A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 6, 2019

Sword name

So I'm trying to name a sword but I want to us the dragon language. The name is Dragon Fang, or Fang of a Dragon, what would that be translated to?

Category: Translation


April 6, 2019
Closest Dovahzul equivalent to fang is jot (maw). Dragon can be Dovah, Dov, or Diiv (wyrm). You can use kinzon (sharp) or vaaz (tear, rip) to describe the fangs of a maw. This brings some possibilities for the name:
Dovahjot/Dovah-Jot (dragon maw), Dovahvaaz/Dovah-Vaaz (dragon tear/rip)
Jotsedovah (maw of dragon), Vaazsedovah
Using words of power Diiv, vaaz, jot:
Diivjotvaaz, Diivvaazjot, Vaazdiivjot, Vaazjotdiiv, Jotvaazdiiv, Jotdiivvaaz


April 6, 2019

There is Dovah lisk (Lisk is not canon) Hope that helps!