A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

June 7, 2015

Difference in pronunciation of ii / i and u'u / u

1) In the possession page on Lessons, it says his/her/its/ has an ending of ii, but for my, its just i. That means, if I were talking, you couldn't tell the difference between dokkii los qiib and doki los qiib.

2) The question is the same for u, our, and u'u thier. That mean you couldn't tell the difference between doku los qiib and doku'u los qiib.

So, is there a way to tell the difference in speech? Thanks!

Category: General


June 7, 2015

When using -i or -u, emphasis falls on the syllable before it. When using -ii, emphasis falls on the suffix. So these would be pronounced:

  • DO-ki los QIIB
  • do-KII los QIIB

In addition, u'u would usually be pronounced as two syllables (doku'u would sound like "doe-koo-uh" or "doe-koo-ooh"), further distinguishing it from -u.

It's a subtle difference. Context is the best indication.


June 7, 2015

Thank you!