A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[M] [SD] The Dark Crusade

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November 7, 2015

(( Ya'll still alive? ))

by Lokonikah
November 7, 2015

(( Ya'll still alive? ))

Veyd Sahvoz
November 7, 2015

Seeing the man charging his spell, he knocks another body away before charging toward the man. But, when the blood-red lightning is released, Hjalund falls to the ground, a pained cry piercing the air as the attack wracks his body. He can feel his body being burned from the assault, every single inch of his body lit alight from the sheer intensity of the torturous assault. The fact that his armor was starting to heat up only helped to increase his pain.

Soon, he ran out of air, no longer able to scream and, under the weight of his suffering and a lack of oxygen, Hjalund blacks out.

(Blood red lightning. . .omg, the head vampire guy knows how to use Draconic Lightning :O)


by Veyd Sahvoz
November 7, 2015

Seeing the man charging his spell, he knocks another body away before charging toward the man. But, when the blood-red lightning is released, Hjalund falls to the ground, a pained cry piercing the air as the attack wracks his body. He can feel his body being burned from the assault, every single inch of his body lit alight from the sheer intensity of the torturous assault. The fact that his armor was starting to heat up only helped to increase his pain.

Soon, he ran out of air, no longer able to scream and, under the weight of his suffering and a lack of oxygen, Hjalund blacks out.

(Blood red lightning. . .omg, the head vampire guy knows how to use Draconic Lightning :O)


November 7, 2015

Seeing the man charging his spell, he knocks another body away before charging toward the man. But, when the blood-red lightning is released, Hjalund falls to the ground, a pained cry piercing the air as the attack wracks his body. He can feel his body being burned from the assault, every single inch of his body lit alight from the sheer intensity of the torturous assault. The fact that his armor was starting to heat up only helped to increase his pain.

Soon, he ran out of air, no longer able to scream and, under the weight of his suffering and a lack of oxygen, Hjalund blacks out.

The night was strangely still for Skyrim. Even in the colder regions the songs of wolves and creaking of ice wraiths accompany the whistling wind. But tonight, there was nothing. Not that Falin would complain, not typically anyway. Normally she loved some peace and quiet, but something just felt . . .off.

She shook her head, running her fingers through the fur of her direwolf. The spectral mount cast an eerie glow in the fresh snow. "I think I'm just letting the cold get to me," she muttered watching the white clouds from her breath fade away. She was supposed to meet Makor, a fellow Immortal in the next town. "Though knowing him, he's gotten drunk and start gods knows how many fights."  Just what was she going to do with him? They likely weren't going to get anything done for the next few days which was a nuisance.

A pained scream shattered the silence. "Should have known better than complaining about how peaceful it was," she growled urging her beast into a sprint. The direwolf expertly maneuvered around roots and cleared fallen trees. She sprung from its back, electing to close the rest of the distance through the treetops. The stench of blood and burned flesh hung heavy in the air. Just what could be going on?

A flash of red caught her eye. The clearing finally in sight, she saw the master vampire's assault on the divine knight. Her brow furrowed, a frown pulling at her thin lips. She selected two arrows from her quiver, both enchanted. The first would explode into a giant fireball on contact. The second would burst into several small bolts flame mid flight. The firestorm would hopefully chase the creatures from the clearing. Or at least stop their attack.

Taking a slow breath, she fired.

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 7, 2015

Seeing the man charging his spell, he knocks another body away before charging toward the man. But, when the blood-red lightning is released, Hjalund falls to the ground, a pained cry piercing the air as the attack wracks his body. He can feel his body being burned from the assault, every single inch of his body lit alight from the sheer intensity of the torturous assault. The fact that his armor was starting to heat up only helped to increase his pain.

Soon, he ran out of air, no longer able to scream and, under the weight of his suffering and a lack of oxygen, Hjalund blacks out.

The night was strangely still for Skyrim. Even in the colder regions the songs of wolves and creaking of ice wraiths accompany the whistling wind. But tonight, there was nothing. Not that Falin would complain, not typically anyway. Normally she loved some peace and quiet, but something just felt . . .off.

