Dictionary > Ni
(Book, Dragon Language: Myth No More)
(Dialogue File, 000D2DBB)
(POGGLE, p. 1097)
adv. not, no (indicates negative)
Ni faas, Dovahkiin!
(I do) not fear (you), Dragonborn!
(Odahviing, 000D2DBB)
And he is no fool. Ni mey, rinik gut nol.
Ni mey = “no fool”, Rinik gut nol = “very far from”
(Paarthurnax, 000556DB)
Ni liivrah hin moro.
Do not diminish [wither] your glory.
(Paarthurnax, 0004591A)
Het nok kopraan do Iglif Iiz-Sos, wo grind ok oblaan ni ko morokei vukein, nuz ahst munax haalvut do liiv krasaar.
Here lies the body of Iglif Ice-Blood, who met his end not in glorious combat, but at the cruel touch of the withering sickness.
(Word Wall for Iiz, Ice Form)
Broadly used to indicate a negative of any kind. Should be used instead of nid ‘no’ to indicate a negative in phrases such as zu’u ni mey ‘I am no fool’ unless for emphasis.
Homophone with pronoun nii ‘it’.