A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Absurdly Long Words

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June 21, 2016

So a few months ago I got super bored. When I am bored, I like to examine long words in the English language, pick apart all the pieces. This particular time around, however, I happened to have this website up on a separate tab...

And that's the story of how I'm pretty sure I translated "antidisestablishmentarianism" into Dovahzul. I got "mindolwahvorel", "thought against reverse rule".

You guys have any long words you want to challenge the rest of us into translating?

by Vulomjotraan
June 21, 2016

So a few months ago I got super bored. When I am bored, I like to examine long words in the English language, pick apart all the pieces. This particular time around, however, I happened to have this website up on a separate tab...

And that's the story of how I'm pretty sure I translated "antidisestablishmentarianism" into Dovahzul. I got "mindolwahvorel", "thought against reverse rule".

You guys have any long words you want to challenge the rest of us into translating?

June 21, 2016


by Pahvomedrah
June 21, 2016


June 21, 2016

"Floccinaucinihilipilification" is the habit or action of estimating something as worthless. I have translated it as "Whiterun Guards". Alternate spellings are "Troll Skulls", "Nazeem", and "Iron Arrows".

pogaan many / dreh action / ro -s /  se of / mindok know/  vo not / balaan worthy

Pogaandrehrosemindokvobalaan. Many actions of knowing not worthy

... That's a mouthful.


by Vulomjotraan
June 21, 2016

"Floccinaucinihilipilification" is the habit or action of estimating something as worthless. I have translated it as "Whiterun Guards". Alternate spellings are "Troll Skulls", "Nazeem", and "Iron Arrows".

pogaan many / dreh action / ro -s /  se of / mindok know/  vo not / balaan worthy

Pogaandrehrosemindokvobalaan. Many actions of knowing not worthy

... That's a mouthful.


June 22, 2016

A small correction, if I may? PogaanDREHHEsemindokvobalaan. -ro indicates a genitive, -'s in English, instead of a plural, -s. For a plural, repeat the final consonant of a noun, shorten the last vowel if long, and add -e.

Also, try "electroencephalography".

by Frinmulaar
June 22, 2016

A small correction, if I may? PogaanDREHHEsemindokvobalaan. -ro indicates a genitive, -'s in English, instead of a plural, -s. For a plural, repeat the final consonant of a noun, shorten the last vowel if long, and add -e.

Also, try "electroencephalography".

June 22, 2016

Thank you, Frinmulaar! This is mostly just practice for me, and practice makes permanent. I appreciate the catch!

Electroencephalography is the measurement of electrical activity in different parts of the brain and the recording of such activity as a visual trace.

dwiirok carving / se of / qo lightening / se of / mindok mind

That gives me Dwiirokseqosemindok, or carving of the lightening of the mind. This one is a lot cleaner!

by Vulomjotraan
June 22, 2016

Thank you, Frinmulaar! This is mostly just practice for me, and practice makes permanent. I appreciate the catch!

Electroencephalography is the measurement of electrical activity in different parts of the brain and the recording of such activity as a visual trace.

dwiirok carving / se of / qo lightening / se of / mindok mind

That gives me Dwiirokseqosemindok, or carving of the lightening of the mind. This one is a lot cleaner!

June 23, 2016


I bet this one isn't that scary... hehe

by Pahvomedrah
June 23, 2016


I bet this one isn't that scary... hehe

June 23, 2016

Ha! Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

Faas fear / se of / lingrah long / rot word

Faasselingrahrotte. Fear of long words! Nice and short, all things considered

by Vulomjotraan
June 23, 2016

Ha! Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

Faas fear / se of / lingrah long / rot word

Faasselingrahrotte. Fear of long words! Nice and short, all things considered

June 25, 2016

Surprised no one's suggested pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. A lung disease casue by volcanic ash. Best I've got is:

su'um breath / krasnovaar disease / se of / rinik very / mal little / yol fire / strunmah mountain / golzze stones

Sumkrasnovaarserinikmayolstrunmahgolzze? Breath disease of very small volcano stones.

I do think honorificabilitudinitatibus would also be fun.

by Rahdunmal
June 25, 2016

Surprised no one's suggested pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. A lung disease casue by volcanic ash. Best I've got is:

su'um breath / krasnovaar disease / se of / rinik very / mal little / yol fire / strunmah mountain / golzze stones

Sumkrasnovaarserinikmayolstrunmahgolzze? Breath disease of very small volcano stones.

I do think honorificabilitudinitatibus would also be fun.

June 26, 2016

Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the dative and ablative plural of the medieval Latin word honorificabilitudinitas, which can be translated as "the state of being able to achieve honours". Apparently it's in Shakespeare, and quite frankly I pity whoever had that as a line.

I'm just going to do honorificabilitudinitas since there's less... extra grammar stuff attached to it. While there ain't be nothin' wrong of me grammars, I don't want to deal with all that.

Suleyk power / se of / siiv gain / zin honor

Switch those last two words around because I dont like vs and zs next to each other...

Suleyksezinsiiv. Power of honor gain

by Vulomjotraan
June 26, 2016

Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the dative and ablative plural of the medieval Latin word honorificabilitudinitas, which can be translated as "the state of being able to achieve honours". Apparently it's in Shakespeare, and quite frankly I pity whoever had that as a line.

I'm just going to do honorificabilitudinitas since there's less... extra grammar stuff attached to it. While there ain't be nothin' wrong of me grammars, I don't want to deal with all that.

Suleyk power / se of / siiv gain / zin honor

Switch those last two words around because I dont like vs and zs next to each other...

Suleyksezinsiiv. Power of honor gain

August 10, 2016

Astraphobia and Lilapsophobia.

by Ruvgein
August 10, 2016

Astraphobia and Lilapsophobia.

Robyn Hood
September 12, 2016

Issue with words that are long without affixes (so no phobias): they can normally be shortened by breaking it up into smaller words. 

by Robyn Hood
September 12, 2016

Issue with words that are long without affixes (so no phobias): they can normally be shortened by breaking it up into smaller words. 

September 13, 2016
Robyn Hood

Issue with words that are long without affixes (so no phobias): they can normally be shortened by breaking it up into smaller words. 

Oh sorry.


by Ruvgein
September 13, 2016
Robyn Hood

Issue with words that are long without affixes (so no phobias): they can normally be shortened by breaking it up into smaller words. 

Oh sorry.


September 13, 2016



by Frinmulaar
September 13, 2016



September 19, 2016

Sesquipedalianism! :D

by BuggyDragon
September 19, 2016

Sesquipedalianism! :D

September 25, 2016

Got one for you folks. The full name of the protein Titin. Longest word of the english language, with 180 000+ characters. I tried copy/pasting it here, but my browser crashed, so I'll just link the wikipedia page

by Dzydzilelya
September 25, 2016

Got one for you folks. The full name of the protein Titin. Longest word of the english language, with 180 000+ characters. I tried copy/pasting it here, but my browser crashed, so I'll just link the wikipedia page

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