A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Who did you go with in Helgen

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September 7, 2016

The one who didn't want to see me decapitated

by DovahKiinZaan
September 7, 2016

The one who didn't want to see me decapitated

September 12, 2016

The one who didn't want to see me decapitated

Umm... So which one?? neither of them wanted that.

by Ruvgein
September 12, 2016

The one who didn't want to see me decapitated

Umm... So which one?? neither of them wanted that.

September 13, 2016

hadvar for the stormcloke armor (STORMCLOKE) the smithing supplise.

I joined storcloks and the desided that i needed to kill hadvar

by Yoldeyra
September 13, 2016

hadvar for the stormcloke armor (STORMCLOKE) the smithing supplise.

I joined storcloks and the desided that i needed to kill hadvar

September 14, 2016

hadvar for the stormcloke armor...


by Ruvgein
September 14, 2016

hadvar for the stormcloke armor...


October 17, 2016

Mine is the imperials. but i join the stormcloaks first then i give the general thge crown and join the imperials. lol.

by Keita
October 17, 2016

Mine is the imperials. but i join the stormcloaks first then i give the general thge crown and join the imperials. lol.

October 20, 2016

Hadvar from the very beginning.  Having played previous TES games I am a diehard imperial.

by Sahrotkulaan
October 20, 2016

Hadvar from the very beginning.  Having played previous TES games I am a diehard imperial.

October 21, 2016

Honestly, I just pick a door and go in, no care as to who the guy I go with is.

by JayStorm324
October 21, 2016

Honestly, I just pick a door and go in, no care as to who the guy I go with is.

October 27, 2016

I went with Ralof. I guess I believed him to be nicer, since he was on the side that didn't want to kill me. It doesn't matter thought, it's just what quest you start with.

by Firestar
October 27, 2016

I went with Ralof. I guess I believed him to be nicer, since he was on the side that didn't want to kill me. It doesn't matter thought, it's just what quest you start with.

October 30, 2016

I've gone with both.


by SuleykaarKinbok
October 30, 2016

I've gone with both.


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