FormID: 0010F725 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F726 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F727 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F728 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F729 MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F72A MQ304 POAT 0 power attack grunt FormID: 0010F670 CreatureDialogueFox DETH 0 FormID: 0010F66F CreatureDialogueFox HIT_ 0 FormID: 0010EEA5 DialogueGeneric LWBS 0 FormID: 0010F18D DialogueGeneric LWBS 0 FormID: 0010F18E DialogueGeneric LWBS 0 FormID: 0010EBBC DA08 SCEN 0 To return to its past glory, it must first drink the blood of deceit. FormID: 0010EBBB DA08 SCEN 0 To return to its past glory, it must reacquaint itself with the hatred of this world. FormID: 0010EBC7 DA08 SCEN 0 Your world is admirably seeped in lies and inclinations. My blade is a darling leech that feeds on deceptions, and nourishes its master. FormID: 0010EBC5 DA08 SCEN 0 Seek out those closest to you. The final pluck of their misguided heartstrings will accompany my blade in the song of your grandeur. FormID: 0010EBC3 DA08 SCEN 0 The blade will feed on the ire of Tamriel. Bathe in your infamy. Feel the weight of their loathing, and my power will course through it once more. FormID: 0010EBBD DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 Excellent work, child. FormID: 0010EBBE DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 I can feel their heartbreak swelling in my blade. FormID: 0010EBBF DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 Their tears shine the ebony to a sharpest gleam. FormID: 0010EBC0 DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 Ah, the blood of deceit is a nourishing flow. FormID: 0010EBC1 DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 0 At last, my blade is returned to its full glory. FormID: 0010EBC1 DA08 DA08SharedInfos IDAT 1 Now go forth, child. Continue your tiny subversions against the orders of trust and intimacy. FormID: 0010EBC8 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorHeyWhat CUST 0 The boy is good at sussing out secrets, but the corruptibility of children is ultimately too limited for my purposes. FormID: 0010EBC8 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorHeyWhat CUST 1 You, though, I expect will prove far more malleable. FormID: 0010EBC6 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNowTellMe CUST 0 I forgive your not knowing my name. Few can hear my whispers anymore. FormID: 0010EBC6 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNowTellMe CUST 1 I am Mephala, the Lady of Whispers. FormID: 0010EBC6 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNowTellMe CUST 2 I tug at the web of connections between mortals. Love, hatred, loyalty, betrayal. FormID: 0010EBC4 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNoWay CUST 0 You may think so. But in the end, you mortals will always flit like fire with the winds of your desires and conveniences. FormID: 0010EBC4 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorNoWay CUST 1 And those winds issue from my whispers. FormID: 0010EBC2 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIllNeverJoinYou CUST 0 Suit yourself. But those who listen at doors always wonder what is beyond them. FormID: 0010EBC2 DA08 DA08WhisperingDoorIntro DA08WhisperingDoorIllNeverJoinYou CUST 1 Eventually your curiosity will drive you back to me. FormID: 0006CCE8 MQ202 SCEN 0 That one right there, walking out the door. He was one of them asking about that old man you're looking for. FormID: 0010AA5D CreatureDialogueChicken IDLE 0 FormID: 0010AA5C CreatureDialogueChicken DETH 0 FormID: 0010AA5B CreatureDialogueChicken HIT_ 0 FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 0 You know, since Kodlak's funeral the Skyforge feels more... awake. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 1 It's always been said that the souls of the heroes of old are what give Skyforge steel its strength. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 2 But I think the forge knows the greatness of Kodlak's soul. I can't really explain, but it feels like it's... young. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 3 I'll wager it could now forge metal the likes of which hasn't been seen since eras long forgotten. FormID: 0010AA18 C00 C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranch C00EorlundPostQuestlineBranchTopic CUST 4 I'm eager to try. FormID: 0010A184 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Let's go! FormID: 0010A185 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 With me, up the tower! FormID: 0010A186 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 This way, friend! Move! FormID: 0010A183 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way! shouting, trying to dig through a collapsed tower FormID: 0010A187 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hadvar! Into the keep, soldier, we're leaving! just spotted a soldier re-appearing from the chaos FormID: 00109E69 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranchTopic CUST 0 Assorted books, scrolls... I'm sure you'll find something useful. FormID: 00109E6A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranchTopic CUST 0 I have a few things laying around that weren't worth adding to the collection. You may look through them. FormID: 00109E6B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeUragServicesBranchTopic CUST 0 Please make sure your hands are clean before touching anything, all right? FormID: 00109E44 MQ101 SCEN 0 Good. Let's get this over with. commanding, stern FormID: 00109D06 MQ101 SCEN 0 Shut up back there! guard shouting at rowdy prisoners FormID: 00109D08 MQ101 SCEN 0 It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric! stoic, calling out to Ulfric as he walks to the execution line FormID: 00109D09 MQ101 SCEN 0 Halt! shouting at a prisoner who's running FormID: 00109D07 MQ101 SCEN 0 As fearless in death as he was in life. your friend has just been executed FormID: 00109D0A MQ101 SCEN 0 It's in the clouds! trying to make out what's moving in the sky FormID: 00109C79 WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09OfferTopic CUST 0 The finest skooma, the sweetest moon sugar. At a fair price, of course. You are trying to sell contraband, this is a sketchy operation. FormID: 0010663A WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09Intim CUST 0 No need to get so... hostile. Just take it. Sounds like you need it more than I do. Someone just threatened you into giving them your property. A bit of fear, but a bit sarcastic. FormID: 0010663B WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09Intim CUST 0 Yeah... That's not going to happen. Someone made a request that offended you. You are going to fight that person. FormID: 0010663C WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09Snitch CUST 0 Ah, a snitch, eh? Can't have you running to any guards now, can I? Angry, drug deal gone wrong. FormID: 00109C78 WERoad09 WERoad09Offer WERoad09No CUST 0 Each has their own way. A bit disappointed, you just made an offer that was refused. FormID: 00109C47 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindQSTSalmaReactionShared IDAT 0 Beem! What are you doing? Stop it! Shocked at the sudden betrayal of your friend. FormID: 00109C45 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaMournBeemJaBranchTop dunIronbindSalmaMournBeemJaBranchTopTopic CUST 0 Father never trusted Beem. I always thought he was just being overprotective. Trailing off, a bit traumatized by Beem-Ja's betrayal and death. FormID: 00109C44 dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaNoticeCorpseofBeemJa NOTI 0 Oh, Beem... Mourning a friend. FormID: 00109C4C dunIronbindQST dunIronbindSalmaObserveZkey ZKEY 0 Hey now, don't take all the good stuff! A bit Playful FormID: 00109C28 MQ102A SCEN 0 These are the Guardian Stones, three of the thirteen ancient standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape. FormID: 00109C27 MQ102A SCEN 0 Go ahead, see for yourself. FormID: 00109C24 MQ102A SCEN 0 Mage, eh? Well, to each his own. It's not for me to judge. FormID: 00109C25 MQ102A SCEN 0 Thief, eh? It's never too late to take charge of your own fate, you know. FormID: 00109C26 MQ102A SCEN 0 Warrior, good! I knew you shouldn't have been on that cart the minute I laid eyes on you. FormID: 00109C2E MQ102B SCEN 0 These are the Guardian Stones, three of the thirteen ancient standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape. FormID: 00109C2C MQ102B SCEN 0 Go ahead, see for yourself. FormID: 00109C29 MQ102B SCEN 0 Mage, eh? Well, to each his own. It's not for me to judge. FormID: 00109C2A MQ102B SCEN 0 Thief, eh? It's never too late to take charge of your own fate, you know. FormID: 00109C2B MQ102B SCEN 0 Warrior, good! Those stars will guide you to honor and glory. FormID: 00109C19 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 With me, prisoner. Let's go! commanding, heroic, wants to save the player's life FormID: 00109C18 MQ101 SCEN 0 See if you can get it open with some picks. We'll need everything we can get. FormID: 00109C17 MQ101 SCEN 0 Wait a second. Looks like there's something in this cage. FormID: 00109C16 MQ101 SCEN 0 Don't bother with that. Lost the key ages ago. Poor fellow screamed for weeks. sinister, sarcastic FormID: 00109BAB DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePersuade CUST 0 You're not sweet-talking your way out of this. Not after what you did. You're headed to Cidhna Mine, and that's that. Walk Away FormID: 00109BAC DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimePersuade CUST 0 All right, but you just watch yourself. Next time, I might not be so lenient. FormID: 00109BAA TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02Topic CUST 0 I thought it would be better to leave some of the details out of our previous discussion. Didn't want to risk you walking away from the job. FormID: 00109BAA TG03 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02 TG03MallusPostSceneBranch02Topic CUST 1 Besides, you've done Maven a favor getting rid of him and saved me from wasting coin hiring someone else to do it later. FormID: 00109B60 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Ralof! You damned traitor. Out of my way! FormID: 00109B63 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We're escaping, Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time. FormID: 00109B62 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde. FormID: 00109B61 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 You! Come on, into the keep! recognizing the player, waving him to follow FormID: 00109B5D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on, this way! calling out FormID: 00109B5E MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Through here. Let's go! calling out FormID: 00109B5F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 I can cut you loose inside. Come on! FormID: 00109AE4 CreatureDialogueFrostbiteSpider HIT_ 0 FormID: 00109AE3 CreatureDialogueFrostbiteSpiderGiant HIT_ 0 FormID: 001097AE DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met again, Hunter. FormID: 001097B0 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05IDefiedYou CUST 0 So you may think. FormID: 001097AF DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05IFailed CUST 0 Not a failure, my servant. FormID: 001097B1 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05Insideout CUST 0 By bringing down my other Hunters, you turned the chase inside out. FormID: 001097B1 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05Insideout CUST 1 And they were no base prey. FormID: 001097B1 DA05 DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranch DA05Insideout CUST 2 You continue to amuse and impress. Go forth, with my blessing. FormID: 001095D4 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Legends don't burn down villages. commanding and thoughtful FormID: 001095CC MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Haming, get over here! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095CD MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Just walk towards me, come on! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095CE MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Don't look up. Just focus on me. You can do it! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095D5 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 What are you doing? Get off the road! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001095D6 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get off the road, boy! child is standing in the road with dragons about FormID: 001093F0 dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Beem-Ja! A life-long friend has just died. FormID: 001093EF dunIronbindQST SCEN 0 Oh, Beem-Ja. I never meant for this. What have I done? Your caretaker has been killed and you blame yourself. FormID: 001093EC TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonAlreadyHaveTopic CUST 0 You've more than proven that the Thieves Guild is back on its feet in our city and earned every bit of your reward. FormID: 001093EC TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonAlreadyHaveTopic CUST 1 Tell Delvin that he can count on me to provide the influence around here with the right people when he needs it. FormID: 001093EC TGTQ01 TGTQ01EndonIntroBranch TGTQ01EndonAlreadyHaveTopic CUST 2 If you're ever looking to sell any illegally obtained merchandise, I'd also provide my services as a fence. It's the least I can do. FormID: 001092C3 MQSkyHavenSparring IDAT 0 DO NOT RECORD - blank blocking info FormID: 00108ED1 CreatureDialogueGoat HELO 0 FormID: 00108CF4 MG02 MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranch MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranchTopic CUST 0 I see. It probably doesn't even matter now, what with the mess that's been made in here. frustrated FormID: 00108CF4 MG02 MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranch MG02ArnielTurnInItemsBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll add this to the rest of the items. I don't think there's anything further I need from you. frustrated FormID: 00108CEC MQ101 SCEN 0 Justice! shouting after a prisoner has been executed FormID: 00108CEB MQ101 SCEN 0 Death to the Stormcloaks! shouting at after a prisoner has been executed FormID: 00108CEA MQ101 SCEN 0 You Imperial bastards! shouting, your friend has just been executed FormID: 00108225 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 Get going! player is waiting around instead of running from the dragon FormID: 00108226 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 Move! player is waiting around instead of running from the dragon FormID: 00108227 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 What are you waiting for? Go! player is waiting around instead of running from the dragon FormID: 001095D0 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 They're hurt, but they'll live. talking to a wounded comrade (who's on the ground bleeding) FormID: 001095D1 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 We'll have to carry this one on our backs.... talking to a wounded comrade (who's on the ground bleeding) FormID: 001095D2 MQ101DragonAttack IDAT 0 Another second out there with the dragon, and they'd both be dead.... talking to a wounded comrade (who's on the ground bleeding) FormID: 00108152 FreeformRiften05 FFRiften05DinyaMoreMissives FFRiften05DinyaMoreMissivesTopic CUST 0 Certainly! Glad to see you have the task well at hand. FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 0 Not entirely true, though not entirely false either. wry FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 1 Any Nord can learn the Way of the Voice by studying with the Greybeards, given enough ambition and dedication. FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 2 My shouting Torygg to the ground proved he had neither. FormID: 00107F97 CW CWShout CWShoutTopic CUST 3 However, it was my sword piercing his heart that killed him. mildly gloating FormID: 00107EF3 C02PostQuest C02PostQuestKodlakBegin C02PostQuestKodlakToEorlund CUST 0 And speak to Eorlund if you want a better weapon than... whatever that is. FormID: 00107E3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreet DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreetTopic CUST 0 You've done it! The College is safe again, thanks to your work. FormID: 00107E3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreet DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreetTopic CUST 1 I knew you had it in you. I daresay the Psijics are right. There's no one more deserving to be Arch-Mage, in my opinion. FormID: 00107E3D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreet DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirPostForcegreetTopic CUST 2 Here, consider these yours. And the Arch-Mage's quarters as well. I shall be here for advice, should you need me. FormID: 00107E3C DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Members of the College -- your new Arch-Mage! FormID: 00107E3B DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Long live the Arch-Mage! cheering FormID: 00107E3A DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Congratulations! cheering FormID: 00107E39 DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Well done, well done indeed! cheering FormID: 00107E38 DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Glory to the Arch-Mage! FormID: 00107E37 DialogueWinterholdCollegePostSceneQuest SCEN 0 Hooray for the Arch-Mage! cheering FormID: 00107D8C MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's cut you loose. FormID: 00107D8D MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, you need your hands free. FormID: 00107D8E MQ101 SCEN 0 Those binds aren't going to cut themselves. FormID: 00107D89 MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's cut you loose. FormID: 00107D8A MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, you need your hands free. FormID: 00107D8B MQ101 SCEN 0 Those binds aren't going to cut themselves. FormID: 00107AB1 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 You there. I have questions for you. FormID: 00107AB1 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 You were in Saarthal, yes? It has come to my attention that something was found there. FormID: 00107AAF MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse1 CUST 0 I know full well that you have. Please do not insult my intelligence. FormID: 00107AAF MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse1 CUST 1 Tolfdir is still there now, is he? I shall expect a full report when he returns. FormID: 00107AAC MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse2 CUST 0 I am well aware. Tolfdir is still in Saarthal, is he? I shall be expecting a full report from him when he returns. FormID: 00107AB7 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse3 CUST 0 It is my job to know these things. annoyed that you have to explain yourself. FormID: 00107AB7 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse3 CUST 1 My role as advisor to the Arch-Mage is aided by knowing everything that transpires here. annoyed that you have to explain yourself FormID: 00107AB4 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse4 CUST 0 Something was discovered in Saarthal that was significant enough that Tolfdir sent a new member of the College, alone, to deliver word. FormID: 00107AB4 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetResponse4 CUST 1 That sounds precisely like the sort of thing that should matter to everyone. Especially me. ominous FormID: 00107AB2 MG03 MG03AncanoForcegreetBranch MG03AncanoForcegreetFinal CUST 0 Thank you for your help. You may go now. Derisive, [QUOTE]help[QUOTE] said mockingly FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 0 What? FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 1 Preposterous, and just the sort of thing I would expect from mages who have nothing better to do with their time. FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 2 I have made it quite clear that my only role here is as an advisor to the Arch-Mage. FormID: 00107AB0 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeAncanoSpyBranchTopic CUST 3 I would suggest that you not further spread this rumor. FormID: 00107AAD DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 0 I know I don't like the way he looks at me. FormID: 00107AAD DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 1 I can't tell if he expects me to blow myself up, or to try and murder him. But he clearly doesn't trust any of us. FormID: 00107AAE DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 0 I know he's from the Thalmor, and that he claims to be here simply as an advisor. 2nd part said like no one really believes it FormID: 00107AAE DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestion DialogueWinterholdCollegeStudentAncanoQuestionTopic CUST 1 I also know that no one really believes that. I've been trying to avoid him, honestly. concerned FormID: 00107AB5 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranchTopic CUST 0 He's asked far, far too many questions about my research. FormID: 00107AB5 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranchTopic CUST 1 I think the Thalmor are trying to steal my work! paranoid FormID: 00107AB5 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArnielAncanoBranchTopic CUST 2 I haven't told him anything, of course. What I'm doing is far too important. Can't breathe a word of it. FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't trust that one. He's up to something. FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 1 Most here are up to something, of course, but in his case, it's not good. matter-of-fact at first, narrowing eyes at the end FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 2 I haven't figured it out yet, but I will. FormID: 00107AB3 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaAncanoBranchTopic CUST 3 He is rather handsome though, isn't he? don't trust him, but boy is he cute! FormID: 00107A87 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true? urgently, heart beating fast FormID: 00107A86 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Up through the tower, let's go! urgently FormID: 00107A82 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Has everyone here forgotten their training? Kill that thing! bellowing orders FormID: 0010A18B MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Damn you mages! Aren't you good for anything? bellowing orders FormID: 00107A83 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 I want every arrow in the sky! bellowing orders FormID: 00107A84 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Keep firing! bellowing orders FormID: 00107A85 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Lead with those arrows, dammit! bellowing orders FormID: 00107A78 MG03 MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranch MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 0 There you are. I've been trying to find you. FormID: 00107A78 MG03 MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranch MG03FaraldaForcegreetBranchTopic CUST 1 I just wanted to let you know that Ancano's been asking about you. I think he's looking for you. FormID: 00107A73 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure. Just... Well, mind what you tell him, all right? FormID: 00107A77 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse1 CUST 0 Between the two of us, there are rumors about him. That this [QUOTE]advisor[QUOTE] position he has is a sham, an excuse. FormID: 00107A77 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse1 CUST 1 That what he's really doing is spying for the Thalmor, trying to feed them information. Whether it's true, I can't say. FormID: 00107A77 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse1 CUST 2 But it never hurts to be a little suspicious, does it? wryly joking FormID: 00107A76 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingResponse2 CUST 0 No, no. Well, I don't think so. dismissive, but second-guessing it FormID: 00107A75 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingFinal1 CUST 0 You're welcome. FormID: 00107A74 MG03 MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingBranch MG03FaraldaAncanoLookingFinal2 CUST 0 Of course. That's your choice. I just wanted to let you know. FormID: 00107600 CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOBluff CUST 0 I suppose it would be. Good thinking. commanding officer to underling. Surprised but sincere FormID: 0010755F MQ101 ACAC 0 EMPTY LINE - NO AUDIO FormID: 00107568 MQ101 SCEN 0 As you wish. grim, slightly annoyed FormID: 00107566 MQ101 SCEN 0 Yes, General Tullius. acknowledging an order FormID: 00107565 MQ101 SCEN 0 Give them their last rites. respectfully telling a priest to give prisoners their final rites before an execution FormID: 00107564 MQ101 SCEN 0 Hey, what village are you from horse thief? offering some friendly words, you know everyone here is going to die FormID: 00107563 MQ101 SCEN 0 Why do you care? paranoid, anger mixed with fear FormID: 00107562 MQ101 SCEN 0 A Nord's last thoughts should be of home. offering some friendly but grim words, you know everyone here is going to die FormID: 00107561 MQ101 SCEN 0 Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead. whimpering, you know you're going to die and are breaking down in tears FormID: 00107560 MQ101 SCEN 0 Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe. ironic, nostalgic, sad FormID: 00107567 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 This way! FormID: 001074C4 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerFavorStateBranch DBFollowerFavorStateBranchTopic CUST 0 Does it involve sneaking and stabbing? Ooh, please say yes! FormID: 001074C5 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerFavorStateBranch DBFollowerFavorStateBranchTopic CUST 0 Just name it. FormID: 001074C6 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerFavorStateBranch DBFollowerFavorStateBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course, Listener. What is it? FormID: 001074C1 WERoad07 WERoad07Leaving WERoad07LeavingTopic CUST 0 That's right. You are bullying someone and they just submitted to you. FormID: 00107367 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Goodbye CUST 0 Thanks for wasting my time. You were on your way to do something important and someone just interrupted you needlessly. FormID: 00106E32 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is it men! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E30 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. And for all of Skyrim. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E2F CWSiege SCEN 0 This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E31 CWSiege SCEN 0 But make no mistake. What we do here today, we do for Skyrim and her people. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E31 CWSiege SCEN 1 By cutting out the disease of this rebellion, we will make this country whole again! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E2E CWSiege SCEN 0 Ready now! Everyone, with me! For the Empire! For the Legion! leading a battle charge (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 00106E2E CWSiege SCEN 1 Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! leading a battle charge FormID: 00106A55 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 It's true about the dragons returning. Saw it with my own eyes. FormID: 00106A56 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 Thank you for your kindness. FormID: 00106A57 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 Thank you for the gold, traveler. FormID: 00106A58 WERoad01 WERoad01Shared IDAT 0 That's okay. We'll find a way to get by. Safe travels. FormID: 00106A4B WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic01a CUST 0 Then you've seen them, too. We lost our home, our livestock... We barely have enough gold to get by. FormID: 00106A48 WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic01b CUST 0 No. I was too afraid to look. I don't know what we're going to do now. We have nothing left. FormID: 00106A46 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch01 WERoad11Branch01Topic01a CUST 0 I'd stay away if I were you. FormID: 00106A44 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch01 WERoad11Topic02a CUST 0 I'm on my way to a giant camp and I can't guarantee those beasts won't think you're part of the offering. FormID: 00106A44 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch01 WERoad11Topic02a CUST 1 Keep your distance and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. FormID: 00106A52 WERoad11 WERoad11Hello HELO 0 My wife's going to kill me when I tell her we'll need to bring another cow. FormID: 00106A54 WERoad11 WERoad11Hello HELO 0 Either way this ends up, I'm headed to the inn. FormID: 00106A4C WERoad11 WERoad11Shared IDAT 0 I'm headed to the inn. FormID: 00106A4D WERoad11 WERoad11Shared IDAT 0 It's tradition. We mark the animal as a way to let the giants know we're giving it to them willingly. Sort of a peace offering. FormID: 00106A4A WERoad11 WERoad11Branch02 WERoad11Branch02Topic01a CUST 0 I have everything under control. Thanks for offering. FormID: 00106A47 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch03 WERoad11Branch03Topic01a CUST 0 The cow, of course. Others do it differently, but I've found that an annual offering usually keeps the giants away from our livestock. FormID: 00106A47 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch03 WERoad11Branch03Topic01a CUST 1 Some think it's superstition, but I believe it works. I've yet to have a giant kill any of my livestock. FormID: 00106A45 WERoad11 WERoad11Branch04 WERoad11Branch04Topic01a CUST 0 Thanks. You take care of yourself, now. FormID: 00106639 WERoad02 WERoad02Hello HELO 0 I have nothing to say to you. Now move along, or I'll order my guards to attack. You are a snob and don't want to alk to any riffraff. FormID: 001093B3 WERoad02 WERoad02Hello HELO 0 Keep away. If I am harmed, people will come looking. You are a rich noble who has just lost your bodyguard traveling on the road between towns. Still a bit snooty, but mostly scared. FormID: 00106611 mg06 SCEN 0 This projection should be lit up like the night sky... confused, upset FormID: 00106610 mg06 SCEN 0 Have you ever seen the Orrery in the Imperial City? It was the inspiration for this idea. annoyed, but showing a bit of pride in your cleverness FormID: 0010660F mg06 SCEN 0 Instead of projecting the sky, we project all of Tamriel, and then harness the latent energies to overlay the positions of... annoyed, giving up trying to explain something no one is ever going to understand FormID: 001065EA weroad08 WERoad08Hello HELO 0 Important deliveries to make! No time for chatting! Young, inexperienced courier in a rush to deliver an important letter. FormID: 001065EC WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 Greetings, brother. You look weary. I have something to help you relax, if you're interested. In a slightly hushed and sleazy voice. This is a drug deal. FormID: 001065ED WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 Greetings, sister. You look weary. I have something to help you relax, if you're interested. In a slightly hushed and sleazy voice. This is a drug deal. FormID: 0010663D WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 Nice doing business with you, friend. A shady deal has just taken place, and you are the shady one. FormID: 00109C77 WERoad09 WERoad09Hello HELO 0 This one has something sweet for the fellow traveler, if it entices. You are offering to sell illegal items to the player, a sketchy operation. FormID: 0010600F WERoad06 WERoad06Hello HELO 0 There's been word of some trouble nearby. I'm on my way to investigate. FormID: 00106010 WERoad06 WERoad06Hello HELO 0 Now I have some time to kill... Someone just offered to do your job for you, but you still have to look busy. FormID: 0010600E WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06BranchTopic CUST 0 I probably shouldn't tell everyone who asks. This is important business, you know. With a note of self importance. FormID: 00106015 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Persuade CUST 0 If you really want to do my job for me... Here, I'll mark the location on your map. Someone just offered to do your job. A bit of surprise and relief. FormID: 00106016 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Persuade CUST 0 No, I think I've got this one. Thanks, though. Declining an offer for help at work. FormID: 00106013 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Intimidate CUST 0 All right, all right! No need to get violent. We're on the same side. With just a bit of fear, but more casual. FormID: 00106013 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Intimidate CUST 1 I'll mark it on your map. This one's on you. With a tinge of sarcasm. Someone just threatened you into giving up this information. FormID: 00106014 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Intimidate CUST 0 Someone's going to get hurt, all right. Angry, someone just threatened you and you are ready to start a fight. FormID: 00106012 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Bribe CUST 0 You want to pay me to do my job? Fine. I'll mark the location on your map. Someone is paying you money to do something you are supposed to do. Pleasant surprise. FormID: 00106011 WERoad06 WERoad06Branch WERoad06Final CUST 0 Just make sure to take care of whatever's going on there. It's my name on the line. Someone just offered to do you a favor, but you are a bit skeptical. FormID: 00105D11 WERoad07 WEJS27Branch WEJS27BranchTopic CUST 0 Why? What are you gonna do, cry? You are bullying FormID: 00105D0F WERoad07 WEJS27Hello HELO 0 What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother. Said as condescending as possible. FormID: 00105D10 WERoad07 WEJS27Hello HELO 0 Get out of my face. Annoyed, but not annoyed enough to start a fight. FormID: 00105D0B WERoad07 WEJS27Branch WEJS27Persuade CUST 0 Who said anything about trouble? Now get out of my face. You wanted a fight, but was just talked out of it. FormID: 00105D0C WERoad07 WEJS27Branch WEJS27Persuade CUST 0 Gods, you're boring! Angry with the conversation and ready to fight the one you are talking to. FormID: 00105CB9 mg06 GBYE 0 I think we're done here. sneering FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, a student of the craft. You'll need to start by learning an enchantment. FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 1 Take an enchanted weapon or piece of armor, then use the Arcane Enchanter to learn its secrets. The item is destroyed in the process, so be wary. FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 2 Once you know an enchantment, you'll need a filled soul gem, and something to enchant. You'll use the Arcane Enchanter for that, too. FormID: 00105A5F TutorialEnchanting TutorialEnchantingBranch TutorialEnchantingBranchTopic CUST 3 Of course, I have everything you need for sale, if you have the coin. FormID: 0010556C TutorialAlchemy TutorialAlchemyPotion TutorialAlchemyPotionTopic CUST 0 Long as you clean up. You know how to use it right? Mix a couple of ingredients together, see what happens. FormID: 0010556C TutorialAlchemy TutorialAlchemyPotion TutorialAlchemyPotionTopic CUST 1 A little Wheat and Blisterwort makes a healing potion, if you didn't know. FormID: 0010556C TutorialAlchemy TutorialAlchemyPotion TutorialAlchemyPotionTopic CUST 2 We have plenty of ingredients for sale, too. FormID: 00105384 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingForge TutorialBlacksmithingForgeTopic CUST 0 Yes, actually. How about you smith me an iron dagger? Here's everything you need to make one. Go ahead. FormID: 00105383 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingTemper TutorialBlacksmithingTemperTopic CUST 0 Not bad, but it's a little dull. How about you sharpen it up? Just need a bit of metal and the grindstone over there. FormID: 00105382 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingArmor TutorialBlacksmithingArmorTopic CUST 0 This looks good. You put time into your blades, they'll serve you well when you need them. FormID: 00105382 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingArmor TutorialBlacksmithingArmorTopic CUST 1 You want to keep helping? How about you make some armor? Let's start by tanning some leather on the rack. FormID: 00105381 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmor TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmorTopic CUST 0 Ah, good. A lot of weapons and armor need leather for straps, fittings, that kind of thing. FormID: 00105381 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmor TutorialBlacksmithingForgeArmorTopic CUST 1 Let's see if you can make a hide helmet. Here's the rest of what you need. FormID: 00105380 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmor TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmorTopic CUST 0 I should hire you to be my assistant at this rate. FormID: 00105380 TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmor TutorialBlacksmithingImproveArmorTopic CUST 1 Let's improve the fit. Take this leather to the workbench over there. FormID: 0010537F TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingFinal TutorialBlacksmithingFinalTopic CUST 0 You have talent. Keep working at your craft, and you'll be a fine smith one day. FormID: 0010537F TutorialBlacksmithing TutorialBlacksmithingFinal TutorialBlacksmithingFinalTopic CUST 1 Why don't you keep that dagger and helmet? Maybe you'll remember me when you're making Skyforge Steel, huh? FormID: 00104F84 MQ101 SCEN 0 Or if you're feeling lucky, you can take this bow. Might take her by surprise. FormID: 00104F7A MQ101 SCEN 0 Or if you're feeling lucky, you can take this bow. Might take her by surprise. FormID: 00104F22 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like you've got some help already. I'll join you, but you'll have to let your comrade go. What do you say? FormID: 00104F1C HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Lead the way. With measured enthusiasm FormID: 00104F1D HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Once more into danger! With measured enthusiasm, but a bit of snark as well FormID: 00104F1E HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm ready to go! Excited and enthusiastic FormID: 00104F1F HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 My blade is yours once more. Confident and demure. FormID: 00104F20 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, I can use the exercise. Haha! Jovial and enthusiastic, followed up by laughter. A [QUOTE]Falstaff[QUOTE] line FormID: 00104F21 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBranchTopic CUST 0 Alright, then. Let's go. Ready, confident. FormID: 00104F23 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 You've been a worthy patron. Shall I join you once more, free of charge? You are pleased to see an acquaintance whom you respect and like, but you tend to keep your feelings close to the vest. FormID: 00104F24 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 I could really use some more experience in the field. I'd be happy to join you again, and it won't cost a thing. Friendly and enthusiastic. FormID: 00104F25 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 Back for more? Since we had so much fun the last time, I'll join you free of charge. Gregarious and enthusiastic. FormID: 00104F26 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 If you still need my blade, I'll join you. I want to make sure you get your money's worth. Businesslike, but cordial. FormID: 00104F27 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 Since you paid my fee recently, I suppose it's only fair that I join you once more. Arrogant and condescending, but not unfriendly. FormID: 00104F28 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestReHireBranch HirelingQuestReHireBlocking CUST 0 I'm bored. What do you say we go smash a few heads in? This one's on me. Gregarious and impatient, but also you are happy to see the player. Eager for batte. FormID: 0010480A MG04 MG04Stage40SavosBranch MG04Stage40SavosBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm... I'm not sure what happened. FormID: 0010480A MG04 MG04Stage40SavosBranch MG04Stage40SavosBranchTopic CUST 1 A monk from the Psijic Order, here, after all these years, and then he just leaves. amazed, confused FormID: 0010480A MG04 MG04Stage40SavosBranch MG04Stage40SavosBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope we didn't offend him somehow. FormID: 0010480B MG04 MG04SavosWhatDidMonkWant MG04SavosWhatDidMonkWantTopic CUST 0 Beyond asking for you, he never said. Very strange indeed. FormID: 001046AD MQ101 SCEN 0 You better get that armor on. Give that sword a few swings, too. FormID: 001046AC MQ101 SCEN 0 Sure, take all my things. Please. sarcastic FormID: 001046AB MQ101 SCEN 0 It's locked. See if you can get it open with some picks. We might need that gold once we get out. FormID: 001046AE MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab anything useful and let's go. FormID: 001041ED MQ101 SCEN 0 All right, get that armor on and give that axe a few swings. FormID: 001041A5 MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, soldier. Keep moving! FormID: 001041A4 MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's see here.... FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 0 Well, I suppose he wouldn't mind... FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 1 It was all before my time, you understand. I've heard the stories, the same as anyone else. FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 2 He was a brilliant student, an accomplished wizard. Delved into magic in a way none had seen before. FormID: 001035B8 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 3 But, I think, he became too focused on just how much power he could acquire. That's what led to the accident. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 0 Do you remember what I first told you, about how not being able to control magic could destroy you? FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 1 I didn't simply mean it could kill you. The Augur's accident is another very real type of a life destroyed. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 2 Well, it's been described as an accident. I can't imagine it was intentional. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 3 Something must've gone wrong, and he ended up in the state he's in now, fused to the energies that flow through the College. FormID: 001035B9 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeTolfdirAuguLoreTopic CUST 4 I've never felt it appropriate to ask him about it, about how that must feel. Or, I suppose, if he can feel at all. FormID: 001034D8 WERoad01 WERoad01Hello HELO 0 We lost everything. FormID: 001034D4 WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Branch01Topic CUST 0 There are dragons about, traveler. Be warned. FormID: 00106A49 WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Branch01Topic CUST 0 It happened so fast. One minute the dragon was there, the next it was gone. Everything was destroyed. FormID: 001034DD WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic02 CUST 0 Thank you, traveler. Be safe and don't forget to keep an eye on the sky. FormID: 001034DE WERoad01 WERoad01Branch01 WERoad01Topic02 CUST 0 You're too kind. Thank you. Be careful and stay safe. FormID: 00103400 MQ206 SCEN 0 But first... dir ko maar. dir ko maar = [QUOTE]die in terror[QUOTE] FormID: 001033FF MQ206 SCEN 0 You will die in terror, knowing your final fate... FormID: 00103402 MQ206 SCEN 0 Know that Gormlaith sent you down to death! while stabbing dragon to death while riding his neck - so this should be drawn out as if fighting while saying it FormID: 00103401 MQ206 SCEN 0 Hyah! Yell as you stab a dragon FormID: 001033AA mg06 SCEN 0 I don't know. It's like a ward, but who's casting it? Ancano? How? FormID: 00103269 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Run, you idiot! to the player - you have better things to do than worry about whoever this is FormID: 0010A188 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Thought I told you to run for it! Go! to the player - you have better things to do than worry about whoever this is FormID: 0010A189 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Soldiers, townspeople, and dregs into the keep! to the player - you have better things to do than worry about whoever this is FormID: 0010A18A MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Everyone to the keep! player is standing around doing nothing when he should be running FormID: 0010326A MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 To the keep! Move! player is standing around doing nothing when he should be running FormID: 0010326B MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 What? Do you want to be that thing's next meal? Into the keep, already! player is standing around doing nothing when he should be running FormID: 0010322C MQ106 IDLE 0 I hope you're Dragonborn, I really do. But we'll find out soon enough. FormID: 0010322D MQ106 IDLE 0 We may both end up dead, but at least it gets me out of Riverwood. I don't really think I'm cut out for the quiet life. with a faint smile FormID: 0010322E MQ106 IDLE 0 I doubt the Thalmor are aware of you yet. So we should be safe from them, at least. worried FormID: 0010322F MQ106 IDLE 0 Remember, we're not looking for trouble. We need to get to Kynesgrove as fast as we can. FormID: 00103230 MQ106 IDLE 0 Keep a sharp lookout. We can't afford any delays. FormID: 00103231 MQ106 IDLE 0 We'd better keep moving. FormID: 00103232 MQ106 IDLE 0 Better to stick together. I don't want you to get yourself killed before we even get there. with a faint smile - you're not really worried about the player FormID: 00103224 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 This is notorious bandit hideout. But it's also the shortest way to Kynesgrove, so... we may have to kill a few bandits. grimly FormID: 00103225 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 We'll cross to the White River and follow it to Windhelm. Then we can swing south to Kynesgrove. FormID: 00103226 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 There's an inn at Kynesgrove - the Braidwood. I hear they serve a nice dark ale. Nothing on the Sleeping Giant, of course. wryly - amused that you're talking about inns like an innkeeper (which is your cover job) FormID: 00103227 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 This is Kynesgrove. Not much to look at. The innkeeper ought to be able to tell us if there's any dragon mound nearby. FormID: 00103228 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 This is Kynesgrove. Not much to look at. Let's see if we can find that dragon mound. FormID: 00103229 MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 No need to bother with giants right now. Just keep your distance. FormID: 0010322A MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 I'm glad you were willing to trust me. I know it probably wasn't the best way to introduce myself. But old habits... you know. FormID: 0010322B MQ106 MQ106DelphineChatter MQ106DelphineChatterTopic CUST 0 Not too much farther now. Kynesgrove is just down the road to the southeast of here. FormID: 001027E4 MQ101 SCEN 0 (muffled grunts) grunting in anger through a gag FormID: 001027E5 MQ101 SCEN 0 You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace. giving a speech, denouncing Ulfric for his crimes in front of an audience,emphasis on [QUOTE]down[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]peace[QUOTE] FormID: 00102014 TG09 SCEN 0 Farewell, Nightingale. See to it the Key stays this time, won't you? FormID: 00101AE8 MQ101 SCEN 0 You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. saw player get captured, pretty sure your guess is correct FormID: 00101AE5 MQ101 SCEN 0 Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. anger mixed with fear, you were captured because the Empire was looking for Stormcloaks and you got dragged in FormID: 00101AE5 MQ101 SCEN 1 If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell. anger mixed with fear, thief who blames others for his problems FormID: 00101AE4 MQ101 SCEN 0 You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants. to the player - you're blaming the Stormcloaks for being in chains and carted off FormID: 00101AE3 MQ101 SCEN 0 We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief. snappy retort, grim FormID: 00101AE7 MQ101 SCEN 0 Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me. crying, praying for the gods to spare you from death FormID: 00101ACE DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 Well, well. Looks like one of the Dark Brotherhood rats escaped its burning nest. I can fix that. FormID: 00101ACF DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 To arms, brothers! It's the assassin! FormID: 00101AD0 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 The Dark Brotherhood is dead... and so are you! FormID: 00101AD1 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 You want the Emperor? You'll have to get through us! FormID: 00101AD2 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 You'll never reach the Emperor! Not while I'm standing! FormID: 00101AD3 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 It all ends here, assassin! FormID: 00101AD4 DarkBrotherhood TAUT 0 You'll never leave this ship alive, cutthroat! FormID: 00101734 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunKematuMS08FailBranch DialogueWhiterunKematuMS08FailBranchTopic CUST 0 All that effort, and you just kill her. You've ruined everything. FormID: 001007ED TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the East Empire Company's central warehouse. All of their shipments go through here. FormID: 001007ED TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 1 Unfortunately, thanks to some problems they've been having, it hasn't seen much use lately. FormID: 001007ED TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 2 Either way, it's off limits to you. FormID: 001007EE TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the East Empire Company's central warehouse. All of their shipments go through here. FormID: 001007EE TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 1 And now that they've solved their little pirate problem, they're busier than ever. FormID: 001007EE TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 2 Either way, it's off limits to you. FormID: 001007EF TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 0 How should I know? I don't work for them. FormID: 001007EF TG04EECHandler TG04EECSharedInfos IDAT 1 If you want to help, I suppose you could head to Windhelm and talk to Orthus Endario. He's in charge over there. FormID: 001007F0 TG04EECHandler TG04EECHellos HELO 0 The warehouse is off-limits. I suggest you head back the way you came. FormID: 001007F1 TG04EECHandler TG04EECHellos HELO 0 There's nothing for you in the warehouse, so why don't you take a walk? FormID: 001007F2 TG04EECHandler TG04EECHellos HELO 0 The warehouse is for East Empire Company workers only. Entering without permission is a crime. FormID: 00100748 DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Yearrgh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00100749 DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Hyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0010074A DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Rrarggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 0010074E DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Oblivion take you! angry combat attack line FormID: 0010074C DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Fall before me! angry combat attack line FormID: 0010074D DialogueDremora ATCK 0 You will bleed! angry combat attack line FormID: 0010074B DialogueDremora ATCK 0 Grrragh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 00100739 DialogueDremora BASH 0 Hunh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0010073A DialogueDremora BASH 0 Gah! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0010073B DialogueDremora BASH 0 Yah! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 0010073C DialogueDremora BASH 0 Rargh! wordless grunt of exertion FormID: 00100728 DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Agh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00100729 DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Oof! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0010072A DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Nargh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 0010072B DialogueDremora HIT_ 0 Yeagh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 00100745 DialogueDremora POAT 0 Hhyyaarargghhhh! swinging weapon with HUGE physical exertion FormID: 00100746 DialogueDremora POAT 0 Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh! swinging weapon with HUGE physical exertion FormID: 00100747 DialogueDremora POAT 0 Nnyyyaarrgghh! swinging weapon with HUGE physical exertion FormID: 00100732 DialogueDremora BLED 0 No... not by a mortal... mortally wounded FormID: 00100733 DialogueDremora BLED 0 It cannot... end like this... mortally wounded FormID: 00100734 DialogueDremora BLED 0 Aggh... mortally wounded FormID: 00100723 DialogueDremora DETH 0 Agh... quick death sound FormID: 00100724 DialogueDremora DETH 0 Ugh... quick death sound FormID: 00100725 DialogueDremora DETH 0 Gah... quick death sound FormID: 00100741 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 Are you prepared for your death? grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 00100742 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 You are weak, mortal. grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 00100743 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 I honor my lord by destroying you! grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 00100744 DialogueDremora TAUT 0 I will feast on your heart. grinning, in an [QUOTE]I'm gonna gut you[QUOTE] way FormID: 0010072C DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Gah! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010072D DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Nargh! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010072E DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Unf! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010072F DialogueDremora BLOC 0 Nnh! wordless grunt of exertion as you block a sword blow FormID: 0010073F DialogueDremora LOTC 0 Now you suffer! FormID: 00100740 DialogueDremora LOTC 0 You return, foolish mortal? FormID: 00100737 DialogueDremora NOTA 0 I smell weakness... detecting someone nearby; sneering tone FormID: 00100738 DialogueDremora NOTA 0 A challenger is near... detecting someone nearby; sneering tone FormID: 00100730 DialogueDremora ALTC 0 No one escapes! FormID: 00100731 DialogueDremora ALTC 0 There you are, weakling! FormID: 00100726 DialogueDremora ALTN 0 Quiet again. FormID: 00100727 DialogueDremora ALTN 0 Nothing after all. FormID: 00100721 DialogueDremora NOTC 0 You meet your end, mortal. FormID: 00100722 DialogueDremora NOTC 0 Another who seeks death. FormID: 0010073D DialogueDremora COTN 0 There could be no other end. smug; he just kicked someone's ass FormID: 0010073E DialogueDremora COTN 0 No match at all. smug; he just kicked someone's ass FormID: 00100735 DialogueDremora COLO 0 You cannot escape me! FormID: 00100736 DialogueDremora COLO 0 Hiding will not save you now. FormID: 000FF996 TG08B SCEN 0 Karliah, I'll deal with you after I rid myself of your irksome companions. In the meantime, perhaps you and Brynjolf should get better acquainted. FormID: 000FF990 TG08B SCEN 0 You can't kill what you can't see! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF991 TG08B SCEN 0 I've mastered the shadows... and now your life is mine! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF992 TG08B SCEN 0 Come, [QUOTE]Nightingale![QUOTE] Find me if you can! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) - say [QUOTE]Nightingale[QUOTE] sarcastic FormID: 000FF993 TG08B SCEN 0 Karliah's taught you nothing! Your lessons begin anew! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF994 TG08B SCEN 0 I should've finished you when I had the chance! You've just turned invisible, and are taunting the Player (in combat) FormID: 000FF98A TG08B SCEN 0 Get the damn Key and let's get out of here before we end up like Mercer! shouting over water flooding in FormID: 000FF995 TG08B SCEN 0 Hmm. The gate below still looks closed. pensive, figuring out a puzzle FormID: 000FF995 TG08B SCEN 1 I've seen a puzzle like this before... there's got to be another lever to pull, but you'd better hurry. A septim says this mechanism's on a timer. a bit irritated FormID: 000FF274 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 0 Oh, well, the Listener is the only person the Night Mother speaks to. It is the highest honor attainable by a member of the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 000FF274 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 1 Of course our Lady is dead, so she doesn't talk with words, since her lips are... rotted. But inside the Listener's head. I hear it's... intimate. thinking to yourself... puzzling and disturbing. FormID: 000FF274 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 2 Ah, but there has not been a Listener in years and years. Our Lady has not chosen Cicero, and certainly not Astrid. Or... anyone. But some day... FormID: 000FF275 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 0 Ha! Why you are, silly! You are the Listener! You are the Listener! Such a kidder... happy and sing song FormID: 000FF275 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch5Topic CUST 1 You must realize what a great honor this is. For the Night Mother to have chosen you... I am just in awe. You have Cicero's utmost confidence! FormID: 0010FD90 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranchTopic PFGT 0 I think you've been taking things that don't belong to you. Pay your debts, and we'll forget this happened. Walk Away FormID: 000FF22D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeResponseApology CUST 0 Hold your head up. I'm sure it won't happen again. FormID: 000FF22E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeResponseApology CUST 0 Now that's just sad. Come back when you actually have something to show for your thieving. FormID: 000FF231 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeResponseDefiant CUST 0 Be careful around here. You don't want to anger the wrong person. FormID: 000FF230 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrCrimeBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrNotPaying CUST 0 We may be rough, but we don't tolerate thieving around here. If that's your game, go join the lowlives in Riften. FormID: 000FDA32 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll stay here and wait for General Tullius. Good luck you two. FormID: 000FDA30 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll stay here and wait for General Tullius. Good luck you two. FormID: 000FDA29 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll keep watch in case Ulfric comes through here. Talos guide the both of you. FormID: 000FDA31 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll keep watch in case Ulfric comes through here. Talos guide the both of you. FormID: 000FCC4E CreatureDialogueCow HIT_ 0 FormID: 000FCF07 CreatureDialogueCow DETH 0 FormID: 000FA21F MG03 MG03CallerInitialBranch MG03CallerWalkAway CUST 0 How dare you! FormID: 000F9427 CreatureDialogueHorse HIT_ 0 FormID: 000F9426 CreatureDialogueHorse DETH 0 FormID: 000F935D MGRejoinQuest HELO 0 It's very unfortunate that you've been suspended. FormID: 000F9078 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorQSTPostHello HELO 0 I have no more business with you. FormID: 000F9079 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorQSTPostHello HELO 0 People think they can run away from their crimes, but I will always catch up with them and make them pay. FormID: 000F8A7C WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorBranchTopic PFGT 0 Stop right there. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7A WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorEastmarch CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Eastmarch. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A78 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectoFalkreath CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Falkreath. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A76 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorHaafingar CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Haafingar. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A75 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorHjaalmarch CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Hjaalmarch. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A74 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorPale CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in The Pale. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A73 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorReach CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in The Reach. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7E WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorRift CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in The Rift. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7D WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorWhiterun CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Whiterun. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A7B WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorWinterhold CUST 0 You have quite the bounty on your head in Winterhold. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. Walk Away FormID: 000F8A79 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorPaid CUST 0 I will make sure this gets back to the Jarl. Minus my cut, of course. Consider your name cleared, for now. FormID: 000F8A77 WEBountyCollectorQST WEBountyCollectorBranch WEBountyCollectorFight CUST 0 Then you are worth more to me dead! FormID: 000F8A55 MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. Come on! FormID: 000F8A56 MQ101 SCEN 0 There's a way out through here! FormID: 000F8A57 MQ101 SCEN 0 We have to keep moving. FormID: 000F8A52 MQ101 SCEN 0 This way. Come on! FormID: 000F8A53 MQ101 SCEN 0 There's a way out through here! FormID: 000F8A54 MQ101 SCEN 0 We have to keep moving. FormID: 000F838F MQ101 SCEN 0 You better get some gear. FormID: 000F8390 MQ101 SCEN 0 See if one of these chests has some armor for you. FormID: 000F8391 MQ101 SCEN 0 Got to be a sword or two in one of these chests. Look around. FormID: 000F8392 MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab Gunjar's gear. No shame in borrowing a friend's axe. FormID: 000F8393 MQ101 SCEN 0 Gunjar isn't coming back from the dead. Take his armor and anything else on him. FormID: 000F8394 MQ101 SCEN 0 That armor on Gunjar isn't doing him any good. Go ahead. Take it. FormID: 000F7C39 MQ101 SCEN 0 Dragon! loud scream of terror FormID: 000F7B34 MQ101 SCEN 0 Get these prisoners out of the carts. Move it! barking orders FormID: 000F7B33 MQ101 SCEN 0 Archers! shouting at a prisoner who is fleeing FormID: 000F7B32 MQ101 SCEN 0 You're not going to kill me! screaming in panic, fleeing for your life FormID: 000F7B3F MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Black Marsh. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B40 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to High Rock. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B41 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Morrowind. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B42 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to the Summerset Isle. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B43 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Cyrodiil. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B44 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Elsweyr. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B45 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Orsinium. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B46 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Hammerfell. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B47 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Valenwood. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B48 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm sorry. At least you'll die here, in your homeland. to the player - apologetic, reassuring FormID: 000F7B31 MQ101 SCEN 0 By your orders, Captain. regretful but obedient FormID: 000F7941 C00 C00SharedInfos IDAT 0 By the way, if you're looking for something to do... FormID: 000F7788 MQ101 SCEN 0 No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening. panicking, realizing you're going to die FormID: 000F778C MQ101 SCEN 0 And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this. angry but calculating, you're wondering what the elves are doing here FormID: 000F778A MQ101 SCEN 0 General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting! shouting from a great distance FormID: 000F66EF dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoAskstoJoinTopic CUST 0 (bark) FormID: 000F66F1 dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoQuestion CUST 0 (woof) FormID: 000F66F0 dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoJoinMe CUST 0 (bark) FormID: 000F66EE dunPOITundraMarshDogQST MeekoAskstoJoin MeekoDenied CUST 0 (woof) FormID: 000F64FA C01 C01ObserverDismissalBranch C01ObserverDismissalBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't delay, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000F64FB C01 C01ObserverDismissalBranch C01ObserverDismissalBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't delay, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 As a matter of fact, there are. Have you ever heard of Shalidor? FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Immensely powerful mage, back in the First Era. Had an understanding of magic few have ever matched. FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 2 He holed himself up in Labyrinthian, and devoted all of his time to research and study. Wrote more than you would imagine possible. FormID: 000F6271 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 3 Since then, his writings have been scattered all over Skyrim, but are little use to anyone who can't translate them. I'm one of the few who can. FormID: 000F6272 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm always trying to find more of Shalidor's writings. FormID: 000F6270 MGR21 MGR21InitialBranch MGR21InitialFollowUp CUST 0 I've heard whispers of more of his work having turned up. If you can track it down, it may prove useful to all of us. FormID: 000F626F MGR21 MGR21Stage20Branch MGR21Stage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Excellent! FormID: 000F626F MGR21 MGR21Stage20Branch MGR21Stage20BranchTopic CUST 1 I'll start translating it. Shouldn't take me more than a day or two. FormID: 000F5E78 MQ101 SCEN 0 Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. spiteful, you hate General Tullius and hate his title FormID: 000F5BB1 MQ101 SCEN 0 Where in Oblivion are we supposed to go? Where's the way out? urgently FormID: 000F5BB0 MQ101 SCEN 0 Just give me a minute. Let me think. urgently FormID: 000F5BAF MQ101 SCEN 0 Orders are to wait until General Tullius arrives. commanding FormID: 000F5BAE MQ101 SCEN 0 I'm not waiting to be killed by a dragon! We need to fall back! urgently FormID: 000F5BB2 MQ101 SCEN 0 Just give the General some time! commanding FormID: 000F5B4E MQ101 SCEN 0 What are you doing? We need to get out of Helgen. Now! urgently FormID: 000F5B4D MQ101 SCEN 0 These Imperials have potions in here. We're going to need them. urgently FormID: 000F5B50 MQ101 SCEN 0 Grab everything important and let's move! Dragon's burning everything to the ground! urgently FormID: 000F5B4F MQ101 SCEN 0 I just need to gather some more potions. urgently FormID: 000F5367 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 In here! urgently calling out FormID: 000F5368 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 This way! Come on! urgently calling out FormID: 000F5369 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Over here! urgently calling out FormID: 000F5373 MQ101 IDAT 0 By Ysmir! Nothing kills it! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5370 MQ101 IDAT 0 What in the Eight Divines is this thing? shouting during battle FormID: 000F5371 MQ101 IDAT 0 Keep your eyes on it! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5372 MQ101 IDAT 0 It's still coming! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5374 MQ101 IDAT 0 Die! For the love of the gods, die! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5375 MQ101 IDAT 0 Use everything we have! shouting during battle FormID: 000F5376 MQ101 IDAT 0 Fall, damn you, fall! shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF6 MQ101 IDAT 0 What does it take to kill this monster? shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF7 MQ101 IDAT 0 It won't die, it just keeps coming! shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF8 MQ101 IDAT 0 How does it move so damn fast? shouting during battle FormID: 00106BF9 MQ101 IDAT 0 Move! Move! shouting during battle, clenched teeth FormID: 00106BFA MQ101 IDAT 0 How in Oblivion do we kill this thing? shouting during battle FormID: 000FD948 MQ101 IDAT 0 Come on, this way. FormID: 000FD949 MQ101 IDAT 0 Let's keep moving. FormID: 000FD94A MQ101 IDAT 0 Looks like the way out's up ahead. Come on. FormID: 000FD94B MQ101 IDAT 0 Follow me. FormID: 000FD94C MQ101 IDAT 0 Let's go. FormID: 000FD94D MQ101 IDAT 0 We better keep going. FormID: 000FD94E MQ101 IDAT 0 Over here! FormID: 000FD94F MQ101 IDAT 0 This way, come on! FormID: 000FD950 MQ101 IDAT 0 Don't fall behind! FormID: 000B6229 MQ101 IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! Get them! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD951 MQ101 IDAT 0 The prisoners are escaping! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD952 MQ101 IDAT 0 You won't leave Helgen alive! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD953 MQ101 IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD954 MQ101 IDAT 0 Stormcloaks! Filthy traitors! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000B6228 MQ101 IDAT 0 Don't let those Stormcloaks get away! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 0005EFB0 MQ101 IDAT 0 If you want to die, so be it. shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000B622A MQ101 IDAT 0 You won't take us alive! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD955 MQ101 IDAT 0 Freedom or Sovngarde! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD956 MQ101 IDAT 0 For Ulfric and Skyrim! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD957 MQ101 IDAT 0 Death to the Empire! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 000FD958 MQ101 IDAT 0 Imperial dogs! shouting with alarm, combat starts FormID: 001041A6 MQ101 IDAT 0 So that's why you were in the cart. Thieving. sarcastic, annoyed FormID: 00106BFB MQ101 IDAT 0 Dragon! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFC MQ101 IDAT 0 It's the End Times! The End Times have come! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFD MQ101 IDAT 0 By the gods, a dragon! How? shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFE MQ101 IDAT 0 A dragon? It's a dragon! Gods help us! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106BFF MQ101 IDAT 0 What's happening? shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 00106C00 MQ101 IDAT 0 Divines help us! shouting in terror, just saw a dragon FormID: 000F46DB MQ101 SCEN 0 Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time. handling newly arrived prisoners, stern and severe FormID: 000F46E0 MQ101 SCEN 0 Empire loves their damn lists. under your breath, rolling your eyes at the guards while being roll-called FormID: 000F46DF MQ101 SCEN 0 Wait. You there. Step forward. to the player - you don't recognize this prisoner, you want to get a closer look FormID: 000F46DE MQ101 SCEN 0 For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with. tough, interrupting FormID: 000F46DD MQ101 SCEN 0 Come on, I haven't got all morning. tough FormID: 000F46DC MQ101 SCEN 0 My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same? challenging, unafraid to die FormID: 000F42FC MQ101 SCEN 0 Face your death with some courage, thief. grim, stoic, offended at weakness FormID: 000F42FD MQ101 SCEN 0 Ralof of Riverwood. calling out prisoner's names from a ledger FormID: 000F42FB MQ101 SCEN 0 No, I'm not a rebel. You can't do this! terrified of dying FormID: 000F42FA MQ101 SCEN 0 Anyone else feel like running? stern, severe, emphasize [QUOTE]else[QUOTE] - Anyone ELSE feel like running? FormID: 000C96A8 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasBlock BLOC 0 There you go! This is approval -- you're training with him and just landed a blow. FormID: 000C96A9 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasBlock BLOC 0 Pretty good arm you have there. FormID: 000F23B4 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntBranchTopic CUST 0 What? Did... you need something? hesitating - like I'm looking at you strangely FormID: 000F23B5 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntBranchTopic CUST 0 I have nothing to say to you. Just... leave me alone. hesitating - like I'm looking at you strangely FormID: 000F23B3 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntResponse1 CUST 0 Muiri? I can't believe my family trusted that backstabbing little strumpet. You tell her she's dead to us. You hear me? Dead! FormID: 000F23B2 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntResponse2 CUST 0 What kind of cruel, horrible person are you? My sister was murdered. Do you have any idea what that's like? What I'm going through? FormID: 000F23B1 DB03 DB03NilsineTauntBranch DB03NilsineTauntResponse3 CUST 0 You just going to stand there, gawking? Go away. You're starting to... frighten me. FormID: 00109BAD DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeTGPayoff CUST 0 I don't care who you're with. After what you did, you're lucky I'm not cutting you down where you stand! Walk Away FormID: 000F1C75 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingTopic CUST 0 I can see it in your eyes - you've seen the land of the gods and returned. FormID: 000F1C71 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingA1 CUST 0 Does this mean... is it done? Is Alduin truly defeated? FormID: 000F1C86 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingB1 CUST 0 At last. It is over. Perhaps it was all worth it, in the end. with great relief FormID: 000F1C84 MQ306 MQ306ArngeirBlocking MQ306ArngeirBlockingB2 CUST 0 Then it is done at last. Perhaps it was all worth it, in the end. with great relief FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 0 You've shown yourself mighty, both in Voice and deed. In order to defeat Alduin, you've gained mastery of dreadful weapons. FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 1 Now it is up to you to decide what to do with your power and skill. FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 2 Will you be a hero whose name is remembered in song throughout the ages? FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 3 Or will your name be a curse to future generations? FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 4 Or will you merely fade from history, unremembered? FormID: 000F1C7D MQ306 SCEN 5 Let the Way of the Voice be your guide, and the path of wisdom will be clear to you. Breath and focus, Dragonborn. Your future lies before you. FormID: 000F1C78 MQ306 IDAT 0 Perhaps, perhaps not. Dragons are not like normal mortal creatures, and Alduin is unique even among dragonkind. FormID: 000F1C78 MQ306 IDAT 1 He may be permitted to return at the end of time to fulfill his destiny as the World-Eater. FormID: 000F1C78 MQ306 IDAT 2 But that is for the gods to decide. You have done your part. FormID: 000F1C73 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306BladesBlockingTopic CUST 0 We heard the news from Whiterun - that you left the city on the back of a dragon! FormID: 000F1C73 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306BladesBlockingTopic CUST 1 That's a little... showy, even for you. dryly FormID: 000F1C74 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306BladesBlockingTopic CUST 0 Please... Delphine has been very worried about you. FormID: 000F1C85 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306DelphineA1 CUST 0 Since you're still alive, I assume you have good news to report? FormID: 000F1C83 MQ306 HELO 0 We are all in your debt, Dragonborn. FormID: 000F1C80 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306DelphineB1 CUST 0 Gods above... that's better news than I had hoped! FormID: 000F1C80 MQ306 MQ306BladesBlocking MQ306DelphineB1 CUST 1 When you walked into my inn that day, I never imagined where it would all lead... dragons out of legend... Sovngarde... shaking your head with amazement FormID: 000F1C7C MQ306 SCEN 0 You've done it... just as the prophecy said... softly, almost to yourself - with such relief that you would have to sit down FormID: 000F1C79 MQ306 SCEN 0 I knew you could do it... I believed in you, and yet... I still didn't think I'd live to see this day. almost stunned with happiness FormID: 000F1C77 MQ306 SCEN 0 Thank you. Thank you, Dragonborn. You've done a great service for us all. almost stunned with happiness FormID: 000F1C76 MQ306 SCEN 0 There's still the matter of Paarthurnax. I'm not ungrateful for what you've done. Esbern speaks for both of us. FormID: 000F1C76 MQ306 SCEN 1 But our oath as Blades binds us. Paarthurnax must die. There's no excuse now that Alduin is dead. FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 0 I'm afraid she's right. I'm deeply sorry that this has to come between us. FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 1 But just as Paarthurnax's later deeds do not expiate his crimes, your deeds do not allow us to ignore our duty. FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 2 I hope you will return to us soon with the news that justice has finally been done. somber FormID: 000F1C72 MQ306 SCEN 3 With both Alduin and Paarthurnax dead, a dark chapter in history will finally be closed. somberly FormID: 000F1B29 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRAppJzargo01OutOfScrollsBranch MGRAppJzargo01OutOfScrollsTopic CUST 0 You what? How could you run out? J'zargo gave you more than enough. Bah, just forget J'zargo ever asked for your help. FormID: 0010C6C3 DialogueGeneric DFDA 0 FormID: 000F1A2C MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 Come, let us share a cup of mead, and trade tales of our time on Mundus, reliving the glory of our remembered deeds. FormID: 000F1A2A MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 A cup I'll gladly raise in company with you. None have yet bested me in boasting or drinking. FormID: 000F1A28 MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 cheerful laughter with a friend as you walk off to drink and swap stories FormID: 000F1A26 MQSovngardeConv3 SCEN 0 cheerful laughter with a friend as you walk off to drink and swap stories FormID: 000F1A24 MQSovngardeConv4 SCEN 0 I crave a tale of tall ships and fearless heroes, for heart's ease. FormID: 000F1A35 MQSovngardeConv4 SCEN 0 Listen well, friend, and lighten your mood while words I'll spin of warriors bold, whose deeds of valor brought undying fame. FormID: 000F0A07 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Hail, comrade! Shall we by clash of steel ease the gloom of the encompassing mist? FormID: 000F1C82 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 My blade is restless, unblooded too long. FormID: 000F0A0D MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Aye. Let us forget our sorrow in the fury of battle. FormID: 000F1C7B MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Meat and mead must ever make way for the clash of steel - the song of battle. FormID: 000F0A0C MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Well fought, friend. Your fury is unmatched. FormID: 000F0A0A MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 By a bold stroke, you bested me, friend. FormID: 000F0A09 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 Shor's favor found me today. Let's lift a mug of mead together, our wounds to salve and weariness cure. FormID: 000F0A08 MQSovngardeConv2 SCEN 0 With mead and fellowship let's mend our wounds. FormID: 000EF97D MQ101 SCEN 0 Not many wood elves would choose to come alone to Skyrim. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF97E MQ101 SCEN 0 What're you doing here, Redguard? You a sellsword? A sailor from Stros M'kai? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF97F MQ101 SCEN 0 You from one of the strongholds, Orc? How did you end up here? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF980 MQ101 SCEN 0 You're a long way from the Imperial City. What're you doing in Skyrim? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF981 MQ101 SCEN 0 You're not with the Thalmor Embassy, are you high elf? No, that can't be right.... interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF982 MQ101 SCEN 0 Another refugee? Gods really have abandoned your people, dark elf. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF983 MQ101 SCEN 0 You from Daggerfall, Breton? Fleeing from some court intrigue? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF984 MQ101 SCEN 0 You with one of the trade caravans, Khajiit? Your kind always seems to find trouble. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF985 MQ101 SCEN 0 Are you a relative of one of the Riften dock workers, Argonian? interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF986 MQ101 SCEN 0 You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, kinsman. interviewing a prisoner FormID: 000EF97C MQ101 SCEN 0 We need to get moving! That dragon is tearing up the whole keep! urgently FormID: 000EF97B MQ101 SCEN 0 Just give me a minute... I'm out of breath... winded FormID: 000EF97A MQ101 SCEN 0 Hear that? Stormcloaks. Maybe we can reason with them. whispering (not too soft) FormID: 000EDF57 MQ304 ATCK 0 Yearrgh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a swordNOTE: these MQ304 combat grunts don't need to be unique, only using them as blockers - if more con FormID: 000EDF58 MQ304 ATCK 0 Hyargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF59 MQ304 ATCK 0 Rrarggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF5A MQ304 ATCK 0 Grrargh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF5B MQ304 ATCK 0 Aggghh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF5C MQ304 ATCK 0 Nyyarrggh! noise of physical exertion while swinging a sword FormID: 000EDF4E MQ304 HIT_ 0 Agh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF4F MQ304 HIT_ 0 Oof! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF50 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Nargh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF51 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Argh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF52 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Weergh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF53 MQ304 HIT_ 0 Yeagh! reacting to being struck by a weapon or arrow, short grunt of pain FormID: 000EDF55 MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 I long to fight that foul worm. FormID: 000EDF56 MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 Shall Alduin remain so long unchallenged? FormID: 000EDF4C MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 Ease your heart, our honor is unstained - it's by Shor's command we curb our onslaught. FormID: 000EDF4D MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 0 It is by Shor's command that we curb our wrath - so let's feast and sing 'til our fate calls us. FormID: 000EDF4D MQSovngardeConv1 SCEN 1 Let us not spurn our lord's bounty - this hall is his gift, for glory well-earned. FormID: 000A7FFA FavorJobsGatherWheat IDAT 0 Honest pay for honest work. FormID: 00098215 MQ304 TAUT 0 Your doom has come, damned worm! yell FormID: 000ECC82 MQ304 TAUT 0 Stand fast! The fell worm's death is ours at last, the light returns! yell FormID: 00098216 MQ304 TAUT 0 Nowhere to hide! Hunter becomes our prey! yell FormID: 00098218 MQ304 TAUT 0 Use Dragonrend, to drag him down! yell FormID: 00098217 MQ304 TAUT 0 Die, World-Eater, in despair and fear! yell FormID: 000ECC83 MQ304 TAUT 0 Today you die, your doom has come. yell FormID: 000ECC84 MQ304 TAUT 0 Use Dragonrend, brothers! Bring him to swords-reach! yell FormID: 00098219 MQ304 TAUT 0 Down with you, damned worm! attack yell FormID: 0009821A MQ304 TAUT 0 For Skyrim! For Shor! For Sovngarde's freedom! attack yell FormID: 0009821B MQ304 TAUT 0 I've waited long for such a worthy opponent. FormID: 0009821C MQ304 TAUT 0 The joy of battle burns in your heart! FormID: 0009821D MQ304 TAUT 0 The path is closed, till your courage is tested. FormID: 000ECC85 MQ304 TAUT 0 Shor's Hall awaits, if worthy you prove. FormID: 0009821E MQ304 TAUT 0 Prove worthy by warrior's test, and cross the bridge to the blessed hall. FormID: 0009820C MQ304 BLED 0 I may fall to your malice, but your fate is already written. in pain FormID: 0009820D MQ304 BLED 0 You may strike me down, but your doom is near. in pain FormID: 0009820E MQ304 BLED 0 You cannot defeat us! The Dragonborn still stands! defiant, in pain FormID: 000ED359 MQ305 SCEN 0 Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan! I am eternal! I cannot end! (be ended/be killed) FormID: 000ECC7A MQ305 TAUT 0 The mist is gone, my mind is clear. FormID: 000ECC7B MQ305 TAUT 0 For Skyrim! For Shor! For Sovngarde's freedom! FormID: 000ECC7C MQ305 TAUT 0 Down with you, damned worm! FormID: 000ECC7D MQ305 TAUT 0 I'll fight and die, if such fate is mine. FormID: 000ECC7E MQ305 TAUT 0 Better to die with blade in hand than feed his hunger, hopeless in the mist. FormID: 000ECC7F MQ305 TAUT 0 No higher fate than fall in battle at Sovngarde's gates, a glorious end! FormID: 000ECC80 MQ305 TAUT 0 Before I fall, you'll feel the bite of my sharp blade, as Shor's my witness. FormID: 000EC399 MQ305 VPSL 0 Nahl... Inhale, preparing for another syllable FormID: 000EC397 MQ305 VPEL 0 Daal...Vus! FormID: 000EC3A4 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304YsgramorIntro1 CUST 0 By Shor's command we sheathed our blades and ventured not the vale's dark mist. FormID: 000EC3A4 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304YsgramorIntro1 CUST 1 But three await your word to loose their fury upon the perilous foe. FormID: 000EC3A4 MQ304 MQ304HallofValorBlocking MQ304YsgramorIntro1 CUST 2 Gormlaith the fearless, glad-hearted in battle; Hakon the valiant, heavy-handed warrior; Felldir the Old, far-seeing and grim. FormID: 000EC3A2 MQ304 SCEN 0 Alduin's mist is more than a snare - its shadowy gloom is his shield and cloak. FormID: 000EC39D MQ304 SCEN 0 But with four Voices joined, our valor combined, we can blast the mist and bring him to battle. FormID: 000EC39C MQ304 SCEN 0 Felldir speaks wisdom - the World-Eater, coward, fears you, Dragonborn. grimly FormID: 000EC39B MQ304 SCEN 0 We must drive away his mist, Shouting together, and then unsheathe our blades in desperate battle with our black-winged foe. grimly FormID: 000EC39A MQ305 SCEN 0 To battle, my friends! The fields will echo with the clamor of war, our wills undaunted. FormID: 000EC398 MQ305 SCEN 0 Through fire and time, the terror has lived. No more, I say! I've set my heart on terrible deeds, death's grim art. FormID: 000EC396 MQ305 SCEN 0 Now ends this tale, my eternity be damned! FormID: 000EC3A3 MQ305 SCEN 0 If it is our lot to end, we'll live in song if not in soul. FormID: 000EC3A3 MQ305 SCEN 1 At Sovngarde's gates I'll meet my fate with mirthful heart, and know I fell in noblest cause. FormID: 000EB7C8 MQ305 MQ305TsunOutro MQ305TsunOutroNotYet CUST 0 Tarry not too long - the land of the dead is not meant for mortals to linger. FormID: 000EB7C9 MQ305 MQ305TsunOutro MQ305TsunReadyToGo CUST 0 Return now to Nirn, with this rich boon from Shor, my lord: a Shout to bring a hero from Sovngarde in your hour of need. FormID: 000EAFB2 CreatureDialogueTroll HIT_ 0 FormID: 000EA718 MQ304 DETH 0 Noooo! drawn out scream as Alduin devours your soul FormID: 000EA719 MQ304 DETH 0 Gaaaah! drawn out scream as Alduin devours your soul FormID: 000EA71A MQ304 DETH 0 Aaaaah! drawn out scream as Alduin devours your soul FormID: 000EA634 MG01 MG01TolfdirSkipSceneDialogue MG01TolfdirSkipSceneDialogueTopic CUST 0 Yes, well. After the unfortunate incident that occurred, I think it's best if we just move on. FormID: 000EA5E7 MG02 SCEN 0 Nothing seems to work! FormID: 000EA5E6 MG02 SCEN 0 Keep it busy. I'll try to drain some of its power! FormID: 000EA5E5 MG02 SCEN 0 There! Now attack it! FormID: 000EA5B4 TG02 TG02Goodbyes GBYE 0 You watch yourself on that island. Those mercenaries don't take prisoners. FormID: 000EA477 DA14 DA14PriestessApology DA14PriestessApology1 CUST 0 You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred. You did say something about Rorikstead . Maybe you should take a look there. FormID: 000A95CB DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14IntroTopic2 CUST 0 I see. So you don't remember fondling the statuary, then? FormID: 000A95D5 DA14 DA14PriestessIntroBranch DA14IntroTopic3 CUST 0 Yes, your head hurts and you don't remember where you are. FormID: 000EA2BB TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 You know, things are really starting to move around here. I mean, look at the place. I've never seen so much merchandise. FormID: 000EA2B9 TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 Yeah, it's really something else, isn't it? FormID: 000EA2BC TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 At this rate, the Guild won't be such a laughingstock anymore. FormID: 000EA2D0 TGDialogueHQScene17 SCEN 0 I agree. It'll be nice to get back the respect we lost in the last few years. FormID: 000EA2B2 TGDialogueHQScene18 SCEN 0 Take a look around. Have you ever laid eyes on such wealth? FormID: 000EA2B3 TGDialogueHQScene18 SCEN 0 Never. This is the best the Guild's done since I've been a part of it. FormID: 000EA2B4 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 How's the training going? FormID: 000EA2B5 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 Better than ever. With the Guild back on its feet, there's more coin to throw around. How about you? FormID: 000EA2B6 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 Couldn't be busier. FormID: 000EA2B8 TGDialogueHQScene19 SCEN 0 Let's just hope it stays this way for a long time. FormID: 000EA2BA TGDialogueHQScene20 SCEN 0 So I'm finally seeing you with a smile on your face. FormID: 000EA2BD TGDialogueHQScene20 SCEN 0 It's this place. It feels like home. It's just nice to finally have something going right in my life. FormID: 000EA25A MG01 IDAT 0 No? Well, if you think you're capable of it, then I'd be happy to provide it to you for a mere 30 gold. FormID: 000EA25A MG01 IDAT 1 Or you can try your luck with one of the court wizards around Skyrim. They also sell spells. FormID: 000EA25B MG01 IDAT 0 Here you are. Now I'm anxious to see you cast it. FormID: 000E952B C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Die, you dog! FormID: 000E952C C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Death to the beastblood! FormID: 000E952D C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 I'll rip you apart, Companion! FormID: 000E952E C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Ysgramor would be ashamed of you! FormID: 000E952F C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 I can smell your shame! FormID: 000E9530 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Which one is that? FormID: 000E9531 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 We knew you'd be coming here. FormID: 000E9532 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Well, look what we have here. FormID: 000E9533 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 It's time to die, dog. FormID: 000E9534 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Your mistake, Companion. FormID: 000E9535 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 It doesn't matter. She wears that armor, she dies. FormID: 000E9536 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 It doesn't matter. He wears that armor, he dies. FormID: 000E9537 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 Killing you will make for an excellent story. FormID: 000E9538 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 None of you will be alive to tell it. FormID: 000E9539 C01 C01SharedInfo IDAT 0 You're going to regret this. FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 0 Markarth is... different from the rest of Skyrim, there's no doubt about that. trying to figure out how to explain the strangeness of Markarth to a foreigner FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 1 The Reach has been part of Skyrim for a thousand years, but the Reachmen still haven't accepted it. FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 2 It was only 20 years back that the Reachmen rebelled. Even took control of Markarth itself for a time. FormID: 000E8F28 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarth DialogueCarriageSystemLoreMarkarthTopic CUST 3 They were crushed, of course, but the survivors - the Forsworn - still lurk in the wilds and make the Reach dangerous for honest folk. FormID: 000E8CAA CW02A SCEN 0 Hey, I found a crown over here on this corpse. Is this the one we're looking for? FormID: 000E8CA7 CW02A SCEN 0 By the nine! FormID: 000E8CA3 CW02A SCEN 0 Well, King... If you don't mind, we'll just take that crown of yours and be on our way. ironically, to a zombie wearing the crown on his head FormID: 000E8CA9 CW02A SCEN 0 Have it your way. Let's get that crown men! FormID: 000E8CA5 CW02A SCEN 0 Alright, get the crown off that draugr! FormID: 000E8CA1 CW02B SCEN 0 Hey, I found a crown over here on this corpse. Is this the one we're looking for? FormID: 000E8CA8 CW02B SCEN 0 Ralof... get away from there, fool! FormID: 000E8CA4 CW02B SCEN 0 By the nine! FormID: 000E8CAB CW02B SCEN 0 If you don't mind king, we'll just be taking that crown of yours and be on our way. ironically, to a zombie wearing the crown on its head FormID: 000E8CA6 CW02B SCEN 0 Alright, get the crown off that draugr! FormID: 000E8CA2 CW02B SCEN 0 Have it your way. Let's get that crown men! FormID: 000E8BC2 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardBranch1 DialogueSolitudeAngelineNeutral CUST 0 Ah well, it was a long shot. FormID: 000E8BC1 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorAccept CUST 0 Oh that's very sweet of you. Anything you can find out from Captain Aldis would be welcome news. FormID: 000E8BC6 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorDecline CUST 0 Ah, well I guess it was unlikely. I'm sorry to waste your time. FormID: 000E8BCD SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardBranch2 DialogueSolitudeAngelineImperial CUST 0 You're a traveller, correct? Have you been to Whiterun? FormID: 000E8BC5 SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardBranch3 DialogueSolitudeAngelineStormcloak CUST 0 Wonderful. I hadn't really hoped to run in to someone who had been there. FormID: 000E8BCC SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorContinue CUST 0 My daughter, Fura, was assigned to Whiterun after she joined the Imperial Army. I was hoping you might have met her. FormID: 000E8BCC SolitudeFreeform01 DialogueSolitudeAngelineMorrardFavorBranch DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorContinue CUST 1 I haven't heard from her lately. I've tried talking to Captain Aldis but he hasn't been any help. FormID: 000E8BCE MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 0 Sure - take advantage of the guy in jail. Okay, fine. I can make the deal sweeter. FormID: 000E8BCE MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 1 I obviously don't have anything here, but... there's a hidden stash in the Lodge. And I did manage to hold on to the key... emphasize [QUOTE]here[QUOTE] - like, duh, I'm in jai FormID: 000E8BCE MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 2 Take it. FormID: 000E8BCF MS03 MS03SibbiJail1 MS03SibbiJailPersuade CUST 0 Nice try, but my mother's already got me in jail. Maybe you should try that one on Letrush. FormID: 000E8BCA MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpPersuade CUST 0 You're playing a dangerous game, my friend. FormID: 000E8BCA MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpPersuade CUST 1 Fine, you win. Take the horse and leave. FormID: 000E8BCB MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpPersuade CUST 0 And telling her what? That you stole her horse? I don't think so. FormID: 000E8BC3 MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpIntimidate CUST 0 Now wait a minute... No need to do anything drastic. Look, Keep the horse, all right? Then we all walk away happy... FormID: 000E8BC4 MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpIntimidate CUST 0 Well ain't that the truth of it. All right, then. Let's see what you've got! FormID: 000E8AAB MQ303 SCEN 0 Get ready to open the trap! shouted across a large room FormID: 000E8A1C MQ101 SCEN 0 Done, then? This way! FormID: 000E8A1B MQ101 SCEN 0 Done? Let's get moving. FormID: 000E89FB TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was good speaking with you again. FormID: 000E89FC TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the shadows guide your journey. FormID: 000E8A03 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Eyes open and walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E8A05 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Eyes open and walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E8A06 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now go and make us some coin, lad! laugh at the end FormID: 000E8A07 TGPost TGPostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now go and make us some coin, lass! laugh at the end FormID: 000E89E4 TGPost TGPostKarliahBranch TGPostKarliahBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm feeling a sense of inner peace... something I haven't felt in a very long time. introspective FormID: 000E89E4 TGPost TGPostKarliahBranch TGPostKarliahBranchTopic CUST 1 Instead of being clouded with thoughts of revenge and retribution, I feel only serenity and fulfillment. FormID: 000E89E4 TGPost TGPostKarliahBranch TGPostKarliahBranchTopic CUST 2 Of course, I've been also dabbling in my old pastimes as well. Take a look around, and feel free to share the fruits of my labor. you're being coy FormID: 000E89E3 TGPost TGPostKarliahNGBranch TGPostKarliahNGBranchTopic CUST 0 I think by now, most within the Guild are well aware of what transpired between Mercer Frey and ourselves. FormID: 000E89E3 TGPost TGPostKarliahNGBranch TGPostKarliahNGBranchTopic CUST 1 The notion that the Nightingales are a fictive group has long since passed. FormID: 000E89E3 TGPost TGPostKarliahNGBranch TGPostKarliahNGBranchTopic CUST 2 If you wish to wear your Nightingale Armor within the Guild, I'm certain that no one would give it a second thought. FormID: 000E89E1 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 0 Take a good look around you! Have you ever see the Guild in such a prosperous state? FormID: 000E89E1 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 1 With Mercer Frey gone and our influence present in all of Skyrim's cities, the Guild's accumulating wealth faster than we can spend it. FormID: 000E89E1 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 2 I couldn't be more proud to be a part of the Thieves Guild, or its new Guild Master. laugh at the end - you're being coy (you are referring to the Player who is now the Guild Master) FormID: 000E89E2 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 0 Take a good look around you! Have you ever see the Guild in such a prosperous state? FormID: 000E89E2 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 1 With Mercer Frey gone and our influence spreading across Skyrim, the Guild's earned a new level of respect it hasn't seen in decades. FormID: 000E89E2 TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildStatusTopic CUST 2 I couldn't be more proud to be a part of the Thieves Guild, or its new Guild Master. laugh at the end - you're being coy (you are referring to the Player who is now the Guild Master) FormID: 000E89DE TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatusTopic CUST 0 It's as if the merchandise and coin are simply falling from the sky. FormID: 000E89DE TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatusTopic CUST 1 Vex and Delvin are having to turn clients away at this point, it's almost impossible to keep up. FormID: 000E89DE TGPost TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatus TGPostBrynjolfGuildMasterStatusTopic CUST 2 Don't forget to check your tribute chest once in a while. As Guild Master you're getting a significant cut of the spoils. FormID: 000E89D3 BardSongs SCEN 0 This next song goes out to the Dragonborn. The savior of Skyrim. FormID: 000E89D6 BardSongs SCEN 0 This is an ode to Skyrim's truest sons and daughters... the Stormcloaks. FormID: 000E89D7 BardSongs SCEN 0 This is an ode to Skyrim's staunch protectors... the Imperials. FormID: 000E89D5 BardSongs SCEN 0 This one's a favorite of mine. A legend we all know and love... FormID: 000E89D4 BardSongs SCEN 0 This is a local favorite and one of the first songs I ever learned. Ragnar the Red. FormID: 0007D433 MQ303 SCEN 0 I admit, I doubted you, but no more. You've made a dragon submit to your will. A feat to rival the legendary Olaf One-Eye! What glory! FormID: 000E8996 MQ303 SCEN 0 Carry on, soldier. This is all part of the Dragonborn's plan. FormID: 000E8994 MQ303 SCEN 0 May Kynareth guard you while you pass through her realm! FormID: 000E898E MQ303 SCEN 0 By all the gods... reacting to watching the player let the dragon free from the trap FormID: 000E898C MQ303 SCEN 0 Faas nu, zini dein ruthi ahst vaal. Fear not, my honor holds my rage at bay. FormID: 000E899F MQ303 SCEN 0 You're either the bravest person I've ever met, or the biggest fool. in disbelief but also admiration, watching the player climb onto a dragon's back FormID: 000E899E MQ303 SCEN 0 Begone, mage. Do not test my promise to the Dovahkiin. FormID: 000E899D MQ303 SCEN 0 Incredible! Uh... sir, you have no idea how long I have waited for such an opportunity! FormID: 000E899A MQ303 SCEN 0 I would be most appreciative if you would permit me to perform some, ah, tests on you. Purely in the interests of the advancement of knowledge. FormID: 000E8999 MQ303 SCEN 0 I assure you, you will not even notice me. Most of them are hardly painful at all to a large dragon such as yourself. FormID: 000E8997 MQ303 SCEN 0 Surely you wouldn't miss a few scales... or a small amount of blood... FormID: 000E8995 MQ303 SCEN 0 Joor mey! What are you doing back there? joor mey = [QUOTE]mortal fool[QUOTE] FormID: 000E8990 MQ303 SCEN 0 Farengar! Enough, fool! FormID: 000E898D MQ303 SCEN 0 Farengar, very bad idea. Even for you. FormID: 000E898B MQ303 SCEN 0 I'll be glad when this beast is gone from here. Do whatever it is you need to do with it, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E88F7 DialogueGuardsGeneral WTCR 0 Werewolf! you just saw the player turn into a werewolf in front of you FormID: 000E88F8 DialogueGuardsGeneral WTCR 0 By the gods! It... it can't be! you just saw the player turn into a werewolf in front of you - quick/fearful FormID: 000E88F9 DialogueGuardsGeneral WTCR 0 It's a werewolf! To arms! To arms! you just saw the player turn into a werewolf in front of you - quick/fearful FormID: 000E82B4 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 0 Just one. I know when I was found by my Argonian father, I was wrapped in a blanket bearing the symbol of House Telvanni. FormID: 000E82B4 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 1 It was one of the great houses in Morrowind long ago. Whether that means I was one of them or not, I'm uncertain. FormID: 000E82B4 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 2 If you come across anything in your travels that might provide me with the answers I'm looking for, I'd be grateful. FormID: 000E82B7 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiBranch FFRiften08BrandSheiBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 000E82A2 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiHelp FFRiften08BrandSheiHelpTopic CUST 0 I learned that a matron who had served for House Telvanni had escaped Morrowind during the Accession War. FormID: 000E82A2 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiHelp FFRiften08BrandSheiHelpTopic CUST 1 Records showed her buying passage aboard a sailing vessel named [QUOTE]The Pride of Tel Vos,[QUOTE] but that's where the trail ran cold. FormID: 000E82A2 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08BrandSheiHelp FFRiften08BrandSheiHelpTopic CUST 2 I spent years looking for what became of the ship, but I ended up empty-handed. FormID: 000E82B6 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08Shared IDAT 0 Let me see that! FormID: 000E82B6 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08Shared IDAT 1 Yes... yes. This is it! I don't know how you found this stranger, but you've obviously succeeded where I had failed. FormID: 000E82B6 FreeformRiften08 FFRiften08Shared IDAT 2 Please, let me offer you this key. It unlocks my strongbox under my stand in the marketplace. Help yourself to anything inside. FormID: 000E82A9 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic CUST 0 I picked up a trick from a butcher in Elinhir, a small town over the border in Hammerfell. FormID: 000E82A9 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic CUST 1 He showed me a way to grind up ice wraith teeth and use it as a preservative. Keeps everything cold and fresh, but only for a limited time. FormID: 000E82A9 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm always looking to replenish my supply, so if you ever come across five of them, I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands. FormID: 000E82B5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thanks, I was actually worried I'd run out. FormID: 000E82A8 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseBranch FFRiften07MariseBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Oh! Well if you change your mind, come back and see me. FormID: 000E82B3 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07SharedInfos IDAT 0 Perfect, just perfect! These should help keep my stock fresh for quite a while. FormID: 000E82B3 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07SharedInfos IDAT 1 And, as promised, here's my trade. Hope you like it. FormID: 000E82A5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranch FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, I'd be careful if I were you. I hear the Nords hunt them for some kind of initiation rite and not all of them end up victorious. FormID: 000E82A5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranch FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranchTopic CUST 1 The last traveler that traded me some said he found them at a place called Ancient's Ascent. FormID: 000E82A5 FreeformRiften07 FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranch FFRiften07MariseIceWraithBranchTopic CUST 2 Careful though, rumor has it a dragon makes its home there. FormID: 000E8273 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 0 I have taught the Way of the Voice for centuries and the Thu'um since long before that. FormID: 000E8273 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 1 But no, Dovahkiin. Others do not come here to train anymore. Saraan. You are the first in over a hundred years. FormID: 000E8273 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnax FreeformHighHrothgarBPaarthurnaxTopic CUST 2 I meditate on the Rotmulaag - the Words of Power. I counsel in their use. It is enough for me. FormID: 000E8278 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditationsTopic CUST 0 Which calls to you, Dovahkiin? Fus, Feim, or Yol? FormID: 000E8276 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFus CUST 0 It is called [QUOTE]Force[QUOTE] in your tongue. But as you push the world, so does the world push back. FormID: 000E8276 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFus CUST 1 Think of the way force may be applied effortlessly. Imagine but a whisper pushing aside all in its path. FormID: 000E8276 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFus CUST 2 That is [QUOTE]Fus.[QUOTE] Let its meaning fill you. Su'um ahrk morah. You will push the world harder than it pushes back. su'um ahrk morah = [QUOTE]breath and focus[QUOTE] FormID: 000E8274 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFeim CUST 0 [QUOTE]Fade[QUOTE] in your tongue. Mortals have greater affinity for this Word than the dov. Everything mortal fades away in time, but the spirit remains. FormID: 000E8274 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFeim CUST 1 Ponder the meaning of spirit. Unslaad zii. Where mortal flesh may wither and die, the spirit endures. FormID: 000E8274 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBFeim CUST 2 That is [QUOTE]Feim.[QUOTE] Let that meaning fill you. Su'um ahrk morah. You will find that your spirit will give you more strength. su'um ahrk morah = [QUOTE]breath and focus[QUOTE] FormID: 000E8275 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBYol CUST 0 In your tongue, the Word simply means [QUOTE]Fire.[QUOTE] It is change given form. Power at its most primal. FormID: 000E8275 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBYol CUST 1 That is the true meaning of [QUOTE]Yol.[QUOTE] Suleyk. Power. You have it, as do all dov. But power is inert without action and choice. FormID: 000E8275 FreeformHighHrothgarB FreeformHighHrothgarBMeditations FreeformHighHrothgarBYol CUST 2 Think of this as the fire builds in your su'um, in your breath. Su'um ahrk morah. What will you burn? What will you spare? FormID: 000E7EA5 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 0 Maybe you're not so soft, after all. Now you're ready for a real challenge. re-assessing the player FormID: 000E7EA5 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 1 I'll anoint you with the symbol of the Bear, the Sabrecat and the Mammoth. Tread carefully, these are mighty beasts. With reverence for the animals. FormID: 000E7EA6 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 0 The guardian spirits of Bear, Mammoth and Sabre Cat await you. Return when they are defeated. Slightly annoyed. You should know this. FormID: 00087911 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier02Branch dunHunterTier02BranchTopic CUST 0 Kyne's guardian troll awaits you. Complete this trial and you'll have proven yourself a true hunter. Quietly excited for you. FormID: 000E7EA7 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier03Branch dunHunterTier03BranchTopic CUST 0 You do Kyne proud. Only one challenge remains. Go and defeat the troll champion. FormID: 00087912 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier03Branch dunHunterTier03BranchTopic CUST 0 Then you finally know what it means to be a true hunter, in the Nord way. proud, reverent FormID: 00087912 dunHunterQST dunHunterTier03Branch dunHunterTier03BranchTopic CUST 1 For this you have earned the Blessing of Kyne, and can count me as a friend. FormID: 000E7C12 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go with the gods. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C32 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Talos watch over you. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C33 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Take care. (slightly ominous) saying good bye FormID: 000E7C34 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Be careful out there. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C43 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Keep your brother, and he'll keep you. saying good bye FormID: 000E7C7D CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 As you were. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7C7E CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Hmph. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7CB6 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Watch yourself. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7D6D CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go on, get out of here. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7D72 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Dismissed. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7D73 CWDialogue CWDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 You're dismissed. dismissing a soldier FormID: 000E7BCB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranch DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranchTopic CUST 0 No. Gods no, not for years. FormID: 000E7BCB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranch DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranchTopic CUST 1 I left Winterhold for some time, and returned to stay here at the inn. FormID: 000E7BCC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranch DialogueWinterholdNelacarCollegeBranchTopic CUST 0 I still have research that keeps me busy, and being here in Winterhold ensures I have access to former colleagues. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 0 Try not to? FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 1 But I do realize it's sometimes not that easy. You may want to make a statement, or a contract may require a public killing. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 2 Murder is, obviously, a very serious crime, and a very high bounty will be put on your head in the hold where the act was committed. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 3 You can run, obviously, but you'll still have a price on your head. If a guard attacks, you can attempt to yield by sheathing your weapon. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 4 If the guard accepts, you can serve your time in a cell, or pay your bounty. We've all gone through it. We do what we must to survive. FormID: 000E7BC8 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridCaughtBranch DBAstridCaughtBranchTopic CUST 5 But, there is another option. Some members of the Thieves Guild in Riften can get their bounties... erased. For a price. Something to think about. FormID: 000E7B99 DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 By all I hold sacred... that's a Shout! Like the Graybeards on their mountain! FormID: 000C7F5E DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 By the gods! What manner of power is that? FormID: 000E7B9A DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 The Thu'um! He summons the Thu'um! FormID: 000E7B9B DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 The Thu'um! She summons the Thu'um! FormID: 000E7B9C DialogueGuardsGeneral PCSH 0 It is the power of old! The Voice of the Dragonborn! FormID: 000E7AAC DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 You were right about this place. And about Mauhulakh. FormID: 000E7AAE DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 This was worth coming back for. FormID: 000E7AB4 DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 Urog is a good learner. I'm glad I have the chance to teach her. Makes me not miss the woods as much. FormID: 000E7AC1 DialogueNarzulbur DialogueNarzulburSharedInfos IDAT 0 Urog and I still hunt a lot, so it's not like I'm cooped up in the longhouse. FormID: 000E7A23 CW02A CW02ATulliusBlocking CW02ATulliusBlockingTopic CUST 0 I believe the Legate gave you an order. Why are you standing around here flapping your jaw? Move out! dismissive, annoyed, strict FormID: 000E7A25 CW02B CW02BUlfricBlocking CW02BUlfricBlockingTopic CUST 0 Why are you still here? You're supposed to be at Korvanjund, proving Galmar right, or proving him wrong. a little annoyed the player isn't following orders FormID: 000E7830 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Genuine Falmerblood Elixir for sale! Live for thousands of years... see into other people's thoughts! FormID: 000E7831 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Learn a library's worth of knowledge in moments or grow back that missing limb with my genuine Falmerblood Elixir! FormID: 000E7832 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Don't miss out... purchase a bottle of my genuine Falmerblood Elixir! Only 20 septims each! FormID: 000E7833 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Make love like a sabercat or crush your enemies to dust like a giant! Only a mere 20 gold coins and all this could be yours! FormID: 000E7834 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Rare trinkets and the finest oddities from Morrowind! FormID: 000E7835 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Gems, potions, exotic ingredients... I have them all! FormID: 000E7836 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 The fairest prices and the highest quality in Skyrim! FormID: 000E7837 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Beautiful baubles and gleaming gemstones over here! FormID: 000E7838 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Jewelry with legendary Argonian craftsmanship! FormID: 000E7839 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Buying and selling fine jewelry here! FormID: 000E783A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Fresh meats and produce! Get them before they're gone! FormID: 000E783B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 All meats guaranteed clean and free from Rockjoint! FormID: 000E783C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Vegetables as crisp as a winter's morning! FormID: 000E783D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Looking to stay alive? Why take a chance? FormID: 000E783E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Buy some armor and live to tell about it! FormID: 000E783F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Protect yourself right... buy armor from Grelka. FormID: 00093FF7 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Inkpot. Stone. Bucket. Book. Knife. FormID: 00093FF8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Ha ha ha ha! No! Never find me! crazy cackling laughter, shouted FormID: 00093FF9 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Bucket. Knife. Book. Inkpot. Stone. No, no, no. FormID: 00093FFB DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIdles IDLE 0 Knife. Yes. Book. Yes. Bucket. Yes. Inkpot? No. as if counting to yourself FormID: 000E77F0 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 General Tullius, over here! FormID: 000E77CA DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 It's not that simple. Ulfric wants a Skyrim for the Nords. He doesn't trust what he calls outsiders. Emphasis on the word [QUOTE]outsiders,[QUOTE] because that's the derogatory word Ulfric uses to describe memner of the other races. FormID: 000E77C9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 I'll speak to Ulfric soon, but I make no promises that I can change his mind. FormID: 000E76DA DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 0 You have learned so much already, Dragonborn. Growing your gift too quickly would be dangerous. FormID: 000E76DA DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 1 But there are many Words of Power in Skyrim, carved in the Dragon tongue. Even from here, we can feel the Thu'um resonate from them. FormID: 000E76DA DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 2 Finding these lost Words would be a sufficient test, to temper your abilities with experience. Ask when you are ready to search. FormID: 000E76DB DialogueHighHrothgar DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWords DialogueHighHrothgarArngeirWordsTopic CUST 0 There is only silence right now. Perhaps later we will hear one of the lost Words. FormID: 000E76D9 FreeformHighHrothgarA FreeformHighHrothgarAArngier FreeformHighHrothgarAArngierTopic CUST 0 We have felt the whisper of a Word. Give me your map, and I will show you where its echo can be found. FormID: 000E73B8 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 You're a war hero, Brunwulf. Ulfric will listen to you. FormID: 000E73B6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 You've seen how we live -- cramped alleys, run-down buildings, few guard patrols. Even the name [QUOTE]Gray Quarter[QUOTE] is an insult. FormID: 000E73B4 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 That's all I ask. With your help, we have a chance to make a better life for ourselves here. For that, I thank you. FormID: 000E7398 MG01 SCEN 0 I have responsibilities to attend to. We'll continue this discussion some other time. FormID: 000E736E DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 And you'd have me do what, join the College and prance about casting spells all day? annoyed FormID: 000E736D DialogueWinterholdInitialScene SCEN 0 We need coin, Ranmir, and you're not bringing home any. annoyed, frustrated FormID: 000E7690 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif1 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif1Topic CUST 0 There's something... personal... I was hoping you would do for me. FormID: 000E74EB SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisif SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisifTopic CUST 0 Falk said I could count on you. FormID: 000E74EB SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisif SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisifTopic CUST 1 You have more than earned the right to purchase property and take the next step to becoming a Thane. FormID: 000E74EB SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisif SolitudeFreeform07ReturnElisifTopic CUST 2 Speak to Falk when you have the funds. And thank you. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 0 Falk told me what you did for us at Wolfskull cave. He says you're someone we can trust. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 1 As you may know Talos worship is outlawed in the Empire. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 2 When we buried my husband I made offerings to all the gods... except Talos. FormID: 000E73B5 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 3 I would like you to take an item of his, a warhorn handed down from his father, and place it at a Shrine of Talos. FormID: 000E73B7 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 0 Yes, when we buried my husband I wasn't able to make an offering to Talos. FormID: 000E73B7 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2 SolitudeFreeform07StartElisif2Topic CUST 1 I was hoping you would to take something of his, a warhorn handed down from his father, and place it at a Shrine of Talos. FormID: 000E739C SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ElisifAccept SolitudeFreeform07ElisifAcceptTopic CUST 0 Thank you. It would mean a lot to me. FormID: 000E7293 SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ElisifRefuse SolitudeFreeform07ElisifRefuseTopic CUST 0 That's all right. Return to me if you change your mind though. FormID: 000E728E SolitudeFreeform07 SolitudeFreeform07ElisifExplain SolitudeFreeform07ElisifExplainTopic CUST 0 No but my husband Torygg would want a proper burial and this is the way Nords are buried in Skyrim. FormID: 000E778A MS03 GBYE 0 I'll meet you outside of town. FormID: 000E778B MS03 GBYE 0 Hey, don't you want to make this exchange? FormID: 000E7698 MS04 GBYE 0 Please don't leave. You must help me. FormID: 000E768E MS05 MS05ViarmoBlowOff MS05ViarmoBlowOffTopic CUST 0 Not now. FormID: 000E73D5 MS05 MS05ElisifBlowOff MS05ElisifBlowOffTopic CUST 0 You're interrupting the performance. FormID: 000E73B3 MS06Start GBYE 0 Come back to me if you find anything. FormID: 000E73A1 MS06Start IDAT 0 You're making a mistake! FormID: 000E73AC MS06Start IDAT 0 No! I'm losing the binding. FormID: 000E73AD MS06Start IDAT 0 Stop the intruder! FormID: 000E7769 MS07 GBYE 0 Look along the east coast. The boat will be there. FormID: 000E776A MS07 GBYE 0 It would be best if we spoke little until you've completed your task. FormID: 000E76A3 DA03 DA03BarbasConvincePlayer DA03BarbasConvincePlayerTopic CUST 0 The axe isn't the only item dear old Clavicus has. FormID: 000E76A3 DA03 DA03BarbasConvincePlayer DA03BarbasConvincePlayerTopic CUST 1 Give him the Rueful Axe and once we're reunited the Masque of Clavicus Vile will be yours. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 0 One of Clavicus's little jests. A wizard named Sebastian Lort had a daughter who worshiped Hircine. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 1 When the daughter became a werewolf it drove Sebastian over the edge. He couldn't stand to see his little girl take on such a bestial form. