 The only people I offend are cheats who don't pay me enough gold coin, or idiots who don't know good meat when I throw it at their faces. defending himself and his habits FormID: 0001727F DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki2 SCEN 0 If you ever think of throwing meat at me, I will have you dragged off to Cidhna Mine so fast the guards will yank those filthy arms of yours off. angry at being indirectly threatened FormID: 00017286 DialogueMarkarthMarketSceneHogniHroki2 SCEN 0 What do I do to deserve such hatred? You give people good food and good prices, and all they do is insult you. exasperated at how little respect he gets FormID: 0001725D DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene04 SCEN 0 Thongvor, I have the latest reports from Cidhna Mine and the smelter. We should go over them immediately. overly worried about business affairs FormID: 00017268 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene04 SCEN 0 Reburrus, there is a war being fought across all of Skyrim, and you bother me with the usual mundane reports about silver? bored of hearing about business FormID: 00017270 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene04 SCEN 0 Look at these figures, Thongvor! Ore yield is down by half, and the amount of silver bars being smelted is slipping even more than that. overly worried about business affairs FormID: 0001727C DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene04 SCEN 0 Oh, very well. I'll send my brother. He'll straighten this out. delegating the task down to someone else FormID: 00017287 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene04 SCEN 0 Very good, Thongvor. It relieves me to hear you say that. happy that something will be done to solve the problem FormID: 00017264 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene01 SCEN 0 Did I hear correctly, Thonar? Is your brother really asking you to settle another dispute between Mulush and Nepos? tired of her husband doing someone else's work FormID: 0001726A DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene01 SCEN 0 Someone has to keep the silver production running, Betrid, and that means keeping Mulush and Nepos in line once in a while. tired of having to explain himself to his wife FormID: 00017272 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene01 SCEN 0 Humph. Who's running the Silver-Bloods? You or your brother? You need to tell Thongvor that he should settle this himself or step down. tired of her husband not being in charge FormID: 0001727D DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene01 SCEN 0 The only thing I need to do, dear wife, is make sure profits are up, no matter what. If Thongvor won't do the dirty work, I will. tired of explaining himself; [QUOTE]dear wife[QUOTE] is said ironically FormID: 00017284 DialogueMarkarthTreasuryHouseThonarBetridScene01 SCEN 0 You'll never be in charge of this family with that attitude, loving husband. [QUOTE]loving husband[QUOTE] is said ironically FormID: 0001725E MS13LucanCamillaScene SCEN 0 I said no! No adventures, no theatrics, no thief-chasing! overly protective brother forbidding his sister to do something dangerous FormID: 0002C2FB MQ102A MQ102AHadvarIntroNew MQ102AHadvarIntroNewTopic CUST 0 Changed your mind? Come with me. I'm heading to Riverwood. It's just up the road and my uncle Alvor is the blacksmith there. Walk Away FormID: 00017228 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarIntroA1 CUST 0 I don't blame you for being angry about it. I would be, too, in your shoes. FormID: 00017228 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarIntroA1 CUST 1 But it was all a mistake. You weren't supposed to be on that cart with those Stormcloak traitors. FormID: 00017228 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarIntroA1 CUST 2 And the Imperial Legion needs your help, especially now, with that dragon out there somewhere, and Ulfric back on the loose. FormID: 00017227 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarIntroA2 CUST 0 No. Not yet. After all, a dragon... something out of old tales and legends... no one could have expected that. with fear and wonder FormID: 00017227 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarIntroA2 CUST 1 But you can bet he'll be trying to figure it out. This could shift the whole balance of the war. FormID: 00017227 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarIntroA2 CUST 2 If you want to help stop that dragon, your best bet is to go to Solitude and join up with the Legion. FormID: 0002BF95 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarIntroNew MQ102AHadvarIntroA3 CUST 0 Stick close. Damn rebels could be anywhere. Don't worry, though. General Tullius will have them on the run soon enough. FormID: 00017224 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksA1 CUST 0 Well... maybe not. Dragons haven't been seen in Skyrim for an age or more. FormID: 00017224 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksA1 CUST 1 But wherever that dragon came from, and whatever it wants, Ulfric will get to the bottom of it. You can count on that. confidently FormID: 00017224 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksA1 CUST 2 Besides, you have your own score to settle with the Empire now. And with that dragon. FormID: 000171EB C04 C04KodlakShutTheDoorBranch C04KodlakIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, youngling. Have a seat. FormID: 00017021 DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) Heavy breathing while sprinting FormID: 00017022 DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) Heavy breathing while sprinting FormID: 00017023 DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) Heavy breathing while sprinting FormID: 000E320A DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) FormID: 000E320D DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) FormID: 000E3214 DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) FormID: 000E3216 DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) FormID: 000E3229 DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) FormID: 000E322B DialogueGeneric BREA 0 (Heavy breathing - sprinting) FormID: 00017013 CreatureDialogueFrostbiteSpider DETH 0 FormID: 00016F9F DialogueGenericSceneSpecial01 SCEN 0 Oh. Well. Good day. surprised and annoyed FormID: 00016FA0 DialogueGenericSceneSpecial01 SCEN 0 Bah. What's so good about it, hmm? FormID: 00016F98 DialogueGenericSceneSpecial01 SCEN 0 Good morning. FormID: 00016F8A MQ203 SCEN 0 Shor's bones! Here it is! Alduin's Wall... so well preserved... I've never seen a finer example of early second era Akaviri sculptural relief... FormID: 00016F9A MQ203 SCEN 0 Esbern. We need information, not a lecture on art history. impatiently FormID: 00016F8E MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. Let's see what we have... studying the huge carving intently FormID: 00016F9D MQ203 SCEN 0 Look, here is Alduin! This panel goes back to the beginning of time, when Alduin and the Dragon Cult ruled over Skyrim. FormID: 00016F8F MQ203 SCEN 0 Here, the humans rebel against their dragon overlords -- the legendary Dragon War. FormID: 00016F9B MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernCutToTheChase CUST 0 Ah. Of course. Not everyone has an appreciation for the artistic wonders of the world. abashed FormID: 00016F9B MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernCutToTheChase CUST 1 Let me see if I can find the right panel... FormID: 000E4EBB MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernCutToTheChase CUST 0 Ah. Of course. Not everyone has an appreciation for the artistic wonders of the world. abashed FormID: 00016F97 MQ203 MQ203EsbernBlocking MQ203EsbernContinue CUST 0 Ah. Thank you! Excellent. Now... where were we? surprised and pleased at your interest FormID: 00016F8B MQ203 SCEN 0 Alduin's defeat is the centerpiece of the Wall. FormID: 00016F8B MQ203 SCEN 1 You see, here he is falling from the sky. The Nord Tongues -- masters of the Voice -- are arrayed against him. FormID: 00016F91 MQ203 SCEN 0 Are you paying attention, Delphine? You might learn something of our own history. FormID: 00016F89 MQ203 SCEN 0 snort of derision. Wordless [QUOTE]bah![QUOTE] or [QUOTE]harrumph![QUOTE], basically. FormID: 00016F96 MQ203 SCEN 0 Look, here. In the third panel. reverently FormID: 00016F96 MQ203 SCEN 1 The prophecy which brought the Akaviri to Tamriel in the first place, in search of the Dragonborn. reverently FormID: 00016F9C MQ203 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world[QUOTE] reciting, reading from the wall before him FormID: 00016F9C MQ203 SCEN 1 [QUOTE]When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped[QUOTE] FormID: 00016F9C MQ203 SCEN 2 [QUOTE]When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles[QUOTE] FormID: 00016F9C MQ203 SCEN 3 [QUOTE]When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls[QUOTE] FormID: 00016F9C MQ203 SCEN 4 [QUOTE]When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding[QUOTE] FormID: 00016F9C MQ203 SCEN 5 [QUOTE]The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.