A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Ban Game!!!

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February 4, 2016
Yolos Vith

That would have been a liable excuse. You should have made that clear to us somehow...

And banned for being a big baybe. Spelling errors are a mild ban.

And banned for being rude and not even telling me what are my errors.

(but seriously dude what was it?)

by DarkCath09
February 4, 2016
Yolos Vith

That would have been a liable excuse. You should have made that clear to us somehow...

And banned for being a big baybe. Spelling errors are a mild ban.

And banned for being rude and not even telling me what are my errors.

(but seriously dude what was it?)

February 4, 2016

This post has been deleted.

by DarkCath09
February 4, 2016

This post has been deleted.

February 5, 2016

Ah yes, your errors... (BTW this isn't a place to forward personal vendettas because of quote-unqoute "rudeness", I never mean to be rude, but this is just a place to ban, ban, ban... It's ruthless)

You said (in a tirade about Deathstroke and Deadpool) "It had been proven"

Banned for being moderately forgetful :)

by Duryoljot
February 5, 2016

Ah yes, your errors... (BTW this isn't a place to forward personal vendettas because of quote-unqoute "rudeness", I never mean to be rude, but this is just a place to ban, ban, ban... It's ruthless)

You said (in a tirade about Deathstroke and Deadpool) "It had been proven"

Banned for being moderately forgetful :)

Jordan L
February 12, 2016

This thread has obviously died, but i thank you for the ride. It was fun to see all the histerical bans you made. i must say most of them made my day. thanks for making this thread so great guys. :) it had a good run.

by Jordan L
February 12, 2016

This thread has obviously died, but i thank you for the ride. It was fun to see all the histerical bans you made. i must say most of them made my day. thanks for making this thread so great guys. :) it had a good run.

February 12, 2016

*sobbing of what sounds like several people* We'll never forget this magical thread, whoever the hell you are!

But seriously, we need to get a Cards Against Humanity game on this site.

Shouts Against Humanity... No, that's pathetic... But maybe if you translate it it'll sound better.

by Duryoljot
February 12, 2016

*sobbing of what sounds like several people* We'll never forget this magical thread, whoever the hell you are!

But seriously, we need to get a Cards Against Humanity game on this site.

Shouts Against Humanity... No, that's pathetic... But maybe if you translate it it'll sound better.

February 14, 2016
Banned for letting this Thread die.
by Liis
February 14, 2016
Banned for letting this Thread die.

Veyd Sahvoz
February 14, 2016
Banned for saying This thread died

@Yolos Vith, @Joyden

Banned for presuming This has died. I shall not let the die!
by Veyd Sahvoz
February 14, 2016
Banned for saying This thread died

@Yolos Vith, @Joyden

Banned for presuming This has died. I shall not let the die!

February 14, 2016

He's dead, Jeff. Put down the defib unit and go home.

by Duryoljot
February 14, 2016

He's dead, Jeff. Put down the defib unit and go home.

Veyd Sahvoz
February 15, 2016
Never! *continues CPR*

Clear!!! Come on, stay with me! Don't die.
by Veyd Sahvoz
February 15, 2016
Never! *continues CPR*

Clear!!! Come on, stay with me! Don't die.

February 15, 2016

*slaps across face* Dammit, Jeff, you need to let him go! Nurse! Get 50 cc's of epinephren! Doctor Ali, hold him down! I'm sorry, Jeff, but it's for your own good!


Jeff? Are you awake Jeff? Wuzz... goinon?

I'm sorry to say it, Jeff, but your family has disowned you and your wife has cheated on you with me forty six times. Your children have all announced themselves as gay, and all seven of your grandparents died in horrific accidents. Oh yeah, and your Viva Pinata game crashed and you lost approxiamtely four hundred and ninety one Whirlm pinata creatures. That's like, a couple days worth of play time. Without a break. Forty eight hours of unadulterated whirlm breeding. Cue 70's porn music.

by Duryoljot
February 15, 2016

*slaps across face* Dammit, Jeff, you need to let him go! Nurse! Get 50 cc's of epinephren! Doctor Ali, hold him down! I'm sorry, Jeff, but it's for your own good!


Jeff? Are you awake Jeff? Wuzz... goinon?

I'm sorry to say it, Jeff, but your family has disowned you and your wife has cheated on you with me forty six times. Your children have all announced themselves as gay, and all seven of your grandparents died in horrific accidents. Oh yeah, and your Viva Pinata game crashed and you lost approxiamtely four hundred and ninety one Whirlm pinata creatures. That's like, a couple days worth of play time. Without a break. Forty eight hours of unadulterated whirlm breeding. Cue 70's porn music.

Jordan L
February 15, 2016

*logs on after a long weekend of work, checks his inbox and sees new posts. reads them and sobs*

thanks guys! keep it alive. I feel so inspired! banned for not giving this thread mouth to mouth CPR (    he really was looking forward to that nice kissing action ;)   )

by Jordan L
February 15, 2016

*logs on after a long weekend of work, checks his inbox and sees new posts. reads them and sobs*

thanks guys! keep it alive. I feel so inspired! banned for not giving this thread mouth to mouth CPR (    he really was looking forward to that nice kissing action ;)   )

February 15, 2016

Wonderful! I'll tell Mrs. Jeff the news!

by Duryoljot
February 15, 2016

Wonderful! I'll tell Mrs. Jeff the news!

February 15, 2016

Sorry, Jeff. But the kids like my Christmas gifts better.

by Duryoljot
February 15, 2016

Sorry, Jeff. But the kids like my Christmas gifts better.

February 15, 2016
Banned from not banning sooner XD
by Redtail
February 15, 2016
Banned from not banning sooner XD

Vane Hammerfall
February 15, 2016

Banned for Banning!

by Vane Hammerfall
February 15, 2016

Banned for Banning!

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