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 2 The wizard wished for the ability to end his daughter's curse. FormID: 000E7693 DA03 DA03BarabasAboutAxe DA03BarabasAboutAxeTopic CUST 3 Clavicus gave him an axe. FormID: 000E773C DA03 IDAT 0 Clavicus sent you didn't he? FormID: 000E773D DA03 IDAT 0 You can't have the Axe! It's all I have left now! FormID: 000E773E DA03 IDAT 0 We should go get the axe. FormID: 000E773F DA03 IDAT 0 Let's get the axe and be done with this. FormID: 000E7740 DA03 IDAT 0 Now that guy was nuts. FormID: 000E7741 DA03 IDAT 0 Don't bother, Clavicus won't talk to me. FormID: 000E7742 DA03 IDAT 0 Wait a second, there's another option here. FormID: 000E7743 DA03 IDAT 0 I have a feeling I'm not going to like what happens when we get back to Clavicus. FormID: 000E7744 DA03 IDAT 0 All this just to kill me Clavicus? FormID: 000E7745 DA03 IDAT 0 You're worth putting in the extra effort for, pooch. FormID: 000E7746 DA03 IDAT 0 I remember that axe. FormID: 000E7747 DA03 IDAT 0 And I was so close to being rid of you. FormID: 000E7779 DA14 IDAT 0 I still don't have my Gleda back. FormID: 000E777A DA14 IDAT 0 Don't come back until you have the ring. FormID: 000E777E DA14 IDAT 0 The temple is still not clean. Get to it. FormID: 000E7785 DA14 IDAT 0 You can't have the ring back! You made a commitment! FormID: 000E7786 DA14 IDAT 0 Once you leave the party you can't just come back. FormID: 000E7787 DA14 IDAT 0 Lets see how tough you are without Sam keeping an eye on you. FormID: 000E7788 DA14 IDAT 0 No Sam, no protection. Time to die. FormID: 000E73BC DialogueSolitudeBardScene4 SCEN 0 I think Illdi's better than Dean Pantea actually knows. She just gets intimidated when she's in class and can't sing. FormID: 000E73B1 DialogueSolitudeBardScene4 SCEN 0 I think someone has a crush on Illdi. FormID: 000E73A0 DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 Ataf keeps making eyes at me. FormID: 000E737F DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 You should tell him to mind his own business. FormID: 000E7291 DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 Aia. You're so mean. I don't think he means anything by it. FormID: 000E728C DialogueSolitudeBardScene5 SCEN 0 Have it your way, then. FormID: 000E7760 DialogueSolitudeBardScene6 SCEN 0 Your performance has been excellent lately Aia. You still need training but one day you will make an adequate singer. FormID: 000E76A1 DialogueSolitudeBardScene6 SCEN 0 Yes, Dean. Thank you. FormID: 000E7691 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 A good story is nine parts truth and one part fiction. FormID: 000E74EC DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Seems like most of these are nine parts fiction. FormID: 000E73BB DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Can we really just make things up? It doesn't seem right. FormID: 000E73AF DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Read carefully. You will see there are ways to stay true to the essence, Illdi. FormID: 000E7312 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene2 SCEN 0 Even while making parts up. FormID: 000E728F DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Let's try a lute piece. Follow along... FormID: 000E779D DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Now, you try it Aia FormID: 000E7737 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Yes, Dean Inge. FormID: 000E769E DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2 SCEN 0 Very good, Aia. Class, observe her finger movements. Let's try a few more pieces. FormID: 000E73FA DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 This time let's try [QUOTE]The Age of Aggression[QUOTE]. I will demonstrate for the class. FormID: 000E74EA DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 This time let's try [QUOTE]The Age of Oppression[QUOTE]. I will demonstrate for the class. FormID: 000E7292 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 That's all for today. You're dismissed. FormID: 000E728D DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene2 SCEN 0 You see, all you need is a bit of spirit and any song can be made into a classic. FormID: 000E76A4 DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Come in and shut the door. FormID: 000E76A5 DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Welcome to Bits and Pieces. I'm sure you'll find what you need here. FormID: 000E76C8 DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Your path has brought you to the finest fletcher in all the land. FormID: 000E76EC DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Feel free to look around. We have a fine selection of herbs here at Angela's Aromatics. FormID: 000E76ED DialogueSolitude IDAT 0 Welcome to the Winking Skeever. Take a load off and enjoy the atmosphere. FormID: 000E739D BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTaskTopic CUST 0 The Poetic Edda is never truly complete. As a living history of Skyrim we Bards continually add parts to it. FormID: 000E739D BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTaskTopic CUST 1 In fact, If you collected parts of the Edda from any Bard you encountered in your travels I would be willing to pay you for them. FormID: 000E7363 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaAccept CUST 0 Wonderful. Just speak to various bards outside of the college, get there parts of the Poetic Edda and return them here to me. FormID: 000E7290 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaGiraudTask BardsCollegePoeticEddaRefuse CUST 0 Come back to me if you change your mind. FormID: 000E774D BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 I do. I've been working on mine for a while now. FormID: 000E774E BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 I suppose Giraud sent you for it? I was still trying to get the wording right but here it is. FormID: 000E774F BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 Here you are. Always good to see a fellow bard. Tell Giraud I said hello. FormID: 000E7750 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 This is part of me. Guard it with your life. FormID: 000E7751 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaBard BardsCollegePoeticEddaBardTopic CUST 0 I've got it right here. Just don't read it, it's not very good. FormID: 000E73B9 BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturn BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturnTopic CUST 0 Wonderful. Soon we'll have the latest section of the Edda complete. Keep up the good work. FormID: 000E73BA BardsCollegePoeticEdda BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturn BardsCollegePoeticEddaReturnTopic CUST 0 That's it! You've collected every last verse. I can't thank you enough. This deserves a special bonus. FormID: 000E778C MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Candy! Get your King Olaf's Festival candy! FormID: 000E778D MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Tasty, sugary treats! FormID: 000E778E MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Spiced Wine here. First cup is paid for by the college. FormID: 000E778F MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Get some Spiced Wine. A Festival Favorite. FormID: 000E7790 MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Meat Pies. Try one for free, come back for more. Get your meat pies. FormID: 000E7791 MS05KingOlafsFestival IDAT 0 Can't have a meal without meat. Come and get some here. FormID: 000E768F MS05KingOlafsFestival MS05KingOlafsFestivalSorex MS05KingOlafsFestivalSorexTopic CUST 0 I said [QUOTE]a free meat pie[QUOTE]. As in one. Here's yours. FormID: 000E73F9 MS05KingOlafsFestival MS05KingOlafsFestivalEvette MS05KingOlafsFestivalEvetteTopic CUST 0 Just one bottle per customer. Except for the man who saved the festival. Here's a couple bottles for you. FormID: 000E6DD0 FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernTopic CUST 0 You're in luck. There is a blessing the Blades used on the eve of battle. It's supposed to prepare the mind for slaying dragons. FormID: 000E6DD0 FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernTopic CUST 1 I doubt the blessing's effects last for very long, so ask whenever you're heading out, and I'll perform the proper rites. FormID: 000E6DDF FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessing FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessingTopic CUST 0 [QUOTE]May the scales of the dragonkind splinter at the touch of your arrows and crack under the weight of your sword.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E6DDF FreeformSkyHavenTempleC FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessing FreeformSkyHavenTempleCEsbernBlessingTopic CUST 1 That's all there is to it, Dragonborn. Good luck. FormID: 000E6DD7 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 The architecture of this temple is marvelous. Have you ever seen stonework like this, Delphine? FormID: 000E6DDD DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 I'm not a scholar, Esbern. How many times do I have to tell you? FormID: 000E6DD4 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 Nonsense. Is a child who learns to read [QUOTE]not a scholar[QUOTE] of literature? Is a smith's apprentice [QUOTE]not a scholar[QUOTE] of blacksmithing? FormID: 000E6DE1 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation01 SCEN 0 Well, I'm [QUOTE]not a scholar[QUOTE] of architecture. And that's that. FormID: 000E6DD8 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation02 SCEN 0 Do you ever think about them, Esbern? The others? FormID: 000E6DD3 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation02 SCEN 0 The other Blades? No. Best not to think what the Thalmor do to their victims, my dear. FormID: 000E6DDC DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation02 SCEN 0 You're right. Sorry to bring it up. FormID: 000E6DD6 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 I've been writing some notes about all the Akaviri designs we've discovered. If only the Imperial Library could see my research. FormID: 000E6DE2 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 Esbern, if the Empire could even acknowledge the Blades existence, we'd all have reason to celebrate. FormID: 000E6DD9 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 Now, now my dear. I'm talking about academia, not politics. FormID: 000E6DD1 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation03 SCEN 0 There's a difference? FormID: 000E6DDE DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 I've been chronicling the recent history of the Blades. What would you like your entry to say? FormID: 000E6DD5 DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]I survived[QUOTE]? sarcastic FormID: 000E6DCF DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 Come now. You did more than just survive all those years. Your evasion of the Thalmor would be useful for future Blades to study. FormID: 000E6DDA DialogueSkyHavenTempleConversation04 SCEN 0 What? Your heroic tale of locking yourself in the Ratway for years isn't enough? FormID: 000E6DD2 FreeformSkyHavenTempleD FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbernTopic CUST 0 Have you ever heard of the expression, [QUOTE]the scale of the Argonian that bit you?[QUOTE] FormID: 000E6DD2 FreeformSkyHavenTempleD FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbern FreeformSkyHavenTempleDEsbernTopic CUST 1 No, I guess not. Well, the principle applies here. It's a potion, made from those dragon parts. Give it a try. FormID: 000E6D54 MQ101 SCEN 0 Who are they, daddy? Where are they going? seeing a group of men chained up in carts FormID: 000E6D55 MQ101 SCEN 0 You need to go inside, little cub. protective father, you don't want your son to see what happens next FormID: 000E1B0D CW00B CW00BHello HELO 0 Speak with Galmar. He'll size you up and see where we can best use your talents. losing patience, but trying to be friendly FormID: 000D3C59 CW00B CW00BHello HELO 0 If you know any true sons and daughters of Skyrim, tell them to head to Windhelm. Ulfric Stormcloak wants to see them. warrior recruiting for the cause FormID: 000E6C3A GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Uuuuhhhnnnn... aaarrrghhh.... moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3B GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Ooohhhh, ahhhrrrghhhh... uuuuggghhh. moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3C GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Uhhh... (coughing, wheezing) ... ahhhh... coughing, wheezing - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3D GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Uuuuhhhnnnn... it hurts... moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3E GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 Aaaahhhhhrrrr.... the pain, somebody, stop... the pain... moaning and groaning - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C3F GenericDialgoueWounded GenericDialgoueWoundedShared IDAT 0 (coughing fit) Uuughhnnn... coughing, gurgling up blood, wheezing - wounded, hunched over, in pain FormID: 000E6C44 CWSiege SCEN 0 They say that our cause is false and that we are nothing more than thieves, thugs and murderers! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C45 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. And for all of Skyrim. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C46 CWSiege SCEN 0 We come to this moment carried by the sacrifices and courage of our fellows. Those who have fallen. And those still bearing the shields to our right. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C47 CWSiege SCEN 0 All right. It's time to deliver the final blow to the Stormcloak rebellion. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C47 CWSiege SCEN 1 You have all fought bravely, and sacrificed much to bring us to this point. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C36 CWSiege SCEN 0 But no! We are farmers! We are craftsmen! We are sons and daughters of shopkeepers, maid servants and soldiers! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C36 CWSiege SCEN 1 We are the sons and daughters of Skyrim! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C37 CWSiege SCEN 0 This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C38 CWSiege SCEN 0 On this day, our enemy will know the fullness of our determination, the true depth of our anger, and the exalted righteousness of our cause. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C39 CWSiege SCEN 0 Ulfric thinks he can hide behind the walls of his castle. But we will fight our way in and drag him out through the rubble to face justice. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C52 CWSiege SCEN 0 And we have come this far because our cause is true. Because we fight as one. And because our hearts are bursting with anger! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C53 CWSiege SCEN 0 That message is this. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C53 CWSiege SCEN 1 Any king who denies the Emperor will wake one morning to face the Legion staring down his gates. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C53 CWSiege SCEN 2 And on that day, we will confiscate his city, and restore the rule of law to his lands. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C54 CWSiege SCEN 0 The gods are watching. The spirits of our ancestors are stirring. And men under suns yet to dawn will be transformed by what we do here today. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C55 CWSiege SCEN 0 Because this is the end for them, the Stormcloaks will fight like cornered rats. They will be fierce and crafty. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C40 CWSiege SCEN 0 What we do here today, we do for our country! For all the true Nords of Skyrim! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C41 CWSiege SCEN 0 But make no mistake. What we do here today, we do for Skyrim and her people. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C41 CWSiege SCEN 1 By cutting out the disease of this rebellion, we will make this country whole again! (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C42 CWSiege SCEN 0 Fear neither pain, nor darkness. For Sovngarde awaits those who die with weapons in their hands, and courage in their hearts. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C43 CWSiege SCEN 0 But they are no match for Legionnaires. You are the best and the brightest warriors in Tamriel. Professional soldiers, fearless and devastating. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E6C43 CWSiege SCEN 1 The Emperor will be paying close attention to what happens here today. Men who distinguish themselves will be well rewarded. (calling out) addressing a crowd of soldiers moments before an epic battle FormID: 000E67EF FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 You there. The Dragonborn wishes to give you the chance to join the lost guardians of Tamriel. The dragon slayers. The Blades. FormID: 000E67EF FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 1 Do you wish to become a Blade? FormID: 000E67F0 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 Are you willing to trade away all claims and titles of your former life? To live here and devote yourself to protecting Tamriel from danger? FormID: 000E67F1 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 Then by my right as acting grandmaster, I name you a Blade, with all the privileges, rights, and burdens that brings. Godspeed. FormID: 000E67F2 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA IDAT 0 I do. FormID: 000E67F4 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 0 I am. The Blades of the 2nd Era hunted down many dragons in their day, and they have records of where the beasts lived. FormID: 000E67F4 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 1 Only you can truly defeat these monsters, Dragonborn, but you do not have to do so alone. The Blades can help you. FormID: 000E67F4 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 2 Just ask whenever you're ready to take on a dragon. We will send the Blades to help you fulfill your destiny. FormID: 000E67F5 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGive FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernGiveTopic CUST 0 It's quiet for now, Dragonborn. Perhaps later we'll find where one of those serpents is hiding. FormID: 000E67E7 FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHunt FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHuntTopic CUST 0 I have. One of the old Akaviri records names a dragon living nearby. Shall we send the Blades to help you? FormID: 000E67EC FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHunt FreeformSkyHavenTempleBAccept CUST 0 Good luck, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E67E9 FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernHunt FreeformSkyHavenTempleBReject CUST 0 Let me know when you are, then. FormID: 000E67E6 FreeformSkyHavenTempleB HELO 0 We're with you, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E67EB FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturn FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturnTopic CUST 0 It's good to see the Blades fighting alongside the Dragonborn once again. To think we're treading in the footsteps of thousands of years past. FormID: 000E67EB FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturn FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturnTopic CUST 1 While you're out hunting, keep a sharp eye open for any dragon scales and bones you might find. I'd be interested in looking at them. FormID: 000E6DDB FreeformSkyHavenTempleB FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturn FreeformSkyHavenTempleBEsbernReturnTopic CUST 0 Good. The dragon's soul should be making you stronger. Come back another time, and we'll track down another one for you. FormID: 000E67D5 CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03InnkeeperPersuade CUST 0 Yeah, sure it is. You don't fool me. FormID: 000C2130 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 It is? Well that's different. emphasis on [QUOTE]different[QUOTE] FormID: 000D28C4 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 He's in the inn. Look around. I'm sure you'll find him. casually ratting out a patron's privacy FormID: 000D28CB CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 He was here, but he left. If you leave now, you can probably catch him. casually ratting out a patron's privacy FormID: 000D28CB CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 1 Or, you can just wait here. He'll be back soon enough. FormID: 000D28CC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 I tend to keep my patrons' privacy. politely saying [QUOTE]go to hell[QUOTE] FormID: 000D28D3 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Very good... Let's see what you have here. taking captured intelligence from a secret agency who's returned FormID: 000D28D3 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 1 Interesting... They know more of our plans than I expected... (concerned) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28D3 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 2 It would seem Fort Dunstad is in need of reinforcements... We'll make sure they won't be getting those... (a pleasant surprise) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28D4 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 One moment while I [QUOTE]correct[QUOTE] some of these documents... That should do it. forging papers to fool the enemy with FormID: 000D28EB CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Make sure those forged documents get to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar. It'll throw him off our trail, allowing us to maneuver more freely. FormID: 000D28EC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Good work! Let's see what you got. taking captured intelligence from a secret agency who's returned FormID: 000D28EC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 1 Hmm... They know more of our plans than I thought... Not good... (concerned) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28EC CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 2 Oh, what's this? Fort Snowhawk is in need of reinforcements... We'll make sure they won't be getting those... (a pleasant surprise) reading stolen enemy intelligence FormID: 000D28F5 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Give me a moment while I make a few, um, [QUOTE]corrections[QUOTE] to these reports... There we go. forging papers to fool the enemy with FormID: 000D28F9 CWMission03 CWMission03Shared IDAT 0 Make sure those forged documents get to the Legate in Morthal. They should give them the wrong idea... and us the advantage. FormID: 000E67AC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 What's your business here in Winterhold? FormID: 000E67AD DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse1 CUST 0 Should've known. FormID: 000E67AD DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse1 CUST 1 Not that it matters anymore. No one bothers coming to Winterhold for any other reason. FormID: 000E67AA DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse2 CUST 0 Stay clear of that College, if you know what's good for you. FormID: 000E67AA DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse2 CUST 1 Nothing but foul deeds behind those walls. FormID: 000E67AB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse3 CUST 0 It does. The College has caused enough problems; don't need you or anyone else adding to them. Walk Away FormID: 000E67AB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialBranch DialogueWinterholdKorirInitialResponse3 CUST 1 If you're not here for the College, then you've little other reason to be in Winterhold at all. Walk Away FormID: 000E67AE DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 0 Look around you. Winterhold is in this state because of those damned mages. FormID: 000E67AE DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 1 They sit up there in their tower, doing gods-know-what, and who watches over them? FormID: 000E67AE DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 2 The guards don't even dare go up there unless they've no choice. FormID: 000E67AF DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 0 I do, and if you count yourself among their numbers then you've blood on your hands as well. FormID: 000E67AF DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 1 There's nothing left of Winterhold. Nothing! FormID: 000E67AF DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblem DialogueWinterholdKorirCollegeProblemTopic CUST 2 Everyone knows it's the College's fault that the sea swallowed our city. Still they deny it, but we all know the truth. FormID: 000E69FA DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Come, we must get to the Skull and destroy it. FormID: 000E69F7 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Let's continue, we still have much to do. FormID: 000E69F4 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 The Torpor should be in a tall bottle with dark liquid. If you find it, bring it to me. FormID: 000E6BC6 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 The laboratory adjoins the library. I'm hoping we'll find a sample of the Torpor left undamaged. FormID: 000E69F5 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you'll check the shelves around the balcony, I'll check around the lower level. FormID: 000E69FE DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 This way... the library isn't far. FormID: 000E6C26 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 We mustn't tarry... the Skull needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. FormID: 000E6C25 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Once we get inside, all will become clear. FormID: 000E69FD DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 I promise to answer all of your questions. Follow me. FormID: 000E69F3 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 This way, my daughter. FormID: 000E69F2 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 This way, my son. FormID: 000E6C24 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 If you change your mind, I'll be here. FormID: 000E68C9 DA16 DA16Goodbyes GBYE 0 Take your time. I understand your hesitation. FormID: 000E67D0 TG08B SCEN 0 What's... what's happening... I can't stop myself. FormID: 000E6756 TG08B SCEN 0 Damn you, Mercer! FormID: 000E686E TG08B SCEN 0 Fight it, Brynjolf... he's taken control of you! FormID: 000E6757 TG08B SCEN 0 I'm sorry lass, I... I can't... FormID: 000E66D3 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Okay, got another one for you. FormID: 000E66DD TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Fine, go ahead. tired FormID: 000E66D7 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Three guards run into a bar, but the fourth one just ducks. Why? FormID: 000E66D1 TG04Brinewater SCEN 0 Um, I don't know, why? FormID: 000E66DF DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 Hold and stand down. FormID: 000E66DF DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 1 If you want to get into Riften, use the North Gate. This one's closed. FormID: 000E66E0 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 My orders are to tell the riff-raff to use the North Gate, that's it. FormID: 000E66E1 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 No. You can use the North Gate, or you can head to the next city. FormID: 000E66E2 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 Keep it. Not worth going to prison over. FormID: 000E66E3 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 That's a quick way to the executioner's block. FormID: 000E66E4 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 That's the North Gate in case you forget. FormID: 000E66E5 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 That's far enough. FormID: 000E66E6 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 If you want to enter Riften, use the North Gate. Otherwise, we have nothing to talk about. FormID: 000E66E7 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 There's nothing else to discuss. Use the North Gate if you want to enter Riften. FormID: 000E66E8 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 You can use the North Gate to enter the city, or you can hit the road. Your choice. FormID: 000E66E9 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsShared IDAT 0 It's a long way to the next city if you change your mind. FormID: 000E66F2 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsHellos HELO 0 Well? In you go. FormID: 00054406 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsGoodbyes GBYE 0 Welcome to Riften. chuckle at the end FormID: 00054407 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateGuardsGoodbyes GBYE 0 You want in, you need to cooperate. FormID: 000E66DB DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic CUST 0 Hold there. FormID: 000E66DB DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic CUST 1 Before I let you into Riften, you need to pay the visitor's tax. FormID: 000E66DC DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you decided to pay the visitor's tax? Walk Away FormID: 000E66D0 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic01 CUST 0 For the privilege of entering the city. What does it matter? rude FormID: 000E66CB DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic04 CUST 0 It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Let me open the gate and you can head into the city. very sarcastic first sentence FormID: 00051A42 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Nope. Not even close. FormID: 000E66D2 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic05 CUST 0 All right, keep your voice down... you want everyone to hear you? I'll let you in, just let me unlock the gate. FormID: 00051A45 DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Call it what you want. You don't pay, then you're not getting in. FormID: 000E66CF DialogueRiftenGateGuards DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranch DialogueRiftenGateNorthBranchTopicWalkaway CUST 0 Don't want in, huh? Fine. Have a good walk to the next city. FormID: 000E66CC DialogueRiftenGateGuards SCEN 0 The gate's unlocked. You can head inside when you're ready. FormID: 000E66D8 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch02a CUST 0 Look how you sniffed out my little scheme at the North Gate. You knew it was a shakedown and you called him on it. That's what I'm talking about. somewhat congratulatory Walk Away FormID: 000E66C9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, that he was. And you sniffed him out because he broke one of the cardinal rules of our business... he got greedy. FormID: 000E66C9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic CUST 1 He was told to run the scam on merchants, but he smelled the gold on you and his judgment went out the window. annoyed FormID: 000E66D5 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Killing him was a bit... impulsive. disappointed FormID: 000E66D5 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 1 A true professional would have kept his cool and dealt with it a different way, but I'll let it go. less annoyed FormID: 000E66D6 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Actually, I admire how you handled the situation. a bit impressed FormID: 000E66D6 TG00 TG00BrynjolfGateBranch TG00BrynjolfGateBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You kept your cool and you didn't kill him. That's the mark of a professional thief. FormID: 0001847C dunHunterQST dunHunterKyneLore dunHunterKyneLoreTopic CUST 0 Those sycophants in the Temple would call her Kynareth. Just a pale shadow of the truth, like all the Temple Divines. You're a grumpy old man spitting on your political opposites. FormID: 0001847C dunHunterQST dunHunterKyneLore dunHunterKyneLoreTopic CUST 1 Kyne! Blessed Warrior-Wife. Shor's widow, sacred to any true Nord hunter. She's the mother of men and beasts, and her veil is the storm. With reverence FormID: 000E6529 DialogueSkyHavenTemple HELO 0 I'm a Blade, now. I can hardly believe it. FormID: 000E652A DialogueSkyHavenTemple HELO 0 By my honor, I pledge to rid Tamriel of dragons. FormID: 000E652B DialogueSkyHavenTemple HELO 0 Dragonborn. What do you need? FormID: 000E57DC dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Something's wrong... Boss' been down there too long. Suspicious, concerned FormID: 000E57DB dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Yeah... Let's wait a little longer. Then... FormID: 000E518C TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck. FormID: 000E56B0 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you want to get paid, keep your weapon sheathed. FormID: 000E56EB TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 No one dies. Remember that. We're not assassins. FormID: 000E56FC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you get arrested, it's on your head. FormID: 000E5743 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep to the shadows and you'll do fine. FormID: 000E5758 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I don't want a trail of dead bodies leading here. Keep it clean. FormID: 000E5759 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Get the job done and get back alive. That's all there is to it. FormID: 000E5761 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't give up now... there's plenty of loot out there just ripe for the taking. FormID: 000E5762 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hey, I still have plenty of work to do here. FormID: 000E5763 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Walking away without taking a job is like passing a bloated coinpurse on a table. FormID: 000E5767 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 You think you're finished? I've got plenty more where that came from. FormID: 000E576D TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come on, take another job so we can both make some money. FormID: 000E576E TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 These jobs aren't going to finish themselves you know. FormID: 000E57A6 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hey, where do you think you're going? We have work to do. FormID: 000E57A7 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't muck this up. FormID: 000E57A8 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't forget your represntin' the Guild. Don't do anythin' stupid. FormID: 000E57AD TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Make us proud. FormID: 000E57AE TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful out there... wouldn't want to lose such a promisin' cutpurse now, would we. FormID: 000E57AF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Use your skills, not your blade and you'll do fine. FormID: 000E57B0 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 No killin' or no pay. Remember that. FormID: 000E57C9 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, keep it clean. We don't want blood on our hands. FormID: 000E57DF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Can I give you a little tip? Take every job you can get or else you'll end up a beggar. FormID: 000E57EF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hey, this guild needs the coin... walkin' away without takin' work is not going to make you popular around here. FormID: 000E57F2 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 There's plenty more work for the likes of you. FormID: 000E57F3 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 What's the matter, afraid of getting your hands dirty? FormID: 000E57F5 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Where you off to? There's work to be done. FormID: 000E57FC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Only way this guilds going to continue to grow is by takin' extra work. FormID: 000E5817 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Find me if you're ever lookin' for some extra coin. FormID: 000E584B TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Finally. Now I can get back to work. FormID: 000E58CD TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't hurry back, I won't be waiting. FormID: 000E58EC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck on your next job. FormID: 000E58F4 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Off for some wine, eh? Drink one for me. FormID: 000E58F6 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep to the shadows. FormID: 000E58F7 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seeing you. FormID: 000E58FE TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Always a pleasure... sarcasm... laugh at the end FormID: 000E5903 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Go and pick some fights. laugh at the end FormID: 000E5908 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Some other time, perhaps. FormID: 000E590B TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'm sure we'll speak again. FormID: 000E590E TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope we bump into each other again. FormID: 000E5915 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Maybe I'll see you around the Guild. FormID: 000E5919 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you ever need more practice with the bow, just grab me. FormID: 000E594B TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come find me if you need more marksman training. FormID: 000E594C TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Need any more pickpocket training, you just let me know. FormID: 000E5959 TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come back and see me if you ever need pickpocket training. FormID: 000E67CE TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lad. FormID: 000E67CF TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lass. FormID: 000FF98E TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 A word of advice. Don't disappoint me. FormID: 000FF98F TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'm watching you. FormID: 000E509A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic CUST 0 It was on a job a few years back... it was supposed to be a simple burglary on a house in Windhelm. FormID: 000E509A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic CUST 1 I was working with Vex and we got inside with no trouble. We found the loot, and made our way out. FormID: 000E508D TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well it was, up until the point where we set foot outside. The house was surrounded by town guard... the client had ratted us out. FormID: 000E508D TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Vex just tells me to run, so I did. Half of them went after me, the other half went after her. FormID: 000E507A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Are you kidding me? Vex lost them in seconds... once she steps into the shadows, she vanishes. FormID: 000E507A TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Me? I ran... and I ran... straight through the gates of Windhelm and all the way back to Riften. FormID: 000E506C TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Vex was waiting for me at the Flagon when I came in... drenched in sweat. Everyone just took a look at me and laughed. FormID: 000E5062 TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Well, I had forgotten we had our horses tied up just outside of Windhelm... Vex rode hers back and arrived hours before I did. FormID: 000E5062 TGDialogue TGDialogueVipirBranch TGDialogueVipirBranchTopic04 CUST 1 So, that's how I earned the name. Now keep it to yourself. FormID: 000E5053 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic CUST 0 I used to live in Valenwood working at my father's winery... we made the finest wine to ever cross your lips I promise you. FormID: 000E5053 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic CUST 1 We were doing well, plenty of coin, a huge mansion and I was even betrothed to a lovely young woman. FormID: 000E5046 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Because it was dull. Every day was the same boring routine; working at the winery, social visits with friends, parties with no one I cared about. FormID: 000E5046 TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I just wanted a little excitement. Something dangerous. FormID: 000E503B TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I hooked up with a guild in Valenwood... I think they called themselves the Silver Crescents. Spent quite a few years doing jobs for them. FormID: 000E503B TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Made a lot of coin, but I didn't care. I didn't really need it... I was running with them because it fit, made me feel alive. FormID: 000E502F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Well, after a while my father caught on to what I was doing. He confronted me one night and gave me a choice. FormID: 000E502F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Either leave Valenwood, or he'd have me thrown into jail. Gave me a day to say my goodbyes to everyone. FormID: 000E509F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I ended up in Skyrim thanks to a contact I'd made when I was with the Crescents... good old Delvin. FormID: 000E509F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic04 CUST 1 He introduced me to Gallus, and that was it. I've been here ever since. FormID: 000E509F TGDialogue TGDialogueNiruinBranch TGDialogueNiruinBranchTopic04 CUST 2 And you know what? Despite what I left behind, I don't regret it one bit. FormID: 000E5098 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I don't really know you. I don't even really know anyone here. FormID: 000E5098 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic CUST 1 Why do you care anyway? It's not like we're family. This is a business. FormID: 000E5084 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Look, you want to know about me? All right, I'll tell you. FormID: 000E5084 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll tell you about the time I was a young girl, barely out of her teens... living on a pig farm in the middle of nowhere. FormID: 000E5084 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Didn't have a coin to spend between our entire family. Ate the same slop we fed our livestock. FormID: 000E5076 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Oh, wait... it gets much better. very sarcastic FormID: 000E5076 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 1 How about the fact that our farm was attacked by bandits, and that they killed my entire family who didn't even brandish a weapon against them. get more angry.. more heated as you talk. FormID: 000E5076 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Here's the best part. They took me as a prize, and violated me for a fortnight. Tossed me from bandit to bandit like... like... Furious now... anger should build until you realize the horror of what you're saying FormID: 000E5064 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 0 It's fine... I had to tell someone I suppose. calming down going into sadness FormID: 000E5064 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Carrying around a weight like that... it hurts after a while. Cuts you inside like a dagger to the heart. FormID: 000E505A TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Over time, I managed to gain their confidence. Then one night I grabbed a knife, waited until they fell asleep and cut their throats. very cold... distant FormID: 000E505A TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I never returned to that pig farm you know. There's nothing for me there. FormID: 000E505A TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 2 So that's my sad story. What do you think? FormID: 000E5050 TGDialogue TGDialogueSapphireBranch TGDialogueSapphireBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Maybe one day, just not today. FormID: 000E503F TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic CUST 0 Pull up a chair, my friend... this is quite a tale. FormID: 000E503F TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic CUST 1 When I started out in this business, I wasn't really interested in the Guild or being a thief. FormID: 000E5036 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I didn't mean to imply I was earning an honest living either. FormID: 000E5036 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic01 CUST 1 With my lock picking aptitude, I was a natural at jailbreaking... made a great deal of gold doing it too. proud FormID: 000E50A4 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic02 CUST 0 It's where a client pays you to get arrested, and you get thrown into a prison for the express purpose of breaking out. FormID: 000E50A4 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Usually it's to free someone the client cares about... and sometimes to... well, to kill someone on their behalf. FormID: 000E50A4 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Either way, the trick was in the escape, and that's where my strengths came in handy. FormID: 000E509C TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Well, as a jailbreaker, you work alone. No Guild to back you up. FormID: 000E509C TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic03 CUST 1 I'd do jobs for the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood, but if things didn't go as planned, I was on my own. FormID: 000E508E TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic04 CUST 0 The last jailbreak I attempted failed. I was imprisoned in High Rock for three years before they let me go. FormID: 000E508E TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic04 CUST 1 After that I promised myself I'd never do it again. FormID: 000E5080 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic05 CUST 0 I don't know. I think I realized that out in the world, my skills would bring me more wealth as a thief rather than an assassin. FormID: 000E5080 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic05 CUST 1 Killing someone in a jail is much easier than what the Dark Brotherhood deals with. I guess I wanted to play it safe. FormID: 000E5080 TGDialogue TGDialogueCynricBranch TGDialogueCynricBranchTopic05 CUST 2 I already knew Delvin, I asked if I could join up, and that was that. FormID: 000E506F TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic CUST 0 I joined up with them maybe ten years ago. FormID: 000E506F TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic CUST 1 Small clan... maybe twenty men. We'd raid villages, rob caravans... but it was always about the killing for them. FormID: 000E5063 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Don't get me wrong. The first few years with that clan were some of the best years of my life. FormID: 000E5063 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic01 CUST 1 All the food I could eat, all the wine I could drink and all the women I could bed. FormID: 000E5049 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic02 CUST 0 We raided a caravan one spring... I think it was a few wagons with some farmers moving to a new village. FormID: 000E5049 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic02 CUST 1 They didn't put up much of a fight. All that was left were the women and the children. FormID: 000E5049 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Then the leader of our clan... Garthek... he ordered us to kill the rest. FormID: 000E503C TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic03 CUST 0 No, we usually let them go. I refused to do it, and Garthek ordered the clan to kill me as well. FormID: 000E503C TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Luckily, I had made some friends with the clan who immediately sided with me. FormID: 000E503C TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic03 CUST 2 We tore each other to pieces. After it was over, those of us that remained simply went our separate ways. FormID: 000E50A0 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I left his head on a pike at the wreckage of the caravan. FormID: 000E50A0 TGDialogue TGDialogueThrynnBranch TGDialogueThrynnBranchTopic04 CUST 1 Never knew what became of the rest of the clan that survived. I suppose they moved on just like I did. FormID: 000E5099 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic CUST 0 My father told me he found me as a young boy in the wreckage of a ship that sank off of the coast near Solitude. FormID: 000E5099 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic CUST 1 All he found in my pocket was a tiny smooth stone inscribed with some sort of strange runes. FormID: 000E508A TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No one does. I've even taken the damn thing to the College of Winterhold. FormID: 000E508A TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I must have spent every last coin I've made with the Guild trying to find out what it means. FormID: 000E5079 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Perhaps. They could be nonsense... inane scribbles done by someone in idle boredom. FormID: 000E5079 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic02 CUST 1 But if not... if they actually mean something, they might tell me where I'm from... what ship was I on. Everything. FormID: 000E505D TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Actually, the fisherman who found me, the man I call my father gave it to me. FormID: 000E505D TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Thought it was fitting I suppose. I never changed it, because it never felt right to do so. FormID: 000E4EBA MQ203 SCEN 0 Ah! Here it is. FormID: 000E5045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRuneBranch TGDialogueRuneBranchTopic04 CUST 0 I appreciate that. FormID: 000E5037 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic CUST 0 It's kind of an amusing tale. FormID: 000E5037 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic CUST 1 I was making my way down the road from Ivarstead towards Riften, and I saw Vex fighting off a couple of wolves. FormID: 000E502C TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, there were eight of them and she'd already killed three by the time I joined the fight. FormID: 000E502C TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Together, we made short work of them and the last one limped away licking its wounds. FormID: 000E509D TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Actually, that's when she politely asked me to hand over my coin purse. Can you imagine? laugh aloud at end FormID: 000E509D TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic02 CUST 1 We scuffled for a while, broke each other's weapons, and finally fell to the ground exhausted. FormID: 000E5097 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Indeed. FormID: 000E5097 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic03 CUST 1 After a few minutes, she looked me dead in the eye and asked me if I wanted to join the Guild. Just like that, no apologies. FormID: 000E5083 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Something told me I wouldn't regret it. I had heard the Guild was back on its feet again and most of Skyrim under its belt. FormID: 000E5083 TGDialogue TGDialogueGartharBranch TGDialogueGartharBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I'll tell you, I wouldn't want to cross blades with Vex again, but I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of a scuffle... innuendo FormID: 000E5070 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic CUST 0 Morrowind of course. Any Dunmer worth their weight in ash would tell you the same. FormID: 000E5070 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic CUST 1 I used to be a member of the Morang Tong. FormID: 000E5059 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic01 CUST 0 We were an assassins guild that was sanctioned by the Empire to provide public as well as private executions. FormID: 000E5059 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic01 CUST 1 We did this in the name of Mephala, whom I used to quite fervently worship. FormID: 000E504F TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic02 CUST 0 No. In fact, the Tong were quite the bitter rivals with the Dark Brotherhood. FormID: 000E504F TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Where they operate within the shadows, we operated on the side of justice. FormID: 000E5035 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I didn't have a choice. When the Red Mountain erupted in Morrowind, the Tong fled... spread to the nine winds. FormID: 000E5035 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic03 CUST 1 We made a pact that one day, we might reunite... but I believe that day is long in coming. FormID: 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Have you taken leave of your senses? FormID: 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 1 If the Dark Brotherhood discovered I had been a Morang Tong, they would come after me with a vengeance. FormID: 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 2 Better to stay out of sight and ply my trade with the Thieves Guild than risk a contract on my head. FormID: 000E509B TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic05 CUST 0 I should hope so. The Dark Brotherhood is also known to place contracts on those who associate with the Morang Tong as well. FormID: 000E509B TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic05 CUST 1 So, unless you wish a visit from one of their own, I'd suggest you follow your own advice and keep your mouth shut. FormID: 000E4D63 NN01 NN01AvrusaSinderionBranch NN01AvrusaBranchSinderionTopic CUST 0 I knew this day would eventually come. FormID: 000E4D63 NN01 NN01AvrusaSinderionBranch NN01AvrusaBranchSinderionTopic CUST 1 At least poor Sinderion died doing what he loved, his field research. I told the old fool he should take it easy, but he was too stubborn. FormID: 000E4D63 NN01 NN01AvrusaSinderionBranch NN01AvrusaBranchSinderionTopic CUST 2 Perhaps someday I'll continue where he left off, it's the least I can do considering how much he did for me. FormID: 000E4D61 NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic CUST 0 Crimson Nirnroot? I'd heard such a strain existed, but never imagined I'd see any in my lifetime. FormID: 000E4D61 NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic CUST 1 Where did you find this? FormID: 000E4D5F NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Blackreach... why does that sound so familiar? pondering aloud to self FormID: 000E4D5F NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Of course! It's where my mentor, Sinderion said he was going to do his field research. FormID: 000E4D5F NN01 NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranch NN01AvrusaNirnOnlyBranchTopic01 CUST 2 It's been... years I think, but perhaps you could still find him. FormID: 000E4D6C NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 You've gathered quite a few of them I see. FormID: 000E4D6C NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 1 I'll search through Sinderion's notes and find some more information about the Crimson Nirnroot and its properties. FormID: 000E4D6A NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 000E4D6A NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic01 CUST 1 You've done alchemy a great service by helping to complete Sinderion's work. FormID: 000E4D6A NN01 NN01AvrusaCompleteBranch NN01AvrusaCompleteBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I'd like to give you this's one of Sinderion's greatest works. I believe you've more than earned it. FormID: 000E4D68 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 Where did all these pretty red plants come from? FormID: 000E4D66 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 Remember Uncle Sinderion? These are the plants he was searching for... the Crimson Nirnroot. FormID: 000E4D65 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 They're beautiful. I can see why he wanted to find them. FormID: 000E4D64 DialogueSarethiFarmScene03 SCEN 0 One day, these beautiful plants will make us famous and we can finally move off of this farm... thanks to Sinderion. FormID: 000E4D62 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranch DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 0 I used to be. There isn't much time for that in my life anymore I'm afraid. FormID: 000E4D62 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranch DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 1 I actually owned a shop in Vivec City long ago, but I had to leave all that behind when the Red Mountain erupted. FormID: 000E4D62 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranch DialogueSarethiFarmAlchemyBranchTopic CUST 2 Perhaps someday I'll reopen a shop here in Skyrim. FormID: 000E4D60 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01Alt CUST 0 Yes. He was an absolute genius when it came to the nirnroot. FormID: 000E4D60 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01Alt CUST 1 Sinderion made it his life's work, developing all sorts of interesting concoctions. FormID: 000E4D6B DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic CUST 0 When I was very young, I was sent to Skingrad in Cyrodiil to study with him. FormID: 000E4D6B DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic CUST 1 He was a strange Altmer... paid more attention to his research than his own well-being. He lived in the basement of an inn for goodness sakes! chuckle lightly at end FormID: 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, after I fled Morrowind during the eruption, I made my way here... my family had purchased this farm and its all we had left. FormID: 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Years later, Sinderion simply showed up at our doorstep asking to stay for a while... said he was going to do field research. FormID: 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 2 He stayed with us for decades... became an uncle of sorts to Aduri. FormID: 000E4D67 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic02 CUST 0 One day he simply ran out to me in the field, excited that he'd made some sort of a breakthrough and he was going to head out on another trip. FormID: 000E4D67 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic02 CUST 1 He never returned. From the journal you discovered, I'm sure you know the rest. FormID: 000E4D2B dunGauldursonQST dunGauldursonQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Gauldur! Shocked, afraid. FormID: 000E4D2C dunGauldursonQST dunGauldursonQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Bormah! 'Father' in dragon. Shocked, afraid. FormID: 000E4A2E MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigBribeAttempt CUST 0 Ah, I think that'll do just the trick. FormID: 000E4A2F MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigBribeAttempt CUST 0 You'll need a little more coin than what you're floatin' around with. FormID: 000E4A3C DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusHelpMeOrNot CUST 0 One block lifts the other. Septimus will give what you want, but you must bring him something in return. FormID: 000E4A39 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusPlayerThreaten CUST 0 Oh, a brutish one. Septimus has no fear of you. But as one block raises another, perhaps ourselves could help us each. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 0 You see this masterwork of the Dwemer. Deep inside their greatest knowings. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 1 Septimus is clever among men, but he is but an idiot child compared to the dullest of the Dwemer. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 2 Lucky then they left behind their own way of reading the Elder Scrolls. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 3 In the depths of Blackreach one yet lies. FormID: 000E4A38 DA04 DA04ElderScrollPointerToBlackreachBranch DA04SeptimusFineWhat CUST 4 Have you heard of Blackreach? [QUOTE]Cast upon where Dwemer cities slept, the yearning spire hidden learnings kept.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E4A37 DA04 DA04SeptimusSphereWhat DA04SeptimusSphereWhatTopic CUST 0 The deepest doors of Dwemer listen for singing. It plays the attitude of notes proper for opening. Can you not hear it? Too low for hearings? FormID: 000E4A36 DA04 DA04SeptimusCubeWhat DA04SeptimusCubeWhatTopic CUST 0 To glimpse the world inside an Elder Scroll can damage the eyes. Or the mind, as it has to Septimus. FormID: 000E4A36 DA04 DA04SeptimusCubeWhat DA04SeptimusCubeWhatTopic CUST 1 The Dwemer found a loophole, as they always do. To focus the knowledge away and inside without harm. FormID: 000E4A36 DA04 DA04SeptimusCubeWhat DA04SeptimusCubeWhatTopic CUST 2 Place the lexicon into their contraption and focus the knowings into it. When it brims with glow, bring it back and Septimus can read once more. FormID: 000E4A32 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhatNextBranch DA04SeptimusGotLexicon CUST 0 Give it, quickly. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 0 Extraordinary. I see it now. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 1 The sealing structure interlocks in the tiniest fractals. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 2 Dwemer blood can loose the hooks, but none alive remain to bear it. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 3 A panoply of their brethren could gather to form a facsimile. A trick. Something they didn't anticipate, no, not even them. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 4 The blood of Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Falmer, and Orsimer. The elves still living provide the key. FormID: 0001C5FB DA04 DA04SharedInfos IDAT 5 Bear you hence this extractor. It will drink the fresh blood of elves. Come when its set is complete. FormID: 000E4A41 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Not now. FormID: 000E4A42 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 This isn't a good time. FormID: 000E4A43 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 The old man had one wish before he died. And he didn't get it. It's as simple as that. FormID: 000E4A44 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 That's fine for you. But he wanted to be clean. FormID: 000E4A44 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 He wanted to meet Ysgramor and know the glories of Sovngarde. But all that was taken from him. FormID: 000E4A45 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 No, Farkas, he didn't. And that's not what this is about. FormID: 000E4A45 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 We should be honoring Kodlak, no matter our own thoughts on the blood. [QUOTE]no matter[QUOTE] = [QUOTE]regardless of[QUOTE] FormID: 000E4A46 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Kodlak used to speak of a way to cleanse his soul, even in death. FormID: 000E4A46 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 You know the legends of the Tomb of Ysgramor. FormID: 000E4A47 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Is that? Did you repair the blade? FormID: 000E4A48 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Being moon-born is not so much of a curse as you might think, Vilkas. FormID: 000E4A49 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 And you avenged him. FormID: 000E4A4A C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 You're right. It's what he wanted, and he deserved to have it. this is a major concession, admitting that you were wrong FormID: 000E4A4B C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 There the souls of the Harbingers will heed the call of northern steel. FormID: 000E4A4C C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 We can't even enter the tomb without Wuuthrad, and it's in pieces, like it has been for a thousand years. FormID: 000E4A4D C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Kodlak did not care for vengeance. FormID: 000E4A4E C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 And dragons were just stories. And the elves once ruled Skyrim. FormID: 000E4A4E C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 Just because something is, doesn't mean it must be. FormID: 000E4A4E C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 2 The blade is a weapon. A tool. Tools are meant to be broken. And repaired. FormID: 000E4A4F C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the first time I've had all the pieces, thanks to our Shield-Brother here. FormID: 000E4A50 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 This is the first time I've had all the pieces, thanks to our Shield-Sister here. FormID: 000E4A51 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 [QUOTE]The flames of a hero can reforge the shattered.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E4A51 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 The flames of Kodlak shall fuel the rebirth of Wuuthrad. And now it will take you to meet him once more. FormID: 000E4A52 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 The rest of you, prepare to journey to the Tomb of Ysgramor. For Kodlak. FormID: 000E4A53 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 As the one who bore the fragments, I think you should be the one to carry Wuuthrad into battle. FormID: 000E4A54 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I can't go any further, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000E4A55 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I can't go any further, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000E4A60 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Ever since Dustman's Cairn, the big crawly ones have been too much for me. FormID: 000E4A60 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 1 Everyone has his weakness, and this one is mine. FormID: 000E4A60 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 2 I'm not proud, but I will stay back with Vilkas. Give my regards to Ysgramor. FormID: 000E4A81 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Did I hear right? Did he say you were to lead the Companions? FormID: 000E4C8D C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 I'm just surprised. But your strength and honor are apparent to all. FormID: 000E4C8F C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 You've earned the right. Your strength and honor are apparent to all. FormID: 000E4C91 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 And it's my honor to be first to address you as Harbinger. FormID: 000E4C92 C06 C06SharedInfos IDAT 0 Let's go tell the others. FormID: 000E4A31 C06 C06EorlundHeresTheLastPiece C06EorlundHeresTheLastPieceTopic CUST 0 You're back. FormID: 000E4A30 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundMyPleasure CUST 0 Thank you. I'll be here. FormID: 000E4A2D C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundForCryinOutLoud CUST 0 I appreciate it. FormID: 000E4A2C C06 C06EorlundHeresTheLastPiece C06EorlundHereTakeIt CUST 0 Thank you. Your Shield-Siblings have withdrawn to the Underforge. I think they're waiting for you. FormID: 000E4A3A MS11 MS11GuardsGettingIntoHjerim MS11HjerimTovaContinuation CUST 0 I think her mother, Tova, has the key. FormID: 000E4A3B MS11 MS11GuardsGettingIntoHjerim MS11HjerimTovaContinuation CUST 0 Her mother would have had the key, but she... that family is cursed, I tell you. FormID: 000E4A08 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 I don't want to be responsible for sending you to your death. Be careful in the mine. FormID: 000E4A09 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't kid yourself... stone runs in our blood. FormID: 000E4A0A DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the road favor the foolish... laugh at the end FormID: 000E4A0B DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Darkwater Crossing is a difficult journey. Mind yourself. FormID: 000E4A0C DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep yourself safe, traveler. FormID: 000E4A0D DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneGoodbyes GBYE 0 Fortune to you and your children. FormID: 000E4A03 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 Redbelly Mine gets its name from the red mist filling the place. FormID: 000E4A03 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 You get used to it after a while... kind of smells like the hot springs out in the tundra. FormID: 000E4A03 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 2 No idea what's causing it though. FormID: 000E4A04 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 Mining iron takes a lot of strength and special reinforced tools. FormID: 000E4A04 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 I must have broken five or six pickaxes in the last few months alone. FormID: 000E4A04 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 2 But now that I've got Rocksplinter here, I can cut through stone like a hot knife through butter. FormID: 000E4A05 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 I might be a woman, but I can crack rock with the best of them. FormID: 000E4A05 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 Be careful in there, you can take a nasty spill. FormID: 000E4A06 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 0 Damn place is filled with this reddish mist. Can't see more than ten feet in front of your face. FormID: 000E4A06 DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranch DialogueShorsStoneRedbellyBranchTopic CUST 1 But when you can sniff out a vein of iron like me, it isn't too much trouble. FormID: 000E49A9 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic CUST 0 It's full of spiders, that's what's wrong with it! Almost killed Grogmar and me when they showed up. FormID: 000E49A9 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm worried that they'll come out of the mine looking for food soon... then we're in even bigger trouble. FormID: 000E48FA MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Go! We'll follow when we can! FormID: 000E48F9 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get back! yelling to get away from the flames FormID: 0006A6FA FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersDoneBranch FFSS01SpidersDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Gone? Every one of them? Why, that's incredible. FormID: 000E4905 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranch FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 0 Finally, we can reopen the mine and put Shor's Stone back on the map! thrilled FormID: 000E4905 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranch FFSS01SpidersDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, please accept this gift as a token of our gratitude. FormID: 0006A701 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 Moved right in and made themselves at home. Did it overnight. I'm not even sure exactly where they came from. FormID: 0006A701 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 No one's been hurt yet, and they seem to be staying in the mine, but who knows how long that will last? FormID: 0006A701 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 2 If we can't get back into the mine, our town is sunk. FormID: 0006A702 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 One day we were cracking rocks in the deepest parts of the mine and the next day they were all over the place. FormID: 0006A702 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersInfoBranch FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 I'd give my eye teeth if it meant getting those damn spiders out of the mine! FormID: 000E49E6 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Tell you what. Keep to your word, and I'll line your pockets with as much as I can scrape up. FormID: 000E49E4 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I never asked you to help in the first place. Why would I? Everyone in Skyrim only helps themselves. FormID: 000E49E3 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Wait... you mean you killed every last one of them? I can't believe it! FormID: 000E49E2 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic00 CUST 0 They're as useless as a fifth wheel on a wagon. Gave me some sort of a line about [QUOTE]keeping an eye out for enemy soldiers.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E49E2 FreeformShorsStone01 FFSS01SpidersBranch FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic00 CUST 1 What's the point in protecting this place if the mine's completely useless? Idiots. FormID: 000E49AB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic CUST 0 My parents live there. I usually make the journey to bring them gifts and to just say hello, but I haven't been well lately. FormID: 000E49AB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic CUST 1 I've written some letters and placed them in a satchel. Perhaps you wouldn't mind delivering it to them on my behalf? FormID: 000E49AA FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02VernerBranch FFSS02VernerBranchTopic CUST 0 It's a shame our daughter couldn't make the journey herself, but at least she still thinks of us. FormID: 000E49AA FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02VernerBranch FFSS02VernerBranchTopic CUST 1 If you wouldn't mind bringing this back to her for us, I'd appreciate it. FormID: 000E49A8 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You would? Well then, I would insist on rewarding you for your time. FormID: 000E49A8 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Here, take my satchel and give it to my father, Verner. He'll likely have something for you to bring back. FormID: 000E4904 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaBranch FFSS02SylgjaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Yes, indeed. disappointed FormID: 000E48FB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaSickBranch FFSS02SylgjaSickBranchTopic CUST 0 I had a bad fall in the mine when I was bringing some food to the men. feel stupid for making a mistake FormID: 000E48FB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaSickBranch FFSS02SylgjaSickBranchTopic CUST 1 I was pretty bad off for a while, but a priest of Mara was passing through on his way to Dawnstar and healed me to the best of his abilities. FormID: 000E48FB FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaSickBranch FFSS02SylgjaSickBranchTopic CUST 2 I'm still pretty sore and can't really walk too far without having to rest for a while. FormID: 000E49E5 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranch FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes... seems he sent back my satchel stuffed with letters. I look forward to reading them. FormID: 000E49E5 FreeformShorsStone02 FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranch FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranchTopic CUST 1 I appreciate the delivery, here... I want you to have this. I insist. FormID: 000E41B3 TG01 SCEN 0 Just pay them, Bersi! FormID: 000E41B4 TG01 SCEN 0 Oh my word! FormID: 000E41B5 TG01 SCEN 0 This isn't happening! FormID: 000E40A4 CW03 SCEN 0 You were right Galmar. upset FormID: 000E40A3 CW03 SCEN 0 Again? mock shock, as in [QUOTE]of course i'm right, I'm always right[QUOTE] FormID: 000E409D CW03 SCEN 0 I'm in no mood to joke. serious, smoldering anger FormID: 000E40B4 CW03 SCEN 0 Give the word, my lord, and Whiterun is yours. matching his the serious tone of his lord FormID: 000E40A5 CW03 SCEN 0 Whiterun is only a means to an end. distant, thinking of the future FormID: 000E409C CW03 SCEN 0 I've toured our camps. We're ready, Ulfric... urging action FormID: 000E409C CW03 SCEN 1 Whenever you are. slight hint of disappointment FormID: 000E40B0 CW03 SCEN 0 Is any man ever ready to give the order that will mean the deaths of many. conflicted FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 0 No. But neither is every man able to give that order when he must. kicking into stern mentor mode FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 1 But you are that man, Ulfric. You've been that man before, and you'll be him again. forceful, as a father FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 2 And these men and women - they call themselves Stormcloaks because they believe in you... forceful, as a father FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 3 They're the meanest, toughest sons of bitches Skyrim has to offer. And they want this. forceful, rising intensity FormID: 000E40A1 CW03 SCEN 4 They want this as much as you do. Perhaps they want it more. forceful, goading FormID: 000E409E CW03 SCEN 0 You're certain we're ready? conflicted, looking for affirmation FormID: 000E409E CW03 SCEN 1 Whiterun's army will no doubt be bolstered with Legionnares. And those walls around Whiterun are old, but they still stand. looking for affirmation FormID: 000E40AB CW03 SCEN 0 We're ready. forceful certitude [QUOTE]You better F'ing believe it buddy.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E40AB CW03 SCEN 1 And I might be old myself, but I'll kick those damn walls down with my bare feet! - if you would only ask me to do it! joking, roaring, pleading FormID: 000E409A CW03 SCEN 0 And I'm sure you could do it, too. chuckling, tension released FormID: 000E409A CW03 SCEN 1 Alright. gaining composure, seriousness FormID: 000E409A CW03 SCEN 2 This is it. certain, made up his mind, and it means war FormID: 000E40A0 CW03 SCEN 0 Yes! with grit, deep from the belly exuberance, the warrior stirs FormID: 000E4099 CW03 SCEN 0 Send the word. [QUOTE]A new day is dawning and the sun rises over Whiterun.[QUOTE] as king, poised, forceful, eloquent FormID: 000E40A7 CW03 SCEN 0 Aye, and the sons of Skyrim will greet that dawn teeth and swords flashing. with grit, the warrior stirs FormID: 000E409B CW03 SCEN 0 So it begins. as king, poised, forceful FormID: 000E40AC CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarTopic CUST 0 Make haste to our camp in Whiterun. I want you on the front lines. giving an order to a new recruit Walk Away FormID: 000E40AC CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarTopic CUST 1 I have a feeling about you. Your place is on that battlefield. I need you there. sincere, urgent, commanding Walk Away FormID: 000E40B1 CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarYesSir CUST 0 Fight well, or die well. Talos be with you! a king committing a soldier to battle FormID: 000E40AA CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarManyWillDie CUST 0 Then I commit them to whatever gods they still believe in. ironic air of authority FormID: 000E40AA CW03 CW03UlfricGreetWar CW03UlfricGreetWarManyWillDie CUST 1 Talos be with you! a king committing a soldier to battle [QUOTE]God be with you.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E3F51 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 I think it's time we make this Guild Master thing official. Go and talk to Brynjolf, he's makin' preparations. FormID: 000E3F52 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 I heard Brynjolf is looking for you. I think it's time for the Guild to have a new leader. FormID: 000E3F53 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 So, they're making you leader, huh? Better go find Brynjolf so he can seal the deal. FormID: 000E3F54 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 I heard Brynjolf wants to see you about being Guild Master. I suppose my turn will come one day, but for now you'll do nicely. FormID: 000E3F55 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 So, they're making you Guild Master, eh? Good. Just find Brynjolf and he can make it official. FormID: 000E3F56 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf's been looking for you about the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000E3F57 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf tells me you'll make an excellent Guild Master. Oh, he's looking for you, by the way. FormID: 000E3F58 TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 What are you doing talking to me? Didn't you know Brynjolf's been trying to find you? It's time to install you as Guild Master! FormID: 000EA2CA TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf's looking for you. Something about becoming the Guild Master. FormID: 000EA2CB TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you're finally going to make Guild Master, eh? Well, you better track down Brynjolf to seal the deal. FormID: 000EA2CC TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Guild Master, huh? Well, guess we could do worse. Better go see Brynjolf about it. FormID: 000EA2CD TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf told me he was looking for you about the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000EA2CE TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you know Brynjolf was looking for you? I think it's about the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000EA2CF TGLeadership TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranch TGLeadershipBlockingHelloBranchTopic CUST 0 Brynjolf's been looking for you. He wants to discuss the Guild Master ceremony. Congratulations... boss. FormID: 000E3F4B TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, my friend... the time's come to make it official. It's time to become our Guild Master. FormID: 000E3F4B TGLeadership TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranch TGLeadershipBrynjolfBranchTopic CUST 1 Don't worry, I promise this will be short and sweet. If you'll just meet us in the center of the cistern room, we can begin. FormID: 000E3F5C TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I suppose you deserve it. Couldn't do any worse than Mercer, anyway. FormID: 000E3F5D TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I'm not getting any younger. Let's get this ceremony done with. FormID: 000E3F5E TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 So now the pupil is the master, eh? Good show! FormID: 000E3F5F TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Not now, it's time for the ceremony. FormID: 000E3F60 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 You need anything, anything at all... don't hesitate to ask. FormID: 000E3F61 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We can talk after the Guild Master ceremony. FormID: 000E3F62 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I am at your service. FormID: 000E3F63 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Don't talk to me, you're supposed to be at the ceremony! FormID: 000E3F64 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We're all rich thanks to you. Cheers! FormID: 000E3F65 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We'll chat after the ceremony. FormID: 000E3F66 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I promise to live up to your expectations. FormID: 000E3F67 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Shouldn't the ceremony be completed first? FormID: 000E3F68 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Glad to see they picked the right person for the job. FormID: 000E3F69 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We can get better acquainted once the ceremony's ended. FormID: 000E3F6A TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Congratulations, boss! FormID: 000E3F6B TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We can speak after the ceremony's done. FormID: 000E3F6C TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I can't think of a better person for the job, Nightingale. FormID: 000E3F6D TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 After Brynjolf has installed you as Guild Master, we can speak at length. FormID: 000E3F6E TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I suppose congratulations are in order. Now don't screw it up. FormID: 000E3F6F TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Not now, you idiot. We'll talk after this ridiculous ceremony. FormID: 000EA2BE TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Well, looks like you're running the show now. Good luck. FormID: 000EA2BF TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Wait until the ceremony is over, then we'll talk. FormID: 000EA2C0 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 As long as you continue to make us all rich, I'm behind you. FormID: 000EA2C1 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Hang on. When the ceremony's done, we'll talk. FormID: 000EA2C2 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 So, now that you're Guild Master, how about drinks for all of us! laugh at end FormID: 000EA2C3 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Not yet... wait until Brynjolf's finished the ceremony. FormID: 000EA2C4 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I think everyone's waiting for the ceremony to get going. FormID: 000EA2C5 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 I think everyone's waiting for the ceremony to get going. FormID: 000EA2C6 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We'll talk later... after this whole ceremony thing's over. FormID: 000EA2C7 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 We'll talk later... after this whole ceremony thing's over. FormID: 000EA2C8 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 Here's to a long and prosperous future... may the Guild last another hundred years. FormID: 000EA2C9 TGLeadership TGLeadershipHellos HELO 0 What are you doing? You're supposed to be attending the ceremony. FormID: 000E3F50 TGLeadership SCEN 0 Look, I've never been good at these things, so I'm just going to keep it short. FormID: 000E3F50 TGLeadership SCEN 1 Being Guild Master means more than just getting a cut of all the loot, it's about being a leader and keeping this rabble in order. FormID: 000E3F50 TGLeadership SCEN 2 With that in mind, I propose that the position of Guild Master should be yours. FormID: 000E3F5B TGLeadership SCEN 0 Delvin? FormID: 000E3F4E TGLeadership SCEN 0 Agreed. FormID: 000E3F4C TGLeadership SCEN 0 Vex? FormID: 000E3F59 TGLeadership SCEN 0 Sure, why not. FormID: 000E3F4A TGLeadership SCEN 0 Karliah? FormID: 000E3F4F TGLeadership SCEN 0 Absolutely. FormID: 000E3F4D TGLeadership SCEN 0 Everyone is in agreement, so all I can do now is name you Guild Master and wish you good fortune and long life. FormID: 000E3F5A TGLeadership SCEN 0 Now everyone get back to work. FormID: 000E32F0 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01AduriBranch FFSarethi01AduriBranchTopic CUST 0 Aduri is what some would call a free spirit. She likes to wander the fall forest for hours on end. overworked, tired FormID: 000E32F0 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01AduriBranch FFSarethi01AduriBranchTopic CUST 1 If we were still living at my alchemy shop in Vivec City, it wouldn't be so bad, she could wander the canals all day. tired, overworked FormID: 000E32F0 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01AduriBranch FFSarethi01AduriBranchTopic CUST 2 But around here, there's a tremendous amount of work to get done, not to mention the dangers she's not ready to face. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E6F FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic02 CUST 0 I don't need luck, I need rest. overworked, tired FormID: 000E3E6C FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01BranchDone FFSarethi01BranchDoneTopic CUST 0 Fantastic. I was concerned I had asked for too many, but I'm glad to see you proved me wrong. FormID: 000E3E61 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01BranchDoneFin FFSarethi01BranchDoneFinTopic CUST 0 Let me at least give you something for your efforts... finding all of these couldn't have been easy... or cheap. FormID: 000E3E12 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic03 CUST 0 My goodness, how did you ever come by all of these? FormID: 000E3E12 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic03 CUST 1 No matter, I appreciate your generosity. FormID: 000E3E88 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come visit again sometime. FormID: 000E3E89 DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good luck finding those jazbay grapes, they're very rare. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E8A DialogueSarethiFarm SarethiFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Back to work. tired, overworked FormID: 0006B997 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic CUST 0 A few days ago, some thieves from Riften broke in here and stole it! Can you imagine? Took the only thing of value we had. FormID: 0006B997 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic CUST 1 If you have the guts to head into the Ratway and get my bow back, I'll pay you what I can. FormID: 0006B998 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01DoneBranch FFMF01DoneBranchTopic CUST 0 That's it! You found it! FormID: 000E3E1C FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01BowBranch FFMF01BowBranchTopic CUST 0 I bumped into them when I was coming back to my farm after buying supplies. FormID: 000E3E1C FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01BowBranch FFMF01BowBranchTopic CUST 1 I know those lowlifes took it with them back to the Ratway. They left an unmistakable stench behind. FormID: 000E3E1C FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01BowBranch FFMF01BowBranchTopic CUST 2 It was a family heirloom. I can't even put a price on how much that thing means to me. FormID: 000E3E78 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thanks. It would be nice to have it back... means a lot to me. FormID: 000E3E74 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic02 CUST 0 Fine. I'll wait until someone else with a little more courage comes along. FormID: 000E3E72 FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01Branch FFMF01BranchTopic03 CUST 0 That's it! That's my bow! FormID: 000E3E6E FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01DoneFinBranch FFMF01DoneFinBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know how you got it back, and I don't want to know. Frankly, I don't even care... I'm just so glad to see it again. FormID: 000E3E6E FreeformMerryfairFarm FFMF01DoneFinBranch FFMF01DoneFinBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, this is all can afford to give you as compensation. Hope it's enough. FormID: 000E3E62 DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Dragons, thieves and war. I should have stayed in Morrowind. grumbling to self FormID: 000E3E6A DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 The Ratway is somewhere under Riften, shouldn't be too tough to find. FormID: 000E3E6B DialogueMerryfairFarm MerryfairFarmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch yourself out there or they'll take everything away from you. FormID: 000E3E11 DialogueMerryfairFarm DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranch DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding me? We're all alone out here except for a few guards who couldn't give a damn about us. FormID: 000E3E11 DialogueMerryfairFarm DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranch DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranchTopic CUST 1 We make easy pickings for thieves looking to steal everything we worked so hard for. FormID: 000E3E11 DialogueMerryfairFarm DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranch DialogueMerryfairFarmDravinBranchTopic CUST 2 Not only did I they take my bow, but they took all of our coin as well. Nothing's sacred to these people. FormID: 0006BBA8 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic CUST 0 He said he was going east towards the border of Morrowind to trade some of our grain to some folks at Broken Helm Hollow. FormID: 0006BBA8 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic CUST 1 I waited and waited, and he never came back. Probably shacked up with some elven whore. Good riddance to him I say. FormID: 0006BBA8 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic CUST 2 If I only knew where he was, I'd sure give him a piece of my mind. FormID: 0006BBA2 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01DoneBranch FFHM01DoneBranchTopic CUST 0 No, it can't be... oh my... and all this time, I was thinking he'd been unfaithful to me. I feel so stupid. almost crying FormID: 000E3E77 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHMDoneFinBranch FFHMDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been a fool, wasting my time sitting here helpless when I could have sent help sooner. Perhaps this is all my doing... FormID: 000E3E77 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHMDoneFinBranch FFHMDoneFinBranchTopic CUST 1 What's done is done. Here, I want you to have this. Bringing me closure was kind of you. FormID: 000E3E70 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Good. If you see him, tell him Grosta said he can go straight to Oblivion... he's not welcome here any more. FormID: 000E3E83 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic02 CUST 0 No, it can't be... oh my... and all this time, I was thinking he'd been unfaithful to me. I feel so stupid. almost crying FormID: 000E3E7A FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01Branch FFHM01BranchTopic03 CUST 0 Doesn't matter. I'm sure he's long gone by now anyway. FormID: 000E3E76 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01HusbandBranch FFHM01HusbandBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, he said that a few men have been going by to some of the local farms promising a good price from all the local mills and farms. FormID: 000E3E76 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01HusbandBranch FFHM01HusbandBranchTopic CUST 1 Leifnarr said they'd pay double what you can usually get at the markets. FormID: 000E3E76 FreeformHeartwoodMill FFHM01HusbandBranch FFHM01HusbandBranchTopic CUST 2 The catch was, he had to head out there with our wood. So not only is Leifnarr gone, but a good bit of our supplies as well. FormID: 000E3E90 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Bye, mister. FormID: 000E3E91 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Bye, lady. FormID: 000E3E92 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Drop by and see us again if you're ever in the area. FormID: 000E3E93 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember to tell that bastard I never want to see his ugly face again! FormID: 000E3E94 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Quit taking advantage of us and this world might be a better place, you got that? FormID: 000E3E95 DialogueHeartwoodMill HeartwoodMillGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't let the men take advantage of you, always be on your guard. FormID: 000E3E7C DialogueHeartwoodMill DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranch DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranchTopic CUST 0 With just myself and one child, it's damn near impossible. FormID: 000E3E7C DialogueHeartwoodMill DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranch DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranchTopic CUST 1 With Leifnarr gone, it's really put me in a terrible bind. I'm having trouble making ends meet. FormID: 000E3E7C DialogueHeartwoodMill DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranch DialogueHeartwoodMillMenBranchTopic CUST 2 At this rate, we won't last more than a few more seasons at best. Then I'll just have to sell the old place. FormID: 000E3C53 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayMane DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 0 We've got an old saying -- the Gray-Manes have lived in Whiterun since the first snows fell in Skyrim. Proud FormID: 000E3C53 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayMane DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 1 Well, maybe that's not entirely true, but our clan's got a long an' proud history in this hold. Proud FormID: 000E3C53 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayMane DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 2 We respect the old ways, the Nord ways, an' a Gray-Mane has worked the Skyforge since before the time of my grandfather's father. Proud FormID: 000E3DD2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBorn DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 0 Aye, they're an old clan like ours, but they cast their lot with the Empire when the uprising began. Derision, distaste. You don't like the Battle-Born clan - they're your biggest rivals. FormID: 000E3DD2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBorn DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 1 Olfrid Battle-Born made his money from farming, an' got himself some new friends among the Empire's nobles. Derision, distaste. You don't like the Battle-Born clan - they're your biggest rivals FormID: 000E3DD2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBorn DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 2 Now he's in the Emperor's pocket like the rest of 'em, with no regard for honor an' tradition. Derision, distaste. You don't like the Battle-Born clan - they're your biggest rivals FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 0 Aye, we used to be fast friends, though it was long ago. Sad FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 1 We were two of the city's oldest an' most-respected clans, an' we could trace our histories all the way back to Ysgramor's companions. Sad, wistful FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 2 But then Olfrid got rich an' decided he an his kin were too good for us simple, backwards Nord folk. FormID: 000E3DD0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeud DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsFeudTopic CUST 3 When the troubles began, he took the Empire's side. We haven't spoken much since then. FormID: 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 0 Well, first an' foremost there's repairs to make an' wounds to heal. Folks are depending on us getting the city back in working order. FormID: 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 1 Once things settle down, I'll be lookin' to recruit more guards for the city, then shore up our stores of food an' water. FormID: 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 2 The Empire might try an take the city back, or worse, we'll get a visit from a dragon. We've got to be ready for both. FormID: 000E3DCB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalos DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalosTopic CUST 0 Aye, with a certainty. FormID: 000E3DCB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalos DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalosTopic CUST 1 It was Talos that helped us win back the city. I'm as sure of that as the sun rising in the morning. FormID: 000E3DCB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalos DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsTalosTopic CUST 2 Might even build a new temple and put Heimskr in charge of it. Hah! I bet he'd like that. Amuse with yourself. The [QUOTE]hah![QUOTE] is a burst of laughter. FormID: 000E3DC9 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 I won't say it again, Vignar - Talos worship is forbidden. It's the Empire's law, and we're still a part of the Empire. FormID: 000E3DC7 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 A law made at the tip of an Aldmeri sword, aye. A sword stained red with Nord blood. FormID: 000E3DC7 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 1 Is this what our people fought and died for? To forsake our most beloved ancestor and divine? FormID: 000E3DC5 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 I'm no happier about this than you are, but I don't want the see the Thalmor rounding up people in the streets and throwing them in prison. FormID: 000E3DC3 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 Do your loyalties lie with the Thalmor, then? Icy FormID: 000E3CD5 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 I warn you, Gray-Mane, you are treading on dangerous ground. Warning, icy FormID: 000E3DD4 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 0 Don't threaten me, boy. You're either a Nord who respects our traditions, or you're not. Angry, scolding FormID: 000E3DD4 DialogueWhiterunSceneVignarBalgruuf SCEN 1 If not, it isn't me you'll have to answer to, but the people of this city and this hold. Angry, scolding FormID: 000E3DD1 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Someone's been pilfering crops from my farm. If I find out it's one of your kin, I'll see the culprit rot in prison. Accusing FormID: 000E3DCF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I'm surprised you had the wits to notice, Olfrid, what with your nose buried so far up the Emperor's backside. Mocking FormID: 000E3DCC DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 You won't be laughing when the Thalmor come to root out Stormcloak sympathizers. Cold, warning FormID: 000E3DCC DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 I've already put in a claim to the land and property you'll forfeit when you're found to be a collaborator. FormID: 000E3DC8 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I'll remember that when the Stormcloaks liberate the city. No amount of money will protect you then, Battle-Born. Warning, ominous FormID: 000E3DC6 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I've heard you Gray-Manes are collaborating with the Stormcloaks. If I see any such treachery, I'll deal with you myself. Contemptuous FormID: 000E3DC4 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Bold words, Battle-Born. While you're meting out justice to traitors, are you going to deal with the Emperor, as well? FormID: 000E3DC2 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 What? Speak your meaning plainly, old man. Angry, but also confused FormID: 000E3C54 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 How many Nords died to save the Empire? And what was our reward? Accusatory, hostile FormID: 000E3C54 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 The worship of Talos outlawed, and now the Thalmor come to conduct their witch-hunts while the Empire stands idly by. Accusatory, hostile FormID: 000E3DD3 DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Don't lecture me about treachery, whelp. You don't know the meaning of the word. Harsh, accusatory FormID: 000E3DCE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWork DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWorkTopic CUST 0 Well, it could be worse. The former steward, Proventus, kept very detailed records. FormID: 000E3DCE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWork DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsWorkTopic CUST 1 But yes, it's been a lot of work. Vignar doesn't want the change to disrupt the lives of his people. They've got enough to deal with already. FormID: 000E3DCA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragons DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragonsTopic CUST 0 And we've done as much as we can to prepare for that. FormID: 000E3DCA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragons DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragonsTopic CUST 1 But remember, Whiterun is home to the Companions. Any dragon that comes here will get more than he's bargained for, I think. Trying to sound confident, while not really feeling that way. FormID: 000BD7E2 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's as rewarding as it is dangerous. Let's see what I can show you. FormID: 00085506 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I think I can teach you a thing or two. FormID: 00085507 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I think I can teach you a thing or two. FormID: 000E3A37 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can certainly share a bit of what I know. FormID: 00085508 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can certainly share a bit of what I know. FormID: 000E3A38 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You wish to learn from the best, eh? So be it. FormID: 000B5FAD DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can. It might save your life. FormID: 000ADA18 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can. It might save your life. FormID: 000E3A39 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You deal with powerful forces. Take care they do not overwhelm you. FormID: 000ADA19 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you some of what I know, but be careful. FormID: 000ADA1B DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you some of what I know, but be careful. FormID: 000E3A3A DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you, but I won't be held responsible for what you do with the knowledge. FormID: 00066978 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you, but I won't be held responsible for what you do with the knowledge. FormID: 000B8127 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Mind what - or who - you practice this on. FormID: 000E3A3B DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You've come to the right place. I'd be happy to teach you. FormID: 000ADA1C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You've come to the right place. I'd be happy to teach you. FormID: 000E3A3C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I can about protecting yourself. FormID: 000ADA2C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Use it right, and you won't feel a thing. FormID: 000E3A3D DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I shall explain to you the mysteries of the outer realms. FormID: 000B8128 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Your power over others shall be great, like mine. FormID: 000E3A3E DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you how to use it effectively, and keep you quick on your feet. FormID: 000ADA3C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll teach you how to use it effectively, and keep you quick on your feet. FormID: 000B833B DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You'll be able to run circles around the big, slow brutes in Heavy Armor. FormID: 000E3A3F DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 All right, but if you get arrested don't blame it on me. FormID: 000ADA42 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 All right, but if you get arrested don't blame it on me. FormID: 000E3A40 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I know. FormID: 000ADA51 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I know. FormID: 000ADA60 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll show you what I know. FormID: 000E3A41 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You'll never compare to me, but I can try and teach you anyway. FormID: 000ADA6C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you a few things. FormID: 000B5FB0 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can teach you a few things. FormID: 000E3A42 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Up to no good, are we? I'll teach you, but it'll cost you. FormID: 000ADA70 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Up to no good, are we? I'll teach you, but it'll cost you. FormID: 000E3A43 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll gladly share my knowledge with you. FormID: 000ADA96 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll gladly share my knowledge with you. FormID: 000C278A DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I'll gladly share my knowledge with you. FormID: 000E3A44 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's an honorable craft. I'll show you what I can. FormID: 000AED3A DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 You wish to do what I do? Very well. FormID: 000ADA99 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's an honorable craft. I'll show you what I can. FormID: 000E3A45 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Stick with me, and they'll never even know you're there. FormID: 000ADAED DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 I can show you a few things, but anyone asks, and my name never comes up. Understand? FormID: 000ADB15 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 They'll never see you coming. FormID: 000E3A46 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000ADB16 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000ADB1C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000B833C DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000E3A47 DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's all in the swing. Let me show you. FormID: 000ADB1E DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 It's all in the swing. Let me show you. FormID: 000E38C1 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic CUST 0 The Thalmor hunted us down, remember? It wasn't exactly great for recruitment. FormID: 000E38C1 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic CUST 1 But we have a headquarters of a sort now. We'll rebuild the Blades. Someday. FormID: 000E38C5 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic01 CUST 0 If you find anyone you think would make a good recruit, I can certainly take a look at them. FormID: 000E38C5 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStartTopic01 CUST 1 Remember, though, being a Blade is a lifelong commitment. Their loyalty has to be with us once they're in. FormID: 000E38C3 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineStart02 CUST 0 Thanks. sarcastic FormID: 000E38C0 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollowerTopic CUST 0 Are you sure? I'll need to ask them to take an oath to leave their old life behind and stay here from now on. FormID: 000E67F6 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollowerTopic CUST 0 You want this one to become a Blade? You're sure? FormID: 000E38C4 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineFollowerTopic01 CUST 0 Very well. I'll do the oath later. Let's just get 'em geared up and ready to fight. FormID: 000E67EE DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineFollowerTopic01 CUST 0 Very well. He seems like a fighter to me. I'll give him the oath. FormID: 000E3E64 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleADelphineFollowerTopic01 CUST 0 Very well. She seems like a fighter to me. I'll give her the oath. FormID: 000E38C6 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInductTopic02 CUST 0 Right then. FormID: 000E38C2 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInvisible CUST 0 If you find any more candidates bring them here. FormID: 000E49A5 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInvisible CUST 0 I can handle training one more. After that, I think we'll be ready for a little dragon hunting of our own. FormID: 000E3E63 DialogueFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAFollower FreeformSkyHavenTempleAInvisible CUST 0 That's enough recruits for now. Ask Esbern about the dragon lairs he's been studying. We'll have the recruits do some hunting with you. FormID: 000E36BA dunTrevasWatchQST StalleoGiveQuest dunTrevasWatchQSTAllClear CUST 0 You've already taken care of it? Thank you friend. elated FormID: 000E36BD dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturnTopic CUST 0 Could it really be? Wow this is what I've been looking for. FormID: 000E36BC dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTCanAnskaHave CUST 0 Can I have it? It's worthless to you, but I can pay. FormID: 000E36BB dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTCanAnskaHaveReward CUST 0 Thank you so much, this scroll means a lot to my family. Take this for your trouble. FormID: 000E36B9 dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHighGateRuinsQSTScrollReturn dunHighGateRuinsQSTAfterAttackl CUST 0 I'm sorry, I've come too far to lose it now. angry FormID: 000E3654 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Insolent bard. Die! Dark, angry. Post-process: Deep, echoy, resounding through the room; will trigger rumble. FormID: 000E3653 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Arise, Olaf! My vengeance is at hand! Yell of challenge. FormID: 000E3652 MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST SCEN 0 Olaf! Yell of challenge. Extend the name-- a [QUOTE]Stella![QUOTE] moment. FormID: 000E3642 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 It's good to see you in one piece, lad! FormID: 000E3643 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 It's good to see you in one piece, lass! FormID: 000E3640 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I just wanted to give you a proper thank you for everything you've done. FormID: 000E3640 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The Guild is back on its feet again and on its way to a prosperous future. FormID: 000E3640 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranch TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchTopic01 CUST 2 What's become of the Skeleton Key? FormID: 000E3641 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic CUST 0 That's it then. After all of those years of helplessly watching the Guild decline. FormID: 000E3641 TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic CUST 1 But enough of that... I'm confident that with you in charge, we'll soon have more gold than we could possibly spend. FormID: 000E363F TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 0 I'll be down here, trying to coordinate everything with Delvin and Vex; to make sure the coin keeps flowing... and no one skims! FormID: 000E363F TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 1 If you still feel like doing some jobs, I'm sure Delvin and Vex have more than their fair share to give out. FormID: 000E363F TG09Post TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutro TG09PostBrynjolfGreetBranchOutroTopic01 CUST 2 Either way, it's been a pleasure, my friend. Here's to the future of the Guild. May it last another thousand years! FormID: 000E35F4 MS02FIN HELO 0 Glory to the Forsworn! proud, threatening FormID: 000E35F5 MS02FIN HELO 0 The Reach will be ours again. proud, threatening FormID: 000E35F6 MS02FIN HELO 0 Ah, my friend from Cidhna Mine. Hello. demagogue FormID: 000E35F7 MS02FIN HELO 0 This is where it will begin. A new uprising. demagogue FormID: 000E35F8 MS02FIN HELO 0 We'll have our freedom. One day. demagogue FormID: 000E35F9 MS02FIN HELO 0 The Silver-Bloods pay their debts. You have my thanks. cynical but grateful FormID: 000E35FA MS02FIN HELO 0 Madanach has been found to be the true murderer of Markarth. On behalf the city, I apologize for your wrongful imprisonment. official apology FormID: 000E35FB MS02FIN HELO 0 By killing Madanach you've freed Markarth from his hidden tyranny. On behalf of the city, I thank you. official thanks FormID: 000D938E MS02FIN HELO 0 Damn those Forsworn. Think they can kill people in my city? I'll have Madanach's head! full of rage FormID: 000D938F MS02FIN HELO 0 My brother tells me you've done us a service. Thank you. grateful FormID: 000E35FC MS02FIN HELO 0 You. You aren't with the Forsworn, are you? People say they saw you when the prisoners escaped. So many dead. terrified FormID: 000E35FD MS02FIN HELO 0 I heard about you being pardoned. What were the guards thinking, taking you in? outraged FormID: 000E35FE MS02FIN HELO 0 Huh. Heard you broke out of Cidhna Mine with those Forsworn. Do you have any idea how many died? outraged FormID: 000E35FF MS02FIN HELO 0 Can't believe anyone was dumb enough to mistake you for a Forsworn agent. outraged FormID: 000E3600 MS02FIN HELO 0 Can't believe Madanach is on the loose again. I hope those rumors I'm hearing about your part in that are wrong. in disbelief FormID: 000E3601 MS02FIN HELO 0 Everyone's been talking about you. The guards will have to answer for throwing an innocent person in Cidhna Mine. outraged FormID: 000E3602 MS02FIN HELO 0 Forsworn rampaging through the streets. As if business wasn't slow enough. outraged FormID: 000E3603 MS02FIN HELO 0 Oh, it's you! Sorry to hear about your imprisonment. I'm sure the guards didn't mean to throw you in jail weasel FormID: 000E3604 MS02FIN HELO 0 I saw you. With the Forsworn. By the old gods, that was something. in disbelief FormID: 000E3605 MS02FIN HELO 0 I'll be damned. Someone who actually escaped Cidhna Mine. You're the talk of the Warrens. in disbelief FormID: 000E3606 MS02FIN HELO 0 You escaped Cidhna Mine? With Madanach? Everyone in the Warrens has been praising your name. in disbelief FormID: 000E3607 MS02FIN HELO 0 What was it like? Cidhna Mine? We've all been talking about your escape. And being pardoned after. Amazing. in disbelief FormID: 000E353A DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 0 I'm not certain what use it would be. FormID: 000E353A DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 1 The Staff is said to be able to absorb great amounts of energy. Perhaps it can interact with the Eye in a way that nothing else can. FormID: 000E353B DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 0 I don't know, not for sure. FormID: 000E353B DialogueWinterholdCollege IDAT 1 But perhaps the staff can absorb some of the energy coming out of the Eye, weaken it. Allow us to get close to Ancano. FormID: 000E3536 mg06 MG06SavosWhyFindStaff MG06SavosWhyFindStaffTopic CUST 0 I don't know. If the Augur suggested it, there must be a good reason for locating it. FormID: 000E3536 mg06 MG06SavosWhyFindStaff MG06SavosWhyFindStaffTopic CUST 1 I'm afraid I don't see the connection, though. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 0 No more than anyone else, I don't think. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 1 They're a very old order. Pre-dated the Imperial Mages Guild by quite a bit. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 2 In fact, the Mages Guild was founded in opposition to the idea of the Psijic Order, that only an elite few should have control over magic. FormID: 000E3534 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrder DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabellePsijicOrderTopic CUST 3 No one has seen or heard from them in over a hundred years now, though. FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 0 I have no idea, but it's fascinating. Assuming it's true, of course. FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 1 The Isle of Artaeum disappeared over a hundred years ago, and no one has seen them since. FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 2 And yet now, suddenly, they have chosen to contact you? Why, it's intriguing! FormID: 000E3530 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfo DialogueWinterholdCollegePsijicOrderInfoTopic CUST 3 If nothing else, I'd take it as a compliment. The Psijics have only ever dealt with those they feel worthy. FormID: 000E3543 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijics DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijicsTopic CUST 0 Personally? No, not I. One of their number used to advise the Arch-Mage when I was but an Apprentice here. FormID: 000E3543 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijics DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePsijicsTopic CUST 1 But that was a great many years ago, before all the members of the order were called back to the Isle of Artaeum, and it disappeared entirely. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, that. Yes, the group prior to yours has disappeared entirely. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 It's possible that there was less than the necessary amount of oversight. That's still being looked into. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 But we've had no contact with them for quite some time now. FormID: 000E3541 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 Arniel wondered if perhaps they'd somehow managed to get themselves lost in the Outer Realms, but I think that's giving them too much credit. FormID: 000E353F FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBInitResponse1 CUST 0 I'm not sure. None of them were working on anything terribly dangerous. FormID: 000E3539 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBResponse2 CUST 0 I hadn't really considered it in terms of time. I suppose it's been at least a month. FormID: 000E3539 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBResponse2 CUST 1 Let me think... what were they working on? FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 0 As I recall, Yisra was trying to improve flame cloak spells to better work in Skyrim's harsh environment. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 1 Ilas-tei was practicing Illusions spells. She was having trouble with the calm spells, I believe, but only ever worked with skeevers. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 2 And then there's Borvir and Rundi. Twins, though they rarely agreed on anything. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 3 Those two boys were obsessed with mead. Convinced they could concoct something to compete with Honningbrew. FormID: 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 4 Something about using frost magic to chill the mead for a certain period of time. I felt it was a waste, but the Arch-Mage let them proceed. FormID: 000E3532 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10Branch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 None. It's been long enough that honestly, I don't expect to hear from them. FormID: 000E3533 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10Branch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBStage10BranchTopic CUST 0 No, and after what you've discovered I fear the worst for them. FormID: 000E3555 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I recognize it. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3555 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBBorvirBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I suppose I needn't wonder where he is anymore. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3542 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranchTopic CUST 0 It certainly is. Was, I suppose. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3542 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBRundiBranchTopic CUST 1 He would never have willingly parted with it. What a shame. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3540 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh dear. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3540 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBIlasteiBranchTopic CUST 1 I had particularly high hopes for her. Once she'd overcome her difficulties, she could have been quite successful here. sad but resigned FormID: 000E353E FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranchTopic CUST 0 Gods, this is hers, isn't it? sad but resigned FormID: 000E353E FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBYisraBranchTopic CUST 1 She will certainly be missed. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, all of the previous Apprentices have been accounted for, thanks to you. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 1 Here, why don't you take this. It was intended to be given to the best in their group as a reward for their hard work. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 2 It's the least I can do for your help in putting this matter to rest. sad but resigned FormID: 000E3538 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFinalBranchTopic CUST 3 Oh dear, I didn't mean to say it like that. That wasn't a joke, really. embarrassed, trying to cover it up FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 0 My problem with her? She's the one who has a problem with me! offended FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 1 She's threatened by me! By my skill as a wizard, by my elegance and posture, by my superior good looks! FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 2 But she's not going to get the better of me, oh no. I won't let it get to me one bit. That's what she's after. FormID: 000E3535 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaralda DialogueWinterholdCollegeNiryaProblemWFaraldaTopic CUST 3 She's trying to undermine my confidence, make me doubt myself. Well it won't work, I tell you! FormID: 000E3531 MG01 SCEN 0 The Arcanaeum is located above the hall, and the Arch-Mage's quarters above that. FormID: 000E3554 MG03 IDAT 0 Out of the way, meat. FormID: 000E32F8 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic CUST 0 Actually, I'm growing it if you hadn't noticed. annoyed because tired FormID: 000E32F8 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm the only person alive that can cultivate nirnroot from a seed to a fully grown plant. proud of self FormID: 000E32F7 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I had quite the mentor. He taught me everything he know about the nirnroot and its strange properties. sad reminiscence FormID: 000E32F7 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranch DialogueSarethiFarmNirnrootBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I haven't seen him in many years. I wonder what became of him... trail off at end as if thinking FormID: 000E3E73 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic CUST 0 Is it that obvious? Sigh. I've got my hands full here. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E73 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic CUST 1 Between the farm chores, cultivating my supply of nirnroot and keeping a tight rein on my sister Aduri, there's little time for rest. tired, overworked FormID: 000E3E75 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Really? That would be a pleasant change. perking up from tired FormID: 000E3E75 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic01 CUST 1 One of the ingredients I need to cultivate nirnroot are jazbay grapes... the acidic content of the juice is perfect for the soil. FormID: 000E3E75 FreeformSarethiFarm FFSarethi01Branch FFSarethi01BranchTopic01 CUST 2 I need twenty of them for my current crop. FormID: 000E3003 C06 SCEN 0 His spirit is departed. Members of the Circle, let us withdraw to the Underforge, to grieve our last together. FormID: 000E308A C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGetAMoveOn CUST 0 Of course, I have a small favor to ask of you. FormID: 000E308A C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGetAMoveOn CUST 1 There's another piece, that Kodlak always kept close to himself. Would you go to his chambers and bring it back for me? FormID: 000E308A C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundGetAMoveOn CUST 2 I'm not sure I'm the best one to go through his things. FormID: 000E3064 C06 C06EorlundGotTheAxeBranch C06EorlundYeahWhatever CUST 0 Careful with those. Don't want even more fragments, do we? FormID: 000E2FEF C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWimp CUST 0 Kodlak was right. I let vengeance rule my heart. FormID: 000E2FEF C06 C06VilkasOutsideTombBranch C06VilkasWimp CUST 1 I regret nothing of what we did at Driftshade. But I can't go any further with my mind fogged or my heart grieved. FormID: 000E30B0 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 It sounds like Eastmarch is too busy with their war to keep their own prisoners in line. FormID: 000E30B1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The braggarts in the Reach always claim that no prisoner escapes their mine. FormID: 000E30B1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 What you don't hear about are the ones who break off from escorts on the way to Markarth. FormID: 000E30D5 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 Haafingar seems to have trouble keeping their prisoners in line. FormID: 000E30DB CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry to have to send you to Hjaalmarch. I can't stand the smell of it myself. FormID: 000E30DB CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 But it seems their criminals can't either and just want to get out. FormID: 000E30DC CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 It seems that law-breakers in the Pale have no desire to stay there. I don't blame them. FormID: 000E30DD CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The idiots in Falkreath still think the best place for prisoners is that hole in the ground. FormID: 000E30DD CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 No surprise, but one of them's gotten out. Again. FormID: 000E30DF CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The so-called prison in Riften leaks like one of their fishnets. This is what happens when you let thieves run your town. FormID: 000E30DF CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 The prisoners just walk right out. FormID: 000E30E0 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 One of the guards from Dragonsreach came to me, worried about a prisoner who's escaped. FormID: 000E30E0 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 The Jarl has too much on his mind right now, we won't be troubling him with this. FormID: 000E30E1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 0 The snowberries up in Winterhold have lowered themselves to ask for our help. FormID: 000E30E1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 1 For some reason they just throw their lawbreakers out into the sea and think that ends the problem. FormID: 000E30E1 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartBranchTopic CUST 2 But every now and then, one swims back. FormID: 000E306D CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartContinuation CUST 0 One of them's escaped, and you're going to find that coward. FormID: 000E3051 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartContinuationPartDeux CUST 0 At this point they don't care what happens to him and neither do I. Best to just kill him and be done with it. FormID: 000E3054 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07StartContinuationPartDeux CUST 0 At this point they don't care what happens to her and neither do I. Best to just kill her and be done with it. FormID: 000E3009 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07TakeTheJob CUST 0 Be careful. This man is known to be dangerous. FormID: 000E300A CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07TakeTheJob CUST 0 Be careful. This woman is known to be dangerous. FormID: 000E2FF3 CR07 CR07StartBranch CR07TurnDownJob CUST 0 We choose our battles, and you've chosen yours. Someone else can take care of it. FormID: 000E3084 CR07 CR07EndQuestBranch CR07EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Bit by bit, we bring honor to this land. And you've brought honor to the Companions. More importantly, some gold. FormID: 000E3087 CR07 CR07EndQuestBranch CR07EndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 Another job well done. Your payment is secure, and you have my thanks. FormID: 000E3039 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 0 We have a bit of a sensitive matter this time. FormID: 000E3039 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 1 A wealthy family has... misplaced one of their heirlooms. FormID: 000E3048 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 0 Just in time. I was worried I'd have to do this myself. FormID: 000E3048 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06GetQuestTopic CUST 1 Some rich folk had a trinket stolen and they want us to get it back. FormID: 000E309F CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 I tell you this province is losing its grip. The bandits become more brazen every day. FormID: 000E30A0 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Some don't even believe they exist, but the Falmer can be devious. Tunneling into homes, stealing off with valuables. FormID: 000E30A1 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Those hill people who call themselves [QUOTE]the Forsworn[QUOTE] show no mercy. FormID: 000E30A2 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Giants don't usually cause problems like this, but these ones are stirred up for some reason. FormID: 000E30A3 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 The rumors say the culprits are vampires. I try not to listen to swaggle like that, but figured you should know. FormID: 000E30A4 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06StartContinuation CUST 0 Of course, it's a group of wizards they're pointing their fingers at. Who knows what they want it for, but we want it back. FormID: 000E3077 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TakeJob CUST 0 Good, good. These aren't the most glorious jobs, but they pay well. FormID: 000E3078 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TakeJob CUST 0 Move quickly so we can have this over and done with. FormID: 000E3079 CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TakeJob CUST 0 We're trusting you on this one. Bring honor to the Companions. FormID: 000E300B CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TurnDownJob CUST 0 Can't say I blame you. I'll find someone to take care of it. FormID: 000E300C CR06 CR06GetQuest CR06TurnDownJob CUST 0 Not the response I was hoping for, but suit yourself. FormID: 000E2FE9 CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 0 Give it here. They've asked for the utmost discretion on this matter, so I'll make sure it gets to them. FormID: 000E2FE9 CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 1 Here's your share of their reward. FormID: 000E2FEA CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 0 And it looks undamaged. They'll be pleased, I'm sure. And we're pleased with their money. FormID: 000E2FEB CR06 CR06GotTheThing CR06GotTheThingTopic CUST 0 Nice work with this one. You make us all proud. FormID: 000E308E CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12QuestStartBranchTopic CUST 0 Harbinger, I'd be honored if you joined me in my search. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 0 I had once heard Skjor and Kodlak talking about the Totems of Hircine. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 1 Simple-looking objects that could channel the powers of the werewolf in new directions. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 2 Once Kodlak began looking for his cure, I'd wager Skjor didn't bring it up again. say the word [QUOTE]cure[QUOTE] derisively -- he was seeking out a cure for something that you don't see as a disease FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 3 But I was going through his things and found a book I had never seen before. All about the Totems. FormID: 000E306A CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 4 I've been talking to my sources around the holds, and think I may have heard where one of them lives. FormID: 000E306B CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 0 I think I've located another one of the Totems. Come with me, and we'll write ourselves into their history. FormID: 000E306C CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 0 I've finally tracked down the last of the Totems, I think. FormID: 000E306C CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuation CUST 1 The information wasn't easy to come by, but everyone has a price. And a pain threshold. FormID: 000E3008 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12StartContinuationPartDeux CUST 0 Want to come along? FormID: 000E2CFE CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Tell me again why we're wasting time and dwindling resources chasing a legend. We don't even know it exists! arguing - in the middle of a heated argument FormID: 000E2D21 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 The Jarls are upset. They don't all support you. arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D13 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Damn the Jarls. arguing - in the middle of a heated argument FormID: 000E2D02 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 They demand the Moot. arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D23 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 And damn the Moot! (unthinking anger) arguing - in the middle of a heated argument FormID: 000E2D23 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 We should risk letting those milkdrinkers put Thorryg's woman on the throne? She'll hand Skyrim over to the elves on a silver plate. frustrated FormID: 000E2D04 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 All the more reason then. The crown would legitimize your claim. arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2CFB CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 A crown doesn't make a king. calming down FormID: 000E2D1C CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 No, but this one... arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D00 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 If it even exists. doubtful FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 It exists. And it'll be the symbol of the righteousness of our cause. Think about it. (getting excited) arguing - trying to reason FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 The Jagged Crown! It heralds back to a time before jarls and moots. rising excitement to his argument FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 2 Back to the time when a king was a king because his enemies fell before him, and his people rose because they loved him. with gusto FormID: 000E2D24 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 3 Skyrim needs that king. You will be that king, Ulfric. You must be. urging, solemnly FormID: 000E2D22 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 You're certain you've found it? considering FormID: 000E2D0B CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 When have I ever been false with you? trying to reason FormID: 000E2CFC CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Fine. I'll send the Unblooded here with you. doubtful, but willing to give it a chance FormID: 000E2CFC CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 Fancy a crawl through a moldering dungeon to see if you can't stir up Galmar's Jagged Crown? friendly mocking FormID: 000E2D08 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 It'll be there. You'll see. certain FormID: 000E7A27 CW01B CW01BUlfricSceneBlocker CW01BUlfricSceneBlockerTopic CUST 0 I believe Galmar gave you something to do. So go do it. a bit surprised the player is still hanging around FormID: 000E2D0D CW01B CW01BUlfricSceneBlocker CW01BUlfricSceneBlockerTopic CUST 0 You're alive! I'm impressed! Galmar had his doubts about you, but I knew you'd pull through. You should speak with him. He's going to need your help. amused FormID: 000E2D0E CW01B CW01BUlfricSceneBlocker CW01BUlfricSceneBlockerTopic CUST 0 Speak with Galmar. You'll be going on a little errand with him. amused FormID: 000E7A28 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 0 What? We've got nothing to talk about until you come back from Serpentstone Isle. shocked he isn't being obeyed FormID: 000E2D18 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 0 You're alive. I owe Ulfric a drink. I have to admit, I didn't think we'd be seeing you again. begrudging respect Walk Away FormID: 000E2D18 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 1 I misjudged you. You're definitely Stormcloak material. begrudging, but sincere Walk Away FormID: 000E2D18 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 2 It's time we made this official. You ready to take the Oath? Walk Away FormID: 000E2D19 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetTopic CUST 0 You ready to take the Oath? begrudging, but sincere Walk Away FormID: 000E2D12 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetOath CUST 0 Before you're one of us, you must swear fealty to Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, future High King of Skyrim. forcefully Walk Away FormID: 000E2D12 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetOath CUST 1 You must also pledge unswerving loyalty to your fellow Stormcloaks, to Skyrim and to her people. explaining the cause Walk Away FormID: 000E2D1A CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetIsntEnough CUST 0 You can stick a sword through an Imperial any day you want. But that doesn't make you a Stormcloak. getting annoyed Walk Away FormID: 000E2D1A CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetIsntEnough CUST 1 We're not just fighting Imperials. We're fighting to restore Skyrim to her glory and give her the king she deserves. patriotic Walk Away FormID: 000E3002 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12LetsGo CUST 0 We hunt together. FormID: 000E2CFA CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetGoodbye CUST 0 Don't take too long figuring it out. Might mistake your hesitation for Imperial sympathies. veiled threat FormID: 000E2CFA CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetGoodbye CUST 1 Come back when you're committed to the cause, or go join the Legion. They're taking anyone with a pulse these days. FormID: 000E2D06 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 0 That's the spirit. By swearing this oath you become one of us. A hero of the people. A true son of Skyrim. A Stormcloak. Repeat after me. enjoys this part, swearing in a new recruit Walk Away FormID: 000E2D06 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 1 [QUOTE]I do swear my blood and honor to the service of Ulfric Stormcloak...[QUOTE] formally, reciting oath for player to recite back Walk Away FormID: 000E2D07 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 0 That's the spirit. By swearing this oath you become one of us. A heroine of the people. A true daughter of Skyrim. A Stormcloak. Repeat after me. enjoys this part, swearing in a new recruit Walk Away FormID: 000E2D07 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BGalmarGreetReady CUST 1 [QUOTE]I do swear my blood and honor to the service of Ulfric Stormcloak...[QUOTE] formally, reciting oath for player to recite back Walk Away FormID: 000E2D09 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW01BStormcloakOath3b CUST 0 [QUOTE]All hail the Stormcloaks, the true sons and daughters of Skyrim![QUOTE] formally - reciting the oath for the player to repeat Walk Away FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 0 Have you not heard that ancient verse? settling into mentoring mode FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 1 [QUOTE]Maw unleashing razor snow, Of dragons from the blue brought down, Births the walking winter's woe, The High King in his Jagged Crown.[QUOTE] reciting ancient verse FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 2 Going way back to King Harald's time or even before, the High King always wore the Jagged Crown. It was the symbol of his might and power. FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 3 The crown is made from the bones and teeth of ancient dragons, and it is said to contain a portion of the power of every king who has worn it. FormID: 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 4 True or not, who would dare deny Ulfric's claim, when the legendary Jagged Crown sits upon his brow? FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 It's true, the location of the crown was lost with King Borgas. After the Great Hunt killed him, while he was off on his damned Alessian campaigns. mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 1 But legend holds, his body was secretly returned to Skyrim and buried with the crown. Its exact whereabouts lost in the following Wars of Succession. mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 2 Through sources that shall remain nameless, I've tracked down what I believe to be the final resting place of King Borgas - Korvanjund. mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2D10 CW02B CW02BAboutKorvanjund CW02BAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 3 If the crown exists, it will be there. certain FormID: 000E2CFD CW02B CW02BAboutDanger CW02BAboutDangerTopic CUST 0 Aye. The Great Hunt killed old King Borgas. Gods only know with what profane arts those elves cursed his remains. speaking of legend FormID: 000E2CFD CW02B CW02BAboutDanger CW02BAboutDangerTopic CUST 1 Curses notwithstanding, the tombs of kings are always full of traps to ward off grave robbers, are they not? mentoring, speaking of legends FormID: 000E2CFD CW02B CW02BAboutDanger CW02BAboutDangerTopic CUST 2 But nothing a band of Stormcloaks can't handle, I assure you. bragging FormID: 000E2D14 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. I have a message I need delivered to the Jarl of Whiterun. ironic emphasis on [QUOTE]MESSAGE[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000E2D14 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 1 Deliver this axe to Balgruuf the Greater. solemnly Walk Away FormID: 000E2D15 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I'm glad you're here. I have a message I need delivered to the Jarl of Whiterun. ironic emphasis on [QUOTE]MESSAGE[QUOTE] Walk Away FormID: 000E2D15 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook CW02BLeadInToCW03 CUST 1 Deliver this axe to Jarl Hrongar. solemnly Walk Away FormID: 000E2FF2 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12NahNotForMe CUST 0 And here I figured you as one who enjoyed our special gifts. FormID: 000E2FF2 CR12 CR12QuestStartBranch CR12NahNotForMe CUST 1 I guess I was wrong. FormID: 000E2D20 CW02B SCEN 0 Hardly likely. FormID: 000E2D0A CW02B SCEN 0 Just shut up and keep out of sight. FormID: 000E3080 CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12FindTotemTopic CUST 0 That definitely matches the description of the totem from Skjor's old book. Let's get it to the Underforge. FormID: 000E3082 CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12FindTotemTopic CUST 0 That's it! That's the second Totem. Quickly, let's put it back with the other one. FormID: 000E3083 CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12FindTotemTopic CUST 0 At last... the final Totem is ours. Let's go complete our set. FormID: 000E305C CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 Let's find that Totem, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000E305E CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 Let's find that Totem, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000E305F CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 Hircine will bless us for finding his Totem. FormID: 000E3061 CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 The spirit of Skjor is with us on this errand. I feel him. FormID: 000E3062 CR12 CR12Hellos HELO 0 This is not the time for talk. Let's get to the Underforge and see what this can do. FormID: 000E2FED CR12 CR12FindTotem CR12AelaTotemFound CUST 0 Do you have it? FormID: 000E2FE1 CR12 CR12AelaPostQuest CR12AelaPostQuestTopic CUST 0 I don't know what we do with it now. Maybe you can figure it out. FormID: 000E3096 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 0 I've been hearing stories about dragons. That they're back. That they can eat the sun out of the sky and freeze a man where he stands. FormID: 000E3096 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 1 Have you seen one in your travels? FormID: 000E3098 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 0 Travelers have been coming to Whiterun. They tell stories about dragons. FormID: 000E3098 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14QuestStartTopic CUST 1 I've heard of them, but didn't think they were real. Have you ever seen one? FormID: 000E3055 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 I envy you. Facing such a beast in combat. Smelling its blood on the air. That is what songs are sung about, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000E3056 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 I envy you. Facing such a beast in combat. Smelling its blood on the air. That is what songs are sung about, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000E3059 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 You are a very brave man. But I already knew that. FormID: 000E305A CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14AndTheyreSpectacular CUST 0 You are a very brave woman. But I already knew that. FormID: 000E2FFB CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14WhoKnows CUST 0 A sharp mind on you. We should find out for ourselves. FormID: 000E2FFC CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14WhoKnows CUST 0 That is the kind of thing Kodlak used to say. And he was right. But still, I'd like to see for myself. FormID: 000E308B CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 0 Yes! I like the way you think. There are whispers of where we might find one, too. the [QUOTE]yes[QUOTE] is slow but enthusiastic FormID: 000E308B CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 1 They say he killed twelve of the Imperial Legion and shattered their bones with his breath. FormID: 000E308B CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 2 I think you and I are worth about a dozen soldiers each. We'll send that beast back where it came from. FormID: 000E308D CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14YouWannaGo CUST 0 Well, that's one way to find out if they're real. I even know where we might find one. Lead on! FormID: 000E3065 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14ThatsYourProblemNotMine CUST 0 We don't all lead your life of grand adventure, Harbinger. FormID: 000E3068 CR14 CR14QuestStart CR14ThatsYourProblemNotMine CUST 0 Not at this rate. I'll just go back to clubbing horkers and scaring the debtors. FormID: 000E3007 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14DragonKilledTopic CUST 0 Now that was a battle! FormID: 000E3001 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14AllThanksToYou CUST 0 Thank you, Harbinger. FormID: 000E2FF0 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14ThanksToYouContinuation CUST 0 For the glory of the Companions! For Ysgramor! FormID: 000E2FF1 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14ThanksToYouContinuation CUST 0 We bring honor to the Companions. FormID: 000E30E3 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14NoThanksToYou CUST 0 I am sorry if I disappointed, Harbinger. Still, the battle was won. FormID: 000E30E5 CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14NoThanksToYou CUST 0 I will train better for the future. FormID: 000E307B CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14LetsGetBack CUST 0 I'm going to stay a while. Rest among these bones. This creature honored us with its life, and I will honor it with my respect. FormID: 000E307D CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14LetsGetBack CUST 0 You go if you want to. I've never seen bones this large, and want to make sure I remember them so I can tell the story right. FormID: 000E307D CR14 CR14DragonKilled CR14LetsGetBack CUST 1 Otherwise Vilkas will just say I was making it up. FormID: 000E3036 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13QuestStartTopic CUST 0 There is always work for the Companions. But there is more personal task before me. FormID: 000E3038 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13QuestStartTopic CUST 0 Of course, there is always work. My mind is someplace else, though. FormID: 000E2FFE CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 0 Kodlak's final teaching. I think he was right about beastblood and Sovngarde. FormID: 000E2FFE CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 1 I wish to cleanse myself that I might know glory in the afterlife. FormID: 000E2FFF CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 0 I think that maybe Kodlak was right. As a werewolf, I can't be a good Nord. FormID: 000E2FFF CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13SighWhatIsIt CUST 1 I want to be clean, like he was, and go to Sovngarde when I finally die. FormID: 000E2FDF CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13WellGoodLuckWithAllThat CUST 0 Thank you, Harbinger. FormID: 000E3095 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13WellLetsDoIt CUST 0 I would be honored for you to accompany me, Harbinger. FormID: 000E306E CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 You still bear a head of the Glenmoril betrayers, yes? Then lead on, back to the Tomb of Ysgramor. FormID: 000E306E CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 My soul is now prepared. FormID: 000E306F CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 You still have one of the witch's heads. This is good. FormID: 000E306F CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 Let's go to the Tomb. We can do the cleansing there. FormID: 000E3075 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 Aela said that the cleansing used a head from one of the witches of Glenmoril, yes? FormID: 000E3075 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 A strange kind of ritual, but I won't mind killing those wretched things. FormID: 000E3076 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 0 Aela said we would need a Hagraven's head. I already have one of them, but she said it was a special kind. FormID: 000E3076 CR13 CR13QuestStart CR13LetsDoItContinuation CUST 1 And that you knew where to get more. Let's go find one! FormID: 000E2FF7 CR13 CR13GotHead CR13GotHeadTopic CUST 0 Did you take the head? FormID: 000E2FE7 CR13 CR13GotHead CR13YupGotTheHead CUST 0 Lead on, to Ysgramor and glory. FormID: 000E2FE8 CR13 CR13GotHead CR13YupGotTheHead CUST 0 This is good. Could you show the way to the tomb again? FormID: 000E3063 CR13 CR13PostCleanseGreet CR13PostCleanseFGTopic CUST 0 Is it over? FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 0 I... it's like waking up out of a dream. FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 1 I can breathe more deeply now. I can't smell your heart beating the way I used to. But my mind is... clear. FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 2 This is a great service you've done for me, Harbinger. I will not soon forget. FormID: 000E3049 CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 3 Now... I'd like to spend some time communing with Ysgramor. My soul is clean now. Perhaps he'll still welcome me when my time comes. FormID: 000E304A CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 0 It's like relaxing into a warm mug of spiced mead. I'm losing aches I didn't know I had. FormID: 000E304A CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 1 This is how a warrior should feel. Alive and aware. Not clouded with thoughts of the hunt. FormID: 000E304A CR13 CR13SharedInfo IDAT 2 Thank you for your help. I'm going to stay in the tomb for a while. My shame kept me out before, but now I want to see it. FormID: 000E2FEE DA04 DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThem DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThemTopic CUST 0 You look to your left, you see one way. You look to your right, you see another. But neither is any harder than the opposite. FormID: 000E2FEE DA04 DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThem DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThemTopic CUST 1 But the Elder Scrolls... they look left and right in the stream of time. The future and past are as one. FormID: 000E2FEE DA04 DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThem DA04SoElderScrollsHuhWhatsUpWithThemTopic CUST 2 Sometimes they even look up. What do they see then? What if they dive in? Then the madness begins. FormID: 000E2FE2 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperHelpTopic CUST 0 And what do you plan to do with it? Do you even know what you're asking about, or are you just someone's errand boy? FormID: 000E2FE3 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperHelpTopic CUST 0 And what do you plan to do with it? Do you even know what you're asking about, or are you just someone's errand girl? FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 0 I knew it. Everyone comes in here, expecting my help, but they don't even have the proper questions. FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 1 An Elder Scroll is an instrument of immense knowledge and power. FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 2 To read an Elder Scroll, a person must have the most rigorously trained mind, or else risk madness. FormID: 000E30AF DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperOKWhatIsIt CUST 3 Even so, the Divines usually take the reader's sight as a price. FormID: 000E307A DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperItsOnTheBoxAllINeedToKnow CUST 0 You think that even if I did have one here, I would let you see it? FormID: 000E307A DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperItsOnTheBoxAllINeedToKnow CUST 1 It would be kept under the highest security. The greatest thief in the world wouldn't be able to lay a finger on it. FormID: 000E305B DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperAnyoneElseICouldTalkTo CUST 0 Of course. FormID: 000E3035 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperByAuthority CUST 0 What about... wait. Are you? Were you the one the Greybeards were calling? you're cut off in the middle of saying [QUOTE]What *about* him?[QUOTE] implying that he doesn't matter FormID: 000E3025 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperShutUp CUST 0 I don't know who told you that, but I'll do what I can. What we do have are plenty of books. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 0 The simplest way to put it is [QUOTE]knowledge,[QUOTE] but there's nothing simple about an Elder Scroll. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 1 It's a reflection of all possible futures and all possible pasts. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 2 Each reader sees different reflections through different lenses, and may come away with a very different reading. FormID: 000E3004 DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperThePriceIsWrong CUST 3 But at the same time, all of it is true. Even the falsehoods. Especially the falsehoods. FormID: 000E2FFD DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperWhoWroteThem CUST 0 It would take a month to explain to you how that very question doesn't even make sense. FormID: 000E2FFD DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperWhoWroteThem CUST 1 The Scrolls exist here, with us, but also beyond and beneath. Before and after. They are bits of Divine made substance so we could know them. FormID: 000E2FFD DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperWhoWroteThem CUST 2 Sorry. Talking about the Scrolls, you usually end up in irritating and vague metaphors like that. Some people who study them devoutly go mad. FormID: 000E2FEC DA04 DA04LorekeeperPointerBranch DA04LorekeeperAreYouDoneYet CUST 0 Ha! FormID: 000E7A95 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 The mine is rich, and so are we. FormID: 000E7A95 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 But I am cursed, it would seem, to live alone. FormID: 000E7A96 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I've had several wives. But each dies sooner than the last. FormID: 000E7A96 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 I was lucky to get children out of the ones I did. FormID: 000E7A98 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Everyone said it had run out, but I smashed down one wall and found the widest veins of ebony I'd ever seen. FormID: 000E7A98 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 So now we're rich and now I'm chief. FormID: 000E7A9A NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I think of Uglarz. An old friend. When we were little she ran to the woods to hunt, and never came back. FormID: 000E7A9A NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 1 If someone found her, she would make an excellent mate. FormID: 000E7A9E NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Ha. Good luck to you, friend. She's not one who likes to be found. FormID: 000E7A9F NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I am Uglarz, huntress of all. FormID: 000E7AA1 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 It was my home. But I left. The woods felt more alive, at least for a time. FormID: 000E7AA3 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Mauhulakh. I remember him. Little, scrawny, fellow. FormID: 000E7AA5 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Ha! Now that I would like to see. I may go back there some day. FormID: 000E7AA7 NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 Always thought that old mine had more to it. Just like Mauhulakh to smash his way to good fortune. FormID: 000E7AAB NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuestSharedInfos IDAT 0 I'm going back to Narzulbur. Want to see how it's come. FormID: 000E24F7 MS02EscapeMadanachEnding SCEN 0 Madanach! Think you can escape my prison do you? You'll pay for what you've done to my family! full of rage FormID: 000E24FA MS02EscapeMadanachEnding SCEN 0 Your family? You've poisoned the Reach with your tainted silver for long enough, Thonar! demagogue FormID: 000E1FD6 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 0 My Saffir doesn't like that I've been spending so much time looking for my father's old sword. FormID: 000E1FD6 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 1 He fed his entire family with the gold he made using that weapon. I'm not about to let it gather dust in some thief's trophy room. FormID: 000BFA07 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 0 We have not faired well outside our native Black Marsh, but we're determined to make the best of things. FormID: 000BFA07 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 1 I began praying to Zenithar, the god of wealth, to bring us some fortune, but thieves made off with my sacred amulet almost as soon as I bought it. FormID: 000E1FD7 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204AcceptFavorTopic CUST 0 I tracked it to a group of bandits nearby. But I'm no fool. I'd need the Whiterun guards or maybe hire the Companions to get it. FormID: 000E1FD7 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204AcceptFavorTopic CUST 1 I don't know why I'm saying this, but if you find it out in your travels, I'd be grateful to you. FormID: 000BFA08 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204AcceptFavorTopic CUST 0 Shahvee would be in your debt, kind one. FormID: 000E1FD9 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204RejectFavorTopic CUST 0 We will endure. We always have. FormID: 000BFA09 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204RejectFavorTopic CUST 0 Not your concern, anyway. FormID: 000E1FB9 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampShared IDAT 0 Very good. Be sure to bring any more Sleeping Tree Sap you find to me. FormID: 000E1EEF TG09Post TG09PostHellos HELO 0 Yes, Nightingale, what is it? FormID: 000E1EF0 TG09Post TG09PostHellos HELO 0 A moment, please. FormID: 000E1EF1 TG09Post TG09PostHellos HELO 0 I wish to speak to Karliah for the moment. FormID: 000E1EE6 TG09Post SCEN 0 Karliah? FormID: 000E1EEB TG09Post SCEN 0 Gallus! FormID: 000E1EE8 TG09Post SCEN 0 I feared I would never see you again. I was afraid you'd become like the others. FormID: 000E1EF2 TG09Post SCEN 0 If it were not for the actions of this Nightingale, your fears would have come true. He honors us all. FormID: 000E1EF3 TG09Post SCEN 0 If it were not for the actions of this Nightingale, your fears would have come true. She honors us all. FormID: 000E1EE4 TG09Post SCEN 0 What will you do now, my love? FormID: 000E1EED TG09Post SCEN 0 Nocturnal calls me to the Evergloam. My contract has been fulfilled. FormID: 000E1EF4 TG09Post SCEN 0 Will I ever see you again? FormID: 000E1EEA TG09Post SCEN 0 When your debt to Nocturnal has been paid, we'll embrace once again. FormID: 000E1EE5 TG09Post SCEN 0 Farewell, Gallus. Eyes open... walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E1EEE TG09Post SCEN 0 Goodbye, Karliah. FormID: 000E1EE9 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic CUST 0 Gallus's Oath has been paid. His actions have satisfied the terms. FormID: 000E1EE9 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic CUST 1 Now his spirit becomes one with the Evergloam... the realm of perpetual twilight and the cradle of shadow. FormID: 000E1EEC TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic01 CUST 0 No, not gone... he's become one with the shadows. FormID: 000E1EEC TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic01 CUST 1 This is the greatest honor a Nightingale can possibly achieve. In death, he's become a part of that which we use to live. FormID: 000E1EE2 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Absolutely. When we say [QUOTE]walk with the shadows,[QUOTE] we are asking those Nightingales who have passed on to protect us. FormID: 000E1EE2 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic02 CUST 1 It's believed that they are literally what guides our uncanny luck... by placing their hands in ours. FormID: 000E1EE2 TG09Post TG09PostGallusBranch TG09PostGallusBranchTopic02 CUST 2 That's why the Ebonmere needed to be reopened. Without it, there's no way Nocturnal was able to allow them through. FormID: 000E1EF5 TG09Post TG09PostFindBranch TG09PostFindBranchTopic CUST 0 I've decided to make my home at Nightingale Hall. Since it's your home as well, I hope to see you and Brynjolf there. FormID: 000E1EF5 TG09Post TG09PostFindBranch TG09PostFindBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course, I may visit some of Skyrim's cities to [QUOTE]acquire[QUOTE] things from time to time. Can't afford to get rusty, now can we? said with a knowing wink FormID: 000E1EE3 TG09Post TG09PostDefendBranch TG09PostDefendBranchTopic CUST 0 If this place is in danger ever again, the shadows will call. FormID: 000E1EE3 TG09Post TG09PostDefendBranch TG09PostDefendBranchTopic CUST 1 Should the need arise, a portal connects the Sepulcher and Nightingale Hall. Use it whenever you wish. FormID: 000E1EE7 TG09Post TG09PostGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell. Eyes open and walk with the shadows. FormID: 000E1B9D MG01 SCEN 0 While technically in charge of the College, the Arch-Mage's responsibilities often keep him occupied. Thus, I run the day-to-day operations. FormID: 000E1BA0 MG01 SCEN 0 Now, if you'll please follow me, I'll show you the living quarters. FormID: 000E1B9E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranchTopic CUST 0 There are no expectations. This College is a place to study and practice magic freely. FormID: 000E1B9E DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeMirabelleExpectedBranchTopic CUST 1 Hopefully any discoveries made in your pursuits will be shared with the members of the College first. That way we all benefit. FormID: 000E1AFA CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Balgruuf won't give us a straight answer. (annoyed) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E2D05 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Hrongar won't give us a straight answer. (annoyed) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AF8 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 He's a true Nord. He'll come around. (not convinced himself) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AF0 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Don't be so sure of that. We've intercepted couriers from Solitude. The Empire's putting a great deal of pressure on Whiterun. discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AFF CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 And what would you have me do? (testing to see if he gets the response he wants) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AEA CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 If he's not with us, he's against us. discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B28 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 He knows that. They all know that. conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AF3 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 How long are you going to wait? (pushing) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AE3 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 You think I need to send Balgruuf a stronger message. (not a question) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E2D1D CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 You think I need to send Hrongar a stronger message. (not a question) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1B0A CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 If by message you mean shoving a sword through his gullet. (really would kill him) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AEB CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Taking his city and leaving him in disgrace would make a more powerful statement, don't you think? (tiny hint of condescension) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1B27 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 So we're ready to start this war in earnest then? (pushing for war) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AF5 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Soon. (certain) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AE2 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I still say you should take them all out like you did Deadking Torygg. (amused, arguing for ballsy action) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B02 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Torygg was merely a message to the other Jarls. Whoever we replace them with will need the support of our armies. conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AE5 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 We're ready when you are. (pleased, urging war) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B00 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Things hinge on Whiterun. If we can take the city without bloodshed all the better. But if not... conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AE6 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 The people are behind you. (convinced, supportive) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B09 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Many I fear still need convincing. (distant) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AEE CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Then let them die with their false kings. (frustrated,writing the opposition off) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B26 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 We've been soldiers a long time. We know the price of freedom. The people are still weighing things in their hearts. (sincere, compassionate) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AED CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 What's left of Skyrim to wager? (frustrated) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1B29 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 They have families to think of. (sincere, compassionate) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AF4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 How many of their sons and daughters follow your banner? We are their families. (making a good point) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1ADF CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Well put, friend. Tell me, Galmar, why do you fight for me? (sincere, searching) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1AFB CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I'd follow you into the depths of Oblivion, you know that. (sincere devotion) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AE1 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Yes, but why do you fight? If not for me, what then? stress [QUOTE]WHY[QUOTE] (sincere, searching) conferring with his second in command FormID: 000E1B01 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I'll die before elves dictate the fates of men. Are we not one in this? (serious conviction) discussing strategy with his leader FormID: 000E1AE4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil. remembering - distant but with growing intensity FormID: 000E1AE4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight for their wives and children, who's names I heard whispered in their last breaths. remembering - distant but with growing intensity FormID: 000E1AEC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I fight for we few who did come home, only to find our country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. heightening intensity! FormID: 000E1AEC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight for my people impoverished to pay the debts of an Empire too weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! heightened intensity! FormID: 000E1AFC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing. falling intensity, sincere FormID: 000E1AFC CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight... because I must. smoldering internal fire FormID: 000E1B2A CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Your words give voice to what we all feel, Ulfric. And that's why you will be High King. (as a mentor to a faithful pupil) FormID: 000E1B2A CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 But the day words are enough, will be the day when soldiers like us are no longer needed. (a cautionary note) FormID: 000E1AE9 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 I would gladly retire from the world were such a day to dawn. distant, sincere FormID: 000E1B24 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 0 Aye. But in the meantime, we have a war to plan. getting back to business FormID: 000C3489 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 0 I remember you... You were at Helgen with us! Come to join the war? Speak with Galmar. He handles the new recruits. remembering, and making assumptions FormID: 000E1B0B CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Only the foolish or the courageous approach a Jarl without summons... Walk Away FormID: 000E1B0B CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 1 Do I know you? hint of recognition Walk Away FormID: 000E1B0C CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricForcegreetTopic CUST 0 As you can see, I have much that requires my attention. If you're inclined to gab, there are some nice prison guards you may like to meet... serious, not quite threatening Walk Away FormID: 000E1AFD CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricAlreadyMet CUST 0 Is that so...? thinking FormID: 000E1AFD CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricAlreadyMet CUST 1 Ah yes, you were with us at Helgen. dawning recognition FormID: 000E1AE0 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetHelgen CUST 0 Ahhh. Yes... dawning recognition FormID: 000E1B21 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetFreeToGo CUST 0 A fair point... Well, you've come to the right place, then. Speak with Galmar. good natured FormID: 000E1AEF CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricPrisoner CUST 0 Destined for the chopping block if I'm not mistaken. ironic, a hint of judgment FormID: 000E1B25 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetTalkGalmar CUST 0 I'm always looking for able fighters. Not everyone can say they made it out of Helgen. sizing up the player, giving respect where due FormID: 000E1B25 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetTalkGalmar CUST 1 Seems we're all branded villains these days... referring to his out outlaw status, hinting at overlooking past indiscretions FormID: 000E1B25 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetTalkGalmar CUST 2 So long as your criminal past stays in the past, and you fight for me with honor and integrity, we'll welcome you into our ranks. friendly but firm FormID: 000E1B06 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure you belong here, friend. suspicious, guard up FormID: 000E1B07 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Hmm. Helgen, eh? Ulfric told us quite the story. If you made it through all that, you're likely worth something to me. grizzled, not quite impressed FormID: 000E1B08 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to for Serpentstone Island? willing to give the player another shot. FormID: 000E1AE7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarHandleAnything CUST 0 That's what I like to hear. likes the bravado, but is serious about the test FormID: 000E1AE7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarHandleAnything CUST 1 So long as you can back up those words with steel. FormID: 000E1B34 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhatTest CUST 0 The kind men use to measure themselves. FormID: 000E1AFE CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BAboutIceWraith CUST 0 It's where men have tested their mettle for ages. explaining to an outsider FormID: 000E1AFE CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BAboutIceWraith CUST 1 There's a strange rock formation, built by the ancients. Something about that place attracts the Ice Wraiths. explaining the customary testing ground FormID: 000E1AFE CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BAboutIceWraith CUST 2 You kill an Ice Wraith out there, and I'll have all the proof I need about you. explaining the goal of the test FormID: 000E1B03 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarClearIsland CUST 0 I'm sending you to Serpentstone Island. If you survive, you pass. If you die, well, you weren't going to be much use to me anyway. enjoys taunting the new recruits with the difficult entry tests FormID: 000E1AF6 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAlone CUST 0 Not so sure of yourself after all? not surprised FormID: 000E1AF7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAlone CUST 0 At the end of the day, every warrior is alone. mentoring a young warrior Walk Away FormID: 000E1AF7 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAlone CUST 1 Before you can stand next to your shield brother, you need to be able to stand on your own. mentoring a young warrior Walk Away FormID: 000E1AF1 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 0 When you kill that Ice Wraith, then we'll talk about you becoming a Stormcloak. assuming the worst FormID: 000E2CFF CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 0 When you kill that Ice Wraith, then we'll talk about you becoming a Stormcloak. assuming the worst FormID: 000E2CFF CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 1 Here. Take this. You'll need it. Use it on the island. Don't lose it. That's all the help you're getting. begrudgingly offering assistance FormID: 000E2CFF CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarNotSure CUST 2 Try not to die. not joking FormID: 000E1B04 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 0 We'll see about that, won't we? reserving final judgement FormID: 000E2D28 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 0 We'll see about that, won't we? reserving final judgement FormID: 000E2D28 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 1 Here. Take this. You'll need it. Use it on the island. Don't lose it. That's all the help you're getting. begrudgingly offering help FormID: 000E2D28 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarAcceptQuest CUST 2 Try not to die. not joking FormID: 000E1B05 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetRalof CUST 0 Ralof's alive? I hope that's true. He's a damn good man. good news FormID: 000E1B05 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetRalof CUST 1 But he hasn't returned yet, so I'll need to wait for his account. For now, speak with Galmar. willing to believe for the moment FormID: 000E1B2D CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's an Elf want to fight for Skyrim? [QUOTE]ELF[QUOTE] with derision, challenging and suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B2E CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a cat want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B2F CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a lizard want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B30 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's an Orc want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B31 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a Redguard want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B32 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a Breton want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B33 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarWhyOutsider CUST 0 But first, tell me. Why's a foreigner want to fight for Skyrim? (challenging) suspicious of the player's motive FormID: 000E1B22 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarOnlyNords CUST 0 You mistake me. I'm not saying no - just wondering about your intentions. being straightforward about his suspicion FormID: 000E1B22 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarOnlyNords CUST 1 We're not looking for sellswords. The Stormcloaks need dedicated men and women who're devoted to the cause and willing to die for it. telling it like it is FormID: 000E1AF2 CW00B CW00BShared IDAT 0 Fair enough. But are you willing to die for your home? being completely serious, challenging a potential recruit FormID: 000E1B23 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarFightEmpire CUST 0 Can't fault anyone for that! As long as you hate the Empire as much as I do, that I can work with. begrudging camaraderie FormID: 000E1AE8 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarSignMeUp CUST 0 All right. But before I can put you to use, I need to know how much you can take. I have a little test for you. enjoys testing the fresh blood. Walk Away FormID: 000E17B1 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFound dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFoundTopic CUST 0 Did you? So Ulag didn't make it passed those giants then? More's the pity. FormID: 000E17B1 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFound dunSleepingTreeCampNoteFoundTopic CUST 1 If you found any of the sap, I'd be willing to pay you the same cut I offered him. Better price than you are likely to find otherwise. FormID: 000E17B2 dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunSleepingTreeCampSellSap dunSleepingTreeCampSellOneSapTopic CUST 0 Ah, of course! How much have you got? FormID: 000E1795 MS02 MS02BraigSorry MS02BraigSorryTopic CUST 0 My daughter is the one who needs your pity. I'm just a poor Forsworn whose only regret is not killing more Nords before I was locked up. heartbroken, wrathful FormID: 000E179C MS02 MS02BraigForsworn MS02BraigForswornTopic CUST 0 I'm not Madanach. I was never a leader of the Forsworn. The only anger I can justify is my own. heartbroken, wrathful FormID: 000E179C MS02 MS02BraigForsworn MS02BraigForswornTopic CUST 1 But every family in the Reach has a story like mine. There are no innocent onlookers in this struggle. Just the guilty, and the dead. heartbroken, wrathful FormID: 000E1791 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic CUST 0 Imagine hearing a story like that, over and over. Each time a different family Each time a different injustice. demagogue FormID: 000E1791 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic CUST 1 Your meddling above ground reminded me of how removed I've been from the struggle. My men and I should be in the hills, fighting. demagogue FormID: 000E1792 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachGrisvarTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, but I need a show of loyalty from you. I don't need a shiv in the back while we break out. demagogue FormID: 000E1796 MS02 MS02GrisvarKill MS02GrisvarKillTopic CUST 0 What? No. No don't kill me. Please! pathetic FormID: 000E1793 MS02 SCEN 0 Let me out. They're going to kill me! FormID: 000E1794 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic02 CUST 0 You know, I'm almost beginning to like you, but you haven't earned your place out of here yet. laughing, demagogue FormID: 000E1799 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachGrisvarContinue CUST 0 Have you met Grisvar the Unlucky? He's rightly named, and he's also a thief and a snitch. demagogue FormID: 000E1799 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachGrisvarContinue CUST 1 He's outlived his minor usefulness. Take care of him, and then we can leave Cidhna Mine for good. demagogue FormID: 000E1798 MS02 MS02Madanach MS02MadanachGrisvarTopic CUST 0 You've finally become one of us. Come with me. I think it's time I announced my plans to you and your new brothers. demagogue FormID: 000E173F CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendWagon CUST 0 Really? It just so happens we've been tracking a wagon! For about a day now. impressed by the coincidence FormID: 000E173F CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendWagon CUST 1 So that's what's in there? Coins and weapons? How do you know that? FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 0 That was crafty. I'm sure having a steward in the pocket will come in handy. impressed Walk Away FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 1 Lucky for us, that the wagon recently had a little accident. They're stranded now. Just up the road! informing a friend of the fortuitous situation Walk Away FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 2 We're outnumbered, but I have a plan. nervous, but excited Walk Away FormID: 000E1737 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendBlackmail CUST 3 You got here just in time. happy by the serendipity Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 0 Oh, fine. Keep your secrets. I see how it is. joking, but covering hurt feeling Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 1 That wagon recently had a little accident. They're stranded now, just up the road. filling a friend in on the situation Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 2 We're outnumbered, but I have a plan. nervous, but excited Walk Away FormID: 000E1734 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendDoesntMatter CUST 3 You got here just in time. happy by the serendipity Walk Away FormID: 000E1704 MQ303 TAUT 0 Skuldafn fen kos dinok. [QUOTE]Skuldafn will be your death.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1705 MQ303 TAUT 0 Alduin saraan hin sil ko Sovngarde! [QUOTE]Alduin awaits your soul in Sovngarde![QUOTE] FormID: 000E1706 MQ303 TAUT 0 Het siiv nunon dinok. [QUOTE]here (you will) find only death.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1707 MQ303 TAUT 0 Boziik, Dovahkiin. Nuz mey. [QUOTE](You are) bold, Dovahkiin. But a fool. FormID: 000E16E8 MQ303 HELO 0 Father won't let me go see the dragon. FormID: 000E16E9 MQ303 HELO 0 Is it true? Did you really capture a dragon on the Great Porch? FormID: 000E16EA MQ303 HELO 0 A dragon in Dragonsreach. That's something I never saw coming. FormID: 000E16EB MQ303 HELO 0 So my brother really did it. Whiterun will be the toast of Skyrim for this! FormID: 000E16EC MQ303 HELO 0 I'll be glad when that beast is gone from Dragonsreach. I never understood what the point of all this was. FormID: 000E8998 MQ303 HELO 0 Capturing that dragon was a mighty deed. In my younger days, I'd have been the first to join in the attempt. FormID: 000E16ED MQ303 HELO 0 A captive dragon, just think of the possibilities! trail off as you starting thinking to yourself all the experiments you need to arrange FormID: 000E16E6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenPoliticsTopic CUST 0 One of my main duties is to foster a better understanding between the Aldmeri Dominion and the people of Skyrim. FormID: 000E16E6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenPoliticsTopic CUST 1 I also oversee the activities of the Thalmor Justiciars throughout Skyrim, although this has been unfortunately disrupted by the war. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 0 The Thalmor Justiciars are so often misunderstood. Our primary goal is to preserve the peace between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 1 The worship of the false god Talos contributed to the unfortunate friction that led to the Great War. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 2 Following the Great War, the White-Gold Concordat set out the terms for peaceful coexistence between the two powers. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 3 The Empire and the Dominion agreed that the worship of Talos was a relic of the past, and must be eliminated in the interests of peace. FormID: 000E16E5 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenJusticiars CUST 4 But I'm sure you didn't come here for a lecture on high politics. FormID: 000E16F4 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenCivilWar CUST 0 As long as the Empire continues to uphold its treaty obligations, my government does not concern itself with the internal politics of Skyrim. FormID: 000E16EE MQ303 MQ303OdahviingIntro MQ303OdahviingIntroCont CUST 0 You will release me - ro laan - if in return I promise to take you to Skuldafn and stop helping Alduin? ro laan = balanced request FormID: 000E1627 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic02 CUST 0 Do I? And what about you? What right did you have to meddle in my affairs? Kill my people? Was it worth it? Your truth? demagogue FormID: 000E1632 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachInvisibleContinue02 CUST 0 You're one of us now, you see? A slave. The boot of your kinsmen stepping on your throat. Maybe if you understood that, I could help you. demagogue FormID: 000E1633 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachInvisibleContinue02 CUST 0 You're one of us now, you see? A slave. The boot of the Nord stepping on your throat. Maybe if you understood that, I could help you. demagogue FormID: 000E162F MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic03 CUST 0 Then come for me, [QUOTE]son of Skyrim.[QUOTE] Come for me! mocking - [QUOTE]son of Skyrim[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1630 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic03 CUST 0 Then come for me, [QUOTE]daughter of Skyrim.[QUOTE] Come for me! mocking - [QUOTE]daughter of Skyrim[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1631 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic03 CUST 0 Very well. Come for me, then. Come and let's end this! mocking FormID: 000E162E MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic04 CUST 0 There's a man named Braig inside these mines. Besides me, he's been here the longest. demagogue FormID: 000E162E MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic04 CUST 1 Tell him I sent you. Ask him why he's here. I want you to know how widespread the injustice of Markarth is. demagogue FormID: 000E1624 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic05 CUST 0 So many say that, at first, until they realize the truth. demagogue FormID: 000E1624 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic05 CUST 1 If you change your mind, speak to Braig. Tell him I sent you. I want you to know how widespread the injustice of Markarth is. FormID: 000E1628 MS02 MS02MadanachForsworn MS02MadanachForswornTopic CUST 0 This was our land. We were here first. Then the Nords came and put chains on us. Forbid us from worshipping our gods. demagogue FormID: 000E1628 MS02 MS02MadanachForsworn MS02MadanachForswornTopic CUST 1 Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own. demagogue FormID: 000E1628 MS02 MS02MadanachForsworn MS02MadanachForswornTopic CUST 2 That is who we are. The Forsworn. Criminals in our own lands. And we will cut a bloody hole into the Reach until we are free. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 0 I had Markarth. My men and I drove the Nords out. We had won, or so we thought. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 1 Retribution was swift. I was captured, quickly tried, and sentenced to death. But my execution never came. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 2 Thonar Silver-Blood stopped it. He wanted the Forsworn at his call, that I would point their rage at his enemies and spare his allies. demagogue FormID: 000E162B MS02 MS02MadanachThonar MS02MadanachThonarTopic CUST 3 And I have. Humiliating at first, but I knew he would let his guard down eventually. That he would come to trust I was under control. demagogue FormID: 000E1625 MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreStoryTopic CUST 0 My story, huh? Everyone in Cidhna Mine has a tale. Let's hear yours first. When was the first time you felt chains around your wrists? questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E162D MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreTopic01 CUST 0 So you know what it's like to have your life in someone else's hands. Why should they get to decide? Isn't judgment for the gods? questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E1622 MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreTopic02 CUST 0 Then you know the hard looks as judgment gets set upon you. The sneers of people who never had to face sentence. questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E162A MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreTopic03 CUST 0 Fine. Don't tell me. But I know that look in your eyes. Someone who's faced death at the hands of the law. questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E1621 MS02 MS02BraigreStory MS02BraigreInvisible01 CUST 0 Do you have any family? Anyone waiting for you on the outside? questioning, interrogating FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 0 I had a daughter, once. She'd be 23 this year. Married to some hot-headed silver worker or maybe on her own learning the herb trade. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 1 The Nords didn't care who was and who wasn't involved in the Forsworn Uprising. I had spoken to Madanach once, that was enough. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 2 But my little Aethra didn't want to see her papa leave her. She pleaded to the Jarl to take her instead. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E1623 MS02 IDAT 3 And after they made me watch as her head rolled off the block, they threw me in here anyway, to dig up their silver. heartbroken father recounting his daughter's death FormID: 000E155E DA16 SCEN 0 The tower on that hill is our destination. People around here call it the Tower of the Dawn. FormID: 000E1559 DA16 SCEN 0 I'm not familiar with the tower's history, but it was deserted for quite a long time before Nightcaller Temple was established inside. FormID: 000E1557 DA16 SCEN 0 When the temple was active the priests would rarely be seen in Dawnstar. They preferred to live a solitary existence. FormID: 000E1555 DA16 SCEN 0 The temple's been abandoned for decades now. Ironic isn't it... a ruin within a ruin? FormID: 000E1553 DA16 SCEN 0 There's a small shrine to Mara I established inside the tower's entry hall. I was hoping to seek spiritual guidance from Her. FormID: 000E1551 DA16 SCEN 0 Perhaps my prayers were answered and your reason for stumbling across Dawnstar is more than a mere coincidence. FormID: 000E154F DA16 SCEN 0 Follow me, it's this way. FormID: 000E154D DA16 SCEN 0 It feels good to finally have a chance to help these people. Helplessly watching them suffer's been difficult. FormID: 000E156F DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 He's deceiving you. FormID: 000E155F DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 When the ritual's complete, the Skull will be free and then Erandur will turn on you. FormID: 000E155D DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 Quickly! Kill him now. Kill him and claim the Skull for your own! Vaermina commands you! FormID: 000E1558 DA16 SCEN 0 Beyond these doors is the inner sanctum and the Skull of Corruption. FormID: 000E1556 DA16 SCEN 0 Prepare yourself. FormID: 000E1554 DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 Keep going, Casimir! Release the Miasma! Desperate... in combat FormID: 000E1552 DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 We can't hold them back! Go! Get to the Barrier! Release the Miasma! Desperate... in combat! FormID: 000E1550 DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 We can't hold them! Go, Casimir! Run! FormID: 000E154E DA16MiniScenes SCEN 0 Release the Miasma! Release it now! Hurry, Casimir, hurry! urgent, under combat duress FormID: 000E1537 CWMission07 CWMission07WaitForIt CWMission07WaitForItTopic CUST 0 We'll get him when he comes back around. Hold your fire. (hushed) telling snipers to wait patiently FormID: 000E1525 MQ101 SCEN 0 The torture room. Gods, I wish we didn't need these.... FormID: 000E1524 MQ101 SCEN 0 Troll's blood! It's a torture room. FormID: 000E14DC Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo1 CaravansTopicsKharjo1Topic CUST 0 Skyrim is filled with all manner of dangerous beasts. FormID: 000E14DC Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo1 CaravansTopicsKharjo1Topic CUST 1 Wolves, trolls, mammoths and giants would all like to make a meal of us. FormID: 000E14DC Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo1 CaravansTopicsKharjo1Topic CUST 2 But the dragons are the most fearsome. Lucky for us, they don't seem to hunt along the roads. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 0 Yes, I was hired to protect the others as we walk the roads of Skyrim. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 1 It is a thankless task and I would rather be back home in Elsweyr, but I have little choice. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 2 Ahkari freed me from a prison in Cyrodiil, and now I must repay my debt to him. FormID: 000E14DA Caravans CaravansTopicsKharjo CaravansTopicsKharjoTopic CUST 3 A word of advice, my friend -- do not mix gambling and drink. Taken together, they will empty your pockets of every septim. FormID: 000E14D2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSons DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSonsTopic CUST 0 Well, not a great deal, no. FormID: 000E14D2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSons DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSonsTopic CUST 1 But I do less business than I used to. The Stormcloaks don't like buying from anyone that isn't a Nord. FormID: 000E14D2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSons DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsSonsTopic CUST 2 If I wasn't married to Ulfberth, I'd be out of business. FormID: 000E14D1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSons DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSonsTopic CUST 0 Oh no, not at all. Sarcasm FormID: 000E14D1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSons DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSonsTopic CUST 1 I simply locked the doors, hid beneath my counter and prayed to the Divines that my life would be spared and my shop wouldn't burn to the ground. Annoyed, sarcastic FormID: 000E14D1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSons DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicSonsTopic CUST 2 But other than that, everything was business as usual. Now, do you have any other painfully obvious things to say? Sarcastic, annoyed FormID: 000E14CF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1 DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1Topic CUST 0 Well, the Stormcloak guards drink a lot more than the Imperials did, so I've been making more money lately. FormID: 000E14CF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1 DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1Topic CUST 1 On the other hand, they're a violent bunch. Every night a fight breaks out and I end up with a smashed chair or a broken table. FormID: 000E14CF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1 DialogueWhiterunHuldaTopic1Topic CUST 2 So, not much has changed, really. Droll, deadpan humor FormID: 000E14CD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSons DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSonsTopic CUST 0 No more than I was already getting. FormID: 000E14CD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSons DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSonsTopic CUST 1 Four of the guards have already decided they're in love with me. Two of the guards got into a fight over me at the tavern. FormID: 000E14CD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSons DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicSonsTopic CUST 2 At least Balgruuf's men bathed regularly. These Stormcloaks always smell of ale and sweat, and their breath reeks. FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 0 My sister and I inherited a modest sum of money. We decided to travel and seek out whatever adventures we could find. FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 1 As we journeyed across Tamriel, we encountered tales of exotic and wondrous artifacts. We decided to collect as many as we could. FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 2 My sister passed away some years ago, so I settled down here and opened the House of Curiosities. Tinged with regret and sadness FormID: 000E14CC DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollection DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicCollectionTopic CUST 3 I think she would be happy to know that our collection has brought smiles to faces both young and old. FormID: 000E14F0 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicsTour DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTopicsTourTopic CUST 0 Indeed I did! For a few septims, I'll tell you about some of the most interesting curiosities in my collection. FormID: 000E14DD DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourYes DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourYesTopic CUST 0 Splendid! If you'll just follow me, I'll tell you tales and show you wonders such as you've never seen. With showmanship FormID: 000E14B7 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 It's you and me, prisoner. Stay close! commanding and heroic FormID: 000E14BA MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on! We need to get inside! FormID: 000E14BB MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Where are you going? The barracks is through here! calling out FormID: 0005CE8F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Quick, I can cut you loose inside the keep. FormID: 000E14BC MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We've got to get inside. Now! FormID: 000E14DB DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourNo DialogueWindhelmCalixtoTourNoTopic CUST 0 Very well. If you change your mind, you can usually find me here. In the meantime, feel free to look around. FormID: 000E14D9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 These tools were found in a crypt outside Windhelm. They belonged to the ancient Nords who dwelt in Skyrim before the days of the First Empire. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 Most scholars believe that the Nords of old used these implements to prepare their dead for burial. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D9 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 What macabre mysteries would these tools reveal if they could but speak? With showmanship FormID: 000E14D6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Here is the Book of Fate, discovered in a secret room in the Arcane University. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 The writing in the book describes the destiny of its reader, so the words change from one person to the next. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D6 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 Some see only blank pages, and nobody knows why. Perhaps some of us are born with no destiny, or maybe the blank pages signify an imminent death. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Ah, now here is an item out of legend. This is Ysgramor's Soup Spoon. With showmanship FormID: 000E14D0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 Now, I know what you're thinking - this is no spoon, it's a fork! Nobody can eat soup with a fork! With showmanship FormID: 000E14D0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 Well, my friend, you did not know Ysgramor. FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Don't let this innocent-looking flute fool you, for this is the Dancer's Pipe. With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 1 Legend holds that the Dancer's Pipe has won wars, toppled empires and changed the very course of history. With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 2 None know its origins, but the stories say that men who hear its music are compelled to dance uncontrollably, no matter the peril. With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 3 To activate this strange power, one must only speak the magic words, which are... With showmanship FormID: 000E14CE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 4 Oh my, I very nearly got us both into a nasty predicament, didn't I? Embarrassed, laughing at yourself FormID: 000E14DF DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 And with that, the tour is over. I thank you for your patronage, and I hope to see you again soon! FormID: 000E1374 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 0 Haven't you been listening to me? All the old tales agree that he has some means to travel to Sovngarde itself. FormID: 000E1374 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 1 There he devours the souls of the heroic dead to feed his power. You must find his portal to Sovngarde before he returns, stronger than ever. FormID: 000E1375 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 0 The old tales say that he can travel into Sovngarde to devour the souls of the dead. FormID: 000E1375 MQ00 MQAlduinInSovngarde MQAlduinInSovngardeTopic CUST 1 You must find out how he does this, before he regains his strength and returns. FormID: 000E107D TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been a Nightingale for a very long time. I sold my allegiance to Nocturnal in exchange for many profitable years of thieving. FormID: 000E107D TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 1 Falling in love with Gallus was wrong. It was a distraction that allowed the Sepulcher to be desecrated and it likely cost him his life. this really bothers you FormID: 000E107D TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 2 Until the Key is returned, I will never set foot inside that place again. this really bothers you FormID: 000E107E TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 0 Right now, the Guild needs someone to maintain order. Everyone is awaiting the news of Mercer's demise; it couldn't be a more precarious time. concerned FormID: 000E107E TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic CUST 1 I also need to reassure Maven that it's business as usual without Mercer... and that a new Guild Master will soon be taking over. say that last part knowingly - you're referring to the person you're talking to FormID: 000E1080 TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Listen, lad. I have faith in you. I know that sounds strange coming from a thief, but these recent events have changed my perspective. confiding in the player FormID: 000E1081 TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Listen, lass. I have faith in you. I know that sounds strange coming from a thief, but these recent events have changed my perspective. confiding in the player FormID: 000E107C TG09 TG09GoWithBranch TG09GoWithBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I can't think of anyone better suited to return the Key. Just remember to keep your eyes open and walk true with the shadows. confiding in the player FormID: 000E107B TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 0 Even though Nocturnal doesn't desire worship in the traditional sense, the Twilight Sepulcher propagated a small group of priests. FormID: 000E107B TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 1 Of course, they'd never come into direct contact with Nocturnal but they insisted they had her favor. bemused FormID: 000E107B TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic CUST 2 As part of their [QUOTE]duties,[QUOTE] the priests created all sorts of baseless rituals and ceremonies all on Nocturnal's behalf. FormID: 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 0 These priests weren't threat to the Skeleton Key or the conduit to Nocturnal's realm, so they were tolerated. FormID: 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 1 One of their ceremonies involved the Pilgrim's Path, a so called [QUOTE]test of worthiness.[QUOTE] FormID: 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If a pilgrim was able to complete the path, it was said that they would become one with the shadows. What that means is anyone's guess. FormID: 000E107F TG09 TG09EbonmereBranch TG09EbonmereBranchTopic CUST 0 The conduit to Nocturnal's realm, the realm of Evergloam, has been in Skyrim... well, longer than recorded history. FormID: 000E107F TG09 TG09EbonmereBranch TG09EbonmereBranchTopic CUST 1 The Twilight Sepulcher was constructed around it by man and mer in order to shield it from those who would exploit its power. FormID: 000E107F TG09 TG09EbonmereBranch TG09EbonmereBranchTopic CUST 2 It's through this conduit that we're given Nocturnal's greatest gift, our luck. What she gains in return is a complete mystery. FormID: 000E0EEA DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 Bah, it's no use. Let's get back to it, then. frustrated FormID: 000E0EE4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenProblem DialogueMorthalJorgenProblemTopic CUST 0 Trust you saw the house that burned down. Peculiar bit of business, that was. FormID: 000E0EE4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenProblem DialogueMorthalJorgenProblemTopic CUST 1 And that's on top of noises from the marsh in the night, tales of monsters, and now this wizard in our midst. FormID: 000E0EE4 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJorgenProblem DialogueMorthalJorgenProblemTopic CUST 2 What's a man to do if he can't look to his Jarl for help? FormID: 000E0EED DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDo DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDoTopic CUST 0 Oh, well. You know. A bit of this, a bit of that. sheepish FormID: 000E0EED DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDo DialogueMorthalBenorWhatDoTopic CUST 1 They haven't made me a guard, even though I've been asking. So I'll take odd jobs, anything that comes along for now. FormID: 000E0EEB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 0 Wasn't by choice, I can tell you that. annoyed FormID: 000E0EEB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 1 Options were in short supply. Ranmir and I grew up here, and nearly any money I make, he drinks away. FormID: 000E0EEB DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 2 Without the coin to pack up and leave, I decided to take to trading. FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 0 Wasn't by choice, I can tell you that. annoyed FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 1 Options were in short supply. Ranmir and I grew up here, and his drinking soaked up whatever coin we had. FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 2 So I opened a shop to try and get by. Now, though... FormID: 000E0EEC DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHere DialogueWinterholdBirnaWhyShopHereTopic CUST 3 Have to admit, I'm attached to the place. Suppose that makes me crazy, doesn't it? slightly amused at the thought FormID: 000E0EE7 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlace DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlaceTopic CUST 0 It's not much, but we get by. FormID: 000E0EE7 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlace DialogueWinterholdHaranNicePlaceTopic CUST 1 Very little money passes through Winterhold anymore, but if there's one thing you can count on, it's folks needing a drink now and then. FormID: 000E0EE5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmpty DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmptyTopic CUST 0 You mean the inn, or Winterhold? amused FormID: 000E0EE5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmpty DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmptyTopic CUST 1 Suppose it's the same answer, either way. Winterhold's fallen on hard times, to say the least. Most folk packed up and left years ago. FormID: 000E0EE5 DialogueWinterhold DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmpty DialogueWinterholdWhySoEmptyTopic CUST 2 A few of us are either too stubborn or too crazy to go, so we do our best to make a living. FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 0 By my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun. It's the greatest honor that's within my power to grant. FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 1 I assign you Lydia as a personal Housecarl, and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 2 I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now would we? FormID: 000E0EB8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufReward1 CUST 3 We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Dragonborn. FormID: 000E0EB7 MQ103 IDAT 0 I, ah, learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow - a [QUOTE]Dragonstone,[QUOTE] said to contain a map of dragon burial sites. hesitating over [QUOTE]learned[QUOTE] - the player later finds out it was Delphine who told him about this FormID: 000E0EB7 MQ103 IDAT 1 Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet - no doubt interred in the main chamber - and bring it to me. Simplicity itself. FormID: 000D8B7C MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroHaveStone CUST 0 Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! You already found it! You are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes the Jarl foists on me. surprise and admiration FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 1 The target's name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 2 The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 3 Remember, we want people to notice. Kill Vici while she's addressing her guests, as is the custom, and I can promise a bonus. FormID: 000E0E55 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic2 CUST 4 Now go. And give the bride a special kiss, from me. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 0 Your target's name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 1 The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 2 Vici is likely to address her guests frequently, as is the wedding custom. Kill her when she does that, and I promise you a significant bonus. FormID: 000E0E54 DarkBrotherhood DB05AstridStartBranch DB05PlayerWhoIsTargetTopic3 CUST 3 Now go. And give the city of Solitude a celebration they're not likely to forget. FormID: 000E0E02 MG01 MG01NiryaRejectionBranch MG01NiryaRejectionBranchTopic CUST 0 Just that, I'm afraid. You lack the ability, in any school of magic, to contribute meaningfully to the College's research. FormID: 000E0E02 MG01 MG01NiryaRejectionBranch MG01NiryaRejectionBranchTopic CUST 1 I suggest you learn more on your own. Come back once you've attained some measure of success. FormID: 000E0DA0 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachIntroductionTopic CUST 0 Well, well. Look at you. Your kinsmen have turned you into an animal, Nord. A wild beast caged up and left to go mad. demagogue FormID: 000E0DA1 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachIntroductionTopic CUST 0 Well, well. Look at you. The Nords have turned you into an animal. A wild beast caged up and left to go mad. demagogue FormID: 000E0D96 MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachInvisible CUST 0 So, my fellow beast, what do you want? Answers about the Forsworn? Revenge for trying to have you killed? demagogue FormID: 000E0D9B MS02 MS02MadanachIntroduction MS02MadanachTopic01 CUST 0 Your freedom? Yes. But even if you were to escape Cidhna Mine, your name would still be stained with all that blood. demagogue FormID: 000E0D97 DialogueWhiterunFraliaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Fralia, do you ever deal with the Khajiit at all? I'm sure they would love to trade in your husband's steel. FormID: 000E0D9E DialogueWhiterunFraliaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Plenty of people here that need Eorlund's craftsmanship, my dear. We've never had any reason to deal with those caravans of theirs. FormID: 000E0D99 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Are you still working at the Bannered Mare in the evenings, Olfina? FormID: 000E0D9A DialogueWhiterunOlfinaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 And why shouldn't I? Just because I'm a Gray-Mane doesn't mean I can't earn my own keep. FormID: 000E0D9F DialogueWhiterunOlfinaYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 I didn't mean... I'm sorry I asked. FormID: 000E0D9C DialogueWhiterunNazeemYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Ah, Ysolda was it? What brings you to the market? FormID: 000E0D9D DialogueWhiterunNazeemYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 I'm here to buy food, Nazeem. I suppose you don't need to worry about that. FormID: 000E0D98 DialogueWhiterunNazeemYsoldaScene1 SCEN 0 Owning a farm does have its advantages. FormID: 000E0D46 DA03Start DA03StartGuardGreetBranch DA03StartGuardGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Did you see a Dog out there? FormID: 000E0D4B DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, well. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. FormID: 000E0D4C DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic2 CUST 0 No, this was a specific one. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. FormID: 000E0D49 DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic3 CUST 0 I don't know really. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. FormID: 000E0D45 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchTopic2 CUST 0 I asked the gate guards to look for him. I can't afford to chase him down but could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company. FormID: 000E0D47 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchAcceptTopic CUST 0 Good! There's some gold in it for you if you succeed. Here's the meat - check the road just outside of town. FormID: 000E0D4D DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchTopic3 CUST 0 No, no, this one's alone on the road outside of town. I can't afford to chase him down but I could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company. FormID: 000E0D4A DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodContinueTopic CUST 0 If you were willing to retrieve him for me I'd give you some fresh meat to attract him out on the road. FormID: 000E0D4E DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchGoodbye CUST 0 I guess I'll stay on the lookout. Keep your nose clean while you're here outsider. FormID: 000E0D48 DA03 DA03BarbasGreeting DA03BarbasGreetContinue CUST 0 You see, my name is Barbas. And I have a problem I think you can help sort out. FormID: 000E0D2C MGR22 MGR22RewardStatusBranch MGR22RewardStatusBranchTopic CUST 0 I only just got my hands on it. I can only work so quickly. mildly annoyed FormID: 000E0D2D MGR22 MGR22RewardStatusBranch MGR22RewardStatusBranchTopic CUST 0 It's coming along slowly. I expect there will be some results soon. FormID: 000E0D2E MGR22 MGR22RewardStatusBranch MGR22RewardStatusBranchTopic CUST 0 We were able to figure out the last text you brought in. I thought the least I could do is pass the knowledge along. FormID: 000E0CF1 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningWhatsNext MGRArniel04KeeningWhatsNextTopic CUST 0 Now... Now we see whether my theories are correct. FormID: 000E0CFD MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I apologize if I have not been clear about my work. I didn't want to discuss it for fear this moment might never come. FormID: 000E0CFB MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Everyone knows the dwarves disappeared. No one knows why. FormID: 000E0CF9 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 This little experiment is a first step in recreating the events of their disappearance in an effort to unravel that mystery. FormID: 000E0CF7 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Lacking the heart of a dead god, I am substituting the crystal you helped craft in its place. FormID: 000E0CF6 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I also lack Sunder, the counterpart to the dagger Keening. I am reasonably, confident, however, that this will still work. FormID: 000E0CF5 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I certainly don't expect it to have quite the same results. I'm no tonal architect, of course! making a joke that no one is ever going to get, realizing it's awkward FormID: 000E0CF4 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Well, I suppose it's time, isn't it? Let's see what happens. You, uhh... You may want to stand back a step or two. FormID: 000E0CF3 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 But please, don't leave. You've been instrumental in this process. I'd like you to see the results first-hand. FormID: 000E0CF2 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Right, then... about to take a leap of faith, slightly hesitant FormID: 000E0D08 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Hmm. That... That didn't really do anything, did it? FormID: 000E0CFC MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Perhaps a little harder? FormID: 000E0CFA MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 I don't understand. This should produce some notable effect. confused, starting to get upset FormID: 000E0CF8 MGRArniel04 SCEN 0 Work, damn you! FormID: 000E0CA9 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 Suddenly I don't feel like fighting. FormID: 000E0CAA WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 Why am I fighting? FormID: 000E0CAB WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I really don't want to fight. FormID: 000E0CAC WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I see no reason to keep fighting. FormID: 000E0CAD WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 This fight makes no sense. FormID: 000E0CAE WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I'm not interested in fighting anymore. FormID: 000E0CAF WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I see no reason to fight. FormID: 000E0CB0 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 There's no reason to fight. FormID: 000E0CB1 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 I'm staying out of this. FormID: 000E0CB2 WICastMagicNonHostileSpell01 WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalm WICastMagicNonHostileSpellCalmTopic CUST 0 This fight is pointless. FormID: 000E0C38 MG01 SCEN 0 Over there, please. Just opposite me. Wouldn't want anyone else in the way. FormID: 000E0C37 MG01 SCEN 0 I really do need you to stay in place, please. I don't want to risk hurting any of the other Apprentices. FormID: 000E0C3A MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The existence of so-called [QUOTE]Doomstones[QUOTE] throughout Skyrim has been repeatedly verified. The meaning of these stones has not. FormID: 000E0C3B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The prevailing opinion of Skyrim natives is that the stones are indeed magical in nature. FormID: 000E0C3C MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While there is no direct evidence of this, it does seem likely. FormID: 000E0C3D MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 References to similar stones appear in lore throughout the various Tamrielic cultures. FormID: 000E0C3E MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 None, however, exactly match the markings or distribution of Skyrim's stones. FormID: 000E0C3F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At present, there is no confirmation of any of the various theories surrounding the nature of these stones. FormID: 000E0C40 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Their relative positions do not indicate that any individual stone is part of a larger, unobserved pattern. FormID: 000E0C41 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Also, their placement throughout Skyrim does not correspond to any known magical phenomenon. FormID: 000E0C42 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The age of the stones themselves has yet to be officially determined. It has been widely assumed that they were placed during the Merethic Era. FormID: 000E0C43 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Writings from that period, including those of Ysgramor himself, do not mention the stones and thus this idea cannot be verified. FormID: 000E0C44 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Nonetheless, many are drawn to these stones based on the local stories describing them as a source of significant power. FormID: 000E0C45 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College will continue to research these intriguing objects, and of course any findings will be relayed with all possible haste. FormID: 000E0C46 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It is no secret that both the Synod and the College of Whispers have recently made inquiries as to the status of our College here in Winterhold. FormID: 000E0C47 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At this time, there is no indication that either group is aware of the other's correspondence. FormID: 000E0C48 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College of Winterhold has thus far declined requests for direct meetings. This has been at the specific request of Arch-Mage Aren. FormID: 000E0C49 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Aren believed that although the initial communications were innocent enough, they were sent with a particular motive in mind. FormID: 000E0C4B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The Synod's harsh rules and draconian structure are maintained only by suppressing any opposition to their Council's policies. FormID: 000E0C4C MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It is entirely possible that they look to our College here in Winterhold in order to find supporters for their organization. FormID: 000E0C4D MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Likewise, the College of Whispers has long been driven by its desire to directly oppose the Synod. FormID: 000E0C4E MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 They focus on research banned by the Synod, such as Conjuration and Necromancy. FormID: 000E0C4F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College of Whispers hopes to learn that our College also supports these avenues of research. FormID: 000E0C50 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Thus they may claim that the Synod is indeed a political minority in the Empire and should be treated as such. FormID: 000E0C51 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Our actual position and policies are irrelevant. No matter the facts of the response, it will certainly be twisted to suit the whims of either group. FormID: 000E0C52 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Indeed, it has been jokingly suggested that we send the exact same response to both, which each will warp into support for their side. FormID: 000E0C53 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At present, these two groups do little beyond attempting to gain the attention and favor of the Emperor. FormID: 000E0C54 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 They appear to have little interest in real study and research for the sake of gaining knowledge. FormID: 000E0C55 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Arch-Mage Aren believes that their conflict poses a significant threat to the autonomy of our College, and I concur. FormID: 000E0C56 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Arch-Mage Aren believed that their conflict poses a significant threat to the autonomy of our College, and I concur. FormID: 000E0C57 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Falling in with either would threaten to draw much unwanted attention to our College. FormID: 000E0C58 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 If either group goes through less official channels and attempt to contact you directly, please refer them to the College's Master Wizard. FormID: 000E0C59 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Say as little as possible so as to avoid compromising our neutral position. FormID: 000E0C5A MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 I would just like to remind everyone, once again, that Restoration is indeed a valid school of magic. FormID: 000E0C5B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It is absolutely worthy of research, despite many of the notes I've had left in my bed. And my desk. And on occasion, my meals. FormID: 000E0C5C MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Anyone suggesting that Restoration is better left to the priests of the Temples, I think, is forgetting a few things. FormID: 000E0C5D MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Firstly, the ability to repel the undead cannot be ignored. FormID: 000E0C5E MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Skyrim is well known to be full of these... Draugr, ancient Nord warriors who cannot find peace. FormID: 000E0C5F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 I submit that everyone in this College has, at one time or another, relied on one of the Restoration spells that can keep them at bay. FormID: 000E0C60 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Secondly, how can anyone forget wards? They have become essential to any mage working in dangerous situations. FormID: 000E0C61 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 They are counted upon every bit as much as Candlelight, or Invisibility. FormID: 000E0C62 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 But more importantly, wards have saved lives. This is a simple fact. FormID: 000E0C63 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Every mage in this College regularly uses wards for practice, so as to avoid physical harm. FormID: 000E0C64 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 I truly hope that these points actually sink in, and that more care and thought is given to this subject in the future. Thank you. FormID: 000E3181 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 As many know, there is an ongoing effort to research the work of the Archmagus Shalidor. FormID: 000E3183 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 He is most remembered for his great maze of Labyrinthian, said to hold [QUOTE]Glamoril[QUOTE], or the secret of life. FormID: 000E3186 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While stories have persisted since the First Era, none have ever confirmed the existence of this [QUOTE]Glamoril[QUOTE] or its purpose or function. FormID: 000E3187 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College has developed some theories, however. FormID: 000E3189 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 We know that Shalidor had an understanding of magic that surpassed almost any of either his age or ours. FormID: 000E318A MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The few works of his that have been recovered suggest that he had an understanding of magic and the world that few have ever achieved. FormID: 000E318B MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 What is interesting is that it appears he was also incredibly prolific, writing on a diverse array of subjects. FormID: 000E3190 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 An array so great, in fact, that it remains a source of curiosity. FormID: 000E3192 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 What, then, of this Glamoril? It means [QUOTE]secret of life[QUOTE] in elvish. Could this be an explanation for Shalidor's works? FormID: 000E319F MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Is it possible that it somehow contributed to his work? Perhaps allowed him to life multiple lifetimes in a short span of time? FormID: 000E31A0 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Increased his intelligence and knowledge in ways unfathomable to us? We may never know for certain. FormID: 000E31A1 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The College is always searching for more of Shalidor's writings in an attempt to understand both our knowledge of the man, and of magic in general. FormID: 000E31B0 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At this time, I would like to make a few statements regarding policy here at the College. FormID: 000E31B1 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Please refrain from practicing Conjuration spells in view of the town of Winterhold. FormID: 000E31B2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Atronachs have a tendency to frighten the locals. Undead.... well, I don't even think it needs to be said. FormID: 000E31B6 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Urag has asked me to remind everyone to please return materials borrowed from the Arcanaeum in the same condition as you received them. FormID: 000E31BA MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 If this is impossible due to misuse or accident, Urag recommends finding a replacement copy to deliver to the Arcanaeum. FormID: 000E31C2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Failure to do so will result in paying, in Urag's words, [QUOTE]a blood price.[QUOTE] I did not ask him to elaborate on that point. FormID: 000E31C3 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Once again, I must ask that everyone please clean up any materials used in the common areas. FormID: 000E31C4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 We've had yet another sprained ankle due to soul gems being left on the floor. Let's please try and keep injuries to a minimum. FormID: 000E31C5 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 The Midden remains off-limits at this time; while the initial outbreak has been cleaned up, the area is still considered hazardous. FormID: 000E31C6 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 No more experiments are to be carried out there, and mages are advised that you enter the Midden at your own risk. FormID: 000E31C7 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While Drevis appreciates the spellcasting skill that went into somehow cramming several hundred apples into his pillow... FormID: 000E31C8 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 He would ask that it please not happen again. FormID: 000E31C9 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 He has suggested that, should he find out who is responsible, he is well versed in making things disappear permanently. FormID: 000E31CA MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 There have been unconfirmed reports that someone has been sneaking into the town of Winterhold while invisible, and causing... issues. FormID: 000E31D1 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 This goes quite against College policy, and the party responsible is advised to cease these actions at once. FormID: 000E31D2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Any information as to the whereabouts of the previous group of Apprentices would be greatly appreciated. FormID: 000E31D3 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 As of yet, there has been no sign of them. FormID: 000E31D4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Projects are underway to discern the origin and nature of the College's recent find in Saarthal. FormID: 000E31D5 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Work continues on the Eye of Magnus, as it has been commonly referred to. FormID: 000E31E2 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 Any and all theories are currently being considered. Those with ideas should please speak with Mirabelle. FormID: 000E31E4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 At this time, there is no indication that, as has been rumored, the object is in fact a physical part of Magnus, the god of magic. FormID: 000E31F4 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It has been suggested that the object is a gateway to the realm of Aetherius, but nothing has proven that idea one way or the other. FormID: 000E31FC MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It has been proposed that the object is in fact the entirety of Aurbis in one physical space. FormID: 000E31FF MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 This would of course mean that Tamriel, indeed all of Mundus, is actually contained within the sphere. FormID: 000E3200 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 It further suggests that we are somehow then outside our own existence while looking in at it. FormID: 000E3209 MGCollegeLectureInfos IDAT 0 While the idea seems dubious at best, it has not, at present, been entirely ruled out. FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 0 It would ruin me. frustrated, but resigned to the blackmail FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 1 I have a good thing going here. The Jarl benefits from my more creative arrangements as well, though it'd be impossible for her to admit that. resigned to being blackmailed FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 2 Laila is a simple and traditional woman. Which makes it easy to manipulate her, but impossible to regain her graces once offended. FormID: 000E0B96 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 3 Look. Perhaps we could come to some kind of agreement? bargaining, desperate but trying not to sound it FormID: 000E0B99 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 0 The Thalmor would need to make an example of me... I'd be thrown into prison, but our family's honor would be stained for generations. FormID: 000E0B99 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailExposeB CUST 1 I'm the Jarl's uncle. He, his father, and I, swore oaths to the Empire to abandon Talos, as conditions of our return to the city. sincere concern FormID: 000E0B94 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailHowMuch CUST 0 Enough to make a significant difference in the war. Walk Away FormID: 000E0B95 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailHowMuch CUST 0 Enough to make a significant difference in the war. Walk Away FormID: 000E0B91 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 0 They're taking it by wagon to Windhelm. If you hurry, you'll catch them before they get far. resigned to the blackmail FormID: 000E0B91 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 1 It'll be a fairly slow moving caravan. The shipment is quite heavy, and guarded by many men. FormID: 000E0B91 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 2 Now, let's pretend we never had this discussion. forceful FormID: 000E0B92 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 0 They're taking it by wagon to Solitude. If you hurry, you'll catch them before they get far. resigned to the blackmail FormID: 000E0B92 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 1 It'll be a fairly slow moving caravan. The shipment is quite heavy, and guarded by many men. FormID: 000E0B92 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailAlrighWhere CUST 2 Now, let's pretend we never had this discussion. forceful FormID: 000E0B8B CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 Well I... about to get indignant, then realizing you are in no position to argue Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8B CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 1 I suppose I'm not left much choice in the matter, am I? frustrated about being blackmailed Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8B CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 2 Very well. I trust a hefty purse of septims will suffice? angry, frustrated Walk Away FormID: 000E1538 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 I don't think so. How do I know you won't continue to extort me? A wagon full of gold isn't good enough for you? indignant Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 Well I... about to get indignant, then realizing you are in no position to argue Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 1 I suppose I'm not left much choice in the matter, am I? frustrated about being blackmailed Walk Away FormID: 000E0B8C CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 2 Very well. I trust a hefty purse of septims will suffice? angry, frustrated Walk Away FormID: 000E1539 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailPersonal CUST 0 I don't think so. How do I know you won't continue to extort me? A wagon loaded with silver isn't good enough for you? indignant Walk Away FormID: 000E0B87 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailGoOn CUST 0 Oh, no. I'm no fool. You'll learn what you need to know once we've come to an agreement. nervous, but firm FormID: 000E0B88 CWMission07 CWMission07Blackmail CWMission07BlackmailGoOn CUST 0 Oh, no. I won't tell you anything more until we have an agreement. nervous, but firm FormID: 000E07B3 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 Nocturnal, save me... FormID: 000E07B4 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 I return to the shadows... FormID: 000E07B5 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 I've... failed... FormID: 000E07B6 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDDeaths DETH 0 Noooo... FormID: 000DFEEB TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 Come... embrace your death! FormID: 000DFF23 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 Become one with the Evergloam! FormID: 000DFF24 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 This place will be your tomb! FormID: 000DFF25 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDTaunts TAUT 0 Draw your last breath, mortal! FormID: 000DFE9A TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertIdle ALIL 0 Your presence will be revealed. FormID: 000DFEA2 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertIdle ALIL 0 You can't hide from the hidden. FormID: 000DFEA3 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertIdle ALIL 0 Enough games, face your death! FormID: 000E03F2 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostIdle LOIL 0 Hiding only prolongs your demise. FormID: 000E05D0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostIdle LOIL 0 I have eternity to find you. FormID: 000E07AF TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostIdle LOIL 0 Impressive, you've mastered the shadows. FormID: 000DFEE8 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToAlert NOTA 0 A stirring in the dark? FormID: 000DFEE9 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToAlert NOTA 0 I feel a change in the room... FormID: 000DFEEA TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToAlert NOTA 0 The presence of the living is near... FormID: 000DFEB7 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToCombat ALTC 0 The shadows have betrayed you! FormID: 000DFEC7 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToCombat ALTC 0 The games have ended, time to face your death! FormID: 000DFEC8 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToCombat ALTC 0 Come mortal, let's end this here and now! FormID: 000DFF26 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Nocturnal will feed upon your soul! FormID: 000DFF27 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 An intruder in the Sepulcher! FormID: 000DFF28 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Make your peace, mortal! FormID: 000DFF66 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Defend the Sepulcher at all costs! FormID: 000DFF67 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Destroy the intruder! FormID: 000E0233 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Let the darkness rip you asunder! FormID: 000E0250 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 You've breathed your last breath, mortal! FormID: 000E0251 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 Defend the Ebonmere! Kill the mortal! FormID: 000E0252 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDNormalToCombat NOTC 0 I cast shadows across your grave! FormID: 000DFE89 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToNormal ALTN 0 A trick of the dark perhaps? FormID: 000DFE96 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAlertToNormal ALTN 0 Perhaps it was nothing... FormID: 000E07B0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToNormal COTN 0 Victory for Nocturnal! FormID: 000E07B1 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToNormal COTN 0 Another soul claimed for Lady Nocturnal! FormID: 000E07B2 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToNormal COTN 0 Glory to the Empress of Murk! FormID: 000DFED0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToNormal LOTN 0 The intruder has vanished. FormID: 000DFEE6 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToNormal LOTN 0 I've failed... the mortal has escaped. FormID: 000DFEC9 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToLst COLO 0 What? That's not possible! FormID: 000DFECF TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDCombatToLst COLO 0 Most impressive, mortal... most impressive. FormID: 000DFE97 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToCombat LOTC 0 The shadows have failed you! FormID: 000DFE99 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDLostToCombat LOTC 0 A fatal mistake! FormID: 000DFB0D MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Barleydark Farm. FormID: 000DFB0E MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Riverwood. FormID: 000DFB0F MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Rorikstead. FormID: 000DFB10 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Karthwasten. FormID: 000DFB11 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Old Hroldan. FormID: 000DFB12 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine. FormID: 000DFB13 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Stonehills. FormID: 000DFB14 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Frost River Farm. FormID: 000DFB15 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Granite Hill. FormID: 000DFB16 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill. FormID: 000DFB17 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen. FormID: 000DFB18 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Anga's Mill. FormID: 000DFB19 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm. FormID: 000DFB1A MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine. FormID: 000DFB1B MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Ivarstead. FormID: 000DFB1C MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone. FormID: 000DFB1D MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill. FormID: 000DFB1E MQ302 SCEN 0 The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Sarethi Farm. FormID: 000DFB00 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Shadows take you! FormID: 000E026B TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Darkness destroy you! FormID: 000E026C TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Glory to Nocturnal! FormID: 000E026D TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Shadows fall! FormID: 000E026E TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Submit to Her will! FormID: 000E027B TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Your end is near! FormID: 000E027C TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 I'll bury you in darkness! FormID: 000E0312 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Yeargh! FormID: 000E0313 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Rargh! FormID: 000E0314 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Hyargh! FormID: 000E03F0 TG09NightingalesDialogue TG09NDAttacks ATCK 0 Hunh! FormID: 000DF8C9 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranchTopic CUST 0 *Gasp* Finally, someone came!... I... Dying bandit-- gruff, mortally wounded. Walk Away FormID: 000DF8C9 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranchTopic CUST 1 *coughs* The cat... *gasp* Ra'jiir... ambushed me. He's trying to take the sword back! I... can't... *gasp* Dying bandit-- gruff, mortally wounded. Walk Away FormID: 000DF8C7 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 *cough* Raspy, mortally wounded FormID: 000E4D79 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 *cough* Raspy, mortally wounded FormID: 000E4D7A dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 *gasp* Raspy, mortally wounded FormID: 000DF8C8 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 No! Noooooo! Nightmarish ghost manifests in front of him and kills him. FormID: 000DF8B6 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 0 Mercer's been careful so far. I don't think he'd just leave those plans behind unless he had his reasons. FormID: 000DF8B6 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 1 For someone in possession of the Skeleton Key, stealing the Eyes of the Falmer would be child's play. FormID: 000DF8B6 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 2 No, he means to ambush us down here, I'm almost certain of it. FormID: 000DF8B7 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 0 The lass seems to think old Mercer is pulling a fast one on us... leading us here and letting the dwarven constructs wear us down. FormID: 000DF8B7 TG08B TG08BTrapBranch TG08BTrapBranchTopic CUST 1 I've learned to trust her lead at this point. After all, we Nightingales need to stick together, eh? trying to be cheery in grim situation FormID: 000DF8B9 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic CUST 0 A few years before Mercer murdered Gallus, the Guild took in a thief who specialized in dwarven antiquities. FormID: 000DF8B9 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic CUST 1 The thief had broken into a nobleman's home somewhere in Windhelm and made off with a small figurine of a snow elf with crystalline eyes. FormID: 000DF8B8 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Aye, that's what the Falmer were known as long ago... before they became the blind monstrosities they are today. FormID: 000DF8B8 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic01 CUST 1 When Gallus took one look at this statue, he knew it was something special. He took it right up to Enthir at the College of Winterhold. FormID: 000DF8B8 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Didn't take long for Enthir to find a book in the college's library that told of Irkngthand and a great statue with gemmed eyes within. FormID: 000DF8B5 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Not just ordinary gems. They're said to be flawlessly cut and as big as a man's head. Can you imagine how much they're worth? a moment of elation from greed FormID: 000DF8B5 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Gallus and Mercer spent the better part of a month infiltrating Irkngthand, but the dwarves had protected the place far too well. FormID: 000DF8B5 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranch TG08BBrynjolfEyesBranchTopic02 CUST 2 There were just too many obstacles blocking the way. The plans were shelved and the rest is history. FormID: 000DF7A7 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! FormID: 000DF795 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Torolf! a dragon has just landed in front of Torolf FormID: 000DF795 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 1 Gods... Everyone get back! yelling at everyone to take cover FormID: 000DF794 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Tell my family I fought bravely. dying FormID: 000DF7A4 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 The wounds are deep, Vilod! I can't stop the blood. tending to a wounded man FormID: 000DF797 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 It's too late for that. Leave me. Save yourself. dying FormID: 000DF791 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on. Give me your hand, I'm getting you out of here. tending to a wounded man FormID: 000DF1F6 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 0 Jarl Balgruuf? I don't mean to be disrespectful, as he's ruled Whiterun Hold well for years, but he seems in over his head now. FormID: 000DF1F6 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 1 He's been trying to stay out of the war, but it can't last. He's going to have to pick a side. I'm afraid he's going to make the wrong choice. FormID: 000DF1F4 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 0 I wouldn't say that. But he and Ulfric have been at odds for years, and I'm afraid Balgruuf will end up siding with the Empire because of it. with a derisive snort FormID: 000DF1F4 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 1 But it's hard to believe that even Balgruuf would choose Elisif over Ulfric. FormID: 000DF1F3 MQ102B MQ102BJarlBalgruuf MQ102BJarlBalgruufB1 CUST 0 Of course. Ulfric's cause is just. It's time for Skyrim to rid itself of the Empire. FormID: 000DF1F2 MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifTopic CUST 0 I suppose she's Jarl Elisif now. She married High King Torygg just before Ulfric killed him. The Empire supports her claim to be High Queen. FormID: 000DF1F2 MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifTopic CUST 1 I don't really have anything against her - not her fault that her husband Torygg was bought and paid for by the Empire. FormID: 000DF1F2 MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifTopic CUST 2 But she's nothing but a puppet for the Empire now, with her husband Torygg dead. Ulfric will make sure she never takes the throne as High Queen. FormID: 000DF1FD MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA1 CUST 0 Some say murdered, but it was a lawful challenge in the old way. FormID: 000DF1FD MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA1 CUST 1 Ulfric called him out as a traitor to Skyrim, and killed him in single combat. FormID: 000DF1FD MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA1 CUST 2 If Torygg couldn't defend his throne, he had no business being High King. FormID: 000DF1FA MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA2 CUST 0 No, not until the Moot meets to choose another. And it won't meet until one side or the other wins the war. FormID: 000DF1FA MQ102B MQ102BElisif MQ102BElisifA2 CUST 1 Don't worry, though. Ulfric is our rightful High King. He'll drive out the Empire and Skyrim will have peace at last. FormID: 000DF1F8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufIntroA1 CUST 0 But I haven't forgotten the service you did for me in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar. FormID: 000DF1F8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufIntroA1 CUST 1 As a token of my esteem, I have instructed Avenicci that you are now permitted to purchase property in the city. FormID: 000DF1F8 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufIntroA1 CUST 2 And please accept this gift from my personal armory. FormID: 000DF1CA DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkooma DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkoomaTopic CUST 0 Bottles of Moon Sugar. Khajiit use it as a... pick me up. Good way to pass the time. FormID: 000DF1CA DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkooma DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenSkoomaTopic CUST 1 Prisoners smuggle the stuff in. Only currency we have down here. FormID: 000DF1D1 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlockingTopic CUST 0 The new meat. So soft. Tender. FormID: 000DF1D1 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlockingTopic CUST 1 What was it like killing your first one, huh? FormID: 000DF1C9 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulTopic01 CUST 0 A true killer, like me. The gods put us here to fill their halls with souls. You'll fit in fine down here. FormID: 000DF1D5 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulTopic02 CUST 0 Pah. The gods have a place for killers. You can't carry the burden? You're weak. FormID: 000DF1DA DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineBorkulTopic03 CUST 0 Liar. FormID: 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 0 We have a nice arrangement in this city, and we're not letting you get in the way. