Dictionary > Osos
(POGGLE, p. 1097)
adj. uncertain or unspecified; an unspecified number of
Nau daar revak golt drey Freda zahrahmiik ek Laas, ful tol ek pogaan kiir filok, ahrk osos sul qahnaar ek hokoron.
On this sacred ground did Freda sacrifice her Life, so that her many children might escape, and some day vanquish her enemies.
(Word Wall for Laas, Aura Whisper)
Het nok kopraan do sonaan Romerius, wo unt Ru nol osos gogil, nuz motmah.
Here lies the body of the bard Romerius, who tried to Run from some goblins, but slipped.
(Word Wall for Ru, Dismay)
Not technically a pronoun but may be used similarly (osos fen hon ‘some (one) will listen’).