A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

December 29, 2018

Thoor (letter) pronounciation

In the alphabet and pronunciation section the 21st letter (thoor) I was confused how to pronounce the letter's name and sound, if the "?" is the way to pronounce as it says then I'm fine with that now (looked it up) but the word, lore and the "u in moon" confused me. Also I would assume I pronounce the name of the letter "TH-OO-R"(like thor but with oo instead of just a o sound) but the sound clip provided sounds like "TH-OO-T" which one is correct and if its thoot why is it spelled with a r?

(sure you know where it is but this is the link to the page I'm on )

Category: General


January 5, 2019
The sound file does indeed appear to end on /t/. I assume this is a mistake by the creator.


January 4, 2019

Because the vowel [oo] has been pronounced both ways (the reason it's listed that way), you are able to say it like "thor" or "thur", although I personally would advise only using "thor" since it could be confused for [thur] (overlord).