A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

March 12, 2016

Excuse me! I have several questins......

How to make sound and write the sound like "cho" in "chocolate"?
How to count in Dragon language?How to say "one""two""three"and so on?
And what does this letter mean?Is it the missing "C"?
A friend of mine told me that "Qiib"means cute in dragonlanguage,I try to look up it in dictionary but found nothing,Is what he said right?If so, how can I found more words like"Qiib"?
No matter whether you can hel me,Kogaan Rinik Pogaas!

Category: General


March 12, 2016

There is no letter "C" in the dragon language. The closest equivalent would be "sh" or "tsh", so an adaptation of "chocolate" might look like "shokolaat" "tshokolaat".

The meaning of the 35th rune is unknown. Here are some hypothesis if you want to read further.

The dictionary once contained words invented by the community, like qiib meaning "cute". This is no longer the case, so invented words no longer appear in the regular search. You will need to use the Legacy Search to find these words. Note that the words in the Legacy Dictionary are no longer being taught or supported in site contests, etc., so use them at your own discretion.


March 13, 2016

Oh,thank you sir!