i honestly perfer the stormcloaks but i am open to opinion
stormcloaks or imperials?
![]() yol thuum July 30, 2013 |
i honestly perfer the stormcloaks but i am open to opinion |

![]() paarthurnax Administrator July 31, 2013 |
It's obviously a difficult choice, and there's no right or wrong answer. Part of me feels Skyrim should rule itself, but that the Stormcloaks aren't the right way to go about doing that, considering their racism (particularly against the Dunmer, who don't have a home to go back to). I think the Stormcloaks forget that the Empire isn't the enemy, but the Thalmor, and the Empire has no love for them either. A unified Empire may be the only thing that could keep the Thalmor at bay if a second Great War occurred, which I don't think it will with all the provinces in rebellion or disarray. |

It's obviously a difficult choice, and there's no right or wrong answer. Part of me feels Skyrim should rule itself, but that the Stormcloaks aren't the right way to go about doing that, considering their racism (particularly against the Dunmer, who don't have a home to go back to). I think the Stormcloaks forget that the Empire isn't the enemy, but the Thalmor, and the Empire has no love for them either. A unified Empire may be the only thing that could keep the Thalmor at bay if a second Great War occurred, which I don't think it will with all the provinces in rebellion or disarray.
![]() Kenaar July 31, 2013 |
Yes, it's a difficult choice and, I think, Bethesda purposely made both sides ambiguous, so everybody could make a choice and pretend it is right. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. Well, personally, I prefer Imperials but also quite respect Stormcloaks. Some thoughts: Maybe the current dynasty of Midus isn't so good but, anyway, White-Gold Concordat was a necessary measure. And the victory of Redguards and Stros M'Kai peace treaty doesn't refute this fact as well. Thalmor didn't set out to conquer Hammerfell, they only wanted to separate it from the Empire. And Stormcloaks' rebellion is also a result of Dominion's insidious policy. And, possibly, it is not only indirect benefit (I mean that suspicious Thalmor dossier on Ulfric). So, what do we have if Stormcloak win. Several weak separate provinces. High Rock is already quite far from problems of the Empire, and in the case of independent Skyrim it is cut of Empire geographically. And Cyrodiil stays alone. (Morrowind and Black March are also, in fact, came out from the Imperial influence) No problem for Aldmeri Dominion to conquer it as well as other provinces. And don't forget to take the Empire as a legacy of Tiber Septim/Talos. |

Yes, it's a difficult choice and, I think, Bethesda purposely made both sides ambiguous, so everybody could make a choice and pretend it is right. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. Well, personally, I prefer Imperials but also quite respect Stormcloaks. Some thoughts:
Maybe the current dynasty of Midus isn't so good but, anyway, White-Gold Concordat was a necessary measure. And the victory of Redguards and Stros M'Kai peace treaty doesn't refute this fact as well. Thalmor didn't set out to conquer Hammerfell, they only wanted to separate it from the Empire. And Stormcloaks' rebellion is also a result of Dominion's insidious policy. And, possibly, it is not only indirect benefit (I mean that suspicious Thalmor dossier on Ulfric). So, what do we have if Stormcloak win. Several weak separate provinces. High Rock is already quite far from problems of the Empire, and in the case of independent Skyrim it is cut of Empire geographically. And Cyrodiil stays alone. (Morrowind and Black March are also, in fact, came out from the Imperial influence) No problem for Aldmeri Dominion to conquer it as well as other provinces.
And don't forget to take the Empire as a legacy of Tiber Septim/Talos.
![]() paarthurnax Administrator July 31, 2013 |
You do raise something that should be remembered: The Thalmor let Ulfric return to Skyrim to stir a rebellion. |

You do raise something that should be remembered: The Thalmor let Ulfric return to Skyrim to stir a rebellion.
![]() LeFork August 18, 2013 |
At the end of the Great War the Thalmor intentionally banned the worship of Talos to anger the Nords of Skyrm because they're the reason the Thalmor didn't win the Great War. They wanted a civil war in Skyrim so no matter who won they could come in and take over Skyrim in it's weakend state. If the Stormcloaks didn't cause a rebellion and freak out over this the Thalmor wouldn't have come in to Skyrim to try and enforce the ban of the worship of Talos and the Nords could probably worship in secret with no problem. They're also racist... just saying. |

