A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

May 12, 2018

quick translation

All I really need is a quick translation of the word "Lieutenant"

Category: Translation


May 14, 2018
A lieutenant is a subordinate in rank and function to Captain or higher or "Warlord".

My ideas:

Aamsethur / Thur-aam would represent "Servant of Overlord"
Aamsekonahrik / Konahrik-aam would represent "Servant of Warlord"

Thursetum, Konahriksetum would represent "under-Warlord/overlord"

Those specify the lieutenant's position.


May 14, 2018

There is no direct translation for this word in canon Dovahzul. You could use thur "overlord" or drog "master," depending on the context. Click on the following words to go to their Dictionary pages for more information on them.

Thur - Overlord/King/Overlordship 

Drog - Lord


There is no Legacy word that directly translates to "Lieutenant," but we could try to find an appropriate synonym for it based on the context. If you post the full context for this translation, we can help you much more.