[QUOTE] FormID: 00016FA3 MQ203 SCEN 0 So, does it show how they defeated him? Isn't that why we're here? impatiently FormID: 00016F92 MQ203 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. This here, coming from the mouths of the Nord heroes -- this is the Akaviri symbol for [QUOTE]Shout.[QUOTE] FormID: 00016F92 MQ203 SCEN 1 But... there's no way to know what Shout is meant. FormID: 00016FA2 MQ203 SCEN 0 Patience, my dear. The Akaviri were not a straightforward people. Everything is couched in allegory and mythic symbolism. FormID: 00016F90 MQ203 SCEN 0 So we're looking for a Shout, then. Damn it. she's surprised and angered to learn this FormID: 00016F9E MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Have you ever heard of such a thing? A Shout that can knock a dragon out of the sky? hopeful but not really FormID: 00075090 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Have you ever heard of a Shout that can knock a dragon out of the sky? hopeful but not really FormID: 00075091 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 Let's go see if Esbern's right about Alduin's Wall. FormID: 00075092 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 After you, Dragonborn. FormID: 000ADD8E MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineBlockingTopic CUST 0 I know the area of the Reach that Esbern's talking about. Near what's now known as Karthspire, in the Karth River canyon. Walk Away FormID: 000ADD8E MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineBlockingTopic CUST 1 We can meet you there, or all travel together, your call. Walk Away FormID: 00016F8D MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallA1 CUST 0 I was afraid you were going to say that. FormID: 00016F8D MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallA1 CUST 1 I guess there's nothing for it. We'll have to ask the Greybeards for help. FormID: 00016F8D MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallA1 CUST 2 I hoped to avoid involving them in this, but we have no other choice. FormID: 00016F88 MQ203 MQ203DelphineBlocking MQ203DelphineRemansWallA2 CUST 0 You're probably right. I was hoping to avoid having to involve them in this, but it seems we have no choice. FormID: 00016AD2 MS14 MS14HelgiLaidToRest MS14HelgiFinalTopic CUST 0 You did? Maybe that's why I'm so sleepy now. FormID: 00016958 CW02A SCEN 0 I don't like the look of this. Perfect spot for an ambush. Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side. FormID: 00016952 CW02A SCEN 0 I'd rather take a moment and look around than walk blindly into an ambush. FormID: 00016956 CW02A SCEN 0 There may be some way to get through on the level above. Hurry! FormID: 00016957 CW02A SCEN 0 Maybe you can find a way through somewhere above us. FormID: 0005CCB7 CW02A SCEN 0 You have your orders. Get moving. FormID: 00016954 CW02A SCEN 0 But there isn't any other way through, Legate. FormID: 00016955 CW02A SCEN 0 Let's not jump to conclusions, soldier. The Legion always finds a way. FormID: 00016953 CW02A SCEN 0 Auxiliary, see if you can find another way through. We'll charge in to help as soon as we hear fighting. FormID: 000167BC WICastMagic03 WICastMagic03Branch WICastMagic03BranchTopic CUST 0 I need to ask you to stop. That... shouting... is making people nervous. authoritatively, but also a little leery to have to tell this powerful person to knock it off Walk Away FormID: 000167BB WICastMagic03 WICastMagic03Branch WICastMagic03Sorry CUST 0 Good. Glad we straightened that out. regaining authoritative posture FormID: 000167CA WICastMagic03 WICastMagic03Branch WICastMagic03NotSorry CUST 0 Can't say I've heard of any laws against... whatever that is you're doing. But I'll lock you up if I have to. toughening up his stance Walk Away FormID: 000167C9 WICastMagic03 WICastMagic03Branch WICastMagic03Whatever CUST 0 I've got my eye on you. annoyed, suspicious FormID: 00015C8C dunEldergleamT03 SCEN 0 Hello there, friend. Have you come to enjoy the sights and sounds of this beautiful sanctuary, as I have? Truly remarkable, isn't it? FormID: 00015C89 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Hellos HELO 0 Amazing that such beauty could exist in a place as desolate as the volcanic tundra. FormID: 00015C8A dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Hellos HELO 0 Praise Kynareth for allowing such beauty in the world. FormID: 00015C8B dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Hellos HELO 0 A truly remarkable place, isn't it? FormID: 0001FB28 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Hellos HELO 0 Kynareth humbles us with her beauty. FormID: 0001FB29 dunEldergleamT03 dunEldergleamT03Hellos HELO 0 Don't come any closer. I don't want Kynareth to think I'm on your side. FormID: 00016758 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWMission04PrisonerTopic CUST 0 You're gonna get me out of here? hopeful FormID: 00015C74 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWMission04PrisonerTopic CUST 0 Thanks! I thought I was going to rot in here. So what's the plan? glad to be rescued, ready to go Walk Away FormID: 00015C75 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWMission04PrisonerTopic CUST 0 What's the plan? asking for orders Walk Away FormID: 000E173E CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWMission04PrisonerTopic CUST 0 There's more of them somewhere around here. asking for orders Walk Away FormID: 00015C73 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWMission04PrisonerTopic CUST 0 Thanks again. grateful but duty calls FormID: 00015C72 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWPrisonerWait CUST 0 All right. taking orders from squad leader FormID: 000E1742 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWPrisonerWait CUST 0 Will do. taking orders from friend FormID: 00015C76 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWPrisonerFollower CUST 0 Good! I've got a few scores to settle. ready for action FormID: 000D76F3 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWPrisonerFollower CUST 0 Great, let's go! ready for action FormID: 000E1747 CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerBranch CWPrisonerFollower CUST 0 Lead the way. joining battle with a friend at your side FormID: 00015C60 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastAreYouIt CUST 0 I am the spirit of the hunt, just one glimpse of the glorious stalker that your kind calls Hircine. FormID: 00015C5F DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastAgain CUST 0 And skillfully, too. I've been watching you for ages, it seems. You have the makings of a fine hunter. FormID: 00015C5F DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastAgain CUST 1 You may even be my champion. Perhaps. FormID: 00015C5E DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastWhatNow CUST 0 Your fealty is precious to me. I will make good use of it. FormID: 00015C5E DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastWhatNow CUST 1 You bear my ring. FormID: 00015C66 