A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

All posts by Liis

Date Posted Post Thread
May 3, 2022 @inlovewithaNERD, Unfortunately, this thread is only for suggestions of English translations that... Translation Suggestion Thread
March 8, 2022 Great to hear. Profile Picture upload
February 19, 2022 @Vokunthurfaas, Try to "open the image in a new tab" to isolate the image on a webpage by itself.... Profile Picture upload
December 2, 2021 The image can only be a maximum of 100 pixels by 100 pixels in size. You can Google search for an im... Profile Picture upload
November 19, 2021 I'm not sure of what may have happened. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to delete the post. I'll m... Accidentally broke site?
November 19, 2021 Hello and welcome, everyone. I'm a linguist and an anthropology enthusiast. Some of my favourite vid... Introductions
November 17, 2021 Test Introductions
August 6, 2021 You'll have to try to contact the owner of the site, paarthurnax by email: [email protected] Unf... Dragon Runes Unicode
July 22, 2021 @Ilana, I trust that you'll categorise and edit with good judgment. You've been granted Translato... Translator Signup
July 19, 2021 @Ilana, I'd be happy to make you a translator, but I'm not so sure about your last statement. Are... Translator Signup
November 12, 2020 Heureuse d'aider. Hey I'm new here and I'm a beginner with the Dovahzul
November 12, 2020 @Isran, To use dragon runes in a post, surround the desired text with square brackets. The text w... Hey I'm new here and I'm a beginner with the Dovahzul
April 19, 2020 The only member who is able to add new words to the Dragon dictionary is the administrator and owner... Translator/dictionary update?
April 8, 2020 Your takeaway is correct, but the line features non-official, fan-made, poorly chosen words: uld (mi... Dovazhul Riddle
March 7, 2020 Try emailing the administrator at [email protected]. Email change
February 22, 2020 Looks like a good start to me. You can always message me if you need help with grammar and such. New Memrise Course In The Making
February 1, 2020 I don't see anything wrong with improving the course, but this is something that would only be offic... Revise Dovahzul Canon Memrise Course
January 11, 2020 @NotDominic4Real, Search YouTube for the sneak peek. When is the next game coming out?
January 10, 2020 @JayStorm324, In an earlier post, I had said that I don't have an opinion on that matter, sorry. ... What is your prefurred fight style and what was your last character?
January 10, 2020 @JayStorm324, I think what armour you wear is a factor in how you play. If you can take more dama... What is your prefurred fight style and what was your last character?
January 10, 2020 Does it change your thoughts at all to know that I'm dealing the same amount of damage as I take? I ... What is your prefurred fight style and what was your last character?
January 10, 2020 When you say that playing on different difficulties "skews" the results, that implies that there is ... What is your prefurred fight style and what was your last character?
January 10, 2020 @JayStorm324, I disagree. The difference between using light armour and heavy armour as a battle-... What is your prefurred fight style and what was your last character?
January 10, 2020 Please read the Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines. All roleplays must be approved in the Roleplay Re... Dovahsyndrosis
November 28, 2019 @WorldEater, Your post would be best suited as a thread on its own. Please make posts which are r... Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines
November 23, 2019 @WorldEater, All the information you need to know about participating in the Roleplay Forum can b... Roleplay Request Thread
November 23, 2019 @WorldEater, Unfortunately, this thread isn't for creating any dragon material. Translation Suggestion Thread
November 22, 2019 @WorldEater, I can approve your roleplay, but there are a few requirements for me to do so: 1.... Roleplay Request Thread
November 5, 2019 @Byakurenbreak, I've deleted your post for containing explicit vulgarity. Please read the Forum R... �I�ve Come to Make an Announcement�
November 1, 2019 But Falkreath is beautiful. I vote the Rift -- they won't ever recover. What hold would you kick out of Skyrim?
