A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Symbol For Undefined


May 14, 2023

In maths, an undefined statement is one that has neither meaning nor significance been established; for example, an undetermined structure, which may take on a variety of possible outcomes. Based on the surrounding words, the phrase might indicate anything from one thing to another. Here’s an illustration:

Specific ideas are presented as basic conceptions in only some fields of mathematics; for example, the words “refer,” “boundary,” and “angled” are offered as such in geometric terms. These words are often called “undefined expressions” since they lack a clear conceptual foundation.
A service is described to be “undefined” when it is evaluated at a term that is not in its purview. For instance, the real-valued constant f(x)=sqrt(x) is undefined when x is -1.
Significant numerical numbers of its inputs may be ignored by several calculations in algebra (e.g., division by zero). Consequently, formulations with such multiplexers are referred to as “undefined.”

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by niolewilley
May 14, 2023

In maths, an undefined statement is one that has neither meaning nor significance been established; for example, an undetermined structure, which may take on a variety of possible outcomes. Based on the surrounding words, the phrase might indicate anything from one thing to another. Here’s an illustration:

Specific ideas are presented as basic conceptions in only some fields of mathematics; for example, the words “refer,” “boundary,” and “angled” are offered as such in geometric terms. These words are often called “undefined expressions” since they lack a clear conceptual foundation.
A service is described to be “undefined” when it is evaluated at a term that is not in its purview. For instance, the real-valued constant f(x)=sqrt(x) is undefined when x is -1.
Significant numerical numbers of its inputs may be ignored by several calculations in algebra (e.g., division by zero). Consequently, formulations with such multiplexers are referred to as “undefined.”

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