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastRing CUST 0 I may consider it. But you must first do a service for my glory. FormID: 00015C65 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastDoIt CUST 0 The one who stole it has fled to what he thinks is his sanctuary. FormID: 00015C65 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastDoIt CUST 1 Just as a bear climbs a tree to escape the hunt, but only ends up trapping himself. FormID: 00015C65 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastDoIt CUST 2 Seek out this rogue shifter. Tear the skin from his body, and make it an offering to me. FormID: 00015C64 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastImOnIt CUST 0 Fly, my hunter. There are others who vie for my favor. A bit of competition. Don't dally while the prey flees. FormID: 00015C63 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastNuhUh CUST 0 There is no retribution in the hunt. It is not vengeance I seek, but the blood course of a living hunt. FormID: 00015C63 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastNuhUh CUST 1 There are others who would gladly accept my favor. FormID: 00015C63 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastYakBranch DA05QuestingBeastNuhUh CUST 2 They will hunt him while you delay. Your choice. FormID: 00015C62 DA05 DA05SindingGhostFinal DA05SindingGhostFinalTopic CUST 0 You've done well, hunter. FormID: 00015C61 DA05 DA05SindingGhostFinal DA05SindingGhostIDidIt CUST 0 And found my favor. That skin will serve you well, child. FormID: 00015C61 DA05 DA05SindingGhostFinal DA05SindingGhostIDidIt CUST 1 Look more closely at it. My glories shall protect you from all this world's grievances. FormID: 00015C61 DA05 DA05SindingGhostFinal DA05SindingGhostIDidIt CUST 2 Good hunting. FormID: 00015B47 MQ101 SCEN 0 Why? I want to watch the soldiers. puzzled, a little whiny FormID: 00015B46 MQ101 SCEN 0 Inside the house. Now. sharply, protective father, you don't want your son to see what happens next FormID: 00015B45 MQ101 SCEN 0 Yes, papa. abashed FormID: 00015465 DB04 SCEN 0 Oh, but I will speak. I will speak to you. For you are the one. FormID: 0001546C DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB05_06AstridTransitionTopic CUST 0 With the Emperor's arrival in Skyrim now a certainty, the Imperial Legion will need to begin its preparations immediately. FormID: 0001546C DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB05_06AstridTransitionTopic CUST 1 Security is being handled by a man named Voltus Agallon. His job is to travel throughout Skyrim, and ensure each city is prepared for Mede's visit. FormID: 0001546C DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB05_06AstridTransitionTopic CUST 2 You must find and kill Voltus Agallon. Doing so will disrupt security sufficiently that we will be able to, eventually, get to to the Emperor. FormID: 0001546B DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB06PlayerWhatElseTopic CUST 0 Agallon is an efficient man, and will certainly already have begun his tour of Skyrim. Unfortunately, we don't have his schedule. FormID: 0001546B DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB06PlayerWhatElseTopic CUST 1 So, you've got two options. Try to find Agallon yourself, somewhere on his route between the major cities. Or... find and steal his schedule. FormID: 0001546B DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB06PlayerWhatElseTopic CUST 2 You'll find that in his office, in the Legion stronghold of Dragon Bridge. It's your choice. Now go, and may Sithis speed you. FormID: 00015469 DB06 DB06VoltusThreatenBranch DB06VoltusThreatenBranchTopic CUST 0 Keep back, citizen. I have important business I must attend to. FormID: 000AA0A6 DB06 DB06VoltusThreatenBranch DB06VoltusThreatenBranchTopic CUST 0 You are trying my patience, citizen. Back away. Now. FormID: 0001546D DB06 DB06VoltusThreatenBranch DB06VoltusThreatenResponse1 CUST 0 What? Filthy assassin! We'll see who lies dead! shocked/surprised/angry FormID: 00015466 DB06 DB06VoltusThreatenBranch DB06VoltusThreatenResponse2 CUST 0 Is that a threat? Back off, or by the Eight I'll cleave that arrogant head from its shoulders. FormID: 00015468 DB06 DB06VoltusThreatenBranch DB06VoltusThreatenResponse3 CUST 0 I'm sorry, but I really don't have time for this. Move along. FormID: 0001544A DarkBrotherhood DB06_07AstridTransitionBranch DB06_07AstridTransitionBranchTopic CUST 0 Maro is dead, I know. But we've got bigger problems right now! Walk Away FormID: 00064E72 DarkBrotherhood DB06_07AstridTransitionBranch DB06_07AstridTransitionBranchTopic CUST 0 You're back. Good. You'll want to hear this. FormID: 00015464 DarkBrotherhood DB06_07AstridTransitionBranch DB07PlayerWhatHappenedTopic CUST 0 The fool went absolutely berserk! He wounded Veezara, tried to kill me, and then he fled. I knew that lunatic couldn't be trusted. Walk Away FormID: 000153B9 MS13 MS13Rumors MS13RumorsTopic RUMO 0 Lucan at the Riverwood Trader had his store broken into the other night. Oddly enough, barely anything's been stolen. FormID: 000153BA DialogueWinterholdCollege MGRumors MGRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Nobody trusts those mages, way up north in their college. Gods only know what they do up there. FormID: 000153B8 DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 There have been whispers. A boy, up in Windhelm, name of Aventus Aretino. Been trying to contact... the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 00050C9B DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Folk been hearing some strange stuff coming from the Aretino place. Chanting. Talk is, little Aventus is trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood... FormID: 00050C9C DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 A little boy, Aventus Aretino, got sent to the orphanage. Now there's talk he's trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. No good can come of that... FormID: 00050C9D DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 I was walking by the old Aretino Residence, heard the little boy, Aventus? He was chanting. It was the Black Sacrament, I tell ya. FormID: 00050C9E DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Hear about the little Imperial boy, Aventus Aretino? The stupid whelp is trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood... FormID: 00050DAA DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Have you heard about Aventus Aretino? He's a little boy, lives in Windhelm. They say he's been trying to get in touch with the Dark Brotherhood... FormID: 00050DAB DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 Been talk of a little boy in Windhelm, name of Aventus Aretino. Get this - he's been trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. Foolish lad... FormID: 00050DAC DarkBrotherhood DBRumors DBRumorsTopic RUMO 0 I heard tell of a lad in Windhelm. Aventus Aretino. They say he's been doing the Black Sacrament, trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. Damn fool. FormID: 000D2C26 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Hmph. FormID: 000A9B29 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Aye. FormID: 000A9B2A DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yeah? FormID: 00087936 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you want, little elf? FormID: 00087937 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Speak, elf. FormID: 00087938 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you want, cat? FormID: 00087939 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you want, lizard? FormID: 0008793A DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you want, Imperial? FormID: 000A9B2B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you need? FormID: 0002846C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Need something? FormID: 000A9B2C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yeah? FormID: 000A9B2D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you want? FormID: 0008793B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What're you