A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Dictionary > Gravuun

GRAV5N Gravuun
Word Type[?]
/ˈgræ vun/
Official Definition[?]

(Book, Dragon Language: Myth No More)
(POGGLE, p. 1096)

Expanded Definition[?]

n. autumn, fall


Loknir Mal-Tu wahlaan qethsegol aarii vahrukt, bonaar Vakeeza, wo vaat Mir wah jun do Keizaal, ahrk dir ko sadon gravuun.
Loknir Little-Hammer erected this stone in memory of his servant, humble Vakeeza, who swore Allegiance to the kings of Skyrim, and died in the gray autumn.
(Word Wall for Mir, Animal Allegiance)

Qethsegol vahrukiv daanik Fahliil kiir do Gravuun Frod, wo bovul ko Maar nol kinzon zahkrii do kruziik hokoron.
This stone commemorates the doomed elf children of the Autumn Field, who fled in Terror from the sharp swords of the ancient enemy.
(Word Wall for Maar, Dismay)


If related to grah ‘battle’, may connotate times of war and the hardships resulting from those times.


May derive from grah ‘battle’.


Only instance of uu that is transliterated without an apostrophe, and the only instance where uu is not the only vowel of the word. Should not be spoken as three syllables or with a glottal stop.