A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[M] [SD] The Elder Scrolls VII: Alien

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Veyd Sahvoz
November 3, 2015
epic AKH

Aksel shot an arrow. It hit Vorohah's side, under the arm. Overwhelmed, he hit Hadar into a nearby building and launched fire at them.

Hadar got up and started to throw the boulders around him at Vorohah, after missing a few times he decided to create a small ball of Draconic Bloodfire in his palm. He ran up to Vorohah and jumped, chucking the ball of blood red flame at the crazy old bastard.

by Veyd Sahvoz
November 3, 2015
epic AKH

Aksel shot an arrow. It hit Vorohah's side, under the arm. Overwhelmed, he hit Hadar into a nearby building and launched fire at them.

Hadar got up and started to throw the boulders around him at Vorohah, after missing a few times he decided to create a small ball of Draconic Bloodfire in his palm. He ran up to Vorohah and jumped, chucking the ball of blood red flame at the crazy old bastard.

November 3, 2015


by YolGoraagKaazah
November 3, 2015


The Bug Stomper
November 3, 2015

Vorohah ignited, trying to swat the fire away. He screamed in agony.

Aksel got up. He took out two of the enchanted arrows. "Everyone ready?!"

(Do not attack yet. Prepare your best attack that won't harm the others.)

by The Bug Stomper
November 3, 2015

Vorohah ignited, trying to swat the fire away. He screamed in agony.

Aksel got up. He took out two of the enchanted arrows. "Everyone ready?!"

(Do not attack yet. Prepare your best attack that won't harm the others.)

Veyd Sahvoz
November 3, 2015

Hadar dispelled his chain scythe as he started to gather up a mix of Draconic lightning and Black Fire together in the form of a ball, he held 2 in each hand as the sudden dark aura surrounded him showing the power coming from him

by Veyd Sahvoz
November 3, 2015

Hadar dispelled his chain scythe as he started to gather up a mix of Draconic lightning and Black Fire together in the form of a ball, he held 2 in each hand as the sudden dark aura surrounded him showing the power coming from him

November 3, 2015

Falin shook her head a little as she pushed herself up. Her finger slid accross the different nocks in her quiver. Finding the one she was looking for, she pulled it out and nocked it. "Let's just put an end to this nonsense."

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 3, 2015

Falin shook her head a little as she pushed herself up. Her finger slid accross the different nocks in her quiver. Finding the one she was looking for, she pulled it out and nocked it. "Let's just put an end to this nonsense."

The Bug Stomper
November 3, 2015



"Last rat standing. YAHH!!!" He jumped to Vorohah at the same time the others attacked him. He slammed his arrows down onto him. 

by The Bug Stomper
November 3, 2015



"Last rat standing. YAHH!!!" He jumped to Vorohah at the same time the others attacked him. He slammed his arrows down onto him. 

November 3, 2015

Falin fired her enchanted arrow, this one striking like a powerful bolt of lightning. She shook her head at Aksel's recklessness. "Crazy bastard . . ."

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 3, 2015

Falin fired her enchanted arrow, this one striking like a powerful bolt of lightning. She shook her head at Aksel's recklessness. "Crazy bastard . . ."

Veyd Sahvoz
November 3, 2015

Hadar flicked his hands and threw the two balls of lightning/fire at Vorohah followed by a slash of his draconic void chain. "Too Oblivion with you!!!!"

by Veyd Sahvoz
November 3, 2015

Hadar flicked his hands and threw the two balls of lightning/fire at Vorohah followed by a slash of his draconic void chain. "Too Oblivion with you!!!!"

The Bug Stomper
November 3, 2015

It created a giant explosion that pushed all the characters back. They all blacked out and eventually woke up in the rubble.

by The Bug Stomper
November 3, 2015

It created a giant explosion that pushed all the characters back. They all blacked out and eventually woke up in the rubble.

November 4, 2015

It was dark. Everything ached. What happened? Forcing her eyes open, Falin looked up at the blue sky. Oh, that's right . . . that crazed man. She winced as she pushed herself back up and looked around. The buildings in Whiterun had been badly damaged by the explosion. The Gildergreen was left scorched, likely dead.

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 4, 2015

It was dark. Everything ached. What happened? Forcing her eyes open, Falin looked up at the blue sky. Oh, that's right . . . that crazed man. She winced as she pushed herself back up and looked around. The buildings in Whiterun had been badly damaged by the explosion. The Gildergreen was left scorched, likely dead.

November 4, 2015

Everyone is running in fear as most of the guards either fled or are dead, Jarl Balgruuf is in Dragonsreach with two guards and Irileth. 

by YolGoraagKaazah
November 4, 2015

Everyone is running in fear as most of the guards either fled or are dead, Jarl Balgruuf is in Dragonsreach with two guards and Irileth. 

The Bug Stomper
November 4, 2015

Aksel sat up, rubbing his face. "What in Oblivion?" He looked around to see a bunch of buildings destroyed. "Oooh..." He looked at the two Immortals and Hadar recovering. He stood up, grimacing from his burns and bruises. "Guys...we need to take a break from Whiterun."

by The Bug Stomper
November 4, 2015

Aksel sat up, rubbing his face. "What in Oblivion?" He looked around to see a bunch of buildings destroyed. "Oooh..." He looked at the two Immortals and Hadar recovering. He stood up, grimacing from his burns and bruises. "Guys...we need to take a break from Whiterun."

November 4, 2015

Falin gave a slight nod. "At least tell me we killed him . . ."

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 4, 2015

Falin gave a slight nod. "At least tell me we killed him . . ."

The Bug Stomper
November 4, 2015

Aksel limped to the Gildergreen. Vorohah's robes remained. Ashes came out of the sleeves.

"We...disintegrated him. I think."

by The Bug Stomper
November 4, 2015

Aksel limped to the Gildergreen. Vorohah's robes remained. Ashes came out of the sleeves.

"We...disintegrated him. I think."

November 4, 2015

She sighed and nodded as she walked up beside Aksel. "Now to deal with that pesky gem of his." Her eyes searched the charred ground for the glowing stone.

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 4, 2015

She sighed and nodded as she walked up beside Aksel. "Now to deal with that pesky gem of his." Her eyes searched the charred ground for the glowing stone.

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