lookin' at? FormID: 000A957A DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Speak. annoyed FormID: 000A957B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yes, yes. I haven't got all day... FormID: 000A9B2E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Got somethin' to say? FormID: 000A9B2F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 I'm all ears. FormID: 000A9B30 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What now... FormID: 000A9B31 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 This better be good... FormID: 000142BF DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What can I do for you? FormID: 000A9574 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Oh, did you need something? FormID: 0002846E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yeah? FormID: 000A9579 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Huh? FormID: 000A9B32 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 I'm waiting. FormID: 000A9B33 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Out with it. FormID: 000A9B34 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you need, handsome? suggestive FormID: 000A9B35 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Is there... something I can do for you? suggestive FormID: 0008793C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Hi there. suggestive FormID: 000A9B36 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What can I do for you? FormID: 000A9B37 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What do you want? FormID: 000A9B38 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 I don't owe you money, do I? FormID: 0008793F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 What are you starin' at? FormID: 000A9B39 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yes, sera? FormID: 000A9B3A DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 And what might you need? Hmm? FormID: 000A9B3B DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 You want something from me? annoyed FormID: 000A9B3C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Speak quickly. annoyed FormID: 000A957D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 How can I assist, hmm? FormID: 000A9B3D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 This one needs something? FormID: 000A9B3E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Tidings. FormID: 000A9B3F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 You have questions? FormID: 000A9578 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Well hello. FormID: 000A9577 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Y...Yes? FormID: 000A9B40 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 You want something from me? FormID: 000A957C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Make it quick. FormID: 000A9B41 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Let's hear it. FormID: 000A9B42 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Come, come. I haven't got all day. FormID: 0002846D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yeah? What? FormID: 000A9B43 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Hi there. FormID: 000142C2 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Good morning. FormID: 0002846F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Good afternoon. FormID: 00028470 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Good evening. FormID: 00043AD9 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Khajiit. Says the word as a greeting, while he's walking. FormID: 00043ADA DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Breton. Says the word as a greeting, while he's walking. FormID: 00043ADB DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Imperial. Says the word as a greeting, while he's walking. FormID: 00043ADC DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Redguard. Says the word as a greeting, while he's walking. FormID: 00043ADD DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Nord. Says the word as a greeting, while he's walking. FormID: 00043ADE DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Argonian. Says the word as a greeting, while he's walking. FormID: 00087940 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Yes? FormID: 000142C0 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Hmm? FormID: 00087947 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericHello HELO 0 Need something? FormID: 000142B7 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericLockedObject LOOB 0 Hands off. FormID: 000D3610 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericLockedObject LOOB 0 Stay away from that. FormID: 000D3611 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericLockedObject LOOB 0 It's locked for a reason. FormID: 000142BB DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericPickPocket PICT 0 Don't even think about it. FormID: 000D3E92 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericPickPocket PICT 0 Get away from me. annoyed FormID: 0006CB30 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericPickPocket PICT 0 Keep your hands to yourself. FormID: 000142B8 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericSwingMelee SWMW 0 You mind swinging that somewhere else? annoyed FormID: 000B823E DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericZKeyObject ZKEY 0 Put that down. FormID: 000B823F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericZKeyObject ZKEY 0 Careful with that. FormID: 000142BA DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericKnockOverObject KNOO 0 Watch what you're doing. FormID: 000142B6 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericStandOnFurniture STOF 0 I'm not allowed to stand on furniture. FormID: 00014105 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Good day. FormID: 000854CC DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Aye. FormID: 000AA10C DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Farewell. FormID: 00014106 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 See you. FormID: 00087931 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 I'll take my leave, then. FormID: 000AA10D DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Fight well. FormID: 00014104 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 I'd better get going. FormID: 000AA10F DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 It's been a pleasure. suggestive FormID: 000AA110 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 See you around. FormID: 00087932 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 May you walk on warm sands. FormID: 000AA111 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Yeah yeah... FormID: 000AA112 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Safe travels. FormID: 00087934 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Safe travels. FormID: 000AA113 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Take care, now. FormID: 000AA114 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Swift hunting. FormID: 00014103 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Now if you'll excuse me... FormID: 00014107 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Bye. FormID: 000854CD DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 All right, then. distractedly saying goodbye FormID: 000854CE DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Hmm hmm. distractedly saying goodbye FormID: 00087935 DialogueGeneric DialogueGenericGoodbye GBYE 0 Until next time. distractedly saying goodbye FormID: 000DBA38 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Ah! It burns! on fire FormID: 000DBA39 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 I'm on fire! on fire FormID: 000DBA3A DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Ahh! Screaming FormID: 00040B63 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Leave me alone! FormID: 00040B64 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Get away! FormID: 00017702 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Agghh! Shriek or scream as the NPC