October 28, 2019 We aren't currently accepting fan-made vocabulary, but we once did. All of the words from that time ... Emotions
October 25, 2019 Please read the Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines. All roleplays must be approved in the Roleplay Re... Aftermath- Alduin's Fall- After The "Sovengarde" quest Skyrim ElderScrolls 5
August 23, 2019 @Fronlaasfrin, Your roleplay is approved. You may post it to the forum. Roleplay Request Thread
August 18, 2019 @Fronlaasfrin, Sounds like an interesting read, though I'll need to know how you plan to incorpor... Roleplay Request Thread
August 16, 2019 @Fronlaasfrin, Yes. Roleplay Request Thread
July 16, 2019 I think it's a good idea. Maybe have a list appear on your profile for your own reference and others... Friends and Favourites
July 16, 2019 @Vahdin Eroljan, Moderators hold no power to alter the base code of the site. That's up to the ad... Friends and Favourites
June 13, 2019 @Kahvozein, As I've seen you speak French already, you've been granted Translator status. Translator Signup
June 11, 2019 I've moved this thread to the appropriate forum, "The Hearth". Please help keep the forum "Site D... The Banning of Talos Worship
June 8, 2019 @EasternLime363, Unfortunately, this thread isn't for creating any dragon material. Translation Suggestion Thread
June 4, 2019 @MorokeiJoor, Unfortunately, this thread isn't for creating any dragon material. Translation Suggestion Thread
May 23, 2019 I guess you'll have to keep trying until you get it again. Kavarins blade
May 22, 2019 @ChizuruKaifu, We have 11,893 members, but only less than a quarter of one percent of them is act... Members
May 22, 2019 @ChizuruKaifu, Both experience and gold are acquired by posting to any forum besides The Hearth. ... Levels
May 22, 2019 @ChizuruKaifu, All custom profile pictures must be directly linked to its online location. 1. ... Profile photo
May 12, 2019 @Kul do Dovah, You should learn how to host a D&D game before attempting to host one here. Maybe ... Roleplay Request Thread
May 11, 2019 Please read the Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines. All roleplays must be approved in the Roleplay Re... Looking for Dungeons and Dragons players
April 29, 2019 We're not going to make things dark here. Let's play would you rather
April 28, 2019 @laaniiksedov, That's why you should use your own judgement, as my earlier post conveyed. Dovahzul Ranknames
April 27, 2019 @laaniiksedov, I like Legacy too, but here's some advice: try studying canon vocabulary enough to... Dovahzul Ranknames
April 10, 2019 @CalevDimarsius, Please make condensed posts on the forums; all of your shouts should be in one p... Shout Ideas
March 18, 2019 Its exact release date is not yet revealed. When is the next game coming out?
March 8, 2019 @Dovahnator, Unfortunately, this thread isn't for creating any dragon material. Translation Suggestion Thread
February 27, 2019 @GronZeymah, Players will request to join your RP if they're interested. You can choose from thos... Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines
February 8, 2019 @Jetze20, This is already an entry in the dictionary: (Link)... Translation Suggestion Thread
February 2, 2019 I've moved this thread to the forum "Dragon Language Discussion" to fit the criteria. Opinions on a Dovahzul based D&D/Pathfinder campaign?
January 24, 2019 @Balasar, Please make as little posts in a row as possible. You can always edit your posts to inc... Seven-Word Skyrim Stories
January 17, 2019 @Ercal, Anything canon is official material from Bethesda Softworks. Since "Ruth" is a word direc... Canon Memrise Course Feedback & Suggestions
January 17, 2019 @Ercal, Please post as little in a row as possible in the forums. The only reason you should post... Translator Guide
January 17, 2019 @Ercal, That's off-topic. Remember to remain on-topic in the forums. Dragon Armor?
January 17, 2019 @Ercal, Your request lacks sufficient information to be approved. What information your request m... Roleplay Request Thread
January 17, 2019 @Ercal, Condense your posts to as little in a row as possible. The only reason you should ever po... Translation Suggestion Thread
January 17, 2019 @Ercal, You don't need to post that you'll join three times in a row, this is considered spam. Al... Pel Pals Signup
January 17, 2019 Runes are how the dragons write the dragon language. The language is originally in runes, and using ... JUST JOINED
January 17, 2019 I've moved this thread to the forum Dragon Language Discussion to fit the criteria. Help with translating
January 16, 2019 @Indodez, Yes, Zu'u is used as both "I" and "me". Translation Suggestion Thread
January 16, 2019 PSA: He's talking about Forelnaar. @Ercal, You should specify what you're talking about, as it's... JUST JOINED
January 16, 2019 Someone has already posted to your previous thread about "help". Please post to that thread instead.... HELP!!!!!!!
