A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

February 28, 2016


This is another question for my book, and comes from in-game dialogue. During the mission "Lost Legacy", while in the Tomb of Vahlok, a man named Tharstan is reading podiums. The language upon the podiums is, apparently, the dragon language.  One inscription reads:

"All men must die, often by their own means."

I was attempting to take this phrase--which was only spoken in game--and translate it to the written form for my book. In so doing, I was trying to find a solid word for "often". In my thinking this is an occurance which happens with short intervals of time between them. 'Mal' is short; 'tiid' is time...but I'm looking for something that might indicate that span of time in-between. Obviously, I considered looking for 'between', but it was not there. Any ideas?

Category: Translation


February 29, 2016

Though tiid is typically the more general sense of "time" rather than any "moment" or "instance", you could possibly say pogaan tiid "many times" if in the sense of "usually" or "oftentimes".


February 29, 2016

! I had not thought of that! A very clever, and simple solution! Thanks!