runs away. FormID: 00017703 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Aaaiiee! Shriek or scream as the NPC runs away. FormID: 00017708 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Mercy! FormID: 0001770B DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 No more! I yield! I yield! FormID: 0001770D DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Enough! FormID: 0004271E DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 I'll be back, and you'll be dead! FormID: 0004271F DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 You win! I submit! FormID: 00042720 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 You've bested me! FormID: 00042721 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 I'll live to drink another day! Cowardly FormID: 0009170C DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Death is highly overrated! Cowardly FormID: 0009170D DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Please, don't kill me! FormID: 00042722 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Spare me, please! Pleading, terrified FormID: 00017709 DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 We are routed! Fall back! FormID: 0001770A DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 I cannot best you! FormID: 0001770C DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 Victory is yours! I submit! FormID: 000C1E8A DialogueGeneric FLEE 0 I'm not sticking around to fight a dragon! FormID: 0002E357 DialogueGeneric DETH 0 Agh... quick death sound FormID: 0002E358 DialogueGeneric DETH 0 Ugh... quick death sound FormID: 0002E359 DialogueGeneric DETH 0 Hunh... REC - no subtitles displayed; death sound FormID: 00096501 DialogueGeneric DETH 0 Gah... REC - no subtitles displayed; death sound FormID: 00096502 DialogueGeneric DETH 0 Nuh... REC - no subtitles displayed; death sound FormID: 000176FC DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Fall to me, dragon! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000B8A05 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Yearrgh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000176FD DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Hyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00013EF4 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Rrarggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00013EEF DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Grrargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00013EF0 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Aggghh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00013EF1 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Nyyarrggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0004949B DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 For Skyrim! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000B8A06 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Ysmir... curse you! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000494A7 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Go down already, you bastard! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000854B2 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Aghh! Just... die already! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000B8A07 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Hsssss! Angry combat attack line - Cat like hiss FormID: 000B8A26 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Hsssss! Angry combat attack line - Snake-like hiss FormID: 000494BD DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 I'll shatter your bones like glass! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000B8A27 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, little elf! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00042717 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Ooh, now that one must have hurt! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000176FF DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Yield! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00049BAD DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Yield or suffer! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000494FA DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, you sonofa... Angry combat attack line FormID: 00013EEC DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Filthy fetcher! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000B8A28 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, N'wah! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000494AD DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 This what you want? Huh? Angry combat attack line FormID: 00049BA1 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Give up while you still can! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000C4DDC DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, vampire! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000D3DE7 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, beast! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000B8A29 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, dragon! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000854B3 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Time to... finish this! Angry combat attack line FormID: 000854B4 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 I'm going to... put you down! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096813 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Come on! Come on! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096814 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 I'll have your head! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096838 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Die, damn you! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096846 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 I'll... Kill you! Angry combat attack line - heavy breathing at the beginning FormID: 00096847 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Just... stand still! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096848 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Gods... damn you! Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096849 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Just... die! Angry combat attack line FormID: 0009687D DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Enough... of this! Angry combat attack line FormID: 0009687E DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 I've had enough of you! Angry combat attack line FormID: 0009687F DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 This what you want? Angry combat attack line FormID: 00096880 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Ha! I think you're bleeding! Angry combat attack line (but a bit happy/taunting) FormID: 000968AE DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Weren't expecting that, were you! Angry combat attack line (but a bit happy/taunting) FormID: 000968AF DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Not impressed! Angry combat attack line (but a bit happy/taunting) FormID: 000968B0 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 You're nothing! Angry combat attack line (but a bit happy/taunting) FormID: 000968B1 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 Going to cry now? Huh? Angry combat attack line (but a bit happy/taunting) FormID: 000968C4 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 I'll try and make this quick! Angry combat attack line (but a bit happy/taunting) FormID: 000B8A45 DialogueGeneric ATCK 0 You can't win this! FormID: 0006F41E DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Agh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00042ED2 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Oof! