A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Bremaav (noun) - Slug
Non-Canon.  Authored by yol thuum. Word created on August 14, 2013.  #3276.
Edited from "Bremaf."
BREM1N Bremaan (noun) - Sload
Non-Canon.  Authored by Lokqoyuvon. Word created on February 28, 2014.  #5435.
From "Bremaf", "slug".
SP1N-BREM1V Spaan-Bremaav (noun) - Snail
Semi-Canon.  Authored by BoDuSil. Word created on March 8, 2015.  #9283.
Lit. "shield-slug."