A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

February 18, 2018

Is there a general translation for 'can'?

Since there is the word 'nis', 'can't', I thought that 'nis nid', 'can't not', would be a good translation for 'can'. Does this work? The sentence 'You can defeat your fears!' would translate to 'Hi nis nid viik hin fasse' using this method.

Category: Translation


February 18, 2018

Hi fen viik faasiil!  would be my version of the sentence.  lit. "You will defeat your fear".

Usually there's always a way to rephrase a sentence without the offending word that doesn't have a translation. 

Try to write words that mean similar things to what you want in the Translator, you just may find what you're looking for. 


February 18, 2018

There is a way for "can":

I can stand - I have strength to stand-- Zu'u piraak mul wah kriist



February 20, 2018

The word "aal" might be useful for your purposes if you want another option. It means "might" and has connotations of uncertainty. If that's what you're going for, "aal" could possibly fit better.