A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

What do all of your names mean?

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November 21, 2017
@ntoskrnl and I was pronouncing your name as "in TOHS kur Nell" lol
by Zinrahzul
November 21, 2017
@ntoskrnl and I was pronouncing your name as "in TOHS kur Nell" lol

November 23, 2017
@ntoskrnl and I was pronouncing your name as "in TOHS kur Nell" lol

Hahahaha! Everytime text-to-speech is used on my name it ends up precisely like that. Not suprising, I guess.

by ntoskrnl
November 23, 2017
@ntoskrnl and I was pronouncing your name as "in TOHS kur Nell" lol

Hahahaha! Everytime text-to-speech is used on my name it ends up precisely like that. Not suprising, I guess.

November 29, 2017

[fin mahlaan] Fin Mahlaan means 'the fallen'. 

I am in love with this phrase for some reason? It has poetic significance to me, for some reason.

by finmahlaan
November 29, 2017

[fin mahlaan] Fin Mahlaan means 'the fallen'. 

I am in love with this phrase for some reason? It has poetic significance to me, for some reason.

December 9, 2017
Kendovdoaaz = warrior-of-mercy

I'm always told I'm too nice to people. But this is who I am so I own it.
by Kendovdoaaz
December 9, 2017

Kendovdoaaz = warrior-of-mercy

I'm always told I'm too nice to people. But this is who I am so I own it.


January 25, 2018
Kin/kindred life eager
This was how Zinrahzul described me in three words, and it became my name :)
by Fronlaasfrin
January 25, 2018
Kin/kindred life eager

This was how Zinrahzul described me in three words, and it became my name :)

January 30, 2018

[drem bo vul]

Drem Bo Vul

Peace, Flight, Dark


Supposed to be what I aspire for and/or what I like...

I've always been fascinated with and loved flight, plus I love areas/times where there is sort of a peacful darkness, like the sky at night or alone with your thoughts right before sleep.

by Drembovul
January 30, 2018

[drem bo vul]

Drem Bo Vul

Peace, Flight, Dark


Supposed to be what I aspire for and/or what I like...

I've always been fascinated with and loved flight, plus I love areas/times where there is sort of a peacful darkness, like the sky at night or alone with your thoughts right before sleep.

February 1, 2018
Onik-paar-qolaas means Wise Ambition Herald.

It's my goal in this world to seek wisdom and to be a light for others, so this name seemed natural.
by Onikpaarqolaas
February 1, 2018
Onik-paar-qolaas means Wise Ambition Herald.

It's my goal in this world to seek wisdom and to be a light for others, so this name seemed natural.

February 2, 2018
Krein Lok Sil
The sun is a powerful entity- I am its devine might. I am the spirit of the yellow-white light that rules the sky.  Right down to my soul. I am radiance and glory.
And maybe SOMEDAY I'll find a decent profile pic.


by Kreinloksil
February 2, 2018
Krein Lok Sil
The sun is a powerful entity- I am its devine might. I am the spirit of the yellow-white light that rules the sky.  Right down to my soul. I am radiance and glory.
And maybe SOMEDAY I'll find a decent profile pic.


March 22, 2018

I am Rahmulmir- Gods, Strength, Allegiance.

My true name is Emmanuel, which means 'God with us'. I thought it was a good fit. My fantastical name has been Mannalos for as long as I can remember with Stormshadow added to the end somewhat more recently.

by Mannalos
March 22, 2018

I am Rahmulmir- Gods, Strength, Allegiance.

My true name is Emmanuel, which means 'God with us'. I thought it was a good fit. My fantastical name has been Mannalos for as long as I can remember with Stormshadow added to the end somewhat more recently.

April 2, 2018

Vuldovyol - Dark Dragon Fire

by Vuldovyol
April 2, 2018

Vuldovyol - Dark Dragon Fire

April 10, 2018

Mine means small angry child. Simply because I am a tiny angry person.

by MalRahgronKul
April 10, 2018

Mine means small angry child. Simply because I am a tiny angry person.

April 10, 2018
Mal Rahgron Kul

Mine means small angry child. Simply because I am a tiny angry person.

It actually means "Small angry son/good." (Click here for the Dictionary entry for kul.)

A better word for "child" would be kiir. Just a heads up for when/if you decide to change your name!

by Hahdremro
April 10, 2018
Mal Rahgron Kul

Mine means small angry child. Simply because I am a tiny angry person.

It actually means "Small angry son/good." (Click here for the Dictionary entry for kul.)

A better word for "child" would be kiir. Just a heads up for when/if you decide to change your name!

OED Kaldmit
April 14, 2018

I am Fire Beast/creature, because I like fire all too much and I practically am a beast when i'm pissed

by OED Kaldmit
April 14, 2018

I am Fire Beast/creature, because I like fire all too much and I practically am a beast when i'm pissed

April 26, 2018

Master of inferno, because fire.

by Induntoor
April 26, 2018

Master of inferno, because fire.

August 28, 2018


Dark Dragonfire

by Vuldovyol
August 28, 2018


Dark Dragonfire

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