She shook her head, running her fingers through the fur of her direwolf. The spectral mount cast an eerie glow in the fresh snow. "I think I'm just letting the cold get to me," she muttered watching the white clouds from her breath fade away. She was supposed to meet Makor, a fellow Immortal in the next town. "Though knowing him, he's gotten drunk and start gods knows how many fights."  Just what was she going to do with him? They likely weren't going to get anything done for the next few days which was a nuisance.

A pained scream shattered the silence. "Should have known better than complaining about how peaceful it was," she growled urging her beast into a sprint. The direwolf expertly maneuvered around roots and cleared fallen trees. She sprung from its back, electing to close the rest of the distance through the treetops. The stench of blood and burned flesh hung heavy in the air. Just what could be going on?

A flash of red caught her eye. The clearing finally in sight, she saw the master vampire's assault on the divine knight. Her brow furrowed, a frown pulling at her thin lips. She selected two arrows from her quiver, both enchanted. The first would explode into a giant fireball on contact. The second would burst into several small bolts flame mid flight. The firestorm would hopefully chase the creatures from the clearing. Or at least stop their attack.

Taking a slow breath, she fired.

Veyd Sahvoz
November 7, 2015

Eivor ran up to Emily, giving Makor a glance. "... Aren't you the guy who..." She started, then shook her head. "Move over Emily, I'm coming with. Hjalund's gonna pay for what he said." Without giving the girl time to react she jumped onto the horses back, settling in the saddle behind Emily. "Hup hup!" She called to the horse, digging her heel into its thigh to make it jump forward. 

Emily took a second to try and take in everything Eivor just did. She tightened her grip on the reins of the horse and flicked her wrists. Chuckling she turned her head slightly towards Makor "Well I guess Eivor is coming along aswell. We better hurry" Said Emily as she urged her horse forwards. She saw a flash of red lightning and disappeared in a second What...was that?. 

by Veyd Sahvoz
November 7, 2015

Eivor ran up to Emily, giving Makor a glance. "... Aren't you the guy who..." She started, then shook her head. "Move over Emily, I'm coming with. Hjalund's gonna pay for what he said." Without giving the girl time to react she jumped onto the horses back, settling in the saddle behind Emily. "Hup hup!" She called to the horse, digging her heel into its thigh to make it jump forward. 

Emily took a second to try and take in everything Eivor just did. She tightened her grip on the reins of the horse and flicked her wrists. Chuckling she turned her head slightly towards Makor "Well I guess Eivor is coming along aswell. We better hurry" Said Emily as she urged her horse forwards. She saw a flash of red lightning and disappeared in a second What...was that?. 

November 7, 2015

(Does Makor see it?)

by YolGoraagKaazah
November 7, 2015

(Does Makor see it?)

November 7, 2015

Agravain smirked, walking forward as he cast his excrutiating spell on the fallen man. "Before long... All shall bow to Molag-Bal." He muttered in a savage voice, stepping closer and closer while the other vampires backed away more and more in horror. Pride was Agravain's vice; he didn't even think that another enemy would be lurking in the shadows. The hellish red lightning finally ended in a snap as the first arrow exploded in the air dangerously close to the vampire lord's head, casting a blinding light over the vampires. Fire was their weakness and before long most of them had burned to a crisp. 

Arnbjorn dove out of the way, throwing his arms over his head to try and protect himself from the flames. I need to get out of here! he thought in a flash, then before long the air was humming in the charge of another spell as the other vampires got the same idea. A heartbeat passed before their spell took effect, teleporting them away from the hellfire. 

After the last arrow burned out the air was filled with a deathly silence as nothing was left but Hjalund, the archer, and the burned corpses of a number of vampires. 

"C'mon, make this thing go faster!" Eivor yelled, standing on the stirrups of the saddle with her hands on Emily's shoulders as a way of propping herself so she could jump off if needed. Her snow-white hair billowed behind her, her eyes narrowed until the sound of a fireball exploded through the forest, making fauna run for their lives away from the blast. "What was that!?!" She gasped, then leaned forward a bit in some stupid attempt of seeing farther, only pressing her abdomen into Emily's head annoyingly. "Hurry up! What if Hjalund was in there? I couldn't get my revenge if he's dead!"

by BelleoftheBrawl
November 7, 2015

Agravain smirked, walking forward as he cast his excrutiating spell on the fallen man. "Before long... All shall bow to Molag-Bal." He muttered in a savage voice, stepping closer and closer while the other vampires backed away more and more in horror. Pride was Agravain's vice; he didn't even think that another enemy would be lurking in the shadows. The hellish red lightning finally ended in a snap as the first arrow exploded in the air dangerously close to the vampire lord's head, casting a blinding light over the vampires. Fire was their weakness and before long most of them had burned to a crisp. 

