A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Sotiiv (verb) - Excite
Non-Canon.  Authored by Morokei. Word created on March 28, 2013.  #1518.
SOT3VEND Sotiivend (noun) - Excitement, Excitation
Non-Canon.  Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on May 20, 2013.  #2166.
"Sotiiv" with the suffix "-end".
VOSOT3V Vosotiiv (verb) - Bore, Disappoint, Boredom, Disappointment
Non-Canon.  Authored by Aalakem. Word created on August 12, 2013.  #3223.
"Sotiiv" with the prefix "vo-," lit. "unexcite." Edited from "Zaknah."