January 7, 2019 Glad to finally have you aboard, Tuzhaal. Introductions
January 4, 2019 @Vokriid, The difference between "where" and "there" is that one has an antecedent in main clause... How do you say "Where are you?"
January 3, 2019 @Vokriid, I really don't think that "where" and "what" are opposites of "there" and "that", which... How do you say "Where are you?"
January 3, 2019 @PixyLord Armada You could make a thread discussing non-canon vocabulary, but non-canon vocabular... Translation Suggestion Thread
January 2, 2019 @PixyLord Armada, Thanks for the contribution, but this thread is specifically for suggestions of... Translation Suggestion Thread
January 1, 2019 Those are some great examples. How do you say "Where are you?"
December 30, 2018 Just to point out: Hei is a fan-made word and is not canon. Kolos is purely a conjunction and not an... How do you say "Where are you?"
December 27, 2018 I would say Faal Bok do Dov. Fin is the informal definite article, Faal is the formal.... The Age of Dragons (Faal Bok do Dov)
December 26, 2018 Ich habe dir �bersetzer Privilegien gew�hrt. Ich spreche selber ein wenig Deutsch. Bitte lies dies b... Introductions
December 24, 2018 Hello, SimSon17. Welcome to the site. We'd like to have you as a Translator, but I'm not sure wha... Introductions
December 22, 2018 Of course, maybe they could have had a lighter material that wasn't as protective as their scales, b... Dragon Armor?
December 22, 2018 Dragons are strong and all, but I think that the armour would have to be stronger than their scales ... Dragon Armor?
December 21, 2018 How canon is "tier 2 canon"? Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 21, 2018 Is any content from The Imperial Library considered canon without a doubt? Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 16, 2018 Hello Niviikdezin, This question would be better suited for the Question Board. This thread is ju... Translation Suggestion Thread
December 13, 2018 The sort of people who would convey my sort of opinion hatefully. Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 13, 2018 "Hate" sounds a little extreme when someone simply has a different opinion. Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 13, 2018 You don't have to change anything. This is an opinion-related thread, so I gave my opinion. Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 13, 2018 Offending the LGBTQ community is as inevitable as death. I say this as a lesbian. I already gave you... Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 13, 2018 It's not used that way by a lot of people. Just because you know people who use it that way, that do... Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 13, 2018 Since the word "gender" itself comes from a word that meant to produce (see "gen" in "hydrogen", "ge... Are there female dragons? A theory and analysis.
December 11, 2018 @Dir, With an official lexicon of only around 650 words, there's bound to be many words "missing"... Translation Suggestion Thread
December 10, 2018 @stoneqahnah, 1. Your request lacks sufficient information to be approved. What information your ... Roleplay Request Thread
December 10, 2018 1. Heck, I used to be a 3, but I haven't practised in years. Rune reading survey
December 7, 2018 I've moved this thread to the forum Site Discussion to fit the criteria. website improvement ideas
December 5, 2018 I don't know why I've let this sit in The Hearth for so long. I've moved this thread to the proper f... What's your favorite shout?
November 30, 2018 I've moved this thread to the forum The Elder Scrolls General Discussion to fit the criteria. Houses of Skyrim
November 18, 2018 @Kahvozein, This thread is for creating entries in the English-Dragon dictionary, not the Dragon-... Translation Suggestion Thread
November 16, 2018 @OneTheyFear, Please use the edit button on any of your posts to include information you forgot t... Seven-Word Skyrim Stories
November 12, 2018 @Aztaal, You should edit your posts to add information you forgot instead of making an entirely n... Roleplay Request Thread
November 12, 2018 I've moved this thread to the forum Dragon Language Discussion to fit the criteria. The Site Discuss... A small riddle type thing.
November 12, 2018 @DovahkiinLovaas, Roleplays must first be requested in the Roleplay Request Thread. Please read t... Looking to rp
November 12, 2018 @DovahkiinLovaas, If you're "pretty good" with Dovahzul, why do you rely on the Legacy Translator... Sik
November 12, 2018 @DovahkiinLovaas, Fluent but miles from perfect. Translator Signup
November 12, 2018 @Aztaal, Does that mean you'll have dialogue mandatory in Dovahzul or have Dovahzul be used in so... Roleplay Request Thread
November 8, 2018 @DovahkiinLovaas, We hardly know anything about the game, so you'd have no base to build onto. Yo... Roleplay Request Thread
November 8, 2018 @Aztaal, Everything looks good but one thing: Roleplays must contain a consistent use of Dovahzu... Roleplay Request Thread
November 7, 2018 Threads need to have topics lest they be considered spam. Please post threads with actual topics wit... Omg I can't wait.
