A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Kid-friendly options?


July 20, 2023

My daughter is turning 8 soon and I wanted to get her something to encourage her creativity. She loves to draw and color but I think she'd really enjoy painting too. I'm looking for an easy paint by number kit that would be good for her age. Preferably an animal or outdoor scene. I want something that will help build her confidence with painting but is simple enough she won't get frustrated. Any recommendations for fun kids kits? Bonus if they come with good quality supplies!

by lucio101
July 20, 2023

My daughter is turning 8 soon and I wanted to get her something to encourage her creativity. She loves to draw and color but I think she'd really enjoy painting too. I'm looking for an easy paint by number kit that would be good for her age. Preferably an animal or outdoor scene. I want something that will help build her confidence with painting but is simple enough she won't get frustrated. Any recommendations for fun kids kits? Bonus if they come with good quality supplies!

July 20, 2023

My sister is going through a tough divorce right now and could really use a fun distraction. I think a paint by number kit from UK Figured Art would be perfect! She's always loved art but hasn't had much time for hobbies lately. The kits look really high quality and therapeutically relaxing. Maybe something with an uplifting design like flowers or mountains would lift her spirits.

by ivoxygen
July 20, 2023

My sister is going through a tough divorce right now and could really use a fun distraction. I think a paint by number kit from UK Figured Art would be perfect! She's always loved art but hasn't had much time for hobbies lately. The kits look really high quality and therapeutically relaxing. Maybe something with an uplifting design like flowers or mountains would lift her spirits.

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