Arnbjorn dove out of the way, throwing his arms over his head to try and protect himself from the flames. I need to get out of here! he thought in a flash, then before long the air was humming in the charge of another spell as the other vampires got the same idea. A heartbeat passed before their spell took effect, teleporting them away from the hellfire. 

After the last arrow burned out the air was filled with a deathly silence as nothing was left but Hjalund, the archer, and the burned corpses of a number of vampires. 

"C'mon, make this thing go faster!" Eivor yelled, standing on the stirrups of the saddle with her hands on Emily's shoulders as a way of propping herself so she could jump off if needed. Her snow-white hair billowed behind her, her eyes narrowed until the sound of a fireball exploded through the forest, making fauna run for their lives away from the blast. "What was that!?!" She gasped, then leaned forward a bit in some stupid attempt of seeing farther, only pressing her abdomen into Emily's head annoyingly. "Hurry up! What if Hjalund was in there? I couldn't get my revenge if he's dead!"

November 7, 2015

(Does Makor see it?)

(( I believe you all do. I cannot do anything until Hjalund is reawoken from his pain-induced black out. And trust me, the power behind Agravain's(?) assault was rather devastating. ))

by Lokonikah
November 7, 2015

(Does Makor see it?)

(( I believe you all do. I cannot do anything until Hjalund is reawoken from his pain-induced black out. And trust me, the power behind Agravain's(?) assault was rather devastating. ))

November 7, 2015

Makor looks at the lightning "What in Oblivion was that?!" He turns to Emily "Did you see that?!" Makor looks up at the sky and squints Shit, might've drank too much.

by YolGoraagKaazah
November 7, 2015

Makor looks at the lightning "What in Oblivion was that?!" He turns to Emily "Did you see that?!" Makor looks up at the sky and squints Shit, might've drank too much.

November 7, 2015

Silence had once again returned to the forest. The heat from the flames had melted most of the snow in the clearing. Falin remained still, sharp eyes scanning the clearing for anymore signs of danger. Thanks to her heightened senses she could see through the dark forest as if it were day. Nothing moved. The vampires having fled from the attack.

She leapt from the tree, scattering water and slush in a biting splash. Her white hair almost had a shimmer to it in the moon's icy light. Still nothing moved in the frozen woods. Was the knight dead? She wouldn't be surprised given the power behind that spell. She sloshed through the icy water on her way to the fallen knight.

Hoof beats. Multiple horses were headed her way. More vampires? Reinforcements of some kind? Growling, she called a pack of spectral direwolves to surround the knight as she ascended back into the treetops. If it was another threat, better to have the high ground and the element of surprise.

by Ahkrinfeynvokun
November 7, 2015

Silence had once again returned to the forest. The heat from the flames had melted most of the snow in the clearing. Falin remained still, sharp eyes scanning the clearing for anymore signs of danger. Thanks to her heightened senses she could see through the dark forest as if it were day. Nothing moved. The vampires having fled from the attack.

She leapt from the tree, scattering water and slush in a biting splash. Her white hair almost had a shimmer to it in the moon's icy light. Still nothing moved in the frozen woods. Was the knight dead? She wouldn't be surprised given the power behind that spell. She sloshed through the icy water on her way to the fallen knight.

Hoof beats. Multiple horses were headed her way. More vampires? Reinforcements of some kind? Growling, she called a pack of spectral direwolves to surround the knight as she ascended back into the treetops. If it was another threat, better to have the high ground and the element of surprise.