November 4, 2018 @hellwolf, They aren't banished, just shelved and generally unsupported. The dictionary is called... Translation Suggestion Thread
November 3, 2018 @hellwolf, Lokaal is a fan-made word that has been shelved along with all other fan-made vocabula... Translation Suggestion Thread
October 25, 2018 @Glaedr Vulkrein, Sounds like an ability in Warframe. I like it. Shout Ideas
October 25, 2018 Sorry, but this type of thread already exists. Please post to that one instead.... Thu'um Creation
October 21, 2018 @deleted, It's deleted. Please condense your posts. Try not to post twice in a row, save for gian... Roleplay Request Thread
October 21, 2018 @Unslaad Kein, Approved. Roleplay Request Thread
October 21, 2018 @Vuldovyol, Approved. Roleplay Request Thread
October 15, 2018 Dovahkiin. The converter only transforms romanised text into runes and does not act as a translator ... A quick question about the Alpahbet Converter
October 15, 2018 Please condense your posts, Unslaad Kein. Those last three posts should have been one. Fantasy creations
October 14, 2018 @Unslaad Kein, If non-canon words are allowed, semi-canon words are an unquestionable possibility... Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines
October 7, 2018 Banned for implying "Banned for banning a person who banned me after I banned him after he banned me... The Ban Game!!!
October 4, 2018 Banned for thinking any of these bans have a legitimate reason. The Ban Game!!!
September 27, 2018 @Johnnar, Did your wife seem visibly sad afterwards? We know what you did...
September 24, 2018 @Vedsilronaaz, As my post right before yours contains: "The purpose of this thread is to find pos... Translation Suggestion Thread
September 18, 2018 (Link) Branching Onto Another Platform
September 16, 2018 @Kendov Rah, It's less proper grammar, more common usage. Seven-Word Skyrim Stories
September 14, 2018 @Zokpaardrun, A group of people making Oblivion with Skyrim's engine. DLC's
August 31, 2018 @OneTheyFear, You can find it in this magical place called YouTube. The Elder Scrolls VI
August 27, 2018 @Sssargon, "Flogah" is purely a fan-made word and is not official. The purpose of this thread is ... Translation Suggestion Thread
August 14, 2018 That's amazing. Looks professional. Working on a physical laser cut Sikaav
August 7, 2018 @DovahTNT, This thread is only for suggesting possible English translations for existing, canon d... Translation Suggestion Thread
August 4, 2018 This thread is locked by request of owner. Ruvgein's Writers Nook
August 3, 2018 It only takes one. Fantasy creations
August 3, 2018 It also doesn't make any sense. For instance, I just copied and saved Hail Thuri's entire original p... Fantasy creations
August 1, 2018 Oh, okay. Fantasy creations
August 1, 2018 @Keinthurah, What do you mean by "players"? Fantasy creations
July 16, 2018 I personally think it's fine to leave it as "Nefiliim". Nefeliim or lotiik, or mahlaniik
July 16, 2018 Can you explain more about the meaning of "they who fall upon their enemies" please? Nefeliim or lotiik, or mahlaniik
July 15, 2018 "as the language was developing" The dragon language doesn't develop. The language permeates thro... Rot Tinvaak - How we "Love" in Dovahzul
July 14, 2018 I know that some of the words are based on real world languages, but I don't think that's enough exc... Rot Tinvaak - How we "Love" in Dovahzul
July 11, 2018 @laaniiksedov, "other real world languages" I never thought comparing irrational and self-contrad... Rot Tinvaak - How we "Love" in Dovahzul
July 2, 2018 From the second paragraph of the Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines thread: "If you find an open R... Roleplay Request Thread
June 20, 2018 @NikkoSossedov1, This is strictly a thread for suggesting possible translations for existing cano... Translation Suggestion Thread
June 20, 2018 @NikkoSossedov1, People will post to a thread if they want to. Posting about the lack of posts do... The Concept of The "Dragon Time Tree"