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 1 You have a problem wth that? Take it up with Madanach. I'm sure the King in Rags and his Forsworn would love to meet you. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 2 Now you're coming with us. It's a life sentence in Cidhna Mine for you. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CB MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic02 CUST 0 You think you're the only one who knows that? We had a nice little deal going between Thonar and Madanach until you showed up. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CB MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic02 CUST 1 You'll have plenty of time to take it up with the King in Rags while you're serving a life sentence in Cidhna Mine. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CF MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic03 CUST 0 Same thing we do with all the other natives who want to change things around here. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CF MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic03 CUST 1 We had a nice little deal going between Thonar and Madanach until you and Eltrys started snooping around. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CF MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic03 CUST 2 Well, you wanted to find the man responsible for those killings? You'll have plenty of time with the King in Rags when you're in Cidhna mine. authoritarian, cynical FormID: 000DF1CE MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 0 You want to talk to the King in Rags? Fine. But first you got to pay the toll. threatening FormID: 000DF1CE MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 1 How about you get me a shiv? Not that I need one, but it's nice to have in case I need to do some [QUOTE]shaving.[QUOTE] Ha ha. threatening FormID: 00025D50 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 0 You ready to pay the toll? One shiv. threatening FormID: 000DF1D2 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulPersuade CUST 0 Hmph. Fine. Go on in. But don't try anything in there. Madanach knows more than you think. giving in FormID: 000DF1D3 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulPersuade CUST 0 The only thing Madanach expects is a bottle of Skooma in tribute every so often. You're not getting through. stubborn refusal FormID: 000DF1CC MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulShiv CUST 0 All right, head on in. But don't try anything in there. Madanach is smarter than you think. pleased FormID: 00025D60 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulShiv CUST 0 Then find one. That dung heap Grisvar's been known to make a few. stubborn FormID: 000DF1D8 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulIntimidate CUST 0 Those eyes. All right, killer, go on through. But don't try anything. Madanach knows more than you think. suddenly fearful FormID: 000DF1D9 MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulIntimidate CUST 0 That's what I was hoping you'd say. eager to fight FormID: 000DF1CD MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulNeverMind CUST 0 That's right. Turn around and leave. blow off FormID: 000DF04A TG08B TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranch TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, and some of what Karliah said is starting to make sense. FormID: 000DF04A TG08B TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranch TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranchTopic CUST 1 Mercer may have damaged our reputation and raided our coffers, but this goes well beyond even his twisted form of larceny. FormID: 000DF04A TG08B TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranch TG08BBrynjolfNightingaleBranchTopic CUST 2 Old Delvin kept calling it a curse and we all laughed at him. Looks like the joke's on us. FormID: 000DF049 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranch TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranchTopic CUST 0 If you would have asked me that yesterday, I'd have said no. But now I think our chances have improved. FormID: 000DF049 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranch TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, call me crazy if you like, but I trust Karliah. I don't think she'd lead us down a suicidal path. confiding - lower voice a bit as if Karliah might overhear FormID: 000DF049 TG08B TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranch TG08BBrynjolfMercerBranchTopic CUST 2 Besides, I'd rather die with some of Mercer's blood on my blade than spend the rest of my life regretting that I ran the other way. FormID: 000DF048 TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic CUST 0 With the Skeleton Key missing from the Twilight Sepulcher, I'm afraid Mercer's seen to it that none of us can benefit from Nocturnal's gifts. FormID: 000DF04E TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic01 CUST 0 You merely transacted the Oath; signed the unwritten contract with Nocturnal. A bit perturbed that the Player doesn't get it FormID: 000DF04E TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic01 CUST 1 In order for us to receive our abilities... our end of the bargain, I'm afraid the Key must be returned. FormID: 000DF04D TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic02b CUST 0 If Nocturnal was truly displeased with me... with any of us, she wouldn't have answered my call. FormID: 000DF04D TG08B TG08BKarliahMercerBranch TG08BKarliahMercerBranchTopic02b CUST 1 I have no doubt that we still hold her favor and I believe it gives us enough of an edge to defeat Mercer Frey. FormID: 000DF047 TG08B TG08BNightingaleHallBranch TG08BNightingaleHallBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. Now that you're a Nightingale, you may consider this your home. FormID: 000DF047 TG08B TG08BNightingaleHallBranch TG08BNightingaleHallBranchTopic CUST 1 You'll find that this place offers many things that will help you in your endeavors as well as a wealth of information for you to learn. FormID: 000DF047 TG08B TG08BNightingaleHallBranch TG08BNightingaleHallBranchTopic CUST 2 Once the Skeleton Key has been restored to the Twilight Sepulcher, I'll make this place my home as well. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 0 Years ago, the Guild used to have a foothold in every major city in Skyrim. You wouldn't dare even lift an apple without checkin' with us. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 1 When things started goin' downhill around here, it became difficult to keep it all together. We lost fences, influential contacts and coin. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 2 It wasn't long before we lost what we depend on to survive... respect. FormID: 000DF045 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 3 By doin' these extra jobs and puttin' some fear into the people, we can take back the cities and start bein' taken seriously once again. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding me? Ever since the Guild's luck turned sour, we haven't had a coin to our name. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 1 And when the coin dried up, that's when people started to leave. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 2 We had the best of everything down here... the Ratway was a damn palace. FormID: 000DF046 TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic CUST 3 The only way this place will ever return to its glory days is if we can finish these extra jobs and start the gold flowing again. FormID: 000DF04C TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thanks to Maven Black-Briar, we still have some pull in Riften. But get arrested in Whiterun and you'll be tossed right into the prisons. FormID: 000DF04C TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic01 CUST 1 If we can gain the confidence of someone very influential who lives there by doing a unique job for them, we'd be able to have some leverage there too. FormID: 000DF04C TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic01 CUST 2 The only way to get that special job is by doin' smaller ones in those cities until we catch their ear... then they'll contact me and we're off. FormID: 000DF04B TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic02 CUST 0 The Flagon was once a city beneath a city. We had our own smith, our own alchemist... you name it. FormID: 000DF04B TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic02 CUST 1 If we can make a name for ourselves in Skyrim once again, I can almost promise you those merchants would return. FormID: 000DF04B TGDialogue TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranch TGDialogueRadiantExplainBranchTopic02 CUST 2 Best of all, we'd have enough gold to throw around so we can start living in the lap of luxury again. FormID: 000DF034 MG01 MG01NiryaWhyAtGateBranch MG01NiryaWhyAtGateBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm here to assist anyone interested in joining the College. Also, my presence tends to frighten the locals and keep them away. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 0 The Sea of Ghosts practically came alive. No one was expecting it. Monstrous waves battered the shore for weeks on end. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 1 Winterhold was ancient and weathered, but it couldn't withstand the sea's fury. Entire districts of the city were lost overnight. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 2 The waves receded in time, but the damage was irreversible. Most residents of Winterhold abandoned what was left of the city. FormID: 000DF032 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMageCollapseBranchTopic CUST 3 The College survived, and so here we remain. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 0 Purpose? I should think it's self-evident. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 1 Magic is a true power, not something to be shunned by commoners or treated as an amusing diversion by politicians. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 2 It shapes worlds, creates and destroys life... It deserves proper respect and study. FormID: 000DF031 DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurpose DialogueWinterholdCollegeArchMagePurposeTopic CUST 3 The College is a place where we can focus on that, without the pressures of the world weighing down on us. FormID: 000DF02F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranchTopic CUST 0 Purposely killing your fellow College members is a bad idea. I'd advise against it. Theft and assault can get you into trouble as well. FormID: 000DF02F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranchTopic CUST 1 As for research... Well, a sufficient explanation will cover almost anything. FormID: 000DF02F DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranch DialogueWinterholdCollegeEnthirAllowedBranchTopic CUST 2 If you're going to need live test subjects for your experiments, it's easier to do that off of College grounds. FormID: 000DF021 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB1 CUST 0 A dragon? In Helgen? It can't be... although... shocked, and then starting to doubt yourself FormID: 000DF021 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB1 CUST 1 It would explain what I saw earlier... flying down the valley from the south... I thought I must have just been seeing things... slowly, pondering FormID: 000DF020 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB2 CUST 0 I'm sorry to turn you away. I hope you understand. apologetically FormID: 000DF020 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpB2 CUST 1 But look... if you need work, Hod can always use help at the mill. FormID: 000DF01F MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpC1 CUST 0 I don't know why... but I actually believe you. You've got the look of someone who's just seen a dragon. FormID: 000DF01F MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpC1 CUST 1 Things just go from bad to worse. First the war, now dragons... what's this world coming to? FormID: 000DF01E MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpC2 CUST 0 You're right, I saw it. But... how's that possible? Dragons don't exist... they're just stories from long ago... FormID: 000DF01D MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpD1 CUST 0 The Jarl needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose. Riverwood is defenseless... thinking quickly FormID: 000DF01D MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpD1 CUST 1 We need to get word to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun to send whatever troops he can. If you'll do that for me, I'll be in your debt. seriously FormID: 000DF023 MQ102B MQ102BRiverwoodHelp MQ102GerdurHelpD0 CUST 0 There's something you could do for me. For all of us here. seriously, almost pleading FormID: 000DEED4 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic08 CUST 0 If the Guild isn't willing to listen to reason, you might have to. ominous - bad things to come? FormID: 000DBAF4 WITavern SCEN 0 Welcome to the Vilemyr Inn. If there's anything I can get you, just let me know. FormID: 000DBAF5 WITavern SCEN 0 Finally, someone comes in. Kick off your boots, stay awhile. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. I got nothing but time these days. FormID: 00046FC5 WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. The Silver-Blood Inn has plenty of strong drink and clean rooms. FormID: 000CB266 WITavern SCEN 0 Ah, a visitor. Old Hroldan Inn has hundreds of years of history, friend. FormID: 000C7B0C WITavern SCEN 0 If you've got the coin, you've come to the right place. Pull up a seat. FormID: 000DEE89 WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. Let me know if you need anything, or take a seat by the fire and I'll send someone over. calling to patron as he enters FormID: 000C7916 WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. Just stoked the fire. Take a seat and get the cold out. innkeeper greeting a patron who's walking in the door FormID: 000C7B0D WITavern SCEN 0 Welcome. Let me know if you want anything... think I got a clean mug around here somewhere. innkeeper greeting a patron who's walking in the door FormID: 000C7B0E WITavern SCEN 0 Come on in. We got warm food, warm drinks, and warm beds. innkeeper greeting a patron who's walking in the door FormID: 000DEE86 WITavern WITavernServerPlayer WITavernServerPlayerTopic CUST 0 You want a drink? FormID: 000DEE87 WITavern SCEN 0 Lynly, would you mind taking care of the customer please? calling over to someone not necessarily next to you FormID: 000DBAF8 WITavern SCEN 0 Hey, Talen... get off your lazy tail and take care of the customer! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000DBAF9 WITavern SCEN 0 Frabbi, a customer needs a drink! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000552BB WITavern SCEN 0 Saadia, wake up dear! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000DEE88 WITavern SCEN 0 Look alive, will you! calling out to wait-staff who isn't paying attention FormID: 000DEE8A WITavern SCEN 0 No problem. pleasant FormID: 000DBAFA WITavern SCEN 0 Keep your scales on. annoyed FormID: 000DBAFB WITavern SCEN 0 Too lazy to give him a drink yourself? Oaf. (calling) wait-staff snapping to attention FormID: 0005536C WITavern SCEN 0 Yes, mum! (calling) wait-staff snapping to attention FormID: 000DEE8B WITavern SCEN 0 Yessir! (calling) wait-staff snapping to attention FormID: 000DEE69 DA10 SCEN 0 Kill him. evil god commanding a minion FormID: 000DEE6F DA10 SCEN 0 You're mine now, Logrolf. evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE66 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes! screaming in pain FormID: 000DEE6A DA10 SCEN 0 You forsake the weak and pitiful Boethiah? evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE70 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes! screaming in pain FormID: 000DEE67 DA10 SCEN 0 You pledge your soul to me? evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE6D DA10 SCEN 0 Yes! screaming in pain FormID: 000DEE72 DA10 SCEN 0 You bend to me? evil god tormenting his enemy FormID: 000DEE68 DA10 SCEN 0 Ah ha ha! You mortals and your frail, limp, pathetic bodies. Try it again. (cackling), evil god commanding a minion FormID: 000DEE71 DA10 DA10LogrolfDoNotFree DA10LogrolfDoNotFreeTopic CUST 0 That's all I can do, you idiot. What are you waiting for? tied up FormID: 000DEE6E DA10 DA10LogrolfFree DA10LogrolfFreeTopic CUST 0 Ah, freedom. Now get out of my way. I have a task to attend to. released from your binds FormID: 000DEE77 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfNeverMind CUST 0 I have a choice? blow off FormID: 000DEE78 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 0 So. The King of Corruption sends his messenger to challenge me. Very well. condescending FormID: 000DEE78 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 1 I will meet with Molag Bal, and I will venerate his altar in Boethiah's name, as I did before. condescending FormID: 000DEE78 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 2 Cut me loose, minion of the Hated One. I need to get to Markarth. condescending FormID: 000DEE79 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfIntimidate CUST 0 You? A servant of the King of Corruption? Has the beast's standards fallen so far? Tell me another one. (Laughing) FormID: 000DEE75 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfBribe CUST 0 Fine. I won't ask questions. Cut me loose. giving in FormID: 000DEE76 DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfBribe CUST 0 You think it's money I need? I'm a prisoner, not a beggar. stubborn refusal FormID: 000DEE6B DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfPersuade CUST 0 The Dark Mistress? She sent you? Wait. Molag Bal's altar. Of course. putting the pieces together FormID: 000DEE6B DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfPersuade CUST 1 I have to get to Markarth at once. Cut me loose. commanding FormID: 000DEE6C DA10 DA10LogrolfHouseBlockingBranch DA10LogrolfPersuade CUST 0 The Dark Mistress? Sent you? Ha. Now tell me the one about the Troll who gives gifts to good little boys and girls. (mocking laugh) FormID: 000DECE2 dunBlindCliffQST dunBlindCliffMelkaTop dunBlindCliffQSTRightRace CUST 0 Reason, reason, reason. Your kind and their reasons. You're growing impatient. FormID: 000DEC89 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go. Your very presence sickens me. FormID: 000DEC8A WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Be warned. You have been marked by the Thalmor. FormID: 000DEC8B WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Now remove yourself from my presence, while you still draw breath. FormID: 000DEC91 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Go now. Return to your pathetic pursuits. FormID: 000DEC92 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Filthy Nord. In time, your entire race will be eradicated. FormID: 000DEC93 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 The Justiciars know your face. And we elves have long memories... FormID: 000DECA0 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Back to the swamp with you, Argonian. Lest I carve you into boots. FormID: 000DECA1 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Crawl back into whatever pit spawned you, Orc. FormID: 000DECA5 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Slink away now, little Khajiit, with your tail between your legs. FormID: 000DECB1 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Flee from my sight, Dunmer, or I'll have you shipped back to Vvardenfell in a crate. FormID: 000DECB8 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 Pathetic excuse for an elf... FormID: 000DECC3 WEThalmorDialogue WEThalmorDialogueGoodbye GBYE 0 You are a disgrace to the Altmer. I should kill you on general principle. FormID: 000DEC69 FreeformKolskeggrA FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEnd FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEndTopic CUST 0 You drove them off? By yourself? FormID: 000DEC69 FreeformKolskeggrA FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEnd FreeformKolskeggrAQuestEndTopic CUST 1 Thank you! We'll head back to work, right away. Take this, it's the least I can do. FormID: 000DE50D HousePurchase HousePurchaseHousecarlThane HousePurchaseHousecarlThaneTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has recognized you as a person of great importance in the hold. A hero. FormID: 000DE50D HousePurchase HousePurchaseHousecarlThane HousePurchaseHousecarlThaneTopic CUST 1 The title of Thane is an honor, a gift for your service. Guards will know to look the other way, if you tell them who you are. FormID: 000DE4E0 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 This here's Rorikstead. Quiet place. Good people, though. You can get a room and a mug at the Frostfruit Inn if you care to stay. FormID: 000E1377 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 That's the Honningbrew Meadery. Supposed to be a big rivalry between them and the Black-Briars of Riften. FormID: 000E1379 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Remember when that used to be the Honningbrew Meadery? Didn't stand a chance against those Black-Briars of Riften. FormID: 000DE4E1 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 This is Karthwasten. Mining town. I hear they've had a lot of trouble with the Forsworn. FormID: 000DE4E2 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 This here's the Darkwater. Comes down from Lake Honrich into the White River, a few miles downstream. Good fishing, I hear. FormID: 000DFB08 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Morthal, capital of Hjaalmarch hold. Not quite in the same league as Solitude or Whiterun, but a nice enough place if you like swamps. FormID: 000DFB09 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Here we are. Dawnstar. Capital of the Pale. Don't get up this way much. Beautiful country though. FormID: 000DFB0A DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 I can't say I've been to Winterhold more than a handful of times. Can't see much reason most honest folk would want to come up here. FormID: 000DFB0B DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Well, this is Falkreath. Not much to look at if you're used to the bigger cities, but the folk here are friendly enough if you give them a chance. FormID: 000DE4E3 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 The Braidwood Inn's up that way. I know the innkeeper - Iddra. Nice lady. FormID: 000DE4E4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageChatter DialogueCarriageChatterTopic CUST 0 Shor's Stone - pissant little town, not even an inn. Just a bunch of miners scratching in the dirt. FormID: 000DE4D7 MQ302 SCEN 0 It seems we may have an agreement. FormID: 000DE4EB MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill. FormID: 000DE4EC MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen. FormID: 000DE4ED MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Anga's Mill. FormID: 000DE4EE MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm. FormID: 000DE4EF MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine. FormID: 000DE4F0 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Ivarstead. FormID: 000DE4F1 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone. FormID: 000DE4F2 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill. FormID: 000DE4F3 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Sarethi Farm. FormID: 000DE4F4 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Barleydark Farm. FormID: 000DE4F5 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Riverwood. FormID: 000DE4F6 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Rorikstead. FormID: 000DE4F7 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Karthwasten. FormID: 000DE4F8 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Old Hroldan. FormID: 000DE4F9 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine. FormID: 000DE4FA MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Stonehills. FormID: 000DE4FB MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Frost River Farm. FormID: 000DE4FC MQ302 SCEN 0 The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Granite Hill. FormID: 000DE452 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 I'm done for, little cub. Go. Run for it! in pain FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 0 It worked, then? Let me see! FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 1 Goodness, that's it, isn't it?! FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 2 Yes! It's not perfect, but it's a close enough approximation that it should certianly suffice for initial tests! FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 3 You've done excellent work here. Truly excellent. There's only one thing missing now, and that should be arriving shortly. FormID: 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 4 I'll begin preparations. Thank you again so much for this. FormID: 000DE434 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04Stage20AlreadyHaveIt MGRArniel04Stage20AlreadyHaveItTopic CUST 0 How in the name of Akatosh... How do you have that? FormID: 000DE432 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04Stage30Branch MGRArniel04Stage30BranchTopic CUST 0 The dagger...? By Akatosh, they didn't even wrap it correctly? alarmed, exasperated FormID: 000DE430 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranch MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 You didn't touch it did you? Well no, of course you must have! Did you attempt to wield it? And you're not dead? alarmed, confused, yet excited FormID: 000DE430 MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranch MGRArniel04KeeningInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Gods, it's a wonder it's in one piece! infinitely relieved FormID: 000DE43E MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningBigDeal MGRArniel04KeeningBigDealTopic CUST 0 This is not just a dagger! incredibly annoyed FormID: 000DE43E MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningBigDeal MGRArniel04KeeningBigDealTopic CUST 1 This is a dwarven artifact beyond nearly all value. A singular instrument of immense power, a tool of impossible import. with reverence FormID: 000DE43E MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04KeeningBigDeal MGRArniel04KeeningBigDealTopic CUST 2 Keening, and its counterpart, Sunder. Used by the tonal architects of the Dwemer to tap into the Heart of Lorkhan. FormID: 000DE43D MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranch MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranchTopic CUST 0 I do... I do indeed. slightly awed FormID: 000DE43D MGRArniel04 MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranch MGRArniel04HaveEverthingBranchTopic CUST 1 Keening, one of the great tools of Kagrenac himself, is finally in my possession. I don't think I really believed this day would come. FormID: 000DE43C MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisStage20Branch MGRitual03PhinisStage20BranchTopic CUST 0 Mine? Oh no, the stone is yours. I simply need to borrow it a moment... FormID: 000DE43C MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisStage20Branch MGRitual03PhinisStage20BranchTopic CUST 1 Now, let's see what there is to see. FormID: 000DE43B MGRitual03 SCEN 0 It's magnificent, isn't it? FormID: 000DE438 MGRitual03 SCEN 0 I need only look for a few moments... FormID: 000DE437 MGRitual03 SCEN 0 Ahh, yes. I see it now. FormID: 000DE435 MGRitual03 SCEN 0 And so it is done. FormID: 000DE433 MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranch MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 I have the knowledge I need. And so you may have your stone back, and also please take this. FormID: 000DE433 MGRitual03 MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranch MGRitual03PhinisPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 1 You have done well. proud but reserved FormID: 000DE431 MGR30 MGR30Stage20Branch MGR30Stage20FollowUp CUST 0 I think it only fitting that the Arch-Mage personally receive a large portion of the reward. Well done. amused FormID: 000DE43F MGRRogue MGRejoinJarlBranch MGRRogueJarlNotDoneYet CUST 0 Good. One less worry for my people. FormID: 000DE1AF DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic04 CUST 0 Revenge? No. I want submission. I want the priest who did this to bend his knee and give me his soul. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AF DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic04 CUST 1 He comes by to perform Boethiah's insulting rites at my altar, but he's been missing. Captured and bound. Left to rot. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AF DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic04 CUST 2 Save him. Let him perform his rite one more time. And when he does, we will be waiting for him. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AD DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic05 CUST 0 Fine. I offered you a reward. You'll get the freedom your kind enjoys so much. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1AD DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic05 CUST 1 But Boethiah's priest is imprisoned as well. But not by me. He is hurt. Suffering. Mocking tone for [QUOTE]He is hurt. Suffering.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DE1AD DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic05 CUST 2 Save him. Let him perform his rites one more time. And when he does, I will be waiting for him. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DE1A0 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Damn right. Just like all true sons of Skyrim should. FormID: 000DE1A1 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Damn right. You don't have to be a Nord to fight for Skyrim's freedom. FormID: 000DE1A2 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's capital is Windhelm, northeast of here. You'll want to talk to Galmar Stone-Fist, Ulfric's right-hand man. He handles the new recruits. FormID: 000DE1A2 MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksTopic CUST 1 I'll be sure to put in a good word if I get to Windhelm ahead of you. FormID: 000DE19E MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksA0 CUST 0 You should come to Windhelm with me and join the fight to free Skyrim. You've seen the true face of the Empire here today. FormID: 000DE19E MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaksA0 CUST 1 If anyone will know what the coming of the dragon means, it's Ulfric. FormID: 000DE19D MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksYes CUST 0 I hope so. Skyrim needs people like you to fight for her freedom. FormID: 000DE19D MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksYes CUST 1 Come on, we'd better get moving. FormID: 000DE19C MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksNo CUST 0 Yeah, sure, I understand. No need to decide now. FormID: 000DE19C MQ102B MQ102BRalofJoinStormcloaks MQ102RalofJoinStormcloaksNo CUST 1 But I know that after you think about what you saw today, you'll realize that Skyrim deserves to be free. FormID: 000DE1A3 MQ102B SCEN 0 No way to know if anyone else made it out alive. But this place is going to be swarming with Imperials soon enough. We'd better clear out of here. FormID: 000DDF82 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchSharedAttack IDAT 0 Fool! None may know my secret! Revealing herself as a witch FormID: 000DDF85 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 I'm just a poor old woman, dear. No need to trouble yourself with me. Kindly, grandmotherly FormID: 000D9320 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 It's so nice to have a visitor. Kindly, grandmotherly FormID: 000D9321 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 I get so lonely out here. FormID: 000D9322 dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_WitchHellos HELO 0 It's tough, just scraping by out here. But I make do. FormID: 000DDEDE dunMidden01QST InMiddenBranch dunMiddenVelehkFarewell CUST 0 See you on the other side, mortal. chuckling a bit to self FormID: 000DDE3A CreatureDialogueDog HIT_ 0 FormID: 000DDE39 CreatureDialogueDog DETH 0 FormID: 000DDE86 CWMission07 CWMission07AboutAmbush CWMission07AboutAmbushTopic CUST 0 Excellent work. I knew you'd bring back something useful. pleased FormID: 000DDE87 CWMission07 CWMission07AboutAmbush CWMission07AboutAmbushTopic CUST 0 Good job. I knew you'd come back with something for me. please FormID: 000DDDC8 CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushFire CWMission07AmbushFireTopic CUST 0 Fire! ordering archers to fire FormID: 000DDDA7 CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1Topic CUST 0 There's a sentry patrolling the hill. We'll go in quiet and drop him with a combined arrow barrage. Keep low, fire on my word. quietly giving orders to your troops FormID: 000E0B9A CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1 CWMission07AmbushAimTarget1Topic CUST 0 There's a sentry patrolling the area. We'll go in quiet and drop him with a combined arrow barrage. Keep low, fire on my word. quietly giving orders to your troops FormID: 000DDD46 CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushCoverYou CWMission07AmbushCoverYouTopic CUST 0 All right. You infiltrate their camp, we'll cover you from the ridge. Good luck! quietly giving an order FormID: 000DDD4A CWMission07 CWMission07AmbushCoverYou CWMission07AmbushCoverYouTopic CUST 0 All right. You infiltrate their camp, we'll cover you. Good luck! quietly giving an order FormID: 000DDCEF DA10 SCEN 0 The Daedra has us. It's you or me! terrified FormID: 000DDCF2 DA10 SCEN 0 Yes. Further. Into the bowels. tempting FormID: 000DDCF1 DA10 SCEN 0 So close. Your prize is waiting. tempting FormID: 000DDCF0 DA10 DA10TyranusIntroBranch DA10TyranusIntroTopic03 CUST 0 Damn. It's like everyone in this city has amnesia. suspicious Walk Away FormID: 000DDCEE DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic03a CUST 0 Sharp, aren't they? This was the last thing many saw before they were sacrificed in my name. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000DDCEE DA10 DA10MolagBalStatueBranch DA10MolagBalStatueTopic03a CUST 1 But a Daedric Lord has his enemies, and my rival Boethiah had her priest desecrate it. So long since it's tasted blood. Until you came. evil god talking to a minion FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 Hey there! I was wondering if I'd run into you out here. greeting a good friend FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 1 The Reach is a beautiful but dangerous place, eh? One false step and you'll fall to your death, that is if those Forsworn don't get you first. joking with a friend FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 2 Have you seen those Briarheart men? That's some evil magic right there. FormID: 000E1745 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 3 What brings you? You have the look of purpose in your eyes. getting down to business FormID: 000DDE36 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 Ready to do this? FormID: 000DDE3D CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 We're going to take out their sentry, then sneak into their camp and ambush them. FormID: 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 0 We make quite a team, eh? triumphant FormID: 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 1 I'll stay here and guard the shipment. You get back to camp with news. FormID: 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 2 Have them send some men - with a new wagon. This one isn't going anywhere. FormID: 000DDE41 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WhatsPlan CUST 0 First, we're going to take out their sentry, then we'll situate ourselves overlooking the camp. detailing a hasty plan Walk Away FormID: 000DDE41 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WhatsPlan CUST 1 Next, you'll infiltrate their position and get their attention while we hit them with a barrage of arrows. explaining a hasty plan Walk Away FormID: 000DDE41 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WhatsPlan CUST 2 With a bit of luck, we'll catch them completely off guard and even the odds a little. trying to sound sure of himself Walk Away FormID: 000DDDF4 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07BetterPlan CUST 0 All right, if you insist. But we'll come running if it sounds like things have gotten out of hand. skeptical FormID: 000DDDCD CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WaitDark CUST 0 Good idea. Let me know when you're ready. agreeing FormID: 000E0B89 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07WaitDark CUST 0 Let me know when you're ready. agreeing FormID: 000DDDC7 CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07LetsGo CUST 0 Good. springing into action FormID: 000DDCD9 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 In my time, the Blades protected the Emperor. It would seem these Penitus Oculatus will prove equally incompetent. sinister laugh at the end FormID: 000DDDCE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Stalking your prey, planting false evidence, destroying an innocent man's reputation. Truly a contract worthy of the Listener. FormID: 000DDDCF DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The Keeper is a sacred position within the Dark Brotherhood. Ask yourself - do you trust the wisdom of our Lady? FormID: 000DDDD0 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I will kill this jester if you so desire, but there is a disturbance in the Void. Our Dread Father does not wish this. FormID: 000DDDD1 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Killing the Gourmet will leave an emptiness in the collective soul of Skyrim. This pleases me. FormID: 000DDDD2 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Yes. Kill the chef, and then steal his very identity. For that is the true death. FormID: 000DDDD3 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 A poison stew, eh? I was always partial to apples, myself. FormID: 000DDDD4 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 My time saw the assassination of an Emperor as well. Alas, the Dark Brotherhood did not have the honor of that kill. FormID: 000DDDD5 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 We must return to the Sanctuary! Your Family is in dire peril! FormID: 000DDDD6 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 We are the messengers of death, you and I. Together, we will unleash the unholy wrath of our Dread Father, Sithis. FormID: 000DDDD7 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The Sanctuary must be purged of its invading filth! FormID: 000DDDD8 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The time has come to fulfill your destiny, Listener. Kill the Emperor, and restore the Dark Brotherhood to greatness. FormID: 000DDDD9 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 You stand now at the precipice of the Void. I am reminded of another Listener, a protege I knew long ago. So long ago... FormID: 000E0C85 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Ah, yes. Solitude. Seat of the High King of Skyrim. Messy business, kingslaying. Ah, but so very satisfying... FormID: 000E0C86 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Windhelm. White as bone, and cold as the Void. FormID: 000E0C87 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I do so love Riften. I journeyed here in my youth. A thief took my purse... so I took his eyes. It was a fair exchange. FormID: 000E0C88 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Whiterun, home of the Skyforge. It is said a blade forged in its fires can cut through sinew as if it were parchment. FormID: 000E0C89 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 An ancient city, Markarth. Build by the Dwemer, the dwarves of old. To think, an entire race... eradicated. Not even I can take credit for that feat. FormID: 000E0C8A DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Do you feel it? Magic. Deep and ancient. It resonates from the College, like the beating of a heart. FormID: 000DDDE0 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 You know, a good Purification might be just what this Sanctuary needs... FormID: 000DDDE1 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Dreary, dank, and dimly lit. Truly a Sanctuary to call home. FormID: 000DDCDC DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Shadowmere, my old and dear friend... FormID: 000DDCDA DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 All hail the savior of the Dark Brotherhood! All Hail the Listener! FormID: 000DDDDA DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 One day, you will serve our Dread Father as I do now. FormID: 000DDDDB DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I remember Skyrim from my youth, and the glistening crimson on fields of white. FormID: 000DDDDC DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I live... again. FormID: 000E0C8B DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 I grow restless. As does my blade. FormID: 000E0C8C DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Your enemies will soon know the wrath of Sithis. FormID: 000E0C8D DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Lead, and I will follow, child of darkness. FormID: 000E0C8E DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Perhaps we should find a random stranger to murder. Practice does make perfect. FormID: 000DDDDD DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Lead on, sister. FormID: 000DDDDE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Lead on, brother. FormID: 000DDDDF DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 We are bonded now, you and I. Joined, through the powers of the Void. FormID: 000DDDE2 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 In life, I was but a Speaker for the Black Hand. But you have been named Listener. There is no higher honor. FormID: 000DDCDB DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the great treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son... FormID: 000DDCDD DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 My blade is yours. FormID: 000DDDE3 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 There is murder in the air. I can taste it. FormID: 000DDDE4 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 The Dread Father works through me. And his work has just begun. FormID: 000DDCDE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 My Listener? FormID: 000DDCDF DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 What prey awaits us? FormID: 0007E8A5 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 0007E8A8 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 0007E8AA DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 0007E8AE DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 UUggghhhh..... moaning, in pain FormID: 000E0D15 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Riften. Cicero likes Riften. Cheats and ruffians and cutthroats abound. Finally, some fun. mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D16 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Cicero never understood thieves, really... take someone's things before you kill them? And they call me crazy... mumbling under your breath, quietly - emphasize [QUOTE]before[QUOTE] FormID: 000E0D17 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Brrrr... Chilly. FormID: 000E0D18 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Oohhh... Cicero's heard about the Butcher. Interesting knifework. Just... Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab! And then... Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab! every [QUOTE]stab[QUOTE] is said loud and crazy. FormID: 000E0D19 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Hmph. [QUOTE]Solitude.[QUOTE] Lonely Cicero could tell you a thing or two about solitude... mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1A DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...the High King's court needs a jester... But not me. No, not Cicero. The Fool of Hearts is busy enough, thank you very much... mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1B DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...I saw a dwarf! I did! I did! Cicero saw a dwarf! There... Oh. No, sorry. No dwarf... gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1C DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Forsworn think they're so scary... Cicero will show you who's scary... Stupid Forsworn... gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1D DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Oooh... Cicero wants some Skyforge Steel! Sharp sharp, for easy stabbing... gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0D1E DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Oh! Oh! Maybe Cicero will go to Jorrvaskr and dance for the Companions! They'll... Um... On second thought... maybe not. gasp at the beginning, mumbling under your breath FormID: 000E0C8F DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 He he he he he he he he he he. muttering quietly to yourself FormID: 000E0D0D DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 He he he... Crazy? Cicero? He he he he... That's madness... muttering quietly to yourself FormID: 000E0D0E DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...ho ho ho, and hee hee hee, break that lute across my knee... and if the bard, should choose to fight, why then I'll set his clothes alight... singing quietly to yourself FormID: 000E0C90 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...and if I spy a singing bird, I'll snap its neck before it's heard... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0D0F DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...and I said to the baker, [QUOTE]You're not dead! You're a faker![QUOTE] But if that's your wish, I'll oblige... muttering quietly to yourself, singing, stretch out the word [QUOTE]oblige[QUOTE] FormID: 000E0C91 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...oh if I chance to see a cat, I'll feed its corpse to my pet rat... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0D10 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...and he says to the man, [QUOTE]That's not a horker! That's my wife![QUOTE] Ha ha ha ha ha... Ah... I love that one... muttering quietly to yourself, remember a joke FormID: 000E0C92 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...when I next meet, that fair maid Nelly, I'll plunge my knife into her belly... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0C93 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...tra la la, tra la lee, da da dum dum, dee dee... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0D11 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...madness is merry, and merriment's might, when the jester comes calling with his knife in the night... muttering quietly to yourself, singing FormID: 000E0C94 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...What? Mother? Is that your voice I hear? Hmm... No, no... Just my head playing tricks... Foolish Cicero... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D12 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 (Whistling) quietly whistling some fast, frantic song FormID: 000E0C95 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 Our sweet Lady is maiden, mother... and crone... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0C96 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...need to sharpen my blade... make it shiny, gleamy, and oh so deadly... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0C97 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...dear Cicero will keep you from harm, sweet Mother. Forever and always... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0C98 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 there singing in the Void? Dancing...? Surely the Dread Lord will at least allow poor Cicero to caper... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D13 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...Cicero is hungry... ...need a sweetroll... or a carrot... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D14 DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...need to get Mother some flowers... pretty, pretty flowers... mumbling under your breath, quietly FormID: 000E0D1F DarkBrotherhood IDLE 0 ...must oil Mother soon... ...get all the hard to reach places... mumbling under your breath FormID: 000DD75F dunShroudHearthBarrowQST SCEN 0 Leave... Leave... Leave... Spooky, ghostly warning, trailing off FormID: 000DD68D DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 (Sigh) A heavy, depressed sigh. FormID: 000DD695 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlocking DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you hate the dark elves? Are you here to bully us and tell us to leave? Annoyed, exasperated FormID: 000DD694 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingYes DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingYesTopic CUST 0 Then we have nothing more to talk about. FormID: 000DD693 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingNo DialogueWindhelmSuvarisBlockingNoTopic CUST 0 You've come to the wrong city, then. Windhelm's a haven of prejudice and narrow thinking, unworthy of one such as you. FormID: 000DD692 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3Topic CUST 0 I make no secret of it. I don't care if the Empire controls the city or not, I won't hide my loyalty to the dream of a free Skyrim. You're making a point of saying this line in a manner both loud and demonstrative, to show your courage even while there are enemy soldiers nearby. FormID: 000DD692 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3Topic CUST 1 Ulfric fought for that dream with more courage and honor than any Nord who ever lived. But now he's gone, and the dream is gone with him. FormID: 000DD692 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic3Topic CUST 2 But I'll be ready when a new leader takes up the cause. As sure as ice is cold and stone is hard, I'll be ready. Determined, resolute FormID: 000DD691 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1 DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1Topic CUST 0 I've scraped this collection together by whatever means I could. FormID: 000DD691 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1 DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1Topic CUST 1 I do some business with the trade caravans, and I've picked up a number of items from adventurers like yourself. FormID: 000DD691 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1 DialogueWindhelmRevynTopics1Topic CUST 2 A few intrepid souls even brought some items back from Morvunskar, the fort southwest of the city. FormID: 000DD690 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappy DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappyTopic CUST 0 Oh yes. After all, what's the point in being miserable all the time? Upbeat, cheerful FormID: 000DD690 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappy DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappyTopic CUST 1 I know life on the docks isn't easy. Sometimes life puts you in difficult circumstances you didn't choose. Upbeat, cheerful. I know this will sound at odds with the dialogue written here, but it is a deliberate choice. FormID: 000DD690 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappy DialogueWindhelmShahveeTopicHappyTopic CUST 2 But being happy or unhappy is a choice you make, and I've chosen to make the best of things that I can. Upbeat, cheerful FormID: 000DD68E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 0 His name is Torsten Cruel-Sea. He's really rich, 'cause he owns a farm called Hollyfrost. FormID: 000DD68E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 1 He told me once that he wanted me to grow up and be a sailor, 'cause that's where our family name comes from. FormID: 000DD68E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 2 But I don't want to be a sailor or a farmer. I want to be a warrior! The strongest one ever! Enthusiastic FormID: 000DD68F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 0 His name was Torsten Cruel-Sea. He was really rich, 'cause he owned a whole farm called Hollyfrost. FormID: 000DD68F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 1 He told me once that he wanted me to grow up and be a sailor, 'cause that's where our family name comes from. FormID: 000DD68F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopicParents DialogueWindhelmTopicParentsTopic CUST 2 But I don't want to be a sailor or a farmer. I want to be a warrior! The strongest one ever! FormID: 000DD652 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranchTopic CUST 0 I am not yours to toy with! FormID: 000DD651 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraResponse5 CUST 0 I... I submit. What is your bidding, master. defeated, submissive FormID: 000DD650 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraResponse6 CUST 0 No, I... I submit. No more. FormID: 000DD650 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraResponse6 CUST 1 What is your bidding? defeated, submissive FormID: 000DD64E MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraSigilStone CUST 0 Yes, my lord. Summon me again, and I shall have your stone. FormID: 000DD64F MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSubmissionBranch MGRitual03DremoraSigilStone CUST 0 Yes, my mistress. Summon me again, and I shall have your stone. FormID: 000DD653 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraSigilSummon MGRitual03DremoraSigilSummonTopic CUST 0 Your sigil stone. Lord Dagon is... less than pleased at its loss. FormID: 000DD62B MQ302 SCEN 0 You should be pleased, Elisif. You've done well for yourself as the Empire's pet Jarl. FormID: 000DD62B MQ302 SCEN 1 But beware - the Empire's loyalty is fickle. They will tire of this war, and then I will be the one dictating terms to you. FormID: 000DD62C MQ302 SCEN 0 What about you, Elisif? Are these terms to your liking? Speak up. I'm sure General Tullius is waiting to do your bidding. sarcastically - you're implying that Elisif has no real authority FormID: 000DD626 MQ302 SCEN 0 I have nothing to say to that murderer. with cold anger FormID: 000DD625 MQ302 SCEN 0 General, you've proven yourself a good friend to Skyrim. I continue to trust that you will do your utmost to safeguard our interests. a bit stiffly since you've just been insulted by Ulfric as a puppet of General Tullius FormID: 000DD624 MQ302 SCEN 0 Thank you, Jarl Elisif. I appreciate your loyalty. doing your best to be diplomatic - not your forte. fumbling for the right thing to say here. FormID: 000DD620 MQ302 SCEN 0 The Thalmor will treat with whatever government rules Skyrim. We would not think of interfering in your civil war. FormID: 000DD61F MQ302 SCEN 0 After that, Ulfric... there will be a reckoning. Count on it. FormID: 000DD627 MQ302 HELO 0 You did well here today. I don't think the truce will last long, but that will not be on your account. FormID: 000DD628 MQ302 HELO 0 I fear this truce will not last. You gave the Empire too much. Ulfric will not let that stand for long. FormID: 000DD629 MQ302 HELO 0 I fear this truce will not last. General Tullius will be looking for any opportunity to regain the advantage. FormID: 000DD62A MQ302 HELO 0 You had best take advantage of this truce while it lasts. FormID: 000DD5F6 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 On your way up the 7,000 Steps again, Klimmek? FormID: 000DD5F5 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 Not today. I'm just not ready to make the climb to High Hrothgar. The path isn't safe. FormID: 000DD5F8 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 Aren't the Greybeards expecting some supplies? FormID: 000DD5F7 DialogueIvarsteadScriptedScene SCEN 0 Honestly, I'm not certain. I've yet to be allowed into the monastery. Perhaps one day. FormID: 000DD5EE DialogueCidhnaMineBlathlocGrisvar02 SCEN 0 Hey, remember that girl, Eisa? The one who sliced open that pickpocket they threw in here? FormID: 000DD5ED DialogueCidhnaMineBlathlocGrisvar02 SCEN 0 The Blackblood girl? Now there was a fighter. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was a Forsworn woman. FormID: 000DD03F MQ104 SCEN 0 Good. You're finally here. The Jarl's been waiting for you. FormID: 000DD03E MQ104 SCEN 0 Hrongar, calm yourself. What does any of this Nord nonsense have to do with our friend here? FormID: 000DD03A MQ104 SCEN 0 Capable as he may be, I don't see any signs of him being this, what, [QUOTE]Dragonborn.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DD03B MQ104 SCEN 0 Capable as she may be, I don't see any signs of her being this, what, [QUOTE]Dragonborn.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DD037 MQ104 SCEN 0 Nord nonsense?! Why you puffed-up ignorant... these are our sacred traditions that go back to the founding of the First Empire! almost sputtering with outrage FormID: 000DD046 MQ104 SCEN 0 I meant no disrespect, of course. soothingly FormID: 000DD044 MQ104 SCEN 0 It's just that... what do these Greybeards want with him? FormID: 000DD045 MQ104 SCEN 0 It's just that... what do these Greybeards want with her? FormID: 000DD041 MQ104 SCEN 0 That's the Greybeards' business, not ours. FormID: 000DD03D MQ104 SCEN 0 Whatever happened when you killed that dragon, it revealed something in you, and the Greybeards heard it. intently FormID: 000DD03D MQ104 SCEN 1 If they think you're Dragonborn, who are we to argue? FormID: 000DD03D MQ104 SCEN 2 You'd better get up to High Hrothgar immediately. There's no refusing the summons of the Greybeards. It's a tremendous honor. FormID: 000DD03C MQ104 SCEN 0 Hrongar. Don't be so hard on Avenicci. amused watching them argue FormID: 000DD039 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntroForcegreet MQ103FarengarIntroForcegreetTopic CUST 0 So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me? Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. FormID: 000DD038 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA0 CUST 0 Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. FormID: 000DD038 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA0 CUST 1 Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there. apologetically FormID: 000DD047 MQ103 GBYE 0 Off to Bleak Falls Barrow with you. The Jarl is not a patient man. Neither am I, come to think of it. FormID: 000DD048 MQ103 GBYE 0 I don't know if you've heard, but Jarl Balgruuf said my work is a priority. Which means you should be on your way. FormID: 000DD043 MQ104 MQ104FarengarBlocking MQ104FarengarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I want to hear about this dragon. FormID: 00078661 MQ104 MQ104FarengarBlocking MQ104FarengarBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wonder what Irileth is so excited about? FormID: 000DD042 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroD1 CUST 0 The Dragonborn is said to be uniquely gifted in the Voice - the ability to focus your vital essence into a Thu'um, or Shout. FormID: 000DD042 MQ104 MQ104BalgruufBlocking MQ104BalgruufOutroD1 CUST 1 If you really are Dragonborn, they can teach you how to use your gift. FormID: 000DCAE1 TG08A SCEN 0 Now, if you'll both proceed to the armory to don your Nightingale Armor, we can begin the Oath. FormID: 000DC290 MS02 MS02UraccenMadanach MS02UraccenMadanachTopic CUST 0 If you're asking, that means you're the new lifer. Tough luck, friend. Those guards sold you out but good. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC290 MS02 MS02UraccenMadanach MS02UraccenMadanachTopic CUST 1 No one talks to Madanach, I'm afraid. Not without getting past Borkul the Beast. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC290 MS02 MS02UraccenMadanach MS02UraccenMadanachTopic CUST 2 And you don't want to talk to Borkul the Beast. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC28D MS02 MS02UraccenBorkul MS02UraccenBorkulTopic CUST 0 Madanach's guard. Big, even for an Orc. Heard he ripped a man's arm off and beat him to death with it. He's old-fashioned like that. condescending but friendly FormID: 000DC28F DA10 SCEN 0 Fresh food. No wood rot on the furniture. Someone's been here. Recently. investigative FormID: 000DC28F DA10 SCEN 1 But the people I asked say no one enters or leaves.... investigative FormID: 000DC296 DA10 SCEN 0 Wait. Did you hear that? I think it came this way. investigative FormID: 000DC292 DA10 SCEN 0 That's it. Something's inside the house. Come on, we're getting to the bottom of this. investigative FormID: 000DC28E DA10 SCEN 0 Come out! We know you're here! calling out to a hidden enemy FormID: 000DC297 DA10 SCEN 0 There's another door. See if you can get it open. commanding FormID: 000DC293 DA10 SCEN 0 Stendarr's Mercy! This isn't an ordinary Daedra. We have to get help. falling back FormID: 000DC28B DA10 SCEN 0 Weak. He's weak. You're strong. Crush him. whispering into the player's mind FormID: 000DC295 DA10 SCEN 0 You first. Come on. Let's go. commanding FormID: 000DC28C DA10 SCEN 0 No. Kill him. Crush his bones. Tear at his flesh. whispering into the player's mind FormID: 000DC294 DA10 SCEN 0 Get out of my head, Daedra! calling out to a hidden enemy FormID: 000DC291 DA10 SCEN 0 You will kill. You will kill, or you will die! shouting inside the player's head FormID: 000DC28A DA10 SCEN 0 I don't want to die. I can't die here! terrified FormID: 000CE08C CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You'd be wasted as a regular soldier. I have special plans for you. You'll be of greater use to me with greater flexibility. thoughtful Walk Away FormID: 000CE08C CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 Make your way to our hidden military camp in the Pale. Rikke will have important tasks for you, and will need you when we reclaim the capital. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000A9364 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Make your way to our camp in the Rift. We have a few surprises for the Stormcloaks lined up. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000CE08E CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You're needed in Winterhold. Report to our hidden camp there. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7254 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get over to our camp in Hjaalmarch. We need to strengthen our defensive position. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7254 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 I trust you've come to see the error handing the hold over to the rebels? scolding the player who gave away territory in a peace treaty Walk Away FormID: 000E7255 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Make your way to our camp in Falkreath. We're going to take it back. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7255 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And don't think I've forgotten that you were the one that gave it to Ulfric in the first place. scolding the player who gave away territory in a peace treaty Walk Away FormID: 000E7256 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Hurry over to our military camp tucked away in the Reach. Ulfric's been enjoying those silver mines for far too long. giving orders to a respected soldier Walk Away FormID: 000E7256 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And, soldier. You better help win me back Markarth, or die trying. It was your brilliant strategy to give it over to the rebels in the first place. scolding the player who gave away territory in a peace treaty Walk Away FormID: 00065C8A CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You've little time to glory in your accomplishments. about to give a new order FormID: 00065C8A CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 We're gathering for our final assault on Windhelm. Report to our camp in Eastmarch. and urgent command FormID: 000CE08D CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 I suspect you'll be of greater use to us with greater freedom, so you're free to engage the Imperials as you see fit. thoughtful FormID: 000CE08D CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 But I also want you to find our hidden camp in Falkreath. Galmar will have special tasks for you, and will need you when we liberate the capital. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000A9365 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get over to our camp in the Reach. They need every able body they can muster. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000CE08F CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You're needed in Hjaalmarch. There's much to be done. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7257 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get over to our camp in the Pale. It's time we bring them back into the fold. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7257 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And don't think for a moment I've forgotten it was you that lost us the hold in the first place. scolding the player, who foolishly gave the territory away in a peace treaty FormID: 000E7258 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Get up to Winterhold. We're going to take it back. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7258 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 I know you thought we weren't losing much when you gave it to the enemy. But I'm wasting troops guarding the border that belong on the front lines. scolding the player, who foolishly gave the territory away in a peace treaty FormID: 000E7259 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 Make your way to our hidden camp in the Rift. I can't continue to push forward when I'm worried about Eastmarch's southern border. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000E7259 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 I hold you responsible for this situation. So, you better win me back Riften, or die trying. scolding the player, who foolishly gave the territory away in a peace treaty FormID: 001039B5 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's cousin is getting married! frustrated FormID: 001039B5 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 If royal blood was spilt, all of Cyrodiil would be up in arms. We can't afford an all out war with the Empire. So we'll bide our time for now. frustrated FormID: 001039B6 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's visiting! The goddamned Emperor! frustrated FormID: 001039B6 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 And, as much as I'd like to kill the man myself, we can't risk an all out war with the Empire. We'll bide our time for now... frustrated FormID: 00065C8B CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 0 You've no time to glory in your accomplishments. FormID: 00065C8B CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatsNext CUST 1 We're gathering for our final assault on Solitude. I need you there. Report to our camp in Haafingar. urgent order FormID: 000DC24F CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatAreDuties CUST 0 You'll be doing whatever Rikke tells you to do. And, I expect you to find creative ways to disrupt the Stormcloaks along the way. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000DC250 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWWhatAreDuties CUST 0 You'll be doing whatever Galmar tells you to do, and causing as much mayhem as possible for the Empire and any Jarl who supports them. giving orders to a respected soldier FormID: 000DC256 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 For the Empire! sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C56 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 For the Emperor! sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C57 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 Gods be with you. sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000DC257 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 Talos guide you. sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C58 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 Go with the gods. sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000E6C59 CW CWWhatsNextBranch CWYesSir CUST 0 For Skyrim! sending a soldier on his way FormID: 000DC243 CW03 SCEN 0 Sir! (running, out of breath) calling out to someone in back room while running to him FormID: 000DC25A CW03 SCEN 0 Sir! I... I have... completely out of breath, have been running for miles FormID: 000DC24B CW03 SCEN 0 Take a moment to breathe, soldier. order to a wheezing soldier FormID: 000DC241 CW03 SCEN 0 But... sir... completely out of breath, have been running for miles FormID: 000DC25B CW03 SCEN 0 Breathe! abrupt, annoyed, order to a wheezing soldier FormID: 000DC24E CW03 SCEN 0 The outer walls are strong. If we can hold them there... consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23E CW03 SCEN 0 They have catapults. a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC258 CW03 SCEN 0 Damnit. Where'd they get catapults? The city walls are already falling apart as it is. (upset, worried) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC244 CW03 SCEN 0 My scouts tell me they're loading them with fire. (clarification, not good news) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC259 CW03 SCEN 0 So, he wants to take my city, walls intact. (frustrated but handling it) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC247 CW03 SCEN 0 The men will be fighting in flames. (cautionary) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC23B CW03 SCEN 0 My men are fearless. It's the Imperial milk drinkers I'm worried about. (frustrated accidentally calling his allies a slur) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC24C CW03 SCEN 0 If you prefer I took my men and left... (offended, willing to do it) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC23C CW03 SCEN 0 No. Of course not. Just - don't let me down Cipius. (frustrated, embarrassed) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23C CW03 SCEN 1 We'll need to set up water brigades to combat the flames. changing the subject, worried for his people FormID: 000DC248 CW03 SCEN 0 Already taken care of. (satisfied with himself) a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC23D CW03 SCEN 0 You Imperials are efficient, I'll give you that. (lightening the mood) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23D CW03 SCEN 1 How long until they arrive? back to business FormID: 000DC24A CW03 SCEN 0 Sir. (interjecting) tired, but caught breath FormID: 000DC240 CW03 SCEN 0 Not long. They're hiding in the country side. a situation report between military commanders FormID: 000DC252 CW03 SCEN 0 Damnit. What's he waiting for? (wants to get this over with) consulting with military adviser FormID: 000DC23F CW03 SCEN 0 Sir! (strongly interrupting, has something important to say) tired, but caught breath FormID: 000DC251 CW03 SCEN 0 What?! out of patience FormID: 000DC246 CW03 SCEN 0 Sir, they're on the move. They'll be at the gates at any moment! (quickly) FormID: 000DC23A CW03 SCEN 0 Why didn't you say so immediately?! shocked, upset FormID: 000DC24D CW03 SCEN 0 Sir, I tried. (shrinking) FormID: 000DC242 CW03 SCEN 0 This is it! Time to see what these Stormcloaks are made of. (talking about the enemy) glad the moment of truth has arrived FormID: 000DC255 CW03 SCEN 0 The men are already gathering at the gates. explaining this are under control FormID: 000DC245 CW03 SCEN 0 Move it soldier. Spread the word. Go. Go. Go. barking an order to soldier FormID: 000DC239 CW03 SCEN 0 Oblivion take them. Every miserable last one of them. (mix of hate and excitement) glad the moment of truth has arrived FormID: 000DC166 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic CUST 0 Well then, you're talking to the right person. I'm the only one left in Tamriel that can get my hands on it. obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC166 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic CUST 1 It's damn near impossible to find anymore. You want to buy it off of me? obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC167 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic CUST 0 I do. Still want to buy it? FormID: 000DC169 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Good. Here, take this key. FormID: 000DC169 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01a CUST 1 The Balmora Blue is locked in a chest under the docks near the Red Wave. Hope you like getting wet. obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC16A TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Sorry, guess it's too rich for your blood. Come back when you find the coin. FormID: 000DC16D TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01b CUST 0 I'm afraid not. How else can a poor, overworked sailor like myself expect to earn a living? obnoxious fake pleasant - a pirate FormID: 000DC168 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01c CUST 0 I'm sorry you feel my illegal contraband is overpriced, perhaps you should bring it up at the next merchant guild meeting. sarcasm FormID: 000DC168 TGTQ02 TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranch TGTQ02SabineBalmoraBlueBranchTopic01c CUST 1 Look, you want it, I got it. You know the price, so talk to me when you want to cough up the gold. FormID: 000DC16B TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranch TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranchTopic CUST 0 Not sure. I know that it starts with Moon Sugar, but all sorts of other ingredients are added to increase its potency. FormID: 000DC16B TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranch TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranchTopic CUST 1 Used to be a lucrative underworld commodity when Balmora was still standing. Now the stuff is beyond valuable. FormID: 000DC16B TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranch TGTQ02ErikurBalmoraBlueInfoBranchTopic CUST 2 It's also very illegal. Anyone caught with Balmora Blue looks forward to rotting in jail for a very long time. FormID: 000DC16C TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranch TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranchTopic CUST 0 There's pirates and then there's the crew of the Red Wave. They're in a class by themselves. FormID: 000DC16C TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranch TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranchTopic CUST 1 They usually make runs along the coast shipping all sorts of contraband to and from Morrowind. FormID: 000DC16C TGTQ02 TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranch TGTQ02ErikurRedWaveBranchTopic CUST 2 Rumor has it they can get you anything for the right price. FormID: 000DBE48 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaCoven DA11FINEolaCovenTopic CUST 0 No. This coven has existed for thousands of years. Namira is a goddess. She has been worshipped since time began. modest FormID: 000DBE48 DA11FIN DA11FINEolaCoven DA11FINEolaCovenTopic CUST 1 I'm honored to be leading the latest generation of Namira's faithful. Those who have embraced what they are. modest FormID: 000DBAF0 DialogueIvarsteadFellstarFarmScene01 SCEN 0 Well it stops now, and that's final! FormID: 000DBAFF DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic CUST 0 I play the lute. If you'd like to hear something, it only costs five gold. FormID: 000DBAFC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 That's so sweet of you. very embarrassed... shy FormID: 000DBAFC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll tell you what... I'll play a special song, just for you, for no charge at all. FormID: 000DBAFD DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Why thank, you... you're very kind. Still interested? FormID: 000DBAF6 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Thank you, milord. FormID: 000DBAF7 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Thank you, milady. FormID: 000DBAF3 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000DBAF1 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranchTopic CUST 0 Right away, milord. FormID: 000DBAF2 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranch DialogueIvarsteadLynlyAfterBranchTopic CUST 0 Right away, milady. FormID: 000DBB00 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadJoftorBranch DialogueIvarsteadTembaBranchTopic CUST 0 My business is falling apart, my apprentice never listens to me and now there's talk of dragons. FormID: 000DBB00 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadJoftorBranch DialogueIvarsteadTembaBranchTopic CUST 1 If I hadn't sunk every bit of gold I had into my mill, I would have picked up and left Ivarstead long ago. FormID: 000DBAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranch DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranchTopic CUST 0 My father taught me an important lesson many years ago. chipper FormID: 000DBAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranch DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranchTopic CUST 1 He said [QUOTE]Gwilin, you have the whole world before you. Go out and experience it... be whatever you want to be.[QUOTE] chipper - change voice a bit as if mimicking his father (lovingly) FormID: 000DBAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranch DialogueIvarsteadGwilinBranchTopic CUST 2 So I took his advice, and here I am. This life might not look like much to you, but I'm content, and isn't that all that matters? chipper FormID: 000DBA4B MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraStage30Branch MGRitual03DremoraStage30BranchTopic CUST 0 I am not your plaything, worm! FormID: 000DBA4A MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraStage30Branch MGRitual03DremoraResponse3 CUST 0 Never! FormID: 000DBA4C MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraStage30Branch MGRitual03DremoraResponse4 CUST 0 I'll tear out your heart first! FormID: 000DBA0E DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 Would you like to buy a lady a drink? flirting FormID: 000DBA3B DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 What would Hroggar say if he heard I was drinking with you? FormID: 000DBA20 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 Forget about Hroggar. He's always so tired lately. I need someone with a little fire in their blood. FormID: 000DBA1F DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene07 SCEN 0 After all you've put that man through. You should be more loyal to him. FormID: 000DBA1E DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 I'm bored, Benor. Nobody wants to have any fun with me. flirting (pouting, not truly sad) FormID: 000DBA1D DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 If you leave that kinslayer Hroggar, I would be happy to keep your company. FormID: 000DBA11 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 Hroggar doesn't have to know if we sit together. Or drink together. I doubt he would even care. flirting FormID: 000DBA10 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 You tempt me mightily, Alva. But I won't cuckhold another man, even on murderer like Hroggar. FormID: 000DBA30 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 In a fight, if you see a big wind up, get out of the way or bash him with your shield. Attacks like that go right through a regular block. FormID: 000DBA31 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 When the other guy has his shield up, regular blows are useless. Wind up and hit him with a really powerful attack to get past that shield. FormID: 000DBA32 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Even if your opponent doesn't have a shield, those big, powerful blows can stagger him. Leaves him open for a quick follow up blow. FormID: 000DBA33 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Using two weapons means you've got no defense. You can't block anything. But if you hit him with both at the same time, he may not get up again. FormID: 000DBA34 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Only a fool lets himself get surrounded. Back up and make them come at you one at a time. FormID: 000DBA35 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Those big, powerful blows are tiring. Pace yourself until you've got the stamina to do one. FormID: 000DBA36 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Any fool can just flail about, swinging his weapon as fast as he can. Any fool can die. Keep your guard up and wait for an opening. FormID: 000DD638 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Make sure to pull your bow all the way back to get the most power out of your shot. FormID: 000DBA37 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Don't just stand still to do your big wind-up blows. Which way you're moving changes what happens and can be a big advantage. FormID: 000DD639 DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 If you want to sharpen your blade, use the grindstone. Although you'll need the right raw materials, such as iron or steel. FormID: 000DD63A DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Want to improve your armor? Use the workbench. Make sure you have the right raw materials, such as iron or steel. FormID: 000DD63B DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 If you want to make new armor or weapons, use the forge. It takes plenty of raw materials though, such as iron or steel. FormID: 000DD63C DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 Before you can enchant your weapon or armor, you'll need to learn an enchantment by sacrificing an enchanted item. Just use the arcane enchanter. FormID: 000DD63D DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 If you know an enchantment and have a filled soul gem, you can enchant armor and weapons. Just use the arcane enchanter. FormID: 000DD63E DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 You can eat an ingredient to learn one of its properties. However, they taste disgusting. FormID: 000DD63F DialogueTutorial TutorialCombat IDAT 0 You can make your own potions by mixing up to three ingredients together. Just use the Alchemy Lab. FormID: 00027491 MS14 MS14Taunt TAUT 0 She's mine! She's my reward. You can't have her! FormID: 00070E76 MS14 MS14Taunt TAUT 0 I won't let you hurt Alva! FormID: 000771AB MS14 MS14Taunt TAUT 0 You've ruined everything! FormID: 000DB9F4 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateNevermindBranch DBCiceroStateNevermindBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, all right then, Listener. Cicero will just carry on with what he was doing. Until you say otherwise. FormID: 0003AA70 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateNevermindBranch DBCiceroStateNevermindBranchTopic CUST 0 Very well, Listener. FormID: 0003AA71 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateNevermindBranch DBCiceroStateNevermindBranchTopic CUST 0 As you wish, Listener. FormID: 000DB9F5 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateTradeBranch DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic CUST 0 Ooh! Listener! That tickles! FormID: 0003AA72 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateTradeBranch DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. FormID: 0003AA73 DarkBrotherhood DBFollowerStateTradeBranch DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, Listener. FormID: 000DB9E9 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleYesTopic CUST 0 Argonian Ale! I can almost taste it! FormID: 000DB9E8 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunBrenuinAleTopic WhiterunBrenuinAleNoTopic CUST 0 Then we got nothin' more to talk about. Disgruntled, annoyed FormID: 000DB9EB DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemYesTopic CUST 0 Good. You're clearly better suited than I am to carry out such a menial task. FormID: 000DB9EA DialogueWhiterun WhiterunFarengarGemBranch WhiterunFarengarGemNoTopic CUST 0 Well, let's see... travel-stained clothes, worn soles, blank and unintelligent expression... Yes, in fact you do. FormID: 000DB8D5 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Stay close to the wall! shouting out a warning FormID: 000DB8E0 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get up, papa! Get up! FormID: 000DB8D8 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Haming, you need to get over here. Now! directing a child who's in danger FormID: 000DB8DD MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Gods guide you, Hadvar. FormID: 000DB8D7 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 That a boy. You're doing great. directing a child in danger FormID: 000DB8D3 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Still alive, prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way. not threatening, heroic and commanding FormID: 000DB8D9 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 That's it, son. Make me proud. in pain FormID: 000DB874 MQ104 SCEN 0 You wouldn't understand, Housecarl. You ain't a Nord. a little surly, but still respectful of a superior officer FormID: 000DB886 MQ104 SCEN 0 I've been all across Tamriel. I've seen plenty of things just as outlandish as this. with a skeptical snort FormID: 000DB882 MQ104 SCEN 0 I'd advise you all to trust in the strength of your sword arm over tales and legends. FormID: 000DB881 MQ104 SCEN 0 So your information was correct after all. And we have our friend here to thank for recovering it for us. FormID: 000DB87F MQ104 SCEN 0 You went into Bleak Falls Barrow and got that? Nice work. grudgingly impressed FormID: 000DB87D MQ104 SCEN 0 Just send me a copy when you've deciphered it. FormID: 000DB87B MQ103 SCEN 0 You have a visitor. dryly - Farengar doesn't' notice someone standing right next to him FormID: 000DB879 MQ103 SCEN 0 Hmm? Ah, yes, the Jarl's protege! Back from Bleak Falls Barrow? You didn't die, it seems. FormID: 000DB875 MQ103 SCEN 0 Now, let me show you something else I found... very intriguing... I think your employers may be interested as well... FormID: 000DB873 MQ104 SCEN 0 Wait for me. FormID: 000DB884 MQ103 HELO 0 Oh, I thought you were already on your way to Bleak Falls Barrow... FormID: 000DB885 MQ103 HELO 0 What are you still doing here? The Jarl said retrieving that stone tablet is a priority. Remember? FormID: 000DB880 MQ104 SCEN 0 Here he comes! Find cover and make every arrow count! FormID: 000DB87E MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookA1 CUST 0 You'll have to see the Jarl about that. Maybe his steward, Avenicci. I'm sure one of them will pay you appropriately. airily dismissive FormID: 000DB87C MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookA2 CUST 0 That is where your job ends and mine begins. The work of the mind, sadly undervalued in Skyrim. FormID: 000DB878 MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookB1 CUST 0 My... associate here will be pleased to see your handiwork. She discovered its location, by means she has so far declined to share with me. FormID: 000E240F MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookB1 CUST 0 My... associate will be pleased at your resourcefulness. She discovered its location, by means she has so far declined to share with me. FormID: 000DB83E DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenTopic CUST 0 What are you in for, new blood? FormID: 000DB836 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenTopic01 CUST 0 Innocent? So was I, for the first one. The other murders were all me, though. FormID: 000DB843 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenTopic02 CUST 0 Petty thieving, huh? Just like poor Grisvar. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson faster than he has. FormID: 000DB849 DialogueCidhnaMine IDAT 0 Violent one, huh? Best keep that to yourself, new blood. Others find out, they'll consider that a challenge. FormID: 000DB84B DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInvisibleContinue CUST 0 I hear you're in for life. Sad. I'd get a shiv if I was you, or maybe some Skooma to drown your troubles. FormID: 000DB84C DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenBlocking DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInvisibleContinue CUST 0 My advice? Serve your time at the pickaxe and get out. You don't want to end up getting a shiv in the guts over a bottle of Skooma. FormID: 000DB840 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShiv DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShivTopic CUST 0 They come in here once a week to clean out the bodies, grab any ore we've mined, and beat down the troublemakers. FormID: 000DB840 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShiv DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenShivTopic CUST 1 That's the only time when we get food, too. And if there's not enough ore mined up, we don't get any. FormID: 000DB835 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInForBranch DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInFor CUST 0 A Nord nobleman I served was stabbed in the night. Wasn't me, but I knew I'd be blamed. FormID: 000DB835 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInForBranch DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenInFor CUST 1 So I ran. Joined the Forsworn. Started killing. Got caught. Now I'm here. FormID: 000DB83B DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForsworn DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForswornTopic CUST 0 Because life was better under the old ways. No Nords and their laws. FormID: 000DB844 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForsworn DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForswornInvisible CUST 0 One day, the Forsworn will paint the walls of Markarth in your kinsmen's blood. Best you not be there on that day, Nord. FormID: 000DB845 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForsworn DialogueCidhnaMineUraccenForswornInvisible CUST 0 One day, the Forsworn will paint the walls of Markarth in their blood. FormID: 000DB83C FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccen FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccenTopic CUST 0 Small blade. Easy to hide. I mean, sure, you could just swing a pickaxe into someone's face, but people tend to see that coming. FormID: 000DB83C FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccen FreeformCidhnaMineAUraccenTopic CUST 1 Got a problem with a prisoner? Get a shiv. Hear Grisvar has a spare, if you could get him to part with it. FormID: 000DB83D FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarTopic CUST 0 Ah, you want protection? I can get you what you need. FormID: 000DB83D FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarTopic CUST 1 Maybe you can do something for me, first? Duach has a bottle of Skooma. Finest distilled Moon Sugar. I'm shaking just thinking about it. FormID: 000DB83A FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGisvarAccept CUST 0 Ah, you're a clever one aren't you? Now, here's your shiv. Promise you won't ever use it on me, okay? FormID: 000E6DE0 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGisvarAccept CUST 0 Thank you, friend. Don't worry. I'll have that shiv ready for you. FormID: 000DB83F FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvar FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarReject CUST 0 All right, but if you change your mind. Not like we're going anywhere. FormID: 000DB848 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvanTopic CUST 0 You give me one more look, and I cut you open. That Skooma's mine. FormID: 000DB837 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachPersuade CUST 0 Getting the shakes, huh? All right. Take it. Old gods keep you. FormID: 000DB891 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachPersuade CUST 0 Skooma addict. Get lost. FormID: 000DB846 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachIntimidate CUST 0 Easy there. I didn't mean nothing. Take it. FormID: 000DB847 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachIntimidate CUST 0 That's it. FormID: 000DB839 FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAOdvan FreeformCidhnaMineADuachNevermind CUST 0 Smart. FormID: 000DB84A FreeformCidhnaMineA FreeformCidhnaMineAHaveSkooma FreeformCidhnaMineAHaveSkoomaTopic CUST 0 Here's your shiv. Promise you won't ever use it on me, okay? laughing at the end, ingratiating weasel FormID: 000DB36E DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Every blade I make honors Malacath. Every rivet, every plate of armor is for him. FormID: 000DB36F DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Only a true Orc knows how to temper Orichalcum properly. FormID: 000DB370 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 The old traditions are passed down from one generation to the next. The secrets of smithing are passed down as well. FormID: 000DB371 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Lob will one day take my place, and bring honor to our tribe as I have. FormID: 000DB372 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I learn much from Garakh every day. I must learn if I am to take her place. FormID: 000DB373 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I've worked with metal long enough that I almost never burn myself anymore. FormID: 000DB374 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 My weapons will someday be as strong as my mother's, and Malacath will be pleased with me. FormID: 000DB375 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 The days of staying within Largashbur's walls are over. FormID: 000DB376 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Malacath demands much of us now. We will not fail him again. FormID: 000DB377 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Gularzob has been chosen as chief. He will one day be great, but he has much to learn. FormID: 000DB378 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Largashbur will not soon forget what you have done. We have a second chance thanks to you. FormID: 000DB379 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 The ways of the mystic are known to me. I have remedies and cures, should you need them. FormID: 000DB37A DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 It is good to finally know that Malacath has not forsaken us. FormID: 000DB37B DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 We have learned from our mistakes. Malacath's needs come first, and we will serve him faithfully. FormID: 000DB37C DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I will do my best to lead the tribe, but I don't know why Malacath chose me. FormID: 000DB37D DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I am honored to have been chosen to lead. But I know that being picked by Malacath does not mean that I am ready. FormID: 000DB37E DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Yamarz betrayed us all. I will never allow that to happen again, so long as I rule. FormID: 000DB37F DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Do not raise arms against my people, and you shall always have a place here, Champion of Malacath. FormID: 000DB380 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 Atub is wise beyond her years. I take her advice seriously, and you should as well. FormID: 000DB381 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I am... surprised that Gularzob was named chief. FormID: 000DB382 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 We are all blood here. One family, one tribe. FormID: 000DB383 DialogueLargashbur HELO 0 I will serve Gularzob as best I can, even though I am his elder. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 0 These spells are difficult, even for one as skilled as I. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 1 To even begin to inscribe them, I need something very special. A sigil stone from an Oblivion gate. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 2 I do not have one in my possession. Nor do you, I'm sure. So we require a Daedra to retrieve one for us. FormID: 000DB367 MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse1 CUST 3 You will summon a Dremora, and order it to bring a sigil stone to you. I will then inscribe the spells for you. FormID: 000DB36D MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse2 CUST 0 I will teach you the spell to summon the Dremora, but know that it will only work in a place properly prepared for the event. FormID: 000DB36D MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse2 CUST 1 Once you have summoned the Dremora, you will order it to deliver to you a sigil stone from an Oblivion gate. FormID: 000DB36D MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse2 CUST 2 Once I have the sigil stone, I shall inscribe the spells that you seek. FormID: 000DB36C MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse4 CUST 0 If only that were true. FormID: 000DB36B MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisResponse3 CUST 0 Because I have no wish to be harmed. FormID: 000DB36A MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisFollowUp1 CUST 0 Summoning an Unbound Dremora is not like other Conjuration spells. It will not simply do your bidding. FormID: 000DB36A MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisFollowUp1 CUST 1 You must first prove you are in control. FormID: 000DB36A MGRitual03 MGRitual03InitialBranch MGRitual03PhinisFollowUp1 CUST 2 Here is the spell you need. Go to the top of the Hall of Attainment; I have prepared a place for you there. FormID: 000DB369 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraBranch MGRitual03DremoraInitResponse1 CUST 0 I serve no mortal! FormID: 000DB368 MGRitual03 MGRitual03DremoraBranch MGRitual03DremoraInitResponse2 CUST 0 You control nothing, mortal! FormID: 000DB286 DB10 HELO 0 Do it, Listener. Kill me. wounded and near death FormID: 000DB287 DB10 HELO 0 You have no choice. You must complete your contract. You must kill me. wounded and near death FormID: 000DB288 DB10 HELO 0 Please, Listener. Release my soul, and let Sithis be the judge. wounded and near death FormID: 000DAB66 SolitudeOpening TRES 0 Please step back, there's an execution in process. FormID: 000DAB67 SolitudeOpening TRES 0 Last warning. Stand back from the execution. FormID: 000DAB36 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Ask any fool around here, and get a different answer. FormID: 000DAB36 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 Mercenaries. Warriors of honor. Brothers and sisters of the blade. Drunken rabble. Take your pick. FormID: 000DAB36 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 I've been here longer than most of them. Even I don't know sometimes. I just hope they don't kill each other. FormID: 000DAB38 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 The Companions are my family. We fight so that other people don't have to. FormID: 000DAB38 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 We bring honor and glory to ourselves and each other. FormID: 000DAB39 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 You'll hear some of the brighter faces around here talk about honor and glory. FormID: 000DAB39 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 I've got nothing against it, but for me, the promise of coin is what feeds my blade. FormID: 000DAB39 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 Wherever someone in Skyrim doesn't feel up to defending their own honor, we'll take up their burden. FormID: 000DAB3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Your question carries more weight than you may know, newcomer. The sort of thing some of us spend our lives pondering. FormID: 000DAB3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 The difference between a noble band of warriors and a ragged bunch of assassins is as thin as a blade's edge. FormID: 000DAB3A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 I try to hold us to the right path. FormID: 000DAB3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Why would you even come to Jorrvaskr without knowing what we stand for? FormID: 000DAB3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 This is not play-acting, here. We are the true spirit of Skyrim. Honor is in our blood, death in our hearts. FormID: 000DAB3B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 2 If you seek either, you've found the right place. FormID: 000DAB3C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Are you looking to join? I wouldn't get your hopes up. FormID: 000DAB3C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 The short answer is: we fight. The long answer is... eh, forget it. You're not worth my time. FormID: 000DAB3D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 Only the most famous warrior band in all of Skyrim. Have you been living with the horkers? FormID: 000DAB3D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 When we arrive, blood is spilled and our blades sing to the glories of Ysgramor. FormID: 000DAB3E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 We're the best damned fighters in Skyrim. At least, some of us are. FormID: 000DAB3F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 They used to be something. Nowadays they just squabble amongst themselves. FormID: 000DAB3F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 Take my advice and keep away. You look too smart to get caught up with this bunch. FormID: 000DAB40 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 To hear Vignar tell it, they're a bunch of layabouts and useless whiners who used to know how to fight. FormID: 000DAB40 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 1 But he thinks everything used to be better. I, for one, would trust any Companion with my life. FormID: 000DAB41 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWhoTopic CUST 0 A good bunch of men and women, who make too much a mess, if you ask me. FormID: 000CF2D3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsSharedInfos IDAT 0 An outsider, eh? Never heard of the Companions? FormID: 000CF2D3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsSharedInfos IDAT 1 An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. FormID: 000CF2D3 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr CompanionsSharedInfos IDAT 2 And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough. FormID: 000DAB16 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrRiaContinuation CUST 0 This is life, brother. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath. FormID: 000DAB17 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPrejoinWho DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrRiaContinuation CUST 0 This is life, sister. The struggle is what reminds us to draw breath. FormID: 000DAB26 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 Politics are something best avoided. I prefer more personal confrontations, myself. FormID: 000DAB27 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 None of our business. There's no honor to be had in the squabbling of jarls. FormID: 000DAB28 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 Kodlak says not to worry about it. I worry that a bunch of snowberries are out there earning glory while we stay out of it. FormID: 000DAB28 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 1 But I'll follow the old man's lead. As ever. FormID: 000DAB29 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 Too confusing for me. Empire, Nords, Talos. Who cares? FormID: 000DAB29 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 1 Just tell me who needs bludgeoning. FormID: 000DAB2A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 0 There are always good reasons to fight. I just wish this war had them. FormID: 000DAB2A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWar DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWarTopic CUST 1 Who cares who worships what dead god? Give me something to make me draw my sword. you're wanting a good reason to fight FormID: 000DAB4E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 Soon enough, it'll be me. In the meanwhile, the Circle handles our daily routine, and Kodlak advises them as Harbinger. FormID: 000DAB4F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 You don't just waddle in here and get to speak to the boss. Who do you think you are? FormID: 000DAB4F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 1 If you want to embarrass yourself, I won't stop you. Kodlak is the Harbinger. He's the closest thing you'll find to a leader around here. FormID: 000DAB50 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 The Circle are the ones who parcel out the jobs. FormID: 000DAB50 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 1 That's Aela, Skjor, and the brothers, Farkas and Vilkas. FormID: 000DAB50 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 2 Kodlak advises them, but he doesn't really give orders. FormID: 000DAB51 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 0 In charge of what? I'm in charge of me, and you're in charge of you. FormID: 000DAB51 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInCharge DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrPreJoinWhosInChargeTopic CUST 1 If you're looking to join up, Kodlak's the one to be talking to. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 I learned the ways of the blade in the Great War. Nearly lost my life outside the Imperial City. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I came home to Skyrim when it was all over. But I wasn't much good at anything other than fighting. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Wandered around as a blade for hire. Was a damned good one, too. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 The money was good, and the women were good, and the drinks were good. But I was losing myself. My heart. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 4 I was lucky the Companions found me. Now there's a reason to be fighting. The honor of my brothers and sisters is worth more than coin. FormID: 000DAB2B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 5 Of course, the money is still good. And the drinks! FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 My mother was a Companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade. FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I stayed with my father in the woods until I was old enough for my Trial. We hunted everything there was to hunt. FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Good training. FormID: 000DAB2C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 Ma didn't live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time. FormID: 000DAB2D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Vilkas and I have been here since we were little whelps. FormID: 000DAB2D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 Our father, Jergen, raised us here. FormID: 000DAB2D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Even Vignar couldn't remember Companions younger than us! FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 To hear Farkas tell it, our father raised us here as happy pups, running around biting knees. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I love my brother, but his brains are not his strong suit. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 We were brought here by Jergen. Whether he was our father or not, I don't care. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 He left to fight in the Great War and never came back. So he's not my problem anymore. FormID: 000DAB2E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 4 We've been here as long as either of us can remember, though. So try to show some respect. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Like most of our band, I found this family after losing my own. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 I traveled the length and breadth of this land, learning all I could of the sword and the axe. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 I was just a boy, but I had the fire of a man in my heart. Eventually, my body caught up to my spirit. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 My predecessor, Askar, found me in Hammerfell. I was serving as bodyguard for some weak-necked lord out there. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 4 He brought me back here, and I realized... that I was actually coming home. FormID: 000DAB2F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 5 I work to bring honor to this family, and to the family that I lost. For my mother, my father, and my grandfather. For all my Shield-Siblings. FormID: 000DAB30 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Fortune and glory, friend. Fortune and glory. [QUOTE]friend[QUOTE] is ever-so-slightly sarcastic FormID: 000DAB31 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 So I wouldn't have to answer stupid questions from idiots. FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding? I've wanted to be with them since I was a little girl. FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 Haven't you heard the stories of Kodlak and Skjor fighting off the hundred-and-one Orc berserkers? FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 2 Skjor says it was more like forty, but he's just being modest. FormID: 000DAB32 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 3 Where else would I want to be but here? Learning from them, fighting at their sides. FormID: 000DAB33 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 A man of my station has many debts. I'm not much use at labor or learning, but I can throw a punch with the best of 'em. FormID: 000DAB33 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 The Companions let me fight for gold, and so I fight. FormID: 000DAB34 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 When you get to be my age, you don't remember why you did much of anything. FormID: 000DAB34 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 1 Only that it happened. FormID: 000DAB35 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoinTopic CUST 0 Oh, I'm not a Companion, myself. I just help Vignar. He took me in when I was having a tough time, and... well, I owe him. FormID: 000DAB18 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrKodlakContinuation CUST 0 Family and honor. That's what it means to be one of us, boy. FormID: 000DAB19 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWhydYouJoin DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrKodlakContinuation CUST 0 Family and honor. That's what it means to be one of us, girl. FormID: 000DAB1A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 How did you... you reach beyond your station, new blood. Let's wait and see how we judge your Trial before speaking further. FormID: 000DAB1B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 You shouldn't even know about that. Remember you're not a full Companion yet, whelp. Know your place. FormID: 000DAB1C DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 What did I tell you? Keep quiet about that. FormID: 000DAB1D DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I think there are some things that... oh, wait. Are you trying to trick me? You are not a full-blood yet. We can't talk about that. FormID: 000DAB1E DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 We should not be talking about that. FormID: 000DAB1F DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I don't know what you're talking about. But if I were you, I'd hold my tongue. you definitely know what he's talking about. this is a thinly-veiled thread. FormID: 000DAB20 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I don't know who you've been talking to, but they were clearly mistaken. FormID: 000DAB20 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 Especially for a new whelp, you should choose your words more carefully. FormID: 000DAB21 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 For me, a heavy burden. FormID: 000DAB21 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 The beastblood has given me prowess, but my soul is now forfeit to Hircine upon my death. FormID: 000DAB21 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 I keep searching for some hope of Sovngarde, but to no avail. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 A sensitive question. You may want to be careful broaching that subject with some. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 The old man and I have our differences when it comes to this. It's a blessing, given by Hircine. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 To worry about the hereafter means losing sight of the now. FormID: 000DAB22 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 3 What do I care about Sovngarde? Give me the power to tear my foes as a beast of the wild, and I will savor it. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I was raised in the woods. Hunting every animal I could see, with my father. I know them all as well as I know my own mind. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 And when I feel myself filling with the blood of the wolf... it's like I'm bringing all the strength of all the beasts inside me. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 But my mind and soul remain my own. I become more than either human or beast. FormID: 000DAB23 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 3 It's like being born. Every time. FormID: 000DAB24 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I've enjoyed the boons that come with beastblood. Just like every member of the Circle. FormID: 000DAB24 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 1 Kodlak is right, though. We've given a piece of our souls for this power. I know my mythic histories. Bargains like that lead to ruin. FormID: 000DAB24 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 2 This is a curse that was laid upon us. That much is clear. FormID: 000DAB25 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesBranch DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrWerewolvesTopic CUST 0 I like being stronger when I become the wolf. But Kodlak says it is bad for the soul, and I trust him. FormID: 000DAB42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means living such that your Shield-Siblings would proudly say they fought at your side. FormID: 000DAB42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 Glory in battle, honor in life. FormID: 000DAB42 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 Deal with problems head on. Leave whispers and sneaking to the gutter rats who can't fight for themselves. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 I wish more of our ranks asked such questions. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 I've started seeing the Companions as a kind of family. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 I've battled next to every man and woman here, and the bonds of sweat are stronger than those of blood. FormID: 000DAB43 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 I would trust anyone here with my life, which is more than I'd say for the milk drinkers who raised me. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means resting your haunches in Whiterun more than I'd care to, for one. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 But when it's time to draw blood, there's no one in Skyrim I'd rather have at my back. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 It means waking up every day knowing that you could die, and having to earn your life by clawing for every breath. FormID: 000DAB44 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 I don't know how those cozy lords manage to drag themselves out of bed every day. Why bother if you're not living? FormID: 000DAB45 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 I've never been a smart one. But the Companions welcome anyone with the heart of a warrior. FormID: 000DAB45 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 When we step into battle, we fight for our own name, and the name of the Companions. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 There's been a group called the Companions for over 4000 years. It's been many different things in that time. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 A conquering army. Ruthless mercenaries. A band of drunken louts. And the esteemed company you see before you. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 But there's always been a kind of honor to it. We don't deal in politics or underhanded sneaking. FormID: 000DAB46 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 We try to uphold the legacy of Ysgramor. To bear his good name such that it never be forgotten, and always be spoken with reverence. FormID: 000DAB47 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means signing on for the Nord ideas of how to live your life. Honor, battle, glory, all that. FormID: 000DAB47 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 [QUOTE]Even an elf can be born with the heart of a Nord,[QUOTE] Skjor said when I joined. I think he meant it as a compliment. FormID: 000E8451 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 To me, it means not having to answer foolish questions a second time. FormID: 000DAB48 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 Just because you've been accepted here so quickly, don't think I'm going to help you rise any faster. FormID: 000DAB48 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 Fight well, don't be a lout, and you'll be fine. You don't need my help. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 So much. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 This group... this family... this band... this is the best thing I've ever been a part of. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 The oldest fighting group in Skyrim, and nothing but glory from Ysgramor's day to our own. FormID: 000DAB49 DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 3 To be counted in that line is a bit of immortality. Even if I never see Sovngarde, I'll have that much. FormID: 000DAB4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 It means when I have troubles, I always have someone on my side. FormID: 000DAB4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 1 We have Shield-Siblings to keep our backs as dangerous as our fronts. FormID: 000DAB4A DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 2 I think. FormID: 000DAB4B DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskr DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanion DialogueCompanionsJorrvaskrGoodCompanionTopic CUST 0 My advice? Don't overthink it. Fight well and the rest takes care of itself. FormID: 000DA70B FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic CUST 0 Mostly food supplies like dried fish and salted meats; you know, things that keep fresh for a long time. FormID: 000DA70B FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic CUST 1 The Greybeards tend not to get out much, if you catch my meaning. FormID: 000DA707 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, it's kind of an understanding between us. I mean, it just wouldn't feel right to charge them for a bit of preserved food. FormID: 000DA707 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Trouble is, my legs aren't what they used to be and climbing the 7,000 Steps takes its toll. FormID: 000DA705 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Really? That would be kind of you. FormID: 000DA705 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Here, take this bag of supplies. At the top of the steps you'll see the offering chest. Just leave the bag inside and you're done. FormID: 000DA710 FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekBranch FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Maybe I'll hold off and go another day. Get some rest first. FormID: 000DA70D FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekDoneBranch FFI04KlimmekDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Quite a climb, wasn't it? FormID: 000DA70D FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekDoneBranch FFI04KlimmekDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Anyway, much appreciated. Here, take this for your troubles. FormID: 000DA70C FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranch FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, there's the occasional wolf pack or stray, but that's all I've ever had to deal with. Shouldn't be a problem for the likes of you. FormID: 000DA70C FreeformIvarstead04 FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranch FFI04KlimmekJourneyBranchTopic CUST 1 Other than that, watch your footing. In these wintry conditions, the stairs can be treacherous. FormID: 000DAAF0 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep your eyes open in the barrow... that's how they get you! FormID: 000DAAF1 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you're headed up to the monastery, watch your step... it's a long way down. FormID: 000DAAF2 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you pass through again, stop by for a drink. FormID: 000DAAF3 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 A pleasant journey, milord. FormID: 000DAAF4 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 A pleasant journey, milady. FormID: 000DAAF5 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just get out of town as fast as you can. Nothing for anyone here. FormID: 000DAAF6 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sure, leave. Everyone else does. FormID: 000DAAF7 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 I wish I could go with you... sigh at the end (wistful) FormID: 000DAAF8 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Narfi so happy! So happy! So happy! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAF9 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 The mountain will eat you! Watch the mountain! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAFA DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you see Reyda, tell her that Narfi misses her and to come home soon... very soon. Soon... soon, like the moon! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAFB DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Reyda! Reyyyyda! babbling to self, crazy talk FormID: 000DAAFC DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hmph. What a boring conversation. FormID: 000DAAFD DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Thanks again for the legwork. FormID: 000DAAFE DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful up there. FormID: 000DAAFF DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Welp, time to gather more supplies I guess. very tired FormID: 000DAB00 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you get a chance, kill a few more bears for me, will you? FormID: 000DAB01 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Now go give those stupid bears what's coming to them! FormID: 000DAB02 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just get out of my way, I've got work to do. FormID: 000DAB03 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Have yourself a great day! FormID: 000DA67A DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringBusinessBranch NightgateHadringBusinessBranchTopic CUST 0 Nah, not so much. The odd traveler on the road. But mostly just old Fultheim, come to drink away a lifetime of bad memories, I'd wager. FormID: 000DA67A DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringBusinessBranch NightgateHadringBusinessBranchTopic CUST 1 Course there's the Orc. Long-term tenant, that one. For what he pays, I could afford to shut this place down. FormID: 000DA67B DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringInnBranch NightgateHadringInnBranchTopic CUST 0 This old place? Been here forever. Built by my great grandda. Run by him, then all the way up the line to me. FormID: 000DA678 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringOrcBranch NightgateHadringOrcBranchTopic CUST 0 Him? Oh... Ah, name's Balablob or Malaclob, one of them funny Orc names. Talks real good, though. Not a savage at all. FormID: 000DA678 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringOrcBranch NightgateHadringOrcBranchTopic CUST 1 Said he's a writer. Don't know what kind of job that is, but it must earn him some pretty coin. He's paid up for the next few months. FormID: 000DA678 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateHadringOrcBranch NightgateHadringOrcBranchTopic CUST 2 He mostly just hangs about. Goes down to the lake, sometimes samples the stores of wine in the cellar. Man can do whatever he pleases, far as I care. FormID: 000DA686 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue GBYE 0 Anything you need, just holler. FormID: 000DA687 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue GBYE 0 Sure, walk away. I wasn't talking or anything... FormID: 000DA679 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue NightgateFultheimComeHereBranch NightgateFultheimComeHereBranchTopic CUST 0 You see any other inns around here? Where else would I go to drink? FormID: 000DA685 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue DBNightgateFultheimOrcBranch DBNightgateFultheimCustomersBranchTopic CUST 0 Well he don't like company, I can tell you that much. Just wants to be left alone. But no... that's not really it. FormID: 000DA685 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue DBNightgateFultheimOrcBranch DBNightgateFultheimCustomersBranchTopic CUST 1 It's like... he wants to talk. Likes people and all. But he stays separate, because he's supposed to. FormID: 000DA685 DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue DBNightgateFultheimOrcBranch DBNightgateFultheimCustomersBranchTopic CUST 2 Kind of sad, really. FormID: 000DA25A CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 No doubt requesting to garrison his men in my castle. How many times must I deny him? annoyed FormID: 000DA25A CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 1 Well? Out with it. impatient FormID: 000DA25B CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 We can talk about that once this dragon is dealt with. annoyed, dismissing FormID: 000DA25C CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 Ah yes. I've studied those documents... Very interesting... remembering the unpleasant facts revealed to him FormID: 000E40AD CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 Did he now? The man is persistent, I'll give him that. a little shocked, soaking in a warning FormID: 000E40AE CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 We can talk about that once this dragon is dealt with. annoyed, dismissing FormID: 000E40AF CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 0 Ah yes. remembering the unpleasant facts revealed to him FormID: 000E40AF CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufTopic CUST 1 I suppose it's time I gave him an answer... heavy with contemplation FormID: 000DA25E CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 Until that dragon's dealt with, I don't care what Tullius wants. emphasis DRAGON, as in, [QUOTE]why the hell are we talking about anything else?[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA25E CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 1 For now, give the papers to my Steward. FormID: 000DA25F CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 I see... Give the papers to my Steward. FormID: 000E40B2 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 But until that dragon's dealt with, Ulfric's just going to have to wait. emphasis DRAGON, as in, [QUOTE]why the hell are we talking about anything else?[QUOTE] FormID: 000E40B2 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 1 For now, I'll hold onto this axe. But it's a tenuous peace at best. angry sarcasm, hiding a tinge of fear FormID: 000E40B3 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufReason CUST 0 I suppose it's time I give him an answer... heavy with contemplation FormID: 000DA243 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufJarlsEyesOnly CUST 0 Don't be daft. Proventus is my eyes. stress [QUOTE]IS[QUOTE]... as in [QUOTE]My steward IS my eyes.[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA243 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufJarlsEyesOnly CUST 1 Just give me the letter. I presume once I have it, I can do as I please with it? Good. out of patience FormID: 000DA255 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufGoodbye CUST 0 Now, I believe you have some business to conclude with my court wizard? as in [QUOTE]you have better things to do than waste my time with this[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA256 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufGoodbye CUST 0 Now get out of here and to the outpost! I need to know what's happening out there. as in [QUOTE]you have better things to do than waste my time with this[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA257 CW03 CW03BalgruufBranch CW03BalgruufGoodbye CUST 0 Hmm... these are interesting reports... reading, not liking what he's seeing FormID: 000DA241 CW03 SCEN 0 Proventus, what do you make of all this? If Ulfric were to attack Whiterun... asking an advisor for his opinion FormID: 000DA22F CW03 SCEN 0 As in all things, Lord, caution... I urge us to wait and see. trying to sound certain, but really uncertain himself FormID: 000DA250 CW03 SCEN 0 Prey waits. as in, it's time to act. FormID: 000DA23F CW03 SCEN 0 I'm of a mind with Irileth. stating an opinion for his advisor to consider FormID: 000DA22E CW03 SCEN 0 You plan to march on Windhelm? shocked FormID: 000DA24D CW03 SCEN 0 I'm not a fool, Proventus. I mean it's time to challenge Ulfric to face me as a man, or to declare his intentions. annoyed he has to explain himself FormID: 000E409F CW03 SCEN 0 I'm not a fool, Proventus. I mean it's time to challenge Ulfric to face me as a man, or march his Stormcloaks up to the gates. annoyed he has to explain himself FormID: 000DA235 CW03 SCEN 0 It's time to act. stating a difinitive opinion for his advisor to consider FormID: 000DA25D CW03 SCEN 0 He'll do no such thing! disbelief FormID: 000E40A2 CW03 SCEN 0 He'll do no such thing! A dagger in the back is all you could expect! disbelief FormID: 000DA245 CW03 SCEN 0 He was rather straight forward with Torygg. a statement of fact FormID: 000DA231 CW03 SCEN 0 Torygg? He simply walked up to the boy and murdered him! confounded FormID: 000DA251 CW03 SCEN 0 That [QUOTE]boy[QUOTE] was High King of Skyrim. annoyed, stating a fact FormID: 000DA23A CW03 SCEN 0 I'm not the High King, but neither am I a boy. gearing up for a throw down FormID: 000DA23A CW03 SCEN 1 If Ulfric wants to challenge my rule in the old way, let him. with strength FormID: 000DA23A CW03 SCEN 2 Though I suspect he'll prefer to send his [QUOTE]Stormcloaks[QUOTE] to do it for him. as in, [QUOTE]he'll be a coward[QUOTE] FormID: 000DA247 CW03 SCEN 0 True. He's already proven his personal strength. Now he seeks to prove his army's. agreeing and making a point that war is inevitable FormID: 000DA230 CW03 SCEN 0 Then might I urge you to consider General Tullius's request? I mean, if you are bent on offending Jarl Ulfric... Hedging his bets FormID: 000DA258 CW03 SCEN 0 Ulfric is the one who has offended. annoyed at the suggestion his king has offended anyone FormID: 000DA260 CW03 SCEN 0 But, Proventus has a point. Ulfric has made it clear. In his mind, to refuse his claim is to side with the Empire. conceding and making a new point FormID: 000DA23C CW03 SCEN 0 And what harm is there in letting a few legionnaires die in place of your own men? Hedging his bets FormID: 000DA22A CW03 SCEN 0 It seems cowardly. worried about his reputation FormID: 000DA246 CW03 SCEN 0 Was it cowardly then to accept the White-Gold Concordat? jabbing, bringing up an old argument FormID: 000DA24E CW03 SCEN 0 This again?! That was different. Was I given a chance to object to the terms of the treaty? No. upset this old argument is coming back up FormID: 000DA24E CW03 SCEN 1 The Jarls weren't asked. We were told. And we had to like it. defensive, upset this old argument is coming up FormID: 000DA24F CW03 SCEN 0 This again?! That was different. Was Balgruuf given a chance to object? No. The Jarls weren't asked. He was told. And he had to like it. upset this old argument is coming back up FormID: 000DA234 CW03 SCEN 0 The chests of gold didn't hurt. fondly remembering all that delicious gold FormID: 000DA254 CW03 SCEN 0 Damnit! This isn't about gold! livid. ending a conversation FormID: 000DA23E CW03 SCEN 0 Lord, wait. Let us see if Ulfric is serious. fearing they are making a terrible mistake FormID: 000DA22C CW03 SCEN 0 Oh, he's serious. But so am I. determination and smoldering anger FormID: 000DA248 CW03 SCEN 0 Finally. under his breath, glad his king has grown some balls FormID: 000DA232 CW03 SCEN 0 You there. (heat carried over from previous argument) FormID: 000DA232 CW03 SCEN 1 I have a message for you to deliver to our friend, the esteemed Jarl of Windhelm. sarcastic, they are not friends FormID: 000E40A9 CW03 SCEN 0 So about this axe... sarcastic FormID: 000C3486 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 One moment. But don't go far. I expect I'll need you. waving off an interruption FormID: 000C3487 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 I've made up my mind, even if my advisors are still squabbling. I'm sending you to Windhelm. authoritative FormID: 000DA242 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 Deliver this axe to Ulfric Stormcloak. solemnly (it's an important gesture) Walk Away FormID: 000E40A8 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeTopic CUST 0 You can return this axe to our friend. The esteemed Jarl of Windhelm has my answer. Make sure he gets it. solemnly (it's an important gesture) FormID: 000DA23B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeJustAnAxe CUST 0 How long have you been in Skyrim? Yes. Give the man my axe. annoyed, explaining something obvious to an outsider FormID: 000DA23B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeJustAnAxe CUST 1 If he returns it to you it means we have business to settle. If he keeps it, then we are at peace. explaining the custom to a foreigner FormID: 000DA24A CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeSayAnything CUST 0 Men who understand one another need not waste words. speaking a solemn truth,as a father might to a young man FormID: 000DA24A CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeSayAnything CUST 1 There are but a few simple truths behind one warrior giving another his axe. speaking a solemn truth,as a father might to a young man FormID: 000DA24A CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeSayAnything CUST 2 Ulfric will know my meaning. solemn, that meaning is WAR FormID: 000DA24B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeUnderstood CUST 0 Good. FormID: 000DA24B CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeUnderstood CUST 1 Good... trailing off as he envisions the war that's about to come to him FormID: 000DA233 CW03 SCEN 0 Proventus. Bring me my pen. And the good parchment. ordering his steward about FormID: 000DA252 CW03 SCEN 0 Are we writing a letter, Lord? curious FormID: 000DA23D CW03 SCEN 0 Yes, to General Tullius. slightly annoyed he needs to explain FormID: 000DA23D CW03 SCEN 1 I need to make a few things clear before I accept these Legionnaires of his. begrudging that he needs to ask for help FormID: 000DA259 CW03 SCEN 0 It's time to decide. tired of discussion, its time to act FormID: 000DA238 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeTopic CUST 0 Is that so? I've been wondering when he'd come around. interest piqued FormID: 000E40A6 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeTopic CUST 0 Then I was wrong about him. angered FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 0 Oh. What's this? dawning understanding FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 1 Ahhh... You're quite brave to carry such a message. It's a pity you've chosen the wrong side... getting the message, then giving a veiled threat FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 2 You can return this axe to the man who sent it. And tell him he should prepare to entertain... visitors. darkening, a threat [QUOTE]visitors[QUOTE] meaning soldiers to attack his city FormID: 000DA24C CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeHand CUST 3 I expect a great deal of excitement in the city of Whiterun in the near future... a veiled threat FormID: 000DA240 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeSeeYouSoon CUST 0 Sooner than you think. a mysterious threat FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 0 I have shown the people that when our Jarls drink the Empire's milk, it makes us weak. passionately, with conviction FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 1 I must now show them the path that will lead us back to our strength. passionate, patriotic FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 2 There is no progress without sacrifice. No wheat without threshing the chaff. passionate, patriotic FormID: 000DA22D CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWhy CUST 3 The Empire and the Jarls who back them must be swept away. The people demand it. I demand it. passionate, patriotic FormID: 000DA229 CW03 CW03UlfricReturnAxe CW03UlfricReturnAxeWillBeStopped CUST 0 Oh? True, I may meet my end in a dark alley with a dagger in my back. But the people have seen the truth, and they will not back down. patriotic FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 0 You've returned with my axe. I knew that would be his response. mildly disappointed, but expecting the worse FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 1 As soon as you left I sent word to General Tullius, who's been kind enough to lend us some of his troops and Legate Cipius here. FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 2 Let Ulfric try to make it past our combined forces. pre-battle glow FormID: 000DA236 CW03 CW03BalgruufWar CW03BalgruufWarTopic CUST 3 I'll turn you back over to your Legion. Legate Cipius will have use for you. Gods be with us all. passing along orders FormID: 000DA18D DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollTopic CUST 0 Very funny. Did Enthir put you up to this? FormID: 000DA18C DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollResponse1 CUST 0 You... Really? An Elder Scroll? shocked, confused FormID: 000DA18B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderSrollResponse2 CUST 0 Wait. Are you... Are you serious? FormID: 000DA18B DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderSrollResponse2 CUST 1 You have an Elder Scroll? You? FormID: 000DA18A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollFollowUp1 CUST 0 I would be honored. Beyond honored to have such a thing here at the College. awed FormID: 000DA18A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollFollowUp1 CUST 1 This opens up entire new realms of research for us. Oh, if only Septimus were here to see this! happy but wistful FormID: 000DA18A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWCUragElderScroll DialogueWCUragElderScrollFollowUp1 CUST 2 Thank you. Please, take this. It can't quite compare to an Elder Scroll, but still. You will be remembered for generations for this. FormID: 000D9DBA DA06 DA06AtubInitialBranch DA06AtubInitialResponse4 CUST 0 We have been on our own for some time now. I fear we will not survive. FormID: 000D9DB8 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranchTopic CUST 0 You do not know of Malacath? He is the keeper of oaths, the master of curses. FormID: 000D9DB9 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranchTopic CUST 0 You are an Orc, but do not know of Malacath, our master and yours? FormID: 000D9DB7 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathFollowUp CUST 0 He is quick to anger, and slow to forgive. One who wrongs Malacath is one who will endure great torment in return. FormID: 000D9DB7 DA06 DA06Stage50AtubMalacathBranch DA06Stage50AtubMalacathFollowUp CUST 1 He demands loyalty and strength from his orcs. We have tried to please him, but he is now angry with us, and so we suffer. FormID: 000D9DBF DA06 DA06HowLongBranch DA06HowLongBranchTopic CUST 0 Weeks? Longer? It feels like an age has gone by. I haven't slept in so long. FormID: 000D9DBD DA06 SCEN 0 Malacath has heard my pleas! He speaks to us! FormID: 000D9B4F FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 There ain't much more to tell... they're haunted and you should stay away. FormID: 000D9B4F FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, I've seen one of the spirits with my very own eyes. When it glared at me, I swear it burned right through my soul. FormID: 000D9B5A FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Fortunately, they seem to be sticking to the barrow. I think they're guarding it. FormID: 000D9B5A FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Certainly isn't helping my business any; who'd want to rent a room anywhere near a haunted barrow? FormID: 000D9B56 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic02 CUST 0 If you think there's anything you can do, be my guest. FormID: 000D9B50 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Don't blame you one bit. FormID: 000D9B62 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranch FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranchTopic CUST 0 About a year or two ago, some fella named Wyndelius came through; said he was some kind of a treasure hunter. thinking back FormID: 000D9B62 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranch FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranchTopic CUST 1 I warned him not to go in there, just like I warned you. The very next night we heard screams from the barrow, and that was it. FormID: 000D9B62 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranch FFI01WilhelmIvestigateBranchTopic CUST 2 We never saw him again. FormID: 000D9B5E FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopicPre CUST 0 Let me see that! FormID: 000D9B5E FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopicPre CUST 1 ...I can't believe this... FormID: 000D9B5E FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmIntroBranch FFI01WilhelmIntroBranchTopicPre CUST 2 It was all just a fabrication of this Wyndelius character? I can't believe we were so stupid. embarrassed FormID: 000D9B59 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmDoneBranch FFI01WilhelmDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Let me see that! FormID: 000D9B59 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmDoneBranch FFI01WilhelmDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 ...I can't believe this... FormID: 000D9B59 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmDoneBranch FFI01WilhelmDoneBranchTopic CUST 2 It was all just a fabrication of this Wyndelius character? I can't believe we were so stupid. FormID: 000D9B53 FreeformIvarstead01 FFI01WilhelmCompletionBranch FFI01WilhelmCompletionBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, least I can do is give you something for taking care of him. If you won't accept it as a payment, consider it a gift. FormID: 000D9B60 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiBranch FFI02NarfiBranchTopic CUST 0 Reyda was here, then gone. Went to gather plants and never came home... nope, nope. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B60 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiBranch FFI02NarfiBranchTopic CUST 1 Everyone looked and no one could find her. Wilhelm said she'll be back... told Narfi not to worry... Reyda will come back. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B58 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiCrazyBranch FFI02NarfiCrazyBranchTopic CUST 0 With father I said goodbye... with mother I said goodbye. Reyda leaves and Narfi can't say goodbye. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B58 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiCrazyBranch FFI02NarfiCrazyBranchTopic CUST 1 Makes Narfi very, very sad. Narfi needs Reyda to say goodbye. babbling like a crazy person... on verge of tears FormID: 000D9B57 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic CUST 0 He's harmless. He's been in a state ever since his sister Reyda disappeared over a year ago. FormID: 000D9B57 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic CUST 1 He just keeps to himself in what's left of his folk's farmhouse across the river. FormID: 000D9B51 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I just said that to make the poor guy feel better. I'm pretty sure she's dead. FormID: 000D9B51 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Reyda would gather ingredients from the small island in the river east of here. Then one day, she just vanished. FormID: 000D9B51 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmBranch FFI02WilhelmBranchTopic01 CUST 2 I tried to look for her, but she never turned up. FormID: 000D9B5D FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmGHallBranch FFI02WilhelmGHallBranchTopic CUST 0 I've seen some sort of a cave entrance over there. Folks call it [QUOTE]Geirmund's Hall,[QUOTE] but I don't know why. FormID: 000D9B5D FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02WilhelmGHallBranch FFI02WilhelmGHallBranchTopic CUST 1 Probably best if you avoid it for now... it didn't seem to do Reyda any good. FormID: 000D9B55 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiReturnBranch FFI02NarfiReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 Reyda! You saw Reyda? Did you tell her Narfi cries? Did you tell her Narfi never said goodbye like mother and father? babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B54 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiBranchPre FFI02NarfiBranchPreTopic CUST 0 Reyda! You saw Reyda? Did you tell her Narfi cries? Did you tell her Narfi never said goodbye like mother and father? babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B61 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch FFI02NarfiDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh no! No, no, no. Narfi never got to say goodbye! Now Narfi's all alone. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B61 FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch FFI02NarfiDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 At least Narfi has Reyda's Necklace... reminds Narfi of his sister. Thank you for giving this to Narfi. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B5C FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02Topic CUST 0 You've made Narfi so happy! Narfi now waits for his sister until she comes home. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B5C FreeformIvarstead02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02 FFI02NarfiDoneBranch02Topic CUST 1 At least Narfi has Reyda's Necklace... reminds Narfi of his sister. Thank you for giving this to Narfi. babbling like a crazy person FormID: 000D9B52 FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBranch FFI03TembaBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you kidding? Those damn things will drive me right out of business! FormID: 000D9B52 FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBranch FFI03TembaBranchTopic CUST 1 Tell you what. Bring me ten of their pelts from anywhere in Skyrim I'll gladly pay you for thinning out the herd. FormID: 000D9B5F FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaDoneBranch FFI03TembaDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Nice to finally meet someone who can follow simple instructions. FormID: 000D9B5F FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaDoneBranch FFI03TembaDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Here's your reward, as promised. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. FormID: 000D9B5B FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBearBranch FFI03TembaBearBranchTopic CUST 0 Have you ever seen what a bear does to the trees? They jump up on their hind legs and scratch them to bits... marking their territory or something. FormID: 000D9B5B FreeformIvarstead03 FFI03TembaBearBranch FFI03TembaBearBranchTopic CUST 1 It's getting to the point where I have to scour Skyrim for untouched trees at the right size. Costs me too much time and money. FormID: 000D94B4 MQ302 SCEN 0 This is how the Empire repays us for our loyalty? taken aback FormID: 000D94FD MQ302 SCEN 0 By Talos, the stones on this one! You're in no position to dictate terms to us, Tullius! FormID: 000D94DF MQ302 SCEN 0 Ulfric, you can't be taking this demand seriously? We can hold Riften against anything the Empire can throw at it. FormID: 000D94DB MQ302 SCEN 0 Besides, Jarl Laila will never agree to... FormID: 000D94D6 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes, my lord. FormID: 000D94B5 MQ302 SCEN 0 Now that everyone is here, please take your seats so we can begin. FormID: 000D950A MQ302 SCEN 0 I hope that we have all come here in the spirit of... FormID: 000D94E0 MQ302 SCEN 0 No. You insult us by bringing her to this negotiation? emphasis on [QUOTE]her[QUOTE] FormID: 000D94DC MQ302 SCEN 0 Your chief Talos-hunter? FormID: 000D94D8 MQ302 SCEN 0 That didn't take long. muttered FormID: 000D94D4 MQ302 SCEN 0 Hear, hear! muttered FormID: 000D94C9 MQ302 SCEN 0 Yes! in an undertone FormID: 000D94BB MQ302 SCEN 0 Diplomatic as usual. a muttered aside to Tullius FormID: 000D94BA MQ302 SCEN 0 I have every right to be at this negotiation. I need to ensure that nothing is agreed to here that violates the terms of the White-Gold Concordat. calmly FormID: 000D94B7 MQ302 SCEN 0 She's part of the Imperial delegation. You can't dictate who I bring to this council. hotly FormID: 000D94B3 MQ302 SCEN 0 Please. If we have to negotiate the terms of the negotiation, we will never get anywhere. FormID: 000D94F7 MQ302 SCEN 0 Perhaps this would be a good time to get the Dragonborn's input on this matter. FormID: 000D94DE MQ302 SCEN 0 You are weak. Sooner you realize it, the sooner we can see the back of you. FormID: 000D94DA MQ302 SCEN 0 Peace, Galmar. mildly FormID: 000D93E4 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteIntro BardsCollegeLuteIntroTopic CUST 0 Hmm? Oh, sorry. My mind wanders sometimes. I was just thinking about Finn's Lute. FormID: 000D93E4 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteIntro BardsCollegeLuteIntroTopic CUST 1 Over a year ago, thieves broke into the college and made off with a lot of valuable things. Mostly gold and silver. FormID: 000D93E4 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteIntro BardsCollegeLuteIntroTopic CUST 2 But they also stole Finn's Lute. We just learned where the bandits fled to, and I very much want that lute back. FormID: 000D93E1 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStory BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStoryTopic CUST 0 Finn was the bard who invented the eight course lute that is commonplace today. FormID: 000D93E1 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStory BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStoryTopic CUST 1 Until he found a way to string the extra courses, bards only had six course lutes. FormID: 000D93E1 BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStory BardsCollegeLuteFinnsStoryTopic CUST 2 The lute they stole is Finn's original eight course lute. I doubt they even realize its true value. FormID: 000D93DE BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteHello HELO 0 It makes me sad whenever I think about it. FormID: 000D93DD BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteEnd BardsCollegeLuteEndTopic CUST 0 What? You did? Oh sweet Divines! You did! FormID: 000D93DD BardsCollegeLute BardsCollegeLuteEnd BardsCollegeLuteEndTopic CUST 1 There is no way I can pay you what this Lute is worth. But I can teach you a few tricks I've learned over the years. FormID: 000D93DB BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteHello HELO 0 That damn fool! I should ring her neck! FormID: 000D93DA BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteIntro BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic CUST 0 Larina. That fool student of mine stole my flute and sold it to some necromancer. FormID: 000D93DA BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteIntro BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic CUST 1 I just got a ransom note for it. That flute has been handed down for seventeen generations! FormID: 000D93DA BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteIntro BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic CUST 2 Well don't just stand there. Go get my flute! FormID: 000D93D9 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteEnd BardsCollegeFluteEndTopic CUST 0 That's it! Wonderful! I knew I could count on you. FormID: 000D93D9 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteEnd BardsCollegeFluteEndTopic CUST 1 I don't have any money to give you. but I can show you a few tricks I learned playing for the Winterhold wizards. FormID: 000D93E3 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteBackstory BardsCollegeFluteBackstoryTopic CUST 0 Apparently Larina told him some story about the flute being able to make the dead dance. FormID: 000D93E3 BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteBackstory BardsCollegeFluteBackstoryTopic CUST 1 It's just a flute. A really old and valuable flute, but just a flute. FormID: 000D93E2 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumHello HELO 0 They found it! They actually found it! FormID: 000D93E0 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumIntro BardsCollegeLuteDrumIntroTopic CUST 0 Rjorn's drum! Nobody knows where he died, and therefore where his drum might be. FormID: 000D93E0 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumIntro BardsCollegeLuteDrumIntroTopic CUST 1 Halldir was the missing link. Rjorn entered Halldir's Cairn in secret, and presumably died there. FormID: 000D93E0 BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumIntro BardsCollegeLuteDrumIntroTopic CUST 2 Now all I need to do is find someone to get it. Wait. You. You could do it. I need you to get me that drum. FormID: 000D93DF BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumBackstory BardsCollegeLuteDrumBackstoryTopic CUST 0 You're joking, right? Rjorn? Only the most famous battle drummer of the second age. Well, famous among bards at least. FormID: 000D93DF BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumBackstory BardsCollegeLuteDrumBackstoryTopic CUST 1 That drum has been in half a dozen famous battles. It's a priceless artifact. FormID: 000D93DF BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumBackstory BardsCollegeLuteDrumBackstoryTopic CUST 2 Rjorn was always looking for new stories to tell. It seems he was writing a lay about Halldir when he vanished. That was the missing clue. FormID: 000D93DC BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumEnd BardsCollegeDrumEndTopic CUST 0 At last! I have searched for this drum for 20 years. FormID: 000D93DC BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeDrumEnd BardsCollegeDrumEndTopic CUST 1 The college treasury is a bit thin right now. But I can show you some tricks I learned from my days with the army. FormID: 000D938B FreeformCaravansA HELO 0 Bandits harass the caravans at every step, but Khajiit usually scare them off. FormID: 000D938A FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAQuestGiveTopic CUST 0 A few days ago, we were ambushed. A nuisance, really, but many of the marauders had quick fingers. FormID: 000D938A FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAQuestGiveTopic CUST 1 One of them stole my Moon Amulet, given to me by my mother when I was just a cub. It is my only memory of home in this cold land. FormID: 000D9389 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAAccept CUST 0 You are kind to offer. We believe the bandits are a part of a group headquartered here. FormID: 000D9389 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAAccept CUST 1 Be careful. I miss my amulet, but a life cannot be replaced as easily. FormID: 000D9388 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestGive FreeformCaravansAReject CUST 0 We are used to the cycle of gain and loss. It is no trouble. FormID: 000D9391 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestEnd FreeformCaravansAQuestEndTopic CUST 0 There it is. Ah.... Home.... nostalgic FormID: 000D9391 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestEnd FreeformCaravansAQuestEndTopic CUST 1 If you ever need the skills of a Khajiit warrior by your side, I would be honored to travel with you. FormID: 000D9391 FreeformCaravansA FreeformCaravansAQuestEnd FreeformCaravansAQuestEndTopic CUST 2 Until then, here. This is for you, in thanks. FormID: 000D9332 CreatureDialogueWisp HIT_ 0 FormID: 000D931E dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_Attack ATCK 0 Now you die! FormID: 000D931F dunPOITundraWitchShackQST dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_Attack ATCK 0 You should never have come here! FormID: 000D8F05 MS03 MS03LouisQuestGiveBranch MS03LouisGreet0b CUST 0 Excellent. FormID: 000D8F08 MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema03 CUST 0 He's Solitude's priest of Arkay. He's the one who figured out Potema was still around. He'll help as much as he can. FormID: 000D906B MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema4 CUST 0 I'm not really sure. Styrr thinks you have some sort of link to Potema. FormID: 000D906B MS06 MS06FalkPotema MS06FalkPotema4 CUST 1 I trust his judgment on this. As a priest of Arkay he's had to deal with necromancy before. Nothing as dangerous as Potema though. FormID: 000E774B MS06 GBYE 0 Good luck. I'm counting on you. FormID: 000E774C MS06 GBYE 0 Taking on Potema won't be easy. But you are the one to do it. FormID: 000D8E97 MS06Start MS06StartElisifBlowOff MS06StartElisifBlowOffTopic CUST 0 Oh, I thought that matter was handled. I think Falk is taking care of that. FormID: 000D8E94 MS06Start MS06StartElisifInCourt MS06StartElisifInCourtTopic CUST 0 Please don't interrupt the court. FormID: 000D8E95 MS06Start MS06StartElisifInCourt MS06StartElisifInCourtTopic CUST 0 Court is in session. FormID: 000D8E96 MS06Start MS06StartElisifInCourt MS06StartElisifInCourtTopic CUST 0 I'm trying to speak to the Jarl. FormID: 000D90CB MS06Start MS06StartSybilleStentor MS06StartSybilleStentorTopic CUST 0 Not really. Varnius Junius is a fool. I'm sure nothing will come of it. FormID: 000D90CB MS06Start MS06StartSybilleStentor MS06StartSybilleStentorTopic CUST 1 I suppose if you're truly interested you could talk to Falk. He's the better-safe-than-sorry type. FormID: 000D90A0 MS06Start MS06StartVarnius MS06StartVarniusTopic CUST 0 I've done my part, Dragon Bridge will have extra guards. Falk Firebeard will find a way to take care of the cave. FormID: 000D8E64 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Steal anything from my shop, and you'll regret it. Warning FormID: 000D8E65 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seein' you, stranger. Disinterested, ambivalent FormID: 000D8E66 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 You hear any juicy gossip in town, be sure to share it with me! FormID: 000D8E67 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'll be right here if you need anything else. FormID: 000D8E68 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 See me at my forge if you need arms or armor. FormID: 000D8E69 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good steel's worth every septim. Remember that. FormID: 000D8E6A DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Life is far too short, my friend. Don't waste it! Kindly, well-intentioned. FormID: 000D8E6B DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 We'll all meet Arkay sooner or later. Best to enjoy the time we've got. Kindly, well-intentioned. FormID: 000D8E6C DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good to talk to you. Polite, friendly. FormID: 000D8E6D DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 You'll meet a lot of tongue-wagging gossips in this town. Try not to take them too seriously. Polite, friendly. FormID: 000D8E6E DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Mind what you say! The Empire has ears all over this town. Paranoid FormID: 000D8E6F DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Mark my words, I'll be Jarl again someday! Slightly mad FormID: 000D8E70 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 May wisdom forever light your path. Polite FormID: 000D8E71 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be safe, traveler. Polite FormID: 000D8E72 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't judge Dengeir too harshly. He is old, but he means well. Apologetic FormID: 000D8E73 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 May your time in Falkreath be pleasant. Trying to sound formal/official, but not really succeeding. FormID: 000D8E74 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Come and see me again sometime. I might have some use for you. Pompous, arrogant FormID: 000D8E75 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 We're done here, I think. Pompous, arrogant FormID: 000D8E76 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep in song in your heart to ward off the gloom. Friendly, cheerful FormID: 000D8E77 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathGoodbyes GBYE 0 Perhaps one day, I'll write a song about you! Friendly, cheerful FormID: 000D8E5E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHome DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHomeTopic CUST 0 Oh, merciful Arkay, no! I am too old and frail, and this graveyard is too large. FormID: 000D8E5E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHome DialogueFalkreathRunilTopicHomeTopic CUST 1 Kust is my assistant. He helps me tend the headstones and keep our cemetery clean, as befits a place of rest. FormID: 000D8E5D DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomy DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomyTopic CUST 0 Yes, and I couldn't tell you why. FormID: 000D8E5D DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomy DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicGloomyTopic CUST 1 My wife and I think there's some dark magic at work. Or perhaps Arkay's influence is strong here, and he likes to keep it this way. FormID: 000D8E5C DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetary DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetaryTopic CUST 0 The cemetery is ancient. It's been here longer than the town. FormID: 000D8E5C DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetary DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetaryTopic CUST 1 I'm no scholar, but I know that a lot of battles have been fought here over the course of history. FormID: 000D8E5C DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetary DialogueFalkreathMathiesTopicCemetaryTopic CUST 2 After each battle, more dead were buried, and the graveyard got bigger. I've heard it's now the biggest graveyard in Skyrim. FormID: 000D8E60 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Call upon me if I can be of any service. Polite FormID: 000D8E61 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Browse as much as you like, please. Polite FormID: 000D8E62 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Look around all you want, but don't try anything funny. Warning FormID: 000D8E63 DialogueFalkreath FalkreathIdles IDLE 0 Hey! You planning to steal something? Don't even think about it. Warning FormID: 000D8E36 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic CUST 0 Before we get down to business, I've got something I need you to do. FormID: 000D8E35 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, as you know, the Guild's growing and things are looking up around here. FormID: 000D8E35 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic01 CUST 1 The only thing we're lacking is a reliable way to transport our merchandise across Skyrim. FormID: 000D8E33 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there are several Khajiit Caravans that travel across the realm. FormID: 000D8E33 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic02 CUST 1 They're shrewd traders and don't mind getting their hands dirty. I've bartered with their leader, Ri'saad, on more than one occasion. being coy FormID: 000D8E31 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Actually, I want you to bring him something. You see, the caravans are notorious for transporting illegal substances. FormID: 000D8E31 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanBranch TGFenceCaravanBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Present Ri'saad with this satchel of Moon Sugar, and I bet my last septim he'll make a deal. FormID: 000D8E3E TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranch TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranchTopic CUST 0 It's an illegal substance highly favored by the Khajiit. Very difficult to come by. FormID: 000D8E3E TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranch TGFenceCaravanTonMoonSugarBranchTopic CUST 1 If Moon Sugar is refined properly, it can be used to make skooma, another substance that will knock you over after a single draught. FormID: 000D8E39 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonBranch TGFenceCaravanTonBranchTopic CUST 0 Ri'saad is the head of a small syndicate of independent merchant families. FormID: 000D8E39 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonBranch TGFenceCaravanTonBranchTopic CUST 1 Each caravan is obliged to pay dues, but in return a small portion of the profits are shared between them and the leader parcels out the routes. FormID: 000D8E39 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanTonBranch TGFenceCaravanTonBranchTopic CUST 2 If we could make contact with them, they could provide an excellent way to inconspicuously transport goods for us. FormID: 000D8E38 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic CUST 0 You approach as if you know us, stranger. Who are you and what do you want? very wary FormID: 000D8E37 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yes, I've heard the Guild is rising back to power. An alliance would be most beneficial to both parties. thinking to self, pensive FormID: 000D8E37 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I'll consider the offer, but I'll have to discuss it with the other caravans. FormID: 000D8E34 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Ah, Moon Sugar. I could smell it on you. I'm pleased with this offer, and accept. FormID: 000D8E34 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Take my word to the leaders of your guild and tell them we look forward to a prosperous and profitable future. FormID: 000D8E34 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranch TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02 CUST 2 If you happen upon any of our caravans in your travels, we'd also be more than willing to pay you a fair sum for any of your stolen goods. FormID: 000D8E32 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanDoneBranch TGFenceCaravanDoneBranchTopic CUST 0 Good, I'll contact some of my people and have them prepare some shipments right away. FormID: 000D8E32 TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanDoneBranch TGFenceCaravanDoneBranchTopic CUST 1 Good job. Here, let me give you something for all the leg work. FormID: 000D8E3C TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanHellos HELO 0 Was there anything else, or is our transaction complete? FormID: 000D8E3D TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanHellos HELO 0 Did Ri'saad accept our offer? FormID: 000D8E3A TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 Give my regards to Tonilia. Tell her I'll contact her soon. FormID: 000D8E3B TGFenceCaravan TGFenceCaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 You'll find Ri'saad with his caravan group. Just don't do anything stupid when you get there. FormID: 000D8C7D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Quickly, follow me! commanding FormID: 000D8C3F MQ104 SCEN 0 But it's more than our honor at stake here. Think of it - the first dragon seen in Skyrim since the last age. FormID: 000D8C3E MQ104 SCEN 0 Could you call yourselves Nords if you ran from this monster? Are you going to let me face this thing alone? FormID: 000D8C3D MQ104 SCEN 0 The glory of killing it is ours, if you're with me! FormID: 000D8BEF dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidQuestHello HELO 0 We should get after Vals Veran before he does more damage here. FormID: 000D8BEC dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFar dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFarTopic CUST 0 I'll tell you more about it when we are nearby. FormID: 000D8BED dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFar dunHillgrundsTombMidSecretDoorFarTopic CUST 0 It's somewhere around here, Agna said to look to the Bear to find the way. FormID: 000D8BEE dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINGoodbye dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINGoodbyeTopic CUST 0 Thanks again for your help. FormID: 000D8BEB dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINHello HELO 0 I have things I should see to, but go ahead. FormID: 000D8BC9 DialogueWhiterunTempleHealFarmer SCEN 0 I feel better already. FormID: 000D8BCA DialogueWhiterunTempleHealFarmer SCEN 0 Gods bless you, healer. FormID: 000D8BCB DialogueWhiterunTempleHealFarmer SCEN 0 Thank you. The pain is already easing. FormID: 000D8BCF DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkFarmer SCEN 0 The fever's down a bit, an' I can almost see straight. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D8BD0 DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkFarmer SCEN 0 I still can't hold nothin' down, but it's better than yesterday. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D8BD1 DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkFarmer SCEN 0 My joints ache, I can't eat nothin' and my head feels like a furnace. I've seen better days. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D8BCC DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkSoldier SCEN 0 The pain's a little less than before, but it still hurts bad enough. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D8BCD DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkSoldier SCEN 0 It's not as bad as before, but I still can't get a good night's sleep. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D8BCE DialogueWhiterunTempleTalkSoldier SCEN 0 I ain't going to lie, it's still pretty bad. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D8B8E MQ104 SCEN 0 Let's go. FormID: 000D8B8D MQ104 SCEN 0 Uh... that's right. We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... faster than anything I've ever seen. trying to catch his breath and calm down FormID: 000D8B8C MQ104 SCEN 0 What did it do? Is it attacking the watchtower? FormID: 000D8B6A MQ103 SCEN 0 You see? The terminology is clearly First Era or even earlier. I'm convinced this is a copy of a much older text. FormID: 000D8B67 MQ103 SCEN 0 Perhaps dating to just after the Dragon War. If so, I could use this to cross-reference the names with other later texts. FormID: 000D8B7A MQ103 SCEN 0 Good. I'm glad you're making progress. My employers are anxious to have some tangible answers. FormID: 000D8B76 MQ103 SCEN 0 Oh, have no fear. The Jarl himself has finally taken an interest, so I'm now able to devote most of my time to this research. FormID: 000D8B74 MQ103 SCEN 0 Yes, yes. Don't worry. Although the chance to see a living dragon up close would be tremendously valuable... trailing off as he imagines the wondrous possibilities FormID: 000D8B72 MQ103 SCEN 0 Time is running, Farengar, don't forget. This isn't some theoretical question. Dragons have come back. FormID: 000E0EB9 MQ103 MQ103FarengarRetrieveBook MQ103FarengarRetrieveBookTopic CUST 0 Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! Seems you are a cut above the usual brutes the Jarl sends my way. FormID: 000D8B79 MQ104 SCEN 0 Farengar! FormID: 000D8B77 MQ104 SCEN 0 Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby. FormID: 000D8B75 MQ104 SCEN 0 You should come, too. FormID: 000D8B73 MQ104 SCEN 0 A dragon! How exciting! Where was it seen? What was it doing? FormID: 000D8B71 MQ104 SCEN 0 I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you. If a dragon decides to attack Whiterun I don't know if we can stop it. ignoring the question, annoyed at his being excited about it FormID: 000D8B6F MQ104 SCEN 0 So, Irileth tells me you came from the western watchtower? worried FormID: 000D8B6D MQ104 SCEN 0 Tell him what you told me. About the dragon. FormID: 000D8B6B MQ104 SCEN 0 Don't worry, my lord. I'm the very soul of caution. FormID: 000D8B68 MQ104 SCEN 0 I should come along. I would very much like to see this dragon. eagerly FormID: 000D8B7B MQ104 SCEN 0 No. I can't afford to risk both of you. I need you here working on ways to defend the city against these dragons. FormID: 000D8B78 MQ104 SCEN 0 As you command. FormID: 000D884F CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 Hey! quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D8850 CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 Get me out of here! quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D8851 CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 Hurry! quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D8852 CWMission04 CWMission04SharedInfo IDAT 0 The guard has the key. quietly trying to get someone's attention (trying to get broken out of jail) FormID: 000D884B CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 Thanks! getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D884C CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 Let's teach these bastards a lesson. getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D884D CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 All right! getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D884E CWMission04 CWMission04PrisonerThanks CWMission04PrisonerThanksTopic CUST 0 Last but not least. Let's go! (last to get rescued) getting sprung from jail FormID: 000D8813 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 0 Listen, all I want is the truth to be revealed to the Guild. They respected Karliah, and she deserves better. FormID: 000D8813 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic CUST 1 Do whatever you can and I'd consider it a personal favor. FormID: 000D880C TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 If trying to rid yourself of stolen goods becomes a burden, and you find yourself in Winterhold, visit me at the College. FormID: 000D880C TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I've been known to handle items of questionable interest from time to time and I'll see what I can do. coy FormID: 000D880D TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 0 If you ever manage to gain entry to the College, and you find trying to rid yourself of stolen goods becoming a burden, come visit me. FormID: 000D880D TG06 TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranch TG06EnthirOutroPostSceneBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I've been known to handle items of questionable interest from time to time and I'll see what I can do. FormID: 000D8814 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Crossing the Guild was a bad idea. I'll buy goods from you after you settle your accounts. FormID: 000DEAF0 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're just in time. I got in a shipment of fine wares courtesy of the East Empire Company. FormID: 000D8815 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Come to sell me something special, or did you just want to look through my merchandise? FormID: 000D8816 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Ah, you're back. I'm hearing good things about the Guild through the grapevine. FormID: 000D8817 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Brought me more than some Firebrand Wine I trust? FormID: 000D8818 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I heard about what you did at the Guild all the way out here. Sorry, can't buy or sell anything from you. FormID: 000DEAF1 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Been a while since I've seen you at the meadery. Bring me anything interesting? FormID: 000D8819 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 What brings you to Whiterun? Got some juicy goods to sell? FormID: 000D881A TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 What have you got for me today? Nothing illegal I hope! sarcastic/coy FormID: 000D881B TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've got plenty of good merchandise for you. Take a look. FormID: 000D881C TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Rumor has it you couldn't follow the Guild's rules, so we can't do any business until it's been worked out. FormID: 000DEAF2 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Taking me up on my offer, eh? Good. FormID: 000D881D TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I'm assuming you're here for more than a social call. Down to business, eh? FormID: 000D881E TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I'm always on the lookout for all sorts of goods. Bring me whatever you... well, [QUOTE]find[QUOTE] and I'll see what I can do. FormID: 000D881F TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 So, did Delvin send you again or you here on your own this time? FormID: 000D8820 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 In trouble with the Guild, eh? Well, looks like we won't be trading merchandise until you smooth it over. FormID: 000DEAF3 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 So, you've come to see me to sell or to buy? Hm? FormID: 000D8821 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've got all sorts of interesting things for you to buy, and I assure you they're of the finest quality. FormID: 000D8822 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 If you've got the time to sell, I've got the time to buy. FormID: 000D8823 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Let's see what you have for me today. Something simple to turn around for a profit I trust. FormID: 000D8824 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've been forbidden to deal with you until amends are made with the Guild. Sorry. FormID: 000DEAF9 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Glad your here, I've been looking for some more merchandise to buy. Have lots of orders to fill and my clients don't like to wait. FormID: 000D8825 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Now I know you've come by for more than just a visit. What did you bring? FormID: 000D8826 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I promise you, I buy much more than simple silver trinkets. FormID: 000D8827 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 I've made a lot of new contacts thanks to you, and more contacts means more coin for everyone. FormID: 000D880E TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Just remember me if you get your hands on anything else. FormID: 000D880F TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Do me a favor. If you speak to Maven, tell her everything's well at hand down here, okay? FormID: 000D8810 TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Give my regards to Karliah if you see her. FormID: 000D8811 TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 Hurry back... and bring more merchandise. FormID: 000D8812 TGFences TGFencesGoodbyes GBYE 0 When you get back to Riften, tell Delvin this new arrangement's working out quite well. FormID: 000D8807 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 Working with the Guild again is the best decision I've ever made. Protection, respect and a constant flow of coin... it couldn't get any better. FormID: 000D8807 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 Best of all, there's no need to smuggle things quietly anymore. With the influence we have in Solitude, I can march it right out the front door. FormID: 000D8808 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 How could I complain when I went from Sabjorn's lackey to one of the wealthiest merchants in Whiterun in no time at all? FormID: 000D8808 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 Plus, the meadery's doing so well, I'm almost having trouble keeping up with the demand. FormID: 000D8808 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 2 I'd say things couldn't be any better. FormID: 000D8809 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 Business? Business is actually inconsequential to me. I share little of your lust for coin. FormID: 000D8809 TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 However, as promised, I'll still be more than happy to take any stolen merchandise off your hands. FormID: 000D880A TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been setting up some open trading with Tonilia back at the Guild in Riften, and it's proven to be quite profitable. FormID: 000D880A TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 There's been no word from the remnants of the Summerset Shadows, so I'm assuming you either eliminated all of them or they've fled Skyrim. FormID: 000D880A TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 2 Everything seems to be working out nicely, wouldn't you agree? FormID: 000D880B TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 0 Business is absolutely booming, my friend. FormID: 000D880B TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 1 I've taken to hiring a few extra men of my own just to keep up with all the shipments. FormID: 000D880B TGFences TGFencesBranch TGFencesBranchTopic CUST 2 Old Delvin certainly takes care of his own, doesn't he. FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 0 We found a cave under the lake. With luck, it'll lead into the prison. Walk Away FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 1 I need you to sneak in there, and free our men, killing anyone inside as you go. Once you've rescued the prisoners, head out to the courtyard. giving orders to a friend Walk Away FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 2 We'll stand guard out here and rush in as soon as we hear fighting. Walk Away FormID: 000D87F8 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 3 Should be fun. (feigning happiness) sending a friend on a dangerous mission Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 0 There's a grate outside the wall. Looks like it used to be buried in snow. I don't think they know it's there. giving the situational report to a friend Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 1 From the look of it, I'd bet it leads straight into the prison. Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 2 I need you to sneak in there, and free our men, killing anyone inside as you go. Once you've rescued the prisoners, head out to the courtyard. giving orders to a friend Walk Away FormID: 000D87F9 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendPlan CUST 3 We'll stand guard out here and rush in as soon as we hear fighting. Walk Away FormID: 00108030 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendYes CUST 0 You should wait until night fall before trying to sneak in. Talos preserve you. sincere, sending a friend into harms way for a good cause FormID: 000D87F7 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendYes CUST 0 Talos preserve you. sincere, sending a friend into harms way for a good cause FormID: 000D87F6 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendFrontal CUST 0 I have faith in you. trying to sound reassuring FormID: 000D87F6 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendFrontal CUST 1 But, if you find more trouble than you can handle, run out to the courtyard. We'll come as soon as we hear fighting. FormID: 000D87E3 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Guard! My fine's been paid, now set me free! FormID: 000D87E2 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Sorry, my ears aren't so good. You say somethin'? FormID: 000D87E1 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 I said my fine has been paid! Now let me out! FormID: 000D87E0 MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Right, right... Oh, look at that. I seem to have lost my keys. Might take me a while to find them. FormID: 000D87DF MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 You just sit tight. I'll get around to it eventually. FormID: 000D87DE MS08PrisonerSceneQuest SCEN 0 Curse you! FormID: 000D87D6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpies DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpiesTopic CUST 0 Some of these Nords will come up with any excuse to despise us. FormID: 000D87D6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpies DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpiesTopic CUST 1 And it isn't just the dark elves they hate -- they make a target of the Argonians as well. FormID: 000D87D6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpies DialogueWindhelmSuvarisSpiesTopic CUST 2 In fact, just about anyone who isn't a Nord is fair game for their bullying. FormID: 000D87D3 DA15 SCEN 0 You know, I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous time! Butterflies, blood, a Fox, a severed head... Oh, and the cheese! To die for. FormID: 000D8788 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 0 Let's see. Ah, so that's what happened to Staubin. Tragic, but I warned him he was leading those people on a fool's errand. reading FormID: 000D8788 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 1 Unfortunately, sometimes the stone of scholarship is built on the foundation of death. I'll inform the kin. FormID: 000D8788 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 2 Here, I usually pay researchers for their work when they emerge from the ruins, but they won't be needing it anymore. FormID: 000D93A0 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 0 Oh really? Hmm... this looks like someone from Staubin's little group. A brave scholar, but not very wise.... FormID: 000D93A0 dunNchuandZelQst dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoReward dunNchuandZelQstCalcimoRewardTopic CUST 1 If you find Staubin, it would be good to see any notes he may have collected. I doubt you'll find him alive, though. FormID: 000D871F MS08 SCEN 0 So, are you working with them? You think you can take me? You so much as touch me, and you're going to lose fingers. trying really hard (and failing) to sound imposing FormID: 000D871E MS08 SCEN 0 I mean it! I'll... I'll cut you in half! trying really hard (and failing) to sound intimidating FormID: 000D871D MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic03 CUST 0 I'm sorry, just... Just don't hurt me. I know you're not one of them, but you just can't help them. You can't let them know I'm here. FormID: 000D871D MS08 MS08SaadiaST20Branch MS08SaadiaST20Topic03 CUST 1 Please, will you help me? There's no one here I can trust. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 0 Turns out, we fatally underestimated the Thalmor. They smashed us with ease during the Great War. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 1 I was one of the few who escaped. For a long time, all I cared about was staying alive, and taking revenge on the Thalmor when I could. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 2 But then the dragons returned. And I remembered that the Blades used to be dragonslayers. FormID: 000D8415 MQ00 MQThalmor MQThalmorDelphineWhyHuntingCont CUST 3 And that we were sworn to protect the Dragonborn, the greatest dragonslayer of all. FormID: 000D8412 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirHornA3 CUST 0 You were given this gift by the gods for a reason. It is up to you to figure out how best to use it. FormID: 000D83F0 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 May your road lead you to warm sands. FormID: 000D83F1 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope that you will come to do business with us again. FormID: 000D83F2 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the sun keep you warm even in this land of bitter cold. FormID: 000D83F3 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until our next meeting, if such is fated. FormID: 000D83F4 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope you will find a warmer welcome in your travels than we have found in ours. FormID: 000D83F5 Caravans CaravanGoodbyes GBYE 0 The roads of Skyrim can be treacherous. If you must walk them, be wary. FormID: 000D83E7 Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Tools, wares and weapons, all for sale at fair prices. A merchant hawking wares. FormID: 000D83E8 Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Goods and wares of all kinds, and all can be yours! A merchant hawking wares FormID: 000D83E9 Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Come! Come and see what goods I offer. The barking call of a merchant selling wares FormID: 000D83EA Caravans CaravanIdles IDLE 0 Far have I traveled to bring you these fine goods. Come and see what I offer. The barking call of a merchant selling wares FormID: 000D83E4 Caravans CaravansTopicKhajiit CaravansTopicKhajiitTopic CUST 0 The Khajiit hail from a distant land called Elsweyr, bordered on the north by Cyrodiil and the south by the glistening blue waters of the sea. A fond reminiscence FormID: 000D83E4 Caravans CaravansTopicKhajiit CaravansTopicKhajiitTopic CUST 1 Elsweyr is an arid land of deserts and rocky canyons, where the sun shines warmly, always. FormID: 000D83E4 Caravans CaravansTopicKhajiit CaravansTopicKhajiitTopic CUST 2 There are cities so ancient, the sands have swallowed them whole. But now I will say no more, for I miss my home greatly. FormID: 000D83E3 Caravans CaravansTopicCaravan CaravansTopicCaravanTopic CUST 0 An astute question, for we are far from home and this is a cold, hard land. FormID: 000D83E3 Caravans CaravansTopicCaravan CaravansTopicCaravanTopic CUST 1 The wise trader finds the best opportunities, even if he must travel far to find them. Skyrim is a ripe opportunity indeed. FormID: 000D83E3 Caravans CaravansTopicCaravan CaravansTopicCaravanTopic CUST 2 The dragons and the war have scared many other traders away, but for those with courage, there is much profit to be made. Crafty, cunning FormID: 000D83E2 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicCriminals CaravansAhkariTopicCriminalsTopic CUST 0 Mostly it is the Nords. They do not like outsiders in their land, and so we are forbidden to enter the cities. FormID: 000D83E2 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicCriminals CaravansAhkariTopicCriminalsTopic CUST 1 When they look upon us, they see only pickpockets and skooma dealers. It is most unfair, but we do our best to ignore them. FormID: 000D83E1 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrim CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrimTopic CUST 0 Not long, in truth. I came to Skyrim after I found myself unwelcome in both Elsweyr and Cyrodiil. FormID: 000D83E1 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrim CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrimTopic CUST 1 I seem to have an unfortunate talent for getting myself involved in misunderstandings with the law. FormID: 000D83E1 Caravans CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrim CaravansAhkariTopicSkyrimTopic CUST 2 Ri'saad was able to look past that, and it was he who helped to set me up with a trade caravan. Now I work for him. FormID: 000D83EB Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic CUST 0 He hired the others and paid for my goods. I am allowed to run the caravan, but I pay Ri'saad a percentage of my profits. FormID: 000D83EB Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic CUST 1 I say this without bitterness, for it was Ri'saad who saved me from a life of servitude aboard a trading ship. FormID: 000D83EB Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic CUST 2 I am grateful to have the life that I do now. It is a far cry from my days as an orphan on the streets of Corinthe. FormID: 000D83E6 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2 CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2Topic CUST 0 It is Ri'saad who owns the three trading caravans that travel the roads of Skyrim. FormID: 000D83E6 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2 CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2Topic CUST 1 Long ago, I was an orphan on the streets of Corinthe. I stowed away aboard a trade ship that brought me here. It was Ri'saad who found me. FormID: 000D83E6 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2 CaravansMadranTopicRisaad2Topic CUST 2 He provided the funds to start this caravan, and put me in charge of it. I owe him more than I could ever hope to repay. FormID: 000D83E5 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicWar CaravansMadranTopicWarTopic CUST 0 Quite the opposite, in fact. FormID: 000D83E5 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicWar CaravansMadranTopicWarTopic CUST 1 The soldiers are some of our best customers, for we offer supplies and wares they cannot obtain by other means. FormID: 000D83E5 Caravans CaravansMadranTopicWar CaravansMadranTopicWarTopic CUST 2 It was Ri'saad's idea to come here now, while the land is in turmoil. Where others saw only danger, he saw opportunity. FormID: 000D8308 DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Vampire! Burn it! FormID: 000D8309 DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Vampire! To arms! FormID: 000D830A DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Burn it! Burn the vampire! FormID: 000D830B DialogueGenericVampire NOTC 0 Vampire! FormID: 000D8306 DialogueGenericVampire HELO 0 Your skin's as pale as the snow. You scared of sunlight, or something? FormID: 000D8307 DialogueGenericVampire HELO 0 Don't like those eyes you got. There's a bad hunger to them. FormID: 000D82C6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic01a CUST 0 I wish Elgrim had spent more time tutoring me then that Ingun girl. FormID: 000D7D6F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense. strong and heroic FormID: 000D7D67 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic03a CUST 0 Although it would benefit the Guild more than you can imagine, in the end, it would do more harm than good. FormID: 000D7D64 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic03b CUST 0 I'm afraid that's impossible. player's greed bothers you a bit FormID: 000D7D65 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic3c CUST 0 Good, then you understand why this is about more than just Mercer's lust for power. relieved Player finally gets it FormID: 000D7D58 DialogueWhiterunTempleHealSoldier SCEN 0 I feel better already. FormID: 000D7D59 DialogueWhiterunTempleHealSoldier SCEN 0 Gods bless you, healer. FormID: 000D7D5A DialogueWhiterunTempleHealSoldier SCEN 0 Thank you. The pain is already easing. FormID: 000D7B1E MG04 SCEN 0 Here's something to consider, Mirabelle. FormID: 000D7B1D MG04 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Night of Tears[QUOTE], by Dranor Seleth. Old book, one I'd forgotten about. This thing here... it might be what the book was about. FormID: 000D7B21 MG04 SCEN 0 I don't see the relevance. FormID: 000D7B1F MG04 SCEN 0 He proposed that the real reason Saarthal was fought over by the Elves and the Nords was because something was unearthed there. FormID: 000D7B22 MG04 SCEN 0 Something arcane. Very old, very powerful. Do you think...? FormID: 000D7B20 MG04 SCEN 0 Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll do all the research we need to figure out what we're dealing with. FormID: 000D7B0A MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneInvisibleContinue CUST 0 This is your last warning, outsider. We keep the peace, here. Stay out of our business. threatening FormID: 000D79A5 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopicTopic CUST 0 Tell me, do you believe in mighty Arkay, god of life and death? FormID: 000D7936 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchTopic CUST 0 There's one out on the road. I can't afford to chase him down but I could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company. FormID: 000D7933 DA03Start DA03StartLodBranch DA03StartLodBranchPersuadeTopic CUST 0 It's a smart man that demands something up front for his work. Some gold now and some when I have my dog. Here's the meat. FormID: 000D7934 MS03 MS03Reward MS03LouisLetrushRewardTopic CUST 0 Ha! You've done it! Got to admit, I wasn't sure you could pull it off. But you've definitely earned your pay. FormID: 000E7517 MS03 MS03Reward MS03LouisLetrushRewardTopic CUST 0 Let's make the exchange. FormID: 000E75ED MS03 MS03Reward MS03LouisLetrushRewardTopic CUST 0 I see you but I don't see Frost. Come back when you have the horse with you. FormID: 000D7937 MS03 MS03WrapUpBranch MS03WrapUpTopic CUST 0 Yes, yes. Here it is. I think I'd best be off now. FormID: 000D78A7 CreatureDialogueWitchlight DETH 0 FormID: 000D78A6 CreatureDialogueWitchlight HIT_ 0 FormID: 000D78A5 CreatureDialogueHare DETH 0 FormID: 000D78A4 CreatureDialogueHare HIT_ 0 FormID: 000D78A3 CreatureDialogueWisp DETH 0 FormID: 000D788E DA15Rumor DA15RumorBranch DA15RumorBranchTopic RUMO 0 People say there's a man wandering the streets near the Blue Palace. He seems distressed but he's not making any sense. FormID: 000D788D MS06Rumor MS06RumorBranch MS06RumorBranchTopic RUMO 0 Varnius Junius stopped by here on his way to court. He was worried about something. I'm sure Falk Firebeard could tell you what. FormID: 000D788C MS05Rumor MS05RumorBranch MS05RumorBranchTopic RUMO 0 I think the Bards College might be looking for recruits. You should speak to the head of the college, Viarmo, if you're interested. FormID: 000D7882 MGR01 IDAT 0 Ah, yes! There it is! Thank you so much. FormID: 000D7880 MS08 MS08Stage25GuardBranch MS08Stage25GuardBranchTopic CUST 0 Done. Convince him to stay out of the city while you're at it. FormID: 000D7881 MS08 MS08Stage25GuardBranch MS08Stage25GuardBranchTopic CUST 0 Takes coin to pay a fine. And you don't have enough. FormID: 000D77EB MQ101 SCEN 0 What was that? just heard an awful sound in the distance (it's a dragon roar, but you don't know that) FormID: 000D77ED MQ101 SCEN 0 There it is again. Did you hear that? hearing that awful howl again in the distance FormID: 000D77EC MQ101 SCEN 0 I said, next prisoner! shouting out orders to assembled soldiers FormID: 000D77E2 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01a CUST 0 No! Linwe prefers stealing from the deceased. Digs up the corpses, breaks into the Hall of the Dead... this horrifies you FormID: 000D77E2 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01a CUST 1 He even stole that locket right off that poor murdered girl's body... or what was left of it. FormID: 000D770B TGTQ04 TGTQ04Goodbyes GBYE 0 I'm sorry I mislead you. Return when this is over, and we'll talk about my involvement in the Thieves Guild. FormID: 000D77E1 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranch TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know. Rumor has it that she was murdered... butchered by a madman. I really try and stay out of such things. FormID: 000D77E1 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranch TGTQ04NiranyeFjotliBranchTopic CUST 1 Torsten might think Linwe or myself are responsible for Fjotli's death, but I can assure you nothing could be further from the truth. FormID: 000A0CB5 DA11FIN DA11FINVerulusGoodbyeWhileRunning DA11FINVerulusGoodbyeWhileRunningTopic CUST 0 I must return to Markarth. coming out of a daze FormID: 000D770A TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, can I help you with something? obnoxious FormID: 000D7709 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Fjotli... Fjotli... Where have I heard that name? FormID: 000D7709 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Oh, of course, the poor girl who was murdered. Such a beautiful young thing... a tragedy to be certain. FormID: 000D773A TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic02 CUST 0 How dare you! FormID: 000D773A TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic02 CUST 1 You're accusing me of taking part such a... such a... heinous act? I should have you arrested for even suggesting such a thing! FormID: 000D7728 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Now, just a moment. Let's think about this... you know, discuss it like two rational people. suddenly pleasant FormID: 000D7729 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic03 CUST 0 I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea what you're speaking of. FormID: 000D771E TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Now, just a moment. Let's think about this... you know, discuss it like two rational people. suddenly pleasant FormID: 000D771F TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic05 CUST 0 Now you're threatening me? What in the name of the Divines is wrong with you? FormID: 000D770E TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic06 CUST 0 Think I'm defenseless? Well you're wrong! about to attack FormID: 000D770C TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeBranch TGTQ04NiranyeBranchTopic07 CUST 0 Next time you wish to accuse someone of a crime, I suggest you obtain proof! FormID: 000D7708 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I had no choice. They're crazy... I could be killed! FormID: 000D772D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's a guild of Altmer thieves, they call themselves the Summerset Shadows. FormID: 000D772D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Their leader, Linwe, he's the worst of the lot. He steals valuables from the dead. FormID: 000D7727 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I used to fence for the Thieves Guild in Skyrim a long time ago. FormID: 000D7727 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic02 CUST 1 When Linwe moved into the area, he contacted me and said if I didn't fence for them, he'd kill me. FormID: 000D7723 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic03 CUST 0 If I tell you, you need to promise not to kill me. FormID: 000D7723 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic03 CUST 1 I'd prove to be quite an asset to the Thieves Guild... I'm one of the best fences in Skyrim. FormID: 000D771D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Linwe is holed up at a place called Uttering Hills Cave. He's got his entire Guild there, so be careful. FormID: 000D771D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranch TGTQ04NiranyeTruthBranchTopic04 CUST 1 After you're done with all this, come back anytime, and I'll make good on my end of the bargain. FormID: 000D7713 TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeReturnBranch TGTQ04NiranyeReturnBranchTopic CUST 0 What do you want now? You still hurling baseless accusations? FormID: 000D770F TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranch TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranchTopic CUST 0 What do you want now? You still hurling baseless accusations? FormID: 000D770D TGTQ04 TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranch TGTQ04NiranyeNoteBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Now, just a moment. Let's think about this... you know, discuss it like two rational people. suddenly pleasant FormID: 000D77E3 TGTQ04 TGTQ04Hellos HELO 0 I've already told you everything I know, I swear. FormID: 000D76EF DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro HELO 0 You're just in time to say hello to Roggvir. You're making a Grim joke. Roggvir is about to be executed. FormID: 000D76F0 DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro HELO 0 Wish I could head inside Solitude myself. Wouldn't mind seeing Roggvir get what's coming to him. FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Hmmmm... [QUOTE]Fixed[QUOTE] is such a subjective term. I think [QUOTE]treated[QUOTE] is far more appropriate, don't you? Like one does to a rash, or an arrow in the face. FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Ah, but no matter. Heartless mortal that you are, you've actually succeeded and survived. I am forced to honor my end of the bargain. emphasize [QUOTE]and[QUOTE] FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 So congratulations! You're free to go! FormID: 000D76E4 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 3 I... have been known to change my mind. So... go. Really. FormID: 000D76E5 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Oh... lovely. Now all my dear Pelagius has to worry about are the several hundred legitimate threats... FormID: 000D76E5 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 But you're not out of the woods yet! Get it? Out of the woods? FormID: 000D76E6 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Ah, wonderful, wonderful! Why waste all that hatred on yourself when it can so easily be directed at others! FormID: 000D76E6 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 But someone still has quite a bit to do. Hmmm? FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Ah! Good, good! No more barking at all hours, and chewing up my slippers. You used the hemlock, then? Damned good idea! I... FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Um... We're not talking about Barbas, are we? Clavicus Vile's... dog? Oohh... awkward. FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 Oh! That's right! Pelagius! Yes, yes, now I recall. Well done, well done. FormID: 000D76E7 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 3 Now keep going. FormID: 000D76E8 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Mortal? Insufferable. FormID: 000D76E8 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Yes, yes, you're entirely brilliant. Conquering madness and all that. Blah blah blah. stretch out [QUOTE]entirely[QUOTE] FormID: 000D76E8 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 But you're not done yet. And you could still die... happy and singing FormID: 000D76E9 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Ah, so now my dear Pelagius can hate himself for being legitimately afraid of things that actually threaten his existence... FormID: 000D76E9 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 ...but only during... the day? confused, trying to piece it all together. FormID: 000D76E9 DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 Honestly, I can't keep up. But by all means, don't stop now. FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 0 Oh, I am so happy for you! My, what a burden to have carried. But you've done it! You've conquered your own inner demons! Bravo! separate [QUOTE]bravo[QUOTE] into two exaggerated syllables FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 1 Um... FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 2 You... didn't mean... yourself. You meant... Pelagius... awkward and embarrassed FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 3 Well! Same congratulations apply! Just, you know, for what you did for the insane emperor. FormID: 000D76EA DA15 DA15SheoFinish1 DA15SheoFinish1Topic CUST 4 Conquering paranoia should be a snap after that ordeal, hmm? FormID: 000D76AA T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 0 The Gildergreen, yes. It's a bit of an eyesore at the moment. More of a problem for the pilgrims than for me, but not many of them around anymore. FormID: 000D76AB T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 0 This is the Temple of Kynareth. The Gildergreen, outside, was planted as a seedling in the early years of Whiterun. FormID: 000D76AB T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 1 Disciples of Kynareth could sense something holy in it, and traveled far to hear the winds of the goddess in its branches. FormID: 000D76AB T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 2 Of course, not as many pilgrims these days. FormID: 000D76AC T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 0 This is the Gildergreen. It was planted as a seedling in the early years of Whiterun. FormID: 000D76AC T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 1 Disciples of Kynareth could sense something holy in it, and traveled far to hear the winds of the goddess in its branches. They built the temple. FormID: 000D76AC T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaIntroTempleInfoTopic CUST 2 Of course, not as many pilgrims these days. FormID: 000D76A2 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaWhyNoPilgrims CUST 0 A big dead tree isn't very inspiring if you're coming to worship the divine of wind and rains. FormID: 000D76A2 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaWhyNoPilgrims CUST 1 Kynareth gives life, and we need a living tree to be her symbol. FormID: 000D76A0 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaNeedHelpWithTree CUST 0 I've thought about that... Trees like this never really die. They only slumber. FormID: 000D76A0 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaNeedHelpWithTree CUST 1 I think if we had some of the sap from the parent tree, we could wake up its child. FormID: 000D76A0 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaNeedHelpWithTree CUST 2 But even if you could get to the Eldergleam, you couldn't tap it. Not with any normal metal. FormID: 000D76AD T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaWhereIsTheTree CUST 0 If you want to help, you'll need something to cut into it first. FormID: 000D76A9 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaGiveMeTheKnife CUST 0 You'll have to deal with the Hagravens. I've heard about a weapon they've made for sacrificing Spriggans. FormID: 000D76A9 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaGiveMeTheKnife CUST 1 It's called [QUOTE]Nettlebane.[QUOTE] The hags terrify me, or I would have gone after it myself. FormID: 000D76A8 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaSoWhatThen CUST 0 Eldergleam is older than metal, from a time before men or elves. To even affect it, you have to tap into the old magic. FormID: 000D76A7 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaImOnIt CUST 0 Your spirit is strong. Kynareth's winds will guide your path. FormID: 000D76A7 T03 T03DanicaIntroTempleInfo T03DanicaImOnIt CUST 1 It's held in a Hagraven nest called Orphan Rock. FormID: 000D76A5 T03 T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntro T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntroTopic CUST 0 It's an old tree. Very old. They say it was a seedling when the first men were arriving from Atmora, thousands of years ago. slightly detached; reverent FormID: 000D76A5 T03 T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntro T03DanicaEldergleamInfoAfterIntroTopic CUST 1 The sap is precious. It can restore barren fields or bring life to rocks. I can use it to repair the Gildergreen, so we can worship properly again. FormID: 000D76A3 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaNotMyProblem CUST 0 You're right. It's mine. FormID: 000D76A3 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaNotMyProblem CUST 1 I may not live to see this little one grow into a new Gildergreen, but I can be remembered as the woman who planted it. FormID: 000D76A3 T03 T03DanicaQuestRunningSapBranch T03DanicaNotMyProblem CUST 2 I thank you. And may Kynareth's soft rains fall before you. FormID: 0006767B T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceEndQuestBranchTopic CUST 0 The Eldergleam has blessed us with a sapling. FormID: 000D76A1 T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceEndContinuation CUST 0 You should take it to Whiterun. Danica will want to see that the true blessings of nature lie in renewal, not a slavish maintenance. FormID: 000D769F T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceSoYouStayingHere CUST 0 I believe I'll stay here and bask in Eldergleam's warmth a bit longer. FormID: 000D76B0 T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceKThxBai CUST 0 It was my pleasure, friend. In a way, I envy you getting to carry such a direct sign of Kynareth's graces. FormID: 000D76AF T03 T03MauriceEndQuestBranch T03MauriceForceGoodbye CUST 0 Good luck on your travels. May Kynareth's wind carry only the sweetest scents. FormID: 000D766E MQ301 SCEN 0 Do vah kiin! dragon roar in the distance, shouting in challenge FormID: 000D767F MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA2 CUST 0 Of course. You already saved Whiterun from that dragon. I owe you a great deal. FormID: 000D767F MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA2 CUST 1 But I don't understand. Why let a dragon into the heart of my city when we've been working so hard to keep them out? FormID: 000D7680 MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA2 CUST 0 I'm sorry, but I can't do it. We'll just have to keep fighting the dragons as best we can. FormID: 000D7674 MQ301 MQ301JarlDragonsreach MQ301JarlDragonsreachA3 CUST 0 There must be another way. The risk is too great. FormID: 000D766F MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1New CUST 0 You may have a point. It's getting difficult to even move troops around without attracting a dragon attack. FormID: 000D766F MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1New CUST 1 By all accounts the Stormcloaks are suffering just as badly. Even Ulfric might see the sense of a truce under these conditions. FormID: 000D7670 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB1New CUST 0 I'll be the judge of that. Besides, by all reports the Stormcloaks are suffering just as much as we are from these dragon attacks. testily FormID: 000D7683 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 0 True. A pause to consolidate our gains would be useful. And the Empire can afford to look magnanimous in victory. FormID: 000D7684 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 0 Ulfric's insurrection has reached its high tide. Soon enough the rebel Jarls will realize what it means to oppose the Empire. FormID: 000D7684 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 1 But, as you say, these negotiations may offer a chance for his supporters to gracefully return to the Imperial fold. FormID: 000D7685 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 0 I think you overestimate Ulfric's chances. He's stretched himself too thin. mulling the situation to himself FormID: 000D7685 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroStormcloak CUST 1 But... we could use the breathing space to regroup. mulling the situation to himself FormID: 000D7676 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroNewA1 CUST 0 They are getting to be a problem. But I wasn't sent to Skyrim to fight dragons. FormID: 000D7676 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroNewA1 CUST 1 My job is to quell this rebellion, and I intend to do just that, dragons or no dragons. FormID: 000D7671 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB4 CUST 0 Has he? I suppose he doesn't want to miss a chance to bluster about the Empire's many crimes. sarcastic FormID: 000D7671 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB4 CUST 1 He's probably hoping I'll refuse so he can blame the Empire for being unreasonable. I think I'll have to disappoint him yet again. with an unkind smile FormID: 000D7672 MQ302 MQ302TulliusIntro MQ302TulliusIntroB4 CUST 0 Hmm. You may have a point. I'm always surprised by how seriously the Nords take these things. FormID: 000D7689 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 0 Alduin? The World-Eater of song and legend? If that's true... well, it changes the situation doesn't it? FormID: 000D7689 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 1 Even Tullius may be forced to talk sense in the face of such a threat. FormID: 000D768A MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 0 Alduin? The World-Eater of song and legend? If that's true, we're all doomed anyway. incredulously FormID: 000D768A MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroB3 CUST 1 And if it isn't true... well, then the fight to free Skyrim goes on. Either way, I don't see the use in talking to the Empire. FormID: 000D7682 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC2 CUST 0 You speak truly, Dragonborn. Sometimes the grubby business of politics clouds my eyes. FormID: 000D7682 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC2 CUST 1 Besides, it will be good to see High Hrothgar again. FormID: 000D7681 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC3 CUST 0 I don't need you to teach me how to play high politics in Skyrim. with a flash of anger at the player's impertinence FormID: 000D7681 MQ302 MQ302UlfricIntro MQ302UlfricIntroC3 CUST 1 But... you're right. There's nothing to be gained by refusing the Greybeards' request. with grudging admiration for the player's political skills FormID: 000D763F MQ101 SCEN 0 Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm. calling out prisoner's names from a ledger FormID: 000D7648 MQ101 SCEN 0 Lokir of Rorikstead. calling out prisoner's names from a ledger FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm not sure. At first they accused me of being a Stormcloak, a secret Talos worshipper... FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 1 They wanted a confession. To what didn't matter, they simply wanted me to admit to something. FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 2 I think they wanted to break me. Use me as a way to get to the rest of the Gray-Mane family. FormID: 000D7621 MS09 MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranch MS09ThoraldWhyCapturedBranchTopic CUST 3 I gave them no such pleasure. FormID: 000D7620 MS09 MS09ThoraldHowLong MS09ThoraldHowLongTopic CUST 0 Gods, I've lost count of the days. It feels like an age has passed. FormID: 000D7620 MS09 MS09ThoraldHowLong MS09ThoraldHowLongTopic CUST 1 I wish I could believe that I'd have held out forever against their torture, but I can't be so sure. FormID: 000D7620 MS09 MS09ThoraldHowLong MS09ThoraldHowLongTopic CUST 2 Now thanks to you I needn't worry anymore. FormID: 000D74D4 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 The pain is so great... This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laying down receiving medical care. he is in great pain, and should struggle to say the words. They s FormID: 000D74D5 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 Unghhh... oww... This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laying down receiving medical care. He is in great pain, and should struggle to say the words. They s FormID: 000D74D6 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 I can't bear it... make it stop... This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laying down receiving medical care. He is in great pain, and should struggle to say the words. They s FormID: 000D74D7 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 So sick... can hardly stand it... This line is spoken by a very sick farmer who is laying down receiving medical care. She is terribly weak and nauseous, and should struggle to say th FormID: 000D74D8 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 The fever... my body burns... This line is spoken by a very sick farmer who is laying down receiving medical care. She is terribly weak and nauseous, and should struggle to say th FormID: 000D74D9 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleIdleChatter IDLE 0 Ohh... ughh... This line is spoken by a very sick farmer who is laying down receiving medical care. She is terribly weak and nauseous, and should struggle to say th FormID: 000D74E2 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Has your fever cooled? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E3 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 How is the pain? Any better? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E4 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Feeling any better? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E5 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 How do you feel? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E6 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 How are you feeling? Spoken with concern, but also gentility, as a healer caring for a patient. FormID: 000D74E7 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 More rest will do you good. A healer speaking to a patient. The tone is gentle but also firm and knowing. FormID: 000D74E8 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Patience. The body needs time to mend. A healer speaking to a patient. The tone is gentle but also firm and knowing. FormID: 000D74E9 DialogueWhiterunTemple DialogueWhiterunTempleSharedInfos IDAT 0 Try to relax. You'll be well soon enough. A healer speaking to a patient. The tone is gentle but also firm and knowing. FormID: 000D74DF DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 The pain's a little less than before, but it still hurts bad enough. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D74E0 DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 It's not as bad as before, but I still can't get a good night's sleep. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D74E1 DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 I ain't going to lie, it's still pretty bad. This line is spoken by a wounded soldier who is laid up in a healer's temple. The healer is asking him how he's doing. There should be some strain, a FormID: 000D74DC DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 The fever's down a bit, an' I can almost see straight. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D74DD DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 I still can't hold nothin' down, but it's better than yesterday. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D74DE DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 My joints ache, I can't eat nothin' and my head feels like a furnace. I've seen better days. This line is spoken by a sick farmer who is very feverish and nauseous. The line should be delivered with some struggle and effort. FormID: 000D74EA DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 I feel better already. FormID: 000D74EB DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 Gods bless you, healer. FormID: 000D74EC DialogueWhiterunTemple SCEN 0 Thank you. The pain is already easing. FormID: 000D74DA DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursFaithNoBranchTopic CUST 0 I see. Well, perhaps you'll take pity on a humble priest who has lost something precious. FormID: 000D74CF DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursFaithYesBranchTopic CUST 0 I'm glad to know that, because I need your help. You see, I've lost something precious. FormID: 000D74BD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 0 By Ysmir, are you thick, or just too new to know better? FormID: 000D74BD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 1 The Companions are the oldest, most honored band of warriors in Skyrim. Whiterun was built around their hall, Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000D74BD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 2 Don't reckon they can use you. But stranger things have happened. emphasis on [QUOTE]you[QUOTE] FormID: 000D74BE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch5Topic CUST 0 By Ysmir's beard, I ain't one for humor. You know who the Companions are. So quit your asking. FormID: 000A84FE dunHillgrundsTombQST dunHillgrundsTombIntroDialog dunHillgrundsTombLetsGo CUST 0 Great! I'll unlock the door and meet you inside, then you can lead the way. FormID: 000D7246 dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWrapUpBranch dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWhatNow CUST 0 Whatever I can to put my family here back to rest. FormID: 000D7246 dunHillgrundsTombQSTFIN dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWrapUpBranch dunHillgrundsTombQSTFINWhatNow CUST 1 After that? Probably just stick around here. Saw some good game on my way here, and I'd like to stay close for a while. FormID: 000D724B dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Ah! Oh, by Kyne you startled me. There's a necromancer around here so watch yourself. Initially frightened, then relieved FormID: 000D6CC8 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 0 Just one more thing the Gray-Manes want to blame on others. FormID: 000D6CC8 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 1 It's not my fault they turned their backs on the Empire, or their mule of a son raised arms against it. FormID: 000D6CC8 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 2 And yet they want to heap the fault on my family's good name? Bah. FormID: 000D6CC9 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 0 More bad blood between the houses. Fralia is convinced our family is somehow at fault for the loss of her son. FormID: 000D6CC9 MS09 MS09BattleBornInitialTopic MS09BattleBornInitialTopicTopic CUST 1 There's no reasoning with these people anymore. FormID: 000D6CC2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 0 No, nor do I expect to. Would be too dangerous for now. FormID: 000D6CC2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 1 It's enough for me to know that he's out there somewhere, and not locked up like an animal in a cage. FormID: 000D6CC3 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 0 No, nor do I expect to. Would be too dangerous for now. FormID: 000D6CC3 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 1 It's enough for me to know that they're out there somewhere, and together again. FormID: 000D6CC1 MS09 MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfo MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfoTopic CUST 0 Haven't you heard it by now? FormID: 000D6CC1 MS09 MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfo MS09Stage20IdolafThoraldInfoTopic CUST 1 He made the mistake of supporting the Stormcloaks, and it cost him. Bitter news for his family, but a fate they should've expected. FormID: 000D6CC0 MS09 MS09Stage25JonBranch MS09Stage25JonBranchTopic CUST 0 Here's the letter. Now leave me out of this. FormID: 000D6CBF MS09 SCEN 0 We've got to find Thorald quickly! FormID: 000D6CBE MS09 SCEN 0 Get to the nearest way out! FormID: 000D6CCA MS09 SCEN 0 I can't believe you came for me! FormID: 000D6CC6 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response3 CUST 0 He must have been very convincing. laughing FormID: 000D6CC7 MS09 MS09ThoraldStage100Branch MS09Stage100Response3 CUST 0 I've never known Avulstein to be that convincing! Where is the little scamp? laughing FormID: 000D6C5D MS07 IDLE 0 I've got a little work if you're interested, traveler. FormID: 000D6C5E MS07 IDLE 0 You should see me when you get bored, stranger. FormID: 000D6C5B MS07 MS07AfterLamp2 MS07AfterLamp2Topic CUST 0 The Blackblood Marauders are... very identifiable. I didn't want anyone thinking the Blackbloods were getting too bold. FormID: 000D6C5A MS07 MS07AfterLamp3 MS07AfterLamp3Topic CUST 0 Deeja and I are more like their representatives here in Solitude. None of the Blackbloods can show themselves without being arrested. FormID: 000D6C59 MS06Start SCEN 0 Th...thank you, my Jarl thank you. FormID: 000D6C58 MS06Start SCEN 0 Perhaps a more... tempered reaction... might be called for? FormID: 000D6C54 MS06Start SCEN 0 Oh. Yes, of course you are right. Falk, tell Captain Aldis I said to assign a few extra soldiers to Dragon Bridge. FormID: 000D6C52 MS06Start SCEN 0 Thank you, Jarl Elisif. But about the cave... FormID: 000D6C51 MS06Start SCEN 0 I will have someone take care of the cave as well Varnius, you can rest easy. You're dismissed. FormID: 000D6C5C MS06Start MS06FalkReturn MS06StartFalkReturn2topic2 CUST 0 You've done a larger service to the realm than you could possibly know. A resurrected Potema... I shudder at the thought. FormID: 00036FE8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic CUST 0 Then I have an important task for you. FormID: 00036FE8 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic CUST 1 I need you to break into Mercer's home and search for anything that could tell us where he's gone. grim/serious FormID: 00036FE0 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Aye. A gift from the Black-Briars after they kicked the previous family out... place called Riftweald Manor. FormID: 00036FE0 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic01 CUST 1 He never stays there, just pays for the upkeep on it. Hired some lout by the name of Vald to guard the place. FormID: 00036FEB TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Be careful, lad. This is the last place in Skyrim I'd ever want to send you. grim FormID: 000C04B1 TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Be careful, lass. This is the last place in Skyrim I'd ever want to send you. grim FormID: 000C04AE TG07 TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranch TG07BrynjolfIntroConBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Just find a way in, get the information and leave. And you have permission to kill anyone that stands in your way. FormID: 000D69F3 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Get on with it. FormID: 000D69F4 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Stormcloak lover. FormID: 000D69F5 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Traitor! FormID: 000D69F6 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Traitor! FormID: 000D69F7 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Let's be done with it! FormID: 000D69F8 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 You betrayed us! FormID: 000D69F9 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Some gate guard you were! FormID: 000D7893 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 It shouldn't have been like this. Said to yourself absently in disbelief. FormID: 000D7894 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 I think I expected more. Said to yourself, solemnly. You've just witnessed an execution. FormID: 000D7895 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. Said outloud in a crowd. You've just witnessed an execution. FormID: 000D7896 SolitudeOpening IDLE 0 He died well. Quietly, solemnly. FormID: 000D69E8 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Good, Illdi. Soak in the lore. Jorn, what happened during the Red Year? FormID: 000D69E5 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Remember, being a bard isn't just about the music. FormID: 000D69E2 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Illdi. What year did the Aldmeri Dominion invade the Empire? FormID: 000D69DE DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Late One-seventy-one. FormID: 000D69DA DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Vvardenfell's Red Mountain erupts. Try to be precise, Jorn. FormID: 000D69D7 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1 SCEN 0 Ummm, Morrowind suffered a massive explosion... Answering a teacher's question, trailing off as if you weren't quite sure of what you were saying. FormID: 000D69C4 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene1 SCEN 0 Be sure to watch your finger positions. Especially during the transitions. FormID: 000D69F1 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene1 SCEN 0 Ataf, please play back that piece for me. FormID: 000D69E7 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene1 SCEN 0 Very good. Let's continue with our practice. FormID: 000D69E3 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 All right, let's try something a bit more... fun. Said with a bit of disdain. You don't find fun a worthy pursuit in this case. FormID: 000D69DD DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 That was better Ataf. Add a bit of emphasis on [QUOTE]Ragnar[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]Red.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D69D8 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 Remember, it's your job to [QUOTE]deliver[QUOTE] these songs. To excite the crowd. Draw them in and they will love you for it. FormID: 000D69D5 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Evette1 SolitudeFreeform06Evette1Topic CUST 0 I've got a shipment of Spices the East Empire Company is holding up. I need someone to convince them to release it. FormID: 000D69BA SolitudeFreeform06 HELO 0 You wouldn't have a few minutes to run down to the docks would you? FormID: 000D69B8 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Evette2Accept SolitudeFreeform06Evette2AcceptTopic CUST 0 Great. Get back to me when you're done and I'll give you something for your time. FormID: 000D69E9 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Evette3Denie SolitudeFreeform06Evette3DenieTopic CUST 0 Ah well. I'll keep looking for someone. Thanks anyway. FormID: 000D69E6 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Vici SolitudeFreeform06ViciTopic CUST 0 Ah yes. If she wants to pay the two thousand gold tariff than we'll be all set. FormID: 000D69DF SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06PayTariff SolitudeFreeform06PayTariffTopic CUST 0 You will? FormID: 000D69DF SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06PayTariff SolitudeFreeform06PayTariffTopic CUST 1 I mean of course you will. You can tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly. FormID: 000D69DB SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Persuade SolitudeFreeform06PersuadeTopic CUST 0 I suppose I could make an exception. I do like her spiced wine. FormID: 000D69DB SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Persuade SolitudeFreeform06PersuadeTopic CUST 1 Fine, tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly. FormID: 000D69DC SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Persuade SolitudeFreeform06PersuadeTopic CUST 0 That's not my problem. FormID: 000D69D2 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Bribe SolitudeFreeform06BribeTopic CUST 0 That would be acceptable. You can tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly. FormID: 000D69D4 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06Bribe SolitudeFreeform06BribeTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid your bargaining without the metal to back it up. FormID: 000D69B7 SolitudeFreeform06 SolitudeFreeform06EvetteReturn1 SolitudeFreeform06EvetteReturn1Topic CUST 0 Thank you so much. I swear it's a fight with them every shipment. Here's something for your troubles. FormID: 000D69F2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier1 DialogueSolitudeFrier1Topic CUST 0 Those who worship at the shrines will sometimes receive boons from the gods themselves. FormID: 000D69F2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier1 DialogueSolitudeFrier1Topic CUST 1 The nature of the favors varies per deity. Please, feel free to worship at any or all of the shrines. FormID: 000D69E4 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier2 DialogueSolitudeFrier2Topic CUST 0 Hmm? Ah, yes. That once held the shrine to Talos. But the worship of Talos was banned by the White-Gold Concordat, some time ago. FormID: 000D69E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier3 DialogueSolitudeFrier3Topic CUST 0 It's the peace treaty that ended the war with the Elves of the Aldmeri Dominion. FormID: 000D69E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier3 DialogueSolitudeFrier3Topic CUST 1 The Dominion recognized the heresy of proclaiming Talos a god. Talos was a great man, and a great Emperor... but that does not make him a god. FormID: 000D69E1 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeFrier3 DialogueSolitudeFrier3Topic CUST 2 No matter how much the Stormcloaks may wish it were so. FormID: 000D69D9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 0 Most people head over to the Winking Skeever. FormID: 000D69D9 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 1 If you're not interested in music or drink, you can at least talk to Corpulus. He can fill you in on any of the latest gossip. FormID: 000DD60A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 0 Most people head over to the Winking Skeever. FormID: 000DD60A DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeVivienne03 DialogueSolitudeVivienne03Topic CUST 1 If you're not interested in music or drink, you can at least talk to Corpulus. He can fill you in on any of the latest gossip. FormID: 000D69D6 DialogueSolitudeBardsCollegeClassPanteaScene1 SCEN 0 Go ahead, Ataf. FormID: 000D67D5 MG01 SCEN 0 I believe I've made myself rather clear. FormID: 000D67CF MG01 SCEN 0 Yes of course. I'm simply trying to understand the reasoning behind the decision. FormID: 000D67CE MG01 SCEN 0 You may be used to the Empire bowing to your every whim, but I'm afraid you'll find the Thalmor receive no such treatment here. FormID: 000D67D8 MG01 SCEN 0 You are a guest of the College, here at the pleasure of the Arch-Mage. I hope you appreciate the opportunity. FormID: 000D67D3 MG01 SCEN 0 Yes, of course. The Arch-Mage has my thanks. oily, insincere FormID: 000D67D1 MG01 SCEN 0 Very good. Then we're done here. FormID: 000D67D9 MG01 MG01AncanoArgumentBranch MG01AncanoArgumentBranchTopic CUST 0 Your superior and I were simply having a... discussion about my level of access to the College. FormID: 000D67D2 MG01 MG01AncanoArgumentBranch MG01AncanoArgumentCallOut CUST 0 Well, perhaps that is why you're merely an Apprentice here. snotty FormID: 000D67D7 MG01 MG01AncanoArgumentBranch MG01AncanoArgumentWhatAbout CUST 0 Nothing you need to concern yourself with. I shall be quite capable of observing everything that goes on here. FormID: 000D67D0 MG03 SCEN 0 I still don't see why we had to bring it back here. FormID: 000D67D4 MG03 SCEN 0 The Arch-Mage believed it important. It must be powerful. FormID: 000D67CD MG03 SCEN 0 We don't know that. We don't even know what it is. Where is Aren, anyway? FormID: 000D67D6 MG03 SCEN 0 In his quarters, with that Thalmor, Ancano. Something urgent, it sounded like. FormID: 000D67DA MG03 SCEN 0 All right, that's enough. Let's return to our business please. FormID: 000D67DB MG03 SCEN 0 All right, that's enough. Back to bed, please. FormID: 000D67AE MS12 MS12NurelionGotPhial MS12NurelionGivePhialWalkaway CUST 0 Of course, leave an old man with a ruined dream. Just like everyone else. Fool. FormID: 000D6759 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1Topic CUST 0 The Night Mother's crypt in Bravil was... desecrated. The Imperial Province is ravaged by strife. Nowhere there is safe, at present. FormID: 000D6759 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1Topic CUST 1 So Cicero brought our Lady to her new home. Here! This is the only Sanctuary left in all of Skyrim, you see. FormID: 000D6759 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch1Topic CUST 2 Such was my... honor. As Keeper. FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 0 What? Who is the Night Mother? FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 1 Oh! Oh, you jest! You jest with gullible Cicero! FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 2 You of course know that the Night Mother is our Unholy Matron. The undying spirit of a great woman who birthed the children of Sithis. FormID: 000D6758 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch2Topic CUST 3 And killed them. In his honor. sinister FormID: 000D6757 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch3 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch3Topic CUST 0 Oh, Cicero takes care of our Lady's body. Oils it, preserves it, keeps it safe. Makes sure nobody disrespects our Matron's coffin. FormID: 000D6760 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4Topic CUST 0 Hmm... That's like telling you about the cold of space, or terror of midnight. Sithis is all those things. FormID: 000D6760 DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4 DBCiceroTopLevelBranch4Topic CUST 1 He is... the Void. FormID: 000D675A DB07 HIT_ 0 Ha ha! Behold the final trick of the Fool of Hearts! You think me near death? Think again! FormID: 000D66B9 MS01 MS01MargretWeylin MS01MargretWeylinTopic CUST 0 No. I was just buying jewelry for my sister in Cyrodiil. I've never even seen that man before. exhausted FormID: 000D667E MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretBusinessTopic CUST 0 Just visiting. I had some business here. That's all. nonchalant FormID: 000D66A9 MS01 MS01MargretHow MS01MargretHowTopic CUST 0 Not much. One moment I was buying a necklace, and the rest is just a blur. exhausted FormID: 000D66B1 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretPersuade CUST 0 Was is that obvious? Damn. I must be losing my touch. exhausted FormID: 000D66B2 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretPersuade CUST 0 No. I'm not. stubborn refusal FormID: 000D6686 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretInfoInvisibleContinue CUST 0 I'm one of General Tullius's agents. I was sent to investigate the Treasury House and the Silver-Blood family. conspiratorial FormID: 000D6686 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretInfoInvisibleContinue CUST 1 They own Cidhna Mine, one of the toughest jails in Skyrim. I was hoping I could buy or steal the deed, but I don't think that's how things work here. conspiratorial FormID: 000D6686 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretInfoInvisibleContinue CUST 2 Mark my words. Thonar Silver-Blood was behind that attack in the market. Somehow. conspiratorial FormID: 000D6679 MS01 MS01MargretBlockingEnd MS01MargretBlockingEndTopic CUST 0 Rather not talk. I have to head back to Cyrodiil soon. exhausted FormID: 000D6691 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretBribe CUST 0 No. I'm telling you. There was no other reason. hiding something FormID: 000D6671 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretIntimidate CUST 0 Or else what? You'll kill me? I already had to face that today. exhausted and annoyed FormID: 000D6692 MS01 MS01MargretBusiness MS01MargretNevermind CUST 0 Thank you. The Eight keep you. blow off FormID: 000D66D6 MS01 MS01MargretEvidence MS01MargretEvidenceTopic CUST 0 So the clues point to the Treasury House, then. That makes sense. Thonar is involved in every facet of the city. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66D6 MS01 MS01MargretEvidence MS01MargretEvidenceTopic CUST 1 Here's the gold I promised. Keep following the trail and there will be more in it for you. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66C2 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You. I've seen you snooping around. Asking questions. threatening Walk Away FormID: 000D66C2 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 1 Back off. You don't want to know what happens to troublemakers here. threatening Walk Away FormID: 000D66C3 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've been warned, outsider. threatening FormID: 000D668E MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneTopic01 CUST 0 Funny. threatening FormID: 000D6676 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneTopic02 CUST 0 You're finding it. That's bad enough. threatening FormID: 000D6673 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneTopic03 CUST 0 We'll see. threatening FormID: 000D66C8 MS01GuardThreatenScene MS01GuardThreatenSceneBlocking MS01GuardThreatenSceneWalkaway CUST 0 You've been warned. threatening FormID: 000D66C1 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushBlockingTopic CUST 0 You're not one of my workers. What are you doing here? authoritarian FormID: 000D6689 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushAttackTopic CUST 0 Oh, yes. Weylin. Bastard could have at least gone crazy after we made our silver quota. emphasize [QUOTE]after[QUOTE] : [QUOTE]Bastard could have at least gone crazy AFTER we made our silver quota.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D66C5 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushWorkersTopic CUST 0 You hard of hearing? I run this smelter. And I'm late meeting our silver quota. What do you want? authoritarian FormID: 000D6672 MS01 MS01MulushBlocking MS01MulushNothingTopic CUST 0 Well then, look. Look all you want. And when you're done looking, maybe we can get some work done. sarcastic bellowing with rage FormID: 000D66BC MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushWeylinTopic CUST 0 Whatever you want to know, I don't care. I run a smelter. That's it. authoritarian FormID: 000D66E0 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushPersuade CUST 0 Fine. I did notice something odd last time we handed out the pay. Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room after he got it. giving in FormID: 000D66E1 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushPersuade CUST 0 No. I don't. FormID: 000D669C MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushBribeTopic CUST 0 For that amount, I can. Fine. I did notice something odd last time we handed out the pay. bring bribed FormID: 000D669C MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushBribeTopic CUST 1 Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room after he got it. recounting what he saw FormID: 000D669D MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushBribeTopic CUST 0 No. terse refusal FormID: 000D66C9 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushIntimidate CUST 0 Hold, on there. I think I just remembered something. The last time we handed out pay. being shaken down FormID: 000D66C9 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushIntimidate CUST 1 Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room. recounting facts FormID: 0006A8CB MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushIntimidate CUST 0 Haven't up until now. FormID: 000D66A8 MS01 MS01MulushWeylin MS01MulushNeverMind CUST 0 Hmph. blow off FormID: 000D6684 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 Every other day, seems one of the laborers runs off in the hills saying he'll join the Forsworn. frustrated, angry FormID: 000D6684 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 1 You don't like the Nords? Fine. But pledging your whole life to killing them? That's just dumb. frustrated, angry FormID: 0005538E MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 Don't get involved in that nonsense. Just want to work. refusing to talk FormID: 000553C5 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 We've lost a lot of good people to that damn crusade. Drive out the Nords, they say. Well, the Nord ain't driven out. frustrated, angry FormID: 000D6699 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 0 What? No. Thonar Silver-Blood owns it. He owns everything in Markarth. thinking: [QUOTE]what are you, an idiot?