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00042ED3 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Nargh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00042ED4 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Argh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00042ED5 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Weergh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00013EF7 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Yeagh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0001770F DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Ha! Like the bite of a flea! Defiant, labored breathing FormID: 000854D5 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Ugh! That it? That your best? Defiant, labored breathing FormID: 000854D6 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 By Ysmir, you'll pay for that! Defiant, labored breathing FormID: 000854D7 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Agh! Flithy n'wah! shocked and angry at being wounded FormID: 00017710 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Just a... scratch! Defiant, labored breathing FormID: 00013EF5 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 That the best you can do? FormID: 0001770E DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Damn you! Defiant, labored breathing FormID: 00017711 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Gods, no! FormID: 00013EC1 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Do your worst! FormID: 00040B65 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Why! Why?! FormID: 00040B66 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 I'm prepared to negotiate my surrender! Cowardly FormID: 0009170A DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Was it something I said? FormID: 0009170B DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Help! FormID: 000854D8 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Agh! I been wounded worse by better! FormID: 000854D9 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Ha! I've suffered worse during training! FormID: 000854DA DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 That's it? That's all you've got? FormID: 000854DB DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Agh! Bastard! FormID: 000854DC DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Lucky... hit... FormID: 000854DD DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Son of a... FormID: 000854DE DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Agh! Enough! This ends now! FormID: 000964E0 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 No! FormID: 000964E1 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 That's... all you've got? FormID: 000964FF DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 That your best? Huh? FormID: 00096500 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 It's... nothing... FormID: 00013EBC DialogueGeneric POAT 0 Hhyyaarargghhhh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 00013EE5 DialogueGeneric POAT 0 Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 00013EE6 DialogueGeneric POAT 0 Yyyaaaarrgghh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 00013EE7 DialogueGeneric POAT 0 Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 00013EE8 DialogueGeneric POAT 0 Nnyyyaarrgghh! make noises like an attack with HUGE physical exertion; each line here is a one variation of ten FormID: 000E40BC VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Peace! Short, loud, command FormID: 000E40BD VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Aaah! Battle cry. A short scream of rage. FormID: 000E40BE VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Obey! Short, loud, command FormID: 00013E03 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fus! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4AE VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fus! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4AF VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fus! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B0 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fus! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B1 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fus! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0006873D VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Faas! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B2 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Faas! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B3 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Faas! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B4 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Faas! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B5 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Faas! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 000687A9 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Feim! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068813 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Su! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068814 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Lok! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068815 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Strun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068816 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Joor! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068834 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Hun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068845 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Od! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068846 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Raan! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0006884A VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Krii! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0006884E VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fiik! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0006889E VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Kaan! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0006892B VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Iiz! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B6 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Iiz! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B7 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Iiz! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B8 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Iiz! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4B9 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Iiz! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068A18 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Laas! Whispered. Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00068A45 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Vun! Whispered. Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00048AC6 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Tiid! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 000445EA VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Wuld! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0009CD3F VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Zun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4BA VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Zun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4BB VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Zun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4BC VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Zun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4BD VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Zun! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0005D168 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Yol! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4BE VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Yol! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4BF VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Yol! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4C0 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Yol! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4C1 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Yol! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 00050345 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fo! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4C2 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fo! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4C3 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fo! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4C4 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fo! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 0010F4C5 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Fo! Short, sharp exhale. FormID: 000A82B8 VoicePowers Shout01a VPSS 0 Hsss Steam hiss. FormID: 00013E04 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fus... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4C6 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fus... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4C7 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fus... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4C8 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fus... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4C9 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fus... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068385 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Faas... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4CA VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Faas... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4CB VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Faas... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4CC VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Faas... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4CD VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Faas... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068386 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Feim... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068387 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Su... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068388 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Lok... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068389 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Strun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0006838A VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Joor... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000683A1 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Hun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000683A2 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Od... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000683A3 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Raan... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000683B1 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Lun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068454 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fiik... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0006845B VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Kaan... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0006845D VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Iiz... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4CE VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Iiz... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4CF VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Iiz... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D0 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Iiz... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D1 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Iiz... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068466 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Laas... Whispered. Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00068467 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Vun... Whispered. Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00048AC8 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Tiid... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000445EB VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Wuld... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0009CD3C VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Zun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D2 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Zun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D3 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Zun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D4 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Zun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D5 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Zun... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 00050344 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Yol... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D6 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Yol... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D7 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Yol... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D8 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Yol... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0010F4D9 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Yol... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 0005D167 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Fo... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000A82B5 VoicePowers Shout01b VPSL 0 Hsss... Steam hiss FormID: 00013E05 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ro! FormID: 0010F4DA VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ro! FormID: 0010F4DB VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ro! FormID: 0010F4DC VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ro! FormID: 0010F4DD VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ro! FormID: 000684D4 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ru! FormID: 0010F4DE VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ru! FormID: 0010F4DF VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ru! FormID: 0010F4E0 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ru! FormID: 0010F4E1 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ru! FormID: 000684D6 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Zii! FormID: 000684DB VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Grah! FormID: 000684DD VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Vah! FormID: 000684E5 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Bah! FormID: 000684EE VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Zah! FormID: 000684F0 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Kaal! FormID: 000684F1 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Ah! FormID: 000684F2 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Mir! FormID: 000684F3 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Lun! FormID: 000684F4 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Lo! FormID: 000684F5 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Drem! FormID: 000684F9 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Slen! FormID: 0010F4E2 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Slen! FormID: 0010F4E3 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Slen! FormID: 0010F4E4 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Slen! FormID: 0010F4E5 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Slen! FormID: 000684FA VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Yah! Whispered FormID: 000684FB VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Mey! Whispered FormID: 00048AC7 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Klo! FormID: 000445E9 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Nah! FormID: 0009CD3E VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Haal! FormID: 0010F4E6 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Haal! FormID: 0010F4E7 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Haal! FormID: 0010F4E8 