A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 21, 2020

New Words

I noticed a lack of some important words in the dictionary and I wanted to see if I cold get the words approved they are


Cough - Krasu (Sick+Wind)

Wind - Fusu (Force+Air)

Spit - Krah (Sick+Water)

Water - Okah (From the word Okaaz, meaning sea)

Lake - Makaaz (Small+Sea)

Chew - Vaakey (Tear+Mouth)


What do all of you think? Those are just a few I came up with. I honestly feel like we need a lot more words added.

Category: General


April 21, 2020
Unfortunately we can't just create new words for the language anymore. Before, there was something named the Legacy Dictionary (which you can still find on the site) in which we used to gather every (non-canon) word the community had created. But today, we think it's better to only use Canon-words which means they all come from the Skyrim game, and don't support created words anymore. Plus, the word "Wind" already exist in the Canon dictionary, it's "Ven".


April 21, 2020
Coming up with fan-made words is, at any rate, not what the Question Board is for. Please read the Question Board Guidelines before posting.