A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

August 5, 2015

Concerning the word vaarnuffaaz

Hello. A while ago i recieved a few notes from my S.O written in Dragontongue and i only translated them recently. Almost all the words translated, except one. "vaarnuffaaz". Im not sure if this word is spelled correctly or not, but the Google+ Community said it meant "warm" and "pain" but i was told that it meant "Khalessi" meaning "Queen" in the fictional language of Dothraki (from Game of Thrones) but im not sure. Could anyone help?

Category: Translation


dovah saviik
September 22, 2015

i had just translated it and it is unrelenting pain you had added an f to it.


August 5, 2015

Vaarnuffaaz seems to be vaarnu faaz, which would be "unrelenting pain."