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Home Renovation Woes - Need Philly Window Experts!




May 21, 2024

Man, I'm in the middle of a major kitchen reno and realized the windows in there are hot garbage. Seriously, they're older than my grandma and let in more drafts than a barn door. I need to replace them ASAP before winter hits. Can anyone recommend some good, reliable window manufacturers in the Philadelphia area? Bonus points if they have energy-efficient options to help with those utility bills. I'm all ears for personal experiences, good or bad! This old house is sucking up my renovation budget faster than a Dyson.

by ivoxygen
May 21, 2024

Man, I'm in the middle of a major kitchen reno and realized the windows in there are hot garbage. Seriously, they're older than my grandma and let in more drafts than a barn door. I need to replace them ASAP before winter hits. Can anyone recommend some good, reliable window manufacturers in the Philadelphia area? Bonus points if they have energy-efficient options to help with those utility bills. I'm all ears for personal experiences, good or bad! This old house is sucking up my renovation budget faster than a Dyson.

May 21, 2024

This post has been deleted.

by ivoxygen
May 21, 2024

This post has been deleted.

May 21, 2024

Hey there! Oh, I feel your pain with the kitchen reno troubles. Last year, I was in a similar bind with my place—the windows were so old, I swear I could hear the wind whispering secrets from the 1950s. I ended up going with for new windows. They're based around Philadelphia and offer a variety of energy-efficient options. Not only did my utility bills drop, but my kitchen also finally became the cozy hub I always wanted it to be. The installation was smooth, and the difference in comfort was night and day. Totally recommend checking them out, especially if you're watching that budget! Good luck with the reno; hope your kitchen turns out great!

by lucio101
May 21, 2024

Hey there! Oh, I feel your pain with the kitchen reno troubles. Last year, I was in a similar bind with my place—the windows were so old, I swear I could hear the wind whispering secrets from the 1950s. I ended up going with for new windows. They're based around Philadelphia and offer a variety of energy-efficient options. Not only did my utility bills drop, but my kitchen also finally became the cozy hub I always wanted it to be. The installation was smooth, and the difference in comfort was night and day. Totally recommend checking them out, especially if you're watching that budget! Good luck with the reno; hope your kitchen turns out great!