November 7, 2015

Agravain smirked, walking forward as he cast his excrutiating spell on the fallen man. "Before long... All shall bow to Molag-Bal." He muttered in a savage voice, stepping closer and closer while the other vampires backed away more and more in horror. Pride was Agravain's vice; he didn't even think that another enemy would be lurking in the shadows. The hellish red lightning finally ended in a snap as the first arrow exploded in the air dangerously close to the vampire lord's head, casting a blinding light over the vampires. Fire was their weakness and before long most of them had burned to a crisp. 

Arnbjorn dove out of the way, throwing his arms over his head to try and protect himself from the flames. I need to get out of here! he thought in a flash, then before long the air was humming in the charge of another spell as the other vampires got the same idea. A heartbeat passed before their spell took effect, teleporting them away from the hellfire. 

After the last arrow burned out the air was filled with a deathly silence as nothing was left but Hjalund, the archer, and the burned corpses of a number of vampires. 

"C'mon, make this thing go faster!" Eivor yelled, standing on the stirrups of the saddle with her hands on Emily's shoulders as a way of propping herself so she could jump off if needed. Her snow-white hair billowed behind her, her eyes narrowed until the sound of a fireball exploded through the forest, making fauna run for their lives away from the blast. "What was that!?!" She gasped, then leaned forward a bit in some stupid attempt of seeing farther, only pressing her abdomen into Emily's head annoyingly. "Hurry up! What if Hjalund was in there? I couldn't get my revenge if he's dead!"

The sudden flash of light, followed by the explosion, is what awoke the fallen knight. Still severely weakened by the master vampire's assault and confused for... some unknown reason, Hjalund slowly flips over to his belly and lifts his head up, barely a few inches off the ground. After slowly looking around, his vision blurred vision focuses on his sword and, thinking that he still needs to fight, starts to crawl across the ground towards it. Even as the pain shoots all through his being and his mind screams for rest, his sword hand finally rests on the handle of his sword. His fingers slowly wrap around it as he makes an attempt at at least getting to his knees, sticking the tip of the intricate sword into the ground as he takes another look around.

That's when he notices the rest of the vampires have left, but why they did was still unknown. Ash covered the ground like another layer of snow, presumably from burnt vampires. He slowly rises to his feet, letting out a low groan of pain as he does so. Once on his feet, he notes that he is fairly wobbly, coupled with his fuzzy state of mind and the blurred vision, he realizes that the master vampire's attack was a truly powerful one, and his decision to charge was a dumb one. With that, he sheathes his sword, looking around once more before stumbling over to a nearby stump, plopping down on it with metallic clanking and releasing another pained hiss from clenched jaws.

by Lokonikah
November 7, 2015

Agravain smirked, walking forward as he cast his excrutiating spell on the fallen man. "Before long... All shall bow to Molag-Bal." He muttered in a savage voice, stepping closer and closer while the other vampires backed away more and more in horror. Pride was Agravain's vice; he didn't even think that another enemy would be lurking in the shadows. The hellish red lightning finally ended in a snap as the first arrow exploded in the air dangerously close to the vampire lord's head, casting a blinding light over the vampires. Fire was their weakness and before long most of them had burned to a crisp. 

Arnbjorn dove out of the way, throwing his arms over his head to try and protect himself from the flames. I need to get out of here! he thought in a flash, then before long the air was humming in the charge of another spell as the other vampires got the same idea. A heartbeat passed before their spell took effect, teleporting them away from the hellfire. 

After the last arrow burned out the air was filled with a deathly silence as nothing was left but Hjalund, the archer, and the burned corpses of a number of vampires. 

"C'mon, make this thing go faster!" Eivor yelled, standing on the stirrups of the saddle with her hands on Emily's shoulders as a way of propping herself so she could jump off if needed. Her snow-white hair billowed behind her, her eyes narrowed until the sound of a fireball exploded through the forest, making fauna run for their lives away from the blast. "What was that!?!" She gasped, then leaned forward a bit in some stupid attempt of seeing farther, only pressing her abdomen into Emily's head annoyingly. "Hurry up! What if Hjalund was in there? I couldn't get my revenge if he's dead!"

