A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

May 10, 2018

How would you say "Speak only in true need"?

I'm new at this. I'm trying to find a way to say "Speak only in true need." As of now I have "Tinvaak ni nuz ko vahzah..." meaning "Speak not but in true..." I don't know all the grammar yet, so I can't be sure that's accurate. I see that there is no canon word for need, nor can I find a suitable synonym.

Category: Translation


May 10, 2018

Tinvaak nunon ko vahzah praag. Thats how I'd say it but there may be other ways. search around and see


May 10, 2018

Tinvaak ninon ko vahzak kod - Speak only in true use, is most likely how I would say it.


May 11, 2018

Kriibahruth used praag, which is a fanmade Legacy word, and those are no longer in regular use. I'd say Arius is closer, but that phrase is still slightly clunky. I'd say Tinvaak nunon voth vahzah kod, "Speak only WITH true use." That might be nitpicking on my part, though.