June 13, 2018 @NikkoSossedov1, This is a thread for canon affixes only. Unfortunately, "-uv/-nuv� is non-canon. List of Affixes
June 13, 2018 @NikkoSossedov1, I have only ever used a phone and Chrome for this site, and I have never experie... Translation Suggestion Thread
June 13, 2018 @NikkoSossedov1, This thread is only for suggesting English translations for already existing can... Translation Suggestion Thread
June 12, 2018 @NikkoSossedov1, "Neben" is not a canon word. Translation Suggestion Thread
May 31, 2018 I dig it. Another Dovahzul Tattoo :D Translations
May 28, 2018 @Rahjundov, I'm going to need more details about the setting(s) and direction of this roleplay pl... Roleplay Request Thread
May 24, 2018 Particularly bad puns are ones that stretch. Good job, lol. Bad Dovahzul Puns
May 24, 2018 Send a private message to the creator of the thread you wish to join. Roleplay Request Thread
May 22, 2018 Everything is correct. Another Dovahzul Tattoo :D Translations
May 21, 2018 drun Making a Story One Word at a Time
May 21, 2018 kendov. Making a Story One Word at a Time
May 19, 2018 See the Roleplay Forum Rules and the Roleplay Request Thread. All roleplays need to be approved bef... Dovah Riders
May 18, 2018 @Vuldovyol, Yes. A thread will be locked if posted without approval from site staff on the Rolepl... Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines
May 14, 2018 brom Making a Story One Word at a Time
May 9, 2018 See the Roleplay Forum Rules and the Roleplay Request Thread. All roleplays need to be approved bef... Dovah just wanna have fun
May 8, 2018 grah Making a Story One Word at a Time
May 8, 2018 @Vuldovyol, Approved. Roleplay Request Thread
May 7, 2018 fah Making a Story One Word at a Time
April 29, 2018 kendovve Making a Story One Word at a Time
April 19, 2018 lot Making a Story One Word at a Time
April 18, 2018 If you can download Mods, there are some that allow that. How do I do this?
April 18, 2018 @ThurDoSil, From the Roleplay rules: "Do not post graphic sex or violence. Exercise good judgmen... Roleplay Request Thread
April 18, 2018 What brats are you talking about? This thread seems like spam to me. How do I do this?
April 18, 2018 Mindoraan Making a Story One Word at a Time
April 12, 2018 The "etymology" section of the dictionary entry for the word "Monahven" states it's a "Compound of '... Words
April 11, 2018 Banned for being the longest thread on the site. The Ban Game!!!
March 31, 2018 @Vomirmun, Approved. Roleplay Request Thread
March 31, 2018 (Link) Last minute finish. Cooperative Tournament 2018: Leaderboard
March 30, 2018 @Zinrahzul, Approved. @Vul Do Qah, Yes. Roleplay Request Thread
March 30, 2018 @Vul Do Qah, Yes. Remember to try to use canon words instead of non-canon words when possible - a... Roleplay Request Thread
March 30, 2018 @Vul Do Qah, From the Roleplay Forum Rules & Guidelines: "2. You can use the Translator as a tea... Roleplay Request Thread
March 29, 2018 @Ruvgein, The only thing I can think of now is a write-up on "name" or how to translate a proper ... Community-Written Front Page Updates
March 29, 2018 @Ruvgein, When you had posted that thread, I had hoped that you would continue to do those write-... Community-Written Front Page Updates
March 26, 2018 @Vuldovyol, Approved. Roleplay Request Thread
March 26, 2018 @Vuldovyol, Can't you go there in the current RP? Roleplay Request Thread
March 22, 2018 Looks like you've figured it out. The true thread
March 12, 2018 @ArgonianMudcrab, Unless you live in the USA, then it's not so foreign. Introductions
March 1, 2018 Our major goal right now is to translate the dictionary into widely spoken languages. Translator Signup
March 1, 2018 At least not until we have dictionaries for many of the big European languages. Translator Signup
February 27, 2018 @Tinvaakbo, It is. Pel Pals Signup
February 26, 2018 I've moved this thread to the forum The Elder Scrolls General Discussion to fit the criteria. What if?
