A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

All posts by Gingo

Date Posted Post Thread
June 17, 2014 paarthurnaxGingoAariiki need to know what is suffix iik, i dont find the explanation, because, "... Word Revision Thread
June 17, 2014 AavinI need to know in English, meaning "joint" !? ... Word Revision Thread
June 17, 2014 Aariiki need to know what is suffix iik, i dont find the explanation, because, "negrero" isn`t a app... Word Revision Thread
June 17, 2014 Aalkosis Tal Vez , Whit Z !!! ves whit S is for Verb "see".... Word Revision Thread
June 17, 2014 AakfusAakfus, in English is Sneeze , in Spanish is "Estornudar". ... Word Revision Thread
June 17, 2014 AadokAadok = Perro Guia = Sabueso Guia = Lasarillo ( activity to dog guide )... Word Revision Thread
June 17, 2014 AakAak if is a verb, is "Guiar". example; Yo (pronoun) guio tu guias... Word Revision Thread
June 16, 2014 im seeking Alphabet (writing with or without dragon runes)Handwritten or TypedCanon or Expanded... Pel Pals Signup
June 9, 2014 i wanna play !!! any one? Pel Pals Signup
June 7, 2014 I will start to translate the Dovahzul Dictionary third edition in Spanish. ( my native languag... Contribution manual