A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim



January 23, 2015

Every sunday I'll use a generator to generate 10 numbers between 1-20 whoever guesses these wins the jackpot, guessing starts on a Monday and is 5 gold per guess. 

1-3 correct numbers, nothing 

4-6 correct numbers, 5 gold

7-10, 10 gold

11-15, 50 gold

16-19, 100 gold

All twenty numbers, Jackpot 1000 gold!

Numbers should be sent with the gold. I'll announce the winner every week. 

by DovahKiinZaan
January 23, 2015

Every sunday I'll use a generator to generate 10 numbers between 1-20 whoever guesses these wins the jackpot, guessing starts on a Monday and is 5 gold per guess. 

1-3 correct numbers, nothing 

4-6 correct numbers, 5 gold

7-10, 10 gold

11-15, 50 gold

16-19, 100 gold

All twenty numbers, Jackpot 1000 gold!

Numbers should be sent with the gold. I'll announce the winner every week. 

January 24, 2015

Numbers have been picked

by DovahKiinZaan
January 24, 2015

Numbers have been picked

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