A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 28, 2018

Translated words on the back of the dragonstone, but the last word does'nt appear in the Diction

I decided to start playing Skyrim again after months of not playing it. When I was on the quest where you retrieve the dragonstone for Farengar, I took a screenshot of the back of the dragonstone. I translated the symbols to English and got "Het nok un mahlaan drogge erv suleyk se alduin eiakrii" which I was able to translate all but the last word to English to "Here lay our fallen master until power of Alduin ___." I found that krii is kill, but eia is not in the dictionary. I have tried all other symbols that look similar but haven't got anything through that. Am I missing something or is the dictionary incomplete? Please note, I don't expect the dictionary to be perfect. I am jsut asking if there is a translation to that word or not. Thanks for any help. The text is on the back of the dragonstone.

Category: General


April 28, 2018

The last word isn't "eiakrii", it's "vokrii". The runes are super similar though, so good job on translating!

Vokrii means "restore" so the full sentence is:

"Here lies our fallen lords until (the) power of Alduin (is) restored."


April 28, 2018

Just a sidenote to Ruv, all similiar runes can be found here. They are often mistaken, so when unsure, you can use this to determine the right ones!