[QUOTE] FormID: 000D6699 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 1 But he hands all the paperwork over to Nepos the Nose to finish. That old man's back is heavy with burden. observational FormID: 00055369 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 0 Me and Hathrasil mostly. Mulush barks at us all day, but I wouldn't call that honest work. frustrated FormID: 00055369 MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 1 A few people in the Warrens used to work here. Degaine broke some bones a while back. Eltrys quit. Cairine is too sick. listing off FormID: 0005536A MS01 MS01MulushMarket MS01MulushMarketTopic CUST 0 Mulush. Big Orc fella. Can't miss him. gruff FormID: 000D66E3 MS01 MS01OmluagWeylin MS01OmluagWeylinTopic CUST 0 Really should talk to Mulush if you have a problem with one of the workers. refusing to talk FormID: 000D66E4 MS01 MS01OmluagWeylin MS01OmluagWeylinTopic CUST 0 The Forsworn? That's right. I'll say it. We all knew. Even that fat-headed, slave-driving Mulush knew. Just ask him about it. frustrated FormID: 000D66E4 MS01 MS01OmluagWeylin MS01OmluagWeylinTopic CUST 1 Bah. Another honest man lost in all this madness. And for what? frustrated FormID: 000D66AE MS01 MS01MulushWeylinKey MS01MulushWeylinKeyTopic CUST 0 You want Garvey. He handles the keys for the Warrens. About the only thing that disease-riddled native is good for. gruff FormID: 000D668C MS01 MS01GarveyWarrens MS01GarveyWarrensTopic CUST 0 It's where you go if you can't afford a room anywhere else. About the time they opened the mines, someone got the idea to throw beds in here. without any pride FormID: 000D668C MS01 MS01GarveyWarrens MS01GarveyWarrensTopic CUST 1 Laborers. The sick. The lame. We're all here. without any pride FormID: 000D66A0 MS01 MS01GarveyWeylin MS01GarveyWeylinTopic CUST 0 Oh yes. I know everyone who sleeps in the Warrens. Kind of the one who passes the keys around. without any pride FormID: 000D66A0 MS01 MS01GarveyWeylin MS01GarveyWeylinTopic CUST 1 I guess someone else will be taking his room, now. without any pride FormID: 000D6677 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyGiveKeyTopic CUST 0 Sorry, but you don't exactly belong here. warning a person away from a bad neighborhood FormID: 000D66AF MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyPersuade CUST 0 Trust is hard to come by here, but all right. giving in FormID: 000D66B0 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyPersuade CUST 0 No. It's not. Trust me. stubbornly refusing FormID: 000D66C6 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyBribe CUST 0 Welcome to the Warrens. ironically FormID: 000D66C7 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyBribe CUST 0 No, I don't think so. stubbornly refusing FormID: 000D6694 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyIntimidate CUST 0 Now don't get all upset. Here. Take it. being shaken down FormID: 000D6695 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyIntimidate CUST 0 And I wasn't stuttering. No key. stubbornly refusing FormID: 000D66D4 MS01 MS01GarveyGiveKey MS01GarveyLeave CUST 0 Right. blow off FormID: 000D669E MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You've been digging around where you don't belong. about to beat someone up Walk Away FormID: 000D669E MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 1 It's time you learned a lesson. about to beat someone up Walk Away FormID: 000D9DB1 MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 You again. Guess you need another lesson, huh? about to beat someone up Walk Away FormID: 000D669F MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlockingTopic CUST 0 Nepos is in charge. That's all I know. being intimidated FormID: 000D66A3 MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneTopic01 CUST 0 Let's go! about to beat someone up FormID: 000D6687 MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneTopic02 CUST 0 Someone who doesn't like you asking questions. about to beat someone up FormID: 000D667B MS01ForswornThreatenScene MS01ForswornThreatenSceneBlocking MS01ForswornThreatenSceneTopic03 CUST 0 You'll listen to this. about to beat someone up FormID: 000D66DD MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic CUST 0 Excuse me. What's your business here? suspicious, questioning FormID: 000D66DE MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic CUST 0 You again. What are you doing here? suspicious, questioning FormID: 000D66DF MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic CUST 0 Go on in. begrudgingly polite FormID: 000D66A4 MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic01 CUST 0 We haven't been expecting you, and the old man needs his rest. Come back some other time. dismissive FormID: 000D6675 MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic02 CUST 0 If you must know, I'm the maid. And the master of the house is old and needs his rest. dismissive FormID: 000D6675 MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic02 CUST 1 So if you don't have any business. Leave. dismissive FormID: 000D667D MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01BlockingTopic03 CUST 0 This is a private home, and the master of the house is a very old man. He's not to be disturbed. FormID: 000D66CD MS01 MS01UaileBlocking MS01UaileBlockingTopic04 CUST 0 That's what I thought. dismissive FormID: 000D66BE MS01 SCEN 0 Wait. It's okay, my dear. Send him in. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66BF MS01 SCEN 0 Wait. It's okay, my dear. Send her in. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6674 MS01 SCEN 0 Hmph. Yes, Nepos. begrudgingly complying FormID: 000D66AB MS01 SCEN 0 You heard him. Go on in. begrudgingly polite FormID: 000D6685 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm sorry about my housekeeper. She's a little protective of me. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6685 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic CUST 1 Now, what is it you want? old and remorseful FormID: 000D6698 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic1B CUST 0 Because my king told me to. Madanach. When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6698 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic1B CUST 1 I don't know how, but he lives. I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66C4 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlocking2B CUST 0 My king. Madanach. When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66C4 MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlocking2B CUST 1 I don't know how, but he lives. I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question. old and remorseful FormID: 000D669A MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic3B CUST 0 A monster? No. I'm just a servant. To my king, Madanach. old and remorseful FormID: 000D669A MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic3B CUST 1 When the uprising fell at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. I don't know how, but he lives. old and remorseful FormID: 000D669A MS01 MS01NeposBlocking MS01NeposBlockingTopic3B CUST 2 I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66B7 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyTopic CUST 0 My dear boy, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive? old and remorseful FormID: 000D66B8 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyTopic CUST 0 My dear girl, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive? old and remorseful FormID: 000D6690 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyInvisibleContinue CUST 0 You were seen coming in. The girl at the door is a Forsworn agent masquerading as a maid. old and remorseful FormID: 000D6690 MS01 MS01NeposWhy MS01NeposWhyInvisibleContinue CUST 1 You aren't the first one to have gotten this far. You won't be the last. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AD MS01 MS01NeposMadanach MS01NeposMadanachTopic CUST 0 He is the King in Rags. A man who once held all the Reach within his grip. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AD MS01 MS01NeposMadanach MS01NeposMadanachTopic CUST 1 He stokes the passions of the downtrodden in this city. Directs them to kill the enemies of the Forsworn in our name. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AD MS01 MS01NeposMadanach MS01NeposMadanachTopic CUST 2 All from inside Cidhna Mine. A Nord prison. The irony is quite thick. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AC MS01 MS01NeposUprising MS01NeposUprisingTopic CUST 0 Markarth and the Reach are our lands. That is why we are the Forsworn. We cannot claim the home that is rightly ours. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AC MS01 MS01NeposUprising MS01NeposUprisingTopic CUST 1 But then during their war with the elves, we had our moment. We drove the Nords out of the Reach in a great uprising. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66AC MS01 MS01NeposUprising MS01NeposUprisingTopic CUST 2 Then Ulfric and his men came. Those of us who didn't run were executed, except for myself, my king, and a handful of others. old and remorseful FormID: 000D66A1 MS01 MS01WeylinEvidence MS01WeylinEvidenceTopic CUST 0 Nepos the Nose? He's been in Markarth forever. And he's well-respected among the natives of the Reach. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D66A1 MS01 MS01WeylinEvidence MS01WeylinEvidenceTopic CUST 1 Good work. Here's your gold. I have a feeling Nepos gets his own orders, though. If you find out, I'll have more for you. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D6682 MS01 MS01RhiadaSilverBloods MS01RhiadaSilverBloodsTopic CUST 0 It's an old family. Very well-respected throughout the Reach. snobbish FormID: 000D6682 MS01 MS01RhiadaSilverBloods MS01RhiadaSilverBloodsTopic CUST 1 The Silver-Bloods run nearly all the lands in this Hold, as well as the local inn. snobbish FormID: 000D6682 MS01 MS01RhiadaSilverBloods MS01RhiadaSilverBloodsTopic CUST 2 And of course, they own Cidhna Mine, the finest prison and source of silver in Skyrim. snobbish FormID: 000D66E2 MS01 MS01RhiadaCharge MS01RhiadaChargeTopic CUST 0 You want Thonar Silver-Blood. He handles all the family business. snobbish FormID: 000D66E2 MS01 MS01RhiadaCharge MS01RhiadaChargeTopic CUST 1 If you're here to talk politics, though, you'd want his brother Thongvor. He spends most of his time in Understone Keep. snobbish FormID: 000D6683 MS01 MS01RhiadaPatrons MS01RhiadaPatronsTopic CUST 0 For one, the landowners of the Reach. It goes without saying that they rely heavily on us for our silver and support. snobbish FormID: 000D6683 MS01 MS01RhiadaPatrons MS01RhiadaPatronsTopic CUST 1 All the miners, farmers, and laborers in the Reach get their daily wages through us. snobbish FormID: 000D6683 MS01 MS01RhiadaPatrons MS01RhiadaPatronsTopic CUST 2 Nepos the Nose handles that part of our business. He has a way with the workers. snobbish FormID: 000D668D MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic CUST 0 I'm afraid he's asked to not be disturbed. He has important business. snobbish FormID: 000D66BA MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic01 CUST 0 Oh, I'm sorry to keep you. Head right in. polite FormID: 000D66BB MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic01 CUST 0 No. He isn't. stubborn refusal FormID: 000D66D2 MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic02 CUST 0 Riches are a gate-opener around here. Head right in. emphasize: [QUOTE]Riches ARE a gate-opener around here. Head right in.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D66D3 MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic02 CUST 0 Private business, I mean. No visitors. stubborn refusal FormID: 000D668A MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic03 CUST 0 Go... go right ahead then. Don't let me keep you. being shaken down FormID: 000D668B MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic03 CUST 0 I must have misheard you. Did you say you were leaving? stubborn refusal FormID: 000D66C0 MS01 MS01RhiadaThonar MS01RhiadaThonarTopic04 CUST 0 I doubt he'll be free, but all right. blow off FormID: 000D668F MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarBlockingTopic CUST 0 What are you doing here? I told them no visitors. angrily dismissive FormID: 000D66D5 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic01 CUST 0 The Imperial agent? That's right. I knew. How many dogs is the Empire going to send after me? cynical, angry FormID: 000D66D5 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic01 CUST 1 This is my business. My city. You Empire lovers should learn to stay out of it. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66D5 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic01 CUST 2 Now get out. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A6 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic02 CUST 0 They're crazy. Think they rule the Reach. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A6 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic02 CUST 1 Well guess who really runs things around here? Me. I own the mines. I make the coin pass to the right hands. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A6 MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic02 CUST 2 That answer your damn questions? Now get out. cynical, angry FormID: 000D667A MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic03 CUST 0 What did you expect? That no one was going to notice you butting into business that wasn't yours? cynical, angry FormID: 000D667A MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic03 CUST 1 The guards know who holds the purse strings in this city, and I don't like snoops. cynical, angry FormID: 000D667A MS01 MS01ThonarBlocking MS01ThonarTopic03 CUST 2 Markarth is my city. You have no right looking into my business. Now get out. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A2 MS01 SCEN 0 For the Forsworn! battle cry FormID: 000D66BD MS01 SCEN 0 What? By the gods, Betrid.... hearing something, then running FormID: 000D6693 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackTopic CUST 0 My wife. They killed her. full of rage FormID: 000D6693 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackTopic CUST 1 Damn Madanach. Damn his Forsworn backside. full of rage FormID: 000D66AA MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAttackTopic01 CUST 0 No you're not. You want to know what the Forsworn really are? full of rage FormID: 000D667C MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAttackTopic02 CUST 0 Shut up. Only the gods can judge me. You want to know what the Forsworn really are? full of rage FormID: 000D66A5 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAttack03 CUST 0 Fine. You want to know what the Forsworn really are? full of rage FormID: 000D6681 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackInvisibleContinue CUST 0 They're my puppets. I have their [QUOTE]king[QUOTE] rotting in Cidhna Mine. cynical, full of rage FormID: 000D6681 MS01 MS01ThonarAfterAttack MS01ThonarAfterAttackInvisibleContinue CUST 1 He was supposed to keep them under control. cynical, full of rage FormID: 000D6670 MS01 MS01ThonarDeal MS01ThonarDealTopic CUST 0 When their uprising was crushed, I had Madanach brought to me. He was a wild animal, but a useful one. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6670 MS01 MS01ThonarDeal MS01ThonarDealTopic CUST 1 I offered him a stay from execution if he used his influence to deal with any annoyances that came up. Competitors, agents, idiots. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6670 MS01 MS01ThonarDeal MS01ThonarDealTopic CUST 2 So I've let him run his little Forsworn rebellion from inside Cidhna Mine. Now he's out of control. cynical, angry FormID: 000D66A7 MS01 MS01ThonarMadanachDeal MS01ThonarMadanachDealTopic CUST 0 You already got what you wanted, you damn hound. This is your fault. full of rage FormID: 000D66A7 MS01 MS01ThonarMadanachDeal MS01ThonarMadanachDealTopic CUST 1 You and Madanach are animals, and I'll see you both rot to death in Cidhna Mine for this. full of rage FormID: 000D66A7 MS01 MS01ThonarMadanachDeal MS01ThonarMadanachDealTopic CUST 2 Now get out of my house! shouting, full of rage FormID: 000D6696 MS01 MS01ThonarFinalBlocking MS01ThonarFinalBlockingTopic CUST 0 Get of my house. Now. full of rage FormID: 000D6678 MS01 MS01ThonarKing MS01ThonarKingTopic CUST 0 Madanach. The King in Rags. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6678 MS01 MS01ThonarKing MS01ThonarKingTopic CUST 1 While we were off fighting the Elves in the Great War, Madanach was busy ruling over the Reach. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6678 MS01 MS01ThonarKing MS01ThonarKingTopic CUST 2 Until Ulfric came and put them down. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6680 MS01 MS01ThonarCidhnaMine MS01ThonarCidhnaMineTopic CUST 0 My prison. The source of half the silver in Skyrim. The most secure prison in Tamriel. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6680 MS01 MS01ThonarCidhnaMine MS01ThonarCidhnaMineTopic CUST 1 No one escapes. I thought keeping Madanach down there would keep him under control. cynical, angry FormID: 000D6617 CW02A SCEN 0 Hardly likely. FormID: 000D6619 CW02A SCEN 0 Just shut up and keep out of sight. dealing with an idiot FormID: 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 0 A legendary crown, dating back to King Harald's time, or before. A powerful relic of a golden age, long since passed. FormID: 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 1 Legend has it that the crown is made from the bones and teeth of ancient dragons, and is said to increase the power of the wearer. FormID: 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 2 Whatever the truth, if Ulfric get's his hands on it, it would be a powerful symbol around which to rally support for his cause. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 0 Well, to be frank, we don't. Its location was lost with King Borgas, when the Great Hunt killed him while off on his Alessian campaigns. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 1 Supposedly, his body was brought back to Skyrim and secretly buried with the crown. Knowledge of that location was lost, in the Wars of Succession. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 2 But my agents report that Galmar is pretty damned convinced Korvanjund is the tomb of King Borgas. FormID: 000D6610 CW02A CW02AAboutKorvanjund CW02AAboutKorvanjundTopic CUST 3 I know Galmar. We fought in many wars together. He's not a sentimental man taken to fancy. If he believes the crown is there... he's likely found it. FormID: 000D6611 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 We're backing Elisif. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing. a soldierly view of politics FormID: 000D6612 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 We're backing Erikur. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing. a soldierly view of politics FormID: 000D6615 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I need someone I can trust to deliver a message of great import to Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun. Walk Away FormID: 000E2D11 CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03 CUST 0 I need someone I can trust to deliver a message of great import to Jarl Hrongar of Whiterun. Walk Away FormID: 000D660D CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03YesSir CUST 0 We have it on good authority that Ulfric has raised enough men to attack the city of Whiterun. The Jarl, however, refuses the Legion's support. FormID: 000D660D CW02A MQ103TulliusRetrieveBook CW02ALeadInToCW03YesSir CUST 1 This missive should convince him. Be aware soldier, these documents contain sensitive intelligence for the Jarl's eyes only. with gravity FormID: 000D6613 CW01A CW01Hello HELO 0 I trust you'll be finished with Fort Hraggstad soon? FormID: 000DDE3F CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 Hey there! Can you believe this place? So cold my breath turns to icicles! What are we even doing up here? joking with an old friend Walk Away FormID: 000DDE3F CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Guess Tullius wants to make sure everything's locked down before launching a serious campaign for Eastmarch. speculating Walk Away FormID: 000DDE3F CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 2 Anyway, I'm glad you're here. We're outnumbered again, more so than when we took that wagon. But if we work together, we can pull this off. getting down to business Walk Away FormID: 000D87FA CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 Break our men out and head to the courtyard. We'll meet you there. confident FormID: 000E1740 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 I can't believe we're the only ones who survived. glad to be alive, but frustrated FormID: 000E1740 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Glad you were here. sincere FormID: 000E1740 CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 2 I guess... I'll hold down the fort by my lonesome. Hurry back and tell them to send a garrison. Quickly! at a loss, seeing the absurd humor of the situation FormID: 000D87FB CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 You go report our success. I'll set up a garrison here. A shame none of the prisoners made it, but their names will be remembered. FormID: 000D87FB CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Glad you were here. Couldn't have done it without you! sincere FormID: 000D87FC CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 0 Great work! Get back and report our success. I'll stay here and clean up the mess. FormID: 000D87FC CWMission04 CWMission04Friend CWMission04FriendTopic CUST 1 Glad you were here. Couldn't have done it without you! sincere FormID: 000D61D9 TG05SP SCEN 0 Come, Karliah. It's time for you and Gallus to become reunited! about to attack FormID: 000D61DC TG08A SCEN 0 Yes. That's why we need to prepare ourselves and meet Mercer on equal footing. FormID: 000D61DA TG08A SCEN 0 Woah there, lass. I appreciate the armor, but becoming a Nightingale? That was never discussed. FormID: 000D61DE TG08A SCEN 0 To hold any hope of defeating Mercer, we must have Nocturnal at our backs. very serious, almost irritated you're being questioned FormID: 000D61DE TG08A SCEN 1 If she's to accept you as one of her own, an arrangement must be struck. FormID: 000D61DB TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranch TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic01a CUST 0 Indirectly. The Trinity is usually selected from the ranks of the Guild although its existence is a closely-guarded secret. FormID: 000D61DF TGDialogueKarliah TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranch TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic01b CUST 0 The Nightingales protect the temple of Nocturnal, a place known as the Twilight Sepulcher. FormID: 000D5F11 DialogueGuardsHBlocker HELO 0 What do you need? FormID: 000D5F12 DialogueGuardsHBlocker HELO 0 What is it? FormID: 000D5EEA CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Tell me again, why I'm wasting men chasing after a fairy tale. dismissive FormID: 000D5EED CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 If Ulfric gets his hand on that crown, it won't be a fairy tale. It'll be a problem. insisting (in the middle of a heated debate) FormID: 000D5EE5 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Don't you Nords put any stock in your own traditions? I thought the Moot chose the king. goading FormID: 000D5EEF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. making a point she's made before FormID: 000D5EEF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 You've been here long enough to know that Nords aren't always sensible. pride tinged statement of fact FormID: 000D5EEF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 2 We follow our hearts. with pride FormID: 000D5EDF CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 So what - Ulfric gets this crown and then suddenly he's High King? sarcastic hyberpole FormID: 000D5EF1 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 No, it's not as simple as that, but the Jagged Crown would be a potent symbol for his cause to rally around. conceding but making a strong case FormID: 000D5EF1 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 But, if we found it first... boasting a leading suggestion FormID: 000D5EE1 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 And we gave it to Elisif? finally understanding the idea behind the argument FormID: 000D6616 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 And we gave it to Erikur? finally understanding the idea behind the argument FormID: 000D5EE2 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 In the absence of the Moot, it would further legitimize her claim. Gloating slightly as she drives her point home FormID: 00013AA2 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 In the absence of the Moot, it would further legitimize his claim. Gloating slightly as she drives her point home FormID: 000D5EF0 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Perhaps... I'm entrusting you with what resources I can spare. But I'm warning you, if this turns out to be a waste of time and men... begrudgingly considering the idea FormID: 000D5EE4 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 It won't be a waste. insisting, (not knowing when to shut up) FormID: 000D5EDD CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Make sure you take the Auxiliary here. You can send him back when you get there and find nothing but old bones and cobwebs. grumpily giving in, [QUOTE]auxiliary[QUOTE] is the player who is standing nearby FormID: 000E7A24 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Make sure you take the Auxiliary here. You can send her back when you get there and find nothing but old bones and cobwebs. grumpily giving in, [QUOTE]auxiliary[QUOTE] is the player who is standing nearby FormID: 000D5EE0 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 The Stonefist's no fool. He's found the Crown. But we'll get to it first. with certitude FormID: 000D5EE8 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 0 What's the matter, soldier? I gave you an order. I want that fort, and I want it now. Move it! annoyed, repeating an order she expects to give only once FormID: 000E7A29 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 0 Welcome back, soldier. I'm glad you made it in one piece. I'll send men to garrison the fort right away. You did well. I'm impressed. appreciative FormID: 000E7A29 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 1 But before we go any further, it's time for you to officially join the Legion. pleased with her recruit FormID: 000D5EE9 CW01A CW01RikkeGreet CW01RikkeGreetTopic CUST 0 Speak with General Tullius. He'll administer the oath. pleased with her recruit Walk Away FormID: 000D55EC MS11 MS11CrimeSceneGuardIntro MS11GuardTerribleHowsItGoing CUST 0 We're stretched thin as it is with the war. Nobody has the time to spend on this. Not pleasant, but it's the truth. FormID: 000D55EB MS11 MS11JorleifQuestOver MS11JorleifQuestOverTheEnd CUST 0 You've done this city a mighty service, friend. FormID: 000D55EB MS11 MS11JorleifQuestOver MS11JorleifQuestOverTheEnd CUST 1 I believe you'll find the guards to be a bit more cordial with you in the future. FormID: 000D55EA MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, she's dead. But I guess that's not unusual, at least not for somebody in here. FormID: 000D55EA MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 1 I mean, someone who's not me, that is. FormID: 000D55EA MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranchTopic CUST 2 Sorry, was only joking with you. FormID: 000D55E9 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyRightSoUm CUST 0 Oh, yes, right, of course! FormID: 000D55E8 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBodyLetsKeepGoing CUST 0 Not really. FormID: 000D55E7 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdActualInformation CUST 0 The only unusual thing is the shape of the cuts. FormID: 000D55E7 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdActualInformation CUST 1 They look like they were made with... well, the ancient Nords used these kinds of curved blades when they embalmed their dead. FormID: 000D55E7 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdActualInformation CUST 2 I don't know who in Windhelm would even have something like that. Other than me, of course. add a nervous chuckle at the end FormID: 000D55F0 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdWellThatsALittleObvious CUST 0 I'm too busy tending to the dead to spend my time making more of them. FormID: 000D55F0 MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdWellThatsALittleObvious CUST 1 And I wouldn't very well tell you about the cuts if I had made them, now would I? FormID: 000D55EF MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdBrushOff CUST 0 Now, I really got to get back to the body. Lot of work to prepare her for the grave. FormID: 000D55ED MS11 MS11HelgirdBodyQuestionsBranch MS11HelgirdIGuessThatsThat CUST 0 I wouldn't hold out too much hope. FormID: 000D5584 dunCragslaneQST dunCragslaneGuardTrespass TRES 0 These fights are invite only. And you're not invited. Slag off. FormID: 000D553A MQ103 MQ103OrgengarInnkeeper MQ103OrgengarInnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Out. She owns the place, she does what she wants. with a shrug FormID: 000D5538 MQ103 MQ103OrgengarInnkeeper MQ103OrgengarInnkeeperA1 CUST 0 Inn's closed. Bar's still open, though. with massive indifference FormID: 000D5538 MQ103 MQ103OrgengarInnkeeper MQ103OrgengarInnkeeperA1 CUST 1 Feel free to sit and put your head down on the table for as long as you like. I won't bother you. FormID: 000D5533 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Bring back this tablet that Farengar wants and I'll be in your debt. FormID: 000D5534 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 That tablet is your priority now. Bring that back from Bleak Falls Barrow and I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about. FormID: 000D5537 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'll introduce you to Farengar. He can be a bit... difficult. Mages. You know. apologetically FormID: 000D5535 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Farengar can explain the situation better than I can. FormID: 000D5536 MQ103 MQ103BalgruufBlocking MQ103BalgruufBlockingTopic CUST 0 Farengar is probably puttering around in his lab. Day and night. I'm not sure he ever sleeps. apologetically FormID: 000D553E MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufReward CUST 0 Here, take this as a small token of my esteem. FormID: 000D553E MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufReward CUST 1 There is another thing you could do for me. Suitable for someone of your particular talents, perhaps. slowly... thinking of what you might be able to do for him FormID: 000D553E MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufReward CUST 2 Come, let's go find Farengar, my court wizard. He's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and... rumors of dragons. FormID: 000D553C MQ102A SCEN 0 I'm sure Riverwood will be all right, dear. When the Jarl learns what's happened, he's sure to send soldiers. trying to convince himself that this is true FormID: 000D5539 MQ102A SCEN 0 Go on, Hadvar. Let's hear the rest of it. FormID: 000D531A MQ103 SCEN 0 The Jarl has finally agreed to send you back to Riverwood. FormID: 000D5319 MQ103 SCEN 0 I can't afford to send anyone else. And we don't know where the dragon is. FormID: 000D5318 MQ103 SCEN 0 Yes, Housecarl. We'll leave immediately. FormID: 000D5317 MQ103 SCEN 0 Your main job will be to keep an eye out and get the people to safety if the town is attacked. FormID: 000D5316 MQ103 SCEN 0 It's just us against a dragon, is that it? FormID: 000D531D MQ103 SCEN 0 I don't expect the three of you to fight off a dragon by yourselves. But I do expect you to do your duty. sternly FormID: 000D531C MQ103 SCEN 0 Of course. We'll keep Riverwood safe. You can count on it. FormID: 000D531B MQ103 SCEN 0 Let's move out. Time's a wasting. FormID: 000D5139 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 I'm telling you, Ulfric's planning an attack on Whiterun. insisting (in the middle of a heated debate) FormID: 000D5152 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 He'd be insane to try. He doesn't have the men. dismissive and convinced FormID: 000D513E CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 That's not what my scouts report, sir. Every day more join his cause. Riften, Dawnstar, and Winterhold support him. insisting FormID: 000D5130 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 It's not a cause. It's a rebellion. making a point about choice of words FormID: 000D5144 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Call it whatever you like, General. The man's going to try to take Whiterun. annoyed the danger is being ignored FormID: 000D5148 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Jarl Balgruuf... suggesting the Jarl will handle things FormID: 000DA253 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Jarl Hrongar... suggesting the Jarl will handle things FormID: 000D5137 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Balgruuf refuses the Legion's right to garrison troops in his city. abruptly, frustrated FormID: 000D5137 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 On the other hand, he also refuses to acknowledge Ulfric's claim. conceding it's not all bad FormID: 000DA239 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Hrongar carries on the policies of his brother and refuses to acknowledge the Legions right to garrison troops in his city. abruptly, frustrated FormID: 000DA239 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 On the plus side, he also refuses to acknowledge Ulfric's claim. conceding it's not all bad FormID: 000D514C CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Well, if he wants to stand outside the protection of the Empire, fine. Let Ulfric pillage his city. mocking, anger FormID: 000D5132 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 General. disapproving - mild rebuke FormID: 000D5149 CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 You people and your damn Jarls. venting FormID: 000D513A CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 Sir? taking offense FormID: 000D513A CW00SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 1 You can't force a Nord to accept help he hasn't asked for. playing her role as cultural advisor FormID: 000C348B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 0 I remember you, you were at Helgen. Speak to Legate Rikke. I suspect we could use someone like you. FormID: 000D5145 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 0 Are my men now giving free reign to anyone who wanders into the castle? upset at the apparent lack of security Walk Away FormID: 000D5145 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 1 Do you have some reason to be here, citizen? with authority, suspicious Walk Away FormID: 000D5146 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusForcegreetTopic CUST 0 There something I can do for you? Perhaps direct you to the nearest prison... sarcastic FormID: 000D5154 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetAlreadyMet CUST 0 Have we? incredulous FormID: 000D5154 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetAlreadyMet CUST 1 Oh. Of course. dawning recognition FormID: 000D5154 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetAlreadyMet CUST 2 You were at Helgen! placing the face FormID: 000D5135 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetPrisoner CUST 0 One of the prisoners, if I recall correctly. stress [QUOTE]PRISONERS[QUOTE] - suddenly very suspicious, realizing that this person might be a criminal FormID: 000D5142 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHelgen CUST 0 Right... Helgen.. dawning realization, [QUOTE]Riiight[QUOTE] FormID: 000D5136 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetTalkRikke CUST 0 I suspect we might have use for someone resourceful like you. Not many survived Helgen. coming around FormID: 000D5136 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetTalkRikke CUST 1 Besides, I'm sure your being imprisoned was all a terrible misunderstanding. hint of sarcasm, should read as possibly sincere FormID: 000D514B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHadvar CUST 0 Hadvar's alive? I hope that's true. He's a damn good soldier. sincere FormID: 000D514B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHadvar CUST 1 But he hasn't reported in yet, so he can't exactly confirm your story. hint of suspicion FormID: 000D514B CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetHadvar CUST 2 In the meantime, why don't you have a chat with Legate Rikke. directing the player to a recruiter FormID: 000D5150 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetFreeToGo CUST 0 I suppose that's true. Fine. willing to give the player a chance FormID: 000D5150 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00TulliusGreetFreeToGo CUST 1 Why don't you have a chat with Legate Rikke? coming around to thinking maybe the player will be useful after all FormID: 000D514D CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you lost? authoritative, suspicious - talking to someone who is trespassing FormID: 000D514E CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 You survived Helgen? General Tullius told me what happened. Not many made it out alive... impressed Walk Away FormID: 000D514E CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 1 I've got a good feeling about you. And I don't often get good feelings about anything. A warrior knows to trust her gut... considering carefully Walk Away FormID: 000D514E CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 2 I'm not going to go through the normal process with you. I've got a little test lined up. Pass that, and we'll talk about you joining the Legion. hatching a plan Walk Away FormID: 000D514F CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to test yourself at Fort Hraagstad? hinting at the challenge ahead FormID: 000D512B CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetHandleAnything CUST 0 Is that confidence, or bravado? Confidence I can use. Bravado gets soldiers killed. making a point FormID: 000D512B CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetHandleAnything CUST 1 We'll soon find out. hint of challenge to come FormID: 000D513C CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetClearOutFort CUST 0 I'm sending you to clear out Fort Hraagstad. If you survive, you'll pass. stating the terms of the challenge FormID: 000D513C CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetClearOutFort CUST 1 If you die, then I'll have no further use for your corpse. FormID: 000D5151 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetWhatTest CUST 0 The kind that evaluates your usefulness during... duress. hinting at the challenge to come FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 0 The ancients built many of the fortresses that dot the landscape of Skyrim. explaining the test FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 1 Sadly, most have fallen into disrepair. And nearly all have been overrun with bandits or other vagabonds. FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 2 Fort Hraagstad is one of the few that remains mostly intact. FormID: 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 3 We're going to install a garrison there, but first, your going to clean out the bandits that have moved in. hinting at the danger FormID: 000D5133 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAlreadyDone CUST 0 Is that so? I was right about you. well pleased FormID: 000D513F CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreet CUST 0 Oh, not so confident now, are we? amused FormID: 000D5140 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreet CUST 0 Yes. This is a test. I don't think you're regular militia material. I want to see what you're capable of. explaining herself, this is an honor she is bestowing really Walk Away FormID: 000D513D CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetNotSure CUST 0 Well, if you change your mind, you know what to do. disappointed FormID: 000D5153 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAcceptQuest CUST 0 Good. That's what I want to hear. Now go make it happen, soldier. well pleased FormID: 000D50E5 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenA1 CUST 0 Really? You're certainly... forthright about your criminal past. he's surprised (and a little amused) that you'd admit that FormID: 000D50E5 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenA1 CUST 1 But it's none of my concern who the Imperials want to execute. Especially now. What I want to know is what exactly happened at Helgen. FormID: 000D50DE MQ102 SCEN 0 What do you say now, Proventus? Shall we continue to trust in the strength of our walls? Against a dragon? FormID: 000D50D9 MQ102 SCEN 0 My lord, we should send troops to Riverwood at once. urgently FormID: 000D50D6 MQ102 SCEN 0 It's in the most immediate danger, if that dragon is lurking in the mountains... FormID: 000D50D0 MQ102 SCEN 0 The Jarl of Falkreath will view that as a provocation! He'll assume we're preparing to join Ulfric's side and attack him. FormID: 000D50CD MQ102 SCEN 0 Enough! FormID: 000D50C8 MQ102 SCEN 0 Irileth, send a detachment to Riverwood at once. decisively FormID: 000D50EF MQ102 SCEN 0 Yes, my Jarl. bowing and turning to leave FormID: 000D50E7 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroTopic CUST 0 Ah, indeed? The Jarl... Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. FormID: 000D50E8 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroTopic CUST 0 Hmm? What? Project? You think you could help me? I really don't think so. you've interrupted him and he's irritated FormID: 000D50DF MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroAlchemy CUST 0 What? I'm not even... ah, I see. You have some knowledge of the alchemical art. FormID: 000D50DC MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroMagic CUST 0 What? I never even cast... ah, I see. You have some knowledge of the Higher Art. FormID: 000D50D7 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroEnchanting CUST 0 Where? I would never... ah, I see. You are a fellow enchanter. FormID: 000D50D3 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroMage CUST 0 Please forgive my earlier rudeness. I am so often interrupted by visitors wandering in, I can occasionally become quite savage. FormID: 000D50D3 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroMage CUST 1 Now... what did you say you wanted? he completely ignored your first question FormID: 000D50CF MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarNeverMind CUST 0 The Jarl can be found in the Great Hall, probably sitting on his Jarl's throne. Not over here in a wizard's laboratory. patiently, as if to a stupid child FormID: 000D50CB MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA1 CUST 0 Straight to the point, eh? No need for tedious hows and whys. I like that. Leave those details to your betters, am I right? FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 0 Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker - perhaps even a scholar? FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 1 You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossiblilities. sarcastically FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 2 One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible. a pointed insult aimed at Proventus, who isn't even here FormID: 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 3 But I began to search for information about dragons - where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from? FormID: 000D50ED MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA3 CUST 0 You are eager to begin your adventure. Excellent. The sooner begun, the sooner done, eh? FormID: 000D50DA MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrowTopic CUST 0 An old tomb, built by the ancient Nords, perhaps dating back to the Dragon War itself. FormID: 000D50DA MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrowTopic CUST 1 Ah. Maybe you just want to know how to get there. It's near Riverwood, a miserable little village a few miles south of here. FormID: 000D50DA MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrowTopic CUST 2 I'm sure some of the locals can point you in the right direction once you get there. FormID: 000D50D1 MQ103 MQ103FarengarBleakFallsBarrow MQ103BleakFallsA1 CUST 0 Well. Must preserve some professional secrets, mustn't we? I have my sources... reliable sources. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 0 I'm not surprised you've never heard of it. Even I used to think it was just a myth. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 1 But not anymore. The Dragon War was a real event, although only the barest glimmer of the actual events has come down to us. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 2 Far back in the Mythic Era, the dragons were worshipped as gods in Skyrim. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 3 Many of the monumental ruins that still dot the landscape were, in fact, built as temples to the dragons. FormID: 000D50CE MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarTopic CUST 4 The details are lost, but at some point the Nords rebelled. After a long and terrible war, the Nords overthrew their dragon overlords. FormID: 000D50C9 MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarA1 CUST 0 Oh, no. Many were killed, of course. But many survived into historical times. FormID: 000D50C9 MQ103 MQ103FarengarDragonWar MQ103FarengarDragonWarA1 CUST 1 Why, this very palace was built by one of Balgruuf's ancestors to hold a captive dragon. Hence its name - Dragonsreach. FormID: 000D50F0 MQ103 SCEN 0 Farengar, I see you've already met my new friend here. FormID: 000D50F0 MQ103 SCEN 1 I'm sure you two will get along famously. FormID: 000D50F1 MQ103 SCEN 0 Farengar, I think I've found someone who can help you with your dragon project. FormID: 000D50E3 MQ103 SCEN 0 Go ahead and fill him in with all the details. FormID: 000D50E4 MQ103 SCEN 0 Go ahead and fill her in with all the details. FormID: 000D50DD MQ103 SCEN 0 This is a priority now. Anything we can use to fight this dragon, or dragons. We need it, quickly. Before it's too late. FormID: 000D50D8 MQ103 SCEN 0 Of course, Jarl Balgruuf. You seem to have found me an able assistant. FormID: 000D50D4 MQ103 SCEN 0 I'm sure he will prove most useful. ass-kissing FormID: 000D50D5 MQ103 SCEN 0 I'm sure she will prove most useful. ass-kissing FormID: 000D50CC MQ103 SCEN 0 Succeed at this, and you'll be rewarded. Whiterun will be in your debt. seriously FormID: 000D50C7 MQ102 SCEN 0 We should not... FormID: 000D50EE MQ102 SCEN 0 I'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people! FormID: 000D50E6 MQ102 SCEN 0 If you'll excuse me, I'll return to my duties. defeated, glum FormID: 000D50E2 MQ102 SCEN 0 That would be best. curtly - he's still annoyed at Proventus FormID: 000D50DB MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenB2 CUST 0 I should have guessed Ulfric would be mixed up in this. FormID: 000D50D2 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 0 Alvor? The smith, isn't he? Reliable, solid fellow. Not prone to flights of fancy... thinking to himself - trying to recall who Alvor is FormID: 000D50D2 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 1 And you're sure Helgen was destroyed by a dragon? This wasn't some Stormcloak raid gone wrong? almost incredulous emphasis on [QUOTE]dragon[QUOTE] FormID: 000DF1F7 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 0 Gerdur? Owns the lumber mill, if I'm not mistaken. Pillar of the community. Not prone to flights of fancy... thinking to himself - trying to recall who Alvor is FormID: 000DF1F7 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroRiverwoodA1 CUST 1 And you're sure Helgen was destroyed by a dragon? This wasn't some Stormcloak raid gone wrong? almost incredulous emphasis on [QUOTE]dragon[QUOTE] FormID: 000D50C5 MQ102 IDAT 0 By Ysmir, Irileth was right! FormID: 00098D46 MQ102 IDAT 0 You'd better speak to the Jarl, then. FormID: 00098D49 MQ102 IDAT 0 Oh, yes? We'll get to that, after I've finished dealing with this dragon situation. FormID: 000D50EC MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroHelgenA0 CUST 0 You were at Helgen when it was attacked? You saw this with your own eyes? FormID: 000D507A DunHarmugstahlQST SCEN 0 Perhaps some more Glow Dust in the next batch of potions. That should increase their resistance. FormID: 000D5079 DunHarmugstahlQST SCEN 0 No, but that won't account for the size issue. Blast, if only so many of these creatures hadn't escaped. FormID: 000D4FC5 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic CUST 0 I knew that stupid kid would try and find a way to weasel out of his debt. to self aloud FormID: 000D4FC5 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic CUST 1 Look, this is really simple. I lent him some gold, he promised to pay me back and now he says he's broke. End of story. FormID: 000D4FC2 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 0 All right, all right. I guess I made enough from his shipment. No need to waste any more time threatening a stable hand. FormID: 000D4FC2 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Tell Shadr he doesn't owe me anything. FormID: 000D4FC3 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I don't care, a deal's a deal. FormID: 000D4FBF FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Don't know why you'd help a stranger like that, but a septim's a septim... don't care where it comes from. FormID: 000D4FBF FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 1 You can tell Shadr his debt's been paid. FormID: 000D4FC0 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic02 CUST 0 You don't have enough gold to pay it off, and I'm not cutting any deals. FormID: 000D4FB8 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 0 All right, all right! Take it easy. No idea why you'd care about a stranger so much, but this isn't worth a fight. FormID: 000D4FB8 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Tell Shadr I'm forgetting about his debt. FormID: 000D4FB9 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Ha ha! Are you kidding me? I've got the entire Thieves Guild at my back. What've you got? sarcastic/angry amusement FormID: 000D4FB5 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireBranch FFRiften22SapphireBranchTopic04 CUST 0 You can go back and forth all you want, he just needs to pay. FormID: 000D4FCB FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic CUST 0 Back off, this action's all mine. No room for anyone else in the Guild on this one. FormID: 000D4FC4 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Why should I bother? I've already made a bunch of coin off of his shipment, so anything else I squeeze out of him would be a bonus. FormID: 000D4FC4 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Oh... wait a second. I see what this is. You want me to cut you in or you'll rat me out to Brynjolf. FormID: 000D4FC4 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic01 CUST 2 Tell you what. I'll give you a share right now if you forget the whole thing. scheming FormID: 000D4FC1 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Now you're talking. FormID: 000D4FC1 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Oh, if you see Shadr, remind him he still owes me that debt. FormID: 000D4FBE FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Woah, woah. Calm down. Let's just think about this for a moment. FormID: 000D4FBE FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Sigh. You win. Tell Shadr he can forget the debt. FormID: 000D4FBD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh, you heard about that, huh? Uh, sorry boss. I was going to speak to Delvin about cutting the Guild in, but I forgot. FormID: 000D4FBD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic CUST 1 You aren't angry about it, right? FormID: 000D4FB7 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Yeah, I figured it would be like that. Here you go. disappointed FormID: 000D4FB6 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGLeaderBranchTopic02 CUST 0 I got the message. Consider it forgotten, boss. FormID: 000D4FCC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 0 Oh. Well, thanks for trying I suppose. I'll just have to come up with the coin somehow. extremely dejected FormID: 000D4FCD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 0 By the Eight! You actually talked her into it? FormID: 000D4FCD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 1 I don't know what to say. I didn't think anyone in Riften even cared what happened to me. FormID: 000D4FCD FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranch FFRiften22ShadrSolvedBranchTopic CUST 2 Look, I was saving this, but I wanted you to have it. I thought I might need it if Sapphire came for me, but I don't need it anymore. FormID: 000D4FC6 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Hey, I cut you into the deal. There's nothing else to discuss. FormID: 000D4FC7 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Look, I already said Shadr doesn't owe me a thing, so get off my back. FormID: 000D4FC8 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Yeah? What's your problem? FormID: 000D4FC9 FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Any luck with Sapphire? hopeful FormID: 000D4FCA FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Hellos HELO 0 Huh? What do you want? FormID: 000D4FBA FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Goodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, this is between us now. to self, aloud FormID: 000D4FBB FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Goodbyes GBYE 0 That'll teach me to try and make extra coin around this city. to self, aloud FormID: 000D4FBC FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22Goodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful with Sapphire. She's mixes with all sorts of nasty people. FormID: 000D45E6 DunHarmugstahlQST SCEN 0 Let's see if this works... FormID: 00040F74 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 Step lightly. Who knows if those things can hear us or not. Trying to be quiet FormID: 00040F75 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 Be careful. They're faster than you'd think. Trying to be quiet. FormID: 000B31F6 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 I heard Valdr made it back safe. Too bad about the others, but at least it's one less thing to worry about. Relieved. FormID: 000D77F7 dunMossMotherQST dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos HELO 0 Hello again, friend. I'll never forget what you did for me. Genuine, deeply grateful FormID: 000D3E76 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsTopicFun WhiterunLarsTopicFunTopic CUST 0 Well, I used to sneak out at night and try to tip over the big ox in the Gray-Manes' yard. FormID: 000D3E76 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsTopicFun WhiterunLarsTopicFunTopic CUST 1 And me and Mila used to climb up on the roof of Dragonsreach and look for birds' eggs. FormID: 000D3E76 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsTopicFun WhiterunLarsTopicFunTopic CUST 2 But I don't do that stuff anymore. Father keeps catching me and then I get in trouble. FormID: 000D3E5D MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01Topic03 CUST 0 This has been going on for years. And all I've been able to find is murder and blood. I need help. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E5D MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01Topic03 CUST 1 Please. You find out why that woman was attacked, who's behind Weylin and the Forsworn, and I'll pay you for any information you bring me. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E52 MS01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01 MS01EltrysBlockingShrineBranch01Topic04 CUST 0 You want to walk away? Fine. But there's going to be no justice for that poor woman. No one to care what happened to her. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E50 MS01 MS01EltrysMarget MS01EltrysMargetTopic CUST 0 She's not from Markarth. The air about her screamed [QUOTE]outsider.[QUOTE] conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E50 MS01 MS01EltrysMarget MS01EltrysMargetTopic CUST 1 Visitors to the city usually stay at the Silver-Blood Inn. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E51 MS01 MS01EltrysWeylin MS01EltrysWeylinTopic CUST 0 He was one of the smelter workers. I used to have a job down there myself, casting silver ingots. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E51 MS01 MS01EltrysWeylin MS01EltrysWeylinTopic CUST 1 I never knew much about Weylin, except he lives in the Warrens, like all the other workers. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E56 MS01 MS01EltrysForsworn MS01EltrysForswornTopic CUST 0 They're remnants of the old rulers of Markarth. Natives of the Reach. Followers of the old ways. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E56 MS01 MS01EltrysForsworn MS01EltrysForswornTopic CUST 1 The Nords drove them out of the city. Ulfric Stormcloak and his men. That was about 20 years ago. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E56 MS01 MS01EltrysForsworn MS01EltrysForswornTopic CUST 2 But somehow they're still here, and they're killing people. conspiratorial and paranoid FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 0 Yes. It all started when I was a boy. My father owned one of the mines. Rare for anyone who isn't a Nord. tragic memories FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 1 He was killed. Guards said it was just a madman, but everyone knew the murderer was a member of the Forsworn. tragic memories FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 2 I've been trying to find out why ever since. Gotten nowhere so far, and then I got married. Have a child of my own on the way. tragic memories FormID: 000D3E5B MS01 MS01EltrysWhy MS01EltrysWhyTopic CUST 3 I swore I was going to just give up, for my child's sake, but it's like my father's ghost is haunting me. Asking me [QUOTE]Why?[QUOTE] tragic memories FormID: 000D3E53 MS01 MS01InnKerah MS01InnKerahTopic CUST 0 Please. I don't want to talk about it. All that blood. traumatized FormID: 000D3E53 MS01 MS01InnKerah MS01InnKerahTopic CUST 1 If you want answers, ask at the inn. She told me she was staying there. traumatized FormID: 000D3E64 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 0 Who? You mean that woman who was attacked in the market? remembering FormID: 000D3E64 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 1 Didn't know her. Guards dragged her body away. Last we'll hear of that. disgusted, grim FormID: 000D3E65 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 0 Who? You mean that woman who was attacked in the market the other day? remembering FormID: 000D3E65 MS01 MS01InnHogni MS01InnHogniTopic CUST 1 Don't know her. Guards dragged that Forsworn's body away, though. Last we'll hear of that. disgusted, grim FormID: 000D3E60 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. Rented the nicest room we had for a whole month. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E60 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 1 I think she's sitting by the fire. Poor girl. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E61 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. Rented the nicest room we had for a whole month. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E61 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 1 Best we all forget about her. Bad luck to talk about the dead in Markarth. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E62 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Oh yeah. Pretty little thing. Been sitting by the fire all day. thinking FormID: 000D5209 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Oh yeah. Pretty little thing. Had a room here I think. Ask the innkeeper. thinking FormID: 000D520A MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 Aye. She's by the fire. gruff FormID: 000D3E63 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 0 I remember her. Her stance. The way she walked. A trained warrior, no doubt. gruff FormID: 000D3E63 MS01 MS01Innkeeper MS01InnkeeperTopic CUST 1 She had a room here. Might talk to the innkeeper about it. gruff FormID: 000D3E55 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperKeyTopic CUST 0 Of course. But I can't just hand that over. Privacy, after all. obstinate weasel FormID: 000D3E57 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperPersuade CUST 0 Well, you seem like the honest sort. Here you are. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E58 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperPersuade CUST 0 Right. You adventuring types would never go into a room just to steal everything. sarcastic FormID: 000D3E59 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperBribeTopic CUST 0 Well, I guess Margret isn't around to complain. It's yours. forthcoming weasel FormID: 000D3E5A MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperBribeTopic CUST 0 Sorry. Margret might be dead, but the room's rented. obstinate weasel FormID: 000D3E5E MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperIntimidateTopic CUST 0 All right. I don't want any trouble. It's yours. being shaken down FormID: 000D3E5F MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? I hear more threatening words from my wife. obstinate weasel FormID: 0006A8D6 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? I say more threatening words to my husband. obstinate housewife FormID: 000D3E54 MS01 MS01InnkeeperKey MS01InnkeeperNeverMindTopic CUST 0 Did you need anything else? blow off FormID: 000D3DE1 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsBullyTopic WhiterunLarsBullyNo CUST 0 Oh, okay. I didn't think you'd help me. Nobody ever does. FormID: 000D3DE0 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunLarsBullyTopic WhiterunLarsBullyYes CUST 0 Oh, good. She'll listen to you, I just know it. FormID: 000D3D60 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletYes WhiterunAndursAmuletYesTopic CUST 0 I'll just wait here and make sure nothing foul escapes the catacombs. Cowardly FormID: 000D3D5F DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletNo WhiterunAndursAmuletNoTopic CUST 0 So be it. I'm sure Arkay will find it in his heart to forgive you... eventually. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 0 Well, as I said, Arkay is the god of life and death. You'll find his temples and Halls of the Dead all across Tamriel. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 1 Priests of Arkay such as myself perform rites for the dead and sometimes console the bereaved. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 2 We also keep a constant vigil against those who practice the vile arts of necromancy. FormID: 000D3D5E DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursFaithBlockingTopic WhiterunAndursArkayTopicTopic CUST 3 I asked the question because I was hoping you might be able to help me recover something I've lost. FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Think you've got the mettle, eh? being tough but glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 1 Honestly, the Legion can use all the able bodies it can muster. We have our hands full. A dead king, a rebellion, and now dragons? Skyrim's a mess. FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 2 If you're serious, make your way to Solitude. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. You find General Tulius there, commanding our forces in Skyrim. glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 3 But talk to Legate Rikke. She handles the local recruiting. FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Think you've got the mettle, eh? being tough but glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 1 Honestly, the Legion can use all the able bodies it can muster. We have our hands full. A dead king, a rebellion, and now dragons? Skyrim's a mess. FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 2 If you're serious, you're in the right place. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. Here you'll find General Tullius, commanding our forces in Skyrim. glad to get a new recruit FormID: 000FBA67 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 3 But talk to Legate Rikke. She handles the local recruiting. FormID: 000D3C5B CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's not running a social club. You don't join anything. Either you're a true son of Skyrim, or you're not. being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000D3C5C CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's not running a social club. You don't join anything. Either you're a true daughter of Skyrim, or you're not. (talking to woman) being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 0 You mean Ulfric's so-called [QUOTE]Stormcloak rebellion[QUOTE]? dismissing the rebellion FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 1 The Nord kings - oh, excuse me, [QUOTE]Jarls[QUOTE] - they can't seem to control their own people. So the Legion has stepped in to keep order. conceding a point, but arrogantly FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 2 Sadly, the Empire's stretched a little thin these days, and we've gotten very few reinforcements. So we've been forced to recruit locally. FormID: 000D3C5D CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 3 But rest assured, citizen. We'll put an end to this uprising... and things will get back to normal soon enough. dismissing the growing threat of war FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 0 Skyrim is the birthplace of humanity. The birthplace of honor. And those snowbacked Imperials renounced both when they laid down before the Thalmor. justifying the rebellion FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 1 Worse still, to pay for the privilege to keep his throne, the Emperor sells Skyrim and our very gods - Talos, no less! - to the damn elves. justifying the rebellion FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 2 And what did Torygg do? He and the Jarls that supported him? They took the Emperor's gold. Sold out their people for a slave master's [QUOTE]peace treaty.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 3 Ulfric did right killing him. Soon we'll rid Skyrim of elves, their bloody Justiciars, and the Jarls in their pockets. The whole damn lot of them. justifying the war FormID: 000D3C5E CW00A CW00AboutBranch CW00AboutTopic CUST 4 And we'll cleave through the Legion to get to them. FormID: 000D3C55 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 0 Not sure I understand the question. The Legion's always been in Skyrim. obviously dealing with an outsider or a moron FormID: 000D3C55 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 1 We have garrisons throughout all the provinces of the Empire. Our mission is to serve the Emperor, uphold the law, and protect the citizenry. with a bit of pride FormID: 000D3C55 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 2 Skyrim's days are darkening, and the Legion will soon be called into service like never before. But we stand ready, as always, to meet that call. determined FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 0 At first they called us that to belittle our cause. But we gladly accept being named for Ulfric Stormcloak, the only true High King of Skyrim. a mix of pride and defensiveness FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 1 We are the true sons and daughters of Skyrim, and Ulfric... he's the truest of us all. with pride FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 2 We fight to make our land great once more, to raise up strong, noble thanes, and lay low false Jarls and the cowards who hide behind them. with conviction FormID: 000D3C56 CW00A CW00JoinAboutFaction CW00JoinAboutFactionTopic CUST 3 The sound of our fury is a storm about to break on the heads of our enemies. Our friendship, a cloak of true brotherhood for all who would wear it. a stirring of manliness FormID: 000D3C57 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopicContinue CUST 0 If you are, then you make your way to Windhelm and talk to the man himself. If you're not, well friend, you'd best walk away before this gets ugly. being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000FBA68 CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopicContinue CUST 0 If you are, then you talk to the man himself. If you're not, well friend, you'd best walk away before this gets ugly. being a hard on to weed out wanna be enthusiasm from the real thing FormID: 000D3C58 CW00A CW00Hello HELO 0 The Legion's always looking for strong, capable warriors. If you think you've got what it takes, our headquarters is in Solitude. regular soldier pitching a citizen FormID: 000D5147 CW00A CW00Hello HELO 0 Speak with Legate Rikke. She will determine if you are Legion material. getting annoyed he's being bothered again FormID: 000D3BC4 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Go on in. FormID: 000D3BC5 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Oh, you again. Very droll, almost bored. FormID: 000D3BC6 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Don't cause any trouble in the city. FormID: 000D3BC7 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 You're clear to enter. FormID: 000D3BC8 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopHellos HELO 0 Move along. FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 0 Windhelm is one of the oldest human cities in all of Tamriel. In fact, it was the capital of the First Empire, which was founded by Ysgramor FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 1 The Palace of the Kings in which you now stand is one of the last buildings that remain from that era. FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 2 Long ago, the Empire used the city to garrison troops who guarded the passes to Morrowind. FormID: 000D3B9E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistory DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsHistoryTopic CUST 3 And now, thanks to you, the city is back under the Empire's banner. FormID: 000D3B9D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsSteward DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsStewardTopic CUST 0 Well, a few reasons come to mind. FormID: 000D3B9D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsSteward DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsStewardTopic CUST 1 In my days as a riverboat captain, I was known to run a tight ship. FormID: 000D3B9D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsSteward DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsStewardTopic CUST 2 That, and I made my fortune by knowing when to spend my septims, and when not to. I can't stand waste. FormID: 000D3AE7 DialogueWindhelm Isthewarreallyover IsthewarreallyoverTopic CUST 0 I wish I could say that it was, but it's not that simple. FormID: 000D3AE7 DialogueWindhelm Isthewarreallyover IsthewarreallyoverTopic CUST 1 Many Stormcloaks will fight until they die, because they still believe they're fighting for Skyrim's freedom. FormID: 000D3AE7 DialogueWindhelm Isthewarreallyover IsthewarreallyoverTopic CUST 2 But without Ulfric, the movement will wither and die. It's only a matter of time. FormID: 000D3AA9 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, looks like you're fitting in well down here. snarky FormID: 000D3AA9 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm supposed to allow you to trade in one of your pieces of Guild armor, so what will it be? FormID: 000D3AA7 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Of course... otherwise it wouldn't be much of a reward, now would it? annoyed FormID: 000D3AA7 TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 Your new piece will enhance your skill beyond that of the original. Trust me. FormID: 000D3AB0 TG04Post TG04PostSharedInfos IDAT 0 Are you sure? Once I exchange it for you, I'm not taking it back... unless you want to sell it at a discount of course. FormID: 000D3AB1 TG04Post TG04PostSharedInfos IDAT 0 Make up your mind already. FormID: 000D3AB2 TG04Post TG04PostSharedInfos IDAT 0 Okay, there you go. FormID: 000D3AAE TG04Post TG04PostToniliaBranch TG04PostToniliaBranchTopic06 CUST 0 Tough luck for you then. Come back when you have at least one of the pieces. FormID: 000D3AAC TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Take this with you. I'm not certain if it will help within the walls of the Sepulcher, but I certainly don't need it as much as you. FormID: 000D3AAC TG08B TG08BKarliahOutroBranch TG08BKarliahOutroBranchTopic04 CUST 1 I've had this bow almost my entire life, and it's never let me down. I hope it brings you the same luck. FormID: 000D39A1 DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene SCEN 0 You'll see! It was a dragon! It'll kill us all and then you'll believe me! FormID: 000D39B8 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 0 Jarl Balgruuf? He rules Whiterun Hold. A good man, perhaps a bit over-cautious, but these are dangerous times. FormID: 000D39B8 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufTopic CUST 1 So far he's managed to stay out of the war. I'm afraid it can't last, though. FormID: 000D39B3 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 0 I don't think he likes either Ulfric or Elisif much. Who can blame him? FormID: 000D39B3 MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA1 CUST 1 But I've no doubt he'll prove loyal to the Empire in the end. He's no traitor. FormID: 000D39AF MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA2 CUST 0 Of course. Skyrim has always been part of the Empire. FormID: 000D39AF MQ102A MQ102AJarlBalgruuf MQ102AJarlBalgruufA2 CUST 1 That doesn't mean I support everything the Empire's been doing lately, but Nords have never been fair-weather friends. FormID: 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 0 Ah, I forget you're new to Skyrim. Jarl Elisif, I should say, although only because she was married to Jarl Torryg when he was murdered. FormID: 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 1 Ulfric murdered Torygg, you know. Walked right into his palace in Solitude and killed him. Shouted him to death, if you believe the stories. FormID: 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 2 That's what started this whole war. The Empire couldn't ignore that. Once the jarls start killing each other, we're back to the bad old days. FormID: 000D39A9 MQ102 SCEN 0 What would you have me do, then? Nothing? FormID: 000D39A7 MQ102 SCEN 0 My lord. Please. This is no time for rash action. I just think we need more information before we act. FormID: 000D39A3 MQ102 SCEN 0 My lord. Please. You have to listen. FormID: 000D39A4 MQ102 SCEN 0 I only counsel caution. We cannot afford to act rashly in times like these. FormID: 000D39A5 MQ102 SCEN 0 If the news from Helgen is true... well, there's no telling what it means. FormID: 000D399C MQ102 SCEN 0 Who's this, then? FormID: 000D39B7 MQ102 SCEN 0 I just... FormID: 000D39B2 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethForcegreetTopic CUST 0 What's the meaning of this interruption? Jarl Balgruuf is not receiving visitors. suspiciously FormID: 000D39AE MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroA1 CUST 0 Well, that explains why the guards let you in. Come on then, the Jarl will want to speak to you personally. FormID: 000D39AB MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroA2 CUST 0 As housecarl, my job is to deal with all dangers that threaten the Jarl or his people. So you have my attention. Now, explain yourself. still suspicious FormID: 000D39A8 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroB1 CUST 0 You know about Helgen? The Jarl will want to speak to you personally. Approach. FormID: 000D39A6 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroB2 CUST 0 Whatever you have to say to the Jarl, you can say to me. FormID: 000D39A2 MQ102 MQ102IrilethForcegreet MQ102IrilethIntroC1 CUST 0 I'm starting to think... FormID: 000D399F MQ102 SCEN 0 It's all right, Irileth. I want to hear what he has to say. FormID: 000D39A0 MQ102 SCEN 0 It's all right, Irileth. I want to hear what she has to say. FormID: 0001F391 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 0 You went right out to give it to your fiancee! Don't you even remember where you left her? FormID: 0001F391 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 1 And after you told me that sweet story of how you met in Witchmist Grove! I can see why she left you. FormID: 00021260 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 0 You went right out to give it to your fiancee! Don't you even remember where you left him? FormID: 00021260 DA14 DA14YsoldaMeet2Branch DA14YsoldaMeet2BranchTopic CUST 1 And after you told me that sweet story of how you met in Witchmist Grove! I can see why he left you. FormID: 000D3786 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Gods, what a mess. FormID: 000D3788 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Hey, what the...? Shocked, suddently afraid-- discovering a bunch of dead bodies. FormID: 000D36CA TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, you could always speak to Delvin or Vex if you're looking for extra work. FormID: 000D36CA TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Or if you're looking for training, we've got plenty of it down here. Delvin, Vex, Niruin and Vipir can give you a leg up on that. FormID: 000D36CB TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If you're lookin' to get some coin for the fruits of your labor, you should talk to Tonilia. She sounds tough, but she'll cut you a fair deal. FormID: 000D36CB TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 I also suggest you spend some time in the trainin' room. Just talk to Vipir. He'll show you around. FormID: 000D36CC TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If you're ever in need of some quick coin for items you find on the job, Tonilia is the best fence around. FormID: 000D36CC TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 And besides myself, Delvin, Niruin and Vipir can help you with any sort of training you might need to sharpen your skills. FormID: 000D36CD TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll point you to the first and last person you're ever going to need to talk to. Tonilia. She's the Guild's fence. FormID: 000D36CD TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Treat her right and she'll make you rich. Try and rip her off and you'll have the whole Guild to answer to. FormID: 000D36CE TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 If talking your way out of trouble isn't enough, you could always pick up some training from Delvin, Vex or Vipir. FormID: 000D36CE TGDialogue TGDialogueGuildHelpBranch TGDialogueGuildHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Also, I recommend hitting the training room if you need lockpick practice. Helped me out of a jam more than once. FormID: 000D33C0 TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic CUST 0 So, you're the new recruit, eh? unimpressed FormID: 000D33C0 TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, looks like you and I are going to have to get very well acquainted. FormID: 000D33BF TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I'm the fence down here. You come by anything you don't exactly own and I'll pay you some coin for it. Minus a little slice for the Guild, of course. FormID: 000D33BF TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic01 CUST 1 I can also provide a few supplies useful to our trade now and again, for a small fee. FormID: 000D33BE TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic02 CUST 0 Sure, how about I get Dirge to knock you over your head and dump you into the cistern? very annoyed FormID: 000D33BE TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic02 CUST 1 Look, I've been in this business a long time and I've seen all types. You can play it tough, you can play it smart... whatever. unimpressed FormID: 000D33BE TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic02 CUST 2 At the end of the day you'll find all we care about down here is how much gold you can make us. FormID: 000D33BD TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Good. Then there isn't much more to say. FormID: 000D33BD TG02B TG02BToniliaBranch TG02BToniliaBranchTopic03 CUST 1 Here's your armor, just make sure you put it to good use. a bit sarcastic FormID: 000D33A8 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 Huh? FormID: 000D33A8 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 1 You know who I am, fool. So why you askin'? FormID: 000D33A9 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 You blind, boy? I'm a blacksmith. Any half-wit could see that. FormID: 000D33AA DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 You blind, girl? I'm a blacksmith. Any half-wit could see that. FormID: 000D33AB DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4 DialogueWhiterunEorlundTopicsBranch4Topic CUST 0 I don't think so. FormID: 000D2CFF MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapA1 CUST 0 Oh... well, I'll leave that to you. I trust you know your business. taken aback that the player has no plan FormID: 000D2CFF MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapA1 CUST 1 Probably for the best. It will give me time to see if that old trap still works - and break the news to the men. FormID: 000D2CF4 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 0 Odahviing will come to your challenge. Boziik. Krilot. He will not be able to resist your call, from the Hill of the Dovah itself... he will come. FormID: 000D2CF5 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 0 Hmm, yes. I have been pondering on exactly that question. Lingrah morah. Lingrah morah = [QUOTE]long concentration/thought[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2CF5 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 1 I have tasted the voices of Alduin's allies on the wind. Pogaan nahlaas, vokrii wah jun. wistfully - despite everything, it is good to have your fellow dragons backPogaan nahlaas, vokrii wah jun = [QUOTE]many alive, restored to (the) light[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2CF5 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonTopic CUST 2 There is one who I remember well. Odahviing. He is the one to tell us where Alduin has gone. FormID: 000D2CF3 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonA1 CUST 0 Ah, I forget how little you know of the dov. Our names are always made up of three Rotmulaag - Words of Power. FormID: 000D2CF3 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonA1 CUST 1 You see - Paar-thur-nax - a Thu'um - a Shout, yes? FormID: 000D2CF0 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonB1 CUST 0 He is not compelled to come, but the dov are prideful by nature. Few could resist such a challenge. Especially from you, Dovahkiin. FormID: 000D2CF0 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonB1 CUST 1 But Odahviing, he is... headstrong? Boziik. Rash. Even among the dov, he was known for this. FormID: 000D2CF0 MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonB1 CUST 2 He will not resist the challenge of your Voice, Dovahkiin. He will come. FormID: 000D2CEF MQ301 MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragon MQ301PaarthurnaxCallDragonC1 CUST 0 Now - hear his name. Odahviing. Taste it on the wind. Od-ah-viing. Know it in your su'um. Od-ah-viing! each time you say [QUOTE]Odahviing[QUOTE] make it louder and more enunciated, the last one should be shouted FormID: 000D2D0B MQ301 TAUT 0 Housecarl! No! FormID: 000D2D0F MQ301 TAUT 0 The Jarl's down! FormID: 000D2D15 MQ301 TAUT 0 Why are we doing this again? FormID: 000D2D2C MQ301 TAUT 0 I've got a bad feeling about this. FormID: 000D2D4F MQ301 TAUT 0 Dragonborn, do whatever you're going to do! FormID: 000D2D50 MQ301 TAUT 0 We may not be trying to kill him, but he sure seems to be trying to kill us! FormID: 000D2D57 MQ301 TAUT 0 We've got to bring it down! FormID: 000D2D6F MQ301 TAUT 0 Damn dragon! FormID: 000D2D70 MQ301 TAUT 0 Dovahkiin! Here I am! roar of challenge FormID: 000D2D72 MQ301 TAUT 0 Faaz! Nah! [QUOTE]Pain, fury![QUOTE] = [QUOTE]damn you![QUOTE] FormID: 000D2D73 MQ301 TAUT 0 So this is how you defeated Alduin. Ruth... zu'u ni Alduin. [QUOTE]Pain, fury![QUOTE] = [QUOTE]damn you![QUOTE]Zu'u ni Alduin = [QUOTE]I (am) not Alduin.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2D7E MQ301 TAUT 0 Your Thu'um is no match for mine. FormID: 000D2D9A MQ301 TAUT 0 Do not try to hide from me. FormID: 000D2DB7 MQ301 TAUT 0 Nivahriin joorre! [QUOTE]cowardly mortals![QUOTE] FormID: 000D2DB8 MQ301 TAUT 0 My Thu'um is strong! FormID: 000D2DBB MQ301 TAUT 0 Ni faas, Dovahkiin! [QUOTE](I do) not fear (you), Dragonborn[QUOTE] FormID: 000D2DBC MQ301 TAUT 0 I will conquer where Alduin failed. FormID: 000D2DBD MQ301 TAUT 0 I claim the glory of your defeat, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000D2DBE MQ301 TAUT 0 Your Thu'um is strong, Dovahkiin. But not strong enough! FormID: 000D2DBF MQ301 TAUT 0 Thu'um wah Thu'um! [QUOTE]Shout versus Shout![QUOTE] FormID: 000D2DC8 MQ301 TAUT 0 Hold your fire until he's close! FormID: 000D2DD6 MQ301 TAUT 0 Steady now! FormID: 000D2E08 MQ301 TAUT 0 We need to bring it down! FormID: 000D2E14 MQ301 TAUT 0 Keep under cover until it's down! FormID: 000D2E1B MQ301 TAUT 0 That's it! FormID: 000D2E1C MQ301 TAUT 0 We've almost got it! FormID: 000D2C91 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 You. You're coming with me. FormID: 000D2C91 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 1 We're finally going to arrest the Butcher. FormID: 000D2C8C MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Yes, sir. FormID: 000D2C88 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 What is the meaning of this? FormID: 000D2C7E MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 You're under the arrest, for the Murder of Susanna of Candlehearth Hall. And Friga Shatter-Shield. And all the rest. FormID: 000D2C7E MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 1 We're wise to your scheming, you coward. FormID: 000D2C9C MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Has the whole city lost their brains? FormID: 000D2C9C MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 1 I've been scrying and auguring to find the murderer myself. FormID: 000D2C99 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Make your excuses from the Bloodworks, wizard. the word [QUOTE]wizard[QUOTE] is almost spat, as if he was calling him a pedophile FormID: 000D2C98 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Get him out of my sight. FormID: 000D2C96 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 Yes, sir! FormID: 000D2C95 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 I'm sorry, sir. But you'll have to come with me. FormID: 000D2C92 MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 This isn't over, Jorleif! shouted -- the cries of a condemned man protesting his innocence FormID: 000D2C8D MS11WuunferthArrest SCEN 0 In you go. disdainfully, putting a prisoner into his cell FormID: 000D2BD4 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 I've got some fresh cabbage. I'm thinking of making some apple cabbage stew. FormID: 000D2BB1 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 Dorthe won't eat that. Are you trying to starve the child? FormID: 000D2C1E DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 She needs to learn to eat what I serve her. I swear, you spoil that child rotten. Besides, it's one of your favorites. FormID: 000D2C12 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 Ay, it is. I suppose it won't hurt the girl to eat it this once. FormID: 000D2C0B DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 And speaking of spoiling Dorthe, who made her a new doll last week? teasing FormID: 000D2C04 DialogueRiverwoodSceneSigridAlvor2 SCEN 0 Just never you mind about that. embarrassed FormID: 000D2BFB DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 Can the sawmill handle those logs? They look a might big. FormID: 000D2BEE DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 Ay, it can. Wouldn't want them any bigger though. FormID: 000D2BE6 DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 And the blade? FormID: 000D2BCA DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 Gettin' dull. We'll need a new one soon. FormID: 000D2BB9 DialogueRiverwoodSceneGerdurHod SCEN 0 I'll talk to Alvor about getting us a new one. FormID: 000D2C2C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 How's about a drink, Hod. FormID: 000D2C1C DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 You'll be wantin' me to pay for them? FormID: 000D2C10 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 It's only right seein' as your the important lumber man. FormID: 000D2C06 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 You come do an honest day's work at my mill, and I'll pay you an honest day's wages. Then we'll drink. FormID: 000D2C02 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 I need some more ale, Orgnar. FormID: 000D2BF6 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 You've had more than enough. Besides, you still haven't paid for the last one. FormID: 000D2BD6 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 I'll find some coin for you. I always do. FormID: 000D2BC9 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene8 SCEN 0 Until then, I've no ale for you. FormID: 000D2BB8 DialogueGenericCommanded CommandedHello HELO 0 Zombie like groan. FormID: 000D2C13 DialogueGenericCommanded CommandedGroan IDAT 0 Uhhh. Zombie like groan FormID: 000D2B48 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirAccept CUST 0 That would be wonderful. FormID: 000D2B48 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirAccept CUST 1 I'll be sure and have everything ready. This is exciting, isn't it? FormID: 000D2B44 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirReject CUST 0 Ah, well now you can help me directly! Far more useful, I think. FormID: 000D2B44 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirReject CUST 1 Please do let me know if you change your mind. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 0 Not much, I'm afraid. It was named Kahvozein's Fang after the dragon worshipped by this particular sect of the cult. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 1 They were said to be quite fond of ritual sacrifices. So fond, in fact, that the high priest spent a great deal of time sharpening the dagger. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 2 That way it was always ready for the next inevitable victim. FormID: 000D2B43 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfo MGRitual05TolfdirDaggerInfoTopic CUST 3 Perhaps not the brightest spot in Skyrim's history, eh? FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 0 Not just any dragon scales. Heartscales. Very special. FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 1 You'll need Kahvozein's Fang, of course. FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 2 Then, if you should happen upon the corpse of a dragon, you should be able to use it to slice off a heartscale or two. FormID: 000D2B42 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirReminder MGRitual05TolfdirReminderTopic CUST 3 Even just one should be enough for me to complete my research. FormID: 000D2B3D MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranch MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranchTopic CUST 0 Wonderful, just wonderful! FormID: 000D2B3D MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranch MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranchTopic CUST 1 And it's just as I suspected. The energies need to be channeled back through the nexus a second and third time... trailing off, thinking to yourself FormID: 000D2B3D MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranch MGRitual05TolfdirCompleteBranchTopic CUST 2 And that's it. I certainly think you deserve the first copy of the tome. Use it well! FormID: 000D2B3B MGRitual02 MGRitual02HaveBooks MGRitual02HaveBooksTopic CUST 0 Yes, very good. FormID: 000D2B3B MGRitual02 MGRitual02HaveBooks MGRitual02HaveBooksTopic CUST 1 Here, then, is the first of the Illusion spells you sought. FormID: 000D2B20 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic00 CUST 0 Karliah... she's still alive? FormID: 000D2B20 TG09 TG09GallusFinalIntroBranch TG09GallusFinalIntroBranchTopic00 CUST 1 I feared she'd befallen the same fate, ending up a victim of Mercer's betrayal. FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 0 Don't you see? I was like a daughter to Tova. A sister to Nilsine and Friga. But the family refuses to believe my innocence. No matter what I say. FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 1 Couldn't they understand that I was used? That I was grieving for Friga, too? No... they treated me like garbage, threw me away. FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 2 With Nilsine dead, maybe then Tova will realize what she's lost, hmm? Maybe then she'll see that I was just as much a daughter as the others. whispering, conspiratorial but talking kind of crazy FormID: 000D2AEA DB03 DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranch DB03MuiriNilsineWhyBranchTopic CUST 3 And if not, may she drown in her own tears. whispering, conspiratorial but angry FormID: 000D2ABB DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 These fruits and vegetables are disappointing, Carlotta. FormID: 000D2ABC DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 I get them fresh from the farms daily, Nazeem. FormID: 000D2ABD DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1 SCEN 0 If you were getting them from my farm, they'd be twice as fresh. FormID: 000D2A47 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Watch out! FormID: 000D2A49 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Come on now, old girl. urging horse on out of danger FormID: 000D2A4A DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Gee up, there! urging horse on out of danger FormID: 000D2A4B DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Look out! FormID: 000DD656 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Never been to Whiterun before? The Jarl's palace is something to see. Dragonsreach they call it. Big old dragon skull hanging on the wall. FormID: 000D2A4C DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 First time to Solitude? Beautiful old city. Capital of Skyrim, but I'm sure you already knew that. FormID: 000D2A4D DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Ever been to Markarth? Some say it was built by the dwarves. I don't believe a word of it though. FormID: 000DD657 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 If you've never been to Riften, be sure to visit the Black-Briar meadery. A few mugs of that and you'll forget all about the long trip. FormID: 000DD658 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Ever been to Windhelm? Oldest city in Skyrim, by some accounts. They say the big old palace there was built by Ysgramor himself. FormID: 000D2A4E DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Solitude's famous for it's Bards College. Worth a visit if you've never been. Some of them can sing just as pretty as a lark. FormID: 000DFB1F DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Solitude's a big port town, you know? Full of sailors and their tales of far away lands. Most of 'em's foreigners and liars, of course. FormID: 000D2A4F DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll want to watch out for the Forsworn if you do any travelling around the Reach. Bloodthirsty bastards, them. FormID: 000DFB20 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 If you don't mind a piece of advice, I'd stay out of trouble in Markarth. They'll toss you in the Cidhna Mine, and you'll never get out. FormID: 000DD659 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 When I'm in Whiterun, I always visit the Gildergreen. Never hurts to pay your respects to Lady Kynareth, particularly in my line of work. FormID: 000DD65A DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll want to watch yourself in Riften. A lot of ways to get yourself in trouble in that town. FormID: 000DFB21 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 I might have to stop and get myself a pint of Black-Briar mead while I'm in Riften. Almost worth the trip all by itself. FormID: 000DFB22 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You might run into some of them lizard-folk in Riften. Quite a few of them work the docks there, not sure why. Like swimming in the lake, maybe. FormID: 000DD65B DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Windhelm's a bit cold for my tastes. And I ain't talking about the weather. You're not from Windhelm, are you? FormID: 000DFB23 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll find Windhelm's full of dark elves. The kind from Morrowind, you know. Not that I have anything against them, long as they keep to themselves. FormID: 000D2A50 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead! singing quietly to yourself then trailing off FormID: 000DFB24 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You ever met one of them cats? - kah-jeet, I think they call themselves. I hear there's whole countries full of them down south. FormID: 000D2A51 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Gee up, there. FormID: 000D2A52 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Steady, old girl. FormID: 000D2A54 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Sun feels good, hmm? FormID: 000DFB25 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 It's almost getting downright hot out now. FormID: 000DFB26 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Couldn't ask for better weather. FormID: 000D2A55 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Nice weather for a ride. Hope it lasts. FormID: 000D2A56 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 This'll clear up soon, I'm sure of it. FormID: 000D2A57 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Why is it always raining? FormID: 000DFB27 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 This rain will stop eventually. Always does. FormID: 000DFB28 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Hope you're not getting too wet back there. FormID: 000D2A58 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Better bundle up. This may keep up for a while. FormID: 000D2A59 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 A little snow never stopped me, don't worry. FormID: 000DFB29 DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 I bet you'll be glad to get to Whiterun and get out of this weather. FormID: 000DFB2A DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You picked quite a day for a trip to Solitude. FormID: 000DFB2B DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You picked quite a day for a trip to Markarth. FormID: 000DFB2C DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 I swear it rains like this every time I go to Riften. FormID: 000DFB2D DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Better get used to it. Snows most all the time in Windhelm. FormID: 000D27DB MS14 SCEN 0 Well, seems like you have a bit of gold left in your pockets, don't you, my friend? Mmm, yes... FormID: 000D27DA MS14 SCEN 0 Let me just take this coin purse off your hands for you. And those nice boots you've got there. FormID: 000D27D9 MS14 SCEN 0 Now you just stay here, with all your friends, and I'm going to go get my shovel. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 0 Two things I have for you. Two shapes. One edged, one round. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 1 The round one, for tuning. Dwemer music is soft and subtle, and needed to open their cleverest gates. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 2 The edged lexicon, for inscribing. To us, a hunk of metal. To the Dwemer, a full library of knowings. But... empty. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 3 Find Mzark and its sky-dome. The machinations there will read the Scroll and lay the lore upon the cube. FormID: 000D27D5 DA04 DA04SeptimusBlackreachIntro DA04SeptimusGiveAccoutrements CUST 4 Trust Septimus. He knows you can know. FormID: 00107601 CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 Is that so? Lost your uniform along the way did you, soldier? commanding officer, half-disciplinary, half-suspicious FormID: 00107602 CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 Is that so? I don't recognize you. Why aren't you wearing your Stormcloak colors? commanding officer, half-disciplinary, half-suspicious FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 All right. Let's take a look... receiving a courier's message FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 1 Ah, good. Looks like the reinforcements for the fort are on the way. And we have some information about enemy troop movements as well. Excellent. pleased by the intelligence he's received FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 2 It's not easy running messages, what with Imperials scouts crawling all over the place. Well done. a measured but genuine appreciation FormID: 000D298E CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 3 Why don't you grab yourself a drink at the Windpeak before heading back? a small but genuine token of appreciation FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 0 Thank you, soldier. Let's take a look at these reports... receiving a courier's message FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 1 I'm waiting on word about reinforcements for the fort... Good, they're on the way. And we have some information on enemy troop movements. Excellent. pleased with what you're reading FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 2 Stormcloak scouts are making it difficult to move around. It's good you made it here in one piece. a measured but genuine appreciation FormID: 000D298F CWMission03 CWMission03EnemyFieldCO CWMission03EnemyFieldCOTopic CUST 3 Why don't you have yourself a drink at the Moorside before you head back? a small but genuine token of appreciation FormID: 000D2580 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnTopic CUST 0 Alduin? The World-Eater himself? But... how can we fight him? Doesn't his return mean it's the end times? FormID: 000D2581 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnTopic CUST 0 How can we fight Alduin? Doesn't his return mean it's the end times? FormID: 000D2448 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA1 CUST 0 I didn't say anything about giving up. FormID: 000D2447 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA2 CUST 0 I don't know about such things, but I heard the Greybeards summon you. That's good enough for me. FormID: 000D23CB MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA3 CUST 0 Spoken like a true Nord. I'll stand beside you, Dragonborn. FormID: 000D2446 MQ301 MQ301JarlAlduinReturn MQ301JarlAlduinReturnA3 CUST 0 No Nord could have said it better! I'll stand beside you, Dragonborn. you mean that as a compliment - it's not the player's fault he's not a Nord... FormID: 000D23C9 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlTrapDragonTopic CUST 0 Now, what's this nonsense about trapping a dragon in my palace? FormID: 000D23C8 MQ301 MQ301JarlTrapDragon MQ301JarlTrapDragonA1 CUST 0 I want to help you, Dragonborn. And I will. But I need your help first. FormID: 000D2597 MQ301 MQ301JarlArrangeTruce MQ301JarlArrangeTruceTopic CUST 0 Aye, Dragonborn. Maybe you can stop the dragons - and this war into the bargain. FormID: 000D2540 MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapTopic CUST 0 Then... Whiterun will stand with you, Dragonborn. We will take the risk, and gain the glory, whether it be in victory or defeat! decisively - your decision is made, and it's a relief - now to action! FormID: 000D2540 MQ301 MQ301JarlReadyToTrap MQ301JarlReadyToTrapTopic CUST 1 So what's the plan, then? How do you intend to lure a dragon into the trap? FormID: 000485C5 MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayerTopic CUST 0 As I promised, my men stand ready. The great chains are oiled. We wait on your word. FormID: 000D246B MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayerTopic CUST 0 We'll be ready, don't worry. You do have a plan for actually luring a dragon into this trap, don't you? FormID: 000D251D MQ301 MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayer MQ301JarlWaitingForPlayerTopic CUST 0 My men will be ready when you are, Dragonborn. You have a truce to arrange first, eh? FormID: 000D2324 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpB1 CUST 0 What? A dragon? In Helgen? you're having trouble believing this - you couldn't be more shocked FormID: 000D2324 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpB1 CUST 1 That explains what I saw earlier... flying down the valley from the south... I was hoping I was wrong about what I thought it was... pondering FormID: 000D2323 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpB2 CUST 0 Suit yourself. I hate to turn away any friend of Hadvar, but in times like these... you understand if I can't just take your word for it. FormID: 000D2322 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpC1 CUST 0 A dragon... here in Skyrim. What's this world coming to? First the war, now dragons... trouble loves company, they say... shaking his head in dismay Walk Away FormID: 000D2321 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpC2 CUST 0 You're right, I saw it. Didn't want to believe my own eyes, is all. FormID: 000D2327 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpD1 CUST 0 The Jarl needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose. Riverwood is defenseless... thinking quickly FormID: 000D2327 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpD1 CUST 1 We need to get word to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun to send whatever soldiers he can. If you'll do that for me, I'll be in your debt. seriously FormID: 000D2326 MQ102A MQ102RiverwoodHelp MQ102AlvorHelpD0 CUST 0 There's something you could do for me. For all of us here. seriously - almost pleading FormID: 000D1E0D CWFinale SCEN 0 This is it for you. Any last words before I send you to Oblivion? confronting his arch enemy, upset because he was just forced to kill a friend FormID: 000D1E16 CWFinale SCEN 0 You realize this is exactly what they wanted. (absently) staring off while his life passes before him FormID: 000D1E05 CWFinale SCEN 0 What who wanted? angry, thinks his enemy is stalling, willing to humor him for moment before killing him FormID: 000D1E18 CWFinale SCEN 0 The Thalmor. They stirred up trouble here. Forced us to divert needed resources and throw away good soldiers quelling this rebellion. suddenly lucid, forceful. Trying to reason his way of getting killed FormID: 000D1E07 CWFinale SCEN 0 It's a little more than a rebellion, don't you think? arrogantly defiant, he has (in truth) already won. FormID: 000D1E10 CWFinale SCEN 0 Heh. chuckling at the understatement of the decade FormID: 000D1E08 CWFinale SCEN 0 We aren't the bad guys you know. slipping back into a trance of his life passing before him FormID: 000D1E15 CWFinale SCEN 0 Maybe not, but you certainly aren't the good guys. conceding a point to his fallen enemy FormID: 000D1E0B CWFinale SCEN 0 Perhaps you're right. But then what does that make you? snapping out of trance, granting a point to his victorious enemy ([QUOTE]If neither of us are good guys or bad guys, what's that make you?[QUOTE]) FormID: 000D1E13 CWFinale SCEN 0 You just said it yourself. smiling at an enemy's ironic choice of phrase FormID: 000D1E0A CWFinale SCEN 0 It makes us right. voicing the ironic subtext behind an enemy's phrase [QUOTE]Perhaps you're right.[QUOTE] to mean, [QUOTE]in the right.[QUOTE] FormID: 000D1E04 CWFinale SCEN 0 And if I surrender? a mostly hopeless question, but one that must be asked FormID: 000D1E11 CWFinale SCEN 0 The Empire I remember never surrendered. with contempt FormID: 000D1E06 CWFinale SCEN 0 That Empire is dead. And so are you. deadly serious FormID: 000D1E17 CWFinale SCEN 0 So be it. (slipping into a trance) surrendering to his fate, about to be killed by his arch nemesis FormID: 000D1E0C CWFinale SCEN 0 Just kill him and let's be done with it already. losing his patience for all the damn melodrama FormID: 000D1E1A CWFinale SCEN 0 Come, Galmar. Where's your sense of the dramatic moment? injecting levity into the moment before he executes his rival FormID: 000D1E0E CWFinale SCEN 0 By the gods! If it's a good ending to some damn story you're after - perhaps the Dragonborn should be the one to do it. losing his patience, suggesting robbing the moment by giving it to the [QUOTE]real[QUOTE] hero, the dragonborn (the player) FormID: 000D1E14 CWFinale SCEN 0 Good point. considering giving the honor of the kill to the player FormID: 000D1E09 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopic CUST 0 Well, Dragonborn. What do you say? Do you want the honor? Walk Away FormID: 0006591D CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopic CUST 0 Song or not, I just want it done. gruff, just wants this over with Walk Away FormID: 000D1E0F CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice1 CUST 0 As you wish. subtext: [QUOTE]if you're not man enough to do it, I'll happily do it[QUOTE] FormID: 0006594B CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice1 CUST 0 Well, I'm not quite done myself. subtext: [QUOTE]if you're not man enough to do it, I'll happily do it[QUOTE] FormID: 000D1E1B CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice2 CUST 0 As you wish. This moment, we three, will be immortalized in song. grateful FormID: 000658EB CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice2 CUST 0 Fine by me. gruff, just wants this over with FormID: 000D1E19 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice3 CUST 0 Dragonborn. Here, use my sword to do it. This moment will be immortalized in song. Make it a good kill. solemnly, sincere but with a tinge of envy FormID: 00065900 CWFinale CWFinaleExecutionBranch CWFinaleExecutionTopicChoice3 CUST 0 Here, use my sword to do it. I made sure to sharpen it for the occasion. solemnly, sincere but with a tinge of envy FormID: 000D1E12 CWFinale SCEN 0 Enough... enough... hesitant, then strongly FormID: 000D1D57 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 No, I'm not. Looks like we've got something in common, then. FormID: 000D1D58 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Hmph. No, friend, that I'm not. But I get along with your kind well enough. FormID: 000D1D59 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Ha! And neither are you, eh? Good to see another Redguard. I like to think we bring a little heat to this frozen wasteland. FormID: 000D1D55 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAmrenInvisBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAmrenInvisBranch1Topic CUST 0 No, I'm a Redguard. My family hails from the Imperial Province. Ah, but I left home when I was just a lad. Been wandering ever since. FormID: 000D19B7 DialogueWhiterunOlfinaJonScene1 SCEN 0 Ha! I thought as much. FormID: 000D19A6 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Sulla look, the passage is open, wait... there's someone down there! FormID: 000D19A9 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 No! Blackreach was to be my discovery! FormID: 000D19A7 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Sulla, let's just get out of here. Hasn't there been enough death? FormID: 000D19A5 dunAlftandQST SCEN 0 Oh, of course you want me to leave. Just waiting for me to turn my back. So you can have all the glory for yourself! FormID: 000D197C DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranchTopic CUST 0 Halt! City's closed with the dragons about. Official business only. FormID: 000D1980 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopNote CUST 0 Riverwood's in danger, too? You'd better go on in. You'll find the Jarl in Dragonsreach, at the top of the hill. FormID: 000DF1F9 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopNote CUST 0 The Jarl will definitely want to talk to you. You'll find him in Dragonsreach, at the top of the hill. FormID: 000D1981 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopPersuade CUST 0 Fine, but we'll be keeping an eye on you. FormID: 000D197B DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBribe CUST 0 Welcome to Whiterun, friend. Go right on in. FormID: 000D197F DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopIntimidate CUST 0 Or else what? You think you can stand against the entire Whiterun city guard? The gate's closed. FormID: 000D1982 DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopBranch DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStopNevermind CUST 0 Safe travels. Walk Away FormID: 000D197D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsStormcloaks CUST 0 Oh yes, many times. But mighty Talos was my keeper, my shield against the heresy of the south! FormID: 000D197D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunHeimskrTopicsStormcloaks CUST 1 If not for Talos, and a few modest bribes paid to the right jailors, why, I would not be standing before you today, resplendent in my faith! This is a grand proclamation, except for the middle bit that read [QUOTE]and a few small bribes paid to the right jailors[QUOTE]... that line is said quickly and FormID: 000D19A3 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 0 Of course! I know, today wasn't the best introduction to the Legion, but I hope you'll give us another chance. FormID: 000D19A3 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 1 The Legion could really use someone like you, especially now. FormID: 000D19A3 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 2 And if the rebels have themselves a dragon, General Tullius is the only one who can stop them. FormID: 000D19A4 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 0 General Tullius has his headquarters in Castle Dour, in the city of Solitude, northwest of here. FormID: 000D19A4 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 1 You'll want to talk to Legate Rikke. She deals with the new recruits. FormID: 000D19A4 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionTopic CUST 2 I'll be sure to put in a good word for you if I get back to Solitude first. FormID: 000D1961 MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionYes CUST 0 I hope so. The Legion is Skyrim's only hope right now. Come on, we'd better get moving. FormID: 000D195D MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionNo CUST 0 Sure, I understand. It's not easy to go from being executed by the Legion one day to joining up the next. FormID: 000D195D MQ102A MQ102AHadvarJoinLegion MQ102AHadvarJoinLegionNo CUST 1 But I think you'll see that the Legion is Skyrim's only hope for real peace right now. I know you'll make the right choice in the end. FormID: 000D1950 MS01 MS01EltrysForceGreetBranch MS01EltrysForceGreetResponseTopic03 CUST 0 You don't have to say sorry to me. I just hope the Eight bring us more peace in the future. nonchalant but sympathetic FormID: 000D1951 MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopic MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopicTopic CUST 0 Huh. Not sure. I don't worship Talos, myself. nonchalant FormID: 000D1951 MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopic MS01EltrysNotAtShrineTalosTopicTopic CUST 1 I think I heard someone mention it was underneath the Temple of Dibella, in the big crag in the center of the city. nonchalant FormID: 000D194E MS01 MS01EltrysNotAtShrineAttackTopic MS01EltrysNotAtShrineAttackTopicTopic CUST 0 No. I was just getting some fresh air. Had one too many pints of mead at the Silver-Blood Inn. nonchalant FormID: 000D1827 CW01B MQ102GalmarJoinSons CW00BStormcloakOathInterrupted CUST 0 We're not done here. FormID: 000D180C TG06 SCEN 0 Hmm. This is intriguing, but highly disturbing. FormID: 000D1814 TG06 SCEN 0 It appears that Gallus had suspicions about Mercer Frey's allegiance to the Guild for months. FormID: 000D1814 TG06 SCEN 1 Gallus had begun to uncover what he calls an [QUOTE]...unduly lavish lifestyle replete with spending vast amounts of gold on personal pleasures.[QUOTE] you're quoting from a book FormID: 000D180B TG06 SCEN 0 Does the journal say where this wealth came from? FormID: 000D1813 TG06 SCEN 0 Yes. Gallus seems certain that Mercer had been removing funds from the Guild's treasury without anyone's knowledge. FormID: 000D180E TG06 SCEN 0 Anything else, Enthir? Anything about... the Nightingales? FormID: 000D1816 TG06 SCEN 0 Hmm. Yes, here it is. FormID: 000D1811 TG06 SCEN 0 The last few pages seem to describe [QUOTE]the failure of the Nightingales[QUOTE] although it doesn't go into great detail. FormID: 000D1811 TG06 SCEN 1 Gallus also repeatedly mentions his strong belief that Mercer desecrated something known as the Twilight Sepulcher. FormID: 000D1815 TG06 SCEN 0 Shadows preserve us. So it's true... out loud to self - unbelieving FormID: 000D180D TG06 SCEN 0 I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. What is it? What's Mercer Frey done? FormID: 000D1818 TG06 SCEN 0 I'm sorry Enthir, I can't say. All that matters is we deliver your translation to the Guild immediately. urgent FormID: 000D1818 TG06 SCEN 1 Farewell, Enthir... words can't express... faltering FormID: 000D180F TG06 SCEN 0 It's alright Karliah. You don't have to say a word. FormID: 000D1817 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04c CUST 0 As a Nightingale, I've been sworn to secrecy regarding the Sepulcher. solemn FormID: 000D1817 TG06 TG06KarliahOutroBranch TG06KarliahOutroBranchTopic04c CUST 1 I know the Guild doesn't do much to foster faith, but I'm going to have to ask that you continue to trust me. solemn, almost sad FormID: 000D16CB MS05 MS05ViarmoAtCourtBranch MS05ViarmoAtCourtBranchTopic CUST 0 I think my voice is ready. I hope we've done this well. FormID: 000D143D CWFinale SCEN 0 Secure the door. urgent but quiet, just broke into the stronghold of the enemy FormID: 000D1430 CWFinale SCEN 0 Already done. knows the drill FormID: 000D1429 CWFinale SCEN 0 Ulfric. Stop. forceful - final plea with an old friend determined to destroy everything dear FormID: 000D142A CWFinale SCEN 0 Stop what? Taking Skyrim back from those who'd leave her to rot? anger mounting, justifying his war and the many dead in its wake FormID: 000D1441 CWFinale SCEN 0 You're wrong. Ulfric. We need the Empire. Without it Skyrim will assuredly fall to the Dominion. trying to reason with a mad man FormID: 000D142D CWFinale SCEN 0 You were there with us. You saw it. The day the Empire signed that damn treaty was the day the Empire died. angry that his old friend is on the wrong side FormID: 000D142F CWFinale SCEN 0 The Empire is weak, obsolete. Look at how far we've come and with so little. hoping it's not too late, trying to convince his old friend she is on the losing side FormID: 000D142F CWFinale SCEN 1 When we're done rooting out Imperial influence here at home, then we will take our war to the Aldmeri Dominion. serious, trying to illicit the bold courageous woman he knew from before this mess started FormID: 000D1434 CWFinale SCEN 0 You're a damn fool. bitter resignation, there's no convincing this madman who was once a cherished friend FormID: 000D142B CWFinale SCEN 0 Stand aside woman. We've come for the General. frustrated, angry, wanting to get the bloody thing over with FormID: 000D1435 CWFinale SCEN 0 He has given up. But I have not. resigning herself to fight her old friends, and quite likely to die at their hands. FormID: 000D142C CWFinale SCEN 0 Rikke. Go. commanding, Forceful, afraid he's going to be forced to kill his friend FormID: 000D142C CWFinale SCEN 1 You're free to leave. commanding, but almost pleading FormID: 000D1432 CWFinale SCEN 0 I'm also free to stay and fight for what I believe in. steeling herself to fight her old friends - letting them no she's deadly serious FormID: 000D1443 CWFinale SCEN 0 You're also free to die for it. a last warning, but resigning himself to the real possibility of having to fight and kill his old friend FormID: 000D1431 CWFinale SCEN 0 This is what you wanted? Shield brothers and sisters killing each other? losing it, breaking under the weight of love for her old friends and anger at their stupid cruelty FormID: 000D1431 CWFinale SCEN 1 Families torn apart? furious shock, not hysterical, but letting loose with abandon FormID: 000D1431 CWFinale SCEN 2 This is the Skyrim you want?! yelling - at a complete an utter loss FormID: 000D1433 CWFinale SCEN 0 Damnit woman, stand aside. frustrated, angry, not wanting to have to fight his friend FormID: 000D1428 CWFinale SCEN 0 That's not the Skyrim I want to live in. (almost to herself) - heartbroken but resolving to end her life by fighting her old friends and longing for the good old days FormID: 000D142E CWFinale SCEN 0 Rikke. You don't have to do this. calmly pleading with an old friend, he doesn't want to have to kill her FormID: 000D1442 CWFinale SCEN 0 You've left me no choice... (explaining not blaming) at peace with her decision to die FormID: 000D1442 CWFinale SCEN 1 Talos preserve us. a final prayer before she suicides herself by attacking her old friends who have become evil war mongers FormID: 000D1437 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionTopic CUST 0 Always was a stubborn woman. She's not going to stand down. frustrated FormID: 000D1438 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionTopic CUST 0 War always comes down to this, doesn't it? A single truth-laden moment. distant, considering that he might have to kill a friend FormID: 000D1439 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionTopic CUST 0 Dragonborn... Perhaps this is the fate of Skyrim after all. To be destroyed from the inside. distant, considering the futility of fighting the good fight FormID: 000D143E CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionA CUST 0 You're a cold hearted bastard, aren't you? not exactly shocked FormID: 000D143F CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionA CUST 0 I fear that will be the way of it. distant, considering killing his friend FormID: 000D1440 CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionA CUST 0 A true Nord never fears death. It's the how and why of it that one needs consider. distant, considering killing / being killed by her friends FormID: 000D143A CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionB CUST 0 Aye, I'll hate it, but I'll do it if I have to. psyching himself up to it, but hoping it won't come to that FormID: 000D143B CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionB CUST 0 It's up to her, isn't it? psyching himself up to it, but hoping it won't come to that FormID: 000D143C CWFinale CWFinaleSceneInterruptionBranch CWFinaleSceneInterruptionB CUST 0 If that must be, then it will. And why should I be any different? How many the lives already lost. What's one more? psyching herself up to it a painful decision, but hoping it won't come to that FormID: 000D13DC DB06 DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranch DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranchTopic CUST 0 Killing Commander Maro would do no good. Someone would merely replace him. No, we need him to remain in charge. But... distracted. Weakened. FormID: 000D13DC DB06 DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranch DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranchTopic CUST 1 Implicate and kill his son Gaius, and the commander will be grief-stricken and humiliated, his family name ruined. The security plan will then fail. FormID: 000D13DC DB06 DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranch DB06GabriellaAccomplishBranchTopic CUST 2 Best yet, the Emperor will be lulled into a false sense of security, thinking an assassination plot had already been discovered and foiled. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 0 He is set to leave the Penitus Oculatus outpost at Dragon Bridge, and inspect the security of each city in Skyrim. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 1 Go there now. Observe Gaius Maro's departure, and follow him. Waylay him in one of the cities, and send his soul to Sithis. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 2 Once he's dead, plant the incriminating letter on his body, and let fate take care of the rest. FormID: 000D13DA DB06 IDAT 3 Oh, and one final thing... FormID: 000D13DD DB06 GBYE 0 Walk in Gaius Maro's shadow, and deliver to him the judgment of Sithis. FormID: 000D1201 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 The finest cuts, fresh from the wilds! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1202 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Chops and steaks fit for a Jarl! Come and see my selection of finest-quality meats! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D3D65 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Tired of bread and stew? Had enough of fish and fowl? Treat yourself and your kin to a choice cut of steak or a tender rack of ribs! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1203 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Shiny trinkets for your good lady! All crafted by the great Eorlund Gray-Mane himself! She is calling out to passersby from her stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1204 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Bits and baubles for sale, all crafted by the best blacksmith in Skyrim. FormID: 000D1205 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Ripe fruit and fresh vegetables for sale! