A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[T] [SD] The Second Coming

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December 29, 2014
*Hilt nods and departs for Raffnor's place, which he doesn't know where is. He heads to a person*

*The cultist smiles and greets you.*

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
*Hilt nods and departs for Raffnor's place, which he doesn't know where is. He heads to a person*

*The cultist smiles and greets you.*

December 29, 2014
"Uh... I'm new here and I'm looking for someone. Is there a place I can ask?"
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
"Uh... I'm new here and I'm looking for someone. Is there a place I can ask?"

December 29, 2014
"Uh... I'm new here and I'm looking for someone. Is there a place I can ask?"

"Yes! Talk to the priest. He knows."

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
"Uh... I'm new here and I'm looking for someone. Is there a place I can ask?"

"Yes! Talk to the priest. He knows."

December 29, 2014
"And where may I find a priest?"
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
"And where may I find a priest?"

December 29, 2014
"And where may I find a priest?"

*He corrects you.*

"The priest! And you can find him usually at the Labyrinth."

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
"And where may I find a priest?"

*He corrects you.*

"The priest! And you can find him usually at the Labyrinth."

December 29, 2014
"Sorry! And thanks." Hilt heads off.
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
"Sorry! And thanks." Hilt heads off.

December 29, 2014
"Sorry! And thanks." Hilt heads off.

*He nods and continues on his way. You find the priest inside the Labyrinth sitting down at a table, writing a letter.*

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
"Sorry! And thanks." Hilt heads off.

*He nods and continues on his way. You find the priest inside the Labyrinth sitting down at a table, writing a letter.*

December 29, 2014
Hilt knocks, unsure of what he's doing.
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
Hilt knocks, unsure of what he's doing.

December 29, 2014
Hilt knocks, unsure of what he's doing.

"Come in! Its open!"

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
Hilt knocks, unsure of what he's doing.

"Come in! Its open!"

December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest. Am I meant to call you that?"
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest. Am I meant to call you that?"

December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest. Am I meant to call you that?"

"Yes. How may I help you, son?"

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest. Am I meant to call you that?"

"Yes. How may I help you, son?"

December 29, 2014
"Well, I have arrangements with a fellow cultist, Raffnor , and I don't know where he lives, I asked if there was someone I could ask and I was sent to you."
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
"Well, I have arrangements with a fellow cultist, Raffnor , and I don't know where he lives, I asked if there was someone I could ask and I was sent to you."

December 29, 2014
"Well, I have arrangements with a fellow cultist, Raffnor , and I don't know where he lives, I asked if there was someone I could ask and I was sent to you."

*He checks the map of the town.*

"Let's see...Raffmor, Raffmor."

*He looks through the town on the map.*

"Aah. He's near the entrance to your right side. First building."

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
"Well, I have arrangements with a fellow cultist, Raffnor , and I don't know where he lives, I asked if there was someone I could ask and I was sent to you."

*He checks the map of the town.*

"Let's see...Raffmor, Raffmor."

*He looks through the town on the map.*

"Aah. He's near the entrance to your right side. First building."

December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest." Hilt heads there.
by DovahKiinZaan
December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest." Hilt heads there.

December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest." Hilt heads there.


*He shuts the door behind you.*

by Mirkrilaar
December 29, 2014
"Thank you, priest." Hilt heads there.


*He shuts the door behind you.*

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