A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Words outside of joor tinvok


April 1, 2014

In the game, Paarthurnax states that there are some words in the Dragon Language that don't exist in mortal tongues, so it makes sense (to me, anyways) that we should expand the language beyond our own words, making dovahzulaanne able to express more complicated things. But this wouldn't exactly be easy. It's just something that I've been thinking about. What do you guys think?

by hiith
April 1, 2014

In the game, Paarthurnax states that there are some words in the Dragon Language that don't exist in mortal tongues, so it makes sense (to me, anyways) that we should expand the language beyond our own words, making dovahzulaanne able to express more complicated things. But this wouldn't exactly be easy. It's just something that I've been thinking about. What do you guys think?

April 1, 2014

I completely agree, I'd like to do a "Jarl's Bounty" of words like these sometime. It would certainly be a challenge. Possible word definitions might include:

  • to fly fast and low (say, above the treetops)
  • to hit with one's tail (kind of like kick to feet and punch is to fist)
  • a debate or battle specifically using the Thu'um
  • to bare one's teeth (kind of like snarl, but more aggressive)

If anyone else has ideas, I'm all ears!

by paarthurnax
April 1, 2014

I completely agree, I'd like to do a "Jarl's Bounty" of words like these sometime. It would certainly be a challenge. Possible word definitions might include:

  • to fly fast and low (say, above the treetops)
  • to hit with one's tail (kind of like kick to feet and punch is to fist)
  • a debate or battle specifically using the Thu'um
  • to bare one's teeth (kind of like snarl, but more aggressive)

If anyone else has ideas, I'm all ears!

April 1, 2014

I was thinking that we could do more complicated things, too. Like, the concept of the elder scroll, which led to Paarthurnax bringing this point up. For example, an adjective to explain something that exists outside of time or is not bound to the laws of time (different from "eternal", which means unending, as I understand it) (I already submitted a word for this: miirney).

by hiith
April 1, 2014

I was thinking that we could do more complicated things, too. Like, the concept of the elder scroll, which led to Paarthurnax bringing this point up. For example, an adjective to explain something that exists outside of time or is not bound to the laws of time (different from "eternal", which means unending, as I understand it) (I already submitted a word for this: miirney).

April 1, 2014

Some "Jarl's Bounty" words ideas (now that I'm thinking about it):

  • an adjective to describe something (such as an idea, practice, opinion, or stance in an arguement) as being, in and of itself, neither correct nor incorrect, or morally right nor morally wrong, good nor bad, and only being such within its intentions, use, initiation, etc.
  • a state of being "one" or in balance with nature and/or the elements in nature, and in peace because of it (could be applied to the Five Element theory or similar)
  • a state of (something) being in both/all and neither of multiple states, and a final state only being determined when (the thing is) observed, for example, as in (but not limited to) Schrödinger's cat.
  • a point where perceived reality is broken, as above
  • the degeneration of a society or culture resulting from a lack of focus/emphasis on important matters and a strong focus/emphasis on unimportant matters
  • an adjective to describe a word that only exists within the Dragon Tongue, and not in mortal tongue (for funsies)

Yes, these definitions are quite wordy, but how else could I explain something that we hardly have words to express? Anyways, these are more complicated things, but we can have totally not-complicated words, too (like paarthy's ideas).

by hiith
April 1, 2014

Some "Jarl's Bounty" words ideas (now that I'm thinking about it):

  • an adjective to describe something (such as an idea, practice, opinion, or stance in an arguement) as being, in and of itself, neither correct nor incorrect, or morally right nor morally wrong, good nor bad, and only being such within its intentions, use, initiation, etc.
  • a state of being "one" or in balance with nature and/or the elements in nature, and in peace because of it (could be applied to the Five Element theory or similar)
  • a state of (something) being in both/all and neither of multiple states, and a final state only being determined when (the thing is) observed, for example, as in (but not limited to) Schrödinger's cat.
  • a point where perceived reality is broken, as above
  • the degeneration of a society or culture resulting from a lack of focus/emphasis on important matters and a strong focus/emphasis on unimportant matters
  • an adjective to describe a word that only exists within the Dragon Tongue, and not in mortal tongue (for funsies)

Yes, these definitions are quite wordy, but how else could I explain something that we hardly have words to express? Anyways, these are more complicated things, but we can have totally not-complicated words, too (like paarthy's ideas).