The sudden flash of light, followed by the explosion, is what awoke the fallen knight. Still severely weakened by the master vampire's assault and confused for... some unknown reason, Hjalund slowly flips over to his belly and lifts his head up, barely a few inches off the ground. After slowly looking around, his vision blurred vision focuses on his sword and, thinking that he still needs to fight, starts to crawl across the ground towards it. Even as the pain shoots all through his being and his mind screams for rest, his sword hand finally rests on the handle of his sword. His fingers slowly wrap around it as he makes an attempt at at least getting to his knees, sticking the tip of the intricate sword into the ground as he takes another look around.

That's when he notices the rest of the vampires have left, but why they did was still unknown. Ash covered the ground like another layer of snow, presumably from burnt vampires. He slowly rises to his feet, letting out a low groan of pain as he does so. Once on his feet, he notes that he is fairly wobbly, coupled with his fuzzy state of mind and the blurred vision, he realizes that the master vampire's attack was a truly powerful one, and his decision to charge was a dumb one. With that, he sheathes his sword, looking around once more before stumbling over to a nearby stump, plopping down on it with metallic clanking and releasing another pained hiss from clenched jaws.

Veyd Sahvoz
November 7, 2015

Makor looks at the lightning "What in Oblivion was that?!" He turns to Emily "Did you see that?!" Makor looks up at the sky and squints Shit, might've drank too much.

"I think it was. . .Draconic Lightning. We should move faster" Said Emily looking back at Eivor who had her head in her shoulders. "You must really care for him don't you? Well I'm going as fast as this horse will go" Explained Emily. Her red hair going up and down from the galloping.

by Veyd Sahvoz
November 7, 2015

Makor looks at the lightning "What in Oblivion was that?!" He turns to Emily "Did you see that?!" Makor looks up at the sky and squints Shit, might've drank too much.

"I think it was. . .Draconic Lightning. We should move faster" Said Emily looking back at Eivor who had her head in her shoulders. "You must really care for him don't you? Well I'm going as fast as this horse will go" Explained Emily. Her red hair going up and down from the galloping.

November 7, 2015

Makor gives his horse a little kick before glancing back at Elvor "So, how did you get yourself caught up in this, predicament?" 

by YolGoraagKaazah
November 7, 2015

Makor gives his horse a little kick before glancing back at Elvor "So, how did you get yourself caught up in this, predicament?" 

November 7, 2015

(( Wait for Onik! Onik, you there bro? ))

by Lokonikah
November 7, 2015

(( Wait for Onik! Onik, you there bro? ))

November 8, 2015

Scipio rode silently beside the trio of adventurers. He heard shrieks of fury escape the mouths of the defeated. He smelled the spilling of blood, Hjalund's blood. He saw the flash of  crimson lightning and knew that they would be too late. In his mind he was already at the clearing, looking over a brave but dead knight. He stiffened for an instant as his heart burned once more against the absolute meaninglessness of it all. The knight and several blood-kin would die for politic and fear, not for survival or for valor. The knight's rage and the vampire's ambition would end only with death. The imperial 'bard' stared ahead with empty eyes when it happened.

Screams of terror. The smell of burning flesh. A flash of light. The vampires fled. In their place, Scipio could hear the sound of wolfstep and the smell of something... animal? elven? It waited a moment and then seemed to scurry beyond Scipio's senses. That was odd. Only something very talented could hide from him, and only if it knew he was coming. With a jolt of panic, Scipio swiftly downed a bitter mixture from a flask at his side. It had been made specially to remove any trace of foreign blood left in his mouth or throat. Eivor had fed tonight as well, so the smell of her breath and their general proximity should more than make up for any scent of his before then. If the thing could smell that far out. As well fed as he was, Scipio hoped that it was enough to pass as merely a sick imperial to this thing.

By Molag's balls, of all the times to meet something else with a nose and ears.

Scipio only had time for one word before the troop crashed into the clearing.


by onikmey
November 8, 2015

Scipio rode silently beside the trio of adventurers. He heard shrieks of fury escape the mouths of the defeated. He smelled the spilling of blood, Hjalund's blood. He saw the flash of  crimson lightning and knew that they would be too late. In his mind he was already at the clearing, looking over a brave but dead knight. He stiffened for an instant as his heart burned once more against the absolute meaninglessness of it all. The knight and several blood-kin would die for politic and fear, not for survival or for valor. The knight's rage and the vampire's ambition would end only with death. The imperial 'bard' stared ahead with empty eyes when it happened.

