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The Legacy Dictionary is no longer being maintained. For the most current information, see the main Dictionary page.
ROT Rot (noun) - Word |
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Refers to a spoken or conceptual word, rather than a written word , which is "Sik". |
1KROT Aakrot (verb) - Persuade, Convince |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Mirkrilaar. Word created on December 27, 2013. #4684. |
Edited from "Koniiyek." Lit. "guiding word." |
1VMINDINROT Aavmindinrot (noun) - Suffix |
Modern. Authored by Paaljurzind. Word created on August 25, 2014. #7743. |
Lit. "joined after word." |
1VUSROT Aavusrot (noun) - Prefix |
Modern. Authored by Paaljurzind. Word created on August 25, 2014. #7742. |
Lit. "joined before word." |
4ROT Ahrot (verb) - Impose |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Drakpa. Word created on March 5, 2014. #5498. |
Edited from "Ahlag." From "Rot," "word," imposing one's word or rule. |
GAKRIZAR-ROT Gakrizar-Rot (noun) - Oxymoron |
Modern. Authored by Zauniglom. Word created on September 24, 2014. #8051. |
Means "opposite", "word". |
LINGROT Lingrot (noun) - Speech, Lecture, Discourse |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Liis. Word created on April 20, 2015. #9719. |
A portmanteau of "Lingrah," "long," and "Rot," "word." Edited from "Mahruz." To an audience. To give a speech. |
MALROT Malrot (adjective) - Taciturn, soft-spoken |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Aaliizah. Word created on January 29, 2015. #8989. |
Lit. "little word" or "few word." |
OROT Orot (verb) - Reword, Rephrase |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Liis. Word created on March 27, 2015. #9483. |
"Rot" with prefix "Or-". |
ROT-KOM9T Rot-Komeyt (verb) - Pronounce, Pronunciation |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Drego117. Word created on February 26, 2015. #9217. |
Lit. "word-issue." |
ROT-THUN Rot-Thun (noun) - Grammar |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Foduiiz. Word created on May 28, 2014. #6756. |
Literally "Word-Law." Alternatively, "Thunserot." |
ROTMINDOL Rotmindol (noun) - Pun, Wordplay |
Modern. Authored by CronaGorgon3. Word created on August 16, 2014. #7627. |
Literally meaning "word trick." |
ROTMUL1G Rotmulaag (noun) - Word of Power |
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ROTUN Rotun (verb) - Translate / Translation |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Faal Steve. Word created on September 29, 2013. #3662. |
From "Rot" and "Tun," "word-trade." The verb "to translate" and the noun "translation." Shortened from "Rotuun." |
ROTUS Rotus (adjective) - Wordy, Voluble |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Zauniglom. Word created on October 28, 2014. #8283. |
From "Rot" with suffix "-us". |
VEROT3K Verotiik (noun) - Author |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Mirkrilaar. Word created on January 27, 2014. #4954. |
Lit. "word-maker". |
YUNROT Yunrot (noun) - Tidings, News |
Semi-Canon. Authored by ikaram. Word created on July 14, 2014. #7414. |
From "Yun" and "Rot," "new-word." |