February 23, 2018 It has been somewhat discussed how we would go about expanding the dictionary, if we ever decide to ... Expanding the Language
February 18, 2018 @Vomirmun, What do you mean by "multi-stage"? Roleplay Request Thread
February 16, 2018 The light of dawn reached out just enough to blanket Liis' face. The eye opened abruptly, but not in... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
February 14, 2018 @NordicLight, You'd want to make a separate thread for that in The Elder Scrolls General Discussi... Roleplay Request Thread
February 7, 2018 Once the girls dismounted Liis, he told them that he would retrieve them in the morning at the same ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
February 3, 2018 Two horrific thuds sounded and echoed throughout Skuldafn. Liis is seen with another one of his kind... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
February 3, 2018 Liis kept his course to Skuldafn despite his company. Should he rear his head to know this dragon's ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 31, 2018 @Kow, Daedric armour is heavy armour. What is the Best Light Armor in the Game?
January 30, 2018 After the mortals' dismount, they question the area's name. Liis obliged then took to the sky - spir... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 27, 2018 Their minds twitch here to wherever. Once then, hence now. Rare are mortals who know to think of the... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 23, 2018 Subtle footsteps ricochet throughout the ancient halls. Arngeir is making his way to the guests' roo... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 21, 2018 The blizzard howls all around Liis as he flies back up the mountain side. He emerges from the white ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 21, 2018 Paarthurnax swayed his head to Endelle. Paarthurnax: "Pogaan klavve vis dreh lot sodde. Mul alok ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 20, 2018 Paarthurnax nodded at Kat. Paarthurnax: "Miriil los eimaan." A dunmer emerges from the blizzar... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 20, 2018 The mountain drew near. Mortals had a tighter grip than he had expected. One sounded out in joy for ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 20, 2018 I've moved this thread to the forum Dragon Language Discussion to fit the criteria. a dovah room
January 19, 2018 The app hasn't been maintained nor updated in a very long time and is surely dead. A lot of its mate... Dovahzul Dictionary App
January 18, 2018 The mortals scaled the tower as Liis awaited. The dragon glanced at one appearing, she looked timid ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 17, 2018 The dragon overlooked the instance as thoughts stir. His golden eye viewing the egotist springing ar... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 16, 2018 The dragon's head returned to the group. The serpent ever showing no sign of acknowledgement. It sen... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 15, 2018 The dragon's head loomed over all - as did its answer. Sitting silent, the question was seemingly ca... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 13, 2018 "Desolate. Mortals know no bounds. Feeble yet unrelenting. Trying foes they cannot conquer. The meek... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 10, 2018 The female spoke words of assurance to her allies - turning her head left. Too left, he thought. He ... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 9, 2018 The dragon perched motionless as he scanned the crowd. Every guard with an arrow nocked and aimed re... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 9, 2018 Some clouds begin to shift in the distance. A frost dragon bursts from the disturbance, a few stroke... Two Nords and a Breton walk into a bar...
January 7, 2018 The only dream I can remember about TES was a mash-up between Skyrim and Dark Souls. I had armour an... Elder Scrolls Dreams
January 3, 2018 Sorry, but roleplays are against the forum rules. "14. DO NOT post roleplays or similar threads. The...
December 8, 2017 Hahdremro, father of the Dovahzul-speaking generation. I like the idea of teaching linguistics to th... Teaching Dovahzul to Kids
December 2, 2017 @ThEquinox2, "Dovahzul" is a fan-made term for the language. This thread is for adding transla... Translation Suggestion Thread
November 30, 2017 I've moved this thread to the forum "Dragon Language Discussion" to fit the criteria. Dovahzul Youtube Channel
November 29, 2017 @Hahdremro, It's a deleted Legacy word for "shoot" as in "shoot an arrow". The favoured word whic... Dovahzul Haikus
November 28, 2017 @Kendovdoaaz, There should be a little flag symbol below your profile picture in the section that... Bug Report
November 27, 2017 If you really need to be specific about the number, there's not much you can do. This is a chart ... couple questions
November 25, 2017 "Se" is strictly used for origin and possession of an object or aspect. Only "Se" can form compounds... Usage of "se" vs. "do"
November 24, 2017 @CygnusRazorwind, That depends if your definition of "linguist" is the study of real languages or... Introductions
November 24, 2017 There are no canon punctuations in Dovahzul. The only canon number is "Gein", "one" and its adverbia... couple questions
November 17, 2017 @Hahdremro, Thanks for that catch. I've fixed it. Canon Translator and 5th Edition Dictionary Errors
November 15, 2017 @Frinmulaar, Yeah... that was strange. I need help proofreading my first attempt...
