A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

May 29, 2017

Kugaan, unikaan?

I was randomly searching Dovahzul
passages to translate for fun, then
I found one starting with
"Pah muz los kiin stin ahrk med ko
zin ahrk vahzen"
It continues with
"Nust lost kugaan du unikaan"
I didn't know the meanings of
"kugaan" and "unikaan"
and netiher does the translator.

Category: Translation


May 29, 2017

A corrected spelling, nust lost kogaan do onikaan, means 'they were (blessed/the blessing) of wisdom'.

Note that lost 'have done, have been' is commonly mistaken for piraak 'have, possess, own'. Nust piraak kogaan do onikaan would mean 'they have the blessing of wisdom'.