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D1206 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Fresh-baked loaves, still warm from the oven! Calling out to passersby from a stall at the marketplace FormID: 000D3BAB DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Take pity, sir, and spare me a few septims. Begging FormID: 000D3BAC DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Take pity, lady, and spare me a few septims. Begging FormID: 000D3BAD DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Spare a coin for a poor old beggar? Begging FormID: 000D3BAE DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 A few septims for my supper is all I ask. Begging FormID: 000D3BAF DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I ain't askin' for much, just a few septims. Begging FormID: 000D3BB0 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 If you have need of hunting supplies then you've come to the right place. FormID: 000D3BB1 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 We sell bows, arrows and ale. A unique combination, to be sure. Polite FormID: 000D3BB2 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I'll be happy to assist you if you'd like to purchase something. Polite FormID: 000D3BB3 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I can tell you're no stranger to the wilds. I'm sure we can meet your hunting needs. Polite FormID: 000D3BB4 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 We've got arms and armor of all kinds. FormID: 000D3BB5 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 You look like someone who knows how to wield a weapon. Well, you've come to the right place. FormID: 000D3BB6 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 If it's armor you need, we've got all kinds, both light and heavy. FormID: 000D3BDA DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Everything you see here was made with skill and care by my wife Adrianne. Proud. FormID: 000D3BE1 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Please, do look around. I'm sure I have something you'll want. Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BE2 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I can tell you're a discriminating customer. Perhaps you're a wealthy one, too, hm? Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BF6 DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 Everything's for sale, my friend! You need visit no other shops today! Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BFA DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I assure you, I'm prepared to make any deal. Polite, but a little pushy. You're a salesman. FormID: 000D3BFB DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 You'll find tonics, salves, poultices and potions on my shelves. Browse to your heart's content. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D3BFC DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I offer remedies for ailments both common and rare. Do let me know if I can be of service. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D3BFD DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 If there's anything I can help you with, you have but to ask. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D3BFE DialogueWhiterun IDLE 0 I sell cures for all ills, and I'll be happy to serve you. Polite, friendly FormID: 000D1200 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 Forgive me, my lord. It was foolish of me to make such a suggestion. FormID: 000D082C BardSongs BardSongsBallad02RequestBranch BardSongsBallad02RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 You must be a Stormcloak through and through to request that one. FormID: 000E772D BardSongs BardSongsBallad02RequestBranch BardSongsBallad02RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Only true Imperials request that one. FormID: 000D081D BardSongs BardSongsDrinkingSong02RequestBranch BardSongsDrinkingSong02RequestBranchTopic CUST 0 Ahhh, a fine but bloody tale. I can do that one. FormID: 000D50EB MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 Well done. You sought me out, on your own initiative. You've done Whiterun a service, and I won't forget it. FormID: 000DF024 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 One moment. slightly irritated FormID: 000D07FD MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 So. You were at Helgen? You saw this dragon with your own eyes? FormID: 000D50E9 MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 What's this about Riverwood being in danger? FormID: 000D50EA MQ102 MQ102BalgruufIntro MQ102BalgruufIntroTopic CUST 0 Well. I trust you have something vitally important to tell me. Important enough to interrupt me in the middle of council? FormID: 000D07EE MQ101 SCEN 0 What in Oblivion is that? seeing a dragon for the first time FormID: 000D07ED MQ101 SCEN 0 Sentries! What do you see? yelling to soldiers up on watch towers FormID: 000D07EB MQ101 SCEN 0 Don't just stand there! Kill that thing! barking orders FormID: 000D07EB MQ101 SCEN 1 Guards, get the townspeople to safety! Barking orders FormID: 000D07EB MQ101 SCEN 2 Someone get the battlemages out here. Now! barking orders FormID: 000D07D9 MG07 SCEN 0 I don't care... We're going all the way in. I want to know what Shalidor hid in here. FormID: 000D07D7 MG07 SCEN 0 You want to stay here, fine. But the rest of us aren't giving up now. FormID: 000D07D6 MG07 SCEN 0 No, no. You just stay here and rest. FormID: 000D07D8 MG07 SCEN 0 We'll come back for you as soon as we've reached our goal. You have my word. FormID: 000D0744 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Once again you have come seeking something. FormID: 000D0744 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 The circumstances differ. This time I have what you seek. FormID: 000D0744 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 Are you prepared? FormID: 000D0745 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 The trial awaits. Are you now prepared? FormID: 000D0742 MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurResponse1 CUST 0 Colette has already told you. You must be tested before knowledge can be imparted to you. FormID: 000D073D MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurResponse2 CUST 0 Arrogance will serve you poorly. Your worth must be determined before knowledge can be bestowed upon you. FormID: 000D073D MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04AugurResponse2 CUST 1 And so you shall be tested. FormID: 000D074A MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04TestFollowUp CUST 0 You will rely on your skill as a mage. Not on your belongings, not on your scrolls and potions. Only what lies within. FormID: 000D074A MGRitual04 MGRitual04AugurInitialBranch MGRitual04TestFollowUp CUST 1 Survive, and you are worthy. This is the test put before you. Will you accept? FormID: 000D0749 MGRitual04 MGRitual04TestAccept MGRitual04TestAcceptTopic CUST 0 Step into the light, and your test begins. FormID: 000D0748 MGRitual04 MGRitual04TestInfo1 MGRitual04TestInfo1Topic CUST 0 Knowledge is power. Knowing spells can be powerful, but applying that knowledge is key. FormID: 000D0748 MGRitual04 MGRitual04TestInfo1 MGRitual04TestInfo1Topic CUST 1 You will be called upon to rely solely on your Restoration spells. FormID: 000D0747 MGRitual04 TAUT 0 You are not worthy! FormID: 000D0746 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 At this very moment? No. However... FormID: 000D0746 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, I've been working on something. An improvement on the Ebonyflesh spell. FormID: 000D0746 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I've made progress, but then hit a snag. I think perhaps you could help. FormID: 000D0743 MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitResponse1 CUST 0 I need dragon scales. And not just any dragon scales. FormID: 000D073E MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitResponse2 CUST 0 I need you to collect some dragon scales. And not just any dragon scales. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 0 As I've said, I made some progress using the essence of dragon scales. But they're just not quite potent enough. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 1 My knowledge of Skyrim's history is far from complete, but I did some research and discovered two things. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 2 First, there are ancient references to dragon [QUOTE]heartscales[QUOTE]. What little I could learn suggests they may be what I need. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 3 Second, there are stories of a dagger called Kahvozein's Fang, said to be sharp enough to carve individual scales off a dragon. FormID: 000D074B MGRitual05 MGRitual05TolfdirInitialBranch MGRitual05TolfdirInitFollowUp CUST 4 First you'll need to retrieve the dagger, then use it to carve a few scales off a dragon. Presumably a deceased one. FormID: 000D070D MQ301 MQ301DelphineIntro MQ301DelphineIntroTopic CUST 0 What's happened? Did you find a way to learn the Dragonrend Shout? FormID: 000D070C MQ301 MQ301EsbernFindAlduin MQ301EsbernFindAlduinBlockingTopic CUST 0 Did you find the Elder Scroll? What happened when you took it back to the Throat of the World? FormID: 000D0709 MQ301 MQ301DelphineIntro MQ301DelphineIntroA1 CUST 0 Esbern should be able to help. He's spent his whole life poring over every old book he could find about dragons and that prophecy. FormID: 000D0709 MQ301 MQ301DelphineIntro MQ301DelphineIntroA1 CUST 1 He's been digging around the records the Blades left here, too. But we can talk about that later. you're alluding to Paarthurnax - that you're going to ask the player to kill him in a minute FormID: 000D069B t02 T02RukiGreetingBranch T02RukiNoBodies CUST 0 I don't have time for your foolishness. Either help me or be gone. FormID: 000D069A t02 T02RukiDismissPlayerBranch T02RukiBlowOffContinuation CUST 0 He must be here somewhere... FormID: 000D0699 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarNoneOfYourBeeswax CUST 0 Ah, a secret admirer, eh? Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. FormID: 000D0698 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarGossipGossipGossip CUST 0 Calcelmo? Is he interested in Faleen? That sly old codger. I should have guessed. FormID: 000D0698 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarGossipGossipGossip CUST 1 Good for him. For the both of them. FormID: 000D0698 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarGossipGossipGossip CUST 2 Between you and me, she could use a bit of warmth. you're using [QUOTE]bit of warmth[QUOTE] as a euphemism for sex FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 0 As for what she might like... FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 1 I didn't tell you this. Faleen likes to act tough, but she really has a soft spot for, of all things, poetry. FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 2 You know, I took some classes at the Bards College as a youth. Poems come in handy when wooing. FormID: 000D0697 t02 T02YngvarAdviceStartBranch T02YngvarMovingOn CUST 3 There's a poem I once used on an older lady of Rorikstead. I can change it to be about Faleen, if you've got some gold. FormID: 000D0695 t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarPoemGiving CUST 0 You should probably just take this directly to Faleen. Wouldn't want the old icebrain stumbling over the words. FormID: 000D0696 t02 T02YngvarBuyPoemBranch T02YngvarPoemGiving CUST 0 You should probably just let Faleen read it herself. Don't want you stumbling over the words and ruining my flow. FormID: 000D0652 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 We have a cozy little profit. Here. This is your share, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0653 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 We've made a bit of gold. Here, love, this is your share. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0654 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 Fortune smiles on us. Here's your share, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0655 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 The gold is flowing nicely. Here's your half of the profits, my dear. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0656 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 You want your share, don't you? Here you are, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0657 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 Of course it has. Would you expect any less of me? Here, this is your half, my love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D0658 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINStore RelationshipMarriageFINStoreTopic CUST 0 It has. Here, this is your half, love. handing over part of your store's profits to your spouse FormID: 000D05AF dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Kyr's orders. Nobody goes in or out until he gets back. Or the boss will skin you soon as he's done with Ra'jirr. FormID: 000D05AD dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 What? There's a whole shift down there! FormID: 000D05B1 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 There she is! Spotting a target. FormID: 000D05AE dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Get her! Spotting a target. FormID: 000D05AB dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 The boss went down there? Today? FormID: 000D05B2 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Yeah, he's after Ra'jirr- never seen him so angry. FormID: 000D05B0 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 I've got a bad feeling about this... something's just felt wrong down there lately. Eerie. FormID: 000D05AC dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Now you're sounding as crazy as the cat. Be going on about the Pale Lady next. FormID: 000DE45B MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, kinsman. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45C MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, dark elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Breton. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45E MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Khajiit. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE45F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Argonian. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE460 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, high elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE461 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, wood elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE462 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Redguard. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE463 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, Orc. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000DE464 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Hey, you. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance! urgent shouting FormID: 000D0582 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 We need to move. Now! commanding - dragon is attacking the tower FormID: 000D058F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Up the stairs! Quickly! urgently -- player is standing around doing nothing FormID: 000D0590 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Move! Up the tower! urgently FormID: 000D0591 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Come on! Before the dragon brings down the whole tower! urgently FormID: 000D0592 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 What are you waiting for? Up the stairs! Now! urgently FormID: 000D0552 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela03 SCEN 0 You should be more careful with the men you pick, dear. FormID: 000D0551 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela03 SCEN 0 He said he loved me.... FormID: 000D0550 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela03 SCEN 0 Real men prove their love. Words are as empty as the air they run through. FormID: 000D054F DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela04 SCEN 0 Stop moping about, girl. Tears won't change what you've done. FormID: 000D0558 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela04 SCEN 0 I was such a fool. How could I let him use me like that? FormID: 000D0557 DialogueMarkarthHagsCureSceneMuiriBothela04 SCEN 0 We all get used, dear. It's living with it that makes you a woman. FormID: 000D0556 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Jarl Elisif the Fair. Poor woman. Losing her husband and king like that. It was a dark day for us all. FormID: 000D0556 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Damn, that reminds me, I have a delivery to make to her steward, Falk Firebeard. He ordered a special bottle of Stros M'Kai Rum. FormID: 000D0555 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04Accept CUST 0 Save me a lot of trouble. Here. Take it to the Blue Palace. FormID: 000D0554 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestGive SolitudeFreeform04Reject CUST 0 Yeah, thanks. FormID: 000D0553 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestEnd SolitudeFreeform04QuestEndTopic CUST 0 Oh right, the rum. Thank you. I developed a taste for it after a fair weather trip to Hammerfell. FormID: 000D0553 SolitudeFreeform04 SolitudeFreeform04QuestEnd SolitudeFreeform04QuestEndTopic CUST 1 Here, this is for you. FormID: 000D0508 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Traitor! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0504 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Liar! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0529 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 He doesn't deserve to speak! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0526 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Booooo. You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0520 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Booooo. You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D051C SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Booooo. You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0516 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Cut em down! You're part of the crowd at an execution. FormID: 000D0514 SolitudeOpening SolitudeOpeningGuardStopPlayer SolitudeOpeningGuardStopPlayerTopic CUST 0 Stand back. Interrupting an execution is a serious crime. FormID: 000D050A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I'm sorry about Roggvir. It's a shame, I liked him. FormID: 000D0506 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Greta is taking it hardest. She won't go to the Temple of Divines anymore. FormID: 000D052B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Jawanan, I don't see you here often. FormID: 000D0527 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I do not like fish. FormID: 000D0524 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Okay. Well. That's all I've got. FormID: 000D051E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I am buying a fish for Noster. He likes fish. FormID: 000D0519 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 A sale's a sale but I have to know... why are you buying something for Noster? FormID: 000D0511 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 A war veteran should be respected. FormID: 000D050D DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Salmon sounds good today. FormID: 000D0509 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Speaking of sounding good, I've heard a couple of your classmates on the street recently. FormID: 000D0505 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 As long as they're playing instruments they're passable. You don't want to hear them sing. FormID: 000D052A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I wish we could have absolved your brother-in-law of his sins before his execution. FormID: 000D0521 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I don't think he would have wanted your absolution, Rorlund. He worshiped Talos. FormID: 000D0517 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I appreciate the thought though. FormID: 000D0515 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Fresh fish sounds like just the thing today, Addvar. FormID: 000D050F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I've been pushing the Salmon but I'll tell you the Slaughterfish is a bit better today. FormID: 000D050B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Thank you, Addvar, I am picky about what I eat these days. FormID: 000D0507 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 A little late in the day for your rounds Sorex. FormID: 000D0503 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I seem to have more chores for the Winking Skeever each day. I still have a delivery to do too. FormID: 000D0528 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 You know, my father collected exotic alcohols. FormID: 000D0525 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Really? Mildly curious. FormID: 000D051F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Rum from Hammerfell, mulled wine from Daggerfall and the like. FormID: 000D051A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 None of what he collected tasted as good as your Spiced Wine, Evette. FormID: 000D051B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'm still finding your Spiced Wine to be the best drink I've ever tasted. FormID: 000D0512 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Thanks, Aia. That means a lot. FormID: 000D0513 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Glad to hear it, Aia. FormID: 000D0332 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the far target. FormID: 000D032C dunArcherQST SCEN 0 We've talked about speed and composure. Now we'll go over precision. FormID: 000D031F dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Often times you won't be able to get as close to your prey as you'd like and you'll have to settle with a long shot. FormID: 000D0317 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 However, with such a long shot, it's more than likely that's the only shot you'll be able to take before your prey runs off. FormID: 000D032E dunArcherQST SCEN 0 If you find yourself in such a situation, then you need to make your shot count. FormID: 000D032E dunArcherQST SCEN 1 Don't rush your shot. Crouch down, get comfortable, and take aim. FormID: 000D031B dunArcherQST SCEN 0 OK, your turn. Try and hit that target way in the back, far behind the other three. Remember to take your time and make your shot count. FormID: 000D0318 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 I'll count to three and then say [QUOTE]go.[QUOTE] You have ten seconds to hit each of the four targets. Draw string and get ready. FormID: 000D031D dunArcherQST SCEN 0 You did it! All four targets in ten seconds. Nice job. FormID: 000D0312 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 We've talked about composure, speed, and precision. FormID: 000D0312 dunArcherQST SCEN 1 Now it's time to use all three at once. FormID: 000D0321 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 I'm warning you now, this challenge will be quite difficult. FormID: 000D0316 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Just remember everything I've taught you and you should be able to complete it. FormID: 000D0316 dunArcherQST SCEN 1 It may take you a couple of tries, but that's what practice is all about. FormID: 000D0320 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 When I tell you to, try and hit all four targets in ten seconds. FormID: 000CF90D dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 But... Eisa? She's smarter than that. FormID: 000CF90C dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Ra'jirr was always dragging her into things. FormID: 000CF909 dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 But.. stealing the boss's sword? Did he have a death wish? FormID: 000CF90F dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Who knows. The cat was crazy. She was a fool to trust him. FormID: 0001FD53 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_EisaBranchTopic PFGT 0 Who in Dagon's name are you? Speak, or I'll cut you down where you stand. Angry, frustrated, surprised. Walk Away FormID: 000CF90A dunFrostmereCryptQST SCEN 0 Damn it, not now! Winded, furious. FormID: 000CF2D8 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayerTopic CUST 0 You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent Shield-Brother. FormID: 000CF2D9 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayerTopic CUST 0 You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent Shield-Sister. FormID: 000CF2DA C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayerTopic CUST 0 Well, that's taken care of. No thanks to you. FormID: 000CF2D7 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackIWantIn CUST 0 Not for me to say. You'll have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane up in Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000CF2D7 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackIWantIn CUST 1 The old man's got a good sense for people. He can look in your eyes and tell your worth. FormID: 000CF2D7 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackIWantIn CUST 2 If you go to him, good luck. FormID: 000CF2D4 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackWhoMe CUST 0 Certainly not. But a true warrior would have relished the opportunity to take on a giant. FormID: 000CF2D4 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackWhoMe CUST 1 That's why I'm here with my Shield-Brothers. FormID: 000CF2D6 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackMyBad CUST 0 Ha. Another milk drinker crying about his effort. FormID: 000CF2D6 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackMyBad CUST 1 Glory only awaits those who triumph. FormID: 000CF2D6 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackMyBad CUST 2 And as Companions, our glory must always be hard-fought. FormID: 000CF2D5 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackNoSirIDontLikeIt CUST 0 Well nobody asked you. If you think you're better than we are, go talk to Kodlak Whitemane. FormID: 000CF2D5 C00GiantAttack C00GiantAttackAelaTalkToPlayer C00GiantAttackNoSirIDontLikeIt CUST 1 See what a warrior of true mettle is like. FormID: 000CF213 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_FamilyKilledBranch dunArcherQST_FamilyKilledTopic01a CUST 0 Already did. Part of the reason I'm living out here now. Thanks for offering though. FormID: 000CF212 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetsTopic03a CUST 0 If you need a bow, there's one on the rack to the left of the door. FormID: 000CF215 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetsTopic03b CUST 0 I'd give you a bow, but it looks like you've already taken it from the rack. You're not mad. Said with a smile and wink. FormID: 000BBCAB TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 0 What kind of a mentor would I be if I denied a potential student a glimpse at his master's ingenuity! FormID: 000BBCAB TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 1 Here, this key will provide access to my museum. Feel free to browse for as long as you wish. FormID: 000BBCAB TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 2 However, I must insist that my laboratory remains strictly off limits. FormID: 000CF030 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 0 While I appreciate the sentiment, I still have to decline. smug Walk Away FormID: 000CF030 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02a CUST 1 Being an admirer, I'm sure you can appreciate the need to keep my research a secret. smug Walk Away FormID: 000CF031 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02b CUST 0 Do you realize that at a snap of my fingers I can bring the entire Markarth city guard to my defense? Walk Away FormID: 000CF031 TG06 TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch TG06CalcelmoIntroBranch02b CUST 1 You best rethink this course of action or you may find yourself on the executioner's block. Walk Away FormID: 000CEFD3 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathLodBranch1 DialogueFalkreathLodTopic1 CUST 0 Only inside the gates. Much of Falkreath hold is wilderness and there's plenty of trouble to be had. FormID: 000CEFC0 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeTGBribeYes CUST 0 Done. Now move along, before you get me in trouble. FormID: 000CEFBF DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeTGBribeNo CUST 0 Suit yourself, but you better decide what you want to do about this arrest. No one walks away for free. Walk Away FormID: 000CEFBE DGIntimidateQuest SCEN 0 Not so tough now, are you? FormID: 000CEFB9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DB02AstridWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 I'll cut right to it. You murdered the old woman in the orphanage. You owe the Dark Brotherhood a kill. I've come to collect. FormID: 000CEFB9 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DB02AstridWalkAwayTopic CUST 1 One of these poor sods has a contract out on their life. Which one is it? Any idea? Make your choice. Make your kill. And you get to walk away. FormID: 000CEDFE VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, ugly! taunting FormID: 000E0CB5 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, slug-breath! taunting FormID: 000E0CB6 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, skeever butt! taunting FormID: 000E0CB7 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, cheese brain! taunting FormID: 000E0CB8 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, melon nose! taunting FormID: 000E0CB9 VoicePowers ThrowVoiceLine HELO 0 Hey, troll bait! taunting FormID: 000CED8C TG05 SCEN 0 They say that these ancient Nordic burial mounds are sometimes impenetrable. FormID: 000CED95 TG05 SCEN 0 This one doesn't look too difficult. FormID: 000CED91 TG05 SCEN 0 That should do it. After you. FormID: 000CED8F TG05 SCEN 0 Quite simple really, I don't know what the fuss is about these locks. All it takes is a bit of know-how and a lot of skill. FormID: 000CED94 TG05 SCEN 0 Ah, it's one of the infamous Nordic puzzle doors. How quaint. FormID: 000CED90 TG05 SCEN 0 Without the matching claw, they're normally impossible to open. And since I'm certain Karliah already did away with it, we're on our own. FormID: 000CED8D TG05 SCEN 0 Fortunately, these doors have a weakness if you know how to exploit it. Quite simple, really. FormID: 000CED93 TG05 SCEN 0 Karliah's close, I'm certain of it. Now let's get moving. FormID: 000CE6FE dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetsTopic CUST 0 I set up those targets a long time ago. I shoot at them from time to time. Don't want to get rusty with my bow. FormID: 000CE6FF dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_NoticeTargets dunArcherQST_NoticeTargetTopic01a CUST 0 That I am. You know how to use one? FormID: 000CE6EF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopic DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopicTopic CUST 0 There's a whole college up in Solitude where they teach the arts. Song. Lute-playing. Poetry. FormID: 000CE6EF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopic DialogueWhiterunMikaelBardTopicTopic CUST 1 I studied there myself. Had to leave over a misunderstanding with a headmistress. Well, more a misunderstanding with her husband. FormID: 000CE32B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsDecideTopic CUST 0 Got stones in your ears? I asked what side you're on, Gray-Mane or Battle-Born! FormID: 000CE32A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsGrayManeTopic CUST 0 Then you're either a Stormcloak sympathizer or a fool. Either way, you're no friend of mine. FormID: 000CE329 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsBattleBornTopic CUST 0 Then I say well met, friend. I could tell you were a sharp one the moment I laid eyes on you. FormID: 000CE328 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsExplain CUST 0 New in town, huh? Whiterun's got two clans, both old and both respected. FormID: 000CE328 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsExplain CUST 1 Difference is, the Gray-Manes turned their backs on the Empire and we Battle-Borns stayed loyal. FormID: 000CE328 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafTopicsExplain CUST 2 So I'll ask again, Gray-Mane or Battle-Born? FormID: 000CE327 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntroTopic CUST 0 Gray-Mane or Battle-Born? FormID: 000CE32C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunIdolafIntro DialogueWhiterunidolafTopicsNoDecide CUST 0 Sooner or later, we all have to choose a side. FormID: 000CE2C8 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTEnd dunDarklightQSTEndTopic CUST 0 I suppose it would be better than sitting around thinking about all this. FormID: 00051EE9 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTMotherDead dunDarklightQSTReward CUST 0 Keep Mother's staff. Think of it as payment. I want to leave everything from this cursed place behind. Goodbye. And thank you. you've just pulled yourself together from the brink of tears FormID: 000CE2C7 dunDarklightQST dunDarklightQSTEnd dunDarklightQSTJoin CUST 0 I could also do some good for a change. Sure, I'd go with you. FormID: 000CE258 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Intro02Branch dunArcherQST_Intro02Topic01 CUST 0 I moved here from Helgen after my family was killed. FormID: 000CE258 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Intro02Branch dunArcherQST_Intro02Topic01 CUST 1 At the time I couldn't stand to be around anyone. They all felt sorry for me and I didn't want them to. It was my problem, not theirs. FormID: 000CE25D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_IntroView01Branch dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01 CUST 0 Name's Angi and if you try anything stupid I won't hesitate to put in arrow in your head. You're not afraid of anyone. FormID: 000CE253 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_IntroView01Branch dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01a CUST 0 Sorry, a girl can't be too careful out here. FormID: 000CE253 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_IntroView01Branch dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01a CUST 1 Like I said, name's Angi and I've been living out here for a couple of years now. FormID: 000CDEE0 DialogueMarkarthIntroArnleifandSonsScene SCEN 0 Did you hear all that noise outside? FormID: 000CDEE2 DialogueMarkarthIntroArnleifandSonsScene SCEN 0 It's just the market rabble. We should get back to work. FormID: 000CDEE1 DialogueMarkarthIntroArnleifandSonsScene SCEN 0 You there. If you're here to trade, step up to the counter. FormID: 000CDEC7 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3Topic CUST 0 I'm a Dark Elf and I live in Windhelm, so yes, I live in the Gray Quarter. FormID: 000CDEC7 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic3Topic CUST 1 You must be new around here, or you'd know they don't let my kind live anywhere outside that slum. FormID: 000CDEC6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3 DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3Topic CUST 0 It was difficult at first. The Nords of this city are, at best, suspicious of outsiders. FormID: 000CDEC6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3 DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3Topic CUST 1 But in time, I made the right friends and proved myself useful enough that they don't give me trouble anymore. FormID: 000CDEC6 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3 DialogueWindhelmNianyeTopic3Topic CUST 2 The dark elves are too proud and naive to understand the way things truly are, and so they continue to dwell in that slum. FormID: 000CDEC3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1Topic CUST 0 They're parasites. They're living in our city, under our protection, but what do they do for us? Nothing! FormID: 000CDEC3 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic1Topic CUST 1 I know the High King invited them here, but he didn't ask me or anyone else first. Maybe he should have. FormID: 000CDE8B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2Topic CUST 0 Wouldn't surprise me. They've done nothing to help in the fight for Skyrim's freedom. FormID: 000CDE8B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2Topic CUST 1 Those Thalmor are elves, too. I bet they're working together. FormID: 000CDE8B DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2 DialogueWindhelmRolffTopic2Topic CUST 2 Maybe I should round up some men and take us a few prisoners to interrogate. FormID: 000CDE61 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeBribe CUST 0 Not a chance. Not for this. You're going to the Cidhna Mine for the rest of your days. Walk Away FormID: 000CEFC3 DialogueCrimeGuards DGCrimeForcegreet DGCrimeBribe CUST 0 Well... maybe just this once. But there's still a price on your head. Better make yourself scarce, or we'll have to do this little dance again. FormID: 000CDEC8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1 DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1Topic CUST 0 Nothing new there. Most of the Nords living in Windhelm don't care much for us, but Rolff is the worst by far. FormID: 000CDEC8 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1 DialogueWindhelmSuvarisTopic1Topic CUST 1 He likes to get drunk and walk around the Gray Quarter yelling insults at us in the small hours of the morning. A real charmer, that one. Sarcasm FormID: 000CDDF0 MQ206 TAUT 0 Dovahkiin, you call yourself? Arrogant mortal. FormID: 000CDDF1 MQ206 TAUT 0 Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor. Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor = [QUOTE]My hunger has been fed by mortal souls[QUOTE] FormID: 000CDDF2 MQ206 TAUT 0 I will feast on your soul in Sovngarde! FormID: 000CDDF3 MQ206 TAUT 0 You are no match for me, joor! joor = mortal FormID: 000CDDF4 MQ206 TAUT 0 Paarthurnax is weak. I am strong. FormID: 000CDDF5 MQ206 TAUT 0 My time has come again. FormID: 000CDDF6 MQ206 TAUT 0 Maar saraan ko Sovngarde. Terror awaits in Sovngarde FormID: 000CDDF7 MQ206 TAUT 0 You are no match for me, Dovahkiin. FormID: 000CDDF8 MQ206 TAUT 0 I have feasted on many greater than you. FormID: 000CDDF9 MQ206 TAUT 0 You will pay for your defiance! FormID: 000CDDFA MQ206 TAUT 0 My teeth to your neck, Dovahkiin! cursing FormID: 000CDD66 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4BranchTopic CUST 0 Man gives bards a bad name. FormID: 000CDD66 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4BranchTopic CUST 1 We Nords have a long history as warrior poets. I am proud to count myself among them. FormID: 000CDD66 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic4BranchTopic CUST 2 But Mikael... He sings only for gold and the affections of wenches. He dishonors our traditions. FormID: 000CDAEF DialogueSolitudeBitsXanderSaymaScene1 SCEN 0 I need some things for the ship. FormID: 000CDAEE DialogueSolitudeBitsXanderSaymaScene1 SCEN 0 If you give me a list, I'll have them delivered to the dock by tomorrow morning. FormID: 000CDAED DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderTaarieScene1 SCEN 0 My tunic is fading. Too much sun and salt spray. FormID: 000CDAEC DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderTaarieScene1 SCEN 0 I doubt it can be repaired. You'll have to buy a new one. FormID: 000CDAF3 DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderAngelineScene1 SCEN 0 Back so soon Xander? FormID: 000CDAF1 DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderAngelineScene1 SCEN 0 Can you make some new poultices for know? FormID: 000CDAF0 DialogueSolitudeRaimentXanderAngelineScene1 SCEN 0 You should be more careful about the women you spend time with in port. Come back later and it will be ready. mild disapproval FormID: 000CDA1C DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST SCEN 0 Grrah! Roar of fury FormID: 000CDAF4 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 We've got a murderer on the loose... FormID: 000CDAF5 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 What...? Whoever did this, you're dead. You hear me? Dead! FormID: 000CDAF6 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Kill one of us, and three more will take their place. The Forsworn are unstoppable. FormID: 000CDAF7 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Your body lies dead, but your soul has joined our ranks... FormID: 000CDAF8 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Freshly killed. Whoever did this is still close... and will suffer for their insolence. FormID: 000CDAF9 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Damn. We've got trouble. FormID: 000D7781 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Sovngarde take your soul. I'll avenge your body. FormID: 000CDAFA DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Well now, this is unexpected... emphasis on [QUOTE]this[QUOTE] FormID: 000CDB48 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 I'll claw the eyes out of whoever did this! FormID: 000CDB4A DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Dead! Someone's going to pay for this. threatening FormID: 000CDB4B DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 No... FormID: 000CDB4C DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Hsss! Dead. Who did this? FormID: 000CDB4D DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Damn it, this will not stand! emphasis on [QUOTE]will[QUOTE] FormID: 000CDB4E DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 What...? No... No, this can't be happening... FormID: 000CDB4F DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 A...a body! How absolutely terrible. FormID: 000CDB50 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Murdered? By Azura, who would do such a thing? FormID: 000CDB51 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 What? Someone will suffer for this injustice. FormID: 000CDB52 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 I'm going to find whoever did this, and when I do... FormID: 000CDB53 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 By Ysmir! There's a killer about. FormID: 000CDB54 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Hmph. Looks like we got a cutthroat skulkin' around... FormID: 000D7782 DialogueCombatEncounterTypes DCETNoticeCorpse NOTI 0 Ain't nothing pretty about a corpse. No matter how fresh. FormID: 000CD9ED MQ206 SCEN 0 Gormlaith! We're running out of time! The battle... FormID: 000CD9EC MQ206 SCEN 0 If I die today, it will not be in terror. disdainfully FormID: 000CD9E5 MQ206 SCEN 0 You feel fear for the first time, worm. I see it in your eyes. with fierce gloating glee FormID: 000CD9E3 MQ206 SCEN 0 No, damn you! yell of rage and sorrow and despair (just saw your best friend be devoured by Alduin) FormID: 000CD9E2 MQ206 SCEN 0 You are banished! final words of the ritual - forcefully, each word enunciated like a shouted command FormID: 000CD9DF MQ206 SCEN 0 Meyye! Tahrodiis aanne! Him hinde pah liiv! Zu'u hin daan! [QUOTE]Fools! Treacherous slaves! Your hopes (are) all withered! I (am) your doom.[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD9DE MQ206 SCEN 0 Faal Kel...?! Nikriinne... ends with roar of surprise and rage as time rift swallows you[QUOTE]Elder Scroll...? Cowards...[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD9EB MQ206 SCEN 0 Begone, World-Eater! By words with older bones than your own we break your perch on this age and send you out! FormID: 000CD9E6 MQ206 SCEN 0 You are banished! Alduin, we shout you out from all our endings unto the last! FormID: 000CD9E4 MQ206 SCEN 0 Which is why I brought the Elder Scroll. FormID: 000CD985 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04InitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Look at you. Such a devoted student of Restoration. FormID: 000CD985 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04InitialBranchTopic CUST 1 It's comforting to see that not everyone has dismissed it as entirely as most members of the College. Truly comforting. FormID: 000CD984 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteFollowUp1 CUST 0 It looks like you're ready to speak with the Augur. FormID: 000CD983 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurResponse1 CUST 0 Oh, didn't you know? FormID: 000CD982 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurResponse2 CUST 0 Oh, goodness no. There are those far more skilled than I. flattered FormID: 000CD981 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurFollowUp1 CUST 0 The Augur was a brilliant mage. Truly inspired. Mastered spells others could barely comprehend. FormID: 000CD981 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurFollowUp1 CUST 1 He was especially gifted when it came to Restoration. He's... Well, he's very particular about who shares the knowledge. FormID: 000CD981 MGRitual04 MGRitual04InitialBranch MGRitual04ColetteAugurFollowUp1 CUST 2 So you'll need his approval first. Go on, go talk to him. I'm sure he's been paying attention, and will be expecting you. FormID: 000CD986 MGRitual04 SCEN 0 You are worthy. The knowledge is yours. FormID: 000CD8F0 DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 You come here where you're not wanted, you eat our food, you pollute our city with your stink and you refuse to help the Stormcloaks. Angry, bullying FormID: 000CD8EF DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Hey, maybe the reason these gray-skins don't help in the war is because they're Imperial spies! Threatening, bullying FormID: 000CD8EE DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Imperial spies? You can't be serious! Frightened & threatened FormID: 000CD8EC DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 Maybe we'll pay you a visit tonight, little spy. We got ways of finding out what you really are. FormID: 000CD8EA DialogueWindhelm SCEN 0 But we haven't taken a side because it's not our fight. Frightened FormID: 000CD868 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAQuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Everything you see is grown at my family's own Hollyfrost Farm. Fresh and filling. FormID: 000CD868 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAQuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I also do a little herb growing. The court wizard, Wuunferth, pays us to plant a little Nightshade. Who knows what he uses it for? FormID: 000CD868 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAQuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Hey, could you deliver this bottle of Nightshade Extract to Wuunferth? FormID: 000CD861 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmAYES CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 000CD85A FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestGive FreeformWindhelmANO CUST 0 Very well. FormID: 000CD859 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestEnd FreeformWindhelmAQuestEndTopic CUST 0 Ah yes, the extract, good. Poisonous, of course, but it has its uses. FormID: 000CD859 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWindhelmAQuestEnd FreeformWindhelmAQuestEndTopic CUST 1 I suppose you want something for your trouble? Here. FormID: 000CD81D MG08 SCEN 0 You've done it! You've beaten him! FormID: 000CD81C MG08 SCEN 0 And yet... FormID: 000CD81B MG08 SCEN 0 He's no longer abusing the power of the Eye. I would've expected all this to stop. FormID: 000CD7B1 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch02a CUST 0 Wait a moment... do I detect a hint of genuine avarice from this noble thief? Still disgusted, but also a bit surprised. Walk Away FormID: 000CD7B1 TG08B TG08BMercerOutroBranch TG08BMercerOutroBranch02a CUST 1 Perhaps Karliah and Brynjolf misjudged you and your true nature is no different than my own. Walk Away FormID: 000CD67B MQ101 SCEN 0 Who are you? to the player - slow, stern, but puzzled - handling a prisoner, but this person isn't on your list FormID: 000CD678 MQ101 SCEN 0 Captain. What should we do? He's not on the list. looking to your superior officer for guidance FormID: 000F7B35 MQ101 SCEN 0 Captain. What should we do? She's not on the list. looking to your superior officer for guidance FormID: 000CD670 MQ101 SCEN 0 Follow the Captain, prisoner. somewhat friendly, ordering a prisoner to move on FormID: 000CD66C MQ101 SCEN 0 Forget the list. He goes to the block. flatly, uncaring FormID: 000F7B30 MQ101 SCEN 0 Forget the list. She goes to the block. flatly, uncaring FormID: 000CD67E MQ101 SCEN 0 Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne. giving a speech, denouncing Ulfric for his crimes in front of an audience FormID: 000CD676 MQ101 SCEN 0 It's nothing. Carry on. some kind of monster just howled in the distance, but you order your men to ignore it and keep moving FormID: 000CD672 MQ101 SCEN 0 As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved.... priest reciting last rites before an execution, you get interrupted at the end FormID: 000CD66B MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Nord in the rags! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 00107569 MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the lizard! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756A MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Breton! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756B MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the dark elf! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756C MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the high elf! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756D MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the renegade from Cyrodiil! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756E MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the cat! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 0010756F MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Orc! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 00107570 MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the Redguard! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 00107571 MQ101 SCEN 0 Next, the wood elf! calling out and pointing at the next prisoner to be executed FormID: 000CD668 MQ101 SCEN 0 To the block, prisoner. Nice and easy. ordering a prisoner to the block, a bit nervous FormID: 000CD612 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWho DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrInvis CUST 0 We're quartered in the Hall of the Vigilant. Keeper Carcette heads Skyrim's branch of our order there, providing healing and justice as needed. FormID: 0002B38C DA05 DA05Shared IDAT 0 So be it. FormID: 000E4A33 DA05 DA05Shared IDAT 0 (Crying) FormID: 000CD119 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 Maybe you're right. I guess I just didn't want anyone to think I couldn't handle one Nord lass. FormID: 000CD119 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 1 On my honor, I won't bother Carlotta ever again. FormID: 000CD11B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 What did you just say? All I heard was the sound of jealousy. FormID: 0003F15A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 Bold words, but true. Fine, you win. I'll pay the Argonians more coin. FormID: 0003F15B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 They don't work now. Why should I waste more money? FormID: 000554DB Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 All right, all right. You sound like a damn Legion officer, but I get it. I'll give him a break. This better not hurt our quota. FormID: 000554DD Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 I'm in charge of the smelter. Not you. So why don't you lay off? VO: threatening, [QUOTE]So why don't YOU lay off?[QUOTE] FormID: 00068F6A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 Fine. You sound like a priest of Mara, but I get your point. Tell him to forget about the gold. FormID: 00068F6D Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 A debt. Is a debt. FormID: 0006F82E Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 I guess you're right. A Nord shouldn't be so proud to turn down a kind soul's generosity. Tell Iddra I'll be fine. FormID: 0006F88B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 No. I have my pride. FormID: 00094041 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 You're right. What would my forefathers think if they knew I wasn't paying my debts? Tell Haran I'll bring her the gold I owe. FormID: 00094042 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeSpeech CUST 0 And I told you I'd pay it when I'm good and ready. FormID: 000DC532 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 The finest jewelry in all of Markarth. welcoming FormID: 000DC533 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 Redguard craftsmanship in every piece. FormID: 000DC534 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 The bloodiest beef in the Reach. FormID: 000DC535 DialogueMarkarth IDLE 0 You want a cut of venison or mutton? Of course you do. FormID: 000CD10E CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 0 All right, prisoner. Eyes front. You're in Cidhna Mine, now. And we expect you to earn your keep. Walk Away FormID: 000CD10E CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 1 There's no resting your hide in a cell in this prison. Here, you work. You'll mine ore until you start throwing up silver bars. Walk Away FormID: 000CD10E CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 2 You got it? Walk Away FormID: 000CD10F CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineBlockingTopic CUST 0 I said get down there. Now. Walk Away FormID: 000CD10A CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaQuestion CUST 0 You won't. The Jarl has ordered a life sentence for you. Get comfortable in the dark, 'cause you'll never see the sun again. FormID: 000D922F CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaQuestion CUST 0 You'll pay off your debt to the Reach. Just work and you'll earn your freedom. FormID: 000CD109 CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaAgreeTopic CUST 0 Good. FormID: 000CD11D CidhnaMineJailEventScene CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzoga CidhnaMineJailEventSceneUrzogaDisagreeTopic CUST 0 Don't get smart with me. I'm in charge. You keep it up, I'll have your toes cut off. FormID: 000CD112 CidhnaMineJailEventScene SCEN 0 All right. Open her up. FormID: 000CD10D CidhnaMineJailEventScene SCEN 0 Now, you. Get down there. FormID: 000CD110 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaA DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaATopic CUST 0 This is a jail, owned by the Silver-Blood family. We use the prisoners to mine for ore. FormID: 000CD110 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaA DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaATopic CUST 1 It's the most secure prison in Skyrim. Throw scum in, close the gates. No one gets out. FormID: 000CD110 DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaA DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaATopic CUST 2 So unless you're here to dig, you don't belong here. FormID: 000CD10B DialogueCidhnaMine DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaB DialogueCidhnaMineUrzogaBTopic CUST 0 We're not. The Silver-Bloods pay our wage. Every man here is a trained mercenary. FormID: 000CD0FE CWSiege SCEN 0 Everyone, on me! The Jarl wishes to speak! calling out over a din of cheering soldiers FormID: 000CD0AA CWSiege SCEN 0 Revel in your victory here today, even as the gods revel in your honor! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0A9 CWSiege SCEN 0 They already sing of your valor and skill! The halls of Sovngarde are no doubt ringing with your praises! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0A2 CWSiege SCEN 0 In defeating these Stormcloak traitors, you have proven the hollowness of their cause and the fullness of your hearts. addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0A0 CWSiege SCEN 0 The citizens of Whiterun are forever in your debt! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD11A CWSiege SCEN 0 But Ulfric will not stop here. No, he will continue to strike out against any true Nord who remains faithful to the Empire. addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD11A CWSiege SCEN 1 He will continue to sow discord and chaos wherever he can. addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD08E DA05_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST SCEN 0 ...You! Why? Shocked, suspicious, betrayed. FormID: 000CD118 CWSiege SCEN 0 And so, we must each one of us, continue to fight this insurrection, lest our fallen brothers have died for naught! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD078 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met, kinsman. What brings you to Whiterun? FormID: 000CD079 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Well met, traveler. What brings you to Whiterun? FormID: 000CD077 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse1 CUST 0 Ah, so it's gold you're after, then? FormID: 000CD077 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse1 CUST 1 You need only ask about. Plenty o' folk in Whiterun with too much fat and gold to be bothered doing anything for themselves. FormID: 000CD074 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse2 CUST 0 Truly? FormID: 000CD074 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse2 CUST 1 Ha! By Shor, this city could use more like you. FormID: 000CD074 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse2 CUST 2 Best head up to Dragonsreach, then, and see the Jarl. He's lord of Whiterun, and can set you on the path. FormID: 000CD076 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse3 CUST 0 A pity. And words I hear too often. FormID: 000CD076 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonIntroBranch DialogueWhiterunJonResponse3 CUST 1 But there's no shame in it. One of them dragons comes callin' in Whiterun, the place'll go up like tinder. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 0 Aye, that I do. Have all my life. We Battle-Borns have been here since the beginning. Along with the Gray-Manes. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 1 Our families been close as kin for generations. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 2 But Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising has divided us. Now seems we can scarce look at each other without comin' to blows. Petty and foolish, that. FormID: 000CD073 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic1BranchTopic CUST 3 They're sayin' dragons have returned to Skyrim. Now that there, that's a real problem. emphasis on [QUOTE]real[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD072 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2BranchTopic CUST 0 Ain't sure if they're takin' on new members, but you should talk to the Companions. They're over in their hall, Jorrvaskr. FormID: 000CD072 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic2BranchTopic CUST 1 If by [QUOTE]work[QUOTE] you mean [QUOTE]testing your steel in bloody battle.[QUOTE] FormID: 000CD075 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! The most important question of all, that one. FormID: 000CD075 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want the Bannered Mare. See old Hulda, she'll keep you swimmin' in mead. FormID: 000CD075 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 2 But mind he bard, Mikael. Poncy little milk drinker, that one. FormID: 000A7249 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! The most important question of all, that one. FormID: 000A7249 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want the Bannered Mare. See old Hulda, she'll keep you swimmin' in mead. FormID: 000A724A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 0 Ha! The most important question of all, that one. FormID: 000A724A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3Branch DialogueWhiterunJonTopic3BranchTopic CUST 1 You'll want the Bannered Mare. See Olfina, she'll keep you swimmin' in mead. FormID: 000CD115 CWSiege SCEN 0 Lest our honor be lessened should we allow these bloodthirsty beasts to prowl our lands! FormID: 000CD113 CWSiege SCEN 0 Carry on men, my gratitude and blessings go with you! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD10C CWSiege SCEN 0 For Whiterun! For the Empire! addressing a crowd of victorious soldiers FormID: 000CD0B1 CW CWSiegeJarlThankYou CWSiegeJarlThankYouTopic CUST 0 Thank you for your role in all of this. FormID: 000CD0B1 CW CWSiegeJarlThankYou CWSiegeJarlThankYouTopic CUST 1 It'd be my honor should you decide to make Whiterun your home. Speak with Proventus. He'll make the necessary arrangements. grateful FormID: 000CC83D DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedraTopic CUST 0 And any other abominations that prey on mortals. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. FormID: 000CC83D DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDaedraTopic CUST 1 But the Daedra are the worst. Their callous disregard for our lives is abhorrent in the eyes of the God of Mercy. FormID: 000CCD41 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericWitchhuntersPlayerHasDaedricBranch DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrHandOverYES CUST 0 Wise decision. The vaults in the Hall of the Vigilant will guard this against future temptation. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9C0 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrCureDisease DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrCureDiseaseTopic CUST 0 Stendarr's Light purify you of your ills. holy warrior FormID: 000CC95A DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr GBYE 0 Stendarr be with you. FormID: 000CC95B DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr GBYE 0 The Vigil will be watching you. FormID: 000CC95C DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr GBYE 0 None escape the Vigil. All come into the light. FormID: 000CC855 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWho DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoTopic CUST 0 Yes. Our order was founded after the Oblivion Crisis. We dedicate our lives to facing the threat of Daedra wherever they appear. holy warrior FormID: 000CC96F DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 You're bloated with disease. The Vigilant of Stendarr can help you, as long as you promise to never assist the Daedra. holy warrior FormID: 000CC970 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 I am Keeper of the Vigil here in Skyrim. We bring Stendarr's Mercy to the innocent and His Justice to the Daedra. holy warrior FormID: 000CC971 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 You speak to a Vigilant of Stendarr. Cavort with any Daedra, and we will hunt you down. holy warrior FormID: 000CC972 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 Wherever the Daedra hide, the Vigil of Stendarr will cast them into the light. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9A4 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 Stendarr's Mercy be upon you, for the Vigil has none to spare. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9BD DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 Walk always in the light, or we will drag you to it. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9BE DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 The suffering the Daedra cause will not go unpunished. holy warrior FormID: 000CC9BF DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr HELO 0 The Mercy of Stendarr does not extend to Daedra worshippers. holy warrior FormID: 000CC851 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarrTopic CUST 0 He is the God of Mercy. The patron of order and justice for all of Tamriel. holy warrior FormID: 000CC851 DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrWhoStendarrTopic CUST 1 We bring his compassion where none can be found, by cleansing all those who would offend his children. holy warrior FormID: 000CC83C DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadraTopic CUST 0 They are profane creatures with no hope of redemption. They lure innocents to their deaths and corrupt the souls of all they touch. holy warrior FormID: 000CC83C DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarr DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadra DialogueGenericVigilantsOfStendarrDeadraTopic CUST 1 And their heretical artifacts grant powers to mortals that wreak havoc across Tamriel. They must be destroyed or guarded to prevent temptation. holy warrior FormID: 000CC7AE DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 We'll pay whatever it takes. But we must have more swords for the Imperial soldiers. Determined and forceful. [QUOTE]We MUST have more swords![QUOTE] FormID: 000CC7AF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 I just can't fill an order that size on my own. FormID: 000CC7AF DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 Why don't you swallow that stubborn pride of yours and ask Eorlund Gray-Mane for help? FormID: 000CC7AD DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Ha! I'd sooner bend my knee to Ulfric Stormcloak. FormID: 000CC7AD DialogueWhiterun SCEN 1 Besides, Gray-Mane would never make steel for the Legion. FormID: 000CC7AC DialogueWhiterun SCEN 0 Have it your way. I'll take the job, but don't expect a miracle. FormID: 000CC778 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaNahNotForMe CUST 0 Do not forsake your heart, child, for it may one day come to surprise you. FormID: 000CC778 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaNahNotForMe CUST 1 Mara will always accept into her arms should you seek return to her fold. FormID: 000CC775 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaQuestOfferingTopic CUST 0 Always, child. Mara's mercy is ever-flowing. FormID: 000CC774 t02 T02DinyaQuestOffering T02DinyaReadyFreddy CUST 0 Are you prepared, then, to help bring the light across this land? FormID: 000CC772 t02 T02FastredQuestStart T02FastredGetItTogether CUST 0 I don't want to choose! They're both so amazing. FormID: 000CC77D t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsToManUp CUST 0 That may be the case. FormID: 000CC77D t02 T02CalcelmoIntroBranch T02CalcelmoNeedsToManUp CUST 1 But she is as volatile as a sabre cat. One wrong word, and I've seen her turn on a man so quickly... FormID: 000CC77C t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmoTopic CUST 0 Calcelmo? What about him? suspicious FormID: 000CC77B t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenPlayerTriesToSpillTheBeans CUST 0 What? You're out of your mind. That old coot's more interested in dead dwarves than anybody around here. FormID: 000CC77B t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenPlayerTriesToSpillTheBeans CUST 1 Don't talk such rot. FormID: 000CC77A t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenDoYouLikeLikeHim CUST 0 Think of him? He's an odd little man. Always poking around the ruins and wasting time in his museum. FormID: 000CC77A t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenDoYouLikeLikeHim CUST 1 Seems friendly enough. Obviously intelligent. Why do you ask? FormID: 000CC779 t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenNoItsTrue CUST 0 Please, stop wasting my time. You're embarrassing yourself. FormID: 000CC777 t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenIWasJustJoshin CUST 0 Of course you were. Now stop wasting my time. FormID: 000CC776 t02 T02FaleenTellMeAboutCalcelmo T02FaleenOhNothingAtAll CUST 0 Well aren't you a strange one. FormID: 000CC4F2 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Sahloknir! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) FormID: 000CC35D dunArcherQST SCEN 0 My father was rarely home, so it was my mother who actually taught me how to use a bow. FormID: 000CC349 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 She always said composure was the key to a successful archer. FormID: 000CC339 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 If you can remain calm, even in the midst of chaos, your arrow will most likely find its target. FormID: 000CC374 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 OK, let's see what you can do. FormID: 000CC374 dunArcherQST SCEN 1 Remember to stay within the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. I have some if you don't have any. FormID: 000CC374 dunArcherQST SCEN 2 Aim for the middle target. FormID: 000CC34C dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Training01 dunArcherQST_Training01Topic01 CUST 0 Here you go. FormID: 000CC342 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Training02 dunArcherQST_Training02Topic01 CUST 0 It's easy - stay inside the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. You're training someone and informing her of the rules. FormID: 000CC341 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Now hit the target to the left. FormID: 000CC348 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 My older brother took me out hunting a lot when I was little. FormID: 000CC375 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 At the time, it was difficult to keep food on the table, let alone have enough left over to sell at the market. FormID: 000CC355 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 So whenever we came across more than one deer in a single location, it was imperative we kill as many as we could. FormID: 000CC340 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 If you can learn to keep your composure and trust that each shot is true, then you should be able to quickly handle multiple targets. FormID: 000CC33B dunArcherQST SCEN 0 When I tell you to, try and hit each of the three closest targets in eight seconds. FormID: 000CC347 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 I'll count to three and then say [QUOTE]go.[QUOTE] You have eight seconds to hit each of the three targets. Draw string and get ready. FormID: 000CC357 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 You did it! All three targets in eight seconds. Nice job. FormID: 000CC34B dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Training04 dunArcherQST_Training04a CUST 0 Here, take these. Looks like you're running low. FormID: 000CC356 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Great shot. Now hit the target to the right. FormID: 000CC346 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the left target. FormID: 000CC35C dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the right target. FormID: 000CC363 dunArcherQST SCEN 0 Shoot the middle target. FormID: 000CC33E dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01 CUST 0 I think I've taught you everything I know. You might even be as good as me now. You've just finished training the person and sarcastically mention that the person is better than you now. FormID: 000CC33E dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01 CUST 1 Kind of scary if I think about it. Said with a smile. FormID: 000CC34D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01a CUST 0 It was my pleasure. It's not often I get visitors out here. Let alone friendly ones. FormID: 000CC376 dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01b CUST 0 Very funny. You're being sarcastic. FormID: 000CC33D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01d CUST 0 Thanks for sticking around and keeping me company. FormID: 000CC33D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01d CUST 1 It was nice to finally meet someone out here who doesn't want to rob you or take off your head. FormID: 000CC33D dunArcherQST dunArcherQST_Complete01 dunArcherQST_Complete01Topic01d CUST 2 I know it isn't much, but here, take this bow. It was given to me by my family. It's special to me, but brings back too many painful memories. FormID: 000CBAB1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub CUST 0 Reputation, mostly. A lot of Khajiit turn to smuggling and thievery to get by. FormID: 000CBAB1 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub CUST 1 A few bad apples spoil the bunch. You know how it is. FormID: 000CBAB0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 0 Matter of fact, I do. They've been fair enough with me, far as I can tell. FormID: 000CBAB0 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 1 And a Nord knows a liar when she sees one. FormID: 000CBAAF DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub1 CUST 0 Head up the steps from the market an' look to your right. Can't miss it. FormID: 000CBAAE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 0 Don't even get me started on that lot. FormID: 000CBAAE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 1 They put on airs like they're somethin' special. Sure, they've got money, but they ain't got a shred of honor between 'em. FormID: 000CBAAE DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Sub2 CUST 2 Gray-Mane. Now that's a name fills you with pride. We've got roots in Whiterun. We've got history. FormID: 000CBA97 BQ04 BQ04Main BQ04MainTopic CUST 0 The Jarl has put out a bounty on the dragon that's been terrorizing the countryside. Here, take a look at this decree for details. FormID: 000CB3A7 MS01IntroWorldScene SCEN 0 A bit of jewelry for your journey home? talking to a customer FormID: 0002A7D3 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunCompletedFavors WhiterunCompletedFavorsTopic CUST 0 Oh, thank Arkay. Please, take this gold for your troubles. FormID: 0002A7D8 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunCompletedFavors WhiterunCompletedFavorsTopic CUST 0 Well, would you look at that! Argonian Ale! My thanks, friend. Here, take this here healing potion. I, er, [QUOTE]found[QUOTE] it in the temple. FormID: 000CB269 DialogueRiften FLEE 0 Just... leave here! Leave us alone! FormID: 000CB26A DialogueRiften FLEE 0 Begone from here! Get out of this orphanage! Help!Somebody help me! FormID: 000CB1B7 CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Whiterun. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1B8 CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Markarth. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1B9 CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Riften. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1BA CWJarlThanks HELO 0 In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Windhelm. Talk to my steward if you're interested. FormID: 000CB1A7 TG04 SCEN 0 I knew it... Mercer sent you to kill me! Guards, there's an intruder! scared, loud (yell second line to guards) FormID: 000CAF65 MQ206 SCEN 0 You cannot prevail against me. I will outlast you... mortal! FormID: 000CAE33 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic DialogueWhiterunAdrianneSwordAccept CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 000CAE32 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAdrianneSwordTopic DialogueWhiterunAdrianneSwordReject CUST 0 Very well then. FormID: 000CADE4 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWarTopic CUST 0 About 30 years ago, the Aldmeri Dominion invaded the Empire. It was a surprise attack, caught everyone off guard. FormID: 000CADE4 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWarTopic CUST 1 They ended up sacking the Imperial City. I was there, blasting apart young Elven men and women with Fireballs and Lightning Bolts. FormID: 000CADE4 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWar DialogueDawnstarMadenaGreatWarTopic CUST 2 By Akatosh, all the blood. The smell of flesh burned and pulled apart by magic. I never want to do that to another soul ever again. FormID: 000CADE3 DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkaldScene SCEN 0 This isn't over. I catch you sending one letter to General Tullius, I'll have you both executed. FormID: 000CADE2 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren01 SCEN 0 No. Not really. FormID: 000CADE1 DialogueDawnstarRustleifSeren01 SCEN 0 (sigh) sighing FormID: 000CAB97 MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST_SharedInfos IDAT 0 Arise! Arise and defend us! FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Hmph. Plenty. FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 I'd say we're prosperous enough. Most folk don't go hungry, if they're willing to work hard. FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 The city's ruled by the Jarl up in Dragonsreach. That's the fortress, there, up on the tall hill. FormID: 000CAB80 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAdrianneTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 But you're probably more interested in Jorrvaskr, mead hall of the Companions. Their deeds of war and valor are... legendary. FormID: 000CAB7F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Yeah, these Khajiit make a living traveling the roads and selling their wares. FormID: 000CAB7F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 It's got to be tough. Skyrim's a hard enough land when you've got a roof over your head. FormID: 000CAB7F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Worst thing is, nobody wants them in the cities. Nobody trusts them. FormID: 000CAB7E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 About the same as everyone else. They're the cat-folk of Elsweyr. Great warriors, good traders. FormID: 000CAB7E DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunYsoldaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Way I hear it, Elsweyr ain't nothing like Skyrim. It's got tropical forests and dusty badlands. It sounds awful! FormID: 000CAB7C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 The heat of battle is the fire that forges the strongest blades. It's an old Nord proverb. FormID: 000CAB7C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 That, and a true Nord never misses a chance to test her worth. FormID: 000CAB7B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 You been talking to those Companions? FormID: 000CAB7B DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 [QUOTE]Too hot-headed,[QUOTE] they cried. Weak, pathetic cowards, the lot of them! Angry, bitter FormID: 000CAB7A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 It wasn't my fault! I told them over and over that it was an accident! Angry, defensive, guilty. FormID: 000CAB7A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 They wanted me to prove my worth, so they threw me up against a young whelp of a lad, hardly old enough to grow his first chin-hairs. Angry, defensive and guilty. FormID: 000CAB7A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUthgerdTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 I guess they thought a woman wasn't strong enough to hurt him. I didn't mean for him to die! Why would I want that? I just... lost control. She starts angry, but her voice begins to break with grief when she reaches the admission in the second half of this dialogue. FormID: 000CAB81 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranch HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranchTopic CUST 0 I am an artisan, painting in strokes of blood red upon the canvas of life. But yes, I will take coin to fight at your side. FormID: 000CAB81 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranch HirelingQuestMercenaryTopicBranchTopic CUST 1 After all, where is the value in creating art if there is nobody left alive to see it? FormID: 000CAB1D dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Lost, stranger? FormID: 000CC377 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Looking to practice, stranger? FormID: 000CC378 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the middle target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC379 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Ready to practice some more? FormID: 000CC37A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Let me know if you want to try again. FormID: 000CC37B dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the left target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC37C dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the right target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC37D dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Great job hitting those targets. You definitely surprised me with your speed and composure. FormID: 000CE25E dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 It's not often I get visitors out here. You lost, stranger? FormID: 000D0323 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTHellos HELO 0 Try and hit the far target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CAB0D dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Let's see if I can teach you a few things about using a bow. FormID: 000CC371 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Remember, composure and speed. You don't need to see your arrow hit before moving onto your next target. Trust your shot is true. FormID: 000CC372 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Take care, stranger. Be careful out there. FormID: 000D0334 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 Shoot the far target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000E48FC dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was nice to spend time with someone who enjoys archery as much as I do. FormID: 000CAB19 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Well, let me know if you ever want to practice. FormID: 000CAB1A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 You chose the wrong girl to mess with. You're pissed off and about to get in a fight. FormID: 000CC364 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Nice shot! Right on target. FormID: 000CC365 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Now hit it again. FormID: 000CC366 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Let me know if you want to practice some more. Next time we'll make it a little more challenging. FormID: 000CC367 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 You need to stay inside the boundaries. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC368 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Only use the practice arrows. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC369 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Stay within the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC36A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Shoot the right target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC36B dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Shoot the left target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CC36C dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Shoot the middle target. You're training someone. You're not yelling at the person, just informing. FormID: 000CE25F dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Two Imperial drunks who thought they were above the law. You're a little pissed off. FormID: 000CE260 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Don't be like them. Don't feel sorry for me. You're not angry, you're just tired of people always feeling sorry for you. FormID: 000D0325 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Nice job hitting those targets. FormID: 000D0326 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Excellent. Follow me to the targets and we'll begin. FormID: 000D0327 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 One, two, three... You're counting to three and about to say Go. Don't rush it. About a second between each number. FormID: 000D0328 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Go! FormID: 000D0329 dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Time's up! Better luck next time. FormID: 000D032A dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Here, take these. Looks like you're running low. FormID: 000D032B dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Listen to me and you might learn something. FormID: 000D8DAD dunArcherQST dunArcherQSTShared IDAT 0 Sure. FormID: 000CA74B CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 Enough! Stop! shouting above a loud battle going on around him (calling from deep reserves of inner strength) FormID: 000CA74B CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 1 Cease fighting. It's over. shouting to get people to stand down FormID: 000CA777 CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 Sir... about to try convincing his liege to keep fighting. FormID: 000CA74E CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 It's over. No more violence. loudly so all can hear (but to his body guard who wants to keep fighting) FormID: 000CA749 CWFortSiegeCapital SCEN 0 We surrender. The capital is yours. If you pledge no harm will come of my people, I turn over the seat of power to you. loudly to the crowd, trying to remain commanding even as he is losing his position as king and facing exile FormID: 000CA74A CWFortSiegeCapital CWFortSiegeSurrenderBranch CWFortSiegeSurrender CUST 0 Go. Tell your commanders you have won. I, my family, and my men will be gone before they arrive. frustrated he lost the city FormID: 000CA74A CWFortSiegeCapital CWFortSiegeSurrenderBranch CWFortSiegeSurrender CUST 1 There is no point in further talk. Go now! upset he lost the city and is no longer king FormID: 000CA638 MQ106 TAUT 0 We've got to bring it down! FormID: 000CA639 MQ106 TAUT 0 Don't let it get too close! FormID: 000CA63A MQ106 TAUT 0 We've got to ground that bastard! FormID: 000CA63B MQ106 TAUT 0 Come on! This is our best chance! FormID: 000CA6D9 MQ106 TAUT 0 Attack while it's landed! FormID: 000CA63C MQ106 TAUT 0 Now it's my turn, you son of a bitch. FormID: 000CA63D MQ106 TAUT 0 For the Blades! FormID: 000CA63E MQ106 TAUT 0 I am Sahloknir! Hear my Voice and despair! FormID: 000CA63F MQ106 TAUT 0 It's to be a real fight, then. Good! relishing the battle FormID: 000CA640 MQ106 TAUT 0 My lord Alduin requires your death. I am glad to oblige him. FormID: 000CA641 MQ106 TAUT 0 I see that mortals have become arrogant while I slept. FormID: 000CA642 MQ106 TAUT 0 My Voice has been silent for too long! FormID: 000CA643 MQ106 TAUT 0 Hiding will not save you! FormID: 000CA644 MQ106 TAUT 0 Dohaviin, your Voice is no match for mine! FormID: 000CA645 MQ106 TAUT 0 Your Voice is strong... for a mortal. scornfully FormID: 000CA647 MQ106 TAUT 0 Come and face me, then! FormID: 000CA648 MQ106 TAUT 0 I do not fear you, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000CA631 MQ106 NOTC 0 Take that thing down! FormID: 000CA630 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA4 CUST 0 I hope so. But you'll forgive me if I don't assume that something's true just because the Greybeards say so. distrustfully FormID: 000CA630 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA4 CUST 1 I just handed you the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Does that make me Dragonborn, too? skeptically FormID: 000CA649 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA1 CUST 0 Good. Good. Now we won't have to spend time searching for it. with rare enthusiasm - pleasantly surprised at the player's competence FormID: 000CA649 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA1 CUST 1 We should get moving. There's no time to waste. FormID: 000CA637 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA2 CUST 0 I need to get into my traveling gear. Give me a minute and I'll be ready. FormID: 000CA635 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntroExclusiveEnd MQ106DelphineIntroEndA3 CUST 0 I can't wait around for you to make up your mind. I'll meet you at Kynesgrove. Don't waste time getting there. tersely - she's annoyed that the player isn't ready to go FormID: 000CA633 MQ106 MQ106Kynesgrove MQ106KynegroveEntryA1 CUST 0 Why didn't you say so earlier? At least now we don't have to waste time searching the area. annoyed, but also pleased you know of it FormID: 000CA633 MQ106 MQ106Kynesgrove MQ106KynegroveEntryA1 CUST 1 We should get moving. There's no time to waste. FormID: 000CA627 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 0 Aye, he does indeed... and with his fingers in the East Empire Company's pie, we'll make good use of that debt. minor revelation FormID: 000CA627 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 1 If I'm not being clear enough, that means we don't want him killed. warning FormID: 000CA627 TG04 TG04BrynjolfIntroBranch TG04BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic02a CUST 2 For now, just keep on his tail and he's bound to step into something he can't scrape off his boot. FormID: 000CA626 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic02a CUST 0 No, please! There's no need for that! I'll tell you everything. afraid for life FormID: 000CA626 TG04 TG04GulumEiConfrontBranch TG04GulumEiConfrontBranchTopic02a CUST 1 It's Karliah... her name is Karliah. slightly reluctant to say this FormID: 000CA434 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 My wife Seren and I run it together. She still smiths even though we found out she is with child. FormID: 000CA434 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Our son or daughter isn't going to get much Redguard culture here in Skyrim. I know my wife worries how she will pass along her traditions. FormID: 000CA434 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Hey, if you find a book called [QUOTE]Night Falls on Sentinel,[QUOTE] could you bring it to me? It's a story from my wife's people. Be good to have. FormID: 00090E0D Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Work? I demand tribute before you can be considered for any real tasks. FormID: 00090E0D Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 How about drink? None of that local piss. Real Black-Briar Mead, fresh from Riften. FormID: 00079ADA Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Before my ma and da passed, I told them that one day, I'd become the best trader in Skyrim. FormID: 00079ADA Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I met one of the caravan leaders, Ma'dran. He said he'd help get me started if I could bring him a mammoth's tusk. Easier said than done. FormID: 00094050 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I picked up the trade when I was a girl. One of the temple healers staying here on a pilgrimage showed me the basics. FormID: 00094050 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 She had a book with her, [QUOTE]Song of the Alchemists,[QUOTE] that I used to read over and over. I miss having a copy. FormID: 00094051 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 That I am. Train the recruits. Turn boys into men. That sort of thing. FormID: 00094051 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Thinking of asking the General for some training books. Give the soldiers something to do while they're on rest. Something besides drinking. FormID: 00094051 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Ever seen a book called [QUOTE]The Mirror[QUOTE]? We used to hand it out to boys looking to learn basic shield work. FormID: 000AB85A Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Our little girl died recently. I've been shouldering my days with strong mead, but nothing gives my Tova peace. FormID: 000AB85A Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I've been looking for an Amulet of Arkay to remind my wife that our child is with the gods now, but I can't find one. FormID: 000CA436 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Good on you. FormID: 00090DFA Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 You better. I hate people who waste my time. FormID: 00079ADC Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 You'd do that? If you find one, I could teach you a thing or two about trading. Help you get a fair bargain in the future. FormID: 000940C8 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Really? I'd be happy to show you a bit about herbs if you find the book. FormID: 000940C9 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Good on you. FormID: 000AB818 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestAccept CUST 0 Thank you. FormID: 000CA437 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 My loss, right? FormID: 00090E04 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 Then I don't have time for you. FormID: 00079AE1 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 I'll do my best. FormID: 00094093 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 I suppose it is. FormID: 00094094 Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 Be glad you're not training under me with that mouth of yours. FormID: 000AB83F Favor110 Favor110QuestGive Favor110QuestReject CUST 0 Aye. FormID: 000CA438 Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Good. I'll see if I can get some copies made for the men. Here, something for your trouble. The Legion thanks you. FormID: 0009408C Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 It's amazing how much you can learn from a book. FormID: 0009408C Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here. Let me show you some of the things the temple healers taught me about potions. FormID: 0009408D Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Don't know what the Redguards see in books, but this will make my Seren happy. FormID: 0009408D Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Thank you. Let me show you some tricks around the forge. FormID: 00090DEE Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Now that's what I like to see. Someone who gets things done. FormID: 00090DEE Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here. A little something for you. FormID: 00079AE2 Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. This should turn that old cat's gaze. Maybe I'll be able to become a caravaneer myself, one day. FormID: 00079AE2 Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 As promised, let me show you a thing or two about bargaining. Don't want some shifty merchant giving you a raw trade. FormID: 000AB81A Favor110 Favor110QuestReturn Favor110QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 I hope Arkay grants my wife some comfort. Thank you. Here. I always pay my debts. FormID: 000CA317 MG03_dunFellglowKeepQST SCEN 0 Ah, a test subject! Go, my pets! Attack! Crazed, grandiose. A wizard ordering his pet rats to attack. FormID: 000CA1F7 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 That bard Mikael is begging for a dagger up against his throat, the way he goes on about me. FormID: 000CA1F7 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 I've heard him boasting at the Bannered Mare, saying he'll [QUOTE]conquer me as a true Nord conquers any harsh beast.[QUOTE] Hmph. FormID: 0003F062 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Torbjorn Shatter-Shield. I wish someone would beat the coin out of his fat fists. He clings to every Septim. FormID: 0003F062 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 He says an Argonian's labor is only worth a tenth of a [QUOTE]proper Nord worker.[QUOTE] My people are not slaves! FormID: 00055367 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 He's a damn tyrant. Always being goaded on by the Silver-Bloods to get more work out of us. FormID: 00055367 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 They pay us next to nothing. We get beaten if we make a mistake, and where are our kind Nord rulers? What are they doing? Typical. FormID: 0006F816 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Too many drinking games, too many bets, and I'm too old to ever raise the coin on my own. FormID: 00068F33 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 He's been in Kynesgrove forever. Great storyteller. Keeps everyone's spirits up. FormID: 00068F33 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Owes me a lot of coin for drinks. I keep telling him not to worry about it, but he's got the stubborn Nord blood. FormID: 00068F33 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 2 Damn fool doesn't have the coin to pay me back, so he just beats himself up over it, and then he gets thirsty, and it cycles all over again. FormID: 00094074 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 He owes this tavern enough coin to burn it down, build it back up, then burn it down again just for laughs. FormID: 00094074 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 He's had some troubles in his life, but I can't have him drinking here without at least paying back some of the coin he owes. FormID: 000CA1FA Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 He's a stubborn oaf. I don't know what good it'll do. FormID: 0006F7EF Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 If you want to try, go right ahead. I don't think anything will get through that thick skull of his, though. FormID: 0003F085 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 You can try, but we've gotten nowhere talking to him ourselves. FormID: 00055115 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 You're going to try to talk sense into that Orc? I'll believe it when I see it. FormID: 00068FDF Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 If you could convince him that I don't care about his tab, it'd certainly make me feel better. FormID: 00094048 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestAccept CUST 0 Go right ahead. He just might be sober enough to listen to you. FormID: 000CA1FE Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 I'm sure. I'm sure. FormID: 0006F826 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 I can take care of myself. A Whiterun woman learns how to handle a few idiot men early in life. FormID: 0003F07B Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 We will make do somehow. We always have. FormID: 00055386 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 Sorries don't help anyone. FormID: 00068F31 Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 He'll be fine, I just hate worrying about his worrying. FormID: 0009407B Favor013 Favor013QuestGive Favor013QuestReject CUST 0 I'm sure we'll get our gold at some point. Not like he has anywhere to go. FormID: 000CD114 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Anything for my favorite lass. FormID: 000CD116 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Oh? Were you after her yourself? I won't stand in your way, my friend. You have my word. FormID: 000CD117 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Carlotta put you up to this, didn't she? I'm sorry, but that fiery widow is mine. She just doesn't know it yet. FormID: 0003F07E Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Well, my friend, if you think those boots needs more coin, I'll make it happen. But I'm doing this for you, not them. FormID: 0003F083 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Those boots aren't worth the septims I do pay them. I'm not giving them coin I could give to good, Nord workers. FormID: 000552BA Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 What? Are you telling me how to treat my workers? Do you have any idea how much metal the Silver-Blood family wants us to smelt? FormID: 0006F94A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Debts are debts. Either he pays them, or his kind do. FormID: 00068F62 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 I guess if you're telling me to stop worrying about it, maybe I should just let it go. Thank you, friend. FormID: 00068F63 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 What do you think I am, a beggar? My family has always paid back every single coin we owed, going back to Tiber Septim's time. FormID: 00094077 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013TargetTopic CUST 0 Who are you to say what I should do? I'll pay her back when I'm ready. FormID: 000CA204 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Bribing me? Well, a bard does need to eat. On my ancestor's honor, I won't trouble sweet Carlotta again. FormID: 000CE6F1 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I don't think so. sarcastic laugh at the beginning FormID: 0003F160 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Paying the wages yourself? Well, I won't say no to gold. By my family's honor, this money will go to the Argonian workers. FormID: 0003F161 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 What future? FormID: 000554D9 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I guess I can spare him a few beatings. Deal. FormID: 000554DA Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 The only thing I understand is you bothering you. FormID: 0006F82A Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Works for me. Tell Octieve the debt's settled. FormID: 0006F82B Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 Don't think so. FormID: 00068F5C Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 A true Nord would settle it himself, but at least this way Iddra gets her coin. Thank you. Tell her I'll be fine. FormID: 00068F60 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 This isn't about me paying Iddra back, this is about me being able to pay her back with my own coin. FormID: 00094086 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I won't say no to that. FormID: 00094087 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeBribe CUST 0 I'm not about to take on debts from some milk drinker I don't know. FormID: 000CA1F5 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Whoa. Hey there. I didn't mean to make you upset. On my honor, Carlotta won't have to worry about me again. FormID: 0003F067 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Easy. Maybe I was being too harsh on them. By the honor of Clan Shatter-Shield, they will be paid fairly. You have my word. emphasize: [QUOTE]Maybe I WAS being too harsh on them[QUOTE] FormID: 00055512 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Wait. You win. I'll ease off on the beatings, just leave me alone. FormID: 0005551D Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Think you can mess with an Orc of the Reach? Let's go. FormID: 0006F955 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 All right, all right. Have it your way. Tell Octieve to forget about the debt. FormID: 00068FD3 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 What? No. All right. I won't worry about the coin anymore, just stop giving me that look. FormID: 000940CB Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeIntimidate CUST 0 Calm down there, friend. I'll pay! Tell Haran that she'll have her gold. FormID: 000CA1FB Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 Wasn't your business, anyway. FormID: 0006F6E3 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 Already have. FormID: 0003F159 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 That's what I thought. FormID: 000552BD Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 Idiot. FormID: 00068FF8 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 It's better that way. FormID: 00094046 Favor013 Favor013Target Favor013PersuadeNeverMind CUST 0 That's what I thought. FormID: 000CA1F4 Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Really? You convinced that lute player to stop chasing me? FormID: 000CA1F4 Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I'd thank the gods, but I'll settle for thanking you. Here's some coin for your help. FormID: 0003F15E Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You talked Torbjorn down? I'm impressed. FormID: 0003F15E Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Here, I was saving this for a rainy day. Maybe now I can afford a few more for my people. Take it. FormID: 00055511 Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 I don't believe it. Someone sticking up for us. Here. It's a week's wages for me, but you've earned every coin. FormID: 0006F7DD Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 You've done a fine thing for me. You know, I used to be quite a warrior in my day. Let me show you a thing or two. FormID: 00068F5B Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 It'll be good to not have to hear him whining about his debts. FormID: 00068F5B Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 Roggi pawned a few of his things back when he still had things to pawn. Take them. FormID: 0009407D Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 0 Thank you. He's not a bad man, just bad with his coins and his drink. My husband Dagur could tell you stories, there. FormID: 0009407D Favor013 Favor013QuestReturn Favor013QuestReturnTopic CUST 1 I have a couple of Ranmir's things that he traded to us back when he was still paying regularly. I say you've earned them. FormID: 000CA1F8 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 How about a test? Your muscle against mine. The victor gains 100 gold coins from the loser. FormID: 0006C811 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 I'm drunk, and it's been a while since I had a good fight. FormID: 0006C811 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 A hundred septims says I can take ya, bare-handed. FormID: 00055A0D Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 And why not? I could beat anyone in this city, bare-handed. FormID: 00055A0D Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 A hundred gold says I knock your hide to the ground. FormID: 00040397 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Don't like it? Too bad. This is our city. Ours! FormID: 00040397 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Don't think I can take you? One hundred septims says I can punch you back where you came from. FormID: 00094052 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestGiveTopic CUST 0 Want me to prove it? I bet a hundred gold I can take you, bare-handed. FormID: 000CA1F9 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 This will be good training. Let's go! FormID: 000CE6F0 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 You're short on coin. FormID: 0006C813 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 That's the spirit! Let's go. FormID: 0006C815 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Hey, I may have had a few, but I can still count. You don't have a hundred septims on you. FormID: 00055A0B Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Just fists. No weapons, no magic... no crying. Let's go! FormID: 00055A0C Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Why don't you come back when you actually have a hundred gold? FormID: 0004039C Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 All right. Fists only. And none of that magic stuff, either. Let's go! FormID: 0004039E Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 I said a hundred gold! Damn broke elves and damn broke elf-lovers. FormID: 000940C6 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Just your own two hands. Weapons and magic are out. Now let's see what you got! FormID: 000940C7 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestAccept CUST 0 Come back when you have the coin. FormID: 0007758E Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Soft. Just like all outlanders. FormID: 0006C817 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Pfft. Snowback. FormID: 00055A05 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Milk drinker. FormID: 00055A06 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Pit bait. FormID: 00094092 Favor017 Favor017QuestGive Favor017QuestReject CUST 0 Milk drinker. FormID: 000CA13A DB01Misc SCEN 0 You just keep quiet and stay where you are. Soon as my relief arrives, we'll all take a nice little trip. FormID: 000CA138 DB01Misc SCEN 0 You there! Fool! Hold fast. You've been accused of a crime against the laws of this land. What say you in your defense? FormID: 000CA13B DB01Misc SCEN 0 You look like a crazy man to me. And what's in that coffin, hmm? Maybe some time in a cell will help loosen that lying tongue. FormID: 000CA139 DB01Misc SCEN 0 You just keep quiet and stay where you are. Soon as my relief arrives, we'll all take a nice little trip. FormID: 000C9F15 DB09 DB09GiannaFirstGreet DB09GiannaRaceKhajiitTopic CUST 0 Oh, well, it's just... I never imagined the Gourmet was a Khajiit. You know, because of all the fur, and the potential for getting hair in the... FormID: 000C9F07 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaBranch MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaBranchTopic CUST 0 A lofty goal, to be sure. And what brings your search to our doorstep? FormID: 000C9F06 MGMainQuestBridge MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaBranch MGMainQuestBridgeNiryaFollowUp CUST 0 It's true, the scrolls are a subject of interest to us, and work has been done to learn of them. But outsiders are not allowed within the College. wary FormID: 000C9B78 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'll take a bottle of spiced wine. FormID: 000C9B8C DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I haven't known you to drink before, Ataf. FormID: 000C9B8D DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 A bottle of spiced wine for ya, Ataf? FormID: 000C9B88 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Viarmo is trying to get Elisif to allow the Burning of King Olaf. I don't want to look like I don't know how to drink in front of the other bards. FormID: 000C9B89 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 No thank you. I'm still feeling sick from the festival. FormID: 000C9B83 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Ah a few bottles of Spiced Wine should hit the spot. FormID: 000C9B81 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Of course. And I'm sure it's mostly for ceremonial purposes. FormID: 000C9B7E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Plenty of ways to worship the Divines as you know. FormID: 000C9B7C DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Not fair. You're well aware I can't seem to get warm here. FormID: 000C9B7A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 A bit of warming wine, Illdi. You know you can't resist. FormID: 000C9B77 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Do you know I look forward to Burning of King Olaf each year just because of the fire? FormID: 000C9B8A DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Are your sales going well? FormID: 000C9B8B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I hope the Divines have been keeping you well. FormID: 000C9B86 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Not too bad. A few of the guests from the upcoming wedding have placed orders. FormID: 000C9B87 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 They seem to when you're around Silana. FormID: 000C9B80 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 It should be quite the affair. Nice to have something happy in the midst of the war. FormID: 000C9B7D DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Vittoria is practically glowing. FormID: 000C9B7B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 I went out ice fishing a few days ago. FormID: 000C9B79 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Brave man, with the Blackbloods out there. Did you catch anything? FormID: 000C9B76 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Naw, mostly just froze. FormID: 000C9B8E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanAdvarScene1 SCEN 0 Well, keep at it. The fish have to get to know you before they're willing to bite. FormID: 000C9B85 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Spiced Wine for the Winking Skeever? FormID: 000C9B84 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Actually just a bottle for me today. I'm thinking of giving it to Vivienne. FormID: 000C9B82 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 Sure, Sorex. Just like you did the last one. FormID: 000C9B7F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 The last one was warm up. FormID: 000C9AF3 CreatureDialogueHagraven DETH 0 FormID: 000C9AF2 CreatureDialogueHagraven HIT_ 0 FormID: 000C9AD2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Get out of my face. Brusque, hostile. FormID: 000C9AD3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch out some gray-skin doesn't pick your pocket. You're a racist bully warning a countryman about the minority you dislike. Said with sneering contempt. FormID: 000C9AD4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Talos protect you, friend. With respect and regard FormID: 000C9AD5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell, then. Curt, dismissive FormID: 000C9AD6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I enjoyed our talk. Polite, friendly FormID: 000C9AD7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until our next meeting, honored friend. Polite FormID: 000C9AD8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May Talos shield you from all harm. FormID: 000C9AD9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May Talos bless your days. FormID: 000C9ADA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Blessings of Arkay be upon you. FormID: 000C9ADB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Too few remember to honor the god of the dead. Do not be one of those. FormID: 000C9ADC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 The Divines smile on a charitable soul. FormID: 000C9ADD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't forget them who's less fortunate than yourself. FormID: 000C9ADE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Thank you for your custom. Polite. FormID: 000C9ADF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I'll see you again soon, I hope. Playful, confident. You are secretly the leader of a thieves' guild, and you tend to view everyone as a potential mark. FormID: 000C9AE0 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Enjoy your stay, and don't break nothin'! FormID: 000C9AE1 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Mind you don't put out that candle on the hearth upstairs! FormID: 000C9AE2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be careful! That murderer could be anywhere, and anyone. A bit scared. FormID: 000C9AE3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 The streets are safer now, thanks to you. Grateful. FormID: 000C9AE4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 See you around, handsome. Flirtatious. FormID: 000C9AE5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 See you around, my beauty. Flirtatious. FormID: 000C9AE6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 A word of advice -- don't buy discounted armor. FormID: 000C9AE7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you've need of weapons or armor, come back and see Oengul. FormID: 000C9AE8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May the earth beneath your feet be always soft. FormID: 000C9AE9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope we will speak again soon, marsh-friend. FormID: 000C9AEA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Trust me, marsh-friend, you do not want to live in this city. FormID: 000C9AEB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I would not complain if you returned with some Skooma. FormID: 000C9AEC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Fair winds and calm seas. That's an old sailor's parting. Friendly FormID: 000C9AED DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was a pleasure to talk to someone so interesting. Polite FormID: 000C9AEE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Travel safely. It's dangerous out there. FormID: 000C9AEF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you'll excuse me, I must return to my duties. FormID: 000CD8F2 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Do come again! FormID: 000CD8F3 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Very well. FormID: 000CD8F4 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 May you lose yourself in the pages of a good book! Enthusiasm. You love books. FormID: 000CD8F5 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 As you travel Skyrim, make sure you stop and take in the view from time to time! Enthusiasm. You love books. FormID: 000CD8F6 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you need another drink, I'll be right here. FormID: 000CD8F7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Have a seat, there should be plenty of space. FormID: 000CD8F8 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please forgive my mood. I'm still coming to terms with my daughter's death. Somber, tinged with grief FormID: 000D2B1C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please forgive my mood. I'm still coming to terms with the death of my wife and daughters... Somber, tinged with grief FormID: 000CD8F9 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Don't take anything for granted in life. Nothing lasts forever. Somber FormID: 000CD8FA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be sure to stop by Sadri's Used Wares in the Gray Quarter. FormID: 000CD8FB DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Take care, friend. FormID: 000CD8FC DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sometimes the difference between life an' death is a swift steed. FormID: 000CD8FD DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Sorry about the smell. It's a stable, after all. FormID: 000CD8FE DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Whether it's armor you need or a new blade, come see me. FormID: 000CD8FF DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you meet anyone in your travels who needs good steel, send them my way. FormID: 000CD900 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Strength and steel are well and good, but magic is the true power in this world. FormID: 000CD901 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 A strong sword-arm wins battle, but a keen mind wins wars. FormID: 000CD902 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Safe journeys, sword-brother. FormID: 000CD903 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Farewell, then. FormID: 000CD904 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 A most pleasant chat. Until the next! Polite. FormID: 000CD905 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I bid you safe travels. Polite FormID: 000CD906 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Be seeing you. FormID: 000CD907 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Alright, then. FormID: 000CD908 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Good day to you. FormID: 000CD909 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you're not doing something you enjoy, then you're wasting your life. FormID: 000CD90A DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I hope to see you again soon. FormID: 000CD90B DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you have need of tonics or potions, come see me at my shop. FormID: 000CD90C DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Watch yourself out there. FormID: 000CD90D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Battle reveals who a man really is. Remember that. FormID: 000CD90E DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Keep on your guard. This city can be a little rough for those such us. FormID: 000CD90F DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 It was a pleasure. FormID: 000CD910 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 I should have been an adventurer like you, instead of a farmer. FormID: 000CD911 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Never trade a sword for a hoe, my friend. FormID: 000CD912 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Right. See you around. FormID: 000CD913 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmGoodbyes GBYE 0 Aye, 'til next time. Saying goodbye, a friendly parting FormID: 000C9A03 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Then, as I've said, 1000 gold will be required to set things right. FormID: 000B12C4 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 I made it rather clear that a donation of 500 gold will clear it up rather neatly. FormID: 000B12C5 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 As I've said, a donation of 250 should help take care of that. FormID: 000B12C6 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 It's most unfortunate that we need to have this discussion once again. FormID: 000B12C6 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 These matters are becoming more difficult to deal with. I'm going to need 1000 gold from you in order to make reparations. FormID: 000B12C6 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 I also hope that this is the last time we'll need to discuss this. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Another incident? I must say, I'm disappointed. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 I thought I made it clear that this sort of behavior is totally unacceptable. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 It cannot become widely known that these sorts of things happen here. Work will need to be done to keep this quiet. FormID: 000B12C7 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 I think a donation of 500 gold on your part is necessary in order to put this behind us. FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 0 Ah, yes. There was an incident, wasn't there? FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 1 Well, as this is the first time this has happened, I'll make it very clear that the College does not condone that sort of behavior. FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 2 As an act of good faith on your part, I'd advise that you consider donating an amount of gold to the College. FormID: 000C9A04 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranchTopic CUST 3 Strictly to cover damages, you understand. I believe 250 gold should be sufficient. FormID: 000C9A08 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 Yes. I hope this will be enough to maintain order. FormID: 000C9A08 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 1 Once again, your suspension is lifted. Please try and control yourself. FormID: 000B12BF MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 Very good. I'll see that this is put towards getting things back to normal. FormID: 000B12BF MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 1 Consider the suspension lifted. FormID: 000B12C2 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 Oh, excellent. I'll see that it gets where it needs to go. FormID: 000B12C2 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 1 And I'll make sure the suspension is lifted. I'm glad we were able to clear this matter up, and I do hope we don't need to have this talk again. FormID: 000C9A09 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestPayGold CUST 0 You don't seem to have the gold on you. Perhaps there's a misunderstanding? FormID: 000C9A05 MGRejoinQuest MGRejoinQuestTolfdirInitialBranch MGRejoinQuestDontHaveGold CUST 0 Then I'm afraid your suspension will stand for now. I'm sorry, but that's the way it has to be. FormID: 000C99FF mg06 SCEN 0 Come on, get up... I need you on your feet. wounded FormID: 000C9A0A mg06 SCEN 0 I have no idea what happened. Ancano did it, I think. FormID: 000C9A02 mg06 SCEN 0 I don't see the Arch-Mage. He must've been blown clear. I need you to find him immediately, all right? Make sure he's safe. FormID: 000C99FE mg06 SCEN 0 Get moving, now. I'll be fine. FormID: 000C9A06 MG05 SCEN 0 Come on, Arniel. Let's go. FormID: 000C9A00 MG05 SCEN 0 Do we have to? They'd never lift a finger to help us. FormID: 000C9A07 MG05 SCEN 0 That looks like it's the last of them. FormID: 000C9A01 MG05 SCEN 0 We'll stay here. Get back to the College and let them know what's going on. FormID: 000C9A0B MS08 MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLooking MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLookingTopic CUST 0 It's none of your concern. All you need to know is that we're paying for information. FormID: 000C9A0B MS08 MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLooking MS08Stage10AlikrWhyLookingTopic CUST 1 If that doesn't interest you, feel free to walk away. FormID: 000C99E8 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 I can take a hint, lad. You want to make some coin, come find me. you've just been ignored FormID: 000C99E9 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfWalkAwayTopic CUST 0 I can take a hint, lass. You want to make some coin, come find me. you've just been ignored FormID: 000C9836 CW01B CW01BGoodbye GBYE 0 Good luck with that Icewraith. ironic, good cheer FormID: 000C9832 CW01A CW01AGoodbye GBYE 0 Don't keep waiting, soldier. officer to a junior soldier FormID: 000C982B CW03 CW03Hello HELO 0 You have your orders, soldier. annoyed FormID: 000C982E CW03 CW03Hello HELO 0 I thought I gave you something to do? annoyed FormID: 000C9826 CW03 CW03Goodbye GBYE 0 Get those documents to Whiterun. reminding soldier of orders FormID: 000C9828 CW03 CW03Goodbye GBYE 0 To Whiterun with you. reminding a soldier of his orders FormID: 000C97D0 MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusHeyThanksDude CUST 0 I want to thank you for your help. I know my master can be a bit short at times. FormID: 000C97CE MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusAllGood CUST 0 Here, you should have this. FormID: 000C97CF MS12 MS12QuintusRepairInstructionsBranch MS12QuintusCheapskate CUST 0 Oh, I'm sorry about that. FormID: 000C9831 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 You don't think this is a war already? Sir, I... searching for words FormID: 000C9829 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Thank you, Legate. In the future, I'll let you know when your opinion is needed. stopping an argument before it happens FormID: 000C9820 DialogueSolitudeCastleScene1 SCEN 0 Sir. smoldering, but acquiescing FormID: 000C96B2 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 How's the newcomer look? FormID: 000C96B3 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 He might just make it. FormID: 000C96B4 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 She might just make it. FormID: 000C96B5 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 Looks slow to me. FormID: 000C96B6 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 I could take him. FormID: 000C96B7 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 I could take her. FormID: 000C96B8 C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestObserveCombat OBCO 0 Not bad. FormID: 000C96BA C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 Come on, now. This is meant as encouragement -- you're training with him FormID: 000C96BB C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 Come at me. You couldn't hurt me if you wanted to. This is meant as encouragement -- you're training with him FormID: 000C96BC C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 Don't just stand there. This is meant as encouragement -- you're training with him FormID: 000C96BD C00VilkasTrainingQuest C00VilkasTrainingQuestVilkasTaunts TAUT 0 What are you waiting for? FormID: 000C8EA1 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir, krii daar joorre. Sahloknir, kill these mortals. FormID: 000C8EA0 MQ106 SCEN 0 Ful, losei Dovahkiin? Zu'u koraav nid nol dov do hi. [QUOTE]So, you're the Dragonborn? I see nothing of the dragon about you.