A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Furry things

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February 22, 2015

I'm a dragon! Not a wyrm. 

i don't think anyone called you a wyrm on this thread

by Koorahlok
February 22, 2015

I'm a dragon! Not a wyrm. 

i don't think anyone called you a wyrm on this thread

February 23, 2015

I was just specifying. 


It is, after all a skyrim based language website. 

by Jade
February 23, 2015

I was just specifying. 


It is, after all a skyrim based language website. 

February 23, 2015

oookay then

by Koorahlok
February 23, 2015

oookay then

February 24, 2015

Does anyone here have a fursona? if so, what is it? :D

by Angeluscaligo
February 24, 2015

Does anyone here have a fursona? if so, what is it? :D

February 24, 2015

I have one, I'm a wolf mixed with a raccoon

by Koorahlok
February 24, 2015

I have one, I'm a wolf mixed with a raccoon

February 24, 2015
I am a fox.
by DovahKiinZaan
February 24, 2015
I am a fox.

February 24, 2015

Mine's a dragon lol

by Roarar
February 24, 2015

Mine's a dragon lol

February 25, 2015

Phoenix-dragon :3

by Angeluscaligo
February 25, 2015

Phoenix-dragon :3

February 25, 2015
On the wall jade claimed to be a wolf?
by DovahKiinZaan
February 25, 2015
On the wall jade claimed to be a wolf?

February 25, 2015
I'm either
by Jade
February 25, 2015
I'm either

February 25, 2015
@Jade Hej, either. How are you?
by Odveig
February 25, 2015
@Jade Hej, either. How are you?

February 25, 2015

This post has been deleted.

by Odveig
February 25, 2015

This post has been deleted.

February 25, 2015

I'm still not sure if I should be a cat (doesn't give a shit, great balance, and silently deadly) or a fox (sly and kawaii as f***, bushy tails, and super cuddly). Although, I like the idea of being an adorable combination of both.

by Kronvullok
February 25, 2015

I'm still not sure if I should be a cat (doesn't give a shit, great balance, and silently deadly) or a fox (sly and kawaii as f***, bushy tails, and super cuddly). Although, I like the idea of being an adorable combination of both.

February 26, 2015
I guess I'm both in the sense that I... I dunno. I think sometimes I'm one, and then when I'm feeling... Don't no.... Im a dragib
by Jade
February 26, 2015
I guess I'm both in the sense that I... I dunno. I think sometimes I'm one, and then when I'm feeling... Don't no.... Im a dragib

March 6, 2015


Anyone got anything?

Wouldn't chewbaca be considered as a furry? Or the yeti Luke was hung by in hoth?

by Elderscrollsreader
March 6, 2015


Anyone got anything?

Wouldn't chewbaca be considered as a furry? Or the yeti Luke was hung by in hoth?

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