A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

"Your children are under my protection"


October 21, 2023

Hi, as the title says, I wonder how to correctly translate the sentence "Your children are under my protection". I have narrowed it down to 2 options, but might be completely wrong as well (I'm a bloody beginner here).

Hin Kiirre Dii Spaan

Hin Kiirre Spaani

I don't know how I would add a suffix to indicate "your" on Kiirre, so... or am I supposed to use the singular form here? "Kiiriil"? Ignoring its plural, as the context is clear?

Anyway, how would the phrase be actually correct? I'll appreciate your help, thank you.

by Henryetha
October 21, 2023

Hi, as the title says, I wonder how to correctly translate the sentence "Your children are under my protection". I have narrowed it down to 2 options, but might be completely wrong as well (I'm a bloody beginner here).

Hin Kiirre Dii Spaan

Hin Kiirre Spaani

I don't know how I would add a suffix to indicate "your" on Kiirre, so... or am I supposed to use the singular form here? "Kiiriil"? Ignoring its plural, as the context is clear?

Anyway, how would the phrase be actually correct? I'll appreciate your help, thank you.

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