[QUOTE](scornfully) FormID: 000C8EA3 MQ106 SCEN 0 You do not even know our tongue, do you? Such arrogance, to dare take for yourself the name of Dovah. dripping with contempt for the player's temerity FormID: 000C8953 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Sahloknir! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) FormID: 000C8952 MQ106 SCEN 0 Sahloknir! Ziil gro dovah ulse! [QUOTE]Sahloknir! Your soul is bound to me for eternity![QUOTE] (basically starting to cast a spell) FormID: 000C8614 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Come back if you need steel. FormID: 000C8615 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 We forge every day if you need anything. FormID: 000CADF1 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Let me know if you come down with the Rattles. FormID: 000CADF2 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Back to another fine day in Dawnstar. sarcastic FormID: 000CADF3 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Stay out of trouble, now. FormID: 000CADF4 DialogueDawnstar GBYE 0 Don't bother me again unless it's important. FormID: 000C8577 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSeren DialogueDawnstarSerenTopic CUST 0 That's right. Home of the Redguards. The land of sand and seas. homesick FormID: 000C8577 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarSeren DialogueDawnstarSerenTopic CUST 1 I hope one day I'll convince Rustleif to take us back there. Until then, I'm content running the forge together here in Dawnstar. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 0 So it's true. That traitorous bitch! Morthal owes you a debt. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 1 Here. You were promised a reward for solving the crime, but I need one more favor from you. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 2 Morthal is still in danger. The journal mentions Movarth, a master vampire I thought was destroyed a century ago. FormID: 0002DD28 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 3 I'll gather together some able-bodied warriors to clean out Movarth's lair. They'll be waiting outside for you to lead them. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 0 By Ysgramor's axe! It's true. Morthal owes you a debt. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 1 Here is your reward for solving the murder, but I have another request. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 2 Unfortunately Morthal is still in danger. The journal mentions Movarth, a powerful master vampire that I had assumed was destroyed. FormID: 00016AD4 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 3 I'll gather together some able-bodied warriors to clean out Movarth's lair. They'll be waiting outside for you to lead them. FormID: 000C82E1 MS14 MS14JarlReadJournal MS14JarlReadJournalTopic CUST 0 Then stop wasting my time. FormID: 000C8283 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1Topic CUST 0 Did you see that candle above the fire upstairs? FormID: 000C8283 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1Topic CUST 1 It was lit one hundred and sixty-three years ago, back when this building was the home of a grand warrior named Vundheim. FormID: 000C8283 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1 DialogueWindhelmEldaTopic1Topic CUST 2 When word came that he'd fallen, his son Deroct lit the candle in his honor. Nobody knows why it still burns. FormID: 000C8284 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in the Reach. FormID: 000C8285 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Haafingar. FormID: 000C8286 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Hjaalmarch. FormID: 000C8287 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Falkreath. FormID: 000C8288 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Whiterun. FormID: 000C8289 CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in the Pale. FormID: 000C828A CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in the Rift. FormID: 000C828B CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Eastmarch. FormID: 000C828C CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11LocationTopic CUST 0 One group has hidden out in Winterhold. FormID: 000C827B CR11 CR11QuestStartBranch CR11GoGetEmTigerErIMeanWolf CUST 0 Get it back, for the honor of us all. FormID: 000C8276 CR11 CR11ComingBack CR11ComingBackTopic CUST 0 Another piece of glory. Good work, Shield-Brother. FormID: 000C8277 CR11 CR11ComingBack CR11ComingBackTopic CUST 0 Another piece of glory. Good work, Shield-Sister. FormID: 000C8270 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1Topic CUST 0 I don't see these troubles as business. This is a labor of honor. FormID: 000C8270 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1Topic CUST 1 To bring Ulfric his rightful glory, I would hammer a thousand shields. FormID: 000C8270 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic1Topic CUST 2 Shor's bones, I might just have to! FormID: 000C827A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Topic CUST 0 Every bit as sharp as what you'll find in Whiterun. FormID: 000C827A DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Topic CUST 1 I respect Eorlund, but he has the good fortune to work the Skyforge. Something about the fires... their steel just holds tighter. FormID: 000C827F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Continuation CUST 0 You know what I mean. Forges have personalities, right? FormID: 000C8280 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2 DialogueWindhelmOengulTopic2Continuation CUST 0 If that makes any sense. FormID: 000C8282 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopic1 DialogueWindhelmTopic1Topic CUST 0 For Ulfric? Oh, nothing official. Known him for years. FormID: 000C8282 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopic1 DialogueWindhelmTopic1Topic CUST 1 He seems to value my thoughts, and I'm grateful for that. FormID: 000C8282 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmTopic1 DialogueWindhelmTopic1Topic CUST 2 I don't really have a mind for war, and I think he likes having an untrained opinion from time to time. FormID: 000C826D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2 DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2Topic CUST 0 Grew up here. Colder as Atmora, but that just grows the beards thicker! FormID: 000C826D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2 DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2Topic CUST 1 Lot of history in these walls. We're trying to make some more. It's a lucky time to be alive. FormID: 000C8271 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1Topic CUST 0 No, but then I don't have much need for Ulfric. FormID: 000C8271 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic1Topic CUST 1 We both leave well enough alone. FormID: 000C8278 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2Topic CUST 0 Whatever I don't already know. FormID: 000C8278 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2 DialogueWindhelmWuunferthTopic2Topic CUST 1 Power is the crux of this world. There's always more of it to be had, if you look in the right places. FormID: 000C826F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1Topic CUST 0 Are you kidding? I came all the way from Cyrodiil just to work with him. FormID: 000C826F DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic1Topic CUST 1 He's... he's not the best teacher. But just watching him, I've learned so much. FormID: 000C8273 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic2 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic2Topic CUST 0 It doesn't matter what I believe. Nurelion does, and it might be the only thing keeping him alive right now. FormID: 000C827D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic3 DialogueWindhelmQuintusTopic3Topic CUST 0 I'll carry on his tradition as best I can. I could spend a lifetime just going over his notes. FormID: 000C826C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1Topic CUST 0 Every Nord should admire Ulfric. He fights for all of us. FormID: 000C826C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic1Topic CUST 1 In fact, he's the reason I chose to learn the smithing trade. I want to make weapons and armor for the great Stormcloak army. FormID: 000C8272 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2Topic CUST 0 Smithing isn't the most exciting thing for me, but we all have to lend a hand as best we can. FormID: 000C8272 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2 DialogueWindhelmHermirTopic2Topic CUST 1 If a Stormcloak uses one of my swords to strike down an Imperial soldier, then I've done my part to free our land. FormID: 000C8279 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1Topic CUST 0 We work where we can get work. The Nords don't like unloading their ships, so we do it instead. FormID: 000C8279 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic1Topic CUST 1 Sometimes cargo goes missing. FormID: 000C827E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic2 DialogueWindhelmScoutsManyMarshesTopic2Topic RUMO 0 I came here as a hatchling. The only thing colder than Skyrim is the Nords themselves, but we stick together. FormID: 000C826E DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic1 DialogueWindhelmAvalTopic1Topic CUST 0 Wherever I can find them. If you're the type who worries over where something came from, you may want to move on. FormID: 000C827C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1Topic CUST 0 There's an old saying that only a Nord can work the soil in Skyrim. I don't think anyone else would have the patience for it. FormID: 000C827C DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1 DialogueWindhelmHilleviTopic1Topic CUST 1 It takes half a day just to dig a planting row in the cold, stony earth here. But what else can we do, eat rocks and ice? FormID: 000C8281 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic1 DialogueWindhelmNiranyeTopic1Topic CUST 0 Just got here from the Summerset Isles. Lots of opportunity in Skyrim. FormID: 000C822B DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopic DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopicTopic CUST 0 That's right. In the Second Era, Tiber Septim himself led the army that conquered Old Hroldan from the barbarians of the Reach. proud FormID: 000C822B DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopic DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopicTopic CUST 1 Septim would later found the Empire that united Tamriel, but his first known battle and victory was right here. proud FormID: 000C822B DialogueOldHroldan DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopic DialogueOldHroldanEydisTopicTopic CUST 2 And this inn has the very bed the great general slept in on his first night as Old Hroldan's liberator. As good as it was hundreds of years ago. proud FormID: 000C822A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 0 Pfft. I'm the oldest woman in Dawnstar. Was here when the Skald the Elder was Skald the Younger. FormID: 000C822A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 1 He's a fool, if you haven't met him already. Thinks Ulfric Stormcloak is invincible and spits dragon fire. FormID: 000C822A DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 2 The people here look to Brina Merilis when they need things settled. Real firebrand going up. Wasn't surprised when she joined the Legion. FormID: 00090DF1 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarFrida DialogueDawnstarFridaTopic CUST 0 Seems Brina Merilis and the Legion came and now she's Jarl. That's a relief. I don't like the fighting, but Brina is the woman for the job. FormID: 000C8229 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 0 Aye. I've worked on a few moorings here and there for it. Most of the ship captains are superstitious about who works on their vessels, though. FormID: 000C8229 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 1 And Dawnstar is known for its bad luck. We're the last port of call before Windhelm, and the ore we trade makes rich targets for pirates. FormID: 000C8613 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 0 Not much. I came here a few years ago from Hammerfell when I married. FormID: 000C8613 DialogueDawnstar DialogueDawnstarRustleif DialogueDawnstarRustleifTopic CUST 1 The land is beautiful, but I can't stand this cold. I don't know how Rustleif manages it. FormID: 000C8202 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCO CUST 0 My parents were traveling merchants eventually settling in Cyrodiil. I must have inherited their wanderlust... reminiscing with a fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8202 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCO CUST 1 I joined the Legion to see the world. I know, that's one of those things people say, but it's completely true in my case. reminiscing with a fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8202 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCO CUST 2 Wasn't long before I saw more of the world than I bargained for. (turning to dark memories) reminiscing with a fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8205 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup1 CUST 0 Home? Home to me is a hot cup of ale at the end of the day and five minutes without someone needing something from me... reminiscing with fellow soldier Walk Away FormID: 000C8205 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup1 CUST 1 Cyrodiil is a beautiful place, full of diverse peoples and histories. But so too, Hammerfell and Skyrim, and every other place I've been. thinking fondly of home Walk Away FormID: 000C8205 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup1 CUST 2 Don't get me wrong, every country has its dark corners. But that's why we're here. To bring order and civilization, and to protect the people. (waxing patriotic) reminiscing with a fellow solider Walk Away FormID: 000C8204 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2 CUST 0 The life of a soldier is full of hardship. That's nothing. brushing it off Walk Away FormID: 000C8204 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2 CUST 1 But they send the Legion to places that've gotten too bad to be settled without violence. What's hard is seeing good people warped by evil. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8204 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2 CUST 2 And I've seen the face of evil. It was in the air above Sentinel on the Night of Green Fire. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8203 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWReasonsFieldCODone CUST 0 For the glory of the Empire. a patriotic summation of his reasons for being here. FormID: 000C8206 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowUp1B CUST 0 Ulfric and his thugs are stirring up trouble for their own agenda. The Empire is the only thing keeping the Dominion from walking all over Skyrim. Walk Away FormID: 000C8206 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowUp1B CUST 1 It matters little if some of the people here are ignorant to that truth. They are still citizens of the Empire. It's our solemn duty to protect them. with certitude Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 0 Back in 42 I was stationed in Hammerfell, on leave in Sentinel, trying to track down some refugee relatives who had fled persecution in Alinor. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 1 Suddenly an explosion of magic in the refugee quarter. Thalmor mages were attacking the Altmer dissidents who were resisting with magic of their own. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 2 I ran to the scene with other Legionaries who where stationed there, but the entire quarter was a smoking ruin by the time we arrived. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 3 Everyone was dead. Wholesale slaughter. The Dominion, not content with killing dissidents at home, came to Hammerfell to finish the job. (smoldering anger) reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 4 We're supposedly at peace now. But I put in to be stationed here to keep an eye on the Thalmor. I've a feeling they're behind this unrest in Skyrim. reminiscing through dark memories Walk Away FormID: 000C81DA MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveDragonA1 CUST 0 Well, I don't know. Not yet... it flew over the town and landed on the old dragon mound! FormID: 000C81D9 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveDragonA2 CUST 0 It flew over the town and landed on the old dragon burial mound. FormID: 000C81D8 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveDragonB1 CUST 0 I don't know what it's doing up there, but I'm not waiting around to find out! FormID: 000C7FC4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1 DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1Topic CUST 0 My pa used to say there ain't no use worryin' about the things you can't change. FormID: 000C7FC4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1 DialogueWindhelmUlundilTopic1Topic CUST 1 If it's my fate to be ended by a dragon, so be it. Meantime, I'll live my life the way I want to. FormID: 000C7FC3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopic DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopicTopic CUST 0 Been about eight years now. I used to be a mercenary, but one trip to Ravenscar Hollow cured me of that. FormID: 000C7FC3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopic DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopicTopic CUST 1 There's hagravens in that cave with talons like daggers. They'll open your bowels quick as a wink if you let 'em get close. FormID: 000C7FC3 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopic DialogueSolitudeGeimundTopicTopic CUST 2 Creature like that'll make a man think long and hard about what he wants out of life. FormID: 000C7F6C DA15Paranoia SCEN 0 Hmm... Your creature doesn't appear to be fairing any better than before. Methinks your aim is off. FormID: 000C7F6B DA15Loathing SCEN 0 You seem to be having a small problem... or perhaps it's a big problem? Maybe if you shrunk the whole thing down a little first? FormID: 000C7F6A DA15Terror SCEN 0 Still can't wake him up? Perhaps you're barking up the wrong tree? FormID: 000C7F37 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Hello, Silana. Would you like an apple? FormID: 000C7F36 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Free of charge for you. FormID: 000C7F49 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSilanaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 That's generous, Jala, but I am happy to pay my way. FormID: 000C7F47 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1 SCEN 0 I'll need a whole crate of fruit. That Varnius Junius went through quite a few of our supplies. FormID: 000C7F45 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1 SCEN 0 The guy in from Dragon Bridge? He didn't seem the type. FormID: 000C7F43 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1 SCEN 0 You never can tell. FormID: 000C7F3C DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 There's nothing quite like a good vegetable. FormID: 000C7F3B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Vegetables are the food of the Divines. FormID: 000C7F40 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 I've heard stanger things, are eaten over at the Temple of the Divines. FormID: 000C7F3E DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I keep coming out here thinking I'll see what others see in this... frivolity. FormID: 000C7F39 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Your a hard woman to please Una. FormID: 000C7F38 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'm pleased when the palace is clean, I'm pleased when the beds are made on time, I'm pleased when I Erdi isn't around. FormID: 000C7F41 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Most of those don't happen very often. FormID: 000C7F4A DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaJornScene1 SCEN 0 I like you Una. You've got presence. FormID: 000C7F48 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaJornScene1 SCEN 0 You like everyone Jorn. You'll make a good court bard some day. FormID: 000C7F46 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaJornScene1 SCEN 0 I don't think that was a compliment. FormID: 000C7F44 DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJornScene1 SCEN 0 Sometimes I like to think my cooking is like playing the flute or singing a song. FormID: 000C7F42 DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJornScene1 SCEN 0 I've tasted your food, Odar. It's better than most songs I've heard. FormID: 000C7F3F DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJawananScene1 SCEN 0 How do you put up with that fop Fihada? FormID: 000C7F3D DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJawananScene1 SCEN 0 I once saw Fihada put an arrow in between the eyes of a Blackblood Marauder at five hundred paces. FormID: 000C7F3A DialogueSolitudeStreetOdarJawananScene1 SCEN 0 You don't put up with a man like that. He puts up with you. FormID: 000C7D36 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01Topic CUST 0 Thanks. Papa talks about it some. Mum doesn't say much since Uncle Roggvir died. She doesn't even go to Temple anymore. FormID: 000C7D36 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01 SolitudeFreeform03Svari01Topic CUST 1 I wish she would. At least that way she'd have people to talk to. FormID: 000C7D35 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari02Accept SolitudeFreeform03Svari02AcceptTopic CUST 0 You would do that? That's great. You should go do it right now. FormID: 000C7D34 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Svari03Refuse SolitudeFreeform03Svari03RefuseTopic CUST 0 Yeah, that's what papa says too. FormID: 000C7D33 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet01 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet01Topic CUST 0 She did, did she? She's going to get a sit down later. FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 0 Well. I wish it were that simple. FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 1 Maybe it is. Look, I want to go back but I won't feel right in there without a tie to Talos. FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 2 My brother Roggvir wore a symbol of Talos. He kept it hidden on his person. If I had that... FormID: 000C7D41 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMee02Topic CUST 3 I can't go near his body. Would you get it back for me? FormID: 000C7D3F SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03Topic CUST 0 Why did you... nevermind, it's a sign. I'll return to temple. Here's something for your help. FormID: 000C7D40 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03 SolitudeFreeform03GretaMeet03Topic CUST 0 Thanks. FormID: 000C7D37 SolitudeFreeform03 SolitudeFreeform03Greta01 SolitudeFreeform03Greta01Topic CUST 0 Thanks so much. I'll return to temple. Here's something for your time and effort. FormID: 000C7B67 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1 DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1Topic CUST 0 As anyone will tell you, Morthal can be a dangerous place. FormID: 000C7B67 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1 DialogueMorthalFalionTopic1Topic CUST 1 My... talents... are useful here. I help maintain order, even if it goes unnoticed. FormID: 000C7B66 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalFalionTopic2 DialogueMorthalFalionTopic2Topic CUST 0 The marsh is treacherous. You would do well to not wander at night. FormID: 000C7B68 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1Topic CUST 0 Slow? No. It just ain't there at all. FormID: 000C7B68 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1Topic CUST 1 Few enough reasons to pass through Morthal before the war started. FormID: 000C7B68 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic1Topic CUST 2 Now... Well, let's just say the front door doesn't get much use. FormID: 000C7B64 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2Topic CUST 0 Lurbuk? FormID: 000C7B64 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2Topic CUST 1 Fancies himself a bard. He pays, so I let him stay. FormID: 000C7B64 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2 DialogueMorthalJonnaTopic2Topic CUST 2 If I had any customers, I'd be worried about him annoying them. But, well... Look around. FormID: 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 0 No, no. Well, sometimes, but that's not the problem. FormID: 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 1 I just often don't have much to do, so I tend to... I try things out. They don't usually work, but I try. FormID: 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 2 Next thing I know, I've used up most of my stock. FormID: 000C7B02 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Lock the city gate. FormID: 000C7AC7 SolitudeOpening SCEN 0 Positions. FormID: 000C7CBF DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 Your fruit are looking a little less ripe today. FormID: 000C7CC8 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 Your selection looks very delicious. I'll take an apple. FormID: 000C7BAD DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 It's those damned Blackblood Marauders. They're scaring off shipping. FormID: 000C7BAF DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananJalaScene SCEN 0 One apple. Since the Blackbloods were dispatched I've had good luck getting shipments. FormID: 000C7B78 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I could listen to him play all day. FormID: 000C7B79 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I could listen to her play all day. FormID: 000C7B04 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 He's okay. A little breathy and a little harsh on the notes. FormID: 000C7B19 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 She's okay. A little breathy and a little harsh on the notes. FormID: 000C7AF2 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Speaking of harsh. FormID: 000C7AC5 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 You Bards don't cut each other any slack do you? FormID: 000C7ABE DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 Not in our nature. FormID: 000C7BBB DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene2 SCEN 0 Do you miss your days training at the College? FormID: 000C7B9C DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene2 SCEN 0 Absolutely not. I prefer to be near enough to come visit but free to come and go as I please. FormID: 000C7B7D DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 Well, you can understand Elisif not wanting it. FormID: 000C7B89 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 I'm so glad we got to have it. I thought for sure Elisif would never consent. FormID: 000C7B00 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 It's too bad the Burning of King Olaf was called off this year. I think some of the younger bards would really have gotten a kick out of it. FormID: 000C7B01 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 I think our flutist here has gotten better since the Burning of King Olaf. FormID: 000C7AC8 DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3 SCEN 0 It is a shame though. FormID: 000C7AC0 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 I think I may wait until the Burning of King Olaf to have and Spiced Wine. FormID: 000C7CC9 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceJawananEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 You and everyone else. Word is it may not happen this year though. FormID: 000C7BB2 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeLisette01 DialogueSolitudeLisette01Topic CUST 0 Oh, no. But being surrounded by good music, good drink and good friends is all I've ever asked for. FormID: 000C7B9B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeLisett02 DialogueSolitudeLisett02Topic CUST 0 Generally, if you want rumors, you should talk to Corpulus. That said... I did see a visitor pass through on his way to the Blue Palace. FormID: 000C7B7B DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Um, excuse me. Could I buy two leeks. FormID: 000C7B75 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Fine, Ataf. You should eat some more tomatoes, though. FormID: 000C7B3E DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1 SCEN 0 My mother always used to say that too. FormID: 000C7AF9 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Perhaps you could spare a tomato for a priest of the Divines? FormID: 000C7AF8 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceRorlundJalaScene1 SCEN 0 Perhaps if I were a little more blessed I could afford to give away my fruit. As is you'll have to pay, Rorlund. FormID: 000C7AC6 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiJalaScene1 SCEN 0 How about I trade you a song for some fruit? FormID: 000C7ABF DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceIlldiJalaScene1 SCEN 0 You don't need my fruit, I've heard when you sing people throw tomatoes at you anyway. FormID: 000C7CB9 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01Topic CUST 0 You're really going to the Blue Palace? That presents an opportunity. FormID: 000C7CB9 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie01Topic CUST 1 If you were willing to wear one of Radiant Raiment's outfits and speak to the Jarl I would not only pay you but let you keep the outfit. FormID: 000C7BA4 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie02Accept SolitudeFreeform02Taarie02AcceptTopic CUST 0 Good. Here's the outfit. Try to get Elisif's opinion on it and if she likes it mention it's from Radiant Raiment. FormID: 000C7B99 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Taarie03Refuse SolitudeFreeform02Taarie03RefuseTopic CUST 0 Look silly! As if you could look any sillier than you do now. FormID: 000C7B76 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif01 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif01Topic CUST 0 It's quite fetching actually. The craftsmanship is excellent. FormID: 000C7B5E SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif02 SolitudeFreeform02Elisif02Topic CUST 0 Oh really? Well you can tell them that I will be putting in a request for a few dresses quite soon. FormID: 000D6CCB WIGreeting SCEN 0 If you are here to purchase, I have many spells available. Do come in. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCC WIGreeting SCEN 0 Welcome. There are many things here that cannot be found elsewhere. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCD WIGreeting SCEN 0 Good to have a customer! You need food or drink, you say the word. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCE WIGreeting SCEN 0 Always good to see folk come back for more. You need a drink, you just let me know. shouting, merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000D6CCF WIGreeting SCEN 0 It's down the stairs, dear. Just come right in. shouting, merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000C7918 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Oh, do come in! I hope I have what you need. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000CB267 WIGreeting SCEN 0 The Mortar and Pestle makes potions, if you can't tell from the name. Just step up to the counter. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 00065C4D WIGreeting SCEN 0 I'm kind of busy, but if you need any potions or ingredients, let me know. FormID: 00065C4E WIGreeting SCEN 0 I'll be over here if you need any potions or ingredients. FormID: 00065C4F WIGreeting SCEN 0 Hello there, can I pour you a Black-Briar Mead? FormID: 00065C50 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Ah good, back for some more Black-Briar mead, eh? FormID: 00065C51 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Welcome to the Pawned Prawn. Come on in, take a look around. FormID: 00065C52 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Welcome back to the Prawn. Let me know if you need anything. FormID: 0005536B WIGreeting SCEN 0 Let me know if you see anything you like. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000C7B05 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Take a good look around. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. If not, let me know, I might have it stored away. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000C7B06 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Got something for just about everybody in here. Give a holler if you have any questions. merchant greeting a customer FormID: 000CB264 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Good to see you. Come on in. greeting a friend who just stepped through the door. FormID: 000C7B08 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. greeting a friend who just stepped through the door. FormID: 000C7B09 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Hello friend. Make yourself at home. greeting a friend who just stepped through the door. FormID: 000C7917 WIGreeting SCEN 0 Can I help you? suspicious of an uninvited guest FormID: 000C7B0A WIGreeting SCEN 0 You lost? suspicious of an uninvited guest FormID: 000C7B0B WIGreeting SCEN 0 I trust you're not planning any trouble. What can I do for you, friend? suspicious of an uninvited guest FormID: 000C7B03 SolitudeFreeform02 SolitudeFreeform02ReturnTaarie01 SolitudeFreeform02ReturnTaarie01Topic CUST 0 That's wonderful. You've done us a great service. As promised the outfit is yours and here's something for your trouble. FormID: 000C72DC WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06HelloTopic CUST 0 Hail, friend! It's good to see another merry soul enjoying this fine day. FormID: 000C72D9 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06A CUST 0 Ah, but you look tired. Come, share a bottle of Honningbrew Mead with me! Walk Away FormID: 000C72D6 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06B CUST 0 You've never had a taste of sweet Honningbrew? Why, it's only the finest mead outside of Sovngarde! FormID: 000C72E6 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06C CUST 0 Its sweetness is like a fair maiden's kiss on a starry night. And it's got enough kick to put a frost troll on his hind quarters! Ha! FormID: 000C72E4 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06D CUST 0 But enough talk. Come! Won't you share a drink with me and my companions? Walk Away FormID: 000C72E1 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06E CUST 0 Ha, nothing like fine spirits to help raise your... well, your spirits! FormID: 000C72DB WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06F CUST 0 Cheers, my friend! May your adventures find you fame and fortune! FormID: 000C72D8 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06G CUST 0 Black Briar? How dare you shove that swill in my face. I'd rather drink mammoth drool! angry and offended FormID: 000C72E3 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06H CUST 0 Black Briar Mead? What are you trying to do? Poison me? FormID: 000C72E0 WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06I CUST 0 Ysmir's beard! You're one after my own heart. I would love another bottle. FormID: 000C72DE WERJ06 WERJ06Hello WERJ06J CUST 0 This good deed should not go unrewarded. Here, take this! FormID: 000C72DA WERJ06 SCEN 0 Ah, is there any way you'd rather spend the day than drinking Honningbrew Mead? FormID: 000C72D7 WERJ06 SCEN 0 Drink Honningbrew Mead with a wench on each arm? Ha ha! FormID: 000C72D5 WERJ06 SCEN 0 I'd rather have two bottles of mead then two wenches, friend. FormID: 000C72E5 WERJ06 SCEN 0 Why's that? FormID: 000C72E2 WERJ06 SCEN 0 The meads won't argue your ear off about which one should go first! FormID: 000C72DF WERJ06 SCEN 0 Ha! Too true, my friend. Too true... FormID: 000C72DD WERJ06 WERJ06Goodbyes HELO 0 I don't talk to people who drink that Black Briar drench. FormID: 000C7232 MS04 MS04HelpGreet MS04HelpGreetTopic2 CUST 0 The memories. I cannot stand them. You must take them away, return them to Avanchnzel. You are haunted by the memories of friends you have lost recently. FormID: 000C7232 MS04 MS04HelpGreet MS04HelpGreetTopic2 CUST 1 You must take the Lexicon from me. Please... take it now. You are pleading fervently. FormID: 000C7034 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 No, you don't want to go up there! A dragon... it's attacking! Walk Away FormID: 000C8956 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 I'm not going out there. Not with that dragon on the loose. FormID: 000C8957 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 I wouldn't go out there for all the money in the world. FormID: 000C8958 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do you think it's gone yet? FormID: 000C8EA2 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 Don't you know there's a dragon attacking? FormID: 000C8959 MQ106 MQ106KynesgroveBlocking MQ106KynesgroveBlockingTopic CUST 0 We've got to find someplace to hide! FormID: 000C7033 MQ106 SCEN 0 Wait. Something's wrong. FormID: 000C7032 MQ106 SCEN 0 Come on. Hurry. We might be too late. FormID: 000C7007 T01 SCEN 0 Dibella, guide us. FormID: 000C7006 T01 SCEN 0 Lead us to your Sybil. FormID: 000C6E20 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 My lord Jarl, if we do not take steps soon, our coffers will be empty. FormID: 000C6E1D DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 Raise the taxes, then! Put anyone that refuses to pay in the stocks and make an example of them. FormID: 000C6E1C DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 As you command, my lord. But, the issue could be solved another way. FormID: 000C6E1C DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 1 If we spend less on new arms and armor for the guards, for example... FormID: 000C6E18 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 0 We're at war, old fool, or have you forgotten? FormID: 000C6E18 DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus2 SCEN 1 Whiterun is the crown jewel of Skyrim, and you would leave us defenseless? FormID: 000C6E24 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'll be glad to help you. There are many ways to improve your home, provided you have the coin. FormID: 000C6E24 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 1 And of course, don't forget to consult your Home Decorating Guide for descriptions of the decorations you can buy. FormID: 000C6E24 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 2 Now, what would you like to purchase? FormID: 000C6E25 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 You've already purchased every available improvement. I'm afraid I have nothing else to offer you. FormID: 000C6E26 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Splendid! There's a house available right now. FormID: 000C6E27 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 The house I mentioned earlier is still available, if you want to buy it. FormID: 000C6E28 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Wonderful! Here is the key to your new home. FormID: 000C6E29 HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Very well, just let me know when you're ready to purchase the house. FormID: 000C6E2A HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Very well, just let me know when you have the necessary funds. FormID: 000C6E2B HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Is there anything else you'd like to purchase? FormID: 000C6E2C HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 As you wish. Speak to me again if you decide to purchase some decorations for your home. FormID: 000C6E2D HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 I'm sorry, but you don't seem to have enough gold to pay for that. FormID: 000C6E2E HousePurchase HousePurchaseSharedInfo IDAT 0 Very well, I'll make the arrangements. The next time you visit your house, your new furnishings will be in place. FormID: 000C6CE8 MS04 SCEN 0 Waiting for what? FormID: 000C6CE7 MS04 SCEN 0 No one seems to know. Perhaps the return of the Dwemer. Perhaps the end of the world. FormID: 000C6C38 mg06 SCEN 0 Here it is. Magnificent, isn't it? FormID: 000C6C3A mg06 SCEN 0 Took an incredible amount of work to get it running again. Now I'm hoping it'll all be worth it. FormID: 000C6C39 mg06 SCEN 0 Place the crystal in the central apparatus, and we can start the process for focusing it. FormID: 000C65A7 MQ102A IDAT 0 When he shows up here and vouches for you, then I'll see what I can do for you. he's pretty sure you're lying FormID: 000D33B3 MQ102A IDAT 0 Closest town from here is Riverwood. My uncle's the blacksmith there. I'm sure he'd help you out. FormID: 000D39B1 MQ102A IDAT 0 It's probably best if we split up. Good luck. I wouldn't have made it without your help today. FormID: 000D33B4 MQ102A IDAT 0 Listen, you should go to Solitude and join up with the Imperial Legion. We could really use someone like you. earnestly FormID: 000D33B4 MQ102A IDAT 1 And if the rebels have themselves a dragon, General Tullius is the only one who can stop them. FormID: 000C65A3 MQ106 SCEN 0 We need to talk. FormID: 000C65A2 MQ106 MQ106DelphineIntro MQ106DelphineIntroA0 CUST 0 I think you're looking for this. with a faint smile at the player's surprise - casually tossing on to the table a priceless artifact FormID: 000C65A0 MQ106 SCEN 0 That's better. Let's get on the road to Kynesgrove. FormID: 000C659F MQ106 SCEN 0 Kynesgrove is this way. We can travel together or split up and meet there, your choice. FormID: 000BFBBF dunHunterQST dunHunterHellos HELO 0 Someday I'm going to kill a dragon all by myself. You really hate dragons. FormID: 000BFBBD dunHunterQST dunHunterHellos HELO 0 I'm eleven years old, and I could take you. You're teasing a grown-up FormID: 000C64F2 MQ206 SCEN 0 Aav uv dir. Join me or perish with your mortal friends. aav uv dir = [QUOTE]join (me) or die[QUOTE] FormID: 000C64F1 MQ206 SCEN 0 Ruth wah nivahriin joor! Ruth wah nivahriin joor = [QUOTE]rage/curses to (you) cowardly mortal[QUOTE] FormID: 000C64ED MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend! It is the only chance to defeat him! FormID: 000C64EE MQ206 SCEN 0 He is too strong on the wing! Bring him to gol with Dragonrend! FormID: 000C64EF MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000C64F0 MQ206 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin, vosaraan! Use Dragonrend before Alduin consumes you! vosaraan = do not wait FormID: 000C64F3 MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend! It is the only chance to defeat him! FormID: 000C64F4 MQ206 SCEN 0 He is too strong on the wing! Bring him to gol with Dragonrend! FormID: 000C64F5 MQ206 SCEN 0 Use Dragonrend, Dovahkiin! FormID: 000C64F6 MQ206 SCEN 0 Dovahkiin, vosaraan! Use Dragonrend before Alduin consumes you! vosaraan = do not delay FormID: 000C64F7 MQ206 SCEN 0 Now, Dovahkiin! Now he is vulnerable! FormID: 000C64F8 MQ206 SCEN 0 This is your chance, Dovahkiin! Strike with all your force! FormID: 000C64F9 MQ206 SCEN 0 Hurt him while he is grounded! FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 0 You have it. The Kel - the Elder Scroll. Tiid kreh... qalos. Time shudders at its touch. FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 1 There is no question. You are doom-driven. Kogaan Akatosh. The very bones of the earth are at your disposal. somewhat awed - respectful of the player's accomplishmentKogaan Akatosh = [QUOTE]blessed of Akatosh[QUOTE] FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 2 Go then. Fulfill your destiny. Take the Scroll to the Time-Wound. FormID: 000C64EC MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 3 Do not delay. Alduin will be coming. He cannot miss the signs. FormID: 000CAF66 MQ206 MQ206PaarthurnaxBlocking MQ206PaarthurnaxBlockingTopic CUST 0 Do not delay. Alduin must feel the tremors in Time by the Scroll's presence here. He will know what it means. FormID: 000C6447 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here, this is fresh. I'll have another meal ready tomorrow. FormID: 000CD57D RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here. Wouldn't want you going into a fight on an empty stomach. I'll have another meal ready tomorrow. FormID: 000CD57E RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 A warrior marches on the gut. Here. This should give you strength. I'll cook another tomorrow. FormID: 000CD581 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here. This is from a recipe my people have passed on to me. I can cook another tomorrow. FormID: 000CD587 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 Here you are. I added a little mead into the recipe. I think it tastes better. Let me know what you think tomorrow, I'll make another one. FormID: 000CD58B RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 I should be asking you the same question, but all right. I'll cook. Here, try this, and don't you dare ask for another one before tomorrow. FormID: 000CD58C RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINCooking RelationshipMarriageFINCookingTopic CUST 0 I can. Here. This is fresh. I'll have another one made tomorrow. FormID: 000C5FF6 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 C'mon, let's get something to eat. FormID: 000C5FF5 DB11_dunKatariahQST SCEN 0 *Sigh*... and that's the last one. All right, enough of this. Tired, finishing work for the day FormID: 000C5C1A mg06 MG06ParatusStaffBranch MG06ParatusStaffBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you? Suspicious FormID: 000C5C1A mg06 MG06ParatusStaffBranch MG06ParatusStaffBranchTopic CUST 1 Well. I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I need the crystal to do anything useful, and I don't have it. FormID: 000D8701 C01 C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorBranch C01OtherCompanionsPointToSkjorIntro CUST 0 Skjor was looking for you, earlier. FormID: 000C593E T01 T01InnkeeperDegainePointerBranch T01InnkeeperDegainePointerBranchTopic RUMO 0 Degaine the beggar got himself kicked out the Temple of Dibella. Caused quite the ruckus. FormID: 000C5876 MS07 SCEN 0 I'm not interested, Jaree. It doesn't matter how many times you ask. FormID: 000C5875 MS07 SCEN 0 You might want to rethink that. You're missing out on some wonderful opportunities, working in that bar. FormID: 000C5844 TG03 TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranch TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranchTopic CUST 0 Some layabout named Sabjorn. FormID: 000C5844 TG03 TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranch TG03MavenTellMeMoreBranchTopic CUST 1 Been a thorn in my side for the last few years now. FormID: 000C57F1 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Oh? Where? FormID: 000CD5A3 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Where are you thinking? FormID: 000CD5A5 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Where? FormID: 000CD5A7 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 You want to move? Where? FormID: 000CD5A8 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 I was just getting settled in. Where are we going? FormID: 000CD5A9 RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 Oh really? And where were you thinking? FormID: 000CD5AA RelationshipMarriageFIN RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoiceTopic CUST 0 And where would that be? FormID: 000C57F7 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll get everything ready and meet you there. FormID: 000CCBDA RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll meet you there. FormID: 000CCBDB RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll see you there, then. FormID: 000CCCD8 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 Very well. I'll meet you there. FormID: 000CCCDF RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 All right. I'll see you there. FormID: 000CCD3E RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 If that's what you want. I'll see you there, soon. FormID: 000CCD3F RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll see you there. FormID: 000C57F8 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 Our new home. I'll see you there! FormID: 000CCD40 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 Then I'll see you at home! FormID: 000CD58D RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 A home for the two of us. I'll meet you there. FormID: 000CD590 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 It will be our little nest. I'll be waiting for you there. FormID: 000CD591 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 The two of us, living together. I'll see you at home! FormID: 000CD593 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll see you at home, then. Don't keep me waiting! FormID: 000CD594 RelationshipMarriageFIN IDAT 0 I'll be waiting for you at home, then. FormID: 000C57FB RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Goodbye, my love. FormID: 000CCD4E RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Bye, love. FormID: 000CCD4F RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Conquer your enemies, my love. FormID: 000CCD50 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 I'll be here if you need me, love. FormID: 000CCD51 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 You're going? I'll miss you, dear. FormID: 000CCD52 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 Leaving? Take the world by storm, dearest. FormID: 000CCD53 RelationshipMarriageFIN GBYE 0 I'll be here, my dear. FormID: 000C5222 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremonyTopic CUST 0 We spoke the traditional words of greeting to a Dragonborn who has accepted our guidance. FormID: 000C5222 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremonyTopic CUST 1 The same words were used to greet the young Talos, when he came to High Hrothgar, before he became the Emperor Tiber Septim. FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 0 Ah. I sometimes forget you are not versed in the dragon tongue as we are. This is a rough translation: FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 1 [QUOTE]Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 2 [QUOTE]By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of Old.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C5221 MQ00 MQ00ArngeirGreybeardsCeremony MQ00ArngeirCeremonyA1 CUST 3 [QUOTE]You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North, hearken to it.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 0 He was a great war leader of the ancient Nords, a master of the Voice, or Tongue. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 1 After the disaster at Red Mountain, where the Nord army was annihilated, he spent many years pondering the meaning of that terrible defeat. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 2 He finally came to realize that the gods had punished the Nords for their arrogant and blasphemous misuse of the Voice. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 3 He was the first to understand that the Voice should be used solely for the glory and worship of the gods, not the glory of men. FormID: 000C5220 MQ00 MQArngeirJurgenWindcaller MQArngeirJurgenWindcallerTopic CUST 4 Jurgen Windcaller's mastery of the Voice eventually overcame all opposition, and the Way of the Voice was born. FormID: 000C521F MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA1 CUST 0 The Dragonborn is an exception to all the rules - the Dragon Blood itself is a gift of the gods. FormID: 000C521F MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA1 CUST 1 If we accept one gift, how can we deny the other? As Dragonborn, you have received the ability to Shout directly from Akatosh. FormID: 000C521F MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA1 CUST 2 We therefore seek to guide you on the proper use of your gift, which transcends the restrictions which bind other mortals. FormID: 000C521D MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA2 CUST 0 That is commendable. But remember, the Dragon Blood is itself a gift of Akatosh. Do not try to deny that gift. FormID: 000C521D MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA2 CUST 1 Your destiny requires you to use your Voice - why else would Akatosh have bestowed this power upon you? FormID: 000C521D MQ00 MQArngeirWayoftheVoice MQ00WayoftheVoiceA2 CUST 2 If you remember to use your Voice in service to the purpose of Akatosh, you will remain true to the Way. FormID: 000C521C MQ00 MQArngeirDragons MQArngeirDragonsA1 CUST 0 Good. Then you will be ready for whatever lies ahead. FormID: 000C5219 MQ00 MQArngeirDragons MQArngeirDragonsA2 CUST 0 There is indeed much that we know that you do not. That does not mean that you are ready to understand it. FormID: 000C5219 MQ00 MQArngeirDragons MQArngeirDragonsA2 CUST 1 Do not let your easy mastery of the Voice tempt you into the arrogance of power that has been the downfall of many Dragonborn before you. sharply FormID: 000C513F MG04 SCEN 0 Ayleid, Dwemer, Daedric... Not even Falmer. None of them are a match. Quite curious indeed. FormID: 000C513E MG04 SCEN 0 I'm sorry, were you about to say something? FormID: 000C513D MG04 SCEN 0 We will see about this... angry, suspicious FormID: 000C4DFF MS05 MS05WeddingDelayBlockingBranch MS05WeeddingDelayBlockingHello CUST 0 Hey! It's the bard-to-be. FormID: 000C4DFB DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHert DialogueHalfMoonMillHertTopic CUST 0 We have guests as often as we can but there aren't a lot of travellers these days. The war keeps people off the roads. FormID: 000C4DFC DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHern DialogueHalfMoonMillHernTopic CUST 0 We supply Falkreath to the south. Until recently we supplied Helgen. FormID: 000C4DFC DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHern DialogueHalfMoonMillHernTopic CUST 1 Falkreath trades with the surrounding holds and without our wood they would have trouble keeping their prices low. FormID: 000C4DFE DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHert2 DialogueHalfMoonMillHern2Topic CUST 0 Other people just make things complex. Out here, Hern and I can get everything we need from the occasional traveler. FormID: 000C4CC9 CreatureDialogueGiant HIT_ 0 FormID: 000C4B15 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 I can't thank you enough for what you did. FormID: 000C4B16 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 The East Empire Company is in your debt. FormID: 000C4B17 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 Glad Orthus was able to find someone competent to help out. FormID: 000C4B18 MS10PostQuest MS10PostQuestHellos HELO 0 You handled yourself pretty well back at Japhet's Folly. We'll remember that. FormID: 000C483C TG01 TG01BersiQuestBranch TG01BersiQuestBranchTopic02a CUST 0 I'm going to make you sorry for this! bring it on! FormID: 000C483E TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch TG01KeeravaQuestBranchTopic04 CUST 0 Come on, give it your best shot! bring it on! FormID: 000C483F TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02Topic01a CUST 0 How could you possibly know about... utter shock FormID: 000C483F TG01 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02 TG01KeeravaQuestBranch02Topic01a CUST 1 Please. My family means too much to me. Don't hurt them. sudden worry and sadness FormID: 000C44A2 TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch03a CUST 0 Wealth is my business. Help me out and I can add to yours. Would you like a taste? dangling the bait Walk Away FormID: 000C4424 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPowerTopic CUST 0 While I feel Ulfric's cause is just, my concern is for the people of The Rift. FormID: 000C4424 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPowerTopic CUST 1 How can they continue to lead their already meager lives with dark clouds looming overhead? FormID: 000C4424 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPowerTopic CUST 2 My heart goes out to them. If only our coffers were deeper, I could protect them as they were my own family. FormID: 000C444C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 0 With the Stormcloaks at his back, Ulfric's poised to rid Skyrim of the Empire's forces and invalidate our involvement with the White-Gold Concordat. FormID: 000C444C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 1 Between you and I, I think his motivations are a bit more self-serving. He uses this holy war as leverage in order to pursue the throne. FormID: 000C444C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 2 If he were to be crowned High King, I'm not so certain it would be the golden age his followers expect. FormID: 000C444D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 0 With the Stormcloaks at his back, Ulfric's poised to rid Skyrim of the Empire's forces and invalidate our involvement with the White-Gold Concordat. FormID: 000C444D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower02Topic CUST 1 Many have died taking up arms for this cause. I fear that the land will be stained with blood for years to come. FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 0 Surely you're aware of the Great War between the Imperials and the Elves who called themselves the Aldmeri Dominion? FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 1 When the smoke cleared, the White-Gold Concordat was signed... it was supposedly a treaty aimed at establishing peace within the Empire. FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 2 One of the terms of the treaty was the outlawing of worship to Talos. FormID: 000C4436 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03 DialogueRiftenLailaBranchInPower03Topic CUST 3 To the Stormcloaks, this was viewed as the moment when the Empire became unworthy of the allegiance of any true Nord. FormID: 000C4423 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 0 Indeed. There have been multiple attempts on the Jarl's life. We're not certain if it's the Dark Brotherhood or simply Imperial sympathizers. FormID: 000C4423 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 1 We've also had run-ins with spies attempting to probe our security for weaknesses. I work with the city guard to make certain they fail. FormID: 000C4423 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 2 At the end of the day, I'm the last line of defense for the Jarl. I will not allow her to fall. FormID: 000BD772 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 0 As long as she continues to keep me at her side, she can count on my blade to protect her. FormID: 000BD772 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 1 To be honest, I doubt someone would be stupid enough to make an attempt on Maven... sorry, Jarl Maven's life. FormID: 000BD772 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranch DialogueRiftenHousecarlBranchTopic CUST 2 But just in case, I'll be ready for them. FormID: 000C4421 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiBranchTopic CUST 0 Not well I'm afraid. That Brynjolf... he keeps draining the people's pockets with his ridiculous miracle cures. FormID: 000C4421 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiBranchTopic CUST 1 A few months ago it was troll fat salve and now he's got something new. FormID: 000C4421 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMadesiBranch DialogueRiftenMadesiBranchTopic CUST 2 Not that there's anything that can be done about it. He's in good with the Thieves Guild. FormID: 000C4435 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranchTopic CUST 0 He's the protector of Man, the Dragon of the North, the patron of all Nords. FormID: 000C4435 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranchTopic CUST 1 And despite the Imperials and their treaty, he will always be one of the Nine Divines. FormID: 000C4435 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranch DialogueRiftenNuraTalosBranchTopic CUST 2 A devout Nord would rather fall in battle and have his blood spill upon the earth than allow the Empire to strike his name from the divinity. FormID: 000C4422 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar wants me to keep the mead flowing and that's what I aim to do despite all these lazy good-for-nothings that work for us. FormID: 000C4422 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynBranchTopic CUST 1 Ever since I took over as the foreman the production of our mead has never been more profitable. FormID: 000C4422 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynBranchTopic CUST 2 And if the meadery is profitable, I get rich. Get the picture? FormID: 000C442A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranchTopic CUST 0 Lady Maven could buy or sell anyone in Skyrim. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the one pulling the strings around this city. FormID: 000C442A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranchTopic CUST 1 She's always welcome in Mistveil Keep and between you and me, I'm pretty sure she even has some pretty influential friends within the Empire. FormID: 000C442A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranch DialogueRiftenIndarynMavenBranchTopic CUST 2 I'd also warn you not to cross her. She employs quite a few... troubleshooters to take care of messy problems. FormID: 000C4434 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliBranch DialogueRiftenBolliBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes, I suppose someone has to be around here. Have you seen the condition of this sorry excuse for a city? FormID: 000C4434 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliBranch DialogueRiftenBolliBranchTopic CUST 1 Beggars roam the streets, crime runs rampant and the threat of war is driving away business. FormID: 000C4434 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBolliBranch DialogueRiftenBolliBranchTopic CUST 2 The paltry amount of coin that I place in the charity box at the temple is the least I can do to help. FormID: 000C4433 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course! I'd be more than happy to add a donation to our charity box. FormID: 000C4433 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic CUST 1 Right now, the best you could provide is coin. We need all the help we can get. FormID: 000C444B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Thank you! I can promise you that this will be put to good use. FormID: 000C4437 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranch DialogueRiftenMaramalCharityBranchTopic02 CUST 0 As you wish. Whatever you can afford will certainly be put to good use. FormID: 000C4429 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBalimundBranch DialogueRiftenBalimundBranchTopic CUST 0 People say I'm making gold off of other people's misery, but what else would I do? Smithing is all I know. FormID: 000C4429 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBalimundBranch DialogueRiftenBalimundBranchTopic CUST 1 Next time one of my shields deflects a killing blow, they'll change their tune. FormID: 000C442B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranch DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranchTopic CUST 0 Been stuck with the name for years. FormID: 000C442B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranch DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranchTopic CUST 1 I've been ridin' horses since I was a lad... nothin' I liked more. But as I got bigger, so did my mounts. FormID: 000C442B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranch DialogueRiftenHofgrirBranchTopic CUST 2 Then one day, I was drunker than I've ever been and mounted a poor colt. Broke his back in two. Haven't ridden since. FormID: 000C4426 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimBranchTopic CUST 0 The moisture in the air is better for the ingredients. It isn't every day that you get your hands on fresh nirnroot or painted troll fat. FormID: 000C4426 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimBranchTopic CUST 1 It also makes it easier to gather water when the canal is right out the front door. FormID: 000C4426 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenElgrimBranch DialogueRiftenElgrimBranchTopic CUST 2 Besides, I also prefer the quiet. I didn't open this business for browsing. Come in, buy what you need and get out. FormID: 000C4425 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic CUST 0 I've been adventuring across Tamriel since I was a fresh-faced young woman barely able to swing a blade. FormID: 000C4425 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollBranch DialogueRiftenMjollBranchTopic CUST 1 My travels have taken me from High Rock to Valenwood, Elsweyr to Morrowind and all points in between. FormID: 000C443C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I haven't seen so much celebrating in years. Mercer's dead, we have a new Guild Master and things are finally looking up. FormID: 000C443C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Business is booming, coin is flowing and everyone seems content as things keep going our way. FormID: 000C443C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 A new chapter in the Thieves Guild is being written this day and we all owe it to you. Many thanks. FormID: 000C443D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I haven't seen so much celebrating in years. Mercer's dead, we have a new Guild Master and things are finally looking up. FormID: 000C443D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I only hope we can restore the Guild to its former glory after all the damage that's been done. FormID: 000C443E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 So, word has it you and Brynjolf know where Mercer's hiding. Good. FormID: 000C443E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Make sure you make him pay for what he did to Gallus... heck, for what he did to all of us. FormID: 000C443E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 We're all behind you, friend. Do your best. FormID: 000C443F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 The word is that Mercer Frey is a dead man. The Guild wants his blood. FormID: 000C443F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I can't say I blame them. Murder is not our way. Gallus was before my time, but I still can't believe it. FormID: 000C443F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 You need to teach him a lesson... show him the penalty for betrayal around here. FormID: 000C4440 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I like you, so I'll tell it to you straight. Brynjolf and the rest are in the Guild, and they're ready to cut you down. FormID: 000C4440 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 I know you have a damn good reason for siding with Karliah, so I hope you can give it to them. FormID: 000C4441 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Everyone's been worried since you and Mercer haven't shown up in a while. Brynjolf even went out to find you. FormID: 000C4441 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Delvin and Vex have been running things for now. FormID: 000C4441 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope this all gets straightened out soon or I'm headed on the first caravan out of Riften. FormID: 000C4442 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Glad to hear Gulum-Ei got what he deserved. That lizard owes me big for a bad shipment of Shadowbanish Wine he tried to pass off on me. FormID: 000C4442 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Mercer's been storming around waiting for you to come back. I think he's finally figured out who's been messing with the Guild. FormID: 000C4442 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Never seen the guy so angry. Better help him out any way you can. FormID: 000C4443 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven was down here right before you got back and she was all smiles. Haven't seen her like that in a long time. FormID: 000C4443 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Whatever you did at Honningbrew, you're now on her good side. Best of all, if she's happy, Mercer's happy. FormID: 000C4443 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Keep it up and you'll go places. FormID: 000C4444 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Well, you did something Vex couldn't do at Goldenglow, so you're looking pretty damn good. FormID: 000C4444 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 Word is that you found something while you were out there though... something that could be a problem for the Guild. FormID: 000C4444 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Just watch your back and do what Mercer says... he'll sort it out. FormID: 000C4445 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know about the others, but I sure am glad to see a fresh face down here. FormID: 000C4445 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 1 The Flagon used to be packed every night with the boys from the Guild but now look at it. FormID: 000C4445 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 2 Last few years have been pretty bad. I've almost closed this place up. FormID: 000C4446 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 I don't know you so we've got nothing to talk about. How about you finish the job Brynjolf gave you, then we can talk. FormID: 000C4447 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenVekelBranch DialogueRiftenVekelBranchTopic CUST 0 Sure. How about you mind your own business about it, and I won't have to get Dirge to toss you into the cistern? FormID: 000C43E9 MS10 MS10StigViewExtraData MS10StigYouWannaGo CUST 0 It would be my pleasure. FormID: 000C43EB MS10 MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranch MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to go? FormID: 000C43E8 MS10 MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranch MS10AdelaisaCodeSix CUST 0 All aboard! FormID: 000C43EC MS10 MS10AdelaisaBackHomeBranch MS10AdelaisaHoldUpForASec CUST 0 Let me know. We shouldn't stay here all day. My men want their mead. FormID: 000C43EA MS10 MS10AdelaisaPostBattle MS10AdelaisaIDidItYAY CUST 0 There you are. FormID: 000C43AB MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C43A9 MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C43A8 MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C43A7 MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43A6 MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43A5 MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43AF MQ105 SCEN 0 Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. By our Voice we give it now (to you), Dragonborn, by (the) power of Kyne, by the power of Shor, and by the power of Atmora-of-old. FormID: 000C43AE MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C43AD MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C43AC MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C43AA MQ105 SCEN 0 Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok. (You have) become now Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Remember these words. FormID: 000C436B MQ105 SCEN 0 Dah... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Dah[QUOTE] FormID: 000C436A MQ105 SCEN 0 You have completed your training, Dragonborn. We would Speak to you. FormID: 000C4369 MQ105 SCEN 0 Stand between us, and prepare yourself. Few can withstand the unbridled Voice of the Greybeards. But you are ready. FormID: 000C4368 MQ105 SCEN 0 Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Long sorrowfully (has) waited the Stormcrown, with no worthy head to rest on. FormID: 000C435F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranchTopic CUST 0 I'll do anything if it means saving my brother. You'll join us, won't you? FormID: 000C435F MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranch MS09AvulsteinStage30NorthwatchBranchTopic CUST 1 Thorald can't be left to those... monsters. FormID: 000C41FB DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 0 Well, you were deep in your cups when you got here. FormID: 000C41FB DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 1 You were ranting but most of it was slurred. You said something about Rorikstead. FormID: 00021258 DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 0 Oh, I'd love to help you figure it out, but I'm so busy cleaning up the mess you made of our temple... FormID: 00021258 DA14 DA14PriestessPersuade DA14PriestessPersuadeTopic CUST 1 Now if you were to help tidy up and perhaps apologize afterwards... I might be able to help you. FormID: 000C4200 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 0 Well, we can always use contributions. FormID: 000C4200 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 1 You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred. You did say something about Rorikstead . Maybe you should take a look there. FormID: 000C4201 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 0 Oh you must be nobility of some sort. Running around partying and paying others to clean it up. FormID: 000C4201 DA14 DA14PriestessBribe DA14PriestessBribeTopic CUST 1 I don't think so. Clean up your own mess. FormID: 000C4206 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffPersuade DA14AskAboutStaffPersuadeTopic CUST 0 I suppose that makes sense. You didn't mention a Sam and nothing you said about the staff made sense. FormID: 000C4206 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffPersuade DA14AskAboutStaffPersuadeTopic CUST 1 You left a note but it was mostly gibberish, the only bit I could make out was [QUOTE]after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4207 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffPersuade DA14AskAboutStaffPersuadeTopic CUST 0 You didn't seem to need either to sell Gleda to the Giant in the first place. I think you'll figure it out. FormID: 0002E148 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffTaskComplete DA14AskAboutStaffTaskCompleteTopic CUST 0 You said a whole lot of nonsense about selling Gleda to hire a priestess for some big event. FormID: 0002E148 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffTaskComplete DA14AskAboutStaffTaskCompleteTopic CUST 1 There was a bit of talk about some staff you had in safe keeping. Never said where, but you sure didn't have it with you! FormID: 000C4204 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffBribe DA14AskAboutStaffBribeTopic CUST 0 Fine, but I'll still be missing my Gleda. Doubt I'll ever have a prize winning goat again. FormID: 000C4204 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffBribe DA14AskAboutStaffBribeTopic CUST 1 Most of what you said was gibberish but you left a note. The only bit I could read was [QUOTE]after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4205 DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffBribe DA14AskAboutStaffBribeTopic CUST 0 There's not enough money in the world to replace Gleda. FormID: 000C41FE DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidate DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Okay, okay. Most of what you said didn't make sense but you left a note. The only bit that I could read said [QUOTE]after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C41FE DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidate DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic CUST 1 That's all I know. FormID: 000C41FF DA14 DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidate DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic CUST 0 Do what you have to do, I'm not giving up on Gleda. FormID: 000C4208 DA14 DA14YsoldaBribe DA14YsoldaBribeTopic CUST 0 Decided to go through with it then? I knew you couldn't have forgotten about your fiance. You spoke of her so glowingly. FormID: 000C4208 DA14 DA14YsoldaBribe DA14YsoldaBribeTopic CUST 1 I don't know much about Morvunskar but it sounded like a lovely place for the ceremony. Congratulations. FormID: 000C4209 DA14 DA14YsoldaBribe DA14YsoldaBribeTopic CUST 0 I think I would prefer my ring back. I put a lot of time into making it and you just gave is away as a joke. FormID: 000C4202 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 0 You must have had a wild night if you can't remember that. FormID: 000C4202 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 1 But I suppose everyone gets the jitters before their wedding. And I did say you could take a bit of time paying me back. FormID: 000C4202 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 2 You said the ceremony was going to be at Morvunskar. Don't forget you still owe me! FormID: 000C4203 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 0 I'm sure your bride-to-be will tell you when you where the ceremony will be. FormID: 000C4203 DA14 DA14YsoldaPersuade DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic CUST 1 If she still wants to marry you when you tell her you can't afford the ring. FormID: 000C41FC DA14 DA14YsoldaIntimidate DA14YsoldaIntimidateTopic CUST 0 All right, all right. You're mean when you're sober. FormID: 000C41FC DA14 DA14YsoldaIntimidate DA14YsoldaIntimidateTopic CUST 1 You said you the ceremony was going to be in Morvunskar. You said your friend Sam was going to be your best man. FormID: 000C41FD DA14 DA14YsoldaIntimidate DA14YsoldaIntimidateTopic CUST 0 You think you can bully me. I grew up with five brothers. Go... FormID: 000C41D4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterun DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterunTopic CUST 0 Well, I know the Companions make their home here. Their mead hall, Jorrvaskr, is the oldest building in the city. FormID: 000C41D4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterun DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterunTopic CUST 1 Oh, and there's a nasty feud between two families called the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns. You'll want to be careful there. FormID: 000C41D4 DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterun DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWhiterunTopic CUST 2 The rest you can find out by asking the townsfolk. I'd start with the barkeep at the Bannered Mare, or the castle steward. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 0 It's an old city, I can tell you that. The Palace of the Kings is ancient. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 1 It's not the friendliest place for outsiders. The Dark Elves were all forced to live in a slum called the Gray Quarter. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 2 The Argonians can't even live inside the walls. They're all stuck out on the docks. FormID: 000C41DF DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelm DialogueCarriageSystemLoreWindhelmTopic CUST 3 Still, Candlehearth Hall's got decent food and cheap bunks. You could do worse. FormID: 000C41DD DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitude DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitudeTopic CUST 0 Solitude's been the capital of Skyrim as long as I can remember. Most of the High Kings of Skyrim were Jarls of Solitude first. FormID: 000C41DD DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitude DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitudeTopic CUST 1 Ah, let's see, what else... The Bards College is here, and the main office of the East Empire Company. FormID: 000C41DD DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitude DialogueCarriageSystemLoreSolitudeTopic CUST 2 If you need it, you can get a room for a fair price at the Winking Skeever, just inside the main gate. FormID: 000C41DB DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiften DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiftenTopic CUST 0 You can get a room at the Bee and Barb, but mind your coin purse -- it's no secret the Thieves' Guild makes its home here. FormID: 000C41DB DialogueCarriageSystem DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiften DialogueCarriageSystemLoreRiftenTopic CUST 1 Oh, and if you meet Maven Black-Briar, stay on her good side. This is her city, and nobody else's. FormID: 000C41D9 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopic RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopicTopic CUST 0 Exploiting? What's that supposed to mean? Erik works the farm because he's a good lad! Indignant, angry FormID: 000C41D9 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopic RoriksteadFreeformBranch10MralkiTopicTopic CUST 1 I'm not forcing him to stay here. I know that he wants a life of adventure, but I've told him before that I can't afford to buy him armor. Indignant, annoyed. FormID: 000C41D7 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1 DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1Topic CUST 0 None of 'em's older than nine, and the youngest is six. FormID: 000C41D7 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1 DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1Topic CUST 1 Now, the horse I got for sale is seven years old, but in fine health. She's got a lot of spirit, that one. FormID: 000C41D7 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1 DialogueWhiterunSkulvarTopic1Topic CUST 2 We've taken to calling her Queen Alfsigr, or just Allie for short. I expect you can name her anything you like once she's yours. FormID: 000C41D6 RoriksteadFreeform RoriksteadFreeformBranch11Mralki RoriksteadFreeformBranch11MralkiTopic CUST 0 Another time, or not at all. It's really none of your business, after all. FormID: 000C41D5 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestErikSlayer HirelingQuestErikSlayerTopic CUST 0 Father says I should pick a name that describes what I really am, but nobody's going to hire Erik Greenthumb or Erik Hoe-pusher. FormID: 000C41D5 HirelingQuest HirelingQuestErikSlayer HirelingQuestErikSlayerTopic CUST 1 No, I need a name that will put some fear in the hearts of my enemies. When I have some enemies, that is. FormID: 000C3EBC MG08 SCEN 0 No! You will not deny me this! FormID: 000C3EBE MG08 SCEN 0 No! The Eye is mine! FormID: 000C3EBD MG08 SCEN 0 You cannot take this away from me! FormID: 000C3D15 FavorOrcsIntro GBYE 0 Return with the gauntlets, or not at all. FormID: 000C3D14 FavorOrcsIntro FavorOrcsIntroGuardBlocking FavorOrcsIntroGuardBlockingTopic CUST 0 You have returned with the gauntlets! Enter. Speak to our chief right away. FormID: 0005AE9F TG08A TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranch TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranchTopic CUST 0 Very true. In our line of work, it's quite rare we set out to return a stolen item to its rightful owner. small laugh... found player's response amusing FormID: 000C3CF3 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic3d CUST 0 If the Key isn't returned to its lock in the Twilight Sepulcher, things will never be the same for the Guild. FormID: 000C3CF3 TG08A TG08AKarliahPostOathBranch TG08AKarliahPostOathBranchTopic3d CUST 1 As time passed, our luck would diminish to the point of non-existence. And whether you know it or not, our uncanny luck defines our trade. FormID: 000C3CF2 TG08A TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranch TG08AKarliahOutroExtBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Before we depart, Brynjolf has some business to discuss. I suggest you listen to him. FormID: 000C3CF1 TG08A SCEN 0 Ah, Karliah. I was wondering when I'd hear from you again. Lose something did we? very smug, sarcastic FormID: 000C3CFC TG08A SCEN 0 You're already mine, Karliah. Your terms were struck long ago. What could you possibly offer me now? very sarcastic, degrading FormID: 000C3CFB TG08A SCEN 0 You surprise me, Karliah. This offer is definitely weighted in my favor. very mocking, sarcastic FormID: 000C3CFA TG08A SCEN 0 Very well. I name your initiates Nightingale and I restore your status to the same, Karliah. almost reluctant, disinterested FormID: 000C3CFA TG08A SCEN 1 And in the future, I'd suggest you refrain from disappointing me again. condescending, with anger FormID: 000C3CF9 TG08A SCEN 0 My appetite for Mercer's demise exceeds my craving for wealth, Your Grace. humbled - you are speaking to a goddess FormID: 000C3CF8 TG08A SCEN 0 Revenge? How interesting... sarcastic... and then pondering (weighing a silent decision) FormID: 000C3CF8 TG08A SCEN 1 Very well, the conditions are acceptable. You may proceed. FormID: 000C3CF4 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 If you wish to talk, I'll be here for a bit. FormID: 000C3CF5 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Proceed down the hall to the gate when you're ready. FormID: 000C3CF6 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 This way, please. FormID: 000C3CF7 TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Please hurry, we need to catch Mercer before he leaves Skyrim. FormID: 001092AE TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lad. FormID: 001092AF TG08A TG08AGoodbyes GBYE 0 Until next we meet, lass. FormID: 000C3CB4 MS04 SCEN 0 Best get rid of the ones we see. Just in case. FormID: 000C3CB3 MS04 SCEN 0 Wait! FormID: 000C3CB2 MS04 SCEN 0 A few hours sleep and we should be ready to continue through. FormID: 000C3CB1 MS04 SCEN 0 I can't do this. We shouldn't be here. I'm sorry. FormID: 000C3A30 TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT04Branch TGLarcenyLT04BranchTopic01 CUST 0 This should compensate you for your find. FormID: 000C3A2F TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT05Branch TGLarcenyLT05BranchTopic01 CUST 0 What a delightful find! This should cover it. FormID: 000C3A2A TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT06Branch TGLarcenyLT06BranchTopic01 CUST 0 It's worth quite a bit actually. Quite a catch! Here you go, this should make you smile. FormID: 000C3A27 TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT07Branch TGLarcenyLT07BranchTopic01 CUST 0 Must have come from Mercer's place. He'd admired the Gray Fox for some time. Sure, I'll buy it from you... here you are. FormID: 000C3A2E TGLarceny TGLarcenyLT08Branch TGLarcenyLT08BranchTopic01 CUST 0 By the Eight... you actually got your hands on it! This alone is worth more than some thieves earn in a lifetime. FormID: 000C3A2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranchTopic CUST 0 Look, I've moved all over Skyrim selling these bits of junk and I'm barely scraping by. FormID: 000C3A2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranchTopic CUST 1 I'm not out to win friends and I could care less if you're happy about your purchase or not. I just need the coin. FormID: 000C3A2C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaBranchTopic CUST 2 The sooner I get out of Skyrim the better. FormID: 000C3A29 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranchTopic CUST 0 Are you serious? The war is tearing the land apart, the dragons have returned seeking who knows what... Skyrim is going nowhere fast. FormID: 000C3A29 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranch DialogueRiftenGrelkaLeaveBranchTopic CUST 1 If I were you, I'd pack up and get out of here before you end up in one of those burial cairns. FormID: 000C3A31 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAnurielBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielBranchTopic CUST 0 There are those that believe the Jarl does nothing for this city... that it's corrupt and run by the Black-Briar family. FormID: 000C3A31 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenAnurielBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielBranchTopic CUST 1 I can assure you that this is entirely false. We are fully in control of everything. FormID: 000C3A38 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar is the owner of the largest and most profitable business in all Skyrim, the Black-Briar Meadery. FormID: 000C3A38 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 We're pleased to have her in Riften. She brings stability, opportunities for employment and strategic value to our city. FormID: 00063E5E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 Maven Black-Briar, the matriarch of the family, represents everything that's wrong with this city. FormID: 00063E5E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 She's bribed countless officials, has friends back in the Imperial City and freely associates with the Thieves Guild. FormID: 00063E5E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 2 I've tried everything I can to protect Riften's citizens from her family, but to no avail. FormID: 000C4439 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 The Black-Briars have been instrumental in keeping Riften on the map. FormID: 000C4439 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 Before the meadery was opened almost fifty years ago, this town was nothing... a simple waypoint for those journeying on to Morrowind. FormID: 000C4439 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 2 Now, thanks to my mother's generosity, this city is making its mark. FormID: 000C443A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 When speaking of the Black-Briars, only one thought should spring to mind. We are not to be trifled with. FormID: 000C443A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 Help us, you end up rich. Cross us and you'll end up a memory. Is that enough information for you? FormID: 000C443B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 0 Hmph. My family. All that wealth and they squander it on foolish ventures and political schemes. FormID: 000C443B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 1 I was meant for so much more than all of this... I wish to pledge my life and ply my talents in darker circles. FormID: 000C443B DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranch DialogueRiftenBlackBriarBranchTopic CUST 2 If only my mother would let me, I would make her proud. FormID: 000C39FD MQ105 SCEN 0 Wuld... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Wuld[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4370 MQ105 SCEN 0 Nah... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Nah[QUOTE] FormID: 000C4371 MQ105 SCEN 0 Kest... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Kest[QUOTE] FormID: 000C39FC MQ105 SCEN 0 You must hear the Word within yourself before you can project it into a Thu'um. FormID: 000C39FB MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Wulfgar will demonstrate Whirlwind Sprint. Then it will be your turn. FormID: 000C3A08 MQ105 SCEN 0 Master Borri. nodding to tell him [QUOTE]when you're ready[QUOTE] FormID: 000C3A02 MQ105 SCEN 0 Now it is your turn. FormID: 000C3698 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 You've got no idea. Half the men in Whiterun have proposed to me. Some were even single. FormID: 000C3698 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 They'll never understand. No amount of flowers or honeyed words are going to change my mind. FormID: 000C3698 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunCarlottaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Right now, all that matters is my daughter Mila. No man's going to get between me and my little girl. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 I can tell you're new around here, askin' a question like that. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 My husband Eorlund tends the Skyforge up at Jorrvaskr, the Companions mead hall. There's no finer smith in the nine holds. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 You should ask him about his work. It's the only subject that'll get him talking. FormID: 000C3697 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 Well, that and maybe those stuck-up, dung-sniffing Battle-Borns. FormID: 000A724D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Curse you for bringing up that bitter memory. FormID: 000A724D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Not long ago it was my husband Eorlund. There was no finer smith in the nine holds. FormID: 000A724D DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Now he's dead and gone and the Skyforge of Jorrvaskr lies cold. FormID: 000C3695 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Try Hulda, the innkeeper at the Bannered Mare. It's just up the road, near the market. FormID: 000C3695 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 You should check in at Dragonsreach, too. There's so much going on these days, the Jarl or his Steward might have need of help. FormID: 000A724F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Try Olfina, the new innkeeper at the Bannered Mare. It's just up the road, near the market. FormID: 000A724F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 You should check in at Dragonsreach, too. There's so much going on these days, the Jarl or his Steward might have need of help. FormID: 000C3693 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Why, because I'm a proud citizen of the Empire? Because the Stormcloaks only want Nords in Skyrim? FormID: 000C3693 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 The Stormcloaks can rot in Oblivion for all I care. I've lived in this city for twenty years. Twenty! FormID: 000C3691 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 That'll be the Jarl, Balgruuf the Greater. He's an honorable enough man. Never done wrong by me or my kin. FormID: 000C3691 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Things are tough for him now, I'd wager. What with the fighting, and the dragons. But Balgruuf's a tough old Nord. He can handle it. FormID: 000C6E2F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Hrongar became the Jarl when his brother Balgruuf, who had the job before him, was murdered. FormID: 000C6E2F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Balgruuf was an even-tempered man, but his brother's a hot-blooded war-monger who wants to settle everything with a blade. FormID: 000C6E2F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 If you've got some business with Hrongar, mind you stay on his good side. The palace dungeon's filled with folk who roused his temper. FormID: 000C6E30 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Vignar the Revered is the Jarl in Whiterun. I guess he was a great hero once, because the Companions all call him [QUOTE]Vignar the Revered.[QUOTE] FormID: 000C6E30 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Is Vignar too old to be Jarl? It's a fair question. If he's grown infirm and is losing his wits, where does that leave the people of Whiterun? FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Interesting, to say the least. What with all that's been going on. FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 On the one hand, supplies are harder to come by, since fewer traders are traveling the roads these days. FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 But on the other, the scarcity of supplies has led to some, well, [QUOTE]elevated[QUOTE] prices. FormID: 000C3690 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 All that matters is that I have what you need. And it's worth every septim. FormID: 000C368F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Isn't it obvious? Why, the wonderful weather and hospitable people, of course! Sarcastic FormID: 000C368F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 Not to mention my great fondness for dragons and petty political power struggles. sarcastic FormID: 000C368F DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2 DialogueWhiterunBelethorTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 Ah, but without a doubt, the most compelling feature of this frozen wasteland is the volley of inane questions leveled at me on a regular basis. FormID: 000C369A DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Her name's Olda. If you've met her, then you probably already know what I'm talking about. FormID: 000C369A DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 I swear that woman is the most spiteful shrew in all Skyrim. I think there's a chunk of ice where her heart ought to be. FormID: 000C3699 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Hard to say. It's ancient, that much we know for sure. It was here long before the town itself. FormID: 000C3699 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 I just hope the bridge survives the war. It's the only place you can cross the Karth river for a long way in either direction. FormID: 000C3699 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeHorgeirTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 2 Could be if one side wants to keep the other from coming across, they might try to knock it down. FormID: 000C3696 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 I grew up an orphan on the streets of Markarth. I'd have died there, too, but for the kindness of an old warrior named Logrolf the Bent. FormID: 000C3696 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Logrolf rescued me and gave me enough money to get out of the city. I followed the Karth river north, and came here. FormID: 000C3696 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 When I met Michel, I knew this was where I belonged. I suppose that's it, really. FormID: 000C3694 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 0 Both the Imperials and Stormcloaks have sent riders this way, scouting the bridge and the lands nearby. FormID: 000C3694 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 1 They stayed at the inn, but didn't pay. They said soldiers don't need to pay because they're risking their lives to protect us. FormID: 000C3694 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch2Topic CUST 2 And that's not all. They took a heap of our lumber, and one tried to have his way with my daughter. They think they can do whatever they want. FormID: 000C3692 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 0 Of course. Every night I pray that we don't get a visit from a dragon, or that two armies don't show up to fight over the bridge. FormID: 000C3692 DialogueDragonBridge DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3 DialogueDragonBridgeAzzadaTopicsBranch3Topic CUST 1 You ask if I'm worried? I'm terrified, if you want to truth of it. But I have to stay strong for my wife and children. FormID: 000C3524 dunForelhostQST HELO 0 What are you waiting for? Get in there and find that mask. FormID: 0006223A dunForelhostQST HELO 0 Any progress on finding the mask? FormID: 000C352B dunForelhostQST HELO 0 Don't bother me if you haven't found anything about the mask. FormID: 0006223D dunForelhostQST dunForelhostQSTMidJournalBranch dunForelhostQSTMidJournalBranchTopic CUST 0 And what? You couldn't read it yourself? Fine, give it here a moment. Sighs before the second sentence. FormID: 00062238 dunForelhostQST dunForelhostQSTMidMask dunForelhostQSTMidMaskTopic CUST 0 Well then, what are you waiting for? Get in there and earn your pay. FormID: 000C34A3 MS04 SCEN 0 Not to mention our pay. FormID: 000C34A7 MS04 SCEN 0 Besides, you're not scared of a few sleeping metal men. Are you, Drennen? FormID: 000C34A6 MS04 SCEN 0 Properly controlled, it has knowledge enough to turn paupers into kings. FormID: 000C34A5 MS04 SCEN 0 Sure. Sarcastic. FormID: 000C34A4 MS04 SCEN 0 Of course. FormID: 000C347C CW CWWhatsEmpireDoing CWWhatsEmpireDoingTopic CUST 0 The Legion's always been here. Without us to keep order, the provinces would fall into barbarism and lawlessness. Especially Skyrim. FormID: 000C347C CW CWWhatsEmpireDoing CWWhatsEmpireDoingTopic CUST 1 Take for example, Ulfric Stormcloak and his little [QUOTE]rebellion.[QUOTE] But rest assured, his days are numbered. bitter rivalry FormID: 000C3478 CW CWAboutYourself CWAboutYourselfTopic CUST 0 I'm originally from Cyrodiil, sent here at the request of the Emperor himself. I'm often ordered to places with problems that need fixing. FormID: 000C3478 CW CWAboutYourself CWAboutYourselfTopic CUST 1 Now, while I'm certain this is all terribly interesting to you, I have important matters to attend. annoyed, sarcastic FormID: 000C348C CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 Ulfric Stromcloak's head rolling away from his lifeless body. smoldering FormID: 000C348D CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now. thinking of the good old days FormID: 000C348D CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 1 Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. Either way, much blood will be spilt. FormID: 000C348E CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 First we'll kick the Thalmor and their bloody Imperial puppets out of the country. Then we'll rebuild Skyrim into the land she once was. with fervor FormID: 000C348E CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 1 When we are done with that, we will take our army to the Dominion, and show those pointy-eared bastards not every man is fit to be their slave. with hate FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 We're fighting because we're done bleeding for an Empire that won't bleed for us. pent up emotion FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 1 Untold numbers of Nords died defending the Empire against the Dominion. And for what? bitter anger FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 2 Skyrim being sold to the Thalmor so the Emperor could keep his throne! bitter anger FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 3 We're fighting because our own Jarls, once strong, wise men, have become fearful and blind to their people's suffering. pent up emotion FormID: 000C348F CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 4 We're fighting because Skyrim needs heroes, and there's no one else but us. FormID: 000C3481 CW CWHighKing CWHighKingTopic CUST 0 I killed Torygg to prove our wretched condition. How is the High King supposed to be the defender of Skyrim, if he can't even defend himself? unapologetic FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 0 I challenged him in the traditional way, and he accepted. There were many witnesses. No [QUOTE]murder[QUOTE] was committed. stating facts FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 1 True, he didn't stand a chance against me. matter of fact FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 2 But that was precisely the point! He was a puppet-king of the Empire , not a High King of Skyrim. FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 3 His father before him perhaps, but not Torygg. FormID: 000C347E CW CWHighKing CWHighKingMurder CUST 4 He was too privileged and too foolish, more interested in entertaining his queen than ruling his country. FormID: 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 0 There hasn't been a true High King in Skyrim for generations. FormID: 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 1 For too long he's been hand-picked by the Emperor, and given emphatic nods by milk-drinking Jarls addicted to Imperial coin. making a point, angry FormID: 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 2 It's time we had a real king. One of our own making. emphatic! FormID: 000C3477 CW CWHighKing CWHighKingElisif CUST 0 Indeed, Elisif has become Jarl of Solitude, historically and conveniently home of the High King, backed by Imperial interests. FormID: 000C3477 CW CWHighKing CWHighKingElisif CUST 1 But the Moot has not yet met to name her High Queen. And they won't. Not as long as I have any say in it. FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 0 My father, the great Bear of Eastmarch, died during my imprisonment after the Markarth Incident. remembering dark days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 1 I, his only son, forced to deliver his eulogy via a letter I had smuggled out of prison. Such is the love of Titus Mede for his subjects. remembering dark days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 2 When finally set free, I returned to Windhelm, and was greeted by a city in mourning, at one with my own grief and anger. remembering dark days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 3 Clamoring in angry voices, calling out for justice, for war, they sat me on the throne. remembering dark but exciting days FormID: 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 4 The Throne of Ysgramor! The throne of my father... I only hope I can prove worthy of the honor. true humility FormID: 000C3473 CW00B CW00BGalmarBlocking CW00BGalmarEveryoneDoThis CUST 0 Only the ones I'm not sure about. This will prove your abilities, but more importantly, it will prove your commitment. Walk Away FormID: 000C3471 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetSentMeToDie CUST 0 Not at all. That was as much a test of your abilities as it was your resolve. taken a aback a little Walk Away FormID: 000C3471 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetSentMeToDie CUST 1 I wasn't sure your heart was in it. But you've proven me wrong. And I respect that. Walk Away FormID: 000C3471 CW01B CW01BGalmarGreet CW01BGalmarGreetSentMeToDie CUST 2 Now, if were done being sentimental, it's time for you to take the Oath. getting back to business Walk Away FormID: 000C3483 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00ATulliusGreetYes CUST 0 Good. dismissing a new recruit FormID: 000C3480 CW00A CW00TulliusForcegreet CW00ATulliusGreetNotWhyImHere CUST 0 I see. Then there's nothing further to discuss. If you change your mind, speak with the Legate. dismissing a civilian FormID: 000C347D CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreetYessir CUST 0 Good. dismissing a new recruit FormID: 000C3479 CW00B CW00BUlfricForcegreet CW00BUlfricGreet CUST 0 I'm sorry to hear that. If you change your mind, speak with Galmar. What does bring you to me? FormID: 000C3472 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeDangerous CUST 0 True, he's a dangerous and blood thirsty man, but he's also a Nord that honors our traditions. begrudging respect FormID: 000C3472 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeDangerous CUST 1 Keep your wits about you and you won't be harmed. giving council to someone on a dangerous mission FormID: 000C3472 CW03 CW03BalgruufAxe CW03BalgruufAxeDangerous CUST 2 And then get back here. Because if Ulfric isn't bluffing, I'll need every able body to defend Whiterun. FormID: 000C3490 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBeirandTopic CUST 0 Yep. I have just one question for you. as if expecting the visit FormID: 000C3490 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBeirandTopic CUST 1 Light, medium, or heavy? listing off choices for a patron FormID: 000C348A CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialClarify CUST 0 Light armor for scouting detail, heavy armor for full on combat, or something in between? clarifying his original question FormID: 000C3485 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialLight CUST 0 Alright... here you go. Should keep you light on your feet, and hold up decent enough if you wind up trading blows with the enemy. giving patron some leather armor for scouting missions Walk Away FormID: 000C3482 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialMedium CUST 0 Alright. This here's enough to keep your insides from spilling out, except from the fiercest of blows, and shouldn't weigh you down too much. giving patron some leather armor for scouting mission Walk Away FormID: 000C347F CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialHeavy CUST 0 They don't make finer steel anywhere else. If this doesn't keep you from dying, nothing will. giving patron some leather armor for scouting mission Walk Away FormID: 000C347B CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBye CUST 0 Now, that's it. One free outfit per soldier. You lose that, or get it banged up, you'll need to pay like everyone else. cautionary FormID: 000C33BB MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescriptionTopic CUST 0 He's sending you after King Olaf's Verse then? That's good, we shouldn't leave it lying around now that I've figured out where it is. FormID: 000C33BB MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescriptionTopic CUST 1 The Verse was Svaknir's contribution to the Poetic Edda, the living history of Skyrim. Each bard adds to the Edda in his or her time. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 0 And a very ancient one. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 1 The verse criticized the reigning King Olaf. He was so incensed the bard was put to death and all the copies burned. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 2 At least, that's what we thought until I translated some ancient texts a year or so ago. We now believe King Olaf buried the truth with the bard. FormID: 000C33BC MS05 MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription MS05GiraurdPoeticEddaDescription2 CUST 3 If I'm right Svaknir and King Olaf's Verse lie in Dead Men's Respite, along with the burial chamber of King Olaf himself. FormID: 000C33B8 MS05 MS05ViarmoPoeticEddaDescription MS05ViarmoPoeticEddaDescriptionTopic CUST 0 I think Giraud here would give you the best explanation of both it and the history of King Olaf's Verse. You should speak to him about it. FormID: 000C2D4D MQ105 SCEN 0 Ro... this is a whispered shout, so it should have an intake of breath before speaking the word [QUOTE]Ro[QUOTE] FormID: 000C2D02 DA13 DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranch DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranchTopic CUST 0 This one would try a shop. You might prefer the direct route, hm? FormID: 000C2D02 DA13 DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranch DA13KeshIngredientsHelpBranchTopic CUST 1 Deathbell grow in the frozen tundra. You might nip into a mine for the ruby and silver. Vampire Dust is tricky. Vampires, you know. FormID: 000C2D04 DA13 DA13NeedSPeakPeryiteAgain DA13NeedSPeakPeryiteAgainTopic CUST 0 The vapors are waning, but not yet gone. Take a breath. Peryite will speak if He sees fit. FormID: 000C2D01 DA13 DA13PeryiteReturnBlocker DA13PeryiteReturnBlockerTopic CUST 0 Well done, mortal. All things are in their order, and Orchendor roams the Pits. His betrayal will be punished, and your obedience is rewarded. [QUOTE]The Pits[QUOTE] proper name of a place FormID: 000C2D06 DA13 DA13WhatNow DA13WhatNowTopic CUST 0 Go, seek your fate. I will be watching, and perhaps we will meet again - afterwards. FormID: 000C2D03 DA13 DA13ReluctantChampion DA13ReluctantChampionTopic CUST 0 And yet you have done my bidding. Why, I wonder? FormID: 000C2D07 DA13 DA13PeryiteGoodByeBranch DA13PeryiteGoodByeBranchTopic CUST 0 Embrace order and hard truth, mortal. Good bye. FormID: 000C2D05 DA13 DA13AfflictedFateBranch DA13PeryiteAfflictedPostComment CUST 0 Did you leave any alive? The Afflicted are mere vessels for my Blessing. It will spread to others through their touch and my own. FormID: 000C2D05 DA13 DA13AfflictedFateBranch DA13PeryiteAfflictedPostComment CUST 1 Another Overseer will replace Orchendor, when the time comes. For now all is cleansed and ordered. FormID: 000C2957 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Go! Now! urgently - the player is doing nothing FormID: 000C2958 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get moving! urgently FormID: 00107A88 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Go! urgently FormID: 000C293F MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Jump! Come on! urgently - player is hanging around FormID: 000C2949 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Get going! urgently FormID: 000C294D MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 Through the inn! Now! urgently FormID: 000C2951 MQ101DragonAttack SCEN 0 You still here? Go! urgently FormID: 000C2935 CreatureDialogueSkeleton POAT 0 FormID: 000C28E3 MQ105 SCEN 0 Now let us see how quickly you can master your new Thu'um. FormID: 000C28C7 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB2 CUST 0 Yes. I think I am. You can Shout now. That can only mean one thing. You must be Dragonborn. awed FormID: 000C28C8 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB2 CUST 0 There's one way to find out. Try to Shout... FormID: 000C28C8 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB2 CUST 1 According to the old legends, only the Dragonborn can Shout without training, the way the dragons do. FormID: 000C28CA MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB1 CUST 0 Well, you can Shout now. You couldn't before, right? That can only mean one thing. You must be Dragonborn. awed FormID: 000C28CB MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB1 CUST 0 There's one way to find out. Try to Shout... that would prove it. awed FormID: 000C28CB MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornB1 CUST 1 According to the old legends, only the Dragonborn can Shout without training, the way the dragons do. FormID: 000C27F0 CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Intimidate CUST 0 Now, now! That won't be necessary. cowed after being intimidated FormID: 000C27EE CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Nevermind CUST 0 Hmph. FormID: 000C2796 MG07 MG07TolfdirForcegreetBranch MG07TolfdirLetsGo CUST 0 I'll be right behind you! FormID: 000C278B MG08 SCEN 0 Spells have no effect! horrified FormID: 000C277E MG08 SCEN 0 I am beyond your pathetic attempts at magic. You cannot touch me. laughing maniacally, mocking FormID: 000C277C MG08 SCEN 0 The staff! Use it on the Eye! FormID: 000C277B MG08 SCEN 0 Enough! shouting, supremely angry FormID: 000C2779 MG08 SCEN 0 Still you persist? Very well. FormID: 000C275F CreatureDialogueSkeleton ATCK 0 FormID: 000C2760 CreatureDialogueSkeleton ATCK 0 FormID: 000C273B MQ101 SCEN 0 Let's go on ahead. See if the way is clear. FormID: 000C2740 MQ101 SCEN 0 I'll keep watch in case Ulfric comes through here. Talos guide the both of you. FormID: 000C273F MQ101 SCEN 0 All right, let's see if we can find a way out. FormID: 000C273E MQ101 SCEN 0 I better stay back and see to the old man. Good luck you two. FormID: 000C25B3 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 You will pay for stealing from me you eyeless freak! FormID: 000C25B2 dunDuskglowQST SCEN 0 I will take you down too. I am not splitting this horde with anyone. This is not an empty threat, you are already moving to attack. FormID: 000C24C4 C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverBackOff CUST 0 We should keep moving. Still the draugr to worry about. FormID: 000C24C5 C01 C01ObserverTransformBranch C01ObserverBackOff CUST 0 Now let's move. I think that was the last of the Silver Hand, but still plenty of draugr for the both of us. FormID: 000C24C6 C01 SCEN 0 This looks like the guardian chamber. The key to that door has to be around here somewhere. FormID: 000C24C7 C01 SCEN 0 [QUOTE]Every door has a key,[QUOTE] says Vilkas. Sometimes he is wrong, but look around anyway. FormID: 000C24C8 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchPreamble CUST 0 Good that you're so eager. FormID: 000C24C9 CR10 CR10StartBranch CR10StartBranchPreamble CUST 0 Good that you're so eager. FormID: 000C2468 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Adrianne. At her forge, just outside. FormID: 000C2468 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Place is named after her. [QUOTE]Warmaiden's.[QUOTE] It's a childhood nickname, given by her father. What I hear, she was playing with swords even back then. FormID: 000C2468 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Anyway, our wares are strong and the prices fair. What else matters? FormID: 000A724C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Since Adrianne's death, I've had to buy them from the Khajiit caravans. FormID: 000A724C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Tried making some myself, but I'm no good with the forge and anvil. Sheepish FormID: 000A724C DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunUlfberthTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 Anyway, our wares are strong and the prices fair. What else matters? FormID: 000C2467 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Of a sort. I don't have formal training in the Restoration school, but... something just as good. FormID: 000C2467 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 Within these walls, I have all that I need to brew a potion for nearly any ailment. FormID: 000C2467 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunArcadiaTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 If I had a Septim for every case of Rockjoint or Witbane I've cured since I opened this shop, I'd be a rich woman indeed. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Yes, I hear that question often. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 My brother Anoriath and I came up with it one night after consuming... rather too much mead. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 After our drinks, we went out for a moonlight hunt. We got separated, and in his drunken state my brother mistook me for a deer. FormID: 000C246A DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunElrindirTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 3 He shot an arrow that pierced my... well, my rump. After such a memorable adventure, we knew we had the name for our shop. FormID: 000C2469 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 0 Oh, yes. Hunting is my great passion. FormID: 000C2469 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 1 That's why my brother and I opened a shop to sell hunting supplies. It's the Drunken Huntsman, down by the main gate. FormID: 000C2469 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1 DialogueWhiterunAnoriathTopicsBranch1Topic CUST 2 He tends the store, and I've got this stall. FormID: 000C2462 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornA1 CUST 0 In the very oldest tales, back from when there still were dragons in Skyrim, the Dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power. FormID: 000C2462 MQ104 MQ104BSoldierBlocking MQ104ADragonbornA1 CUST 1 That's what you did, isn't it? Absorbed that dragon's power? FormID: 000E67D3 CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Bribe CUST 0 Well, if you insist... accepting a bribe FormID: 000C27ED CWMission03 CWMission03InnkeeperBranch CWMission03Bribe CUST 0 Seems your purse is lighter than you thought. needs to be read in such a way that could be [QUOTE]shady[QUOTE] or [QUOTE]sincere[QUOTE] FormID: 000C1F70 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They live below the streets in the Ratway like dirty animals. And trust me, they're no better than the vermin that slink out of there for scraps. FormID: 000C1F70 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 They make it difficult for decent people to earn a living. Of course, not many decent people live here in the first place. FormID: 000C442C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 I'd hardly call them a Guild. More like unorganized rabble. FormID: 000C442C DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 In fact, I wouldn't say they were a threat at all. No, our resources should be spent on preparations for invasion. FormID: 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 We're all eager to see them brought to justice. Maven Black-Briar has assured me that they're being dealt with appropriately. FormID: 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 As one of our city's most influential citizens, she's has taken it upon herself to oversee their incarceration. FormID: 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 2 Sadly, they're proving elusive but I have confidence that Maven won't give up until this city has been rid of them all. FormID: 000C442E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 Liars and bastards. Every one of them. I'd have their heads on a pike if it wasn't for the war effort. FormID: 000C442E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 All I need is a dozen men and we could march into the Ratway and burn them out like rodents. FormID: 000C442E DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 2 Stormcloaks won't have it though. Too busy keeping the Imperial forces at bay. FormID: 000C442F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They're vermin... garbage. They're exactly what makes this city such a horrible place to live. FormID: 000C442F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 How appropriate they should live in the Ratway with the rest of the trash. FormID: 000C99EC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They'd stop at nothing to take your last bit of food if that's all you had. FormID: 000C99EC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 The Ratway's too good of a place for that scum. FormID: 000C99ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 0 They used to be pretty feared around here. I mean, you'd whisper the name and it'd send chills down your spine. FormID: 000C99ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 Now, they're nothing more than ruffians and thugs trying to pry a few extra coin from honest people. FormID: 000C99ED DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 2 All it would take is a small force of guard to go into the Ratway and flush them out. FormID: 000C1F75 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 It's Riften's name for the sewers beneath our feet. Absolutely disgusting! FormID: 000C1F75 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 If you fancy keeping your purse filled with gold and your head on your shoulders, I'd stay out of those awful tunnels. FormID: 000C4448 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 Disgusting. Ruined sewers filled with goodness knows what. FormID: 000C4448 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 There's an entrance down by the canal, but I'd highly advise you stay out of there... its the Thieves Guild's territory. FormID: 000C444A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 Everyone knows the Thieves Guild uses the old sewer system beneath Riften as their hideout. FormID: 000C444A DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 I'd go down there myself, but that would leave Jarl Laila unprotected. FormID: 000C44A4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 There are ruined sewer tunnels beneath the city. The only way I know how to get in there is through a door off of the canal. FormID: 000C44A4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 If I were you, I'd keep my feet dry and stay up here. FormID: 000C99EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 0 It's our name for the old sewers that run under the city. FormID: 000C99EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 It used to be a huge system hundreds of years ago but it fell into decay just like the rest of Riften. FormID: 000C99EA DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 2 The Guild stocks the place full of thugs that aren't good enough to join, so watch yourself if you venture down there. FormID: 000C1F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranch DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 0 I may be dark elf by birth, but I was raised Argonian. FormID: 000C1F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranch DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 1 Through reasons I'm still trying to discover, I ended up orphaned then taken in by a kindly Argonian family in Black Marsh. FormID: 000C1F78 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranch DialogueRiftenBrandSheiBranchTopic CUST 2 I hope one day to find out what happened to me... how I ended up like that. FormID: 000C1E4C MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTrade MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTradeTopic CUST 0 It doesn't matter. It's also none of your concern. FormID: 000C1E4C MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTrade MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhatTradeTopic CUST 1 Just talk to him; see if you can convince him to give my amulet back. FormID: 000C1E48 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportant MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportantTopic CUST 0 I told you, it's from my family.