Giants, mammoths, sabre cats, ragdolling, Arvak... It gets pretty weird. But what have you guys seen that caused you to sigh and shake your head or double over laughing?
What is the Most Ridiculous Encounter in Skyrim?
![]() Duryoljot December 8, 2015 |
Giants, mammoths, sabre cats, ragdolling, Arvak... It gets pretty weird. But what have you guys seen that caused you to sigh and shake your head or double over laughing? |

![]() YolGoraagKaazah December 22, 2015 |
I don't know why but, Hermaeus Mora. He looks weird and just sounds hilarious. |

I don't know why but, Hermaeus Mora. He looks weird and just sounds hilarious.
![]() Duryoljot December 22, 2015 |
I agree. His voice warbles! |

I agree. His voice warbles!
![]() volzah zol December 22, 2015 |
Meeting Alduin in final battle made me sigh. I expected so much more. But probably the funniest thing I've seen was Mjoll walking over the same pressure trap repeatedly and getting nailed by the spikey gate over and over. A common problem for all followers apparently, as after I watched this I found numerous youtube videos showing various followers doing the same thing. I have the perk where I don't set off these kinds of traps anymore, so while it's funny when she does it to herself, it's not so funny when she walks over a pressure plate and I'm the one who gets hit. :-( |

Meeting Alduin in final battle made me sigh. I expected so much more. But probably the funniest thing I've seen was Mjoll walking over the same pressure trap repeatedly and getting nailed by the spikey gate over and over. A common problem for all followers apparently, as after I watched this I found numerous youtube videos showing various followers doing the same thing. I have the perk where I don't set off these kinds of traps anymore, so while it's funny when she does it to herself, it's not so funny when she walks over a pressure plate and I'm the one who gets hit. :-(
![]() YolGoraagKaazah December 23, 2015 |
I agree, he was too weak. |

I agree, he was too weak.
![]() Raxvulnax December 25, 2015 |
I hate that. My followers set off avalanches and fire traps and stupid stuff like that while I'm just sneaking past everything. What I found really suprising, is during the Theives guild mission when you go after Karliah, Mercer Frey set off all of the traps. You would think the Guild Master of the Theives guild and a member of the Nightingales would be able to sneak past pressure plates. |

I hate that. My followers set off avalanches and fire traps and stupid stuff like that while I'm just sneaking past everything. What I found really suprising, is during the Theives guild mission when you go after Karliah, Mercer Frey set off all of the traps. You would think the Guild Master of the Theives guild and a member of the Nightingales would be able to sneak past pressure plates.
![]() Emperor of Man December 25, 2015 |
I killed a Draugr before it crawled out of a coffin. Its body glitched out and is now the eternal, dead breakdancer. |

I killed a Draugr before it crawled out of a coffin. Its body glitched out and is now the eternal, dead breakdancer.
![]() YolGoraagKaazah December 25, 2015 |
I remember this time I saw this deer that was stuck in the ground. That just made me sigh "Why is my game so fucked up?" |

I remember this time I saw this deer that was stuck in the ground. That just made me sigh
"Why is my game so fucked up?"
![]() volzah zol December 25, 2015 |
Raxvulnax I noticed that about Mercer as well, and the most irritating thing is the whole time he's talking down to you and even tells you to watch out for traps, BOOM, walks right through a trip wire and get's us both caught on fire. I hated, HATED Mercer. I was so glad I got to be the one who killed him. |

RaxvulnaxI hate that. My followers set off avalanches and fire traps and stupid stuff like that while I'm just sneaking past everything. What I found really suprising, is during the Theives guild mission when you go after Karliah, Mercer Frey set off all of the traps. You would think the Guild Master of the Theives guild and a member of the Nightingales would be able to sneak past pressure plates.
I noticed that about Mercer as well, and the most irritating thing is the whole time he's talking down to you and even tells you to watch out for traps, BOOM, walks right through a trip wire and get's us both caught on fire. I hated, HATED Mercer. I was so glad I got to be the one who killed him.
![]() Emperor of Man December 26, 2015 |
@volzah zol, This isn't exactly the place you should be discussing this. |

@volzah zol, This isn't exactly the place you should be discussing this.
![]() Raxvulnax December 27, 2015 |
I remember riding a horse up a mountain but instead I just ran into it. Then I fell into a bottomless abyss. |

![]() BoziikDezAl December 27, 2015 |
I was just walking by the Western Watchtower and Mirmulir's body scales and everything came falling from out of nowhere and landed by me. |

![]() Duryoljot January 4, 2016 |
YolGoraagSingh That is literally word for word what the youtuber Scatsbury said during the same encounter. Poor Scats is the funniest channel around but he only has 100k subs. Sub to Scatsbury! |

YolGoraagSinghI remember this time I saw this deer that was stuck in the ground. That just made me sigh
"Why is my game so fucked up?"
That is literally word for word what the youtuber Scatsbury said during the same encounter. Poor Scats is the funniest channel around but he only has 100k subs. Sub to Scatsbury!
![]() Duryoljot January 4, 2016 |
But on a relevant note, I remember that hidden ice valley in the Dawnguard DLC (with the Frozen Falmer and the like). I was on the balcony with Serana where you fight that Ancient Falmer vampire dude. You know how Serana is generally smarter than other followers? Here it was not the case. Once the battle was over I went to talk to the other snow elf, came back and found her standing on top of the balcony, and as I crouched closer she literally gave up on life and jumped into the ice lake below. The saddest part for her was when she triggered the dual dragon fight down there without me. She was submerged in the water... And I was still up there gibbering in confusion... |

But on a relevant note, I remember that hidden ice valley in the Dawnguard DLC (with the Frozen Falmer and the like). I was on the balcony with Serana where you fight that Ancient Falmer vampire dude. You know how Serana is generally smarter than other followers? Here it was not the case. Once the battle was over I went to talk to the other snow elf, came back and found her standing on top of the balcony, and as I crouched closer she literally gave up on life and jumped into the ice lake below.
The saddest part for her was when she triggered the dual dragon fight down there without me. She was submerged in the water... And I was still up there gibbering in confusion...
![]() YolGoraagKaazah January 4, 2016 |
Yolos Vith "Poor Scats", send the link please!!!! I'M NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yolos VithThat is literally word for word what the youtuber Scatsbury said during the same encounter. Poor Scats is the funniest channel around but he only has 100k subs. Sub to Scatsbury!
"Poor Scats", send the link please!!!! I'M NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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