A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

March 2, 2017

I can't seem to find the translation of 2 words in these quote

What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? 

          los pruzaan, wah kos kiin, uv wah kobo vokulii sil zeim lot 

Can someone help me with what and effort please

Category: General


March 2, 2017

Here's a looser translation of the phrase: Los pruzaan kosa kiin pruzah, uv qahnaara kosil vokuliil zeim lot mulaag? "Is it best to be born good, or to vanquish your inner evil through great strength?"

Be careful with making your own words like kobo. Combining the dragon word for "over" and the dragon word for "come" won't going to give you a word that means "overcome." What you'll want to do is think of close syllables and see if there are any direct translations of those. Here we can use either kron 'to conquer' or qahnaar 'to vanquish'.


March 2, 2017

Another variation might be Los pruzaan kos kiin kul, uv qahnaar kosil vokul voth lot morah?

Here kul 'good' is the opposite of evil, while pruzah 'good' would be the opposite of bad.

The infinitive marker -a is redundant in most contexts and usually omitted.

Voth 'with' is the almost exclusive choice to express tool or method; zeim is used to mean 'past' or 'beyond' in reference to time.

Morah means 'focus, concentrate' and connotes meditation and moral pondering unlike mulaag which is rooted in the physical realm.