A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

June 24, 2017

word for wake

what is the dragon word  for waking up or awoken

Category: Translation


June 24, 2017

The closest single canon entry is alok, glossed as 'arise'. It primarily refers to the skyward motion of a dragon being revived. Give the full sentence for context next time.


June 25, 2017
Additing on, saying "Alok nol praal" could mean to wake up.

So, words.
I used praal because it has nothing to do with death, meaning sitting kind of rest. But there is also 'Praan' to rest as in lying, maybe or may not indicate death. And "Nok" which only means the rest of death.

If you mean to wake from death, use nok; if you mean awake from a nap, use praal. Praan is tricky, because it has both meanings. If you want this word, make sure the words around it are clean about what kind of waking up is being done.