A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Dragon Priest Ideas


Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
April 30, 2015

This is just a simple to post ideas of DOVah SONaaK

by Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
April 30, 2015

This is just a simple to post ideas of DOVah SONaaK

Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
April 30, 2015
An example is a Thief Based Priest
The mask gives powers that conceal the user
The priest is profecent in Illusion Magic
The Staff will clam near by cretures

The Priest will often dissapear in the fight with enimies (Just like Mercer Frey in the Thieves Guild Quest Line)

by Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
April 30, 2015
An example is a Thief Based Priest

The mask gives powers that conceal the user

The priest is profecent in Illusion Magic

The Staff will clam near by cretures

The Priest will often dissapear in the fight with enimies (Just like Mercer Frey in the Thieves Guild Quest Line)


Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
May 14, 2015

Another idea that I heard from someone was an ice based Priest who was entombed far off the sea of Ghosts. To find him you must travel far out then head deep under water (bring water breathing gear) then in a ship on the sea floor is covering the entrance of his tomb. His fight involves lots of Ice Atronacs. His mask makes you an ice god but weak to fire.


by Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
May 14, 2015

Another idea that I heard from someone was an ice based Priest who was entombed far off the sea of Ghosts. To find him you must travel far out then head deep under water (bring water breathing gear) then in a ship on the sea floor is covering the entrance of his tomb. His fight involves lots of Ice Atronacs. His mask makes you an ice god but weak to fire.


Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
July 2, 2015

I'm getting board of this nothing ness that is not happening on this Thread./

Any Idea of what I should do crowd that is not there/in my mind?

by Faal Morokei Dovah Sonaak
July 2, 2015

I'm getting board of this nothing ness that is not happening on this Thread./

Any Idea of what I should do crowd that is not there/in my mind?

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