At the end of the Great War the Thalmor intentionally banned the worship of Talos to anger the Nords of Skyrm because they're the reason the Thalmor didn't win the Great War. They wanted a civil war in Skyrim so no matter who won they could come in and take over Skyrim in it's weakend state. If the Stormcloaks didn't cause a rebellion and freak out over this the Thalmor wouldn't have come in to Skyrim to try and enforce the ban of the worship of Talos and the Nords could probably worship in secret with no problem. They're also racist... just saying.
![]() yol thuum August 22, 2013 |
that is a very good answer

that is a very good answer
![]() Kaaldunir September 16, 2013 |
Personally I believe that both sides have a valid argument. I think that's the whole point, really, that neither side is in the wrong. I have to agree that the Empire is nowhere near as strong as it has been in the past and I completely understand the Stormcloaks' desire to reclaim their homeland and be able to worship Talos again. However, I'm not to keen on some of their policies (in particular, the whole 'Skyrim for the Nords' thing. I have never played as a Nord and don't really intend to.) But of course, the Stormcloaks will accept you into their army no matter what race you are. I do think, though, that there is an answer to the argument that if there were to be a Stormcloak victory, it would help the Dominion take over Skyrim - what if Ulfric were to put aside his pride (unlikely, I know, but he might) and ally Skyrim with the other countries fighting against the Dominion - Hammerfell, for instance? That might give them a better chance. Anyway, when I play, I usually go Stormcloak. Not because I think their argument is better overall, but because my brother chose Imperial. A bit of a stupid reason, but I had to choose somehow! |

Personally I believe that both sides have a valid argument. I think that's the whole point, really, that neither side is in the wrong. I have to agree that the Empire is nowhere near as strong as it has been in the past and I completely understand the Stormcloaks' desire to reclaim their homeland and be able to worship Talos again. However, I'm not to keen on some of their policies (in particular, the whole 'Skyrim for the Nords' thing. I have never played as a Nord and don't really intend to.) But of course, the Stormcloaks will accept you into their army no matter what race you are.
I do think, though, that there is an answer to the argument that if there were to be a Stormcloak victory, it would help the Dominion take over Skyrim - what if Ulfric were to put aside his pride (unlikely, I know, but he might) and ally Skyrim with the other countries fighting against the Dominion - Hammerfell, for instance? That might give them a better chance.
Anyway, when I play, I usually go Stormcloak. Not because I think their argument is better overall, but because my brother chose Imperial. A bit of a stupid reason, but I had to choose somehow!
![]() Annwvyn September 19, 2013 |
I always believed that the Thalmor and the White Gold Concordat were the problem, not specifically the Stormcloaks or Imperials. Yes, it is the right of the Nords to rule their own land. And yes, the Imperials had their hand forced into the Concordat in order to appease a power that could crush them. But, in the end, I am a Stormcloak gal. It's the Nord's home, they should fight for it. No... *I* should fight for it!!! Death to the Empire!!! |

I always believed that the Thalmor and the White Gold Concordat were the problem, not specifically the Stormcloaks or Imperials. Yes, it is the right of the Nords to rule their own land. And yes, the Imperials had their hand forced into the Concordat in order to appease a power that could crush them. But, in the end, I am a Stormcloak gal. It's the Nord's home, they should fight for it. No... *I* should fight for it!!! Death to the Empire!!!
![]() draconic September 20, 2013 |
Its pretty obvious that the only faction that truely benifits from the Stormcloak rebellion are the Thalmor. They planned Ulfrics return and rebellion very well and the Talos thing was a very nice touch. The Empire is against the Thalmor too, but they have to use much more discreet methods because of the White Gold Concordat. Both the Empire and the Stormcloaks want to defeat the Thalmor, but only a united Empire could have any chance of defeating them and the Stormcloak rebellion is just a war where all the losers are from the same team. And since the Empire is obviously much stronger than the Stormcloaks (because they didnt have their full strength in Skyrim because they had to guard Cyrodiil's borders) and they were defeated, I don't think that the Stormcloaks have a chance at beating the Thalmor. |