April 1, 2014

A specific word for "dragon break" would be neat. To put the second to last bullet into more of a dragonish context, the weakening or degeneration of either a society or individual due to losing ambition for strength or power. For example, such a word would aptly fit the Greybeards since they avoid using the Thu'um for violence or their own gains. I suppose Paarthurnax as well.

by paarthurnax
April 1, 2014

A specific word for "dragon break" would be neat. To put the second to last bullet into more of a dragonish context, the weakening or degeneration of either a society or individual due to losing ambition for strength or power. For example, such a word would aptly fit the Greybeards since they avoid using the Thu'um for violence or their own gains. I suppose Paarthurnax as well.

April 1, 2014

To put the second to last bullet into more of a dragonish context, the weakening or degeneration of either a society or individual due to losing ambition for strength or power.

I meant for it to have a negative connotation, mostly because I wanted it to describe my local American society, but that works. I feel like it takes a completely different  meaning from what I intended, but oh well.

by hiith
April 1, 2014

To put the second to last bullet into more of a dragonish context, the weakening or degeneration of either a society or individual due to losing ambition for strength or power.

I meant for it to have a negative connotation, mostly because I wanted it to describe my local American society, but that works. I feel like it takes a completely different  meaning from what I intended, but oh well.

April 1, 2014

It's more or less an attempt to fit such a definition into the mindset of the dragons in Skyrim. For concepts as complex as these, I think it's important to approach them in a way that would be natural to them, and significant enough that a word for these concepts would realistically exist in their language.

For example, would the dragons have a Five Elements theory? If they had anything resembling it I'd imagine an element like air or wind would be of extreme significance, whereas the elements of wood or metal might not appear at all. This might drastically shape any kind of word to signify balance between them.

As for a "degeneration of society" word, try to think about what "degeneration" would mean to a dragon. From the game we know they place a high value on strength and power, and that truth and rightness come from those alone, so my amended definition tries to cast such a word in that sort of light; straying from a dragon's natural ambitions for power.

by paarthurnax
April 1, 2014

It's more or less an attempt to fit such a definition into the mindset of the dragons in Skyrim. For concepts as complex as these, I think it's important to approach them in a way that would be natural to them, and significant enough that a word for these concepts would realistically exist in their language.

For example, would the dragons have a Five Elements theory? If they had anything resembling it I'd imagine an element like air or wind would be of extreme significance, whereas the elements of wood or metal might not appear at all. This might drastically shape any kind of word to signify balance between them.

As for a "degeneration of society" word, try to think about what "degeneration" would mean to a dragon. From the game we know they place a high value on strength and power, and that truth and rightness come from those alone, so my amended definition tries to cast such a word in that sort of light; straying from a dragon's natural ambitions for power.

April 1, 2014

You're right; I agree. But as for the Five Element theory, I was using it as an example, and didn't mean it as a basis on the word. (But wouldn't a dragon's ideal balance just have more wind element (which is to say, wouldn't a dragon's bullet-point-three-word just require more wind)? And wouldn't  a dragon get the other elements from its food? NEVERMIND, this is way off-topic. That's just how I think of it. krosis.)

by hiith
April 1, 2014

You're right; I agree. But as for the Five Element theory, I was using it as an example, and didn't mean it as a basis on the word. (But wouldn't a dragon's ideal balance just have more wind element (which is to say, wouldn't a dragon's bullet-point-three-word just require more wind)? And wouldn't  a dragon get the other elements from its food? NEVERMIND, this is way off-topic. That's just how I think of it. krosis.)

April 7, 2014

I have a few more "Jarl's Bounty" ideas:

  • to fly, hover, or flap wings with the intention of being loud/obnoxious/intimidating
  • to exault one's self above others
  • an adjective describing something that one is inclined to believe is "there" (or maybe even in existance), yet it isn't
  • the anticipation caused by the above

I don't think that these ideas are too great... but whateva. Say, if this is to be a Jarl's Bounty, then when would you post it? just curious

by hiith
April 7, 2014

I have a few more "Jarl's Bounty" ideas:

  • to fly, hover, or flap wings with the intention of being loud/obnoxious/intimidating
  • to exault one's self above others
  • an adjective describing something that one is inclined to believe is "there" (or maybe even in existance), yet it isn't
  • the anticipation caused by the above

I don't think that these ideas are too great... but whateva. Say, if this is to be a Jarl's Bounty, then when would you post it? just curious

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