November 15, 2017 @Hahdremro, The Legacy word for "law" is "Thun". I don't really know where you got "Noot" from. "... I need help proofreading my first attempt...
November 11, 2017 Perhaps the deletion of one of your threads counted negatively. gold
November 1, 2017 @Lo Vonun Vahzen, They're both topics already. Thanks for contributing though. Community Wall discussion topics
November 1, 2017 @Cylumad564, - Dovahzul runes can be rendered (on-site only) by surrounding the desired text with... Help A New Learner
October 29, 2017 @Yondrx, Members can access all of their threads from their own profile page. Lt Hapy's Daily Riddles
October 21, 2017 This helps for memorisation. Fan-made vocabulary is generally being pushed away. It is no longer su... Help A New Learner
October 21, 2017 "Zu'u" can be pronounced "zoo" or with a glottal stop in any case. It's entirely up to the speaker t... Help A New Learner
October 21, 2017 The apostrophe - optional in itself - represents an optional glottal stop, not any letters. Help A New Learner
October 21, 2017 The runes in the lessons corresponding to "Me" is "Zey", which is a fan-made word. Canon options are... Help A New Learner
October 19, 2017 "Zu'u krii lot dovah"? Game: Guess the Voice Translation!
October 14, 2017 Mirmulnir. Lt Hapy's Daily Riddles
September 29, 2017 I've moved this Thread to the Forum Dragon Language Discussion to fit the criteria. Bad Dovahzul Puns
August 27, 2017 It's a common belief that the voice actors have simply made mistakes as they do. The letter "I" is a... Concerning the pronunciation of "hi"...
August 18, 2017 @Zinrahzul, A dragon with a flame cloak - now that's something to imagine. It would definitely make... Share Your Shouts!
August 18, 2017 @Zinrahzul,I always thought that the thought behind the shout also dictates it. Share Your Shouts!
August 16, 2017 I think it'd be great what he's done so far be tested on console. Ruvgein can also update it wheneve... Qothmaar Dungeon Mod
August 15, 2017 I haven't even been to Solstheim yet on my SSE character. I'll try to remember to check it out once ... Giant Nirnroot!
August 9, 2017 @Malam, Welcome back. It's good to see that you've decided to try to pick Dovahzul up again. As I... Introductions
August 5, 2017 @Zinrahzul, What would it do? Share Your Shouts!
August 2, 2017 Emil Pagliarulo has been credited with creating the language, but he and his team were no grammarian... Dragonish creators?
June 7, 2017 I've locked this thread in favour of the pre-existing chat thread seen here in the forum The Hearth.... New Dovah Room,
April 10, 2017 If a follower kills a dragon, the Dovahkiin still absorbs its soul, which is the only reason they ar... Wait. wat?
April 9, 2017 We won't know until Bethesda tells us. Who really won?
March 26, 2017 I'd prefer small but constant perks over the situational ones. Maybe something like a minor disease ... Qothmaar Dungeon Mod
March 18, 2017 ~=Nonvul Kendaar=~ Legacy Dovahzul (Runic) [--Kendaar los bolaavaan zinkei faan --Rok bosit... Patron of the Arts
March 2, 2017 This is an interesting read - specifically the duel.... Nirn exploration
March 2, 2017 @KittyKron, I was thinking that if all were able to see it, only the players could post to it - r... How to bring back RPGing? It's back!
March 2, 2017 @KittyKron, It'd save the effort of making a PM Conversion with all players involved, but would i... How to bring back RPGing? It's back!
March 2, 2017 @KittyKron, I didn't contend your shoutbox as a whole by contending one idea for its use. How to bring back RPGing? It's back!
March 2, 2017 @KittyKron, I'm certain that notifications would play the same role in knowing when you can post. How to bring back RPGing? It's back!
March 2, 2017 @Tuzviidost, Please condense your number of posts. You can always edit your original post to incl... Nirn exploration