A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

July 16, 2021

Full translation for this iconic quote?

Is there a direct translation for each word for the quote "Do You Get To The Cloud District Very Often? Oh, What Am I Saying, Of Course You Don't"? Some of the words in that translator don't have literal translations and I was wondering if there were any ways around this

Category: Translation


July 16, 2021
My translation would be:

"Bo hi wah Goltsegram pogaan tiidde? Oh, zu'u mey. Reyliikiil neh bo til."

Which means :

"Do you go to the Place of cloud many times? Oh, I'm a fool. Your race (=kind) never goes there."