A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Feelings In-Game

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Revak Smoliin
October 30, 2016

Me too.  Regretted it ever since.  Didn't play Skyrim for a whole month after that.

by Revak Smoliin
October 30, 2016

Me too.  Regretted it ever since.  Didn't play Skyrim for a whole month after that.

November 1, 2016

We could be mourning brothers.

by SuleykaarKinbok
November 1, 2016

We could be mourning brothers.

Revak Smoliin
November 1, 2016

That way, we'd both have a shoulder to cry on.

by Revak Smoliin
November 1, 2016

That way, we'd both have a shoulder to cry on.

February 19, 2017
Happy when I do something cool.
Sad when well, any civilian dies.
Angry when my followers fight. Also anger if I come across murders and the like.
by Ruvgein
February 19, 2017
Happy when I do something cool.

Sad when well, any civilian dies.

Angry when my followers fight. Also anger if I come across murders and the like.

February 19, 2017
I remember getting sad and angry when Lydia died to the frost troll on the way to High Hrothgar. Instead of reloading, I decided to make it shape my character to go into Conjuration to get her back temporarily...
by Zinrahzul
February 19, 2017
I remember getting sad and angry when Lydia died to the frost troll on the way to High Hrothgar. Instead of reloading, I decided to make it shape my character to go into Conjuration to get her back temporarily...

July 12, 2017

The only emotion I ever get is the thrill of adventure. as PeanutButterGamer says, "Adventure Yeah."

by YsmirSeptim26
July 12, 2017

The only emotion I ever get is the thrill of adventure. as PeanutButterGamer says, "Adventure Yeah."

July 16, 2017

I think the only time I felt emotion in skyrim was when I accidentally killed lydia. Me: "Take that you stupid draugur, i'm gonna kill yo- DAMMIT!" I was really mad, but kinda regretful.

by Silicon
July 16, 2017

I think the only time I felt emotion in skyrim was when I accidentally killed lydia. Me: "Take that you stupid draugur, i'm gonna kill yo- DAMMIT!" I was really mad, but kinda regretful.

July 20, 2017
I've played Skyrim long enough that most negative emotion has faded while playing. I'll still get aggravated when I miss too many shots with a bow or a vampire kills a merchant, but that's about it. Other than that, it's mostly "Oh, cool. A shiny."
by Kronvullok
July 20, 2017
I've played Skyrim long enough that most negative emotion has faded while playing. I'll still get aggravated when I miss too many shots with a bow or a vampire kills a merchant, but that's about it. Other than that, it's mostly "Oh, cool. A shiny."

August 14, 2017

To be honest I can't pinpoint an exact emotion I experience whilst trekking the barren snow coated landscape that is Skyrim, but must of the time I'd say I feel a sense of constant wonder at how beautiful the landscape is, I'm constantly searching for new places to explore and so I always seem to find a new breathtaking location each time I play. You don't get that sense of exploration from many games but in Skyrim you can just pick a direction and start walking and almost always be satisfied with whatever you may find. Another part of what makes exploration so enjoyable is the sound design & music , I've sat many a time upon a rock or other elevated natural position and just listened to the chirping grasshoppers, wind rustling the bushes around me, snow falling on a mountainside, or birds tweeting merrily in the trees above. The music adds a sense of presence to the scene reminding you that you aren't just a killing machine and when not in combat you are given the time to actually be a person with ideals, morales and goals.

So to sum it up, Skyrim leaves me feeling awestruck and wonder-filled due to it's brilliant visuals, sound design and music.

by Sildolok
August 14, 2017

To be honest I can't pinpoint an exact emotion I experience whilst trekking the barren snow coated landscape that is Skyrim, but must of the time I'd say I feel a sense of constant wonder at how beautiful the landscape is, I'm constantly searching for new places to explore and so I always seem to find a new breathtaking location each time I play. You don't get that sense of exploration from many games but in Skyrim you can just pick a direction and start walking and almost always be satisfied with whatever you may find. Another part of what makes exploration so enjoyable is the sound design & music , I've sat many a time upon a rock or other elevated natural position and just listened to the chirping grasshoppers, wind rustling the bushes around me, snow falling on a mountainside, or birds tweeting merrily in the trees above. The music adds a sense of presence to the scene reminding you that you aren't just a killing machine and when not in combat you are given the time to actually be a person with ideals, morales and goals.

