A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Thread Author Last Post Replies
Project: Dovahzul Text-to-Speech
An idea so crazy, it will almost certainly work.
Frinmulaar May 8, 2015 13
Dovahzul Bible
Is this ever happening?
Frinmulaar May 5, 2015 14
Alice in Wonderland translation project
I'm translating Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and I could use some help.
hiith May 3, 2015 8
Conlangs & Dovahzul
About a video
Orkar Isber April 30, 2015 6
giving meaning to the names of otar and volsung
dragon priests in skyrim that have no definition attached to their names. can it be done in dovahzul?
Toorlokviing April 29, 2015 7
New Plural Exception
Discussion on a new grammatical rule regarding plural nouns.
paarthurnax April 25, 2015 14
Dovahzul Tattoo
Ideas required.
WightyOfWhiterun April 24, 2015 4
Chemical elements
Let's talk about their existence in Dovahzul
Noexecute17 April 24, 2015 10
Harry Potter in Dovahzul
Translation of Harry Potter into Dovahzul
LuhaalzOraak April 20, 2015 0
Duolingo course?
What are everyone's thoughts on making a Duolingo course for Dovahzul?
3EyeStudios April 15, 2015 1
An idea so crazy, it will almost certainly work.
by Frinmulaar
Last reply May 8, 2015
Is this ever happening?
by Frinmulaar
Last reply May 5, 2015
I'm translating Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and I could use some help.
by hiith
Last reply May 3, 2015
About a video
by Orkar Isber
Last reply April 30, 2015
dragon priests in skyrim that have no definition attached to their names. can it be done in dovahzul?
by Toorlokviing
Last reply April 29, 2015
Discussion on a new grammatical rule regarding plural nouns.
by paarthurnax
Last reply April 25, 2015
Ideas required.
by WightyOfWhiterun
Last reply April 24, 2015
Let's talk about their existence in Dovahzul
by Noexecute17
Last reply April 24, 2015
Translation of Harry Potter into Dovahzul
by LuhaalzOraak
Last reply April 20, 2015
What are everyone's thoughts on making a Duolingo course for Dovahzul?
by 3EyeStudios
Last reply April 15, 2015