A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 9, 2018

Strong Confusion

Hello all! as you may tell I am new to the forum and am full of questions, however I have had one that has been a depressing matter for quite some time now. When it comes to the actual translations from a dictionary which is the correct one I should be using? The Android app or the Dictionary here in the forum?

Category: General


April 9, 2018
The dictionary here, 100%.
The app is far outdated, contains misinformation and is unable to even be downloaded anymore.


April 10, 2018

The Andriod app used a lot of the 3rd Edition dictionary, which is made obsolete by the 4th Edition (Legacy) and 5th Edition (canon) versions. I've found that it can be helpful in certain specific situations, such as finding rhyming words, but overall it's not worth tracking down another place to download it, if such a place even exists.

You can also download the 5th Edition dictionary in PDF form here in the Library. This is the most up-to-date canon dictionary available other than the one here on the site, and it is printable if you desire to have a portable, physical copy.