So to sum it up, Skyrim leaves me feeling awestruck and wonder-filled due to it's brilliant visuals, sound design and music.

November 29, 2017


Every time I play the Dark Brotherhood questline I get really sad. Every one of those people is my family. And I know it's impossible to save them, yet every time I play, I try to get back to the Sanctuary as soon as possible, in the hopes that just once I will not be too late.

But I always am. I always fast travel to Falkreath, sprint over the hill, and then I see them. The Penitus Oculatus. I engage them, and they fall under the wrath of my blade. Determined to save my family this time, I run to the pool. But only death awaits me.

First, I see Festus Krex. Poor, grumpy Festus, who had just begun to admire, even like me. But now his lifeless body is pinned to a tree, stuck full of merciless arrows.

Then I enter the Black Door, for the last time, although I do not yet believe that. Inside, the air is filled with smoke and fire and in my heart, I know it is too late. I rush forwards, blindly smiting foes out of the way, calling out to anyone who might hear me, praying to the Nine that the others are still safe.

But then I find Veezara. The loyal Argonian who had helped me at Vittoria's wedding, just days ago. He had always liked me. And now he is huddled on the ground, in a pool of his own blood.

I begin to run faster, my ears not heeding the explosions sounding through the nearly-ruined Sanctuary. And finally, I see something. Something- no, someone alive. Arnbjorn, in his Wolf form. With a cry, I spint forward, ready to defend him. But before I can take a step, he is struck down by a sword and killed. All I can do is avenge him. Arnbjorn. I never really liked him, he never really liked me. But witnessing his death hurts. 

My desperation increases, and still more as I come across Gabriella's body. The Dunmer who was only ever kind to me, to everyone. 

And all hope fades as I realize the criminals did not even leave Liz, our spider, alive.

The assassins have been assassinated.

by finmahlaan
November 29, 2017


Every time I play the Dark Brotherhood questline I get really sad. Every one of those people is my family. And I know it's impossible to save them, yet every time I play, I try to get back to the Sanctuary as soon as possible, in the hopes that just once I will not be too late.

But I always am. I always fast travel to Falkreath, sprint over the hill, and then I see them. The Penitus Oculatus. I engage them, and they fall under the wrath of my blade. Determined to save my family this time, I run to the pool. But only death awaits me.

First, I see Festus Krex. Poor, grumpy Festus, who had just begun to admire, even like me. But now his lifeless body is pinned to a tree, stuck full of merciless arrows.

Then I enter the Black Door, for the last time, although I do not yet believe that. Inside, the air is filled with smoke and fire and in my heart, I know it is too late. I rush forwards, blindly smiting foes out of the way, calling out to anyone who might hear me, praying to the Nine that the others are still safe.

But then I find Veezara. The loyal Argonian who had helped me at Vittoria's wedding, just days ago. He had always liked me. And now he is huddled on the ground, in a pool of his own blood.

I begin to run faster, my ears not heeding the explosions sounding through the nearly-ruined Sanctuary. And finally, I see something. Something- no, someone alive. Arnbjorn, in his Wolf form. With a cry, I spint forward, ready to defend him. But before I can take a step, he is struck down by a sword and killed. All I can do is avenge him. Arnbjorn. I never really liked him, he never really liked me. But witnessing his death hurts. 

My desperation increases, and still more as I come across Gabriella's body. The Dunmer who was only ever kind to me, to everyone. 

And all hope fades as I realize the criminals did not even leave Liz, our spider, alive.

The assassins have been assassinated.

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