A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Ban Game!!!

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Jordan L
December 3, 2015

the forum games are always fun so i thought id start another one. (this one can be quite funny if played right.)

How it works: just write any reason for why the person who posted above you is banned.

(ill ban myself to start it, someone bans me again, then the next person bans the previous posted person and so on)


Banned because he based his username off his actual name.

by Jordan L
December 3, 2015

the forum games are always fun so i thought id start another one. (this one can be quite funny if played right.)

How it works: just write any reason for why the person who posted above you is banned.

(ill ban myself to start it, someone bans me again, then the next person bans the previous posted person and so on)


Banned because he based his username off his actual name.

December 3, 2015
Banned for posting an unpopular thread.
by Raxvulnax
December 3, 2015
Banned for posting an unpopular thread.

December 3, 2015
Banned for posting an unpopular thread.

banned for being mean >:D

by redcode0133
December 3, 2015
Banned for posting an unpopular thread.

banned for being mean >:D

December 3, 2015
Hey now. I just had to come up with something.
by Raxvulnax
December 3, 2015
Hey now. I just had to come up with something.

Jordan L
December 3, 2015
Banned for having a name i can't pronounce.
by Jordan L
December 3, 2015
Banned for having a name i can't pronounce.

December 4, 2015

I've been banned four times on this site >:)

Banned for being too sexy.

by YolGoraagKaazah
December 4, 2015

I've been banned four times on this site >:)

Banned for being too sexy.

December 4, 2015

Banned for arrogance and cockiness.

by Raxvulnax
December 4, 2015

Banned for arrogance and cockiness.

Jordan L
December 4, 2015

Banned for not ending his ban with a period.

by Jordan L
December 4, 2015

Banned for not ending his ban with a period.

December 4, 2015
Banned for using hallucinogenic substances and thinking I had a grammatical error.
by Raxvulnax
December 4, 2015
Banned for using hallucinogenic substances and thinking I had a grammatical error.

Jordan L
December 4, 2015

Banned for realizing i used drugs when i read his... i mean banned for banning me 2 times already

by Jordan L
December 4, 2015

Banned for realizing i used drugs when i read his... i mean banned for banning me 2 times already

l IxAmxLegend l
December 4, 2015

Banned for using a language website for silly yet extroardinarily fun games.

by l IxAmxLegend l
December 4, 2015

Banned for using a language website for silly yet extroardinarily fun games.

December 4, 2015

Banned for having an unoriginal profile pic.

(I know I'm not one to talk)

by Raxvulnax
December 4, 2015

Banned for having an unoriginal profile pic.

(I know I'm not one to talk)

December 4, 2015

Banned for being a hypocrite :D

by catjenkins
December 4, 2015

Banned for being a hypocrite :D

Emperor of Man
December 4, 2015
  • Banned because you're Batman. And Batman sucks, so you must be banned.
  • Banned for supporting the US government.
  • Banned for agreeing with Sarah Palin.
  • Banned for no reason.
  • Banned for being banned.
  • Banned for liking the second-worst Elder Scrolls game: Skyrim.
  • Banned for being born.
  • Banned for existing.
  • Banned because you ate a fig and God hate figs, for they are the fruit of sin (don't ask).
  • Banned because you asked about the above statement.
  • Banned because I ran out of ideas for reasons for you being banned.
  • Banned because I am the Spanish Inquisition and we can do whatever we want (ah, the perks of working for the Church)
  • Banned because you are banned.
  • Banned for allowing me to give you so many reasons for being banned.
  • Banned because you know that this post is a work in progress and you should check this regularly for maximum effect (please consult with your doctor before going ahead with this plan. Side effects may include: busting your ass laughing at my unfunny jokes, sudden death because dank memes, a random "tip-slip," and thoughts of suicide. It is a sickness you see! We will not have it!)
by Emperor of Man
December 4, 2015
  • Banned because you're Batman. And Batman sucks, so you must be banned.
  • Banned for supporting the US government.
  • Banned for agreeing with Sarah Palin.
  • Banned for no reason.
  • Banned for being banned.
  • Banned for liking the second-worst Elder Scrolls game: Skyrim.
  • Banned for being born.
  • Banned for existing.
  • Banned because you ate a fig and God hate figs, for they are the fruit of sin (don't ask).
  • Banned because you asked about the above statement.
  • Banned because I ran out of ideas for reasons for you being banned.
  • Banned because I am the Spanish Inquisition and we can do whatever we want (ah, the perks of working for the Church)
  • Banned because you are banned.
  • Banned for allowing me to give you so many reasons for being banned.
  • Banned because you know that this post is a work in progress and you should check this regularly for maximum effect (please consult with your doctor before going ahead with this plan. Side effects may include: busting your ass laughing at my unfunny jokes, sudden death because dank memes, a random "tip-slip," and thoughts of suicide. It is a sickness you see! We will not have it!)

December 4, 2015

Banned because you're Superman. And Superman sucks, so you must be banned.

by YolGoraagKaazah
December 4, 2015

Banned because you're Superman. And Superman sucks, so you must be banned.

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