Its pretty obvious that the only faction that truely benifits from the Stormcloak rebellion are the Thalmor. They planned Ulfrics return and rebellion very well and the Talos thing was a very nice touch. The Empire is against the Thalmor too, but they have to use much more discreet methods because of the White Gold Concordat. Both the Empire and the Stormcloaks want to defeat the Thalmor, but only a united Empire could have any chance of defeating them and the Stormcloak rebellion is just a war where all the losers are from the same team. And since the Empire is obviously much stronger than the Stormcloaks (because they didnt have their full strength in Skyrim because they had to guard Cyrodiil's borders) and they were defeated, I don't think that the Stormcloaks have a chance at beating the Thalmor.
![]() godofminecraft56 September 29, 2013 |
I am on Dragonborns side
Aal rok lahney fah alun ahrk doj suleyk do pah |

I am on Dragonborns side
Aal rok lahney fah alun ahrk doj suleyk do pah
![]() 1111589 October 30, 2013 |
Stormcloaks |

![]() AxeTheBarbarian November 3, 2013 |
I you read the dossiers in the Thalmor embassy, the Thalmor did plan for the rebellion but they want it to continue indefinately so as to keep the Empire fighting a war on both fronts. A Stormcloak victory is against Thalmor interests just as much as an Imperial victory. Also, Hammerfell has been able to hold their own agaisnt the Thalmor without aid. Who's to say Skyrim couldn't, the Nords specialize in eraditcating elves (the Falmer anyone?) Anyways, I usually side with the Stormcloaks. Not because I like Ulfric, his attitude, or his ideals, but because I like almost everyone else that supports him (Eorland Graymane for example). I respect General Tulius a lot more that Ulfric, but I hate almost everyone who supports the Empire...ESPECIALLY MAVEN BLACKBRIAR!!! |

I you read the dossiers in the Thalmor embassy, the Thalmor did plan for the rebellion but they want it to continue indefinately so as to keep the Empire fighting a war on both fronts. A Stormcloak victory is against Thalmor interests just as much as an Imperial victory. Also, Hammerfell has been able to hold their own agaisnt the Thalmor without aid. Who's to say Skyrim couldn't, the Nords specialize in eraditcating elves (the Falmer anyone?) Anyways, I usually side with the Stormcloaks. Not because I like Ulfric, his attitude, or his ideals, but because I like almost everyone else that supports him (Eorland Graymane for example). I respect General Tulius a lot more that Ulfric, but I hate almost everyone who supports the Empire...ESPECIALLY MAVEN BLACKBRIAR!!!
![]() Loniizrath November 7, 2013 |
This is a very hard choice. The way I've always felt is that the Stormcloaks are doing the right thing, but in the wrong way. I respect Ulfric Stormcloak and what he's trying to do for Skyrim, but the rest of the Stormcloaks are just prejudice against all non-Nords, and most of them don't even care about Ulfric's ideals, and that pisses me off, so I joined the Impereals. |

This is a very hard choice. The way I've always felt is that the Stormcloaks are doing the right thing, but in the wrong way. I respect Ulfric Stormcloak and what he's trying to do for Skyrim, but the rest of the Stormcloaks are just prejudice against all non-Nords, and most of them don't even care about Ulfric's ideals, and that pisses me off, so I joined the Impereals.
![]() Crotha November 9, 2013 |
I also think a win of the stormcloaks would destabilize the empire more, making it easier for the thalmor to take the opportunity to conquer it. |

I also think a win of the stormcloaks would destabilize the empire more, making it easier for the thalmor to take the opportunity to conquer it.
But I really can't choose the empire ingame: I mean, the first thing they do is trying to decapitate me...
I installed extra a mod (alternate life), so the imperials don't capture me in the beginning and I can , at least once, choose them^^
![]() tzbx6dch November 9, 2013 |
I personally think that the StormCloaks are the side with the best views. but both sides have pros and cons... Ulfric fought for the good of skyrim, and their independence. sure he was racist but the Imperieals were banning religion. i think that the Imperieals should stick to cyrodiil where their from and leave Skyrim to the nords. but hey thats just me. |

I personally think that the StormCloaks are the side with the best views. but both sides have pros and cons... Ulfric fought for the good of skyrim, and their independence. sure he was racist but the Imperieals were banning religion. i think that the Imperieals should stick to cyrodiil where their from and leave Skyrim to the nords. but hey thats just me.
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