Screams of terror. The smell of burning flesh. A flash of light. The vampires fled. In their place, Scipio could hear the sound of wolfstep and the smell of something... animal? elven? It waited a moment and then seemed to scurry beyond Scipio's senses. That was odd. Only something very talented could hide from him, and only if it knew he was coming. With a jolt of panic, Scipio swiftly downed a bitter mixture from a flask at his side. It had been made specially to remove any trace of foreign blood left in his mouth or throat. Eivor had fed tonight as well, so the smell of her breath and their general proximity should more than make up for any scent of his before then. If the thing could smell that far out. As well fed as he was, Scipio hoped that it was enough to pass as merely a sick imperial to this thing.

By Molag's balls, of all the times to meet something else with a nose and ears.

Scipio only had time for one word before the troop crashed into the clearing.


November 8, 2015

Scipio rode silently beside the trio of adventurers. He heard shrieks of fury escape the mouths of the defeated. He smelled the spilling of blood, Hjalund's blood. He saw the flash of  crimson lightning and knew that they would be too late. In his mind he was already at the clearing, looking over a brave but dead knight. He stiffened for an instant as his heart burned once more against the absolute meaninglessness of it all. The knight and several blood-kin would die for politic and fear, not for survival or for valor. The knight's rage and the vampire's ambition would end only with death. The imperial 'bard' stared ahead with empty eyes when it happened.

Screams of terror. The smell of burning flesh. A flash of light. The vampires fled. In their place, Scipio could hear the sound of wolfstep and the smell of something... animal? elven? It waited a moment and then seemed to scurry beyond Scipio's senses. That was odd. Only something very talented could hide from him, and only if it knew he was coming. With a jolt of panic, Scipio swiftly downed a bitter mixture from a flask at his side. It had been made specially to remove any trace of foreign blood left in his mouth or throat. Eivor had fed tonight as well, so the smell of her breath and their general proximity should more than make up for any scent of his before then. If the thing could smell that far out. As well fed as he was, Scipio hoped that it was enough to pass as merely a sick imperial to this thing.

By Molag's balls, of all the times to meet something else with a nose and ears.

Scipio only had time for one word before the troop crashed into the clearing.


(( The thing is, Hjalund is very much alive. You all arrived after the explosion, yes? Then you all should have been able to see Hjalund get back up, albeit in a huge amount of pain. And you saying Hjalund is dead is... well, confusing. ))

by Lokonikah
November 8, 2015

Scipio rode silently beside the trio of adventurers. He heard shrieks of fury escape the mouths of the defeated. He smelled the spilling of blood, Hjalund's blood. He saw the flash of  crimson lightning and knew that they would be too late. In his mind he was already at the clearing, looking over a brave but dead knight. He stiffened for an instant as his heart burned once more against the absolute meaninglessness of it all. The knight and several blood-kin would die for politic and fear, not for survival or for valor. The knight's rage and the vampire's ambition would end only with death. The imperial 'bard' stared ahead with empty eyes when it happened.

Screams of terror. The smell of burning flesh. A flash of light. The vampires fled. In their place, Scipio could hear the sound of wolfstep and the smell of something... animal? elven? It waited a moment and then seemed to scurry beyond Scipio's senses. That was odd. Only something very talented could hide from him, and only if it knew he was coming. With a jolt of panic, Scipio swiftly downed a bitter mixture from a flask at his side. It had been made specially to remove any trace of foreign blood left in his mouth or throat. Eivor had fed tonight as well, so the smell of her breath and their general proximity should more than make up for any scent of his before then. If the thing could smell that far out. As well fed as he was, Scipio hoped that it was enough to pass as merely a sick imperial to this thing.

By Molag's balls, of all the times to meet something else with a nose and ears.

Scipio only had time for one word before the troop crashed into the clearing.


(( The thing is, Hjalund is very much alive. You all arrived after the explosion, yes? Then you all should have been able to see Hjalund get back up, albeit in a huge amount of pain. And you saying Hjalund is dead is... well, confusing. ))

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