A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

December 13, 2016

when to use Faal or Fin

I am so confused in this whole language in general its a pain to learn and kinda hard when do i use FAAL or Fin

I know it would be Faal Dovah do keizaal (the dovah of skyrim) but when do i use fin and how?

Category: General


December 13, 2016

Thanks for your question. Hopefully we can help make learning the language, and telling the difference between fin and faal less of a faaz!

Faal is used with proper nouns — that is, names or things of significance. For example, if you were to address the King, you might say faal Jun do Keizaal ("the King of Skyrim").

Fin is used for all other cases. In fact, it's often not used at all. You'll see words like fin "the" and aan "a/an" cut from a lot of speech. For example, you might see a sentence like: Dovah kriaan kendov "the dragon has slain the warrior". Fin being missing isn't a mistake, it's actually part of the language to make things more concise. You'll see fin used most often in songs or poetry that could use the extra syllable, like Skyrim's main theme. For practice, try listening to the song and noting where it uses fin and where it uses faal.

The words fin and faal are what are called "articles", which you read more about in our Lessons here:


December 13, 2016

It may not be for the question, but Anonymous, you have a want of learning, and I think you should make an account to aid in that, to join our community and practice your Dovahzul with us!  But either way, you are always welcome here.