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Haal! FormID: 0010F4E9 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Haal! FormID: 0005D169 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Toor! FormID: 00050347 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Krah! FormID: 00029929 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Toor! FormID: 0010F4EA VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Toor! FormID: 0010F4EB VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Toor! FormID: 0010F4EC VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Toor! FormID: 000A82B6 VoicePowers Shout02 VPES 0 Hsss Steam hiss FormID: 00013E02 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ro...Da! FormID: 0010F4ED VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ro...Da! FormID: 0010F4EE VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ro...Da! FormID: 0010F4EF VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ro...Da! FormID: 0010F4F0 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ro...Da! FormID: 000684FC VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ru...Maar! FormID: 0010F4F1 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ru...Maar! FormID: 0010F4F2 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ru...Maar! FormID: 0010F4F3 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ru...Maar! FormID: 0010F4F4 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ru...Maar! FormID: 000684FD VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Zii...Gron! FormID: 000684FE VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Grah...Dun! FormID: 000684FF VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Vah...Koor! FormID: 00068500 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Bah...Qo! FormID: 00068501 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Zah...Frul! FormID: 00068503 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Kaal...Zoor! FormID: 00068504 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Ah...Viing! FormID: 00068505 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Mir...Tah! FormID: 00068506 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Lun...Aus! FormID: 00068526 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Lo...Sah! FormID: 00068528 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Drem...Ov! FormID: 00068529 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Slen...Nus! FormID: 0010F4F5 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Slen...Nus! FormID: 0010F4F6 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Slen...Nus! FormID: 0010F4F7 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Slen...Nus! FormID: 0010F4F8 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Slen...Nus! FormID: 000686FB VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Yah...Nir! Whispered FormID: 00068732 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Mey...Gut! Whispered FormID: 00048AC5 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Klo...Ul! FormID: 000445E8 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Nah...Kest! FormID: 0009CD3D VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Haal...Viik! FormID: 0010F4F9 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Haal...Viik! FormID: 0010F4FA VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Haal...Viik! FormID: 0010F4FB VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Haal...Viik! FormID: 0010F4FC VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Haal...Viik! FormID: 0005D16A VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Toor...Shul! FormID: 00050346 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Krah Diin! FormID: 00029928 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Toor...Shul! FormID: 0010F4FD VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Toor...Shul! FormID: 0010F4FE VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Toor...Shul! FormID: 0010F4FF VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Toor...Shul! FormID: 000A82B7 VoicePowers Shout03 VPEL 0 Hsss...Hsss Steam hiss FormID: 000136F1 MS02 SCEN 0 What's going on, Madanach? You wouldn't have old Grisvar killed unless you weren't planning on needing him. FormID: 0001370A MS02 SCEN 0 The Reach belongs to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 000136F8 MS02 SCEN 0 The Reach belongs to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 0001374B MS02 SCEN 0 The Reach belongs to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 00013709 MS02 SCEN 0 The Reach belongs to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 00013733 MS02 SCEN 0 The Reach belongs to the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 0001362B FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundBranch FFRiften10BalimundBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You will? Thank you! Ten pinches of fire salts should give me all I need to bring this forge back to life. FormID: 00013628 FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundBranch FFRiften10BalimundBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Shutting this place down would dishonor my family's heritage, but what other choice will I have? FormID: 0001362A FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10SharedInfos IDAT 0 Amazing! These must have been very hard to come by. FormID: 0001362A FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10SharedInfos IDAT 1 You've saved my business and warmed an old smith's heart. For that, I thank you. FormID: 00013626 FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundFireSaltsBranch FFRiften10BalimundFireSaltsBranchTopic CUST 0 A flame atronach's body might provide fire salt. They're dangerous creatures that can be summoned by wizards. FormID: 00013626 FreeformRiften10 FFRiften10BalimundFireSaltsBranch FFRiften10BalimundFireSaltsBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course, it would be much easier to check with an alchemist. They occasionally have them for sale. FormID: 0001362F TG01 TG01BersiQuestPreBrokenBranch TG01BersiQuestPreBrokenBranchTopic CUST 0 I can't believe you did that. You people are monsters! FormID: 0001362F TG01 TG01BersiQuestPreBrokenBranch TG01BersiQuestPreBrokenBranchTopic CUST 1 You demand payment for protection and you can't even protect yourselves. FormID: 0001362F TG01 TG01BersiQuestPreBrokenBranch TG01BersiQuestPreBrokenBranchTopic CUST 2 Here, take your coin and tell Brynjolf to leave us alone. FormID: 00013118 MQ203 SCEN 0 Wonderful! Remarkably well-preserved, too. FormID: 00013116 MQ203 SCEN 0 Ah... here's the [QUOTE]blood seal.[QUOTE] Another of the lost Akaviri arts. No doubt triggered by... well, blood. FormID: 00013117 MQ203 SCEN 0 Your blood, Dragonborn. FormID: 0001311A MQ203 SCEN 0 Esbern's probably right. Try using your blood on the carved seal on the floor. FormID: 0001311B MQ203 SCEN 0 If you need help drawing some blood, let me know. sarcastically FormID: 0001311C MQ203 SCEN 0 Try dripping blood onto the carving on the floor. FormID: 0001311D MQ203 SCEN 0 Look here! You see how the ancient Blades revered Reman Cyrodiil. FormID: 0001311E MQ203 SCEN 0 This whole place appears to be a shrine to Reman. He ended the Akaviri invasion under mysterious circumstances, you recall. FormID: 0001311F MQ203 SCEN 0 After the so-called [QUOTE]battle[QUOTE] of Pale Pass, the Akaviri went into his service. This was the foundation stone of the Second Empire. FormID: 00013123 MQ203 SCEN 0 Gods above, what are you waiting for? FormID: 00013113 MQ203 SCEN 0 That's done it! Look, it's coming to life! awe breaking through Delphine's usual jaded persona FormID: 00013114 MQ203 SCEN 0 You did it. There's the entrance! FormID: 00013119 MQ203 SCEN 0 After you, Dragonborn. You should have the honor of being the first to set foot in Sky Haven Temple. with genuine respect FormID: 00013115 MQ203 SCEN 0 There's no telling what we might find inside! excitedly FormID: 00000E44 CreatureDialogueWerewolf DETH 0 FormID: 00000E45 CreatureDialogueWerewolf HIT_ 0 FormID: 00000E3D MQ101 HIT_ 0 BLANK LINE- NO AUDIO