A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Daedric Princes and Daedra


March 3, 2020
Azura - Monahsil/ Mother Soul
Boethiah - Algrahmindol/ Destroy Trick
Clavicus Vile - Meyvaatlo/ Fool Oath Deception
Hircine - Drogsenir/ Lord of the Hunt
Hermaeus Mora - Miinsemindok/ Eye of Knowledge OR Vospaanmindok/ Un-shieldable Knower
Malacath - Insedur/ Master of Curses
Meridia - Drogsekun/ Lord of Light
Molag Bal - Yolgolz/ Fire stone OR Paarlaankron/ Ambition Want Conquer
Nocturnal - Vokunjud/ Shadow Queen
Peryite - Krasliivin/ Sicken Wither Master
Vaermina - Ofanhahnuzorox - Gift Dream Creation

Sanguine - Sahqonpeyt - Crimson Rose
by NikkoMidzinvur
March 3, 2020
Azura - Monahsil/ Mother Soul

Boethiah - Algrahmindol/ Destroy Trick

Clavicus Vile - Meyvaatlo/ Fool Oath Deception

Hircine - Drogsenir/ Lord of the Hunt

Hermaeus Mora - Miinsemindok/ Eye of Knowledge OR Vospaanmindok/ Un-shieldable Knower

Malacath - Insedur/ Master of Curses

Meridia - Drogsekun/ Lord of Light

Molag Bal - Yolgolz/ Fire stone OR Paarlaankron/ Ambition Want Conquer

Nocturnal - Vokunjud/ Shadow Queen

Peryite - Krasliivin/ Sicken Wither Master

Vaermina - Ofanhahnuzorox - Gift Dream Creation


Sanguine - Sahqonpeyt - Crimson Rose

March 4, 2020
Daedric Titan - Nidovah/ Not-Dragon
Dro-m'Athra - Nikaaz/ Not-Cat
by NikkoMidzinvur
March 4, 2020
Daedric Titan - Nidovah/ Not-Dragon

Dro-m'Athra - Nikaaz/ Not-Cat

March 6, 2020

Perhaps Sanguine could be Sahqonpeyt ( Crimson Rose )

by Dovy
March 6, 2020

Perhaps Sanguine could be Sahqonpeyt ( Crimson Rose )

March 7, 2020
@Dovy Thank you. Adding that now.
by NikkoMidzinvur
March 7, 2020
@Dovy Thank you. Adding that now.

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