Individual characters in the game pronounce things differently when speaking the Dragon Language, and people have a lot of questions about that. What is acceptable? Can people have their personal accents/dialects? Is any pronunciation better than others?
In an attempt to help out, I have taken notes on the pronunciations of the main dragon-voiced people in the game; Paarthurnax, Alduin, Odahviing, Sahloknir, the Greybeards, and even The Song of the Dragonborn.
The notes, in seperate posts, are a bit tedious, so here is a very basic overveiw of my findings and interpretation:
- Paarthurnax is the only one to use ah gutturaly, but doesn't always.
- The plural suffix is often cut off in speech and is not pronounced.
- Sillesejoor is pronounced /sɪlɪsjÊŠÉ™r/, “silisyour”, by both Alduin and Odahviing.
- Suggests that any two-of-same-letter diphthong may be pronounced as if it had an apostrophe ("o'o", "i'i", etc.).
- Greybeard's and The Song of the Dragonborn are largely "by the book"
- "j" is also pronounced as /Ê’/
- Odahviing seems to pronounce things in a more lax/casual way
- Not much is known about Sahloknir's pronunciations; he does not speak much at all in the game (he has one line).
Here is my interepretation/possible explaination:
These individuals have all developed their knowledge of the language in different ways:
- Alduin has been overlord for a long time, then cast forward into time.
- Paarthurnax has been in solitude for a long time, not speaking to others.
- Odahviing was a servent to Alduin, so may have often come in contact with many other servents, therefore developing a more lax/casual pronunciation.
These situations seemed to have shaped their pronunciations in different directions.
My following posts to this thread are the individual notes. I mainly just took notes on things that stood out as potentially questionable or not "by the book" pronunciations. Please understand that I am not a linguist by any means, so my IPA pronunciations may be off. I did the best that I could with a chart. The left of the colons are the Dovahzul and the right part of the colons are the notes on it.